#i guess i'll just have to write this tonight then
userparamore · 5 months
misunderstood my thesis supervisor on when the deadline to hand in my draft of the theoretical part was. turns out it wasn't on wednesday it's tomorrow. i planned on writing everything i'd procrastinated tomorrow 🧍‍♀️
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It's been well over a week now (maybe two??) but I'm still plugging away (ever-so-slowly) at this vignette about Zara and Rook. Zara's POV is a lot of fun to write, now that I have a better sense of her character. Writing this has really solidified in my mind the kind of person she is and how she acted when she was Rook's captain and mentor. She's very calm and collected in comparison to Rook, even when under a lot of stress.
Anyways, have a little snippet that I'm proud of from today, featuring the origins of the coin trick!
Pacing back and forth across her cabin floor, she rolled the coin back and forth over her knuckles again and again. The motion was easy, almost mindless, more muscle memory than real intent. The coin trick had been her favorite way to soothe her nerves for years now. She’d picked it up out of idle curiosity after watching a street performer dining in a tavern in Bon Largo, who had chatted with her for over an hour as she fretted about something mundane, never once dropping the coin from their fingers. The same performer had later tried to steal her coin purse and ended up with nothing but a new scar for their trouble, but Zara had learned two important things from the encounter: Not to trust a warm smile and a pretty face, and that keeping her hands moving kept her mind from dwelling too much on worrisome things.
one-time tagging @space-writes because they commented on my tags about Rook learning the coin trick from Zara in one of my other snippets from this piece.
#morrigan.text#my writing#dnd#dnd writing#oc: Zara#<- I guess she gets a tag now#dnd vignettes#morrigan plays dnd#ngl this vignette is the first thing that I've written in MONTHS that wasn't the product of a single session of manic typing.#so I'm very very proud of myself for that.#it's currently 4001 words long which is a decent chunk!! And there's parts at the beginning that I skipped over at the time but want to go#back and add to at some point.#plus I'm still not at the end of it yet.#there's more I want to get to.#but anyways: I wrote 231 words tonight and I would have written more if not for the DM of Rook's game finally replying to my messages.#who know maybe I'll still write some more before I go to bed. though I probably shouldn't.#the street performer annecdote was probably 20+ years ago now... probably close to the same time she got her tattoo.#(yes Zara has a tattoo. It was an impulse decision when she was young and she regrets it now. Her crew doesn't even know it exists.#it's of a mermaid sitting in a clamshell and it's on her thigh. Very much a stereotypical silly sailor thing that she got without thinking.#She definitely regrets it and wishes it were gone. But thanks to magic ink that never fades it still looks brand new. So... RIP.)#don't ask me why I know so much about Zara. The funny thing is that I don't even know her backstory. The DM is keeping it from me until we#get to the town where she is. That she somehow became the mayor of????? All I know is that she has some kind of history with Wolf.#from well before Rook ever joined her crew. And that Wolf took Rook to get back at her for it. Whatever it is.#and I have no idea how the fuck a former pirate captain became mayor of a port town lmao. In some ways it makes sense in others it doesn't.#I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.#ugh I don't wanna wait though. I've been waiting to meet Zara ever since I made Rook's character over a year and a half ago.#patience Morri. Patience.
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orcelito · 1 year
FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i finished & posted the ITNL 14 re-edits, WHICH MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm officially done with my re-edits project!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive been thinking a lot today about my plans for ITNL 15, AND i have tomorrow off, so if all goes well i'll be able to start writing again. TOMORROW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if the chapter grips me like i expect it will then... hehehehehe
could be an update in as little as a few days, depending. i'll keep u guys updated
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good morning!! <33
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Just a quick PSA of sorts...
