#i had changed. and how i can see that in the way i was able to navigate a space that held so much anxiety for me without any problems
sluttywoozi · 2 days
(Boy)Friend Material | Part II | csc x f!reader
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Part I
Seungcheol really thought that, having met you on a dating app, you'd be more into, well, dating him. He supposes he should have made sure you knew that's what he thought you were doing.
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~9.2k | Pairing: csc x f!reader | Genre: romance, smut
Warnings: elevator makeouts, minor safe sex discussion, lil tiny mention of birth control making reader depressed, restraining, oral f. rec., vaginal fingering, squirting, sex with a condom, crying during sex
Reader Notes: referred to with she/her pronouns, has two cats, has breasts and a vagina, gets carried by cheol, wap
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Seungcheol is still fucking floored that he’s been dating you without your knowledge for four months. 
All this time, he’s feared that you weren’t as into him as he was into you. What else was he supposed to think when he was constantly the one reaching out? He was the one making the dates, and inviting you to hangouts with his friends, and asking if he could come over and spend time with you. 
He tried not to mind that it was always him hugging you, him wanting to hold your hand, him touching you in all the little ways people in relationships do. He told himself that he just hadn’t discovered your love language yet, and that once he did, things would change. 
Honestly, if you were anyone else, he probably wouldn’t have stuck it out so long. He was willing and able to because you’re you, and he likes you so damn much. 
You got his attention effortlessly with your opener, and the way you committed to the bit instead of backing down or changing the subject kept him interested. Then when he met you, you were somehow even funnier and prettier in person, and he was fucking enchanted. As soon as you parted ways, he was trying to figure out how he could see you again, dreaming up different scenarios and cycling through ideas until finally, he just asked. You said yes, so he kept asking. 
And now here he sits on your couch (where he can be found most Sundays), playing with your cats and listening to your musings as you pack your weekend bag. He doubts you think he can hear you or you probably wouldn’t be asking yourself, “Comfy or sexy?” out loud. He’s not sure which you pick but he’s kind of hoping for comfy because that’s always been sexy to him, the surety that you’re comfortable around him and cozy as can be. 
It’s been a while since his last relationship and he’s not a serial dater like some of his friends, so he was a bit out of practice when he met you. Still, he counted himself lucky that you grew to be so comfortable around him after only a few weeks, though now he knows it’s because you thought he was just your friend. 
He regrets that it took him thinking you wanted to break up to finally be honest about feeling like the relationship was one sided, because everything could have been resolved so long ago. 
All the times he’s thought about kissing you, he could have. Every morning that he’s surprised you with your favorite iced latte, every flower garden that he’s ever brought you to, every movie night that he’s looked over at you and watched the colors dance across your face in the darkness. He could have been kissing you for months, and you could have been kissing him back. 
He mourns the lost time, but part of him can’t be upset this miscommunication happened because it’s made him move with purpose. He’s constantly thinking of you, always trying to be what you need, and he honestly isn’t sure he would know you this well if he didn’t feel like he had to prove himself worthy. 
It’s not like he’s going to stop trying to prove himself now, but it helps to be reassured that your withholding nature wasn’t because he likes you more than you like him, it was because you didn’t know he likes you at all. 
He feels so juvenile talking in terms of like, but he’s a little scared to introduce love to the equation. He could so easily define his feelings for you in that way, but it’s been four months of dating you without you dating him back, and he’s reluctant to take that leap without being sure you’ll take it with him. 
After he bore his soul to you, though, you said all of those things, told him that you don’t ever want to let him go, which sounds a whole lot like a love confession just minus the actual word…
Bluebell paws at his hand, asking for attention, and he grants it, trying to shake off worries that don’t hold weight anymore. Poppy sprawls against his thigh, purring so loud he can feel the vibrations.
This has been enough, he tells himself. Count yourself lucky that it’ll get even better now that she can knowingly participate in the relationship. 
“Ready,” you say in a sing-song voice as you struggle through the door to your bedroom, your shoulder laden down with a duffle and your hand holding your giant water bottle…cup…thing. You’re wearing your favorite lounge set, one he’s seen countless times, but the way the soft fabric clings to the curves of your body still makes his heart pound. 
He rises quickly to greet you, sending Poppy skittering off the couch. She darts over to you, yowling as if he committed a mortal sin, and you pout indulgently at her, asking, “Did the big man scare you? Poor baby.”
He doesn’t mind the teasing, especially when you call him big in the process. 
Before he gets too wrapped up in staring at you, he strides over, carefully taking hold of the strap on your shoulder and lifting until you slide your arm through so he can shoulder the duffle instead. 
“Wanna get a refill before we go? I know you like your water more than mine,” he offers, continuing to say (because you’re so fucking cute when you’re adamant about something), “Even though it tastes the same.”
“It does not taste the same! My water is better and more refreshing!” You claim instantly, walking across the living room to your kitchenette.
“Maybe that’s because I’ve changed your water filter twice since I met you even though it only needs to be changed twice a year.”
“Maybe so, but you’ll change it a third time for our six month anniversary and you’ll do it with a smile on your face,” you playfully command him as you fill your monstrous water container. 
Six month anniversary. So you really do want to keep him around.
“Yeah, baby, I will,” he sighs, hoping you can’t tell that your little light-hearted threat has him feeling like he could drown, he’s so awash in adoration for you. 
“You’ve never called me baby before,” you gasp gleefully, spinning to face him with bright eyes and a wide smile. 
“I didn’t know if you’d like it,” he shrugs, a bit sheepish that it’s taken him this long to test it out. 
“I love it, baby is my name now,” you tell him, screwing the top back onto your water and sounding so serious, it’s almost comical.
You grasp your cup, holding your free hand out to him for what might be the first time. His heart skips a beat as he takes it, intertwining his fingers with yours and following you to your door. 
“Bye Bell, bye Poppy, I love you,” you call out, looking over your shoulder to find your cats already asleep in their favorite spots on your mushroom and flower cat tree. He whispers his own goodbye and closes the door gently, pressing the button and turning the lock until it clicks. 
Immediately, you’re tugging him down the hall and towards the elevator, a chuckle escaping him at the sound of your bubbly laughter and quick footsteps. 
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go,” you press the button and chant at the machine, bouncing in place beside him. 
“Excited?” He teases, amused by your lack of patience. 
Your head turns at the speed of light as you look at him with wide eyes and ask, “Aren’t you?” 
He would be sarcastic but it sounds like your heart is primed to break, and he can’t risk hurting you just for a joke. 
“More than I can say,” he answers honestly, expecting your smile but not the way you hustle him into the elevator and back him up against the wall, wrapping your arm around his neck and looking away only to press the ground floor button. 
“You gonna kiss me or not?” He murmurs, his eyes already on your lips as you get close enough for him to feel your chest against his. 
You answer without words, your perfect lips soft and unyielding, his hand dropping to your hip to tug you into his body as your fingernails scratch at the short hair on the nape of his neck. The feeling sends a shiver down his spine and drags a sigh out of his mouth, one that you swallow with a needy gasp. 
He lowers your duffle to the floor, stepping forward until he’s got you against the wall and sliding his thigh between your legs to see what other sounds he can summon from you as his passion starts to overflow. His lips move against yours insistently, a fire lighting up in his veins when you wilt into him and let him take control, the transfer of power mouthwateringly sweet. 
And then you pull away. You pull away and he tries to chase you but you stop him with a hand on his chest, and he won’t push you, he would never push you. 
“Everything okay?” He pants, trying to clear his mind of the thoughts and images of you that fill it. 
“Yeah, it’s just- we’re here,” you whisper, blinking at him and glancing over at the elevator doors. 
The open elevator doors. 
The lobby is empty, but if Seungcheol is being truthful, he thinks he wouldn’t really care if people did see. 
You’re his girlfriend, and he’s your boyfriend. What’s so wrong with it?
Then again, part of him does want to keep you all to himself, kissing in elevators included. Which is why he’s quick to step away from you and take your hand again, grabbing the duffle before pulling you through the lobby and to his car. 
He’s not in such a rush that he won’t still open your door for you, waiting as you get in and gently shutting the door before tucking your bag in the backseat and jogging around to the driver’s side. He closes his door quietly even in his haste, not wanting to startle you or make you think he’s upset in any way.
His hand finds your thigh again after starting the car up and getting on the road, the silence that fills the space anticipatory instead of stifling like it was just an hour ago. He finds himself clenching his jaw and bouncing his left knee, counting down the traffic lights that sit between your place and his until finally, there’s only one left. 
It’s red when he rolls to a stop, and his heart is thumping so hard in his chest that he swears if he looked down, he’d be able to see it beating. He glances over at you and finds you already staring at him, which has happened more than a few times in the months that he’s known you. This time is different, though, because you don’t pretend you weren’t looking, or start rambling nervously, or even look away. 
You just meet his gaze and let him see everything. Your nerves, your desire, your impatience, he sees it all, and feels it all himself. For perhaps the first time since he met you, he knows for certain that you and him are on the exact same wavelength. 
He’s so entranced that he doesn’t notice the light turn green until the car behind him honks, and that disturbance is still barely enough to make him tear his gaze from yours. His eyes reluctantly return to the road as he gives your thigh a gentle squeeze and presses the gas pedal, closing the distance between the light and his parking garage as quickly as the speed limit allows. 
A long minute passes and he’s pulling into his designated parking spot, his seatbelt unbuckled and his door open before the car is even off. Sometimes, you’re distracted and he gets to open your door for you, but this isn’t one of those times. You’re out just as fast as him, meeting him at the trunk and taking his hand. 
Together, you speed walk to the door that opens into his hallway. You pass through first and then he does, your pace getting faster the closer you get to his place until finally, finally, he’s unlocking the door and beckoning you inside. He pauses to slip his sneakers off at the rack and you follow suit, the sight of your shoes next to his lighting up the part of his brain that craves domesticity with you. 
You don’t come over as often as he goes to your place so when you slow, he takes the lead, his hand still holding yours tightly and his heart still racing. 
He doesn’t quite mean to press you up against the wall but he takes a step forward as you take a step back and then it’s just too easy to lean in and taste you again, your lips supple and your sigh sweet. 
The kiss starts off slow, tame, but it’s not long before he’s inching closer and sucking at your bottom lip, his tongue gliding along yours when you open your mouth and let him in. You’re so warm and soft against him, your breasts flush with his chest and his dick starting to throb against your stomach, the combination of sensations making his head spin. 
It seems he can’t get enough of you now after what feels like millions of missed opportunities, millions of times he’s wanted his lips on yours and his hands on your body. He’s lost in you before he knows it, near mindless with desperation and devotion, his hunger for you so overwhelming that he fears no amount of you will ever be enough. 
It’s never been like this before, nobody else has ever made him feel as if he would suffocate without their air or perish without their touch, but here he is, kissing you like you’re breathing pure oxygen and gripping your hips like he’ll fade into nothingness if he lets go. 
He knew you were special to him but he didn’t know he would need you like this, and the realization is enough to make him pull back, saying through sharp breaths, “Maybe we should slow down, I don’t want you to feel like we have to rush.”
You gaze at him, almost through him, and say, with great care, “Seungcheol, I’ve wanted your dick inside me since we met. If you want to slow down, we can, but if I had it my way, we’d be moving even faster.”
And fuck if that isn’t enough to spur him into action, to make his cock twitch in his jeans and his hands fly to your waist, a rough, “Jump,” escaping his swollen lips. 
You gasp but wrap your legs around him when he starts to lift you, his grip shifting to your thighs as you vine your arms around his neck, seemingly holding on for dear life. He’d die before dropping you so you have nothing to worry about, but he’s too focused on getting you to his bed to inform you of that fact. He also maybe likes feeling you cling to him like this too much to give you any reason to stop. 
“We need a condom, right?” He checks as he walks, fairly certain the answer will be yes. 
Jeonghan bought him a box when he first started seeing you, the exact size he needs and brand he likes, and handed them over with a wink and a wiggle of his eyebrows. Seungcheol rolled his eyes at the time, but he’s thankful for him now because he never would have bought them himself, too fearful of jinxing the situation. 
“Yeah, I stopped my birth control, it was making me hella depressed. Is that- I mean, are you okay with using one?” You ask, though you absolutely don’t need to. 
“Baby, all I care about is making you feel safe. I’ll wear a condom, I’ll pull out, I’ll do whatever you want.”
“You’re the best boyfriend,” you sigh, hugging him tightly and pressing a kiss to his cheek as he crosses through the doorway to his bedroom.
He left it relatively clean, thankfully, and there’s nothing embarrassing out, unless he counts the picture of him and you that he got framed last month to keep on his nightstand. You see it when he carefully deposits you onto your back on the mattress, your face twisting up like you might cry. 
He’s alarmed until you say, “I have that photo framed on my nightstand.”
The fact that you have one is enough to make him smile but the fact that you picked the same picture is enough to make him fucking beam, his lips stretched too wide to kiss you even though he really wants to. 
He tries anyway, his smile fading as he braces a hand next to your head and presses his mouth to yours, climbing up on the bed when you grip his shirt and start to pull him. He’s imagined this so many times, pictured you under him and on top of him and in front of him (face down, ass up as he slides inside of you). 
He’s made himself cum to the thought of you in this bed, and now that he has you here, he almost doesn’t know where to start. You seem to have your own ideas and desires though, and he’d give anything to find out what they are. 
So, like Seungcheol always has, he just asks. 
“You said you’ve wanted me since we met… What have you thought about?” His voice is ragged when he speaks, deep, but he thinks you like it, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip before your breath leaves you in a sigh. 
“Lots of things,” you whisper, your hands skimming down his chest until they find the hem of his shirt and start to push it up. He sits back on his knees between your legs and hauls it off, fighting a smirk at the way your eyes grow hazy.
You hesitate to put your hands on him, so he takes one of them in his own and presses your palm to his stomach, his muscles jumping at your warm, gentle touch. 
“Like what?” 
“Like… how big you probably are. If you’d be soft and sweet or if you’d be a little rough, a little mean.” 
Following your words, he drags your hand down and lets you feel him, his dick hard and pressing into the zipper of his jeans. You can’t cover all of it, but you close your fingers around the shaft as best you can and rub firmly, one, two, three times. 
“Fuck,” he sighs as you squeeze, the pressure making his eyelids flutter as pleasure sparks within him. “Which do you want more? Soft and sweet or rough and mean? I can be whatever you want.”
“You’re already all I want you to be, Cheol, so just be you.”
God, you’re going to be the end of him. Death by swollen heart.
“A bit of both it is then,” he murmurs as he leans down to kiss you, shifting his grip to your wrist before pushing your hand up to rest beside your head. He does the same with your other hand, leaving you unable to move your upper body. 
He’s about to break away to check in, but you melt into the bed and wrap your legs around his waist, tugging his hips into yours with a soft moan. 
The sound sends a lick of heat down his spine, his dick pulsing in time with his heart and so hard, it almost hurts. He breathes a shuddering sigh into your mouth and grinds into you, wishing his jeans could magically disappear so he wouldn’t have to stop kissing you to take them off. 
The denim is getting to be too restrictive though, especially when he’s dying to feel you with no barriers at all. So he tries to pull back, but you whimper into his mouth and hug him closer with your legs, and the only way he can respond to that is by kissing you harder and letting his body press into yours. 
He’s gone for you for a few more minutes, his jeans all but forgotten as you roll your hips against his and sink your teeth into his bottom lip. The slight sting makes him gasp and dig his cock into you in retaliation, his hands tightening around your wrists when you just push back and bite his lip again. 
It feels almost impossible to pull away from you now but he can’t take it anymore, the clothes need to come off, yours in particular. He’s imagined this too often and wanted you for too long to make this a quick, messy, fully-clothed fuck. You deserve better, you deserve everything, and he’s going to do his absolute best to give it to you. 
So he breaks the connection, ignoring the whine that escapes you to pant out, “I’ll kiss you again when we’re naked, promise.”
“Yes, oh my god, take your pants off,” you reply in a rush, your eyes lighting up as you attempt to free your wrists from his hold. He releases you immediately, but he climbs off the bed before you can wrestle his jeans down, his hands finding yours and pulling until you stand with him. With a laugh, he says, “I said ‘when we’re naked,’ baby. That means you, too.”
“Strip me then,” you raise your arms, a challenge in your gaze, and he can do nothing but accept it, tugging your shirt up and off and freezing in place when he sees what you have on under it. 
“Fuck me,” he murmurs, staring at the cherry red lace that encases your breasts. There are delicate little bows on the straps and the lace is so fine that he can see right through it, could probably rip it without even trying. 
“Did you wear this for me?” He asks absentmindedly, his eyes caught on your tits as they rise and fall with your breathing. 
“Yeah, I bought it when we started talking. I thought you’d like it,” you answer softly, tucking your thumbs into the waistband of your lounge pants and pushing them down just enough for him to get a peek of the very same red. “It’s a matching set.”
His knees weak at the thought, he sits heavily on the mattress, setting his hands on your hips and guiding you to stand between his legs. 
“Can I see?” 
“That’s kind of the point,” you whisper like it’s a secret, steadying yourself with your hands on his shoulders as he starts to pull your pants down. They slip off easily and pool on the floor, leaving you nearly bare before him and more bewitching than he could have ever imagined. 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he sighs out, feeling almost dazed as he takes the sight of you in, his thumbs tracing over the bows that sit on the front of your hips. He sinks his fingertips into you, squeezing to feel the give of your flesh and using all of his willpower to stop himself from tearing the lacy panties right off. 
He could (and would) buy you a new set, but you bought this with him in mind, and had to wait so long to wear it for him. It’s too special for him to damage it just because he’s desperate to see you bare. 
You must be able to read his mind, taking your hands off his shoulders to reach behind your back and undo the clasps, the bra loosening on your body before you shrug it down your arms and toss it on the bed. 
Seungcheol finds himself spellbound once again, captivated by all the skin before him, the way your nipples pebble under his gaze making his breath catch in his chest. “Can I touch you?” 
“I feel like I’ll die if you don’t,” you answer immediately, gasping in relief when he smooths his hands up to cover your breasts. He cups them, testing the weight, and squeezes gently, already obsessed with the feeling of your soft, supple skin under his palms. His thumbs drag over your nipples, circling them until you let out a quiet little whimper, one that he would give his life to hear again. 
“Lay down for me, baby,” He requests, needing you spread out before him so he can fully drink you in. 
Forgetting a change in position means he has to stop touching you, he pouts when you step out of his reach, though he’s distracted almost instantly by the cheeky cut of your panties. 
He stands on knees that are still slightly weak, getting out of your way and watching as you climb up on the bed. He tries not to ogle you but your ass looks so fucking biteable from here, and he can’t even let himself focus on the space between your legs because he just might combust if he gets a good look.
You settle on your back in the center of the mattress and he feels his heart squeeze at the sight of you in his bed. He’s wanted you in it for months, and not just for sex, but for cuddling and reading together and falling asleep in each other’s arms, too. So much time has been wasted, but he won’t let it bother him, not when this literally feels like a dream come true. 
He starts moving toward you, trying to formulate a game plan for how he can kiss your stomach and suck one of your nipples at the same time, but you hold a hand out and say, “Stop.”
Every muscle in his body locks up, his heart pounding in anxiety that he’s done something wrong, that you’ve changed your mind about him, that you- 
“Don’t look so worried, Cheollie, I just want you to take your jeans off,” you soothe, making him sigh out his stress and squeeze his eyes shut. 
