#i just uhgg
muxas-world · 2 months
No cause it has never been a prahse as iconic as "gracias totales" de cerati is not even the colest or complicated prhase ever it doesn't have a deeper meaning is just "thanks" but it saund like some angel came down to our mortal world just to say thanks infront of an orquesta
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0kamikamisama · 4 months
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1 + 1 = (x)?
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tartbedo · 1 year
me: *experiencing extreme autistic burn out*
people that care about me: hey are you okay? you seem upset/irritated/annoyed/sad.
me: *has no idea how to articulate the feeling* no im fine
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okcoolthanks · 30 days
Cod I hope I feel like dressing feminine tomorrow
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ferngle · 1 year
I hate it when I get a new niche fixation with somthing! There's hardly any media for it! Which means I have to make it myself. But im not able to calm my brain long enough to think straight and make it!
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moonilit · 2 years
Why are these one shots - six digits hits so hard?? <\3 my friend challenged me to get six numbers on one of my characters and i still can’t do it 💔💔💔
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akanemnon · 8 months
HUHWHAT sorry I??? Just realized that Frisk's darkworld cape reflects the one on Kris??? You know. Kris'. Cape. Thing.??? Has the same palette as Frisk's shirt. And Frisk's cape has the same palette as the shirt Kris wears !!!!! ATTENTION TO. DETAIL. OUAG??? Sorry I'm going crazy realizing this. h uhgg /.??
Haha yep! That has always been 100% intentional. Just as another added but hidden connection these two share.
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wain-fleets · 1 year
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looks better if you press it grahh
anyways, he loves the way you taste ❗
this isnt anyone specific, it can be whoever you want it to.
we love sloppy slobber messes. saliva love squad. *SPIT ON IT*
girly got her work cut out for her.
my thought process during this was miles would love to bite. licking, sucking, biting. hes even better at it now that hes got his kitty teef.
***i just know hes a pussy eater*** GUHGUH
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and I KNOW jake be SLURPIN dont even..
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zimtlees · 3 months
HI !! I know I've said it a million times already but I love your art so much you're genuinely so talented 😭, I still feel so lucky you drew smth for me :)) and it gives me more inspiration for my art 🙏🙏 My obsession with adult Orel and Moral Orel came back once I came across you WOOHOOOHDJDJERRN And I was wondering, and I don't know if you already have but, if you would share more of your headcanons about him, his family, the immoral orel au, ANYTHING !!!1! I LOVE YOU AND YOUR HCS !!! I'm very invested... (y también pensé que nunca conocería a alguien que estuviera tan loco por él como yo, así que me siento mejor por eso) We've been blessed with everything you make and I get so happy every time you post :DDD and you're genuinely a very kind person so I hope you have a great rest of your day 🙏🙏❤❤ (and sorry for this long ass paragraph ask HRJHRHRBBR)
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OREL HC????? Okay, first I'll say the hc I have (all silly, nothing serious?) and then I get cheesy...uh
Right, first let's start with uhhhh a silly headcanon I have is that when he was younger he wanted to be like Reverend Putty...for his great service to God and all that uh. Then when he grew up he'd want to study to be a doctor...it's a good profession for him (I know I explained this in a post a few months ago), he likes to help people, and he'd definitely give his patients loads of attention without being as negligent as the doctor in Moralton lmao. (I should do a whole post about this as I actually have a lot to say about his career path)
I'm a firm believer that at some point he continued to smoke weed...maybe in his teens?? He'd know it was wrong, but it helped him to zone out, so it was fun, plus he'd definitely hang out with people who smoked too, and Orel is...very easily influenced.
Definitely in school he'd be smart, but also REALLY DISTRACTED...and goofy, I'm pretty sure hardly any girls would be interested in him. (Maybe he also became a bit weird), he's bad at picking up hints and reading people's body language... so everyone would have to be REALLY direct if they wanted to talk to him about anything. (Aahh he'd probably have to move outta Moralton to study for a serious doctor career...then he'd have to adapt to new people...bad boys)
He'd probably only start officially dating Christina when they were both legal...and she had the freedom to leave her house whenever she wanted!!! Happy ending.
...I didn't say anything, but if Orel is a masochist and Christina's an 'alternative' version of him then uh, I don't want to think about what would have happened in her chapter...
In his teens he'd really enjoy grunge and soft rock...uhgg I dunno, I just feel it. (Even though he's not that into music)
He's a goofy..nice...overprotective.....VERY overprotective dad, and that'd cause problems with his kids when they hit their teens...stupid (I love him) Orel..aahg, I mean, aahhh I also think he'd do loads of things that embarrass his kids!! But without realising lmao, he'd be like...trying to talk like them? That 'teen language' as he calls it haha.
IN HIS TEENS A LOT HAPPENED - UGH, not just between him and his parents...I mean also with his 'friends', even if he stopped being (just a bit) innocent, loads of people would definitely manipulate him into doing anything.
I don't think Clay and Bloberta ever divorced lmao, feel like they just stayed together and miserable...just like in that pic Orel has in his living room (Plus, I love that pic, it proves Orel doesn't hide his parents, he loves them despite everything and he'd definitely tell his kids to love them...wwgggh)
You know what I'm pretty sure about? Doughy and Orel got into a fight and came to blows in their teens, what caused it? Probably Doughy, in loads of episodes he looked like he was betraying his best mate for attention and affection from an adult...(but ugh, don't judge, it's written so well and we know why he did all that, even though that doesn't mean it was right, yeah, plus...there's no guarantee he changed after that, if we think about it Doughy had NO ONE, to teach him right from wrong), at some point he'd do a 'silly betrayal', to Orel...that'd make him SO ANGRY (cos it's not the first time) that mixed with a strong IMPULSE LMAO, he'd punch him, then he'd punch him back...and well, it'd all end with forgiveness and Doughy learning something.
