#I’m not gonna scream and cry and tell people to stop I’m just not gonna do it in my stuff
ickyarson777 · 1 day
Ooooh requests! I have one! I am dying for gamer boyfriend iii. Maybe playing games with him? Or just snuggling up with him, playing with his hair, while he slaughters digital zombies? XD Whatever you think!
ahem anyway, of course love i can definitely do that for you! and thanks for the request! i hope it lives up to your expectations!!
content warnings: none!! just fluff and games today. tried to stay as gn with the reader as i could. only things used for them is 'love,' and 'lovely.'
notes before we start, this is about *not* about the actual people in the band, just the characters they’ve created on stage.
that being said, here you go! it's a bit short, wish it was longer but this was fun to write :)
Word count: 843
I curled up in bed, scrolling mindlessly through my phone, glancing every now and then at III, back facing me as he played his game. Since he’d downloaded Skyrim, he’d been playing it every chance he got. He talked a lot while playing, so I now had my own fair share of knowledge about the game.
“These damned draugr,” he’d mutter every now and then. “Fuck, dragon’s gonna eat my ass!” he’d groan as his character got snatched up. 
He was never one to scream angrily while playing, something I appreciated. He would, however, get very worked up, shaking me around and celebrating when he finally would pass a section of the game that was giving him trouble.
He’d lean over, ask if I saw how many times he’d died trying to pass that specific section, I’d tell him, laughing, ‘yes, I did see you die over and over, you sure you didn’t do it on purpose?’ He’d gasp in mock offense, ‘Seriously love? You think I’d willingly get fucked over by that shit over and over like that?’ then he’d lean in for a kiss, something to make up for the lack of focus on me, and get right back in. 
Tonight however, we played together. He’d recently bought a Nintendo Switch, and we’d spent the past couple nights staying up playing Mario Kart. We sat next to each other, leaning forward on our knees, deeply focused on the race. I’d hit him with a shell, he’d throw a banana peel. Each time I overtook him, or vice versa, the other would cry out in both frustration, laughter, or an attempt to rile the other up. Eventually after we’d played for a few hours, we’d lose count of the score and take a break to go get some snacks from the kitchen. After making our way back to the room, arms full of snacks and drinks, we’d lay back in the bed and he’d talk my ears off about anything and everything he could think of. 
“There’s a new Zelda game that came out, a sequel to Breath of the Wild! Supposed to have two whole new maps and shit,” he’d tell me, running his fingers through his long hair. “Can’t wait to play it.” 
I smile at him and yawn softly. 
“Getting tired, love? Or tired of losing Mario Kart,” he said with a stupid smirk. 
I scoff at his question, “You’d like to think I was losing wouldn’t you?”
He chuckles at me, “Of course I think that, ‘cause it's the truth.”
“Whatever,” I say , rolling my eyes. I lean back in the bed and slip under the covers. “Think I’m done for the night.”
He sighs dramatically, “Guess we’ll have to settle our score tomorrow then.”
“Mhmm,” I hum in agreement. I watch him as he picks the controller up again, and closes the game. He turns the tv down a bit, and opens Skyrim again. I watch through eyes fluttering, trying to stay awake a bit longer as he begins his in-game trek across the map, trying to reach new locations, every now and then stopping to fight some monster, creature or enemy in his path. Carefully, I nudge him with my foot and he glances back at me. 
“What’s up, love?” he asks.
I hold my arms out to him, wanting to cuddle up to him. He smiles at my gesture and crawls across the bed, leaning back against me, head on my chest, still facing the screen. I kiss the top of his head, and run my fingers through his hair, and listen to him talk. He’s always so loud, but now he mutters queitly to himself, perhaps trying to mind my tiredness, perhaps feeling his own tiredness start to take over. 
“Love you,” I murmur sleepily into his mess of red hair. 
“Love you too, lovely,” he mutters and then exclaims loudly, “Motherfucking dragons!”
“III,” I groan, having been snapped out of my almost sleep. 
He chuckles, “Sorry love.”
I smile, taking strands of his hair and braiding them carefully. “It’s ok,” I tell him. “What are you doing in the game?”
And then it begins again, his nonstop talk about the game. Eventually his accent gets thicker with sleep creeping into his voice, and I have no idea what he’s saying anymore. I drift off into my own slumber.
At some point, he’s gotten off the game and shifted to lie next to me, because the next morning, I wake up to him, arms lazily wrapped around me, mouth hanging wide open, soft snores excaping his mouth. I smile at his goofy expression, his messy hair tangles and spread over his pillow, over his face. The quiet moments with III are rare. Odd but not uncomfortable. 
I curl up next to him, and drift off to sleep again, knowing the moment we both wake up, its back to the games again.
‘Gonna need my rest if I’m gonna beat his ass at Mario Kart,’ is the last thing I think before drifting off again. 
how do you end stuff like this :')
anyway pls y'all give me more
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ryssbelle · 4 months
Have you heard about a new ship between John Dory Delta Dawn? Though I find it kind of weird
It is on TikTok and Tumblr, If You want to check it out?
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I’ve heard of it, I think their ship is as old as tbt at this point XD
I think their dynamic is really funny
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People at work out here making me cry. Because I’ll miss them. Because they made me care about them. Gross
#i almost cried several times today bc I was thinking about how sad I’ll be when I leave. and then like the last 20 minutes I was there#someone said something and I burst into tears and cried the whole time#and it’s so annoying!!! god I hate caring about things!!!#and literally it wasn’t even my last day. like my last day is this Friday#also the lady I’m going to miss the most bc I know I won’t talk to her much was like hey u know I do still have you’re number right?#i hope you know I’m gonna text you so you can send me funny pictures of you in college#like man that’s gonna do me in rn I’m gonna cry typing that out I’m gonna miss her so much#and then my friend and I r driving home and we’re talking and I almost start crying again and let me just say#it’s a little hard to see when ur eyes start tearing up#I’m like girl if you don’t stop rn today is gonna be both r last night don’t blind me while I drive#I’m so so sad I’m leaving this job I’m so sad and everyone’s is making me even more sad#bc everyone keeps telling me how much they’re gonna miss me and how much they loved having me#and everyone’s being so nice!! and I don’t know how to deal with that!! I don’t know what to do when people r nice to me#and man. for the first time in forever I feel like there’s a group of people who mildly care about me#and they keep reminding me they do. and it’s like. I’ll already cry if u tell me you care about me so if ur gonna do that and I have to go??#sobbing and screaming and crying and crying and crying and crying#no but my one friend telling me she wanted me to keep in touch and send her pictures#yes that’s making me cry but also I’m really happy about that bc I’m gonna miss her so much#god forbid I say that but man I’m gonna cry so hard#oh god im crying again this sucks#soup talks
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jyoongim · 4 months
Feel absolutely free to delete this if it makes you uncomfortable but I would like to request human Alastor and a reader with an age gap between them.
Like I mean the reader is of course the age to concent but I like to imagine Alastor (who is canonically in his late thirties/early forties before he died) enjoying hearing reader calling him ‘daddy’ and begging him to put a baby in her.
Again feel free to reject
Themes: age gap, Alastor is in late 30s, fem!reader, reader is in early 20s, term ‘daddy’ used sexual, slight breeding kink, baby fever, ovulation
Part 2
‘Aint he a bit…old?’
’oh honey the man is practically your father’
’You’re far too young to want to settle with that fossil’
’how do you expect him to raise children?’
’what he couldn’t find a woman his own age? Robbing the cradle ain’t he?’
Sometimes you’re a little wary of letting people meet your husband. Especially when he was 15 years older than you, a mere 23 year old.
Yes Alastor was a bit older than you, but you didn’t mind. 
You rather enjoyed having someone who has experienced the world a little and would happily provide for you.
The gossip about the two of you always gnawed at your nerves, but you didn’t care, not when he treated you like a princess. 
 Alastor gave you any and everything you needed and wanted, so to hell with the whispers.
As of late, you have been having baby fever. You swore your insides tingle when you are engaged with a child. Your ovaries screaming to have a little bundle of your own to care for.
It didn’t help you’re ovulating…and your husband was looking like he would make the best father for your kids.
The two of you were out in town shopping, when you spotted the cutest baby set. You tugged his arm, to gain his attention to the display in the window. “Darlin what is it?” He asked as you excitedly squealed. You turned to him, lips pouty and giving him your best puppy eyes as you pointed to the display “oh can we get it? Pleeeaaassseee baby. C’mon wont you buy it for me?” You wrapped your arms around his neck, hands dancing lightly along his neck as you pressed your lips to the corner of his.
You knew how to work him that’s for sure.
Alastor hummed tilting his head as he mulled it over. He could never tell you ‘no’, even if it was ridiculous. He ran a thumb over your bottom lip, cock twitching in his trousers as you playfully bit it. “You are a little minx you know that?” He sighed, letting you drag him into the store.
“But why do you want baby clothes dear?” he genuinely asked, looking at the displays on a wall as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
You nipped at his ear, tugging the soft flesh cooing into his ear, voice soft and innocent “Because we're gonna need it when I have your baby. Wont you like that? To put a baby in me? Your baby. I think you’ll make a great Daddy. Dont you think daddy?” You purred making the tall man quickly pay for the clothes and drag you out the store, making you giggle.
"fuuuck, d-don't stop. Ah!" you moan as his cock rams into your pussy, feeling the stretch. His cock is going deep inside of your body, hitting the spongy nerve over and over, making you gush more around his already slicer-covered cock. Alastor’s fingers find your puffy, throbbing clit and he rubs it n tune with speed of his thrusts. Your eyes roll deep inside of your skull as you let out high pitched moans and whines. For once, Alastor is loud, groaning and cursing at the tightness of your pussy.  It’ll never not amaze him that no matter how many times he fucks you, you're always so tight, like you were made just for him.
"gonna cum inside f-fuck baby I’m gonna fill you up so much" he grunts you, kissing your shoulder as he angled his thrusts so he hits your sweet spot. you whine, you're so close, you arched your back to take the impact of his thrust deep into you.
"Oh fuck oo-Oh fuck ah ah ah Ha!f-fuck Al! I-im cumming! Oh god! Yes!" you cry out, toes curling as you push your ass back onto his cock. You mewled as clear liquid squirted out of you and made a mess of the bed. That alone with your cunt fluttering had his cock twitch and his release soon approaches.
"you want my babies? Huh? You gonna let me fuck a baby in you darlin?" he asks you, eyes fixated on his cock disappearing into the creamy mess that was your cunt. You babbled nonsense as your body tries to recover from your orgasm and twitching from overstimulation.
Alastor tugged your hair back, redirecting your attention as his cock slotted into you over and over. “You gotta use you words baby. C’mon what do you want from Daddy?” He grinned feeling your cunt clench.
You sobbed as you felt a finger in your ass, another orgasm raking through you “c-cum. I want your cum inside me. Please! Daddy please put a baby in me! i want to have your babies just please”
Alastor hummed as you cummed again, he laughed "Cant believe I made you cum without my tongue first. But don’t worry, ill give you that too, after I fuck my cum in your pussy. We want it to take don’t we? Yeeeaaa we do. C’mon baby take it take my cum, let me fuck a baby into you.” 
A harsh thrust had you see white and he slammed his lips on yours as his hips shuddered against your ass, cock twitching as he emptied his balls into you.
He sighed as he curled you into his chest, cock still buried inside you. He kissed your sweaty forehead, smiling  “You’ll make such a beautiful momma baby. I can’t wait to have several little ones running about” 
You tilted your head slightly “you want more than one?”
Alastor’s smile deepened “Oh you didn’t think I would stop at just one did you?”
