#i feel transparency about author earnings is very important
finnlongman · 1 year
if you don't mind sharing, how much do you make from your books/articles?
From my articles, absolutely nothing. Academic publishing doesn't really pay. Well, I did win a prize for the seven Maines article, so I got £200 for that, but a prize is not really the same thing as earning money for it, and my other articles (both published and currently in progress) have all been done for free.
The general idea with academic publishing is, I think, that you will do your research as part of your salaried academic job and publish as part of your contribution to your university's research community. Which is all very well if you have a salaried academic job, but for the rest of us, means you spend a lot of time working for free in pursuit of knowledge. 🤷🏻 It's a broken system but it's what we've got. It's one of the reasons I do my best to make my articles available open-access when I can, because if I'm not getting paid for them, why should anyone else have to pay to read them? I didn't do all that free work to hide them from the people who'd benefit most from them!
As for my fiction, the maths is a little complex due to how advances are structured (and because my first two books were jointly accounted, so I got part of the advance for both of them together, whereas my third book was a separate contract), but roughly it works out at a little over £10k/yr so far. This is, evidently, not a living wage by any stretch of the imagination, which is why I also have a day job, and am actively pursuing multiple genres/writing opportunities to try and increase this number.
The median income for a primary-occupation author in the UK is £7.5k/yr, so by that metric, I'm doing pretty well. Unfortunately, the bar is on the floor. If you want a lucrative job, I cannot recommend either independent scholarship or writing YA fiction, sorry.
This is also why I laugh hysterically and then cry for a while when people make statements about authors being rich, because most of us are earning way below minimum wage even if we're lucky enough to get published. Woohoo, capitalism!
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devil1205 · 1 year
The Tax system in our Nation has been since long. During School times i remember studying about Jaziya A religious tax imposed on Hindus for pilgrimage. But that tax was collected only to benefit some sections not all. This tax was laid by Emperor Qutb-ud-Din Aibak.
This was past history Now we are in 2oth century and things have changed. With ongoing changes even Tax system has gone through massive changes. Long back there were different taxes but now under Modi Government Goods and Service tax(GST) has been introduced. Sounds very beneficial as it has become only one big tax to pay. There might be smaller ones also.
How Many taxes were there earlier or are there now is not the topic of this blog post.My main objective to write is to educate everyone the importance of taxation in our country. Tax is government’s income for running of the country. Just like we earn and make money to run our families in the same way our Government needs income to run the Nation.
Recently a video I had seen on social media that in Restaurants it is not necessary to pay GST tax and if Restaurants are charging you tax then you can refuse them. But to be honest it is important to pay taxes and those who are spreading wrong information are running a parallel economy which will never benefit anyone but few. The Restaurants also have to pay GST tax which they have to show in Audit.Not only Restaurants many big business or service establishments have to show in the Audit the amount of Tax they Pay.
Generally after paying tax or anytime many of us wonder how does our paying tax benefit us or the government. The Answer is whatever development we are seeing like new highways or any sort of development.It is all done by our taxes.Not only development but the salaries of our Soldiers guarding the country or the police force working tirelessly their salaries are from our taxes. Often we have wondered how is all this development or anything possible??it is all due to our taxes we are able to see all this. Even if we do not see the development at least see that our taxes are helping the Defence Unit of this Nation. The Soldiers because of whom we sleep peacefully also need money to feed their families. So we can be proud that our Tax paying is contributing to the soldiers
RTI (Right to information Act)
If it is important to pay taxes for development of our country likewise it is important to know whether our Money which we are paying in forms of Taxes is used properly or no. Hence Right To information plays a vital role in getting information from Authorities about our Money and government has to answer it. We pay our taxes dutifully but many times it happens if government has not done their work accurately .
To check whether our money is used correctly Right to information Act plays a crucial role and it brings transparency.
It is quite true that sometimes our money has been misused and above is a list of scams or say scandals that have happened in our Nation. In 2008 post Attacks on Mumbai in November 26th 2008 when Kasab was caught. Most of our Money we paid to congress they used it for Kasab’s security and food. This created a big uproar and questioned credibility of Government that time. There was huge public outcry as to why a pest like Kasab is being fed on our tax money which was true. Hence Right to Information plays a pivotal Role.
So finally remember that in the end that it is our duty to pay Taxes and contribute to the growth of the Nation. If you do not pay the taxes think about the ways you are cheating the government and not only the government but imagine the Defence unit of the country and the soldiers who protect us. In case you feel you can not trust the government with your taxes Use Right to Information Act and bring Government on the front but do pay taxes.
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fahrni · 2 years
Saturday Morning Coffee
It’s Thanksgiving week here in the States so I had a three day week, which is really nice and I’d like to make it a standard moving forward. Show of hands, whose with me!
I need to have a very serious conversation with Kolby. He woke me up at 5AM, not to go outside, nooooo, he just wanted to get up. Goofy pup.
There is a good side to being awake, I’m alive, I get to write, and I get to drink coffee. Cheers. ☕️
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The Guardian
Sian, I’m seeing a lot of talk about a Martin Scorsese film called Goncharov. But I’ve never heard of a Martin Scorsese film called Goncharov. What’s going on?
This is one of those delightful things that could only happen on the internet. Creative people gonna create.
Maybe Mr. Scorsese should make this film? It would have to be a remake, of course. 😃
John Scalzi
Now, why should we bring back that artisan, hand-crafted Web? Oh, I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a site that’s not run by an amoral billionaire chaos engine, or algorithmically designed to keep you doomscrolling in a state of fear and anger, or is essentially spyware for governments and/or corporations?
That’s right, author John Scalzi also has a really great blog and he understands the power of the open web. He’s also very entertaining on Twitter. Here’s hoping his Mastodon account is just as good.
Want to take your following list from Twitter to @Tumblr? We want to help you do that! Unfortunately, @TwitterAPI is returning an empty list for every user we check with our token using their API. 😕 It's your data, they're locking it up!
— Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt) November 23, 2022
This new emphasis on advertising also undermines Apple’s claims about privacy with its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature and its “Privacy. That’s iPhone” ad campaign. In fact, it appears ATT may have been more about blocking competitors than protecting user privacy. Since Apple introduced ATT, its ad revenue has skyrocketed, leading German regulators to investigate Apple to see if it’s abusing its power.
No matter Apple’s true intentions here it just comes off as a real scumbag move and I’d imagine regulators are ready to pounce.
The Verge
Elon Musk says that Twitter’s check mark program could return on Friday, December 2nd, with a new procedure to verify individual identities in order to resolve impersonation issues. Musk described the new manual authentication process as “painful, but necessary.” Verified checkmarks will also be expanded with additional colors — gold for companies, grey for the government, and the original blue for individual accounts.
Not that it matters but I like this move. I don’t agree with the color coding but I like the idea.
I’d make the people gold, governments blue, and companies gray. As it is having gold for a company makes them seem more important than people. The people make the platform not companies. Oh, and gray for the government feels like a slap in the face to governments.
these big brain posts about twitter’s infrastructure make me all tingly inside https://t.co/qncdcUgAIf
— Amy Hoy (@amyhoy) November 23, 2022
Flicker Fusion
I think Musk is genuniely surprised he hasn’t been able (so far) to bluster his way through this.
We’re finally starting to see cracks in Musks three ring circus. He’s spending so much time at Twitter blowing it up he’s ignoring Tesla and Space X.
Here’s hoping he hires an adult to run Twitter soon. 🤞🏼
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I know I wasn’t alone in chuckling when the new Warner Bros. Discovery C.E.O. David Zaslav announced on an earnings call last week that he’d really like to do “something with J.K. on Harry Potter going forward,” noting that his film executives “haven’t done a Harry Potter movie in 15 years.” You don’t say! one rival exec texted, echoing a few calls I got from others on the Warners lot. People are terrible.
You need more than JK Rowling to boost your profits Mr. Zaslav but you know that.
Comic Sands
Horror icon Stephen King became the latest celebrity to mock billionaire Elon Musk following his move to reinstate former Republican President Donald Trump to Twitter.
Stephen King, another author I love, is also extremely entertaining on Twitter and I hope he to makes his way to Mastodon.
I wish he and Mr. Scalzi would consider running their own Mastodon instance and invite authors to join them. That would be amazing.
Tumblr will add support for ActivityPub, the open, decentralized social networking protocol that’s today powering social networking software like Twitter alternative Mastodon, the Instagram-like Pixelfed, video streaming service PeerTube, and others.
I think this is a brilliant idea. Tumblr is a great little micro blogging platform and this will bring a massively scaled ActivityPub instance to the fold.
When I saw this announcement my gut reaction was ”Yes! I must get a job there to help!” Yeah, seriously, that’s how I felt. Luckily I remembered how much I love WillowTree and came to my senses.
Here’s wishing the Tumblr team all the best! 🧡
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The Viscount’s fiancee [Anthony Bridgerton x Reader]
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Title: The Viscount’s fiancee Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Female!Reader Word count: 3k Published: 7 March, 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: [x] Being engaged to the eldest Bridgerton brother makes you the happiest person alive, occasionally so much so that it makes you act as though you were a foolish child. But all that giddiness is about to disappear upon your findings.
Bridgerton Masterlist | Masterlists
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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Viscount, Anthony Bridgerton was known for many reasons. The Bridgerton family was wealthy and highly respected in the ton. Many mothers wanted to marry off their daughters to one of the Bridgerton brothers, but of all Anthony had the worst standing. He was dashingly handsome, very prominent and certainly well educated, but his reputation as a rake preceded him.
When the news of your engagement surfaced, even Lady Whistledown wrote of you with a great deal of respect namely as the woman who tamed one of the wildest Bridgertons. You just laughed it off, but deep down you felt somewhat proud. You have been friends from a very young age and since your families have had a long and close relationship, it was inevitable to grow close to the siblings. In your teenage years, however, you fell for the man’s charm and humour, even his brooding moments. Although his proposal came as a surprise, knowing your relationship was always stranded at the stage of a friendship, when he kneeled down in front of you and asked for your hand in marriage, the amount of pure happiness you felt made you feel like you were walking above the clouds.
Hurrying down the stairs, you held onto the side of your dress before attempting to fall face down, but your clumsiness seemed to be greater as you accidentally let your dress fall on one side. Your own foot tangled up in the hem of your dress and the weight of your body pulled you dangerously close to the ground. In fear, you closed your eyes, heart pumping dangerously against your chest, anticipating a painful and loud landing, However, before you could have encountered the most embarrassing moment of your life, a strong arm locked around your waist, pulling your back against a hard chest. At first you didn’t dare to open your eyes, you squeezed them shut, afraid of your saviour’s identity, but the significant cologne reminded you of one very important person.
Turning around in his arms, you opened only one eye, peeking up at your hero. He wore an adoring, lopsided smile as he shook his head disapprovingly. You scrunched your nose as you opened your other eye and rearranged your expression into an innocent smile, trying to mask your embarrassment.
“I take it you were in a haste to see me?” he asked, his deep voice holding a humorous tone. Indeed, his arrival sparked such curiosity in you that you couldn’t possibly wait a second more to slow your steps and descend down the stairs as though a lady should. You have barely spent a couple of hours apart, but there you were missing him endlessly, involuntarily bringing out a giddy little child within you. The love you felt for him couldn’t have been more obvious and whilst you attempted to act less transparent, it never seemed to work. Anthony wasn’t an oblivious man, nor were you the best actress of the ton.
“I was simply heading to the drawing room,” you replied nonchalantly, trying to convince him that for once his presence didn’t affect you as deeply as he already knew.
“I’m quite certain the drawing room is upstairs,” he huffed playfully. Indeed, the previously mentioned room was upstairs and making yourself look as though you were a fool didn’t seem to help your case.
“I was thirsty,” you quickly added, hoping to stop Anthony from questioning you any further.
“Should you have called the maid, she would have brought the drink to your room,” he added, his smirk growing slightly, enjoying your foolishness.
“Anthony Bridgerton,” you called his name in a warning tone, earning a heartfelt laughter from the man, knowing you have reached your patience. Although you have not been married yet and only announced your engagement a week or so ago, you were very close to one another, hence the reason his arm around you for longer than appropriate didn’t seem to bother you nor him. Your father loved the eldest Bridgerton brother greatly even though he knew of his reputation, therefore he didn’t mind finding you alone with him, but he never failed to mention keeping a distance until you were married.
“I apologise, but you were never a good liar,” he chuckled at your failed attempt to mask your love for him.
“I know, I’m well aware of it. But exposing me is very unfair,” you pouted in the least lady-like manner. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you steadied yourself on the stairs, Anthony’s arms leaving your body cold after his warm embrace.
“Why is it unfair?” he furrowed, slightly confused about your words.
“Because you know I love you. You know I love you very much,” you replied with a saddened expression as you started heading down the stairs. “It’s not funny when I clearly know I am making a fool out of myself in front of you,” you shook your head, disappointed in your own behaviour. Whilst you knew Anthony cared for you dearly, you always felt as though your feelings were deeper, stronger. Sometimes foolish thoughts ran across your mind, ones that tried to convince you Anthony didn’t love you the way you wished he did, that he might have only loved you as a friend from his childhood, someone he was used to being around.
Anthony quickly headed after you, grabbing your wrist as gently as he could, halting your steps as he turned you around to face him. “What are you talking about? I love that foolish, careless personality of yours,” he said, his tone slightly confused. “Have I done something to you?”
“I know being straightforward about such a subject is meant to be rude, but you have known me for years, Anthony. I need to know something, and I would like you to answer honestly, please,” you almost begged the man as he stood in front of you, his eyes wide in surprise, your seriousness unfamiliar to him.
“I’m always honest with you,” he added.
“Thank you,” you let a small faux smile spread across your face as you heaved a deep sigh, collecting the courage to ask your question. “Are you marrying me because my father asked you to or was it you who asked him for my hand?” you questioned, knowing he never talked about the arrangements between him and your father. You always felt safe and secure around him and falling for him happened from one day to another, it was inevitable for you. But for him, you couldn’t decide when and what changed. At once, he appeared in the drawing room with a bouquet of red roses and kneeled down in front of you, proposing to you, promising happiness forever. You were too happy to question his intentions then, but as the days passed as though your insecurities resurfaced, you couldn’t possibly think about anything else, but the reasons behind his sudden interest in you.
You furrowed at the long silence, tears collecting in your eyes at the realisation, chest weighing a ton. Anthony didn’t speak, he didn’t confirm it verbally, but you understood. The engagement wasn’t his idea to begin with and it all started to make sense. He never tried to kiss you, touch you in secret, he never tried to act as though you were lovers. Knowing it was inappropriate shouldn’t have stopped him, his time as a rake wasn’t a secret after all, he was a passionate man.
Gulping loudly, you took a step back, removing your wrist from his hold. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he spoke up finally, his voice filled with guilt.
“Should you have told me, I would have understood and stopped making a fool out of myself,” you replied, your unshed tears finally escaping down your cheeks. Heavy weight settled in your chest, your air seemingly stuck in your lungs, suddenly the mere thought of Anthony caused you tremendous amounts of physical and emotional pain.
“You misunderstand, I-” he tried to explain himself, but you didn’t give him the chance to and cut him off.
“But do I?” you asked with tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes as you fought against the loud sobs trying to escape your lungs. “You have accepted my father’s request to marry me! I never wanted to feel pitied, I never wanted to feel as though I could only marry out of an arrangement. I confessed my feelings for you, Anthony,” you sobbed loudly. Anthony reached for you to hold you, but you pushed his arms away and took a step back. “Do you understand how terrible it is to realise that the man you love pretended to be interested in you because of a mere agreement? Anthony do you realise?” you emphasised your words, but instead of speaking his mind, he stood in front of you gaping silently as though he wanted to say something, but not a word nor a sound left his lips. “Please, I’m begging you, leave now,” you whispered in a weak tone. Attempting to look less of a pitiful woman than you already felt as you walked around Anthony’s stunned figure towards the garden.
“I can’t leave. Please listen to me,” he turned around, calling you after a moment of silence, but you pretended to be deaf to his words. “Please!” he hurried after you as you exited the mansion, the warm rays of the sun warming up your body. The door closed behind you loudly, but within a second Anthony followed you out to the garden. “You must listen to me. It’s a misunderstanding,” he tried to convince you.
“No, it isn’t,” you replied in a firm tone, not wanting to hear any excuses from the man you made a fool out of yourself for.
“You completely misunderstand,” he tried to explain himself once again, but you didn’t let him continue. His excuses were more painful than the thought of him having no feelings for you.
You stopped in your spot, turning towards the eldest Bridgerton brother with a stern look on your face. Anthony hasn’t seen much anger from you throughout the years, but the pain you were harbouring in that moment scared him. He never meant to hurt you, he wanted a chance to explain his side to you, but the look across your usually happily glowing eyes now held darkness.
“Talk to my father, Mr. Bridgerton. I wish not to marry you anymore,” you clenched your jaw, your tone holding pure disappointment against the man who you loved so dearly. “Should you want to continue with the marriage, I will make your days miserable from your very first, to you very last,” you whispered the last part of your sentence, warning the man of your wrath.
“I will not break the contract!” he replied firmly without hesitation in his voice. “I need you to listen to me carefully,” you were about to stop him, his words angering you even further, but he didn’t let you interrupt him. He was determined to explain himself. “I’m quite certain I had a choice in the matter, I could have very well said no. You have been my friend for as long as I can remember, and I treasure our friendship. Do you really take me for a man who would want to hurt those he loves intentionally? I don’t love you as a mere friend I grew up with. I love you as a man loves a woman, as a husband loves a wife. I intended to ask for your hand in marriage, but your father seemed to be quicker than I could have even asked.”
“Why should I believe you?” you asked, voice softer, heart filling with hope. You wanted to believe him, his words made you hope, feeling foolish once again, but words didn’t mean as much as actions.
“Would I ever lie to you? I certainly didn’t mention the agreement, but regardless of that detail, my feelings are genuine,” he hesitantly stepped closer to you, hoping you wouldn’t turn and run away from him. As you stayed still, he dared to continue. “I have never lied to you and I don’t intend to start now. Should you question my intentions, I understand, but that will not change my feelings for you,” he took another step closer, your firm stance lighting a slight hope within him, but the fear across your face made him cautious.
