#horatio rochester
nomnomdiary · 6 months
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In the game, Bernadine was very close to her uncle Leopold and wanted to protect him from Malcolm and Horatio. In the end, Leopold killed by Horatio and she felt guilty so bad. This makes me think about some headcanon where Bernadine will take revenge on Horatio (and Malcolm) for the death of her best uncle.
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rhiarin · 3 months
Rare scene of Lady Highmore, chase the shit out of Horatio:
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He's dead by the way🙃🙃🤭
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inosukes-boar-mask · 3 months
My opinions on every single Rochester in season 4 because im bored as fuck and also i wanna yap yap yap a lot
(i arrange them base on who appeared first throughout the game)
Archie- honestly, i hate him because he's such a brat but at the same time i kinda felt bad because i really do think that he used to be a really good, sweet boi back then. And I know he's such a pain in the ass to deal with but honestly he doesn't deserve to be abused like that by his dad. He must've been so traumatized everytime he sees malcolm bruh (honestly if i were him i would feel the same way as well)
Rockley- a cool guy and i wish he appeared more because he's really interesting. He's one of the decent Rochesters out there. He just wanna make some chocolates and sell em. Just a funny, chill guy that i would be friends with. He's cool as fu-
Leopold- one of my favorite Rochester. He's such a nice guy and if i was in the motp world he'd be the only person that I'll trust the most. Honestly he didn't deserve to die like that. Dude's just tryna innovate Concordia and he supports it by hosting and funding world exhibition blah blah blah and also, i feel so bad for this guy. Like he just wants the Rochester name to be a good one and despite all of the atrocious stuffs his brother had done, he still didn't do bad stuff and he didn't got influenced by Horatio (fuck Horatio man all my homies hate Horatio)
Veronica- she kinda fine but damn you Veronica you're such a bad mom. Also I wonder what the fuck happened to her since she really didn't reappear after Archie's death. We didn't even know if she grieved on her son's death or she probably just didn't give a flying fuck about it. She's quite interesting though. I really wished we get to know her more and what her thoughts are about this morally corrupt family and what are her roles as Malcolm's wife.
Horatio- fuck u man fuck u. He's such a vile man and i think this old stanky dude is actually born a MENACE since the start. Like seriously??? You took advantage of those Irish and Italians to fight and kill each other. Also bribing the police and putting all of those sane, innocent, good people in the asylum just because they're interrupting your plans to establish a republic 😤😤🖕🏻 a big FUCK YOU to this guy btw. Glad Viola doesn't see him as his own father now. (Yeah i mean he also did took advantage of being Viola's dad after finding out that Viola was his illegitimate daughter and also, hanging out with your daughter just to tamper or to steal evidence??? Fuck u man)
Larry- bro's getting on my nerves and he's annoying as fuck. Like dude we get that your rich but please get your shit together you're 35 😩��🖕🏻 also you're a freak man why would you just dissect the shit out of Sandra and steal her heart just because she offered you a job to the city hall 😩 like what kinda motive is that????
Clarissa- ehhhh idk about her I honestly don't care about her though... But yeah, I think she's either a nice and a decent person or she could be a big POS. I don't know. I'm neutral when it comes to her character and we didn't know that much about her because she got killed.
Bernadine- *plays the intro of I bet on losing dogs by Mitski* My most favorite Rochester and I also feel so sad for her. She deserves so much better.... At first I didn't like her because of how arrogant she acts in case 41. But then I felt sad for her in case 53. She feels so guilty and she blames herself for Leopold's death. Wishing that she should've warn him earlier on. She knows and had seen a lot of shit her family is doing.... This girl only just want a normal life as an aristocrat and then there's her uncle who threatens her to throw her out in the asylum and also, her older brother who's violent and has massive anger issues. She was literally at her lowest during this case and it's actually sad that one by one, she loses each of her family members. (They either go to jail or die) Also wishes that she appeared early or more though. She really is one of the most interesting Rochesters out there and she literally carries all of the burdens that she experienced in her family.
