#i know this was mentioned somewhere but i don't know What
lex-the-flex · 3 days
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Better in Yellow
WorstLogan! Howlett x reader
Summary: Returning from a taxing mission, Logan is ready to relax with you, but first, you’ve got to see your man in the iconic yellow suit.
Word Count: 703
Warning(s): None! Just pure fluff and flirting!
A/N: Hello all, I'm back after a short break! I've been thinking about this idea for the past couple of days and I need more Logan fluff in my life. Feedback is appreciated and enjoy!
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The fresh scent of lemons and sugar overtake the large gardens attached to the vine-covered brick mansion. Rays of sunlight stretch through the tall trees, allowing every square inch of the green nature to feel alive.
Lightly scrubbing a large batch of lemons in a stone sink built into the wall, the cold water feels refreshing on your hands. Gently wiping the thin layer of sweat off your face, you quietly hum to yourself.
“I found some wild lavender growing in the far corner.” Rogue announces to you.
Turning around from the stone sink, a bright smile overtakes your lips.
“I didn’t even know we had that here. I wonder how many other herbs Storm and Scott have locked away in a cabinet somewhere.” You reply.
Quickly drying off the fruit, you return to the picnic table where Rogue has occupied herself with cleaning and cutting the lavender. Carefully peeling and chopping the fresh lemons, the faint sound of the Blackbird fills the air, signaling that the crew were home. Bouncing on her toes, you can tell how eager Rogue is to see Bobby, so you give her a reassuring nod.
Bolting from her spot at the table, runs through the courtyard and in between the perfectly trimmed hedges. Smiling after her, you happily return to your task.
"I see you found my secret stash." Scott teases.
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, you can't help but laugh.
"Oh come on! It's not like you were using it anyway. But you can thank Rouge for finding it. She's got quite the eye." You reply.
Adding some ingredients to the glass pitcher, Rogue returns with Bobby and the rest of the gang.
"Speaking of having an eye, maybe don't mention the new uniforms to your beloved Wolverine. It was like pulling teeth with him just to wear these damn things. He's still a little sensitive." Scott explains, grabbing a glass.
"Who's still a little sensitive?" Storm asks, placing her hands on her hips.
"Oh you know, the moody and broody Logan over there. Besides, the mission was a little rough." Jean teases, blindly aiming her thumb behind her.
"Or rather: Logan was a little rough." Scott interjects.
"Guys, you all look absolutely amazing. Regardless of how eye-catching the suits are, they still prove who we are." You state.
Pouring everyone a glass of the lemonade, the crew slowly depart from the picnic table, and you sit on the wooden surface. In the meantime, Logan slowly and surely makes his way over to you.
"Heya darlin'." Logan says.
Joining you at the table, he leans against the edge, and finally focuses on you. Taking in his tired features, the sight of Logan's light hazel eyes bring a sense of peace to your chest.
"Hi, Lo." You reply.
Silently smiling at you, Logan leans toward you, pressing a loving kiss to your lips.
"I've missed you, bub. I wish you were on the mission with you. We really could've used you. Besides, these suits didn't help either. They already need to be repaired." Logan admits.
Briefly turning around, Logan lets you examine a few slashes and dents caused by bullet holes. Running your fingers over the ridges in the damaged fabric, Logan turns back around to face you.
Carefully placing his hands on either side of your hips, you calmly stroke his cheeks. Feeling a little pit of disappointment rise in the pit of his stomach, Logan tries to open his mouth to speak his mind, but you place a finger on his lips.
"I know what you're going to say and you don't need too. While the mission didn't go the way you wanted, at least you all tried. You tried, Logan. And that's what matters. Even if yellow might secretly be your color and you look pretty damn sexy in it." You clarify, not letting go of Logan.
Earning a rare full smile from Logan, he kindly laughs at your joke. Suddenly, the heavy weight of the mission gradually leaves Logan's chest just as he leans his forehead against your own. Embracing the moment, a great wave of tranquility consumes Logan in the best way possible, as long as you are by his side.
wolverine taglist ~
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kaahgyuya · 2 days
saving u . ! (FLUFF)
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. synopsis ; you get hurt, so kinich saves you.
. warnings/notes ; g!n reader, kinich might be a little and or completely ooc, forgive me.. 😓 he's kinda nonchalant, and no ajaw for this oneshot, and mention of being exposed to drug substance? (oneshot with plot), and reader in this might not be a liking for you! (Reqs are open, so feel free to recommend some stuff of your own!)
REQS. are open!!! (Open until 10/3)
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You were always out in the wilderness going out and taking commissions one from another. Whether it'd be fighting, or simply delivering something, you'd always get it done in time.
All of the customers/clients you'd take commissions from, would always have something nice to say about you. That you were always a sweetheart and kindhearted.
Sometimes, your kindness would get you blind, and for this commission you took on, you didn't notice a single thing.
"Ah, isn't that Y/N?" You were passing by Kinich's tribe looking for him until someone called out for you.
"Hm? Hello! What is it that you need?" You turned to them. A slightly older man, maybe up to his 60s or 70s went up to you.
"you take on commissions, don't you?" The old man asked.
"Yes, I do! Is there anything I need to do for you?" You replied in a cheerful like tone.
"Ah, would you mind getting rid of some dangerous foes around the area? It's been bothering me and some of the fellow tribe people." The old man said.
"Uh huh, but first I have to know about the details about this commission, did you put it up on the adventures guild board or anything like that?" You asked.
"I did, but nobody took on the commission so I took it down." The old man looked sad, and you felt bad for him.
"Don't worry, sir! If you give me the details of the commission, then I'll be sure to get it done." You said in a reassuring tone.
"But before that, what's your name?"
"It's Junan." He replied.
"Don't worry Junan, if you have the commission details with you, I'll be able to get it done."
"Yes, yes, I have the paper details." Junan gave you some old paper that had a few rips and tears, and the paper looked quite old.
Some ruin guards and ruin hunters were around the area, that's not good, people can get hurt!
"I see... do you have a payment?"
"Unfortunately no, it was given to me by Kinich."
'Kinich? Huh that's kind of odd. Why would he give out a commission like this?'
"Kinich huh, alright. Do you have the location?"
"It's nearby the entrance, go a little to the left and then go straight. My memory is slowly getting worse by the years. Haha." The old man laughed.
"It's alright sir, well then, I'll take off."
"Thank you, Y/n." He waved goodbye to you and you walked off.
"Why would Kinich give out a commission like that?.. Something doesn't seem right."
"Whatever, maybe he was just too lazy to deal with it?"
You arrive at the place, surprisingly, there's no ruin guards or monsters anywhere. But since there's none, you get a little suspicious.
"I'll just take a quick look around just in case.." you look around the area, getting distracted by the beautiful view around you.
You then wince, something doesn't seem right.
Some horrible smell comes from somewhere, you don't wanna go near it.
You block your nose and mouth and slowly back away.
You then turn behind you to find yourself...
Being ambushed.
A couple of guys suddenly grab your arm and then say something, but that horrible smell/substance made you feel light headed making you feel really weak.
You suddenly see a silhouette that scoops you up before falling to the ground, you feel a gush of air as if you're flying.
You feel so tired that you suddenly...
"Huh?.. where am I?" You looked around you to notice you weren't at the place where you got ambushed, but under some tent.
"You're awake, you were ambushed by some people." You look over to where the voice came, and it was Kinich. He had some bandages with him and a wet towel.
"Owie, that stings." You whined.
"They hurt you pretty badly." You couldn't help but look at his face, and he looks a little guilty.
"I had took on some commission from someone, and they said that—"
"I know." Kinich cut you off.
"Huh? How?"
"I just do." Kinich says, while patching up your wounds. He totally wasn't stalking you when you were taking that suspicious commission from that guy.
"That commission wasn't from me, besides that issue was resolved a long time ago, it was just used to ambush you, or even kill you." Kinich said in a stern tone.
"I had already dealed with the guys so you're fine to rest here. Take as long you need to recover." He added.
You slowly sat up, while wincing at the pain.
"You know, I could've taken care of my wounds even if I did get ambushed." You said while looking over at him.
"Yeah, but there was this drug or substance that would make you pass out and or weak. You could've died."
"But you didn't have to take care of me like this."
"I'm just repaying the price, am I not?"
"For what? The commission I finished for you ages ago?"
"I guess so," kinich said.
You sighed as his hands gently lingered over your arms and body, making sure he patched them right.
"You're doing alright, right? Do you need water?" He asked. Even though his tone wasn't full of emotion, his eyes showed it.
"I'm doing.. fine. My body just hurts all over the place right now." You awkwardly looked away.
"You really didn't have to patch me up, though. Don't you already have stuff to do?" You added.
"I finished my stuff eariler today, so I'm free." Kinich looked up at you.
"Kinich, you know, you really didn't have to. You've already done so much stuff for me, and I don't know how to pay you back."
"It's fine, maybe think of a payment you can pay me back with."
"But you always say that and then just don't care about it after."
"That's because I really don't. For you, I'd do it for free. No need to pay me." He was still kneeled by you, as he looked at your wounds again.
"But really, you didn't have to patch me up, I could've done it myself." You felt pity.
"Sure, I didn't have to patch you up, but I needed to."
"Needed to? Did you mean want to?"
