#i know the answer btw 🤪
hylass · 1 year
Scheduled my rushed prelims and then went straight to the besties diss defense so yeah ive cried a lot this afternoon
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solitairedeere · 2 months
i was never as optimistic about the ending of bnha as some villain stans were, but i never thought it'd end so badly it left me wondering why horikoshi ever bothered to humanize the villains or make them complex characters at all.
like-- i expected that at least 1-2 of the 3 villains who were heavily foreshadowed and outlined by the narrative as people to be saved would be, you know, actually saved. i didn't think that was a high bar. i've been let down before in fandoms where everyone was certain a character would live and then they didn't, so i tried to keep my hopes low. AND YET.
what happened to tomura was upsetting, but i wasn't that shocked after how disinterested the manga has seemed to be in him for like, the past 100 or so chapters. a bit surprised, because you'd think if anyone would succeed in the 'saving' mission it would be the MC, but whatever. dabi, well, they've spent a lot of time showing the way his quirk destroys his body even before this arc, so that also sucked but at least it didn't feel completely out of left field.
........but they're not even letting toga live???
i just-- what have we even been doing here? when zero out of the 3 characters that were marked out for saving were actually saved, you have to acknowledge that something has gone seriously fucking wrong with the storytelling. not even just from the perspective of a villain fan but from the perspective of someone who likes stories to be thematically consistent or satisfying in any way.
you can set up an expectation of these characters being saved and then subvert that and turn it into a tragedy- if done well that could even be worthwhile and interesting. but you can't turn it into a tragedy and then just... keep trucking along with the happy ending messaging and act like anything in the manga has been resolved and that the characters have somehow successfully completed their heroic origin stories.
like, maybe i shouldn't have expected this much from a shounen- at the end of the day it is still a shounen so i didn't expect to feel that it truly satisfactorily wrapped up all the themes it brought up around societal ills. but i expected it to at least resolve those things in a shounen-y way where they punch the problems and help these specific people and then you can feel good assuming that the state of things will continue to improve in the post-canon world of the manga.
instead we got... uh, none of that. the story refused to answer a single one of the larger questions it's been outlining for the past 400+ chapters. in the end, it was all flash and no substance, which again could've been fine, if it weren't for the way the story seemed to spend significant chunks of time trying to delude you into thinking it had substance.
truly makes me wonder what horikoshi thought he was doing the entire time. can it really all be blamed on burnout? the most that can be said for this ending is that it is, well, an ending. fuck dude, it is that.
and that's just... such a sad way to end a project that took up 10 years of your life.
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minecraftdog · 5 months
cGeorge and ccawesamdude for the bingo thing :D
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blue: cGeorge and green: ccawsamdude
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
They'd make a talking to people that isn't as painful and mind crushing
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭  ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Down in N'awleans ٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭  ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: alastor(!) ace alastor and reader(!) cussing(!) its hell man idk what to tell u(!) very cultural (!) reader has a strong accent(!) reader is more modern than alastor(!) black reader NOT CAJUN SHE IS NEW ORLEANIAN (!) mentions of gore and blood(!) fem reader(!) angst(!) grieving (!) fluff(!) comfort(!)
✰⋆⁺Im so sad that the only new orleans part of alastor we got to see was a few of his music preferences, and the overused dish jambalaya (as good as it is, its referenced too much when mentioning Louisiana and i sorta hate it-) soooo, as an artist i took matters into my own hands 😈 btw, this is long, so enjoy a piece of my culture!!!
fun fact: did you know that Louisiana has about 400 festivals and events annually? (my favs are strawberry fest, mardi gras, and crawfish fest) btw if anyone is struggling to read it: mardi gras is pronounced madi-grahs. (like ice spice grah 🤪🤪/jj)
✰⋆⁺ Oh what a joy!! Your love Alastor is in hell with you!!! After a whopping 58 years after Alastor's death at 33, with you dying barely at 88 before your birthday, you've finally have found your soulmate!! You're a bit different though, you have a stronger accent, and your tone is..."slangy". Times have changed, but has your love? Of course it does! Alastor couldn't love you more, lovers being apart for too long is straining to one's mental afterall.
"His sister's black, but she is sho'nuff pretty. Her skirt is short, but Lord her legs are sturdy. To walk to school, she's got to get up early. Her clothes are old, but never are they dirty. Living just enough, just enough for the city." You sang, walking along the streets of hell. That song by Stevie Wonder had always brought you comfort...
It gives you a sense of memory, deja vu if you will. Not that you could remember. But you being a young black girl, in the struggles of 1916 brings a comfort to your heart.
You closed all eight of your eyes, your afro bouncing as you walked. Walking walking walking. Your dark dress would lift up slightly from the ground, wisping away curiously.
It was pitch black, like your gloves that ran from the tips of your fingers, to the upper part of your arm. If you squint, one could see hints of clear web being shown by light.
People would question why you still wore black even years after your husband's death. Now in hell, you had black skin, and spider appendages on your stomach and hips. How ironic.
You still never answered the question.
Alastor had died at the young age of 33, leaving a 30 year old widow to mourn his passing. That man chiseled his way into your heart and croaked years later. All you could do to keep your emotions in check, was continue your dear husbands work.
The radio station he worked at had begged you to host his morning shows. The town was distraught of his absence. And there's a depression? People were sad, now even more broke, and at the hands of phoney mayors and presidents.
Alastor left a big hole in the role he had as the "Darling of New Orleans". And so did the Bayou Butcher...
What else could you do? Each life you blew off was in honor of your amazing husband. Soon radio was bigger than ever! You'd broadcast the annual 8 killings of casualty due to the new 'Wynoriffic Widow.' This had led on for about 20 years before old age came into play.
You killed 162 people in the name of your love. Never caught, yet never forgotten. You became a big shot, killer and announcer.
While you never had the intrusive thought to do so, you finally understood why Alastor felt a rush of righteousness when he came home after his activities with Mimzy.
Damn Mimzy, the hooch she is. (💀💀)
Let's be honest, the name "Widow" hit too close to home due to recent events, but thats why you only killed eight people per year! And to make things even better, you set 8 things that would happen. 8 games. 8 lines all connecting into a web. And to make things worse for the police, your extermination cravings were sporadic, and not so scheduled.
But it all played out the same.
Something subtle. like a box of rotting spiders at the victim's doorstep.
Next would be a missing, or perhaps "disappearing" passport and driver's license...if they could even afford one.
Now there would be 3 warning letters, the classic "i know what you did". Simple as that.
The second one would be more detailed. Writings of the person's actions would be made for a week before the last and final warning was made.
"Im coming" you wrote in squirrel blood, giggling everytime the person panicked, not knowing it was you all along.
Then nothing....for 2 weeks or so. To lower suspicion per say.
Then its the time to strike. Waiting until exactly midnight to knock out and drag your victim to the very same swamps your beloved died in. You'd take the damned soul, and torture them for as long as you pleased. No matter how many screams, how much blood, their life was in your hands and yours only.
Finally, you'd pray. Pray that this offering of love would suffice for being ripped apart for so long. and as for cleaning up your mess, you'd thank the gators and the wolves for "aiding" with your hobby.
But you began getting old, despite exercising regularly and eating the things your body needed. You couldn't go out and fufill your duties. The one thing that made you happy, second to Alastor. And soon enough you died, welcoming your new fate.
The only thing you questioned was your young appearance. You died of old age, so you didn't understand why you looked like you were 30 again.
You hummed, mimicking a trumpet as you continued your short strides. And here you are now! On the way to reunite with your love once more... it's been far too long.
Welp, it won't be long before you see your life again (despite being dead). Adjusting the big puffs and coils on your head, as well as smoothing down your dress, you knocked onto the hotel door.
Your smile was so big! (You cheeks were starting to hurt from subconsciously doing so much, trying to keep memory of something you once lost).
You looked around yourself as you waited. There was a golden fountain of a majestic dragon creature, with building itself huge yet comfortable. Despite the lights in the front being a bit bright, this place pleased something in your mind.
The door opened for you to see...a short blond man?
"Hello? Is this the Hazbin Hotel?"You asked, restraining and chaining the accent you had, not wanting to be perceived as "ghetto" for the first time.
"Why yes~ Welcome my dear, and what brings you to this place?" The half-pint of a man reached for your arm, kissing it three times before hooking your arm. Your face involuntarily scrunched a bit before coming back to that neutral smile you has once before.
"I would like to see the hotel manager. Alastor, correct?" You asked as the man who tried to pull you forward, even though his head barely surpassed your chest. And surprisingly, for his height i mean, he pulled you along easily.
The lobby was a plethora of shades in red accented with bits of gold, black, and white.
"ugh His office is near the top of the hotel or something Can't miss it. The place sorta looks like a swamp."
"Of course" you mumbled. Thinking about the greenery and fireflies Alastor would take you to see.
"What was that?"
"Oh nothin'!" You smiled, already make your way to the prolonged destination.
Thank god there was an elevator, or you would've screamed. If this place was lavish and beautifully decorated, yet no easy place of transportation for inclusivity, or simply to better convenience of the people living here...
Thought pisses you off.
Hearing the elevator dig, you adjusted yourself again before walking out and looking towards the hallways. Ah, you could see what he meant. While every other door looked like a basic hotel door, the one at the end of the hallway was covered in green glowing floorboards.
