#i genuinely hate reggie
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cronaz-diary · 23 days ago
i need to rant abt thiz
yall i cant be the only one (well im not but i mean online) who findz reggie the rat weird??? like when i first saw him i genuinely thought that waz a 16 yr old bc he lookz and kinda actz 16 why doez no one ever talk abt thiz?? and ik itz bc hez a gay twink and ppl love to jack off to gay femboyz bc that somehow makez everything magically okay to ppl but itz still weird asf to me a nsfw character lookz and actz like a child imo...?
oh and ik thiz iz super nickpicky but reggie lookz like a roblox piggy oc and haz the exact art style which.... i mean ur artstyle (plz i didnt mean thiz super rudely)
oh and quick edit after looking at hiz wiki more, him tricking ppl to think hez a girl iz rlly fucking weird and gross for many reasonz ! plz can we have a twink gay man who isnt falling under shitty stereotypez and isnt pedobait or some form of gross bait !!
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enhanced-operatives-division · 11 months ago
i would love to hear about the ollie and handler crack ship here’s a silly doodle as well
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Also this got my ass to design Ollie so:
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(Love him - Also redesigned Reggie for this too so thanks!!)
And idk if it's moreso a crackship or a rarepair that only works in an AU (HACKS up Starstruck), but Reggie's line of "...and I hope Ollie made it out too. I hope a lot of things." It's totally me reading into it but like,,,,I want them to talk because Ollie is not dead to me in my heart of hearts.
Maybe the only change is like Reggie taps into the communication on the radio in Hot Water instead of using the earpiece, so Ollie ends up hearing him also? And they end up getting along really well (with Reggie having to jump through a couple hoops to be like "haha what agency..."). There's an Agency base in the South-East coast of Australia and maybe the Agency ends up adopting him after he washes up on the shore with the escape pod (after HEAVY questioning).
Alas take a doodle of my own:
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Transcript (it's just canon lines):
Ollie: "She's being controlled, it's not her fault."
Reggie: "Agent, I have 0 experience dealing with giant security squids."
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ultravioletbrit · 4 months ago
“remember” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 342 words
“You do not.”
“I do too.”
“You remember the exact day you fell in love with me?” Regulus ask James incredulously.
“I think I nearly know the exact minute I fell in love.” James tells him.
“Bollocks.” Regulus says and James just shrugs. “Alright. When?” Regulus challenges.
“1 September 1972. I’m going to say
” James thinks for a moment. “
about 11:08am, give or take five minutes.”
“Oh, shut up, you did not.” Regulus dismisses.
“I did.” James shrugs, but his expression is completely genuine. “I didn’t know what it was at the time. But I remember it. I felt it. And it never went away.” James says.
Regulus softens, but still looks at James skeptically. “What did you feel?” He whispers and James smiles.
“I had just met you, you scolded me for calling you Reggie, shook my hand and told me my hair was atrocious.” James says with a small chuckle. “And I remember thinking ‘what eleven-year-old shakes hands and uses the word atrocious?’ But then I felt it, while we were shaking hands my stomach did this little somersault. And I didn’t know what it was, I had never felt anything like that before and I didn’t know what to do, so
” James trails off, looking at Regulus.
“So, you laughed.” Regulus finishes.
“And you thought I was laughing at you.” James smiles softly.
“And I hated you for it.” Regulus says, with a little pout.
“Yup.” James says, popping the ‘p’, and they both chuckle. “But every time I saw you my stomach did that little somersault. It took me a few years to figure out what it meant, but it was always there.” James tells Regulus as he looks deep into his eyes. “It’s still there.”
Regulus is gazing back at James with so many emotions and trying his best to hold back the tears threatening to fall. He puts his hands on James’ cheeks and leans in so they’re only a breath apart.
“You are a sap, and I love you so much.” Regulus whispers sweetly and pulls James in for a kiss.
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wolfofansbach · 2 years ago
As our much loved/hated show comes to an end, I feel compelled to record, for posterity, the greatest thirteen pieces of dialogue to spring from the pens of RAS and his henchmen. It was, of course, originally a top ten list, but I simply could not exclude a few of these treasures. Without further ado: 
“I dropped out in the 4th grade, to sell drugs, to support my nana.” 
“That means you haven't known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football.” 
Spoken by: an inmate of Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center, and Archie Andrews. 
In: 3 x 2 
Yeah, okay, this one had to be on the list. It’s funny, I’ll admit. It’s a great example of the overwrought semi-sincere melodrama that helped make this show so special. It’s low on the list largely because The Normies got their hands on it, so every time I hear someone make a reference I get all “do not cite the deep magic to me, witch.” 
“No! No! What are we supposed to do now? I’m horny as heck!”
Spoken by: Archie Andrews 
In: 7 x 16
Season 7 is undeniably dreadful, and yet there are diamonds in the rough. The occasion is the failure of a projector, just as Archie and Reggie prepare to watch a pornographic film. The utter desperation with which KJ Apa delivers this line is exquisite. One is made to feel they are witnessing a genuine tragedy. 
“Tonight, they’re making an exception and debuting a cover of the song my parents claim they were listening to the night Jason and I were conceived.” 
Spoken by: Cheryl Blossom. 
In: 1 x 1 
Really a fantastic line. A wonderful encapsulation of the casual absurdity of Cheryl’s character, and a foretaste of the lunacy we would plumb in later episodes and seasons. 
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in and I don’t want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That’s weird.” 
Spoken by: Jughead Jones
In: 1 x 10
A genuine classic. “High school footballïżœïżœ before “high school football.” One is never entirely sure just how sincere the line is meant to be, both on a meta-level and in-universe. A perfect illumination of Jughead’s pretentiousness. It is made all the better by the occasional cuts to Lili Reinhard’s agonized face. 
“At the last dance, multiple students were murdered.” 
Spoken by: Principal Holden Honey. 
In: 4 x 2
Delivered as an explanation to Toni and Cheryl, as to why there would be no school dance this year. Principal Honey is in fact supremely rational in the cancellation of this dance. This being Riverdale, he is of course treated as an unreasonable tyrant. 
“Bro, I know all the secrets of this universe.” 
Spoken by: Archie Andrews (evil version)
In: 6 x 5 
Spoken as evil Archie reveals his evil plan to keep the parallel universes apart. KJ Apa’s delivery once again makes this line. He is comically sinister. Strangely, he sells it. 
“A Vughead kiss, right now, in the present might be precisely what it takes to save a future Bughead from imploding.” 
Spoken by: Jughead Jones. 
In: 2 x 14
One of those lines that both makes me laugh and makes me genuinely angry. This was a fairly early season, and this may have actually been the first line to get me asking, ‘did they genuinely write and deliver that?’ Extra points for use of the atrocious ‘Vughead’ portmanteau ship name rather than ‘Jeronica.’ 
“I’m the ultimate wild card. I am the daughter of The Black Hood. The nightmare from next door. I’m training with the FBI and I’m coming for you, you psycho bitch.” 
Spoken by: Betty Cooper
In: 4 x 14 
Just delicious. Another one of those lines that leaves you somewhat unsure whether or not the writers understood how genuinely hysterical it was. “The Nightmare from Next Door” sounds like an announcer hyping up a wrestler. Spoken with a raw sincerity by Lili Reinhart. Also points for the heavy homoeroticism between Betty and Donna. 
“For I am Cheryl Blossom, Queen of the Bees.” 
Spoken by: Cheryl Blossom.
In: 5 x 16. 
This one really doesn’t require any elaboration. 
“Elijah ascended
and I will, too.” 
Spoken by: Edgar Evernever.
In: 4 x 5. 
Admittedly, this one is only spectacular with context. But in context—the context being that Chad Michael Murray delivers this line while dressed like Evel Knievel and standing in a cartoon rocket right out of a Warner Bros cartoon—it becomes utterly magnificent. 
“It’s not queer baiting, it’s saving the world.” 
Spoken by: Veronica Lodge. 
In: 6 x 22. 
It’s actually hard for me to decide whether this one is funnier with or without context. Without context it’s wonderful, but it possibly becomes even funnier when you know that the context is that Veronica needs to kiss Cheryl to transfer superpowers into her body so she can turn into a Scarlet Witch knock-off and stop a magic comet summoned by Sephiroth an English wizard who is also the Devil. 
“If there’s no wedding reception, it means the Gargoyle King has won.” 
Spoken by: Kevin Keller. 
In: 3 x 12.
One of my personal favorites. This is a perfect line because like #3, it requires no real elaboration. There is absolutely no context in which it isn’t hysterical. 
1 .
“Word of my exploits serving Nick his comeuppance has seeped into the demimonde of mobsters and molls my father used to associate with, so the five families are sending their youngest and brightest, their ‘princes,’ as it were to, well, come court the rare Mafia Princess who can belly up to the bar with the big boys.
Spoken by: Veronica Lodge. 
In: 2 x 20. 
This is, in my opinion, the all-timer. Every word is perfect. The rapid-fire alliteration. The use of the word ‘demimonde.’ The entirely unnecessary addition of ‘as it were.’ This is borderline Dr. Seuss. The fact that Camila Mendes delivered it without cracking a smile should have won her an Emmy. No. An Oscar. This line is Riverdale. 
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mozzzz05 · 7 months ago
I hate to bitch but
 I’m going to:
There was just? So much wrong this season and not even because I wasn’t a fan of the ending - in fact, I quite liked that they were 8 little marigolds together - but the rest of it!?
There’s at least three plot lines that added fuck all to the story - and I’m all for fluffing out the stories/characters, love me a filler episode - but not only did we not have time for a filler episode with 4 less episodes than usual those plot lines added nothing to the characters or the story or anything really.
Klaus getting kidnapped (again), no one noticing (again) - getting possessed & having sex, getting buried alive (again, if ykyk) apart from Alison going to save him - what did it add? - I love Klaus he’s literally my favourite character, I always want more Klaus but it kind of feels like they didn’t know what to do with him? - “let’s make him relapse and do some crazy stuff, for shits and giggles!”
Diego & Luther going to the CIA - this is the one I see the most sense in of course, but apart from making Diego realise that he shouldn’t take Lila and his kids for granted and announcing that the CIA guy was part of the whole Jean & Gene cult thing (and getting to see David Castañeda’s abs (despite supposedly having a Dad Bod now?)) it kind of went on too long? It felt like it was slightly misplaced? Idk
And of course, how could it go unmentioned - the Five/Lila romance? whAT THE FUCK!??? Like it’s creepy both ways bcos Ritu Arya is 15 years older than Aidan Gallagher - freshly legal - and because Five is nearly 70 at that point? And that’s without even mentioning the fact that, oh yeah - Lila’s married to his BROTHER? But if you took it out - what would change? Genuinely? That Lila will always choose her family? Choose Diego? Tbh she could easily come to that conclusion without any romance, she clearly longed to go back more than Five did (who btw, abandoned his family after spending his entire life trying to save them - WHAT?)
The only one making any progress was Viktor
And so many things left unexplained- why did Ray leave Alison? What happened to Dave? (Guessing he’s long dead now but we still don’t know if Klaus’ s2 plan had any effect & the only hint of him we got this season was the dog tags (more than last season at least)) Why is Reggie a fucking alien? How did he get to earth??
I just feel so unpleasantly underwhelmed for a show that has meant so much to me the past few years, for an ending that was mildly disappointing but not as much as the 4 episodes that came before it.
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evermoreness · 1 month ago
a romantic dinner | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x reader!
summary: your husband makes a romantic dinner for the both of you after the kids go to sleep.
The Black family home was uncharacteristically quiet, the usual symphony of children’s laughter replaced by the gentle hum of Queen’s "You're My Best Friend" playing softly in the background. The table in the dining room was set with care—candlelight flickering in the center, casting warm shadows across the polished wood. Regulus had outdone himself, preparing a meal that rivaled anything from the fanciest restaurants in London.
You stood in the doorway, taking in the scene with a mix of awe and affection. Regulus was adjusting the placement of the wine glasses, his sharp black shirt rolled at the sleeves, his usually neat hair slightly tousled. You leaned against the frame, your voice teasing.
“You know, for someone who claims he doesn’t care about Muggle things, you’re awfully good at setting the perfect scene with a record player.”
The record and the vinyl were yours, and besides having it in your home for years now, Regulus always seemed to think Muggle things were not that interesting. Every Muggle had one record player in their own houses, it was 1985 anyways!
Regulus looked up, his green eyes softening when they met yours. “I thought I’d make an exception tonight. Besides, you love this
 what’s it called? ‘Queen,’ right?”
You stepped forward, a playful grin on your lips. “Don’t pretend you don’t know their name, Reggie. I saw you humming along to ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ the other day.”
He smirked, pulling out your chair with an exaggerated flourish. “Perhaps I’ve grown fond of their
As you sat down, you let your hand brush his. “This is amazing, love. I don’t know how you manage to surprise me after all these years.”
Regulus poured the wine, his expression unreadable but his voice soft. “I like keeping you on your toes. Besides, after a week of children climbing over us, I thought we deserved some time for ourselves.”
You laughed, lifting your glass. “To surviving another week of chaos.”
He clinked his glass against yours, sitting across from you, his smirk softening into a genuine smile. “To thriving in it.”
You began eating, the conversation flowing easily. You talked about the children—how Lyra had started mastering her reading, how Selene’s curiosity about charms was growing, and how Archie’s latest obsession was trying to make up his own spells.
“Did you see him today?” You said between bites, your eyes sparkling as you talked about your youngest. “He pointed his little wooden stick at me and shouted, ‘Maman vanish!’ Then got upset when I didn’t disappear.”
Regulus chuckled, his deep voice warming the space. “I told him he needs to practice his pronunciation if he wants his spells to work. He looked very determined.”
You laughed. “He’s determined to make chaos, just like his father and uncle.”
Regulus raised a brow, feigning offense. “Excuse me, I was an exceptionally well-behaved child.”
You gave him a knowing look. “You were exceptionally quiet, not well-behaved. There’s a difference.”
