#i have far too much freetime
freedom-yearner-ng · 4 months
Dear @xxswanwranglerxx...
It wouldn't allow me to make this a request... I wonder why... BUT ALAS! A MAN OF LOVE WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY! So I come forth to you in a post...
Oh my sweet, nice, pleasant, delicious, delightful, sweet, enjoyable, pleasing, good, satisfying, heavenly, welcome, tempting, jolly, soothing, amusing, pleasurable, tasty, comfortable, comforting, dreamy, darling, blessed, agreeable, congenial, gratifying, grateful, attractive, happy, luscious, palatable, delectable, charming, desirable, fascinating, felicitous, blest, savory, savoury, alluring, entertaining, dulcet, enviable, delightsome, cheerful, blissful, inviting, enchanting, calming, cheery, gracious, amiable, personable, hospitable, goodly, kindly, good-natured, joyous, affable, glad, relishable, genial, exhilarating, ecstatic, euphoric, rapturous, diverting, recreative, felicific, intoxicating, elating, gemütlich, nirvanic, beautiful, lovely, cute, gorgeous, attractive, handsome, good, stunning, charming, likely, elegant, delightful, good-looking, sexy, perfect, drop-dead, fair.........
beautiful, lovely, cute, gorgeous, attractive,, handsome, good, stunning, charming, likely, elegant, delightful, good-looking, sexy, perfect, drop-dead, fair, ravishing, comely, glorious, fascinating, beauteous, hot, seemly, goodly, magnificent, fetching, aesthetic, flawless,, taking, sightly, knockout, pleasant.... AMAZING little dove!
You may have a phone for a head which I find absurd but am weirdly into but I am sure I can provide you such a wonderful feeling that you'll feel the wings of a... strikingly similar bird that you appear to have a definitive hate for... but I digress!
let us be free, randy, from the hit game, dial town!
Free together!
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blazingmicah-wc · 1 year
Was doing some research for my riverclan!longtail au and i just learned that willowbreeze is half-Windclan and half-riverclan??? This does wonders for my au but this is what I get for not reading any of the super editions lol
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emelinstriker · 9 months
Shockwave ♤ Kiss The Spark
Might be my last TFP X Reader one-shot I'm dropping for now. I've got several other one-shots and even a full book that was in the works, but whenever I'll finish any, I have no idea.
[TL;DR] You really do be worrying your beloved cyclops scientist with the risks you take. And he finds it illogical.
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♤ ~ Comfort ~ ♤
It was a lazy day for the two of you. Megatron was busy leading the Decepticon cause, as usual, and left Shockwave to his tools. Said mech was trying to work on basically recreating a predacon while you were watching him. It did make him a little uncomfortable with how you were basically staring at him, but he would never out right say it.
You were just supposed to be a random human he could study and experiment on after you were kidnapped by Knockout months ago. But now you were the lover of the warship's scientist. Basically his Conjunx Endura, and he did show some affection towards you while feeling some sort of emotion despite having undergone shadowplay. At first it felt like you were treated like a pet, which you technically were in the Decepticon's optic, but it was obvious he was lying to himself over time as you began to worm your way into his spark.
Despite the months of love and care, he slowly started neglecting you due to the cause being his main priority. Sure, he did give you food and your own box corner that felt like a small apartment, but his affection towards you decreased and you were missing it. You were missing the freetime you had and spent simply roaming around the Nevada desert whenever you landed. You wanted to relive that.
"Hey, Shocky?" He didn't bother turning around to face you as he continued working, not answering. But you knew he was listening. "When do you have time to hang out again?" You asked with a hopeful gaze at the back of his helm.
He ceased his movements for a moment, turned his optic toward you and said, "Most likely when I am finished with this project. I do not know how long it will take. It would be most logical of you to simply wait."
You frowned at his response and started to make your way towards the door. "Oh, okay... I'll leave you to it then..." The giant metal doors slid opened for you and closed once you passed the threshold. Shockwave knew you left but didn't bother stopping you as the project took priority. However, that doesn't mean he didn't feel more empty when you were out of the room.
And it finally seemed too much after two agonizing hours of not having you around him. He told himself he would do a quick check-up on you to ensure you were all fine. So, he left the project on his table before making his way to the bridge where he knew Soundwave would possibly still be with you.
Unsurprisingly, he was right. Well, half right. Soundwave was at the bridge, but you were nowhere to be found. Of course there had to be a reason for it, and who would know better than the slender mech himself. "Soundwave," the cyclops started as he approached the other working Decepticon, "where is (Y/N)?"
The TIC ceased his movements before typing away again, revealing groundbridge coordinates on the screen. The coordinates seemed to lead into town, close to a few stores but far away enough for a small groundbridge to go undetected. Soundwave turned his helm towards the mech behind him as he slightly lifted a servo at the screen to point at it. Shockwave gave him a puzzled look- Or at least as puzzled as one could look with a single optic for a faceplate. "Why did you send them there?"
Instead of answering with more movements, Soundwave decided to simply play a voice clip he recorded of you in your own words. "Hey, Sounders, could I maybe go to town? I need to see if I can buy some material for [...]. I know it sounds weird, but hear me out-" The audio abruptly cut of before you could explain any further. And there was information missing, most likely to keep whatever you were planning a secret from the scientist. It seemed illogical for you to be plotting something behind his back however. Thus he didn't question the TIC any further about the audio.
"When will they return?" Soundwave played another clip in response, "I'll call you when I got everything, alright? Shouldn't take more than two hours max."
And as if on cue, a sudden personalized ringtone rang out on the bridge with an image of you on the screen. Their optics glanced at the screen before Soundwave answered the call. You sounded like you were out of breath. And Shockwave was able to feel your anxiety through your bond.
"H-Heya, Sounders!" You dramatically exhaled a large portion of air before continuing in a rather quick way. "Please don't tell Shocky, but I kinda ran into some trouble and am being chased by a gang with weapons. I managed to escape unscathed, but I sadly didn't get some other things." You took another deep breath. "And as much as I wanna grab some extras, I don't think I'd be alive on my way back if I did that. At least I got enough for one."
As both mechs became concerned, Shockwave decided to speak up. "(Y/N), are you in a safe location? Do you require a groundbridge immediately?"
The voice caught you by surprise, but you were also a little relieved to hear him. "I-I'm not far enough from people yet. I'm across the street from the gang right now and they seem to have lost me. But there's an alleyway here." You then proceeded to walk down the dark alley. "I don't think there's a second gang in here so I should be-" You cut yourself off as you looked behind you with wide eyes. The fear you gave off reached the scientist instantly.
"(Y/N)? Are you alright? What happened?" Your sudden silence made them even more worried. The silence wasn't there for long though as harsh winds clashed with your phone, indicating that you were running.
"They found me! I-I can't run any longer! My bags are- are slowing me down! And they want my bags and my money! But I need them! And whAT THE FUCK- WHY?!"
Turns out the alley had a deadend.
The two mechs could faintly hear one guy say something, but it was inaudible. But they could hear one who was closer. "You're right. Why should we just take their belongings if we could have some fun with them as extra?"
While the cyclops was able to feel your hopeless anxiety already, the call managed to catch the sounds of your sniffles. You hiccuped as you whispered into your phone, "I need you, Shockwave." You usually weren't scared of most things- Hell, you made a giant alien robot fall in love with you and managed to befriend others on the warship, deeming them as family! And they wanted to cyberform the earth! But being in this situation, alone, far away from your family, with just some useless things you bought... It scared you.
And this was something that truly angered Shockwave for once. The fact that you used his actual name instead of a nickname told him how trapped you truly felt.
It sent him over the edge.
"Soundwave. Groundbridge to their coordinates. Now", he commanded firmly.
The masked mech, despite being kind of surprised by the taller mech's sudden show of emotions, did as he was told. The scientist didn't waste time in running towards the now open swirly green portal. He didn't even bother transforming and using his holoform.
These humans deserved to suffer.
By his true form's servos.
You were backed up into the deadend when you noticed a familiar green light pop up behind you. Out of instinct you moved aside as the gang stared at it, not knowing if this were special effects to scare them off. That's when you saw Shockwave step out of the portal. He took a moment to take in his surroundings before spotting you next to his pedes, shivering from shock, but still smiling up at him with teary eyes. "H-Hi, hun..."
