#i have a guess but i would like other opinions
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emsdevs · 20 hours ago
Outfit Advice (Hughes Bros.)
a/n: i was talking to kirby about this the other night and i had to put it out there! enjoy in these trying times 🤧
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If you ask Jack’s opinion on an outfit, I hope you’re not looking for complete honesty. Okay, so that’s not entirely true, but his version of honesty is a little different. He’s gonna tell you EXACTLY what he thinks of your outfit, except this man is a SIMP. The only thing he’ll ever say about your outfit or your makeup or hair is how good it looks because it’s on YOU. Poor guy thinks you can make anything look good, and as unhelpful as it can be, it’s really sweet, so how mad can you be? Besides, it’s not like he doesn’t have a brutally honest brother in the room down the hall.
“Hey, Jacky, does this look okay?”
“Oh my god, pretty girl. You make that look so good. I’ll never understand how you do it. So beautiful, baby. I don’t know how I bagged you,” he kisses your temple and walks out with a smile on his face.
“Luke!” you shout. “What do I need to fix?”
Luke, I fear, is brutally honest. Hopefully, your feelings don’t get hurt easily because he’ll straight up tell you if something looks bad. He’s making his way to your closet to give you better options. Actually, he probably knows every article of clothing that’s in your closet. He’d be able to rattle off better options like it was nothing. It’s not even a control thing, either! He just wants you to look good and feel confident, and he’d never let you out of the house knowing you’d catch a glimpse of your outfit in a mirror or something and wish you could go home and change. It’s just one of the many ways he’d take care of you.
“Luke, baby, does this outfit look okay?”
“That top does not match those pants, babe. That one black skirt you have would look good, but if you wear it, you gotta change your shoes too.”
“The tight skirt or the pleated?”
“The flowy one that fans out when you spin.”
“So the pleated one?”
“I guess. How am I supposed to know what that means?” 
Quinn is somewhere in between Jack and Luke. He’s never gonna miss any opportunity to tell you how pretty you are, but he’s also gonna give actual advice. He can tell when you just want a compliment because you know your outfit looks good and when you genuinely need advice because you aren’t sure you like the outfit. He’ll take a moment to hype you up, but then he’ll get down to business with helping you out. Rest assured, he’s gonna be super sweet about it, too. He’s speaking in the softest, gentlest voice, making sure he doesn’t make you feel bad about anything.
“Quinn, does this look okay? Or should I change?”
“You always look so beautiful, honey. How about that light pink dress you have though? The one with spaghetti straps that falls right above your knee? I think you wore it to a team baby shower a while back. That one looked so good on you, and it’ll match the makeup you already have done.” He’s standing behind you while you look into a mirror. His hands are resting on your hips, and he’s speaking softly into your ear, taking breaks every few words so he can plant a kiss on the curve of your shoulder.
“Ooh, yeah, I forgot about that dress! Thanks, Q!”
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violetasteracademic · 17 hours ago
A little birdie told me the Elriel tags were in desperate need of some good vibes and unhinged smut, so dropping by to sprinkle a slutty lil one shot!
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Elain escapes to the Dawn Court for one evening, hoping to ease the pain of her broken heart with the distraction of a ball. But Azriel, the very shadowsinger she has sworn to forget, has followed her. And he isn't too keen on letting other males put their hands on the Night Court seer.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Rough sex, exhibitionism, mild pain/power dynamic kink, orgasm denial, breeding kink, garden fucking, yes literal hedge maze fucking, unhinged jealous possessive Azriel and Elain loves it, it's basically just kinky. But very beginner friendly! (er... in my opinion. I guess let me know if I'm wrong about that lolol)
This fic was inspired by Deep End by Ali Hazelwood for @yourstarsmyscars and all the girlies who went insane for Lukas Blomqvist as a modern day Azriel.
Read the fic here
Preview below the cut.
“Elain,” Azriel called after her, but she didn’t slow down. Not until she managed to shove her way through the crowded ballroom and burst out into the garden for a breath of fresh air. “Elain, stop.”
“You’re giving me orders now?” Elain spun on her heel. “What are you doing here, Azriel?”
Azriel’s nostrils flared. “I’m making sure you’re safe. Someone obviously needs to.”
Elain’s jaw fell open, then quickly snapped closed. She was right, then. He’d been sent after her. It stung more than she cared to admit. “I am perfectly safe. Not that it is any business of yours. You can tell my sisters there is nothing to worry about.”
Azriel’s gaze briefly flickered in confusion at the mention of her sisters, but it was gone in an instant, replaced by an icy rage. “Oh really?” Azriel moved in on her, forcing her to retreat until the stone wall halted her movements. “Damon Thatcher is a sniveling creep. There is no way in hell I would let you accept a drink from him.”
“Let me?” Elain’s chest heaved. How dare he? “You don’t control what I do and don’t do Azriel. I will dance with whoever I want and drink champagne with whoever I want, and you don’t get to say a damn word about it.” 
She shoved at his chest, but he snatched her wrists in his hands and pressed her into the wall.
“Not him,” he said, so low and quiet her breath hitched. “Promise me it won’t be him. He’s an ass.”
Elain took a deep breath, trying desperately to clear the fog from the heat of his body and the light, heady buzz from the champagne. “Why does it matter to you?” 
Azriel’s pupils blew wide and his breath sawed through his chest. But he didn’t say a single word.
Elain’s heart was caving in. She couldn’t stand to be this close to Azriel. To breathe in his scent and feel his eyes boring into her, as if he would die if he couldn’t touch her. But he had already proven that wasn’t true. It was a mistake. He never wanted her in the way she thought. So why was he doing this?
“You don’t want me, but no one else gets to have me either? Is that what this is?” She shook her head and turned away, desperate to keep him from seeing the tears forming. “It seems like the only ass here is you, Azriel.” This time, he didn’t stop her when she shoved him away.
It broke something in her. After all this time, she still held on to some fragile hope that she hadn’t imagined everything between them. That the crazed and desperate look she sometimes saw in his eyes wasn’t just… Well, whatever it was. She had no idea anymore. But it hurt too much to try to understand.
“I won’t accept a drink or another dance from Damon,” Elain said over her shoulder. “I… I didn’t like the way he made me feel. But I am not leaving here alone tonight, Azriel. I can’t bear another night alone. So, please. Don’t interfere again.”
Her hand had just barely begun to reach for the knob when darkness swarmed around her.
She landed hard against a cold stone wall, and gasped for breath when the shadows faded and revealed a small fountain surrounded by hedges. Elain had seen the large hedge maze in the Dawn Court gardens, and briefly considered how romantic it would be to sneak quietly away if she indeed found someone she could attempt to distract herself from Azriel with. But it was Azriel himself gripping her wrists and looking like a half crazed animal.
