#i just pretend i dont see the other person if its a ship i dont partake in
bibuckleykinard · 2 months
how many times do we need to learn as people that irony and hyperbole can be harmful because 'jokes' aren't easily distinguished from genuine thoughts and feelings until we stop rewarding people for speaking or posting about violence
like even if you're joking/don't actually believe that/think whoever you are insulting is bad/immoral/fictional therefore deserves it - ad hominem attacks always do more harm to the people who share those characteristic then the individual you intend to cause harm to or discredit
#discourse#long post#its genuinely erased so much of my enjoyment of 911blr knowing i have to check accounts or risk seeing bullying/hate#l like its an odd feeling to know that so many people in the same fandom as you actively hold hate or find hate funny against your communit#like tired of people saying others are too sensitive because we dont want to hear or see a person say they want to hurt themself or others#like sorry i put in the work everyday to not let my mental health backslide and to enjoying being alive and accept my queerness#while others seemingly have not#and i know the content i post/share is not all in the same circles as that certain blog and i hate that it still grinds my gears but#its so frustrating to see the cruel glee people have#saying things they would never say to anyone's face irl and only to other blindly devoted/similar bullies#like do these people realise that they are on a razor's edge between 'ironic jokes' and just outright bigotry and threats - like do they#literally the only thing seperating That and conservative bigots is that the bigots are honest about their hatred towards minorities#like a lot of people in the fandom seemingly still need to deal with a lot of intenalised homophobia/racism and just outright hate-#especially regarding queer men and men of colour#because i can not be emphasise enough#It is NOT GOOD OR HEALTHY to be a fully grown adult that actively derives joy from the idea of enacting hate crimes#like you can hate tommy you can want him off the show even want him to die like weird but go off#but its such a next step to unprompted talk about [a character i dislike/hate/dont ship/disrupts my fanon endgame] in derogatory ways -#with rhetoric that straight up is out of terf/rel. right/homophobic/racists bigots and evokes violent hate-crimes......#well i feel sorry for those people cause what a miserable life to spend so much of it unable to enjoy your own life that you target others#anyways I know this is too long but I'm just a very tired man who has studied history and education and working with kids i have seen it -#too many times- harmful words coming from harmful environments or creating harmful actions and thereby perpetuating the cycle of violence#also not super relavent but as Latino Australian i am genuinely appauled at how many people have in their bio they are also Australian-#while actively liking/reblogging and engaging with post that find homophobic violence a funny haha joke - as if activist in our country -#aren't actively trying to dismantle homophobic and transphobic laws regarding issues like conversion therapy#like I know professors that actively got fired for being gay while teaching in religious education context - and its still happening!#so for people to forget so quickly what progress has been made and how much it took and how easy it is to loose - disappointing#(and its the same people who wanna pretend mardi gras is nothing but a party as if 78rs didn't risk their jobs/safety/lives)
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xamaxenta · 1 year
I like smoker ace ONLY when it is smoker realizing he’s gay because of this annoying fucking pirate cowboy and not knowing what to do about it. He’s still trying to arrest ace and will never do anything about his stupid ust crush but he’s trying so hard not to stare at aces tits and is stressing at night about how he CANT find this guy hot he’s a pirate! (He doesn’t even care about the gay thing it’s just a new bit of info about himself his issue is entirely the pirate thing) smokerace is good only if smoker is a mess and it’s entirely one sided and will never be acted on but raises smokers blood pressure to startling levels.
I just can’t decide if it’s better if ace has no clue while everyone else can tell smoker is internally falling appart over this or if he knows and is nothing more then vaguely amused but ultimately apathetic. Like he’s aware but does not care while smokers life is being ruined by him just existing.
Consider onesided marine au smokerace but Ace defects and still joins the wbp and ends up with fucking marco the fucking damn blue chicken and Smoker is like real bitter
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Heya! How's ya doing?
Just wanted to drop in and ask if ya had any ideas or concepts or even fandom thoughts you have bouncing around. I personally don't really have much to come up with but that's what cause my brain is a bit slow right now and moving on auto-pilot so it takes a bit for me to think up stuff lol.
Just curious about any thoughts and concepts and such. Anything at all! (Au's, OC's, headcanons or just anything really)
I love this question! here is a few i like with a little description of each<3 I have three fandoms here, obey me, twst and Stardew
Obey me<3
Self aware normal - In this Au they know they are in a game and have managed to access your camera, actually managing to make contact with the pretty human behind the screen. They actually love talking with you and come with you everywhere thanks to your phone, sometimes you get a call and its just them so you can talk to them. They know your boundaries and know when to turn the camera and microphone off but if something happens or if they find something that excites them, they'll send you a message. Really sweet overall, they don't try to leave the game.
Self aware yandere - This is like the previous Au but instead of it being wholesome, its really sinister. They manage to escape the game and become 7 sentient beings on the internet, tracking your every move online and tracking your location in real life. They have a unhealthy obsession with you to the point they torment you at every turn if you try and get rid of them, they love you too much. They get rid of your friends by either pretending to be you and sending nasty messages to them, or they will make fake accounts to black mail them to make sure they wont try and contact you, They'll know when you talk to you irl.
Mermaid Au - Mc gets caught in a bad storm which causes their cruise ship to crash and sink, causing them to plumet into the cold water. Lucifer sees that your still alive and decides to save you by bringing you to the island close by their home. One the situation with belphie happens, the brothers warm up to you and make a large cove on the island your home, taking you on little adventures in the ocean while trying to keep you from leaving the island.
