#if I don’t reblog the confession I just write an essay inspired by it on here that doesn’t count as engaging right?? right???
bitchslapblastoids · 20 hours
I think maybe some people don’t give Dan (or perhaps anyone!) enough leeway to change and be a multifaceted being. Yeah, in the past he has definitely had a complex about ~meaning and purpose~ and yeah, he overthought everything way too much and was kind of elitist about content, and yeah, he could get in his own way. In some ways that was very good! It pushed him to make things he felt proud of. It’s a good thing to care, right? But it also meant he could be obnoxious and snobby sometimes. And other times it meant he could turn his resentment inwards, at least publicly, which could put the audience that loved his/phil’s work in an awkward position.
Buttttt, I think he’s been able to grow up, get the elitism and reflexive second-guessing out of his system, stop taking himself so seriously, see the beauty of lighthearted joyful silly content and the value of an audience just watching two queer dudes who’ve had a journey and a half but made it through and can now just vibe and be silly and in love. That that is enough. I don’t think he has as much to guard anymore, as he seems much more secure in himself, which i think also explains him being more willing to be open re: him and Phil.
It’s a good thing to change. Most people don’t have to go through all their stages of change in front of an audience. Dan gave himself time and space to do some of the growth more privately during hiatus, but growth is continuous, and it can be weird and messy, and he’s both very private as well as an aggressive oversharer, so all of that combined made for a weird couple years of him trying to find his new footing. But I don’t think there’s anything false and grubby about this current era of Dan and his changed perspective. I think it’s just growth and happiness! Look at how he spoke about his tatinof era self - with love and appreciation. He used to disparage his past self so frequently. Growth! Change! It’s a beautiful thing!
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koboldfactory · 10 months
Oh dear, I was sleeping when you needed asks to lift your spirits… I’m so sorry. However, I don’t think it’s too late to make you feel better. With that said, here’s a short essay on why you are an amazing artist deserving plenty of support and care.
First of all, your artistic skills is among the best I have ever seen. There’s no denying your character designs are stellar; from their wide range of body types to their intriguing backstory, they never get old. However, your creativity doesn’t stop here. It seeps on concept art and writing. I remember when I saw your desert concept art (with Rad on it) on Patreon; it was so good that I let out an audible “WOW!”. I know you haven’t published any concrete story, but the lore, world building and character backstory scattered in your posts got me hooked! I consider myself pretty picky when it comes to writing, but yours is among the only one I enjoy to the fullest.
Second of all, kobolds. Kobolds are great. Don’t you think kobolds are great? I love kobolds. Kobolds are amazing creatures: kobolds can yip, kobolds can scream, kobolds can run really fast, kobolds can roll really fast, and kobolds can kobold. I think kobolds should be admired. Kobolds are loyal to their Kobold-hoarding dragon, no matter what happens to the kobolds. Kobolds are such fascinating creatures. Did I tell you how much I love kobolds? Kobolds are great. Don’t you think kobolds are great? I love kobolds. Kobolds are amaz-
Last but not least… you (no, this isn’t some weirdo’s confession, please keep in mind it’s just platonic compliment from a fan). I don’t know you outside social media, but what I have seen on tumblr and twitter, I can tell you are an amazing individual. Despite being caught by adult life shenanigans, you still find time to defend your friend’s and other’s NSFW content from purists. You have so much stress burdened on your shoulders, yet I see you reblog/retweet fan art and write a compliment to artists. Your mental resilience is something to behold!
In conclusion, you are a wonderful person who deserves all the love and support. As mentioned previously, your creative characters, music, art and writing is something I and others inspire to achieve, and your ability to held your head on tempestuous waters is worth looking up upon. Finally, just so you know, most of us (your followers) will root you and your journey until the end of time, be it with money of praise.
May you have a wonderful December, full of joy.
PS: y’all should sub to her patreon, you won’t regret a single penny. Great WIPS, in-depth game-dev updates and glorious concept art!