“Azriel,” Elain hissed. “What are you doing?”
“No,” he choked out. 
“No what?”
“No, I don’t want anyone else touching you.”
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danadiadea · 16 hours ago
I mean I don't disagree with your concept and I didn't in my previous post too, this line of thought is very fair and much better than hegemonic body positivity. of course, one never is going to find every single person beautiful, so we should internalize the idea of theating aestetucally unpleasant for us people with as much dignity as the ones whose appearance we like or have no strong opinion about. I just have a problem with:
1) the word ugly itself, but it's an English language problem I suppose, because I also can't really think about one word what would convey the meaning and don't carry so much negative emotional charge in it. "not beautiful" is my best bet, I guess, or "not aesthetically pleasing/unpleasant". overall, the words change their meanings or at least soften them, so maybe this one would too, but right now I don't feel comfortable using it or hearing it used towards real people, since in the linguistical context we exist in it automatically implies contempt;
2) ugly/beautiful not being as relatively objective as tall/short. we can set an objective criteria for being tall – let's say "taller than 170" or "taller than average", with average being a number that can be objectively measured. this just doesn't work that way with beauty, because the concept is too multilayered and also based exclusively on subjective perception, whether it's rooted in the way our brain works or how our culture shaped us or which internal beliefs we posess. any skill also is judged (if we are being reasonable) with objective criteria. spotted skin is just as objective as an inability to solve a trigonometry function, but the ugliness of spotted skin is not objective.
and I don't really agree with "everyone knows what tall is", let alone with stretching it to "everyone knows what beautiful is", because subjective perception will always remain subjective. for someone leaving in Timor-Leste a 170cm person is rather tall, for someone from Netherlands it's rather short. Not only the concept of beauty vastly (and I mean VASTLY) differs among cultures, the previous issue I've discussed, wich is the inability to set any kind of universal standard, makes this not a usable concept for me (like for the height we can technically count the average height of a person in 2025 and decide is 170 objectively tall or short based on that, but subjective perspectives of people from different regions wouldn't rely on statistics). Even if technically we could ask a big sample whether they find person A attractive and see if more or less then 50% agree, it is 1) inapplicable to other people 2) doesn't erase the fact that the descriptive "beautiful" can be honestly applied to them. Like I understand that both you and I probably understand whether the person is "generally" considered beautiful when we look at them, especially if they are unusually fitting/not-fitting to the "global" beauty standards, but I still think it's not all that universal and obvious. My autistic ass living in non-native for me culture is so often genuinely shocked when other people frame someone as beautiful/not beautiful, I've thought I was pranked a couple of times I swear. Us living in the times of globalisation doesn't help, but I think that when Japanese people described first Portuguese that contacted them in 1543 as the ugliest beasts possible, they weren't joking, but also the Portuguese people were perfectly ordinary. Now it all blends together a bit more.
so the concept of "letting people be ugly" doesn't exactly work for me if it's intended as "let people be objectively ugly". if it's "let yourself think someone is ugly and be normal about it" – I'm all for it.
also about the unhygienic stuff – I've put it to refer to that "people are trying to find exuses for Snape's hair" bit, because problems with hygiene are not exclusively about appearance, they also are about actions or a lack of them, and this is something people fairly wish to discuss when analysing a character. it's absolutely wrong to bully or demean actual people for it, but when people introduce "reasons" for Snape's hair being this way, I believe they mostly try to either debunk the implications of it being dirty or explain it – people very rarely neglect something that basic without any reason behind it, just as there are reasons for people to not have enough sleep or not eat enough. greasy hair which are just greasy don't need justifications (of the fandom, obv real people who neglect their hygiene for whatever reasons don't owe anyone explanations on their choices, but when we analyse a character saying that they can't keep up with showering is important for character characterization) though, because this is a purely aesthetic question, just like a hooked nose, and it doesn't define a character in any way. so I'd say that it's fair to approach the issue of Snape's hair differently if he neglects its state v/s if he just has oily hair because oily hair exists, since he's a BOOK CHARACTER, not a real person, and in the first case his action or inaction has motivations that may interest us as readers, in the second case it's just hair and whether we find it beautiful or not beautiful or neither is just our personal issue.
also people airbrushing charachters into "prettier" ones should be called Hermione Granger fenomenon fr, I am so sad she is almost always depicted as a literal supermodel:(
I love how the Marauders fandom is like everybody is perfect the way they are, they can be black, brown, white, fat, skinny, tall, short, everyone is pretty. Except Snape, no no no, he cannot be pretty, he has greasy hair, you cannot be pretty with greasy hair
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gotigersiguess · 3 days ago
So I've seen a couple of posts about the possibility of Will having a new love interest in season 5 and I have some opinions. I feel like people saying that Will can move on and fall in love with someone else don't take into account the simple fact that this is a TV show and not a real life situation. Will is a fictional character with a specific arc that should end in a more or less satisfying resolution. ST is not some gritty drama, it's a coming of age story with nostalgia and eldritch horror sprinkled in for some funsies. Every character should finish the story with lessons learned. So, what kind of resolution should we expect for a selfless queer boy who has to understand that he is deserving of love he so desperately wants? That he's not some mistake that should settle for less?
Also, that Chekhov's gun painting has to be addressed because it still didn't serve it's purpose in the story. It's a plot device. It's introduced for a reason.
So, here are our options:
The painting lie is revealed, the conflict that follows ends in Mike accepting him and Will moving on. No new romantic interest is introduced. Will is proven right. He is the only character without any romantic prospects for him in the main chunk of the story. Maybe a guy will wink at him in the epilogue. Why would we need to bury our gay if can just make him miserable (but not like all the way and overtly miserable). He has a future, see! He's fine! It's just a devastating real life lesson! That's what Stranger Things is about after all /s.
The painting lie ends the same way as in option 1. Will's coming of age arc ends in him moving on and falling in love with a random plot device character introduced at the start of the season. Somehow, among the horrors and monsters, Will has time to hook up with a random guy. They live happily every after. Rushed and badly written ending for one of the main protagonists, but I guess you tried? Could work if that plot device character was introduced very early on (like season 4) and given depth. Could also work if we resolved the painting situation in season 4. Otherwise, wild choice, but it's better then the first option.
The painting lie ends in Mike understanding and accepting Will while simultaneously propelling Mike's arc of self-acceptance. Climactic! Lot's of fun choices here. Then, follows the falling action. Characters grow, fun stuff. We finally reached the resolution of their arcs. This time it leads to Will being proven wrong. The person he loves and tries to let go off, reciprocates his feelings. Makes sense. Makes for a satisfying ending, happy one on the love-interest front. We've being through hell and can finally be together in the end. Love conquers all, yadda yadda.