It made you tear up, knowing he still had some kind of connection to his home. The fireflies danced around the entrance, enticing you to walk quicker in those heels of yours.
Reaching the door made your body paralyze and vision blur for a second or two. You took a deep breath, and knocked 2 times with a pause, knocking 3 times slower.
It was something you and Alastor did to ensure that the police wasn't at the door, back when you weren't interested in killing.
You hear shuffling, then came a fall and a thump. You hear a woman exclaim in worry. With rushed footsteps came an open door, revealing the one you lost so long ago.
He looked much different, much more red ('to hide the blood' you giggled to yourself'). His skin was more gray than that toned brown, you look up to his head to see...
'is this mf wearing a bob?'
"Alastor! Are you alright?" A doll-like woman came out, in a red suit but the brightest aura.
"Love...?" He ignored her, his knees trembling slightly with his eyes watering.
Next thing you knew you were tackled to the wall, embraced with such longing, infatuation, and a whole new level of care.
"Hello sweetheart..." You combed through his hair, brushing over some antlers, making Alastor shiver in your hold. You smiled, embracing him back with a somber sigh.
"Soooo- The Dappa Demon gotta milf for his troubles?" A white and fluffy man in pink stroller over.
"Um Angel- I dont think now's the time for that-" The Doll woman tried.
"And who is you?" You asked, genuinely curious. Alastor was still hugging you, silent, which is disturbing for a man with a voice like his.
"Da name's Angel Dust sweetpie!" He smirked, looking you up and down. "Why you cuddlin' up to Raspberry Daddy(™) like that?"
"Well, Angel, this raspberry daddy is my husband!" You explained, watching the lanky spider (which you now noticed looked like a spider), blanch before guffawing.
The woman, who you keep on forgetting about, gasped with, which you really hoped wasn't, all of her chest and possibly lungs.
"ALASTOR HAS A WIFE!!! WOW! ITS SUPER NICE TO MEET YOU!!!" She bounced up and down, her blond hair flew up along with it. Speaking of, the short man has blond hair too... welp, aint non of yo business so- "MY NAME IS CHARLIE!! THIS IS THE HAZBIN HOTEL!! AND- AND-"
"Charlie, suga mallow, pause pause! Its nice to meet you too baby!!" You started, "Can we just talk about this, as well as the hotel, in a better setting?- I think doeball needs a moment"
You looked down at Alastor, seeing his ears pinned downwards as well as feeling a small damp puddle on your shoulder.
"Oh! um- okay!! That's completely fine!! Yea! Go do your husband, and uh, wife things!!" Charlie said, pushing you towards Alastor's office once more, prompting you to hold your husband bridal style. You would hate for him to have fallen.
"So we aren't gonna talk about how Alastor isn't an edgy inhuman prince of darkness, gifted to the immunity of normal mortal affection?" Angel asked, still in shock.
The door promptly shut. You looked around his office, which was more of a radio station with shelves and a desk. Everything was in tones of brown, red, and burgundy.
The only thing that set it apart was the glowing green floor, with pale green tree moss around the corners. You smiled as a group of fireflies flew past you two.
You walk towards the chair, sitting down with Alastor's body in your lap, head in your shoulders, like long ago.
You move your hands to his ear, running your fingers through his fur, as well as using your bottom row of arms to turn on the radio, sitting so silently on the desk.
Luckily, for the both of you, calming slow jazz was playing.
"You ready to talk now?" You whispered quietly. His ear twitched before he sat up.
"Yes dear..." He said, his voice barely carrying through the air.
"Well... I wanna start with- where'd you go-?...that night i mean."
The room went silent. You continued to rub his back, feeling his boney spine despite the layers of clothing he dubbed.
Soon words flowed out of him. Like a radio host.
The story he told was one of improv, one he hadn't expected to share for a long time. About his killings, the dogs, his last sight. How his last wish was to kiss you one the lips once more.
And once he finished you told yours.
How much grief you were in. The sudden bloodlust you took after you figured everything out. The way you played with the town's mind. How every body you took was in sacrifice for him. The hope that your love would one day be connected once more, never severed again by dimensions.
The night was filled with silent sobs of two deceased lovers.
In the brief morning, you two caught up with each other. Alastor still liked a lot of the same things he did in the past, but you have changed a lot.
You have an accent. Sometimes you'll replace the word 'are' with 'is' and other times you say 'ain't', or nickname drop people. And when you get angry the accent gets even stronger, humoring him to your irritated dismay.
You can cook now! Before Alastor died, he would cook for the both of you. You managed to burn an expensive pan he got from his mother, he never let you lay a hand on the stove ever again.
You also were more...modern. Luckily not to the point where you were addicted, but it still pissed off Alastor that you had some form of flat screen. You listened to rap occasionally, as well as musicals.
But yet, he couldn't judge you for these new qualities you have. You still have that lovey fro, your beautiful and plump lips, and the way your eyes flow across the room almost brings his rotting heart back to life.
Right now in the kitchen, you two were making beignets in coconut oil. As you rolled the dough out, Alastor questioned your uniqueness of cooking.
"Darling, must you stuff the pastries with dark chocolate? Wouldn't the powdered sugar be enough?"
"Don't worry Baby! m'Made these several times!" You replied. You grabbed the strainer, tossing the raw dough into the hot oil.
"And why coconut oil specifically?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You rolled your eyes with a loving smile.
"Cuz! It makes it taste better! Not sure how to 'xplain it, but it just does." You flipped the beignets, ensuring they were golden brown before placing them on the brown paper.
"If you say so, my Dear."
You began to hum softly, to a jazz song you heard on the streets, swaying slowly as you worked. Your husband then held you from behind, swinging with you.
His head was buried in you neck, ears flicking with each tickle of your hair. His arms came underneath yours, holding and pressing your hips.
Plating the food, you set it down in favor of dancing with your love. Dancing to the silent song of adoration, fondness, and care.
Behind the kitchen door, which was slightly propped open, you could hear the excited ramblings of the hotel's owner, making Alastor groan quietly.
"WOW!! They're so cute!!! Omg, they are so sweet together!! EEEEK!!" Charlie exclaimed, struggling to keep her voice down. this made you chuckle sweetly, making the woman utter an apology before leaving.
This is all that you wished for. Your husband, loving and dancing with your soul again. Even if it took a couple of bluenoses to accept it. (cough cough Angel and Husk)
All you could think about were those bands, the trumpets, the parades, Alastor, the food and feel of your homeplace. All of it brang you back, and now you have even more to appreciate.
Dreams do come true, down in N'awleans. Even if it takes years to achieve it.
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btw i gave her lore
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thx to @sharkdukes on Ao3, i now headcannon that you can offer a soul to a demon, which is what reader was unknowingly doing. Which is half of the reason why Alastor is so powerful at the start in hell-
heavily inspired by @drowninnoodles 's Sugar and Sinnamon on ao3.
as well as @pheavampire for this hilarious art
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @amorisbackandbetterthanever @cyb3r-st4r if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
as for the playlist, if you couldn't read bc of the font, its titled: Wynorrifcly Widowing. (ik i didn't spell it right stfu) Please lemme know if there are any places where i forgot to finish thoughts.
©KAL pls don't steal, repost, trace, or whatever an art theif does. you can inspire yourself! just tag me to let me know<3
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dayslynthesix · 6 months
break point | charles leclerc x tenis player!oc
just a small observation, i don't like to write social media au with y/n or user1/user2 thing, so i just named every character of this one, jeremy made a small appearance on deuce and slice (danny ric x tennis player), for context, he's also a tennis player lol and all the other ones are supposed to be cath's friends
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liked by benshelton, scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, usaopen, ao, f1 ans 328.233 others
hallieriley splitting my time between an actual sport and fast cars going vroom vroom, scuderiaferrari thank you for the invitation, i love miami and i love the red car 🏎 | 📌 miami
scuderiaferrari alway a pleasure to have you with us!
hallieriley it would be very funny if you let me do a hot lap with a certain driver 🤨
benshelton so that's why you didn't came to see me play?
hallieriley you're not even playing bro, you came to miami with me just so we could see fast cars going vroom vroom
charles_leclerc cmonnnn going vroom vroom is lovely
hallieriley lovely, simply lovely
volleyserve wait... hallie is watching 20 playboys racing in circles?
rileyxverstappen actually is 19 playboys racing behind max verstappen
hallieriley nice to see there's people around the world who supports me (most amazing players ever) and max (i don't actually know him)
queenofrg hallie sweetie??
maxverstappen1 what ferrari promised you? i assure you redbull can offer twice
hallieriley im a redbull athlete they should have invited me first, maxie 😇
redbullracing our bad 😔 next one is on us!
f1tennisgirl the fact that max doesn't follow her but went to her profile just to tease ferrari is so max coded
maxverstappen1 i do follow her, we're redbull athletes besties
hallieriley yeah, best friends (i didn't knew him until 2 days ago but sure whatever he says)
carlossainz55 thank you for the support, hallie, having you here was amazing!
liked by hallieriley
norrisprivateacc carlos bro be more subtle
rileygirl i love how she answered charles coment with a max radio and she just liked carlos comment
ccaspari wow you were there and didn't stand to say hello to your BEST FRIEND?
