#i have some really good ideas you guys i really like some of the stuff i wrote in my head
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wrenthetitmouse · 2 days ago
Potentially a poorly structured and irrelevant tangent so feel free to ignore me yapping, but at least I wrote it myself:
If you want to see your ideas get turned into full stories but don't want to write the story yourself, start a writing prompt blog. Let the people who enjoy writing stories take your ideas and run with them. It's fine to be an 'ideas' guy rather than a full-blown story writer. You don't need to use generative AI to engage in writing and storytelling in some way - find a way that works for you and brings you joy without taking away from the people who put their time, energy, and sanity into storywriting. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, writing a good story is not easy and nobody is born good at it. Yeah, some people have more of a natural aptitude for spelling and grammar or structuring a story, but those are skills that need to be honed and developed no matter your starting point. I was a hyperlexic kid, I started to read as a toddler and was correcting my mother's spelling by 5, I read at a ridiculously fast pace, and I have written some god-awful garbage. That's part of writing. If you don't want to put the work in to develop the skill or you feel for any reason that it's not possible or maybe not worthwhile for you, that's fine. You don't have to be coming out with the modern equivalent of Shakespeare, nor do you have to be the next Terry Pratchett.
No matter how bad you might think your writing is, when you use generative AI to write for you, you are robbing yourself of the experience, growth, and learning that creative writing involves. You are cheating yourself out of getting to be a little bit shit sometimes, and you are cheating yourself out of improvement. It's okay to be shit sometimes! Being shit is half the fun. I don't publish much of my creative writing because I don't want to put the work in to get it to a standard that I would be comfortable sharing publicly, and that's okay. A story written in private is more of a story than one broadcast to the whole world that wasn't 'written' at all.
AI generated writing often sticks out like a sore thumb - AI is not half as good as its proponents and beneficiaries often argue. In my experience, it's not enjoyable from a reader's point of view. It's usually predictable, often full of plot holes, the dialogue is often robotic and unrealistic or even completely confusing, and there are all those little bits of people's work that would come across as an author's sense of style in context, but when chopped up and blended into a computer-vomit smoothie, just turns into jarring inconsistency and randomness with no real 'pattern' or 'voice' to it. In sort of the same vein as what Qwerty said, something that nobody could be bothered to write is usually not worth bothering to read. If you didn't get anything out of writing it, and people usually don't really get much out of reading it, why add to all the shitty stuff that comes with generative AI if it's not even really improving anyone's life?
Back to where we started - you don't have to enjoy the act of writing. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. There are a million other ways to engage in the writing and fandom communities. If you do want to write and you struggle with it, for the love of all that is good on this earth, ask for help! There are SO many tools at your disposal if you find writing extra hard for one reason or another, and it is not just okay but vital that you take advantage of them if you think they will help - things like creative writing forums are disappearing (at least as we know them) at an alarming rate. Ask people for feedback. Ask someone to proofread or beta read for you. Ask other writers about their process. Look up information online, there is a wealth of information put out there by people who love to write and want others to love it too. Like shadowmaat said, there are computer-based tools like spelling and grammar checkers, screen readers, voice dictation software, etc. that don't use AI and don't harm and steal from writers. You can even find a writing buddy in one of your friends if you deal with ADHD like I do and struggle to stick to writing projects that go over a term longer than an afternoon.
Please don't pretend for one second that your only option is to pull something out of the environment-destroying, livelihood-threatening, self-cannibalizing Plagiarism Nexus that is generative AI and put it online as your own work. Creative writing communities deserve better, and frankly, so do you. There is always a way to connect and engage with creativity, but the way to do that is not to shut yourself out from creating anything of your own and drag others down with you by burying their hard work under mountains of samey AI slop.
Hey, you reblogged that AI post and I was surprised to see something so mean on your blog. "If you cant write unassisted, fuck you, youre a disgrace to the community." Is that really something you want on your blog?
Just in case this isn't a spam message:
Posting AI-generated content to a platform intended to be an archive for writers is not appropriate use of the platform. On a platform intended for human creation, it is rude and inappropriate to clog search results with AI-produced content which often plagiarizes the work of human authors.
Use of generative AI is also horrible for our environment, leading to massive waste of fossil fuel energy and water. We should not be doing damage to our planet for the sake of generating (robot-produced, often plagiarized) fiction, especially when the joy of fiction comes from the creation and emotion of real people.
Rather than giving a prompt to a generative AI, people should consider attempting to write their own work, or asking another writer from the fandom if they would be interested in writing it. Anyone who is capable of typing a prompt into ChatGPT is capable of writing a story. The first attempts may not be amazing, but that is true of any skill, and anyone can improve with time and practice - and while ChatGPT may give you big returns in your time, it doesn't give you practice, growth, or creativity, which is where the joy of writing should come from.
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neigepomme · 1 day ago
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🍎 quick headcanons about the lads guys pt. 2 WOOO!! media added for better experience :9
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⋆ most of the couple tiktok videos you do with caleb are actually his idea. his whole fyp is filled with cute couple trends, and he sends them all to you. he really loved when you picked out his outfit for the h.s.k.t trend and has to fight himself to not wear that outfit daily now. his phone background is you two with the lipstick heart trend on your cheeks.
⋆ rafayel never shows up to your place empty-handed. when you tell him it's okay to not bring you a gift (whether it be flowers, some snacks or pastries, a cute handbag, etc) whenever he visits, he looks at you like you offended him before going "yeah, no. no way cutie." he actually started gifting you more stuff after you commented on it.
⋆ even though xavier's jealous nature is really cute and you don't mind it, he tries his best to keep it at bay. by that i just mean that instead of glaring daggers at a guy who's hitting on you, he starts resting his head on your shoulder from behind and dramatically sighing like a kicked puppy. it works AND you pet his hair, so it's a double win. xavier - 1, the guy who hit on you - 0.
⋆ sylus never tells you, but you quickly figure out that he loves it when you care for him and play with his hair when you two are cuddling. he's a big man and typically has you sleeping on his arm (and he loves it), but at one point, he fell asleep with his head on your stomach while you stroked his hair. when he woke up and you flashed him a warm smile, he almost saw god and thought to himself that he really ought to fall asleep like that more often.
⋆ zayne deliberately leaves his dress shirts at your place, in hopes of seeing you wear them. when he drops by to see you at one point and you answer the door only wearing his shirt, his knees actually buckle and he falls on the floor. you got really worried, and he got really embarrassed, but he gave you some excuse along the lines of "sorry, i think my blood sugar is low right now." you didn't miss how his ears turned bright red tho!
⋆ additional headcanon about zayne because he's my favorite, and i've been neglecting him recently: your phone background is his flushed face covered in lipstick marks, your handiwork. the actual video of you kissing him is the greatest thing in your camera roll — it's zayne growing more and more flushed and giggly as you smother his face in kisses. he could die happy!!
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ok moving on to loser headcanons i need them to lose some aura rq
⋆ caleb never had a musical phase, he says. guess who knows the lyrics to meant to be yours from heathers tho! because that sure as hell isn't gideon! at one point, he got really drunk at the DAA and was belting it out. he also kissed gideon during that drunk episode but that's a story for another day (spreading my caleb bisexual agenda)
⋆ rafayel has edited wikipedia articles to be right in arguments and is not above pouting like a toddler and making you feel bad when you find out. at one point, he started forcing tears out of his eyes and going "no it's fine! you hate me, i get it, your boyfriend's feelings are less important than trivia night, it's fine!" like. he's a loser but a really pretty one so it cancels out kinda
⋆ xavier's the type of guy to go "huh??" at least 3 times when you explain something to him before he finally goes "ohh i get it". he in fact does not get it but he felt you getting worked up and he decided not to hit you with a fourth huh. his survival instincts are good and he'd rather look it up than have you be mad at him #loverboy
⋆ sylus has a really good grasp on his facial expressions, but he will hit a disgusted face when he hears something stupid. like yeah sure big bad unreadable boss and stuff but one time, he hears some guy on the street loudly say the worst take he's ever heard in his life and he can't help the side eye + disgusted face combo. he also stank faces when he listens to good music
⋆ zayne meows at cats. not elaborating on that it's pretty clear LOL but sometimes he'll think of the really cute cat he saw on the street that morning and quietly go "... meow..." greyson catches it and is so in shock, but no one will even believe him if he talks about what he heard ("yvonne you're not gonna believe this i just heard dr. zayne meow" “girl what the hell are you saying”)
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ablobwhowrites · 2 days ago
Hear me out on this yandere cookie run ramble guys
(plus sorry for disappearing for so long. I'm trying to cook with new stuff coming soon, hopefully this week to next week.)
Imagining a self aware cookie run au and yes the cookies come out of y/n's phone but are the small sizes because they are cookies and y/n who has a office job now has to deal with yandere cookies from both ovenbreak and kingdom. Shadow milk cookie nearly got y/n fired are he decided to use his powers on some of the office stuff y/n has and ended breaking several things instead. (They do how their powers they can get very out of control or just be very weak) y/n just being this normal person who now has to deal with these cookies and now has taken up a whole hobby of making small buildings for the cookies to live in. Now the livingroom coffee table and bookshelf has become bascially a small kingdom for the cookies or just small parts of the living room just different kinds of kingdoms depending on it. Even almond cookie helps y/n get ready in the morning by pointing out what to fix on y/n's work suit and stuff.
Then y/n having to keep the Beasts and Ancients separate so they don't fight. Also the cookies made mandatory for y/n to bring at least one or two cookies with them to keep them safe as they don't know the dangers of this world and rather keep y/n safe. But mainly y/n sits in a office and I love to think some cookies like to sit in quiet with y/n enjoying to silence with them but other cookies absorb get bored of hate it but that is the sacrifice they will make for their dear baker. And also imagining if y/n has any unhealthy habits like staying awake at night for to long then they will be forced to sleep and Moonlight cookie as well as dream Weaver cookie to make sure y/n gets the recommendation dose of sleep. Or if unhealthy eating habits then they'll try to help with that as well to make sure y/n gets healthy amounts of greens (carrot cookie, potato cookie and spinach cookie make sure of that)
plus hey at least the farmer cookies help y/n make a small garden even if it's small it's a good way to have fresh vegetables and fruits, plus they take care of them for y/n when they are gone at work. Also agent olive cookie loves to go with y/n to their office, as they have a job to protect y/n and try to do it well. Coffee cookie also love to talk with y/n in the mornings and even gets excited seeing the giant cups y/n but when y/n takes her on a grocery store trip, she always reminds y/n to get the best kind of coffee bean as she knows her coffee and wants the best for y/n also she may or may not take a bit of coffee for herself as of course she needs to taste the flavor to see if it's up to standard for y/n to drink.