Patricia- I also felt bad for her too. She didn't deserve to suffer like that. Imagine you've been in the asylum for years. Slowly becoming more and more insane because of the environment and the doctors there.... She was thrown out there just because she's speaking up against her husband blah blah blah.... (This is why all my homies hate Horatio fuck Horatio)
Malcolm- man fuck this guy. What a big piece of shit. What a fucking pig. Bro literally cares more about his job as a senator more than the death of his own son. "He who loves his son is diligent enough to discipline him" my ass. You're just straight up beating the shit out of him. 😒 There are many other ways to discipline Archie yet this mf chose to beat the shit out of him. Also, he's so corrupt that he would do such vile things to keep himself on top and to get more power. Literally a true definition of a Machiavellian. He's also just like his uncle as well. (And I wouldn't be surprised if he also has an illegitimate child though. Like seriously though i think this could be possible since Malcolm is a regular at the brothel)
Anyways this is all i just finished my yapping session now
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asharkapologist · 11 months
So I had a small lil conversation on TikTok with @chelleinyy involving Leopold and Horatio and so I made this meme
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FNAF wishes it could have jumpscares as scary as that smile
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queer classic lit relationships according to me and me alone
Romeo and Juliet- he/him lesbian and his soft femme gf
Mercutio and Benvolio- the other tragic love story in R&J 
Hamlet and Horatio- no explanation needed
Beatrice and Benedick- the B’s in their names stand for bi 
Viola/Cesario, Orsino, Olivia, Sebastian, and Antonio- Shakespeare invented the chaotic polycule 
Helena and Hermia- who the hell are Demetrius and Lysander i only know these two sapphics 
Oberon, Titania, and Puck- they’re a triad your honor 
Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy- he’s bi, she’s demi, they’re iconic 
Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth- only demisexuals could have the patience these two do 
Fanny Price and Mary Crawford- get fucking WRECKED Edmund no one even likes you
Emma Woodhouse, Harriet Smith, and Mr. Knightley- Emma has two hands etc etc
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester- little bi freaks 
Jo March and Friedrich Bhaer- two ace dark academia nerds managed to find each other wow love is real 
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astra-galaxie · 10 months
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"I'll go see if the Holloway-Woolf Press has my package! Thank you so much for your help! Can I offer you some chocolates as thanks?" - Reese Rochester
Biographical information
Full Name: Reese Rochester
Gender: Non-binary
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Alive
Age: 27 (season 3)
Birth: 1989
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Origin: Concordia, USA
Residence: Concordia, USA
CEO of Rochester Chocolates
Rockley Rochester (great-great-grandfather) (deceased)*
Leopold Rochester (great-great-great-grandfather) (deceased)*
Larry Rochester (great-great-granduncle) (deceased)*
Horatio Rochester (great-great-great-granduncle) (deceased)*
Patricia Rochester (great-great-great-grandaunt) (deceased)*
Archie Rochester (ancestor) (deceased)* **
Veronica Rochester (ancestor) (deceased)* **
Clarissa Rochester (ancestor) (deceased)* **
Bernadine Rochester (ancestor) (deceased)* **
Malcolm Rochester (ancestor) (deceased)* **
Viola Pemberton (ancestor) (deceased)* **
Monty Rochester (ancestor) (deceased)
* Deceased post Mysteries of The Past timeline
** I couldn't figure out how Reese would be related to Rockley's cousin, so I just listed them as ancestors
Partner(s): Andrew Bontemps (boyfriend) (deceased)
Affiliation(s): Rochester Chocolates
Height: 5'4"
Age: 27 (season 3)
Weight: 140lbs
Eyes: brown
Blood: O+
Reese is a chocolatier with rich, caramel skin, a head of bouncy short brown curls, and matching brown eyes. They wear colourful clothes consisting of a pink corset-like shirt, a purple sleeveless jacket, fitted black pants, tall teal boots and a small matching top hat attached to a headband. They also wear red lipstick, a silver charm bracelet of different types of candies and a choker with a silver chocolate-shaped pendant.
As per their suspect appearance in Murder From The Past, it is known that Reeses has read The Concordia Flying Squad: History of Justice, visits the opera and drinks wine.
Reese is a chocolatier and the CEO of Rochester Chocolates. They appeared as a suspect in Murder From The Past.
They grew up in Concordia and love their city with a passion. They always had an interest in learning Concordia's history and their family's legacy within it. And while they knew that some of their family members left behind better legacies than others, Reese is proud to be a descendant of Rockley Rochester.
