#i had never heard this song before and now i am obsessed
girlwtdragontattoo · 2 days
In your debt
Young druid Halsin x Reader
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Ever since I saw the young Halsin art above by @ozumii-fucking-wizard, I have been obsessively staring at his gorgeous damn face (thank you so much for this version of him, I am hopelessly in looooooove)!
Enjoy young Halsin healing you~
Part 2
Warning: Blood, Violence, Swearing
You ventured through the forest, wanting to escape the loud bustle of the city. Carrying your heavy instrument on your back, you strode through the man-made trail into the thicket, to your usual spot you decided was your permanent hideaway.
You knew the forest was home to a druidic group, who adopted young lost children. You never encountered any druids on your many trips here, but you knew they were aware of you: sometimes you found some foraged fruit and vegetables at your spot, packaged neatly with strings or in small sacks. Someone left you these gifts. You assumed they liked your music, since you often came into the woods to practice some new songs you were crafting. You weren’t sure if the children were this fond of you or if it was some druid who kept leaving trinkets. It didn’t matter really, you were grateful nonetheless.
Today, you hadn’t found anything left for you. This wasn’t too unusual; you never ventured here expecting to receive anything. You let the strand of your instrument slide down your arm, placing it next to your seat by the large oak. It was clear this spot wasn’t really used by others, the print of you sitting in the dirt only really matched yours. It always seemed undisturbed, like you left it, with the occasional gifted sack placed there.
You gazed at the lake, where fireflies danced happily over the dawn lit water. It was another pleasant morning and you took a deep breath, enjoying the lovely fresh air you rarely got to inhale. Baldur’s Gate was lively and exciting, but you were always drawn back to this place.
You started plucking the strands of your lute, absentmindedly, taking in the sunrise as the rays warmed your face. You felt the trees sway with your music, as if they were welcoming you back. The forest seemed more alive here and had a distinct personality. Childlike glee vibrated through the branches. The tranquility of this area made you sink back into the tree, leaning against its strong body.
Something boomed in the distance. You sat up with a jolt. Normally, the only sounds you heard here were twigs breaking or the wind whizzing through the glade. You looked around, trying to locate the source of the noise.
Another blast. This time, there was shouting that followed. Some sounded panicked, some aggressive.
You got to your feet, frantically, staring into the distance where you thought the brutal noises were ebbing from. There were screams now. And they sounded young.
Without really thinking, you started sprinting towards the cries. Clutching your lute in one hand at your side to keep it from knocking your hip, you darted through the brush. There were children screaming and wailing, getting louder and louder the faster you ran towards them. A loud, ugly voice was yelling at them.
There were other more distant shock waves bellowing: an ambush? Were the druids under attack?
You heard the angry voice thunder in front of you, as you slid behind a birch tree.
“Move it, you little shits! Or I’ll cut yer hands off!”, a goblin with a bloody handprint across his face snarled at a group of mixed children, who were huddled together, sniveling and trembling uncontrollably. He pointed a curved, dirty blade at their backs, as they sheepishly shuffled along.
“Can’t we just kill them and drag their corpses? They’re so fucking slow…” Another smaller goblin groaned, walking in front of the hostages.
“No, the drows say they need new slaves. We need ‘em alive,” he pushed a small tiefling in front of him, who let out a terrified shriek, “Faster! Before the stinkin’ druids catch up.”
They passed the birch tree, which was rooted opposite a cliffside. The rapids below reverberated up, making it hard to hear clearly.
Goblins were attacking the druids, the far sounds of crashing and clanging meant a fierce battle was commencing.
“They won’t be able to hold them back much longer, Izick,” the short goblin at the front was standing close to your hiding spot. You peered through the branches and saw the poor souls quivering wildly. Their faces were cut and stained with blood. You deduced whoever was watching over them had been murdered in front of them.
You weren’t a fighter. But you couldn’t let them take the children.
The small goblin turned to face the group; his back facing the tree. You grasped your lute hard, making the skin around it paler. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for guaranteed pain.
This was an expensive instrument, too.
You pounced out of the woods into the clearing and slammed the lute onto the head of the unassuming goblin. It broke over his fat head, but the velocity had done its job. He fell to the side with a loud thud, letting out a last, gurgled groan. You kept hitting him with the remaining pieces of your improvised weapon, making sure he was dead. The blood pooled around him.
Izick was already running towards you, having pummeled through the victims without care, who all fell to the ground and held their heads to the dirt, whimpering and horrified.
You dodged the first swing of his blade, but knew instantly this wasn’t a fight you could win. You had nothing to fight with, except your fists, and you dared not get close to him as she flourished his disgusting weapon.
The goblin roared as he jumped towards you. You collided and felt a scorching pain in your stomach. He had gotten you, deep in your belly. You screamed. You both fell to the ground near the edge of the cliff. The goblin tried to pull the blade back out while he sat on top of you, but it was stuck. Izick cursed at you, although no insult really reached your ears. Your entire body centered around the searing wound in your abdomen.
The children were petrified. You saw the tears roll down their faces as they watched the pathetic scuffle. If you failed, they would suffer endlessly. You couldn’t allow him to kill you, before you saved them.
He lifted his fists to pummel you. His face was etched with determination, he would beat you to death if he had to.
Your arm moved instinctively. You grabbed his collar, before his fists met your face, and leaned your entire body weight to the side, where the roaring river called to you. It was the only way.
You felt the wind whistle past your ears as you fell with the goblin in your grasp to the depths. You both crashed into the icy water and you felt him drift away, as the muffling water slowed everything. Your body was being pulled to the side, the current dragging you uncaringly down the river. It pulled you violently from one side to the other, not tiring of its new toy, pushing you up and down like a ball. Weightless, you floated and let it take control, unable to do anything else.
Your thoughts silenced. The cold of your surroundings embraced you and you had no strength to resist. The pulsating pain from the blade kept you awake, barely.
After a while, you felt yourself bob up, your head bracing the surface. The sudden blaring of the river crashed into your ears as you gasped for air. Your eyes blurred. The water seemed to settle into a lazy tempo. You didn’t know how, but you kept your head above water. You saw red puddles waft after you.
The current carried you to a small bank, discarding you there as it continued on. You lay on the muddy earth, motionless, staring at the piercing blue sky that seemed to beckon you towards it. The blade still stuck out of you, you saw it move up and down as you breathed shakily. You couldn’t keep your eyes open much longer.
Your heavy lids fell, darkening everything. The pain slowly left, too.
You were dying. And you were accepting it.
Before the complete darkness, you felt tiny hands pressing on your aching belly. That spot felt warm and kind, as the last of your wits evaded you.
Quiet. Emptiness. Nothing.
Halsin’s lips clasped yours, as he breathed into your mouth, holding your nose. The moss on your puncture was absorbing the excess blood. The vile blade lay discarded to the side, already carefully pulled from you.
You convulsed and coughed out, life filling your face first and then gradually seeping into your weak limbs.
You blinked hard and opened your weary eyes.
Halsin met your gaze and placed a hand on your cheek, as his other etched glyphs into the air.
“You’re going to be alright…”, he said softly, as a green mist appeared suddenly from his hand, which he lowered down to your injury.
“Breathe…”, he commanded gently. You obeyed and took a shaky breath. Your body felt heavy. Even breathing was difficult.
You felt his hand pressing on your abdomen. Whatever he was doing, the agony was quieting because of it slowly. You watched him as he attended to your mortal wound.
He was beautiful. A few braided pieces of his long, honey hair fell effortlessly next to his face. The jade eyes were focused, but there was an air of kindness about them. You squinted at the embroidery on his attire. This was one of the druids.  He looked young, but the elf ears suggested he might be older than he appeared.
You attempted to speak, but could only let out feeble coughs.
“Don’t speak. This will take a bit to close up”, he looked down at you and smiled kindly. You blinked as a response, taking another deep breath as you felt the pain flee your body.
There was a brief silence, the only sound was the hypnotic whirring of his enchantments.
“You did something truly courageous back there. The children told me. They recognized you, the singer in the woods…they often spoke about you at bedtime”, he chuckled briefly, “Didn’t expect I’d meet you under these circumstances.”
You watched him, as he seemed to reminisce fondly. So, it was the children who left you gifts at your spot?
His other hand swished and another cloud of green wafted out of it. He placed that hand next to the other on your stomach.
“I am in your debt. You saved the little ones, when they were not your burden. Truly, you’re a real hero.”  
You didn’t know how to respond. You were also more than confused as to how he found you so quickly. You felt like you had been drifting in that river forever. And the druids lived deep within the forest.
Who in the Hells was this elf anyway?
“You are exceedingly lucky. Thaniel found you and tended to you before I made it here.”
You raised an eyebrow, coughing again.
“Oh, haha. Thaniel is the forest spirit here. He seems quite fond of you.”
A forest spirit? Your exhausted brain couldn’t process that thought. You couldn’t really contest the idea either.
The druid lifted his hands briefly, checking how far along the healing process was. Deciding it needed more time, he repositioned his palms. You observed him for a while in silence as he concentrated on the regeneration of your tissue. He was huge. You felt like a child next to him.
“Wh-who are you…” you croaked out faintly.
He turned to you, his eyes softening with a calm smile.
“I’m Halsin,” he put one hand on your shoulder to keep you down, as you tried to sit up at the response. It didn’t take much strength to keep you there. He smiled more widely, then turned his attention back to his task.
Halsin. You had heard that name before. Whispered by folk in the area, he was famous for his incredible healing abilities and knack for getting captured. You only knew one druid by name and that was him. A druidic protégé, yes. A fierce warrior, yes. But a bit different. People in town talked about the impulsiveness of the young druid, which caused the other, older druids to scratch their heads in frustration at his unpredictability. And that‘s who was healing you right now?!
Gods, you never imagined he’d be this dreamy.
You were probably dreaming. No, you were dead. Definitely.
No being was this beautiful.
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lightlycareless · 1 day
The perfect girl by mareux = Naoya and y/n
( if you listen to the lyrics you’ll understand !!🤭)
First of all, I'm so sorry it took me a while to get back to you! Between answering other asks and writing snippets here and there... well, I got busy. But I will always do my best to respond to all!!!! And now, here I am. Moving on...
Omg this song I heard it everywhere but I never really gave it much attention—AND NOW, IT FITS NAOYA AND Y/N VERY WELL.
Now following the lyrics and song itself, I get a sense of being so irrevocably in love/obsessed with said girl that’s being sung about—just about the words I’d use to describe what Naoya feels for you haha.
warnings: fluff. a bit of highschool au. in my mind, that's how they officially met.
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I always believed that the reason why Naoya fell so hard for you is because you were completely different from his world. And somehow the sentence strange girl takes me back to when you and Naoya first met.
Naoya obviously knew that once the year ended, they’d be a bunch of new students gracing the school grounds. Nothing that he would’ve normally cared for outside of observing if there were any girls that might catch his interest, but this time around he was forced to be attentive all thanks to your annoying siblings who had made such a big deal about your enrollment.
“Another idiot to join their shenanigans. Great!” He’d say, just about the usual harsh words he’d use towards them, because he hated them.
Kind of. Mostly. Depending on the context. He did not get along with them, at all; yet again, nobody did.
But then, when the fated day finally comes and he gets a glimpse of you… all preconceived notions were promptly thrown out the window, becoming immediately smitten by you.
He just… couldn’t peel his eyes away from the strange girl that honored the hallways with her hypnotizing presence. There was something so intoxicating about your appearance, a sense of purity that showed you had remained largely ignorant of the cruelties of life. Or at least those that are usually bestowed to members of the jujutsu community.
And that just made you stranger before his eyes; odd that someone like you, part of a somewhat important family, was still capable of being cheerful, with both yourself and others.
