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Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nanaooyoo · 3 days ago
it’s just me and my 76 fic drafts against the world. me and the 76 wip fanfiction pieces of various lengths i have queued up to finish writing. I’m definitely not overwhelmed by the 76 (and counting) works in my notes right now. i will definitely eventually and in a timely manner release all 76 completed fics and they will all be good, all 76 of them…
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nanaooyoo · 4 days ago
I think one of my favorite things when I interact with people who don't know me well is when they discover how desperately unhinged I am. It's kind of hard to get the full grasp of the insanity without really talking to me one-on-one
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nanaooyoo · 6 days ago
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sanimal says hi
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nanaooyoo · 7 days ago
The bimbo feminism girls who love Legally Blonde really missed like the whole point of the movie. The point is that she's not a brainless bimbo. She saves the day with her knowledge of haircare, sure, but she got in the room by going to law school. You cannot reduce that movie down to "Girl knowledge saves the day!" because the perm wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't spent the entire rest of the movie working her ass off in an unrelated field. The feminist angle is that she can have girly interests and also be smart, not that having girly interests is feminist in itself
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nanaooyoo · 7 days ago
🍌 🍶 premade banana milk requests
𖦹 First Kiss
What would your first kiss be like? (Please pick: idol(s) and whose first kiss it is. Can be member’s reader’s or both, and whether it is in the past or the age they are now).
𖦹 Hobbies
What would they like to do together as a couple? Are they more into feeding your interests, or introducing you to theirs? Are they active participants or parallel play enthusiasts? (Please pick: idol(s), hobby, or just ask for my humble opinion).
𖦹 Confessions
How would they to confess their feelings to/for you? Would they confess first or want you to confess first? (Please pick: idol, method of confession, or just ask for my humble opinion).
𖦹 Most to Least Likely (standard ver.)
Pretty self explanatory… (Please pick: idol(s) and what you want ranked based on my opinion). * don’t have to be from the same group.
𖦹 First Times 
Discovering new territory together. (Please pick: idol(s), whose first time it is. Can be member, reader, or both. Can be the act itself or a particular aspect of it eg: a certain kink, specific position, a new sex toy, etc..)
𖦹 Dom/Sub behaviors & dynamics
How would they would act as a dom AND a sub, how would they would want you to act as a dom AND a sub based on my own humble opinion. Everyone has two wolves inside them lmao. (Please pick idol, and or any suggestions for what you imagine they might be like in each role).
𖦹 Kinks
What are they hiding? Is it a kink they know they have or is it subconscious? What triggers it? Why or why not might they be embarrassed about it? Do they keep it a secret or share it with their partners? (Please pick: idol(s), specific kink, or just ask for my humble opinion).
𖦹 Most to Least Likely (suggestive ver.)
Pretty self explanatory… (Please pick: idol(s) and what you want ranked based on my opinion). * don’t have to be from the same group.
Masterlist rules still apply but remember I’m always flexible. Don’t feel obligated to use this list, it’s just inspiration for those who may want to request but don’t have specific ideas! Happy requesting ✨
- nana
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nanaooyoo · 12 days ago
nct dream ot7 scenario
request for: @nctloverkpop: yandere!dream find out you’re pregnant. Sorry this took so long, my life got all messy and this fic got put at the bottom of the post list instead of the top. Anyways enjoy ✨
warnings/headsup: infatuation • fem reader • uspecified toxicity • 2.4k words total • 345 word average • angst • open endings • mentions of stalking • allusions to sex • light proofread
yandere!dream x expecting reader: pt.I/I
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You didn’t know how or when you knew but you knew that you loved him. Mark had a way, this strange cryptic way of keeping you on an emotional leash… He would test you out of the blue just to needlessly remind you that he knew where you were. He would call you just to pretend he didn’t know what you were doing. He would ask questions as if he wasn’t already hiding somewhere, around the corner… watching you. He was elusive and yet ever-present. He was thorn in your side and a rose in your heart. He was silently overbearing, he was maddening, he was crazy, he was exactly what you needed. Whether it was firm shoulder to cry on, or just a fall and a scraped knee: Mark was there, swiftly coming to your aid. Appearing out of thin air like a nostalgic scent on the breeze…
He had to have known… He had to have already known. He hadn’t said a word but he knew.
“You’re sick lately” he said catching up to you easily as you turned a corner.
You could bob and weave through an endless crowd and he would still have made his way back to you. “I’m not sick” you said, which was only partially true. “Stop acting like you’re my boyfriend. You’re not my boyfriend Mark”…
“I know…”
“You’re never going to be my boyfriend-” back facing him and arms clinging tightly to your chest, you huffed. “You’re never- we couldn’t ever-” you could barely get the words out as tears began welling in your eyes. He didn’t dare speak and it drove you insane. His breath would hitch at just the mere mention of his name. The way it spilled from your mouth only fueling his obsession…
You should have never let him into your apartment that night. You should have never given him the one thing he wanted, but you did…
“I’d be a good father, I’d be good to you. If that’s what you needed me to be...” He said.
To him that was the truth but deep down you knew he didn’t know what it meant to be good. You had to scoff as you dabbed at the tears in your eyes. What had you gotten yourself into?
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You were sure he was going to be furious. He wasn’t going to say anything. He wasn’t going to yell, or scream, or curse you out, or do anything really. He was just going to suffer in silence, and that hurt you even more. He wasn’t yours and you weren’t his… in fact you could never be. He was too emotional, too internally volatile.
You knew that Renjun hated, loathed your new husband. In his mind, that one man was the one thing keeping you from him. He thought that if he loved you silently, kept you on his mind enough, that if he was passionate and quiet, and desperately prayed you would eventually just wake up one day and and run away with him. You were painfully aware that Renjun wanted you, and he wanted you badly…
You cared for him, and you worried about him, and you thought of him often, but the way he felt he owned you… The way he felt entitled to your spirit and inherently deserving of your time made you realize that he was infatuated with you but that he could never really love you. You were married now and yet you still couldn’t escape him. He stalked you day and night. He sent you letters, messages and gifts, yet was too afraid to actually speak to you. He feared it might shatter the illusion.
You wanted to run and hide. You wanted to sink into yourself as your husband beamed and danced about your living room unaware of the heart that was breaking alone in the darkness.
Renjun would be livid but he would never know just how much a child with another man would interrupt his domestic fantasy. Now he would have to realize for sure that it would never happen. You would never let him love that child as he felt he loved you. As of now… you would never be his.
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Every time you got up to leave a firm hand reached out to grab your wrist and pull you back in. He held you tight against his chest, your cheeks squished flat between his pectoral muscles as his knuckles clenched, and lean roughly calloused fingers gently weaved their way through your hair and firmly pushed your skull closer closer and closer to him. You could barely breathe due to the ferocity with which Jeno held you. It was like he was trying to squeeze the love out of you, like if he hugged you hard enough you would finally realize what he already had… That you were meant to be together.
Your futile little attempts to escape his grasp tired you out even more. He held you in such a way that that you would have to lay your hand upon him to try and push away and that was exactly what he wanted. If you didn’t want to actually hug him he was going to make you hug him.
“I’m not keeping it” you said hoping that if running wouldn’t work, logic and a tiny bit of emotion would help him reason. You sniffled, partially out of loss of air partially out of fearful desperation. “At first I wanted to, but I just can’t right now- We can’t right now…”
“We…” Jeno repeated.
Your muffled voice lightly bounced off of his chest. “Yes we. Us. Jeno think about the both of us…” you were practically begging, pleading with him.
“Us…” Jeno repeated. Tacitly communicating what his mind was solely fixated on, he mumbled to himself. Deep down Jeno had to know he couldn’t be a father. He was so focused on watching over you that he often neglected to take care of himself. He didn’t have the warmth or range of affection required to raise another human being. A part of him knew you would say just about anything to placate him so that he would let up a bit and maybe leave you alone, but he didn’t care. He liked being placated if that meant you were even speaking to him. He knew that he wasn’t what you wanted or needed but he also believed that for you he could become anything.
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Here you were again staring at the same ceiling, buried under the same covers, lying next to the same man. You knew he was wasn’t in his right mind and yet he had such a masterful way of hiding it in your times of need that it barely took any explicit manipulation or mind games to convince you that he was what you needed in any given situation. One of his classic his sympathetic expressions and just a few expertly crafted words from his silver tongue were all it took to have you in his arms all over again.
Of course it was all his fault you were here again to begin with… If Haechan had never invited you over you wouldn’t have been in this mess to begin with. If he hadn’t been there to comfort you he would have never been waiting for you to clock out of your shift. If he hadn’t been waiting outside of your work for hours just to ask if he could carry your bags he never would have had the chance to ask if he could give you a ride… but he did… and you agreed. You were only about a block away from your house when you admitted that you didn’t want to be alone. He somehow already knew exactly where your place was and yet so quickly turned the car around to drive you to his. You tried your best to ignore the small photo of you stuck to his fridge when he went to draw you a bath. You knew it was foolish but once you got in, you asked him to stay. It wasn’t a crime to want someone near you, or to need someone by your side but the way Haechan wanted you; needed you bordered on criminal. It was just your luck that the first time you ever let him get that close, you wound up pregnant. You didn’t even have to tell him because he kept such close tabs on you that he probably found out before you did.
Somehow he had coerced you into his bed again, and there you were listening to him plan out the rest of your lives together cradled in his arms and painfully aware of the absurdity of it all.
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“There’s no way in hell I’m raising a fucking kid with you!” you shouted.
Jaemin heard the words, he saw your mouth moving, but he just couldn’t believe you. He refused to believe you. It was absurd what you were saying, and it wasn’t even true! It couldn’t be true… “I love you.” Jaemin said truly naively believing that that would make any difference.
“I don’t care.” You wanted to scream as bile raised in your throat and tears pricked at your eyes. “I think I’m gonna throw up-” you said clasping a hand to your mouth. Jaemin’s visible concern almost melted your heart… almost… but you wouldn’t let him sway you, not on something as important as this.
Jaemin approached you slowly, tentatively gauging just how close he could get to you without upsetting you further. He gently placed a hand on your back rubbing smooth cautious circles across your spine. All he could think of was how he felt about you, neglecting to consider just how you felt about him. You wanted to swat his hand away and tell him to leave you alone but you were in n o position to do so. You felt too weak, too vulnerable to ask for space at a time like this. All you could feel as your head began to spin and your knees buckled was Jaemin’s toned arms embracing you in a needy hold.
“Are you going to faint?” He asked, and you could almost feel the buried subconscious joy in his voice. The weaker you were the happier he was because you were less likely to refuse his advances. The more disoriented you were, the more carless you were with your decision making.
If you didn’t wish to be cared for, Jaemin would make it so you would have no other option but to turn to him, no matter what that entailed… you and this child were his. Even if he wasn’t the father, even if you didn’t know it yet, now you and Jaemin were family.
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His chest heaved and his eyes glazed over, sparkling with the beginnings of messy frustrated tears. His breathing was belabored and sporadic and every time he blinked his eyelashes became wet with the tears that threatened to leave the ducts from which they pooled. With every deep breath in, he attempted to compose himself.
“I’m not keeping it” you said plainly “and even if I was I wouldn’t let you anywhere near me.”
How could you say something so cruel? Better yet, how could you say something so cruel and mean it? Chenle knew you were telling him the truth and that hurt him even more. A mistake you called it… ‘a mistake’… the words were etched into his brain like a wretched engraving, a painful reminder of just how distant you felt from him. It reminded him of just how uninvolved he was with the goings-on of your life. That night had meant so much to him and to you it was nothing. Just thinking about it made him sick. It made you sick too but for a whole different wealth of reasons.
You really hated Chenle. He was overbearing, and boundary-less, and somehow just slick enough to have let himself into your place right after one of your most emotionally brutal break-ups ever. You knew it was stupid and you knew you would regret it but for that brief moment all the stalking, and the watching, and the obsession, and the neediness looked like real affection and all of it was directed at you. You had run before. You had moved more times than you could count. There was nothing left to do but to just argue with him in the hopes that he would leave you alone.
To you all of it was torture, but to him it was just another challenge, just another obstacle wedged in the path that led to you…
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You sat in your bathroom in utter disbelief staring down at the little test in your hands… this was either going to completely change your life for the better or for the absolute worst. You were sure Jisung was going to be thrilled but you were already distraught. You knew that stringing him along would blowup in your face eventually but you didn’t think it would completely implode right in front of your eyes so soon.
Jisung was your most toxic ex-boyfriend. The relationship was the most tumultuous thing you had ever experienced and it had only become that way a little over three weeks ago. Before that Jisung seemed like everything you wanted. He was gentle, unassuming, soft-spoken, and attentive. He got along with all of your friends and you were almost ready to have him meet your parents. You really thought you knew him… that was until you suggested taking a break. You and Jisung were always together, never apart. All you wanted to do was go on a trip with your friends, but you could feel the unease radiating off of him. You two had never argued before “this is the thing to set you off?” you thought. How could something so innocuous make him so upset? That was when he let it slip. He accidentally admitted that he wanted you all to himself. At first you thought he was joking or at worst just exaggerating, but he was dead serious. In a state of ill advised panic he told you about all the ways he had finessed his way into your life, all the secrets he kept, all because he loved you. Even before you knew he existed he already loved you.
You wondered if he had done it on purpose, if this was his way to rope you back in, so that this time he wouldn’t let you go.
-🍌 🍶
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nanaooyoo · 18 days ago
nct haechan smut
request for anon: “Can I please request mean dom hyuck (like instead of downright degrading he's more into mocking and like having an aura that's intimidating/god complex 😭?) × reader that's really desperate and goes into subspace at like anything he does.” Hope you like it. Anyways enjoy✨
warnings/headsup: dom!hyuck • sub!reader • 5.4k words • fem reader • female anatomy • penetrative sex • biting • brief oral sex • fuckboy-ish haechan • light proofread • a bit rushed
Rain Check: Haechan x Reader pt.I/I
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“You might as well just stay over” he said, walking over to you and removing your coat.
The sound of heavy rain and falling tree branches hitting the windows and doors was enough to give you pause. If you covered your head and ran down to the parking lot you could probably make it to your car without getting pneumonia. If you stayed, well then… you’d just end up in Haechan’s bed. Every second you spent thinking, the weather got worse. Not that it really mattered what you thought anyways, it seemed that he had already decided for you. He too knew what staying meant… that’s why he had suggested it in the first place.
“C’mon I’ll get you some clothes and stuff, it’ll be like a sleepover.” He motioned over to his bedroom after haphazardly draping your coat across a chair in the living room.
“Is that really okay?” You asked, folding your hands together and cracking your knuckles awkwardly. “I mean it’s only our first date…”
“So? Who cares?” He laughed. “It’s not like I’m going to murder you.”
“That’s not what I’m afraid of…” you whispered under your breath, but still willingly following him against your better judgement. In your gut you felt like this was a bad idea, but in your head you could already feel what it might be like to have Haechan’s body pressed against yours. In fact, you had been feeling that feeling all night. You felt it when he had first texted you, you felt it on the drive over, you felt it the very moment he opened the door and you saw just how good-looking he was in person.
You thought it was bit sleazy for a guy to invite you over to his place before ever actually meeting you in the flesh, the implication didn’t initially sit right with you… but Haechan was hot, and he was single, and he had his own place… so who were you to say no, who were you to pass up on such an opportunity, and forgo his simple request?
“Here.” He said, tossing you a wrinkled t-shirt and a pair of his old basketball shorts.
You were never the athletic type, but you still managed to catch the garments thrown your way and bunch them in your hands nervously. You looked around his room for a bit wondering if he really expected you to just put on his clothes and then… sleep in his bed? With him?
Haechan leaned against his dresser and looked you up and down with a wry smile and a wild glint in his eye. “Aren’t you going to change?”
“Not in front of you!” You said, clutching his clothes close to your chest.
He huffed. “Why not?”
“Because-” you stuttered “-I just met you, I don’t even know you like that…”
“Like what?” Haechan tapped his fingers against the top of his dresser. You could see just about every single one of his pearly white teeth as he continued to smile at you. Like a mischievous Cheshire Cat stalking you in the dim lighting of his room, he eyed you expectantly.
His smile was taunting yet reassuring. His confidence solidified what you had already understood to be the unspoken agreement of this ‘date’. He only really wanted one thing… and so did you. It was somewhat comforting to know that your fear of seeming easy didn’t really matter when he wasn’t particularly hard (at least not yet).
“Do you want to know me like that?” He asked, walking over to you tentatively, each step slower than the last. He stopped in front of you, looking down into your eyes with a gaze full of subtle devilish glee, pushing a bit of hair out of your face and humming quietly.
