Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!

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Every writer on Tumblr: “I would combust out of love if someone ever drew fanart of my fic!!” Me: “oh man I wanna draw this scene BUT THEY WOULD PROBABLY HATE IT AND HATE ME FOR THE NERVE”
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Are you still planning on continuing “I am an alpha”?
Yes! Everything is on ongoing unless i say otherwise! It should be updated soon!
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I don’t want to sound rude or anything but I noticed your masterlist isn’t updated? I don’t know if you forgot to but just incase🥰 I love your writing so much btw you’re really talented!
Not rude at all! Thank you for the reminder! I should have it all updated now! Awh sweetie thank you so much for reading! It means the world to me!
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Hi! Idk how long you planned on making Take Care of You™️ but the last part that you posted was part 7. P.S. I just wanted to say I love all your work💞😘
It’s all done!! Part 7 is the ending!
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thank you so much!! I've been following you since you started writing good girl, i love your work so much 🥺
You are so sweet! Thank you so much for reading with me for so long! I love you🥰
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Take Care of You Pt 7
Thank yuh guys for dealing with my confusion on this💕
And thank you @heechuls-hair for being the true MVP💕
I feel him staring at me before I see him. My mind races as fast as it can to figure out who is sitting at the end of the bed, Minseok comes to mind first but then as last night comes into mind, so does the possibility of it being some one else. Without much option I slowly shift, sitting up with my eyes going to find what is causing the bed to dip.
It’s Chanyeol.
He turns slightly, greeting me with a small smile, and a small pastry bag. I accept the treat and find a doughnut inside. “I was going to wake you up as soon as I got here but I had Hyung’s voice in the back of my head scolding me. So instead I went and grabbed some breakfast, I know it’s not Soo’s food but I didn’t have many options.”
“How did you find me?” I wonder even though it is obvious Min has some sort of security system to let him know.
He chuckles as he munched on his own treat, “I know you pretty well, you were going to go some place you felt safe, this place is basically a massive panic room dressed up as an apartment.”
“Why are you here? Why didn’t Oppa come?”
“That’s actually why I’m here. Hyung got stupid last night and snuck out for revenge on the brats that attacked us in a fit of rage after you got away. Even injured, he managed to wipe most of them out without too much of a problem but he was clumsy. Someone spotted him fleeing the scene covered in blood, the police figured it out pretty fast and grabbed Jongdae and Hyung on their way here.”
“How is all of that possible?” I curse as I scramble out of bed, grimacing at the pain in my thigh, “I was only a sleep for a few hours!”
“Soo, it’s nearly 9:00 PM, you slept for 16 hours.”
My jaw almost hits the floor as I grab the clock on the bed side table, “What the fuck? Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“All of this has happened in the last few hours so unless you were going to bust into a shoot out, there is nothing you could have done.”
“What about now? What should we do now?”
He sighs as he rubs his face, “Grab your stuff and let’s go.”
“Right now we have two options. You can tell me that you are scared and want to runaway and I will hand over every penny in Minseok’s study so I you can leave and have a happy life. Or you can put on some pants and follow me down to the police station to lie to the cops so Minseok won’t even have to call his lawyers. It’s up to you.”
“I was sent here to get you out of town and keep you under the polices’ radar for awhile before letting you go to live your own life, far away from Minseok.”
I panic, suddenly regretting my decision to run from the compound. Minseok was on his way to send me off, he must not want me any more. Tears prick my eyes, I do my best to fight them off and keep my pride, “If that’s what he wants. I’ll leave.”
“He doesn’t want you to leave, you fucking idiot!” Chanyeol comes around the bed and crouches down to gets into my space. “He thought you wanted to leave him after you found out. I tried to tell him that you still loved him but he wouldn’t hear it.” We both actually chuckle.
“He never wants to listen, does he?”
“Nope, as hard headed as ever.”
I stare at my hands for a moment, my fingers anxiously picking at my nails. Even so close to me, his eyes staring up at me I know he isn’t pressuring me towards leaving. He waits patiently for me think everything over, a kind smile on his face as always. “So, what if I said I didn’t want to leave? What do I have to do to help?” I wonder.
“Hyung needs an alibi, he doesn’t want to use any of our names cause they could just connect us to the crime and make things worse. You have no criminal record and aren’t in the system at all, you won’t raise any red flags. All you would have to do is walk in there and tell them he was with you all last night. You weren’t at the club, never even been to it. Easy as pie. A witness is always the easiest kind of evidence to fix.”