“I wish nothing more than to believe you, but I confessed my feelings for you, and you have said nothing,” your voice hitched as you tried to stop your loud sobs from escaping. “I was a fool for you, but not once did you try to hold me, kiss me, make me feel as though I meant more than a mere friend, as though I was a woman in your eyes,” you replied as your eyes filled up with tears, glistening as you gazed at Anthony. His scoff surprised you, his unexpected reaction making you confused.
“I wanted to. I want to. I want to hold you, kiss you, touch you, I want to wake up beside you,” he heaved a heavy sigh, biting his bottom lip. “I’m trying to be a gentleman, but you are not helping my situation. Do you think it’s easy for me to sit beside you, hold onto your hand and smile as though I was an angel? I’m not an angel,” he groaned almost painfully. “I wish nothing but to pull you against me, pamper your neck with kisses, ran my hands across your body and taste your lips on mine” the passion behind his words, the low, dangerous tone he used to speak to you left your cheeks flushed, your lips parted in surprise. His eyes were dark, determined, his whole posture dominant. “I wish I could turn it off and on, because it makes me mad how much I want you,” he added as he took another step closer, forcing your back against the cold wall of the mansion. You couldn’t possibly focus on anything, but the feeling of his chest flush against yours, his darkening eyes watching you eagerly, his irregular breathing slightly tickling your lips, your stomach twisting into a knot.
Shaky breaths left your lungs, voice nowhere to be found. You wanted to stand on your tiptoes and attach your lips to his. You wanted to know the feeling of his mouth against yours, the taste of his lips. Those couple of inches between you never felt more unnecessary.
“My lord,” you spoke in an uncertain tone, whispering those words you barely ever said to him. “Show me how much,” he swallowed heavily as the words left your lips, his jaw tightened as though he was in physical pain from trying to control himself. Involuntarily, but he leaned closer, his hot breath lingering above your parted lips. “Please,” you added in a whisper, placing a hand on his cheek, caressing his skin with the tip of your thumb as you licked across your lips in anticipation.
As though that was the last piece of thread holding him back, he broke under your spell, wrapping his arms around your waist and closing the gap between your longing lips. There was no hesitation in his movements, he leaned down to meet your lips as though his life depended on your kiss.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, he deepened the kiss, awakening thousands of butterflies in the deepest part of your stomach, fluttering, flapping their wings, sending your heartbeat into a dangerous speed, weakening your knees. You couldn’t possibly imagine the feeling of being kissed, you weren’t experienced in that matter, but your body reacted involuntarily to Anthony as though you have been craving for something you have not known.
Anthony’s hand wandered up to the back of your neck, pulling you closer, even though you didn’t realise it was possible. His lips felt soft against yours, addictive, completely capturing your whole being. He didn’t need words to convey his feelings. The way he held you in his arms, his body engulfing yours, keeping you safe from anything or anyone who could possibly hurt you, his actions spoke for themselves.
He hinted a small peck on your swollen lips, before he left another and another, making you smile in content.
“Should you question my intentions again, I will have to repeat that,” he chuckled, slightly out of breath. Your eyes wandered to his lips, eagerly wishing for him to repeat his actions, wanting to feel his inviting lips on yours.
“I’m unsure of the right answer,” you breathed, attention completely captured by his plump lips. The dazed look across your face made him laugh loudly, throwing his head back, not being able to contain his happiness. His laughter brought a content smile across your face as you watched the man you loved in a blissful moment, his mere laughter filling your chest with a warm feeling.
“Do you believe me now?” he asked as his laughter died down, however, his lopsided grin didn’t disappear.
“I wish to say that I do, but-” once again your gaze found his lips, vivid memories of them attached to yours clouding your mind. “then you would not repeat- that,” you breathed in uncertainty, cheeks feeling hot in your embarrassed state.
“Would you like us to repeat that?” he chuckled with a mischievous smile. “Would you like me to kiss you once again?” he asked, slowly running a hand down your arm, leaving goosebumps after his trail, before linking his fingers with yours. No words could possibly leave your lips, an uncertain nod was the only sign of your agreement. He smirked proudly at your stunned expression as he started off in haste towards the back of the mansion, lightly pulling you after himself. You frowned at his actions, feeling oblivious as to what he was planning, before he gently shoved your back against a hidden wall, wrapping an arm around your waist, stopping his movements for a second. “I love you and I want you,” he whispered against your lips with shaky breaths, but a loving and warm smile on his face. “I will show you how much on our wedding night, but until then,” he smirked, before meeting your lips half-way, stunning you for a second, before you melted your body with his, wanting to feel him as much as you could for now.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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hermit-pistol · 4 years
Rohan Kishibe Fluff Alphabet:
The second full alphabet is finally finished, woohoo! This one goes out to all of my Rohan lovers-  Make sure to like, reblog, and click under the cut! It means a lot! 
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Rohan will want to show you the things that he’s passionate about, and that mainly includes his artwork and enjoying art together! When you want to get out of the house, you guys enjoy walks in the park. Fresh air does you well.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He really loves your attention to detail. If he parts his hair differently? You're going to notice. If he draws a manga panel with an extra that looks eerily similar to your likeness? Of course, you're going to notice.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
In theory, he figures that he'd be inconvenienced, but once it actually happens his tune changes real quick. He soon realizes that when in a relationship, selfishness isn't an option. His arms will be open, all he's waiting for you to do is to run into them.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Rohan's forte isn't long term thinking. Unlike the issues of his manga, life can't be planned out and anticipated. He does see himself with you in the foreseeable future, though. For the present, he treasures each day he spends with you.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
You would think that Rohan would be dominant in the relationship, given his fiery, sassy personality. Instead, he's quite passive when it comes to decision making. He's been with you long enough that he can let down his guard and be his authentic self around you.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Verbal altercations are prominent in this relationship. It can either be petty or a big blowout, and Rohan usually makes it a show by slamming doors and hiding in his office. He's extremely stubborn, but every fight you have eventually gets solved.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He really appreciates the fact that you put up with him, honestly. He feels like he is such a burden and protects himself by being moody and lashing out at others. You know that he appreciates when you spend time with him and help him grow as a person.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Rohan doesn't really have a reason to hide anything, besides major spoilers for his upcoming chapters (He wants it to he a surprise when you read). BUT, that being said, he has such a fat mouth. Don't tell him anything you don't want all of Morioh to know about.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Echoing themes in B and C, he is inspired to be more giving around you (and less selfish). Also, if we're talking literal inspiration there's a chance that there might be a new character showing up in Pink Dark Boy that looks a lot like you... 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Rohan definitely faces issues with jealousy, to the point where he would become paranoid and make false accusations. It's one of his fatal flaws, and in order to make the relationship work, he needs to learn to trust.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Rohan is definitely an awkward kisser at first. Although he talks a big game, he is still quite unsure of himself and might need some guidance at first. You more than likely will have to initiate the act most times, but once he’s gotten used to the feeling he’ll want to take the lead.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He would sit with himself for quite a while to figure out what he wants out of the relationship. He most likely has never used the "L" word with anyone before, and that makes him extremely nervous. You would be eating dinner together when he tells you how he truly feels, and oh how overjoyed you are.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Rohan would marry you having several years of dating. He thought that he would end up alone since he was holed up in his house all day, but finding and having you was a godsend. You would move into his home, and Rohan wouldn’t feel so alone anymore.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Rohan doesn't get too colorful with nicknames, it's a pet peeve of his when he overhears people going overboard with their terms of affection. Really, who shows their love by calling your s/o love muffin?! He just can't understand. Your name works fine.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
At first, it's a sense of giddiness that he just can't pinpoint. Once he learns the reason for his feelings, he isn't really sure how to properly deal with them. Josuke gets on his nerves through his teasing though, since the way he's feeling is so transparent.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
As mentioned before, Rohan is very observant of how others are when in relationships. In his own, he wants to make sure that he doesn't fall into the same "traps". Only hand-holding in public, nothing more. (He'll totally brag in front of the Duwang gang though)
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
His memory. As an author, he has to remember so many things. Why would being in a relationship be any different? Every special moment he has with you will be cataloged, and when it comes around next year he'll never forget the (deadline) date.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He finds little ways to show his love to you. One way that he loves to spend time with you is by showing you how to draw. He’ll place his hand over yours as the pen dances across the paper. Although, you’ll never be as great as the mighty Rohan Kishibe. Creative for sure!
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Rohan may be rather grumpy and show the epitome of tough love, but whatever you choose to pursue he'll be backing you all the way. He teaches you to not be afraid of rejection and tries to make his experience as a mangaka applicable. You have his support for sure.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He doesn't really feel the need to change the way things are. It's the casual outings that he values most, really. He'd rather get groceries with you or a book from the library than sky diving or something adventurous any day.
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
One of Rohan's downfalls and something that he needs to work on is realizing when his partner is feeling down and out. While it's good to be in touch with your own feelings, now that he's in a relationship, there's another person's feelings to take into account. It's something that he'll need to work on and improve. (Hang in there, Rohan!)
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Before he met you, he was completely content with living and being alone. He's just grown used to being by himself. When he met you; however, things changed a lot. If you left him, there would be a gaping void that he definitely never noticed there before. You're his world, basically.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Rohan adores when you make him a homecooked meal. Before you met him, he was basically living off of take-out and fast food (how did he not gain weight?). Anyway, there's not a single recipe you've made that he doesn't like. For a present, you were planning on making him a book of your best recipes and trying them out together.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Rohan may complain all the way, but he secretly loves to be cuddled. He actually prefers to be the little spoon and feeling your arms around him. Prepare to not get up for hours; he feels so secure in your embrace.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Since he works from home, you're most likely the one who's away most of the time. He says that he'll be fine, but that's not true at all. He relies on the power of technology while he waits for you to get home, but of course, he would rather be talking to you in person. He has a lot of photographs that he looks at too.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Besides his fashion sense (epic burn), Rohan isn't really a flashy individual. He wouldn't do anything too extravagant in the relationship, because he knows that you would think he was trying too hard. If anything, he keeps his public and private life separate, since he values his privacy.
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jatpzine · 3 years
I had a question about where exactly the money from zine sales is going. I noticed you had a similar ask a while back but the answer wasn't very direct. I understand some will go to manufacturing costs but I'm hoping you can shed some light on where excess funds earned will go. I'd love to support all the people involved, but would be uncomfortable doing so if excess money isn't being donated to charity-- especially since fic (which is included) shouldn't be made for profit.
Hi there! Your friendly neighborhood finance mod is here to answer all of your questions.
I believe the previous ask you’re referring to is here, in which we stated that we are a for-profit zine - we are not donating to a charity.
Now, I’m not sure if a lot of people know the details of finance for zines - I sure didn’t before this project! In the name of transparency, I am going to detail for you our costs and why we’ve made the decisions that we’ve made.
The reason why we’ve always stated that we believe most of our revenue will be eaten by manufacturing costs is because those costs are pretty high! It varies a bit from zine to zine depending on who your manufacturers are and the exact specifications of the products you’re making, but our amazing manufacturing mod has done their best to ensure that our costs are as low as possible. Even so, our manufacturing costs are going to be between $1000 to $1500 USD. That’s a lot! All of that money is being funded by the mods of this project, and our first priority is repaying all of the debts that have been established for those costs. We do also have additional variable costs like shipping materials that need to be recouped. And no profits are guaranteed! There’s a decent chance we won’t even make what we need to repay costs, in which case the mods are just going to eat the cost.
That being said, we’ve experienced a truly staggering amount of support for this project, and we are hopeful that we will make more than what we need! If we are lucky enough to not only make back enough to pay for the costs but also have enough to have excess funds, we do have a plan in place for that - compensating our contributors.
All of our contributors have put SO much time and effort into the incredible content they’ve made for us, and the mods have all put literal hundreds of hours into this project. We decided as a mod team that it was important that we compensate everyone for their efforts if we are able. Also keep in mind that because we are dividing any hypothetical excess funds between around 40 people, nobody is getting a substantial amount of money. Even under a realistic best case scenario, everyone’s getting around $15. It’s small, but we as a mod team decided that compensation for the work of our incredible contributors is something worth prioritizing if we are able.
If we are lucky enough that this zine goes well and we decide to do another one, we will consider again whether for-profit or nonprofit is the best decision for the project. If you’re someone who feels strongly about donating their money to charity, that’s wonderful! You get to decide what to do with your money, charity is a great way to spend it. As it happens, my IRL job is in nonprofit fundraising, so I can say with some certainty that donations simply made by people are just as good as those done by fundraisers like zines - and more of your money actually goes to the organization than when you purchase a zine and the profits go to charity.
Additionally, you mention that you feel that fanfiction shouldn’t be made for profit. If you are someone that believes that fic should never be exchanged for money, then all zines are already doing something you don’t like. Whether the money from the fic included in the zine goes to charity or the author, anyone who buys the zine is paying money for fic. That doesn’t change because of where it goes. Of course, if you feel that way, that’s fine! Everyone is entitled to their beliefs on how fandom should work, but that just means that this project, and probably zines as a whole, really aren’t for you.
We are incredibly proud of this project and we hope that everyone who sees it wants to buy it! But everyone as a buyer makes their own choice based on their own values. We will not be hurt if you, anon, don’t feel comfortable buying our zine for whatever reason.
This was a very, very long answer, but I wanted to be sure that we answered all of your questions. If anyone else has a concern that somehow was not addressed here, please feel free to send in an ask on here or send us a message on our Instagram!
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adventure-hearts · 4 years
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Taichi - ESTP Yamato - INFP Sora - ENFJ Koushirou - INTJ Mimi - ESFP Jou - ISTJ Takeru - ENFP Hikari - ISFP Daisuke - ESFP Miyako - ENFP Iori - ISTJ Ken - INFJ
Discussion and Commentary below!
If you’ve read some of my previous headcanons about the MBTI, and in particular this very popular post from four (!) years ago, you may find I’ve changed my mind a lot.
An important thing about this typology (or any other one, really) is that it’s quite easy to just look into some websites and make decisions based on the keywords used to describe each type. Which is what I used to do. Keywords are helpful to help us get the “basic picture” (hence why I quote them in this post), but now I believe that you have to read actual theory in order to understand the subtle differences between each type and make more educated guesses.
Since then, I’ve been reading more deeply into MBTI and the Functions. Consequently, the way I understand the MBTI has changed significantly, and so have my Headcanons.
It’s been particularly interesting to learn about the Inferior Function, or the “dark side” of each personality type. The more I read about it, it became surprising that how it seemed to describe most of the adventure kids’ characters arcs incredibly well. This is another reason why the combination Chosen Children + MBTI is such a fascinating and fun thought exercise!
It should be noted that different authors can have widely different interpretations of types, which is why, for the sake of simplicity and coherence, I’ve only read 3-4 main sources when preparing this post. And I tried stay away from popular MBTI websites and resources that exist around the internet, most which can have a slightly misleading/superficial vision of each type. 
However, this doesn’t mean my HCs are “RIGHT” or that other people can’t have better ideas. I’m as biased about the characters as anyone else. I’d be very happy to hear alternative takes!
Taichi - ESTP Dominant function: Se
Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing.
Taichi is pretty easy to type, and most ESTP descriptions fit him nicely. Thompson notes the archetype of ESTP is James Bond and Xena the Warrior Princess; I think the character of Taichi, who represents Courage, fits in the same tradition — a bold, impulsive, adventurous leader who is good at strategizing and is able to make though decisions, but is is also very charismatic and charming.  Taichi’s tendency to become thoughtful, introspective, and indecisive under stress can be explained by the inferior function, Ni.
Yamato - INFP Dominant function: Fi
Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened.
By contrast, Yamato is always the most difficult to type! I ended up using INFP rather than INFJ, because I think it makes more sense for his dominant function to be Fi (introverted feeling): “Due to the introverted nature of Fi, INFPs’ status as feelers is not always evident from without. When immersed in Fi, they can seem a bit cool, aloof, or indifferent.“ (Drenthe). This type is pretty well representative of Yamato’s caring, passionate and caring side, and especially his conflict during Adventure is beyond, his search for self and meaning. Yamato’s more critical, aggressive, angry, and impetuous side is easily explained by him falling under the influence of the inferior function of this type, Te.
Sora - ENFJ Dominant function: Fe
Warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible. Highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. Find potential in everyone, want to help others fulfill their potential. May act as catalysts for individual and group growth. Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism. Sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership.
Another character who’s relatively difficult to type. I see Sora as being in the middle of many of the Preference axis, hence why I initially typed her as something pretty difference different. But now I’m pretty convinced her dominant function is Fe, even though she’s probably only 51% Extroverted. She leans more towards iNtuition than Sensing: Sora’s definitely someone who can pick up things intuitively, especially when it comes to human relationships. So, ESFJ could probably work as well, but I see her as more of an NF type than a SJ type. Sora’s tendency to become hypersensitive, stubborn and withdrawn when under stress? That’s the inferior function, Ti. 
Koushirou - INTJ Dominant function: Ni
Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance - for themselves and others.
This is an example of how learning more about Functions made me change my mind! I believe Koushirou is the text-book definition of INTJ and the Ni function. Koushirou isn’t just someone who thinks — he creates knew knowledge and connects theoretical possibilities. One of the effects of the inferior function of this type, Ni, is an “Obsessive focus on external data”, which means that they can become obsessed with controlling small details, which is what Koushirou tends to do under stress.
Mimi - ESFP Dominant function: Se
Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people, and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people.
Mimi is a rather obvious fit for this type, not only with her bubbly and happy exterior, but also her naïveté and compassion towards others (Crest of Purity). 
Jou - ISTJ Dominant function: Si
Quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of distractions. Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized - their work, their home, their life. Value traditions and loyalty.
Jou’s type seems pretty straightforward. The characteristics of this type to fit him (and the Crest of Honesty) very well. The inferior Function of this type is Ni, manifested as impulsiveness and catastrophizing — classic Jou moves whenever he looses his cool.
Takeru - ENFP Dominant function: Ne
Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.