But secretly the cookies are trying to find a way to get y/n back to their world, to earthbread as this life is to taxing on y/n from what they've seen but sadly traveling over to their bakers world really destroyed their phone but after y/n got a new one, the cookies wonder if they can use another device and of course cream puff and expresso cookie are on it but it just worries the ancients that the beast cookies will try to take y/n away when getting back to earth bread.
(that's it for my yap session but if you like this idea and want more please don't be shy and request any ideas if you want more or just have ideas for stories or y/n's. But for now please stay safe and drink water!)
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naamahdarling · 3 days ago
I think there's this idea that nonfiction is boring, because at least in the United States our exposure to nonfiction in school is almost exclusively textbooks, which are horrifically boring.
But nonfiction isn't boring at all! There are riveting popular nonfiction books about literally any subject that interests you, and those books come in just about any length you could want. Even better, consulting popular nonfiction book lists from the last few years is a really good way to find books that will actually be in your library system. If you're like me, you live in a place where it is very apparent that libraries are for lending books, and are not archives.
I recommend any of these:
The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine by Lindsey Fitzharris -- EXTRAORDINARY, obvs a bit grisly. Actually, many of my recommendations have their moments, so be aware of that. Alternates between a bio of Lister and discussion of Victorian medicine. I thought the biography part would be boring, but it turns out Lister was a really cool dude. Like, he sounds like he was a lovely person. Something it really drove home for me was how utterly and unusually filthy Victorian cities were. It's no wonder we falsely think people in prior eras were super gross and didn't bathe or clean things. A lot of our attitudes towards history were formed during an era when that was true. We still tend to very much believe that sanitation and cleanliness has risen steadily, in an inevitable upward trend, because that's kind of how we see most history. It isn't true at all. The book doesn't go into this, this is just me airing a pet peeve.
The Facemaker: A Visionary Surgeon's Battle to Mend the Disfigured Soldiers of World War I by Lindsey Fitzharris. About Dr. Harold Gillies, who pioneered reconstructive surgery techniques on WWI survivors. Very good. The audiobook is narrated beautifully by Daniel Gillies, who is Dr. Gillies's great great grand nephew. I haven't read very much about WWI, and this book convinced me that I need to, and also that it will be very difficult going. I was aware that it was bad. I didn't appreciate just how bad.
Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History by Erik Larson. WOW this was good. About the guy who established the National Weather Service, Isaac Cline, an interesting dude but also just some guy, about the HORRIFYING Galveston Hurricane of 1900, about weather science. If you live in hurricane or tornado country, this might really interest you. It sounds boring but it wasn't. It was so cool! The passage describing how hurricanes develop was so beautiful. The passages describing what the hurricane was like as it was happening were riveting and frightening. The passages about the aftermath had a lot of impact.
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America is about both serial killer H. H. Holmes and the Chicago World's Fair of 1893. I am given to understand that the Holmes parts are sensationalized and not as accurate as they ought to be, but it's still really interesting, and all the stuff about the Fair, how it came about, the crazy challenges, the architects, and just how much of it barely happened at all, wound up being the most interesting part.
The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan. I genuinely did not expect to be glued to this but it was a riveting look at an oft-ignored time. The Dust Bowl was a manmade ecological disaster, preventable, and its effects were profound. But this is also about people, living through it. My grandparents were children then, and I live in dust bowl country, so this was especially interesting.
From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty. Her books are so good. This one is about unusual death traditions around the world, and what they can teach us about humans, grief, love, and notions of the afterlife. Not at all religious in nature, not voyeuristic, not judgmental, written with sensitivity.
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty. Again, good. Fascinating look at the death professions from inside. This is her job, so it's really closely observed. Hugely helpful in demystifying these jobs and what really happens.
find local theater near you. go to local theater near you. read plays. read non-fiction books. read fiction books written over one hundred years ago. go to the movie theater. watch movies with subtitles. watch slow movies. watch challenging movies. watch movies made for less than five million dollars. watch a documentary. watch television shows that have no fandoms. watch classic television shows. watch television shows starring actors that have no social media. read criticism of your favorite media frequently. think critically about your favorite media often. consume media made for adults.
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tridentrans · 3 days ago
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WOAHHHH my DP ocs....which are actually just AU versions of my normal ocs yay <3 got so excited for this event bc i love ocs that i drew new lil references for them on the spot. bc i did not have any before now. which is why i'm late to day 1!! just pretend this is also for day 2. even though it's not reverse AU for these ghosts to have human designs. because they're adaptations of ocs i already have and i decided they were humans who died and became ghosts LOL... and of course Reo is here. he's human and still alive. further oc lore concepts will be under the cut ↓
OK. so. Maverick first. he's a poor teenage ghost who is REALLY passionate about mail. he was quite lonely and pushed-aside (thanks in large part to his brother) when he was alive, so as a ghost his greatest desire has become "acknowledgement", in a sense. as a ghost he can't speak, so he just writes and sends letters. one of his ghost powers is just being able to instantly pull written and sealed letters out of his bag. so if you were to have an actual conversation with him he'd just be handing you endless amounts of letters over and over again... he can also manipulate or summon other mail, doesn't just have to be his own.
ironically, his other main ability is pyromancy. he can burn your mail just as easily as he can deliver it, lol. the fire powers is bc i associate him with fire in my original oc story but also because he's slightly based on the phrase "going postal," so. he has a bit of a hot temper here. i imagine that most people or ghosts aren't keen on answering random letters from someone they don't know, (humans especially are prone to ignoring spam mail) so he still ends up ignored (he gets ghosted, you could say). and then he gets mad.
this would lead in to the hypothetical Episode that exists in my mind. which i would title "going postal" haha. basic plot rundown is that Maverick would be trying to get Danny's attention with some letters, but Danny is a veryyyyy busy guy and would keep accidentally, or through hijinks, ignoring or destroying the letters, both in human and ghost form. this would be the last straw for Maverick and he'd get pissed enough to attack. he wouldn't be a reoccurring antagonist though, as I imagine the miscommunication would get resolved by the end of the episode.
and now for Reo!! he's a student at Casper High and is on the baseball team. which i don't recall if the school is ever mentioned as having a baseball team in the show? but it's a high school. it has one. anyways, he was one of the random people selected to receive Maverick's letters, and one of the only ones ever to actually send a reply. he's VERYYY curious by nature. so even if it is weird as hell to get a letter out of nowhere from someone you don't know, he'd probably reply.... and then he keeps replying even after he finds out his new pen pal is a ghost. he's nice like that. so hooray for MavReo friendship.
As for canon interactions. I did consider the idea of like. One day Reo takes Maverick to school with him, and it keeps setting off Danny's ghost sense. So Danny's freaked out all episode bc there Must be some Ghost following him around school all day ...sneaking ...stalking.... But actually it's his random background classmate passing notes w a ghost all day long. I also have another (human) character from my oc story that Reo is friends with that I didn't do an AU design for (yet?). In this setting, they would definitely try to do ghost investigations together. so that could be a goofy episode plot, that Danny has to manage some random students poking their nose in ghost stuff. WITH another ghost, no less.
now for "Ricky." in my regular oc story his name is a secret but i had to call him something for the sake of this AU so just don't mind my weird quotation marks. he and Maverick do NOTTTTT have a good relationship. he's the sorta typical jerk older brother who has no time for his sibling. doesn't care for that kid at ALL. Maverick is annoying, yeah, and it's really just stupid that their names are so similar, sheesh.... he would definitely be an antagonist, possibly reoccurring, because he's an asshole.
i do not have a little episode plot in mind for him yet, but his main thing is shapeshifting. i imagine he has all the basic ghost abilities everyone seems to have (invisibility, flight, intangibility) but beyond that, the shapeshifting is his only shtick. mostly because that's what he does in the original story AND i'm not trying to make him overpowered. you can do a lot with impersonation, especially since i have him able to mimic humans (something Spectra needs to siphon teenage angst for lol). So. bc he's kindof an all around jerk he would definitely just use this ability to cause problems. it is fun for him...
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starrycassi · 2 days ago
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*taps mic* uhm, hello? Is anyone there?
Anyways. Writing a fic of altmark gayson and his boyfriend trying to dodge the age of question of "hey, when will you guys have kids?" Except this time the question is quite heavy because, well, there's the whole heir for empires thing. Also, neither of them has an uterus. Also, they really really really like getting drunk on Friday nights...
Mark who got his powers at 13/14. Since I'm going off with the idea that maskless mark is gay, him and William were already kindaaa dating? So my man is far cockier than mainstream mark, but, also, far clingier
He does take over earth with omniman. Or is in the process to, at least
Nolan is Very Weirdly Open when discussing procreation. The Talk is just a constant thing with him.
Nolan is somewhat a good father idgaf
At some point Mark asks Eve to change his atoms and "make him a woman" for nine months so they can get over this
Eve says no because?? What?? The?? Fuck?? Mark??
So he asks if she can do it on will
Weird viltrumite stuff that would get omegaversy. At least in theory. Wouldn't quite work with a human
Mark attempting to clone himself
Mark accidentally coming off as racist against viltrumites in public
Already kind of established viltrumite empire, soooo. Kind of prince(ish) mark?? Unsure of how royal I can get with this without writing a literal copy of superman on his white outfit tbh
William trying to finish his midterms as his boyfriend has two different identity crisis going on in the background
EXTREMELY intense mark. Yeah yeah we hate yanderes WHATEVER I wanna have fun every once in a while god forgive a woman has preferences
Mark attempting to inject his blood on other people and accidentally kind of killing them
Mark going 'round asking female heroes if they want to surrogate (promises to pay)(gets turned down because?? fuck?? no??)