I wring my hands nervously, “but what if his story disagrees with his?”
“Not possible, Hyung doesn’t talk to the police, ever.” Yeol sighs, “Look Soo, I’m going against orders right now by offering you more than one option but you deserve to make your own decision on your future. Or you don’t have to decide anything! You could lay back in bed wait for Hyung to come back, I don’t know how long that could be but he would come back. Or I could take you to the airport right now so you never have to see any of our ugly mugs again.”
“Or you could put on some pants and go lie to the police.”
“How long would he be in police custody without me going down there?”
He shrugs, “He would hopefully be out by tomorrow but the police here have been gunning for him for awhile. They could stall him with other charges and get him on remand since he is such a flight risk for such a serious crime. He would be in jail and I know for damn sure you wouldn’t be on the visitor list. He would not want you to see him like that.”
I run my hands through my hair with a long sigh leaving my lips. I should just let him be. “How mad is he going to be at us?”
“Fucking furious. You’ve never seen him mad and I’m letting you know now it is going to be terrifying. Do you think he will hate me?”
“Okay, fine, let me put on some pants.”
He can’t hide the grin on his face, “Thank you.”
I climb out of bed, doing my best to hide my limp and from the way Chanyeol is staring I’m going with I’m not doing too well. In the closet I find a simple black t-shirt dress, an army green bomber jacket that belongs to Minseok, and a pair of converse. Chanyeol gets a phone call and steps out to the hallway as I step into the bathroom to apply a small amount of makeup.
“Okay, you look great, they are trying to take Hyung into booking before his lawyers get there and Luhan can only stall them for so long.” We rush out of the building to his magically fixed car down on the street. The police station is only five minutes away in the late night traffic, Chanyeol whips into the parking lot with ease and ushers me out just as quickly. The officer at the desk greets us politely, Chanyeol automatically demands a specific detective, I’m assuming the man who dared to arrest my Minseok.
We are asked to wait in the entryway until the detective is free. I’m shaking, only slightly, but enough for Chanyeol to notice. He places a large hand on my back for a small amount of comfort. I’m not nervous to talk to the police, this isn’t my first rodeo. I’m nervous to see how Minseok will react to seeing me here. He’s going to be so mad.
“Mr. Park,” An older man swaggers up to us confidently.
From Chanyeol’s cold reaction it’s easy to figure out who this is, “Detective.”
“Your boss really messed up this time,” The man taunts. “All it takes is one mistake to get caught. He let someone see him,” The detective laughs, “Rookie mistake!”
“We are actually here to fix the mistake you made once again,” Yeol snaps back with a growl.
The man raises his brows, “We?”
“Yes,” I stand, hand on my hip and my face set in a very pissed scowl, “We are here because you apparently have some person who saw my boyfriend Minseok leaving a murder scene? This is a joke right?”
“Your boyfriend?” He takes a step back, either surprised by my presence or attitude. “He hasn’t mentioned a girlfriend before.”
“Does he give you regular updates on his life in between you harassing him about ridiculous crimes?” I snap back.
“Last time I checked, nine young men dead is not a ridiculous crime.”
“No you are right, it’s a tragedy. It’s ridiculous that you think my Minseok could have done it. He was with me last night and most of today until I went to run some errands.”
His brows are in his hairline, “Really? We have a witness who saw a man that fits Kim Minseok’s description leaving the scene of the crime.”
I scoff, “And who would have a better idea of where Minseok was? Me, his girlfriend of three months or some random stranger that you probably convinced to describe him?”
“Are you accusing me of something?”
“That depends, are you accusing me of lying?” I step put to him, chin raised high. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to lie to police and I highly doubt this will be my last. With things like this it is all about attitude, if he can tell I’m not confident in my answers he will just keep asking more questions that I might not be able to answer. Which means I cant leave him any room to question me.
He gulps, his eyes moving to Chanyeol behind me, who I am sure is backing me up with his own terrifying glare, “Of course I’m not. I just wanted to make sure I heard you right. We have Mr. Kim in an interrogation room, we were about to bring him down to book him. I just need to hear confirm this story with him before I can do anything else, but as I am sure you know, he doesn’t speak to anyone without his lawyers present.”
“This is ridiculous. Just go in there and ask him what I made him for dinner last night. We were celebrating our 100 day anniversary, I made him pancakes.” I’m sweating slightly but I don’t think he notices. I know Minseok well enough that he would have demanded word for word from Baekhyun what we discussed, pancakes must have come up.