You looked up at him with eyes that communicated much more than words ever could, and before you could even think of a quippy response he was already kissing you. The touch of Haechan’s hands were rough but not entirely calloused as he hastily grabbed at both sides of your face. His palms were ice cold against the hot skin of your cheeks. He kissed you fast and he kissed you hard, teeth knocking against teeth and tongue wasting no time in finding its way into your mouth. He was reckless to say the least, and almost completely uninterested in anything that would prevent him from getting exactly what he wanted, exactly when he wanted it.
The way he made you strain your neck by pushing your head further back than it actually needed to be, told you exactly what kind of guy he was. You pressed your hands against his chest and grabbed at the fabric of his shirt, silently begging him to give you a moment of respite, just one second to come up for air… but he was already knocking the clothes he had given you out of your hands and nudging you towards the bed.
“Hae-“ you tried to get out, but he pressed a finger to your lips and pushed your shoulders down so that you were sitting on the covers before him.
“Shh” he said, and you scoffed at his unwillingness to even pretend he didn’t have complete control over the situation.
You crossed your arms in minor annoyance as you sat there waiting for what he might do next.
He leaned down over you with a cocky expression that made you swallow hard, a mix of cortisol driven anxiety and pure joyous adrenaline rushing through you. You weren’t scared, you weren’t nervous, you were anything but… but the expression that was plastered on your face made you look like a mouse centimeters away from being engulfed by the jaws of a lion; and Haechan loved every second of it. “Do you still want to go home?” He chuckled.
You shook your head.
“Then say it.”
“I don’t want to go home…” you replied through gritted teeth.
He nodded approvingly. “Alright then.” Haechan leaned down slowly, placing his hands at either side before kneeling on the bed and silently urging you to scoot backwards.
You laid back and propped yourself up with your elbows as you watched him. Your eyes scanned him meticulously, starting at the top of his head and working their way down. You could hear his satisfied chuckle when your eyes stopped at the waistline of his pants and landed on the buckle of his belt. You hesitantly began to raise one of your hands as he knelt there still and domineering.
He waited until you were close enough to just about touch him before he grabbed your wrist with ease. “What makes you think you can do things without asking?” His voice was serious and gruff but his face was playful and inviting.
You wished in this moment that you could read his mind, it was as if he was testing you. Challenging you to try things just so he could shut them down and revel in your confusion. You felt like you were playing a game that he had invented, of which he refused to tell you the rules, and slowly but surely you would have to discover what the real objective was on your own. “Sorry” you choked.
“I don’t think you mean it…” He grinned and raised your hand above your head pinning your wrist to the bed. He kissed you again, this time with more fervor. Practically swallowing your bottom lip, he bit and gnawed at you like a cat toying with its prey before putting it out of its misery. You were surprised he didn’t draw blood with the way he sunk his teeth into you like he hadn’t eaten in days. It was almost impressive how he could squeeze your wrist just enough to elicit the semblance of pain without fully hurting you. You knew that Haechan probably didn’t have much trouble with girls but now you could absolutely tell why. You could tell that he was cocky not because he had a false sense of grandeur, but because he had proven many times before that he was well worth the conceit.
Even with his eyes closed he seemed to be able to sense every single one of your movements. Before you could even fully think to use your other hand to touch him, to be felt rather than to only feel (however good it was) he was pinning down your other wrist. You writhed under him, squirming in desperation to just run your fingers through his hair or down his back just once… but with every struggle, every groan and whine, he became stricter. The more you showed that you wanted him, the less of himself he wanted to give.
You just couldn’t think straight. You couldn’t play the same game he was playing. You could only lay there and hope that he would so much as grant you the privilege of making him feel something, anything.
When he finally did pull back, he only scoffed at how innocently you regarded him. “You any good at following directions?” He smirked.
You were sure that ultimately this was a bit of a rhetorical question, but no matter how asinine the observation, how humiliating the request, Haechan always expected an answer… and he expected a good one.
You nodded, but that must not have been good enough.
He leaned down again and you felt like time had slowed. Every second that he took getting closer to you made your heart beat faster. “Use your words sweetheart.” He said spewing hot sweet breath against your visage, and cupping your face firmly with one hand.
“I’m good at following directions…” you said meekly. You felt like you were in school again being scolded by a teacher for not formulating your test answers into complete sentences.
“Good.” He said, and in a unique moment of tenderness he kissed your cheek. It was soft and slow, and it was out of nowhere.
Somehow this little moment of gentility made you anticipate just how much rougher he could be. A kiss on the cheek and a sweet pet name from a guy like Haechan was always a red herring, especially after you had just admitted to him that you were willing to listen to direct instruction. You could have taken a moment to be defiant, to see what his limits were, but his strong grip and glittery eyes subdued you. His deceptively cute features and gleeful voice were nothing but bait to reel you in.
“We’re switching places” he said. “Come here.” Haechan turned around and sat at the edge of his bed. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor while waiting for you to make your way over. “Kneel down.”
You did as told and knelt down on the plush carpet of his room. You felt slightly degraded, like a dog that listens to commands in the hopes that they might get a treat in return. Haechan leaned back and parted his legs wide as you placed your hands on your thighs.
He looked at you through half lidded eyes, cocking his head to the side and moving a hand to cup one side of your face. “So you really are good with directions.” He smirked. Running his thumb across your cheek and down to your lips, he huffed in amusement watching you wince slightly as his finger touched the more delicate parts of your lips where he had left little red marks. “Did I hurt you?” He pouted facetiously, pressing his thumb down harder. “You can be honest”.
You gulped. “Y-yeah a little.”
Your small confession made him grin ear to ear. “I’ll tell you what. You do something for me sweetheart, and I’ll make it up to you.” Haechan reached down, taking one of your hands in his and placed it on the silver buckle of his belt. He didn’t even try to hide the egotistical smirk that washed across his face the minute he saw your pupils double in size as your hand grazed the bulge forming in his pants. “You’re cute you know that?” He said, watching you bite the inside of your cheek and swallow in a desperate attempt to hide your embarrassment.
Your eyes scanned the room wildly, trying to look anywhere but at the person in front of you.
“You too scared to make eye contact?”
“No.” You retorted.
Haechan scoffed and then paused for a moment before erupting into a fit of laughter. When you finally did look back up at him you had to just sit there and watch silently as he dabbed at the corners of his eyes. He had to take a moment to hold his stomach and steady himself from just how amusing he found your weak attempts at hiding the truth. “Are you always this pathetic or is it just cause you’re with me?” He snickered.
Normally you would roll your eyes and put an over confident man like that in his place but when it came to him you just couldn’t. On some level you had to admit that he was right. His mocking didn’t deter you, it only made you vie for his approval more, it made you want to feel what all the suspense was leading up to.
Haechan’s hands grabbed your wrists once more. He raised them up, lacing your fingers together and bringing them to his waist. Watching the way your fingers trembled slightly and your knuckles tensed as soon as they came into contact with the smooth metal of his belt buckle made him chuckle affectionately.
“Relax.” He said it softly, but you still felt a visceral internal obligation to comply as if it were a stern command. You felt like if you showed even an ounce of trepidation he’d want to forget the whole thing and move onto someone else who was much more sure of themselves.
Your hands fidgeted with his belt like this had been the first time you’d ever done something like this before. Your mind was focused on too many things at once, and struggling to align its priorities. On one hand you wanted to please him, to impress him, to show that you weren’t as meek and mild as you seemed in this very moment. On the other hand, you were so turned on your brain just short-circuited and the worsening weather outside didn’t help. It was like you were looking at a foreign object and had completely forgotten just how simple it was to take a guys pants off. You couldn’t bear to look at him, you couldn’t bear to see the look of sheer disappointment that must have adorned his face.
“Here let me help you…” Haechan laughed again, but this time with more sympathy rather than pity in his tone. He clasped your hands in his, as you looked straight ahead, ogling his long slender fingers that engulfed yours as he guided them past his belt and his pants and into the waistband of his boxers. His thumbs rubbed the pads of your finger as he took one of your hands and brought it to his lips, kissing your palm softly as the other plunged into the heat between his legs. Haechan’s groans were low and drawn out as you finally seemed to regain consciousness and remember what you were doing and where you were.
You bit your lip tentatively as Haechan let out sparse and quiet grumbling moans into your hand, pressing it to his face and gripping your wrist tightly as your other hand slid down further, slowly making its way to the head of his dick. You could feel him getting harder with every languid stroke of his shaft and you could hear him getting impatient with every intermittent scoff. You let Haechan give your hand another soft kiss before kneeling closer to the edge of the bed. Gently biting the side of your hand closest to his mouth before letting it go, he adjusted himself so that you could appreciate him fully. He looked down at you, widening his legs a little more as you finally unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down just enough to place your head flush against his inner thigh. This general area was familiar territory to you, but you were still a bit lost when it came to how to act around Haechan. You found his soft chuckles and little pats to the top of your head oddly reassuring (once you got past how childish and out of your depth they initially made you feel). Haechan looked down at you endearingly, but even at your low vantage point you could still see the little tinge of satisfaction as the corner of his lip curled up into a sultry half-smile.
You made a point to note how your fingers just barely touched when wrapping around his girth, trailing them lightly along the path of every subtly visible vein like you needed to stimulate each individual nerve hidden beneath his skin. The light tickle from the breaths that you let out through your nose as you kissed at the base of him made Haechan throw his head back and bite his lip, muttering quietly to himself about how cute you looked. He held your chin in one hand, feeling the soft outline of your jaw as the muscles stretched to help you wrap your plush lips around the side of his shaft, the other slowly slid up to your forehead and helped keep your hair out of your face with a firm yet calculated grip to your scalp.
The crash of a large branch hitting Haechan’s bedroom window made you flinch for a second. Your face began to feel warm and your throat tightened as your ears filled with the sounds of harsh winds, rattling twigs, and your date’s dry sarcastic laughter. “Sorry” you mumbled, leaning your head against his leg once more and pressing your salivating tongue eagerly against the flat underside of him.
You could sense the amount of restraint Haechan was using to compose himself. “You’ve got to stop apologizing” he chuckled. The more you trembled, the more he teased you and yet he still made sure to slip in little bits of veiled encouragement as you worked your mouth up him in a series of unhurried nips and pecks. “You’re surprisingly good at that” he taunted “at least for a girl who’s scared of thunder.” You internally rolled your eyes, half at Haechan and half at yourself for being so accidentally transparent. Making you partially wince, Haechan grabbed more firmly at your hair, raising your head up slightly to the head of his dick, impatience reaching an insurmountable threshold. A diaphragmatic growl escaped his lips as he practically snarled. Feeling your wet mouth slide down his length as you took a deep breath in, making sure to swirl your tongue over the tip as he guided your head down as leisurely as he could without shuddering in frustration made his chest begin to rise and fall more deeply and his stomach knot up. Haechan’s expression turned more serious and his mouth remained slightly agape as he took in the view in front of him. The sobering look on his face as he moved your head up and down in the exact way he liked was in direct contrast to your ever quickening heartbeat and the alternate desperate pulse forming between your own legs. You admired how simple he made things for you. You barely had to think because he was so self assured and deliberate in every single one of his motions.
You wondered how many other girls Haechan had had kneeling before him, sucking him off like this and hanging onto his every word. You thought of how easy it was for him to get you flustered, to coerce you into admitting to things you would never usually admit out loud. How he so easily was able to have wrapped around his finger you had no clue, but you were certainly in too deep to second guess yourself now. “You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth” he whispered seductively, pushing your head down until he was practically hitting the back of your throat. Tears stung in the farthest corners of your eyes as he found yet another way to render you physically and emotionally breathless. His snickers egged you on more than they deterred you, as he delighted in every small instance of ridicule he made you feel. Watching you struggle to keep up with him made him want to find new ways to slow down just so he could pick things back up again and catch you off guard. Sticky saliva and pre-cum mixing together as he became more erect in your throat.
Your voice was already becoming weaker as his hard cock slid against the roof of your mouth and you hollowed out your cheeks. You whined in just about the most down-and-out way Haechan had ever heard as he moved his free hand from your chin to your neck, pressing his fingers to either side of your throat ever so slightly, causing you to have to swallow the choke lodged in your esophagus. He held your head down for a moment until he saw that you were sufficiently starved for breath and released you for a second to once again cup your face and hold your cheeks. He regarded you with pride upon seeing the slight state of dishevelment he had you in. Your eyes were watery and doe-like as you knelt on the carpet and looked up at his smug countenance. “You wanna get up here with me?” He asked and smoothed out the covers a bit.
You nodded dizzily at first, taking a moment to re-experience fresh air. “Yeah…” you said hoarsely, and of course, again, he laughed in your face.
Haechan had to reach down and help you up in your light daze. He lifted you onto the bed again and you sat behind him, watching patiently as he slipped his shirt off and dropped it onto the floor, turning around slowly to tower over you. You instinctively started to lay back as he approached, his eyes glimmering as he stared at you, you gulped and stared at him right back. You had enough time to count all the little freckles and moles on his face twice over with the lethargic speed at which he leaned down to kiss you, swirling his tongue over your lips and tasting a bit of himself on them. His nose was pressed messily against yours as he kissed you swiftly and carelessly, toned thin arms reaching under your shirt to toss it across the room before unclasping your bra. Haechan dragged his teeth down your collarbone and down to your breasts. Throwing your undergarments in any direction he could, he sunk his teeth into the supple flesh of the upper part of your chest, leaving a path of small wet marks you were sure would become full blown bruises by tomorrow morning. Haechan pulled off his own pants fully before going for the button at yours and deftly biting your nipple enough to make you whimper helplessly under him. Again his hands roamed across your body, moaning into your mouth and palming himself lightly, lubricating his pointer and index finger with the slick from his cock before reaching into your underwear. “You’re so wet for me aren’t you?” He whispered into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe and kissing your cheek.
It was time for his jaw to do the work as he kissed and chewed every little bit of exposed skin that he could while spinning small circles up and down your clit and at the entrance of your cunt. You ran a hand through his tousled mop of blackish-brown hair and used the other to hold onto his arm to stop yourself from unraveling completely. His fingers pumped inside of you, curling harshly and staying there, torturing you while he took off his boxers. He took a break from sucking the sensitive buds of your nipples to drag his tongue along your slit. He stuck his tongue in without hesitation, aiding his fingers, as they worked together to slide in and out of you, making your head spin. You couldn’t help but wrap your legs around his head as he worked his magic. “You’re already shaking and I’m not even finished with you yet” he joked as your whole body shivered against him, using your legs to pull him in closer, fidgeting with every swipe of his tongue and movement of his fingers.
Haechan pulled back suddenly, holding your waist firmly and pushing you back farther up the bed. He leaned over, reaching into a drawer on the end table next to his bed and smirking at you as your eyes trailed behind him, watching closely like you were studying a specimen under a microscope. “As much as I’d love to fuck you raw, it is only our first date.”
You wondered if that meant he had the intention of doing this again sometime or if he just said that to every girl he had over. Not that you had much time to mull it over in your head. Haechan was already ripping a condom open with his teeth and slipping it on like he was a professional preparing for his own olympic main event. He smiled down at you with a sort of recognition in his eyes while he took your underwear off, like he could read your mind, like he could tell exactly what your were thinking; ‘this guy does this a lot…’
Haechan breathed heavily as he lined himself up at your entrance, pushing into you and immediately raising your legs up so that they were tucked to your chest. “You’re so fucking tight baby…” he said through satisfied gasps and gritted teeth. You could feel him filling you up completely as he fucked you hard and slow, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing his forehead against yours. He watched as your whole body followed his movements, helpless against the strength of his thighs. Your desperate whimpering and the girlish childlike quiver of your lip as he looked into your eyes unblinking, refusing to kiss you just so he could get that little bit of extra satisfaction from seeing just how bad you wanted him. “You gonna cum?” Haechan thrusted into you harder. “Am I gonna make you cum?” watching as you almost cried out in agony, hands not daring to move or defy him in any way, chest rising and falling and lips unable to formulate the right words. Haechan snickered. “Hmm? What was that?” He thrusted again, pulling out slowly and forcing himself into you again for every few moments that you spent continuing to struggle to answer him. “I can’t hear you sweetheart” he said once more, eliciting an almost pathetically exasperated moan from you.
“Y-yes Haechan…”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes you’re going to make cum.”
“Did I say that you could?”
You could feel the tears forming in your eyes again as he fed on your misery. “No…” you whimpered.
“Then you know that you can’t until I tell you to.” Haechan reached between your legs to play with your swollen bud and you sucked in your bottom lip as he held you still, fucking you like he had all the time in the world. He pulled out slowly and pushed in hard, laying his chest atop your tucked in calves.
“Okay” you whispered “I won’t”. You spoke partially to him and partially to yourself, focusing on the sounds of violent rain pounding onto the sidewalk not unlike how Haechan pounded into you in this moment. You tried to distract yourself with thoughts of boredom, and gray clouds, and parking garages where your car sat cold and empty, but those just made you think of pleasure, and tan skin, and your warm throbbing cunt filling with the liquid proof of yours and his arousal.
