#i hate ttg
gloriabomfim · 1 year
[Scene: Boone's Cave, the doorbell rings]
Boone: (confused) Huh? Who could that be?
[Boone opens the door and sees TTG Robin dressed in a diaper and baby bonnet]
TTG Robin: (in a high-pitched voice) Goo goo ga ga! I'm a lost wittle baby in need of some num-nums!
Boone: (exasperated) Seriously, Robin? Again?
[TTG Robin waddles into the cave and heads straight for the refrigerator]
TTG Robin: (whining) I need ham-hams! Wobin's hungwy!
Boone: (getting angry) Robin, you're not fooling anyone with that ridiculous getup! And you're definitely not getting any of my ham!
[TTG Robin starts fake-crying]
TTG Robin: (fake tears) Waaaah! Meanie Boone won't share!
Boone: (losing patience) Cut it out, Robin! This is the tenth time this week!
[TTG Robin's fake crying intensifies, and he reaches for the ham]
TTG Robin: (still fake crying) Fine, be that way! Wobin's just a wittle abandoned baby with an empty tummy!
[Boone can't take it anymore and yells]
Boone: (angry) Enough is enough, Robin!
[TTG Robin's fake crying instantly stops, and he looks shocked]
TTG Robin: (startled) Huh?
Boone: (yelling) You're not a baby, and I'm not falling for your tricks! Now get out of my cave!
[TTG Robin's bottom lip trembles, and he starts crying for real]
TTG Robin: (actual tears) Waaaah! You're so mean, Boone!
[Boone slams the door shut]
Boone: (sighs in relief) Finally, some peace and quiet.
[TTG Robin can be heard crying outside as he runs away]
TTG Robin: (crying) They kicked me out! Waaaah!
[Boone shakes his head and goes back to his business, hoping for a ham-ham-filled day without any more diaper-wearing surprises.]
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kitteningotham · 2 months
Y’all I was watching Teen Titans Go! the other day (I know it’s rubbish, but that’s my downfall right there) and I realised something.
In the first few seasons, there are no identity reveals. Nothing that could give away anything personal about the heroes. Nothing that would, say, stop it from being an IN-UNIVERSE TV SHOW GUYS! I bet the Batfam would hate it too, because they give Robin all of their other traits (Tim’s staff, etc.) and also bc they can’t find a justified reason to stop it. Unfortunately you can’t sue for figurative massacre. After all, the kids love it.
Soon enough there are mini-figures, spin offs, references, and no one can turn on the TV without seeing this:
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yuttikkele · 9 months
teen titans go robin definitely had a crush on teen titans robin in the movie
not because there was chemistry, there wasn’t, just because ttg robin is a weirdo who would definitely have a crush on a cooler version of himself
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robingivesmemagic · 3 months
i never really thought about it before because obviously its just a quick gag but if jason todd does exist in the teen titans cartoon universe is beast boy just making up conspiracy theories about robins dead adopted brother thats kind of fucked up
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ttgrobincult · 3 months
thinking of our lord and savior robin on this glorious day…
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jsabaddict · 1 year
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Comes in here with random hair brush practice
Used two different hair brushes, the first being more of a realistic type? And the second being well, I dunno, a different style (+the second features a different pencil I decided to try out)
Maybe I'll combine the two in the future, I do like how the realistic one's ponytail ends
(Also just in case no one knows, this is Blixer's human/gijinka form!
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ditzycore · 1 year
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They're all neurodivergent to me <3
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
Maybe its just me, but its funny as fuck people are thinking Tim Drake is getting ignored by Bruce Timm in those Robin nods in Caped Crusador when like....a, so is Damian, which is honestly a surprise as normally DC loves finding ways to shove Damian somehow down people's throats while ignoring Tim but this time its both getting ignored and b, given the four in episode are orphans, its likely Bruce Timm remembering Tim Drake was a rare case for a Robin: he had a living parent up till his time as Robin, aka DC having Boomerang kill Tim's dad in a comics event Therefore, the actual characters or just allusions to them and hinting we'll get them eventually, are just the robin's we know are orphans (though I don't think Stephanie is one at first in comics but her family life is shit so....).