He tilted his head, conceding the point with a smirk. “Fair enough. But chaos aside, they’re brilliant kids. Lyra’s already figuring out things I didn’t learn until I was twice her age.”
“She’s incredible,” You agreed, your voice softer now. “And Selene
 I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s sorted into Ravenclaw one day.”
“And Archie,” Regulus added, his expression warming. “He’s got more energy than the rest of us combined. I can barely keep up with him.”
Your children were still very young. Your oldest, Lyra, just turned five. Then came Selene, or just Ellie, who was four years old. And the last one, Arcturus— Archie, he hated when anyone called him his full name, despite being only three years old, he seemed to have a very strong personality.
You reached across the table, taking his hand. “You’re amazing with them, Reggie. Sometimes I watch you with them, and I can’t believe how lucky we are.”
Regulus’s thumb brushed over your knuckles. “It’s not luck, y/n. It’s you. You’re the reason we have this life.”
You felt your cheeks warm, but your smile didn’t waver. “You give me too much credit. We built this together.”
Regulus leaned back in his chair, his green eyes holding yours. “Still, you’ve changed me. For the better. I don’t know what my life would’ve been like without you, and I don’t want to know.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. The music filled the silence, Freddie Mercury’s voice carrying a gentle sincerity that matched the mood.
You finally broke the quiet, your voice teasing but filled with affection. “You know, you’re really good at this romantic stuff. You sure you’re not sneaking advice from Sirius?”
Regulus scoffed, though there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. “Sirius? Please. He’s about as romantic as a troll in a tutu.”
You laughed, your head tilting back as your laughter echoed through the room. Regulus couldn’t help but smile, watching you with an expression so full of love it was almost overwhelming.
As the song shifted to "Love of My Life," Regulus stood, extending a hand to you. “Dance with me?”
You blinked up at him, surprised. “Here? Now?”
He shrugged, his smirk returning. “Why not? The children are asleep, the candles are still burning, and this is one of the few moments we have to ourselves. Let’s make the most of it.”
You smiled, placing your hand in his. “I’ll never say no to dancing with you.”
He pulled you into his arms, holding you close as you swayed to the music. You rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
“I love you.” You murmured.
He pressed a kiss to your hair, his voice low but filled with emotion. “And I love you, mon cƓur. Always.”
As you danced, the world outside faded away. In that moment, it was just the two of you—two people who had endured so much, yet found their happiness in each other and the life they had built together.
Regulus held you close as they swayed to the music, his hand resting firmly on the small of your back. You looked up at him with a playful smile, your fingers tracing patterns along his shoulder.
“You know,” you began teasingly, “you’ve gotten much better at this dancing thing over the years.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow, his lips quirking into a smirk. “Excuse me? I’ve gotten better? I seem to recall you being the one who could barely step without tripping over your own feet.”
You gasped in mock offense, playfully swatting his chest. “That is absolutely not true! I was perfectly coordinated.”
“Ah, yes,” Regulus said, his tone dripping with amusement. “I remember you stepping on my toes so gracefully at Cissy and Lucius’s wedding.”
You burst out laughing, leaning your forehead against his chest. “I did not step on your toes that much!”
“Y/n,” he said dryly, though the corners of his mouth twitched, “I thought I’d have to see a Healer for my poor feet after that night.”
You looked up at him, your laughter fading into something softer. “Well, if I remember correctly, you were the one who insisted on teaching me how to dance. You didn’t have to.”
Regulus’s smirk softened into a genuine smile as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I wanted to. And I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone else stepping in to dance with you.”
Your gaze warmed as you remembered that night. “You know, I was so nervous that night. But then you got up and quickly called me to dance in your always-so-polite way”
“I had to be assertive,” he said, his tone light but his eyes serious. “How else was I supposed to keep everyone else away from you?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “And here I thought it was just because you wanted to show off.”
Regulus chuckled, spinning you gently to the music. “Maybe a little of both.”
You moved together in perfect sync now, a stark contrast to their fumbling steps years ago. The memory of that night was vivid in both their minds—the glittering chandeliers of Malfoy Manor, the crowd of Death Eaters and pureblood aristocrats watching them, the weight of expectations heavy in the air.
But for Regulus and you, none of that had mattered.
“You were so handsome that night,” You said softly, your voice pulling him from his thoughts. “In your tailored suit, looking so serious.”
Regulus tilted his head, a small smile playing on his lips. “And you were stunning. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I remember thinking how lucky I was that you were mine.”
You reached up to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing against his skin. “You’ve always been mine, Reggie. From the moment we first met.”
He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “And you’ve always been mine.”
The song shifted, the gentle melody reminding them of another moment—their wedding day. You let out a small laugh as the memory surfaced.
“Do you remember our first dance at our wedding?” you asked, your voice filled with amusement.
Regulus groaned, though his smile betrayed him. “How could I forget? Bellatrix kept glaring at us the entire time, and half the guests were probably plotting against each other.”
“And yet,” You said, your voice softening, “in that moment, it felt like it was just you and me. I didn’t care about the Death Eaters or the Blacks or any of it. All I cared about was us.”
Regulus’s grip on you tightened slightly, his green eyes locking onto yours. “It was the same for me. That day, when I looked at you, nothing else existed. Not Voldemort, not my family, not the war. Just you.”
You smiled, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “I think that’s why we’ve made it through everything, Reggie. No matter what’s happening around us, we always find our way back to each other.”
Regulus leaned down, capturing your lips in a soft, lingering kiss. When he pulled back, his voice was barely above a whisper. “We always will, mon cƓur.”
You continued to dance, your movements slow and deliberate, as if trying to savor every second. The music played on, a soundtrack to your memories and your love—a love that had grown stronger with every challenge, every triumph, and every moment like this.
For you and Regulus, this was your life. Not perfect, not easy, but undeniably beautiful. And as you danced, the world outside your home faded away, leaving only the warmth of your love and the promise of many more dances to come.
After the dance, you both went straight upstairs. Regulus carried you through the doorway of your room with effortless grace, his arms steady beneath you. You let out a small laugh, resting your head against his chest as you gazed up at him.
“You know,” you said, your voice playful, “you don’t have to carry me every time we come to bed. I can walk, you know.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a smirk. “And deny myself the pleasure of carrying the most beautiful woman in the world? Never.”
You rolled your eyes, though your smile gave you away. “You’re impossible.”
He chuckled, gently setting you down on the edge of the bed. “Only for you, mon cƓur.”
You got up to stand in front of him, your fingers brushing against his tousled hair. “Your hair looks a mess,” you teased, a mischievous glint in your eyes. “Very un-Black of you, isn’t it?”
Regulus gave you an amused look as he loosened the cuffs of his rolled-up sleeves. “And you love it. Don’t even try to deny it.”
You tilted your head, pretending to consider his words. “Hmm, maybe. You do look rather
 rugged tonight. It’s a good look for you, love.”
He stepped closer, leaning down until your faces were inches apart. “Only tonight?” he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
Your breath hitched slightly, but you managed a smirk. “Oh, don’t get too confident, love. I could still change my mind.”
He chuckled, brushing a strand of your hair away from your face. “Liar. You’ve never been able to resist me.”
You reached out, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him even closer. “And you’ve never been able to resist me either,” you whispered, your lips brushing against his.
Regulus smirked against your mouth. “TouchĂ©.”
Your lips met in a slow, heated kiss, the world outside the room disappearing entirely. Regulus’s hands rested on your waist, his thumbs tracing gentle circles against the fabric of your black dress. Your fingers threaded through his hair, tugging lightly as you deepened the kiss.
When you finally pulled apart, Regulus rested his forehead against yours, his green eyes sparkling with affection. “You’re breathtaking tonight, ma chĂ©rie.”
You smiled, your cheeks flushing under his gaze. “You’re not so bad yourself, love.”
He smirked, tugging you to your feet and spinning you around so your back was pressed against his chest. “Let’s get this dress off, shall we?” he murmured against your ear, his voice teasing.
You laughed, turning your head to meet his gaze. “Impatient, are we?”
“Always, when it comes to you,” he admitted, his hands settling on your hips.
You turned in his arms, your smile softening as you looked up at him. “How did I get so lucky to have you?”
Regulus cupped your face, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “You didn’t get lucky. We found each other. And I intend to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me.”
Your heart swelled at his words, and you leaned up to kiss him again, slow and deliberate. “You’re a romantic at heart, Regulus Black,” you whispered against his lips.
“Only for you,” he replied, his voice tender.
You leaned back slightly, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you traced a finger down Regulus’s chest. “You know,” you began, your voice light and teasing, “you look so ridiculously handsome tonight that I might just start thinking about having another baby.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Oh, is that so? Should I be flattered or concerned?”
You laughed softly, your hand sliding down to rest on his waist. “Definitely flattered. Though, I’m not sure how you’d feel about chasing after four little ones instead of three.”
Regulus tilted his head, pretending to think it over. “Four sounds like a challenge,” he admitted, his smirk growing. “But with you by my side? I think we’d manage.”
You arched an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the banter. “Manage? Regulus, you’d spoil the next one just as much as the others. Admit it—you’re a softie when it comes to our kids.”
He sighed dramatically, his hands resting on your hips as he pulled you closer. “Fine. Guilty as charged. But can you blame me? They’re perfect. Just like their maman.”
Your cheeks flushed at the compliment, but you quickly masked it with another playful quip. “Careful, love. Flattery will only get you so far.”
Regulus leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear as he murmured, “Oh, I don’t know. It’s worked pretty well for me so far.”
You shivered slightly at the warmth of his breath against your skin, but you refused to let him have the upper hand. “You’re awfully confident tonight,” you said, your tone teasing.
“And why shouldn’t I be?” he replied, his green eyes sparkling with affection and mischief. “I have the most incredible wife, three wonderful children, and a very tempting proposition on the table.”
You laughed, playfully smacking his arm. “A proposition, huh? And what exactly would that be?”
Regulus grinned, leaning in to kiss you gently. “Starting on baby number four. Right now,” he murmured against your lips.
You pulled back slightly, feigning shock. “Right now? Regulus, what if the kids wake up?”
He smirked, “Then we’ll just have to be quiet.”
"I don't think that's actually gonna happen" You said, a smirk in your face, giving him a knowing look.
"Fine. I'll do the Muffliato spell" He said, giving you a quick kiss.
You burst into laughter, wrapping your arms around his neck as you shook your head. “You’re impossible.”
“And yet, you love me for it,” he said, his tone smug but affectionate.
You leaned up to kiss him again, your voice soft as you whispered, “I do. More than anything.”
Regulus’s expression softened, and he cupped your face gently in his hands. “And I love you. Always.”
The teasing and playful banter faded into a quieter, more intimate moment as you held each other close. The world outside your room disappeared, leaving only the warmth of your love and the promise of a lifetime of happiness together—no matter what challenges lay ahead.
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haveihitanerve · 14 days ago
I genuinely think its so adorable- now that i’ve watched even more of their long forms- how fucking cute AJ and Tom’s relationships are, always. 
Like- maybe I’ve just not seen enough. But- but they’re so pure????usually???
Juliet and Cesar- Tom literally hands over his kingdom and defends her against anyone- “yeah she kills people but she doesn't kill me and shes so pretty while doing it”- shes a badass evil queen and he fucks hard with that, even after she stabs him
The Leftenmost Window- AJ is supportive of his “thewomeninourfamilyhavealwayshadagift” wife and “ORDER!!!”s the children so they don’t annoy their mother- also the hug in the last scene, leaned against each other
The Dentist and Dentist Assistant thing where Tom was just totally supportive of everything AJ asked for/did and their little peck
Priscillas Last Petal- Both versions/moms of Tom are so tender with AJ, comforting him- the way Tom cradles AJ’s face when hes standing on the chair???? Oh my gods it was so cute
The Detective and Christmas Tree Bandits- not only Is Frankie super sweet to Rupert Jr, as a mother they like hug and its just too fucking cute. I mean green dude Reggie and Frankie were a different matter but we’re not talking about them!
Murders in Space- Tom literally spends his entire fucking life working to try and bring AJ back- then AJ dies for her- before she lets herself die to the timeline in order to go back to having him in another life- cuties
President and Vice President- besides wanting to kill each other, they did have a pretty stable relationship at the beginning ngl
Xavier and
 the girl AJ is playing- their kiss is tender and sweet- AJ literally brings it up later on because of how soft it was- also- and i don't see it addressed anywhere- when AJ originally fainted, Tom literally reaches to catch him, arm like snagging on his waist, before realizing “oh its a controlled fall” and letting him drop. Its only for like a quarter of a second but it matters to me okayy???
Freeze/Tag out- “i just get so mad when they make bald jokes about AJ- he doesn't deserve it!” 