hallieriley omg where you here? hold on let me find the mercedes garage i need to see you 😭😭
mercedesamgf1 third one right to left 🫡
jeremyrossi oh us tennis players that somehow are related to f1 🫠
jensonbutton i don't think you'll ever accept the fact that I married your sister and it's been 6 years
yrossibuton 8 years*
may 5th, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, rolandgarros, scuderiaferrari, redbull, benshelton and 210.087 others
hallieriley oh is that time of the day where im calling ben so we can practice together and he's not answering me 🤪
benshelton omw
hallieriley you're not supposed to be on your way benjamin, you were supposed to be here 15min ago!
benshelton omw!!!
coachjames i see...
breakpoints how does ben and hal know each other? just recently got into tennis and i love they're friendship and they're awesome playing doubles
hallieriley thank youu!! our parents played together at the same tour back in the '90 and we sorta grew up together, we're close in age (im 1 year older than him) once ben started to play tennis we started to play doubles together, we're friends since childhood
charles_leclerc i won a padel match a few month ago does that count as tennis? actually im a padel king 👑
hallieriley charles... do you read what you type before you send it?
charles_leclerc so it is not tennis?
maxieboy he's trying to impress her but he's just embarrassing himself
maxverstappen1 im pretty confident that i can beat you in a 2h2
hallieriley redbullracing can you organize a tennis match between me and max?
max1rileychamp he's allergic to failing and 2nd places but im so ready to see him and his delulu thoughts having his ass kicked by catherine
merliagrace i would never do this to you
hallieriley i know!!! missing you btw, when are you going to italy so i can see you play?
merliagrace we're playing rome in 3 weeks, hope you can make it
hallieriley YESSSS !!!! finally, yep ill be home in 3 weeks
gialis pick up the phone, ps: looking good
rileyxverstappen i love how gia and carlos communicate with the world almost the same way, i think they should be friends
maxverstappen1 🤨🤨🤨
gialis i think carlos and i should be friends as well, hallie can you introduce us?
scuderiaferrari we should send you some official merch 🤔
nike get out, we got here first!
redbull how i love being a redbull athlete 😊
hallieriley don't lie adm, you guys don't even remember me at this days 😭😭😭
hallieriley but if you want to reward me there's this skydiving thing im dying to do...
redbull on the way!
redbullracing we'll send you monaco tickets and after the race we will have a court ready!
besttennisgirl i think we lost hallie to fast cars going vroom vroom
alinariley why there's so many f1 drivers in my daughter's comment section?
charles_leclerc my bad, im sorry 😭
alinariley not you sweetie!
maxverstappen1 mama riley we're sorry for being so chaotic
alinariley are you? 🤨
queenofclay i wish i could call ben shelton my bff
sheltonriley and double partner
queenofclay i completely forgot that ben and her are a pair in doubles
janniksin i didn't
carlitosalcarazz me neither
hallieriley both of you don't even play doubles 👁👄👁
alcarazwimbledon oh to be hallie riley and have both alcaraz and sinner fighting to be her double 🤭
may 15th, 2024
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liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, benshelton, usaopen, maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 344.562 others
hallieriley multitasking at rolandgarros, see you in a couple of days 🎾
gialis hallie's life is so easy, she goes there, play a tennis match, win, go back to hotel, see her team mess around... us ferrari girls at this point we're just happy with not being knocked out of q3
charles_leclerc have faith on the team
gialis heyyy charlie hello!! faith and ferrari on the same sentence... lol not happening, but i have faith on you
rolandgarros looking forward to have you back on court!
nike there's a lot of ferrari and charles leclerc on this post 🤔
hallieriley nike x ferrari when?
queenofrg hallie is... soft launching?
jeremyrossi 👏🏻👏🏻
maxverstappen1 charles is trying to get out of imola to go see you play can you get us some vip passes?
hallieriley call my agent and ask her, nicely
maxverstappen1 what do you think im rude for free with people?
charles_leclerc you took me out of the race for free last week
hallieriley not everything is about winning but charlie got the ability to lose all the times, maxie you've been a bad team player so no vip passes for you 🤪
f1 i think the tifosi army got another member
redbullracing well, they didn't, she was our girl first
hallieriley yeah, since seb (jenson button walked so seb could run) (please everyone knows im a ferrari girl trough and throughout)
charles_leclerc got pole for you 🫶🏻
hallieriley i saw it hihi amazing lap charlie
benshelton you're not coming to see me play?
hallieriley omw!! i forgot my credentials 🫠
gialis and me! your forgot me!!!
coachjames so that's why you were late?
hallieriley lies! im never late and you know that 🥺
sheltonriley ben and hallie are not playing doubles at roland garros?
hallieriley we are!!
may 18th, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, rolandgarros, usaopen, benshelton, carlitosalcarazz, redbullracing and 432.122 others
hallieriley first match ✅️ love to play here, love the french crowd and the croissants 🫶🏻 waiting for wilsontennis to send me a pink racket
wilsontennis pink? it shouldn't be red?
jeremyrossi congratulations hallie, you played an amazing tennis this match and it was worthy the sleepless night
hallieriley thank you jer!!! and im pretty positive that im wasn't the one who got you up all night, hope little mia was watching me play as well! 🥺🫶🏻
charles_leclerc great match!
hallieriley thank you charlie 🫶🏻 did you see the point i made for you?
charles_leclerc obviously
sedicislice hello?
queenofrg the queen is back at her castle
merliagrace WOW WOW WOW that was a high level tennis
sheltonriley waiting for the doubles even though i think ben and hals are insane for playing single and double at the same tournament
maxverstappen1 we got the tickets haha see you during the next match haha
verstappenxriley not max getting into tennis just to annoy charles
f1tennis5 i think max is living in a parasocial relationship with hallie
charles_leclerc he's living in a parasocial relationship to annoy me, where i go he goes, if i go to a volleyball match, he's there, if i go to a tennis match, he's waiting in front of my car, if i go to a baseball game IN THE USA HE'S THEREEEEEEE
hallieriley me and my agent we're about to have a nice little chat 🤨
maranellosun ok so i just got into tennis why are people saying charles and hallie are a thing? or is cath and max?
sedicislice she was invited by ferrari to the miami gp and they were caught outside the circuit having dinner, they're always interacting on social media and they went to a very famous gym in monaco after the miami gp, and no, she and max are just friends since she became a redbull athlete
scuderiaferrari well done, hallie!
rolandgarros the people princess!
georgerussell63 hey charles_leclerc is it possible for you to ask your girl if she can come and take a picture with carmen?
hallieriley rude, I'll find you and carmen after this match and we can go for a coffee 🥰
hallierileyupdates she is indeed the people princess
may 22nd, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlitosalcarazz, wimbledon, benshelton and 321.944 others
hallieriley time to see my #2 boy, vamos carlossss! anxiously waiting my turn to play
benshelton 🤨🤨
hallieriley I SAID #2 YOU KNOW YOU'RE MY #1
charles_leclerc 🤔🤔
sedicislice hallie is everywhere, volleyball match, tennis match, f1 races, you blink and she's there
hallieriley im here to support my girl's!
merliagrace at this point she'd just watching random matches from the turkish league and the italian one
sedicileclerc charles be like: what about me?
jeremyrossi wow i thought i was you number #2
hallieriley you're yolanda number #2
jeremyrossi yes, she's my sister
hallieriley out of the old ones you're my number #2
jeremyrossi old? im 32! who's your number #1?
hallieriley federer 🥺
benshelton i see...
hallieriley no fighting over who's my favorite! everyone knows that if federer haven't retired he would be my number 1!
rogerfederer thank you! 🥰
maxverstappen1 about that match we played... can we rematch it?
hallieriley why would i? everyone know i kicked your ass once and i would do it again
redbull our athletes are on fire!
nike ready to the next round 🫡
queenofclay oh to be hallie riley #01 taylor swift fan and #00 carlos alcaraz support friend and ben shelton bff
july 3rd, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, rolandgarros, carlitosalcarazz, janniksin, nike, wilson and 644.173 others
hallieriley played my first final here 3 years ago and now i can finally say IM A WIMBLEDON CHAMP! as i said in my acceptance speech, thank you wilsontennis and nike for having my back. thank you to my coach, my team and my boys, thank you for the british crowd and thank you james mcavoy, this one is for you! also i would like to quote a good friend of my, jannik boy: i wish everyone in the world could have my parents as their parents, thank you mom and thank you dad, for making this dream possible and for walking along the way with me, i love you 🥰🫶🏻
carlitosalcarazz vamossss hally!
carlitosalcarazz 👏🏻👉🏻🏆🥇🎾🔥
coachjames well done kid! super proud of you!
alinariley our daughter is a wimbledon champ we cant believe this 😭😭😭 (your dad cant put coherent sentences)
benshelton well done halliecat, congratulations
jeremyrossi amazing!! congratulations!!
gialis my girl!
janniksin well done, hallie!! mega job
merliagrace congrats hally
charles_leclerc wow wow wow that was amazing! super proud of you! 🥰❤️
gabiguimaraes10 congratulations!!
