#i have exactly one reaction post about watching this drama back when i did
actiaslunaris · 1 year
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That was close...
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destinygoldenstar · 1 month
☀️It’s Time For DRAMA☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 1 “Meet Me In Tipiskaw”
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"Ah shit, here we go again..."
So I did a poll awhile back asking if I should watch Disventure Camp, an indie animated show based off Total Drama. And you guys said it was a GREAT idea...
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I think it's also a good timing because the finale of Season 3 hasn't been released yet at the time of this post.
From my research of understanding, there's a 'beta' of Season 1 back when it was a Total Drama fanfiction. Then they made Season 2, and then went back and remade Season 1. And Season 3 goes off of the remake of Season 1's logic and canon. So I'm watching the remake of Season 1, so you're aware which version I am doing.
I'm also aware they have these episodes in Spanish as well. I'm an English speaker, so I'm watching the English version. That might enrage some people, but I want to make that clear.
What I am expecting going in; I'm expecting the setup for this show to be similar to Total Drama. With it being a Survivor parody. I'm also expecting the quality to not be as strong as TD, just because one is an indie production and another is not. I'm a producer and I know the setbacks that come with indie works. It's not gonna dock points from me.
I don't know anything about the cast. This is blind.
I felt bad when I didn't do reactions of the 2023 reboot of Total Drama. I liked the reboot, up until the last act of the second season. If you want my thoughts on it. I made a post whining about that last act. I admit I've gotten a bit softer on it, but I still think it's a weak ending.
So with this, I wanted to actually post my reactions so I can get more into it and write down my thoughts like a diary.
I'm sure this won't backfire in any way with people spoiling...
So... yeah. Here's my first time reaction to Disventure Camp Season 1, Episode 1.
Oh, and we start the episode with an ad. How wonderful...
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What's worse than one Chris McLean?
TWO Chris McLeans. Dear god...
(I put subtitles on)
"I'm Trevor McGregor, and this is my hosting partner, Derek Johnson."
"We will do our best to make sure that all our competitors have the worst experience possible."
Okay, so is there a fair one and a sociopathic one?
I feel like there's a twist here and it's swapped at some point.
*listens to the game explanation*
Hang on, hang on...
Who voices these two? Why do I feel like I heard these voices before...
Okay, INRTO!!
They had the same cut tape that Total Drama had, that's cool.
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Alright, lets see here.
We got a rich guy who looks like he's been dumped out here and would complain about dirt. And we got a girl scout character.
Plot twist, the dude makes it farther than her.
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Ninja dude. And... other dude.
...when was this released?
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Four months after the TD Reboot.
Well this is a remake of a beta, so... yeah. Total Drama said "We're gonna add queer characters to the cast. FIRST queer characters." And this show said "Am I a joke to you?"
I'm gonna call it though, that's gonna go horribly wrong. You date a ninja, you're ASKING for pain. I've watched Ninjago.
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That boy has my thoughts exactly!
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Dang, this sixteen year old looks seventy.
She also looks like the cranky old lady. "My age don't define my level of badass!"
That other dude looks like a whitewashed Noah.
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Oh you two look sweet, I'm gonna like you two.
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Who tf dropped off their KID in the woods?! WTF?!
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DJ's brother. And a COWGIRL?!
I'm surprised Total Drama doesn't really have a cowboy/girl. Unless I'm remembering wrong.
(Or maybe I don't want to remember Pahketiew Island)
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Oh I didn't even see you... you're wearing a swimsuit.
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Oh. You're Heather's cousin. Okay.
"We're here. Everyone off."
Why is the thug Scottish?
Okay names... uh...
Yeah I'm gonna be bad at remembering all of that.
There's someone named Gabby here??? (Someone in my family is named Gabby, so that's awkward.)
Purple Team? No fancy names, huh? Where's the Ferocious Trout's and Frogs of Death?
"I'm Lill. National Girl Scout Troup Leader."
Oh, she IS a scout. I called it!
Okay, you know a writing pet peeve I have? It's when two characters in the same media share a name VERY similar to each other. Unless they're twins, I don't like it when they do that. It makes things hard to pronounce and you can never understand who you're referring to.
There's a guy named Will here. And a woman named Lill. That's way too similar. W and L sound a lot more similar when speaking than you think. Why? Why did you do this? Why not name her Lilly? That's easier. Or the other way around, name the guy Wally or something.
I'm sorry. Pet Peeve is getting to me. I'm calling her Lilly. You're not stopping me.
"You're currently looking at the future winner of this season."
"I know perfectly well how to play with the minds of these losers."
"I once won a beauty pageant because the other contestants got mysteriously sick."
Okay QUEEN, maybe wait a few days before you decide to SLAY, okay? 💅
Straight to the point. She's a prick. I'm down to stan a prick. I watch Total Drama, plenty of prick ladies that slay.
"There are no cabins!"
Oh don't remind me of Pahketiew!
...actually, I like this idea. I also think this and the confessional styles are more accurate to Survivor. Am I right on that? I've only seen a couple of out of context clips of the show, admittedly.
"A tent, a machete, and a pot."
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Then what's that sword? Didn't mention that on your supply list. Is that contraband?
So no food either? Dang, we're really going there and starving everyone to death.
(I would SUCK as a Survivor player)
"There will, however, be a way to get extra supplies by winning the challenges."
You gotta EARN your McDonalds order.
Or Chef slop depending on your craving.
Alright, red sweater likes all this. You know what, I'm all for optimists.
"Could someone take my suitcase? I'll pay whatever."
You were DEFINATELY dumped here against your consent.
"Why are you dressed like that?"
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"Actually, I can't get that much sun exposure."
Oh he DOES talk. Okay. I was thinking a different kind of ninja for a second.
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I can't get over that there's a CHILD here.
"My parents are a little short on money so they agreed to send me here in exchange for payment."
That might be more f****d up than anything I've seen on Total Drama.
Yes? Child services? I'd like to report something.
Wouldn't it be funny if they ditched her cause she's a demon child?
It's still wrong on their end. But it would be funny if this little girl had a foul mouth and didn't know what love was. (Cause she never received it from her parents)
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...so what's his name is the real ninja. Got it.
They couldn't afford a VA, I imagine. That or no one auditioned that stayed.
"I'd like to know who picked the teams and why mine got stuck with the old lady, a child, and four guys who looked like they've never seen sunlight."
Alright, I'm gonna like this character.
Not because she's a nice person though. I'm just down to stan a bad bitch and she's giving me that energy.
"Do you know how many animals had to die for that?!"
Well I know my GF would like you.
"If you don't care for animal's lives, I might not care for yours."
"Sometimes I get a little upset, but it's something I couldn't control, so I prefer to see the positive side of things."
Uuuhhh... are you bipolar? That would explain a lot.
"How come you're so good at this?"
"I watched a survival show."
What are your sources? I watched a movie once. Same energy of a response.
"It's just a book about surviving in isolated places."
Okay Noah wasn't whitewashed. He's right here. This takes place twenty years in the future of Total Drama.
"I haven't been out of the house that much."
"My parents... they're kind of overprotective."
"A couple of weeks ago I had an argument with them and I left."
I fear that every day. No one likes arguing with their parents.
I like this setup for a character.
"An animal attacking us?! We do not find any food and starve to death?! A forest fire wiping us all out?!"
Oh he's just like me fr
"I know it may be a little early for this..."
"How about we make an alliance?"
"Sure. We can protect ourselves and get the four of us to the Merge."
Ooooohh. We have an alliance ALREADY?!
They might lose like 1-2 of their members, but that's a good idea. Start your alliances early. It'll help you in the long game.
"Right now, you're gonna vote one person off each team."
This has to be a psyche. There's NO WAY.
"Gabby from the purple team and Fiore from the teal team."
This is a psyche.
You shouldn't have threatened anyone.
What did Fiore do?! Sorry for being a child!
*Team Swap*
Oh thank god, it was a psyche.
"No one will be eliminated today. Only this time you will play for a reward."
So no one's going home today. Cool.
Oh, there's a patreon shoutout.
I definitely respect these content creators, I will say that much. Presentation is a lot better than I thought it was gonna be.
"I understand why they hate your personality so much, but you know, I can tolerate you."
"Really? Would you be my friend?"
"No, but we can be allies."
Hey, at least she's honest. That's a trait you don't see very often on these shows.
I don't hate Gabby's personality btw. I'm leaning more towards the opposite, especially after what happened to her. Learning everyone hates you right off the bat sucks.
"On the other team they were very rude to me."
They pretty much ignored you, what are you talking about?
"How old are you?"
"I'm 6"
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You can't fight a ninja!!
Idk where he got a trash can lid from. As proof that this man is, indeed, a ninja.
"Will! Go call the others!"
Um, excuse me, I'm CONCUSSED.
"Ouch. I cannot see anything."
...okay, I haven't complained about the voice acting cause it's been quite good for the most part. But that line delivery? Uh uh.
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OMG Miriam 😂
Gabby's too much like me here, I'm gonna be honest.
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Oh, you little...
Don't underestimate children.
I didn't even realize he had the wrong flag. That's impressive.
"Alec gave it to me."
Oh... but she still kept it hidden. So she still deserves some credit.
"I'm a little scared of the dark."
Is your whole character being a coward?
"Why did you give me the credit for that flag thing?"
Oh wait, that was a lie?
"I prefer to go unnoticed."
That's actually smart. She's a child, and children are "stupid". So she doesn't pose a threat to anyone in Tribal Councils.
"These assholes are really buying into the story that I'm a helpless little girl."
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Oh, the Scottish guy is a criminal. Never would've guessed. /s
They also shoutout patreons at the end with the animation. That's actually a cool extra mile they didn't need to do.
Wait, I wanna see who voiced the host characters. Cause I swear I heard both voices before.
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Steven Gordon & Silly Billy.
Yeah I definitely heard those voices before.
Well, kudos to everyone in these credits that worked on this show. Credit has gotta be due.
Presentation wise, that was way better than I thought. I didn't think it was gonna be good quality at all. That animation looked so close to Total Drama and was very smooth!
I also may or may not like the designs better than the TD Reboot designs. Just because there's more character in each of them.
I love the idea of the cast not all being the same age. It's a lot more variety to character backgrounds. I don't hate the teenagers TD used or anything. This is just another approach and idea.
Character opinions: (I looked back to get the names down)
Dan, Ellie, Jake, and Miriam... eh? They didn't do anything this episode. Nothing to say.
All Alec really did was be involved in that lie for Fiore. Maybe he's her first target and he's an early boot and that's why she picked him.
Fiore is a demon child and I am so here for it. Like yeah, maybe her parents actually did dump her here cause they don't like her. That does explain her behavior. But she's also like "Well f**k it, I'll roll with it. I'm here to win a million bucks and crush some adults. Easy peasy."
Tom... NINJA.
No, but seriously, it's not subtle he's hiding stuff. But it could end up being something really minor like he hates his appearance or something and wants to be seen as the cool guy.
Grett, she's a bad bitch. She's not a good person. But you know what? After watching Total Drama and suffering through such nasty characters making it far in the game, I have embraced it. So yeah, QUEEN. SLAY. 💅
Gabby... I think there's some depth to her, and I THINK I like her, but she has some faults like a temper and talking too much. (She's just like me fr) She might climb up for me later. Depends on how long she's in the game.
The Ashley, Lilly, Nick, & Will alliance... I like their strategy here. Forming an alliance as early as possible is a good idea. Heather did the same thing and it worked in her favor. I don't think they're all merging though. I think Fiore is gonna target 1-2 of them and get them eliminated. My guess would probably be Lilly being one of them just because she seems very competent at the game she could be a threat.
But like I said, I think she may target Alec first cause she pinned the flag thing on him.
Nick, I like his story and his reason to be here. Like I said, I think he's outlasting Lilly for sure and getting development.
Will... he's fine, but his only trait so far seems to be 'I'm anxiety'. So there's another Fiore target if the alliance break pre-merge is two.
And Ashley... I like her, just cause she's a cowgirl, but I think there could be more personality from her later. And she seems like one of the nicer people here.
So... yeah. If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know. I'm willing to continue this show.
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zalrb · 2 years
Do you mind going into the issues you're having with IWAV?
I don't know if I'll be able to explain it properly.
Generally speaking, while I do believe it's the most entertaining show on right now, and I'm having more fun watching this than I had watching, like, Bridgerton, and I do think Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid are doing fine jobs in their roles, I find the reliance on voiceover to be a crutch and I don't feel like it's really delivering on what everyone is raving about?
Like Louis will talk about how much he hated killing humans and the struggle he had to bear every night, but it's not really explored in scene, he just kind of has a scrunched up face and that's supposed to be his conflict.
Like do I actually see him struggle with this?
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The most we really see it is when he nearly kills his infant nephew and even the reaction to that is pretty mild
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(though Lestat going on about the opera and Louis being like, I nearly killed my nephew, Lestat, was funny) but without the voiceover and without prior knowledge of the book or the movie, I wouldn't know Louis is a tortured soul just by watching him, at most I would guess he was displeased because his facial expression 60% of the time is
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Much like this thrall and sway that Lestat is meant to have over Louis, the dialogue explains exactly what it is,
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I don't necessarily see it between the two of them, like he said this and I was like, where did I see this, though?
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he doesn't look simultaneously intoxicated and conflicted, they don't really have the charge and chemistry that substantiates these poetic quotes, it's not this alluring magnetism or eroticism that devolves into rage or self-loathing, there's no sense of temptation or being seduced, Louis just looks pained when he’s supposed to look pained AND into it at the same time
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but I'll go along with it anyway.
Even in the latest episode when Lestat and Louis have this big jealous blow up about how Lestat followed him and watched him with someone else and Lestat is angry because he heard their hearts were dancing, it's supposed to be this explosive, I-hate-you-but-I'm-obsessed-with-you-free-me-of-you-never-leave-me-I'm-yours-you're-mine but while watching the episode I never got this sense of simmering, consuming jealousy or of neither one of them being able to handle the other with anyone else, it's just this
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it's actually pretty muted.
Like for all of this talk of the show leaning into the gay, toxic, all-consuming romance and exploring the domestic squabbles that everyday couples have, I find it actually pretty safe and not as dramatic as I would expect. I think most of that is done through Louis explaining to the viewer what was happening and what he was feeling instead of actually leaning into the drama unapologetically. Like if I give the movie anything, it's the sheer constant drama that's also punctured by a sense of irony.
I expected more this kind of energy
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In terms of the racial aspect, I'm not particularly interested in the arguments Louis and Lestat have about what it means to navigate anti-black racism, I'm not particularly interested in Louis explaining his anger, or them going back and forth with things like this
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or Lestat knowing about the racism, seeing it firsthand and going between shrugging it off because he lives for pleasure and wants Louis to do the same and being indignant about it, I'd just rather watch a Black gay vampire romance where the kinds of conversations and different ideologies would be more complex and more interesting and richer. There isn't anything new or interesting to me watching two people in an interracial relationship deal with race just because they're vampires because it's just like, yeah I've done this
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But I have many posts of just wanting Black romances on mainstream TV.
But again, it's entertaining enough and the pacing is MUCH better than a show like HOTD and I at least know who these characters are.
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xtrablak674 · 5 months
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[Originally posted on Live Journal on Wednesday, May 17th 2000 at 12:43am, edited for clarity]
When you first walk into my apartment it smells tart. I know exactly what it is, but it still feels foreign. Its the chemical reaction that this neutralizer had to the paint peeler I am using, I have burned some incense to rectify the problem. It's 12:13am and I have just returned back from the movie, and other then the entire cast of The Best Man being in it, I enjoyed it.
Now I am chilling eating a butterscotch krimpet kake by TastyKake, my fingers still a little sticky with pineapple juice from the fruit I stopped and picked up after the movie. On my list of to-do's this evening other then doing this journal entry, which I really hope is going to help me find my writing voice again. I have to finish my application to the White Institute, I think I have completed it. I am happy with it as I can get with it and pleased this time I actually completed it. YEAH!
Anastasia is waiting patiently at my left, looking for an opportunity to jump on my lap. Since I am going to be on the computer for a bit I am opening tabs for my online friends, including johncamlive, christiangrantham.com, keithcam, and Pecsjockcam to whom even though I think he hates my guts I still watch religiously. I am an obsessive voyeur, but I guess its more interesting living other peoples lives then your own. (mental note: go back and make the links live of those site you mentioned)
Anyway, I am stuffing myself of this kake you would think I have never seen food before, and its not like my waistline need it. UGH! I have to send Jeff an email about the gym and his being my personal trainer. I really need to do some exercise other then pointing and clicking the mouse and tickling the keyboard. Too bad you can't get exercise thru you fingers cause if you did I would be such good shape :)
I have so much going on I don't know what to write about and what not to, I guess I should just continue stream of conscious until I am pooped and will do something else. I wish I could say I was horny, but I am not, I have really had NO sex drive lately, I don't know what that is all about, maybe its a good thing. There is one guy I have sex drive for and thats Tony the guy I am dating. He seems to be the only one who can get me horny or get me thinking about sex. Which is upsetting to me cause then it feels like I am committing more to him and I don't sort of want to. (mental note, put picture of Tony in journal)(mental note: begin researching new web host)
But anyway, I guess part of it is I spend so much time alone, which in away I enjoy since I don't like too much drama, but in other ways it gets a little tired, and I sometimes need outside stimulation other then the controlled environment of my DSL-jacked in all-the-time internet connection.
I am chilly let me put on a jacket, hold on...
So much is goin on with leaving kbp [kirshenbaum bond & partners] and all... its a little anti-climatic cause I won't let anyone do any big "to do" about me leaving, I am not trying to go out like that, I just want to be out, you know what I am saying I have been at the agency like goin on 4 years and its just time to get out in creation.
Its not goin to be easy and I know that the same kind of dysfunction that I got away with at kbp I am not going to be able to get away with at SFI, and I know it, and they are paying me nice cheddar so I can't be acting up... Well I can act up a little bit...
I have to speak briefly on my protégé Rob McFarland who I am leaving to the sharks, its so funny how your life can have so many mirrors about it. Rob is like a mirror to Choan my younger brother, who I am now not speaking to after his threatening me and disrespecting me over the phone, a kind of behavior I will not tolerate.
Anyway, Mr. McFarland (thats how I always refer to him) was telling me today he was so upset with me for leaving that he could punch me, which I just find so amusing. Rob like Choan is younger then me, Rob by 4 years at least compared to the two of Chaon, same general complexion as Choan paper-bag tan brown, and hot tempered. I do hope Rob will work on his temper and his anger, he has so much in him to give. I am hardly one to talk, I am quite overdue for some therapy myself, but I just hope he will be able to work well with the next people he has too. It was a blessing to both of us to work together, his being straight and my being the queerest thing since polyester. It made for a good challenge.
I actually had doubts about whether I could work with him or not, cause he was so straight and obviously homophobic (just like Choan) But his work was very tight, which allowed me to accept his learning curve... :) I am very happy to have hired him and to allow him the voice to get a better initial offer then what I offered, the boy has got skills he just needs to focus and he will do just fine.
I hope they will challenge him more then they did me. But time will tell. I think I should wrap up cause this is a long as entry and my fingers are getting tired and I do want to wrap up a few things, like checking the IMDB for the cast list of Love and Basketball and compare it to the one for The Best Man both of which Spike Lee was the producer for...anyway till next time. Peace&Blessings
[Wow, this is twenty four years ago! #NoWords The thing that was most surprising in revisiting this entry is the fact that I deliberately hired a homophobic assistant. It speaks to how clearly I prioritized my obligations to my race over those of my sexual identity. If I recall, I think I had a huge part in the final decision of who would be working under me, and I knew that it would be someone Black. I think I also wanted to pay forward the opportunity I was given having this corporate America job, which can be a very hard space for folks of color to thrive in.
I am blown away that Mr. McFarland thought it was remotely appropriate to threaten violence towards me in the work place, but as I recount at the time I was conflating my professional relationship with the personal relationship of my younger sibling. This is probably why I gave him a huge berth to basically be rude and inappropriate.
The other thing I actually like in this post is the nuance and detail. I am talking about the smells in the room, the taste of the food also the asides about other tasks I need to do. I was hoping to find my voice and I think my voice is very evident in the way that I recorded my feelings that evening. It feels like a time machine trip to that moment in my past where my life was in turmoil as I was leaving the security of one position and taking a risk on the dot-com era career jumping.
My gamble would ultimately not pay off, me being let go with basically the entire staff of the New York office. But this would lead me to my next journey which was me running my own branded website and identity materials firm.
A couple of explanatory commas, The William Alanson White Institute was an institution for training psychoanalysts and psychotherapists which also offers general psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. It is located in New York City, United States, on the Upper West Side, in the Clara Thompson building. It was founded as a protest against the mainstream of American psychoanalytic thought, which was thought to be sterile, dogmatic, and constrictive by the psychoanalysts who founded the institute. - via Wikipedia
I would soon thereafter start therapy with Dr. Anita close by in Park Slope. The therapy ultimately ended because in the corporate world I had such antagonistic relationships with whyte women, that I didn't really think I could find healing with a person who idealized for all intensive purposes my mortal enemy.
During Internet 1.0 webcam sites were very very popular along with reality TV shows like Big Brother, watching other people lives twenty-four hours a day every day was just huge. I was caught up in this trend preferring to watch other queer people, sometimes having multiple window open at a time. I have so many screen-grabs from this period, where it wasn't streaming video but more a refreshing picture every few seconds.
Twenty four years ago I had no idea what would become of this journal I was keeping. I don't even think I could visualize my future-self well enough to know if I would appreciate these missives or not. But I do, continually I am always proud of my past-self and the very good decisions I have made, I am not always saying the results were ideal, but the essence of the intention always shines through.
Photo by Brown Estate]
0 notes
what-gs-watching · 1 year
"You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell."
Ok so. I just started my third trip into Good Omens season 2 (it's unhealthy, I swear I'll put it down after this re-watch. Probably). And episode 1 is becoming one of my favorites. 
Like yeah setting up the plot for the season, blah blah blah. But it's all about the little stuff in this episode, gang.
Opening on Crowley as an angel, creating the entire effing universe? THAT'S his meet-cute with Az? Swoon. The crazy bouncy curly hair, his excitement about his cute little nebulas, his disappointment when he hears the universe isn't supposed to run very long after all, his insistence that asking a couple of questions can't hurt. Angel Crowley is all of us. And the move he makes to cover Az with his wing? Like. 😭
The entire thing is about their relationship. I went into the season blind, didn't have any spoilers or thoughts about what I wanted it to be really but like HELLO YES it has to be about their relationship. Which I remember thinking during season 1 was super cute and that's as far as I went. Because I was dumb back then? Or distracted by my love of David Tennant (second favorite Doctor, gang. You can wrench Matt Smith from my cold, dead hands, try me). But like shit, I didn't know what I needed.
So anyway "The archangel fucking Gabriel" (now Jim, long for James and also Grabriel) showing up naked with a weird box, ok yeah he's gonna cause some problems but what really matters is that Aziraphale calls Crowley (after he freaks out when Gabriel says he didn't know anything but felt like everything would be okay if he was just with one person, and did Aziraphale know what that felt like?! Spoiler: he absolutely does) and Crowley rushes over and gets uppity because they can't go into the bookshop.
Describing all of the reasons Aziraphale calls him, which y'all, the reasons he lists are literally everything. So he calls you for everything. And then the look when he hears there's a naked man in the shop. YOUR FACE IS COVERED IN SUNGLASSES, how can we still know the fucking look you're giving? It's so perfect. My boy is jealous. And more than a little intrigued. He knows Az is a dark horse.
Back to Jim I guess but whatever the important thing is Crowley's reaction to being him there and the little fight that ensues. I love "I feel like your exactly and my exactly are different exactlys" because that's the ENTIRE POINT of the season like you two are not saying the same goddamn thing and neither of you care to figure that out. THEY'RE DIFFERENT EXACTLYS. Every time that it matters.
Everyone's favorite demon is very upset that the 'fragile existence he's carved out for himself' is being threatened and sweet little Aziraphale says he thought that they carved it out for 'ourselves'. Crowley's "SO DID I" with the flashing eyes is just...because like YO that's what y'all need to be facing up to, LET'S TALK ABOUT THAT. But then he storms out, the drama queen. He was "at liberty to go". Would have been a perfect time to tell Az all about how Gabriel had wanted him to "shut his stupid mouth and die" but like, nah it's okay, that isn't information he needs to know like it's all good. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Let's stalk off with a sexy flourish instead.
Meanwhile, I guess, there's also another demon that's taken over Crowley's post that he deals with sometimes, and he's living in his car (because obviously he didn't bother to tell Az about it situation which is infuriating) and then he gets pulled down to hell by Beezlebub who tells him Gabriel is missing (whoops) and that if he can help find him, he can be a duke of hell. Ya boy ain't interested. But he does know that Az has fucked up their shit again, with his bleeding heart routine. Though in the angel's defense, he didn't see Grabriel try to murder him in hellfire. AGAIN, though, totally don't need to mention that.
But y'all, the entire point of the episode. For me, anyway. Is:
1.) 'Good ol' fashioned loverboy' playing in the Bentley as Crowley rushes back to the bookshop. Dining at the ritz, we'll meet at nine [...] just take me back to yours, that will be fine...
2.) The mother-effing apology dance. I have so many questions. and I loveeeeee it.
Aziraphale says he's done the dance in 1650, 1793, 1941 (we gon' talk about THAT later, folks) and so I need to know like, everything.
Side rant: There's an outtake where Michael Sheen makes David Tennant do the dance again just so he can hold up a scorecard at the end, giving the man a 7, soo now pretty much I'm obsessed with their friendship also.
Ugh. The entire thing is so perfectly heartwarming 💜 The way Aziraphale gets up and straightens his vest and gives the proper attention before it starts and then just says "very nice" and it's forgotten. And how he pretends to be busy when Crowley bursts in. Makes him ding the bell and everything. He knew Crowley was gonna come around, because that man is nothing but dependable (for him, anyway. Crowley loves to rescue him - but that's an entirely separate post. Like, a real big one). Kid really is a dark horse.