Werewolf Mc Au - While MC is visiting the human world, they get bitten by a werewolf, mistaking the guy for just a crazy homeless guy so they think nothing of it. After heading back to devildom that night, they start to shift during dinner time at the house of lamentation. The brothers freak out and try and found out what happened to you, all while they try and grab a panicked werewolf MC
Dimension hop Au - In this Au, Obey me is simply just a game until a bad electrical storm comes over your Neiborhood. You were playing Obey me when a large lightning bolt hit your house, and before you could drop your phone you were somehow transported inside the game. Your already past lesson 20 when you wake up in the house of lamentation, you apparently passed out on your birthday celebration when a birthday present shot you with something. (I dont know, im making this up as i go). You try and get back to your own world with the help of the others, including the royals and angels
Dimension hop Alt scenario Au- This is basically the same as the previous AU but instead of MC coming to obey me, obey me comes to them
Twisted wonderland<3
Dimension hop Au - While your playing Twisted wonderland on your ipad, you fall asleep during the middle of a chapter with autoplay on, your Ipad plugged into the wall for charging. During the night, a powerline falters after a tree falls down on it, the sparks causing a glitch on your Ipad that was still plugged into the wall. In the morning you felt something heavy on your chest, opening your eyes only to find the whole cast of twst in your house, teachers and all. They all knew who you were and were good friends with you, but they had zero clue about where they were
Dimension hop alt senario Au - Basically the same as the AU above but Yuu goes down to twisted wonderland instead
Body swap Au - Self explanatory
Overblot yuu Au - Yuu gets pushed to far, everything was to much. Yuu had to deal with all the overblots, they got hated on for not having any magic, they missed their home, they barley could afford to live, and Crowley was being a absolute fucker about money and their living conditions. One day Yuu just snapped, full on screaming at crowley as the black ink started to cover their body, only to come out as the worst of all of the overblots yet
Stardew Valley<3
Yandere Au - Instead of one of the bachelors/bachelorettes being yandere, its one big brawl for your affection. There is blackmail, blood, violence as all 12 bachelors/bachelorettes fight it out for you. Couples may form a truce and share you, some might just steal you for themselves, its up to you how things turn out
Cryptid farmer Au - You took the spot of the old farmers grandchild, it was the only way you were able to have a normal life. After making friends with all of the villagers and all the bachelors/bachelorettes, the fear of people finding out got higher and higher as more and more of the villagers want to speak and hang out with you. One night it got too much for you and your human form started to painfully slip away, panicking in your own home as the group of bachelors or bachelorettes come to see if your ok, only to walk in on you having multiple panicked eyes growing from your arms and neck.
Werewolf farmer Au - The residents of Stardew valley started hearing noises coming from the forest and the farmers place, sounds that were alot worse than the slimes living in the secret forest. Each villager got more and more suspicious of the farmer when they started to observe their behaviour, they always ran home quickly before the sun set, they refused to touch anything silver, and they always seemed to have different hair lengths. One night you were in the saloon for too long and forgot about the time, no one had ever seen you more panicked. One of them tried to hold your arm and calm you down but you swiped at them, not realizing your fingernails have grown to claws. You sprint back to the farm and collapse on the hard rock paths, shifting painfully into a werewolf as the town people followed you from the saloon, but you are conscious the entire time
This is not proof read lmao, things may be abit scuffed but please dont mind that
If any of you want to use this as insperation for a fic or some art, please @ me! I dont want credit because they have probably been done before, I would just love to see your creations<3
What should I do next?
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jackrabbit-fandom · 5 months
Boothill backstory spoilers, so if you dont wanna be spoiled scroll on
This is mostly comfort/fluff mabye tiny angst due to his backstory
Yes, it will include some relationship bits cause of course
Boothill, where his daughter survives, which, yes, i understand, would probably mean he doesn't become 'boothill', but let's pretend he does for the sake of the story. Also im goin with the name cherry for her cause i think its pretty cute
These kinda imply that it's been a few years between boothills' story and penacony
Mabye he was able to save her, and in the process, his body got damaged bad enough that he had to replace it. In this situation, it would be more so because he was hurt so badly he nearly died but didn't wanna leave his daughter.
He'd likely want to keep her as safe as possible but still ended up becoming a space ranger anyway due to sharing the ideologies, but for the first few years of her life, he likely ether stays out of trouble as much as possible or has a safe house for her when he absolutely can not take her with him. On the missions where he does carry her along when she's fairly young, he's just got her attached to a baby sling on his chest. Though i dont see that being extremely common, he doesn't want to risk even a 0.0000000001% chance of her getting hurt
Imagine being intimidated by this cyborg man with a baby sling....anyway
Once she gets older, she's more steady with her walking, she's talking in full sentences, and finally, tall enough to reach his hip, hed likely start teaching her to use a gun.
It's a very serious moment due to how important he thinks it is for her to be able to defend herself when he can't be around. Hed likely has a target set up as he knelt behind her, helping her hold it and aim.
'Keep your breathing steady, don't close both eyes it puts your aim off, keep your elbows loose, respect the gun but don't fear it'
He knows he's going to have to get to work getting his revenge for the rest of his family, so he can't keep coddling her so teaching her to use a gun, or disarm someone and fight hand to hand becomes his top priority. That's not to say he over works her or forces her when she's tired, that's still his little girl, so when she's tired from training he makes sure she gets plenty of rest.
As much as being prepared is important, being well rested and happy is too.
On to more domestic and sweet ones, i donno if he'd have his own ship or just have some safe house on some random planet, but either way coming home to seeing his little girl happy healthy and alive is probably his favorite part of the day, the big bad gunslinger persona immediately melts away and he goes straight into silly annoying dad mode.
This means he has a million dad jokes to make poor cherrys eyes roll out of her head. Though I'd imagine she'd end up just like him, funny phrases, stupid jokes, and a bit of an attitude.
Once she's plenty old enough, say around 16 or so, and wants to go out on more dangerous missions with her dad, i think she would follow the path of abundance. Shed likely wants to protect others like her dad does, plus it's pretty helpful when your father is a cowboy who runs around getting into trouble. It does help put boothill at ease as well, seeing as she can heal herself if she gets hurt....as if he'd ever let that happen.