Beetroots and Murder- “I’m his friend.” Spirit of Somerset and Justin and
 wtv his name is- they’re just assholes- but really supportive to each other and good friends so like wtv
Vampire Slayer
 thing: “master Ybbob.” and his little
 helper dude :) cuties
Also- the amount of times they’ve proposed to each other is crazy- both, to each other, Tom literally gives up his actual wedding ring to AJ so many times its ridiculous and so so cute
The Lighthouse- in the actual play they kinda hate each other(if they were given more time, they perfectly lined it up to be an enemies to lovers imo) but at the end AJ and Tom unite in chaos gods mode and propose and do all that just because theyre icons and asses to Luke and Sam and its too cute
Green Leaves on a summers day:... if you’ve seen it
 the way Tom immediately flinches to try and catch AJ and keep him stable when aj dips himself. Watch the vid if you want a better explanation

Omg is this a joke: tom is willing to die for aj(his brother?) when they get captured for him to escape, iconic and so so cute
Tobys Secret Pocket: uh they don't actually get that much time together, but Wailing Robbie and Don have cute banter and AJ is always there backing Tom up
Beetroots and Murder: “im his friend:)” “this is my friend :D” cuties Spirit of Somerset and his friend- plus Justin and
 wtv his name is(Big Dick?)- they’re just assholes- but really supportive to each other and good friends so like wtv
The Milkman: this play actually broke me, but AJ is so cute and sweet to his son who isn't his son, even after he knows he isn't his son when he gets back he still hugs him and is really cute and i need the sfth boys to please tell me he still gets visiting rights even if its not biologically his kid because its still his son😭 anyway

The Excited Chinchilla: their father/daughter relationship is soooo cute, theyre cuties 
Oopsie Daisy Bugle: they have arguments, but theyre a fucking cute couple ong
The Fourth Wall break during flurry when Aj pretended like he couldn't do improv anymore or smth: its so cute, Tom has his arm around his shoulders, hes squeezing him, standing right next to him, Sam asks “do you want us to leave?” and Aj goes “yeah.” then tom is like “yeah?” you sure? And AJ goes, “no. don't leave.” and Tom returns to his side so quick its adorable
Barn Dance Opera: not an actual on stage moment but they hover off stage together for a bit while Luke and Sam are on stage and its really cute
Huge(i think): before going back on stage tom hugs aj from behind just because
(ok i kinda derailed from characters and went to real life but shhh theyre cute)
Its like, for some reason, they cant be toxic. They refuse to be assholes to each other, and while they are very willing to dish out insults and tease each other, when it comes down to it, Tom is one of the first of the boys to notice what AJ is attempting to do/explain, and usually always picks AJ’s side while on stage, whether because he enjoys chaos or just wants to annoy Sam/Luke, idk, but its absolutely adorable every time they’re together because they just fit, I mean they all do tbh like duh, but Tom i think is the only one who consistently, without fail, always picks Aj’s side, and vice versa. Idk its cute
Also also- side note, real life- when AJ felt really nervous before
 HUGE i think? Tom laid his head on his shoulder and like- solidarity- when AJ excused himself from the scene because he wasn't feeling it he like glanced over and made sure he was good before immediately taking his place to not make it obvious- they’re such good friends im gonna cry-
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accio-sriracha · 20 days ago
Because @bradleysass politely held a gun to my head...
This one is from (you guessed it) another unpublished wip of mine called "My Brother's Best Friend"
"Uh... help yourself to anything." Regulus paused as he gestured to the fridge, "Especially since you bought most of it."
Potter just chuckled and toed off his shoes, walking across the small, one room flat to plop down on Sirius' mattress,
"Thanks, but I already ate."
Regulus' brows furrowed.
So he wasn't here for Sirius or food? Those were the only two things he'd ever swung by for.
"Did you... Did you want me to leave?" He asked, unsure of himself.
Potter looked up, blinking in surprise, "Why would I ask you to leave your own flat?"
Regulus shrugged, "I don't know, we've never really spoken before and Sirius isn't here, so..."
"I know he isn't here." He replied, "I came here to see you."
Regulus was pretty sure if brains could stutter: his was.
Potter laughed at his dumbfounded expression,
"I told Padfoot I would try to get to know you a little better. He wants us to get along."
"We get along." Regulus protested.
Potter stared doubtfully at him.
In truth, most of the few conversations they had were arguments, particularly about Regulus not wanting to take Potter's hand outs.
He was otherwise usually set in his ways about ignoring him, Regulus heard Potter tell Sirius once that he was surprised someone could show so little emotion all the time.
Which is probably why Potter looked so amused now, staring at the blatant shock on his face. He'd never been caught so thoroughly off guard before.
"Right." He nodded, looking away.
He schooled his normal mannerisms back into place.
So what if Potter wanted to hang out with him? That shouldn't be that earth shattering. He didn't even care.
"Don't do that." Potter said suddenly.
Regulus looked back at him, eyebrow raised, "Don't do what, Potter?
"Don't shut me out. I saw it, you were opening up to me just a second ago."
And there it was, Regulus was floored again.
"What do you want from me?" He asked.
It was the only question that could make it through the spinning in his mind.
Surely Potter wasn't honestly trying to be his friend?
"Is it really hard to believe that I just enjoy your company?" Potter asked.
Regulus snorted, filling a cup with tap water and ignoring the bitter metallic taste when he drank from it,
"Yeah, actually, it is."
"How can I prove it to you?" His voice dropped a little, like he was sharing a secret.
Regulus felt his stomach twist,
"What?" He whispered, unintentionally dropping his voice as well, sharing in this strange secret between the two of them.
Potter stood from the mattress, walking over to their small kitchen with a determined look in his eyes, the same kind of determination Regulus saw whenever he made a bet he knew he could win,
"How can I prove to you that I enjoy your company?"
"I'm not a game, Potter." Regulus' sharp tone was back, "I'm not something for you to toy with because you're bored."
"This isn't a game to me." Potter's voice was earnest, the most genuine Regulus had ever heard it.
Potter, the man who walked around with a joke always on the tip of his tongue.
The man who called him 'Reggie' because he knew how much he hated it.
The man who's spent every minute of the time they'd known each other making Regulus' life as difficult as possible.
And yet here he was, so much honesty in his eyes, so much emotion in his voice, telling Regulus he wanted to be friends with him.
"You're serious?" He asked.
It was a test, he knew neither of them could resist the 'Sirius' joke.
Potter held his gaze, warm brown to cutting silver,
And suddenly Regulus couldn't breathe.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 7 months ago
I just finished binging, but here are writing decisions I genuinely liked in S4:
- Claire’s characterization. Mostly. I like that she’s an actual character.
-The whole Thunderbolt subplot was random af, the writers clearly didn’t know how to keep Klaus and Allison busy, but they are probably my favorite pairing in general, and Allison being the one to take care of Klaus ever since they were kids confirms all the headcanons I’ve had about them since s1.
-We finally got a flashback to The Umbrella Academy going a mission! I loved seeing kid Luther be dorky about getting ready, Allison and Klaus ofc, Viktor and Ben, and maybe I’m crazy, but I thought the younger actors for Ben and Jennifer had more chemistry than their adult actors. I actually like his death scene a lot, him finding Jennifer and Reggie killing them both was shocking. It’s just the other poor choices made for their storyline that soils it.
- Ngl, the Baby Shark scenes were funny.
- Luther is just a goofy stripper now (still should’ve mentioned Sloane more than once.)
- Gene and Jean dancing should NOT have replaced a family dance scene, but I did like it on its own.
- Viktor telling Allison they’re not friends.
- Luther and Klaus grabbing each other’s arms when they’re about to die. I just like moments like that.
May grow to hate some of these things or like some other things, but for now these are just my first impressions.
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bradleysass · 16 days ago
Jigsaw - @black-brothers-microfic - wc: 386 - Starchaser + Wolfstar
CW: Theyre watching Saw, a thriller movie
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James Potter was regretting his life choices.
He wasn’t sure how he ended up in this situation, curled up on the couch between his boyfriend, who was analyzing a serial killer’s methodology like it was a bloody textbook, and his best friend, who was laughing maniacally every time someone on-screen met a gruesome fate.
“This is ridiculous,” Remus scoffed from his armchair, arms crossed over his chest. “Half of these traps wouldn’t even function the way they’re meant to.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” Regulus said, gesturing sharply at the screen, his voice filled with disdain. “Take this reverse bear trap, for example—”
“No, thank you,” James interrupted, burrowing further into the couch.
Regulus ignored him. “The mechanics don’t add up. If the goal is to snap the jaw open with that much force, the tension required would be immense, which means the metal should be visibly straining. But it’s not.” He huffed. “Shoddy engineering.”
“Not the problem, Reggie,” James whimpered, eyes squeezed shut. “The problem is that it’s happening at all.”
“Mate, you’re missing the best part!” Sirius cackled, elbowing him. “Look, look! Here comes the iconic foot scene.”
“I don’t want to see the iconic foot scene!” James all but wailed, burying his face in Regulus’ shoulder.
Regulus sighed dramatically but patted his head, used to James’ dramatics. “Honestly, James, it’s nothing to be scared of.”
“Nothing to be scared of?” James pulled away to stare at him incredulously. “That man is sawing off his foot, Regulus.”
Regulus raised a single unimpressed eyebrow. “And?”
James turned to Remus for support. “Moony, back me up here!”
Remus shrugged. “It’s just bad science.”
Sirius was howling with laughter now, clutching his stomach as he pointed at James. “You’re so weak, Prongs! This is nothing. We should watch Hostel next.”
James looked genuinely betrayed. “I thought we were best friends.”
Sirius wiped a tear from his eye. “We are, which is why this is so much fun.”
Regulus leaned over, pressing a kiss to James’ temple. “It’s okay, darling. If it makes you feel better, I’m sure you’d never be caught in one of these traps. You don’t have the attention span for Jigsaw’s moral lessons.”
James groaned and sank back into the couch. “I hate all of you.”
Sirius beamed. “Love you too, Prongsie.”
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vinylfoxbooks · 9 months ago
June 9 - Lip Gloss | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 862 Part 2 Part 1 and Part 3
The bell above the door announces James’ presence before James himself can. Regulus looks up and smiles gently at him, grabbing his bag, “Dora. I’m leaving now.”
Pandora hums and nods, “Alright. Have a good time, Reggie.” Regulus nods and starts making his way towards where James is waiting for him by the door. 
James takes his arm and guides him out of the store, “Hi Regulus, how was work?”
“Slow.” Regulus hums, “We only had a couple people come in. I got yelled at by a jealous husband.”
Regulus rolls his eyes, thanking James with a head nod when he opens his car door for him. He waits until James gets in the car as well and starts driving before he starts talking, “So I’ve got this girl that comes in. She’s a regular customer, probably my age, that constantly comes in for romance books. They’re usually spicy but I genuinely couldn’t care less about that. Well, today she came in with her husband and I was checking her out, talking to her about the book that she had picked out. He got pissy at me and started yelling at me for trying to ‘flirt with his girl.’”
“Ew.” James shakes his head, taking a turn, “I hate when people do that.”
“Yeah, well, it’s whatever. He just kept yelling and yelling at me and getting after me for selling his wife the book and all of the other books that she’s been reading. Again, I couldn’t care less about that.” He shakes his head, “I eventually had to tell him that I had a date with you. A guy.”
James huffs a laugh, “Did that actually work.”
“He didn’t apologize about it.” Regulus shakes his head, “The thing is, the book? Song of Achilles.”
“That’s a good one.” James hums, “And nothing to throw a fit over. Especially since it’s gay.”
“My point exactly.” Regulus shakes his head, “Pissed me off.” Then he takes a moment to look over James. He’s wearing a nice gray t-shirt underneath a long red coat and some regular jeans. He’s also wearing

James Potter is wearing fucking lip gloss. His lips have a slight sheen to them and it makes Regulus’ heart stop. Already plump lips with this pretty, slightly red, shiny stain on his lips. Regulus takes a deep breath, “You look nice.”
James turns to him and smiles softly, “Thank you. You look wonderful as well.”
Eventually, the two of them make it to the movie theater and head inside, getting their tickets and popcorn then heading into the theater. They talk quietly between themselves during the ads before the movie itself starts.
And now, Regulus was impartial on going to see this movie. James really wanted to see it and Regulus always enjoys the environment of a movie theater so he agreed to go with James as a date but he

He can’t focus on the movie itself when James is sitting there with his slightly red lip gloss, shining beautifully in the ever-changing lights of the movie. 
Fuck, it’s driving Regulus crazy.
Soon enough, after about an hour and a half of Regulus mostly watching James then snapping his head to look at the movie whenever James leans over to whisper something about it or crack a joke in Regulus’ ear -- he doesn’t understand most of the jokes and just nods along when James makes a comparison because he hasn’t been paying much attention to the movie -- the movie ends and they’re standing up and James’ stretches his arms above his head which raises his shirt a bit. They walk out of the theater together, hand in hand, and hop into James’ car. 
“Harry’s with his mom tonight,” James informs him, “Would you like to go to my house and I can cook you some dinner?”
Regulus hums after a couple minutes, “Sure.” James glances at him before he starts the car and smiles, making the breath catch in Regulus’ chest because of that damn lip gloss. 
The drive to James’ place is filled with James singing quietly to the music that he’s got playing on the radio, his oh so slightly red lips glinting in different lights as he sings. When they show up at the house, they head inside and James goes into the kitchen to put together a quick meal. 
When he comes back out with two plates of some sort of pasta, he hands one to Regulus -- who has settled himself on the couch -- and sits down next to him.
They talk while they eat and Regulus is completely transfixed by James’ lips, which the older man seems to take note of. He tilts his head a bit and smiles at him, “See something you like?”
“What lip gloss are you wearing?”
“It’s a lip tint Lily gave me.” James smiles back, “I figured that I would try it out. It seems, to me, that you like it.”
“I do.” Regulus nods.
The older’s smile widens, “You want to try it? It’s cherry flavoured.”
“What is it with you and cherry flavoured things?” James shrugs and leans forward to pull Regulus into a kiss.
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sissytobitch10seconds · 6 months ago
I think it's kind of interesting that Viktor is overshadowed by his siblings both in the canon and fanon.
In season one I could understand it. Despite Viktor being the main character that literally drives the entire plot, everyone focuses on the other characters. People make fun of Luther for talking about the moon all the time. Everyone is almost creepily obsessed with Klaus and the Vietnam fling that he had. No one really talks about Allison, but her story is primarily linked with Viktor's since she's trying to heal their relationship (fandom misogyny too). I think that there's a decent amount of talk around Five since he's such a fascinating character. There's quite a lot of talking about Diego too, since he loses Eudora and spends a lot of time trying to take care of Klaus. But no one really talks about Viktor and the amount of shit that he goes through in s1. All the siblings other than Allison completely abandon him too, and Allison only wants the idea of a 'sister' that she's built up in her head since she lost her husband and daughter.