"No, I needed to."
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@kaahgyuya 9/29/24 10:10 pm
a/n; lazy writing today, might post smt tmrw if I have my creative juices flowing!! Otherwise I hope you enjoyed this >_<
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kinzis-writing · 10 hours
Almost Over You | Joe Burrow
summary: It happened suddenly, you and Joe had broken up and you never understood exactly how it happened. All you know is that his ex-girlfriend was brought up and an argument started leaving to you being heartbroken. Your friends swore to you that they would stop at nothing until you got over your ex-boyfriend, but what if that's harder than you think?
Pairing: Joe Burrow (Bengals/NFL) x Fem! Reader (Joe Burrow x You)
Requested: Yes | No
Warning(s): mentions of heartbreak and breaking up, mentions of Joe x Olivia, mentions of alcohol.
Little note from me: This is the first time I have ever written for Joe Burrow. I usually write for Tee Higgins and Josh Allen. I wanted to give Joe a try because he is starting to grow on me a little bit. I may end up making a part 2 to this if I feel like it. Also I started writing this in Y/N format and then I switched to "You" after like the second paragraph lol. *gif not mine*
Word Count (lyrics not included): 4.5k
*Not Edited*
I also hate how I ended this. I need to work on the ending of my stories but I will work on getting better. May be a part 2 later... I haven't decided yet!
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I've stopped looking for your truck, every time I go somewhere I don't scroll through the past anymore 'cause I don't care I'm finally putting on the shirt I like, tight jeans, big hoops with my hair up high. The least you could've done was give me the bar tonight.
Y/N browsed her outfits that she had brought over to her friends house. Her and her girls were having a girls night and going to the bar to let loose and have fun. It happened to be her best friends idea, mainly because she had been struggling to get over a recent breakup. Y/BFF/N had insisted that he wasn’t worth it and that she was going to get you over him one way or another. 
“Let me do your hair, Y/N!” One of the girls in your group spoke up. She was the hairstylist and makeup guru of the group, so she was the designated hair and makeup artist for the friend groups and any events that they attended. “I’ll fix your makeup too.” 
Y/N knew arguing would be pointless, so she sat down in the vanity chair and let her hair artist friend have at it. “I need help picking an outfit.” She spoke up looking towards her best friend while the other friend continued doing her hair. “I’m torn between the three on the bed.” She added pointing to the three outfits. 
In less than 20 minutes, her hair was done and makeup was touched up. Her best friend had left her choice on the bed before finishing getting ready and making everyone a pregame shot before heading to the bar. She was finishing pulling up her jeans when her friends came in with two trays of shots. 
“I’m not sure about this outfit.” Y/N spoke up. She usually wasn’t one to feel insecure, but looking at herself dressed in a pair of tight skinny jeans and a blouse, both of them not belonging to her, made her self conscious. “Why didn’t you pick one of my outfits?” She asked her best friend turning around. 
“Girl, you look hot!” She replied not answering your question at first. “You’re freshly single, so we’re gonna act like it today.” She added picking up a shot and handing it to you. 
You hesitantly grabbed the alcohol before glancing around the group of girls you loved so much. They were your best friends and you would do anything for them and they would do anything for you. “To Y/N, for finally taking a large step in getting over the dick.” 
“Cheers to that.” The other girls replied before downing the shot.
“Don’t call him that.” You spoke up softly hating the way her comment made you feel. The night you two broke up was still a blur and was anything but easy for you. More than likely you had blacked it out due to heartbreak, but still it lingered in your mind. 
“Honey, he had his hooks sunk deep in you. So deep that you literally wouldn’t even walk into a shop, restaurant, or anything if you noticed a vehicle that looked like his.” Y/BFF/N reminded you as you threw back your shot in hopes of forgetting about Joe tonight. Your ultimate goal was to finally and fully move on, to get over Joe tonight. 
After a couple more shots, the girls were heading to their favorite bar. Which just so happened to be the bar that Y/N and Joe always went to together. 
Why'd you have to come back in right then right when I was just getting good and gone? 'Cause I was in the wrong place at the wrong time You must've heard I was moving on, Then right out of the blue a quarter past two, I'm all about you. When I was just about, just about over you.
The girls had gotten to the bar around 11:45 or midnight. It was officially 1:42 and Y/N was letting loose. She felt the best she had in forever and to her, it had nothing to do with the guy that she was practically grinding against. The alcohol in her system made her feel a bit more easy-going and less paranoid of running into “he-who-should-not-be-named” at their bar. 
The loud pounding music came to a halt and was replaced with a slower song causing you to turn around and face to mystery bar guy. You weren’t one to just go and have hook-ups with anyone or randomly show pda to guys you didn’t know. In a plan to get over someone… it felt almost right to do it that way.
“You want to get out of here?” The mystery guy asked seductively trying to keep you enticed with him. 
You gave him a look before your eyes caught a group of men walking in together. Your blood ran cold, face turning pale as you seen the familiar dirty blonde locks and perfect smile of your ex-boyfriend. You took a chance to catch your breath when you moved your eyes over and caught Jamarr and Tee already noticing you. You had been close with a few of Joe’s teammates seeing as you were together for a bit. 
Jamarr gave you a quick nod of greeting before avoiding your gaze and Tee flashed you his smile before heading to an area with the boys. “I have to go.” You told the mystery man before leaving towards your group of girls. You were hoping that you could convince your girls to leave and do this another night. Maybe you could fake sick and go home by uber, you weren’t sure what your whole plan was, but you knew something would have to go down to leave. 
Once you reached your group of girls, who were either occupied with boys/girls or chatting with each other while drinking, you put on your best sick face. “Hey, I’m not feeling the best… I think it’s best if I uber home.” 
Your hairdresser best friend gave you a saddened look believing the story that was being told. “Bullshit.” Y/BFF/N spoke up crossing her arms. “I noticed him walk in with his groupies.” She responded raising an eyebrow in your direction. 
You shrugged not really caring if she noticed him, “I’m not in the mood to deal with this tonight.” 
“Y/N, you are not leaving. I promised you that I would help you get over him and with that promise it means not letting you leave all because he came into this bar.” Your best friend stated. With her tone of voice, you knew it was pointless to even argue with her. 
“Isn’t it weird that he showed up after you were fixing to go home with some guy?” Another one of the girls in your group spoke up. 
“I was not going home with that guy.” You objected crossing your arms over yourself feeling a bit uncomfortable. “That’s not who I am.” 
“Maybe that’s what you need for one night.” Another spoke up causing you to roll your eyes. 
You shook your head in disbelief at your friends, “I’m getting another drink.” You mumbled before turning and making your way to the bar. Last call would be announced within the next fifteen minutes, and you were not waiting until then. 
You could've stayed with the guys, acting like you didn't see me It would've hurt a little less if you'd bought some girl a drink but you had to walk up, messing me up I'm drunk, wondering why it's gotta be like this I thought I was moving on, but now I'm starting back over again.
After another drink and a shot, you had simply ordered a glass of red wine. You were already feeling the effects of the alcohol and you were worried that you would do something stupid if you ordered anything other than wine. Part of your friend group had gone home with whoever they had met here, no doubt going to have a fun night. Your best friend and one other girl were the only ones that were left of your group besides you. 
“Can I get another round for our table back there?” His voice spoke up causing a chill to run down your back. You hadn’t heard that voice since the night that it ended. Without paying him any attention, you picked up your glass and took a drink of the crimson liquid. It was easier to pretend that he wasn’t there instead of trying to make everything weird. Joe seemed to have different plans, “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.” He mumbled as he sat down on the seat next to you. 
“I was hoping I wouldn’t see you.” He would never admit it, but your reply felt like a knife. He knew that the whole breakup should had been dealt with sooner and talked about. If not to fix it, then to at least to make it less messy. 
Joe chose to ignore your blunt reply as he waited on their final tray of drinks, “How have you been?” he asked carefully knowing that it hadn’t been easy for him. He would never admit that to you unless you asked him yourself. 
“Why are you doing this?” You asked. Finally, you turned to face him noticing the stubble that adorned his face compared to his usual clean-shaven self. There was no point in answering his question because you had not felt your best since your last night with him. “You could have avoided me and let me heal.” You added taking another sip of win after. 
Joe looked exhausted; anyone could tell. You had heard that they were currently not playing their best even if you refused to watch the games. You were his problem, not that he blamed you. He blew up for no reason, mainly due to stress and you felt as if it was a personal attack. “I didn’t mean what I said that night.” He told you. Even if you wanted him to leave you alone, he just knew he had to tell you what he felt after that night. “When you brought up my past… it never compared to us. She never meant as much to me as you did, I get that I was with her longer, but it wasn’t the same.” 
You shrugged trying your best to act like you didn’t care. “I am not talking about this.” You shook your head before finishing off your glass of wine. “If we’re being honest, I shouldn’t have brought up Olivia, but that’s all I’m going to say.” You added before standing up from your seat. You needed to get back to your best friend before your body decided to fully give in to the handsome quarterback right next to you. 
“Y/N don’t do this. Let me in and let’s talk about this.” Joe practically begged as he stood up quickly noticing that you were trying to make your escape. The look on your face was unreadable, why was Joe begging you to talk about it? What would it help and why was it such a big deal to him? 