"Go home, sweetspark. I'll meet you there."
He said. Then he watched as you somewhat clumsily sprinted through the groundbridge, two bags in hand, before he turned back towards the group of humans.
"It would be illogical of me not to dispose of lifeforms that pose a threat to my sparkmate."
What was mercy? In that moment, he couldn't recall.
While waiting, you were next to Soundwave, being comforted by his tendrils as you held onto one like a big teddy bear. Your bags were sitting behind you. Shockwave finally returned a few minutes later, groundbridge closing behind him. His servo and pedes were completely bloody. You also spotted a bit of blood on the rest of his frame- even a tiny bit on the side of his helm. He walked up to your still slightly shaken form. "Did they harm them in any way?" He asked the other mech, who previously ran a scan on you as safety precaution.
Soundwave responded with a simple "Negative" audio as he retracted his tendrils from you, now that your biggest comfort was here. You reluctantly let go of the tendril when a servo gently wrapped itself around you instead, picking you up. The purple mech didn't say another word to the shorter mech and simply walked off, all the while placing you on his shoulder pad. Sure, you were now a little bloody too, but you could just wash your clothes. While Shockwave felt the comforting relief through your bond, he still was upset about your reckless logic.
"You left the ship without my authorization or knowledge." Most would view his monotone yet commanding voice as a sign of pure anger, but you knew that he was actually worried sick.
"B-But I-" "You could have been hurt and I would not have been able to protect you. From now on, you are to stay on the warship if I'm.not accompanying you", he stated firmly, placing you on the table and coldly turning away towards his project.
Now that you were finally back in the lab, he wouldn't need to worry about you being hurt anymore, despite his spark not wanting to shut up about the slight bit of worry. However, due to you still being upset about the previous situation, you couldn't help but tear up again. You honestly didn't mean to make him mad and worried. He could feel it.
"I-I'm so s-sorry", you whispered as you hiccuped. "I-I just w-wanted to make y-you a gift..."
This caught the scientist's attention as his ear fins moved. A gift... for him? You went through the lengths of sneaking out(, despite Soundwave's knowledge of course), going to town alone, and running away from a street gang... just to make him a gift? So, naturally he demanded for an explanation for this stunt you tried to do.
You pulled your bags closer to your body as you sniffled, rummaging through one of them. "I-I bought materials f-for a self-made gift..." You then pulled out some purple fabric from the bag. Almost the same shade of purple as his frame. "I-It was supposed to be a plush toy version... of you..." A small, sheepish smile made its way onto your lips. The tears may have stopped flowing, but you still didn't feel quite comfortable in what you were presenting him. It wasn't even finished, after all. And you weren't even sure if he would like it.
"Giving me a toy version of myself is illogical." For a second, a frown replaced your smile. Thinking he didn't like the idea, you slowly starting lowering your arm in disappointment, wanting to put the fabric away again so he wouldn't have to see it.
"O-Oh, sorry... I thought-" "But, I appreciate the sentiment", Shockwave quickly added as he approached you with his servo. One digit gently trailed up and down your arm in a comforting manner. "You may still continue creating it. I am not stopping you." Him using a gentler, lower tone made you smile again. You wrapped your arms around his digit and lightly cuddled into it, saying a small "Thanks" in return.
You swore your Conjunx's optic was glowing brighter than usual.
You managed to craft a rather big plush version of Shockwave. You were able to wrap both of your arms around it and cuddle with it like a big stuffed animal. It was still severely small in the scientist's optic, but he refused to handle it any less gentle than you when picking it up. It was so much softer than you, which amazed him.
A few days after you finished up the plushie, Shockwave asked you to wait for him in his habsuite.
Turns out he wanted you to touch his spark again. It's been a long time since you've last done so, which was when you became Conjunx Endura just a couple of months ago. And due to the bond mostly being a one-sided receiving one, he wanted to show you how much he appreciated you in his life. And touching his spark was the only way for you to receive his side of the bond.
You're the only one he's ever shown his spark to in such an intimate light. And you could feel how much he adored having you be this close to him, touching the very culmination of his being ever so gently. You even gave his spark some light kisses, making him ex-vent.
Content with your moment together, he gently positioned his servo against your small back, pulling you a little closer down onto his chassis.
He wouldn't trade you for anything, not even his loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause.
[ Masterlist ]
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vibingpyro · 7 months
How ATSV Characters react to an shy S/O
-Miles is awkward but he tries his best. He doesn't want to overwhelm you and takes things at a slow pace. He will be the one to slowly initiate small touches and contact, his hand lightly brushing over your own as you walk together or a extremely light feather kiss to the top of your head when you get walked home by him. He's patient, if not a bit shy himself.
-Gwen is an overthinker. She thinks too much about holding your hand too long, if maybe offering to watch an movie with you and cuddle is too soon for the relationship so she requires some reassurance now and then. She wants to show you she cares but she's unsure how without flustering the both of you in a way that doesn't seem like teasing. For now, hand holding and light kisses on the cheek will have to do. Not that she minds.
-Hobie. This guy is so confident in himself it's nearly painful. He loves to fluster you by leaning down beside you when you don't notice him, and whispering into your ear and calling you a sweet pet name or pulling you closer when you're sat beside him in a distance he deems that you're too far away from him. He wouldn't take getting an reaction out of you too far but, he does love to test what might make you tick at him. But let's be honest, he would love to piss you off and see you take the reigns.
-Pav is an awkward mix of confident and overly worried. It's funny how he tries to lean his arm over your shoulder all nonchalant while you coincidentally watch an romance movie on the television but he would whisper into your ear "Is this okay?" "It's not too much right?" "Okay, just let me know if you want me to move my arm." "...you're sure you're comfortable with this?" He likes to check that he isn't making you uncomfortable. Making a bit too much but that doesn't hurt right?
-Miguel just feels bad, most of the time. I mean, you have a right to be flustered and shy around him, look at him for Christ's sake. He's aware he's intimidating, and has accidentally managed to scare his S/O on one more than one occasion so he just tries to make up for it with tiny trinkets he made in his very rare freetime. He will try his best to speak soft and sweet to his partner, ensuring that they are comfortable before initiating anything, the most he will start to do is pressing an kiss to the back of your hand. He'll be patient for you.
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crabcollectorskykid · 2 years
" What's behind that mask? "
Request: Hello if your starting request- I'll like to put, could you make where moth!reader has been living with the sully, Jake and neytiri are comfortable with moth!r so they let moth!r play around them, like chase their tails, help around{but they could only pick a few small sticks}, maybe when they eat, moth!r only eats alone because I think under the mask they wear, they have very sharp teeth!!
Sully family x moth!reader
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Pronouns: they/then
Whoops, accidentally posted this one so I had to hurriedly remake it..but the story will mainly focus on them trying to figure out what the moth will look like behind the mask or atleast trying to take off the mask
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Jake giggled a bit once he felt hands playing the tip of his tail, he didn't have to turn around to know who was playing with his tail. The very small hands already gave it away, it's been a few months since the moth started to live with them; needless to say the family started to enjoy the little one's company especially Tuk since she found a new playmate. Day by day the moth started to adapt habits that the family are curious about.
For example, they are more affectionate. Giving hugs and high fives. Their cape started to have more stars, they also constantly avoid rain and will sulk if there's rain. But one habit of the moth made the family really curious about is that, when eating the moth either turns their back when eating or go somewhere far away from them. The family knows their boundaries however they can't help but wonder what's behind that mask?
Soon after the sully kids went out to get some fire wood and carried the little moth with them much to the parent's demise, Jake and neytiri wanted to learn more about the moth but let the kids be since they also need bonding with the little moth. Neteyam was carrying (___) on his shoulders while the little moth looked around, eye gazing the gorgeous plants they had never seen before. They usually weren't aloud to go out because of their fragileness, they are very weak compared to the na'vis. They were like a porcelain doll to the sully and the fact the forest has alot of predators makes the sully family worried whenever the moth goes out.