“Listen to me, Seungcheol. I like you so much that it scares me sometimes. I like you in a way that is concerning to my friends. I like you more than I have ever liked anyone else. My crush on you is deeper than the Mariana Trench,” you say emphatically. “I will tell you this until you believe it.”
Fuck, he feels like he might cry. 
Hearing these words from you is affirming beyond belief, soothing to his very soul, and the steadiness and truth in your voice as you said them is what gives him the courage to admit it. 
“I think I’m in love with you,” he whispers quietly, his eyes still closed. He hears rustling, envisions you making your way to the edge of the bed, and he’s not surprised when he feels your hands take his. 
“I know I’m in love with you,” you whisper back, your fingers intertwined with his and your voice just as sure as before. 
He blinks his eyes open, finds you staring up at him with a teary, affection-soaked gaze, and can’t stop himself from leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss stays chaste and soft even though your tits are out and he’s harder than he’s ever been in his life, this moment so precious to him, his desire takes the back burner. 
Until you pull back and tell him, “Now take your pants off, please. I’m so fucking wet for you.”
Fuck the back burner, you just lit the stove on fire. He unbuttons his jeans, the fly barely halfway down before he’s shoving them off and stepping out of them, kicking them away like their presence offends him. You didn’t ask him to, but he sheds his boxer briefs as well, feeling his cock pop up and hit his stomach before it hangs heavily between his legs. 
Your eyes grow wide and you open your mouth to say something, but he can’t stop hearing, ‘I’m so fucking wet for you,’ the words seared into his brain forevermore. 
“Let me eat you out?” He practically begs, willing to ask again on his knees if you want him to. 
“I love that you ask, but you don’t need to anymore. Just do what feels right and I’ll stop you if I don’t like it,” you promise, laying back and lifting your ass for him as he slips his fingers into the waistband of your panties and starts to tug them down. 
And shit, they’re soaked, fucking sodden with your arousal, the lace sticking to your pussy as he peels them away. He can feel his mouth water when the scent of you fills his nose, leaving him breathless and near brainless with need for you.
Sinking to his knees, he gently pushes your thighs apart to reveal the prettiest fucking pussy he’s ever seen. Maybe he just thinks that because it’s yours, but that doesn’t really matter when you’re glistening and open and all for him. 
He’s always imagined himself having some amount of finesse when he finally got his tongue between your legs, always pictured going slow and taking you apart piece by piece, or at least pacing himself even a little bit. Now that he’s here, with his hands on your thighs and his face just inches from you, he knows that won’t be the case at all. 
You smell too fucking good for him to hesitate any longer, his tongue darting out and dragging from your opening to your clit. He can’t hold in the groan that leaves him at the first taste of you, his cock twitching as your arousal coats his taste buds, heady and rich and perfect. His eyes flutter closed and he buries his face in your cunt, pushing your thighs up to your stomach so he has more room to work. 
He feels your hands against his, feels them hooking beneath your knees to hold your thighs up for him, and he moans gratefully in response, setting his thumbs on either side of your pussy and pulling your lips apart so he can taste you more directly. 
He dips his tongue into your entrance and you clench around it, the sensation making him whimper into your pussy and delve even deeper inside. Just this might not be enough to get you there but you taste fucking heavenly and feel even better, and he’s wanted his mouth on you like this for months. 
So he allows himself to be selfish for a few minutes, fucking you with his tongue just to feel the way you quiver and squeeze around the muscle. Your arousal starts to leak down his chin and he almost regrets the waste of it, pulling his tongue from your pussy to latch his lips to your opening and suck. 
“Seungcheol, please, I need-,” you implore him, your words halting when he fills you with two of his fingers, the digits sinking inside with a squelch. You whine above him and his gaze travels up your body to find your back arched and your kiss-swollen lips parted, every sound that escapes them like music to his ears. 
Fuck, you’re a goddamn wet dream.
His fingers curl inside of you, exploring until he finds that patch of nerves along your front wall. As soon as he grazes it, you gasp brokenly and buck into his touch, making him bite his lip and return his eyes to your pussy and the way it swallows his fingers. His mouth finds your clit and suctions around it, the little bud firm under his tongue as he flicks it back and forth, following your sounds to find what you like best. 
“Cheol, I-I’m getting close,” you moan out in a warning tone, but it only makes him more determined, his fingertips grinding into you and his lips puckering around your clit. You seem to love it when he sucks in pulses and crooks his fingers into your sweet spot at the same time so he sets a quick tempo, hoping to help you find the edge and then tip you over it. 
It happens sooner than he expects, the molten velvet of your cunt tightening around his fingers rhythmically as your cries reach a fever pitch. He doesn’t stop, wonders if he even could when you’re making the noises you are and begging him, “Please, Cheollie, please.”
He would soothe you but his mouth is still hard at work on your clit, his tongue rolling over the bud again and again as his fingers prod that spot inside of you. Soon enough, you can’t speak, just sobbing and sinking a hand into his hair to hold him in place, your thigh falling to rest on his shoulder. 
He doesn’t mind the weight, loves your soft skin against his ear and the feeling of you pressing his face into your pussy, as if he’d even consider pulling away now. You want to cum again, he can tell, and he’s not going to stop until you do. 
He fucks his fingers in and out of you faster, pursing his lips around your clit and sucking deeply, grumbling and groaning into you in encouragement, his brows furrowed and his vision hazy. 
Your cunt spasms around his fingers, growing impossibly wetter and locking down like a vise until all he can do is curl his fingertips into your sweet spot and dig his tongue into your clit. A sharp whine pierces the air and your thigh trembles on his shoulder as you break, arousal gushing out of you in spurts to coat his neck and drip down over his collarbones. 
It’s the only flood he’s ever been thankful for, and before you’ve even started to recover, he’s already voicing his gratitude.
“Fucking beautiful, baby. That was the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me, oh my god,” he mumbles, pressing kisses along the thigh that rests on his shoulder, withdrawing his fingers to clean them off with his mouth. 
“I didn’t know I could do that,” you whisper dreamily, struggling to lift your head. 
He lowers your thigh and rises to his feet, shaking out his stiff legs before leaning down over you and letting you taste yourself on his lips. The kiss grows deep in an instant, his tongue sliding into your mouth as you wrap your legs around him and pull his body into yours. His aching dick gets trapped in between until you reach down and take hold of it, guiding it to rest against your hot, wet cunt. 
That first bit of contact is enough to pull a low groan from him, the slippery heat of your pussy on the top side of his cock making him throb and leak against you. He’s so fucking desperate for you but there’s only one thing that he wants more than to sink inside of you bare right now, and that’s to respect your wishes (and not get you pregnant… for the next year or two, at least). 
Maybe someday he can fuck you without a condom but that day won’t be today, so with great difficulty, he drags his lips away from yours and reaches an arm out to pull open his bedside drawer. He feels around for a second, exclaiming victoriously when his fingers catch on the box before he takes hold of it and sets it on the bed. 
Looking back at you for approval, he finds you beaming up at him like he hung the stars in the sky just so you could bask in their light, and fuck, he swears he’d rearrange them all in the shape of you, given the chance. 
He fumbles one-handed with the box for a minute, his other hand braced next to your head to keep himself from crushing you, before you take over and tear it open, ripping a packet off the strip and tossing the rest onto his nightstand. 
“We’ll need those for later,” you inform him matter-of-factly as you unwrap the condom and reach down to wrap your fingers around his dick. He’s been leaking enough precum that your hand glides when you pump it up and down, and it takes an astounding amount of self control not to fuck into your grasp as if he’s never been touched before. 
You place the condom at his tip and start to roll it on and even that is heavenly, your touch electric and your eyes bright like the summer sun when your gaze meets his. He feels you line him up, his cock jumping at just the thought of being inside your perfect cunt, barrier or no barrier. Your legs tighten around his waist, pulling his hips into yours, and he takes that for the hint it is. 
Sucking in a deep breath, he starts to sink into you, the head of his cock pushing through the tightness of your entrance to disappear inside of you inch by inch. He goes slowly, both to give you time to adjust and to give himself the opportunity to get it together, the blazing heat and intoxicating grip of your pussy wiping out every coherent thought in his brain. There’s a stretch but it’s eased by your arousal, and the way he can feel you relaxing and opening up to accept him is nothing short of exquisite. 
“How does it feel?” He gasps out raggedly, watching your face as he finally bottoms out. Your eyebrows are scrunched up and your pretty lips are parted, soft breaths escaping as you hitch your thighs up higher on his waist and let your eyes blink open. 
They’re full of tears, making him blanch and immediately start to pull his hips back, sure that he’s hurting you and you’ve been unable to even speak through the pain to tell him. 
“No, stay! Stay, Cheollie, it’s fucking perfect,” you plead in a broken voice, hugging him closer with your legs and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Then why are you crying?” He asks, confused and still slightly worried though the fluttering of your walls around him is enough to make him want to cry too. 
“I’ve just wanted you for so long, and you make me feel even better than I ever dreamed you would,” you tell him through a wobbly smile. “I think you’re my missing piece.” 
“Baby,” he sighs lovingly as he melts against you and drops down to his elbows to press his lips to yours, the movement burying him just a bit deeper inside and making both you and him moan in pleasure. 
He doesn’t think he even knows words that could explain how flawless, how right you feel around him, but he can at least try, for you. 
“Being inside of you is like… coming home. Like I’ve been wandering in the cold my whole life and I finally found somewhere soft and warm and safe to rest. I kind of want to never leave,” he murmurs, resting his forehead against yours and gazing into your eyes as he speaks. 
“You may not be able to stay forever but I’ll always want you to come home again,” you promise him gently. “You will leave enough to move, though, right? Because-”
Laughing, he squeezes his eyes shut and steels himself before pulling his hips back a few inches, the drag of your clenching walls on his cock enough to steal his breath even with the latex in between. He tries to go slowly as he presses back into you, but the igneous embrace of your cunt draws him in with one effortless, gliding thrust. 
Somehow, burying himself inside of you the second time feels even better than the first, and it’s easier to withdraw from your warmth again when he realizes that the pleasure will only compound as he moves more and more. 
Fighting to keep his eyes open and on your face while he establishes a rhythm, he builds speed until the catch in your breath and the fluttering of your eyelashes tells him he’s found the best pace for you. He can’t make it out more than a couple inches before your legs around his waist stop him, but he loves that you want him inside as much as he wants to be inside, so he just puts more power behind his hips as he slides back in to make sure you feel it. 
Time starts to pass and he falls into something like a trance, the feeling of your pussy clinging to him as he leaves and cradling him as he returns hypnotic. It’s almost as if he’s lost the ability for complex thought and replaced it with pure sensation, just acting on instinct now that his brain has been rendered useless. 
It doesn’t help that your gaze is deep, mesmerizing, fucking magnetic. He can’t look away, feels like he can’t even blink as he fucks into you, his face close enough to yours that he’s breathing your air. Still, he wants to be even closer, wants to burrow inside of you, climb into your ribcage, and make a home right next to your heart. 
The desire is so intense, it’s nearly frightening, but nothing could scare Seungcheol away from you now. He’s yours, mind, body, and soul, belonging to you in a way he’s never allowed himself to belong to anyone else before. 
He hates to admit it, but he’s already starting to get close. Lasting has never been an issue for him, even in the past few months when all he could think about was you, but thinking about you and being inside of you are two very different things. Your pussy is goddamn magical, everything about fucking you is goddamn magical, and he fears his only hope is in changing positions. 
“Baby, can I- shit, can I fuck you from behind?” He stalls his movements long enough to ask, dreading the moment he’ll have to pull out completely so you can turn over. 
“Um, yes but…I honestly don’t know if I can hold myself up,” you reluctantly admit, like you think it’s something to be embarrassed about. 
“That’s what pillows and my hands are for,” he assures you, smiling at the way you relax and unwrap your legs from his waist, allowing him to begin the process of extricating himself from you. 
Slowly, he begins to draw his hips back, ignoring the alarm bells that ring in his head as he feels his cock leave your heat inch by inch. It’s only for a minute or two, he tells himself, pushing off of you and sitting up so you can get onto your stomach. 
He watches your body move as you roll over, his eyes stuck on the curve of your plush ass before you get your knees under you and they shift to the gleam of your wet, fucked open cunt. Keeping his gaze on you, he reaches to the head of the bed and grabs the two pillows that rest there, sliding them under your hips one after another. You sink into position, your back arched and your cheek pressed against his sheet, completely relaxed even with your body on full display for him. 
The groan escapes without his permission, the memory of your taste on his tongue making his mouth water. Before he knows it, he’s on his stomach too and burying his face in your pussy, reaching up to press down on the small of your back so you arch even deeper into him. 
“Cheol!” You gasp, pushing back onto his tongue when he shoves it inside of you, making him whimper into your cunt as he devours you. 
“Never gonna get enough of this pussy, fuck,” he mutters as he shifts his focus to your clit, wrapping his lips around the bud and sucking in pulses. He doesn’t know how long he eats you out, just that he goes until you’re dripping down his face again and squirming against him, desperate to cum. 
“Seungcheol, please, I ne-need your cock, need you to fill me up,” you cry out, reaching back and gripping one of his hands where it holds you down. 
His dick jumps and leaks into the condom at your words, the plea in your voice sparking a shiver he feels all the way from his scalp to his toes. Pulling his tongue from you, he rises back up on his knees and shuffles forward, taking hold of his cock and gliding it up and down the seam of you, nudging at your clit. 
“Cheol,” you begin, likely about to threaten him. He would love to hear it but your entrance catches on the head of his dick and he can’t resist the alluring, feverish depths of your cunt, sliding inside in one long, ruthless thrust. 
You keen when he reaches the end of you but you also tilt your hips to accept the last inch, the snug clutch of your pussy near mythical in the bliss it brings him. With one hand gripping your hip to hold you up and the other firm on the small of your back to keep you in place, he starts thrusting in and out of you. 
The tempo he takes is brutal, fierce, the force of his hips impacting your ass making it ripple and bounce as he fucks into you. His hearing is fuzzy with how fucking good it feels but he can still make out the smack of his skin against yours and the slick sound of his cock gliding through your wetness. There’s a squelch every time he bottoms out, and accompanied by your whines and whimpers, all of the noises combine to create a masterpiece of a melody. 
Seungcheol truly thought the pause would help but he’s right back where he started, throbbing and leaking for you and so fucking close to the edge, he’s concerned he’ll make it there before you do. Sure, you already came twice, but you deserve a third, a fourth if he can hold himself back long enough - one orgasm for every month he spent not making you cum. 
The hand on your back slips around under your hips, working itself down between your legs to find your clit. It’s swollen beneath his fingers, slippery from the arousal his dick keeps pushing out, which only makes it easier to swirl circles into the bud, the way your pussy instantly clenches around him making him moan roughly. 
The added resistance just enhances each stroke, your walls trying to suck his cock back in when he pulls out and hugging him tighter and tighter every time he pushes inside again. He fears he won’t be able to make you cum without it making him cum too, but there’s something so poetic about finding that euphoria together that he can’t be bothered about breaking this soon. 
“Getting close, baby?” He asks, fairly sure what your answer will be. 
“Yeah, Cheollie, wan-wanna cum with you inside me so bad,” you gasp, craning your neck to look back at him. “Thought about it every time I-” 
You can’t finish your sentence when his fingers start to move faster, but he thinks he knows where you were going with it. 
“Every time you fucked yourself, you wished it was me instead, huh?” He teases a little meanly, knowing he has no room to talk.
Your face crumples as you nod, tears filling your eyes, and he leans down over you, his hand leaving your hip to brace himself so he doesn’t suffocate you. He presses his lips to your cheek, your jaw, your neck, murmuring, “I did the same fucking thing, baby, and I always wanted it to be you.”
“Promise?” You whisper, a vulnerable tinge to your voice. He’s reminded that, until tonight, you had no idea how he felt about you. This is all still new, and he needs to be kind, delicate, reassuring as you acclimate to the reality of him being in love with you. 
Stopping all movement so you can fully focus on his words, he whispers back, “Cross my heart and hope to die. Ever since we met, I’ve thought about you, wanted you, dreamed about you. I fell for you. You’re it for me.” 
“You're it for me too, Seungcheol,” you tell him gently, before asking, “Can I turn back over? I want you to hold me.”
He answers by smacking one last kiss to your cheek and climbing off of you, helping to roll you onto your back and pulling one of the pillows out from under your hips, leaving you slightly elevated but not so much that it’s uncomfortable. Sighing contentedly as he stretches himself out along your body, he slides his forearm under your shoulders to pull you into his chest and holds himself up with that elbow, slipping the other hand between your bodies to guide his dick inside of you. 
“Better?” He confirms, grinning when you nod shyly and wrap your arms around his neck, your legs rising to encircle his waist as he sinks back into you. He hopes you feel as held by him as he feels by you, the sheer comfort and safety of your body enough to make his eyes water this time. 
He moves slowly, carefully, rocking in and out of you at a steady pace, never leaving you more than halfway before burying himself inside again. The brief pause did wonders for his self control, his release feeling far enough away that he thinks he really might be able to get you there once before he lets you pull him over the edge too. 
Until you start kissing him, that is. 
Once your lips meet his and your tongue slips into his mouth, every part of him is wrapped up in loving you. There’s not a single thing on his mind except for you, every thought dedicated to kissing you, fucking you, pleasing you, and it feels so goddamn right. Like this is what he was made for. 
And fuck if that doesn’t have him closer than ever before, his cock pulsing and leaking into the condom, the latex probably the only thing keeping him from cumming right now. If he could feel you bare, it would be over for him, and as much as he wants to experience you without the barrier, he’s thankful for it. 
His fingers settle back onto your clit and start to rub circles around it, his mouth catching the gasp you let out when his hips scoop on the next thrust in and drag the head of his cock against your g-spot. 
He can’t hit it with every stroke, not when he wants to get as deep as possible, but combined with the work of his fingers, he can feel you getting closer each and every time he does graze the erogenous patch. 
You stop kissing him to tilt your head back and let out a long, high-pitched whine, and he knows it’s almost time. He doesn’t change a thing, not when your nails dig into his shoulders, not when your hips buck into his, not even when your pussy starts to swallow around his cock. He just keeps his steady pace, continues to roll your clit beneath his fingers, and hopes, prays, wishes that pleasure will find you before it washes over him. 
“Please, please, please baby, please fucking cum for me,” he begs, every muscle in his body tensing as he fights to hold off his own orgasm. It’s not in vain, thank fucking goodness, because you whimper brokenly as your pussy starts to undulate around him, growing tighter and tighter until he can’t move, can barely even breathe. 
You’re cumming, fuck, you’re cumming, and so is he, the pulsating of your walls around him making him surge deep inside and stay there as he fills the condom with his cum, his cock jerking and jumping within you. It’s better than it ever has been, every thought in his head wiped out by pure fucking ecstasy and every muscle in his body tensing then relaxing as he succumbs to the urge to just melt into you and let two become one. 
Minutes, or maybe hours, pass before he can pull himself away from you, but eventually you release your hold on him, your arms falling to rest beside your head and your legs gingerly returning to the mattress. He doesn’t know if he’s ready to not be inside of you, but the condom is starting to feel uncomfortable now that he’s softening, especially as full of cum as it is, so he holds the base of it as he withdraws himself from you. 
You pout the whole time and he does too, but you say nothing as he gets off the bed to slip the condom off, tying the end in a knot before dropping it in the bin next to his desk. 