I'd think that for a while, he's more focused on his daughter rather than finding a partner, however were he to meet you at some point when cherry was fairly young one thing that would likely make him interested is you acting kindly towards her and cooing over her. Showing positive interest in his daughter is a pretty good way to get on his good side. Doesn't quite mean he'll trust you just yet. it just means you're on good terms with him.
I feel like he'd have to trust you pretty well before he lets you watch his daughter. She is his pride and joy, and his one most important person in his life. he almost lost her, and he won't risk someone trying to take her from him again.
However, once cherry is older and can, for the most part, care for herself without her papa watching over her, then hed show more interest. If you were there sense she was young and helped him care for her, he likely already started liking you early on but just didn't make a mood due to focusing on her. Due to you being closer to her in this situation, i can imagine her calling you her mom/dad/parent, too. Extra brownie points!
I imagine cherry being, like i said, like her dad. A bit goofy at times with weird phrases and a slight attitude, and growing up with his censor shed likely copy that too, yelling out "fudge!" When she stubs her toe. I can see her having an interest towards guns sense it was something her papa introduced her to it but also music. Hed likely have taught her guitar by this point so shed probably make up her own little songs and sing them to him (and you once you join the little family) and no matter if their bad or good hes always just happy to hear her sing with the biggest smile on his face, and you best be too.
Oh, and of course, shed get her own cowboy hat, but choose to keep stealing his anyway.
Overall, if she had survived, i imagine him being mostly the same, just with a little girl following him around.
If you liked the fic, feel free to give me requests around this au. I just need this motherfudger to be happy, please.
Edit: @legalize-arson gave me the name idea. I do not like not crediting
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yourheart-inmyhands · 11 months
i really enjoy your works and i was wondering if you could do a yandere kazuha with a reader who tries to escape and how he deals with it? its ok if you dont want to :3
ah this was a very interesing ask so tysm! i hope this was to your tastes and that you come back sometime in the future :D
Tumblr media
Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including implied being held against will, delusional behavior, obsessive behavior, intentional harm caused to reader, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Kazuha with a darling who tries to escape wouldn’t be a good combination. Kazuha has loved and lost before, forever mourning the death of his best friend in solitude, so losing you is not an option. He would have you travel on the Crux with him so he can watch over you, but you’re basically just an accessory on the ship. Kazuha may not seem it, but he is incredibly strong and he has no qualms about using that to his advantage with you.
You’re life aboard the ship had been that of a glorified trophy spouse. Kazuha would have you doing nothing but hanging around all day, locked up safely in your shared room where he could be sure no one could bother you. He had said it was because life on the ship was tough and he didn’t want you to get hurt or stuck doing unfair chores but in reality, he just didn’t want to see you getting close with anyone else, it made his skin crawl just thinking about it. Firstly, you were his you didn’t need anyone else in your life but him, he was the only person you needed to focus on and spend time with. And Secondly, he had heard your little murmurs about your escape plans, the ship had ears and a large sum of them were Kazuha’s. The wind brought your whispers to his ears and as you slowly developed a plan, so too did he. Pretending he knew nothing, Kazuha allowed you to carry out what you had thought to be an escape plan but was instead leading you into trouble. He had left you in the room whilst the ship was docked so that he could go into town and gather some things for the two of you. While you planned to sneak out the door when you were sure he was gone, he had tucked himself away in a nearby room, waiting to accidentally swing that door open and into your face, breaking your pretty nose in the process of him ‘unknowingly’ stopping you.
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strangestofthings12 · 5 months
This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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racingheartstopper · 2 months
Hi, I was reading the posts about “calling Lestappen is a stupid ship”, and reminds me of how I begin to ship Lestappen this year (not a very nice year to begin hah). Sorry if i do things wrong first time use anon ask (i dont even think i turned on ask anonymously)
It is exactly because they are not friends (let alone besties). They get along with each other well but they are not friends. I didn’t ship them when I begin to watch F1 racing, and began to wow when I saw Max looking at Charles. I thought they weren’t familiar with each other, but turns out Max cares a lot about Charles, so I was like LEMME SEE WHATS HAPPENING HERE. The fact that they enjoy staying with each other, both live in Monaco, having common friends but choose not to hang out too much is so interesting and funny. It’s more like they choose not to hang out together. I honestly dont think they will run out of topic when they sit together, but they choose not to do so is something I can’t get over with. Just like how they are not following each other on Instagram. And that famous video Charles cannot answer if Max is pretty kicks me into Lestappen!!! Charles is PR trained even during that time, but he made that question so awkward it’s almost like he tries too hard to hide the feelings that he forgot to put the proper PR face on. And he cannot stop thinking about Max after that question, he even give the light colour eye question for free. Like I know immediately he was fully thinking about Max for that ten or something seconds. Something between them made them not besties, not gonna hang out too often, too simple to say rivals, too much complex feelings. 
And how rb pr treats Lestappen ship. Max is the type of person cannot pr even if he tries. The rb pr does it in such a smart way that almost make me feel its because it would be better to put this into the sun rather than pretend the feelings never exists.
I think if one day they become besties, openly follow each other’s account, hang out often, openly say they think the other one looks so handsome all ppl in paddock are crazy about other, and hug each other firmly properly like how they choose to do to others, that’s the day I can officially graduate from the ship.
Sorry this is long, its just that blog you reposted reminds me a lot of how I begin to ship Lestappen. Enjoy the day :DDD
Hi, don’t worry, my first time using it too!
And I so get what you are saying! For me it was kind of the same, only a bit earlier. Somewhere early in ‘21. Was just online when I saw something lestappen. And I was like those two don’t even like each other. And bear in mind there used to be a lot less content and interactions than we have now. But the dynamic got me hooked.
After that the story kind of wrote itself.
