#i have a lot of canon muses that i personally really dislike
thvnkpink · 7 months
contoversial probably but i genuinely hate scott pilgrim as a character and literally refuse to write against him, thanks <3
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wowowwild · 1 year
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For my krisnix enjoyers. Pls accept my ramblings below.
Good evening. It's me, Mx. Wild. First and foremost, I don't think anyone does, but I definitely do not think they are health, just to be exceedingly clear. Also these are my mostly canon compliant musings, I have other 'if this, then that' headcanons I'm not shoving in here bc nobody has the time for all of that at once. Now, moving on.
Look, Phoenix has bad taste. Kristoph is known to make horrible decisions. Match made in a hell equivalent. Kris wants to keep Phoenix close bc he's paranoid, Phoenix wants to keep Kris close bc he's a sketchy mf (imo).
I think Phoenix would know Kris wanted something out of the relationship. Some random guy he doesn't know stands up for him and tries to be besties with him all of a sudden? Kristoph could absolutely spin it that he knew the legendary Phoenix Wright would never and he feels bad bc it was his little brother who exposed the fake and is so appalled that someone would frame Phoenix and he wants to get to the bottom of it. That's even believable. I don't think that takes away from the clear indication that Kristoph wants something out of the relationship.
And Phoenix isn't stupid. Don't get me wrong, mans is dumb of ass, but he's incredibly intelligent. I think fairly early on if not immediately he would expect that the relationship (at this point budding friendship) is transactional to a certain degree. And honestly, he would get a lot out of it, too. Someone definitively believes he's innocent and is helping him through the worst years of his life. At some point Phoenix figures out the truth, but I don't see any universe where him knowing that is immediate. There would be too much going on. They have time.
From Kristoph's perspective, he needs to keep Phoenix close and figure out what he knows at all times. Kristoph isn't stupid either, just spiralling further and further out of control. Once Phoenix begins to suspect, it's a matter of time before Kristoph suspects that he suspects. Whole lot of suspecting going on. But until then they have time.
So while they have time, they 're both putting into this relationship they have. They're 'friends'. From the outside it wouldn't look like it, but they care, Phoenix might care a bit more genuinely on purpose, but Kris would also have to care somewhat after all that time. Even if it was on accident, if someone is a big enough part of your life, even if you hate them, you start to care.
I think the type of person Phoenix is, is someone that Kristoph has not seen a lot of. Phoenix and Klavier are pretty similar, I can see him drawing some parallels, but he's not really close to Klavier at this point. I think Phoenix's true personality would be pretty disarming for Kris, he wouldn't know what to do, how to act towards someone like Phoenix. With that loss of control and stability, I can find him accidentally very quickly coming to care to Phoenix, despite also hating him. As strange as it is to say, you can hate someone without disliking them, just like you can love someone without liking them.
So taking this time, we've come to a situation where they care for each other. Depending on how long they have, maybe they've come to love each other platonically, romantically, and/or otherwise. But at some point Phoenix begins to suspect. It would be complicated for him. He doesn't want to suspect his friend of being a forger or eventually a murderer. It's hard to say exactly when those two dots might connect or which came first, but at some point he realizes these things. So what happens then?
Phoenix has learned his poker face by now, but Kristoph knows him fairly well at this point too. Phoenix can probably keep the fact that he's suspicious under wraps for a while. Even though Kris knows him well enough to eventually see through, Phoenix knows Kristoph well enough to know how to hide it. Kristoph can never get out of Phoenix anything definitive. Nothing that could be used as an admission. At this point they both know what game they're playing and that the other is in just as deep.
At this point, it would hurt them both deeply if they had fallen into a committed relationship (qpr, romantic relationship, exclusive fwb, etc.). Phoenix has to have some PTSD about the Dahlia situation, and Kristoph doesn't strike me as the type to have thought much about that type of relationship before if at all. He's honestly way too paranoid imo. I think it would cut them both deeply either way, but having someone you've committed to sizing you up like that hits a little different in most cases. (I am aroace but i've been in relationships, I am working based off of my own experiences which are not universal.)
They're out of time now. Any day the other shoe could drop. Kristoph could take Phoenix out of the game once and for all. Phoenix could find the one piece of evidence he needs to pull the curtain crashing down on Kristoph. In the end, it's the latter, but until that day they're frozen, stuck pretending everything is ok, playing their roles the best way they know how, time is standing still around them.
And then a hard rubber sole meets the concrete. That is my broad interpretation of the relationship between smarmy bitch Kristoph and shady asshole Phoenix (affectionate in both cases). I could pick all my little headcanons about this, that, and the other thing to show you, but I'll do that later if y'all want. (pls ask me questions, I would love to explore answers to them)
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lillified · 1 year
Oh!! Btw! I'm a drag artist and I'm doing a drag cosplay of starscream for pride and tfnation 2023 and sometimes when I question if the look is too fem or cutesy shaped, I think about your starscream and I remind myself that I'm serving cunt actually. Thank you for your service
hi!! I absolutely love both of the asks you sent but I hope you don’t mind me responding to this one with a little bit of personal musing—specifically about Starscream and femininity, lol. (long post warning!!)
I cannot stress enough how generally positive and supportive reception to my changes has been, especially in the case of Starscream—that being said, I do think about the occasional pushback I get every so often, and how it feeds into why I make the choices I do
starscream has always been a feminine character, which I think is part of why a lot of people are drawn to it in the first place—even talking to older fans, who grew up with the original show, there seems to be this implicit understanding that Starscream is something “other” (“pretty poison” as a beta name should tell you quite a bit). this is something that has remained relatively consistent in the entirety of transformers—albeit in, I’d argue, the worst way possible.
there are a lot of character decisions I dislike on a thematic level that vary across continuity, but one extremely reliable element of any Starscream is the way femininity defines their villainy. you’re never supposed to like the “feminine” traits. they’re played for jokes and comically exaggerated at best; at worst, any and all Starscream redemption arcs are completely dependent on grappling with emasculation, and shedding the feminine. Even in continuities where other characters (a whole other ballpark) are murderous, abusive, and violent, Starscream is canonically regarded as morally lesser, specifically because their villainy manifests in the feminine. masculine, “active” displays of malice are more noble and admirable than the “passive” and “feminine” act of quiet scheming and deception.
I’m not saying that Starscream doesn’t do bad things, obviously, but this is such a constant theme that it has thoroughly leeched its way into fan spaces as well. I’m not really active in fan communities anymore, but I will always feel frustrated with how the character’s femininity is simultaneously misunderstood and exploited, because that is the natural reaction to femininity. it is inoffensive and clean and neat, and it fits into one of very few digestible archetypes, because it is not perceived as a natural form of expression, but an other. it is only allowed when it is attractive and easy to understand.
this is something that extends to women, as, obviously, in a performative binary womanhood is a shorthand for femininity. “woman” is an other, and feminine women exist in palatable, digestible archetypes. even with all the progress we have made it is really not common to see women or feminine characters in general treated with equal respect or interest, and, the more you pay attention, the more you’ll notice a total apathy for their feelings, struggles, and complexity.
I know this is all really dense, but I bring that all up to say that there is a reason I want to spotlight and elaborate on Starscream’s femininity. it’s a trait that is inherent to the character, but I’d argue that there hasn’t ever really been a moment where that femininity ever manifests as something positive. it’s a derogatory label, but never something the character owns.
I want to see a Starscream that is confidently feminine and “cutesy” because the character has never been afforded that luxury! moreover, I want to portray a fully femme Starscream because there is no reason that should change the character’s complexity or their queer association! (I once saw the argument that making Starscream a girl would be “erasing the character’s queer history” and that kind of sums up the casual effect of misogyny in these weird online spaces, lol. granted that doesn’t mean you can’t project or imagine any gender identity you want for the character—I think that’s very good, actually!!) even though I have never personally been a feminine person, I’ve always been really attached to Starscream’s femininity and the idea of a femme-presenting version because there was a sorely lacking character type I desperately wanted to see—a messy, bitter, and by all means “evil” person who was also feminine, without those things being linked via cause and effect. I hope that makes sense?? essentially, a very feminine girl whose femininity wasn’t the implicit or explicit cause of their moral failings, and was instead treated as. yknow, a neutral mode of expression
anyway, I am very sorry for saying so many words about something pretty trivial here. if you couldn’t tell transformers was the thing that first got me thinking about gender and themes and media critique as a child, so i have feelings like this, lol. none of the problems I listed here are ultimately all that serious and they certainly aren’t exclusive to the robots, but it’s something I really wanted to talk about!