“Chanyeol,” Luhan’s voice echos from down the hall, “What are you doing here?” And then the pretty man’s eyes find me, toe to toe with the detective, his eyes turn to stone. He approaches us with his mouth set in a firm line, first he glares at the detective who quickly takes a few steps back. Chanyeol is the next victim of his hostility, “Chanyeol, I told you to keep an eye on Eunsoo, Hyung wouldn’t want her here. What are you two doing here?”
“She is bailing your friend out of trouble,” The detective answers, attempting to gain his confidence back. “I will be right back, I have to check in with Mr. Kim and the information Ms. Eunsoo gave me.” He turns away and rushes down the hall, sensing the killer vibes the smaller man is giving off.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Luhan snarls under his breath.
“Lying to the police, what does it look like?” I snap back quietly, checking over my shoulder to make sure it’s clear.
He sighs, “Not you dear. I’m talking to the dumb fucking giant who has a death wish. Minseok is going to kill you! You are in enough trouble for putting this whole going out thing in her head and getting into a car accident with the most important person in your fucking car! Now you want to add putting her on the polices’ radar?”
“Hyung, I didn’t make her,” The giant points out. “I am sorry about the other stuff but Hyung was going to go to jail, I figured she had the right to know and help if she wanted to.”
The smaller man surprises both of us by punching the nearby wall, leaving a clear dent in the in plaster, “It doesn’t fucking matter what you thought. You had orders! You don’t go against orders!” Chanyeol does nothing but hangs his head and takes the verbal beating.
“What about what I wanted?” I jump to my friend’s aide, knowing most of this is actually my fault.
“Look Eunsoo, I hate to act like this in front of you when we’ve only met one other time but it does not matter what you wanted. He had orders.”
“Fuck his orders!” Both men step back surprised, “Minseok Oppa may have been keeping secrets about this stuff but he has never forced me to do anything I didn’t want to do. Chanyeol gave me the options so he could follow his orders but I wanted to come down here, he followed the orders I gave him and I might not be his boss but I’m pretty damn scary myself when I am forced to do things I don’t want to.”
“That she is.”
All three of us follow the familiar voice down the same hall Luhan had come from. Minseok is standing there with Kris and Jongdae, in dress pants and a black button up, just like Luhan, he looks none to happy to see me there but I don’t care. Without thinking I rush down the hall and into his arms, his grip around me is so tight I can’t breath but it just feels so right I can’t get myself to say anything.
“I just have one more question for you two,” The detective hums from behind Minseok. My love turns us both slightly to face the man, “If you two were just having dinner at home, why are both of you walking with a bit of a limp?”
I respond before Minseok has the chance to, “What we do in our bedroom is none of your business Detective.”
All four of my love’s friends struggle to hold back their laughs. Minseok and I give the blushing man curt smiles before Minseok turns to lead us down the hall to the exit. The others follow behind quickly, no one dare saying a word. We step out into the parking lot and he suddenly lets me go, taking a few measures steps away to look at me then to Chanyeol.
With his eyes narrowed on the giant he sighs, “Jongdae, will you please take Eunsoo back to my place? Take Chanyeol’s car.” Everyone tenses, knowing exactly what this means. I stare at Minseok dumb struck for a minute, he’s kidding right? He isn’t going to hurt Chanyeol after we saved him from going to jail, he can’t just expect me to let him.
“Excuse me?” I question with a scoff, “You aren’t just handing me off.”
“Eunsoo, I have to take care of a few things first.”
“Last time I checked you promised to take care of me, that I was your top priority.”
He is looking at anything other than me, “ You are. You always are. I have to do this for you.”
“This thing you are about to do for me, isn’t for me, it’s for your fucking pride. You’re just pissed that Chanyeol didn’t listen to you!” I know I shouldn’t yell, that I’m poking a bear but Chanyeol is the first friend I’ve had in a long time and I know how much it would hurt Minseok if he did this to his own friend, even if it’s because of me. I step into his space, my skin buzzing with anxiety, “I’m not letting you do this.”
He steps away, “This isn’t up for discussion, now go with Jongdae.”
Jongdae steps up, he attempts to grab my arm but I pull away, “Jongdae, I like you but don’t fucking touch me. I’m not going anywhere without both you and Chanyeol.” I run my fingers through my hair and take a deep breath before I loose my shit. Against my better judgement I step into his face again, I just need him to look at me. He be as cold and hostile as he wants when he isn’t looking at me, I’d be an idiot to not know I’m his soft spot. “If you really love me, you could at least fucking look at me!”
