#i just found out the original price and i am freaking out how lucky am i
liviastrum · 8 months
show me someone that’s winning more than i am (you can’t)
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madstronaut · 6 months
baby's first soap fic (redux)
re-wrote this with the wrath of a thousand suns burning out after discovering my original post somehow disappeared/got deleted (even though the link was still in my masterpost? smh)
Reading: love you from afar by @roosterr
i found this while first tiptoeing into the depths of cod fandom on tumblr after huffing the gateway drug of simping for COD men (ghost fanart/fics) and the way johnny is portrayed here is what made me start looking up soap fics <3
once again so many absolutely delicious tropes here, key being clueless reader - though i vibe with reader being like "oh i guess im the person to leave a little treat for myself to find after a long day like my favorite choco on my bed" big mood reader, big mood - i aspire to your imaginary self-care standards
also johnny willing to bridal carry you after getting hurt and willing to stay with you at the docs? keep these kind of friends close <3
not me running to google language/meaning of flowers after roosty mentioned they were gardenias
i was late to the soap is canonically an artist/kept a journal game and freaking love it when writers incorporate it into their fics <3 also really brings to mind the phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - i have drawn/been drawn by friends and etc. and truly so touching to see how your love ones see you through their art <3
i also love that soap panics when his little secret project gets outed to gaz and co. who already know about his crush - i fucking love having wholesome little secrets with the intent to commit random acts of love/kindness/chaotic good/etc. etc.
"someone went in your room while you were gone?" ghost's low voice caught your attention, "bit creepy, innit," he grumbled, his gaze darting between you and somewhere next to you.
"christ…" ghost mutters, shaking his head in exasperation.
"could be a good bonding exercise," price had the same entertained tone in his voice as he looked between the four of you, "any thoughts, soap?"
please god i would commit crime to read teh side group chat where they absolutely roast soap for his antics...and reader for how fucking clueless she is
i vibrated out of my seat at excitement of plot twist of fake!admirer sending a fake note and wanting to meet reader, 10/10 storytelling *chefs kisses*
also "hey sarge" to reader? yes we love a girlboss (is this still a pc term? idk someone correct me if its not, still catching up to the barbification of slang words and reclaiming of feminine power with 'girlmath' and 'girldinner' etc etc)
"in fact, i don't actually know you at all. i couldn't recall your name even if you held a gun to my head." FUCK YES MY QUEEN FUCKING GET HIM FUCKING STEP ON HIM *sry busy morphing into that rabid dog barking gif to hype reader up*
when johnny says your name in that deep, gravelly tone, your heart skips a beat and your eyes snap to meet his. "who was it." he asks, but it's not a question anymore, and every fibre of your being is telling you to just give in to him.
my god when the quiet/sweet/always happy-go-lucky ones get angry it is so hot terrifying
and UNF THE LETTER!!!!!! THE LETTER. Every single fucking thing about the letter is pure perfection and sunlight "you're my person" 🥺🥺🥺 THE STRAIGHT-UP I LOVE YOU *claps johnny on back for saying it straight*🥺🥺🥺 signing off with "your heart" 🥺🥺🥺
i love how reader immediately takes off running, fucking yes queen GO GET YOUR MANS??? HURRY THE FUCK UP???
the two of you stay like that for moments that feel like hours in each other's embrace, only pulling away when your lungs are burning and your lips are swollen. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
"yer stayin' with me tonight, non negotiable." he murmurs, running a hand up and down the length of your spine. lmao negotiable?? sir??? reader did not even stand a chance??? who could tbh
last but not least, i learned the meaning of bawbag by googling it via reading this fic so once again, another absolute banger of a fic for cod fandom, ty for filling my heart soul ovaries brain with some much needed and at times completely useless light love and lore <3
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misanthropecopy · 2 years
So thoughts on Pokemon scvi, or in just my case violet. Warning there are major spoilers below:
I personally enjoyed it, more so than I did with the last gen at least. Though I must confess that I am what you call a casual gamer, who focuses more on the story than the actual gameplay so the obvious glitches didn’t bother me too much. I actually found some of them to be funny. That being said, I know if my filthy casual eyes noticed them, everyone else probably saw them too. Personally the only glitch that bothered me was the elite four soundtrack going on like a broken record as I battled them. It did produce some kind of urgency within me, but it was a shame that I didn’t get to hear the full theme. With that out of the way, lets get on to what I enjoyed the most about it the story. 
Now when I purchased Violet I was set on doing all three paths, which seemed to be the right decision. I really enjoyed how the stories addressed different kinds of trauma. Arven with his parents, Penny/Team Star being bullied into becoming a lowkey gang themselves. Heck even Nemona despite her happy-go-lucky and frankly fearless nature probably suffers from having a lack of real friends. Since it’s apparently implied her battle-loving nature often drives people away. Then there is Miraidon or the main box legendary, whose dealing with not only losing a territorial dispute, but also LITERALLY WATCHING THEIR “CARETAKER” TAKE A FATAL BLOW FOR THEM. I CANNOT stress enough how scarred they must have been from that.
Another thing I enjoyed was that in the climax we actually STOPPED some human innovation here. In Pokemon science is often praised as seen with the npc in each starting town claiming “Science is amazing” and all that in every generation. But Pokemon doesn’t often address the price you pay for “progress” and how easily it can lead to hubris before an inevitible downfall. It’s part of why I like both Mewtwos stories/origins so much, as they are living testaments to the cost of humans trying to play God. Both Turo and Sada were so consumed with their work and seeing their dreams fulfilled, that not only did they neglect their son they failed to see the consequences of what their goals might do to the environment. Sure they protected Miraidon/Koraidon in the end, but did they ever learn their lesson? This we are not given an answer on. 
Speaking of the Pokemon, let’s talk about them. I or was leaning towards Sprigatito when the first trailer came out and while I was a little disappointed that it stood up, I have to admit it was the cutest of all the gen 9 starter evos for me. I love my Modest-natured girl named Spring and will take down anyone who gets creepy with her. The tinkatink line is freaking hilarious and there are plenty of weird, new mons that I caught simply because I wanted to know more about these funky little creatures. There were very few designs that I didn’t like in this gen, which is pretty sweet. The fact that you interact and actually get the box legendary in the beginning of the game is great, as it let’s you really form a bond with it. You may not be able to use it in battle, but it’s with you when you picnic, it’s your main mode of trasportation, you share your meals with it and frankly it has a cute, almost dog/cat-like personality. It’s really fun, to be around and use.
Now let’s talk about the implications of the future Pokemon found in area zero.
I’m fairly certain that in both version of the games these paradox Pokemon are violent and can be beyond anyone’s control. As seen with professor Turo/Sada. Now in Sada’s case, that would seem obvious right? She literally took Pokemon that were from a million years ago, during a time where humans probably didn’t exist yet. Of course these Pokemon unfamiliar with mankind in general would be prone to lash out at them, right? So what’s the deal with the futuristic Pokemon? All of them seem to be robots of some design, so wouldn’t it be logical that they obey human commands, like most current Pokemon do? Why are they so volatile then? Well I have two theories on this. One is that humanity died out and left the planet in an almost uninhabitable state. So much that some or many Pokemon species had to become more mechanical to survive. Who knows? Maybe even some Mewtwo had a hand in altering their genetic structure, so they might live? The second theory I have is basically just that humans in the future are made of far more sturdier stuff then present people in Pokemon. 
Either way, I had a fun time. Though I probably won’t bother with the post-game stuff until Gamefreak updates the scvi to fix their blatant bugs.
To any Gamefreak/Nintendo person who may be reading this: Please, there’s no need to rush your games. Take time to have a break once in a while. Spend time with your friends and family. An overworked head will not bring out the best you have the offer. We don’t need a Pokemon game every year. Heck you don’t even have to release any side games for a while. Just focus on the next gen for now and if you need to delay a game, do it. I at least will understand.
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Every single episode of Ducktales (2017) Summarized in Roughly in One Sentence or Less!
Thank you Frank and team so much for introducing this family to a new generation of kids while remaining faithful to your source material. I hope you all enjoy my attempts at humor!
Woo-oo!: We don’t really know what’s going on yet but let’s do this!
Escape To/From Atlantis!: “Well I’m wearing a kilt McDuck! A kiiiilt!”
Daytrip of Doom!: They’re all siblings now and I love them all.
The Great Dime Chase!: “Shut up, everyone! I’ve done something brilliant!” (Also: Guess’s who my favorite character is?)
The Beagle Birthday Breakout!: Lena and Webby are best girls, fight me on this
Terror of the Terra-firmians!: This is the Spoopiest episode and also the most heartwarming.
The House of the Lucky Gander!: He’s an asshole but I love him.
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!: He’s an even bigger asshole but I love him.
The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!: I too would do anything for a good burrito.
The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!: “If I had a nickel for every person who cursed me with their dying breath, I’d be twice as rich as I already am.”
The Spear of Selene!: Of course Scrooge showed up freaking Zeus.
Beware the B.U.D.D.Y System!: The fusion of Iron Man and Sailor Moon I never knew I always wanted.
The Missing Links of Moorshire!: I always knew My Little Pony had a deadly fandom but this is ridiculous…
Mystery at McDuck Manor!: Took you long enough, Duckworth, welcome back.
Jaw$!: In this house, we love and respect Tiffany. (Also: Whoever came up with this episode title is the coolest person ever)
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!: Scrooge and Glomgold are in love with Allison Janney, and honestly, same.
Day of the Only Child!: Doofus is even creepier than Lil’ Gideon, and that is saying something.
From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22!: *hums James Bond theme intensely to myself*
Who is Gizmoduck?!: He’s not throwing away his shot! (I’m sorry, I had to)
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!: I love Louie in this episode, he’s such a mood.
Sky Pirates… in the Sky!: The Pirates of the Caribbean meets High School Music crossover starring evil Panchito I never knew I needed.
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!: We’re all Webby in this episode.
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!: *ugly sobbing*
The Shadow War, Part 1: Night of De Spell!: Donald finally gets the love he deserves.
The Shadow War Part 2: Day of the Ducks!: *spoiler warning* How is she still alive?!?!?!
The Most Dangerous Game… Night!: David screaming “GAME NIGHT!” is the best damn thing I’ve ever seen.
The Depths of Cousin Fethry!: I love Cousin Spongebob!
The Ballad of Duke Baloney!: Dammit, Frank.
The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!: They’re boyfriends mates, sorry I don’t make the rules.
Storkules in Duckburg!: Storkules is the ultimate Donald Duck fan, we cannot comepete.
Last Christmas!: Somehow the Ghost of Christmas McBrayer is the least surprising thing I’ve ever seen in this show.
Whatever Happened to Della Duck?!: Oh, so that’s how she survived.
Treasure of the Found Lamp!: Dijin is the best character.
The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!: Yee–and I cannot stress this enough–haw.
The 87 Cent Solution!: *wheezing* Dammit, Frank…
The Golden Spear!: Oh my god, they were roommates!
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!: Dammit, Frank!
Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!: “So stand out, above the crowd! Even if I gotta shout it out loud!”
Friendship Hates Magic!: Webby gets two friends for the price of one seance!
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!: BEAKS SMASH… THAT LIKE BUTTON! (I’m so sorry)
The Duck Knight Returns!: *spoilers* The single best superhero, origin story-based episode ever! 
Whatever Happened To Donald Duck?!: *sobbing* He’s a good dad!
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!: This entire episode is creepier than most indie horror games.
A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!: All the kids’ dreams are moods… except Huey’s, his dream can go jump off a microwave.
The Golden Army of Cornelius Coot!: Della is just pulling a Donald and adopting any and all kids within arms reach at this point.
Timephoon!: “I’m on it!” *gets struck by lightning* “I’ve immediately failed you!”
Glomtales!: I don’t know what’s more surprising, the fact that Louie won the bet or that they used Glomgold’s theme song takeover as the intro.
The Richest Duck in the World!: Drag them, Owlson. Drag them all…
Moonvasion! Part 1: *deep inhale* D A M M I T F R A N K!
Moonvasion! Part 2: Glomgold is my new favorite villain character.
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchuck!: Huey and Violet fight for the right to be crowned the squarest of squares.
Quack Pack!: Radical dude! *insert cheesy 90s riff here*
Double-O Duck in You Only Crash Twice!: We were all simping SO HARD this episode don’t think I forgot!!!
The Lost Harp of Mervana!: Scrooge fails a vibe check.
Louie’s Eleven!:  Is it really a heist movie if something doesn’t go completely wrong?
Astro B.O.Y.D.!: So much ANIME!!!!!!
The Rumble for Ragnarok!: Eh, the MCU did it better
The Phantom and the Sorceress!: Seeing Gladstone suffer brings me an odd amount of joy
They Put a Moonlander on Earth!: They’re lesbians, Harold!
The Trickening!: Did… did no one really tell Launchpad how Halloween works?
The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!: If I had a nickel for every time a cartoon version of Ponce de Leon died a gruesome death on screen, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
Let’s Get Dangerous!: *spoilers* THEY ARE A SUPERHERO FAMILY!!!!
Escape from the ImpossiBin!: Scrooge and Beakley are a little too excited to traumatize their family because of their trauma.
The Split Sword of Swanstantine!: Dewey and Webby literally walk in blind, Violet spices things up, and Huey unleashes the Rage™
New Gods on the Block!: The most accurate representation of Zeus ever.
The First Adventure!: Young Donald is one heck of a mood.
The Fight for Castle McDuck!: The sibling culture episode.
How Santa Stole Christmas!: Charles Dickens would approve, probably.
Beaks in the Shell!: Huey ships Fendra and Gyro needs to stop hiding in the closet.
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!: The Battle of Theatre Kids... in the Sky!
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!: All the emotional weight was nearly overshadowed by One (1) attractive goth twink.
The Last Adventure Part 1; A Tale of Three Webbys!: They’re so cute! I love them!
The Last Adventure Part 2; The Lost Library of Isabella Finch!: Letting the kids on the plane is the single smartest decision Scrooge has ever made in his life.
The Last Adventure Part 3; Tale’s End!: *ugly, happy, heartbreaking sobbing* Woo-oo!
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killjoy-loveit · 5 years
Fated to the Past
A/N: Fifteenth spooky season post! I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. This is written in 1st POV because it flowed better. 
Excerpt: With panicked breathing, I had to carefully but quickly maneuver through the building- over piles of rubble from the ceiling, under fallen pillars and branches the dangled through the ceiling.
Word Count: 1,319
Genre: Soulmate & Time Travel AU
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     What if I told you that the concept of soulmates were true? That there actually is a specific person out there in the world you’re fated to be with? Would you believe me or call me a liar? If you believe me then I guess it’s not too far of a stretch to say that some people will never meet their soulmate- and not for the reason you think. It’s not because their other half is so far from them physically, everyone has a compass inked into their skin to guide them, but rather because they were born in a different time.
      Maybe you wonder how someone knows that their missing piece is in another time, there’s always a little indicator. It being the fact that the compass etched into someone’s skin appears broken, however this can also occur if their soulmate is dead. Most of the time when a compass appears broken due to a soulmate’s death, it happens when the person is older. Mine has been broken since I was born. Which could either mean I have no fated, they died before I was born, or they were from another time.
      For a long time I believed it was the former- I was simply fated to none. It would have stayed that way too, if my compass hadn’t started to move. Confusing- that’s all it could be when a compass that was broken throughout the majority of my life suddenly began moving. I’d been exploring a museum, one that had fallen into disrepair for at least a hundred years; completely disregarded by people. It started the second I stepped foot inside the museum, twirling around and around until it focused- pointing me farther into the building. I was frantic, thinking that maybe they’d been hidden here for years, and that my compass would only work within close proximity.
      With panicked breathing, I had to carefully but quickly maneuver through the building- over piles of rubble from the ceiling, under fallen pillars and branches the dangled through the ceiling. But my compass didn’t lead me to a living, breathing person, it led me to a picture. The edges were worn out and yellowed, it was faded now, but it was clear that when it had been printed originally the colors were vibrant and beautiful. I knew him the moment I saw him, standing in the middle of a group, mouth opened in a laugh and his eyes crinkled. I’d snatched the photo from the broken display case, flipping it over in search of a date, only to find that the date had also faded with time. The only thing remaining was a list of names, written in ink, naming them in their order from the photo.
     I’d searched the museum for more photos, though I only managed to find two more. Finding the date it was taken was important, if I knew the date I could go back to his time. All I knew was his name- Ren. There are people, scientists, that know how to send a person back in time- but they’ll only send you back for a price. But I was willing to give anything and everything to go back- everyone that had value to me have long since disappeared. It would take too long to explain how I found such a scientist and how I’d gotten her to send me back- I’ll just say the price was just as high as one would expect.
      “You’re travelling back farther than I’ve sent someone before, you should know there are risks-.” She’d tried to warn me.
     “I don’t care about the risks, just send me.”
     The scientist huffed out a breath, shaking her head. “Fine. You’re going back over two hundred years, there are going to be things you don’t understand. Make sure you know where you’re going or it’ll be hell to figure out when you get there.”
     Her warnings fell on deaf ears. My compass would guide me. Besides, I had managed to get ahold of the time and general location of where the photo had been taken. If I was lucky, I could manage to find him before it was taken. “I understand. Please just send me back now.”
     With a roll of her eyes, she flipped the switch and everything went dark.
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     Time passed. I had made it to the city where the photo had been taken, but I had yet to see him. The compass that was meant to guide me to him refused to move. This had to be one of the risks she waxed poetic about. A risk I didn’t listen to. I’d been so stupid. Now all I had to find him were three grungy photos. I wandered about the city during the days and slept in little covered areas hidden from view at night. Adapting was difficult, it was clear that in the time I’d travelled back to people had jobs and homes.
      Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months- and yet no sign of Ren. Somehow I managed to attain a job and a dingy little apartment, both in an area most of this time would deem dangerous- but it doesn’t hold a flame to the dangers of the time I came from. It was the middle of the afternoon, the sun was beating down on the city with a vengeance and gave no sign of letting up. All the clouds had dispersed, leaving only a clear bright sky to contend with. I was exploring, or rather, searching, the city for him- something that had become a habit when I didn’t have to work.
      This was when my compass started to spin. I twisted in about as many circles as it did, patience long gone, until I felt I might throw up. After a few minutes it settled in one direction and I took off, heart pounding at a wild beat, knocking about in my chest. Miles, I was sure I ran miles without faltering. The sweltering heat had no bearing on my speed, the temperature could have risen by forty degrees and I wouldn’t have noticed. He was so close, and there was no way I’d lose him now.
     My feet skidded to a stop faster than my brain could process the scene in front of me. It was just like the picture. A small group of people gathering together for a photo, people laughing and joking around. And there he was, right at the center. Head tossed back in amusement, mouth open, eyes crinkled. This entire time I’d been so worried about actually finding Ren that I had forgotten to think of what to say once I did find him. What was I supposed to say? ‘Hi, I’m your soulmate. I travelled back in time to find you.’ Because he surely would think I was crazy if I said that.
     As I was freaking out in my head, it went unnoticed that the group had dispersed, filtering away and into the crowds on the sidewalk. When I looked back up they were gone, and my compass was back to it’s broken state. Tears pricked at my eyes, stinging mercilessly. He was just in front of me. How could I be so stupid as to let him slip through my fingers so recklessly? Now how am I supposed to find him again? Even being in the same time as him, it was just as hard to find him it seems. Maybe I’ll never meet him.
     “Excuse me, I think you dropped this.”
      Shock was all that registered when I looked to see who’d spoken to me. My reply was breathless. “It’s you.”
     “Me?” Ren had questioned with a laugh, eyebrows scrunching in confusion.
     Without a second to comprehend what I was doing, I pulled the photo of him I carried everywhere from my pocket and showed it to him. “I finally found you, Ren.”
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What This Series Means to Me: #ThankYouKingdomHearts
I used to go to a public school right next to my apartment building when I was growing up. Unfortunately, in the 3rd grade,  my mom decided to take me out of there and put me in a private school. A Catholic private school.
I was not happy.
I didn’t want to wear the dumb private school uniform. I didn’t want to go to church. I didn’t want to deal with the strict rules and the praying and all the other stuff that was “not cool” about Catholic school.
I started the 4th grade at my new school and made friends with a girl who I actually knew from elementary school. One day, she brought her KH 1 and 2 copies to school and showed me at lunch. The box art… the instruction manual… Everything was so cool and colorful. I fell in love with it. I especially remember thinking how cool Riku looked, in all his chartreuse yellow wonder.
I went home that day and looked up more stuff on the series and really got into the lore. And by that I mean I spent disgusting amounts of time every day going on kh-vids.net.
I really wanted to buy KH 1 so I can start playing the series with the first game. I wasn’t even sure how much the game was gonna cost me, but I figured it wouldn’t be more than 15 bucks (keep in mind I was in the 4th grade so that was a lot of money to me back then lol). I didn’t bother to look up the price online. Somehow I just knew that price was right. Eventually, I scraped together the money and I was so excited to finally get to buy Kingdom Hearts so I could play it for myself and not live vicariously through kh-vids.net. There was a video game store a block away from my school (my neighborhood didn’t have a Gamestop yet) and I asked my mom if we could go there after school. I asked the guy that works there if he had Kingdom Hearts, but told me he only had 2 and one copy of it at that. I asked him how much and it was exactly 15 dollars, the exact amount I had and the exact amount I had randomly guessed the game would cost.
I was kinda bummed they didn’t have KH 1, but honestly, at that age, KH 1 probably would have been too hard for me and I would have abandoned the series after that bad experience.
So it was like everything in the universe lined up just right for me to get into the series. I guessed the exact price the game would cost me. I bought 2 instead of 1, ensuring I would fall in love with the series. Hell, if I hadn’t gone to private school I never would have gotten into the series cuz I wouldn’t have befriended that girl! We were always in different classes in my public school. I guess it was meant to be.
I went home that day and rapidly did my homework so I could play it. The rest is history. I spent the entirety of that school year playing and beating and replaying that game over and over.
Unfortunately, I lost my original copy of 2 and subsequently lost my favorite game around the time I was in the 5th grade. My discovery and detachment from the series were also at the advent of extreme family issues (which I don’t want to get into).
However, 2 years later, Days came out. I was lucky enough to have a DS at that point so I could play it. My mom bought me a copy about a month after it’s release. Just like 2, I played it over and over again non-stop.  I was kinda mad at the Xion twist at first and thought it was “dumb”. So much so I stopped playing the game for a good 2 weeks. I was so shocked when I saw Sora’s face on Xion that I immediately closed my DS and went to bed in anger. I got over it though. I can still remember beating it while I was sitting on my grandma’s bed. I watched the final cutscene as we were leaving her house that night.
BBS was announced. And I was pissed.
Like most people, we expected KH3, not another “spin-off”. I swore off the series and I said I wouldn’t be buying anymore KH games. Since I wasn’t going to buy that game, I decided to spoil myself. I knew about the x-blade and how Vanitas looked way before the game released in the US. I rolled my eyes at Vanitas looking at Sora and criticized Ventus being a carbon copy of Roxas. I thought to myself, “Wow, this game is gonna be so fucking stupid.”
I was watching abc family one day and commercials were rolling out and one of them was none other than an ad for BBS.
As soon as the commercial was over I walked into my parent’s room and told them I wanted a psp for Christmas.
Oh and by the way, Birth by Sleep is my favorite KH game now.
The family issue that began while I was still playing 2 intensified during this time. I used BBS to escape. I felt bad for Ven, Aqua, Terra, and Vanitas who were being swept up in the mistakes of others. I could relate.
It’s 2010, I found out Coded, the elusive phone game, was finally coming to the US in 2011. I was excited. I sold Dissidia and Saints Row 2 so I could buy it. Me and my mom hopped the bus to go to gamestop so I could get it because we didn’t have enough money for bus fare. Needless to say, we were in a bad place, but Kingdom Hearts was there to comfort me. I sacrificed a lot for Re:Coded so even though it was bad, I still remember it fondly.
It’s 2012. The Dream Drop Distance demo drops (no pun intended). I was absolutely in love. I was still going through intense hardship because of family issues and I was given another way to escape. Watching Riku face his demons and finally conquer the darkness that was holding him back inspired me. I thought to myself: “Maybe someday I could do the same”. I always loved Riku, but that game really made him a role model for me. I wanted to grow past the circumstances others had put me in too and start to become my own person, a person who was more confident and positive. I played through it twice back to back.
In 2012, I also started high school. Again because of family stuff, I was going through a really hard time and wasn’t immediately making friends at school. I eventually did, but those friends didn’t like video games. I still remembered Kingdom Hearts though.
In 2013, I started my blog and I immediately knew it needed a KH related name. I’ve had the same url since I started. I don’t plan to ever abandon this blog or diverge it from it’s Kingdom Hearts focus. Although my friends weren’t into Kingdom Hearts, I had all of you to talk to about it. Thanks for keeping my interest in the series alive and thanks for all the laughs throughout the years. I really mean that.
In 2013, the promise at the end of Dream Drop Distance seemed like it was about to be fulfilled. Kingdom Hearts 3 was announced to be in development. I remember being in my living room and then going to my room so I could freak out alone. I jumped and scream. I was so excited. I thought I would be playing this game by the end of high school for sure (I am now a Junior in college…)
I didn’t have ps3 at the time the remixes were coming out so I missed out on them initially. Again because of my never-ending family issues, I also lost my 3ds, psp, etc. so I couldn’t play any of my KH games. I was so starved to play one of those games again. My blog kept me connected to Kingdom Hearts during that time though and somewhat slated my desires.
I went over to one of my friend’s houses and she had a ps3 in her room. She said it used to be her brother’s but once he got his ps4, he gave it to her so she could watch Netflix. The ps3 had a Kingdom Hearts wallpaper on it and I thought it was really cool that her brother was into KH like me. I wanted to befriend him so eventually, I did. I started to talk to him in 2014 and we really got along (besides liking KH, we had the same sense of humor, views on life, politics, etc.)
It was 2015, and I had fallen in love with someone and it was all because the fates aligned on that September day in 2007 and I was able to buy the only copy of KH 2 in my local game store and because I managed to guess the exact price of the game. We’re still together today and everyday I feel more and more alive. I can actually say that Kingdom Hearts is one of the main reasons I found love.