Lifting you up slightly, Haechan held your waist, lifting your ass up just enough so that he could slap it. The sting of his hand lingered on your backside as you could feel the imprint even when he went back to holding you down like the outline of his palm had just been freshly tattooed there.
His eyes squeezed shut, pumping into you as he got closer and closer, waiting for the exact right moment to time his release. “Fuck baby” he moaned hoarsely, squeezing his hands around your hips like kneaded dough. Eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head, and inner core tightening with every vicious stroke, you pressed your knees together and wondered whether you should distract yourself by counting sheep or counting down the seconds until you made a mess of yourself and dripped onto his sheets like the rain water overflowing the building’s gutters.
“Haechan…” you whined, strengthening your grip on the back of his neck, trying your best not to squirm in a plea for a bit of his divine mercy. “Can you at least kiss me?” You asked in earnest.
Your adorable little pout softened his expression and put a momentary stop to his brick batting curses and taunts. “Only because you asked so nicely” he cooed, and leaned down to kiss you softly. His embrace was warm and the dulcet tones that spilled from his mouth as his movements became faster and harder inside of you caused your mind to go completely blank. You kissed him back based on muscle memory alone, as your consciousness felt transported elsewhere. Your body and mind experiencing conflicting and complementary sensations all at once.
Haechan quickened his pace, grunting lowly and pulsating inside of you. Your walls constricted around him, reacting to the contours and veins of his rock solid erection that could be felt even through the condom he had so generously put on. He whispered sweet nothings against your skin about how pretty you looked surrendering to him, and about how close you had him. The sublime aching pleasure in your groin accompanied by the choppy pitched up curses Haechan spit out like venom were enough to hold you over for a few more seconds just so you could savor the near tangible ecstasy in the room.
“Now” he said sternly “I want you to cum now.” Wind picking up in time with his arrival, Haechan thrust into you as hard as he could one final time before shakily pulling out and rubbing the head of his covered cock over your clitoris. You almost yelped in shock as he served another harsh slap to your side; solidifying his previous request. You whined, and you whimpered, and you moaned his name like he was the only person in the world that could ever make you feel this way… and for a small moment, as the rain came down, and the sounds of stormy weather became drowned out by heavy breathing a wet sloppy kisses; there was no one that could tell you that that thought wasn’t true, no one could tell you you were wrong when everything felt so goddamn right.
Haechan pulled away but not before planting another tender kiss to your sweaty forehead. He stood up, smirking at you as he tied off his filled up rubber and put it in a nearby garbage can. You laid there, still twitching a bit as you slowly regained your composure. “So are you gonna stay over?” He said pushing his messy hair back.
“Am I allowed to?” You asked breathlessly.
He chuckled a bit reaching down onto the floor in front of his bed and picking up his old t-shirt and shorts and tossing them so that they landed right over your eyes. “Only girls who make me breakfast can stay over” he hissed mockingly. “Anyways, there’s no way you can drive home in a storm like this… I’m not a monster.”
“I’m a good cook…” you replied sitting and watching as he walked over to his bathroom.
“Well then I guess you’ll just have to prove it tomorrow morning”. He yawned and closed the bathroom door without another word. You could hear him singing to himself sweetly in the shower and you secretly hoped that the rain would never end just so you could be stuck here together a little longer.
-🍌 🍶
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nanaooyoo · 25 days ago
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Eunho showcasing (some of) his bear drawings for @xiaojuun 🧸💖
9 notes · View notes
nanaooyoo · 1 month ago
give him a standing ovulation or whatever they call it
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1K notes · View notes
nanaooyoo · 1 month ago
On the Clock | (c.hs)
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Pairing: Vernon x f. reader
Summary: Modern problems call for modern solutions, including naming a random stranger in the book store as your boyfriend to avoid an embarrassing encounter with your ex. The problem? The stranger is Vernon and he’s not supposed to be a stranger at all - he’s your coworker, and now everyone at the office - including your ex - thinks you’re dating. 
Word Count: 20,296
Genre: Faking dating, Coworkers to Lovers, Romcom
Type: Smut, some fluff and crack
Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging in and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately.
Warnings: Reader has some insecurity about how her working hard is perceived, some ranting about Being A Girlboss, a little bit of inner angst, my bad attempts at humor, reader’s ex boyfriend SUCKS sorry to all the Minho’s of the world I named him after, explicit language, some minor commentary on power dynamics, Star Wars Lore, explicit sexual content including unprotected vaginal sex (never do this), oral (f. receiving), nipple play, vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, a little bit of a handjob, some cum eating if you squint, Vernon was supposed to be a freak but I made him soft instead, mutual pining.
A/N: Thank you to @camandemstudios for allowing me to be a part of the Lonely Hearts Collab. I’m honored to be among such amazing writers and I cannot wait to see what everyone else wrote. 
A/N 2: Thank you to the (w)hor(e)anghae squad @daechwitatamic @eoieopda and @jihopesjoint for beta reading this and letting me blind pass it over so I wouldn’t have to read it again because I don’t like it :)  
Masterlist | Permanent Tag List | Ask | Lonely Hearts Collab Masterlist
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Whosoever slayeth Cain shall suffer sevenfold… or whatever it is the Bible says. You haven’t slayed Cain and you’re not really sure you believe in anything in the Bible, but you’re certainly suffering sevenfold. Eightfold. Ninefold. 
Sevenfold had been earlier this morning when you dropped your glass of coffee on the ground, shattering your favorite cup and staining your white tile. Several Clorox wipes later, there is still brown stuck to the grout, looking a bit like you had an unseemly accident in the middle of your kitchen. 
Eightfold had been when you decided to fix your weekend by heading to the bookstore. Surely purchasing books that you were going to let sit on your shelf months before reading would fix your day - until someone rear-ended you in the parking lot, leaving a good dent and an apologetic exchanging of numbers and insurance information.
Ninefold comes when you least expect it, standing in the aisle with a stack of books in your hand, eyes flickering over the different titles and ornate covers. You already feel better than you had this morning. The smell of paper, the whisper of turning pages, and the hum of the cafe brewing coffee in the distance immediately puts you at ease. 
You swear nothing can put a damper on a good hour spent between shelves - until ninefold walks around the aisle corner. 
The stack of books in your arm nearly drops to the ground when you see your ex-boyfriend hand-in-hand with his new girlfriend. You wheel around so fast you slam into the person behind you, which does knock all the books from your hands onto the floor. 
A hissed curse leaves your lips followed by a quick apology. You drop to your knees, picking the books up as quickly as you can. The dude you’ve collided with has also dropped his books, the amalgamation of your soon-to-be-purchases making it more difficult for you to pick up your shit and leave the scene before Minho sees you. 
Minho says your name, surprised. 
“Fuck,” you whisper, fingers going rigid on the stack of books in your hand. You shoot to your feet and spin around, breathless as you come face to face with Minho and the new girlfriend that you definitely didn’t look up on social media a few weeks ago. “Hi, Minho.” 
“Wow, it’s nice to see you not in the marketing department for once.” 
“Well, I work there…” You offer a bit sharply, tapering to adjust to a nicer tone. “Hence, you know - finding me there.” 
“I meant you rarely leave there.” He laughs and you feign a grin, eyes flickering over to the rosy-cheeked and very glossy-haired girl on your ex’s arm.
Good for her, you think. I wonder what hair product she uses. 
“This is Mina.”
“Mina?” You ask, sticking your hand out as you shuffle your books awkwardly to the crook over your elbow. She smiles - god she has good teeth - and shakes your hand. “Mina and… Minho. Easy to remember.” 
“It’s nice to meet you. Minho tells me you’re the only ex he’s ever left things on good terms with.” 
Your eye twitches. 
Good terms was a serviceable way to put it, you suppose. Sure, there had been no fighting or infidelity or long distance that put a strain on your relationship. In fact, you hadn’t been aware that there was a strain on your relationship until Minho was sitting you down on his couch and letting you know that it just wasn’t working for him anymore. 
That had been confusing. You hadn’t asked any questions though, opting to sit and stare at him while clenching your teeth, nodding along while he explained that your inability to leave work at work and enjoy home while at home was wearing down on him. 
You’re not saving lives, he’d said. He had been earnest too, which is the crux of it. You’re in marketing. You need to take a breather. 
As if he didn’t come home in a bad mood after shitty sales calls all day, as if he wasn’t stressed when he didn’t hit quota, or didn’t complain about how long the department meeting went - you know. You were there, too. 
So sure, you were on good terms. But only one of you seemed to have been unhappy with where things were going, and only one of you seems to have moved on to someone with really good hair genes and great dental hygiene. 
Your tongue runs over your teeth, suddenly worried that you’d forgotten to brush them this morning. 
“Yeah,” you agree, clearing your throat and choking a bite. “Good terms are always the goodest - best way to end things.” 
“He’s really hopeful you’ll find someone,” she sighs, looking up at him dreamily. “He’s always wanted the best for you.” 
A vein bursts in your head. Well- no. You wish the vein you feel throbbing in your head would burst and knock you out so you’d no longer have to suffer through this ninefold moment of suffering. Perhaps, even, a very attractive medic with glossy hair and good teeth could come save you and fall in love at first sight. 
The genuine way that Minho and Mina look at you tells you that they’re serious, that they see you as something that deserves love too. Said in a cooing voice, said patronizingly, said with a pat on the head and a firm pout. 
You turn with your free hand, grabbing the sleeve of the man who is hovering behind you and pull him over to you, grin growing sevenfold. Eightfold. 
“No need to worry,” you assure them. “My boyfriend is right here! The stars really did align for me, just like you hoped and dreamed.”
Your seconds-old-star-crossed-lover looks entirely startled, looking between you, Minho and Mina. His books are cradled against his chest, his brown eyes wide. He’s actually incredibly cute, his glasses a little askewand his brown hair a little unruly. 
“You’re dating Vernon?” 
You look at Minho, blank. “What?” 
Minho looks at your Very Real Boyfriend. “You’re dating Vernon? From IT?” 
Ninefold, meet Tenfold. 
“Of course,” you answer slowly, looking at your partner of now thirty seconds. “I am dating Vernon… from IT.” 
Vernon (from IT) looks like he would rather be anywhere else than standing in the middle of the fantasy novel aisle with you at a bookstore, your nails digging tighter into his sleeve and your crazy eyes telling him to get with the program. 
Vernon (from IT) clears his throat and nods, looking over at Minho. “Yeah. Hey, Minho.” 
“Wow. This is really unexpected.”
“It sure is.”
Your nails dig in harder and Vernon (from IT) tries to pull away from you but you step closer, leaning toward him while flashing Minho and Mina a smile. “Anyway, no need to worry about me finding a relationship. I am very happy.” 
“Figures you found someone at work again.” He laughs, but the comment lands like a blow. You feel yourself flinch, smile going too tight. “You really don’t leave enough to find anyone else, huh?” 
Vernon (from IT) seems to notice, shifting toward you to slide his arm around your waist. The move startles you, drawing your attention to his face. He really is pretty this up close, his lips the perfect shade of bubblegum pink, his cheekbones high and hidden beneath the rim of his glasses, the tangy scent of citrus on his clothes. 
“I like women who work really hard,” Vernon (from IT) assures Minho. “I’ll never get tired of resetting her password over and over again because she loses all her sticky notes everytime the cleaning crew comes through.” 
If Minho senses the shift, he doesn’t let on. He’s never been great at social cues anyway, which is what makes him a decent salesman. Still, you’re eager to get out of their way and the glare of Mina’s shiny hair. 
“Well,” You state. “We have to get going.”
“For sure. It was nice seeing you outside of work!” 
With a final nod, Vernon (from IT) tugs on your waist. You both navigate awkwardly down the aisle, steps not quite in time and hips bumping. It’s uncomfortable and uncoordinated, but as soon as you’re around the aisle and away from your encounter, the two of you separate. 
Vernon (from IT) looks anywhere but you. His cheeks are tinted pink as he looks up at the ceiling, shifting from foot to foot while you regain all your books in your arm. Embarrassment and gratitude both well up inside of you, one beating the other out.
“I am really sorry,” you blurt, voice a little loud. The people around you startle and you lower your pitch when Vernon (from IT) looks at you, chewing on his lip. “Thank you - I don’t even know how to say thank you for doing that.”
“I didn’t have much of a choice.”
Your cheeks heat. “Right.”
“Happy to help, though. You can thank me by swapping books with me, though.”
He gestures to your books. “I was standing behind you because you grabbed my books after you ran into me.” 
Oh. Right. You look down at the pile of books in your hand and see a few titles that you own, but did not plan on buying today. You divest yourself of his selections, taking the ones he’d collected off the ground from there. 
“So you really work in IT?”
He snorts. The sound is… a little off. You glance up at him, but his face gives away nothing. “Yeah.”
“I didn’t know.”
His smile is off, too. “I know.” 
You’re unsure how to reply to that, but you’re also uneager to let him go, suddenly. Vernon (from IT) stands there for a second, lips pressed in a firm line and studying you. He really is beautiful, the light hitting his eyes in a way that turns them molten gold and-
“Alright well,” he interrupts your thoughts. “See you later or something.” 
The urge to stop him strikes you, your mouth opening and closing. No words come out. You don’t know what to say - or why you want to stop him, just that you do. He walks toward the front of the store to purchase his books, leaving you standing in the middle of the store and wishing you’d met Vernon (from IT) under different circumstances. 
Routine is important to you, especially during the weekdays. Wake up, snooze your alarm for at least fifteen minutes, get up when the second one goes off. Groan as you feel every single joint in your body pop after sitting up in bed. Wonder if you really need a corporate job to pay your bills (decide the answer is yes), and get up to feed the furious beast yowling from the bed. 
The ferocious beast in question has a routine as well. Perhaps not as important as yours, the cat knows when he’s supposed to be fed and when it’s even a minute past feeding time. Halloween takes his meals very seriously, which you respect. 
Your morning continues with the monotonous rhythm you’ve learned to appreciate: make coffee, shuffle back to your room into the ensuite bathroom for skin care, start your morning proper. The only thing that isn’t the same thing every morning is your playlist and your outfit of choice, leading both items up to fate to decide. 
A hint of spring is in the air when you step outside. It’s that kind of sunny day with a cool breeze that promises longer days of sun ahead, despite still being brisk in the morning and biting when the sun sets. 
Mornings during the days that hang between winter and spring are your favorite. You roll the windows down a little on your drive to work, fingers drumming against the steering wheel as you crawl along with all the other commuters. 
Buildings shoot up toward the sky on either side of you. Dozens of banks, private firms, buildings with multiple different businesses and food courts become your entire world as you navigate to the parking garage. It’s already full of cars, but you get special parking.
Well - special as of your promotion just a few weeks ago. The designated parking spot and title bump was all that had come with the promotion, though, much to your dismay. 
Still. You’d worked for this particular publishing house in the marketing department for close to a decade now. You weren’t quite as far up the ladder as you wanted to be, but you were trying to get there little by little. 
So close. No cigar. 
The elevator of the parking garage opens to reveal other office workers already filling the mirror-walled space. You step in as everyone makes room, clutching their bags and briefcases a little closer. You see Mingyu from creative and flash him a polite grin, which is answered with a bright one of his own and a small wave.
When the people not associated with your company shuffle off on other floors, Mingyu slides over closer to you. He’s one of the many designers in the art department, and definitely several rungs below your position, but you started the company at the same time together.
“How was your weekend?” He asks, wagging his brows up and down. 
You frown. His questions suggests there’s something salacious to your wild weekend spent reading books with Halloween, but you don’t think burning the bagel you ate for girl dinner or staying in the same shirt for forty-eight hours straight is what he’s looking for. 
“It was fine?” It comes out as a question. “How was yours?” 
“Hm. It was good. We went out to catch the big game. Seokmin got so drunk he vomited, and Vernon won all of the bets we placed before.” 
Mingyu leans forward, looking at you like you’re supposed to understand something. You don’t get it, looking him up and down with a pinched brow. 
“That’s nice?” Again, it comes out as a question. “Not for Seokmin, I guess.” 
His eyes narrow. Pin you to your spot against the elevator wall.
Then the elevator dings, signalling that you’re at his floor. Creative is an entire level down from marketing, all dim lights and glowing screens for the designers hard at work. Mingyu gets off, still looking suspicious as the elevator doors close and you shoot up another floor. 
Instead of focusing on it, you shrug it off. Mingyu has a penchant for being weird - a creative thing, in your opinion. As soon as the elevator door opens, his behavior is long forgotten as you slip into work mode. 