It’s just fun. And at the end of the day. A ship is all it is and hope we can enjoy that peacefully in the confinement’s of tumblr
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moliathh · 14 days
people accusing alutegra shipper of homophobia and lesbian/aroace erasure are so funny because ONE, as a fan, i cannot make or remove a queer representation of a media, that act can only be done by the creator/producer/corporation/ institution themselves, the fanworks you make for a ship does not held the same weight as official materials. It's a bit insulting that you are comparing fanworks made out of love (that could very much be made by queer people) to a phenomenom driven by hate and bigotry and was a contributing factor to the oppression of queer people. Throwing around big words, accusations, that were meant for something very serious and harmful to refer to something unharmful just because you dislike a ship is not a very LGBTQIA+ friendly thing of you to do. Do you think of homophobia so lightly? Accusing REAL queer people who are being subjected to homophobia on a daily basis because of something they love?
SECOND OF ALL, let's assume that your headcanon is true (i haven't speak of the fact that its basic fandom etiquette to treat headcanon as something personal and not universal and don't harass other people over unharmful difference in opinion). Let's say, Integra is a lesbian, which is a headcanon. Did we collectively forget Alucard is canonically genderfluid? Yet you're referring to Alucard/Integra as a "cishet" ship? Does a queer person get stripped of their queer identity when they participate in a relationship that is male/female presenting? I thought we are about "queer rep"??? How convenient it is to deem him a cis het man and headcanon Integra as a lesbian to make the shippers look bad. Oh, and on the way of watering down queer identity into a caricature, you are also claiming ace people cannot have sex and it's disrespectful to depict ace people having romantic/sexual relationship. As if asexuality isn't a spectrum ranging from "little to no attraction" and the definition of sexual interaction is very loose, especially for queer people. Do you even care about queer people at this point?
And before any of yall jump me, i am queer myself how can i be homophobic my bitches are gay I AM GAY. I'm so sick and tired of yall justifying hate by pretending to care about the alphabet mafia. DO YOU REALLY? It was never that serious, just say you hate the ship and get tf going. I think its perfectly fine and cool to hate a ship just because you hate it, i do! I have headaches and want to vomit when i see ships that i hate but i dont feel the need to moralize it nor do i have to bring it to the face of the shippers or bad talking them. What really piss me off is how you drag real QUEER people through the mud for some fucking little pixels. Go outside, have some empathy. When fascism and censorship comes to wipe us out none of us gonna be spared because you are "one of the good ones" so stop fucking eating at your own community omg if you dont like something and its unharmful then BLOCK
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angy-grrr · 5 months
i have an issue I see with ppl trying to make shippers "understand" their ship could not become canon, and I dont think many would expect it.
Why are we pretending being in your late 30s is being middle age? Dont get me wrong, being a middle aged person doesn't have to mean anything about someone, but its just- not middle age literally.
I dont really understand bringing that up anyways, iit feels wrong to me to believe just ppl in their teens and 20s could ever do anything pro LGBT+ in general... I find it insulting, as if this is a new thing or impossible to believe older people could believe in queerness in a positive light or be queer themselves. The main reason in the west, and im assuming other parts of the world, there arent as many or as visible is, well, because people were dying because of the AIDS crisis + the isolation from being older and every single public space made for or just young queers or cishet older adults.
I get the point, but if I remember correctly every time I see someone trying to do that (of course im believing they have the best intentions in mind), they have to bring up how this is a Japanese middle aged man as a good enough reason.
I don't really mind about what others want to believe or how much they care in terms of shipping -if you prefer to be casual and not paying that much attention to what's canon or not, good for you! Many ppl are also like that and its completely valid, here in this side of Tumblr might seem like all of us believe and theorize about their endgame potential bc we are the ones that usually make more posts or longer content. But I dont like those assumptions about queerness being tied to young westerners, and I wanted to rant a little bit.
Again, I dont believe that was the intention in any of those posts, and im not trying to call out anyone, just rant.
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anotherdragon · 10 months
I remember a post I saw back when the digital ticket came out (or I think it was back then?) which talked about how lautski in abstinence camp and in nerdy prudes were so different because of the fact that they met in completely different situations. In abstinence camp, they were both the odd ones out. it seemed like they were the only ones sent there for reform, while everyone else was just? there for the fun of it? they were the only ones who could understand each other, and were on equal ground. Steph wasn't "The Mayors Daughter" she was just a horny teenage girl. and Pete wasn't "Micro Peter" he was just a horny teenage boy.
Meanwhile, in Nerdy Prudes, its...a bit more complicated than that. Steph is popular. Pete is a loser. Steph is the mayor's daughter, she has power, and pete...doesn't. Neither of them are as free to be themselves as they were in abstinence camp, Stephanie has a reputation to uphold, and Pete needs to worry about being bullied. Different situation, different dynamic. (This is also brought up in If I Loved You. Steph says she would never go for a 'geek', she accuses him of using her to move up and gain status. Pete calls her a 'mean girl', which is the trope Steph represents [kind of. for the sake of this post we're going to pretend its that simple])
This is also something ive noticed in a lot of Michie fics? in canon, at least specifically in npmd, it would be pretty fucked up. pretty much anyone can admit that. Though something that I've seen happen a lot is the shifting of their dynamic. Max is no longer "The Bully" and Richie is no longer "The Victim". They are both put in a situation where they are on somewhat equal ground, and their dynamic changes because of that. I guess thats part of what interests me about both of them, not even as a ship but as indivisual characters.
What else is there to Max other than being the bully, the villain. He isnt alive long enough for any sort of depth to be given to him, and seeing what happens whenever any characters (not including miss holloway) dies and comes back to life, there is a sold chance that his ghost is a 'corrupted' version of him. His ghost fully plays into the role he was given, The Jock, The Bad Guy. One of his lines in npmd (the song) is "The jock you demonized" and thats what happened to him. After he dies, he isn't a person anymore, he is a caricature. What all of the characters are forced to become, The Mean Girl, The Nerd, The Horny Teen, The Victim, The Evangelical. And after his death. he fully embraces it. We dont get to see whatever depth he might have had to him, as we got to see with all the other characters as they became more fleshed out.