And that's just a part of what I have cos I wrote a lot lmao...
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pukanavis · 4 months
[18Trip] Toi Shiramitsu Mayor Novel "The Day I Became an Angel" Chapter 1 | The Ritual Room
Part 1 | Part 2
*Before you choose to continue, please note that the novels contain major spoilers for the main story of the game, and it is recommended that you only read them once you have finished the main story!
There’s a ritual that Grandfather told me about, one that the heads of the Shiramitsu family have passed down for generations.
It’s a mandatory process in order to be blessed with the powers of an angel, apparently.
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Subsequently, I was determined to try my hardest. Once the 9 day long ritual ended, they said that an angel—Oshisha-sama—would settle within my body. I told myself without a shadow of doubt, that I would make it through.
When they first locked me away, I felt scared, panicked, I called out for my brother to save me, and wept for hours. When I no longer had the strength to even cry, I finally began to feel a semblance of peace. I was cold, tired and starved, but I promised myself I would persist. At times, I couldn't hold back the strange groaning sounds that slipped out. And yet, and yet…
The mucous membranes in my parched throat dried out, making it painful to even draw a breath. I was so thirsty that spots began to fill my vision.
I told myself to keep going.
My fingers, devoid of nearly all their strength, clawed at the ground. There was a strange design painted across the floor. Mother said it was a summoning circle that would bring forth Oshisha-sama.
I scratched at the circle, almost as if I were tracing the lines.
In order to earn Oshisha-sama's favour, it is imperative that one must be near death. Oshisha-sama won’t come otherwise, they say.
“Does...Oshisha-sama like it when...people are on their deathbed…?” 
My voice was hoarse. It didn’t sound like it belonged to me. It reminded me of the wailing ghosts I saw around town, the ones that had suffered miserable deaths.
I thought it was a little strange that Oshisha-sama liked people on the drink of death. He is an angel, after all. I had always imagined angels as beings that saved those in need.
“Ah, ah…aah…”
Even so, Oshisha-sama was going to save me from this pain. He and I would form a bond and then…and then…uhm…?
My head was screaming. I struggled to form a coherent thought. I was trying my hardest not to fall asleep, but my consciousness began to slip away from me. My body was trying to make me rest, but I couldn't. It was the one thing I couldn't let happen.
I leaned against the wall in an attempt to keep myself awake but with no strength left in my frail neck, my head slumped backwards.
My eyes landed on the sole tiny window in my cell, the only thing that allowed light to seep through. 
The dark, cloudy sky beyond it seemed to go on forever.
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They say that the family my brother and I were born into—the Shiramitsu family—have been possessed by angels for generations.
Many of their children showed a sense for the paranormal and possessed clairvoyance, psychic abilities and a talent for divination…they used these powers to provide aid to others and steadily amassed a following of believers.  Mother and Grandfather say that our family is famed within those areas.
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“It is the duty of the Shiramitsu family…to help people.”
Just as they had told me, I too had psychic abilities. I could see ghosts and phantoms and even speak with them if they were open to it.
Ani-sama doesn’t have any psychic power…I must have hogged it all to myself while we were in Mother’s tummy.
Instead, all the masculinity and coolness that I lack went to him. Ani-sama has always been my very own shining hero…
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My thoughts were a scattered mess and it began to feel like I may never again be the way I once was.
Maybe I really had been just a step away from reaching my limit. I could feel unconsciousness creeping up the longer I remained in that state. Grandfather warned me not to fall asleep, but what fate would I meet if I happened to faint?
Would I become a failure if I lost consciousness? Would they be mad at me?
No, no, I’m not afraid of anyone being upset with me. What scares me is failing and not being able to become a source of help for everyone.
I have to keep going. I have to do this, for everyone. I have to.
But…but my body, it wants so so desperately to just—
—The sight I saw at that moment…
“Toi, are you okay!?”
The sight beyond that little window—
Before I knew it, the skies had cleared and light began to pour past the glass.
The shadows cast by the barred window piled onto one another, swallowed by a single silhouette. Backed by the gleaming moonlight, was my brother—
“Toi, Toi…!”
It was as if a new God had just descended onto Earth.
Oh no…what do I do now? I was waiting for Oshisha-sama, but God had shown up ahead of the angel. Maybe I had already died… No, that couldn’t be right.
“Ani…sama…!” I called back.
My brother's face crumpled with guilt. He called my name in a pained voice. Ani-sama was distressed…because of me.
Please, don’t make that face. Don’t feel sad over me. I’m okay.
I wanted to hold him in my arms.  I wanted to assure him everything was okay. I wanted dearly to touch him one more time.
I wanted to take away my brother’s pain, no matter what may happen to me. I wanted to heal his sorrow.
I didn't even need to be the one to do it. Please, someone, anyone—
And then it happened.
“Are you my next host?” a voice echoed in my head.
Part 1 | Part 2
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lovrre · 2 years
Statue of Liberty~
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Joel x fem reader
Word count:3k
Summary: Ellie plays wing man for Joel hoping to set you guys up, only to find out all Joel needed was a little advice and some glue.
Warnings:Reader is a little Bit of a mother figure to Ellie , fluff, curse words, smut, unprotected sex, squirting 🌝…idk probably some other stuff
You sit in the passenger seat of Joel’s truck, carving out a little figurine of the Statue of Liberty into wood with your knife. You realize Ellie woken up from her nap when you hear her start moving around restlessly in the back seat. She sits still for a while before resting her chin on the edge of the passenger seat’s headrest. “How long has it been, it’s hot as shit in this car!” Ellie says, turning to you, letting out a frustrated sigh. “About 30 minutes” you saying not breaking concentration “UHGG” Ellie grunts “I don’t understand why we can’t just all go in with Joel” Ellie says moving closer to look at what you’re doing.
