444m777 · 1 day
This one is very near and dear to my heart. I almost did not want to publish this but I’d be kicking myself in the butt later down the line if I didn’t do it. This is my second MJfanfic. The first one I wrote by hand when I was 16 and 16 years later I’m back😌 (older and less cringe hahahah, I think). Anyways… enjoy!
Waterfall Chapter 1: Mr. Brown is out
What happens when Michael journeys to a place where no one really knows who he is. Is that even possible? Desperate for some time away yet desperate for the company his getaway provides. How long can he assume his new identity before it all comes crashing down.
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444m777 · 4 days
literally in bed in tears…
my bf went out to get us breakfast and I was texting him and he asked me if I heard the news and he’s sorry and I was like huh? He told me Tito passed away.
Tito!?! TITOOOOO!? This feels like a sick joke. My heart goes out to his sons especially Taj who’s been working tirelessly on the Righting HIStory documentary for his Uncle Michael. He explained on the MJ birthday livestream how he struggled with not being able to hear Michael’s voice anymore and how that took a toll on him. Dealing with people on the internet who are being willfully and purposely obtuse and trying to get a rise out of him. He was very emotional throughout the whole thing and it sucks! You’re trying to create something for your Uncle who was severely and criminally misunderstood and boom your father now suddenly passes away. Life can be so cruel😞
My heart goes out to Ms Katherine. Lord/Universe/Nature/And the powers that be PLEASE don’t take anyone else from this family. Please! I wish them not only strength but also comfort during these times. My heart goes out to Jackie being the eldest brother. My heart goes out to Rebbie being the eldest sibling. I’m just really shocked. This was not how I wanted to spend my day off 🙁 especially since I told that lady yesterday that I really hope I can see the Jacksons live in the US perhaps.
Tito to me felt very grounded/rock-like and the time and energy he dedicated to his sons 3T is admirable. Seeing him make music with Austin Brown (Rebbie’s son) whom I like very much, I’m just really sad.
His last instagram post was about him being at his brother’s memorial in Munich which was really sweet. To think days later he’d be meeting and greeting his brother again… I truly believe in my heart that they’re reunited.
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Rest in power Toriano Adaryll "Tito" Jackson🌹
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444m777 · 4 days
Tito Jackson who rose to fame as a member of ‘The Jackson 5’ has sadly passed away at 70 years old.
Rest in peace 🙏
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444m777 · 5 days
Currently screaming on the inside. I’m at work and blasting MJ/Jacksons music and this lady walked in dancing and she told me she saw The Jacksons live last week and I’m so jelly because they’re not coming to Amsterdam/The Netherlands and she showed me videos and I asked her if I could film it and she said to give her my number so she can send me the videos of the show🤩 so then she bought a bunch of stuff in the store and we were singing and dancing together. My heart is so fullll! She said she missed Michael a lot🥹 love meeting MJ/Jacksons fans in the wild haha
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444m777 · 5 days
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MJ Crystal Photo Series — 9/♾️
Purple Tourmaline also known as Siberite exhibits a range of color variations. According to Purple Tourmaline folklore, this stone is believed to possess a powerful, protective energy that guards against negative influences and misfortune. It is also said to be a stone where peace and serenity lies because it helps you to detach from external views/judgment. I like to think that with Michael’s growing interest in the power of positive thinking and blocking of negative words/influences he embodied the metaphysical properties of this stone in particular during times of his life where people/society remained intensely judgmental of him.
Michael collected rocks and gemstones. It’s something I found out this year and made me want to do this series because I collect and use crystals myself for over 9 years now. Two things I enjoy wrapped in one, MJ and crystals.
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444m777 · 8 days
The last 4 pictures really drive home the things I’ve been reading up about Michael and his unwavering love for nature/the planet. It’s such a nice juxtaposition to the kind of person he was (the first 5 pics) and who he truly was whenever he wasn’t working/performing. Just a regular degular dude with a big heart for children/people and the planet.
