#i just think they are breaking down. they are at the rock bottom in terms of mental health and still...
delusionalblfan · 8 months
to me this
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and this
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have the same feeling. don't ask questions
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mcflymemes · 4 months
ANYONE BUT YOU (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you still live at 28 fuckboy lane?
there's a reason why you're alone. no one can trust you.
i still think about the night we spent together.
these last few days really made me realize how much i miss you.
that night at your place, no matter how it ended, it was still pretty amazing.
so... you gonna kiss me now?
you'll always be my rock bottom.
okay, nuzzle my neck. get in there.
we are not together. we were faking it the whole time.
we have to kick it up a notch. make it feel like we're in the ga-ga stage.
you know, i feel really bad about that.
did you catch him measuring his dick with a ruler app?
you scared the shit out of me.
we're getting pretty good at faking it.
it doesn't matter how we found out.
permission to put my left hand on your right buttock?
okay, not in circles. it's not a magic lamp.
are you not wearing underwear?
we do not inherit the earth. we just borrow it from our creatures.
i have a better idea. you just let me do everything.
thanks for being so cool about all of this.
you want a coffee? it's the best n the world.
there's only one bed, but we hung a shower curtain in the middle.
hi. where's your bathroom?
i could have done it myself, but whatever. thanks.
thanks for not stealing my coat.
is that really a two person job?
you would let me die?
they think i'm throwing my life away.
no, that was rude. i apologize to anyone that was listening.
i don't know. i'm not good at this, sorry.
i'm from a different generation.
i'm not talking about love. i'm talking about dick.
all that matters is that we're together.
that's not me anymore. i'm free now. i'm deprogrammed.
no way, that man does not have a heart.
well, that didn't take long.
if i never ask you for anything ever again, can you please just lay off of me this weekend?
let's just have a moment to calm ourselves.
no one cares. no one can see us.
we were on a break, asshole.
either way, someone's lying to someone.
i must have really gotten under your skin.
you used none of those terms properly.
i cannot believe i just said that out loud.
i'm sorry. my life is a disaster right now.
look at this place. it looks like every serial killer reenactment documentary.
no matter how broken something is, there's always a way to fix it.
this whole thing is so new to me.
i don't really like labels, but i like you a whole bunch.
so are you going to ask me out now?
so if we were getting attacked by giant spiders, you would not be able to protect us?
you two know each other?
i'm going to go grab a drink. door's that way if you're looking to sneak out. i know that's your thing.
i'm going to get a drink and toast to never seeing you again.
how crazy is it that we're on the same plane?
why do so many of us feel stuck?
you don't even play tennis.
we're fine if he just stays away from me.
you're such a romantic.
i was hoping you'd come. i wanted to message you, but i didn't know how you'd feel about hearing from me.
they're also a little worried how you're gonna react to all this.
you have a little something in your teeth.
we need to come up with a game plan.
you are so terrible at this.
it's harder than you think.
they know i would never go out with a guy like you.
we just suck face in front of everybody.
you're calling me a fuckboy like it's an insult? i own that shit.
let's just be affectionate. i know it's a foreign concept for you.
you were the one who said there's a thin line between love and hate.
i think it was more of a euphemism for crying alone.
i definitely didn't hate you.
last night was the first thing i haven't regretted in a long time.
i love the weird way you stick your hand down my pants.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
Wanna play mermaids?
Barbie dolls: jegulus x reader (James, regulus, you)
Words: 3.4k ish
Summary: you and regulus work as mermaids at the renaissance fair and shockingly a lot of dads hit on you guys but what if one of them was hot?????? OH GOD PLEASE RELASE ME I WANT PEACE PLEASE GOD PLEASE
Warnings: your mermaid name is meryn, I personally think mermaid is a gn term but I understand why you wouldn't view it that way I was a mermaid kid so all I did was read books on them so to me personally I just feel like they wouldnt care about gender norms or gendered language BUT I UNDERSTAND so you and regulus are referred to as mermaids but there is no other gendered language, morden au, marylily is real, regulus is trans with stars around his top surgery scars and he's a tad insecure about the scars but it's cool, that's all.
You and your boyfriend, Regulus, loved working at fairs. You both had spent a very long time honing your costumes and characters. So when the biggest fair in your area hired you both, you were giddy. After you hung up, you and Regulus both screamed and jumped around the kitchen, holding onto each other. After waiting and picking at the fine details, the fair had finally opened again.
Every summer for about three months the fair on the outskirts of town was open. People dressed up, fairies, witches, queens, knights, regular old Renaissance peasants, came from all over to join in the festivities. Behind the large, fake, castle gates was a massive amount of care and love. People worked to fill their booths with handmade products. People spoke with old accents, calling out to thou to payeth for a large pretzel with your Chime credit card. You loved it. All the costumes, all the activities, all the love people put in, seeing the joy in children's eyes as they met real life mermaids. Even if it was just you and your  dumbass boyfriend in costume, it was real to them. You were even more excited to go to the one in town, you had seen how their mermaid tank was set up.
For quests they had to find the building with the painted mermaids all over it. It was open concept mostly, as most things at the fair were, no ac, all wood, and still beautiful. The building was mainly there for the gift shop, if the people wanted to see the real mermaids they'd have to follow the small stone path. Through a small arched gate, vines climbing up it, was a small winding garden path. Stunning flowers and vines growing around them as they made their way down the line. Eventually they'd turn the corner and see it. The large tank of water, usually with a mermaid inside. Around the tank were large fake rocks, making it look less like a tank and more like a tiny cave. Inbeaded in the rocks were gold dabloons and seashells. False seaweed twisting around the rocks. It was convincing enough for a child. Then there was another small path that led the guests out of the garden and back to the gift shop.
For the mermaids however, the path was different. You entered in through the gift shop, an employee showing you behind the beaded curtain in the back. Through there you found two doors, both painted teal that was now peeling and dim. Through the door on the left was a bathroom aka changing room. Through the door on the right was a small pool, the half of the tank that wasn't visible to the public. On two of the walls there was a space to walk, sidewalk wide. There were regular old swimming pool steps off in the corner, a lovely space to sit and take a break in your opinion. Then across from the door was an entryway. It started at the bottom of the tank and raised all the way up to just above the water. You entered the tank for the children to see you by getting into the pool and then swimming through the entry. It was most definitely one of the nicer set ups. There was one time where you showed up and found a troft waiting for you.
You and Regulus had gotten dressed, slid into your tails, and flipped yourselves into the pool all within an hour. You still had about thirty minutes to waste before you were needed outside. You had noticed that Regulus was quieter than usual but you just assumed he was tired. It was early in the morning and he was more of a night owl. Though now as you were both sitting on the steps, passing time in silence, you felt worried. You nudged his shoulder with yours. You asked him if he was alright and he seemed to sink. He shrugged. There a moment of silence before be started whispering to you.
"I'm just worried someone might say something." You raised an eyebrow at him.
"About?" Regulus rolled his eyes and gestured at his chest. He had scars, but so did millions of people. Regulus once vented to Sirius about his insecurities over his scars and Sirius offered the solution of tattoos. Of course he would. Regulus took it though. He went and got stars littered around them. Regulus was definitely more confident in them when you were alone or with friends but he always seemed to get a little antsy before working. You shrugged.
"Has anyone said anything before?" You already knew the answer. You just needed to remind him of it. Regulus pinched his lips together, shaking his head. "Then why would anyone say something now? What makes this job any different?" Regulus sighed and dropped his head on your shoulder.
"I have no real merit behind my anxieties." You nodded. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, glad he finally came to a proper conclusion. You slipped off the step, dropping to your shoulders in  the water. Regulus soon joined you. You swam through the opening. The outside part of the tank was much nicer than the inside. It was still early in the morning, the fair opening accnoucment started at 7:40 but no one really entered the fair until 8 ish. If you looked to the side you could see the sunrise. Regulus' head popped up out of the water next to you. You smiled at him. There were two small false rocks with flat tops in the two corners at the front.
You loved how Regulus looked in this lighting. He glanced over at you when he noticed you staring at him. Regulus rolled his eyes and made his way over to the corner across from you. He plopped himself down on the rock and rested his arm over the edge of the tank.
His tail was purple. You were there when he got his inspiration. You and Regulus were shopping for Luna's third birthday present when a little girl ran up to him holding up her Barbie doll. She kept pointing at them both. You saw the similarities instantly. It was a little mermaid doll with short black hair and a purple and blue tail. After her mother came running around the corner apologizing a million times and throwing the girl over her shoulder. Regulus turned to you. You shrugged and looked back to the dinosaurs. Luna was going through a dinosaur phase. She only wanted dinosaurs. Dinosaur chicken nuggets, dinosaur socks, dinosaur cereal, if it wasn't dinosaurs she wasn't having it. Regulus sniffed. You looked over at him. He was wiping at his eyes. You wanted to laugh a little. He was crying over a Barbie. All things considered though you've done the same so you hugged him and cooed.