“It’s better one person go then all of us be in danger” you say, not looking up from your carving. “Bull shit! it’s dangerous everywhere” Ellie says, rolling her eyes. “It’s funny to me that you know all these cuss words but probably can’t even spell the word beverage” you say, flicking off a chunk of wood with your knife.
Ellie goes quietly for a second before speaking “B. E. V. A-“ you quickly cut her off “stop you’re embarrassing me” you say, letting out a small laugh, Ellie mumbles crossing her arms “not my fault they didn’t teach me shit at that dumb ass school”
Ellie tries to stay quiet, but her boredom gets the best of her. “Is that supposed to be the Statue of Liberty?” Ellie asks, pointing to your carving. “Yeah, it’s from memory though, so it’s not that good”
“ No it’s good, It looks a lot like it” Ellie says, leaning over to get a closer look. “You’ve seen it in person?” You ask, finally looking away from the carving and up at Ellie. “Only in books and stuff, you?” Ellie asks, your face drops for a second, “yeah I lived in New York when I was younger ”. Ellie sees it hit a soft spot for you and changes the subject, “you’re not like the other old people” Ellie says plainly.
You scrunch up your face confused and look at Ellie, “Old??? I’m like 30, if that ” you scoff, returning your focus to your carving, trying not to think about the fact that this was the first time you’ve ever been called old. “ thirty’s not old?” Ellie asks Genuinely.
“ No it’s not, it’s a perfectly fine age” you say, partially trying to convince yourself. “
“if that” How don’t you know your own age?” Ellie asks, plopping back down on the seat. “ It’s not like I have a calendar. You lose track of time after a while you know… you could be actually 12 , you sure act like it” you say, wiping the pile of wood Shavings off your lap. “Hey!” Ellie laughs, hitting your shoulder. You shrug, “Just saying, how do you know someone didn’t just round up when you were a toddler?” .
“Haha hilarious” Ellie says sarcastically before going quiet actually thinking about it for a second. “ Back to what I was saying, I wasn’t trying to say it like you’re old, I just meant you’re not like the other OLDER people, you’re not all grumpy like-“ you both speak at the same time “Joel” you two laugh “well that’s because Joel is Actually old” you say bringing your focus back on your carving. “ How old is Joel anyway ?” Ellie asks, it takes you a minute to remember, “in his fifties I think” you say, focusing on the arm part of your carving. “DAMN…that’s old” Ellie says Dramatically. “ I know right” You laugh.
Something comes across Ellie’s face, like she remembers something. She leans in closer, placing her elbow on the center console and leaning her head on her hands like a kid daydreaming in class. “ Joel doesn’t look too bad for a fifty-something, right? ” Ellie says, raising her eyebrow. You’re to focus on your sculpture to realize what she’s doing.
“ No he doesn’t, he doesn’t look young, but he still looks good…you know sliver fox think” you say, unfazed, still carving at the mini Statue of Liberty. Ellie scrunches her face up in disgust for a second before speaking, “No, I don’t…” know”. You guys sit in silence for a second while You continue working on your carving. “Would you ever date someone that old?” Ellie questions hinting as something that you don’t get right away. “ Depends on- wait” you stop in realization and look up at Ellie. She gives you a tight lip smile, raising her eyebrows up and down. “No” you state plainly, “c’mon why not, he’s lonely, you’re lonely perfect match”
You roll your eyes, “wow, that’s all we have in common really?” You say, wiping more shavings off your pants. “Well you’re both old but If I say that you’re gonna get mad” you don’t even say anything, just stare at her from the corner of your eye. “ listen I would I just I don’t-“ just as you’re about to finish your sentence, Joel opens the door to the truck. He gets in the driver seat and Ellie smiles, “will finish this conversation later” Ellie says, giving you a wink. “We won’t” you say, giving her a tight smile. “We will~” Ellie whispers in a very quiet whimsical tone, you scrunch up your face at her odd behavior, “what conversation?” Joel asks, looking between the two of you. “Nothing you need to worry about right now, old man,” Ellie says, patting him on the shoulder. “Weird kid” Joel mumbles before starting the car.
After finding a remote place to in the woods to sleep for the night, you and Ellie sit in the bed of the pickup, your feet dangling off the edge. “ I need to go collect some fire wood, I’ll stay close by, scream if you need me” Joel says, walking towards the forest. “I’ll come with!” Ellie says, jumping off the bed off the truck to catch up with Joel. You watch Ellie run after him, “and I’ll just…stay here” you say, tapping on the side of the truck with your finger.
Ellie walks side by side with Joel, smiling ear to ear. “What the hell are you smiling bout?” Joel asks looking down at her “Only that I’m the best wing man ever,” Ellie says, giving him a cocky shrug. “What are you talking about?” Joel asked a bit worried, “I was talking to y/n about if she would date- ”. Joel interrupts her “-Ellie you didn’t” a mischievous smile creeps on her lips. “ I did”
You sit in the bed of the truck, wondering how long Joel and Ellie would be gone for. You tried to combat it, but for some reason, the thought of what would it be like to be with Joel kept creeping up in the back of your mind. Not only that, but you didn’t hate it, but it just felt like something that was off-limits, but that also made it intriguing.
“ I mean she basically said you were hot, and she would date you ” Ellie says optimistic, Joel takes a few breaths in before speaking. “ What did you say to her exactly” Joel asks, a little irritated. “I just asked her if she would date someone in there fifties”
“-Ellie” Joel sighs, wiping his face in frustration. “ Calm down…she basically said she would, and she said something about gray foxes?” Ellie say confused, “silver fox?” Joel says, “yeah that, she said you had that going on, whatever that means…more old people shit” Ellie mumbles the last part. Joel stays quiet for a second, enjoying the thought of you finding him any bit attractive, gave him. “ Don’t do that again. I can handle my own personal life, hear me”?