And he does. His eyes are no longer cold, angry yes, but never cold when they are on me. “Don’t you ever question how much I love you,” He warns as harsh as he can when speaking to me. “This is not the place to talk about this.”
“Then lets go somewhere else and fucking talk.”
He gives all of his men a sharp look as he leads me into the parking lot to a car I don’t know. I turn on my heel the moment I notice Chanyeol heading a different direction with Kris, “No. Chanyeol is with us.” Minseok raised a brow at me but I don’t falter, “With us.”
Both Chanyeol and Kris let out a relived sigh as Chanyeol is permitted to ride with us while Kris is given his keys to meet us where ever we are going. Minseok sets me in the back with the giant while him and Luhan sit up front, I am quick to assume that my love is hijacking the others car because of the accident. Next to me Chanyeol gently elbows me, drawing my attention to him. He gives me a thankful look while offering me a sly fist bump.
From the direction we are headed I can assume we are headed back to the clubhouse I escaped from earlier, I wish things weren’t so hostile so I could talk to Chanyeol about how I finally met Baekhyun but now doesn’t seem like a great time to mention it. The whole car ride is in silence, the only sound is from outside the car, the faint sound of rain on the windows and other cars passing by. I find myself staring into the same darkness as the night before. The same lights come into view but unlike last night I am able to fully appreciate the compound in front of me without running into it. Chanyeol seems to read my mind next to me, giving me an apologetic smile.
The compound consist of 4 large warehouses, a 12 foot electric fence, and the same guard station I rolled through last night. The guard bows at the sight of Minseok through the window, allowing us in immediately. Minseok parks the car out of one of the warehouses, once he is out of the car he is at my door helping me out. I signal for Chanyeol to keep on my heels as we head inside through another armed guard and two security door until we find ourselves in the same living area as last night.
“If I let you go, do you promise not to escape?” Minseok half teases.
I shrug, “We’ll see how this conversation goes.”
His jaw clenches as he releases me to turn to the giant right behind us, “Chanyeol.”
As if on command, the tall man drops to his knees and bows deeply, his forehead pressed against the ground, rambling off apologies, “I am so sorry to both you and Eunsoo. I would have never thought those kids would have done what they did but that is no excuse. I know you wanted me to take Eunsoo away but I just couldn’t. Eunsoo deserved the right to decide what she did.”
“Stop talking for once Chanyeol,” Minseok cuts him off. “Sit up.”
Chanyeol obeys.
Minseok sighs as he stares down at him. He walks into the kitchen and opens a random drawer, pulling out a sliver hand gun. My eyes go wide as both him and Chanyeol act so calmly about it. “Chanyeol, do you understand what rules you have broken?”
With his head hung, Chanyeol nods, “Yes.”
“Woah, woah, woah, hold the fuck up!” I step in between the two, not caring about the gun in Minseok’s hands.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you cuss this much.”
I scoff, “I’ve never had to talk you out of killing someone. What happened to talking about this?”
“Disobedience is punishable by death,” Minseok informs me. “This is how I run my business. Just like those boys who hurt you, they disobeyed, they died. Now the same goes for Chanyeol.”
“Shooting a group of down and going against orders to bring me to the police station are two very different things!”
“You don’t understand, my love.”
“Than explain it to me because unless someone is holding me down kicking and screaming, I am not letting you hurt him.”
For the first time since I’ve met him, Minseok looks frustrated, “He put you in the spotlight. The police know about you now. They are going to watch you like a freaking hawk from now, they will try to use you against me or even try to turn you against me. And who knows who will find out about you after that, other gangs, our enemies, anyone and everyone who is not on my side will try to come after you. Because of him!”
I step closer to him, “Than you’ll protect me. I’m not scared of the police. I am afraid of loosing you. And of loosing Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo and the other friends I made because of you.”
“Since I did a great job of protecting you last time. You have a hole in your leg.”
“I mean, I’m still here, aren’t I? I would say you did a pretty good job.” I give him a hopeful smile.
He sighs, “But he didn’t listen to me. He had orders.”
“As I said before, fuck his orders! Do you think his orders could have stopped me from doing whatever I wanted to do? No! He offered me all the money in your office and ride to the airport because that’s what you ordered him to do. He followed his orders as far as I’m concerned. That is unless you were expecting him to take me there kicking and screaming?”