And then, to top it all off, after Crowley has properly apologized, they attempt to do a tiny little half-a-miracle to hide Jim-James-Gabriel and they're all pleased with themselves that it worked. But JK it was powerful. Which has some many implications like, I can't. And that's also probably another post. Because this fucking show is nuanced. 
Doesn't matter. All I know is, I can watch Crowley properly apologize all day. ALL DAY. 
Basically, perfect episode. Ineffable husbands is exactly what we all needed. And it's gonna get real weird. 
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
Can I angst for Mammon where he is in a really bad mood and his brothers are at it again calling him names. And already ask them kindly to leave him alone but they keep at it. And Levi says something and it's the last straw. The air around them get cold for a moment as he slowly looks up and he flat out threatens them to shut up before he puts them back into there place with a really dark and threatening voice, before leaving. And the look could rival Satan's or even Lucifers glare.
I think Mammon takes the abuse of his brothers but sometimes he isn't in the mood and want a little peace and it is very very rare for him to get pissed
Like he's the kind of person who would yell when he's upset but when he's down right pissed it's like really fucking scary
People forget that as much as he lets his brothers push him around he is still the second oldest and is powerful so 😬
Brothers+ undateables reaction
Mammon snaps:
This is something I’ve mentioned in previous posts, but I basically second everything you said. I believe that Mammon dislikes getting into confrontations but isn’t by any means weak or stupid. He is the second eldest. However he is also, arguably, the one with the most self control out of them all. He has an overwhelming amount of patience when it comes to his siblings and I like to think he puts up with all of their insults because he loves them. Then again, it’s very possible for him to go berserk after years worth of build up.
Thanks for the request!!! I had a bit of trouble at first because I didn’t know how I was going to format it but I like the way it turned out so I hope you do too. Uhh also I reached my word limit writing this so I couldn’t include Simon, Luke and Solomon. I do plan on writing for them as well but at this point I’m just trying to get this done. Let me know if I made any grammatical errors! I double check my writing all the time but sometimes mistakes got over my head! The undateables are short because honestly I view the brothers as the ones who will suffer the most out of everyone. I hope you enjoy reading it anyway!!
•Characters: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphagour, Diavolo, Barbatos.
⚠️Warnings: Cursing, mentions of blood & gore and that’s about it.
For the past few months, Lord Diavolo’s pleasure of hosting parties and inviting people over had become more and more noticeable. It was pretty obvious that the Prince was lonely, isolating himself from others due to the responsibilities he has as the heir to the throne and a leader in the making. Attending his gatherings seemed like a down right chore for most of the brothers but you never had any problem tagging along. Besides, it felt nice knowing he seemed you worthy of coming to such important meetings. Your seven demons were, of course, also invited and per Lucifer’s orders, they all got cleaned up and dressed in fancy clothing to impress the regals prancing about the castle. Though the outfits themselves came with their own set of problems. Levi’s was way too tight; the collar seemed to annoy him more than anything else, judging by the patches of red skin on his neck. Satan accidentally ripped one of the buttons from his jacket off in a fit of rage earlier that day and was now silently fuming while poking his finger through the hole he made. Even Asmo spilled some water on his shirt before they arrived, ruining his pretty pink suit! Not to mention Beel was munching on his tie, having last eaten about 15 minutes beforehand. Lucifer pulled it out of his mouth and scowled at the saliva stains that were left behind. Safe to say they were all in a miserable mood to begin with.
“I expect all of you to behave in a respectable manner,” Lucifer flicked Belphie on the back of the head just as he began dozing off, making the youngest growl at him. He shot Mammon an irritated look “I’m especially talking to you Mammon. Don’t try to steal anything or I’ll cut your hands off.”
“I told ya big bro, ya don’t have to worry about me! I’ll be a golden child today! Promise!” Mammon held up his pinky as if he was committing to some kind of oath. The eldest darkened his glare and opened his mouth to say something else, but you interrupted in hopes of avoiding any bickering that might’ve followed.
“Look, there’s our table! Let’s go sit down. Lord Diavolo’s speech is going to start any minute now.”
Beel leaped at the table as soon as he sniffed out the appetisers, which were neatly arranged on the expensive tablecloth, shoving at least half of them in his mouth by the time the rest of you caught up with him. Having been seated, you quickly glanced around the room in hopes of spotting Diavolo. You bumped into Solomon and the angels before entering the castle, chit chatting with them for a while about the event. Even now, Luke was excitedly waving at you from across the room, using both of his arms. However, Lord Diavolo and Barbatos were the ones in charge of this party and you were yet to see either of them.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Mammon eyeing the golden utensils laid out in front of him. Not the biggest of surprises really. Anytime Mammon sees something along the lines of gold, he can’t help but snatch it away. And there’s obviously so many valuables scattered all over the place, including the silverware that was proudly presented on every table. You sucked in a breath of anticipation when he reached for one of the spoons, only to exhale in relief when he placed it on the bridge of his nose, trying to balance it.
“MC, look at this!” He tapped your shoulder, as always wanting your full and undivided attention as he demonstrated his newfound skill. You giggled at his antics with fondness as he accidentally let the spoon drop with a clatter and a quiet ‘shit’ coming from him. Lucifer pulled on his ear, like a mother scolding her child and whisper-yelled at him to stop acting like an idiot. The only reason the oldest chose a sit right next to Mammon was to maintain order and peace. Basically, he did it for disciplinary reasons.
“I understand that being impertinent is your full-time job, Mammon but keep this up and I’ll throw you in Cerberus’ room. Let him do with you as he pleases.”
“Lucifer, it’s not a big deal-“
“Yeah, OK,” Mammon hissed, picking up the spoon from the recently polished floor with a slight grin that didn’t quiet reach his eyes “I gotcha. Can-“
“Speaking of Cerberus,” Levi suddenly piped in, no longer fussing about his collar or nervously twiddling with his thumbs because of the massive crowd of demons surrounding him “Didn’t you force me to walk him last week when it was your turn to do it?? I only agreed because you promised to buy me the newest Ruri-Chan limited edition body pillow that came out last Tuesday! And you never did! And now they’re out of stock, you scummy piece of-“
The third eldest would’ve leapt across the table and aimed for the throat if you hadn’t pressed a gentle hand against his chest, making him sit back down with a huff. People were starting to stare at the commotion coming from your table, turning heads and muttering between themselves. You were slowly dying from embarrassment by the way, since you guys definitely became the topic of conversation for the other guests. The brothers were being too noisy to even notice and Lucifer himself was too preoccupied to see the scene they were creating which made you further slouch down into your chair, silently hoping for the ground to swallow you whole. The night really wasn’t going as intended. You could hear Solomon laughing at the brothers’ antics from three tables down.
“I guess that’s Mammon for you,” Belphie yawned, barely raising his head from table “He lies everyday, all day. What exactly is new here? And that says something since it’s coming from me.”
“I apologised for that!” Mammon whined, referring to Levi’s accusation and choosing not to address Belphie’s insult “I was gonna buy it but then I realised I spent all my money earlier that week anyway so I couldn’t!”
“Perhaps that wouldn’t happen if you learned how to save the money you earn properly,” Satan muttered, sipping from his glass of whatever beverage he had snatched from the servants earlier “Not like you know how to earn money in any way besides stealing it.”
You watch as Mammon clenched his fist “Can we please just move on-“
“I can’t believe that I was cursed with this moron for a brother,” Asmo sighed, almost theatrically, as if he was performing. And, in a way, he was. People were getting really interested in the drama unfolding over there. It was making you even more anxious, all those eyes staring at you. The Avatar of Lust was leaning so much on his chair, you were sure he was going to topple over and at this point, you kinda hoped he would. Anything to stop this momentum of hatred aimed at Mammon “You’re always getting us in trouble, you know. Hmph, we can’t go anywhere with you Mammon! You always end up ruining it for us! With your stupid schemes and-“
“I’m hungry-“
“Not now, Beel!”
“Cutting him up into tiny pieces for the witches will always be an option,” Lucifer chimed in, smiling at the thought.
Mammon snapped his head upwards at that. It was such an abrupt reaction, it made you jolt a little in your seat. You couldn’t miss the tension radiating from him, how quickly his body stiffened and exactly how hard his hands were gripping the edge of the table. His brothers were still paying him no mind, blaming him for this and that under their breath or being silently judgemental in Lucifer’s case. You worried for him because Mammon rarely acted like this; feral, in a way. Just so you know, he definitely noticed it. The look of concern plastered all over your face. That’s the only reason he released the table from his vice-like grip and slouched back against his chair. Satan went quiet and was staring at Mammon in bewilderment.
He disliked the idea of you watching him lose control of himself. He was your guardian. Your first pact. It’s important to him that your relationship is build around a pillar of trust. And he can’t even expect you to trust him if he exposes you to his demon form every time something inconveniences him. Mammon would rather cease to exit than have you fear him. So he kept his breathing regulated as the fog cleared his mind. The Avatar of Greed isn’t an angry demon. Snuffing out the the flame of rage he had fanned up until then was relatively easy. He just needed to get through tonight, then he could go home and complain to you about it once he got out of his brothers’ earshot.
“Why does he get to spend so much time with MC anyway? He’d probably sell them for a few Grimm any time of the day, wouldn’t he? It’s so fucking unfair. He won’t change no matter what so why risk MC’s safety? I will summon Lotan on him if he starts getting on my nerves.”
It would be an understatement to say that those words rubbed Mammon the wrong way, judging by the lack of immediate response. It was unexpected for him keep his mouth shut at a time like this. What was even more unexpected was the abrupt, delayed reaction he had a few seconds afterwards, resulting in his chair being flung back about 5 feet in that general direction. The seemingly deafening thud it made when it collided with the floor echoed around the dining hall, bouncing off walls and whacking people over the heads with the aggression behind it. A moment of pure, indescribably loud silence filled the crowded space as everyone else stared in shock at their brother, mouths agape and eyes bulging out of their sockets. Mammon would’ve laughed at their faces if it weren’t for the circumstances leading up to that point.
“What gives any of you the right to treat me like some sort of punching bag?” Mammon drawled, accentuating his obviously superior nature to almost every single demon at that table. He laughed, in an oddly half hearted way, before his sea struck gaze landed back to his siblings “Do not try to push me into a corner, because I will not handle it well. You’ve been having a field day with me for centuries now and I’m starting to get really ticked off, ya know? But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’ve done everything in my power to keep MC alive for the past few months and y’all are acting as if I’m out here playing with their life. Complain about me all you want. But...” He thumped the table, loud enough to make all the noblemen in the room flinch.
“Don’t you dare insinuate that I would ever put MC in danger, willingly or not because I will rip out your insides and paint the walls of this palace with them while hanging your intestines from these chandeliers. I will pluck your hairs out one by one, then your nails, then your eyeballs and then your teeth. You’re the ones that have put MC in danger’s way time and time again in the past few weeks, and you’re out here trying to suggest that I would even think about hurting them? Unlike every single one of you, who almost killed my human-you’re lucky I don’t have your fucking heads.”
He smashed his fist into the table again, using even more of his strength this time and effectively breaking the whole thing, the wooden legs giving out and shattering into thousands of splinters. Mammon spoke again, his voice lowering “MC forgave you. I didn’t. And I have no reason to. Not with how you’ve been treating me.”Once he spit that out, Mammon turned on his heel and left, slamming the door shut behind him hard enough to shake the whole building, leaving his siblings in dazed awe.
Even more silence. For some reason, all of the brothers at the now broken table ended up looking your way, silently questioning what they should do. It often ended up like this
You gave them all an unimpressed stare and a half-assed shrug “Don’t look at me. You guys fucked up.” Before sliding out of your seat and following Mammon out of the castle, sending an apologetic smile to Diavolo on your way out. Hopefully, you could manage to calm him down before everyone else gets home otherwise this might drag on for a while.
-In all honesty, he probably saw the signs from a mile away and still decided to ignore them
-Maybe because he believed they weren’t being all that harsh on him, even if in Mammon’s eyes they were
-‘Harsh’ in Lucifer’s vocabulary usually means being hanged upside down from a ceiling or publicly executed, not a couple of mere insults
-Not to mention the eldest had always been horrible at communicating with his brothers when it came to emotions
-Despite Mammon clearly suffering from the treatment he received from his brothers, Lucifer refuses to believe he’s the root of the problem
-As the Avatar of Pride, he always had a hard time realising that all those words and the constant teasing, which he deemed to be pretty harmless, scarred Mammon a lot more than expected
-Once he actually comes to that conclusion, and after getting over the initial shock, Lucifer would probably feel the guiltiest out of them all
-Being the eldest means he carries quite a few burdens on his shoulders as most responsibilities fall on him due to his prideful nature
-He would blame himself for Mammon’s outburst simply because he’s the older brother and he should’ve known better, not just because he sees how a big of a role he played in all of this
-Usually, if his brothers do something bad, then he’s there to fix it within hours, that’s how it always worked
-Except he doesn’t know how to fix this exactly
-The problem is he has no idea how to approach Mammon after that sudden meltdown and he has no idea how to talk it out with him because he sucks at expressing himself verbally
-And since this took place in a public space, Lord Diavolo’s Palace no less, he felt really conflicted on what should have been done at that moment in time
-There was a lot of frustration, embarrassment and confusion in him for a good five minutes after Mammon slammed that door shut behind him and even after he gathered his thoughts together, he was still in shock for the rest of the night
-In any case, the whole event was promptly cancelled and everyone ended up going home earlier than expected, after Lucifer apologised to Diavolo about the spectacle they created (several times)
-When they finally get home, he decided to give Mammon his space instead of trying to knock at his door and instead went back to his room
-He knows they will need to solve this matter soon but there’s no way Mammon will want to see, let alone talk, to any of them just yet
-He’s sort of hoping he can apologise best he can next morning at breakfast, cross his fingers and wish for the best but judging by the venom that laced Mammon’s voice the night before, it’s not likely he will forgive any of them that easily.
-If I were to guess, he saw the ending credits of his life flash before his very eyes as soon as those words left his mouth
-Levi felt a panic in him like never before, not even while playing his engaging horror visual novels at 3am in complete darkness or that one time he used Lucifer’s credit card to buy merch before being found out
-Must’ve forgotten his brother technically ranks higher than him on the power scale for a second there
-Or maybe he didn’t think his insults were going to affect him much
-They usually don’t
-Or at least that’s the impression he’s been under for a while now
-Mammon doesn’t snap easily under pressure but Levi must’ve really hit a nerve there that night
-While everyone was sitting in a short silence after Mammon left the building, he started twiddling with his fingers again the more he thought about it
-Because now he went from nervous to fucking terrified of what the hell was waiting for him when he finally got home
-He does feel guilty, nowhere near as much guilt as Lucifer feels but still pure shame
-However most of that guilt is swallowed by a steady fear and the constant worry of ‘how do I stop my brother from killing me?’
-Unlike Lucifer, I honestly don’t see him taking any sort of initiative when it comes to apologising to Mammon
-Not even because he doesn’t want to, but he would freeze up if he were to come face to face with him after that incident and then scamper back to his room like a rat in hiding
-So without your help, it’s likely the two won’t be speaking to each very soon which can honestly make life at the House of Lamentation so much more miserable
-In the end, if either you or Lucifer forced him to, he would say sorry by selling some of his merch and then giving him the profits (in secret but we all know it’s him)
-That is a big sacrifice on Levi’s part considering how precious his merchandise is to him
-But the idea that he’s gonna get murdered in his sleep by his older brother was getting a tad too real
-Besides, Mammon is still his brother and if he has to sell a couple of items in order to make him less mad, he would do it, albeit with a bit of grumbling
-Despite that, Mammon still refuses to come out of his room and sort of relies on you to bring him food because he doesn’t want to see his brothers
-Levi and Mammon would probably have to rebuild a lot of their relationship after this but it could easily take months for that to happen since Levi is too terrified to look him in the eye and Mammon is too upset to even hear his voice
-He wouldn’t be the Avatar of Wrath if he couldn’t spot the anger within someone from a mile away
-He’s always been able to recognise the fury building up inside of him so for Satan it’s second nature to just know when someone’s on the brink of snapping
-It’s no surprise to say that he probably noticed Mammon’s wrath spilling out before anyone else did
-But alas, he realised it too late
-If he had reacted quicker, maybe he would’ve been able to diffuse Mammon before he exploded on them. Or not
-It’s difficult to tell if he could’ve actually helped because who was he to tell Mammon to calm down??? If anyone told him that while he was throwing a fit, he would probably break their necks-
-In the end, he just pressed his lips into a straight line and watched his brother throw his chair across the room
-Not gonna lie, he found it a bit entertaining purely because of the look on Lucifer’s face
-Satan had to try really hard not to crack a smile because he knew Mammon would probably smash a glass against his head or something
-Even so, he was the first to stand up and offer to go after him, though he wasn’t sure he could do much consoling
-Being so experienced with anger meant that he knew Mammon had built himself into a rage that he won’t be able to escape out of too easily
-Which is why he advises Lucifer to give Mammon his space once they get home
-Overall, the most understanding out of all of the brothers
-At this point in time, probably the least judgemental out of everyone and once Mammon comes out of his room for the first time in a while, either him or Beel is going to apologise to him first
-He may push and push him alongside the rest of his siblings but I feel like Satan doesn’t want to reach a certain low, like cornering Mammon into the frenzy he had that day ever again
-He might get pissy with him if he’s being too stubborn to forgive anyone after coming down from his intrusive thoughts
-And he really hates that Mammon had to remind them about all the times you had nearly died because of them, because he knows they won’t be able to make it up to you so why is Mammon upset about this????
-But he will try to maintain respect for his older brother from then on
-Even if the sharpest of remarks is on the top of his tongue!
-Asmo is the type to laugh it off and then start feeling really upset about it later on, the longer he thinks about the whole thing
-After Mammon storms out, he just assumes it’s another one of those ‘Mammon’ things and tried to brush the feeling of unease off him
-Even so, later that night the memory of Mammon kept coming back to him while he laid in his bed, unable to have a nice rest for the first time in how long? He’s always been really strict about his sleeping schedules after all
-Asmo’s observant, almost on par with Satan himself when it comes down to it. He definitely saw the gleam of anger, pent up frustration and hatred in his brothers’ eyes that moment and it legitimately scared him, even if it was for just half a second
-Honestly, he begins neglecting himself out of anticipation and worry which is a huge red flag for the Avatar of Lust who always holds himself at such a superior level compared to everyone else
-It may start out slow, but it has the same effect as a snowball rolling down the hill. It becomes more of a problem the longer it’s ignored
-Because he spends most of his days now debating whether he should try to coax his brother into coming out of his room and apologising to him, he forgets about himself
-Skincare routines are missed, pedicure appointments have been cancelled; hell, if Mammon’s keeps being stubborn, he may let his hair become absolutely filthy
-Asmo sort of relies on his brothers to provide the living environment he revolves around. If something is off with his brothers, he can not work properly either because it doesn’t feel right to do so
-Imagine a machine not working anymore because one of the clogs in it got stuck
-I can see Asmo feeling a decent amount of guilt when it comes to the situation but he still blames Levi for completely pushing him over the edge at dinner
-So now those two aren’t talking (it’s honestly so exhausting since they’re shoving the blame onto each other without stop)
-If Mammon decides to come out and hear them out, Asmo might get on his knees and beg because that guilt bubbling up inside of him may end up being his demise
-No seriously, MC might need to keep an eye out on him too while comforting Mammon because whatever he is doing isn’t healthy
-Takes Mammon’s outburst pretty badly and tries apologising to him many times but the second eldest still hasn’t said a word to any of them
-And that’s driving him into a fucking swirl of insanity at this point
-Of course, much like Mammon’s mental breakdown, this builds up over time but the result can be devasting
-If you pass by his room at night, you could probably hear him sob about how his brother hates him and it’s really heartbreaking to hear pained cries like that coming from such an overly confident demon like Asmo
-Literally the only one here that doesn’t dish out insults onto Mammon every hour of the day
-He joins in very rarely and even when he does, it’s usually in good nature rather than malice
-Unless food is involved. Feelings (and Mammon) might be hurt if that’s the case
-Beel wasn’t listening to his siblings as they were diminishing Mammon, he was way too hungry to comprehend what the hell they were on about
-So he just started wolfing down appetisers until he noticed you looking all weary
-That’s the first thing that put him on alert
-And then the second born’s aura was also...off putting
-Might’ve actually tried to nudge Belphie to stop him from saying anything offensive to Mammon in this state when he realised how tense the atmosphere got
-Flinched when his brother left the palace, almost cracking the whole doorway on his way out
-Hunger is all but gone and at this point he wants to go home to check up on him
-Beel is a bit of a softie and he wears his heart on his sleeve a lot of the times
-He never did anything particularly bad to Mammon, not on the same scale his brothers did certainly and yet he still felt extremely bad
-Perhaps because he didn’t step in as much as he should’ve...?
-Either way, when his loved ones suffer, he has a tendency of putting the blame on himself because he feels it’s the only logical answer
-Honestly, he feels guilty enough to the point where it’s affecting his eating habits-which is obviously not normal for the Avatar of Gluttony
-Beel knows Mammon doesn’t want to talk to him but he still brings him food and leaves it at the doorstep of his room since he doesn’t want to come out and have dinner with them
-Or he relies on you to give it to him
-The thought of Mammon being so mad at them that he doesn’t even want to eat makes him feel so vulnerable
-As soon as he sees him for the first time since that night, he will probably be the first to apologise, even if Mammon isn’t in the mood to hear apologies
-Again, he’s trying to use food to make up to him (bringing him his favourites and paying for them)
-Even if he gets ignored, he’s still going to do it
-Beel is trying his best to say sorry to his older brother the only way he knows how to do so, but Mammon still doesn’t give in
-Could’ve been asleep the whole time Mammon was thrashing about
-Or at least that’s what it looked like to the average passer-by
-Kept one eye open to watch as Mammon finally snapped under pressure, having to raise his head once his brother broke the whole god damned table
-“OK, alright, storm off I guess-I have a splinter now-“
-Don’t trust that sarcastic commentary, he’s in deep thought on the inside
-Maybe he should’ve expected this but then again, he never would’ve guessed Mammon had it in him to be so aggressive
-Will narrow his eyes at him when he talks your death and scowl
-As if he didn’t already feel like the world’s biggest piece of shit, he had to bring that up
-As soon as he leaves, he turns to Lucifer and goes “See what you did? You broke Mammon. You suck, Lucifer.”
-The shifting of blame suits Belphie really well (it takes Beel side glancing him to get him to shut up)
-The Avatar of Sloth is too tired to even try to communicate with his brother so he goes straight to bed after getting home
-However, he actually visits Mammon’s dreams that night
-Or at least tries to, if Mammon is getting any sleep after that showdown
-It’s his way of checking in with his brother, helps him evaluate the situation
- Whether that works or not, there was definitely an attempt that required a lot of effort and you don’t see that very often with Belphagour
-It really demonstrates how much he actually cares for his family, even if he hides behind snide remarks and the likes of it
-However, if Mammon refuses communication, then he can’t do anything but give up
-He clearly won’t be able to convince him to step aside for a chit chat and why waste energy trying to force him to do so
-When the time comes, Belphie knows his brother will willingly talk to him (or at least someone else because he knows he’s not any good at comfort or apologies)
-At the same time, a lot of the things Mammon said during that party rubbed him the wrong way and seeing his twin suffer because of it is also pissing him off so patience may be running thin with Belphie
-Like Levi, there may be a lot of ice between the two from then onwards so it won’t be easy for them to find the middle ground in this whole argument either
-It could lead to a strained relationship if no one intervenes or even a physical fight if the youngest pushes all of Mammon’s buttons properly
-The Future King feels guilty too, for some reason
-He is clearly not involved but he’s under the impression his party was a catalyst of sorts to the fight that broke out that night
-Diavolo wasn’t even in the same room when it happened-he heard shouting and growling from next door whilst talking to a noble about future arrangements in DevilDom and rushed in
-The sight was something to behold really; Mammon cornering all of his brothers and threatening them with pure venom in his voice wasn’t something you saw everyday
-More often than not, it was the other way around so the Prince had every right to be concerned
-He tried asking Lucifer what was going on after the second eldest slammed the door shut behind him and left but to no avail; the Avatar of Pride was in a state of shock and the only thing he did was apologise to him about a million times before his departure with the rest of his siblings
-Despite his worry, Diavolo tried not to get involved in the aftermath either, believing it’s not his place to interfere and hoping they would solve it out amongst themselves
-He did give Mammon permission to miss RAD classes for that week, thinking a small break is what he needed most
-Even drops by every now and then to check up on him (he just asks you how he’s holding up because he doesn’t want to pry)
-He can’t do much but watch from the sidelines, I mean this is a family dispute so it would be wise to just give them all a bit of space
-If it drags on for too long, however, he will be forced to do something because the brothers are all distracted and can’t get on with their student council work because of it
-Lucifer is even more stressed than usual and can’t even focus during their meetings so for the sake of his friend, if nothing gets resolved quickly, he will intervene and it won’t be pretty
-For now, he’s counting on you to make sure there are no further incidents but it’s unlikely you can stop a train once it’s set in motion so just hope Mammon doesn’t come out of his room until he’s calmed down
-The butler is a Time Lord so it’s probably no surprise to find out he already knew this was going to happen eventually
-Not like he believed Mammon was going to take his brothers’ insults for much longer anyway
-Being the quiet and observant demon he is, he’s been keeping a close eye on the Avatar of Greed knowing damn well he was going to lose his patience soon enough and go on the offence
-If he knew this was going to happen at such an important moment in time, he would’ve warned his majesty beforehand but he failed to see the potential catastrophe awaiting his breakdown
-Again, he has no right to intervene
-Unless, of course, Lord Diavolo asks him to do so but really the most he can do is give you tips on how to deal with miserable demons
-I mean, you’re the one that’s going to be stuck with them for the rest of the year and this isn’t the type of conflict that gets resolved too easily
-Barbatos is clever so if there is still bitterness between Mammon and his siblings after an amount of time passed, he might try to change timelines (with the permission of Diavolo)
-He’s had enough of Beel coming over to eat his cakes and cry about his older brother hating him (believe it or not, the butler is definitely a bit fond of the sixth eldest so his cries did pull at his heartstrings)
-Basically, in the same position as the Prince
-He relies on you to get them all to make up but he knows it’s not likely to happen any time soon
-For now, he’s getting ready for the chain reaction this fight set in motion because there was no easy way to end this, considering they’re all vicious demons and all
Al~ im mad I couldn’t add Simon, Luke and Solomon-I want to write for them too >:(
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dracosathenaeum · 4 years
The Game | D.M.