Ellie doesn’t say anything, kicking the stones under her feet. “ Do you Hear me?” Joel asks again for sternly . “Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever, I’m just saying do something nice show her you care ”
A day later, you proudly show Ellie your finished wood carving of the Statue of Liberty, and she is amazed by the level of detail you were able to achieve. “Bro, this is awesome where did you learn how to do this?” You really think for a second before answering , “I don’t even remember, I just Do it.” You say proudly, “Wow” she says as she runs her fingers along the curves of the figure. “Can you teach me?” Ellie asks, taking her eyes off the carving to look at you.
“ Yeah, I taught my sister, so it should be easy to teach you,” you say, for a second thinking about your old life. “ I used to make them in art class, and I’d go home and teach them, the carvings were a lot less details though because I was like 10” you say jokingly but a bit of sadness at the fact that your sisters Aren’t here anymore.
Ellie let out a small laugh and “I bet I could do better than 10-year-old you” Ellie Says, shrugging her shoulders confidently. “I’d like to see you try,” you laugh, pushing her shoulder. Joel overhears your conversation and even though you don’t outright say it he makes a mental note that he's not alone in his suffering—that you've lost people too.
Joel and Ellie were walking alongside you while searching for supplies. You guys needed to look for some more food , so you drove into a presumably empty town. The streets were eerily quiet as you guys made your way through the abandoned streets. Suddenly, a group emerged from an alleyway at the end of the street. A mix of clickers and runners. Fear spread quickly amongst them, but Joel was determined to protect you and Ellie.
“GET INSIDE!” He yells, gesturing you guys inside the abandoned store. You get inside, but quickly realize the door was broken off its hinges and wouldn’t close. Just when you were about to panic, Joel calls out. “Help me push!” He yells, gesturing you to the large cabinet. You run over to Joel's side, helping him push down the cabinet. It makes a loud thud when it falls causing dust to pollute the air. It only blocking off the majority of the opening, leaving the top bit still exposed. “Shit shit shit shit shit” you curse, look for something to block the top.
As soon as you turn your back , a clicker slithers through the small opening. There was no hesitation, Joel swiftly grabbed a nearby shovel and stepped forward to face off with the monster, one hard hit and it stumbles back. A gun shot rings through the air and the clicker falls back with a thud. You look back to see Ellie holding her gun. Ellie lowering the gun a smiles proudly. “Good shot” you huff out, Joel looks around the room quickly for an Exit. “Out that way” he says, pointing to a small back door. Just before turning to the exit, you see your Statue of Liberty carving broken in three pieces on the ground. Your heart breaks a little at the sight, you move towards it for a second, debating whether you should grab it or not.
“FUCKING GO!” Joel yells, making you jump, you and Ellie run out the back door. After you guys are gone, Joel looks around once before slowly bending down, picking up the large fragment pieces of your carving and stuffing them in his pocket.
somehow you guys all managed to make it out unscathed. However, during the scuffle your wood carving broke, it shouldn’t have been a big deal, it was just wood. But it reminded you of home, not the QZ, home…life before everything, your sculpture breaking felt like a metaphor for never going to feel at home again. Ellie looked down at your empty hand, “where’s your sculpture thingy?” She asks, gesturing to your hand “It broke” you say, giving a sad tight smile.
You guys find and a pretty secure building to spend the night. There were two rooms right next to each other, connected by an entryway that you guys decided to hunker down in. You and Ellie found tents for all of you guys while scavenging. You and Joel start putting up your tents, and Ellie follows behind. “You don’t have to set up all the pieces if you don’t want to, you can stay in mine” you say, watching Ellie slightly struggling with the zipper on the bag. “No thanks I’m good, I actually want to sleep tonight” Ellie says, pulling out a rod from the back, looking at it confused.
“I’ll do it” Joel say walking over towards Ellie, “pay attention, so you can do it on your own next time”
Ellie ended up sleeping in your tent, her head laying snug on your chest. During the night, you move uncomfortably, the hard floor still very present under the tent's thin fabric. You look down, realizing Ellie had slithered her way onto your chest, you slowly sit up, moving her gently back to her side. You rubbed your eyes annoyed, your back was hurting from the floor and your throat was dry. You knew you had some water in your bag right outside the tent, so you slowly unzipped it, careful not to make too much noise. Just as you're about to step on the ground, you look down to see your small Statue of Liberty perfectly intact. Your first thought was that Ellie must of went back and fixed it or something. You bend down to pick it up and see a small note made from ripped pieces of paper.
The note reads “I shouldn’t have yelled- j” you smile at the words before examining the carving. He really did a good job, there wasn’t even any glue residue, you almost couldn’t tell it had even been broken. You hear a rustling sound coming from Joel's tent, you walk through the entrance that separated the two rooms and stood infront his tent. “Joel you up?” You whisper looking at his tent for movement, “yeah, you alright?” he asked, voice sounding groggy from sleep. You hear him move and a second later he unzips the tent door, “sorry I didn’t mean to wake you I just wanted to say thanks for fixing my thing, sorry I thought you were already up.”
“ you're good, I know it’s not perfect, but it should last,” he says, wiping his face with his hand. You look over a bit in his tent that’s lit up by a little oil lamp and see an old can labelled “canned cake” with a fork stuck in it. “Eeew what is that” you say, climbing into his tent to examine the can. Joel sighs at your action, “did you eat this shit” you ask, picking up the fork and smelling it. “ Unfortunately” he sighs again, adjusting himself to make more room in the tent for you. “That bad?” You say, giving it another sniff, “definitely not good” he says, grimacing at the can. You take a small bite off the fork, really tasting it before coming to a conclusion.