“Joe, you ended it. I don’t owe you anything.” You whispered as you pushed back tears not wanting them to surface. You were beginning to feel defeated because your heart and your body yearned for the man in front of you. 
“Y/N… please.” He pleaded one last time in a whisper, in the same way that you had answered him. Before you could say anything, the bartender placed the tray of drinks down giving you the chance to get away from Joe before he could continue begging you and you gave in. 
maybe you caught me on a bad night maybe tomorrow I'll be just fine maybe it's the red wine that put you back in my mind
Final call had happened at 2:30, but the bar was still alive with drunk couples, singles, and others. Your best friend had told you that she was going home with the guy that she had been with all night, only she was staying with you until you wanted to leave. Truth be told, she was probably just trying to ensure that you would stay away from Joe the rest of the night. 
“I’m going to the restroom and then I’ll head home.” You promised your best friend before pulling her into a hug. 
Once you two pulled away she gave you a small smile, “want me to wait for you?” she offered. 
You didn’t miss the eye roll from the guy that she was going home with. You internally scoffed and rolled your eyes at the guy who wanted inside your best friends pants before returning the smile, “No, I’ll be fine. Just be careful on your way home.” 
Your bestie nodded before giving you a knowing look, “There’s plenty of people still here. I think you should reconsider what I told you earlier.” She added before locking arms with the guy beside her. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, “If you change your mind you have to let me know.” She teased before blowing a kiss and turned to head out with the man that she had met tonight. 
You turned around and grabbed your wristlet before making your way towards the bathroom. In all seriousness you were more than ready to go home, you had been since your conversation with Joe. However, it still made Joe stay in your mind. Flashbacks from the relationship played over and over again. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, Joe Burrow was a huge green flag when you’re in a relationship with him. He may act cocky or arrogant sometimes, but most of the time it’s to hide how he is truly feeling. 
Even if he was a green flag, you still argued some but it wasn’t often. The night you broke up was the only big fight that you had experienced in that relationship. Why did the relationship break after one fight? You just guessed that your relationship was not strong enough to last. 
After you finished in the bathroom you exited (after washing your hands of course) and got on your phone so you could order an Uber for the ride home. You knew it was a bad idea for you girl’s to ride together, but no one disagreed and you weren’t going to be the first one to object. 
“Really? 25 minutes.” You huffed as you leaned against the hallway leading to the bathroom. You wanted to be away from the crowds and try to catch a ride back to your place. “Why did I agree to do this tonight?” you mumbled placing your phone back in your pocket after seeing the wait time. 
“Are you okay?” a familiar voice spoke up. You looked towards the dimly lit hallway and noticed the guy that you had been dancing with before Joe came in. You had been hoping that he had already went home because you didn’t want to see him again either. “I heard you huffing.” He mentioned with a half smile forming on his face. 
You nodded assuring him that you were fine, “Yeah. Just waiting for my ride.” You lied knowing good and well that you didn’t order that Uber that was going to take almost half an hour. 
He nodded, “I could take you home if you’re getting inpatient.” He offered hoping that you would accept his invite.
Your body was overcome with a feeling of dread when you looked into his eyes. You weren’t sure why, mainly because he had been a nice guy earlier. Thinking back, maybe you missed this feeling because of the alcohol and then the fact that you noticed your ex before you could process the guy in front of you. 
You shook your head forcing a fake smile, “No it’s fine. My ride will be here very soon and I don’t want to leave them hanging.” You lied again in hopes that it was believable. 
“Come on.” He urged walking closer and leaning against the wall next to you. 
You opened your mouth to object before a voice beat you to it, “Babe, what’s taking so long?” Joe’s voice rang out down the hallway as footsteps were heard getting closer to you. The mental relief you felt hearing his voice was unreal. No matter how much you didn’t want to be around him, you always knew that you were safe with him. 
“I was just talking to a friend.” You lied knowing that Joe could hear the hesitation in your voice and he definitely noticed your body language. Your body relaxed once you felt his familiar embrace around you. 
“Babe?” The mystery guy from early asked glancing between the two. It was obvious that many people in Cincinatti knew who Joe was, the guy in front of you especially. “You should be aware that your girlfriend lead me on earlier.” He told Joe causing you to tense. 
Joe’s grip around you tightened, probably not liking the chance of you going home with you before he got there. “Well, I’m sure whatever she was doing earlier was just for fun. No strings attached just innocent fun.” Joe muttered making sure to get his point across. 
“Whatever.” The guy mumbled before eyeing you one more time before stepping around the two of you and leaving the hallway. 
You let out a sigh of relief once he was officially out of hearing range, “Thank you.” you mumbled pulling yourself out of his arms. It didn’t take long for you to miss the feeling of him around you, it felt like home. It felt safe. 
Joe shook his head, “Don’t thank me.” He replied noticing how you were calming down now that you were alone. “Was that the guy you were with when I got here?” 
Even though Joe asked, you felt as if he already knew the answer. You just weren’t sure if it was from his comment or if he actually caught you. “How did you… Jamarr and Tee.” You sighed knowing that they told Joe about seeing you with him. 
Joe shook his head, “I actually noticed you first.” He denied your allegations. “I made a comment about the guy you were with which is what made the guys notice you.” He shrugged acting like his comment meant nothing. 
If you were honest, you felt giddy knowing that Joe was looking at you first before you even noticed him. 
why'd you have to come back in right then right when I was just getting good and gone? guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time you must've heard I was moving on then right out of the blue a quarter past two, I'm all about you when I was just about, just about over you. I was just about over you.
You knew that you were going to regret this. It was the biggest mistake and was what your best friend was trying to get you over. The only thing was that you could not argue with how right it felt to be sitting in the passenger seat of Joe’s vehicle. You had accepted a ride home instead of ordering an Uber late, and it didn’t help that the mystery guy from the bar was lounging around almost like he was waiting to see if you were with Joe for real. After feeling uneasy noticing the guy looking at you while you went and visited with your old friends for a moment, Joe secretly proposed for you to stay with him for the night. Just to ensure that you were safe until daylight. Being unsure of the bar and going home alone, you agreed. 
How did you get yourself in this situation though? You promised yourself that this would be the night that you got over Joe, however you felt as if all your progress was thrown out the window. You truly loved Joe and a part of you always would. He was the first person that you truly loved, which is why you knew apart of you would always belong to Joe. You were moving on the best you could, and you were sure that you could have gotten over him. Maybe there was a reason why it wasn’t tonight? Maybe it was protection from someone or something, but all you knew was that sitting in his car made it real that you would in no way be over him. 
“Do you need anything?” He asked more than likely referring to medicine or water due to the alcohol consumption tonight. You shook your head feeling more sober than ever. The house was so familiar, and a warm feeling came over you being back in his home. “I’ll get you a change of clothes before we head to bed.” He mentioned shooting you a small smile before walking towards his room. The room you used to basically live in when you were together.
Without waiting for him to call you, you carefully made your way into his bedroom seeing him lay out the clothes on the bed. “Can I shower before we head to bed?” You asked softly hoping you wouldn’t scare him. 
Joe nodded, “You don’t have to ask.” He mumbled picking up the clothes he sat on the bed and handed them to you. 
You silently thanked him before heading to his private bathroom and locking the door behind you. You knew where he kept his towels and everything so there was no need to make him get everything ready for you. You let the water run for a moment to get warm before stripping your clothes and getting into the shower. You sighed feeling the heat soothing your tense muscles due to the stress you were under tonight. You were trying to rack your brain over every event that happened tonight before noticing the array of products in Joe’s shower caddy. 
Everything you used sat untouched in the corner. Your shampoo, conditioner, exfoliating scrub, shaving items, body wash, and skincare. Everything that you had left here was sitting there looking untouched due to how little you had used them. You had just restocked before you two broke up, meaning that you never wanted to face him to get those items back. You just went out and bought new ones because it was easier… emotionally. 
Instead of crying due to your relationship being over, you pushed it out of your mind and finished showering. You knew how Joe was, and he wouldn’t go to bed until you got out of the shower. Once doing your skincare and haircare, you got out and dried off and got dressed. You gave yourself a once over in the mirror, noticing that Joe gave you his favorite shirt of his and a pair of bengals shorts that he had gotten you. You remember him saying, “If you’re going to be my girl, we might as well give you some gear.” You smiled at the memory before cleaning up the bathroom and heading out to Joe’s room. 
You’d be lying if you said that seeing him lying on his bed in only shorts was a turn off. He was definitely the best-looking guy you have ever seen in your life, there was no doubt about it. The sound of your footsteps caused Joe to lock his phone and turn his attention towards you. 
“Do you need anything before I head to the guest room?” He asked softly getting out of his bed. He waited to see if you needed anything because he knew that you usually had to rack your brain over your nighttime routine.
“You don’t have to go to your guest bed. I’m not taking your bed.” You refused even if you secretly wanted his bed. What could you say? It was so comfortable to the point to where you wanted it in your apartment. “I can sleep in the guest room.” You knew he would deny but it was worth a shot. 
Joe refused, “You know I never let you sleep in the guest room.” He reminded even though she knew. She had practically moved in with him so when they argued, Joe would start the nights in the guest bed and weasel his way back into his bed with you. That’s just how the two of them were in their relationship.  