“No, of course not.”
“Than I don’t see what the problem is,” With one last step we are standing toe to toe.
His hand comes up and cups my face, his thump gently caressing my cheek, “The problem is I’m scared. I haven’t been afraid of anything since I was a child and now I have this overbearing fear that something is going to happen to you or you are going to leave me. I can’t handle that. You ran away from me and I just felt so much emotion that I lashed out. I was heartbroken. And I understand why you left, I don’t blame you, but I do blame him for bring you back into it.”
“I didn’t runaway, well not really, I just needed time to think everything over. If I wanted to leave, I wouldn’t be here now, I wouldn’t have gone to our home and crawled in our bed, I would have ran with just the clothes on my back. But I didn’t because I love you.”
As if a giant weight has been lifted off his shoulders, he lets out a sigh and smiles, “I love you too.” He drops the gun and fully takes me in his embrace, his one hand guides my face to his into a much needed kiss. All of my anxiety disappears as our bodies press together, fitting like jigsaw pieces.
Someone clearing their throat brings us back to reality and the crowd that has gathered around the room. I glance around to realize all 10 of Minseok’s other friends have joined us, I bury my face in my love’s neck to hide my blush, laughing awkwardly.
“So from the look on Hyung’s face I take it she talked him out of killing you,” Baekhyun screeches cheerfully from behind me. I pull away to look at him and Chanyeol, both staring up at us hopefully.
I look back at Minseok with my brows raised, “Yes.”
“Yes,” Minseok agrees with a sigh. “But only because you made the decision. If he ever tries to pull the same shit with the club again, I won’t be as forgiving, everyone understand?”
“Yes, sir!” The room responds before rushing over to Chanyeol to hug him tightly. I pull away from Minseok to join the line, excited when it is my turn to hug the giant.
He beams at me, “Thanks Soo.”
“I figured it’s the least I could do, I mean without me, how would you survive?”
“I wouldn’t. Now, as much as I would love to give you a big hug, I just barely escaped death row. Lets not test Hyung’s patience,” The whole group looks over at Minseok who is eyeing the lot of us suspiciously.
“Good call.”
Six months later
“This is a joke right?” Minseok snickers over us, glaring down at the half a dozen of us sitting around the living room table. We all freeze, our eyes wide both surprised and doing our best to look innocent. “I believe there is meeting in ten minutes with the group from Japan at our building ten minutes away. Why are you all in my home?”
“I believe the real question is, why are you home?” Kris is the only one brave enough to point out. And he earns a solid kick in the ass from the smaller man for opening his mouth.
“Because I am the boss and can delegate my work to my underlings, which is why Luhan, Yixing, and Suho are there. You are all supposed to be there as well for back up, not playing games in my house with my fiancée.”
Baekhyun does his best to suppress a smile as he mumbles, “He’s just mad cause he wanted to come home and play with her.”
“Fucking out!”
I sit down on the couch, dying of laughter as Minseok pulls a gun on the lot of them to shoo them out of our home. They all throw their cards in their rush, Kyungsoo almost in tears, I’m sure he had a good hand for once. Sehun and Kai’s long limbs are stumbling over one another’s but they finally make it out the door with Kris, Jongdae, and Kyungsoo on their tails.
“See you late Soo!” Chanyeol yells over his shoulder as he also makes it out the door.
“Baekhyun!” I call as the man reaches the threshold. A small black pistol is lying where he sat moments ago, I pick the hunk of metal up with my long shirt sleeve and rush it to him.
“I don’t have germs,” He teases.
“I don’t need my finger prints on that thing for as often as you loose it. Who knows what kinds of crimes it could be linked to.”
“Even I don’t know how much blood is on that gun, lets keep it that way,” Minseok interrupts us by slamming the door in the others face. He sighs, “Just one day, I would like just one day to not see those assholes. If they aren’t bothering you, they are bothering me. They need lives.”
I chuckle as I drag him back into the living room, “You love those assholes.”
“I do, but I would rather come home to just you, hopefully you’d be wearing something sexier than your work uniform, not that you don’t look beautiful,” He looks down, giving me an appreciative grin.
“Well, since I picked up that lunch shift today I have all of tomorrow off. So how about we redo this? You go pretend to come home again and I’ll put something a bit more comfortable on?”