“ I mean…for twenty years old it’s kinda good” Joel makes a face that shows his disagreement. Silence fills the air for a second before you speak, “Well… I just came in here to tell you thanks for” you lean outside the tent to grab your sculpture off the floor
”-this” you say, showing off your sculpture. “ You did good” you say, seeing the details better in good lighting. “ You’re welcome, by the way you reacted I guessed it meant a lot to you” he says watching your every movement. you stay silent for a second, really thinking before talking. “ Can I tell you something it’s a little off topic … I wanted to tell Ellie, but I didn’t think she’d get it, it’s deep, so prepare yourself.” Joel nods, and you zip up the tent for more privacy.
“ Before everything, before the infected and all that shit. I had a family two sisters, a mom and dad, a cat, the whole shebang. I used to make my sister carvings just like this all the time” you say, gesturing to the carving in your hand. “And well as you probably are guessed, she died, they all did actually… in front of me at that” you say, the familiar feeling of guilt bubbling in your stomach. “But you know I was so young… I know I couldn’t have done anything, I know I couldn’t…but it’s this feeling that I could have, it’s this feeling of knowing how the world used to be. It hurts… so bad, something about knowing that your favorite teacher is most likely dead. Or your childhood friends, cousins, uncles etc. do you feel that?”
You ask, fidgeting with your nails a tears welling in your eyes threat
” more than you know“ Joel says, pain lacing his voice. You look up to see the same sadden expression and glossy eyes as your own. Suddenly, as if something comes over you, you grab his face and kiss him. He returns the kiss, leading into it. You quickly pull away in realization. “ Oh my god I’m so sorry, I don’t know wh-“ Joel quickly cuts in, shaking his head. “ it’s ok, I get it, you needed some to talk to and-“ Joel cuts himself off when he sees you still staring at his lips longingly.
Joel watches you slowly bite your lip, trying to suppress the memory of the feeling of his own yours. “Fuck it” he whispers under his breath before quickly grabbing your face and pulling you into a kiss. You deepen the kiss my sinking your have into his hair and pulling him closer to your mouth. You let out a breathy moan and Joel grabs your back, pulling you towards him in a way that tells you to straddle him. You do, grind yourself against the hard bulge in his pants. “You wanna do this” he asks his thick country accent mixed with his groggy sleep voice making your core tighten.
“Yeah” you breathe out “Really bad” you whisper, kiss the corner of his mouth. “ We gotta keep quiet” Joel whispers, pulling by your waist, so you’re closer to him. “I’ll try, ” you whisper, pulling your shirt over your head exposing your breasts. Joel lets out a low growl from deep in his chest at the sight, quickly sinking his hand between the two of you work at his belt. He takes it off, throwing it to the side and shimming down his pants just enough so pull his dick out. It’s big, but you expect that you didn’t expect him to be so thick. “ Shit I don’t know if it’ll fit, you laugh while unbuttoning your pants.
“ I know you can take it” Joel says, a smile creeping up on his face. Standing up for a second, pulling off your pants and your underwear completely before returning to your position on Joel's lap. Your warm cunt rubbing against his shaft, causing his breath to become rugged. You start rubbing yourself against his cock back and forth, your wetness making it easy to slide along his length . “ I need it” Joel huffs out, he doesn’t say exactly, but you know. You sit up a little, so you can guide him into your entrance, your left hand keeping you balanced. Joel helps you, line himself up with you before grabbing your waist and pushing you down.
He stretched you out, the sensation making your legs shake on top of him. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust, he guides you by your waist up and down on his dick. He lays back completely when you start moving on your own, bliss talking over his body. The lewd sounds of your juices and the slapping of skin filled his ears. Your legs began getting tired and your movements slowed. “ Ride me” Joel demanded his tone, deep and serious. You obey riding him with all your might, trying to keep moans at bey by biting the insides of your cheek.
“I’m about to cum” you whine, your legs shaking onto of him. Joel gets up a switches positions, so he’s on to of you missionary, his hand rests on your thigh pushing you leg back, so he has a better view of his dick entering your cunt. “Ohh god” you moan, the new angle hitting you deeper than before. You try to push Joel away, the sensation too much to bear.” take that shit” he groans, plunging deeper into your scratch at his arms as you feel the tight knot in your stomach breaking. “Take this dick baby” he groans again
You cum with what would be a loud cry if Joel hadn’t used his free had to cover your mouth. His other still holding your leg up, You moan into his had as you feel yourself coming around his dick. You squirt all over him, the loud sound of your juices intensify. “Fuck just like that” he says, his thrust becoming rugged. “Shit I’m gonna cum” Joel mumbles finale uncovering your mouth. “In me baby, cum in me” you moan squeezing your walls tight around him. Before he could even react, he was cumming inside you. “Shit-“
The morning came and you and Joel made breakfast with what whatever you food he had in his bag. You sit in comfortable silents watching Joel stir around the food with a fork over his makeshift fire. “I’m usually gentler than that in bed ”Joel says awkwardly, looking up from the pan and at you. “It’s ok, I liked it” you say, smiling. A loud voice interrupts your conversation “smells good” Ellie says, stepping out of the tent stretching out her arms. She walked over to where you and Joel were sitting and plops down next to him.
She leans over and whispers so only Joel can hear her. “Y/n didn’t come back to the tent last night…wonder where she was” Ellie smiles, elbowing him in his side. “Don’t” Joel replies sternly “best wing man” Ellie laughs
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louscartridge · 8 months
valintines day
i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform.