TL;DR: Starscream’s gender is what you make of it and i think you shouldnt stop yourself because it is accurate to the character, actually! I hope that I can encourage people to think outside the box of what rigidly exists in writing and expand their horizons to what the art is trying to say, and how your experience is important :)
sorry again for the long post jeez!!
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laprimera · 11 months
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alrighty so after some reflection and getting some outside stuff prioritized Im done some blog housework so I can get comfortable here again.
im still gonna continue my hiatus until november cause the rest of October still has a lot of rl appointments and stuff going on. ill be nuking my ask and drafts to get into maximum turtle plot overdrive and just start things clean, but here's the skinny under cut:
. Ive went and cleaned up my followers list. mostly of inactive blogs, non-mutual or blogs that haven't reached out or interacted at all. I use to think I liked a busier dash but I think trying to keep up with it had been giving me anxiety even if my muses weren't involved in anything plot wise. FOMO has been really killing my vibe more then anything and I need to cut that habit out.
you're a-okay to refollow though! I'll do the same. none of this was done out of malice or a personal dislike, and I get being so busy w/ life and personal plots that you cant interact with everyone in a convenient moment. but if you see this as an opportunity to reach out then by all means! that and I might've accidentally unfollowed one or two of you cause side-blog deal, clumbsy thumbs, and uuh, dont mind me realizing that later down the line-my bad!
. unless carefully plotted otherwise, anything outside my own canons, affiliated blogs/mains or plots is no longer canon to my own. any interaction or thread initiated towards my muses will default fall into my lore/verse unless vice versa or its plotted and etc etc. It's no longer just hanging there in the void so to speak. I need to feel more in control of my own narrative I think and trying to puzzle a lot of contradicting outside plots, dash events, etc has been mentally taxing when rp shouldn't be occupying so much space or anxiety to begin with lol.
this isn't to say everything thats happening in the dash or w/ other characters isn't important ofc! and I still want to participate; it'll just fall under a crack/non-canon tag. if things end up lining up p' well with whats going on here then I might take it into canon. This is p' much what I've been doing to begin with, it's just more concrete now and Im being more careful of what Im willing to accept now. Im ofc open to discussing stuff! DMs and disco for those who have it are open always even if I take a moment to get to it!
. Im no longer answering anon asks that are personal in some way, ie, around subject matters that aren't general headcanons asks or 'hey how do you feel about-' sorta deal. I dont feel comfortable taking it to public and while I understand having the fear of being identified, it's not fair if I'm the only one bearing the subject so to speak. If you want to talk to me through DMs you can either tell me your UN (no burners either) so I can bypass permissions here to chat or you can reach me at @shiny-miltank where my IMs are not barred to mutuals only. I don't bite really! and my discord is not public. tbh Im still very anxious about being on disco to begin w/ cause social anxiety flare ups. idk tumblr dms always seemed easier to chat until I know you on a personal basis-its just worked that way.
. making it more strict that you dont? put my geeta in place of plots, events, etc that I havent participated or plotted with, nor can you make assumptions for them based on said events. as slapped on every piece on my about/rules/pinned/etc shes heavily canon-divergent to begin with so no one knows her intentions/actions (save for me ofc) and wont act in what presumed canon-geeta would do or your own version so to speak. easy enough to slap me an IM for "is it okay to-", plotting, or just make a nebulous npc stand-in.
. things that havent changed are the use of my lore and headcanons into your own! I love seeing it integrated or adapted into other lore and seeing just how much it inspires and changes over time!
this all seems rigid but really it's just reiterating whats already in my rules and no one here has been a huge offender at all :' ) this is more for me to follow and I cant thank everyone enough for their patience and creativity for as long as I've been here. Im loosey goosey and go with the flow 90 out of 100 times.
this goes for the rest of my muses, which Ill probably clean up when Im back-but yeah! miss ya'll! hope you've been doin' good! the terrapagos plot will continue then and Ill resume reaching out and leaving details! hopefully in time for dlc ; >
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despairforme · 6 months
canon questionare.
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what made you pick up this character? Nnoitra first became my mood from me drawing him. I was just randomly drawing some Bleach characters one day, and I ( for some reason ) tried drawing Nnoitra, and - I loved drawing him. I became absolutely obsessed with drawing him and he just brought me so much creativity. He is my muse after all. Since I loved drawing him so much, I became interested in his character and re-read and re-watched the canon content for him. Then I decided I should try writing him, and... Well, 9 years later, here we are.
how did you get into this franchise/fandom? My s/o showed me Bleach like 14 years ago or something. I originally wasn't all that interested ( he basically had to force me to watch the first 70 episodes ), but yeah, eventually I got really into it.
what’s the best thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.? Definitely the characters. I think Bleach has a lot of cool characters, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the main ones, or the story, the side-characters really carry it for me. And, of course - Nnoitra is the best thing about Bleach for me, since I forever love him so much.
what’s the worst thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.? For me, I don't find the story all that interesting, or the main characters. I did enjoy them more on my latest re-watch of Bleach, because yeah, they really are just teenagers so you gotta cut them some slack. I also really dislike the pacing of the TYBW anime.
what’s the best thing about the fandom? Everyone is so nice!! I've had the most amazing experiences in the BLEACH fandom! Literally everyone is so kind to me. In 9 years I only had a few not-so-nice experiences, but every issue was resolved. I always feel welcomed and taken care of here, so it's like a wonderful safe-space.
what’s the worst thing about the fandom? Hmm... That's a tough one, since I generally think the fandom is awesome. I know some people have had bad experiences, but I think that'll happen in any fandom, so I definitely don't see the BLEACH fandom as toxic. I guess for me, the "worst" thing is the feminization of Nnoitra in fanart, because it's just so off-putting to me ( and Nnoitra ). But I easily avoid that stuff so it's not a big deal. I also dislike self-shippping, but again, I easily avoid seeing posts about self-shipping with Nnoitra.
what’s the best thing about the canon you are writing? Oh boy, where do I even start... It's super hard to choose, because I love everything about Nnoitra. One of the best things would be his independence and his bravery. He just does his own thing no matter what others say. Writing a character like that is really satisfying.
what’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing? I personally love everything about Nnoitra, even his bad sides, because they make him more interesting as a character. Characters without flaws are kinda boring to me. Maybe the "worst" thing about him is that he can be really difficult to approach.
have you tweaked the character from canon? if so, what did you tweak? I do try to stick to canon in my canon verse, though I did give Nnoitra the accent ( I gave it to him in modern/human!au and it just carried over to all his other verses ). Nnoitra is a minor side-character, so "sticking to canon" is really all about your own interpretation of said canon.
are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? if so, what? No, I love Nnoitra's canon, it's great. I love that he dies so that his canon is "complete". That way I won't have to deal with new information about him being released.
what would you say is the most unique trait about your character? Most unique... I mean, probably how disagreeable he can be. You don't often see a character be this off-putting. Especially with how bigoted he is. It's a very unpopular character trait.
are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play? I have written several BLEACH characters in addition to Nnoitra. At the moment I'm also writing Kuchiki Byakuya and Kurotsuchi Mayuri. I have a couple more I'd like to try my hand at, but I'm just not able to fit more muses into my writing schedule these days.
are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand?  I used to dislike quite a few characters, but over the years I've learnt through interactions on here to see different sides of them. Now I find some of them interesting, and some of them I feel neutral towards. I don't have very strong negative feelings about any characters, but if I had to choose my least favorites, I'd say all the members of 0 Division.