Summary: You and Draco are friends with benefits but a game of spin the bottle causes you both to rethink your situation
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x reader, slight Fred Weasley x reader (hot make out scene 👀)
Warnings: Smut, angst, daddy kink, baths, alcohol
Word Count: 3,651
A/N: You’ve just lost the game, you’re welcome xx I also wasn't going to post this tonight but @fuckingdraco and @dracoswift hyped me up, ily <3
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FOR THE NON-BRITS: touchwood = knock on wood
You weren’t anything special. No golden girl like Granger, not a descendant from anyone of significance, no. You were just you. And perhaps that was why he was so surprised when his heart started tugging at his chest every time you left his arms.
He had been with countless the girls.
He had touched you the same as he had touched Pansy. 
He had kissed you the same way he had kissed Daphne.
He had held you the same way he had held Millicent.
He had fucked you the same way he had fucked half the girls in the year.
Yet you still managed to be different.
You had started out as just another pass time, but you had lasted longer than any of his other flings, and beating Pansy was a trial in itself. She had stuck to him like glue in between other flings. He didn’t hate her company; he just knew he your company hadn’t become annoying to him yet, and that was all he needed. Maybe that’s why you had lasted so long, as soon as he realised girls started falling for him, he would pull away and break things off. But it had been almost half a year of your mutual agreement and you showed no signs of infatuation, no pesky feelings that would get in the way of good sex and he liked that.
He hadn’t grown tired of you. Hadn’t begun to find your voice annoying or your kisses dull. He still loved the way you felt in his arms, loved waking up to you curled into his side and most of all, being inside of you.
He wasn’t in love, feelings may be there, but not love. Not that he was willing to jeopardise his consistent shag of course, finding another girl to take over would be easy, finding one who wouldn’t catch feelings would be the hard part. Besides, he was used to you, if you wanted to break off the arrangement, he wouldn’t stop you but he sure as hell wouldn’t be the one to do it. He would simply wait it out, wait for you to fall for him like all the others before you had. Except this time he would give you a chance, test out your compatibility perhaps, though clearly you were both very compatible in bed.
You had both set some rules early on.
1.           There would be no labels attached to whatever relationship you two had
2.           If either of you wish to pursue a romantic relationship with someone else, you must break off this agreement first
3.           Could use the other to keep unwanted advances off
That last one was more for him than it had been for you, not many people had noticed you before you started sleeping with Draco, but none had attempted to even flirt with you since the two of you became public. Everyone knew of course, that you weren’t together together, just fuck buddies as it were, that was all of Draco’s relationships after all. But that didn’t mean anyone dared try to interfere.
Astoria Greengrass. The younger sister of Daphne Greengrass, someone Draco still considered a friend despite their history and her feelings. Astoria however was not someone anyone expected to try and cosy up to Draco, especially considering how Draco’s arm was still wrapped firmly around your waist as she threw on a flirty smile. Astoria was innocent, she was young, and her sister had surely warned her away from him judging by the look of hurt flashing across the elder sister’s face. Yet here she was.
A 7th year party was the last place you expected Draco to be stolen from your side, but you let him go, you don’t really have a say after all, rather, he’s the one that lets go of you.
You knew the game well, you had watched the girls before you fail at the final hurdle but you were determined. You had first noticed him properly in 3rd year, started developing feelings in 5th before finally getting your chance in 7th. You had managed to catch his eye; you had learnt the failures of the previous girls and you used it to your advantage.
You finally had the chance to be something more, to pretend he loved you when he held you, when he fucked you, when he moaned praises in your ear. You wouldn’t ruin your chances. Not yet. Not when you had spent the past 6 months hiding your emotions, willing your face to give off no sign of jealousy. There was only one emotion you found hard to find, hurt. But that usually came after he was gone, when he wouldn’t stay some nights and instead left you the second he was done with you. Those were the nights that you realised just what kind of game you were playing, that in the end, you would be the one to lose everything.
You try not to look, you really do. But it’s an itching behind your eyes, fingers fiddling with the cup you’re drinking out of and it’s the anger in Daphne’s eyes as she watches their exchange that makes you finally turn and look. He’s leant against the wall with Astoria stood infront of him, fingers innocently strung together as she stared at him from under her perfectly curled eyelashes. A whisp of her perfectly curled hair falls infront of her face, you watch as her mouth forms an innocent ‘o’ before trying to blow it away only for it to fall back. Her giggle makes you want to hex her. Draco tucking the strand of hair behind her ear makes you want to shave her head. The flush that comes across her face at Draco’s actions and his hand that lingers in her hair a second too long has you joining in on the spin the bottle game you had previously sat out of.
Downing the contents of the glass in your hand, you wince at the burn before sitting at the empty spot between a Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.
You look up to see yourself directly across from Cormac McLaggen which has you cursing under your breath and sending a silent plea to every god and deity there is to save you from that. Anyone but him.
You cheer when the circle cheers, watch as horny teenagers practically swallow each other’s tongues. Cormac gives you a greasy smile that has you wanting to get up, but it’s better than watching Draco and Astoria flirt their perfectly compatible arses off.
“Anyone but that bastard McLaggen.” You whisper it just before you spin, hoping that it works in your favour rather than jinxes it, tapping the table leg behind you with a quick “Touchwood” just to cover all grounds.
You’ve fucked it.
It spins, but the universe is mocking you. It slows down, likely to land on fucking McLaggen. He could be a fucking prince for all you cared but there was no way you’d let that slimy shit kiss you.
You cross your fingers, willing for it to pass him. And for a while it looks like you’re screwed, but just as you’re about to feign alcohol poisoning it passes him, by barely an inch, but all the same it passes him. You watch with wide eyes as it lands on Fred Weasley by that one inch and you let out the breath you hadn’t known you held. The worried expression on your face quickly became one of relief, a look of relief could’ve been mistaken for happiness, and for a certain blonde, it had.
Fred raises an eyebrow at you, clearly not expecting that reaction from you, before offering you a toothy grin that you return before crawling to where he sat, settling your arms around his neck as his guided your face to his.
You couldn’t stop the moan that sounded at the first touch of his lips against yours. They didn’t know your lips as Draco’s did but that didn’t stop him from being a damn good kisser, knowing exactly where to put his hands and when to use his tongue. Fred Weasley was good. You briefly wonder if the alcohol was why you couldn’t pull away but that didn’t matter when he took your lower lip between his teeth and bit hard.
Forgetting yourself and where you were, you didn’t object when he grasped your thighs in his hands, pulling you to straddle his lap. You don’t hear the cheers erupt around you; you don’t hear Astoria shout after Draco as he leaves her mid conversation, and you don’t notice he’s gone until Fred pulls back to catch his breath.
You catch Pansy’s gaze from over Fred’s shoulder and that’s when you realise something was wrong.
She was smirking at you.
She only ever did that when things had gone her way, which, when concerned Draco, was never a good sign.
You were in half a mind to just turn your head slightly and kiss the man you were sat on senseless again, especially with the way his fingers gripped your thighs under your skirt. But you also knew they were trying to keep you from running as soon as you could, as if knowing you would inevitably follow the Slytherin out but wanted you to stay anyways.
Your head drops to Fred’s shoulder, breathing in a scent you could only describe as homey and warm, the opposite to Draco’s crisp, sharp aftershave, a scent you loved and could almost describe as home.
All these years and not even a magical first kiss with someone (though you were very drunk) could waver your love for him.
“Draco is one lucky bastard.”
“I’m sorry, Fred.”
“It’s okay, it’s just a game after all.” You grimaced at his tone but dug yourself deeper into the hole.
“If it’s any consolation you are a damn good kisser.” Complement a man then leave him high and dry for another, great job y/n. You were doing great.
“The second he fucks up you know where to find me though yeah?”
You couldn’t stop the giggle that left you lips, in a life where you weren’t already enamoured with Draco, perhaps this could’ve been the start of something.
“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”
His fingers slip from your thighs, offering you a hand to steady yourself before you take off, the bottle continuing to cause messy drama as you watch Harry’s spin land on Theo. Damn Draco and his fucking temper tantrums for causing you to miss that moment.
The walk back to Draco’s room sobered you up, head clearing and realising what him leaving meant. Was he mad that you had kissed another person or was he… jealous?
You had never let yourself hope before, but then again, you had never found a reason to.  
He’s waiting for you, pacing around the room with his brows furrowed in a way that reminded you of a child throwing a tantrum. The thought of it making you laugh, giving away your presence in the room.
“Draco, I-“
He pushes you against his door, hands trapping you against the hard wood of the door behind you as his mouth swallowed your words. His hands worked quickly to strip you of your clothes as you tried to reciprocate his actions as best as you could, mind whirling as this was not where you had expected this to go.
Fred’s kisses had been new, they’d been exciting and addicting. But Draco’s? Even whilst he was pissed and rough, they were home. Lips you were used to, lips that could mould to yours perfectly instantly, lips that knew exactly how you liked to be kissed.
He pulled away to bring his mouth to the column of your neck, giving you a harsh suck where he knew would have your knees buckle, using the movement to sweep you off the floor and onto his bed.
Draco works fast when he’s angry, nothing in his mind but fucking his anger out of his system. He’s out of the remains of his clothes before you even have a chance to catch your breath. He stares at you with an unreadable expression so you match his, your features showing indifference rather than the usual lust you would allow yourself.
His narrows his eyes at you one last time before he brings his body between your spread legs, his warm mouth making contact with your cunt, tongue swirling around your clit. Your hips raise of the bed, wrists pulling at the charm that held them in place over your head as the rest of your body tries to get as close to the source of pleasure as possible.
A whine leaves you as his mouth stops its ministrations, one of his hands pushing your writhing hips back onto the bed as his darkened eyes find yours once more.
“Good girls behave, y/n.” You can’t stop the moan that falls from your lips when eases a finger into you, eyes never leaving yours.
A second finger joins the first, curling at a certain angle that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, a heavy weight starting to form in the pit of your stomach.
“Only good girls get to cum y/n, you haven’t been very good tonight, have you?” The tightness in your stomach ready to uncoil when his lips met your clit again, giving a harsh suck before pulling away from you completely. Without his hands holding you down your hips rise up, following his fingers as they pull out and away from you, his cold gaze telling you everything you needed to know.
“I’m sorry Draco, please. Please. I was so close; I swear I’ll be good from now on. I promise. Draco please.”
“I don’t think you have.”
He’s standing again, hands on his hips, tongue running across his lips, the lips that had just almost pushed you over the edge. You didn’t have time to be frustrated over the near orgasm, besides, Draco had a thing for orgasm denial, you were all too used the edging.
“Unbind my arms.” He raises an eyebrow at your attempt to shift in power, but does as you ask all the same.
Your hands reach for his heavy cock, mouth giving a tentative suck at the swollen head, tasting the salty precum on your tongue. Your hands give him a few hard strokes before you take him back into your mouth, eyes watering as you struggle to fit even a third of him in your mouth.
“As much as I love to see you choke on my cock, I don’t think you deserve it today.”
You stare up at him through your eyelashes, the twitching of him in your mouth was all the confirmation you needed to know he was very much enjoying the view of you struggling to accommodate the size of him. 6 months of practise but you still couldn’t manage to take him in all the way.
His hands cup your face as he pulls you off his cock, replacing it with 3 of his fingers instead. His fingers press down on your tongue, forcing your head back, the rest of your body following as he lowers himself over you, his free hand already lining himself up with your entrance.
“Beg for it.”
All it would take would be one small shift of your hips and he would slip inside of you but the last time you had tried that he had bent you over his knee and slapped your cheeks until they were burning. You knew when to test him, and right now was not the time.
“Please fuck me Draco, I’m yours-” You’re not done practically purring your words when he thrusts so that his hips are flush with yours, giving you no time to adjust before he starts pounding into you with deep satisfying thrusts that have you drooling on his fingers.
His hands hold yours above your head, his mouth hot against your ear as he grunts and reminds you of who you ‘belong’ to.
“That Weasley could never fuck you like I can. This cunt is mine; it’s made for my cock and my cock only, do you understand?”
You whimper as your only response as his hips switch from their long deep thrusts to sharp snaps of his hips against yours, his mouth still reminding you who you belonged to.
“This cunt is mine; do you understand?”
You don’t know if you had responded with a “yes” or if it had simply merged with a moan to become incomprehensible.
“Yes what?” His hips continued their thrusts all the while, never losing their rhythm as your body arched into him and squirmed trying to get closer.
“Yes, daddy.”
You don’t call him that a lot, only when you’re truly in need of a trap card and apparently you were as it fell naturally.
His eyes snap up to meet yours, his grey eyes turning even stormier than before as he claims your mouth in a bruising kiss, forcing his tongue into your mouth and fingers finding your swollen clit again.
“Be a good girl for daddy and cum.”
You don’t have to be told twice and finally let go of the heaviness in the pit of your stomach, your walls clenching around his as your body clings onto him, mouth unable to keep up with his kisses. The sight of you lost in pleasure, body writhing under his own, the fact that he had been the one to bring you this much pleasure was all he needed to paint your walls white. You hadn’t even noticed his stuttering hips, hadn’t noticed him still before pulling out. You were still in a daze, collecting your breathing as you came down from a high you had never experienced before.
“Are you okay?” You blinked away the blurriness in your vision to see Draco’s worried eyes scanning your face, hands keeping your gaze on him. “Was I too rough love?”
You know you must look horrendous right now, sweat coating your skin, a dazed expression on your face but you still give the biggest smile your tired muscles could.
“I’m perfect.”
“Want me to carry you to the bathroom?”
You’re in that space between reality and dreams when he picks you up, an arm hooked under your back and knees. He places you on the toilet first, you made the mistake of forgetting once and you made him promise to never forget again.
You watch as he moved around the bathroom, eyes appreciative of the view. Watching his back muscles become taunt as he stretched was something you could never get tired of. The red markings down his back from a couple nights ago were still prominent, you had offered to heal them, but he insisted on wearing them like ‘battle scars’ to show off in the quidditch changing rooms, you had rolled your eyes when he gave you that reason.
He had charmed the bathtub to fit the both of you, sliding in first before helping you step in. You rest against his chest, humming appreciatively as he runs his hands across your skin, focusing on the way they felt rather than the ache between your legs and on your wrists.
“I mean what I said.”
“hmm?” you had almost fallen asleep, his voice pulling you out from your haze.
“You’re mine. All of you. If you’ll have me.” You’re fully awake now, body tensed up as you realise exactly what he meant. You turned your body to face his, ignoring the water splashing over the sides of the tub as you settle between his legs again, facing him, “You want me? What happened to wanting no strings attached?”
You knew the game he played well, you wouldn’t fall at the final hurdle, if that was even what this is.
“I want you y/n. I’m not going to spout some bullshit love confession like some first year drugged on Amortentia, but I can’t share anymore.” Draco Malfoy was bad at communication but good lord this was a new low even for him. You were half inclined to continue feigning indifference to protect what you had, but the other half was greedy. Draco was offering you more, how could you not take this opportunity. You had beaten the game, you had gotten Draco to want more with you, well at least you were 70% sure.
“Is this some roundabout way of you asking me to be your girlfriend?” His upper lip twitched as you said the word girlfriend, the action making your own eyes drop to the space between you. Wet fingers cup you face, bringing your face back to his as he captures your lips in a slow, deep kiss. You had had lazy kisses together before, during lazy morning sex. But this, this was slow and meaningful and full of emotion. He might never be good with words, but this, this would be enough.
You pull away from him by a hair’s breadth, lips only millimetres apart. “Okay.” Each syllable you said caused your lips to touch again, neither of you moving just yet. He lets out a shuddering breath that he must’ve been holding in, a grin covering his face in a way you hadn’t seen before.
“You’re lucky you asked now, I was hoping to visit Fred soon.”
The ache between your legs only became worse as he kept you awake for the rest of the night, edging you and taunting you for hours to prove you belonged to him and that a Weasley wouldn’t even begin to compare (too bad you never got the chance to).
Waking up with sore limbs and a satisfying ache all over your body was worth every second it had taken to get here. To win Draco Malfoy.
TAGLIST: @bbeauttyybbx @pipppaaaaalouisee @theslytherinprincessworld @fangirl-3d2y @tttyrus @scriptingslytherin @justmimithings @purpleskymalfoy @minigigglybabi @505weasleys @secretaccshh @obbrssession @whatwoulddracodo @thatoneniceslytherin @thehumanistsdiary @mariah-can-dream @futureofanthropology @pixieflutter @tobarmaidswhodontcount @dray-cookies  @xuckduck @dreamyginny @dracofeltonmalfoy @lord-byron @inglourious-imagines @audreythehufflepuff @beiahadid @moonlightorbit @imonlyherecauseimbored @dracosgoodgirl @dreaming-about-fanfictions @goldensatine @avengers-end-me @sad-bitch-h0ur @zhangyixingxing1 @yourenotafailureoverall @pastelpuffbar @miso-tang @pixiedustsupplyco @harry-and-draco-loves @tsukibaby​ @dracoswhore007 @hogwartslut @mischiefisbeingmanaged @raylovessarcasm @drxcomvlfx @dracosballs @standingandstaring @its-chickenwing-450 @iamproudtobeaslytherin @mischiefisbeingmanaged @pxroxide-prinxcesss @slytherinxraven @jinnbie @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend @Utzelh8 @gloryekaterina @capkatie @jquick-18 @imcedricdiggorys @osterfieldnholland @explxsion @big-galaxy-chaos @malfoycrave @softlyqoos @krazykendraisnotinsane @minsuuwu @lumlfy @mllzhxrrs44 @weasleyis0urking @slytherinwh0re @gwlvr @m3ssytrash @aubreyanna02 @akaaaaashiiii @carrobrumbrum @dracoswift @bitchybeatle @samnblack @dumspirospero-1 @dracomalfoyswifeee @fuckingdraco @myshaahmad77 @you-sunshine @little_me204 @lipstickandloveletters @pillowjj @meipotter @dracoismybabey @rennaisancebaby @gwlvr @alastheadventurebegins @dracosbaibe @sydnee-kom-spacekru
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chatonnoir · 3 years
I went back and watched the kuro neko trailer, and maybe ironically all the salt was a heck of a filter, because at first glance Ladybug looks angry but now when I watched it again she just looks very very very stressed
Yeah it was wild to me because it was like, obvious to me when I first watched the trailer that she was stressed, and her being upset that he left also made sense to me cause like. Come on. The girl just promised him a few episodes ago that she would never disappear on him, only for him to turn around and seemingly do exactly that to her, possibly without a goodbye or an explanation, how is she supposed to feel??? From her POV, one of her best friends just ghosted. Not to mention the fact that teens acting angry and stubborn when they're really just feeling hurt and/or betrayed because they're at odds with a friend is just such a realistic reaction? Really, idk why her reaction was so baffling/salt-worthy to people
So thinking all that I was feeling pretty normal about the trailer (aside from normal "oh no angst" feelings) after watching it a few times, but then I come online and see a whole bunch of batshit posts putting Ladybug on trial for 3rd degree murder over here. Literally I was just thinking like, "Did we all watch the same trailer?????"
Granted we got those bits that showed Chat Noir leaving the ring behind without a word to Ladybug + Ladybug finding the ring on the roof later in the TFOU trailer. It really didn't help that Gloob's trailer, which everyone saw first, was edited like garbage to intentionally play up the drama and make Ladybug look awful. The French trailer that came out later that same day gave so much more context lmao. I feel like if that one had come out first we wouldn't have had nearly the same amount of salt
And I feel like there's another point to be made here @ those who've been salting on Marinette for not picking up on the """"obvious"""" signs that Chat Noir's upset/etc. Things in the trailer that seemed, to me, to undoubtedly mean X were interpreted as meaning Y by other fans, and that was news to me. You can't assume things should be "obvious" to someone and that they should "just know" how someone else thinks/feels because everyone's brains work differently
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Bimbo!Reader (Female)
Warnings: Mentions of Slut Shaming, Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Tiniest bit of Angst, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When some rumors start floating around, every content creator does their best to either ignore them or defuse the situation. However, sometimes, the fans attempt to do the defusing themselves which only leads to a worse disaster. That’s the case for Corpse whose fans were quick to jump to his protection of some ‘false’ rumors.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request, it was a joy to write. I’m sorry for how long it has taken me to complete and post the fic but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy reading it at least half as much as I enjoyed writing it! Love, Vy ❤
Corpse cracks his knuckles, then his shoulders, then his collarbone, then the his neck. He clenches his jaw as he breathes steadily and rhythmically, trying to control an overwhelming wave of anger that he has never felt before. This is a situation he’s never had to deal with nor did he ever think he’d have to deal with and address on a fucking livestream on top of all, but here he is now, doing his best to count to ten and not go on a Twitter responding spree, calling people out on their bullshit. He wanted to do so, he still wants to, but he was stopped in his intentions and brought to a calm mindset where he was swayed into dealing with this the civil way and not by roasting the fuck out of any and every foul-mouthed person he’s seen on his Twitter timeline.
He can’t really guarantee and civility during the stream either, he’s aware his tolerance is as thin as a stretched out, old rubber band and is a slight tug away from snapping and allowing him to unleash hell on these people because of who he’s been seeing red these past few days. 
Let’s not risk a misunderstanding here - Corpse absolutely loves and adores his fans, but seeing this behavior from them is quite upsetting and disappointing. When he uses the terms like ‘assholes’, ‘jerks’ and ‘rude motherfuckers’ he isn’t referring to them. He knows they are good people, but are using the completely wrong tactic of defending him, not to mention he doesn’t even need defending. Even if he did, he’s more than capable of doing it on his own and not getting other people involved.
“Hello everyone, hope you’re doing well.“ He finally settles on saying, officially kicking off the stream. If there’s any indicator of the serious nature of this stream, it’s probably the lack of lo-fi and the lack of even attempted playfulness and cheeriness in his voice. That’s how you know shit isn’t to be messed around about. “I just realized I didn’t specify what I’ll be doing in the Tweet, but I’ll tell you now, so those who aren’t interested in the subject or want to steer clear of the drama can leave. However, I wouldn’t advise clicking off considering this will be an overall, how do I say this, rant, of sorts? It’s meant to knock some sense in the people who have been spreading hate for a specific person on all social media platforms she’s active on.“
The majority of the viewers are already familiar with the subject, some even guilty of spreading the hate Corpse mentioned, but there are a few that are completely clueless - the ones actually not interested in online drama, not just saying they ‘hate drama’. With those people in mind, Corpse takes to addressing the issue from its very beginning.
“So, for a month now, me and this streamer, who’s also a TikTok star, by the name of Y/N have been interacting a lot on social media. She’s an incredibly sweet girl that a lot of people have prejudice towards. She’s very misjudged and misunderstood because people see he solely as her content, if that makes sense. They only know she’s that streamer who wears revealing clothes on her streams and posts risqué pictures on her Instagram. Like, no.“ Corpse cannot even fully believe he has to address this and that slut-shaming people is still a thing in the twenty-first century. He closes his eyes for a moment, fist tightening and his knuckles turning white, “I don’t understand how so many people can be so shallow and just plain jerks towards her in general, but then again - this is especially for my fans, the members of my fandom - I don’t understand the need you guys feel to put Y/N down to defend me from some ridiculous rumors as if it’s the first time I’ve had to deal with people talking shit for attention or to get someone canceled.“ He sighs, reminding himself to slow his roll as to not confuse any viewers who still don’t know the full story, “Anyway, back to the timeline of events. So, considering we’ve never interacted before, all the replying to comments, retweeting, liking posts and whatever sparked some dating rumors. Isn’t that just fucking hilarious - you see two people interacting on social media and the first thing that comes to mind is that they’re in a romantic relationship. Where did the friendship go? Does no one value or consider friendships to be a valid type of human relation anymore?“ He runs a hand through his hair, making another pause to clear his mind and prevent his frustration from overflowing. He promised he wouldn’t lose his cool and would remain calm and collected, but the more he talks about it the tighter he clenches his fist and the faster his heartrate is. His neck and ears are red from the tension he feels all over, almost like he’s physically restraining a raging wild animal and not just his own thoughts and emotions.
There’s layers to his anger, the lower ones - aka the ones he’s yet to get to - will be a nightmarish test of his self-control, he already knows it. Judging by how much of a toll this rant has already taken on him, his patience and control growing thinner and thinner, he’s not sure how he’ll power through the last layers without his voice raising awfully high in volume and his fists searching for some object to punch. To an ignorant eye, his reaction would seem exaggerated and overboard, but little does that ignorant eye know...
