xbuster · 2 months
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Oh god, are we really entering the era of anime about fake Vtubers
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cookie-crumblr · 1 year
Hype Train!
F! Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 2~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2 3
CW: !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, extortion, pet names not given by ML (kitten, good girl), little angsty possibly?, smut will start in the next part!🐶✨!
“Sup Jazzy” his own voice says to him.
“Sup Devvy, how’re you and Issac?”
“Awww, did you just call cause you missed us?” they say in an mocking tone, their voice changing to one of their own mid way through the sentence.
“Always, but that’s not why I called.” He sends a copy of some of your cat cam footage that he sped watched through. “I just need the name of the dick hole at 57:32. I’d do it myself but I don’t want to look that thing up on my work computer.”
“Ooooo! I see why you need that info. She’s mine and Issac’s type too… Sent!”
“Thanks. This still doesn’t pay me back by the way.”
“Figures, I am using your face and all.”
“Yeah ‘nd my face is hot. You’ll owe me for a long time you filthy fuckin’ sadist.”
“Takes one to know one,” they say through a smirk. “Hey Jasper,” their head tilts in curiosity, “your girl just left her building…”
“What?” He pulls up some of the other cameras in the building to look. The second floor has a bling camera that pinged it’s owner’s phone just now.
Sure enough you’re seen walking down the stairs in front of that door. You have a baking pan in hands with one birthday candle sticking out of what looks like chocolate cake.
“Why is she going out at this time? it’s like 3am for her. Has she done this before? does she always bring cake, and nothing else?”
Not even a second passes, “Looks like once a month. She goes out at two-ish, I followed her through the ground cameras to a factory. Sending all footage from the last time now. And coordinates for current active cameras near the perceived destination.”
“Shit. A factory?! What could she possibly be doing at a place like that at three in the fucking morning. That’s so dangerous. Watch her until she gets home. And I don’t know, fucking, blow somethin’ up if shit starts to go down. I have to take a flight. ‘Nd, don’t go outside for a while, unless you get a new face in the meantime.”
“Awww, but I like your face,” they pout.
“Me too! Just kidnap someone for a minute, and deal with it. jeeze. You’ll figure it out.”
“Or I could—”
“Bye Dev.in, i’ll be in contact, and if something happens to her, you’re never getting out of my contract.”
“I hate being indebted to a filthy fucking sadist like you.” they fake a sigh, not actually upset.
“Takes one to know one.” Jasper hangs up abruptly, already packing up three laptops, and their accessories to go.
Sure enough, you’ve walked all the way to a factory at 3am.
You’re running a little late tonight…
He can wait… You think.
He’s already extorting you double, almost triple your rent now.
He can wait.
“Fuck!” You hurry.
All you brought is that stupid hollow cake filled with a plastic bag of cash, and a lighter. Like always.
Eventually you get there, none the wiser that you’re being watched over by a sort of guardian angel this time.
They invisibly follow as you swerve through dark alley ways. You take slightly different routes every time.
Dev.in sits watching, waiting, finding everything nearby that they could hack if they need to cause a distraction to hopefully save you if it comes to that.
You’ve done this so many times before, usually just out of a camera’s reach.
They get into the satellites, replaying footage, as it is unfolding in real time, comparing.
On more than one time you’ve gotten attacked.
Jasper isn’t going to like that.
He already doesn’t approve of this.
You hobble dazedly to the ER when that happens, but you still go to the drop off point first.
What could be more important or scary than that, that you’d not see a doctor first?
The satellite and the real time footage all play out similarly:
You meet the same man.
He grabs you
He kisses you on the cheek.
You light the candle.
He blows it out.
He leans in to say something into your ear.
You walk either home, or to the hospital depending.
Dogs are out barking viciously nearby.
You don’t even flinch at any of this anymore.
This has been going on for more than a year it seems.
What is in that cake?
“The cake you wanted.” You shift uncomfortably, holding the pan out in offering. “And sorry I was running a little late.”
“It’s okay,” He gives you that smile that sends a freezing chill right down into your bones. “things happen,” He shrugs.
He kisses you on the cheek, and leans further to tell you how much you owe them next month and the day he wants you to come.
His menthol cigarette scent makes you nauseous the closer he gets to you.
Intrusive and rough hands grope up your arms and one rests now under your chin.
He makes you feel filthy.
You’re grimacing.
“I trust you Kitten, besides… you know i’ll get my money one way or another.” His grip tightens and your face scrunches harder. “You’d hate to go back into the pit right? Now go on home and be a good girl until we meet again…” his grip is so tight you stifle a whine.
You turn and walk away again. Keeping your pace even, and your head held high.
You almost blend into the underground world.
A man with a blade that glints in the cameras is following you back home.
While you fiddle with the main door’s lock and your keys, your hands tremble, displaying how terrified you really are.
Dev.in starts a car parked directly behind you.
You manage to stumble inside while the guy is distracted.
You lean against the inside of the front door, a relieved, and beyond stressed sigh leaves your chest.
Then you head upstairs, fatigued just like every time prior.
You have a fitful rest, filled to the brim with nightmares that constantly wake you up, panting and clutching your chest.
The dawn finally comes. The sun is more than welcome as it shines through the slits between your blackout curtains.
You jump out of bed, not wanting to try and sleep any longer.
You have today off work, thank goodness.
As soon as your computer is on, and dipcord is open, you get a DM, “Hey! Sorry I had to suddenly leave last night! getting a little overworked rn. Wanna VC soon?”
You call him this time.
The longer it rings, the harder your heart pounds.
“Hey there, Y/N, I forgot to tell you somethin’ last night.”
“Oh really?” You try not to sound nervous, or stressed but he can hear it all in your sleepy inflections.
“I have a meet up comin’ up soon!” He didn’t until last night though. “It’s in (a city near you), is that close to you at all? My viewers have been begging me to bring you since they met you!” He isn’t wholly lying, they really do love you already.
“What?! really!” your excitement overpowers you precarious emotional state, “That’s actually super close to me! I think I can afford the trip…” You sigh, remembering work, “Wait, um what day…?”
He frowns, his heart spreading a tingling sharp pain all the way down to his left hand, “I-I can change it! i-if you can’t make the day! when are your days off next month?”
“No!” ops, that came out a little too loud, “Uh, no, sorry. I can’t have you do that. I mean, what if your viewers already changed their schedule?” You sigh.
He hasn’t even told them yet, nobody’s schedule can be impacted.
He scrubs the footage from the bling camera downstairs to see your schedule quickly, you seem to have one day off a week… What the fuck? He thinks… And so much overtime, how little are they paying you?
“Oh sorry! i only got like three hours of sleep last night,” he chuckles”
“Oh no! that’s not good, you should try and nap after this!” you sound so genuinely stressed for him. His pain evaporates.
“It’s on Tuesday the 12th. Is that doable?”
You sigh in relief, “Yes! I actually can! that’s so cool! it falls right on one of my days off!” Your gut flips, something feels so off…
Maybe it’s just the residual feeling from last night?
“Awesome! I’ll definitely be takin’ that nap soon then,” he laughs such a perfect and easy laugh, it somehow eases your entire being beyond belief.
Tears start prickling your eyes, and he hears your tiny sniffle.
“Is somethin’ the matter Y/N?” His voice is so gentle again. he makes you imagine a summer morning in a sprawling golden field. It’s like sun on your skin for the first time in so long…
Yes. God yes. your life. That’s what’s wrong. How the fuck did you get in half the predicaments you’re currently in? “No,” You fake a yawn, “I’m just a little sleepy, I guess we’re in the same boat there!” you let out a laugh that sounds more strained than you wanted.
You can’t cry yet.
Don’t cry yet.
Do. Not. cry.
I’m gonna take a nap too! sorry I-I have to go!” Your voice cracks, “sleep well, Jasper…”
You hang up without giving him a chance to say anything more. Without the chance to catch you.
and the second that app is closed, your dam bursts.
You feel like screaming, and you feel hoarse like you already have been.
How long ago was the last time you’ve cried?
The last time you’ve even felt safe enough to cry.
“Jazzy! my man-”
“Dev, I need ya to black this entire town out for an hour.”
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kaicheri · 2 years
lights, camera, action…?
sub camboy!beomgyu x afab reader
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warnings: streamer au, mommy kink, handjob, dirty talk, edging, ruined orgasm
wc: 2.2k
a/n: repost #???
“ughh this is sooo boring just fuck alreadyyyy”
Oh, God. Beomgyu didn't see that comment too...right?
This isn't the first one that you've seen. In fact, it was one of the thousands pestering you two to fuck each other. The sexual tension that you and Beomgyu have been trying to sweep under the rug? Couldn't be worse than now.
Well, you can’t say for sure the feeling’s mutual, but on your side of the grass, things haven’t exactly been greener since he’s moved in with you two weeks ago.
Because…never mind, it’s nothing—he’s still your roommate, don’t think. Just don't.
“Oh, you stream?" he gasped hopefully and shook your hand fast, "Holy shit, me too!”
He might've come off a bit strong, but at least he was enthusiastic enough to introduce himself raw.
“Oh, really?” You asked, “What do you stream?”
You, for example, are an influencer who regularly reacts, and indulges in video games here and there—but apparently, your new friend decided to skip past the talking stage and fly right into it, feeling more than comfortable to admit that he was part of a much…ahem-
…naughtier community.
“You—you do porn?” you tried to hide the heat in your cheeks, and the surprise in your voice. or excitement, rather. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious. or turned on.
You’d expected a gamer at the most… but a camboy? No way in hell.
It's just...he doesn’t really...look the part? Well, they’re usually always old, bald, or just plain unattractive (in which they’d opt for faceless camming). But maybe you were just exposed to the wrong ones.
“Uh, sorta?” scratching his head, Beomgyu frowned like he, too, was questioning himself—as if it was that hard to explain. “Not exactly, I…I haven’t actually fucked anyone on camera.”
…Or ever, actually, he wanted to confess. He's still a virgin dipping his feet fresh into the welcoming, warm waters of porn, and touching toes with his sexuality. Of course, he thought it’d be fun!
Plus, who doesn't like sex?
And as a young guy who claims to be “pretty on cameras and sexy on the main,” he’d decided, why not?
“Guys, it’s not what you think. We are not fucking,” you awkwardly chuckle, hands up matter-of-factly.
Well, you could…and it’s not like you haven’t ever thought about it—but still!
Point is, you still have a bit of respect for your roommate, so these intrusive thoughts gotta stay low.
…which is getting harder and harder to do, especially when there's always some extremely descriptive commenter fantasizing on the screen every five seconds.
You might as well just fuck him now in front of everybody so that they’d finally shut up about it. After all this isn’t even your audience—it’s his.
“never thought i’d see urdaddyy/n69 here lmfao”
“whats she doing with a camboy lol”
“nah they dating fs”
Sighing, you ignore the comments flooding onto the screen, continuing to interview the boy beside you—just about the system and how it works—in the event that your own streaming career does a one-eighty and flops all of a sudden.
“So...you just sit here and…touch yourself?”
“N-nah,” Beomgyu laughs, face bashful, “Well, I mean—yeah…but there’s more to it than that...”
“Like what?”
“Like, um, interacting with the fans!” He spreads his hands out towards the monitor to address said audience, “And asking how their day has been going, if they’ve eaten yet…you know, s-stuff like that.”
“Uh-huh…” you raise a brow, but he understands why you might question it.
“I-I know it seems like that’s the last thing they come on here for, but…they’re actually pretty nice,” he tries to explain softly.
“And you mentioned that you record…voice memos or something like that?”
“Oh, yeah. Sometimes, I record the audio only and post it onto Baetreon—which they also support! So I’m grateful for that,” he gives a thumbs up to the viewers and a precious smile.
“Y’know,” his voice softens, “as a pretty small streamer, I can't help but be thankful. The viewers…they mean the world to me.”
As you would’ve guessed, with his ability to be irresistible at all times, and the whole boyfriend-this-and-that image, it’s no surprise his marketing strat is so effective. The boy is smart, and knows exactly how to play the game.
That’s impressive, and you’ll admit kinda hot. Maybe you could, um…help him gain the recognition he deserves.
“Well, I have an idea. How about we give them a show?” you suddenly offer.
“What—what do you mean?”
“I’ll help you get off.”
“Wait, w-what??”
The chat goes wild.
“I said I’ll help you-“
But he has to hear that again to make sure, so he tugs on your sleeve and brings you into a whispering exchange behind his hand, hoping that the viewers can’t hear what’s next.
“Y-y/n, that’s,” he gulps, “that’s too risky!”
Well, yeah. A pretty well-rounded, medium-seized creator such as yourself would get into a load of shit because of this—but to be fair, what streamer hasn’t gotten into a scandal?
“Wouldn’t that ruin your career??” he whispers, obviously concerned.
“If it does, I’ll just quit streaming and join you instead.”
The last bit shocks him and he’s unsure of what it means.
“It means you won’t have to do solo shows anymore,” you chuckle, shrugging nonchalantly, “Plus, streaming sex does sound pretty fun. And… I get to fuck you as much as I want, right?”
Beomgyu’s jaw drops, surprised by how calm you are after so casually letting that slip.
“What?” you breathe out, almost laughing, “So…is that a no?”
“N-no, I mean—“
He takes a moment to calm himself, inhaling and then, exhaling sort of dramatically.
“W-what I meant to say was…I’m not opposed to the idea,” he admits quietly and lowers his gaze, scratching his neck. You didn’t think his blush could deepen.
“But are you sure you wanna…do this? Like, you’re being serious, serious right now?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, impatiently pulling his chair closer to yours, and Beomgyu completely freezes when he feels your arm snake around his precious, little waist.
“I mean, you’re always pleasuring yourself alone,” you whisper saccharinely, so dangerously close to his ear, “Why don’t I pleasure you this time?”
“What do you think about when you touch yourself, pretty boy?”
He gulps, “I…I just read, a-ah, c-comments—“
“Pfft, the comments?” you scoff, “How pitiful.”
The poor boy hisses when you slightly tighten your grip on his cock, continuing to slowly—painfully—drag a mixture of his precum and your own sly spit all over him.
“Why read the comments when…I could be right here, next to you?” you lean in closer to his ear, “touching you just like this…”
Your hand swallows up his swollen, too-abnormally-fat-of-a-tip, and makes him whine out loud, all pathetic for everyone watching to hear.
“Aw, is it too much?” you pout and coo, clearly enjoying yourself as you put him through a different kind of torture.
“N-no-” Beomgyu shakes his head, brows knit and eyes shut tight like a stupid anime character.
“No, who?”
His whimpers and gasps are so, so fucking cute that you can’t help but grind a little on your chair, just watching him try to push words beyond his tight throat.
“N-no, mommy,” he swallows hard, “keep going, p-please…”
“Good boy.”
He deserves a little bit more, doesn’t he?
“God, you’re so…” you hiss in through your teeth as you loosen your grip to focus on increasing your speed, “so fucking good for me…”
Beomgyu’s mouth drops wide open and his back delicately arches against his gamer chair, giving you the perfect opportunity to pull his side up against your torso.
Face fucked out and parallel with the ceiling, he squeezes your thigh as to hold onto something—something close and comforting to level himself.