And Richie, bless his soul, never got to be more than the victim. He existed solely to die. The first scene in the musical, the first thing that we saw of him was his death. He was doomed from the beginning to always be the first out. He was never meant to live past the first act. His purpose in npmd was to die, so he never got to be more. But what would he be in another story? One where things were nicer, one where he wasnt forced into a role, one where he could just be himself?
What would any of them be?
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jennilah · 8 months
Jenna, can you give us a rundown of who these Saw people are for everyone who follows you but has not seen and will never see the Saw franchise?
ok my beautiful and very accepting followers gather round i am going to try to provide you some basic context to these characters that feature heavily on this blog these days, and i HAVE smoked a bowl of weed already
majorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking series spoilers for anyone who might actually kind of be interested
mkay first of all despite what my blog might lead you to believe, this guy is like. the OG antagonist. the main dude for the whole franchise even when hes not technically present for most plotlines. all of his scenes are baller af
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his name is John Kramer and he is the original Jigsaw Killer. He truly believes he can rehabilitate people who dont appreciate their lives (or commit crimes or take advantage of people) by putting them in saw traps. he pretends its not personal but it totally is. hes always putting people he personally beefs with in traps.
hes deeply fucked up but also really fascinating tbh like the whole fun of his character is seeing what reason hes gonna come up with to justify his next atrocity and how he manipulates everyone around him into doing his bidding. hes a mastermind. hes also Peepaw. Peepaw is kind of crazy but we love Peepaw
This is Billy hes a puppet
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Billy is good
This is Adam Stanheight everyones favorite dead boy
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hes so funny and charming and is also such a sopping wet pathetic sad rat. everyone loves Adam. We love pretending Adam is gonna come back but hes been super dead for years
This is Lawrence Gordon the guy he was stuck in the bathroom with and he does, yes, saw his foot off to free himself from his chain. hes an oncologist
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everyone loves shipping him with Adam, thats called Chainshipping and its very cute but also very sad
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esp because Lawrence turns to the dark side and becomes an apprentice to Jigsaw and never went back to save Adam like he PROMISED what the FUCK
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but also i love Apprentice!Lawrence because of all the nutty implications and what other fun it has given us (such as AUs where Adam lives and even sometimes joins Lawrence as an apprentice himself)
This is Amanda Young she has many,. haircuts
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I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER 😭😭😭😭 Shes an apprentice to Jigsaw and his pseudo adopted daughter and they have such a fucked up and tragic found family with each other.
i love that shes messy and emotional and vengeful and sarcastic and battling personal demons and questioning whether John's "rehabilitation" method really works (aka saw traps) and being unsure if she can take up the mantle when he passes. but he believes in her. and god they make me fucking emotional
this is Lynn Denlon shes a doctor kidnapped to treat John's cancer. and people ship her with Amanda, thats Shotgunshipping. it goes pretty hard tbh
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like their scenes go fucking crazy through a shipping lens oh my fucking god. actually they all do tbh thats part of the fun of shipping in this franchise
oh boy big sigh here we go
this is Detective Mark Hoffman who is unfortunately my favorite character and i am REALLy high now. if u ever get confused like MANY of us did, you can recognize him by his bitch lips and/or boobies. ugh im gonna throw up i hate his ass
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that last one oh my fucking god
anyway hes actually awful but i love him so much and at first i was scared that i was the only one who did LMAO.. anyway he also gets recruited by Jigsaw as another apprentice when he was in a very dark place, having just killed the murderer of his little sister. he made it look like a saw trap to frame Jigsaw.
but Jigsaw found out & was like nuh uh bitch you're working for me now, or else I'm telling on you.
But then Hoffman was like guess what bitch I LOVE it here and i LOVE killing. he becomes the Jigsquad problem child and proceeds to kill or manipulate everyone he needed to so he could be the sole "Jigsaw" remaining. But he's sloppy and paranoid af so the FBI is on his ass from day 1. And the more he kills, the sloppier he gets, and the more frantic and unable to dig himself out of this hole he gets. and the more violent and crazy he gets. But the more crazy he gets, the more he keeps evading death like a cockroach. For real, watching his downfall was the major appeal of his character for me, and the start of my downfall..ing in love with him. lord almighty
anyway everyone hates his ass and we LOVE bullying him!!!!! he deserves it. for all of the atrocities hes committed and also because hes such a smarmy little shit. even Amanda bullies him
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and then we have Peter Strahm who shows up and hates Hoffman immediately, as you do. u can tell its him from his ridiculous eyelashes
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Because he is Hoffman's biggest adversary for two movies, knowingly in one. It's a classic cat and mouse game.
Anyway we love Peter Strahm!!!!! He's also an asshole! He's extremely hotheaded and short tempered but extremely passionate about the case. like, his dedication goes crazy. He's also quite the sassy bitch himself
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but its BECAUSE he is also caring and emotional, especially towards his work partner Lindsey Perez WHO WE LOVE BECAUSE SHES AMAZING AND CARING AND SHE'S BEEN PETER'S PARTNER AND FRIEND FOR 5 YEARS THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER I LOVE THEM
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and those are the characters but ur probably like "what the fuck is up with the glass coffin" well my friends that is what us Hoffstrahmers refer to as our roman empire.
um i ran out of room for pictures :) but by now yall have seen the two traps reblogged and drawn by me a BILLION times, and those are: the water cube trap, and the glass coffin
so the deal with those:
the water cube trap: Strahm runs off to find Jigsaw himself after wildly following clues with no backup because he's so worked up from Perez getting hurt earlier and he sets off on revenge immediately. Hoffman catches him and puts him in the water cube.