Seungcheol doesn’t know why but he’s nervous to turn back around, to face you again. When he does, though, you just smile up at him sleepily and open your arms, waiting for him to find his place. 
He grins softly and slides back into bed, laying on his back and gathering you up against his chest, humming contentedly when you snuggle into him, your leg tossed over his thigh and your arm wrapped around his waist. 
“We should wash up, but I don’t want to move…” he murmurs, lifting his head just enough to press a kiss to your crown before letting it drop back down, his eyes fluttering closed. 
“I have bad news,” you say quietly. His heart starts to race and his eyes fly open, his arms tightening around you like that’ll protect him from what you’re about to say. 
“What is it?” He asks, hesitation clear in his voice. 
“We forgot my stuff in your car,” you whisper nervously, as if that’s something he would actually get upset with you over. 
He can’t stop the laugh that bubbles out of him, tinged in both love and relief, though he does muffle it in your hair. 
“That’s not so bad, baby. I’ll go get your water and bag, and you start the shower, okay?” he proposes, already planning to jog so he can make it back in time to rinse off with you. 
“Okay,” you sigh happily, sitting up and rolling out of bed before prancing over to the ensuite, fully fucking naked. 
Yeah, no way in hell is he staying on that goddamn couch tonight. 
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AN: what a fucking journey this was!! I’m so happy i kept yall updated through it because it was so nice to have you cheering me on and to know you were excited for it to come out 🥺 did i expect it to be three times as long as part one? no! are their feelings a bit dramatic? yes! is this fanfiction? yes, so i can make it as dramatic as i want! people get married after one month, they’re allowed to be in love after four! ps you don’t know how hard it was to keep more breeding kink from slipping into this like it’s borderline impossible for me to write seungcheol without breeding kink but i did my best and i did it for you
all i have left to say is this: you deserve someone who will love you like seungcheol loves reader! you deserve someone who will listen to you and respect you and do everything in their power to make you feel good! that’s what i, user sluttywoozi, wants for you! remember that the next time you think about settling for less than what you deserve!
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Taglist: @so-da-1 @plskillme22 @nightshadeblooming @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @gyuguys @jennwonwoo @lelestarmy @disneyprincessshuri @alexbarberry @scoupsjin @sourkimchi @bangrauhl13 @meowmeowminnie @jungkooknippleanddicksucker @lukeys-giggle @polyglot-ton267 @bubbletroubble @bouclesdefeu @sunshinekyeom-sang @ujimatchaaa
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puck-luck · 2 days
evening embrace | jack hughes
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warnings: oral (m! & f! receiving) aka 69 BABYYYY!!!!! whiny jack, silly jack, established realtionship af, very domestic pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader request: "jack hughes coming home from practice or a game all grumpy and frustrated and just ranting endlessly about whatever is pissing him off so u just casually decide to give him head mid-rant. without a word you just start palming him over his pants while he’s mid sentence and he’d be like “baby, what are you doing?” and you’d casually make your way to your knees with a shrug and say “you’re stressed, seem like you could use some relief” and once you’ve got his dick out and you’re about to bring it to your lips you’d say “you can continue with your ranting baby, promise i won’t get distracted” with an innocent little pout i-" wc: 4423
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Jack had a bad day. The Devils just had their first few preseason games and Jack, although he felt ready to get back into his normal routine, feels like his shoulder injury from last season is still a little tender. He can’t pinpoint the exact moment that he snapped, but he thinks that he blacked out around the time when he missed a pivotal pass that resulted in a breakaway and goal in the game today. He’s never been so angry after a game– and this is just preseason.
He bursts through the door to your shared apartment, already ranting. 
“This is shit,” Jack complains, dropping his bags in the doorway and kicking off his shoes. 
“What’s shit, Jacky?” You ask from the couch, wrapped up in a blanket and reading a book. Now that he’s home, though, you set the book down and give him your attention.
“I’m not playing good enough,” Jack huffs out, frustrated and annoyed. “It’s my stupid shoulder. I’ve rehabbed it, I’ve gotten it fixed through surgery, and I still feel like I’m not playing at 100%.”
“Aw, honey, come sit,” you say, patting the cushion beside you. 
Jack stalks over, collapsing onto the couch cushions and pulling you onto his lap. He kisses you hello before going back to his ranting. 
“I knew I needed to work more on my wrister before the game,” he says. “But Keefe wanted us to run drills at camp so that we could be better all-around.”
You hum when you need to, but Jack’s just complaining and pouting. He had a tough day and wants to get all of his negative thoughts out, knowing that you don’t mind listening to him when he has problems.
“And I appreciate being a good team all-around, you know,” Jack continues. “But there should be times during practice when a guy can go work on his own shit, which will make the team better overall once he’s perfected the skill.”
“Maybe you can talk to Nico about that,” you murmur, tracing the letters on Jack’s shirt. 
“I don’t want to be that guy,” Jack grumbles. “It’s a team sport. If Keefe wants us to practice as a team, then that’s what we’ll do. He’s the coach.”
You nod absentmindedly, adjusting yourself on Jack’s lap. Your hand continues to pet over his covered chest as he talks. His muscles are defined; it’s clear that he put in the work during his time off. You know he did, actually. You’ve watched his body swell and gain muscle mass over the summer and you’ve been able to see the changes up close and personal.
But not this past week: training camp started and Jack has been so tired and stressed out that he’ll come home, eat dinner with you, and collapse into bed with nary a makeout sesh anywhere. He’s been too tired to get off with you, although you know it relaxes him and helps him keep his mind clear, so you haven’t pushed.
Yet, as he talks about his day, you can’t stop thinking about how much better this would be if your lips were wrapped around his dick.
Your hand drops to his lap, palming his length over his shorts and interrupting Jack’s sentence.
He catches your wrist. “Baby, what are you doing?” Jack asks. “I’m talking to you.”
You blink up at him innocently, moving from his lap and sliding down to the ground. You situate yourself prettily on your knees, right between his thighs. Again, you touch the front of his shorts, rubbing the area like you’re giving him a handjob over his pants. “You seem stressed,” you tell him, simply. “Like you could use some relief.”
Jack’s mouth is agape, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. “I– um, yeah, I mean, I guess I’m stressed,” he replies, agreeing with you with an additional nod.
“Let me help,” you offer, cupping his bulge with your hand before leaning in to brush a fleeting kiss against the growing tent. You mouth along for a moment before bringing his waistband down, revealing his tight boxer-briefs. His semi is much more noticeable in just the underwear, straining more against the fabric as he grows harder. You fit your lips over the tip of his cock and suck slightly, through his shorts, just to make Jack jump.
“Yeah,” Jack agrees, touching the back of your neck hesitantly. He moves like he’s still confused and not quite sure what’s happening.
“Keep talking, baby,” you say to him as you pull his length out of his underwear and start to stroke it. You press a kiss to the crown of his cock, then pull back. “I’m listening. I promise I won’t get distracted.” You blink up at him through your eyelashes, watching countless emotions pass over Jack’s face before you kitten-lick over his slit and hum in approval. 
“It’s just hard,” Jack says, his eyes still wide and blown because of the shock that came over him when you made your bold move. “To, uh–”
He trails off, gesturing helplessly as your tongue traces the veins on the underside of his cock. You hum, bobbing your head in a commiserating, blatantly sarcastic nod. You know what you’re doing to him. You know that Jack goes boneless whenever you suck him off, that he promptly loses his words when you gag on his cock. 
So, you pull away from him. You let your spit pool where it lay while your lips were around him– able to use it as lube as you pump him, blinking up at him like you’re unimpressed. “C’mon, J. I thought you had things to be frustrated about.”
“I do!” Jack exclaims, finding his words after your mouth parts from his body.
“Oh, you do,” you repeat, a smug little smile on your face. “So tell me about it.”
“I– well– it doesn’t matter now,” Jack whines, his hips twitching under your calm palm. 
You furrow your brow and tilt your head to the side. “It doesn’t?”
Jack covers his face with his hands and makes a frustrated noise.
“Well, if that doesn’t matter, then why am I doing this?” You ask, feigning complete confusion even as you continue to stroke him. Jack has obviously gotten side tracked– and the relief of your mouth is like a wet rag on a dry erase board: it wipes everything completely clean and fresh. “I thought I was offering you something sweet to make up for your bad day.”
“You are, just– stop stopping!” 
You move your head from side to side with each word in your response: “You can’t make me!”
At a stalemate, Jack deflates. He frowns to himself, then pointedly at you. You’re still stroking him, just teasing him, waiting for him to sweetly ask you to continue until–
Jack pulls you up onto the couch and takes your place, sinking to the ground on his knees with his pants and underwear pooling around his ankles. He doesn’t bother to take his clothes off before he touches your leggings reverently with a light ghosting of his fingertips. He brushes a sweet kiss against the inside of your thigh as he touches you, but the sweetness and teasing doesn’t last very long.
“How was your day?” Jack asks with a smirk and another kiss to your covered skin. He pulls at the waistband of your leggings, dragging them down your legs in a totally obvious way.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” you warn.
“Not doing anything,” Jack teases. 
“Don’t lie to me, Jack Hughes.”
“Full name,” Jack notes offhandedly. He licks his lips and rubs his thumb along your slit, still covered by your godforsaken panties. If he’s going to do something, he had better do it. ���Just giving my baby a taste of her own medicine,” he adds.
“My day was fine, thank you very much,” you retort.
Jack hums, fiddling with the edge of your panties, the part of the underwear that’s covering his favorite part of you. “What’d you do?” He asks.
“I showered,” you say.
“Without me,” Jack adds. You don’t have time to berate him for acting like a fuckboy– not when he starts mouthing over your hipbones until he finds the waistband of your panties. He takes the band between his teeth and drags the fabric down to meet your leggings. All the while, he stares up at you with his own wide, blown, horny eyes. 
“And I had breakfast, then I worked for a while, then I got lunch with my coworker like I told you about last night–” You continue, but Jack interrupts, pulling away from your bare cunt.
He pouts a bit. “What coworker?” Jack asks. “Who was it again?”
You muster the courage to glare at him. Jack just grins, his thumb sweeping through your folds like he hasn’t got a care in the world. 
“Sadie,” you remind him. “The new girl in accounting.”
“Oh, Sadie,” Jack drawls, rolling his eyes exaggeratedly. “How could I forget about Sadie?” He smiles at you briefly to show that he’s messing with you, then nears your mound. “What did you eat?” He asks, just before replacing his thumb with the tip of his tongue, pride written all over his face as you take a deep breath.
“We got those Mediterranean bowls you like,” you say. You don’t tell him that there’s one in the fridge waiting for him.
“Without me,” Jack repeats, sounding a little more forlorn than the first time. Who knew that showering without your boyfriend would be less titillating than a Mediterranean bowl from that place down the street?
Regardless, you still don’t tell him about your little surprise in the kitchen.
“Without you,” you agree. “I can’t always be with you, you know.”
“Mhm, and it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever had to go through,” Jack says, using his thumbs to pull your lips apart so he can really dig in and lavish your cunt. Jack drinks up the gasp that leaves your mouth when his tongue twirls against your clit, then drops lower to press against your entrance. Jack presses a kiss against your entrance before his tongue really works into you, rendering him quiet.
You know he expects you to continue speaking, just as you expected him to continue. One thing you’ve always been better at than Jack is compartmentalizing– you swear it comes with the territory of being a woman compared to being a man– but you’ve missed this so much that you don’t care about his gloating that will come later. 
“Jack, come–”
You interrupt yourself with a breathy gasp, hands flying to his hair. Jack has always loved when you tug at the brown waves adorning his head, so the heady look in his eyes when he looks up at you is no surprise. It’s also no surprise that your gasp has Jack flattening his tongue and showering your cunt with attention.
You had meant to ask him to come back up onto the couch, wanting him to be comfortable, but Jack doesn’t seem to care. You still want him to fill your mouth. There’s a trace of his salty precum on your tongue and the absence of his cock on the muscle leaves you writhing. 
He eats you out messily, getting your juices all over his lips, cheeks, and chin. When he pulls away to catch a breath, you admire how his chest heaves with the effort to fill his lungs before diving back in and the way he licks his lips. You grip his hair, tugging slightly to get his attention, and then Jack’s disheveled baby blues are back on you. He smiles dopily, moving to wrap his lips around your clit, but before he can, you speak.
“Come up here,” you implore, tugging at his hair again. 
“Wanna stay here,” Jack replies, succeeding in his efforts to reconnect with your core this time. 
Despite the shockwaves flying through your body at his powerful suction, you remain steadfast. You’re even able to string a sentence together that has Jack pausing: “Please, J, wanna suck you too,” you complain.
It isn’t long until Jack thinks of a joke to refute you. “Baby, I’m 86, not 69.”
“Jack,” you complain, tugging his hair again indignantly as he laughs against your cunt, enjoying his own joke. “Not funny.”
“Very funny,” Jack mumbles, fitting a finger inside of you and thumbing over your clit in the absence of his mouth. You’re grinding down against him now, not nearly full enough or satisfied enough. Jack’s smirk tells you that there’s more coming. “You want to have my cock in your mouth so bad that you’ll do your least favorite sex position on the couch?”
You groan. Of course he remembered the conversation he walked in on when you had your girlfriends over a couple of months ago– a lengthy, very detailed, very philosophical conversation about which sex positions are practical and impractical, as well as what places are more practical than others. 
You don’t suck Jack off as he eats you out often. It’s not something you ever really feel the need to do, even though Jack has admitted to loving the way you’ll moan against his cock and rock back into his mouth like you’re unsure which is better. The reason you don’t do it often, though, is that you can rarely finish like that. And Jack, being the doting, pussy-drunk boyfriend he is, would rather have you in a position where you’ll come all over his cock or his face rather than struggle to make it to your destination.
As for the couch, you’ve always thought that it’s more fun to ride Jack and distract him from whatever he’s watching on the TV, or for him to bend you over the edges of the furniture to pound into you from behind.
But today– today, you’re confident that you can finish. It’s been over a week since Jack felt like doing anything and you’re needy. You’re not ashamed of it, either– you love your boyfriend and the passion shared between you both is enough to steam up the windows of the apartment. It’s no secret that Jack does everything he can to make you feel good.
Which is how you’re going to convince him to get back on the couch and fill you completely, please you from both ends until you’re boneless and smothering him with your cunt– “The ideal way to die,” according to Jack, and all of his friends who insisted he was right when he dared to bring up sex at one of the parties on the lake house the previous summer. 
“Jack,” you say, simple and plain. You lean forward on the couch, reaching down to cradle his face in your palms. Your hands get sticky with your own slick, but it’s no big deal. After all, you’d already touched Jack’s dick, so it’s not like your hands are clean. You press a fleeting kiss to his nose, making Jack grin widely. “Wanna sit on this pretty face,” you tell him. “While I gag on your cock.”
“Mm, yeah?” Jack asks. The way he perks up is laughable: if he was a dog, he’d be wagging his tail. “Gonna come in my mouth while I come in yours?”
You shiver at the thought of a simultaneous orgasm– your own warmth and relaxation taking over your body while Jack fills you up. You nod slightly, biting your lip to hold back a needy whine. Your eyelashes flutter as you watch Jack stand from his spot between your legs. 
He lays on the couch, his head resting on a throw pillow for some extra leverage. He makes himself comfortable, and it’s a little silly that both of you still have your shirts on, but Jack sticks out his tongue and waves you forward. The position makes you laugh, combined with his antics, so you make a silly move of your own. 
You crawl towards him, across the couch, trying to look like Sophie in Mamma Mia while she and Sky sing ‘Lay All Your Love on Me,’ but there’s no music playing. It’s just you and Jack and your soft little giggles, which are eventually quieted by a sweet kiss and a swipe of Jack’s tongue against your own. You can taste yourself on him and he can taste himself on you, which has Jack smiling into the kiss. His teeth clink against yours for a second, then he pats your hip and you pull away.
“Come have a seat, baby,” Jack invites, unable to wipe the grin off of his face. You shake your head and avert your eyes, blushing a little bit at how giddy you’ve made him with just a few kisses, some attention to his cock, and access to your pussy.
“Forgotten all about your bad day?” You tease.
“It turned out okay, I think,” Jack replies with a wink. He keeps his hands on your body as you turn, then line yourself up with his mouth. You’ve got the perfect view of his cock in this position, standing up and red for you, just waiting for you to lean forward and welcome him into the warm wetness of your mouth.
Jack hasn’t waited to admire you. He’s already sloppily mouthing at your lips, sliding his tongue against your clit. He has his arms looped around your thighs, hands planted squarely on your ass. He grips your cheeks and spreads them so that he can pull you back further and work his tongue inside of you. For your hesitation, he gives your clit a little nip to encourage you forward. It doesn’t hurt, but it does surprise you, and you let out a hushed yelp. Jack giggles before returning to your entrance, prodding at you.
You bend forward, laying across Jack’s body and holding yourself up by laying your forearms on his abdomen. Your left hand pets over the skin on his hip while your right holds his base steady. You gather some spit in your mouth before letting it drip onto his slit. The fluid drips down his cock, but you’re determined to replace your spit with ropes of his cum.
You take him in your mouth as far as you can, moaning when his tip nudges the back of your throat. He twitches in your mouth, involuntary but welcome. You love when he’s unable to control his reactions, doubling down on his enthusiasm at your core. 
You can feel yourself dripping all over Jack’s face. His hands are strong on your hips, pulling you back to grind against his mouth. Taking an arm from around your thigh, he brings his fingers back to your core, sliding two inside of you while he focuses on your clit. 
He’s so messy and he keeps making slurping sounds because he’s so into it, which is completely not sexy, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. You treasure the moans and hums that follow the unattractive slurping– Jack’s voice has grown high-pitched and needy, completely intoxicated by your taste.
You imagine him now, cheeks flushed just as pink as yours. Hell, his lips are probably swollen and the same shade of red as his tip. 
You bring a hand up to move your hair to one side of your head, the strands brushing Jack’s thigh and tickling him slightly. It’s necessary for you to give this blowjob your full attention, and you can’t have your hair getting in the way now, not after you’ve been missing Jack’s cock for a full week.
No, you’re just as drunk as he is, moaning and gagging and humming. You pull out all the stops– leaving his cock to kiss over his balls and suck at the skin while you pump his member. Jack’s always enjoyed that extra touch, his hips jumping uncontrollably into your space for the second time tonight.
“Wanna fuck my face?” You ask, words coming out in a rush. 
Jack keens beneath you, holding you closer. He pumps his fingers inside you quickly, working a third into your hole and curling his knuckles until he finds your sweet spot, making you moan wantonly. His hips are moving again, wiggling beneath you until you bring your lips back to his tip. You press a kiss against his slit before opening your mouth as wide as you can, hollowing your cheeks against his shaft until Jack starts to move.
He’s quick like a jack-hammer. His movements are twitchy and shallow because, as you’ve said time and time again, Jack has never been the world’s greatest multitasker. He’s able to perform well on the ice, very athletically minded and capable, but when his mind gets all foggy and sex-crazed, he’s completely helpless. 
He chases his pleasure wildly. He continues to make his sweet, pretty whimpers against your pussy. His tongue flicks over your clit as fast as he can manage while also fingering you and fucking into your mouth– he’s working overtime and his chest is heaving with harsh breaths. You take it, even rolling your hips against his fingers to try and help him out. 