Now he really was a spitting image of the doll. Your tail was orange. For no other reason than you thought it looked cool. You kept flapping your tail over Regulus'. He looked away from the garden to glare at you. A man in full peasant garb came around the corner, scrolling on his phone. He turned it off and shoved it into his leather pouch attached to his belt. He smiled at you two.
"Hey you guys, I'm John. I'm basically going to be right by you guys at all times if you need anything, if anyone gets weird. And also so I can direct people towards the exit but majority I'm here to support you." You both nodded at John. You shook his hand, introducing yourself and Regulus with both your names and mermaid names. Regulus gave John a short wave before looking back out at the garden.
"Yeah we're already having a line build up out there, your first meeting time is at 8:30, that's when the gate opens. Then the second meeting time starts at 9:30. And then so on and so forth, but after 11:30 that's it until 1:30 so we all have lunch time then." John explain, pulling his phone out the scroll down the schedule. You didn't have the heart to tell him you already knew the schedule.
After Regulus had celebrated with you for the first 5 minutes of finding your new job he was pulling out his laptop and reaserching everything. He took notes. Color coordinated notes. Regulus then helped you memorize everything. From the schedule to the blueprints to the faux accents people put on. He even went over your characters' lore with you again.
However you appreciated John's kindness to explain the schedule to you anyways. So you thanked him. You decided if he didn't run off to have lunch with his other peasant friends you'd find a way to get your lunch outside and eat with John. John notified you when the other workers opened the gate.
Quickly after that the first family was rounding the corner, jumping over the vines. Regulus fixed his posture, sitting up straight and smiling wide at the little boy. He was clutching onto a cloth mermaid doll like it was his lifeline. He squealed when you both waved at him. he was quickly advancing on you two, leaving his loser family behind. He was more interested in Regulus than he was you. The little boy told Regulus his favorite color was actually blue. He also explained siren lore to Regulus. Regulus smiled and nodded along. The boy asked Regulus what his name was. Regulus pressed his finger to his lips before pointing to you.
"His name is Llyrrick." You said, smiling at the boy. He pouted looking back to Regulus. Regulus had quickly realized after your first few jobs, talking to people for that long, masking for that long really, was extremely tiring. So you both adapted. Suddenly Llyrrick just didn't talk and Meryn, you, was talking double time.
"Do you not talk?" The little boy asked, tilting his head to the side at Regulus. Regulus pinched his lips together, shaking his head no. The boy's smile grew, letting out an excited squeal. He quickly ran back to his family, who was standing awkwardly next to the tank. He latched onto what looked to be his older sister. She looked to be only a few years older than him. He dragged her over to Regulus.
"This is my sister, she doesn't talk either. So sometimes I talk for her at restaurants and stuff, like you." He said smiling at you. Regulus smiled brightly, waving at them both. The girl looked more than giddy to meet a mermaid who was like her, her smiling biting back at her cheeks. Regulus held up his finger before flopping himself off his rock seat. He quickly swam back through the opening. Both the kids looked back to you, with sad looks, scared he was running away from them.
"Llyrrick is getting you two presents. Hey do you two where we merfolk keep our money?" They both shook their heads at you. "At the riverbank." You giggled at your own joke, even though you didn't really find it funny. Both the kids chuckled at your joke. You kept running off puns to keep them entertained. Regulus was back in few more seconds. He pulled himself back into his rock seat. Regulus reached into his now soaking cloth bag. It was small but it held a lot of false mermaid coins. Regulus reached into the bag and pulled out two, dropping one in each of the children's hands. You both waved them off as John pointed them to their way out of the garden.
You and Regulus gave each kid a coin before they left. Some of them spent more time talking to you, some talking to Regulus more, and some just stared at you both in silence. As the hours passed you started looking more and more to your lunch. You loved watching the childrens' excitement at seeing real life mermaids, but it was still tiring. Lunch was quickly approaching, you were already at the end of your 11:30 line.
"Sorry, he doesn't know how to flirt. He just kinda stares with his mouth open." She whispered to you, trying not to disturb Harry The Number One Mermaid Fan and Llyrrick's conversation. You shrugged.
The last family was rounding the corner. A small boy and three adults following after him. The boy was in jorts, light up lighting McQueen sneakers, a red shirt with a cartoon mermaid plastered on the front, and glasses too big for his face. He looked to be 7 or so. He was holding onto what was most definitely his father's hand. They looked like carbon copies, even in matching glasses.
Behind them both were two beautiful women.  One was in all green, with long red hair and the other was in as many bright colors you could imagine, her curly hair pulled into two buns. If you didn't already think it was the hottest set of parents you most certainly did now.
The man had a mustache that could truly only be described as a pornstache. Even worse, he made it hot. His muscles were large. You felt sympathy for his tshirt sleeves. You slowly turned your head to stare at Regulus. He gave you the exact 'you seeing this?' look you were giving him. You smiled and turned back to them as they got closer.
The little boy was dragging his father to the edge of your tank, his two mums following behind them. You thought they were the hottest throuple you ever did see. If you were the mirror mirror on the wall and they asked you who was the finest of them all you'd consider death. It'd be easier than picking. The boy smiled at you two as his father froze at the edge of the tank. You said hello to the boy as Regulus waved. He introduced himself as Harry, The Number One Mermaid Fan. You smiled at him. He talked to you both. Regulus gave him encouraging looks. Regulus crossed his arms over the edge of the tank, dropping his chin on his forearms.
You noticed the father was staring at you both. It unfortuently wasn't as uncommon as you wished it was.  A lot of people would stare, most of them making you uncomfortable. You glanced over at him. His jaw was slack and his shoulders slumped, making him look like a child salivating at a candy store window. You stared back, raising an eyebrow at him. The red headed woman came up from behind him, giving you a smile.
"I'm not flirting with your husband. I'm actually just sitting in a tank. Us merfolk don't flirt we give each other seaweed bouquets for courtship." You stated blankly. It wasnt the first time a partner of someone has chewed you out for looking at their loved one. Apperantly an orange fish tail was quite flirtatious.
"Oh gross no. I'm married to her, not him. Anyways just give us a second." She pulled the man away, over toward the other woman. They both gave you a small smile before gripping onto the man's shoulders. You continued to talk to Harry The Number One Mermaid Fan and ignored them entirely. As Harry started to ask Regulus more questions about sea life, all of which Regulus answered, the father came back up to you clutching his phone tightly. He had shinked into himself, looking as small as a buff as shit dude could.
"Excuse me, sorry I don't mean to be irritating, but do you think it's possible I could get both your numbers?" He was muttering so quietly you barely even heard him. You looked over to Regulus. He was already staring at you. Regulus gave you a light nod before answering Harry's question on the economy system with his hands, John stepped over to him, pressing his hand to the father's chest, giving him a light shove.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." John whispered. You reached out and tugged on the edge of John's shirt.
"Thank you, John. It's alright." John looked back at you to check a second time that you were speaking and not clone. You nodded. John looked back to the father, looking him up and down with the stink eye before moving away.
As John shut the exit gate you looked at Regulus. He groaned and slumped lowing into the water. You nodded, understanding completely. Regulus stared at you, you could see his admiration simmering under his gaze. You gave him a knowing look as he continued to slip lower and lower under the surface of the water. You rolled your eyes as his head disappeared under the water before popping up next to you again. Regulus pushed him up next to you on your rock seat, dropping his head on your shoulder and interlocking your elbows.
"Well I can't give you my cell phone number but i can give you my Shell-phone number" Your smile grew as you said your own pun. The man started laughing at your joke as he opened his contacts. You warmed, most people ignored your puns. Who would've thought a dad would enjoy your dad jokes?
You quietly whispered your number and real name to him. He was giddily smiling the whole time, giggling as he entered in the numbers. When you were done you looked over to Regulus, silently asking if he was sure you can gave his number away. Regulus sent you a wink and pulled his hand out from under the water, a shell in his palm.
On occasion, you genuinely wondered if he was a mermaid because you never packed shells but he always had pulled some out from nowhere. You turned back to the man listing off Regulus' number and his real name. The man was bouncing on his heels. He looked to be fighting off the urge to do a jig in celebration.
Just as you were finishing handing off Regulus' number, Regulus was dropping two coins into Harry's hands. The man thanked you a million times before lifting the boy off his feet with ease and throwing him over his shoulder. The boy squealed and laughed as the four of them left. Both of the women sent you two bright smiles.
"He was hot." Regulus whispered against the skin of your wet shoulder.