hallieriley gabiiii, hiii!! thank you girl! looking forward to see you play at the olympics
nike hallie riley ladies and gentlemen is a wimbledon champ
wilsontennis always a pleasure to have your back! 🎾
oscarpiastri good job
maxverstappen1 it's starting to get boring, you win everything, also, congrats 🫡
hallieriley now you know how i feel every sunday watching you win 🤪
charles_leclerc karma is queen indeed
lewishamilton speak the truth hallie!!!
jamesmcavoyrealdeal 🤔🤔🤔
lewishamilton amazing!
lifeofriley did you see how adorable she was while holding that cup??
queenofrg queen of wimbledon as well
queenofclay WJJJAUAIAIJHAKAIIQUAJQI oh god she did it!!!
halliechamp our champ is back!
hallierileyupdates amazing!!
july 13st, 2024
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liked by paris2024, charles_leclerc, redbull, nike, wilson, benshelton, gabiguimaraes10 and 633.421 others
hallieriley already in paris for the olympics and while it is not time to play we took some time of to go around, he's awful at tennis, have no idea how he won that padel match, if i was max i would demand a rematch
charles_leclerc that was very rude, im very good at tennis, i was just warming up
hallieriley yeah, warming up
maxverstappen1 i told everyone he was cheating
charles_leclerc how could i cheat on a padel match? you're just saying this because you're bad at padel
georgerussell63 i would like to know so i can cheat as well
nike time to be olympic champ!
wilsontennis charles leclerc is the new face of wilson, stay tuned
leclercupdates charles was racing in hungary yesterday but his girl called and asked if he wanted to go having a tourist date and the next thing we know is that he is in france
benshelton he is indeed very bad at tennis, i was there, i saw it
diallinginshelton i would pay rivers of money to see them playing tennis 😭😭
carlitosalcarazz 👏🏻🫡🥰🤨🏎🎾
hallieriley translation of the emojis please
carlitosalcarazz no
usaopen time to shine in paris!
july 25th, 2024
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liked by usaopen, charles_leclerc, nike, wilson, ccaspari, laurencaspari and 433.193 others
hallieriley tooke a little time off to enjoy the post olympics, and let me tell you, being an olympc champion is AMAZING!!!! also i would like to thank you guys for the support, a little disappointed that ill have to wait another 4 years to play another olympics but really grateful for the results at this one. now IT'S USOPEN TIME!!!
usopen waiting for you at court number 3!
charles_leclerc credit for the pics when?
benshelton now you know!
maxverstappen1 wish we could get to see you play this one
hallieriley you can always quit f1 and be a fab (friends and boyfriends) 🤪
maxverstappen1 nice try
nike that kit suits you
wilsontennis 🏆🏆
lewishamilton good look at the USOpen, hallie! i know you will blast this one as well!
hallieriley lewis omg hello hiiiiii, thank you! if i win i will dedicate this one to you 🫶🏻
queenofrg i can't wait for her to win this one, we need that!!
laurencaspari you and i we need to catch up!
gialis doubles at beach volley when? 🏐☎️ plus can you get me a pic with ben shelton????
hallieriley oh to be a pro volleyball player and former olympian and not be able to fan girl her fav athlete
benshelton i though gia's favorite athlete was gabi?
gialis it is! your my number 2! can i please get a pic? 😭
maxverstappen1 what about me?
gialis don't try lol
august 23rd, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, f1, lewishamilton, nike, maxverstappen1 and 766.143 others
hallieriley last round of the 2024 fast cars going vroom vroom season, well done prince charlie, congrats on the p2 on the championship, we'll fight for the highest spot next season. and oh, congrats to max car as well, it was a tough season. AND alson congratulations to oscar on his first winnnnn!!
charles_leclerc thank you my love ❤️❤️❤️
oscarpiastri thank you cath!
maxverstappen1 if your boyfriend haven't tried to take me out of the races so many times my car would be just fine
sedici16 dude, he tooke you out once in barcelona and just because the tyres weren't warm enough
hallieriley not my burn account i sweat but thanks sedici16 you're 100% right!
puma hallie x charles x puma when?
nike 🤔🤔🤔
scuderiaferrari wish we got to you sooner, it was lovely to have you with us one more time!
redbullracing bahrein vip passes are on the way 🫡
hallieriley now you do remember me 😭😭😭
december 8th, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, boweandstowe, australianopen, benshelton, nike, wilson and 633.493 others
hallieriley happy birthday sir lewis hamilton! oh, and its australian open time againnnn, me, charlie, bowe and stowe we are ready to go! see you in 3 days 🔥🎾
charles_leclerc can wait to see your reaction to the t-shirts i have made to see you play
hallieriley im scared to death about which pants you're gonna wear
lewishamilton thank you, hallie! wishing you the best australian open you can get and rooting for you
australianopen rod laver arena is ready for you!
nike let's go!
wilsontennis i hope the pink racket is what you wanted
redbull 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
benshelton make it double!
gialis oh shit here we go again with 2 weeks of the bare minimum of sleep
merliagrace i put money on you, plese win this one
usaopen wake up, it's australian open time
january 7th, 2025
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luffyvace · 9 months
Nami x male reader
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there needs to be more fluffy content for her x male reader. RIGHT NOW. :) enjoy ♥︎
why i gotta start like that every time🧍‍♀️
less then other men tho
she cares about u obviously
but ur still her man!!
so you steal still gotta do stuff for her<3
even more so really
bc like
of course you have to carry her bags, watch her fashion shows, bring her drinks, take her out expensive places, help her pick the outfit of the day, wrestle the boys not to bother her, carry her, protect her from too strong of foes and be forced to wear girly stuff for her own amusement?? wym?? your her boyfriend!
yup and i mean it, you gotta do all that
if you can’t carry all her bags and buy all her stuff how else will it get done??
and you better have money too
i assume you do since she wouldn’t GET with a broke man…
i mean unless you really charmed her
its too high of a priority for her to over look unless you have a golden personality or something
dw about it tho either way she loves you and money<3
and yes you do have to sit there and watch all her fashion shows til the end
and you BETTER give good replies too
i’m talking you gotta be the boyfriend who turns into her best friend for a hot sec to hype her up 🤪
”you go girl”
”omg your that girl frfr”
”that outfit ate DOWN.”
LOLOL it’s fun for both of you
unless your like strictly masculine or smth
then u might be more annoyed
but the combo of you loving your girlfriend and her being really good at persuading people leads to you doing it anyway
honestly for bringing her drinks and food
sanji usually makes it
he tells you to give credits but you don’t
especially if you can cook yourself
sanji insists he should do it since he’s the official cook
but sometimes you do it anyway
so it can come straight from the heart yk?
you and sanji may or may not beef
if you have no problem with him then it’s prob one sided on his side
definitely mad you bagged nami before he did
or any woman for that matter
but anyway
you mostly bring her refreshments and food when she’s working on her maps :)
btw it takes like 80 minutes to pick out the outfit of the day
she gets you up early so you can help her
that way by the time everyone else is up it seems like she whips up really good outfits just like that
when in actuality
“ok this one or this one?”
”uhh that one..?”
nah i’m playing she doesn’t hit you
(yes she does but it’s lovingly)
[no it’s not but she doesn’t do it as often to you as she does the other guys]
anyway again..
yeah there’s such thing as a wrong answer
”why’d you ask me if you already had one in mind??”
“you were supposed to agree with me!”
”how was i supposed to know which one to pick??”
as far as tackling the rest of the boys
”honey~ handle my light weight”
the way i wrote it made it seem lighthearted but the glint in her yes tells you—you better do it
annddd you do!
you fling luffy outside, he lands onto usopp who starts playing with him
you drag (snoring) zoro out onto the deck to sleep
you remind franky about the project he was working on
you tell brook to go play some music for luffy and usopp
you ask chopper some doctor sounding question which gives him a new idea to try out and he rushes off
robin is being quiet already<3
and sanji’s just cooking dinner:)
so now, problem solved, nami can have some peace and quiet
yippie!! mission accomplished!
now there’s not gonna be a expensive place on every island but if there is you can bet your beli she’s making you take her there
and she’s blowing off all your money
at the least it’s just you two tho
you somehow shake the rest of the crew to get some alone time
the date turns out to be really romantic and sweet so you enjoy it even if your pockets hurt
y’all def steal stuff from the restaurant
you don’t have her swiping habit but the silverware was real gold and oh boy did the opportunity of money sound sweet like honey 😋
carrying her is self explanatory
she just wants to be treated with grace and care
likes he’s delicate and beautiful the way she is
which she is
so you do:)
you carry her all types of ways but never roughly or 💥💥
mostly bridal style
cuz duh it’s romantic
you’ve even kissed her like that quite a few times
random but she likes to watch the sunset with you
btw you definitely kicked some fish butt if you joined early enough
even if you only had a crush on her back then
you fo’ sure weren’t gon let that slide 🤨🤨
what arlong thought this was⁉️🗣
not on your watch‼️
i hope your strong cuz even if your not you gonna become her shield or smth cuzzz..
if your strong and have muscles she prob secretly or not so secretly admires them
and yes my mans, as the last topic you will wear makeup and girly hairstyles
especially if you have long hair—then she def wants to play in it
there’s no saying no either
i don’t know what to tell you if you don’t like it my brother
have fun 🤷‍♀️
LOL i love these they were so fun n silly 🤪
enjoy male readers!! come eat good!!
