#i just need some positive energy and to make it to 5 so i can just work from home the rest of the night
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the-tarot-witch22 · 2 months
How your future spouse will confess his love for you - Pick a Pile
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Pile 1/ Pile 2/ Pile 3
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Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to! You can choose more than one pile, it just means both pile have messages for you!
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
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Pile 1:
(The cards I got for you - 5 of swords, 7 of pentacles, judgement and the lovers)
Okay so pile 1, for some of you your future spouse will confess their out of nowhere like so casually you are doing chores, or taking a stroll and he will look at you and just say those three words, making you stumble upon crosswalk or you might have a coughing fit, they will be nervous but they will be putting effort like special dressing for you that day or more styled hair their will be hints for sure, you are like the only one for them, and they won't be letting you go, for some of you a scene where you both are extremely happy and you see each other and are like, okay we need to say that right now and that very moment, the moment will make you overwhelm you with positive emotions for your future spouse, the scenario could be you could be telling each other that on phone, party , grauduation or an event, doing daily things together, for some of you it could be a angry confession or you might like that of confessions like so angry, and you will be confessing i heard "damn it don't you see, what you mean to me, and who tf treats their friend this way", meaning one of you could be completely oblivious and a argument will lead to confession straight outta movie, for some you guys could be in car, or a trip, for some of you, This could also happen when you will be letting go of old past and things that are holding you back, the confession will be like so surety, you won't be second guessing their intentions, they will really mean when they say "i love you", it could also be one of you deciding should i say it first nah, like ego coming in between, like they should be the one saying it lol, some of you would not be able to wait and they will be confessing, i also see a night time or full moon. I also see lots of head pats it might be you or them that likes to do it to their loved ones!
That's all pile 1 this pile had so much energy and also undecisive so i end up picking variety of confession here! but anyways the pile is sweet, and seems like when they say it , they will actually mean it and they don't go around throwing these words to random! as they should! so let's go! wishing you luck when you meet them and they confess to you~
Pile 2:
(The cards I got for you - 5 of cups, page of pentacles, 6 of wands, 10 of wands, ace of wands and the moon)
Okay so Pile 2 very interesting!This pile could also be overthinker or worry too much about stuff in general, but anyways on to the reading! So what i channel for this pile is for some of you guys, you would be going through a very or hard time or a depressed period of your life or overstressed period of your life, This could be because of work, family or friends situation, but your future spouse will be with you through hard time or not so hard time, reassuring you, but not majority for some of you, they could be reassuring but they will let you know their love, and you will realize it too, but you both or your fs would be wanting a more appropriate time for it, I also some of you could be ill or sick and then they are telling you, that they are in love with you, it will be like nobody will be ever have done that for you and when they do it, you will be quite shocked in a good way, knowing you have a man of your dreams, i also channel a scene where they are feeding you something and they will let you know how much you mean to them, and you will be asking "do you love me" and he says yes. and then the atmosphere becomes romantic than it is, so you will be thanking to be sick or ill, that it led to this, or you could be on some sort of picnic or garden when they confess to you, they will actually be quite creative for their confession, Okay so the majority of you i feel you guys would be getting freaky or physical lol, or it could be a kiss too, and between the make out session they are like in between breaths i love you, and you end up getting intimate with each other, and that's how the confession will go for you and them, after the confession they could be quite protective with you, like kissing you in public showing you two belong with each other, honestly? so freaking sweet, some of you it could be at a celebration or they could be asking you out, trying to be subtle, with you but failing lmao, you could be with intuition be able to figure out they are gonna do something, this pile could also have strong or at least good intuition, and your partner too, the confession will actually transform you both for better, or it could also mean you both will start something deeper with each other, more meaningful! I also channel a book store confession for some of you~
Okay so pile 2! Your pile honestly made me feel butterflies, like they are sweet and thoughtful, they would be 100% sure to win you over after their confession~, so happy for you guys, gave me such a energy boost!
Pile 3:
(The cards I got for you - The emperor, page of swords, The hermit and the page of cups)
Okay pile 3, let's start with your reading, for some of you, your future spouse will go above and beyond to confess his love for you, like actually an expensive or luxurious confession, I channel a scene where you are on aeroplane and he tells you there while you are going to abroad, many of you will think this is unrealistic, but your future spouse is rich and he will definitely be telling it to you in his own way, and ykw? you guys deserve it! I also feel when the day he confess he is going to gift you a bouquet of flowers or especially red roses and big one at that, with the things you like, and that's how he tell how much he in love with you, and for some of you i channel a scene where you both will be mutually putting efforts with each other, and decide to tell to each other on the same day and IT'S honestly so sweet, i feel so warm and fuzzy while doing your reading guys, For some of you he could be preparing an art date for you both and he will tell you by writing or whispering it in your ears, for some of you , you guys would be embracing your future spouse and giving them a kiss on their cheek, saying it back to them, just like pile 1 you both can also confess on messenger or just online! and later decide to have a date for the special occasion, for some of you, you both could be taking space, to figure out stuff and then you both confess to each other! I also sense a photo album you could be prepring for them, or it's just you prefer to give something handmade to your loved ones! And honestly it's amazing , made me go awwww~!
That's all pile 3, your future spouse is definitely SOMETHING~ hehe, love that for you guys!
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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lilacstro · 4 months
Astro observations pt 3
Trying to be a little consistent haha! Also, I suggest using astrology as a self development tool. While I do believe in fate and predictive astrology, I believe you still have free will for most parts in your life and how the cosmic energies playout for you can be hard to pin down since one single placement can have multiple meanings on how it is interpreted. If you have challenging aspects, you can DEFINATELY work your way through them and NO aspect or placement is bad or life ending ! phew, here we go
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1.I think, Uranus Trine Sun can give someone a very unpredictable nature.
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2.Uranus in your Second house SR can give you an unpredictable year in your finances. But, if uranus is in harmonious aspects with Jupiter, you will be able to arrange money when needed.
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3. I have heard to check the major themes of your year, check where does your chart ruler(ruling planet of ascendant) lie in your SR.
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4.Mars in 7th house in synastry can mean the relationship could be very passionate, things could go fast, but it may end fast or unpredictable. (you can just subscribe to the first part if you like, nothing is absolutely set to happen :) )
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5.I always have an urge to become a professor after some point in my life regardless of the career i choose , and i found my asteroid academia(829) lies in my 10th house.
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6.Speaking of which, if you are considering to choose a major but struggle or are confused, it might be worth looking at where does your asteroid academia overall lie in your chart. I have found it to be useful. I can make a separate post on this one !
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7.People with Sun and Jupiter in 10th house// sun and jupiter in positive aspects could do really well in careers like Public policy and international law.
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8. The house and planet in your 5th house can determine the nature of you child/one of your children. Mars in 5th house? A physically active child, Sun in 5th house? An outgoing easy child. However, PLEASE CHECK THE DEGREES, I can make a post on weak degrees for each planet if you all like :)
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9. Mars square Sun people can have so much restlessness, like they cant be still. My brother has this placement and well, it is not easy to match his energy most of the times lol. Also, very impulsive.
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10.Mars in inharmonious aspects with Mercury could show you having problems expressing anger overall. for example
are probably passive aggressive. You might like lashing out? giving silent treatment? saying things you don't mean?
not saying anything at all, letting things slide even when they bother you? letting your anger build until you can't take it no more.
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11. Sun in 3rd/10th/6th/11th could be really talked about. Also can get fame on social media at some point in their life, or get easily famous on social media.
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12.Sun in 6th house could mean your co workers may see you in high regard and may like working under you.
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13.Jupiter in harmonious aspects with uranus grants you unexpected luck. Places you did not expect to have luck at. I have seen this manifest with my own eyes.
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14.Saturn in 7th house people give me the types people go to advice for. My sister has this. Another example of what different placements can mean. 7th house rules your relationship with people while Saturn is wisdom, discipline and guidance, your father in your birth chart.
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15.I have seen this analogy that, in your natal chart Saturn is the father, moon is the mother, while sun is the child. How to use this information? Want guidance, your most confident self? Your Saturn sign.
who you turn to when you are down? emotional? who you are on the inside as your most vulnerable self? how to take care of yourself when you are down? Your moon sign. I can make a post on this too, i think it should help? idk, y'all tell.
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16. Water mercuries may like writing poems and journals.
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17. I have this theory that your Jupiter placements and aspects can show you how to manifest things for yourself. This observation has worked for people in my family, but I can give examples. You can couple this information to create a manifestation ritual maybe.
Jupiter in 10th house: If someone close asks you, what are your plans? or what do you want? tell them (dont breach your privacy or if you dont feel like it DONT lmao, im talking about what ive seen working). Talk about your manifestation.
Jupiter in 8th house: Keep it hidden, dont tell anyone until it manifests, have a positive self talk
Jupiter in 12th house: Visualize it, meditate, think about it as if you have it
Jupiter 3rd house: maybe create a manifestation journal and forget
Jupiter in 9th house: Pray if you believe. Be extremely optimistic about it, fake it till you make it thing.
Jupiter at mercurial signs/degrees/positively aspecting mercury: speak it in existence
I can again make a post on this if you all like.
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18. Your chiron placement in your SR is very important. The house it is in would tell you where you will hurt BUT grow. I read someone saying the North Node represents this part of learning, but i respectfully disagree.
I had Neptune AND chiron in my 11th house in SR, and this really amplified the learning experience that came regrading my deceiving friends, how i use social media, and who am i choosing to entertain, all at once. Its scary.
I am really considering making a SR series but i am unsure if its relevant dont know why. (not me giving myself post recommendations all throughout this post lol)
support me on ko-fi :)
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thats all for today, i am very sleepy, I hope you enjoyed this <33
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tarotwithdanise · 2 months
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
reader's note: you can choose more than a pile.