Takeru is REALLY hard to type. Mostly because, just like his brother, he isn’t as transparent as he seems. Behind that charming, open, happy façade, Takeru runs deep. I ended up choosing ENFP is described as the most optimistic of all types (Crest of Hope), and they are very charismatic and inspiring as well. The “dark side” of this type can be hopelessness or depression (see also: tri. Chapter 3!)
Hikari - ISFP Dominant function: Fi
Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what's going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others.
Hiakri is another one whose type isn’t obvious, but maybe for different reasons than the other characters I hesitated about — we just don’t see enough of her. I think you can make a strong argument for her being an Intuitive type, but ultimately I think Fi represents her better.
Daisuke - ESFP Dominant function: Se
I know it’s reductive to say Daisuke and Taichi have different personality type, but that’s easy to understand if you see them as being in different stages of type development.
Miyako - ENFP Dominant function: Ne
I’ve always thought Takeru and Miyako are pretty alike, hence why I think they would both fit this type.  
Iori - ISTJ Dominant function: Si
Again, Iori and Jou are pretty alike, although at different stages of their personality development. I could see Iori a ISTP/ISTJ, too — to be fair, I haven’t made up my mind totally about him.
Ken - INFJ Dominant function: Ni
Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.
I’m just going to go and give Ken INFJ, although I’m not entirely sure it is the best fit. Ken is incredibly complex, but Ni seems to describe him fairly well. And certainly, the “dark side” of Ni, Se, can very well explain why Ken developed his Digimon Kaiser persona.
A brief summary of the 8 Functions:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) collects conscious and subconscious information, and then synthesizes it to produce convergent impressions, insights, answers, and theories. It sees deep causes, patterns, and laws underlying sense data. It is characteristically penetrating and insightful.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne) surveys and creatively recombines a breadth of ideas, associations, patterns, and possibilities. It is characteristically innovative, divergent, open-ended, and non-discriminating. Outwardly, Ne users may present as scattered, random, quirky, witty, and ideationally curious.
Introverted Sensing (Si) retains, consolidates, and recollects historical and autobiographical information. It attends to and draws on a concentrated body of past experiences, routines, and traditions (i.e., the “tried and true”). It forgoes the constant pursuit of new or broad experiences, finding safety and security in stability and consistency. It also surveys inner bodily sensations.
Extraverted Sensing (Se) seeks extensive outer stimulation in the “here and now”—new sights, sounds, tastes, experiences, etc. It is open-ended and non-discriminating with respect to new experiences. It can also be associated with image-consciousness and observation skills, displaying a keen eye for detail. Outwardly, it may manifest as a recurrent desire for activities beyond talking (“Let’s do something!”).
“Introverted Intuition (Ni) collects conscious and subconscious information, and then synthesizes it to produce convergent impressions, insights, answers, and theories. It sees deep causes, patterns, and laws underlying sense data. It is characteristically penetrating and insightful.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne) surveys and creatively recombines a breadth of ideas, associations, patterns, and possibilities. It is characteristically innovative, divergent, open-ended, and non-discriminating. Outwardly, Ne users may present as scattered, random, quirky, witty, and ideationally curious.
Introverted Sensing (Si) retains, consolidates, and recollects historical and autobiographical information. It attends to and draws on a concentrated body of past experiences, routines, and traditions (i.e., the “tried and true”). It forgoes the constant pursuit of new or broad experiences, finding safety and security in stability and consistency. It also surveys inner bodily sensations.
Extraverted Sensing (Se) seeks extensive outer stimulation in the “here and now”—new sights, sounds, tastes, experiences, etc. It is open-ended and non-discriminating with respect to new experiences. It can also be associated with image-consciousness and observation skills, displaying a keen eye for detail. Outwardly, it may manifest as a recurrent desire for activities beyond talking (“Let’s do something!”).
“Introverted Thinking (Ti) utilizes deep and nuanced logic to examine techniques, problems, concepts, or theories. It seeks self-regulation and self-optimization through the development of personal skills, methods, and strategies. It takes a skeptical and reductive approach toward knowledge.
Extraverted Thinking (Te) uses explicit logic, including standardized methods, measurements, policies, and procedures, to make systems and operations more rational, efficient, or effective. This often involves working as part of an institution, be it corporate, scientific, academic, etc. Outwardly, Te delivers opinions and directives in a firm, direct, measured, and unemotional fashion. It may at times be perceived as harsh, tactless, or unsympathetic.”
“Introverted Feeling (Fi) explores and refines personal tastes and feelings, contributing to a strong sense of personal uniqueness. It is self-regulating and self-controlling, working to maintain inner emotional and moral order. It may also emotionally invest in a limited number of love objects, be they persons, animals, hobbies, or causes.
Extraverted Feeling (Fe) surveys a breadth of human emotions, values, and morals. It strives toward interpersonal rapport, consensus, and continuity. It can also be associated with effective communication and social intelligence, facilitating growth and transformation in others. Outwardly, it delivers opinions and directives in a direct yet tactful way, often with a sense of emotional urgency and conviction.
in My True Type, A.J. Drenth
A.J. Drenth. “My True Type”
Lenore Thomson. “Personality Type”. 
A.J. Drenth. “The 16 Personality Types”.
The 16 MBTI® Types https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/the-16-mbti-types.htm
Naomi Quenk, “Was That Really Me?”
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flipomatic · 4 years
Internship Chapter 6: Day 2 - Edric
Author Note: And here comes the second important original character.
First Chapter Previous Chapter
The start of day 2 was almost the same as the first. Edric walked slowly to the jail, though this time wearing his new uniform. He carried the mask, enjoying the last part of his day where he’d be able to see properly. He held onto it with just enough force not to drop it, barely holding it between two fingers.
When he arrived, sighing at the sight of the building, Edric knew he was a few minutes late. Honestly though, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
He walked slowly into the building, then through the Emperor’s Coven door. He only put the mask on when he entered the coven’s wing of the building, once again cutting off his peripheral vision.
After the long patrol in the market the day before, Mike didn’t tell Edric where to report the next day. He actually said he didn’t know what Edric would be doing, and suggested that he check with the dispatcher in the morning.
Since this was a suggestion and not an order, Edric didn’t feel obligated to obey.
After passing the offices, Edric went straight through the hallway intersection. It was time to see the staff lounge, since he hadn’t been able to go in there yesterday. He passed by a coven member on the way, who didn’t react to his presence. The mask helped with anonymity.
Edric opened the door to the staff lounge upon reaching it, entering the room. It was small, about the same size as the dispatcher’s office. There were a couple rundown looking couches near a table on one side, with an icebox and counter on the other. Only one coven member was inside when Edric entered, standing strangely near the door. He wouldn’t know who it was until they spoke.
The coven member watched Edric enter, before greeting him. “Good morning Edric!” He said loudly, allowing Edric to identify him as one of the patrol witches he met the day before. He was pretty sure that this one was Anderson.
“Morning.” Edric replied, not wanting to come off as rude but mostly not wanting to engage in conversation. He looked around the room, not impressed with the inside. It needed some color, he’d consult with Em later about which color would be best. It would be simple too apply it to the walls.
“I was just looking for you.” Anderson said, pulling Edric’s attention back to him. Edric didn’t believe that. He was supposed to go to the dispatcher, not to the staff lounge, so it wasn’t a great place to look for him. Unless, Anderson was one step ahead and knew he’d go there. How crafty of him. “My name is Frederick Anderson, we met briefly yesterday.” So, Anderson had been his last name. Edric made a mental note of it. “I have your assignment for today. Not just that, your assignment for the next few weeks.”
He paused for a moment, prompting Edric to ask, “What is it?” He had one eyebrow raised, though it wasn’t visible underneath the mask.
“I’ll be mentoring you. For the next four weeks we’ll go on patrols, hone our magic, and show the public just how great the Emperor’s Coven is!” Frederick pumped his fist with the last part, voice rising in volume.
So he was going to spend the next four weeks with this guy? Edric wasn’t thrilled; he seemed too gung-ho to match well with him. “Alright.” Edric responded simply, withholding a sigh.
“We’ll meet every morning by the locker room, then go to the dispatcher for assignment.” Frederick moved past Edric to the door as he spoke, opening it. “Which is where we’re going now.”
This time Edric sighed; his time to hang out in the staff lounge was vanishing before his eyes. He bit back a complaint and followed Frederick out. They walked back towards the intersection to head to the dispatcher’s office. Edric stayed behind him, out of sight.
“You go to Hexside, right?” Frederick asked as they walked. He was looking back over his shoulder; if Edric tried to do that while wearing the mask he would trip for sure.
“Yup, graduating next year.” Edric said with a nod, wondering why Frederick was asking.
“Feels like forever since I visited.” They turned the corner. “How’s principal Bump doing? Still hanging in there?” He sounded fond of the old witch.
Edric tried to keep his interactions with principal Bump to a minimum. “I think so, he’s still the principal.”
As Ed finished speaking, they reached dispatcher’s office. Frederick opened the door and entered, with Edric close behind.
The dispatcher was alone in the room, writing on one of the many papers that littered his desk. He looked up when they entered.
“Hello!” Frederick greeted him enthusiastically. “Where are we assigned for today?”
The dispatcher looked down and flipped through his papers, stopping on one and picking it up. “You’re off patrol for today, assigned to the training room.” Oh, training instead of patrol. For Edric, this could be way better than going on patrol, though it still sounded like a lot of work.
Fredrick flashed a thumbs up. “Thanks, we’ll be there if you need us.”
With a nod, the dispatcher dismissed them from his office. The pair left the room and started walking back across the building.
They were about halfway there when Edric had a random thought that he had to ask about. “Can I call you Fred?” It was easier to say than Frederick.
“No.” Frederick replied immediately, not even taking a moment to think about it.
Edric smirked, “Are you sure?”
This time Fredrick stopped, turning his head to look right at Edric. “Yes, I’m sure.” He said firmly, before continuing to walk.
Edric made a mental note of the exchange; this could make good prank material later.
A minute later the pair reached their destination and entered the training hall.
A couple coven members were already there training, but there was plenty of space for them too. Frederick walked to one of the empty corners, signaling for Edric to follow him.
“How much combat experience do you have?” Frederick asked when they stopped.
Edric thought about it. He had helped fight a slitherbeast before, but other than that he didn’t have any. “Very little.” He admitted, adding an additional detail. “And I can’t imagine fighting in this mask.”
“We can fix that.” Fredrick lifted one finger to casting position. “There’s an illusion spell that lets you see out, but keeps the outside solid.” Ooh an illusion spell. That was right up Edric’s alley. “Let me show you.”
Frederick spun his finger to cast the spell, making a small magic circle. A moment later the spell took effect, and Edric gasped audibly in shock. All of the sudden, his mask was transparent. He could see out of it in every direction, not just through the eye holes. He took it off and turned it around, but the other side was still solid white.
“Very impressive.” Illusion magic was the best; Edric fully believed that. He put the mask back on.
“You try it next.” Frederick canceled the spell, returning Edric to not being able to see.
Edric lifted his hand, carefully drawing the magic circle. When the spell activated, his mask again became transparent from the inside. It wasn’t as clear of an image as Frederick’s spell had been, but it was great for a first attempt. He would have to keep the spell up for a while, but if it failed he could always reapply it.
“It works.” Edric said with a nod. His animosity towards the mask was quickly decreasing, but he still planned to bury it after everything was over.
“Good work!” Frederick sounded excited, though it was hard to tell without being able to see his face. “So that’s one combat obstacle down. What kind of magic do you specialize in?”
Edric stood straighter as he responded. “Illusion magic, near the top of my class.” He bragged, which he felt was earned after performing that spell correctly on the first try. He also had earned a spot to intern at the Emperor’s Coven, which was nothing to sneeze at.
“That’ll be useful, we do a lot of illusion spells. What other types can you do?”
This was a point of shame. “None at all.” Edric shook his head with a derisive chuckle, he was terrible at other types of magic.
“We’ll see about that.” Frederick replied, something that Edric didn’t like the sound of. “Let’s start with illusions though. Do you know any rope or net spells?”
Edric drew a magic circle, summoning a rope illusion. “Rope, check.” He swung the rope overhead, like a lasso, then flung it in Frederick’s direction. Instead of wrapping around him as intended, it bounced off and vanished. Edric just stared in shocked silence.
“Magic ward.” Frederick said simply. “We’ll get to it someday. For now, I think you should learn a couple of other spells.”
“I really don’t want to.” Edric replied dryly. There was no way this would go well.
“That’s the spirit.” Frederick was undeterred by Edric’s lack of enthusiasm. “We’ll start with a plant spell.” He lifted his hand again to cast a spell, this time drawing a green magic circle. A few roots grew out of the dirt floor, reaching a few inches off the ground. “This spell can be used to grab the ankles of someone trying to escape. Go ahead and try it.”
Before so much as lifting a finger, Edric knew he wasn’t going to be able to do this spell. He had tried a plant spell once before, and couldn’t get a plant to wiggle let alone grow. He slowly lifted his hand, trying to create the magic circle. He made it about half way around before it wobbled and collapsed. Frowning, Edric tried again to cast it. He was able to close the circle, but when the spell activated it had no effect.
Frederick cast another spell, drawing a single root further above the ground. He left it there, sticking up. “Try again, focus on just this one.”
Edric sighed, but did as he was told. He remade the spell circle, focusing the spell on the one root. When it activated the root twitched, but otherwise didn’t move.
Each subsequent attempt reminded Edric why he didn’t bother with plant magic. It just didn’t work well for him, not at all.
They worked on the spell for a while, and eventually Edric was able to make the root move slightly. With that achieved Frederick was satisfied enough to let him move on to a different spell.
“Next, you need to be able to do a basic healing spell.” Frederick said, causing Edric’s stomach to drop even further. His healing magic was just as bad as his plant magic. “Just to heal small cuts, I’ll demonstrate.” Frederick first cut a small portion of the root, then made a small magic circle to demonstrate the spell. When it activated, it healed the root completely.
Frederick made it look easy, but for Edric it wouldn’t be. First, he tore a notch into the root again so he’d have something to heal. Then he spun his finger to cast the spell, luckily able to complete it on the first try. Unfortunately, there was no impact on the root.
Frustration growing, Edric tried again. His second attempt still had no effect; somehow this was worse than the plant spell.
“Try to remain calm.” Frederick couldn’t see his face, but he seemed to sense his irritation. “Healing spells don’t work if you’re agitated.”
Saying that did not help Edric follow through on it and his next few casts of the spell had similarly bad results.
They continued like this for some time, trying to get the spell to work. Edric had little luck, even less than with the plant spell.
“How about this.” Edric remarked after yet another failed attempt. “I’ll just use illusion spells instead.” He was getting nowhere with this.
Frederick was, unfortunately, turning out to be quite stubborn. “Not everything can be replaced with illusion magic.” He stated firmly.
“I disagree.” Edric wasn’t going to back down on this. “That plant spell, I can match it with an illusion.” He drew an illusion circle, which was wonderfully easy after struggling for so long with plants and healing. It triggered a wave of small illusion ropes, popping out of the ground. “Works just as well.” He crossed his arms.
“But if you lose focus, the spell will break.” Frederick countered with a shake of his head. “You still need to learn the plant one. And there’s no replacing healing with illusions.”
Edric grimaced beneath his mask, but couldn’t think of a good spell to counter with on the spot. “We’ll see.” He said, making a note to ask Em later if she knew of an illusion spell that could heal.
“For now, keep working on the two new spells. I’m going to be doing some training on my own, if you need anything come grab me.” Fredrick pointed to a spot about ten feet away, where he would go to train.
That was fine by Edric, time alone to work was way better than what they’d been doing. He nodded once, and Frederick left to do his own training.
Now on his own, Edric immediately abandoned the new spells. He worked on practicing his illusion based net spells, trying to find the best one that had a short cast time.
Edric kept his back to Frederick; he had no interest in watching the other witch train.
He also kept trying to think of how to replace healing with illusions, but didn’t have much luck with that.
Next Chapter
3 notes · View notes
Pluralistic: 13 Mar 2020 (The third Little Brother book, Where I write, stream global news, AT&T's CEO gets millions for his failures, Chelsea Manning freed, Katie Porter vs CDC, Trump's scientific nihilism, Covid-malware co-evolution, Siennese solidarity)
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Today's links
Announcing the third Little Brother book, Attack Surface: And a new Little Brother/Homeland reissue, with an intro by Ed Snowden!
Where I Write: A column for the CBC that's really about how I write.
Stream 200+ global news channels: Each hand-picked, no registration required.
AT&T's CEO fired 23,000 workers and gave himself a 10% raise: Life on the easiest setting.
Chelsea Manning is free: But she's been fined $256K for refusing to testify to the Grand Jury.
Rep Katie Porter forces CDC boss to commit to free testing: Literally the most effective questioner in Congress.
Trump's unfitness in a plague: It's not because he's an ignoramus, it's because he's a nihilist.
Malware that hides behind a realtime Covid-19 map: Peter Watts' prophecy comes true.
Locked-down Siennese sing their city's hymn: A cause for hope in the dark.
This day in history: 2015, 2019
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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Announcing the third Little Brother book, Attack Surface (permalink)
Attack Surface is the third Little Brother book, coming out next October.
It's told from the point of view of Masha, the young woman who is Marcus Yallow's frenemy who works first for the DHS and then for a private spook outfit. It's a book about how good people talk themselves into doing bad things, and how they redeem themselves. It ranges from Iraq to the color revolutions of the former USSR, to Oakland and the Movement for Black Lives.
The story turns on cutting-edge surveillance and counter-surveillance: self-driving cars, over-the-air baseband radio malware, IMSI catchers, CV dazzle and adversarial examples, binary transparency and warrant canaries.
This week, I did a wide-ranging and deep interview with Andrew Liptak for Polygon about the book, the Little Brother series, the techlash, the tech workers' uprising (and #TechWontBuildIt), and the future of technological self-determination.
We also revealed the cover for Attack Surface, which was designed by the incomparable Will Staehle (who is eligible for a Best Artist Hugo – nominations close today!).
Not only that, but Staehle has also designed a cover for a new omnibus edition of Little Brother and Homeland that comes out this July, and as you can see from that cover, the book has an all-new introduction by none other than Ed Snowden!