“When some of my fans saw those rumors, they reacted very badly. It was quite disappointing to see. Guys, I appreciate you standing up for me even though you shouldn’t do that - I can defend myself, not that this was a matter I needed defending from to begin with. But just the way some of you went about it was horrifically wrong and quite upsetting, to me but especially to Y/N herself.“ He can feel it, the aggravation growing, bubbling up in his chest, “What I saw disgusted me, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. The things some of you were saying...I couldn’t believe you are in fact the same people who are my fans, my lovely fans who I’ve always thought so highly of. Never did I think you could be able of slut-shaming so vulgarly and grossly, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.“
He has every right to be upset - the things being said about Y/N were truly awful and a lot of things being said were meant to defend Corpse and defuse the rumors, doing so while stomping all over Y/N and her content. Rightfully so, many of her fans were outraged and quick to jump to her defense but were unfortunately outnumbered, leading Corpse to believe not many of her fans are actually real or as dedicated as his which only fueled his fury further.
Anyway, let’s take a look at Y/N’s point of view. Being a content creator for as long as she has, refusing to change her style no matter how many people disagreed and insulted her about it, she’s grown quite used to people spitting insults at her on every social media possible. It’s sad how throughout the majority of her content creating career she’s only had haters, creeps and fake fans watching her videos and streams. Rare are those in her fandom who’d actually stick up for her and defend her in ‘scandals’ such as this one. However, no amount of experience with dealing with hate could have prepared her for this outpour of some of the meanest shit she’s ever heard and been called in her life.
Y/N likes the content she makes, she’s comfortable in her skin and loves her body. She loves showing it off too and nor she nor anyone who wants that deserves to be shamed for who they are and what they do, especially when they aren’t hurting anyone and their content is still appropriate. People have always bashed her for all elements of who she is: her appearance, her clothing style, her streams, her gaming skills, her voice on occasion. She can count the instances when she’s received positive feedback on the fingers of her hands which would depress anyone else but not her. She’s always created content for her own amusement and entertainment so people’s opinions never really bothered her. Until now, until this very drama that has hit a specific nerve, an insecurity of hers she’s never talked about. The comments such as:
(Vy Speaking: Comments containing slut-shaming ahead, go to ### if you want to skip)
“Corpse would never date a slut like her“
“Corpse dating this thot? Please internet stop being ridiculous“
“Corpse ain’t a pimp, y’all need to chill“
“Even if they datin they gon break up soon - whore stays a whore“
bothered her far more than she’d like to admit. She has no one to open up about it either, she knows what she’ll get in response if she does - she’ll be told it’s her fault. Her fault because of the way she dresses, the way she talks and acts, because she chose this career to begin with. All her fault. The only person she can turn to she refuses to because she doesn’t want to be a bother - not after so many people confirmed her worries that she’s not good enough for him already anyway, the least she can do is avoid bothering him the best she can.
And that is exactly why this has upset Corpse so much.
“Here’s a little message specifically meant for those who claimed I’d never date someone like Y/N or specifically Y/N. You better listen carefully: Don’t you ever, and I mean EVER slut-shame my girlfriend or any other person ever. I cannot believe I have to explicitly remind you that your behavior isn’t ok. You should fucking know that your behavior isn’t right and that you’re a massive piece of shit for saying those awful things about others you judge solely on appearance and clothing. Does it surprise you that I am, in fact, dating Y/N? If you say yes for the reason you think she’s not good enough for me or that I deserve better, please get the fuck out of my fandom. No one disrespects my girl and gets away with it. That’s final!“
Though still under the influence of a flurry of negative emotions, overhearing Corpse literally telling people to exclude themselves from his fandom for being mean to her, Y/N’s taking a step towards emotional recovery knowing her boyfriend will always have her back. He’ll always be there to prove people wrong, defend her and stand by her. He’ll be there to catch her when the hate knocks her off her feet.
But most importantly: he’ll never ask her to change. Not her style, not her clothes, not her personality, nothing. He fell for her the way she is and for who she is, and he will never allow anyone to try to change her either. For someone who’s never had much support all her life, a single speck of support overpowers all the hate within the blink of an eye. Corpse will always be her knight in shining armor, the knight who defeated all the hateful demons by just entering her life. And though she’s still struggling with the ‘Am I good enough for someone so wonderful?’ and ‘He deserves better, doesn’t he?’ questions, with his hand holding hers, she’ll never let those doubts and insecurities overpower her.
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Singer – Part Three
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 7,970
Warning: Smut, Some Swearing, Age Gap
***Raising Suspicions***
Kurt was quick to tell Amanda about his suspicions. He was sure that Cillian and you were involved after he’s seen Cillian’s watch at your apartment, lying on his study desk along with an empty condom wrapper.
He wasn’t surprised, knowing very well that you preferred older partners and that he was the exception all along. But Amanda didn’t buy into his suspicions.
‘Common Kurt, you are being ridiculous. Cillian wouldn’t be interested in Y/N’ Amanda said, but Kurt simply raised an eyebrow at Amanda’s comment.
According to Amanda, you weren’t Cillian’s type. You were too young and too outspoken. In addition, she explained to Kurt that Cillian wouldn’t like your tattoos, piercings and your involvement on social media. You were completely different to Amanda, not just physically but also mentally. You were an extrovert whereas Amanda was an introvert. She was mostly quiet and reserved whereas you were loud and direct.
Despite Amanda’s comments, Kurt didn’t back down and eventually confronted Cillian when they were on their own.
‘Are you fucking my girlfriend?’ Kurt asked Cillian out of the blue.
‘Excuse me?’ Cillian responded somewhat flustered by Kurt’s question.
‘It’s a simple question Cillian. Are you fucking my girlfriend? Yes or no?’ Kurt asked again angrily, starring at Cillian’s watch again.
‘Did someone spike your coffee this morning or something?’ Cillian asked somewhat annoyed, making Kurt sound absurd.
‘Alright, don’t fucking answer my question then but, just so you know, since you are always trying so hard to stay out of the tabloids, it would look really fucking bad if you left Amanda for a woman half your age’ Kurt went on to say, catching Cillian by surprise.
‘You have issues man’ Cillian said angrily before walking away from the conversation, getting on with the things he had to do for the arts and music festival.  
Despite Cillian’s immediate reaction to Kurt’s question, Kurt’s comments didn’t leave Cillian’s mind for the remainder of the day.
Of course, it would be bad if he was involved with someone half his age, especially shortly after separating from Amanda which was something that wasn’t even public knowledge yet and it was exactly this what made Cillian think about whether he should continue seeing you.
With these thoughts on his mind, he became rather distant over the next few days, not returning your calls and messages, only engaging into conversations with you when he absolutely had to.
You were frustrated by his behaviour and the least you were expecting from him was that he would talk with you about what happened between you. If he believed it was a mistake that you slept with each other, then you wanted to know.
Eventually, a week had passed and nothing had changed.
***New Woman***
After having been upset and frustrated with Cillian and Kurt, you’ve given up on men all together and, on a Thursday evening, your closest friend Emily and her fiancée Judy took you out to a LGBT friendly bar in Dublin.
It was cocktail night and Judy introduced you to a friend of hers named Kirsten. Kirsten was a local Dublin artist and photographer and you got on with her quite well immediately.
You spent the entire evening talking and dancing and you eventually had a few too many drinks and left the bar together with Kirsten.
Sharing a taxi together, you got quite comfortable on the backseats and things eventually got heated between you and Kirsten when Kirsten leaned in and kissed you passionately while running one of her hands between your thighs.
Her lips were soft and smelled like strawberries from the lip gloss she was wearing and you couldn’t resist but give into the kiss on the backseat of the taxi.
‘Did you want to come to my place?’ Kirsten asked when your lips drifted apart.
‘I probably shouldn’t…I have been making a few mistakes lately’ you whispered, knowing that Kirsten was, in fact, in a relationship with someone else.
‘It could stay our little secret you know’ Kirsten smirked but, despite the large amount of alcohol you had to drink, you shook your head.
‘Listen, you are gorgeous but I don’t do one-night stands, I am sorry. Perhaps we will meet again under different circumstances’ you said with a tender smile before allowing Kirsten to kiss you once more just before the taxi driver pulled up in front of her apartment.
After a short final kiss, Kirsten got out of the taxi and walked into her apartment while you remained sitting, asking the taxi driver to take you home.
When you got home, you quickly undressed and let yourself fall onto your soft and large vintage style bed which is where you remained fast asleep until 8 o’clock the following morning.
At 8 o’clock, your phone beeped and it was text message from your sister with a link to one of the bar’s patron’s Twitter Accounts…
“New Relationship for Y/N L/N with sexy Dublin artist Kirsten Lang??? It looks like Kurt Spencer is finally out of the picture”
Tumblr media
This was a nightmare, you thought. The last thing you needed was false information being out there about you while you were still dealing with your break up from Kurt and all you could think about was Cillian.
But, there was nothing you could do about it and, after digesting the news, you had a shower and got ready for another day of organising this arts and music festival.
When you arrived at the usual meeting spot, everyone had already seen the Twitter post and Kurt immediately gave you a serving about it, asking you why he wasn’t invited for a threesome with your lesbian friend.
‘Fuck off’ was all you managed to respond with. Still hungover and angry about the Twitter post, the last thing you needed was Kurt making a comment like this.
With your coffee in your hand, you eventually sat down next to Cillian who looked at you with a half grin on his face. His eyes were full of questions but he didn’t say anything at all.
‘What?’ you asked, annoyed by the way he looked at you.
‘Are you alright?’ Cillian asked concerned.
‘No, I am not fucking alright, ok? I am sick of this shit’ you said with frustration as you scrolled through the Twitter comments.
‘You need to be more careful about who you hook up with in public. Trust me, I speak from experience’ Cillian chuckled, referring to that one night a few years ago where he was caught by cameras having a night out with one of his female co-stars. The incident caused his first major fight and break up with Amanda until it became public that Cillian and his female co-star were, in fact, accompanied by his co-star’s boyfriend and several other members of the film crew.
‘Well thanks for the advice’ you said angrily, still unsure why he cared.
‘Was it worth it at least?’ Cillian asked carefully, trying to figure out whether anything happened between you and Kirsten  
‘Nothing happened. We just kissed. So no, it wasn’t fucking worth it’ you said. You couldn’t help but chuckle yourself knowing how idiotic this all was.
‘You’ve got two choices here. Either, you set the record straight or you let it go Y/N’ Cillian said calmly, feeling genuinely sorry for you.
‘What would you do in my situation?’ you asked.
‘I’ve learned not to give a shit about gossip like this over the years. Personally, I would let it slide. But I can see that it bothers you, so get your manager to make a statement on your behalf or, like you young people do, make a statement yourself on this platform with the bird on it which I think is where the rumours are coming from, right?’ Cillian recommended with a warm smile.
‘What Twitter?’ you laughed.
‘Yeah. Or you can use whatever social media platform you young artists use these days’ Cillian suggested.
‘Good idea old man. I will make a tweet’ you laughed. ‘But tell me, if you don’t use Twitter, how did you know about it in the first place?’ you went on and asked.
‘Kurt has a big mouth’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Of course’ you sighed.
After the initial Twitter drama, your day working with Cillian went exceptionally well and you felt much better after setting the record straight on Twitter, having your followers and fans interact on your post and offering their support.
You finished up after about five hours, ready to head back home in order to have a lazy evening.
‘Do you want a lift back home?’ Cillian asked after you indicated that you would be leaving and were ready to catch up on some sleep. You had told Cillian earlier that your car was still with the mechanics and he could see the tiredness on your face.
‘No thanks, I will walk’ you said despite the fact that you were tired and walking was the last thing on your mind. You were trying to spend as little time as possible with Cillian.
Cillian nodded and, just like this, you were out of the door.
‘You know, if you like her, perhaps just tell her’ Janine, the administration assistant, said to Cillian after having observed his interactions with you for the past few weeks.
‘Excuse me?’ Cillian asked surprised and with a slight chuckle.
‘It’s obvious that you like her. Just as it is obvious that you touched the damn printer again last week even after I told you not to’ she then went on to say.
‘I am sorry about the printer’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Sure you are’ she laughed before walking off.
***Change of Mind***
Unfortunately for you, the following day, which was also going to be the last day of working with Cillian and some others on the festival preparations, was going to be even worse than the last.
You barely made it to the office on time again, not having had much sleep again. You were on to your third cup of coffee and had been taking pain killers all night.
‘Fuck Y/N, you look awful. Are you alright?’ Cillian said as you sat down next to him and, over at the copier station, he could see Janine shake her head in disbelieve. He just told the woman he liked that she looks awful. He was a hopeless case she thought.
‘Oh, thanks Cillian. That makes me feel better’ you chuckled as you took a sip from your large cup of coffee and popped yet another two tablets of paracetamol.
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean it this way. You just look unwell’ Cillian said shyly, looking over to Janine for guidance. She nodded in approval.
‘I am fine. It’s just the time of the month’ you responded quietly and with some embarrassment.
‘What do you mean?’ Cillian asked with some confusion.
‘She means that she’s got her period Cillian’ Janine chuckled from behind before walking off.
‘Right. Of course’ Cillian said, his cheeks starting to flush. ‘Why didn’t you just stay at home if you are unwell?’ he went on to ask.
‘Because my apartment won’t have any electricity until 8pm. They are finally fixing the central heating system’ you explained.
‘Bad timing’ he responded.
‘I know. I will go to my sister’s later for dinner. Although I don’t really feel like it. She’s got two young kids who are quite a hand full and all I want to really do is chill and watch Netflix’ you whined.
‘Well, if you want to, you can come over to my place. No kids there and we could get some food, watch a movie and then I will drive you home once the electricians have left’ Cillian suggested.  
‘Do you actually mean that or is this a “come up for tap water” type of situation?’ you asked causing Cillian to laugh.
‘You just said you have your period so it’s defiantly not a “come to my house for some tap water” type situation’ Cillian chuckled.
‘Believe it or not, some guys are into that. It’s just that I am not’ you giggled, causing Cillian to raise his eyebrows.
‘I can assure you that I am not one of those guys. Just a movie and some food, alright?’ Cillian laughed and you nodded, knowing that this would be a mistake but you much preferred a quiet evening with Cillian than a loud evening with your nephews while you were battling your period pains.
Just as promised, after a long day, Cillian took you home with him after you cancelled on your sister.
He dropped you at his house first, showing you how the TV works, before leaving you there on your own for half an hour so that he could organise some food for you as his fridge was usually empty now that Amanda had finally moved out.
While he was gone, you looked around the living area and you noticed that all pictures of Amanda and Cillian had gone. He clearly had moved on.
Eventually, you lied down on the lounge, watching TV and it wasn’t long until Cillian returned with two large shopping bags and it looked to you like he was going to cook for you.
‘When you said food, I expected pizza or chinese take away’ you said surprised before telling him that no man had ever cooked you dinner before and you were delighted by his efforts.
‘Nah, I enjoy cooking’ Cillian said with a warm smile as he continued to unpack the grocery bags.
Amongst ingredients for risotto, he also bought a caramel fudge ice cream, a bottle of wine, a hot water bottle and very warm ruby red socks.
‘Please explain’ you giggled as you held up the socks.
‘The last time we watched a movie together, in your bed, you had your feet wedged between my lower thighs because they were cold’ Cillian laughed before running his thumb over your cheeks and then pulling away, realising that he might have overstepped the line once again.
‘Thank you, you are very observant’ you said, feeling the want to kiss him but holding back.
‘How about you have bath while I do this’ Cillian then suggested and your eyes lid up. Your apartment didn’t have a bathtub but you also didn’t see a bathtub in the bathroom you used the last time when you came to Cillian’s house.
‘I feel bad. I should really help you’ you then said, feeling guilty that Cillian was doing all the work.
‘There is no need Y/N. Common, I will run you a bath’ Cillian said before showing you the way upstairs to his bedroom.
‘You’ve got nice taste’ you said as you looked around his bedroom and observed the quite obviously new furniture and artwork.
‘Thanks’ Cillian chuckled as he grabbed a fluffy white towel from the large cabinet inside his walk in-wardrobe.
The entire bedroom was furnished with modern wooden furniture and only a little decoration. Over the bed there was a large painting of a landscape in France and the bedside lamps were almost contemporary or vintage.
Across from the large king size bed was a spa bath and, behind a nook, there was the rest of the bathroom. The entire area could be closed by a large sliding door or could be left open if you wanted to watch TV.
You watched Cillian put some bubble bath into the tub and then turn on the water before changing the lightening and handing you the towel, a t-shirt and your brand-new fluffy socks.
‘I will be downstairs alright?’ he said with a warm smile and you nodded shyly.
You got undressed as soon as he left the room and sank into the hot water. It was delightful but you wished he would have joined you for the bath.
He was very different from Kurt, caring and romantic and you wished that he would let you in, give you chance.
After your bath, you returned downstairs wearing nothing but the t-shirt Cillian had given you, your panties and the red fluffy socks.
‘This was so nice’ you said as the pain in your stomach had decreased. ‘And this smells so good’ you added as you looked what Cillian was cooking.
‘Before I put all this chilli in there, do you like spicy food?’ Cillian asked as you stood next to him, closely watching what he was doing.
‘I love spicy food so bring it on’ you giggled, giving Cillian a big smile.
***Return of Romance***
After you both ate dinner and cleaned up the dishes, Cillian had a quick shower before sitting down next to you on the lounge in a t-shirt and trackpants.
‘Still bad?’ Cillian asked as he observed you holding your stomach.
‘Yeah, it usually lasts a day or two’ you said and, without asking, Cillian got up and boiled the kettle.
Moments later, he returned with the hot water bottle he had purchased and placed it onto your stomach before indicating to you to lie down on the lounge and pick a movie.
‘Seriously? You let me pick a movie again?’ you asked as Cillian sat down next to you.
‘I know I might regret this but yeah’ Cillian chuckled just as you put one of the small lounge pillows onto his laps and rested your head on top of it.
Cillian’s hands soon found your hair and ran his fingers through it gently while you searched through Netflix.
‘Please, no’ Cillian chuckled as you stopped at Pretty Woman and cheekily pressed play.
It was your favourite movie and Cillian already regretted giving you the remote control.
About ten minutes into the movie, you shared some ice cream and then you sat up next to him, curling up against his chest watching Julia Roberts seducing Richard Gere.
You were still in pain and Cillian noticed, his hand rubbing against your lower back gently while you held onto your hot water bottle.
‘Are you alright?’ he whispered while you took in the scent of his aftershave.
‘Hmm, yeah this is nice’ you murmured, referring to Cillian’s hand massaging your lower back gently.
‘I am glad that I am not a woman’ Cillian chuckled just before he moved some of your hair out of your face which was when you looked up at him, starring into his deep blue eyes yet again while Richard Gere was taking Julia Roberts over the piano.
‘I always wanted to do this…on a piano’ you said quietly, causing Cillian to chuckle again but then lean forward, pressing his lips onto yours gently.
You loved the feeling of his soft lips on yours and gave into the kiss which was long, gentle and passionate.
Then your lips drifted apart and you looked at each other full of questions before they met again, this time more intense than before, your tongues meeting and moving in sync.
‘I missed this’ Cillian whispered as your lips drifted apart, his hands caressing your face gently.
‘So did I’ you said quietly before wanting more, kissing Cillian again, not getting enough of his sweet lips.
You spent the remainder of the movie curled up against each other, touching each other and kissing each other until, finally, Richard Gere climbed up Julia Robert’s balcony ladder with a bunch of flowers, admitting his love to her.
‘God that is so damn romantic’ you said as your eyes began to water, Cillian looking at you somewhat confused.
‘If you say so’ he chuckled before giving you another kiss and taking the ice cream bowls to the dishwasher.
‘I should probably get home soon Cilly, I am pretty tired’ you said as you got up, following him to the kitchen but not really wanting to leave.
‘You can stay the night if you want’ Cillian said, his hands on your hips, pulling you close for another kiss.
You nodded shyly before asking him whether he would give your lower back another rub. No one had ever done this for you before and it felt amazing, taking away some of the awful pain.
‘I could give you a massage in bed’ he smirked, causing you to look at him with some confusion.
‘Are you being cheeky?’ you asked, thinking that he intends to get kinky with you which was not what you were after while on your period.
‘No, I am serious’ Cillian said before kissing you again briefly. ‘Let me show you what these hands can do’ he winked, causing you to laugh and follow him upstairs to his bedroom.
As soon as you arrived at the front of Cillian’s large bed, you were quick to take off your t-shirt and climb on the bed, wearing nothing but your cotton panties and warm socks.
Cillian momentarily disappeared, getting some sort of body lotion from beneath the sink.
‘That should work I guess’ he said before he climbed onto the bed with you, his eyes gazing over your mostly naked body for a minute before he squirted some of the cold lotion onto your back.
His hands were magic, working your upper back and then your lower back gently before he leaned down, trailing small kisses at the back of your neck.
Goosebumps were forming all over your skin and you wished that you didn’t have your period as, otherwise, you would have turned around and make him take you on his large and comfortable bed.
Eventually, after Cillian had massaged your back for almost 20 minutes, you turned around to face him, relaxed and even somewhat sleepy.
‘Fuck that felt good’ you giggled just before Cillian took off his t-shirt and tracksuit pants and lied down next to you, quickly throwing the large doona over you both in the hope that you wouldn’t notice his raging erection.
‘Feeling a little better?’ he asked and you nodded before thanking him for taking care of you.
‘You know I could help you with that?’ you smirked as you reached for his crotch, noticing how hard he was.
‘Not tonight’ Cillian said as he pushed your hand away gently, knowing that you were probably still in pain. But, none of this prevented him from pulling you closer towards him for more gentle kisses until, eventually, you curled up against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
‘Cillian?’ you murmured, looking up into his deep blue eyes once again.
‘Hmm’ he responded with a warm smile, his fingers running through your hair gently.
‘What is this between us?’ you wanted to know.
‘I don’t know. All I know is that I can’t stay away from you no matter how hard I try’ he responded, his tone soft and warm.
‘Then stop trying. I mean, why are you trying anyway?’ you chuckled as you continued to look up at him while playing with his chest hair.
‘For so many fucking reasons Y/N’ he responded.
‘Like what?’ you asked.
‘For starters, you are twenty years younger than me’ he explained and you knew that the age gap between you had been an issue for Cillian.
‘So? You know I prefer older men’ you reassured him.
‘I’ve seen the shit you went through with your ex-girlfriend. This is going to be worse and I know much bad press bothers you’ he explained, remembering reading the tabloids when your first long term relationship broke down.
‘I am willing to take my chances. What else?’ you asked.
‘We both just came out of failed relationships. I don’t think it’s smart to start dating again so soon’ Cillian said concerned.
‘Listen Cillian, I don’t expect to be your girlfriend or us going public. At the moment, you keep pushing me away every time we get closer and I wonder if we could just give this a chance. Let’s just keep it between us and see where it goes’ you suggested.
‘I would like that’ he then said before giving you another few kisses and turning off the light.
You were still curled up against Cillian and could feel the heat radiate from his body when you drifted off to sleep. Usually, you hated sleeping in other people’s beds but, that night, you felt comfortable and safe.
No one had ever treated you so well and you were happy with where you and Cillian were at and how far you had come after all the ups and downs.
You also remembered your relationship with Kurt. Being with Cillian was all so different to what you knew. It made you realise what you had missed out on.
You slept well through the night with Cillian holding you tight but, the following morning, you were woken up by an uncomfortable feeling beneath you.
You were quite vigilant when it came to your period and when you felt something sticky on your upper thigh, you got disturbed.
Woken by the unfamiliar feeling, your eyes drifted open slowly and you looked up. It was getting light outside which was when it clicked.
You remembered that you should probably have changed your tampon again before going to sleep and your heart began to pound heavily.
Feeling you wiggle around and moving the doona to the side, Cillian was slowly waking up himself, his arm falling over to the side searching for you.
But, you had scooted up and out of the bed which is when you noticed the two small blood stains on your upper thigh.
You quickly ran to the bathroom to wash them off and change what had to be changed but you knew what this meant.
You probably had gotten some stains onto Cillian’s sheet sheets as well and you weren’t ready to face this embarrassment.
‘What’s wrong Y/N?’ Cillian murmured as you returned from the bathroom.
‘I…I think…’ was all you managed to say as you pulled aside the doona and, as you had feared, noticed a small blood stain not only on the sheets but also on Cillian’s upper thigh, which was caught up in between your legs all night when you were sleeping.
You immediately began to shake nervously, feeling embarrassed by what had just happened.
‘Hey Y/N, what’s wrong?’ Cillian asked as he held out one of his hands, indicating for you to come back to bed as he was surprised by your reaction.
‘I am sorry Cillian but I think I stained your sheets and there is some on your thigh…I am so fucking sorry’ you said almost hysterical.
Cillian looked down at his thigh and the sheets for a brief moment, unsure about what the problem was until he noticed the blood stains.
‘So? I will wash the sheets and have a shower, who cares’ Cillian said with a raised eyebrow before pulling you onto him.
‘That’s so embarrassing’ you said but Cillian disagreed.
‘No, it’s natural. Don’t worry about it’ he said before kissing you passionately and you were surprised that he wasn’t bothered in the slightest. Kurt would have made a massive scene if you had ruined his fine cotton sheets like that.
As you were making out, sharing several kisses while grinding your bodies against each other to get some traction, you suddenly heard a loud female voice coming from the doorway.
‘You are fucking kidding me’ Amanda said loudly and in disbelieved as she saw you on top of Cillian half naked by that point.
‘Holy Fuck’ you shouted before quickly scooting beneath the doona.
‘What the hell are you doing here?’ Cillian asked somewhat angrily about the fact that she had just entered his house unannounced before getting up and pulling a t-shirt over his head.
‘Getting the last of my stuff. I told you I would come by over the weekend to grab it’ Amanda explained angrily.
‘Yes, and I would have expected you to use the fucking doorbell when you do’ Cillian said firmly before walking downstairs with her.
‘I cannot believe that Kurt was actually right’ Amanda said almost hysterical and you could hear her and Cillian argue from the bedroom.
‘Right about what?’ Cillian asked.
‘That you are fucking her. God that’s so disgusting, you know that? She is almost half your age…trading me in for a younger model, that’s something I never expected’ Amanda said with anger.
‘I didn’t trade you in for anyone Amanda. We broke up because you couldn’t get over your fucking jealousy’ Cillian explained.