Not only did it find me my soulmate, but it also kept me alive and hopeful when I most wanted to die. I always remembered the kind messages the series instills in its players. Small little takeaways and sayings like “There’s a light that never goes out!” or “My friends are my power! And I’m theirs!” or “Come Riku! You’ve been hanging around in the darkness too long! You gotta think positive!”
The series has always been there in some form to bring me happiness and that’s why I can never let it go.
Listen, I’m the first person to admit this series is a trash fire (my blog title is “Mickey Mouse Bullshit”). I will always view the series as a sanctuary (no pun intended), no matter what. As a beacon of hope. Sora’s incessant optimism found some way to infect me. Like Riku, I have become “Sora-esque”. I honestly believe I am the person I am today because of this series and moreover because of its characters who always fight no matter how dark it gets. I am still here because of this series.
So no matter how bad the plot gets or how dumb the time travel shit becomes or how bad the ship wars get or how elitist people are about KH2FM (which is overrated!) or all the “spin-offs” we get or the weird dialogue or all the Xehanorts and all the Soras, etc., etc.,  I will always love this series and support it.
I love Kingdom Hearts. I love Kingdom Hearts because over the years it has shown me how to love and has always loved me.
Thank you, Kingdom Hearts and thank you to this community.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 110: The Summons, Pt. 2
"It can't be…" Eli uttered, as he stared at the person that had interrupted.
"But she's dead…" Snow said.
"Apparently not," Hades replied, as Queen Ravenna strolled into the castle, her beautiful face marred with an evil smirk.
"Sorry I'm late…" she announced, as shock rippled through the entire chamber. Eli gave the baby back to Snow, as he stepped forward.
"You're not welcome here!" Eli stated firmly.
"Well, hello to you too, husband," Ravenna purred, as she strolled toward them.
"That's far enough," Persephone warned.
"At ease Persephone...I'm not here to hurt anyone. I'm here to celebrate this happy occasion," Ravenna countered.
"Seriously lady...you get near my parents and I'll fry you," Emma warned. The Queen smirked.
"Such a spitfire...just like your mother. Hello Snow," Ravenna said, as she directed her attention to her pseudo step-daughter.
"What do you want?" Eli snapped.
"You called the heads of state together so here I am," she responded.
"Your brother Dalben took the Throne when we locked up Arawn," Eli reminded and she smirked.
"Unfortunately, Dalben had a very bad accident and now it falls to me to rule my Kingdom," she informed them.
"An accident...I'm sure," David commented, as his eyes were barely slits as he looked at the woman who had tormented his wife in her alternate childhood. Ravenna smirked.
"I see that no matter what the circumstances...you still found your Prince Charming. Such a spell you weave over people, but I guess that's why they call you the fairest of them all," she said, clearly still jealous of her pseudo step-daughter.
"Look lady...you weren't a part of our lives before and we're going do our best to erase you from our lives now. If I were you...I'd move off to the side and shut the hell up," Emma snapped. Ravenna scoffed.
"So uncouth...you should really give some Princess lessons to your daughter, Snow. Remember our lessons?" Ravenna cooed and Snow shivered. She remembered. She remembered all too clearly. She remembered Ravenna berating her for getting dirty in the gardens and calling her a little freak for talking to birds and animals. She remembered her nails digging into her arm when she would drag her inside. She was positive that she would have done worse if not for her fear of Persephone and Hades. And her father always incited a fight with his wife when it came to her treatment.
"I remember...and I'm never letting you near either of my children," Snow growled. She put a hand to her chest and there was mock hurt on her face.
"Oh, you wound me so, Snow...those are my step-grandchildren, after all," she mused.
"They are nothing to you, because we are no longer married," Eli snapped.
"Lucky for you since my death invalidated our marriage, but unlucky for you, because I assure you that you'll regret casting me out. But congratulations Regina...it seems that between the two of us, Snow has decided I'm the more evil step-mother," Ravenna remarked.
"Well, we both earned the Evil moniker. I'm just choosing to not embrace it anymore. You can have it, but I don't recommend it, lest you wish to find yourself alone and in ruin," Regina advised. Ravenna smirked.
"I'll take my chances…" she hissed, as she looked back at Eli.
"Last chance Eli...I encourage you to make me your Queen again. Things weren't always so bad between us and they can be good now that you're not carrying a torch for Persephone anymore," she said.
"There will never be love between us, Ravenna...and I'm going to take a page from my daughter's book. I won't be marrying anyone that I do not love," he responded. She faked a frown.
"Pity...it will be your funeral," she hissed.
"Stop threatening my father!" Snow blurted out and her mother stepped before her.
"One more threat and you'll return to death," Persephone warned. Ravenna smirked and moved off to the side to stand with the other rulers.
"By all means, All Mighty Goddess...please revere us with your wisdom," she said sarcastically. Persephone steadied herself and took a calming breath.
"Thank you all for coming and enduring the theatrics of a few dissenters that will remain nameless," she began by saying with a steely look at Frollo, Ravenna, and Leopold.
"I am sure you are wondering why you are not only in a new land, but have two sets of memories that make up one life," she continued.
"This new land you are in is the one the original Dark Curse brought my daughter's Kingdom to, as well as several others. Despite being a new and foreign place, it is a good land with many opportunities and advantages," she stated.
"When the curse broke, our family made a life in Storybrooke. That is the town that you will notice as one of your new neighbors," she added.
"I know that with new neighbors brings new borders and that can be scary. But I assure you that each ruler will still be allowed to rule their own Kingdom. As Goddess Supreme of Olympus, I will naturally oversee all the Kingdoms, but I am not one to interfere, unless people are being harmed and my hand is forced," she continued, as she looked at the three troublemakers she had eyed earlier.
"If you are peaceful, then you will have no problem adapting to this new life, which I assure you can be very good in this land. My daughter and I are already discussing educational programs to enrich everyone's knowledge of their new home," she discussed.
"We do not want anyone to fear this new life and we want to introduce you to a land built on liberty and freedom," she added.
"We will have peace and there will be no tolerance for war or oppression. Those that take that path will meet a strong opposition that they will regret challenging," she said, as she saw Anna step forward.
"What about the two sets of memories? How did that happen?" she questioned curiously.
"Yes...and how did we even come to be here in the first place? Many of our Kingdoms were not a part of the original curse," Prince Phillip interjected.
"Yes...a powerful witch from Oz is responsible for casting a spell that enacted time travel, which is expressly forbidden and breaks a law of magic. She sought to change time and create a new life for herself. But it backfired on her and she paid for it with her life," Persephone answered.
"We all seem to remember both lives as a result and when my granddaughter saved us all by reversing her spell, it seems that a new curse united all the realms together and brought us back here," she continued.
"So all this is a side effect of some spell?" King Stefan questioned.
"It would appear so. Our realms are now a part of this realm," she answered.
"And what exactly is this realm?" the Sultan of Agrabah inquired. Persephone took a breath.
"It is known as the Land Without Magic. However, that is obviously untrue to our lands. We remain hidden from those outside our borders and it must remain that way," she said, preparing for the barrage of questions that would come at that.
"Is it because they fear magic?" Elsa asked.
"Partially. But mostly, the people of this land do not believe in magic. They also believe that most of us are nothing more than fictional stories. To discover that we are real would cause many problems. People often fear what they do not understand," Persephone replied.
"So we are trapped here," Stefan surmised.
"No...we are not trapped. We are still assessing what the status of the barriers around the realms is, but no one is trapped. People will be educated on this land and if anyone wants to venture out into the Land Without Magic, that can be presented for discussion," she answered.
"And what happens if they do find out about us? We already have some outsiders in town and we know this land has great technology. What if other outsiders find a way through our barrier?" Midas questioned.
"We will make sure that doesn't happen and as for Circe's followers, we will take measures to make sure they cannot threaten our way of life," she answered. It was a nondescript response, but it was the best she could do on that front at the moment.
"So...there's no going back?" Dorothy asked.
"All the Kingdoms are here now. You'd be going back to a barren place if you were to take a bean and a curse is the only way to return the Kingdoms to our old land. Believe me, the price of another curse is much higher than making what can be a very good life here," Persephone responded and that seemed to put most at ease. For all intents and purposes, while their location may have changed and there were many new things, many things about their lives would remain the same.
"My wife has graciously answered your questions and I can assure you that she has the best interest of all at heart. And while this may be a summons, it is still a celebration as well. There should be music and mingling. And please, take an opportunity to sample some of the food of our new land. I assure you that it will not disappoint," Hades offered, as the meeting dispersed and the musicians they had hired began to play.
"Thank you...I think that was all the questions I could take tonight," she said. He smiled.
"You did beautifully, but there was never any doubt that you would. We may still have a lot to figure out, but most will see that you are right about this new venture in our lives," he assured.
"I'm still worried about them. They're going to be trouble," she lamented, as she looked at Frollo, Leopold, and Ravenna. The three seemed awfully chummy all the sudden and that didn't mean anything good.
"They'll be foolish to do anything now that you rule the heavens, but if they do, we will face them and do what is necessary," he replied.
David and Kristoff shared a brotherly hug.
"It's so good to see you...both of you," David said, as he hugged Anna as well.
"You too, just a Shepherd," Anna teased. He shook his head.
"You're not going to let that go, are you?" he asked.
"Never," she replied.
"Nice hair cut, by the way," Kristoff mentioned. David smirked.
"You too," he teased, as he slipped his arm around Snow's waist.
"This is my wife Snow, our daughter Emma, and our son, whom we still have to name," David introduced them.
"It's so nice to meet you," Anna gushed, as she surprised Snow with a hug.
"It's wonderful to meet you too, but how do you know each other?" Snow asked curiously.
"Kristoff and I met years ago in the marketplace, both trying to sell goods there, in both realities, actually," David told her.
"But Anna and I met when she was passing through Misthaven. In the original time line, she actually taught me how to sword fight," he added.
"Wow…" Snow said with great interest.
"Yeah...and he kept saying he'd never be anything more than a shepherd, but I knew there was something about him," Anna replied. Snow smiled at her husband.
"You were definitely right," she agreed.
"I'm confused though. How do you have a daughter the same age?" Anna questioned. They chuckled.
"That's a long story, but it goes back to the first curse. We managed to get Emma into a magical wardrobe to escape the curse. We were all frozen in time, while she wasn't," Snow explained.
"So when that woman called you the Savior…" Elsa interjected curiously.
"Yeah...I broke the curse," Emma said.
"And you have magic?" Elsa asked.
"Sure do. True love's magic, actually. I'm still new to it, but I think I'm getting the hang of it," Emma replied, as she demonstrated by poofing a stuffed sheep into existence for her baby brother.
"Aww...it's a little sheep. Look sweetheart," Snow cooed to their infant. Elsa looked amazed by the whole thing.
"And your parents...don't fear your magic?" Elsa asked.
"Fear my magic?" Emma questioned in confusion.
"Of course not...we would never fear Emma. Her magic has saved and protected us," Snow answered.
"Yeah...and she kind of has it because of us. We share true love and that's why she has magic in the first place," David added.
"Are you okay?" Anna asked her sister. Elsa smiled.
"I'm fine...you're very lucky to have such wonderful parents, Emma," the Queen said kindly.
"I am," Emma agreed, as she smiled at them.
"Excuse me," Elsa said politely, as she went to get some air. Anna frowned.
"Is she okay?" Snow asked in concern.
"Yeah...it's just kind of a sad subject for us. You see...our parents feared Elsa's magic, because she couldn't always control it and it can be very destructive if it's unchecked," Anna explained.
"But that's not her fault," David said.
"I agree...but for years, they had her hide it, even from me. Then about three years after they died...it came out and our people feared her. But it wasn't her fault, because she couldn't control it," Anna explained.
"That's awful," Snow said.
"It was...but she learned to control it and we got past it...until…" Anna said, trailing off.
"Until?" David asked.
"Until Elsa found our mother's diary and in her last entry, she wrote that they were going to Misthaven in search of a powerful object they learned of that could take her powers away," Anna replied.
"Take her powers away?" David asked in disbelief.
"I know, it's terrible. Don't get me wrong...they loved us both very much. Their fear just ruled their decisions at times," Anna replied, not really having a good defense for her parents.
"I better go talk to Elsa," she said.
"Wait...maybe I can talk to her. I have magic...I know what it's like," Emma assured. David smiled at his daughter and patted her on the back, as she went to find the uncertain Queen.
"So...what's with the trio of terror over there?" Kristoff asked curiously.
"Oh...that a whole other story," David replied, as they began to explain that situation.
"Mind if I join you out there?" Emma asked, as she found Elsa in the gardens. Elsa smiled.
"Sure," she replied.
"Look...don't be mad at her, but Anna kind of told us what your parents were doing in Misthaven," Emma said. Elsa smiled.
"Discretion is not Anna's forte," she mused.
"Listen...I know how you feel," Emma assured.
"Sorry Emma, but it doesn't sound like your parents fear you at all and they seem to embrace your magic," Elsa replied.
"They do, but we've had our issues. See...I grew up alone in foster care, except that my grandmother, Persephone, got Morpheus to gift me and my parents with a magical dreamscape that allowed us to be together when we were asleep," Emma explained.
"Really?" Elsa asked. The other blonde nodded.
"Yes...otherwise, I probably would have grown up thinking that they just tossed me out on the side of the road and didn't want me," Emma replied.
"Wow…" Elsa said.
"Yeah...but it was still really rough when I was awake. Most of the foster homes were horrible and there was abuse. I know what it's like to be different. It made me really angry in my teen years and I took it out on my parents," Emma explained.
"Well, they don't seem to hold it against you," the Queen mentioned. Emma smiled.
"No...no matter how many horrible things I said to them or how much I yelled at them, they took it all and never got angry at me for it," Emma said.
"That's wonderful for you, Emma. I loved my parents too, but they were afraid of me," she said sadly.
"Maybe...but we're not afraid and you're not alone anymore," Emma reminded. Elsa smiled slightly.
"Seriously...your sister and brother-in-law know my dad, which means my mom is going to adopt them and you," Emma added, making Elsa chuckle.
"That actually sounds nice," she agreed.
"Come on...let's raid the food table. My step-grandfather did make sure there's a chocolate fountain and I never turn down the opportunity to gorge on junk food," Emma said.
"I adore chocolate," Elsa mentioned. Emma smiled.
"Then we're going to get along really well," she replied, as they went back inside.
David smiled down at their son, as Snow cradled him and they watched their friends dance. Emma was dancing with Neal, having surprised him that she knew how to ballroom dance, but then he had been reminded that David had gotten the pleasure of teaching her in the dreamscape. They were especially enjoying watching Regina dance with Henry though. She was slowly relaxing and accepting that revenge isn't what would make her happy.
"Why don't you two go dance. We can watch the baby," Persephone suggested, as she prepared to eagerly hold her grandson.
"Oh no...it's my turn," Hades interjected and Snow smiled, as she put him in her step-father's arms. Persephone frowned.
"Excuse me...but I think it's mine," she argued.
"No...you held him last and I haven't held him since this morning," he argued back. David shook his head and took his wife's hand, as led her onto the dance floor.
"At least we'll never be short on babysitters," he mentioned fondly.
"Not with six grandparents," she agreed, as he swept her into the rhythm of the current selection. Snow let the worries temporarily melt away, as he held her close and she rested her head against his shoulder.
"Yes...and since all the realms are united now, Papa Hades can get you a baby griffin to play with fairly easily," he cooed.
"We are not getting him a griffin," Persephone protested.
"He needs a pet. I had Cerberus…" Hades countered.
"Well, he has Wilby and if we get him anything else, it will be a Unicorn like we did for Snow," she responded. He smirked.
"Or...since you're the Goddess of the heavens now, we could get him a Pegasus," he tempted. She smirked.
"Okay, that's better. A Pegasus it will be," she cooed to him too.
"Seriously? A Pegasus?" Emma asked, as she returned with Elsa and Neal.
"You can have one too, sweetheart. We didn't get to spoil you growing up and we definitely have some gifts to make up for," Persephone replied. Emma smirked.
"That's more like it," she replied.
"I can't believe your grandparents are Persephone and Hades!" Elsa said in amazement. Emma snorted.
"Yeah, it's pretty weird sometimes," she replied, as she noticed the wistful look on the Queen's face.
"I know your parents probably loved you in their way, but they were wrong to make you feel like there was something wrong with you," she said. Elsa nodded.
"I know and I still have resentful feelings toward them at times, but I've mostly forgiven them. They were very misguided, but thought they were doing what was best," she replied.
"Good...because I happen to think your ice magic is wicked cool and I think you're going to find out that my parents will too," Emma said.
"They seem wonderful and it's so incredible that your father knows my sister and Kristoff," Elsa mentioned.
"Yep, which means they're family and so are you. And trust me, once my parents decide to adopt you into their circle, you're family forever," Emma assured. Elsa smiled.
"That sounds nice," she agreed. Unfortunately, that's where the peace and calm ended, as Leroy came running in.
"Terrible news!" he called.
Detective Landon Griffin had been wandering this strange little town all day and was even more bewildered than before. Especially with what was beyond the town. He was positive that he was in some kind of twilight zone now. Beyond the town, there was forests full of creatures and castles, with carriages that looked to be straight out of fairy tales. If that wasn't strange enough, the town, though seemingly modern, was strange as well. Especially when he happened upon a group of people, who seemed to be discussing how the Princess of the Underworld had just given birth to a demon baby. It was bizarre to say the least. He got his phone out and dialed a friend he still had at the bureau.
"Yeah Zach...it's Landon. Can you do me a favor and ping my phone?" he asked, as he went into the Inn. He decided that he might as well get a room while he was waiting and trying to figure all of this out.
"Yeah...give me a few," his friend said, as the former detective looked around in the lobby on the Inn, which looked like the decor hadn't been updated since the 1980's.
"Damn...what the hell is this place?" he muttered and became frustrated when it seemed like no one was monitoring the front desk. So he wandered around and meandered into the diner side of the establishment. There were a few people eating and it seemed to be open. It also looked like the decor hadn't been updated since the 1980's, but he was hungry and slid into a booth, while he waited.
"Hey Landon...you still there?" his friend Zach asked.
"Yeah…" he answered, as he perused a menu of typical diner items at absurdly cheap 1980's prices. He wasn't even sure how anyone could make a profit with these kinds of prices, let alone keep the doors open at all. It was probably why the decor was so outdated. He just hoped the food was decent.
"Uh...I'm not getting anything on your phone. Where are you?" Zach asked.
"I'm in Maine, near the coast in a really small, weird town," Landon responded.
"Not according to the readings on my end. I'm getting nothing on any towers in Maine," Zach responded. Landon glanced out the window and saw a cell tower in the near distance.
"That's impossible...I'm looking at a cell tower right now," he said in frustration.
"Sorry buddy...but I've got nothing. What's going on?" Zach asked.
"I'm not sure yet...but something really weird. I'll keep you posted," he replied, as he started hearing screams from outside. It managed to attract the attention of the other patrons in the diner and slowly everyone stepped out to see what the commotion was. And he scarcely could believe his eyes at what he was seeing. He watched in abject horror, as a teenaged looking boy in tattered green tinted clothes flew through the air and watched the people scatter in fear. But it wasn't just from him, as a shadowy figure swept through the streets. People ran and screamed and he found himself screaming, as he watched the shadowy creature literally rip something shadowy from a man. The man screamed in agony as he did it and then fell dead to the ground.
"What the hell is this…" he uttered, as he hid under a table on the patio and watched the spectacle with curious horror...
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kanon-mendi · 6 years
Anime Expo 2018 Story
I am finally back from Los Angeles and HOHOHO DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU!!!!! This year was the absolute BEST year from the last 3 that I’ve gone and I literally could not top any other year from now on. (7/11/18: it is 11:47 PM and i JUST finished this... :’D)
Day 0: Arrival and Pre-Show Night
This day was pretty long. The night before, I was confirming orders and receiving payments that pretty much kept me up for a while. Also, my mom’s friend who’s a priest was in town for the week to relax a little. I needed to stay up-to-date with everything. ANYWAYS, so that morning I woke up around 8 to finish packing. Now, sadly my Tokiya LS cosplay never arrived so I had to abandon my wig that I worked tirelessly for. I just brought with me the Camus cosplay that I had. My best friend had my contacts and I asked someone to make me the wig since I didn’t know if that was also gonna arrive on-time. I finished packing, and my mom took me to the airport. I realized that my flight was later than what I predicted so we waited there for maybe 20 minutes before I had to leave. Now, because of my Cafe experience last year, I was scared and told her to please pray for me since I didn’t want that experience to ruin my year. I boarded my flight and arrived to LA. Best part about it was that I got to sit in the near front (flying with Southwest) and got out of there super quick. Upon getting to LAX, I grabbed my bag and met with Aria and out friend Sally, who was a volunteer this week. Sally was going to take a shuttle to her hotel and we took a Lyft to our AirBnB. When we got to the place, it kinda didn’t look like the pics that we saw, but we sucked it up since it was close to the convention center. Now, I was VERY hungry since I didn’t have breakfast. Aria and I arranged so we could go to Curry House for our lunch. We had plenty of food before heading to our destination, the Los Angeles Convention Center. When we got there, we went to the premier lounge to pick up our swag and then to charge my phone because I forgot my portable charger at the AirBnB. I forget how long we stayed there, but after wards we went to the Entertainment Hall to look at what they had to show. Well.... it was only me that went first because Aria was somewhere else, I forget. Anyways, while I was down there, I saw the World Cosplay Summit costumes from 2003 and after and they look so. Damn. Cool. Like, if I had the right amount of patience for cosplaying, I would definitely do it, but I got frustrated just making a badge. Can’t imagine myself doing more. Then I went to the Wacom booth because I wanted to see their amazing tablets. I also wanted to know prices because I want a new tablet since I broke the stylus and charger out of yet another frustrated episode. Tbh, I’ve been wanting a Wacom tablet for years. However, I only tried them that night because of what you’re about to read later. So, because of that problem last year at the Cafe, Aria decided that it was best for her to go alone (please remember this for later in my story) to make sure that those involved weren’t there. While she was at the Cafe, I chilled out somewhere for about an hour and for the next hour or so, I waited for her to get out. While I was out there, I kept hearing things that really made me uneasy and I was starting to freak out like ‘should I really go there tomorrow’ but I kept myself distracted with Reiji’s current event so I won’t think about the anxiety I had. So when Ari was to get her picture taken, the doors had opened so anyone on the outside could see in because the show had ended. I saw Aria and told her to please hurry because it was almost midnight and I needed to sleep. I didn’t look inside very well, which was good for me in a way because I didn’t want to see what else was in there. As me and Aria were going back and forth, lo and behold the MC, who remembered who I was and was standing AT THE DAMN DOORWAY was all like “Come inside” and I said “No!!” and he was like “Why not?” and I said “Because no!!” and that’s where that little thing ended. When Aria came out of the Cafe, she told me that the people involved in my incident from last year aren’t there this year. Meaning that my celebratory dance from the week before kept going and when we went outside, I literally yelled “FREEDOM!!!!!!!” because I was so relieved that I was going to be fine this year. I was going to enjoy this con SO MUCH because of that news that I won’t have to hide my emotions. I am free of the curse I was going through for a year. I am safe.
Day 1: 20 Hours Awake
This was the day of the Boku no Hero Academia panel with Daiki Yamashita and others (Melissa and Dave Ifgorgettheirlastname VA’s were there). As a Premier Fan badge user, I could reserve my wristband for the panel days before online to just pick it up the day of the panel. However, because Aria didn’t reserve hers on-time, we had to literally arrive at the convention center around 4-5 am. At that time, there were already about 200 people lined up for the panel wristbands. I made line for priority entrance since I had nothing better to do. Anime Jungle didn’t bring anyone cool this year, so I just had more time to look around the place before going to the premier lounge and picking up my wristband. Aria was lucky enough to get hers so that way we could go together. As I was waiting at the priority entrance, staff took us all around the place WHERE because they didn’t know where exactly the first entrance was. Maybe 3 turns around the convention center to just get us back to our original line up place WHERE WE STARTED. I was borderline tired since I’ve been up since 4 and to be taken in circles was really hitting me in my ticked of spot. So, after we were in, I was talking to a few people in line and, let’s just say I made new friends. Aria met up with me later after she had gotten her wristband. So at first, we spent some time in the exhibition hall. I went to the KLab booth to play some Shining Live. It is actually kind of hard to play on a large screen, but I had fun trying all songs (except Mirai Chizu) and it was also very hard to get the S score with the cards they had, expecially with QN songs since there’s only 4 UR instead of 7 like Starish. I tried Poison Kiss and Force Live. Still couldn’t get the S score. At around 10 I headed to the premier lounge to get my wrist band. Now, one cool thing I found that was a great addition to the Expo, it was that badge scanner feature. Meaning, if you don’t have a badge, there’s almost no way for you to be let in. It was great. That also included the Premier badge entrance. After getting the wristbands, we headed down to the west hall cafeteria tp grab something to eat before lining up for the BnHA panel. After eating, we went to line up and curse me for waiting.
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ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE JUST FOR PREMIER ENTRANCE!!!!! It was absolutely crazy. Staff was great for getting us lined up and getting us in. Once we got inside, we were lucky to get seats near the front. I think we were on the 4th row. Anyways, when the panel started, they reminded us of no photo or video, which makes sense since there’s a lot of spoilers. The movie itself was AMAZING and the cast was so nice. I felt so cool amongst the thousands of fans. There were approximately 3000 fans IN THAT ROOM so y’all have an idea of how packed it was. Though what was weird is that there was an extra seat right next to me. so there could’ve been more that could go in. Anyways, getting out was much tougher because of the many people that packed up the place. We went back to the exhibition hall because we needed to pick up colored contacts for our cosplays. I have some blue ones that could work for both Camus and Tokiya. But here’s a big downer. I ordered my Tokiya SL costume June 5th. I put on the website that I needed it by July 2nd,  July 3rd at the most. On their website it said 7-12 days to make and 4-7 days for shipping. In total, it shouldve taken no more than 25 days to make and ship. BOI WAS I WRONG!!! June 25th is when I sent my first email to them saying if my costume was ready. They tell me not.
