#i just wish i could steal my brothers stuff as well but he is WAY too thin for that and also dresses like shit so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yuri-is-online · 1 year
Out With the Old (Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle x Yuu)
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"Look I would get rid of this thing if I could afford a new sweatshirt." You drag the offensive article of clothing over your head completely missing the spark of curiosity and mischief in your companion's eye. "I've got a lot of bad memories associated with this."
"If it's that uncomfortable we can go look for a replacement instead of-"
"Oh no not like that, it's super comfy. I just don't like it because it technically belongs to my ex."
notes: they/them used for Yuu, some questionable behavior from Floyd and Jade because who else? This is meant to be crack. Second part can be found here (x)
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He is too focused on hyperventilating because it sounds like you just admitted to a crime in front of him to even think about offering you one of his sweaters. Trey and Cater have to break it down for him unpaid therapist style that no, you are not wearing stolen property (probably), borrowing clothes is just something people in relationships often do. He then further needs it explained that no, you are not still in a relationship and since you want to get rid of the shirt it sounds like things ended poorly. His friends want to try and suggest he should give you an article of his clothing to replace the offending one but he's so focused on getting you something that matches dress code that they decide to quit while they're ahead. Literally.
Trey- "You know you can always ask us if you need help, right?"
Vil's right about Trey's tendency to fuss and spoil people being a bit of a flaw; he's in tune enough with his emotions to know that he should not, for his own sake, give you one of his old sweatshirts without being honest about why he wants you to wear it. But he can't exactly deny his instincts when it comes to the people he cares about. You're cold and uncomfortable, what sort of guy would he be if he just left you all alone? Just please don't brush this off with a comment about how much of a big brother or mother hen he is; it is already going to be pure torture trying to look at you in his things in a Queen of Hearts honoring way. He doesn't need an added complex on top of it.
Cater- "Oh honey no."
Cater doesn't like keeping stuff his exes gave him either, but luckily for him he's never been in a position where that's literally only the stuff he had on him. Speaking of things, he buys a bunch of clothes off magicam he barley has time to take the tags off of before the trend goes stale. You guys should totally ditch what you were planning to do today and have a little fashion show in his room. It'll be cute and he can get a bunch of cammable shots! Just ignore the pop music club hoodie he refuses to take back because it looks "so much cuter on you." <3
Ace- "That's extremely lame prefect."
He isn't blind; you're cute and poor. Anyone would jump at the chance to let you steal a hoodie, besides Ace isn't insecure enough to be super jealous of someone you clearly hate. He knows you well enough to tell when you are silently wishing death on someone, it's all in the vocal tone. But damn if this new bit of information doesn't make things tricky. He already makes a big fuss about not needing to focus on dating right now, and with that iconic sweatshirt of yours technically belonging to an ex it's not like he can just slide you one of his without making it super obvious what he's doing. Looks like you're just going to have to take some extra teasing for a bit prefect, it's his preferred method of cope.
Deuce- "You've been here for how long and the Headmage hasn't given you any clothes?!?!"
Deuce is a good egg whose primary concern is almost always your well being. He tends to act before his common sense and emotions can catch up with his thought process, and that's exactly what happens here. The concept of you dating someone is just so... foreign to him. Not because he thinks your undesirable! It's just that you guys are always hanging out, you not being around makes him feel a bit funny inside, and not in a good way. He doesn't mention that to his mom when he texts her asking if she has any of his old clothes laying around, but she definitely knows what's on his mind. Why else would she have sent his old delinquent jacket?
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Leona- "Well that explains why it smells like shit."
Let the record show that Leona is in fact, lying to you. Your clothes don't smell like anything other than you and maybe some of the musk floating around Ramshackle Dorm, but that doesn't stop you from pulling the fabric and taking a good sniff. To Leona, all this really suggests is that you've been over the person long enough that you don't care about keeping their scent around anymore. Sure, a tiny thought does worm it's ugly way into his inferiority complex that "oh they liked someone else" but his equally large ego immediately slams the emphasis on "liked" and starts thinking about how to get his scent on you. He doesn't really own too many jackets like the one you're wearing, but he does have some nice silk scarfs he could wrap you up in. Much classier than whatever trash you had previously been going out with.
Ruggie- "You wanna toss it my way then?"
Clothes are clothes are clothes, you don't see Ruggie acting like his uniform is still Leona's just because that's who originally bought it. If you are really bothered by the memories of your ex, he's willing to listen and make fun of them, assuming that will make you feel better, but this won't make him jealous. That emotion is reserved for when you share food with other people. He is dead serious about taking the sweatshirt if you don't want it, as far as he's concerned that shirt belongs to you, and he wouldn't mind having an excuse to blend your wardrobes a little bit. It would make you even closer to being a real member of his pack.
Jack- "You can just take mine."
Jack's strong sense of justice and firm moral code are definitely his only motivations for offering you one of his sweatshirts. Forcing a student to wear clothes they find uncomfortable and associate with negative memories just because they didn't have the foresight to pack something they did like for a school they didn't know they would be attending is beyond unfair. That's what he tells himself anyway, and it's not like he isn't upset on your behalf, but it's plain as day to anyone that he wants to prove that you can rely on him; he's not like that other person, he doesn't mind being alone together with you.
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Azul- "If your finances really are in such dire straights you know I could-"
Revealing personal information in Azul's presence is asking to be offered a deal. Sure that little complaint might have been insignificant to you, but for Azul? He's having a full blown Sherlock style breakdown going on in his head trying to decide what his angle is. 1) The prefect has dated in the past and doesn't look on that experience favorably. Does this prevent them from dating again? Needs further analysis. 2) Giving articles of clothing is an acceptable form of human courtship, even if used. Or is it especially if used? 3) Can he convince you to burn this if he gets you a replacement or is that too petty? 4) More importantly does this mean you have a type? And how does he press for that information without appearing desperate?
Jade- "Oh? Well that sounds extremely annoying."
Jade Leech is first and foremost a messy bitch who lives for other people's misery. Sure, he is reasonably certain he's in love with you at this point, but that doesn't matter. You have a story that's filled with second hand embarrassment and a bone to pick besides he is nothing if not an enthusiastic audience. The thought of you wearing clothes that he owns wasn't something he would have thought of himself, merfolk don't typically wear them so dating customs that involve them are a bit foreign to him. He would much rather just bite you. Or give you some jewelry. both he wants to do both
The instant you say that sweatshirt is from an ex he is taking off whatever shirt he is currently wearing and trying to tug off yours. Yes, even if it is his basketball jersey, and yes even if he just got back from practice. Isn't the scent supposed to be the point? He knows you miss him when he's gone, and he can get you something nicer out of his closet later. Just remember to tell everyone, even and especially if they don't ask, who gave it to you. Floyd's... nice? Enough? To not immediately burn your sweatshirt but it's up for debate if that's because he's actually being nice or if he just wants a trophy.
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jemjams02 · 6 months
Mammon Relationship Stuff :p
no gender/genitals mentioned! contains NSFW
thank u anon for making me remember I have free will and can gnaw at my enclosure while Mammon stands on the other side of the bars, visibly afraid
Mammon constantly has his hands on you. He HAS to be touching you; a hand on the hip, arm around the shoulders, hand in the back pocket, etc. If it's not his hands, it's his whole body, he'll press against you just to feel you there
Speaking of hands, Mammon's are pretty! Perfectly manicured, and with many rings on his fingers. He often gives you one of his rings to wear! An innocent gesture in your eyes, but to him, it's just practice for when he gives you your own special ring (wink wink)
He can't say no to you. You don't even have to give him any puppy-dog eyes, he'll do pretty much anything the first time you ask! He's absolutely whipped for you, and would kill someone if you asked.
If he could, he would whisk you away to a secluded place forever. He wants you all to himself! He can't help his greed, ESPECIALLY when it comes to you. Anything you're willing to give him, he'll take and take, and sometimes he just wishes you could give him and only him your attention.
Not a sharer, and will consistently invite himself to your plans (especially the ones with his brothers). He has to make sure nobody tries to steal you away!
Sex with Mammon happens almost every night, he honestly doesn't sleep very well without you bouncing on his cock for at least an hour before bed
Desperate to make you cum, whether it's in his mouth/on his face, on his cock, or inside him. He needs it, he's greedy for your pleasure, and sometimes will ignore his own hard-on to work your sex until you're crying and begging for him to fuck you properly
LOVES having you sit pretty on his cock! He loves using his demonic strength to push and pull you up and down his shaft; sometimes slow and teasing, and sometimes he bounces you on his cock with reckless abandon, loving the way you writhe and shake in his grip at his merciless pace.
LOUD LOUD LOUD this man cannot shut up once he's got you in his bed. If he's not yapping, he's moaning like a bitch in heat. You just feel so good!!! Constant streams of praise and compliments fall from his lips as you squeeze around him just right
Master of aftercare, he just needs a second to breathe. If you're up for it, he'll run a bath and soak with you for a while as he uses a warm washcloth on your more sensitive areas
Biter, absolutely a menace. Since Mammon made you his, you don't walk around without a few dozen marks on your body at any given time, it looks like you were attacked by a pack of wild dogs
Likes dressing you up all pretty for him, only to tear whatever cute lingerie/underwear he bought you to shreds. Likes seeing makeup get ruined by your tears as he makes you cum for the upteenth time, and he WILL have you wear jewelry (and only jewelry), his favorite color on you is gold, obviously
LOVES cumming inside, it fills him with a sense of satisfaction to see his cum filling you. He's claimed you, inside and out,
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duckymcdoorknob · 7 months
I literally love him sm and haven’t even met him in lore yet.
Lyney my beloved I just wanna 😘😘😘😚💋😚😚😘💋😗😙😚😙😙😙💋
I just wanna give him kissies until he’s giggly and smiley and-
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Under Lock and Key
Ships: Lyney x Gn!reader
Prompt: It’s Valentine’s Day, and your lover wants to show you just how much he adores you.
Tags: Genshin taglist .3. @ticklish-n-stuff @chrimsss
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You couldn’t help but chuckle when Lyney’s gloved hands covered your eyes. It didn’t take a genius to know that it was him… You almost immediately recognized the cologne he was fond of wearing.
“Hello, Lyney,” you cooed.
“Aww, how’dja know it was me?” the magician pouted.
“I’m a psychic! And my next prediction is that you’re going to show me something.” You heard him chuckling before sighing.
“Do you trust me, Mon Cher?” His voice was hushed, and you felt his fingers twitch a bit over your eyes.
“With my whole life, amour,” you answered.
“Stand up, and let me guide you,” Lyney demanded in that smooth voice that always left you swooning. “Let me be your eyes and close your own… I will lead you to what I wish to show you.”
His protective demand left you dizzy and breathless. Nonetheless, you rose to your feet and closed your eyes. You felt his hands leave their place over your face and take your own. Suddenly, you felt yourself being dragged forward; you gave into the momentum and trudged along.
The magician guided you through the streets by your hands. His acquaintances waved to him and he beamed back at them and you two continued along the sidewalk.
You had only been together for about four months, but you already knew that you were head over heels for him. “Soooo… where are you taking me, amour?” You inquired with a small smile.
Lyney turned around to answer, but his breath caught in his throat. The sunlight was hitting you just the right way, and you were shining in its rays.
“I- just- don’t move,” he demanded in a sheepish voice.
“Now you sound like your brother.” You chuckled once more, shaking your head
A few more seconds passed and still no words were spoken. You peeked open your eyes and were met with your lover’s blushing face. It seemed as if Lyney knew that he was already in love with you as well…
“Hey don’t open-“ The magician gaped at you as you stared at him. Your eyes glittered in the soft glow of the sunlight.
A dopey smile grew on your face as you chuckled. “What?!”
The blonde exhaled breathlessly. “I’ve truly been smiled upon by the archons. Your beauty is unmatched, Mon Ange.”
“Such a smooth talker,” you murmured, grabbing his cheeks and kissing his forehead. You stuck out your hand once more. “Now, didn’t you want to show me something?”
Lyney nodded his head and smiled, taking your hand. “Close your eyes!”
Once again, the two of you were on your way. Suddenly, you began to hear the sound of tranquil waters below. Granted, they were quite far from you, but you could steal hear the peaceful sound of trickling ripples.
“You’re not going to throw me in the lake; are you?” you asked with a chuckle.
Your love snorted and fell into a fit of the beautiful laughter you’ve always so loved to hear. “No, my rosebud, I will not throw you into the lake.” He paused and chuckled again. “But if you wish to jump together, that is a different story. How about it?”
A fond exhale from you in return gave Lyney the answer he wished.
“Okay, now you can open your eyes.”
When you fluttered your eyes open, you saw the gorgeous waters of your homeland, the court, Marcotte Station, and your beloved.
“Oh, Lyney…” you whispered, “It’s beautiful.”
“That isn’t all of it, amour.” The magician fumbled in his pocket, his fingers lacing around the objects within. “Hold out your hand.”
You obliged, feeling a cold, metal object being placed on your palm. When you looked down, your eyes locked onto a small, brown padlock, which had yours and Lyney’s initials carved into it. “A lock?”
Your lover stood closer to you, draping his arm around your waist. “It’s ours for us to lock on the fence here.”
Before you could question, he spoke again.
“I want everyone to see that we belong to one another”
Your face warmed as you gaped at him, your hand completely still, thumb grazing over the small object. “Yeah…?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”
Your hand clasped around the object as you threw your arms around Lyney. He giggled as you cradled his face and peppered kisses all over it.
Eventually, the two of you knelt down in front of the chain-link fence that oversaw the water. The magician cupped your hand as you snapped the lock into place. He pulled the key out of his pocket, handing it to you. “Just in case if-“
You didn’t even let him finish the sentence before you threw the key into the water below as hard as you could. “I will never change my mind.”
Without words, Lyney pressed your foreheads together as he smiled. “This was the best thing I could think of. I thought it might have been too early to propose to you.”
You kiss his forehead and turned back to look at the lock. “I wouldn’t have thought it was too early, dummy.”
When you turned back around, Lyney was on one knee and holding a small, velvet box. He snapped it open to reveal a shimmering ring.
“Then let’s make it official.”
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Imagine how double heartbreaking it would be for the Noodle Gang + Macaque to watch the memories of how Wukong finds and then takes the stone egg back to his hut. The Monkey King had no way of knowing what this mysterious egg is or what creature will come out of it. Yet, he loved it immediately regardless and took it in. He would keep it clean, swaddle in blankets and pillows during cold nights. Sing and talk to it, telling it "I can't wait to get to know you once you get here!" Like a parent talking to a baby still in the safety of their mother's womb.