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cw- none, other then its not really proof read lmao
requested by ❄ anon
summary- ray and y/n have hated every valentines day, except the past year, in result of being able to spend them together.
a/n: i like never write for ray romanticly, and i think this might be like the only time im going to lol soz.
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valentines day. one of the cheesiest, most annoying holidays ever. it was just a stupid excuse for people to (usually) spend unnecessary money on someone their dating, just for them to break up 2 months later.
thats what you thought before you got with ray. the two of you got together on valentines day, making the day a little less pointless to you. ray thought the same thing. every valentines day he was throwing a little tantrum about how its pointless, and embarrassing. continuously going in circles to henry, charlotte, jasper, and somewhat shwoz. "even Laylani left me! without an explanation! stupid frickin hawai" they would all have to hear him repeat every year.
luckily, last year that finally stopped. there was no complaints from ray about valentines that year at all, and since ray and y/n were still together, everyone assumed it was gonna be the same this year.
you woke up before ray in the room that you guys shared in the man cave. after brushing your teeth and putting a pair of sweatpants on, you went downstairs. you put your hand over the screen of the autosnacker. "scrambled eggs". once you got your eggs, you turned around to put your plate on the table behind you, just to turn back around towards the autosnacker again. "water melon".
shortly after you ate, you started to get tired again. you layed you head ontop of your arms on the table. just as you were almost asleep, you feel a pair of hands hit down onto your shoulders.
he pushed himself up onto your shoulders, jumping like a kid. "y/n!" it was ray.
"woah youre awake" you say sarcastically.
"yeah here" ray says as he shoves a few roses onto the table infront of you in a glass vase.
you open your eyes slightly. "thank you" you say looking at the flowers just to be cut off by henry and jasper walking in from the elevator. "yeah!" they both start clapping. "we dont have to hear ray complain again this year uh uh" jasper starts dancing. "oh my god im going back to sleep" you say turning your head so your face down into your arms.
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a couple hours later, you wake up to the sound of the emergency alarm going off. you lift your head up with a groan. "uhgg" "oh come on you need to wake up anyway" schwoz said while waving some sort of gun looking device around. "ok so im gonna take this before something else gets blown up" charlotte said taking the weapon away from schwoz. "time to blow a bubble" "and fight trouble" ray finished. "ok that was kinda lame" henry scoffed. ray ignored henrys remark for once, and walked over to you. "oh and before i forget, here" ray said before handing you a somewhat small square box. "love you" he said wrapping his arms around your head. "love you too" you said back, with your head on his chest. "ok lets go!" ray said rather fast before going up the tubes with henry.
'second valentines day is a win' you think to yourself.
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barringtonishigh · 7 months
Uhgg i actually love your writing so much 🫶🫶
Can i ask for a fic thats just male reader x gerard fluff and they just hang out in some abandoned building or are ghost hunting? This idea came to me at 3 am last night so sorry if its a bit chaotic LMAO
THANK YOU SM!!! Ofc!! I'm so sorry this is so late I've had a hell of a week </3
Baby, You're A Haunted Movie Theater || Gerard Way x male!reader
Warnings: nothing much. Kinda cocky!gee maybe? Reader gets scared once?
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(Y/n) walked towards the abandoned movie theater, his hand in Gerard's. The night was in full swing, and the only light guiding them to the building was the shine of the full moon.
"Oh, great. A full moon while ghost hunting. How cliche. What's next, our phones die?" (Y/n) sighed, looking up at the night sky.
"What? Are you scared?" Gerard taunted as he let go of (Y/n)'s hand to attempt to open the door of the theater.
"No! Of course I'm not scared! It's just, what if we get caught? Or murdered? Or caught and then murdered?" (Y/n) said, crossing his arms.
"We won't. Now, help me look for another way in, please." Gee instructed.
(Y/n) looked around for an alternate entrance. He had started to circle the building when Gerard called for him.
"(Y/n/n)! I found an open exit door!" He shouted from the other side of the building.
(Y/n) ran over to him, lightly punching his shoulder. "Would you be quiet? If you don't shut up we'll absolutely get caught!" (Y/n) whisper-shouted.
"Sorry." Gerard rolled his eyes and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, dragging him into the building.
(Y/n) and Gerard stepped into the dark ticket buying room. Gerard flicked on his flashlight and shined it around the room, before letting the light fall on the ticket booth.
(Y/n) approached the booth. "I wonder what the last movie they showed here was." He said, more to himself.
"Unless they changed the posters, I'd guess it was Up." Gerard said, flashing his light at a poster on the wall farthest from the booth.
"Hmm." (Y/n) nodded before climbing over the booth and searching through the cupboards.
"That's certainly one way to do that." Chuckled Gerard as he walked around the booth to crouch down next to (Y/n). "Is there anything left in there?"
"Nah. Just some dust. Let's go see if there's anything left in the projector room." (Y/n) shrugged before standing up.
Gerard stood up and headed towards the hallway, searching for the staircase up to the projection room. "Bingo." He said, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand and pulling them to the staircase.
The couple climbed up the stairs and entered the room. They were met by three projectors facing windows, old movie posters, and a box of old children's cups that came with kid's snack boxes.
"Woah! Look at these things! I can't believe they just left these here!" (Y/n) gasped, running to inspect the projectors.
"(Y/n), look! They have an original movie poster from the first Star Wars!!" Gerard said, pointing to one of the furthest movie posters.
They explored the projector room for a bit, before eventually getting bored. "D'you want to go hang out in one of the movie rooms?" (Y/n) asked, pointing back down the stairs.
"Yeah, sure." Gerard nodded, before the pair headed down the stairs and into the middle movie theater.
The couple sat in a couple of chairs on the top row. (Y/n) put his feet up on the chair in front of him.
The pair sat in silence for a bit, (Y/n) looking out towards the dark screen.