But as unusual as it was… Naoya was still enveloped with a grave urge to protect you. Shelter that same innocence he had been unwittingly stripped away from, while hoping he’d keep getting that same gentle demeanor you’ve always bestowed upon him when possible:
The way you were always so eager to tell him about your endeavors, whatever mission or school assignment you were tasked with—either to complain, or seek advice, he didn’t care for what as long as you went to him—always considering him above others it seemed, when the rest wouldn’t even bother to look at his direction if not to seek advantage of his title, or simply avoid him…
The way you’d softly call his name, imprinting the moment it happened the first time in the back of his mind: the tone of your voice, the look in your face… like you were happy to see him! When was the last time he could say that about anyone? Not even his own father…
The way you’d compliment his work; a sincere appreciation that didn’t come from recited words out of fear of reprehension or interest in obtaining favors. You saw what he was capable of and took interest in it with hopes of improving yourself, or to simply encourage him.
And of course, the way you took your time to get to know him. Not the heir, not the talented sorcerer, but the man himself; Naoya. Having little no to interest in his family outside of comparing lifestyles, see if he too grew tired of pestering elders and overbearing parents, or if he even got along with his siblings.
Naoya felt human for the first time in his life with you, your words filling a void he could never satisfy with the empty gestures of his surroundings… So how did you not expect him to fall in love?
“You’re a strange girl, Y/N.” He’d disclose to you one day, the moment he finally came to terms with his feelings for you, much to your horror.
“Oh, is that—is that a good thing?” you fret, for such adjective was rarely used in positive prospect.
But to Naoya, that word only meant you were beyond good.
You were perfect.
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I'm sure Y/N did most of the approaching and Naoya just stood there like the tsundere I always envisioned him to be; it's not until he grows comfortable that he becomes the suave, teasing guy we all know and love (I mean, in my mind hahahaha) but yeah... it's safe to say that to him you were a strange little thing that he ended up falling in love with 🥺
Hnnnnnggggg this was so sweet to write, though the song kind of went more into a dark aspect ngl, or so that's how I felt it 🤣
Anyways, thank you so much for your patience!!! I really love it when I get sent songs that reminds y'all of Naoya and YN, ajgkhasjkghajksgas it adds depth to their relationship you know?
Now, take care and hope to see you soon!!
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seochangbingifs · 6 months
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FAVORITE CHANGBIN DANCE MOMENTS 12/∞: Would you like to see Changbin dancing to Sherlock sung by Stay? via zoodae15_ on twitter
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for latina!kook!reader can you write her being new to the island and rafe always hears people talk about the new girl and he dosent think anything of it until he actually sees her and she’s this latina goddess and rafe swears he’s never seen a more beautiful woman and he instantly knows he has to have her?please and thank you i love your fics!!💘💘
also maybe this is kind of inspired by the song “sensacion del bloque” so maybe you can base it off that song🙈
only if you want of course!! no pressure<3
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warnings: stalker!rafe (lol), spanish wording but it’s translated!
a/n: i was obsessed with this song when i was little omg!! i’m so happy you love my fics anon <333
“what’s all the fuss about this new girl on the island?” rafe took a swig from his beer, drawing both topper and kelce’s attention almost immediately. “for starters, she’s like insanely pretty,” kelce started, “i don’t know her name, but she’s already running around figure eight with the socialites.” he raised his eyebrows as topper butted in. “i heard she speaks spanish,” he added, “where do you think she’s from?” topper and kelce started throwing out names of different countries while rafe started forming his own thoughts.
people moved to and from the island all the time, so while rafe didn’t think much of the whole ‘new girl’ thing, he couldn’t help but wonder what it was about you that had literally everyone talking. all he knew was that you were attractive and could speak another language. he heard some guys at the country club raving about you the day before, and now his friends. was it the way you dressed? your hair? the way you walked? he needed to find out now.
“do you know where i could find her?” rafe interrupted kelce and topper mid argument. “uhm.. i don’t know? remember that house for sale right there by the shore? i think that’s the one she moved into.” topper looked confused as rafe stood up. “where are you going?” he followed him outside. “i have to see what the hype is about, man.” rafe was already in his truck before topper yelled out a ‘can i go too?!’
rafe felt like a stalker going over to your house. he wasn’t going to get off or anything.. he just parked across the street and staked the place out as if he was playing detective. apart of him felt ridiculous for doing this in the first place. here he was, waiting to just catch a glimpse of you. “what the fuck am i doing?” he cursed to himself. just as he was about to turn the engine back on, you emerged from the front door.
“te estaré esperando en el frente— i’ll be waiting for you in the front.” you chirped into your phone. rafe heard you before he saw you, the sight stealing all the breath from his lungs. you were dressed up in a tight, embellished, mini dress, your hair and makeup done to the gods while your butterfly heels sparkled under the setting sun. your beauty was otherworldly, and rafe couldn’t take his eyes off.
rafe was always the one to denounce something as ‘overhyped’ but he felt like the entire island talking about and praising you just wasn’t enough. you needed your own billboard. oblivious to the fact that you had looked up at him from your spot in the driveway, he closed his mouth as you smiled at him, your perfectly manicured fingers sending him a flirty wave. that was the cherry on top. rafe had gotten down and was about to approach you before a car full of girls drove up.
you walked down the pavement, the purse on your shoulder swaying with your hips as you looked up at him. “tal vez la próxima vez— maybe next time.” you laughed, getting in the car before he watched you disappear at the end of street.
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leighsartworks216 · 11 months
Darlin' I'd Wait For You
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Requested by propertyofjmiller on AO3:
“hiya ^^ super duper simple request; softly singing astarion to sleep as he's laying on tav's tummy and she's playing with his hair :) it could be set after his ‘good ending’ where you talk him out of ascending, so the relationship is established (if that's easier from a writing perspective) but i'm always for an emotionally constipated astarion who's still learning how to accept non-sexual intimacy 🤗 absolutely obsessing over your writing atm
JUST HAD A BRAIN WAVE. https://spotify.link/oCo4B63H0Db this song completely encapsulates the vibe”
It is currently 1 am I really wanted to write something and I'm so sleepy it only felt fitting to do this request. I have not proofread it at all but if I try to I will pass out so ✌️
Title based on "j's lullaby (darlin' i'd wait for you)" by Delaney Bailey
Warnings: none
Word Count: 943
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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He’s utterly restless. Maybe that shouldn’t be surprising - he was an elf who didn’t need to sleep like you did. A few hours’ meditation and he’d be perfectly fine. But it’s not like he’d never slept before. Even on your adventure, he found some solace in sleeping instead of meditating. So why couldn’t he sleep now?
Astarion sighs quietly, trying not to be loud despite the frustration that burns him up inside. He tries rolling over again, like it’ll help. He bites back another frustrated sigh.
You roll over to face him. Your lids are heavy and you look the embodiment of tiredness, but you smile softly at him. “Can’t sleep?” you whisper.
He does sigh this time, long and annoyed. “No,” he grumbles. You chuckle, but he knows it’s harmless. Still, he can’t help being a little hot-and-bothered by it. A bit ruder than is appropriate for so late at night, he bites out, “Sorry if I woke you.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep either.”
With a stifled yawn, you sit up. He watches, intrigued, as you prop up pillows behind you and lay back into them. Then you delicately touch his shoulder. Always so gentle. You never wanted to overwhelm him or overstep. It was still a new concept for him. You’d brush a finger against his while walking side by side to see if he wished to hold hands; you’d hover a hand near his lower back when you had to slip by, never quite touching; you’d reach a hand up toward his hair and wait for him to lean in or verbally tell you he wanted it, and if he didn’t respond at all or even slightly shook his head, your hand would drop back down and you’d smile so brightly at him. It made his head spin.
With your other hand, you pat your belly. “C’mon, I’ll sing to you.” Even this is an invitation he could refuse. But how can he, when he is so restless and your plush, warm skin is calling to him?
He crawls to lay on top of you - though, it’s more like he pulls himself across the space until he can drop his head into your stomach. You lightly trace your hand from his shoulder to his upper-back, giving him a warm sense of security. Your other hand brushes a curl from his face. He looks up at you, not fully resting his chin on you, for fear of pressing too hard.
You drag your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching your nails against his scalp. He leans into it, eyes closing at the sensation. When you reach the hairs on the back of his neck, you scratch and twirl your fingers to capture the stray little curls.
You hum as you finally pick what song you want to sing. You weren’t a bard, nor had you taken any voice lessons, but Astarion can’t help thinking you have the most perfect singing voice he’s ever heard. You can’t reach all the notes you want to, your voice warbles and falls a little flat, and sometimes you don’t remember the words. But he loves it all the same.
Darlin’, I’d wait for you
Even if you didn’t ask me to
Tie a lasso around the moon
And bring it on down to you
He turns to rest his ear against you. His arms slide underneath you, between your back and the pillows, and hold you like a child’s favorite toy.
I’d bottle the feeling you give me
And shelve that stuff for years to come
‘Cause, baby, when your arms are around me
I’d swear that I’m holding the sun
He smiles at the lyrics you sing so softly. You can’t help but smile, too.
You play with his hair unhurriedly, lazily. It’s always so soft. Your other hand rubs circle designs in between his shoulder blades. You easily avoid the scars beneath his sleep-shirt, so intimately familiar with his back in a way he would have hated before. He thinks he can make out sloppy elvish writing, but it’s hard to say. His mind is too sluggish to recall if you even know the language.
I’d give you the sun if you asked me
You could have all of time
You could have the stars and the trees
When dividin’ up the universe
You could have mine
You could have mine
His entire body relaxes into yours, until where you begin and he ends becomes a blur. Neither of you are eager to figure it out. Instead, you continue to sing your quiet lullaby. Your voice begins to trail off somewhere along the way, hands slowing and losing their rhythm. He can hear your breaths even out until you can no longer sing, fully claimed by your exhaustion.
He continues to lay there for a bit longer. He counts the seconds it takes for you to breathe in and out. He counts the beats of your heart as it slows to a steady pattern. Every so often, your fingers twitch in his hair or against his back, as though part of you is fighting to wake up again and continue taking care of him. But he’s already perfectly content right where he is. He is warm and safe, and you are warm and safe.
The dark tendrils of sleep crawl in from the outer edges of his mind until they overwhelm him. His dreams are filled with you - your voice, your smile, the way you feel in his arms, the way you touch him so tenderly. Come morning, he can experience it all for himself, but for now, he cherishes every second.
Tag List:
@hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @kindadolly @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @black-star1472 @sessils @olitheghostboy-blog @puppyg1rl666 @maruichio @cyber-dump-171 @katharynmarie @twinkliker3000 @cherifrog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @phantoms-fandom-blog @thespectacularspaceace @lynnlovesthestars @sylverqueen_cosplay @yarn_yogi @tototini @teardropcup
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dorotheataylor · 7 months
Back to December
Pairing- Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
Summary- You broke up with him because you thought he deserved someone better than you. But here you stand, outside his door, apologising for that night, after realising you loved him too much to let him go. Based on Back to December (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift.
Warnings- angstttt but fluff at the end, hurt/comfort, no curses!au, swearing (maybe), slight ooc suguru (hes called clumsy hehe), probably my english lol.
Word count- 2.3k (excluding lyrics)
A/N- atp yall just know how much big of a swiftie I am lol. So here’s a new fic based on another taylor song haha. And from now on I will write for JJK fandom too coz i’m obsessed lmao. Let me know if you find any mistakes coz this isn’t proofread and hope y’all enjoy.
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
You knocked three times on the door of the house you knew all too well as you picked your nails.
Will he want to see you? Will he shout at you? Will he tell you to get lost? Whatever he does, you knew you deserved it.