"Fuck, I know. Jeez Louise." Regulus nodded understanding your exasperation. He gently kissed your shoulder, sitting up. He looked back at John.
"Thanks, John." John stared at Regulus with wide eyes. You looked over your shoulder to smile at John.
"Right well, I'm going to go to pop over to the food court. I'm going to wander around a bit but I'll be back before 1:00, okay?" John said. You both gave him a nod. He left through the garden.
You and Regulus ate lunch in the inside tank. After that you both continued to meet more children and families. As the Fair closed for the day, you were slightly ashamed to say you glad. You and Regulus were out of your tails, not bothering to wipe off the painted scales on your faces. All the guests had left, you both leaned on each other as you left through the faux castle walls. Staying in a pool all day and being exhausted made your legs slightly wobbly.
"Mm bath, dinner, bed?" Regulus muttered, his voice slightly hoarse from not using it all day.
"Would you still love me if I said, A bath is too much energy?" You really weren't sure if you could last another second in water. Regulus hummed.
"Okay, Dinner, stinky bed time?" You nodded against his arm. He dropped a kiss to your forehead as he lead you through the parking lot.
"Glad we got that sorted, now the question is what are we having for dinner?" You groaned at Regulus asking you so many questions.
"Hey maybe that guy from earlier will be up for coming over. I'm entirely positive he won't mind being dinner, he was jumping up and down getting your number." You offered. Thinking about real answers was too hard.
"Really? I was thinking noodles." Regulus muttered, his tone flat. You lifted your head off his shoulder and smiled at him, lightly pecking his cheek.
“Noodles work.” Regulus nodded, pulling you off towards your car.
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(Warm mornings with jams please)
Warm Mornings; Jamil Viper
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; I was possessed by this vision and I hope that you go into cardiac arrest because of it. Translation for a term of endearment will be at the bottom!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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Jamil slowly blinked his eyes, waking up from a dream; a dream that he was visiting one of the Al-Asim’s many vacation homes, the one by the coast. A dream that you were by his side, smiling at him as you excitedly went through all of the rooms. But it wasn’t a dream, he knew that when he saw the driftwood ceiling, and saw your sleeping form next to him.
The Sun was just peeking out from the horizon, golden rays turning the ocean a warm amber, coming through the open shutters and illuminating dust clouds that drifted in the light breeze. 
If Jamil were back in his dorm, or at the Al-Asim estate, he would have already started his day. He would have been making breakfast for Kalim and their lunches as well. He would have been rushing and worrying. But he didn’t have to do that here, he didn’t need to do anything. He could relax.
Sighing, he turns over to face you, and breathes out a silent laugh. Apparently, yesterday had been pretty tiring, since you had dried up drool on your face, and some light snores escaped your mouth every so often. It was a side that he hadn’t really had the opportunity to witness or enjoy. And to Jamil, there was nothing more precious or stunning in his eyes, drool and all. 
You shuffled in your sleep and Jamil froze, fearing that you had caught him in the act of admiring you. He didn’t want you to wake up and find him staring at you. He didn’t want you to think that he was being weird, or breaking some unsaid boundary. But you stayed asleep, and a particularly loud snore escaped from you, which nearly made Jamil snort, almost.
Jamil took one last look at you before deciding it was best to get up and slowly start his day. He sat on the edge of the bed for a bit, taking a mental screenshot of your sleeping face. And before he knew what he was doing, he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. He didn’t overthink it, and a flare of panic did spring up, but he smothered it just as quickly as it had arisen. What did he have to worry about? There was nothing to worry about. He could be himself here, without worrying about others prying in or interrupting him. But enough dilly-dallying around. He may not be on the clock, but since he was awake, Jamil wanted to start his day.
So, as Jamil got ready for whatever this day may bring, he occasionally checked in on you. He also knew around what time you naturally woke up at, so while he waited for you to awaken from your slumber, he started preparing breakfast for the both of you. Well, your favourite breakfast. 
While he was cooking, he felt your arms latch around his waist, and the weight of your head resting on his back. “Sleep well, habib albi?” Jamil asked, turning down the heat of the stove so your meal wouldn’t burn.
You hummed, “Slept like a rock. Could have slept longer, but it’s warm and I was getting sticky and gross… I probably look like a mess.” You burst out into laughter, imagining the state you must have been in when Jamil woke up who knows how long ago.
“No,” Jamil turned around, still with your arms around his waist, “you never looked better.”
He looked at you with so much softness, love, and vulnerability, that you could have sworn that your heart stopped. Jamil looked ethereal in the gentle, warm, amber rays of sunlight that filtered through the linen curtains. Yet, he was looking at you the same, despite the dried-up drool, frumpled pyjamas, and sleep-crusted eyes.
He hummed, prompting you to continue.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
And he smiled at you, a soft, love-filled smile. “Habib albi, you don’t have to,” and he placed a small kiss on your lips. “I know.”
You sighed happily, resting comfortably against his chest. This morning had been warm in more ways than one.
*habib albi; love of my heart (edit; it's a masc term but at the time I thought it was g/n; femme term is habibit)
Tags; @krenenbaker @leonistic @xxoomiii @eynnwwyjth @twistwonderlanddevotee @savanaclaw1996
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Hunger Games Men as Taylor Swift Songs
Idk if this is kinda odd to post but I'm a person who loves music and every song I listen to paints a scene in my head and I've been getting super into hunger games lately so a lot of the songs I've been listening to have reminded me of the characters. Specifically, my delulu self can imagine being in certain romantic situations with them based on the situations happening in these songs. For the sake of continuity, we will use songs from Ms. Taylor. I wanna write little one shots inspired by these situations. I already wrote the Snow one today so maybe I'll continue.
tldr- these are Taylor swift songs that reminded me of what it might be like to be in a relationship with these characters.
Peeta Mellark
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Jump Then Fall- Taylor Swift, Fearless
"The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet, I'll catch you"
Honestly I was thinking 'Mine' at first but I felt like Peeta HAD to have a song off of Fearless. He is the human embodiment of sunshine to me and Fearless as an album is gold, bright, and holds a theme of puppy love throughout it. All of those things just SCREAM Peeta Mellark to me. 'Jump Then Fall' is a song that is relatively vague in terms of story telling lyrics but it is about loving someone and being happy just to see them happy and wanting to be there for your partner no matter what. I feel like Peeta is that kind of ride or die lover. Even after the capital had brainwashed him into hating Katniss he still found his way back into loving her again anyways. He is a lover you can trust. He truly would stick through it all so it's okay to 'Jump Then Fall'.
(Story Idea: Kinda toying with a cute little fluff where the reader and Peeta are going swimming at a lake or something. I have another idea for him too but it's apart of the Finnick X Reader X Peeta story I'm theorizing)
Gale Hawthorn
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Better man- Taylor Swift, Red
"But your jealousy, I can hear it now talking down to me like I'd always be around you push my love away like it was some kind of loaded gun, you never thought I'd run."
Firstly, Red is my favorite album. Sorry had to get that out of the way. Gale honestly, ugh there was so much potential here. I think as the movies progressed he started to lose his empathy and grew a more selfish shell. Better Man really reminds me of what Katniss might have been thinking with him. He would've been the one if he was a better man.
(Story idea: reader contemplating their relationship with Gale a month or two after the break up and reliving the memories of the past that are gloomy and haunted over by the fact that, Gale really wasn't ready for a relationship. They ponder over things until coming to the disheartening conclusion that brought them to breaking it off in the first place, it really could've worked out if he was a better man.
Also possibly a part two of that with a tooth rotting fluff about Gale going through some character development and becoming a better man and then they get back together)
Finnick Odair
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Starlight- Taylor swift, Red
"He said "Look at you, worrying too much about things you can't change, You'll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way"
Ahehehe Finnicks my favorite. It was hard to pick just one for him but I went with Starlight because he is just such a charmer. Starlight is a song about a whirlwind sort of romance where you are at a party and doing some silly things and you're falling in love. I can totally imagine this happening with Finnick. You meet at a capital party, run off together and start creating some chaos and fall in love. There's specific lines that remind me of him like the "he was trying to skip rocks on the ocean saying to me, "don't you see the starlight"". I could totally see Finnick doing that and just truly being a charming man and finding those little bits of joy in the messed up life given to him. I could see this also being a sort of sheltered reader and it being their first party and he helps them loosen up and have fun.
Honestly, its hard for me to pinpoint just one song for him because so many remind me of him so here are some honorable mentions.