Instead of playing the back-and-forth game you sat down on the bed and gestured for him to join you. “Can I ask what the real reason is that you are doing this?” You asked softly as you felt the bed dip with his weight, only he was sitting in front of you. “You don’t owe me anything, Joe.” You assured so he didn’t feel as though he owed a debt to you.
“I know.” He replied, “actually I do owe you an apology. I’m sorry about that night, I was stressed about the game, and I took it out on you.” He apologized. 
You gave him a small smile in return, “I think we both said some things that we regret that night.” You whispered worried that everything would come crashing down. 
“I love you, Y/N.” Joe admitted softly his hand coming up to your neck. “I’ll never stop no matter what happens.” He added in a whisper to not spook you too much. 
You bet your lip trying to keep from tearing up at his words. For the last three months you had been wanting to hear those words come out of his mouth, yet it was surreal to actually hear them. 
“I was trying so hard to get over you.” You whispered out, a crack in your voice that did not go unnoticed by Joe. “I still love you so much and it kills me every day.” You added full of emotion due to staring into the blue eyes that you loved so much. 
Staring into Joe’s eyes, you felt the walls that you had built the last three months come falling down. You promised yourself that you would get over him and never fall back into his arms, yet you weren’t going to stop. You knew that even if you two never got back together officially that you would always be safe and have a home around Joe. Your heart would always be his no matter what. 
Instead of overthinking and thinking of the worse possible outcomes, you decided to finally do what your heart and body have been craving. In one quick motion, you had your hands on the back of his neck and pushed your lips on his. It didn’t take him but a second to start kissing you back because it was clear that he had missed you all the same. 
You sighed in content at the kiss, causing Joe to apply a bit of pressure to where his hand was resting on your neck. You could feel the want for him building up, wanting the two of you to make up for lost time. You were unsure of how far you would go but being in his arms, at least for one more night was something that you were okay with. 
It was safe to say that you two did in fact make up for the lost time that was three months. You had texted your best friend telling her that you took her advice about going home with a “nice” guy from the club and that he was full of “green flags”. She was beyond excited wanting to know the details, which you would give her without letting her know that it was indeed your ex. 
Joe woke up the next morning thinking everything would go back to normal. You two had talked a bit, had makeup sex, and even cuddled to sleep. He woke up to an opposing reality, which made him question if you were ever really there. You had left early, not knowing what it meant for you two. Not wanting to have another intimate conversation, you ran saving it for another day. 
Joe’s clothes laying on the end of the bed told him that it wasn’t a dream. You were in fact with him last night and he wasn’t just lost in a drunken dream. Joe knew after last night; he would not be letting you go as easy as he did before. No matter how upset and angry he was, he was going to find you and make you his again. He was sure of it. 
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jadevoir · 2 days
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AN: So i actually got a 50/50 response for my poll so now you guys get a fluff bc i wanted to write one! So sorry its been a little bit
- Based on Rhea’s injury to her leg during Monday night RAW against Liv/Dom
Sum: Rhea hates being injured, complaining to you that it makes her feel weak, so you try your best to cheer her up
TW: Mention of injury, slight angst(?)
Word Count: 802
Rhea Ripley x Reader
“I’m so sick of it! A pro wrestler made out of paper!” Her voice rang out through your shared home, the sound of objects thudding to the floor and faint cracking made you look up and over your computer.
A small frown graced your features, shutting the laptop in front of you and rising to your feet. You weren’t sure what you could say to her, she was wrong in her thinking of course, but all paths lead to her constantly being hurt back to back.
Your head peeked around the corner of the kitchen and you saw her leaned over the island, eyes screwed shut and her injured leg moved back and forth as if she was stretching the limb, trying to make it feel better and miraculously heal itself right then and there. You couldn’t help but frown at her current situation, obviously she didn’t mean to get into something like this, but her being at her wits end made you feel helpless as to what you could do
As quiet as can be, you maneuvered around the corner, your hand moving onto her back and one supporting her as she moved to look at you.
“Why don’t we go sit down? I’ll get some ice and we’ll just have a little date on the couch”
Even more of a frown graced your features as she painfully just nodded and used you as a balance to get herself to the couch. You slowly helped her down and gave her a kiss on the head, scratching at the back of it like you knew she loved.
Not before long, you too were cuddled up on the couch watching some sort of movie she picked out, you weren’t really watching the movie and you could tell Rhea’s mind was somewhere else. Without much thought, you grabbed the remote and paused the movie, hand moving toward her injured leg and applying feather light pressure in a circular motion. You watched her face as it contorted to a confused look which turned into a look of relief
“You know that mistakes happen, especially in your career choice, injuries heal, and things get better.” You spoke softly, heart skipping a beat as your lover sighed heavily and opened her mouth to speak while running a hand through her hair
“It just never seems to end, I don't understand how I can keep getting injured like this..” Her voice cracked, making you stop your movements on her leg, only to be nudged back to it quickly. Of course you’ve seen her vulnerable, but when it comes to her career and her health, it seemed to way down on her more than anything.
“It’s just not fair, it feels as if I'm too weak, why do I even try?” The way the words kept tumbling out of her mouth made you cringe, you hated when she talked badly of herself, and right now that was all that seemed to be going through her head.
You pulled her to your chest, running your fingers through her hair and listening to her bated breath. If it was someone else you wouldn’t be sure what to say, but when it came to your girlfriend, it always seemed to form.
“You’re never too weak baby, look at how far you’ve gotten even without injury, that fight is still there, you know that. Maybe this is your chance to get that break you always deserved,”
You waited for her to nod her head in understanding before you continued.
“With the right time and care, everything can fall into place, you’ll be the best you ever have been with this injury, you’ll learn from it, grow from it of course, and become the best you that the world is gonna see”
At the end of your words you felt a patch of your shirt wet, her body slightly shaking before she took a big breath in and hugged you tightly. Strong arms seemed not so strong as they trembled and held you with a gentle grasp that made you almost cry yourself. She was your rock, always there to support you and get you through hard times, and now, you fell into that role for her.
You fell into a rhythm of kissing her head and rubbing her back, the woman slowly calming down and you could feel how tired she was getting. You almost offered to sleep on the couch, but knowing that you both wouldn’t fit you stumbled your girlfriend to your shared room.
Almost immediately she reached for your hand as you moved to the other side of the bed, giggling softly, you crawled next to her, hand caressing her cheek before you kissed her gently.
“Thank you…” She mumbled softly, eyes getting overpowered by sleep
“Of course my love”
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cheeseboi420 · 3 days
Of A Feather - Chapter One Preview
A/N: hi everybody!!! I am super duper stoked to present u all with the first 2k words of Of A Feather, aka the "what if Jason's bio mom didnt SUCK" fic. Im hoping to have the full chapter ready for publishing in the next week or two! Big thanks to everyone who's talked to me abt this fic so far, and an ESPECIALLY big thanks to @jayladfanpage for basically being my jaybin encyclopedia while i work my way through this fic!!! This warning will be more applicable in future chapters but it should be noted that this fic is NOT canon compliant and does significantly change/recontextualize a couple things about Jason's background, but you the audience get to find out about all that in real time alongside Jason lmao!! Anyways, without further adieu, please enjoy this preview ❤️
TW: mentions of drug use, teen pregnancy, allusions to underage sex
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You expect this evening to play out like the one before it. And the one before that. And the one before that. Your routine hasn't changed in the last 13 years. Why should it? It serves you well enough, keeps you alive and… Well, that's about all it does for you. Not that you're looking for more! For the most part, you are… content, maybe isn't the correct word. Complacent fits a little better, but still isn't wholly accurate. You're content in the knowledge that your boy is safe and loved, somewhere far away from the trouble that chases you. You're complacent in your own quiet misery. The longing and loneliness had been a bitter pill to swallow those first few years of running, but after this long you've learned not to complain. God knows no one would listen if you did.
You've got a shitty box pizza in the oven. This will be your dinner, tomorrow's breakfast, and tomorrow's dinner. You won't particularly enjoy any of the meals, but they'll sustain you well enough. These days, food brings you little, if any joy. Meal times are a chore to slog through before the distraction that work brings or the sweet embrace of sleep. You look forward to, more than anything, going to bed. Not because you're tired (though there is a bone deep weariness that permeates- that no amount of rest could ever fix) but because bed means sleep, and sleep means dreams, and dreams mean a chance to hold your baby again.
You don't dream of Jason every night, but every morning, you wake thinking of him. Is he still asleep right now? Having breakfast? Is he eating well? Is he happy? Is he happy? Is he happy?
By the time you push your way through breakfast most mornings the cacophony of thoughts revolving around your son quiets to a dull roar in the back of your mind. It's better that way, you think. If you thought about him as much as your mind seemed to want you to, you'd never get anything done.
Life carries on, you suppose. However dreary and dull that life may be.
At one time you'd found the whole thing very exciting- though not in a particularly enjoyable way. The adrenaline rush has worn off over the years, no longer do you feel as though death is nipping at your heels. The paranoia never fades though. Even if your doom does not cast a shadow over you, you're always looking over your shoulder, always ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble.