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what a very incredibly energy coming up for this pile! i think a lot of rough things have been through with you in the past weeks or months however as i sense here, you may receive an unexpected friendship with someone or a group of people that may continues to grow further until lifetime. i am not quite sure enough if this connection is about literal "love" or it's just a pure friendship however it's gonna bring so much joy and confident about you as this person or people make you feel belong, counted and loved. this is a type of new beginning relationships for some of you however it seems like there's something off about your energy here, it seems like you cannot accept this friendship instantly because you may have this trust issues because maybe there's something terrible happened from your past but i know you'll get throughout this. you may cut off relationship with someone who hold a female energy and you may considered this individual toxic or you may receive an apology from this person. the number 9 and 4 (94) is significant for this pile.
what a gentle surprise for this pile people. i sense that you maybe worrying too much about your finances but i'mma here to say that you gonna find incredibly balance about your finances in the next days. i sense that you may struggle a lot about your money however you may find yourself in the position in a month or next days in a better place, well, it may not be that better as be soft and a fresh of breath an air just like a millionaire but it's enough to cover all of your basic needs. besides, you may already decided to break off your wants to start saving up more money. my spirit guides advice you to do moves and make sure to welcome abundance in your life.
this may seem like it has a little aura energy of the first pile, so, if you find it attractive, you already know what to do. i sense two things here, (1) is reunion and the (2) other one is you reap what you sow. let me explain the first energy. so, this first energy coming from this pile is about reconciliation with someone, this person is somewhat from your past that lose connection with. well, it can be an ex partner or an old friend. perhaps, i don't detect any harmful energy from this reunion but a delightful moment of joy. the second energy is about collecting and reaping what you have worked hard for in the present, this seems like a feeling of self-fulfillment of accomplishing a certain milestone that you may struggle to achieve of. what blessing you may achieve in the next days, you may find it a solution to your problem. as well that you might start to express yourself through art more in the next few days.
recognition. is there any chance that you may be trying to be a star or an influencer on social media? or maybe this was all a dream and perhaps maybe a sense of me seeing that energy haha however if it's a "yes" then you will be giving an opportunity to be appreciated by some people. you may be attracting a lot of people especially suitors but be careful because not all of them have good intentions towards you. i also see here that you may receive something special or offer from someone that will bring a smile to your face.
a huge spiritual glow is what i'm getting for this pile. there's an action here that you may be a group of spiritual groups recruiting you or if not, there's a big influence into your spiritual gift that may heal or if not, then it can help people in some way by guiding and giving advice to them. you gonna feel that power in the next upcoming days and weeks, you gonna feel that the energy feels like shifting. just a reminder to take care of your body especially your because it may hurt a lot this days or for the upcoming ones. you gonna receive a strong protection from your spirit guides and angels.
someone who has unsafe and destructive intentions is about to be removed into your life. this person has been eyeing you for a long time now and they're about to be cut off totally. this person is somewhat causing you harm for making you feel insecure about your physical and mental health. it can also be that this person might deceit and lied about you in the past that may cause you loss of trust towards them. so, after this person is out of your life. a new beginning is about to start, just be willing to embrace change and strive for your own personal growth. in the next weeks, you gonna find yourself mostly your mental health in it's best and steady aiming for peacefulness.
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© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work with or without my explicit permission.
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garfunklefield · 5 months
how the jjk men kiss u? (nanami gojo getou toji hakari choso sukuna)???
Cherry Chapstick
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
Fem!reader/JJK MEN Warnings: established relationship, tongue kissing, making out, dry humping, fondling, grinding, sadomasochism [SUKUNA], aftercare Word count: 1209 DESC: On a scale of 1-5 how good are the JJK men at smooching?
If you saw the first one no u didn't
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Satoru Gojo ★★★✩✩ Tongue!
Satoru isn’t a bad kisser necessarily, but he uses his tongue a lot. If that isn’t your style, you wouldn’t really find it pleasurable. But he loves it. He loves to curl his tongue around yours and lap into your mouth, with your perfect body seated on his lap. It takes everything in him not to push you against the wall and hump your pretty ass until he’s cuming in his pants. 
He has very little self-control, so your make-out sessions don’t stay make-out sessions for long. Within no time, his shirt is coming off and so are his pants. He doesn’t need to fully undress you, just kissing you is all he needs. 
Gojo isn’t gentle and honestly, he doesn’t really think about your pleasure. He can be a careless lover, fucking into you for his sake rather than your own. Doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy it, but it does mean you have to remind him to help you finish. Once you do, however, he’s all on board to make you feel good. He’s just … forgetful. 
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Suguru Geto ★★★★✩ Gentle!
Suguru is a good kisser, hands down. One of the most skilled on the list. The only reason why I’m giving him a four instead of a five is because he’s too gentle. His mouth doesn’t dominate you as much as you desire, instead gently massaging your lips with his own. He uses minimal tongue if none at all. 
He opts to use his hands to make you feel better, grinding your clothed cunt on his thigh for you to get more stimulation. Geto prefers if you get pleasure over himself, kind of like a service top in that way? He loves it when you whine into his kisses, breaking away to catch your breath. It’s so hot. 
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Kento Nanami ★★★★★ Dominating!
Nanami oh sweet Nanami… Contrary to popular belief I think he’s a harsh and dominating kisser. All that pent-up energy from his days in the office, coupled with pent-up anger and frustrations. He has to take it out somewhere. 
His favorite position is your back to him, against his front, your neck turned at an angle and his mouth planted to yours. He likes it so he can grind into your ass. Almost thrusting, as he tongue fucks your mouth unforgivingly. Kento knows you like it as much as he does, hearing you mewl as you try to keep up with his fast movements. It’s a sort of instant gratification. He starts every fucking session with some simple humping and tongue kissing, to get you throbbing for his cock. He doesn’t always cum from humping your ass, but when he does you know he’s going to fuck you so good. 
Kento is very good about thinking about you as he kisses you, cupping your breasts and fondling your nipples through your shirt. He does every little thing he knows you love, driving you crazy until you can’t bear it. And you’re begging for him to fuck you.
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Choso Kami ★★✩✩✩ Needy!
I think Choso is a good kisser, but it’s fleeting. You can’t kiss him for long before he’ll start to grind against you, cock pressed to your thighs. Then he’ll pull away, whining in your ear for you to rub his erection. 
Your make-out sessions don’t last, which could become annoying if you’re in the mood for a long steamy kiss. It starts innocent enough, but by the end, he’s crooning for you to dominate him. You don’t mind, though. It’s cute to see how hot and bothered your mouth makes him. Just from a peck, he can get incredibly hard. It’s cute and pathetic. 
Just like Gojo, he doesn’t think about you in the moment. His head gets so foggy when your lips are on his, he can’t think about anything other than cumming into your plush hands. But after he cums, he goes into a servant-like mode. Begging and pleading to service you in any way he can. It’s sweet. 
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Kinji Hakari ★★★✩✩ Sloppy!
Kinji is an inexperienced and messy kisser. He loves to have you in every position you can think of, hands roaming as he kisses you. Slobber and saliva all over your faces as he plants his lips on yours. You can’t take him anywhere. A simple peck turns into a make-out no matter where you are. It could be embarrassing if it didn’t pull you from your body and distract you with a burning pleasurable passion.
He can’t keep it in his pants, rubbing your body against his to get some kind of friction. His tongue licks into your mouth. Teeth collide as he tries to get the best angle, which always ends up in sweet laughter. It’s sweet, he likes you so much he can’t help but kiss you like this. 
I think he’s much more caring than he lets on. You think he kisses you like that because he wants to feel good, rather than making you feel good, but it’s the opposite. He sees how your body relaxes when he entangles your limbs together. He sees how you moan when he swirls his tongue messily. Everything Hakari does is for you. He could care less about his own pleasure as long as he was hearing you moan. 
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Toji Fushiguro ★★★★✩ Handsy!
Toji likes to kiss you like there’s no tomorrow. His hands are on your ass, your breasts, your hips. Anything. He doesn’t care for humping, popular to contrary belief, although he’ll do it if you beg enough. He prefers to tease you with his large hands, rubbing your skin as his tongue slides into your mouth. 
His kisses are rough, but they can be sweet. When he’s overstimulated, or just in an intimate mood I suppose, he can be gentle. When you’re upset his kisses switch from being harsh to being soft. He doesn’t just kiss your mouth, he likes to make out with your nipples too. Weird sentence, I know. But he loves to swish your nub around his tongue and nibble on it, like every part of your body. He’ll make out with your neck, your shoulders, your pussy, anything.
He does it for you because he’s in love with you. As simple as that. 
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Ryomen Sukuna ★✩✩✩✩ Painful...?
I’m gonna cut to the chase, he could give two fucks if you liked how he kissed or not. The king of curses does it for himself and himself only. His long nails dig into your skin and draw blood. He laughs into your mouth when you cry, and slams his hips into your ass in a way that hurts you so good. He chose you for a reason, you could handle his level of insanity. As he bites your bottom lip, sucking on it and running sharp teeth along the side. 
He knows you like that pain thing, so maybe he plays it up a bit for you. However, he’d never cause you any real harm. I think Ryomen is actually good at aftercare, even though he huffs about it. If he cut up your shoulders too much with his manicured nails, he’ll clean them. Even if he makes a fuss, he’d never let his property be damaged. 
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cntloup · 5 months
Mafia!Simon x Bartender!Reader implied rape, the aftermath
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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“Hey, love. You have to eat something. Please. Just a bit. Try for me, yeah?” he says, sitting beside you on the bed where you’re lying, drowned in your thoughts, you can barely make out what he’s saying. 
It's all just a blur, all the sounds and images. The world around you feels all foggy. 
“What?” you ask, shaken out of your trance and you begin to come back by the sound of his voice calling out to you. 
He raises the bowl in his hand and you get the message, “ ‘m not hungry.” you say in a weak voice and turn your back to him. 
“I'll leave it here in case you wanted to eat.” he says, disappointed and heartbroken that you have turned down the food again. 
He reluctantly opens the door and takes a last glance at your form before leaving the room. 
You haven’t eaten properly for days. You have no appetite. And there’s the gnawing nausea at the pit of your stomach that keeps it churning constantly. 
Silent tears cascade down your face as you lay down on the bed for hours, bearing no energy to move a muscle. 
He sits on the couch with a half-empty bottle of whiskey, furious at the monsters who did this to you, frustrated at himself for not knowing what to do, how to help you. 
His heart shatters into pieces as he sees you slowly wither away right before his eyes. 
He's gone through the same horrifying thing long ago and he starts digging in the depths of his mind to find something. Something that would somehow help you. 
And it dawns on him that you just need someone by your side, not someone to jump in and ‘fix’ it, but someone who is there to listen and hold your hand as you process the whole thing and move forward at your own pace. 
He never had someone like that. And it just now occurs to him how much he needed it. So he decides to be that person for you. 
He enters your room once again after a few hours, “Love?”, “Hmm?”, “Do you want to go out? We can get something to eat too.” 
You turn to face him from your lying position, “Yeah, I'd like that.” you respond after thinking for a while. 