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as the title says, this is just a little psa sort of post, but anyways… i just wanted to take a second and say that it's come to my attention that i'm probably a person who misjudges boundaries more easily than i thought i did… sure, i feel like most of you guys i'm mutuals with, and chat even a bit with ooc are people i'm close to-- but i guess sometimes i let the line for that blur a bit too much, and don't end up picking on the fact that the other person i'm talking with might not feel the same way i do…
so in relation to that-- i'd just like to ask all my mutuals, that if we're chatting about something, and i bring up something that makes you uncomfortable-- or i try to send/do go ahead and send you something that you didn't want me to-- please, please make that clear with me-- be a little blunt or rude if you feel that's what needed for me to get it, but just… be clear with me, and communicate if i've done something to mess up and overstep anywhere, please…
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Sadder than I have ever been
Okay that's exaggerating but
With a tv show one of the saddest xd
A MEMORIALLLLLL 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Okay okay I can calm down
About that at least
I swear Shaun if you focus on other stuff even to avoid your pain I will die
Yeah I get it Lea :'(( that sucks
And yeah I am sorry Shaun xd
OH GOSH that's awful o.o
Uhhh not this time xdd 😭😭💔
Oh noooo :'(((
Bro he literally can't operate xd
Oh gosh this is all so chaotic 😭😭💔 not good stuff xd
Not gonna lie kinda angry that we have a big event to be focusing on when Asher literally just died but maybe it'll help distract me xd
The Good news is
The Rookie couldn't possible go worse
Knock on wood
I'm just sitting here in silence
My gosh
Gosh xd
Okay, that's the last my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
. . .
I really loved this episode!! I don't think I can ever watch it again xdd
I want to do this while my emotions are fresh (and it'll distract me) but also I don't know if I can bear to
Especially sitting here (not literally) in the emotions of it all
Maybe a quick one
He deserves better than that though also xd
Maybe quick with a longer one later?
. . . I want to just go forget about it
But I think I need to process it
Because I'm still shocked and denial
I genuinely did enjoy this episode. I thought it was really well done, and I really liked the storylines in it. And, even though I am absolutely heartbroken, I'm glad Asher at least had good final moments, and the drama his death deserved.
Here's what I'll say about what I knew.
This morning, I woke up and saw and article along the lines of "'The Good Doctor' kills of lead. . ." or something along those lines. I quickly swiped it out of the way and stressed xd. Later, another one came (and here's the surprising part that I did not mention earlier, I believe in my review of last episode) that said something similar, "'The Good Doctor' kills of. . ." (something along those lines) and then, under that, something like "Related to: Jerome Martel". Genuinely, the most likely thing I expected was for Jerome to die. I later saw another article that I quickly avoided sight wise, then covered as I scrolled by down to swipe the notification away. And I glimpsed a picture and Asher and Jerome. I really thought Jerome might die.
I'm glad he survived xd.
But I also believe I thought to myself "I'd rather anyone else. I mean, not Asher, or" and then basically thought of "okay I don't want anyone to die" xd.
It's been 25 minutes since I finished the episode xd.
Okay, a few quick things about other people
So, I guess,
Onto the individual parts
Dom! Missed you today buddy ❤️. Sure you're slaying, see you again soon :).
Shaun and Lea! Oof on the what's-it-called-ing Steve xd. It's rough and I think they may want to let up sometimes but hopefully it helps them <3. I also hope the complaint doesn't affect Shaun too much, but at the same time, he has been treating Charlie unfairly. Anyway, love them.
Charlie! Segway xd. I feel bad for her. She genuinely was doing really good, and she just made a mistake at the wrong moment. I think Shaun should've been calmed, but I do think she needed to learn that that was not the moment to ask. It sucks, I hate the feeling of being told that I need to stop because someone's trying to focus and I just made a mistake. But she needed to, and I think this is an iffy thing to push her over the edge and make a report. At least I hope the report is on other things, not that specific event. She had some good moments this episode though, love her.
Park! Not too much going on, but he slayed on the case :). It sucks the way it turned out for the patients :(. Also, him at the wedding was sweet :')). Love him <3.
Morgan! Again, not too much, though her conversation with Lim was hilarious lol. Poor Lim in that conversation xD. Of course Morgan's hears all the tea though lol. I also like that she defended Charlie sharing her story :). Anyway, she slayed <3. Love her.