Generally just mark losing it
Idk this sounds very fun. But it is 12:52 am so maybe it's just the sleep deprivation
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nanaooyoo · 2 days ago
nct haechan smut
request for anon: “Can I please request mean dom hyuck (like instead of downright degrading he's more into mocking and like having an aura that's intimidating/god complex 😭?) × reader that's really desperate and goes into subspace at like anything he does.” Hope you like it. Anyways enjoy✨
warnings/headsup: dom!hyuck • sub!reader • 5.4k words • fem reader • female anatomy • penetrative sex • biting • brief oral sex • fuckboy-ish haechan • light proofread • a bit rushed
Rain Check: Haechan x Reader pt.I/I
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“You might as well just stay over” he said, walking over to you and removing your coat.
The sound of heavy rain and falling tree branches hitting the windows and doors was enough to give you pause. If you covered your head and ran down to the parking lot you could probably make it to your car without getting pneumonia. If you stayed, well then… you’d just end up in Haechan’s bed. Every second you spent thinking, the weather got worse. Not that it really mattered what you thought anyways, it seemed that he had already decided for you. He too knew what staying meant… that’s why he had suggested it in the first place.
“C’mon I’ll get you some clothes and stuff, it’ll be like a sleepover.” He motioned over to his bedroom after haphazardly draping your coat across a chair in the living room.
“Is that really okay?” You asked, folding your hands together and cracking your knuckles awkwardly. “I mean it’s only our first date…”
“So? Who cares?” He laughed. “It’s not like I’m going to murder you.”
“That’s not what I’m afraid of…” you whispered under your breath, but still willingly following him against your better judgement. In your gut you felt like this was a bad idea, but in your head you could already feel what it might be like to have Haechan’s body pressed against yours. In fact, you had been feeling that feeling all night. You felt it when he had first texted you, you felt it on the drive over, you felt it the very moment he opened the door and you saw just how good-looking he was in person.
You thought it was bit sleazy for a guy to invite you over to his place before ever actually meeting you in the flesh, the implication didn’t initially sit right with you… but Haechan was hot, and he was single, and he had his own place… so who were you to say no, who were you to pass up on such an opportunity, and forgo his simple request?
“Here.” He said, tossing you a wrinkled t-shirt and a pair of his old basketball shorts.
You were never the athletic type, but you still managed to catch the garments thrown your way and bunch them in your hands nervously. You looked around his room for a bit wondering if he really expected you to just put on his clothes and then… sleep in his bed? With him?
Haechan leaned against his dresser and looked you up and down with a wry smile and a wild glint in his eye. “Aren’t you going to change?”
“Not in front of you!” You said, clutching his clothes close to your chest.
He huffed. “Why not?”
“Because-” you stuttered “-I just met you, I don’t even know you like that…”
“Like what?” Haechan tapped his fingers against the top of his dresser. You could see just about every single one of his pearly white teeth as he continued to smile at you. Like a mischievous Cheshire Cat stalking you in the dim lighting of his room, he eyed you expectantly.
His smile was taunting yet reassuring. His confidence solidified what you had already understood to be the unspoken agreement of this ‘date’. He only really wanted one thing… and so did you. It was somewhat comforting to know that your fear of seeming easy didn’t really matter when he wasn’t particularly hard (at least not yet).
“Do you want to know me like that?” He asked, walking over to you tentatively, each step slower than the last. He stopped in front of you, looking down into your eyes with a gaze full of subtle devilish glee, pushing a bit of hair out of your face and humming quietly.
You looked up at him with eyes that communicated much more than words ever could, and before you could even think of a quippy response he was already kissing you. The touch of Haechan’s hands were rough but not entirely calloused as he hastily grabbed at both sides of your face. His palms were ice cold against the hot skin of your cheeks. He kissed you fast and he kissed you hard, teeth knocking against teeth and tongue wasting no time in finding its way into your mouth. He was reckless to say the least, and almost completely uninterested in anything that would prevent him from getting exactly what he wanted, exactly when he wanted it.
The way he made you strain your neck by pushing your head further back than it actually needed to be, told you exactly what kind of guy he was. You pressed your hands against his chest and grabbed at the fabric of his shirt, silently begging him to give you a moment of respite, just one second to come up for air… but he was already knocking the clothes he had given you out of your hands and nudging you towards the bed.
“Hae-“ you tried to get out, but he pressed a finger to your lips and pushed your shoulders down so that you were sitting on the covers before him.
“Shh” he said, and you scoffed at his unwillingness to even pretend he didn’t have complete control over the situation.
You crossed your arms in minor annoyance as you sat there waiting for what he might do next.
He leaned down over you with a cocky expression that made you swallow hard, a mix of cortisol driven anxiety and pure joyous adrenaline rushing through you. You weren’t scared, you weren’t nervous, you were anything but… but the expression that was plastered on your face made you look like a mouse centimeters away from being engulfed by the jaws of a lion; and Haechan loved every second of it. “Do you still want to go home?” He chuckled.
You shook your head.
“Then say it.”
“I don’t want to go home…” you replied through gritted teeth.
He nodded approvingly. “Alright then.” Haechan leaned down slowly, placing his hands at either side before kneeling on the bed and silently urging you to scoot backwards.
You laid back and propped yourself up with your elbows as you watched him. Your eyes scanned him meticulously, starting at the top of his head and working their way down. You could hear his satisfied chuckle when your eyes stopped at the waistline of his pants and landed on the buckle of his belt. You hesitantly began to raise one of your hands as he knelt there still and domineering.
He waited until you were close enough to just about touch him before he grabbed your wrist with ease. “What makes you think you can do things without asking?” His voice was serious and gruff but his face was playful and inviting.
You wished in this moment that you could read his mind, it was as if he was testing you. Challenging you to try things just so he could shut them down and revel in your confusion. You felt like you were playing a game that he had invented, of which he refused to tell you the rules, and slowly but surely you would have to discover what the real objective was on your own. “Sorry” you choked.
“I don’t think you mean it…” He grinned and raised your hand above your head pinning your wrist to the bed. He kissed you again, this time with more fervor. Practically swallowing your bottom lip, he bit and gnawed at you like a cat toying with its prey before putting it out of its misery. You were surprised he didn’t draw blood with the way he sunk his teeth into you like he hadn’t eaten in days. It was almost impressive how he could squeeze your wrist just enough to elicit the semblance of pain without fully hurting you. You knew that Haechan probably didn’t have much trouble with girls but now you could absolutely tell why. You could tell that he was cocky not because he had a false sense of grandeur, but because he had proven many times before that he was well worth the conceit.
Even with his eyes closed he seemed to be able to sense every single one of your movements. Before you could even fully think to use your other hand to touch him, to be felt rather than to only feel (however good it was) he was pinning down your other wrist. You writhed under him, squirming in desperation to just run your fingers through his hair or down his back just once… but with every struggle, every groan and whine, he became stricter. The more you showed that you wanted him, the less of himself he wanted to give.
You just couldn’t think straight. You couldn’t play the same game he was playing. You could only lay there and hope that he would so much as grant you the privilege of making him feel something, anything.
When he finally did pull back, he only scoffed at how innocently you regarded him. “You any good at following directions?” He smirked.
You were sure that ultimately this was a bit of a rhetorical question, but no matter how asinine the observation, how humiliating the request, Haechan always expected an answer… and he expected a good one.
You nodded, but that must not have been good enough.
He leaned down again and you felt like time had slowed. Every second that he took getting closer to you made your heart beat faster. “Use your words sweetheart.” He said spewing hot sweet breath against your visage, and cupping your face firmly with one hand.
“I’m good at following directions…” you said meekly. You felt like you were in school again being scolded by a teacher for not formulating your test answers into complete sentences.
“Good.” He said, and in a unique moment of tenderness he kissed your cheek. It was soft and slow, and it was out of nowhere.
Somehow this little moment of gentility made you anticipate just how much rougher he could be. A kiss on the cheek and a sweet pet name from a guy like Haechan was always a red herring, especially after you had just admitted to him that you were willing to listen to direct instruction. You could have taken a moment to be defiant, to see what his limits were, but his strong grip and glittery eyes subdued you. His deceptively cute features and gleeful voice were nothing but bait to reel you in.
“We’re switching places” he said. “Come here.” Haechan turned around and sat at the edge of his bed. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor while waiting for you to make your way over. “Kneel down.”
You did as told and knelt down on the plush carpet of his room. You felt slightly degraded, like a dog that listens to commands in the hopes that they might get a treat in return. Haechan leaned back and parted his legs wide as you placed your hands on your thighs.
He looked at you through half lidded eyes, cocking his head to the side and moving a hand to cup one side of your face. “So you really are good with directions.” He smirked. Running his thumb across your cheek and down to your lips, he huffed in amusement watching you wince slightly as his finger touched the more delicate parts of your lips where he had left little red marks. “Did I hurt you?” He pouted facetiously, pressing his thumb down harder. “You can be honest”.
You gulped. “Y-yeah a little.”
Your small confession made him grin ear to ear. “I’ll tell you what. You do something for me sweetheart, and I’ll make it up to you.” Haechan reached down, taking one of your hands in his and placed it on the silver buckle of his belt. He didn’t even try to hide the egotistical smirk that washed across his face the minute he saw your pupils double in size as your hand grazed the bulge forming in his pants. “You’re cute you know that?” He said, watching you bite the inside of your cheek and swallow in a desperate attempt to hide your embarrassment.
Your eyes scanned the room wildly, trying to look anywhere but at the person in front of you.
“You too scared to make eye contact?”
“No.” You retorted.
Haechan scoffed and then paused for a moment before erupting into a fit of laughter. When you finally did look back up at him you had to just sit there and watch silently as he dabbed at the corners of his eyes. He had to take a moment to hold his stomach and steady himself from just how amusing he found your weak attempts at hiding the truth. “Are you always this pathetic or is it just cause you’re with me?” He snickered.