He was so excited, and gentle. A complete juxtaposition to how Peaches thought/feared his past self to be like. Peaches only had stories to go off of, as well as the biased perceptives of his past enemies. As he "grew up" under the care of Dadsy and Papa Tang, the Monkey King seem like such a distant figure that his baby brother was obsessed with, but he personally didn't worry about. Like, yeah, folklore figures do messed up stuff but those are all legends. No big.
Even if he never admitted it out loud, he had this fear in the back of his mind. That his past self truly was bad, a monster. All the people who knew the Monkey King personally are all unreliable narrators, so that didn't help his anxiety. And perhaps, he was scared, and maybe even unwilling to gain his memories back.
Because what if he becomes that person again. And loses his identity as Peaches. He loves being Peaches. He loves his family. What if gaining back his memories means he loses that loving family?
All of this! ^
btw shout out to @soniclozdplove cus we be busting this au out in the dms
Peaches sees so many of his worries about "old him" get tackled inside the Scroll.
Because although Sun Wukong was hesitant to share his issues with others, he shared them with The Egg.
Wukong, watching the Egg: "You know I've been wondering... would you even like me if you knew who I was? I have done some stupid stuff in my life. I don't want any of that to affect you." Stone Egg: (*silent. Tiny brief pulse of magic glows from within*) Wukong, climbing up to curl around it: "You're right. I shouldn't let my past control my future. And you are my future." Wukong: (*rubs face against Egg affectionately*) Wukong: "I've been thinking about names recently. It's a big decision. The Stalwarts gave me my first, and Subodhi my second, and Macaque well... I've already told you how many he gave me-" Stone Egg: (*makes an almost annoyed "kick" of energy*) Wukong, laughing: "Ok, ok! I won't go off on a tangent like last time. Just know that *Peaches* is already taken, so you can't have it. Let's see..." Wukong, thinking hard: "There's one name I think would be perfect, but I want to run it by you first. I focused so much in trying to secure Heaven for my loved ones that I failed to see the Heaven before me... wish I had known that back then so you could have met him..." Wukong, wipes tear from eye: "So! How do you feel about Xiaotian?" Stone Egg: (*pulses happily*) Wukong, fond smile: "I knew you'd like it. My Little Heaven. I can't wait for you to get here. This world is so beautiful, I want to share every piece of it with you. Nothing matters more to me than that." Stone Egg: (*humming pulse of magic*) Wukong: "You're right, I'm getting sappy again... I love you, bud."
The Noodle fam stare wide-eyed at how the Monkey King had dubbed the Stone Egg the same name Peaches would suggest for his baby brother - the name MK was legally known by. How he treated the mystery egg as softly as one would a newborn baby.
The scene turns to the raging king ready to rip the Not-Mayor limb from limb - the Stone Egg held precariously in the Thrall's hand.
How the memory-stealing soup had been forced down the King's throat, the Monkey King distracted by the sounds of the egg's shell cracking prematurely.
And how he made good on his threats to the Thrall the second he heard the first cry of a newborn monkey.
How even with his memories failing; how he crawled over to shield the baby from the rain, cooing in-between worried calls for his long-lost friends and beloved.
Wukong, golden eyes streaked with tears: "Mihou! Please don't let me forget my Yuèhuā! Please! Yuèhuā!"
Macaque gasp at those words. To think he'd believed his mate willingly forgot him when the names he'd given him were the last on his lips?
The family sees how the Monkey King's last act of lucidity was to rip the royal cape from his back and wrap the little one in the red fabric. His golden eyes scanning the horizon for familiar souls.
When his mental slate had cleared, he immediately held the baby close and wandered for hours looking for someone in the direction his gold vision pointed him.
How the monkey demon suddenly paused on the road like a deer in literal headlights as a delivery truck hit the brakes to avoid collision. And how Peaches seemed to recognise the spirit of the driver before him...
Pigsy, getting out of truck: "The Diyu are you doing in the middle of the road, kid? You trying you get yourself killed?!" Peaches: (*scared/hopeful monkey noises*) Pigsy, expression softening as he inspects them: "Wait... are you... gods you're hurt. Do you got anywhere to go?" Peaches: (*thinks hard and looks down at baby in his arms, cooing sadly*) Pigsy, trying to hide worry: "Crap... look, I got a place nearby. You and the little guy need to get out of this rain and get some warm food into ya. Then we can figure... whatever the hell this is about." Peaches: (*hoots happily, following the pig man to the truck, limping from an earlier injury.*)
The memory ends, leaving the Scroll's explorers inside a vision of Pigsy's restaurant.
The memories of thousands of warm mornings and hugs, and meals rush past them. Bright and happy and oh so normal.
Sun Wukong fought for centuries to give young demons the chance to live amongst humans and celestials as equals. And that effort was not in vain as Peaches and MK grew to experience a rich childhood impossible for demons of the King's time.
So many happy memories are playing all around them that the Noodle Family are able to slow down and get a look at one another.
Peaches can't stop crying as he turns to his little brother, someone he'd thought he'd never even consider if he had kept his memories. Memories of a Him that he'd feared was an unfeeling monster. Regained memories showing a side of Sun Wukong that Peaches had not considered - that he had always been the sweet, shy, nerdy, family-driven monkey he was now.
And that he had loved his family from even before the start.
MK can't stop crying either as he slams into his big brother in a mortal-crushing hug. He had feared that Peaches wouldn't care for him if he could remember being the Monkey King. But now he had seen his goofy bog brother singing and caring for him long before MK had ever been born. That the song the Monkey King sang to the Stone Egg was the same one Peaches sang to MK when he was a baby.
Following after them is their parents, the two souls that raised them into the happy demons they are today. Turning to Pigsy and Tang, he asks something thats been plaguing him for a long time.
Peaches/Wukong: "Am I... can I still call you guys baba and dadsy?" Pigsy and Tang: (*pull their son closer to them, both teary-eyed*) Pigsy, looking Wukong in the face: "Kid, immortal monkey superhero or nothing, you're my son. My stubborn, brilliant, son who'd do anything for his family. I am proud to be your and your little brother's father." Tang, unintelligible blubbering: "I can't believe you still want to be ours! You're so wonderful! I thought you would have abandoned us after you learned who you were!" (*blows nose into tissue*) Peaches/Wukong, also blubbering: "I would never leave you! I love you guys so much!!"
Both sons and their fathers join together in tight hug. Not even godhood or the powers of the Underworld could tear them apart.
To the sidelines of this sweet scene is a shadow monkey feeling conflicted
Macaque hesitates. Although his heart ached from seeing how much Wukong still thought about and grieved for him, he still hurt him terribly. Peaches is a good man, why would he have anything to-
Peaches extends his hand out towards Macaque.
Peaches/Wukong, smiling in a painfully familiar way: "My beautiful Yuèhuā. I'm sorry I made you wait so long."
Macaque leaps forward to grasp the open hand in his own. The mated pair rub their faces against one another, cooing and chirping as they did as young loves without a care in the three realms. Regaining his memories did not quench the love in Peaches's heart, but set it aflame with the love Wukong had fostered for his lost mate for thousands of years.
Their relationship is not fully repaired no, but healing - and thats all they can hope for.
MK's indignant *chirp!* Interrupts the lovebirds' song. He empathetically points at the cracks in the universe, averting his gaze from the sappy pair.
So much joyous crying and hugging had taken place that they need to be reminded that there's still a world to save and a Lion's butt to kick.
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k2ntoss · 7 months
"“On your knees.” While their fingers thread through your hair, guiding you onto the floor." with Jason? 😳
guess who fell sick FROM A KFC CHICKEN PIECE!!! i'm dying but anyways first one of the nighty-night!!! omg i just love writing this stuff with jay it's just hehehe :3 here we go, my dear anon, thanks for your request. adding vigilante!reader here bc my head has ideas.
"on your knees." while their fingers thread through your hair, guiding you onto the floor.
it was usual for you to steal kisses from jason's lips whenever you walked past him and everyone around had grown used to it, soft pecks followed by a pretty smile as you carried your gear after a mission or when you walked around the training arena. it wasn't weird anymore not even for bruce because he knew that you needed each other.
this time wasn't much different besides the fact that tim and damian were fighting right in front of jason at the time you had to pass by his side, carrying a couple of knives you stood next to him and nudged his side softly, a silent sing for him to lean down so you could reach and kiss him and he did, lips softly touching yours in a sweet motion that made his younger sibblings grunt at the missing attention because they sworn they needed his opinion.
"i bet you have better things in mind to do rather than getting involved on a new discussion with them" you murmur against his lips, a small smirk when you noticed your tease working on him even if it wasn't meant to at first.
"and i bet you've never been told you speak way too much, haven't ya?" jason asks cockily, standing straight once again and looking at you with his arms crossed over his chest and you can't help but chuckle when his eyes linger for a little more on your lips before he looks back at his brothers.
"all i hear is you're in love with me, todd" your words bring a scowl to damian's face and drag a tired sigh from tim, probably a little too over the loverbirds shit you always manage to pull out of jason when you're close. of course he's not always so sweet with you but you've pulled onto his more human side and that had helped jason to feel more worthy of a lot of stuff, because you've been there to teach him that not being perfect wasn't bad.
"i hate it when you're right." he chuckles and shakes his head, leaning in to drap an arm over your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple, looking over you and taking in your figure, the way the gray suit hugged your curves before getting lost under the waist of your cargo pants made your body look even more desireable and he just smirked to himself "i wish there was a way to shut your mouth at least for a while."
if you didn't knew him you would have thought he was pissed off by your comments but the undertone of tease and mischief on his words was clear for you and you understood his intentions, even clearer when you noticed jason's eyes wandering around the cave to make sure it was just the two of you there.
"well, maybe there is" you say, as if wondering the answer but jason is quick to grab your hand and pull you upstairs and between chuckles he makes his way to the library as he looked into any other room to make sure there wasn't a chance of being caught like two horny highschoolers, but that was the fun in this all.
"yeah? what would that be?" he asks once he finds a nice spot. that chair he always picks in between all the spaces around the manor because it's comfortable and because it is the first place he kissed you "does it has anything to do with that pretty mouth of yours wrapped around my dick?"
it takes jason almost nothing to change the tone of his voice, he sits on the big chair and pulls you closer by the waist to place you on his lap just so he can capture you lips in a new kiss, this time hungrier and harsher. his hands grip onto your hips as yours claw softly on his chest, kissing him back and letting his tongue intrude into your mouth when he deepens the contact of your lips.
"here? in broad daylight?" you ask him teasingly but jason knows you couldn't care less when your hips push against his making your body grind against his "if we get caught you know we won't hear the end of it, jason." and your boyfriend knows that's true but there isn't too many people to find you both and he is 50% sure he just locked the door but that's just details.
"i don't really care and i'm sure you don't care either" he says in a low tone, looking up at you as his hands trace the outline of your figure until he squeezes your breast playfully and leans in to kiss your jaw, nibbling on the zone as if he was tasting you for the first time ever and he just got adicted to the feeling of your flushed skin.
it takes a few more heated kisses, your hips grinding against him and the sound of your heavy breathing mixed with the noise of your clothes until he pulls away with a predatory smirk as he pushes your body from his.
"on your knees." jason's voice sounds hoarse and it drives shivers down your spine because his hand touches you in a soft way as his fingers threat through your hair as his other hand pushes you by the waist to get you off his lap, the hand that is still on your head is now guiding you slowly to the floor and making you kneel between his legs.
it's not hard to do as he wants and it's even easier to lean in closer and press a playful kiss on the bulge that you can spot under his pants, the action itself makes jason's eyes darken as your fingers work undoing his belt and the buttons of his jeans, pulling down slightly with a hint of urge just to lift his shirt a little, exposing his lower abdomen and kissing a trail until your lips reach the waist of his boxers.
"you look so pretty like that, princess," he practically growls as his hand brushes your hair out of your face, a smirk playing on his lips when your eager hands pull down his underwear as your eyes remain fixed on his.
"i don't know what i'll do if you keep looking at me like that, jay" you purr and he chuckles but the sound stops as soon as it starts when you grab his hardened dick on your hand and give him the first slow stroke as you lean in to wrap your lips around the swollen tip and at the feeling of having him in your mouth you hum.
"i think i know what you'll do" jason teases, letting out a deep groan when you bob your head up and down with your tongue tracing his shaft but what drives him crazy is the way you look at him through doe eyes and the ghost of a smile on your expression as you start moving with him in your mouth.
"that's it, ma," he growls as his eyes close and his head drops back, his hand finding its way to the back of your head where it grabs a handful of your hair "feels so good to have that pretty mouth of yours taking me so damn well, such a good girl."
the sight is amazing, the way he frowns when a deep raspy sound escapes his throat when he starts pushing your head down his dick, making you gag a little when he hits the back of your throat and keeps you held there making it hard to breath, he enjoys it.
the way your hands hold onto his thighs and how you look up at him with teary eyes, your cheeks red and the sloppy sounds his cock makes as he fucks your mouth slowly but harshly makes him feel his ego grow at each helpless moan you let out.
"think i'll shut you up by fucking your throat more often," he says, voice completely low and hoarse now that he controls the movements of your head and sets the pace on his own, getting off with the way you look with your chin full of your drool and his precum, a few tear trails now painting your cheeks.
it's right then when he pulls you away from his dick, stroking himself needily as he looks at you with a wide grin that lets you know what he wants to; you sit on your knees and your eyes follow the movements of his hand around himself and you can't seem to notice when you start to bounce a little in expectation.
"just look at you, how eager you look, ma" he mumbles, his voice struggled between sighs and growls as his hand moves fast when he is about to reach his climax "bouncing like a pretty bunny... open your mouth, love."
the way he speaks and the sinful scene mixed with the sweet pet names he calls you makes everything better. as soon as you part your lips, tongue sticking out jason moves a bit closer and places the tip of his cock over your tongue and a few second later his load is being spilled inside your mouth, a little of it staining your chin when he pulls away panting.
jason is unable to take his gaze away from you as you swallow what you just got and the tension builds up again on his body just with the sight of it, he tries to hold it back and cleans your chin with his thumb in a sweet caress then moving to search for something he could use to clean himself and also you but stops as soon as you take his hand and suck his digit clean.
"what? haven't you been taught not to waste?" you ask him teasingly and his control vanishes completely at your words.
"fucking hell, you're gonna have to come here because there's no way i'll be letting you go right now"
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tcustodisart · 4 months
What are some cute moments that occur throughout the different acts that aren’t necessarily in the game but live in your head rent free?
Oh, this one is going to be a long answer, because there's a lot of squatters in my head and there's a lot to be unleashed. Let's start with this doodle with the boys playing lanceboard at camp and continue under the cut. Lots of cringe and brainrot incoming, so brace yourself.
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Act 1:
Connie is constantly bickering with Astarion over him stealing his journal. Gale suggest to cast arcane lock on it, but Connie knows it won't stop that gremlin from reading it so why bother.