“I need to take a shower.” you say as you struggle to get off the bed. He stretches his arms to help you, but stops and looks into your eyes, waiting for your approval. 
You nod and he gently slings an arm around you to help you get on your feet and step into the bathroom. 
He starts to leave the room, but stops when you call him, “Yeah?”, “Can you... can you stay by the door until I finish up in here?” you ask sheepishly, “Yeah. Ok. ‘course, love.” he replies and sits outside by the door, his mind racing a million miles an hour. 
Until you step out of the bathroom, “Thanks, Si!”, “ ‘s no bother, love.” 
He leaves to let you have some privacy and waits for you on the couch to get ready. 
You trudge on down the stairs in your oversized hoodie and baggy pants, “Ready?” he asks, “Yeah.” you say with a faint smile, but it doesn’t go unnoticed by him, the simple gesture making his heart flutter. 
You drive around the city for some time, the cool breeze caressing your skin and the faint sound of music bring a soft smile to your face. 
You stop by your favorite place. Even though you still can barely eat, you try to get some food into your stomach after some coaxing on his part. You know you need nourishment, even the small amount you can stomach right now is better than nothing. 
“Good girl!” he praises after you take a few bites, “I can’t anymore though!” you say, almost ashamed to disappoint him, “It’s ok. I'll tell them to wrap it up for you.” he says with a smile that’s only reserved for you. 
“I’m proud of you, dove.” he utters when you both walk to his doorstep, “Thank you. Couldn't have done it without you.” you say as you stop to face him by the door, a lovely smile dancing on your lips and your eyes glinting again, not as bright as before, but it’s a step nonetheless. 
And you open your arms and step closer to him. He takes you in his arms, nearly shedding tears as he finally embraces you after so long. 
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astrosamara · 2 months
Astrology Observations #5
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🩵Venus conjunct Pluto have relationships in their lives that are very personally transformative for them. Their past lovers can also become very obsessed with them or vice versa. There can be power struggles and imbalances in relationships as well.
🩵Moon opposite Mars are very quick and prone to anger when they're feeling personally targeted or if their feelings get hurt. They can struggle a lot with irritability and getting annoyed frequently.
🩵The house Neptune is in can show the area of your life you frequently fantasize about, but can struggle making those fantasies a reality. There's a sense of illusion here, something you can't quite grasp and bring into reality.
🩵On the other hand, you can have a very strong sense of realism in the house Saturn is in. You're more disciplined and strict with yourself in this area, and with patience and maturity, you bring in more practical and positive results into your life over time.
🩵I've met so many Mars in Taurus that are super laid back and go with the flow type of people, but can become very intimidating to be around when they show signs of anger. It also takes a lot to make them angry.
🩵When Uranus transits over one of your angles, profound and sudden life altering change happens. Unlike Saturn, who restricts what it touches, Uranus disrupts. The positive or negative quality of the change really depends on the rest of your chart and transits. For example, I've noticed many celebrities who've experienced fame when Uranus went over their MC.
🩵Positive Pluto and Mercury aspects have very deep and thoughtful minds. They can have a strong interest in psychology and they really enjoy deep conversations with others. They don't shy away from the darker aspects of life.
🩵Libra Suns are very adaptable in group dynamics, so much so that their individual personalities don't shine as much when around others. Their focus is more on being perceived as friendly and likeable. I've found it hard to really get to know Libra's.
🩵Aries Venuses are so bold when they have a crush on someone. They tend to want to move quickly and don't have time for games. They know what they want and they go after it. This energy can come on too strong for some people though.
🩵Taurus, Libra, and Pisces Venuses are people that really love love. Being in a relationship is something that's really important for them and they're very romantic people. Also, men with these placements tend to attract a lot of attention from women because they can sense this softer side of them.
🩵Every Taurus friend I had growing up went through a horse girl phase lol. They tend to just really love animals and feel a spiritual connection to them in general. Also some of the kindest and most generous friends I've had. They're so down to earth. I love Taurus' lol.
🩵People who have any of their big 3 in your 1st house are the ones who make a very strong first impression on you. There's just something about their presence you find memorable and compelling. My memories of first encounters with people who have their big 3 in my 1st house always stand out to me the most compared to other people.
🩵Sagittarius moons are great story tellers. There's something special and entertaining about the way they perceive their lives and the lives of others. Their optimistic attitude makes them so fun to be around. They make great teachers as well.
🩵Chiron in the 2nd house can have great fear surrounding their personal finances. They can also heavily tie their self worth into how much money they make. Either very frugal or overspending on things they don't need, they struggle to have a healthy relationship with money.
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bxnnybimbeax · 3 months
thinking about.. best friend!satoru gojo who immediately answers when you come calling
bestie!gojo who not-so-secretly, secretly has feelings for you
bestie!gojo who knows everything there is to know about you. Your oh-so wonderful taste in partners… Your likes and dislikes, hobbies, career plans, plans for the future.. anything and everything. Even if you do or don’t exactly tell him
bestie!gojo who drops everything that he’s doing to come see you, when hearing your incoherent sentences of something along the lines of, “…. dumped boyfriend… cheated..”
bestie!gojo who comforts you in your time of need. Listening to all your rants about your ex-boyfriend, supplying you with whatever he thinks would cheer you up, offering you comforting words instead of solutions.
What a great best friend to have!! Right..?
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“I hate him so much! What a no good bitch ass womanizer!!” You exclaimed in a fit of rage, scrolling through the posts of the woman who, your ex cheated on you with, as satoru tiredly sighs.
“What does she have that I don’t-“ and before you could continue on, you get cut off by your best friend, Satoru. “Absolutely nothing, sweetheart. You should know your worth by now. It’s not something you have or ‘don’t have,’ it’s the simple minded mentality of… What’s his name again?— Doesn’t matter, He’s too simple minded to know the true worth of what he has in front of him.” He tangibly states, as if it was the most well-known fact in the world.
You attempted to up at him through your clouded vision, blinking away tears that spilled like waterfalls. Taking glances between Satoru, and the images on your phone, you stay silent as he studies you, pools of cool colored diamond eyes staring into yours, hoping to see any slight change of positivity.
He sighs again, taking a seat on your bed as he snatches your phone away from you, and before you could protest, he cuts you off once again… by pulling you close, into a hug. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around him, as you let out all your pent up feelings. Sobbing into his chest, as he soothes circles into your back, not caring that you mess up whatever designer shirt he’s wearing.
Satoru’s heart breaks hearing you hurt, he wants nothing more than to ruin whoever was the cause of your problems. But right now, he’s more focused on you.
Satoru hushes your cries, wiping away the salty crystalline off your face as he speaks up, “Oh baby, don’t waste your tears on him. He has no idea what he’s missing out on. Don’t waste your energy on a leech that only takes from you, and never gives. Your deserve someone who reciprocates your feelings, and so much more.” He admitted in a dulcet tone, giving feathery caresses to the side of your face, as he placed a sparse kiss to the side of your temple.
“Cheer up, theses plenty of people who would give the world and die for your affection.” He states in a much more cheerful and playful tone, making you laugh in response to his exaggerated claim.
best friend! Satoru who stays with you, through the night. Comforting and creating a much more positive atmosphere to the contrasted gloomy mood
best friend! Satoru who maybe, you don’t see as just a friend anymore..?
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A/N: Whats goody gangy. ☝🏾🤓 Sorry I was gone for 5 months I was going thru it with some bitch ass nigga I dumped, which is kinda what I based this fic off of, except no boy bsf I’m in love with to comfort me.💔 He made me delete tumblr so I couldn’t write 😞 I still kept on reading tho 😈
Not proof read btw, bc I’m high as a mf, writing with dyslexia. And it’s late a night, idk if it’s gonna be late when I post this tho😛
If y’all sent a request, resend it plssss. 🙏🏾 I need inspo mookies, and if you have a request feel free to send one in. Msg me abt wtv, and lmk if I can improve on anything
Thanks lovies take care and, hope y’all enjoyed!! 🩷
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neptuneschldd · 1 year
Energetically Attractive Placements in Astrology P.1🌒
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☽ ASC-/Sun/Pluto/Jupiter. Something these all have in common is this “untouchable energy” to them that just simply makes people interested in them. For ASC-/Sun/Jupiter they SHINE in a crowd, they have a bright, unique and creative aura to them that makes them stand out and naturally likable. While Asc-Pluto individuals have a more mysterious and intriguing aura to them, they have this touch of power to them and many people respect them.
☽ Jupiter in Pisces/Cancer/Libra. All three of these placements have a generous and lovable energy to them, people can be attracted to how giving they can be and how pure their souls truly are.
☽ Pluto/Mars 11H, is a common placement I see with people who easily attract attention. Many people are simply just interested in who they are, they have a strong and assertive energy to them, very respectable individuals.
☽ Jupiter 9H, naturally lucky individuals, there’s not shocked that they can attract attention easily, these individuals are smart also, people may be attracted to their wit and knowledge on several topics.
☽ Sun-Moon/Mercury positive aspects. Unless afflicted, these individuals have a very tranquil impression on others, so much so that these people can seem like a breath of fresh air, their souls and intentions are pure.
☽ In addition to the previous note, especially Sun Conjunct Mercury; these individuals are interesting to be around, they communicate pretty well and tend to be naturally likable people with their honesty and humor.
☽ Sagittarius Moons. While these people while have a reputation of being hot headed, on the other hand, people are often attracted to these individuals by their blunt and humorous nature. Sag moons are purely authentic, whatever you see is simply how they are, they are honest and they know how to make people laugh, they have an energetic energy that is almost IMPOSSIBLE to forget about.
☽ Sun/Neptune/Jupiter/Uranus Dominant. What these have in common is their unique energy, they are creative and innovative, similar to sag moons they’re hard to forget about, there’s often one trait or physical feature they have that people can remember them by. This is also relevant for people with these plants in the 1H/5H.
☽ Mercury/Moon in 11H. These individuals are just fun to be around, for Mercury 11H individuals they just know what to say, they’re great in conversation and people are attracted by that, for Moon 11H, they are just fun to be around, they just seem to have connections with almost everyone and anyone.
☽ Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°, 28°) on Personal Placements + Asc/MC. People can be attracted to the pureness that lies deep within their hearts and intentions, people feel comfortable getting along with them, some even feel the need to defend/“protect” them.