Everyone greets you with a polite smile or small wave on the marketing floor. The main office is filled with grey-walled cubicles, employees popping up to peer over walls with mugs of coffee and protein shakes and breakfast items as they ask their neighbors how the weekend was. 
A glass wall in the far back denotes the executive and director offices. You head for the one in the back, right corner. Instead of turning on your lights, you let the natural lighting from the floor-to-ceiling windows filter in, keeping the ambiance muted and relaxing. The only additional lights you flick on are the monitor light at your desk and a small salt lamp wedged between the books on one of the many shelves behind you. 
Your office is still slowly being decorated. You’d only moved in after your recent promotion, and it’s still bare of personalization, save for the salt lamp and a few things you’d moved in from your cubicle. 
And the coffee machine - your own private, blessed coffee machine in the corner on a small bar cart. That might be your favorite thing about your office. You like your coworkers - for the most part, anyway - but being able to bury yourself in your work without having to interact with all of them every time you want coffee is nice. 
Sitting down, you roll your shoulders. When your monitor flashes to life, you see the number of emails in your inbox and try not to groan out loud. You’re thrilled to be the new Senior Director of Marketing, but you’ve gone and made the mistake of becoming too important at work, most things unable to move forward without you playing some part in it.
In theory, that was one of the reasons Minho had broken up with you in the first place. Too buried in work, too many late nights at the office, too many dates or movie nights interrupted by the blue glow of your phone screen on your face while you answer urgent emails. 
The thing is - you don’t mind. It doesn’t bother you to pause and send a quick email, or to stay late and help get something launched. You like the intricacies of being a problem solver, and with as fast as your company is growing and publishing new titles, you’ve got challenge after challenge ahead of you. 
It’s easy to fall into the monotony of answering emails, joining virtual meetings and striking your pen through your to-do list. It fills three pages, but it feels good to cross something off, even if you’ve only completed two things. 
By lunchtime, someone is knocking on your window. You look up, surprised to see Seungkwan sticking his head in. He’s the Manager of Digital Marketing and Social Media and he’s dubbed himself as your assistant. 
Other duties as assigned, he always jokes, but you are thankful for him. 
“You have to eat,” he reminds you in a singsong voice, crossing his arms over his chest. His glasses are pushed up into his blonde hair. “Maybe you can take me to lunch and divulge every detail about your new romance.” 
That makes you sputter. “My what?” 
Looking like the cat that ate the canary, Seungkwan slips into your office, clapping his hands together. He sits on the edge of the couch in front of your desk, bounding with energy. 
“Come on,” he whispers, looking at you earnestly. “Everyone knows - you don’t have to keep it a secret anymore!”
“Keep what a secret?” 
He rolls his eyes. “You’re dating Vernon!”
You stare. “Who?” 
“Vernon! From IT!” 
It comes back in tunnel vision. Ninefold meeting tenfold, Minho and Glossy Hair Mina, Vernon (from IT). Suddenly you’re hot all over, feel it creeping up your neck and blooming across your cheeks. You clear your throat, leaning back in your chair as your fingers reach for your water. 
“I’m - oh!” You escape answering for a second by gulping down copious amounts of water, trying to cool the panic that is licking flames up your skin. “Right. Vernon… from IT.” 
“Honestly, he’s cute.”
“Ha. Ha. Yes. Um. Yeah.”
“You’re so cute when you’re flustered. How long have you been dating?”
“Uhh very new. Yes. Super new. I’m sorry - how did you hear about this?” 
“Mingyu told me, but Soonyoung told him and Joshua in sales told Soonyoung because Minho told the Always Closing group chat.” 
“The what?”
He sighs. “Ugh, do you keep up with anything? The sales floor has a group chat. It’s where Soonyoung gets all his tea because he and Joshua room together.” 
“Who the fuck is Joshua?” 
Seungkwan stares. “It is a wonder you even know who Vernon is. I swear you don’t know people you’ve worked with for years.” A thought seems to strike him and he gasps. “Oh my god is that why you’re always going to him for your fucked up passwords?” 
Something Vernon said comes back to you vaguely. Something about forgotten passwords when the cleaning crew throws out your sticky notes. Of course, no one would throw out your sticky notes if you weren’t dropping them all over the floor, but that’s neither here nor there. 
Bolting from your seat, you startle Seungkwan, whose brows disappear in his hairline as he stares up at you.
“Actually, I can’t do lunch today.”
He sighs. “Boss, you have to eat.”
“I am! I am going to lunch with my…. Vernon from IT.”
“Oooo.” He leans back, shaking his head and grinning at you. “Go on then. Make sure you wrap it before-”
“If you finish that sentence I will revoke your privilege to my coffee cart.” 
Seungkwan’s grin only gets wider. “Enjoy, boss.” 
In a flurry, you leave your office. Eyes follow you as you go and suddenly you’re unsure if people are looking at you because you’re walking so fast that you’re almost running, or if it’s because they think you’re dating Vernon). 
Your finger nearly breaks as you slam the button over and over again to shoot a few floors down. It doesn’t make the elevator go any faster. When the doors finally close and you begin to descend, you turn to the mirror walls and panic, tucking stray pieces of hair back into place and trying to fix the mascara smudges from staring at your screen for four straight hours.
A knot forms in your stomach. You press your damp palms against your dress pants, wiping viciously to try and keep the moisture at bay. When the elevator dings and the doors open to the silent hum of the IT department, you think you might vomit.
Unlike the marketing floor, no heads turn as you go. You try to maintain a normal pace this time, marching down the rows of cubicles before you realize you have no idea where Vernon sits. You pause awkwardly, standing on your tiptoes to try and see over the walls of cubicles to spot him.
“Can I help you?” A man sticks his head out of his cubicle, his headphones around his neck. He looks you up and down critically. “You’ll have to have proof of submitting a ticket before-”
“Vernon,” you interrupt him. “Vernon from IT? Where does he sit?” 
For a second, the guy narrows his eyes. Then a lightbulb seems to go off and he grins, leaning back in his chair. He looks far too pleased with himself, and there’s something oily and slick you don’t like about his gaze. “You’re her.” 
“I’m a senior director, yes.” 
That changes his tune immediately. He sits up, clearing his throat. “To the back on the left.” 
Following his lead, you pass by several empty cubicles, everyone seemingly at lunch. You take the corner as instructed and find a handful of men sitting in the same cubicle, one sitting atop a desk and swinging his legs, another leaning against the cubicle wall, and the last one sitting in the seat.
The one sitting in the seat is the quarry you seek, his eyes going wide when he sees you storming toward him. He goes rigid in his seat, clearing his throat and slapping the leg of the man sitting atop his desk. He kicks at Vernon before spotting you and immediately jumping down, straightening his shirt. 
Nervous energy crackles as all three sets of eyes settle on you. You stop right in front of his cubicle, trying to put on your bravest smile. 
“Hi?” Vernon asks, looking at the two men on either side of him. “Did you forget your password again?”
“What? No. I don’t do it that often.” He looks unsure, brows raised behind his glasses. You huff, putting  your hands on your hips. “Okay, I forget it sometimes. But no, that isn’t why I’m here.”
“Does your software need updating?”
“No, I-”
“Oh. I did forget to give Seungkwan that new phone he asked for on behalf of the social team. It came in last week - I’ll finish setting it up and-”
“Lunch!” You all but yell, startling all three men. “I came here for lunch.”
There’s a long pause. Vernon’s coworkers look like they’d rather be anywhere else than trapped by you. You ignore them in favor of a quick study of Vernon. He’s in dress pants and a button down shirt that is untucked and a little wrinkled. It’s a far cry from the casual way he was dressed at the bookstore, but it’s still not totally work appropriate. 
Still he pulls it off. There’s something casual and cool about it, aloof in a way that still looks good. His hair is even styled neatly, though a brown lock falls over his eyebrow as he leans forward and asks, “Lunch? The cafeteria is on the first floor.”
The man who had been sitting on his desk kicks him. “She’s asking you to go to lunch, dude.” 
“She’s not-” Vernon pauses and looks at you. “Are you asking me to go to lunch?”
Your patience narrows to a tight smile, your words pinched between your teeth, “Because that’s what loving girlfriends do, sweetie.” 
The words land and have an immediate effect. Vernon flushes from the neck up, mouth opening and closing as he presses his palms against his thigh. The man who kicked him snickers and tries to hide it with a thinly veiled cough.
Your gaze narrows and he notices you watching, clearing his throat to stretch his hand toward you. “I’m Chan. It’s nice to meet… Vernon’s girlfriend?” 
You shake his head and say nothing, eyes drifting to the man leaning against the wall. He gives you a small salute. “Seokmin.”
“Oh.” You blink. “The puker?” 
His charming smile drops immediately as he looks at Vernon, smacking him on the shoulder. “You told her about that?”
“I didn’t tell her anything.” Vernon stands, shrugging away from both of his friends’ wandering eyes. “Sure, sweetie,” he answers you, giving you a plastic grin. “It’s your treat this week, right? At that very nice, very expensive steakhouse down the block.”
There’s a glimmer in his eyes that tells you Vernon will only play along if it’s by his rules. You’re at a disadvantage, so you grin and nod, willing to go by his rules for now. “That’s so right, darling. Let’s go.”
“Enjoy lunch!” Chan calls behind you as Vernon shuffles behind you, quickly trying to tuck his shirt. “Don’t do anything I-”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Vernon warns, quickening his step to match yours. “Sorry about him.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got my own version of him sitting in my office.” 
The elevator ride down to the first floor and the walk out onto the busy street is silent. It’s not the comfortable, easy silence you might have with Seungkwan or Mingyu - if Mingyu could wrap his head around silence. It's awkwardly silent, both of you looking anywhere but one another. 
You don’t know where you’re going, but Vernon leads you to a Michelin steakhouse down the block, true to his word. You glare at him when you step into the dark entryway where a host with hair as glossy as Mina’s greets you. 
“Two?” You both nod and she grins. “Right this way.”
Vernon follows her first, shuffling behind her as she leads the two of you into the dining room proper. It’s a beautiful establishment with lacquered floors, rich wooden tables draped with fine tablecloths and the kind of glassware that looks like real crystal. 
When you both sit down with menus in hand, the hostess leaves you and you lean forward, hissing, “How much money do you think I make?”
“More than I do in IT,” Vernon answers breezily, eyes roving the menu. For a second, his gaze flickers to meet yours over the top of the menu. It’s the first time he’s really looked at you since you marched into his office. “Consider it an apology meal for the mess you’ve got us in.”
“Hey! You played along?” 
“You’re right, I guess I could have just super embarrassed you in front of your ex-boyfriend. That would have been very polite of me.” 
That stumps you. You open and close your mouth, feeling a bit like a fish. You suppose that’s fair - what was Vernon supposed to do when you’d grabbed him in the middle of a bookstore and staked your claim? 
Sighing, you lean back as your server gives you a moment of respite, filling your glasses with water and going over the specials. When they leave, you grab your glass and take several gulps of water, trying to cool your head. 
It only works a little.
“I didn’t know Minho was going to tell the entire world.” 
“Really? Minho has the biggest mouth at this company. You should see his Teams messages.”
“You can do that?” 
“On the clock?” He asks. When you shake your head, assuring it stays between you, he nods. “Yeah, we can see everything you do.”  
“Oh.” You think of all the terrible things you’ve searched on your work computer like how to get over a breakup and how to tell if my ex still likes me. “Anyway, I didn’t know he was going to say anything.” 
The server returns to take your orders. You order some sort of steak salad at random while Vernon orders something blessedly modest. As the server parts ways, Vernon leans back in his chair and looks at you again, expression unreadable. 
“Well,” he eventually says. “No harm done once you tell everyone we’re not dating.”
“Once I what?” 
“Well you’ll have to-”
“No way.”
“Do you know how embarrassing that would be?” 
He raises a brow. “More embarrassing than grabbing some dude in the bookstore and claiming he’s your boyfriend.” 
The air leaves your lungs and you melt into the seat, your misery showing. “I already said sorry.” 
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Just tell everyone you broke up with me.” 
You snort. “No one would believe that.” 
Instead of answering him immediately, you busy yourself unraveling silverware. It’s a hard question to answer, not because you don’t know the answer but because you don’t want to tell him. Vernon is quiet, though. Patient. 
He doesn’t press you for an answer, happy to wait you out until you’ve folded your napkin and placed it on your lap, and once again drained the rest of your water. It does nothing for your nerves as you fixate on a spot atop the table. 
“I don’t… date.” 
“You dated Minho.”
“Yeah. That’s uh… it. It’s kind of a running joke that I am undateable.”
He frowns at that. “Respectfully, I find that incredibly hard to believe.” 
“Thanks. I think.” You pick at a string in the tablecloth. “Anyway, no one would buy that I ended the first relationship I’ve had since Minho. I didn’t even end the last one and sort of clung to it in a way that was sort of embarrassing.” 
“I see.”
You’re unsure if he really does. When Minho had broken up with you, you’d attempt to make arguments to keep him around. Offered less work hours, even said you’d go to therapy to talk about your insane need for success. He hadn’t wanted any of it, and you’d eventually realized that he just… didn’t want you. 
They never did, when people realized what dating you entails. Everyone wants a woman who works hard. They like the illusion of it, the woman who gets up early in the morning and goes to workout before going to her corporate job and girl bossing all day long. They desire the woman who dresses fashionably, who wears designer tags and commands a room all day before coming home to make an effortless dinner followed by a luxurious night routine. 
And you get it. You want to be that too. But the truth is most days you wake up past your alarm and rush to the office wearing shoes that don’t match, and sometimes you come home so late and burned out from your job that you eat a handful of shredded cheese over the sink with a stick of beef jerky, only to do it all again the next day.
That wasn’t what anyone wanted. At least, not in your experience. 
“Anyway,” you clear your throat. “You’re right, or whatever. I should just tell them I lied. I’ve given worse news. Just you know - less personal.” 
For a few minutes, Vernon is quiet. You don’t look up to meet his gaze. Instead you watch the ice cubes in your glass melt, little beads of condensation zigzagging down the curve of your glass. 
A sigh makes you look up at Vernon. “What if we dated for like a month or something?” 
“I don’t mean really date,” he offers quickly, sensing your surprise. For some reason, that stings a little. You swallow it down past the knot forming in your throat. “It’ll get people off your back or whatever and we can just mutually end things.” 
“Really? You’d do that.” 
He shrugs a shoulder. “I guess, yeah.”
“You can break up with me,” you promise eagerly, leaning forward with the new promise of a solution to your problem. “Everyone will believe it. Just say I work too much and I’m too obsessed with my career.” 
An uneasy gaze flickers in Vernon’s eyes. “It can be mutual,” he says firmly. “That way it ends nicely.”
“Fine. Everyone will think one thing anyway, you’ll get out without a scratch, trust me. Are you sure you’re willing to do this? I can… suck it up and tell everyone I made it up.”
“Do you really want to?” 
“No,” you admit.
“Then it’s settled.” He shrugs, heaving a heavy sigh. “I’ll give you a month and then we can mutually end things.” 
Sticking your hand over the table, you offer it for Vernon to shake. His mouth twitches a little as he smiles, leaning forward to take your hand. His is warm and softer than you imagined, enveloping yours firmly as he shakes. 
“Deal,” you smile, feeling a glimmer of hope. 
Just like that, Vernon (from IT) becomes Vernon (your boyfriend). 
Sort of.
Vernon doesn’t consider himself anxious. He’s never really dealt with anxiety, and there are only a few things that can make him nervous in the world. The few times he remembers being nervous were when he was in a bidding war for a limited edition Millenium Falcon model, in line at a meet-and-greet for his favorite band when he was sixteen, and when he lost his virginity to Carley Waters in his sophomore year of college. 
He’d won the bidding war and managed to not sound like an idiot meeting his idols, but he definitely came immediately after putting his dick inside Carley. Two out of three were pretty good odds, all things considered. 
Vernon is more nervous than all three of those events combined as he checks himself in the mirror for the millionth time. Usually, he doesn’t really think twice about what he wears to the bar on the weekend. He has fifteen of the same shirt in the same colors, and his jeans all look the same, even though he thinks they’re different. 
Now, though, he has the added element of you. He cannot recall a single time that you’ve ever agreed to go out with your work friends - and to your surprise, not his, you do have the same work friends - but tonight is different. 
Tonight, you’re supposed to be dating. 
It’s weird. Chan and Seokmin agree it’s weird. He keeps no secrets from them and had already told them about the encounter at the bookstore. They’ve sworn themselves to secrecy, though Vernon cannot fathom how they just go with it. 
She’s really hot, Chan had said after a few sips of beer. Fuck it, right? 
She’s the third most executive person in marketing, Seokmin warned. Be careful. 