Kalu! He slayed today too :)). Glad that he too- well, not really defended Charlie, but was kinda on her side sometimes. Like they said, they're looking out for the interns :')). I really liked the bit where he quickly explained and she was cool with that - I think it just shows that she can be worked with, if you put in the effort and listen and be patient. Anyway, love him <3.
Glassman and Lim! I'm glad they worked everything out in the end, and that it did help Lim with her mom :'). I'm thinking this was mainly for that, and also so Glassman can have someone to be with in the last season. I still think it was a funky thing to do xd, but I'm glad they're happy lol. And I think it's good what he told Lim, that she can start getting closer with her mom :')). And I'm so sorry for Lim, that she and Clay broke up :((. Her line about being alone nearly broke me (though don't worry, I just had to wait for later for that) 😭❤️. I'm glad it's hopefully going to get better <3. Love them :).
Jordan! Didn't notice till she showed up that she hadn't been there, but I'm really bad at noticing that xd. I thought it was a cool way, a good scene and stuff, of working her in :). And her advice to and conversation with Asher was so good :'DD. I do wish she was here, considering what the episode was and how close and Asher are, but I'm glad we got to focus on his relationship with Jerome. And that at least she was still here ❤️. Love her <3.
So. It's time. I'm going to talk about the rest of the episode first, and then say a little bit. Then, I'm going to go cry a bit more probably, maybe have emo thoughts, and distract myself before I go to bed xd.
Asher and Jerome!! Y'allll I loved the content we got for them this episode :'DD. I mean I hate a fight but, hey, I love angst too lol 👀 xD. Still, I love any screen time for them <3. I certainly didn't agree with Asher's wildin opinions in the beginning xD, but I was still having a fun time. And I'm glad everything worked out (regarding the fight and that stuff). Asher helping with the wedding was so sweet 😭😭😭💔❤️❤️🥺🥰. And the talk he had with the rabbi :'DD :')). I loved that, I know that feeling <3. Also AAAHHHHH their kiss after the wedding 😭😭🥺❤️. I'm not okay <3. At least they got a kiss at a wedding :')). Where the arch thing was and everything xd. Random note that I mentioned in the liveblog, I love that they cook together so much. Anyway, AAAHHHHHH JEROME WAS GOING TO PROPOSE!! HE WAS HIDING THE RING!!! AAAAAHHHHHH :DDDD WHOO 🥳🥳🥳🎊🎉🎂🎂🎂🎂!! Asher found it too 🥰🥰🥰. He was stressing, aww poor babey <33 :'(, but I'm glad he finally made peace with it and made his decision :')). Also, regarding. . . everything, I'm glad that he knew <3. Also, Asher immediately going to get Jerome a bandaid was so good <3. Loved it :')). They were seriously so good this episode, it was great :'D. I love them so much <333.
The stuff xd
I was freaking out at the end. Until that yelling (even for a half second into it), I thought it would be Jerome. I was honestly terrified as well that it was a mislead and it still would be. But even more scared for Asher.
I like that he came full circle. I think he deserved that. Deserves.
I read a few articles after finishing the episode, and one, I think something from a writer, said "His last line is "I am a Jew. A gay one, too, and I'm calling the cops" " (or something like that). That he finally truly accept both parts of himself. I'm really proud of him for that, and I'm glad that's how it ended for him <33. It also makes me think of how his literal first line was about that very thing. He grew up Hasidic, before he decided that "if there was a God, He was nothing but a cruel being that I held nothing but contempt for". Then he says "That's when I started going to medical school. And also dating men". Or, something along those lines for all of that. I like the symmetry.
I do appreciate the commentary of it being a hate crime. We as queer people, and Jewish people (though I am not Jewish) are still facing so much bigotry. But I do kinda of wish that I didn't have to see it in the show as well. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I like to just feel that catharsis, and sometimes I just want to see the good sides. That it's not a tragedy.