☽ And Last but certainly not least, I commonly see Leo/Venusian(Taurus and Libra)/Aquarius/Sagittarius ASC that have a lot of attention to them, these people have a natural ability to just attract people to them. Libra and Taurus have a calm and genuine energy to them, while Leo/Sag/Aquarius ASCs have a very unique way of expressing themselves, they stand out and its surely not impossible to not notice.
☽ Placements in Aquarius and Leo Degrees (11°, 23°, 5°, 17°, 29°)
☽ Pisces ASC
☽ Asc Trine Moon
☽ Sun-Venus Asp.
- Neptune. ☽
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Seventeen as dads part 3 (All members)
I am so obsessed with this series, I’m weak for dad!seventeen More dad!SVT and other fics on Seventeen Masterlist <3 Genre: FLUFF
→Choi seungcheol
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"Will you help dada fix the showerhead?" Seungcheol asks your first born daughter, Siah. Seungcheol was in the bathroom being stubborn that he could fix the showered in the bathroom himself. Your 2 foot high daughter leans on the door frame looking up at her father.
She nods as her dad asks her to help.
"Can you hand me that wrench?"
"Wench?" she repeats wrongly.
"W - RENCH" cheol corrects her again.
"This one?" she points her little finger to every tool in the box and finally gets to the one he wanted. Cheol was very patient with her. He believed in her, it helped built her confidence too.
She handed her dad the wrench.
Cheol did some pushing and pulling, meanwhile siah really wanted hands on experience in this plumbing apprenticeship.
"How are my two star plumbers doing?" you ask walking into the bathroom to see what trouble these two were up to.
Cheol now had Siah on his shoulder while she played with the showerhead acting like she was helping fix it.
"We're almost done, my associate here is new so she's a bit confused" he says pointing to her daughter on him.
Suddenly there is a 'thak" sound and water comes down pouring on cheols face.
You burst out laughing.
“What are you laughing at?” He asks playfully and pulls you into the shower area so now you’re also soaked. This is responded with some sqeals and squeaks.
“Never calling this plumber duo again” you say laughing.
“Well the plumber duo loves you” he says with a cheesy smile and takes siah off his shoulder to bring her between the two of you, now shes soaked too.
→Yoon Jeonghan
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"Stop pushing our kid into the pool" you say giggling as Jeonghan playfully throws your 5 year old son, Hyun woo into the water.
Hyung woo hated the water when he was younger, especially the sea. But now it's a mammoth task to get him out of the pool.
"Again! Again!" Hyun woo screams while you could see jeonghan's energy battery running low.
"He'd make you do this all day" you say sitting poolside, reading a book.
"That's all, that's enough" Jeonghan says and pulls Hyun woo out of the pool, now comes the tantrum. Jeonghan uses the last of his power to pull his son out of the pool and airplane him to where you are sitting. He dropped your tantrum throwing son on you. He made you scoot in the small pool chair and stuck close to you, putting his head on your shoulder, boy was he exhausted.
"Does your battery have enough power to pass me the sunscreen?" you playfully ask him.
"There's always a reserve battery for you my love" he says and also gives you a complimentary peck on the shoulder before he retracted to the same position as before.
→Hong Joshua
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There was chaos in the Hong Residence as two boys, Dojoon 7 and taehyun 5, run around yelling and screaming. Two hyperactive boys were definitely a lot to handle.
"Boys, Boys!" Joshua claps his hand to get their attention.
"I have a mission for you"
their eyes light up and Joshua has their full attention. They loved missions, they recently got into spy movies and when they hear the word mission, they snap into their alter ego, little spies.
"Dojoon's mission is to clear up your toys on the floor and Taehyun's mission is to bring all the clothes from the dryer to the living room then mom and I will teach you how to fold laundry" he recites all the tasks. You loved doing chores as a family, it was possible on the weekends and you thought the boys would learn how to do things. It was the easiest way.
The kids rush to do their chores and the first one to finish was the elder one. This made the younger one upset, he came crying to you. The two boys are very competitive.
You end up giving them both some cookies. The calmed Taehyun down.
“We need to get them off cookies”
“Just this once please” you tell your husband pulling a cute puppy face. The boys loved cookies and it was easier to calm them down that way. Joshua hates it.
“Last time, promise?”
“Promise” you say pecking his cheek.
→Moon JunHui
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“Noo I don’t want to, what if I hurts, and you flush it away”
“You want to keep it?”
Your son nods.
Your 2 and a half year old son is sobbing on his potty chair, not pooping because he thinks its a part of his body and he’s going to lose an arm if he poops.
You knew if was something Jun might’ve told him so you call him over.
“Hes not letting me flush his poop, he thinks we can raise it” you explain to jun sighing.
Jun ends up laughing at this.
“Please?” Your son asks in a small timid voice.
“Its going to start stinking baby”
“It already does” Jun chimes in.
“You think its a caterpillar?” Jun asks and your son nods.
“Its just rubbish, it goes into the dustbin, the toilet is the poop dustbin.” Jun tells his son.
After half and hour of discussion, your son was finally ready to let it go.
“Where is he learning all this?” Jun comments in general.
“Are you sure its not you?” You ask playfully.
“No wayyy!” He says clearly lying.
“You’re lucky we didn’t have to raise his poop”
→Kwon Hoshi
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"Appa, I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall" you 6 year old son, Ji ho screams at the top of his lungs. Both the tigers are very loud, it took you some time to get used to. You literally gave birth to a Soonyoung junior. They're too similar. So they clash a lot.
“I haven’t even let go, stop screaming”
“Appa appa!” The little boy screams and goes down the small hill at the park.
“Don’t look back, look ahead, you’re doing it”
“Im going to hate you if you let go!” Your son screams at your husband.
Knowing your husband, he definitely let go and you hear your sons screams again.
“Appa i hate you!”
“You’ll never learn if i don’t let go, you want me to hold the back all the way to school? Whats the point of riding?” Hoshi scolds him.
Your son comes running to where you were sitting and he takes his shoes off to sit on the blanket.
“Appa is not trust worthy”
“You’ll thank me one day!” Soonyoung says and plops himself next to you on the picnic blanket, putting his head on your lap.
Your son joins him and now the two boys were playfully fighting to keep their heads on your lap.
“She’s my mom!” Jiho tells his dad to grt off of you. All this makes you giggle.
“Shes my wife! Get your own wife!” Soonyoung tells him off playfully.
“Im 6!” Your son exclaims.
→ Jeon Wonwoo
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“See, now if I move my piece 4 places, I catch one of yours, so you take it back to your house” wonwoo explains to your 5 year old daughter.
She was suddenly on the verge of tears when her dad captured her piece in a game of ludo. She clearly hated losing.
“Appa is cheating!” She kicks her feet in annoyance.
“Thats the rules” Wonwoo says very logically defending himself from a 5 year old. It was hilarious to watch.
“She’s 5! Let her win” you say from the couch shile you watch the two cuties play ludo on your living room floor.
“She’s going to become a brat if I let her win” wonwoo comes back to you with more logic. Hes not wrong but once?
“Just let her win once!” You ask him again. He shakes his head.
“Come here, you and me, we’ll be one team” you say as you slide down the couch on to the floor.
Your daughter calms down a little while she sits on your lap. “Lets make daddy lose” she says and rolls the die again.
You very strategically play and capture 2 of wonwoos pieces in the next 3 rolls. Your daughter was happy now and wonwoo was stressed.
“Yes! We won! Daddy lost!” She sticks her tongue out at Wonwoo.
“See? This is what I meant” he says and bites his lower lip acting like he’s angry about the gesture.
You giggle at your cute husband.
→ Lee Jihoon
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“Im going to throw it now, eyes on the ball okay?” Jihoon tells his 6 year old daughter who is wearing a hand glove thats bigger than her face. It was cute to watch.
You could see them through the living room window where you sat to read a book.
Jihoon makes the first throw that goes over the little ones head.
Her eyes follow the ball like her dad asked her to.
“Its too high”
“Jump to catch it” he teaches her but she groans.
“Just throw me a ball I can catch”
“Jump jump” he repeats stubbornly throwing another ball over her head.
She hates running to get the ball. This time she makes it her mission to make her dad run and get the ball. She throws the ball full swing and it hits jihoon right where the sun don’t sun.
You burst out in laughter watching the love of your life fall to the ground and groan in pain.
“Thats it for the day” he says between the pain and finally gathers himself enough to come back to the living room.
“That was some revenge shot”
“Our daughter is very powerful” he says remembering the pain and almost wincing again just at the thought.
“Im sure she takes after you honey” you smile at him.
→ Xu Minghao
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Your younger daughter and your husband, Minghao, were standing in front of the bathroom mirror.
Minghao lost a bet yesterday about something silly and the punishment was to make your daughter hair. It was punishment because your daughter hated it when someone touches her hair or brushed it. It's a recent development. She would throw tantrums and it was just difficult.
It was minghao's first time touching her hair and he was visibly nervous too. He didn't want to hurt his little princess. Understandably.
"What do you want me to do today, princess?" he says hovering his hand over her hair, not sure where to put it.
"I don't want to!!" here it starts.
Minghao gets down to her level on his knees to talk to her. That's how he gets everyone. He has a way with words. A smooth talker you fell for.
"Why not?"
"It hurts"
"Daddy will do it softly, very very softly, and we stop the second you feel hurt okay?" he explains to her and try to touch her hair again.
He does it so softly like even the slightly touch would hurt his daughter.
"Ah" your daughter lets out a yell and Hao begins to inspect that area softly pushing hair away so he can see.
"Look, she has a rash"
she was not throwing a tantrum. She really was hurt, it made you feel horrible. you immediately apologise to her and bring some ointment for it.
"I'll brush it softly okay? so the knots are out" he tells her before he continues. She trusts him, you trust him.
You take some ointment out to put on her but she refuses.
"I want daddy to do it" she says and you nod understandingly.
He helps her with the ointment and your daughter finally has brushed hair. She hops away happily while you watch.
"I can't believe I missed it"
"It's normal, don't worry" he reassures you.
"This wasn't even punishment, she loves you doing her hair" you complain and he chuckles.
"Want me to do your hair?"
"Only if you do it as softly"
→ Kim Mingyu
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Kim mingyu, your husband of 5 years was working out in his work out room, he made a area attached to the living room a work out area so he didn't have to go to the gym, but occasionally still sometimes ends up going to socialise with friends while he exercises.
He had become much more of an exercise person once Bora was born cause he wanted to be as energetic with her as possible. He wasn't ready for his body giving up if he had to play with Bora or worse save her life.
You were passing by his work out area with the laundry basket but watching him working out your feet stopped and you ended up staring at him.