Normally you would roll your eyes and put an over confident man like that in his place but when it came to him you just couldn’t. On some level you had to admit that he was right. His mocking didn’t deter you, it only made you vie for his approval more, it made you want to feel what all the suspense was leading up to.
Haechan’s hands grabbed your wrists once more. He raised them up, lacing your fingers together and bringing them to his waist. Watching the way your fingers trembled slightly and your knuckles tensed as soon as they came into contact with the smooth metal of his belt buckle made him chuckle affectionately.
“Relax.” He said it softly, but you still felt a visceral internal obligation to comply as if it were a stern command. You felt like if you showed even an ounce of trepidation he’d want to forget the whole thing and move onto someone else who was much more sure of themselves.
Your hands fidgeted with his belt like this had been the first time you’d ever done something like this before. Your mind was focused on too many things at once, and struggling to align its priorities. On one hand you wanted to please him, to impress him, to show that you weren’t as meek and mild as you seemed in this very moment. On the other hand, you were so turned on your brain just short-circuited and the worsening weather outside didn’t help. It was like you were looking at a foreign object and had completely forgotten just how simple it was to take a guys pants off. You couldn’t bear to look at him, you couldn’t bear to see the look of sheer disappointment that must have adorned his face.
“Here let me help you…” Haechan laughed again, but this time with more sympathy rather than pity in his tone. He clasped your hands in his, as you looked straight ahead, ogling his long slender fingers that engulfed yours as he guided them past his belt and his pants and into the waistband of his boxers. His thumbs rubbed the pads of your finger as he took one of your hands and brought it to his lips, kissing your palm softly as the other plunged into the heat between his legs. Haechan’s groans were low and drawn out as you finally seemed to regain consciousness and remember what you were doing and where you were.
You bit your lip tentatively as Haechan let out sparse and quiet grumbling moans into your hand, pressing it to his face and gripping your wrist tightly as your other hand slid down further, slowly making its way to the head of his dick. You could feel him getting harder with every languid stroke of his shaft and you could hear him getting impatient with every intermittent scoff. You let Haechan give your hand another soft kiss before kneeling closer to the edge of the bed. Gently biting the side of your hand closest to his mouth before letting it go, he adjusted himself so that you could appreciate him fully. He looked down at you, widening his legs a little more as you finally unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down just enough to place your head flush against his inner thigh. This general area was familiar territory to you, but you were still a bit lost when it came to how to act around Haechan. You found his soft chuckles and little pats to the top of your head oddly reassuring (once you got past how childish and out of your depth they initially made you feel). Haechan looked down at you endearingly, but even at your low vantage point you could still see the little tinge of satisfaction as the corner of his lip curled up into a sultry half-smile.
You made a point to note how your fingers just barely touched when wrapping around his girth, trailing them lightly along the path of every subtly visible vein like you needed to stimulate each individual nerve hidden beneath his skin. The light tickle from the breaths that you let out through your nose as you kissed at the base of him made Haechan throw his head back and bite his lip, muttering quietly to himself about how cute you looked. He held your chin in one hand, feeling the soft outline of your jaw as the muscles stretched to help you wrap your plush lips around the side of his shaft, the other slowly slid up to your forehead and helped keep your hair out of your face with a firm yet calculated grip to your scalp.
The crash of a large branch hitting Haechan’s bedroom window made you flinch for a second. Your face began to feel warm and your throat tightened as your ears filled with the sounds of harsh winds, rattling twigs, and your date’s dry sarcastic laughter. “Sorry” you mumbled, leaning your head against his leg once more and pressing your salivating tongue eagerly against the flat underside of him.
You could sense the amount of restraint Haechan was using to compose himself. “You’ve got to stop apologizing” he chuckled. The more you trembled, the more he teased you and yet he still made sure to slip in little bits of veiled encouragement as you worked your mouth up him in a series of unhurried nips and pecks. “You’re surprisingly good at that” he taunted “at least for a girl who’s scared of thunder.” You internally rolled your eyes, half at Haechan and half at yourself for being so accidentally transparent. Making you partially wince, Haechan grabbed more firmly at your hair, raising your head up slightly to the head of his dick, impatience reaching an insurmountable threshold. A diaphragmatic growl escaped his lips as he practically snarled. Feeling your wet mouth slide down his length as you took a deep breath in, making sure to swirl your tongue over the tip as he guided your head down as leisurely as he could without shuddering in frustration made his chest begin to rise and fall more deeply and his stomach knot up. Haechan’s expression turned more serious and his mouth remained slightly agape as he took in the view in front of him. The sobering look on his face as he moved your head up and down in the exact way he liked was in direct contrast to your ever quickening heartbeat and the alternate desperate pulse forming between your own legs. You admired how simple he made things for you. You barely had to think because he was so self assured and deliberate in every single one of his motions.
You wondered how many other girls Haechan had had kneeling before him, sucking him off like this and hanging onto his every word. You thought of how easy it was for him to get you flustered, to coerce you into admitting to things you would never usually admit out loud. How he so easily was able to have wrapped around his finger you had no clue, but you were certainly in too deep to second guess yourself now. “You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth” he whispered seductively, pushing your head down until he was practically hitting the back of your throat. Tears stung in the farthest corners of your eyes as he found yet another way to render you physically and emotionally breathless. His snickers egged you on more than they deterred you, as he delighted in every small instance of ridicule he made you feel. Watching you struggle to keep up with him made him want to find new ways to slow down just so he could pick things back up again and catch you off guard. Sticky saliva and pre-cum mixing together as he became more erect in your throat.
Your voice was already becoming weaker as his hard cock slid against the roof of your mouth and you hollowed out your cheeks. You whined in just about the most down-and-out way Haechan had ever heard as he moved his free hand from your chin to your neck, pressing his fingers to either side of your throat ever so slightly, causing you to have to swallow the choke lodged in your esophagus. He held your head down for a moment until he saw that you were sufficiently starved for breath and released you for a second to once again cup your face and hold your cheeks. He regarded you with pride upon seeing the slight state of dishevelment he had you in. Your eyes were watery and doe-like as you knelt on the carpet and looked up at his smug countenance. “You wanna get up here with me?” He asked and smoothed out the covers a bit.
You nodded dizzily at first, taking a moment to re-experience fresh air. “Yeah…” you said hoarsely, and of course, again, he laughed in your face.
Haechan had to reach down and help you up in your light daze. He lifted you onto the bed again and you sat behind him, watching patiently as he slipped his shirt off and dropped it onto the floor, turning around slowly to tower over you. You instinctively started to lay back as he approached, his eyes glimmering as he stared at you, you gulped and stared at him right back. You had enough time to count all the little freckles and moles on his face twice over with the lethargic speed at which he leaned down to kiss you, swirling his tongue over your lips and tasting a bit of himself on them. His nose was pressed messily against yours as he kissed you swiftly and carelessly, toned thin arms reaching under your shirt to toss it across the room before unclasping your bra. Haechan dragged his teeth down your collarbone and down to your breasts. Throwing your undergarments in any direction he could, he sunk his teeth into the supple flesh of the upper part of your chest, leaving a path of small wet marks you were sure would become full blown bruises by tomorrow morning. Haechan pulled off his own pants fully before going for the button at yours and deftly biting your nipple enough to make you whimper helplessly under him. Again his hands roamed across your body, moaning into your mouth and palming himself lightly, lubricating his pointer and index finger with the slick from his cock before reaching into your underwear. “You’re so wet for me aren’t you?” He whispered into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe and kissing your cheek.
It was time for his jaw to do the work as he kissed and chewed every little bit of exposed skin that he could while spinning small circles up and down your clit and at the entrance of your cunt. You ran a hand through his tousled mop of blackish-brown hair and used the other to hold onto his arm to stop yourself from unraveling completely. His fingers pumped inside of you, curling harshly and staying there, torturing you while he took off his boxers. He took a break from sucking the sensitive buds of your nipples to drag his tongue along your slit. He stuck his tongue in without hesitation, aiding his fingers, as they worked together to slide in and out of you, making your head spin. You couldn’t help but wrap your legs around his head as he worked his magic. “You’re already shaking and I’m not even finished with you yet” he joked as your whole body shivered against him, using your legs to pull him in closer, fidgeting with every swipe of his tongue and movement of his fingers.
Haechan pulled back suddenly, holding your waist firmly and pushing you back farther up the bed. He leaned over, reaching into a drawer on the end table next to his bed and smirking at you as your eyes trailed behind him, watching closely like you were studying a specimen under a microscope. “As much as I’d love to fuck you raw, it is only our first date.”
You wondered if that meant he had the intention of doing this again sometime or if he just said that to every girl he had over. Not that you had much time to mull it over in your head. Haechan was already ripping a condom open with his teeth and slipping it on like he was a professional preparing for his own olympic main event. He smiled down at you with a sort of recognition in his eyes while he took your underwear off, like he could read your mind, like he could tell exactly what your were thinking; ‘this guy does this a lot…’
Haechan breathed heavily as he lined himself up at your entrance, pushing into you and immediately raising your legs up so that they were tucked to your chest. “You’re so fucking tight baby…” he said through satisfied gasps and gritted teeth. You could feel him filling you up completely as he fucked you hard and slow, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing his forehead against yours. He watched as your whole body followed his movements, helpless against the strength of his thighs. Your desperate whimpering and the girlish childlike quiver of your lip as he looked into your eyes unblinking, refusing to kiss you just so he could get that little bit of extra satisfaction from seeing just how bad you wanted him. “You gonna cum?” Haechan thrusted into you harder. “Am I gonna make you cum?” watching as you almost cried out in agony, hands not daring to move or defy him in any way, chest rising and falling and lips unable to formulate the right words. Haechan snickered. “Hmm? What was that?” He thrusted again, pulling out slowly and forcing himself into you again for every few moments that you spent continuing to struggle to answer him. “I can’t hear you sweetheart” he said once more, eliciting an almost pathetically exasperated moan from you.
“Y-yes Haechan…”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes you’re going to make cum.”
“Did I say that you could?”