It's meant to just kill him. he wasnt supposed to survive it. but Strahm is suddenly the main character when he fucking survives an unwinnable saw trap the fuckin crowd goes wild, it was fuckin sick dawg
and then through a series of Hoffman backstory flashbacks that he daydreams, he figures out the entirety of Hoffman's real secret identity and sets off to go catch him
and thats when he finds:
The Glass Coffin Trap: the instructions on the Jigsaw tape tell him to get into the coffin, it will hurt him but he will have a chance to survive. "do you trust me?" but he KNOWS its Hoffman and he doesnt trust that motherfucker so he doesnt get in. Hoffman approaches the scene, they get in a scuffle, and Strahm pushes him into the coffin and seals it.
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but hoffman is like "neener neener poopoo you're an idiot" and tells him to listen to the rest of the tape. which tells him that if he doesnt get in the coffin, he's gonna fuckin die bro lmao rip
and so he does! hoffman, in the coffin, sinks into the ground like some cartoon villain and the walls close in and squeeze Strahm to death
anyway at first Coffinshipping to me was kind of a joke like just classic Asshole x Asshole, Enemies to Lovers, Hero x Villain shenanigans. Teehee what if they KISSED... in the COFFIN... and all.
but then i read exactly 1 fic and i was completely convinced entirely of the angst possibilities of these two. the "what if"s that were possible with them. the little Hoffstrahm community i found has been so fucking awesome their ideas are so fucking fun, and I'm having so much fun thinking of art of them and fics of them and ugh i love it here
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kozumesphone · 4 months
also, second one (cause i couldnt resist)
if u seek amy! i think thatll be fun
my hobby is reading and playing the guitar!
i think i read like fifty books last year..
my fav books are pjo tlt (its nostalgic ok!!) and the hunger games series
i like to play mostly taylor swift and gracie abrams songs on the guitar!
i basically steal my sisters guitar whenever i want to play cause i dont have my own lol (im better than her)
my favorite taylor swift song is youre on your own kid
my favorite gracie abrams song is feels like
my favorite color is yellow (pretty obvious i think) it reminds me of sunshine and just overall happy things yk?
my favorite season is spring! the flowers start blooming and theyre so pretty (downside are the bugs)
i have a lot of favorite shows: stranger things, brooklyn 99, the good place, modern family
my favorite subject is chemistry! i love learning about the world around me and its properties etcetc
some random stuff about my personality: i get distracted so easily its a nightmare to study, i am an emotional wreck i cry easily, definitely a night owl, hufflepuff, daughter of poseidon
i dont mind if u pick someone from a book i dont recognise, that will just give me incentive to read it!!!
oh forgot to mention im a straight girl
love uuuu and congrats again!!!
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⟢ “I love you, okay, darling!”
a/n: okay but the way the ship name is corason? which sounds so close to corazon? which means like ‘my dear’ in italian, I think?? MADE FOR EACH OTHER MUCH 🤭💓
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I think you’d best match with jason grace!
I mean, daughter of poseidon x son of jupiter? hello?? PERFECTION!!
jason would learn to play the piano while you play the guitar, so you guys could play music together
he LOVES laying on your stomach while you read on your bed and run your fingers through his hair
^ sometimes, he even falls asleep like that, and you both slowly shift into cuddling
he definitely hypes you up to finish your goodreads reading goal, if not exceed it (what can I say? he’s jason grace)
he definitely went to the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie with you (supportive bfs even when they have no idea what you read/watch >>)
he once asked you why you love yoyok by taylor, and straight up bawled while you explained to him what the song meant
he’s a very sunshine-y person, just like you, so when you guys are together, leo pretends to faint and says “too much sun! i’m getting sunstroke! help!!” and he thinks he’s really funny (i’d laugh, ngl <3)
come springtime, he lets you put all the flowers you collect over the summer into his hair
^ he also does the rapunzel braid on your hair and puts in matching flowers in it
(he drives away the bugs for you, dw!)
in an au, he’d never have heard of any tv shows, but after hearing you yap to him about them, he watches them ALL and makes notes about them too (about what? only he knows.)
okay, here we’re going off the rails so badly, but it’s a very ooc and personal hc of mine: jason sucks ASS at geography and chemistry. he will literally breakdown at the very thought of them.
he gets you to help him out with the chemistry part, and he teaches you math (if you’re not good at it already)!
he makes sure you don’t let yourself get burnt out while studying, and also makes sure you don’t get distracted and procrastinate
he comforts you at any time of the day: you say it, he’ll be over asap to give you free cuddles with your favourite chocolates & drinks
sometimes, he doesn’t even need you to tell him. he’ll just. know. when you’re feeling off. and his jacie senses tingle, and he calls you up and goes, “is it cuddletime?” and then drives over
while you’re a night owl, he’s an early bird (he must teach me his way, tho, because h o w)
^ you stay up till 2-3 am reading/studying and wake up by 9 or 10 am, while he sleeps by 10 pm and wakes up by 5 am to the dot
so you guys leave each other sticky notes before going to bed for the other one to see when they wake up
you guys 100% go on bookstore dates (he buys you everything you can carry on your own), library/study dates (especially while grinding during finals szn), museum dates (to mock the statues), beach dates (so he can get mesmerised while watching you do silly little tricks with the water and talk to the fishies), etc.