Like I've already said though, I do appreciate that it got the drama it deserved. Asher went out fighting for what's right, accepting himself, and standing up for people. That's kind of what he's always been about :'). He also went out with an episode that focused largely on him and his journey, along with his relationship, and he got a good music moment at the end lol. Not to mention the angst of it all. And, of course, in the next episode his funeral. Though I do wish there wasn't a huge emergency as well. But (especially with the description specifically saying they'll all be dealing with their personal tragedy as well), it should be interesting to see at least. And again, it'll distract me and then xd. I just think it would also be interesting to see them trying to go through their normal lives as if this huge thing didn't just happen.
Also, something more lighthearted lol, imagine being at a funeral and then half the guests get up and leave 💀. Even knowing they're doctors it's awkward xD, especially since they're some of the people who cared the most about him (😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️). But it's like, that's what happens when you're a doctor xD. I just find it kind of funny lol.
Anyway. I think, if he had to die, Asher went out the best way he could here. At least he was fighting for something, unlike the tragedy of Melendez's pointless death. It's still absolutely heartbreaking, but that does bring some comfort <3.
Also, in those articles, I saw that the reason Asher was killed off is apparently because Noah Galvin wanted to move on from the show.
I love you sir but I am kinda angry xD.
Nah but for real, I do understand it, and I'm happy he gets/got to go back home and stuff, but I am like ". . . it's the last season" xD. Maybe he asked before it was cancelled lol, I don't know. If that's the case that kinda upset some more, because he might have been willing to stay for just like 5-19 more episodes xd. Anyway, slightly salty about that lol (how could you do this to me Mr. Galvin <33 ���😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️ :')) :'(( ), but I am happy for him. And he's had a great run on this show, as has Asher <33.
. .
I want to say a little bit.
I know I've said a lot xd, but something specific.
I wish Asher was still alive.
I know that's obvious, and it makes sense, but there's layers to it xd. Yes, he was my favorite characters (nearly said one of lol - he is, but my favorite in the show). Is, that is. Yeah, correcting the opposite way of what you'd expect there lol. Anyway. Yes, he was my favorite, and I absolutely wanted him and Jerome to get married. It was something I was sad about missing with the cancellation, but apparently we could have had it (which I did think of earlier xd). Or at least the engagement xd. We really tried on that one lol - we were so close xd. But, I also just wanted him to live. And I wanted to continue seeing him xd :(((. I still do.
But beyond all that, Asher means something to me. Every character in anything I love does, but he is a very specific character.
He's a character I don't have anywhere else.
We are not exactly the same. But I don't think I can express the importance to me of a queer religious character. Even though he scorned religion, even though he was no longer practicing, it meant something to me. I said a lot, especially in this episode, that I understand it. I do. I understand questioning if you can live your life in your religion and be queer. I understand doing more research than most cishet people ever have to do, finding the scriptures that cry your acceptance and not your punishment. I have watched my religious community on Tumblr receive disgusting death threats because of what we believe. I have heard my religion made fun of my friends. I have fought to defend myself and my culture and my beliefs at every turn, from queer people and religious people and people in between. I have hidden and kept quiet because I was scared.
I am very proud of Asher for what he did.
And I hope that, if I were in the same situation, I wouldn't hesitate.
But especially after an episode where I was starting to see a character that I could maybe relate to even more. A queer character who wanted to keep religion in his life, who was going to maybe re-explore it. After that, I mourn him even more.
There will never be another character that can replace Asher for me. And that, at least, is an honor to him.
Thank you Noah Galvin for giving us this beautiful, wonderful character over all these years. About 3 or 4 now, gosh xd. I truly appreciate it, more than you could ever know.
And I thank you to the writers and everyone else on The Good Doctor. Even if I am not happy with Asher's death, I have been given storylines of him for 4 seasons. I miss him already, but at least I have the time we had <333.