You could feel the tears forming in your eyes again as he fed on your misery. “No…” you whimpered.
“Then you know that you can’t until I tell you to.” Haechan reached between your legs to play with your swollen bud and you sucked in your bottom lip as he held you still, fucking you like he had all the time in the world. He pulled out slowly and pushed in hard, laying his chest atop your tucked in calves.
“Okay” you whispered “I won’t”. You spoke partially to him and partially to yourself, focusing on the sounds of violent rain pounding onto the sidewalk not unlike how Haechan pounded into you in this moment. You tried to distract yourself with thoughts of boredom, and gray clouds, and parking garages where your car sat cold and empty, but those just made you think of pleasure, and tan skin, and your warm throbbing cunt filling with the liquid proof of yours and his arousal.
Lifting you up slightly, Haechan held your waist, lifting your ass up just enough so that he could slap it. The sting of his hand lingered on your backside as you could feel the imprint even when he went back to holding you down like the outline of his palm had just been freshly tattooed there.
His eyes squeezed shut, pumping into you as he got closer and closer, waiting for the exact right moment to time his release. “Fuck baby” he moaned hoarsely, squeezing his hands around your hips like kneaded dough. Eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head, and inner core tightening with every vicious stroke, you pressed your knees together and wondered whether you should distract yourself by counting sheep or counting down the seconds until you made a mess of yourself and dripped onto his sheets like the rain water overflowing the building’s gutters.
“Haechan…” you whined, strengthening your grip on the back of his neck, trying your best not to squirm in a plea for a bit of his divine mercy. “Can you at least kiss me?” You asked in earnest.
Your adorable little pout softened his expression and put a momentary stop to his brick batting curses and taunts. “Only because you asked so nicely” he cooed, and leaned down to kiss you softly. His embrace was warm and the dulcet tones that spilled from his mouth as his movements became faster and harder inside of you caused your mind to go completely blank. You kissed him back based on muscle memory alone, as your consciousness felt transported elsewhere. Your body and mind experiencing conflicting and complementary sensations all at once.
Haechan quickened his pace, grunting lowly and pulsating inside of you. Your walls constricted around him, reacting to the contours and veins of his rock solid erection that could be felt even through the condom he had so generously put on. He whispered sweet nothings against your skin about how pretty you looked surrendering to him, and about how close you had him. The sublime aching pleasure in your groin accompanied by the choppy pitched up curses Haechan spit out like venom were enough to hold you over for a few more seconds just so you could savor the near tangible ecstasy in the room.
“Now” he said sternly “I want you to cum now.” Wind picking up in time with his arrival, Haechan thrust into you as hard as he could one final time before shakily pulling out and rubbing the head of his covered cock over your clitoris. You almost yelped in shock as he served another harsh slap to your side; solidifying his previous request. You whined, and you whimpered, and you moaned his name like he was the only person in the world that could ever make you feel this way… and for a small moment, as the rain came down, and the sounds of stormy weather became drowned out by heavy breathing a wet sloppy kisses; there was no one that could tell you that that thought wasn’t true, no one could tell you you were wrong when everything felt so goddamn right.
Haechan pulled away but not before planting another tender kiss to your sweaty forehead. He stood up, smirking at you as he tied off his filled up rubber and put it in a nearby garbage can. You laid there, still twitching a bit as you slowly regained your composure. “So are you gonna stay over?” He said pushing his messy hair back.
“Am I allowed to?” You asked breathlessly.
He chuckled a bit reaching down onto the floor in front of his bed and picking up his old t-shirt and shorts and tossing them so that they landed right over your eyes. “Only girls who make me breakfast can stay over” he hissed mockingly. “Anyways, there’s no way you can drive home in a storm like this… I’m not a monster.”
“I’m a good cook…” you replied sitting and watching as he walked over to his bathroom.
“Well then I guess you’ll just have to prove it tomorrow morning”. He yawned and closed the bathroom door without another word. You could hear him singing to himself sweetly in the shower and you secretly hoped that the rain would never end just so you could be stuck here together a little longer.
-🍌 🍶
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daggerfall · 11 hours ago
So the GM of one of the big PC/NA raiding servers attended the ESO guild summit and wrote down some notes about questions and answers asked there. A lot of them are about potential future features we could see in ESO's future, and also answers to questions some worried players have had, but most of it is about guild stuff. I'll post the text under a read more.
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Hey @/everyone, I recently attended a guild summit with ZOS developers where we got a chance to do a Q&A session. I am breaking down some of the keys points from the discussion for us. I will include the stuff I know a lot of us care about first. This is a really exciting time for us to have some feedback/suggestion for the future of ESO. ZOS has been doing a great job of engaging the community and we can expect more from them in the future. For instance, this guild summit will likely become yearly or biannual. About the questions - I missed some, there’s some interpretation, and comments from me included. I want to keep you guys in the loop on what is going on and how we as a guild are involved. A lot of this stuff is things they are considering doing or testing feasibility on. It doesn’t mean it will 100% happen.
Isiimode and I had a very similar question about the next trial drop. They answered the question by saying watch the global reveal. They said they don’t see a lot of the content drops changing. My interpretation of this was mainly that we can still expect a yearly trial and it might not drop exactly on the day that it used to drop on. They want more flexibility in releases and instead of large drops with a drought they would like to drop engaging content as its ready to keep players more engaged over the year. April 10th will be revealing the new trial/content. I think(?) there will be a new trial like normally scheduled just by interpreting Rich’s comments.
It looks like ZOS is going to be working on guild management tools for us in the future. Guildhalls seem unlikely but maybe if we can do them with limited capacity. They are looking into guild halls more. They are going to try to make it so multiple people can manage a guild home from a guild like an officer permission. This last sentence is my interpretation but based on Rich’s answer it seems like someone still have to own it and this is hard to do.
They are working on guild traders and adjusting how they work. Number of listing was really high and this was hard on the servers. They want people to still be able to sell stuff and understand this changed a lot for trading guilds.
They are thinking of more mechanical ways to make guilds useful. They understand that the only reason for joining a guild is really a guild trader. Otherwise discord is the best place for things to happen. No real specifics on this yet.
Limits on guild capacity and other limit items are there to reduce server load. When they started enforcing the mail limit it turned their mail server from terabytes of data to gigabytes. They are trying to minimize the workload on the servers with some of the choices they are making. They referenced guild history, and even Cyrodil changes. Ideally reducing server load overall should help with performance.
Five guild is somewhat arbitrary but it cant be higher because it is a lot of server load to manage five guilds for everyone. Think about how the server has to be pinged every time someone logs on and off or deposits something in the bank. They might consider reducing the number of people in a guild so you can have more but i dont think this is a good idea. They are going to add a guild search function if possible.
They are going to add a guild communication system if possible. It might not look like in-game mail. It could be a calendar or some other functionality.
They are going to explore adding API for guild bank/roster stuff for addon developers to introduce addons. (I didnt really understand this question)
They are going to consider working on a companion app to allow people look at achievements and other account statistics and have already done this in the past but they always blow up the server and make performance tank.
Servers are expensive and getting aussie or other servers seems unlikely. They are already supporting some servers that aren't really active so it’s hard to add more that might not be active.
Some leaderboard changes might be coming in the future. Ultimately, score is the best metrics to base leaderboards on. It includes vit, speed, and HM so it is all encompassing.
What would console addons look like? Very hard to answer. Strict memory limits make it very hard. On PC memory isnt really the limiting issue so its hard to say what console addon developers will be able to use. Codes combat and lazy writ crafter will likely go to console.
People want lore about the players to be included in the game more.
Do the devs play the game? The team plays the game a lot but not everyone plays the game the same. Rich likes the solo content and does that more. Other developers like world bosses, cyrodil, and trading. Its really hard to make content that every single person will love. That being said the devs do play the game and just see different issues than we might see. These summits are way for us to bring our issues forward.
How many people dont interact with guilds? A lot of players play this game like a traditional eso game but might join a guild for a trader or something. They are thinking of new ways to include the community in the functionalities that they have created. It seems like a lot people find playing with people scary.
ZOS love RP community and they like giving them opportunities to RP. A lot of story development includes ways for people to RP.
There is some consideration for integrating EU console servers.
Increasing limits on furnishing in player homes is something they are thinking about but might be hard to do.
They dont want guild homes to replace going to a major city. They want people to have reasons to go to these areas. No one stop shops!
A lot of the cyrodil related development right now is solely on the performance and the champion campaigin/system(?). No other changes will likely be made in the short term.
Will the game be around in 5 years? The best way to answer this is look at development patterns. New cyrodil stuff is an indication that ZOS is going to continue to support the game. ZOS is committed to the game and will continue to commit to the game.
Update the guild tabards to look more modern. Guild specific decorations would be fun and cool.
