#i dont want anyone to feel pressured or anything
boxheadpaint · 3 days
diary post baby. Heavier than usual or at least probably but i dont know or remember a good portion of the things ive ever said about myself on this line. For the normal guys though i had fun making that comic, usually when i get the motivation to make anything in that format i get pretty bummed about it pretty quickly simply because of the paneling
its fun to imagine making dynamic pages of comic panels, but when you have no experience beyond trying to make manga in your teens you mostly just have the squares/rectangles stacked next to eachother. for anyone else this is fine and isnt boring to look at by its nature alone, but for me i always believe that my own work would be too dull and unexciting to eye-catching to even bother reading. trying to just lose that pressure i give myself for a day and make something silly like some animals looking at eachother is nice
one of the things i kept hearing from my own head during the call about The Good News Of Getting Disability Income And Payment For The Time I Wasn't Recieving Benefits, was that i needed to kill myself for some reason. my body reacts badly to experiencing a lot of things, though of course its worst when its negative feelings. not even particularly strong ones, maybe a little nervous or a little mad and it likes to tremble or tense up totally. i dont know why exactly i reacted in this particular way other than the usual "what do you mean i dont need to freak out about this anymore. what am i going to do with all this freaking out juice? just chug it?"
im worried lately that ive built up too much of a tolerance to my sertraline, if thats something that happens. but i dont know for sure, and i dont know what ill do if that is the case. maybe it is still working and i just cant tell because even though its bad things would be much worse if i stopped taking it. it just feels like these days it doesnt do anything to help me feel better or more in control. can i speedrun making it work again by going cold turkey for a week and then getting back on it so my brain is like wow this awfulness stopped after i took this awesome pills.
can i give the money i recieve from social security to someone else to save? is that legal? or do they hunt you down for sport for doing that. what if you wanted to buy a house. or rent a house. Or just fucking live somewhere because these days prices are fucking absurd. ridiculous even.
hey girl, rat piss. hey girl, rat piss. I realize other than the blue puppy video i havent posted anything for pride. partly of anxieties of course, especially given the Great track record of the site withing the past month, but also straight up forgetfulness. I keep forgetting too many things and being too tired to remember. At night though i can do just about anything. I think ill take a nap and then wake up at 2 am to keep drawing. I have things to draw
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joelscruff · 3 months
hi guys 🫠 so i hate doing this because i never want anyone to feel obligated to do Anything, but i'm currently in a stressful place financially due to some unforeseen housing expenses (roommate who took advantage of our resources and then moved out leaving me with two $400+ utility bills in a row 🙃) and could use some help. so i just wanna take this opportunity to boost my kofi where i receive my tips, which, again, i don't want anyone to feel obligated, but if you have the means to do so it would be greatly appreciated. thank you 💖
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rottingfacade · 10 days
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#Whatever here’s last night nothing interesting happened nothing matters and I have no photos but these. at least I’ll remember i was there#It’s something#it’s some experience#Uncomfortable vibe for me and the people who actually talked to me were high schoolers so I didn’t hang out really#and didn’t follow when they left to get picked up#I got one instagram and felt like I didn’t really have much in common#Guy who invited me preformed before I showed up and he looked to uncomfortable to talk to me after just saying hi to eachother#I once again got high as soon as I was offered weed and just went quiet and sat in on the conversation without really connecting#I wrote down some names so I at least didn’t forget them while high#Didn’t realize the music would be so death metal-y so I stood away and smiled while wearing my snoopy shirt and rainbow bracelets#A fair number of men making eye contact way too repeatedly but silently without followup#without anyone approaching for just a light convo first made me feel scared and i didn’t even want to be approached anymore#A lot of pressure for showing up without someone familiar to stick with#Felt like everyone had made up their minds on me from the stares and if I approached any of them I was just giving a green light on myself#Either they already decided I was boring or already decided that if I said anything to them they would try to hit on me#Way too interested before if said anything is obvious like anything they say to me is just gonna be them like#forcing conversation they dont care about to get to what they already wanted#me
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parallaxabomination · 2 months
my brain is so full of stress it might explode. but ill do my best to keep putting out my best and stay kind to myself and others. but man, is it hard