You’d feel bad about making him do all the work, but you’ve known since the beginning of your relationship how Jack feels about making you come: he loves it. It’s better than his own release. He always wants you to come over his tongue or make a mess all over his cock or fingers.
“Baby, baby,” Jack whines against your clit, his lips brushing the nerves as he talks. “Fuck, gonna come, please, please–”
“Uh-huh,” you hum, the best response you can give with your mouth stuffed with his cock. The vibrations send Jack over the edge and he lurches beneath you, pulling his fingers from your hole and replacing them with his tongue. He switches, putting his thumb on your clit and rubbing furious circles until you’re writhing above him.
You’re able to swallow a mouthful of his cum before you have to squeeze your eyes shut and focus on your own orgasm, milliseconds away from breaking down the dam inside of you. You pull off of Jack’s cock and pant above him, continuing to stroke him through his climax. 
Your eyes are a little teary from the ecstasy coursing through your veins, fueled completely by Jack’s rapid movements and equally frequent muffled pleas. He can’t stop begging you to release all over his face, even with his tongue inside of you. You can’t focus on what he’s saying, but his voice is wrecked and bordering on distressed. That’s how bad he needs you to come, how badly he needs to make you come.
His jaw has got to be aching by this point, having eaten you out for so long, but you’re so close.
You sit up a bit, just enough that you can place your hands on his muscular thighs and grind back against his face. Your hips are quick, messy, and inconsistent. “Jack,” you cry out, your breath leaving you like a hard fall to the ground knocking all the air from your lungs.
“Yeah, yeah,” he encourages, his tongue flicking over your walls.
You come harder than you ever have like this– maybe harder than you ever have in general. Jack holds you against him and laps at your release, despite the pleasure causing your hips to jerk and try to escape. You lose track of yourself, feeling completely gone. There’s a chance you’ll have to wash the couch cushions later, with the way you’re spreading slick over Jack’s face. It feels endless, your orgasm, and you think Jack may have actually made up for a week of nothing in just one night. 
He licks over you until there’s nothing left for him to taste. His hair has gone wild, eyes bright but groggy and hazy at the same time. You’re sure you look the same, unwilling to find yourself in the mirror across the room when you roll off of Jack and find a shaky footing on the floor. Your shirt is damp with sweat, as is Jack’s. He lifts the neckline to wipe the lower half of his face, dazed. 
“Fuck,” he sighs, placing a hand over his heart. His eyes look up at you, a slight smile lifting the edges of his lips. “That might be the closest I’ve ever gotten to dying from your pussy, baby.”
You laugh at that, running your fingers through your hair. “I think we both need a shower,” you say with an easy smile. 
Jack yawns. “Then bed?” He asks. 
“If you don’t fall asleep on me right here,” you reply, nodding at his body as it lounges on the couch. You thought you were bad with going boneless– Jack seems to have sank into the cushions. The sight is hilarious– your boyfriend, completely love drunk and smiling up at you like you’re an angel, with his shirt still on but no pants and no underwear. His dick has softened against his hip, the cum you didn’t swallow drying against his skin. “With your dick out and all. Any burglar would run the other direction.”
“You don’t think he’d be impressed?” Jack sits up just enough to look at his length. 
“Maybe not in this state.”
“I’ll just have to explain to him that my girl fucked me so good that I couldn’t move anymore,” Jack ponders with a shrug. He laughs to himself, eyes hooded but blinking slowly at you.
“Well, you did come first,” you agree. You reach out and take his hands, dragging him up to a sitting position, then up to his feet. 
Jack stumbles into you, petting over your rat’s-nest of a head of hair and pressing a series of kisses all over your face.
“Gross, gonna have to do extra skincare tonight,” you pout, pushing him away. 
Jack continues making kissy noises as you pull him towards your shared bedroom, depositing him in front of the shower so that he can start the water while you grab new clothes for the both of you and go to the bathroom. 
He feels you up in the shower until you’re both laughing and covered in suds, unable to keep your lips from the other person’s for longer than a couple of minutes. He makes his hair into a shampooed mohawk just to make you giggle again. His displeasure from earlier in the night is completely gone, and you couldn’t be more glad. 
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notes: this is one of my favorite fics i've ever written, so i hope y'all enjoyed!!
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flowercrowncrip · 2 days
Today I had such a nice, positive interaction with one of my colleagues, and I just wanted to share it because it's such a good heartwarming example of being an ally to disabled people.
For context, this is someone I only see about twice a month at work because she works in a different part of the organisation than I do, but when we do see each other we always get on really well.
Anyway, today we were talking and she says "is it okay if I ask you a question?"
I know her well enough that I was confident that it wasn't gonna be something too invasive, and if I wasn't comfortable answering it that would be fine, so I was like, “sure what is it?"
Anyway her question was "If you’re okay with it, I want to be able to support you better when we have confidential meetings that your carers can't be in the room for, would you be okay with helping me learn how to do that best?"
And I was so blown away by how much she obviously cares about me, and how respectful she was in not just assuming that I will be okay with her helping, and also in the way that she wants to be led by me in how best to support me rather than assuming that she already knows.
So yeah, if there is a disabled person in your life who you want to offer to Support to, this is such a good way of starting that conversation. Don't just assume that somebody needs help, and don't always assume that they want it from you (sometimes receiving extra support from someone who can change a dynamic if you're already friends or colleagues, and some people might not want that change).
The whole interaction just made me feel really cared about, and has helped so much with the voice in my head saying that I'm a burden when I ask for help at work.
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wittlesissyb4by · 3 days
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"Doctor Bailey will be in in a minute, I'm going to check your diaper and run some tests okay?
Awww! Don't be shy. You think you're the first 'man' I've seen in diapers? Ever since the Blowout, the Matriarchy has been turning more and more men into diaper dumpers. I can see you were no exception. Now are you going to behave? Or do I need to go get your wife to help me put you in the restraints?
That's what I thought.
Now I'm just going to open your diaper and have a look around okay? Ooooh you're quite the soggy little guy aren't you?! Let's get these tapes off...
Kssssk! Ksssk!!
Oh my!! Somewon has quite the bit of leakage in their cage! Are you excited?? Awww!! Don't be embarrassed! I've seen lots of little baybee dicks like yours! Not all of them are quite as leaky, but that's okay! Some enjoy their diapers more than others. Awww! Your poor wittle balls are so blue and swollen!
Alright, so first I'm gonna take your temperature, okay? Now I know this thermometer is a little big, but it's necessary to get a proper reading. And yes, it has to go in your little bum bum. It's okay sweetie, you can handle it. Take a deep breath for me...
See? That's not so bad is it? Look! You're leaking even more now! Just hold still, it'll all be over soon. Theerrrre we go!!
Now open your mouth! We need to check your gag reflex. Dr. Bailey might recommend you for a gender swap or even a sex change, so we need to make sure your throat can handle what that will entail if you're going to be a sissy baybee girl. I'll give you a hint: it will involve lots of special milkies from the Alphas.
Oh look at you! You're able to handle quite a bit of my penis-shaped tongue depressor! Yes...somewon is certainly on their way...
Okay, sweetie, last thing. I need to get a sperm sample. Awww! Don't get too excited. I won't be removing your cage. No...instead I'm going to perform a procedure called 'milking the prostate'. I'm just gonna lube up these two little fingers and...well...I'm sure you can guess where they're going. Don't worry! It won't take long. I've had plenty of practice, and usually the losers like you that have that much buildup in their balls don't take longer than a few minutes. I think you'll be surprised how good it feels. I've had several AB's come back to me on their second or third visit thank me for teaching them how to 'masturbate' while they're locked away in their cage.
Alright, here we go, are you ready? Deep breath, and don't bother trying to hold back your pitiful little moans. Let it all out. Enjoy yourself! I think you're going to like coming to the Doctor's Office...
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foxtrot91 · 14 hours
It’s been six months since Buck and Tommy had their first disastrous date, and it’s not a coincidence that Buck chose Micelli’s for their date tonight. The last week has been rough for them both, and Buck thinks that maybe revisiting where they started could do them both some good. It’s a reminder, if nothing else, that they weathered one storm and they can weather this one too.
It had started with an offhand comment, and before either of them knew it, it had snowballed into their first actual fight. Buck has had arguments with girlfriends before, but something about this one felt different, it felt real, like the stakes were somehow higher than they were in his previous relationships. Eventually, when it was clear that they weren’t getting anywhere, Buck had taken off and found himself at Eddie’s with a pack of beer and a bag of Eddie’s favourite Doritos.
“I just don’t get what his problem is,” Buck says, and then cracks open a bottle. “It’s like he saw the-the lease renewal papers he just – he just…”
“Just?” Eddie prompts, stuffing his face with chips. Buck decides against telling him about the crumbs and Dorito dust stuck in his moustache, figuring he’ll discover it eventually and in the meantime, Buck can quietly laugh about it without Eddie knowing. He deserves some form of entertainment after the night he’s had.
“He asked me to move in with him,” Buck grumbles before grabbing his own handful of chips just to have something to do with his hands. He ignores the way Eddie’s eyes go wide at the admission. “It was out of nowhere a-and I don’t know what to do with that, Eddie. I-I panicked and I said some things I probably shouldn’t have… and then I took off.”
“If you’re not ready to move in with him then just say that,” Eddie says, as if it was that simple. It wasn’t that simple, was the thing, and Buck doesn’t know how to articulate that to his best friend, let alone to Tommy. Buck must take too long to respond because when Eddie continues, he’s looking at Buck with a thoughtful, borderline suspicious expression. “Unless… you’re not-not ready?”
Tapping his knuckles on the wood of Eddie’s table, Buck looks everywhere but Eddie as he gathers his thoughts.
“I-I shouldn’t be ready, right? I mean, we’ve only been together for six months, that’s way too soon.”
“So, it’s not that you’re not ready, but that you think that you shouldn’t be ready?” Buck nods, feeling a little helpless as Eddie looks at him like he’s an idiot, and Buck sighs in frustration. “Okay, I don’t get it. What is this about? Because if you’re ready, and Tommy’s ready, then I’m not sure I see the what the problem is.”
“I just-it just…” Buck pauses, forcing himself to take a breath before continuing. “It came out of nowhere and it just seemed so sudden and I…”
It doesn’t matter that he can’t seem to get the words out, because Eddie has a look of understanding dawning on his face as if he’s suddenly just realized what this is about and Buck lets out a sigh of relief. He can always trust Eddie to understand what’s going on with Buck, if no one else.
“Taylor,” Eddie says, before taking a long draw from his beer.
“Taylor,” Buck repeats in agreement. When Tommy had asked if he’d like to move in, Buck had felt a sudden rush of excitement and he’d almost, almost agreed without thinking. But that excitement had quickly changed into the sharp sting of anxiety as he’d thought about how quickly he and Taylor had jumped into that milestone, and then how quickly it had all fallen apart. Standing there, looking at Tommy, he hadn’t been able to stop worrying that they had an expiration date, and that this move would be the first step towards the end just like it had been with Taylor.
“Listen,” Eddie starts, and Buck knows that tone, it’s the same tone he used when telling Buck not to give up on something before he’d even known what it was before encouraging him to call Tommy. “You and Tommy are not you and Taylor, not even close. And if you’re really not ready for that step then that’s okay, and you need to tell Tommy that. I’m sure he’d understand. But if you are, and you’re just not letting yourself because of a previous bad experience then you need to figure out how to let that go before it hurts something that could be really good for you.”
He’s right, and Buck knows he’s right. He and Tommy have been doing so well together and Buck hates to admit that there’s been this part of him all along that’s just been waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Tommy to come to the decision that maybe they’re just better off as friends. “You don’t think it’s too soon?” Buck asks quietly into his drink.
“I think that what’s too soon for some people is just right for others, and only you and Tommy get to decide what’s right for the two of you.” He’s speaking from experience, and Buck experiences a sudden pang of guilt at the reminder of Marisol and what led to Eddie blowing up his life.
Agreeing to give it some more thought, Buck decides to change the topic as a bit of sadness creeps over Eddie’s face. Without another word, Buck moves their location to the living room and puts on one of the telenovelas Eddie likes, and they both settle in for the night.
Eventually, Buck and Tommy had spoken, and had agreed to table talks of moving in together for the time being. Tommy hadn’t understood why Buck had reacted the way he had, and Buck wasn’t sure how to explain that thoughts of moving in together exhilarated and terrified him at the same time. He especially didn’t know how to explain that it’s thoughts of his ex-girlfriend that have him feeling so anxious.
But now that some distance has been put between the fight, and Buck’s had some time to think things through, he knows what he wants. And while things still weren’t quite back to normal between them, Tommy having pulled back slightly since the argument, they’re still them and Buck wants to celebrate that.
“Brings back memories,” Tommy quips once they’re settled into their table. When Buck made the reservation, he’d specifically requested this table, wanting to recreate their original date as much as possible. Hopefully with a much different ending this time.
“Yeah, uh, that’s why I chose it, actually.” Buck feels his face heat slightly at the admission as he glances up at Tommy. He hates that Tommy still looks a little guarded around him, hopes that he can erase that look with what he plans to say. “I thought maybe we could, I-I don’t know, paint over the old memories with new ones?”
That gets him a fond smile before Tommy looks down at the menu, shaking his head before he looks back up. “You’re adorable,” he says, voice soft and fond and Evan feels himself relax slightly at the glimpse of warmth there.
“You said that last time.”
“I meant it then, too.” Another smile, and Buck feels himself melt a little more.
The waiter appears then, and they put in their orders. Instead of sharing a pizza this time they order individually; Buck orders himself the gnocchi, and Tommy choosing the Chicken Parmigiana. Conversation is light as they wait for their food, Bobby is finally back in the captain’s seat which means that Buck is happy to talk about the goings on at the 118 and Tommy is always happy to listen. Tommy tells him about his last shift in turn, about the helicopter rescue of the missing hiker that could’ve gone wrong but didn’t thanks to Tommy and Lucy’s quick thinking, and for the first time since their fight, Buck feel sat peace.
This is what he wants, he thinks as their food arrives, him and Tommy. Whether they’re at a fancy restaurant or lazing about on Tommy’s couch, Tommy is where he feels content and happiest. There’s only two other people who’ve ever made him feel truly at ease and one of them is his sister, and the other is Eddie, and that he gets to count Tommy among that group fills him with so much warmth Buck thinks he could burst with it.
Only you and Tommy get to decide what’s right.
Eddie’s words come back to him as silence settles over the table while they dig into their food. He’s right, six months, twelve months, whatever, they’re all just arbitrary numbers and Buck is tired of letting his past dictate what feels right, right now. They’re nearly finished their meals when Buck sets down his fork with a soft clink, deciding it’s now or never.
“Tommy I uh, I wanted to-”
“—Wait, let… let me go first Evan,” Tommy says, cutting Buck off. “Look, last week I put you on the spot and that wasn’t right.”
“No, Tommy, I-”
Tommy raises a hand, as though silently asking Buck to let him finish and Buck’s mouth snaps closed. “It wasn’t fair to you, is what I’m trying to say, and neither was my reaction when you weren’t ready for that conversation.” He lets out a weary sigh and Buck wants nothing more than to reach across the table and pull him in for a tight hug, but he can tell Tommy has more he wants to say and thinks that maybe he wasn’t the only one who has been stewing on the events of last week. “When I saw that your lease renewal was coming up I just – I knew that I didn’t want to have to wait another year for you to move in with me. I got ahead of myself, and when you didn’t seem on board, I let myself get in my head about it, and I took it out on you and I shouldn’t have.” Tommy pauses there and takes a sip of his wine before continuing. “You’re incredible, Evan, and I think I just got so caught up in how quickly we’ve tackled every other stage of this relationship that I assumed this would be the same, but it’s okay if it’s not. I love you, and you needing more time before we consider that step doesn’t change that, okay?”
Once finished, Tommy reaches across the table to cover Buck’s hand in his own and Buck feels himself let out a long, steady breath. There’s so many different things flying through his head that he struggles to grasp onto one coherent thought. Eventually, he’s able to settle on the one that matters most, which is that he loves this man, quickly followed by the fact that he’d almost said yes that night, before he’d let his fear get the better of him.
“I didn’t renew my lease,” Buck blurts out, knowing that he should’ve started with literally anything else but that’s what came out and he can’t exactly take it back now.
“Evan,” Tommy says, eyes wide, and a memory of Tommy saying his name in that exact same tone flashes through Buck’s memory, only that time they’d been outside and Buck had gotten Tommy’s coffee order wrong.
“I um, I wanted to say yes, when you asked,” Buck starts, picking up the fork that he’d previously put down and fiddling with it as nervous energy rushes through him. “I was going to, a-and then, well, I got in my head a little too? The last person I moved in with, it um, it fell apart, and we’d moved in sort of early in the relationship and I just… I got scared.” He’s talking to his plate now, face heating as he feels Tommy’s hand squeeze over his. “I love you,” he says, turning his hand palm up underneath Tommy’s and squeezing back. “I loved her too, o-or I thought I did, at least, and it still fell apart. I just didn’t want that to happen with you.”
“Evan,” Tommy says again, slightly breathy as he looks at Buck with a warmth that Buck sometimes thinks is reserved just for him.
“But I-I realized that I can’t let that stop me from having what I want now, and what I want, Tommy, is to be with you.”
“Evan, are you sure?” Tommy asks, sounding a little disbelieving, and Buck can’t exactly blame him after the abrupt one-eighty he’s done.
“Yes, I am, i-if the offer is still on the table.” He really hopes it is because he wasn’t lying about choosing not to renew his lease. He could probably talk to the landlord if needed, they have a good relationship, and Buck is sure he’d prefer to keep things as is over having to search for a new tenant. But still, he’s really hoping he won’t need to do that.
“Of course it’s still on the table,” Tommy says emphatically, looking a little dazed.
Before Buck can answer they’re interrupted by their waiter checking in on them and offering dessert. Neither of them has to think very long about it before they’re ordering a slice of carrot cake to share. He feels giddy as they exchange excited glances over their shared cake.
“So, about my couch…” Buck says when they’re about halfway through their cake, trailing off as he lets the sentence hang there. They’d been discussing the finer points of Buck moving in with Tommy but had yet to address furniture.
“I seem to recall you making a big deal in the past about my couch being your favourite,” Tommy responds with a grin. “But-” he interrupts Buck before he can retort, holding up a hand, “as you already know, I have been working on finishing the basement. If you bring your set over, then that just means we won’t need to buy new furniture. Win-win.”
“I like the way you think,” Buck agrees. Grinning, Buck takes another bite of cake, not missing the way Tommy eyes his mouth as he slides the spoon out from between his lips.
Tommy takes a bite of his own, and then gives a mournful look to the near empty plate. “We should have ordered two slices,” he says with a mournful sigh.
Laughing, Buck pushes the plate towards Tommy, offering him the last of it. “We could always just order another to go,” he suggests. “There was an apple spice cake that sounded really good.”
Tommy seems to seriously consider it as he savours the last bite of their shared carrot cake before he shakes his head and looks up at Buck. “Mm, no, I think I’m going to be hungry for something else when we get home.”
Buck feels his breath hitch at the low tone coupled with the sudden heat of Tommy’s gaze. And well, Buck can definitely get on board with that, is always up for it the second Tommy so much as looks in his direction. But still- “Tommy Kinard? Turning down cake? It’s like I don’t even know you,” he teases, unable to help himself.