But at the rate of which you’re going on his pretty, little cock? There’s no way he can come down from the clouds now.
And especially when Beomgyu’s the master of edging himself, having the ability to control his pleasure levels and think about grandmas in time to prolong his pleasure is completely useless now that you have him in the palm of your sadistic hand.
“Too…too fast, mommy—“
You find him trying to hold back his moans and whimpers all silly. Oh, you’re gonna milk this boy until he’s gone.
“Aw, scared of cumming too soon?” you chuckle, “how embarrassing.”
You peek at the monitors, only to see all of them egging you on. Like yourself, the viewers want to see this poor boy become a cum-spurting mess—crying and squirting his children-carrying juice everywhere—all over your hand, keyboard, monitors, himself.
“No, you’re gonna hold it in for mommy, okay? No cumming until I say so.”
How could you put him through such…torture? It’s delicious—the way he looks, sounds, and smells like flowers. There’s nothing wrong with weeding out the bad in his cock.
But unfortunately, that would mean you’d have to pull at his precious, little petals, and tease up his leaves a bit. His lovely viewers deserve to see him suffer just as much as you do, facing his ultimate demise, the beginning of the beautiful end—an orgasm denial.
One that would leave him shaking and crying all pretty for the world to see.
The boy’s so stupid and desperate—so gullible and easily controlled—he has nothing else, but the various sensations of his cock driving him. He’ll do anything to cum at this point.
“I-I…I’ll hold it in, mommy, promise!” he blurts out, realizing that you slowing down might be worse for him, “Just…don’t s-stop, pleeease…”
He’s trying so hard to keep himself at bay with the kind of pace you’re using on him—and fuck, it’s so cute—obviously showing his efforts in the form of prominent neck veins, a deeply reddened face, and tears beginning to seep out from under tightly closed eyes.
“Baby, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.” He knows you’re fucking with his mind, even more so by leaning in close to press soft kisses on his neck where the veins are out.
“Poor, poor baby…“
“M-mommy, I- nng, can’t!” he cries out, feeling a fever kick in and his cock becoming numb from it all, “Please, I can’t…h-hold it anymore—“
He grabs onto you and his armrest tight, chest heaving and breathing so dramatically. It’d be a miracle if he doesn’t end up fainting by the end of this.
“Not yet,” you breathe out, speeding your strokes up, “just a little more for mommy—“
“Oh, mommy, please- let me cum, p-please!!” he squirms frantically in his chair, throbbing heavily in your wet hand.
Without saying a word back, you quicken your pace, putting him to the test—
Fine. If he can’t take simple orders like a good boy…
Beomgyu gasps and cries out loudly, hips beginning to thrust off the chair and into helpless sobs.
It’s only a matter of time before he finds out he’s fucking nothing but air.
Because bad boys don’t get rewards.
“Mommy, n-no!”
It’s too late.
You had already loosened your fingers around his crying cock, and now, the poor thing is pathetically swinging around in the air along with his needy hips, dripping of the tinniest essences that have failed to be milked completely.
He could’ve used his own hands to finish it off, but both were quickly held back by yours.
You have yet to release his dainty wrists from your tight hold, letting him whine in absolute tears. It wasn’t easy, but you were able to pull his shaking body back down into his chair again before he could fuck something random—anything in sight—but considering his position, he desperately tried to rub his thighs against his cock.
But there wasn't any use. Now, he’s left with tears staining his cheeks and a pitiful gaze down at his own swollen cock. Nothing but a few droplets on his trembling thighs.
It’s obvious he’d never had a ruined orgasm in his life, even when his audience has paid thousands in request. Poor Beomgyu just needed a push. So admittedly, the satisfaction was at least shared among you and his loyal fans.
“that was so fucking hot holy shit”
“couldn’t even last five mins”
“can u be my mommy too”
The reactions are all too good to your ego. And you’re glad to see that for the most part, everyone seems to have enjoyed it. You should definitely do this more.
Was he that much of a brat that the donations popping up screen have now doubled—no, tripled in size?!
There’s one comment that really catches your eye, though:
“i’ve seen every one of his streams and holy fuck…glad u put him in his place lmfao”
And here, you thought he was a good boy. Tsk, tsk.
Beomgyu’s not exactly…happy about the situation, but he knows this was a very deserved humiliation. And on the bright side, from what you've seen from his streams (secretly), he loves being humiliated, regardless.
“I should join your streams more often,” you tease, face pulling a grin that could devour him. “Mommy’s gonna play with your pretty, little cock for a very long time..."
Just then, the door swings open and presents yet another tall, young male you’ve never seen before, frozen in place with Starbucks cup in his hand and his mouth covered with the other.
"O-oh, I’m sorry," You turn to the frightened boy next to you, "Uh, Gyu, who is this-"
“Yeon-yeonjunnie hyung?”
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arlert-slut · 3 years
Deepest Desires | 𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧
Hi, thank you for watching Deepest Desires, enjoy the show!
Warnings: smut (degradation), angst if you squint (Mikasa and Eren)
Word count: 1,271
"YEAH YOU'LL be moving in right here." Your landowner showed you your new house.
"Make sure you're not too loud, I know you do that gaming thingy," You nodded, "Can I get you autograph? My little brother really likes you."
"I guess, what's your little brother's name?" You asked briefly while pulling out your notepad.
"Cute, here ya go." You handed him the piece of paper.
"You should probably introduce yourself to the neighbors, they're really friendly."
"Thanks Mr. Grice." You waved at him.
"Just call me Colt," He said before slamming the door.
You friend Jean pulled up with most of your set up. "This is nice, ain't no roaches in here or nothing."
"Shut up Jean, that's why your mom loves me more."
"No she doesn't, anyway, I have some help on the way."
"Well ok, I'm gonna go meet the,"
"Next door neighbors..." You mumbled to yourself before knocking on their door.
You waited a couple of seconds for an answer, before walking away.
The door opened swiftly.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I was putting cookies in the oven." A short blond boy came out with an apron on.
"It's alright I just wanted to come over and introduce myself."
"I assume you're the next door neighbor?"
"Yes my name is Y/N!" You put your hand out for him to shake.
"My name is Armin," He took your hand into his and gave it a soft shake.
"Armin?" You tilted your head, I know that name.
"Do we know eachother?"
Snapping out of you shake your hands in didn't of your face, "No we don't, I'm just being silly."
"Well you should come in, my boyfriend will be here pretty soon." Armin stepped aside so you could walk in.
Aww man, not a boyfriend, well he was cute for the couple of seconds he was single.
Armin led you to kitchen, it was nice, domestic, warm, friendly. Not your style but you think it fits Armin well.
"So what do you do as a living?" Armin pulled out the cookies from the oven.
"I'm a twitch streamer." You fiddled and picked with your cuticles.
Before Armin could respond the front door swung open and a tall brunette came through.
"Armin I'm home! Babe who's this?" The man looked at you after Armin.
"This is our new neighbor."
"Hello!" You waved.
"Hey, what's your name?"
"I'm Y/N."
"Eren. Would you like to stay over for movie night?" The brunette grabbed the movies from his bag.
"Why not? And what time?" You gave the couple a smile.
"About 7 tonight is good." Armin reassured.
"Great I can bring some food." You yelled as you walked out the door.
"When are you going to move the maids in?" Jean got up from the couch and followed you to your room.
"I have to build a big enough house in the backyard."
"What game are you streaming tonight?" Jean sat on your bed and started lifting the sheets.
"I'm not streaming tonight, I'm going next door," You look through your closet for something to wear.
"When I said get laid I didn't mean by the neighbor."
"No they're a couple, I would never butt in!" You yelled a Jean from inside your closet.
"I'm bringing some dinner too. Jean what outfit is best?" You walk out to show Jean but the male is already asleep.
"Jeez woman what do you want?" Jean pulled down his eye mask.
"Which one?" You held to tops up.
"I wish you trusted me like you trusted them."
"Shut up Jean!" You slammed the door before going downstairs to cook.
"What do white people like to eat?" You tapped your chin a little before picking out a recipe from your grandmother's cook book.
You were halfway done with your food until you saw a notification from a cam website.
"Fuck where are my headphones?" You tapped on the live but kept it at a low volume until you found them.
A pale figure was sitting on the bed, he was slightly shorter than the other male.
"Babe where's the lube!" The taller man was walk-in in and out of the room.
"In this drawer." The pale main pointed before starting to talk to the camera, "He's hard because of our new neighbor."
"Babe why would you tell them that." The tall man joined him on the bed.
"Because she makes me hard too."
Your breath hitched up a bit, before typing in the chat.
slxtty-cumdump: wish that was me ❤️
randomuser27: yeah same
The two males look at the chat before addressing you.
"Would you stop watching us if we brung her on the stream?"
slxtty-cumpdump: no
You knocked on the door and waited a bit before a girl with black hair came.
"Oh are you their new neighbor? My names Mikasa by the way," The women opened the door wider and stood to the side.
"Y/N, nice to meet you." You smiled at her. Mikasa grabbed the pan from your hand and inhaled.
"What's this?"
You snatched it back from her, "Just wait and see."
You set down the food before going to look for Armin.
You wandered around the house, looking at photos, vases. It was a nice house truly, but you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.
Suddenly a hand touched your lower back, "Armin's in the bathroom, if you're looking for him. He should be doing his hair right now."
You noticed the voice was Eren's so you nodded before making your way to Armin's location.
It didn't take you long to find the bathroom because of the Mitski playing.
You heard humming and the shower- wait, the shower? Eren said Armin was doing his hair. It was too late, you already saw the blonde males body through the glass door and he took notice of you too.
You turned around quickly before apologizing, "Armin I am so sorry, I thought you were doing your hair."
Armin didn't respond, but you heard the glass door open. You assumed he was getting out if the shower so you tried to open the bathroom door, which was locked.
"Are you really sorry?"
"Then turn around."
Eren walked around the gathering and checked on people. He made sure everyone was comfortable so they wouldn't notice his and Armin's absence.
"Eren who's that girl you invited over?" Mikasa questioned him.
"Is she you and Armin's new little toy?"
Eren tensed up a bit before turning around, "No she's not going to be just a toy. She'll have more use than that."
Mikasa huffed before joining the rest of the people.
Eren walked off into the shared bedroom, before picking up some stuff Armin wanted to use.
"I wonder if he wanted to use lube... nah he won't need it."
Eren took his shirt off before walking in the bathroom.
You heard the door that connected to their room open.
"I said turn around."
After that demand you turned around and saw the most pornagraphic scene.
You saw Eren touching Armin in the most vile places. Beads of precum slid down from Armin's cock.
"You thinkin' bout being in between us, dirty slut." Eren was sucking on Armin's neck while Armin made the prettiest moans.
You nodded without thinking.
"Well that's too bad."
"What?" You were stunned, it's not fair that you didn't get touched.
"If it takes you more than once to listen, than you don't deserve anything." Armin walked to their shared bedroom before yelling out, "You should join the others."
The couple left.
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dysfunctionalcrab · 4 years
pairing: nihachu x reader
pronouns: gender neutral (please let me know if i’ve made a mistake and switched pronouns by accident)
-> requested by anon: can I request a nihachu x reader where you’re best friends with wilbur and you’re also a streamer so you and him are talking on stream and then he brings up readers crush on niki reader gets flustered and doesn’t know niki is watching the stream until someone in chat says something
[y/t/u] - your twitter username
note: i’m so glad i’ve finally written something for niki, i love her so much
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“emma thank you so much for the donation!” you said smiling widely. your eyes were focused intently on the screen.
today you decided to do a chill stream, it didn’t consist of continuous screaming or cheering and deafening your own ears. you wanted to use this stream to answer some of your fans questions and chat to them, after all, they are the reason you do what you do.
you were a streamer and youtuber with a very respectable following. most of your content was gaming, but once in a while you liked to stream something like baking or just normal lifestyle things.
wilbur was currently on call with you, making jokes or mocking you, you know, as annoying friends do. you two were currently talking about the new season of a show that you two had been binge watching, often interrupted by you thanking somebody for the donation or answering a question that you read in chat.
“you know, next time i see you, whenever that is, we should watch the finale together,” wilbur proposed
you nodded enthusiastically at the idea and took a sip from your drink. “that’d be epic” you responded
“we should also have niki come over too, because of that big fat crush of yours”
your eyes widened at the sudden comment.
“huh?” you asked, feeling a little flustered
“that’s right ladies and gentlemen, [y/n] has a fantastic fucking crush on-“
“wilbur-! what the fuck! i don’t have a crush,” you defended, interrupting him. there was no way anybody was going to buy it though, your face was heating up and you checked your face in the preview of the camera, you were pink. literally pink. you had to turn your face camera off for a few minutes just so the obvious blush on your face could fade away.
i mean, it was true. but how could you not like niki? she was the sweetest, kindest and most wholesome person you had ever known. you found yourself falling in love with every single adorable quirk she had shes so cute don’t come at me. don’t even get started on how cute she looked with the cat ears
niki had such a warm, friendly personality. you two streamed often together and became good friends due to your mutual friendship with wilbur. day by day you found yourself falling for her, whether it be laughing at a funny post she sent you on instagram or just talking to her and hearing her voice. simp behaviour amirite?
you turned on your face cam again, continuing to answer chats questions again. though wilbur was making it incredibly hard to concentrate with all his irrelevant inputs and his teasing comments.
“what’s your favourite snack?” you read from the screen
“niki” wilbur answered
you face palmed. “for fucks sake-“
“okay okay i’ll stop,” he chuckled. you shook your head at his stupidity. we all knew he wasn’t going to stop.
chat was living for this content, some people were surprised, some people were talking about how cute you two would be together, some people were saying how goddamn obvious it was.
you wanted this subject to be dropped quickly. what did this crush matter anyways? if she was going to be with anybody in the world it would be with someone as equally adorable as amazing as her, you thought.
your thoughts were cut short by wilbur, once again.
“why is everyone spamming ‘niki’ in your chat, [y/n]?” wilbur questioned.
you rolled your eyes. “i don’t know, probably because you’ve been teasing me about my alleged ‘crush’ on her for 10 minutes!” you said sarcastically.
you looked at your chat and all you could see was
user: hi niki!!!!!
user: omg guys SHES WATCHING LMAO
you wanted your chair to swallow you whole. you hid your face in your hands not wanting chat to see your face blushing (again)
your heart was beating loudly, did she hear all that about the crush? you wondered.
you turned off face cam once again. everything was getting a bit much for you. you took another sip from your drink. you had been streaming for over two hours and your energy was pretty much gone at this point. and then, you heard a notification from your phone. automatically, your hand reached out to grab it.
it was from twitter.
@nihaachu: [y/t/u] looks really cute when they blush 🥰
of course she heard it. your face broke out into a shy grin. though you silently cursed wilbur under your breath. you opened up your messages and typed out a text.
to wilbur: remind me to smack you the next time i see you
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curtain call, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: You know that TikTok trend where girls would drop their towels in front of their gamer boyfriends? As expected, Min Yoongi didn’t until he was informed by his six troublemaking friends. In this case, his girlfriend was the pro streamer and he was the guy in the towel... so what’s the result?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, tiny bit of crack; sexually explicit thoughts; smut (fem reader, handjob, cowgirl); very fluffy; non-idol!AU - established relationship, music producer!Yoongi x LoL streamer!reader
“Hahaha, oh my god, chat, did you see that? He bounced so many times from the CC, he literally went sky, holy shit!”