#i wish i had something for myself rn#but i come home so exhausted i cant even focus on art#everything has been burning me so thin#i keep talking down my own art now. i keep refunding clients. i honestly want to give up on everything#people tell me i do a good job but i dont see it. i dont see an artist whos worth anything right now.#i dont know if thats a phrase#i have a early morning shift tomorrow and i cant fall asleep#i want to just rest but im so restless#i dont want to put pressure on anyone besides myself bc i feel like a huge burden#if i do so#everyone else should be having a good time#so i feel like a bummer to take up their emotional space and time#i appreciate the kindness people have shown me recently#i know i work hard. but im still so broken over everything#i just havent felt like an artist since it happend#he left a bigger scar on my ego than i thought it would#and every time i voice it i feel someone is out to end me for it#but at the same time i feel completely unnoticed and unheard#i dont expect anyone to see me as me#i just feel this lump in my throat now. this weight on my hand#they say kind things but im so hurt inside i dont see it as truth right now. i dont see anything worth admiring#they say such sweet things and i want to accept them so bad because my heart needs it#but i cant help but feel the words die as they reach my ears. im just too hurt i cant see it#i cant see the truth in my work all i see is someone else's desire in their commission#as long as they are happy. as long as they are satisfied#thats all that matters#i dont feel important enough to be apart of the process anymore#i dont feel worthy as a person or artist#i just feel less than nothing and that no one will care
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
i am unknowable and incapable of love goodnight <3
#romantic love i mean#against my will tho bc i want love so bad#but tbh i never feel anything more than awkward when i date 😬#i only feel comfortable with people when there's no romantic pressure idk#would genuinely love to build a platonic life with someone why do i have to be in love to marry someone and have a family w them 😭#love is real im just never going to experience it btw#but i still would like companionship and i really want kids tbh#i dont want to settle for not love in a relationship where thats expected or wanted and the other person loves me#but if it was an entirely platonic no pressure relationship that would be nice#maybe that would grow into love but the pressure of romance right off the bat kills the romance#in need to be close friends for like a decade first#sorry sorry im rambling insane thoughts its 11:30 and i just decided to break up with someone#and he's staying at my home so im even more painfully aware of having another person so deeply involved in my life that they become family#sorry you're not family i dont know anyone but my family well enough to let them be family and i never will please get out of my house#i make no sense but basically i love my family and want kids of my own but i dont want romance in there just platonic family love#romantic love is too hard to find and scary and weird i basically want to live with my actual family and adopt some kids someday sorry#this might change if i met the right person but i would need to be friends with them for a long time with no pressure first#and looking for that person is too forced and weird#anyway#its 11:30 in my 20s a week before valentine's day so naturally i am going insane that's all goodnight
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shleemies · 1 year
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Lately I've been going through a lot. I've been experiencing a lot of transphobia on top of my depression and PTSD. I've been struggling a lot with creativity and what art means to me, in addition to being in a ceramics class while my wrists are having a huge flare up making the wheel work I want to do near impossible. I see trans bodies celebrated in art and it means the world to me. I wonder why do I feel unable to do the same? Coming to terms with the fact that I still carry a lot of internal shame surrounding my body and my sexuality. This is not sexual artwork to me, more of a self portrait. More of a love letter to myself. I brought clay home to work with and kept scrapping everything I tried to make, until I sort of accidentally made a t dick. I thought about it, planned it in my head, and started it over with intention. It's been such a struggle to enjoy making art. And I enjoyed making this. Going over familiar curves, smoothing out the cracks and bending the clay in a way that felt so natural. I want to fire this piece and maybe even add underglazes to it, but I'm still so nervous because it's a classroom setting where multiple people will see it and handle it if I don't make time to load and unload it from the kiln myself, which I probably won't. But why should I feel ashamed? Cis women make art of their vaginas all the time. Breasts too. Someone a few weeks ago had a mug decorated with naked gay men they made in class. Trans bodies deserve the same respect and love as cis bodies. I love my body. I just want to show trans bodies are normal and nothing to be ashamed of. I don't have anywhere I share things like this, so it's going here. I may have a breakdown later and end up scrapping it, I might not. I love being trans and I love every trans body. Trans bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. What will I do with the finished piece? No idea. Where does one put a porcelain penis? Perhaps I could make it a wall piece. But despite what I may or may not do with this, it was really important for me to share this. I love my body. If I could only sculpt trans dick for the rest of my life I think I'd be happy. Something to do with trans existence being a constant experience in self creation. Every trans body is a work of art. I am endlessly creating myself and I think that beautiful.