Both are true. Vernon had acknowledged Chan’s point the first time he’d seen you in Information Technology a little over two years ago. You’d been dating Minho then and entirely untouchable - still are, kind of - and Vernon had been the only person at the office early enough to help you out. He’d been new then, and often came in the earliest to get started on the overload of tasks he was always given as the junior employee. 
Even then, Vernon thought you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. Sure, you had on mismatched shoes and there was a breathy chaos to you that would probably stress most people out, but he sort of liked it. Thought that it was different in a good way, and spoke to the sort of person who worked really hard and didn’t fake their way through the day. 
Vernon had realized Seokmin's point right after he’d learned Chan’s. As soon as he helped you login to your computer, he’d realized you were a Senior Manager of Marketing. Not a huge title in a company so big, but high enough that Vernon thought twice about his attraction to you. 
Now, both of their points are moot. You’re still attractive but that doesn’t really change the situation - makes it harder, even. Vernon had never really dreamed of an actual relationship with you and now that he’s found himself in a fake one, he’s not really sure what to do with the acknowledgement that he’s attracted to you. 
Worse is that he doesn’t actually know if he’s allowed to date you. Vernon is a senior coordinator in the IT department and you’re a senior director. Perhaps not in his department or directly overseeing him, but it’s a high enough position that Sekomin is right - it could mean trouble if this goes poorly. 
So why the fuck did he offer to fake date you for a month? 
As someone in Information Technology, most people think Vernon is smart. He doesn’t consider himself to be above average intelligence, and as he slides his sneakers on his feet to go pick you up for a night out, he thinks everyone is wrong about him - he’s fucking stupid.
Looking in the mirror one more time, Vernon decides it’s as good as it’s ever going to get. Jeans, a black shirt and a hat facing backward is all he really knows how to style. He shoves his keys in his pocket, a tiny vial of contact solution just in case, and grabs his phone as he heads out the door. 
Your apartment complex isn’t that far from his. He finds it with ease, surprised that you don’t live in one of those high-rise apartments that all the other executives live in. The apartment is pretty modest with only three floors and rows of respectable Toyota Camrys and Honda Civics. 
When he spots you coming down the stairs, his traitorous heart does that same little staccato it had last weekend when he saw you at the bookstore. He hadn’t expected to run into you outside of work and only panicked for a split second before he realized that you didn’t recognize him. 
And then you’d called him your boyfriend. 
Recovering from the memory of it, Vernon stares as you open the door to his car, flashing a tight smile as you slide in. He doesn’t know what he thought you might wear on the weekend, but he’s surprised to see you in jeans, a black form-fitted shirt tucked in, and a simple purse on your arm. 
“What?” You ask, a little breathless. He sees the sticky shine of lipgloss on your mouth and squeezes the wheel, fighting the urge to lean over and taste it. 
Insane, he thinks as he puts the car in gear. He’s gone insane. 
“Nothing. I guess I just thought you’d live somewhere nicer.” 
Your shift in tone makes him realize how it sounded. “Sorry - not like that. I thought it would be somewhere really fancy. You’re a senior director and all that.” 
“I only got promoted a few weeks ago. And it was not a pay raise, trust me.” 
“Seriously?” You glance sidelong at him, pausing like you’ve said something you shouldn’t. His lips twitch and he says, “Not on the clock.”
That gets you to grin, leaning back into the passenger seat. “Only came with an office and title bump. I was already doing all the work of a senior director so they felt like they needed to bump my title to protect themselves, I think.”
“That’s kind of shitty.”
You hum. “Is it like that in IT?” 
“I think it’s like that anywhere.”
“Good point.” 
A comfortable silence falls over the car. It’s not at all like the awkward, stilted lunch the two of you had at the beginning of the week. He had been sweating through his shirt that time around, though you didn’t seem to notice. He’d been a little angry with you too, for getting the both of you into this mess. 
But… it had been his idea to help you save face. He didn’t have to. He didn’t owe you anything, and he believes you when you say you would come clean and admit you lied through your teeth. Maybe that’s why he offered to help anyway, your willingness to swallow the pain of embarrassment to relieve him of the facade. 
Library is a hole in the wall bar that Vernon and his friends from work like to go to on Saturday nights. It’s sort of a funny joke, a bunch of professionals from the publishing industry getting drunk and eating shitty bar food in a place named for the very buildings they dedicate their life to, in a weird, roundabout, mathematical way. 
Vernon has friends outside of work that come too, but tonight it’s just the usual crowd: Chan, Seokmin and Seokmin’s girlfriend, Mingyu and Soonyoung from creative, and some of the people from the sales team. The sales team is only there by virtue of Joshua, who is the only person from sales Vernon remotely tolerates. 
Vernon isn’t exactly sure what a sales team does at a publishing company anyway. 
When Vernon parks, he sees you take a deep breath. He averts his eyes, feeling like he’s intruding on a moment before you brace yourself and get out of the car suddenly. He makes a noise and panics to follow you. You’re already plunging ahead like you’re storming into battle, and perhaps in your mind you are.
He jogs to catch up. “Wait!” 
You stop, turning to face him with a dubious expression. “What?”
“We should walk in together.”
“Oh.” You blink. It’s a bit cute but Vernon shoves that down. “You’re right. Sorry. I sort of… set my mind to the task and forgot.”
“You can’t approach this like you approach work.”
“I can’t?”
He laughs. “No. Relationships aren’t jobs - so a fake one isn’t either. You have to try and appear like this is natural. If you come in all to-do list and checkmarking the boxes, it’s going to look weird.” 
The confidence you had a second before deflates. He feels a little guilty, reaching out to take your hand before he realizes what he’s doing. Your hands are cold in his but he doesn’t mind, wrapping his fingers in yours as you stare at him like he’s grown three heads.
Maybe he has. 
“We should walk in together. Maybe holding hands.” 
“Right.” You lick your lips and he tries to give you a smile more confident than what he’s feeling. His heart is hammering in his chest, both at the way your hand squeezes his nervously and at the preposterousness of it all. “You’re kind of good at this.” 
“I just have a different perspective.”
“The perspective of someone who knows how to date versus… whatever I am.” 
He hears the joke in your tone so he lets himself laugh a little. He starts walking, tugging you next to him. “Not exactly. I just watch a lot of movies, including romances.” 
“Really? What’s your favorite one?” 
“Uhhh.” He thinks about it as you both approach the door. He doesn’t answer for a second while he flashes the security outside his ID. “I really like The Proposal. With Sandra Bullock.” 
Instead the bar is filled with modern music at a reasonable level and small, wooden tables with chipped tops. There is nothing about the bar that actually looks like a library, save the single shelf shoved in the corner with beat up comic books and an insane amount of hentai that Soonyoung put there. 
“You mean the one where the boss fake dates her employee… and they work at a publishing company?” 
As soon as you ask the question, Vernon realizes the irony. He looks at you with a wide gaze, pausing at the entrance to look at you. Your mouth folds on itself, trying not to laugh as you too realize the irony of the movie. 
“Yeah, so that’s weird I guess,” he admits. He tugs on your hand. “Come on, we always sit in the back.”
You follow him wordlessly. The crowd isn’t big inside, but there are enough people that you have to shuffle a little closer to him. He catches the scent of your perfume - it smells like sweet tobacco and vanilla, something that is subtle with a little bit of spice. 
Turning around the corner of the bar, you see a wall entirely taken by booths with pool tables in the open space. Mingyu and Seokmin’s girlfriend are already fighting over the felted green as she points a pool cue at him, threatening. Seokmin is lounging in one of the booths, watching on with a dopey grin that makes Vernon roll his eyes.
Everyone else sits in in a variety of booths, an entire corner dedicated to the dozen or so of them who have made this their home for the last two years. Vernon keeps you close, feeling his hands go clammy when all the eyes turn to the two of you. Despite the rumor having spread far and wide, it’s clear that surprise ripples through the crowd at seeing evidence of your relationship. 
The fake one, that is. Naturally. 
Instead of going directly to the safety - or danger, in this case - of his friends, Vernon heads to the bar. He needs to take the edge off immediately, though he knows he can’t get too crazy. The drive home is short, but even if you weren’t in his car for the evening, he doesn’t like to tempt fate. 
Next to him at the bartop, you drop his hand to press your palms against the sticky wood. You make a face and he laughs before ordering a simple rum and coke. You order the same but with a lime and the bartender flashes you a charming grin.
Vernon glances at you and realizes you don’t even register the bartender. You’re chewing your lip and fidgeting, pulling at the sleeves of your shirt and shifting from foot-to-foot. A pang goes through him. 
“Relax.” You look up at him, eyes wide. “We’re going to do fine.”
“What if I fuck it up?” You ask, voice barely audible as you lean in. “They’re going to see right through me, Vernon from IT. They’re going to have one conversation with us and be like ‘no way is he dating that lunatic.’” 
“For starters, you’re not a lunatic.” You give him a look and he amends, “Not in the way that’s bad, anyway.”
“How do you know? We barely know each other.” 
You’ve got him there. The bartender comes back with your drinks and you take yours, draining half of it before remembering the lime. He watches you squeeze it into the drink while he contemplates his answer. 
“I guess I just have a feeling for these things. You don’t seem very crazy to me.”
“And I guess I’m getting to know you, so there’s that.” 
You sigh. “Right.” 
“You’ll do fine. But maybe don’t call me Vernon from IT.”
“Come on.” 
With wavering confidence, you follow Vernon over to the crowd from work. Everyone greets you warmly, though a little unsure. He notes the comments about being shocked to see you outside the four walls of your office, a joke you take in stride. 
It’s clear you don’t know how to interact with everyone at first. It’s not to say that you’re stiff or awkward, but Vernon can see the rigid set in your shoulders and the way your eyes follow the conversation but don’t actually contribute. 
You have an effect on others as well. For those who are a little more unfamiliar with you, they can’t seem to puzzle out why one of the higher ups is here guzzling down rum and cokes. And you are guzzling them down, carving a path to and from the bar at a rate that impresses Vernon. 
“How are things going?” Chan slips into the seat you just vacated to march to the bar again. “She seems surprisingly normal.”
“Why is that surprising?” 
Chan gives him a look. “She’s a suit.”
“I don’t think so,” Vernon laughs. “Trust me on that.” 
Chan hums unconvinced, watching you at the bar. “She’s nice, at least.”
“Don’t fall in love with her or anything.”
“Weird thing to say, man.”
“Yeah, well. She’s attractive, nice, and no offense, a little weird. She’s exactly your type.” 
That makes him frown. “What’s weird about her? Also, would that be so bad?”
“She knew the radius of the sun and the verbatim definition of parsecs. I’m not answering that second question because I shouldn’t have to.” Chan claps him on the shoulder, looking over Vernon’s head. “She’s coming back, but seriously. Be careful.” 
Chan scoots away, flashing Vernon a look that makes the single drink Vernon has had sour in his stomach. Then you’re there, sitting down next to him, swaying a little bit. He smells sweet tobacco and vanilla, his eyelids fluttering for a second as you shift a little too close - or what would be too close, if you weren’t fake dating. 
“What’s that look on your face?” You ask, sipping your drink. He wonders if it’s appropriate to ask if you need water.
“What look on my face?” 
“You know, like-” You try to pinch your brows together and your mouth puckers downward. He feels himself smile and he shakes his head. “Sort of frowny.” 
“Nothing.” You look at him skeptically. “Hey, I have a question.” 
You pause, looking a little panicked. “Okay.”
“What’s the radius of the sun?” 
“Oh!” You visibly brighten and it’s like watching the sun spill over the lip of the horizon, all gold and liquid, warm and bright. “432,690 miles. Surface temperature is about 5,772 Kelvin.” 
Suddenly, Chan’s warning feels very, very real. Vernon tries to hide his smile, looking down at the table. Meanwhile, you start rattling off facts about the sun, not taking a single breath as you explain you memorized them from when you were working on the marketing for a line of textbooks about space early on in your career. 
Vernon lets you talk. Lets you somehow divert back to work, watching as you animatedly walk him through the process of what you do. How you think. It’s fascinating, and he’s not really sure how anyone else could find it tiresome, seeing the way you light up when you tell him about a project that Seungkwan’s team killed it on. 
Your pride is palpable, your energy shifting from unsure to confident. 
Suddenly, you pause, leveling Vernon with a hard stare. He says nothing, watching the way you drink him in, something beneath the surface of your gaze he can’t quite read. “Can I say something?” 
“On the clock?” he asks, grinning. You shake your head and he gestures for you to continue. 
“You have pretty eyes. I still like when you wear glasses, though. They suit you.” 
Yeah. Vernon thinks Chan’s warning is very real. 
Running in heels is hard. You don’t know how anyone manages to do it in movies. Not that you think anything that happens in movies is real, but you can’t imagine how they make it work for the scene. You nearly break your ankle three times on your sprint to IT and you’re sure you scare the daylights out of Chan when you come tearing around the corner.
You shout a greeting over your shoulder but don’t stop until you’re hissing Vernon’s name while rushing into his cube. He flinches, turning around to look at you mid-task. You’re heaving, putting a hand on your hip as you straighten, trying to suck down air. 
“Say no!”
He’s visibly confused. “To what?”
“Just say no!”
Before Vernon can ask you another thing, you hear Minho’s voice. Your heart thunders in your ribcage as you try to lean against the wall of Vernon’s cube, nearly missing it. You stumble a few steps and he catches you by the elbow, lightning quick as he helps steady you. 
When he drops his grip, the place where Vernon had held you moments before is warm. You try not to think about it, heart thundering doubletime as you watch Minho approach, a lazy swing to his step and a smirk on his face. 
“Funny I found you here!” 
“Why would that be funny? My Vernon - my boyfriend is down here.” 
From the corner of his eye, you see Vernon wince. You’re not doing a great job at keeping it casual, but you’re also still out of breath from sprinting down the stairs to beat Minho here and warn Vernon. Seungkwan had barely been able to give you the heads up that Minho was going to ask for a double date, and you simply couldn’t have that.
Even as you near the end of your second week dating - fake dating - Vernon, you’re unsure the two of you can get through a date with someone who actually knows you. Vernon might be able to give some details on the surface, but you dated Minho for a year - how could Vernon ever hope to keep up? 
Minho leans against Chan’s cube. Luckily it’s vacant of its usual occupant - Chan hates Mihno, as you’ve recently learned through a lunch with him and Vernon. 
“Glad I caught you together, then,” Minho says, though you think he’s not that glad. But what do you know? “I wanted to see if you were busy on-”
“Yes.” You flash him a too-wide grin with too many teeth. 
“I didn’t even give you the date.”
“We’re always very busy.”
“Ah.” Minho scratches the back of his neck and gives Vernon a look akin to sympathy. “Never has time, does she? Always all work, no play. I wanted to see if you guys wanted to go to dinner with Mina and I tomorrow night, but…” He shrugs. “Same old.”
You try not to let your exterior crack, but Minho’s words cut right through your outer shell to the softness of you. Without fail he manages to highlight this obsession you have with work, making it sound worse every single time. 
Behind you, Vernon shifts closer. You become acutely aware of him suddenly, warmth radiating from him as his chest presses against the back of your arm and his hand slips to the middle of your back, featherlight, like he’s afraid to touch you. He smells like ocean driftwood and salt, something that makes you think of warmer days. Fresh fruit. Cold water. 
Fighting a shiver, you freeze up, hyper aware of him. 
“Oh, I don’t know,” Vernon says gently. “She doesn’t work that much. She makes plenty of time for me.”
Minho’s eye twitches, the only sign he’s annoyed. As a trained salesperson, his tells are always subtle, nearly undetectable. But you know him inside and out, can see the sliver of annoyance there.
Satisfaction rules supreme, a smile tugging at your lips until Vernon adds, “We can make time for them, right?” 
You snap your head to the side, eyes meeting his. Vernon has beautiful eyes. You’d said as much the other night when you had a little too much to drink, staring up at him without his glasses. He looks good without them, but you like the way the frames sit on his nose, the way they reflect light against the liquid brown of his iris. 
Now, those eyes are staring back at you straight on. There’s something fierce in them, and though you barely know him, you have a sneaking suspicion Vernon is annoyed. Not with you but with Minho. 
“Are you sure?” 
Your question is gentle. For a moment, you forget Minho is there at all. You’re looking at Vernon, trying to puzzle out why he would say yes to something insane again. It was lucky enough he’d offered to participate in this little charade to save your pride, and now here he is doing it again, unprompted. 
Vernon’s mouth twitches. He nods, hand pressing into your back a little firmer before he drops it away. You turn to Minho, who watches the two of you with a peculiar expression. “Alright,” you tell him. “It’s a date.” 
“Great. I’ll send you the details.” 
When Minho leaves, you turn to Vernon, the question on the tip of your tongue. He doesn’t give you a chance, shooting you a sidelong glance as he says, “Why is he always bringing up your work schedule?” 
