#i get that people like Their Streamers
mmm-bbaq · 2 years
i did not have my entire dash (very suddenly and for several months) filled with tumblr sexymanified clown art
just to have clownpierce barely scraping by in these polls
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 2 months
"nobody wants to work anymore" but a low paying casual retail job wants you to travel to a capital city you don't live in, which is a considerable distance and time travelled from you (when you actively have a branch of this shop in your LOCAL shopping centre, 15mins down the road); for a group interview assessment centre. they then make you CONGA LINE into the said group interview with party poppers and streamers. like ma'am. I don't care how "ironic hipster millennial and 90s nostalgia" and "life of the party" this brand is supposed to be. but I ain't conga lining into this interview like a fucking clown. fuck some hiring managers and HR depts, honestly.
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Anywhere Star Wars related, it's enrichment.
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He's in the star wars logo!
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milimeters-morales · 6 months
(miguel voice) lyla clip that and send it to me
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notthecity · 1 year
me, getting into lovejoy: ok I never liked the dsmp but this wilbur guy's band seems cool, he's such a perfect tumblr indie frontman, let's see what he does for on his online carree—
wilbur soot on twitch dot com: *beatboxing* hey you wanna see some fucking MEMES?! *default fortnite dance* *minecraft parkour* *shockingly good acting when he needs to* fuck uhhhh shitpenis :] also I am a cultist and a chef and I robbed a fucking bank but it's okay because I'm sowwwy OwO
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not-a-birb · 11 months
PLEASE be normal about neil newbon on his discord and twitch oh my gosh. it’s unbearable in there
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
While I do think that Tubbo was a bit over the top today in regards to making light of the lore, I think it’s mainly because he’s tired of this arc and how there isn’t a roleplayable response unless the eye workers permit there to be. It’s frustrating on a viewer and player level for sure.
Does that mean he had to be over the top? No, but I do think its good to keep in mind that Mike also was messing around during the lore today and in the dapper kidnapping stream, Phil did not give a shit that dapper was downed and kidnapped even after being told he was. I can find Tubbo making jokes at the eye workers funny and someone else can find it annoying, I personally had a problem when he kept speaking over Bagi today, he’s a human who does annoying things that I don’t like sometimes.
I think we all get a bit too defensive of our favs (absolutely guilty) and forget that we find other people doing the same thing annoying too. People can respond to lore however they want, especially when it’s impromptu lore like today.
We don’t have to be up in arms about everything and you don’t have to hate on someone for acting how another person acted in the past. Streamers do things we don’t like sometime because (surprisingly) they’re individuals! Who have their own reasons for doing the things they do. Sometimes it’s playing a certain game and sometimes it’s taking lore with a grain of salt. Maybe you like foolishs parenting style and hate Phil’s, that’s valid! Just remember that people can dislike foolishs parenting style too!
TLDR: it’s okay to critique tubbo for how he chose to interact with the lore today or how he interacts with sunny so long as you are okay with people saying the same thing about your streamer
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inkyzinky · 5 months
i feel like between sunk cost fallacy of "we've already put so much effort and money into the streamer we can't possibly backtrack" and their artistic vision for "tv caliber" shows, there's no way they don't double down on all this
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xbuster · 2 months
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Oh god, are we really entering the era of anime about fake Vtubers
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moeblob · 8 months
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So uh. Eventually I'll stop drawing these guys so obsessively but not today I guess.
(DND AU where it's just these two, Brent, and Paul on a life mission to annoy Chris the GM by having the pact of "we're only here for Karen's benefit")
Karen is a warlock, Right is a cleric, Paul is a paladin, and Brent is a bard (so he can use bardic inspiration on Karen).