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Hi guys! I'm closing requests
I'm sure at least some of you saw this coming. I mean, I haven't been active aside from the occasional reblog for a good while now. Unfortunately, I don't expect this to be the only time this happens. I expect my interest in Stardew Valley will come back sometime, but as to when it could be in a few weeks, a few months, or hell, even a year if it's really bad.
These creative dips can be really unexpected and hard to manage. I can't force myself to get back into stuff, and my interest in SDV fluctuating like this has gone on since I first became introduced to it. I've had experiences where I'd be staying up late every night because I couldn't get enough of it before suddenly not wanting to play it ever again. And it's the same the other way around. I'll have no interest in the game for the longest time and then all of a sudden, I've made a Tumblr blog for it.
I wouldn't say this is the end of the blog yet, although, who knows what will happen. But I still think that someday I will come back to it, even if that's way into the future. But even if the end does come soon, I'm only one of so many wonderful creators in the SDV community! There are more talented writers out there (though I assume if you've followed me, you'd probably be aware of some others, haha).
I was keeping requests open for when I did come back, but I feel like it's making me harder to want to write. It's just feeling each new request is a new pressure to take care of. Hense why I'm closing them.
Sorry to everyone whose request I haven't gotten to. Especially the ones that have been sitting in my inbox/drafts for who knows how long. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to them in the future!
Anyways, the inbox is still open if you need to tell me something. I'm not really into general chats in the askbox but if there's something I need to know then go ahead. And I'll still reblog some stuff I find cool, so the blog isn't completely gone.
TL;DR: I haven't had interest in SDV for ages, likely won't for a while, and getting requests is pushing me away from writing for Stardew. But I'll still reblog stuff and the asks are open for necessities.
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meistoshi · 1 year
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holding him like burrito you dont understand
#god it really is the way he only melts into confidence for interviews when the topic of Battling & a League comes up#but even then he's like. Conscious of what he's saying#& it kills me the most in kalos bc the entire way up to the league he's just been Constantly on a pedestal from his friends#& this was the first region where someone came up To Him & saw HIM as a rival To Measure Up To#& we saw from his consecutive losses to shouta & urup that he Feels the pressure to measure up to his own hype#coz citron & eureka Always saw him as amazing & serena idealized him from her own memories + what she saw in news about the miare tower#so unlike in previous regions he didnt have anyone Consistently around to do anything but Encourage his hype#& after a region where he was constantly being put down by a trainer both younger & less experienced yet Insanely strong???#it's both haha me n my big mouth on national television ehehe oops 😜#& just. there are dozens- no hundreds- no Thousands of people that bought my hype & Expect me to own up to it#my friends have been encouraging me this entire time & i have not yet tremendously fucked up their view of me. so i HAVE to win.#i dont want to disappoint them. i Have to win. i said id win. they dont doubt me. so i Have to win.#OOOOOOOOOUUGH kalos kills me#anyway when satoshi learns he can lie to people abt Not being satoshi actually to get out of interviews is the day it's over for journalism#ooc. pkmn is autistic culture.#rewatch.#UGH it feels good to use that tag again#block that tag for a while if u dont wanna see me sporadically yell <3
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vitrific · 1 year
If I am ever weird please let me know asap please
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scentofpines · 5 days
my brother visited us today and OH MY GOD AM I GLAD HE'S FINALLY GONE. i cant pinpoint exactly what it is about him but i find him so hard to deal with. he seems very "unproblematic" for lack of a better word and chill and nice etc. but he is also kind of a control freak (in a subtle way) and VERY patronizing and he always inquires (not asks lmao) how i am doing and i always dread this question bc he just won't let it be when i say i'm fine and always sorta wants me to pour my heart out to him?? And I. just dont want to??? Lol. Like today he asked again "how are you?" and I said I'm pretty good BECAUSE I ACTUALLY WAS OK I WAS FEELING WELL and then he was like "yeah? really?" in a very questioning voice ughhhhh. i fucking hate this, it also just feels kind of devalueing to my progress. like i'm having a fairly good time and then there's this dude basically reminding me that i'm supposed to be depressed bc i guess that's just my personality. this doubting thing he always does just pisses me off so bad.