"What's on your mind?" Gerard asked, reaching over to grab (Y/n)'s hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb.
"Do you remember our first date?" (Y/n) asked, still looking out towards the screen.
"How could I forget?"
"People forget things all the time," (Y/n) shrugged. "But anyway, being here makes me wonder how many more people will have first dates at theaters."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Gerard cocked an eyebrow.
"It's just, the theater's abandoned, right? What if more theaters follow it? What if-"
(Y/n) was interrupted by a crashing sound from the projector room. He jumped up.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We probably just left something on the edge of a table." Gerard comforted, patting the chair next to him. "Sit back down. I'll hold you."
(Y/n) reluctantly did, scootching as close to Gerard as he comfortably could.
Gerard put one arm around his shoulder and grabbed his hand again with the other. "It's okay. No need to be scared. I'm right here."
"I know. Maybe we should get out of here, though." (Y/n) suggested, looking around to make sure there was still no one else there.
"If that's what you want."
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rrskinny02 · 20 days
Everyone always things when my mom tells them I’ve an Ed that I have bulimia. Bitch I don’t purge I use to purge 3 years ago…. No I only starve and “fast” and restrict and if I binge I make up for it by exercising and laxatives….
But just because I’m fat or bigger doesn’t mean I can’t have a restricting eating disorder. Isg not a fucking weight disorder it’s a mental disorder…
Uhgg peopel need to educate themselves.
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lovesickval3ntine · 8 months
SOOO I finally finished this damn thing, Im working on getting it on my ao3 (but tags r so fucking UHGG) so I'm gonna post it here! tw for saw stuff ofc, also title recs r welcome! cuz I suck at titles.
The odor of blood and decay suffocates Adam as it radiates throughout the pitch-black bathroom.
Zep's lifeless body lies a few feet in front of him, his body bloated and discolored, he vaguely feels maggots squirm on his ankle, eating away at the dying flesh around the raw welts but he can't bring himself to care. 
Adam shivers as he leans against the cold pipe of the bathroom, the bullet wound on his shoulder burns as it rubs against the fabric of his shirt, causing him to groan and squeeze his eyes shut in pain. 
In his feverish daze, he wonders if Lawrence will return for him.
He promised, Lawrence promised, he wouldn't lie to him. 
Would he?
Adam stares at his hands in front of him as he flickers in and out of consciousness, they shake violently.
Adam feels his hunger deep in his bones, leaving him aching and weak. He lets his head fall into his weak hands, furiously shaking as he begins to hear an all too familiar voice. 
"I wouldn't lie to you” a familiar voice whispers harshly against his ear. Despite the words being said, the voice makes every muscle in Adam tense in fear.
"You're not real, shut up!" Adam grits out between clenched teeth, his voice dry and strained as it echoes throughout the empty bathroom, his fingers itch for a cigarette now more than ever.
“It doesn't matter now, does it? You're dying Adam” The doctor's calm voice says, devoid of any emotion.
As Adam attempts to hold back the tears that threaten to fall, he clamps his hands over his ears roughly to muffle the echoing whispers of Lawrence.
It doesn't help, his voice sounds just as close and clear as it did before. 
Tears start to fall off Adam's sunken cheeks and sharp jaw as he finally breaks out in sobs, strained apologies, and confessions are whispered frantically. 
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry” Adam cries as his wails echo around the bathroom, “I want to live, please let me live, please come back” he whispers as his grip around his ears tightens.
Adam passes out with his head in between his arms for what has to be hours before he jumps up, woken up to bloodcurdling screams echoing all around him, his skull vibrates from the volume as he recognizes Zep's screams, the screams he caused.
But Zep was dead.
Wasn't he?
Adam slowly opens his eyes (when did he close them?) and looks a few feet in front of him where Zep’s corpse is supposed to be, he can smell the decaying flesh and the metallic blood covering them but Zep's body is gone, even in the dark bathroom he can tell that Zep’s body is gone.
Adam strains his eyes to make out the details in the darkness, he frantically looks around as things come into focus, Zep had to be in the bathroom with him. 
He remembers the feeling of warm blood splattering onto him, covering him in the sticky red substance. He remembers when Zepp’s skull cracked under him as his adrenaline-filled body smashed, smashed, smashed away Zep’s only chance at life. 
Adam looked around the bathroom as best as he could when he noticed a glint of metal in the bathtub, and sure enough, Zep's rotting corpse lay at the bottom of the bathtub with his gun lying in his left hand and his tape on top of his chest. Adam reaches his arm towards Zep's gun and just as his fingers whisper over the handle of the pistol Zep's rotting arm reaches up and grabs the small of his wrist with bruising strength. 
“There are rules” Zep’s corpse whispers as he yanks Adam by the wrist roughly, making him hiss. 
“you should be dead,” the corpse whispers calmly, “You wanted to die” Zep digs his blood-covered fingernails deep into Adam’s wrist, Adam winces and uses the rest of his strength to rip his wrist out of Zep's hold and sink back into the corner, laying his head against the chilled pipe behind him.
Zep continues to whisper nonsense Adam can't quite make out through the pounding of his head, bright hot pain shocks him as it runs through his body in a wave.
Adam shivers and tries to hold down the bile that attempts to work its way up his throat, if he keeps losing fluids he knows he won't be able to stay conscious much longer. Adam screws his eyes shut in an attempt to catch to stop the violent hallucinations and flashbacks.
Adam shakes as he claws at his ears, the desperate screams of Lawrence and Zep echo throughout the bathroom, shaking him to his core. His tears roll off his cheeks freely as he shakes from the force of his sobs, blood drips down the sides of his jaw, mixing with the tears and dried blood on his face.