You keep a bag packed and ready in the closet by the front door for when you have to leave this place, too. Though, you think it's buried under a winter jacket and your spare blankets. You really ought to dig it out, keep it easily accessible. You should do that but… it's been a long day. You want to eat your shitty pizza, lay down on your futon, and let the sound of tv static fill your studio apartment, lulling you to sleep.
You're getting too comfortable here, you think. You've lived in Michigan for nearly a year now. It is simultaneously entirely too close to and entirely too far from Gotham. The apartment itself was a godsend after spending most of your time sleeping in cars, tents, whatever unfortunate business was willing to employ you, anywhere you could, really- sure it has bugs, and the windows don't close all the way, and you're fairly certain it'll only take one more bad winter storm for the place to come crumbling down, but rent is dirt cheap, and the slumlord you rent from didn't ask for any ID when you signed your ‘lease.’ You're fairly certain that thing's not legally binding anyways- it was written on a cocktail napkin for Christ's sake. That didn't stop you from using a fake name when signing it. You can never be too careful.
You haven't seen your landlord since you moved in anyways. You don't ask for maintenance when things break, you fix them yourself or just learn to live with them broken. You deliver your rent by slipping a cash stuffed envelope with your name (your fake name, the one you signed your lease with, the one you use at work, the one you'd use at coffee shops if you ever went to any) on it through the slot in the office door. You do your best to be invisible. You don't cause problems, and you don't go out of your way to fix them for others. You make no friends or enemies. You've left no impact on the many places you've been, the cities you've drifted through.
The only evidence you've gone anywhere at all in your life is a stack of postcards, held together with a worn rubber band, sitting at the bottom of your go-bag. The only evidence of a life lived before that is in a similarly bound stack of polaroids, held together with a too-small paperclip. Every now and then, you'll buy a bottle of cheap wine to chug as you pour over the old photographs. Only when you leave for a new city do you dare to touch the stack of unsent postcards.
You can't bear to look at the photos too often, a painful reminder of your own failings. A reminder of the stupid, reckless little girl you'd been and the shell of a woman you'd become in the aftermath.
Girls like you'd been were a dime a dozen in Crime Alley. Really, you weren't even a particularly special or severe case. Sure, you did drugs, but you weren't on crack. You were just a bit of a stoner! Sure you'd been sixteen and pregnant, without the slightest idea which of your former paramours had knocked you up- but it was all above board, really! None of those men had forced you to do anything. In fact, you sought them out of your own volition for all sorts of reasons. Attention, cheap affection, cheaper drugs, something to do, somewhere to go when the home you'd once shared with your father and brother had become too stifling to bear.
It's all your own fault, really.
At least that's what you keep telling yourself.
It's easier to swallow than the alternative: that you were a vulnerable and unloved thing, eating from any hand that would feed you, until the hand that feeds decides to beat.
This, you think, is why you shouldn't think too hard about the past. It doesn't do you any good to dwell on it.
You force yourself to focus on the present, on the here and now. The scratchy polyester blend of the futon cushions, the scent of cheap cheese melting in the oven, the distant sound of sirens, and howling wind outside your apartment. There's no sense in thinking about Gotham now, not when you're so far from it.
You sit up on the futon, no longer content to lounge and let your mind wander. Instead you task yourself with flipping through channels on TV, seeking something mind numbing enough to distract you from your unusually strong urge to reminisce.
The Wonder Years? No, you don't want to watch anything about a family.
Alf? No, that puppet creeps you out.
Cops? Fuck that.
You're about to resign yourself to another night of murmuring the (mostly incorrect) answers to Jeopardy questions at your tv, when you're startled by a knock at your door.
A… knock… at your door.
No one ever knocks on your door. You don't get mail, you don't have friends, if your landlord wanted something, you're willing to bet the greasy bastard wouldn't be willing to haul himself all the way up to the fifth floor at nearly 10 PM.
Oh God… Did… Did he find you? Is this it? Are you going to die in the upper peninsula of Michigan, of all places?!
No, no. You have to stay calm. This could be anything. It's just a knock at the door. It could be anyone!
Oh lord, it could be anyone.
You keep the tv on, hoping that the sound of Alex Trebek grilling folks on useless trivia will cover your footsteps as you creep towards your front door. You hold your breath as you press yourself against it, double checking that all three of your locks are secure before you risk a glance out the peephole.
When you look out into the hall you're surprised, and frankly a bit confused by the sight before you. Standing at your door is a boy, dark haired and bright eyed. He stands straight but not particularly tall- he can't be more than five feet. He's glancing around the hall, rocking back and forth on his heels. He's wearing a red sweatshirt and jeans, with a backpack slung over one shoulder. Despite his small stature he holds an air of determination that makes you think he must feel quite old for his age- you get that, you were the same way in your own youth. A chip too big for your shoulder.
You're so focused on studying him that it startles you when he leans forward to knock again. You jolt, accidentally kicking the door (with your bare feet too, damn does that hurt your poor toes) and responding to his knock-knock-knock with a solid knock of your own.
“Hello?” The boy calls. “Anybody home?”
“I don't have any money!” You call back, cursing yourself for the shake in your voice. You should not be this rattled by a random adolescent on your doorstep. “So, if you're selling popcorn, or cookies, or whatever, you should try next door.”
The boy rolls his eyes.
“I'm not a boy scout!” He says. “I'm looking for-”
And then the shoe drops; he says your name. Your full name. Not your fake name, that you use at work, and on envelopes, and in hypothetical coffee shops. Your real name.
It takes every bit of emotional regulation you can muster not to spiral into a full blown panic right then and there because good God, did He send a child to finish you off? The cruel irony is not lost on you. Come to think of it, this boy on your doorstep does bear an uncanny resemblance to-
“My name is Jason Todd,” the boy continues. “And uh… well, I might be your son?”
He could be lying, the logical part of your brain insists. This could be a ploy to get you to open the door, don't open the door! But your hands are moving on their own, shakey as they may be. The first lock twists unlocked with ease, the second takes a fair bit more of your fine motor function, and by the time your shaking hands reach up to unhook the chain on the door, you're struggling to see through unshed tears. You attempt once, twice, three fucking times to get your hands to cooperate and unlatch the damn chain.
Fuck it.
You open the door, yanking it inwards, towards yourself as hard as you can. It should probably unnerve you that the flimsy chain breaks at the first sign of real resistance, but that's not what's important right now.
What's important is the boy standing before you- your boy. Your Jason.
He looks as surprised as you feel, his eyes flitting between the broken chain, and you.
For a long moment the only thing you can do is look at him, reacquaint yourself with the sight of him. Of course, you know that he did not stay frozen in time, the way your memory of him is. It's been many years since you've held that babbling toddler. But knowing and seeing are two different things.
He's small for his age, is your first thought. Your own fault, you're certain. Between a premature delivery and your own malnourishment during that first trimester, it's a miracle he'd survived in the first place. Small, but well fed. His cheeks are full and flushed. Despite his size, he seems healthy. Good. That means Will's been feeding him. Hopefully, it means they got the hell out of The Alley, into a nicer neighborhood.
His hair isn't as curly as you'd pictured it- too short in most places to hold a curl, save for his bangs, which seem to almost form the shape of a heart over his forehead.
“Jason?” You can barely manage to say his name through the lump in your throat. You find yourself suddenly struggling to focus your gaze on him, the haze of tears welling up in your eyes makes it difficult to see. You try to blink them away but instead they roll down your cheeks.
God, when's the last time you cried?
You reach out to him, cupping one of his cheeks in the palm of your shaking hand. He leans into the affectionate touch, and you're reminded of puppies, overeager and seeking love at every opportunity.
“Mom,” he says back to you, his tone just as reverent as your own. “Mom,” he says again, voice crackling. And then, in unison, the both of you have pulled each other into a crushing hug. You can't tell if the sound you make is a sob or a laugh. You hold onto Jason like he'll vanish into the ether if you loosen your hold for even a second, one hand clutching at the back of his sweatshirt, the other at the back of his head, petting his hair as he buries his face in your neck.
Finally, at long last, your heart is home.
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SO. What do we think folks. Are you hooked? I hope youre hooked. Please be hooked. I wanna talk to people about this fic so damn bad. Please send anons or dms or literally anything. When the chapter is complete I'll be putting it up here as well as on my ao3, which I'll link to! Thanks so much for reading and i hope yall are enjoying yourselves so far! Send me an anon or a dm if you'd like to be included on the taglist for this series!
TAGLIST: @leirobles
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sissylittlefeather · 11 hours
Kinktober Day 1: Breeding Kink
How the Web was Woven: Epilogue
A/N: This is a follow up to my series How the Web was Woven, but you don't have to read the whole thing to understand what's happening here! All you need to know is Elvis has time travelled to 2027 instead of dying in 1977 and he's living his best life with the reader who he has been with off and on, traveling back and forth in time, since 1957/2007.
If you haven't read the series, you can find it HERE.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, cussing, kissing, oral sex (f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, also mentions of erectile dysfunction drugs
Word count: ~1.1k
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Somewhere around his 44th birthday, Elvis sits on the couch with his reading glasses low on his nose as he scrolls on his phone. He has his feet on your lap as you watch tv and the kids are in bed. He's been in your timeline for about a year and a half and in that time he's discovered something called fanfiction. One of his favorite pastimes is scrolling tumblr to read what people are still writing about him over fifty years after his “death”. Some of it shocks him, some of it makes him blush, but a lot of it tickles him and gives him a taste of the joy he used to get interacting with fans when he was still Elvis Presley. You've never really been that into it, having had the real thing for so long, so you usually let him read on his own until he finds something he has to tell you about.