In season two, it makes even less sense to not talk about what Viktor has done. He has a queer love story with Sissy and we get to see way more development and chemistry for, Klaus and Dave had a montage and some sad lines from Klaus as opposed to an entire arc through ten episodes, but no one really does anything with it. Allison gets basically no attention for the same fandom misogyny issues as before. Five gets some attention because of the fact that he's exhausted and still dealing with the Commission (his fight scenes are amazing). Diego gets the same treatment as Luther did but a little more deserving because the plan to save JFK was stupid. Luther gets totally sidelined and ignored too, but people really hated him in S1 so I'm not surprised. Klaus gets all the attention again even though his plot outside of Ben possessing him is honestly really boring and makes me so uncomfortable.
Season three is where Viktor should have gotten the most attention. If we're considering the fact that the TUA fandom has a very queer audience, then they should be super excited and celebrating the fact that Viktor is trans. Not only that, but he's also working his ass off so that he can fix things for Allison and get her back to a timeline where her daughter exists or back to the sixties. I think a lot of people ignore that, giving Five more credit than he deserves for trying to fix the world when Viktor was doing that until Harlan showed up and he wanted to handle that first. A lot of attention during the debut went again to Klaus, which was actually warranted this time since he was plot relevant by showing us things about Reggie and discovering his powers. Diego got more attention since he was parenting Stan and fighting with Lila, which was nice. Five got some meme attention but nothing serious and Luther got a little bit of genuine love. But mostly people just posted the conversation where Viktor comes out to his family and continued to ignore him.
Now Season four is out and no one cares about Viktor. He stands up to Reginald and says all of the things that he needs to say, he fights like Hell to try and save Ben from the Durango and get him someplace stable, he owns a bar and got fucking KIDNAPPED. No one is talking about him, all people are doing is complaining about fivela and the ending.
Viktor moved to Nova Scotia probably to get better trans healthcare, but also because none of his siblings care about him. My man is a tiny trans man that got kidnapped and ransomed off the street and they couldn't care less about him when they show up, Five is taking notes about the room they're in instead of checking to make sure that his childhood best friend is okay. Luther may have made him best man at his wedding, but it was just because Viktor had only just come out and all the other siblings were non options (never been close with Five, butted heads with Diego who didn't even want the wedding to happen, not their Ben, and Klaus was officiating) which was the same reason Lila was Sloane's maid of honor. Diego and Viktor barely spare two words at each other despite their closeness in the comics. Lila and Allison say something briefly to him before they also fuck off further into the plot.
Viktor isn't liked by his family despite them trying to include him in it when it's convenient for them, and he's also disliked by the fandom. I went into the TUA tag and about half of the top twenty posts were about someone else with him tacked on as an afterthought.
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whut-da-brunch · 1 month ago
What are your most hated characters in twdg and why? I noticed that you like characters that are often hated in the fandom and i know you hate David, but are there any other characters you don't like?
Thanks for the great question! (Hope you like long winded answers, hehe)
Yep, it's true I like/empathize with a lot of the most hated characters like Gabe, Kate, Sarah, etc! Hell, I don't even hate Arvo!
But if there's a character that I abso-fucking-lutely agree deserves ALL the hate they get?
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Holy shit, is Bonnie one delusional, self-righteous, woefully stupid bitch 😭
She basically admits she's a wishful thinker, helping men who promise her things only to get nothing good in return. We know she regrets getting others hurt, and she repeatedly apologized to Clementine about what happened the Ski Lodge. So we know Bonnie feels like a massive piece of shit, right? But what does she do to remedy this?
Bonnie just refuses to admit to herself maaaaybe Carver is an irredeemable monster. Y'know, the guy that broke a man's finger and (determinant) shot two guys right in front of her. After breaking into their home. To kidnap refugees. But because she benefits from Carver, she just can't believe he isn't justified in his actions. đŸ˜±
For whatever reason, Bonnie doesn't decide to use her position on Carver's good side to help anyone until Kenny gets his face smashed in. Because kidnapping a group of people scared shitless wasn't enough, and neither was pushing Reggie off the roof I guess??
THIS DOESN'T EVEN DIVE INTO WHAT HAPPENED WITH LUKE!! I don't even have to explain that one.
Bonnie is a CONSISTENT enabler of abuse. She is well aware that her actions have caused pain and death, but consistently projects the blame onto others. She's too big of a coward to use her position of privilege to help others, and prefers to wallow in her own self pity and say "sorry" as if that makes anything better.
And this is just an accusation but I swear to god, if some kid ever confessed to her that a man she trusted did a "bad touch," she'd be one of those motherfuckers to gaslight the kid into thinking it never happened 😭 SHE GENUINELY GIVES ME THAT VIBE. "Oh nauuuurrr that couldn't happen because that guy is niiiice nauuur"
basically FUCK YOU BONNIE!!!!!
Thx for coming to my ted talk! :3
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lexithwrites · 1 year ago
lexith writes | @jegulus-microfic | 2nd feb - cheat 579 words
Regulus was numb. He didn’t think he could ever feel this bad, but he did. He felt everything. His stomach had dropped in the cafe when he told him, and he felt the need to vomit from that moment until now. He hadn’t, thankfully, but that sickening pool in his stomach hadn’t gone away. The thing was, Regulus was technically ‘the other man’ in the scenario and that somehow made it ten times worse.
He had been used to hurt someone else. He helped him cheat.
Regulus truly had no idea his boyfriend of almost a year had been using him in that way, he had seemed so perfect. Right from the start, bringing him flowers, taking him out to lavish restaurants, late night drives and staying over each other’s apartments. It had all been perfect. Guess nothing is perfect, though.
Regulus sniffled and wiped his eyes as he curled further under the blanket on his sofa, ice cream slowly melting on the floor next to him. He felt so disgusting. The poor woman
did she hate him too? Probably. At least he’d never see her. Hopefully.
Tate had been an American exchange student at their university and everyone had been enthralled with him the moment he showed up to class. Regulus especially. Tall, tanned, handsome, bright green eyes, funny, intelligent. He was just everything he had been looking for in a guy. And he had seemed so special to be picked by him.
But no, he had a fiance back home who he’d been with for nine years. Not only that, but she was pregnant. Fucking asshole.
Regulus swallowed at the memory of Tate telling him a month ago he was going home early to deal with ‘a family emergency’ and Regulus thought he had been distraught then. Nowhere near how he felt now. In reality, he had to go home for his wedding. His fucking wedding. Regulus had never felt so stupid in his life.
He jumped when he suddenly heard the front door and he hid himself under the blanket as James wandered down the hall. He didn’t want to talk to anyone, even if James was the nicest person he knew.
“Hey! I was thinking we could order—
Reggie?” James sounded so concerned. If only he knew.
“Not now, James.” He mumbled, but James didn’t seem to hear him because he came to crouch by the sofa and touch his shoulder. Regulus relaxed a little at that. He was always relaxed around James.
“What happened?”
he, he left.” Regulus slowly poked his head out and came face to face with his roommate.
“Oh. I’m so sorry.” James genuinely did look very sorry for him. God.
“He was using me.” Regulus sniffled again. “He
back in America. He has a fiance. A fiance, James. Fucking imagine—” Regulus hiccuped out a sob and James’ mouth opened in shock. “I’m sorry.”
“No, god, don’t be sorry. Can I hug you?” It only made Regulus cry harder as he felt James curl around him, holding him so delicately. Regulus cried into James’ chest for almost an hour. He just let it all out, let everything he had been holding inside since that morning into the air. He hated Tate, he hated the situation, he hated himself for being tricked.
“You don’t have to talk about it now.” James whispered into Regulus’ hair. “But I’m here for you, Reggie. Always.” He held him a little tighter.
James was too good to him.
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gurugirl · 2 years ago
Tell Me You Hate Me*
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Summary: Based on this request - You and Harry work together as bartenders and your relationship is hot and cold which infuriates you to no end. But you can't say you don't find him attractive, regardless of his cocky attitude.
A/n: I have never written anything like this before so please give it some love and keep an open mind! This is harry x male!reader/ enemies to lovers and I had a lot of fun writing this one. Thanks for the idea 🐊 anon!
12k+ words
Warning: Smut, angst, mentions of an accident, a little bit of forceful & unwanted attention/flirting (not from reader or Harry), mentions of smoking weed
You couldn't stand Harry most days. He was a cocky asshole and he didn't care about anyone but himself. You both worked the same shift at the local bar in town, Reggie’s, and so you'd gotten to know Harry by default. And when a couple of patrons were making some joke about you liking guys, Harry shut them down quickly and it left you confused because you didn't think he gave a shit.
But he was still a cocky asshole. It didn't change his personality or anything. However, you did find a small warm spot for him after that day.
And tonight, he was either leading you on or genuinely flirting with you. You couldn't tell actually. At first, it seemed genuine. You were at an after-work party for the employees at Reggie’s. The boss had hit a milestone and so he invited all of his employees (and you were sure some of his neighbors as well) to his house for a night of partying as thanks for all the hard work. And from the moment you arrived, Harry began complimenting you. Then when he cornered you in the living room, he stood close and you saw his eyes travel down your body before he lightly pinched your arm, winked, and walked away.
When you found him again a little later he asked you to join him to get a drink in the kitchen. He was standing close again, leaning in to make sure you could hear him. Told you that you smelled good. Licked his lips while he watched your mouth when you responded. Touched your arm and your chest. Your limbs heated up and the hair on your arms raised after he brushed his hand on your skin. You kind of thought it might go somewhere but you were both pulled away from one another when Harry was called over to join a game of beer-pong and Cynthia from work was going through a mini-crisis and needed your advice.
And then as the house was clearing out and most people were gone, you went upstairs to get your backpack (which was where everyone had put their stuff at your boss’s directions). You hadn't seen Harry for nearly an hour and assumed he'd left already.
But you were wrong.
The moment you opened the door to the bedroom there he was, pants pulled down with a girl between his legs sucking him off. You were stunned at first, paused mid-movement when you locked eyes with him.
The cocky smirk on his face made you feel hot but it was Harry's words as he stared back at you that had you feeling frustrated and angry even. And maybe the tiniest bit turned on. Just the tiniest bit.
"You like that don't you?" He breathed his words out as he put his hand on the back of the girl's head and you heard her hum affirmatively.
"Yeah? So fucking hot isn't it? My big cock getting sucked on..." Harry's smile was infuriating. You swallowed hard, trying to move but you were frozen as if his eyes on you had some kind of magic spell that kept you from motion.
Harry leaned back a little further and the girl worked harder, "I'm gonna come if you keep doing that..." his deep breathy voice had you tingling. Was he talking to you? Why was he looking at you when he spoke?
The girl gurgled and shifted on her knees. She still didn't know you were standing there and Harry didn't bother to notify her either.
"That's it... just enjoy it..." he groaned as his eyes got droopier, but he continued looking at you, "yess... don't stop. M'gonna come now, keep looking at me like that..." his moaned words were clear and the girl grunted and stopped what she was doing, popped her mouth off of Harry's cock and looked up at him.
"But I wasn't looking at you..." Harry laughed and took the back of her head, pushing her back down on him.
He turned his eyes back to you, "That's okay... just keep doing what you're doing."
You snapped out of it and blinked, shooting your eyes around the room, and spotted your backpack. You couldn't leave without the backpack because your keys were inside. If you walked past Harry to grab your bag the girl would know you were there but you had no choice. You. couldn't just stand there and watch Harry get head while he stared at you.
So you took a deep breath and broke the spell of Harry’s gaze and walked past the threshold of the door and grabbed your bag. The girl stopped what she was doing with wide eyes and gasped, covering her mouth.
"Sorry!" You spoke quickly but the girl hopped up and ran from the room in embarrassment. Poor thing.
Harry laughed and tilted his head to the side and nodded toward his cock, which was a very pretty cock by the way, "Want to finish me off?"
You shook your head as you muttered, disgusting, and left the room as quickly as possible. What an asshole. The way he'd just treated that girl (and you) was awful. You hurried down the stairs and shook your head. As hot as he was, he was a cocky asshole and that was the truth.
You pulled your backpack straps over your shoulders and hastened your steps away from the house. You had planned on getting an Uber but you were so flustered and upset over everything that had just happened, you figured a brisk walk would be better.
You cursed to yourself as you remembered the way he made you feel earlier in the evening. His subtle flirting and soft touches
 you started to think a little differently of him, fondly even. But then that last little stunt had you feeling angry and disappointed even. Disappointed in yourself for thinking Harry was actually flirting with you. Maybe even disappointed that Harry was still the Harry you knew he was. Just a cocky asshole.
On Friday night the bar was packed. Guests filled the bar stools and tables, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. He was late for his shift. Again. It wasn’t too uncommon to have to deal with Harry being late. But on a busy Friday night? That was unusual. He was always on time when it was a busy night.
You did your best to man the bar by yourself while Cynthia and Joe served the tables and busted them between guests. Normally it was you and Harry at the bar serving the drinks and manning the cash registers. You felt your anger for Harry build with every minute that he was late.
Finally, an hour after his shift began, Harry trudged through the door with his hair pulled back in a messy bun, dark circles under his eyes, and he smelled. It was as if he hadn’t showered or bothered to make himself look presentable. You could still admit he was hot but your hatred for him at that moment overrode your hormones.
Harry walked into the back room to clock in as you uncapped two beers and handed them to the girls sitting at the end of the bar. The two girls were young. They were ID’d right away because you weren’t going to get into trouble for them being underage. But their IDs said they were 21. You’d keep an eye on them, though. They even acted very immaturely. It was normal for people to get a bit tipsy, loud, and flirty
 it was part of the atmosphere of being at a bar late at night. But these two were obnoxious. In fact, they were attempting to flirt with you. Unfortunately for them, you weren’t into females. But they didn’t need to know that. If you had to suffer through their annoying screeching laughter and attempts at hitting on you, you’d deal with it if they gave you a good tip at the end of the night. You could only hope.