You wince. Vernon either doesn’t notice or is nice enough not to say anything. Instead of answering right away, you sit on top of Vernon’s desk, feet dangling a little. He makes room for you, turning his chair to face you and give you his full attention. 
He’s dressed the same as always today, but you notice his shirt is ironed and tucked in neatly. Rubbing his brow, he slides his glasses up on his head, pressing his fingers along his eye sockets like they’re strained. 
“What kind of stuff do you do?” You ask instead of answering his question. You gesture to his multiple computer screens. “Besides help me figure out my passwords.” 
“Lots of stuff. It’s mostly small things like remoting into people’s computers to help them solve their issues. I spend a majority of my day showing people how to unmute themselves on their virtual meeting software.” 
“Do you like it?”
He shrugs. “It’s got a rhythm to it that I like. I like having a to-do list every day and I can pretty much always know what to expect.” 
“That does sound nice. And you can spy on everyone’s messages right?”
He raises his brow. “On the clock?” That makes you smile and you shake your head. “I could, but I don’t. There are a ton of people who forget us and HR can see all their shit, though.” 
“Ooo like what?” 
He sucks in air through his teeth, “Man, I don’t think I can tell you.”
You can tell he’s teasing and you scoff, kicking out with your foot toward his knee. He dodges you easily with a playful grin. “Come on!” 
“I’ll tell you off the clock. Real off the clock.” 
“Fine. Speaking of - are you busy tonight?” He raises his brows in question. “We should probably meet up and try to flesh out some details of our uh… relationship. I know some things about you but not a lot. Like, when is your birthday?”
“February 18.” 
You slap your hand on top of his desk. “Vernon! That’s super soon! Are you doing anything for it?”
“Nah. I don’t ever want to make a fuss and it's close to Valentine’s Day so sometimes people are doing things retroactively.” 
You hum, displeased with the answer, but you file it away for later. “So are you free tonight?”
“Cool, you can come over to my place. Do you like pizza? You have to like pizza, right? You’re a boy.”
“A lot of boys like pizza, yes. Specifically me.” 
“Good. Seven?” 
A knock at the door makes you look up from your computer. It takes a second for your eyes to adjust, the light outside the office windows long fading with the setting sun and the only other source the salt lamp behind you and the burn of the safety lights in the main cubicles.
Vernon leans against the door frame, resting his head against it as he peers at you. For a second, you forget about everything except the way he looks leaned against the frame, his glasses perfectly perched on his nose and hair soft with wear from the day. 
Then, you lurch with realization, gasping and looking at your watch. “It’s seven.”
“It’s seven,” he agrees, laughing gently. 
You bolt from the seat, groaning and grabbing things to shove in your bag. In the process, you knock over a cup and a curse flies out your lips. He pushes off the door, walking over to help you tame the chaos. 
“Easy,” he admonishes. “All good here, don’t panic.”
“I’m really sorry. I got stuck working through this media plan that someone asked for and I completely lost track of time.”
“It’s okay.” 
The panic welling up inside you calms down as you look up at him. Vernon says nothing further, picking up your cup and righting the pens that you’ve knocked over. His movements are casual, straightening the things on your desk until he’s satisfied and steps away. 
You prepare for annoyance, for the same expression you’re used to when you’re late to an event or have missed a thing, when you’ve yet again lost track of time holed up in your office and yet… Vernon just gives you an easy smile and a shrug.
No annoyance. No judgment. Just… Vernon. 
Perhaps tenfold isn’t so bad. 
“It’s not pizza, but there's a tiny little bar a few blocks down that I really like. They serve food.” 
He nods and hesitates. “It’s… themed, though.”
“That’s okay. I like a theme.”
The theme in question isn’t so much of a theme as it is an entire franchise. You stand in the doorway of Cantina Far Away, mouth parted as you drink in the sights and sounds of the Star Wars themed bar. 
A circular bar sits in the middle of the small establishment. There isn’t a ton of room to recreate the iconic corner of the world where you were first introduced to Han Solo as a kid, but there’s just enough to make the magic work. 
Kegs and other apparatuses hang from the ceiling of the stone top bar. Lights track underneath the bar top and in the ceiling, giving the dim illusion that it’s permanently dusk inside. Small, round tables fill the main space, with three booths lined against the back wall. An R2-D2 replica stands beside C3-PO in the corner, and a familiar soundtrack plays through the sound system.
“If you want to go somewhere else-”
“Do they have blue milk?” 
Vernon pauses. “What?” 
You look up at him, grinning. “Do they have the blue milk?”
“They have something on their menu like that, yeah. I don’t know what it is.”
“I always wanted to drink the blue milk as a kid.”
“Alright.” He gestures to the bar, which is mostly empty. “Let’s get you blue milk.”
Popping up on a stool, you can’t help but crane your neck upward to look at the bar from this angle. It truly looks like every part of it was taken from the movie set. You run your hand atop the bar’s surface to realize it’s actually wood that looks like stone, marveling at the smoothness. 
Behind the bar, two bartenders move in sync, dressed in Jedi robes. When they approach, you both order the blue milk - you, because you demand to know what it tastes like, Vernon, in solidarity. 
Vibrating with excitement, you turn to look at Vernon. “When I was a kid, watching Star Wars was one of the few things my mom and I got to do together.” 
“One of the few things?”
You nod, clapping your hands excitedly when the bartender brings you whatever concoction the blue milk is. It comes in a tall glass and is clear, baby blue and frothy at the top. Leaning over, you take a whiff. It smells vaguely coconutty and you narrow your eyes, leaning forward to take a tentative sip.
Coconut rum hits your tongue and you cringe. Vernon does too, making a face and sticking his tongue out as he immediately shoves the drink away from him. You laugh, not even caring that you hate it. It tastes nothing like you expected and you don’t really like coconut, but it strikes a nostalgic chord. 
“My mom was a single parent and worked really hard at a law firm,” you eventually answer, taking another sip and cringing. Vernon orders something more generic - a rum and coke for you both. “But she always made time on the weekend if I really wanted to do a Star Wars marathon and she took off work for all the prequel releases to take me.”
“That’s cute. My mom was really into it too. Want to know a secret?”
“My first name is Hansol. A little inspired by Han Solo. I prefer to go by Vernon with everyone who isn’t my family, though.”
That makes you smile. “I like it, though. Your mom has good taste like mine. Think they’d be friends?”
He blushes. “Maybe.” 
You realize how forward of a question it is. You avert your gaze to your blue drink, sipping it and grimacing. Vernon chuckles and says, “You don’t have to drink it.”
“I don’t have to do a lot of things but I do anyway.” 
“Hmm. Like what?” 
“Ugh. I don’t know? Attend meetings all day?”
“I think you do have to do that.”
You scrunch your nose. “Alright, fair.” 
“Tell me about your job.” 
You glance at him, brows raised. “You want me to talk about work?”
“It’s obvious you like what you do, and by the sounds of it, working hard runs in the family. Tell me what you like about it.” 
That makes you sigh as you push the ice around in your glass. What do you like about your job? Well, you like a lot of things and you hate a lot of things. So you start listing them, telling Vernon that you like the routine and you enjoy having a rhythm to your day. You like feeling proud when you can solve a problem no one else can, or when you lead your team through chaos and they look at you like you’re a god who showed them the way.
You like that you can be an authority in the room but you don’t feel like a dictator, and that now when you talk, people listen. Your team is your favorite, loving the way you and Seungkwan work in tandem, and the way the creative department likes to pick your brain. Mingyu and Soonyoung are always asking for your feedback, even if your opinion doesn’t matter in the hierarchy of their world.
The dislikes though… well, you dislike that you never have enough time in the day. That you’re always in a meeting and feel like you leave your team drowning in work picking up the slack. Hate that you get time blindness and sit in your office for hours past dinner to get something right, to get something perfect.
Hate that because you like what you do, everyone thinks you don’t have a life or don’t want a life. And that leads you to the center of the entire issue with your relationship with Minho. 
You pull away like you’re approaching a particularly purple bruise when you near the topic of Minho. Your blue drink is gone and you order something more normal instead. The coke and rum sizzles on your tongue as Vernon looks at you expectantly. 
“I’m doing all the talking,” you mutter, a little defensive. “What’s your favorite color?” 
“What kind of blue.” 
“Blue like that very nasty milk you just drank.” You stick your tongue out and Vernon smiles. His smile is like a burning star at the center of a solar system, glowing and bright and warm. It gives life. “What’s yours?”
“Deep red. Like… wine or burgundy. What’s your favorite movie?”
“Ah, not that question. I’m a bit of a cinephile.”
“Too bad. You have to pick one.” 
Vernon thinks about it. The tip of his finger traces the condensation of his glass lazily and you hyperfocus on it, watching the way he catches the bead of liquid every time. He has nice fingers, you realize. The thought makes you clench and suddenly wonder if you need to walk out of the bar down to the church to confess the sin of your mind.
Not that you’re religious, but maybe you should be, with where your mind has wandered. 
“I like The Princess Bride.”
You gasp, grabbing him by the wrist and shaking it excitedly. “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!” 
Vernon’s laughter is infectious. You both fall into a fit of giggles, quoting your favorite parts of the movie. It’s nice - this is nice. It’s unexpected and you’re a little unsure how you got here, but Vernon makes the pressure of getting to know one another in preparation to fake date in front of your ex fade away.
Until, of course, you remember that’s why you’re at the bar and the thought suddenly sobers you. 
Straightening, you ask, “Why’d you want to go on a double date, anyway? You don’t owe me that.” 
“He seemed kind of smug. I thought it was annoying.” 
You hum, studying him. “It’s a bit risky. I dated him for a year… if there’s anyone who knows anything about me, it’s probably him.” 
“I can always just hack into your data and learn everything about you.” You stare at him, mouth opens. His grin grows. “I’m kidding. I mean I probably could but I’m not a hacker.”
“Are you sure? You’re a bit suspicious, Vernon Chwe.” 
“Hansol.” You frown in confusion. His tone is gentle, eyes soft when he murmurs, “You can call me Hansol. You know… to make it um. Seems legit.”
“Hansol.” You try out the name, liking the way it fits on your tongue. His eyes are dark and you feel like you could fall into them - you kind of want to. “Hansol. I like it.”
Maybe you don’t need to go to that church to beg for forgiveness after all. What you think you need might be divine intervention to stop the butterflies in your stomach when you say his name, or the nervous shake in your hand when you see him smile. 
Not Vernon (from IT) but Hansol. 
Hansol (from IT) is late when he picks you up. For once, you’re just glad it’s not you. Your heart beats a little faster when you see him pull up in his nondescript, black RAV4. He waves through the window when he sees you, a shy smile on his face as he reaches to turn down the music. 
Inside the car smells distinctly like Hansol - driftwood, salt, a little bit of the air freshener that has long since dried but still sways under his rearview mirror. He looks good tonight, dressed in ripped jeans, a black shirt and a black leather jacket. He’s sans glasses, and though he looks good, you miss them a little. 
Hansol without the glasses is a little intimidating. Especially this version of him that grins when you settle into the seat next to him, his brows slightly raised as though to ask if you’re good. When you nod, his grin tilts upward again and he puts the car and drive, one hand on the steering wheel, the other on the gear shift tapping to the beat of the music. 
It feels like you’re radiating nervous energy, but you relax as Hansol asks about your day. He’s good at that, eliminating whatever weight is sitting on your shoulders or whatever residual stress you’ve got from work. You don’t feel so… well. On the clock. 
The thought makes you squirm in your seat, pulling the edge of your dress down your thighs a little. You picked it out as a last minute choice, unsure whether you’re trying to dress to impress or dress to show you don’t care what Minho thinks of you.
Hansol notices you fidgeting. “You alright?”
“Kind of nervous.”
“Any reason in particular?”
You blow out air, your head smacking against the headrest. “On the clock?”
“Off,” he says with a grin.
“I feel like I’m going to fucking blow it.”
“How so?”
“What if he asks me to kiss you?”
The words are out before you can stop them. It isn’t until you’re met with silence that you realize what you’ve said. You’ve certainly stuck your foot in your mouth on more than one occasion. You do it often, and quite wonderfully, truthfully. It has taken years of practice to stop flubbing presentations and pitches at work, but that doesn’t mean you don’t say insane shit.
Like right now, when you tell Hansol that of all the things you’re nervous about, the very slim, tiny percent of a chance of being asked to kiss him is at the top of the list. 
And yet, because it’s Hansol, he grins and says, “Damn, Minho’s a freak like that? He likes to ask people to kiss so he can watch?”
Just like that, the tension eases. You laugh, hand flying your mouth to try and suppress it. His eyes are on the road, but they glitter when you catch a glimpse of his face in the headlines, flashing from dark to liquid gold for a split second. 
“Okay,” you admit, laughter dying down. “He’s definitely not going to ask that. It’s just one of those irrational fears, especially with him.”
“Why especially?”
“I feel like he’s always trying to prove that he was right when he broke up with me. Or I guess, in general. He loves being right and sometimes it’s like he’s trying to force a gotcha moment.” 
Hansol is silent as he turns into the parking lot. You say nothing, watching as he navigates to find a parking space. The restaurant is busy and there’s a valet, but Hansol is determined to find his own. He does - very close to the entrance - letting out a happy noise as a car backs out.
Car in park, he turns to look at you. “Can I say something? Not on the clock.”
Your heart skips a little. “Sure.”
“Minho is an asshole.” You smile, looking down at your hands folded in your lap. “And you’re going to get through dinner just fine because he’s an asshole, and you’re not.” 
“Are you sure?”
His laugh is full. “I’m actually pretty confident in this. And if he does ask us to kiss, you have my full consent to lay one on me. Come on.” 
You wish you felt as confident as Hansol seems. He slides out of the car easily, coming around to your side as you get out. He reaches out a hand almost instinctively, waiting for you to grab it. You look at him in surprise to find that he looks equally stunned at his own gesture. 
Grinning, you take his hand. It’s warm in yours and he gives you a squeeze as you drop your linked fingers between you, walking toward the establishment like a real couple.
It feels real. You’re not sure what to do with that. The sudden realization of it churns in your stomach as you approach the dark interior of the steakhouse, immediately hit with a romantic ambiance that feels far too big for this tiny thing brewing inside of you. 
Twelvefold? How many times have you suffered since that first day you ran into Hansol at the bookstore? You think it might continue through the evening, especially when he glances over at you on the way to the table to check on you, hand tightening for a split second. 
As soon as you spot Minho and Mina, you’re glad that Hansol has a steady grip on you. Mina’s glossy hair is nearly blinding under the glow of the soft lighting and her smile is brighter still. You almost want to shield your eyes as they wave you over. 
Neither of them seems to know if they should stand and greet you or what the protocol is. Good, you think, happy to see them as off kilter as you feel by this very weird and very unnecessary dinner date. 
Why had Hansol agreed to do this again? 
“She keep you late?” Minho asks Hansol, immediately reminding you why Hansol had said yes in the first place: he seemed kind of smug. I thought it was annoying. “You’ll get used to it!”
“Actually, it was me,” Hansol answers smoothly. He pulls out your chair for you, startling you again. You try to fein admiration - it’s not hard - and sit, looking up at him with a little bit of awe. Hansol sits, adjusting his seat so that it’s a little closer to yours. “I was working on an infrastructure request and lost track of time.”
That seems to shut Minho up for a moment. Then he laughs his businessman laugh and you wonder if it’s always sounded that way, hollow and fake and… well, annoying. “Damn, so you’re both like that?” 
“Yep.” Hansol leans back in his chair, stretching his arm so that it rests over the back of yours. He doesn’t explicitly touch you, but you feel the warmth of him radiating like a furnace, a shiver snaking through you at how close he is. “Works well for us.” 
You try not to frown. He’s not going to make it easy for your fake breakup. You’d assumed that you’d tell everyone you just didn’t have time for him, but with the way he’s talking to Minho now, you’re worried it’ll make the impending breakup a little less believable. 
“That’s good, then,” Minho says eventually. “Just don’t schedule any vacations or you’ll both miss it.”
“I never did that,” you scowl. 
Before he has time for a rebuttal, the server is there welcoming you to the restaurant. You shift in your seat, feeling irritated. Hansol senses it, the tips of his finger brushing against your bicep as if to tell you it’s okay. You relax, but only a little, still frustrated. 
Again, you can’t help but feel like your faults are being exacerbated, like Minho is drawing them up to be far grander than they really were. You had missed some dinners and cancelled on some things, but you’d never gone as far as to miss a vacation or a birthday - never the big things. Never the milestones. 
If the server can tell the energy at the table has shifted, they don’t let on. They pour glasses of wine that you let Hansol order while you’re spiraling in your head, and leave with the promise of coming back to take orders when the table is ready. 
It’s Mina who restarts the conversation, glancing at Minho who sucks down the entire glass of wine in a single go. “So,” she says. “What is it exactly that you do?”
