#i have the fucking combo
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Yeah idk if i can ever live comfortably
It seems my audhd alwas fucks up whatever nice thjngs i have
Im not even diagnosed for ejther, but jm sure i have both.
I cant handle functioning corectly and i hate it so so much.
Im supposed to be learning to drive, but i dont even know if i can handle it...
I kmow ill be constanly distracted by everything on the road, and very overstimulated. I can barely deal with being in a car normally.
And what makes it worse? My lower spine (tailbone) issues. Last year near the end of may i was diagnosed with coccygodynia and boy does it suck ass.
Its basically chronic tailbone pain and i fucking hate it with all my being, i cant sit for long perios of time without beinb in pain, jncluding cars school church basically anywhwre. Plus i already ahve bad posture so my spine is fucked up as well sk it hurts to exist baskcally
Anywho all my friends and peers either can or are learning to driive, and it makes me feel worse.. i think ill just be broke amd take the bus
Plud jobs, i dont knkw what to do... i should be thinkjng of one already but idk
Like what fits for me? What can i dk comfortably without having the constant urge to just go home and cry??
Even worse idk what i want to do wkth my life. People are always like "oh wdy wanna be?" How the fuck should i kmow?? I wanna be free of mental illness thsts what
Idk what i want or how to get it, eveerything kinda sucks..
All of those reasons, all of everything... i thjnk thats one of th main reasons i triesd to kill myself last year. Everythig was too overwhelming. It still is, way worse at that, but at least j have supporting friends to help me... and at least im not suicidal anymkre
But I mean also on thr bright side, completely unrelated, but i didnt relapse today. Thats good right?
Even then, the audhd screws with my self harming too...
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sandflakedraws · 6 months ago
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re : how each brother reacts learning that they can't go back
you'll have to pry the "all the Brozone Bros knew what happened at the tree" headcanon outta my cold, dead dead dead hands.
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dykepaldi · 1 year ago
homestuck was so perfect for autistic teenagers bc it took characters being sorted into categories and having Attributes to its absolute extreme. forget four hogwarts houses, every character has their associated colour their zodiac sign their associated animal their dream planet their god tier class and aspect their typing quirk their pesterchum handle their weapon their planet of x and y, as well as each of them having a handful of other very quantifiable Personality Traits and Interests (e.g. this one is a clown this one is angry this one likes fashion this one is just rufio from hook for some reason) and THEN they all also have their respective ancestors and dancestors(?)(plucked that word from my memory) who have all of those things as WELL
and god not to mention the fucking quadrant system
as a 13-15 year old autistic kid i didnt even need homestuck to have a plot i just happily made a big big spreadsheet of character attributes in my brain
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dariasigmaf1 · 3 months ago
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This MIGHT be our LAST time seeing Checo Third-wheel Lestappen so this is so significant 🙏🏻
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bacchuschucklefuck · 10 months ago
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prayer of the day:
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allthatmay · 4 months ago
So, today my husband said, "Some people think Shanks is a radial leftist, but I think he's the most centrist character in the show. Dragon fills the role of the radial leftist/anarchist that people often attribute to Shanks."
And, huh, yeah. People do often talk about Shanks like he's an anarchist, but he's really not. I've always said that Shanks is a mediator, keeping a tentative peace between the pirate tribes and the government until the time comes wherein the One Piece can be claimed and the mysterious consequences can happen, but that means he is effectively playing the part of a centrist—straddling the fence, as it were. The key difference, I think, is that Shanks knows for certain that change is coming in the form of a rubber deity, and he is trying to guide it into place. All his work is done behind the scenes with very little violence if he can help it.
Now, it's easy to assume that Shanks' plans involve the complete dissolution of the government as it presently stands; that he is simply using his power & influence to mitigate harm for the many until the "real fight" can begin (and, with him having recently decided to chase the One Piece, now it has), but that might not be the case (and, even if it is the case, a lot of centrists use "mitigating harm for the many" as a reason not to take action against some truly heinous acts). The reality may be that Shanks doesn't see the need for the total collapse of the government, or perhaps he knows something about it that we don't (i.e. because he might be of Celestial Dragon blood). I don't really believe this is the case because, as far as I'm aware, Shanks hasn't ever shown any real support for the World Gov but he has shown, time and time again, that he believes in dreams, in people's personal willpower, and in the ability of anyone to become strong and change the future. But the truth is that we can't know his intentions for certain without Oda giving us more information, so my husband's assertion that Shanks is a centrist makes some sense.