Your cunt fluttered, making him laugh “seems we agree perfectly”
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honeylations · 24 days
Prompt: your usually shy girlfriend wants to ask you to help her but your bad mood scares her off
Warnings/Notes: g!p Minjeong, subby Minjeong, riding, squirting, creampie, handjobs, blow jobs
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“H-Hah I’m s-so close…N-Need to cum..” Minjeong growled, stroking her cock faster and shutting her eyes tight when she could feel herself going to the edge.
She wished you were there stroking her instead. Kissing her until she made a mess on your hand.
She needed you.
“Oh my god just fucking kill me, will you!?”
“Wah!” Poor Minjeong jumped from the couch at your sudden dramatic entrance and how the slamming of the door pretty much shook the entire apartment.
You were too pent up with your rant that you didn’t see your girlfriend rushing to pull up her boxers and pants with a red face.
“What’s with the manager being up my ass all the fucking time?! I’m only one person and it’s not my fault other people in my damn group don’t even make up one brain cell! NOT EVEN ONE!”
Minjeong stood in between the gap that separated the living room and kitchen, watching you slam your purse on the counter and pacing back and forth.
Profanity after profanity left your lips and Minjeong could see the steam coming from your ears. Your girlfriend fiddled with the sleeves of her hoodie and cleared her throat to try and get your attention.
“H-Hi babe”
“Ugh and I don’t even get paid extra for doing most of that shitty work! I might as well quit on the spot and see him cry!”
Minjeong sealed her lips and couldn’t ignore the pain in her dick, begging to be touched.
You finished your rant with a click of your tongue and saw your girlfriend standing there in fear. “Shit, I’m sorry Jeongie. I didn’t mean to scream around like that, I’m just really over my shift today”
“It’s okay, babe. Wanna sit down and talk about it?”
Aw your baby was such a sweetheart.
“No no, we can do that later. I think a nap will fix it all”
Minjeong smiled and took your hand to lead you to your shared bedroom. Being in a relationship for so long, you two always slept half naked. You being in your panties and Jeongie in her boxers.
Something about the skin to skin contact was just so comforting.
Only issue is, Minjeong’s boner was still rock hard and you managed to miss it even when you finally got under the covers with her.
But your girlfriend wouldn’t let you cuddle.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” You questioned, making her even more nervous.
“Uh it’s nothing, really..”
“Puppy, whatever it is, spill it right now” You practically ordered, eyebrow twitching.
Minjeong huffed. “ihaveabonerandineedyoutohelpmecum”
Minjeong spun on her other side away from you and hugged the blanket over her head. “Haha nothing never mind! time to sleep goodnight I love you!”
Ripping the covers off your girlfriend, you made her lie on her back while you sat on her stomach. “Stop shying away pup. Tell me what you want”
“I’m gonna go get a drink of water—WAH!” Minjeong yelped at her wrists being pinned on each side of her head.
“Say it”
Your girlfriend’s pout almost made you fold but you clenched your jaw to not give in so easily.
“M-My dick is…uh very hard..”
“Uh huh…”
“A-And I n-need you to help me..cum”
You kissed her lips and smiled. “Now was that so hard?”
“Well yes! You stormed into the apartment like a mad woman!”
Now it was your turn to pout and huff. “I said I was sorry!”
Your girlfriend looked away. “You seemed really tired too so I didn’t want to bother—“
Minjeong went redder at your sudden move. “H-Hey!”
“Don’t you ever believe you’d bother me, okay pup?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Good. Now let me suck your dick”
Minjeong couldn’t even answer since you already yanked her pants and boxers off to start playing with her dick. She watched you with parted lips, panting at the sight of your small hands working itself up and down.
“You alright there, puppy?” You smiled into her neck as her head hung back in pleasure.
“Better than alright”
You kissed her slowly and got your tongue exploring Minjeong’s mouth which she moaned into. She would pause for a moment to watch you jerk her off faster, losing the strength to keep her eyes open.
“C-Can you please suck me off, baby? Pretty please” she whimpered while looking so deep into your eyes, you were able to see Minjeong well up tears.
“Of course, my love”
You lowered your head down and quickly sucked at your girlfriend’s leaking tip before taking her entirely inside. Her hands found comfort on your head that began to move, being one of the lucky people to not have a gag reflex.
You were able to deepthroat her so easily without a problem and Minjeong was in heaven every single time.
“Fuck. Oh fuck, Y/n-ie”
The vibration from your hum triggered your girlfriend’s hips to thrust, shocking her immediately. “N-No I’m sorry! A-Are you okay?”
Keeping her cock deep inside your throat, you gently caressed her hands on your head and she took it as the green light to do as she pleases.
Minjeong relaxes more and resumed her hip movement, tucking your hair behind your ears as she hissed out profanities.
“So so fucking good, Y/n-ie. I want to cum in your mouth. Can I pretty please?”
Another approved hum from you, and your girlfriend reacted with a punched out groan at the same time she fills your mouth with cum.
“Hah…so good…”
You sat up with pride after swallowing your personal favourite liquid snack, cleaning your mouth with a simple swipe from the back of your hand. Minjeong was still catching her breath when you hovered above her lap and held her still hard length at your soaked folds.
Minjeong doesn’t even remember seeing you remove your clothes because now here you were bouncing on her cock with your plush tits in her view. She kissed the flower tattoos across your collarbones before resting her lips on your right nipple, sucking gently as her hands held your hips.
She could almost touch the tips of her fingers together from how small your waist was, her middle fingers resting on your back dimples perfectly.
“Hah fuck! My Minjeongie is so good for letting me use her cock hm?” You managed to word out despite constantly impaling yourself onto her thick and long cock.
Minjeong nodded cutely and almost choked on her saliva when your cunt seemed to tighten around her more. “U-Use me all you want, Y/n-ie”
“Fuck, feels so fucking good, Jeongie! I’m so close, help me cum baby”
Your girlfriend didn’t need to be told twice. She planted her feet on the bed and wrapped you in her arms like a bear before destroying your pussy with repeatedly hard thrusts.
The bed was constantly being driven into the wall from how fast your girlfriend was going but who were you to complain? Her cock was kissing your cervix deliciously and you immediately became mush in Minjeong’s hands, crying and moaning into her neck to the point you even started to drool.
“Oh god yes yes yes that’s it, puppy! Gonna make me cum all over your big hard cock hm?”
Minjeong painted your neck with hickies. “Mhm want to make Y/n-ie cum!”
“Fuck you’re so good to me pup. Give me all of your cum okay? Want you to fill me until my pussy aches. Can you do that?”
Minjeong’s eyes rolled back at your words. “Hah..I’m cumming!”
“That’s it, baby! Fuck I’m gonna squirt!” You bit onto your girlfriend’s broad shoulder and shook in her arms as you sprayed clear liquid all over her cock, pelvis and even the sheets.
Minjeong continued thrusting until she emptied her balls inside your drenched cunt. “Holy shit…”
You pulled your ass up slowly as Minjeong’s cock fell limp and watched thick globs of semen rain from your pussy, moaning at the sight.
After taking a quick taste of her cum, you took the covers that you pushed off earlier and hugged it over you and Minjeong’s bodies, comfortably laying on top of your girlfriend.
Minjeong brushed your hair and was about to ask how you were until she heard slight snoring. You were knocked out quick. Smiling at the sight, your girlfriend sweetly kissed your head and fell asleep with you, reminding herself to give you a good shower once you woke up.
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digital-domain · 7 months
A fucked up mahito drabble (is there any other kind?)
Word Count: 1300
Synopsis: after you witness him killing for the first time, mahito reassures you in a way that makes you feel much, much worse.
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“If I was gonna kill you…it wouldn’t be like that. It would be much more personal.”
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Content Tags: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. DARK CONTENT. noncon. description of gore/dead body, blood, dacryphillia, hypothetical description of reader being murdered during sex (does not actually happen), fear kink, reader is scared out of her damn mind, biting (accompanied by more blood!), mahito implies that he would be down to fuck a corpse
When you see him kill for the first time, you break down into tears. You’re not sure what pushes you over the edge: the explosion of flesh and blood that spatters the floor of the sewer as you peer around the corner, or the gleeful smile that spreads wide across his face as he looks down at the remains of his work. When you follow his gaze, you can see chunks of skin, bone, sinew - the limbs are still intact, their tattered edges dripping with fresh blood, but the entire torso is blown to bits. You heard the screams moments ago…now, you regret following them.
It takes him a minute to notice you standing there. You know that you should take the opportunity to run back to the place where he left you, to pretend that you didn’t see, but your sheer horror pins you in place. When he does see you, he rushes to your side, and smushes your face between his hands to kiss you. His palms are wet - you don’t want to think about why. “Aww. You came to watch! How sweet.” When he notices your expression, he cocks his head. “There’s nothin’ to cry about, cutie. I’m just having fun.”
You sniff, and do your best to wipe your tears away. “Most people wouldn’t call that fun.”
“Not a person, sweetheart,” he reminds you. He hasn’t stopped smiling for a second, and his grin broadens as he stares down at your face. “You’ve got fear in your eyes…it’s lovely. And so strong that I can smell it on you, too.” He inhales deeply, and his tongue darts over his lips. “You really that scared?”
“Yeah?” His eyes stretch unnaturally wide, glowing in the dim light. “Why?”
Your hands shake, a black haze encroaching on the corners of your vision. “I don’t know…”
“That’s a lie!” He jabs a finger between your eyes, and pouts. “I don’t like it when you lie to me. You know that.”
There’s a good reason for you to keep your thoughts to yourself. He’ll find them entertaining…and that’s never a good thing. But if he already knows that you’re not being honest, it’s safer to tell him now. Before he decides that he needs to force the truth out of you. “I’m scared because…if you did that to them…” You shudder, and choke back a sob. “How do I know you won’t do it to me?”
“Ohhh.” He laughs, and slings his arm around your waist, kissing you gently on the top of your head. “Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
You know better than to feel completely relieved. But for the moment, you think you’re safe - until he opens his mouth again.
“If I was gonna kill you…” he muses. “It wouldn’t be like that. It would be much more personal.”
Your heart drops into your stomach. You feel weak at the knees - he follows you as you sink to the ground and takes a seat against the wall, spreading his legs and dragging you between them, pressing your back against his chest. He wraps his arms tightly around your waist, and rests his head on your shoulder. “You’re such a pretty, pretty thing…” he murmurs. “You deserve a very special death.” His tongue slides up your neck, breath hot and dank against your bare skin. “I like you alive, for now. But hypothetically…if I did decide to kill you…” He squeezes you, hard, forcing the air from your lungs. “Yeah. I know exactly what I’d do.”
You stiffen in his arms, every one of your senses painfully sharp. Almost as sharp as the fingernails digging into your sides.
“I’d fuck you before I did it,” he declares, his voice bristling with excitement. “I’d put you on your back so I could see your face. I’d put my hand around your neck, and at the moment you came…” He pauses. “Hmm. Would you prefer me to strangle you, or slit your throat?”
Fuck. You knew he was deranged…but this is worse than anything he’s said to you before. Magnitudes worse. An unintelligible whimper is the only response you can manage.
“If you don’t have a preference, I think I’d prefer slicing you open. I like blood.” He grabs your jaw, wrenches your face towards him, stares intently into your fear-stricken eyes. “Not too much blood, though. I’d be gentle with you. Much gentler than I was with him.”
You follow the line of his hand to the mutilated corpse lying just feet away. You can smell it, the stink of blood and guts and death worming its way into your throat, churning the bile in the depths of your stomach.
“I’d be so sweet…I’d only rip you as much as I had to.” He turns you around and pulls you close, smiling as a fresh wave of tears streams down your face. “So pretty,” he hums. “I’d want you to still be pretty when you died, so I’d be very careful.” You try to hide your face, but his hand latches onto your jaw, freezing you in place as he kisses you roughly on the lips. His other hand plunges between your legs, and clamps down on your inner thigh. “Don’t worry,” he assures you. “I’m not gonna do it now. Maybe not ever.”