“Careful with that question,” Minho jokes. “She’ll talk to you about work for hours.” 
“Which is what makes her good at her job.” Hansol’s voice is even. Smooth. Almost severe, a tone you’ve never heard from him before. Tension ripples from him for just a moment before he looks at you and smiles. “Her job is very cool.”
Unlike her blockhead of a boyfriend, Mina seizes the chance for normalcy and asks, “Marketing, right?” 
Mina (with the glossy hair) is really nice. You like her almost immediately and strangely enough, you’re glad she’s there. Minho is like a stormcloud at the edge of the table, a little pocket of pressure that everyone can feel but tries to ignore. 
Hansol makes your fake relationship look effortless. You have to mask your surprise when he recounts a detail about you that you didn’t expect him to know, or makes an observation that has you warming, ducking your face to hide the smile tugging your lips. 
You know little things about him too. It’s almost like you weren’t aware until you’re saying them, all the small things about him bubbling to your lips like an instinct. 
“He’s such an Aquarius!” You laugh, finish the rest of your steak. “The IT department is full of them, even and they’re all so effortlessly cool and have different interests. Hansol has the coolest case full of Star Wars collectibles and-” 
Minho’s question catches you off guard. You blink at him a few times, confused until Hansol interjects, “That’s my legal name.”
“Damn. Should we be calling you Hansol?”
“Nope. Reserved for my mom and my girlfriend.” 
Minho sits back and observes the two of you. The plates have been cleared away for the evening and the glasses of wine have dwindled. You’re a little sleepy, ready to go home, but the appraising look in Minho’s eyes as they flicker back and forth between you and Hansol has you on edge.
Hansol seems unbothered, finishing his water. His arm rests against your back properly now and you almost melt when his fingers start to trace a pattern on your arm, almost absently. You’re so acutely aware of him that you’re nearly vibrating, telling yourself over and over again that this is just him committing to the bit. This isn’t something to overthink. His touch is for show.
You don’t want it to be for show. God, you don’t want it to be, but you try not to let it unravel right now, instead finishing your water under the heavy and calculating gaze of your ex-boyfriend, who, over the course of dinner, has made you realize you are so grateful is your ex. 
“What?” you ask, voice coming out a little more challenging than you intend. He has that look on his face like he’s trying to figure something out, like he’s trying to position himself in a way where he’s not wrong. 
“You guys are really together.”
That makes you stiffen. Hansol’s fingers go still on your arm. “What do you mean?”
“You just didn’t really seem like you were dating at the bookstore. It didn’t even seem like you knew who Vernon was.” 
“It was still new,” You lie. “I also wasn’t expecting to run into you both. That’s all.”
“I guess. Just… find it surprising, I guess. Figured you’d never have time for someone.”
It’s Hansol who says, “She has plenty of time for me. Speaking of time, it’s time we head home. I have to finish up some stuff for work tomorrow and she just finished an insane project and deserves some sleep.”
Again, Minho seems thrown for a loop. You could get used to seeing him like a fish out of water, trying not to let an evil smirk take over your face when Hansol beats everyone to the check. 
There is an edge to Hansol’s movements. You observe him quietly, noting the way his mouth is pinched at the corners and the way his eyes darken when he looks at Minho. But when he looks at you, it’s like the world stops. Hansol’s eyes soften and his lips turn up at the corner, a gentle smile for you.
Only you. 
You’re fucked. You’re fucked fucked fucked and it’s nearly all you can think about as dinner wraps up and Minho and Mina thank Hansol for paying. You want to smack him for offering to pay for the insanely expensive bill, but he takes everything in stride.
Outside, it’s a little cold. Hansol shucks his jacket off immediately, wrapping it around your shoulders while giving Mina some sort of computer advice that goes over your head because all you can focus on is the way Hansol smoothes the jacket over your shoulder, his hand dropping to your waist to keep you close.
You’re dizzy with it. Dizzy with him. You can’t recall a single time you ever felt this affected by Minho, much less anyone else. Despite having two glasses of wine, you know it’s Hansol and not the wine that has you buzzing. Hansol who has you warm, Hansol who makes it feel like there’s static in your brain when he glances at you to make sure you’re still okay after you’ve gone silent. 
Hansol gives you a quick smile and turns to say farewell to the other couple. You’re happy to say goodbye - though perhaps you should have asked Mina her haircare routine - and you wave as Hansol leads you into the parking lot, fingers intertwined.
He turns to you, making you look up at him. “I’m going to kiss you,” he murmurs, barely giving you a warning. “Unless you say no.” 
“I - okay.” 
There is the barest of smiles on Hansol’s face before he leans in, pressing his lips against yours. It’s brief and gentle, so quick that you barely register he’s kissed you at all. He’s already pulling away when you blink, nearing his car as he does. 
“He was a dick,” Hansol explains. “And he was staring at us when we left. So. Let him question what’s real now.” 
Minho isn’t the only one questioning what’s real. You’re hung up on the kiss, despite it being nothing more than a peck. Your mouth is warm, thoughts spinning as Hansol helps you into the car. You say nothing, completely consumed by the feel of his mouth, the smell of driftwood and salt, the barest taste of wine. 
The drive home is quiet but not uncomfortable. Hansol’s hand grabs yours instinctually over the center console, fingers tied together loosely as he drives. But there’s no one to perform for her, no one to show off too. No one who needs convincing. 
It’s just you and the burning desire for him bubbling up inside of you.
You’ve lost count of how many folds you have suffered, but somehow, this one is a little less worse than the others.
Hansol cannot stop thinking about you. He’s pretty sure the last time he had brain rot this bad about another person, it was Larcy Dodsen in his senior year of college who had blown him to heaven and back. He’s had better (and worse) blowjobs since then, and doesn’t really think of Larcy Dodsen ever anymore.
But you. You. 
You occupy every corner of his mind. He wavers back and forth between thinking about the way you smell or the way you laugh (a little reedy, but cute) and thinking about how bad he fucked up by kissing you that night. 
Things aren’t exactly weird. The very basis of your relationship - or lack thereof - is weird. He’d agreed to be your fake boyfriend for a month, but with zero terms. No contract outline. No do’s and don’ts. No guidelines. No rules. No regulations. Just an agreement and a fucking dream. 
Now, he’s wishing he had something to go off of, because what started out as an agreement to help someone out has turned into something else entirely. 
Chan was right. Hansol is desperately trying to hide that fact from his best friend, but the way Chan side-eyes Hansol at lunch when he stares off into the distance, he thinks that the younger  man might be onto him. 
It doesn’t help that Hansol is buried in Help Desk tickets the weekend following kissing you, and you’re six feet under in a pile of projects. It isn’t until he goes a few days without talking to you multiple times that it’s occurred to him how much he texts you during the day. 
Hansol finds himself checking his phone again at lunch, swearing that he felt it vibrate. This time, Chan catches him, putting down the fork and clearing his throat to gesture at the phone. “So it happened, right?” 
“What?” Even Hansol winces at his own defensiveness. “I can’t check the time?”
“Do you check the time three times every five minutes? I know you can do math.” 
“Just checking to see how her presentation went.”
Chan laughs and crosses his arms over his chest. “Right. So it did happen.”
“You’ll have to be more specific.”
He doesn’t. Chan knows it. Hansol knows it. Chan gets more specific anyway. “You like her. As in, you have feelings for her after… well. This weekend will make it a month. So wouldn’t that be your deal coming to an end?”
Hansol wants to think about anything other than that. “Everything is fine.” 
Chan holds up his hand, a white flag. “You’re an adult. You can do what you want. Just make sure you know what she wants too, is all I’m saying.” 
And that’s the crux of it. Hansol isn’t sure what you want. He assumed that you just wanted to get through this month and your fake breakup, but now he’s not so sure. He thinks of the way you’d look at him during dinner last weekend, the way your expression gets dreamy with a soft smile, eyes glowing. 
Hansol doesn’t think he made it up - his creativity is good but not that good. He had been so sure that you felt something too, swears that you melted into him every time he touched you, every time he turned to check in on you.
And the kiss… it had been brief and born from wanting to rub it in Minho’s face, but Hansol had wanted to do it, too. Wanted it for himself. Wanted to allow himself a single, greedy thing. You’d been surprised but leaned into him, almost instinctual. It had been so short but it haunts his dreams, the phantom press of your mouth keeping him up late at night. 
Even now, Hansol’s fingers trace his mouth, as though he can remember the feeling of your mouth against his. So maybe Chan is right. Hansol likes you - has feelings for you. There is a lingering sense that you might too, but he’s not sure. 
He needs to be sure. 
Finding a window to make sure, is tough, though. He only hears from you once throughout the rest of the day, and it's to shoot him a quick text that the presentation was moved to Monday and that you have to work all weekend on it. 
He feels more disappointed than he lets on. He wonders if you remember his birthday is on Saturday. Not that you owe him that since you’re not actually dating, but in a perfect world Hansol thinks it might have been a good day to tell you how he feels. That he kind of wants to make this thing real. 
On the bright side, you do remember his birthday. On the shitty side, he can’t spend it with you. You’re working on your presentation for the foreseeable future, and Hansol had hesitated to make plans with his friends knowing some of them were celebrating Valentine’s Day late with their partners and because he’d hoped to maybe spend it with you.
It feels stupid, thinking about it now. Of course you weren’t going to spend it with him. He knew what this was when he offered to do it. You were a bright burning star at the top of the company, and Hansol had been someone you barely registered. 
By the afternoon, he’s still sullen. He’s thinking about just spending the evening eating pizza and playing video games online where he’ll get bullied by a bunch of high schoolers when he hears his phone ring and your name flashes across the screen.
Hansol’s heart soars. He all but throws the control across the room, diving to pick up the phone and answer, “Hi!” 
“Please don’t hate me,” you rush out, completely out of breath. “I am panicking right now. My work laptop randomly got the blue screen of death and I’m in the middle of my project and-”
“I’ll come look at it.” He cringes, realizing how down bad he is. It’s his birthday and he shouldn’t have to work, but he’d rather come solve a problem for you than have a bunch of thirteen year old’s tell him that they’re fucking his mom. “I can come over in fifteen.” 
“Oh! Uh… can you make that twenty?” 
Weird. “Sure?” 
“Great! Text me when you’re here and I’ll give you the unit number.” 
Twenty minutes ends up being perfect, because Hansol goes through the mental anguish of what to wear, which is new for him. He showers as quickly and efficiently as he can, hopping with one leg in his jeans and the other missing the hole multiple times. He nearly runs into the wall as he’s pulling on a band tee over his head while also looking for his flannel. 
Hair still damp, he pulls on a hat and twists it around backward, grabbing his glasses because he doesn’t feel like wearing contacts (and because you said you liked them) as he barrels out the house, radiating with nervous energy. 
Hansol wonders if it’s appropriate to tell you how he feels today. It will be face to face but… no. You’d sounded stressed on the phone and he knows how important this presentation is for you, despite not knowing what it’s about. 
He barely remembers the drive to your apartment, blinking and realizing he’s parked and texting you that he’s there. You give him directions to your unit and with shaky hands, Hansol turns off the car. He takes a few steadying breaths before getting out and heading to the stairs, his heart hammering with each step. 
When he finally gets to your door, he double checks that it's the right one. His hands shake when he knocks, and he has to remind himself several times that he’s just here to fix your computer. Sure, he’s thrilled that he gets to see you, but this is on the clock. Not off.
You’re breathless when you open the door. “Hi!” You say a little too loudly. He raises his brows but you open the door and step aside, ushering him in. “Come on in.”
Hansol gives you an amused grin as he walks into your apartment. He’s confused as to why it’s completely dark, a question that he’s about to ask you as you shut the door, but you flick on the lights and he’s met with the world’s loudest shout of surprise he’s ever heard.
He flinches, hand flying to his chest in terror as the lights flood on and Hansol realizes that the reason they were off is to hide the obscene amount of Star Wars decorations covering every part of your apartment. He can’t even picture what your home is supposed to look like, just that it’s covered in streamers and paper Luke Skywalkers and RD-D2s, and filled with familiar faces.
Hansol’s mouth pops open as the crowd screams at him. Chan and Seokmin are at the forefront, phones in hand capturing Hansol as he stands there, dumbfounded. Soongyoung and Mingyu are blowing through noise makers with so much force that the paper on them breaks, and Seungkwan is leading an off-key rendition of happy birthday with Hansol’s friends you’ve never even met.
Slowly, Hansol turns to look at you. You’re standing behind him, hands clasped nervously and tucked under your chin as you watch him, terrified. You’re chewing on your lips, entire frame vibrating with energy. 
He wants nothing more than to walk over to you and kiss you stupid. The flame of desire that licks through him is borderline impossible to tamp down, staring at you like the eighth world wonder as you slip over to him, scanning his face.
“Surprise?” You squeak.
“You did this for me?”
“Well, yeah.” 
You say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. He wants to pin you against the island counter behind you, but it’s fill with food and beverages and blue fucking milk. “Is that okay?” you ask, suddenly nervous. 
Hansol softens and starts to laugh. “Yeah,” he shakes his head. “It is more than okay.” 
Before he can say anything else, the crowd of people crashes into him. Seokmin and Chan are screaming in his ear, grabbing him and yelling for shots. Mingyu and Soonyoung are chanting his name and his best friend from college manages to squeeze in and give him a hug and a birthday greeting.
How did you even know Minghao existed? Or how to contact him? Hansol has no idea, but before he can ask you any questions about the how or the why, he’s swept into your kitchen for birthday celebrations he thought would never happen, orchestrated by the single person he wanted to see most. 
Fuck was Chan right more than ever. 
The thing about being a bad liar is that you found it nearly impossible to hide what you were doing from Hansol. The thing about everyone thinking you’re always busy, is that it was an easy facade to shield the sheer stress of trying to plan a surprise party for him. 
Your apartment is filled with more people than you’ve ever dared to let inside. It makes you a little nervous for all of these people to see this new part of you, but with a little bit of rum and the released pressure of Hansol looking like he’s enjoying himself, you decide it’s worth it. 
Squished in the corner of your couch, you watch as Chan leads a game of cards that he is losing very badly at. Most of these people in your apartment are casual friends, with the exception of Seungkwan who is playing DJ in the kitchen, but they’re all friends that Hansol would want at a celebration for him.
At least, that’s what Chan and Seokmin said. Recruiting them had been pretty easy, but during the process of them helping you plan this, you’re pretty sure they’ve caught on to the AT-AT Walker-sized elephant in the room: you are very much into their friend. In a very Not-On-The-Clock appropriate way. 
Now, you watch as Hansol makes his way over to you, dodging people who stop to talk to him. He seems pretty determined to reach you, clapping someone on the shoulder and moving them aside to continue his journey to you. 
Your stomach flips when he sits on the arm of your couch, perched perfectly next to you. He looks good today, dressed in jeans, a soft looking tee and a flannel. The backwards hat does wonders for you - which you will not be psychoanalyzing now - and his black frame glasses. 
“How did you do all this?” He asks, shaking his head in wonder. “I just… what?” 
“It wasn’t easy, but it worked, right?”
“Is this the presentation you’ve been working on all week?”
“Yes. Please don’t be mad at me for lying.”
He laughs. “I couldn’t be mad at you if I tried.” 
An argument breaks out over cards, Chan and Mingyu yelling at each other about someone cheating. Hansol winces at the noise and you scoot a little closer to avoid the deck of cards Mingyu throws in Chan’s direction.
“Is there anywhere quiet we can talk?” Hansol asks, though he’s laughing at them. “They’re giving me a bit of a headache.” 
You grin. “For sure.” 
Getting up, you lead Hansol down the hall to your bedroom, which is off limits to the rest of the party. The good thing about adult festivities is that no one is a weirdo about going into rooms they shouldn’t, staying exactly where it’s appropriate to be. 
Shutting the door behind you, the noise of the party dies down immediately. It’s dark in your room, save for the single lamp burning in the corner at a low setting. You realize it’s a bit messy, apologizing to Hansol as you kick clothes out of the way. You hadn’t intended on bringing him in here, and suddenly the implication of Hansol standing in your room tingles down your spine. 
“I, uh-” You stammer, looking at him. “Sorry it’s a mess. I didn’t intend on anyone seeing this.”
Halloween yowls, getting up off your bed. Hansol makes a surprised sound and you apoogize again, “It’s just Halloween. He likes to sleep in here. Out, kitty!”
You open the door and Halloween bolts out, going to find Seungkwan who will give him snacks. 
Hansol grins and wanders over to the bookshelf, looking over the titles. You take a few steps to follow him but keep your distance, suddenly very nervous. He points his finger at a title and looks at you, inviting you to step closer to read it in the dim light. 
You recognize the title - you’d bought it the day you’d crashed into him and got some of your books mixed up. 