“Baby,” he says, voice husky as he leans forward over the table, “I think you’ve misunderstood. No one said anything about turning down cake. I’ve just decided I want an entirely different variety… one not offered on restaurant menus.” He gives Buck a wink before he sits back and flags down their waiter for their check and Buck… Buck thinks he’s going to have trouble walking out of this restaurant without embarrassing himself. Tommy eyes him as he pays the bill, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smug smirk as he stands from his seat. “You coming, babe?”
Not yet, he thinks, but definitely later. “I um, yeah, yes,” he says before clumsily getting out of his seat, hip knocking into the sharp corner of the table. Tommy’s laugh fills the space between them and Buck wishes he could bottle it because it’s quickly becoming his favourite sound.
As they leave the restaurant he looks over at Tommy, who’s grinning back at him and has the realization that he gets to have this. The laughter and the belonging and the bone deep love that he feels, he gets to have it, it’s his to keep if he’s brave enough to take it.
Standing next to Tommy, it’s easy to feel brave.
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heavenlyhischier · 23 hours
Don't Crush on Your Son's Teacher | NH
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Word Count: 3.4k Summary: located in series masterlist! Warnings: might not be teacher/school accurate but I did my best! not edited or beta read Note: I know I said I'd get this out Tuesday, but I wanted to change some things first, so here ya go! Series Masterlist
Ever since you were little, you had dreamed of becoming a teacher, and now that dream was a reality as you set up for your first official ‘Meet the Teacher’ day. You stood in the doorway and admired the way your classroom was perfectly put together just the way you envisioned for probably the only time during the school year, and you couldn’t help but let tears well up in your eyes. You were endlessly grateful for all of the opportunities given to you and for the people who helped you get to where you are, and you hoped that you were able to make it all worth it by being the best teacher you could be. By making an impact on the lives of all the children who sat in front of you with eager eyes and excited minds.
Later that evening, children and their parents came and went and you could feel the anxious ball in your chest loosen until it was reduced to nothing but a slight twinge when you were approached with a question you hadn’t planned an answer for. Overall, you found it fairly easy to navigate through things with both parents and students, making mental notes on anything you thought you might need in the future.  By the time it was nearing the end of the event, you had met all but two students, one of whom had called to let you know he was sick. Well, his parents did. 
You were straightening things up around the classroom to pass the time when you heard the sound of a little boy's voice right outside the door. Your focus was instantly pulled in its direction, your eyes settling on a little boy with sparking brown eyes and a mop of curls atop his head. Trailing behind him was probably the most attractive man in Jersey as his smaller hand was enveloped in, who you’re assuming, is father’s much larger one. Your gaze lingered on him much longer than you intended it to, taking in as much of him as you could before you stopped yourself.  Shaking your head, you forced your gaze back to the boy you were assuming was Tobias, and you noticed that he was essentially a curly haired version of his father.
“Papa, come on,” He draws out, eyes bright as they scan the classroom around him.
“I’m right here, Toby,” The man deeply chuckles, his eyes finally meeting your own as you stand frozen by a group of the student desks.
You don’t miss the way he slightly stutters in his movements, but he was quick to recover and let a small, yet kind smile form on his face as they approach you. He has to correct his son's tone of voice after he shouts a greeting at you, encouraging him to try again in a calmer, quieter manner once he was closer to you. You meet them halfway, crouching so that you’re at eye level with him as you extend your hand to him. 
“Hi,” He tries again, carefully sliding his small hand into yours, “I’m Toby!”
“Hello, Toby,” You smile, your voice soft and sweet as you introduce yourself to him, “How are you?”
“Good,” He beams at you, and you can see that he was missing one of his bottom front teeth.
You hear his dad clear his throat, directing your attention and his sons to him as he squats beside Toby with raised eyebrows, “You’re supposed to ask Miss Blossom how she is, too. Those are good manners.”
“Right,” Toby nods, his face temporarily turning serious as he nods to his father before he turns back to you with the same smile back on his face, “How are you?”
“I’m fantastic,” You chuckle, making brief eye contact with his dad,  “Would you like me to show you where your seat is?”
After giving Toby a thorough tour of the classroom and getting to know him as much as you could within the short time frame, you showed him the small area full of various types of toys. He was quick to find a spot on the floor and start sifting through the bins of fidget toys as you stepped away from the pair to grab a folder from your desk. When you turned to walk back towards them, you found that Nico, whose name you learned in the short lull of conversation with Toby, was already looking at you. Fighting off the blush that was tinging at your cheeks, you took the seat across from him at the shorter-than-average table.
“These are just a few papers I would typically send home with Toby on the first day, but I figured we could go over them now since it’s just the two of you,” You informed him, swallowing the bundle of nerves in your throat.
“Sounds good,” He nods, his voice deep and thick with an accent you weren’t familiar with, “We’re not keeping you are we? I know we got here a bit late.”
“Oh, no,” You shake your head, “You guys are fine, I promise. I’ll be here much later, anyways.”
“I hope you’ll be getting enough rest,” Nico’s tone was genuine and worried as he draws his eyebrows together.
Ignoring the way your chest warmed at his sentiment, you pulled out the first paper in Toby’s folder, “This is just a student information sheet. You filled one out with the school directly, but I prefer to have my own paper copies as well.  It just asks for the best forms of contact in case of emergency, any current allergies, and anything else you think needs mentioning.”
Nico takes the paper from your grasp, his eyes scanning the words on the page before hesitantly looking up at you, “Can we put anyone down for the secondary contact? His mother isn’t in the picture.”
“Of course,” You assure him, trying to ease some of the slight apprehension that was laced in his voice,  “Fill it out however you see fit, Mr. Hischier.”
“Nico,” He rushes out, inwardly cringing at how desperate it sounded, “You can call me Nico.”
“Right,” You bashfully smile, your fingers pinching at your thigh, “You can fill it out however you need to, Nico.”
Once school officially started, Nico was long forgotten as you became swamped with piles of work to grade and projects to plan. You were slowly finding your footing in the teaching world, not afraid to ask the other teachers for help when you felt like you were at a loss and had hit a brick wall. The kids were warming up to you as the days passed, which was both a good and bad thing as they started trying to test their limits and your boundaries to see what they could get away with. Despite those occasional fits of overwhelming emotions, you were almost always content with the way the week ended.
The middle of the week was always the hardest for you. The energy the students had after a relaxing two days was dwindling, but their excitement for the upcoming weekend was igniting in their small bodies. They never wanted to focus on their work, so you had to find projects and worksheets that were fun enough to keep their attention, but also informative enough that they were still learning. This week you had given them a word search with their current sight words, and they had to color each word a different color. It seemed to occupy their minds as their once loud, boisterous voices quieted down to a slight murmur while you graded papers. 
The sound of your desk phone ringing startled you, your body slightly jolting at the sudden disruption. Dozens of eyes landed on you as you encouraged them to keep working before you picked up the phone, glancing at the small screen that told you who was calling. You quietly spoke your greeting into the receiver, making sure to keep your voice low enough to not disturb the kids any further. It had taken far too long to get them as quiet as they were, and you didn’t want to have to restart. 
“Good afternoon, Miss Blossom” Sharon, the front office lady you adored more than anything, greeted, “I had a phone call with a Mr. Hischier requesting his child be put into the after-school program today, and since you run the program with the first graders and he’s in your class, I figured I’d let ya know.”
There was an unmistakable wave of nerves that washed over you at the mention of Nico, but it was quickly smothered by the feeling of shame. Nico was the parent of one of your students, and while finding him attractive was technically okay, developing any sort of crush on him wasn’t. One of the older teachers told you that you were going to be tested in ways you never thought of, and you couldn’t help but think that one of your lessons came in the form of an attractive, assumed-to-be single parent.
“Thank you, Sharon, I appreciate that. Is there anything I should tell Toby,” You clear your throat, your eyes scanning the room until they land on the six year old. He’s got his tongue slightly sticking out as he focuses, red crayon aggressively coloring the paper in front of him.
“Just that he’s staying after school since dad is working late, but that’s it,” She informs you, and you can faintly make out the sounds of her keyboard, “He didn’t sound too urgent, and he said he’d drop off payment once he got here. Can you keep it in your desk til the morning? I’ll come by and get it during lunch tomorrow.”
“Yes, ma’am, I can do that,” You agree, smiling though she can’t see you. 
“Thank you, sweetie. Have a good rest of your day!”
You waited until Toby was finished and bringing his paper to the bin for their finished work to ask him to come to your desk. You made sure to keep your tone light and easy, not wanting him or any of the others to feel like he was in trouble for something. He had a toothy, worthless smile on his face as he approached your desk, slightly bouncing on the balls of his feet when he was stopped in front of your desk. 
“I finished,” He beams.
“Yes you did,” You chuckle, “Good job, bud! I’m proud of you. Mrs. Sharon just called to tell me you’re staying with me after school because your dad has to work late. Does that sound fun?”
You watch as a whirl of emotions pass through his big brown eyes, and you began mentally preparing yourself for whatever possibility you could think of. While Toby was a relatively easy-going kid, he was just that; A kid. He was still learning how to regulate his own emotions and he might grow upset about a sudden change in the schedule he had grown accustomed to. However, it slightly shocked you when all he did was let his eyes flutter closed and take a deep breath before he met your gaze again. 
“I guess,” His voice was monotone and unsurprised, “He works a bunch.”
“We’re going to watch really cool movies, or we can play some games if you want,” You try your best to keep your tone level, not wanting your emotions to get the best of you. You hated seeing your students sad or let down in any capacity, and you were still learning to regulate that. 
This time, he doesn’t say anything in response before he shrugs his shoulders and walks back to his desk. It was moments like these that prodded at the empathetic part of your personality, making the desire to cross out of teacher territory and into friend stronger than normal, but you didn’t. You let Toby go back to his desk and hoped that talking to his deskmates might cheer him up a bit. If he still seemed down by the end of the day, you would try to talk to him then.
When Toby realized two of his friends from other classrooms were among the few staying after school, his mood noticeably improved. He kept himself engaged in the game of  ‘superhero’ they had come up with, and he even acted as a buffer between the two others when they started to argue over who was going to be who. Toby’s social and verbal skills had always impressed you, and it was times like that when your mind briefly drifted to his father. He appears to be an active and engaged role model, memories of his appropriate correcting on meet the teacher night flashing in your mind, and, as someone who didn’t necessarily have that growing up, you admired that about him.
The pickup deadline was quickly approaching and all of the kids had been picked up, except for Toby. He didn’t appear to be upset about the fact, bidding his friends goodbye when their respective guardians came to get them before he asked you to sit with him at the art table. You, of course, followed him to the table and took the seat next to him, following his actions of grabbing a piece of paper and a few markers. While you aimlessly doodled, he was dialed in on the blank page in front of him with more focus than you’d seem him have all year. 
“Miss Blossom,” His soft voice suddenly calls out as he turns to you, “Look!”
He roughly places a piece of paper in front of you, and you make a show of carefully inspecting it. He had drawn himself and who you assume is Nico on a pair of what could be ice skates, but you weren’t sure. 
“That’s me,” He points to the smaller figure, “And that’s papa. We’re playing hockey!”
“How fun,” You smile, eyes darting to him as he leans back in his seat,“Do you guys play hockey a lot?” 
“Duh, Miss Blossom,” Toby giggles to himself, “That’s his job. He’s the captain for the Devils! He takes me there a lot.”
When Nico finally reached the classroom, he briefly pauses in the doorway when he sees you sitting at the table. Your hair was pulled back away from your face, but, even from where he was standing, he could see a few stray pieces framing your face when you turned to look at Toby. Despite it not being against any sort of actual rule, part of him felt shameful for being attracted to his son’s teacher. He had to remind himself that she was kind because it was her job to be, she was attentive because it was in the best interest of her student, but none of those reminders made it easy for Nico to ignore the fact that she was single-handedly the most beautiful woman he’d laid his eyes on. He saw your gaze almost flicker towards him, and he quickly jumped into action by knocking on the door so he wasn’t caught staring.
The sound of knocking forces your attention away from Toby and towards the door. Nico was stood there with a slightly frantic look on his face, his hair damp and untamed as if he had been running his hands through it, and you couldn’t stop the involuntary sharp intake of your breath. His eyes meet yours and his lips turn upwards into a small, apologetic smile as he steps into the room. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt; a simple outfit that he made look breathtaking. You find yourself having to force your gaze elsewhere, much like you did during your first meeting, but there was no use in fighting off the way your cheeks heated up. Hopefully he didn’t notice.
The second Toby’s eyes landed on his dad, he was instantly out of his chair and running towards him with his drawing in hand. You rise to yourfeet as Nico takes the paper from his son, a genuine smile forming on his face when he realizes what it was meant to be. You opt to not join the two of them, letting them talk amongst themselves while you tidied up the table. It wasn’t until you were sliding the bin of markers back where they belonged when you heard the sound of someone not-so-subtly clearing their throat behind you.
Nico stood there with his hands in his pockets, eyes anxiously looking around while Toby gathered his stuff to put into his backpack. You quickly straighten your back, turning your body fully towards him as you nervously smooth your shirt out with the palms of your hands. There’s about a foot and a half between you, but his presence still felt like it was surrounding you entirely. 
“I want to apologize,” Nico starts, letting his dark brown eyes meet your own,  “For being so late. Again.”
You can’t help but let out a playful chuckle before collecting yourself enough to say, “No need to apologize, Mr. Hischier. ”
You don’t miss the way his mouth slightly twitches as if he wants to correct you, but he doesn’t. Instead, he shuffles on his feet and shakes his head, a few strands of hair falling in his face. He hastily brings his hands up and brushes them back, and you felt a twinge of embarrassment creep along your neck when you found the simple act so attractive. 
“Still,” He starts again, crossing his arms against his chest, “I know it was a last minute change, and you’re here waiting on me again.”
You have to force yourself to not look at the way his biceps looked pressed against him. 
“I hope he wasn’t too much trouble,” Nico continues, quickly glancing at his son as he rummaged through his desk.
“Oh, he wasn’t,” You enthusiastically assured him, “He was very well behaved and social with the other students. We had a good time.”
“Yeah, Papa, I had fun,” Toby loudly agreed as he bounded to his fathers side, pushing back the stray curls that fell in his face, “Can I stay every day?”
Nico falls to eye level with Toby, squatting as he fixes the straps of his backpack and says, “Not every day, bud, but maybe sometimes. I’m glad you had fun.”
You watch as the two of them interact, a small smile tugging on your lips. It was clear the two of them were very close and Nico was doing a good job raising him seemingly by himself, and you silently praised him for that. Single parenthood wasn’t easy for anyone, but you could tell he was doing his best. You were torn from your thoughts as Nico rose to his full height and reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of cash.
“Sharon said to leave this with you,” He politely informs.
“Right, thank you!”
As you reach to take the money from him, your fingers brush against his own and a jolt of electricity shoots all the way to your feet. Your eyes widen at the sudden sensation, staring up at Nico who was mirroring your reaction almost perfectly. His lips were parted, his chest rising and falling at quicker than normal pace. You were the first to pull your hand away, and there was no denying the blatant lack of warmth exactly where his touch barely grazed you. It was taking every ounce of willpower you had to keep yourself professional and composed, and you just hoped you were able to keep it up for the rest of the year.
Nico’s heart was racing in his chest at even the most mniscle contact from you, and it made him feel something he hasn’t felt in a long time. A warmth spread from the tips of his fingers, up his arm, into his chest, and up his neck until a light, almost unnoticable blush was decorating his cheeks. It was an unmistakable feeling, and Nico knew he was screwed when he finally accepted just what he had been trying to deny.
He had a crush on his son’s teacher.
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lemon-lime-behavior · 24 hours
Do you have any tips for drawing noses? Sorry this is out of nowhere but I'm wanting to improve on my art, specifically the faces, and it's always the nose I find myself struggling most with.
I really struggle w making it fit the face if that makes sense? Every time I try to add it it just throws the whole face off, especially the eyes, not to mention how to make different nose types and the angles </33
I love your art style so bad, it's so smooth and satisfying to look at and the way you draw noses like it's nbd (and anatomy in general like damn) baffles me so I was just wondering if you maybe had any tricks or not, Ty either way for sharing your art in the first place <33
@extravagav Well I can try! First off thank you very much, I often feel like I still have a very long way to go in regards to proportions and anatomy so I really appreciate your kind words <3
Hokay, so, noses. I do love noses. To start off when it comes to drawing noses I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you the most annoying advice in the world which is just to practice a lot. Find a lot of pictures of noses in a bunch of different shapes from a bunch of different angles and just draw them until your brain melts out of your ears. Pay particular attention though to the nose as a 3D object!
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It's of course trickier to do than I'm making it out to be but the more you practice at imagining the nose as a 3d physical form the easier it becomes to make a nose model in your mind that you can rotate like a microwave.
This is my personal very very basic understanding of the nose's construction:
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it's like three circles and a taco shell.
Okay so now that you've got a basic understanding of the nose's construction, how to put it in the middle of the god-dang face??
So the funky thing about noses is that they tend to change shape the least out of all our facial features when we're making expressions. Our eyes change shape, our mouths move, our eyebrows, our cheeks, our jaws, they all go all over the place. the nose, however, tends to be pretty stationary and doesn't deform much (save in one important way I'll get to later). So because of all this, and here's my biggest piece of advice when it comes to making the nose fit in the face, I like to draw the nose first! I do a very loose head construction, draw the nose, and then sort of "hang" the rest of the features off of it:
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Two very different expressions, same nose!
Now when it comes to noses interacting specifically with the eyes the greatest thing to remember is that the part of the nose that sits between the eyes sticks out farther than you might think, and will likely be obscuring one of them, the extent of which depending a lot on the angle and how pronounced the nose bridge is.
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for someone with a pretty flat nose bridge you'll be able to see most of the eye except in a more extreme angle, while someone with a protruding ridge might obscure the eye entirely. but the nose will likely be interacting with at least one eye if we're not facing the character head on. Really making your brain think in 3d is gonna most helpful here.
Finally! The nose being expressive! So the main way the nose plays in to expression is by wrinkling. the muscles that pull up your top lip and the muscles that pull down the middle of your forehead are almost all connected to the nose, so the nose tends to develop a lot of wrinkles whenever brows are furrowed or teeth are bared.
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Adding those wrinkles can add a lot of impact in the expression! And not just angry ones neither:
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Sooooooooooooooo yeah! noses! They're weird and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and they can do a lot to add character to a face and they can also make you want to tear your hair out in big clumps! I'm still learning myself when it comes to noses (and most other things) and I'm faaaar from a master at it, but I hope I've been able to provide at least a little bit of help. If you do use my advice going forward please let me know! Good luck!!!!! (And here's all my nose "headcanons" for the strawhats. The ones who actually have human noses, anyway):
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clarisse0o · 2 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 83
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe: Military School
Words: 5K
A few weeks later...
Saturday, June 18; 1:00 p.m. -  Batlle Residence.
“You look stunning,” murmurs Lucy as I gaze at myself in the mirror.
A smile forms on my lips as I hear her voice. Indeed, I feel especially beautiful on this very special day. I turn toward her. She’s standing at the entrance of my room, wearing her beautiful long dress that matches mine. We’ve been separated during our preparations, and I don’t regret it. Seeing her now, when we last saw each other in pajamas, is extraordinary.
“You’re not looking bad yourself,” I say, making her chuckle.
She slowly approaches me, as if savoring the moment. I know I am, at least. She gently wraps her arms around me and leans in toward my face.