‘Well, it was warranted it seems’ Amanda said.
‘I never fucking cheated on you’ Cillian yelled and it was at this point that Amanda began to shout, calling you and Cillian names.
Eventually, Cillian kicked Amanda out of his house and immediately called a locksmith before driving you home.
***First Date***
You didn’t expect to hear from Cillian for the remainder of the day, especially in light of what happened with Amanda and the fact that he told you last night that he wasn’t sure where this was going between you. But, to your surprise, at around 2 o’clock you received a call from him.
During the call, Cillian asked whether you felt like going for dinner with him at restaurant near your house.
Was this a date, you wondered? It sure sounded like a date. If it was a date, did it mean that he no longer cared about the implications he was concerned about previously after your talk last night?
You sure wanted to find out and accepted Cillian’s offer to take you for dinner and he picked you up at 6 o’clock, nice and early so that you had enough time to watch a movie at your place afterwards.
The restaurant was rather busy and Cillian had booked a nice booth in the corner, giving you some privacy.
He ordered a bottle of wine while you looked through the menu for some tapas to share. You enjoyed the same type of food and it was easy for you to agree on the dishes.
‘So, is this a date?’ you asked Cillian after the waitress had taken your order.
‘I suppose’ he chuckled before he took your hands into his, sharing a tender moment with you.
‘Good, because I was worried that our run in with Amanda this morning put you off a little. I’ve heard what she said to you’ you said quietly, knowing about Cillian’s reluctance when it came to dating you, a woman twenty years his junior.
‘If anything, it made me care even less about the reservations I have about us’ Cillian explained.
‘Well, hopefully, those reservations will disappear completely when you realise how awesome I am’ you joked just before the waitress brought out the first dish.
You enjoyed your dinner and wine despite the fact that a group of girls on a table nearby were watching you. You tried hard not to care, but the giggling and whispering bothered you more than it would usually have when you were out with someone else.
Eventually, one of the women from the table came over just as you and Cillian were about to leave, asking Cillian for photo which he declined politely.
The restaurant was only a short stroll from your apartment and you were ready to get your comfortable clothes on and watch a movie with Cillian.
Shortly after you arrived at your apartment, you got changed into a nightie, poured two glasses of wine and asked Cillian whether he could get the lighter from the top draw of your bedside table so that you could light some candles.
As you put the two glasses of wine onto your coffee table, you heard a loud buzzing coming from besides your bed and you recognised the sound immediately.
‘Cillian!’ you shouted as you watched Cillian play with one of your vibrators, a big grin running over his face.
‘Give it here. I said top draw, not bottom draw’ you chuckled as you took the vibrator out of his hand.
‘How does it work? It clearly won’t fit inside you’ he asked curiously, his grin getting bigger.
‘It’s called a wand and it is for clitoral stimulation only. I actually never used it because it’s too intense. My sister talked me into it, saying it’s the best thing ever. But I don’t know’ you explained, your face flushing with embarrassment.
‘Sounds interesting’ Cillian chuckled, which is when you noticed that Cillian had already lid the candles on your beside table.
‘Not really’ you said before you shuffed the vibrator back into the draw and, just as you came up, Cillian crashed his lips onto yours.
‘There are other things I’ve found in your draw’ Cillian said after your lips drifted apart and before he reached for the handcuffs and satin blindfold in your bedside table and threw them onto your bed.
‘Cillian, remember, I’ve got my period’ you giggled just as Cillian pulled your nightie over your head, leaving you in nothing but your panties.
‘I am aware. Just let me make you feel good’ he said, grinning again before pushing you onto the bed and hoovering over you.
‘Cillian, I am serious’ you giggled, his teeth grazing your neck gently.
‘Don’t worry, your panties are staying on and I promise that I won’t touch you down there’ he said reassuringly and, whilst you had no idea how he would get you off without touching your most intimate body part, you agreed and reluctantly lifted your hands over your head and allowed Cillian to tie your wrists against the bedhead with your leather cuffs.
Cillian then gently placed the blindfolds over your eyes, carefully tying the knot behind your head without catching your hair in between it.
You trusted him. Yet it was difficult for you to relax especially since, all of a sudden, you heard a familiar loud bussing sound again.
‘No no no, this vibrator is too intense. I never….oh my fucking god’ you moaned as you threw your head back into the pillow and arched your back as soon as the vibrator hit your clit through your thin cotton panties.
‘Fuck that’s sexy’ Cillian observed as he watched you squirm against your restraints and moan as he moved the vibrator over your clit in circle motions.
‘Don’t move’ he then chuckled as he placed the vibrator onto your clit and resting the handle on your stomach. You felt the weight on your bed lightening and heard him get up, walking away from you momentarily.
‘Fuck Cillian…don’t leave me like this’ you protested just before you heard the door of the fridge opening. What was he doing? Getting himself a beer?
Then, finally, you could feel his weight on the mattress again, right next to you.
His hands began to roam over your breasts and stomach while he pushed the wand back against your clit more firmly after tuning it up a notch.
‘No no no….oh god’ you moaned, your legs squirming.
‘If you do not stay still on your own, I will tie your legs up too’ Cillian said cheekily before pulling on each of your nipple piercings slightly. He knew that you loved it when he did this, subjecting you to this little bit of pain.
You inhaled sharply, wanting him to pull them again, but Cillian had other ideas and it wasn’t long until you felt something extremely cold on your left nipple.
‘Fuck, Cillian’ you moaned as ice cold water began to run down your left breast while he turned up the setting of the vibrator again.
The ice cold feeling soon moved to your right nipple, running down from it over your stomach like a cold stream of water.  By this time it was obvious to you that it was an ice cube which Cillian had placed into his mouth and which he was running over your breasts.
You could feel it melt slowly and the cold water ran all the way to your belly button followed by his hot breath.
Then, you could feel the entire ice cube slid down your stomach and all the way to the hem of your panties while, again, Cillian turned up the vibrator, reaching its highest setting.
‘Holy Christ’ you inhaled, trying as hard as you could to stay still.
You were close to climaxing and Cillian had to hold you down, securing your thighs so that you were unable to squirm away.
‘Oh fuck yes’ you screamed as, finally, your orgasm washed over you and you had no choice but to give into the sensation.
It was at this point that you heard a knock on the wall from the apartment beside yours, causing Cillian to chuckle as you had told him about the letter you received from your neighbour last week complaining about the noise level from your apartment when Cillian visited you the last time.
You eventually came down from your high and Cillian released his tight grip on you and turned off the vibrator before taking off your blindfolds and untying you from the bed.
‘Feeling better?’ he asked and, surprisingly, you did.
With a quick nod and thanks, you pulled Cillian on top of you for a passionate kiss before pushing him down onto the mattress beneath you.
Without words, you looked at him and suggestively bit your lips before reaching for his black Calvin Klein briefs and pulling them down.
‘You know I just love your cock…it’s fucking perfect’ you smirked as you starred at his erection before separating his legs, bending his knees up and taking your place between them.
Cillian scooted himself up in the bed so that he could watch you and you leaned forward to kiss him, loving and deep, before making your decent on his perfectly toned body.
When you finally reached his hard shaft, you kissed the tip of his cock suggestively before collecting his precum with your tongue.
Cillian’s hands knew what to do to help you now and he gathered up your hair and hold it out of the way as you lowered your head and take his cock into your mouth, moaning as your mouth is filled.
Cillian groaned as you finally took all of his length into your mouth and down your throat. You wanted to devour him and you took your time about it, pleasure slowly building, pressure teased and growing as you kept bobbing your head up and down.
Looking up at him while you wrapped your lips around his hard member turned him on incredibly and it didn’t take long for his breathing to become laboured.
By this point, his legs straighten, splayed out on either side of you while the frequency of his moans and groans increased.
You knew Cillian was getting close and you loved watching him moan with a slightly open mouth while you slowly and deliberately wrap your lips tightly on the head of his cock and take him deep into your throat again, all the way to the base.
Your eyes close on their own with the sensation and greed you feel and each time you rise you look into Cillian’s deep blue eyes, stopping to let him watch as you flick your tongue all over his frenulum and swollen pink tip.
His face suddenly changed and his mouth contorts. Cillian’s hands tighten, no longer simply holding your long hair out of the way but gripping your head with handfuls of your hair in both hands right at the scalp. He took control, pushing your head down hard, his cock filling your throat before letting go of you again.
‘Again’ you moaned, loving the way he takes charge and he complied with your request, grabbing your hair again and making you take his length all the way into your throat.
‘Fuck Y/N, I am close’ he moaned and, with him thrusting into your mouth and you bobbing your head at the same time, it wasn’t long until you felt it, the unmistakable spurt of cum into your mouth as his body is finally released.
You could taste him, feeling the slick cream on your tongue, holding it in your mouth as you milk the last drops. Then looking up, you see Cillian’s beautiful sexy smile and flushed cheeks, open your mouth and show him the cum pooled on your tongue.
Another groan escaped him as he watched you hold it, tilting your head back slightly while some drips escaped you and ran over your chin.
Looking at his face, completely turned on by what you were doing, you smiled wickedly and very deliberately closed your lips, looked at him, and swallowed.
‘God, why are you so fucking sexy?’ Cillian asked just as you moved up towards him and pressed your lips onto his.
‘I don’t know, I just am’ you winked before sharing another passionate kiss while his hands were roaming over your back.
After some pillow talk, you eventually curled up against Cillian, running your fingers through his chest hair while his right hand gently touched your cheek.
It didn’t take either of you long to fall asleep and you were still curled up against each other the next morning when you heard a loud knock on the door.
***Meeting June***
‘Will we ever be able to just wake up next to each other without being interrupted?’ Cillian growled as he turned over, ignoring the knock on the door completely. He was clearly not a morning person.
You jumped up quickly and threw on Cillian’s t-shirt which, the night before, had found it’s way to the floor besides your bed.
Wearing nothing but the t-shirt, some purple cotton panties and giant plush socks with small bunny rabbits on it, you walked to the door and opened it, thinking that, surely, it was just a delivery. Your local postman had a habit of arriving early and you were considering getting a postal box soon.
‘Good Morning Sis’ June said and it took you a few seconds to rub your eyes yawn before realising that you probably shouldn’t let her inside with Cillian lying in your bed completely naked.
But your sister didn’t ask for permission and barged inside, putting a bag of croissants and two coffees on to the kitchen counter.
‘What are you doing here?’ you asked surprised as she hung up her coat.
‘I know how shit you feel when you get your period and you didn’t come by the other night so I wanted to check on you, that’s all’ June explained just as she was walking through your loft, not having noticed Cillian yet as part of the view of the bed was covered by a large industrial style bookshelf.
‘Now is not a very good time’ you said nervously which was when she noticed clothes scattered across the floor.
‘Oh shit’ she giggled just before she bluntly looked past the large bookshelf.
‘Morning June’ Cillian chuckled just as he reached down to the floor to retrieve his briefs before pulling them beneath the doona and trying to discretely put them back on.
‘Holy fuck’ June shouted, her jaw dropping to the floor.
‘Jupp, swearing runs in the family’ Cillian chuckled before getting up from beneath the doona, wearing nothing but his black Calvin Klein briefs.
With a grin on his face, he walked over towards you and gave you a quick kiss before taking your coffee from your hand, taking a sip and telling you that he will go and have a quick shower.
He quickly retrieved his jeans from the floor and disappeared into the bathroom all while your sister’s eyes followed his every move.
‘Stop looking at him’ you demanded, giving your sister a nudge as it was obvious to you that she was checking out Cillian’s ass.
‘How the fuck did this happen? Did I just dream this?’ she asked as you were shyly drinking your coffee with some embarrassment, unsure how to answer her question.
‘Oh my god, he is the guy you were telling me about. This all makes sense now’ June said and you confirmed her suspicions and told her that you’ve resolved your differences.
You trusted your sister and told her about what you had discussed with Cillian the night before and that you were at his house, which is why you cancelled on her.
Eventually, Cillian came out of the bathroom, wearing his tight black jeans but not much else.
Your sister looked at him with some excitement, not even ashamed for drooling over the man you were involved with.
You noticed immediately, giving her another nudge just as Cillian stole the rest of your coffee.
‘Can you put your shirt on please’ you eventually said before handing Cillian one of the croissants and the jam from your fridge.
‘Well, I would, but you are wearing it’ Cillian reminded you, unbothered by the fact that your sister was in the same room.
You quickly disappeared behind the bookshelf and changed into your own clothes before handing Cillian his t-shirt and your sister sighed with some disappointment as he put it on.
Despite the fact that he had met your sister already, he felt somewhat awkward with your sister around and, after putting on his t-shirt, he left your apartment in order to get some more coffees, allowing you to update your sister on the situation.
While he was out, waiting for his coffee order at the nearby coffee shop, he received a call from his agent drawing his attention to a quite unfavourable article which had just appeared online, less than 30 minutes ago.
OK! Magazine News 
Cillian Murphy following the Hollywood Trend?
Rumours have emerged suggesting a developing relationship between actor Cillian Murphy (43) and singer/songwriter Y/N L/N (23). This comes after Murphy has only last month been spotted at a Dublin fundraising event with long term girlfriend Amanda Winter and L/N was rumoured to be involved with local artist Kirsten Mann after having been spotted leaving Soho Bar together as little as three nights ago.
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Music producer Kurt Meskin confirmed the break up from singer and songwriter girlfriend Y/N L/N earlier yesterday and revealed that the break up was due to a romance unfolding between Y/N L/N and actor Cillian Murphy. It is unclear how Kirsten Mann is involved and Meskin wasn’t able to comment on Mann’s relationship with L/N’s.
Murphy and L/N have been working together with others, including Meskin, on the United Arts and Music Festival since earlier this year. The festival is set to take place later this year and will feature L/N as well as Murphy’s long term girlfriend Amanda Winter.
Meskin said that he was saddened by L/N’s actions but has accepted her decision.
‘There is not much I can do. Unfortunately, these things happen but it’s simply sad to know that not only one, but two relationships have been destroyed by her actions’ Meskin said when referring to what sounds like an affair between L/N and Murphy.
It is not clear whether Murphy and Winter have since separated but it appears to be likely as L/N and Murphy were spotted in front of Le Maison Restaurant in Dublin late yesterday evening.
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The picture appeared on Twitter shortly after the date night between Murphy and L/N and has since received a large number of comments as fans question what happened with Amanda Winter and criticise the twenty year ago gap between Murphy and L/N.
“Perhaps he’s following into the footsteps of other Hollywood actors like DiCaprio who like their girlfriends much younger” one person commented on Twitter.
Neither L/N or Murphy have commented on the rumours but, with L/N’s social media presence, it is probably just a matter of time until a statement is received.
  Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal   @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse   @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  @zozeebo  @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa  @littlewierdalien  @sad-huffle-nerd  @theflamecrystal   @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @themissthang  @0ghostwriter0  @stylescanbeatmyback  @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni  @momoneymolife  @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03  @mcntsee​@cloudofdisney​ @missymurphy1985​​ @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @otterly-fey janelongxox  @uchihacumdump
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @margoo0 @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee  @daydreamingnymph  @fookingshelby   @chocolatehalo
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autisticandroids · 3 years
Oh patron saint of mpreg, tell us, what is the absolute gold standard canon divergent mpreg scenario with Cas and Dean?
so for me the gold standard is for cas to get pregnant due to some kind of magical or metaphysical situation that dean at least does not perceive as sex. bonus points is cas is hesitant about it but refuses to explain why (because he doesn't know how dean will deal with the concept of himself being able to potentially get cas pregnant), so dean is like "we're doing it anyway" and then they do it and then cas doesn't tell anyone that he is pregnant until circumstances force the information out of him. and then dean has to deal with the fact that 1) cas can get pregnant, 2) cas is pregnant, 3) it's his, and he does so pretty poorly.
the rest is under a cut because this post is over 2.5k words long.
my favorite times for this to happen are at the end of season nine, just before dean dies and gets demonized in do you believe in miracles, and at the start of season twelve, just before sam and dean go to jail, because the pining in both those scenarios is delicious but it is so much more powerful if cas is also pregnant, and never even told dean. double points if the truth somehow comes out while they're separated so when dean comes back it's like. yeah cas is pregnant. it's yours. welcome home dean now you have to coddle cas' emotions because he thought he would have to raise your baby alone.
the season twelve scenario is particularly delicious because 1) we can have lucifer slut shaming cas in front of crowley in rock never dies, so crowley knows before dean, and 2) much more importantly, mary is there, and i am obsessed with like. okay. several things.
- the idea of mary getting all baby fever because she misses her boys and this is like. a baby she can take care of because she never got to take care of sam
- the idea of dean working through some of his parentification trauma by coparenting a child with the parent whose place he felt he had to take
- the idea of mary coming in and projecting her insane 1980s gender roles all over cas, suddenly treating him like a woman, stripping him of agency, etc. and like. dean would also do this even though he's not from the eighties, but mary would do it double strength, and they would reinforce each other, it would be a nightmare
- also mary trying to relate to cas on the Travails Of Motherhood etc. and cas being like ?????????? like i cannot stress enough that the weird gender roles she projects onto cas are also standards that she held herself to back when she was a Wife And Mother. while cas is like mary i am not a human woman and also i don't see what "having to look pretty for my man when i'm all baby bloaty" has to do with anything. that's not something i feel like i have to do
oh and 3) could you imagine lily sunder has some regrets if cas was pregnant? unfathomable episode. like ishim and mirabel's reaction but ALSO lily's. and it would fix the number one issue i have with lily sunder, which is that the resolution of the moral dilemma is "well AKSHUALLY the kid was human and not a nephilim so killing it was bad" rather than "it was bad to kill lily's baby, full stop." like ishim's cover up and using the machinery of power to manipulate the truth is very compelling, but the fact that it results in the moral essentially being "it would have been okay if the kid had been a nephilim" suuuuuucks.
basically, there's a reason i have two entire mpreg aus set in season twelve.
and then the delicious part in the season nine version is like. one, dean is away for much longer and he could be anywhere. also he's a demon and he's cheating on cas with crowley. and then even when cas gets him back he's still cursed with the mark, so we can get all weepy over that. you know. i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world and i'm eight months pregnant. etc etc.
but the other thing that's juicy about this version is that cas is still semi-involved with the other angels at this point, like he's roadtripping around with hannah and they're trying to get heaven under control, so carrying a nephil is going to really affect those relationships. so he's going to be probably disliked by the other angels, and there are MANY opportunities for slut-shaming, but at the same time, the other "outcast" type angels might respect him for violating heaven's dictates.
and then of course there's his grace vampirism victorian wasting disease. in canon he's perfectly happy to let himself die, but if he were having dean's baby he would absolutely not do that, that's dean's baby he's endangering there. so of course there's the terrible guilt of having to kill other angels so he can live, plus potentially preparing to die shortly after childbirth so he doesn't have to keep killing. delicious.
and on top of all this cas can get slutshamed by metatron in, depending on when exactly he gets knocked up, meta fiction, stairway to heaven, and do you believe in miracles. plus stairway to heaven would be insane like all the angels would know that cas is pregnant. they would see it in his grace. like cas' angel army would just. know that he was pregnant with a nephil, and have to accept that because he's their leader. in love with humanity indeed.
i'm trying to think of other good times for this drama with cas getting secretly pregnant through a nonsexual interaction to take place. it would be great in season six. like: he's doing a blasphemy with his body but at the same time he's this big important rebel leader so they can't say shit about him, and also he's pregnant while fighting these big important battles (fun and sexy), AND this is like, hot on the heels of the realization that something about his feelings for dean is untoward, expands beyond the bounds of ordinary friendship and camaraderie. like he realizes that, and maybe even that he has sexual feelings for dean, and then he gets immediately knocked up. stunning.
it would ALSO be extremely fun for it to be some kind of... i don't know, magical longer gestation times, whatever, but for cas to have gotten pregnant sometime in s5 and only realized during the Year Of Lisa. LOVE to watch a man rake leaves while both metaphorically carrying the taint of taboo sexual feelings for him and literally carrying his child.
but the thing about season six is, first of all, cas isn't really... envisioning a future with dean. not the way he does in the later seasons. like does he fantasize about a future with dean? yes. like. he really did watch that motherfucker rake leaves. but it's only fantasy. he expected to never speak to dean again after swan song until dean prayed to him in the third man. he's obsessed with dean, but it's distant. remote.
like, we talk about cas babytrapping dean in the later seasons with jack, and he absolutely does, and he would do it even more if dean got him literally pregnant, but that babytrap is about... how do i put this. it's about winning dean's affection. late seasons cas knows that he's going to die by dean's side. the difference that babytrapping dean makes is that maybe it will get dean to be nice to him in the mean time, instead of discarding him like so much toilet paper.
but season six cas doesn't think of it like that. if he were gonna babytrap dean, it would be in the more traditional sense of forcing dean to stay with him in order to raise their child together. and he would never do that. he wants dean to have a happy future, which in his mind does not include him. like, compare here "he's retired and he's to stay that way" in the man who would be king, where cas assumes that dean is happy without him and expects him to live out his days peacefully without ever seeing him again, to "i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world" in the prisoner, where cas assumes that he will be by dean's side for centuries.
but anyway, the other, much more important problem with season six is that cas has a war to fight. like, in the later seasons, cas really has nothing. even when he's on tenuous good terms with the angels, he doesn't really have a home with them. the winchesters are his family, and he'd give up anything for them. he has nothing in his life. he's at rock bottom, and this becomes truer the further along you go. late seasons cas has nothing he would prioritize over serving the winchesters, and he would be happy dropping anything he was involved in to have and raise dean's baby. parenting would give him a purpose that he no longer has, because everything else has been stripped from him.
but in season six cas has a life outside of them. like yes, he has a war to fight, but he also has a place in heaven, with the other angels. he belongs somewhere, he has solid connections to the outside world. even if he didn't have a war to fight, i don't know how excited he would be to have and raise a baby (even dean's baby) because he simply has other things he could be doing. he's involved in the world beyond the winchesters.
like, the reason cas wants to be a parent is that he is totally alone and totally purposeless. having a child gives him both a reason for being and someone who will always love him and who he can care for. if he doesn't have that hole in his life he might not be so eager to fill it with a baby.
for all these reasons, this plotline really doesn't work in season six, because you simply cannot justify cas not getting an abortion, unless you do something nasty like make angel abortion impossible, which i don't love.
you COULD somehow put the impregnation just at the end of season six, maybe just before the man who would be king, such that cas doesn't realize he's pregnant until he's already godstiel. you guys are unfortunately very aware of how obsessed i am with pregnant godstiel.
actually, @jeanne-de-valois has a concept of like. a single, madness fueled midnight hookup immediately pre-tmwwbk (or maybe even during, but prior to the superman mistake), where cas is simultaneously so stressed from being stretched so thin from the war and the lying and the shady dealings, and so high on being The Big Man In Heaven, that he's bold and out of his mind enough to actually come onto dean, like he just appears one night in dean's bedroom and is like, fuck me, and dean is like 👁👄👁 okay. so they have one single adrenaline and madness fueled hookup, and then everything immediately goes to shit.
and i think that's a great place for cas to get pregnant, and then he doesn't realize until he's become god, or maybe he does and he's just like "i'll deal with it later," either way godstiel is like oh? i carry dean's heir inside me? i will have dean's baby. i will have dean's baby it is my right and also my boon to him and also a symbol of my great and magnanimous love for humanity. and also maybe i will put giant paintings of myself pregnant with his child up in churches. what about that. which would be fun. don't know when he would give birth though. actually it would be insane if he gave birth as emmanuel and was just like. raising dean's nephil when dean found him again. nuts. but it just doesn't really have the same flavor as late seasons mpreg. doesn't compel me nearly as much. like the symbolism of godstiel being pregnant with dean's child is fun and sexy but them actually raising the kid afterwards doesn't compel me nearly as much, so it's better to leave literal mpreg to the later seasons and let godstiel mpreg reside in symbolism and fantasy.
or maybe the fetus gets stolen by the leviathans when cas walks into the lake and dean has to battle his leviathanated nephil daughter as the main villain of s7. like she's dick roman's secret weapon. i think that would be fun, actually. kind of an emma situation but drawn out over the whole season. and he thinks cas is dead for most of it so she's all he's got left of cas and a mess cas left for him to clean up. big sexy.
and as a bonus, i will also tell you the best time, imo, for dean to get pregnant: near the end of season eight. possibly a single, tragic farewell fuck in sacrifice when cas is planning to lock himself away in heaven and they're never gonna see each other again. and this impregnates dean with cas' nephil.
but then cas is human. and he can't do anything about it. like generally if they managed to get dean pregnant somehow, cas would immediately talk him into an abortion (which wouldn't be too hard; dean's natural white midwestern man who doesn't vote aversion to abortion would be at war with the horror of being pregnant, and the horror would win), or might not even inform dean that he's pregnant, and just quietly end the pregnancy without dean's knowledge, because cas would never put dean through that. but if cas is human, he can't do that. and furthermore, that nephil is the last evidence of his angelic nature that persists. it's the last of what he used to be, the last of his grace. and there's something absolutely delectable about that.
then of course dean would have to leave the bunker if he was pregnant with a nephil, because angels would be after him, and he wouldn't want to lead them to gadreel, so i am imagining dean discovering that he's pregnant and then showing up in a panic at the gas n sip like "actually cas i'm also out of the bunker will you go on the run with me?" and then they go on the run and have to live in motels again and cas gets to live with take care of dean who is pregnant with his child which is essentially his dream, and he doesn't have to feel guilty because he's no longer capable of giving dean an abortion so he doesn't feel obligated to get him to have one. ideally cas gets re-angeled just in time to give dean an angelic c-section. or maybe they rely on a normal human c-section in a hospital and cas stays human and they are two humans raising their nephil, which is also fun to me.