"What are you looking at?" his voice snaps you out of your staring.
He smirks and you throw a sock at him at shut him up. If you stared longer you would've drooled physically.
You watch Bora's little legs run to her dad.
"Hello, to you too!" you say sarcastically and playfully as your daughter ignored you. Bora found Mingyu's gym contraptions very fascinating. She might be into exercising too. She loves being active.
Bora climbs her dad and somehow gets to his shoulders. What a total monkey. Only her tail is missing.
He ends up doing chin ups with bora on his back, no idea how he is this strong, but you were glad that he is.
while you come back to the living room with dry clothes to fold you see mingyu doing push ups with Bora on the floor.
"You're too sweaty" she screams as Mingyu's seat drops on Bora who was under him, every time he came down he would shower bora with kisses as she counted.
It was the sweetest thing to watch.
"I'm done, you can stop staring"
oh the things you would do to wipe that smirk off his face, right now all you could do was throw a dry towel to his sweaty face.
→ Lee Dokyeom
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"What is this you do daddy?" the little girl asks her dad while he puts on multiple toner pads on his face.
Since it was a Sunday, dokyeom scattered all his skincare on the living room floor, ready with a bare face to pamper his.
"This is for my skin, so it's soft and pretty, like yours" he explains to her while she listens intently.
"My skin is soft and pretty?"
"of course it is, because you're a baby"
"I'm a big girl, I want to do this too" she whines a little. You overhear this conversation.
"should I cut you some cucumbers to put on your eyes?"
You take your child to the kitchen and she watches you cut some thin slices of cucumber, she was very excited. She ends up taking the plate to her dad rushing to be a part of this salon play.
You follow her out while she lays on the floor next to her dad. You sit by her feet and suddenly DK starts a salon skit.
"Hello Ma'am, what would you like today?"
"Cucumbers" she responds cutely.
DK places the cool cucumbers on her eyes that make her shiver.
"Would you also like a foot massage ma'am?" you ask her as you rub her feet. You hadn't done this since she was a little baby. It brought back memories and how much she had grown.
Your daughter, meanwhile is busy munching on the cucumber she's supposed to have over her eyes.
"Hey, are you just eating it!" DK scolds her playfully.
She giggles in response. Her giggles are the most adorable sound.
Between the massage and the cucumber facials, your daughter falls asleep in the middle of the both of you. DK slides his butt to sit next to you. You subconsciously put your head on his shoulder.
"She's growing up too fast, I don't like it"
"Wait for the day she says 'I don't need you' I'm going to start bawling my eyes out" DK says and a visual of him doing that dramatically flashes in your head that makes you giggle.
"I'll be right next to you probably also sobbing my eyes out" you mention and he gives you the sweetest smile.
→Boo Seungkwan
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Your husband was pacing back and forth with your 2 year old son in his arms trying to get him to go to bed. It was 11pm already, way past his bed time, but you just couldn't get him to sleep.
It had become practice that Seungkwan sings him a soft lullaby and some walking in his father's arms knocks him right out.
You saw him whispering a song and couldn't help but hum it yourself while you put away all the toys he played with today so they don't poke your feet in the morning.
Your humming perked his eyes and seungkwan gave you a side eye for waking his baby up, you mouth a sorry.
"Mommy's here?" you wakes up to find you. He never gets to see you in the night because you come home late from work.
He immediately wants to come to you, you take him for a second say hi give him some kisses and give him back to seungkwan, despite all his whining, sleepy whining.
You pat seungkwan's back as a 'best dad' pat and move on to the toys on the living room.
→Choi Vernon
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You were surrounded by paper and scissors and scrap paper. Your kindergarten going son, Derek had a project at school to make a jar full of cranes to bring to class.
Of course, a child's project is the whole house's project. Now, it was you, Vernon and Derek Sunday afternoon, making a jar full of cranes.
You were teaching Derek how to make a paper crane and the folds were too tough for a 3 year old.
Vernon folded one crane a little too big and filled the entire jar.
"Tada! We're done!" he announces clearly with so much space left.
Derek giggles. "No daddy, there is so much left"
"No look? It's all done, one big crane fits the jar, just tell your teacher that" he jokes with him.
It makes you giggle too.
You end up having a nice family bonding time when you do arts and crafts with Derek.
→Lee Chan
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“The same one?”
Your daughter nods.
Your daughter, 5, has been asking for the same story about the elephant and the ant for the 100th time. She only sleeps once shes heard that story.
Chan can recite that story in his sleep. Its the same thing over and over. Your daughter could finish his sentences at this point. Once the story was done, Chan tucks her in and turns the light off.
“How can I forget?” Chan pretends to gasp and showers your daughters face with kisses.
Your daughter wipes her face.
“Don’t do that, Im a big girl now”
“Okay okay” He says and shuts the door, it does break his heart a little bit.
He comes to you looking a little mopey.
“Is she in bed?” You ask your husband. “Yeah” he says and comes to cuddle you.
“She said she doesn’t want to be tucked in with kisses anymore” he mutters. You run your fingers through his hair. “She’s growing up a little too fast, I don’t like it” he pouts.
“She’ll always be your little girl” you tell him.
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ash-says · 7 months
Tips for Dysfunctional Family Girlies Part 2:
1) Get your basics straight. Education. Boundaries. Financial independence. Further breaking it down and linking it if you get proper education at some point you are bound to get an awareness of this world, if you are able to adapt and improvise yourself and develop your emotional intelligence and get your boundaries straight you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary drama and problems. Education (formal and informal) both will help you in gaining opportunities and if you are financially independent, you are holding the power to make your own decisions.
2) Develop thick skin. Your mom is calling you names. Slut, whore and what not. Your dad doesn't trust you and abuses you physically. So, what now? Are you going to let them define what you are or internalize the anger and use it as a fuel to become successful? Choice is yours.
3) They say you don't owe an explanation to anyone. Sorry to burst your little bubble. Actually you do. We live in a society and have relationships that we need to maintain for survival. This hyper independent stuff is only good to read. We have responsibilities that we need to fulfill. If you don't owe an explanation to anyone then don't cry about a closure from someone too. If you can live by this go ahead and practice it.
4) Stop isolating yourself. That's it. That's the point.
5) First kill the fear inside you. Being a rebel outside the house is no good. Be disciplined. Know how to manipulate your family members in your favor and if you can't just find the weak points and threaten. I know it's difficult to implement but you learn through trial and error. Plus something is better than nothing.
6) Stop glorifying people who treat you with kindness and love. That's the bare minimum. Just because you didn't get it served in a silver spoon doesn't mean it is not served in a silver spoon. People can have ulterior motives and even if they don't fix it in your brain that's normal. No rose colored glasses allowed.
7) Don't be afraid of indulging in your sexuality. No I am not saying go and have sex with people. I mean it in a deeper sense. Connect with the repressed sexual side and try to find healthy outlets. Don't dim yourself to fit in others'expectations or to ease someone's insecurity. Be unapologetic about your wants and desires. Know yourself. It's a powerful energy source if you know how to use it positively.
8) Cry, cry and cry. Wail like a child. No need to keep it all in. No need to act like a macho woman BUT only in front of your god or your belief system. Max in front of your truly trusted people.
9) Question everything as easily as breathing. Doubt every thing. Every action. Every person. What proof do you have to not doubt ? Stop giving benefit of doubts. Stop looking for excuses on how they could be good and instead look for ways in which they can harm you. That's your lottery to be poised and composed. It's just what it is.
10) Obsession. We have it in loads. That's natural to us. So the trick here is to be obsessive. Hella obsessive but about things, topics, goals, subjects, inanimate things,etc. God forbid but never be obsessive about a person. Not even over your dead body. Why? For that I need to make another detailed post I think.
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🌟 What's coming for you in the next few months? (Pick a pile)
{How to pick a pile? First, take a deep breath with your eyes closed to clear your mind. When you open your eyes, don't hesitate – pick the image that immediately grabs your attention or stirs up a memory. Remember, you can pick more than one pile if you feel called to. If none of the images stand out for you, it means there's no message for you at this time. You can always come back to it later.}
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Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3 (from left to right)
Hello, and always a huge thank you to everyone for your incredible support, it means a lot to me!
In this collective pick a pile reading, we'll explore what's in store for you in the upcoming few months. Let's see where your energy takes us.
Disclaimer: This is a collective reading I picked up on multiple energies, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. When something resonates you usually feel a light energy and in your heart you can feel it's your message, and the pic that attracts you is a clearly sign.
🕗 PILE 1
5 of Cups, 10 of Swords, The Emperor
(I'm sorry, this is going to be pretty long 😅)
Hello Pile 1, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
First thing I notice: Your cards have all the energy of freedom, and I sense many free-spirited people in this pile, those who do not conform to any strict rules. I also sense some writers amongst you. You prefer to struggle on your own rather than asking for help - oh, my dear Pile 1, I feel you. You need to know that asking for help is not a shameful thing to do. Your loved ones will be more than happy to hold your hand and guide you. You don't listen to anybody, but those that have your best at heart are willing to bring you to higher heights. I sense that you're currently experiencing a period of stagnation, even some conflict with yourself. You may have been hurt by something or someone which put you in a state where you feel like you don't want to do anything, but please do not neglect yourself. I promise better days will come for you. While some of you may be experiencing a dark period, remember that the light is always at the end of the tunnel. Therefore, my advice to you is to never give up and let challenges faze you, as challenges are all lessons, and I promise you'll come back stronger.
What's coming for you are better days indeed - brighter days! I see you getting in a position of authority, and leadership, which will make you stronger and proud of yourself. For others, but a just a few, you may encounter a masculine figure with leadership qualities, it may be your boss or even a potential lover, perhaps your boss will turn into your future lover – I sense a connection here. In the spread in front of me, you're literally looking at this person. They could be a fire or earth sign or have those prominent in their chart. [ friendly reminder, tarot is all about energy and not gender ] Either way, there's going to be stability in your life. This is highlighted not only by the numbers present on the cards, but also by the prominent colors of brown in your spread, which symbolize stability, earthy vibes, and peace. You may also undertake shadow work, which will help you connect with your inner child and foster happiness and peace within yourself, making you stronger and resilient when facing hardships. I also sense orange, which indicates success and encouragement. You're being encouraged to move forward, and steer clear of negative energies which can only bring misfortune.