“Hm.” He makes a quiet contemplative noise and you turn and look at him.
“Oh, I just… honey, have you ever heard of a breeding kink?”
“No, why? What is it?” He giggles a little bit.
“You definitely have a breeding kink.”
“What does that mean? Elvis!” You lean over and try to grab his phone, but he moves it away from you.
“It means that you like when men cum inside you because there's a possibility that you might get pregnant.”
“I don't have that!” He looks at you over his glasses.
“Honey, we've been together for 22 years. You have never once let me cum anywhere but inside you.”
“Yes I have!” He shakes his head and takes his glasses off.
“Think about it.”
“Haven't I? Oh my god.” He erupts in laughter, sitting up and slapping his knee.
“I told you!” You blush thinking about it and realize he's exactly right. The vague possibility that he might knock you up, even if you were on birth control, always turned you on.
“Hey, honey, there's nothin’ wrong with it.” He sees your embarrassment and softens. “It's apparently pretty common.”
You shake your head and bury your face in your hands. He moves over to you on the couch and wraps you in his arms, the same arms he's loved you with since he was 22 years old. You snuggle into him and his hands start to roam a little over your body. Whatever he was reading has him all riled up and if he's being honest, the breeding kink thing turns him on too.
“You want daddy to take a pill and put a baby in you, honey?” He whispers in your ear. Another thing he's discovered since coming to your time period permanently: erectile dysfunction drugs. Excited is an understatement. He is absolutely in love with the ability to fuck like he's 25 again. And with his heart healthier than it has been in years, he’s living his dream in the bedroom. You aren't exactly complaining either.
“Mmm… will you judge me if I say yes?” You giggle and kiss his cheek and he shakes his head.
“Not a bit, mama.” He jumps off the couch and goes to take his pill. You spend the next half hour or so snuggling and petting and making out like teenagers. The heat begins to build and before you know it, he's grinding his hard-on against you and kissing all over your chest.
“Bedroom?” He asks breathlessly.
“Bedroom.” You both roll off of the couch and make your way to your room, giggling and kissing and stripping off clothes left and right. When you finally make it to the bed, you're both naked, and he pushes you backwards onto the mattress, pulling you to the edge and getting on his knees between your thighs. He licks up your slit and you moan loudly as he begins to make circles over and around your sensitive bud.
“Mmmm… ” You moan as he licks you, the pleasure beginning to build in your hips. He moves his tongue on you passionately, reveling in the taste of you. Twenty-two years and he still loves every minute of eating you out.
“You gonna cum for me?” You nod your head and grasp at the sheets, sweating and panting. He sucks lightly on your clit and then pushes his tongue into you. “Come on, baby. You're so close. Just let go for me.”
You do as you're told and just like that, your orgasm slams into you and you writhe and pulse in his mouth. He licks you through it and then pulls back, wiping his face with his hand.
“You want daddy to put a baby in ya, honey?” You nod frantically and move back as he crawls on top of you and kisses down your neck. “God, I'll never get tired of this, no matter how long I live.”
It dawns on you that he might live for a really long time and you almost cry with joy. He really is here. Alive. He starts to press into and groans as he fills you. You moan as you're reminded of his vitality.
“Baby, it's so good.”
“Yeah? You like it when I fuck you like this?”
“Mhmm… yes…” You whimper as he picks up a steady rhythm, pounding you over and again. This isn't even close to the first time you've had sex since he's been here, but for some reason it feels meaningful. Like you're realizing for the first time that he really is here for good. The places where your skin meets are hot and your sweat mixes together in a blend of passion and love.
“You want me to roll you over, baby?” He kisses you deeply and then wiggles his eyebrows. You giggle and nod and he pulls out as you roll onto your stomach. He slides into you from behind and kisses your shoulder. “Mmm, your pussy is so good. I love you.”
“I love you too! Oh!” You moan as he slams into you and you feel his thrusts get more erratic. You arch your back a little to change the angle and he grunts.
“You want daddy to put a baby in you? Fill you up with cum?”
“Fuck!” You moan, surprised at how much it turns you on when he says it.
“Gonna give you a baby, honey. Are you ready?”
“Yes! Oh god, yes!” He rams you one last time and shudders as he shoots you full of his release. You pulse around him, finding your climax too as the liquid pleasure enters your veins like a drug. He relaxes against you, pressing his lips to your back as you collapse face-first on the bed. Eventually, he slides out and lays against the pillows, pulling you onto his chest. He sighs deeply and kisses your forehead.
“I have a confession.” You look up at him with your eyebrows raised.
“You're not the only one with a breeding kink.” You giggle and kiss his cheek.
“I'm so glad you're here.”
“Me too, honey. Me too.”
@ccab @atleastpleasetelephone @deltafalax @lustnhim @angschrof @msamarican
Anyone else want a tag everyday for Kinktober?
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annahanover · 3 days
headless dash simulator
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🔭 numberone-sciencefan Follow
First day in Sleepy Hollow!! looking forward to my new life here :)
🔭 numberone-sciencefan Follow
🔭 numberone-sciencefan Follow
Cute girl at the drugstore though!
🔮 like-a-fine-skylark Follow
its not a drugstore.
12 notes
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🔭 numberone-sciencefan Follow
Does anyone know where the Headless Horseman's head would be?
🌌 sleepyhollowghoststory Follow
what are you getting up to lol
💪🏻 extrabonesboy Follow
34 notes
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🔮 like-a-fine-skylark Follow
i miss my best friend
🌌 sleepyhollowghoststory Follow
we're literally in the same room???
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💪🏻 extrabonesboy Follow
women be reading!
52,239 notes
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💪🏻 extrabonesboy Follow
27 notes
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🔮 like-a-fine-skylark Follow
i have a husband now??
#ichabod you owe me BIG TIME
13 notes
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🌌 sleepyhollowghoststory Follow
so apparently my friends are getting married? and im not even being invited to the wedding?
🔮 like-a-fine-skylark Follow
4 notes
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🔭 numberone-sciencefan Follow
Finally getting somewhere with this!!
🔮 like-a-fine-skylark Follow
you still haven't told me who paulie tahoe is by the way
7 notes
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📅 judygardenier
GUYS. MY BOSS IS EVIL?!?!?!?! oh and i work at the morgue now!! 😁😁
523 notes
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🌌 sleepyhollowghoststory Follow
brb gotta go kill a man
💪🏻 extrabonesboy Follow
798 notes
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💪🏻 extrabonesboy Follow
UPDATE. that post was about me. i don't want to die. why did she have to try to kill me i thought we were besties :(
670 notes
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⬜️ sleepyhollowghoststorydeactivated Follow
istg if she betrays me im going to
🧑🏻 therealtrevortrinkets Follow
lol op died before she could finish the post
🔮 like-a-fine-skylark Follow
im going to hunt you down and destroy everything you every loved. by the way.
549 notes
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🔭 numberone-sciencefan Follow
Figured out who the Horseman's head was! I really hope nothing like this ever happened again this was so stressful
💪🏻 extrabonesboy Follow
Kat died too??? aren't you gonna mention that??
🔭 numberone-sciencefan Follow
This isn't about her 😁😁
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genshincookies · 1 day
I was wondering if you could write Tartaglia and Capitano (separated) and a teen reader that is in training to become a harbinger! (Platonic ofc). And the reader sees them as a big brother (maybe even a father for Capitano?) figure? Tysm if you decide to write for this :)
hi anon! thanks for your request ahhhhh!! i loveee this idea! i wasn't 100% sure what you meant by separated- i js assumed you meant they aren't in a relationship or smth? idk if u wanted different scenarios for both? if I got it wrong lmk and i'll redo it! and i hope it's okay that I made the reader a pyro claymore user! enjoy!!
✦ 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 ✦
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ✦ reader is injured, mentions of blood, intensional lowercase 𝐰𝐜 ✦ 1.1k 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✦ murder in my mind- kordhell, i bet on losing dogs- mitski
you taste blood as you struggle to clash your fire-lit claymore against capitano's icy sword. sizzling steam bubbles in the air every time your weapons meet, and the multiple gashes on your body feel as hot as the hunk of metal in your sweaty hands. the burning heat of natlan hugs your skin as you continue to lunge the heavy weapon at your mentor.
"pitiful," says capitano as he knocks your weapon out of your hands and pins you to the ground with his sword. you pant, desperately trying to catch air as you slowly attempt to back away from the tip of ice pointed at you.
capitano grunts and stabs his sword into the ground, centimeters away from your neck, before you gasp in shock.
"i thought you said you wouldn't try to kill me," you pant with your raspy and exhausted voice.
you can feel capitano's cold glare even under his mask. "i won't kill you, but other people will. you give up the moment you lose your weapon? if this was a real battle, that sword would have been inside your throat. harbingers do not quit."
"how could-"
"what happened to your vision? have you forgotten that you hold the power of fire in your hands? what happened to the skills you've learned in your past training? you had other means to win the battle," capitano growls, his tone full of disappointment as you look away ashamed.