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myfriendisacommunist · 2 months
before anyone asks no i dont ship canon kyle x robin that would be fucking pedophilia.
i do NOT condone that even fictionally.
i am kyle and robin combined, as an 18 year old, on both sides. i have grown up from being 8 in south park and however old robin is in canon. (people cant seem to find a stable answer to that)
Nono, i simply ship myself x myself. If that still confuses you send me an ask ab it instead of vaugeposting or "cancelling" me. Okay? Okay •w•
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echthr0s · 8 months
every time I watch an episode of HH I think about that post that's like "who is the audience for this show" because, the popular virulent contempt for the show aside, it is confusing. it scans like an irreverent slapstick cartoon for older kids but the dialogue is often conspiciously Adult™. the character dynamics seem like they'd be fun to explore but the way they're explored feels more shallow than I'd like. I started paying more focused attention to the animation style and immediately regretted it, but it still can be fun to look at when they play around with the character presentations (how Zenthius moves, Alastor's glitchiness). and sometimes the setting and the way the characters act are at odds to me. I mean, okay, if I think about it for more than two seconds, of course you can work in Actual Hell and still have squicks about BDSM but I can't say it didn't make me go "????" (it's mostly the way they acted about it, for me. I think the morality system at play here is what I'm mostly confused about, not necessarily that a demon can have squicks.)
I think I am almost the audience for it and that's the annoying part, lol. I like it and yet it makes me scratch my head constantly. I'm waiting for the point where the scales tip and I just Can't anymore, and the fact that I almost got there in as early as the third episode doesn't bode well
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ishizizzle · 1 year
nah the teen titans cartoon really stuck with me cuz I STILL TO DO THIS DAY remember when somebody (I think Cyborg?) told Robin 'winning isn't what's most important' and he said, "Yeah. It's just the only thing that matters." THAT STILL AFFECTS ME
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
In the heart of Jump City, where the Teen Titans reside, an unexpected visitor descended from the Mixel Moon. Boone, with his silhouette cloaked in an angry, glowing red eye and a fiery aura, cast an ominous shadow over the unsuspecting Titans.
TTG Robin, ever the self-proclaimed leader, stood tall but quivered in the face of this otherworldly being. "Who…who are you?" he stammered, his paranoia reaching new heights.
Boone's voice rumbled like distant thunder as he replied, "I am Boone, the son of Boogly and Meltus, from the Mixel Moon. I have come to assert my dominance over this realm!"
TTG Starfire, always one for dramatics, let out a shrill scream. "Oh, the horror! The monstrosity!"
Boone's fiery aura intensified, and he flexed his bug-like appendages menacingly. "Scream all you want, for it matters not! Your screams fuel my power!" His red eye glowed even brighter.
TTG Beast Boy, who had been lounging on the couch, looked up from his bag of potato chips. "Dude, this is like, so not cool. I was just about to turn into a sloth."
TTG Cyborg, the resident tech whiz, scratched his head, thoroughly confused. "I dunno, y'all. He looks like trouble."
Meanwhile, TTG Raven, the most level-headed of the bunch, observed Boone with a raised eyebrow. "So, what's your deal, hotshot? You come to challenge us or just here to ruin our day?"
Boone chuckled menacingly, flames flickering from his nose. "Challenge? Ruin? Perhaps both! But first, I must rid this world of its most annoying leader!"
With a flash of blazing speed, Boone closed the distance between himself and TTG Robin. The Titans' leader tried to put up a fight, but Boone's fiery strength was overwhelming.
"I am the true leader now!" Boone declared as he pummeled TTG Robin.
TTG Starfire, still screaming, sought refuge behind a nearby couch. TTG Beast Boy and TTG Cyborg attempted to intervene, but Boone's fiery aura sent them sprawling.
TTG Raven sighed, summoning her dark magic. "Guess it's up to me."
With a powerful incantation, she conjured a dark force field around Boone. The flames flickered and sputtered, unable to penetrate her mystical barrier.
Boone, trapped within the inky void, growled in frustration. "You may have won this round, Titans, but I shall return!"
And with that, Boone vanished, leaving the Teen Titans battered but victorious.
As they caught their breath, TTG Robin struggled to his feet, his arrogance somewhat humbled. "Maybe we should, you know, work on our teamwork or something."
TTG Starfire finally stopped screaming and nodded, while TTG Beast Boy and TTG Cyborg exchanged glances, realizing they had some serious training to do.
And so, in the aftermath of Boone's fiery visit, the Teen Titans learned a valuable lesson in humility and the importance of standing together in the face of even the most unexpected challenges.
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jacuzziwaters · 2 years
Why do big companies insist on taking away the things that I love?
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coloredsnowo · 2 years
hear me out birdflash is bunnyboy x catboy (cheetah)
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jade-muffins · 1 year
Got done watching the Teen Titans Go vs. Teen Titans movie and I feel like I laughed way more than I should have
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Me: trying to work
My brain: Waffles, waffles! Waffles, waffles, waffles!
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