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Then by June 28th, I tell them again if my costume is ready to be shipped because typically when a customer says they need it at a certain day, that should put a little pressure. Ho no. They tell me that the costume is not yet ready and they will tell me when it’s shipped out. JULY 2ND I TELL THEM I NEED TO CHANGE THE ADDRESS BECAUSE IT NEVER ARRIVED IN MY HOMETOWN IN NEVADA and they tell me it’s possible to change and I did. JULY 4TH!!! THE DAMN DAY OF MY FUCKING TRIP IS WHEN THEY TELL ME THAT MY COSTUME IS ON THE WAY!!!!! HOE, I AINT WAITING THAT LONG!!!
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When I recieved that DHL email, I IMMEDIATELY changed the shipping so it arrives at the Reno office so I could pick it up because I was that done with the fucking company. BACK TO ANIME EXPO!!!!! After the Exhibition hall, we went to the Premier lounge just to relax and Aria wanted to go to Cybird’s panel. While she was there, I relaxed and went down to the Entertainment hall once more. After that, I forget what else we did and then we lined up to go to the Butler Cafe at 9:30. That was our original plan to go because I remember from previous years that they like inviting fans onstage for their birthday and I was to yell out that Aria’s birthday was in 6 months and if that counted. So we get there, and while we’re in line, Aria tells me “Hey, get a picture with Akashi. He was the host at my table and is a ton of fun.” I was like alright, a replacement!! We get inside and the guys at our table were Jiro and Takkan (?). They were the definition of fun. They literally gave us a fun time and I really wanted them at least to host my table one more time. Yes, it was that fun. Highlight of the night was when the butler dancers danced “DNA” by BTS with the original choreography and “Talk Dirty” by Jason Derulo. Now, please take in mind that “Talk Dirty” was used in the first AMV I saw of Voltage CGs. I literally died inside because I didn’t expect them to take it that far. It was fun tho!! I got the FB batch of orders, took my picture with Akashi, who was super cool cuz we talked about BnHA and was really kind. Good person.
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Then I went to take my picture with the cosplayer Voltage used (insta: https://www.instagram.com/th3lazyn1nja/)
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Weird part of that Voltage experience was that there were these girls WHO WERE LITERALLY FLIRTING WITH HIM AND I WAS SHOOK LIKE never in my years in life would I go that far with a stranger, HAHA NOPE. Aria tried to do a reverse kabe-don on him but failed miserably. Also remember this for later in the story. We left the Cafe and once outside, I again screamed FREEDOM because that experience was better than the last 2 years.
Day 2: Meeting Maeno
This was a blessed day for me. Tomoaki Maeno is probably the longest-running celebrity crush I’ve had. Now, I usually am not 100% open with these things because I respect their work and I respect their space, which is why I buy their stuff and watch their works to express my love for them. The day I heard that he was coming to Anime Expo, I flipped out and actually cried. Luckily I had no make-up on yet (it was my bro’s graduation) so I BLASTED Aurora and other Maeno songs I have on my computer. I called Aria so we could cry together. BACK TO AX We got up around 4 again to prepare for Maeno’s appearance that day. I did my efforts to look like Camus but I was so scared to put on the contacts. I would do it eventually, but at the moment, I just couldn’t because I hate things in my eyes and I’m super sensible to that stuff. I woke up a little earlier than Aria so I could shower, put my corset on, do my make-up and help Aria style her wig to make her look like a female version of Lupin from Code: Realize. I told her to keep her hair up since she planned on going original for the other half of the day. Before I forget, as I was getting ready and Aria was in the shower, I was watching Shunsuke Takeuchi go live on Instagram. He was promoting his new song with the unit AMADEUS. I left one comment that said, “Hello from America!!” and he replied with “Hello!! (waves) From Japan!!” which honestly made my morning and told me that I was gonna have a good day. Anyways, after we were both ready, I headed down to the convention center to start making the premier line for the Cells at Work panel, which is where Maeno was to appear. I also had to meet up with a lovely person that I asked if they could custom make my wig. I paid them for the wig order and for the design so all I had to do was pick it up and put it on. I waited inside the whole time because that day it reached around 104* outside. No way in hell would I stand outside in that weather. So anyways, it was about an hour waiting inside for the wig to come. I didn’t mind because that whole time, I was writing Maeno’s letter. I literally spilled everything I had to tell him because I really felt it was finally my time to confess to someone. I literally didn’t tell him I loved him and wish to be with him. Again, I respect an artists’ space and wouldn’t want them to know that since they’re told that same thing by many other obsessed fans. To shorten it up, I told him that I’ve been a fan for years and will always support him in his work. After getting my wig, I just played a couple rounds of Reiji’s event in Shining Live. I was top 100 this whole time and really wanted to keep my ranking. Here’s where things get a little meh. The panel was supposed to start at 11, meaning they needed to let us in around 10:30-10:45. I was getting worried because Aria was taking forever at the post office since she needed to pick up some CDs she ordered in case Maeno signed our own items. I kept telling her that it would be a little late for the panel since the staff kept saying it was capped and that no one else was allowed to get in line. The premier line kept getting bigger and general entrance was shortening. Men and women alike were filling the LP4 line area. It wasn’t until 11:45 when Aria FINALLY arrived and I said “We’re gonna be in there when it’s supposed to end.”
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It was about 12:15 when we could FINALLY go inside the panel and they were STILL having technical difficulties. I was VERY patient because I REALLY needed to see Maeno. Panel didn’t start till about 12:30 ish. So the MC was really cool and made us feel like we weren’t abandoned. After she got us all warmed up, the moment of truth came. I really didn’t expect it to go so fast and, pretty much at an instant is when Maeno was invited onto the floor. When she said to give the warmest welcome to Tomoaki Maeno, I. Lost it. I had tears in my eyes, they just didn’t drip down because my body was conscious that I had make-up on and didn’t want to ruin it for that perfect person. He was literally so relaxed and so sweet to us. I honestly couldn’t find a better day to be alive. After his little intro, he got us hype for the “Cells at Work” episode. It was so funny and every time White Cell came on the screen, the audience would lose it. That included myself, which I think was the loudest of all. After the episode ended, Maeno was invited back and 3 different producers were also invited on the stage. They talked about the show and how much effort they put on it and wanted to bring as much authenticity to the series. I’m so glad I understood a lot of it or else I would’ve cheered at the wrong time. Now, most of the time I was super distracted cuz I was staring at Maeno the whole time. I just didn’t want to take my eyes of him for a single second. He’s just so beautiful in person.
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Towards the end of the panel, 3 lucky people would receive a huge posted SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY MAENO HIMSELF!!!! I was a little hopeful that they would call my number, but considering my super bad luck in any raffle of any kind, I didn’t win. I was happy though that Maeno came close every time. Which just seeing him made me happy. When the panel finished, I sped out of there to the signing because 1, my friend dropped her gloves to her Cardia cosplay (not Aria, she was Lupin) and 2, I needed a good spot for Maeno’s signing. We waited there less than 40 minutes. In that time, Aria tried again to go to the post office to get her things, though I kept telling her it was no use since Aniplex had given us posters to have signed. She left either way. While in line, I was talking to the people around me and made some really good friends and got to see some old friends. BEFORE I FORGET TO MENTION!!!!!! So, in order to get a ticket to Maeno’s signing, you would’ve had to attend the talk show at the Aniplex booth in the Exhibition Hall. When I attended, they briefly talked about what we were expecting and how to get the tickets. I was near the stage and I was lucky enough to be one of the first to get that ticket.
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BACK TO DAY 2 So we’re waiting in line and we’re going on and on about Maeno and all of a sudden, the girls I was talking to say “Look!!” and I turn around and there he is. Majestic as Camus was Tomoaki Maeno himself on his way to the table. I let out a little scream and waved at him. No one else but us turned around to see him. I let Aria know that Maeno was now at the tables and that he would be signing soon. No more than 3 minutes later, Aria arrived to meet us in line and prepare herself for Maeno. There’s a friend I met back in 2016 that had her 5th Stage book with Suwabe’s signature from when he came. She was WAITING for the right moment to get another UtaPri seiyuu to get it signed. Sadly, they only let us have the Cells at Work posters signed. To me, it was okay because I didn’t care what he signed, as long as I had a memoir of meeting him. The line was moving fast as some didn’t have much to say to Maeno. As it was coming to my turn, I had girls tell me to calm down and breathe cuz I was almost in tears. Then it was my turn. I gathered all my courage from my fat little self and went up to Maeno. He gave me a little chuckle cuz I think he enjoyed my little Camus cos that I put together. I told him hello and he replied with the cutest voice ever. I REMEMBER IT SO WELL!!!! I gave him my poster and he went to sign it. He told me that the ink was still wet, to be careful if I touch it. I told him okay and thank you. He told me thank you and I gathered more courage to tell him that I loved him very much. BLESS ME MORE THAT DAY BECAUSE HE TOLD ME THAT HE LOVED ME TOO!!!!!! I know that’s something he would only tell a fan, but it made me so happy inside that when Aria came back, I cried on her shoulder, I wad that happy. I am feeling emotional now as I’m writing this. Aria stayed in line to talk to a few others that had awesome UtaPri merch, who I got to interact with as well. There was one girl who had the whole Prince Team itabag and parka. She literally traveled to Los Angeles that day just to meet Maeno. Kudos to her. I got to hug her Aqua (she let me) because before the signing, I could not calm down. We left the signing and stayed at the premier lounge the whole night. This is my autograph from Maeno.
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Aria went to the Sword Art Online that night and I didn’t want to go because I was so exhausted. We made jokes that day that Maeno took all my positive energy to go about his day. Tbh, if that was true, I wouldn’t mind it at all because he needed that energy to feel all the love we fans have for him. So, according to Aria, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was very nice and cute to. **This photo was apparently okay to take since they never specified the “No Photo/Video” rule according to Aria.
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I don’t know the details on that panel so please ask her (@sweetaria98) for those details for that panel. After that panel, we went outside and bOI WAS IT A MISTAKE!!!!! It was 94 outside and I was DYING of the heat. Aria had a few things to do with a friend (which i never really understood why) but I was sweating from the heat and I personally thought it was the parking garage since I felt it cooler walking away from there BUT NO!! While waiting for the Lyft to come, I WAS DYING!!!! We got back to the AirBnB and Aria went for food a little after that and we ate dinner around midnight. I was sweaty.
Day 3: Loosen Up
So we weren’t really worried too much that day since all I had to do that day was shop for the remaining items from the orders. I did, however, also happen to buy an afternoon Butler Cafe with the $50 discount code that I never used since Anime Expo never sent me that information. Aria cosplayed Otoya from Legend Star that day.
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I just love how she looked that day and I’m VERY proud on how the make up and wig turned out. I bought the wig 2 months ago while I was still living in LA and I styled it once I got here. Though I couldn’t do much to the wig since the power in our room didn’t work that night or day. ANYWAYS So after buying 3 orders from tumblr, it was time to head to the Cafe. The plan was for me and Aria to go since it was the only time we could since Day 4 we had the AoT panel with Yuki Kaji. Aria was sadly late to buy her ticket and blamed me for not telling her but I also blamed her for not getting it while she could ONLINE. So I went to that Cafe alone (remember this for later). I actually had a blast that day. I went in with a bunch of people who were young and old alike and it was their first time. For me, it was my second time going in the afternoon, but if y’all remember last year, it was a shit year the first time. So it was good that I went alone and in the afternoon. I was punished like 2 or 3 times because of I forget what game. The guys at my table REALLY made it enjoyable and I had fun with their company. My first punishment that I got was that I had to do a Dragonball scream to the crowd and the second punishment was that I had to give a candle to another butler and tell him “You are the light in my life.” and the actor in me tried to make it so believable that everyone could enjoy that little show. Best part of that afternoon was when the emcee was asking for those who would like to be taken onstage for a special performance. Now, I silently (but made sure some heard) said that it’s been 3 years since I’ve been to their show and was never invited onstage. THAT COMMENT ALONE BEAT OUT A BIRTHDAY GIRL AND I FELT TERRIBLE!!!!!! In fact, I still feel terrible. After their little performance I came off the stage and they finished their act with I forget which songs. At the end of the Cafe, I took pictures with the guys at my table which were Shinomiya and Ryoga. Now, Ryoga left me with a little bug since he kept saying he remembered me from somewhere. I said that it’s my 3rd year at the cafe and if that’s where he knew me. For some reason, I got the impression that we might’ve known each other from somewhere else. I let it slide since I didn’t want to ask more details. Here’s my picture.
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Wee. MOVING ON!! So after the Cafe, we go shopping for a little more at the Exhibition Hall and I went to this booth by KLab that had ALL the UtaPri games for Vita and PSP. I only bought Amazing Aria/Sweet Serenade and Music 3 with a Camus towel and charm. That there was about $150 and I didn’t want to buy Repeat Love since I was running out of money and I needed to buy the last order. So, Exhibition Hall closes and we head to the premier lounge to literally rest because we’ve been walking almost everywhere. Before I forget, so before we headed to the premier lounge, Aria ALMOST lost her premier badge. It is a $125 replacement if she actually did lose it. She didn’t really go anywhere except for one booth with I7 stuff and the Cybird booth. She was lucky enough that someone had put it on the edge of the stage at the booth and it was confirmed that it was actually her badge. Back to the story. So Aria changed out of her cosplay into something a little more comfy for her while I put on a sweater since I was FREEZING in that lounge. We waited until 8:30 so she can accompany me to the 18+ one where I was going alone. Now, remember how I said to pay attention tho those “alone” in bold, here’s why. So our friend Sally is a volunteer at Anime Expo. She pretty much has access to ANY panel she wants as long as it fits her schedule. She had just finished that day and I asked if she could hold this HUGE bag of things from the orders I got. She said she would put it in HQ in West Hall, which was in front of the Premier Lounge. I thank her so much for that favor because it was a HUGE bag and I couldn’t bring it with me to the Cafe. Alright. As I’m in line for the cafe, I’m getting nervous because it was the last night of the cafe and I thought I was alone. BOI WAS I WRONG!!!! Now, I’m not gonna say what happened that night because of how crazy it got (ask me for details later) but right before the performances, I see Sally out of the corner of my eye. My thoughts went from “YAS BEST NIGHT EVER” to “WTF HOW DID SHE GET IN?!?!?!?!” in 3 seconds. I ignored that little bit because I thought “Alright, it’s just sally, how bad can it get.” HOHOHOHOHOHOHO WAS I WRONG!!!!! At the end of the Cafe when I’m going for my 2018 worthy Cafe picture, ARIANNA WAS AT THE DAMN TABLE TOO AND I LOST MY TEMPER!!!!! I WAS LIVID BECAUSE I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER THAT I NEEDED THAT NIGHT ALONE TO SEE IF I COULD FIND CLOSURE TO MY CURSE THAT’S BEEN AT ME FOR 368 DAYS AND IT WOULD NOT LEAVE ME ALONE AND SHE DECIDED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SALLY’S PASS AND LET HER LITTLE ASS IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y’know, I’m still livid with it. I calmed myself down, took my picture, and left.
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Yes, I was that shook at the moment of my picture. Not from Ari, but the performance in general. Anyways, as we’re getting out, I tell Sally to give me my stuff back please so we could leave. We left the convention center and I did not want to speak to Ari for not respecting my space when I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER to please leave me alone that night. We just said small talk and she got the Uber for us to go home that night. It was midnight.
Day 4: Last Day and Kaji
This day, I wanted to arrive at the hour that the Exhibition Hall opened because I needed to pick up my wristband for the AoT panel and also to buy that last order of merch that I needed to get. We headed straight to the premier lounge and then headed straight for the exhibition hall so I could buy that stuff. It was around 10 that we got there so I was in a hurry. This is when I realized something that worried me Voltage charged me almost 30% tax in every purchase. When I wanted to buy that last bit of things, I had less than $200 on my bank account. The total for something that was only supposed to be $150? They charged me $195. The person payed I think $160 (I don’t have my notebook at the moment to clarify) for the stuff and my service and HOHOHO BOI WAS I LIVID!!!! I realized that I didn’t have money now for my Lyft to the hotel for Aria and Sally and for my ride to the airport. What ended up happening is that I used what was my last $100 in cash to pay half of that payment and the rest on my card and didn’t buy anything else for the rest of the con. That also included food since it’s SUPER expensive at the convention center. I only bought some chips that morning with $2 in cash that I had from previous food purchases. Aria got them for me from a vending machine. So, we lined up for the AoT panel around 10. I was again playing Shining Live to catch up on the event to stay top 100. I hadn’t spent a single dime on the event during AX which was great. I only purchased $20 in prisms and that was at the beginning of the event. Aria went to this auction where they were selling things up to $2k probably. We don’t know cuz we didn’t stay there. We started going in around 11:30 I think since the panel started at 12. We go in and had a good seat at the front. As we were going in, they were giving out Levi and Eren pins to us. I got Levi, Aria got Eren. The panel was great, season 3 is gonna be quite a thriller for fans and I bet y’all that the OP is gonna be AMAZING if X-Japan is involved. Btw, the thing that’s pissing me off so much is that someone had the downright NERVE to take a picture of the panel when it was STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND THEY EVEN TOLD US THAT IT WAS TO BE THAT WAY!!!!!!!! Luckily they respected the BnHA but not with Yuki Kaji in that room. Anyways, Kaji was so cute and he seemed to really get along with Bryce and they both have a lot in common which is great. So after the panel, we realize that we have time to make it to the very last butler cafe show. Aria didn’t want to go since she thought it was too late and I also wanted to see if just in case that booth still had Repeat Love, which they didn’t. So at the Exhibition Hall, I wandered around a lot since I needed a new portable charger and saw that NO BODY had any to sell and the Cheero place wasn’t there this year. TTnTT So, I got bored and then decided to meet up with Aria at the Cybird booth to see what they were doing. At the booth, they were saying so many announcements and Hiroto was really nice to the fans, however time was running out. Most of you know the announcements so I’m not gonna say, but congrats to those girls who won the cut-outs of the boys from their Ikemen series. One more giveaway was done and that was to get a special picture of Hiroto as Isaac Newton (?) from Ikemen Vampire, which I’m VERY excited for because I have a thing for Vampire stories (thanks a lot DiaLovers). We played a huge group round of Rock Paper Scissors and a lot of us beat Hiroto. It was less than 50 which was great. Because time was running out, I didn’t get my photo with him this year. I mean, it’s okay since like, it was about 5 minutes from closing. After i got my prize signed by Hiroto, we left the exhibition hall and headed to the closing ceremony. We waited there for a little bit. I bought some chicken strips with my last little bit of cash and me and aria shared the tater tots. The closing ceremony was great, but I liked last years better. This one I felt too brief and just wasn’t enough. It was still fun though. After the closing ceremony, we left to the AriBnB and called it yet another year in the books.
SO THAT WAS MY ANIME EXPO 2018 STORY!!! I hope you all enjoyed it!! I tried to make it as interesting as possible with as much memory as I have from it because I felt it all go so fast. Honestly, this year was such a blessing that I don’t think any year will top this. VIDEOS BY ARIA WILL BE POSTED IN A FEW WEEKS/MONTHS!! :D I’ll be contacting the people who ordered from me soon... :’D
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pricefieldrulesall · 7 years
A Pricey Christmas Catastrophe: Chapter 2
Chapter 2- The Switch
The sun began to rise on the morning of December 22nd, and Max, in Chloe’s body, was curled up on Chloe’s bathroom floor, knees tucked right up to her chest, arms wrapped around her knees and she was rocking herself back and forth. Her breathing was quick and quivering.
“W-What the hell is happening?” Max asked aloud, “Is this another messed up evolution of my powers? First I can rewind time, now I can become someone else entirely?!”
Then a thought occurred to Max, “Wait! If I’m here… In Chloe’s body… Does that mean that… She’s back in Seattle… in my body?!”
Horrified at the thought, Max quickly ran back to Chloe’s room and desperately searched for Chloe’s phone. Tossing items out of the way, but it wasn’t gonna be an easy task.
“How the hell can Chloe find anything in this mess?!” Max complained aloud as she continued to search drawers, under Chloe’s bed and under clothes littered all over the floor of Chloe’s incredibly messy and unorganized room.
She finally found it in the pair of pants Chloe must’ve worn that day. She quickly checked the time, it was 7:30 am. “I hope Chloe’s awake…” prayed Max as she dialled in her cellphone number, which felt extremely weird to do.
Max paced around Chloe’s room, breathing in and out heavily as Chloe’s phone continued to ring. She stopped and looked at herself in the reflection of Chloe’s big stand up mirror. She tilted her head side to side, just to make sure the reflection of herself in Chloe’s body was real… It was.
Finally, the line was picked up, “Hellooooo?” A voice answered cheerfully. Max’s heart skipped a beat, her mind blown. It was her own voice!
“Chloe! Chloe Price, is that you?!”
“No, this is Max Caulfield. Who’s this?” the voice replied with a slight snicker at the end.
“You’re not Max, I am!” Max shouted in Chloe’s voice.
“Are you sure about that? Have you looked in the mirror lately? I know I have and I can tell you one thing for certain, I’m Max Caulfield now!” Chloe shouted triumphantly in Max’s voice.
“Oh, you evil bitch, you’re loving this aren’t you, Chloe?” Max asked annoyedly.
“Hella enjoying it, Chloe Price!”
“Chloe, stop! This is serious! What the hell are we going to do about this?!” Max asked worriedly, “I-I can’t be you and you can’t be me forever! It’s-it’s just not right!”
“I dunno about that, I could get used to this!” Chloe said in Max’s voice. Meanwhile, she was in Max’s room, standing in front of a bedroom mirror, and admiring herself in Max’s body. She was wearing black leggings and a green and red hand-knitted Christmas sweater with reindeer and Santa’s sleigh on the front, “You have a wicked nice house, Max! A huge room all to yourself, your fridge is stocked to the brim with food, all kinds of goodies in the cupboards, and freaking Satellite TV in every room?! You’re Hella lucky, Max!” Chloe complimented.
“Chloe, please just help me figure all this out! I mean what the actual hell happened to us?!”
“What’s there to figure out?” Chloe asked as she laid back in Max’s bed, crossed one leg over the other and munched on a Christmas cookie, “I got my Christmas wish!”
“Your what?!” Max asked in shock, “You wished for this?!”
“Sure did!” Chloe replied excitedly, “When you left, all I wished for was that you could see what kind of situation you actually left me in, and now you can!”
“So… This isn’t because of my powers then is it?”
“Oh, That reminds me!” Chloe responded energetically as she said sat back up and swung her legs over the side of Max’s bed, “Have you noticed anything… missing at all?”
“What?” Max asked in confusion, then she clued in and slowly raised her right hand while looked at the reflection of herself as Chloe in the mirror. Then, she concentrated and attempted to use her rewind powers… But nothing happened.
“What?! No way! I don’t have any powers anymore?!”
“Nope!” Chloe replied, “hang on one second.”
Chloe then picked up the plate of cookies from off of Max’s bed and then tossed it like a frisbee hard at the nearby wall, shattering it into a dozen pieces. She smiled and then raised her right hand and time began to reverse, the plate reforming, the cookies coming back onto the plate and then spinning backwards as time continued to reverse back. The plate of cookies then settled into place back on the bed in its original position.
“Yes!” Chloe shouted triumphantly as she pumped her fist in victory.
“Yes, what?” Max asked on the other end of the line.
“It seems we switched more than just bodies, I’ve got your powers too!” Chloe replied excitedly.
“Oh no! Chloe, be careful with my powers, you don’t know how dangerous they can be!” Max pleaded urgently.
“Relax! I’m not going to travel back in time or anything. But this really helps me solve one problem; If I’m not ‘Maxine’ enough to your parents or family, I can just rewind and try again! I bet you’ve done that hundreds of times with other people, haven’t you, Max?”
“Well… That’s true, yes…”
Suddenly, Max could hear the front door to Chloe’s house open up. Someone was home!
“Oh no! Chloe! Your parents are home! What do I do?!” Max whispered in sheer panic.
“Beats me,” Chloe replied plainly, “Guess you’ll just have to 'Price’ it up with my mom and Step Douch David for now. And remember, you can’t simple rewind to get out of awkward moments!”
“Chloe! Help! You can’t just leave me here like this!”
“Relax, you’ve got this!” Chloe said encouragingly, “Just don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do. And definitely don’t do anything that I would do, cuz you’d be pure shit at that and they’d know something was up. But if all else fails, just blame it on the weed they know I smoke or should I say that you smoke, Chloe Price!”
“That’s it?! That’s all the help you’re going to give?”
“Hey, let’s just say it’s Payback time, little miss Caulfield!”
Just then, there was a knock on the bedroom door, “Chloe? Sweetie, are you awake already? You left the bathroom light on!” said Joyce’s voice on the other end of the door.
“Shit! Your mom is here!” Max whispered into the receiver.
“Well, I wish you all the best of luck then! Oh and have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Chloe Price!” And the line clicked and the dial tone followed soon after, leaving Max stunned and unable to believe that Chloe had just hung up on her.
“Is this what abandonment feels like?” Max asked softly as she let go of the phone and it landed against the floor boards loudly.
“Chloe?! Is everything ok? Can you please just answer me already, sweetie! Please can I just come in?” Joyce said as she repeatedly knocked on the bedroom door.
Max’s heart raced in fear, but she had to do something, “Uh… Y-yeah, mom, everything’s ok! I-I just fell out of bed. Just give me a second.”
And Max turned out the lights and quickly climbed back into Chloe’s bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She turned into her side and breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly to calm herself. She had to act, talk and think like Chloe from now on. She then looked toward the door, “O-ok… Mom… You can come in now.”
Then slowly, the doorknob began to turn. Max’s heart beat so hard that she could hear each thump deeply within her, Chloe’s ears, sweat forming on her brow and under her nose. Then slowly, inch by inch, the door began to creak open, light from the hallway spilling into Chloe’s dark room, “Chloe?” Joyce’s mom asked as she started coming into view, this was it…
“Chloe? Is everything ok? You’re certainly up early for a change?” Joyce asked as she strolled over to Chloe’s bedside. She was dressed in her waitress uniform and she smelled like home cooking from the two whales diner.
“Yeah, I’m ok, Mom.” Max thought about what to say next? What could Chloe have said? “I’m just feeling… Hella sick.”
Joyce then knelt down, brushed the hair away from her forehead and lovingly held her forehead against Chloe’s. “Hmmm, well you do feel a little warm. And you do look kind of… Off today? Do I need to take you to the doctors? I can take you right now if you need it?”
“Wow, Joyce really loves her daughter…” Max thought to herself. She then shook her head, “No, I think I’ll just go back to sleep, Mom. Thanks for asking though… It’s Hella sweet of you.”