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(In 2017, Staehle also designed all-new covers for my adult backlist)
The Little Brother books are neither optimistic nor pessimistic about technology: instead, they are hopeful. Hope is the belief that you can materially improve your life if you take action. A belief in human agency and the power of self-determination.
The message of Little Brother is neither "Things will all be fine" nor "We are all doomed."
It's: "This will be so great…if we don't screw it up."
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Where I Write (permalink)
I learned to be a writer while my life was in total chaos. Decades later, I have a beautiful office to work in, but I still do my best writing typing hurriedly on subway trains, in taxi-cabs, and airport lounges.
My CBC column on where I write is really a primer on how I write: what it takes to be able to write when you're sad, or anxious, or wracked with self-doubt.
Unquestionably the most important skill I've acquired as a writer.
"Even though there were days when the writing felt unbearably awful, and some when it felt like I was mainlining some kind of powdered genius and sweating it out through my fingertips, there was no relation between the way I felt about the words I was writing and their objective quality, assessed in the cold light of day at a safe distance from the day I wrote them. The biggest predictor of how I felt about my writing was how I felt about me. If I was stressed, underslept, insecure, sad, hungry or hungover, my writing felt terrible. If I was brimming over with joy, the writing felt brilliant."
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Stream 200+ global news channels (permalink)
TV News is an Android app that pulls like Youtube streams from 200+ global news channels in 50 languages, each manually selected by the app's creator, Steven Clift, whose work I've previously admired.
You can filter the feeds by country and language and watch them as floating windows that let you continue to use your device while you watch. No registration required, either.
They're shooting for 1000+ channels soon.
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AT&T's CEO fired 23,000 workers and gave himself a 10% raise (permalink)
Randall Stephenson is CEO of AT&T. Ajit Pai killed Net Neutrality so that Stephenson could legally slow down the services we requested to extort bribes from us. Then, Trump gave his company a $20B tax cut.
Stephenson used that money to raise exec pay, buy back his company's stock to juice its price and to pay off debts from earlier, disastrous mergers. He cut 23,000 jobs and slashed capital spending (America has the worst broadband of any rich country).
After all that, Stephenson congratulated himself on a job well done by giving himself a 10% raise in 2019, bringing his total compensation up to 32 million dollars.
I mean the guy earned it. He blew billions of dollars buying Warner and Directv, and then lost billions more on the failed aftermath. If that doesn't warrant a raise, what does?
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Chelsea Manning is free (permalink)
A judge has ordered that Chelsea Manning be released from jail, a day after her latest suicide attempt. She was jailed last March for refusing to testify before a grand jury, held in solitary for two months, then jailed again a few days later, in May, She's been inside ever since.
The judge ordered her release because the Grand Jury had finished its work.
It's fantastic to that Manning got her freedom back, but she has been fined $256,000 for her noncompliance. I just donated to her fund:
(Image: Tim Travers Hawkins, CC BY-SA)
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Rep Katie Porter forces CDC boss to commit to free testing (permalink)
I am a huge fan of Rep Katie Porter. Her outstanding questioning techniques and unwillingness to countenance bullshit from the people she questions are such a delight to watch.
Here she is demolishing billionaire finance criminal Jamie Dimon:
Oh, Ben Carson, you never stood a chance:
Steve Mnuchin always looks like a colossal asshole, but rarely this comprehensively:
I almost feel sorry for this Trumpkin from the Consumer Finance Protection Board as she faces Porter's withering fire.
Porter – an Elizabeth Warren protege – doesn't do this to grandstand. Like AOC, she uses her spectacular skills to elicit admissions and get them on the record, and to hold Congressional witnesses to account.
Today, Porter attained a new peak in a short, illustrious career. That's because today was the day she questioned CDC assistant secretary for preparedness and response Robert Kadlec, asking him to clarify Trump's televised lie last night that insurers would pay for Covid-19 testing.
Porter doggedly held Kadlec to account, forcing him to acknowledge that the cost of a Covid-19 test – $1,331 – was so high that many would forego it, and then to admit that these Americans could go on to transmit the disease to others, making it a matter of public concern.
Then she forced CDC Director Robert Redfield to admit – as she had informed him in writing the week before – that the CDC had the authority to simply pay those fees, universally, for any American seeking testing, under 42 CFR 71.30:
Having laid this factual record, Porter insisted that Redfield commit to using that authority. Not to consider it, study it, or consult on it. To use it to help save the country. Whenever Redfield waffled, she reclaimed her time and forced him back on point.
KP: Dr. Redfield, will you commit to the CDC, right now, using that existing authority to pay for diagnostic testing, free to every American, regardless of insurance?
RR: Well, I can say that we're going to do everything to make sure everybody can get the care they need –"
KP: Nope, not good enough. Yes or no?
RR: What I'm going to say is, I'm going to review it in detail with CDC and the department —
KP: No, reclaiming my time [repeats the question]
RR: What I was trying to say is that CDC is working with HHS now to see how we operationalize that
KP: Dr. Redfield, I hope that that answer weighs heavily on you, because it is going to weigh very heavily on me and on every American family
RR: Our intent is to make sure that every American family gets the care and treatment they need at this time in this major epidemic and I am currently working with HHS to see how to best operationalize it.
KP: Excellent! Everybody in America hear that — you are eligible to go get tested for coronavirus and have that covered, regardless of insurance
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Trump's unfitness in a plague (permalink)
In this editorial, Science editor-in-chief H Holden Thorp makes a compelling case that Trump is not capable of leading the American response to Covid-19.
Trump has spent years denigrating and ignoring science before taking office, and it's only gotten worse, since.
As Thorp writes, "You can't insult science when you don't like it and then suddenly insist on something that science can't give on demand."
His policy track-record is even worse: "deep cuts to science, including cuts to funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NIH…nearly 4 years of harming and ignoring science."
This reminds me of an argument I often have with digital rights activists who attribute bad technology policy to the inability of clueless lawmakers to understand the technical nuance. I think that's wrong. The fact that we're not all dead of cholera, even though there are no microbiologists in Congress proves that you don't need to be a domain expert to make good policy.
Good policy comes from truth-seeking exercises in which experts with different views present their best evidence to neutral adjudicators who make determinations in public, showing their work in explicit, written, public reasoning. These processes are made legitimate – and hence robust and reliable – by procedural rules. The adjudicators – regulators, staffers, etc – are not allowed to have conflicts of interest. Their conclusions are subject to the rule of law, with mandatory transparency and a process for appeal.
It has to be this way: there's no way that – say – a president could be an expert on all the different issues that might arise during their tenure.
This, then, is the problem with inequality and market concentration: it merges the referees with the players. When an industry only has a handful of players, they all end up with common lobbying positions – a common position on what is truth. That's because the C-suites of these five companies are filled with people who've worked at two, three or four of the competitors, and are married to others who've worked at the remainder. They're godparents to one anothers' kids, executors of each others' wills.
There's no way for there NOT to be collusion in these circumstances.
And when an industry is that concentrated, the only people who understand it well enough are those same execs, so inevitably the regulators are drawn from the industry.
That's why Obama's "good" FCC Chair, Tom Wheeler, was a former Comcast lobbyist, and why Ajit Pai, Trump's "bad" FCC chair, is a former Verizon lawyer. Apart from Susan Crawford, there's not really anyone who's not from the top ranks of Big Telco qualified to regulate them.
So many of us saw the photo of Trump meeting with all the tech leaders and were dismayed that they were throwing their lot in with him.
But we should also be aghast that all the leaders of the industry fit around one modest board-room table.
The problem with Trump's Covid-19 response is that he does not believe in a legitimate process with neutral referees. The refereeship, in trumpland, is an open-field auction, a transactional process that works best when it enriches Trump and his party.
The problem of Trump taking charge of the epidemiological crisis of Covid-19 isn't that he doesn't understand science: it's that he doesn't believe in evidence-based policy.
He is part of the cult of "Public Choice Theory," the belief that there is no one who can serve as referee without eventually colluding with the players for their mutual enrichment, a cynical, nihilistic philosophy that holds that there's no point in seeking to govern well. These people project their own moral vacuum onto all of humanity, a kind of cartoon Homo Economicus who is incapable of anything except maximizing personal utility.
For these people, the existence of bridges that don't fall down and water that doesn't give you cholera are lucky accidents, not results of sound policy and careful truth-seeking. They reason that since they would take bribes to poison the water of Flint, so would everyone.
Trump isn't just a non-expert, he's an ignoranamus, but that's not the problem. The problem is that he is a nihilist, someone who doesn't believe that truth-seeking is even possible.
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Malware that hides behind a realtime Covid-19 map (permalink)
Hackers have developed a malware-as-a-service that packages up realtime Covid-19 maps with malware droppers that infect people who load them.
This reminds me intensely of Peter Watts's 2002 novel Maelstrom, in which Watts uses his background as an evolutionary biologist to posit an eerily plausible and devilishly clever way that a digital and a human virus could co-evolve.
This has stuck with me! In May 2018, I wrote about it in Locus Magazine:
Maelstrom is concerned with a pandemic that is started by its protago­nist, Lenie Clark, who returns from a deep ocean rift bearing an ancient, devastating pathogen that burns its way through the human race, felling people by the millions.
As Clark walks across the world on a mission of her own, her presence in a message or news story becomes a signal of the utmost urgency. The filters are firewalls that give priority to some packets and suppress others as potentially malicious are programmed to give highest priority to any news that might pertain to Lenie Clark, as the authorities try to stop her from bringing death wherever she goes.
Here's where Watt's evolutionary bi­ology shines: he posits a piece of self-modifying malicious software – something that really exists in the world today – that automatically generates variations on its tactics to find computers to run on and reproduce itself. The more computers it colonizes, the more strategies it can try and the more computational power it can devote to analyzing these experiments and directing its randomwalk through the space of all possible messages to find the strategies that penetrate more firewalls and give it more computational power to devote to its task.
Through the kind of blind evolution that produces predator-fooling false eyes on the tails of tropical fish, the virus begins to pretend that it is Lenie Clark, sending messages of increasing convincingness as it learns to impersonate patient zero. The better it gets at this, the more welcoming it finds the firewalls and the more computers it infects.
At the same time, the actual pathogen that Lenie Clark brought up from the deeps is finding more and more hospitable hosts to reproduce in: thanks to the computer virus, which is directing public health authorities to take countermeasures in all the wrong places. The more effective the computer virus is at neutralizing public health authorities, the more the biological virus spreads. The more the biological virus spreads, the more anxious the public health authorities become for news of its progress, and the more computers there are trying to suck in any intelligence that seems to emanate from Lenie Clark, supercharging the computer virus.
Together, this computer virus and biological virus co-evolve, symbiotes who cooperate without ever intending to, like the predator that kills the prey that feeds the scavenging pathogen that weakens other prey to make it easier for predators to catch them.
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Locked-down Siennese sing their city's hymn (permalink)
In times of crisis, we typically pull together, but elite panic's pervasive mythology holds that these moments are when the poors reveal their inner beast and attack their social betters. That libel on humanity is disproved regularly by our everyday experience. As common as these incidents of solidarity are, they still warrant our notice.
The Song of the Verbena is the hymn of the Italian city of Sienna, currently on lockdown.
This video of Siennese people singing their hymn from the windows of their houses, into their empty street, is one of the most beautiful, hopeful things I've seen this week.
Truly, it is a tonic.
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This day in history (permalink)
#5yrsago NYPD caught wikiwashing Wikipedia entries on police brutality https://web.archive.org/web/20150313150951/http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2015/03/8563947/edits-wikipedia-pages-bell-garner-diallo-traced-1-police-plaza
#1yrago Gimlet staff announce unionization plan following Spotify acquisition https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/13/18263957/gimlet-media-union-spotify-recognition-podcasts
#1yrago With days to go until the #CopyrightDirective vote, #Article13's father admits it requires filters and says he's OK with killing Youtube https://www.golem.de/news/uploadfilter-voss-stellt-existenz-von-youtube-infrage-1903-139992.html
#1yrago Spotify's antitrust complaint against Apple is a neat parable about Big Tech's monopoly https://www.wired.com/story/spotify-apple-complaint-warren-antitrust-issue/
#1yrago A critical flaw in Switzerland's e-voting system is a microcosm of everything wrong with e-voting, security practice, and auditing firms https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/zmakk3/researchers-find-critical-backdoor-in-swiss-online-voting-system
#1yrago McMansion Hell tours the homes of the "meritocratic" one-percenters who allegedly bought their thickwitted kids' way into top universities in the college admissions scandal https://mcmansionhell.com/post/183417051691/in-honor-of-the-college-admissions-scandal
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Empty Wheel (https://www.emptywheel.net/), CNN (https://cnn.com), Memex 1.1 (https://memex.naughtons.org/), Slashdot (https://slashdot.org).
Hugo nominators! My story "Unauthorized Bread" is eligible in the Novella category and you can read it free on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/01/unauthorized-bread-a-near-future-tale-of-refugees-and-sinister-iot-appliances/
Currently writing: I've just finished rewrites on a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I've also just completed "Baby Twitter," a piece of design fiction also set in The Lost Cause's prehistory, for a British think-tank. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel next.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: A Lever Without a Fulcrum Is Just a Stick https://archive.org/download/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_330/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_330_-_A_Lever_Without_a_Fulcrum_Is_Just_a_Stick.mp3
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250757531
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new introduction by Edward Snowden: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250774583
18 notes · View notes
getyourblisson · 5 years
A Look At March 2020
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A Look At March 2020
The energy of March in general is a time for being creative, exploring possibilities, communications, writing, speaking.  However, it also naturally comes with its share of smooth talkers, con artists, and overall magnetic people.  Magnetic energy is quite high during this month; so the key is sorting out who is coming from pure spirit and truly may be in need of assistance; and who is simply charming and giving a story to get something they want and are not truly in need. On one hand hidden things may come to light; and on another it is easier to have people see only what they want us to see.
 During 2020 success and recognition come forward very strong this month.  So it makes it easier to get noticed than normal.  With the normal March influence that means that we must be careful of those that are narcissistic, jealous, and live strongly in their ego.  They are going to want the attention that they think they should have and want; even if it has not been earned.  Globally, events will go in 2 directions; recognizing those that have made true achievements and made significant enhancements to our planet and well-being, and those that are done specifically to get attention.
 For the most part however, I believe that people will be focused on their own success; and those that are operating with pure intent, are doing things for the sake of personal success and well-being or spiritual progression.  They will not be concerned about getting public recognition. However, this can be a time where those hidden gems can be “found”, even if they are not putting themselves completely out there.
 In essence, if we are engaging our inner alchemist and creator this month; we will be focused on having success with our own spiritual processes and our own plans.  In doing this it will open up the ability to be in our soul abundance and to have greater command over our own life.  This is a great time to put our plans out into the world, and to ask for help from others where needed.  This month shows that what we invest our energy into is creating success and laying the foundation for a fortunate future.  It is also a time where we may receive recognition, success, or the proverbial “harvest” for the efforts we have already made.
 From March 1st – March 19th we are encouraged to engage our leadership energy. This will best be used in bringing people together; especially where they stand in opposition with each other. When opposites enter into a mentoring relationship with each other, tremendous progress and breakthroughs are made. This is a time that favors people coming together in all kinds of relationships.
 During this time the codes show that things will not be able to move forward until people come into harmony; or at least operate with respect for each person’s skills, assets, and wisdom.  The spiritual process must be honored and lessons learned before things can move on. Those in a leader position will know best how to do this through observation.  By watching they will see the hidden talents and skills that other members of the group may not have even identified within their own self.
 The leadership energy comes in many forms.  For those that are not involved in a group, you may still be working as a leader simply by the way you live your life.  This can also be a great time for those that are coaches, counselors, or other such practitioners to gain greater insight into what people in general are struggling with; and thus create in their own style something that will be of assistance with that.
 Relationships while overall and generally positive right now, can still be a bit on the passive-aggressive side.  This is because first the spiritual foundations and interactions need to be in place for the relationship to progress or work; so those without this foundation may feel a great deal of challenge or frustration.  The codes also are showing a competitive energy arising in connection within relationships.
 This means that old lovers may show up to compete for a partner, or even someone current may attempt to interfere with things.  This can really test the strength of a relationship.  A true partner will put a stop to things, and keep their attention on their partner.  However, that is not always enough to stop someone from playing games and causing havoc in their jealousy or resentment for not being able to drive a wedge into where they want to be.
 Partners will have to be fully open and transparent to work past this type of situation; since an aggressive competitor will drop to very low means to get what they want. This can mean spreading lies; and making things appear different than they are.  They can even get as nasty as to create a set-up to appear as if they are with someone that they are not, or to trap someone into appearing they have done something that they haven’t.  So be very careful at this time, and very cautious to not even connect as “friends” if you have no intention of getting back together with this person.
 Jesse once had someone go so far as to interfere with her job that operated under this influence. The person was relentless in destroying her life long after the relationship had ended.  Eventually, the person made enough false complaints that she was fired; which was a devastating blow being that at the time it was her only stable source of income on the road, and it ended up being only 1 month prior to Orlie passing.
 Business partnerships can also experience competitive patterns if they are not strong, and operating with transparency and integrity.  They may find each other over-riding decisions the other has made, creating confusion and chaos with the business and with any employees.  If you are an employee in this situation; refuse to pit managers or owners against each other.  Encourage them to talk things out and come to an agreement.
 Where we find these types of competitions surfacing will be with those that have opposing styles; and they will talk to the one person that they can trust.  This automatically places that person in a leadership position, because both people are in full disclosure of what is happening for them. While I don’t encourage breaching confidentiality, that person can help each person understand more of the other person’s position from an objective point of view.  It is important to not take sides; because when this energy passes, they are likely to be back to being friends unless they are true polar opposites and not actually in a relationship with each other.
 We must be careful with these patterns; because when we are in a position of authority and engage in competition and these types of patterns, we can easily drive away employees or group members that are sincerely trying to help us.  It can cause total chaos.  This is why learning how to integrate the different pieces, or allow people to be “specialists” in their own area becomes more beneficial.