74 notes · View notes
lu-dao-writes · 1 year
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𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚞𝚋𝚞𝚜!𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒 𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈 ♡ ˊˎ- Nanami as an incubus and his relationship with you! With Gojo on the side. (Idek what this summary is😭)
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈) / 𝒯𝒶𝑔𝓈 ♡ ˊˎ-  Incubus Nanami & Gojo, Gojo being Nanami’s wingman fr, gender neutral reader, black coded reader, Nanami being stubborn, themes of sex, mentions of Nanami touching himself, & switches of povs.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒜/𝒩 ♡ ˊˎ- I’m a slut for this man, what can I say y’all✋🏼😔? But spooky season is upon us and I’m thinking about supernatural shit and dark themes✨ But idk what happened to the form of this? Listen, I’m at the airport waiting for my flight and I’m bored and want this out lmao🤪. I’m hoping to do a part 2 where it’s more smutty based, but smut is hard y’all😩. I appreciate all the likes on my last post btw!🙏🏼🥺💕. Minors/ ageless blogs DNI please and lemme know any mistakes or missed tags.
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He’s not fond of his nature, but he has learned to live with it. I mean he has to lmao.
He’s stubborn with his feeding schedule, and his a little picky. As usual Kento is more worried about getting that bread.
Gojo gets on his head about not taking care of himself (of course in a more playful/blasé manner, but he cares his Nanamin).
Gojo also knows when he hasn’t fed because it shows in Nanami’s appearance first before it show in his attitude.
His eyes gets a bit sunken in, the dark circles get darker, his hair looks dull, then he gets more uncanny from there if prolonged (which hasn’t happened, Nanami’s not that careless)
Then comes the attitude! Nanami’s patience grows very thin and he’s a mixture of tired, weak, & hungry. His already sharp and witty quips at Gojo become more sharper and a bit meaner, but nothing that goes over the line.
He’s not down for Gojo’s games essentially. Even more so now😗.
When he meets you, you were his server at this cute little cat cafe that Gojo dragged him to (he didn’t give the man a chance to say no).
Nanami doesn’t mind cats, he’s just not looking forward to getting their fur out from his clothes.
But you were a sight for sore eyes. Every inch of you being taken in by Nanami’s shade covered eyes and that familiar hunger in his belly rose its ugly head slightly.
He had to swallow hard and remind himself to actually answer you and remember his order.
He ignores Gojo’s knowing smirk and childish little prods at his ankles, instead focusing on his beverage of choice and listening to your voice as you take Gojo’s order. Once you’re gone is when he gripes at him.
Your voice, no matter how it sounds, is soothing and appealing to his ears, and your scent…
It’s what keeps him coming back.
All the cat hair on his clothes is worth it if he gets to keep seeing you.
You can say he’s a bit addicted to ya.
Eventually he manages to get your number and he noticed how every time he came, you were always his server, not that he’s complainin.
Dates with him are fun and romantic, first going to a restaurant, then stroll in the park and getting showered in sakura blossoms, going shopping (him buying whatever you want), more meal related dates, etc. He adores seeing you happy and pampered.
But you truly haunt his nearly sleepless nights and he can’t help but touch himself to the very thought of you. But it’s never truly enough.
Nanami starts to spiral. You are a human and he is a creature of lust.
His safety and or your safety could be compromised and with that in mind, he begins to back off.
And just as things were going so well too…
Nanami didn’t ghost you, thankfully, but he disclosed that things weren’t working out and that he’s sorry for wasting your time. But he did it on text. He just didn’t want to face you, unfortunately and he regrets it to this day
But on your side, to forget your anger and sorrows, you go to a nightclub to party and slightly drink the pain away.
But unfortunately you also saw Nanami and his friend from before there as well🤪😜.
It was tough but you ignore him just like he ignored your multitude of text messages.
Okay maybe you didn’t completely ignore him-.
You can’t help but look at him every so often and from the few glances you got to do, he looked kinda miserable, definitely agitated, and a bit ill looking..
Nanami was very much disinterested in anyone flocking his way and he immediately would send them to Gojo’s way instead, thankfully they took the bite, finding Gojo even more attractive.
But his mood sours even more when he catches wind of you.
You look gorgeous as always, especially in your fit (it’s something he bought you) and he wanted nothing more than to go over to you and sweep you up off your feet (and other things~).
But he doesn’t. All he does is keep his watchful gaze on you, making sure you’re okay and because well… He wants you!
Anyone that comes near you with obvious intentions to woo you his jaw and fists would clench slightly. But again, he doesn’t get up from his seat.
Nanami was… Content to stay in his place. But that was until Gojo thought it’d be a funny idea to make his way to you, pushing pass his little harem.
Although you have your heart set on Nanami, you can’t deny that his friend isn’t gorgeous.
You bet those eyes of his gets him all that he wants with some trouble on the side.
You didn’t move away when his arm came around you, and you let him guide you to a more less crowded area, soon swaying with you as 2 On by Tinashe and SchoolBoy Q booms in the background.
If you hadn’t been pursued by Nanami you definitely would’ve let yourself be caught up with Mr. Troublemaker.
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“Heyy~! So, I know you were caught up with Nanamin and all that, but if you’re free…” He puts his lips near your ear, hands sliding towards your hips and gripping them slightly. “I’d love to get to know you better~.”
Your throat bob and just as you’re about to sink into temptation-.
“That’s quite enough, Satoru.”
“Kento…,” you breathed out.
- Gojo didn’t even put up a fight, just took his hands off you with a knowing smile and let Nanami take you away from him.
- Nanami was pissed. Fuming.
- He didn’t appreciate Gojo approaching you like that. The nerve of him!
- His grip is a little tight on you, but you’re okay with it. Until you remember that you’re supposed to be mad at him.
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“Now, hold on a second! Who the hell do you think you are?? I was about to get some good dick and you ruined it!” you spat.
Nanami scoffs lightly, letting your hand go. “Oh, please, you can do so much better,” he replies, defeat coating his words.
“Oh god, are you gonna be corny and say that you’re better? ‘Cause clearly you weren’t.”
Despite the hurt, he knew you had a point. He failed as a partner.
“As much as I want to, I know that I failed in that regard. I’m sorry, (y/n).”
You hate how much of a kicked puppy he looks. You sigh. “Ken… What even happened? I think I deserve to know the truth.”
Nanami swallows and as much as he wants to tell you the truth, he can’t. Too much is at risk.
“It’s because he’s an incubus, Sweetheart~.”
“Huh!?” “Satoru!?”
Both of you were flabbergasted and Nanami was three seconds away from throttling Gojo.
“Nanami, I’m tired of watching you brood and nearly kill yourself because of your fears,” Gojo explains, his playfulness gone with the wind.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve just possibly done??”
Gojo goes back to looking carefree. “Call it a gut feeling~! Now why don’t you two get outta here? Oh! And use protection~!”
Nanami fumbles through his thoughts on what to say, feeling as though he’s going to either short circuit or burst from rage. But in the end he sighs a contained breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, slightly cursing Gojo under his breath, but also feeling a tickle of guilt. He was being selfish with not taking care of himself..
He comes back to his senses when he feels you touch his arm.
“Alright… Is this true or are we really actin like clowns at the circus? If so I’ll need some more alcohol.”
“It’s true, as cliche as that sounds. I didn’t want to tell you in fear that you could maybe get in danger or I could be.”
“… Holy shit. Well I’m glad it’s nothing ridiculous or painful! But hey! I can live one of my child/teenhood fantasies by being in a relationship with a supernatural person!”
Nanami blinks at you for a good second, face perplexed before it eventually softens and he starts laughing lightly with disbelief, taking your hand into his.
When you squeeze his back eagerly he knows he has to thank Gojo for his part in all this.
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112 notes · View notes
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Summary: Marko makes you dinner sometimes.
Brought to you by; my personal philosophy on how much immortality would fucking suck, how much I want to bone the lost boys, and how much I love Italian food, although I like lobster ravioli with vodka sauce way more than stuffed shells u guys it's literally perfect. Also I decided to write a full fic for once lmao 🤪🤪🤪
Warnings: very brief mention of police brutality but the cops die lol, some mentions of sexual content, cursing, drug mentions, general violence, unedited ramblings of a madwoman who's procrastinating finishing the third draft of her novel.
Black reader, mention of reader wearing a bonnet and earrings, and having locs!! But I don't Think any specific gender stuff. ***Non-Black people are 100% allowed to read and interact btw just please don't be racist lol
Marko would cook you Italian food sometimes.
It would always come out weird, and he would only do it out of the blue.
It'd be in the middle of the night, when they'd all decided to completely raid your house because you'd worked an early shift that morning and were sleeping in entirely too late for their tastes.
They'd be clamoring and making a bunch of noise at first before they realized half an hour had passed and you were still snoring.
It was late, and they'd eaten already. They wouldn't go as far as to brush their teeth for you, but a quick swig from the now empty bottle of tequila belonging to someone at the bonfire would be enough to take away the taste of iron in their mouths.
Dwayne would buy gum every once in a while. He wanted you to feel it one day—the steel warmth of a fresh kill on your tongue melding with the taste of booze, weed, and the same damn thing on his, but he couldn't pretend there was no part of him that liked you not knowing.