Holy Ground- Same kinda vibe as Starlight
Forever Winter- he has trauma and I can help him. Ours- Finnicks Reputation makes your family question if you should be with him but you know him truly and they can't take whats ours
Mine- A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK THIS ONE BECAUSE OF THE "I remember we were sitting there by the water" line but the rest of the song doesn't fit him
Paper Rings- They wanna get married but Finnick can't because of the capitals uh plan with him so they have a little ceremony with just themselves and some friends and paper rings before the events of Catching Fire and then they decide to run off to district 13 to be together for real
Coriolanus Snow
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Tolerate It- Taylor Swift, Evermore
"I know my love should be celebrated, but you Tolerate it"
honestly this was the one that inspired me to do this post. I already wrote this story because I CANT HELP MYSELF! This song was playing in my car after I watched tbosas and it was just painting this whole picture of how the person Snow ended up marrying after Lucy Gray must have felt. I'm pretty sure there was that line in the book too that was talking about how Snow never wanted to fall in love again because he felt so out of control and how he would marry someone he didn't love so that he never had to feel that way again. it was something like that. So Tolerate It sounds like the total POV of his next partner. The song itself is about a relationship with a power imbalance where the person singing the song is giving their absolute all for the love, affection, and praise of their partner and their partner gives them nothing in return. The term "Tolerate It" also is insinuating that the person the narrator is in love with is mildly annoyed with the things the singer is doing for them. They simply deal with it but are never impressed and that just gave me snow vibes.
LET ME KNOW IF I SHOULD SO A PART TWO WITH OTHER CHARACTERS (recommendations open :') ) OR OTHER ARTISTS. I listen to all genres fr.
Thank you for readings and let me know if you liked any of the ideas I suggested and if I should write them!
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reaper-in-reverie · 3 months
Rin really was looking forward to it, you know?
Their dream. Soccer. No, Rin couldn't care less about soccer — what he cared about was brother, and being the best next to him. Next to him. By his side. He didn't care about being some best, he cared about his brother.
Fuck that. Seriously fuck that.
synopsis. Rin after Sae came home from Spain, buying his old favorite ice cream, stuck in his thoughts. warnings. swearing, a fair amount of it. angst (i guess?). character study (in-character writing), which essentially is me yapping. tw long tags because those are my footnotes. I know blue lock fans only really care for thirsts and stuff so here's rin angst ig. wc 985.
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Footsteps gently thudded on the hard dirt, the sea buzzing in the distance, the occasional splash of the waves against rock, the sun beginning to set.
Rin couldn't bear to stay in his house.
(Correction: holed up in his room.) He couldn't bear the thought of staying around his brother at all. He'd grown accustomed to Sae's absence in the four years he was away — but knowing he was back, near him, in his own home just filled him with a seething rage. He left his room with scattered trophies. Maybe in the heat of the moment he broke a photo.
He just couldn't be there right now.
Rin looked down at his hands. He had twin popsicles in them. He continued to walk until he reached the railing overlooking the sea. He promptly broke them in half. He couldn't stop thinking over the fact that Sae was usually the one to — supposed to be the one to — break them in half. He stared at them with a tired expression.
He couldn't stand being here either. He couldn't stand being anywhere right now.
Rin held the one popsicle in his other hand and stuck the other in his mouth, expression blank except for the twitch of his eyebrows. No, he came out here to not think of his stupid fucking brother right now — he came out here to breathe. He came out here to get out of his room. He came out here to eat popsicles. And watch the sunset.
Rin really was looking forward to it, you know?
Their dream. Soccer. No, Rin couldn't care less about soccer — what he cared about was brother, and being the best next to him. Next to him. By his side. He didn't care about being some best, he cared about his brother.
Fuck that. Seriously fuck that.
Rin had to come to terms Sae Itoshi had lied to him. Thinking back, Sae always did talk about being the best in the world — did they even share a dream in the first place? Did Sae truly just use him as a training partner? And now — now that he was the best, was Rin simply not enough?
Rin didn't want to play soccer any more.
His grip tightened slightly on the other popsicle. Some of it melted, dripping down his hand — that'd make some mess — but Rin didn't bother to clean it up. He'd nearly finished the one he was eating, opting to take it out of his mouth and see if he had won or not. In big, bold letters, were the words 'YOU WIN' on the popsicle stick.
He always did win.
Which meant the other popsicle was the losing one. Rin still took the half-melted ice cream into his mouth, switching it out with the one he already finished eating. He had a solemn expression on his face as he pondered throwing the stick into the ocean. He just kept it in his hand and stared into the horizon.
No, it couldn't be. Why did Sae change so suddenly? Whatever he and his brother went through — all his praises and all the goals they made, the money they spent on twin popsicles, the amount of 'winner' sticks in the bottom of the ocean, sitting together, walking together, him holding onto Sae's sleeve like a stupid annoying kid, their talk just before Sae went to Spain and changed forever — they all had to have meant something. It had to have meant something.
Or maybe Sae was the weak one here. He gave up, after all, didn't he? — he changed his dream. He left Rin behind. He was just pathetic. He just wasn't the same.
Sae never really was the same when he came back.
It was like looking at someone who looked like your brother. But he wasn't. This wasn't his brother, this wasn't the boy who made his dreams, this wasn't his reason to play soccer — this was Sae Itoshi, the man who turned his life upside down, the man who crushed him, the man who shoved the cold, hard truth into his face and took away all the child-like love and respect he ever had to the only human he'd ever considered family.
Rin would never forgive him.
Why the hell did he change so suddenly?
Rin would never forgive him.
No, in fact — Rin would crush him. He wanted to crush him until he was nothing more next to him. Crush him and his cruel dream to be the best midfielder.
He'd prove he was more than some training partner. Sae wanted to be the best midfielder in the world? So that Rin could be the best striker in the world? Fucking go right ahead.
He hated he wanted to prove his brother right.
He hated him.
Rin wanted to play soccer again.
He gritted his teeth, accidentally biting on the popsicle stick too hard — the sudden spike of pain making him take it out of his mouth. He took a deep breath, scanning over the large 'YOU LOSE' in bold letters written on the popsicle stick. He held both the losing and winning sticks in one hand, turning from the railing with a deep breath. And he began to walk back home.
Rin won back his dreams again today.
Some part of him didn't have Sae Itoshi as a brother anymore. Just an adversary. Just some obstacle.
He stared at the popsicle sticks again — 'YOU WIN', and 'YOU LOSE'. He stared at them as he walked along the side of the road. Rin found himself dwelling over the losing words. Trying to feel what his brother might've felt back then. It was one of the rare time he actually got the losing popsicle. And at the same time he didn't really lose — the winning one was just in his hand as well. But he didn't truly win either.
Rin had a feeling he could only truly win or lose if he had someone to win or lose to.
But he didn't. Not anymore.
... And Rin wasn't a sentimental person at all. But for now, he decided to keep the popsicle sticks, safely tucked into his pocket, like the ghost of the past.
For old time's sake, if you will.
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© reapkusho on tumblr. 2024. all rights reserved. refrain from translating, copying, or stealing in any way, etc.
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Rewind, Remix, & Replay Jay & Kim 5x19 (NSFW)
You can read the rest of the series here
If you don’t like smut, you can skip this chapter. It’s pure filth and you won’t miss anything plot-related. If you do like smut stick around, I think you will enjoy this one. I don’t know why but smut chapters always take the longest for me to write. I am excited about the premise of the next chapter so it might be out this week too (if work doesn’t suck my soul out).
Kim had come home with Jay. It wasn’t a discussion anymore, it just was. The pair spent at least five nights together a week, but more often than not it was every night now. The shift had been long and rough. It was always harder when there were kid victims. A little boy had been shot and killed while he slept on his couch, the bullet had gone through the door and killed him instantly.
Jay walked into his bedroom to see Kim sitting on the edge of his bed. It was still early but Jay didn’t foresee it being a late night. “You need anything, baby?” He asked as he lingered near the door. Jay had been using more and more terms of endearment. Kim hadn’t noticed the first time he had done it- she had been distraught and he had been comforting her. But it had gotten to the point where he called her babe, baby, or sweetheart more than her name. Kim liked it more than she cared to admit, the sweet names making her flush with pleasure.
He pulled off his flannel and t-shirt throwing them in the hamper. “Yeah,” Her brown eyes trailed over his body. His chest was all firm muscle, his body toned to the point he had a perfect V line of his hips peeking out enticingly from his jeans. “I need you.” That cocky smirk came to his lips. He moved to stand between her open thighs his hands rubbing down them, squeezing the plush flesh. "I need you to help me forget this awful day.” Her hand finds his belt undoing it and ripping it from the loops of his jeans. "I want you to take control.” Kim feels the muscles of his stomach as she slides her hands up and leans forward kissing his lower stomach and working her way down.
He tilts her chin up to kiss her. It is soft, sweet, a perfect kiss. But it wasn’t what Kim wanted tonight. “No,” Jay paused, meeting Kim’s eyes. They were alight with lust, “I don’t want you to be gentle with me. I want to wake up tomorrow and feel what we did tonight.” She nips at his hipbone then sucks as she unbuttons his jeans. “Can you do that for me?”