Min Yoongi opened the front door of his apartment to the jovial, laughing voice of his girlfriend. He shut the door, smiling to himself. Her streaming room was in the extra bedroom. The door was open, and he could see the bright RGB lights of her computer tower reflecting off the walls. He took off his black coat, placing it on the hanger in the hall closet.
“Stop cursing because it’s not ladylike?” He heard her scoff. “No, fuck you.”
Yoongi smirked. That’s my girl.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through social media. His friends always told him to reply to their posts, but Yoongi was a lurker. The only reason he even had any social media was because his friends set it up for him. He literally only followed six people – his six friends. Everyone else he just stalked from memory, even his own girlfriend. Mostly because he didn’t want random people following him for no reason, because they most certainly would with how popular she was.
When she had asked him what he thought of her full-time video game streaming, Yoongi told her to go for it. She had been obsessed with League of Legends for over nine years, even before she met him. At their first date, she first question was if he knew what League of Legends was.
“Uh… I got to Gold in season 2?”
Later, she told him his answer had seriously tilted her and she even considered not going on a second date.
“But you did. Because of this face.”
She had laughed and nodded.
She had been playing solo queue for a long time. When she finally started streaming her games, her channel grew slowly. She would immediately start playing after she got home from work. Hours and hours, growing a fanbase. Yoongi later learned she was startlingly good – “I was Master for a long time, got Grandmaster this season” – and when she asked him if she could quit her job, he pointed to her bank statements.
“Do you even need to ask? You might make more than me at one point and I’m Big Hit’s top music producer.”
And she did end up making more than him, at least some months, because the team that picked her up as a content creator this year was none other than T1, the most beloved (and hated) organization in Korea. Had she ever met Faker? No, but it was cool to say she was under the same umbrella as him.
Yoongi rounded the corner, knocking his knuckles on the doorframe.
You looked up from your game, grinning. Twitch chat had just said some dumb shit, but your eyes were on Min Yoongi now. The love of your life, standing in the doorframe, looking amused at your antics and dressed sharply in a white dress shirt and black slacks with a matching black tie. Very different to your black T1 hoodie and sweats.
“Whoa, fancy, fancy,” you teased, eyes going back to the game. You pushed back one of your headset’s earcups to hear him better. You clicked rapidly, autoattacking the towers swiftly. You were about to win after a hectic Baron fight. “Why are you dressed like that, Yoongi?”
Your chat was exploding with cat emojis. They had only seen Yoongi a few times and someone had compared him to a cat once. It stuck and now every time Yoongi spoke, your chat was spammed with cats. You even had a custom white cat emote made with Yoongi’s signature black hair.
Yoongi appeared next to you on the cam, only his slacks and bottom of his shirt visible next to you. He patted your head.
“Meeting today,” he said simply in his lovely deep voice. The chat was exploding due to Yoongi’s appearance. Everyone was thirsty for him. You couldn’t blame them. You too. “Looks like T1 Curtain Call is kicking ass.”
You fired the last shot at the Nexus, earning fifty gold. Was it necessary since that was the end of the game? Absolutely not, but it gave you bragging rights. You sat back, smirking. You were in your promos to Challenger, the highest rank in the ladder. It would be really exciting if you could make it to Challenger this season.
You turned to Yoongi as you honored your support Nami. “Chat wants you to say hi.”
Yoongi stuck his large hand out in front of the camera and waved it once. “Hey everyone.”
You chuckled as Yoongi retreated his hand. You clicked on the stats for the chat to read before reentering the lobby. T1 Curtain Call. That was your in-game name, or IGN. It was named after your favorite champion, Jhin, the Virtuoso, mercenary gunman with a sniper ultimate and an obsession with the number four. Your IGN was Jhin’s ultimate ability name. You were an attack-damage carry main, also known as ADC.
You felt Yoongi ruffle your hair, messing it up under your headset.
“Going to take a shower before making dinner. Bye, chat.”
Yoongi stuck his hand in the screen again, right in front of your face.
You leaned forward to read the chat as you queued up. It was going to be a long queue, so you answered questions in the meantime.
“Ask Yoongi to play with you?” You chuckled. “Trust me guys, I’ve tried, even if it was just normals. He’s confused as shit.”
Yoongi worked the shampoo in his hair, feeling the hot water hit his back. Before getting into the shower, Yoongi had gotten multiple texts from the group chat. Normally he would ignore them, because he always ignored the group chat. This time, however, he saw his girlfriend’s name pop up in the texts, along with his name with multiple exclamation points. He frowned at it, opening the chat. He did not like his friends typing her name heedlessly.
It was some dumb TikTok trend.
“Hyung, you gotta do this to noona,” Jeon Jungkook had typed with multiple ‘kekekeke’ behind it. The youngest was an idiot for even suggesting this.
“Please do it,” Kim Taehyung typed with multiple laughing emojis.
“I want to know her reaction,” Park Jimin typed with a bunch of winking faces.
“The fuck is this?” Kim Seokjin had typed. “Oh my god, you have to do it, Yoongi.”
“But don’t film it,” Kim Namjoon warned. “Don’t want to make her look bad or anything.”
Jung Hoseok had just typed multiple laughing symbols. Yoongi could hear him laughing through the phone even if he wasn’t here.
It was a stupid trend where girls wrapped themselves in towels after a shower and then dropped said towels in front of their gamer boyfriends while they were playing, with varying reactions. Yoongi had sighed, putting his phone down. He shouldn’t have clicked on the chat. Those guys were loons. Besides, his role was reversed in his situation. A guy’s flaccid dick was a thousand times less interesting than his girlfriend’s perky tits and round ass. And her squeezable thighs. And her glistening pussy.
Yoongi rinsed his hair off, muttering to himself.
Why would he even consider distracting her like that anyway? He rubbed soap on his arms and legs. She took her games seriously and Yoongi wanted her to win them. It would just be dumb to be the reason that she dies in game. It was her job, after all. It was true they had less sex, but that was also partially his fault. He had been working on an album and it ran long hours. He had to finish before the deadline after all. Yes, sometimes Yoongi woke up late at night with a massive hard-on and her warm body next to him, only in her underwear. Sometimes he took her hand and wrapped it around him, considering on waking her up to do it.
But her peaceful, sleepy face was too cute to wake up, so he never did.
Yoongi puffed his cheeks as he rinsed off, thinning his mouth and eyes into lines. They used to mess around, right here in the shower, where he would jerk off on her face and chest, just to watch it drip down her body. He could see her pretty face in his mind, cum sprayed across her cheeks and chin, mischievous smile on her lips. They had different schedules now, so she always showered before her stream, while he was at work.
Yoongi clicked his tongue and turned the water off, body still hot. He grabbed the white towel from the rack and dried his hair, making it stick up in every direction. He rubbed himself down, wicking the water away. It made him remember how her hair used to stick to her body after their shared showers and how he would lift it away to play with her nipples.
He huffed, seeing his phone on the bathroom sink. His friends needed help. How could they even suggest such nonsen–
Yoongi tried to wrap his towel around his waist. He could feel a draft. He looked down, raising his eyebrows.
His dick was pitching a music-festival, VIP-member-only sized tent.
He pursed his lips. He shouldn’t be that surprised. He had literally been thinking about his girlfriend’s naked body the entire time. His eyes glanced to his phone once again before he opened the bathroom door. He heard her sigh loudly.
“Noooo, that’s the third dodge! Am I ever going to play a game, chat?” she whined.
Yoongi padded out into the hallway. Technically he was already halfway there. Might as well. Was this the stupidest shit he was ever going to do? Maybe. But she wasn’t going to expect it, that’s for sure. The thought made Yoongi smirk.
“When is Jungkook going to duo with me again? I don’t know guys; he said he has finals soon so he has to focus on school.” He heard her click her tongue. “Get him on cam again? Oh, I see, that’s what you all wanted... At least let him get through university.”
Yoongi stopped at the doorframe. Her hands were on her chin and she was sighing, looking depressed at her long queue time.
“Ah, so unlucky. It must be everyone’s dinnertime.”
He called her name in the same tone he usually used.
Her head lifted and her eyes floated in his direction.
Yoongi dropped the towel.
In less than a second, her eyes grew three sizes, jaw dropping. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, shading his eyes a bit. He cocked an eyebrow, slow smirk on his lips.
“Anything you want for dinner?”
You heard your queue pop, but you were frozen in place, gawking open-mouthed at your boyfriend standing in the doorframe of your streaming room, butt-ass naked, cock hard as a rock, towel on the ground. Did he just..? What the…? This was Min Yoongi. Your mild-mannered, somewhat-lazy, preferred-to-be-asleep boyfriend. Not suddenly-trying-to-send-you-to-horny-jail-in-front-of-three-thousand viewers boyfriend! You blinked at him, stuttering.
Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. Your voice was a little too breathless, a little too shocked. And slightly too needy for Twitch chat. Your face was heating up fast. You whipped your head back to the screen, realizing you missed the queue. At this point, you didn’t give a single shit.
“You know what, guys,” you said shakily, laughing awkwardly. “I better help Yoongi with dinner and be a good girlfriend.” You rose, feeling the wetness between your legs. “See you tomorrow!”
And you immediately turned off the stream, fuck, you turned off your whole damn computer, mashing the power button, and throwing one of your spare hoodies over the webcam. You exploded from your T1 gaming chair, literally shooting it back three feet into the League plushes behind you, ripping your headset off, tossing it onto the keyboard. Yoongi looked surprised, as if he expected you to be demurer about it.
Yeah, that’s not kind of woman you were.
“Min Yoon-gi,” you hissed, stressing every syllable of his name. “How the fuck do you think you can just show up naked and not expect me to want to immediately fuck you?”
Yoongi chuckled. “I wanted to see your reaction.”
You narrowed your eyes, pressing him against the door with your body. “You don’t watch TikTok. Who put you up to this? Jimin? Taehyung? Jungkook?”
His voice was low and husky. “You know the mankae line are trouble.”
Your hand snaked up into his damp hair and you pulled him down for a sensual kiss. His soft, pink lips parted and you nipped at his lower lip, grinding deliciously into his hard cock. Your sweatpants and underwear were in the way, but you moaned into his mouth, tongue grazing against his lips.
Mentally, you thanked the three mankaes for giving Yoongi this wonderful idea.
He breathed against your lips, smirking.
“How many pieces of clothing are you wearing?” he purred.
You grinned into his kiss, tongue between your teeth. “Four.”
“On brand for you.”
And then you two stumbled into the hallway, Yoongi’s hands on the hem of your hoodie, pushing it up as you kissed him over and over, whispering his name, telling him how handsome he was, how perfectly sexy he was with his wet hair and soft skin. His lips curved upwards under yours, basking in your compliments, drinking them up.
“Count for me,” he drawled, pulling the black T1 hoodie up.
You slipped out of it, sliding down, hands splaying over Yoongi’s chest.
He tossed it aside as your hand wrapped around his cock. A sharp gasp left his lips feeling you stroke him slowly, your hand snaking around his neck and bringing his face close to yours, lips on lips. His hands curled around your waist, moving up, grasping the hook-and-eye of your black bra. All the while slowly making your way to the bedroom, nipping at his lips, sucking on his tongue.
Yoongi pinched, releasing your bra. You released his cock, letting it slide off your shoulders.
“Two,” you moaned, feeling his hands on your breasts, rolling your nipples in between his fingers.
“Hah, your body is so fucking hot,” Yoongi murmured. “Missed fucking you.”
You snickered, licking his lips. “Why don’t you actually try to wake me up for once instead of using my hand to jack yourself off at two in the morning?”
His dark brown eyes went wide, shock creeping into his voice. “W-what? How did you…?”
You pushed him through the doorframe of the bedroom. “You think I don’t notice your dick in my hands?” You reached down now, gripping it again, sighing softly at his hardness. “I’m a light sleeper.”
He sputtered at you, fingers curling under the waistband of your sweatpants. “No, you’re not.”
You grinned. “Yeah, you’re right, but this your cock we’re talking about, and I love your cock, Yoongi, fuck,” you continued, pumping him slowly as you felt his length twitch in your hands, his hands pushing down your pants, sliding down your legs.
“Three,” he breathed softly.
You took his larger hand and wrapped it around yours, stepping out of your pants.
“Go on, Yoongi. Show me what you do when you think I’m asleep,” you said softly, nudging him to the bed and laying him down, down, crawling over him, staring into his beautiful dark eyes, falling more and more in love with him every second. Yoongi bit his lip, looking back at you, shifting your hand up and down his cock, whimpering as he jacked himself off, but with your hand and your eyes on him.
“Fuck, you look so pretty,” he mumbled. “Such perfectly shaped eyes.”
You leaned down, squeezing him a little harder, a tiny gasp brushing against your lips. “That’s you, my love.”
He smirked, his free hand hooking on the side of your panties.
“Hit me with the fourth shot,” Yoongi teased, grinning.
You kissed him lightly, smiling. “That’s going to be a critical hit.”
“Better be a critical hit all over my dick.”
You laughed, reaching over to the nightstand and pulling out the drawer, taking out a condom. The two of you pulled down your black panties, Yoongi completing the final number.
“Four,” he exhaled, nearly moaning at the sight of your juices snapping against your thigh.
“Me on top?” you asked, ripping the condom open.
Yoongi’s naughty smirk grew. “You do love me.”
You slid the condom down his length, both of you gasping as his cock throbbed in your hands. You slid up, holding him with two fingers as you sank down on him, tipping your head back at the feeling of Yoongi’s cock buried deep inside.
“I’ve determined we don’t fuck enough,” you muttered, rolling your hips at the delicious sensation of being stretched out by your lover.
“I should wake up earlier,” Yoongi hissed, hands twisting in the sheets. “So we can shower together again.”
“You miss that?” You began to move, riding him deliberately slow but rough, slapping your hips together. You were leaking all over his crotch and balls, adding to the sound. “Miss me on my knees for you, wet from head to toe?”
“Hah… I was thinking about it in the shower,” he panted, feeling you lean down to change the angle, rolling the entire lower half of your body to fuck him hard, fast, intensely squeezing his cock at every descent. “You look so good covered in my cum, my love.”
You smirked, arching an eyebrow. “Yeah? Take some pictures. Show your friends.”
Yoongi laughed, that attractive raspy laugh that showed his pink gums and his pretty white teeth as you rode him, chasing your orgasm and determined to get him to his. “They fucking wish they could see this body,” he growled, a touch of possessiveness in his voice that made your spine shiver deliciously. “Bet they wish they could see you riding my dick right now, your perfect tits and ass bouncing on top of me.”
You clenched him harder and he moaned, head pressed into the pillows, eyes closing, drowning in the feeling of you.
“Ask them,” you snickered. “I already know Jimin’s answer.”
Yoongi gave you an open-mouthed smirk. “That fucking pervert.”