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iamhereinthebg · 19 hours ago
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Heya Anon! (I speedran this doodle because I got emotionnal)
I see the vision, I used to be insane about the possiblity of a Teru and Nene's friendship, they would be so so funny together :DD
I also like the idea of Teru needing a friend who is more.. chill ? Nene judges him a lot for random stuff in canon but it's really not the same as Akane or Aoi who are just 'this guy is truly insane ._.' (and good for them tbh love them a lot) And she still goes sparkly eyes for him sometimes even when he says the most insane things and I like that sm
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(in french he says: "And well, I am the embodiment/personification of beauty" I find it wonderful either way)
And Nene having someone who could teach her stuff about the supernatural world while judging her hard af for how she acts around them sometimes would be a really funny dynamic too. None of them would have chill with the other but I think this is why it could be so good. And Teru would be overjoyed to teach her stuff (in the hope she would destroy Hanako, this is the true motivation)
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They truly would be a no braincells duo
(an old doodle I still love a lot this guy is a disaster at handling people showing emotions in front of him)
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And they do care for each other in canon , their teamup for the new timeline was really cute :DD
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(I am just sad we didn't have much but lol I won't talk about the disappointement that this arc is for me :'))
I agree that they would watch random stuff together especially because Teru doesn't have much knowledges in that and Nene may have... too much. I truly think they could be great friends (and Nene has the patience of a saint have you seen her with Mitsuba or even Hanako? ToT She would be able to handle Teru)
I used to be obsessed with the Survivor quartet as I call them (Akane, Nene, Teru and Kou) and I have a tag for them #survivorquartet with random doodles/hcs if you need more stuff :DD (most are really old so some of my opinion has changed izvkdvd)
Little comic I did of them that I still love a lot, help this poor girl she needs it
And don't be ashamed to post if you want to, I am sure you're not the only one liking this friendship :DD Especially since you're talking about a fic! This means others people like it too! (and even if that wasn't the case, be free Anon this is honestly how you can have the most fun in a fandom, my main metaphor is the sandbox in a corner doing whatever and sometimes some people go to talk with you, this is the funniest part of being in a fandom for me :))
And if you're bothered about the ship you can just say in the tags that it's platonic. That's something I did once and most people respected to not tag it with the ship name ^^ Fandom and posting are supposed to be fun so you shouldn't feel pressured by it but I understand if you're scared/don't know if you wanna post, take your time :))) I believe in youuuu
I hope you have a great day Anon and thanks for the ask it made me happy to retalk about them :DD
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for-your-modesty-dude · 2 days ago
Little Miss Tutor
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A/N: Hey hey! I haven't been around for awhile, mostly because I've been doing a deep clean of everything I own. Some early spring cleaning, if you will. But this idea actually came from a journal I used to write in when I was in high school (which makes the journal easily a decade old... no comment.) and as I saw this concept written in there, I thought this was so perfectly Eddie. I hope you enjoy it! It's just some fluff, friends to lovers stuff. For the record - I believe Eddie and reader are both in early-to-mid twenties here. R has already been out of college, so they're not college roommates. Just normal roommates, and Eddie is also trying to get himself through college while he works his job. Not necessarily relevant to the actual story, but there's some lore that stays stuck in my brain LOL. I'm the queen of backstories, no matter how short the blurb. - Hy
Summary: You’re roommates with Eddie and he's trying to get through college years later than most students. You’re also secretly deeply in love with him. But that feels inappropriate to share.
Warnings: uhhh... none I can think of. This is just a fluffy blurb.
Word Count: ~1k
It was late at night, maybe 2 in the morning, when you woke up cold and thirsty. You pulled on a pair of your fuzziest socks before padding down the steps into the kitchen for a glass of water. You were so exhausted and set on getting your water that you missed the wide open bedroom door on your way down, but not so exhausted that you missed it on your way back to your room. You peered in to find your roommate Eddie awake at his desk, hair disheveled and in his favorite pajamas.
“Eddie?” You whispered, shuffling into the room. “What the hell are you doing still up?”
His head snapped up and he swiveled around in his desk chair. “Hey, sweetheart,” he gave you a sleepy smile, “I’m just finishing up, actually. Was going through my notes for tomorrow. What are you doing up?”
You couldn’t answer him because of the breath caught in your throat. Sure, you’d always liked the guy, but in his baggy old pajamas, mussed up curls, and sleepy voice, it was taking all of your self control not to give your crush away by throwing your arms around him and kissing him right then and there. It was only when he cocked an eyebrow and called your name that you came back to life and answered him. 
“Sorry,” you snapped out of your trance with a blush, “I’m just going back to my room, I was getting a glass of water.” You put a hand on your hip and pursed your lips, “you need to get some rest, Eddie.” 
The boy ran a hand through his hair, only messing it up further. “Yeah, I know. But I really need to pass this exam tomorrow.”
“You’ve been studying for days, hon. Besides, what have I told you before?” You asked him with playful lilt in your voice, and he groaned. 
“‘Your brain doesn’t store information properly if you don’t get a good night’s sleep,’” he quoted with a groan and a deep sigh, before he stood and stretched. You were still looking at him like a mother scolding their small child, which made him chuckle. “Yeah, yeah, little miss tutor.”
“Excuse me if I happen to know what I’m talking about,” you pouted. 
“Sure,” he nodded, casually striding past you to close the door, flicking the lights off. You gave him a confused look in the darkness, before he approached you and swiftly threw you over his shoulder. You let out an indignant squeak, but tried to keep from blushing too hard despite the darkness. 
“Edward Munson! Just what do you think you’re doing!” You asked him, smacking his back lightly.
“You’re the expert, right?” He tossed you down onto his bed, “then help me sleep.”
You were never more grateful for the darkness, as it masked your wide eyes and deep crimson cheeks. 
“Um- o-okay?” You managed. He got under the covers next to you, and just turned to face you. You stared back at him, heart pounding.
“So,” he started, but was cut off by a yawn, “what do you suggest? For the best night of sleep, I mean.”
“I-I-” he’d caught you so off guard, you barely knew your own name, much less how to help him sleep. “I don’t know.”
“Mkay,” he hummed, “then I’ll try my own way.” He put an arm around your waist and pulled you against his chest, tangling his legs with yours. “I’m gonna take a guess and say that like this, I’ll get an amazing night’s sleep.” 
Despite your nerves, you seemed to relax at the proximity, allowing yourself to melt into his embrace. “I know I will,” you mumbled. He smiled to himself, and by the time you’d fully gotten comfortable against him, he was sound asleep. 
The next morning, he woke up before his alarm, feeling incredibly well rested. He felt a warmth against his chest and remembered what he’d done the night before, his eyes going wide. He looked down to find you asleep peacefully against him, and decided he didn’t regret what he’d done - no matter the consequences. Sure, he was terrified that you might catch onto his massive crush on you and let him down easy, but it had been worth it. In the middle of his overthinking, you stirred. 
Your eyelids fluttered open slowly and you nearly jumped out of your own skin when you realized where you were. “G-good morning,” you managed to stutter out.
“Good morning,” he rasped back, sending shivers down your spine. He felt your body react and didn’t think anything of it besides that you might be cold, so he pulled the blankets further up around the both of you. “That was easily the best sleep I’ve had in a very long time, didja know that?” You shook your head at him. “Well, it was.”
“Me too,” you told him. 
“I like waking up like this,” he commented. “Only one thing could make it better.” You looked up at him, contemplating for a moment before deciding to be bold - cupping his cheeks and pulling his face down so you could kiss him. He gladly let you do so, only pulling back to take in some air. 
“That- that was the one thing, yeah,” his voice cracked. He calmed his nerves a moment before leaning back down to kiss you this time, more prepared. This time, when he pulled back, he was grinning from ear to ear. “You know what? I think I’m gonna nail this exam later. And as a reward, I think you should let me take you on a date.”
“Yeah, Munson,” you grinned back at him, “I think I can agree to those terms.”
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Please Take Me Home
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Summary: Jerry makes a mistake that may cost him his only friendship outside of the club
Word count: 1.7k
TW/CW: None
A/N: This was requested by @amazingbananabread! Mel was such a fun character to do! Thank you so much for the request!
Reblogs are appreciated!
Mel could feel herself shaking when the doorbell rang. She looked over at the setup (popcorn, a DnD movie she picked up, her and Jerry’s character sheets, and her notebook (just in case this night inspired something)) and sighed.
It’s been a while since her and Jerry actually did something together. Between hosting their own clubs, school work and generally just being tired all together, it was finally nice to actually just talk as friends…well, being friends with Jerry was complicated (considering The Eltingville Club in general is a warning in it of itself), but they got along, relatively speaking.
Besides, peeking out her window, Jerry seemed to also have his own stuff as well. Specifically, he was holding his own book bag. Maybe his parents made him overpacked? Who really knows?
“H-hey, Jerry!” Mel welcomed.
“Bidibidibidi, hey Mel. It was nice inviting me to your house.” Jerry chuckled.
“Um, no problem…would you like to-“
“Come inside, yes.” Jerry felt himself getting overly excited about this meeting for some reason.
Sure, Mel was his only friend outside of the club, so it makes sense about his over excitement, but he could feel his heart beating slightly faster when Mel gave him that winning grin of hers…his cheeks flushed slightly.
“Are you okay, Jerry? I know this hangout was last minute, so I’d understand if you would prefer keeping to yourself and-“
Shit. He was still outside of her porch.
“N-no, I’m fine! I’m just thinking about something else.” He chuckled.
With that, he stepped inside and let Mel lead him to the living room.
“You know, I never knew how exciting DnD could be till I met you.”
Snapping back from the movie, Jerry looked up at Mel. Her hair had been pulled back so she could have an easier time seeing what she was writing. The popcorn was mainly forgotten about, instead both favoring the Mountain Dew Mel brought for this occasion (which was already running low). As for their DnD character sheets, they’ve really only been using them to get a good idea on how they should act next time they played together.
Mel smiled. It was kind to cute seeing Jerry’s shocked expression, especially considering he was the dungeon master for his club. It’s still nice seeing how comfortable he was around her.
Ever since she moved here, she always felt…lost. That’s the best word she can come up with. Lost. While she did have Lucy to be her confidante, it felt weird relying on one person for her social life. She loved her club with her whole her whole heart, but she still remember her mom scolding her for that thought process.
Meeting Jerry was so nerve wracking; being part of the Eltingville club often met being the subject of their bullying and ridicule, especially when she writes mainly fanfics and self inserts. Jerry, though…he was always weird. Still weird, yes, but outside of the club’s influence, he was a pretty nice guy (as nice as you can get with a member of the Eltingville club).
Jerry can feel a lump in his throat forming before sighing.
“Y-you know, I’ve always liked you Mel.” Jerry expressed.
Mel raised her eyebrows to that. “Well, yeah, I’ve always liked you too-“
“I mean, I know you mean that in a friend way…a-and I do too, but…”
It was Mel’s turn to feel the lump in her throat. Her hand trailed next to his and offered a comforting pat on the hand.
“It’s okay. You can tell me.”
For the rest of the night, Mel will question herself for that simple statement and that gesture. Jerry will question what made him so brave in that moment. If he thought about it for 5 seconds, it was clear Mel was trying to be friendly to him, dammit, but that doesn’t matter right now.
What matters is the fact that, in this moment…Jerry leaned in and puckered his lips.
“O-oh! Jerry!” Mel scooted violently, causing the Mountain Dew to spill on the character sheets. “O-oh shit!”