Jay felt his dick harden in his jeans. Kim’s touches were deliberate and the intentions behind her words were turning him on. His hand went to her throat, thumb pressing on her jaw, tilting her face up for a rough kiss. His hot mouth dominated hers. She gasped into his mouth, rocking into him. He caught her bottom lip biting and tugging before sucking it into his mouth to soothe the sting. He grabbed the belt loops of her jeans pulling her to feet, forcing her body to slide up his. Her hips slotted against his like puzzle pieces.
His hand twined into her ponytail pulling her head back to kiss and suck at her neck. She gasps as he bites the juncture between her shoulder and neck, digging her nails into the sides of his hips. He doesn’t linger, he doesn’t want to leave any marks, at least not where people can see. His hand sneaks under her top undoing her bra with ease as the other yanks her shirt up and over her head. Kim lets the bra drop to the floor between them.
Jay steals another messy kiss, his hands sliding down her bare back to grip her ass, holding her tightly as he rocked his needy cock against her. Kim pushes his jeans down his hips turning her head to break the kiss. Her lungs burned for needed air. Jay’s hands make quick work of her jeans, her body stuttering against him as he pulls them down roughly. His lip traveled down catching her stomach licking, sucking, and nipping down to the line of her cotton panties.
A rough hand slides between her legs cupping her core feeling the wetness of her arousal. “Ah fuck baby, you already dripping and I’ve just started.” His fingertips breach the cotton and slip into her hot core, his finger curling. Kim moans his name breathlessly her grip on his shoulders the only thing keeping her upright. “I’m going to fuck you so hard the only thing you will be able to think about is me.” He promised, “But first, I need a taste.”
He pulled his fingers out of her and Kim whimpered at the loss, feeling empty. Jay grabbed her by her thigh lifting and tossing her onto the bed. She bounced before laying on the bed spread out for him naked except for her panties. She was panting, cheeks flushed, chest rising and falling rapidly. Jay grabbed both of her ankles pulling her forward so that her hips were at the edge of the bed, her legs on either side of his waist.
He licks from her belly button down to her pantie line, then presses kisses across to her left hip. He sucks hard, her hips rocking up. He kisses back across to the other hip giving it a similar treatment. His thumbs curl around the material near her hipbones pulling the soaked fabric off. Jay drops to his knees his hot mouth on her core. The strokes of his tongue are aided by a hand, the movement deliberate. Her thighs start trembling around his shoulders.
He pulls back and she whines pitifully as he starts licking and sucking the apex of her thighs catching the arousal that gathered there. His finger continued to thrust and curl inside of her. He nips her sensitive skin the zip of pain swirling delectably with the pleasure. He leaves no skin on her inner thighs untouched then goes back over it again when she comes her wetness dripping messily back down her shaking thighs.
Kim pants trying to regain her thoughts as Jay slows the thrusting of his fingers, aftershocks of her orgasm rolling through her. Her chest is heaving, and she rolls her aching nipples between her fingers, cupping her breasts. Her half-lidded gaze finds his. Jay slowly removes his fingers from her sucking them into his mouth. His eyes follow his hands as he pushes off his boxers, his hard cock jumping free. His body rises over her as he gets to his knees on the bed reaching for the nightstand to grab a condom. Kim’s hands grope at his chest and back trying to busy herself while she gathers what she wants to say.
“You don’t have to.” Jay pauses eyes jumping back to her, “Wear a condom- I mean.” His pause is less than a second but it feels like an eternity to Kim. Words continued to spill out of her lips to explain her logic. “We aren’t seeing other people, and I’ve been on the pill long enough now for it to be active now.” A flush comes to her cheeks as she quickly follows, “Unless you want to of course- I have no problem-”
Jay quiets her rambling with a hot open-mouthed kiss. Kim can taste her pleasure on his tongue. “Baby, you don’t have to ask me twice. I want nothing more than to be inside you bare.” His intense blue eyes should make her nervous, but they settle her nerves instead and make the burning desire in her lower stomach reignite. He mouthed down her jaw and onto her neck, whispering “Now get on your hands and knees.”
Kim gasped, feeling a chill as he moved back to give her space to move. She rolled pushing up onto her knees. He was on her in an instant his front pressing her back, cock sliding between her legs pressing against her soaked core. She shivered as the head brushed against her clit. Jay rocked his hips coating his dick in her juices, as he sucked teasing kisses down her spine.
“Jay,” She begged rocking back into him, her body primed and needing him. He had made it down her tailbone and then nipped purposefully at her ass. Kim cursed her body jerking at the sudden sting of pain but barely had time to discern it from the pleasure of Jay's cock pushing into her with one thrust. Kim gasps as Jay’s grip tightens on her hips as they take in the rawness of having sex without a barrier. He doesn’t give her long to adjust before setting a harsh pace. Kim rocks back to meet each thrust, her fingers curling into the sheets in a death grip. His grip on her hips tightens as he moves forward forcing her legs wider. The change in angle sends white-hot pleasure up her spine, her core clenching around him.
Jay curses his mouth finding the back of her shoulder to bite. One of his hands twists into her hair pulling roughly forcing her off her hands and to turn to meet his mouth. The kiss is wild and sloppy, sucking and teeth nipping as he holds her head still with the grip he has on her hair. His other hand finds where they are connected. His finger circled her swollen clit firmly. Kim throws her head back with a gasp, leaning back against him on her knees.
Jay doesn’t show her any mercy as he continues his punishing pace her body bouncing with his thrust. His hand speeds up on her clit as the other wraps around her stomach applying gentle pressure against her lower stomach. It intensifies the growing orgasm, and Kim grasps frantically at his wrist urging his hand an inch lower. Her nails bite into his skin when he finds the perfect spot. She can do nothing but take the orgasm that crashes over her, her body trembling against him as he continues to thrust into her his fingers working every ounce of pleasure from her body.
Kim feels boneless and finds herself folding forward braising herself on her elbows. Jay’s pace quickens but his rhythm turns sloppy. His orgasm is building rapidly and he knows he doesn’t have a lot longer to last. His hands tighten around her hips as he empties himself into her. He pulls out rolling onto his back chest heaving as he lets his post sex high settle in his body. Kim slides over to him, pressing a kiss onto his peck before resting her head there. She can feel his heart still pounding under her.
Jay wrapped his arm around her naked back palm spread on her midback below her shoulder blades. They lay tangled together until well after the sweat had cooled on their bodies. Kim fell asleep to the sensation of Jay wrapping them in a warm cocoon of blankets.
Kim woke around three in the morning with the urgent need to go to the bathroom. She detangled from Jay’s embrace. He woke briefly his eyes scanning her before allowing her to slip from his grip with minimal protest. When Kim is washing her hands after using the bathroom she catches her reflection in the mirror. Her hair is tussled wildly around her face, a healthy pink flush on her cheeks but that wasn’t what caught her attention.
While her neck was safe from the attack, Kim noticed love bite and hickeys lining her body. She twisted in front of the mirror seeing them scattered across her back and upper shoulders, on her lower stomach by each hip, and then dotted around her inner thighs. Finger-shaped bruises kissed both of her hips where he had been holding her tightly to control her body. Jay had kept his promise, Kim’s mind was blissfully empty and her body was aching pleasantly from his attention. Kim found herself smiling rhapsodically at her reflection.
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Sydney's tower moment #Filmsywalls
And Carmy's.
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So, as I mentioned here, Emanuel knows her walls are getting flimsier. And on shipping terms that is actually a good thing.
On Storer's terms, that may ALSO symbolically mean that Syd is about to come crumbling down and that her relationship with The Bear (both, restaurant and chef) is collapsing, which is what S3 was all about, basically.
I am team Syd threatening to quit Carmy's ass and THAT being the wake-up call he needs to turn it all around, that being said there is a chance that she actually does quit on him and then comes back, -as she usually does- in which case I wish she did that because he crawls and begs and rips Shapiro's head off in the process. Still, in either case, there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND about Syd staying at The Bear and winning a star there, by Carmy's side, even maybe a JB award too. I'm basing this theory on the fact that they both hit rock bottom in 03x10 but I see that as a BREAKTHROUGH, not a breakdown.
Since Syd is clearly into tarot symbology as her 3 of swords ink indicates
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I started thinking outside the box of the flimsy walls analogy I already went over in previous posts, so the image of a building collapsing came to mind, which immediately reminded me of the tower card, and turns out that the meaning of it fits the "Crying game" moment aforementioned.
I really don't wanna dig into it's meaning that deep because I think the superficial meaning fits perfectly, so there's no need to go deeper.