Maybe. He’s so casual about it - about holding your life in his hands.
Without warning, he shoves you onto your back, wriggling on top of you and trapping you against the floor before you can push him away. He grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head with one hand, and sinks his teeth into your neck, only pulling back once he breaks your skin - after watching your blood trickle out for a few seconds, he darts forward and laps it up, sticking out his tongue to show you the red stain before he kisses you again, leaving a rancid, metallic taste in your mouth.
He guides your hand under his body, pressing it between his legs. He’s hard. As desperately as you try to escape, he won’t let go of your wrist - he makes you touch him, grinding shamelessly against your unwilling hand.
His face hovers over yours, so close that you’re compelled to cross your eyes. “I learned something interesting the other day,” he whispers. “Can I tell it to you?”
He wants you to say yes - but you can’t bring yourself to speak. It’s all you can do to nod your head. You can feel your pulse thudding desperately in your ears, and in your palm.
“I learned,” he says, “that bodies stay nice and warm for at least ten minutes after they die. Especially on the inside.” He giggles. “I guess it takes a long time for all those squishy guts to dry out.”
You squirm instinctively, repulsed by the image that flashes through your head.
“You know what that means, right?”
He grins terribly, and presses his lips to you ear. “It means,” he whispers, “that even if I did kill you…even after you went limp in my arms…I’d still have a little more time.”
Your mouth falls open, emitting a gasp that only makes him press harder into your hand.
“Shhh.” He presses his nose into your shoulder, his cheek rubbing against the fresh wound still leaking blood down your neck. “I told you…I’m not gonna do it today.” He raises his face as you thrash beneath him, watching your eyelids flicker, your face contorted with fear. “If I did…I wouldn’t get to hear all the pretty sounds you’re about to make.”
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thepersonnamedsam · 9 months
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pairing: the genz!driver x team x 23!grid
summary: some team radios of our beloved genz!driver
warnings: some swearing
note: oh i hope you all will like what i did here, it took me a hot minute, soo, pls don’t be a ghost reader
our genz!driver doesn’t drive for a specific team (pls imagine which ever is your fav), so the colours of the team radio will be violet, bc it’s not used :)
masterlist / taglist
Bahrain 2023
- „Okay y/n, you made it into Q2! Let’s keep that same pace you had in Q1“
- „Oh did you hear that? Where did Oscar place??“
- „Piastri is out in Q1, P18“
- „Wooh!! Oscar owes me 50 bucks!!! He lost the bet, he lost it! He didn’t think I’d out-qualify him!“
End of Qualifying
- „Good job, y/l/n! Thats P12 for you! Great start of the season“
- „Yeah baby! I’m the new Smooth Operator, Smooth Operator!“
- „Uhm guys, I think there’s something wrong with my car…“
- „What is it, y/n?“
- „I just overtook Charles, how is that even possible?! Wtf guys, am I that fast?“
- „Oh my god, y/n, you had me stressed out here. I really thought you had technical problems for a second“
- „No worries, I’m just faster than a Ferrari“
- „Radio check“
- „It’s a cruel summer!“
- „Tell me, tell me how we finished, how I finished?!“
- „P11 baby!“
- „Uh, yeah, who’s almost in the points?!“
- „YOU!“
Saudi Arabia 2023
- „Tell me, is Danny here?“
- „Yea, why?“
- „Can you tell him I said hi? Please“
- „Uhm, sure I can, why?“
- „I just promised him yesterday I‘d give him a shoutout from the track, hahaha“
- „Okay, y/n, let’s get into Q3 today!“
- „Let’s gooooo!“
- „Could you not scream into the coms, please?“
- „WOHOO!“
- „y/n…“
- „Love you“
- „I don’t…“
- „You totally do“
- „I don’t“
- „You dooooo“
- „P12, good job y/n“
- „Could’ve gone better“
- „It’s a good result, y/n“
- „But still no Q3“
- „Hey, y/n, cheer up, it’s the same result as last race“
- „I thought we improved, I thought I improved“
- „We can still climb up the ladder“
- „As if, I’m not good enough for that many overtakes, I can defend, but that… I don’t know man“
- „Hey hey, listen to me, y/n. You deserve that spot in F1, you’re young and you’re learning with every race, with every test. I know you’ll be champion one day. Maybe not this race, but you’re gonna go far, kid“
- „…“
- „Are you crying, hahaha?“
- „Let me be emotional, dipshit“
- „Oh Lando is gonna have a field day with this, hahaha“
- „Please don’t show that to Lando“
- „Come to the garage first and we can discuss it“
- „Radio check, y/n“
- „Vamos a la playa“
- „Loud and clear…“
- „Unfortunate events, retire the car, y/n“
- „It is what it is“
- „Don’t meme me, I’m mad… haha, okay, thank you“
Australia 2023
- „Good pace, y/n, let’s keep it that way and we’ll make it into Q3“
- „Alrighty mighty“
- „Cringe“
- „Huh?“
- „P9“
- „I’m into Q3?! Am I really?“
- „Yes! Yes you are!“
- „Whoop, whoop, that’s the sound of the police“
- „Whoop, whoop, that’s the sound that I need“
- „P10 baby“
- „P10!“
- „Hi y/n, you’re doing really good out there, bring 'em home for me, will ya?“
- „Danny?“
- „Yes?“
- „Hi Danny“
- „Hi, y/n! You’re currently P9, with 0.548s to Piastri“
- „Okay“
- „Let’s push and stay in the points!“
- „YES!“
- „It’s all because of Danny!“
- „I’ll gladly let him know“
Miami 2023
- „I- help!“
- „What’s going on? y/n talk to me“
- „I don’t think my break is working“
- „y/n, we are going to retire then, box box“
- „I’ll try for one more lap“
- „No you won’t“
- „I will“
- „I think it’s fine“
- „…“
- „Yea, it’s fine, I can brake normally, hihi, sorry for the worries“
- „You’re a menace, y/n“
Monaco 2023
- „Monaco baby, the land of pretty people and expensive things, I am home“
- „Why’s that, you’re not from Monaco, y/n“
- „I am pretty and expensive therefore I am home“
- „Radio check, y/n“
- „Noted“
- „I don’t feel pretty“
- „Sucks for you“
- „Man, that’s a shit move“
- „Sucks“
- „Okay y/n, you’re currently P11 with 0.639s behind DeVries, let’s push to P10“
- „DeVries? Nyck is P10? What happened?“
- „I don’t know, let’s just push him off of P10“
- „Harsh“
- „I’m a bad bitch“
- „Fuck that bitch“
- „Great job, y/n P10!“
- „Where is DeVries?“
- „P12“
- „Who overtook him?“
- „Bottas“
- „HAH!“
- „Be nice“
- „Ugh“
Montréal 2023
- „You are currently P3, I repeat, you are currently placed on P3“
- „Who’s pranking me? Max? Lando?“
- „No one, you ARE P3!“
- „WHAT?!“
- „Let’s take that pace into qualifying“
- „Uhm, yea, definitely“
- „What’s my time?“
- „1:18.725“
- „And Max‘s?“
- „1:19.092“
- „WHAT?“
- „You are P1, y/n“
- „Are you kidding me?“
- „I would never“
- „Mhm, but really? P1?“
- „I swear to god, P1“
- „Fuck! Shit! Holy macaroni fucking meatballs! I crashed, I repeat, I crashed“
- „Yea, we saw, retire the car“
- „P7, good job!“
- „Thanks…“
- „Oh and y/n, you’ve been voted driver of the day“
- „Really?“
- „Really“
- „Firstly, I wanna thank the ground, because without it, I wouldn’t be standing here today“
- „That only works if you’re really standing somewhere, y/n, you’re sitting in an F1 car“
- „Then I’d like to thank my F1 car…“
- „I deactivated your coms“
Austria 2023
Sprint Shootout
- „What exactly is a Sprint really?“
- „Oh my god, really y/n?“
- „No… of course not…“
- „Great job, you placed P13“
- „Mhm, thanks… I‘m thirsty“
- „…“
- „Did no one hear me? I want my drink, where is the drink?“
- „You will not have the drink“
- „Oh you waited so long for that, didn’t you?“
- „No…, yes“
- „Kimi is a legend.“
- „I don’t like this Sprint thingy“
- „Why?“
- „I don’t know, just because“
- „P15“
- „No good job?“
- „Not today“
- „Understandable“
- „I want to go home, I am tired of this“
- „What?“
- „It’s getting boring with Max always leading and winning“
- „Thats why we need to push as hard as we can“
- „As if I’ll ever overtake Max“
- „One day, y/n, one day“
- „But not today, that’s why I want to go home“
- „You can’t“
- „Loser“
Silverstone 2023
- „Why do I not see Charles on the grid?“
- „Why do you have time to look at the screen and not see Charles on there?“
- „You should be driving“
- „I am“
- „Clearly not fast enough“
- „Hey, I am faster than you think“
- „You are currently driving with a speed of 156 km/h“
- „How do you know that..?“
- „I am your race engineer, I know everything“
- „Did you know that I just farted, hahaha?“
- „Unfortunately“
- „Hihi“
- „You’re gross“
- „Thank you“
- „Welcome“
- „If Lewis stands on that podium, he owes me a dinner“
- „And if he doesn’t?“
- „I owe him a pity dinner“
- „And if you stand on that podium?“
- „Thats unrealistic, that’s why we didn’t bet on it“
- „True“
- „HEY!“
- „You said it first!“
- „Not a reason for you to call it out!“
- „Women“
- „I heard that“
- „You were supposed to“
- „Less talking, more driving!“
- „Yes boss“
- „Yes boss“
- „Omg, omg, omg, tell me I crossed that line without a single penalty and we don’t get a grid penalty? Please tell me this is true?“
- „YOU ARE P4 Y/N“
- „Am I really?“
- „Yes!“
- „If it weren’t for the safety car you would’ve been P3!“
- „I don’t care! It’s my best result so far!“
- „So near and yet so far“
- „Lew is P3?“
- „Yep“
- „P4 and I get a free dinner from Lew, what a day“
- „Be proud and loud“
- „WOOHOO!!!“
- „Maybe not so loud…“
- „Sorry not sorry“
Hungary 2023
- „Oh Danny Ric is back on the grid!“
- „Mhm“
- „Aren’t you happy to see my favourite person driving again?“
- „Totally“
- „Be happy!“
- „Okay…“
- „Oh… I just passed Danny“
- „You are on your flying lap, he needs to let you pass..?“
- „Yeah… but he needs a positive experience on his first race back…“
- „He’s my best friend…“
- „Does he know that?“
- „Uhm, I hope so“
- „Tell Lando he’s doing a great job“
- „Just drive“
- „Okay…“
- „Lando says thank you, by the way“
- „For what?“
- „Just forget it“
- „Okay“
- „Oh, for that! You’re welcome, Landi“
- „It took you 4 laps to realise“
- „My brain is sometimes slow, let me be“
- „I would if I could“
- „Oh how I hate Perez“
- „It’s mutual“
- „Hihi“
- „Radio check“
- „I am so glad that the summer break is right in front of me, just 33 more laps and it’s me chilling on the beach, getting tan and reading good books and you know, that’s how my dream life looks like and…“
- „How can she be so talkative but still be on for a podium? It’s a mystery for me“
- „And Lando and me oh and Danny will go on vacation together. Maybe Lewis will come as well. I want to go to the Maldives but we’ll see. Oh and you know what would be cool? If we really…“
- „Is she still talking? Yep…“
- „I could learn how to surf and eat loads of stuff and just relax“
- „So you finally decided to stop speaking and concentrate on the race? Great job, y/n“
- „Thanks!“
- „Thats P5 for you! What a race to start the summer break“
- „Thank you so much“
- „We’ll see us in 3 weeks!“
- „Byeeeee“
@ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret, @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee , @callsign-scully , @mehrmonga , @badbatch-simp24 , @lissyontour , @din0nugs , @elliegrey2803 , @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis , @10vely-yutazen , @daggersquadphantom , @azriel-the-shadowsinger , @i-love-scott-mccall
1K notes · View notes
niko-sasaki-dbd · 1 month
Can we just stop for a second and think about Charles attending his own funeral?