From the moment they learned about their chocolate-obsessed ancestor, Reese knew they wanted to follow in his footsteps. They committed to learning everything they could about chocolate and candy making. They quickly discovered they had a natural gift for creating sweets, and it was no surprise to anyone when Reese set their sights on becoming the CEO of Rochester Chocolates one day.
When Reese went to university, they studied business while practicing their chocolate-making on the side. They were famous on campus for making the best chocolates and candles, and students would hire Reese to cater and make custom treats for events. With every order they fulfilled, Reese became more sure of their dream of ruining the chocolate factory.
After graduating from university and returning to Concordia, Reese began working at Rochester Chocolates. They started in a lower position as they wanted to start from the ground and work their way to the top. Eventually, they earned a management position and began gaining more authority in the company. The goal of becoming CEO was getting closer every day, and Reese couldn't wait to call themselves the boss.
In their personal life, Reese decided to try dating. But real-life dates never seemed to work out for them. People would learn their surname and immediately think they were a stuck-up snob or would try to take advantage of their wealth and influence in Concordia. After failed date after failed date, Reese was ready to give up on love. But before calling it quits, they decided to try online dating and see if they could find someone who would love them regardless of their famous family.
It was through online dating that they met Andrew Bontemps. The two began chatting through the dating app and talked about everything they had in common. They both liked Concordian history, chocolate, watching plays and other hobbies. Reese was nervous to tell Andrew their family name, especially after he revealed that he was a descendant of Issac Bontemps, but Andrew didn't care if Reese was a Rochester or not. He fell in love with their personality, sense of humour and desire to make people happy with their chocolates. So what if their last name was Rochester? Andrew loved Reese for Reese.
The couple kept in touch online, and Reese was pleasantly surprised when Andrew told them he was moving to Concordia. His transfer to the Concordia Police Department had been accepted, and he was going to become a detective just like his ancestor Issac. Reese was there to welcome Andrew to the city, and the couple celebrated by going on their first in-person date.
After spending so much time talking to him online, Reese was so happy to have Andrew living in Concordia. And life got even sweeter when Reese was promoted to CEO of Rochester Chocolates. Of course, they would need to spend time working underneath the current CEO before assuming the position, but they could handle that to achieve their dream.
And as life continued getting better and better, Reese decided they wanted to make theirs and Andrew's lives one by proposing to him. They got a beautiful ring and started planning the perfect day to lead to the proposal. But sadly, the surprise was ruined when Andrew discovered the ring and told Reese he wasn't ready to get married yet. Reese respected his decision and put the proposal plans on hold, promising to wait until they were both ready to pop the question.
But the question would never get to be asked. Andrew was killed because his killer held a stupid grudge against him and his family for something that happened during the age of The Flying Squad. Reese was furious that someone would kill Andrew because of something his ancestor did. He was so sweet, and Reese knew he would have done great things in life if he had the chance…
Even if Andrew were gone, his memory would live on through his work. The Concordia Flying Squad Preservation Society dedicated part of The Flying Squad Museum in his memory. Not only will people learn about the work The Flying Squad did to protect Concordia, but they will also learn about the man who helped preserve their legacy. Reese plans to be at the front of the crowd for the grand opening and will have countless sweets for people to enjoy, just like Andrew envisioned.
Story Information
First appeared: Murder From The Past
They were inspired by my gremlin children, MyFaceHasNumbers (Ticcory) and issy5316 (Wattpad)/Lizardkiller (Ao3). Specifically their obsession with chocolate
Like Rockley, their appearance is based on Willy Wonka
Their favourite treat is chocolate with peanut butter
They're a huge fan of Hazan Tilki's chocolate sculptures
Their necklace was a gift from Andrew. It has their initials engraved on the wrapper
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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MoTP talk:
I love to talk about my interests as you can see
What I really love the most about MoTP, it really felt like we were going around the city. The lack of intense apocalypse themed (love ya pacific bay but i feel like the tone of the last arcs where kinda off and too wild lmao) and just grounding themselves with the concept a specialized squad flying around the city.