"This card is a powerful catalyst for change and personal transformation. You are being offered a fresh start and a chance to build stronger foundations in your life. This card brings a major life shift and the knowledge that things will never be the same."
How right on the money is that, right?
So both Carmy and Syd are at that evolutionary point of their journeys, they are mirroring each other in a very fucked up way, sure, but also... SOULMATISM.
Syd is at her breaking point and no matter what she chooses, nothing will be the same between Carmy and her after she makes her choice, and the very foundation of their whole relationship is being shaken and will have to be reformulated, re-built in a different and better way because status quo has no chance of being preserved.
"It has to get good or go away".
That's the tower energy that card represents, alongside the traumatic way in which events unfold, where the person feels is no longer in control, and that all those changes, no matter how necessary are being forced upon them. It's harsh.
Again, walls. Sydney is all about walls and for her to make the changes she has to make → (Their Synchronicity) she needed to go through her own tower moment. Carmy also went through his, exactly in the same season → (The end of Carmy). There's absolutely no coincidence in that.
"This card symbolizes the foundation of ashes in which the phoenix is born. The lightning-struck Tower is associated with chaos and destruction of boundaries."
Carmy was her lighting. And in a way, she was his too.
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Love is an act of mirroring.
According to the tower card, after this collapse of walls, chaos and destruction, comes the "Phoenix moment". So, we're good. Don't dispair. She's gonna be just fine.
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Sydcarmy will be just fine.
More about The tower tarot card → here.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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witch-hazels-musings · 6 months
hello hazel! hope you’ve been well <3 i have an idea for a book i’m interested in pursuing but i’m not sure how to begin.. if you don’t mind me asking, how did you start? did you begin with in-depth planning or just kinda wrote and revised after? thank you!
woo! so excited to hear this!! \(≧▽≦)/
i learned A LOT through this process - beneath the cut, I wrote out my recommendations with some examples of what I meant where it was useful -- it's a bit long ><
if I were to start over from the beginning, here are some things I'd do:
character build - know everything there is about the character(s) you want in your story -- the story is based on the CHARACTER and how they move through the events of the story, they will change (for good or worse)
Character name: Selina | Age: 24 | Occupation: artifact collector | Special skills: deep diving, historical knowledge, speaks 4 languages, rock climbing, general combat skills | personality: determined, over-excitable, easily swayed, vigilant
world build - it's VITAL to understand your world, its rules, its customs - what makes it good and what makes it bad - start small to big and answer questions as they come (there's no structure here, just think, plan, and write it down!)
milestone -- from here you should have major answers about the characters and the world they live in - things should be as clear and thought-out as possible
3. plot - find a plot structure and plan out the major events in your story. start with the big stuff on a general timeline:
begins with Selina swimming in the underwater city searching for ancient artifacts --- midpoint with Selina finding the lost orb --- end Selina destroys orb
4. plot - plan out the minor events that happen in between the major events, consider sub-plots, character arcs
begins with Selina swimming in the underwater city searching for ancient artifacts --- plot point she meets a mysterious stranger when selling the items, they tell her of an orb of great power --- plot point she joins the group on the adventure (introduce three other characters) --- midpoint with Selina finding the lost orb --- plot point Selina and Bastila fall in love --- plot point the orb kills people but can also change the world --- end Selina destroys orb
5. plot! - as best you can, go chapter by chapter and write out some of the things you want to have happen in said chapter - the more information you know, the easier it'll be to write said chapter
milestone -- from here, you have an idea of what going to happen, who is involved, what questions you need to answer and if you need to backtrack before moving forward
6. write - start at the beginning, follow your plot and plot structure as you go
7. write - avoid giving all the information right at the beginning - you don't need to explain seven years of back story in the first chapter; learn to pepper in the world information, the character information, terms, and ideas as you write -- readers are SMART they learn through context
"Selina searched through her storage chest for the flunkle. The cold metal sent a shiver down her spine when she wrapped her fingers around it and tugged it from the bottom of the box. She rushed to her table and pried open the flunkle's three legs, adjusted its height until the thick glass in the center hovered just enough over the stone tablet that she could read the inscription without straining her eyes."
^ i didn't need to define what a Flunkle was, the reader can assume, based on context, that it's a magnifying glass
8. write - write write write, even when it sucks, even when you hate it, keep going - plot ideas will change, characters will break your story and you should LET THEM - remember: avoid trying to write the final draft, you're just writing a rough idea of your overall story. the first version will SUCK and that's what it's supposed to do
5% of those who start writing a book actually finish, your goal isn't to write the book first, it is to write the draft - the draft's only purpose is to exist :)
9. go at your own pace, you are not racing anyone else - you'll reach the end when you reach it
10. have fun, take breaks, find someone to talk to about it, join a writing community or discord if you have to - just keep going
you got this! i'm rooting for you :D
write your book, tell your story - only you can!
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airyairyaucontraire · 3 months
As I continue with the LOTR audiobooks I’m struck by how different the sense of pace and urgency is from the movies. We know, of course, that a movie is different from a book and can simply and directly show us things that an author may need a few paragraphs to describe, also events in the plot may be brought closer together or be combined or dropped altogether, and dialogue generally needs to be more concise. I think I’m allowing sufficiently for that, but still.
With the abduction of Merry and Pippin, surely every minute counts in terms of the trail growing cold or the orcs reaching their destination, yet still, after caring for Boromir’s body and giving him the best funeral they can under the circumstances* (as they do in the movie, it’s just that it’s elided between scenes while in the book we have the full description, including a touching detail, that they made a pillow for his head from his folded Lothlorien cloak and combed his hair, because it’s such a human**thing that even knowing our friend or relative won’t feel it and doesn’t need it, we need to make sure they would be comfortable and they look nice) after setting his boat loose to go over the falls, because Lord of the Rings is a musical, they’re singing a song they must have improvised just now - not just Boromir’s favourite song if they knew it, or a pre-existing Gondorian folk song that seems fitting, but a new original song about missing Boromir, because not only does it have his name in it, it has pretty specific references to the geography of his journey and so forth.
The only way that makes sense is if you bear in mind that Lord of the Rings is a musical.
Also, I generally don’t harp on differences between the books and movies, but I would like to note that in the book Boromir is still alive, in his last moments, to feel Aragorn hold his hand and kiss his forehead, and I prefer that version.
Oh! Also Andy Serkis did come up with better voices for Elrond and Legolas than the rather irritating wispy fairy ones he did for the earlier elves. They still have a trace of the wispiness and a certain rhythm to their speech that’s distinctively elvish, and I think that was a good way to handle it. I guess Glorfindel and that dude the hobbits met on the way out of the Shire just have stronger accents when they speak the common language? I’ll let it go at that.
I bet he was glad Tolkien wrote that Galadriel had an unusually deep voice for a woman.
* I don’t blame them for the choice they made, they discuss different options but conclude that with no shovels to dig a grave and not enough rocks suitable to make a cairn over his body, the river is their best option. However, I’ve never liked the thought that, after going over the waterfall where the boat would break up at the bottom, what actually became of Boromir’s body was no different from if they’d just thrown him in. He would bloat and float and so forth. Yucky. Therefore I decided today that there was a huge fish (maybe a sturgeon) swimming not far down the Anduin and it ate him up in one go while he was still fresh. I think that’s more dignified.
**Here I’ll use the more expansive Ryoko Kui definition of human because I’m not excluding elves or dwarves (or indeed hobbits) from feeling this way. Also, I warmly recommend the New Zealand TV series The Casketeers.
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formulatrash · 1 year
hi hazel!
Since f1 is going to miami next week, I remember there was this conversation about the tarmac there and was wondering if they changed it for this year? I vaguely remember that you’ve talked about this before.
thank you for asking, buckle in for what we can politely term 'autistic person gets to talk about their collection of mediocre rocks'
so for anyone who missed the fannydangle around this last year: prior to the inaugural Miami Grand Prix one of the things being hyped as the best and most innovative ever was the tarmac that had been used to surface the track. in all fairness, I don't think anyone was being an ass about this, it was just a miscalculation caused by thinking Florida had Special Rocks in a way that it turns out it doesn't.
to talk about this first we've got to talk about Florida, which is a dangly bit of the bottom of the southeastern United States. It's basically a peninsula where most of the rest was worn away and it's sitting on top of a chunky piece of bedrock but the majority of the surface is limestone.
limestone is a soft, crumbly rock that you can score with a fingernail. when it's super wet it might as well be feta cheese so as you can imagine for a swampy, coastal state, Florida's is either very mushy (and in the ocean) or a sort of hardier breed of what was left that didn't wash away.
limestone (or what's called limerock in Florida) is used in some road asphalt because it's cheap and coarse and works well for layering. however, it isn't normally used in circuit asphalt; racetracks get much hotter and are subject to much more lateral force from high-downforce cars and slick tyres.