This sad pile of rugs is where I imagine Connie sleeps in Act 1. Additional Astarion line: "Damn darling, you live like this?"
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During the first romance scene Connie tells Shart about his family, about how he and his brother know the city inside and out, about his parents and the tavern they run, about the trap incident. It's the most he talked to someone who wasn't his family or his crow in years. He wishes that night would never end.
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Connie sends letters to his family via Faust, he stops after entering Underdark.
Act 2:
I mentioned it before that Connie is not taking the Shadow Curse very well. He misses the sun, misses the grass, he's unable to contact his family, Shart has distanced herself from him. Karlach notices it and tries to cheer him up. They end up having long talks almost every night. That's the moment their friendship evolves from just friends to besties.
When Connie finds the second warding bond ring, he wishes he could give the other one to Shadowheart, but finds the moment inappropriate. He ends up giving her the ring at the beginning of Act 3.
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Act 3:
I have a lot of stuff for this act.
This is inspired by one of Jaheira's lines: "'The Cub and the Crow'- sounds like a cautionary tale. As it probably should." Connie draws her a mock up cover for a kids book. Jaheira sticks it to the traveling chest (I mostly store food there, so to me traveling chest = fridge).
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Connie goes through a serious breakdown at the start of this act (after a companion is abducted), he ends up crying and saying that for the first time he doesn't believe they're going to make it, that he'll never hug his mom, never hear his brother sing again, won't be able to tell his step dad that he saw Darkmaw the Wicked. He's being comforted first by Jaheira and then by the rest of his party.
His favorite armor gets damaged one time, he's very upset about it. But the next morning he finds it magically repaired (Astarion fixed it, from the start of Act 3 they become besties).
This wip that I'm very slowly working on happens during act 3. Connie makes some flower crowns and talks about how his mom taught him to do that. I'm not going to say more, because I really want to finish that comic.
Connie has a deal with Popper that he'll pay him double for every night orchid he finds (I actually did that in game, I bantered him more money for the flower than he asked for, I love that little guy so much).
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This one is more funny than cute but when Connecticut Tav was younger and still lived in Baldur's Gate he used to visit Sharess's Caress pretty regularly because it was the best way to practice drawing people. He really enjoyed talking with the workers there, he eventually convinced them that maybe creating an union isn't such a bad idea. He ended up being banned from entering the brothel because of that. So when the party approaches it to meet Voss, he's very nervous that the owner will remember him (she does). There's a dialogue in my head but it would work better with some visuals, so maybe one time I'm going to draw it.
In my head, the cottage they end up living in is Connie's old hunting hut. So after the conversation with Shadowheart about her plans for after defeating the brain, he suggest that it would be the perfect place to go. He then draws the house to show her how it looks like, tells her that it's surrounded by a forest, there's a lake nearby, a small stable that can be turned into a barn if needed, and that he's not sure about the quality of the soil, but he did grow some herbs there, so maybe it's going to be good enough to grow flowers.
At the end of the game Connie decides to stay in Baldur's Gate for a while to help his family fix their tavern (which was heavily damaged). He tells Shart to go the house I mentioned before, because he wants her to start her new life as soon as possible + because it would be better for her parents. He stealthily puts his journal in her stuff with a note attached to it saying that he finished it this morning and she can read it if she wants to. He also gives her Faust so she can write him letters whenever she wants to. After 2 tendays he arrives at the cottage with some gifts (night orchid bulbs and a pamphlet about how to take care of them, there was supposed to be another gift, but he wasn't able to find it just yet, but that's for another story).
Epilogue party (because I'm that insane):
It's been sitting in my wips for more than two months, so I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. But during the party Connie and Shadowheart take 10 minute brake to visit the place from the first romance scene. They have a very similar conversation like before, but their roles are reversed now - It's Connie asking questions about Shart's current life. "Tell me something about yourself, but no tadpoles, weird artifacts, petty goddesses. Something about you."
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hi how was your day? Or night I just want to ask if you still take request 😅 if you don't then you can ignore me and if you still take then I have an idea for you 😆 after I read your hijab reader I immediately fall in love with your writing 😍 the way you write makes me feel like I'm the one in the story and I really really really really LOVE IT!!!!! and today I just came back from the hospital because of the breathing problems and stuff I had to stay for a week in hospital 🥲 I swear staying in hospital drive me crazy 😭 no privacy and syringe needles and medicines are scary! So... Maybe maybe... Can you write something makes me feel a little better?
(Please 🥺)
So the idea lin kuei bros and Earthrealm champions with the reader ... Can you make it female reader? Like the reader loves to dance in her room when she's alone and wearing the boys over sized clothes? And yeah like her boobies juggles bom bom yk yk 😇 Yeah like dancing like crazy or beautifully or anything you want with any song but I think international love from Pitbull will be better and it's okay if you want to change the song you know 😆 and the boys would be walking in her room while she was dancing alone crazy and enjoy herself to ask something or wanted something with her and they like ".......damn!" You know, you can do the reason anything you want you can make the reader not notice them or she did is really up to you ❤
And thank you if you did this for me 🥺 you might don't believe that but I love doing it enjoying myself alone in my room wearing big shirt and dancing like crazy to let out all stress and enjoying myself 😂 and sometimes my mother would caught me and I'm be really embarrassed 😂 even though I'm Muslim I still have a rocking star spirit you know I can't live my life without songs and music 😆 even though my life is s*itty but I'll always find a way to forget it and enjoy my life ❤
The same about you lovely I wish that you do just like me enjoying your life every day also make sure to take care of yourself drink water and sleep well don't be like me believe me staying in hospital isn't fun 🥲
And thank you again you can ignore it if you don't like it I won't be mad 😊 I understand that writing a stuff not easy Thank you ❤🌹
(Damn I talk like grandma 😂)
Swing Your Feet
Prior notes: I hope you are doing better! Hospitals really suck. I used to scream when they tried to use needles. Hopefully my writing can make you feel a little better.
Pairing: Lin Kuei Bros & Earthrealm Champions x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Can you handle the beat?
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There’s a sneaky weasel that has been stealing some clothes from some important people. Important people that are in the Lin Kuei and who are Earthrealm’s champions. Would you by any chance know where they could have gone?
Of course you do, you’re the weasel. A weasel who is blaring music in her room, spinning wildly like a tornado of rhythm. The boys on the other floor are forced to hear your music blaring while they play a game of Uno. You sure do have a mix of interesting music.
Johnny decided a nice way to get close with everyone was to play a nice game of Uno. Uno is never nice what was he thinking.
He invited the brothers to come to the Wu Shi academy to play as well. Tomas was the only one willing to play so Kuai Liang had to drag Bi-Han over. Oh hell, Kuai Liang decided to play as well. Not Bi-Han. Bi-Han and Uno don’t go together.
Round after round it was getting even more unhinged. Lots of yelling and accusations of cheating. You never heard it. You were too occupied with the blaring music and move your feet to match the beat.
“Ah dang it, Tomas! How do you keep beating us.” Johnny complained.
Tomas had this smug grin on his face. He was just lucky tonight. Or he was cheating. We’ll never know.
Johnny was done. Game over. He was about to pull down his sunglasses since he didn’t need to prevent anyone from cheating, only to feel that his sunglasses were gone. Not again. He looked around him and could not find his sunglasses.
“Come on! How did this happen again?” He yelled in annoyance.
“Another piece of our clothes has gone missing again.” Kung Lao said in defeat.
“Wait, your clothes have been stolen as well?” Kuai Liang asked.
Everyone looked at him in shock. So they too have been missing clothes at random. Not just accessories but full on outfits.
Kung Lao’s hoodie, Raiden’s shirts, button-ups from Johnny and Kenshi, and uniforms from Kuai Liang, Tomas, and Bi-Han. This is not a coincidence. This is suspicious. The only person who hasn’t gotten their clothes stolen is you.
“Alright,” Johnny slapped his hand against the table, “Start placing bets on what might be going on. Kenshi, go!”
“I think it’s you since you stole Sento and still won’t give it back.” He responded passive aggressively.
“Alright I’m not taking you seriously. Raiden, what do you think it is?”
“Uhh…a rat.”
“A rat is stealing our clothes?” Johnny questioned.
“A big rat. The kind that you told us about that challenge people in New York and Chicago.” A good guess Raiden, but no New York rat is gonna bother stealing clothes. They steal pizza and wallets.
“I think it’s someone with invisibility powers.” Kung Lao jumped in.
“That’s seems more reasonable. What else are we thinking?”
“Maybe it is the one who is blaring music in her room.” Bi-Han spoke up.
“What makes you think it’s her.” Kuai Liang asked.
“Because I watched her come out quickly and take his sunglasses before running back to her room.”
These fools were so focused on their game of Uno that they never noticed you coming out and sliding Johnny’s glasses right off his head. Bi-Han was the only one who caught you since he wasn’t playing. He didn’t care enough that you were taking them, he doesn’t even wanna be here.
Bi-Han and Johnny were left bickering about how he never said a thing while everyone else was contemplating about confronting you. You had no ill intent that’s for sure. It’s just nice wearing their clothes. It’s a girl thing.
“She’ll have to give our clothes back eventually. We don’t know what she is doing with them anyways.” Tomas chimed in.
That settles it. They decided to confront you on your actions. What you were doing with their clothes is a mystery to them. Maybe if they know what you are doing with them they will let you keep it.
They make their way to your room. The closer they get the louder the music is. Some of them could even feel the vibrations below their feet and in their hearts. The music you were playing all night was all over the place. Yet you still managed to move your hips and stomp your feet. You were groovin and movin. Some of them approved of the music, some were unsure of this was their type. Whatever floats your boat.
Johnny first tried knocking on your door, no answer. He knocked harder, no answer again. He sighed before trying the handle. You left your door unlocked by accident. He started opening to door.
“Hey, so quick question. Would you by any chance know where—OH!”
All their eyes fell upon you. There you were, jumping around on your bed with Johnny’s button-up shirt. The sleeves were long enough to cover your hands, making the excess material wave around as you moved. Your chest pressed against tightly against his chest. The buttons were putting up a fight as they tried to keep your chest from bursting out. They were jiggling as you pranced around. You had not a single clue that the boys were staring at you. The music was just too loud you never even heard Johnny speak.
It’s probably better that you don’t know. You know what they say: dance like no one’s watching.
The boys just stared in awe, even Bi-Han. If the shirt wasn’t a big clue or even that you are wearing Johnny’s glasses, all their clothes were scattered around your room. Every shirt, belt, and accessories that you scavenged was all over the place. You might have had a little fashion show before deciding to dance in Johnny’s clothes.
I won’t tell.
Your movements were enchanting them. Movements that were fluid and matched the rhythm well. Have you ever thought about being a background dancer? You would do well.
You must do this all the time considering you weren’t slipping up. You weren’t bumping into any furniture or tripping over your own feet. It’s natural to you. You’re having fun. And so are the boys I guarantee.
“Damn-“ Johnny was about to say more but all of them quickly covered his mouth.
They didn’t want you to know they were watching. You were in your natural state they must let you be. The music was about to end soon meaning you might finally realize they are there. No, no, they can’t have that. They slowly crept out of your room before closing the door quietly. It was as if they were never there.
There was a silence between them all. They have this information, what will they do with it? Nothing. They won’t change a thing. So what if you steal their clothes. You seemed to be putting it to good use.
“Tomas,” Bi-Han broke the silence, “do you wish to return for another round of that ridiculous card game? Perhaps next week.”
Tomas immediately nodded his head and so did Kuai Liang. They will be using Uno as their excuse for why they are coming around so often.
“I suggest we make it a weekly thing.“ Raiden knows you do this every week.
“I bet she will wear my hoodie next.” Kung Lao said with a goofy smile on his face.
“I see we are betting again. Fine, we’ll make this a weekly game night with some betting.” Kenshi was in for it.
“And then a show at the end.” Johnny was rubbing his hands like a malicious fly just thinking about it.
So it was settled. It’s like when men start digging holes at beaches it’s a mutual agreement no matter what. The brothers left peacefully while the champions got ready for bed.
And you had no idea that they had caught you red handed. And you won’t for a while.
I certainly won’t snitch for either side. You’ll know when you’ll know. But when you do, keep dancing. It’s the best thing to do in life.
After notes: I know you said one song but there were many options I could have used so I put them all in. Think of it as the music playing and changing as you continue to dance. They were also what I was listening to so don’t mind. I hope you can enjoy and yes I will try to take care of myself. I try my best to enjoy life and on days like this it can feel pretty easy. I hope you have a wonderful life. Adiós!
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asmutwriter · 1 year
The Gangsta's Wife (Part 1)
DESCRIPTION: (1920) You live a pretty normal life. Living with you're two younger sisters, having moved back to your hometown from when you were younger. This is where you meet the infamous Thomas Shelby who gives you an offer you cant refuse
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WARNINGS: smoking, implied violence, slight sexism, swearing, drinking
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
I have not watched Peaky Blinders so this may not be accurate to the actual TV show. It will also not follow the timeline of the show. But I hope you enjoy.
The three brothers sit around the table inside the little room. The one in their pub. The soft chattering of people outside as they play a game of poker. "Play the next hand will you" Tommy says as his two brothers look at him in shock.
"Can you just run past us what you just said again? I think my hearing must be going as I swear you just said you wanted to get married" his younger brother says
"You heard me correctly"
"So who's the lucky lady" the older says
"I've not found her yet" they both laugh "I know it sounds like a ridiculous fantasy. I reckon if we got a girl that has no prior relations to us or the type of stuff that we do then people would be more likely to trust us. Therefore wanting us to be in business more. It will get rid of some of the negativity we have surrounding our name"
"I'm sure we could easily find one off the streets for you" the younger teases as he lets out a low laugh
"I want someone who doesn't get scared easily. Don't want her to get spooked and run off during the honeymoon"
"Well we wish you luck on that journey" The older says as they finish up their game. Calling it a night they head out. Putting on their hats and coats as they start walking. Tommy lighting a cigarette as the three of them walk. His two brothers walking on slightly ahead as he goes to throw the last bit of his smoke down. It had gotten late by now that they didn't expect to bump into someone. Quite literally.
You run down the alleyway. Turning to face behind you to see if he was following. You turn back just as you bump into someone. He grabs your elbow as to stop you from falling straight onto your ass "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" you stutter out. Eyes going to the alleyway. The strangers eyes fall to your neck. The dark bruising around it. He looks down the alleyway. His hand falling from your elbow as he meets your gaze again.
"Tommy?" you hear someone calling as you dart your eyes between the three figures
"I- I need to go" a mild panic in your voice as you start to walk away. Your eyes constantly go back to the alleyway. You turn away from him. Bumping into the two other men as you walk past. "I'm sorry. I need to go" they move out your way as you run past them.