"i've never won a battle against you anyways. look at me- i'm covered in gashes and i couldn't even scratch your arm. what's the use?" you glare.
"you have no respect for your own abilities. did you think i was lying when i told you that you have the potential to rival the pyro archon herself? youth does not mean no capabilities. i do not waste my time on weak people, y/n. you are not weak."
capitano sighs and lends you his hand, helping you up off the hot ground. he hands you back your claymore and ruffles your hair, perhaps a gesture telling you that it's alright.
"i was not happy with your performance nor your attitude today, y/n. i expect better of you next time."
"how's your training going, little harbinger?" asked tartaglia, the 11th of the fatui harbingers.
"pitiful," you respond grimly, quoting the captain's words to you from the previous day. "thanks for lunch by the way."
tartaglia nods and eyes your injuries, wincing just the slightest. "will you go somewhere with me after you finish eating?"
"I'm quite the busy little harbinger, tartaglia- only if you don't take too long."
"of course, little harbinger," he laughs. "has the nickname grown on you? i assume it has- oh and you should know that to you, it's ajax. not tartaglia."
you look up from your teyvat fried egg lunch plate to look at childe. "it feels weird to call you by your real name. no one calls you that," you respond. you say that, but on the inside you feel warm when you're with ajax. he's kind, gentle, and quite the most annoyingly funny friend you could ask for. he treats you as if you were one of his siblings, writing you letters from time to time, just as he does his sister who lives in snezhnaya. he was the older brother that you lack.
ajax hums in response, nodding slowly. "i understand your point. feel free to call me whatever your comfortable with, little harbinger- seeing as i do the same thing with you," he smiles.
you stand up from the table, finished with your lunch and follow ajax as he leads you to whatever place he wants to take you to. finally you break the short silence, "how is natlan matching to your preferences?"
"the heat is killing me. but it's quite enjoyable. and ah-! we're here."
you look up from the ground and your eyebrows furrow as you look at your surroundings. "the training grounds?! seriously- i'm stuck here almost every second of my life. i thought- i thought you were going to take me someplace fun," you frown.
ajax's expression softens at your last remark. "since when did training become... not-fun? i thought you enjoyed your lessons."
"i- i did. i don't know."
"but i know you still want to become a harbinger. don't you?"
that question sends some sort of wake up call through you. of course you want to be one of them. it's the only thing you could possibly ask for.
ajax throws you a spear, and you look up at him, puzzled. "um- have you forgotten that i use a claymore?"
"try using that this time."
ajax frowns at the name, but doesn't say anything before he cuts you off, "just try."
you huff, slightly annoyed, before nodding. you pick up the spear, inspecting it for a good couple of seconds. it sure feels a lot lighter in your hands than what you're used to.
"it's the spear i trained with," says ajax as he pulls out his own weapon. "now, i want you to spar with me. and i'm not going easy on you."
you take advantage of ajax's lack of stance and immediately lunge at him with the spear. ajax is slightly caught off guard and laughs as you spar. "don't point it at an angle," he says. "it's not a claymore- you can't kill a person quickly enough like that," he smiles.
surprisingly, the spear is a lot easier to handle than your usual claymore. it is then that you remember tartaglia's weapon splits in two. lunging at ajax once more, you grab the spear with your other hand and now hold two large daggers. ajax immediately smiles wide as he examines your agile moves and speed. with your previous claymore experience, your stance with the spear is quite powerful, and mixed with your agility, it makes the perfect weapon for you.
you spend the next 2 hours with ajax, sparring and learning from him. he teaches you his sequence of attack, and eventually you learn to sync with his moves. the feeling reminds you of watching arlecchino train lynette, and you break a smile.
"fun, isn't it?" ajax asks as you both pant slightly.
you nod in response.
"I knew you'd be better with a spear," he laughs. he runs a hand through his hair before clearing his throat and continuing, "you can keep that spear by the way. i don't have a use for it anymore."
you brush the dirt off your new weapon before crushing him with a hug.
ajax stumbles back before chuckling, "now i want you to shock capitano to the core tomorrow. and- maybe if you could, please do mention me. it would be nice to be acknowledged by him sometime," ajax comments, his expression displaying signs of embarrassment.
it's your turn to laugh.
"thank you, ajax."
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My knowledge of the books isn't as great, so I hope you don't mind this question. Where was Eomer during the First Battle at the Fords? Did he arrive in time to find Theodred's dead body? Was he there at all? Thank you so much!
I absolutely don’t mind, and I understand why this is something that’s not clear! The full timeline isn’t obvious even from the LOTR books — you have to supplement what we know about Éomer from Two Towers with info from Unfinished Tales, which has the only account of the battle where Théodred was killed. But the short answer is that Éomer was dealing with business elsewhere so he wasn’t part of the fighting at the Isen, and he never saw Théodred’s body — only his grave after the fact. Here’s the long answer:
In late February, Théodred was in the Westfold, which was his territory as 2nd Marshal. Scouts alerted him to troops from Isengard preparing to invade from the west. Acting on his own authority — because his dad was Not Well — he went to meet the challenge with Grimbold and their men and also sent a summons to Elfhelm in Edoras asking that he come with relief troops of his own. We don’t know *exactly* what Éomer was doing right then, but he was 3rd Marshal and his jurisdiction was the East-mark. So he had his own stuff going on, and the bulk of his men would be further away from the Isen than Elfhelm and his men were, so Elfhelm was a more natural relief choice.
The First Battle of the Fords of Isen happened on Feb. 25th, and Théodred was killed that night.   We’re not told what day he was buried, but we do know that his grave was there, with his banner flying above it, when the Second Battle of the Fords began on March 2nd. So somewhere in between, Elfhelm and Grimbold buried Théodred at the Fords, right where he died. That means this image from the movies, while lovely and moving, is non-canonical — Théodred never got back to Edoras and wasn’t buried there:
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News of Théodred’s death came first to Erkenbrand at Helm’s Deep on Feb. 26th, and Erkenbrand sent word on to Edoras. That messenger didn’t make it to Edoras until midday on the 27th, which is the same day Éomer set out to track down the band of orcs (those carrying Merry and Pip, it turns out) that had just been reported in the east. There is some ambiguity as to whether Éomer heard the news of Théodred’s death before he left or not, but he indisputably spent the next few days engrossed in other urgent stuff that would have kept him from grieving or visiting the grave — he had to go track down and slay those orcs; he ran into Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in the plains and had to decide whether to let them go; and then, when he got back to Edoras, he got thrown in jail for having acted without orders and for letting those foreigners run free in Rohan. He didn’t get out of jail until March 2nd, when Gandalf healed Théoden, and then they were off straight away to Helm’s Deep.
It’s not until after victory has been achieved at Helm’s Deep and all our heroes are on the road to confront Saruman that they pass by the Isen and take notice of the graves that are there. It’s a bit of a sore point for me that NO ONE mentions that Théodred is among the dead (😵😖🤯), but at least Éomer is thinking of him because he is the one to mention the murder of Théodred among Saruman’s biggest crimes when Saruman is trying to sweet talk his way back into Théoden’s good graces once they get to Isengard (��Remember Théodred at the Fords and the grave of Háma in Helm’s Deep!”).
Anywho, obviously the movies chose to mix up the timelines and events a bit for their own dramatic purposes, since they have Éomer arriving at the tail end of the fighting at the Fords, finding Théodred still alive, and bringing him back to Edoras before his death and funeral. It’s a substantial change from the books, but I do really like that they found a way to put Théodred in the movies and to give proper weight and notice to his death! And thanks for the question, I hope the answer was helpful!
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kiwi-queen-blog · 3 days
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A Potter Not A Black
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characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew
warnings / tags: angst, violence, emotional abuse, blood /injury, language, dark mark / death eater mention, blavk family drama
word count: 1,232
summery: Regulus has something important to tell Sirius, but their conversation doesn't go as planned.
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"Sirius," Regulus attempted
"Sod off Regulus" Sirius shot back, continuing down the hallway.
"Sirius please," Regulus reached out an arm to his brother halting Sirius in his tracks and forcing him to look at Regulus.
"What do you want, Regulus?"
I need to speak with you, I need to... tell you something" he didn't know how to tell Sirius, he didn't know how to tell anyone.
"Say it then," Sirius clearly had no patience for his brother.
"Erm, I- I'm…” after opening and closing his mouth a few times he ended up saying, “I can't say it here."
How was he going to just say something like this out in the open the way Sirius was asking him to?
"Don't waste my time Regulus." Sirius sighed shrugging off Regulus' hand. Sirius was fed up with the black family's antics and his brother was no excuse.
"No! No, Sirius! Sirius, wait!”
But Sirius wasn't listening and Regulus didn't know how to make him listen. “Sirius, I'm a deatheater!"
Regulus clasped his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with horror at what he'd just desperately blurted out and Sirius spun around on the spot. What had he just done?
"What?! You're a..." Sirius trailed off trying to comprehend what he had just been told. His thoughts were swirling through his head like a storm. How could Regulus do this, be one of them. He knew all the poor innocents were suffering because of those people, that group. Regulus was now one of them, those horrific people who only existed to cause harm.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Regulus was panicking; this was not how Sirius was supposed to find out. "Mum forced me to do it!” he exclaimed because he couldn't find something better to say. Then for some stupid reason he pulled up the left sleeve of his shirt showing Sirius the mark that was forced upon him. That soulless skull. Everything was happening so fast and the world seemed to be spinning around him. His thoughts meshed into one.