None of them would if they ever decided to be honest with themselves about it.
Sometimes it was nice to hear you snoring.
You'd wake up, somewhere around three in the morning, you'd guess. You were still too tired to accurately read the clock on your nightstand.
You'd adjust your bonnet and step out into the living room, following the smell that'd permeated your home and made your mouth water in your dreams. You were never surprised to see them.
You'd say they'd follow you to the ends of the earth if you ever decided to be honest with yourself.
You were surprised to see Marko, standing at your stove in your green tiled kitchen, looking at your pink non-stick pans with a scowl on his face while the rest of your boys talked about where they'd go once you woke up.
The answer to their conversation was absolutely nowhere. You were still wearing the bamboo hoop earrings you'd forgotten to take off the night before and rubbing at the indents they'd left in your neck, shuddering every time you'd brush against the scars and bruises they'd left on you simply because you'd begged for it so nicely.
There wasn't a chance you'd step out of the house until Monday morning. Every shift made you wonder if you should just ask.
For their lives, or lack thereof, for their blood, for forever with them in the same town doing the same things until the sun exploded and you'd die with the people you'd grow to see as prey.
Every time you thought about it—Eternity—it was too much. Too big. Way too big a thought for three in the morning.
"Hey Doll," David drawled. You'd mumble out a hello back, a sly smile on your face as you shuffled towards him wrapping your arms around him—partially because the cool leather of his jacket and his big arms wrapped around you felt nice, but mostly because you were tired of supporting your own weight.
Paul was on you in a second, kissing whatever skin he could reach from his awkward position before you turned your head to make out with him, drowsy and horny and happy to be touched.
"Baby," he'd pout after you'd pull back, "you said we'd hang on the boardwalk tonight. That band you like is playing."
You scowl even then, "I like them, but not enough to go out after a twelve hour shift. You guys can go—" your words were cut off by an obnoxiously loud yawn, "—see them if you want, I'm off for the weekend thank god, I'll be here tomorrow."
Dwayne would come up to you then, rubbing your back and pushing a loc that had somehow escaped your bonnet back in place. He'd be frowning. He'd never get used to seeing you tired, or hungry, or thirsty, or anything near the realm of unhappy if he was honest.
He'd never tell you to quit though. He'd just imply it. And maybe imply how fun it would be to commit arson again to his men.
You'd jump a bit in David's arms when the incredibly kitsch Garfield kitchen timer you'd begged them to buy you with money they stole from someone that only a small part of you hoped was still alive. You regretted getting it often, but not often enough.
Marko reached to grab the dish with his bare hands and you had to yell to remind him to put on gloves. Even in your sleep-deprived state you were shocked he'd actually listened.
Soon you were being ushered to your couch, the still on tv in your living room playing nothing but static. You needled through your collection of tapes for all of two seconds before you picked up the first thing that looked like it'd be some decent background noise, shoving into your VCR and opening your eyes for long enough to watch that look they all got in their eyes when you turned on the tv.
You think David had seen one growing up, he'd mention he'd been around since sometime in the fifties, but from the way he described his child you were sure he hadn't owned one.
Dwayne, you think, worried a lot about it. He was the second oldest out of all of them and he'd seen things that you were sure you couldn't imagine, he'd been around since before this country was stolen and he'd lived through hells you wish you could erase from his mind but the cast of light from the screen on his face illuminated that glimmer of wonder and fear in his eyes. You hoped one day he'd tell you what he was afraid of.
Paul looked like a kid in a candy store nearly every second of every day. All you had to day was smile at him or lift up your top and he'd start giggling like a school girl. He quieted whenever you put on a movie on. He'd lift up his arm like he expected you'd always be there to take up the space next to him, and he'd go back and forth from staring at you and the tv like he wanted something he couldn't have. You didn't think he'd had many moments nowadays where he couldn't get what he wanted. If his smile didn't look so fake, you'd think maybe it'd be good for him.
Marko was old. You didn't think so at first, no one would. He had a baby face that would've gotten him carded at every event you went to if it wasn't for mind control and he acted on impulse more than any person or animal you'd ever met. There were wild, rabid squirrels that acted with more caution, thought, and patience than Marko. But he was old. He'd never told you how old, but you could see it. It hadn't taken long.
He'd always walk on the side of you closest to the road, he'd hold open every door, and he'd never let you pay for your own drinks, food, stuffed animals, arcade games—he'd practically jumped a carnie once to get you a stuffed animal that slept next to you in bed every night since then.
But they all did that, sometimes to a less dramatic extent, but it wasn't anything new.
You knew Marko was old when he stared at a stamp with the Mona Lisa on it and smiled, turning to you and saying something in Italian before wincing to himself and shaking his head. He refused to tell you what it was he said and dragged you over to go pick out a bracelet for him to shoplift for you.
You knew he was old when he stared at the water on the beach and told you how much he hates how murky it is here.
"I wouldn't have left if I'd known the water would look the same," he'd said.
He had told you when you'd asked that he meant Italy. He wouldn't answer when you asked him when.
Marko never looked at the tv much. You hoped it was because he didn't care, but you knew he'd never tell you.
You'd shoved half of a stuffed shell into your face, thankful you'd had ricotta and even more thankful they'd used the ground pork you'd started defrosting that morning, you wouldn't have had it in you to use it until next Sunday, probably.
"How is it, sweet cheeks?" He'd called you cocoa powder, chocolate cake, cocoa butter, and all other variants of food related nicknames a good three days into knowing you. It took a long conversation about race with you and Dwayne to get him to stop, and he'd settled for sweet cheeks. You wondered how he could go so long without realizing how bad things had been. You'd never seen him look more angry than when you'd talked about all the times the Santa Carla police department had followed you, threatened you, hit you, called you out your name. They all had, but he'd looked surprised first and foremost. He swore on that day when he'd come back with blood trailing down his face and emptied a bag full of police badges on to the ground in front of where you stood that he'd never eat a black person from that day forward.
"Reparations." He'd smiled. It was all red-stained teeth.
There wasn't much of you that felt bad.
"It's perfect," you said through a second mouthful of pasta. It wasn't, it needed salt, the shells were just a bit too undercooked, and there wasn't enough oregano for your tastes, but that didn't mean it wasn't heavenly.
He'd made it. He'd made it for you, because he'd wanted to. And you were tired, and a little tipsy from the glass of moscato someone had slid in your hand sometime after you'd climbed onto Paul's lap. It could've tasted like wet cardboard, you would've been thrilled regardless.
"Where'd you learn to cook like that?" You asked.
You were just coherent enough to see that sad look on Paul's face make it's way into Marko's. His big doe eyes creasing at the corners.
'He'll never get crows feet,' you thought, 'probably wouldn't if he was human either.'
You knew there was no answer coming, so you turned your attention to the little boy from the never ending story hiding out in his attic and beginning to read his book.
"Rome." He whispered.
You didn't think you were supposed to hear him, even though you were sure he saw you freeze after he'd said it.
You looked at him from the other side of your small, dingy couch you'd forced them to help you move, check for bedbugs, and reupholster—as a fun bonding activity, of course.
There was a blood stain on the fabric that hadn't come out somewhere on the underside. It was such a pretty green you'd felt bad using hydrogen peroxide, so, you pretended.
Just like you'd pretend Marko wasn't looking at you like you were perfect. Like if he could he'd tattoo every forehead wrinkle, every breath you took, every pimple, split end, and scar into his brain.
Like you pretend he didn't ever look at you and wonder what life was like.
You beamed at him, and took another bite of the pasta, watching as his eyes shifted and he became your Marko again. The animal who wanted nothing more than to keep you safe, and fed, and on his cock. Or his fingers, or tongue, whatever kept you distracted for long enough to not notice how little of him was left.
How many times had David lied to you and told you how thrilling existing without any attachments was? How many times had Dwayne offered you his jacket and whispered something under his breath about how you wouldn't be needing it forever? How many times had Paul pouted and teased you when you'd told him you needed to pace yourself after he'd tossed back his thirtieth shot?
How many times would Marko recreate a recipe his Nonna probably taught him and pretend the years he'd spent traveling the world made up for the fact that he'd never gotten a chance to see her again?
You cringed when you heard the little boy screaming as his horse drowned in tar, scrambling for the remote and sighing with relief when David started fast-forwarding through the scene, like he always did.
One day you'd ask them. If they actually did think it was worth it.
Maybe one day they'd be honest with themselves. Maybe one day they'd let themselves mourn.
That day would come long after you'd mourned for them. Probably not too long after you'd start to mourn with them.
But that day was nowhere close to right now. Right now you'd finish your pasta and use the two hours left before sunrise to make out with them.
You promised yourself at least once every week that you'd talk about these moments forever.
No matter how much it may hurt to talk about.
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celestie0 · 5 months
Do you have any favourite random traits you've assigned to kickoff gojo (or any other kickoff character) ?? Or like random funny moments that arent in the story that you thought up?? I like doing this for my fics and ocs, was just wondering if you have anything like that too??!
(Hope you're doing well and not overworking yourself btw!!)