"(___), are you okay up there?" Neteyam asked the little moth and they responded with a honk, the action made him giggle since he always find it funny that (___) can't talk and can only let out squeeks or honks. "We need to stop being so overprotective over them and toughened them up." Lo'ak complained, he had always try to toughened up the little moth but ended up getting scolded at the end, "Lo'ak they literally almost died because of the rain, if they are fragile with rain then I honestly don't wanna imagine if they ever get hurt badly." Neteyam answered.
"I agree with neteyam but it would be nice if we can atleast teach them some basic self defense" Kiri said taking the moth from neteyam and make them climb up to her shoulders so she can carry them, this action made neteyam act hurt saying how hurt he was for being betrayed like that and lo'ak just laughing his ass off. "Heyy, when is it my turn to carry them." Tuk complained, they have never carried (___) before and wanted to try but the older siblings always said that they might be too heavy for her.
"When you grow up big and strong, Tuk" Kiri said patting tuk's head to which Tuk giggled at. "Alright I think we gathered enough fire wood, we should hurry up before dad scold us again." Neteyam said him and lo'ak carrying the bag of fire wood on their backs "Wowww, thanks for your help kiri" lo'ak said sarcastically while kiri smiled and said a small you're welcome to which he scoffed at.
On their way to walk home they were talking about doing stuff on their freetime and exchanging embarassing stories to which they laughed at, (___) fell asleep on kiri's head and she giggled and cooed at them. "Awhh, look how cute they are when sleeping." She said, lo'ak observed the moth and said "I wonder if we could use them as a flashlight" he muttered but loud enough for the two to hear, "I doubt they can light enough, they glow but doesn't glow that much" while the two were arguing about it kiri observed the little moth who was now sleeping on her arms and not on her head.
"Don't you guys ever wonder what's behind their mask, I mean their eyes glow behind it. I've always wondered what their eyes or face looked like without it." Kiri said touching the mask lightly. The sully kids muttered in agreement about their curiosity, soon after lo'ak started getting closer "One little peek wouldn't hurt, right?"
He muttered his hand reaching towards the mask but neteyam's hand stopped him "no way bro, mom and dad will scold us for invading their privacy" he said telling them to hurry up walking so they can go back.
"...what are the kids doing.." Jake whispered to neytiri who was also watching the kids huddle in a group muttering "should we ask them?" Jake asked then neytiri agreeing with his statement "hey kiddos, uhm what are you guys doing?" He asked with curiosity hoping they aren't planning something mischievous "we're trying to figure what (___) looks like without a mask" Tuk said pointing (___) in the corner who was sleeping "shhh! Not so loud Tuk they might hear us." Lo'ak said shushing Tuk to which Tuk stuck out her tounge at him and lo'ak doing the same.
"lo'ak is doing a horrible job at illustrating" kiri said handing out the paper lo'ak drew an illustration on what he thought they look like, both the adults laughed at the picture while lo'ak tried to justify that it's a masterpiece "there's no way they have a third eye lo'ak and there is no way they won't have eyeballs" kiri said "then how come only white shows in their mask and what does the shape mean on the forehead of the mask?" He asked "it's probably just the design."
Neteyam said "what if they have no face." Neteyam said. The family was discussing on what they might look like when (___) was about to wake up because of the noise, Jake and neytiri shushed them before the discussion gets out of control.
Tuk crawled towards (___) hugging tightly and the moth returning the favor "how's your nap, kid?" Jake asked only to be answered with a honk, "neteyam come, help me make the food" neytiri said standing up, neteyam following after.Lo'ak and kiri quitely arguing.
The family watched as the little moth took their food and walked their way out the door, "...should we go?" Lo'ak asked, neteyam looking at Jake waiting for his approval to which Jake nodded. All of the kids went out of the door and chased after the moth, the parents sighing in relief "Finally peace." Jake said.
The kids watched the moth sat near a lake taking of their mask off and picking up their food to eat "see I told you, how can they eat if they don't have a face" kiri said to neteyam who was sheepish scratching his head, Tuk started to walk towards the moth while the teens were arguing soon after they noticed Tuk was gone and saw her approaching (___), they were whisper yelling to come back and to not blow their cover but she didn't listen instead she tapped (___) shoulder.
The teens covered their eyes out of instinct, silence passed by but was now interrupted by tuk saying wow and giggling. All three of them uncovered their eyes and was in awe also, (___) had a beautiful shade of bright yellow/(insert color) eyes and had white lashes, they also noticed how sharp their teeth were it was almost as if they were made to bite people.
(___) looked over at the teen who were hiding terribly behind a tree and waved over them patting the ground beside them, they hesitated but went to sit beside them anyways. Lo'ak was the first to break the silence "You have two eyes?-" lo'ak asked but was interrupted when neteyam hit his head hard "of course they do you idiot, how can they see if they don't have one?" Neteyam said dumbfounded nyyhus brothers question "well sorry I just wanted to ask them!" He shouted rubbing his head while (___) giggled but no sound came out of their mouth.
"i didn't know you had sharp teeth" kiri said looking at them with curiosity (___) opened their mouth so they can get a better view "you have tusks too" Tuk said excitedly "I don't get it, how can something looks so innocent but have horrifyingly sharp teeths" lo'ak said in disbelief. "How come you didn't show us your face before, you look pretty cool and great!" Neteyam complimented them (___) shrugged they honestly also don't know why.
"C'mon let's go back, you don't need to be afraid of showing us your face anymore. Besides it's more fun with you there eating with us" neteyam said, (___) smiled and hugged neteyam the other kids following suit.
"interesting." Jake said observing (___)'s teeth, neytiri smacked his arm "Jake stop that is rude to do" she said while Jake realised his actions and apologize, (___) smiled showing that it was okay "well then, (___) why don't you join us for dinner here with us from now on. Wouldn't want a family member eat alone now would we" he said, (___) nodded excitedly.
Let's say (___)'s bond with them grew stronger and stronger.
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tower-arcana · 1 month
𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝖌𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖘. its me. your husband. anyhow could you perchance give us(me) some welt yang x reader hcs >.< specifically with stellaron hunter!reader because im Very Subtle. thank you i love you ― 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀fait ♥
a/n: Oh man i wonder who this is heh BUT HELLO PARFAIT i'd love to deliver the old man yaoi content you happen to desire... i love you too, i hope you enjoyed this, i went a bit more freeform with this stellaron hunter reader but i had a blast with it regardless! (it's a lot of set up for possible continuations of this scenario and specific reader But i wasn't sure where to go with a general prompt) (ignore how bad i am with fight scene descriptions)
The Whims of Fate.
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welt yang x stellaron hunter reader!
word count: 1,511 . . .
In a literal sense, Welt Yang and you were adversaries. The Stellaron Hunters had clashed time and time again with the Astral Express, even if it did turn out the wanted criminals had unknown motives for wanting the Nameless to succeed in their ventures.
There were simply too many questions without answers for Welt Yang to have a concrete opinion against or for the Stellaron Hunters just yet, but that didn’t mean that your faction’s capabilities and destructive habits could be excused. He was in no position to detain or arrest any one of the Stellaron Hunters, but the fights that came from their opposing positions needed to be handled regardless of the end result.
So, yes, Welt Yang had faced down with the Stellaron Hunters’ members both directly and indirectly before, but he had to admit that he hadn’t gained much of an understanding of your motives before compared to other members like Kafka or Firefly.
You were quite the enigma, someone who under normal circumstances would’ve never been expected to join such a destructive group of outlaws; a follower of the path of Preservation, your abilities were much more geared towards defense compared to the combat prowess the other Hunters seemed to hold. Even your behavior was much more peaceful and dare he say docile in contrast…
So why? Why would you follow Elio so willingly? What had you seen – what had you gone through to cling to the notion that this was the way things must be done?
These were questions Welt Yang’s mind had often drifted to in his freetime, and today it seemed like he’d at least have a slim opportunity to get some sort of answer out of you. On a small commercial-oriented planet just a little out of the way of the Astral Express crew’s next destination, that’s where he’d found you; even you had the tendency to stick out like a sore thumb amongst the usual crowds, whether destruction was what surrounded you or otherwise.