Some people would call you a thief. You prefer the term con woman. And a good one you are. Allowing you to be able to steal jewels and money without people noticing. This allowed you to keep up your income. That's what had caused the bruising around your neck though. You got caught by someone who didn't take your petty theft lightly.
You run to your house. Opening the door you pretty much slam it behind you. Your little sister jumps out of bed.
"Flo!" she calls out. Hugging you. You hug her back. Seeing your other younger sister opening here eyes at you.
"We were wondering when you'd be back"
"I'm here now" you kiss your sister on the top of her head. You grab into your coat pocket. Pulling out a necklace and bracelet. Followed by a pair of earrings. Elizabeth grabs it from you as she sits up on the bed.
"Oh my god!" she looks at it, holding them up to her ears "what do we think?"
"Ooh very fancy. Look like a proper little lady" she grins at you causing you to chuckle. She hands them back to you as you put them back in your coat. "I plan on selling them tomorrow. Then we can get that house we were looking at. Until then though we should be getting to bed. Come on" she nods. Jumping back into bed. You pull the covers up over the both of them. Stroking the hair out of their eyes as you grab a blanket. Going over and sleeping on the sofa on the adjacent wall.
You'd managed to sell the items the next day. Getting a good amount of money in exchange for the house. That and your savings from the previous months. You find the current seller of the house you were wanting. Him smoking outside the building, chatting to someone else. You walk over to him "I'd like to buy this house" he looks at you, eyeing you up and down
"You can't afford it" you reach into your pocket handing him a wad of cash. He looks at the money. Then at you
"Why don't you get your husband to come along. I'll talk to him. Alright sweetheart?" you take out some more money.
"I'm buying this house today" he looks back at the money in your hand.
"Ok then love" he goes to take the money from your hand but you move it away. Holding out your other hand
"The keys" he chuckles. Going into his pocket he takes out some keys. Handing them to you as you take them. Then handing him the money.
"Thank you gentlemen. Now excuse me" you go and open the front door. Going inside your new house.
A few days had passed. You'd fully moved into your home. Not that you had much to move from your small box house. Your sisters loved the new place. The three of you had been so used to sharing the same bedroom for years that it felt strange to have your own personal spaces. But you'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the privacy.
You walk down the street. Arms crossed over your torso as the winter air chills you. You feel a couple of spots of rain. Quickening your pace in hopes to get home before it starts hacking it down. But you're to late. You quickly run over to the nearest building you can as to keep dry from the poor weather. Opening the door as you go inside.
Dripping onto the nice floor as you look around the pub. Empty. You walk over to the bar. Taking off your coat and placing it next to you on the stall. Listening to the rain as you wait for it to calm down. You don't pay much mind to your surroundings. Jumping as you hear a voice.
"I think you're in the wrong place" you turn to look as you jump up from your seat. Two piercing blue eyes watching you from one of the booths. His body slumped against the back of the chair.
"Sorry Mr Shelby. I just- its pissing it down out there and the door was open so I-" he raises his hand slightly. Causing you to stop. He tilts his head at you. Eyes scanning over your body before he speaks, motioning at the seat opposite him.
"Sit" you look at the front door. Hearing the wind picking up more. Your body screaming at you to run. Get out of this place. But going against your better judgement you stand up from your stall. Your body tense as you slide into the booth opposite him. He pours a glass, pushing it towards you.
"I'm ok thank you"
"I insist" you look at his eyes. Then at the drink. Picking it up as you take a sip. Placing the beverage down onto the table and passing it back to him. "You're that girl from a few weeks ago"
"I don't know what kind of night you had a few weeks ago but I can promise you that we've never met before" he chuckles at your statement. Your boldness intriguing him.
"You ran into me. You had bruises around your neck" his eyes go to your throat. You shuffle slightly under his gaze.
"Even if it was me then my business is my own" you say confidently. Eyes meeting his as he nods
"I can drink to that" he picks up the glass. Taking a sip of it before placing it back down in the center of the table.
"Why are you drinking here alone?"
"Like you said. My business is my own" you nod, half smiling as you lean forward and grab the glass from the middle again. Drinking the remainder of the liquid. Placing the cup down. He takes it, pouring some more. Sipping it before placing it back to the middle of the two of you
"I should be getting back" as if on cue you hear the rain start to pick up more. "Or maybe not" you say, a slight annoyance in your voice
"Looks like you're going to be here for a while" he says. Motioning at the bar "Grab another glass" You look at him. Then look at the drink he's already poured. You stand up, going behind the counter and grabbing one. You head back over to him, sitting down as you place the cup down. He takes it from you. Pouring you a glass and handing it to you. That's when you notice the blood on his knuckles. Your breath hitches slightly.
He's fully aware of what you've seen. There's no way he can't know that you've seen his hands. But he remains unfazed. Instead he calmly drinks his drink. Eyes on you as he places the cup onto the table. Watching you. "Do you have a pack of cards on you?" you say. More to try and help your nerves then to make small talk. Avoiding his cold gaze as best as you can as you. He shakes his head as you let out a soft 'oh'.
"What's your name?" He asks as he reaches into his pocket. Taking out some cigarettes. He offers you one. The pack facing you. You reach over, grabbing one out
"Florence. My friends call me Flo though" you say, placing the stick into your mouth as he takes one for himself. Grabbing out a light he lights his one.
"What can I call you then?" Before reaching over with the lit match. You lean over the table as he lights the end for you. Putting the match out as you sit back down onto your seat properly. Taking the smoke from your mouth as you look at him. Head titling slightly
"Flo" you say, causing him to half smile. He takes the item from his mouth, replacing it with his drink before speaking again
"You new around here Flo?"
"I grew up here but moved to London when I was about 12. Moved back a few months ago"
"Is it anything like how you remembered?" you laugh slightly
"I have a lot of fond memories of this place from when I was a kid. But now... lets just say that things are a bit different now that I'm older" he nods. You have some more of your drink. You go to say something else just as the door opens. You recognize him as one of the Shelby boys. John you believe his name to be.
"Tommy we need you back home" he says, his eyes falling onto you as you turn to face him. "Who's the girl?"
"No one" he says "what do you need help with?"
"Family matter". You stand up
"That is my cue to leave" you say. Going over to the bar again and grabbing your coat "thank you for the drinks Mr Shelby" you say, smiling softly at him as he smiles back. Nodding towards you as you head outside. Going past the younger brother half cautiously as you walk back home. You must've been in the pub longer then you remember as the rain has practically stopped by now. Letting you have a relatively dry walk back.
It had been a week since you moved in. Your sisters were at school so you decided to have a day out. Going out the front door. Turning around to lock it. Just as you see your neighbor coming out of the house next to you. You look and see John coming out. You look away quickly. Locking he front door as he turns to face you
"You're the lass from the pub" You face him and smile slightly
"I don't know what you mean" he nods slightly. Looking at your house as you walk into the street more. "Have a nice day Mr Shelby" you smile as you walk off. Trying to get rid of any business you may have with the Shelby family and the Peaky Blinders.
You go on a bit of a shopping spree during your day out. Not buying anything to ornate but possibly spending more money then you should have. Buying fresh fruit and veg, some bread and other necessities. You meet up with one of your friends and have a chat with her.
You head back to your house. Unlocking the front door and heading inside. You place the food down onto the kitchen side, starting to put the stuff away. A few minutes go past before there's a knock at the door. You look, unsure of who it could be. Elizabeth and Mary would just walk in knowing you leave it unlocked for them. You go to the door. Opening it. John and Tommy standing by it. Johnny leaning against the door frame. Before you have time to speak (or close the door on them) the youngest brother speaks. A smile on his face that you can't read.
"Mind if we come in?" your eyes dart between the two men
"Sure" you manage to say. Moving out the way and motioning for them to come in. Body tense as they both head inside. You go into the living room "Do you want anything to drink?" Trying to keep your cool as John sits down. Tommy leans against the wall as he watches you.
"No. You see we've come to have a little chat" the younger says
"Are you spying on us?" the older says
"Why would you think that?"
"You bump into us late at night, then you come into the pub. Now you're living next door" the younger says, leaning back onto your sofa as they both watch you. His eyes darting as he expresses his words with his hands.
"Its a small town Mr Shelby. Purely coincidence" he stands up. Turning to face you as he takes his cap off. Your eyes dart to the object before going back up to his face "I am aware of who you are. What you are apart of. But I am not a spy. So there will be no need for you to use that" you motion at his hat. Your eyes fixed onto his as you feel yourself shaking slightly from fear. Trying to regain your composure.
"We asked around about you. No one seems to know who you are. An introverted young woman. No husband or family. Only recently moved in"
"I am orphaned. My mother died when I was young. Father died Just before the war. I lived in London for a while but made some enemies recently so moved back here where I grew up. If that is all the questions you have then I would like you boys to leave my house" John places his hat down onto the side table. Sitting back down on the sofa as he looks at you. Smiling
"I think I'll take that drink now"
You clench your fists slightly but nod. Going into the kitchen you make them both a drink. Resting your hands against the counter top as you curse at yourself slightly. How did you end up here? You really did not want to make the Peaky Blinders you enemy.
You walk back in. Placing two cups down. You stay standing. Folding your arms over your body in an effort to hide your hands shaking. You hear the front door open. Your sisters walking in. "Flo you'll never guess what happened today at... school..." Elizabeth says the last word quietly as she walks into the living room. Mary coming in and grabbing her sisters hand as they look at the two men, then you.
"Why don't you two head upstairs, hmm?" she nods slightly. Her eyes going to the two men before she goes up to her room. Taking her sister with her. You shut the living room door. Shutting your eyes as you lean your head on the door. "Fuck" you mutter. Turning back around as the older one speaks
"You told us your family was dead"
"No I said I was orphaned. I never said my family was dead. Very different things" he nods as he keeps watching you.
"What enemies did you make in London?"
"None that I can't handle" the younger brother laughs. Making you turn towards him "I've dealt with far worse then either of you boys could imagine. I know how to be safe"
"Don't you get worried about your sisters though?" you stay silent "I mean, the reason you didn't tell us about them must've been so we would never find out about them. Never be able to harm them" the younger says. Almost mocking. You take a step closer to him. Keeping heavy eye contact as you speak
"If you ever touch my sisters I will personally rip you apart. Limb by limb. Do you understand?" he stands up. Taking a step towards you
"Was that a threat?" he says. Starting to walk over to you. Tommy moves, facing towards his brother as he puts a hand onto his shoulder as your eyes stay on each others.
"Johnny" he says. A sternness in his voice making the younger look at him. "Go for a walk" he looks at his brother, looks at you. Mutters something under his breath as he opens the door. Leaving. You hear the front door slam shut. You avoid his eyes as you start babbling an apology.
"I'm sorry about that I-"
"I want to make a deal with you" he says. He leans against the wall again. He folds his arms over his torso. His demeanor was a lot more relaxed then yours. You couldn't read him though. You turn to face him properly. Your silence making him continue "I am looking for a wife. I need someone that has no previous associations with myself or my businesses. A positive beacon to my currently negative lifestyle. One that can make me seem trustworthy for future business opportunities"
"Mr Shelby" you say as a soft whisper, your eyes fixed to his as he continues talking
"You said yourself that you have a lot of enemies. Putting not only your life but your sisters lives in danger. I could protect you. The family you have would be safe. I can provide you with money. New clothes. So much food that you would never know what sleeping hungry felt like again" he takes a step towards you. Bringing his arms down as he places them into the pockets of his waistcoat. "You'd be my wife. You'd come with me to professional settings. Help me gain the trust of people that I couldn't on my own" he reaches down. Picking up both the glasses you poured. Handing you one "what do you say?".
You blink at him a couple of times. Taking you a little while before processing what he said. "I am flattered Mr Shelby but... wouldn't a girl of higher status be more rewarding for you? I come from nothing. I have nothing to give you" he pauses for a moment. Eyes unmoving from yours.
"Every time I've met you you've shown me a bravery that no one else has. That is something I value more then riches and materialistic items" you nod slowly as you look down. Thinking through your options before lifting your head up, meeting his gaze as you gently take a glass from him
"Looks like we're getting married" you softly say as you clink your glass to his before downing the liquid. Him letting out a soft chuckle before doing the same
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anpanman95 · 8 months
God DO I have things to say about this one here…
Last Twilight: why Day’s character is a major RED FLAG 🚩🚩🚩
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DISCLAIMER: I do not have anything against him as an actor. He’s a beautiful sweet talented cutie pie that is doing such an amazing job it causes me to hate the motherfluffing guts of this character.
To make this easier I’ve broken down this to five points.
Day’s personality sucks: first of all, he is a rich, spoiled child (I hope all of us agree on this one) who’s clearly full of himself, and only cares about himself. This is demonstrated in several ways, but the most blatant one is in how he believes that his tragedy is the worst possible scenario anyone could be in, and fails to have a single ounce of empathy for anyone around him unless, of course, it has to do something with him. Yes. What happened to him was horrific, and traumatizing, but he is not the only human being in the world who has problems. Which brings me to my next point.
Having a disability does not give you the right to be an asshole. “Oh but every person deals with their own stuff differently” Honey, no. The whole point is that having a disability does not make you any less than any other human being. Question: Doesn’t Day want for people to stop feeling pity for him? to not treat him differently?. Well guess what darling: that implies you also still have to be and function like a decent person. Yes, again, I’m very sorry about what he has to go through, which is a horrible and unexpected experience, and I could never imagine what that’s like, but literally no one in his life wished this upon him. He acts as if everyone around him is to be blamed for what happened.
Spoiled part 2: He has a roof over his head. A fancy one might I add. He lives comfortably. He has healthy, unlimited food, done by a professional chef, might I add AGAIN, and he does not appreciate his family and what they do for him, not even once. Does he not understand that his life could be much, much worse? I’m not saying he can’t be angry or depressed or deal with his trauma however he needs to be able to heal, but there’s a difference that he doesn’t seem to understand: being angry at a situation that is out of anyone’s control, and being angry or directing that anger to people who just want to help. Which brings me to my last two points:
Day’s crappy behavior towards his family: Lets start with the mother. She is, of course somewhat at fault for what Day has to go through. But only because she is being unreasonably overprotective, something that could have been solved anyway without Day being an absolute prick about it. (Also pick one of your children to give all your love and attention to and abandon the other? what is wrong with you). Now to his brother Night. Oh God. I don’t think you understand how angry I was when Day said “I forgive you for everything”. Bitch what the f? Forgive Night? for treating him like absolute garbage, as if he had never been your own brother? Like he planned the whole fiasco? He gets mad after the accident because his brother TRIES TO CHANGE for the BETTER. And accuses him from TRYING TO STEAL THE GOOD SON TITLE FROM HIM??! Be for real bitch. This circles back to point one: He only cares about himself. Night has been traumatized almost as much as Day because of the accident. It is obvious he blames himself and probably will never forgive himself fully for what happened. On top of that he gets an awful mother and brother? Nah. Count me out. I would have resigned from that family and go live with beautiful sweet Porjai to a small village and never be contacted by those people again.