I really don't see any other way this could go, honestly. Maybe some very clever and secret option 4.
Would option 3 happen? I sure hope so, otherwise I would question screenwriter's choices. Why put themselves in a mess if you don't want to resolve it in a satisfying way? There was no need for Will to be in love with Mike. Does it help Will's arc in any way? Sure, it ties in with his sexuality stuggles and helps him feel less like a mistake because loving Mike feels natural for him. But this also hinders his arc and creates a whole lot of problems if not resolved properly.
There's also a burning question of Mike's character arc and how much the choice of roping him into a love triangle helps in pushing him towards self-acceptance. Let's face it, Mike's resolution has to be him accepting himself and maturing. Whether it is his struggles with sexuality or his issues with pretending to be someone he's not because of his insecurities. How does Will's love tie into this? How does the painting tie into all of this? Would Mike finding out that someone loves him for who he is end in him...
1. Being with that person and coming to terms with his sexuality because of that
2. Understanding that he should be himself around his girlfriend, that he should be communicating his needs and listening to El's needs, that he should stop idolizing El and start seeing her as a real person and not some hero from his comic books.
The second option puts Will once again into position of a couples counselor for the straight main couple of the show. That's the highest level of friendzoning known to man (not to mention what a weird writing choice this is).
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donetbhlmao · 3 days ago
okay potentially unpopular opinions on the most recent severance ep (seriously dont read if you dont want to engage with criticism of the show)
i'll be honest, the most recent episode was beautifully shot. but i think it was among the weakest of the series (TO ME!) because:
i genuinely dont feel like i learned more about gemma as a character. while dichen lachman had to carry this episode on her shoulders, i found her performance to be a little wooden? and that made it difficult for me to feel for/resonate with gemma because i just couldn't understand what she was about. does she have family? does she have friends? what life did she leave behind? was she funny (she makes like two half-jokes i guess)? witty? rebellious? who IS she outside of mark and her desire for a child? it's really been bugging me that i dont really understand what she was about, other than the fact that she and mark had a happy marriage (for the most part) and she wanted a kid. i now feel like innie mark in that i obviously want her to be relieved from all that suffering, but from a human level, not because this episode made me feel specifically affected by her character and story. if the show wanted me to care about gemma the person outside of mark-and-gemma the couple, then this was the opportunity to evoke those feelings, and i just think it fell flat.
i thought the severed rooms (allentown, tumwater, etc) were cartoonish and i didn't find what was happening behind those doors compelling. obviously the idea that you can sever someone multiple times so that you effectively never have to experience negative experiences horrific but i hated the dress-up and the sets they concocted for gemma's various innies to exist in. it actually took me out of it and (TO ME!!!) downplayed the horrors her innies are being subjected to.
the pain of dealing with fertility issues is real. it is SO real. and please do not take this as me denying the mental and physical toll it can take on people. but. a lot of the beats of how that story was told were cliche (gemma sitting in the shower fully clothed for one). in a show that routinely avoids cliches, i found this to really stand out in a bad way. i also think that, since it's since been implied that mark maybe didn't want a kid that badly, it should have been demonstrated more clearly, but i will concede that since he loved gemma so much he would have gone along with whatever she wanted.
the happy couple montage, while beautifully shot, just didn't work for me. i'll be the first to admit that im markhelly-pilled to the MAX, but this goes beyond that. but it just seemed like another cliche. beautiful people being in beautiful love in their beautiful house. it just didnt give me a REAL dynamic to sink my teeth into. what really draws mark and gemma together? one of the things i loved before this episode was that severance's allusions to gemma were always barely there, just enough to get the audience thirsty for more. well, with this episode, we were drinking out of the firehose and idk if i find it as charming as a lot of viewers did. maybe im just an asshole. the biggest thing i took away was that mark scout used to be a very different man, and with everything that's happened since then, that guy will never come back.
i miss helly dylan and burt. i literally need mdr back and the idea that i likely wont get them for at least one more episode pisses me off.
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ficsinhistory · 3 days ago
Gun and Stones
So, I was thinking about Stone these days and some small thoughts came to mind, especially thanks to @shitposting-for-the-soul
Many people think that Stone will become the big villain of Sonic 4 and while I want this man to go through the very valid crash out that he needs to have… I don't believe that this will translate into villainy.
Not against Earth and the team of heroes at least.
Stone is evil. But he also has standards. Are they only relevant to him? Yes, but he does. We've already seen that he's not xenophobic, not caring about Shadow's world domination because he considered him an ally and treated him as such, regardless of the hedgehog being an alien. He took control of a café in Green Hills through shady means, but only because he followed Ivo's manifesto and it didn't even cross his mind to dominate the world without the Doctor.
And that's the thing, Stone wanted to dominate the world with Robotnik. To be his right hand man.
And with Eggman presumed dead, I don't believe any plan to enslave humanity would even cross his mind.
You ask me: Stone has already started a posthumous plan for Ivo once, why not start over?
And I answer: Because of the way Ivo died.
Robotnik sacrificed himself to save the Earth, since he couldn't save it. Not only that, he made that very clear in his final message. And I doubt Stone would want to attack humanity after the most important person in his life sacrificed everything to keep it.
Taking over the Earth would not only be empty without Ivo, it would tarnish the Doctor's ultimate sacrifice. And Stone would never act against Eggman's wishes.
But Stone is also grieving, and that pain and sadness needs to go somewhere.
And I believe it will be directed in two ways, although both end up on the same target: GUN.
The first is that Stone's anger and sadness is directed at GUN from the beginning.
He was once part of this organization and Stone knows how insidious it is. It was because of them that Gerald went crazy and built the Eclipse Cannon. It was because of them that Ivo was discarded without further ado. All this chaos happened because of them.
And Stone wouldn't let that go unpunished.
Maybe he plans to act against GUN alone or when Sonic and the others inevitably face them - especially since Rockwell will probably be the new leader - they need Stone's help, who will be more than happy to help.
Add to that the possibility that Stone will become Shadow's new guardian and this man's anger will triple.
The second is more complicated: Stone will try to get revenge on Sonic and company… because he thinks they were responsible for Ivo's death.
Yes, yes, we know that Tails and Knuckles saved Eggman from his despicable grandfather… but not Stone. Sonic already tried to kill Ivo once and was disappointed when he realized he hadn't succeeded. He has no reason to think that this wasn't what happened again.
Stone would blame them…and that's where GUN would come in.