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
𔓘⭑ ࣪˖ Nct 127 as boyfriends ˖ ࣪⭑𔓘
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։ຼ⚘ Taeil
~ Key words: healing hugs, comfort, easy love
Taeil is the type of boyfriend that you feel like you know for a much longer time than you actually do, just because everything feels so natural and comfortable with him. To him, relationships are meant to be easy, fun, light, safe, unproblematic, so he works with you to achieve this scenario. He feels like home and he makes loving and being loved look simple. He loves the intimacy of domestic dates, they give him the sense of bonding and growing closer. Cooking, watching movies, just lazing around, sharing secrets and also laughs while wrapped around a cozy blanket are some of his favorite things to do with you. But he also loves being adventurous, going wild once in a while, looking for interesting things to do with you deep at night. He is the type of boyfriend that shyly approaches you to give you a tight hug he was craving the whole day; that sings for you whenever you ask him to do so; that does silly things just to see you laughing; that passionately researches how to cook something just because you mentioned you wanted to eat it; that gives you his hoodies because he thinks you're the cutest with them; that hypes you up like no one else does.
։ຼ⚘ Johnny
~ Key words: joyful smiles, romance, mature love
Do you know that perfect image of a boyfriend we build in our heads and fantasize about? That's Johnny. He might look all cool and detached, but he is the warmest and most caring person you could ever meet. When he gets into a relationship, he takes it very seriously. He does his best to be the best version of himself. He is patient, easy going, mature, and loves to have long conversations with you when you go to your weekly coffee date. He is the type of boyfriend that surprises you with romantic acts out of blue and acts like he did nothing; that carries you to bed when you're too tired; that remembers little and big things about you; that picks you up wherever you are and gets out of the car just to open the door for you; that rushes to buy you medicine when you're sick and that falls asleep beside your bed. He also has his mischivious side, which makes your dynamics even more interesting. He is the boyfriend that carries you on his shoulders at a concert; that hides behind a door to jump and scare you; that tickles you until you can't laugh anymore. He is the type of boyfriend that treats you like royalty and also like his best friend.
։ຼ⚘ Taeyong
~ Key words: day dreaming gazes, companionship, reassuring love
Taeyong as a boyfriend feels like a partner for life. You can't help but catching yourself imagining a whole married life with him, but little you know he is doing the exact same thing. He is the type of boyfriend that genuinely does his best to get involved in your life and to be part of it. He asks you about your day, about your dreams, about your plans, and listens to you attentively. Communicating with him is not a problem. Actually, he is usually the first one to send you a message, or to give you a call. Also, the amount of support you receive from him is enourmous, since he admires and believes in you unconditionaly. It's natural for him to say "we" instead of "I", because he considers you in every step he takes. He is the type of boyfriend that crafts little things for you; that makes you that cute lunch boxes with even cuter post-its on them; that has a notebook filled with lyrics he wrote about you; that smiles fondly everytime he hears your name; that don't fail one day on sending you a gooodnight message; that pulls you to dance in the middle of the kitchen.
։ຼ⚘ Yuta
~ Key words: undivided attention, loyalty, intense love
Yuta is someone who won't ever leave room for doubts or insecurities regarding the love he feels for you, regarding your relationship. He can't get tired of telling and showing you how important you are to him. He gives you a lot of attention and takes good care of you. It's impossible for him to be indifferent when you're around, he is too into you, he has eyes just for you. He expresses his emotions clearly and makes his moods obvious, so the relationship is super transparent. The excitement of the relationship seems to never cease. He is naturally original and interesting, and he doesn't even need to try hard to get you hooked. Yuta's love is intoxicating, inebriating. He is the type of boyfriend that does your nails, your hair and your make up, but says that you look amazing without all of it; that gives you his jacket and also embraces you to make sure you're not cold, even though he is freezing; that turns off his phone when you're spending time together; that jokingly (or not) acts protective towards you; that doodles hearts on your arm; that winks at you from afar.
։ຼ⚘ Doyoung
~ Key words: meaningful acts, care, one and only love
Doyoung's hobby is taking care of you. And yes, it's his hobby, because he doesn't see it as an obligation or a duty. He truly likes pampering you and making your life easier. He openly admits that you are his weakness, his soft spot, the only one who can make him lose his senses and not think straight. He either is all lovey-dovey or the nagging type of lover around you. He is invested, respectful, nurturing, solid, stable, constant, and won't let anyone talk bad about you. He is the type of boyfriend that keeps little things related to you, like notes you left him or a cute sticker you glued on his arm while joking around; that gives you the last piece of french fries he got; that drops everything and travels miles and miles to meet you because you said you were lonely; that unconciously does little things for you, like putting tooth paste onto your tooth brush and handing it to you; that always carries two umbrelas because he knows you often forget yours at home; that keep staring at you in awe, but denies it strongly when you catch him doing so.
։ຼ⚘ Jaehyun
~ Key words: intertwined fingers, sincerity, movie like love
Jaehyun is the type of boyfriend full of surprises. He makes you wonder what is going through his head, because it's quite difficult to read him. But he knows what he feels. As you get to know him better, you learn that he is the sweetest bean. For example, you get to know that when he looks distant or distracted around you, he is actually trying his best to hide from you some random cute romantic surprise he prepared. Even though he is not that good at expressing his emotions, he tries to put his love into words from time to time, and you just can feel it through the tender looks he gives you. He is chill and down to earth with most of things, but he daydreams a lot about you. He is also an interesting person with interesting thoughts, and sometimes you feel like your in a romantic comedy movie. He is the type of boyfriend that says "you're amazing" out of nowhere; that back hugs you whenever he sees the opportunity to do so; that gives you the best massages ever; that wants to hear stories from your childhood; that looks forward to your reaction when he tells you a joke or a story; that brags about you to his friends; that secretly takes personality tests and looks into astrology to see how compatible you two are: if he gets a positive answer, he goes "I knew it!", and if he gets a negative answer, he goes "I don't believe this anyways".
։ຼ⚘ Winwin
~ Key words: soft caresses, growing together, special love
Once Winwin falls in love, he wishes it's forever. He is always amazed by you and by how you changed his whole world and his whole vision of people, of the world, and of himself. He has a huge sense of honor and commitment towards you, so he does his best to be a good boyfriend. He does that quietly though, with little meaningful acts and shy words. He is usually pretty calm and composed, but sometimes he becomes a cute soft mess around you. When this happens, his reactions ranges from "malfunctioning and not knowing what to do at all" to "showing off his skills so you'll be impressed". He is the type of boyfriend that goes shopping to buy something for himself and ends up with twenty items for you ; that steals a kiss on your cheek while you're asleep; that says he is going to read your palm just to have an excuse to hold your hands; that, after twenty minutes watching a movie with you, side by side, murmurs "come here" and extends his arm so you can hug and cuddle him, all of that while avoiding eye contact (but at the end he is all smiley)
։ຼ⚘ Jungwoo
~ Key words: endless cuddles, connection, colorful love
Jungwoo is the type of boyfriend who just feels right. You look at him and wonder how you could end up with someone that matches your vibes so well. He accepts you and loves you exactly the way you are, for the way you are. He is not only sweeter than candy, he is also the funniest, the cutest, the most supportive, the most lovely, the most unique and interesting boyfriend ever. He feels intensily what you're feeling, so he can understand you well. He cries when you cry, he laughs when you laugh, he is by your side because he wants to be. He is the type of boyfriend that stays awake with you all night long when you need to finish an assignment so he can help you and so you won't feel lonely; that creates a whole new special sign language to communicate with you ; that fights for food with you just to give you everything at the end; that goes live on instagram just to scream "y/n, I love you" and then disconnects; that can't stop talking about you to everyone; that uses your picture as his cellphone background.
։ຼ⚘ Mark
~ Key words: sweet kisses, happiness, pure love
Mark is someone who wants to give you the whole world, and he works hard to do so. He is very intuitive and can tell what you're thinking with just one look. Being with him feels easy, recharging, and you see sincerity in all of his acts and words. There's no drama, no second intentions, he just genuinely wants to see you happy. He is the type of boyfriend that prays for you every night before sleeping; that may be clueless about a lot of things, but notices when you have the slightest change in your appearance; that takes melted candies out of his pockets and says they are a gift to you with the brightest and most innocent smile on his face; that creates raps about your awesomeness at random times; that gets too tired of giggling while cuddling you and then sleeps in your arms; that get inspired by some cheesy movie to do cheesy things with you but gets all shy about it afterwards, which makes everything even more adorable; that helps you drying your hair and gives you little pecks while the towel covers your eyes.
։ຼ⚘ Haechan
~ Key words: heart fluttering words, sharing, playful love
Haechan is someone who makes you feel special. He knows every single detail about you, and it seems that he understands you more than you do yourself, because he always knows what to say to make you feel better. He is affectionate, flirty, enjoys to make you blush, but often he is the one who blushes like crazy. He values the deep bond you share, and is proud of himself to have you by his side. He is the type of boyfriend that diligently prepares a midnight snack for you and draws a big heart with ketchup on your plate; that asks you what you are going to wear on your date with him, so he can wear something similar; that has a bracelet with your initial on it; that does skincare with you; that calls you at raining nights and stays with you on the phone for hours to distract you from the thunders you hate so much; that runs to you when he sees you; that plays rock paper scissors with you to decide who will get you two food, but actually it doesn't matter who wins, he will do everything for you at the end.
•° thanks @arieseris333 for the request! 💕
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* If you want to be added to or removed from the taglist, just send me an ask or a message (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Teaser)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au (Kind of), roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 844
Warnings: swearing
Notes: A brand new story:) This is a totally different vibe so I am really nervous to post this…it starts off somewhat serious and a bit creepy but the story turns quite fluffy! Anyway, let me know what you guys think!:)
Taehyung and you share a look before walking through to the kitchen and living room. You approach the rooms slowly and carefully, afraid of what you might find. What surprises could be lurking? Suddenly the white glow of the TV can be seen, making you jump with its sudden brightness. Why the hell did the TV just turn on? Is this like, a haunted house? Are you being fucking haunted? Okay, maybe that’s dramatic.
The screen is bright white with nothing else on it. You turn to face Taehyung who is already staring at you with brows pinched together in confusion. Same Taehyung, same. The two of you decide to walk closer to the TV when dark, bold numbers appear.
The sound of soft music can be heard playing from the TV, similar to the music that’s played in an elevator, as numbers counting down from 10 begins. You feel your insides twist and turn.
Panicked, the two of you inch closer and closer. You two stand here waiting for something, anything to occur because these might be the longest 10 seconds of your life. The millions of questions you have only multiplying. With the seconds counting down and getting closer to zero, your breathing about fucking stops. What is going to happen? You can feel your palms grow sweaty as your heart beats out of your chest. It feels like the countdown to the end of the world.
You don’t think Taehyung realizes just how close he is to you, his shoulders bumping into yours. You guess fear does funny things even between strangers.
And then it finally happens. The timer finally reaches fucking zero. And it is safe to say your attention has been caught…anyone’s would be if a screen greets them with their god damn names.
“Welcome Kim Taehyung and Y/N Y/LN”
Your names on the screen has you automatically feeling nauseas. What sort of sick game is this? Is someone setting you up? Pranking you? If so, shits not funny. But also, why is Taehyung here? Your eyes focus on the screen as it moves to the next slide.
“It is a great honor that you two have made it this far. You have been carefully selected in this company’s project. After a lot of consideration and impressive results—we have decided to move you to the next phase.”
Naturally, very naturally you become even more confused than you fucking started. What projects? What company? You can hear Taehyung swallow hard, his nerves spiking with each word he reads. Then the slides continue.
“To put it simply, we are in the business of love.”
Huh? Huh?
Taehyung and you break your focus on the screen to steal a glance at one another very briefly before turning your heads back to the TV. What the hell they mean love? What is this absolute nonsense?
“Our use of science, technology and logic has got us here today. We test and heavily observe our chosen subjects and decide if they are the perfect match. We then move them to the final phase: The Island. This is where the two subjects meet and get along for the first time. The place they will undoubtedly fall in love.”
You can’t help that your mouth falls open, you are sure your eyes are bulging out of your head. You dare to turn to look at Taehyung and he isn’t looking much better.
Before you can really gather any thoughts the slides continue.
“Our success rate is 99%. You WILL fall in love here, it is most probable. Other subjects will come to fall in love quickly, other will take their time. BUT don’t take too long~ If two subjects are taking too long to make progress we will send a ‘Request’ to move things along and if you fail to meet said request there will be a penalty. And you have 24 hours to complete the request. This is to help you.”
You shiver while reading the words before you. You are now too anxious to even look at Taehyung right now…you don’t want to even see his reaction to all of this. Is he anxious like you? Is he laughing because there’s no way this is real? Is he nodding along taking notes because he believes it? You don’t want to fucking know!
“We give soulmates the opportunity to meet and thrive. This particular project has been in the works for well over a year.”
You blink lazily at that. Well over a year? WELL OVER A YEAR? They’ve been watching you for over a year?!
“We have carefully observed each one of you in great detail. There is nothing we don’t know. We have matched you two to be most compatible.”
Nothing they don’t know? What the hell does that mean? How exactly did they fucking observe you two? You stand here with eyes wide open and mouth agape. Taehyung mirrors your expression. He doesn’t want to believe this either.
“And you two are finally ready to proceed with The Island.”
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.07.08 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324789011045811088
Come~ Let’s chat a bit~~
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening! I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. WELCOME! LYN: I seem to have come earlier than usual and you’re not used to it, right? Well, I was thinking I would stream earlier and leave earlier, so that I wouldn’t affect everyone’s sleep.
LYN: ZSX is here, really? Does he have some show that’s going to air soon? This is a true friend, everyone. He came even faster than my fans did. // Alright, ZSX- since you came into my stream so quickly today, I’ll send you my autograph tomorrow. 
C: You don’t have any scenes to shoot today, so you came to stream? LYN: I’m not sure what you mean by that. In my mind there are two meanings. 1. I don’t have any scenes to shoot, so I came to stream = Ning-ge is so nice. OR 2. Ning-ge, don’t act anymore, just come and stream for us all the time.  
- Chengdu’s a little hot & Ning-ge can’t take the heat XD LYN: It’s nice though. It’s rare, so I’ll indulge in this warmth.
C: Are you selling your autographs again? LYN: What do you mean? I’m not selling my autographs. No- I said I was going to send my friend ZSX my autograph. You all know him, don’t you? You don’t know him? It’s alright, that’s normal. XD As his friend I also wish for his national recognition to rise. No- I’m sure you all know him. Zeng Shunxi! I was talking about him! I was going to send him my autograph, not SELL him my autograph. What? You think I can’t support myself and need to sell my autograph in my streams now?? LYN: Did he leave? That’s alright- he’s been quite busy in his new drama crew. He has a tight schedule and it’s been hot over in Hengdian as well. Shooting a guzhuang drama in this weather is hard work. Of course, the hard work is expected. 
- promoting The Truth - made an appearance on The Oasis; will probably air as one of the later episodes... but don’t worry bc when it airs, he’ll make a post about it
C: The Truth is going to air soon, can you do a reaction video? LYN: Do you mean to react to it on stream while it’s airing?? You can keep dreaming. LYN: Excuse me, I didn’t mean to talk back at you. This is a copyright issue- because the episode is only open to VIP members, and you want me to show it to you for free? I must be crazy.
- people complaining that the video quality is not clear enough LYN: Maybe it’s not the video, but that my beauty filter is on too high. It’s on so high that the video looks blurry? That can’t be, right? C: Turn off the filter. LYN: Why should I? Give me one good reason. C: You look better without the filter. LYN: Stop lying to me. Do you think I’m three? I’m thirty+! Do you think you can trick me? I know I’m a little foolish, but not to THAT extent...
- ppl complaining that the bgm is too noisy LYN: This is exactly the mood I want. You must not go to bars very often; I don’t go either, because I used to work in a bar so if I go to one I’ll feel like I’m at work. But the sound in bars are loud, so that you can have the mood. The bgm of my stream serves the same purpose. If you have a good home environment, try to watch my stream with your headphones. One, so that you don’t disturb other people; and two, so that you can hear what I’m saying more clearly and it'll feel more intimate. C: I don’t have a good home environment.  LYN: What are you telling me for?? If your conditions aren’t great, you should work hard- study well and work well- put in the effort so that you can make your environment better for yourself. What are you telling me for, I was only giving you a suggestion. I can’t help you. Or did you mean that you wanted me to send you some headphones? And al so- don’t you all usually watch my stream on your phone? When you buy a phone it comes with a pair of earphones, doesn’t it? C: Do you have Dolby sound? LYN: I do. Did you want to experience it? Type ‘1′ into the comments and I’ll let you experience Dolby sound. // I have to sing a song for you to be able to tell the difference. Let me sing something at random.  -- Zhao Lei - 少年锦时
C: My sister said you’re in your early twenties. LYN: She could be looking at the state I’m in right now and saying that... um... I’m happy~ First of all, I’m happy because I’m already in my thirties. So for someone to say I look like I’m in my twenties... means I’m still young. Secondly- isn’t she your sister? Go get her some glasses. If you really can’t afford it, I’ll pay for her. Get your sister some glasses. C: I need some glasses. LYN: Do you think this is an optometry? What are you telling me for? This girl’s sister said I was young- she was complimenting me, so I should get her a pair of glasses. - ppl in the comments saying “my sister” and “my brother”, so in the end he takes it back. “To be fair.” XD
- re-visiting the Vietnamese song from last stream: HKT - TẢI THÊM MỘT LẦN ĐAU LYN: People have really come to my stream to learn music, isn’t that frightening? We learned the first two lines, and today we’ll learn the next two. In a total of four streams we’ll be able to perfectly sing the chorus. - teaching the next two lines of “misheard” lyrics ;; [t/n: he did his homework! XD] C: I don’t understand. LYN: We don’t need to understand, as long as we know how to sing it. -  C: Ning-ge, I don’t really want to learn... LYN: Hasn’t your teacher ever told you, “If you don’t want to learn, get out. Don’t influence the other children’s learning!” Have you ever heard that? -  C: My mom thinks I’m crazy. LYN: Explain it to her, tell her, “Mom, I’m learning a foreign language. I’m learning Vietnamese from Liu Yuning online.” // First, explain it to her. Second, ask her if she wants to learn, too. We don’t have an age limit here, anyone can learn. C: She wants to know what I’m learning for. LYN: Humans don’t learn all their lives for nothing. One day you’ll find a use for it.
- comment telling their friend to stop watching LYN: What’s wrong if she watches? // You can watch my stream a bit, or if you have some work to do you can go do it. It’s fine.
C: Ning-ge, I’m about to be a high-school senior. LYN: And then? But, congratulations. You have to study well, alright? Cherish the opportunity to learn in school. I told you last time, right? My friend got into an arts university... and then had to spend the next two years in online classes. He doesn’t even know his classmates. So I think that being able to GO to school and have the experience is a happy thing. 
C: Is it hot in Chengdu? LYN: It really is. But I’m okay, because I’m not the type of person who hates the heat. I’m more afraid of getting tan. I went to an event the other day, and wore a suit, right? People asked me if I was hot. I saw the pictures and everyone else was wearing short sleeves and shorts but I was there in full a suit. I was just missing a tie. It was fine, though. Not that hot. It’s a heat I can bear. C: You wore a cap, too. LYN: If I didn’t I’d be done for. Likely to get sunburned. I’m glad I wore the cap... and glad I wore some light foundation. I went for fun and to experience some glory but I didn’t know there’d be so many cameras there! I came back and saw all the photos of me- and I was glad that I has some light makeup on. If I had gone there with a bare-face I’d be done for. 
LYN: I saw the Cang Lan Jue dongman has released an announcement of its voice actors, and I’m one of them, right? I saw you were happy about it; I had told you about it before, that I might have an opportunity to do some dubbing. But it’s not because I think I;m so amazing or anything! I just wanted to try something new. Of course, every new challenge I will take seriously, because I have to be responsible for myself. I’m sure that no matter how well I did, I’m not better than the professional VAs. So I just want to say that if you happen to watch the dongman and find my dubbing lacking, please don't take it up with me. I know it was just so-so. There’s a difference between me and the professionals. It’s just a start for me- a start so that I have room to do more and learn more. LYN: I had a meal with the company CEO, and we were just chatting and I mentioned that I have a yearly plan- something I want to accomplish each year, and they asked me what my goal was. It was to voice-act for a dongman, even if just a supporting character, so that I would feel that I reached my goal even a little. It just so happened that I mentioned it at that dinner, and the CEO said, “Okay! We happen to have something coming up for CLJ, why don’t you come?” And I was like, “Are you for real?? What a coincidence!” They went back and asked the VAs to see if there was a small part I could take, and that’s how it happened. It’s my honor to be able to partake in this, and I know that there are a lot of criticisms and I accept them all.  LYN: There are people who are saying, “If  you didn’t act well and also accepted money for it, then you SHOULD be cursed at.” They’re saying that it’s justified to yell at me if I do a bad job. I just want to say, I didn’t accept any payment for this- it was just fulfilling my own personal wish. So if you want to yell at me, could you be a little less critical?
- Trending @ #44 in the Entertainment Tab
LYN: I like to set goals for myself- even when I’m shooting a drama. Other than bringing the character to life the best I can, I like to set smaller goals for myself. It started with my second drama- no, the third, with CGX. Other than finishing the drama and doing well in the role, I set a goal for myself, which was to- understand what it was to... how to... uh... forget it, I won’t say. I won’t talk about CGX. C: How to ride a horse. LYN: No, that’s not it. Well- it’s okay if I say it. That was my first guzhuang drama, so the small goal I set was to 1. understand how to shoot a guzhuang drama... and do certain things. >.> With SYXSSYX my goal was to understand how to act as a villain. With Zichuan my goal was to understand how to act as a B-King (??). ALZ’s goal was playing an infatuated (?) man. TXJ’s goal was to improve my fighting skills, because I play the number one swordsman in the world and the first thing he does when he sees someone is to fight them. I wanted to improve my skills so you can see that I (as an actor) am improving. Be Your Own Light is currently filming, and my goal here is to understand how modern dramas are shot. C: What about Hei Ye (UN)? LYN: Honestly at that time I didn’t really know how to act at all. Of course, now I still don’t, but I put a lot into that role- only because I was essentially new to acting.  LYN: I can’t discuss in depth about shooting dramas and acting itself because honestly I don’t know very much. I just have my own takeaways and I turn them into my goals in order to fulfill a role. 
C: Ning-ge, is someone teaching you how to cook? LYN: Is anyone teaching me to cook? You must be worried that I don’t eat well and have gotten thinner, so you’re asking this question, right? You must be new here. I’m not a professional in acting or singing, but I have a cooking certification. I graduated from culinary school! C: Then, when are you going to cook me a meal? - /changes the bgm to reply to this comment -> Princess Pearl OST “當”/ LYN: The lyrics to this song will tell you the answer: “當山峰沒有綾角的時候 當河水不再流” (when the mountains have no tops, and the rivers cease to flow) “當時間停住 日夜不分 當天地萬物化為虛有” (when time stops and there is no distinction between day and night, when all things under the sky turn into nothingness). THAT is when I’ll cook you a warm meal. LYN: Wow, I didn’t sing that well at all. I proved I was a cook, but my identity as a singer just fell by 20%.
LYN: I saw some things people sent me.. saying that SYXSSYX might not have had very high ratings because the 2ML (LYN) has too many scenes. I don’t think it didn’t do well- I think it was alright. But my problem here is that the drama has already finished airing, and NOW they’re looking to give me a reckoning? Who do they think I am??? But why are they starting to throw me under the bus? It’s because there are rumors that I’ve signed with Yuekai Entertainment- that my relations with the CEO are so good that I’m already one of their artists, so they’ve given me more scenes. LYN: People always ask me if I’ve signed with so and so, and I’ve said before- I’m not signed and with anybody. It used to be that I COULDN’T sign with anyone, because I used to be under YY- it’s also a live-streaming platform. It used to be an all-encompassing contract- any sponsors, appearances, etc. would all be handled by them. At the beginning of last year my contract with them ended, and since then I haven’t signed with anyone else because I don’t WANT to sign with anyone else. C: Is “YY” Yang Yang? LYN: NO! It’s a video-based streaming platform, a lot of people who use the ‘net know it. But our five year contracted ended last year, and I considered signing with a company but after everything I had experienced I decided not to. It was just too complicated, so I just made my own studio, so I can manage myself. I’m very simple- if someone gives me a job, I go. If I don’t have a job, I’ll... sit here “picking at my toes”. LYN: So I won’t sign with any company. As for the Yuekai rumor, I’ve already explained. The first time I held a concert was in collaboration with them, because I couldn’t pull off arranging a whole series of concerts with just my studio alone. My fans enjoyed the concerts, I thought it was a successful collaboration, and it was comfortable working with them. So my second set of concerts I also let them handle. They were also starting up a music company, so I gave them my second album, too. I let them handle it, because I can’t do everything by myself. It’s just a collaboration; however, I do know that CEO Kai treats me very well. But even so, I haven’t signed with his label. LYN: So you don’t need to take this rumor and slander me. Whether it’s about the drama or anything else, it’s not up to one person to make the decisions. There’s the production company, the platform, and all the staff- it’s not that simple. I can’t just do anything because I WANT to. Also- when I was playing BCF I was nothing. I’m still nothing! When I signed the contract for SYXSSYX only one of my dramas had aired, and that was Hot-Blooded Youth. Have you heard of it? I’m sure not many people have- it was a drama I was in with HZT.  A Linghe Production, and Bai-laoshi asked me to be in it. At the time that was my only drama, so why would anyone give LYN more scenes just based on that?? I was able to play BCF because I happened to have the time right after CGX shooting wrapped, and they gave me a chance. I haven’t relied on any connections, only that I’ve met very good people. LYN: So don’t try to make the fact that I’ve signed to a company as hate material, because it’s not true. On the flip side, if I had the chance to sign to the company, that is my honor. I have my own studio, my “big tent” and all of my fans are the ones keeping it up. Some of you have been here for me since the beginning, and of course some of you have left me to start loving other people on the way. That’s normal. But there are a group of you who have known how I got to where I am today. My new fans are a part of this as well- no matter how “new” you are, you must have been here for at least a year or a few months. A lot of people wonder why I am worthy of some of the jobs I pick up, and I don’t even really believe it myself. But I have so many wonderful fans, and they are my backbone.