You slammed your hips together tightening your jaw and your core, sucking in his entire length, every contour imprinted into you, every vein pulsing into your walls, Yoongi so fucked out and gone under you, the best image in the entire fucking world. You leaned your head back, gasping triumphantly as the pleasure finally dropped, showering over you, your hips shaking, pussy throbbing all around him, splattering onto his crotch. Yoongi groaned, smacking his fists against the sheets as he shot up into you, cock swelling against your walls, choking out your name due to the strength of your orgasm. You felt your pussy milking him for every drop, draining him. Yoongi’s hips jerked involuntarily up towards you, squelching loudly and lewdly.
Fuck, you loved him.
You bent down, hand between your bodies, holding the condom down as you kissed his open mouth, tongue sliding in to stroke his, murmuring to him how much you loved him. Yoongi panted into your lips, hot erotic breaths that made you moan as you slowly removed yourself from his softening cock. He opened his eyes, half-lidded, drunk with pleasure. His voice was breathless, content.
“I love you.”
You smirked.
“Drop your towel some more, but maybe when I’m not live streaming.”
Yoongi laughed and you laughed too, because in the end it was still hilarious.
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outcast-thingz · 2 years
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Chapter 6:
Nightmares And Surprising Remedies
(Warning: Dream, Implied death)
Two days pass and each time Styx would sleep until noon when she managed to fall asleep. Although most of the time the sleep she got didn't feel very restful. She didn't reveal much about herself other than basic things like favorite color or age but the boys on the other hand shared more. She figured that they thought if they open up then eventually she too. Still she listened and learned a lot about them. 'A streamer, a dancer or did he say dance teacher? Whatever. And a security guard of sorts... what the fuck kind of group are they?' She thought, 'what did I get myself into?' Pushing the thoughts from her mind she shuts her eyes and attempts to sleep.
~She hums to herself as she follows the.. path? The only light was coming from the moon which, unlike what she's seen on TV, does not light the area very well. Honestly she was just following the only other light shee could see in the distance.
Styx whips her head around hearing clang and clicks.
"Who's there?" She asks but never receives a response no matter how often she asks. As drops of rain begin to pour she picks up her pace. She could see the light was coming from a street lamp and something was below it. The ground has a soft rumble that is steadily getting louder like the drum rolls of thunder that shake her body. As the clanging gets louder she gets faster.
Lighting flashes, showing off more of the thing below the lamppost. A familiar figure she instantly recognizes. Suddenly her stomach drops, she knew where this was going. Styx desperately pulls against the clinking chains that had caught up to her. Trying, begging herself to be faster.
"You have to move! Please!" Cracks in her pleas wishing the man down the road would hear her. He kept still despite the pouring rain, despite the rumble of the ground, and despite the blaring horn that echoed through the air. No matter how hard she tried or how loud she screamed, his name just couldn't escape her lips. Tears streamed down her face. She could see the train approaching. He finally looks at her, offering a solemn smile and a wave. Just as the train collides~ *THUD* she coughs as she waks on the floor.
Styx sniffles and pants, staring at the floor for a while. Once her breath is back under control she pushes up and off the hardwood floor. The 'useless' tears are wiped away. He feet drag across the ground to the freezer. She picks up one the popsicle the boys made for her from some hydrating flavored water, she didn't pay attention to the brand. The boys were just happy she'd consume it. A laugh breaks the deafening silence. After shuffling back for her blanket she finally decides to investigate the noise. It wasn't the first time she'd heard this laugh at this time of night.
The young woman can't say she was surprised to see that the culprit was Kyran; he'd accidentally left his door open. A few lights he'd brought colored the dim room in purples and blues.
"Jesus! You need a bell er somethin'" Kyran jumps when he spun around in his chair. He looks over the young woman and could tell she'd been crying. "Can't sleep?" She shakes her head. "There's a foldable chair right there, put it by mine." He states and point a before leaving to get water. She follows his suggestion then looks over his setup.
'Space themed.. and he's streaming. Can they see me? God I really fucking hope not...' Styx worried and leaned to the side in her chair. Upon returning the redhead chuckles,
"They can't see you. I have an ad running and I switched panels" he reasures. "I'll turn the cam off for the rest of the stream." He signals with his hand for her to get up. Although confused, she listens. He swaps the chairs, giving himself the foldable one. Ha pats the gamer chair when she doesn't initially sit. "It's a pretty comfortable chair and not many get the chance to sit in mine. So take the opportunity while can, yeah?" He winks and turns to his screens.
"Annnd we're back. Yo so the cam's gonna be off fer the rest of the stream." The chat fills up with 'awe, why's. A tiny duck four legged goose on the side of the screen lit up; its wings raised up and beak open wide.
"Why- Why- Mr. Chaotic Nebula sir. How can we commit crrrriiiimesss without your light to guide?" A text-to-speech voice seemed to eminate from the goose before it returned to its idle stance with a knife in its mouth.
"You guys commit crime even without my guidance, ya little hellians, you'll live." He shakes his head with that stupid fucking grin. She hated when he wore it but after that nightmare it was.. comforting to see; like part of -him- was living on in someone else. "I have a friend with m-" he pauses asking to use her name, she shrugs. It wasn't like it was her real anyways. "Styx. They-"
"You can use she.." she stated quietly
"You betcha. She's joining us for a bit." He explains. The chat goes wild after actually hearing her speak. It was mostly welcom to the channel sort of messages but a decent bit were asking if she was a sound board or paid to be there.
Although it didn't show on her face, she found it entertaining how the chat teases and messes with Kyran. They'd send in stories of the silly things he'd messed up on during streams while he played some online shooter game. His face was about as red as his hair. He threatened to take away chat but it was a bluff and they called him on it. Eventually he passes the controller to Styx. He lets her play a few rounds while he tells chat about the trip he's on with his brother and Atticus. He was surprised by Styx's skill, he didn't think she was going to be noob but he didn't expect her to handle game as well as he did either. The only difference was she was trying and he's usually just messing around at that level of effort.
A soft smile graces his face when he looks over and finds Styx sound asleep. 'Must have fallen asleep mid round.' He thought as he ended the stream. 'It's about time I head to bed too.' Kyran picks up Styx with some struggle and moves her back to the couch. 'Hard to sleep when you're lonely, isn't it..?' He thought heading back to his room and promptly passing out on his bed.
Tagglist: @bisexual-confusion @gayfanficanonymous @yeet-man @astro-pioneer
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
Kinsra ==> go on the worst date ever
ever just wanna write the worlds awkwardest date? 
kinsra gets relationship advice to get over his ex matesprit by going on a date with a fan. 
“You should just go out and have fun for once, Kins, enjoy the red single life.” 
“Yeah hard pass on that man, I got videos to edit and-”
“Dude holy shit, just go hit up a fan or something, you got ‘em foaming at the mouth. Fans’ll ignore just about any flaw ya got. Go have unquadranted sex or some shit. You keep suckering yourself into serious relationships, your matesprit’s gone. Go see what else is out there for one day.”
“That sounds like the opposite of what I wanna do actually,” Kinsra laughed but he pulled up his instagrub’s messages and started to read through the various texts sent within the last day. One caught his eye, the location listed in his story was nearby too.
Kinsra was voice chatting with a fellow streamer tongueSlur, someone he’s collabed with enough times that the two of them considered each other friends- although in Kinsra’s opinion he had worse ideas. Still, maybe being lonely, being tired of no responses from Sineha, his matesprit dumping him, alright. Fine. Maybe he should listen to someone else other than himself. Hell, even Yersin slept around. 
“It’s not like it’s a moral blight to fuck a fan, that’s what they’re there for.”
“Disagree,” Kinsra responded as he pulled a message up from a moderately attractive profile picture. He looked at the message and grimaced. How did someone flirt?
“Are you doing it, Kins. Cmon tell me you’re texting someone back RIGHT NOW.” 
“How do you- I don’t have my cam on right-”
“Nah I just know your serious silence typing.”
“Alright alright- there! I asked if he wanted to meet up.” 
“Send me a picture- is he cute- what’s his blood?”
“Uhhh,” Kinsra clicked the profile again and scrolled through, “orange.”
“Wow, keeping true to that lowblood fetish of yours.”
“Yep, alright I’ll call you later,” and he disconnected the call.
Three days later he was in slacks and a graphic sweatshirt and sitting in a Wafflehouse. He was the only highblood here and felt awkward. There was even a shitty motel across the street to really nail hive the sense of humiliation he had- and this was all before the orange blood came strolling in. Kinsra should have known this was a bad idea when the man’s face lit up to see him. He practically skipped his way around a table to get to Kinsra’s booth. And worse- the orange was dressed in a suit and tie- a blue tie, and he sat down right next to Kinsra, scooting him into the corner of the booth. 
“Oh- ah… cool sitting on the same side… of the table.” Kinsra commented, scooting around so he could create a barrier between them. 
“I’m so excited about this, I been watching you for so long I remember the name you don’t go by anymore,” he grinned wide, and Kinsra’s face fell. 
“Most of those videos were privatized,” Kinsra remarked, rubbing his neck anxiously. 
“There’s fan servers that kept the OGs reuploaded, it’s like awesome content. You were really hot then- still are of course. Man I can’t believe you wanted to meet me. You know speaking of videos, I was wondering why you never collabed with…” 
And he droned on, and on, and on. 
By the time the waitress came over to get their orders, Kinsra was scrambling to grab his phone to text an SOS to Yersin. 
“I’m gonna have the burger without pickles, annnnnnd Kinsra is gonna want the red sauce pasta- no meat,” 
Kinsra looked up from his phone just to make eye contact with the waitress. He wasn’t sure what was worse, the fact this guy was ordering for him- or that he got it right. She gave Kinsra a look, trying to decipher his comfort level, and ultimately Kinsra wasn’t pathetic enough because she accepted it and politely smiled before leaving to put their order in. 
Kinsra sat his phone on the table, screen up to see if Yersin would text back. 
“You checking the time?” He turned back to look at the phone, tilting his head. 
“Texting a friend, letting him know I got here safely,” Kinsra blurted out, giving a very pointed smile, grabbing his phone back to tuck under his leg. He waited for a vibration to signal that Yersin responded.
“Oh totally, hey you think I’ll ever get to be on your streams, I’m like really good with robotics, I could make you a new finger,” 
The rest of the date stayed like that, his date reciting back his own videos, and asking if he remembered doing them- and you know, next time how he could make them better. 
He ended up not finishing, and neither did his date, probably from talking too much. 
But an hour was enough for him, and Kinsra was itching to leave- unfortunately that was interrupted as wanting to leave for the motel. His date caught on, and slyly put a hand on Kinsra’s knee. 
“So… there’s that motel-”
“Oh no man, no.” Kinsra slid under the table and crawled out so he was standing outside it. “Really fun but I have to get going, cool meeting you and all,” Kinsra dipped out fast, concluding probably the worst date he’s ever been on- and that’s AFTER Sineha took him hiking.
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tamcitrus · 4 years
Streaming night.
mangaka!Tendou x streamer!fem reader.
count word | 1,1 k.
warnings | mentions of sex
a/n: I love this man with my life, I would ask him to marry me right now.
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You set up your cam and looked at your boyfriend at the opposite wall of the room, his red locks falling over his face and over his work.
"Baby I'm about to start streaming. Are you ok here?" your hands posed over his shoulders, barely touching him, afraid to move him and ruin his job. "That panel looks amazing"
"Yes, honey bun, I'm fine"
"Your head can be seen in frame. Do you mind?"
He was never seen on your streams on the whole two years you've been dating. People knew you were dating someone and that he, also a public figure, was dating someone too but no one aside from your friends or relatives knew you were dating each other.
"Nah, all good. I'm just gonna finish this panel and I'll go to grab some midnight snacks for us" he looked up from his drawing and pouted, so you bent down and kissed him. "I love you"
"I love you too, babe" you went back to your desk and turned on the desk lamp you used for streams. There were already a few people waiting so you turned your cam and mic on. "Goodnight my lovely people! How are you doing tonight? I'll be answering some questions while we wait for applepi! Yes yes, the applepi. We were high school classmates, did you know? He's going to make me play some horror game I wouldn't play otherwise. I'm going really quick to grab a drink and I'll read some questions so keep'em coming"
When you streamed, usually Tendou just worked with headphones on. Not because you bother him but if he's hearing you he just gets distracted. So when he called for you and you never came, he turned around and saw you were gone. He took his headphones off and followed the noises to the kitchen, where he found you grabbing two energy drinks and two little bags of potato chips.
"Oh you got ahead of me honey" he took the bags and helped you to take everything to your working room where he quietly returned to his desk and always with his back to the camera. You had a missed call from Kenma so you messaged him so he connected with you.
"Oh hey bumblebee" Kenma appeared at the side of your screen. "I think your chat is broken" he giggled. He tried to reach you there but he saw his message get lost in a sea of questions there.
"What do you mean, Ken?" you clicked on the chat and gasped. You had hundreds of messages and they're all from the same type.
Is that Tendou satori? From the jump magazine? a few went like that and others like is that satori-sensei?!!!!!! is he dating bee?!!!! and others more wtf i would die for that man, can you explain us how to get someone like him???? And there were others definitely praising your boyfriend and his looks. You tried not to read those.
"Uhm honey?" Aaaaaaah she calls him honey agdnavdjs "I think you went on camera. Wanna come here and say hi?"
He laughed and stretched his arms over his head while walking to you, purposely showing his abs on the way while stretching.
"What? I didn't?" he was standing by your side, bend down to have his face cheek to cheek with yours. "Hi Ken-chan~" he waved to Kenma.
"Hi, Satori… Yes, bumblebee is dating Satori-san, the jump's mangaka. Surprising right? I don't know how they put up with each other" he commented while reading his chat.
"Hey don't be rude! We love each other" Tendou reaffirmed this by kissing your cheek. "My followers here ask if you would draw something for us while we play?"
"Of course, anything for my baby. I'll go and grab my things and chair!" he crossed the room alternating steps and little jumps and came back rolling his chair to your side. "What would you want me to draw?"
You turned on the camera that usually pointed to your keyboard and use it to show Tendou's hands and drawing.
"Us eating a pie" Kenma answered and sent you the invitation to the game. "Ok let's get this started, I would very much like to sleep in a few hours"
"Make a poll with my characters so your followers can choose what I draw!" Satori was having fun, he was doodling the thing Kenma said and eating chips.
"That's actually a great idea! I'm busy here dying while Kenma solves the riddle but take my phone and do the poll on twitter babe"
The poll was up for a hour and then you -Satori really- shared the results on the stream while you and Kenma played.
"I can't believe the villain won! I'm making a super duper badass villain and then my honey bun here will make a giveaway so one of you can have this! Totally free and personally signed by me~" he was singing.
Tendou was almost as good as you were talking to the camera and the people. He was reading the chat screen to your principal screen and answering questions or letting you know what the people said about the game.
"They say you have to stop screaming babe, it's not that scary. Ken-chan didn't even chirped once"
Three hours later you and Kenma called it a day night. Satori finished the incredibly detailed draw of his villain and made a simpler one of his protagonist so you had two drawings to giveaway.
"This is yours, Ken-chan! You can come to pick it up anytime" Satori showed to the camera half of his creation, Kenma eating what seemed an apple pie.
"What about the other half?" he asked.