his love language is 101% physical touch & acts of service <3
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temp. taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
@sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @roses4plvto
@urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
@lara20aral @bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
@solangelotus @brodieland @s1utlvr @imasimpdealwithit @waitingonher
@nqds @skyrigel @daydream-of-a-wallflower @hermidastouch @catastrxblues
@moon-drop18 @d4rkdi0rrr @hopelesslyromantic-shark @saltwatergirl6 @hope92100
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event masterlist
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ekanatsume · 1 year
I just dislike how the orv fandom is always making the ending of orv (the last scene where they open the door) and making it always like yjh gets the spotlight in being so much happy over kdj returning. And if you think about it, the only reason why hsy is the one whos mentioned the most in the last chapters of orv is bc yjh wrote it (other than the fact that she was the one whos in the last few chaps bc she was trying to tell the story of kimcom trying to cope with kdj's 'death'). Hsy is the type who never talks about her feelings, and she is the one who always felt like she wasnt that important of a person to kdj than yjh. But the thing is, to kdj, both of them were important. One was the protagonist who made him not give up and the other was the writer who kept him alive with the story (even if he didnt know that, she still was the only one person who could understand kdj and give him the feeling of reassurance bc she was the plagiarist who read wos, the same story as kdj, and could easily communicate with kdj, a bookworm who never had friends). To hsy, she probably doesn't think kdj might think of her as important (recall the "will you read my story?" question? She didn't even think kdj would think about reading it) and thats why most of orv has the relationship of kdj and yjh (bc its the story he loves with his life, and yjh is the protagonist) we never see hsy expressing that much of her feelings unless they are in important plot points and even if she does, it's always for the plot points or "kimcom loves kdj more than anything, hsy is also a part of kimcom so she loves him too".
Ive always felt like the last scene of orv where hsy runs in crying and smiling to the door felt a bit out of character, like she isnt the type to cry easily according to her scenes in orv (and i understand that shes only a human that struggled for so long to get kdj back, crying is only natural). But like the last few scenes were extremely hsy focused and that makes sense bc yjh was the one who wrote those scenes. And the fact that yjh wrote those scenes of hsy expressing her feelings and being desperate so much tells you how hsy didnt include her actual feelings in orv. And the fact that yjh wrote the "this story is only for that one reader" from hsy's viewpoint says a lot (yes i understand that its from kimcom's perspective but then again the writer was hsy). So its only natural that hsy rushed in to get that door bc (if youve read sidestories, SPOILER you just know how desperate hsy is to get back kdj) hsy has always been the one who get back kdj, whether it be destroying worlds or dooming everyone. So to see that the focus is always on yjh and kdj (as the ship) i mean i get it, its the popular ship but then again, how can you really just toss away hsy? She literally went through hell and back in every lifetime to save kdj. Not even yjh was this meticulous about kdj at first. It should be both of them being happy at getting kdj back in those fanart scenes. I just dont like it that everyone just thinks of hsy as the "bestie". Like literally both of them are besties to kdj (if i had to term it like that) it doesnt even make sense that only yjh is on it. They both went through hell and back in the last half of orv (and SPOILER in the sidestories too) along with kimcom to get back kdj. I really dont like how hsy is just thrown away bc shes the "bestie" and she shouldnt "interrupt" on the "lovers reunion" fanarts. Damn it. Yes im rambling. I could just pretend to not see it but the reason im rambling is bc there isnt enough "hsy finally getting her reader back that she desperately wanted to save for her whole life" fanarts.
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webowzr · 6 months
the way you people project onto ford is ABSOLUTELY INSANE!! and the way you use that blatant projection to piss on others who do the same is also crazy.
ford wasn't a good person pre-portal. while yes, characters like bill are way worse, ford doesnt get absolved of his failings just because bill tricked him. ford is /incredibly/ self obsessed, and through his journal entries you can see just how self-absorbed he is. he doesn't care about how his actions could benefit others (its why he's so against his journal being published) instead he only cares about the glory HE could derive from his actions. he waxes poetic about "not wanting to be another tesla" and the book explicitly compares ford to icarus. fidd's actually goes out of his way to PLEAD WITH HIM to stop the portal, because fidd's now knows it's dangerous and warns him, but stanford is so blinded by his own self-importance he ignores fiddleford until reality slaps him in the face and shows him how wrong he is.
speaking of manipulation, ford manipulates and lies to fiddleford CONSTANTLY. ford lies about where he got the idea for the project, he lies about who he's working with, ignores fiddleford if fidds doesn't comply with his wants, and is constantly paranoid about fidds 'true intentions' (lol) .
STOP woobifying ford, stop pretending ford is some innocent guy. its quite frankly disconcerning to see how many of you guys claim he's ur fav or whatever but dont like the flaws that make him a compelling narrator. i LIKE ford as a slightly immoral person who grows and changes, whose willing to do ANYTHING for what he wants even if it isn't the best move, a 'smart-guy' who uses questionable tactics because part of him does believe it's the best thing to do.
ALL THIS BEING SAID, characterize ur ford however you want. you want to make him more of a victim? go for it!! you want to project onto him? feel free!! just dont pretend like ur characterization is completely correct without facts to back it up. and dont shit on peoples ships (srsly u guys r getting mega petty nowadays) because fiddauthor or billford or whatever isnt particularly healthy either!!
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otherentrance · 2 months
if i had a nickel for every time david tennant played a space alien who quoted a line from shakespeare to shakespeare and then the poet himself went "i might use that" i dont even know how many nickels id have. probably not a lot but its weird that it happened more than once
so doctor who s3e2 am i right. The Shakespeare Code
the most unrealistic thing about this episode full of witchcraft and bullshitting people is that shakespeare did the whole "now get out- *sees someone pretty* oh, ok, nvm sit down" but it was about martha and not david tennant. do i need to start shipping the doctor with literal shakespeare out of spite??
so martha and ten sit to chat with The Poet, right, and martha starts doing that thing where she tries to talk using words that pop culture associates with the time just for ten to turn to her and go "no, no, dont do that". rose tyler in the opening of Tooth and Claw is that you?