C: Have you been working out lately? LYN: Yeah, I have. C: Do you have abs yet? LYN: /laughs/ No. But even if I did it’s not like I could lift my shirt and show you on stream. That’s not PG. Maybe one day when I do have them I’ll make a post. Give me half a year’s time. I don’t think I’ve ever made a bare post. Give me a year and when I have the muscles I’ll make a post for you. Wait for me. 
-- bathroom break -- [t/n: new fan-edit! ohh it’s fun. XD] C: Ning-ge, where did your glasses go? LYN: Oh, I went to go stop a fight and you think they hit me so hard my glasses went flying? Why can’t you wish me well? I went to tell them to stop fighting and got hit?? My glasses are here... /spills his drink/ /cleans up the spill and puts his glasses back on/
C: I want to hear the handsome guy LYN’s songs. LYN: :) The “handsome guy” part of it makes it hard for me to refuse. C: What do you think, handsome? Can you sing us a song? LYN: Um... I can. :) LYN: I was in hair and makeup the other day and I heard this song... It’s been a long time since I’ve heard it, but I knew how to sing it. It went like /reading lyrics/- do you know which song it is? Anyone?  C: “Enough”? LYN: Yes! I think that was it. You must all be singers! How is your ability to search for lyrics so much better than mine?? Alright, let’s go~ -- 闹够了没有 - /sings the wrong part in the middle, blames it on the mic/ LYN: If my makeup artist didn’t play this song I would never have thought of it again. C: What an old song. LYN: /sigh/ This isn’t old I have something even older...  -- 舞女泪 LYN: I’m sure other than your parents, no one has even heard of this song- is it old enough?  -- 梦驼铃 LYN: Is THIS old enough? C: My dad’s singing along. LYN: So that means this one isn’t as old as the one before it. 
C: /more comments that their parents are getting excited/ LYN: Alright~! Next let’s play a song that all the Uncles and Aunties can sing along to! What shall we sing? How about 水手? LYN: All the Uncles and Aunties sing along! /enters the song late/ Sorry! Let’s start that over. -- 水手 (Sailor) LYN: What do you think, Uncles and Aunties? C: My dad says “Old songs are the best!” LYN: The classics will never be surpassed.. also, it’s just a great song. C: My dad doesn’t care for it, but my mom is hyped! LYN: I’m going to take a bold guess here, but has your mom ever dated a sailor when she was younger? XD
-- 再回首 - he’s trending! :D
- everyone’s parents are requesting songs now, haha C: Do you charge for requesting songs? No, no. I charge for OSTs, and I make you buy tickets for my concerts- but here in my streams the songs are a perk for you. -- 爱我你怕了吗 (Love Me If You Can) [requested by an Auntie] LYN: But this song can go really high, so if later the mic breaks, let’s just pretend nothing happened.  - /as expected, his voice cracks/ /clears his throat/ LYN: Did something just happen, friends? The mic just had an extremely unacceptable fault. It had nothing to do with me. If you don’t believe me I’ll sing it for you again and prove it was the mic. - /breaks again/ LYN: That’s just how I prefer to sing this song. Look at the lyrics: “Willing to love, willing to hate, willing to lose it all. I don’t want the world.” Look at this- they’ve already given up on everything. So at this point in time, this is how I chose to express this emotion. Every song and how you sing it is different. This is how I choose to sing this song. :p Of course, I could choose to sing it the normal way- here, I’ll demonstrate and you can tell me which version you like better. - “normal” version vs “emotional” version LYN: “Are you afraid of loving me?” Are you? “Have you forgotten the tears?” Have you? “My heart is waiting, and the rain is falling.” That type of feeling. Anyways- that’s about enough of this song, you get the point. If I continue it will affect my streaming condition later. There may be a group of you out there who don’t really understand music and think that my voice cracked just then- but no, that’s just how I sing the song. You have to remember this. That was just my personal style. >.> It wasn’t a mistake- those don’t exist here. C: You’re rambling out of embarrassment aren’t you? LYN: You probably don’t understand me. Here in my stream I have never been embarrassed. I’m sure I’ve been embarrassed when I went on some variety show, but never here. Do you know why? Because this is my territory, my home. Have you ever felt embarrassed in your own house? No, but maybe in someone else’s. Even if you’re wearing your pajamas and someone comes to your house, you still won’t be embarrassed by it. It’s the same principle.
C: How much can you make from a stream? LYN: Why are you asking about my income? I think you’re trying to set me up. There have been some cases regarding songs and whatnot. You want to see how much I make and report me, is that it? I’m telling you now- I don’t receive any income from streaming, nor do I have any agreement with weibo. This is a free service for everyone, and I do not use it for business. In fact when I stream I invest 20RMB in electricity and also three drinks. Sometimes when the connection is bad I open my own hot-spot, and that incurs a charge, too. The clothes, glasses, caps, and hair and makeup- all of this I pay for myself. I don’t make a cent from streaming or from weibo. In fact, I even have to pay weibo every month- for the membership fee. 
LYN: Oh, I’m trending on the main tab? Then I have to trash this kazoo- the last time I was trending I played the kazoo and I dropped five ranks. You’ll never hear from it again. LYN: Alright then, Aunties and Uncles- do you have any old songs you want to hear? I can sing them to you using my own style. //  一帘幽梦? That’s certainly old enough, but I do know it! Just because I know how to sing these songs, does not represent my age, okay? It’s just that as a person in this industry and a consumer, I need to know all types of music.  --  一帘幽梦 (A Curtain of Dreams) LYN: I’m not off-tune, it’s just that I’m singing too low of a key, because this was originally in the female key... --  迟来的爱 (Love That Came Too Late) LYN: /off to a rocky start/ I think I know how to sing this song, but why can’t I find the right key? I used to know how to sing this, but I’ve forgotten. Excuse me. What else was there? --  新不了情 (New Everlasting Love) [LYN: Ok, I REALLY know this one.] C: Somehow I’ve heard all these songs before.  LYN: Of course you have. If not you, your family members have listened to these songs. --  当爱已成往事 (When Love Was Gone) --  暗香 (Subtle Fragrance) [switches to this song bc the previous one reminded him of it] LYN: That’s about enough. I can’t sing anymore.
LYN: Someone said Zhu Xiaoyao (Zeng Yixuan) is here? Welcome, welcome. LYN: So everyone, do you need to be act as Bai Choufei and give her an apology? I don’t need to, right? All our grudges ended with the drama, we don’t need to take it into reality, right?
-- bathroom break #2
- he’s got a trending topic, but there’s a “Variety Show” label tacked on to the “LYN Livestream” LYN: Is that so? I’m considered a variety show now??  LYN: People have actually come to me asking if I can sponsor their products during my stream and I always turn them down. I don’t want to use my stream for business. I just want it to be pure/transparent. It’s just a simple perk for everyone, that’s all. I don’t want to turn something I use to chat with my fans into something for business- there’s no need for that. If I turned it into something for business, I wouldn’t be able to sing some of the songs I do- so there’s really no need to trouble myself. C: I came in from the trending topic. LYN: Welcome, my new friends. This might be the first time you’re watching. Actually, my streaming style has changed a lot from before. They say I used to talk back at my fans a lot, but that was just a joking style. Now I do that a lot less. It’s not that I’ve changed, but that now I don’t dare. I’m afraid that if people who don’t know me come in and see me back-talking at the viewers it’ll leave them with a bad impression. I’ll be done for. So I’ll lightly joke with you, but not as severely as before. C: You’re a little famous now and got scared? LYN: You’ve got something there... you’ve hit the nail on the head, a little. Because before when I was nothing and no one knew me they didn’t care what I said. But now I’m too much in the public eye. I need to be more reserved, because there are a group of people out there watching me like a hawk, waiting to get something on me. I don’t know what I did to make them hate me so much. I just want to say to people who have something against me: Do you want to meet up somewhere we can talk it out? How did I anger you or make you uncomfortable? Can we find some way for you to accept me? We can have dinner- of course, I’m not paying for you. We’ll go Dutch. You can choose the place and I’ll meet you there. We can talk it out. C: Give them a scrub. LYN: There’s no need for THAT. They’re hating on me and you want me to scrub their back??? I’ll perform some cupping (ba guan) on them and we call it even? See- this is why you need a skill. It will always come in handy. C: Scrub them to death. LYN: How are you so cruel?! LYN: But yeah, I used to joke and backtalk and chat with my fans, but I’m not as relaxed as back then. It’s okay, we’ll slowly adjust. My fans always knew I was joking with them.
- 平安河西 (a policeman (?)) has dropped by the stream
LYN: But if you’d still like me to joke around and backtalk you that’s alright too, and we can go back to doing that. Sometimes I come across old videos of myself and I think “How was I so mean?”  C: Let’s go back to before. LYN: I can do that. As long as you’re happy. 
- might have a makeup brand spokesperson contract coming up, but it’s not confirmed so he can’t say what it is yet C: I don’t know how to put on makeup. LYN: You can learn. // LYN: It seems like for your daily necessities, if it’s not associated with me you’re not going to buy it, is that it? Then, what brand of tissue do you use? Disposable chopsticks? It’s like if it’s not related to me you can’t live. XD LYN: I have a plan for myself, and part of it includes not signing too many collaborative contracts. Honestly, in all forms of work there are things I really dislike doing. For example, I really dislike taking photos. I’ve told you this before. All the making poses and whatnot- I don’t like it. You’ll notice that with other artists every so often they’ll release a set of photos, but with me- for me any event or album cover or ost cover- all the photos they use were shot in 2018. It’s not that I can’t afford to take new ones, though. Everyone just uses my old photos because I really dislike taking photos in the first place. The shoot with ZSX and YCY- actually that was my idea. It was just because my hair was long and I wanted to take pics. I brought it up to my team and even they were all dumbfounded. “What’s wrong with you? Did you drink too much? We’ve worked together for so many years and you’ve never once mentioned wanting to take pics. What’s wrong?” I just wanted to have the memory of having long hair, because I don’t think I’ll get the chance to grow it out again. I got to take some with YCY and ZSX, so I was happy. But regularly I don’t like taking photos.  LYN: But when you’re working with a brand you have no choice BUT to take photos. A few sets of photos, even. Plus an ad. I don’t really like ads, either. I’m alright if I’m just.. holding the item, but I really don’t like the... “go with the flow” ones. I like the ones that have a story-line I can follow. I hate the ones that are just a bunch of poses, where the director tells you, “You’ve used this product and now need to show us that it makes you feel like you’re flying.” You’re so happy to have used the product that you can fly into the sky like a bird, like a cloud~ How do you want me to act that??? I know I’m an actor but if you want me to act as a cloud, I don’t think I can do it. Those ~artistic~ ones, I am ill-equipped to handle. There are other ones- “You’re doing a performance and have to show us you’re enjoying yourself!” I’m looking at the mic and it’s like this- cordless. /acts it out/ But you still have to interact with the camera.  C: Ning-ge, maybe you’re using a wireless mic? LYN: But the problem was the bottom had the prongs! I just showed you!! When those are there that means the mic needs a cord! It wasn’t wireless, it was just- /cuts himself off/ C: Bring your own cord. LYN: When I shoot MVs in the future, I should bring my own cord, is that what you’re saying? If I see the bottom has no cord, I can tell them, “I brought my own to connect it, and the end I will stick into my pocket.”???  C: Just act, right? LYN: Right, but I just don’t like it. Another thing I don’t really like is for some products they want to do the “boyfriend pov”- you know what I’m talking about, right? Like the scene is interactive, and I’ll pat your head. I can’t take it! I can’t convince myself of it, and I'll get goosebumps (for being too cringe). It’s fine for everyone else! I can watch theirs, but I, myself, am unable to accept them. I’ve shot these types before, yes, it’s just that in the process I will feel easily awkward/embarrassed. I just like the ones that won’t make me feel that way better. - acts out two of the ones he did that made him feel embarrassed. (one for pore cleanser; one for coffee where he “feeds” the camera a cup and has one cup for himself.) LYN: I’m sure my fans are all happy to see such a commercial, but it’s just that I feel embarrassed seeing it. - says that next CFs will be ASMR-type, VR-type is for even later in the future XD LYN: This is likely to come back and slap me in the face, because my future collaborations are probably going to be of this “interactive” type. C: I want to see it. LYN: Then I guess I’ll have to shoot some.
C: How’s HZT doing these days? LYN: Go ask him, what are you asking me for? I’ve been busy too, we’re not much in contact. He has his work- I guess he’s also shooting a drama.
C: Ning-ge, don’t shoot a drama for now. LYN: What do you mean by that? Why don’t you want me to act? Give me a good reason. Do you mean “Don’t act, just come stream for us.”? C: Release more albums. LYN: /sigh/ My album... why don’t I release my album... because a lot of people release albums and find themselves frustrated... A lot of singers are like this...“I’ve put in so much effort to released my music, but why isn’t anyone listening to it? D:” Also, a lot of money goes into it. But you still have to do it. But when you do it no one listens. Do you know that feeling?? LYN: You may not be familiar with the industry, so you can’t understand. It’s like if you invest a lot of your time, effort, and money to open a restaurant you’re convinced will do well. After being open for a week you’ve only gotten two customers. Will you be able to handle it? I’m sure you would cry and have a breakdown, because you’ve put in all the effort will little result, you know? You’ve opened for a month and have only made 500RMB- not including your investment, those two customers totaled to 500, let’s say. If you had kept working a normal job you would’ve made 3000RMB in income for the month. If it were you, which path would you choose? That’s why a lot of us choose to work for others.
- if he’s going to release a song or album he wants it to be for free, because it is his honor that people are listening to his music. - if he’s going to stream it’s going to be without the option to send him monetary gifts, because he doesn’t use streaming as a way to make an income. - still though, he does charge for his concerts- it’s just that it isn’t convenient to hold one right now.
C: How much do you weigh now? LYN: I haven’t really been weighing myself, but I have lost a little weight, and have started to exercise. I made you a pie in the sky earlier, didn’t I? I asked you to give me half a year’s time and when the time comes I’ll post a shirtless photo to my weibo. It’s 7/8/22 right now, so around the new year I’ll be posting a shirtless photo. I’ve never posted anything to show my figure- because the truth of the matter is that I HAVE no figure. But this time come the new year, I’ll post a bare photo- of course, only the top half of my body. C: What if you don’t post it? LYN: I’ll do my best to post one, but if I don’t what are you going to do about it? You’ll just have to wait longer. But I’ll try. I go online and watch all these exercise videos- and then after I watch them I feel like I’ve had a workout. XD No, I watch to learn. First I have to understand it, and THEN I can start to do it for myself. Maybe in the future I’ll be a workout instructor. Not only will I be able to sing and cook, I can teach you how to exercise too.  C: GJ posted some. LYN: I know, I saw them and started wondering if I should start holding myself up to some standards. Nowadays being thin isn’t enough. You have to be thin but also have muscles. I’ll start with crunches. C: It’s fine as long as you don’t end up making your neck thicker. LYN: Yes, I saw that some friends were saying if you workout too much you’re likely to gain a thicker neck (neck muscles?)- I looked it up on baidu. Some people have gained thicker necks, because some workouts require you to use a lot of strength. /demonstrates/ But when you’re lifting, where else is (other than the arms) are you using strength? The neck. See? /demonstrates again/ So the neck muscles do get worked out; I think the explanation is reasonable. When you have a thicker neck, it looks like you don’t HAVE a neck and that’s a bit... but aren’t we going for the “swan neck” aesthetic nowadays? If your neck is thick you’re a giraffe, but if it’s thin then you’re a swan. C: Then exercise moderately. LYN: Moderate exercise won’t work. If you’re just moderately exercising then that counts as “being mobile/active” (and not “working out”). That’s like how my mom takes a walk around the neighborhood after dinner- that’s just being active. If you want to gain muscles you have to lift weights- grind your teeth and grunt with pain, work until your face is red and your muscles are straining. Where do you think the good figure comes from? You have to put in the effort. LYN: Anyways, I’ll try to post a pic by the new year and if it doesn’t happen... then I’ll PS you a photo. I have a lot of talented friends- they can PS one for me. Just pretend I made it. I have friends who can draw- you can draw me with abs too. LYN: I’m not joking this time, I’m going to do it. Even though I’ve told my fans this same thing about seven times since I’ve made my debut. It’s been four years now... but THIS time. I promise it’ll be true. I have the audacity to say that this time, do you know why? It’s because I already went online to buy some protein powder. With anything I do- whether I do it or not depends on if I buy the products necessary to accomplish it or not. Like for streaming- if I want to stream well, I have to buy a light, camera, and a good computer. Do I want to work out well? I do. Therefore I bought some handsome clothes, cool shoes, gloves, and protein powder. I’ve got all the equipment ready, now I just have to start making use of them. I never accomplished it before because I wasn’t prepared- my stuff hadn’t arrived yet. XD It’s the equipment that gives me the motivation to get to work.  C: You bought gloves in 2018 already. LYN: I threw those away. Because I threw those ones away and my feelings for them were so deep, that’s why it’s taken me until now to get new ones. :p C: Find an instructor? LYN: I wanted to, but the problem is I’m not just sitting around all the time. Not to say I’m very busy, but sometimes with filming I only get off at 11p-12a. If you want me to work out after that, I’d “die”. You understand? I don’t have a set daily schedule, and there’s no way to determine when I’ll have the time. So I decided I would try by myself first - I’ve watched all the videos and I have a plan for myself.  C: I don’t like musclemen.  LYN: I can’t make myself into one anyway. Not everyone who exercises turns into the musclemen you see on tv- if that were the case then every man in the world would be a muscleman. It’s not that easy. LYN: I can’t become one of the thick/strong guys- because even though I’m tall I have a small frame. People with a small frame are likely to look very thin, like a bamboo pole. Another disadvantage for people with small bones is that if you’re NOT thin- I’m talking about actors- if you’re not very thin, then when you’re on camera your face comes out looking rounder. Because your bones can’t hold (don’t have the space) for all your flesh. But with big-boned people, their faces have the space and even if they have that excess flesh they will still look thin. But their bodies are of a bigger frame, so if they have more meat on their bones, they are likely to look more sturdy/robust. I am one of the small-boned people, so there’s no way I can turn into the sturdy muscleman type.
LYN: You know who I know who counts as having big bones? Fang Yilun. He’s very broad-shouldered and his features are very well defined- so he looks very handsome.  C: Who? LYN: Wei Shuyu! When I say “Wei Shuyu” you know who I’m talking about, but not when I say “Fang Yilun”?? Wei Shuyu you all know, right? C: Ning-ge, are you going to work with Wei Shuyu again on your next drama? (A Journey to Love /  一念关山) LYN: What’s it to you?! Don’t ASK! I’ll tell you when I tell you- I’m not telling you now for a reason. Stop making blind guesses. Some rumors are just nonsense. But if I had the chance to work with Fang Yilun again, I’d still yell at him! As long as he’s in the drama, no matter what he says I will reply, “Shut up! Why are you EVERYWHERE? Stop talking!” XD LYN: If I’m in a drama with him, no matter what he says I will only reply with “Shut your mouth.” -“You’re so handsome.” -“Shut your mouth.” -“I’m serious.” -“Shut up!” LOL. LYN: Then I won’t have to remember any lines if I have scenes with him. // I’m joking, I’m joking.
C: When is ALZ coming? LYN: I really don’t know. Someone asks me this every time. I don’t know- I’m just a supporting actor. oTL First of all, I swear to all the people watching my stream- I didn’t get any added scenes. I don’t have any sort of connections with the production company. I swear that I only acted out whatever was in the script I received and nothing more. When it airs later, know that what you see is what I was given in the script. They might even delete some of my scenes, it’s possible. But please don’t say that I had scenes added in for me. I’m not worthy. Also, who’s watching it to see me? Other than my fans, who wants to see me? D: C: Ning-ge, just because you say that, doesn’t mean people will believe it. LYN: What do I care if they believe me or not?! It doesn’t matter- you can choose to believe me or not. Just know that I only acted the scenes I was given in the script. It’s that simple.  C: When will it air though? LYN: It’ll air... it’s still early. Right now it’s in editing. All great dramas go through a great editing process. Let’s all just wait for it together.
C: Then what if people say you’re overpowering someone? LYN: Who can I overpower? Based on looks alone in this entertainment industry, if LYN is said to overpower anyone, then that rumor itself is a joke. If you were talking about my humor or my height, then that is acceptable and I’m bound to overpower someone. But based on acting? It’s a joke.  LYN: I have a feeling... because I know that in the future I could possibly play a male lead role... if I am worthy of receiving the ML.. then I will be the one overpowered. Let’s not talk about me overpowering anyone else, and just focus on not being overpowered by others, first. It’s super easy to suppress me- just give a little pressure and I’m down. For now let’s just try not to step on any toes. Because I firmly believe in “what comes around goes around.” - Ning-ge believes in doing things he considers “good” to receive “good” in return. -- For example, all his albums and music are free- he may not be making any money from it, but by doing so (making his music accessible), he is now open to the possibility of being contacted to sing OSTs. -- For example, he was invited to sing at the Rattan wrap party, and made himself available and got himself to the venue out of his own pocket to show up for his friends... and ended up walking out of there with a contract for ALZ. C: Ning-ge, didn’t you say you went there and got a meal out of it? LYN: ...Are you saying that you think my appearance fee and the cost of one song is only equal to one meal? You think that’s a fair exchange?? -  C: Ning-ge, wipe the oil from your face. LYN: ! You must be one of my staff members...  - - makes a request to all his future co-stars to please not overtly overpower him, and even if they ARE, not to say it in so many words. X’D LYN: If anyone tries to play me, I’m going to blast them for two hours in one of my streams. I’ll set them straight. 
- saw that some fans are already PS-ing his face onto muscular bodies LYN: I noticed that some people are already making edits. Don’t do that. Make it more realistic, don’t give me pressure. I see some of you are already editing my face onto a muscular body. I was only joking. You’re going to make me lose my motivation, because I believe I already succeeded. I’ll hypnotize myself into believing that I’ve already succeeded and that this is how my fans see me. “In the eyes of my fans, I’m already this handsome!” And then I won’t actually go work out.  - shows the camera an example of a fan-edit LYN: What is that?? >A<
- introduces Be Your Own Light LYN: It’s a great new experience, and my first modern drama but there are really a lot of things I haven’t gotten used to. Like how since it’s a modern drama, I have to be filming on the streets. I have to be out in the world. I’ve been an actor for three years now and have done 6-7 dramas already, but most of those were all filmed in Hengdian. I’ve practically never left. Other than Ultimate Note- which was shot in Xishuangbanna. We were filming in the deep mountains and forests, and other than the wolves, our film crew were the only people there. There were only snakes, wolves, and our drama crew, and no one else was able to get to our location. Filming in Hengdian is a bit more enclosed, since each drama crew will rotate through the spaces on any given day. They’ll close off the area, in order to film with more privacy and so as not to cross lines. Because with a guzhuang drama you’re only shooting in a particular space/setting/location, but with a modern drama there’s no way to CREATE a city. LYN: We’re just filming on the street, because it’s not like they’re going to MAKE a street for you to shoot on. OMG, the people- I feel like- I’m not saying I’m popular, I’m not. It’s Tao-jie that’s famous. People will see her shooting and they’ll call up all their friends and relatives to get them down to take a look. I remember one scene we were filming in a small neighborhood. When I looked up, every household had their window open, looking down at us. Do you know how strange that felt? It’s like there was a fight downstairs and everyone else looked out their windows to watch it go down. They were all leaning on their windows, and some even had fans, just fanning themselves and watching us. Oh my goodness. That was so strange an experience. It doesn’t feel like you’re shooting a drama, it feels like you’re just a monkey in a zoo. I felt like a monkey, and I couldn’t even have a temper. You know how if you throw the monkey something it doesn’t like to eat it will glare at you? Or how if it doesn’t want you to take its picture, it will hide away? But I couldn’t. If I showed any displeasure at all, and those pictures made it online I would be cursed to “death”. 
LYN: There was a fan who came to the site to see me. I’ve already told you the rules for coming to see me at my job. But they came and they kept screaming my name. -__-; I didn’t respond to them, and they stopped being my fan. They made a post about it, from what I heard, saying how disappointed they were, and there were also a whole bunch of comments to that post indulging them! “I always thought LYN was a good person and so nice to his fans. I can’t believe he ignored you! I didn’t think he was that type of person!” LYN: I’ve already told you the rules for this. 1. You are free to go where you want, because I don’t have the power to stop you. But I advise you not to come. 2. Ok fine, you came. But I am working, I’m not here for fun. If I were here for fun and you called me but I ignored you, you can have a problem with it. But I am here for work, and I can’t respond to you because I am not the only person in the crew. When I am walking, there are other staff or actors beside me. If I respond to you, what are they going to think of me? “Yes, you have fans. Yes, you’re famous. So what?” If I respond to everyone who calls my name, it will seem like I ENCOURAGE you to come and disrupt filming. Do you understand? 
LYN: Filming a modern drama is a really new experience for me. Yesterday we did a take filming inside a home, and I have to open the door and greet the person on the other side. We started the take and I opened the door and said my lines, but then I made the mistake of looking up. I could see people on the floors above recording us with their cellphones. Someone even had a camera. It was supposed to be a nice and kind interaction, but after I saw those people my tone changed into more aggressive territory. LYN: I’m just joking, please don’t take that seriously. I acted how I was instructed, but I just told you how I was feeling on the inside.  Isn’t that overstepping?? I didn’t feel like they were my fans, I felt like they were trying to play me. It really affects my mood/way of thinking. - gives another example, of 20+ people crowding behind the main camera with their phones out, because they can. LYN: It’s a new experience- a totally different environment.