You stood outside his door impatiently, nerves getting the best of you while you waited for him to open the door. You could hear things falling down from behind it.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. He was always the clumsy one. One of his things which you missed too much. Your eyes fell on thought of this. Oh how much you wished for a change in your mind back then.
You heard the lock of the door being undone and you started to freak out from inside. Was it a good idea to come here? Maybe. You were about to find out.
“Sorry for the delay. I was caught up-” You heard his voice quiet down when he saw you. God how much you missed his voice. You could listen to his voice every second of the day if possible.
You’ve been good, busier than ever
"Y/N," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper as he took in your presence on his doorstep, as if he was making sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
The way he said your name, ached your heart. Because it wasn’t filled with love or warmth as before, instead it was more like recognising a stranger.
You took a deep breath before speaking, “long time no see, Suguru.” You smiled slightly.
He couldn’t believe it. He never thought he’d ever see you again after that unfaithful night. The wishes he made to see you every night before he went to bed actually came true. He could actually hear your voice after whole six months. He felt like he was about to cry.
Your guard is up and I know why
All he wanted to do at this moment was to take you in his arms and never let you go again. But he knew he couldn’t. What if you were here to make things even more awful than they already were? He couldn’t handle another heartbreak. So he stood his ground and decided to talk to you in a civil way.
“Come inside. It’ll start s-snowing soon.” He said, mentally cursing himself for stammering as he stepped aside to let you in.
“Thank you.” You muttered before entering his house. The familiar feeling came back to you. The aura and memories of his house, where you had spent countless nights together crashed into your mind like ocean waves. It was overwhelming and you did your best not to burst into tears.
“I’ll bring you something to drink. You can make yourself comfortable till then.” You heard him speak as he quickly walked into the kitchen.
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You knew he was doing his best to avoid a more than casual conversation with you. Because the last time you had talked, things turned bitter.
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
You still remembered that day like the back of your hand. He had showed up at your house with roses to surprise you and take you out on a surprise date. And you, being a stupid person, ruined it all.
“Here. I didn’t have anything else except for hot chocolate plus I know how much you love it.” He said handing you the cup filled with hot chocolate, his voice becoming a soft mutter at the last part.
‘He still remembers my likes and dislikes.’ You thought as you smiled softly at him and took the cup, your hands brushing a little. Your cheeks immediately turn red as you tried to hide them, while Suguru thanked the gods that his red cheeks won’t be obvious because it’s winter.
I’d go back to December, turn around and make it all right
But you knew him. You were slightly relieved you still had some effects on him like before. How much you regretted leaving him like that. If only you could go back time and make things right.
You took a sip of your hot chocolate before speaking, “thanks for the hot chocolate, Suguru.”
Geto thought he’d just die right now. The way you said his name, it made him want to forget everything that happened and just hold you into his arms, never letting you go again. But he knew he couldn’t do that.
After some long moments of silence, you decided to break it and said, “how have you been, Suguru?”
“I’ve been- good.” He said with a pause in between. He was lying, but he didn’t want you to know his mental state ever since you had left. “What about you?”
You couldn’t repeat his answer for this question, because you knew it was far from the truth. You couldn’t quite recall the last time you slept peacefully. Maybe it was when you were in Suguru’s arms, safe and loved.
Staying up playing back myself leaving
Your mind replayed memories of that unfaithful night, as if trying to torture you for what you had done. It had started to hurt physically. How much you just wanted apologise and hold him into your arms. But you knew you had lost that right. Why? Because of your stupid insecurities.
You had been in a few relationships in the past apart from Geto. And you were always called out for every little thing you did. Whether it was from the way you ate, or the way you talked, they’d make sure to remind you that you weren’t enough and weird, until they all left you alone. This lead you to believe the same, that you were the problem.
That was until you met Suguru. He was everything you could ask in a man. He was charming, a true gentleman, kind and caring boyfriend who never failed to remind you how much you mean to him.
And I think about Summer, all the beautiful times
You often daydreamed about all your memories from your relationship, from sneaking out at night to late night car drives, from celebrating each other’s birthdays to forgetting plans you’d made with your other friends. Your relationship with him was something you read in books about.
You still remembered the day when you realised that he was the guy you were going to marry someday. You had overheard him talking to Gojo about you. You hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but when he mentioned your name, your ears had perked up. And the way be kept on talking about how amazing you were and how much he loved you, you knew he was the one for you.
Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept right into my mind
But of course you had to ruin it all. The ‘what if’ thoughts came back to you. The thought of losing him because you weren’t good enough for him, scared you. You had told him about your past relationships, and he always reminded you that you are more than enough for him and he loves you with all of his heart.
Fuck your stupid negativity. You tried to believe him, you really did. But your mind wouldn’t let you. So it lead you to the one thing which you knew you were going to regret for the rest of your life. You let him go. And you hated yourself for it.
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye
You still remembered the way his face had immediately fallen the moment you spoke those words. He had tried to reason with you, but you wouldn’t listen. And you had slammed the door shut on his face.
Geto didn’t stop bombarding your phone with countless texts and missed calls for days. But you didn’t reply to any of them. Until one day he stopped. Maybe he realised that he was just wasting time being after you. Maybe he realised that you were the problem after all.
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
Wishing I’d realised what I had when you were mine
You thought you had did the right thing but turns out, you didn’t. You had only made things worse for both of you. Because you know what they say, you only realise the value of something when its gone. And it turns out that you had loved him too much. You couldn’t let him go. Because you had realised that he was too precious for you to let go and you couldn’t survive without him.
So here you were, six months later, on his couch, drinking hot chocolate. You slowly came out of your thoughts and said the only thing which came into your mind, “I’m sorry.”
To say Geto was surprised was an understanding. He expected anything but an apology from you tonight. Blame him for being conscious and hurt. He didn’t say anything, giving the cue to continue.
“I’m so sorry, Suguru.” You started, trying your best not to sob, “I know this is probably the last thing you expect from me and won’t believe me but I mean it. I’m really sorry. I’m such a fucked up person, who always makes things worse, ruins perfectly going on lives of people, who always lives in self-doubts.”
“Y/N, I-”, Geto started to say something but you cut him off before he could say it.
“Please let me finish.” Geto nodded in response.
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry
“I miss everything about you, about us. I miss how every morning you didn’t fail to wish me ‘good morning’, I miss how you never forgot to check up on me, I miss how you always found a way to make me feel special. I miss how you always held me close to you whenever I didn’t feel like myself. And most of all, I miss the way you used to love me.” You said, tears now falling uncontrollably from your eyes but you don’t care, determined to make things right.
I’d go back in time and change it but I can’t
So you continued, “thing is that I love you, Suguru Geto. And I love you too much to let you go. I made a stupid move by letting you go when all I wanted to do was hold you into my arms. And I hate myself for it. These past six months, I’ve been terrible. There’s not been a single day where I have not wished for myself to be somehow able to go back in time and make things right, stop myself from leaving. But I know I can’t.” You took a deep breath.
So if the chain is on your door I understand
“I know my actions are not something to be easily forgiven, but I promise to do anything to win your trust and love back. I’m willing to change. I’m willing to make things up with you. I swear that if you take me back again, I will love you right and never let you go. Because I have realised my life is nothing if you’re not in it. Please take me back, Suguru. I promise to prove myself worthy of your love.” You couldn’t speak anything after this, sobs continuously escaping your mouth.
Geto stood there, tears in his eyes as well, contemplating what to say. Your apology had caught him off guard, but he knew you had meant every word. He knew that his life was incomplete without you too.
But this is me swallowing my pride
You didn’t hear him speak for a good few minutes, so you take his silence as rejection. Of course he would reject you. You had hurt him, why would he want to get back with someone like you. You let out a shaky breath as a sigh, disappointment for you escaping through it as you stood up.
Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night
You attempted to smile through your tears. If this was going to be the last time you see him, might as well say goodbye with a smile.
“I got your answer, Suguru. Thank you for giving me best moments of my life. Maybe I didn’t get to have you back, but at least I can live on with your memories. Maybe I-” You didn’t get to finish your sentence as you felt a pair of all too familiar lips on yours, shutting you up.
It turns our freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
You widened your eyes from surprise but immediately shut them as you kissed back, your hands reaching to hug his neck, bringing him closer to you. Suguru wrapped his one arm around your waist and other made its way in your nape, holding you just like he always used to.
Both of you could taste salty tears as you kissed, but weren’t sure who’s they were. All that mattered in that moment was the two of you. You poured all of your love, apprehensions, bottled up feelings for him, regrets into this kiss. He kissed you with same passion. As if your lips were the only thing he needed to survive.
Few moments later, Geto pulled away, foreheads still attached to yours, as he looked into your eyes. “Y/N, in these six months, you made me realise that the only thing which can complete me whole is you. Not getting to tell you these was tearing me apart. I thought I had lost you for good, but then you showed up at my door and all those feelings I had for you doubled. I love all of you, Y/N and I always will. And I’m willing to give us another chance, just promise me that you will talk to me next time you have those negative thoughts.”
Your heart melted hearing his words as you nodded, “I promise.”
Suguru ran his hand through your hair as he spoke again, “and I-I’ll need some time to completely forgive you. I hope you understand that. I’m just scared that you’ll leave me again.”
You quickly shook your head, “I mean it this time, Suguru. I’d never even dream of leaving you. I just got you back. And it’s okay. Take your time. I’m willing to wait for you, even if it is for an eternity.”
Suguru smiled at your words and pulled you into his chest as he swayed you slowly, holding you tightly close to him, and you finally felt complete again. You kissed his neck as you returned his gesture, silently promising him and yourself to never give up on him and let him go ever again.
I’d go back to December all the time
Ahhh I loved writing angst sm but it always breaks my heart if it doesn’t end with fluff. Anyways hope y’all liked this and if you want, you can send in request for JJK characters too!
(I might’ve gotten a little carried away at the end but i think it was worth it lmao)
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Hello! How are you? I am very good for now. because after trying for over a year I switched to void state last night very easily! it was an incredibly amazing experience for me. I stumbled upon your account on tumblr a few days ago, I saw a lot of people have succeeded with the method you suggested! I felt so happy for them!
Now I will tell my own success story.
I used to be so obsessed with it that I was just procrastinating and "trying" to get into the void when I had so much work to do whenever I had free time.
Throughout this process, I always thought that I would not succeed and always went back to the beginning. I was very bad with everyone around me, I was constantly fighting and exposed to violence. In short, I was experiencing hell on this earth.
Months passed and I decided to focus on my life a little bit. I tried to think positively and convince myself how easy it was for me to manifest. But there was one very important thing that I forgot, all the evil forces in this hell were coming only on me, only me.
I spent the whole of last year and the first months of this year like a living dead...
But in these last few days, I have made a decision that will radically change my life. Before, I tried every method to enter void constantly, but something was not going well every time. So I decided that it would be easier and more useful to just assume that I woke up there, rather than making dozens of efforts to enter void 2 days ago.
I didn't listen to the subliminal, I just did a 20-minute meditation, my wish to revisit life in more detail. At the end of the meditation, I said only one affirmation: I will wake up in void tonight.
I wasn't tired and very sleepy that night (these are usually what people think is necessary for a void).I just lay on my bed in my usual position and affirmed that I would wake up in void at night. After that I already went straight to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night, I didn't move. The sounds were so muffled, it's like you're listening to a song through a broken earpiece, that's how I heard it. I stayed like that for a few minutes, then the sounds suddenly stopped and I felt myself being pulled into the darkness. My heart was beating so fast, so I focused on calming myself. I couldn't feel my body anymore, as if someone was separating my soul from my body and floating it in a vacuum of space. That's when I realized that I really succeeded! And I calmed down for a while and then said my affirmations. I didn't make a special list, so I said it all one by one.