His grin widens, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
#exo#d.o#xiumin#kai#sehun#kyungsoo#chanyeol#kris#suho#take care of you#luhan#well baekhyun is#baekhyun fluff
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i didn't see it, part 6 is the last one I remember seeing
Perfect! Honestly thank you so much for checking! You are so freaking amazing!!💕💕🥰
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you did post it, i just liked it, i reblog fics i like and just found it on that blog
You are an angel thank you!!💕💕 did you happen to see part 7?
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ok maybe you didn't but i feel like you did because i remember telling my friend that you finally finished it. i can't really remember how it ended because my memory sucks. maybe I'm just imagining things
You were talking about me🥺💕
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Take Care of You Pt 6
I snap up, “Oppa,” Is the first word out of my mouth, followed by a quiet whimper caused by the pain radiating from my leg. My eyes scan over the world around me, I recognize nothing as panic begins to bubble with in me. A shadow on my side moves closer, I react without thinking, scurrying back away from the stranger.
The man shushes me, “It’s alright Love,” He tells me. He holds out his hands in a show of surrender, a kind smile comes into my vision as the light settles on his features. “Hey there sleepy head, how are you feeling?”
My wide eyes scan the room around me, it looks like part of a warehouse that has been converted into a living area. There’s a large industrial kitchen in one corner of the open space, all stainless steel and high end. A large leather couch cradles me with the help of a few blankets and pillows, forming a nest around me and the man. My eyes shift to him. Soft features remind me of a sweet puppy, his smile radiates nothing but kindness and innocence, but I know looks can be deceiving.
“Where is my oppa?” I demand, not bothering with polite words.
The man chuckles as he shifts slightly closer, “You are in a strange room with a strange man and your first question is about Minseok hyung?”
“Should I be worried about myself?” The question is for both of us, the man hasn’t grabbed me, his tone is soft and sweet. He doesn’t seem like he is going to harm me in anyway at the moment, he had his opportunity to when I was unconscious and at his mercy. Looking down though I realize I am in different clothes, from just a sniff I can tell they don’t belong to Minseok.
“No,” The man answers, “You are very much safe here with me.”
“And who would you be?”
He scoffs, “I’m offended that they didn’t even show you a picture of me, but I guess they had to be careful in case any police happen to come by. I’m your Baekhyun oppa!”
“Baekhyun oppa?”
“Yea, it must be nice to finally put a name to a face, right?”
“How do I know it’s really you?” I snap back without a thought, after this whole night I don’t trust anyone I don’t know.
The cheeriness on his face falters for only a moment before he resumes the façade, “Hyung wasn’t kidding, you are a very smart girl.”
“Where is Minseok? Or Chanyeol? Or anyone else?”
“You’re sounding a lot like Kyungsoo.”
“Answer me,” I demand once again, before adding on a meek please just in case this really is Baekhyun.
“Minseok is resting along with Chanyeol, just like you should be.”
“What about Kyungsoo?”
“Resting, he got grazed and had to deal with a lot of people after. You know that takes a toll on him,” He chuckles.
“Out and about.”
“Kai and Sehun?”
“Damage control.”
“Jongdae or Yixing?”
“Resting, they were taking care of Minseok and Yeol, that was a lot of work.”
“Okay who the fuck isn’t off doing something right now?” I end up snapping again.
He sighs as he once again scoots closer, “I’m all you’ve got right now Love. Hyung should be waking up here soon, until then you should rest or eat something because I know the first thing out of his mouth is a demand to see you.”
I nibble on my bottom lip as I consider my options, “What is there to eat?”
A large smile graces his face once again, “Soo had lots of things brought over! I was going to run out and grab some take out but he threw a fit and sent me to his place instead for some left overs.” He jumps up and rushes into the kitchen for whatever leftover he has in mind, his mouth still moving a thousand words a minute, “I was going to eat a little, but he gave me strict orders that he would kill me if I ate anything before you, he didn’t want to lower your options.” I move to follow him but his eyes snap to me at the movement, “Don’t even think about it.”
“If you so much a move an inch to stand up I have been given permission to hold you down and I really don’t want to do that. So, do us both a favor and stay there, I can guarantee your leg is going to hurt, and I don’t need you on the floor with a concussion on top of the hole in your leg.”
I sigh but curl into a loose ball on the couch again, holding a pillow tight to my chest as Baekhyun continues rummaging through the kitchen humming a happy tune. His words echoing in my mind. Everything he says sounds right, Kyungsoo’s threats and the smell of his food are very familiar, but I can’t trust this man so blindly as much as I would like to.