I can’t stop picturing him—still not used to being dead—playing a sickening version of hide and seek, just him and his fears. He’s still a kid, hidden in a dark corner, watching his mother’s tears shed over a casket that will shortly be buried six feet under. Rotting.
He is the uninvited guest, observing her from the shadows. He doesn’t find a trace of the silent tears in her eyes—the ones he had seen a thousand times before—but there’s desperation instead. A violent tremble shakes her shoulders, her sobs are stealing the air from her lungs. There’s pain running down her cheeks, the sort of torturing agony that can only be driven by guilt, and loss, and grief.
He sees people around, unknown voices trying to calm her down. He sees blurred faces, question marks, beating hearts but blind eyes. They don’t know anything about her, and they will never know anything about him.
He wants to get closer, but he doesn’t know how. He wants to never see her again. He wants to scream; he wants to tell her that he would have never chosen to leave her if he had been granted the choice. He wants her to look at him; he wants her to hold him as she’s holding onto that inert wooden box.
But she never will.
Just one more time, he looks at her intently.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart.”
Just one more time, he takes one step closer.
“I promise…”
Just one more—
“I’m so sorry for your loss, Mr. Rowland.”
It's cold again. He retreats to the shadows and looks ahead. There's no one, not a single person, who shows less kindness than his own father.
He stays three steps away from his mother, with a hardened expression that never changes. They may think he's stoic, but Charles knows better; he is looking at him—at the lifeless body that once was him—with so much contained rage. It looks like home, the unwelcoming preamble to another beating, and Charles believes he is selfish for feeling relieved, for finding solace in his own death.
There is no one around to judge him for it, yet he still worries so much; he's safe, but somehow, he's still crying on the floor inside his mind, and the bruises keep blooming, and the pain feels so real.
How can he explain that he wants to be alive, but he doesn't want his life back? It's just a plight he would rather avoid because he fears that if he keeps thinking about it, the water would come back, and this time, he wouldn't be able to find a way out. He would be trapped forever, fighting senselessly against the freezing cold, suffocating within the walls of his own nightmare.
"Are you alright?"
He doesn't want to stay and haunt this place; he doesn't want to be remembered like this. He would rather pray for his mother to let him go, and for the violence to let go of her.
"Would you prefer me to wait for you outside?"
He doesn't want to feel fragile, he doesn't want to be useless, he doesn't want to be angry. He would rather bury his own aching body along with all his losses, but he would remember his father's eyes, just in case.
For now, he needs to put himself together because there's someone looking for him—hide and seek, but it's not scary anymore—maybe he will have to leave his hideout soon, but is it losing when you want to be found?
Cold colors seem warmer when the light comes in.
Don't leave me.
"I'll go with you."
164 notes · View notes
fanfics-and-love · 1 year
How Did Love Become So Violent?
Ghostface!Tara Carpenter x reader
Tumblr media
Not my gif
Warning(s): ghostface!Tara, canon typical violence, mentions of death, mentions of blood, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of stitches
Word count: 5k words
Summary: A new ghostface has been terrorizing Woodsboro. After one of your friends is killed, you fear how close the killer might be. You could’ve never guessed Tara was the one behind everything
Tara Carpenter had been a constant in your life ever since you had memory.
When you lost your first tooth, she helped you hide it underneath your pillow and slept with you, holding you so you wouldn’t be taken by the Tooth Fairy. When you broke your leg trying to skateboard at fourteen, she was there on the drive to the hospital, holding your hand and telling you everything was going to be okay. When you failed your math final and your father hit you for the first time, she was there, screaming at him and dragging you towards her house.
When everything else went to shit, Tara was there, next to you, helping you through it. So when murders began to happen again in Woodsboro, she was, of course, there.
You were staying at her house for the weekend, enjoying the calmness after so many days of chaos within the school walls. Another ghostface— god, you couldn’t believe it. People wouldn’t shut up about it either.
“Y/N,” Tara called from the kitchen. You muted the TV, turning to look at her. When she entered the room, she was smiling. “The popcorn’s almost ready.”
“Cool,” you said, getting up to grab two cans of soda from the fridge. 
“Hope the movie’s ready when I get there,” Tara turned back towards the kitchen, humming as she stared at the microwave. She seemed happy— happier than usual. You could only assume it was because summer vacation was getting closer. She hated school.
“Wanna know what we're gonna watch?” You asked, setting a glass on the coffee table. Tara hated drinking soda directly from the can.
“What are you watching?” She said. She only stopped looking at you when the microwave beeped. She put the bag of popcorn out, and poured the content into a bowl.
“Just the news,” you said, raising your shoulders.
“Turn that off,” she said, walking towards the sofa. She set the popcorn down harsher than necessary, sitting beside you. “You know how you get with this stuff.”
You nodded, deciding to open the Netflix app on the TV. Tara was right— you hated the whole ghostface fiasco. If you had to be honest, it scared you to pieces, though you would never admit it out loud in fear people would call you a coward. You sometimes wished you could just move out of Woodsboro, its bloody history making your bones chill. But of course, you were still underage so leaving was not an option, and even if it was, that would mean leaving Tara.
You couldn’t leave her, not after she was abandoned by her father and her sister, and her mother became a drunk. You had promised it the night Tara ran to your house, crying as she told you that Sammy is gone. You had held her throughout the night, whispering in her ear that she wasn’t alone.
“I’m right here. I’m never going to leave you,” you had pulled away then, looking into her brown eyes, surrounded by red from all the crying. “We’ll always be together.”
Something had changed in her face then, something that had made you realize it wasn’t simple words— it was a promise. One you weren’t sure how far Tara would take it to make sure you kept it.
“Sorry if I was harsh,” Tara said, as you scrolled through the multiple movie options. You turned to look at her. “I’m— I didn’t mean it that way.”
“You weren’t harsh,” you said, leaving the remote on the sofa to grab her hand. You wrapped your arms around her left one, resting your head on her shoulder. “You’re right. I get really spooked by those things. I know you’re just trying to protect me.”
And it was true. Ever since you were kids, Tara had protected you. Once, when a group of children had pushed you off a swing, she had punched one straight on the nose, hard enough to make it bleed. She had them feigned regret, telling the mother of the kid she was swinging her hands around and he just ran into her fist. You had backed her up, and after a while the mother had given up and had left the two of you alone.
It got worse after her father left, and once her sister did as well… Tara changed. She was still sweet, and caring, and the best friend in the entire world, but sometimes she would get this look on her face when you declined hanging out with her, or when you talked about how cute that guy from the TV show you were watching was. You weren’t sure what exactly it was; if it really was anything at all and not just your mind playing tricks on you, but whatever it was, you hoped it never got worse.
“I am,” Tara said. She kissed you on the head. “I will always protect you.”
You hummed, eyes getting heavy. Tara was always so warm, it felt nice to rest against her.
“Oh! Titanic,” you said. You two alternated every movie night to have control over the movie choices; you would always pick the romances or the romcoms, and Tara would choose scary movies that always ended up with you screaming and hiding your face in Tara’s neck.
“You’re a hopeless romantic,” Tara said, laughing. She grabbed the popcorn and set it on her lap, leaning back against the sofa as you pressed play.
━━━ • 𖥸 • ━━━
Wes Hicks was found dead the following day, stabbed through the heart and neck, the cut so fiercely that the killer had almost fractured the bones on his spine. He was the fourth victim, and the closest to your group of friends.
Wes’ mother, Judy, had woken you and Tara up that morning, eyes red as she frantically asked you to go to the police station. You had gotten into her car, confused; she had almost dragged you towards it, so fast that you were still wearing your pjs and Tara’s jacket— she had lent it to you after she saw you shaking in the morning breeze.
“I can’t believe Wes is dead,” Chad said. After the interrogations, you had gathered around with Tara, Amber, Mindy and her outside the police station.
“Me either,” you said.
Amber rolled her eyes when she saw you were crying. “Honey, don’t be a crybaby. He was a dork anyways.”
You looked taken back by her words. “Wes is— was a good person. Don’t talk about him like that.”
“What are you gonna do?” She asked, moving closer to you. “Stab me?”
“What the fuck, Amber?” Mindy said, pushing her away. “Stop acting like that. Our friend is dead.”
“And we might be next,” she said, raising her shoulders. “Who the fuck knows. He was the weakest one anyway.”
“Don’t say that,” you said, sharply. You knew deep down that if someone from your friend group were to die, it would be Wes, but that didn’t mean she had to be so cruel about it, especially when his mother was a few feet away, mourning him.
“Where were you last night?” Mindy asked, crossing her arms.
Amber looked at her, and then laughed. “In my fucking house, where else?” After a moment of silence, she crossed her arms as well, moving to be in front of Mindy. “And why the fuck are you asking me that?”
“You seem rather relaxed and almost happy that your supposed friend is dead,” Chad said. “You can’t blame us for asking.”
“Oh, but I can,” Amber said, in a soft voice. “Because I can also ask where you were, and where your girlfriend was.”
“Leave Liv out of this,” Chad said, walking towards the dark-haired woman.
“Maybe you are the killer,” Amber said, eying the twins. “You two; the brains,” she pointed towards Mindy, “and the muscle.”
“I was with Liv,” Chad said.
“And I was with Frances,” Mindy said, harshly.
Amber looked at you then. “And what about you?”
“I was with Tara the entire day,” you said, feeling uncomfortable under her stare. You hated that Tara was being surprisingly quiet and wasn’t defending you.
“How convenient,” Amber said, shaking her head. “Everyone but me has a perfect alibi.”
“Maybe it’s because you are the killer,” Mindy said.
“Fuck off,” Amber said. “I’m not. But…” she turned to look at you— no, right behind you. Something crossed Amber’s face then, and she laughed. “Oh, I know just who the person is,” she said. “I know exactly who the new ghostface is,” she chuckled, turning around.
“What?” Mindy asked, looking taken back by her sudden change. “Amber!”
“What?” Amber said, getting out her car keys. “Angry I figured it out before the queen of horror?”
Tara ran after Amber, stopping her. The three of you looked as they talked, and then Amber left pushing Tara away.
“What did she say?” Chad asked.
“I asked her to go to the police,” Tara said, putting an arm around your shoulders. “I told her if she knew something she should go tell Judy, so we can get justice over Wes, but she said she doesn’t fuck with the police. Whatever that means.”
“It means she’s lying,” Mindy said. “She doesn’t know who ghostface is, and is just trying to fuck with us.”
“I think so too,” Tara said. “I just hope ghostface didn’t hear her.”
“Should we tell Judy?” You asked, leaning into Tara’s body. “Maybe he’s heard and Amber is her next victim.”
The four of you went quiet. You looked around, noticing how many people were in the surroundings of the police station. It ought to be busy, considering what had just happened, but that could mean ghostface was around, watching you and choosing his next target. A chill went down your body, and you burrowed your body into Tara’s. She held you closer, feeling your uneasiness.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Tara said. You could feel the vibrations of her voice through her body. “Amber is just fucking with us, and Judy has enough to deal with already. Giving her a possible lead and it turning into Amber being an idiot…”
“It’d break her heart,” you said, understanding her reasoning. “You’re right. Besides, it’s not like ghostface would just be stalking us… right?”
“Yeah,” Mindy said. She too was looking around, taking in all the faces surrounding your group. Inconspicuously, she pulled out her phone and took photos of the people. “Just in case.”