 A big key during this period is to keep re-directing back to core spiritual processes and principles; when we do that and keep that at the center of what we are working on then we are able to strengthen our relationships.  Those partnerships and relationships that are able to stay out of competitive patterns or maneuver through them are likely to increase in strength and stability; and have the potential to be lasting for us.  No matter which dynamic happens, it will be very eye opening and provide great clarity and insight for whether our relationships are worth continuing with and investing ourselves in.
 From March 20th – March 31st personal time and processes are favored.  After the first couple of weeks of this month, it is likely that you will be ready to focus on yourself instead of others. There may be some stress, tension, or anxiety that is surfacing; and you may not even really be certain where it is coming from or what it is about.
 Most likely this is growth energy; and things are ready to move, but not quite in motion just yet. There may be a sense of uncertainty, or not understanding what is about to happen; only knowing that you sense something is going to happen.  The key when this pattern shows up, is to remember that it may be something wonderful unfolding.  Uncertainty does not always mean foreboding or negative things.  It is simply something that we don’t have full understanding or awareness of things just yet; but our soul is saying to stand by because things will be happening soon.
 This is a good time for a personal retreat, and for re-connecting with your own self.  It is a great time to focus on you and what you want to be doing.  Personal power is activated, and the choices we make and the actions we take during this time have a bigger impact than normal.  Our thoughts, feelings, and actions will be impacting all of our existences and all aspects of ourselves.  This means that you have the opportunity to do big things if you want to.
 It is important that you tune into what is best for you; and to make your own decisions at this point. Decisions will bring the best results if they are focused on creating greater freedom and ability for you to pursue your own path in life.  This time favors relationships as well; however, it favors those relationships where there is a deep soul connection; and where there is honoring, acceptance, and support of each person being true to their own self.  Relationships that thrive at this time, do so because each person is free within the relationship and is able to fully be who they are within it.
 If there is something that you would like to further or progress for yourself at this time, then it can also be a great time to connect with others that can help you out. Creating partnerships is great in order to progress your own ideas; however, it is important that the person you are partnering with is not responsible for deciding things for you. So, for example, it can be a great time for getting people to provide space or a donation for an event that you are doing; but not for deciding how your event would run.
 In Summary, this month holds a great amount of potential for personal and worldly successes.  It is a time for both laying the foundations for success in your own pursuits; and for receiving recognition and success where you have been putting out quality work and effort.  This month requires us to handle spiritual processes first in both personal and group dynamics.  We will do best in leaderships positions where we help polar opposites to integrate through mentoring capacities and transparency; and by the way that we live our own life.
 Pay extra attention to relationships and stay out of competition.  This is a time for unfolding the truth in how strong relationships are and showing us which ones no longer are worth investing in.  Keep your focus on what is in alignment with spiritual principles because it affects all aspects of your life, self, and existences. Partner with others; but do not let them make decisions for you.  Honor some personal and alone time, or take a personal retreat near the end of the month; as spending time in personal connection will be valuable in handling stress or anxiety, and for coming into wholeness before moving forward again.
 I welcome you to find ways to engage your own creative and creator energy; exploring new options for doing or integrating things.
I welcome you to use your magnetic energy to be a positive influence and leader for others.
I welcome you to graciously accept recognition and success; and to also give it to others that have worked hard and contributed to the success of things.
 I welcome you to stay focused on what you need to do to create success in your own life; and remaining in your own authentic self as success comes through.
 I welcome you to stay out of competitive patterns; and when in doubt about the integrity of others, remain in observation.
 I welcome you to keep in mind that things are not always how they seem, so know the truth before taking action.
 I welcome you to embrace relationships of integrity, and to seek assistance from others where needed.
 I welcome you to find ways to remain in your true and authentic self when in relationships or partnerships with others.
   Actions to focus on
 This time is all about taking command.  Those that are willing to do this can create huge success and lay some solid foundations for a favorable future.  The key with this is to be very careful about the people you are surrounding yourself with; and you may even want to stick to what you can handle on your own.
 Paying attention and observation are big keys.  While we may feel impatient with the process of things, slowing down and taking our time with things is very important in order to avoid having major issues and problems to deal with that will create even bigger delays.  This is not the time to rush through things, no matter how much you may want them done.
 Take the time to check in and see how those around you are functioning.  It is likely to be the poor choices of someone else that gets impatient, that can undo everything that you have been working on.  It is important that you have people in your sphere that operate with purity, integrity, honesty, patience, and compassion.
 It is also important that you come to your own opinions and decisions.  You know what is best for you; and it is important that you don’t let others decide things for you at this time.  This month shows that we can increase our success, where we are willing to draw on the expertise of others; and where we are willing to take the time to really learn about things and how they work.  If you are the one in the mentoring position, and sharing your wisdom with others; then it is important that you are giving your time to those that are truly sincere in what they are doing, and are willing to have the patience to really see the process of bringing things forward through.  
 For information to be of value, it has to be heard and used.  It does no good to share information and guidance and experiences with those that will not put it into action.  Likewise, do not take up the time of others unless you are truly willing to implement what they are sharing with you.  To take someone’s time and energy and waste it sets several other self-sabotaging patterns into place, and creates even further delays for us; or can even create a complete crashing and dismantling of what we want to do. Exploring and gathering information is one thing, engaging in a mentoring process is one that needs to be entered into with respect, integrity, and an open and receptive mind.
 I welcome you to take command of the direction your life is going; and the things that you would like to implement into it.
 I welcome you to really pay attention to those you are surrounding yourself with; and the sphere that they operate within.
 I welcome you to come to your own decisions, based on what is best for you.
 I welcome you to be open and receptive to learning, having patience with the learning process; and truly implement the wisdom that others share with you.
   What to focus your thoughts on
 From March 1st – March 4th and from March 17th through the end of the month is likely to find us knowing what we need to do for success and wanting to focus on it; but there may still be feelings of being blocked or stuck and unable to move forward.  It is important to turn our thoughts during this time to focusing on the spiritual process behind what we are doing, instead of the actions themselves.  The key is to stay tuned in with what we are learning in the process instead of the end result that we are working towards.
 It is important that even when we are creating on our own, that we do not engage in competitive thinking. This happens when we are focused on being better than others in what we are doing, instead of focusing on what we are offering or creating.  It happens when we are focused on beating the records set by others instead of focusing on how what we are doing will impact the lives of others.
 Competition, materialism, and misuse of power can easily come through passing thoughts.  A key piece to place our mind on during this time is how wisely you are using your power as you are bringing your creation forward.  If you are not using it wisely then, you may be headed for a fall instead of a rise or creating fate instead of luck for yourself.
 During this time the more responsible your choices, and the more that you focus on bringing forth and sharing what you are abundant in, the greater the success you will have. It is important to re-direct your thoughts into peacefulness and unconditional love for yourself any time that you move more in a materialistic direction.  The result will come naturally, when you stay focused and aware of the spiritual process and value in the moment.
 From March 5th – 16th things can feel a bit heavy and daunting, as our determination and patience are required.  During this time we need to think about how practical we are living; and to consider if the choices we are making are truly responsible.  While that doesn’t always sound like fun, it can open the door to some wonderful experiences if we are willing to work with it.
 During this time, it is likely that we are going to need to let something or someone go, in order to handle material world responsibilities and obligations.  This is a time where we need to stay focused on doing what we need to do to take care of our physical world needs. Consider where you are living in excess, and release things that are purely materialistic, and over indulgent. This doesn’t mean that you are without enjoyable things, just mostly releasing what you do not use and are excessive in.
 During this time we take command of our life, through releasing what no longer serves us or honors our processes.  It is a time of great shifting and shaping and polishing; like sand forming a pearl. The stress is only there to help you expand your thinking, and to engage you to get more creative and to open to more possibilities.
 I welcome you to ask what the spiritual processes are in what you are doing.
 I welcome you to pay attention to where competitive thinking is coming up for you, and get back to the core of what is truly important in what you are doing.
 I welcome you release material excesses, and to embrace moderation instead of over indulgence.
 I welcome you to consider how you gain greater command over your life by releasing what does not honor your process.
   Nourishing the soul
From March 1st – March 5th the soul is seeking relationship, and true connection. However, it may be a bit hard to find that among the material world distortions and responsibilities.  It is likely that others will want to compete for the relationships that you have.  This can also be a time where earthly responsibilities will compete for your time with others, making it hard for you to have time for the relationships that you value.
 Keep in mind with this that it is people and true loving relationships that the soul sees as the priority.  They must be honored even among the demands of the earthly world.  On top of this our own soul processes will have to be honored, since nothing will progress without doing that.  So the soul is asking us to find balance between, self, relationships, and material needs.  It is in that balance that the soul is not only nourished; but unlocks the doors that we have wanted to walk through, and have been unable to.  Each piece is a valuable part of our life, so each must be honored.  As we grow and expand and become more successful, even more tries to pull us out of that balance; so we need to practice being good at keeping it before stepping into bigger successes.
 From March 6th through the end of the month it can find us feeling a bit stressed, anxious, and coming into some of our victim patterns, as is so easy to do when things are not smoothly flowing as the human self would like them to do.  This period is the soul asking us to trust it.  It is a time where success can definitely happen; and the use of our power becomes the tipping point between succeeding and falling apart.
 Lies, manipulation, and deception are all present; and when this happens it is important that we look to soul processes and principles to see the truth.  It is when we trust in the soul’s wisdom that we are able to come through those periods that twist and turn things around, and can part the veils of illusions.  During this time the soul is asking us to be with it and let go of the illusions of the world that we live in.
 During this time we may feel like we don’t know who or what we can trust or believe; however, our own soul does not lie; and thus we are asked to trust and turn to Divine presence and connection.  We are asked to walk in the steps of truth, integrity, and purity; for that is the one place that clarity can be found.  When in doubt look to Divine Principles and see where they are active and not active; and that will be your guide.  At this time the soul is nourished by standing in its light regardless of what others choose.
 I welcome you to focus on strengthening your relationship and connection with your soul self and Divine Presence
 I welcome you to be in true and loving relationship with others, or be willing to release them from your life.
 I welcome you to honor what you need to do for your own soul lessons and processes.
 I welcome you to fully trust your soul self, knowing that it operates only for your best benefit.
 I welcome you to allow Divine principles to show you where the truth is and is not.
The Code Journey ~ Jesse An Nichols George
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Batman corners Joker in a pharmaceutical warehouse, beating him excessively as Nightwing, Batgirl, and the GCPD look on in horror. Joker boasts that medication would let him do more good than Batman, prompting Batman to force a bottle of pills down Joker's throat. With a recording of the beating leaking and the Batmobile causing huge collateral damage, debate is sparked over whether Batman is doing more harm than good. Barbara and Dick learn Bruce's violence stems from Alfred being near death, kept alive only by Freeze Tech. Joker, now stable and using his real name Jack Napier, wins a case against GCPD for insufficient evidence and for non-intervention in his beating.
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Freed, Napier visits Harley Quinn, who attacks him and insists he's not himself. Saved by a second Harley, Napier learns she is the original but was replaced: with Joker's obsession culminating in Jason Todd's torture, Quinzel left to try and help Batman save Todd, and was replaced when Joker unwittingly adopted an obsessed hostage named Marian Drews. Bruce and Victor Fries develop a treatment for cryogenic illnesses. Despite not being fully tested, Fries attempts to resuscitate Nora; anticipating this, Wayne hooks the system up to Fries' suit, curing him but aging him to his natural elderly state. Running for councilman, Napier funds construction of a library in poor district Backport and befriends Duke Thomas, an ex-GCPD officer who runs a local youth group. Meanwhile, Bruce discovers that many of his fellow billionaires have been profiting off of Batman by purchasing properties destroyed by Batman's battles and then flipping them after the city repairs them; Bruce is left shaken by this discovery. Using the Mad Hatter's tools to control Clayface, Napier gives Gotham's Rogues Gallery drinks secretly laced with his dust to control them by proxy.
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Making the villains rampage across the city, Napier uses the distraction to access restricted documents and discovers a tax fund for Batman's collateral damage. In an attempt to move the villains to a less-populated area, Batman baits them into attacking Backport and Napier's library, thinking that they wouldn't attack a property owned by the Joker; the villains proceed to damage Backport and raze the library. Injured when Napier's library crumbles, Bruce later collapses at Alfred's bedside; waking to find himself stabilized on Alfred's life-support, Bruce finds Alfred dead in the bedside chair. Dick and Barbara discuss whether to intervene in Bruce's developing obsession in convicting Napier.
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Drews, now Neo Joker, recovers the Clayface's remains, taking the Rogues Gallery into her control. When Batman intervenes in his protest, Napier goes willingly to GCPD. Warning he knows of the collateral fund, he offers to reallocate it to GCPD as councilman, giving Gotham a culpable Batman equivalent known as the GTO - the Gotham Terrorism Oppression unit.
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Neo Joker attacks the GCPD, prompting Gordon to side with Napier and place an APB on Batman. Batman asks Quinzel for help taking down Napier, convinced he's pulling a long con; Quinzel refuses, certain Napier is legitimate. Bested by the GTO, which has recruited Duke, Nightwing and Batgirl and has built their own makeshift Batmobiles, Batman is arrested by Napier. Neo Joker uses a revealed superweapon to freeze Gotham harbor, demanding she be given Joker. Earlier, Bruce discovered Thomas Wayne funded Fries Sr. to create Freeze-Tech, circumventing US laws by tunneling under Gotham's German embassy; Fries Sr. later cut ties with Thomas to build the superweapon against his wishes.
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Napier's medication becomes ineffective, making him periodically revert into Joker. Napier frees Batman, asking for help stopping Neo Joker in exchange for a confession (provided Quinzel isn't arrested). Napier, Batman and the GTO organize an assault on the freeze ray, piloting a fleet of Batman's Batmobiles. During the assault, Napier attempts to focus on Joker's memories and recalls that Todd is alive: Joker drove Robin to hate Batman and reveal his identity. Napier explains he already knew Batman's identity as all collateral taxes indirectly come from Wayne Enterprises. Making peace with Dick, Barbara and Gordon, Batman races through Gotham tunnels with Napier, who has reverted to Joker. The GTO bests Neo Joker's forces and reverses the freeze ray, flooding the tunnels. Overpowering Neo Joker, Joker releases Clayface and undoes the mind control. With Batman protecting him from Clayface, Joker and Quinzel pursue Neo Joker in the Batmobile; Napier returns and professes his love for Quinzel. Approaching a closing floodgate, Napier launches Quinzel through the gap in the Batcycle, causing him to crash. Quinzel beats and apprehends Neo Joker, and Batman saves Napier.
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Confessing to his crimes, Napier surrenders and is granted a nicer Arkham cell and a wedding to Quinzel; as he finishes his vows, Napier permanently reverts to Joker. Using Napier's remaining funds, Quinzel begins restoring Backport. Confronting Quinzel, Batman reveals she manufactured Joker's medication and orchestrated events so the chase would end in the factory and be recorded. Explaining he only learned the truth from Joker, Quinzel explains she did it to break their stalemate before they destroyed Gotham.
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Meeting with Gordon, Batman gives him the keys to the original Batmobiles for the GTO and confesses that Napier was right about him. Revealing that he's realized that he's been taking pleasure in harming criminals and that he's allowed himself to go too far in his war against crime, Batman unmasks himself in front of Gordon to earn back his trust.
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To say this story is about role reversals would be an underwhelming generalization. There is more to this story and it is a product of our current times.
The first thing that comes to mind while reading this story is the how Trump got to be a president and how the UK voted for a Brexit. It’s about trust in the good guys, and how when that trust is broken, people will trust anything but the good guys. I’m not saying that Trump is a villain, but, you know, he wouldn’t be in power had he had better (trustful) competition. And coming from a third world country, this happens a lot, in many countries, with politicians in particular.
But it goes beyond that, when you feel like the authorities (like the police or the army) acts like a bully, you do not trust them anymore. You second guess all they do. That is actually a very good practice though, you SHOULD think rationally about motivations and goals of those you trust. But it doesn’t help institutions, it breaks apart trust in other things that may be actually good for society, and you open the door for crazy conspiracies and hoaxes that do more harm than good (like anti-vaccination fanatics or climate change denialists).
So it is fitting that this story ends with Batman revealing who he is, because had the people known he was paying for his own destruction all along, the Joker wouldn’t have had the upper hand. And people were eager to believe in the Joker, who in the shadows, was still doing evil (even if it was for a good cause).
And that is another thing to consider, that no one is right in this story (just like in real life). All these characters are wrong at some point, the Joker is right in his views most of the time, but the alternative is also flawed.
I am saying this is a story of our times, because it feels like the good guys are not as trustful as they used to, and they really need to step up and be more transparent in order to stop hate and corruption from coming into power (many countries seem to go for fascist ideas at this moment, last time something like that happened was before World War II).
Going to specifics of this story, Jason is alive (but thought dead) and he was also the first Robin. Dick is not the loyal partner here and Barbara is a bit less mature than we are used to. The whole story feels like a remix of the Batman movies and the animated series, but it is clearly not in any of those continuities. It also introduces a second Harley Quinn, who looks pretty much like the new 52 version of the character.
And of course, the stand-out of the series is the original Harley Quinn, and how he was the actual mastermind behind everything... for a good cause. That kind of reveal was justified and throws mediocre mystery arcs like Hush and The Long Halloween out the window.
There are a lot of easter eggs in the art, and it helps create this big landscape that is Gotham City. You can feel these backgrounds as being a very important part of the story.
It also leaves some unanswered questions to justify a sequel.
I give this story a score of 10.
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flipomatic · 4 years
Internship Chapter 25: Day 22 - Emira
Author Note: In retrospect, I should’ve found a better way to deliver the exposition in this chapter.
First Chapter Previous Chapter
Today marked the start of the last week of the internship. Emira had mixed feelings about it ending; sure, the beginning had been awful, but last week she had really started to enjoy herself. She was finally finding something to do, a way to improve her magic. Going back to school would be supremely boring, plus she wouldn’t get to work with Jen anymore.
It was satisfying, contributing complex illusions to their work. It felt similar to pulling off a multi-step prank without a hitch.