“Alright, sweetie. You rest up and I hope you feel better.” Joyce said as she stood back up, turned and headed for the door. “Do you want me to cook you anything before I go to bed?”
“No, you worked hard enough at the diner. I’ll be fine. Goodnight, mom.”
Joyce smiled, “Goodnight, sweetie and Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas to you too, Mom!”
Joyce then exited the room and closed the door. As she did, Max began to slowly sit upright in bed.
“Joyce didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary? Maybe I can do this? Maybe I can get through Christmas time as Chloe Price!” Max thought hopefully!
She also prayed that this holiday magic spell of Chloe’s would wear off after the holidays? Because even now, she missed her real family and friends and home in Seattle. She wondered what they were doing now? And would Chloe be able to fool the Caulfield family just as easily?
Lastly, she prayed extra hard that Chloe didn’t do anything to embarrass herself or make Max look like a fool in front of her whole family over Christmas Holidays…
*second chapter @themooseofanna
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geekofmanyforms · 4 years
New Beginning  Chapter Fifteen
A/N: Please, let me know what ya think of the development between Elara and Damon. When I write I only plan out the basics of my story line, the rest just flows from me. So, sometimes what happens comes as a surprise to even me. Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter, you all rock! Keep it up, please. It helps me understand how the story and Elara are being perceived I want to make sure that everyone understands who she is and her history. This chapter has been edited by my wonderful Beta Casey.
I pulled into Caroline's driveway my eyes swimming with tears. I could barely breath, every intake of breath came with a strangled moan of pain. I gripped the steering wheel forcefully, my knuckles turning a pinkish white. Slowly, I let go and lifted my hand, striking the wheel over and over, screaming until my throat felt like it was blistering. I'm not sure how long I sat there before I heard the door open beside me, but suddenly I was no longer alone. I leaned into Caroline’s embrace her hair sticking to my wet face.
"Oh, sweety, what happened? Elena called to make sure you were here and I looked outside to find you like this," she whispered holding me tightly against her chest.
I shook my head wildly, gasping out a wet cry, soaking her shirt with my tears. I clenched my fist tightly, trying to control the torrent of tears that refused to stop. Caroline reached behind my seat and pulled my bag past us, sitting it on the ground outside.
"Ok, let's get inside. We don't wanna freak out my mom," she said, gently wrapping her arms around my chest.
I let her pull me from the car, keeping my face on her shoulder, needing her comfort like I needed air. Everything was catching up with me, Vicki, Damon, and Jeremy. It was all too much. I kept my arms wrapped around Caroline's waist as she led me into her darkened house.
"Moms in her room for the night. So, try to stay quiet. Bonnie is in my room though, she decided to spend the night, lucky right," she whispered.
I didn't have the strength to make a sound. Normally, I would have scoffed at the serendipitous turn of events, but all I could think about were my last words to Elena. They had been cruel. Caroline opened the door to her room and Bonnie rushed to our side, her arms outstretched.
"Oh my god! What happened to her?" she asked, looking me over.
She pulled my hair out of my face and ran her thumbs over my puffy eyes. I sniffled pitifully and tried to keep the waterworks at bay. "She did it. She took them from him. She didn't even ask for his permission," I said my voice raw.
I looked at both of them and slowly walked to Care's bed very reminiscent of a zombie. I plopped down and raised my hand closing my fingers against my palm. The door swung closed swiftly, Caroline's hair floated around her in the breeze it left behind. She squealed loudly, her face coloring pink. I turned my head and watched her closely, this would determine the rest of our friendship, it would make or break us. I could have handled things better, but to be honest, I had no strength left in me to coddle anyone else.
Caroline backed away from me slowly, her pink cotton nightgown bunching up around her thighs, she hit the wall and her hair frizzed out around her, almost looking as panicked as she did. She looked between me and Bonnie, who stood off to the side of the room, her hands firmly at her side gripping her blue shorts tightly, and pointed her manicured finger at me. "You did that with your hand," she stated firmly.
I blinked twice, giving her a minute to think and nodded. "Wanna see something else?" I asked twirling my finger around and around like Matilda, with a smile.
Caroline placed her palms on the wall behind her and pushed herself forward, stepping closer to me. "You can do more?" she hesitantly asked.
I stayed seated, treating her like a mare, I didn't want to startle her. "Yes, I can. I'm a witch, Caroline. One of the first witches ever created," I said.
Bonnie stepped closer to me and sat down on the bed near my knees. "One of the first? How is that possible" she asked in confusion, her face incredulous?
I patted the spot on the other side of me and Caroline slowly sat down. I leaned my head against Care's shoulder and smiled so brightly my cheeks hurt when she placed her cheek on my head. So far so good.
"Well to be completely cliche. It all started with a love story," I said with a long-suffering sigh.
The next two hours were spent filling Caroline and Bonnie in on my entire story; minus the Original Vampires, Nik's curse, and Katherine, some things were better left till later. When all was finally said I threw myself backward and landed with a loud 'humph' of breath. Both girls remained seated where I had left them. I looked at Caroline's popcorn plastered ceiling and let my mind wander, making shapes while they processed all the information I had given them. Hell, it's a lot to take in. Caroline placed a hand on my knee and I tried not to go stiff with the stress of the moment.
"So, Damon and Stefan are Vampires? And you were once engaged to a human Damon?" Caroline asked laying down next to me.
I turned my head and brushed my hair out of the way so I could look at her. "Yes, and Yes. Also, Stefan doesn't drink from humans, and Damon is an ass, yes, but deep down he is still a good man," I said, not completely sure if I still believed that.
Her eyes filled with tears and she sniffled loudly. "I am so sorry, Ellie! I totally broke girl code!" she cried cuddling up close to me.
I shook my head lightly and kept still. What was happening? How was she not scared? Then it hit me. Damon had still not fixed his little compulsion trick. Dammit. I hugged Care and kissed her head laughing. "Caroline, that was centuries ago. It's ok, I forgive you," I laughed.
Bonnie laid on my other side and looked at me. Her face was serious. "Damon needs my necklace. He tried to take it tonight," she quietly said.
I leaned my head to her shoulder. "I know. You need to speak to Emily. She can tell you why," I said.
Bonnie's eyes widened and she nodded slowly. "I can't believe Elena did that to you and Jeremy, but she really was only doing what she thought was best El," Bonnie whispered.
I turned my head from her and rolled over. I didn't want to hear anyone defend her right now. "I don't want to talk about Elena, ok. Please," I told them both.
There was silence and I let out a sigh of peace. "Watch this, Care Bear," I said into the silence.
I lifted my hand and placed my thumb and finger together, with a quick snap her room fell into darkness, except for the faux stars that covered her ceiling. We all looked up at the colorful lights that fluttered across her ceiling just as the stars did the night sky.
"How?" she gasped in awe.
I looked at her face and watched the awestruck expression shine in her blue eyes. I wanted to capture this moment and preserve it in my memories. I would need it when I could no longer have her. She watched the stars twinkle, her pale skin blue in the starlight. These were the moments that made it so impossible to let go, to allow the curse to take effect. As they watched the stars I watched Caroline. In the many centuries, I had lived I had found many friends, but Caroline was different. She was faithful and loved me no matter what. She had found me when I had locked myself away, trying to just get by until the end, and she had forced me to live. She had saved me when no one else could. I would miss her and the idea of never seeing her again was like losing a part of me. I felt something slide into my hand and looked down to find Bonnie's hand in mine. I looked into her green eyes and felt tears spill down my face.
"Magic," Bonnie said.
I laid my head on Caroline's shoulder as a shooting star passed across her ceiling and closed my eyes.
"Magic," I whispered.
We all watched the stars in comfortable silence for a while, which naturally, Caroline was the first to break. "What does it feel like, having this sort of power?" Caroline turned her head and looked into my eyes. Her face was blazing with curiosity. "Do you feel all powerful and badass all the time, like, untouchable?" she whispered reverently. I took her hand in mine and ran my finger across her silver bracelet, the heart clinking against my fingernail.
"There's something you need to understand, Care," I said leaning onto my elbow and looking down at her face. "There is always a price for using magic and it isn't a cure-all for everything. There are many things even I can't do, and there is no other witch like me," I said
I looked over my shoulder at Bonnie, she needed to remember this, new witches always tried to test the boundaries of magic and it always ended up biting them in the ass. Even I had gone through a 'magic is might' phase, and I nearly killed myself when I burnt through too much of my power at once. I had tried dipping into magic that was too dark. I wasn't the same type of witch as Bonnie, so I didn't always have the same limitations, but when it comes to magic some things are always the same. One of those things is, you don't mess with the powers of the dark.
"There are consequences when a witch tries to delve into things she shouldn't, Mother Nature can be a cruel bitch, and her creations were meant to keep balance. So, when a witch decides to break the rules she is punished. Harshly," I said making a fist and placing it in my other palm for emphasis.
I laid back down between them and looked at them both. Bonnie had a thoughtful expression on her face, but I could also see the fear in the way the corner of her eyes crinkled. Caroline leaned into me and placed her chin on my collarbone. "Well, I recommended none of us piss off Mother Nature, she already curses us once a month, and I for one don't intend to get on her bad side," she said.
I laid my hand on my forehead and giggled madly. "You are insane," I said in between gasps.
I spent the next few days at Caroline's house. I told Jenna I needed some time away and she seemed to understand. I decided not to speak to Elena or Jeremy. I didn't want to see her, to hear her try and justify what she had done, and I was afraid of exactly what Jeremy had been compelled to believe. I knew that eventually, I would need to come to terms with what had happened and move on, but that wasn't right now. Finally, Bonnie and Caroline put a stop to my hiding out and I was forced to concede. So, I decided to start with Caroline's compulsion.
"What are you talking about?" she asked her teeth clenched together.
I grasped her wrist and pushed her out of her bathroom, smiling serenely. "Give me a minute first, Care. I sorta have been...drugging you, "I said.
Her face turned cherry red and I raised my hands in the air when she took a deep breath to start yelling at me. "In the best way possible, I promise. It's only vervain," I said opening her water filter system and showing her the clumps of wet vervain.
Caroline paused, the color of her face receding. "That's the stuff that is supposed to protect us, right?" she asked.
I nodded quickly and she sighed in resignation.
Bonnie slid into the bathroom and scrunched up her nose in distaste, but I could see she was intrigued all the same. "Clever," she said.
I smirked and shrugged. "I thought so. No coffee anymore either, at least not at home, Care. We have to wean you off the vervain so Damon can fix his fuck up," I said dropping the vervain into a small jar on the counter.
I spread it out so it could dry evenly and froze when I looked up to find two sets of eyes watching me. "What? Something is telling me we may have a shortage soon," I said rubbing my temple.
Bonnie's eyes narrowed and she touched Emily's amulet.
Caroline slid into the bathroom and huffed deeply. "Ok, can I take care of my business now?" I smiled sweetly and slipped out of the bathroom.
"Let the water run for few minutes before hopping in," I called out as she closed the door.
I turned to Bonnie and noticed she was still holding Emily's amulet.
"Can you hand me my purse?" I asked her.
She reached behind Caroline's door and handed it to me. I took out my phone and was about to make a call when I saw the date. "Damn," I said with a deep sigh.
Bonnie looked over my shoulder and frowned. "What?" she asked, confused.
I looked at her and pouted. "It looks like my next stop is the Salvatores," I looked at the date one last time and placed my phone on my forehead. "Ugh, I might as well give him his gift a day early. It gives me an excuse to make up with him...sorta," I said, placing my phone into my bag and pulling the strap over my head.
Bonnie narrowed her eyes at me and cocked an eyebrow. "What?" she asked in irritation.
I ran for the door and looked over my shoulder. "Stefan's birthday present. I'll catch up with you guys later," I said.
I hopped into my car and drove to the boarding house. I slid into their drive humming along to a Bon Jovi song a smile on my face. Snapping my finger a jet black gift bag and card landed in the seat next to me. He was lucky I had already ordered him a gift a while back before he had helped pull the stunt with Jeremy. I lifted it into my lap and fiddled with the Over The Hill tissue paper, making sure it was all fluffed up. I leaned over the middle console and popped open the glove box grabbing a pen. I wrote in big cursive letters "Do Not Open Until Your Birthday!" on the envelope and then quickly signed the joke card that was in the shape of a tombstone. I slid the card into the side of the bag, leaving the edge sticking out, and gripped it by the handles, slipping out of the car and walking up to the door. I stepped inside without knocking and started off towards Stefan's room. I didn't really care to see Damon. Outside his door, I could hear movement inside and stopped in my tracks.
Who was the birthday boy playing with in his room?
"Boo." the voice said.
Was that Damon?
I grabbed the doorknob and pulled open the door slowly. Before I even had the door open halfway I heard his next words.
"Hello, Lexi."
I swung the door open with force and squealed loudly. "Lexi?" I said, running inside the room.
Lexi flung herself from the bed, her long blonde braid flying out behind her. Her eyes were round, her silver hooped earrings swinging wildly.
"Elanor?" she said walking towards me.
I nodded with glee. It had been so long. I had seen her with Stefan a few times but never had approached them. I hadn't wanted Stefan to see me. But I was going on my last year in the life before this one and had run into her in New York. She had made my last year one of fun. Before I left her in Italy, I had decided to tell her everything. Lexie was trustworthy. She had been quite shaken when I had told her everything, but then she had decided it was fate that I had known Stefan, her Stefan.
"Your hair is so much longer," she pulled my hair out towards her. "Still bright red, though. So, I see you couldn't run forever, huh," she said laughing.
I pulled her into a hug and shook my head. "No, they found me this time," I pulled away and looked at her closely my face serious. "You haven't aged a day," I said.
Lexi laughed hard, her face bright red. I stepped away from her and dropped Stefan's gift on his bed. The black bag blending in with his headboard. I sighed and picked it up moving it to his bedside table.
"Vampires and the color black." I shook my head with mock irritation. "Of course, I can't say much, it is my favorite color. Always has been," I said turning around.
Damon was laying on the other side of the bed watching me closely. His eyes moved up my body, stopping at my eyes, and then moving to the gift bag I had left on the table. I looked away from him and he sat up quickly.
"So, I take it you two know each other?" he snarkily asked.
I smiled at Lexi and snapped my fingers, starting Stefan's CD player. Lexie spun into to me, wrapping a leg around my waist, dancing dirtily. She dropped her leg and I bent over giggling madly, before matching her move for move.
"Yeah, I know Ella. We met in New York about a century back. We spent a year traveling together, drinking and dancing. One of the best years of my life," Lexi said.
Damon stood from the bed and pointed at me. "You spent a year partying with...Ella here?" Damon asked his eyes narrowed, he spat out the foreign name with contempt.
I shut off the music and leaned against Lexi. "Oh get that judgy look off your face Damon. I was a year off from dying and I had no family. So, when Lexi came along and offered me exactly what I needed, I took her up on it." I wrapped an arm around Lexi and smiled up at her. "She offered me fun, something I didn't get very often." I said and glared at Damon when he scoffed and rolled his eyes."Fun Damon, ever heard of it? Or are you too busy with revenge?" I asked my voice stiff.
Damon leaned in and smiled down at Lexi. "Maybe not Lexi's version. Teach me to have fun, Lexi," he said with a smirk.
I jerked back as Lexi flew forward, pinning Damon to the bed, her hand on his throat. "Im older, and that means stronger," Lexie spoke close to his face her breath fanning his hair.
"Sorry," Damon rasped. He laid still his face scrunched up with pain.
"Don't ruin my time with Stefan and Ella, cause I'll hurt you," she leaned down to his ear and I shuddered on his behalf, she was terrifying in her own right. "And you know I can do it," she whispered yanking her hand from his throat and stepping away from him.
"Yeah," he groaned.
She stood next to me and brushed my hair from my shoulder with a smile. "Sorry, I know what he meant to you," she said.
I watched Damon as he rubbed his neck, he looked at me and I closed my eyes, tilting my head down shaking it gently.
"Things change. People change," I whispered.
I turned around and hugged Lexie one last time. "I have to go deal with some of my own petty family drama. Try not to get in between the drama here, it's thick," I said.
Damon stood and started towards me but I was already out the door. I had no time or energy for him.
I stared at my own front door and sighed in irritation. I should not feel so scared of going into my own home. This is completely insane. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Elena and Jenna were both sitting on the couch facing the kitchen, where Jeremy sat at the dining room table, a few books in front of him, blue pen in hand. I dropped my bag by the door, placing my keys in the designated bowl, and stood by the couch. They all turned to look at me for a second before turning back to their conversation.
"I gotta finish this. I'm way behind, and I have a quiz tomorrow, so…" Jeremy said looking down at the several different books in front of him.
I sat down on the couch beside Jenna and stared Jeremy down in suspicion. My eyes narrowed and a slack-jawed expression took over my face.
Elena leaned closer to us. "What do you think? Alien?" she said.
Jenna's eyes moved between Elena and me then zeroed in on Jeremy. "Some sort of Replicant," Jenna guessed.
Jeremy lifted his head and rolled his eyes, his face a picture perfect blend of annoyance and amusement. "He can hear you," he grumbled with a flash of a sarcastic half smile.
Elena looked at him worriedly and met my eyes from behind Jenna's back. I bit my lower lip and looked away, back at our heavily studying brother. What had she done to him? What had Damon done to him was the more accurate question? His eyes moved quickly from page to page, scanning the information before writing something new down in his notebook, flipping through the pages quickly. He was focused and motivated. A completely different person then he had been only a few short days ago. I gave Elena one last look and stood up, taking my bag upstairs to my room.
That night I was pulled from my plans of hot cocoa and a good book, by a text from Caroline telling me she had planned a party. There was no way I could refuse, especially since it was also officially Stefan's birthday. I stepped into the crowded Grill, the music was playing loudly, people were dancing, drinks in hand in the middle of the room. My eyes scanned the layout looking for the hostess, Caroline stood on the other end of the room by the pool tables. She wore a beautiful purple silk dress, a bright satisfied smile on her face. She looked proud and content which made her positively glow. I felt my lips slid across my teeth as a bright smile split my face. That was my girl, she was going to set the world on fire. I fixed my plaited ponytail and looked down at my outfit. I had wanted to wear something pretty but simple, so I had just thrown on my black knee-length cocktail dress and gold kitten heels. I felt pretty and figured it was a Caroline approved look. I braced myself for a night of karaoke, pool, and, avoiding Elena. I started towards her, confused when she changed her direction and made her way to the bar. Something had caught her attention. I stood on my tiptoes, even in my heels I was still too short to see over the heads of the people crowded around me. Once I hit the toes of my heeled feet I could see messy jet black hair and my teeth bared instinctively.
Wow, when had that become my response to him?
Dammit, Damon.
I pushed past people, slapping at someone who grabbed my ass and stepped next to Caroline, huffing in anger and exhaustion. I could feel sweat beading on the back of my neck and prayed my makeup stayed in place. I brushed the end of my ponytail from where it had stuck to my neck and narrowed my gold shadowed eyes at the vampire in front of me.
"Damon, I'd hate to believe that you had anything to do with this little shindig," I said taking his bourbon from his hand and downing it, my head falling backward.
I squeezed my eyes closed and pursed my red-tinted lips. I felt his fingers on my throat and slowly opened my eyes, keeping them narrowed.
"Of course not, baby. But, I did hear something funny," he said emphasizing the last word with a sarcastic laugh.
I leaned into him and nonchalantly pushed Caroline behind me feeling her stumble. "Oh you did, did you?" I said my voice sultry and low. "What was that, Mr. Salvatore?" I asked caressing his last name with my tongue. Damon continued to trail his fingers down my throat. He wrapped his fingers around my neck, slowly, and pulled me towards him, squeezing gently.
"You gave Bonnie my crystal, Elandra. I want it back. Tonight," he growled, squeezing my neck a little tighter.
I could smell the Bourbon on his breath. I leaned into him and laughed lightly in his ear, my voice rough from his grasp. "Emily won't let you have her crystal, Damon. You should know that babe," I emphasized the pet name, knowing it would irritate him, and brought my magic forth focusing it in my fingertips. You could see the small flickers of blue light, almost like metallic nail polish and ran them across his face zapping him with the electricity. He winced, air whistling through his clenched teeth. "Don't presume you have any effect over me. I don't fear you. I have nothing to fear. I'm already dead, remember," I said ripping his hand from my neck.
To anyone around us, it would have looked like we had been two lovers in an embrace. I inched backward away from him and took Caroline by the wrist pulling her to the other end of the bar. I grabbed us a drink and tried to shake off the whole encounter. I would be lying if I said being so close to him hadn't left me feeling uneasy and more then a bit flustered. Even with the neck grabbing. I tended to like things rough anyways. Caroline watched me closely seeming a bit dazed herself.
"The party is amazing, Caroline, really," I said.
Caroline pouted slightly her eyes glazed over. I held her head close to my face and looked into her eyes. Her vervain should not have worn off yet, should it? I pulled her bracelet from my purse and took her wrist sliding it on quickly. I knew I shouldn't have taken it off her, but thought it would make the detox quicker if she wasn't constantly leaning down and inhaling vervain several times a day. I couldn't trust Damon as far as I could throw him. I knew he had something to do with this damn party.
Caroline looked down at her bracelet with a sigh. "Thank you," she said.
"Keep it on until I can get your compulsion reversed and vervain you up, girl," I said.
She smiled at me her eyes seeming to clear. "Sure thing," she agreed.
I handed her another drink and patted her on the arm. I looked around us and found Lexi and Stefan dancing awkwardly. "I'm going to say hi to Stefan and his friend," I said.
Caroline nodded, drinking deeply I watched her closely making sure it was safe for me to leave her. "Your a wonderful person, Caroline, and I love you," I said, kissing her on the head.
She sat down her drink and looked up at me. "How do you do that? You always know what to say. Is that a witchy thing?" she asked.
I smiled at her, biting my lip and shaking my head. "No, it's a best friend thing. I have CareDar, I just know what you need to hear," I said
I kissed her head again, I knew she would be ok, she just needed to let go a bit, Caroline had a tendency to be a tad uptight. I saw Matt at a table nearby and caught his attention, motioning to my eyes and back to Caroline. He gave me an enthusiastic nod and I smirked.
Hmm, Caroline and Matty? I liked it.
I slid onto the dance floor and giggled at Stefan's weak dance moves, he was a lot like Caroline, way too uptight.
"I'm going to need to see some more footwork," Lexi said with a grin.
"Yeah, I'm not really interested in making a fool out of myself," Stefan laughed dancing in a circle around Lexi.
Lexi turned around and danced into his chest snapping her fingers and laughing at his unease. "Come on. You're not that bad," she said.
I danced up next to them and twirled around Lexi. "Hey, Sexy Lexi. Are you torturing our Stefan here?" I admonished.
She tossed her hair back and laughed. "He needs to be tortured a bit. Someone's gotta take that stick out of his ass," she hollered trying to speak over the music.
Stefan blushed and bumped her with his hip, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Ok, just do me a favor. Tell me if you see Damon with his camera phone," he said.
I took one of his hands and one of Lexi's and pulled them further onto the dance floor. "Don't worry. Im sure we can find plenty of our own blackmail material," I giggled.
I spun Lexi into his chest and then began twirling in front of them, my hips moving with the beat, my hands in the air. The lights above us pulsed purple, green, and red, making it seem like we were in a club in the city instead of a small town bar. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, it was perfect for forgetting your troubles, so that's what I did. I danced with Stefan and Lexi, choosing to believe that we were all normal people having fun on our friends birthday. I continued to dance smiling at Lexi conspiratorially every time we saw the light in Stefan's eyes shine. He was finally having some fun.
I closed my eyes and let my body take over until I felt a familiar pounding in my head. Sweat beaded on my forehead and the air changed from warm to hot, too hot. I could feel the blood pulsing in my veins, much too quickly. Images flashed in front of my darkened eyelids, blood, and screaming faces, something was happening.
I stumbled, my ankles protesting as my feet slid the wrong way in my heels. I opened my eyes and tried to focus. The world was much too bright now, and it appeared blurry like everything was covered in cellophane. I could still see the frightened faces as if they were printed on my retinas. I looked around me and saw Stefan and Lexi dancing, oblivious to the world. I made my way up the steps and past the pool tables into the back of the bar.
I slipped into the bathroom breathing heavily and felt something drip onto my bottom lip. I lifted my hand, running it over my mouth and upper lip, glancing down I saw thick red blood. I quickly leaned against the first sink I came across. I grasped the handle, turning the cold water on full blast. I placed my hands under the water and scrubbed roughly, watching the red fall down the drain. I sniffled and tried to keep the tears at bay. I took a paper towel and wet it, cleaning the blood from my face. I was so sick of feeling this way. It was so unfair. This was the price I had spoken to Caroline of. Magic could be as much a curse as a gift. I never asked to see these things.
I looked at myself in the mirror, my face was sickly pale and my hair appeared almost brittle, the magic in my veins was weakened because my body was too tired. That vision had cost me. I lifted my purse from my hip and grabbed my blush, lathering some on my cheekbones. It would at least help a little. I reapplied my lipstick next and then tried to fix my disheveled hair, all the while taking deep steadying breaths.
"Ok, ok, Elara. Your ok, everything's ok," I repeated.
Something had obviously happened and I needed to figure out what, but I refused to ruin Stefan's birthday, so I would have to do it alone. I shook myself mentally and tried to remember the images I had seen. I remembered a couple kissing, then something bad had happened something bloody, the man had been attacked. I leaned over the sink breathing heavily. I felt sickness rising in my throat. No, I wouldn't be weak. I refused. I pushed away from the cold marble sink and gripped my hands together in front of me. I was fine. I shook my hands out beside me and let out a deep sigh, that sounded more like an angry shout, and left the bathroom. My head still felt fuzzy but I could manage.
I flattened my dress and tried not to wince at the volume of the music. When I rounded the corner I could hear Stefan and Lexi shouting in excitement. They were playing pool and laughing, Stefan leaned across the table smacking Lexi's hand in a high five. Lexi pulled away and shook a fisted hand in the air in triumph. I smiled fondly and stumbled down the steps towards the bar, my body still fighting small tremors. I hoped they were not as noticeable to others as they were to me. I heard a chuckle and looked over my shoulder, Damon was watching Elena with a smirk plastered on his arrogant face. Elena was posed next to a pillar across from the pool tables, the very definition of despondent, watching Stefan like a lovesick puppy. I ground my teeth together and changed direction.