With Rockwell in charge, the Wachowskis are already on thin ice. With Metal Sonic and Amy Rose showing up? Nah, they're going to be on a witch hunt for all the aliens. And they took advantage of Stone's grief by claiming that it was Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles who killed Robotnik in an attempt to bring him over to their side. Is that a blatant lie? Absolutely, but it's not like GUN plays fair and has any morals anyway lol.
Of course, this would only work if Shadow isn't under his care.
But assuming he isn't, that's quite likely. As is the truth coming out.
My best guess is that Amy would bring Stone to his senses with a speech like she did with Shadow in SA2, perhaps using her temporal powers to show him what really happened (Amy and Stone would get along well in general in my opinion since both characters have caring and unconditional love as a big part of who they are).
We also have the possibility of the team or even Shadow himself telling what really happened.
And Stone would be livid with GUN using him. Again. And tainting Ivo's memory and wishes.
Anyway, I can't wait to see Stone back and terrorizing GUN! Thanks for reading!
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twopoppies · 1 day ago
hello Gina, hope you’re having a good day or night right now, whenever you’re reading this:) i believe Harry and Louis are still together and i’m not a new larrie, but i’m pretty new to tumblr and even tho i checked most of your Denials tag, i still wanted to ask about your overall stance on the denials; i know we are talking about things happening over the course of 15 years so it’s not easy to answer simply; but do you think the denials in the past were because of Syco, of the whole management, like you know - they (mostly Louis) were forced to do it? and how about now, the last 2-3 years, do you think there is still a posibility of them being forced or is it more about PR, marketing, as from i managed to notice, the biggest websites post about Louis only when he talks about Larry. for me it’s all a little bit confusing and i noticed that the denials are usually so incredibly weird. like the iphone conspiracies, phone calls, chicken parmesan - so messy. my question is more about what do you think was & still is the reason for constant denials, the root of it happening? my faith is pretty strong and solid, i think we got enough proof from them to be sure of it all; but i can’t lie, sometimes i feel lost thinking about the denials, wondering if it’s PR, if it’s any contract, whatever they signed. if you wanna link any other posts, yours or from other larries unpacking it all - i would be very thankful, but i also wanted to know your opinion on this. also, i know you’re not Louis and you’re not Harry, we can’t be 100% sure what’s exactly going on so i’m just asking about your personal thoughts on this topic. thank you so much in advance and sorry for making it long x
Hi love. I don’t think I have any other links besides the larry denials tag, but other than Daisie, I think @skepticalarrie has some good stuff on her blog.
As for my opinion, yeah, I think the earlier denials were pushed by Simon/Sony and Louis really had no choice. The more recent ones confuse me, mostly because they’ve been so random and out of nowhere and just dumb. Every time he does it, he loses fans. On top of it, it not only doesn’t get rid of larries, it actually cultivates a new breed of larrie who think everything he says is a lie and everything he does is a clue.
My only real guess for why he does it is that it would be easier for them if larries would be a bit more laid back these days. I think they know they have support if they were to come out (although I don’t think that’s happening soon), but they don’t need us screaming about it at the top of our lungs.
I do think they’ve had some rough patches over the years since hiatus. But I tend to think things are in a better place now and that they’re together. But very truly, I have no interest in proving it and I really think at this stage in the game, the obsessive “bluegreening” of some larries does HL more harm than good.
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mzannthropy · 2 days ago
Anne of the Island Book Club Chapter 28
A good one today!
Not only have I titled a post on my photography blog after this chapter, I have also quoted Anne and Marilla's exchange about June in the said blog post. It is indeed a pretty month, saying this as someone who has been doing photography for 13 years. Anyway.
Aunt Atossa croaks; as was to be expected, nobody shed any tears. Mrs Lynde says "The Elisha Wrights are thankful to be rid of her"--Mrs Elisha Wright was one of those women who visited Anne the day before her departure for Redmond to tell her college will be bad for her. I wonder if this was just a woman who turned bitter from having to have such an unpleasant person as Aunt Atossa? Mrs Lynde is a better person than me bc I would not have pitied Aunt Atossa. She chose to be like that, stupid name or not.
Davy is so funny. "Milty said his mother said Aunt Atossa would be sure to rise up in her coffin and say sarcastic things to the folks that come to see her buried. But Marilla said she didn’t." Did he believe it would happen? He'd certainly want to know.
I like people to have a little nonsense about them.
A good line from Anne! You've got have a bit of a nonsense, sometimes. Reminds of when Matthew told Anne to keep some romance, when she swore off it after her Elaine incident.
The fact that in her childhood Diana wanted to marry a bad man so that she could reform him makes me laugh in view of our current times' 'I can fix him' meme. I have zero opinion on Fred Wright owing to his zero characterisation. I don't think he ever had a line of dialogue... did he?
Now I'm coming to one of the lines in this book that have stayed with me ever since I read it for the first time.
I wouldn’t want to marry anybody who was wicked, but I think I’d like it if he could be wicked and wouldn’t.
You have to have a dark side so that nobody will mess with you. At the beginning of The Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantes is a young man, naive and idealistic and you want to shout at him: "watch out for the snakes!" So yes, one should marry a good man, but one who could be wicked if circumstances arose.
Reading this chapter today, it occurred to me that Avonleans would find out about Anne refusing Gilbert eventually. At Redmond, people had to know, bc everybody would have noticed their relationship had changed. (Especially after she met Roy and he started to hang out with Christine.) And this would easily travel to Avonlea. Sure, Gilbert has spent two summer holidays in a row in Kingsport, but he would have been home for Christmas of Junior year and everyone would have noticed he is not visiting Green Gables anymore. It doesn't take a Miss Marple to guess. I mean, the narrative tells us that Moody Spurgeon's mum spread the news that Anne had a new beau, so logically, Gilbert is not her 'beau' any longer.
Also like. Okay. Anne told Miss Lavendar that Gilbert wanted to be more than friends but she didn't. But Marilla had to hear it from the local gossip...? Was Anne afraid to confide in her adoptive mother?
Lol at Mrs Rachel losing her faith in the Providence.
I can't say I relate to Anne's feelings about Diana getting married (I've never really had close friends and I moved to another country at the age of 22 so didn't go through the seeing your peers get married and start families thing anyway) but like Anne, I can imagine it. I've been listening to the book The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins, who also touches on friendships. It's completely normal for childhood friends drift apart once they reach young adulthood and it's nothing personal. It's just life. And it's really the theme of this instalment of Anne series.
Btw I find it interesting that Mrs Barry insisted that Diana won't marry until she is 21. We're not given the reason why, but it worked for Diana and Fred bc in that time, they got to know each other well.
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sgiandubh · 3 days ago
Thank you for your opinion. I think it's fascinating to have a look bts of diplomats. Maybe, if you feel like it, you could comments more like this on political events.