“Where are we?” I ask as my eyes continue to wander over the renovated building.
“The club house, Yeol was bringing you here with everyone else when the idiot crashed the car.”
I nod, remembering our sweet moment before blacking out, “Why are you here? Why have I never seen you before?”
“I don’t know if I can answer those questions.”
“Trust me, Minseok oppa is going to be in so much trouble he won’t be worried about what I know and who told me what, if anything we can blame it on Chanyeol oppa.”
The man busts out in a fit of laughter, “Now I see why Soo loves you so much. You are both looking to get that man killed. I can give you a summary of what lead me to being… placed out here. I can assume you know that Minseok is involved in some shady things?”
I nod.
“Well one night a few months ago things got a little crazy, there was a fire, or two, a few people were injured, or died, the details aren’t very important but what happened was that I was caught on tape being involved in said things and had to recover and hide out for a bit.”
“People died?”
“People die every day!”
“Is that supposed to be comforting?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know what you want me to say. I followed my orders.”
“Orders from Minseok?”
“The man was killing two birds with one stone, got rid of some bad people and did something a little selfish for himself while he was at it.”
“What selfish thing did he do?”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes as he offers me some of the food, some western style pasta in a bowl along with a sliced apple on the side in the shape of a bunny, no doubt Kyungsoo’s work. I accept the tray and balance it on my lap as I stare at him expectantly.
“Think back, have there been any fires that have affected your life?”
It takes me longer than it should have to connect the dots, “My work.”
“Your work. While Suho corralled the younger boys to work on that I was sent on another job to make it seem like random attacks and knocked out some competition in the process.”
“How can you say that so casually?”
“Because I, like you, can count the people I care for on two hands,” Long, pretty fingers wiggle as an example as if he is speaking to a child. “What happens to everyone else is not my problem.” Baekhyun has dropped his fake smile and replaced it with something much more somber, finally showing a bit of his true self. We sit there for a long while silently munching on our food. I don’t know what I would say if I spoke, there is no clever snap back to what he said for me. He is right. I’ve been a selfish person my whole life, never caring about who lives and who dies but I’m not a murderer. The blood has never been on my hands and from the cold look that has settled over Baekhyun’s face this man has a lot of on his. I can’t help but wonder how much of it was his own doing or an order from his boss, my Minseok?
“I just wanted one nice, simple thing in my life,” I mumble into my hands where I buried my face. “Was that too much to ask?”
Baekhyun scoffs, “Asking the world for anything is asking too much.”
“This is all my fault,” I blurt out without any real thought but once the words are out I can’t help but believe them. “I shouldn’t have convinced Minseok to go out, he didn’t want to, but I basically forced him. We could be sitting at home right now cuddled in bed,” I hit my forehead a few times, cursing myself for being so stupid. “God, I just want to go home. I should have used my getaway free card to convince him to let me cook dinner for a change.”
“I can’t imagine Hyung cooking.”
“He has gotten really good at it now, but I wish he would let me cook.”
“What would you make for him?”
“Pancakes,” I hum, “Breakfast for dinner kind of thing.”
He chuckles, I echo the noise to the best of my ability, “I’m sure Hyung will let you get away with that now consider he will probably keep you inside for the rest of time.”
I nod but inside my mind is whirling as I try to understand everything that is going on but I can’t grasp it here, not with Minseok and Chanyeol both in mind. The fact that they are both lying somewhere in this building with a few extra holes in their body is clouding my logical thinking. These men are mobsters, they are monsters who murder people when it seems to fit their agendas but at the same time it’s my Minseok, the love of my life. It’s my best friend. I need to get away from them, I need fresh air to breath and I know won’t be getting that with this whole situation if Baekhyun won’t even let me stand. Once again, I’m looking over the room in a new light, looking for an exit.
“When will Minseok oppa wake up?” I question.
He seems surprised by but quickly recovers and answers calmly, “I’m not sure, whenever he feels like it.”
“I really want to talk to him, could you go check please Baekhyun oppa?”
“Sure,” The man sighs as he stands, he walks to the door on the far side, with glance over his shoulder he opens up a little key pad I hadn’t noticed and types in a code. The lock clicks, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I’m going to talk to Yixing if he’s awake, so he can check on you.”