Despite the blood and tears running down his face and hands, he continues the painful grip around his ears, despite how it doesn't dampen the cries and shrieks that echo around him.
Adam pukes, bile and stomach acid splatter across the floor beside him, far too exhausted to move from his spot. Adam gags as the putrid smell reaches his nose and reminds him of all the decay around him.
Adam is the cause of it, he is the cause of all the decay and death that surrounds him, the decay that suffocates him and makes it next to impossible to breathe. 
Adam finally releases his tight grip around his ears and wraps them around his stomach, which is oh-so empty, and squeezes at his sides slightly. 
He knew he was most likely going to die alone, a nobody, someone who would rot in his apartment till his body started to decompose, rotting and melting until someone complained about the smell or something. Even in death, he would be a bothersome nobody.
Adam didn't want to die alone, he truly didn't want to die at all, he just wanted something to change. He got his wish in the end though, didn't he?
He lets out a choked sob and curls into himself more, his game was rigged from the start, he was destined to fail from the moment he drained that damn bathtub, and who knows, he might be dead right now and this is all a part of some post-death hallucination.
What Adam would give to see the light beyond the bathroom door, know he wasn't forgotten,  know Lawrence will return to him. 
He knows that he won't live long despite the running water in the tub, water won’t calm the burning infection running through him, or the hunger that pains him deep down in his bones.
Adam claws at his sides as he trembles, the pain providing some sort of clarity in his hazy thoughts so he can catch his breath, which is harder than it should be, every breath is shallow and wet as he tries to even it out. Adam doesn't want to die here, he wants to go back to his shithole apartment make sure the cat that wanders outside of it is ok and fed, call his mom back, and apologize for not answering her calls.
The first couple of days he was locked in the bathroom he screamed and wailed for what seemed like hours on end before he eventually passed out in exhaustion, once he woke up the cycle repeated until the hallucinations started.
Once he started hearing Lawrence and Zep whispering into his ear, he would wake up screaming and flailing around before the pain in his shoulder or leg knocked him out of his panic. 
He can't even remember the last time he slept without waking up screaming because of a nightmare or a hallucination, hell sometimes it was a combination of both, this combination made sure he never got much rest.
Adam is used to being sleep deprived, hell half the time he would only get a few hours a night, developing the number of photos he takes is time consuming, to say the least.
But the exhaustion he is feeling is like none other he has felt before, it takes so much energy to do something as simple as breathing, he would do anything to sleep interrupted. 
As Adam's eyes droop he is shaken awake by a piercing noise, the sound of metal grinding against the floor vibrates him to his bones.
The door, Lawrence must have kept his promise. Adam almost cries as the dull yellow light from outside the door shines in and illuminates the blood and decay that is splattered all over the bathroom.
A small figure walks in, their boots clicking against the ground as they walk closer to Adam, the shadowy figure sits on the edge of the bathtub and stares down at him. Now that Adam can see them better he can see their spiky, unkept hair.
“I have a question for you Adam,” The strained feminine voice echoes throughout the bathroom, it sounds like they have been crying, “do you appreciate your life?” they ask, voice wavering.
Adam coughs wetly as he tries to find his voice, it seems so long since he last spoke. He opens his mouth before snapping it shut quickly, trying to find the right words for what he wants to say.
“I-I think in the past I didn't,” he pauses and catches his breath before speaking again, only this time much softer “but now a-all I want to do is get home and get better, move on with my life and stop being afraid of every damn thing,” he says angrily with tears building in his eyes.
Adam grips his stained shirt tightly in his fists as he stares at the mysterious figure, his fever riddled brain isn't thinking straight as he reaches out with a kind hand and places it on her knee, hell she could been the one that brought him into this hellhole but the pain in her eyes is too similar to what he sees every day in the mirror.
The girl freezes and looks down at him with soft eyes, “Don't worry Adam, I'm going to help you get out of here” she whispers with glossy eyes as she places her delicate hand on top of his, rubbing her thumb across his boney knuckles comfortingly.
“P-please” he pleads as his grip on her tightens, “don't leave me just yet?” he asks as his voice breaks and tears start to fall from his eyes. 
The woman simply nods and sinks off the bathtub and onto the bloodied cold floor to sit next to Adam. He looks at her with tired eyes as she brushes his sweaty hair out of his face and holds his jaw lightly
“You're real right?” he whimpers out pitifully, leaning into the woman's touch.
“Yea Adam, I'm real, I promise” she giggles wetly before pulling him in for a hug, careful of his injuries.
Adam leans into the warm hug and wraps his arms around her waist gently, it's been so long since he last had a hug. His body shakes as he sobs into her neck, and his tears fall onto her shirt but neither of them cares, they stay like this for a while until the woman breaks apart the hug, she wipes his tears with her thumb before grabbing a water bottle behind her (when did that get there?) and handing it to him, urging him to drink some.
Adam grabs the plastic water bottle with a tight grip and chugs it quickly before handing it back to her, he wipes his mouth as he watches her stand up.
“I have to go now Adam, hang in there, I promise help is coming,” she says confidently before walking towards the metal door, her combat boots clicking against the tile as she walks away from Adam. Once she gets outside of the door she waves awkwardly before shoving the door shut roughly, plunging the bathroom into darkness once again.
As unlikely as it is, Adam hopes and prays that the woman is real, and that he will get help and survive.
As he finally drifts off to sleep, he thinks of the cat outside of his apartment, maybe he can finally take it in and care for it.
Such non-judgemental creatures they are. 
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beef-cutz · 9 months
i need to be thin like, right now. not to be nsft, but i need to be small enough to be manhandled like, RIGHT NOW. i'm already small enough height and weight wise that i can be pushed around pretty easily, but i need to be smaller. i need to be so small that just about anybody can bully me <33 i love that feeling uhgg!
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