“Good thinking,” you said, making Mindy smile.
“I say we go back home and wait until we know something else,” Chad said. He turned to look at you. “Your mom is still off on that business trip, right?” You nodded. After your father left, your mother got a job that required her to be away for long periods of time. It paid the bills, so you didn’t complain much. “Then go to Tara’s, or Tara goes to your house. Once Liv is done being interrogated, I’ll take her to our house,” he looked at Mindy, who nodded. “And tomorrow we gather around and try to figure out who this fucker is. But until then, no one goes anywhere alone.”
“What about Amber?” you asked.
“Her house has a dope security system,” Tara said. “She’s safer inside her house. We’ll text her later about tomorrow. Maybe she actually knows who’s ghostface.”
“I doubt it,” Mindy said, never once the one who was okay with losing.
“I doubt it as well,” Tara said. “But we won’t know until tomorrow. So today we do what Chad said. Got it?”
All of you nodded, but you still felt something gripping at the back of your throat. Something was off, something that Amber could have figured out, but what was it?
“Hey,” Tara said, opening the car door for you. “It’s going to be fine, okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, eyes staring straight ahead. 
You could be the next victim. You could already see the headlines: Y/N Y/L/N, dead at 18. You looked over at Tara. She could be the next one.
“What?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. She closed the car door and locked it, turning once again to look at you. “What is it, baby?”
You felt tears in your eyes. “Don’t leave me.”
“I would never leave you,” Tara said, cradling your face in her hands. “Never, okay?”
“What if you’re the next one?” You asked. You could almost see it; Tara, laying breathless on the ground, blood slowly clogging around stab wounds. “I— I don’t want you to die. Please. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispered. “And nothing is going to happen to me, okay? I’m going to be with you all day, and then we’ll take down that asshole together.”
“Please, don’t die,” you begged, grabbing her by her shirt. “Please.”
“I won’t,” she said. You couldn’t believe how sure she sounded.
You shook your head, and without stopping to think of the consequences, you cut the distance between your lips. Tara responded automatically, grabbing your neck and deepening the kiss. After a moment of just enjoying her close to you, you pulled away. “Wow.”
“Yeah, wow,” she said. She was still holding you by the neck. “Where did that come from?” She whispered. Her breath hit your lips, and you licked them, looking into her eyes.
“I— I’m not sure,” you said. You rubbed your nose against her, making her laugh softly. “I didn’t want one of us to die without doing this.”
“We’re not going to die,” she said. “Scratch that. I must’ve died and gone to heaven, because this is all I ever wanted.”
“Really?” You asked.
“Yeah,” she nodded. “I think I’ve been in love with you my entire life.”
You chuckled, pulling away to caress her cheek. “If we make it—”
“We will.”
“If we make it,” you said, giving her a hard look. She laughed, moving her hand towards your hair, scratching your scalp softly. “I’d love to go on a date with you.”
She smiled, lips stretching almost painfully. You couldn’t help yourself from kissing her again, teeth crashing into each other as you laughed. You had been wanting to kiss her for ages, and it had taken a new ghostface for you to gather up your courage.
A new ghostface. Wes, dead. And here you were, kissing and laughing with Tara. It felt like a dishonor to his memory.
“What is it?” Tara asked, noticing how your face had dropped.
“I just can’t believe he’s gone,” you whispered, blinking at the new tears that were trying to escape. “He was alive just yesterday, talking and laughing… it’s not fair.”
“It isn’t,” Tara agreed, resting a hand on your thigh. “But we’re going to figure it out, alright? And you’re going to be just fine.”
You chuckled. “You can’t promise that, Tara. Not when there’s a killer on the loose.”
Tara smiled then, and something in the back of your mind screamed at the sight; that wasn’t her normal smile, the one she had just given you after the kiss. It was gone the next second, when she reached over the console to kiss you on the cheek, and you smiled softly at the gesture. God, this whole mess was driving you crazy. 
“You’re safe,” she said. “Don’t worry.”
━━━ • 𖥸 • ━━━
You woke up in the middle of the night, hearing a noise somewhere in the house. You sat up in Tara’s bed, reaching for her side of the bed.
You had spent the entire day with her, laughing and stealing kisses. She had ordered chinese and had let you put on one of your favorite comedies to make sure your mind stayed away from Wes. She had even made you lasagna, even though she always complained about how dragging it was to make it all for it to end up tasting like feet, and you had fallen asleep shortly after, the taste of her mother’s wine still on your lips as you kissed her goodnight.
“Tara?” You asked, rubbing your eyes. Your head hurt as you got up, going to the bathroom. She wasn’t there either. You walked back to the bedroom as quietly as possible, grabbing your phone. You turned on the flashlight and, after a moment where you took a deep breath and gathered some courage, you walked downstairs.
You walked into the kitchen, thinking maybe Tara had gone there for a glass of water. Instead, you found it empty. You turned on the light and tried calling Tara, but it went straight to voicemail.
Something was wrong. Something was really, really wrong.
You grabbed a knife and turned around, looking at the place. It seemed empty, but was it? Had ghostface somehow gotten inside the house? Had Tara gone to check out some noise, just like you were doing now, and ghostface had killed her?
“Tara?” You asked in a whisper, rushing to turn on the lights of the living room.
Nothing. You looked behind the sofa, and the closet beside the front door where Tara kept all her coats. Nothing. You made sure the front door was closed, and then ran towards the dining room. Nothing. Nothing.
Where the hell was Tara?
You decided to check the bedrooms upstairs, and moved towards the kitchen to grab a bigger knife. Before you could, a hand covered your mouth and dragged you back to the living room, turning off the lights as they went. You tried to scream, and even bite off the hand, but they were wearing thick gloves that all it did was make your jaw hurt.
“Shh. I’m not going to hurt you,” you heard that disgusting modulated voice, and tears began to fall.
Ghostface was going to kill you. Ghostface had killed Tara, and she was probably laying in one of the guest rooms upstairs, her blood staining the carpet. 
Once he let you go, you turned around, ready to stab him right in the chest. But he was faster, grabbing your hand and twisting it until you dropped the knife. You gasped, feeling tears as you saw your only lifeline fall to the ground in front of your eyes.
You were dead. All he had to do now was raise his knife and—
He did raise his hand, but it was empty. He grabbed your face, caressing your cheek. The material of the glove was surprisingly soft against your skin.
“Fuck you,” you said, trying to punch him in the face. He grabbed your other hand, and pushed you towards his body. The warmth felt familiar, and the smell… no, it couldn’t be.
You looked in complete shock as ghostface raised his hand and took off his mask.
Your knees almost gave in when you looked into Tara’s eyes.
No. No. No fucking way. This had to be a nightmare. Tara wouldn’t…
She wouldn’t, would she?
“Baby,” Tara whispered, dropping the mask to the ground. She stepped towards you, but you immediately moved away as you shook your head. It couldn’t be.
“You’re pranking me,” you said, voice shaky. “You— it can’t be.”
“Baby, let me explain,” she said. Though the awful mask was on the ground, she was still wearing the black robe. It made her look terrifying against the darkness, almost as if she was a flying head.
“Explain?” You asked, putting even more distance between the two of you. “You’re— you’re ghostface?”
“Yes,” Tara said. She was starting to look desperate, and you didn’t want to know what she would do then.
Would she kill you, just like she had killed Wes and those other three students? Were you her next victim? Was what had happened today all a lie, a way to get you to lower your defenses? If you hadn’t woken up, would she have stabbed you in your sleep?
“God,” you said. The tears were falling too fast now. You could barely breathe.
“Baby, listen to me,” Tara was begging. She wanted to get close to you so she could kill you? You looked at her hands, raised in surrender. Where was she keeping her knife? “Please, just let me explain.”
“You’re going to kill me,” you said, crying.
“No!” She said, in a rush. She frantically shook her head, walking all the way until she had you in her arms. You tried not to shake. “Baby, Y/N— please, look at me. Please.”
Her left hand grabbed your chin, guiding your face until you had no choice but to look at her. “Tara, how could you?” Her gloves felt wet, and you touched your chin, looking to see your fingers bloody. “God. God, Tara. This is blood.”
“It’s not mine,” she said, cursing to herself as she took off the gloves. Stupid, she should’ve taken them off before touching you.
“Whose is it?” You asked, drying your hand on your shirt. “Fucking tell me!” You pushed at her chest, hating how much she was prolonging it. You just wanted her to kill you so you could be over this panic. 
Your breath caught in your throat at the name. So she knew— she had figured out Tara was the killer, and that had gotten her killed. You couldn’t believe what was happening.
“When she said she knew who the killer was,” Tara said, once again moving towards you. “I ran to her and told her we’d talk at night,” she was soft as she grabbed your hands. It felt nice to finally feel her skin on yours. “She said yes, because she wanted to be part of it. The fucking hero who will bring the Stab movies back from it’s fall from grace,” you swallowed hard, trying not to picture Tara stabbing Amber. “I put sleeping pills on the wine,” your breath was momentarily stuck in your throat; so that was why she had declined the glass you had offered her. “So you would fall asleep fast. That way I could go talk to get and not implicate you. It was to keep you safe, and out of this.”
“Jesus Christ,” you rubbed your forehead. Now it made sense why your head had hurt so much when you had woken up. It was a wonder you were even awake now, which was probably why she had been more careless moving around the house and making noises.
“ I was just going to talk to her. I swear. I didn’t want to kill her,” she sounded desperate as she grabbed your cheeks, making you look at her. “She kept the back door open, and I got in. I had the ghostface costume on my back because I knew she’d want to see it. And she did. God, her eyes…” she shook her head. “She was delighted when I told her how I killed Wes, and those three other boys.” Those three other boys who had asked you out this past year, you completed the sentence. How could you have been so stupid to not connect everything before? It all pointed towards you, which in turn pointed towards Tara. “But then,” Tara said. “But then she started to talk about my sister, and—” she shook her head. “That doesn’t matter. We were going to arrange an attack on her, to eliminate her as a suspect, and then one on me. But I knew the more she talked, that she was planning on killing you. Her movie could only have two survivors. I knew it, and she knew it. I couldn’t allow it. So I went into the bathroom while she was typing on her computer with a smile on her face and put on the mask and the robe, and then I killed her. She couldn’t kill you.”
“Why?” You asked, trying not to notice Tara’s fingers gently drying your tears. “Because I’m yours to kill?”
“No!” Tara said. “You— no. Please, don’t ever say that,” the desperation in her voice surprised you. “Please. No. Never. I will never let anyone hurt you, not even myself. I will never hurt you.”
“Tara, you’re a murderer,” you said, blinking rapidly. You refused to cry anymore. You were too angry to shed any more tears. “You fucking killed Wes!”
“Because he was going to steal you,” Tara said. Her eyes were wide open; it made her look terrifying, so different from the girl you’ve known for so long. “He was in love with you. I heard him talk with Chad, saying how he wanted to ask you on a date. I couldn’t let him do it.”
“God, Tara…” you closed your eyes, letting your head fall towards the wall. You weren’t even sure when she had cornered you, but it made your heart beat faster when you realized you had nowhere else to go. “You… you’re crazy. Like clinically sick in the head. Mental asylum type of way.”
“You drive me crazy,” she whispered, her lips hovering over yours. You put your hands on her shoulders and pushed her away. “I did all of this for you. So we could be together.”
“We have to be together,” she said. “Don’t you see? It’s always been you and I. My father left, my sister left, my mother doesn’t even look my way on the rare occasion she’s home… but you have never left me, because you’re my constant. I can’t let anyone take you away from me. I’d go crazy without you.”
“And this is not crazy?” You asked, fisting her robe harshly. You couldn’t help but remember just that morning, when you had grabbed her shirt the same way to push her towards you. The memory tasted bittersweet now, tainted by her recent actions.