“A! I-I’m sorry!” Jerry desperately tried to pick up the sheets, which were soaked by Mountain Dew at this point.
“J-J-Jerry! What was that?!”
“I-I don’t know! The moment seemed right. I-I mean, we were having a good time, the smell of popcorn was in the air, you looked so b-beautiful-“
“What?! Jerry, I was hanging out with you as a friend. I thought you were nervous about the club or something!”
“I am, but this was taking up my mind. I-I…”
“You what?”
The look on Mel’s face was something close to abject horror. The room was spinning around her, and she was clinging onto the table for dear life, less she passed out from how light her head was getting.
Jerry simply looked over at his terrified friend, and the lump was now becoming close to throw up.
“I…I’m so sorry.” Jerry rushed to grab his things and left without saying a word, leaving Mel to deal with the mess.
“You what?”
“I….I’m so sorry…”
Their final conversation has been spinning in Jerry’s head. Sitting in another meeting, he played with the cuff of his shirt and generally kept his mouth shut.
Shit….shitshitshitshitSHITSHITSHIT what was I thinking?! Was it seeing the romance of the DnD that inspired spark of confidence? Was it the Mountain Dew taste in my mouth? I mean, the air felt so warm, and she looked so sweet….
Why are you thinking like that? Just because your parents’ met like this doesn’t mean it’ll end like this. They’re always busy, and the only reason I went to her house was because they both had a trip till today! Maybe if I just did nothing, just kept to myself, maybe I wouldn’t be thinking about this moment will Bill stares at me!
“Jerry! You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Bill mocked. Pete and Josh turned in Jerry’s direction, now seeing the nervous teen look up at them.
“I’m fine. Just thinking about something…” Jerry mumbled.
“Well, it’d better be more important than this meeting, cause we’re still trying to see how to get the most out of ‘free comic book day’!”
With that, Bill went back to the drawing board, circling at an unknown location and discussing who would go where and how, why, whatever!
Jerry simply went back to his own space bubble. He doesn’t know what was more worrying: the club finding about their friendship, or the letter inside his book bag.
School just got out for the day, and Lucy insisted she walked Mel to her locker this time.
“You know, Lucy, it isn’t that big of a deal.” Mel sighed. She chewed her gum in silence, letting the minty flavor take over her whole mouth.
“But it is a big deal!” Lucy exclaimed, “The fact he tried kissing you is insane! Doesn’t he know that you’re his only girl friend!”
“It’s not even that, Lucy. I just wish…I don’t even know what to say-“
“You say that he’s kind of creepy for doing that in the first place.”
“He wasn’t! I just feel…so weird thinking about it. I mean, I don’t like him that way, at least I don’t think I do, but seeing his goofy attitude and how he looked so unsure of himself, it kind of reminded me of myself honestly. Like, I’d also be nervous with the first kiss.
“However, I also know it’d be more like my fanfics; in a dramatic scene, where the main characters confess to each other desperately before kissing each other, cementing their love, or in a established relationship, where they’re quick cute pecks of love….they make confessing so easy.”
“Yeah, because the writers are like us; people who don’t realize the first kiss may not be as fantastical as we think they are.”
Mel sighed. She walked over to her lock and started to turn the combination. When she opened it up, the first she noticed was a letter fall right on the floor. It was a familiar green color, and that hand writing…
“How does he know your locker number? It’s kind of creepy…”
“Or…kind of romantic…” Mel whispered.
“What was that?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing! Hahahaha….you think I should meet him?”
“Only if you want a funeral afterwards.” Lucy joked.
Mel looked back at the envelope. Feeling it, she can tell it was thick for some reason. What was Jerry even planning this time?
The school’s rooftop seemed a fine place. Jerry could only sit on one of the benches and stare into the sunset. It was getting colder, the wind nipping at his exposed skin.
The door opened slightly. Jerry looked over and saw a familiar purple vest. Mel’s jet black hair flew out with the wind as she held the now opened letters and stepped into view.
“You…you wanted to see me?” Mel asked sheepishly. Jerry stood up and walked a little closer to Mel, who stepped back in result.
“Y-yeah, I did.” Jerry gulped, “Listen, about last night…I-I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was just so focus on the moment and didn’t think about how badly I would hurt you.
“…It’s still weird that you did it. I got your letter, and it feels like you only did it to right your wrongs, and actually acknowledge what you did.
Jerry looked down. “I…I know. I just-you’re my friend, Mel, and I really like you. This is not even the romantic way; I actually really enjoy your company, and I’m even questioning why I did…Jesus fucking Christ…I’m so sorry Mel. I’m sorry for putting you in this position…”
Seeing Jerry’s eyes start to welt was a sight Mel never thought she see. She knows how much of beating Jerry takes from the club, but she never thought this was the moment that would get to him. It would get to her too, if she was in his position, but it took her back to her writing.
Her staring down at the piece of writing, imaging her favorite characters in this scenario (she always loved rooftop confessions), except this was a scene of regret and tears. She could feel her chest tighten as well. She really did like Jerry, and sometimes…she thought of him like that, but not like this, no.
Mel reached over to Jerry with a simple hand on his shoulder. “Let’s just..forget this ever happened. I don’t want this so stumbled into something worse…”
“…yeah. I just want to forget it happened in the first place. Okay?” Jerry asked.
“…Yeah. That sounds okay.”
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deathssubstitute · 2 days ago
"I don't expect to come out of it looking like I just went for a quick run or something, don't worry Grimmjow. I honestly welcome whatever scratches or bruises I might get." He would grin at the idea of either of them even imagining coming out unscathed from something like that. Ichigo took worse hits from battles past Grimmjow and he was certain more would come in the future. But still to feel the clash of their blades again in a more friendly scenario was something he would look forward too. "Well if it helps what we got going is sort of what the beginning of a friendship might look like. Us talking, sharing and stuff. It's what friends do you know? It's what I do with my own friends."
Why did his response make Ichigo laugh just that much more? Rubbing a the corners of his eyes, he would nod. "Duley noted Grimmjow. You don't mind if I quietly objectify you. Especially with the shirt on, that hides things." Though he could still make out some of his chest with it being half-zipped but Ichigo would keep that to himself. He mostly meant his comments as a joke but now he found himself quietly amused at the response to the overall topic now.
"That's a friend like thing to do honestly. Make fun of each other and stuff. You and Nel are like friends for sure. It's a glimpse of friendship no doubt." And he hoped to further show Grimmjow what having a friend was like in himself as well. The closeness and loyalty that came from simply being around the other person. In wanting to look out for them and such as he did with his own group of friends, Orihime included. "They wanted to believe the worst of course. Because of her powers. But I knew deep down it wasn't like that. It never could've been. I've known her for so long, it just wasn't like her."
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"Wow I didn't know, so they really do relay on you as the strongest huh?" Ichigo didn't realize that especially Nelliel had those limitations but then he remembered her brief reappearance as an adult back then before she shrunk back down to appearing like a child again. The number three tattooed on her back proudly and making Ichigo even more confused at those circumstances surrounding her back then. "I believe that. No doubt you could show any enemy what's what when you're on one. I would love to see you go all out on a poor unsuspecting idiot."
"Huh. I like your charms though. They are very you, indeed. Especially that panther one." Ichigo grinned at the sight of it. Grimmjow was right though it was probably time he jumped out of the past and into the future. Especially tech wise anyway. "I should get me some skull themed charms and maybe even a strawberry ones. I grew up being called strawberry my whole life because of my name's other meaning you know? Probably should just embrace it at this point right?"
He then finds himself smiling at Grimmjow. "Well now you get to experience that with me. I'd have to look up when the nearest one is gonna happen but I know it should be within the next week or so. It's usually timed right when the trees are in full bloom." Ichigo would explain. "Don't worry you and I will have a good time okay?" He gives him a small nudge with his arm against Grimmjows, very gentle and playful in nature.
"My dad regularly kicks me through the wall to keep up my sense of defense Grimmjow. And it usually does hurt, but since I've had all this training I've finally been able to put up a good kick back." Ichigo would explain with a chuckle. "But I bet you think that's probably not the weirdest thing you could hear. I'm told the bonding process between father and son is a strange affair. But my dad could also just be weird." His dad was weird though and ridiculously strong, even before Ichigo had the knowledge that he was a captain. It would bruise and hurt him sometimes when he earned those kicks. "I bet, so you guys really do have to stick together out there. Honestly I'm not surprised to hear that considering all of the damage that Aizen caused to hueco mundo."
"I have a feelin' that we'll both wind up gettin' a few cuts regardless, maybe more so me than ya, though," Grimmjow had no reason to use Pantera in a spar, nor did he really feel that he'd be pushed to release, they wouldn't be fighting with the stake of any world in the balance. He'd look up at the sky for a moment as Ichigo spoke about them being friends. He'd chuckle before leveling his gaze at the shorter man's face once more. "Friends huh? I like the sound of that, 's just... I ain't really sure what friends are." He had Nelliel and Halibel, yes, but no real friends. The other two were also former Espada and only three of them remained anymore.
So Ichigo recognized his estigma, huh? He had a feeling it was the same with Nelliel though, hers being the bridge of her nose and all that. Each Espada had some sort of estigma, though not all of them had it visible outside of their Resurrección form. "Tch, as if I care if ya ogle me or whatever, 's not like yer able to see much with me havin' a shirt on now, Kurosaki." He'd never been shy, which would have been obvious from how he dressed in the past, the open cropped jacket, and hakama. His chest was always on full display back then, and while he still had a few pairs of those hakama in his castle, but he liked the outfit he wore now. He knew nothing about Ichigo and his fight with Ulquiorra, or of the monster he'd become whilst facing the other, though it was doubtful he'd think negatively of the shorter man.