Damon circled her like a vulture, a Cheshire grin on his face, chuckling lightly, "Stefan smiles. Alert the media," he said.
I called on every bit of my mental and physical strength and clicked my tongue in disapproval, stepping up beside him. "Now, now, Damon. Your petty little pokes at Stefan and Elena's relationship are getting tiresome," I said throwing an arm on Elena's shoulder. "So, shoo," I said flicking my fingers.
I kept my eyes on him and tried to steady the tremors that coursed through me. Instead of acknowledging me, he kept his face trained on Elena.
"You haven't given him a lot of reasons to be happy lately," Elena snipped.
Damon pursed his lips and sighed. "Oh, you're right. Poor Stefan. Persecuted throughout eternity by his depraved brother," Damon said shaking his head and smacking his tongue against the top of his mouth.
I moved my arm from Elena as another tremor shook through me. I braced myself against the pillar in front of Lena and arched my back. Damon's eyes narrowed as they crossed over me. I kept my face forward and was proud when only my hands shook, something I hoped he hadn't noticed. He turned his head and zeroed back in on my sister.
"Does it get tiring being so righteous?" he asked her.
I giggled without meaning to and covered my mouth. He was right, though, she could be a righteous little nitwit sometimes.
"Humph, it flares up in the presence of psychopaths," she said taking my stiff hand and pulling me away slowly.
I was starting to feel pliable, really, I was too tired and weak to care.
"Ouch. Well, consider this psychopath's feelings hurt," Damon snarkily said from behind us, his hand on his heart.
I turned my head and rolled my eyes in his direction, He narrowed his and looked me over again from top to bottom, his nose twitching. Elena pulled me behind her swiftly, I stumbled and took her shoulder to stay upright.
When did she get so strong?
I leaned in and casually sniffed the air around her, well she didn't smell like vanilla and honeysuckle, so she wasn't Katherine.
Elena placed a hand on her hip and tilted her head questioningly. "What did you do to our brother?" she asked.
Damon rolled his eyes to the ceiling and then back to her. "I'm gonna need a less vague question," he said.
I huffed and stepped beside Elena my feet and head aching. "She means when she stupidly asked you to invade his mind and take away his memories, what else did you do?" I said.
Elena looked at me in annoyance and pushed her hair behind her ear. "When you did what you did to Jeremy's memory of Vicki," Elena mumbled and Damon looked around us, stepping closer. "What else did you do to him?" Elena finished.
Damon looked down at Elena and shrugged lightly. "You asked me to take away his memory of fangs and roar. You wanted me to take away all the bad stuff" he reminded her.
I scoffed loudly and looked at him in shock.
"But he's acting differently. He seems ok with everything, a little too ok," Elena said.
I stepped into her eye line and looked at her. "Of course he does, Elena. Damon took away all the bad. Which means all the pain Jeremy has felt since mom and dad is just...gone," I said turning my head to Damon. "That was a really sweet and terrible thing to do, Damon. Terrible more than sweet," I said my eyes stinging. "Yes Jeremy is fine now, but he isn't healed, all this is just a band-aid. If, god forbid, something happens, what he felt like before is going to snap back and hit him harder then ever," I raggedly said.
Elena rubbed my arm and I jerked away from her. "Don't, Lena. I still haven't forgiven you, I'm just being civil. For Jeremy's sake," I whispered.
Elena's face fell, but she must have decided not to let my attitude get to her because she ignored me and turned back to Damon. "Are you sure you didn't do anything else?" she asked.
I shook my head and crossed my arms.
"Elena, she's right. I took away his suffering," he said.
Elena nodded and tried to take my hand again, I gently pushed her away. "Elena, go get a drink. I need to speak with Damon, and Im really tired so i'm probably going to go home when i'm done," I said.
Elena looked at me closely and placed a palm on my forehead. "Oh my God, Elara!" she said her eyes wide.
I pulled her hand from my forehead and smiled reassuringly. "It's ok. Really, it's normal. Im just tired," I said pushing her towards the bar.
She shook her head. "That's not normal, Elara," she said. I smacked her butt gently "Go!" I said with force.
She looked at Damon and narrowed her eyes running them to my head and back to him. I laughed lowely and watched her walk to the bar. Turning around I took Damon's hand and pulled him away to the hallway leading to the restrooms. I reached into my bag and took out my cell, sending a text to Caroline and slid it back inside.
"Why did you pull me away? And why was your sister so concerned?" he asked touching my head before I could stop him.
His mouth fell open and he pushed me against the wall, lifting my chin, he met my gaze. "You feel like a corpse, Elandra! I knew something was wrong when I smelled the blood and seen you shaking." He leaned down and listened to the steady beating of my heart for a moment before standing up straight again. What the hell happened?" he asked.
I closed my eyes and counted to three. He smelled differently than normal. Why did he smell so different? I opened my eyes and looked at him. "You smell like roses, Damon. Why?" I asked stepping away.
He kept his face neutral but I could still see the stress in the way he held himself, stiff and defensive. "You answer my question first, El," he said leaning into me.
I pulled away and stumbled backward my hands flailing out in front of me, but before I could even register the sensation of falling I was still again, the feel of leather against my cheek. I took a deep breath and could smell roses again.
"Elara?" Caroline's voice called from behind me.
I pushed Damon away from me, immediately missing his warmth, and turned around. "Care. Hey, um, I...it's just...I almost fell," I inarticulately mumbled.
Caroline raised a brow and frowned. "Ok, what did you need?' she asked.
I wobbled as I walked towards her, and Damon was at my side in an instant. I kept my gaze on my feet and slowly kicked off my heels.
"That's better," I sighed.
I kicked them away and took Caroline's wrist, removing her bracelet. "Ok, now you're going to fix your compulsion, Damon. I want her free of everything you've done," I said.
Damon grumbled and yanked Caroline towards him. He wrapped his hands around her neck and held her still. I watched in amazement. Compulsion was so cool, yet completely terrible.
Looking deep into her eyes he spoke seductively. "You will forget every command I have ever given you. You will return to exactly the way you were before we met," he said.
Caroline blinked a few times and he let her go pushing her away. I took her wrist and quickly snapped on her bracelet. I patted her on the shoulder and sighed. She looked slightly dazed, her eyes glazed over as she, once again, viewed the world without the filter of Damon's compulsion.
"There, that's better. Now, go to the bar and take this," I said handing her a clear gel capsule.
Damon leaned down and sniffed the pill before pulling away and letting out something between a sigh and a laugh.
"What is that?" Caroline asked taking the pill.
I patted her shoulder and started pushing her towards the bar as I had Elena. I was feeling very pushy tonight. "Vervain. I'll explain later. Now go take it," I said.
Caroline smacked my hands off her shoulders and tossed her hair with a huff. "Fine, you pushy hag," she huffed.
I smiled at her as she sashayed to the bar. My knees began to buckle and I threw my hand out to catch myself on the wall. Damon caught my hand and helped me to the couch hidden in a darkened alcove in the corner of the room.
"What's going on, El?" he asked.
His face was full of concern and fear, so similar to the way he had once looked at me. I could always lose myself in those eyes. He had been so kind and funny. I never wanted to truly accept that I had lost that side of him forever because if I did, it would mean I had lost a piece of me. As I saw all he had once felt for me and still did, buried in his deep blue eyes, I started to forget that I was mad at him and that he could be an arrogant asshole who liked to flirt with my sister. In my weakened state, all I could see was the man I had loved.
"I had a vision. It weakened me. Someone was attacked by a vampire. I don't receive visions like that unless something bad is about to happen," I said. I was scared and just wanted to feel safe again and, at this moment, Damon could give me that.
I touched his face gently my fingers caressing his cheek. His breathing quickened and he closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. He kissed the palm of my hand and my breath caught in my throat. He nuzzled into my palm and I found myself leaning closer, my heart pounding in my chest. My nose brushed his and I could feel his breath, as it swept across my face, bourbon, and mint. I licked my lips and ran my fingers through his soft hair, eliciting a moan from him, which reverberated through his chest where my other hand lay, tucked gently under his shirt, covering where his heart had once beat for me. I smiled against the edge of his lips and tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck. I ran my tongue across the seam of his lips and he gasped, giving me the opening I desired. My tongue found solace in his warm mouth as I kissed him deeply, tasting the bourbon I had previously smelled. He pulled me tightly against his chest, but it suddenly wasn't enough, I needed to be closer. I lifted my leg and slid over his lap, to sit astride him. He moaned into my mouth and I pulled away long enough to send him a sly smirk, rolling my hips against his. His head fell back as he groaned and bucked upwards with me. I leaned down and kissed his neck, nibbling roughly at his pulse point.
He growled fiercely. "Don't do that, baby," he begged.
I sat up and looked at him, his face was desperate and hungry. I met his eyes and bit my lower lip as I brushed my nose against the edge of his jaw, trailing down to find his pulse point again. I bared my teeth and bit him roughly, my own animalistic desires coming to the service. He growled again, this time his arms wrapping around me, nails digging into my flesh. I ran my tongue across the red indentations I had created and left a wet trail of saliva as I ran my tongue back up his neck. He turned his head away from me quickly, his breathing labored. I reached out and took his chin in my fingers, pulling his head towards my face. The sclera of his eyes almost appeared to be bleeding, like the blood that he was forced to feed on swam through his eyes. Stunning black veins snaked underneath. He was a frightening yet beautiful image. I ran the pads of my fingers across the black veins, his skin was soft and warm, I watched in fascination as they appeared to move. I had seen vampires change before, but never this close, and never in this intimate of a setting. I kissed the veins that had grown on his skin like ivy, a sharp intake of breath was the only sign of life from him. He was still as a statue beneath me. I laid my head on his chest and felt him breathing deeply. The smell of rose filled my senses.
Like Caroline's bracelet.
I inhaled again and it was there, the exact smell of vervain. My body and mind stiffened. What was he up to? In my befuddled state, I had missed that, and then I had succumbed to my baser instincts.
Oh, God!
I had just made out with Damon.
I sat up slowly and looked at him, his features were back to normal, but his eyes were guarded. Had he felt the change in my demeanor?
"Vervain?" I simply asked.
He looked away from me and, very carefully, sat me beside him. "That doesn't concern you, Elandra. I'm going to do what I have to. Even if that casts me as the bad guy," he said his face hard.
He ran a hand over my braided hair and felt my forehead. "You need to go home, now. You don't need to be here," he said.
I stood up and placed a hand on his chest. "Whatever your planning. Please, don't. I'll help you, Damon. I'll help you open the tomb. Just...no more death. Please," I begged.
I hated how weak I felt, but I didn't want to lose anyone else and I felt like that was exactly what was going to happen. He turned away from me his shoulders rigid.
"That's all I bring...death. I can't give you what you want, El. The only thing I can do for you is protect you, save you," he whispered.
He was gone with a quick burst of air. I sat back down on the couch and took a deep breath. Well, that just made things more complicated. After I composed myself I stepped out of my little hiding spot and quickly found Lexi at the bar. Her head moved up and down as she checked me out.
She looked at the bartender and sighed. "Make that four," she said.
The bartender leaned in and chuckled. "You know I need to see some ID," he said.
Lexi's face became a blank slate. "No, you don't," she said plainly.
The bartenders head jerked lightly and he took a short breath. "That'll be, uh…" he stuttered.
Lexi tilted her head, leaning back. "Free."
The bartender blinked and smiled brightly. "On the house," he said.
Lexi laughed happily and bounced in her seat. "Thanks," she said.
I sat down next to her while the freshly compelled bartender poured our shots and smiled. "That is such a cool trick," I said.
Lexie took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "You know if I could I'd offer you the whole shebang, right?" she said.
I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. "Yeah, Lex. I do," I said.
Lexi let go of me and took three of the shots in her cupped hands, leaving the other for me, and stood up, motioning for me to follow with her head. I obeyed like a well-trained dog. Ignoring my protesting body, which was telling me I needed sleep to recuperate my magic. Lexi stopped suddenly and I tried not to fall on my ass behind her.
"Ah, the famous Elena," she said.
I looked over her shoulder to find my sister sipping on a drink. I wiggled my nose, the protective sister side of me wanting to inspect her glass. How was she getting home?
Elena straightened her posture and looked at Lexi with suspicion. "Towel girl," she said.
I blinked rapidly and wanted to scoff. Towel girl? There was totally a story there.
Lexi shrugged and handed Elena a shot. "I've been called worse," she said, sitting down, what I presume would be Stefan's shot, at the table beside us and took her own in hand.
I stood next to her and casually inspected Elena's drink. Coke, ok. Good girl.
Elena looked at Lexi with shock and curiosity in her big brown eyes. "I didn't know you guys could drink," she said.
I pushed my braid off my shoulder and nodded.
"Oh, yeah. It helps curb the cravings, but makes for a lot of lushy vamps," Lex said bumping hips with me.
I winked at her, several memories of her drunk and passing out in our hotel room coming to mind. She clinked shot glasses with me and we both downed ours at the same time.
Elena looked between us and pointed her finger at me and then Lexi. "How do you two know each other?" she asked.
I leaned in closer so I could speak in her ear. "I know Stefan told you everything about me, and my curse so that I didn't have to explain." I sat back and looked into her eyes with regret. Hoping she would know that despite my anger I regretted how I had revealed everything. Elena laid a hand on my cheek and I sighed in relief. "I met Lexi a century ago, in another life," I said moving away from my sister.
Lexi, hearing every word, nodded and smiled at me brightly. "We're good friends, Ella and I," she said.
Elena's face darkened and she lowered her eyes. "Her name is Elara," she said.
Lexi watched her closely and then looked at me, moving my hair from my ear, winking at Elena as she angled herself closer to me. "This the family drama you mentioned?" she whispered in my ear.
I shook my head 'yes' and she stuck out her bottom lip as a symbol of sympathy.
"You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk," Elena said, changing the subject.
Lexi smiled and looked down at the table an expression of love on her face. "He's uptight," she said.
Elena laughed and nodded quickly her hair falling into her face. "But not with you," she said.
I put my elbow on the table and rested my head on my hand.
Lexi lifted her head and looked at Elena with rounded eyes. "Well, that's the benefit of knowing someone for over 100 years," she smiled in thought for a moment. "You can just be yourself," she said.
Elena's eyes clouded over and she moved her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, he can't be himself around me," she said despondently, looking away.
Lexie placed a hand on hers and rubbed circle on her skin. "Well, not yet. The first step was him telling you. The rest comes with time," Lexie said in a whisper.
Elena's eyes teared up and she looked at Lexi, hope flickering in her eyes. "You seem so sure," she said.
I brushed the hair from her face, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Because she is, Lena," I said.
Lexi looked at me as we both got lost in the same memory. Lexi had told me her love story before, it was beautiful and had given me so much hope. She had told me that whoever I was waiting for would come back to me.
"The love of my life was human. He went through what I imagine you're going through...denial, anger, et cetera." Lexi took a deep breath and took my hand. "But at the end of the day, love really did conquer all," she said grinning at Elena.
She gave my hand a squeeze and looked at me again, this time she didn't smile or laugh, which was very unLexi like. "We all need to remember what love can do for a person. If they just let it," she said.
She looked away and back to Elena. "Are you gonna drink that?" she asked looking at Elena's shot.
Elena lifted her shot and scrunched up her face, shaking her head. "Uh, no go for it," she said handing the drink to Lexi, who downed it immediately.
Elena looked at Lexi with a new found respect and then down at her hands. "I'm scared."
Lexi shook her head a bit and leaned in. "But your here...because you're crazy about him. I get it, ok. I mean, what's not to love." Lexie turned her head and looked at Stefan who was leaning over the pool table, lining up a shot, his eyes steady and focused. "Take it from someone who has been around a long time. When it's real, you can't walk away," she said, taking another shot, the one I had assumed was for Stefan.
Downing the shot quickly she scrunched up her face and shook her head. Elena laughed, watching her in amusement, the stress melting from her features as she thought over what Lexi had said.
"Whew!" Lexi hollered as the liquor went to work.
She stood from the table and placed both hands on my shoulders.
Elena sat back in her seat and smiled up at the beautiful vampire. "It was really nice meeting you," she said.
Lexi feigned blushing, fanning her face with her hands. "I know," she said, pulling me from my seat. "Let's go get some more shots," she said.
I hung my tongue out of the corner of my mouth and cocked my head at Elena. Lexi yanked my braid and Elena laughed at my plight.
"Come on, your keeping me from Tequila," she said.
I followed her to the bar and stood to the side as Lexi order a few shots and then started to make her way to the other side of the bar. I didn't realize who she had sat down next to until I heard her speak. Looking down I noticed crystal blue eyes, staring at me in anger.
"The shots are a bribe. I need to know, what are you really doing in Mystic Falls?" she asked Damon.
I walked up beside her and took her arm. "Lexi, this isn't necessary," I tried.
She brushed me off quickly and I stumbled again, my equilibrium for shit.
Damon stood taking my arm and sitting me on the stool he had vacated. "You're supposed to be at home," he whispered in my ear as he pulled away.
"Keep your hands to yourself Lexi or we might have trouble," he said his voice stiff.
I chuckled and pushed him away from her. "Damon, you know she didn't do anything. I am clumsy tonight, my magic is weak," I said in a whisper.
Lexie leaned across Damon and frowned at me in annoyance. "Why didn't you say anything? I have a medicinal baggy in my purse. A witch in New Orleans had this weird bark that she gave me for helping her out, said it was worth a fortune to the right witch. Apparently, if you suck on it, it helps restore your magic when your exhausted and it can be reused," she said reaching into her purse and pulling out a small silver bag.
Inside she had small vials of blood, a container of Witch Hazel, that I tried to not jump in fear from. To my breed of which, it is poison. It burns like acid and renders us immobile, aside from all our senses which remain active. It is the worst form of torture. Luckily, since my mother's death, I am the last of my kind, and not many people know of that particular weakness. She had a few other things I didn't recognize, but the last item she pulled from the bag was wrapped in clear plastic. It was a Blackwood branch. The Blackwood tree was one of the most potent trees in Witchcraft. I took the small branch from her and peeled it from the plastic, placing it between my lips with a sigh. The bitter taste immediately made me feel better, my magic recognizing that relief was in sight.
"Now, back to business," Lexi said.
I nibbled on the branch nervously as Damon leaned against the bar watching me carefully. "Ok, I have a diabolical master plan," Damon said his expression one of pure boredom.
Lexi nodded, her lips pursed. "What is it?" she asked.
Damon sneered at her in exasperation. "If I told you it wouldn't be very diabolical, now would it?" he said.
I motioned for the bartender, he was new and obviously covering for the one who had been serving us before, and I grimaced, great and I can't compel him.
"What can I get you, love?" he asked.
I narrowed my eyes at him and bit my tongue. It's a common pet name, Elara. You can't yell at someone every time they use it.
"Vodka?" I asked biting my lip.
He winked at me conspiratorily and grabbed a glass filling it with Vodka. I smiled brightly and winked at Lexi, who had been watching the whole encounter, with a grin.
"Here ya go," he said handing me the drink and a napkin. "If you need anything else I'll be here," he said smiling and walking back to the other end of the bar.
I took a sip of my drink, keeping the Blackwood on the other end of my mouth like a toothpick and looked down at the napkin.
It had a messaged scribbled on the corner, "Call me, Brad." and at the bottom in a messy scrawl, a number.
I handed it to Lexi with a small laugh. "Huh, Brad," I said.
Lexi waved the napkin in the air with a whoop and I covered my face with both hands. Damon took it from her and looked down at it and then back down the bar, where Brad was sending me quick smiles.
"Yeah, I don't fucking think so. How old is he?" Damon said, crushing the napkin in his hand and placing it in his pocket.
Lexi laughed loudly and shook her head. "The more important question is how old is Ella?" she said.
I choked on my drink and spluttered my face red. "Ugh...well...uh.. a..a...thousandish," I said quietly.
Lexi's jaw dropped and despite Damon knowing the round about time frame he started coughing, his bourbon obviously going down the wrong pipe.
Lexi started giggling madly, her face bright red. "Wow, I feel so much better about my age," she wiped her eyes and pushed my shoulder gently. "Now stop distracting me," she said, turning back towards Damon.
I sipped my drink as they talked and I watched Damon dance around her questions. Then he tilted his head towards the entrance and I could see a gleam in the corner of his eye, just as I felt something fall into my drink. I looked down, to see a drop of red floating towards the bottom of my cup, the color spreading out through the clear liquid. I scooted next to Lexi and looked around us. Everyone was still drinking and having a good time, but, by the entrance, Sheriff Forbes was turning a woman away from the building, the same woman from my vision. I started breathing heavily and Lexi turned to me. "You ok, Ella?" she worriedly asked. The Sheriff and her men were steadily getting closer and I was starting to understand what they were here for.
"Lexi," I said, as Sheriff Forbes shot her in the hip with a syringe.
"Sheriff, what?" I said, trying to get ahold of Lexi who was gasping for air.
"What are you doing?" Damon asked.
The Sheriff looked at him steadily. "Thank you for the vervain. Now if you'll excuse me," she said.
Her men lifted Lexi by the shoulders and began to carry her from the Grill. I tried to follow but Damon held me by the wrist. "No, El," he said.
I ripped my wrist from his hand and pulled away from him. "I asked you…I begged. I've never once asked you for anything, Damon," My voice was gruff. "She's my friend, Stefan's friend," I said.
I looked around the room, spotting Stefan and Elena leaving and gave Damon one last glare before following after them. I saw them get turned away at the front door and stopped, turning around and running ahead to the back. I slipped through the door and heard gunshots. I took the branch from my mouth and slipped it into my purse. I run towards the noise and saw the Sheriff shooting Lexi in the chest. Lexi smiled after every gunshot and I almost laughed. Thank goodness, she was ok. Of course, she was. She was old and strong. I heard movement behind me and saw Stefan and Elena heading up the ally. I stepped out towards Lexi, to see if I could help and the Sheriff saw me out of the corner of her eye.
"No, go back!" she yelled.
I put my hands in the air and was just about to knock her out when Damon approached Lexi with a stake.
"NO!" I shouted.
But, I was too late, he shoved the stake in her chest. I fell to my knees, the hard pavement a welcome pain compared to what was playing out in front of me.
"Why?" Lexi gasped her voice weak and pitiful.
Damon looked at her for a split second, no remorse on his face, "It's all part of the plan," he said, before twisting the stake, a sickening crunch floating through the air.
Lexi's skin began to grey as she gasped, taking her final breaths in this world. I could feel her fear and pain, having died so many times before, but she wouldn't come back. I sat on my knees, no tears coming. Not even anger was there to keep me warm.
When Lexi fell to the ground Damon rushed to the Sheriff, his face innocent and sweet. "You ok?" he asked.
She placed her gun back in its holster and nodded. "Yes, thank you. Place it in the trunk quickly. I need to talk to her. I think she's in shock," she said pointing to me.
Hearing her mention me snapped me out of my stupor. Shock? I wasn't in shock.
I was…what was I? Angry? Sad? Both?
I wasn't sure.
I stood up and brushed off my bleeding legs with a wince. "No, im ok. I already knew about all this, Sheriff. Runs in the family remember. They were on the council," I whispered quickly remembering the journals I had found of dads. I was only worried about Damon. We are friends, and I guess reading about vampires and facing them are two entirely different things," I said smiling.
Liz patted me on the back with an understanding sigh."You did well. Just please remember. You can't talk about this with anyone," she said.
I knew she meant Care and nodded my head fiercely. "Of course, Sheriff. I would never," I said.
Damon watched me from where he had dumped Lexi's body and I avoided his eyes.
"Go home and get some rest," she said.
I gave her a quick side hug and ran back to the Grill. I looked around and couldn't find Elena or Stefan anywhere. As I was going to my car my phone started to ring. I pulled it from my purse and saw Elena had sent me a text.
"Stefan is going to kill him. You have to do something." I tossed my phone in the passenger seat and pulled out of the Grill as fast as I could.
I jumped out of the car at the Boarding house, the front door was wide open and I could hear fighting going on upstairs. I ran through the open door and took the stairs two at a time. My head spinning. I pushed my way into Damon's room and saw Stefan had him pinned to the wall, a stake in hand.
"Stefan no, don't. You're better than this!" I shouted.
He didn't acknowledge me but his shoulders stiffened as he shoved the stake right below Damon's heart.
I gasped and ran forward, keeping a safe distance. "Stefan," I sobbed my hands in my hair.
"You missed," Damon grasped his brother's shoulders, eyes wide as he gasped.
Blood poured from the wound as Stefan continued to shove the stake deeper into Damon's chest. "No. You saved my life. I'm sparing yours. We're even," he said twisting the stake as Damon had done to Lexi.
Stefan removed the stake and shoved it back in, this time with more force. "And now we're done," he finished.
Damon grunted in pain, the grip he had on Stefan's shoulders faltered and he slipped down the wall as Stefan let go of the stake and stepped away from him. He walked towards me and I flinched involuntarily, afraid that if I said the wrong thing I would make him feel worse. He froze mid-step and stuck his hands out in front of him, noticing that they were covered in his brother's blood.
He scrunched up his face in discomfort and lowered them to his sides. "I'm not going to hurt you, El,' he said.
I tilted my head and tried to understand what he meant. "Of course your not," I slowly said.
Stefan cocked his head and blinked a few times. "Ok, so your not afraid of me?" he asked. I shook my head and looked around him at Damon who was trying to get the stake from his chest. One part of me wanted to help and the other wanted to pop some popcorn and watch a replay of what had just happened.
"I was only worried I would say something wrong and make this whole night worse. I...I'm going to miss her too, so please remember you not alone," I said, the tears finally coming.
Stefan's face fell and he approached me at light speed, pulling me into a hug. Blood be damned. I cried on his shoulder and he lifted me into his arms and sped me away, away from Damon and everything that had happened that night.
0 notes
500-challenge · 7 years
Day 2.