“This is me making sure things stay the same,” Tara said. Her nose caressed your neck, and you let her. Your body was completely petrified. “We’ve been so good lately. You even kissed me today. You want to be my girlfriend. You asked me on a date.”
“That was before,” You said, shaking your head.
“This doesn’t change anything,” she said, desperate. “I’m still the same person I was this morning.”
“I thought I knew you,” you said in a whisper. “I thought… I thought we were in this together. I didn’t know you were a fucking killer.”
Tara swallowed, tears in her eyes. “Please,” she said, hands on your hands. “Please, please. Y/N, please. Don’t leave me.”
“I’ll beg until my throat is raw. I’ll beg on my knees— do you want me to get on my knees and ask you for forgiveness? I will right now. I’ll do whatever you want.”
You rushed to grab her forearms when you saw her beginning to lower herself onto the ground. “Don’t do that,” you said through gritted teeth. “Get up. Jesus.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, straightening her back. “Please. You’re all I have. I did this for you— for us. I don’t know what’s gonna happen to me if you leave.”
“For fuck’s sake…” This was too much. You looked down, and saw her hands were shaking. Her eyes were full of fear, so profound you couldn’t stop yourself from hugging her. She immediately relaxed into your body, head pressed against your neck as she sobbed.
“I did this for us. Don’t leave me,” she whispered over and over, as you ran your hands through her back. 
You were reminded of the night her sister left. You had held her just like this, and she had shaken the same way as she cried. What would happen if you packed your bags and left, just like you had been planning in your mind ever since she had removed that mask? Something horrible, even compared to those four kills.
You didn’t want to know what would happen. It made your skin crawl with fear.
“It’s okay,” you whispered.
She felt small in your arms, opposite to how she usually acted— like the oldest, the strongest, unable to feel any fear or pain as she let you rely on her. She had always tried to be strong for you, with the exception of now; and that time when she was a little kid and had scraped her knee, so hard she had needed two stitches. You had hugged her as she shook in pain, waiting for your mom to pull out the car so she could take her to the hospital.
“Don’t go,” she begged. It was hard to imagine this same girl that was clutching onto you killing people emotionlessly. It was hard to see her as anything but your Tara.
“I won’t,” you whispered, running your hand through her hair. “I won’t leave you.”
“You won’t?” She asked, pulling away to look at you. You sighed, drying her tears.
“I won’t,” you said, hating how your loyalty towards her was stronger than your moral compass. But this was Tara, a girl who loved you, and a girl that would be dangerous if you weren’t there to stop her. “But you have to promise you won’t kill anyone else.”
She hesitated, eyes looking at the ground. You wondered if she was too far gone to live without killing now she had gotten a taste for it.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to find out.
“I promise.”
And deep down, you knew she was lying. But you still allowed her to grab your neck and kiss you. Her lips were just as soft as when you kissed her for the first time.
You weren’t sure if you had made the right choice.
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zsturiolosx · 3 months
pairing: Chris x Reader
summary: You and your boyfriend, Chris, were fighting the whole day. The reason? You don’t know. He’s just been out of patience with you the whole day.
warning: angst, fighting, crying, fluff, cursing.
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Chris has been ignoring you, giving you short answers, and it’s been on your nerves.
What the fuck is wrong with him? Is something you said? Or did? But you can’t remember anything that got him angry with you.
You’re on his room, laying on his bed, on your phone. Chris is in his gaming chair, also checking his phone.
But every time you start talking to him, he snorts and after a second gets up and leaves the room. He has done this three times already.
You just wanted to talk to him, hear his voice without having that tone. You just wanted Chris to look at you without narrowed eyes.
Your body misses his touch and affection, but every time you try to understand what’s wrong, he leaves you alone.
You see him getting up and leaving the room, slamming the door as he leaves you alone, again.
You feel your eyes burning, but you hold your tears and sit up, waiting for him. After a couple of minutes, the door opens again, and Chris enters the room, too focused on his room to realize you were staring at him.
He sits back up in his chair, taking the hair off his eyes.
“Chris” You call him, you hear him taking a deep breath, but not answering.
“Chris” You say again, the brunette boy rolls his eyes at your voice, but he looks up and his angry gaze meet yours.
“What?” His voice was harsh and low, felt like a knife in your skin.
“What happened, Chris?” Your voice, different from his, was soft and nervous, as if you were stepping on eggs to talk to him. “Why are you acting like this?”
He scoffs, moving his head side to side.
“What are you talking about?” His smile now fades away, and she stares down at you, you feel your whole body burning with fear and anger. “Do I need to be fucking smiling every second?”
Your body trembles from the anger and rudeness in his voice. Your eyes burn again, but you can’t cry, not now, not infront of him.
“No, but I need you to talk to me and tell me what’s wrong” Your voice is faltering, you struggle to speak because of his gaze.
“Oh my god…” Chris whispers to himself, looking down, before screaming at you. “Nothing, okay?! Mind your business, jeez”
You feel anger growing inside you, you feel disappointed and sad, missing him and wanting him to stop this little tantrum.
“No, i’m not gonna mind my own business when you’re acting like this, so annoyed and mad and won’t tell me why!��� You say louder than before, your hands shaking as you hold your phone. “Let’s just talk.”
Your voice failed to come out right in the last word, now it’s obvious how nervous you are. And you get even more nervous when Chris leaves his phone in his desk and gets up, looking down at you.
“Stop talking! You’re just yapping, yapping, yapping in my ear!” He snaps at you, your eyes watering as you try to stop it. “I have a fucking headache! So just shut the fuck up!”
How dare he tell you to shut up, when he damn well know that you hate when people do that. Ever since you were a kid, everybody tells you to be quiet, and you told Chris how that made you feel, and he promised never to make you feel that way again.
And he just broke your promise.
You feel your eyes water more and more, until a tear falls down your cheek. And one more tear, and more, more, more.
You can’t stop crying while Chris stares you with brows furrowed and dark eyes. You get up and leave the room, slamming the door.
As you find your way to his bathroom, you close the door and lock. You rest you back in the door and slides to the door.
Your whole body was trembling as whimpers and sobs leave your mouth quietly. Your tears made your whole face wet, mouth trembling. Your hand were tight around your knees, while you hide your face between your legs.
It just hurts so much the way he started yelling at you for wanting to fix the problem. The way he cursed and screamed for you to shut up, like he said he would never do.
You try to keep yourself from crying, but the whole day you felt overwhelmed and worried about your relationship, you were the whole day pushing these feeling away, until you snapped and couldn’t take it anymore.
You hear knocks in the other side of the door, you raise your head, hearing Chris on the other side.
“Y/n, baby.” His voice was muffled because of the door that kept you apart. “I’m so, so sorry. I am a fucking idiot, a dickhead. Please open the door.”
Chris begs, while you while the tears that rolled down your red cheek. “Go away” You say, angry.
He sighed, knocking softly on the door once again.
“Baby, please, i need to talk to you.” When he doesn’t hear anything back, Chris continues talking. “You have every right to want to never, ever talk to me again. I acted so stupid and so shitty, but i need you in my life, so let me please solve this.”
After a couple of seconds of silence, you get up and unlock the door, opening and seeing Chris, standing there, hands slightly shaking, his blue eyes now red.
“I am so sorry, so sorry I can’t even describe it with words.” He starts talking, his low and raspy voice making your knees tremble. “This week has been the worst, the fans are going crazy, I’m feeling overwhelmed, my head hurts 24/7.”
You hold your hand, squeezing your fingers together. The knot in your throat slowly fading away, as you feel your tears stopping.
“I’m an idiot, because I took it out on you, and you don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you, you are an angel, the girl of my dreams.” Chris’s voice was stuttering, as he slowly reaches your hand. He grabs your hand and interlock your fingers together.
“Chris…” You start talking, your voice was careful, slow. But before you could continue your sentence, Chris interrupts you.
“And I know this doesn’t explain anything.” You can see the fear in his eyes. “But I was afraid, afraid of us, our relationship.”
You frown your brows, confused, without understanding what he means.
“I was afraid because I’m feeling things I have never felt before.” Chris steps closer to you, his fast breathing hitting you. “I love you, Y/n. So much that it makes me afraid.”
Your heart drops, as you feel your breath run out of your body. Your heart beat was so fast it looked like your heart was about to jump out of your chest.
It was the first time Chris said that to you, and you knew how afraid of relationships he was.
Chris looks down, his hair covering his red blue eyes, his hands trembling while still holding yours.
“Chris” You say, grabbing gently his chin and making you look at you. “I love you too.”
His face instantly lightens up, as he smiles and holds you face with both of his hands. Chris leans up closer to you, lips meeting yours.
His soft and pink lips touch yours so delicate, asking for passage for his tongue to meet yours, exploring every detail of your mouth. His hands were holding your face like he was afraid you were gonna escape.
You can feel his heartbeat as his chest touches yours, both of your breathing accelerated.
Chris interrupted the kiss, his forehead resting in your, as you feel his eyes on you mouth the whole time. His thumbs were gently cleaning the rest on tears that were in the corner of your eyes.
“I’m so happy to have you, and please, never shut up.”
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scramblescrew · 3 months
Hiya there! I saw you're taking Requests
If its not a problem I would like to request yandere Cookie run Ancients with a reader that tried (and failed at) fighting back after being kidnapped by them.
((OMGSH THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FIRST REQUEST, ANON! Also I’ll give you this for the request, I hope you enjoy!))
((Art by DevSister art team!))
Yandere Ancients with a defiant Darling
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Let me tell you- this king was LIVID
Why must you fight him after he saved you!? Seeing you try and shove him away from yourself, screaming, crying, begging, trying to get back to the world that was trying to corrupt you…take you away from him… “why must you fight me!?I’m only doing what’s best for you!” At some point, Dark Cacao would have enough and lock you in your isolated room with watchers guarding your door for days, Dark Cacao coming in every day in hopes you would run into his arms and need him. If you haven’t submit to his demands then he would leave you locked in until the next time he came by.
Just pretend to submit for your sanity and his trust, maybe he’ll let you out as long as he trusts you 😉
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One word, four syllables. De-lu-soin-al. She firmly believes that you have been g*slit into hating her or that you were severely sick, how could you possibly want to run away from her!? You must be sick! She sets herself into the mindset of your caretaker, your savior. She would often find herself laying on your bed with you, held tightly to her chest. Yes, you still fought her for your “freedom”, but she wouldn’t let you….she needed you, just as much as you needed her.
“Please, my little bee, stop fighting me! Let me help you!”
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“Oh, you can just stop trying now~ ..why? Cause you’re NOT gonna win!~ Hahahaha!” GCC would often grab you by your arms and fly up high into the sky, dangling you by your arms as you frantically try to hold onto her for dear life. Once she thinks you’ve had enough, she clutches you to her chest and slowly floated down to the ground. She then carried you back to her bedroom and cuddled you close to her chest.
“If you ever run away from me, I promise you, I will always find you…”
“I love you..even if you test me so much…”
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“Please…I’ve tried for so long to get you here, where it is SAFE for you..! Just let me love you….” This cookie- OMG. He would try his best to understand why you were fighting against his love but all cookies have a breaking point. He would drag you to his bedroom and just lay on his bed, his arms wrapped around you for dear life. “My love….I love you but you test me so much….but I’ll keep trying…”
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Only a small handful of cookies have seen HBC anything BUT joyful. But one day, you were the unfortunate Cookie to witness something that seemed…out of character for HBC, her RAGE. All of her out of character-ness at that moment stemmed from you trying to fight her for your freedom…
“WHY MUST YOU BE SO STUBBORN!? DON’T YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH I NEED YOU AND HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME!? You’re my missing piece….a part of me that was taken from me before I was born….and I-…I can’t lose you again….you complete me…just please….stop fighting and stay with me….”