Anyway, have a great weekend.
Dear (returning) What's Your Take Anon,
You are welcome. I have answered because I found your question very thoughtfully written, something I always appreciate.
This page always claimed to not deal in politics, something that permeates my life, willy-nilly, every single day. I wanted to have some respite from it at least in here, where I can steer the course totally by myself. Plus I think we already live in a divisive world: why drag it in here, anyways? Look at how people insult each other for the sake of These Two!
That being said, I will always answer with great pleasure questions like the one you sent me, because I find way too many people think of us either as perks-laden parasites or cliquey profiteers. Not saying this does not exist, but let's not put everybody in the same boat. I have met the worst and the best, but the one thing I do know, is that the feeling of serving one's country is perhaps the most gratifying one can experience.
For this, Anon, there's no excuse and no recess. So there you go, if you want to understand a bit more about the way things are done behind closed doors, go ahead and ask. Comments on current events? Not as much as you'd probably like, but you will easily guess my stance - we are simply trained to not lay all our cards on the table, if possible. That would be bad poker, something I have seen yesterday aplenty.
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[Antoine Coypel - Louis XIV at Versailles receiving the ambassadors of the King of Siam, engraving, 1686]
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the-himawari · 1 day ago
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Treasure (2/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Masumi: …He’s here.
Banri: Hey. That was quicker than I thought. Even if you figured out that keyword, I wasn’t sure whether you’d remember that event with me.
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Masumi: …I just happened to remember it. That’s all.
Banri: I mean, that conversation we had was pretty unusual considerin’ our relationship back then.
*flashback starts*
Masumi: (I came here hoping to kill some time before my classes in the afternoon… but nothing catches my eye.) (The movies that work in terms of the time are… a cheesy, over the top action flick and an animated children’s movie.) (…“Love starts with the afterschool bell”… Is this a romcom based off a shoujo manga with an idol as the lead?) (It’s not a genre I typically watch myself, but maybe something like this is fine once in a while…) “They Day I Meet Love”…? (I missed out on watching this one. …I’ll go with this.)
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*walks over*
Banri: Masumi?
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Masumi: …Banri.
Banri: I was gonna go see a play, but it got cancelled. I came here to watch somethin’, but nothing’s popping out at me.
Masumi: …You can say I’m in a similar boat.
Banri: What’re you gonna watch?
Masumi: “The Day I Meet Love”. It’s a romance movie you’d have no interest in.
Banri: I see. It looks like this film starts screenin’ this week. But it’s in the smallest theatre and it barely has any time slots.
Masumi: It was originally an independent film and by the time I found out about it, it was already over. But it recently won an international film award, so I guess that’s why they’re showing it again.
Banri: Mhm. “This is the day my life changed forever”, huh… Aight. I’mma go with this too.
Masumi: …
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Banri: Hey, don’t make such an obviously disgusted face. I‘m not gonna choose the seat next to you, ‘kay?
Masumi: …That’s what he said, yet why is he beside me on the other side of the aisle?
Banri: It's a coincidence so let’s just leave it. Alright, it’s startin’.
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Movie protagonist: “People love to talk about things like fated encounters and your destined partner, but I don’t believe any of that.” “I mean, come on. That's so unrealistic. If you believe that, then you’re just running away from reality.” “…That’s what I thought. Until that day.” “I ran away to a countryside town in the middle of nowhere and I met her.” “In that moment, I knew it was fate.” “This isn’t an escape from reality— This is the story of the day my life changes forever.”
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Banri: …I thought it was just another typical love story at first. But I liked the pretty visuals and the fitting soundtrack.
Masumi: …
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Banri: Masumi?
Masumi: …I’m going to go buy a pamphlet. Bye.
*walks away*
Banri: …
Staff: I’m so sorry. We only had a limited stock of the pamphlets for this work and they’re already sold out…
Masumi: …
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Banri: Did they run out?
Masumi: …Were you waiting for me?
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Banri: Since we watched the movie together, I wanted to hear your thoughts too. Like I mentioned earlier, I was more impressed by the visuals and the music rather than the story. I mean, it ended with the two of them never getting to see each other again, right? Yet the opening narration and catchphrase said, “this is the day my life changes forever”. To me, it just seemed like a tragic story about a man whose life was ruined by himself. That’s why I wanted to ask you about your opinion. Since you went to buy a pamphlet, that must mean you liked it, right?
Masumi: … I don’t think it’s a tragic story. Even if only the protagonist's life was changed by that love, he seemed happy. He might have been waiting for that kind of love somewhere in his heart.
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Banri: I see.
Masumi: Besides… he said that was the day his life changed. He never said it was the day his love ended. I’m sure he’s not going to give up. I think that’s why he said it changed forever.
Banri: …Is that right?
*flashback ends*
Banri: I was genuinely interested to see whether Masumi and I would have different perspectives watchin’ the same movie since he’s in love and I have no interest in that sorta stuff… And I thought you were a real straightforward guy. I also thought that while I wouldn’t necessarily say I respect you, I should learn a bit from you. If I were to compare us to that movie, I guess I’d prolly be the protagonist before he met his partner, and Masumi would be the protagonist after he met her?
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Masumi: …Gross. …I can’t imagine you being in love. But it’s too bad you don’t know what it’s like. Even just as an actor.
Banri: Well, I guess I can’t argue with that.
Masumi: Maybe one day, a day will come when you understand it too. Maybe you’ve already encountered the one but just haven’t realized it yet.
Banri: You think so?
Masumi: I don’t know. And I don’t care. But I won’t forgive you if it’s Director. Never realize that.
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Banri: Haha. Of course he went there. Ah, I almost forgot. Happy birthday, Masumi.
Masumi: …It’s the pamphlet I couldn’t buy back then… “The Day I Meet Love” —愛に出会う。* “This is the day my life changes forever.” —これは僕の人生が永遠に変わった日。
Banri: Those words are perfect for you.
Masumi: …Yeah, maybe. Thanks for this.
Banri: No prob.
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*He’s saying the same phrases in Japanese after, so I decided to keep the original line rather than repeat it twice in English.
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yellowcry · 2 days ago
Unpopular opinion I guess, but saying that 'The entire moon revolution (and Planet X) arc happened ONLY because Neptune wanted to know why Saturn has rings' really downplays other characters.
Yes, if It wasn't for Neptune, then Saturn would never known that he killed moon. But if Astrodude wasn't there either, Saturn would have no ways of knowing. If Saturn wasn't honest with his moons, they would NOT know it even after.