- Talks about how, when filming on the street sometimes the crew will need to block off a walkway or an intersection in order to get a shot without people in the background. People only have to wait one or two minutes for the crew to get a take, and they can continue on their way, but there's always going to be someone who gets offended. “You won’t let me walk??? You’re BLOCKING A PUBLIC WALKWAY?!?? WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO STOP ME??? Celebrities can do anything they want, huh??” LYN: Whenever this happens I run. Well, I don’t RUN, but I do my best to make sure they don’t know it’s me who’s blocking their way. They get SO offended, and there’s no room for negotiation. It’s... fun.
LYN: I hope at the very least my own fans can be kind and tolerant. For example, if I’m driving and someone comes up behind me and wants to pass, under safe conditions I will let them. As long as they don’t scare me and make me curse, I will let them pass. But usually if you miss your turn and need to get into a different lane, you’ll roll down the window and stick your thumb out. I guarantee 80% of people will let you pass, you can try it. It’s a negotiation. - talks more traffic hacks XD C: Do I give them the middle finger? LYN: ! Do you want them to smash you car?! You’d better watch yourself.  C: I can stick my hand out for a left turn, but what about a right turn? LYN: Then you’ll have to trouble your driver’s side passenger. C: What if you don’t have one? LYN: If you’re alone in the car then you’re not going to be in a rush. What are you negotiating lane exchanges for?? Just drive normally! When you hit a red light just turn back on course. Take your time. C: Sticking your hand out the window isn’t safe. LYN: It’s not. But we’re going normal speeds, not breakneck speeds! We’re not on the HIGHWAY, we’re just on the streets. Just give the next car over the signal at a stoplight. If you stick your arm out on the freeway it’s gonna get taken off. LYN: Alright, forget everything I just said. Why don’t you go online and buy a doll- a plush doll and stick it out the window as your signal that you want to change lanes. C: What are the turn lights there for, then? LYN: Still use them!! I’m talking about when you need to negotiate. Some people will let you pass with your signal light alone, some people don’t want to let you pass. But sometimes you can negotiate. C: How about a foot? LYN: Shush. C: How about a broiled chicken foot? LYN: ?? You want stick a chicken foot out the window in place of a thumb or plush? Let’s not say whether this is acceptable or not first. The visual seems a little poor. Like you’re trying to throw your trash out the window. The other driver is probably thinking, “Do you think my car is trash or that I am trash?” LYN: Anyways, I like to observe people. The one from the previous example (”Offended Pedestrian”) is super intriguing. 
- talks about how his PD for The Truth wrote a post about what it was like to work with/for LYN. LYN: He’s really a nice kid, and sometimes acts like my assistant, even though it’s not his job. Technically he’s part of the director’s crew, only supposed to tell me the show program, and what I need to do that day. But if he sees that I am feeling uncomfortable, he’ll also bring me water and leave it for me, even when I tell him he doesn’t need to. He act like my assistant sometimes. C: Is he your male fan? LYN: The first line of his post was “I have no clue about Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning.” But maybe after the program finished recording he made the post because he had good feelings about me. LYN: I don’t know if Southern China has this custom, but in Northeastern China we wear five colored strings for the Dragon Boat Festival. You wear the strings and they will collect your bad luck, and when it rains you can cut the strings and let them flow away with the rain water and it will wash your bad luck away. - talks about more customs, like dumplings at the new year and having a coin hidden inside. LYN: IDK, people from Northeastern China like eating dumplings for EVERY occasion. LOL. // I found out that Chengdu people eat dumplings a lot too! I’ve had some recently, and dip them in the hot oil. There are dumplings and also wontons, I know.
-- bathroom break #3
- his PD sent him a message, clarifying that he IS LYN’s fan. XD
- ppl asking him about second seasons to The Truth, and Ultimate Note, etc... Whether things get a second season depends on the its viewer ratings.  LYN: I think it’s getting pretty good ratings for a completely new show and compared to the variety shows that air around the same time, too! Like Sisters Who Make Waves and Keep Running; the fact that we’re able to keep up with their ratings is already good enough. Since it has decent ratings, I’m sure it’ll get a second season. LYN: I think the Truth is really cool, though- first of all, because the players are cool. :) I really like it though. I’ve shot very few variety shows since my debut, but even so they’ve all been related to my interests. Like Fresh Chef 100 and Chinese Restaurant, which are cooking related. Our Song, which is musically related. Other than that the varieties I’ve been on have been as a group with other people, like TTXS and Hi!6. But The Truth is something I look forward to, precisely because it is unpredictable. I’m just there to play the game. Secondly, it’s a game I can play for free. Think about it what Murder Mystery or Escape Room can you not only play for free along  with hundreds of crew members and celebrities, but actually pays YOU in return? XD - starts promoting the show, and tells people to go watch the episode after his stream, because he has streamed during its airtime. >.< C: This episode is scary. LYN: You think it is, but later you find out it isn’t. It’s actually the only episode that ISN’T scary in some way. You all know if you watched, so this isn’t really a spoiler- but in yesterday’s episode Bai Sanwan and I went missing together. I wasn’t afraid because I was with him. But if I were with Zhou Shen in a dark room... we’d piss ourselves. C: Do you refill your own meal cards? LYN: Um... no. All the money in that card is deposited at random. The thing about this program is... you’re not going to go to shoot it with money in your pocket, we can’t just whip out cash when we need it. Secondly, we don’t have our phones. If we have a phone, it’s one that we picked up from investigating, or if it’s needed for the plot the crew will slip it into your bag without you even knowing. Think about it- if we had our phones with us all the time we wouldn’t need to be afraid. We could just turn on the flashlight whenever it got dark. In Ke Wuku’s episode, remember how we collected a bunch of phones in the beginning? But then when we got to Fei-jie’s spa, she collected and locked them up. We were confused at first, but then realized she locked them away because the next segment was a dark room! LYN: In any case, when the lights are on I have the IQ of a normal person, and might even come across as manly. But when the lights are off I’m... lacking.
C: Ning-ge, do you turn the lights off when you sleep? LYN: Yeah. You can’t think that I sleep with the lights on just because you see that I am afraid of the dark in the show, right? I’m afraid of the dark because it’s an unfamiliar place! What do I have to be afraid of in my own home?? Because I know no one’s going to be jumping out at me at home. According to your logic, I can’t close my eyes. Because when I do all I see is darkness and I’d scare myself to death. That’s no good.
- will work with ZLY eventually... in this industry all there is is opportunity. the time will come. - most likely to be a second season of The Truth, and asked his PD to work with him again if it happens :’)
C: Do you eat the most? LYN: I think I’m alright... Usually I’m too lazy to eat. I’m the type of person who will order takeout instead of sitting down in the restaurant, unless I’m already out. So my takeout is usually soup, noodles, or dumplings. When shooting for the show they prepare rice and main dishes for us. It’s there, so I eat it. I eat all of their apples and bananas, too. Because I’m thinking if they leave it for the next day the fruits will go bad, so I might as well help them out. C: Takeout isn’t healthy. LYN: Your mother must have told you that. There is no “healthy” or “unhealthy”. When I order takeout it’s usually ginseng chicken soup. /being flippant/ Ginseng and chicken soup- is that unhealthy to you? It’s not about if the food is healthy or not, but more about the how sanitary the food is. But we still eat it. Sometimes you’ll order from a place and then have an upset stomach. The next time you’ll think that the food was good, and order it again, to have an upset stomach again. Then you know not to order from this particular place, and to find something more reliable. Young people these days are busy with work and have a fast-paced life, so takeout is more convenient for a meal. Who doesn’t wish for the time to prepare their own meals? But we don’t have that time. LYN: Try not to eat too much takeout, though and eat a proper meal when you can. A lot of people are living at home with their parents, so have a proper home-cooked meal. I count as a “wanderer” (liu lang)- I’m always out so I tend to eat takeout more. It’s not like I can grab a wok and fry some rice for myself in the hotel- it’s not convenient. I’m open to eating takeout and honestly I’m used to it.  I have experience with it too, so I can differentiate between which shops are tasty and which aren’t. C: What about hiring someone to cook for you? LYN: I don’t have a WOK, let alone any RICE to put in it. How can I, when I live in the hotel? I can only order takeout.
LYN: I don’t like taking too many people with me (his staff), either. I know some who have a whole group in the tens- that’s just how they operate, and it’s normal. But when I see the big group, I tell myself not to have so many people. Imagine I go to shoot a show and I bring a nanny, a acting coach, and an exercise instructor, a nutritionist- what for? Who do I think I am??  C: Add an herbal doctor. LYN: What are they going to do? Give me acupuncture every day? Check my pulse? C: A bodyguard. LYN: You must not know how I usually introduce myself on variety shows- I learned martial arts when I was young! Have you heard the expression, “The Wanderer knows martial arts, no one can stop him?”  C: Didn’t you learn “healthy” (exercises and stretches for a healthy mindset and active body) martial arts though? LYN: I did, but the point is I know the basics- I pretty much practiced flexibility. Even if I meet a bad guy it has an effect. Since my legs are so flexible, I can get to my knees faster [to kneel to the bad guy and beg for mercy, I’m guessing]. C: Ning-ge I want to be your nanny. LYN: There’s no need. I can take care of myself, thanks. C: Then, what do you need? LYN: Honestly, I really do need a workout instructor. So I can be prepared to show you that shirtless pic by the new year. C: Need any stylists? LYN: I have two already, it’s like your trying to take their jobs, which I find very disagreeable. I don’t like people who try to take another person’s work, because I’ve BEEN the person who got their work stolen from them. C: You need a janitor? LYN: I don’t need one, because my bro is Janitor Hao (the character Hao Baojie, on the The Truth).
LYN: Alright, it’s about time I wrap up and grab a bite to eat. You can go watch the latest ep of The Truth. If you’re watching my stream for the first time and haven’t subscribed to my weibo already, please do so. When I have free time I come to stream and chat. I hope you got some happiness and a sense of accompaniment, even if you only watched for a little while. Honestly, all young people are lonely. But you can think of me as your friend from far away. You can make comments in my stream, but please no curse words. You can chat with me. Sometimes people listen while they work and do other things, and I hope you feel like you’re in a better mood for having listened. I wish everyone a relaxing and wonderful night. It was great to have you, and because of you we had a happy night. I’ll see you the next time. Good night~
12 notes · View notes
dekusheroacademia · 2 years
All Tsuchako moments
I will try to keep this post updated, but under cut here is all Tsuchako moments.
I added everything from manga, spin off mangas, novels, ovas, extra hero fest skits, drama cds and movies. Latest ovas are still missing.
i am also posting the screenshots here, one by one.
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013: On the bus to JTS, Tsuyu comments that Bakugou's character is quite unpopular, and Uraraka laughs at the reactions the comment gets
020: A small scene of Tsuyu and Uraraka helping Deku
022: Uraraka is determined for the tournament. Mineta is about to make an unpleasant comment and Tsuyu slaps him with her tongue
023: Tsuyu and Uraraka sharing some water before the tournament starts
031: They eat together, and Iida joins them
032: Cheerleaders together
035: Before Uraraka's match vs Bakugou, Tsuyu says that she is particularly worried about it
036: During the match, Tsuyu watches and seems impressed and calls her name (Tsuyu also uses her first name)
058: After the first internship, Uraraka feels stronger, and Tsuyu comments that it looks like some kind of awakening
058: Later on, they agree about Iida doing good in showing what he learnt
060: Just them chatting and eating
073: In the forest, Uraraka and Tsuyu have the tourn together to walk in it. Uraraka reveals that she is quite scared, but Tsuyu reassures her and offers her her hand. In the next scene we see them walking hand by hand when Toga attacks them
080: Uraraka is hurt, and Tsuyu moves in front of her, asking her if she is okay
080: Tsuyu decides to send Uraraka to ask for help and uses her quirk to launch her away, to protect her, but when Tsuyu is in danger, Urarak immediately jumps her telling Toga to get away from her and using her new combat moves to protect Tsuyu
080: Tsuyu calls for Ochako's name when Toga gets Uraraka's blood
081: Tsuyu and Uraraka combine their quirks to get Deku and then others to save Bakugou
098: Tsuyu and Uraraka tell Aizawa that they are glad to see him back as they were worried about what would happen to him after the conference
099: Everybody is having a best room contest, and they are asking about Tsuyu. Uraraka knows Tsuyu feel bad about the Bakugou situation and simply tells her classmates that there is no reason to bother her, and they will check her room another time
099: Later in the chapter, Uraraka is the one who calls Todoroki, Deku and Kirishima and bring them to Tsuyu. She knows how bad Tsuyu feels about having disagreed to save Bakugou, and Uraraka comments that she is not the only one (she also did disagree), and they all hug
102: Mina is teasing Uraraka about her crush and Tsuyu reprimands her because Ochako might not be read to talk about it
124: Just them sitting together
131: Froppy and Uravity have their hero debut together and we see them thanking Ryukyu later
134: Uraraka and Tsuyu do not exactly share Mina's enthusiasm for Hawks
134: Walking to the internship, both Uraraka and Kirishima have their tongue out like Uraraka
135: They are shocked to hear about what is going on in Overhaul's hidden place, and what happened to Eri, and they both declare that they want to contribute and save the girl.
138: The mission is about to start, Uraraka admist she is nervous but Tsuyu rationalizes
157: Ochako and Tsuyu fight together against one of Overhaul's villains
163: Tsuyu notices that Ochako has been feeling down after what happened to Overhaul, and Uraraka announces that she wants to save people
169: When offering their ideas for the festival, Tsuyu stops Mineta from speaking and Uraraka goes next with a mochi stand idea
172: Tsuyu, Uraraka and Kirishima are excited about the upcoming festival
173: Tsuyu comments that Eri has stylish clothes and Uraraka says she is so cute
182: Tsuyu and Uraraka dance together with the others, for the festival, and then they use together their quirks to make Eri smile
183: Both of them are captivated by Nejire's beauty at the contest. We later see them sharing candies with Eri
218: Uraraka warns her classmates to close the door because the cold is freezing Izuku
246: A panel of them fighting together at the internship
256: Uraraka and Tsuyu show their abilities and what their learnt at the internship
257: Sitting together and celebrating
273: Saving people together
284: In a flashback we see them helping Izuku with his new quirk (alongside Bakugou and Sero)
288: Uraraka and Tsuyu work together to save people, Uraraka saves Tsuyu from a falling building. When Ochako follows Toga (camuflaged as someone else), Tsuyu warns her to be careful
289: Tsuyu intervenes to help Uraraka against Toga
296: More scenes of them working together to save civilians
324: While Ochako is convincing the people to let Deku and the others in the school, Tsuyu looks up to her, admiring and says "Wow, Ochako"
336: Iida comments on the importance of Uraraka's speech and when Ochako blushes, Tsuyu looks at her smiling, probably teasing
348: Uraraka has been hurt by Toga again, and Tsuyu jumps in to save her, apologizing for how long it took her
349: Tsuyu is glad to see Izuku going, as he doesn't want Uraraka's feelings for him to be revealed like that, by Toga
375: Tsuyu and Ochako are fighting Toga and Uraraka clearly worries for Tsuyu. Tsuyu manages to help Ochako to pass through a portal to catch up to Toga, thinking about Ochako's hidden feelings (for Deku).
376: A small moment of Tsuyu and Ochako managing to land on the other side of the portal
382: Tsuyu and Ochako are running towards Toga together, and Tsuyu gives Ochako an advice on their strategy.
392: Ochako worries for Tsuyu's safety and calls for her, before managing to save her from Toga's attack
392: Tsuyu tries to explain to Toga what she learnt (during the Kamino accident) and what Ochako is doing for Toga
428: Tsuyu is shown to be worried about Ochako, as she realizes her smiles are probably a mask. She expresses this worry to Deku, and tells him that Ochako has not read her texts that specific day (which is unusual for her).
429: Deku and the class find Ochako, and while Deku holds her hand while she expresses her grief for Toga, Tsuyu also arrives and immediately hugs her. Ochako hugs her back.
430: 8 years in the future, we see Ochako and Tsuyu working together as heroes.
Iida, Momo, Uraraka and Tsuyu are basically taking care of an abandoned dog together
Uraraka cries and Tsuyu comforts her, because the dog has returned to her owners and they are sad she left
Tsuyu tells Uraraka, Mina, Jirou and Invisible Girl that they don't need to lose weight, they are already very beautiful as they are
018: Tsuyu and Ochako cook together!
Movie 2: Heroes Rising
Uraraka and Tsuyu combine their quirks to get Bakugou and Deku, who are injured, out of the battlefield
A scene of them working together with the aftermath
Movie 3: World Hero Mission
Working together to raid the villains' hideouts
Tsuyu reassures Uraraka who is worried about Deku
Tyusu catches Uraraka in mid air
Tsuyu saves Ochako from a villain
Novel 01
Ch4: Momo and Tsuyu help Uraraka with some discounted mochi, and Uraraka calls them goddesses in the flesh
Ch4: They stop a thief together and the thief throws some pollen that makes Tsuyu sneezes. Uraraka comments that it is so cute
Novel 02
Ch2: Just them commenting on each other's bags (Ochako has a small one, and Tsuyu a huge one). Tsuyu also asks Ochako to sit near her
Ch2: Tsuyu offers Uraraka some pocky
Ch2: They chat quite a lot about some of their trips and friends, before both noticing that Aoyama seems to feel sick
Ch2: Uraraka is amazed by Tsuyu's storytelling abilities, then she protests when Tsuyu turns her story into a spooky one. Later Uraraka notices Tsuyu laughing and Tsuyu says that she is just happy everyone is so sweet
Ch4: Tsuyu is helping Uraraka stretch
Novel 03
Ch7: (Fantasy AU) Ochako compliments Tsuyu on her powers
Novel 05
Ch5: Uraraka is amazed by the pricey food, Tsuyu offers her a drink to calm herself
Novel 06
Ch2: The girls and Sato are making San Valentine chocolate (friends-chocolate), and Ochako is eating right out of the bowl. Tsuyu, very cutely, comments "Oh, you", laughing.
Ch2: Uraraka starts listing all the food she would like to eat, and Tsuyu teases her a couple of times.
While training in the forest, the anime adds a small moment of them working together to fight the Mud beast created by the Pussycats (start of season 3)
In episode s03e20, the guys have to stop a fake robbery. Bakugou suggests Uraraka goes first, and Tsuyu is worried that it might be dangerous
Season 5 has a whole filler episode where Ochako and Tsuyu are at their internship. They stop some criminals and then have a party on the beach
The last scene of season 5 shows us a snipper ot Tsuyu and Ochako walking while looking at their phones (news of their next mission, the war)
OVAs (incomplete)
Season 6 OVA: U.A. Heroes Battle
Tsuyu teases Ochako about being quite persistent in her passion for mochi
Volume 1
Deku and Uraraka are talking about the rain (tsuyu) and Asui Tsuyu hears them. She asks Uraraka if she hates the rain (tsuyu) and Uraraka is a bit intimidated (she says she doesn't like the rain but it is better than dry winter). Uraraka then asks Tsuyu why she likes the rainy season
Tsuyu and Uraraka discuss together the cold, and then Deku's strange behaviour (he is celebrating beíng able to talk to girls)
Uraraka asks Deku to walk home with her, and then asks Tsuyu to join them
Volume 1
Tsuyu notices Uraraka being embarrassed about Deku and asks her if she is okay, they chat a bit, before Tsuyu remembers that Ochako was a bit weird after talking with Deku on the bus
Hero fest 2020 skits (@aitaikimochi summary)
Ochako, Deku, Tsuyu and Nejire fighting Shie Issekai. Ochako fights alone and Tsuyu asks her if she is okay
Hero fest 2022 skits (shibuyasmash summary)
Uraraka (with Tsuyu and Mina) explains her favorite romance manga to Iida and try to convince him to read it
Tsuyu and Uraraka discuss their current favorite manga
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youarejesting · 4 years
Sly like a... ? Part 5
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 1.3k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
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Between the passive-aggressive comments from Namjoon and Yoongi, the absolutely adorable moments from Jungkook, and  Hoseok, and Seokjin's loud nature you didn't have a moment to yourself. Pair that with trying to make Taehyung feel comfortable and Jimin wanting your attention. You were running ragged.
Well, when you looked around they all were wanting your attention, each hybrid was a little possessive over you as their owner. Even Yoongi who constantly claimed he didn't want to be a part of any government program or any home in general, would occasionally growl or hiss in the corner whenever Jimin or Taehyung got too close.
You thought perhaps he was the most protective of you as he was severely touch starved and secretly loved the idea of being loved and wanted by someone. He spent his days and nights cold and alone on the streets and having somewhere warm and dry with someone who cared for his wellbeing was filling a missing piece in his life. It must scare him seeing the opportunity there but not allowing himself to fully let you into his heart as he held it so close as it was left frail and weak from his previous hurt.
When the groceries arrived the poor delivery man had to deal with seven very protective Hybrids who hovered making sure that you were constantly safe at that moment. Having a stranger in the house was not exactly fun for them.
"Yoongi?" You looked over the table from the game of cards Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin had roped you into with their big innocent eyes and swishing tails. You saw Yoongi's ear twitch and his body tensing slightly as he opened his eyes lazily to meet you. You grinned at him watching his tail swish once before it stilled.
"What do you need?" He sat up stretching and walking over to the table and looking over your shoulder at your cards and humming. 
"I wondered if you wanted to pick something for dinner, there is a folder in the draw I filled with recipes I know how to cook, but if you want something else I can try to make it for you and also there is another folder of fast food menu's if you want something else?" You said turning your head he was very close his head almost on your shoulder but he restrained himself from the final move to touch you intentionally.
Perhaps he was scared of getting too close and eventually being abandoned once more. Yoongi was looking in the draws and frowning, "I can't find any folders"
Placing your cards down with a warning to the boys, you strode into the kitchen you saw him crouched by the draw searching and you smiled searching for the folder and found it. 
"These two purple folders," You handed them over making sure your hands brush trying to encourage subtle touches and his tail swished a few times. Knowing the kitchen counter was obstructing the view of you both from the others you took the chance to show him a bit of much-deserved affection, unable to stop yourself you placed your hand on his soft hair and tousled it with a bright smile. 
His cheeks went pink as he ducked his head, his tail was swishing back and forth rapidly and he took a deep breath and stood up placing the folders on the counter. He cleared his throat fixing his expression, not wanting to appear too pleased by the reaction.
Thinking it was best not to overwhelm him you returned back to your card game while he chose something for dinner. Upon returning you saw your cards askew from how you left them and some cheeky grins on the other boys’ faces.
"You sneaky rotten boys, what did I say about cheating!" you laughed shocked, and messed up their hair, the two feline hybrids whining and swatting your hands away to fix their hair back into place. Taehyung was overjoyed his tail rapidly swatting back and forth and leaning in wanting more.
You were scratching his scalp gently and he laid his head down on the table happily his eyes closed in content. Yoongi approached with the book hesitating behind you, not wanting to interrupt and you assumed feeling nervous to ask for something as simple as dinner. He was the type who didn't want to be a burden or feel reliant on you, but you turned.
"Did you find something for our dinner Yoongi?" You encouraged and his cheeks flushed, he held out the folder opened on the page and he shuffled not saying a word not wanting to bring himself to say the words.
"I wasn’t really sure, I picked one at random," suspecting he really wanted the dish but didn't want to seem too keen if you said no. You nodded wanting to give him anything he asked for, you were very good at reading Hybrids having grown up with Jimin and others just like him.
You placed your hand on his pulling the book down and pointing at the dish, "What meat would you like in it, and should we do noodles or rice?" 
"I like it with Noodles but if we make it with rice, I can make a lot of fun little side dishes which I like too, what do you like?"
"I am not sure?” he mumbled nervously at the thought of being given an ultimatum
“Good idea, I will start now and we can have all of the above, there are so many of us, it would be nice to have lots of everything,” You looked up at him an idea struck, you were supposed to teach these boys to be independent, “do you maybe want to help me make it?”
“Uh I have never made anything, but I can try, or if it’s too much we don’t need to eat?” Taehyung whined at his words and you laughed. 
“You don’t have to Yoongi, I thought you might like to learn for fun, so if every I am not home or if I might get sick or something, you will be able to eat good food” Clarifying that you were in no way trying to condition him into becoming your personal chef.
“I can help,” he nodded, you were still unsure if he was agreeing so as to not get in trouble but you would take it hoping to make the experience fun. “Okay, let’s get all the ingredients out it says, and put it on the counter right here”
“Do you need help with anything?” You smiled, placing your hand on his wave to gently nudge him aside to grab the bottle of sesame oil.
“I can’t find the garlic?” Yoongi was ashamed he had failed already.
“Oh, I bought a jar of minced Garlic to save time, so that’s all the ingredients found” Leading him from the walk-in pantry you lead him to the middle of the kitchen and took an apron, it was black and you slipped it over his head and walked around tying it up. “We can’t have your clothes getting dir-”
It was then you noticed how old and tattered his clothes were, the collar was stretched and the back of his jeans was ripped and stained from where he stood on the legs. Taking a small breath.
“Could everyone make a list of things they want or need in their rooms, in the bathroom or clothing and shoe wise? We can all go shopping tomorrow” Walking Yoongi to the sink you washed your hands together and smiled over at him playfully flicking water at him, he gave a tiny smile and wiped his face on his sleeve.
The two of you got cooking, as you taught him Seokjin sat at the breakfast bar on one of the tall stools and watched intently. It was honestly cute to see them all interested in everyday things, things that Hybrids weren’t exactly expected or taught how to do. 
Something as simple as feeding themselves. It was sad how many Hybrids were punished with no food or left to starve so it was nice to teach them how to cook for themselves and put some of that power into their hands.
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