Everything are so tied in together. The previous games deaths kinda felt like me going "Ahh this guy is the killer def, ahh, this person is gonna get killed soon aren't they" which doesn't really feel all intense lmao. But with how MoTP loved calling back as much characters as they can, we get to know them more and see how their lives and actions change as the tone of the story changes. (CRIES IN GLADYS, ADELLIA, AND GIULETTA)
Also because of it, we kinda see more characters more fleshed out than the usual we get from CC games?
The main themes of the story were pretty down to earth: corruption, power play, justice.
It was so down to earth that it was really easy to empathize with a lot of the killers, especially the vigilante ones.
Also kudos to Archie and Horatio. You were truly shitty people but very intelligent and manipulative ones. Being able to craft plans for their goals while leaving themselves out from suspicions unless we do intense digging was very smart. Heck, Horatio literally crafted a plan so fucking careful we took like 80% of the game to catch him. He's shitty but he's SMART. And he was able to get away from it for DECADES.
Like Horatio is honestly insane man caused so much indirect deaths??? Like dude??
Also, I remember Justin Lawson before saying that he believed that the Rochesters should all be in jail. While, the way he went about it was very, not very good. In a way, the Rochesters who were engaging and not doing anything to stop Horatio while knowing his actions were also somewhat complicit of his crimes. So in a way, I understand Lawson's argument about that. And they knew the consequences of it if they babbled their mouths, we saw that with Leopold (sigh).
(Also Lawson, a lawyer, becoming a dictator removing freedom of press and the likes. I was a bit like, was one of the writers from PH or something, why is this hitting a bit too home.)
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lucero-is-here · 1 year
The camera shows Arthur Wright’s office. Arthur is no where to be seen. But you know who is there? Lucero.
Hello ladies, gentlemen and folks! It’s headcanon time. And we have the dandy man himself, Arthur Wright.
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Now let’s get to this dandy man
- he tried to fight Horatio. I mean, Arthur already has beef with Horatio and some of the Rochesters except for Bernadine, Rockley, Veronica, Clarrisa, Patricia and Leopold. Yeah but learning that Horatio was gonna send Bernadine to Gryphon’s Sanctuary pissed him off so bad he was ready to hit Horstio with a chair. And it was one of those really fancy looking chairs too.
- he has good spice tolerance somehow. He can somehow take the spice and is okay with it.
- Bernadine has forced him into a dress at least once, change my mind.
- He wore heels once and proceeded to fall down without even moving.
- he wears loafers. Brown loafers.
- he has come close to punching most of the Rochesters in the face. Malcolm? Had to hold back the extreme urge to punch him. Larry was the same. Let’s not get started on Archie. HORATIO? WELL HE HAD TO BE HELD BACK BY ROSE AND RICHARD AT ONE POINT OF TIME-
- Arthur’s family is like…Filthy rich- they are really rich- that’s all I can say.
- he has parent issues. His parents were more interested in making more money than spending time with him- which was bad for him to say the least.
- he’s an only child. He doesn’t have siblings-
- he has a ranking for how much he hates the Rochesters from most to least. Bernadine and others won’t be included in this list for very obvious reasons. The lost starts: Horatio, Malcolm, Larry, and Archie.
The rest that aren’t included are either okay or Arthur had no beef with them and didn’t know them so well.
- Arthur likes dogs- he has a pet dog- and it’s so funny when he brings the dog on the walk and the dog doesn’t want to go home and Arthur is just dragging a dog home with so much difficulty-
- beef with Lawson. I don’t even need to say why he just has really bad beef with Lawson. He just saw how Lawson became after becoming Mayor and went: Yeah time to add him to list of people I have beef with…AGGRESSIVE SCRIBBLING ON A LIST WITH AT LEAST 9 PEOPLE ON IT WHICH ISN’T A LOT-
- he gets pranked by Rose and Richard- he got lifted up by Rose and panicked so much- And Rose just had him in the air for like 2 hours and he just had the expression saying, “this is my life now,”
- he can play like…Three instruments, one of which he stopped playing. Those three instruments are the violin, cello and piano. He gave up on cello.