“No! Don’t kiss me now. We’ll mess up our lipstick.”
“As if that’s something that would stop me.”
I giggle against her lips as she kisses me anyway.
“You have no respect, Miss Bronze.”
“Oh, you’re finally deciding to use formal language with me? It’s about time.”
I burst out laughing, hiding in her neck. We’ve come a long way since that first day when she threw me out of my bed.
“Better late than never… right?”
“Hmm…,” she breathes in amusement. “By the way, how’s your mother feeling?”
“I haven’t seen her since earlier, but she seemed super stressed.”
“Stressed?” repeats Bronze, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t get that impression this morning.”
“Well, it changed since then. I had to call the caterer, the servers, and the florist to make sure everything was in order. Even though we’ve been preparing everything frantically over the past few days, she’s afraid something might go wrong.”
“I see,” she chuckles.
“Ona! Mom’s calling you.”
I sigh heavily, which amuses my girlfriend. I’m starting to regret accepting my role as a first maid. She keeps overburdening me. Yet, on the other hand, I think this is the first time we’ve been so close.
“I’ll go with you.”
We follow my little brother to the master bedroom, where my mother is getting ready with the help of professionals. Actually, we all received the same special treatment. My mother didn’t want us to worry about anything, and I must admit it was quite pleasant.
“Ah, there you are finally,” she says upon our arrival. “And with Lucy. You’re already ready, I see. You both look fabulous.”
“Thank you,” I say, blushing slightly.
“I was about to put on my dress. Would you like to help?”
“Yes, if you want.”
“Maybe I should leave…” says my girlfriend softly.
“Oh no, please stay. It makes me happy, and I’m not embarrassed at all. Unless you are.”
“No, no, it’s fine.”
My mother takes off her clothes, leaving only her underwear. Lucy has joined my brother, who sat on the bed to watch. When one of the professionals opens the cover protecting the dress, we all fall silent with anticipation. My mother chose it before we arrived in Barcelona, and we wanted to keep it a surprise since we already know everything else. It was our only surprise, and it was worth it.
“Wow, it’s beautiful.”
The dress seems long and straight. Knowing my mother, I bet she opted for a train. She chose this style for her wedding with my father. From what I can see, the sleeves are made of lace, like the front of the dress. However, as you look lower, the material becomes lighter. It’s beautiful, no doubt about it.
“Come help us, Ona.”
I quickly join them to help take it out of the cover. There are two of us holding it as my mother puts it on. I didn’t expect it, but it’s heavy. I’m relieved when we button it at the neck. We couldn’t see it before, but the back is completely open. My mother, who is slender, wears it wonderfully.
“He won’t be able to say no when he sees you in this,” I say, making her laugh.
“I sure hope so, yes. Especially after ten years together.”
Ten years already... How time flies. The atmosphere is broken by the front door slamming. No one should be coming here. Marcus went to get ready at a hotel downtown, where his sister is staying for the festive weekend.
“Well, it seems there are others who are ready,” I say, recognizing Mapi.
“I’ll go welcome them,” Lucy offers.
“Thank you.”
She goes off, taking Joan, who was getting restless here. Meanwhile, I turn back to my mother, who is looking at herself in the mirror. I feel a slight lump in my stomach from anticipation. I know today is going to be a big day.
“I’m happy for you, Mom.”
She turns around to give me a smile.
“You know what makes me the happiest?”
I shake my head.
“What makes me the happiest is that you’re here, with me on this day. I’m very proud to be the mother of such a beautiful, strong, and exceptional woman like you.”
I try to interrupt her, but she raises her hand. A small lump forms in my throat. I expected a little speech today, but I’m not sure I’m ready to hear it. Yet, these past few days have been indescribable. I’ve felt a real connection with my mother.
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, Ona. The worst was certainly not trusting you enough, my own daughter. I compared you to myself for a long time, and I shouldn’t have. Your father always told me that you inherited his wisdom and determination, but I never wanted to listen.”
I feel really strange. She has never spoken to me so openly before. I’m on the verge of tears, but I hold back.
“You’ve followed your own path, and from now on, I will support you, no matter what.”
I nod because I can’t speak at this moment. It’s the first time she’s said these words to me, and coming from her, it touches me deeply. I let her hold me in her arms.
“You’ve found a gem to support you in the future that awaits you. Lucy has my full gratitude, both as a person and for what she has done for you.”
“Thank you, Mom…”
“I know I haven’t always expressed it well, but I love you very much, Ona. You are my only daughter. I have two children now, but that doesn’t change the love I’ve had for you since your birth.”
I sigh softly with a small smile on my lips. It’s really what I needed for this day.
“I love you too, Mom.”
She steps back, and I’m surprised to see her in the same state as me. Tears have streamed down our cheeks.
“I think we need a little touch-up on our makeup before going downstairs.”
I chuckle, agreeing. I get my makeup redone first. Then, I leave the professionals with my mother so they can finalize the last details. When I come down the stairs, I’m greeted by whistles from my best friend.
“Looking hot, Batlle.”
I laugh softly, accepting the hug she offers when I reach her. Discreetly, she lifts the dress to see my shoes.
“And heels too. I thought you weren’t walking very straight.”
“Well, thanks! I practiced all week!”
I make everyone laugh with my comment. But it’s true. I continue my greetings with Ingrid, who has obviously been invited. It’s very strange to see her in a dress, she whom I’ve always seen in uniform or jeans, but it suits her very well.
“So? Is she almost ready?” Lucy asks me. “The car has arrived.”
“That’s good news. She won’t be stressed waiting.”
“That’s what I thought,” she giggles. “And you, are you okay?”
She strokes my cheek when I’m in her arms. She noticed. I must still have slightly puffy eyes. I smile and nod.
“Absolutely fine. I feel like today is going to be unforgettable.”
- That's good to hear.
She kisses me before I turn to our friends.
“Okay. I think we still have a little time. What do you say we wait in the living room? Would anyone like something to drink?” I suggested.
“No, thank you. We might spill something on ourselves.”
Ingrid is absolutely right. We join my brother, who’s already watching TV to pass the time. Meanwhile, we chat while we wait for my mother to arrive. She finally shows up half an hour later.
“Wow, Abby! You really went all out!” my best friend exclaims when she sees her.
Indeed, there’s nothing to say—she looks stunning.
“Hello, girls.”
“You really outdid yourself!”
“Can we go now?” my brother asks.
“Yes, Jo, we’re going,” I laugh. “Everyone must be waiting for us eagerly.”
After almost a month, it was time for this day to finally come. When we step outside, an old convertible Chevrolet from the 1980s is waiting for us. It was reserved by Hector, who is standing next to the car in a suit. I hold the train of the dress with Mapi as we walk down the steps.
“You look gorgeous, Abby,” says our driver as he opens the door.
“Thank you, Hector.”
“Here are the keys to your car,” he says, handing them to me.
“Thanks. We’ll meet you there.”
“Yes, see you in a bit.”
My mom gives me a final hug before getting into the car. Our ride for the day will be my mom’s car. We had fun decorating it this morning whenever we had a spare moment. I hand the keys to Lucy since she’s driving. Ingrid joins her in the front while I share the back seat with Joan and Mapi. We head out first to the place where everyone is waiting for our arrival. The lively atmosphere in the car makes the drive feel shorter. Before I know it, Lucy is parked, and I’m holding onto her arm as we walk toward Marcus, who is waiting outside the church doors. We move through the crowd of both families, greeting people I haven’t seen in a while. My mom organized a dinner with them last night for this purpose. Lucy was wonderful; she took the time to meet everyone and chat a bit with them. Since my mom is an only child, there aren’t many people my age, but it didn’t seem to bother her. I was happy to see everyone again. Lucy reminded me of the importance of family. On the other hand, I can’t say the same for Joan. Since no one has seen him since he was born, he was the center of attention all evening. I think he’s been a bit traumatized because he hasn’t dared to leave Lucy’s side whenever I’m busy or not around. He’s actually following us closely right now. We finally reach Marcus, who’s wearing a three-piece suit.
“You’re finally here,” he says with relief when he sees us.
“Hi, Marcus,” I tease lightly. “A bit nervous?”
“A little, yes,” he admits. “How’s your mom holding up?”
“She seems to be in the same state as you. But she’s doing fine.”
He smiles and nods gently.
“Don’t worry. Everything is in order.”
“Thanks, it’s nice of you to handle all this.”
“It’s no problem.”
Thanks to Ingrid and Mapi, the guests begin to enter the church. We step aside to let them go in. My stepfather is extremely nervous. He knows she’ll be here soon.
“She’s eager to see you,” I whisper to him.
“So am I,” he replies. “Thank you for being there for her these past few weeks. It meant a lot to her.”
“I know. I’m sorry I wasn’t very kind to you these past years.”
“You don’t need to apologize. Your reasons were completely justified. Even though your father hid his feelings from you, he felt the same way for a long time.”
I can’t hide my surprise.
“Really? He made me believe otherwise. He told me he wanted mom to be happy.”
“He did. That’s why he hid it from you.”
“He wanted the happiness of the two women in his life—your mom and you. In a way, he was glad your mom wasn’t alone. But he didn’t like that it was me, given that I was his long-time partner in the army…”
I nod. That’s completely understandable. I wouldn’t have liked it either.
“But he knew your mom wanted to win your love, and your father knew that. So he hid his resentment, which gradually faded over the years.”
I don’t know what to say. Even two years after his death, I’m still learning about all the incredible things he did for me.
“Your father was a great man, Ona. You were lucky to have him as a dad. I know I can never replace him, and that’s not my intention at all, but… I’m going to become your mother’s husband, and she cares deeply about you. Because of that, I intend to support you as best as I can, no matter what you think of me.”
“Yes, of course, you could never replace my father, Marcus. But if I accepted to be my mother’s maid of honor, it’s to show my support for your commitment.”
“Thank you,” he smiles sincerely. “It means a lot to us.”
Joan catches my attention by tugging on the hem of my dress.
“Ona, mom is here,” my brother announces.
I see the car approaching. I glance at Marcus, who immediately understands.
“I’ll see you soon.”
I return to Lucy, who’s surrounded by our friends.
“I thought our job would be more difficult,” Mapi says to me.
“So did I,” I admit.
“Well, let’s head inside then. See you in a bit.”
“Yes, see you soon.”
She goes inside, leaving only Lucy and me, as Joan has gone in with her father. I take the opportunity to find her arms again. She kisses my forehead.
“I love you,” she whispers.
I smile, resting my head against her chest.
“Did you hear?”
“Mmm-hmm,” she replies. “I’m glad everything is finally getting resolved in your family.”
I nod with a big smile.
I finally step away from her when my mother arrives.
“I’m nervous,” she confesses, making us laugh.
“That’s normal; it’s your day, Abby,” my girlfriend replies.
“Did you see Marcus?”
“Yes, he went inside when we saw the car coming.”
She nods before sighing softly.
“It’s time to go in. Unless you’ve changed your mind…”
She laughs, shaking her head.
“No, we can go.”
Since no one is escorting her, she at least wanted someone to accompany her, and that’s us. Lucy extends her arm for me to take.
I giggle, stepping away from her. I glance at my mom before leading the way down the church aisle. As we enter, the organ begins to play. I get chills. This is it—the ceremony is starting. I have butterflies in my stomach again, but now I know it’s just anticipation.
Saturday, June 18th, 6:00 PM –  Batlle Residence
It’s done. They did it. They’re finally married. The effort we put in was intense, but everything looks truly magnificent. We have every reason to be proud of ourselves. My mom didn’t want to deal with booking a venue, so she thought our garden was big enough to accommodate everyone. I was skeptical at first, but in the end, the result is truly incredible. A white canopy stretches from the roof of the terrace to the garden trees. The rest is decorated with lanterns and fairy lights everywhere. It’s very colorful, but it creates a real atmosphere. If it’s not the lights, it’s the flowers my mom insisted on having. I thought there would be too many, but it turns out I was wrong. Since we’re in a garden, it looks fantastic. Right now, I’m with Lucy, Mapi, and Ingrid, each with a glass of champagne in hand. I already know we’ll be spending the evening together. Having been involved in the preparations, I made sure we’re at the same table since they’re round tables.
“So, now that everything’s over and we finally have time to talk… How did your exams go?”
“You’re really starting off strong,” Lucy teases.
“What? She hasn’t talked about them since we got here.”
“Well… I’m not sure, actually. I have mixed feelings, so I prefer not to talk about it.”
“Oh… Was it that tough?”
“Yeah, pretty much. I worked hard, but I don’t know… There are several subjects I’m unsure about.”
I lean back against Lucy, who pulls me into her arms.
“You doubt yourself too much, honey.”
“No, seriously. I don’t know, and it’s stressing me out. If I pass, it will be by a very narrow margin.”
“You’re talking nonsense. I saw you work tirelessly for five months. If you don’t pass, it would be totally undeserved.”
“Anyway, the results come out in two weeks.”
“That’s true. By the way, since I’m moving in with you for good, can I go with you to get the results?”
“Yes, of course. Mom and Joan will be there too.”
My mom insisted on being there. She even took time off work for the event. Naturally, Joan wanted to come too, so he’ll be pulled out of school a week early. For once, we’ll be the ones welcoming her… It’s strange to think she’ll be coming to *our* place.
- Oh, that’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to see that famous school.
- It’s going to be so weird.
Not only will it be the last time we go there, but all my loved ones will be coming with me.
- How are you going to tell your school friends? she asks us.
I shrug and glance at Lucy.
- I don’t know. We haven’t planned anything. We’ll see when the time comes. It’ll probably be in the evening or something like that.
Lucy nods in agreement. I don’t want to overthink it anymore. It’s time to relax until the next school term. I had to clear out my room at school, and with Lucy’s optimism, I left with the idea that I wouldn’t be going back. It’s a bit heartbreaking. Alexia and I did one last tour of the school to reminisce about every part of it. After all, we’re leaving behind a lot of memories. Good ones, as well as bad. The most important thing is that we’ve freed up our spots for those who come after us. It’s nice to know others will get to experience what we did.
- Babe, I think your mom wants to see you, Lucy points out.
- Hmm?
I look in her direction and see my mom waving at me. Poor thing, she must be overwhelmed with all these people coming to congratulate them.
- I’ll go see her.
- I’ll go with you, Mapi says immediately.
I give Mapi a smile before giving Lucy a quick kiss.
- See you in a bit.
We head off, leaving them behind.
- Everything okay? I ask my mom once I’m beside her.
- Could you get us something to drink, please? We’re about to dry out.
- Yes, of course.
- Is everything going well on your side?
- Yes, yes. We made the rounds. Everyone seems to be having a good time.
- That’s good. That’s what matters most.
- I think the crowd will thin out soon. That would be nice.
- Yes, we’ll see. We’re not going to kick them out either.
- True. Well, we’ll go get your drinks and be right back.
- Thank you.
Mapi and I head towards the buffet. She puts her arm around my shoulders while we wait for our turn.
- So, when are you going to take the plunge?
- Shh, don’t talk about that here.
- It’s fine, they’re far away. Are you going to wait until you’re back in Manchester?
I roll my eyes, knowing she won’t drop the subject.
- If you really want to know, I’ve already got everything planned out. Unfortunately for you, you won’t know anything from now on. You’d probably spill the beans.
- Pff. You’re mean! I bet Alexia knows, though!
I giggle and nod.
- Yeah. Actually, she’s the one who gave me advice.
- I can’t believe it! You traitors!
I laugh, unable to hold it in. Finally, it’s our turn. I ask for two cocktails for the newlyweds. While waiting to be served, I look towards Lucy, but my view is blocked by a man whose silhouette I recognize instantly.
- Sam! I realized I hadn’t seen you yet.
- Hey, beautiful.
We exchange a hug before I notice the person beside him. My smile widens as I realize it’s Paolo.
- What a surprise. We finally meet!
- Hello, Ona, he says with amusement.
His voice is deep. He’s even more handsome in person than in photos. I’m glad to see that things are working out for them. Samuel told me they’re getting married after Paolo proposed. I’m really happy for them.
- Well, I don’t need to introduce you, Sam jokes. I talk about you two enough to each other.
- I’m so glad to see you both. How are you doing?
- Really well. You’ve done an amazing job. The garden looks beautiful.
- My mom picked everything, but she really made good choices.
- Absolutely. Isn’t Lucy with you?
- She’s over there with Ingrid. We came to get drinks for the newlyweds.
I turn to Mapi, noticing that she’s taken the drinks. She takes the opportunity to greet the guys, then we step away from the buffet to make room for the next in line.
- Do you know where we’ll be seated? Sam asks. I didn’t want to be nosy and wander around the tables.
- You’ll be with us, at the table to the left of the newlyweds. Since it was just us girls, I thought a bit of masculinity wouldn’t hurt.
- Of course! he jokes. That’s great. At least we won’t be with strangers.
- We wouldn’t do that. Sofia and her husband will be with us too. I wanted to be with people I’m used to being around at the table.
- You’re right. Anyway, I doubt we’ll be sitting much. There’s already good music, so I’m not worried about the rest of the night.
- No, definitely not.
- Well, we’ll let you get back to your mom. Can you tell me where your friends are? We’d like to say hi to them too.
- Over there, I say, pointing them out.
- Great. See you in a bit.
- Yep. See you soon.
We return to my mom with the drinks. The evening continues on. As expected, people who were only invited for the reception are slowly leaving, leaving only close friends and family behind. I gently encourage everyone to take their seats before joining mine between Lucy and Samuel.
- Everything okay? my girlfriend teases gently. You look like you’re running all over the place.
- No, you think?
She laughs softly. She opens her arms, and I lean into her to kiss her cheek.
- I’m staying here now.
- That works for me.
I smile, looking around. I made a good choice for our table. Everyone is already chatting with each other. Mapi and Sam are bickering. Ingrid is getting to know Sofia better, while Paolo and James, Sofia’s husband, are talking about sports. It seems like that topic always brings people together. The first servers are making their rounds to start serving wine, followed by the first course. My mom had already chosen the menu before we arrived, so it’ll be a surprise from start to finish. I finally relax and enjoy the evening and the meal, engaging with the rest of the table.
Sunday, June 19; 2:30 AM -  Batlle Residence.
It’s getting late. Some guests—the older ones—have already left the party. It’s been lively from start to finish, filled with emotion. There was the first dance, as well as games and even speeches. I gave an impromptu speech before dessert. After what my mom and Marcus said this morning, I felt compelled to speak to them from the heart too. Of course, it ended in tears. Right now, I’m in Lucy’s arms, swaying gently to the sound of the last few songs, which have become more mellow.
- Are you getting tired?
- No. I think the alcohol is wearing off. It’s lowering my adrenaline.
- Hmm... so that’s it.
I recognize her amused look. I must admit, I did drink a bit tonight. Between the champagne, cocktails at the reception, and wine at the table, I indulged a bit. Not to the point of being drunk, but enough to feel good. I stopped when my head started to spin.
- Do you find that funny? I ask with a small smile.
- Not at all. It’s just that alcohol makes you happier, it’s funny.
- Yes, that’s true.
I rest my head on her shoulder until the end of the song. I love being in her arms. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. She kisses my temple at the end, pulling away slightly.
- Are you sure you don’t want to head back? It’s getting late.
- No, but we can rest a bit further away if you want.
- Okay, I’ll follow you.
Our garden is big, so there’s space to go further back. I grab her hand and lead her to the back, where the lanterns continue to light up along the fences. Lucy wraps her arm around my shoulders as my head rests against hers.