Mhok: Oh dear. Oh dear. He is literally the greenest of green flags out there. Sure. He’s a little volatile. Sure, he has done violent things. But he would have NEVER hurt Day or any of their friends/family. My boy was just trying to do his job, cause, mind you, HE HAS NO MONEY OR FAMILY TO SUPPORT HIM LIKE YOU DO, DAY. The money and family you disrespect every single day. And what the f with telling him what to do with his life? Who the f do you think you are? Mr. Righteous? Mr. Perfect? More like Mr. Red Flag 101. Day basically broke Mhok’s heart because Mhok didn’t want to be away from him. So, first of all, I don’t believe for a second Mhok’s intentions were out of pity. Maybe they came from a place of WORRY and a little bit out of infatuation because he liked him so much and didn’t want to be away from him. But never pity. EVEN SO. IF Mhok felt “pity” for Day, the correct thing to do, as two fluffing functioning adults, is to TALK. Why did you have to go and tell him all this horrible things just so he’d leave? Why not tell him you’re proud of him, and ENCOURAGE HIM to take the job, ENSURE that it’ll work out between you? But nooooo, Mr. Red Flag had to go and break his heart cause he lacks basic decency and human empathy, only for Mhok, bless his heart, to come back after three years AND FOR SOME REASON, still manage to be in love with this awful person. And he tells him no? Break his heart all over again only for Mhok to have enough emotional intelligence for the both of them to actually come back after YOU GAVE UP ON SEARCHING FOR HIM AT THE AIRPORT LIKE A WEAK MEDIOCRE BI— ugh. If I were Mhok I’d gone and kicked his sorry ass and married a handsome Hawaiian.
Also Day only coming to his senses after his mother tells him THE MOST OBVIOUS THING THERE IS.
“Oh Mother what was that? Loving means taking risks? It’s all about trust? and communication? Oh my, that would have never crossed my mind because I am such an idiot. Thank you mom I’ll go look for the love of my life now because you told me so”
like seriously what is up with these boys and their mommy issues? I swear the exact same thing happened in Hidden Agenda. Bro.
I love P’Aof, and his work. Loved Bad Buddy, loved Moonlight Chicken. I had super high expectations of this and, overall, the show is good. But I simply did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would, and it’s all because I couldn’t sympathize with one of the main characters.
In conclusion:
Fluff you Day, you do not deserve Mhok. sorry p’Aof I love you and will continue to support you until the very end.
oof. I needed to rant this out. don’t yell at me please I cry easily.
peace out!
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yellowsugarwords · 2 months
Could I ask for single dad or uncle Luke and Nick headcanons, please?
oh my god, I’m a sucker for stuff like this. I’m going to make this for Clementine, but also Sarah (bc season 2). I took a little twist on it, but I hope it’s okay!!
Clementine hated turning to Luke and Nick for advice.
They were like the angel and devil on her shoulders,
Only sometimes they were both the devel.
That being said, as much as she loved them, they were,
What was the right word?
Clementine made her way to the front door of the ski lodge,
Adjusting her backpack over her shoulders.
Luke turned, catching her before she started down the staircase.
“Where are you going?”
Clementine closed her eyes and stopped.
“Getting firewood.”
“By yourself”
“Sarah is coming with me.”
“Sarah?” Luke and Nick said in unison.
Clementine finally turned around to face them.
She crossed her arms disapprovingly.
Deep down, Clementine knew Sarah wasn’t the best partner to accompany her.
It wasn’t that they hated her,
But she wasn’t able to handle it if something went wrong,
And there was always that risk.
“Well be fine.”
Luke squirmed in his seat.
“I should go with you,” Nick said, getting ready to stand.
“You?” Luke teased, standing first. “You’re kidding,”
Nick scoffed. “What?”
“You suck under pressure, Nick. Come on,” Luke scoffed.
“I used to be.”
“Nick, you’re the same.”
“No, I’m not!” He declared defensively.
By the time their argument came to a pause, Clementine was already gone,
Of with Sarah into some nearby shrubs,
Set to be back before dark.
The two of them were like needy brothers.
But more than that.
They acted as though they had responsibility for her.
Uncles that teased her constantly.
So, regular uncles.
The upgraded form of a brother.
“Hey, Clem, can you take my cooking shift tonight?”
Clem turned Luke’s way and scowled. “Why?”
He gave a sheepish smile.
“Nick and I are in the middle of a crazy game of Monopoly.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
“It’s gonna take just a bit too long to finish and it’s going to collide with my cooking time.”
“Are you serious?” Clem asked,
Crossing her arms,
Raising a brow to the sky.
Luke paused.
“Clem, I am so close to kicking his ass.”
Clementine audibly groaned,
Uncrossing her arm and rolling her head in agitation.
“I’ll owe you one.”
“Luke, I already collected wood today.”
“Then I’ll owe you two!”
Without waiting for another answer, he turned on his heels and ran off.
“Thanks, Clem!” Luke called over his shoulder.
Clementine groaned and turned,
Making her way to the kitchen.
She loved them,
Even when she hated them.
At dinner that night, Clem smirked,
Watching the stoic stare of Luke at his dish,
And Nick’s beaming grin.
“How did your game go, guys?” Clem asked,
Devilishly smirking Luke’s way.
He scowled and looked up.
“I totally kicked his ass,’ Nick said triumphantly,
Popping a greedy spoonful of beans into his mouth.
“Only barely,” Luke scoffed.
“That’s not how an ass-kicking works,” Nick teased,
Stealing food from Luke’s bowl this time.
Clementine couldn’t help but snicker.
The next day, Luke agreed to go fishing with Clem.
To make up for his failure the prior day.
The deal was he had to carry practically everything back.
But, on the bright side, he got to spend time with Clementine.
He always enjoys her presence.
As they fished, they quietly wished and giggled,
Not wanting to draw any walkers to their location,
But also enjoying their little quips with one another.
Across the river, suddenly, heard a twig snap.
Luke’s head snapped up.
He waited.
Snap! again.
“Clem,” he said cautiously.
Instinctively, Luke walked over to Clementine,
Pushed her behind one of his legs,
And placed a hand on the bow attached to his back.
His other hand lay at his other side, palm open,
Assuring himself that Clementine was still behind him.
“Stay back,” his voice was low and hesitant.
Everything was so fast, Clem barely registered what happened.
“Luke?” She whispered,
Luke set a hand on one of her shoulders,
Keeping her close,
But keeping her out of harm’s way.
“Come on,” Luke said softly.
He kept his eyes ahead as he grabbed their basket of fish,
Then, turned back to Clementine.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Clementine looked up at him,
“Don’t worry,” Luke said softly,
Setting a hand on her far shoulder, keeping her close.
“I wouldn't let anything happen to you.”
Clementine felt her chest grow warm,
Remembering how protected she now was with her new group.
Remembering how much she loved them.
Her awkward uncles.
Her little family.
━━━━━━ 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜!! ₊˚⊹ 𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐣𝐚𝐫   ♡   𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
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xiyouyanyi · 4 months
Modern Era At Last: Spider Queen Special
My original idea for this AU starts with "Filling up the Celestial Realm", so we'll just say that S1 works more or less the same unless otherwise specified, and let the real diverging point start at the Spider Queen Special.
-Hell no, the trigram furnace isn't kept in the throne room, it is where it is in Tusita Heaven, Lao Tzu's place. And the place is quite empty and quiet when they aren't refining elixirs and the flames have been extinguished.
-Which means MK and Pigsy/Tang wouldn't be going to two different buildings, just two wings of the same building.
-It's also Lunar New Year, during which all the Kitchen Gods went back to submit their reports to the Celestial Host, so most of the officials and guards are gathered around the administrative halls.
-To celestials, it's more of a daily meeting, though. A.k.a. "Those last few hours where you are stuck in the office, desperately wishing you are somewhere else."
-Red Son has access to the place because PIF, as the former Grand Mistress of the Wind Bureau, keeps a backdoor key. The spider minions sneaked in by turning themselves tiny and latching onto the jet's wing before the formation activated.
-The gang landed in the Wind Bureau sky-harbor, right next to Lao Tzu's place, and immediately ran into Lady Hanzhi, known to Red Son as "Auntie Wind"——which, coincidentally, was not too far off from her most well-known title nowadays, Feng Po. 
"Please, that name makes me sound so old! Why not Sister Wind?"
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-She acted like she always does: your overly helpful, enthusiastic, pushy aunt who seems to delight in embarrassing the youngsters, and immediately jumped to conclusions, asking Red Son if he was taking his cute dragon girlfriend on a date.
-Upon being met with an unambiguous "NO!" and some desperate attempts at backtracking ("We are just…not hating each other at the moment!") she chuckled, but was perceptive enough to understand they were in a bind, and immediately agreed to help out before Red Son even got the full story out.
-Naturally, that left Mei a little suspicious. "Uh, we are like, stealing your stuff? Ya' really don't have a problem with that?” 
-Hanzhi just laughed and was like, "You think I care about my job? Or want to be here? Even though Little Red's mother left me quite the mess to sort out, I'll take an old friend's kid over The Reasons We Are Here at any time of the year!"
-Which, to her surprise, failed to be assuring when she opened her Wind Sack and told Red Son and Mei to get inside.
"Okay, not to be mean or anything, but that's just…sus." "As suspicious as a bunch of mortals sneaking around in funny modern day robes? My, whenever I thought your fashion standards could not get any worse than these awful queues and melon hats…but ah, I'm rambling." "The point is, your friends are going into Tusita Heaven while the furnace is unlit. No one will be there, except for the new furnace-fanning boy and…That Lady." Hanzhi wrinkled her nose. "Ugh, the old witch with a broom. Pretty easy to fool, but remember, stay at least five Chi away from her, or your entire mission is a bust." "You two, however, are going into the Peach Garden. With actual guards and visitors, and one of my junior brothers as its new warden. You are not getting in, or out, without someone leading the way."
-Kui Mulang is still working as a furnace-fanning boy——he could have been done with it long ago, had he not intentionally fucked up during the Three Rhino Kings fight out of spite and got his sentence prolonged. When the place is not in use, he's put in a cangue and chained to a pillar in the storage room.
-When Pigsy and Tang entered the lab sector in search of the golden pill, he took the latter hostage through a combination of deception and the space-warping magic of stellar gods. 
"Now, hog, pick that vial of liquid off the shelf, and pour it on these chains," The Wood Wolf Star exposed his teeth in a feral grin, as he poked at Tang's back with the ethereal dagger,"very, very carefully. If you spill a single drop on me, my hand may just slip."
-Jiang Ziya's dead and deified ex-wife, Ma The Broom Star, makes an appearance as the cleaning lady on duty.
-She can passively curse people AND immortals with bad luck: not kill-your-entire-family, ruin-your-life level of bad luck like what the Taisui Star or the Dipper Mansion deities are capable of, but things like making people slip and fall on their butts, sneeze/burp at the most embarrassing time, arrive late to urgent meetings, etc.
(Also, firing comets out of her broomstick like a true witch.)
-MK, affected by her Aura of Inconveniences, fell right into the (unlit!) furnace while trying to sneak past her using the building's support beams. She heard the scream, but thought he was one of those bratty immortal acolytes and responded to his cries for help like the bitter old lady she was. 
"Serve you right for horsin' around, boy! Now sit in there and think about what you've done, till I'm done cleaning this place! Goodness gracious, I'm never so glad to have a daughter, not that my good-for-nothing ex-husband didn't try turning her against me, yeah, some Grand Master of Strategists you are, Jiang Ziya…"
-MK then committed the grave error of asking "Huh? Jiang Ziya? Who?" and was subjected to a long, incensed, caustic rant, most of which he tuned out for the sake of his own sanity.
-Meanwhile, at the Peach Garden: Hanzhi walked in without much of a problem, using the excuse that she is bringing her junior some tea right after getting dismissed from the meeting. Said junior is one of the 28 Lunar Mansions: Bi Yuewu of the White Tiger Mansion, a.k.a the Moon Crow Star.
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-In ancient Chinese astrology, the Bi Star was seen as having power over rain, and the section of the sky it was in charge of housed the Tianyuan constellation, or "Heavenly Orchard". His Stellar Beast form, a one-legged crow, is based on Shang Yang: a mythical bird that would dance before every huge storm like a goofy weather forecast guy.
-He excels at controlling cloud formations, to the point he got "borrowed" by the Wind and Thunder Bureau more than some of the Water-aligned stars after deification. That did not translate to battle prowess, though, and he mostly relies on his formations to misdirect, trap and stall enemies for the rest of his team to handle.
-After Kui Mulang's sentencing, Star Lord Mao had taken over as the substitute leader of the White Tiger Mansion stars. As a fellow bird star and the anxious secretary to Zi Huohou's shy intern, Bi looked up to him, a lot. 
-Today happened to be his shift——one of the 28 Lunar Mansions is exempt from the daily meetings, to watch over their sector of the sky. Like most celestials, he was used to Hanzhi just walking around, finding people to chat the moment she was off-work, and wasn't surprised when she came out of the treasure storage room without her Wind Sack.
"Little Red, you've actually been here before, I trust you know where the kitchen is? Go there, grab a peach, get out, and please please please don't try to go into the garden proper if you can't find one. Just return to this room and wait, Auntie Hanzhi will handle it." As the shrill screech of a defensive formation triggering echoed through the pavilion, and Bi leaped out of his chair, Hanzhi could not help but sigh and thought, Of course these kids tried to go into the garden, why wouldn't they.
-Except they didn't try to go into the garden. It was the spiders, and a tiny immortal girl with an embroidered ball.
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-Yep, it's Li Zhenying, Nezha's little sister, only mentioned once in JTTW! Here, she's a bit older and the holder of one of Nezha's magical weapons, the embroidered ball.
-In Zaju plays, this ball contains a shit ton of demons and evil spirits, subdued by Nezha and now working under his command, but that's not safe for kids so it just has a mouse inside now.
-Specifically, Lady Diyong, who's serving her prison sentence in there after her second capture and acts as Zhenying's unwitting hamster-slash-playmate. 
-The way the ball works: it can keep beings captive and enable the holder to use their powers, like a magical Pokeball. Once something is inside, it can only be released by the one who initially captures it.