what are your thoughts on the canon ships for the character, if any? The most common ship for Nnoitra is Nnoitra x Nelliel. I personally don't ship this, since I don't see Nnoitra wanting to be in a relationship with her. He'd definitely be interested in something sexual with her, but it would all be incredibly toxic. The second most popular is Nnoitra x Tesla, which, again, I don't personally ship. I can see it as a one-sided thing from Tesla, where he worships Nnoitra while his feelings are not returned. Sure, Nnoitra does care about Tesla, but I don't see Nnoitra being romantically interested.
what is your personal ship bias for your canon character? I prefer crossover ships. I love imagining Nnoitra with characters from other fandoms. I also had a lot of fun shipping my Nnoitra with Lexie's Grimmjow, but I can't see that happening with another Grimmjow.
are there any ships you can’t stand, why? My least favorite ship for Nnoitra is Nnoitra x Kenpachi. It makes no sense to me.
how long have you been writing the character? A little over 9 years.
should people get into the franchise your writing from, yes or no? I have had wonderful experiences with BLEACH, but it's not my favorite show or the franchise I'd be first to recommend.
if you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be? "There ain't gonna be no mercy from me."
which song do you feel describes your character the most and why? Oh, tough one. There are so many good songs for Nnoitra. I really like Carnivore by Starset for him.
tagged by : @vilesn4ke ( thank you for tagging me! )
tagging : anyone who wants to do it! :D
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Send me a KHR ship pairing and i'll tell you: Yamamoto x Squaletta
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @squaletta Reminder: As with the last one, take my thoughts with a grain of salt because I can only work based off what I know of Squaletta and I don’t know everything about her. In other words forgive any and all inaccuracies.
Hate it |Am Neutral to it|Ship it| love it! |
Hmm… so you’ve asked for Squaletta before so I can probably recycle some bits as the character thoughts for some parts will remain the same. So, if some parts sound familiar… there is a reason for it lol. Since answering the last one, I don’t think I received any new information I didn’t have before, and I don’t believe you’ve written out some of the information that I know in a bio page yet, so I won’t speak too in depth on some things.
Those disclaimers finished, let’s move on.
I think I told you before that I’m pretty neutral to the ship in general though moving towards slight dislike in regards to Squalo and Yamamoto. I suppose I just strongly bias over other ships instead with Yamamoto so Squalo x Yamamoto get pushed down. (For reference, I am a biased queen and I love Gokudera and Yamamoto, Haru and Yamamoto, and Hibari and Yamamoto. Can you tell I bias over 10th gen?) ANYWAYS. A part of my reservation comes from the age gap. Yamamoto from the start is 14, while Squalo is 22, so that’s like a 8 year gap. It isn’t to say that I’m totally against it because of it, but I would require certain circumstances to be okay with it, like a ship only happening in the adult years for one- which would already be the case since you write TYL verses.
I know people IRL with larger age gaps and they’ve met later in life, so an age gap of 8- though a bit difficult to work with at times because of the maturity differences there can be, I’m not against it. That’s just the explanation for why I’m on the fence with the ship in general.
Now to ACTUALLY start (for real this time).
To talk about Yamamoto and Squaletta as a ship, one of which is a canon divergent gender bend, it’s hard to say something is truly canon or otherwise. There are various Yamamoto muses that you write with, and so the circumstances of background stories and set up vastly differ how a ship can go and whether or not I’m personally on board with it or not.
Just based off how I personally see Yamamoto and understand him, Yamamoto is the kind of guy who has a lot of trust and respect for those around him, and authority is actually something that means something to him. He puts a lot of respect to those above him or his superiors (such as coaches or teachers). He may act freely and may have a bit of a flippant side to him occasionally, he does really respect people. IF there is a Yamamoto that viewed Squaletta as a teacher, I do not see him forming romantic feelings for the person. HE would not cross those boundaries, and he would only really see them as a teacher and respect that role for what it is. So, in my opinion, if a ship were to happen, he cannot view Squalo/Squaletta as his teacher. Instead, viewing them as a comrade or a fellow more experienced swords(wo)man is fine.
I’ve mentioned it before, but in the case of my Yamamoto, he does not see Squaletta as his teacher. For me, with the way that he is and how strong his convictions are about his faith in his father’s Shigure Souen-Ryu, he will only see his father as his teacher. You can make the case of Reborn during the TYL arc, but I honestly get the vibe that Yamamoto doesn’t see Reborn as his teacher either. First of all, he knows full well that Reborn is Tsuna’s tutor, and he won’t do a thing like ‘stealing’ someone’s teacher. Secondly, Reborn was there to help train Yamamoto and hone his skill since there wasn’t an appropriate person who can help him until Squalo/Squaletta came. Even then, he more likely viewed it as Squalo/Squaletta volunteering their time to help train Yamamoto and instill some of their experience into him to make him stronger.
He wasn’t actively trying to learn everything he could from either of them to then forge their teachings into himself. He was taking in their pointers and advice and adapting it to work with the Shigure Souen-Ryu. The ONLY teacher he will acknowledge for swordsmanship is his father, the one who ‘birthed him’ as a swordsman through teaching him the ways.
I will finish this thought by saying that if anyone disagrees with me, that’s totally okay! This is just how I personally see him and how I personally will characterize my own Yamamoto- is all. If anyone believes that Yamamoto views other tutors as his teachers and respects them as such, all the power to you! I think it makes sense! It just doesn’t work with my characterization is all =w=
Moving on.
How Yamamoto views Squaletta is that she is a strong and independent woman. I’ve mentioned to you before in private that part of the appeal of what makes Squaletta so interesting as a character is her drives, her motivations, and the way she interacts with people. She’s different, and I don’t mean that in the ‘I’m not like the other girls~’ kinda thing. She’s different as a person in general. To be honest, that’s to be expected of Varia-Quality. She’s just built different (I love the built different meme) and that’s what makes her so funny (Yamamoto’s words, not mine). He finds some of her reactions to be funny, and he finds it so fascinating to see how mad she gets at him at times.
You’ve mentioned before: “When he was younger, she admonished him to take swordsmanship seriously because she saw his talent and potential. She tried to help him and still tries to help him. They are not in the position of superior and inferior - teacher and pupil. She may sometimes sound like a teacher because she is more experienced in swordsmanship and is dominant and bosssy, but those are her personality traits. She is very happy to tell him what he is doing wrong. XD” [ß lol yes from discord]
This is something he’ll better understand later in life, but when he was younger, he kind of saw her as a fussy swords senpai who is getting mad at him for having two priorities. Why can’t he like both things? If he’s doing well, what’s the problem if he does it? In canon Squalo even says ‘I know you have the ability to do both, you have the talent for it!’ and I’ll say that I BET that inside his head he thought ‘Then what’s the problem, haha?’ Someone cure him of his idiocy, please. Lol Like I said, he understands it later on in life. She didn’t want his talent to go to waste, and she wanted for him to really hone his skill because he clearly had the talent for it.
People just don’t like to see wasted talent, especially if they too had talent. Does this mean he’ll regret all the time he spent on baseball? No, it was a part of him and his history. It was a big part of who he is, and he’ll never regret that.
So, I mentioned just moments ago that he felt that Squaletta was like a fussy swords senpai. He has a lot of respect for his upperclassman and such. He has a lot of trust for those he acknowledged, and so that is why he REALLLYYY disliked Xanxus for a long time. He heard/saw the way that Xanxus treated her. To see someone he greatly respects being treated that way does not sit well with him. So, he probably asked about it one day and then she explained that they’re basically friends who trust each other a lot and that’s simply how they operate. They just banter a lot. He’ll then realize: OH! Just like me and Gokudera! [they fight a lot] He’ll be okay with Xanxus after that. Grudges don’t last long with this one.