My manifests:
The face and body I dreamed of down to the smallest detail
My desired name, surname(i have two names in different languages)
My dream room and house with all the items on my Pinterest board(There were almost 50K pins on the board I mentioned...)
I overhauled my father as someone else entirely. With his nationality, zodiac sign, appearance, name.(I also added that he is a person who gets along perfectly with his 4 children and his wife!)
I made my mother younger in appearance, not in age, I also wished her a happy and peaceful life in every way.
As for our financial situation, my father is an extraordinarily wealthy businessman, we own the largest house and the most luxurious car in my city. We also have 4 modern apartments and 1 huge villa in another city! It does not end with these, we also have houses in America, France, England!
I also manifested new phone and other electronic gadgets.
We are 4 siblings in the family and we all get along very well, no hurtful words and no violence!
I have a private room for my unfinished clothes in my room and a very nice bathroom adjacent to my room!
I also manifested success in the lessons: no matter how long the paragraph is, it stays in my mind only once I read it and I never forget it! I do not have a single error in all the tests I have solved.
We have a total of 4 pets including 2 cats and a puppy and a husky dog. Our garden is huge, with a big swing, a covered area to sit in in the winter, and lots of lavender flowers, white roses!
By the way, I manifested that I have lived this life from the beginning, so our house is full of memories we have accumulated with my siblings and parents since childhood, our childhood photos everywhere, emotional diaries my mother wrote when she was pregnant.
I also manifested new friends to myself: one of them is famous (keep this part private lol), I wished to meet him since childhood. Apart from her, I also have a male friend who is our family friend and my best friend who lives with us.
That's all I wanted, I left everything else to my subconscious and my last sentence before leaving the void was "I will open my eyes to the life I dreamed of".
Finally, when I came out of the void, I heard my brother's voice, scolding me for turning off the air conditioner in my room and leaving it on until morning, and saying that he would be very upset if I got sick. (it did indeed come true more perfectly than I had imagined! )
The reason why I wrote my success story and the life I manifested at length is this: most people limit their desires and try to make do with less. Believe me, I was thinking the same way a month ago, thinking that living the life I wanted was unfair to the people in my life. But lately, thanks to what those people did to me, I realized that all this time I had been unfair to myself, not to them. After realizing this, I reminded myself that I only deserved the life of my dreams.
And now that I'm who I should be, I'm pretty happy with it. I can't thank you enough  my dear. The success stories you shared motivated me a lot and helped me take action.
I am so proud of you my love. I absolutely adore revision stories as well as the usage of intention which is my personal favorite method. No method is stronger than your will to have your desires. Thank you so much for sharing your story and I hope you continue to always live your best life <3
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sokkadora · 10 months
reunion in song — modern!mizu x covey!reader
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summary: reunion with your best friend (and crush) after coming home from college
a/n: im still new to this show so if this seems ooc for mizu im sorry 😭 reader is supposed to be loosely based off of lucy gray baird from the hunger games because i have been obsessed with her since i saw the ballad of songbirds and snakes
wc: 2k
warning(s): musical whimsy, mizu being smitten with reader, alcohol, bars, reader had a sleazy ex boyfriend, fighting, typical (but toned down) violence, use of y/n
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
︿︿︿︿︿︿ ✎ᝰ . . . .
It had been a long time since you’d been home, and for your first return to be at the tavern you’d performed at with your family when you were young had only made it better.
Your hands shakily gripped the fretboard of your guitar as the song your covey played was quickly coming to an end, trying to get a grip on the fact you were performing again after being off at school for so long.
You breathed in deeply, the smell of alcohol and a lively sweat filled your sinuses from the rowdy crowd dancing to the music, and breathed out.
Nothing you couldn’t handle before.
At least your friends would be there. Akemi, Taigen, Ringo, it was lovely to see and catch up with them again after coming home. But one person was missing.
God, you missed her the most.
You had frequently talked over the phone while you were gone, but since you had come back, you hadn’t seen her anywhere. But you had sent her an invite to see your covey here tonight. You always did, even when you weren’t performing with them. She always came and watched from the corner, at least when you were there.
She was your closest friend, and you loved her. Even if it was in a way you weren’t supposed to, but you hoped the feeling was mutual.
You heard your cousin, Maude Ivory, shout your name into the mic and it snapped you out of your thoughts.
You quickly hopped on stage with your instrument, the crowd immediately cheering at the sound of your name. You grinned so wide, you thought that you probably looked like a clown, but you didn’t care. It was good to be back in your element.
Maude Ivory stepped back from the mic, cheering for you with everyone else as you did a small twirl, and practically leaped towards the mic.
“Oh, hey there everyone!” You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, glancing around the crowd before you. “Did you miss me?”
You chuckled at their single response, “I bet you never expected to lay eyes on me again since I left for school, but I am back.” You grinned, nodding as you noticed your friends near the front, giving them a wave, not noticing the one you most yearned to see in the far back.
You crouched down and quickly took a swig from your water before turning your attention back towards your audience.
“Now, how about a song?” You queried, and the crowd responded by cheering once more. You grinned again and slowly began to strum the notes to a song you used to play often.
“Can’t take my past,
Can’t take my history,
You could take my Pa,
But his names a mystery,”
Mizu watched in awe of your voice in the back, reminded of how much overwhelming joy you filled her with just by laying eyes on you. Let alone hearing your voice; when you sang, she believed it was the most beautiful sound.
“Nothing you can take from me
Was ever worth keeping
No, nothing you can take
Was ever worth keeping,”
The covey soon kicked into gear after you ended the last note, the folky melody flooding the bar and echoing off the walls along with the stomping of boots from the crowd dancing.
Mizu fought back a smile, subtly nodding her head to the song as you performed it. Loving how you easily got back into the groove of performing, her eyes wandering over your form as you bopped along to the song.
“Can’t take my charm,
Can’t take my humor,
Can’t take my wealth,
Cause it’s just a rumor,”
Your eyes fell on your friends, you were happily clapping along to the song — Ringo a bit more than the other two, but it succeeded in drawing a bigger smile out of you before you zoned back in.
“Nothing you can take,
Was ever worth keeping,
No, nothing you can take
Was ever worth keeping,”
Mizu’s eyes followed your gaze to your friends before turning back to you, just when you looked in her directed and spotted her.
“Thinking you’re so fine..—“
Your smile dropped in surprise, eyes widening at the sight of the woman. The corner of Mizu’s lips couldn’t help but tug up, finally being able to meet your eyes for the first time in years that wasn’t through a camera.
You were even more beautiful than she remembered, and she already thought of you being more gorgeous than any flower or girl she’d ever come across.
“Thinking you’re in control,
Thinking you’ll change me,”
Your grin came back quickly, keeping your gaze on Mizu for a moment longer to memorize her rare smile before turning back to your audience.
“Maybe rearrange me,
Think again if that’s your goal,”
You began to hum into the mic before someone started stomping through the crowd, shouting your name. A woman chased after him and called his name as Mizu’s sharp gaze landed on him, narrowing her eyes at him immediately.
Why was he here?
You rolled your eyes, but continued strummming for the sake of your performance. It was your first performance back home, you weren’t about to let your ex boyfriend hinder your happiness.
His current girlfriend fought to get him away from the stage, her hand harshly gripping his arm but he yanked it away. He drunkenly stumbling towards the stage and attempted to hop on right in front of you with his accordion, causing you to cringe away, ceasing the playing of your guitar as the others slowly stopped right after you.
His girlfriend yanked back off stage.
“What are you trying to play with them, Yusei!?” She scolded. He placed his hand on the center of her chest and pushed her back, eliciting a gasp from the crowd that she stumbled into.
Another man pushed him for pushing his girlfriend, since everyone knew who she was.
The mayors daughter.
“Settle down- Settle down!” You announced into the mic, but no one paid you any mind.
A brawl began to break out, and Ringo quickly ushered your friends out while your ex crawled his way back onto the stage and gripped your long skirt tightly.
You attempted to back up and pull away, angling your guitar to your side as you glared down at him harshly.
“I know you miss me, (Y/N)!” He shouted, tugging at your skirt as you attempted to kick him off.
“You get your hands off me right now, I swear to god.”
Mizu began to step forward to yank the man off you, god knows how much she already hated him from past encounters, but a missed punched landed right on her jaw and she stumbled.
“Get your hands off me, Yusei!” You repeated in a shout, starting to panic as your hands gripped your guitar tightly.
The guitar strings began to leave marks on your fingers as Mizu recollected herself and marched over to the man, decking him in the face and effectively knocking him off you. You gasped as she punched him a second and third time before Ringo began dragging him off, and Maude Ivory tugged you off stage and through the back exit of the bar.
After getting outside, Mizu spit the blood out of her mouth after accidentally biting her tongue when getting punched and Ringo laughed.
“I never thought I’d have to save you,”
Mizu huffed a small laugh, before her mind returned to you, “She’s back.” She whispered, and Ringo’s eyes lit up with her.
“You think I’m gone cause I left…”
Mizu paused on her search through the woods and meadows surrounding your hometown for you after hearing from Maude Ivory, looking to where the voice was coming from.
“But I’m the trees,
I’m in the breeze,”
Her feet began to move absentmindedly towards the singing, feeling inexplicably drawn to it. There you were. A smile quickly made its way onto her lips as she cleared the clump of trees onto the top of a hill, overlooking a meadow from its edge of flowers and tall grass.
“My footsteps on the ground,
You’ll see my face in every place
but you can’t catch me now,”
Her eyes landed on the back of someone’s head, the beautiful plucking of their guitar strings filling her head with a nostalgic sound she’d only felt when she was with you.
Your head whipped around quickly at the sound of a twig snapping, your gaze quickly landing on the blue eyed woman a few feet behind you.
“Maude Ivory said I might find you out here,” Mizu spoke softly as you felt your cheeks heat up, and turned to set your guitar down against the rock you rested on.
“She was right,” You smiled softly, making your way around the rock to stand just a few feet away from Mizu. It was still too far for your liking, your body itched to run to her and feel her arms around you again, but it’d been so long…
“I’m glad you’re back,” Mizu spoke, with a warmth to her tone that was rarely ever there with the average person. But you weren’t a stranger to her. You never would be. She made her way to you, looking down at you as there was finally less than a foot of space between you. “I missed you. More than you’ll ever know.”
You smiled softly up at her, your gaze running over every curve on her face, admiring her. You wished you could’ve been home sooner, maybe if you’d never left…
You teared up, your gaze turning down and staying on her collarbone, you felt ashamed.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come home sooner,” You began, and Mizu furrowed her brows in confusion. “I wanted to. I wanted to see you more than anything — I missed you more than anything, but I couldn’t afford the trip and tuition. I’m so sorry.”
Mizu put her hands on either side of your head, her thumbs rubbing the curve of your cheekbones as you looked up at her with so much love.
“It’s alright,” She whispered her reassurance, looking down into your eyes and then your lips before leaning down. She stopped right before kissing you, her forehead gently pressing against yours as she silently asked for permission.
Your stomach flipped as your hands came up to grip her shirt, your eyes fluttering shut before she tilted your head up and pressed her mouth against yours.
It was needy, almost pleading for you to never part and be that far from her again as her chapped lips molded to yours like they were made for resting against your own.
Your hands came up to grip her wrists as you parted, eyes still shut before she pressed her lips against your again, pulling you closer to her desperately. You let out a small whimper before you heard a whistle from behind you, and pulled apart to see one of your cousins waving and bounding towards the two of you.
“Looks like the proper authorities are looking for you,” You said softly, your hand resting on top of the one hand that still rested against your head before walking up towards Maude Ivory. “I’ll handle this; they’ll be here about the fight last night.”