In conclusion, whether it's a pushing or a willing move, I foresee calm waters in your near future, allowing you to regain lost peace and energy. Some of you may physically travel to another country for holidays or even move permanently. I sense that you may be feeling a bit anxious about this, which is natural when stepping out of your comfort zone. However, these changes will be advantageous to your well-being and overall happiness.
Freedom, transformation, and struggle are crucial themes for you in the coming months.
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 1.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
🕗 PILE 2
2 of Pentacles, the High Priestess, Temperance
Hello Pile 2, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
I sense that you're currently juggling multiple things, stuck between two distinct paths. It could be about love or career. Some of you are indecisive about job opportunities, while others are uncertain about whether to stay or leave a relationship. Trust your intuition if it feels toxic, and listen to your heart. I feel like many of you are evaluating whether to confess something to loved ones.
In the coming months, I foresee you regaining balance. You'll place more trust in your intuition and listen to yourself more than ever. You'll find balance in various aspects of your life, possibly juggling between career and love. Many of you have detached from the divine/universe, perhaps even abandoned it. However, in the coming months, you'll reconnect with the divine and strengthen your relationship with it. Overall, you'll prioritize your own needs, and the universe (or your beliefs) will bring you to a point of desperation so that you can learn from this lesson and focus on yourself. I'm casually singing on my mind the song "a flash in the night" by Secret Service may signifies unexpected insights or moments of revelation that help you navigate the challenges ahead - which is confirmed by the Ace of Swords coming twice in your reading, and for some also a sign that it's your pile - maybe you listened to it lately or you were born in the 80s, same period when this song was released. Take it how it resonates. It also indicates a need to work on your root chakra for those who aren't, which will be beneficial for grounding and connecting with the earth - the High Priestess may indicate a blessing in disguise involving the Akashic Records; self-discovery - you're going to learn more about yourself, which will also bring you to make better decisions and beneficial only for you.
2/22/222 may be significant (and ironically this is pile 2! 😁) also, it indicated clever decisions which you'll make or have to in order to get close to your goals and reach success. I believe in you, guys!
Balance, inner strenght, reconnection with the divine are important themes for you in the upcoming months.
Thank you for allowing to read your energy, Pile 2.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
🕗 PILE 3
8 of Cups, 2 of Wands, Knight of Wands
You're leaving something hurtful behind, aren't you? I feel like you're fed up with suffering and moving towards the bright light - well done, beautiful! But there's still uncertainty about whether to accept that job opportunity or that potential romance. You're seeing others realizing your dreams and you're here like "when it's going to be my turn?" Both of these choices have a waiting period, as the saying goes, 'good things come to those who wait.' This is exactly what your reading represents. If you're evaluating a decision, go for it because it will free you from the burden. You may resonate with pile 2, check it if you felt attracted to it.
In the upcoming months, you'll experience the sweet breeze through your hair, the feeling of lightness in your feet, and the warmth of the sun on your skin. Many of you are stuck in your comfort zones, and I know it isn't easy to leave them. However, if you don't try, you'll never know what opportunities await. Your passion will be reignited, and you'll find joy either with your loved ones or alone. Some of you will finally take this "risk" and you're going to celebrate this big achievement and finally be proud and love yourself more, which is also the key of manifestations coming into fruition. Others of you are going to meet a youthful energy, like a knight taking you on adventures. This person, whether a lover, friend, or family member, will bring you new experiences and might even pull you out of your comfort zone. Take it as a sign from the universe that you need to step out of your comfort zone. My dear, you're too focused on work/studies and likely have exams, you need some relaxation and experiences/adventures that will light your mind. Keep pushing yourself, but remember to take breaks to not get stuck in this negative energy causing you to burn out sooner or later.
Leaving what no longer serves you, stepping out of your comfort zone, and finding exciting new opportunities, are all important themes for you in the coming months.
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 3.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
Please note that I used AI language bot to help improve grammar and spelling in my readings, as English is not my first language. However, the interpretations and insights provided in my readings are all my work, based on my intuition and the cards' symbolism.
Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to predict or dictate your future. The cards provide insights and guidance, but the ultimate power of choice lies with you.
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simpjaes · 7 months
Have you done a size ranking for Enha’s dick sizes yet ?•_•
not on my blog but boiiiii have i discussed this at length with oomf. let's go ahead and change that tho.
note: i was gonna include pics but tbh i don't rly wanna do that now lmfao sorry. im gatekeeping!!!! you don't have to agree with the sizes im giving them btw, some dude's just have monster cock energy sorry.
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★ heeseung:
long and thick. almost too big, sometimes actually too big. takes both hands to jerk him off, and the entire expanse of your throat to swallow him up. honestly, it's so big that you have no choice but to feel each pulse and twitch of it when he's inside of you. the stretch is painful regardless of the position he takes with you, and you're not sure if you could ever get wet enough to ease the sear of it. you don't understand, really, heeseung literally makes you feel like you're being split in half but goddamn does he make it feel amazing at the same time. there are some men out there who have huge cocks and assume that's all they need to pleasure a woman. but oh, oh no no no, heeseung is well aware that you gotta know how to use it too. and boy does he.
☆ jay:
maybe not the longest cock of the bunch but definitely the thickest. for every deep part of you he can't reach, he makes up for it with the way he slams his hips into you, forcing you to feel every thick inch of him. unlike heeseung, you may be able to jerk him off with one hand but it doesn't change the fact that you can't fully wrap your fingers around him, and fitting it into your mouth can be a bit difficult as well. thankfully, jay isn't too worried about teeth when he gets to see you attempt to swallow him up. in fact, the little drag of them scraping the top-side of his cock is something that makes him shiver. he thinks it's cute to see you try and take all of it, actually. never feeling insecure over the fact that while he's definitely not packing anything over 5 to 6 inches, the girth alone is enough to leave a pretty girl calling out his name, begging him to go harder, telling him how good it feels in them.
long long long, but not as thick. the reach he can manage is insane, to the point that he'd probably have an obsession with snapping pics of his cock laying between your legs and measuring how far inside of you he's about to put it. visual stimulation, n all that. you can feel him deeper than any one else could probably reach, slamming into your cervix to the point it actually hurts, to the point he could probably have you pregnant in one fuck if you guys wanted to go that route. like that cum wouldn't have to go far at all to reach its goal lmfao jerking him off is easier than anything else, but giving him head can be a bit of a conundrum for you. you can lick and suck all you want with your hand jerking the bottom half of his cock but he's always gonna prefer the feeling of your throat gagging around him instead. he's gonna fuck the whole thing down your throat and adore the way you sound struggling with it.
☆ jake:
a perfect, average, nice cock, for a perfect, not so average, nice man. fits like a puzzle piece and fills you up the perfect amount. enough for it to hurt if he wants it to, enough for him to offer nothing but pure pleasure otherwise. the good thing about jake and his cock is the fact that just about anything can and will get him off, not only because the ease of which it'll fit into you, but because you love every inch of it when he does it. and sure, he can make it feel longer, he can make it feel thicker, all with just a shift of his hips. fr, and he's always shifting them too, trying to reach parts of you he knows he can't. every blowjob is met with gags, of course, because he definitely can't control his hips. every hand job met with the perfect weight in your hand, and every fuck met with a feeling of fullness that renders you capable enough to feel every second of his love rather than having to wince through it and lose your train of thought during certain positions.
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ponchigg · 3 months
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How I manifest
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My Manifesting Beliefs.
I’ll start by saying that I practice shifting-based manifestation. I believe that every time we manifest something, we are simply aligning ourselves with a reality where we have our desire, and because of that, I preach that the core of manifestation is connection: aligning your energy with a reality where you are fulfilled with your desire.
I use this routine every time I want to manifest something, and have been having pretty good results with it. I’m also planning to use it to manifest my full shift to my desired realities soon, once I regain my motivation. With that said, you can still use this if you don’t believe/practice shifting, as it still works within the LOA beliefs.
My Routine in Detail: How I Do It.
I start my day by taking a few deep breaths after I wake up. I lay on my bed and enjoy the after-sleep relaxed state for a few moments before I spend some minutes going over my daily affirmations. They usually consist of self-concept affirmations mixed with my desire-focused ones. So if I want to manifest, for example, money, I’ll repeat affirmations such as ‘I’m deserving and worthy of my desires’ (self-concept) together with ‘I am a money magnet’ (desire-focused). I only do this for around 5 to 10 minutes, as I don’t feel the need to do more, not do I usually have the time to.
I follow with my day without thinking too much about my desire, as sometimes hyper-focusing on something can end up bringing a lacking mentality.
At the end of the day, after I finish all my chores, I prepare myself for meditation. I have an easy time getting into deep states of meditation, so I take advantage of it to directly communicate with my subconscious. I put on some binaural beats (I recommend the app atmosphere, it’s very good and has beats for pratically everything) and let my body fall asleep. After I reach a state akin to the void, I start connecting with my desire and vaunting about it (“It’s insane how easily I attract money and abundance, I’m so grateful for all the daily money I receive without having to move a muscle.”) Until I feel like it’s enough. My meditations usually last around 40-50 minutes, but depending on the day (and how exhausted I am) it can be less or more.
Before I go to sleep, I put on my overnight affirmations tape according to my desire (I make them using capcut and the text-to-speech function they have) and fall asleep without thinking too much about it.
My manifestations usually take around 2-3 days to physically manifest in the 3D, but I don’t stress about time too much, as I know they will arrive sooner or later - I simply just trust the process.
Not only does this routine quickly manifest my desires, but it also keeps me in a positive/relaxed state for majority of my day, which can be very helpful for those who struggle with overthinking. I wanted to share this to tell people that you do not need to make your day revolve around LOA, manifesting should never feel like a chore, simply do what works best for you and what you enjoy doing, be either affirming, vizualizing, meditating, etc..you got this!
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purplecoffee13 · 1 month
Nemesis With Benefits - Part 5*
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Keep me awake, buy me a coffee!
Summary: “Friday nights at the bar are harmless fun, until Harry’s ego and your jealousy get in the way…”
Wc: 4.1k
Tropes: enemies to lovers
Warnings: SMUT, exhibitionism kink, daddy kink, degradation, spanking, jealousy, bit of possessiveness but not much
A/N: Hiya! Back again :) Here’s the newest part of Nemesis With Benefits! Things are getting real… enjoy!
Series Masterlist
General Masterlist
It's Friday night, which means getting drunk at the bar nearest to campus.
At least, that's the way Rebecca sees it.