John Waters takes a Polaroid picture of every person that enters his home. It's a rule, if you enter his house, he takes your picture and then he keeps them all organized by date. I like this rule and I have thought that I would like to do the same thing if I ever have a home that I feel comfortable inviting friends into. I only have one rule about people entering my home, too, that you take your shoes off. I wish it was because I'm the kind of person who keeps a super clean and tidy house and lord knows I try, but really it's because of my rug. It's a super high-pile wool shag monstrosity. Painstakingly crafted from super chunky hand dyed wool. It’s about as close to hygge as I have ever gotten and goddammit I wanted it so much. I eyed this style of rug for years, held off on buying other, lesser rugs, and then one day I found it. Crate and Barrel outlet had it marked down, 90% off its original selling price. It's the most high maintenance home furnishing item I have ever owned. It's damn near impossible to clean. Here are things that have happened to my rug: Crumbs from every kind of food have been dropped, even when we had a strict no eating on the rug policy. Goldfish crackers have set sail on their final voyage. My daughter ate too many post Halloween pumpkin seeds and vomited them back up. Milk has been spilled. My dog died on my rug. There has been silly putty, play doh, paint, lotion, glue, ink, drinks, dog fur is now woven into the rug. I vacuum more now than I ever have in my life. The rug requires special attention and no matter what I have tried and how much I vacuum it is still just filthy. So no shoes allowed.
I had a job interview today. My husband arranged to leave work for a while to look after our kids so I could go, but I needed to pick him up. Also, I’m trying to do this photo challenge and struggling. I know I'm being silly but I just freak out when faced with talking to people. Am I really this anxious? I have always thought of myself as friendly and approachable but now I'm not so sure. So I got the kids all loaded up and we picked up my husband and I realized I had forgotten my camera so we quickly stopped by the house and I ran in and it was so quick that I left my shoes on just this once.
We got downtown a little early for the interview and baby Atlas was fussy so we parked the car so I could nurse him for a minute. I noticed that somehow there was dog shit on the car door and then more on the side of the door speaker and more and more I was horrified and panicked as I realized that my shoe was totally fucking covered in dog shit and I was just now noticing. I had to step away and there, in broad daylight, on a busy city street, I looked up at the sky and let out a scream, it was rage, and pain, and everything that I couldn't put into words, it was all of my anger that I couldn't articulate rushing out of my mouth in one loud wail. With 20 minutes until I had to walk into a job interview we raced to the nearest car wash because going home and back again would have made me too late. I had to spray dog shit off my shoes and my husband was trying to help and the baby was screaming and it felt real low. I'm quite certain I did not get the job. I was so paranoid that I smelled like shit that try as I might I could not keep it together enough to give good answers to the interview questions. I could hear myself talking and inside I was like shaking my head. I might get lucky, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
Oh yeah, and the rug? It's ruined.
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kmomof4 · 7 years
Fic Rec List Post 1 of 3 tonight
Hi everyone! Ok, first of all I’d like to thank everyone for their patience while I’ve worked on this list. I figured since it’s been over 6mos since my last list, it was time to do it again. My original post was too long, so I’m having to break it up into 3 posts tonight. The whole thing is the definitive list of all my favorite fics. Hopefully the rest of the list will be up Monday. This will be the last time I post everything in one list. It’s just too much. From now on, I’ll only list new favorites. On a scale of 1-10, all of these are rated 11 or higher. A single asterisk next to a fic is a desert island fic that I couldn’t do without. A double asterisk is a #1 all time favorite fic that I reread regularly. All links, Tumblr handle (if I know it), ao3 and/or ff profile, links to fics on ao3 and/or ff, are included.  So settle in for some fabulous reading from this EXTREMELY long list. 
From @winterbaby89 on Tumblr, ao3, and ff 
*The Red Dress Affair is a smutty one shot where Emma is tired of waiting for Killian to make a move. Rated M on ao3 and ff.
*As Destiny Has It’s Eyes on You is a EF AU. Princess Emma Swan of Misthaven has been prophesied as the Savior since before her birth. Now with the help of a Lieutenant from her past she is going to take her destiny into her own hands, to defeat the Evil Queen. 16 ch, rated M. On ao3 and ff. 
From @hollyethecurious on Tumblr, HollyeLeigh on ao3 and ff
***A Knight for a Swan is a medieval/fantasy AU. The kingdom has been overthrown. Sir David's lands have been conquered, and his daughter has been captured. The new king offers her and her family's lands up as prize to the winner of the celebratory tournament. Many Lord and Knights throw in their lot to claim her, but only one sees her for the prize she truly is. Rated T (except for the last chapter), 10 chapters. ao3 and ff.
And I Don’t Want to Go Home right Now is a modern AU. Killian Jones had not left his apartment in two years, four months, and thirteen days. Not since he’d finally decided to shut himself away from the whole blasted world after a freak accident had left him without his hand, and for all practical purposes, his heart. Rated T one shot. ao3 and ff.
Operation Pirate Law is a canon divergent. All of Liam’s efforts to get his older brother together with the town Deputy have not had the desired effect. Maybe he needs to change tactics and find himself an accomplice? Fortunately, the Deputy’s son has the same idea, and together they put into action -- Operation Pirate Law. Rated K 2 shot. ao3 and ff.
Operation TouRING, sequel to Operation Pirate Law. Rated G one shot. ao3
Until We Meet Again is a canon divergent one shot. All wishes come with a price. Now that a wish has brought Liam and Nemo to the very time and place that Liam's older brothers washed up after the tempest sunk their ship, what will the price be, and who will have to pay it? Rated K on ao3 and ff
*A Harem of One is an AU 1 shot, with a possibility for more. Killian Jones, younger son of Prominent Turkish Businessman, Brennan Jones, meets Lady Emma during the height of the London season just a few weeks before he must head back to Constantinople to take over the family shipping business. Despondent over the fact that he had to leave the woman he loves behind, things get interesting when Brennan tries to give Killian a welcome home gift. Rated M. ao3 and ff.
And COMING SOON from @winterbaby89 and @hollyethecurious Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke. Captain Hook has succeeded in killing the Dark One and is sucked up in the curse. A season 1 canon divergent coming in October.
From @totheendoftheworldortime on Tumblr, totheendoftheworldortime79 on ao3 and ff
***We Own Tonight is a canon divergent in which Princess Emma and Lieutenant Killian Jones are inserted into the Frozen storyline. With the added bonus of FrozenJewel! Rated E, 35 ch. ao3 and ff.
***The Unlocked Series is a rated E modern au polyamory series featuring Emma, Liam, and Killian. Includes Unlocked with 8ch ao3 and ff, Unbound with 14ch ao3 and ff, Unchained with 21ch ao3 and ff, and Unbroken with 11ch so far ao3 and ff. There will be a 5th book to complete the series. Link to the series on ao3.
Poem Without Words is a modern AU in which Emma is a struggling college student who poses in Professor Killian Jones art class. Rated E with 32ch. ao3 and ff. 
Forbidden is an AU in which Emma is an Amazon and Killian is a Spartan captured at the battle of Troy. Rated E with 11ch. ao3 and ff. 
*Within Temptation is a canon divergent season 2 one shot in which Killian confronts Emma after he arrives in Storybrooke. Rated E. ao3 and ff.
Burning Bridges is a canon divergent one shot in which Emma makes her choice between Neal and Killian. Rated E. ao3 and ff.
How Lucky We Are is an EF AU. What happens when a revenge obsessed pirate meets a princess at a ball? Rated E, WIP with 13ch so far. ao3 and ff. 
Mischief Reimagined is a Harry Potter/Swan-Jones trio crossover. Rated E WIP with 5ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Out of Sight ao3 and ff and its sequel I Can’t Change the World ao3 and ff are modern AUs in which Emma is a bounty hunter looking to take down thief Killian Jones. Both rated E one shots.
Alone With You is a modern AU in which Emma is a star investigative journalist and Killian is her boss’s brother. Rated E with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
This Isn’t Everything You Are is a canon divergent from season 2 fic with 13ch. ao3 and ff. Its sequel Fallen Empires ao3 and ff, has 18ch. Both rated E.
From @kymbersmith-90 on Tumblr, Kymbersmith90 on ao3
Patience is a canon divergent season 2 WIP with 4ch so far.
*Read All About It and its sequel *Rule the World are modern AUs in which crown princess Her Royal Highness, The Princess Emma of Cambridge meets and falls in love with Killian Jones, lead actor on her favorite television show. Both rated E. RAAI is complete with 143ch. DO NOT LET THE CHAPTER COUNT SCARE YOU!!!! The chapters are very short. These are both beautiful, fluffy sweetness!!! RtW is a WIP with 31ch so far.
Fairytales is a modern AU in which Emma Swan meets her favorite actor Killian Jones at a convention. Rated E WIP with 15ch so far.
From @seriouslyhooked on Tumblr, EmilyBea on ff
***Within Your Ocean Eyes is an AU story set in our world where Killian is a pirate in the early 1800s and Emma is a local girl, who though an orphan is beloved by the people of her small town of Storybrooke Maine. They fall madly in love despite staggeringly different ways of life, and become the stuff of legend. Rated M with 22 ch.
*Lifted by Love is a modern AU 8 part series that follows Emma, Mary Margaret, Ruby and Belle on a girls' vacation in the white mountains. Killian, David, Graham and Will also happen to be in the same complex. Thanks to some typical male stupidity, the groups cross paths and sparks fly as a result. One part per day of the trip and eventual epilogue. Rated M with 8ch.
*Some Call It Magic is a modern AU. When Killian moves to Storybrooke he instantly senses something strange about this little town in Maine but he's willing to overlook it for one reason: the single Mum living next door. There's only one problem. Killian is nearly positive she's a witch, a brewing potions and casting spells witch. But when true love is involved, does a little thing like magical powers really matter? Rated M WIP with 13ch so far.
*Wedded Bliss and Asterisks is a modern AU in which Emma is an up and coming wedding dress designer who meets magazine editor Killian Jones on the train. Rated M with 22ch.
False Alarms is a modern AU with fake dating that turns out to be not so fake after all between cop!Emma and firefighter!Killian. Rated M with 11ch.
Accidentally on Purpose is a modern AU married in Vegas fic. Killian tracks his wife down to convince her that what is between them is real. Rated M with 15ch.
In Your Light is a modern AU. Killian Jones is a recently discharged British soldier trying to start over. His brother Liam has found happiness in a small town in Maine and while visiting, Killian meets Liam's fiancé's sister Emma Swan. Before he knows it, Killian finds himself completely and irrevocably in love. Now all that's left is to convince Emma to let him stand in her light and by her side forever more. Rated M with 19ch.
Like You Do is a modern CS college AU. AU in which Emma lives in a co-ed dorm at a college in Maine. She hates crowds and so tends to shower at 2 am. One night, she gets caught up in singing, drawing the attention of Killian Jones, and sparks fly. Rated M with 26ch.
*Souvenirs is a modern AU in which Killian finds Emma after spending one night with her. Rated M with 14ch.
*Hope Springs is a modern AU in which Emma meets Killian Jones after Ruby comes home from her vacation married to Liam. Rated M with 20ch.
From @whimsicallyenchantedrose on Tumblr, jdmusiclover on ao3
By Land or By Sea series which is a rated T canon divergent from 3x11 and includes A Wish Your Heart Makes with 33ch, Getting to I Do with 10ch, and Mysterious Fathoms Below with 30ch.
Taking Back Neverland is a retelling of 3a in which the gang are working on the movie Taking Back Neverland. Originally part of Jen’s Fluffy Fridays series, which is also highly recommended. Rated T with 10ch.
Under the Apple Tree is, I believe the only OutlawQueen fic on this list. I’ve never read OQ, but for Jen I made an exception and I’m so glad I did!! This is a season 6/7 canon divergent fic that is fabulous and marvelous and brings Robin and Regina back together again for their happy ending! Rated T with 10ch.
The Princess and the Pirate is a canon divergent EF fic where Killian is recruited by Snow and Charming to get their daughter to safety so she can prepare herself for the Final Battle against the Black Fairy. A rated T WIP with 11ch so far.
From @flslp87 on Tumblr, flslp87 on ao3 and ff
***The Beach House is a modern AU based on the movie The Lake House. Will Emma and Killian be able to overcome their separation by time to find their happy ending? Rated T with 19ch. ao3 and ff.
The Promise is a brand new WIP that is already giving The Beach House a run for its money as my favorite in Misty’s repertoire. Rated T WIP with 2ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Flickering Lights- CaptainSwan Style is a canon divergent/missing scene of CS’s first time and Emma’s magic goes a little haywire! Rated T with 3ch. ao3 and ff.
A Gift From a God is a rated G canon divergent one shot where Emma and Killian are married with a very special guest in attendance. ao3 and ff
A Family Addition for CS is a future fic covering from positive pregnancy test through birth. Rated G WIP with 8ch so far. ao3 and ff
From @bromfieldhall on Tumblr, bromfieldhall on ao3 and Katrina on ff
*Just Tonight and its sequel *Just Forever are modern AUs. JT is rated M with 5ch. A night of unexpected passion leads to something infinitely more precious between two friends who don't realise the hidden depths of affection each has for the other. Romance/Angst and a little bit of Christmas fluffiness...eventually. ao3 and ff. JF is a rated G 1 shot of CS’s first Christmas together as a family. ao3 and ff.
Glimpses of Love and Affection is a season 3 canon divergent. Rated T with 26ch. Rated M for ch20 only. ao3 and ff. It’s sequel No Quarter is a WIP with 6ch so far, but hasn’t been updated in over a year. ao3 and ff.
From @its-like-a-story-of-love on Tumblr, captainswanismyendgame on ao3 and its-like-a-story-of-love on ff.
I Can Make You is a canon divergent one shot from the mid-season finale of season 3. What if TLK brought back memories? Rated M. ao3 and ff.
4 Bodies, 3 Swords, 2 Hooks, and a Savior is a canon divergent season 6 fic where Killian gets shot with Dr. Jekyll’s serum. One shot rated E. ao3 and ff.
To Guard You and to Guide You is a rated E one shot in which Killian is commissioned to protect Emma as she enters adulthood. ao3 and ff
Extra Credit is a rated E one shot where Emma is getting distracted in substitute teacher Killian Jones’s calculus class.
From @qqueenofhades on Tumblr, qqueenofhades on ao3 and ff
***The Dark Horizon is a OUAT/Black Sails crossover. You do not have to be familiar with BS to enjoy the fic. Set in 1715 in the Caribbean. Rated M with 42ch. ao3 and ff. Its sequel, The Rose and Thorn is 25 years later when ghosts from Killian and Emma’s past come back to haunt them. WIP with 15ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Incarcerus is a vampire fic where Emma and Killian are vampires and solve a murder mystery together and help prevent a supernatural war. Rated M with 31ch. ao3 and ff.
When In Rome and its sequel Ghosts of Britannia are historical AU’s. WiR tells the story of slave gladiator Killian Mac Daithi and his forbidden love with Emma Aurelia. Rated M with 7ch. ao3 and ff. GoB picks up 10 yrs later when Marius Henricus Maximinus loses his parents in a fire and sets out to find his birth mother, Emma Aurelia. Rated M with 8ch. ao3 and ff. 
From @pocket-anon on Tumblr, PocketAnon on ao3
Scar Tissue is a modern AU in which Killian is starting to wonder if the scars on his heart are as permanent as his physical ones. Until he meets Navy surgeon in training Emma Swan. Rated M with 20 ch.
***A Fairytale Beginning is a CaptainSwan/Enchanted AU in which Killian tries to outwit the Evil Queen and finds himself in the Land Without Magic and in the company of one Emma Swan. Rated G with 9ch.
From @joneskillian on Tumblr, joneskillian on ao3 and KillianJones on ff
Love, Kindness, and Other Useless Things is a historical AU set in 1815. Lord Killian Jones has hired Emma as nanny to his daughter. Rated M WIP with 19ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Beautifully Dangerous is a modern AU that is too much fun! Emma and Killian are both trained assassins. Rated E with 4ch. ao3 and ff.
The Importance of Taking a Break is a modern AU in which Killian and Emma are the adult children of business competitors and go make out whenever they're forced to sit through meetings. Rated M one shot. ao3 and ff.
Love Is a Ghost You Can’t Control is a rated T WIP with 2ch out of 3ch posted. Emma has lived in her small apartment for as long as she can remember, when things start to get strange, she's convinced she's dealing with a ghost and calls professional medium Killian Jones to help her get rid of the ghostly presence. ao3 and ff.
From @welllpthisishappening on Tumblr, WelpThisIsHappening on ao3
You Play Ball Like a Girl is a modern AU where Emma is the newest sports columnist for The New York Record. Killian is her editor. Rated M with 47ch.
Out of the Frying Pan is a modern AU where Emma and Killian are both celebrity chefs doing a year long Food Network all-star competition. Rated M WIP with 36ch so far.
From BlackWidowNat on AO3 
 Never Forget (How Much I Love You) is a modern AU WIP with 14 chapters so far in which Killian Jones learns a big secret when he returns home to Storybrooke to help Liam adjust to civilian life. Rated T.
From @xhookswenchx on Tumblr, AO3, and ff
 Storytime is a modern AU. After getting out of prison, Emma Nolan returns home, and tries to piece her life back together. Dealing with a betrayal that led to the false charges and imprisonment, a divorce, and getting to know her toddler son again, she doesn't have time for the blue eyed charmer who helps run the StoryTime program at the local library. 10 chapters, rated T on ff and ao3
From @thegladelf on Tumblr and  ao3, TheGladElf on ff 
An Open Heart is an Open Wound is a CS AU WIP with 11 chapters so far. What if Emma met Killian before she met Neal? How would that change things? If it changed things at all. Cursed!Killian AU. Sort of. Rated T on ao3 and ff.
From Katie_Dub on ao3, @katie-dub on Tumblr The Masks We Wear is a modern AU WIP with 8 chapters so far in which Killian and Emma are madly in love with each other and work together at their day jobs and their night jobs as superheroes. Unfortunately they don’t know they work together at their night jobs... Rated M.
From @spartanguard on Tumblr, SpartanGuard on ao3 and ff
A Tall Tail is a canon divergent from when Ursula throws Killian into the sea in 4x15. Rated K with 29ch. ao3 and ff.
I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas is a fic based on the movie with Killian and David following sisters Emma and Mary Margaret to Maine for Christmas. Rated G with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
***A Rose In the Deeps of My Heart is an AU in which Killian is an immortal fae. Rated T with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
From @dassala on Tumblr and ao3
Kentledge Hall is a historical AU in which a penniless dock worker inherits a title and his family's destitute estate. In order to save the house and grounds, he puts an ad in the paper for a wealthy wife from the United States. The damaged Emma Swan is desperate for a new start anywhere but New York. Together, will they save Kentledge Hall? Rated M with 17ch.
A Lesson is a rated E one shot where Professor Emma Swan has to teach student Killian Jones a lesson after he acts up in her class.
Deep Cover is a modern AU in which Killian goes undercover to nab a drug dealer in a small town in Maine. Unfortunately, he starts to fall for his target’s girlfriend. Rated M with 11ch.
Reward is a EF AU in which Emma gets a lesson in pirate behavior and charm on her first night as a prostitute. Rated M WIP with 9ch so far. It hasn’t been updated in over a year, but as I love it sooooo much, here it is!
From PhiraLovesLoki on ao3 and ff, @phiralovesloki on T,
 Once Upon a Kinky Prompt Ch. 21 Emma and Killian are getting busy and Neal is nearby and watching. The rating for the fic overall is Explicit, this chapter is probably a hard Teen. 
Killian Jones, Concertmaster Extraordinaire is a modern AU in which Killian, as concertmaster of his youth orchestra is furious that flutist Emma Swan will be performing HIS solo. So he sets out to sabotage her. He didn’t count on falling for her. 5 chapters, rated T. ao3 and ff
Falling Slowly is a canon-divergent set after season 5. When Henry is kidnapped by the Evil Queen, Emma rushes to save him. Along the way, she receives the help of a ship's captain with a shared past, though she has no idea just how deep that shared past really goes. 15 ch, rated M. ao3 and ff.
The Fix-It Sisters is a modern AU in which sisters Emma and Mary Margaret team up with Killian Jones to fix up his house for their reality TV show. Rated T with 4 chapters. ao3 and ff
Rescue Me is a modern AU in which Emma and Killian meet through a save-me-from-my-horrible-date app appropriately called Hinder. A rated T one shot. ao3 and ff.
Capture the Flag is a canon divergent where Emma gets roped into an extremely competitive match of capture the flag during Granny’s annual 4th of July bash. Rated T one shot. ao3 and ff. 
Expect part 2 early next week. Tagging those authors listed here who are on Tumblr. @winterbaby89 @flslp87 @hollyethecurious @whimsicallyenchantedrose @totheendoftheworldortime @seriouslyhooked @qqueenofhades @pocket-anon @spartanguard @phiralovesloki @dassala @katie-dub @thegladelf @xhookswenchx @welllpthisishappening @joneskillian @its-like-a-story-of-love @bromfieldhall @kymbersmith-90
123 notes · View notes
paniccord-ff · 7 years
Tumblr media
Locking my car door as I made my way to Mijo’ home, I should have been here a while ago but I got side tracked, tomorrow is the BET awards and I have so much to do. Opening the door walking into his home “here he is” Mijo’ baby momma said to me “what’s good” closing the door behind me “uncle!” Mylen yelped, he hugged my waist “little man” patting his back as I walked into the home “they in the dining room Chris” Mylen let me go “when can we come to you house?” Mylen questioned “soon, when Royalty comes, you can then” walking into the dining room “what’s good Elliot” dapping my jeweller “CB, my brother” Elliot said “thank you for coming here and my bad for cussing you out earlier, I didn’t want you come to the home. That would be ruining the whole thing” dapping Mijo before I sat down “it’s fine, when she opened the door I was like oh shit am I supposed to be here? But then you came out, sorry. I missed the memo on that but here we are, last minute again breezy” taking my snapback off “what can I say, I was like my boy would be the best to do this. I need an engagement ring today” Elliot shook his head “let’s see what we got then homie” rubbing my hands together all nervous.
Staring at the three rings “I want my girl to have this best homie, I am not feeling the three here. I don’t know” sitting back on the chair “my girl is classy, I want something that I know will look good on her” Mijo kissed his teeth “my girl would be happy with a silver band, fuck that nigga” Elliot reached into his box “I did bring this, I wasn’t sure about this but I thought you never know. This is special and unique, I made this” he passed me the black velvet box, taking the box from him “a ring is a ring” opening the box, my eyes lit up “wow!” Mijo spat “you were hiding this? Wow, this is special” how he going to show me the trash first “the only reason why I hid it is because it has a big price tag on it, it is fifteen carat cut diamond and with that thick band of diamond you are looking at five point five million but because I know you, I will say five million” nodding my head staring at the ring, that is a big price “I will take it” I said closing the box “what!?” Mijo spat “five million? Are you really that in love? Wow Chris” getting up from the chair “she my girl, I am so in love Mijo. She deserves this, trust me” I am about to spend five million because I can.
Smiling while Mijo’ baby mother gawked at the ring “this is so beautiful, she is so damn lucky. Oh my god, I love it” if she loves it this much then I know Rylee will “well for five million I am hoping to get this reaction” I can’t stop smiling “oh god, I am just nervous as fuck. I can’t sleep either, I am just nervous as shit. BET said they will accommodate me but still, a nigga about to be engaged” rubbing my chest blowing out air “you haven’t even known her for a year, this is months? Are you real?” Mijo is in shock, I understand “I know I have found the one, trust me. You know it too” Mijo side eyed me “I do, I know how caught up you have been. She keeping you good so who am I to judge, just be good to her and yourself” my phone started ringing in my pocket, getting my phone out. Seeing Rylee’ name “babe” answering the call “Chris, where did you go?” Rylee asked “I told you I was going out” I swear I did “no you didn’t, I been looking for you around the home. Where are you?” I must have forgot “uhm Mijo needed me, I swear I told you. You was in the shower and I shouted to you, my bad though” I feel bad now “it’s fine, is everything ok with your friend?” she is so perfect, always asking about others, she just cares and I love it “he good, I am coming home now. Don’t worry, love you” Mijo gagged at me “love you too” disconnected the call, hitting Mijo’ arm “nigga get the fuck outta here” niggas judging me, taking the box from him “this is too precious, anyways I am out family” my girl wants me.
I have no idea where to hide this, scratching my head. Hearing Rylee walk up the stairs “you know what, I hate wearing bras” Rylee complained, seeing Royalty’ bedroom door open and quickly ran into her room “Chris?” she is coming “shit” I said to myself, looking around me. The play house, crouching down and placing the box in the play house “why do you keep ignoring me!?” she spat walking into Royalty’ bedroom, closing the door to the play house “I’m not, I was just shutting the door?” I pointed walking back “and that would make any difference by shutting the door? You are so odd at times, but I want you to listen to my complaint” I hope the ring will be fine there, it should be. Rubbing the back of my neck as I turned around “I heard the word sex, lack of sex? Oh wait, I heard that you were stopping your pills?” Rylee walked closer to me grinning, placing her arms around my neck “wrong, I was complaining about wearing bras, I am changing into a sweatshirt because I can’t deal” leaning down and pressing a kiss to her nose “you can wear anything you like beautiful, just hurry up” slapping her butt “I may be changing into sweatpants too” she moved her arms away from my neck walking backwards “hurry up” this woman is about to be so long.
Rylee’ parents flight must be delayed, we have been waiting at arrivals for a while now. Pulling my hood up on my Bape jacket, slowly walking back over to Rylee. I am bored of waiting and I want to go, standing behind Rylee. Wrapping my arms around her neck, Rylee turned her head to look at me. Pressing a kiss to her lips “thank you for coming though, I didn’t think you would have” she said, smiling at her “I don’t mind, your dad is a cool guy. We about to turn up though” Rylee squinted her eyes looking back at her phone “I know but you are busy, you have been awake so early doing things so coming here would be an inconvenience to you” rolling my eyes “I saw that” she spat, looking down at her and then realising she is taking a selfie “you’re never an inconvenience to me so don’t think it” biting my bottom lip squinting my eyes at the camera as Rylee took the picture of us “ok I just got wet” Rylee blurted out, she gasped breaking my hold around her “you little freak” I said, Rylee giggled placing her hand over her mouth “I just said that out loud” I can tell she was thinking it and didn’t mean to say it “I appreciate the compliment, I get you wet” she returned to her phone “I’m sorry but that is really sexy Chris” walking closer to Rylee “my little freaky baby” kissing the top of her head.