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"Ain't that like... a thing friends do, give one another crap here and there? Nel and I kinda bicker like siblings but I can't really say that we're... friends? I dunno." He'd never asked, why would he? He was the former Sexta, and Nelliel had been the Tres at one point, he couldn't understand why she held him in such high regard. Why she'd saved his life even. Because he knew she had. Somehow. He'd roll his eyes as Ichigo mentioned the rebellious attitude and the angry facial expression again. "They were wrong. The only reason the Princesa went to Hueco Mundo was to protect ya." He knew that because he'd been privy to a bit of the information. They'd been tasked with 'retrieving' Orihime at whatever cost, now he had no idea what Ulquiorra said to her, just that the Cuatro had told her she could say goodbye to one person before midnight.
He'd busted Orihime out of the cage she'd been put into. Which in turn would have gotten him punished to some extent, but luckily, Aizen never found out about that. Killing the two female Arrancar who had been beating Orihime up, only for her to heal them... well that had made him pretty mad but he'd never hurt her. He didn't want to harm her, which was an odd thing for him to realize even years later. "Yeah? Well, Halibel can't really do much fightin' she's healin', and Nel can't really stay in her adult form for too long if she releases her Resurrección." He knew Ichigo was aware of the limitations on Nel's adult form but he didn't know if the other was aware of what had happened to Halibel or not. He'd grin at Ichigo's words about enemies not being able to get very far. "Ya have no idea how much I've grown, as for any enemy... well, if anyone was stupid enough to attack Hueco Mundo, they'd be dealin' with me while Nel and Halibel keep the other Arrancar safe."
Ichigo admitting that he was still using a shitty flip phone would make his brows both rise a bit, though he'd relax his expression shortly afterward, there was no sense in giving the guy crap right now. "Well, if ya have time now, why not go get a smartphone?" He'd fish his out, it wasn't anything super fancy in terms of decorations, but he had two charms, and an impact proof phone cover that had the 6 that was on his back on the clear casing. "This is mine, I mean, obviously, nobody else would have a gothic 6 charm, phone case, or this charm." The second charm was a small white panther Hollow, representing one of the forms he'd had prior to evolving into an Arrancar. A proper samurai huh? What an interesting thought that was. He knew what a samurai was, of course, but he wasn't Japanese himself. He wasn't from anywhere near Japan.
"I've never heard of fireworks before, I've also never been to any festivals, so I guess there's that." He didn't think it was a big deal, he was an Arrancar, not a human. So why would he know about things that were decidedly human? Nelliel knew more than he did but she'd also been able to come and go when she was in her child form a lot easier than a whole ass Espada could. So she'd seen things like festivals, rides, food carts, and probably fireworks. He'd listen as Ichigo explained more about the talk the other had with his father.
He wouldn't know Ichigo wasn't naturally a Soul Reaper, the guy had enough power to rival even a Captain, from what the Arrancar knew. He could be wrong though. "Can't be any crazier than bein' around Nelliel, Halibel, and their Fracción." Peche and Dondochakka kept trying to become his friend but they were so weird, their dances were weird, their songs were weird. They were just weird. He'd protect them from a threat if needed but that didn't mean they weren't weird. "There ain't a lot of us Arrancar left and only three of us were Espada." He wondered how learning about family dynamics would be if he hung around Ichigo. If his old man was an Ex-Soul Reaper Captain wouldn't he try to kill him for being an Arrancar?
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Danny Fenton, aka Phantom, has been given a new task!
In short, literally no one in the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms wants their mostly peaceful afterlife to be rocked by a certain Gotham rogue named Joker. Which, when he dies, is almost sure to happen because of whatever the hell was in that vat he dropped in included ectoplasm. So, yay, he’s also a little ghostly too, meaning he *is* pretty hard to kill. Unfortunately, there’s also a certain vigilante that is quite keen to murder him in recent years.
So now Danny has to keep the mass murderer trauma clown alive for as long as he possibly can while attempting to keep the Joker from. Well. Being the Joker.
Oh, and naturally, Danny got this assignment AFTER Joker got out of Arkham. Again. And entirely blew up the asylum. Time to join the Goonion, he is NOT doing this without getting PAID, thank you.
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marigraphia · 4 months ago
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I've had this pose ref saved for a while and the Superman set photos just gave off the same energy 👉🏻👈🏻
The reference is this photo of Katharine Hepburn as Antiope and Colin Keith-Johnston as Theseus in the 1932 play 'The Warrior's Husband' (and I'd love for people to turn into a draw your otp meme pls pls pls this pose is so good)
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And also, of course, the Superman (2025) set photos
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#superfamilyweek#superman#dcu#clois#lois lane#clark kent#i was actually gonna post this a few days ago but then i found out about the superfamily week#it wasn't made for it but i hope you can accept this humble offering even if it doesn't really fit the prompts#art#digital#fanart#live-action#dc#regular#final#colour#this actually from june when the set photos came out and i just got completely obsessed and went into a clois haze#it all looks so good though!! the whole thing!!!! i'm vibrating with excitement just thinking about it!!!!!!!#if this film isn't good i'm gonna be sooo disappointed you guys have no idea how much i'm looking forward to it#but anyway. ART RAMBLES: as i mentioned on the tags of my last drawing this piece gave me SUCH a headache#i think it's probably cos it was just supposed to be a quick sketch so i used a more stable pencil brush#but then i really liked it so i decided to properly colour it instead of just doing the watercolour thing i usually do for sketches#but with finished pieces i like the lineart to be kinda messy and the sketch to even show through bit#and since i used the more stable brush for the sketch it ended up looking WAY too clean. not like my stuff at all.#so i just started throwing stuff at the wall to see what could make it more interesting. full background! actual lineart! texture layers!#and this here is what i was the happiest with. i don't... love it though. it should be looking way more interesting given the pose#and then i also did the purge girl halfway through this and it looked SO good right out of the bat (pun intended)#so i went a bit into a spiral. did some realistic stuff i'll post soon. and now am trying out a thick black lineart style.#(i'll definitely still use the coloured lines for the sketchy watercolour stuff though. it just looks way too cute)
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scarapanna · 30 days ago
I liked your art, you won🎉🎉🎉
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I'm still terrified of the redemption route for this clown though hdhghfg, I want his silly self to stay evil and wimsy and goofy and with redemption uhhh
We're like
I dunno I'm sooo scared devsis is gonna take away that aspect which is what makes him just so funnn. Please pretty please let him be god awful and rotten and rude and goofy if you take that route Devisis I want him to keep his funny wimsy qualities. Please please pleaseeee write him well y'all are doing sooo good with him don't fumble by taking the redemption route (And if they do it better be good and he better stay chaotic and goofy and sassy and condescending and all his "rotten rabid thing" qualities)
If they do him (And his fun aspects justice in this dreaded hypotetical) then I may be cool with it. Though the mean ass possum has grown on me so much I'd 100% miss that evil and unhinged part of him TONS, devsis have mercy pretty please/silly
[Longer more insane ramblings are in the tags hsfhfhhv]
#my view of these two is that these should still be some bitterness on both sides#Both on SM's rabid half and on PV's half#they should both hold some form of “fear” towards one another. just deep deep down considering everything#and SM being rotten AF shchshfn#just thoughts#speaking of...#I like to think of PV's “”friendship“” offer as leff of a “yeah let's be buddy buddies!!!” offer but more of a “I could show you a#better way. Fighting like this is pointless and things could be better if you let me show you the right path.“ kind of offer#I like the idea of PV not really being able to “forgive”/“forget” the horror of the spire of deceit. But compassion is his entire thing#(cough cough the guy's known for ending wars trough reconcilliation and civil conversation. With the occasional “we are cool now!!!” on bot#parties cough cough)#and so I believe he'd be the kind to understand what “explains the guy's sheer insanity” and all but withouth#seeing that as a justification.#TLDR the good old “I get where you're coming from but it isn't an excuse. I'm still condemning your actions.”#*LESS (i aint rewriting that y'all gotta stick with my embarassingly dumb grammatical oversights unfortunately)/silly#long story short I'm a fan of PV trying to do the whole civil convo approach but I want SM to be a stark contrast to that#he should be a HUUUGE challenge to get trough. And it'd be fun if he was simply too far gone#If he isn't though. I want them to have leftover tension#stuff's inevitable imo and it'd be fun to see some clashing#askbox stuff#beetle's ramblings#cookie run kingdom#pure vanilla cookie#shadow milk cookie#crk spoilers#beast yeast spoilers#awakened pure vanilla cookie
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lunarharp · 7 months ago
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played dragon age 2...just simple scribbles
#dragon age tag#i doubt that will see much use again..but who knows. vvv rambling below#weird game..the characters dialogue stuff and ending were good tho :')#i've played some of the first game but it kept crashing. i knew already despite knowing nothing that this guy was going to be my type#it doesnt feel right making video game art any more bc games like this end up feeling really personal - an experience that happened to me#if i design the main character a bit and fall in love then..that happened to me..i can't make Fan Art of that..only ive been through that..#like i cant make fanart of my dear companions in bg3 despite it having been a huge part of my heart in the last year#almost 1000 hours of playtime in something i can barely talk about bc it means too much.... lol#tons of ideas and conversations and extra thoughts and scenes and emotions about all the incredible times i've been through in bg3#and the maelstrom just rotates around intensely in my own heart forever...but that's ok too...that is so precious to me#but fortunately i already knew people that have played this game and talked/drew abt it recently so it was saved from that for me#sharing scribbly fanart on my Blog is a way to capture the feeling just after experiencing something so it has good points#witch hat atelier escapes that by not being a GAME. games are so immersive. but my wha art & feelings are incredibly immersive too#which makes it difficult sometimes now. i live a complicated and emotional life <3 i am not suited to fandom <3#my character ended up looking so much like oru without me realising that's what i was doing. Kind bearded fireball throwing gay mage. Hmm.#falling for a sad white hair memory trauma fellow that keeps you at a tragic distance. Hmmmmmm.#i see also how very much bg3 is inspired by stuff like dragon age now lol so i'm glad i experienced it. I WANT MY KIRKWALL LIFE BACK...#so dated though as well and unpleasant at times (the city and the dismal atmosphere was depressing.) i hate violence/horror..#bg3 is SOOOO very dismal but it feels like I am killing people and going through horrors because i have to survive i have to be free#Well anyway. ahh it's so refreshing to fall in love. my gay journey continues...
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