HIII my love im so sorry i answer this so late 😭 i did have a bunch of little traits i kept in my notes app that i collected gradually but i lost access to those notes recently 💀 otherwise i wouldve done rly well in answering this question 🤣 but yes foshooo i do
for kickoff gojo specifically, i have a random one where he likes to wear really stupid underwear (i mean we know he has worn spongebob underwear lmfaooo) but just really ridiculous shit like one that says “choking hazard 🤪” over his dick or underwear w john cena’s “are u sure about that 🤨” memeface all over it just cuz it gets a rise out of his teammates whenever they’re changing in the locker rooms n he’s just waltzing around in his tighty whities w red hearts across em like “yo has anyone seen my other shoe” LMFAO
hmm for other kickoff characters, i believe i’ve hc this before but even though geto is gojo’s best friend (in kickoff au they’ve been friends since i wanna say middle school) i think gojo n choso are the ones that get into the most shit together and they’re the ones that coach yaga is constantly losing years off of his lifespan for LMFAO mostly cuz choso is the only one that actually gives gojo the reactions hes looking for w all his stupid shenanigans 💀💀
these are a couple i can think of rn LOL i could probably think up a million more tbh it’s sm fun to speculate these things 🤣 but i hope it answers well!! n its so cool to know you do similarly for your characters as well :”) idk if it’s weird to say this but i almost feel like it helps me bond w them n write better for them?? there’s definitely some creative merit to it
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psychewritesbs · 9 months
What do you think that made Jujutsu Kaisen different from any other shounen? Also, why do you think that most people said it's overated? I don't mean anything negative, just want to know your opinions on this. Thanks to you I started JJK manga and anime, and I love it (sorry as a new fan, at first I hesitate because of the negative stigmas that I found on fandom about this series).....
Also, why do you think that Gojo is a popular character?
First of all... I'm SORRY! I've literally been writing an answer to you for like for ever and ever 😭
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It's just that I've been thinking long and hard about your ask because how do I objectively gush about what makes jjk amazing, when all sense of objectivity and normalcy walked out the door in 2020?
So I'll start by saying FUCKYES I don't know what fandom you found me through, but I LOVE hearing that you decided to give jjk a shot despite what other people might say about it. Most especially if you found that you love it.
I think that, for all of its flaws, jjk is still a wonderful story exploring deep truths about the human condition.
So I'm going to glaze on jjk like there's no tomorrow under the cut'o!
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Regarding the idea that most people think it's overrated: It's really simple... jjk is a very multilayered niche story.
By multilayered I mean that everything from a meathead battle shonen fan, to a brainiac "intellectual" who doesn't care for the battles that much, and everyone in between, will find something that they can enjoy in jjk.
✅ Canon/headcanon romance ✅ Battles ✅ Existentialism ✅ Amazing characters ✅ Spirituality and esoteric concepts ✅ Power scaling
The problem is that jjk is so mainstream because of this mass appeal, that it could never live up to everyone's expectations, nor it should. That is not to mention that the more popular it becomes, the more people who are simply not going to like jjk it will reach.
In the end, jjk is at its core a niche story published in a shonen magazine, catering to a very specific audience.
To me, for every person saying jjk is overrated, there's 9 people who love it. And maybe I can't back up my totally made up statistic with facts, but jjk wouldn't have 90 million copies in circulation if most people thought it is overrated--they just happen to be the loudest and I can't wait for them to stfu lol.
So that's really it. jjk is so popular that it has gotten the attention of people who aren't going to like it for whatever reason they might have. Sometimes it's simply personal taste, and sometimes it's them missing the point. These are the people calling jjk overrated.
How do I know? Because when I heard all of the hype surrounding csm and how it was the second coming of manga Christ, I decided to read it and found it to be incredibly overrated. That doesn't make csm objectively bad, btw, it just mean I personally don't care for Fujimoto's writing or art.
What makes jjk different from other shonen?
What I want to say is that I'm wondering if there is an objective measure for what makes jjk different. I think the obvious answer is that jjk has successfully subverted tropes time and time again. But I think it actually goes much deeper than that.
I am not sure that I speak for everyone. But... like would I be me if I didn't turn this answer into an exploration of depth? It's just that for those of us who feel jjk in our bones and don't see it as yet another basic shonen story... I feel like jjk speaks deeply to our humanity.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, stories are carriers of subjective truth and experience. And jjk is moving and shaking the collective psyche because of what it's saying about our shared humanity.
The basic shonen recipe
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The thing is that I started watching Jujutsu Kaisen because I had an expectation that a shonen story had a good chance of catching my attention.
I've seen a lot of anime, and a lot shonen anime to be more specific. So I went in assuming jjk would follow a specific recipe.
Light haired, yang/Sun archetype, happy go lucky with a single-minded determination to achieve something shonen mc who goes on a hero's journey, learns about himself, and powers up as a result of his journey...
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Bonus points if he has a demon inside of him and joins a tight knit 3-man squad made up by dynamic personalities that is mentored by the strongest teacher.
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That said, it is the way Gege has explored every single one of these tropes that has made jjk unique in my eyes. I particularly love that there is a certain intentionality to how jjk's characters express typical shonen character traits outside of the way the recipe is usually followed...
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The result is the same... but the means and the journey in jjk are explored through an existential and psychological lens that is very grounded in our humanity (aka relatable).
I think more than being a battle shonen, jjk is an exploration of the sense of self first and foremost.
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In that sense, jjk is an exploration on how the sense of self is shaped. Like the panel above setting the stage for one of the main themes in jjk: how facing the existential fear of death shapes the sense of self.
So to me jjk is intentional about asking deep questions about life, and telling stories about characters who ask the same questions and how they go about finding answers.
As such, jjk asks that we question the very foundation of our identity as we come face to face with how our expectations haven't matched up to the reality of the world around us...
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Similarly, jjk asks that we consider the difference between choosing a life worth living true to what truly matters to us...
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...and realizing a little bit too late that what we thought mattered was not as important...
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jjk is saying there are consequences to your actions and face them you must even if it all feels bleak...
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And to me, that's because Gege understands people on a very deep level. To the point that if you're a jjk fan and you feel moved by any of its characters, they move you deeply.
A lot of this is in the subtext, of course, so not everyone can understand these themes on an intellectual level, nor do they care for. And it doesn't matter if they do or not because jjk still shakes and moves so many people to the point that you have people who make a sport out of hating on it and spend hours complaining about it... like who has that much energy to focus on something they don't like 😭?
Anyway... if I had to say one thing that makes jjk unique, it is how it story tells--which is ironically the main complaint people have about it. Again... it's a niche story that has mass appeal.
I love Gege's writing because to me it isn't about his technical skill, but his vision and the topics he explores. As someone who's been consuming animanga for 25+ years, an author with a unique writing style and an interesting premise doesn't come often. Gege is that author for me.
Anyways... Gege probably didn't even think of any of that...
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jjk is just another battle shonen.
About why people love Gojo
Honestly? I'm the wrong person to ask 😂. I haven't a clue. Maybe because he's a cute bishoen? And also the strongest?
No clue lol. Anyone want to chime in with why they love Gojo?
But I fully agree with this and saved it just for you lol 👇🏼
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Thanks for dropping by anon! :)
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warm-starlight · 11 months
Eruuris forgot Levi said to Erwin "you make me feel SICK"
(talking about erwin) "It's pointless to expect a HUMAN ANSWER OUT OF THIS GUY. Don't you know that, Four-Eyes?"
"I knew you'd probably be acting all sentimental since it's this damp out. You wanted me to let some drop-outs see your PATHETIC FACE looking like that?"
"How interesting. Your kids won't be cute for sure."(he said erwin was ugly) 😂
"The survey corps's strategy here is nothing more than a gamble, anyway just like everything YOU COME UP WITH AFTER ALL"
"Give up on your dreams and DIE" 🤪
Right? If we took everything he said at face value then he hates Everyone.
But Hange (his translator btw and the only one who happens to understand him) said he doesn't Mean what he says, even when it comes out as rude.
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
(Not really an ask so sorry for that)
There is one thing about you that I like as much as your writing skills and that is the fact you activley engage with us. I know some people don't know boundaries and some others are annoying or disgusting but i just love seeing you answering so long Texts from some anons with genuin interesst and I think it's beautiful. There are not many authors that do that in fear of some trolls and so on, which I can understand and I don't blame them. I just like seeing this and wanted to mention it.
(Btw. I was the one fighting on the toilet. I won.)