-So Li Zhenying used Diyong's power to get under and past the defensive formation undetected, because…she's bored and wanted to practice some Cuju, and just happened to run into two very lost and frustrated spider demons.
-They decided to stalk Red Son and Mei together, in their mini-spider forms——it was the former who had the backdoor key, after all, and without that, they wouldn't be able to get back to the mortal realm safely after snatching up the three items.
-So they crawled into the Peach Garden and lay in wait. And waited. And waited. And no one came. Then, when they tried to leave, they couldn't, and kept circling back to the same place until a 12 year old popped out of the ground and yelled "Stop right there, bug people!"
-They laughed. They stopped laughing when one of them got sucked into the embroidered ball like a Pokemon. The sight of a huge, muscular spider guy desperately running away from a little girl was still pretty comedic, though.
-He didn't last for long. Diyong started screeching inside the ball because ewwwww, spider people, gross! She's not into that and she doesn't want them as her future neighbors! Get them out of here, at once! 
-Zhenying found her terror quite amusing, but ended up doing so because all the screaming was getting annoying. And that was what Hanzhi and Bi saw when they charged into the depth of the formation: Li Jing's youngest kid, swinging her toy around in a circle and sending two black dots flying into the sky.
-Hanzhi let out a silent Oh no at the sight. Bi let out a loud "You WHAT?!" as Li Zhenying explained her encounter with the spider people, and commented that pest control must be quite hard if all the bugs in here could grow into people. 
-Bi proceeded to have a nervous breakdown because I let a spider demon infestation happen right under my nose and trapped Devaraja Li's daughter inside my formations, oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm so dead.
-He was too busy curling up in a ball and rocking back and forth to notice Hanzhi slipping away, an immortal peach hidden in her sleeves, to retrieve Red Son and Mei. Back at Tusita Heaven, however, the rest of the gang weren't having a good time. 
-Ma had finished rambling about Jiang Ziya's great-great-however-many-times-great-grandson, the "Biggest Shame of Qi", and was about to narrate the start of their lineage's miserable downfall with a spiteful glee in her voice.
-MK asked her why she was so angry, which just made her more angry.
"Why am I so angry? Oh, I have no idea! Maybe it is because my bastard ex-husband wrote my name onto his oh-so-mystical-scroll and made sure I can't even DIE PROPERLY, boy! I raised his daughter after he divorced me and ran off to fight a war with his sorcerer friends, and this is how he repaid me——" "No, I mean, why are you so angry at people you've never met before? They are your kids and grandkids too, right?" "Exactly! I never got to meet them, and that's why they are a bunch of pathetic, dull-headed degenerates who got played like a fiddle by their own noble clans!" MK severely doubted that. "I never got to set them on the right path, grab them by 'em ears and scold them properly, match them up with good wives that weren't their own half-sister——for heaven's sake, that Duke Xiang, what was he even thinking?!" She paused. When she started speaking again, the indignance had drained away. "I never got to see any of them with me own two eyes, or speak to them, because I wasn't in their ancestral temple. I never got to meet any of them, and now they have been dead for thousands of years, and I…I couldn't even blame all of that on Jiang Ziya."
-For the first time since MK met her, the old woman fell silent. He was about to return to his own crisis of self-confidence when the entire furnace shook and violently toppled over, spilling him out onto the floor with a yelp.
"Go." She said, the tip of her broom still smoking, without sparing a single backward glance. "Scram back to your quarters, boy, before more of the Broom Star's bad luck rubbed off on you——"
-Then the lab's other wing exploded.
-Let's rewind back to the moment before this, when Kui Mulang was holding Tang hostage and threatening Pigsy into destroying his chains with a vial of corrosive chemicals. 
-With no other choice, he complied, and the moment the last chain came apart with a sizzle, Kui Mulang shattered the cangue via his Stellar Beast transformation——but not before trying to stick the dagger into Tang anyways and failing, due to his golden barrier triggering in a panic.
-Turns out, it was these magical chains that truly shackled him and his powers, and the cangue was just additional humiliation. 
"Ah, a thousand thanks to you," the beast's eyes narrowed into a slit, as it turned towards Tang, who was desperately trying to scramble away inside the golden bubble, "Golden Cicada. Now that you are a Bodhisattva, I bet your Body of Manifestation would taste even more divine."
-What ensued was a pure horror movie chase sequence, as the pair ran for their lives, toppling over shelves, throwing anything they could get their hands on at the Stellar Beast in the hope of slowing it down.
-The explosive reaction between two reagents did end up accomplishing that. Not hurting it permanently, but the big bang managed to draw Ma and MK's attention and stopped the former from asking too many questions.
-Turns out, being one of the 28 Lunar Mansions didn't actually protect you from the Broom Star's field of mundane bad luck.
-It wasn't enough to defeat Kui Mulang, and her comet attacks were doing no lasting damage, but he kept missing his targets by a tiny margin, or tripping and falling like a Looney Tunes character, or MK's staff just happened to knock a chunk of the ceiling loose and pin him down briefly…
-The problem was, her bad luck field worked on her allies too, and there were a lot of mutual misses and wacky fails, and the consequences were worse for MK than for their opponent.
-Red Son and Mei were on their way back with Hanzhi when they saw the commotion from afar; they basically dashed right into that one Community meme. 
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-Hanzhi assessed the situation briefly, told them she'd deal with Kui Mulang, while they went and grabbed their mortal friends, as well as whatever they needed from the lab, fast. Then she stepped back and unleashed the full might of the Wind Sack.
-The giant AOE attack caught all three combatants, lifted them off the ground, and firmly slammed them into the nearest standing wall, allowing Red Son to grab a very disoriented MK and rush away in the chaos.
-The fight was still ongoing when the gang hurriedly dragged the furnace into their drone, activated Red Son's backdoor key, and blasted off into the mortal realm. It didn't last much longer after the Thunder Bureau reinforcements arrived, led by Heavenly Lord of the Nine Thunders, Wen Zhong.
-Wen Zhong was a loyal man of principle in life, even more so after his deification, when he was basically made the head of the Celestial Justice Department (Thunder Bureau isn't just in charge of weather, but also divine retribution and punishment.)
-He's what a lot of people think Erlang should act like: grim, serious, utterly dedicated to maintaining order and justice, and an absolute powerhouse (he also has a third eye, btw).
-Hanzhi knew she wouldn't be getting any leniency from her senior brother this time, so she didn't even try to argue when he ordered his Thunder Generals to detain everyone involved and take them away for questioning.
-Bi Yuewu was interrupted from his mental breakdown by Star Lord Mao, who, like the majority of officials, had just been released from their end-of-day meeting when the Thunder Bureau received an emergency message from Tusita Heaven and flew off in a hurry.
-Putting two and two together, he quickly guessed that their old squad leader had broken free, and went to gather the rest of the White Tiger Mansion stars for their own emergency meeting. Bi was the first person he seeked out, and the situation…didn't look all that great.
-But Rooster Man, being the good bro he was, listened patiently to Bi's story, and told him it wouldn't be a problem. He'd take Li Zhenying home to her brothers, let them come up with a cover story, while the spider problem…well, that was what his Stellar Beast form was for, wasn't it?
-A few miles below, two tiny spiders, still falling towards the mortal realm, suddenly heard a rooster's crowing and were struck by the worst headache they ever experienced.
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kittievampire · 1 year
I had given this idea to someone but it never got made so 🥲 Anyways, I hope you can make something out of this crack idea. Mammon leaving to the human world for like a week for modeling but for whatever reason (you can make one up or it can be a misunderstanding after an argument etc) his brothers think he's leaving them for good. You know never talking to them and cutting off any ties to them. So his brothers beg him not to leave, cry their crocodile tears, promise to be better etc only for Mammon to be confused af and then clear up the misunderstanding 😂 I really hope something can come to fruition out of this dumb ass idea lol.
This one made me cackle in an unflattering way
Sorry it took so long for me to write this for ya, anon, ily tho
There's no MC mentioned in the request, so MC will be a bit of a side character in this one, love y'all
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if ya wanna request!
Don't Leave, Mammon!
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Warnings: Family Arguments, Misunderstandings, Light angst, a lot of crack-head energy, MC's just kinda there
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It'd been about three months since you'd left for the human realm.
The House of Lamentation didn't change, it was always in a state of chaos. However, one could tell that your absence had taken a toll on the brothers, each in their own way. Not that this was exactly a bad thing, their lives had been changed thanks to you, and they wanted to carry out your parting wishes to the best of their ability. They became more responsible, more kind-hearted, and more merciful.
However, siblings will do what siblings do best: Argue over bullshit and cause each other stress.
"StupidMammon! Did you take money from my wallet again?!" The Avatar of Envy shouted from across the hall as he approached the white-haired sin. "I was saving that for an exclusive Limited Edition Hana Ruri: Prestige Version Gaming Set, controller, headset, and figurine included bundle! Give it back right now!" Mammon turned his head to face his brother, shades slipping down his nose a bit. "Eh? I didn't steal shit from you, Weeb! Quit assumin' stuff!"
The sound of the door to Satan's room closing made the two flinch, a small sigh following the closing of a book in the blond's hand. "There you go with the lies again, Mammon. Just give him his money back, spare the ones in earshot the headache." The Avatar of Greed jumped, turning toward Satan. "I swear, it wasn't me this time! I didn't do nothin'!" He held his hands up in surrender. "You're being loud," A soft voice erupted form the twins' room, the source being the messy-haired youngest with an irritated expression on his face. "Beel and I are trying to sleep, and you woke him up. Then, he woke me up." The Avatar of Sloth huffed out, the sin in question poking his head out from the crack in the door and the frame.
"Mammon stole my money again!" Leviathan practically screeched, tears welling up in his eyes. "I was saving it on a Limited Edition—" "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Levi. Mammon, give him his money back before he goes on a nerd-rant," Belphegor waved his hand dismissively, earning a nod of a agreement from Beel. "Maybe you should hide it better next time, Levi," The Avatar of Gluttony said, munching on some Spicy Newt Chips.
"I'm tellin' ya, it wasn't me this time! I actually got a modelin' gig up in—" Mammon tried to protest, but was ultimately cut off once more. "What's going on here?" The eldest brother asked, face full of irritation from the bickering of his younger brothers. "Why are ya all suddenly springin' up from outta nowhere like this?!" Mammon whined, earning a stern look from Lucifer. "Of course, you're the culprit, Mammon. What did you do?" He seethed.
"I didn't do nothin'! I swear! Honest to Diavolo, it wasn't me this time!" The Avatar of Greed tried desperately to defend himself, only for his purple-haired brother to argue more. "He stole money from my wallet! I was going to by an exclusive Limited Edition Hana Ruri: Prestige Version Gaming Set, controller, headset, and figurine included bundle!" Lucifer deadpanned at his brother before pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing heavily. "Mammon, make this easy and just give it back."
The second-born looked around, only to see all of his brothers start to gang up on him, all repeating the phrase, "Just give it back," even though he never stole anything! At least, not this time. "I-It wasn't me this time!" Mammon tried to sputter out among the others' yelling. "It wasn't me!" He repeated, hand gripping the door knob to his room.
As the brothers continued to berate the second-born, Mammon turned the door knob and rushed into his room, slamming the door shut and locking it. "I'm fuckin' done!" He threw his hands up in the air, though the tone he had made the statement seem less playful than he meant it to be.
Lucifer clicked his tongue, adjusting his black gloves as he took a step toward his brother's door. "All of you just want to give me a headache, don't you?" He asked softly, earning a whine from Leviathan. "My Ruri-Chan!"
"Oh my, what's going on out here?" Asmodeus asked, opening his door and pulling up his face mask. "Do you know how important my sleep is to maintain the health of my glowing and radiant skin? What's the meaning of all this noise?" The Avatar of Lust practically demanded, though he kept a neutral tone because of the eldest's presence. The third-born turned to his brother in pink, pointing at Mammon's room. "Mammon took the money that I was going to use to buy a Limited Edition Ruri-Chan Figurine from my wallet!" He exclaimed, pulling his phone out and fumbling with it for a moment. He nearly shrieked. "And I wanted to be the first one to buy it! That's it, I'm summoning-" "If you summon Lotan, Levi, I can assure you, Mammon will be the least of your concerns." The Avatar of Pride warned, earning a yelp from the purple-haired sin.
Asmodeus glanced between the two before sighing heavily. "Levi, are you referring to the 200,000 grimm you left in my room a few hours ago while you were ranting about how excited you were to get the figurine?" He asked, opening his door wider and pointing to his vanity mirror, lights glowing, and grimm sitting on the desk.
The brothers all exchanged glances, and the eldest growled.
When you saw Mammon at your doorstep, you thought that something bad had happened. He told you that he was here for a modeling gig, but you assumed that there was more to the sudden arrival.
"I just figured I'd pay ya a visit while I'm here, nothin' more, g-got it?" He asked, a light blush present on his face as he denied any other reason for his appearance.
You were worried, so you contacted the brothers to see what was going on. You were able to get a hold of Satan, who explained what was going on as best he could.
"I did hear him say that he was... 'done,' but... I didn't expect him to run off like that." The Avatar of Wrath seemed perplexed over the phone. "It seems like he was more upset about it than I thought... I'll tell the others, please keep him there as long as you can. Don't let him leave," He said just before ending the call.
You looked down at your D.D.D., letting out a small sigh as you turned toward your bedroom door.
Did your departure have something to do with this? Maybe you could help in some way.
Mammon insisted on sleeping in the same room as you, even if it had to be on the floor. When you were still awake, he'd started rambling on about his brothers and how annoyed he was, and you couldn't help but feel bad for him. He must be going through so much internally, and you were glad he was letting it out, even if it was under a cloak of sarcasm and pettiness.
In the middle of his rambling, though, you heard the front door swing open. Mammon jumped to his feet immediately, worried that there might be an intruder. Lucifer slammed the door to your room open, his brothers spilling out into the room after him.
Asmodeus immediately lept toward his white-haired brother, squeezing him in a tight embrace. "Mammon! Don't leave us!" He whined. "If you're gone, who am I going to party with?! Who's going to be there to splurge on shopping with me, hm?! I can't exactly take Levi or Satan with me!! Leaving is too cruel, Mammon! Too cruel!!"
The eldest looked down at the Avatar of Envy, tilting his head toward Mammon, motioning for him to 'go'. Leviathan shuffled over to his brother, looking up at him with an apologetic expression on his face. "I'm sorry, Mammon. I didn't mean to go blaming you and stuff, that's only what a normie would do. I didn't mean to make you leave!" Beelzebub came up after them, scooping all three of his brothers up into a tight hug, making Mammon wheeze as he tried to breathe properly. "O-Oi—!" "Don't leave Mammon!" The gluttonous demon sobbed, holding his brothers close.