"I draw your partner on the other half, do you want me to show? I can totally do it"
"No, that's ok babe. He will see it when he comes for it" you laughed and took the picture out of frame, Kenma was blushing. "That's it for tonight! Thanks applepi for joining me and scare the shit out of me"
"Next time you solve the riddles" he said. He waved to the camera and disconnected your stream.
"Thank you all for sticking with us! Thanks baby for the drawings, I'll let you know who wins it so you can write a dedication to the winners. Good night y'all!"
You turned off the camera and kissed your boyfriend.
"I mean it, thanks for staying up with me. People freaked out with you, they were excited"
"Mmm I kinda like to be in camera with you" he said, his tone playful and suggestive. "I'm excited too"
"Oh you liked the camera?" you laughed, following him to your bedroom.
"I would definitely fuck you on camera" he says, sitting on the bed and guiding you to straddle his lap. "Would you like that, bumblebee?" he uses your nickname.
"I could be convinced to do it, Satori-sensei" you answered, mimicking his teasing.
"Oh you're so into it, honey bun, don't play silly with me~"
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xietyflix · 4 years
Polaroids | KT
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Prompt: “Stop teasing me so much...”
Genre: Smut
Word Count: idk lol
A/N: Yes i’m alive... Quarantine sucks and online school is a pain.. also i haven't written anything in a FAT minute so excuse my trash ass writing.
Time seemed to be going in slow motion, not that you had anywhere to go due to the pandemic that’s happening outside. You rolled over in bed and noticed that Taehyung was not there, which caused you to sit up with confusion.
Before you could call out his name, you hear in yelling in the other room. “HE’S BEHIND YOU!” You flopped back down, letting out a sigh, “Fucking Jungkook.” You mumbled before tossing the blankets off yourself. You told Jungkook not to suck Taehyung in his Gaming world, did he listen? No. Is Taehyung sleep schedule shittier than ever? Yes.
Taehyung hasn’t even picked up a paintbrush or his camera in months. MONTHS. Now that is a problem; Your artist is now a gaming addict. You walked down the hall to hear more of Taehyung yelling.
You rolled your eyes as you pulled up to his door only to see a sign on his door, noticing that new stickers are covering his art stickers.
You smiled at the only sticker he didn’t cover, you open the door and peaked in and notice he is wearing his headphones. He was wearing only sweats. You looked around the room and noticed that not all his art is in here.
He and Jungkook must have been busy while you were gone, you jumped to the sound of Taehyung screaming once again. He spun his chair around and noticed you in the room. “_____ what are you doing in here? Did I wake you?” He said, moving his headphone out his ear. “No, you not being in bed woke me up.” You mentioned moving closer to him to see what he was playing.
“Say hi to the stream,” Taehyung says, and You jump back. “Since when did you become a streamer?” You asked, and he shrugged. “Since I got the cam and the mic.” Taehyung looked back at the computer to change a song.
“Wait, they can see that your shirtless?” You said, and he shook his head. “Only the shoulder up.” He said, and he sighs. “Jungkook ___ is never going to play with us, she loves her sleep,” Taehyung says, and You got closer to him but not in the camera.
You noticed that there was a chat that was scrolling fast, “Who else can you talk to?” You asked, reading the conversation.
“Oh, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Hobi, Yoongi,” Taehyung says, leaning back in his chair. “In The headset?” You said, pointing to his head. “Yeah.” He said, and You quickly snatch it off his head to hear what they are saying.
 “I will have ____ playing games in a week,” Jungkook says. “Jungkook, I think the-“ You looked over to Taehyung. “Can you curse on life?” You asked, and he smiled. “Yeah.” “Jungkook, I think the fuck not.” You said, and Taehyung gets out of his seat.
“I'm going to grab a few things, coming back,” Taehyung says, walking out the room and You sat in his chair.
“___ Hows’ quarantine?” Jimin says, and You laugh. “It sucks. I want to hang out with my friends.” You pout.
“You can just keep your distance… what is it 6 feet apart?” Hobi says.
“How long have you guys been playing?” You asked as you look through Taehyung playlists.
“We have been on for 5 hours now,” Yoongi says, and your eyes widen. “The chat likes you ___,” Jin says, and you look back at the chat reading them out loud. “Pretty.” “Skin routine, please.” “Drop a diss track on Jungkook.”
“Thank you, I don’t have a routine, and I would love to do a diss on Kookie.” You answered, and Jungkook whines.
 “____ don’t call me that while we're on stream.”
 “Oh, I'm sorry, Kookie.” You teased, and he whines even more.
 “____ do you know how to play?” Namjoon asked, “No, all I know is you kill people for points….so violent.” You said.
“Whats a battle pass?” You asked. “It's where you can get cool stuff, but to get the cool stuff, you have to buy it,” Jimin explains, and you hummed in response.
“So How much did you guys spend on the game.”
“Too much.” They all say, and You laugh. “I'm not surprised.”
You hear to door opened, and Taehyung comes back with wet hair, and you guessed he took a shower. “Up.” He says, placing his food on the table.
“Bye, gentlemen, and chat?” You said confused on how to say bye to the people watching the stream; You got up taking off the headphones and getting out of Tae’s seat. “When are you going to get off?” You asked Taehyung, who sat down, turning off the camera. “It’s a 12-hour stream.” He says, taking a bite of his sandwich as you whined.
“Can't you just end it early and hang with me?” You said, and he smiled, “Sorry….” He said, and You pouted.
“You're leaving me for a game.” You whined, and he grabbed your hand.
“I will never leave you for a game, never. You can chill in here with me.” He said, patting his lap.
You wrapped your legs around him and placed your head on his shoulder. “Comfortable?” he asked, and you hummed inhaling in the bodywash that he used. You heard keyboard clicking signaling that he continued his game.
But You suddenly got the brilliant idea to tease him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his hair before giving it a light tug giving him sloppy kissed down his throat. You felt him pinch your side, “Quit it.” He whispers in your ear, which causes you to send shivers down your spine.
You paused for a moment letting him continue his game before placing kisses up his neck once again, running your fingers through his blue locks and giving hit a hard pull, he inhales sharply, you felt his body tense as you began moving your hips, pressing down against him you gasp.
You placed your lips close to his ear, “I want you, really, really bad.” You whined, moving your hips against his, and he grips your waist.
“You can be a good girl and wait.” He says before going back to his game, which made you roll your eyes. Good girl, my ass.
You don’t listen and slip your hands in his sweats, causing him to tense up, but he couldn’t do anything about it as he just entered another fight.
You began stroking him through his pants, and he jerked against your hand, which caused you to stroke him faster before you can go any further you felt Taehyung grabbed your arm harshly.
“We lost.” Jin whines and Taehyung looks back at the screen and then back at you angry. “Guys, I'm going to come back. I got to handle a problem,” Taehyung says before taking off his headset and lifting you over his shoulder, walking you back to the room.
“You can’t keep your hands to yourself,” Taehyung spoke, slamming the door behind you two, and he tosses you down on the bed, making you yelp.
He got on top of you taking off your shirt, sucking in his breath as he noticed that there was nothing underneath “Hands.” He demanded, and you hold out your hands out to him as tied them together. He stands up, looking down at you before reaching into his bag.
He pulled out his polaroid camera, resting it down, stripping down to his boxers. He removes your underwear, chuckling. “You’re a mess.” Causing you to whine.
“I bet you can take me just like this.” He says, running his finger up your slit, making you gasp. “Can you?” He asked, pressing his thumb against your slit. You try to move closer to his finger, but he moves away, making you whine.
“You’re needy, but you never answered my question,” Taehyung says, leaning into your face. “I-I don’t-“
“That’s not an answer, ____ I need a yes or no.” He says sternly. “Yes.” You breathe out, and he smirks. “Let's test it out,” he says without warning he buried his two fingers inside you, making you moan. He quickly slipped his fingers in and out of You at a fast pace. Digging his fingers deeper inside you hitting your g-spot, making moan louder, you close your eyes as You felt your high approaching.
Suddenly Taehyung removed his fingers, and you whined once more. “It's not that easy, princess.” Taehyung says, grabbing his camera, you watched as he snapped a picture of you, “Throw it away.” You pant trying to catch the polaroid that was coming out the camera, but Taehyung pushed your hands away.
“I'm going to take my time with you.” He says, dropping to his knees, he gripped your waist before diving his head between your legs. He licked slowly, teasing you. “Stop teasing me so much.” You whimpered, and he hummed in response, causing you to jolt.
You grip the sheets as he began sucking you everywhere; you let out a loud moan as he dips his tongue into your entrance. Your eyes began to roll back as you felt your stomach turn. “Taehyung I-“
You didn’t get to finish as he pulls away, and your high disappears, which caused you to whine once again. “I want to be inside you when you cum,” Taehyung says, letting his dick run up and down your slit before slipping in between your folds.
Taehyung lets out a gasp. He buried himself deep inside you. “FUCK,” Taehyung growled, you wrap your legs around his waist, making him sink deeper into you.
He gripped your waist thrusting hard, causing you to cry out, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You pant as the same knot in your stomach began to form.
“Your so- UGH!” Taehyung Gasps and as felt you clench around him. He dipped his head into the nape of your neck and began biting. Your moans got louder and louder as you felt your climax near.
 “Taehyung, I’m close… please.” You purred into his ear. “Cum for me___” Taehyung groans as his thrust turn sloppy. You began to dissolve into pleasure; you can feel Taehyung twitch inside you, but you began to whine as your climax washes over you, and you squeeze your eye shut. You feel Taehyung cum fill you,
 Yet he doesn’t stop; he began to play with your clit causing you to jerk away from his grasp. “Tae no, I'm sen-“you were cut off by another climax hitting you, but it was ten times harder, “Taehyung!” The sound of a camera going off causes you to look up at Taehyung, who took another one.
“Stop.” You spoke weakly.
“These are keepers,” Taehyung says, looking at the three Polaroid's he took of you.
He spreads your legs and watches as his cum spills from your entrance, “Are you going to keep your hands to yourself now?” He asked as he held up the camera again.
“No.” You said tiredly.
“Should I teach you?”
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emperorforanhour · 4 years
Meta-Interview 3: Amazing. Never-Before-Seen.
Sophia sits back in the INTERVIEWER seat, still looking very out of place. On the other side, Wayneppoid is far more relaxed in his posture. A sun conure perches on top of his head, a few strands of hair captured in its beak. He seems unbothered by this. Sophia’s gaze drifts to the bird for a moment, before returning to the camera. 
Sophia: “Jazz is biting your hair, I believe-”
She is cut off by the bird, Jazz, squawking, which makes her jump back. Wayne reaches up and pets Jazz with one finger.
Wayne: “Jazz! No sexism.”
The bird squawks again, a little quieter, and hops onto Wayne’s shoulder, before crawling into his shirt. Wayne looks down, baby-talking to his bird.
Wayne: “You gonna let us do the interview, buddy?”
Jazz peeps, muffled by the fabric, and Wayne looks back to Sophia.
Wayne: “Alright, should be good now.”
Sophia: “Was there even a point to starting the recording on a timer if we’re going to be interrupted anyway?”
Wayne: “They got Jazz cam, it’s fine.”
Sophia: “Right, I suppose so.”
Sophia reaches for her clipboard again, flipping the pages back to the first.
Sophia: “I didn’t ask Sonic to introduce himself in his interview, but that was primarily because, well, as you’re aware, the audience is probably already well aware of who he is. Not that I mean any offense, but I don’t think you are quite as ubiquitous as him.”
Wayne: “None taken, it’s fucking Sonic. Wayneradiotv may be kinda popular but we aren’t doing Iron Man numbers.”
Sophia: “So… Who are you, then?”
Wayne clears his throat, and his voice shifts, sounding similar but… synthesized, rather than natural.
Wayne: “Have you heard of Hatsune Miku?”
Sophia: “I’m… not very familiar.”
Wayne: “It’s a reference, Sophia.”
Sophia: “Ah, my apologies.”
Wayne: “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, Miku’s a bunch of voice samples, and people use those to make songs without having to sing it themselves. So, I’m like that. But free!”
He coughs again, and his voice returns to normal.
Sophia: “But, that’s not all, yes?”
Wayne: “Well, yeah. I’m like, if Miku was the voice of a Twitch dude.”
Sophia: “Wayneradiotv?”
Wayne: “Yup. If any of you guys have seen the Half Life VR Funny, or that “THERE IS NO FRIDGE” bit? That’s him. He’s got a whole group of friends he streams with, as well, and they all do cool shit on the regular too. I’m basically him but digital, and also Miku.”
Sophia glances down at her clipboard, and looks back up, eyebrow raised.
Sophia: “I suppose you aren’t digital now, are you?”
Wayne: “Guess not. What am I now, a robot or something?” Sophia: “I don’t think it ought to matter too much. Though, isn’t Jazz the physical Wayne’s bird?”
Wayne: “Yeah. I guess he’s a clone? He hates women as much as the original, though.”
He reaches into his shirt to pet Jazz as he speaks. The bird chirps in response.
Sophia: “Right. So, I presume your, or rather his, experience with streaming is what you believe would make you a good interviewer?”
Wayne: “Yeah. I mean, Char’s a dick and Random…”
Sophia: “Is Random, yes.”
Wayne: “And like, no offense to Scratch, he’s a cool dude, but I dunno if he’d be able to handle being the face of something like this.”
Sophia: “Scratch is a DJ, he would be used to crowds.”
Wayne: “Yeah, but there’s a lot less talking going on there. And, uh, I don’t see him around the others much. Does he talk to the contestants?”
Sophia frowns, her gaze flicking to the camera.
Sophia: “I don’t think discussing a friend’s personal business is really fitting behaviour f-for an interviewer.”
Wayne: “Shit, sorry. I’m just kinda worried about him-”
Sophia: “W-We can talk about that afterward.”
Wayne: “Right. Okay. Anyway. Yeah, I mean I’m not actually Wayne or anything like that, but I’m basically him in personality and stuff, so I can… talk good. Some of the actual contestants are, uh, weird dudes, you don’t really want the interviewer to also be out of their goddamn mind, y’know?”
Sophia: “That’s true. I’m familiar with the concept of the ‘straight man’. Judging by your base’s most popular work, I’d say you’d fit that role well.”
Wayne: “Y’know people bitch about Gordon cuz they DON’T get what a straight man is?”
Sophia: “And yet I’m sure they’d complain twice as hard if it was just utter chaos.”
Wayne: “Yeah, exactly!”
Sophia nods, her gaze returning to her papers. Jazz wriggles in Wayne’s shirt in response to him getting louder.
Sophia: “Besides in terms of their potential as interviewers, what do you think of the other bonuses?... Hm. Obviously, besides anything unsuitable for broadcast, as well.”
Wayne: “You make it sound like I’m gonna start talking shit.”
Sophia: “S-Sorry, that’s… you know what I mean, though.”
Wayne: “I guess? Scratch is a cool dude, he’s recommended some absolute bangers. Wish I could get ‘em over to the real Wayne so he could add them to the stream playlist. Shame about his game.”
Sophia doesn’t respond. After a moment, she shakes her head as if remembering something and raises her eyebrow.
Sophia: “Hm?”