But most importantly…
Giant Women
This is genuinely so heartfelt and sweet I don’t even know what to say. Like I do my best to make stuff I like and it’s not lost on me that a lot of other people like it too, but seeing stuff like this put into words has me all the more motivated and encouraged to keep making as much art as I can for as long as I can. Y’all are awesome for real. And thank you so much for all the support!!
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arachine · 2 years
this is gonna be silly, and I’m sorry :(( I’m not very good at communicating.
where did you learn to write? the way you write is just so.. unique. I’ve never been able to actually envision the words that are written in books and stories until I found you. I’m sorry if this is weird, or makes you uncomfortable, I’m very stupid sometimes and don’t know boundaries. but I’d like to write someday, and you’re an inspiration. so any tips, anecdotes, pointers.
no this isn’t silly at all!! kinda got carried away but i really wanted to answer your question in the best way i could 💞
i’ve always excelled in english throughout my middle school/high school years, and i had really good teachers that encouraged me to write on my free time and stuff like that, which helped me hone my skill.
i think a big part of it is already having an interest in it, and having the strength to push yourself to get better. like if you’re writing for clout, then you won’t see the results you desire, but if you write because you have genuine interest in it and it’s something you’re passionate about, then you will see lot of improvement.
for the envisioning part, i usually like to write scenes by describing them in the most dramatic ways ever. i like to use the five senses as a guide. so, if i’m writing a kiss scene, i’ll maybe describe how it felt. were their lips soft, rough, wet, or dry? then i might describe how it tasted. did it taste sweet, salty, or maybe a mix of both? (these are just two examples but you should get the gist).
if i’m writing a scene where reader is about to confess, i might build it up and add in a lot of filler. how long have they known each other? how long has she been in love with them? why is she confessing? this might sound silly but if you write out your fics like essays and outline them with questions to hit, it can help a lot with specific scenes that you want to be impactful.
to add onto what i said before, you can never have too much detail or too much background. it’s always a good thing to describe to your audience what both of the characters are feeling, the things they’re seeing, or how they might react to something in the moment. it creates good flow in fics and helps to make it less choppy.
also, gonna go on a tangent here so bear with me, but my relationship with writing wasn’t always the best. i used to actively compare myself a lot to other writers and it would honestly demotivate me and push me into periods of writer’s block. when you’re surrounded by a lot of talented people, especially on an app like this that heavily relies on reblogs/notes, it can be really easy to feel inadequate. but you have to remind yourself that it’s not you, or your writing, it’s just the algorithm and people suck at supporting authors.
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Hi me again. I’m new to your blog so sorry if you’ve answered this before but what do you think of Kat Bjelland ? And Kat Bjelland in relation to Courtney Love? Do you prefer one over the other? I know this is a cliche question but I’d really like your opinion. You answer stuff in a really detained smart way. Your musical opinions are interesting.
Thank you!!! No it’s all fine it’s not cliche, i like answering music questions! Just prepare for a lot of reading cause i write A LOT haha.
Ok, so obvious things first. Yes, Kat is a better musician than Courtney Love. 2nd, she’s talented & interesting guitarist. She’s much worse lyric writer than Courtney Love. I like Katastrophy Wife music better than Babes in Toyland. 5th, i like Courtney more & these days I’m rather a casual fan.
Now, discussions „who wore those dresses first” is pointless, cause NEITHER of them wore babydolls first. Kim Shattuck of The Muffs was first. As well as that Divinyl chick. I think Courtney took babydoll ideas overall from Kat, in 1989 she kinda copied the look, but NOT LATER. Further, I have another theory: Courtney might have stolen black babydoll dresses from Kat, but Kat stole Courtney’s lacy white dresses & bleach blonde look. I think Courtney said somewhere she looked for white dresses specifically to avoid looking like Kat, then Kat got a bleach job and white dresses and sorry, but if anything, she made herself look like Courtney. Bruise Violet imo did her more wrong than right. They made that video implying Courtney is the doppelganger but to people unfamiliar with the whole feud it seemed like Kat is copying Courtney instead. She wasn’t even the only one to pull that trick: The Nymphs chick dressed as Courtney for a video too. Kat look nice and stuff, but in my opinion she only likened herself to Courtney at that point in time.