- I’ve never seen this pond up close before, she says as we approach it.
It’s big, with a small wooden bridge built over it. Marcus himself made it. He loves nature, so he wanted to make the garden as lush and natural as possible. For the occasion, the bridge has also been wrapped in string lights. It was probably the perfect moment, surrounded by these colorful lights.
Come on.
Her smile widens as I pull her toward it.
- "Slowly, babe," she says, laughing.
The music was still audible in the distance. A new slow song had started after a more upbeat one. Seeing the look in Lucy’s eyes, she must be thinking the same thing as me.
- “One last dance for tonight?”
- “I could do plenty more with you. You certainly know how to handle your dance partners.”
- “There’s only one partner I really enjoy dancing with,” she says, placing her hand on my hip.
- “Hmm. I like the sound of that.”
I wrap my arms around her again and kiss her deeply. If I had to, I’d stay here all night. We enjoy the dance quietly, which ends far too quickly for my liking. As another upbeat song starts, Lucy lets go of me. Now she’s leaning over the railing to look at the pond. I stand beside her, feeling a slight anxiety rising within me. I could tell it was the moment. I fumble through my little purse that I’ve carried all evening. It was a bit annoying, but I had no other choice. My hands are shaking.
- “What are you doing?”
I jump and look up at Lucy, who’s watching me with her head tilted.
- “Nothing. Just looking for something.”
- “Do you need help?”
I shake my head. Please, that’s the last thing I need. I feel like I’m messing everything up. Alexia told me to just do it without overthinking. Maybe I should have been better prepared and enlisted Mapi's help. I look up again as I finally get my hands on the object I’ve been searching for. Lucy seems amused by me, with her little smile.
- “Did you find it?”
I clear my throat, blushing slightly.
- “Yes.”
I take a deep breath. There’s no turning back now, and anyway, I’m sure about this. I’m just a bit panicked about how to do it.
- “Lucy... I...”
I can’t bring myself to look at her, but her hand caressing my cheek makes me do it.
- “Relax. It’s just us. Why are you so nervous? What’s wrong?”
I bite my lip. She looks so beautiful standing in front of me. I’m really lucky to have her in my life. These thoughts give me courage. I’ve decided; I want to do this right.
- “I had a long speech prepared, but honestly, I can’t even remember it anymore.”
She laughs softly. It’s a sound I’ll never tire of, just like her green eyes that gaze at me so intensely. They captivated me from the very first time we met.
- “A speech for what, hmm?”
Without another word, I drop to one knee, and Lucy’s smile grows. I let go of my purse and take out a small box I haven’t released since this whole setup began. It’s a bit messy, and I really wish I had planned things better, but I know I’ll make up for it later.
- “I love you, Lucy. Since you’ve been in my life, I’ve never been so happy. You are an incredible woman who makes me the happiest person in the world. It was hard to win your heart, but now that I have it, I want to make you mine forever. So…”
My throat is tight, but I’m not stopping now. I open the little box to reveal the ring I chose for her recently with Mapi’s help. Her eyes fill with tears.
- “Lucy Bronze, will you marry me, for better or for worse?”
Despite her tears, she laughs softly. She’s making me feel all kinds of emotions. It’s such an intense moment. I’m tearing up myself, seeing her so overwhelmed. I went through so much to get to this point, here in front of her, down on one knee. I even asked her parents for her hand during our visit last month. I wanted to do things right. Her answer takes a while to come. She finally searches through her own clutch before joining me on the ground with a box similar to mine in her hands. My eyes widen in surprise as I look at her. I can barely see her now through the tears that have filled my eyes.
- “Sorry, sweetheart, but... You haven’t exactly been discreet with Mapi these past few weeks.”
My mouth falls open, but she manages to grab my attention by opening the box. The ring is beautiful. It looks a lot like the one I chose for her. It has a big diamond on top and smaller ones set along the band.
- “I love you, my love. Of course, I want to be your wife... But only if you agree to be mine.”
I’m definitely crying now. I can’t believe it. I was so nervous about proposing, thinking it was too soon.
- “Of course! But... but, since when did you want to…?”
I can’t finish my sentence. Lucy chuckles softly.
- “For a while, actually…”
I blink at her words. It’s really too good to be true.
- “I asked your mom during our last visit here, and I bought the ring with Jenni when we were in Porto.”
I’m completely stunned. I can’t believe it.
- “Was it the day we didn’t shower together?”
She laughs, nodding.
- “Yes, that day.”
We usually took showers together every morning after their morning run. There was just one day she pretended to shower at Jenni’s. She even came back with wet hair. I didn’t question it.
- “I can’t believe it! But why didn’t you propose sooner? And why do you say we weren’t discreet with Mapi?”
- “I wanted to propose after your exam results, to really start our life together.”
I had thought the same, but I couldn’t wait anymore. With Mapi knowing and my own excitement, I was afraid I’d spill the beans before. Alexia advised me to do it as soon as possible, and that’s what I did.
- “As for you and Mapi... Well, because you really weren’t discreet,” she giggles. “Your excuses for getting rid of Ingrid and me for several afternoons were pathetic. I knew something was up. Ingrid even wanted to follow you once to make sure, but I wanted to let you do it your way and be surprised…”
I laugh softly. I admit, the excuse of “we want to make up for lost time” only worked once.
- ��I knew I should never have let Mapi handle the excuses. Mine aren’t credible because I can’t lie, but hers are even worse.”
Lucy bursts out laughing. Our tension slowly fades away. We’re still on the ground, but now we’re looking into each other’s eyes with a small, knowing smile. I place my hands on her cheeks.
- “It’s so surreal...” I whisper.
Lucy smiles, leaning a little closer to me.
- “I don’t think so. I love you so much, my love. I’ve wanted to make you mine for a long time. It was the natural next step.”
I kiss her gently. I need to feel her close, and she seems to understand as she presses herself against me.
- “You’re probably right... I love you so much.”
In a peaceful silence, we each slip the rings onto the other’s finger before lying down on the ground. Nothing else matters now. We don’t care if our dresses get dirty. We don’t care about the noise in the distance. The only thing that matters is that we’re together, sprawled out on the ground, entwined, with our hands clasped as if nothing could ever separate us. Smiling, I gaze at the starry sky above, a perfect end to an extraordinary evening. And what a night... We’re now truly inseparable.
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ancha-aus · 3 days
More thoughts on the Medium & Ghosts AU This time about Nightmare.
What is Nightmare?
Well, Dream is kinda an angel? That is the closest I can count him but he is so much more. As he helps Ink with managing EVERYTHIGN! so like high angel. even above normal angels but not quite a god.
Dream also has like four wings... msotly because the mental image is cool.
But where does that leave Nightmare?
He fell. Why did he fell? Probably because he just didn't see the point to helping people who would only be unhappy.
But not because of the mortals themselves. There are other angels who think mortals don't deserve help.
But unlike those angels Nightamre didn't look down on mortals. Sure he thought it was useless of them to try and get more powers they had no hope to be able to control or manage. But he was impressed they could get them.
Mortals and the mortal realm intrigued Nightmare. The way it moved and changed and developed. The way kingdoms came and went. whole civilizations would be build and be ruins in a small century.
Nightmare lost faith in the gods themselves.
He saw the mortals develop and saw their potential. Then he looked back at the gods and found them lacking. They never changed. They didn't learn. They didn't grow. Why would they be seen as perfection and all powerful yet not ever be different? How can one concept always be perfect? That ignores all the changes to the world and people who live in it. The changes in perceptions.
Nightmare questioned one too many things.
And as punishment he fell.
So he became a fallen angel. That is what he is. But well, he found out quickly that the darker supernatural creatures did not take kindly to fallen angels.
So Nightmare made a name for himself. Now he is known as a demon.
the goop he has is just magical disguise to seem more demon/nightmarish/eldritch like.
But at his core he is still a fallen angel.
Dream and Nightmare miss each other a lot but neither can do a lot.
Nightmare can't speka freely to his brother because if people knew they would think he is weak and just cause him more trouble and danger.
Meanwhile Dream can't risk falling himself. He sitll hopes he can convince the gods to let Ngihtamre return as angel.
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daydreamerwoah · 2 days
Family Tree (Chapter 6)
Wanted to note a couple of things here cause I did on my AO3. I've never been to England before so if any of the phrases, words, slang is off I'm so sorry! Also some things like the agency thing is made up.. so I know that's not how debt is owed lol! But I wanted to put this in because it will explain why reader will work a lot more as the story moves along.
Simon x Y/n <3
It was something about having a day off but having a shit ton of errands to run that was so annoying. You wanted to sleep in, but you knew you couldn't. Continuing to clean out the townhome was your top priority for the day, but you also needed to move your bags in since it'd be your last day in the hotel. That meant buying groceries and personal items so you would have in the house. 
After packing up your things, returning the key to the front desk, and catching a cab to the townhome, you finally were able to take a quick breather. It honestly was getting tiring with going back and forth from the house to the hotel, but you had refused to lay your head anywhere until you had thrown out the old bedsheets and got new ones on the bed. Little by little, the place was changing into a more livable space, but it was exhausting. On more than one occasion, Ella had commented about you looking tired and reminded you not to burn yourself out. With what? She had no idea. But she didn't want to see you suffering. 
By mid-morning, you decided to head to the market that was nearby, which was nice because you didn't have to take a cab or bus. You'd worry about getting a car at a later time; one less bill to pay right? And it was an easy walk despite the rainy weather. Damn, you still needed to buy an umbrella.
Passing by a small restaurant, you walked in to get a break from the downpour but also grab a sandwich to go. The atmosphere was warm and inviting; several patrons were sitting down, talking or eating. You placed your order at the counter and then sat down at an empty table off to the side while waiting for the cooks to prepare your food. Pulling out your phone, you glanced down, seeing a message from your friend. 
Ella: Do you all really call chips.. fries?
A small giggle escaped your throat as you texted her back 'Yes'. Random times, she would ask you a silly question about the difference between the States and England. It always got a good laugh out of your other coworkers when she was shocked about things that didn't make sense to them: Preferring coffee more than tea was the thing that made her gasp the loudest. 
When your order was called out, you grabbed it quickly before continuing your walk to the market. 
A couple of hours later, you were back home, putting away groceries and supplies, when the doorbell rang. Pausing your movement, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked in the direction of the front of the house. Thinking it might have been your neighbor, you quickly made your way to the front door and opened it. To your surprise, it wasn't Alice, but a woman who looked to be in her mid-40s, dressed in a blazer and skirt. Her hair was pulled back in a bun, and she donned cat-style glasses that made her look slightly intimidating. 
"Can I help you?" you asked, confused as to who she was. 
She was just as confused as you were, as she glanced you up and down, "I'm from the housing agency. I'm here to speak with Charles Campbell. Is he here?"
"Uh.. he passed," you replied, making her eyes widen a little. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you family?" You nodded, making her clear her throat, "I'm sorry to come at a time like this-" she pulled out a small stack of documents and handed them to you, "-but Mr. Campbell owed our agency some money for a loan he took out a couple of years ago." 
You glanced down at the document, eyes focusing on the amount of money that needed to be paid back. You wanted to choke on the air you inhaled as you saw the number - $50,000!
"He took out a loan to help pay for some cosmetic updates in the home-" your eyebrow quirked. What updates? "-and he agreed to a payment plan, but we only received two payments. We usually give our clients two years before we come out to discuss collections," she paused, trying her best for the next sentence to sound comforting but direct, "Since he passed, whoever owns the home now must pay it."
Your dad took out a loan... for a cosmetic update in the house? What the hell did he even update? 
A deep sigh left your lips as you felt your stomach twist in a knot, "When does this have to be paid back?"
"We can work with you on payment options, but $5,000 must be owed by next month."
$5,000? Next month? What the-?
"Uh.. what happens when payments aren't paid or late?" you asked, stopping your thoughts from racing.
She looked at you in somewhat disbelief over the question, "We take over the house, and you must leave the property."
The thought of moving halfway around the world being a mistake crossed your mind, but it was too late. The house was now in your name... that meant the debt your dad had, too. What else did you not know about his life? Shit that probably was important. Your talk with Alice the other day had you in tears about the things your dad did and what he was like; quiet but had a good heart. Would fix things in her house if it broke, was a patriot for his country and often talked about his war stories, liked gardening, and the backyard was his sanctuary - which was something you had yet to tackle because it looked like a semi-jungle in the backyard. But did she know about his debt? The fact that inside the townhome was filled with junk? 
Swallowing the thick lump that formed in your throat, "I have five thousand I can pay now. Do you take checks?" The woman, while giving you a sad smile, nodded, "Give me a moment to write it. Please come in."
You felt your chest burn as you wrote the check out for the lady to take. Five thousand dollars was all you pretty much had in your savings account. It took you years to even get that, as most of the money you made was trying to take care of your mom until you finally cut her off. But something stirred in you to make sure you did whatever you could to keep your dad's home left to you. He had left you everything... even when you didn't know him. That stood for something, right? 
When she left, you closed the door and leaned your back on it as you closed your eyes.
Maybe you could look into getting a part-time job to help build your savings back up or something. But it was a problem for another day.
When Friday came, you found yourself back at the usual pub with Ella as the two of you had a drink. 
"The boys are coming over tomorrow for the football game. Wanna join us?" she asked. You deadpanned her, making a snicker erupt from her lips, "Come on Y/n... you can't avoid hanging out with me."
Somewhat between a scoff and a chuckle bubbled up your chest, "I'm not avoiding you. We're hanging out now aren't we?"
It was her turn to deadpan you, "You know what I mean."
"I don't even know anything about soccer-" her eyes playfully narrowed, "-uh football."
Giggling, she couldn't help but place a gentle hand on your arm, "The only way to stop being so nervous around them is to hang out with us more. You'll see. And you get to meet their Captain. John Price."
Groaning - although jokingly - you rolled your eyes, "Fine Ella.... do I need to bring anything?"
A beam of a smile formed on her lips, "Whatever you want. 
Short chapter but I wanted to add this so it makes sense for later on in the story. Our awkward friends will finally talk in the next chapter :)
Like, comment, give feedback :)
Taglist: @simp-4-masked-men @dayrin085 @jessicab1991 @kylies-love-letter @kalypsoox @brownlee-22 @firefoxkairan @whatyouseeyoumightnotget
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mychlapci · 2 days
There’s multiple times in idw where other racer frames comment OUT LOUD that blurr is, apparently, fat for a racer. They use different words for it but basically they all comment that he’s overweight. I think knockout even mentions it to him and, meaning well, tells him he’d be happy to shave down his plating to help him lose weight.
Now sure you could read it as he Literally weighs more, like his plating or something is thicker, but given that blurrs response to this is always to immediately either a, show the other racer he’s way faster then them, or b, basically tell them to fuck off, I’m going with he’s chubby.
For a racing frame.
Obviously to most other cybertronians he isn’t, he’s pretty normal, but you know who totally should notice?? Swerve. And I think it should drive him a little crazy.
Blurr isn’t afraid of indulging himself on all the wonderful treats and luxuries his fans send him, and with how many fans he has he’s never left wanting. So when a little red and white mini bot hands him some homemade energon and rust flavored jelly’s as he’s heading to his transport, he can’t help but try some on the way back to his hotel. And after he’s done licking his fingers, groaning as he leans back against the transport wall (who would be blushing if he could, hearing the noises the racer had been making) blurr decides he Needs to find that bot again. Swish, or… swerve, that was his name.
Which is how swerve gets the biggest racing star on cybertron into his bar, every night. He makes the racer some of the best food and drinks he’s ever had, and they’re just Packed full of nutrients and oil. It’s not long before blurr fills out more, now that’s he’s added swerves as a mandatory stop every night. It drives other bots Wild seeing blurr slowly filling out on screen every race. (And he keeps winning too, eventually inspiring other racers to start slowly putting on some weight)
Eventually there’s a few days when blurr can’t make it, an off planet race you see, and of course he burned through all the food he requested to go to hold him over until he got back! He just couldn’t help himself, and the thought of letting anything get stale… he has standards, thank you.
When he eventually lands on cybertron again, he ignores all his little interviews and sponsor meetings and heads right to swerves, who’s made his idol a whole Feast to welcome him back. Even helps him finish it while blurr lays back and rubs his stomach. And swerve is losing his god damn mind. Blurr literally pulls two of swerves large fingers into his mouth at one point to suck the sauce off of them, he can’t not end the night panting as much as blurr is!
Being so close to his idol and being able to touch him, seeing how he’s been changing the more swerve feeds him, is making swerve the horniest little pervert on cybertron. He is jerking it Constantly, sometimes even secretly behind the counter while he watches blurr eat. And eventually he gets… ideas. Starts easy enough, not wiping away his sweat as he makes some jelly’s, letting it drip down into the pot. Maybe he starts spitting a little more when he talks to himself while making melted metal pastries.
And it rides him over for a while! But eventually… he starts to lean into it, shaking as he watches blurr eat something he knowingly, willing spat into. And he doesn’t notice, how could he? Maybe he starts doing things to the food, after all that dough looks so soft before he cooks it, he just, just has to be careful not to cum, can’t think about blurr eating it, having no idea his favorite fan fluffed it up with his spike.
Sometimes blurr will note if something is off. The texture is wrong, it’s too salty. He has standards, after all. And swerve nods frantically, does everything he can to fix the problems. But eventually he does cum. He can’t help it, he’s just so excited, but he doesn’t have enough time to make something else! So he has to sit there, frantically taste testing what ever he fucked, doing his best to fix it and balance the flavors. Blurr can’t know he- that he-
He creams in his panels again as he brings it out, putting in front of a much thicker blurr, who just shoots him his iconic smirk and thanks him before digging in. And swerve nearly blacks out at the noises he’s making while he eats. Especially as they slowly turn more… sexual. Not, not normal sexual -well the normal sounds Are sexual just only to swerve- but like, blurr is moaning. Actually moaning. Swerve can see him rocking a little against the stool he’s sitting on and blurr doesn’t even seem to notice, too caught up in just how Good, how creamy and wonderful the food is.
It’s not until he’s cleaned the entire plate that swerve is able to really focus again, and by then blurr is already leaving, stumbling a little and blushing as he makes his way out, seemingly none the wiser that something was off.
The wet spot swerve frantically licks off the bar stool tells him otherwise. And soon he’s doing everything he can to have blurr eating and drinking as much of his transfluid as he possibly can. (and on one embarrassing occasion his waste fluid ((he totally wants to figure out that later) And oh boy does he! by the time he finally cracks, finally asks a much bigger blurr to please, please have sex with him, blurr is already well acquainted with the taste of this mini bots transfluid. Not that he knows that until he pops the little things spike into his mouth and immediately gets a shot of it.
Something in his processor immediately wants him to recoil away, he- he Knows that flavor, but he’s just so horny (especially now that he’s gotten a shot directly from the tap) that he can’t bring himself to tell swerve to stop when the mini bot goes down and starts frantically fucking into his soft, swollen valve with zero protection. And he cums so Much! Swerves stamina is awful, but he makes up for it with big tanks and a lot of enthusiasm.
By the time swerve is done blurr has been knocked into recharge for at least a few rounds, and he’s almost Definitely pregnant. Swerve frantically stuffs his transfluid back into his valve and pushes it deeper to make sure of that.
obviously a carrier needs lots of their sires transfluid and all the tasty, tasty food they can eat to make a big, strong sparkling. And swerve makes the best food, and transfluid on cybertron! So obviously, Swerve reasons with himself, blurr can’t be mad!