Harry joined you behind the bar and began getting to work right away. He served a few drinks, used a rag to wipe up the condensation and spills on the bar top, and tucked the rag into his back pocket as he went to the register to add the order to his guest’s tab. You hated that he was so fucking good-looking. His tight black jeans hugged his thighs and his ass and made that lump at the front of his zipper look like a delicacy you could snack on. He wore a black t-shirt that was loose at his hips but was the tiniest bit snug at his broad shoulders. You tried to ignore the way your thoughts turned carnal at just the sight of the fucker.
One thing about Harry was that he was actually good at his job. He rarely missed a beat, cleaned as he went, smiled and chatted when it was appropriate, and stayed professional (with the guests at least). You didn’t usually mind working with Harry. He wasn’t a bad co-worker. But when the bar would clear out and you two would be cleaning up and restocking for the following day was when his true colors shined. He was a dick.
“You were late today. We needed you on time, Harry,” you spoke to him as you poured Jim Beam into a glass and Harry poured two shots for the obnoxious girls at the end of the bar. You could smell the slightest touch of his body odor mixed with his cologne when you spoke to him. Normally Harry smelled good like cologne and soap. But today he was off.  
Harry glanced at you with an unamused look, and lifted up the shot glasses, bumping into you as he walked past. The glass of Jim Beam sloshed and some of the liquid spilled over the lip of the glass. You cursed under your breath as you corrected the issue by wiping the outside of the glass and then pouring a splash more inside.
And that’s how the night went. You’d get nary a glance from him and he continued to bump into you, jostling you and one time nearly making you lose your footing. Yet never once a sorry or even acknowledgment of his actions.
“Hey! C’mere!” One of the annoying girls was motioning to you with her pointer finger.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. Harry had just refilled their drinks. You couldn’t understand what they might want at that very moment.
You whipped the rag in your hand over your shoulder and made your way to the end of the bar the girls were seated, “What’s up?”
“I was hoping you could take a picture of us. Would you mind?” The blonde asked.
You shrugged, “Sure. No problem.”
The girl looked at her phone screen and then glanced at her friend with a grin and handed you the phone.
You watched as the two girls smushed together for the picture and then looked down at the screen and groaned in annoyance at the picture that was staring you in the face. It was of the blonde. With her naked boobs in view and the curve of her hip popped out to the side, holding her fingers up in a peace sign.
You frowned and sat the phone down and looked back to the girls who were giggling and just before you could say something Harry was plucking the phone up from the bar and laughing.
He leaned over the bar top toward the girls, placing his elbows down and turning his head to look at you before looking back to the obnoxious set, “He’s not interested in boobs. Sorry girls. Me, on the other hand
” he tapped his fingers as he slid the phone back to the blonde, “I love ‘em.”
The girls' laughter was loud and forced. It pissed you off. Harry’s attitude all night had been the worst, and now these girls were laughing at something he said, which included mentioning your preferences. It wasn’t that you cared much if people knew you liked guys. It’s just that that was your business. You told people when it made sense to. Otherwise, no one needed to know what you liked or what you were attracted to. But Harry just alluded to your preferences without even asking you if that was okay. And the way he acted with those girls was also unlike him. He normally kept very professional while he was working.
And you knew that Harry liked guys too. He liked everyone really. You’d seen him with that girl at the party, and he talked about giving head to a guy he dated a few months ago. But you’d never just freely tell people what you knew about him.
You grabbed the back of his tricep and gripped hard so he understood your anger as you leaned in to say, “Fuck you, you nasty asshole. Pretty sure they’re both minors with fake IDs anyway. Have fun getting your cock sucked by a kid.”
You steered clear of the girls the rest of the night and continued serving the rest of the guests as if nothing had happened. But inside you were fuming.
After you told Harry you thought the girls were minors he also kept his distance. Served them when they wanted something but he toned down his flirtations with them immediately. Dumb fuck.
When the bar closed Joe and Cynthia told Harry that he was going to stay after to help them clean up and restock for opening since he was an hour late for his shift. You grabbed your bag and made a beeline to the door, not wanting to do anything with Harry or hear him make any snide remarks.
Just as you opened the front door you did hear him, though, “At least I can get my dick sucked.”
You paused for a moment before walking out into the night, the door closing behind you with a thud.
You just couldn’t understand his attitude toward you or why he took up for you that day all those months ago, or why he flirted with you at that party. You decided it might be time to find another job. Harry was insufferable tonight and if you had a repeat of tonight it’d end in a fight. Harry would probably win in all honesty, but you wouldn’t back down in taking a swing at him if necessary.
The next evening at Reggie’s you were notified that Phillip was filling in for Harry. Harry had supposedly had a family emergency and would be taking a little time off. You hated to be thankful that Harry had an emergency, but you were. And the whole night at work was great. Phillip was excellent to work with and no one tried making you feel like shit. But your mind did wander to Harry a time or two. You figured he was making something up so he didn’t have to be at work. It made you feel better to think that anyway.
~~ two weeks later ~~
Your day off midweek was something you always cherished. Most people wanted to have their weekends free but you loved having a day during the week while everyone was working so you could grocery shop, go to a matinee, walk around downtown and enjoy the streets that were not nearly as busy as they were on the weekends in peace. Which is what you were doing today. You had planned on getting your haircut, then you’d sit by the river at Mary’s Tap and get a glass of white wine and Baja tacos and enjoy the sunshine, have a quick trip to Trader Joe’s, then head back to your apartment.
You didn’t have a whole lot of friends. A few close ones with whom you kept in touch but you saw them once a month and that’s really all you needed. You got enough interaction with your fellow humans at work. You were a typical introvert. You did well in social settings but at the end of the night, you appreciated your alone time at home by yourself. Some nights you felt like it would be nice to have someone to enjoy your alone time with. Maybe one day.
After you got a bit of a trim and did some window shopping on your way to Mary’s Tap. You were waiting under the bridge at the light as cars were traveling and you could see the river and Mary’s just across the sidewalk on the other side when something caught your eye.
It was Harry. And he was with a young woman. He had his arm wrapped around her back and they were walking very slowly. It almost seemed as if the woman was hurt and Harry was holding her steady. You watched on for a bit in curiosity.
They began to cross the street at the green light and they were headed your way. Slowly. You looked up and down the street, hoping it was clear so you could cross without Harry seeing you but it was too busy and by the time you turned your head back toward the strange sighting, Harry had already seen you.
You raised your brows and nodded at him and he nodded in kind before you turned back to look across toward the river hoping the light would change fast before you were forced to say something or have any awkward exchanges with him.
Unfortunately, they were headed in the same direction as you were.
“Oh. Do you guys know each other?” The young woman asked and you turned to look at her and then at Harry.
Harry gave her a soft smile and nodded, “Yeah. He’s a coworker.”
The light turned and the three of you began to walk across the street together. You felt like you were somewhat obligated to walk with them since the girl seemed nice and she responded to Harry, “Ah! Well, sorry that you probably haven’t seen Harry in a while. He’s been doing the good brotherly thing and taking care of his poorly sister for a bit,” she laughed and then coughed.
You looked at the woman and smiled. She had some similar features to Harry. You could see the resemblance now that she’d called herself his sister.
Once you were safely on the sidewalk you turned and put your hand out, “I’m Y/n.”
She smiled and put her hand into yours, “I’m Gemma. Harry’s older sister.”
You made small talk as you walked along the sidewalk and just as you were about to say your goodbyes to the pair they followed behind you to the path that took you to the river to Mary’s Tap, “Oh. Are you two getting lunch here?”
Harry nodded, “Yeah. S’Gemma’s favorite spot. It’s nice by the river and it’s a sunny day so figured some food and sunshine would be good.”
Gemma laughed and nudged at Harry, “He’s been trying to get me out of the house for the last couple of days. Finally worked today. Still so sore from the accident,” she inhaled a sharp breath as you three made your way down the steps toward the river.
You got on Gemma’s left side and reached your hand out, “Do you want help?”
Gemma nodded and Harry shrugged as he looked at you so you took her left arm and put it over your shoulder gently to give her more support as she made her way down the steps to the river.
And because Gemma was absolutely a gem (it was no wonder her name was Gemma) you sat with them when she invited you. Harry didn’t protest or act put off so you accepted. Hesitantly.
You learned that the night Harry was an hour late to work, Gemma had been in a terrible car accident that morning. He was with her at the hospital all day until they told him they needed to do surgery and he wouldn’t be able to see her until the following day anyway. He made the decision to go to work to keep his mind busy and off of the accident and how worried he was for his sister.
That was why he was late. And only an hour. Given the circumstances, that was actually quite good. You felt bad for being happy he had a family emergency that had kept him away for two weeks.
The waitress came around and took your order. You were a little surprised that Harry ordered the Baja tacos. So you picked something else off the menu not wanting to make it look like you were copying him or anything. But that was a bit disappointing. The Baja tacos at Mary’s were the best.
The three of you chitchatted and Harry was being quite pleasant to your absolute shock. You figured that he was pushing down his urge to be his usual self around his sister. He even commented that he liked your haircut. He noticed it. Another surprise.
“These are the fucking best,” Harry said with his mouth full of the crispy fish taco, “Have you ever tried these? Like, the first time I got them I couldn’t believe they were good because this is just some random tourist bar, but goddamn these are good.”
You nodded with a smile as you looked down at your mushroom burger. The Baja tacos were the best thing on the menu but you made the sacrifice and went with the veggie mushroom burger. Which was good. But not Baja taco-good.
 how’s it working with this dickhead?” Gemma said as she gestured toward Harry with a big grin.
Harry groaned and rolled his eyes and looked at you. He knew you weren’t a fan of his. He knew he was a dickhead. He was probably curious as to how you’d respond to his sister with this question.
You laughed and looked from Harry to Gemma, “Well, he is a dickhead. But he’s professional and he works hard. The people who come into Reggie’s like him.”
It wasn’t bad sitting with Harry and his sister. Harry was a bit more charming than he normally was. He wasn’t acting cocky or shitty. He was just being a nice, normal guy. It was a different side to him that you’d only gotten small glimpses of before. But the entire hour and a half with Harry and Gemma, Harry had been kind. And his eyes on you had you feeling like there was something there. It wasn’t obvious or anything but he'd flirted with you in the past and you’d seen the look before.
When the waitress came back you split the bill and then stood up from your chair to help Gemma up with Harry on her other side.
“Guys, I’m sorry to do this but I’ve got to pee, so
” she spoke as she stood to her feet.
You followed behind her and Harry as they made their way inside Mary’s so Gemma could use the toilet. You figured you’d help them back up the steps to the street. It definitely was for Gemma’s sake only because she was so sweet. Certainly not because you found yourself enjoying your time with Harry or that you were hoping for another stolen glance. Certainly not that.
When Gemma disappeared into the women’s room Harry turned to you, “Hey
 I know I’m kind of shit. I have no good excuse for how I treat you. Or how I treat anyone else. Gemma’s accident has made me think about things a little differently,” Harry picked at his finger and looked up at you, “Anyway, I’m sorry, Y/n, for being a prick.”
You took his apology in as if you’d just won a free vacation. It was unexpected but also something you felt you deserved. You weren’t sure how to respond at first. You just stared at the handsome man for a moment dumbfounded.
When Harry grinned softly and perked up a brow he asked, “Are you okay?”
You shook your head to clear your confusion and blinked, “Uh
 yeah. I’m okay. I just didn’t expect an apology at all. I’m
 Well, thank you for that. I accept your apology.”
You helped Harry steady Gemma up the steps to the sidewalk and said polite goodbyes as you parted. But you didn’t stop thinking about Harry on your way to Trader Joe’s. How different he was at Mary’s Tap. He was
 kind, likable even. And he apologized on top of it all. It had you regretting how angry you were with him that night and how you were glad he was gone from work with you for two weeks. He actually had a reason for it all. A fucking good reason and so you felt bad. Not too bad, though. Harry had been an absolute dick to you. There was no excuse for the way he treated you that night. But now you understood it at least.
You grabbed your favorite items at Trader Joe’s (chicken soup dumplings, Palak paneer, and cauliflower gnocchi were always on the list) and walked home with your head in the clouds a little. You’d always found Harry quite attractive. Most people did. Harry was physically gorgeous. Lanky and slightly muscular, broad shoulders, a handsome, angular face with a prominent nose, light green eyes, long, soft dark curly hair, a pretty neck
 You kind of had a thing for necks and when Harry put his hair back in a bun you could stare at the back of his neck when he was turned away without him noticing. And then there was his voice. God his voice
 The first time you heard him speak you thought you were in a dream. A handsomely deep voice with a bit of a rasp, and a breathy laugh, all wrapped in a sexy British accent. And god you couldn’t even get started on his dimples. Or his big hands

Harry wasn’t just your type. He was everyone’s type. But his personality left something to be desired. You always imagined that if he were just a tiny bit nicer you’d have been more willing to suck him off that day at your boss’s party. You didn’t need a nice guy. Just someone who was respectful and didn’t treat you like shit. Your standards weren’t wildly high you didn’t feel. But Harry had been too disrespectful toward you at times.
But now? Had he really changed for the better? Did his sister’s accident make him a little nicer? Or was this just temporary?
For the first time in weeks, at your next shift, you were disappointed Harry wasn’t working with you behind the bar. Phillip was great. He’d been a star. You appreciated how pleasant he was but you had really been looking forward to seeing Harry. Finding out if he really was a little more pleasant. But that wasn’t in the cards for you that day.
Instead, at around 11 pm, a past mistake named Jude walked into the bar and as the night progressed he made it clear he wanted to see you after you got off work. He was never one to be shy, but why would he? Jude was a very attractive man. Used to getting anything he wanted. He was dressed in a button-down shirt, nice and crisp, tucked into well-fitted trousers. He had his sleeves pushed up to his elbows, showcasing his strong forearms and he kept his eyes on you for most of the night, despite the guy sitting next to him.
“There’s a small get-together tonight at a friend’s. Would be nice to have you join me if you’re free when you get off,” Jude had his elbows on the bar, leaning in toward you. The wire-rimmed glasses on his face somehow made him look super sexy. Like a hot professor or something. You were trying so hard to ignore the way you wanted to indulge in your past mistakes but his blue eyes, soft lips, curly hair, and that stupid smirk were wearing away at your resolve.