I do think that he could’ve possibly had a small budding crush on her but literally never realized it. He’s a lil… daft when it comes to introspection, so I really don’t think he would easily realize if he were to have feelings for someone. His focus is usually elsewhere like his swordsmanship or baseball, so he doesn’t usually have the time to even contemplate on his feelings in particular. Not only that, whenever he did have a small baby crush it would’ve been when he was young, and she obviously wouldn’t have any feelings for him then or I’d really start questioning things like—why you looking at a young teen like that? B<
Therefore his small baby crush would’ve been short lived and then he’s simply move on with his life. He spent some time in Italy when Tsu-chan moved there as an exchange program, and then he went back to Japan. In TYL times, he does still primarily stay in Japan, but he does visit Italy quite often. From there, he would’ve have more dealings with Squaletta. Now we’re finally getting to the part that you’re actually curious about, I think. LOL 1500+ words to finally start talking about the actual premise of the ask.
If they were to ship together, they would’ve had to once he was an adult, and probably happen because she started to notice how accomplished he’d become as a swordsman. With all the experiences in battles honing his blade to such a razor sharp point, I think that would be one reason for her to start actually noticing him and not just see him as a fledgling chick who is just ‘playing around’ with his sword. In the TYL timeline, he is fully capable of holding his own, even against the Varia, and that would make him a fun opponent to spar against. Yamamoto’s ability to go from 8D to >B| in a matter of seconds is something wild and for someone who has a bit of a feral element to her, I bet that’s EXCITING.
My gut instinct tells me it’s these small points that has her noticing him and slowly start to come to like him more and more. Over time she starts to realize that she thinks about him more than she should, and find a lot of things about him cool or somewhat cute. His carefree attitude may have irritated her when he was real young, but maybe now it’s a little bit endearing. It’s like gap moe to have him have a carefree and cute side that contrasts the sharp and cold attitude he has when in the midst of battle. The duality of a person is very fun to witness.
Knowing that not many get to see both sides of him (and live to tell the tale) would be a reason for anyone to feel honored and special. Just things like that help some feelings form- is my guess.
Being the strong and independent woman that she is, where she cares about her sense of self, her right to herself, and being in control of what happens to herself, it would be good to have someone who could truly treasure her and treat her with respect. Yamamoto has a casual gentleness to him, and he’s respectful in his own ways. He would never do anything he knows bothers her. He’s more aware than others usually give him credit for. It wouldn’t be hard for him to have noticed that Squaletta normally doesn’t like to be touched by others. Knowing that, he is careful about giving her her space. It’s the small things of consideration to show that he cares to respect her and took the time to notice.
It's commonly noted that she’s a bit of a huntress, and has the instincts of a killer/hunter, so it would make sense for her to also like a man who is capable. Someone who has the ability to fend for themselves adequately is just the bare minimum. It’s super important from a romance perspective because being around a Varia member can mean someone could be in danger. I’m sure people can recognize the flag of the Varia and possibly also the uniform. So being seen around her is like walking around with a target. So Yamamoto being able to protect himself is very important.
If you take some of those things into consideration, it gives the feel of… Squaletta having a preference towards men who not only can treat her well. Like I said in Dino’s thing, I do think that treating her like a woman is also important to her as well. Yes, she’s a swordswoman who should be respected, she’s the vice-commander of the fearsome Varia—but she’s also a woman. Don’t forget that she’s a woman in favor of respecting her for her accomplishments. It is only right to require both. Respect her for her titles and accomplishments, but don’t lose the sense of treating her well as she should. Every person, regardless of how capable they are, should still feel like they are cared for and appreciated. No one wants to be in a relationship where their partner doesn’t make them feel courted. Her love is not easy to come by, so you better actually fight and work hard for it!
Like I said, Yamamoto does have some awareness of things around him. He’s quickly notice things about Squaletta and her actions. He can tell that even if she acts rough or whatever, she doesn’t mean it with ill intent. She only means it either teasingly or out of care. Having someone who can understand you is very important, and the fact that Yamamoto is a pretty easy going guy, it’s also equally as important that she’d be with someone who doesn’t have thin skin. She couldn’t be with someone who gets hurt over every small thing, but they can’t be too thick-skinned either. If they are, then they won’t really understand a lot of the nuances behind her actions. If she’s going out of her way to push past her comfort zone or anything and the other party doesn’t realize it? That’s almost insulting, like you’re taking her good will for granted or not even appreciating it. HOW DARE YOU- is the vibe that I get from her. She has standards and refuses to settle for less.
She more than likely didn’t think she’d ever have a romance considering she cared so much about swords and fighting. She probably didn’t have romance in the brain a lot, so if she’s going to be in an actual romantic relationship, the person had BETTER BE WORTH IT. Therefore, I think Yamamoto having those qualities is a good thing, because she can be assured that he understands her and would be willing to travel through life with her. He won’t die such a pitiful death, and she can trust him to forge a path on his own, but still be close by to her so that if she ever looks for him, he’s right there. She really values independence and self-will, so she wouldn’t impose her way of life on someone. She’d respect him for his goals and aspirations.
Of course, this isn’t to say that she wouldn’t doesn’t care if they are apart. I get the feeling that if Squaletta were to actually fall in love with someone, my gut feeling tells me that she is the kind of person who falls hard in love with her lover. She still loves space and independence, but when with her lover, she enjoys having moments of closeness with them. She loves to feel the heat of the passion of their love, to really prove to her that what they have is real and powerful. It isn’t something that she could ever tire of.
(in the back of my mind, I feel like when she realizes she’s in love and notices that she can actually enjoy soft moments over fighting… is when she can somewhat understand how he felt about baseball and the sword. In those moments, there can exist something that means more to her than a fight)
In that way, Squaletta can learn about the more gentler things in life with Yamamoto. It’s also so important that Yamamoto is an accepting guy. She can feel assured that he won’t ever demean her for being herself. He won’t chastise her for being loud, bossy, snarky, etc. He won’t ever try to change her as he’s accepted her for who she is and he came to love her anyways. That is a really important thing to her is what my instincts tell me.
Like I said before, he finds her amusing at times. I think any time she teases him, it reminds him of how he tends to tease and make jokes a lot to make light of situations. He would secretly wonder to himself if it’s a part of his influence that she’ll tease more often. Even if it’s not true, let him believe it. It makes him happy lol.
To know that she’d allow him to touch her hair (referencing the one meme), it’s really important to him, because it would show him that she really cares for him and trusts him. She is really trusting him and letting herself be more vulnerable around him. It is so easy to just grab someone by the hair and disarm them, so it’s actually really big that she’d let him touch and play with her hair. Not only that she’d allow him to help her address a wound. I understand that that meme was sent during my testing phase so it’s not a canon event, but the fact remains that you sent it. It thereby means that in TYL, Squaletta WOULD trust him enough to be around when she’s injured. For beasts and warriors alike, being injured means you’re more vulnerable and you’re more than likely to be hostile towards anyone—unless you actually trust them.
For Yamamoto, having someone trust him that much is PEAK goodness. It’s like baseball, where teamwork is really important and having trust that your teammates will be there for you. As such, trust, compatible teamwork, and faith in someone is really big factors in if he’ll like someone. Small things like that actually would be the start of him catching FEELINGS TM. It leaves a bit impression on him.
They truly would be a power couple LOL. They can fight and have eachothers back. I can absolutely see the playful banter between them if they’re fighting together and Yamamoto takes out an enemy behind her who was about to slice her—imagine?
‘I knew they were there, I could’ve handled it myself.’
‘I know, but I could’ve handled it quicker, so I did.’
Just the casual air between them built off of trust in each other and their skills is PEAK, and it would SOOO piss off all the enemies like FUCK OFF with your flirting? DIE, ACTUALLY. Alas, they always die to the blade of the power duo. SIGHHHHH (kekek)
Will say that I do think that in a relationship they both do maintain a level of independence. I feel they MUST due to their jobs. She’s in the Varia and he’s a guardian, so that independence they both have is actually a really good thing because then they can still focus on their duties and not slack off. BOTH people could not handle a slacker. Squaletta would probably rather murder someone than date a slacker, and Yamamoto couldn’t really be with someone who doesn’t have drive. It would make him feel a bit stifled.