It just so happened that this was one of the times that the Stellaron Hunters left chaos in their wake, and though Welt Yang was on his own for the moment, he couldn’t just stand by and let you sew such seeds of distress, could he? With a terse frown and a quickening pace, he closed the distance between you, his cane at the ready for the inevitable combat that would ensue.
“For criminals who have their bounties placed on every wanted board within the galaxy… you’d think you’d grow to be far more discreet in your business,” Welt Yang commented dryly, voice lacking amusement as the acrid scent of smoke filled his senses. Of course they had to start a fire, of course they did.
Blade moved to engage, sword at the ready, but you quickly brought a hand up to stop him. The two of you seemed to exchange a wordless agreement before the man backed off, and the rest of the Stellaron Hunters began to retreat entirely with you as their blockade. Were they really just going to leave you behind to defend for yourself, Welt Yang wondered?
Regardless, he couldn’t stand for such an easy end to things. With a hardened look of resolve, Welt Yang brought up his cane and fired off a blast to intercept the others’ getaway, and for a moment it almost seemed like it worked. He wasn’t a fool to underestimate your capabilities, however, not after his many years in combat.
And so, when the smoke cleared and a gold barrier had retained no damage in its action of barring Welt Yang from both you and the rest of the Stellaron Hunters, he was hardly surprised. From behind the shield, your smile almost seemed apologetic, though — that was what astonished him.
“I’m afraid ‘discreet’ simply isn’t in our line of business, Mister Welt Yang,” You chuckled a bit sheepishly, your friendliness a stark contrast to the tenseness of the situation, but Welt Yang quickly recovered.
“As I’ve come to notice,” Welt Yang huffed, and for a moment he was almost amused by the entirety of the situation; he didn’t allow the sentiment to linger for long, though, and the brief flash of a half-smile disappeared as he brought his cane down yet again. “Even so, whether it’s the norm for you or not, it’s something I simply can’t let slide.”
Without so much as a pause between his words, another potent blast of energy surged forth and hit the shield with even greater strength, and Welt Yang watched with a hint of satisfaction as your eyes widened, the barrier itself cracking. And yet, that emotion too was left behind as the shield broke into countless shards of golden glass, only for these shards to come hurtling towards him with barely enough time to register the attack.
Cursing underneath his breath, Welt Yang managed to dodge and deflect most of the projectiles, but a few cut through his defenses all the same. With a few tears in both flesh and clothing, he realized then that you were perhaps more capable at self defense than he’d first thought you to be.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less, I assure you,” Even your own expression had lost its warmth to an extent, instead replaced by your own sense of determination as you brought up yet another shield between yourself and Welt Yang as he recovered. “But this is simply the way things must be done, Mister Yang; whether you understand why or not. Forgive me for the time we’re about to waste here…”
“Then tell me why! You can’t expect people not to find faults in your actions if you constantly avoid a proper explanation or reasoning for it all, can you?” Welt Yang pressed back as he forced you to guard yourself yet again, slowly but surely backing you further and further towards the railing that your teammates had disappeared over just moments before.
This time, Welt Yang opted for a simple swing of his cane, a sudden and blunt move that caught you off guard — you barely had time to dodge the attack before he’d promptly cracked the cane against your temple, sending you crashing down onto your back from the weight of the blow. Apparently, your defensive capabilities had weak points in the simple case of physical attacks… at least the unexpected ones, but perhaps he’d just been lucky. Regardless, Welt Yang took the chance to kneel down before you instead of attacking yet again while you were down, even going as far as to offer you a hand and a look that urged you to understand his reasoning.
“Tell me. Perhaps you do have justifiable reasons for your actions, even to the point we could be allies… but how will I ever know if you expect me to read your mind?” Welt Yang’s tone was nearly pleading as he pushed further, and for a moment, he was almost sure he’d gotten through to you.
Unfortunately, whatever had brought you to align with the Stellaron Hunters in the first place was enough to keep you loyal to them through and through; Welt Yang’s hopes of finding answers were crushed as your eyes narrowed and, with a swift kick to his chest that sent him off balance more than anything, you brought up yet another glowing shield between yourself and him.
“It’s not my story to tell, Mister Welt Yang. You’ll understand in time — everyone will, but until that time, I’m afraid the script is not yours to read,” You stated firmly and without room for argument, and before Welt Yang could so much as get to his feet, your own shield had begun to dig into the cement between the two of you, cutting clean through the ground and causing the entirety of the ledge he’d backed you against to crumble completely.
“Wait–!” Welt Yang tried to protest, to try and at least reason with you one last time, but it was too late. You fell from the ledge, and before he could properly break through the shield and get to you, the SAM suit of Firefly had already caught you; had she been laying in wait for you to fall all along?
Whatever the answer to that may be, or any of the other questions nagging at Welt Yang’s mind at that moment, none of these queries went answered like he had hoped. He could only sigh and stand, dusting himself off and wincing as he finally noticed the stinging pain of the cuts within his arms. He’d have to tend to those soon…
But for now, Welt Yang was as content as he could be to make the trek back to the Express — while that confrontation hadn’t gone as he’d hoped, he knew your words would be floating around his mind for days to come, just as his would hopefully be plaguing yours. Next time, he assured himself, next time he’d sit down and have a proper conversation with you and expand on the foundations he’d dug today.
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fuckyesnessian · 4 months
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Creator Highlight #9 - @unhealthyfanobsession
Welcome back to Nessian Creator Highlights!! We want to take a moment to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use up so much of their freetime and creative energy to share their work with us!
Today we'd like to highlight @unhealthyfanobsession! If you've never met them, @unhealthyfanobsession write both fabulous nessian fanfiction AND creates thoughtful and detailed meta that many readers may have missed.
Their passion for nessian extends to the fabulous fics they've put together. @unhealthyfanobsession fleshes out their characters, expands upon their relationships, and fills in the gaps in order to create a satisfying arc for our favorite pairing.
Check out some of our favorites below, or check out their masterlist HERE:
Amidst The Madness: Love and war have always followed the same rules: Quick to ignite, slow to extinguish. There aren't many things Cassian has dared to openly want in his 500 years of existence. Not even the position he currently occupies as Lord of Windahaven (far too lofty a spot for nothing more than a well-blodded bastard, if you ask the other Illyrian Lords), but from the second Nesta Archeron stepped foot in his camp, the entire world ebbed into a single truth.
She is his.
He is hers.
Everything else - the war he is meant to lead, the people relying on him, the legacy he should be fighting to protect, cease to exist the second his eyes are caught in roiling silver flames. There is pain in this female, his female. And retribution will be exacted. Rhysand has his war, and now so does Cassian. Whether the two align ... only Nesta can give that order.
Golden Threads of Time:
Nesta and Cassian have never required blades or leathers to spar with each other. Weapons change, battles are fought and won and lost and white flags are waved. They say things they don't mean, do things they regret. They aren't good at this. Love. Neither of them grew up knowing what that emotion was, so of course they didn't recognize it when it wrapped its fickle fist around their hearts. No, Nesta and Cassian are not good at love. But what they have is not love. It is life. Bright, passionate, blinding, and vital to their very being's as oxygen. One does not love to breathe, they simply die without it. Nesta and Cassian are not a love story... they are an inevitability.
A collection of Nessian drabbles and one-shots posted from my Tumblr (UnhealthyFanObsession). Some pre-ACOSF, some Post-ACOSF, some in an alternate timeline that I just made up and ran away with. Some smut, some sweet, some angst. Enjoy!
Assentio Mentium:
Assentio Mentium: Latin. Commonly used legal maxim literally translated to “The meeting of minds”. A central tenet of contract law meaning that no understanding can be reached unless both parties are of the same mind going into the agreement.
From the moment they met in a prep course for the Bar exam, Cassian knew that he had found the love of his life. Brash, outspoken, brilliant, gorgeous, and above all, passionate. Nesta Archeron was perfect for him. And he was perfect for her. All he had to do was make her see that. This might just be his hardest case yet.