Asher is a passionate, strong-willed, brave, often inexperienced, and caring character. All of that is a part of him, and all of it is important to me. I love him so much 😭😭😭💔❤️ <3. And there is truly not another character like him :'). I will truly miss him, so, so much <33.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I also despised it with my entire being and will not be able to rewatch that horrific ending for years xd. But I'm glad he got what he did, plot wise and drama wise. I know I've already said it a thousand times, but Asher deserves that. He deserves drama, horrific, even if I do want him to have nothing but happiness. He deserves that, he deserves to live, but he deserves to go out with the importance that he had, and I'm glad he did <3. I understand losing someone close, and I am absolutely devastated for everyone else as well :'((. I'm scared and kind of excited (for the angst and the catharsis lol) to see how everyone reacts and copes next episode. If they show me the immediate aftermath I will die, but I will love it. I will also despise it, so I'm glad that I don't think they will xd. Loves everyone this episode, I hope the Shaun and Charlie stuff gets worked out soon, and I'm glad the Lim and Glassman stuff started getting sorted out <33. And you know what? I'll say it. Asher and Jerome got engaged :')). I'm so happy for them <3. AAAHHHHH YAYY WHOOOO 🥳🥳🥳🎊🎂🎂🎂🥰😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺❤️🥰🥰. Because I can celebrate their love if I dang want to. I'm gonna miss them so much <333 😭😭😭😭🥺💔💔💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️. Nonetheless, it was a really good episode. I really loved Asher planning the wedding and the conversion ceremony, it was just so sweet of him to do that :'). And seeing him connect with his roots was great <3. I'm glad the ending- no autocorrect. no. . . lol. I'm glad the wedding worked out :). Everyone was great this episode <3.
So yeah! I absolutely loved this episode, it was so amazing. I also hate it and will never forgive it and them lol. Still, I'm hanging onto that engagement! I am so devastated and excited for the next episode. This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7, Episode 5: Who at Peace
It was so beautiful. The next episode looks super interesting, and emotional, so I am excited to see it! I think it'll be really good. I'll be back here next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7, Episode 6: M. C. E.
See you next week!
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astramachina · 10 months
wholly meant to get writing done these past three hours but instead ended up rereading the last seven chapters i wrote and getting grumpy that there isn't any more of it.
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myreia · 2 years
2. “Go rest.  I’ll take care of it.” for aur and aymeric? :O?
A Question of Desire
Rating: M (for some sensuality, nothing explicit) Characters: Aureia Malathar, Aymeric de Borel, Lucia Junius Pairings: Aurmeric Words: 1791 Notes: Set the night before Baelsar's Wall (don't spoil me, I haven't done the dungeon yet). This is still fairly early on in their relationship, but we are ignoring the Aymurcrilda drama for now. Prompt: Prompt #2 - “Go rest.  I’ll take care of it.”
Twilight has come to Gridania, casting a purplish-grey hue across the forest city. The first stars peak through a break in the trees, twinkling quietly. Lanterns flare to life one by one, illuminating the maze of walkways and bridges, guiding folk home. The city hums with life and laughter, its citizens going about their lives as they always do, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing on their doorstep.
For one more night they can continue as they are. For one more night they may know peace.
Aureia watches it unfold from her position on one of the Carline Canopy’s upper floors. It has become her safe haven for the night, a place away from the endless barrage of questions and concerns. Though she had wanted to deploy for Baelsar’s Wall immediately with Thancred and Yugiri, practicality won out in the end. She has been pushing herself too hard and brazenly as of late. Though tonics keep the fog of exhaustion at bay, even she has her limits. Her mind is sluggish, her reaction time poor, her focus jumbled. A year or so ago, she would have pushed through, but now…
Now she knows better.
“Lucia said I would find you here.”
She smiles at the familiar voice and cranes her neck, looking over her shoulder. Aymeric stands in the threshold, still in uniform. His piercing blue eyes soften as he lingers on her face, observing her with quiet affection. Warmth floods her, flushing across her cheeks. She’s still not used to how quickly he changes from the grave, relentless commander to a man shamelessly and hopelessly in love with her. He has never told her has much, but she doesn’t need him to. No matter how far apart their duties take them, the joy he feels when he sees her again is palpable.