“Pull your sleeve down!” Sirius whisper-shouted at his younger brother taking a few steps toward him.
“Why did you get that bloody mark Regulus, and why are you telling me about it?”
“I didn't want to. I swear, mum forced me to. I didn't know what to do, I still don't. I need your help Sirius."
Regulus was lost, so incredibly lost. It was like he was at sea during a storm; the only thing keeping him afloat was the idea that Sirius would save him.
“How the fuck am I meant to help you? You're one of them now and why come to me after getting that stupid mark?” Sirius gestured to Regulus’ arm.
“I didn't come to you before because you never answered my letters. What are you trying to say, Sirius?” Regulus could tell that Sirius was trying to tell him something, something that was refusing to come out in direct sentences.
“I'm saying that… if there wasn't some part of you that wanted to get that thing then you wouldn't have gotten it, you would have found some way out, you would've left, like I did."
Regulus looked at Sirius. His fear quickly turned to disbelief and rage and sadness seemed to consume his thoughts. Is that really what Sirius thought of him?
“Are you serious? Do you genuinely think I wanted to be one of them?” Regulus throat was hoarse and he wanted to cry but what was worse was that he wanted to cry to his brother, not to himself.
“Sirius I couldnt fucking leave, I didnt have other people to talk to about this like you did, I didnt have somewhere to run away to.”
“You could've came to me, earlier before you got that!” he glared at Regulus’ forearm.
Regulus wasn't thinking anymore; he was reckless with dismay. Taking a few steps forward he slapped Sirius across the face. "Wake the fuck up! I couldn't come to you because you never talked to me, you still won't! I had no one except you, and you fucking left me!”
Regulus was shouting now. He didn’t care if he was overreacting or not acting like himself.
Sirius pushed Regulus back with his right hand, his left clutching his cheek. Regulus was hurt. He was drowning in that stormy sea without Sirius there to save him and at that point it didn't matter what he said or did. He just wanted to make Sirius hurt as much as he did.
“You're just like them, you know that," he chuckled. It was as if he had snapped like a twig. Sirius looked confused.
"Just like who?"
"Our dearest mother and father,” Regulus answered, knowing that Sirius hated being compared to his parents. He wanted to hit him where it hurt. Sirius just glared at Regulus.
“It's in your blood after all, it's in your name, Sirius Orion Black.” Regulus taunted. Sirius stepped forward punching Regulus square in the nose
“I'm nothing like them! I never will be!'' Sirius was angry, but at the same time tears threatened to spill from his eyes. He hated his parents and how they treated him. He hated being compared to them but it seemed to sting more coming from his brother that somehow when Regulus said it, it could be true.
"Oh, Mr Black, don't you hear me? you already are." the words stung like one of the many curses Walburga Black used on her sons.
Regulus didn't care if Sirius beat him beyond repair; he wanted to hurt Sirius not with actions but with words the way Sirius had hurt him.
“Don't call me that! I'm a Potter now, not a black!” Sirius yelled back.
As blood dripped from Regulus’ nose the sound of footsteps came into earshot and quickly got louder and soon Remus Lupin, James Potter & Peter Pettigrew came into the hallway full from dinner.
“Oh, hi Sirius!” Peter exclaimed joyfully, failing to understand the situation.
Without missing a beat Regulus responded to Sirius with, "You know what they say, once a black always a Black, and you Sirius Orion Black, well you're the spitting image of what being a part of the noble and most ancient house of Black is supposed to be,'' he spat making sure to use his full name, the name Sirius hated so much that he denied its existence.
At this Sirius ran toward Regulus ignoring his friends, striking Regulus in the stomach and as Regulus doubled over in pain still laughing to himself, James and Remus ran over to try and stop the two from hurting each other any further.
James slotted himself between them and Remus held Sirius back as he tried hitting Regulus again, throwing his fists aimlessly, quickly realizing that Remus was far too strong for him and alternatively allowing Remus' arms to enclose him silent tears falling down his face.
Sirius so desperately wanted to fall to his knees and cry; Regulus so desperately wanted his brother to save him, but neither would happen.
Instead whilst the hallway flooded with students who'd finished dinner and wanted to see what the shouting echoing down the hallways of the castle was all about, both Black brothers wiped their faces and with stoic expressions went to their own common rooms keeping the encounter they just had to themselves as much as they could.
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notes: this isn’t my first post on tumblr but it was the first fic I ever wrote! I hope you liked it and if you did you should check out my other fics (my masterlist) (my ao3)
thank you to jaggysword_0926 on ao3 for beta reading this fic
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cynical-cemeteries · 2 years
baretta brushing mei ling's hair but her own cat hairs are flying around
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#spinda#AAAHHHH YES!!! our belovèd spinda. from their café!!! probably one of my favorite minor characters from pmd sky#whom i don't even think was in the original explorers games. i think spinda's café was exclusive to sky. if i'm remembering correct#ly. or maybe that was shaymin village. i know shaymin village was for sure but maybe it was just that and not both of them. either way#have a delicious drink and allow the flower of conversation to bloom! i could quote spinda all day. he had “hopes and dreams” before toby#ever did. THAT'S ALSO like i had no idea what spinda's pronouns were. i kept trying to figure it out because i talked about him quite a lot‚#but no one in game ever talked about him. to mention his pronouns? turns out. there's ONE line of dialogue where the post office fucker in#shaymin village mentions him and calls him a he. i think that's the only time spinda is referred to in the third person with a pronoun#i believe it's when they're talking about like. how you can send gifts or whatever and pick up the characters' responses at spinda's café#which is still a really fucking good feature. of any video game. SEE WHAT I MEAN spinda and their café is just an incredibly good      Thing#it's to the point where my home wifi network is named “Spinda's Café Wi-Fi” because i love it so much. so if you're ever runnin around#and you see a wifi network by that name… it might be me! you never know! or… it could be the real deal. the real spinda's café is somewhere#nearby…! ugh. i wish. i would go there immediately#not even to mention all the other shit about this pokémon that's really good. like that they never walk in straight lines or whatever#their little dance. it's just.  huUGHKLJKAHJVDHJHDAJSVGD i love spinda. a nice pick-me-up after the underwhelmingness that was grumpig#shake it this way… shake it that way… and stir it all around… and it's done!
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cogaytes · 5 months
on my hands and knees begging keepblr to put more thought into tam's clothing than just. things you would see a kpop idol wear. like every moodboard i see of him has the shirts with the first button undone and the multiple silver rings on each hand and i just. c'mon.
i would get it if i saw it applied more to other characters who canonically wear a lot of rings (sophie/fitz with the cognate rings + panic switches), probably accessorize a lot based on their character (biana), or might like something to fidget with (dex). but to see it with just tam, who is one of the few characters who hasn't been mentioned to wear rings in canon, makes it feel like those ideas came from...somewhere else.
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rockingtheorange · 10 months
Cry time ಥ_ಥ
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Henry and Alex slept together after the lake scene, both conscious of the fact that an unspoken "I love you" was in the air.
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The difference is that Henry left the bed in the middle of the night looking at Alex for the last time, meanwhile Alex fell asleep looking at Henry and woke up alone.
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tapakah0 · 10 months
You know
We had the canon story with where they could at least save another timeline
You did a story where they managed to have their happy ending
And now, I suspect
It's time for the complete failure?
Nope, I've mentioned before that it will be good for one person, don't worry
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sysig · 4 months
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Sweet dreams, for a time (Patreon)
#Doodles#Parapluesch#Mama Oz#So I mentioned that Mama Oz's grief doesn't come from Literally losing a child in how we understand the phrase#However - the dream sequences usually conflate Feeling and Experience#Thus - this#The fact that her actual function is as a magazine rack is so - well it's a lot haha it's a real statement piece#A stuffed animal made with the hide of a different animal made specifically to hold magazines in her belly pouch rather than a Joey#That's........a concept lol#I just can't see her as a piece of furniture! I know that's her function but no! She's a stuffed animal!#It's so easy to imagine her backstory - a child growing up in that home and having her be mama to all the other plushies#Not used as a magazine rack at all - constantly pulled out of her Utility to a more emotional and playful side#Until the child grows up and she's forced back into what she was made for - her ''purpose'' yes but to have to give up what she became#It's like this piece of furniture was doomed to sadness from conception! Personifying an object to that degree - I mean you gave it a face!!#Hard to believe I'm so emotionally invested in this item I'd never seen before and now#I guess that's good memorable design for you haha#She's also still quite fun to draw :D She's very cute!#I wasn't sure about giving her a mouth since I'm pretty sure the actual version doesn't have one - and some of the plushies don't#But I like the idea of her having a little Moomin-like mouth up under her snoot hehe#She kinda reminds me of Sniff even huh#She was fun to draw lying down haha I can very easily see her in my mind's eye standing herself back up in the Parapluesch animation style#I'm still thinking over how her story would conclude - I want her to be able to stand on her own as an individual#But I want her to retain her desire to nurture! She's still a plush even if she started a bit unconventional#Healthy balance to be found somewhere hmm
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