And even after that. If Earth wasn't insecure about having life and therefore didn't insult Titan, then latter wouldn't have reason to force Astrodude under his surface. If Astrodude didn't find life in time, then Titan wouldn't have back-up and probably wouldn't start revolution either. If Ganymede wasn't bored, then he and other Galilean moons wouldn't go look for Titan. If Jupiter didn't allow them to go, they wouldn't have a chance to meet Titan either. If Titan didn't meet Ganymede and Europa then revolution wouldn't turn violent (but this one I can give a doubt with the fact he could've gone to recruit the moons of Jupiter later anyway). If Saturn moons weren't aware that Saturn crushed moons, or if Titan didn't force everyone to forgive their planet before Saturn had a chance to explain himself, then other moons of Saturn wouldn't have as much motivation for the revolution. If Uranus didn't make an insensitive joke about destroying his moon, then moons of Uranus wouldn't have reason to run away in fear and join the revolution.
I think I made my point. Things don't happen because of a SINGLE person. Neptune might've started the chain of the events, but everything went the way it did because of every single character. In the end, all of them contributed. Even those that weren't directly involved. Like Gas Giants or the Sun
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danadiadea · 1 day ago
I couldn't agree more, this should be called "Marauders AU", not "Marauders fandom". If you like Voldemort, who is supportive of Muggleborns and Muggles – you don't like his character. If you stan Hermione, who's an elitist pureblood aristocrat – you stan an OOC. And liking AU/OOC characters is fine, as long as people don't make supposedly canon takes about them, don't fight the ones who defend or criticise the characters based on the actual information that is accessible equally to all the people in the fandom and don't make people think that your AU is an "interpretation of canon" that exuses for some pretty serious shit. With Marauders fandom that unfortunately went really, really not well. Every time this topic arises, I'm reminded of how @lilithofpenandbook wrote that before she'd read the books she believed that Severus asked Lily out, she rejected him, he called her a Mudblood then and James teased him for it – because this is how the fandom presented it. And stuff like this influences the experience people have in the fandom overall.
My personal experience with HP became way worse since the new-age Marauders fandom appeared, to be honest. Hating on Snape became the only "correct" option specifically because this fandom needed to justify Marauders mistreatment of him and started inventing or exaggerating things, which resulted in an outrageous wave of victimblaming. People disliked and hated Snape before, sure, but his fans weren't accused of liking a stalker-abuser-incel-nazi-school shooter who deserved whatever happened to him. Snape haters in the old days mostly used canon arguments, so it was a question of just different moral coordinate systems among fans and (in my opinion) underappreciation of context, but not of claiming things that never ever happened anywhere but in ATYD! This fandom also twisted other characters I enjoyed, like Regulus or Barty, because even though they are not hated, the content about their OC's is not what I interacted with before the Marauders fandom, it just has nothing in common with them at this point. Characters from the actual books are totally erased, and if you talk about their canon personalities and actions – you receive threats or insults or at best get gatekeeped.
I think wanting to reload your brain with some simpler thropes and stories sometimes is valid, I just don't understand why do you need to push those simplified aesthetical personalities on characters whom they don't fit? This reaches the point of absurdity, because if you want to write wolfstar with somewhat simplistic characters and the dynamics of a big strong rebel/emotional drama twink, then why are Sirius and Remus in such unsuitable roles for themselves? How on earth is a tall, traditionally masculine man with bikes and naked women on his posters suitable for the second role? And why the hell would the epitome of privilege James Potter be POC? Not to say that when personalities based on shallow aesthetics become not the occasional interpretation for some more lighthearted works, but something that a large part of the fanbase shares without question – it can't be healthy for the discourse in the fandom, because it disparages the complexity literature is supposed to depict and empathy it has to evoke. Classism and lookism and romanticising disabilities don't help either.
Obviously, those things weren't invented by the Marauders fandom, but they were intensified or brought to the HP fandom. So yeah, I guess I'd be happier if you people called it Marauders AU at least, because I don't understand why I have to deal with your eroding influence.
Hi, regarding your "People who defend James’s stripping Severus in front of the entire school" Post. I am struggling with this from time to time, but I also like to ponder and discuss so:
I really like the fandom version of the Marauders, and I honestly do not really care for Snape because in the fics and art I interact with he is usually not part of. (I also read a lot of Muggle AU etc.. And I think another huge part is that I never really thought about how young he technically still was as a teacher because of Alan Rickman´s age. As a child I simply disliked him and never had an opinion on the Marauders as they appear so little in the movies. I guess it´s hard to move on from that?) What the Marauders did in Canon to Severus, and probably other students, was horrible. I agree. I also think Snape has his faults too, but the abuse against him shouldn´t be excused "because he was mean too". If you abuse and abuser, it´s still abuse.
I guess my question is what´s your opinion on the take to like the fanon version but not the canon version?
"The lengths some people go to twist facts and canon to conveniently excuse their favourite characters’ actions because they can’t accept them as they were is honestly incredible. Or maybe they just need to tell themselves they’re not fans of a couple of rich, abusive bullies because deep down they’d feel terrible about it—who knows."
To take the potential the Marauders have, the idea of a tight friend group in a magical school, explore different family dynamics... I like to play around with that and what was made of it. I think I can do that while acknowledging that what they did in canon was bad. It´s why I struggle with canon compliant stories, like their behaviour sucked. If I only knew the canon version I would not like them because I wouldn´t like "rich, abusive bullies". But changing the characters and their actions is, to me, part of what makes fanfics fun?
And of course I could do the same for Snape. But I didn´t and there is probably a lot to unpack on why I mostly ignore him. But. ultimately, to like him I would have to change him a lot from canon too. What the Marauders did as kids might have actually been worse (?) but how he became later makes me dislike him and for the Marauders we have more freedom to interpret how they turned out as adults. (Even though I just said changing the story is part of fandom and I could just make Snape nice... There are so many contradictions in all my thoughts on this topic)
Okay, this got really long and aybe a bit all over the place. You don´t have to answer this. But if you have any thought´s I´d be interested in hearing them :) This is also my first ever anon ask and I really don´t want to fight on this topic I just have a lot of thoughts.
My problem is precisely that the characters this new generation of the fandom has invented are unbearably boring. A bunch of normie kids who dress like Zendaya and her friends in Euphoria and have average teen drama issues that seem straight out of a cheap Netflix series. I mean, where’s the appeal in that? Where’s the appeal in turning Sirius into a whiny twink who just goes around pining for Remus Lupin—who, by the way, has suddenly become some sort of sassy alpha male—when their canon dynamic is way more interesting? When Sirius in canon is a guy with temper issues who thinks that just because he went to Gryffindor and has the “right ideas,” he’s managed to shake off the stigma of being a Black, yet remains as arrogant and violent as the rest of his family? When he has good intentions but has never really confronted who he is, where he comes from, and how ignoring that won’t make his behavior any less problematic? When he’s willing to do anything for James but simultaneously capable of deliberately ignoring Remus’s well-being? When he’s a rebel but still falls into the same abusive, hegemonic behaviors he was raised in? When it seems like his opposition to his family is a conscious choice, but it’s actually just the result of his mommy issues? He’s an incredibly complex character in canon, full of contradictions, and there’s so much interesting psychological exploration to be done with him. And you’re seriously telling me you prefer an OC with his name invented by the fandom who just cries over his non-canon boyfriend and feels validated because he paints his nails? Seriously???