By the end of her tirade, you would be pinned against a wall or her bed (get your head outta the gutter.) with HBC’s hands death gripping your arms to your side and her head pressed against your chest. Tears would be flowing from her eyes and the room would be deathly silent.
Just give her what she wants….all she has left of her mental wellbeing is you…
(Hello reader! I want to thank you all for reading this post and I want to thank this Anon for sending me my first request!!!! I’m really excited to write for you all and I hope y’all have a great day!)
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kombuuuu · 10 months
Miles (42) “that’s my baby” Morales.
You weren’t sure what happened.
One second you were running through the field, weaving through opposing team members, watching the ball at your feet and the goal ahead of you. Crowds of people cheering for your team, for your number.
And the next second, a sharp pain was kicked into your foot, and suddenly it could no longer hold your weight. Chin smashing harshly into the ground below you, only thing keeping your teeth from shattering being the mouth guard protecting them. And the crowds no longer cheering — a collective harsh breath being settled into eerie murmuring.
You pushed up by your hands, turning to sit, and the ringing in your ears made way, like an amp being pitched too loud and screaming in protest.
There was blood on you, from where — you couldn’t tell. And the dulled hum of far shouting could be made out through the fog. Cotton stuffed ears straining to understand.
The lights of the stadium were harsh against your eyes, and you tracked the movement of a flashlight the best you could.
A medic was above you, shining brightness over your view to check for concussion. She said something, hurriedly gesturing to your foot. And the pain that came from another medic touching it made you cry out.
You saw the flash of a red card, and a stretcher being pulled towards you.
But most importantly, you saw your boy. Your lover making his way over with a stressed look over his pretty features. Only to be stopped by security. You watched him shove his stadium issued VIP ID card towards them and rush passed the moment allowed to do so.
You were on the stretcher now, being carried toward an ambulance. Your hearing was coming back, the ringing not gone but quietened.
“Stay awake. Can you do that for me?”
You mumbled back, a splutter coming from the blood coating your throat and the mouth guard was gently taken from you.
Please don’t ruin this.
“You ever do that shit again, I’m beatin’ your ass.”
You snorted, punching your dads arm lightly in jest.
“Oh yeah? You gonna hurt me cause i’m hurt?”
“I’m gonna make that bastar—“
“She didn’t mean it!”
“It was a red card! Totally purposeful!”
“Nuh uh!”
He laughed, a throaty chuckle infectious to you.
“Don’t you ‘Nuh uh’ me, young lady.”
A knock played at the door, bringing your attention to the shadow just outside. Your dad beckoned them in, calling to the door with a “Come in.”
Miles stepped inside, bowing his head respectfully to your dad before he made eye contact with you. And the worried shine in his eye was an immediate tell for your dad.
“I’ll give you two space.” He smiled at you softly, patting your shoulder and nodding at Miles as he rounded the door.
It was silent for a moment. Miles staring at you with an expression you couldn’t quite make out.
As if your voice was the beckoning of a siren to the nearest fisherman, he was striding over to you in an instant. Calloused hands guiding your face left and right, examining your injuries and the bruises that coated your soft skin.
You stuttered a quick laugh, watching him fret over you quietly. “It’s not that bad, baby.”
“She did that on purpose.”
The sigh that left you was a fond exasperation. “Miles, she slid.”
“Into you.”
“The ground was wet!”
“Her fault..”
He leant down. Kissing you sweetly, a quick thing — more to shut you up than anything. His love for kissing you was just a bonus.
He spoke against your lips, closed eyes and lovey smile.
“Ya’ tough though.”
You smiled back, a huff of a laugh leaving you, and Miles felt your cheeks warm under his touch.
“Yeah, whatever.”
“That’s my baby.”
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smoothies-are-cool · 4 months
kiss me thru the phone
boyfriend! matt sturniolo x reader
summary: reader and matt do long distance until reader surprises him on tour.
warnings: swearing, pet names (baby, beautiful), kissing.
a/n: i love this song ❤️❤️
“i miss your beautiful face.” my boyfriend, matt says.
we were on facetime because he moved to los angeles with his brothers to pursue their career. we met in middle school in boston and i still live there.
“you’re looking at it.” i giggle.
“i know but i miss kissing it. hopefully i’ll get to see you while we’re in boston.” he says. matt and his brothers were about to go on their second tour. little did matt know, i had tickets to the boston show AND the des moines show in iowa.
pretend there was a boston show on the versus tour.
“i know baby. even if you don’t have to time to stop home i’ll camp outside the venue even if i’m able to see you for only a minute.” i tell him.
“kiss me through the phone.” matt randomly says.
“what?” i ask, making sure i heard him right.
“kiss me through the phone, come on.” he repeats, moving his lips closer to the phone. i giggle and do the same.
4 days later
📍des moines, iowa
“okay and before we go we have one more person we want to come out and say a few words.” nick says into the microphone, grabbing another microphone from one of the venue workers. nick and chris were in on the secret.
matt sends chris a confused look and chris just shrugs.
“i’d like to welcome y/n l/n to the stage!” nick smiles and the crowd goes crazy as i walk out onto the stage. i wave to the crowd before locking eyes with matt. he stands there, his eyes wide and his mouth open. chris quickly grabs matt’s microphone as matt makes his way towards me.
“you’re here.” he says softly.
“congrats on the win baby.” i smile. matt pulls me into him and places a quick kiss on my lips. we keep it brief because we’re on stage.
“okay let me talk.” i whisper pulling away as nick hands me the second microphone.
“okay hi everyone! i want to apologize now for any stuttering or anything i’ve never spoke in front of a crowd this big. if you don’t know me, hi i’m y/n, matt’s girlfriend.” i speak and the crowd screams. chris, nick and matt make their way to my sides.
“these boys mean so much to me. like more than words could explain. i’m gonna tell the story on how we met, but i’m gonna keep it brief because i could talk about it for literal hours. i actually met chris first. we were in the same class in second grade and we were both alone at recess so we just became friends with each other. chris has been the person i went to for anything from that moment on. he was the first person i told about my huge crush on matt.” i say, giggling softly.
“he has always supported me through everything and when i was in the wrong he always told me so i really appreciate that.” i look at chris as i say this, pulling him into a hug.
“woo i will probably end up crying so ignore that. nick is genuinely the love of my life.” i say, laughing when i see matt’s offended look. “all jokes aside, i know nick would do anything to protect me and he has done anything to protect me. i remember this one time a guy wouldn’t leave me alone and when he tried to pull me to his car nick literally tackled him.” i said, causing the crowd to laugh.
“i really appreciate everything you do for me.” i hug nick and move to stand next to matt.
“oh god matt where do i start.” i mutter softly. “my crush started on matt during the summer of 8th grade. we didn’t end up getting together until senior year but that’s besides the point.”
“seeing matt grow up and over come his fears makes me so proud. i remember when he would never order his own food and now he’s talking to and standing in front of thousands of people everyday. so i’m really proud of him for that. i remember when i realized that i was in love with matt. i have a little sister and one time she fell and when i had turned around to help her matt was already helping her. and then he cleaned up the cut on her knee and put a bandaid on it. i don’t know why but that was when i realized i was in love with him. matt is my best friend and lover all in one. he knows me like the back of his hand and he can so easily read my emotions.” my eyes slowly start to fill with tears and matt wraps his arms around my waist from behind me.
“i don’t have much time left so i have to word this strategically. the fact that they’re just three boys from massachusetts is crazy to me. i don’t think they’ve realized how many people they’ve helped, including myself. these three boys right here are living proof that dreams do come true and you can do it so don’t let anyone tell you differently. they are my people, the one ones i actually want to be around and the ones i would do anything for. and i want this forever.” i say, my voice cracking as tears falling down my cheeks. i notice nick and chris both have tears too.
“nick, matt, chris. i’m so beyond proud of you and i love you more than life itself. i’m so grateful that i met you guys because i would not have made it today without you guys.” i speak, my voice cracking. i see matt’s eyes have tears but he’s trying to not let them fall. we all do a big group hug, say goodbye to the crowd and walk off stage.
i gasp softly as matt pulls me back into him. his arms go around my waist and mine go around his shoulders.
“you okay matt?” i ask. he doesn’t respond and i feel hot tears on my shoulder.
“baby..” i say softly, pulling him impossibly closer.
“i’m really glad you’re here.” he tells me, pulling away but he keeps his arms around me.
“surprise!” i giggle as he places his lips on mine.
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🏷️ christophersturniolo 🏷️ nicolassturniolo
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🏷️ matthew.sturniolo
liked by: mattandynfp27894 , christophersturniolo and 154,927 others
yn.ln - so beyond proud of my boys <3
matthew.sturniolo - i love you so much
↳ yn.ln - i love you more.
user - her speech that she gave 🥹🥹
christophersturniolo - tried so hard to keep it together during your speech. love you always ❗️
↳ yn.ln - love you chris 🧡
user - the way they all cried during her speech. they all mean so much to each other.
*liked by yn.ln*
nicolassturniolo - my mf soulmate. I LOVE YOU FOREVER
matthew.sturniolo - so lucky to have you ❤️
↳ yn.ln - you mean so much to me ❤️❤️
a/n: hi !
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hom3landr · 2 months
"just lie to me, okay? just this once."
Necessary Lies
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CW - Major Character Death, descriptions of gore and sickness, ANGST ANGST ANGST
Homelander’s intentions had been pure when he arranged to dose you with Compound V. He’s reminded by a friend that’s how the road to hell is paved
You aren’t getting better.
Homelander’s stomach turns.
You aren’t getting better.
He’d done everything right. The whole process was done under the supervision of all of Vought’s best doctors and scientists. Even as you screamed and begged, he’d been confident that any complications could be swiftly dealt with. Sure, you’d been an adult when the V had been introduced into your system but you are strong. You have to be. You have to.
He watches you in your room. It doesn’t seem right for you to be surrounded by so much blank white. You are color and light but even you can’t withstand the way the awful room dims your soul. Maybe if you could see the sun you’d get better. But the doctors insist you are too fragile to handle any environment except the sterile one you are contained in.
He bites his lip anxiously as you continue to hack up blood, the bright crimson automatically drawing the eye. His instincts tell him to scan you, to watch as the V twists your DNA and transforms you into something greater.
I told you not to get your hopes up. You tend to have a less than stellar track record when it comes to mud people.
He shakes his head and tries to ignore the little voice in his ear. He’s wrong this time. It’s a hiccup that’s all. You’re strong. You are.
The voice is blocked out but not by his own efforts. A horrible cry leaves your lips as your bones crack and shift under your skin. More red spews on the floor. He winces at the wet splat as a chunk of something hits the floor.
That was juicy. Wanna bet that was a lung?
Homelander tastes iron as he splits his own lip. It feels like it’s your blood he’s tasting. It’s your blood he’s spilt.
That one was a little mean, I admit. But buck up Bucko, this is what you signed up for. Maybe you’ll listen to me next time.
He’s done this before. Why the fuck were you the one with complications?
“There’s a good reason Vought doesn’t do it.”
That’s what he told Madelyn that fateful night.
He’d killed her too
He steps to the side as a squad of sour smelling scientists rush in to stabilize you. But what can they do? What can they do now that the only outcome is for the poison to run its course? He vividly fantasizes about popping each one’s head like a ripe melon as punishment for not fixing this. It doesn’t make him feel better.
He begs the voice in his head.
Just lie to me, okay? Just this once.
The once dependable steady rhythm of your heartbeat is dangerously erratic.
You smell like death.
He worries the cut on his lip with his tongue. It feels strange to have a wound. The scientists flutter around you nervously. They know you’re a lost cause but Homelander’s icy gaze compels them to at least pretend to be helpful. Their terror burns his nose. He decides to make their demise slow.