Wayne: “Yeah, you’re being weird about it again. I’ll move on, I guess. Sonic… I mean, he’s Sonic the fucking Hedgehog. We both know Miku, so we actually had shit to talk about when we met up for the first time. It’s still surreal to be friends with him, though. I should ask him when they’re bringing Monkey Ball back.”
Sophia: “Char?”
Wayne: “I dunno much about Gundam. That ‘I’ll kill you’ scene from Gundam Wing’s funny, but I don’t know what, like, a Zeon is. And the dude’s just an asshole so I doooooon’t really wanna ask him about it.
Long Furby’s kinda scary to look at, but she’s alright. She kinda reminds me of Holly, I think they’d get along. They’ve got the same powerful chaotic energy. 
Random’s… I mean, it sure says shit. It’s a big question mark, what else am I gonna say about it?”
Wayne shrugs. 
Wayne: “I’m pretty sure it started playing an ad for, like, gamer drugs at me once? The fuck’s up with that?”
Sophia: “It did?” Wayne: “It’s never done that to you?” Sophia: “Honestly, I had assumed it just pulled from the same pool of sounds no matter who was around. If it’s at all aware of who it’s ‘talking’ to...”
Wayne: “That’d mean it’s fucking ALIVE!”
Sophia: “Let’s hope not, then. Because if it is, then that makes its behaviour infinitely more irritating.
A-Anyway, do you have any thoughts on the contestants? It sounds like you’ve gotten to know some of them already.”
Wayne grins.
Wayne: “So, obviously went to go talk to the Spies first. The comic dudes liked Jazz, but the Spy didn’t really want to talk to me at first. But, I mean, I’m sort of a Valve rep, so eventually we wound up getting along. Won’t tell me when Half Life 3’s coming out, though.
That arcade cabinet fucking haaaaates me. I’ve told him I’m not even the actual streamer here, but he tells me I’m still made on a computer and that’s even worse. Says VR’s stealing his gimmick, says I’m promoting the things that killed his medium, says I should stop playing Neil’s music on stream… Dude, Wayne just plays it when someone donates for it. Also, isn’t he literally a Neil song?”
Sophia: “It’s complicated, I believe.”
Wayne: “I guess it has to fucking be.
Uhhh, don’t know Dorime too much, except one time everyone else in the cafeteria started making fun of us for being the only straight people.”
Sophia: “Wha-I’m sorry that happened, I should’ve interv-”
Wayne: “Nah, it’s fine. It was all jokes, aside from Cabinet Man I think. Pix had to punch him in the screen to get him to fuck off.
Oh, speaking of Pix, her and Bit are cool. When their game comes out, I’ll… do something to get Wayne to stream it. Not really sure what, but I’ll figure it out. Wish Jazz didn’t hate women so much, cuz they’ve both asked to pet him so much, and I don’t want them to get bitten.
Baba is a good boy. Another creature here I WISH I could show to Holly, oh my God. He’s softer than I was expecting. Like a pillow.”
Wayne is tearing up just thinking about Baba.
Sophia: “Baba is one of the nicest creatures I’ve ever encountered, to tell you the truth.”
Wayne: “Yeah, same.
Pony is… I mean. It’s a horse, right? Terrifying.” Sophia: “Terrifying?” Wayne: “Yeah! Horses are fucking scary, dude. And this guy’s all glitchy and stuff as well, so it’s even worse.”
Sophia: “I… see. Now, I think we should start wrapping this interview up, so, do you have any final statements to make to the audience?”
Wayne thinks for a moment, and opens his mouth to speak, but Jazz interrupts, peeping up a storm. The bird flies out of his shirt, landing on his head, and then takes off again. Both Wayne and Sophia shout in surprise, as Jazz turns and heads right for the tripod.
Wayne: “Jazz, no!-”
The bird knocks the camera from it’s stand, and the feed cuts out. 
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haiyuta · 5 years
truth or dare | Bang Chan & Felix
Summary: finding out your best friends are cam boy. Admitting it to them they ask you to join for a game of sexual truth or dare 
word count: 5.7k || Genre: poly! camboy chan, camboy Felix, blowjob, fingering, teasing, smut, love, kissing, 
a/n: Inspired by this anon ask here. This was a joy to write so I really hope you enjoy. IM SO WHIPPED FOR CHAN AND FELIX. (I should have edited it more but I’m soooo burnt out sorry)
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Going to university was hard the studying, struggling for money, and the lack of sleep.  At least you had a bright side to this money pit hell. Bang Chan and Lee Felix your two friends. 
Pressing your face against your palm you let out a sigh looking at the long list of math equations you just couldn't get. "Y/n I know it's hard, but I believe in you," you heard Chan say sitting next to you. 
Currently, you and Chan were sitting outside in a shaded area for studying. Well, you were studying while Chan was making paper planes next to you. Glancing at him in jealousy you wish you could slack at a time like this. With a sigh, you whined out "I just can't get this."
"You can do this," Chan insisted moving your study material over to look at it "only oh," he paused "50 more problems to review," he trailed off gazing at the material. 
"You guys are looking down," a deep voice said sitting opposite of you. Rolling your eyes to see Felix across from you.
"Just math studying she's not getting," Chan said going back to his general paper airplane. 
Felix gave a small hum in understanding as he watched the two of you carefully. "Chan, we are hanging out tonight right," Felix asked pursing up his lips. 
"Oh yeah boys’ night," Chan grinned lifting his hand for Felix to high five him. 
"Can I come over," you asked eager hearing that. Boys night was normally 2 times a week on a Friday. The night where Chan and Felix would hang out without you more like it. Even after knowing them for a year they always refuted you going to this 'boys’ night'. 
"Well," Felix trailed off gazing at you. You smirked always asking Felix since he never could deny you. You could see his brown eyes flicker to you and the blond wanting to say something. 
"Sorry Y/n it's a guy thing," Chan quickly made up for Felix awkward disposition. 
"You always say that," you huffed looking at Chan. "I'm one of your closest friends I mean I'm not like you and Felix, but I think I matter," you gave a fake pout. 
Chan gave a gentle smile "aw look she's pouting how adorable," he hummed. You felt your stomach twist with the word 'adorable'. "You do matter but no dice sorry," he shrugged grabbing his bookbag. 
"See ya Y/n," Chan said wrapping his arm around your neck for a side hug. "Guys night starts soon," he gave a wink. "Maybe one day you can join," he added.
"Yeah someday," Felix trailed off looking between you two. Felix gave you a small wave with a sheep smile "sorry Y/n guys night," he grinned giving you a small fist bump as they walked away together. 
Without words, they were gone. Damn those boys you thought to yourself. 
It's been hours since you've seen both of them and it was relatively frustrating. You would like to go to Chan's place for a night in. Being a college student, you were stuck in the dorm while Chan was privileged enough to have his own apartment a little way from the campus to go to. 
Placing your bowl of old Chinese next to your side laptop you stretched your neck. Your roommate was always at her boyfriend’s, so it was just you at this point. 
Opening your laptop, you just wanted to relax a little before you go to sleep. Looking at your phone your last text from Felix was a random meme he sent you. Smiling you quickly sent a reply to him. 
The internet was dull, social media was boring and the loneliness of the night was getting to you. You were frustrated about school and your friends. Why couldn't you just come over? you thought trying figure out why didn't they want you to come. 
Was it you? Did they want time away from you? Were they doing something illegal? you thought to yourself.
Without thinking you decided to play some games to get your mind off of them. They would be upfront with you if it was something about you. 
Typing in an online game you sighed ready to melt away on a video game for the night. Playing the game, it got your mind off of Chan and Felix for a while. The mindlessness making you relaxed. 
Pushing your headset away you saw the video game gave you a cam site pop up on the game. "what the," you hummed looking at the site. 
It was bright and flashy site and it was called "Cams4you" quirking an eyebrow you looked at the site it was tasteful you must say. The layout kind of like YouTube but with streaming content. It wasn't all sexual some was asmr, talking, mukbangs. 
The site was interesting your finger on your mouse looking at some of the safer cams. The asmr range was nice. Next to the live stream was a large red how many people were watching and then had a money jar where you could donate to the creator. 
A large "want to see all the content sign up now," it read. Rolling your eyes, you wanted to click off but for some reason, you didn't. With a throwaway email account, you signed up for an account thankfully no credit card number required. 
To your surprise, there was more content on the page. It was organized nicely with genres like cosplay, female, male all that gaze. A small smile slipped on your mouth as you clicked onto the male. 
Browsing through the male streams you stopped to see an empty room in one. Wait that room looked familiar you thought to yourself. Clicking the link your finger slipped off the mousepad to see Felix in the background of the Cam. 
Your Felix on a cam site. Staring at the screen clicked it watching in awe as he plopped himself down on the computer chair. He looked different the camcorder giving him a clear yet grainy vibe. His colored hair swept nicely across his forehead. 
Your mind raced at reality. Lee Felix your friend was on a cam site. Then your mind processed he was at Chan's house. So that means Chan is in on this too. 
Turning up the volume you heard Felix start to talk it looked like he was reading comments at this point. "Am I good," his deep voice was so different it was husky and smooth. He gave the camera a grin "I'm fine I'll probably go to sleep soon," he said nodding cutely.
Looking over at the door he gave a low whine "where is Chan at," he said. Looking down at this phone.
"I'm sorry guys no sexual stuff for me tonight I'm kind of out of it," he said looking at the camera. Your eyes went to the comments as they gave him hearts of 'it’s okay we still love you' kind of comments.
Chan came in a second later his shirt already off and it made you go completely still at seeing your friend’s bare chest. His broad shoulders gave him a large look as he sat down in the chair next to Felix. 
"Did our baby girls miss me," Chan said leaning forward to look at the chan. You even noticed he had blue eye contacts in making him look positively handsome. 
"Mmh a little but they still love me more," Felix flirted with the views giving them a small wink. 
From there they just talked really until Felix excused himself to go to sleep in the living room. "Don't leave Felix you can sleep in my bed," Chan playfully yelled at his friend. 
"No thanks I need sleep and not hearing you jerking off," Felix yelled back as he left. 
It was weird seeing your friends so flirty to each other and the camera. They were naturals you thought. With another right click, you went to their channel checking it out. It was called Aussie Boys with a selfie of Felix and Chan as the icon. Most of the videos were available they did have pay to watch ones but mostly those were special event ones that were locked. Your eyes widen looking at the number of average views they get. It was a baseline 1,000 plus. 
On your headset, you could hear Chan whimper for a second. The sound made your spine tingle. Looking at the video again you bit your lip watching Chan as he slowly peeled off his baggy pants. 
Without question, you closed the laptop. This was too much you just learned they own a cam channel and watching Chan get off. Somewhere in your morals you just couldn't watch Chan get off. 
An inner debate went off inside your mind and your stomach twist, you couldn't keep away from watching. 
Opening your laptop, you refreshed the screen to see Chan lightly teasing his head. It was bright red and looked so aching. Your fingers tingled wanting to touch it. 
"Ah fuck," his thick accent cussed out. Donations came flooding in as he jerked himself off. Leaning in the chair he looked eternal his blond hair so light his hand jerking himself off. You bite your lip wanting him. 
You were fucked you thought to yourself. 
After finding out Felix and Chan did a cam show you tried not to act differently toward them, but you saw them all. You've seen them bare, jerking off, kissing, laughing, moaning and it couldn't leave your mind. 
You watched all the backlog of them on stream. They were funny and handsome had lots of donations and incredibly popular. Some streams were a teasing stream, some were mukbangs some just playing video games. People watched it because it was Bang Chan the handsome blond older Australian and his friend Felix the shy cute younger Australian. 
You also noted about them they kept bringing up a third person in their stream. It struck you as weird. Slightly jealously filled you realizing they claimed she was a streamer and they knew her and wanted her to join them for a game. 
In reality, you can't be jealous because they don't know you are aware of their activities. It was coming to a point you felt like you needed to tell them. 
Sitting at a quiet coffee shop you sighed looking at the coffee you didn't know how to say it to them. They called you here because they wanted to have a talk.
"Hey y/n," you heard Chan say slipping into the chair on your side. He still looked amazing his blond hair swept nicely his smile bright as could be. 
Felix gave you a small hey as he sat across from you. His disposition was still awkward you could tell. You gave them a warm smile back "hey guys," replied. 
"I love this place," Felix hummed enjoying the privacy of the cafe. 
You chatted lightly with them enjoying the moment with them. Forgetting about the whole cam thing until Chan had to bring it up.
"So, Y/n we brought you here today," Chan paused his brown eyes flickered from you to his hands. His thick hands twiddling their thumb. 
"Chan, I don't think," Felix started. The dynamic was there Chan was the "leader" of this whole thing while Felix was more tentative. 
"Your cam boys aren't you," you finally told them. Felix's eyes widen at your words his face slightly burned red at your words. “That’s what you wanted to tell me,” you said.
Chan smirked "And how did you find out about that," he raised an eyebrow at you. "Was our Y/n pleasuring herself to our stream," he teased.
You felt your face go red "you wish I had the cam program pop up and I clicked on it, you guys leave me every other Friday night I was bored," you declared. "I found your page and watched your streams," you said. 
The tension slowly grew at your comment. You see there everything watched them do everything together. Felix choked on his drink lightly "so you saw," he blushed shyly looking at Chan. 
"I did," you affirmed you saw it all of Felix his chest, his body his moans.
Chan leaned back on the chair "okay well that makes this easier now right Felix," Chan smirked looking at you and him. 
"Sure," he hummed his deep voice doing things to you. 
"Y/n please join us for a stream," Chan asked. Your eyes widen at the words you felt a little outer body at his words. 
"Me," you asked looking between them. "So, in your new streams you were asking about me joining," you said shocked. 
"So, you've been watching," Chan teased at your words.
In your mind, they were basically asking you to have sex on stream with them. "Do you want this Chan," you asked him. He gave a nod his eyes glazed with excitement. "And you Felix," you asked the other male. 
Biting his lip, he gave a small "yeah," back at you. 
This was odd in a good way you thought looking down at the clothing you were wearing. Chan told you to wear whatever you want. But he recommended something airy and cute for the stream. So, you decided to wear a black skirt for easy to remove and a tucked in shirt. 
You marveled at the set up they had. The lights were bright giving them a good look to it, the camera was at least a 100 plus dollar one with a two-monitor set up. The camera was dead center in the room as it was angled to show you guys in the large gaming chairs and the bed nicely. 
Chan was setting up the stream next to you while Felix was sitting next to you in his chair. You were sandwiched between the two of your friends.  Felix small hand played with your hand trying to comfort you. 
The camera went with a red light signaling it was on. The monitor that mirrors what people were seeing showed it was showing you and Felix and Chan at the computer. "Hey guys," he hummed looking at the chat. People started to join at a rapid amount which made you assume they had alerts of the stream.  
"Hello everyone," Felix deep voice hummed waving at the camera. 
"Who’s the new person," Chan read the comment slowly a small smile lifted on his lips "she is our friend we were talking about," he hummed "and she's a little shy about being on camera so give her lots of encouragement," Chan spoke. 
The chat did just that with lots of "hellos" and calling you "pretty". "Hey," you said waving at the chat a little stiff in front of the camera. Your heart was thudding against your ribcage eagerly with anticipation. You would be lying if you never thought about Felix or Chan in a sexual manner. They both were incredibly handsome, friendly and anyone you would love to be with them. 