“When will you be free again?” Mizu asks curiously, wanting to be in your presence again as soon as she could.
You smiled, stepping back down to take her hands in your own. “There’s a lake out in the woods if you remember.” You remind her, and her mind wanders to all the trips you’d take there as kids. “If you meet me here tomorrow we can go there. Like old times.”
“Like old times,” Mizu nodded, repeating your words before gently grabbing your face in one hand, planting one more kiss on your lips. “See you then.”
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spikedsoul · 1 year
Imagine the fanfic happening in the movie universe.
Honey is the maid (Human, maybe?) that takes care of Bowser, feeding him and listening to his new Peach songs. Until, one day, the songs aren't about Peach anymore.
Gently hold small husband with salad tongs-
CAN YOU IMAGINE also um I couldn't help myself. Did i get carried away? Yes! (Although I didn't include the last bit, sorry!) Hopefully I kept him in character from the movie lmao
You were used to hearing Bowser talk and sing about Peach as you made his food, did his laundry, cleaned his room like the giant manchild he was. The only time he acknowledged that you existed was when he needed to bend someone's ear about his plans (marrying Peach) and Kamek wasn't around... but you weren't complaining. It was steady work and steady pay, and you were taken care of well enough that for now, you could handle it. In fact the only regular direct interaction you had with him was bringing his food, and he usually just snatched it from you without a word.
You'd also been privy to some of his more tender moments, a mere anonymous shoulder to lament to. Over the years, you'd learned to see past the anger, past the obsession, to know he's got a heart buried deep inside that chest - if only someone could reach it. But you kept it all to yourself - he probably still didn't know your name.
And why should he? He was a king, and you were paid to be a maid, silent and invisible. And that was fine. Things didn't need to be complicated. It was a simple business transaction.
You slipped into his music room as you'd done so many times before, listening to him play as you quietly got to work tidying up around him.
Sometimes it felt like he didn't even know you were there - but that allowed you to sort of see under that spiked shell of his, so you really didn't mind. Although, he never stopped playing either way, so who knew?
"Tell me, sweetheart," you heard him rumble over the music, "what is it that keeps you here?"
You hadn't heard those lyrics before, but the spoken word style suited them.
He chuckled - well, cackled more like - as he continued playing. "So diligently taking care of my castle, and me, and never once caring to speak up. So content to stay hidden in the background. You've never recoiled from my touch or looked at me like the villain I am, nor have you let leak any of my.... hmm, less than proud moments. So tell me, my sweet little handmaiden, do you think you're invisible to me?"
You dropped your broom in shock and spun around to see him, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. The only sound that echoed through the chamber now was the clatter of the broom handle hitting the floor.
What the fuck just happened? Did you hallucinate all of that just now? Your wide eyes swept the room in front of you, your mouth hanging open; it's been a while since you'd been on a proper vacation, so maybe you had imagined it...
With a quiet sigh, you turned around to pick up your broom - only to be met with a massive, scaly paw wrapping gently around your throat, clawed thumb forcing your head back by your chin. Your face flushed brightly as you stared doe-eyed right into King Bowser's grinning face.
"L-Lord Bowser," you stammered, absolutely ashamed of how you felt about his warm hand encompassing your neck so easily. Through all your interactions, this was the first time you'd ever touched him, and you had to admit his scales were smoother than you'd expected.
His eyes narrowed as he watched you, his nostrils fluttering as he dragged you a little closer to him. That terrible, beautiful grin didn't leave him.
"My silent little human minion," he purred; his breath wafted over your face, the smell of woodsmoke heavy in your nose. "I've been thinking a lot lately, you know.... about you. About us. About what could be..."
"Wh-what can I do for you, sir?" Your voice quivered and you could feel your throat bob against his hand when you swallowed; his not so subtle implications were making you dizzy.
He hummed, bringing his free hand up to drag his claws through your locks. "I want you to tell me about me. I want to know what a mere human like you thinks of the great Lord Bowser - and I want your true feelings, got it?" he growled quietly. "You've seen more of me than even Kamek is privy to, and I demand to know why you stick around."
You resisted the urge to let out a sigh; he was just fishing for compliments, thank God, despite his thinly veiled threat. If you actually told him the truth, you feared you'd end up dead. Not that you really had bad things to say! Bowser was just a little unpredictable sometimes.
You brought your hands up to lightly rest them over the one that held your throat, but you didn't try pulling away one way or another. That seemed to confuse Bowser, his head tilting to the side as his grin slowly faded.
"Well, sir," you murmured, slowly relaxing, "even though you desire to dominate other kingdoms and crush your enemies... you still seem like you would treat your allies well. I mean, look at me: I'm a lowly maid, but I get paid well and I feel relatively protected on the occasion things get a little... ah, rough. As fierce as you are... I don't feel like I need to fear you, exactly. Which is a good thing as your employee."
Bowser's pupils dilated slightly as he seemed to consider your words. You just hoped they were honeyed enough to appease him instead of set him off, but either way you'd find out in a few seconds.
"...That ain't all, is it?" he finally huffed. "I know you got more opinions on me than that political shit you just spouted, so tell me. Promise I won't get mad." And then he gave you the best puppy dog eyes you'd ever seen.
Oh, heavens help you. There was zero reason for this koopa to be so.... cute.
You took a deep breath, gathering your courage, and then practically blurted out one of your deepest feelings about him: "Sometimes you seem like you could use a real hug and a caring friend."
His jaw dropped as he stared at you in surprise. You stared right back at him, just as surprised that that's what came out.
The silence between the two of you stretched on until you couldn't bear it anymore and you finally turned around, chiming, "M-maybe I should get back to work-"
"Wait!" Before you could even blink, Bowser snatched you off your feet, holding you up in the air like he was afraid you'd try to run.
You blinked at him, a little surprised. "...Yessir?" you asked calmly despite the blush threatening to return. Momentarily, all he did was stare at you a little dumbly before recollecting himself a little.
"I-I, uh, just thought - I mean, if you wanted to give me a real hug, I'd - I'd allow that. And the... friend thing..."
Ah, you knew that code. He wanted a hug, but he didn't want to seem like he wanted it. Poor guy.
"...You know what, now that I think about it, I think a hug would be real nice. How about you let me know every time you're in the mood to allow me to hug you, huh?" you murmured. "And if you'd like me to-"
Bowser nodded, and without hesitation (or letting you finish) he held you to his wide chest, pressing your face right against it. Unfortunately your arms were pinned to your sides so you couldn't really hug back, but you could still feel some of the tension leak out of his body when he realized you weren't squirming or trying to get away.
"You know..." The vibration of his deep voice made your head buzz pleasantly, pressed against his chest as it was. "Between you and me, maybe Peach is just a siren trying to lure me into a false love, using her pretty face to keep me from seeing someone who'd really care about me..."
Since he couldn't see your face, you rolled your eyes. "Then does this mean you have your eyes suddenly set on someone else, sir?" you asked politely.
He set you back on your feet and crouched so that his face was level with yours, his large hands keeping a gentle hold of yours. "I don't know if "suddenly" is the right word... there's been a slow realization over a few years, but I suppose I'm finally ready to give up on Peach in favor of a more promising potential."
You smiled a little, daring to reach out; Bowser's eyes watched your hand as it fell gently on his nose. His pupils blew wide. Although you opened your mouth to say something, it was then that it dawned on you that Bowser wasn't actually crouching - he was kneeling.
"B-Bowser?" you breathed as, once again, your face grew hot with the intensity of your blush. But even as you stared at that adorably sweet face he was making, the sincerity and silent plea for some sort of consensual companionship was almost overwhelming.
"I'm gonna make you my bride one way or another... sweetheart."
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wonton4rang · 3 months
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i love u 3000 ¡!
pairing: riwoo x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, fluff, some angst maybe, kissing.
summary: short scenarios of firsts with riwoo.
note: this is a series! you can find the other ones here <3 i am OBSESSED with those riwoo's pics because omg he looks so cute and soft :(((
first time he realises he's in love; the cliché would be you guys having dance lessons together but we are better than that so imagine you are at a convenience store, getting some ramen, sausage and a cold drink to ease the stress of your day while you listened to some music. you would be so focused on the songs blasting on your earphones that you didn't even hear the soft voice calling for you until you felt a hand tapping your shoulder and looked up. pretty eyes staring into yours and a sweet smile greeting you before he spoke up, informing you that the store was supposed to close an hour ago but he didn't want to disturb you. tbh you thought he was the cutest and nicest person ever and he got curious about the way you looked so tired yet so beautiful, so you can bet you kept going there and both of you grew feelings. he knew it from the beginning because ain't nobody doing an extra hour until 1am for almost a MONTH just for fun, bffr. you even thought the store closed at 1am because he never said anything but today he noticed you looked too tired so he spoke up </3
how would he confess; after you guys had your first meeting and actually spoke to each other something more than just a simple "hi, yes, thank you, please" when he was at the register, you quickly tried to appeal more to him as you noticed he was kinda shy. which lead to you waiting for him to finish his shift and walk together to the bus stop while you talked about anything and everything, he was just so fun to be around and he felt the same way. so that day after you left the store and walked through the streets during winter, he held your hand so he could make you stop and look at him before he laughed softly and got closer to you, explaining how happy he felt by your side and that even if he wasn't the best boy in the world, he would like you to give him a chance to make you as happy as you made him.
officially dating w riwoo; do you know about those really clingy yet shy and retracted type of boyfriends that might be mistaken as really dumb and blindly in love and would be so funny to be around, making all sorts of jokes but just to you and with you because he just feels comfortable enough by your side? yeah, well, hi riwoo <33 he would always be making those dad jokes while he looked right into your eyes and waited for you to laugh at the most awful thing ever said by a human being. he would be really clingy, kisses all over your face, cuddles for hours and hours while he just softly caresses your hair and kisses your cheeks, even falling asleep for a while with you on his arms because that's just how much peace you gave him. you obviously did karaoke night every once in a while while singing your lungs out and dancing till your feet hurt.
first kiss; it would just be so cute, he would be so nervous yet decided to do it that it would make him flustered the moment he gets you alone, finally back at home (probably on karaoke night), he would sit besides you and you felt his hands shaking when he grabbed your arm and barely held your stare before looking at the ground. "is something wrong, riri?" his head denied your words but the way he kept shaking made you a little bit sceptical about his answer so you tried to make him look at you only to find his blushed face. "i feel so ashamed right now and i don't know how to ask but-" , "can i kiss you?" riwoo saw heaven's gates opening up when he heard that because he couldn't manage to say it himself. he just nodded and you were already leaning in to hold his face and lock your lips together in an innocent yet slow kiss without tongue that made both of your knees weak.