#my characters#fun fact i was watching a trio of streamers do tier lists and i saw them do a tier list about their streamer friends#and they all voted on how the person would die in dnd and the funniest thing to come out of it imo#was the difference of SELF SACRIFICE and under it FORCIBLY SACRIFICED#like who would take one for the team willingly and who would be disposed of with majority vote#then they added an executed for their crimes spot under that so while they were debating some guy they settled on#he was the one that initiated most of the forcibly sacrificed ideas and that means he was eventually executed for his crimes#which ... was really funny to distinguish#the point is thats karen in this non existent campaign#she is here to mess people up and then use her allies as scape goats and they all just go well that sucks peace out im on the chopping bloc#and chris is getting more and more distressed over the fact YOU GUYS CAN LITERALLY TALK YOUR WAY OUT OF IT#but they really dont talk their way out of it like he wants#they instead are like ok cool so im gonna pretend like i didnt see karen kill that guy#and shes like i mean it was an accident i didnt MEAN to kill THAT guy#which is why they all vote to not see it and not bring it up RIP that guy#i saved this canvas as A WARLOCK AND HER CLERIC#which is honestly fitting#anyway i wanna draw fanart again at some point but my joy is stored in the ocs rn#i dont play dnd i just listen to one person talk to me about dnd and thats enough#oops i fell in love
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annimator · 7 months
Reblog to give cc!Quackity a hug
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Was hanging out in a discord call with some friends the other day and someone made an HLVRAI reference and then they started talking about the series so I got my opportunity to go “hey did you know that the people who made that also made the famous yugioh vr video and the what’s inside the fridge Wayne clip and the spamton sweepstakes and a bunch of other things!” And I was hoping they’d ask about what other things because I really want an opportunity to show gameclam to more people (they did not ask)
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ultra-violetra · 10 months
it’s really cool that the qsmp is looking for new smaller creators but i hate that almost all the recs i’ve seen so far are not small creators. like they’re almost all already mcyters or popular streamers, and sure they’re not the top streamers but they’re still very well-known within the community. they’re also already friends with popular streamers, and so they’ve already broken into the community. I hope the admins pick someone who is actually a smaller creator
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
I understand why fit viewers are upset that what fit meant as a joke is being taken seriously, but like Tubbo didn’t know that. This is miscommunication the musical!!!! What the hell is Tubbo supposed to think when fit pulls foolish aside and asks if he really wants to work with tubbo? Like that seems really serious and genuine, especially bc he had to evesdrop to hear it! Like it’s really not that deep but to qtubbo it is.
I genuinely don’t think anyone is wanting fit dead or upset with him as a character (aside from not reaching out but that’s on qtubbo too), we just take things how qtubbo takes them and qtubbo overhearing someone asking if they actually want to be his friend while he’s already insecure is hurtful.
Not everything is negative about another character, we can be angsty and say how much we wish fit would reach out and be upset over what he’s saying while still liking him and understanding that the comment was meant to be jokier then how people took it. People view characters how the characters view characters, qtubbo was hurt so we’re hurt. Fit was joking so the huevos don’t see a problem. We all gotta understand that we come from different understandings and that’s okay!!!
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bungone · 2 months
Sometimes I find it difficult to explain to people that I like fucked up media because people usually fall into one of two categories;
either they'll assume that I endorse fucked up things like rape and murder and pedophillia and whatnot (which couldn't be further from the truth)
or it'll be the kind of person who does endorse those things and then I have an entirely different kind of problem? And I struggle with understanding why, also, so I'm split between wanting to ask them and probe their brain to see what in the everloving fuck made them like this, but also really, really, wanting to walk away and tell a trusted adult because oh my god, i am not associating with someone like that.
I wish more people had enough media literacy to understand that content like Happy Sugar Life and Needy Girl Overdose are meant to be critiques of behavior instead of glorifying or, god forbid, fetishizing it, and my first instinct is always to compare it to Lolita, because my brain is like "well they'll get it if I compare it to something that very clearly falls under the psychological horror category and is meant to be a breakdown of a multi dimensional, yet still irremediable psychopath", and then I remember how royally that book was fucked over, too.
anyways sorry about the short rant post but I just had an argument about it with someone and if I don't get it out of my system i will scream.
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hollowwish · 10 months
I like live streams but I wish they were not the main form of mcyt content. Or at least not starting to become that. Like it....really is not a sustainable way to do every single smp you ever make. A lot of people don't have time to catch streams and barely have time to watch vods as well (and most people only watch 1-5 streamers. Imagine watching MORE.) LIFE SERIES is a challenge for me and lots of others to get through, let alone several 2-7 hour long livestreams.
Plus some people are gonna stop watching because they're only there for the lore and they'd rather save time than skim through several streams just to find it yk? After a certain point condensing them down into 15-30 (maybe 40) minute videos and making lore summaries is a necessity or your gonna lose viewers. (ESPECIALLY if you have a large cast meaning more characters to impact each other and the plot)
Idk I follow a lot of streamers and there's like...less than 10 who I have ever/would sit through a full stream from them, lore happening or not.
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