You all talked it out before even daring this. Chan explained and reassured you he wouldn't force you to do anything you didn't want to. Making sure you were comfortable with this new three-way relationship to move into a more sexual manner. 
Felix grabbed your hand a little firmer. Gazing up at the younger male his eyes held so much eagerness in this. Before you knew it, you felt Felix capture your lips. It was a surprise, but you mellowed into the kiss.
"Felix is a little eager one," Chan hummed shifting in his seat. "I know our guest is pretty but wait for the game," Chan teased. 
Breaking the kiss, you looked at Felix in shock at the kiss. It was soft and eager and everything you imagined it could be. 
"Okay so today we are going to play Sexy Truth or Dare," he hummed at the camera. The comments spammed as he told them today's stream. 
"Here are the cards," Chan said bringing up the cards they were black with a sexy kiss mark on them. "Are you guys ready," Chan smirked. 
"Of course," you said feeling your stomach fill with excitement to finally get this started. 
"And these cards are mostly truth a slight dare nothing too major yet we're saving that for later," Chan gave the camera a wink. It was shocking how good he was to the camera. His winks and looks made people pour money at him for just being him. 
Your eyes widen in the list you saw a recent tip was 100 dollars from a random user they commented: "I can't wait for this". A shiver went down your spine realizing that people were actually watching you guys. 
Felix glanced at you his cheeks a little red his freckles showing under the lights. While his hair held a shine to it. Your mind whirled being in-between those your good-looking friends. One who already kissed you. 
Chan raised the card to Felix letting the other male take one. 
Felix's eyes flickered looking between the two of you. Clearing his throat, he spoke the question "Would you rather spank someone or be spanked?" He read out. Looking at you guys and at the camera, he gave the views a smile. "Personally, I would rather be spanked," Felix said embarrassment laced his voice. 
Chan gave a small giggle "Let me guess you couldn't go through with it," he poked fun at Felix.  
"Felix wouldn't hurt a fly Chan," you hummed back grabbing Felix soft hand into yours. "He's our soft boy," you praised him. 
Felix let out a little chuckle "I can show you how hard I can be," he raised an eyebrow at you. The subtle flirting making your body feel all fluttery inside. 
Chan spoke up "Y/n take your card," lifting you the deck. Chan had this aura that made you feel so comfortable. 
Taking the card, you realized it was a dare card. The dare was already pretty lewd you thought. "Blindfold yourself and try and guess who’s kissing you," you quirked an eyebrow. How situational is that? 
"Did you," you started wanting to call him out for setting you with such a direct card so early. 
"And look what we have here," Chan said looking at the camera picking up the blindfold for you. "Let's see if our good friend can tell us apart," Chan teased. 
"Can I," he asked holding the black silk blindfold. Breathing in you gave a small nod in consent as he went over to tie it around your eyes. 
"And just so she won't know me, and Chan will be on the same side so she can't tell," Felix added. You heard them both get up walking around to one side. You guessed on purpose to mix you up. 
You felt a hand reach for your chin the person guiding your lips to theirs. Your mind raced as you met the person's lips. The excitement of not knowing you who were kissing made your mind whirl. Placing your lips to the person you imagined Chan or Felix kissing you making your body buzz with want. The first press of the lips was gentle testing the water kiss. Slowly as that came it was a harder kiss on your lips.
You felt a small peak of their tongue egging you to open your mouth. With ease, you did let them slip into your mouth. The kiss was hot and warm making you want more. But before you could really get into the kiss they pulled away. 
Who was it? You felt like it was Chan. Felix wouldn't be so bold so early you thought. He did kiss you a second ago so maybe he was so bold. 
Before you knew it, you felt a hand lifted to your chin so your lips met there's. You were stirring for more contact wanting more affection. The kiss was soft and tentative with a force you never felt before like the underline emotion was just pure want and need. Either Bang Chan or Felix didn't try for much tongue all they did was lightly lick your bottom lip in want. You felt yourself sticking your mouth out ready to open kiss him. He pulled away before you could really get into it. 
The person sighed and got up as they placed themselves back into their chairs. "Y/n you can take off the blindfold," you heard Chan say. You felt on the other side must have been Felix helped you. 
The light made you blink a little hard. "So, y/n who kissed you," Chan grinned. 
A firm line formed on your lips as you decided. "I think the first one is," you paused he was more assertive so it must be Chan. "it was you Chan," you declared. 
Chan gave a shocked expression for a second "wow that's talent," he praised.
Shifting a laugh, you nodded "Felix is a little more tentative overall," you added looking at the other handsome male. 
Chan gave a flirty smile "kissing Y/n was nice right Felix," Chan asked the other boy. "I mean you did get to kiss her before me and all," he hummed. 
Felix gave a small nod in understanding "her lips felt amazing," Felix said his eyes slightly looking up to remember the kiss. Being praised stirring up a good feeling in your body. 
"Chan pick your card," you said reaching for the deck. Felix was busy thanking all the donors on the screen reading out the comments. One stuck in your mind "that Y/n looked perfect between the boys". The praise was almost endless, but did you look amazing between these two amazingly handsome males. Did you fit into this dynamic? 
"Got a dare card," he smoothly said looking at the words. Reading it slowly he spoke "Whisper in the persons next to your ear something you've always wanted to see me do in bed," he said with a smooth accent. 
"Sorry views this is for our Y/n ears only," Chan gave the camera a wink as he leaned down to your ear. His warm breath hitting your ear. "Y/n I want to see you whimper my name begging for my cock wanting it so bad yet not getting it," his smooth Aussie accent told you. 
Immediately you shifted in your seat with want. "Bang Chan," you lightly gasped out covering your mouth. 
Giving you a wink, he went back to the views. "Before the next round, I'll read out some comments," 
"Felix you look adorable today," Chan read the comment out. "He looks adorable all the time, to be honest, we're just lucky we get to see it."
Reading the comments, you got an understanding of the cam feel. It felt like a YouTube vide kind of. The comments were nice, donations were flooding in. You totally forgot at least 500 people were watching you kiss your best friends. 
"Felix take a card," you hummed reaching for the deck and passing it to him. Giving you a firm smile he took a card. 
Giving everyone an embarrassing smile "I watched hentai and I have no shame," he declared putting the card down. Your eyes widen at the confession admiring how confident he was in his answer. 
Trading the cards to you, you picked one up and read it aloud. "Touch yourself for 60 seconds," you read out. 
You stiffen your back at the comment. "Um is it okay if I sit on the bed," you asked. 
"Anything that makes you comfortable," Felix said. Putting the card down you sat at the edge of the bed. The comments went wild with the realization sexual stuff will happen. 
You looked at both of them in awkwardness as you lifted the skirt revealing your lace panties to them and the screen. Looking at yourself through the monitor you looked lewd. At that moment the whole room shifted with sexual tension. 
You calmed yourself as you slowly brought your hand go down to pleasure yourself. You teased your slit drawing the wetness near. The exoticness of your two friends watching made you more aroused. 
Touching yourself you were delicate and needy the tension slowly grew as you played with your clothed slit. Peeking out to see Chan with a pleased grin and Felix with a needy wanting look. 
"Forget about these fucking cards," you heard Chan say in an aggressive manner as he put them down to go to the bed. 
"Felix can you help out beautiful girl here," Chan hummed sitting on the bed pulling your back against his chest smoothly. 
Felix did as he was instructed. Even in this situation, Chan was more of the dominant right now and you both fended to him. "Felix please," you begged spreading your legs open for him to touch you. 
"We don't want her to come so early so just tease her," Chan hummed out the order. Leaning his mouth toward your neck he laid a few kisses on your neck as his hands went to your waist. His large hands met your waist as he roamed your body. 
"Just relax," Chan whispered in your ear as his hands went further up to meet right below your bra. "I'm right here baby girl," his deep voice so naturally seductive making you buzz with want. 
Felix slowly fingered you his gentle touch made you whimper for more. Looking down at the male he looked so focused on your slit. His fingers lightly petting you slowly only slightly entering to feel your velvety wetness. "She's so damp," Felix deep voice hummed. Spreading your fold to show the camera you off. 
Chan hard manhood stood firm against your back as his hands groped your breast. He felt the fabric over them as he ran his smooth palm over them. Lifting the shirt up enough to show the stream. "I picked out her set for her," he mentioned proudly, of the black lace he bought you. 
The stimulation with being in between two hot and bothered males made your body heat up. Chans fingers found your bra snapping it off in a cool manner. Letting your breast be free for him to play with. 
"As much as I like it on you, I like it off a lot better," Chan uttered. His palm enveloped your breast as he played with them. "So warm in my palm," his dirty talk making you wet. 
"She's so warm Chan," Felix spoke up finally as he teased you. Licking his lips, you knew he wanted to dive in and enjoy himself. 
Chan one hand played with your nipple. Taking the small bud and playing with it "Oh I would love to see them filled with milk one day," he leaned down to whisper. The insinuation of breeding you made your spine chill with want. 
"Ah," you let a mew at the feeling of him pinching and rubbing your nipple paired with Felix now inserting his finger into you this was too much. The familiar feeling of excitement pooled in your lower belly wanting to come soon. 
"Mmh look at the chat praising you," Chan accent came out thicker at the moment. His fingers teased your nipples his one hand traveling down to your slit as he slowly found your clit as he played with it. 
"Don't come, baby," he hummed in your ear. His hardness lightly rocking against your back. Both of their hands playing with you. 
"You're close aren't you," Chan groaned in your ear. With a shaky head, you nodded feeling the coming orgasm fill your stomach. 
"Felix stop touching," He demanded you turned your head to see Chan had a large smirk on his face. "Mmh clean his fingers for him won't you," Chan teased out. 
The loss of contact made your body slightly settle. You gazed at Felix a gentle grin on his face "open," he ordered lightly. 
Without words, you opened your mouth accepting his fingers tasting yourself. The visual of seeing Felix stand before you as you swirled your tongue on his fingers made you want them more. Cleaning his fingers, you probably looked so desperate at this point. 
"Look what you've done to poor Felix," Chan pointed out the outline of a line of his dick showing in Felix's sweatpants. "Got him all riled up," he pointed out once again. 
"Get on your fours baby girl," Chan told you a light pinch on your butt making you shift. Following his orders, you did what he asked. You wondered if Chan was naturally like this or was this a show for the cameras. Something inside you guessed this isn't an act. 
"Now give Felix some pleasure he deserves it," Chan hummed watching from behind you as you grabbed Felix sweatpants pulling them down slightly revealing his briefs. He was already hard against them making an outline. 
You ran your fingertips over his clothed dick lightly teasing the member. "Fuck Y/n," he gave deep moan at the lightest touch. 
Feeling behind you Chan grabbed your hips tapping your ass lightly. "Her ass is amazing," Chan praised. He grabbed at it in a harsh manner feeling it. 
"I want to feel it," Felix groaned as you kept your light touches up. 
"One day you can have it," Chan teased out at Felix. "Today it’s all mine," he added.
Chan fingers lightly played with slit pulling the underwear down slightly. "So many donations I think people like the show," he hummed at the camera. The monitor gave you a perfect view of Chan behind you. 
Pulling off Felix’s briefs to reveal his dick. "Suck it please," Felix whined out practically begging you. Grabbing it you lightly jerked him off. The feeling of Chan behind you made you moan as he slowly entered you. 
You panted with want but wanted to please Felix as well. Wrapping your mouth on his dick you felt Chan lightly thrust in you making sure you could take him. 
"Suck him off good Y/n," Chan egged you on. You moaned feeling Chan starting to slowly thrust into you. Your stomach stirring at the feeling of being fucked. Felix in front of you letting deep moans lace the air. You adored the sound of the younger male deep voice. 
Chans hands were wrapped around your waist as he steadied you as he gave a gentle pace inside you. "Seeing you suck off Felix is so hot," he admitted a breathy groan laced his sentence. 
Your gag reflex was lightly getting in the way, so you lightly backed off. Felix's hands met your head as he thrust into your open mouth his hips rocking in your mouth. The more he did that the more you gagged on him. 
"Oh, fucking hell you clench around me every time you gag," Chan cursed "It feels amazing," he rocked into you harder. 
The scene was lewd as it could be. You are blowing off your friend while your other friend took you from behind. 
The warmth in your body was flaring up you felt your stomach tighten your skin so warm from the teasing. Wanting to help Felix before you came you focuses on the person in front of you. 
You hollowed around him sucking him lightly. Your tongue peeking out giving kitten licks to his mushroomed head. 
"She's so good," Felix gave a deep moan as he rocked his hips in your mouth. Pressing his fingers in your hair he lightly pushed you deeper as he balls tightened as he came in your mouth, you gagged lightly feeling the ropes of come touch the back of your throat. 
"Fuck the clenching," Chan moaned from behind you. Felix unlaced his fingers from your hair his hand grabbing your chin letting the cum lightly drip out of your mouth. 
"What a good girl we have here," Felix said a slight smirk on his face as his thumb touched the cum coming out. Catching it on his thumb he moved it to your mouth making you open your mouth to accept the fallen cum. "All of it my girl," his dark eyes held so much love and lust as you stared up at him accepting his finger cleaning it. The shift from cute too so sexual made you whine with want. 
Chan wasn't done with you as his thrust became sloppier signaling, he was about to come. Your arms tired from holding yourself up you laid your head on the bed letting Chan fuck you into the bed. 
You eyed Felix as he went back to the stream a lazy smile across his face. It made your heart flutter knowing you did that for him. You pleasured him into that handsome smile of his. 
"You feel so good baby girl," Chan moaned as his hips were starting to stutter into you he was so close and so deep inside you. 
Finally, after all the teasing, you could finally let go. You let the pleasure envelope you as he drove into you. The feeling of the tension washing over you signaled you came; a flow of moans left your mouth as you let go. The pleasure washed over you in an amazing way. 
Chan soon chased his orgasm his Australian accent came out thick as he praised you. 
Felix said some words you couldn't care less about to the stream thanking all the watchers and donors you think. Saying he loved the feedback and this experience as he shut off the stream and the bright studio lights in the room. Chan grabbed you pushing you on the bed. 
You looked up at the male wide-eyed to see a lazy smile on his lips. "You're a natural," he praised you deciding to lay next to you. 
"Yah why do you get to cuddle Y/n," Felix playfully pouted at the scene before him. 
"Um because she likes me the best," Chan rolled his eyes covering you with his arm. 
"I want your cuddles Felix," you whined reaching out for the other male. He accepted your arms and laid in them. Sighing with content you felt Felix shift on the bed.
"We really did that," Felix hummed laying in the packed bed. 
"We sure did now go to sleep before I kick you out the bed," Chan laughed out lightly. You didn't know what morning had for you. At least you had your two best friends next to you. 
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bearded-cashew · 2 years
In regards to that previous reblog about finding out about being intersex, it’s kind of an odd way I found out about it. At the time I was mutual friends with a streamer on Beam (which became Mixer) who was also friends with my ex/at the time gf and one day the streamer hosted a little movie night for us with others and herself using a face cam and voice chat. I never felt comfortable with face cams and voice chatting with others online because the way I looked and sounded wasn’t “typical” for a (at the time) 23yo male. So after the movie ended, my friend and I had a little conversation.