first time he wanted to do more than just a peck; even though he would be really shy during the first kiss, i do think that after the first was done he would gain confidence and kiss you a lot. so the day you guys were just watching some anime while sharing little pecks and giggles and you felt his hand hold your thigh, you knew that something was gonna happen. specially when you looked up and he just stared down at you with a soft grin, making you move until you were sitting on his lap so he could hold the back of your neck and kiss your lips like he never did before. he would have one hand on your waist and the other one on your nape, his tongue playing with yours in such a sensual way that you couldn't help but start grinding down on him. and even though things were getting hotter with each second that passed by, he managed to giggle during the kiss, pulling away to caress your hair and then your flushed cheeks before saying "i really, really like you, y/n" :((
first time meeting your family; i feel like he would try to pretend like he ain't that nervous but he literally has a notebook with notes about everything you've said to him about your parents, sheets and more sheets of recommendations, things to say, topics of things that were trending when your parent's were young, songs from your parent's favourite singers, he had everything wrote down and yet his hands were sweating and his throat got blocked when he tried to say "hi" to them. it was funny for you because you knew how nervous he was and he had no reason to be because honestly? your parents already loved him, they have heard and seen him multiple times when they video called you and riwoo didn't even notice when he kissed the top of your head and told you to come join him at bed so you could rest. so when they said those little details they have seen, he would nervously laugh and then start to get loose and make those really bad jokes that only him and your dad would laugh about. "i hope you guys get married soon, i want grandchildren" your mom would say without the two males listening "i just hope the kids don't get his sense of humour"
first time w riwoo; when you guys get to the point were this is gonna happen, riwoo is going to look so happy, so smiley and yet looking so hot that it's just crazy. you can't seem to understand the way he looks at you with such adoring eyes while his hands caressed your body. he would be the type to hold your hands while he deeply pounds into your cunt and sweetly smiles at you, kissing your cheeks, your lips, your nose, and even your forehead, brushing his nose against the crook of your neck before sucking lighlty the skin there and making you mewl, your legs trying to shut close but his hips stopping you. "i love you so much" he would whisper every time but the first one would be engraved in the crooks of your brain, always causing a swirl in your stomach and making you blush each time you remember it.
overall, riwoo is a very loving, caring and sweet boy, you could expect the same thing with him as a lover. he is very loyal, extremely, in fact, and has a sense of duty and responsibility that is almost crazy. i also find riwoo to be an observer, not much of a talker yet he always likes to light the mood with a few jokes that are not funny but you end up laughing at his laugh.
i don't think you guys would argue much but when it happens it would probably be over some moral stuff like you wanted to do something or said something that he doesn't find to be kind or actually morally correct. it could you defending an infidelity or someone lying over something so he would definitely speak up and be so offended that he could even say "so you would cheat on me or lie to me because is not such a big deal?" the argument would end in that moment and both of you would apologize for even discussing about it.
he would be close to your parents but not super close tho, he would love you blindly, make you food, take care of you when you're sick, always lighten the mood w silly jokes and definitely introduces you to his friends.
so if you need a puppy like lover but a little bit more introverted, that only has eyes for you but wouldn't fall in the boredom of being too complaint, someone who your parents will love and, eventually, so will your friends, someone with the one you can keep your health due to good alimentation and regular physical activity, and last but not least, someone who will not be the most secure person ever but will make sure to work on it and make you feel the best, then riwoo is your best choice !!
i think i went overboard with some of those but i'm going through such a riwoo root rn that i couldn't help it 😔 hope y'all enjoyed tho !! 🫶
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Apple of my Eye (Obsessed!Wally Darling x Short!Reader) Pt. 1
Some lovesick Wally for ya! Nothing too extreme, he just thinks you're marvelous :3
!!!(TW: obsessive behaviors, eye imagery)!!!
Reader is gn of course! Enjoy!
Before you moved in, Wally felt his life was mundane. Sure, he had fun and he loved his friends, but it always felt like something was missing.
But when he came outside one day and noticed a new house had popped up, something about it drew him in. Maybe it was the (favorite color) exterior, or the freshly planted flowers in the boxes under your windows...or maybe it was the sweet smell coming from an open window. He recognized it instantly...apples!
Curiously, he approached the window and peeked inside.
And there you were...
Humming a pretty song in your apron as you busied yourself at the stove. And for the very first time, Wally felt somehow warm.
"Um, hello neighbor!" he finally managed to say after watching for a little while.
You jumped a little and turned around to see a pair of black eyes and a blue swirl of hair over the edge of the windowsill. You laughed.
"Oh gosh, you startled me!"
"I-I'm awful sorry..." Wally replied, suddenly a little nervous around you.
"No, that's alright. I just wasn't expecting company. You can come in, if you want"
Excited, he ran around to the front of the house and came inside. Only then did he realize you had been standing on a stool to cook...you were just about the same height as him!
You smiled at him.
"There, now we can meet properly! I'm (y/n)"
(Y/n)...he was positive your name was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. He repeated it over and over in his mind, until it dawned on him that you must be waiting to hear his name too.
"I like that name. I am Wally...Wally Darling"
He pointed to the window.
"I live in that red house with the eyes! Their name is Home"
You looked puzzled.
"Your house is alive?"
You looked up to see the pupils in the windows looking right at you.
"Oh! Hello, Home.." you called, waving. One of the window shutters opened and closed a few times, almost like they were waving back. You weren't sure what, but something about Home's eyes made you shiver.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you Wally"
Oh...another gorgeous sound. His name on your lips made him absolutely giddy, and he wasn't sure why. He sighed happily, hearts in his eyes, as you turned back to the skillet on the stove.
"Oh, they're done! Say, Wally...do you like apples?"
He could marry you right now.
"They're my favorite thing!"
"Well, I've just made a little treat from back home you might like then! Ever had them cooked up with cinnamon and sugar?"
You hopped off the stool and showed him. He seemed very curious.
"No, I don't think so. I had a candy apple one time for Halloween and it was very nice...but that doesn't look like apples"
You laughed.
"Well, they're cut into slices. Want some?"
"Yes, I'd like that"
Wally was unsure about trying it, but truthfully, he just wanted more time with you. Something about you was comforting and warm, and you were certainly nice to look at.
You grabbed a blue plate and a (fav color) plate for the two of you and dished it up before sitting down at the kitchen table with him.
Strangely, he seemed to only take a bite when you weren't looking. But you didn't want to be rude by asking about it...maybe he didn't like eating when people were watching.
Meanwhile, Wally was in awe. He never knew apples could be even better than they already were. Where had you been all his life??
The hearts were back in his eyes as he watched you finish your last few bites. You wiped your mouth and smiled at him.
"So, what'd you think Wally?"
There it was again...that warmth.
"Oh, I liked it very much! Um, maybe you could make it again...and...we could have a picnic. After I show you around town, that is..."
Oh golly, where had this confidence come from?! He didn't even mean to ask you out when you asked him that question! The words just tumbled out!
You blinked a few times, blushing slightly, before a smile spread across your face yet again.
"Are...are you asking me on a...date?"
"M-Maybe...would you like that?"
"Maybe I would. Maybe I think you're a cutie"
Aaand he's melted. Absolutely butter. Putty in your hands.
"Yes, Wally, I'd love to. Come by tomorrow and I'll pack us up a picnic basket"
You said your bashful goodbyes and Wally practically floated out the door. He was halfway Home when he realized he had no idea what to do on a date, and his "heart" dropped. Uh oh, he better go see Barnaby.
Meanwhile, you were clearing the plates and noticed the strangest thing...
Wally's fork was still totally clean and unused.
I'm doing the best I can with my writing, but things haven't been great for my mental health lately. I thought I had found a place to move but it didn't end up working out and I've been kind of depressed the past few days. But I am starting to feel better! Pulled myself out of it and managed to clean my room and get a shower yesterday so I'd say I'm doing alright. Anyone who struggles with depression knows how hard those little things can be, and if you did a thing today, I'm proud of you! 💙
Anyways, sorry for rambling! More of this story to come! (It IS gonna get obsessive soon, promise)
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alice-after-dark · 5 months
A Twist on the Standard RadioStatic
Not gonna call this a headcanon just yet, but it's a concept that has been swimming around in my brain.
Standard RadioStatic tends to go something like this: Alastor and Vox were friends, Vox caught feelings and confessed to Alastor, Alastor rejected him and fucked off for 7 years, Vox is now bitter and obsessed (insert details and personal preferences as you will).
Now while I typically think the falling out was both their faults (see this post), I have read some fascinating takes on alternative ideas to this norm and it has given me some thoughts (I am sure this is far from original, but screw you I'm having fun).
TW for abusive relationships, possessive/controlling behavior, victim blaming, and other canon-typical triggers. Contains abusive StaticMoth.
So imagine...it's Alastor who catches feelings. And he has no idea what to do with them. All he really understands is that he likes being around Vox and dislikes being away from Vox and he GREATLY dislikes anyone else showing any interest in Vox (more than one Sinner has been devoured for such a daring offense). He does not enjoy these feelings, no thank you sir. They make him confused and flustered and off balance and that is simply unacceptable. Of course this is Alastor, so he doesn't really process that what he's feeling is love. It translates more into a possessiveness in his mind. As far as he's concerned, Vox is his. What that means...best not to think too hard on it. It's hardly an issue anyways, with Vox always by his side like an excited puppy.
Until he's not.
Valentino slithers his way into the picture and this makes Alastor furious. Valentino is everything he hates; he's abusive, chauvinistic, disrespectful, and utterly full of himself. He can't stand that Vox is giving this walking shit stain the time of day. Vox learns very quickly not to bring up the moth demon around Alastor because he can fucking feel the hostility coming off Alastor in waves whenever he does (he doesn't understand why, of course. Val is perfectly charming to him. Okay, so maybe he loses his temper every once in a while every other fucking day and says some nasty things but he always apologizes...). And fuck forbid they are ever in the same vicinity. Vox has had to come between them on more than one occasion to stop a fight from breaking out. This of course only makes Alastor even more hostile because why is Vox protecting that wretched excuse for a demon? These encounters usually end with Alastor angrily taking his leave of both of them for the rest of the day. He ignores that so very loud part of his mind that protests leaving Vox alone with Valentino.
The breaking point comes when Alastor sees Vox's cracked screen for the first time.
Vox insists it was an accident, that Valentino didn't mean to. They just got into a small argument and Val can get pretty animated when he's upset and he didn't mean to shove Vox like that and it was Vox's fault anyways for continuing to push when he knew Val was mad he should have just given him space and Alastor is not listening anymore. He's heard this song and dance before. He's seen it played out before his very eyes. He will have none of it and WHY THE FUCK WILL VOX NOT JUST LET HIM KILL THIS FUCKING MOTH?!
Alastor loses his shit. He goes on a tirade about Valentino. This is not the mere hostile exchange of barbs Vox has seen between them before. This is pure unadulterated vitriol. Vox always knew that Alastor and Val didn't get along, but Alastor has never once let him see this absolute hatred he has been harboring for the moth demon. He has never seen Alastor's demeanor break like this before. He flat out demands Vox to never see Valentino again. They start to argue. Vox doesn't understand what is happening.
"Why the fuck do you think you get a say in who I'm friends with?!"
"B̃ͦͧEC̸͎ͯ̓̀Ą̨̼̠ͧ͜͝U͉̟͎̔ͩS͐E Y̢̦͂O̸͖U͗'̿ͮͪ̒̐_R͎͗̉̒Ḙ̑ M̵͔̱͂́ͭI̳N̯̲̝ͯ̄E̳̤͎ͯ̓ͬ͜!͙̪"
"I'm...what the fuck?!"
Because Vox doesn't understand what Alastor is saying. Fuck, Alastor doesn't understand what he's saying. He just wants Vox as far away from Valentino as possible and Vox is just not listening. Why won't he fucking listen?! And then it click with Alastor what he just said to Vox and the panic starts to set in and he feels vulnerable and exposed and he's not even sure why but he doesn't like it and it needs to stop now so he does what Alastors do best. He attacks the cause of those feelings.
He starts mocking Vox. Viciously. Goes for every weak point, every crack, every loose thread. He tears into him, shredding him down and spitting out the refuse. Did Vox really think he cared about him? That he was special? That he was ever anything more than a source of amusement? How fucking hilarious.
Vox attacks him and the rest is very messy history.
TLDR Alastor basically confessed in a very Alastor way because what are feelings and well fuck he's eating them, then panicked and proceeded to handle his vulnerability in a very Alastor way, Vox took what he said at face value and did not react well to being insulted, and Alastor took it as a rejection (even though he didn't entirely understand that that's what he was feeling).