(it's partly why FE doesn't use slicks; even so, the cars have torn up road surfaces a few times when it's really hot but in theory not having slicks means they're putting less strain through the normal tarmac)
a motorsport track needs a high PSV (polished stone value) aggregate; something that can withstand the abrasion of the cars going over it without turning into a perfectly smooth ice rink. limestone also has the potential to generate friable particles, which can make the surface deteriorate worse (basically breaking down into dust) which means it doesn't maintain its macro roughness and won't shred up the Pirellis in a way that makes racing interesting.
the Florida limerock, however, has an unusually high percentage of silica in its make up. silica is hard and the asphalt specialists that made the aggregate, R3, thought that there being so much of it in the limerock would mean they could use a higher percentage of it, compared to granite.
the process of laying the asphalt is multiple layering, with monitoring for surface smoothness and micro and macro roughness at each stage. the idea is that there must not be any bumps or depressions or changes in the surface, so the asphalt is perfectly smooth but is then roughened up by being pressure washed. Miami had this, unfortunately the pressure washer machinery also broke part of the track, which caused some Concern early in the weekend and a load of emergency repairs but in principle the track was otherwise sound.
spoiler: this did not entirely work out. whether someone did the maths wrong or whether this was just not something it was possible to predict, the surface was disastrous. it was polishing and breaking up, the worst possible combination because you end up with a layer of dust and marbles on top of something intensely smooth, so not only do you have no grip on the smoothness, you're essentially on pebble rollerskates.
as a result there was absolutely no grip for anyone during the Miami weekend, which was one of several things people found annoying about the track.
good news: since then the whole thing got resurfaced, with presumably more standard race track tarmac going down. Miami is hot - the track temperature was one of the hottest of the year - so the surface will always be an issue to some degree but fingers crossed what's been put down now (the entire track has been totally re-paved) will give a little bit more grip.
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Why Is Dead Space's Mining Deck So Viscerally Upsetting?
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Dead Space Remake is a scary game! That in of itself is not a very controversial statement, I don't think. There are parts of it, however, that far outweigh others on the USG Ishimura's special sliding scale of disgusting to horrifying. The Mining Deck, a little over halfway through the game, is far and away the best example. Every part of the Ishimura has some kind of horror thing going on, medical is full of dead bodies that could all jump up and attack you. Hydroponics is full of blight, but the Mining Deck is loud. That may not sound like it's the most inherently scary thing in the world, considering the other things you go up against, but in terms of making the player constantly uncomfortable, Mining Deck has it all beat. There's a lot to find on the mining deck, and all of it is awful to look at. Very little of it is monsters, or the fleshy growth that infests so much of the rest of the ship, though, it's usually just the terrible machines that are all supposed to be there. Big devices designed to blast ore out of space rock, or incinerators meant to melt down any leftover waste, and none of them ever take a break from generating decibel shattering noise, especially not when you want them to. The scariest part of Mining Deck isn't the monsters, or the games most gruesome audio log, it's this endless cacophony. You are never not around some huge machine making a terrible symphony of industrial noise. The entire level is covered from top to bottom in banging fans, spinning drills, lasers, fires and every other dangerous thing you've been repurposing this entire game to fight off the Necromoprh's, only here they're still being used for the intended purpose, for the moment. Somehow, their intended purpose makes my skin crawl more than using the force gun tool to blast all of a monsters skin off. If a big part of cosmic horror is the idea that something gets into your head, and you can't get it out, I'd say the constant industrial noise of the mining deck counts pretty cleanly towards that. It may not seem like the best outward candidate for the scariest part of such a famous horror game, but the Dead Space Remake makes an excellent case that somehow, this place that hasn't changed nearly as much as the other areas, is the scariest of them all.
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theonceoverthinker · 9 months
Obviously Marital Bliss has not been updated in ages however I just finished reading it and I’m desperate to know what you think Killian’s reaction would be to waking up from the curse. Would he be disgusted? Would he eventually (I mean in a very long time) forgive Gold? Would he blame Regina for everything? And when they go to Neverland! Imagine Pan’s reaction to finding out!!
*Le shrug* Sure, why not?
Okay, so here was my plan:
Before the curse ends, Rumple gets the egg and goes towards the well to reignite the magic. However, Miles visits the library some time after he leaves (Think after Emma is pulled up, but 1-2 minutes before the phone call Emma and Regina get from the hospital). Regina and Emma tell Miles what happened and that Rumple (Well, still thought to him as "Rob") stole the egg. Miles finds Rumple and confronts him about why he endangered Henry's life. They get into a conflict, Rumple hits Miles with a rock, knocking him out cold. So Miles is passed out until the curse is broken.
When Killian (Well, no longer "Miles") wakes up, his memories come back slowly, then all at once over the course of a few minutes.
Not realizing that magic has returned to Storybrooke, Killian decides to ambush Rumple in his shop when he inevitably returns to it. There, Killian finds his hook (How could I not give it back to him, am I right?!). Furthermore, he decides that in order to best deny Rumple and chance of survival during their next encounter, he opens Rumple's safe with a crowbar he's kept since the Ashley Boyd incident, finds whatever potions he can in his shop and flushes them down the toilet.
Rumple comes back, and they have a confrontation. Now, Rumple's fallen in love with Killian, but he's not about to break down in tears or anything, so he makes snarky remarks and informs Killian that magic is indeed back in Storybrooke, so he can't kill him.
...I kind of realized that I didn't really answer your question.
Essentially, he would hate Rumple at first; How can he not?
The thing is though is that because of the whole "We Are Both" essence of the cursed vs. real selves, Killian would find his hatred doesn't burn as brightly as it once did (This would take him a few weeks of plotting his revenge at Granny's and talking with Emma to come to terms with), and he wants to get to the bottom of this, which sets in motion Rumple and Killian interacting on...less than homicidally-intentioned terms that eventually leads to a weird friendship-esque thing that eventually becomes a romance. This was going to take the entirety of season 2 (Which I was going to stretch out for a few months longer than what was in canon).
If you do have more questions, especially considering that I haven't touched MB in months and don't have immediate plans on returning to it, I'd be happy to answer any other questions!
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a-lucha-brother · 2 years
Now let’s talk about Adam
Oh Adam, my poor sweet silly boy, they took you away from me!!!
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Seriously, I miss THIS version of Adam Page so much, but at the same time, I love where he’s at right now, it’s incredible storytelling, I just don’t think the crowd are as invested in it as much as they used to be cause, well, he’s just not on tv or wrestling all that much anymore.
I know I know, the concussion happened and all that I get it. But come on man, Adam Page is supposed to be the HHH of AEW (whether you like HHH or not is irrelevant that is Adams star power equivalent) and he’s just not really doing anything anywhere.
Now now I can hear you coming to burn my house down because I’m deliberately ignoring his storyline with Mox, which is literally the best thing going on in AEW right now. But think about it, it’s really only going on because of a couple of things:
1. William Regal left and effectively killed BCC, so they HAD to find something for the guys to do (Bryan goes for MJF, Claudio and Wheeler do ROH stuff and Mox, weeellllllllll) 2. It was logically the ONLY thing they could do that made good use of BOTH men, Jon and Adam. Jon all but had all his storylines go down the drain and so did Adam after the All Out crap (es we’re still feeling the effects of that). Jon had the title put on him again to carry the company, smart, logical, the right decision, but it left Adam in no man’s land. 3. There’s at least something there between those 2 to run with until something clears up story wise. 4. The unfortunate concussion ironically being a blessing in disguise allowing this to persist well beyond it’s intended sell-by date. Now, for me, I bring this all up because.....I worry. About the future, about what’s next for Page. Regardless of who wins the Texas Death Match (written before Revolution) Jon can take is seemingly never-happening break diddly squat, no biggy. But what’s Adam going to do? What, take another break off tv to heal from his wounds? Come on man, we can’t keep doing that with him. What I think NEEDS to happen with Adam is the classic route 1 hero’s journey back to the title picture. A good old fashioned training arc. One that involves him........
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Joining the Blackpool Combat Club. Oh yes, you heard me.
We need a long-term, month upon month storyline of Adam Page being trained by all of these maniacs individually into becoming the world champion again. With Bryan Danielson being the final boss, the world champion. Adam Page should climb the rankings from rock bottom (which is where he should be let’s be honest), and have Wheeler, Claudio and Jon in that order, be his boss fights on the road to Bryan Danielson. Make it last all the way to All Out or Full Gear whatever takes your fancy, or hell, even next years Revolution (even though All Out is AEW’s Mania).