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Now she’s usually kinda sassy a bit and stuff, that’s just how she is but that day I just wasn’t feeling it and it actually hurt me pretty bad and made me feel even worse about my appearance and voice. So I complained to my parents about it and how I hated that I don’t look and sound like a normal guy and that’s when they told me that I had partial AIS and they fucking KNEW about it for so long. 😒
And when I asked them when were they planning on telling me, they said that they kept planning on telling me when they thought that I would become sexually active and stuff, which never came to fruition because I ended up having no interest in that kinda stuff. So I was pretty pissed at them for keeping it for so long. I even asked them if there were other secrets about me they were hiding.
It just made me feel so unnerved about the whole thing and question every single doctor visit and medication I ever took up to that point. Around the same time I saw some movie on Netflix about this guy who comes back to his hometown, meets a girl who eventually becomes his business partner at the end and he finds out that he could see the paranormal but as a kid his father made him suppress his ability by giving him anti-psychotic medication under the guise of blood pressure medication by telling him that he had fatally high blood pressure. When the protag found out that his blood pressure meds were anti-psychotic ones instead, it ended up pissing me off because I “supposedly” had high blood pressure when I was a kid with a similar justification of taking the meds being “You’ll die or wind up hospitalized at a young age if you don’t take it and get it under control” and also had do to some stints in the mental hospital a few times along with having allergies and finding out they hid my PAIS from me made me question if the meds they made me take was for my blood pressure and mental health or if it was for my PAIS without me knowing. Since finding out, I straight up told my parents that I’ll go to the doctor on my own terms unless I’m unconscious and I’ll handle my own meds myself so that I know what I’m getting. They’ve told me that the meds were indeed for my blood pressure, allergies and mental issues but I can’t help but feel skeptical and suspicious about it.
I would have been a little more forgiving if it was a complete surprise to all of us, but they fucking knew that whole time and never once told me even when they saw that I didn’t look typical. I saw that something wasn’t right about my body but I was too embarrassed, scared and generally private about such matters to tell them. Plus I was afraid of how they might react if I did tell them because I was so unsure of them.
Ever since I found out about my PAIS, I honestly don’t know what I wanna do with myself. On one hand I really, really wish I have a typical male body and voice. Yet on the other hand it’s like I’m just too used to how it is that I’ll probably miss it so much if I changed anything about it. For now I’ll do nothing and just let it be.
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ginsane69money-blog · 7 years
Lesbian Live Cams Literotica live adult webcams for iPhone, iPod, iPad & Android!  Group SexPam's Carabobo Battle HolidayPage 2 Pam's Carabobo Battle Holiday bykcamal© I got up and moved over closer to Jorge who had one leg in his arms and pulled her further open. Philippe got up and grabbed her tits, "Suck on em, man!" he yelled to another guy in the Jacuzzi. They pulled her so far open I thought they might split her in half. Pam was moaning like a whore as Raul pulled her hair roughly again and started cumming inside my wife with loud grunts. Grunting and thrusting, grunting and thrusting, emptying his cum into her cunt like a mad man as we all watched. It was an awesome sight. Finally he pulled out of my wife and we saw his cum dripping out of Pam's now gaping meat lips.This caused the man on the other side of her face to orgasm too, his sperm mixing thickly with the first man's. Pam said nothing as she let them cum all over her face. Her eyes remained fixed on the cock as stream after stream after stream of syrupy white sperm splattered over and over onto her, coating her face and hair thickly with their white frosting. Two more greedy cocks replaced the others as the men continued to use Pam's mouth hole for their pleasure. One guy was yelling "tragar mi cum puta" as I stood up and walked around the group of men to her torso. I didn't speak, her mouth obviously too full to reply as the cum was seeping out from around the cock. Her pussy was being fucked by another stranger, and it was a dripping mess too. Several other men who couldn't wait had blown their loads all over her body including her belly, breasts and legs. The man in her pussy grunted and pulled out. This one was different from the rest, he didn't just want to cum inside her pussy he had other plans. His grabbed his engorged cock with his right hand as his left hand reached over and parted the lips of my wife's pussy, holding them wide open. Men on either side of her prone body aided him, their groping hands pulling and stretching her cunt lips open until it looked like wings on the edge of a gaping sinkhole. His face was a picture of intense concentration as he stared into the depths of my wife's spread hole. He took very careful aim as his orgasm approached, pointing his cock dead center. He kept this up for a full minute until he could hold back no more, and thick creamy jets of mucus blasted from his penis onto Pam's pubic hair and into her gaping pussy. His orgasm was intense, lasting 20 or 30 seconds as he coated my wife's entire pussy and asshole with thick doses of white gelatinous fluid until pubic hair and pussy were a creamy mound. I watched in amazement as Pam's chest and belly began to quiver and then shake as her whole body arched and my wife's pussy spasming against the working hands. My wife was moaning wildly having an intense orgasm from being used and abused by total strangers. My wife's cumbath was over for the moment as they laid her by the water. Pam scooped up a hand of pool water and tried to rinse some of the cum from her face. She was still bent over the side of the Jacuzzi moaning continuously from her other hand between her legs. Philippe and Andres were on the side talking when a couple of the younger guys lifted my wife at Andres' direction. Andres laid on the fully reclined lounge chair with his erection pointing straight up. He directed the guys to slide my wife onto his cock with her face towards him. His cock slide right inside her and appeared engulfed his balls too. She grabbed at one of the boys and quickly took over half his cock in her mouth. He was quick to grab her head and started pumping his cock into her mouth for his pleasure. I realized what Philippe and Andres were talking about when Philippe announced to the whole group " I get her ass first". Philippe approach my wife with his 11 inch erection protruding in front of him. He leered happily down at the spectacle, enjoying the sight of my wife being so thoroughly fucked. A demented expression crossed his face as he reached out and slapped Pam's asscheek. My wife yelped or tried around the cock entering her throat. Philippe appeared to be degrading my wife as a show of domination over this white woman. A loud crack resounded throughout the area, and Pam stiffened; cock in mouth, as if stung by an electric shock. Whack; the sound filled the area again but louder as Philippe spanked my wife's ass. He began to work up a rhythm; first slow, then faster and faster. His slaps increased to at least one per second as he took pleasure in humiliating Pam in front of everybody. Red welts of Philippe's open palm began to appear on my wife's ass cheeks as he spanked her hard. Pam resume sucking cock as if nothing was happening to her bottom. I had to wonder if she hadn't secretly fantasized about this sort of thing, too. Another man, obviously inspired by the scene reached over and stuck one, then two, then three fingers in my wife's little asshole. He jammed them in and out as fast as he could. Soon another man approached her, and they were taking turns wedging their fingers into her stretched anus. Philippe just smiled at his work. I began to wonder how long Pam had craved something like this, had she fantasized and wished for a group of men to deeply fuck and humiliate her? I was wondering if it was the thought of her being the center of attention of a Gangbang that was really making her pant and squeal with delight as she came when we fucked? My thoughts were snapped as Philippe announced "time to put some cock up there, boys!" He positioned himself behind her and in one swift stroke, buried his whole cock inside Pam's already red anus. She didn't even flinch as he entered. The site of the brown body below her, the young brown cock in her mouth and the black body on top of my wife's silky white skin in broad daylight was wildly erotic. Philippe started up a vicious rhythm as he pounded her asshole mercilessly, each stroke banging her so hard that her whole body was bucked forward. She was clearly having difficulty sucking cock now, as his thrusts would occasionally push the cock in her mouth to penetrate her throat so deep it caused her to choke. This drove the young boy crazy as he grabbed the back of her head with both hands and standing on the tips of his toes tried to put his cock in her stomach. Philippe reached forward and grabbed her wrists, pulling them behind her as he used them to drive his cock deeper. The young boy was groaning; spewing his seed and causing my wife to gag as Philippe kept up his relentless pace. Her mouth was getting the most use, as several men used her mouth to finish themselves off. Some would blow their loads down her throat, but most preferred to pull out at the last second and blast their sperm all over her white delicate features. Some wouldn't even last long enough to have her suck them and they would simply rush up, stroke their cocks and spew their cum on her. Her face was an unrecognizable mask of white cum. Thick gooey white blobs glazed her cheeks, running down her chin like icing on a cake. White streamers shot into her hair, some hanging down at eye level and bobbing back and forth as she was fucked. Creamy mucus covered her eyes, practically gluing them shut. Ivory jelly coated her nose, lips and dripping down her neck and breasts. Some even lay on her ears and shoulders, as those who couldn't wait and couldn't get close enough to her face chose a different target to blast their cum. She was wearing a thick mask of sperm. My wife's body became rigid as she was on the verge of another orgasm. Philippe and Andres must have been close too because they both increased their pace, which I didn't think was possible. Philippe was literally dripping with sweat when he announced "here it cums bitch" "I'm gonna fill your ass". But Pam beat him to climax as her whole body started convulsing. Philippe and Andres were yelling obscenities as both guys seemed to erupt simultaneously pummeling my wife's lower orifices to spew their load. The three of them seemed to become one as they collapsed together. The group was slowing down except Jorge didn't seem patient as he pulled at my wife to the next lounge chair. He had already cum once as had most of the group. I myself had already filled he mouth once and jacked two additional loads on her face. Jorge laid down and positioned my wife with her back to him and slid her down until his cock vanished into her anus. He quickly grabbed the back of her thighs, lifting her legs in a V and bouncing her ass against his body. The cock in her ass and her gooey open cunt must have affected Carl because he crawled between her legs. Carl was deliberate as he wet the tip of his cock with the sperm leaking from her pussy and aimed at the other cock in her asshole. Pam instructed him to "put them both in my ass" and Carl didn't hesitate. As my wife's mouth opened to groan another guy put his cock in her mouth and she was again gratifying three guys at one time. Philippe moved beside me and said "she is better than I remembered". As we were watching I noticed two things; my wife's lily white skin was starting to show a little red tint after a couple hours in the sun. And as I looked around I saw a small group of younger guys bunched up on the far edge of the third floor, crowding and shoving to get a glimpse my wife's activities. A couple of them already had their cocks out and were jacking off as they watched my wife be ravaged. I nudged Philippe to look and the group saw me pointing at them. A boy at the front hollered down " Me puede dar un poco de... por favor". Philippe looked at me for a few seconds then paused, turned towards the group and waved to them saying "Sure guys, come on down but do not tell anyone else!" I was flushed with arousal as my cock began swelling for the fourth time as the group laughed and ran to find their way down. Jorge and Carl were frantically pumping her ass in tandem filling my wife's ass with more spunk when more and more guys approached Pam to touch her, to grab her, to pinch her, to obscenely fondle her breasts... or any other part of her body they could reach. I told Philippe we needed to move her out of the sun because she was getting burned so they carried my wife to a table at the edge of the area that was covered from the sun. By now Pam was surrounded by a dozen new young faces. They held her down and groped lewdly at her petite little body. Two guys on either side of her had pulled her legs practically up to her ears, allowing them all an amazing view of her spunk covered nether regions. They seemed frozen examining my wife's sperm covered open pussy and her puckered little asshole, poking out for all to see. One of the guys slid her to the edge of the table, lifted her legs to his shoulders and shoved his cock into her ass. Another one turned her head and pulled her towards his cock to use her mouth. Things sort of became a blur as the younger guys were filling my wife in just minutes. Four or five fucked her the same way, several dumped their sperm in her throat. The guys were holding her head and fucking her face. A couple guys pulled out and came on her face. There must have been 20 guys surrounding her at that point. Two were holding her head steady as another pumped his cock ruthlessly into her stretched mouth. They didn't want to have sex, they just wanted a hole in which to stuff their cocks and unload. They were chanting obscenities down at her as she sucked him... the crowd of men surrounding my wife's body jerking themselves off, egging the others on, trying to get a crack at Pam's petite body. Her face was immediately surrounded by more cocks than she could count. Her body bucked and shook as they pounded relentlessly into her ass and cunt. One of the boys couldn't wait and shot his load on her face.Soon all all the guys were cumming on her face and body. The gooey white fluid was puddling in her closed eyes as the group was winding down again. Philippe walked over towards Pam's face, clearly he was not done with her yet. He grabbed her head. "Ok, bitch, I want you to get me hard again". He pushed his cock into her mouth and she accepted it without hesitation. Philippe smiled as he watched his cock slip in and out of my wife's mouth. It was slick and shiny. But he wanted more. "Ok, bitch, now suck on my balls!" With her eyes closed she immediately took his testicles into her mouth and gently sucked them, bathing them in slippery saliva. Philippe's cock remained at half mast having already cum twice. He watched as Pam's skillful tongue slid over his smooth balls and he grabbed his prick. He began to milk his shaft as she took his entire scrotum into her mouth and sucked them as if she was willing him to get hard again. Philippe smiled again as his big black cock grew to the full 11 inches. No one was using my wife so he moved to the end of the table and grabbed my wife's feet by the heels. He raised his arms above his head lifting Pam's ass 6 inches off the table. With her ass dangling off the edge and above the table he tried to line up his cock with her anus. Philippe thrust his midsection forward multiple quick thrusts hitting her body as my wife moaned and shifted her ass. Philippe continued his assault as his cock head hit her sphincter and plopped into her ass several times, each time he quickly pulled the head back out. My wife screamed "fuck my ass now" as Philippe found her rear entrance again and shoved his whole cock up her rectum. Pam was grunting a low guttural groan which each long stroke of the cock in her ass. My wife's body went completely rigid again as she involuntarily lifted herself completely off the table with Philippe holding her feet at one end and only the tips of her shoulders touching on the other. Pam had was having an endless orgasm as she squirted on Philippe's midsection. He continued his unrelenting violation of her asshole as if he didn't even notice. He went on for another 5 minutes until his balls began to contract. I knelt down to within inches for a closer look of his cock in my wife's ass as Philippe panted uncontrollably. "Fuck yeah, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna fill your ass bitch! aaaauuuuuunnnnghhhhh!" His penis plunged deep. His pelvis smacked against her bottom, then stopped. I watched as the base of his cock contracted continuously. Pump after pump of his hot sperm shot into my wife's bowels filling her to the brink of overflow. Finally, it was over,when pulled his slimy prick from Pam's asshole a stream of sperm rushed out of her open hole. "Thanks for the best fuck I can remember" he said to me "Thanks for letting me fuck your wife". Pam lay motionless, almost as if she passed out from the pleasure. Carl approached her ass, looked at me, smiling, hard cock pointed mere inches from Pam's gaping puckered anus. "I need one more go" he said; " I told you that you should bring your wife!" I didn't disagree... and with that, he began forcing his thick penis into her anus. In no time flat he was banging her hard. I said nothing. I looked at my wife as Carl was pumping her ass. The spunk all over her body was beginning to crust. Carl only lasted another couple of minutes as my wife laid still murmuring low moans with each pump. He filled her ass with one final load as I told the group we were done. There were a few moans from the guys as I lifted my wife into the pool to try and clean some of the discharge from her body. I used a towel to wipe her off and several guys helped me put her back into her dress and thanked my for letting them fuck my wife as we left. While we were laying on the beach Sunday Pam told me she didn't even remember getting up to take our flight over to the island. 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