In particular, Luffy is what makes this theory interesting: slap him in between Dragon and Shanks, and there's a very real dichotomy between the two "fathers" in his life. See, Luffy idolises Shanks and thinks of him similarly to a father, but he might realise as time goes on that he can't be like Shanks; he might realise that Shanks' ideals will only carry him so far. After all, what good is it to be a pacifistic when your enemy is a powerful government that is comfortable with mass murder?
(My rebuttal is that Luffy is the only one who can be like Shanks. He is effectively Shanks' dream: Shanks wants to be strong enough to do all the work himself, to suffer all the pain himself, and while he is one of the strongest men in the world, he simply can't do that; what he can do is only achievable through the support he has at his side. Meanwhile, Luffy has close support in his crew, and he has the Gum-Gum Fruit! He can literally become a godlike figure and shape the world around him! He can do everything that Shanks wants and needs and, as sure as I am that Shanks wishes he could have done it himself—I'm thinking back to his days with Roger here—he knows that it was never meant to be him.)
This is where Dragon comes in. Dragon, in direct contrast to Shanks, uses violence as a tool whenever he can. He's all about the greater good, for lack of a better term. His thinking is along the lines of, "People are suffering now and we can help, and we have no qualms in forcibly dismantling a government that uses slavery, genocide, and imprisonment to control its populace. We don't wait for the right time to act, we simply act." Do I think Shanks would approve of Dragon's goals? Yes. Do I think he would approve of Dragon's means in achieving those goals? No, but mostly because Shanks is very self-sacrificial and tries to take whatever suffering is necessary for change onto himself, relying only on his small, personal crew, whereas Dragon is happy to let other people martyr themselves for the rebel cause. He lets a small, amnesiac child join them, for crying out loud—something Shanks would never do, not even if the child proved very capable.
If anything is to come from this difference of ideals, I think it's that Luffy will learn from both of them and find his own way to the One Piece and into the world waiting beyond. Why? Well, because Luffy is all about freedom, and no one on the side of Dragon or Shanks is truly free. As for the world itself, it's hard to predict what will happen after Luffy's done with it because it's pretty dependent on Oda's philosophy. For instance, Oda seems to approve of monarchies, which is not something I would personally imagine remaining in a world without a governing body—but, hey, what do I know?
Of course, we all know that the true centrist in the show is undeniably Garp. He will let real, undeniable harm befall those he cares about in order to maintain the status quo, or to stop the government from toppling because [gasp] that would be the worst thing ever! He's a man who believes the government is essential and joins up in order to change it from the inside, only to fall short of his own expectations because he won't stand up when it matters most. Not even for the sake of his beloved grandson.
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ghostlylulla-by · 23 days ago
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turns out birthday parties ARE compatible with order
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bunabi · 2 months ago
One more thing — I had a thought in the middle of all that:
There was a post a while back, I dont remember what it said verbatim, but it was about the DAV companions representing ways Solas failed or something, and while I dont agree that was the case or intention that throughline would have been really cool.
This is gonna sound really rich from the 'if DA4 is all about Solas I am going to blow up the planet' girl but if the companion arcs also served the purpose of showing Solas ways to move forward, showing him that this world is real and what making peace with the past can look like, thereby making him more willing to set his plans aside, I would have loved it.
It would have given more meaningful weight to completing their personal quests. Making sure the party isn't distracted is important. But so is showing the Dreadwolf that burning down the world to restore his own is a little overboard. Maybe even a slight overreaction on his part. I don't think he needed Mythal to tell him this.
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casualavocados · 2 months ago
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Chen Yi isn't here? Yi-gē said he'd be right back. He asked you to wait for a moment. I see. You can leave now. Okay. Hey. How… How have you all been doing?