After all, Blurr has standards.
oHoHo yessss chubby Blurr supremacy. He fills out even more as he starts stopping by Swerve's every night, all that bar food is just full of oil and dense minerals, going straight to his thighs, ass and tummy. And plenty goes to his titties, too. Swerve is so nasty, feeding him his transfluid...
hrghh and Swerve is sooo into getting his favourite racer pregnant, the fact that Blurr doesn't tell him to stop and pull out immediately makes him shoot a fat load straight into his forge, and he doesn't stop until he's sure Blurr is knocked up. Blurr will now have to take a break in his racing career to focus on carrying, which he is pretty frustrated about, but Swerve's enthusiasm and love for his swelling belly makes up for it.
hgrhh Imagine Blurr making a public appearance again and he weights twice as much now, his little bitty fussy in his arms as it gets hungry for mommy's milk... It'll be a while before he can race again, but I bet you this milf can still out-speed all the other cocky racers like it's nothing <33
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Witches and Ghouls - Vagastrom Edition
This was originally requested by Anon who asked: "How would to Tokyo Debunker characters find out about and react to a Witch! Reader?"
I had to split it up into a few sections, separating the boys by their houses so here's the next part. The links to all the others are below. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Alan Mido, Leo Kurosagi, Sho Haizono x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
You're a witch! And even though the characters have made deals with demons themselves, they might have some surprising reactions.
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Alan will probably find out from Thoma on one of their car catchups. He does his best to stay out of peoples business unless it directly effects him.
And boy does this effect him. He’s going to be surprised but he won’t isolate himself or take it as a personal slight like the others.
He knows people have their secrets and considering his own past, he’s not going to hold it against you that you kept your witchiness from him.
Things won’t be that different moving forward but he’ll be able to help keep your secret as well now. He’ll also act as muscle to ward off anyone who might not be as accepting of your abilities.
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If there’s anyone who will find out faster than Kaito, it’s Leo. He’s super nosy and very determined so your secret’s going to be found out pretty fast.
He’s definitely going to use it as blackmail. But if you’re in a relationship, it will be a hollow threat. He won’t actually out you to anyone you don’t want to know.
He is going to call in a lot of favours though. Could you heat up his bath a bit more? Is there a way you can make the internet run faster? Thank you!
He’s a pain but he wouldn’t do anything to make you genuinely hate him, not if you’re together. He thinks your witchy powers are actually pretty cool.
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Sho’s going to find out from Leo who’s definitely just sewing trouble and waiting to see how his friend reacts.
But Sho disappoints him. He doesn’t really care if you’re a witch or not since he already knows the person you are and to him, that’s all that matters.
Much like Alan, things won’t really change that much moving forward but now that he knows about your witchiness, he’s going to be a lot more careful of how he stocks his kitchen. 
He’ll make sure he’s got enough ingredients for his cooking and any spells or potions you need to make. It’s the least he can do.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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runabout-river · 1 day
Thoughts on JJK chapter 271 - the last chapter (spoilers)
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I did a live reading of this chapter you can find here if you're interested how my panel per panel thoughts progressed while reading it 😄
This very last chapter we start where we left off in ch 270: with the mission where the woman can't see the face of her boyfriend correctly anymore.
The first year trio are hard at work thinking through their options on what to do and how to pull that curse user out of hiding. We get a new sort of funny faces from the idiot duo, for them at least, I think these faces appeared in the Kenjaku/Takaba fight as well
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The trio enacts their plan now and they catch the perpetrator really fast. Nobara does some funny yet unnecessary property damage in the process and we first get a cool panel of her and Yuji together than another silly panel of them not able to see their faces properly.
The perpetrator btw is a no name never before seen character created just for this mission so the guys can have one last low stakes adventure together.
We get a Gojo flashback giving Yuji a talk, saying his students should become better than him and forget him too, at least one of them. It isn't out of character for Gojo to say that but the placement and the build up for it is somewhat unsatisfying.
Yuji shows how he internalized Gojo's last words by encouraging the criminal to be better.
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We get a cool Megumi pose with Kon after he showed us why he was the brains in the group but unfortunately that's basically it for him. Even though he was possessed and tortured by Sukuna for a month there is nothing left of that on him except superficial scars.
When Sukuna took him over Megumi was turned into an object meant to suffer. Now it feels like he's still that: an object but this time meant to be happy in a forcefully conflict free way.
When the readers believed in the dream theory, elements like that was where our thoughts came from. This forceful happy ending for everyone, a genre shift from what JJK had been at this point 🤔
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Now we get a surprise Mahito and Sukuna interaction in the space before souls move on. Their conversation is interesting as is the reference to Sukuna's past and what he chose for himself.
In a way it was always apparent that Sukuna was bullshitting the people around him when he talked about himself and what others should do and not. For me it was the speech he gave to Yuji after possessing Megumi about how Yuji should stifle his misery because he was born low.
That immediately stood in stark contrast to what he later said to Kashimo about being born unwanted and cursed because now he admitted that he was in Yuji's position once too and still he developed that insanely arrogant self image.
My problem here is that this interaction references things that were not implied before like what his two paths above were supposed to be. Every time I look at that I get new ideas on what it could've been he's talking about.
It's good to have room for interpretation on someone's backstory. But to this degree it's just confusing. I thought the woman on the left is his mother, others said it could be Kenjaku or Yorozu. Whoever that is, the meaning of what Sukuna says changes drastically here.
His relationship and history with Uraume is also insufficiently explored. This scene unfortunately does not have the emotional impact it could've had if Gege had planted the correct seeds previously.
Sukuna walking away from the curse that represents human hatred however is meaningful. That part was halfway build up during the Yorozu fight when Sukuna said he would be willing to accept defeat.
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We get the end of the manga the way it started: with Sukuna's last finger back in a box in a small shrine. It's poetic but the path towards it, these last chapters and the last arcs...
...it felt underwhelming, not gonna lie. Towards this ending were those unneeded scenes with the NSS and even the majority of this chapter was unnecessary and wasted time. What could've been a better last chapter than this while still hitting all the same beats would've been one solely from Sukuna's point of view.
Sukuna from before his birth, his infancy, his childhood. Showing us the path he talks about here. Giving us a glimpse on what the Calamity was, his relationship with Uraume, showing us why he accepted Kenjaku's offer. Then the canon timeline but all of it from his view. His thoughts on Megumi while he possessed him. Even the talk Yuji had with Gojo could've been shown because of the established resonance between Yuji and Sukuna.
Then should come his talk with Mahito. Then we would've understood and sympathized with it without problems .
We did not need the trio's last mission. The end scene of ch 270 was enough to make us imagine that mission on our own. This chapter could've been about sth with more meaning and the exact ending of it could've still been achieved without problems, all e.g. with Sukuna's last thoughts narrated over the happy faces of Gojo's students 😣
Overall I liked the chapter but I felt like sth was missing from this entire ending. It was safe for Gege to write I guess but it was also boring in a lost potential kind of way...
...and then I see that fucking time on that one panel and I think again about Gege wanting to troll us!
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That's the same time we saw in ch 269 and I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. So now I'll make one last fucked up prediction, partly meant to be serious, mostly meant to entertain me these last few hours before the official gets released:
The digital release of chapter 271 is going to be a different chapter than the magazine release.
Why???? Because wtf not?? Shueisha and Gege probably too hate the leaks and don't you think this is only a problem in the anglosphere. Of course the Japanese side distributes these leaks around as well. From one small glimpse I saw, Japanese fans are wondering if JJK was cancelled because of this ending.
It would also fit with the dream theory or just my own thoughts from above about a differently structured last chapter.
So like, why not troll the fanbase? Many of whom have shown with Gojo's death chapter how they can't keep their eyes away from the leaks. Previously my own thoughts had been that WSJ could release final chapters like this exclusively on digital first to nip the leak problem in the bud.
But like, don't take this theory too seriously 😄
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bitchslapblastoids · 18 hours
I think maybe some people don’t give Dan (or perhaps anyone!) enough leeway to change and be a multifaceted being. Yeah, in the past he has definitely had a complex about ~meaning and purpose~ and yeah, he overthought everything way too much and was kind of elitist about content, and yeah, he could get in his own way. In some ways that was very good! It pushed him to make things he felt proud of. It’s a good thing to care, right? But it also meant he could be obnoxious and snobby sometimes. And other times it meant he could turn his resentment inwards, at least publicly, which could put the audience that loved his/phil’s work in an awkward position.
Buttttt, I think he’s been able to grow up, get the elitism and reflexive second-guessing out of his system, stop taking himself so seriously, see the beauty of lighthearted joyful silly content and the value of an audience just watching two queer dudes who’ve had a journey and a half but made it through and can now just vibe and be silly and in love. That that is enough. I don’t think he has as much to guard anymore, as he seems much more secure in himself, which i think also explains him being more willing to be open re: him and Phil.
It’s a good thing to change. Most people don’t have to go through all their stages of change in front of an audience. Dan gave himself time and space to do some of the growth more privately during hiatus, but growth is continuous, and it can be weird and messy, and he’s both very private as well as an aggressive oversharer, so all of that combined made for a weird couple years of him trying to find his new footing. But I don’t think there’s anything false and grubby about this current era of Dan and his changed perspective. I think it’s just growth and happiness! Look at how he spoke about his tatinof era self - with love and appreciation. He used to disparage his past self so frequently. Growth! Change! It’s a beautiful thing!
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mydarlingclaudia · 11 hours
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some fics I will be posting in October will contain dark content or will be dead dove (given I’ve never really written for either subject so this is new territory for me) but two of the fics I’m going to write are based on or inspired by horror movies and I’ll be writing both Chris and Leon!
also post dates and descriptions may change a tiny bit (though not likely!!) because I have actually only finished one of these fics, but if I do change anything I'll reblog this post!!
coming soon ⟢
taste no evil inspired by… THE VVITCH (10/26/24) -> Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
it's just you and your husband out in the woods. oh, and whatever is living among the trees. you think it's some beastly animal, Leon knows it's witches. but he can't tell you that, you'd freak out, insist on moving closer to town or even further away from where you already lived. Leon can keep you safe, he knows he can, why must you be so paranoid all the time? it doesn't help his case when your animals start being picked off and you start seeing things more clearly. it only ends badly for the both of you.
established relationship, tiny bit of fluff, gore, animal death, I make shit up about witches, cannibalism, major character death, au, fem!reader, re4r!Leon
how much blood would you shed to survive? based on… SAW (10/18/24) -> Chris Redfield x fem!reader
cheating doesn't make you a bad person, it's not like you were even married to the guy, Chris didn't even try to stop you from hitting on him, anyway. maybe getting romantically involved with your coworker wasn't the best decision you've made, but why should anyone else care? you don't let your relationship with him get in the way of your work, all you really do is help each other try to track down the murderer running through Raccoon City, how were you supposed to know said murderer would be your boss? and how were you supposed to know that you'd wake up in one of these traps one morning with Chris getting there surprisingly fast to help you escape?
established relationship, gore, mentions of infidelity, au, fem!reader, re5!Chris
she’s demonic and bloody, but she holds me tight inspired by… IN MY ROOM (10/10/24) -> Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
a college kid with a social life that's almost non-existent figures the dead girl that comes to his room every night is his girlfriend, some say that's a bad thing, he says it's everything he could wish for. who cares, anyway? it's not hurting anyone! well, not yet, at least. there's an endless list of things he'd do for you, you don't even have to ask. but why won't you come back after he takes care of a problem that would have torn you away from him? you love him, right?
not-really established relationship (idk how to explain it), Leon is kinda gross, necrophilia, gore, au, fem!reader, re2r!Leon
mouthful of love (10/2/24) -> Chris Redfield x fem!reader
mission gone wrong, the rest of your team had already been killed, so when you end up dying in that same mission it only makes things worse. but Chris can’t just leave you, right? no, that would be cruel, but he can’t really drag around a dead body with him either. who’s gonna know if he took a few bites out of you just to keep you with him? the place had already been crawling with monsters, it wouldn’t be a totally crazy thing to find on a corpse.
established relationship, major character death, gore, cannibalism, fem!reader, anywhere post re1 Chris
I will be using dark content and dead dove for tags so you’ll be able to filter out these fics. I don’t really expect anyone to give a shit about this but for those of you who do wanna read these thank you and happy halloween <3 I might also be posting extras if I find the time and feel like it, those are also probably going to be more cutesy fall fics sooooo
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captain-joongz · 18 hours
I hope you are feeling well and eating well. I wish you to always be healthy. I am writing this with great shame right now. This may be perversion, but it is funny and that's how it is. I think you are the best person to handle this issue on this platform. 🫠
To be honest, my bias is Soobin and I had thoughts floating around in my mind for the past few days. You can apply it to the other members too<3. Soobin and I have been together for a long time and have been together many times, but we promised each other 1 month before the wedding not to even masturbate. We had difficult requests etc. The wedding day was pretty normal, but our honeymoon bag was changed by our close friends and it contains all kinds of garters....
hello baby, thank you for trusting me with this request! i hope that i was able to deliver what you wanted <3 i am so sorry for the delay with the answer, though, i promise to do better next time!
i'm having fun with these, and wedding seems to be a recurring theme of Soobin's stans 👀
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warnings: unprotected sex, making out, mentions of masturbation, dirty talk, lingerie
the idea came to the two you quite easily, it was even super easy to agree to it - a month, that's nothing right? it's not like you can't handle having no orgasms or having sex with the love of your life, right?
it started off okay. giddy and full of anticipation and excitement, you both giggled at each other like two high-schoolers, giving each other eyes and pursing lips, the understanding that nothing was to happen running between you. and it was fine
it was fine
you didn't talk about it with Soobin in depth, but honestly, you started breaking after the first week. the month before was the most stressful part and you found yourself begging for some easy fun in the sheets with your fiance, your body heating up and thrumming anytime you two were close. but Soobin looked completely unaffected, so you didn't want to be the one to bring it up. yes, if given the chance you'd probably be fucking him or yourself like three times a day just to fucking cope with the wedding stress, but you could do it
until like the middle of week two, then you realised that you really couldn't. but both you and Soobin were so damn competitive and you wouldn't be the first to buckle - and you saw the cracks in Soobin's unbothered persona. you saw his hands clenching when you walked around in shorts, the way his eyes would catch on your nipples anytime you walked by in only your tank top
he would suddenly turn more serious, speak less and focus solely on you in that way that you knew he'd be balls deep already if it wasn't for the promise. the stupid annoying no good promise that was starting to drive you up the wall
week three and you'd start to slip - hands would start to linger, eyes would wander more. both of you had a hard time focusing and you were so fucking tense you felt like dying. the need to just jump onto a cock and make yourself cum over and over again was making you insane and you were barely holding on anymore
and the only thing that kept you in lane was seeing Soobin struggle just as much. you swore the man had to wait out more awkward uncomfortable boners in these past three weeks than he had to through his whole puberty, and it was funny at the beginning before you became too desperate and even the faint outline of his hard cock was enough to make you wetter than a fucking bathroom sink
you were ready to throw in the towels, but that would be giving up and you two didn't do that
not even when you lost control and your innocent little kiss quickly spiralled into a heated make-out that ended with you humping your fiance like a fucking dog before he pushed you off with a pained whine. you both were fine
thank god the last few days before the wedding were so crazy and packed with activities you barely had the time to think about the sorry state of your love life, but your body didn't forget - the buzz was there, under your skin, making you feel like you were losing your mind. and combined with the anxiety from the planning it was turning you into a jumpy nervous wreck. you needed it, you needed it bad
the rest came in a blur, the wedding was beautiful and you spend the whole day happy crying, drinking with your friends and family, and dancing with your now husband. the hungry looks you two were sending each other were not lost on everyone, but of course you'd be excited for tonight, so they only shrugged it off with smiles and laughs. they had no idea...
at least you thought they didn't, until that night you finally turned in and after much screaming, laughing and wolf whistling made your way back to your wedding night suite. and now, you were looking at what you thought was your bag with your usual toiletries and a tasteful pretty sheer white night gown. what wasn't in your bag was the deep red lacy lingerie, garters and black pumps that you were currently looking at
what in the fresh hell??
after checking through the bag a couple times, trying to make sure it was really meant for your and it wasn't by accident dropped off here by some confused guest (if so, they were planning to have a hell of a night, god damn), but it was your bag, only different contents
the mystery got solved when a text came to your phone. did you find the bag? it was from your best friend and you started to realise what had happened. have fun tonight after your little ban ;)
embarrassed, you didn't even want to answer. your bff was the only person you shared this little secret with, but she probably roped in your other friends so they would help her switch your bag. in your mind you were cursing her, but your hands were already going through the contents again with barely contained interest. well, it was already here... and it would look extremely good... why not?
dragging the bag into your bathroom to change quickly before Soobin came in from the outside where he was still talking with his family, you carefully tore yourself out of your wedding dress (not easy, turns out) and started untangling the delicate lacy undergarments
when Soobin entered the room, it was still empty. his mind was racing with the possibilities, and he knew that after a month of complete abstinence with the occasional excitement when you two lost control, he probably wouldn't last longer than a few minutes with the accumulated lust that was already making him hard. but he had a whole night, didn't he?
hearing the bathroom door open, the excitement surged in him and he braced himself to turn. he knew you'd get something pretty to wear, but upon turning seeing you in a deep red lacy set complete with garters and black tights and heels, it was like his whole world spun and he was suddenly dizzy with desire
you barely had two seconds to take in the absolutely ravenous look in his eyes before he was on you - he moved so fast you didn't even catch it with your eyes. one moment he was standing by the bed and the next he was grabbing you and prying your mouth open with his tongue
the kiss was filthy and fast, overwhelming you in mere moments before you were thrown back onto the bed, back hitting the soft bedding and bouncing lightly, and Soobin quickly climbing on over you to kiss you more until your lips were wet and sticky with drool
"are you actually trying to kill me, baby? already want to collect my life insurance?"
he'd throw out little remarks between your moans, nipping your lips, biting your neck, hands running over your whole body and catching onto the lingerie, pulling strings to snap them back onto your skin, to feel you tense and clench under him as you cried for him
"fuck, i need to fuck you right now, i promise i'll be slow and loving later, baby"
and that's how you found yourself falling apart on his cock seconds later, Soobin barely undressed with his shirt open and tie hanging between you, pants and underwear pushed just under his ass, your legs forced apart as far as they could go with your panties only pushed to the side so he could easily slide into your pink wet cunt and fuck it with reckles abandon
both of you were so turned on you couldn't even speak anymore, Soobin grunted above you as his hips rolled smoothly into you and hit your sweet spot effortlessly, and you lied under him completely boneless, just hungrily taking the pleasure his cock was providing for you, high-pitched whimpers and moans falling out freely. you heard the quiet rapid squeaks of the bed as your bodies bounced on with the motions, you heard the rush of your blood as your climax ruthlessly approached until you were screaming, the bliss taking over and cunt clenching
you both came at the same time, the orgasm that barrelled through you forcing you to tense up as your back arched, and Soobin's cock got mercilessly squeezed until he was spurting his cum deep into you, groans being punched out of him with the force of it
"don't worry baby, i didn't take anything off, so i can still take a nice look at you with my cum trickling down your thighs"
you had a long night ahead of you, and you were going to enjoy every damn second of it
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divider by @cafekitsune
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