Oh yeah it’s kind of fun for me. Anyway with nonnies that rehash topics I said I wanted the end of I have become better with deleting those asks although it is irritating that I have to say things multiple times in certain occasions to get people to stop doing something (one day I’ll snap and start cussing people out 😭). I think it’s hard to understand from the other side but from my side, I get so many asks and when many of them that are in the inbox are things I said I don’t wanna talk about anymore it becomes overwhelming to see then pile up in between regular asks
But I also don’t believe that just because some people want to harp on something and tire me out that means that all other nonnies should suffer and it’s a selfish act I would way because I like reading people talk about my work 🤪
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444m777 · 3 months
I received Dancing The Dream in the mail today and I’m halfway through reading it… man, I feel so privileged to be reading his thoughts and poetries like this. I remember only knowing about his biography book Moonwalk but they rarely mention Dancing The Dream. I wonder why? It was published the year I was born so it feels like a little gift😌
I love his thoughts on spirituality and magic. I wish we could’ve learned more from him on his thoughts on numerology and astrology as well (two of my favorite subjects). Like, why hasn’t anyone interviewed him about stuff like this? Or am I not looking hard enough🤔 He was very particular about symbology and (deeper) meanings in his art but he also applied it to himself for personal development and you only catch a glimpse of that here and there in books/interviews/his writings but then the focus goes right back to “who are you sleeping with?” or “how do you write a song?” Mind you, I’m satisfied with the answer he gave on the latter (and the former lol 🤪 I don’t need to know his business like that haha). I just find it strange how people constantly wanted him to say more. It wasn’t enough. Like, the man said it came from God, (his) children being his muses, magic, wonder etc. NEXT QUESTION! Gosh! Can we ask some deep thought provoking questions instead? I mean no one bothered to ask WHY he felt it came from them. They just wanted something more tangible or something they could “sell”. I guess you can’t really sell God and spirituality when the artist in question had ‘secular’ music and grabbed his crotch lmao. But the press/people wanted “secular” answers but put some respect on my man’s name and LET IT GO as he did when he talked about his formula for writing songs.
Yes, I know he was very religious growing up but in Shmuley’s book Michael revealed he always questioned the church, religion in general… and he was just a very deep spiritual person from the jump, adopting (spiritual) teachings and using his own inner knowing to create a spiritually rich life (especially after having left Jehovah’s Witness church much against his wishes as he truly enjoyed connecting with and to a higher power—in community with others as the church fostered fellowship in a time where it was hard(er) to make friends and have genuine relationships of any kind). So, I feel we can’t use the “excuse” of him being Jehovah’s Witness when he wasn’t anymore for a very long time and considered himself to be more spiritual. I feel he would’ve been more open to talking about astrology etc. regardless if he read up on it or practiced it (astrology isn’t something you believe in… it’s more of a tool/language. I giggle when people say they don’t believe in it—which is fine btw but it’s not really a belief system but I digress…). He was a great conversationalist so I know he’d have some interesting thoughts to share. Who knows… more and more people are speaking out because of the biopic coming out next year. Maybe we’ll hear something in regards to that😊
I’ve looked into his natal, numerology and human design chart and it’s really fascinating. I truly feel I learn something new about him every time. In a way it feels like little Easter eggs😋 left behind for me (and others) because I’m passionate about personal development, human psyche, spirituality (and woo-woo) stuff too. There’s a reason for my blog name it has to do with numerology and his usage of the numbers 777 in his art/clothing. I’ll make another post about it with more detail soon.
Hugs and Heehees💫
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smute · 1 year
the ios app is such a disaster honestly. idk how many posts ive made on here complaining about the performance and overheating issues but i do know that ive tried to tell @staff about them multiple times, both through apple's report an issue thingy in the app store and directly via the tumblr support page. ive been through every troubleshooting step. i cant even tell you how often i reinstalled the app. i have tested it on wifi and cellular, with 5g on and 5g off. its always the same thing. the app draws insane amounts of power whenever it is active/open, even when im not scrolling, and my phone gets warmer and warmer until it eventually shuts down with a temperature warning or gets too hot to hold in my hand
a couple weeks ago i actually upgraded to a new phone (for context: my previous one was only 2 years old, not some ancient underpowered thing, and apart from tumblr i NEVER noticed any performance/temperature issues so i wasn't really looking for an upgrade, i just got a really good offer from my carrier). the tumblr app also makes my (older) ipad overheat, so i already knew that the problem here wasn't a particular device, but given the chance i was ofc curious to see if things would improve with a newer one. they didn't 🤪
anyway i conducted a little informal experiment with the new phone to figure out exactly how bad the problem is. didn't even install the tumblr app when i first set it up, just to see how the phone would perform without buggy software (the answer is really well)
under normal usage the battery lasts for at least two fucking days. texting, playing music, surfing, fucking reading ebooks, watching youtube videos, we're talking like close to 30 hours of screen time on a single charge. SCREEN time, not standby.
on saturday morning, while using the tumblr app (and only the tumblr app), i went from 90% to 50% in TWO AND A HALF HOURS. that is insane.
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like not only is it super uncomfortable to hold a piping hot thing made of glass and metal in your hands, im also genuinely concerned about the health of my battery lmao
until a few months ago i had NEVER encountered this problem, not even on my old iphone 8 that sometimes struggled with other apps as well. tumblr always worked fine. idk what they changed or which weird new feature that nobody asked for is responsible for this but something is drawing power like CRAZY and literally FRYING MY HARDWARE.
honestly its like the world's shittiest screen time reminder lmao. after 30 minutes the temperature starts to get uncomfortable and after an hour i literally have to take a break, close the app for 5 minutes and let my phone cool off. WHICH IT DOES BTW. like almost INSTANTLY. idk what else to say except that this seems to be a feature not a bug. in the sense that it happens no matter what i do
lmao sorry this turned into such a long rant. like i said, i already messaged tumblr support about it but this has been going on for months at this point and i am P I S S E D
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softpine · 2 years
i mean, elaine was also there when that women committed suicide. and obviously jada is affected the most by her mother’s death (and not preventing that other women’s death), but they all saw her mom die in a car crash at a very young age iirc. now, i know this is a story where we have characters who see dead ppl all the time, but like damn.
i get what anon meant kinda, so don’t wanna claim they said that in bad faith. nor do a wanna pit the gangs traumas against each other. but also idk the phrasing “she doesn’t have anything bad going on” is weird/lacks depth to me; yes elaine is the most immature and she’s been through less, but also she’s still impacted like everyone else from the shit she’s been through. if anything i’d argue she’s partly like that not from innocence but because of trauma.
like part of her and stevie’s friendship is built on the trauma that they probably feel like no one else will understand besides the 4 of them. so while i don’t agree with her, i understand why she said stevie is her problem.
and i’m saying this a someone whose least favorite character in the gang is probably elaine, and who agreed with austin through 90% of that argument until the end. also, i repeat, i’m not trying to bicker with anon as a fellow frozen pines enjoyer 🤝 i hope i didn’t misread yours or anon’s points.
tldr; idrc that that anon doesn’t like elaine, but yeah their reasoning could’ve been way better (also u don’t have to post this if u rather move on from the convo)
okay yeah i have to answer this because i 100% agree. me when i have no trauma 🤪
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originally i had written a paragraph about how the bar for being considered "traumatized" in frozen pines is extremely high by comparison, so even though she isn't being re-traumatized every day, she's still been through hardships. if we plopped her in an ordinary teen story, elaine might actually be the one who has seen the most shit. but i erased it because.. idk. it feels icky to say that there's a certain amount of trauma a person must experience before they're allowed to act a certain way / be forgiven for the way they act. but let's talk about it, because you're exactly right that part of the way elaine acts is a trauma response.
there was a huge time skip after aileen died, so we don't know exactly how elaine dealt with the aftermath, but we do know this:
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elaine's only goal was to cheer jada up, so she didn't get into her own feelings about aileen's death, she just wanted jada to know that she's not the only one haunted by the memory. their friend group is bonded by this memory that no one else understands – hell, even the girls don't understand what happened that day. only asa knows the truth. so they're bonded in uncertainty too.
when austin fails to show up to a date on time, elaine thinks: "What if he got in an accident? Did he forget his seatbelt again? Oh, God, I told him! He’s dying in a ditch somewhere and I’m sitting here all annoyed at him!" and when she visits austin's house for the first time, she realizes he lives right next to the train tracks where aileen died, and thinks, "I wish he didn’t live so close to the train…" (btw he lives VERY close to the train, so elaine has to hear it outside his window every time she spends the night)
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it's been years, but aileen's death is still at the forefront of elaine's mind. it also shows that she turns that trauma into worry for other people. we've never seen her worry about her own safety in this way, even after she starts driving.
after she witnesses the woman die from jumping off the bridge, austin gives her a bunch of advice for how to survive a big fall, which comforts her a lot, but she's horrified to learn that austin has also jumped off that bridge for fun. it's one of the only times we've seen her be truly pissed off, and it's because the fear of losing austin in that way terrifies her. she can't believe he's being so casual about it (and cocky, honestly. he says: "It was sick. I didn't break anything. [...] You could do it too if you practiced.") again, elaine doesn't find it distressing to imagine herself in a dangerous situation, but as soon as she imagines someone she cares about doing it, she panics.
no doubt about it, elaine lacks awareness when talking about gruesome deaths with other people. while stevie makes jokes about her trauma, jada avoids the subject like the plague, asa channels his trauma into helping ghosts... elaine overshares and downplays death. she's interested in true crime because she's already seen the horrors of death and now she just wants to understand the why and how of it (she even says: "Death isn't so scary when you understand the science behind it.") she doesn't believe in religion, she's not spiritual, and she doesn't believe in ghosts. all she can do is cling onto the physical effects of dying and everything that she can learn from it. the way she's able to cope with the things she's seen is by treating it like something that happened to someone else, far away from her. can this be insensitive? yes, absolutely. but this is something she can definitely learn from and change. again, she's only 17... she's gonna have some wacky views about mortality.
so that's what we know so far about elaine's trauma and how it changes her behavior. but without spoiling anything.... in a short time, you're about to see the effects of her trauma in a big way, so it's good to put this out as a refresher!
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