While consulting with Deepak Chopra about writing a song he said that the song had to do with the spiritual relationship with nature, it just makes these last pics feel like I could see the song. Yes, Michael had Earth Song but this wasn’t the song he consulted Chopra for…. The song just never happened because he passed. But just by looking at younger him revel in the spirit of being physically in nature and his eternal gratitude for this floating rock really depicts how sensitive he was. Not just feeling empathy/pain for others’ suffering but the JOY he would experience as he basked in what he believed to be God’s creation. That’s something you can’t act/pretend. Michael was a tree hugger figuratively and literally.
I remember him mentioning the mannequins he had in Neverland Ranch but he made it a point to say he doesn’t talk to them like old women who talk to their plants (I talk to my plants🥴 lmao). But I’m like sir… you love plants. I know he was just trying to emphasize he doesn’t talk to the mannequins because the press would’ve had a field day. I mean him climbing a tree and siting up high in that tree and writing songs was as if he was telling people he would adopt puppies and get in his car and ride over them. As if people who love nature don’t exist. They stopped existing because Michael Jackson came into the picture somehow😒
I’ve read a LOT of old magazine interviews with Michael and JESUS CHRIST the shiiiiiiiitttttt this man has been through is severely and terribly underestimated and not talked about enough. Whenever I see comments like “the world owes Michael Jackson an apology” (and Tito has said this too not too long ago) I truly feel my bones on fire because it is true. No human should go through what he went through yet we see people wanting to underestimate his influence AND wish for the same amount of fame. Ridiculous.
Anyways… hug a tree, water your plants and even though we are really late with the awareness (and action) regarding climate change, I still rather do something about it for the future generations and those who are going to inherit the planet because it’s truly not enough (and it’s selfish) to say that “I’m not going to live that long to watch it crash and burn” but your kids and other people’s kids, PEOPLE IN GENERAL will! The real culprit isn’t actually Becky who still used a plastic straw to drink her beverage it’s these HUGE corporations and guess who doesn’t like getting called out in ANY industry/field…. The big guys but I truly gotta give it to Michael for making it a POINT to warn people about climate change, child abuse, terrible music contracts/pitfalls of the entertainment industry etc.
Michael was a highly sensitive person and it is so badass that he never let society change him for being kind, loving and caring about the planet and people who weren’t his direct/immediate family or friends.
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Michael circa 1984
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444m777 · 9 days
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444m777 · 9 days
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'I'm tired of injustice' (1995年差一點點成為你的粉絲, 如果早一點認識你,就可以愛你久一點)
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444m777 · 9 days
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444m777 · 16 days
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Really proud of myself for sticking it out with this one. I struggled with the right nostril for so long🙃 I think this is my second favorite of all the drawings I’ve done so far. This is my 9th drawing of him.
Giving myself I think till the end of the year to do like a “look back” at past drawings. Not saying I’d improve immensely by then but I’ll have more to show and I think I’ll be drawing more full body too.
My boyfriend asked me to draw the dangerous album and I looked at him like ARE YOU SMOKING ROCKS!?
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Babes I’m not even drawing faces the way actual artists start out drawing faces. Like the dangerous album is gonna look really dangerous by the time I’m done💀😂😅 but futureeeee me will definitely consider tackling that one
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444m777 · 18 days
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444m777 · 18 days
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Happy Birthday to my favorite artist EVER, Michael Jackson!
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444m777 · 18 days
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Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 #botd
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444m777 · 18 days
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I see galaxies in his eyes (另一幅怎麼畫都不順,就畫點簡單的)
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444m777 · 18 days
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444m777 · 19 days
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Currently reading this book which details the conception and journey of the 10 meter Jackson statues that popped up in various locations (during promo) for the History Era.
Also, I found out there was a statue in the Netherlands at a McDonald’s parking lot in the middle of who knows where and it got removed in April 2019. It is still in some warehouse in the Netherlands. I wonder if with the biopic coming out next year and everyone is kinda already busy putting out MJ content and writing books and creating videos, remixes and AI MJ songs, stories etc. I wonder if they’ll bring it out and place it somewhere so I can go see it :) and arrange to take it home with me
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444m777 · 19 days
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while Touring in Paris, i visited The "Grevin Museum's" gift shop, they have these cute souvenirs of Michael Jackson
"A Painting gift card with a key chain" you can buy after visiting the wax Museum 🔑 🖼
- this painting is also on the wall inside the Museum made by an artist ©️Zoulliart 💛✍️
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