I don’t know if it makes sense, but in my opinion Kat was more „kinder” and Courtney was more „whore” (Courtney haters can stop laughing, I don’t mean it in a wrong way). I’m talking about pieces of the style. I think it was Courtney that coined the term??? Anyway, Kat Bjelland had much more pretty doll-like look while Courtney had that ragged, destroyed, provocative, literally kinder-whore style. Kat looked quite tidy and neat in those clothes. So they presented the opposite aspects of the style. But in my opinion Courtney Love fits the style better. No disrespect to Kat, but sometimes her dresses looked badly fitted, too big, etc. I’m talking about white dresses, she looked hot in black.
To be honest, I’m MUCH LESS impressed of Babes In Toyland than a few years ago. The music is good, but I became really disappointed with Kat and Lori Barbero after they fired Maureen Herman. Maureen convinced them to reunite, but then she got fired for ridiculous and disappointing reasons. If you don’t know what happened, Jackie Fox of the Runaways came out with confession that she was raped in 1975 by their manager, which was kept secret by other members of the band. Maureen was a rape survivor too and wrote an essay in support of Jackie & if i remember correctly she called out Joan Jett, cause Joan Jett apparently was the witness of the whole thing and never said anything (which is really fucked up, even if she was scared that leaves sour taste). Lori Barbero had a side project on Joan Jett’s label & became paranoid that Joan Jett will fuck them out because of that essay, so she wanted Maureen out. I found it:
“Kat gave me a list of seven grievances that Lori had for why I should be kicked out of the band,” Herman says, calling the list "ridiculous." "The catalyst, Kat told me, was writing the article about Jackie Fox, because [Lori] felt that me being critical of Joan Jett threatened Lori’s business relationship, which I had no idea even existed. With Kat’s help, I wrote a response to her grievances, trying to acknowledge my part in any of these things, and a willingness to try and work it out. What I did not apologize for was the article, because there’s nothing to apologize for. Kat never wanted me out of the band. Kat tried vehemently to keep me in.”
Herman says she eventually reached Barbero by phone, and says she was met with the response, “Kat was supposed to fire you.” A half an hour later, Herman says, she received a text from Bjelland reading, “Sorry, you’re done.”
And of course they deny it but i believe Maureen Herman. And that really made me disgusted with Babes In Toyland, so much that I wouldn’t listen to them at all for the next 5 years. I only got back into them this year. I lost my blind love for them tbh, music is good & I can listen to their songs when I’m in a mood, but it’s not like the best band in the world to me.
I used to think Kat is very cool, but now I actually like Courtney Love much more. It’s not that I hate her, but I like her less than before. Especially since Kat is always this „cooler” one. I don’t find Kat relatable at all, especially since she was a heading cheerleader and grade A student, lol.
Oh, also there’s one more thing that Kat says that’s always funny to me. She says „Courtney wanted to be famous and I wanted to play music”. People that don’t want any level of fame/success/recognizability don’t tour states/UK or sign with major labels, they play at home, or at some local hillybilly barbecue shows at most. If she didn’t want fame, she wouldn’t sign with Reprise Records, a huge label, literally part of Warner Bros.  
I know it may look as if i really didn’t like Kat Bjelland or something, which is not really true. I know with Courtney, i kind of cut her some slack a lot, over the time I grew much more compassionate towards her, even if she seems fame hungry. Don’t get me wrong, Kat is an inspirational guitarist , but I can’t help that I’m much less impressed by her these days. I like her music, i reblog photos but idk. I’ll be honest, i have some mixed feelings now. So i like Courtney better, but Kat is great too, she for sure has a very original & distinctive playing style, good looks & angry screaming singing style which is kind of dead now because everybody goes for Lana Del Rey styled dream pop vocals.              
My favourite band of her is Katastrophy Wife.  
Thanks for questions! people go send me asks if you want, i like writing
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Tagging game!
I was tagged by the lovely @jas-is-smiling, thank you! Sorry for the late reply, I was busy having a study-free weekend to recover from the busy past two weeks.