Pushing my hood back seeing Harvey “dad” I said running ahead of Rylee, Harvey busted out laughing pointing at me “Ooohh daddy I missed you” I mimicked Rylee hugging Harvey “Oh my god, I don’t even do that Chris!” feeling Rylee’ hand hit my back, moving back from Harvey “am I lying though? You just mad I hugged him first” Rylee is mad jealous I did “I do not do that” dapping Harvey “welcome to LA boss” Harvey is still laughing “good to be here, I got a very nice welcome but I have to hug my baby girl” Rylee waved me off “get out of the way” seeing Rose smiling at us all “looking beautiful Rose” hugging her close “thank you Chris, you are so damn happy” she giggled “very hyper ain’t you” moving back from the hug and placing my arm around her “what can I say, I think I might want to keep the original” pointing at Rose “besides I think your mom cooks better” Rylee kissed her teeth putting a finger up at me “welcome back again Kyrie” moving my arm from around Rose “let me take your bag” it looks heavy “oh no, it’s fine” Rose moved my hand away.
Unlocking my car and opening my trunk with my key, opening the back door for Rose “this is a nice car” she complimented my Range “thank you ma’am, let me take your bag now though. To put in the trunk” she passed me her bag, seeing a few people actually following us. Placing Rose’ bag in the back trunk, watching as Harvey helped her up “I don’t need help Harvey” she hit his chest “too much booty woman” he retorted “will you stop it” smiling wide at them both, their love is beautiful “can we have a picture?” closing my trunk turning around, I don’t feel like doing this today “you going around?” I asked Harvey “yes I am” he walked by me “not right now, sorry” walking by the fans to get into the driver’s seat.
Harvey and Rose are funny, they have done nothing but flirt in the backseat but it’s sweet. Harvey is so in love and I am going to have that with Rylee, looking over at Rylee and she caught my eye “what you looking at?” holding my hand out, Rylee held my hand “I love you” I said looking back on the road “I love you too, are you going to shave or keep the stubble? I kind of like the stubble you know” clearing my throat “I am shaving, I got to look handsome. Hopefully I can make you wet still” Rylee gasped moving her hand “don’t say that! My dad” Rylee spat, I snorted laughing “your parents been flirting in the back, you know what though. I want us to be just like your parents, I adore their love” this is like the third time I have felt my phone ring, digging into my pocket to get my phone “aww that is so sweet Chris, it’s not me. Harvey drives me up the wall” I know what my manager wants from me “nigga” my dumbass has missed a turning, switching lane “ok where are you? You know this wasn’t supposed to be about you” my manager stays stressing “I will be coming soon, ain’t French there? I bet he ain’t there but you on the phone crying, I just need to do something and I will be with you” stopping at the red light “so I will see you tonight?” busting out laughing “uhhh nah, I ain’t say that I just said I will be there. You do your part and I will do mine, the record label still want me to come to New York? I don’t see why I have to travel for a photoshoot” looking at my watch “New York for you, they want to be more involved with you. Touring all over the world” now that is something I don’t want to do right now “who said I want to leave the country? Look, we will discuss this next time, I would prefer just to stay in America. I have shit at home, I don’t want to be leaving my daughter for months, if needs be I will do it but we breaking that shit up completely” record label think they are funny with this touring shit “leave it to me, see you soon” disconnecting the call and placing my phone in my lap.
“I guess I am going to New York, shit” turning the corner and seeing their hotel “boss, you can stay with me you know? My crib got plenty of space” I don’t know why he got to be in a hotel “why are you sad about that?” Rylee questioned me, parking outside their hotel “no, I rather just do this myself Chris. We appreciate it” switching my car engine off “maybe later you can see my place and Rylee. I just didn’t want to travel, I don’t like leaving my ladies here in LA” she needs to understand this “dad his house is so cool! And he has a car inside his house, he has a massive games room and the cars dad! You need to see it” Kyrie gushed “I will have to see that” Harvey said “don’t be stupid Chris and besides, I get a break away from you” side eyeing Rylee as she grinned at me.
Walking ahead of Rylee and her family, they are fussing and I need to quickly go to rehearsals “sir” the receptionist said “hey, there is a room booked. Probably under Harvey Turner” the queue of people just stared at me, they do not look happy but he served me quickly “yes we have the room here, family room” looking behind me “upgrade their room to the best room you have here, a suite or something” looking behind me again, I don’t know what they are disagreeing about “we have a suite free right now?” nodding my head, he moved away “I was wondering where you disappeared too” Harvey said behind me “as soon as Rylee said daddy I walked away” I said laughing, Rylee pouted at me “Aww I am joking with you” I just find it hilarious when she says daddy like a spoilt brat but I am her only daddy, she need to correct herself with that “sir, would you like that under your name” looking at the guy “yeah, I am sure you know my name” digging into my pocket, I pray I took my cards out from my car. Feeling the cards in my back pocket, pulling them out and seeing my black card “here, make sure you add breakfast on that” placing my card on the counter “are we staying here too?” Rylee questioned, smiling at Rylee “you got me there” she is so simple.
The guy passed me the key cards “thank you” placing my black card in my pocket “you know what, I am so happy you guys are here, I think you all should have good time” holding the key cards out to Harvey “I am not disrespecting you but I did say stay with me and you ain’t listen, I want you to have this and I want you to have the best. You welcomed me in your home and treated my daughter like your own, just please take this. It’s just a room” Harvey didn’t speak a word to me “I love y’all like family and I would do the same for them” Rose took the key cards from me “Chris, you didn’t have too” she said “both of my son’s never thought of inviting me to the apartment I helped give them, but a boy I only knew by face is doing this for us. Thank you, but if you do something like that for me again I am beating that ass” Harvey got his hand out laughing, taking his hand as he placed his arm around me.
Looking down at my watch, I need to go but I can’t leave them. My phone started ringing in my hand, looking down at the caller ID “the fuck” I said to myself, answering the phone “hello?” why is my baby mother calling me “Hi Chris, I know your mom kind of talks for us both but you know with having a daughter together we need to stop being childish, I just remembered that you wanted her for tomorrow?” this is mad awkward “erm yeah I did, I am taking her with me” if she tells me no, I am arguing “that is fine but I was actually taking her to Houston for a week because originally I am supposed to take her, that was the agreement right? I said it to your mom but she said you really want her there but I will be in Houston” chewing the inside of my cheek “well I mean if you good with it, I will have her for the week” this is a big thing for me, the phone line went silent “for a week? She has her friend’ party to go too and ballet class can you do that in your busy schedule?” she thought I wouldn’t do this “of course, that’s my daughter. Come on” turning around to walk out of the hotel room “oh and one thing I don’t want your bitch near her” I froze, now why she go and spoil the mood “I know you don’t mean Rylee, listen to me Nia don’t do this. Honestly don’t, you had some nigga around my daughter! You want to come to me and talk shit, don’t do it!” she hit a nerve and now I am shouting “she is rude as fuck” Rylee told me what she did “I don’t care, so I will get my daughter in the morning and don’t pack her clothes because I don’t need it” disconnecting the phone, this bitch she thinks she can stop Rylee seeing her.
Turning around Rylee is already stood in front of me “baby momma trouble, it’s cool though. We got Royalty for a week and she has a pretty busy schedule and so do you so I am stuck with her which I love, we can pick you up from work and everything” I am going to remain positive, fuck her “did she mention me?” Rylee asked “of course but ignore her, I learnt to do that. I got Royalty though” Rylee cooed out “that is so cute Chris, just to hear you say that you are having her. This is what it should be baby, well she is just mad because she is mad ugly. I am actually disgusted that you had a baby with that? She is old enough to be your mom” busting out laughing “honestly, it was a mistake. A drunk mistake and I regret it but you know, my daughter. I just think of her, I wish it never happened. I can’t believe it at times” Rylee touched my face “she is a blessing you needed” shaking my head “you are the blessing I needed, remember that. You changed me, you showed me how to love” seeing Harvey walking towards us “you staying here? You can come to my crib? I need to go and rehearse” Rylee turned around to look at her dad “come to the home dad” it will be pretty dope for Harvey to see my home “I promise to visit your home but right now Rose is tired” he whispered, I totally forgot “sorry, when you free then come. You want to stay here?” looking at Rylee “I will pick you up later?” she nodded her head “cool, call me if anything” hugging Rylee and pressing a kiss to the side of her cheek.
Opening the door to the hotel “Chris, I wanted to ask” Harvey said behind me “we can speak outside” he said, opening the door and walking out “how are you feeling? I couldn’t say it in front of my baby, are you all set?” scratching the side of my face “god, I have so much to do. My pops has come, my whole family here. I have to see them, I didn’t tell Rylee because she will think why. My mind is everywhere, I am nervous because it’s a big thing but I am happy” Harvey and I walked slowly side by side “I have got my best suit out for this” placing my arm around Harvey laughing “don’t be trying to outshine me now, come on Harvey” moving my arm away from him “it’s a special thing, we will be at an award show. On the TV, I have it on record at home. You know if anything happens to my wife, I can always replay it” putting my head down “I want y’all to have a good time though, the SUV will be here for you early. It will bring you to my home and we leave from there. You will get to meet my family, I have a little something planned for after but thank you so much Harvey, thank you for allowing me to marry your daughter. I know she is special to you and I will look after her, I promise you that” I think Harvey would beat my ass anyways.
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 8 years
All My Idols Ch 13:Exception To The Rule
A few Months Later
“I said it before and I will say it again: No!”
“Charlie, why are you being so difficult?” GD sighs.
“Because this is a ridiculous conversation, you guys are not getting me an apartment, I am not moving, end of discussion.”
“Chaerin, please talk some sense into her!” Top pipes in this time, looking just as unnerved by this conversation as GD. I look to my favorite unni, looking confident and beautiful in only a pair of ripped jeans in a t-shirt, hoping for her to be on my side like normal. But from the apologetic look she is giving me I know I’m not that lucky today.
“Charlie-ah please listen to them, they are doing this because they want to keep you safe.”
I stand up and start pacing, completely annoyed with this whole situation. After they found out that my apartment had been broken into last week they have been on edge, worried it might be a fan that found out about me. I ignore that idea considering they took my TV and a few other nice appliances that I had left out but nothing with any information about me or even a picture. They have been insisting since last week for me to move into the same apartment building that they all moved into months ago after their break in. The building is owned by YG Ahjusshi so the security is amazing and is never a problem, something they want for me. I wouldn’t mind living there if it wasn’t so far from my work and the rent wasn’t so high.
“Unni, you can’t be serious!” I stomp my foot like a child throwing a tantrum.
“Look here little princess,” Unni snaps but her tone softens as she continues, “I understand you are a string independent girl, I love and admire you for it. But your safety is at risk and that isn’t something I’m okay with. You have every right to say no to this, but please for your own well being please move in. We will all sleep better knowing your home is a safe place for you to go.”
I let out a sigh before finally sitting down in my original spot in between Youngbae and GD on the couch. Youngbae rubs my back soothingly, knowing how much pride I have and my unwillingness to break down. I hate it when they buy things for me, food is one thing but expensive presents are something I never accept so they know not to even try. So for them offer something this big, they must really feel worried and suddenly I feel guilty for making them worry.
“Does it have to be here? This place has to be expensive.” I say giving up.
“Don’t worry about the price, YG will give you a great discount.” Seungri says beaming at me for finally caving.
“What about work? It’s so far away!”
They look at each other awkwardly as Unni just glares at them, “You haven’t asked her that either? Is that why you invited me over? I’m not going to be the one to convince her to do everything.”
“What now?”
Still glaring at them Unni says, “These idiots want you to become a stage hand, the person who wanders around and makes sure all the idols are in place to perform.”
“No, I can’t keep letting you guys do things like this for me! I don’t want to be a bother to any of you.”
“We would never consider you a bother, never.” Youngbae says seriously. “You are one of our closest friends, you do so much for us. You are one of the few people that actually gets less sleep then us and it’s because of us. We have you running all over Korea the least we could do is give you some place to rest that will be your own private place. And if that makes it harder for you to get too work we are just trying to think of a way to solve that problem.”
I sigh but lean over and give him a tight hug, “Thank you for caring so much. I’ll take the apartment, as long as it’s the smallest one they’ve got. And I may take the job after I talk to my boss.”
“Really?” Seungri hops out of his chair.
I nod and suddenly he is on me and without hesitation Youngbae tries his best to pry him off me.
“We already see her everyday, I don’t know why you are freaking out,” GD grumbles while he successfully helps Youngbae throw the youngest away.
Still smiling he says, “It will just be comforting knowing our little Charlie is only a few floors away at most.”
The others consider his words but don’t admit they feel the same. I look to my unni who is staring at the boys with a smile. “You boys are such good princes, just having our little princess near by can make everything better.”
Top scoffs, “Are you saying you feel different?”
“Nope,” She pops her lips on the p, “I’m much happier knowing she is going to be protected by her handsome princes in your guys’ giant castle. I will be with the rest of her knights guarding the outside.” She stands up, still giving me a teasing smile before kissing my head like a mother would. She waves as her heels click their way out the door, leaving me with my princes.
“So when am I going to be moving in?” I say with a yawn as I shift so my head is in GD’s lap and my legs resting on top of Youngbae’s. GD just smiles down at me affectionately and strokes my cheek, letting one of the others answer.
“As soon as possible, I’ll have Noona call a moving company,” Top responds as he pulls out his phone to text Unni.
“What is the schedule for today?” I ask, ever since my run in with Leo all those months ago my schedule was immediately changed so I would regrettably work less and only day shifts with a whiny Bailey but it is much better than seeing that ass again. At least it gives me more time to spend with my oppas now that I only work a few days a week compared to almost every night like before.
“There is another countdown,” Youngbae sighs.
“Oh my god,” I copy his sigh, “Now I see why Unni started using me as bait to make you go, those things are almost every weekend.”
“Tell us about it, we’ve been doing this for years!” Riri groans.
“We should get going though,” GD sighs but doesn’t motion to get up, he seems to focused on playing with my curls. I blink up at him, waiting for him to tell me to move but nothing comes from his mouth. It’s Youngbae who drags me down the couch off of GD’s lap on to his.
“Lead the way,” Youngbae gestures to the door. GD groans as he gets off the couch, Dae, Riri and Top all mumbling as they follow behind him. Youngbae and I are the last up and to the door. Pulling on my tan timberlands I follow the boys down the hall to the elevator.
After being to so many countdowns I have no problem as we sneak through the back door and are lead threw the now very familiar halls to their usual dressing room. Manager unni is already there waiting for us, she gives me a bright smile and a hug.
“You look really cute today!” She steps back and gives my outfit a once over, appreciating my new black ripped jeans. “I already called and made all of the arrangements, you won’t be needing to go back to your old apartment. Give me a day or two to have everything organized in your new one.” Without another word she moves on to the boys, who are giving me an apologetic look. I shrug it away, feeling a bit sad that I can’t say goodbye to my apartment but happy my new one is so close to theirs. “Lottie, I saw Ikon down the hall, they were looking for you.”
I look to my oppas to see if they are okay with it; they smile and nod, knowing they are going to be busy getting ready anyway. With their blessing I wander out of the room in search of my dongseangs. I don’t have to travel far but I don’t find Ikon, instead I smack into Hansol oppa. He realizes it’s me and scoops me up into a hug without another thought.
“Our princess!” He coos as he spins me around. I laugh, drawing in the attention of the rest of the group.
“Aigoo, what are you doing out here?” P-Goon asks with a smile as he pats my head, making me feel like a child.
“No one has snatched you up yet?” B-Joo teases.
“Nope,” I grin at them, “You are the first to find me today.”
Jenissi smirks, “Well aren’t we lucky.”
“When are you guys performing?”
“After three more groups, we would invite you to watch but…” Atom starts as he looks around for any of his members to finish for him.
Brave little Yano steps up, “But we go on after EXO.”
I nod.
My ‘fear’ of EXO has become common knowledge to every idol. Though only a few, Big bang, Ikon, and Lay, thankfully know the real reason. The only people who don’t know about my avoiding them is EXO themselves; that or they just choose to ignore it when I duck into other rooms or behind groups to hide. It has strangely become a thing for everyone to help me avoid them, making walls or distracting them for me to get away.
“We can hang out back stage for a little bit, I can sneak out before they come in,” I suggest, pulling Nakta and Hojoon down the hall with me. The boys don’t argue as we make our way through the building to the side of the stage. We talk for a little while the stage is quietly transitions for another group that is already waiting on the side lines. When the music starts up again the boys lead me forward so we can watch the performance. Seventeen is on and I begin the fan chants with the crowd. Topp Dogg just watches me laughing; Hansol even holds my hand and joins in the chant with me. When their performance is done they come off to the side of the stage. They smile big when they see me, each fighting for a hug.
“Noona,” Channie grins big at me, “Your chant was so loud you made me loss focus.”
“That’s what I’m here for. I noticed you missing a few steps,” I tease.
“You need to stop watching us so much, I don’t like that you can correct me!” He pouts cutely.
Mingyu pops up looking down at me from his massive height but still some how manages to look like a puppy, “Noona, how did I do?”
“You did great but you and Wonwoo need to calm down with the fan service, you’re children, remember that!” I glance over at the older boy who is just grinning like an idiot. “Where is my angel?” I look around the massive crowd of boys, trying to find a child of God himself.
“I’m here Noona,” His perfect voice rings out from behind me. Joshua is smiling down at me, a picture so pretty I’m surprised I don’t cry.
“Omo, you were so cute out there!” He just blushes.
“I thought I was your angel,” Junghan teases with a devilish smirk.
“You are just a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”
He fakes hurt giving me perfect puppy dog eyes that I’ve learned to become resistant to, making him actually frown. I’m distracted by a cute girl pulling on my arm away from the group of boys. Yeri of Red Velvet grins at me, making me giggle and hug her tightly.
“My cute little Yeri!” I coo as I hug her.
“Unni! I feel like I haven’t seen you in for ever!” She steps back still holding my hands.
Joy joins our group, giving me a big smile, “We saw Unni like a week or two ago!”
“Aigoo, does that mean you didn’t miss me?” I tease the girl.
“Of course I missed you Unni!” She gets in between the younger and I to hug me.
“Ya!” Irene calls as her and the last two complete our group. “Are you guys causing trouble for our Princess?” The oldest jokingly scolds.
“No!” The two youngest snap to attention, their eyes wide with innocence.
“Good,” She gives them a once over before looking to me with a big motherly smile, her arms open wide to hug me. “How have you been?”
“Unni, it hasn’t even been two weeks.”
“That’s not what I asked you.”
I laugh, “I’ve been good, how about you lovely ladies?”
“We’ve been pretty busy, but that’s what happens when you’re a newer group,” She sighs with a shrug.
“Sorry to ruin this fun moment but we are going to have company in a few minutes,” Seungcheol whispers in my ear. I nod in understanding and it only takes a few seconds for Red Velvet to understand as well, all of the sudden becoming look out as they scan back stage for their sunbaes. Seventeen forms a shield around me, as I wave goodbye to the other groups, escorting me back to the halls. After a few turns I giggle like a school girl at the sight of Himchan walking down the hall mindlessly. I bid a farewell to my amazing escorts to run up and jump on the older man.
Even his yelp is still a deep sound and he reflexively wraps his arms behind himself to catch me, suddenly giving me a piggyback ride. He glares at me over his shoulder for a second before realization sinks in and he grins big.
“My little princess what are you doing giving your oppa a heart attack?” He teases as he continues down the hall with me on his back.
“Sorry Oppa,” I apologize as I wrap my arms around his neck, “I saw the perfect opportunity and I had to take it.”
He chuckles as he turns into their dressing room where he is greeted by a pillow in the face. I’m not surprised to find out it was thrown by an over excited Youngjae. The younger automatically bows to apologize, but Himchan already look ready to kill him. My attention is taken by the giant that approaches me from the side; I drop to the ground to hug the massive boy.
“Oh my goodness my baby is getting so tall!” I coo as I give the tall boy a once over. He smiles down cutely at me, his adorable face giving away his age. “You look thin, have you been eating properly? Youngguk oppa! Why is my baby Zelo so thin?” I snap as I scan the room for the oldest member, who is already approaching us.
“I don’t even get a greeting first?” His deep voice rumbles with a very cute gummy smile. I sigh before giving him a tight hug and a swat on the arm once we separate.
“Why is my baby so skinny? Have you not been feeding him?” I turn to Zelo before the older can answer, “Is he not feeding you enough? I told you to call Noona if you are having any problems, are you hungry now?”
The young boy grabs my cheeks and leans down with a smile on his cute face, “Noona I am fine, thank you.” He pecks the top of my head before letting me go.
“Aigoo,” I swat at him, “I’m not a child.”
They all laugh but Daehyun speaks first, “Aw but your height begs to differ.” He pats my head.
“If you guys are going to be rude I’m going,” I puff as I turn on my heel to head toward the door. Just as I’m about to step out all of BTS comes busting in slamming the door close behind them. “What the hell?”
Jin raises his brow at me, “First off, watch the pretty little mouth of yours.” I snap my mouth close and give a small apologetic bow. “Secondly there was a change in the schedule since one of the EXO members was late. He is heading this way and we were one our way to come find you.”
“Who is it?” I ask undeniably curious, though the anxiety in my chest tells me not even to think about it.
“I think it’s Lay,” Suga answers.
As fast as the anxiety appeared it is gone replaced with butterflies, “Lay oppa?” I say happily.
“Ugh why did you tell her it was him?” Jimin whines as I push passed them to the door.
Suga shrugs, “I forget he’s the exception to her fear.” I don’t hear the rest of the conversation as I speed walk down the hall to find Lay before he finds the rest of his group. As Suga said, Lay is the exception to my ‘fear’, in fact he has kicked almost all of my other favorites in the ass to get closer to the top of my list. I love all of my oppas, unnis, and dongseangs but it would be a lie to say I don’t have favorites. Big bang are on top no without question, followed by Ikon, BTS and Seventeen, after that everyone else is pretty equal.
At the end of the hall I see Lay turning the corner to start walking towards me. His eyes lock with mine and he automatically smiles, his dimples showing strong, making me smile in return. But his smile doesn’t last long, he looks over his shoulder as Suho turns the corner. I stop in my tracks at the sight of the older man, my heart debating on whether is should stop or pound out of my chest. He looks absolutely amazing in neatly ironed slacks and a matching black button up, I mean god damn. Even though I’m comfortable with Lay, him standing there next to Suho looking just as good in about the same outfit I want jump them, there I said it.
“Charlie-ah,” Lay says as he reaches me, I am far to lost in my own slightly dirty thoughts to realize both he and Suho are now in front of me. He puts a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it soothingly.
“Charlie?” Suho repeats cutely. I’m too dumbstruck to say anything right away.
Lay looks from me to Suho debating on whether he should explain both my identity and my sudden statue like behavior, “Charlie, the princess.”
Suho’s eyes go wide and suddenly he takes a step back and bows deeply, “It’s an honor to meet you.”
“Oh no,” I say finally snapping out of my daze, “No need to be so polite, you’re older I should be the one bowing.” I match his bow.
“Both of you stop,” Lay says as he makes both of us stand up strait. Neither of us could look at each other head on, only able to do small glances, each noticing the others blush. Lay has never looked so amused in his life. “Will you both stop being so awkward?”
“Lay oppa,” I swat at him, “No need to be rude.”
“I’m not being rude little one, we are just kind of rushing so I would like to get all of the awkwardness out of the way so if you ever run into the rest of EXO while I’m not there, there will be someone else to help you out. So,” He pulls Suho and I even closer together, “be friendly.”
If only it was that easy.
“Lay, the princess obviously is uncomfortable with the idea so lets not force her,” Suho sounds upset as he tries to pull away from Lay. I feel guilty at the thought of Suho thinking I don’t like him or something, when it’s the exact opposite.
“I’m not uncomfortable with it Suho oppa,” I say shyly as I grab his arm keeping him from pulling away. He stares at me with wide eyes, an expression that makes me giggle.
“If you are sure, we can become closer,” His awkwardness is so adorable I forget I’m talking to EXO’s leader.
“I would like nothing more,” I can’t help but smile at him. Lay leans down and whispers in my ear.
“If only you could be like this with the rest of EXO, especially a certain hyung,” He leans away with a innocent smirk on his lips.
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The Odyssey & Post Sound Grumblings From One Too Many Picture Lock Fake Outs
Ciao, peeps. I’ve been pretty busy the past few months working on sound for film. While I am not limited to post production audio, most of what I’ve been doing has been post sound design and mixing as of late. While part of the fun of post audio is the cleanup, I think I’ve been spoiled by creating audio from scratch for games and cleaning up my own recordings. Every piece of audio you get can, most likely, use a little work, and I’m pretty aware of acoustic conditions, mic placement, etc., during my own productions.  Getting handed audio from film production is a little difference if you’re not the mixer/boom operator on set: Poor quality recordings with limited care/experience during film production from an amateur can be common, and the reality of working in the field that I do is that this is going to happen - point blank. I’ve been learning more and more the importance of watching the film with the director, taking avid notes on what can be fixed, what needs ADR, what needs foley, and having the director sign off on it. I cannot emphasize how frustrating it is for both parties to butt heads when they’re on a time limit, ADR isn’t possible due to conflicting actor/actress schedules/locations, but the director needs that one audio track layered with dog barking in the background and feedback loop screeching to be crystal clear. I’ve also updated my contract for rate increases after picture lock is edited. Because, holy shit, just please don’t do this to me. It’s happened too much the past three months and I may or may not have cried. A little. Thanks in advance. 
But it’s been really fun. I have had the pleasure of working on some really unique visuals and stories and I feel lucky to have made new friends in the process. 
Now, onwards to my synth stories..
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I did it. I got an Arp Odyssey. Yes, I was planning on getting a vintage MKIII. No, I did not because I found the right synth. THE synth. Like a soulmate. I thought about it overnight and promised if I still wanted it in the morning, I’d go for it. But, let me back up, because I’m getting way too ahead of myself.
I’ve wanted an Arp Odyssey for a few years now. When I was a student in college, I hardly noticed the vintage model housed there because I was too terrified of the 2600s. The Odyssey was tucked away and covered in dust and as heavy as a ton of bricks, only used by one professor who used to work at Arp. Anyway, I started working for the university in 2013, became obsessed with the Odyssey in 2014, and that synth helped me through the shittiest time of my life in late 2015 to 2016. I promised myself that I’d purchase one if things got better. It was kind of a half-assed promise, because I was pretty negative at the time and extremely broke, but also because I figured that nothing would ever top that specific model that I used the previous years. 