And because you are Rebecca's friend, it is how your Friday night is also being spent. Benjamin and the others mentioned they might come too, so you were very excited to go out tonight. You had to admit that there was a small part of you which wondered whether Harry was going to show up too.
He did.
He joined the group a bit later, but your stomach felt funny when you spotted him walking through the door. You realized, of course, that you should immediately do something about these... feelings, but not tonight. Tonight was for dancing, and drinking, and secret glances.
Ones you have been sharing with Harry all night. Traces of the memories of the other night are still lingering in his eyes, and you are sure in yours too, as you catch his gaze every now and then. It makes your core heat up, just thinking about other things you could do on a night with him. Or day, or morning. Are you ovulating? You have to be.
Despite the fact that your eyes pull to Harry like fucking magnets, you put all your energy and focus into keeping up with Benjamin and Rebecca's conversation. Harry turns around and joins the three of you—which is noted by Benjamin as his body stiffens and he shares a nervous glance between the two of you—making it even more difficult to pay attention to what your lovely friend is saying. Until you hear the mention of your name
"I just need to find a random someone and have mind-blowing sex, like Y/N." She waves towards you as she explains the dry patch she has been going through for the past months. She's been so caught up in school that she hasn't had time to date at all.
Your mouth dries and your cheeks flush, feeling all eyes on you, especially Harry's. Benjamin's head whips towards you.
"You had mind-blowing sex?"
Before you can answer, Rebecca chimes in. "Yeah, she hooked up with some guy she met on that one dating app, and it was amazing, right?"
You are so utterly fucked. You know you are completely fucked when you say, "Yes."
"See? I need that too!" She asks, while Benjamin is still gazing at me with his mouth wide open.
"Oh my god, girl. So, he was good? Was he... you know? Big?" Benjamin, in very Benjamin-esque style immediately fires his blunt questions at you.
Before you can stop yourself, your eyes flick to Harry and back, uneasiness dripping off of you. You sigh.
"Yeah, yeah he was."
You hear a sniff of laughter on your left. With a clenched jaw, you try to control your breathing. You can't believe you got out in this embarrassing position. And you have no one to blame for it other than yourself. You hate this, the cocky bastard's ego is only going to get more inflated by hearing this conversation.
"Are you gonna see him again?"
Filled with irritation and a desire to humble the guy standing next to you, you shrug. "I don't think so. It's kind of like a disposable razor, after a few times it just won't do it for you like it did before. Plus, his arrogance alone took up like half of the space in bed."
Benjamin and Rebecca chuckle at your comment, and you smile, satisfied with that little jab you managed to make towards Harry. When you glance at him for that slight second that you allow yourself to, your stomach turns at that standard lazy smirk he wears.
You talk for a bit more, and Harry slowly fades out of the conversation over time. It takes everything to not let your eyes see where he is going as he walks away and disappears into the crowd. He probably went to pee, you tell yourself.
After a while, the song selection in the bar improves and finally Rebecca drags you onto the very occupied dance floor. You move on the beat like two idiots who look like they've had way more to drink than they actually have. Tonight is a 'dance like nobody's watching' night, filled with funny made-up moves, as opposed to the 'dance like everyone's watching' nights, which are filled with sensual hip movements and cute hair flips.
Just as you've finished your just invented dance move called 'the lawnmower', and are watching Rebecca's dancing rendition of turning on a lamp, you spot Harry at the bar. Your laughter fades a bit, concentration now full on where he is standing, and talking, to a girl.
She must be at least five inches shorter than him because there is quite a height difference. Her auburn hair is really shiny, though, and it looks like she is funny because Harry is laughing at whatever she just said.
You force yourself to turn your attention back to the dance floor, and continue dancing with Rebecca. However, despite your best efforts, your eyes keep flicking back to the bar, and that stupid smile that paints Harry's face as he talks to that redhead.
"I'm gonna get a drink!" You shout over to Rebecca, "do you want something?"
When she shakes his head, you give her a thumbs up and walk away. It is quite crowded so it takes a few seconds to get to the bar, but you arrive, right in front of Harry and the redhead. She has blue eyes, you notice. A flare of anger shoots down your spine.
"Excuse me, can I just—" before waiting on a confirmation or even a step back, you wring yourself between Harry and the girl, leaning over the bar to try and flag down a bartender. You don't miss the clench of Harry's jaw as he leans back a bit, giving you a bit of space instead letting you lean against him a bit.
It takes long enough for a bartender to arrive that the redhead decides to turn around and walk away, and you try not to smile too hard at the sudden free space beside you. You move away from Harry a bit, and he turns around and leans over the bar as well, getting closer to your face.
"Jealous?" He asks. You snort, slightly shaking your head.
"Thirsty." You shoot up straight at the feeling of a guy touching your waist and shoulders as he passes by—something which is entirely unnecessary because there is enough space to walk without touching you. You frown at the man who passed by, but re-direct your focus to Harry as you correct him. "I simply needed a drink and spotted some free space by the bar."
You can't look Harry in his eyes for too long because you know that he knows that you are lying through your teeth, so you turn your eyes back to the bar, hoping a bartender may have spotted you. You won't let yourself look as Harry moves away from the bar a bit, but your core flutters when you find him standing right behind you, hips pressed against your ass and his hands leaning on the bar, leaving you with no other place to go.
You try to be as casual as you can about it, but you can't help the shiver that runs down your spine as Harry leans into your ear and whispers, "You're jealous."
The low voice almost has you crumbling immediately, and the urge to lean back into him is almost too big, but you hold on to that last sliver of restraint. Luckily, a bartender finally comes to help you, so you can distract yourself by ordering a drink. While you wait for the drink to arrive, you turn around to Harry.
"You need to back off, all our friends are here. What if they see?"
Harry tilts his head, "You mean, what if they find out that I'm the guy from the mind-blowing sex?"
"No. I mean, what if they find out you are the disposable razor." You bite back, and Harry tsks you, a wide grin displayed on his face. He nods to the bar, and you quickly turn around to find the bartender putting your drink down. You thank him and lean forward to grab it, but your ass accidentally brushes against Harry's crotch as you do so.
He leans forward once again, saying lowly in your ear, "Everyone went outside to smoke, I saw them walk out just a minute ago."
You bite your lip at the thought of an open field, and lean back a bit further in response to his reassurance. Your ears catch the small chuckle that grumbles from Harry's throat as your ass presses tight against his crotch. His hand travels to your waist, tracing up and down as you take some sips of your drink.
You find it proves to be very hard to act like your entire body doesn't feel like it is engulfed in flames and his hands aren't the gasoline. It is way too warm in this room.
You gasp in surprise when Harry wraps his arm around your waist and pulls your entire body against him. You can practically hear your thunderous heartbeat as his hands glide down to your thighs and teasingly nudge your dress up a bit, and the heat of his breath fanning against your ear doesn't do much to help you either.
It takes everything in you not to turn around and kiss him, and you bring your drink to your lips, occupying your mouth with that instead. You drink, and drink, and drink, as if it's a potion of restraint. Ironically, it only takes you about twenty seconds to finish it. And even as you turn around and drag him towards the bathroom by his shirt, your mouth feels incredibly dry.
What you don't expect, though, is for Harry to change the path. Your brows knit together in confusion as he leads you to a random door that you've never seen before at the end of the hallway. He opens it, and suddenly you find yourself standing outside, behind the bar, in a small alleyway. You look on both your sides, but it seems to be impossible to access it from outside.
There are piles of crates filled with empty beer bottles that you have to shimmy around, and the other side of the alleyway is marked with only a chain link fence that looks out on a nearly empty, barely lit parking lot.
"Nice spot, do you take all your hook-ups here?" You joke, but you realize that as you say it, there is some hidden bitterness to the comment. You pray Harry doesn't catch it, but it doesn't seem so in the way he replies.
"Only the ones I hate." He looks back with a false innocent smile, coaxing you until you're leaned against the wall.
"Do you let them suck you off too?" You ask as you crouch down, maintaining eye contact and letting him see that salacious smirk displayed on your face. The hoarseness in his voice is apparent as he chuckles, observing you as you unbutton his pants and take his cock out of his briefs.
"Only the desperate ones." He retorts, satisfied with his humbling answer. You roll your eyes at his arrogance, and wrap your mouth around the tip of his cock. You press some small kisses to it, a lick here and there, and try not to smirk at the hisses sounding from above you.
You feign easing in, spitting on his cock and stroking the wetness all over his length, but when you put your mouth on him again, you instantly take him entirely down your throat. It takes focus, relaxation in your mouth and a lot of breathing through your nose, but the whine that falls from Harry's lips is worth it. You pull back, smiling up at him.
"Who's desperate now?"
With that invitation to a challenge floating in the air, you take Harry back into your mouth. You bob your head back and forth, this time making up for what you haven't got in your mouth with your hands. You take him deeper and deeper, until your nose hits his pubic hair again, and his cock slightly twitches in your throat.
"Shit..." He hisses, his hips bucking forward a bit and hits the back of your throat. A moan escapes you and it vibrates on his hard cock. By the pained sound he makes, you know that Harry is close to his orgasm. A sense of pride fills you as you begin to pick up your pace, but much to your dismay, your mouth is being pulled off of his cock.
"Hey! I wasn't done yet." You begin to protest, but he turns you around and bends you forward. You grasp onto the chain link fence, your cunt absolutely dripping as he flips your dress over your ass and roughly pulls down your panties. His fingers trace over your wetness, and you bite your lip to refrain yourself from making too much noise.
"Shut the fuck up, and just take it." Harry growls, his cock lining up with your entrance and pushing into you. You let out a sigh of relief at the now familiar warmth filling you up, and as Harry starts driving into you, you find yourself driving back into him.
"This is what you wanted right? That I fuck you somewhere in the dark instead of talking to that girl inside." He tuts you, grabbing your hair and pulling your head backwards. You whine at the impact. "Such an attention whore."
"I— I was just getting a drink." You croak out, shooting forward at every hard thrust that Harry makes. The fence echoes the impact of it, and every time you are sure you are going to fall down. But your legs refuse to give out because that would mean giving out on Harry's cock sliding in and out of you the way he is right now and you'd rather give up anything else than that at the moment.
You let out a small shriek when Harry's hand flies across your cheek, the stinging sensation instantly making you more wet.
"You're a bad liar, baby." He purrs, and another slap lands on your cheeks. You let out a string of mumbling words insisting he go on and 'harder'. Harry laughs lowly, and it almost sounds evil.