He cannot hide it. It is not in his nature.
“Habit,” she replies as he approaches her. “Always need to get the lay of the land. It helps me think.”
He draws up beside her and looks outwards, his gaze sweeping the path to the aetheryte plaza. “I can understand something of that, I think. But I must admit, stepping foot here…” He pauses and inhales a deep breath, catching her eye. “Aureia, may I admit something that is at once terribly foolish and terribly self-serving?”
A gentle breeze rustles her hair, blowing it about her face. “You?” she replies, raising an eyebrow. “Self-serving? Now, this I have to hear.”  
“I am envious of you.”
“The places you have gone, the people you have witnessed… You are a wanderer at heart, travelling the breadth of Eorzea, touching the lives of those you meet in ways large and small. Ishgard’s isolation has served not only to divide Eorzea from Ishgard, but Ishgard from the world. There are many great wonders beyond our borders, and perhaps our lives are made worse without them. Would that I could join you someday.”  
Her smile fades and she exhales softly, looping her hands together. “It’s not self-serving to wish to travel,” she says firmly. “You’re allowed to want things for yourself.”
“Perhaps. But not now. Not with so many things left uncertain—”
“Ser Aymeric?”
The reaction is instantaneous. Together, they turn as one and to find Lucia in the entranceway. The knight observes them quietly and cocks her head, her gaze passing from one to the other.
“What is it?” he asks.
Lucia straightens, quickly falling into a respectful stance. “Your counterpart in the House of Commons has duly requested a formal update regarding our involvement in the Alliance’s venture,” she announces. The annoyance in her tone is palpable. Aureia does not doubt that if she had any other choice, she would have chosen not to deliver this message.  
He closes his eyes and passes a hand across his face. “Now? Very well, I will—”
Aureia puts a hand on his shoulder. “Surely this is something you can trust to Lucia,” she says. “She is your second-in-command, she speaks with your voice. Surely you trust her to do so, no?”
In the dim lantern light, she can swear she sees Lucia smile.
Aymeric flounders. “Of course I trust her,” he says. “But—”
“Very good, ser,” Lucia interrupts. “I will draft a response on your behalf. And, if it is not too bold of me to say, ser, perhaps you should take the time to enjoy a night without paperwork for once. Allow me to take care of this.”
He sighs, shoulders slumping.
Lucia bows. “I will see to it that you’re not disturbed,” she adds, doing her best to hide a triumphant little grin. “Fury knows you need a break.”
“Me?” Aymeric says wearily. “Or her?”
Giving Aureia a pointed nod, Lucia disappears through the threshold and out of sight.
“By the Fury,” Aymeric mutters, turning back to the balustrade. “She shouldn’t—”
“She’s right,” Aureia interrupts. “You can’t do everything yourself. In fact, you shouldn’t. There comes a time when all leaders must delegate their duties. Besides, Ishgard isn’t going to break if you look away for a minute or two.”
“You say that, and yet…”
His words hang heavily in the air. After a year and a half of constant crises, it seems Ishgard can only manage stability in two week increments and only with Aymeric at the helm. Which, when she thinks about it too much, is distinctly unfair. He has given Ishgard too much of himself, and, as thanks, the nation turns around only to ask for more.
Aureia cranes her neck and shoots him a glare. “I am being serious,” she says. “Whatever you feel you owe to Ishgard, it doesn’t change the fact that you are still your own person. It’s not wrong for you to have time to yourself. It’s not wrong to have hopes and desires. You are no less honourable for that.”
Aymeric does not argue her point. Falling silent, he glances down—quite a distance, as the top of her head barely reaches his shoulders—and brushes a lock of hair behind her ear. Her breath catches in her throat, her heart aching at the touch. Though there is no reason to hide her heritage here, she keeps her hair down, her pointed ears covered, more out of habit than anything else. The gesture may be small, but it means more to her than words can say. She fled Ul’dah with pieces of herself chipped away. When she arrived in Ishgard, it was easier to hide the damage behind a wall of ice and stone.  