Want to nominate someone? Fill out the form HERE
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sommerregenjuniluft · 9 months
@jegulus-microfic dec 15 (only 8 days late lol) - game - 1.8k words - cw: heavy making out, sweat licking lol (they're animals)
pt3 of the charmed mistletoe thingy <3 (part 1, part 2 exclusively on ao3)
this is Not proofread *summersaults away*
After those first two times it seems to evolve into a bit of a game for James. 
It’s late in the afternoon as Regulus is walking back to the dorms from Runes by himself. 
Barty had disappeared as soon as young, mellow-minded Babbling had opened her mouth to announce the end of today’s lesson to do whatever it is he does in his freetime away from his friends—write essays for Seven Years in exchange for Firewhisky, plot the downfall of the Ministry, probably. 
Meanwhile Pandora and Evan should just be done with their last period too right now—Care of Magical Creatures over by the Greenhouses this semester. Something about Kettleburn having them tend to the Niffler eggs. Regulus doesn’t even want to know.
Coming out of the Middle Tower, instead of taking a left and heading straight for the way leading to the dungeons, he keeps walking into the Middle Courtyard.
He already sees a free window alcove he can settle himself down in to wait for his friends to arrive when he rounds the old stone archway and collides with someone.
Regulus grunts and there’s only a moment of irritation before it’s washed away by the next ghust of air carrying citrus, spice and an obscene amount of broom polish, wood, leather and sweat.
“Oh, you’re fucking ki—”
“Oops,” James says, where he’s got his arms wrapped around Regulus, sounding not very sorry at all.
“You–” Regulus rears back, as far as the magic sticking his feet to the ground allows him to, and pulls back to hit James in the chest—which doesn’t do a lot at the moment, sadly, given James’ Quidditch padding under the uniform, “foul, loathsome, evil little—”
“Now, now,” James chuckles. His brown skin is tinted scarlet on the cheeks and nose from the cold and exertion of practice and still gleaming with drying sweat.
Regulus does not think about licking him. “I despise you.”
“Sure,” James nods, tone sarcastically affirmative, moving in, “Pucker up, baby. I gotta hit the showers and then subject myself to the horrors of writing two feet of an at least Exceeds Expectations worthy essay for Sluggy.”
Regulus gives him a practised sneer, “You must’ve been hit in practice one too many times if you think you will get a kiss from me like this.”
James’ lips twitch, “And why’s that, love?”
“You reek,” Regulus scolds. Lies. 
Like a liar. 
A dirty, rotten liar, who lies.
James shrugs one shoulder, “And your breath still smells like lunch.”
Regulus’ heart stops beating. He’s pretty sure if you’re watching closely enough you were just able to see his soul leave his body for a second, warp outside, make his edges blurry. Regulus might be sick.
“Great, now that we’ve both said something untrue, why don’t we move ommpf–”
“Fuck you,” Regulus spits, shaking his hand where his knuckles are starting to throb from the repeated hitting.
 “Y’know,” James stops rubbing his side and promptly reels Regulus in by his wrist. “With the way your eyes are blitzing this is kind of getting me going.”
With the close proximity it’s a little harder to think clearly now. Regulus feels his brows knit deeper, feels his body unclench when one of James’ palms finds the small of his back. 
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Wanna find out how much?” James rasps, licking his lips. His eyes are lidded, dark lashes long behind his wire framed glasses. His hair is even more of an atrocity than usual thanks to the helmet he wore, standing in all kinds of directions or plastered to his skull and forehead in some places. 
It’s annoyingly similar to the way James had looked after Regulus had unthinkingly tousled it their previous time under a mistletoe.
As if James knows the turn his thoughts have taken he squeezes slightly at Regulus’ hand, murmuring, “Remember last time? How good it felt? Because I do.”
James’ eyes are boring so hard into Regulus he feels like being lit on fire from the inside.
“And I know you did, love–Don’t even try to deny it.”
Regulus still slowly shakes his head, even as his fingers curl in the harness straps of James’ chest padding.
“Come get another taste, Regs.” James nudges their noses together, “I’m all yours.”
Those three words do something a little unhinged to Regulus. 
It makes him want to take a bite out of James. Get a taste of the consistency of him between his teeth and then feel him slide down his oesophagus in a gooey, wet pile. Dig claws in, break the skin and make him bleed. Mark him up. 
It’s truly wondrous that Regulus is able to get anything out other than a feral, hungry snarl.
He doesn’t know what ethereal might overcomes him when he mutters, with the steadfastness of a shaky leaf in a tornado, “Only the cheek.”
A dark brow rises over the rim of James’ glasses, “Only the cheek, huh?”
Regulus manages a nod, a shaky breath leaving him on the exhale.
“Fine then,” James whispers, leaning in.
He does it just like the first time.
His thumb on the underside of Regulus’ chin, other fingers splayed over his jawbone and guiding him to the side. Warm breath, then even warmer lips pressing right forth.
Not shy at all. Going right after what he wants.
Lips lifting and there’s only a single second of immobility before there’s a second kiss. And a third.
Steadily moving lower, growing a little bolder, more open mouthed. Less of that barely there stubble, more of the slick satiny inside of James’ mouth.
And with the skin to skin contact Regulus has apparently been completely abandoned by this higher force because his traitorous body leans into the delicious treatment. Head tilting to the side accommodatingly, lids fluttering and own lips parting around a quiet groan.
The hinge of Regulus’ jaw is being explored, a small detour to nip at his earlobe and then James sets his lips down over the patch of skin behind and latches on.
Regulus makes a sound he didn’t know he was capable of, clutching harder at James.
Who responds with a rough hum of his own, pulling them closer together with his strong arm around Regulus’ waist.
“James,” Regulus breathes, one hand coming up to his neck. “James.”
The older boy makes a noise to show either his attention or his displeasure at being disrupted, Regulus isn’t really sure.
And then James lays his tongue out flat and licks a stripe up the side of Regulus’ throat.
The absolute animal. Disgusting, heinous, damning, irritatingly sexy, stupid man. 
Somebody call the Ministry and tell them Santa is real because it must be a miracle that Regulus doesn’t pass out from that on the fucking spot.
He does however let yet another moan slip he cannot help and then tries tugging James back. “Ok, ok, James. That– that’s enough.”
This seems not to fit into James’ aka Mister Eager and Enthusiastuc’s agenda going off of the pained noise he lets out against Regulus’ throat.
That is until Regulus speaks again.
Because he’s reached some kind of epiphany or maybe a deja vu of sorts because the second James’ tongue had made contact with Regulus’ skin all he could think was, “My turn.”
James stills against him, draws back, wide eyed and hazy looking with his stupid big baby cow brown eyes and Regulus doesn’t let himself think about it but instead moves right in.
Doesn’t really bother with niceties as he immediately presses his lips to the edge of James’ jaw. The stubble prickles slightly and James makes a wheezing noise, head rolling to the side.
Regulus’ lips lift into a smile, chest burning and an excited shiver whacking through him at James’ reaction.
He smells spicy and musky and salty so Regulus mimics the path down.
Until he can’t help himself anymore and open his mouth to finally taste. 
It’s glorious, sweat and citrus and James, the boy over him moaning at an indecent volume.
James curses, sounding breathless, “Regs.”
Regulus responds by sucking at the patch of skin again,
“Fuck, please– Yes, so good.” James babbles, “You’re so good, so sweet. So good to me.”
Then there’s fingers driving through the short curls at the back of Regulus’ head and he pants against James before leaning in and letting himself use his teeth.
Just graze but James makes another one of those obscene noises, half moan half curse and then the fingers in his hair are clenching.
Keeping Regulus in place for James to chase his mouth again. Fed up, seemingly, with having to stay still. Or too overwhelmed, Regulus doesn’t care because James is pressing their lips together again and it’s heaven.
Regulus hears the angels sing, the bells jingle. Christmas magic.
He lets out a satisfied noise, arching closer and then, because James is rude and always ruins it, he moves back.
“Wait, wai–” cuts off when Regulus steals another kiss, grip iron on James’ neck, “Reg, love.”
Regulus lifts down from the balls of his feet with an incredulous noise, raising his brows impatiently at James.
This one’s eyes flit all over his face for a moment and Regulus instantly becomes hyper aware of the way his cheeks feel warm and his lips swollen.