No can do Buddy, you know that’s not what I’m here for. I’m the only one who’ll never lie to you.
Your heartbeat grows fainter. Your breaths rattle.
One of the scientists pisses himself.
You turn your head and despite your eyes meeting his, he knows you can’t see him. You wouldn’t be able to even without the wall in the way. He doesn’t think you can see much of anything anymore.
I told you so. Better go in and say your goodbyes.
I hate you
Aw buddy, I’m the only thing you have left.
Your heart stops and a noise all too terribly familiar leaves your throat. The last noise you’ll ever make. A wail just as wretched leaves his lips.
He didn’t even say goodbye. He let you die in that awful room alone. He wasn’t even holding your hand. You were alone like he was alone all those many years ago. Being poked at like he was.
He vomits bile onto the floor.
You’re gonna need me more than ever now. Better get used to it.
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bruisedboys · 1 year
𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗟𝗘 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗡 — james potter w the prompt “you are half my soul.“ where they are just cuddling on the couch
hehe old 3k ask hi!! I went with a different scenario than you asked for I’m sorry </3 but this one just came to me so I had to write it
summary: james tells you he loves you in a diner parking lot
fem!reader 0.6k words
James walks two steps behind you, partly because he’s so dizzy on his feet he can hardly keep up with you. But also because your skirt is short and he’s worried someone’s gonna see something they shouldn’t if he doesn’t stand directly behind you.
He watches you as you practically skip through the parking lot. You’re excited about something, he can barely remember what. The neon lights from the diner wash over the side of your face and he remembers. You’re getting milkshakes. Your favourite.
“James, you’re straggling,” you say, throwing him a dazzling smile over your shoulder. The lights from the diner ahead paint your skin an array of colours.
James almost trips. Not for the first time tonight. “Sorry,” he says pathetically.
“No, it’s okay,” you say sweetly. You shrug and hold out your hand to him. “Come on.”
James takes your hand because he can’t think of anything else he’d rather do right now. Except maybe kiss you. This is a good compromise. Your hand is warm and soft and your rings press into his fingers.
You drag him the rest of the way to the diner and you make it to the door before James decides he just has to say something to you. Something romantic, something spectacular, because he’s just so in love with you he could die.
“Y/N,” he says suddenly, and your name feels familiar as home in his mouth.
You stop where you’re about to pull the door open. Twist to look up at him, an angel in the fluorescent lights.
“Yeah?” You ask, a little perplexed but mostly just freaking adorable.
“I— um. You know I love you, right?”
You giggle, probably because he sounds like a lovesick idiot. “Yeah, James,” you say, and you’re grinning like mad suddenly. You squeeze his hand. “Obviously.”
“Yeah, but— but.” James struggles to find the words. He wishes he could tell you just how much he feels for you. In his head, it all makes sense, but when he tries to say the words, he’s not sure they make sense at all. He tries again. “You’re like, half my soul, Y/N. You know?”
You blink up at him. Stunned. Looking a bit lovesick yourself. “Half your soul?” You say quietly.
“Y-yeah. Or all of it, I don’t know.” James scrubs his face with his free hand. He sounds pathetic, he knows. He’d be embarrassed if you weren’t looking at him like that. Like he means as much to you and you do to him. “I just— I love you. A lot,” he finishes lamely.
“James,” you say. You sound equally lovesick, if not more. James thinks you’ve forgotten all about milkshakes because you reach up to hold his face in your free hand, your fingers greedy where they push over his skin. You get up on your toes and speak into the tiny space between him and you. “I love you a lot too.”
James thinks he might pass out you’re so close. He’s struck, not for the first time, by how pretty you are. Up close you’re even prettier than usual. He could count your eyelashes if he wanted to.
“You’re my whole soul,” you say quietly, and you’re beaming. “And more.”
James thinks he might cry. Or scream. Something along those lines. He lets go of your hand in favour of your face, his palms hot on your warm face.
“Stop trying to one up me,” he says, glaring.
You giggle and open your mouth to argue back. James kisses you before you can. Right in front of the diner full of people.
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buckysdoll1520 · 1 month
“No!” I yell cutting him of “you don’t get to fucking blow up on me when I come down here asking if you ok that’s not how this fucking works!” you yelled, the stress from the ordeal upstairs and now him blowing up on you like that had caused a split to start. “Y/n-”Jasper start to speak. “No fuck you!” You we’re beyond pissed, when you had a your mood could go from 0-1000 really quickly.
You turn away going to open the door that when back in to the house he tried to grab you’re arm to talk to you and turn around to yell back in response. “Don’t fucking touch me right now!” you continued through the door up the stairs going to the living room.
Once in the living room you see Esme holding Liam on her knee on the couch. “Are you alright?” Esme asked in her sweet mothery tone. “Um y-yeah I’m fine,um Esme do you think it would be alright if you watched him while I run to the dollar store really quick?” You asked rushed want to get out of the house to cool off and probably have a bit of a meltdown in the car. “Yes absolutely, take as long as you need dear” Esme said sweetly, because little know to you she and everyone else had heard your and Jaspers argument. “Ok thank you I’ll be back in a few minutes” you said as you walked down the steps to get the front door. You quickly put on your shoes and grabbing a jacket and Jasper car keys, you walked out.
Once you got in the car you turned it and plugged up your phone to the cars smart stereo. You selected your $uicideBoy$ playlist and turned up the volume until it drowned out your inner voice that kept telling you were a bad person, a bad girlfriend and a horrible mom and that you should just disappear and that jasper was probably gonna breakup with you and you would have to move out of the Cullens house and move back in with your dad and not have a car again. Soon the voice got to much and you pulled over to the side of the road and put on your flashers. You sat there for a good hour-hour and a half before stopping crying screaming/yelling and banging your hands against the steering wheel out of anger and frustration.
After completing calming down you looked at the time releasing how long you had actually been gone and started to wonder if anyone had texted,because you had put your phone on dnd. So you picked it up out of the cup holder and turned down your music a bit. When you looked at your phone you saw the Jasper had called you 15 times and text 25 text messages.
You sighed let out a whispered “fuck…FUCK!”, you put your phone back into its resting place, and begin to pull out, once you pulled out you cut off your flashers and headed to the dollar store. As you pull in to the parking lot,you to a couple deep breaths and flip your visor down to make sure you looked ok-ish. Once in the dollar store you couldn’t help but stroll into the baby section looking at all the cute onesies,toys, blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. You’re heart ached at the fact you only had 15$ in your wallet, even though Carlisle and Esme had both told you they didn’t care to pay for things for the baby, you were hesitant…only because you hated taking money and help from other people.
So you bought Liam new pack of pacifiers, a bib and a stuffed chicken. The bib was blue and had a giraffe on it, the pacifiers had stars and moons on them, and the chicken was well, a stuffed chicken. You payed for everything and headed to the car. Once you get settled in the car you headed back to the Cullens house. As you pulled in the driveway you saw Jasper was on his balcony with a sour look on his face.
When you walked the door you could hear Edward laughing at Rosalie, he always laughs at her when she baby talks with Liam. It wasn’t necessary but you announced your self “I’m home!” You yelled in a sing songy voice as you laid the keys in to the dish they rested in, and taking off your shoes and coat. Walking up the stairs you heard Liam squealing out in laughter, “hey bubby, mommy got you some stuff at the store” you said in baby voice with a smile on your face. “Has he ate yet, I left a bottle in the fridge?” You asked Esme. “Uh yeah Jasper feed him a few minutes ago” she said almost hesitated to mention his name. “Ok,um..where is Jasper?” You asked looking around not seeing him anywhere. “He’s up your guys room, he’s stayed up there for a while until Liam started crying when he got hungry.” Edward said coldly, as if I had taken too long or it was an inconvenience that Liam was here and he has gotten fussy.
“Ok, I’m gonna go talk to him about earlier. Rose do you have him?” I asked. “Yeah I’ve got him take as long as you guys need” she said with a smile.
Once you got up stairs you stared at your and jasper’s bedroom door for a good five minutes, there were a million thoughts run through you head, he’s gonna break up with you, he’s gonna yell…he could hit you like your ex used to…you felt sick, you felt bile rise in your throat, burning it. You swallowed heavily and finally knocked on the door, you heard a low “come in.” You walked in the door pressing your back against it to try and ground yourself. “Jas-” “Don’t..”he cut you off before you could even get his name out. He spoke in a rushed tone as if he was holding his voice back, he stood on the balcony looking at the sky. “Do you know how worried I was!? You were gone for over 2 hours, I thought something happened the only reason I didn’t go looking for you is because of Liam!” He finally spoke clearly but when he did it came out in a yell.
You felt tears brim you’re eyes you’re nose started to burn, and you’re throat went dry. When you went to speak the words wouldn’t form all that was a sob. It sounded as if the air was trapped in your lungs. “I-I know I’m sorry, just get it over with…please I want to go see Liam, an-and Edward is already pissed at me,cause the baby was fussy a-and I known I’m a bad girlfriend and a bad mom and I’ma-shitty p-person all around! I’m sorry just get it over with please.” You stuttered and rambled out as tears streamed down your face and as you finished your sentence you began to slide down the door and started to hyperventilate. “I know I’m a pain in the ass a-and I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I know you could do so much better, you could have someone that’s skinny and pretty like Bella o-or Alice!” When you continued on your rant Jasper’s mood changed quickly.
He rushed over to you as you sat with your back against the door banging you head against it trying to stop the yelling in your head, that little voice in your head that told you Liam deserved better, that he deserved a mother like Esme or Rosalie that was put together and had it all figured out. “Sugar look at me, please come on don’t do that you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Jasper spoke in a soft sweet tone, putting his hands behind your head to soften the blows you were giving yourself as you hit you head. “No! Why aren’t you screaming or hitting me? Get mad! Get mad at me Damnit!” you screamed through your tears. As you screamed the last part you hit his chest as hard as you could. “D-do something…tell ho-how I’m a bad mom o-or, how I’m never gonna be good enough for you, or you’re fucking perfect family!”
Sobs shook your body as jasper looked at you as if he didn’t hear you. “Look at me…please doll look at me.” He begged you as you sobbed hanging your head low, picking at the skin around your fingers. You finally shook your head, so you had left him no choice. He pulled you into his lap as he sat in the floor beside you. “Baby…I need you to look at me…please” he said softly with is thick Southern draw. Jasper sat there for what felt like an eternity, before he realized that you were shutting down. His worst nightmare was coming true he was losing you. He couldn’t lose you. He pressed pressed a firm kiss on your hair line, as he mumbled in to your hair line. “Doll please don’t shut me out. I can’t loose you y/n,I can’t” As he spoke softly you could hear his voice breaking at the end of his sentence.
Jasper sat with you straddling his thighs for almost two and a half hours. You head was against his chest, your breathing had finally calmed down. Jasper’s hands ran up and down your sides and back. You still refused to look at him. “Hey darling, you still with me?” Jasper questioned slowly stopping his hands. You shook your head in to his chest. “Alright, do you want to talk?” Jasper asked hesitantly. You shook your head,feeling tear prick your eyes once more.
Then Jaspers phone vibrated against the floor where it sat beside you both. He leaned to pick it up from its resting place. It was a message from Esme.
Esme :Liam is asleep if you want to come get him or I could bring him upstairs but if you and Y/n aren’t done talking then I keep him down here with me and Carlisle.
Jasper sat his phone back on “Do you want me to go get the baby and bring him up here or do you want to leave down there while we talk?” Jasper asked as he began running his hands down your sides again. “Can you bring him up here.” You said in a scratchy voice, from all the crying and yelling. “Ok,I’ll be right back darling,you want anything from downstairs?”
This is my teaser let me know what y’all think !
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