So the fact that they both can understand that in eachother and be accepting of distance between them is actually a really REALLY good thing about them. When they are together though, Yamamoto is an openly affectionate person and I think she could be too once she falls in love. So, they embody the phrase ‘time and place.’ When on the job, they are serious and dedicated, but when they’re together, they can be soft… they can be calm and enjoy the atmosphere… they can just… be there in the moment and that’s so sweet.
Let’s see… as for some cute ideas… unfortunately I will have to cheat you on this. Any ideas that I put here may be things that I may plan on using in the future for interactions and I don’t like to give out spoilers like that. I tend to think of cute ideas that I want to do in advance and I really look forward to using them—so I don’t want to give out any spoilers.
Sorry! Look forward to things for whenever we do develop a solid (romantic) relationship between them!
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strawdxll · 10 months
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independent & selective roleplay blog for kugisaki nobara from jujutsu kaisen written by val (she/her, 25).
carrd | ask memes | verses | headcanons | playlist | interest check | promo credit
rules are also below for ease since i am pinning this post.
SECTION 1. Writing.
I want to write with everyone! Although I prefer multi-para replies, I enjoy having a variety of threads from one-liners and icons to brief responses and long-form text. I am flexible and reciprocate the energy given to me by my writing partner. I enjoy both serious threads and crack. I only ask that you don’t godmod or dictate how my character acts/feels.
Ask memes are always a good way to break the ice, but I am also open to plotting. That can be done via Tumblr IMs or Discord. Your preference, really. Response speed may vary depending on multiple factors, but please note I don’t intend to ghost anyone. I am an adult with a demanding full-time job and a part-time job so it can be a bit hectic on my end. 
In terms of response speed, I may favor my mains or people I’ve interacted with OOC first, as well as plotted threads. These are usually easier for me since I have an idea of how to approach the writing.
 SECTION 2. Selectivity.
Although I say I am semi-selective, I tend to follow back most blogs. That said, there are exceptions. For example, one case I might not follow back is if I observe poor dash hygiene. I don’t really want a super clogged dashboard so I tend not to follow people who have a greater ratio of OOC posts compared to IC. Other things I like are cut posts and new threads for asks. The last two are not dealbreakers, though, but I consider this good dash hygiene.
I am crossover-friendly and OC-friendly. However, I likely won’t follow back unless you have a JJK-specific verse or some sort of bio for your muse. I dislike having to fish for information. I am a bit more hesitant to follow back in these cases, but I can overlook that if I see potential for interaction. 
SECTION 3. IC Dynamics.
I enjoy exploring different dynamics with different characters. Shipping can be romantic, friendly, filial, etc. I love writing with various muses.
That said, I am highly selective about romantic shipping. It will be done on a case-by-case basis. I will only really write shippy content if there is chemistry between the muses (our portrayals) and prior conversations between us OOC discussing the dynamic. All interactions with muses within my muse’s age range are platonic unless stated otherwise. I will never off-the-bat assume there is romance involved between muses unless we have explicitly had a conversation about it. Although I am 25, there will be absolutely no smut. 
In a similar vein, what is said in a thread with another person’s muse does not apply to the canon of our threads unless you have made your muses’ canon clear (i.e. your rules/about cite this connection, you have stated something OOC, etc). If I follow you, assume I have read your rules and bio.
 SECTION 4. OOC Conduct.
All I ask for is kindness and understanding. Always assume the best intentions from others and never yuck anyone’s yum. I work a stressful job and I am here for entertainment. Please don’t bring negativity and other exhausting energy into this space. If there is ever a time I do something that bothers you, please bring it to my attention directly. Also, bear in mind that I am not my character and would prefer to keep a clear distinction between what is IC and what is OOC.
This should go without saying, but if you reuse a plot we crafted together or copy anything I, or anyone else, has done, you may get blocked if it is brought to my attention. It really depends on the severity, or if it is a repeat offense.
 SECTION 5. DNI/Vague Posts.
Don’t come here with bullshit. Don’t follow me if you do a lot of vague posting. If I see it enough times, I will block. We are adults. If you want to say something without the repercussions of saying it, then do it in private or keep it to yourself. If it is that serious, then go talk to that person directly. Communicate like a mature adult.
If there is someone I interact with who is actually problematic or has actually engaged in problematic behavior, dm me in private.
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foundtherightwords · 2 months
Writing Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @waterfallsilverberrywrites!
About me
When did you start writing? I've written silly little stories throughout middle school and high school, though technically I've only started writing fanfic two years ago, after I became obsessed with a certain chocolate-button-eyed British actor :)
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write? Fantasy (I've written one fantasy AU; I want to write more though) and mysteries. Funnily enough, I write mainly romance but I don't enjoy reading romance at all (I guess that's why I started writing my own!)
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often? I wish I got compared to a famous author, lol! I write a lot of historical stuff, and other than the classical authors (Bronte and Tolstoy are the two main ones for me), I'm influenced a lot by A.S. Byatt. Her writing is so subtle and poetic at the same time, and her characters and their relationships are so complex but still feel real.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space? There's not much to tell, haha. I don't really have a "writing space", it's just either at my horribly cluttered desk or in bed.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse? Music! Most of my stories are inspired by music (and are titled after songs/lyrics), and sometimes, when I'm stuck, a song can help a great deal in getting me inspired again.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about? Kind of? I've written one fic (well, a series - one long fic and a one-shot) set in my city.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you? Loneliness and family issues. Not surprising at all 🥲
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? I'm currently writing for Emperor Geta (Gladiator II) so I guess he's my favorite by default. He's such an ass (probably the most asshole-ish character I've ever written, even more than Paul) but that's what makes him so fun to write!
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life? Eddie for sure. Heck, I was basically Eddie myself in high school (minus the whole Satanic Panic thing.) And Leonard! We can discuss books and music and take long walks together. Maybe Billy too, who's such a sweetheart. Ralph would annoy me (sorry! I love him but he's too hyper for me), I don't think I have enough in common with either Tom or Michael to be friends with them, and I'd probably want to kick Arthur and Paul in the teeth :P
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them? See above :))
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Are we talking about OCs? For my female lead, mostly I try to go off from the canon character I'm pairing with her and see what traits/backstory would make them contrast and complement each other most effectively.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters? Basically, all of my couples (except for Hellcheer) consist of a stoic, competent, no-nonsense woman and the pathetic man-child she takes under her wings. Also, most of my OFCs have dark hair and green eyes, I don't know why (they're not based on any real person, I just like that coloring I guess!)
How do you picture your characters? I usually don't, is that weird? Occasionally I would look for an actress or model whose appearance fits what I'm imagining for the character, but most of the time I don't bother.
My writing
What’s your reason for writing? I have stories in my head screaming to get out, I'm just obeying their voices :))
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? Any comment at all would be great at this point. But what I love the most are the comments that point out specific parts in my stories that I hope would make an impact, or pick up on Easter eggs (like the commenter who noticed that Edward and Christine's twins in the Hurstfield Hall series are named after Ozzy Osbourne and Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath!)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers? As long as they enjoy my stories, I'm happy.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? Angst, hurt/comfort, world-building.
Have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others? Angst, I guess?
How do you feel about your own writing? I go back and forth between two extremes. Sometimes I'd reread my stuff and think, Damn, I wrote that? That's not half bad! And other times I cringe so hard at my own writing I almost fold in on myself.
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write? Sure, if there was still something to write with!
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both? I write for myself. If others happen to enjoy it, great! If not, I'm already happy with what I've written.
Tagging @jo-harrington, @wheels-of-despair, @palomahasenteredthechat, and anyone else that wants to play!
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nugatorysheep · 2 months
B, L, X?
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
As far as things I actively ship and not stuff I think is just kinda cute: Stevencest or Bispearl (kinda).