“Come to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday,” James mutters.
“No,” Regulus answers reflexively. And moves in to get another kiss.
Which James breaks again. 
Regulus huffs. He’s starting to get irritated.
James takes his chin between thumb and forefinger. “Go on a date with me,” he starts, a tone in his voice before he licks into Regulus mouth again. For just a moment before he adds, “Or you’ll have to wait for another mistletoe to catch us to kiss me.”
And– hold on a second.
“Pardon?” Regulus inquires, trying to blink the haze out of his head.
James gives another quick kiss to Regulus’ slack mouth, smiling faintly, “You heard me.”
“You actually think you can blackmail me this way?”
“Christmas season is only for another few days, love,” James counters. “The mistletoes will be gone before you can say Chinese Chomping Cabbage.”
Regulus bites the inside of his cheek for a moment. 
“What if I say yes?”
There’s a flash of teeth with James’ lips curling up at the corner and then he’s moving in again, tilting back Regulus’ head.
Regulus gasps into the kiss, with the way James is brushing their still spit slick lips together.
James hums when Regulus fingers find their way onto the front of James’ practice long sleeve. It’s low and rumbly, and Regulus feels it where their chests are pressed together, prompting him to make a high pitched noise of his own.
James draws it out this time with a few more slower sweet kisses, leaving Regulus all jittery.
“This has happened for the third time now,” James says conspiratorially, toying with a curl at Regulus’ ear.
“So?” Regulus huffs.
James hums, “You know what they say, Regs.”
Regulus shudders, making James lips lift.
“Once is happenstance, twice is barely a coincidence and trice is fa—”
Regulus is already rounding the corner, fleeing, as his ears gleam crimson.
“You can't run from it, Reg! Tis the season of love!” James calls after him, cackling. “See you Saturday morning!”
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sasster · 6 months
Don’t know how we got here, but! Here we are. If you see typos, no you didn’t. [Doc]
Dreams, for those who have them, are an unappreciated gift. Because the prophet does not possess the ability to conjure his own, ironic as that might be all things considered, he must stick to rooting in the minds of others so that he may steal theirs. This way he can, for a moment, drift off into a sweet fantasy and leave the headache of the waking world behind him. Heaven knows he has had no shortage of headaches recently; Mettling Roatuses, handsy fathers, and whiny bratty godlings included.
The process is a simple one, Cylion need only enter a sort of meditation, push away his own thoughts, and allow the constant vibrations of the unconscious minds that surround him to cross the threshold of his own consciousness. The ones he has made a visit to in the past buzz at a higher frequency in an attempt to lull him into the security of a familiar mind, when he chooses to reach beyond them, he finds the tentative hum of dreamers that have not had the pleasure of hosting him. In times of boredom, he would follow that thread as far as it went and test the outer limits of his dream hopping and mending.
Neither business nor boredom brought him here, though, so he lays in his bed and chews on the decision of where to go while his mind begins to flood with the hopes, aspirations, dread, and regret of the people around him. Mostly followers, he thinks, and the last thing he wants to waste his freetime on is Nymira’s following fawning over her.
He has had quite enough of fawning over Nymira these days. Ugh, the thought is nearly enough to throw his focus off altogether. Thankfully, he doesn’t get to dwell on that idea for too long before something interesting draws his attention. A mind that he visited in the past but has not seen in some time reveals itself to him.
In practicing to be the perfect prophet for the mutant dreamer, Cylion had become very good at picking out whose thoughts he would find himself swimming in. Magical to an observer, but to him it is as much a science as picking up color coded folders and knowing which one is math and which one is history. Only a moron could mistake the psyche of someone like Somnia for, say, Nymira.
Motivations change the flavor, experience influences the color.
The mind that reaches out to him vibrates at a frequency not dissimilar to his own fathers. A vile mind, steeped in the sort of cruelty that is somehow mindless let calculated at the same time. Such a mind that a more timid man might want to keep it miles away, but Cylion’s curiosity is only piqued; Minds do not just drop off of the grid once he has mingled with them, barring death, and they certainly do not crop back up out of nowhere either.
Something tells him he knows exactly who it belongs to even before he starts to dig into it.
“I wonder what the devil dreams of.” He muses to himself, which is the same as speaking out loud when in this state.
The rest of the vibrating bubbles of consciousness melt away in sync with the bed as he negotiates communication with the mind of his new subject, he has no intention of fabricating so he allows the scene to wash over him. The ceiling is replaced by the thick canopy of a forest, it brings along with it the smell of wet earth. Towering trees crowd his vision, save for a path that leads down to a clearing meant for a large building. Nearby running water completes the scene and it is all draped in a thick curtain of melancholy.
One man’s longing is another man’s relaxation, it seems.
Cylion finds his legs and sets off down the path towards the clearing, the satisfying crunch of leaves under his feet is more clear to him than anything he’d stumbled in on a whim before.
At the clearing he finds the purple blood, unmoving and staring wordlessly out in front of him. When the dreamer is certain that his visitor is within earshot, he speaks.
“He dreams of home.” Persep answers his question, turning to face him on the approach. “Or what is left of it.”
Not entirely surprised to see the man, but somehow put off by the sight of him without his face paint and stitches, as though he’d expected the man to dream himself in that state, Cylion raises both of his eyebrows. Then his lips quirk into a smile.
“Are you trying to get sympathy from me?” He comes to stand directly beside him. “That’s rich.”
“I am only answering your question. You’re visiting me, after all. What are you running from, Holy One?”
Cylion makes a face that causes Persep to flash him with a quick grin.
“Not so holy then? It’s rare that you imagine yourself without the flower these days. Isn’t it part of the holy look?”
The yellow blood sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes while Persep, ever the lucid dreamer, materializes a replica sunflower in his hand. Cylion digs the tip of his toes into the earth mindlessly.
“This divinity shit is so frustrating.”
“Imagine the real thing. It’s a bitch.”
“Hard pass.”
Persep lets out a bark of a laugh, turning the flower over in his hands. “Cowardice earns you nothing.”
“Courage burns your hive down?”
“Something like that. You didn’t answer my question.”
“What are you running from that you’ve found your solace with the devil?” He asks again, humored.
Cylion heaves out a sigh and drops to sit with his legs crossed, staring at the space where the puppet master’s home used to live and admiring the detail of the fire singed grass.
“I don’t know. Everything?”
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a discussion idea! (long post)
my husband and i were chatting last night while cleaning up dinner; he pitched a fun idea that could be a great topic of discussion in the simblr community. maybe this should be a SQotD submission - IDK but: he asked how i feel about sims 2 expansion packs now compared to when they came out. initially, i said "yeh idk, i guess the same?" and that was that.
i put a more thought towards his question and realized, i do feel a bit differently about some of the EPs now compared to when they came out - all under the cut!
university: i was SO SO excited about it bc i didnt go away to college like my friends did so it was a way to vicariously-ish get the experience and a bonus was zombies! now tho? yea i still enjoy it even tho the dormies eventually start pissing me off bc theyre just so damn dumb lmao
nightlife: same level of excitement. i LOVE cities and i love vampires too. this scratched the "i need to go downtown chicago" itch when i couldnt from lack of transportation and safey being a v smol person afraid of the worst. i played all my sims in "downtown", specifically, 107 Custer Blvd. I made-over that lot dozens of times, it's seen dozens of different families and had a million different lifetimes. Nightlife still stands as my fave TS2 EP and 107 Custer - my all-time favorite lot to play.
open for business: initially, i had ZERO excitement over this pack. i personally, right out of high school basically, had NO interest in working myself (i didnt, i went to community college and got by ok w/ chore-money basically) so why the hell would i want to put my sims to work too?? i also didnt care for the music (i like it more now tho) as an Adult - i do enjoy this pack more than i ever did when i was a clueless near-20-yo. also, love the servos but i dont play w them nearly as much as i should being a bot fan and all. (i should fix that)
pets&seasons: i was pumped for these bc MORE IMMERSION AND REAL LIFE STUFF!!! also, weather and animals LOL. i still love these packs the same as i did when they initially released. just kinda wish plantsims werent annoying for me to play, i love them from afar tho! werewolves are neat but theyre also kind of a PITA to play.