You shook your head, “I get off at 1. No one’s having a get-together at 1 am, Jude.”
Jude didn’t falter, “Love how you say my name. Always have. But honestly, my friends told me to come by whenever. They said they were staying up all night. Besides, if it winds up being too late, I happen to live in the same building
” his smile widened, “and we can just have our own little get-together. Up to you.”
And there it was.
You hadn’t gotten any in a while. Months. In fact, it might have been Jude who was last in your bed now that you thought about it. You weren’t hard up or anything but Jude was looking awfully tasty tonight.
You squinted as you looked him over before turning back to serve another guest. You weren’t going to give him an answer just yet. The last time you got involved he hurt you. You two were casually dating for a couple of months but you’d gotten too attached too fast. Jude was not interested in anything serious and you knew that. But it didn’t stop your heart from breaking every time he was out with someone else. And then one day he told you it was over because he’d fallen in love with someone else and he wanted to get serious with them. That was a big blow to your ego. He was the first man you’d ever cried over.
But now here was looking like a hot daddy and asking you back to his place to fuck. Well, he didn’t say it in so many words but that’s what he wanted. It was clear. And you did too. Maybe just a night of fun with an old fling would be fun. Right?
Needless to say at 1 am when you left Reggie’s, Jude was leading the way to the Uber he’d ordered.
The condo building was across town. On the drive to this “get-together,” Jude wasted no time in shoving his tongue down your throat and groping your crotch. But you did little to stop it. You were definitely feeling the effects of his charm. Or maybe it was just that you were missing the action.
The party was on the 5th floor. Jude lived on the 7th, you remembered. He knocked on the door and you could hear some music slipping under the door into the hallway so you figured there really was a party of some sort.
When the door swung open you were met with a pair of forest green eyes and long dark hair. The newly familiar face was staring back at you with a big grin.
“Y/n? What are you doing here? Oh my god! Harry!! Look who’s here!” Gemma shouted into the hallway behind her.
Gemma ushered you and Jude inside, the door swinging closed behind you. You noted that Gemma was still limping but she seemed to be moving much better.
“I had to throw a small party. I’ve been so cooped up and just looking at Harry’s face all day every day was driving me crazy!” Gemma spoke excitedly.
Before you turned the corner you saw him, “Yeah? Who
” he stopped in his tracks when he realized you were there.
His face brightened and then he looked at Jude, then back to you, the bright features slowly fading, “Oh
 hey, Y/n. Jude. You two come together?”
“We did. And we will later on as well,” Jude said smugly turning to you with a wink.
You cringed at his dumb innuendo. It might have been funny if you weren’t standing face-to-face with Harry, who was looking like sex on legs. Harry of course didn’t even have to try. He just had it. Even with his hair in a bun and graphic t-shirt, he blew Jude out of the water. But it was the way Harry was looking at you after Jude’s remark that really had you feeling a little icky. Guilty?
Was that disappointment Harry wore on his face? You weren’t sure exactly.
Gemma limped back to the three of you with two cans of beer in hand, “For the guests
” she smiled, totally unaware of the turmoil you were suddenly faced with.
You learned the apartment was Gemma’s. She owned it. Harry lived with her. It was small but cute and the finishes were very nice. She had a balcony that overlooked a shared courtyard facing many other balconies.
There were about six other people in the apartment, all of whom you didn’t know. Jude knew a couple of them but you could hardly pay attention to polite introductions when your eyes kept searching for Harry.
When you spotted him outside on the balcony by himself, you excused yourself and walked outside with him, the cool night air hitting your skin and feeling refreshing. It was getting too stuffy inside with Jude next to you. You suddenly didn’t want anything to do with him anymore.
“It’s nice out,” you spoke. Harry turned his head to see you just as you put your elbows onto the railing, mimicking his stance looking out over the courtyard. He nodded and then turned his sight back to the courtyard below in silence.
You cleared your throat, not really knowing what to say. You didn’t know why you were so worried about what Harry thought of you arriving with Jude. It wasn’t like you and Harry were dating, or anything even remotely close to that. But somehow you wanted to feel out the situation. Maybe he liked you. Maybe he wanted more than just the occasional flirtation. But it was silly all these ideas in your head because Harry had mostly only ever been a fuckface toward you. Yet, you were soft toward him from the small handful of times he was nice or flirty. And especially after lunch at Mary’s Tap the other day. That had changed everything.
“So, Gemma seems to be feeling good. How’s it going taking care of her?” You figured you’d ask him a question that he’d need to use his voice to respond to you with.
Harry shifted and looked down further over the balcony before clasping his hands onto the railing in front of him and pushed himself so he was angled to face you, “Yeah. She’s been really good. I told her maybe a party wasn’t a great idea but she’s 30. Not much I can do. Probably be back at Reggie’s next week,” he gave a weak smile and looked through the sliding glass doors to see inside and then back to you, “So you know Jude?”
You hadn’t expected him to ask about Jude. In fact, you sort of thought that he more than likely didn’t even care. You thought it was unlikely Harry would be arsed to know about you and Jude, even if you did think you saw the smallest look of disappointment on his face.
You nodded, “Yeah. Used to date. He came into the bar tonight and invited me here
” you laughed and looked down at your hands on the railing and then turned your body to face Harry, “but, he’s just the same as he used to be. Probably shouldn’t have come back with him.”
Harry shrugged and let out a grunt of hmmph
 “Well, he is attractive. Quite attractive. I can see why you’d be persuaded.”
You pulled your lips into your mouth and turned to look inside at the people, “Yeah
 it’s really the only reason I did. But I’m only reminded of the past now that I’m seeing him again. He hurt me so,” you shook your head and looked back at Harry, “that’s why I think it was probably a bad idea.”
“He hurt you?” Harry’s brows scrunched together a bit causing vertical frown lines at the bridge of his nose to appear.
You smiled, “It was months ago. I started having feelings and then he wanted to see someone else. No big deal.”
Harry frowned, “He dated you and then decided to let you go for someone else? That was his bad.”
You didn’t know how to respond to that. You looked at Harry for a moment longer and then turned to look back down at the courtyard, Harry following suit. It was moments like that that made your heart pitter-patter. His intense gaze. His eyes. It wasn’t much. But it was a shared glance that was a beat longer than normal. It felt like something.
A few moments of silence enveloped you both until Harry turned his head to look at you and speak, “So, you’re not like, with him then? You’re not going back to his place after this?”
You blinked your eyes and his questions felt like an opening. He was opening up some kind of dialogue that could possibly lead somewhere. You would take the bait. Why not? What did you have to lose? You liked Harry.
 no. Definitely not with him. I’m glad I came, though. Glad it happened to be at your apartment too
” you spoke as you watched Harry closely for any sign to abandon ship but all you got was a green light when he cocked his head slightly, quirking up a corner of his pink mouth, and his eyes searched your face.
Just then, the sliding glass door was being opened and you heard Jude’s voice, “There you are. Couldn’t find where you wandered off to. So you two know each other?”
Harry stood up straight and smiled at you with a wink before patting Jude on the back and walking inside, leaving you and Jude standing on the balcony together.
You sighed as you watched Harry leave and then turned back to Jude and nodded, “Yeah. We work together.”
Jude turned to look back inside before looking back at you, “Is he the one that’s rude? Heard you talking about some guy you worked with who was an asshole.”
You rolled your eyes. You didn’t realize Jude overheard you and Phillip talking about Harry. Phillip had similar feelings about Harry’s lack of tact. But what Jude obviously didn’t hear was that you didn’t agree with Phillip anymore. You didn’t tell Phillip about Harry’s sister because you didn’t think it was your place, but you did tell him that you felt Harry should be cut some slack and that you felt like he might be going through something.
“Yeah. But Harry’s not that bad. He was kind of a dick at first but, I don’t know
” your words were cut off when Jude put his hands on the railing, caging you in and getting a little closer than you would’ve liked, “What do you say we get out of here soon? I want to get down to business with you. You are looking so good, Y/n.”
You leaned away from him as he moved his face closer to yours in an effort to kiss you. Putting your hands up to his chest to create more space you shook your head, “Actually, Jude. I don’t know. It’s probably not good to do anything. I don’t think it ended well between us last time. Ya know?”
Jude scoffed and pressed his hips to yours, “I had no hard feelings about how we left things. But I can tell you I have some hard feelings right now,” he prodded himself toward you and that’s when you felt him under his trousers.
You laughed in disbelief, pushing harder at his chest to make him move off of you, “Stop, Jude. You were fine when you broke up with me. I was not fine, though. I think I should probably just go home.”
You peered inside and saw Harry watching. He could see the spectacle you two were making, but from his view, it looked like two men enjoying one another’s company. He couldn’t tell you were uncomfortable or that you were pushing at Jude to move him off of you. When he made eye contact with you he turned and disappeared down the hallway.
“Oh come on, Y/n. You used to beg for it. Hell, I used to beg for it. I miss that dick of yours. Haven’t had such a pretty one in a long time
You cut his words off as you opened the sliding door and looked at Jude, “You don’t get to have my dick anymore, Jude. I have suddenly become aware of what I’m doing and I’m telling you, I don’t want it. I don’t want you.”
“Is it Harry? He’s who you want to fuck tonight instead?” Jude spoke in disbelief.
You shook your head and let out a sigh of aggravation before walking back inside.
Gemma was taking a puff of a joint when you sat down next to the coffee table on the floor with your tepid can of beer. You’d barely drunk any of it. Beer wasn’t really your thing, but you were nothing if not polite. You’d drink the beer with a smile on your face. Especially because Gemma was the one who’d given it to you. You really liked her.
The joint was passed around like in one of those 80s movies. You took a puff and passed it along to the girl who sat closest to you. Jude came back inside and tossed his can of beer into the garbage, making a bit of a commotion as he did so.
He plopped himself down close to you and sat back, palms behind himself, “Y/n and I used to date you know,” Jude suddenly spoke loudly over the guy who was talking about his job.
At that moment Harry sat on the couch next to Gemma and took the joint from her to take a hit.
“Really?!” Gemma responded. Harry perked a brow up toward Gemma and then looked at you.
“Yeah. For a few months. Didn’t work out but I saw him at the bar tonight. Didn’t even know he worked there! Didn’t know you worked there either, Harry,” Jude spoke loudly, obnoxiously and then he looked at Harry.
Harry narrowed his gaze at Jude but didn’t speak.
“That’s enough, Jude,” you spoke, quietly leaning toward him.
“I don’t think it’s enough,” Jude sat up straight and all eyes were on him, “I think I want to talk about what tonight is about. For you Y/n,” he turned to look at you and now all eyes were on you.
“What?” You scrunched your face and laughed in half embarrassment and half confusion.
“Tonight. You know what I’m talking about. You had your tongue down my throat, your hand on my crotch,” you heard a few small snickers and gasps as people listened to Jude expose everything you’d done just before you got to Gemma’s apartment, “and now suddenly you’ve changed your mind? So what was this?”
You had your mouth open to respond but you didn’t know what to say. Was he serious? Jude could be forward, pushy even, and you knew he had no shame, but this? You looked at Harry who gave away no emotion on his face. He was looking from you to Jude.
“Well? What is it? I thought maybe you were into Harry and that’s why you suddenly lost interest,” silence from everyone listening to the drama unfold before them, “but then you were just talking shit about him with your co-worker, Phillip was it? So, couldn’t be Harry,” Jude gestured toward Harry.
Now everyone looked at Harry and then back to you and then Jude. It would have been comical if you weren’t the spectacle thrown into the middle of the show.
You shook your head, “No. I wasn’t talking shit about Harry. That’s not true
“Oh but it is. I heard you at the bar, and then again just now I asked you and you said that he was a dick. So what is it Y/n?” Jude stared you down and you were dumbfounded. You pushed yourself up to standing and one of the guys got up and helped Jude up, saying how he thought it was time to wrap up the party and best if we left.
You ran your hands through your hair and then reached for your beer to at least take it into the kitchen and dump the contents before leaving. This had just gotten so out of hand and you didn’t know how to dig your way out of it. You could deny all you wanted, but it was your word against Jude’s and Harry had seen him close to you on that balcony and you did arrive with him. Most of what Jude said was true. Just not the important details he exaggerated.
You poured your beer out and could hear Gemma telling Jude it was a good time for him to go and you could feel how hot you were in the face. Your ears were burning, your heart was pounding. You were embarrassed and angry. You placed your palms down on the kitchen counter and lowered your head to breathe. It was so fucked. You definitely didn’t want Harry to think you were some flaky liar who was talking shit about him behind his back.
“You’re still here?” Harry spoke from behind you.
You stood upright and turned to see Harry, still no emotion on his face, “I’m leaving. I just wanted to give Jude a chance to get out of here first. Kind of don’t want to look at him. And
 look, I wasn’t talking shit about you. I
Harry shook his head and spoke over you, “Stop. I don’t want to hear it. I know I’ve not been nice to you but I guess it turns out you’re not so nice either.”
You shook your head, “I’m
 I didn’t
” you didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to hear it. Maybe it was a lost cause. “I’m sorry,” was all you could manage.
Gemma walked in behind Harry and smiled at you, “Uh, he’s gone. I think everyone’s leaving now.”
You nodded and looked from Harry to Gemma, “Hey, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.”
Gemma nodded, “It was mostly just Jude. But I think it was a good time to wrap this up anyway. Getting tired,” she yawned into her palm.
You looked back at Harry hoping you could read something from him at all. Any opening. Any green light to plead your case. But all you got were his words, “Time to leave now.”
You walked passed Harry to leave and when you made it to the front door in the hallway Harry stopped you, “I saw you both on the balcony you know. That’s why I don’t believe you,” he had his arms crossed in front of his chest.
This. This was it. The opening for you to plead your case, “No. He was coming onto me. I was trying to push him off,”
“You’re kind of a liar aren’t you?” Harry smiled unamusedly as he spoke with a laugh of disbelief.