Emira’s feelings towards Jen had leaned negative at first, with her strange trinkets and the way she assigned Emira simple tasks. Watching her perform magic had started to change that. Of course, now that the internship was almost over she was starting to grow on Emira. Things always seemed to work out like that.
Looking back, Emira hadn’t given her a fair chance. She’d been so preoccupied with wanting a challenge, she hadn’t thought about the reasons Jen would assign her smaller tasks at first. That was a chance to prove herself and to learn, a chance she passed up.
Well, she wasn’t doing that anymore. Emira had arrived at the usual time at the coven, going straight to Jen’s office like she normally did. Jen was already at her desk, writing something on a piece of paper. Her eyebrows were furrowed together as she thought.
Emira greeted her from the door, and then asked, “What’re you working on?” Was it a spell? She hoped it was a new spell.
Jen lifted the paper to show her, though Emira had to get close to the desk and squint to see it. “I had an idea for a spell.” It was some kind of light spell, another one with multiple layers. Jen pulled it back after a moment and put it back on the desk. “It’s still in progress, I can show you when it’s done if you want.”
“Thanks.” The spell had looked intriguing, but difficult. One of the layers involved bending light.
Emira sat in the chair, but barely had a chance to get comfortable before Jen rose to her feet. “C’mon, we have to go see the coven leader before we go.”
“That’s weird.” Emira commented as she stood back up.
“I think it’s going to be good.” Jen stepped out of the office, waiting for Emira to pass before shutting the door.
They walked down the hallway to the coven leader’s office, which was further back into the coven, then knocked and entered. Emira hadn’t spoken to him for a few weeks; she hadn’t missed him.
His smile always managed to creep her out, and this morning was no different. “Emira, Jennifer,” He addressed each of them in turn, both hands held together on the table. “I have some… interesting news for you.” He paused, perhaps for dramatic effect, before continuing. “Emira, one of the market witches was so impressed with your sign work last week, they’ve requested your services today.” It took Emira a moment to process what she just heard, quickly repeating the words in her head.
“I got a request?” She asked to clarify, glancing over at Jen. The older woman was beaming, a huge smile on her face.
“That’s right.” The coven leader nodded, his plastered-on grin unphased. “Unfortunately, we’re going to have to assign the job to another witch.”
Though the line was delivered with the same tone, it immediately shattered the mood. “Why?” Emira tried not to let her disappointment show, since it would just give him fuel to use against her.
“As an intern, you can’t work a paid commission or take jobs by yourself.” He sounded so smug, perhaps because it was bad news.
Emira didn’t have an argument against that. She knew as an intern that her role was only temporary and didn’t carry full membership with it. She was just supposed to shadow Jen, after all. Perhaps last week had been a fluke.
“I’ll go with her.” Jen stepped forward, moving between Emira and the coven leader. “Even if they’re only paying for one witch, that’s fine. I’ll go support her.”
Now the coven leader’s smile slipped, just by a few teeth. “She still can’t lead the job.” He countered. “Remember what we talked about?”
Jen didn’t falter. “Write that I did it. What Odalia doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Hearing her mother’s name piqued Emira’s interest. This sounded like some interesting coven leader gossip, which was something that she very much wanted to learn more about.
“Very well.” The coven leader folded easily under the weight of Jen’s glare. “The job falls on your shoulders then.” He handed a small piece of paper to Jen, then dismissed them from the office.
When they reached the hallway and shut the door, Jen sighed. She looked lost in thought for a moment, before handing the paper to Emira. “This is yours.” She said, a smile returning to her face.
Emira accepted the slip of paper. It had a stall number written on it, along with the name of the requester. “Thank you.” She said, for both the paper and for what happened in the office.
“You’ve earned it.” Jen started walking down the hallway, putting distance between them and the coven leader’s office.
Emira followed, wondering if she should ask the question on her mind. Oh, of course she would ask, whether she should or not. “What was that about my mother?”
Jen glanced back over her shoulder, but didn’t stop walking. “Just a long game the two of them have been playing.” She grimaced. “You and I are both pawns, unfortunately.” It didn’t sound like a joke.
Emira disagreed. If she had to assign Jen a chess piece, it would be the rook. She was consistent, reliable, and highly skilled. Not that Emira played chess often, but she knew what the pieces were.
“What kind of game?” Emira pushed for more details, curious about the politics of the coven leaders. Since it had impacted her internship experience, she especially wanted to know.
Jen glanced around, though there were no other witches in the hallway with them. “It’s a long story.” She said as they reached the wing’s exit. “I’ll tell you on the way.”
They passed through the lobby, then left the building to walk to the market.
Jen waited until they were far enough from the building before she continued speaking. “I should start at the beginning, I suppose.” They walked side by side as Jen spoke. She said that eight years ago the previous coven head had retired. He hadn’t chosen a successor, so the job was up for grabs. There had been a few witches with an eye on the job, including Jen and York, the current coven leader. Finally, Emira had a name to match to his face.
Another piece of information was more important than that. “You could’ve been the coven leader?” Emira cut in to ask.
“Perhaps.” Jen looked off into the distance. “But I was more focused on my magic. York though, he was hungry for the job. He would visit the Emperor to show off his magic, always trying to impress him.” Jen turned back to Emira, bringing her voice quieter than before. “I don’t have all the details, but your mother, Odalia, helped him secure the job. She’ll never let him forget it. To this day she meddles in the coven’s affairs.”
That was an interesting story. Her mother’s request back when she started the internship was starting to make sense, but there was still something off. “What does it have to do with my internship?” Emira was still trying to put all of the pieces together.
“I don’t know the specifics, but Odalia wanted it this way. When you were assigned to me, I was instructed to keep you out of the spotlight.” Jen shrugged, a thoughtful look on her face.
This kind of behavior Emira knew well. Her mother always did like to control everyone around her. “She probably wanted more public attention on Ed’s internship.” Emira sighed. “To bring acclaim to the Blight name.”
“Well, regardless, I think you’ve been doing a great job.” Jen changed the subject as they neared the market. “Getting a request like this is no small feat.”
“Thanks.” Emira wasn’t one to shy away from praise. The two turned into the market, so Emira looked again at the slip of paper. They located the stand that was listed, which Emira was surprised to see was a potion stand.
The owner was thrilled to see them, and greeted them warmly. He said he had seen how effective Emira’s signs had been last week and just had to get them to advertise for his shop. Emira thanked him for the request before getting to work.
She made the sign with a few layers, making sure to use the transparent layer Jen suggested to her before. The sign turned out great, even better than the one last week.
Emira looked up at it with satisfaction.
Despite her mother’s meddling, she’d managed to find her place at this internship.
Next Chapter
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insomnishchurrin · 4 years
Devblog #1
Written June 17th 2020 | Authored by Churrin
Hello everyone and welcome to the first official devblog of Quiazal Legacy! Having spent the past 2 and a half months building this website for ease of access for the server, it's a breath of fresh air to be able to write information directly addressing my consumers and to inform them of my future plans with the server. I plan to post one of these every few weeks depending on how many updates I manage to get out to maintain transparency with my playerbase and to keep everyone informed of my development progress. This world has been in development for 7 years, and this server just over 3 months before posting these devblogs, and as a mono-developer it's been a hard task and an effort to get it out as quickly and effectively as possible. Errors may be prevalent, changes will be made and this server may not look the same way it did when it began, but that's the fun in developing a huge project like this. My intentions with making this world was to make an open and mature world setting where players could come and build stories in an open and encouraging environment, with other, welcoming players. During this blog I will be detailing what I plan to do in the future rather than what has been accomplished. All dev blogs after this one will be a changed process where I post what had been accomplished that half month or so, and what steps I plan to make next, as well as addressing any questions or comments left regarding the server which have yet to be addressed.  --
Species and Character Customization
From the beginning I've had a vast interest in designing a world appropriate for players to design and make their own things. This of course requires a magnanimous amount of content, something of which is already in the works but has been taking a long time. Currently, around half of the capacity of existing species is present on the website but this isn't enough, and ideally I'd like for a much larger array of species to be available to remove as much limitation as possible from our players.
From the beginning I've had a vast interest in designing a world appropriate for players to design and make their own things. This of course requires a magnanimous amount of content, something of which is already in the works but has been taking a long time. Currently, around half of the capacity of existing species is present on the website but this isn't enough, and ideally I'd like for a much larger array of species to be available to remove as much limitation as possible from our players.
Currently there is a work in progress advanced roster of about 30 species being prepared to be introduced to the website. I plan to gradually introduce these first and prioritise them over adding lore to the website as, at the heart of the server, a player's creativity and ability to actually mould their creations into what they want is the most important aspect of a good roleplay server. 
Because of the permanency of characters within the world of Quiazal, it's very easy for players to grow attached to their characters. By allowing players to customise their characters as much as possible within the lines of their species, with as huge an amount of species as is possible, players will be able to feel that even though they have a select amount to choose from their characters will be unique and stand out to the crowd, something important to general content creators and myself. It's with this in mind that the very first beginner roster of species was shaped, attempting to get a variety of everything possible while making it not overbearing to new players.
In the future, I plan to also add a species application system, so if players get their species approved for the world they can add even more levels of customisation for not just themselves, but other players too. 
Attributes and Character Customisation
Our system of attributes and dice based mechanics may be frustrating or even intimidating to some at a first glance, but I'd like to preface this section informing you all of the fact that it is truly easier than it may look. First, I should begin by explaining why we use attributes and dice in our server, and how they benefit you as players during your interactions and development:
Attributes lie at the heart of every character and their capabilities. No character is going to start off the best, especially in a new environment, which brought about the idea which lied in my heart but never had a functionality behind it until now. A problem I see in many roleplay servers is the lack of equal opportunities, places where not all characters can become the same things, and it can be tiring to players. Everyone wants to have a chance of getting to the spotlight no matter where they are, and its with attributes that I am to do just that. All characters in Quiazal Legacy have equal capabilities to develop into what their players want them to be. A character could start out as a mere peasant, but through development and determination from their player, with levelling up and adding points to their attributes where earned, a character could become a high noble and even go on to create a world changing business. Myself and the staff here at Quiazal are here not only to drive the overarching plot of the server, but to assist in this exact developmental process and to help enable players to get to where they want their characters to be.
Character Customisation is equally as important as character development. The way a character looks, acts and even feels when playing is extremely important to any character owner, and I know as a content creator how easy it can be to grow attached to your characters designs. My intention with our ''little to no limits'' character policy is to allow players to make and shape characters to be almost, if not exactly what they can imagine in their heads when traversing our world. All too often do I see roleplay servers implement silly rules on what characters can and can't do and it can direct attention away from the heart of the character and towards whether you're actually allowed to do something or not. I don't want this to be a concern with my players, and as such I enter a character review as open minded as possible and see the positives and negatives in everything a character can have. If a player does go too far with their creation, I'm not going to say ''no, you can't have that'' but instead I like to detail a different, simpler way they can do the exact same thing, thus not rendering the design of their character entirely pointless or unusable.
-- Our usage of dice is equally as important. Although it may be an intimidating annoyance to some players, I like to title it a ''necessary evil'' and is actually much more helpful than some may see it. Freeform Roleplay can especially difficult in such an open and creative environment and as such is rarely found in worlds which utilise such huge amounts of lore and world build (see Dungeons and Dragons for example.) While all different roleplay environments who utilise d20 have their own views, my particular view is this: The dice which we have are there to assist those who may not be quite so quick thinking in their environment just yet. What I mean by this is; say you're a freeform roleplayer in an environment which uses Attributes such as our own. The way we use our attributes is to guide players who do freeform, to help them know the appropriate degree their response to another's action should be, but this is not automated. With our dice system, it automates this and the player has to do much less maths, and more focus on what the dice feeds back to them as a base for their replies. Conjuring accurate and sensible replies in response to another's action can be a struggle for some. I personally wanted to use the dice in our server to help combat this and give all players the assistance they might need in making accurate responses, and eventually with some practise leave the dice behind. Of course there are other reasons the dice are present within the server, such as certain roleplayers having a preference for dice or for their use in some of our roleplaying scenes, but this is my overarching logic.
For now, these are my main regions for the next steps of development. Of course, development always takes time, and as such I don't want to rush in head first and make updates too quickly while my players claw at the server's walls trying to keep up with the movement. As stated at the beginning of this blog I will be putting out updates once every couple of weeks so, potentially faster immediately after release. I look forward to seeing what everyone makes of the world I've build and I simply cannot wait to work on the world with everyone!
You can find the link to our Discord Server on our sidebar.
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duhragonball · 5 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (116/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
[12 March, 233 Before Age.  Ristet IV.]
Yesterday, Zatte had killed an alien invader, single-handedly liberating the  Ristet IV.     Unfortunately, her swift assassination left no clues about the invader's origins or intentions.     Her best guess was that he was simply an opportunist seeking to exploit the chaos of the Federation-Jindan War for the sake of looting.  His spaceship contained no useful data that would confirm or refute this theory.  
Nor did the jamming device he had set up in orbit around the planet.    With the invader dead, there was no one to stop Zatte from taking his own ship into orbit and using it to find the jammer.     Once this was done, she quickly radioed the Federation starfleet nearby and inform them that the situation was under control.
With that matter resolved, Zatte finally returned to her own vessel, the star-yacht Emerald Eye, to take care of one last responsibility.    She docked the invader's one-seat pod in the cargo bay, and met Dotz in her usual haunt, the observation deck.    Night had fallen at the spaceport where the Eye was undergoing repairs, and Dotz had shut off the interior lighting of the deck, leaving herself illuminated only by her collection of candles, and the starlight that shone through the transparent dome covering the deck.  Zatte entered, and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of Dotz.   She saw no point in any greeting or preamble, and simply started talking.
"So yeah, I had a vision once," she began.   "An epiphany.  It showed me that Luffa is destined to be an important part of the divine plan."
The fortune-teller nodded pleasantly and seemed to consider these words for longer than Zatte would have liked.    She was uncomfortable enough discussing such a personal experience out loud, and she doubted that any reaction from Dotz would put her at ease.    Even so, she felt Dotz had earned her respect, and she was determined to share this.
"One god, or many?" Dotz finally asked.  
"Well, uh, I get a lot of clients who have religious experiences," she said.  "I find it helpful to know if we're talking about monotheism or polytheism before we discuss it."  She paused before adding:  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to make it sound like your experience was commonplace.  Um, it does happen to a lot of people, but that doesn't make your experience any less special."
"No, it's okay," Zatte said.  "I just never considered that before.  I'm so used to being on my own with this, that I never thought of comparing notes with anyone.  We... we call it Providence, and consider it uncountable."
"I see," Dotz said.  
"Luffa hates it when aliens compare her to supernatural figures, like angels or goddesses.  She feels like it dismisses her  accomplishments as a mortal warrior."
"I see that a lot too," Dotz said.  "A lot of powerful people struggle with the idea of fate, or a higher authority."
"I don't think of her like that.  I mean, she's sacred, but not divine," Zatte said.  
"What did you see?" Dotz asked.  "In your vision, I mean?    Did Providence speak to you?"
Zatte didn't answer right away.  Something about the way the older woman said "Providence" without really knowing what it meant.    It was respectful enough, but it still bothered her somehow.   "Maybe this is a bad idea.  I... I don't know if I should be talking about it."
"Oh.   You didn't hear a voice," Dotz said.  "It was more of a feeling, one that you recognized immediately."
Zatte was beginning to stand up when Dotz said this.    She knew Dotz had clairvoyant abilities, but somehow those abilities still had a way of catching her by surprise.  
"We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to," Dotz said.  "But I don't want to make you think that your experience doesn't count.  There's no rule that says you have to hear a voice, or see a certain thing."
Zatte sat back down and gathered the will to continue.  "Luffa saved me," she said.  Not in the vision, I mean.    She was saving me in real life when I had the vision.  I was... well it's a long story, but I was sick.  She purged that sickness from me with her powers.    And while she did, she managed to do the same for a lot of other people at the same time."
"From what I've seen, that sounds like a typical day for her," Dotz said.  "Not to diminish what she does, but..."
"This was different," Zatte said.  "At least, different for me.  As I recovered, I could feel her mind touching my own.  I understood what it was like for her.  Just... just this constant drive to fight and prove herself.  Like a surf pounding at the shore."
"Go on."
"Well, I just remember feeling so... restored.  I was finally myself again.  And she was doing something so good for the universe.  She was purging a great evil, and I don't think she even really knew how important that was.  It just pissed her off, so she struck back.  And something told me.  Not with words, really.  I just remembered thinking that this was the sort of thing she was meant to do.  And it felt so right to think of that that, like it was the truest thing I've ever known."
"And you still feel that way," Dotz surmised.    Zatte was nodding in agreement before she could even finish saying it.
"This war... well, I think it's the start of something big, like everything is coming to a head," Zatte said.   "I don't have any way to be sure, but she's beaten just about everyone else in the galaxy.    If she defeats Trismegistus and the Saiyans working for him, then there's no one left to oppose her.   I don't know what'll happen, but there's all these signs.   Her son, the Saiyan Free Company, they're all showing up to help her save their people.   And... well, you being here can't be a coincidence, right?"  
"Me?" Dotz asked.  
"Well, sure," Zatte said.   "You're like a prophet, bearing witness to whatever comes next.   It's got to mean something.   I'm sure of it."    
"I... I don't see how," Dotz said.   "My abilities changed after Luffa helped me out of that coma, but I still have a blind spot where her own future is concerned.    I still can't tell how her battle in the Fedender system is going."
"It'll work out," Zatte said.   "Somehow.   Why don't you try again?   We can't radio Fedender while their communications are being jammed, so for the time being, you're all we've got."
Zatte didn't like asking this of her.   It made it sound like she was admitting that she didn't trust Luffa to take care of herself.    And Dotz seemed to be frustrated with the "blind spot" in her abilities.    But they didn't have much else to do, and Dr. Topsas was away, and she still worried about Luffa, even if there was no need.  
With a heavy sigh, Dotz nodded, and began reshuffling her cards.  
[12 March, 233 Before Age.  Nagaoka.]