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babygorewhore · 8 months
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You are the only Exception
Eddie is your brother’s best friend. Who often reminds you Eddie would never go for you. But one night on a last minute change, Eddie takes you to a concert. Where he finally confesses what he’s always wanted to.
Warnings. None! Less than 1k. (Who am I?) thank you to my love @take-everything-you-can for giving me so many adorable thots for this one!!!
Your brother's best friend was Eddie Munson, someone you’ve had a crush on for years but your brother wouldn’t ever let you be alone with him for more than five minutes.
“Dude, you’re a princess and he’s just not into that.” He would say, but you didn’t care. You still admired and obsessed over him.
Tonight was the night of the paramore concert, something your brother promised to take you for your birthday. You half hoped Eddie would have joined but you didn’t voice it. You looked at your outfit in the mirror, the cropped black paramore shirt and plaid pants. Your boots gave you a few inches and your hair was styled out of your face from anticipating sweat.
Your makeup was perfect for the hot lighting and you took a million selfies and posted them all.
But a knock at your door caught your attention.
“Hey um im really sorry but I won’t be able to take you tonight.”
You spun around, prepared to scream at him when your brother held his hands up.
“But before you freak out, Eddie said he would take you. He’s downstairs. And don’t be weird. I know you have some stupid crush on him.”
You threw a shoe at him which hit him on the arm as he rolled his eyes and left. You smooth your outfit repeatedly out of nerves. Oh god. Eddie was taking you to a childhood dream concert?
As you came down the stairs, you saw Eddie talking and laughing with your brother and his smile briefly dropped and turned into something softer before he snapped into place.
“Hey, rocker girl.” He greeted you as you came closer. He reached to play with your hair and your brother smacked his hand.
“Man, come on. She’ll throw a fit if you mess up all that hairspray. She’s living her emo kid fantasy right now.”
Although he didn’t mention that it also included kissing Eddie Munson, your eyes flickered to his full lips that were casually upturned. Eddie was wearing all black with an oversized jean jacket. To your surprise, he held up two wristbands. They both said paramore.
“Kinda hard to get ahold of these but I got them. Here,” he reached to slip it on your hand and you swallowed as his ringed fingers touched your skin.
“Shall we?” Eddie held out his elbow and you curtsied.
“Lead the way, sir.” Your brother turned up his lip and you gave him an innocent look as you both walked out of the door.
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Your heart thudded the entire drive and as you both situated in the growing crowd near the stage. You rose to your tip toes and back down to ease some of the anxiety when you felt Eddie’s hand go to your lower back. “It’s okay. They’ll be out soon.” He said to your ear and you felt goosebumps.
“Trust me,” he pulled back, speaking louder. “I’m an expert.” You raised your eyebrows as he started grinning.
“Oh? I didn’t realize you were such a superstar, Edward.” He put a hand over his heart.
“You wound me, princess. Playing for five drunks has made me way better than some punk pop band.” He playfully rolled his eyes.
You smacked his shoulder lightly as you heard the crowd roar. Spinning, you saw the band walk out center stage. You met their screaming and started jumping as the guitars played with their opening song.
“Are we ready??” Hayley called out and you started clapping.
As the show continued, you shed tears and your favorite songs from your teen years were played. Finally, your favorite song. The Only exception began. You raised your arms and then felt another pair wrap around your waist. You felt his jacket on your bare flesh and you turned your head. Eddie was smiling at you, his lips turned up in the lights. The shadows across his face did nothing to conceal the yearning in his brown eyes.
You leaned into him, enjoying every second as the years of pining came to mind. His hands gently traced your ribs. His cool rings pricking your skin that was hot.
“You are the only exception.” You all sang out and you instinctively pulled out of Eddie’s hold but his hand slid into your pocket. And then he started aggressively head banging.
You gasped and then cackled. But then Eddie leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You turned and cupped his face. Meeting his kiss with parted lips as you briefly forgot about the crowd.
He pulled back and pecked your lips a few more times. “Let’s keep watching, sweetheart. Gotta face your brother when we get back.” He smirked.
“He can get over it.” You giggled and faced the stage again.
“Oh and by the way,” Eddie said against your ear again. “You’re not too much of a princess for me, sweetheart. You’re the only exception.”
Tagging @xxhellfirebunnyxx @lesservillain @emsgoodthinkin @reidsbtch @slvt4jamesmarch @marchsfreakshow
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jeonscatalyst · 16 days
Hi there
Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues English is not my first language. I was never a fan of bts I have heard about them bt was never really interested. So about a year ago or I think in the beginning of this year I saw a reel on YouTube abt TH and JK at the airport where TH was trying to hold JK hand and I didn't understand ppl where commenting abt how they were finally coming out and JK was shy or scared and all I could think abt was that JK body language was "the hell you trying to hold my hand for" that's what I got. Remember now I didn't know them didn't even know their names bt that reel was just cringe for me,and I didn't even know there was shipping going on in bts😩... Bt about 6or7 weeks ago a saw a funny video of them on insta and rm caught my attention so I searched their songs on YouTube became a instant fan bt then I got obsessed with jimin. Well suddenly all these tkk reels started coming on my tml and I was curious at first because there were so many tkk stuff and ppl always commenting under posts tkk is real I looked Into that first and I got to say I don't know how ppl can say they a couple bc I didn't even know abt jkk and those tkk stuff got me messed up coz when a saw a vmin reel I was like yeah they can maybe be a couple bt Def not tkk so I started searching jimin Omg that man is heaven Send... And low and behold jkk stuff popped up on my time line, my god when I tell you about the butterflies I felt when a saw that reel about 2018 where it looks like JK wanted to devour jm I knew a was at the right place.. Now I still don't know very much abt jkk I'm still looking into it bt for me who didn't even know bts or abt tkk, vmin, and jkk and learning about tkk before even knowing abt the other 2 bt saw at first glance that no a big hell No are the a couple, now for me that says alot because I would vmin a chance of being real before tkk. And can you maybe tell where and what I can watch to know more abt bts and jkk... I really love all 7 so much.
Hi anon.
No don’t worry, your English is fine and welcome to the world of BTS and shipping even though it’s crazy out here so buckle up lol.
I guess some people see something in taekook while others don’t and you happen to be one of those who doesn’t. For me, it’s always been clear that taekook are just friends not just because I couldn’t see anything beyond friendship but because all the evidence and common sense points to them being just friends but I guess not everyone sees things the same way and that’s why we still have tons of taekookers out there.
As for Jikook, they’ve always been the most likely pair to be real to me not just because of what I see or feel about them but because there’s been alot of that has strongly pointed to the possibility of them being more than friends over the years. I cannot swear that we are right about them being a couple because we never know but I know for a fact that they have and have always had an incredibly deep bond. Also, I am positive that taekook are nothing more than friends, no matter what taekookers would like to say about them and the solo era.
I would advise that you try to find and watch as much original content as possible. You can find some on Youtube, daily motion, weverse etc. Try to avoid youtube, instagram or tiktok edited videos because those tend to take out alot of context which makes you misunderstand alot of their interactions or moments. You can also check out @stormblessed95 blog. She has done an incredible job in explaining their dynamics and breaking things down. She is also the best person to go to if you need to find a specific content. To know more about the other members you can follow member focused accounts on any social media platform but make sure you are not following toxic or delusional shippers or solos because they could influence you to start hating on or being shady towards other members. Find content like run bts, In the soop, Bon Voyage to really get to know them. You can also watch their Vlives from weverse. Those are good places to start and you can always send in asks if you have questions about anything. Hope you have a great time catching up with content anon💜
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
29, fluff with Tsu’tey??
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i love my tsu'tey <33 it was nice to write smthn abt him that wasn't complete angst LOL, hope you enjoy bby
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You were told that being blessed with the gift of song was a true blessing from Eywa. To sing like harmonies themselves were created within you, it was truly a gift.
Your weakness however was your inability to show it off to anyone. You were reserved, tending to opt for silent foraging rather than large hunts. Or quiet fishing with your bow rather than communal festivities.
Some looked at you poorly for this choice in your activities. But it wasn’t as if you didn’t want to be around your people, you simply enjoyed the solitude of yourself more.
Though recently, the fierce, proud, and strong warrior Tsu’tey was confused but your odd behaviours. As children he never took notice of you, and that habit expanded into his adolescence. But as he grew older he started to take note of the women in the clan. Well, the prettier women.
You were beauty itself to Tsu’tey, truly a blessing to the eyes and to his home. So he was naturally curious to see what you spent your days doing rather than spending it with the clan.
So he followed you down to the river, hoping to spark a conversation with you, get to know you more. You were sat on your knees, picking herbs off the ground into a weathered basket, that had obviously been used many times. He must make you a new one he thought.
He was caught up in his own fantasies as he stared at you, trying to think of all possible scenarios that would occur if he were to approach you. He was obsessing with the thought that you would immediately take interest in him as well. Eywa, he prayed you took interest.
It wasn’t until a divine sound resounded within his now perked up ears. Focusing he realised that the sound was coming from you. Singing as if you were the creator of the first songs. You were magical to listen to.
Tsu’tey wishes he kept his usual composure up for longer, so he could listen to your harmonious voice just a tad longer. He cursed himself for being so impulsive with his actions, it was out of character for him.
“I did not know you could sing Y/N” You let out a loud gasp. Grasping onto your chest in shock, staring wide eyed up at the man towering above you.
Was the Tsu’tey talking to you? Y’know the tall, strong, lean, handsome, fierce warrior that protects your clan day and night. And he caught you singing. You might die of embarrassment. Right here, crumble into the floor and become one with the soil.
“That was purposeful.” You spoke back to him, turning away from his merciless stare, cheeks burning up as he shuffled to get a better view of your face.
“You sing well.” He said it so nonchalantly it made your heart burst, stomach churning as you tried to calm down your nerves.
“Thankyou Tsu’tey.” You were collecting your stuff now, ready to escape this interaction with such an attractive man.
“Why have I never heard you sing before?” You halted in your spot, grip on the basket in your hand tight as you tried desperately to conjure a response that didn’t make you look incredibly odd to the curious warrior in front of you.
“I am not one for performing.” It was easier then explaining your dread of interaction just like this one.
“Hiding such a gift is cruel. You have been truly blessed by the great mother.” Tsu’tey was spilling his thought as if he was the pouring rain, flooding you with compliments. Something about you made his tough composure, you melted it away.
“Thankyou again, but I don’t believe my gift is for the public eye.”
“Can it be for the private eye?” Your eyes widened, shocked at his confidence. To ask such a question. It wasn’t taboo but it was showing a sense of attraction. Was the man you were insanely attracted to feeling the same?
“What do you mean?” An innocent question. Totally not one that lingers for an answer towards courtship, towards the acts of wanting another clan member.
“I’d love to hear your voice again. May I take you on a flight, show you the spots of the forest that have enticed me. Like your voice has. Like you have.” Tsu’tey was courageous, he was charming and his charms did not faulter. Your cheeks were a dark purple, skin hot as your stomach whirled.
“Yes you may.”
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woozisguitar · 3 months
GLITCH - a good plan
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Recommended Song: Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift
Warnings: some hate tweets, mentions of anxiety, overthinking and panic attacks.
A/N: this part has both smau + written (2.6k words, no beta)
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Your flight landed 20 minutes before schedule. After a few long hours of constant turbulence and the crying of babies, you were more than happy to disembark. But a sudden realisation of where you were and wanted was going to happen once you got off this flight made your anxiety rise again. Since the article about the dating rumor came out, it was almost like your usual anxiety had increased tenfold, making you want to run back and hide every time you left your house. Ella tapped you on the shoulder to signal that the gates were opening. You decided to swallow your nerves for the sake of the group. 