- he literally fought Malcolm once. It was a physical fight too. After he found that Malcolm was…abusive he just got out his office, went to Malcolm, and punched Malcolm in the face. Bernadine had to separate the both of them to keep Arthur from murdering Malcolm. Arthur was that angry to know Malcolm was like that, and was pretty much ready to get blood on his hands.
- he likes kids- kids like him too. As I headcanon him and Bernadine have a daughter in the future, he’s a really good dad- he takes care of the kid, gives her hugs and doesn’t neglect her. He lets her goes to work with him where when he gets free time he teachers her random things and say what he does as Chief of the flying squad. And she just tells him she wants to be Chief of the flying squad too. And he says: one day. One day.
- he’s terrified of bugs- he can’t stand them. He’s either instantly killing them or crying about them. Usually the first but he cries about them when it’s a spider or a cockroach. He saw a giant spider once and he screamed so much-
- SNAKES ARE HIS ENEMY- HE HATES SNAKES- I mean he can kind of stand them but touch them? HELL NO-
- he has learnt about what dolphins do sometimes and is forever traumatised about them.
- he gets maximum 6 hours of sleep.
Okay that’ll all for the dandy man though most of the headcanons I wrote are wildin- but I might make a part 2-
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chelleinyy · 1 year
Quotes from CC judges
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Applies to a lot of killers in the CC universe, pretty solid. Judge Hall was the most sensible judge imo.
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This man is so chaotic. Unhinged, but this quote makes him look so silly.
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Damn, this just reminded me of There Will be Blood, and A Family Affair ngl. This hits so hard.
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Takakura's is kinda depressing. Like, all he wanted was a break. Probably one of the more sensible judges in the series. I also would like to point out how it parallels Lawson.
Like, Lawson was a bright-eyed, optimistic idealist when he became judge. Compare Takakura and Lawson, then that would be a whole discussion by itself.
Lawson's quote is just pure fanaticism.
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Modus operandi is going into my vocabulary fr.
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*looks at Horatio Rochester* Idk much about Lebrun, since I don't really bother looking into CoR.
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Current Submissions
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Those who have secured spots on the bracket (3 or more submissions);
Elizabeth Bennett & Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Enjolras & Grantaire from Le Misérables by Victor Hugo
Victor Frankenstein & Henry Clerval from Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Faustus & Mephistopheles from Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
Ishmael & Queequeg from Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
Mina & Johnathan Harker from Dracula by Bram Stoker
Henry Jekyll & Gabriel Utterson from The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Other possible contenders (under read more);
Offred & Moria from The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Celie & Shug from The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Lestat & Marius from The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Gimli & Legolas from Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
Samwise Gamgee & Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
Gandalf & Hobbits from the works of Tolkien
Romeo & Juliet from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Clarissa Dalloway & Sally Seton from Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
Anne Elliot & Frederick Wentworth from Persuasion by Jane Austen
Emma Woodhouse & George Knightley from Emma by Jane Austen
Maurice & Alec from Maurice by EM Forster
Margaret & Thornton from North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
Holden Caufield & Stradletter from The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
Charlie & Patrick from The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Gene Forrester & Finny from A Separate Peace by John Knowles
Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn from the works of Mark Twain
John Yossarian & the Chaplain from Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Jane Eyre & Helen Burns from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Lionel Verney & Adrian Windsor from The Last Man by Mary Shelly
Eugenie Danglars & Louise d'Armilly from The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Dante & Virgil from The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Hamlet & Horatio from Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Lizzie Hexam & Eugene Wrayburn from Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens
Phileas Fogg & Passepartout from Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne
Huckleberry Finn & Jim from the works of Mark Twain
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson from Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Lord & Lady Macbeth from Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Beatrice & Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Gilgamesh & Enkidu from The Epic of Gilgamesh
Heathcliff & Catherine Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Mr. Collins & Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Victor Frankenstein & Adam ('the creation') from Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Dorian Gray & Lord Henry from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Rodion Raskolnikov & Mitya Razumikhin from Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern from Hamlet by William Shakespeare
First Mate Starbuck & Captain Ahab from Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
Charles Bingley & Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Jane Eyre & Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre by Emily Brontë
Jean Valjean & Inspector Javert from Le Misérables by Victor Hugo
Victor Frankenstein & Robert Walton from Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Mary Catherine Blackwood & Constance Blackwood from We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Benvolio & Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Achilles & Patroclus from The Illiad
Ajax & Ajax from The Illiad
Jack & Ralph from The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Telemachus & Theoclymenus from The Odyssey
Jo & Laurie from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Elinor Dashwood & Edward Farrars from Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Charles Bingley & Jane Bennett from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Jo, Amy, Meg, & Beth from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Jack Seward & Abraham van Helsing from Dracula by Bram Stoker
Henry Jekyll & Edward Hyde from The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Ned Land & Conseil from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Earl of Montararat & Earl Tolloler from Iolanthe
Fogg, Passepartout, & Aouda from Around the World in Days by Jules Verne
Guy Montag & Professor Faber from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Nick Carraway & Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Napoleon & Squealer from Animal Farm by George Orwell
Antonio & Sebastian from Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Antonio & Sebastian from The Tempest by William Shakespeare
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not all of these are canon except yes they are (in my heart)
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nomnomdiary · 1 year
I made family tree of The Rochester
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I just found Bernie and Malcolm's dad yesterday. Sadly there's no information what's his name..
