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She/Her|bisexual|30sInto idek how many fandoms but I cycle through them seemingly at random. Also this blog will feature NSFW content at times.
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foxtrot91 · 4 hours ago
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8x06 / 8x09
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foxtrot91 · 6 hours ago
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foxtrot91 · 6 hours ago
Honestly, the history of the Republican Party since at least the Tea Party era proves the lie to leftists who say stuff like "well if we don't withhold our vote, the Democratic Party will never move left!" In fact, Republicans have shown that it is specifically voting for their candidates faithfully in every election that allows a "radical" faction within a party to have leverage. That you can do that and also criticize candidates for not conforming to your views enough - but you only get leverage to do that by voting for the party regardless, but utilizing primaries, the media and other tactics to try to make your voice heard as much as you can within that party. I know this doesn't make "logical" sense on first blush, and isn't how other forms of political pressure (like boycotts) work, but history has proven that that is how you get leverage within a political party in the United States. And the left has done the right thing on this a lot! But when we don't get our full wishlist (or even when we do, but checked-out people online lie about it - see the myth in the 2024 election that the Dems "weren't doing anything/were the same as Republicans" on trans rights, and then after the results where Dems lost big, a few of them wrongly concluded that they should back off on trans rights!) we pull away and that sends the message that we can't be relied upon. Republicans, though, know how to play the long game and that even if they don't have their preferred person this election cycle, faithfully turning out and then reminding those politicians that they did later will, little by little, over time, result in more of their preferred candidates. This is the story of how the far-right took over the Republican Party - and the left could learn from it, if we wanted to. (Well, I want to, a lot of us want to, but we are too often drowned-out by the ideological-purity, no-knowledge-of-history-from-before-a-couple-years-ago, would-rather-critique-power-than-have-power ignoramus segment of it.)
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foxtrot91 · 6 hours ago
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+ bonus
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foxtrot91 · 6 hours ago
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foxtrot91 · 6 hours ago
My son fell asleep while watching The Land Before Time.
I’m so offended right now.
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foxtrot91 · 8 hours ago
Hell yes, another classic Brennan takedown of billionaires!
Watch the full episode on Dropout
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foxtrot91 · 10 hours ago
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tommy kinard + being a good boyfriend
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foxtrot91 · 10 hours ago
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EVAN BUCKLEY in 9-1-1 5x01 “Panic"
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foxtrot91 · 15 hours ago
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foxtrot91 · 16 hours ago
Evan Buckley [2:57 AM]: You have some voice mails from me. Please just delete them. I didn't mean to call you. You can ignore them. Sorry. Three missed calls
Evan Buckley 2:26 AM Evan Buckley 2:28 AM Evan Buckley 2:35 AM
"First unheard message."
"Oh. Um. Hey. Uh, hi, it's me...Evan. I know it's been a while a-and you probably don't want to hear from me and I-I-I get that. I do. I just...I needed—I wanted to hear your voice. Just for a minute. And I—I forgot that the message thing would kick in and now I'm just talking, I guess. Pretending you're listening. So stupid. ...fuck it. Tommy, I—I don't understand how everything went so wrong, you know? I thought we were good and I—but then you left and I couldn't stop thinking about you. All the time. And then Maddie and Chim almost died—they're okay now, don't worry, the baby too...oh, right, uh, they're expecting again which is nice but also scary after what happened last time. But good. So. There's that. But it was—it was a lot. A-a-and now Eddie—Eddie's gone—not gone gone! H-he moved back to Texas to be with Chris and—"
"End of message. Press seven to delete this message. Press nine to save—"
"Message saved. Next message."
"I'm sorry—I shouldn't be calling back, but I didn't want to leave it like that. I talked too much before. I always—I'll try to keep this, uh, keep it brief. So. Um. Eddie's gone to be with Chris and I took over his lease because I—I wanted to do one thing to actually help and it was the only thing that would. And I—a change of space is supposed to be good, right?'s emptier here, somehow, than my loft. Like, it's a real house so it knows it should have more people, you know? But it's just me. And that's—that's not enough. I promised to stay here until Eddie's lease is up and then maybe I...maybe I can find a place that fits. I don't know what that would look like. I thought I did, but m-maybe it doesn't exist. Do you think it could? D-do you think there's another timeline where I didn't say the wrong thing and you stayed a-a-and we're still happy? ...we were happy, right? I don't want to be wrong about that too. I—"
"End of message. Press seven to delete this message. Press nine to save—"
"Message saved. Next message."
"I miss you, Tommy. Got cut off twice and still managed not to say that. The only thing worth saying. I miss you and I—everything else I want to say should be said to your face. ...but I understand if you don't want that. I just needed you to know. I miss you. ...okay. Bye."
"End of message. Press seven to delete this message. Press nine to save."
"Are you still there? Press seven to delete this message. Press nine to save—"
"Message saved."
Calling Evan Buckley...
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foxtrot91 · 18 hours ago
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9-1-1 3.03 • The Searchers
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foxtrot91 · 19 hours ago
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Happy Ides of March for those who celebrate <3
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foxtrot91 · 20 hours ago
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Eddie Diass- sorry, Diaz in 9-1-1, 8.10 "Voices"
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foxtrot91 · 20 hours ago
I feel like Buck is due for a win, so I’m choosing to be cautiously optimistic about these leaks.
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foxtrot91 · 20 hours ago
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foxtrot91 · 1 day ago
Hey did you know there's a tell all book about the behind the scenes of Meta and the author is forbidden from promoting it?
The good news is however that it's already published and can't be stifled and whoever didn't sign the NDA can promote it as much as they want.
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