I was not a Stevencest person for quite a while- or I guess not what I personally figured a Stevencest person was supposed to be. I had people in my old server shipping it and I had an AU that while not intended to be that, I was okay with people shipping together the two Stevens for (though way down the road it did eventually turn into that lol), so my opposition to it was mainly that it wasn't for me based on the type of content I usually saw of it. Like this isn't my thing and it's kinda weird but if it's tagged so I can block it, sure go nuts. (There was also a LOT of Connie and Connverse Hate + NTR in Stevencest spaces and as a big fan of Connie I didn't want to be in places where I would constantly hear people shitting on one of my favorite characters. Steven has two hands!!). Basically the barrier to entry was too costly for me so I just kept my distance.
Last year though I got to know more people in this fandom and had the chance to freely experiment with my characters in ways I couldn't before, so I've grown to enjoy it a lot more. Being told "Hey, you can like. Do what you Want," was very helpful in pushing me to branch out. I have a lot more fun now doing things I like and ignoring people who do things I hate lmao
I'm not sure if Bispearl counts but it was something that NEVER crossed my mind until Bismuth Casual first aired and a light bulb went off in my head. I was into that almost instantly the moment it was shown to me.
(And more recently with the Rose/Bismuth art the Becky Sucrose dropped, now I can do the Pearl/Rose/Greg/Bismuth polycule of my dreams <3 Though in the context of canon Bispearl is the most reasonable/logical ship to me.)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I do not like Jasper much and her fanbase tends to be obnoxious BUT she is a very well-made character. She is consistent and straightforward in her motivations and goals and weaknesses in a way that in theory is easy to grasp (which is why I'm so shocked so many people don't seem to really Get her at all). When people say the writers screwed her over I disagree, because she does exactly what she is meant to do in the story and then fucks off, something I cannot say for several other characters LOL
At the end of the day, Steven Universe is about... well, Steven Quartz Universe, and the way Jasper serves his arc is more than enough for me :3
She's also really funny when used right and more people should use her for comedic effect
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Found family is something I'm a sucker for and I tend to like ensemble casts that have well-developed and interesting dynamics (platonic or romantic) between the characters, but I'm not sure if that counts as a fandom thing or a media in general thing. I'll be honest, I don't participate much in fandoms. SU is the first time I've engaged heavily in the fan areas VS just consuming Canon Material With a Chance of Fanart so the things I like trope-wise are less broad and more specific to just SU.
I also like fan kids or just seeing younger characters as adults in the future. It's fun to muse about, downside is if the ship you like is not mainstream enough you'll be sorely lacking in that category 😔
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
We sure do live in a society, don't we.
The anons sending you hate are doing my head in. Like, I can completely understand why they bristled at your initial response, because as someone who writes Ghost as an adult in a child's body (hi, Gently, my beloved fic that is drowning from my dead muse), I had a kind of similar "hey wait" response at first.
But then you CLARIFIED. You took the time to ask, listen and let others educate you on another POV. It may not have changed your own personal HCs (and that's OK!!!), but you clarified your meaning was not people like me - it was not the average person who spurred it - and that's all anyone can really ask for. You don't have to agree with or ask people.
The best part of fandom is taking bits and pieces of each other's ideas and using them to decorate our sand castles and make them our own. That means "I wouldn't spin it that way but I liked reading how you did it." It also sometimes means "Oh I cannot get behind that but I respect your right to."
I think it says a lot that people are on anon, rather than actually talking to you and giving you a chance to engage with them one-on-one. I'm not sure I would label them trolls. I think their feelings got hurt and they are lashing out because of it, in an impolite way, rather than stopping to listen to explanations. I am going to give the benefit of doubt and assume that ill-intent wasn't meant, and that the reason they're on anon is that anxiety has them going "if I say it on my main, I'm going to get flamed because I offended popular tumblr user." To that I say: If you weren't on anon, Aren could've replied privately to you, and likely would have. A one-on-one conversation can go a large way for trying to clear up misunderstandings.
TBH, I probably could've just sent all of this on Discord but I just am frustrated. Asks like the ones you received are why I am terrified of sharing my own headcanons, why I assume anyone asking me ANY opinions has bad faith, and why everything I say has a giant ass disclaimer on it with "THIS IS LIKE, JUST MY OPINION GUYS" and we shouldn't have to do that. We shouldn't have to sit and police everything that we say because Someone Might Twist It.
Anyway, sorry. I just needed to put this out here because I was about to blow up on my own blog. lmao
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Thank you tumblr user grollow I appreciate it immensely and I agree with everything you said about fandom being a sandbox made more fun by people having different ideas that make things fun to play with. It's just that I've been off in my corner playing relatively on my own for a bit, which kinda fucks over the amount of context you get on things a bit. And also the miscommunication had the misfortune of landing squarely in the intersection between 'things I really don't like' and 'things that have a canon basis but lack canonical descriptive details', turning it into a shitshow. Which I really really fucking wish didn't happen, even if I did enjoy discussing the pros and cons of different mental interpretations of Ghost and was able to come to the conclusion that it's about as appealing to me as a slice of apple pie. Which is to say, I like certain bits of it and will gladly nibble at said bits, but if there's any other option out there I'd take it over pie anyday. It's not bad and I certainly do enjoy it in extremely specific context, but it also doesn't appeal to me in the slightest and there's certain parts that I refuse to touch altogether (the texture of cooked fruit makes me cringe and nauseates me, much like the idea of Ghost being an adult trapped in a child's body from a horror perspective incites panic). But that's fine, bc then I can just plop the filling onto a friend's plate for their enjoyment, and nibble away at the bits I like in piece. My dislike of pie doesn't extend to the people who enjoy it, nor do I get upset when my brother refuses to eat what I cook for him. He's picky, I'm picky, I've got no right to judge. He's just as valid for saying my cream cheese frosting is gross as I am for thinking him refusing to eat anything but mac n cheese and scrambled eggs is gross. Same concept with fandom here
(And honestly, my judgement on the whole minor/adult thing is seperate from Ghost as a character altogether. I'm of similar mind with Miquella of Elden Ring, who is canonically an adult trapped in a child's body. Having a relationship with him in his child form would be fucked up- hell, even Mohg goes for breaking the curse first, and Mohg is canonically fucking insane! This isn't something limited to just one fandom, it's a hard line I draw in fiction in general)
Also yeah, I totally would have just worked it out in private, but I get the feeling the anon thinks I'm running some sort of clique or something over here where I would have twisted it into clout somehow. Which needless to say, I would not fucking do. Can't say this enough, but I'm autistic as all getout and had to deal with that enough in high school so I have nothing but contempt for that sort of behavior.
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dutifulsilence · 3 days
∗ 15﹕ what  is  your  favorite  dynamic  trope  to  write ?∗ 20﹕ has  your  view  of  your  muse  changed  while  you’ve  been  writing  them ? ∗ 21﹕ what  is  one  thing  you  love  about  your  muse ,   &  one  thing  you  dislike ?
15 ;; Favorite dynamic is probably enemies to lovers if my multiple Gan.Link threads are anything to judge by, but I also really love writing sibling dynamics. I will gush on and on about how Link views Tulin and Riju as younger siblings and I have written several posts about Link's younger sister. Sibling bonds are a very big thing for me, being a middle child between an older brother and younger twin sisters.
20 ;; Honestly, not so much. Of the muses I write, he's been the one I've changed the least because my view of him has been so solid the whole time I've written him. He's made progress as a muse, through threads and different relationships, but at the core, he's the same soul-weary hero who just wants to save the person that matters the most to him.
21 ;; I love how easily Link is for me to write, being able to convey the personality that I built with him while playing the games and make it work with what canon shows us about him. He's easily one of my favorite muses to explore through writing and I always have something I want to add to my depiction of him to flesh him out more as a unique version of Link.
On the other hand, he's also the one I worry most about writing because my depiction of him is very different from how I see a lot of people - general fans as well as other RP mun - write him. I put a lot of my own personality into him because Link, as a character, has always been a sort of stand-in for the player, but I worry I take it too far sometimes. I don't want to write him as me.