“This one one of the books you accidentally swapped with me,” Hansol notes, running his finger along the spine. You zero in on his finger - his hands, in general. They’re pretty. You swallow hard, looking up at the ceiling instead. “Have you read it yet?” 
“Not yet. I started one of the others but I’ve been having trouble breeding - reading lately.”
Hansol presses his lips together in a flat line and you can tell he’s trying not to laugh at you. Warmth floods your face and you want to die on the spot, especially when he turns to face you head on, leaning against your bookcase. 
His eyes are dark, drinking you in. Your pulse skyrockets, thinking about that quick kiss he had given you the other night. It’s all you’ve been able to think about, too afraid to ask him if it was just for show and too busy trying to plan this party to work out what to say about it.
Now, alone in your room, the questions fizzle on your tongue at the nearness of him. 
“Thank you,” Hansol says eventually. “For planning this. I… would never have expected you to do that.”
“I wanted to celebrate you.”
He blushes, ducking his head. “It’s sweet. It did make me nervous, though.” 
“I thought you were avoiding me, kind of.”
You blink. “Why on earth would I be doing that?”
“Thought that maybe I took it too far with the kiss.” 
“No. You didn’t.” 
Hansol’s gaze falls on you. It’s razor sharp and there’s something there, burning just under the surface. You swear it’s something like desire, but you’re too afraid to name it. Too worried that it’s just what you want reflected in his glassy gaze, and not his. 
Then, “Did I not take it far enough?” 
The question hangs in the air. You cannot hear anything but the pounding of  your own heart. It’s just Hansol in this dark room with you, looking at you with exactly the same hunger that’s been churning in your gut. 
You don’t know when this hunger started. All you know is that the last few weeks, it’s been there. Every time you look at him you feel it ignite, the desire so raw that you don’t know what to do with it. 
Now, you know he feels it too - see it, in the way he waits for your answer. Patient. Calm. Steady.
“On the clock?” You ask, voice shaky. He shakes his head no. “You could go further.” 
That’s all Hansol needs. He’s gentle when he reaches for you, cradling your face in his hands. You barely get to suck in a trembling breath before he’s kissing you.
This kiss is entirely different from the peck he gave you in the parking lot last weekend. This kiss steals the breath from your lung, his mouth confident and sure as he slots his mouth against yours. He smells like the sea, all driftwood and salt and his lips taste like the tangy drink he’d been sipping on earlier.
Everything else fades to the background. Your hands twist in his flannel. It’s soft, but nothing compared to the softness of Hansol’s tongue as he licks at the seam of your lips. You let him in and he groans, pulling you in impossibly closer as the kiss turns more desperate.
You melt. He kisses you hungrily now, sucking your tongue into his mouth. It makes your head spin, the party long forgotten as you press further into him. The bookshelf wobbles under the weight of both of you leaning against it, making you break, both of you panting.
Hansol’s mouth shines with your spit in the low lamp light and you have the urge to lean forward and lick it. You resist, only for him to give into his urge. He leans forward, tongue pressing to the corner of your mouth gently. 
“What about now?” he mumbles, voice muffled against your mouth. “Too far?”
He makes a sound in the back of his throat, hands dropping to your waist. You let him grip you, backing you up toward your bed. It’s a bit clumsy but you don’t care, hands looping around his neck to keep him close.
“Tell me what you want,” Hansol mumbles. Your knees hit the bed and you let yourself fall backward. He follows you, caging you in with both of his planted on either side of your head. “Tell me how far you want me to go.” 
“On the clock?”
“Fuck no. Nothing I want to do right now is on the clock.”
“Good. I want you to go as far as you want.”
He drops his mouth to your neck. A moan slips between your lips when you feel his tongue scrape across the soft skin of your throat. He sounds strained when he says, “You gotta tell me, baby. I need to know what you want.”
“You.” It’s the most honest thing you’ve said all month. “All of it. Everything. But for real.” 
Hansol nods. He presses messy, wet kisses up your neck, along your jaw, stopping at your mouth. His nose nudges yours and he smiles against your lips, giving you a chaste peck. “You’ve got me. For real.” 
Grinning, you slide your hands underneath his shirt. He moans, throaty and delicious. He twitches under your exploration but he lets you brush your palms up the warmth of his stomach, reaching around until your hands are gripping his lower back. 
His mouth attaches to yours again. The kiss is messy and addictive, Hansol filling your senses as he lowers himself so that his weight is rested on top of you. It’s comforting and wanted, your knees squeezing his hips to hold him in place. 
One of his hands leaves the mattress to drop to your hip, squeezing before he scratches his nails against your thigh. You shiver, feeling the stimulation through your jeans. His hand slips under you, gripping the curve of your ass to lift you a little, pressing you closer to him.
A moan slips through your mouth to his when he rolls your hips against him. The stimulation isn’t remotely enough but you like this version of Hansol. His touch is confident, his lips intentful as they leave a trail from your mouth to your collarbone. 
With one last squeeze to your ass, Hansol traces his fingers over the tops of your thigh to drop between your legs. He presses his fingers to the apex of your thighs, working you through your clothes. You let out a desperate sound and you feel the way he smiles against your skin. 
His touch sparks a flame. You tear at his flannel, peeling it from his shoulders. He helps you get it off of him but he’s just as eager to peel you out of your jeans and shirt. A deep curse leaves his mouth when he sees you in just a bra and underwear, your chest heaving as you pant, staring up at him, mouth swollen and tender. 
Reaching for him, you grab the hat and throw it. “Hat is very hot,” you admit. “But I wanted to do this.” 
You slide your fingers in his hair, curling them through the strands to tug him back to you. He smiles into the kiss, tangling his tongue with yours. His hand skims up your thigh, fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps as he goes until he slides his hand back between your legs.
A gasp leaves you as he presses his fingers back to your cunt, pressing the fabric into your aching clit. He whispers a string of curses when he feels how damp you are, resting his forehead against your shoulder for a moment as he teases you over your panties.
“Please,” you whisper, hips rising off the bed. “Want more.”
“Mhmm.” He lifts his head and gives you a quick kiss to the cheek. “I’ve got you.”
Hansol doesn’t make you beg. You like that about him. Your breath catches when he drops to his knees, reaching his arm up to pull the back of his shirt over his head, tossing it. The sight of him between your knees in just jeans, his hair mussed and mouth swollen is enough to make you dizzy.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, watching with hooded eyes as Hansol grabs you by the calves, spreading you a little more. His hands are gentle and warm, rubbing up and down while he takes his time pressing a myriad of kisses up the right side of your inner thigh. 
It feels so good. Your lashes flutter a little, breath coming in quicker. Everywhere his mouth touches tingles, a little path of buzzing electricity as he makes his way closer and closer to your heat until he switches sides.
You make a sound of protest and Hansol looks up at you through his lashes, grinning. He looks smug, leaning forward to bite your thigh playfully. It stings but it feels good, making your fingers twist in the sheets. 
“Feel good?” he whispers, pressing his tongue to soothe the sting. You nod, mouth parted, unable to speak. He smiles again, dragging his tongue down your thigh. You think you might die right there. 
Hansol makes his way back up. He drags his burning gaze up to meet yours, deliberately making eye contact as he presses the flat of his tongue against your underwear. If it wasn’t soaked before, it is thoroughly drenched now. You suck in a sharp breath, knees closing on instinct to squeeze against his shoulders.
He chuckles, dragging his tongue upward where it presses against your clit momentarily. He brings one of his hands up, pressing his middle finger right against your hole. You feel yourself clench around nothing and you know he knows, his grin wicked. 
“Don’t worry,” Hansol promises with another languid lick to the soaked fabric. “I will make up for all the times you didn’t get to come.” 
Vernon (from IT) has been replaced with Hansol (the Menace). He hooks a finger in the crotch of your underwear, pulling them to the side. He drags a knuckle against your pussy on purpose, both of you groaning in unison. 
Eagerly Hansol leans forward, giving you a teasing lick. Your fingers dig into the mattress anyway. You can do nothing but stare at him, watching the way Hansol drags his dark eyes up to watch you as he drags his tongue through your folds again. 
“Shit,” you hiss at him, a shiver wracking your body.
He seems pleased, shooting you a quick smile before he brings his mouth to you again, sucking gently. He avoids your clit at first, working you up slowly. Hansol eats you out like he has all the time in the world, like there’s no where he would rather be than tonguing your pussy. 
It drives you mad, his name slipping from your lips in little gasps. His tongue circles your clit, applying pressure indirectly, working you up and up until finally, he closes his mouth around the throbbing bundle of nerves, suckling. 
“Ohhhh,” you laugh, half delirious. “That. Whatever that is.” 
He hums, parting only to say, “You got it.” 
You see God when he fastens his mouth to you, sucking your clit gently. Dropping back against the bed, you twitch and gasp under Hansol’s ministrations. He sets a rhythm, adding his fingers to the mix as they press against your entrance. He doesn’t push in, but rather traces a pattern, making you squeeze. 
Panting, you drop a hand to his hair. He hums in delight as you tangle your fingers in the strands, bringing him closer to your cunt. You feel like you’re burning up, your sheets sticking to your skin, the room spinning as Hansol eats you out in earnest now. 
No one has ever seemed this dedicated to your pleasure. He doesn’t let up for a second, fingers and mouth working in tandem to bring you to a cliff of insanity. All you have to do is jump and dive head first into an orgasm. 
You do. Hansol works you right to the very edge and you topple over, falling into it hard. You go taught but he holds you down, fighting your spasm as you come hard. He doesn’t miss a beat, the obscene sounds of him slurping at you drowning out the pitiful, high pitched whine that leaves you. 
In a wave of exhaustion, your orgasm subsides. You flop on the bed, still shaking as he removes his mouth in favor of pressing slick, cum-stained kisses to your thighs. You lift your head and his eyes meet yours, flashing wickedly. 
He pauses, looking at your wet, messy cunt back to your face. “Want a taste?”
Hansol (the Menace) is going to kill you.
You nod and he smirks. He runs his tongue generously up your pussy, making sure to dip into your entrance just a little before he stands up and leans over you to press a filthy kiss to your mouth. You suck at his tongue greedily, tasting yourself and him, a combination you’ll never get tired of. 
One of his hands snakes up to your chest, tweaking a nipple gently, testing the waters. You nod, breaking the kiss with a gasp, “Yeah.” 
“Gonna work you open with my fingers,” he slurs. He kisses down your neck again, working his way to your chest. “That okay?”
“More than okay.” 
“God,” he whispers. “You sound so fucking good when you come. Want to hear it again.” 
There is no doubt he will. Hansol rids you of your bra before returning to suck greedily at your chest. Your nails bite into his shoulders, dragging down his sides as he presses a finger into your warmth. 
“God damn,” he laughs. He plucks at a nipple with his teeth and you curse. “You’re so fucking wet.” 
“On the clock?”
“Fuck no. My finger is in your pussy.”
“I am really turned on.”
He gives your other breast a playful bite. “Good. Now I want you to come apart on my fingers.” 
That won’t be an issue. Hansol gets you there embarrassingly fast. He finds the sensitive spot inside of you with ease and doesn’t hold back, pressing another finger in. He works you toward another orgasm like it's easy - and maybe for the both of you, it is. Maybe Hansol was meant to have you like this, gushing around his fingers and babbling nonsense as you come again, his mouth pressed against your hammering heart. 
Maybe he was meant to have you fucked out and light-headed by the time you’re helping him out of his jeans, sliding his briefs down his muscular thighs to free his cock. The tip is dark and sticky, weeping with precum when he pins you to the bed, catching you in a bruising kiss.
Gone is the patient Hansol who had started with gentle kisses to your thighs, replaced by his need to have you. To consume you. You let him, willing to let him do whatever he wants. You want his pleasure just as much as he wants yours, slipping your hand between your bodies to palm his cock, heavy and warm in your hand.
He whispers your name and it sounds like a prayer. His forehead presses against yours, letting you pump him slowly. His hips twitch as though he’s fighting to control himself, letting you have your fun before he growls and grabs your hand, lacing your fingers to pin above your head. 
Hansol scoots you up the bed, putting you where he wants you. Gone is the sweet guy from IT, replaced with whatever this is. You like this side of him equally, listening to him when he asks you to lift your hips so he can slide a pillow under your ass.
With a kiss to your brow that feels sweeter than the moment allows for, Hansol lifts your leg, prying you open for him. His cock is heavy against your cunt and he ruts a little, making you both whine in tandem. 
“You still want this, right?” He asks, voice shaking. “For real?”
“Yes.” You squeeze the hand he has laced with yours, pinned to the mattress near your head. “On the clock. Off the clock. Literally all of the hours.” 
“What if I refuse to change your computer password?”
That makes you laugh. He gives you a glowing smile, kissing the tops of your cheekbones. “Even then,” you promise. 
“Good. Try breathing for me when you come this time.” You give him a look and he smiles. “Did you think you were done? I told you I was making up for lost time.” 
He doesn’t give you a second to retort, his cock pressing in at that exact moment. “Ohhh you fucker,” you moan and he laughs, which makes things worse. You squeeze around him hard, barely breathing as Hansol slides in to the hilt, the pressure and stretch divine. “You did that on purpose.”
“I did,” he admits before trapping you into an uncoordinated kiss. 
With one hand holding yours to the bed and the other sliding under your ass to help lift you with the pillow, Hansol sets a slow pace. You continue to kiss him, just as slow as he fucks you. He is deep, cock brushing against your g-spot on every upstroke. 
Your free hand slides to his lower back, urging him to keep going. His tempo is measured, perfect, the angle of his hips just right. You start to feel insane, mumbling his name, whining between kisses, making a pathetic noise when he increases his pace. 
Hansol fucks like he knows exactly how you like it. Of course he does. Even from the moment in that bookstore, he had you figured out. No one else has been able to adjust to you like he has, no one else has been able to understand - to see you. 
“Fuck,” he hisses when you start squeezing on him for harder and longer. He’s pushing you toward that edge again, so close you’re already seeing stars. “Pussy feels so good.” 
He shuffles up the bed more, folding you a little. You make a wild sound, gasping as the angle pushes his cock in deep. “Holy shit, Hansol.” 
“That the spot?” he asks, and you nod. He starts fucking you in earnest, pace picking up. “God damn I could do this all day.” 
“Keep doing that and I’ll let you.”
He laughs and kisses you again, all tongue and teeth. You start to spasm, feeling the way your muscles clench as you near your third orgasm. This one is tight in your stomach, a pressure that is so compact you feel like you’re going to combust.
“Breathe through it,” he reminds you, out of breath as he chases your high. “You can do that, yeah?”
You nod, saving your breath for when he tells you to use it. 
A few more hard strokes and you’re doing exactly as instructed, taking in a deep breath as your orgasm hits. You see white, shaking underneath Hansol as the warmth of your high blooms in your lower stomach and expands. It’s better than the first two, stretching longer, the feeling reaching to your toes. 
You manage to breathe all the way through it, barely hanging on as he fucks you through the entire length of your high. He presses his mouth to your temple, slowing his pace to let you recover. You feel melted, like your bones and muscles have all gone on vacation, leaving Hansol to do the work for you.
“Good?” he asks, breath fanning your face.
You nod and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close. “You,” you mumble. It’s not a complete sentence, but he gets what you mean, kissing you quickly before chasing his own high, gritting his teeth. 
As spent as you are, you do your part to help him get there, squeezing with what strength you have left, whispering his name, pulling him in close with a leg around his hip. It works, sending Hansol over the edge and spilling into you within a few seconds. 
He curses into your shoulder, pace turning sloppy until he finally stops, hips pressed to yours, cock sheathed to the hilt. Both of you stay like that, trying to catch your breath in a sweaty pile of limbs.
Hansol recovers first, shifting so that he can lay next to you. He pulls out, a mess of cum and fluid going with him. You don’t care, rolling to your side to kiss him slowly. Softly. He rests an arm over your hip, keeping you connected. 
“This is a great birthday,” he jokes, voice hoarse. “I uhhh, forgot there was a party. No one will think we’re fake dating now.” 
You grin. “Whatever. We’re not on the clock.” 
He kisses you again. “Thank god. Cause I really want to do this again in fifteen minutes.”
You smile, really glad that Hansol (the Boyfriend) is on the same page as you.
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nanaooyoo · 1 month ago
lowkey obsessed with my own blog. it has all my favorite things and all the opinions i agree with. best place on the internet maybe ever
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nanaooyoo · 1 month ago
he’s giving that one vampire twink from baldur’s gate three and I’m very attracted to that energy
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nanaooyoo · 2 months ago
casual eric slay *eye roll emoji* how typical. you disgust me eric, you and your 9 mm waist disgust me… I hate you and your girlish hips you beautiful well endowed man
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ERIC: WHIPLASH ©abcdeeric
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