It was something of a relief for Trismegistus to disrobe.  The heavy garment had its uses, but one of them was the dramatic impact it had when he took it off.    So many of his followers rarely got to see his face, and so it became something of an honor when he revealed it to them.    It was important to make even simple gestures like these take on a greater significance.   The cloak landed at his feet with a thud, thanks to the iridium weights sewn into the lining.   A minor touch, but one he enjoyed.
Behind him, Treekul stood at ease, awaiting his next command.    He felt a twinge of shame at the high priestess "costume" he had arranged for her.  Was it really necessary to objectify her in such a revealing outfit?  Probably not, though it kept her off-balance, and he did enjoy her figure, even if he found her lavender skin off-putting.    He often thought that she would look so much lovelier with a Saiyan complexion.   Perhaps he would alter her pigmentation someday, to suit his own aesthetic.  That thought also embarrassed him a little, but he didn't allow it to bother him.   Treekul belonged to him now.  She wasn't indoctrinated like the cultists, but that made no difference, since she was trapped on the planet with no way to survive except by his favor.    He would do with her as he saw fit, and for now, she served him best as a symbol of power to display before the others.
Before him, one of his newest followers, Lesseri, knelt before him in supplication.  She was like most Saiyans-- proud, stubborn, ambitious-- but those qualities made Saiyans very easy to control.  He had promised her great power, and in return, he had asked for her complete devotion.  It was an easy bargain for Saiyans like Lesseri.  They all craved more power, and they cared little for how they got it, or who they had to thank.  But once they got the power they craved, they always craved a little more, and that was when they would finally begin to have second thoughts about their choices.
"Rise, Faithful Lesseri," he finally said.  
"Thank you, my lord," she replied as she stood.  He hadn't given her permission to speak yet, but she was still new to the cult, and that lesson could wait for another time.  For now, it was best to teach her about matters that already held her attention.
"What troubles you, child?" he asked.  He addressed them all this way, even the ones who were older than himself.    It was important to condition them to think of him as their superior in every sense.
"I... well, I think there was something wrong with my initiation rites, sir."
The reluctance in her voice was music to his ears.  She had only just joined his flock, and she was already unsure about defying him.  Oh, she had been very vocal about her complaints in private, or rather, what she assumed was privacy.  But now that she stood face to face with him, she was much more careful with her words.  She would make a fine servant.
"Something wrong with the initiation rites?" he asked.  "Why do you say that, child?  You fasted for three days, didn't you?"
"You drank the elixir, I prepared for you, didn't you?"
"Yes, sir."
"You observed all of the other sacred rites.  The garland, the linen belt, the oath of the yoke."
"Yes, sir."
"And you have become stronger than you were before you came to me.   You feel it, don't you?"  Trismegistus asked.
"Very much, my lord," Lesseri said.  "But..."
"But it's not enough," he said, anticipating her next words.  "Is it?"  
"I, er, don't mean to seem ungrateful, sir..."
"Why do you feel cheated, Lesseri?" he asked.   There was no anger or hurt in his voice.    He spoke kindly and patiently, as if the implied accusation in her words did not exist.  "You may speak freely.  In fact, I command it."
She hesitated, then said: "Guwar, sir.  He was weaker than me before we joined you.  Now he and I both have the Jindan power, and he's stronger than I am."
"Oh?" he said.  "And what of it?"
"You gave him more power than you gave me!" Lesseri said.  "It isn't fair!"  She had tried to be obeisant and respectful, but now her frustration and outrage began to well up inside her.   She believed he was playing dumb with her, and she was right.   It wasn't fair.   The lesson she needed to learn had nothing to do with fairness.    
"Let's say you're right," Trismegistus said.   "What do you plan to do about it?"
Her building defiance suddenly melted away.   Lesseri took a step back from him, as though the question itself had physically shoved her.    
"Well?" he asked.   "I did order you to speak your mind, Lesseri.   Speak."
He enjoyed making them squirm like this.   Saiyans like Lesseri thought they would do anything for greater strength, but 'anything' included far, far more than they ever bothered to consider.  
"I... I only want what you promised me--" Lesseri said slowly.
"No," Trismegistus said.   "You gave yourself to me, Lesseri, and I gave you Jindan in return.  As far as I'm concerned, our transaction is concluded.   What you're asking for now is to be stronger than Guwar.   And I could make you stronger, but you have nothing else to bargain with.   Everything you have, everything you are, is mine.   Guwar is mine.    I owe you nothing.   So I'll ask again: what are you going to do about it?"
He looked at Treekul while he waited for Lesseri to come up with an answer.     "What do you think, Treekul?" he asked idly.  
The alien woman rubbed the back of her buzzcut and smiled uneasily.    "Well, she could always quit the cult, right?" Treekul said.    
"Yes, she could.   You both saw what happened to Salziff when he left my flock," Trismegistus said.    "Jindan exacts a tremendous price.   Allow me to demonstrate."
Lesseri suddenly collapsed, and a red aura glowed faintly around her body.    
"No!" she moaned.    "I didn't mean--!   I never wanted--!"
"Unlike you, dear Treekul," he said, "Lesseri is free to leave us at any time.   However, if she goes, she won't get to take the Jindan power with her."
"You can remove it at will?" Treekul asked.   She stepped forward to help Lesseri, then thought better of it.    The two women had been allies for a time, and it pleased Trismegistus to separate them this way.  Treekul's best chance to survive was to at play along with the role he had laid out for her.    She would eventually seek an opportunity to escape, but first she had to earn his trust, which meant that she couldn't squander it by defying him openly.    That was the alien's hope, but it was hollow.   The fact was that Trismegistus would never trust her, no matter what she did or didn't do.    But he would string her along, and make her think her plan was working, and she would continue to obey him, waiting for a chance that would never come.  As for Lesseri...
"The Jindan elixir binds the user's ki with my own," he explained.    "Increasing their power is a somewhat complicated operation, but taking it away?   For me, it is as simple as contracting a muscle.   But it's not as simple as filling a cup with fresh wine.    A little of the user's ki is mingled in the process, and so when I rescind my gift, the subject always ends up weaker than when she began."
As he said this, the red aura vanished from Lesseri's body, and she looked at her open palms in abject horror.   "No!" she gasped.  
"Take heart, Lesseri," Trismegistus said.   "You're still stronger than Guwar was before he accepted the Jindan power.   That must be of some consolation to you."
"Please!" she begged.   "I never said I wanted to leave you!    I only wanted to be stronger!"
Trismegistus made a cruel smile.    "I have no intention of driving you out," he said.    "I will return what I have taken from you, Lesseri... tomorrow, I think.   That will give you time to reconsider things.    And you'll have to prepare for the initiation rites again."
Lesseri made an audible gulp.   "Again?" she asked in a small voice.
"I'm afraid restoring Jindan to you isn't as easy as taking it away," Trismegistus said.   "At least you won't have to repeat the Crucible.   Others have not been so fortunate."
Lesseri began to weep softly.    As she did, he turned to Treekul and addressed her.
"Tell me, Treekul.   What question should Lesseri have asked me?"
Treekul considered this for a moment, and then shrugged her shoulders.  "I'm not sure," she admitted, "but I'm curious about why Guwar got more from the same dose of Jindan elixir.  Does it depend on the person, or is that something you can control?"
"Very good, my priestess," he said.  "Lesseri can learn a great deal from you already.  The problem is that she has a lot to unlearn as well."
"So this is some kind of ideological thing," Treekul guessed.  "Guwar was favored because he had greater faith, or because he was worthier in some way."
"It's more complicated than that," Trismegistus said.  He looked down at Lesseri, who was still cowering at his feet.  "Up on your feet, my child.  You're weakened, but you have enough strength to stand, don't you?"  He waited for her to rise before he continued.  "I need the Saiyans, Treekul.  I need them as much as they need me.  With each one who joins my fold and receives my sacrament, I grow stronger.  In return, I give them strength, purpose, and order."
He walked around the spot where Lesseri stood, and when he was close enough, he reached out and seized her tail in his hand.  Lesseri winced with pain, but didn't move.
"You know that a Saiyan's tail is their weak point," he said.
"I've heard," Treekul said.  "But I've also heard most Saiyans train their tails to overcome that problem."
"That's right," he said.  "Lesseri is a fine example.  If she hadn't rigorously trained herself, she would be overcome with agony right now.  Left untrained, simple squeeze of my hand would make her helpless, but instead I can only make her uncomfortable.  But why should she have a tail at all?"
"The great ape transformation," Treekul said.  "I've never seen it, but I hear Saiyans can increase their power dramatically that way."
"That only works under the light of the full moon,"  he said, "and even then, it's a liability.  Most Saiyans lose all control of themselves in the Oozaru form.  Even the ones who don't must still be careful, because if an enemy attacks their tail, it could undo the transformation."
"I know some Saiyans cut their tails off," Treekul said.  "Including a lot of the ones here."
"Yes, and they are the ones who demonstrate true wisdom," Trismegistus said.  "So many Saiyans revere their tails, foolishly attempting to justify a vestigial organ.  They let a quirk of biology decide their strengths and weaknesses, rather than taking control of their own destinies.  Lesseri has accepted the path of wisdom already.  By accepting Jindan, she has rejected the limitations of her own body.  One day, we shall hold a ceremony, and she will cut off her own tail, proving once and for all her willingness to cast off her bodily weaknesses."
"Okay," Treekul said, "But Guwar still has his tail, at least for now.  What puts him ahead of Lesseri?"
"Guwar has kept his tail out of ignorance and complacency," Trismegistus explained.  "Other Saiyans choose to keep them, out of a misplaced sense of pride.  They have been taught by false teachers, who fill their heads with heretical nonsense.  That is what sets Lesseri apart.  That is the true weakness she must cast off.  There are many Saiyans afflicted by this corruption, but Lesseri more than most."
"I... I don't know what you're talking about!" Lesseri finally exclaimed.    He smiled at the desperation in her voice.    "My mother abandoned me to a gestation facility before I was born!  I grew up alone!  What false teacher--?"
Trismegistus grabbed her by the face, silencing her as harshly as possible.  "I speak of the antiprophet herself!" he shouted.  "The un-Saiyan, the Queen of Lies!  Or do you deny training with Luffa herself?"
The look in her terrified eyes was priceless.  Trismegistus lacked the power to read minds, but he knew enough to be assured that Lesseri would now be his forever.   She had been "hiding" this secret from him the whole time, worried that if the truth were revealed, that it would ruin her standing here.   But he had known all along.   He would never tell her how he knew.   Best to let her imagination fill in the blank for him.    She would assume he could see her thoughts, or that Treekul had betrayed her, or that she had given herself away somehow.
"Hold on," Treekul said.  "Lesseri hates Luffa.  I mean, sure, she told me once about how she trained with her, but she found the whole thing to be a waste of time, so she quit."
"Of course she did," Trismegistus said.  "Even the lost can recognize true evil when they encounter it.  Lesseri forsook the wicked, and with your guidance, Treekul, she found the divine.  That is to her credit, but her debt must still be paid.  The stain of Luffa must still be cleansed."
"Then... then it's not too late for me?"  Lesseri asked when he released her.  He could practically smell the fear coming from her.  She could not leave the cult, and so her only way forward was to embrace it as completely as she could, in the hopes of being deemed 'worthy'.  As with Treekul, Lesseri's goal was unreachable.  He would lead her towards it, offering her chances to redeem herself, but she could she ever truly be rid of the "sin" of her past association with Luffa.
"It's never too late for anyone, Lesseri," he assured her.   "But your path will be very different from Guwar's.    Much will be asked of you, and-- for a time-- you will receive little in return.   One day, you will be rewarded in full, but first we must purge you of Luffa's corruption, this sense of entitlement you have.   Luffa would have us all believe that power is a Saiyan's birthright, to be claimed through perseverance.   You cannot win supreme power by your own merit, Lesseri.   Compassion, collateral, shrewd negotiation, none of it matters.   It can only be received from higher power.   My power.    You intuited this when you first decided to seek me out.    Now, we must teach your conscious mind to understand the great truth you have discovered."
"H-how do I start?" Lesseri asked.    
Trismegistus stroked his chin for a moment as he pretended to consider the matter.   Then he gave Treekul an expectant look.  
"Um... well, if you're asking me," Treekul said with a start, "I'm new to this, but maybe some manual labor?   Yeah, nothing like some mindlessly repetitive tasks to, uh, cleanse the spirit."
"Very good," Trismegistus said.    "The breeding pits are always in need of cleaning."    He patted Lesseri on the shoulder and smiled warmly at her.     "One of the deacons will help you get started."
There was something in Lesseri's eyes that betrayed a hint of resentment, but her grateful smile marked the progress he had made.   It would take time to break Lesseri to his will, but the important thing was that he had set the terms.    She now understood that she had to mold herself to his expectations, instead of the reverse.   "Thank you, my lord," she said.    "I won't disappoint you."
"Of course not," he said.  "Now go, and let my triple-blessing fall upon your task."
Lesseri lowered her head respectfully, and after she had withdrawn from the chamber, Trismegistus turned to Treekul and chuckled.    
"Breeding pits?" Treekul asked.    "Is that what I think it is?"
"As I told you," he said.    "I need the  Saiyans as much as they need me.   Not only this generation, but the next, and the one after that.    I have facilities here on Nagaoka for incubating their progeny, and breeding partners are selected through genetic screening, but when it comes to the copulation, well--" he stepped toward her and put his arm around her waist to pull her closer.  "--sometimes the old-fashioned ways are the best."
"Yeah... but Saiyans are really uptight about that stuff," Treekul observed.  "You mean you just order them to pair off and cuddle up in some public space?"
She kept glancing down at his arm, which amused him.   She didn't like when he touched her, but she knew better than to object.   After all, the little fool needed to gain his confidence, didn't she?  
"The Saiyans have always been a prudish race," he explained.  "The breeding pits serve as a way to de-stigmatize their mating habits, and to ensure that no one shirks their duties."
"Just another way to keep them in line, isn't it?   The ones who object get singled out and punished just like Lesseri, don't they?" she asked.  
"Absolutely," he said.   "You learn quickly, my dear.   But enough of this.   I have several more alchemical lessons for you today.   Lesseri and her kind can wait for another day."  
He loosened his grip on her, only to take her by the arm instead.   As he led her to his apparatus, she resisted him with a tug.    
"Hold on," she said.   "What about Guwar?   You kept saying how exceptional he's been, but I haven't seen him since I got here."
He looked back at her with a smirk.   "I'm sure you'll see him in time, Treekul," he replied.  "Though I would remind you that the breeding pits are off-limits to non-Saiyans."
He turned and led her onward, unconcerned with how she reacted to this statement.   He suspected that she had feelings towards the Guwar, or perhaps the reverse, or perhaps neither.    The point was not to correctly guess what she was thinking, but to make her question her own thoughts, and to cloak himself with an fog of inscrutability, so that no one could be sure what he could do or not do.  
That was the key to true power, and why he so enjoyed the chance to disrobe.   He left his cloak where it lay.   Someone would fetch it for him, and consider the chore to be a tremendous honor.  
[12 March, 233 Before Age.  Ristet IV.]
"The seven of knives, twelve of horses.  The black hole.  The bishop.  The nine of lances."
"What does all that mean?" Zatte asked as she looked at the cards Dotz had drawn.  
"Absolutely nothing," Dotz said.  "Well not nothing, but it's all jumbled.  Contradictory."
"I don't understand," Zatte said.
Dotz placed her fingertip on one of the cards lying face up on the table.  "This one tells me she's going on a journey very soon.  But the others indicate that she won't.  This one says she's going to die.  And this one means that she'll live a very long life."
"I would have thought that there was a consistent prediction for every possible combination of cards," Zatte said.    "Otherwise, what's the point?"
"There should be, but... well, I apply my own sensibilities when I do a reading," Dotz explained.  
Zatte noticed her tone was even more apologetic than usual.     She found it ironic that Luffa, the mightiest Saiyan of her age, had developed such a fast respect for this meek and unassuming middle-aged woman.    "The strictest interpretation of this hand is that Luffa is a very passionate person who will be experiencing a great challenge soon.  Well, pardon my saying so, but that just doesn't tell us very much at all."
"No, I suppose it doesn't tell us a whole lot," Zatte said, "but your own interpretation doesn't make sense."
"It's worse than that," Dotz continued.    She looked down at the cards scattered on the table.  "I've done a dozen readings for her, and they all end up like this.  Sometimes she meets an important man, either a stranger, or a close relative.    Sometimes she fights him.    Sometimes she receives instructions from heaven.  Other times it's like she ceases to exist.   I hoped that the cards would give me better insight, but I'm no better off than before."
"I'm sorry," Zatte said. "I wish I could help."
"It's not all bad,  I suppose.  Working on her fortune has forced me to improve my technique.  I'm no closer to reading Luffa's future, but I'm a lot more confident in predicting others."
"If that's an offer, the answer is still no," Zatte said.  "My place is beside her.  If her path is unknown, then mine should be the same."
"Of course," Dotz said. "I only meant that I could get a better reading on the next attack."
"What about the enemy's base of operations?" Zatte asked.  "These cultists keep popping up from out of nowhere.   From what I hear, Federation intelligence can only suggest that they're using cloaked ships or low-power runnings to approach undetected.    Every time we beat a few, there's always more to replace them.   If we don't find out where they're coming from, we may never stop them."
"The answer will come to us," Dotz said.  "The path of the traitor will show the way."
"A traitor?" Zatte asked.  "From our side or theirs?"
"I can't tell," Dotz said.  "I-I'm sorry.  I know there's a lot at stake, but some events are to fluid to predict."
"Don't apologize," Zatte said.  "If this is how your ability works, I'll just have to get used to it."
"I'll try again," Dotz assured her.     "Sometimes, things improve after a few hours, as we get closer to the answer.     I'll do whatever I can to get some more solid information for you."
"What about Xibuyas' fortune?" Zatte asked.  "Can you read anything about him?"
Dotz leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes.  "His is a difficult path," she began.  "He will hold many levers of power, but the ones he'll actually turn will be very few."
Zatte shrugged.  "I don't know what to make of that," she said.    "Are you saying he won't prosper?"