“Harry, I swear. I’m not lying here. He was too close and I was pushing him away,”
“Took you a good few minutes to push him away then did it? He’s not bigger than you, Y/n. If you wanted him off of you he wouldn’t have been practically dry-humping you like that,” Harry scoffed and took a step toward you. Now you could see some emotion on his face but it had you confused. He was mad but there was something else there. His eyes moved down your frame and then Gemma stepped into the hallway.
“Hey, do you guys think you could take it in your room or outside? Please?” Gemma looked at Harry and then at you.
“I’m leaving. Sorry
” you said as you reached for the door handle but Harry put his palm on the door to stop you and looked at his sister, “We’ll keep it down. Sorry Gems.”
You watched Harry as he turned back to you, his face set with the smallest bit of anger still, “We’re not done here. Follow me.”
Harry turned and began to walk down the hall and you stood for a moment with a bit of confusion but then you followed behind Harry and into what you assumed was his bedroom. Harry closed the door behind you and stood with his back to his door, arms crossed over his chest.
“Get it all out. Right here. Tell me how much you hate me. How much of a dick I am. How shitty I was to you. Let’s get it all out in the open,” Harry said as he gestured between himself and you.
You stitched your brows together and shook your head, “Harry
 come on. I
 at one point yeah, you were shitty, but let’s move on from that. You apologized already.”
Harry shook his head and pushed himself off the door, making one long-legged stride toward you, “Tell me how much you hate me. To my face.”
You blew out a breath of frustration and blinked, “I don’t. I don’t hate you, Harry.”
And then Harry did it again. He glanced downward over your body and then back up to your eyes, “Tell me now. I’m a dick aren’t I?” He brought his hands up to your shoulders and pushed at you, causing you to move back a little. He didn’t push hard but it was more like a bid for attention. Like how you’d try to nudge someone who wasn’t listening.
“No. You’re not. I don’t think that. You already
” but your words were cut off when Harry shoved at you. A little harder this time. But now you were ready for the nudge and you stood your ground, “Stop, Harry.”
“Oh, you want me to stop?” Harry stepped in closer until he was only inches from you. But you felt the heat of excitement trickle down your torso and to your knees. You kept your eyes on Harry’s bright green ones and didn’t make a move to back away. Like a dare almost. A game of chicken. Who would dodge out of the way quicker? You certainly wouldn’t. The impact would be welcome.
“No actually. I don’t want you to stop,” you spoke with as much confidence as you could muster.
“No? You want me to do this?” He tilted his head to the side in question as he shoved you again, a little harder than the last time, causing you to stumble back just a bit but this time you brought your hands up and shoved at his shoulders equally as hard.
“Yeah. I do,” your words were clear and you didn’t break eye contact.
Harry shook his head and stepped in again until the heat you felt wasn’t just from the excitement of the moment, it was coming from his body. You felt goosebumps rise on your arms when Harry spoke in a whisper, “Push me again. Show me how much you hate me.”
So you did. You shoved at him hard. You weren’t a wimp. You figured you could give him a show if that’s what he wanted.
Harry was knocked back a foot and he laughed, “Is that it? Doesn’t feel like hate to me, Y/n.”
You scoffed and pushed him again, stepping in toward him this time, “No? What’s it feel like, Harry?”
Harry’s chest began to rise and fall, and his breathing deepened. He smirked and spoke, “Feels like foreplay.”
You quirked up the edge of your mouth and pushed at his chest, but followed as he moved back from the force, “Is that what this is, Harry?”
Harry shook his head with a laugh of disbelief, keeping the smirk on his face he lifted a hand and wrapped his fingers around your neck. You swallowed hard. The simmering in his eyes told you all you needed to know. Your own breathing deepened and you stepped in so close to him that your noses were almost touching.
“Doesn’t feel like you hate me. Feels like you wanna fuck me,” Harry’s deep voice was almost vibrating on your skin as he spoke.
You swallowed again and let out a puff of air from your mouth when you felt Harry’s fingers tighten slightly, “You gonna choke me?”
Harry breathed out from his nose and smiled, “Do you want me to?”
You licked your lips and Harry dropped his mouth open slightly. You could feel his breath on your lips, warm, humid. This was foreplay. That’s what he was doing. His little act that started in the kitchen and was eventually brought to his room
 you’d end it here. No more acting.
“Do it,” you spoke as you grazed your lips over his. Harry pushed his nose into the side of yours and you heard him mutter fuck before his lips were slotting between yours and he was squeezing your neck a little harder.
You sucked in air through your nose and brought your arms up over his shoulders and hands into his hair.
He tasted good. His lips were soft and his kiss was encompassing like he’d been starved. Like he needed to get his point across at how turned on he was. You got the hint. Especially when Harry walked you backward to his bed and then shoved you down onto his mattress. You fell down, your bottom hitting the comforter and you looked up at him from your position.
Harry’s cocky smirk reappeared but this time you liked it. You grabbed his arm and pulled him down next to you and pinned his arms down to his sides as you pressed your lips into his neck. You’d always wanted to kiss his neck and you could feel his pulse under the sensitive flesh of your mouth.
Harry gasped and tried moving from your hold but you only tightened it and then licked along his jaw which drew the prettiest moan from Harry’s throat.
“Want me to show you how bad I used to hate you, Harry?” You spoke against his neck and then nipped at the skin.
Harry whimpered and you felt him nod, “Yes.”
You pulled the skin on his neck into your mouth and sucked so you could mark him first and then you straddled his hips and let go of his arms as you tugged at his t-shirt to pull it up. You wanted to take a look.
You knew he had tattoos on his arms and on his chest but you’d never seen his chest bare before. There was nothing in you that was disappointed in what you saw at all. More tattoos than you realized. You lowered yourself down and sucked his right nipple into your mouth, licking around the hair and then you slid a hand up to his neck and kept him held down before you sat back to look down at him.
Harry’s pupils were blown out and he was smiling, “Again. Doesn’t feel like hate at all.”
You laughed and squeezed at his neck, “Oh you’re gonna feel it soon enough. But first I need to know what I’m not allowed to do. As much as I hated you, Harry, I’m still respectful.”
Harry laughed and brought a hand up to lift your t-shirt upward and put his palm on your stomach and moved it upward, “I usually top but I’ll bottom for a good cause. I like everything, Y/n. I’ve got condoms so you can fuck me if you want. Or I can fuck you? Or suck you
 I’m open,” he put a hand over your fingers that were squeezing his neck lightly and he tightened it a bit, “you can punish me if you want.”
God did you want. You were into everything. You liked it all too. You liked a cock inside your mouth or your tight hole. You even liked just frotting. Spanking was fun to give and receive, biting, choking
 If Harry was really open to anything like he said, this could be a good match.
You lowered your mouth to his to taste his lips again and adjusted your position over him so your hips were aligned. His tight jeans were leaving little to the imagination and his cock was already hard. Good. Because so was yours.
You rocked your hips gently over him and Harry put his hands on your back under your shirt, lifting his hips toward yours.
“Let’s take off these clothes,” you parted from his mouth with a gasp and got off the bed, ripping your shirt over your head and Harry did the same.
He watched you pull your jeans down and you took note of the surprise on his face when you weren’t wearing any underwear.
Harry stood up and slowly undid his pants, his eyes on yours, a cheeky grin on his face. He brought his pants down and Harry was also not wearing underwear.
You both laughed but the laughter only lasted a moment before you two were on each other.
“S’really pretty cock, Y/n. Can I suck on it?” Harry mumbled into your neck as he pressed his body into yours.
You moaned and nodded, “Yeah. On the bed.”
Harry’s cock was pretty too. And long. Longer than yours. And Harry was uncut. You loved the feel of an uncircumcised cock. The extra skin was amazing for frotting but also felt so nice inside your bum.
You got on the bed and leaned back while Harry crawled between your legs on the bed and lowered his hands to your thighs and looked up at you as he licked his pink lips, “You can fuck my mouth if you want. I know I deserve it.” His smile was devious.
He lowered his mouth to the inside of your thigh and kissed downward until he met the apex of your leg and your groin. You watched him as she took his time dragging his lips over the thatch of hair at the base of your cock and then used a hand to cradle your balls. He lowered himself down and started off with a gentle kiss to each side before licking them and wetting them as he watched you.
” you moaned quietly. You were well aware that Gemma was just down the hall. You didn’t want to be loud.
Harry opened his mouth and tongued at your scrotum and then he looked up at you again, “Can I pull?”
You nodded. You liked having your scrotum pulled at just a little and then the thin skin licked. Harry got to it right away. He knew what he was doing. You panted as you dropped your mouth open.
Harry’s free hand traveled down to your perineum. He pressed it gently with his thumb and moved up and down which got your heart racing. You moaned.
Harry released your scrotum and smiled up at you, “Can I lick your taint?”
You nodded again and Harry switched out the thumb he was using for his tongue and you shivered.
His nose was nudging into your balls as used his tongue to lick up the small patch of skin next to your anus. You keened and sucked in a sharp breath, then a husky pant fell from your mouth.
Harry slowly brought his hand up to your dick, wrapped his big hand around your shaft, and began yanking upward. He moved himself up and sat back before bending over to spit a gob of saliva over your tip. He smoothed it down, leaving a shiny path under his palm and then he opened his mouth as he lowered himself, licking the tip with his wet tongue and kissing your slit.
“Oh god
” you whispered in anticipation of what he was about to do.
Harry looked at you as he stroked you upward with one palm, “I’ve been wanting to do this to you for so long now, Y/n. I hope you like it.”
Harry’s lips wrapped around your tip and that was it for you. You threw your head back and whimpered as he sucked you off. He didn’t go too deep. He kept one hand at your base and pumped while he sucked, licked, and moaned over your tip and a few inches of your dick underneath.
You bent your knees and lifted your hips a bit as you looked down at him, “Holy
 oh god
” you kept your volume low but it was hard with your cock in Harry’s mouth.
Harry’s pupils had dilated and his mouth was wet and pink as he slowly pulled his mouth from you, “Come on. Give me my punishment. Fuck my mouth,” his voice was raspy and deep and you could feel his breath on your tip.
You laughed. He really wanted it. So you’d give it to him.
Moving Harry back, you pushed his chest and sat up to your knees, and pointed at the bed, “Lie down on your back.”
Harry moved to lay down flat on his back and watched as you straddled his chest and angled your cock downward to his lips, “Open wide.”
He wasted no time in obeying and you wasted no time in pushing your cock back into his mouth. You went slow at first. The angle was good. You liked getting your cock sucked like this but you knew how it could be a bit rough so you let him get used to it as you began to slowly get yourself deeper inside of him.
When he swallowed around your tip and you heard the first gurgle you smiled down at him but continued your thrusts, “Pinch me if you need me to stop.”
Harry shook his head and sucked around you which made you gasp with delight.
You began pushing down into him harder, hearing his gags and watching his spit drizzle down his face made you feel like you were in control. You loved how it looked having your cock fuck his pretty face.
“I used to hate you,” you groaned as you held onto the headboard, the wet sounds of his mouth being pumped into, “Always wanted to put you in your place.”
Harry squeezed his eyes closed as he listened to you tell him how angry he made you, “Wanted to fucking punch you in your handsome face,” you panted continuing your plunges.
“Wanted to choke you and now I can with my cock down your throat.”
Harry moaned around your cock and you grunted with your pace. You began to vibrate, feeling your orgasm start to build fast. You watched the scene below you and Harry seemed to be enjoying it as much as you were. With one hand on the headboard and your other in his hair you pulled at his roots, “This is what you deserve for everything you put me through.”
You warned him you were coming but he was almost even more eager to take you deeper. He swallowed around your crown just as you released into his mouth. You groaned and shivered as Harry continued sucking and swallowing until you were spent and sensitive.
Harry chuckled when you finally pulled yourself out of his mouth and you looked down at him with a grin, “Fuck, Harry.”
You hadn’t expected him to take it like that. He seemed to enjoy having his throat fucked. And it was hot. You always imagined Harry would be strictly a top with his attitude but he most definitely wasn’t a top when he was gagging and drooling as you were grinding your dick into his mouth.
You collapsed onto the bed next to him with your chest rising and falling heavily. You turned your head to look at the man next to you and he had his hand around his own cock, slowly pulling at it as he watched you with droopy eyes. He hadn’t come yet but he already looked totally fucked out. Harry was gorgeous.
You rolled over to kiss him. His mouth was warm and salty. But you could tell right away how much he was dying to have you touch him so you lowered your hand and pressed your palm over him with your fingers grazing his balls and the hair that surrounded his thick cock.
“What do you want, Harry? I think I got all my anger out,” you laughed as you spoke against his lips.
Harry chuckled and you felt him nod, “I’d say you did,” Harry’s voice came out scratchy and raspy. Harry backed away from the kiss and his face was angelic with a soft smile and parted lips, “You said you like everything. Can I fuck you?”
You had come already but you wouldn’t mind feeling him inside. Perhaps you could even come again with some time. You nodded and grinned, “Whatever you want.”
Harry let out a pant and nudged the tip of his hard cock to yours and he keened with a pained look on his face. He looked down between your bodies and put his palm over his cock and the tips of his fingers around yours so they were pressed together, “Want to fuck you, stretch you open. M’gonna come so hard. You’re so fucking hot, Y/n. God
” he pressed his mouth to yours as he rutted his dick against yours slowly.
His words were sexy and his scratchy deep voice was making your insides turn. You never imagined yourself doing this with him. Well, you’d imagined what he might be like in bed, but never thought it’d actually happen.
Harry rolled over and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. He put the condom over himself and he seemed bigger and thicker than he had been when you first saw him hard. He was so ready to get his dick wet that he was a little shaky as he slid the rubber downward.
Harry looked down at you as you were still lying on your back waiting for his next move.