As for what I dislike about him, he is an attention hog. I struggle to keep up with my other muses, who I love just as much as my Link, but his muse is always so up and front center that I feel like he burns me out sometimes. There are times where I just want to put him on hiatus so I can focus on Zelda and Ganon (and Sooga, that elusive muse).
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monobmp · 17 days
No I completely understand… there’s a lot that could be done with canon that could be really interesting… and I know exactly what ur talking about when it comes to the awkward social interaction margarita LIKE ITS SO PAINFUL IN A GOOD WAY sinks my teeth into them and shakes them around. I think why Bill is so out of pocket with the kids is that they don’t have as much uhh how do u say it.. like they’re kids and no one outside of the know would believe them.. but also like they don’t have the adult brains that go “I’m just gonna ditch this and run as far away as possible” if that makes sense??? Like an adult typically has much more resources. I think Bill was also just genuinely invested in keeping up appearances at first and see how far he could sink his claws into Ford… I always thought that Bill would have a very far removed POV on human socialization and use it like a reference guide on how and what buttons to push, which is really fun bc my major uses a similar perspective to examine human social behaviors
Also I understand the Ford dislike bc I’ve been down bad for him since middle school but dear god he’s an asshole basically for the entirety of the show. Legitimately the only person he’s consistently nice to is Mabel, which to me is interesting when you put that next to his interactions w/ Dipper before weirdmageddon. I suppose it clarifies that he doesn’t really have any disdain for people who aren’t like him, just some really outdated beliefs. But it’s ok I can fix him
There is!!! It's just I'm not really much of a writer though, unfortunately, I love consuming the content, but it's hard to think of suitable content yourself 😔 it's tough 😭😭😭
And YEAH that honestly makes sense. It's giving "I'm the creature your parents warn you about if you don't brush your teeth before going to bed" but no physical harm, maybe just trauma though.
And Bill keeping up the "muse" appearance 💕💕💕💕💕 I still find it crazy Ford calls him "My Muse" and had all that Bill memorabilia 😭 ALSO I really like the idea of him using memories as a reference guide for human socialization, even if he doesn't fully get it. I love it a lot actually, I love learning an outsiders perspective on understanding human mannerisms and dissecting the deeper meaning of it. Like sure he's a little freak in a human POV that aligns dead rats into Ford's name for his birthday, but that means a lot to Bill in his own way, right? Smiles
I DON'T HATE FORD ANYMORE, I'm no longer a young idiot that didn't have the concept of media literacy and can understand more on why Ford was so mean </3 but also he was like, gone from human civilization for 30+ years and was being chased by a triangle for that entire time. Just give grandpa some time to get adjusted again 😊
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demonsfate · 9 months
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tek8 is only like 21 days away and i'm once again thinking what that will mean for this blog and my portrayal. obviously, this is quite the canon divergent blog. i obvs reject the tek6 story hard. and as of now, i say, during tek8, jin does indeed feel guilty and is trying to "redeem" himself. but not because he actually... did the war, but because he felt that devil was his responsibility, and it was his weakness that caused everything to get so bad. he also feels bad for not being able to help much during most of the war due to being Absent / recovering. jin also feels guilty because he had his chance to kill kaz earlier on, but chose not to. jin feels guilty because of the choices he made or didn't make, but he holds no actual responsibility in the war, no matter what he thinks.
the tek8 story looks like tek6 is probably gonna be heavily ingrained in it. right now, with the little we got, i can continue on with my portrayal with ease. however, i do fear that once it comes out, the story will make it harder for me to continue writing jin way the i do. i fear it might make some changes that will be difficult to say "oh, that doesn't happen in my depiction" or "it happened like that."
there's also dj. dj's been in the games since jin has. but... we haven't seen as much of dj in the main story. mostly when concerning the devil gene, we just see jin wanting to get rid of it, rather than him dealing with the devil itself. this makes it easy for me to say exactly how i envision jin and dj's dynamic, why, and how i like it to play out. i have a very specific idea of what dj precisely is, and what he is to jin. since this is dj's first major role in the story, it could be that dj's depiction could be drastically different than what i envision. of course, so far as we've seen, i've been really enjoying him. but i just have a feeling, even if he's actually BEEN separate from jin and treated mostly like a different entity in 8, i fear he will, in the end, be symbolism of "jin's sins." this feels apparent by two facts. 1) again, tek6 and jin's "redemption" from it feels like it's gonna be heavily ingrained in the game. 2) if you really look at dj's design, it definitely feels like it's heavily inspired by jin's tek6 design with the long jacket, and the floral(?) design on his vest. which, in my blog, i just say that's bc dj is obvs the one responsible for the war, and that's just his fashion tastes. but i have a feeling the game is gonna say otherwise.
finally, the potential rise in the tekrpc. ofc, i WANT the tekrpc to get bigger, and a lot of times with new game releases, its rpc becomes more active, even if just temporary for the hype. i fear with more new blogs, comes new people who may not agree with my depiction or being canon divergent. there seem to be a lot of canon blogs who love to follow what happens in the story. and if ppl are excited by the new game, they might not like that i alter the story because i personally wasn't happy with my muse's depiction in it. of course, this is nothing but my own anxiety, but i can't help but fear this may happen...
now the game isn't my story, and i'm not saying i'm gonna write about a thousand rants if it doesn't go the way i want it to. (unless it is just genuinely bad regardless of what it does). but i just feel no matter what the game does, i will always dislike tek6. tek6 will always feel like a mistake (regarding jin at least) that should've never happened. i don't think i'll ever acknowledge it in my canon, even if tek8 is the most well written beautiful "redemption" story ever. jin will never have the deaths of thousands, potentially millions on his hands. nope. it's just not gonna happen. plus, i'm pretty happy with how i have written jin and dj's dynamic. i'm happy with how i've written dj's role in tek6, that it'll just be hard for me to change it. but i do worry it'll be even harder for me to keep it this way with the new game.
hopefully! i'll love everything in the new game, and it won't make it too difficult for me to keep my depiction the way it is! :]
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girlfox · 4 months
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book? Is there any fandom you regret exploring? What’s something you find weird on here?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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have  you  ever  written  a  canon  muse  that  you  first  thought  of  ‘meh’  when  they  appeared  in  their  canon  show   /   movie   /   book?
i'm gonna be real . . . the last time i wrote a canon character besides ahri for any real amount of time was, uh, i don't even know how long ago anymore. so it's hard to recall, HAHA. these days it's difficult for me to latch onto a character unless i'm immediately going to bat for them, if there's ever a 'meh' feeling, it's probably not happening. getting me to diverge from ahri in the first place is hard enough as it is!
is  there  any  fandom  you  regret  exploring?
mmm maybe attack on titan? i mean, i wrote in it as historia reiss for maybe half a year or less waaaay before i wrote ahri. this was back in uh, late 2013? when the anime had just come out and i started the manga? like a lot of people, i had zero idea what sort of person the author was yet, and i never got very far into the manga. i don't know if i really regret it necessarily, but it's just like . . . an unfortunate dip into a not so great anime.
what’s  something  you  find  weird  on  here?
i've spoken about this with friends somewhat recently, actually, so i'll touch on it a bit here. but i find it kind of exclusive to tumblr the way getting a large following changes people in a weird way? it's something i've noticed over my years here, and while i've gotten up there in following in the past, sure, there's a certain height that some people reach that is a little weird. and it's not everyone! but the trend i've seen is with people who maybe get too territorial or controlling or anxious over numbers, or feeling overly threatened by duplicates, or lean too much on numbers as validation. i hope that makes sense? also not to shame duplicate anxiety because it's definitely a thing, and it's okay to dislike them or distance them for your own comfort, absolutely one hundred percent. but there have been people who just obsess over the level of anxiety it gives them, and it doesn't seem. healthy. on a site where duplicates are a natural part of being here. anyway that's my two cents!