"Beel, let them breathe." Satan chuckled softly, patting the sin on the shoulder. Belphegor and Lucifer stood behind the rest of them, the Avatar of Sloth feeling less enthusiastic than the rest of his brothers, though he could hardly blame them. Lucifer cleared his throat. "Release them, Beelzebub," He demanded. Beelzebub did as told, allowing the gasping demons in his arms to fall to the floor.
"W-What's this all about, huh?! Why're ya all actin' so weird?!" Mammon asked, grasping his chest as if to try and steady his heart beat. Asmodeus grabbed him by the shoulders. "Because you came to the human world to escape us! Because you were through with us, no?"
Mammon blinked.
"I have a modeling gig tomorrow..." He muttered out, making the entire room go silent. You bit your lip, a very frightening aura being emitted from the eldest sin. "And... That's the only reason why you left?"
The Avatar of Greed nodded, causing Leviathan to immediately recoil. Asmodeus kept his arms wrapped around him, tears streaming down his face. "Don't joke around like that again!! I thought I lost the only other interesting person in the House of Lamentation!" He whined.
Mammon scoffed, a small smirk forming on his face. "Of course ya'd be distraught! Losing the one and only Mammon is the most horrible thing that could happen! Ya should be greatful that I didn't!"
Silence fell upon the room once more, with the acception of Asmo's sobbing.
Lucifer then turned to you, a vein bulging from his forehead.
"MC, you would happen to have rope, do you?"
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Hope you liked it, anon!
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Rindou x reader angst
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Warnings: falling out of love, angst, break up, being ignored, arguing, cursing
Rindou was always someone who cared about what people said. He was always like this. He most cared about how his gang cared about him. He wanted to seem strong like his brother since his gang always talks how Ran is stronger and the better brother.
Now with you, you tried to show Rindou that it didn't matter what they said and that he was still a awesome brother no matter what the gang says. That he was just as strong, handsome, and smart like his brother but he never believe that.
That never stopped your through, you tried your best the way you could. You always tried your best but for some reason it was never enough for him.
You would cook, clean, give him attention, everything. Anything that you thought that would make him happier you tried. But he would either turn his attention to something else and ignore you.
This been going on for a bit and nothing has been working. Nothing has gotten better and you really are starting to think maybe it would be better if you gave up on him and you.
I mean this might be the best situation. You could tell that his gang was everything to him. You didn't want him to give that up but you wished that he would give you some times.
when ever you see him he would be leaving again saying "have to go, my gang needs me." Or "they finally see me as me I can't let them down now".
You would just nod. Sometimes you wondered if there was something else in the gang that he had his attention on. But you trusted him enough to shake that thought out and agree that can't be true.
But one day you had a very bad day. You were late to work and when you got there you guys were packed with work to do. You weren't able to take your lunch break from it. Then you came home to an empty house.
You didn't think that they had a fight today so you grabbed your phones and dialed someone that you knew would give you answers to this.
You heard the phone ring till someone finally answered it.
"hello?" You heard, Ran's voice speak from the other side.
Well now you knew that there wasn't a fight because Ran never answers his phone while he is fighting.
"hey, Ran. Do you know where Rindou is?" You asked. You heard him sigh on the other side.
"he's with me. Did he not tell you?" He asked.
"No but it's fine. Just dont get into any trouble okay?" You said. Before he could say anything you hanged up.
You then put you phone in your pocket and went to go and get something to eat. Once you got something you went to living room and decided to put a show on while you ate.
Maybe this was how dating with Rindou was meant to be like. Maybe you should get used to being second place in Rindou's heart- actually third place. First is his brother, Ran. Second is his gang. Third is you. If there is nothing else but something in your mind was telling you that there was.
Once you finished eating. You decided that this wasn't going to work anymore. You then got up from the couch and went to your guys bedroom. You then started packing everything that was Rindou.
You still remembered helping him pack everything in this apartment with you. You guys were being stupid while you guys were unpacking his stuff into the place. There was a lot of laughter, jokes, messing around.
You felt the hot tears finally fall. They fell like a river fall. They wont stop. You kept whipping them away but they wouldn't go away. You tried to stop them from continuing but once they start they don't stop. Not till they are dry. Not till the river is fully dried and there is no more water felt to flow.
Once you were able to get yourself back together the best you could you started carrying his stuff outside. You made sure to put his names on the boxes so then no one will steal it. You then went back inside and searched through your key bowl to see if he took his house key. But you saw that he left it. Probably thinking that you would keep the door unlock for him.
You then went to the door and locked it. Sure this is a scared cat way of breaking up but you know if you saw his face you would just break. You didn't want to let him see that. He doesn't deserve to see you weak like that because of him.
You decided to get ready for bed. You had gotten a shower and did everything else you needed to do before jumping into bed and snuggling up into the blankets and trying to fall asleep.
You were about to fall asleep till you heard someone knocking on the door. You groan and got up. You walked over to the door and looked through the door hole and see that it was Rindou. You sigh softly and unlock the door and open it a tiny bit.
"what?" You asked. You didn't want to talk to him. You thought that this would tell him that you guys were over.
"why the hell is my stuff outside?" He asked.
"why do you think? Were done." You said. You just stared at the ground. Not wanting to look at his face anymore. You couldn't look at his face for you would just break down. You would not be able to let him go.
"wait what? Why?" He asked. You could already think of the face that he is making.
"why do you think? You clearly don't love me anymore. Your always out. Never telling me anything. Ignoring me." You said. You wanted to say how you have to ask his brother things to just know what you still like but knew that wouldn't be a good decision.
When he didn't say anything you continued.
"were over Rindou. Just leave." you say before closing the door again and locking it. Right before you closed the door you saw a glimpse of his face and saw the hurt on it.
Flowers don't forever bloom and you know that. You and Rindou have been one of those flowers. A flower that bloomed till something stopped it and then it withered away.
You just wished it didn't happen so soon.
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angelbroad · 5 months
This Scarab Is Blue
Inspired by an age swap au by @runeiio , but with a colder Khaji-Da
Milagro waited outside the middle school, scrolling through her phone as she waited for her little brother to come out. She had finished school earlier, and mom had asked her to pick up Jaime since she would be working later than expected. The pop of her bubblegum was simultaneous with the ringing of the bell, and Milagro waited and looked at the horde of children leaving the doors to find her own. She finally spotted a poof of brown hair and a blue backpack, and making her way through the children horde, Milagro got a hold of Jaime.
"Ey, Jaime!"
"Hola Mili.", the boy greeted back.
The two were soon on the street, Milagro meeting Brenda and Paco along the way and catching a conversation. Milagro unconsciously toyed with her ring, itching for a flight. Her attention was turned to an empty plot by Paco.
"Didn't this place used to have a building?", he asked.
"Kord.", Brenda confirmed, "And now it's like nothing was ever there."
Milagro looked at the empty plot with a flat mouth. It had been just over a month when her and the other Lanterns had this serious of a mission. Guy was especially cautious about this one, as it involved one of the Corps' oldest enemies. The Reach. Somehow Kord had gotten their hands on an Infiltrator, and Jarvis Kord wished to replicate that technology. Thankfully, they had help from the Blue Beetle, who was sadly lost in the crossfire as well as the Infiltrator. Guy considered it a somewhat win. The scarab was out of sight, and hopefully it would stay inactive and out of mind as well.
The girl noticed that Jaime had gone inside the plot, because he was coming back from it by the time Milagro turned her attention back to him.
"You off exploring little man?", she asked as the group started walking again, Jaime skipping to catch up to the teens.
"H-Hey! Wait up! Yeah, I just went and looked a little bit."
"Bien.", Paco said, "Found anything good, little man?"
Jaime shrugged, "Maybe."
"Oh sweet. Show me when we get home.", Milagro said.
"Mmmm, what if I don't?", Jaime teased.
"Oh you will you little twerp.", Milagro answered with a smile, "'sides, if you don't show me I'll just take it from ya when you're asleep."
"Would you stop stealing my stuff??"
The two seperated with Brenda and Paco a little further down, the duos going their seperate ways. Jaime and Milagro decided to wait until their parents got home to start eating lunch, Milagro already preparing the food and forgetting about Jaime's supposed discovery. She made it easier on herself by using the ring to multi-task. Yes, mom said no suits in the house, but she wasn't here right now.
"Milagro Reyes."
Ah fuck-
"Sorry mamá.", Milagro said as she made everything disappear and rubbed the back of her head in guilt.
Bianca shook her head with a sigh as Milagro helped her with the bags, "Mili, I just don't want another accident in the house. Do you remember that time when your energy construct made a cabinet fall down?"
"Lo sé, lo sé. Lo siento, mamá."
"Está bien cariño.", Bianca responded, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Just try and keep that in mind, m'kay?"
"Yes ma'am.", Milagro responded, also going to greet her dad.
During the meal, Milagro couldn't help but feel...wrong. Her ring was ringing in her head like crazy, like the alarms blaring at the red flags on your tinder date. The constant rubbing of her temple had her dad ask if she had a headache, which she declined despite herself. It was her turn to wash dishes today, so she had her back turned as Jaime was telling their parents about his day.
"-and I also found something weird in that Kord space."
"Kord space?"
"Where that building was."
"Jaime, hijo, I told you not to go there. It's under construction, it could be dangerous."
"I know, I'm sorry.", Jaime said, "But I'm not hurt."
"What did you find, Jaime?", Alberto asked.
"Oh, I have it in my bag. Let me go get it.", Jaime said before getting up and skipping off.
Bianca looked at Milagro, "What did he find, Mili?"
Milagro shrugged, "I dunno, he didn't tell me." Her back was still turned to the three as Jaime returned, emptying the bag on the table much to his mother's dismay.
"Huh. Now that's something new.", Alberto said.
Jaime nodded, "I picked it up with my backpack, cause I didn't know if it was cool to touch it."
Milagro raised an eyebrow as she looked out the window. What a weird comment to make.
"It looks...weird.", Bianca commented, seemingly picking it up to study the object herself, "A little dirty, but I think it's alright to hold."
The object was handed back to Jaime as Milagro turned around.
"What did you find any...way..."
The thing Jaime was holding. It was the Infiltrator. Its legs started moving, Jaime looking at it with innocent wonder.
"No no no! Jaime put that down!", Milagro moved, but was not fast enough as a shocked Jaime backed away as the scarab climbed up his arm, finding its way to his back where it dug its feet in, making the boy scream in pain.
Their parents were terrified, and Milagro started cursing to herself and then out loud as she transformed. She knelt down to hold Jaime before looking at her parents with a panicked expression.
"Call Gardner. Now!"
Alberto moved to get a phone as Bianca stood there with the most shocked expression Milagro had ever seen from her.
"Milagro. What is this??"
"It's an Infiltrator. It-"
Jaime begun to shake as something started to sprout from the scarab, encasing her brother in a black and blue armor as the scarab hid itself in an enlarged beetle on his back like a crude backpack. No no no no no-why?? Out of anyone on Earth, why Jaime?!
"S-Sis...? W-What-t's hap-ppening?"
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay hermano. W-We'll get it out it's just..."
Oh god, she couldn't even recognise her brother's face. Jaime jumped, looking around.
"I heard a voice..."
The scarab...Milagro grabbed his arms and made him look at her, "Jaime. Whatever you do, don't listen to it, okay?"
Host: aquired
Hello, Jaime
"Because it's evil!", Milagro blurted out. Bianca looked like she was about to pass out.
"It went to the answering machine.", Alberto said as he entered the room.
Jaime noticed the backpack was opening up as Milagro turned her head away.
"Well fuck-"
"What are thrusters?", Jaime asked.
Milagro looked at him, "Who-?"
Suddenly, Jaime was flung through the roof, leaving a hole in the ceiling.
"...Oh no you don't.", Milagro said through gritted teeth as she followed the Infiltrator through the hole in the roof.
"W-Where are we going??", Jaime asked as he was practically dragged out of his own house.
Testing flight systems., the voice replied.
"I can see that!"
Don't worry, no harm will come to you
"I find that hard to believe-"
"Jaime!", Milagro called out as she was gaining on them. The Reach could take a lot of things, but her familia was off-limits!
Threat detected: Green Lantern
"N-No, that's just Mili."
A canon manifested on his right arm, his arm moved up by the scarab and towards Milagro.
"Mili! Look out!", Jaime warned, Milagro working to avoid the blasts coming her way and making a shield as she moved behind Jaime to grab him.
"Let him go you damn space bug!", she barked at the scarab. The mandables tried to poke her in the face and neck, but through quick thinking, Milagro made armor for those parts. But as she focused on holding her brother, she failed to pay attention to her surroundings, resulting in her back hitting a building and her grip loosening, which resulted in Jaime escaping. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Where was Guy Gardner when you needed him??
The flight became more stable the further it went on.
"Why did you do that??"
"You tried to hurt my sister!"
All Green Lanterns are to be eliminated on sight
"Stop using those big words! And my sister is not a threat!"
She is now., it said, Now that you are of the Reach, you are an enemy of the Green Lantern Corps
"But...I'm not...", bad. Jaime wanted to say he was not bad. But the words wouldn't come out for some reason, even when they finally landed in a deserted area. Jaime held himself, shaking. "C-Can we go home...please?"
Negative. Green Lantern will know of our position
Jaime frowned, "For the last time, Mili is my sister! She'd never hurt me!"
Host puts too much trust in family unit
"Says you! Why should I trust you, huh? You took me from my house!"
Green Lanterns are dangerous. Retreat: best option
Jaime's face softened as he realised something, "Are you...scared of Lanterns?"
Nonsense., the voice sounded quite rushed to respond, further confirming Jaime's suspicions.
"You are.", he said, hands on his hips.
I am a warrior of the Reach. Fear is not within my programming
Host: testing patience
"Look, if you take me back home, I'll tell sis to not kick your butt. Okay?"
That didn't seem to convince the scarab, much to Jaime's frustration. He started to walk, the armor feeling weird on him.
"Guess I'll walk then."
It would take at least one Earth day to return 'home'. Insufficient strategy
"Well, if you won't fly me back, I'm walking there."
Meanwhile, Milagro was panicking, having called Gardner at least eleven times as she searched for the Infiltrator. She was sent to the answering machine every time, but on the twelfth time he finally picked up.
"Hey kid, what's the-"
"The Infiltrator has been activated!"
"The what??"
"The Reach Infiltrator! What the fuck were you doing that you couldn't pick up the phone???"
She could hear Guy cursing as he moved his phone away from him before he returned, "You know the host?"
"Yes. Do not lay a finger on him when you find him, or I'm kicking your ass all the way to Antarctica!"
"This is an Infiltrator! It's supposed to be-"
"The Infiltrator took my brother!", Milagro screamed at the phone, "If I see even a scratch on him when I find him and you were involved, you're fucking dead!!"