It is only recently that the wall has come down. She can’t return to her former self, but she can at least take comfort in who she is now.
“Give me some grace, Aureia,” he says teasingly, cupping her cheek. “I am new to this line of thinking, but I am trying.”
“All right, then,” she counters. “Give me a list.”
His eyes widen in shock. “A… list?”
“Three things you want for yourself—and no less than that.”
“…right now?”
“Right now.”
He trails his fingers to her chin, lifting it upwards. “I can think of one,” he murmurs, meeting her eyes.
Her heart flutters. She wraps an arm around him and leans in, reaching for the hand at his side. “Go on,” she says, threading her fingers with his. “I’m listening.”
“Though perhaps it is better shown than spoken. You did speak of desire earlier, did you not?”
She nods, exhaling a trembling breath, and grips his hand. Taking that for her answer, he stoops, pressing his lips to hers in a soft, but fervent kiss. Her heart pounds, her face flushed with warmth, her fatigue from the day and fears for tomorrow evaporating in an instant. She melts into him, kissing him back with unrestrained joy. She has never felt safer than when she is in his arms—just as he is never more at peace than when he is in her company.
He draws back, his lips a hair’s breadth from hers. “Aureia…”
Sensing his hesitation, she loosens her grip, casting an eye across the balcony and the city beyond. Though they have some privacy this high up, they are not fully alone. A glance in the wrong direction from any of the passing pedestrians on the path below would raise more than a few questions. And while she is not afraid of their burgeoning relationship, she does not want to attract more gossip than she already does.
She steps away.
The word rumbles in the back of his throat. She pauses, eyes wide with surprise, a tingling feeling rolling down her spine. The assertion with which he said it makes her head rush. Rising up on tiptoe, she loops her hands around his neck and pulls him into her. She kisses him—quickly, desperately, as if this could be the final one. He groans and turns his head to the side, deepening the kiss. Her lips part. His breath is hot in her mouth, his tongue gliding by hers, the kiss now brazen and fearless. She can feel him shaking, swept up in the thrill of it all, the overwhelming ecstasy of carving out this moment for themselves, despite their circumstances.
If she has learned anything in the past two years, it is that there is no time. No time for anything at all.
Pulling her away from the balustrade, he sweeps her into an embrace, hands on her rear, and lifts her up. She laughs, fingers tangled in his hair, and wraps her legs firmly around him. She is higher than him now, and bows her head to kiss him, her hair falling about their faces in a tangle. She has always found a special delight in his strength, how easily he can carry her. Most of her days are spent with a certain level of measured control. To give that up, to relinquish it wholly to someone she trusts…
Her heartbeat quickens, desire coursing through her. She feels it so rarely, and yet with him it easy. Simple. She is forever grateful.
She nuzzles his cheek. “Aymeric,” she murmurs, her lips brushing his ear. “Come to my chambers.”
He shifts, adjusting his grip on her, and stares rapturously at her for a moment, taking in every detail of her face. “Gladly,” he says. “Willingly. I have been waiting for you to ask since your arrival.”
She raises an eyebrow, unable to hide her grin. “All that time? Your composure is admirable.”
He doesn’t dignify her teasing with a response. Kissing her openly, he carries her from the balcony and down the hall to her rooms.
There will be time for duty when the sun rises.