Are you seriously telling me that James from the fandom—the goofy puppy dog protagonist pulled straight out of every cliché teen movie—is more interesting than canon James Potter, who is blessed with the wonderful depth of class hypocrisy for analysis and exploration? Are you really saying that a flat, soap-opera-level stereotype is better to write or develop than a rich kid who had every reason to be a Cedric Diggory but chose to be a Draco Malfoy? Are you really telling me it’s more interesting to write about the feminist girlboss icon of the 21st century that you’ve turned Lily Evans into rather than a complex, contradictory female character like the one in canon: a girl from a working-class town, spoiled and adored by her parents, who finds herself for the first time in a world that makes her feel even more special but where she doesn’t quite fit because of her background? Someone who, in her effort to fit in and be recognized, creates an image of herself as moralistic and perfect, yet in truth doesn’t stand up for or care about anything unless it directly affects her? The bullies target Mary Macdonald, and she doesn’t lift a finger or say a word until it suits her to end her friendship with Severus. She’s supposedly Severus’s best friend, but at the same time, she downplays the bullying he endures and even flirts with his abuser. She’s supposedly the epitome of morality, yet she marries a bully. Do you know how much room there is to flesh out those gaps? The things that aren’t clear? The sheer depth you can draw from that? And you seriously prefer a character ripped out of a 2012 Taylor Swift song over that? Is that honestly more interesting to you?
Do you really think that the sassy alpha-male version of Remus Lupin, full of quick-witted one-liners, is more compelling than the kid who disapproved of his friends’ actions but stayed silent out of desperation to preserve the safe space they represented for him? Who felt consistently left out of the bond James and Sirius shared? Who, even when what they did seemed utterly immoral, stepped aside because deep down he was so afraid of rejection that it made him a coward and a hypocrite? Who eventually drifted away from his entire group of friends because of his inferiority complex to the point that they even thought he was a traitor? One of his supposed friends nearly used him as a weapon to commit murder, and he forgave him without a word because he knew that standing up to him might mean losing everything. Are you really telling me that the cheap romantic drama version is more interesting than all of that in terms of exploring a character and the dynamics of dysfunctional friendships within that group? Really? Are you seriously saying you’d rather pretend Peter was just “there” than delve into how they treated him like a pet because he went along with all their mischief and they underestimated him so much they never realized they had a sadist among them? You prefer a convenient, nice Peter over a dark, deeply flawed one? Really?
Yes, the dynamic among the Marauders is fascinating, but it’s fascinating because it’s dysfunctional, full of power imbalances, clear differences in the relationships within the group, and a ton of things that don’t make sense unless you provide a coherent and in-depth explanation. It’s in that dysfunction where the intrigue, the plot, and the character exploration lie—not in creating an idyllic, problem-free group of friends whose drama arises from stereotypical romantic relationships. Not in creating OCs with canon names who bear no resemblance to the actual characters and have the depth of a sheet of paper. Sorry, but no.
And sorry, but I’m not buying the argument that the Marauders are “easier to explore” just because Sirius and Remus made it to adulthood, and Thewlis and Oldman were already in their 40s when they played their characters, making them middle-aged like Rickman. And Snape was their same age and spent the same school years with them.
So yeah, it’s fine if you’re not interested in a character, but the excuse is always, “I haven’t seen much of that character to be interested in them.” Well, if you only move in your own echo chamber, and that chamber happens to be full of haters, obviously you’re not going to see much. There’s a huge Snape fandom with tons of headcanons, people constantly creating and writing all kinds of content with all sorts of pairings and perspectives on him—you just have to look for it. I mean, literally, everything we know about the Marauders is because of Snape. Their youth only exists to enrich and explain Snape’s character. If we know anything about Lily and James, it’s because they serve to fill in Snape’s backstory. Otherwise, we would have only had the adult versions Harry imagines or knows (Remus, Sirius, and Peter), and we’d know nothing about what happened before. There is no Marauders fandom without Snape, because the concept of the Marauders as teenagers exists because of and for Snape’s backstory.
So honestly, my problem isn’t with the fandom but with the new fandom and its vision of the characters. Characters that don’t exist because they don’t resemble canon and instead feel like self-inserts with canon names. And I find it a waste because canon is so rich, and its characters are so unexplored, yes, but if explored coherently, they’re far more interesting than if they’re just turned into inconsistent projections.
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ladyvandt · 5 months ago
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ryssbelle · 1 year ago
Have you heard about a new ship between John Dory Delta Dawn? Though I find it kind of weird
It is on TikTok and Tumblr, If You want to check it out?
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I’ve heard of it, I think their ship is as old as tbt at this point XD
I think their dynamic is really funny
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cagenewman · 3 days ago
There was a sense of relief that filled Cage as Cordelia talked about not wanting to schedule this pregnancy, knowing that it was something that had weighed heavily on him. This couldn't be scheduled or planned, not like her school, his work, their childrens' day to day lives, this had to happen when it happened, naturally. When the time was right. "I don't want to have sex to make a baby," Cage chose his words carefully, narrowing his eyes as he thought it over, "I want to get pregnant because on a random Wednesday night, you looked at me a certain way and I kissed you a little too long in the hallway and it just happened, you know?" His voice was softer as he said it, almost a little shy, but he didn't want or need the fanfare. If they couldn't pinpoint the exact moment that they had made a baby because it was borne out of the love between them, then that was more than enough for him, and he paused for a moment, emotion thickening his tone the tiniest amount as he pulled his teeth from the lip that he had bitten onto while thinking and spoke, drawing in a breath, "as sad as I am about what happened and always will be, there's a part of me that's relieved that I can do this right." It was tough to admit, and he didn't want to say it out loud, but felt like he needed to, felt like they had to go through every step of this honestly with one another. "You know that I will love our baby, no matter what, but there was a part of me that was… ashamed, that -- I don't know, that I left those bruises on your thighs and hips and got you pregnant when we were angry at each other and then reacted the way I did, that I couldn't just be happy, even though I wanted to. It's part of why I felt like it was my fault… that we lost the baby. Like maybe it was some sort of sick karma." Cage knew better, but it had still stuck in his gut, twisting beneath his ribs when he thought about it. And he had admitted it to her, but he hadn't been able to put words to it until everything had finally settled. Until he knew it wasn't true, until he had digested the news over and over again. He lifted his free hand to brush at the corner of his eye, not realizing that they had become wet, blaming it on the slight breeze that day before he let out a laugh, shaking his head, "no, nothing like that. You know better than anyone what you can handle, but I'm going to step in and put my foot down if I catch you trying to carry around hay bales at eight months pregnant, and I think that's fair. Instead, you can watch me haul around the hay bales and spend time with your best friend Twix. How's that?"