"Not long enough to truly enjoy the rewards of his work," Dotz said.  "He sows the seeds and he tills the field, but others will eat the crop."
Zatte couldn't help but smile.   Her stepson despised Luffa, and he seemed to hate Zatte almost as much, so he probably wouldn't have appreciated the sentiment of it.    Among her own people, the Dorluns, a fate like the one Dotz just described would be very satisfying indeed.   She made a mental note to say a prayer for the boy.
"What about Fedender itself?" she suggested.    "If you can't see how Luffa's doing, maybe the planet's status is easier to read."
"Oh, that's a good idea," Dotz said.    She concentrated for several minutes, or at least Zatte assumed it was concentration, since she had no idea how Dotz did what she did.    Eventually she dealt another hand from her deck of cards, and then--
"The battle is over," Dotz said.  
"Over?" Zatte asked.   "Then why hasn't there been any word?"
Dotz grimaced as though asking the same question to whatever unseen force gave her those kinds of answers.   "I'm not sure.   The damage was extensive.    Maybe they can't restore communications, even with the enemy gone."
"Then we won?" Zatte asked.   "Are the cultists definitely off the planet?"
Dotz hesitated before replying.   "Yes," she said.    "Yes, I'm sure of it now.    They're gone, but... but they'll be coming back.   Which means Luffa will have to return there as well."  
"I don't get it," Zatte said.   "How can she return to Fedender if she hasn't even left yet?"
"She's not there anymore," Dotz said.   "I can see a woman.   One of Fedender's leaders, I imagine.    An authority figure, that much is certain.    She's watching a ship take off, and she's begging Luffa to stay."
"That doesn't make any sense," Zatte said.    "If she were headed back here, I'd have already picked her up on the long-range sensors.    And if she's not staying put on Fedender, we should have heard from some other Federation planet by now, one that's under attack and needs her help.    Where could she be going?"
"And what will happen to Fedender," Dotz asked as she slowly opened her eyes, "if Luffa doesn't return in time to help them?"
NEXT: Luffa vs. Trismegistus.
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ivytineton86-blog · 5 years
The New Angle On Guest Post Sites in Tech Niche Just Released
It's possible to also highlight a variety of the text. You receive a backlinks with your preferred anchor text. You set the sort of content you wish to go paid for. Another effective method of finding guest posting websites is using the search engine itself. One of the absolute most efficient tactics to acquire direct traffic is to file your blog or website to an internet directory submission website. There are more valuable details if we go past the totally free search but we'll follow the completely free edition for the time being. Content Marketing is a very effective strategy to increase your startup. Among the most popular affiliate advertising platforms is gaming. Experts within a specific industry or niche have a tendency to have the ability to charge more than general writers. Networking Interacting with individuals who comment on your blog posts may be an effective approach to cultivate your professional network all around the world. Blogging can also raise your on-line profile, permitting you to get more impact on STEM influencers and thought leaders. Guest blogging is just one of the greatest methods to boost your site audience. Visitors of your blog has to have a mutual interest. The articles should seem natural. Also, include a byline that should highlight you and your blog and I won't accept a byline with over 1 link. If your blog is quite visual you ought to also include Pinterest or Instagram. The more technical the subject, the longer the post ought to be. You are able to see just what you will need to do for your guest post to be accepted.You don't need to be a huge blogger with an impressive business to earn money blogging. For each one of the websites you've got in your list you are going to want to discover whether there's a chance to develop into a columnist there. Let's say you have a blog about marketing tips and you're writing a guest post for a blog that addresses the fashion market. Guest Post Sites in Tech Niche at a Glance Email is a potent advertising tool. Blogging may be a terrific means to draw new customers to your company site. Guest blogging is an established way to raise organic search visitors to your site. The 2nd most important step is to locate guest posting opportunities. The set up can be pretty complex, but if you're considering a larger network CloudBoss can save a chunk of money. You require a good deal of traffic to be prosperous. Adhere to these steps closely and you ought to have your blog ready in less than thirty minutes. If you would like to flip a website, take a look at Flippa. There are tons and a great deal of quality sites which accept guest posts and give credit to the author by means of a hyperlink to their internet website. Don't be scared to voice your opinions, even if this opinion might not be the absolute most popular one. You're able to create compelling content which will have a distinctive personality your readers can relate to and truly fall in love with each and every word you write. Just because you've got a narrow topic doesn't indicate you ought to have a narrow mind.Google business reviews are the ideal option to create users trust. If you're a blog proprietor, you're receive advertisers' offers to publish their content on your website. Niche blogs might be beneficial method to receive your information before audiences and customers that are interested and searching for the services and products you offer. Your intent should dictate your aims and ought to be measurable and sensible outputs. Some digital marketing and advertising strategies offer you amazing results while some don't. Your aims will also dictate a lot of the constraints or parameters. In the event the website has a great reputation, then don't be concerned about your content getting stolen. As opposed to the owner creating content, the content is supplied by the general public. Bear in mind, once you launch your blog and begin typing away your content, you should always concentrate on your intended audience and their needs so you can give them real price and quality because that is what's going to make your blog successful. There are plenty of ways using which you are able to determine the contacts for various Blogs. Since you may see, the Enterprise blog exists both to entice new leads and offer valuable content to existing customers. Product Hunt is a rather various community to Lookbook, but it's the ideal illustration of a different type of community hijacking that you are able to benefit from. Adhere to these steps closely and you ought to have your blog ready in less than thirty minutes. Likewise, when you have a site you've had good performance with in years past don't hesitate to recommend it. Well you will need to really get the site up. A small quantity of well-put keywords is sufficient to supply you with the results that you're after. While the use of a description meta tag is optional and will not have any effect on your rankings, an excellent description can produce a better snippet, which subsequently can help enhance the quality and amount of visitors from our search outcomes. You set the sort of content you wish to go paid for. The simplest approach is only to look at the about or contact pages of various sites. One of the absolute most efficient tactics to acquire direct traffic is to file your blog or website to an internet directory submission website. There are more valuable details if we go past the totally free search but we'll follow the completely free edition for the time being. To gather added details on Guest Post Tech please check out Tech Guest Post. Nothing isn't right, if you purchase an old and expired domain for many of your requirements, but, it needs lots of hard work to change it into an authority site. The set up can be pretty complex, but if you're considering a larger network CloudBoss can save a chunk of money. You require a good deal of traffic to be prosperous. Connect with other men and women that are contributing a top quality guest post to industry level sites. You can open a blog and promote online shopping website's products on it. There usually aren't a whole lot of niche places you are able to go to guest-post. So be certain you be transparent if want to get the trust of your readers. The second case in point a part of a bigger story that shows his readers how to address haters, and the third is part of a bigger story that aids his readers understand the way to be an excellent interviewer. In a feeling, any sort of successful blog will help build your own personal brand. When you write longer posts, there's a good opportunity they'll be cut down. Simply take a look at the next list of successful blogs and make sure that you check them out, because they might motivate you to make an outstanding blog that will pull in a great number of followers who will always anticipate reading every new blog post you publish. All you will need is an excellent blog with unique content. If your blog is quite visual you ought to also include Pinterest or Instagram. Each blog is exceptional in its own way and will provide you with the valuable, higher traffic links you require for your website. It will provide you with all the details you need to get your post accepted. A History of Guest Post Sites in Tech Niche Refuted Networking Interacting with individuals who comment on your blog posts may be an effective approach to cultivate your professional network all around the world. Getting your information on another blog is a fantastic way to create connections and produce a community in addition to leads. Based on what industry you're in and wherever your blog is at, there'll be a better approach to monetize your blog.Actually, Google and others keep altering the algorithms as a means to protect against using technological tweaks, rather than content, from advancing SEO. Sharing different people's content should be an important portion of your strategy, but be sure to talk about your understanding and insights also. For the reason your product ought to be reasonably priced.Marketing your accounting business starts with your site, that's the face of your company online. Home-sharing businesses can have as many clauses since they want on their contracts, but it doesn't stop what the results are. In the past couple of decades, content marketing has quickly grown into one of the most well-known topics in the digital advertising world. Must consider guest posting strategy in your search engine marketing plan because, When you opt to submit a guest post for your website, then you ought to have to adopt the procedure which will help you to get succeed in your approach. Too many guest bloggers utilize a plethora of backlinks in a bid to market their own site and also concentrate on keyword density when creating quality content ought to be the main goal. There are lots of strategies to encourage individuals to recommend you. While you might not utilize guest blogging to distribute your content, you can use it in order to highlight and promote your current content. As a result, if you prefer to produce your blog attractive, always concentrate on the caliber of your content. You ought to have your own blog, where you are able to publish your writing in addition to social accounts to distribute your content. Content Marketing is a very effective strategy to increase your startup. In order to draw niche clients, you must not merely reach out through normal advertising channels, but in addition make yourself known in certain circles. Experts take part in guest blogging so that they can acquire great content for their websites and have their articles posted on other superior websites. As a guest blogger, you're going to be establishing yourself as a top quality writer. Typically there are three major goals for guest blogging. In some circumstances, a blog may have several editors. There are several digital advertising and marketing channels that you can use for your startup. Keyword research is an intrinsic portion of the content advertising strategy. In the past couple of decades, content marketing has quickly grown into one of the most well-known topics in the digital advertising world. The challenge in the senior transportation organization, experts agree, is finding ways to supply seniors who can't drive with the capability to get where they would like to be-and get there in style. There are a couple reasons you would like to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. If you're just getting started with building your on-line influence, concentrate on providing lots of excellent content before you begin monetizing. It's possible to also highlight a variety of the text. You receive a backlinks with your preferred anchor text. You may get backlinks with your preferred anchor text. You will need to investigate and find the exact similar keywords employing the marketing tools and best paraphrasing tool on the internet to find out what peoples are trying to find. Luckily, there's loads of places online where you are able to uncover the truly valuable search phrases and the majority of them are free. There are more valuable details if we go past the totally free search but we'll follow the completely free edition for the time being. Top Choices of Guest Post Sites in Tech Niche As a guest blogger, you're going to be establishing yourself as a top quality writer. Typically there are three major goals for guest blogging. In the majority of the situations, the blog owners are going to pay a visit to your blog to be able to evaluate your writing skill before they actually accept your offer for a guest blogger. If you're looking to do guest posts then Guest Post Tracker is essential have tool. In addition, it's super user-friendly. Your article should not be copied or published elsewhere. Format Posts Like the Ones on the Site Take a peek at posts on your intended blog. Guest blogging will be able to help you generate high-quality links that link back to your site. Stories are a lot more inclined to be shared than promotional content. The Secret to Guest Post Sites in Tech Niche Whichever type of influencer you aspire to be, there are a variety of strategies that may allow you to get there. Too many guest bloggers utilize a plethora of backlinks in a bid to market their own site and also concentrate on keyword density when creating quality content ought to be the main goal. Fortunately, there are a few common methods you may use to continue to keep your blog full of terrific content. Ever since then, it's been redesigned numerous times, with the most recent incarnation launched in September 2013. As an example, let's say you operate a site centered around Valentine's Day. An excellent interval to get started with is posting once weekly. You ought to select your website in line with the niche to serve the possible audience only. There are several more niche social networking sites which people use all of the moment, so don't hesitate to post your favorites in the comments. The trick to picking a niche is making yourself the specialist in your specialty and then spreading the word on your region of expertise. You're a whole lot more likely to receive a response from a person who can set a name to your Gravatar, and it has seen your content or comments pop up at some point. In a perfect situation, your link will be set in the body of the guide, appropriate with regard to surrounding context and supporting the guide. Because you write about various things, that post of content isn't always likely to be relevant to new visitors who visit your website to read a particular post. If you select low quality or suspicious websites, not only are you going to diminish your own reputation, but you could also devalue your own site that has any backlinks that come your way. For fashion writers, it is a difficult market out there. In order to be a prosperous guest blogger, your content has to be of high-quality and targeted to the particular subject of expertise. Seed keywords makes it possible to make an enjoyable, interactive means to do keyword research by means of your audience. Some blogs might also have a form to finish. Many bloggers should write killer content and be on top of their game for years until they become established and an authority.
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World Happiness Report said that they are happy with their jobs?
Did you realize that almost half of workers surveyed by the World Happiness Report said that they are happy with their jobs?  Are you workers one of them?
SHRM estimates that worker turnover costs as much as 200% of a worker's salary.  Since unhappy workers are more likely to search for another job, that may be costly for your business!  Happily, there are ways which you may help improve employee pride and relationships within your company.
 Promote Dialogue and Communication
It provides many advantages.  
Fantastic communication helps to prevent worker confusion and unnecessary stress.  It may decrease friction between workers, especially management and employees.  It helps to set clear targets and expectations.
Provide a way for workers to communicate grievances and to resolve a conflict.  They need to have a way to express themselves openly and without fear of retaliation.  That does not mean that workers should have the ability to gripe to the whole workplace, but there ought to be someone or a procedure where an employee can gripe.
Employees should also have the ability to ask questions and clarify ideas.  New policies, procedures, or expectations, including project expectations, should be communicated both verbally and in a written format.  This permits workers a way to discuss and clarify expectations, as well as a source to find clarification.  Do not forget that people absorb new information in different ways.  Though some learn best through written words, others learn best by hearing and doing.
Another key to communication is to be more transparent.  Employees who believe that their managers are open, honest, and trustworthy are a lot more likely to be less worried and happier at the office. For more info checkout Certifind.
 Concentrate on Business Missions and Values
Most men and women want to be a part of something larger than themselves.   Millennials have a great desire to be socially responsible and also to benefit the world as a whole.
These feelings are favorable for your company.  You may access them by sharing with your employees your company values and mission.  Few businesses have as a mission"make more money no matter what."   Your company fills a demand that was unfilled before.  You've got great hopes and aspirations for how you'll help more people.  You have dreams and goals for your business.  Share them.
What caused you to produce your business?  Why did you sacrifice many nights and additional hours to create success?
These values help workers to feel as though they are a part of something important.
 Help Workers to Feel Valuable
Irrespective of their actual quality of work, many workers feel proud of the discipline and results.  Because of this, appreciation for a well-done project does more to motivate than criticism.  However, it may be human nature to focus on the negative aspects of employee efficiency.
Instead, try to focus on the 9 things done right, instead of this 1 thing done wrong.  Many experts suggest providing 2-3 favorable points of feedback for each 1 thing of criticism and some experts suggest 5-6 positives to every 1 negative.
Have a look at these suggestions to helping workers to feel precious.
Say thank you for large and small things.  It may vary from a simple thank you card into verbal appreciation.
Inform employees they're valuable.  They need to listen to it.  Letting them know when they managed a situation along with a customer well helps motivate them to perform it again.
Public recognition is a massive incentive for certain characters.  Plus, it has the additional advantage of showing that your company values and aims are important!
 Inspire and Reward
Consider creating employee goals with workers instead of simply handing down them.  Encourage employees to set stretch targets: goals which are difficult but attainable.
Google allows their employees to set quarterly goals.  The goals must be tough and measurable.  These targets, composed by workers have resulted in Google tools which we now take for granted.   Thoughts were brought by workers that changed the face of Google for the greater.
Your workers frequently have insights or thoughts that may make a big difference in their efficacy or in the organization's success.  Tap into those thoughts!
Another way to inspire workers would be to reward them.  Consider having a gold, silver, bronze incentive for various accomplishments of worker goals.   Otherwise, you might wind up in an identical situation with Wells Fargo, in which corporate aims conflicted with corporate values and incentives won out.
 Offer Career Development
Even lower-level employees may gain from development.  Most people are happier when they have a goal or a dream to work toward.  Think about the career route for your positions.  Think about the skills and unused talents your workers have.
Whenever possible, take advantage of worker skills by adjusting their functions.  This will help your worker to further develop skills and will bring additional value to your company.
Other thoughts include offering a mentorship program which pares workers to higher-skilled counterparts.  Rotational training may cross-train workers to fill numerous roles.  Tuition reimbursement or certificate programs may also help workers to progress in their career goals.
 Boost Healthy Work/Life Balance
This may be especially true when you have virtually poured your life's blood and enthusiasm into your business's success.
However, workers who feel supported at home by their companies create a greater sense of devotion.  It's not coincidental that some of the very sought after employee benefits include things that provide for a much better work/life equilibrium.  
However, it's not all about the positive aspects.  The mindset of your managers, when faced with employees' personal dilemmas, will really make a difference.  Although workers often value the chance to work from home, this does not mean that you ought to ask them to take work home.  Instead, work out of home capacities usually means the ability to work from home during a normal work-at-work day.  
Managers may be supportive when workers need to take off time.  (even though they should also be trained about watching for worker requests that indicate potential FMLA usage too.)
 Use Software to Streamline Redundancy and Eliminate Mistakes
Implementing programs and applications can make a big difference in worker relations.  That's because it helps to automate and improve communications.  Project management software make it effortless for managers and team members to see what's required on a project and whose responsible.  Messaging apps can make communicating instant and prevent the stress from unplanned lengthy discussions which frequently occur face-to-face.
By implementing the proper software, you can eliminate redundant jobs from workers and tap into their imagination instead.   Instead, employees can clock in automatically.  This also eliminates redundant timesheets data entry by self employed workers.
Other jobs could be streamlined.   They could update personal information and see the employee handbook.
Consider, the pressure your workers survive when a key individual takes time off or stops unexpectedly.  Suddenly workers are scrambling to recreate procedures or to gain access to critical systems.  Make sure that you have a process down that has listed key procedures.  Software permits the reassignment of authority and makes this simpler.
Last, software helps you to stay compliant.  Non-compliance carries several unintended consequences.  It causes undue stress on workers during investigations, possible gossip and negativity, and bad public standing.  When an employer endures standing reduction, it causes poorer connections with workers because they're more likely to feel as though their participation does not make the world a better place.  They are more likely to be miserable with their work and more likely to jump on the bandwagon of dissatisfaction.
If you feel overwhelmed with these measures, don't worry.  Implementing even one or two of these tools can allow you to improve employee relations.  The most cost-effective will be to employ software tools.  A number of these tools are they earn more than their cost.  Give us a call to discuss some of these or complete the form below.
Did I miss any important measures?
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