“Let’s go before it starts to rush,"  Iseul called out from her seat in the next row with Ash, who was packing her things. 
The security checks and baggage claim took ages, but finally, you were able to leave the airport and take in a much-needed breath of fresh air. There, at Arrivals, you saw a man who looked like he would be in his late 30s, holding a placard with your name on it. You nudged Iseul and nodded towards the man to signal that he might be the guide? SEVENTEEN’s management mentioned. 
“Hi, I’m y/n,"  you said, bowing slightly. “Oh hello! Nice to meet you. I am Ahn Ha-Joon, but feel free to call me Mr.  Ahn," he said with a kind smile. “I hope you all had a great flight. I have a car waiting for us right outside. Please follow me.”
You all followed Mr. Ahn out of the airport, where the cool evening air greeted us. Ash and Ella looked around in excitement, but Iseul had a mix of nostalgia and fear on her face. Knowing her past, you gave her a small squeeze on the shoulder, and she glanced over in appreciation. 
“Mr. Ahn, can we stop somewhere to eat?” Ella asked once we were all seated in the car. 
“Well, it's pretty late right now, so most restaurants would be closed, but we can stop at a 24-hour convenience store. My apologies, but there isn't any food at your accommodations right now.” 
You heard Ash whisper-yell a small yay under her breath before she decided to go back to watching videos on her phone. After that, you decided to zone out on your drive there, imagining and overthinking every possible scenario. 
Sleep didn't come easily to you the whole night, while others slept soundly after the long flight. Ever since you became a fan, Woozi has held a special place in your heart. Be it through his words, his songs, or his smile. You would wait days, often checking your phone like a depraved girlfriend and scrambling to open every notification in case Woozi posted something new. As sad and pathetic as it sounds, this is your normal. You worked on codes, you spent time with your friends, and you fangirled. Everyone knew this. And frankly, your life felt full to some extent. You never had time for anything or anyone else. Every single person you met was compared to Woozi in every aspect, and you knew how fucked up it was. He is an idol, for heaven's sake! No normal person would be this obsessed with someone they don't even know in person, but this was you. You've always found it easy to love from a distance, never knowing that love can be so self-consuming and overwhelming that you might lose a part of yourself in the process. But it was almost like you were addicted. You cried when they cried, and you laughed when they laughed. You felt proud when they achieved something and disappointed when they lost. Iseul once mentioned how this feels like a curse. To love someone so ardently and vehemently even after knowing that you never ever, not even in a million lifetimes, had a chance with this person. And perhaps she was right, because look at the mess you are in right now. You never wanted this. For you, Jihoon was a silly fantasy. Like a prince who would come sweep you off your feet, riding a white horse into the sunset. But this, this was real life. There are no princes and princesses, and there are no white horses. Just the same old you, who is a student, and your idol, Woozi. These agonizing thoughts consumed your mind until you somehow drifted off to sleep. 
The next day, you woke up to Iseul and Mr. Ahn talking by the door. She nodded in agreement at something he said. 
“Get up, girls; we leave in an hour.”
“TIME TO MEET JUNNIE LET’S GO!!!!,” Ash yelled and leaped from her bed to go take a shower. 
“Well, at least someone’s happy about this,"  Ella chuckled slightly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. 
Well, I guess here goes nothing…
The ride to the headquarters was silent. Everyone knew that this could potentially end badly. While the management assured me that they wouldn’t, they were still very powerful and strong and could change their minds in an instant. You could be sued and blacklisted, and honestly, none of you had that kind of money. 
“We’re here. We will be taking the backdoor because it's safer than the general entrance.”
The elevator ride to SEVENTEEN’s headquarters took forever. If this were under any other conditions, you would probably be elated to meet the people you have looked up to for so long. But right now, all you could do was try and calm your nerves so that you wouldn't go into a panic attack in front of your idols. Well, at least Ella and Ash seemed excited as they were talking in hushed whispers, whereas Iseul seemed deep in thought. The elevator dinged, signaling that we had reached it, and Mr. Ahn led us through the various doors till we reached the one beyond which stood our fate, waiting to meet us. 
The first thing you noticed was how familiar this room felt. Having seen various videos of the group doing challenges in this same space, it felt surreal to stand in the same space. 
Then you heard Ash quietly squeal and cover it up with a cough, and Iseul took charge and introduced herself. 
Last, you saw him. 
Standing here casually as ever, with his black hair slightly longer than before, was Jihoon. He was wearing an all-black outfit, but it seemed like he made an effort to clean up a bit, as you noticed a slight contrast from his usual behind-the-scenes outfit. He had a bored expression on his face, but his eyes had a glint of curiosity as he kept scanning the group till they landed on you. And you, flustered as ever, averted your gaze and slightly bowed your head in greeting. 
“It's very lovely to meet you. Thank you all for all the support you have given us.” You heard a deep voice on your side to see Scoups greet your group. 
“Well, we'll get to introductions later! Ms. Lee is waiting for us in the meeting room.” Mr. Ahn interrupted and led us all towards another door at the back of the room. 
You tried to keep a low profile, almost shrinking into yourself. A very small, tiny part of you was excited to finally meet them, but a huge part was scared as to what would happen next. 
As you all settled in the meeting room, a lady in her late 20s entered and introduced herself as Ms. Lee. She claimed to be their publicist, handling all major events for all members, from scandals to photoshoots to everything. 
“I know this isn't the most ideal situation for either party, and frankly, none of us thought it would blow so out of proportion. I mean, almost every other fan pretends to date their idol. It's one of the foundation concepts in this industry, as much as we hate to accept that.”
The members nodded in agreement and understanding and wanted the ground to swallow you whole. All those stupif things you said on Twitter at 4 a.m. when you were overworked and tired are being referenced, and oh my god, I think I'm going to die. 
“Anyways, the main reason we called you here today, Ms. Y/N, was to discuss how we should handle this. As this ‘plan’ could possibly affect the whole group as well as your friends, it makes it more feasible to discuss it with all of you. So, my team has been working out numbers, and a rumor tweet hasn't generated this much interaction for SEVENTEEN in a while. And we think it might be a good idea to play into it.” 
Everyone around us leaned forward in curiosity as to how we would ‘play into it.’
“Ms. Y/N, we want you to date Mr. Woozi.”
Pin-fucking-drop silence. You were pretty sure everyone even stopped breathing for a second. 
“Umm, and how exactly was this a good idea?” asked Mingyu from his end, the first one among us to react in any way. 
“Well, they don't have to actually date but rather fake date. We spin a story about how they met and fell in love. And while we don't confirm or deny anything officially, we can hint at certain things. And for the next comeback, Mr. Woozi can write a love song as the title track, referring to Ms. Y/N. They keep up this ruse for a few days, and then they'll ‘break up’. And the only way to confirm this? The theme of the comeback after that would be heartbreak. That or Mr. Woozi can drop a solo whatever he wants. With this, everyone would be immersed in this love story between a fan and an idol, especially those who belong in an industry where parasocial relationships are one of the main pillars. Given the rise in Mr. Woozi's popularity lately, it makes more sense to fabricate a scandal involving him. Plus, it's human nature to want something you can't have.”
“And what does Y/N get out of this? I’m pretty sure you’ve seen all the hate comments and speculations on Y/N life treding all over Twitter. And if she agrees to this, she will be thrown deeper into this hate circle, so she should at least get something in return. The group gets their comeback theme, Woozi gets the popularity, and so what will Y/N get? And I hope you know that Woozi would get just as much hate as Y/N, so what are your plans on handling that?” Iseul spoke up from beside you with the same fire in her eyes she had when she knew she had finally cornered her opposition in the courtroom. 
The table fell into a murmured discussion, contemplating the pros and cons of this. Ms. Lee looked as if she had expected this. “Well, we plan on signing a six-month contract with Ms. Y/N at first, after which, depending on the reaction to the initial part of the plan, we might add another six months. And as for what Y/N gets? We compensate her for all the defamation, libel, and slander she faces. The amount can be discussed when we finalize the contract and get a lawyer for Ms. Y/N. As for the hate Mr. Woozi might receive, well, there's not much we can do unless we know what kind of hate we will receive.”
“I am Y/N’s lawyer; you can tell me the specifics.” Iseul spoke up again, surprising a few in the room. 
“And I’m sorry to interrupt, but you should really work on protecting your artists more. That being said, you also need to protect Y/N. By all means. Get her security, a car, and everything,” Ash spoke up, surprising you, as this was the most serious she had ever been since we commenced this trip. 
“Fine, fine, we will provide Ms. Y/N with all the security she needs. Any other questions?” Ms. Lee said, exasperated.
You saw Hoshi giving Ash a small thumbs up, and she nodded in return. 
"Yes, actually,” you said for the first time ever since this proportion was revealed, “I’m guessing I would have to move here temporarily in case I was to agree.” You continued as Ms. Lee nodded, “Well, that could be an issue because I can’t leave lab work or my graduation will be delayed. And all my equipment, my supervisor, and everything else are back home. Moving midway is a very bad idea.”
Ms. Lee seemed to think over this for a moment. “Well, that does sound like a problem. We can set up a lab for you to work in here at one of the universities we have good relations with and get you a local supervisor. We can also talk to your supervisor back home and get them on board with the idea. We will have to work out the specifics of this. Anything else? I am assuming your friends will stay with you, so we can work out something for their jobs as well.”
“I can tell my firm to put all cases on hold and make Y/N my primary client.”
“Well, I’m part of a dance crew, but it’s about time I took a break. And I suppose you can hook me up with some groups around here as well.”
The three of you looked at Ms. Lee expectantly. She sighed and nodded. “Okay, I’ll see what I can do. And you, Ms. Ash?”
“Hmm, I don't know if I can take a break for that long from the clinic. I guess I could say I’m taking a sabbatical or something. But you are going to refer me if anyone asks for a vet,” Ash said, crossing her fingers and placing her chin on it, looking innocently at Ms. Lee. She groaned and said, “Fine, fine, fine. Are Ms. Y/N you in or not?”
You looked over at Woozi, who was quiet this whole time. He seemed to be contemplating what he wanted, and you had an epiphany that Ms. Lee never once asked him if he agreed to this. He simply had to do whatever the company asked him to do. Your choice would affect not just you but him as well. And when your eyes met his, you saw doubt and fear swirling in them, similar to yours this morning. You decided you had to talk to him about this first before you made any choice. “Can I get some time to think about this? Maybe a day,” you said, slightly nodding at Woozi, hoping he’d understand what you meant. 
“Very well then,” Ms. Lee clapped. “You can let Mr. Ahn know whatever your decision is, and we can get started on the paperwork right away. Thank you all for today.” 
“Not going to lie, but that was the most frustrated we have ever seen Ms. Lee,” Vernon said once she left the room. 
“And compromising. She doesn't even listen or negotiate with me,” Jeonghan pointed out, surprised. 
The members and your friends decided it was best to spend some time together before they had to go for their practice. Amidst the chaos of introductions and questions, you decided it was the best time to corner Woozi and ask him if he was okay with this. You saw him standing at the back of the room, texting someone, as you approached him. 
“We need to talk.”
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taglist: @toplinehyunjin @neo-moa @khhminimalist @theidontknowmehn @moose-1555 @kittyhui @ra1n7b33 @hamji-hae @miriamxsworld @khaos-sodivine @intoanothermind @ins4nebish
A/N: hope y'all liked this! this one took forever to finish and tbh I never planned on writing almost 2k words but oh well 😭 excited to hear your thoughts on this and reblogs are always appreciated! oh also! during y/n's inner monologue she keeps going back on forth between woozi and jihoon. that is so symbolise how she sometimes sees him as an idol and other times as this guy she likes. its super conflicting for her.
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