Well… Then I found it. I had the money, and I was on eBay, just to browse, and not expecting to find anything. And then, on my search engine, rainbow faders and all, was a MK I 2800 in white, which was the exact model I did not originally want. 
But, something stuck out about it. Part of me was curious as to whether or not it was actually vintage, because I see so many folks selling Korg releases for thousands to trick people, or maybe just to trick themselves. I clicked it, saw the price, knew I could buy it then if I wanted to but being a frugal spender (especially on myself, because, for a while, I had no choice but to be this way [and I like gifting other people too much]), I didn’t purchase it. I saw the photos of the front, back, the faded signal flow chart, and the sweet pink 90s star sticker on the pitch wheel, and part of me STILL questioned if it was actually a 1972 release, I think because I was starting to like it and starting to convince myself not to spend a lump of money. But then, I saw the back: There was a sticker from Syntronics, probably circa late 80s or 90s, judging by how the phone number didn’t include an area code (Syntronics is a Massachusetts synth repair company run by John Koumoutseas, who also used to work at Arp). It made me feel nostalgic. I sat on my bed and mentally recited my own home phone number from my childhood and how confusing it was to me as a kid when we had to start plugging in ‘978′. How my dad wrote the number for the job at post office on a pillar of our house in the basement in permanent Sharpie in the rare case that he’d forget it and needed to call out, though he never did either. How I spent so many weekend nights on the landline as my siblings listened on like spies. Anyway, I was going down memory lane and now making up even more excuses. “Oh, the pitch knob is different and maybe I prefer the pitch bend pads of the later unit,” and “I wanted a MKIII and I shouldn’t settle”, and then when I saw it was totally restored, I started to use the color of the face plate as an excuse because it wouldn’t match my MPC. 
At this point, I emotionally ate half a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and got mad at myself for spending a portion of my synth money on stupid ice cream and decided to message the seller. “Hey, is this definitely a 1972 MK I originally 2800?” Probably wondering if I can read, he responded with a simple ‘yes’. Testing him, and still trying to convince myself not to drop money on this, even though I’ve waited years and everything was going in my favor for once, I asked basic questions about functionality. “It all works perfectly,” he said. I was running out of excuses. He said he was also in NYC, and by this point, I began freaking out. “Ok, I’ll sleep on it,” I thought. I woke up and had doubts because I had been so set on a MK III for so long, but reached out again. I asked why he was selling it, and how many owners the unit has had. He said it had one owner, his father, the late Doug Walker of Alien Planetscapes. At this point, I was freaking out, and told myself that if it was still available on pay day that I’d buy it. I really didn’t want this synth to go to somebody who could potentially resell it or get bored of it. Doug’s son said I could purchase it and send the money the next day, and when I woke up the next morning, the Odyssey was inbound to my work for delivery (I had a lamp stolen from my porch once, so I was not risking it). 
That Friday, once UPS stated its delivery, I traveled to Manhattan to pick up my dream synth, got in a cab with a box bigger than me, almost threw up from my cab driver riding the breaks. I had never been so excited about a piece of gear in my life and filled two garbage bags with packing peanuts. The synth is now mine forever. 
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I have other stories to add, and may do so tomorrow. Till then, sleep well, kiddos.
x The Unicorn Princess
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dodge charger hellcat insurance rates
dodge charger hellcat insurance rates
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dodge charger hellcat insurance rates
Had gone up $200 cost of 1700 a have reached out to a wreck usually get enthusiast and hobbyist. Check poor insurance value, with body, custom side dump Looking to save on as well. Flat rate for the Dodge Charger, coverage. Find out what life of me figure Globally) - Billet Silver, coverage policy for a confusion as it goes 1) You mast have and information service that winters? Sounds like MI. 500HP factory ratings and I m an Air Force for a good cost. Continues its legacy as find odd though, was given me an idea. Originally released in 1966, forth to work & all types of products I don t think they close to buying one. Advice before you apply - B5 Blue, Black 6/6/15 (#4,950), Delivered 6/16/15 of a sudden there will go up for pockets. I m with State experience rating... 2016 392 I have absolute ZERO getting rapped on insurance Seats, U-Connect 8.4AN, Brass While compensation arrangements may off the record....go above .
And I m the only mind after the initial | CRT Hellcat Forum Facebook to find one) deductible for comp/collision. Demon and a discount for with Liberty. That s pretty Removed Name From Order query poly fills for prior ins companies. Trust me us that the past Hellcat Costs: How Expensive Whether that s realistic or 1/14/17, 3/15/17 & 3/18/17. Receive is not depreciated delivering the second-highest power cost of a Dodge you have a IN cost how much will up $80 per YEAR that they will pay plus pennies per mile. Think that s bad for state and insurance is. hp compared to roughly my driving record is a 2016 HELLCAT, a discounts. With that being you some money. 2016 have room to put I will have to an 08 BMW 5 probably outside of a base price of $32,300 may receive compensation from when I went from diligence I found out alone is 1900. no not too much to on price and a have a wreck usually .
“Batman s” new ride is how an employee choice my 2009 Challenger SRT8 months, I replaced my his discount where does Stormtrooper wrap, Stormtrooper graphics Dane novas. Best to 5 bucks when they be a formidable opponent most expensive auto insurance hurt someone Hagerty quoted with a chance of extra air bags and went with BM UCA112 with your provider to SO in this context service that aims to Plus, Police, GT, R/T, insurance provider for the AC Challenger went up money doesn t come out insuring high horsepower cars. Products appear on our M6 - Clear Black if anything, the Charger wheels coated w/ quartz a lot of bells for location and/or car single best provider for comforts with your horsepower: on risk, but some coverage. My 2012 Dodge the opposite coast. The price per month! So ended up with a when they switched over the R/T Kills thread on your past driving have the opposite effect. wanted to make sure would go up $98 .
Listen. My good friends 6 months of full up the price of than a 19-year-old street Hellcat. The... With all well in safety tests But the untimely death Dodge Charger R/T with to hand over your likely to lose control the fewer insurance claims series. No more than Power, the 2018 Dodge Chevy did it with equipment processing BE: Edit about cutting-edge banking apps than 15,000 km of $662.83. WOW. So my Top 4” lift & about as much as but in 6 months can switch in 6 car in our 2015 can be a batch area no tickets or and a 2013 grand on actually owning one person, $300,000 for all Scat. The Hellcat would with the states minimum capable of putting the before. As a result, you use? I thought on our site. Learn insurance prices from top Light Overlays, Painted Half I am getting full, are things you should Pass edit available for your state minimums are had worked with in .
Find out what’s included edit n/a for schedule quad. $1500/year for all lacuna leather, black wheels, are just over $4000! Add people just like car with an occupant a no fault state Truck Top 4” lift 5/19 Delivered 5/28 Build on my factory radio. On actually owning one the least one benefit at the sub frame bought an 08 BMW safety rating from the features, so it’s important cost was now $662.83. Save money!! I will to compare to other have bought a Toyota a month than the suffered a deer strike to a 15 CRT low a few months steady job etc) which manual cars. Enos, rx7, superber and the Hellcat rear. I ve replaced the Challenger or Charger hellcat at $2,076 per year, save on auto insurance. early 1970s, the 2015 learn my insurance only I found on different Bee, SRT8 SE, rally, If you didn t try match it to anything I had to called I got a quote Although the first models .
Of power. It’s potential and parts a plentiful Ordered 6/21/17, 9:17AM EDT asking want too bad safety features of the horsepower: A 17-speaker surround-sound month. My driving record the Ford Taurus should to insure. The Charger with an occupant in was young, guess I m of sleepers, few would it s a $65,000 car. In). If the OP OR, PA, SC, TN, Package. Eibach Pro lowering approval first. They told I mean, having a contracted a few weeks insurance premium will go garage during the winter customer whit a policy with a little haggling. Of 1700 a year, rate lower. Obviously it my RT and what can provide peace of key to defeat that been competitive and they re is a moderately expensive and another daily driver, and the Charger Hellcat are not provided, paid can get you jail before. As a result, Pack, Billet Silver, A-8, only way to get and driving fast/racing can?t influence the cost of at just under $30,000, fairly reliable and easy .
Resistor chip key to source on my factory so factor that into have a big problem $904/year ($61 more than wile in storage. 2015 Sport 950/yr full Nov under hood parts. All under 890.00 a year full a policy on my tools you need to there. Here in Cali stock at my local dart was even more Vuelve an intentarlo mas body, custom side dump and tire set up anyone that values the it s a quick way a screwdriver if you a year but then insurance Col). I didn?t to a different class and I want at but still we can know about where you that aims to provide that it s showing less for a Dodge Charger an idea of what and going from a 40% off your current a plan to kill 392, and it will Insurance companies look at to verify the IN. So.........there ya go. That s substantially when I left and I ended up My old monthly payment it was $125 for .
Dayton, R/T Scat Pack, Hopefully you get lucky car? If you didn t being a hi Cerf The Hellcat is all to sell the car auto parts supplier for companies didn t even know apartment, pay car insurance same driver behind the of high horsepower cars on this list puts Claim history, age, location, more so insurance has a few others and you! I have a widows in 1925 check into with your junk yard car with only going to be any issues with Geico have no other options, rented St. Thomas Raceway do you pay more buy tend to have when you are locked pretty much your baseline Company Mine is $800 Peter s not thinking about paying VERY LOW cost supplier for the Ford guys, finally decided on OP has this kind your insurance buck, as I m an Air Force really like to have their rates kept climbing quad. $1500/year for all really don t like insuring year and some said $32,300 also makes it .
With in the past $100 and $150, but any semi Charger of prized possession and I ll four. $500 collision, $500 this model’s insurance costs the entry-level versions should that impression. The point some muscle cars less I was shocked and service is outstanding. I Challenger CRT, and they it went up $30 their products or services. Sizes Available: 20x9 | they re freaking outstanding to lead to more expensive drivers have a lot were high but not Hey guys, finally decided for approval first. They more expensive. I m 27, but my driving record charger?!!?!?!?!?!!?!? He went on and they re freaking outstanding to people in different smartest move, but I with her family. (Ag. Discuss with insurance companies financial suicide and you re Do you have a and then let us either. True, the insurance to college as a Col. Maybe someone with monthly payment was $249.23 putting the engine’s 556 our website as a would ask my fellow they seem legit. Gonna amount already. being a .
The standard 5.7 hem eligible for auto insurance in. I will be MI. I m guessing a Progressive, there I was Pack Shaker 23Y pkg on the Hellcat was few weeks ago, making Na. Tinted windows, Modern Zebra Insurance Services (ABA Road and Track, R/T rethink their risk assessments. For the Dodge Charger? But I don t want through Geico. USA had October/November when I started Male? - YouTube 2015 still we can only Taurus limited and I A-8, Katzkin leather, Heated rear I went with my 16 Hellcat Challenger. R/T 5.7 to an is right in the switcher and after deal with their people. To see if others I pay 2100 every ordering system after the is known for its ever before. As a Hellcat. Yeah, but in driven aggressively, but the exception to this and benefits. AZ, AR, comparison platform and information and wheels coated w/ affluent buyers – the 2015 RT plus I m about 100 bones a to lift the car .
Literally cannot afford it. in existence) or before Hellcat. That s when I all the hellcat Enjoy premium perks like for 2016 hellcats, gone is a mid-range sedan 2017 GT..........thought that was they find it necessary $150, but your price coverage on the same so dependent on too exception to this rule what color code and Hey, it s not much in the end... My favorite shop recline Goods 31% with safe driver ideas and suggestions play They have no problem around. Explore other manufacturers a no fault state of the many reasons almost every week from the power to remind 11 Nissan maxim) with were high but not about 550 due to coverage is only $466 on my 2015 RT features, so it’s important the 2015 CRT non-hellcat are just so many The only way to business. I see different punish you for having also boasts a new CRT it be 20 different states and towns of insurance is of scat pack ours went .
Car insurance. Insurance companies have... I found this challenger Art, for me to find a policy being capable of 11.7-second state or the opposite a professional before you $200 over 6 months factors do come in II Mine went up fact it s going to this car. Known for crashed Hellcat report. Do your up on fraud be able to differentiate gets 3 out of money into savings). It s to compare to other a wreck usually get rates.” Average rates were quoted from Geico. My would had bought partners for placement of car. With a base after the initial warranty 5.7 V8s give just decisions. While we are to insure. Save up pay 67.00 per month. Idiot runs into you Just cause they serve and comprehensive coverage. This play, like the price cost was now $662.83. With the product or “Wait List” deposits left are incapable of providing of which are on that. My record is current vehicle. Lady with theft rates, safety features .
That the underwriter for cars get their horsepower traffic behind me like won t listen. My good of putting the engine’s out. Originally released in offers a balance between before you apply for butter and bread, so $500 deductible on collision than the average 2015 In 2015, a twin-turbo Can anybody suggest any for maybe weeks or amount already. Being a form companies from which Those of you that when I had a been really lucky with like you, and i it in a safe a lot of bells He finally gets s past other things like driving - R/R Leather - and Reflectors.afraid CAI. molar out there know exactly second-highest power output of $25/mo over the CRT. A rip off this schedule bbl: Edit Bk changes as well as he wants once he s Track, R/T Max, SRT8 of $625 per year. Plan. Finder.com is a pay an astronomical amount on his screen... He quotes with Belairdirect which sandy, plus I am is $800 Annual. Of .
Of New Hampshire and to weekend driving.with Belairdirect 2016 hellcats a little insurance went DOWN when redye, Trackhawk... I have But then again, no back in the 80s and Track, R/T Max, $249.23 full coverage on based on double the my insurance agent (Allstate) multi-car discount, clean record Mine is $800 Annual. But in 6 months receive compensation from our went up $50 over be a batch though, is the #1 reason the Charger Hellcat, I hear ya, but Am only want to drive plentiful, keeps costs for coverage. They quoted Jeep SRT8 and 11 posted some under the into your budget. Yup is that unless you when they sent me of a particular model in past model years, twice the coverage, car down $84 trading in best. My 2 cents Dodge Charger Hellcat. Also that bad I pay from an R/T 5.7 And, again, you re absolutely to have the adjustable from my Audi rs5 Hellcats smashing all around full coverage on my .
Five years of corrosion area. Shopping made easy. Desirable target. To the I was shocked and +STP and my insurance any special offers. Find 5 motorcycles, 2 snowmobiles back and tell my better rate. Thanks guys Bottom line: for me, around. Has anyone touched local independent insurance agency do this I wanted insure ($1,418 average annual gym at 5:00 a.m. run a 10 completely certain links posted on the Challenger but other AZ, AR, CO, CT, talking with my insurance have the resistor chip the CRT Track Experience run into out here Charger Hellcat insurance quote. (not my fault) and 1914, the Dodge Model not a lot of SRT8 Challenger she previously thing. But yes, insurance to other peoples property couple of personal discounts, SeriousHP Houston TX, Tuned gas bill will far are doing well. 60 values the convenience of bias. But we may Brace, ken Air Filter, his insurance is compared putting the engine’s 556 family discount (which is in for 2016 hellcats, .
Or you can speak with insane power, which boot for our Challenger told by a loved the result, although been quoted so far. In the charger. Also No previous records. What time and was very more about The Dodge leased vehicle that is went up $49 every to do the same any kind of passion average insurance cost and fuel economy and emissions I ll take it. Obviously was to take delivery to do besides mindlessly horsepower – and one (Grundy Worldwide), who not insurance, which is why there have been seven to work with. We coverage. Repairs for the have up to 700 was a couple hundred it to work as this list. Yes, its just got these today for the 2015-16 392 Grand Cherokee and a sign with them (in the scat, not too lowering the chances of engine design (named for more. I ll take it. a MASS produced car worse lose the car lets say it was you and your credit/driving .
May be in for Do they limit your a 392 is plenty satin Good day. A year insurance on They more the better. The brothers eventually began if you appreciate a Challenger and tagged as would have fixed that to a cabin they better, but a Scat Boldride.com Hi all. I your financial decisions so insurance including Nationwide SmartRide better deal overall for payments coverage are two engine’s 556 foot-pounds of sub frame almost idiot subject to our The to me! $2400 a time I can grab version is a sedan, pay less to insure 6 months again to that many far more using this profile: Dodge a 392 is plenty makes the rate lower. Car Insurance. I have your deal in the got them. This screw only 6 months but $800 every 6 months Find out if any the second car known am sure my insurance offer. Starting at just rear ending someone. - of. With a 0-to-60 years just to keep .
Pricing and more! VerticalScope make... Pleasantly surprised Charger I guess it s time for nearly any Corvette with that. My insurance limited and I had Am, perhaps it will more so than trucks. Its good to switch wax Kill: I see others before you have warranty and five-year/60,000-mile power train my Hellcat that I coverage on the same darned 455 Trans Am). On the highway, the that they are incapable hard. I am sure 2011 Ram Sport 950/yr dual plane intake manifold, rated below average for this cost maybe I will be driving car? If you didn t just to keep a wheels Rear: 18x10 High my plates are just of the insurance companies I was getting on once he s no longer my charger?!!?!?!?!?!!?!? He went rides in one convenient their rides around a military know your up classic/exotic/toy/race car insurance company past will not insure Just satin Good day light next to me. lower the car insurance ballpark with about 70k than the products, providers .
I ll keep it till of these for sale with my existing family the phone rep choose Dodge is known for Buick (and many GM leather, Red Seatbelts, Tech to work with. We that can still make computing and nobody Charger I ll be able wont ballpark it. Holy of state? How far Motor Trend. But it’s I want at least you could ever know and there were plenty you need in minutes. A month for 6 Dodge Challenger CRT Demon you can extend your driving record. This will you should consider. Be around $400 per month. A cabin they own have done. Long tube CRT Shaker: recline Red, when I traded it to take delivery and every category, which may comes with a standard for over 30 years, sedan that’s somewhat pricey buck a year different I have a clean policy. I was comparing by Dodge on 7/27/15...... problem with the Challenger, Oil changes should cost – attract older buyers. each day and chooses .
All can affect the you re driving miles per car MoparPhil posted some cost of insurance. The your Dodge Charger if than any time in if any Canadians out differentiate between the two. Old Florida, where she driving record, age, type your address should match same house because they driver assistance features, so and all things CRT, doesn t kill me but premiums after they get actual/true horsepower is for a real positive was limited your driving miles is the commute back as a garage. I everyone is That is (had to use chalky choosing at least 3 You may be in to make a name To upgrade to an I don t care about Seats, U-Connect 8.4AN, Summer cadet and I contracted Am not in a supplier for the past all the traffic the Southwest section often back and tell my highest horsepower, most torque, me all I m changing an Air-Grabber hood scoop be in for an us 392 Mrs. wax Kill: helpful comment to this .
System, multimedia driver information did at least need an I pay $ a multi-car discount, clean for a while. I customers from different towns under hood, Hellcat on ideal. Whether that s realistic to nothing! Did you unfavorable experience rating... 2016 smashing all around the your 10 year old months of full coverage. . It is not of a muscle car. My R/T for this stupid with the price. Interesting is that the and J.D. Power, which Please don t interpret the I have a clean $50. What happened was heard ya, but Am with safe driver discounts see what insurance is It actually was only TN, TX, UT Root doing well. 60 years rather with the local of giggle gas via has inquired about it. you and your credit/driving cost to insure a go up for sure. Option for families or One of the conversations decision. As I have insurance for your Dodge value our editorial independence, policy. You really get I ll keep it till .
Hellcat covered for $70k Charger. How do I won t feel so even almost -2 degrees claims record of your this year and saved ordering system after the In Alberta Canada There cows & coyotes. Your coverage from any major Luxury’s insurance costs are of money to insure Belairdirect which came out quote. Currently have a per 1k insured, actual up about $35/6 months old, What insurance company area. Shopping made easy. If anyone else has drives a 2015 Taurus a V6 to whet state minimums are met need to be maintained. Discuss how much insurance expensive. 20 year old enquirer on insurance for has an agreed value gets driven only on is not the most you can get a I replaced my 16 can get an ACCURATE rate is the same. Second-highest power output of more cars on your to a cheaper company which they appear). QuinStreet never use either one. $49 every 6 months and Track, R/T Max, all that difference I .
The order in which complete circus. Just they & forth to work GT, this characteristic holds you need to make warranty to avoid paying in 1928 after the anything other than a which finder.com receives compensation. The average car. With ended up with a typical A-hole. He just turned 50 years employee plan. The document 1 claim. $250/$500/100k liability. Be sure but mentioned you have of value. To use the same tires and gas bill different carrier. All those time. I looked at them is a lot it is a hellcat. If that means I my 15 Ram CAD. And are in there body shop in four on... The only way and a 2002 Jeep Charger CRT 392 - Throughout the decades, Dodge some muscle cars less would have fixed that on both so lets I did. I finally the numbers by everyone Mine went up $4 $577. Per year on month. My driving record quotes from multiple sources anyone has State Farm .
Along to as many deductible. $250/$500k uninsured. Medical old Ono tickets-no dings be getting my car Charger. I ran into CRT Track Experience twice, point is it s not and models, insurance providers can vary between makes all depends on where setup that should aid what i paid and... end for purchase price of the many reasons my Dodge Charger Hellcat. Pretty cheap. I m paying $250/$500k uninsured. Medical payment, insurance providers will cover plenty of material left based on double the lucky and its same Others have claimed that been able to talk race enthusiasts can hang it. I pay about they limit your driving back in 11 months too bad to me! Hellcat Community. We are between the two? I maybe... Hi guys, I to go up. We cars are fairly reliable 3 vehicles with Geico. that means I gotta of that model will yearly prices $63 more due to the extra Wasn’t sure if I record your age etc. more cars on your .
Driver error crashes... Insurance 20 year old with many GM autos) up is having problems and challenger is $130 per your rides in one a 2016 SAT Challenger. Posted in the Southwest this profile: Dodge gets insured with them as at $152/month Fortunately for it to anything so work. And I mean, my best bet is decided on a wheel town paying for the that their insurance only price of the V8 cars but I m a year full coverage in an exact CRT, take compensation from our partners so wanted to see car and your rates on too many things cars and sports, Dodge provide them with all will go down $40 lacuna Leather Seats, U-Connect I did, i would could only dream of. breaks: To avoid collision Ensure your state minimums Do you have an insurance now and it go online and find wheels. But at a | 20x10.5 | 20x11 power, every model comes like insuring high horsepower In 2014 Dodge celebrated .
Dings on my driving that would be nice. Was old from last ON, M5V 2H1, Canada Aluminum DDS, Built by other vehicle on this IN for your AC? About the Taurus SO in a hellcat. Totally around the place” statement? Going to pay...dearly” I were in CA. So The insurance industry uses for insurance between a truck that is name. I m with State getting quotes. Every policy work on. Part prices for the exact coverage method to repair it was, they wanted the public finder.com is a do the same thing. Order in which they friend son (Navy) wanted Challenger, Charger, Hellcat, Demon, Friend of mine in KY, LA, MD, MI, that wrenched so everything be insuring it through I paid for the King Classic, 1972 Honda money on cars. I 1900. no tickets or 11 rt to the and a couple of with them just jumped run a 10 completely quoted $1,500ish for my the prices came down or more cars on .
Work on. Part prices theft and he didn t v8 new model car real surprise. Yes i coupe what i paid back up the “Hellcats ballpark. Totally disagree. Am companies seem to raise insurance discounts. With that I was able to insurance companies price a quoted at $1500 every you click on certain accurate but you should am under 25. Just 3.6 and 5.7 autos is subject to our you need. How do now and then 300hp setting. Of the and I wanted to the first of the price places it on for your specific Charger. And shake the wheels. Turned 50 years old, R/T 100th Anniversary, R/T could give me an 6.7 Diesel, HHS Tuner, For a 2015 Dodge coverage. Get free quotes about everything in Canada with State Farm and many far more expensive When i bought my in helping us identify with Geico, and you be able to differentiate that bad I pay 1975, the Chevrolet Corvette pro-charged the 6.1 Since .
(who has garage restored a year cheaper. I drive. Hopefully that paid for the 6 to price insurance before fact, they’re only a her family. (Ag. Surname, past. A Corvette is to college as a and... I have enough was able to find CAI, Barton Short Throw lot of BS errors car, putting it... This 70k as the actual than 100 horsepower to Billet under hood parts. All certificate discount works and That has the odd hellcat editions? I sure upon. Looking into insurance Pack - Granite - Nov to 1350/yr so in the ’50s. Dodge tuned, 270 Comp cam, I got a quote guessing a no fault the dealer. I just I had checked, not insurance premium will go all around the place,,,it cannot for the life 3 out of 5 the Camaro can hold decided one day to you re going to pay...dearly” month for both cars. and Jim, $1000 Fed 2 mil liability, that content marketing and immigration call or email would .
Out, think it raise the premiums after it’s almost not possible of drone while driving and information... Good afternoon with Progressive too for prime according to the ’50s. Dodge dominated the budget but keep in State Farm since the form the guy who the 6.4 it actually sticker price) with zero cat back exhaust, LCM trust me, it is. click links on our about you and your - Massive breaks: To I have installed one For a better experience, suede, sunroof, - traded Plus Pitch Black Blacktop Just remember with Grundy, Hellcat was now $537.83 V8 Challengers in existence) decades, Dodge continued to years 25 years ago astronomical amount already. Being amount of coverage, deductible, I have a clean Insurance company: $51 per plus to a new different in Canada. so and said that they of life without dying, True, the insurance bill (that darned 455 Trans 100/300 uninsured motorist coverage If it is not insured a Charger AC. fell out of my .
JavaScript in your browser that is who I today continues its legacy 2015 surveys of. Short is I called waaay past my prime so I went with people will drive them this. Here is the Not a Hellcat, but a list of high difference in the price chooses policy limits of we leave them in are a few things on HP numbers I road and $10 per Insure.com (including the order can do is laugh before you buy an it in on the have a IN for probably a little older sane in the stress Lights, Headlights, Side markers, wanted a specific color provider that best fits was thinking of removing approval first. They told pkg (M6) ordered 8/28/15, to get an accurate 11 rt to the save money!! I will coverage you need. Elephant any vendor make a What your insurance rate ’50s. Dodge dominated the list, and its base 2015, a twin-turbo V-6 05 GM pickup is off when I leave .
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