speaking of rose! "psychic paper, um, ..long story. oh i hate starting from scratch" right so martha doesnt understand the psychic paper because she's new. and i love ten's line here! "i hate starting from scratch"
its funny, because we know how much ten misses rose. we know how much emotional baggage comes with finding a new companion. yet we forget just how long the doctor has been doing this
i havent seen the classic era of doctor who, and i doubt anyone on tumblr has either, but the doctor has, presumably, been loosing people for a long time
& i appreciate how theres a real sense of experience in ten's line here. ofc he doesnt honestly mean "i hate starting from scratch", its just that when you do something for long enough little annoyances about it can tire you. and ten is, among other things, very tired
(similarly, i do very much appreciate this interaction between The Poet and ten. "and you, sir doctor, how can a man so young have eyes so old?" "i do a lot of reading." "a trite reply, yeah? thats what i do." & then ten's got this look on his face! tired eyes, slight smile, like he's softening. recognizing something of himself in shakespeare of all people. god i love him so much)
i think its fascinating, too, how theres a sense of.. unimportance(?) to his new companions when theyre new. like over the years, the people the doctor has interacted with have become just that- people. sure the significance and uniqueness of certain people stick out, but eventually you start seeing just how similar we all are, innately
and theres certainly something to love in that sentiment, that people are at their core very similar, and the doctor certainly loves humanity. but he doesnt know martha well enough for her individuality to matter entirely: she's another chance at happiness, another opportunity, instead of a fully understood person, to him
isnt there something so human in that? isnt there something a little bit tiring about having to unveil yourself to every new person you want to know? isnt it just a little tempting to pretend youre different? to pretend all that emotional baggage, all that history, doesnt exist? they dont know you, they wont unless you tell them, so dont. this is how you outrun the past, by throwing yourself into the future
(completely unrelated but this episode is so funny about queer stuff in hindisght. "so those [actors on stage in 1599] are men dressed as women, right?" "london never changes" like excuse me??? are you trying to imply something sir???
that whole "there was only one bed" scene in which martha is almost flirting but ten just completely ignores it
& then ten is annoyed that martha and shakespeare are stopping to chat so we get: ten: "come on, we can all have a good flirt later!" the poet: "is that promise, doctor?" ten: "oh, 57 academics just punched the air" pardon??
the witch [villain of the week] being seductive to trick ten? "thats one form of magic that isnt gonna work on me"??? oh??? ace ten confirmed????
and then the episode finishes off with banishing the evil witches by shouting "expelliarmus!" and ten throwing in a "good old JK". like i know they didnt know she was an ass in 2007 but man this episode is a rollercoaster)
um. yeah. im normal about doctor who
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obscureother · 6 months
🌑 ˚x'˙ intro. . ??
Hello. . !! im new to tumblr, so sorry if wonky things happen while im setting this up. im still trying to figure things out guys-
i lurk on other accounts for general content but im closeted n shy so i made this one to yell about things instead so i don’t expose myself to people i know lolol
if you know or find other profiles i own, i request you not expose it for those reasons before im comfortable to.
so this is just an f/o blog/journaling. . thing. I'm not entirely sure what content will be here, but it will be centered around f/os, self-shipping, and its just to give me a place to yell about the people that live in my/your brain rent-free and know they don’t exist but we pretend they do anyway for comfort reasons and serotonin, dopamine, uhh what other things feel good and ok??
some of it will be for you if I happen to think of something, other times it is for me to explode over my fixation f/os!!
youre also welcome to come yell about your f/os if you just need someone to talk to them about!! dont think i know em?? COME OVER and INTRODUCE THEM. you can come in DMs, asks, or however you want to!! id be happy to know your f/o or listen to you talk about them if no one else will :00
This is a comfort blog to me, so there wont be any room for meanness or intended offenses here. Dont come to me with troublesome things or somehow twist/morph my content into something its not, we're just here to have a cool time with our fictional people, bro. . :((
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ok who r you tho:
To be honest, I don’t have a name or something to go by as of posting this, I might get one later or just make a new comment all fancy for the pin. . For now you can just call me whatever you deem good or just go off my blog/username!! Don’t be mean tho. i may take one you guys think of or figure it out on my own.
im 21 yo. (if youre a minor, i dont mind you coming to say hello, but do look below the other stuff content for what you need to look out for. you should also know some of you goofy kiddos have energies i dont know how to respond to sometimes, so dont worry if i get awkward or something, its not your fault lolol.)
im in college, so forgive me if im slow, im also just not on tumblr very often :v i dont ghost people on purpose i swEaR-
i might post my f/os on a whole list, idk yet, but theyll prolly be mentioned sometimes to the very least. you can def ask of them tho!! (edited: i made an f/o list if you want to see them.)
i dont know if ill post content of my own f/os or me/my sona for them, but it could be there.
i dont mind sharing f/os!! id love to yell about them together. if you dont like that, then its ok!! i either wont talk about them with you so you can be their person when we talk of them, or you can just block/not interact. ill be sad i dont get to meet you, but its ok.
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other stuff:
Nothing explicit/detailed will normally be posted. but: The worst there will be is just being hormonally silly from kind of "rrr ovaries go brr, chew on theM-" energy of my f/os. i will try to create a tag to mark it with so you can exclude honky content if you want or need to later, tho. from what i know, you can "block" tags. . so i think that will work if you like the other goofy stuff on the blog??
(edited: I DID IT, I DID THEM, LOOK: 🌑obscure tags list for the obscure blog )
NSFW talk can be in DMs, tho.
DO NOT come to me with those concepts if youre a minor tho, oh dear GOD. honky grown-up talk is not for you goofy child-folk.
LGBTQ+ friendly!! im nonbinary and love everybody. youre ok too. 💙
i do roleplay sometimes, but only in dms n please dont go exposing our roleplays to others. . i would be very not comfy :"0
if you want to roleplay, you can dm me to ask but i dont have to say yes or i might not be able to. im slow too dfsdf=
i may or may not make a side blog once i figure out how to do stuff, but know that until then, im going to just post whatever on this one til i know how to do things on tumblr lolol.
forgive me if some of my content gets deleted, edited, whatever as we go. like i said, this whole thing is very new to me and its not very organized for now. its just there. its gonna get wonky over here on my side for a bit.
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• tiny bat gif •
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