"So filthy. What would your friends think if they could see you right now?" His fingers find your clit as he speaks, slowly drawing circles.
"I don't care."
The words have left your mouth before you can even realize that you, indeed, really do not care. All that you care about right now is being fucked by Harry in this alleyway and you don't care who sees or hears it. As long as you can still feel this good.
Harry sniffs, and you know he's not taking you seriously right now. For some reason, you feel the need to prove him that you are in fact being serious.
"I wouldn't care if they were standing on that parking lot, I'd still let you fuck me." You confess, and your words seem to be the fuse for the cannonball that you send flying. That cannonball being Harry, and flying meaning he starts to jackhammer into you like his life depends on it.
"F—fuck! Ah, oh. My. God. Harry!"
What should be sentences leaving your mouth are only remnants of words, and what should be thoughts in your head are only him. The smell of him, the sound of him, the feeling of him. Everything disappears around you and it's just him and his extremely big cock pounding into you.
"You're a filthy fucking slut— fuck!" He rambles, the chain link fence masking the harsh sound of your bodies colliding with each other, and the ragged breathing that comes with it.
"Yes, yes, yes, daddy!"
You haven't even really noticed the nickname until Harry's reaction makes you aware of it. He groans out and brings his hand to your cheek again before focusing back on your clit and rubbing earth shattering circles that have your legs wobble.
"Fuck... Such a dumb fucking cock slut. Daddy needs to fill you up, huh?" Every word is laced with his cockiness, but you don't miss the gruffness that his hidden underneath. Harry is close and you know it, even if he doesn't want to let it shine through too much. In response to that, you begin fucking yourself into him once again.
"Fill me up daddy."
It's a demand, not a question or a suggestion or proposition. You need it, and he does too. But Harry refuses to obey you immediately, fixating on your orgasm first.
"Soak me baby, and I'll fill you up."
The promise causes you to let go. Harry uses his free hand to clasp it over your mouth, muffling the cries that fall from your lips as you clench around him over and over, soaking him as he requested, and it seems to be the catalyst for his orgasm.
You smile to yourself as you feel him fill you up, the almost pained noises you hear from behind filling you with some sense contentment that you are afraid to find out the details about.
But maybe you should, and then throw them away. The last thing you want is to develop feelings for the man who helped break your last relationship. It isn't right.
You push the thought aside, though, as Harry slowly pulls out of you and slips your underwear over your core again. You stand up straight and adjust your dress, turning around to the guy who just fucked you within an inch of oblivion. You giggle, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of the situation. Harry grins at your amusement, finding it as entertaining as you do.
When you've both made yourself decent again, helping one another with some adjustment with their hair—and with that meaning Harry adjusting the mess he made of your hair—you decide it's time to get back inside before anyone gets too suspicious.
"We shouldn't go in at the same time." You say, and Harry nods in understanding. "You should probably go first."
He eyes you for a second, then shrugs, and waves at you weakly as he walks back to the door where you both came from. As soon as he's disappeared behind the door, you let out a sigh. For a second you let the realization of what you just did kick in, and much to your surprise, a giggle falls from your lips as your initial reaction.
It's just so... stupid. But it's funny, and you're enjoying it. Maybe you should start accepting it, and maybe that should start with starting to see Harry as a friend.
With that thought and a faint smile on your face you tread back to the door and head into the bar. When you emerge from the bathroom hallway, you crash into Rebecca, who grabs your shoulders and pushes you back into the hallway.
For a moment, you think, this is it. She's found out and she is going to absolutely flip. But the distressed look on her face makes you reconsider, and out of is instinct you look behind her to the bar.
Where is Harry?
"I've had enough of tonight, shall we go home?" The hurried tone of her voice only draws in more confusion from your side.
"What's going on?" You ask, shaking her hands off your shoulders. She keeps them by her side, her eyes filled with compassion... pity maybe?
"Rebecca?" You frown, tilting your head. She huffs and throws her hands over her face.
"I'm a horrible friend!" She confesses, peering up at you from behind her hands. "Dylan is here..."
You stare blankly at your friend, your brain seeming to malfunction on choosing a reaction. There is nothing that really comes to mind. Most everything regarding Dylan has left you kind of numb. Well, except what happened between him and Harry of course.
Harry... shit!
You strut past Rebecca, walking onto the busy dance floor, and you spot your ex, standing by the pool table with another girl. You almost want to go over to the poor girl and tell her to run, but maybe she doesn't mind being a one night stand. You hope she does, you hope she doesn't get her heart broken by him like you did.
You want to do something... pour a glass of beer over him or anything else that feels even remotely cathartic. But somehow you can't. Somehow, all you can think about while looking at the boy who once used to be your boyfriend, is what a fucking pig he is.
The betrayal, the wound that you have been tending to, the one you have let breathe and has slowly started to heal feels like it has been ripped open again. That face and his features, you haven't seen them in a while and it makes it all so real.
He cheated on you. He cheated on you with someone in the friend group while you were together. He cheated on you with Harry.
And you just had sex with Harry.
You feel sick to your stomach. What the fuck have you been doing? How have you let yourself forget what kind of a person Harry is? God, you had even started to like him! Just five minutes ago you were beginning to think you might be able to be friends with him. You've made your life such a fucking shit show.
With tears blurring your vision, you turn your head back to Rebecca and say, "You're right, let's go."
She hurries over to you and gives you a hug before escorting you out of the bar. You don't know if Dylan sees you, but if he did he doesn't seem to care.
You walk to the car and step into the passenger seat, one question floating in your mind. One you're afraid will be too vulnerable, but you take the risk of asking it anyway.
"Where's Harry?"
It almost comes out in a whisper, but it's quiet enough in the car for Rebecca to hear you anyway. She looks over at you, all sympathetic like she's been looking at you for the past months, like she'll let anything slide just because she feels bad for you.
"Home, I think. Benjamin went with him. He practically stormed out as soon as he saw Dylan."
You look down at your lap, a heavy ache filling your chest. You have no idea how to identify what you are feeling right now. There is a part of you that wants to talk to Harry, ask if he's okay. But there's this other, bigger part of you that knows he is part of what caused this entire situation in the first place. And it just fills you with such anger... you don't know where to place it, you don't know how to filter through it and you especially have no idea how to ever get past it.
How can you ever have a healthy relationship— or well, friendship, with someone who did something like that to you? And why does the impossibility of it flood you with a sadness you've never experienced before. It's like... it's like you're doomed.
What the fuck do you do now?
taglist: @hisparentsgaleryy
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the-anime-enthusiast · 3 months
pls shoto / hawks type of women
#2 Keigo Takami - Hawks
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He likes his women a lil shorter 😌🫶 Like 5'2 - 5-6 buuutt will GLADLY take on a model height baddie ANY DAY OF THE WEEK "what's the point of wings if I can't use them to fly up and kiss you??" 🤧
AN ABSOLUTE ASS MAN he loves the legs, the butt, all of it and in between but besides be a total tweaker for a nice ass he has a special place in his heart for boobs 🫶 specifically b-c cups though 🌚 he doesn't know why but he likes a smaller size 😉
Siren eyes are his ULTIMATE WEAKNESS something about someone who looks so intense and like they're about to eat him alive bc hes so fucking annoying GETS BRO GOING 🤩 He can tease you all day any day but if you act like he's just another guy to you HE WILL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE DAMN EARTH ‼️‼️
Sucker for dimples 😌 Loves to see some chubby cheeks with the cutest dimples 🫡 AND SMILE LINES OMFGGG 😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏 he doesn't even know what it is about them but it makes his heart SKIP A BEAT
He LUVS a sun kissed skin look 🌞 like a slightly tanned face with some redness left over from a sunburn, freckles starting to pop up everywhere HE LOVES IT 💥💥💥
Short and stout or tall and skinny he loves it all 🫡🫡🫡 Bro is NOT PICKY 😭 As long as ur face cute hell love you until hell freezes OVVVERRR BRO 🌚🌚🌚
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Literally just someone he can vibe with 🙂‍↕️ If you match energy he will worship you like THE AIR HE BREATHES 😍 Just someone laid back and chill but also can have a fub time and a positive outlook on the future "pessimists are my worst enemy" was once scratched from an interview 🌚
While he loves an optimist and like minded folk realism is the most important thing he could ask for -- Someone who understands his job and the things he has to do 💯 (this stems a lot from the twice incident which i will touch on at the end of this)
Can we all admit he's fs got mommy issues ✋ he would die for a lady who will hold him in her arms at the end of the day and just let him exist in the peace and quiet of his home with her 🙂‍↔️
SMART WOMEN 😍 he loves someone smart, youre working to get ur PhD? SMASH‼️ A teacher ?? SMASH‼️ Literally any job or skill that requires emotional strength and a BIG BRAIN and he's weak in the knees 🤭
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Blissfully unaware people who will lounge in bed all day reading a magazine then running up to him as he gets home from work peppering him will kisses is like a very specific want of his - 😭 bro just wants someone to love him fr ✊😔
Has a weird thing for teachers -💀 Anytime a girl is like "Oh yeah I never told you? I'm a Pre-K teacher!' his eye twitches and he feels like he's going insane 😶‍🌫️ (in the best way possible)
You're the only person he's ever told this or would let do this to him - but give him back scratches at the base of his wings AND HE EVAPORATES 🫠🫠
NERDS 💯💯💯 A secret fangirl???? He's never living it down. EVER. He'll bring you home limited edition, u released, ect ect merch for, not only him, but ALL THE TOP HEROES bc he gets first dibs from being so high in the charts 😌
Going of off nerds again, IF YOU CORRECT HIM ON SOMETHING (literally anything...it's concerning) HE GETS SOOO HOT AND BOTHERED he's never been able to figure out why but being out in his place by someone so intellectually advance does something to him 🧍‍♀️
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THATS THE POST!! (but here's some end credits and comments rq 😉)
About the twice situation, although he recognizes what he did was wrong, he doesn't regret it, because it truly changed the tide and outcome of the war, and he needs someone who sees that and defends him whole heartedly ✋
ANYWAYS I HAD SO MUCH FUN DOING THIS REQUEST ‼️ I've never been a huge fan of hawks so it was SO much fun coming up with stuff and diving more into his character ‼️‼️ I hope y'all enjoy 😉
also...idk if y'all can tell... but I NEED HIM AND FUYUMI TO BECOME A THING PLEASE HORIKOSHI ID GIVE YOU MY LIFE (the head cannons have nothing to do with that shit it's all separate it just happens to line up VERY well) 😍
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