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invre · 2 months
🛍 🍺😖🤸‍♀️🎶❤️💤 for u
headcanon ask meme | accepting
🛍 - Does your muse like to go shopping? What do they usually shop for? What kind of stores do they frequent?
Honestly, not really. It comes back to the lack of desire: he doesn't care about clothes, or trinkets, or food... He doesn't dislike it either, though. He'll go shopping with others, or he might wander around the marketplaces simply to pass the time ( and get out of the house ) — but he doesn't really feel anything for it. He does shop for food when needed ( from a list, of course ), and he'll shop for supplies before trips. But beyond that, he feels very little for it.
🍺 - How does your muse feel about the consumption of alcohol? Do they drink? Are they a heavy drinker, or are they on the lighter side? What's your muse's favorite alcoholic drink?
In Mithrun's mind it is a personal choice for everyone to make, and he sees nothing wrong with drinking. He drinks on occasion, almost exclusively socially. He's not averse to it, but what else is he going to do — sit at home and drink? What would be the point? Canonically, we know he used to drink a lot when he was younger and he "acted pretty badly" — from that same piece, we also know Mithrun's tolerance isn't particularly high. Most of the elves get 2-3 stars, and he gets 2. I wouldn't call him a lightweight, maybe just slightly below average for elves; that said, he's a pretty light drinker anyway, and he doesn't really see the need to get drunk. Especially drinking in social situations. He'd definitely be the type to prefer dry drinks, rather than sweet.
😖 - Does your muse have any embarrassing moments that they still think about? Do they laugh at them, or do they haunt them? (also asked by anon!)
Mithrun generally only cares about how he perceived by others in very limited, specific ways. He tends not to dwell on past mistakes. But he does remember embarrassing moments from his past. The demon ate his desires, but not his emotions; he can still recognise that oh, that was embarrassing. But he has no desire to save face or look good to others, nor does he really have any desire to think about the past. The thoughts come naturally sometimes, sometimes intrusively, and he can obviously choose to think back on things, but embarrassing moments certainly don't 'haunt' him.
🤸‍♀️ - How active is your muse? Do they exercise regularly? Do they do things like yoga? What else do they do to keep fit and active? Are they flexible? Can they do parkour?
Mithrun is very active, actually. He trains every day in some form — push ups are a part of his morning routine. But aside from that, it may be sparring or even going for a run on occasion — he focuses on stamina and dexterity more than strength. I don't think he's the type to do yoga, although he is actually somewhat flexible — and he doesn't know what parkour is but could definitely do it.
🎶 - What kind of music does your muse listen to? Do they have a favorite genre? Do you think the aux cord would be taken away from them?
OKAY SO. This I have actually thought about quite a bit because I always wonder what the musical culture is like in fantasy settings; genres of music would surely differ to what we have, given that society is different. Music that has a lasting cultural impact would differ in a different culture, no?
But speaking in terms of our music, I think he would have liked a wide variety of genres in the past. Whatever music was traditional in his homeland, I think he'd enjoy — the only thing I would say is that he probably found classical music to be a bit... boring. Maybe it was due to the expectation to be prim and proper, being in a noble house, and rejecting it felt like a slight rebellion. Nowadays, he will listen to anything really — but if you were to ask him what objectively sounds the best to him? In our genres it would probably be rock, surprisingly. Probably classic rock more than anything. But he'd be much more likely to say, 'it all sounds fine.'
❤️ - How did your muse come to realize their romantic and sexual orientations? Was it difficult to accept? Are they proud of who they are?
I think elven society (judging by Otta in canon, and basing off a somewhat DnD inspired world too) is honestly pretty lax about sexuality — Mithrun I don't think ever really had a "realisation", as much as it's just always been how he was: attraction to both men and women. It's never something he really had to process or even acknowledge as a Thing™ because it was just so normal in his society. He's not proud, but not ashamed; he just feels neutral about it. It's just how he is.
💤 - How does your muse sleep? Are they a light sleeper, or are they out the moment their head hits the pillow? Do they nap? Do they struggle to sleep due to things like insomnia, or nightmares? (also asked by anon!)
Mithrun is Not Good at sleeping, needless to say. Canonically, we know that he can't sleep without magic or a potion (at least, he believes so); Kabru was able to get him to sleep, massaging his tense muscles, but in the absence of that he needs sleep aids. He doesn't feel he needs sleep, so he will sleep based on a strict time-based routine when at home. Because he relies on sleep aids, he tends to sleep deeply enough — not terribly heavy, definitely rousable, but not the type to wake up as soon as someone says a word. He doesn't nap, and he's pretty sure he doesn't dream, either. Or if he does, he doesn't bother recalling them at all. The exception being when nightmares creep into his pillow; then, yes, he tends to have nightmares.
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grimowled · 3 months
What kind of relationship does your Stolas have with Stella?
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stolas’ relationship with stella is obviously complicated.
incipit: while he finds her undoubtedly and exceedingly beautiful, he’s never really taken much of a liking to her from the very outset, given some of her major personality traits that are, in his opinion, unsavoury and troublesome to handle. but what he resents her for the most, in truth, is what she represents: a marriage of convenience and curtailment of his freedom; pair that with her brash and belligerent demeanour, and you get a toxic and loveless union.
(now, canon hasn’t done any favours to stella, making her appear obnoxiously bratty, childish, cruel and even not very intelligent; but as a writer and muse, we would like for her to have more depth. there is a lot of potential to a character like hers, and we simply adore those excellent writers here who take a marvellous stab at writing her.)
domino effect: stolas knows that, being a prince, it’s his royal duty to hell to marry and sire an heir; as an adult he understands the implications of being a goetia - as a child, however, he had an array of emotions he has grown to repress until they have inevitably started festering and ultimately manifesting in the form of scandalous and obsessive behaviours, and a very skewed idea of what relationships look like, especially of the romantic kind (I mean, this is hell, after all). this experience has shaped his whole outlook on courtship and pursuit, mostly the product of a repressed aristocrat who has known no real love and no rejection and boundaries to his excesses of desires and inclinations. stolas acts out of boredom, hunger/ lust and self-interest, and uses his station and power(s) to get what he wants. he will treat the objects of his affections the only way he knows how, by pursuing them doggedly and unorthodoxly, and making no secret of his desires.
blame: my stolas blames stella as much as blames himself, having had roughly equal parts in the breakdown of their doomed marriage. this is not to say he has not tried, on the surface, to be a good husband to her, providing her with anything and everything a dame of her rank could possibly need, lavishing her with gifts and a life of comfort and luxuries, except for affection. stolas is in fact coldly respectful of her, does not raise his voice or show any emotion, he maintains a perfectly polite and frosty façade the more she blows up at him, by contrast to her fiery temper.
marital duties: when it came to finally conceiving the heir, stolas wasted no time in courting her by necessity; for my portrayal of stolas it was not a drab affair, but he put the effort into actually seducing her. after that he resumed being politely distant to her.
the assassination attempt: he actually doesn't mind the fact that she had the gall to call an assassination attempt on him - given that my portrayal of stolas suffers from endless boredom, that was thrillingly unexpected, and the unpredictability of the situation leaves him feeling rather ... excited.
the divorce: in most verses stolas is tired of putting up with stella's moods and the way it all affects octavia, and is finally considering a divorce despite probably being unprecedented among the goetia aristocracy; but it is also partly a show of power, that he can do what he want as a great prince and free himself of any shackles tying him down.
the short of it: he respects her station as a member of the ars goetia and the mother of his only child, but they have very little in common, which means they end up spending most of the time apart doing their thing. he greatly dislikes her temper tantrums and disapproves of her sometimes crass public demeanour.
writers! we will respect your stella portrayal regardless of canon. we are open to writing any kind of relationship you desire. my preference? a toxic relationship based on mind games and power play. we love the idea of stella being shrewd, witty and manipulative (without sacrificing the bratty side of her mood and temper prone personality) - a good match for her sinister husband prince.
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