Guy gulped, eyes widening as he remembered the alarmingly young age of the boy. He should have expected the Reach to stoop this low.
"...You have my word.", he said, flying off to find Jaime Reyes.
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mdhwrites · 26 days
Im sorry if im annoying, is just I really love Tmnt, specially Rise, and I also enjoy reading your analysis and stuff.
So, if is bothering you, you can delete this ask, is cool 👍
Now, my question is, character wise, like in a quick grande, idk if makes sense- IMPRESSIONS.
What would it be your first impression of the characters?
*bops you on the head* Stop apologizing. I've said before that if I had nothing to say, I'd just answer it privately. However, I LOVE discussions and I always appreciate asks so you're never annoying me with these. Please, don't worry about it so much.
As for the characters for Rise of the TMNT, I can't comment on everyone as I've only watched so much, like I have no real grasp on April yet besides liking her, but I actually want to start on the major thing that I think both allowed Rise to stand out and what made it so divisive at its inception, especially since talking about stuff like that is kind of going to bleed into what I think of the brothers. After all, I think whether you love the show or hate it, we all recognize that the brothers are very markedly different in this incarnation than literally any other, even if you can point to ones in the past for inspiration.
Most TMNT shows are MNT. Mutant. Ninja. Turtle. Those are the elements that they care about. Rise cares about TMT and goes about SHREDDING the fantasy that is the turtles as ninja. Not that they aren't ninja but like... What do ninja who TEENAGE MUTANT TURTLES like?
This actually even goes to Shredder's change which I'd never heard about before now: He's kind of a washed up loser. Again, I don't know everything but he's just as playful as the boys, he watches television, he goes on joyrides, he loses his mind when he's sick. He's not some grand wise mentor... And I get it. This is a man, going off normal canons, who lost his master, got thrown away, ended up halfway across the fucking globe and lives in a GOD DAMN SEWER. Not some pristine dojo. Not some high tech. Not even a cozy lair repurposed out of a sewer because none of that shit was around. All he had was a dank ass sewer. To say he hit rock bottom would be an understatement.
And mind you, it's not that her turned cruel because of this. He still passed on what culture he could but without stealing really expensive imports, what of his culture does he even have? He can't go to the library to check out books for the new family he wants to make. He can't buy home school programs to help him teach them. He has nothing. And he's old. He was already a man when shit went wrong for him in most canons so by the time the turtles are teenagers, he's at least fifty. Usually he's depicted as WAY older than that, like 70 or 80. Instead of that meaning he's some mystical figure, he's instead the cooky old dude who's maybe not all there all the time. That's a really neat reinterpretation of the character that's genuinely more realistic while befitting the tone of the TMNT franchise where yeah, it's still kind of cranked to eleven.
This is also your warning that I fucking love these characters.
So what about the brothers? If they aren't privileged but underground but instead genuinely stuck slumming it, what happened to them? Well, a core change seems to be not so much a want to belong, they actually don't seem that interested in being accepted by society, but a desire to covet society. To be able to watch and be a part of the concept of society. That's why they're totally at home watching a wrestling match. They aren't wishing they could be in the ring, they're just happy to be part of the crowd with the best seats in the house. They don't have to mind that they have to fight in costume, they're gonna rock it because they're in fucking costume and someone challenged you to a dance battle? You respond with a dance battle. They are MORE content with being outcasts than the turtles normally are because they live vicariously through media like many people do. This is with ONE exception that I'll get to.
I also like, just as a side note, that just because they are normal amongst mutants biologically, they still have no fucking clue what they're doing. They're genuinely caught between two worlds with double the naivety because of it and get screwed over by both halves because of it. Just a fun touch.
OKAY. Enough preamble. Let's actually go from the least to most bold changes of the brothers, at least from my perspective. I've never been huge into TMNT, just never really found a show I managed to watch consistently but I've liked most of what I've seen including the first Michael Bay Turtles movie, so I may not know how radical these alterations are or how safe they are except in a few small cases. For this though, the first one to talk about is pretty easy:
Michelangelo: *stares at how spellcheck just wrote that name* No wonder people fuck up mine. ANYWAYS, the reason I say he's the least bold is because adding artistic to your quirky, comedic heart of the group is not really so much a change as just a small pivot in trope. He's still more inclined towards recklessness, he's still the one who can broach the gaps between his brothers and he is the... Well, he is the one who is telling the most genuine jokes. Again, we'll get to him. But yeah, I like him but he's not actually that interesting to discuss, yet, for me because he is the one who is the most what you would expect.
Donatello: I bet some of you expected him to take the top slot but hear me out: I actually recently did a blog contrasting Big Bang and The Owl House for their depictions of nerds. The point of it was really to say that TOH tried to claim their nerds were some groundbreaking, brave representation but that they were 'good' nerds besides the one uncomfortable nerd who got in the way and that no one liked. The difference between a nerd who never brings up their interests at dinner unless prompted versus one who MIGHT ask "Hey, am I bothering you with this," thirty minutes into a rant about a niche issue with their favorite media that they brought up because you mentioned the wrong time. Say yes and you are going to be there the rest of the fucking night. THIS is what I see with Donatello. Donnie is usually just the tech dude and by that we mean he's conveniently the one who can spit technobabble out and fix things. He is nerdy but he'd never be someone you really question spending time with. This Donnie refuses to spend time with YOU and he will let you know it. He is the brutal honesty, amongst other things, of being autistic, alongside the fact that when they say he "Does machines" in the intro, I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't foreshadowing him making himself a girlfriend out of his one true love. Now, that is going a little far. Donnie does love his brothers but of the three, he struggles the most to know how to deal with them in a human way, to the point where this is addressed very early on with him trying to fix what he finds most annoying about them and how that's wrong. This is not literally the opposite of normal, Mikey is usually the heart of the brothers after all, but Donnie usually gets along because he doesn't really have enough personality to clash. This Donnie has enough personality to perform a heel turn for someone taking shit from him. It's great. However, he is still the tech dude and still somewhat removed from his siblings, both of which are pretty normal even if the execution is different, so it's not as radical a change as the next two.
Now for the two that actually play into why I did all my preamble.
Raphael: I haven't gotten backstories yet but if it turns out Raph looked around himself as he was growing up and realized NO ONE was the adult, I wouldn't be surprised. He doesn't seem traumatized by this fact by any means but he does give the impression of having grown up faster than the rest. He's not just physically more than them, he's mentally more. He's taken a step they all will eventually need to follow him... But he's not going to drag them kicking and screaming with him unless they're being genuine dumbasses. I actually love EVERY part of how this comes to play out. Raph doesn't have his hotheadedness, he has something much closer to cold fury which implies he knows that he can't lose it the way old Raphs did but that anger is still there. He is the one who actually has plans and most often presents worry over how something might go wrong, or sees through the rouses set by his brothers, meaning that he's taken the role of guardian over them (which makes his power being a form of shields technically chef's kiss). HOWEVER, by contrast, he has what feels a bigger blindspot to people outside of his family when it comes to tricks, likely because he's been focused on his brothers for long enough that he has become more naive than even many of the others of the world outside their home. This is probably why he has some of the bigger hero worship amongst them, especially since he's trying to live up to nobler ideas, or at least more adult ideals. That's ironic due to-
Leonardo: The choice to give him the voice Randy Cunningham is pitch perfect casting. This is EASILY the biggest and most jarring change but for the me the most welcome. Leo was never really a straight man from what I could tell comedically, Raph or Donnie usually did more of that, but instead was meant to be the rock of the group. Instead, he just came off as many bad adventure leaders: No personality. He's a nice enough guy and he's good at what he does but that's what you say about your mailman, not the leader of your ensemble cast.
This Leo is anything but this. He does not covet society, he wishes for society to covet him. He has taken celebrity worship to its natural conclusion of wanting to be a celebrity at all costs. He sees himself as the hottest shit out there and you bet your buns he's going to let you know it. He will do anything for recognition which is hardly surprising for a kid who grew up in the sewers watching stuff like Kung Fu movies. He wants to be that level of awesome and you better believe he knows the phrase "Fake it till you make it." Of course, he doesn't think he's faking it which makes when he gets punched in the face all the more satisfying. But... This does come with some wrinkles. He does not look upon the world favorably. If Raph is too innocent, he's cynical. Everything is quid pro quo. If you show him why you're giving him praise, even if it's shallow or a lie, he'll believe you because he is easily manipulated but you show him nothing? You say you JUST want to help without even being family? Yeah that doesn't fly because it's not what he would do, often times even with his own family. It makes for an interesting version of awareness. All of this does beg a simple question though: Is there any connective tissue between old Leo and new one? Is this like Teen Titans Go where they entirely scrapped the old character just to make him some shit eating idiot?
Confidence, wit, and spirit. Raph's greatest problems as a leader is that he isn't quick on his feet, he can't get people to listen to him and when he does have a plan, he doesn't have as much confidence as he needs to make sure everyone follows it. Leo genuinely has everything and than what Raph has a leader. He is smart, that's why he's a snarky bastard. He's confident to an extreme fault but that means when he pitches you an idea, it sounds legit just because of how much he seems to believe in it. And hey, even after he gets punched, he gets back up. He will make you say he is the best or die trying (which from my understanding is essentially the fuck up he makes at the beginning of the movie but with nobler intentions). He is missing two key components from being a genuinely great leader and ninja. The ability to see outside of himself and maturity. He needs to grow up and remember there's no I in team. That it doesn't matter who got the final hit, what matters is that the job was accomplished at all. He needs to stop wanting to be a celebrity, an icon to worship and trudge behind, and instead be a leader who is shoulder to shoulder to you. Who says that anything he'd ask of you, he'd ask of himself.
That is a fucking INCREDIBLE pitch for your main character as a starting point. All the things he needs but a radical wake up call that will force some HARD change if he wants to realize his real potential. Even better, his real potential is what he wants to be seen as, just that so long as the image is what he cares about, he'll never be what he wants to be. It's pitch god damn perfect and the fact that he is a delightful asshole who gets everything he deserves coming to him, constantly, from all angles, while he works on himself makes for a very entertaining character even as you wait for this arc to potentially happen. He is a good cartoon character either way and not everyone call pull that off.
In fact, even the most shallow of them makes for someone who you know will at least make you smirk if you give them eleven minutes. To me, that's a pretty good sign for a good character if one of your main goals is to entertain. And man... These turtles are entertaining. See you next tale.
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inosukes-boar-mask · 3 months
My opinions on every single Rochester in season 4 because im bored as fuck and also i wanna yap yap yap a lot
(i arrange them base on who appeared first throughout the game)
Archie- honestly, i hate him because he's such a brat but at the same time i kinda felt bad because i really do think that he used to be a really good, sweet boi back then. And I know he's such a pain in the ass to deal with but honestly he doesn't deserve to be abused like that by his dad. He must've been so traumatized everytime he sees malcolm bruh (honestly if i were him i would feel the same way as well)
Rockley- a cool guy and i wish he appeared more because he's really interesting. He's one of the decent Rochesters out there. He just wanna make some chocolates and sell em. Just a funny, chill guy that i would be friends with. He's cool as fu-
Leopold- one of my favorite Rochester. He's such a nice guy and if i was in the motp world he'd be the only person that I'll trust the most. Honestly he didn't deserve to die like that. Dude's just tryna innovate Concordia and he supports it by hosting and funding world exhibition blah blah blah and also, i feel so bad for this guy. Like he just wants the Rochester name to be a good one and despite all of the atrocious stuffs his brother had done, he still didn't do bad stuff and he didn't got influenced by Horatio (fuck Horatio man all my homies hate Horatio)
Veronica- she kinda fine but damn you Veronica you're such a bad mom. Also I wonder what the fuck happened to her since she really didn't reappear after Archie's death. We didn't even know if she grieved on her son's death or she probably just didn't give a flying fuck about it. She's quite interesting though. I really wished we get to know her more and what her thoughts are about this morally corrupt family and what are her roles as Malcolm's wife.
Horatio- fuck u man fuck u. He's such a vile man and i think this old stanky dude is actually born a MENACE since the start. Like seriously??? You took advantage of those Irish and Italians to fight and kill each other. Also bribing the police and putting all of those sane, innocent, good people in the asylum just because they're interrupting your plans to establish a republic 😤😤🖕🏻 a big FUCK YOU to this guy btw. Glad Viola doesn't see him as his own father now. (Yeah i mean he also did took advantage of being Viola's dad after finding out that Viola was his illegitimate daughter and also, hanging out with your daughter just to tamper or to steal evidence??? Fuck u man)
Larry- bro's getting on my nerves and he's annoying as fuck. Like dude we get that your rich but please get your shit together you're 35 😩😩🖕🏻 also you're a freak man why would you just dissect the shit out of Sandra and steal her heart just because she offered you a job to the city hall 😩 like what kinda motive is that????
Clarissa- ehhhh idk about her I honestly don't care about her though... But yeah, I think she's either a nice and a decent person or she could be a big POS. I don't know. I'm neutral when it comes to her character and we didn't know that much about her because she got killed.
Bernadine- *plays the intro of I bet on losing dogs by Mitski* My most favorite Rochester and I also feel so sad for her. She deserves so much better.... At first I didn't like her because of how arrogant she acts in case 41. But then I felt sad for her in case 53. She feels so guilty and she blames herself for Leopold's death. Wishing that she should've warn him earlier on. She knows and had seen a lot of shit her family is doing.... This girl only just want a normal life as an aristocrat and then there's her uncle who threatens her to throw her out in the asylum and also, her older brother who's violent and has massive anger issues. She was literally at her lowest during this case and it's actually sad that one by one, she loses each of her family members. (They either go to jail or die) Also wishes that she appeared early or more though. She really is one of the most interesting Rochesters out there and she literally carries all of the burdens that she experienced in her family.
Patricia- I also felt bad for her too. She didn't deserve to suffer like that. Imagine you've been in the asylum for years. Slowly becoming more and more insane because of the environment and the doctors there.... She was thrown out there just because she's speaking up against her husband blah blah blah.... (This is why all my homies hate Horatio fuck Horatio)
Malcolm- man fuck this guy. What a big piece of shit. What a fucking pig. Bro literally cares more about his job as a senator more than the death of his own son. "He who loves his son is diligent enough to discipline him" my ass. You're just straight up beating the shit out of him. 😒 There are many other ways to discipline Archie yet this mf chose to beat the shit out of him. Also, he's so corrupt that he would do such vile things to keep himself on top and to get more power. Literally a true definition of a Machiavellian. He's also just like his uncle as well. (And I wouldn't be surprised if he also has an illegitimate child though. Like seriously though i think this could be possible since Malcolm is a regular at the brothel)
Anyways this is all i just finished my yapping session now
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