KISEKI: DEAR TO ME Ep. 10 Bonus (many moments later):
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gonkaccino · 10 months ago
Season 4 hope/prediction: Deb's show is solid, zero issues, runs flawlessly with great ratings, but her personal life is completely eroding. We start with her discovering Marcus is leaving, and it culminates in DJ going into labor right before a taping. Deb chooses the show. When it's over, and she finally flies to Vegas, it's too late -- Aiden's not letting her in because he loves his wife too much to let DJ get into a shouting match with her mom right after giving birth, and instead takes the brunt of Deb's wrath, with her making excuses and talking about how they used her money for IVF, and anyway, DJ's fine, so who cares if she wasn't there? Kathy's in the room with DJ and the baby (DJ's the closest she has to a daughter, after all) and Deb leaves too furious to think about how badly she's hurt her family.
She heads back to her Vegas mansion -- empty, obviously, Josefina and the dogs would be in LA -- and pops open a bottle of wine. Alone. Completely alone. Can't call Marty, she has no friends, the closest she's got would be Kiki and wouldn't that be embarrassing, calling your poker dealer to talk about your feelings --
and then Ava's there. She got the news about DJ's labor, she got the story from Aiden (who was distraught, by the way, man's too much of a sweetheart for Vance drama), a spare key from Damian (happy to pawn that off on her, though if it isn't returned promptly he's taking legal action) and has arrived just in time to see the Deborah Vance having a breakdown the likes of which no one thought physically possible. Crying gives you wrinkles, you know. But Ava has to be here. She's the physical embodiment of a lesson Deb never truly learned: you don't have to like someone to love them.
In my imaginary fantasy land that I am concocting this would then subsequently lead into them fucking nasty but I understand that this may be a step too far for the surprisingly large number of very normal people who watch this show and would forgive JPL for not taking it that far. However I do believe they should fuck about it and let Ava take the reigns in their relationship while they see how many of Deb's bridges they can un-burn.
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liauditore · 10 months ago
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[asmr boyfriend voice] woof woof bark bark
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numberonetribble · 3 months ago
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I got bit by the Sparkling bug and really wanted to give Bumblebee and Breakdown a child for my unnamed AU I'm working on but then I remembered I can't draw children :( big shout out to that post floating around here that's like "imagine a Sparkling but they come out full sized then what." traffic tickets and impound fees that's what
(pssst look at their knees)
#its my first time drawing a transformer can you tell#maccadam#tfe bumblebee#tfe breakdown#transformers#transformers oc#OKAY story time!!!!!!#I went with a 1971 corvette bc my grandfather used to race street cars in the 70s and was a mechanic and has a fleet of muscle cars#im going to make Jazz a Chevelle look out for that#BUT i went with F8 green bc my dads wife has a challenger that color green and Blue + Yellow makes green :3#their pointy things are supposed to be a combo of Bees horns and Breakdowns side thingies#also i mixed in some of Bees Cyberverse design bc i like that#their pose is a reference to Fuck Cops meme#okay so i was screaming the entire time i was drawing them bc Hard but also not very precious with the doodles which was a lot of fun?#i used to love to draw but i gave it up bc i was so focused on how bad i was doing and not having fun with it#but this time i was just having fun with it and WOW i finished it???#so for the AU it's not REALLY earthspark its more me pulling verisons of characters i like and putting them into the Scenario#like Ratchet from tfp and Smokescreen are also there along with Skywarp and Ambulon and Prowl and Jazz and Hot Rod#oh just you wait i also gave Skwarp and Ambulon a sparkling thats a search and rescue plane but nobody cares about shipping those two!!!#jazz and prowl also get a sparkling dont worry#the timeline is very long though with lots of flashing back and forwards and other things that probably people wont like but this is for ME
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somethingclevertoo · 3 months ago
I've literally not seen a second of f1 ever in my life, but I'm 100% confident those guys (charles leclerc and max verstappen) are the definition of Gay Or European
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vamp-a-day · 8 months ago
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day 81
Count of Darkness
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angelpuns · 5 months ago
Deep deep fear that one day all my friends are gonna decide they just don't wanna talk to me anymore for whatever reason and unfortunately, I won't get the memo and will keep trying and that'll just make them hate me more :(
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chotachica · 2 years ago
Actually any character combinations between pav, noir, hobie, peni and fucking porker could be FIRE next movie, imagine noir and hobie ?? pav and peni ?? hobie and peni ?? PAV AND NOIR ??? HOBIE AND PORKER ??? PAV AND PORKER ????
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