bon voyage: EH i dont really go on vaca a lot myself, my sims dont either for the same reasons: money! im also still scarred from the one time i did send my sims on vaca and they got STUCK THERE!!! it broke all my shit and i had no way of fixing it bc i didnt know about MTS, MATY and etc to ask for help/guidance. RIP to that family lmao i hope theyre still having a nice time in the vaca-void theyre prob still floating around in! (note: ive never found bigfoot, some day i wish to!)
freetime: we all have hobbies right? it was all fine and good until the fire nation attacked i was being inundated with a ton of hobby spam, be it notifications, the hobby sims and the lots. it was a lot. its far more manageable now thanks to mods so i dont mind playing into hobbies. i do appreciate the return of the genie tho!
apartment life: ok, look. i thought this was super cool then but now, after living in apartments myself, i despise them and dont put my sims in them anymore either. i do love the witches tho, prob my fave aspect of this pack!
edit to add rankings: nightlife, seasons, pets, apartment life, uni, ofc, free time then bon voyage lmao
id be interested to hear/read you guys' comparison's to the different EPs we have for Sims 2 or any of the sims games tbh. id go over The Sims but i dont have all day lmao ill make a different post on that some time bc i always get in my feels over the OG.
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vladdyissues · 5 months
As a fic-writer can you tell me how popular Fanfiction.net is with americans/europeans? I just have some fanfics that I'd like to translate into English, but AO3 is blocked in RF.
And would it be fine for you if I translate your fanfic 'Familiar' into Russian? Since I have more freetime I can finally read it but people love it, so, I'm sure I will, too. Of course, I'll leave the link to the original text! And I can give the link of the translation to you.
1. I can't speak for Europeans, and I don't have exact numbers, but FFN strikes me as declining in popularity with AO3 emerging as the superior site. I suppose it depends on the fandom.
Side note: If you're in Russia and you want to access AO3, you can use a VPN. Mozilla Firefox (which I highly recommend for everyone) has free VPN browser extensions, or you can use any number of free VPN services available. They won't be high quality, and I can't vouch for them since I've never used them. I use Mullvad, paying about $5 USD a month for a much better, more reliable service. I've used other VPNs before, but this one is by far the best and most affordable of the ones I've tried.
2. Of course, I'd be honored! And I'd love to have a link. I'm at the baby level of learning Russian, but it'd be really cool (and educational) to see my story in Russian.
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tedsies · 9 months
Simblr New Years Resolution 2024!
Thank you for the tag @pamsimmerstories 🫶
I've been a bit absent here recently (though still been lurking), so this is actually a good excuse to get me back into posting again 😅
What's your Resolution for your Simblr?
Well, I want to finish up the first iteration of my Lake Strange custom 'hood in the next couple of weeks. I was building for it non-stop throughout December, along with setting up all the households in my new rotation, and now I can't wait to start playing! I don't know what I intend to post from it here yet, as I don't want to end up basing my gameplay around taking screenshots for a story like I found myself doing with my TS4 legacy, but I'm sure I'll end up posting something. Tbh I have so many builds I could post right now but I've been super lazy with taking screenshots 😆
In terms of TS4, I honestly have no intention of going back to it anytime soon. I'm just loving TS2 far too much 😅
What do you want from the Sims Franchise?
Tbh, I just want Aspyr to port the final two TS2 expansion packs to Mac. It frustrates me to no end that I can't have Freetime and Apartment Life. I even wrote to them the other month, and they just came back and said they have no plans to do it (not that I expected anything different) 🤣
Any other New Years Resolutions?
Saying 'yes' to things again. 2023 was a year in which I let myself get trapped within my comfort zone, and I can see (with quite some clarity) how its had an impact on my mental health. I need to go back to forcing myself to being more adventurous again. Today I signed back up to the gym (so cliche to do that on 1st Jan, I know), and agreed to meet up with some friends later this week, so I'm off to a good start, I think.
Tagging @generation-simmer @akitasimblr @starandsims 💚
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glareandgrowl · 9 months
you know what?! NO! I WON'T just stop there!
This has really frustrated me as a creator who puts pride and effort into the characters I create. I'm giving myself until the end of this 30 min playlist to put my thoughts together so forgive the mess it will inevitably cause.
I have seen the take many a times about Dangan games and it's characters that fans and enjoyers are upset their special guy didn't get the screentime they deserved due to whatever reason; It's understandable really. You see a character that has such potential in your eyes its a shame its all wasted away. But I have seen the idea thrown around that the lack of care for a majority of characters' deaths and roles in the story is based on the sheer number of bodies and stories to tell. With so many characters there would never be enough room to allow all of them to flourish before they die! That's just the curse of these types of stories.
I am here to tell you that is BULLSHIT! It's bullshit and I refuse to believe it!
I, for the longest time, have hated the writing of the dangan games. It has always seemed sloppy, rushed, and far too drawn out for its own good. And no, that's not because the trials can be a little funky and rough around the edges when it comes to details. Though, that does coorelate to the negativity I have towards them as a whole. No.
I full-heartedly believe what is to blame is the free-time events. In Dangan 1, it was a fun gimick. Theres a large cast of characters, it only makes sense that a select few would stick out to the player as an interesting one, with a desire to learn more about them.
Shoddy writing of THH aside, I do feel it was a bit of a bandaid on the issue of a too-large cast. If there were optional ways to spend more time with certain characters, they didn't need to spend all that valuable plot time giving them exposition and relevance! The players can find the relevance on their own!
Except... Instead of using the plot time they saved for making a better, more cohesive story, all they did was fill it with dead air, bloated trials and a clear favoritism for the few remaining survivors. (IE in THH Byakuya, Kyoko, Makoto (obv hes the mc I can't complain there.)) Instead of focusing on the group as a whole, its dynamics amongst the survivors at the time, the plot instead magnets to favorites in an attempt to make you like them more.
I know its been mentioned a million times, but the game makes it incredibly hard at times to imagine these characters as once being friends.
(I will say from what I have seen of the next two games they do remedy this at least a little bit, with the group dynamic at least being tolerable to borderline good in v3 (yes before you come for me goodbye despair was good too.))(it also does seem, imo, to be a problem specifically with THH, as the next two DO do a better job at characterization, aside from the rogue one or two "mystery" characters that are put WAY too much emphasis on. (cough cough Kokichi, Rantaro, Kyoko, Byakuya to an extent) Most of whom I don't really care for due to that specific emphasis put on them. Not that their characters are bad, the games just reaaaallly want the player to care about these guys. Which makes me not want to.
Back to individuality.
The argument of a too-large cast as the reasoning for characters being left behind in terms of narrative importance, i feel, would be easily remedied by removing free time events entirely. No more backstory exposition dumps and underwear gifts for friendship points. No more mono-mono machine. If the writers were instead FORCED to give each character their time in the limelight, if they were forced to actually give a shit about each individual personification as much as those freetime events lead you to believe, then the plot would grow to accommodate.
Half the shit in the trails is unnecessary. Half the shit in the plot is unnecessary. Half of it is pandering, or shipping bait or funny haha jokes! We're so quirky!
The plot needs to care about your characters as much as the writers do. Which should be as much as your audience does. And if it doesn't. if the plot only cares about giving the audience a reaction, or if it only cares about its surface level motivations and schemes, then all you're going to get is surface level, unmotivated, wasted potential characters.
Now. I've ragged on about dangan for a bit. Does that mean I hate the games, the stories and the characters? Hell no. Of course not. If I did, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't spend my time making fanart and writing fanfiction. I like the games. They're interesting, funny at times. The writing has its moments of sincerity. It's made me cry once or twice. I LOVE the ending to goodbye despair. I think its the best in the series by far.
I guess what I mean to say in the ending of all this, the TLDR if you will, is that the dangan games COULD have made the characters work. It could have made you believe each one was special and important to the story. If it cared enough to. It's no excuse, though.
(Also yes this is about Taka and how he was robbed. You could say the same about a fair few characters. I just spend hours a day thinking about his character anways so this is it's natural conclusion.