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joyridingmp3 · 11 months
boss just sat me down and basically asked what's wrong with me again
#i went home sick last friday and i guess someone said i did something wrong at work#when im 99% sure i didn't??#anyway. they also think I've been quieter lately#i feel bad. im mad because of the whole situation with my shitty coworker#but my boss slipped up and said 'we're friends - well. sorry. we're not /friends/ I'm your boss but -'#so clearly he views me as a friend but is trying to set professional boundaries#I just feel guilty#i don't even know why this is getting to me so much#i guess it feels like someone just listed off all of the things I'm doing wrong and pointed them out to me#and that paired with the fact that I was caught off guard by it#i hate being caught off guard#idk#anyway the apartment cat came over to hang out for a bit but she was distant#so the perceived rejection really hit me#i swear to god i don't realise how insane i am til i write all this out#anyway. i don't have any drugs left other than some random opioids#which is basically russian roulette#in terms of dosage because they're all wildly different#so I'll probably stay sober tonight#which is for the best :/#if I want to wake up on time to work tomorrow#it's not even anything. im mostly just trying to avoid my creepy shitty coworker#but i can't say that! so i guess everyone just thinks i hate them noe#now*#and they probably all secretly hate me#since he said that a few people have mentioned that I've been quieter lately#so I'm not even doing a good job putting up my ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ facade#which is like. my only skill and asset#anyway. time to think about dying and never eat again ig#mine
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darkforestwarriors · 1 year
having conniptions at 3am as I realize that my only fully finished and realized fanfics are a one shot warrior cats vampire AU and a long ass one piece self insert shipfic that no one other than me will ever lay eyes on (probably?)
why am I like this help
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
me after writing a mere 100 words in my current fic after ignoring it for a week:
Tumblr media
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byanyan · 1 year
when u've been writing the same reply for two days in a row...
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MAY 6TH, 2023, 2:37 AM: FREEDOM
*for a week, yay for summer classes
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lordsardine · 1 year
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good morning!! :3
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noxtivagus · 2 years
Final. Fantasy.
#🌙.rambles#oh no. i accidentally ended up rambling so much on my priv twt bcs of drk. again 😭😭#i think that's uhm enough for tonight though bcs i shld srs sleep soon (will definitely not but Still)#looking at old notes i have other ff quotes here n. vivi. sob. i rlly. rlly. want to replay ffix soon#this is embarrassing reading these n i srs see how much ff has influenced me. it's actually. really really embarrassing#my attention span help#ffxiv eden's promise. specifically promises to keep oh my god it's so. perfect. it's. heaven. to my ears.#i miss raiding T_T#NOOOOO SORRY MY ATTENTION SPAN JUST CHECKED MY SWITCH RQ#my aunt indeed has chrono cross the radical dreamers edition & girl oh my god that 225 hours on octopath#i. am just listening to music rn i cannot write i'll just do more later yeah FR THIS TIME#fr though just. i miss raiding so much. i rmb me n apollo being so woah bcs like. our static back on twintania had ppl from over europe ofc#from uk to france to germany. n some had turkish blood too iirc. damn i still rmb the accents oh my god.#apollo n i were like around 14 when we were raiding. which is pretty impressive oh my god we cleared the whole of eden's promise#i rmb how they'd ask how school was 🥺 n our fc/static lead was so kind i rmb how he'd check up on us too#I STILL RMB LIKE. smth like 'you two have been sick a lot lately' & 'you good? :c' or smth.#n then awww the way they'd say gn bcs we used to raid till 12 am n apollo n i had school yeah#i'm. really happy w my improvement. from sprout drk me i was so anxious to tank n now look i've cleared uwu <3#i miss the old twintania static. honestly i still wish that. i cld've unmuted even once yk? but. anxiety.#my social anxiety was really so bad back in 2021 but i guess i had to manage yk. ffxiv rlly helped a lot goddamn#i miss those days a lot. but i'll cry if i think more on that n of other stuff too so i'll just sleep soon#i. genuinely do know that i ramble too much but. actually nvm i'll ramble even more if i say that#i'll just. leave this at here. i'm really going to organize myself this week#sigh i wanted to do. more before i slept. like work on smth rq or. idk. but nah. anxiety. i'm tired. nah. gn#my playlists r a mess my notes r a mess heck even my room is a mess n i look like a mess n my mind is. even more of a mess#but being self-deprecating isn't.. really me but. oh no if i go on i'll ramble to myself abt my dilemmas again fuck this i need to shut up#rn at least i just need my mind to shut up. n oh in the end i guess tonight i won't rlly be able to do anything again but#nooo fuck it i'll just end it at that. so much to do.. so much to think about. but. nah sorry tonight i think i'm too tired. sorry#tbd
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