Cage's face scrunched up as Cordelia talked about the possibilities of cravings, making note of what she would and would not want, and how fast that could change, holding his breath before letting it out. "Too late to change my mind, I guess?" But he was only joking, knowing that nothing about her cravings would ever push him to take back the decision that he had made, even if she woke him up at three in the morning with an elbow in the ribs and wanted pickle flavored something or other that made him gag at the thought of it. He'd find a way through it. "I think that's part of why it's important to talk to them now," he squeezed her hand as he said it, "to understand how they are going to feel about it, and have the time to talk to them and make them understand how we feel about it -- or try. It's better that we're all able to talk than to just drop it in their laps." Telling the boys that Cordelia was pregnant, that they were having a baby, without giving them any indication that they were trying might have come across as though they didn't care about their opinions, that they were moving on with their lives. "I think…" he wet his lips, "maybe telling them that we want to have a baby because we feel like we have the perfect family to love them, to help raise them and take care of them will help them realize that they're a part of it, does that make sense?" he looked down at his wife, "that the only reason we feel like we can do this is because we know how good they are, how much they love each other, and we feel like it's the right environment for them to love another little girl or boy." That was the catch, that this wouldn't just be Cage and Cordelia's biological son or daughter, that this little one wouldn't be any better or more important than any other Newman or Austin or Browning under that roof -- but it would be Shawn and Colton and Cienna and Rosalyn's little brother or sister, it would be as much a part of them as it was their parents. He rolled his own eyes playfully as she talked about the clothes disappointment, and then stole another kiss, before he found himself browsing the little shop, enjoying a few items here and there, but ultimately letting her lead him back down the sidewalk, until… oh no, shiny. "Wait up," he groused on a laugh, heading in after her and knowing that she was going to make a beeline for the sparkly things, coming to a stop behind her with both hands gently resting on her hips, body brushing against hers from behind as he looked over her shoulder at the pieces she had been drawn to from outside.
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It was really more amusing how so much could change, but such simple things could stay the same. Even if it was something as silly as swatting someone's hand away from a few fries could make you laugh and remember those sweet memories. "We can get you a new desk calendar if you want, probably a good idea to update it, or at the very least throw out your old one because that last year one isn't going to help you anymore." she pointed out. Though those weren't exactly the first priorities when there had been so much going on in the last few months to really worry about anything else. Giving a roll of her eyes, "No, I wouldn't get one for all pregnancy related things, that would just become unhealthy, tracking ovulation, periods, when we have sex, that becomes.... a job, and regardless that we have decided we want this, we want to try I don't want it to become a job or an obligation to have sex." Sex for them had always been intimate, even when angry, there was always a connection, she didn't want it to become a business transaction because they were hoping to add a little one to their family now. "I appreciate that you're not going to let me do anything too strenous so long as you don't treat me like I'm broken because that will upset me." She had survived a pregnancy by herself with practically no one, worked right up till going into labor. Not that she knew Cage would want that for her this time around, he'd want to give her everything. "I never was in any danger, I am just saying you pointed out that she thought I was competition, when she didn't realize it was never a competition, I was always going to win." she quipped giving a short nod as if that was the best obvious explanation and that was that.
"You're very right chances are when I'm craving something it's going to be in the moment and very much I want it now, not oh let me go make it and then eat it. By that time I probably will be craving something completely different and upset that I just made all this stuff I no longer want to eat." Which obviously would be very upsetting to a pregnant and hormonal woman! She needed her good food. Nodding when he said it may not go perfectly but that both boys were incredibly mature, they loved their siblings, and there was no denying the boys were amazing, kind, gentle souls that would protect their little sisters no matter what. "I just hope they understand why we would want this but it doesn't change what they mean to us, you know? That it's not a replacement, or our "real" child." Giving a roll of her eyes because that was ludicrous. "Not too many toys we're starting to get overrun in the house with toys but I also know it's what they would want most. Clothes would not impress them in the slightest, which both makes me proud and disappoints me." Though Rosalyn and Cienna did love their sparkly dresses and shoes, regular every day clothes for surprise presents? Not the things they were looking for. "Such a smart man." she leaned in pecking his lips before ending the first store. They shopped around for a bit, going in and out of different stores picking up few different things here and there before stumbling upon a vintage shop seeing a case of jewelry. "Oh we should check in here." she said before taking off inside.
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halcyon-deluxe · 8 days ago
what do you value most in someone?
At *least* a 2x resistance to ground type attacks. My last partner died due to a 4x weakness to earthquake and it gave me SUCH an ick :/ likeeeee I haaaaate it when my partner gets one-shot by earthquake spammers. its such a turn off.
#LMAO but in all seriousness just someone who can match my energy.#I guess the short answer is patience. BUT also social compatibility.#i don't care if we have nothing in common#BUT i care immensely about our social chemistry.#I'm a pretty hefty home-body and my social battery dies pretty quickly unless I do a lot of mental prep before hand#so if you're the type of person that absolutely has to be talking all the time#or desperately needs to fill the silence we probably won't click#I'm very comfortable in silence and I'm also very okay with us doing our own thing in the same home#so if that makes your skin crawl we definitely won't work lol i am so introverted when I'm at home#i also really appreciate bluntness. if I'm pissing you off just be straight up about it.#OH i also value confidence. like sticking to your guns and loving who you are in spite of what other people think is so sexy and rad and ho#if you like something that i don't and still try to enjoy it despite my opinions i think that's really admirable#I've had too many friends / partners that would give up on things they liked because i didn't like it#and while i get the intention that type of thing just makes me feel bad#because you shouldn't be stopping on my account. do what you love and love what you do. who tf cares what i think of it if you like it?#like just because i hate taylor swift doesn't mean you gotta bottle up liking her ya know?#sorry i feel like this is a very broad question that doesn't have one individual answer in my mind lol#I'm very open minded when it comes to clicking with a partner#but i wanna learn about all your hobbies and interests even if i don't personally care for them.#like if its important to you its important to me#answered#ramblings
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