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Damn why I just realized it!
And also I have no more information about Monty Rochester. All I know is in the 12th case, Archie said he's his uncle. It's means, Monty is in the same generation with Larry, Bernie, Rockley etc.
I've seen another source said Monty is in the same generation with Horatio and Leopold which means he's dad of Bernie and Malcolm. How ever Archie didn't say "Grand-uncle". He said "uncle". So I think it's not true.
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rhiarin · 3 months
another Bernadine Rochester sketch 🥰🥰
Happy Bernie🥰🥰✨✨
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Lady Highmore after beating Horatio:
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(sorry for the bad quality)
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Did she just watching "Jujutsu Kaisen"?!?!
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inosukes-boar-mask · 4 months
if the rochesters were just regular people in another universe and they live in 21st century
Part 1: what jobs would these people have
In this au, they aren't a dysfunctional and a fucked up family. They're just in a upper middle class and they just live in a suburban village somewhere in the U.S.
So anyways, here's what I think what their jobs are
Horatio: He's most likely that one college professor who's very strict and gets easily mad. And he wouldn't even hesitate to fail you in his class. He either teaches Math, History, or Science. And he has a PhD btw.
Leopold: He's retired. But he worked as a Mechanical Engineer back then and surprisingly, he graduated at MIT when he was young.
Patricia: I can see this woman working on a STEM field. Probably a Chemical Engineer or a Neurologist or if not, she would be a university librarian something like that. Or aside from these jobs that I've mentioned... I also think that she would be working as a Psychologist too.
Malcolm: Obviously a Politician. He's a representative in the congress blah blah blah idk how US politics works because I'm not American. (And in my au. Veronica isn't his wife. Surprisingly, he married the woman he really loves lol and that means Archie doesn't exists here in my au. Sorry guys 😔)
Rockley: He followed his father's path. He's a Mechanical Engineer as well and he graduated at an Ivy League school. And he also has a candy-making business as well.
Larry: this guy is slacking off and he resigned in his work because he doesn't feel like working 9-5. Now he's just currently traveling around the world now and he's planning to hike on mount Everest with his bros. (He looks like he's the type of guy who loves adventures though)
Clarissa: works in a bank. She was an accountancy major and somehow she's making big bucks on her job right now
Bernadine: She's probably an Architect. I think her being an Architect suits her the most. And she's mad talented at designing skyscrapers and stuff and she graduated with latin honors at Harvard.
Monty: Idk about this one too.... Since he really didn't show up in the game because he's dead and we don't know that much about him and his personality.... So... in my headcanon, I can see this guy working as an Archeologist because he loves digging the past and he loves history as well.
Welp.... This is all for today. This is what my headcanons are hahahaha I honestly dk why am I doing this but anyways here you go
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asharkapologist · 10 months
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold
Dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified?
So for the Inkember drawing prompts going on on Instagram, I decided to participate in today's prompt, which was drawing your favorite villain!
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Technically, Horatio isn't actually my favorite, but he's definitely up there and I think he's an interesting mf. Plus I've already drawn my absolute favorite villains, so decided to give Horatio his time to shine. Rip Leopold ‼️🙏
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s/o to me and myself for promoting my own damn post with this poll
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