Let’s build Adam Page back from nothing into being THE Cowboy once again. And let that also be the way the BCC ends as a faction if that’s the intention with them long term.
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yvtro · 2 years
Ideally, how would you change Jason's story? I completely agree with what you're saying and love Jason but I don't really know how you could really fix that without completely changing his character?
Maybe instead of retconning his behavior have him instead realize he was in the wrong and grow from it that way it doesn't change his past comics?
yes!! but also no. i talked a bit about it here, but let me elaborate.
there's plenty of potential in post-resurrection jay material, as shitty as it is. i love stories about haunting and about trying to escape from the narrative and about regaining autonomy, and i love reconstruction. which is why i think the best thing to do here is primarly to do what you said: for jason to realise he was in the wrong and grow from it.
i think here a new narrative (new-old, because it's something that some writers have been trying to imply but never succeeded) could be given shape, one more compliant with his 80s characterisation: that he gave in to a moral defeat mostly because of the tension between how it was initially his sensitivity and devotion to protecting others that pushed him into extreme methods as a vigilante & the fact that he tried to detach himself from these feelings at the same time. (of course it is much more complicated, because there's plenty things coming into play regarding his red hood persona, including bruce, his personal trauma etc., but let's set it aside for another time). in other words, he turned to extreme methods because he cared too much and didn't know how to handle it, so ended up repressing it and committing to violence in order to avoid vulnerability. we could move towards this interpretation of his story in two ways:
–– by jason failing completely and hitting the very rock bottom. i'm thinking about him, for example, killing the wrong person by accident and being confronted with the consequences of his action. or maybe failing to protect someone because of his methods. this would be a wake up call for him. it's an easy, fun and fast vision, this one. altern
–– by a gradual process of jason opening up back to his community and seeing that his actions do not help them in the ways he hoped, and that him committing to more positive and grassroot work makes a much bigger difference.
i'm a fan of the first option because there's so much space for pathos there, and the second scenario can naturally follow from there. i'd like to see bruce in this kind of story, also; i want jason breaking down and asking "if my ways don't work, and your ways don't work, then what will work? are we doomed to live like that? i want these people safe. for them to feel safe" "jay. do you not feel safe?"
what then though? well, jason has to learn how to live. i talked about if before, but i think one of the biggest sources of jay's misery is that he doesn't really have any civilian identity. i want to see jason unburying himself and for dc to actually address this issue instead of hinting at the fact that he's no longer legally dead (not even talking about lobdell's storyline where jason reveals that, i'd rather forget.) i want to see jason retiring for at least some time and living among people instead of working on the peripheries of the society with no connection to anyone.
and then, if he takes up the mask again... controversial, but i would love to see him as batman at some point, even if just for a while or as a substitute for bruce when b is not around. i think one part of batman's philosophy that is completely overlooked by many jason fans, and that would be so valuable for jason's storyline, is that bruce is completely aware both of all the evil in the world and the long term futility of vigilantism. the thing is that he is also able to own the success of helping even just one person. and it's something that jay, on the other hand, can't seem to be able to focus on; he is so preoccupied with both suffering of the others and his own pain, that he is not able to appreciate small "wins."
not to quote this again but jason really needs to realise that "one measure of maturity might be attaining an awareness that there can be no genuine devotion to fighting the forces that unworldly the world without genuine devotion to the littlest manifestation of beauty that make this planet a world and this existence a life.” he needs to embrace hope the way bruce did, because there's no other way of living for self-sacirificial bastards like them (and they are so similar in so many ways that are completely overlooked by writers, although i guess it's also hard to see it with how chronically mischaracterised bruce has been in recent years).
of course i don't mean that jason should be moulded into a copy of bruce. he should actually become better than bruce, and that's not that hard to achieve given that jason has infinitely more connection to the people. he has a community where his dedication comes from, and he is needed there, among them, as opposed to above them.
having said that, this story couldn't really happen with some changes to the canon, by which i don't really mean retconning anything, but rather underwriting certain reboots, to name a few:
–– the story has to get jason's origin as a robin and his inherent kindness right. it has to denounce lots of flashbacks in which jay was potrayed as aggressive and angry. this should come with the narrative addressing victim-blaming, but this is a complicated matter, because jason being victim-blamed was not only shitty for his character, but also sometimes rather out of character for the others. and i'm personally not necessarily interested in mindless whump at expanse of the narrative as a whole. so it's tricky, but we need to see victim-blaming being acknowledged without jason being victimised further for no good reason.
–– willis and catherine should be shown to be as loving as they were originally. willis being abusive doesn't add anything to jason's story rather than trauma porn and classist undertones. it's not necessary here.
–– honestly, let's just ignore half of rhato. bruce beating up jason for example was a crazy fantasy that didn't bring in anything to the narrative.
with these aspects corrected, the story can be reframed as a reconstruction of tragedy, where jason realises that there's no fate (and definitely no fate adjacent to classist rhetorics) that he needs to fight by commiting to the tragic irony of assuming his murderer's past persona. all he needs to do is to go back to his roots and find a way to live with all that happened to him, and still have hope and love for the people he seeks to protect.
so, tldr: yes to development from the point where we are at, but also yes to underwriting and reconstruction of past events in a less invasive way to push the storyline in the right direction. of course what i described above is also a very specific scenario, but you asked how i would ideally do it, so i delivered.
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the-black-bulls · 1 year
Hi there! gauche 22 and 29; zora 12 and 29; nero 4 and 23 for the ask game! Thankyou so much in advance 🙆🏼‍♀️🌸
Send a character and a number/several numbers, and i'll answer:
I love these three, they sound like a fun, brooding, insomaniac trio! thank you for the ask :D
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
during his time in prison, not only it was when he hit the rock bottom of his life as a fifteen-sixteen years old former disgraced noble with a criminal record and no place to return, but I like to think that this was also when he developed an obsessiveness with marie because being forced apart from her left him with more mental damage than he'd like to admit and would've probably done something very, very stupid after his jailbreak if yami didn't pick him up, hence why he described yami's offer as yami saving his life.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
as a parent, gauche would grow softer and wiser in a similar fashion to sister theresa (also known as the old hag) and while protective as ever, he'd be a bit harsh with the oldest of his kids because he didn't want them to repeat his mistake... his attitude would ironically clash with marie (now a proud aunt) who grew up a lot like him in terms of doting the hell out of her brother's kids lol.
as an uncle to the bulls' children, he's up there in everyone's list when they need a break and a responsible babysitter but is also down there in the same list because most kids found him frightening and scary.
12. Sexuality hc!
obviously, zora is only attracted to justice!! 😛
seriously though, I don't like it when people see zora as some playboy who's wearing a kinky outfit for the sake of attracting bitches when in reality it's a frightening image he created out of his father's view on the ideal magic knight to come out instead as a spiteful grim ripper sort of guy (batman style) who hunt the corrupted magic knights and kick some noble-royal's ass... that's not to mention that zora didn't really act like someone who gives two shits about dating or sex, just because he's snarky and sexy doesn't mean he's sleeping with people left and right!
so anyways, I see him as demisexual-ish bi.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
as a parent, zora would be the kind of father who would give up on his dangerous job (magic knights in question) the second his child was born because he knew better than anyone else what it feels like having a parent who's dead set into achieving his dreams and saving people blindly to the point of nearly then fully neglecting his own child, so when zora became a parent he would dedicate everything to his kids and their happiness and future. I see him picking up a more safer but equally important job by co-creating a magic school with another bull for kids with unlucky origins so they had proper training whether they decided to become magic knights or not.
as an uncle to the bulls' children, this guy right here is not just one of the uncles he's the COOLEST uncle ever and is everyone's favorite uncle, all the others bulls are a little jealous of him, sometimes even the parents lol! ("darn it zora, stop being so damn cool!")
4.How many people I ship them with?
I ship secre with lumiere because it's bittersweet and heartbreaking, and nero with liebe because they're a match made in hell and it'd be so funny to imagine them bickering while setting on each side of asta's shoulders 😛
23. Future headcanon?
nero is... so many things, after years upon years of brooding without doing anything, and thanks to asta's influence, at same point nero'll retire magic knights to fully focus on embracing lumiere's dreams and make a name out of her by, 1) opening a magic tools workshop where she, with the help of other bulls, made tools to help people's every needs and took in students who are interested in magic tools inventing (think of witch hat atelier), and 2) writing a series of books based on her really long lifetime which not only told the REAL STORY of the first wizard king and the elves but also included a detailed birdview (ha) at clover kingdom over the span of five hundred years all the way to asta's story, and lastly 3) exploring the world every once and a while in long journeys to visit new places, often with luck's company who's always up for some adventure to beat powerful guys!
in short: old lady nero's so freaking amazing, she's an inventor, an author, an explorer, and I love her!
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