Rules: answer twenty one questions and then tag twenty one blogs you'd like to know better
Nickname? : Tan, Tani or sometimes Vanth (that's my gamer alias)
Starsign? : Cancer
Height?: 171 cm, I think that's about 5'7"? (have mercy, I don't know)
Last film I saw: I think it was "Meg". It was a cool film although I was frustrated by the stupidity of some characters.
Favourite musician?: This is really hard to answer because my music taste is quite broad and there are many inspiring musicians. I'll name some bands: Probably my favourite band is MaYaN. They have incredibly skilled artists, Marcela is my favourite singer and they are incredibly kind towards fans. Other bands I love are Unleash the Archers, Carach Angren, Septicflesh and Furia. I made some concert photos in december and Furia was amongst those bands I was taking photos of. They impressed me with their skills! As you can see...i'm a huge music addict fan!
Song stuck in my head: bohemian rhapsody, it's such a masterpiece (shame on me I didn't see the film yet)
Other blogs? I have this blog as a side blog. My main blog is sort of a rant, diary thing which I started a few years ago when I was struggling with mental illness. I'm afraid that my main blog is somehow toxic, so if you want to know about it, please text me. I won't publish it here as I don't want to trigger anyone.
Do I get asks? Not really, probably because my studyblr is quite new with little followers. I do see the reblogs however and I appreciate it very much!
A thing I want to add in this context: This blog is not made in interest of followers. I made it to be a part of the community which I enjoyed for a while already. It also helps me to become motivated.
Blogs following?: Around 250, lots of them are unactive. I should declutter.
What am I wearing? A full on grey, comfy outfit. Warm and soft leggings, oversized hoodie and warm and soft socks
Dream job? I want to work in the Creative Media and Game industry. What exactly is something I'll have to decide later on. Probably Game artist and in doing Character designs, animations, etc. Another thing I would love to do more professionally is photography. Maybe I'll be a fire artist officially later, for now that's too expensive.
Dream trip? Two years ago I planned an internship in Reykjavik, Iceland. Due to some unforseen issues this was cancelled and I would love to go there someday anyway. In general, i would love to explore the north. Croatia and Thailand are also places I would like to go.
Play any instruments? I play the piano for quite a time now. I started it as a kid but I absolutely hated my teacher and I stopped. After I stopped I tried to teach myself to play the guitar, I also tried learning to scream/grunt. Both didn't work out and a few years ago I picked up playing the piano again. I got an other teacher and now I'm enjoying it so much! As he is blind I'm not forced to read notes, I learn to play songs by hearing and seeing. This works way better for me and I love doing it this way. I just finished learning how to play Bohemian Rhapsody. Sadly I do not have a lot of time to practice since I started my study and I also had to stop taking the lessons.
Languages? I was born in the Netherlands but I grew up in Germany, so i'm a native dutch and german speaker. My English is quite fluent. I learned french for 4 years and I was not bad at it, but I never used it so I forgot almost everything. I also learned latin but due to my mental issues at that time I missed most of the lessons and failed.
Favorite food: So many! I love asian food and of course pizza, fries and all the other unhealthy stuff. The only thing I really don't like are sea foods and brussel sprouts.
Favorite songs? Pisces by Jinjer; Tornado of Thoughts by MaYaN; Dhyana by MaYaN; Any other song by MaYaN tbh; Design Your Universe by Epica (inspiration for my url, I could write an essay about this song); Confessions of a Serial Killer by Septicflesh; Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (ofc); Anubis by Septicflesh; The Moth by Death Angel
I'll stop now, sorry
Random Facts:
I learned to play Super Smash Bros properly today
I'm to lazy to buy a bike so I just walk everywhere now
I tried to redraw the awesome art of cheryl jowen, she saw it on Instagram and actually complimented me. I'm so happy about it!
Although i'm studying Game Design now, I didn't grow up playing games
I tag: @moonstarbujo @cafe-studyy @milkteastudies @a-studying-cactus @thekingsstudy @tyypewriter @astraeuzz @sophiespsychstudies and anyone else who feels like doing this!
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