“I really like when it’s missionary. You can bring your legs up and I can enter you like this,” Harry kneed up to you and grabbed your ankles, pushing them up so your ass was exposed. He poured a healthy dollop of lube over your anus and you felt his fingers slipping around down there.
You liked this position too. You liked being fucked regardless but being able to see Harry’s pretty face was a bonus. Plus, you could have him stroke you while he was fucking you if you wanted.
You moaned when Harry plunged two fingers into your hole. Harry kept his eyes on yours and bit his lip as he fucked your hole a bit harder and then looked down to where his fingers were disappearing inside of you. You closed your eyes and your breathing picked up once again, heavy breaths falling from your mouth when his fingers were grazing your insides and adding that delicious pressure you loved.
“You’re so ready for me, Y/n. So pretty. Can I fuck it now?” Harry was looking at you with his cock in his hand when you opened your eyes and nodded, “Fuck me, Harry.”
Harry’s crown dipped in slowly before he pulled back and grunted a curse before going back in again and sucking in a sharp breath, “Oh fuck
” his deep voice was a bit loud and you hoped Gemma couldn’t hear. You were not into having friends hear you having sex.
Harry’s gentle pushes and pulls into and out of you were nice. You felt the burn with how wide he was but once he was thrusting into you and reaching deep it was good. Really good. Your prostate was being pressed into and sent zips of electricity through your veins.
Harry kept hold of your knees as he plunged deep into you, his breathing was ragged and he was quivering above you, “Y/n
 oh my god
 you feel so good
 looks so good” he whispered as he kept his eyes on the spot his cock was connected with your ass.
You pulled at your thighs and held your legs open as you lifted your neck to watch him fucking you. His abs were flexing and his thighs were holding him steady in a healthy rhythm.
You could only moan quietly and gasp when he dipped in deep. Words weren’t finding you. The bed started to gently rock as Harry bucked into you. He reached down and wrapped his hand around your dick and you whimpered loudly, unable to control it. It felt so good to have your ass fucked and your dick stroked at the same time.
Your mouth dropped open wide at the feeling of letting Harry control everything. You didn’t think you could come again but if he kept up his strokes and thrusts like he was you would definitely be spurting all over your tummy.
“Fuck, Y/n. I’m gonna need more of this with you. Shit, you’re so tight. So hot
” Harry gasped his words as his strong thighs held himself up and over you. He hastened his pace and his pink lips were parted with small grunts and bursts of groans.
Harry placed his palms down on the mattress and continued fucking into you as you reached down to put your hand around your cock. You knew you could come again. Harry was doing everything right and when he’d given a little attention to your dick while he was fucking you it brought your prick back to life. You were hard and ready again.
” you moaned as your body was being rocked with Harry’s plunges. Harry’s chest got more flushed the closer he got to the finish line and he dropped down to bring his lips over yours.
You whined into his mouth and the bit of electricity that you’d felt coursing through your body turned into a light and butterflies. Harry’s lips were wet and soft on yours and you were feeling something more than just being fucked. It was making your heart flutter with something new.
You both whined in breaths as you continued kissing and your hand stayed wrapped around your dick as Harry pushed into you. You could feel him shaking and you began to tremble when your own orgasm was coming so close.
“Can you come, Y/n? Come for me?” Harry grunted his words and kept his lips on yours and you nodded, “Yes, fuck I’m gonna come again Harry
” your voice was involuntarily raised up an octave as you were so out of it with lust and warmth.
Harry’s lips paused over yours as his long strokes into you were setting your groin on fire and he suddenly gasped and whimpered, “I’m coming
” he stopped his thrusts and groaned as you spurted into your hand and a little on your chest.
The bed was still finally as you both basked in your orgasms, pumping come out from your dick and Harry’s into his condom. Heavy breaths and small grunts were all that could be heard.
Harry lowered himself again, his lips finding yours and your feet hit the mattress as you wrapped your arms around Harry’s back. He stayed inside of you for just a bit longer before he finally began to move back and slip out. You both sucked in a sharp breath at the feel and laughed at the state you were both in.
After wiping up in the bathroom and getting water Harry suggested something you hadn’t expected, “Stay the night. It’s late.”
You smiled and looked at the clock. 3 am. That was pretty late. You raised your eyebrows and shrugged, “Guess I could stay.”
Harry locked his bedroom door and turned back to you, “Oh you’re definitely staying. We have a lot to make up for. Don’t you think?” He spoke as he stepped right in front of you, and smoothed a hand up your chest.
You laughed, “I’m kind of done for the night. I came twice.”
Harry raised his brows, “I’m good. I know. We can sleep a little. But I’m not done with you,” he kissed you, his hand finding the back of your head.
This had your heart pattering and dancing in your chest again. You knew Harry was different. Something in him changed just a little bit with Gemma’s accident and even though he was still a bit cocky and mouthy, he was nicer. He wasn’t just an asshole anymore.
You parted from the kiss, “What did you have in mind?”
Harry pulled you to the bed and motioned for you to lie down, “Let’s get some rest and then see where the day takes us when we wake up.”
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mrsriddlenott · 1 year ago
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Rivalry: Chapter One
Regulus Black x Fem!reader
Mutual Pining and Academic Rivals are like my favorites so I’m throwing them together for ReggieđŸ€­
I wanna try a slowburn, so this series will have some short parts that i can update easily between parts of Caught because I hate just not uploading for so long at a time. Fair warning I am going to include a bit of a love triangle later on(there will be NO cheating).
Warnings:Arguing,Language,Angst, Pining, Rivals, “Enemies” to lovers.
You and Regulus never liked each other. Actually, a good way to put it would be to say you hated eachother. But for some reason you were always clouding the brunette’s mind, even when you were yelling back and forth in an empty corridor he absolutely loved it. And despised that he loved it.
Despite the years he spent wanting nothing more than to one up you in any situation, suddenly every time your eyebrows furrowed at him as you began an argument, he’d imagine those eyebrows furrowing below him behind the curtains of his four poster bed. He thought at first it was simply because of your beauty that he was lusting after you, but after months of patrolling the corridors together as Prefects, he came to realize he genuinely liked your presence. Whether you were silent or bickering or yelling, he didn’t mind.
He denied those feelings for as long as possible, deciding instead to observe you from afar, acting as though he hated you while at the same time ensuring you were stuck with him as a partner in every class and during all Prefect duties. He didn’t understand why he shooed away every thought of you or hid his true feelings up until the last possible second, but he was a fool and a coward, he already knew that. As your seventh and final year at Hogwarts began, it dawned on Regulus that he’d likely never see you again once the year ended, making the dreadfully long school year suddenly seem far too short.
He could no longer deny he felt something real for you as he stood in the corner of the Slytherin common room, seething while he watched you dance against Barty Crouch Jr. The welcome back party was in full swing as you enjoyed yourself before you inevitably needed to become an image of responsibility.
You could feel his eyes on you, you could always feel his eyes on you. Almost immediately after you and Regulus became Prefects in your fifth year, it became increasingly difficult to avoid spending time with him. Though secretly you weren’t complaining, you’d always imagine what it would be like if he wasn’t so closed off. He was down right mean to you at times, and yet he clouded your thoughts all the same.
You always found yourself locking eyes with him in class, cursing yourself as you rolled your eyes away from his. You hated that you felt the way you did, but honestly you hated that he didn’t feel the same much more. This time, as your eyes locked, there was something new behind his irises. Something you never would have expected only two years earlier, jealousy.
You knew it couldn’t be a good idea, but after plying yourself with copious amounts of liquor you didn’t mind making a few bad decisions. You winked at Regulus’, biting your lip and making him go rigged in the corner before you turned yourself in Barty’s arms and captured his lips in yours.
Regulus wasn’t a jealous person, he’d accepted long ago that any girl wanting a member of the Noble House of Black would simply run to his brother, but you never did. You never even seemed the tiniest bit interested in Sirius, or anyone else for that matter. Maybe thats why it was so easy to stay calm all these years, his girl never seemed to have eyes for anyone. Until now. He never would have imagined the pure rage he felt as he stormed through the party, yanking you off Barty as you smiled drunkenly up at him with swollen lips.
“Come on, we have a project in Potions tomorrow and you can’t be hungover, I won’t be failing,” Before you could register what was happening he was pulling you down the stairs as you stumbled after him to the girls dormitory. To your surprise he immediately distinguished your dorm from the others and pulled you inside.
He dropped your wrist as he grumbled to himself, walking to your dresser and pulling out one of your oversized t-shirts and a pair of leggings, “Take these, get out of that dress, and go to bed.” He demanded in a stern voice.
“But I wanna go back to the partyyy” You practically whined in a beg, too drunk to care about the boy standing in your room with a glare.
“You can barely stand y/l/n, I am not letting you back into that party like this.” He grumbled as he shoved the clothes into your hands, turning away as you eyed the back of his head.
“Come on Reggie, let lose, you don’t always have to be the golden boy,” You teased as you began to remove the straps of your dress and shimmy it down your body.
“What did you just call me?” He snapped, turning around without thinking, his cheeks growing a bright red upon seeing your slightly exposed bra as you struggled to remove your dress in your drunken state. He quickly swiveled back around as you huffed and puffed with slurred statements of “stupid thing” and “tight ass dress” making him chuckle.
“Help me out here Reggie,” You sighed, dropping your hands to your sides with a slap as he arched his eyebrows at the wall in front if him, turning to see your dress halfway down your body as you stared up at him with hooded eyes.
“Um okay,” He mumbled as he moved to stand behind you, keeping his eyes upward as he gently pulled the zipper down with a soft chuckle, “It would be a lot easier if you unzipped it,”
“Yeah yeah,” You grumbled as you pushed the dress off of you without a warning, showing him your underwear that didn’t match your bra. He felt like all the oxygen was escaping his body as he watched you struggle to put on the shirt he picked out, your head popping out of the neckline with messy hair before you were hopping onto your bed, disregarding the leggings on the floor.
You yawned once, and then fell into a deep sleep as Regulus stood, shell shocked in front of your bed. For some reason he felt rather creepy being alone in your room hovering over your bed despite his very wholesome intentions. He neatly closed the curtains around your four poster and left a full glass of water on your bedside table before blowing out your candles and slipping out the door.
The next morning when you woke, you had absolutely no clue how you got to your room, or out of your clothes and into knew ones. The last thing you could remember clearly was getting your sixth, or maybe seventh?, cup of punch before dancing with Barty.
“Uh Black, can we talk?” You asked in a shaky voice as his friends eyed you up suspiciously, “It’s really important,” As Regulus took in your disheveled appearance and worried face he mumbled a later to his friends and directed you to a rather quiet section of the corridor before turning back to you.
“Did we
.do anything last night?” You rushed out without meeting his eyes as you stood in front of him, bouncing nervously. “I just
.I barely remember anything and
.and Barty said
.” You stopped, not wanting to believe nor accuse him of what Barty had suspected.
“You think I did something to you while you were drunk?” He asked in a soft voice as he watched your watery eyes meet his. He was hurt, for the first time in a long time he was hurt. “I didn’t. I helped you to bed, got you some water, and left. That’s it.”
You let out an audible sigh as tears slipped past your lashes, “Thank you, I-i was so messed up last night, I don’t wanna think about what could have happened if
” Regulus watched you with a mix of relief and annoyance, you had just almost accused him of the same thing you were now thanking him for preventing?
“You’re lucky y/l/n. Because guess what, Barty was the one all over you last night when you could barely walk properly, I’m sure he jumped to tell you how I pulled you away from him. You could have just come to me, y’know.” He scoffed as he walked past you and into Potions class taking the seat next to yours as you followed suit.
“I didn’t believe him Black, but I had to ask okay?” You whisper shouted as everyone began taking their seats around you.
“If you had to ask than part of you thought I was capable of that.” He said, eyes focused upfront as you watched the side of his face. His jaw clenched so tight you could see the muscle protruding on the side of his cheeks.
“I’m sorry Regulus, you may be a git sometimes but I don’t think you’re a monster.” You whispered as you pushed your chair closer to his.
“I don’t care what you think of me and I dont need your apology” He snapped, making you flinch and jump back as he turned to look at you. His eyes softened as regret began seeping into his stomach at the sight of you scared in front of him.
You looked away from him as soon as you felt your eyes begin to water, focusing solely on Professor Slughorn as Regulus tried to apologize beside you, something that shocked you greatly but didn’t make you waver.
“Just look at me,” He whispered, ignoring his notes entirely and looking only at you. “Come on, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare y-“
“Oh my gods just shut the fuck up!” You shouted, silencing Slughorn and drawing the attention of every student around you as you went red from embarrassment.
“Care to fill us in on your conversation Miss. y/l/n? Mr. Black?” Slughorn’s voice was calm bit stern as you both shook your heads and mumbled “no”.
“Well, you can pick it up in detention tonight then” He said with a tight lipped smile as he turned back to his notes on the blackboard. You dropped your forehead onto the table with a sigh as Regulus watched you with narrowed eyes.
After dinner you slipped out of the Great Hall undetected, fully intending to run to the library and “study” through your detention. Being a teacher’s pet came with some perks after all.
“I knew you’d be here,” Regulus chuckled as you approached the door he was now leant against. “Come on, we have detention little miss perfect
.or did you intentionally plan to avoid me?” His smirk was so annoying you would risk another detention just to smack it off if it weren’t for your lack of any movable muscle as his eyes bore into yours.
“Slughorn wants us to clean Professor Binns’ class since he never does.” You eyed him suspiciously as he waited for you to walk in front of him, “Well go on then you little liar, can’t trust ya now can I?” He chuckled triumphantly at your eyes rolling as you walked past him towards the History of Magic classroom.
Regulus shamelessly watched you as you walked in front of him, deciding you were his whether you realized it yet or not. He’s never had a reason to defy anyone before, but as he watched your hair bouncing behind you and your cloak moving in the breeze giving him glimpses of your legs below. He knew you were the girl he’d marry, whether his Mother was okay with it or not, he’d either die alone or marry the beautiful girl in front of him.
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