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riewiggles · 6 months
Ok here i go again adding more Kannao headcanons because I had my coffee and I need to distract myself from coughing and blowing snot-
During freetime and with encouragement from Yosuke Naoto started out in Fallout New Vegas and LOVED IT but then Fallout 4 dropped... and Naoto. Lost. It. Upon. Meeting. NICK FRICKIN VALENTINE.
Meanwhile Kanji obsessed over Dogmeat and demands Naoto make Dogmeat their companion.
Naoto also tries to stick as much to Canon as possible and keeps the name "Nate" on the sole survivor. They also go the Minutemen route because it appeases Nick.
Meanwhile if Naoto is on a case Kanji will GLADLY take control and just build, build, build with the settlement option.
He would have Sanctuary looking absolutely mind-boggling and would strategize each settlement route, like he wants to make The Castle a catch-all of trades, Coastal House a cache, and gets a little TOO giddy when playing the Far Harbor settlements.
Naoto comes to empathize with Paladin Danse and ends up romancing him. Meanwhile Kanji gets sad upon Naoto not picking Curie because Curie is a total cinnamon roll.
So he starts his own playthrough with Nora... and romances Curie.
And Kanji will be like, "why does MacCready sound just like me?" Get it?
Bonus: at one point Naoto changes the security system where if the code was, "Alexa, play Big Iron" it would respond, "Truth is. The game. Was rigged from the start."
I'll come up with a New Vegas headcanon eventually because it had been a looooooong time since I played it. I just remember the Boomers, wanting to romance Boone, and sleeping with Benny.
Omg I told my boyfriend this and he goes, "it zooms out and Kanji is playing Fallout, and it zooms out again and it's Matt Mercer playing Kanji playing Fallout" 🤣
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princeanxious · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering about your Lost Guardian au from ages ago, do you think you’ll ever plan on updating it and if not, could someone else take up the fic?
So heres the thing. If someone wants to write a fic *inspired* by The Lost Guardian, i’m not gonna stop them, and i’d probably feel super honored so long as the inspiration was correctly credited!
As for ‘taking up the fic,’ the short answer is no.
I have active drafts and the rest of the story already planned out to its finish, notes, even a branch-off fic set post-story that will likely go up on my nsfw blog if i ever get around to editing it. The Lost Guardian hasn’t been abandoned, it’s simply on hiatus. (And yes, i recognize 3 almost 4 years so far is a really fucking long hiatus. The Chapter 9 draft doc was made in december of 2020, and last edited in July 2022)
I started writing that fic whilst still in highschool, a time where I was 17 and didnt have to worry yet about getting my license or maintaining a part time job, i had an over abundance of freetime even partially to my detriment, the fandom was booming and I had plenty of feedback, and this fic was (and still *is*) a story im proud of.
But i’m 22 now, working a full time job to pay rent and account for a number of minor ‘disabilities’(best word i have for them atm) that I cant ignore or push to the side nor treat poorly, from the lasting effects on my body of stunted growth to celiac/glutent intolerance to adhere to that directly determines how easily my body functions for the week, to dealing with glasses i cannot afford to break and taking care of teeth i cannot afford to fix, taking care of my mental health and using the free time i have to do what brings me the most joy at that time.
The sanders sides fandom has heavily quieted down with the season finale hiatus and I’d like to think I did pretty well for going six long years dedicated solely to that without cracking under the silence, because *I knew* when I caved to something else it’d be a long while before I had the drive to come back with any sort of resolution to my active works. Thats just how my hyper fixations work. I cannot focus on multiple at once, it’s too much to process simultaneously and takes away my enjoyment bc I tend to watch/consume things repeatedly to catch every little detail i missed. And it doesn’t help when one loses steam because their content barely breaks 100 notes(80% of which are likes, 15% are reblogs with the occasional comment, and 5% are self-reblogs) when back in the height of it all, a few thousand notes was pretty average interaction. This blog still has about 11.5k followers, almost all of which came from the height of the fandom period. So for now i’ve moved onto the FNAF DCA fandom, bc it is fresh and new to me.
I know you didn’t mean to poke the bear here, I get it, but like.. C’mon. Any other fic of mine likely wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction in full but, still. I’ve had to answer this question a handful of times over the years at the point, which might be why this response feels so charged, and i’m sorry.
I don’t mean to come off as snippy or rude, but it *is* kind of invasive to offer to finish one’s creative work when it’s taking too long and theres very little payback for it. I’ve got adhd, delayed satisfaction isn’t a thing I experience. Just guilt that it wasn’t finished in a way for me to post it in time before I broke and lost all motivation to share it.
In my head, TLG has been long finished and held the ending for years, theres just been no energy to put in the effort of finish writing it for others to read. I’m still trying to get my life together to change that, don’t get me wrong, but the American economy is literally in shambles so who knows how or even if i’ll manage that. Call me selfish for being content with only mentally having my creative story’s ending and a collection of rambles and notes to show for it, but at the end of the day, it’s still my story, and i dont feel comfortable with people trying to ‘take up the mantle’ to finish it, when they don’t know how it ends.
I’m glad you like it enough to want to, though, I really *really* am. I’m just sorry I haven’t been able to finish it for you all. And i just don’t know when that will be, I just know that I *want* to do so, however long it takes.
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tame-a-messenger · 5 months
just read the ask about what the announcement could be and how you said it wouldn't take long to organise SSG.
I work in immersive theatre and events, an undertaking like SSG even within an internal company would be a massive undertaking and could take between 3 months to 6 months to plan properly depending on where it's taking place.
You have to book the site where it's taking place, making sure no one else is around because Smosh are notoriously loud while filming. You have to make sure everyone is available, as a business they need to transport everyone out to the site and if it's far enough away put the cast and crew up in hotels as it's going to be a multi-day shoot and it may be too far for them to get back home. You also have to advertise it well in advance to maximise the excitement and views of SSG. There are also a ton of other details that I have no clue about because I don't work within film/TV/digital content. (Also call me stupid, but I think a sleepaway camp themed SSG would be hilarious)
I'm glad we can talk about this!
I also was taking into account most of the things you mentioned (booking a site that would be unbothersome, the hotels/lodging, everyone being available for at least a week straight(?), and the actual process of getting all the cast and crew to location) and I still believe that is something they could get done, with a lot of hard work.
My biggest worries regarding it (and the biggest reasons I feel they haven't done it already) are making sure everyone gets to go, with most of the cast being freelance and therefore busy.
Another BIG thing is having enough crew to film IRL content. Since most of the crew works with 3 steady-cams and the occasional hand-cam, it is a big undertaking if they tried to film anything as chaotic as SSG Wild West or any of the other Games versions.
I don't think they currently have enough people to film it well. (meaning they would have to hire on more camera operators and everything else) Which I'm imagining is not only a big chunk of change $ but also hiring new people could make for an uncomfortable atmosphere.
As for them advertising it- I haven't seen ONE person that's in the Smosh fanbase not want them to continue doing SSG/SWG. I'm EXREMELY CONFIDENT that if they did some crowd funding they would hit the goal. No question. Which leads me onto the next big thing-
I'm curious if they haven't done it because of legal issues regarding health and safety.
Most of the games they would do involved a lot of potentially harmful 'stunts' that the cast did themselves (obviously), like the mouse trap blindfolded thing they did in SSG Camp, or the mechanical bull riding in Wild West (pretty much every season had some sort of dangerous activity) so I could see them not wanting to have someone get hurt and have legal action taken. (obviously I wouldn't want someone to get hurt regardless, but we're talking about absolutes)
I still think it's possible for them to do it, it would just take someone with gusto to head the whole thing (something Smosh has been missing recently). It makes me really miss some of the old producers.
I think I mentioned that if they were going to do SSG they would have already been planning it for at least a month (so that would be the minimum you said- 3 months) so I'm starting to think because that wasn't what they were teasing today that we aren't going to get SSG but SWG is still on the table?... maybe...?
So biggest things I can see causing trouble-
Not enough crew
Cast having enough freetime for a week(?) of videos
Legal is scary
Not having someone willing to lead the charge (it is a big undertaking)(but not impossible)
If they wanted to they would. But benefit of the doubt says timing is a cold hearted bitch.
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