He nods as he heads through the door to some gray hallway. The minute the door closes behind him I’m on my feet wincing in pain as I drag myself towards one of the large windows nearby. I curse the world and whoever designed the windows when I realize that they don’t open, of fucking course not since this is a hide out for the mob, there’s probably security everywhere. I scan the room once again for another way out, the door with the key pad was obvious but who knows how many times I’m able to get the code wrong before an alarm goes off. There is a large vent near by that might be wide enough for me to fit through, I shake my head. How the fuck did this go from some sweet romantic movie to the godfather to fucking mission impossible? I know I should probably be more mature and talk this out but right now I need space and I know Minseok would not give that to me right now after all of this, I can almost grantee I wouldn’t be let out of his sight.
Hopefully, He won’t be too mad to know I let myself out.
I grimace at the thought as I pull the vent out of place and set it quietly down to the side. With all my strength I get my legs into the waist high vent and kick the inside of the metal cylinder out of place, hoping that there isn’t some kind of sensor in the system. The thin metal gives after a few solid kicks from my good leg, sinking down slightly creating the exit that I need. I push it out of the way enough for me to slide not-so-gracefully to the ground. The gravel digs into my heel as I force myself to place all my weight on to my good leg. Sneaking has never been one of my better skills but I manage to make my way across the compound of warehouses. I see Minseok’s car near the gate and rush to it, hoping they left the keys inside.
The world is on my side for once, the key fob is sitting in the center cup holder, a puddle of blood on the passengers seat. I gasp at the sight, nearly collapsing, it has to be Minseok’s. I almost turn back, but Baekhyun told me he was fine. Minseok is fine! I’ll check in on him in the morning, right now I just need to get somewhere safe, where I can think things over. My hands move in their own, turning the car on and driving towards the closed exit.
I panic at the sight of the guard standing by, he looks over the car briefly before sending me through without so much as a peek inside. Luck is really on my side right now. I’m on autopilot as I drive back into the main part of the city in complete silence. Just the soft hum of the cars’ motor buzzes. I don’t know where I’m going but my body seems to as it’s steers me around corner after corner. It isn’t until I pull into the parking spot so I realize that I’m at home.
Minseok’s home.
This isn’t the best place to clear my head of him for a moment to think about everything that happened but it’s the place I feel comfortable. I feel safe the moment those elevator doors close and pull me up to the top floor. Using his keys, I let myself in and automatically head to the bedroom and climb into bed. I curl in on myself, nearly crying at the realization that the bed is warm. Burying myself deeper into the heated sheets I try to figure out what I should do. The reasoning part of my mind tells me to get out of bed and make a run for it.
Minseok is in the mob.
He fucking runs it for God sake.
I have to admit I’m slightly proud of myself for going for the head honcho. This must be some joke from the universe, I ask for one good thing and they give it to me but with some double sided tape. An amazing guy who treats me amazing, has friends that I get along with, but also happens to be the leader of the mafia, who kills people for a living. Perfect.
I sigh.
This is such a mess.
I’m not helping the situation by leaving. I’m sure they already know I’m gone, they will probably someone to kill me now that I know.
I shake my head.
He would never. Even though he kept this from me I can’t honestly question if he would hurt me. He couldn’t, he just took however many bullets for me and still tried to stay with me because he loves me.
And I love him.
#exo#xiumin#xiumin scenario#xiumin x reader#chanyeol#kai#suho#sehun#tao#exo mafia#mafia au#kyungsoo#baekhyun#chen#kris#luhan#yixing#exo fluff
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I mean I love that fic and I feel like I would know if you posted the ending so I’m pretty sure you never did but I have horrible memory so I might be wrong...
Okay I’m just post it!
Thank you al for chiming in!💕
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Hello hi, just hear to let you know I'm going to read Good Girl for the 1729372 time
Honey I am too! It always makes me want to right more!
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Is all my idols on going?
Yes! I’m just having writers block 😭
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Hey! Sorry for the dumb question but what's PodFic? I'm not that new on Tumblr but i have no clue what it is. Thanks!
Not stupid at all!! It would like an audio book!
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i think you did but i cant find it. like im pretty sure you did
Thank you so much for answering!🥰 I thought I did too! I couldn’t find it so I started to worry! Just to make sure do you remember what happened in the end?
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Two questions for my lovely followers!
1. I can’t remember, did I post the ending of Take Care of You?
If I haven’t I will post them I just don’t want to post it twice, I’m sorry😭
2. If I made my stories in podfics would you lovelies listen to them?
Please let me know🥰
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