and then later we were just completely casually chill chatting together with my mom and out of fucking nowhere he was like "so what about therapy for you?" and I thought i didn't hear him correctly and I was like????? What the hell are you talking about? And then he just kept saying that i should try therapy again and i was very confused bc it came so suddenly and also i am currently absolutely not planing on doing a therapy. i had my share of experiences with therapists and i'm just not up to it right now. but he was very pressuring like "it could really help you" etc. and kept saying all this shite as if i myself have actually NEVER thought about this. (he is like this very often, for example when my mom and i talk about how we are planning on moving to south west france in the future, he is always like "do you know how complicated it is to move to another country??? do you know how hard it is to take care of a farm???? do you know they speak french there????? do you have brains?" SHUT UUUUPPP) and the thing is when i push back then and voice my opinion of not wanting to do this or, like in the "how r u" situation, insist on being fucking FINE or even just saying or heavily implying that i do not want to talk about this stuff with him it ALWAYS makes me look like i have an even bigger problem because 1) i "lie" about how i'm doing 2) i don't open up about my feelings to anyone 3) i am an idiot that refuses therapy. HE ALWAYS MAKES IT LOOK LIKE THIS with the the way he speaks to me.
I know he means well but it just feels extremely annoying, nosy and infantilizing.
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celestialmancer · 1 month
5 years or less...
That's the most time I have left to scramble everything together despite also struggling w my own health & everything I already struggle with. & That's assuming nothing happens in the time span before then that accelerates everything at a rate faster than I can maybe handle
Bc with the unpredictability I seem to live in constantly, with how common it is for me to have shit strike out of nowhere? When I've never even known stability in the first place so I can't even trust that that 5 years won't suddenly be accelerated to less than 2 years or far less than that? Esp when last year was the start of sudden "yeah so we are becoming rly unstable & idk how well we're going to be able to live here for the next x months/years" that was dropped on me out of nowhere?
...I don't know.
#there's just a ton more pressure i feel compounded onto me now if im to want to get away from here before i get shoved into.#the role of the new head of the family & having to be everyone's stability IN FULL. not just emotionally anymore but in every way possible.#i cant. handle that. im sorry but i cant.#i NEED to get away from both parents.#i cannot. be saddled w the responsibility that theyre trying to shove onto me. not when im trying to get away so i can heal.#ig the only other way i can possibly think. of escaping. is through heading back to uni or applying to a uni that ain't in my city.#bc then i can live far away from home. & even if its w debt id still be working towards goals i have anyway & also just. be. away.#from them. id ontknow. obvs not the smartest move so i just.#need to sit down & think what my own plan of action has to be.#i need to start setting up an emergency backup plan.#preferrably one that isn't me doing something drastic or running away w/o a second thought & then shit just getting worse.#i wanna kinda set up a gofundme thing or just have ko-fi links promoted more so i can have some sort of just.#safety net in case of anything. idk. but i dont know how to feel abt that & usually it doesnt rly work for me i guess. idk.#im rn just focused on trying to get things w pharmacy tech stuff dealt with. but. yeah.#im sorry im so venty lately btw. im just.#i dont know what to think or feel anymore.#im going through a lot constantly & it just i cant find it in me to directly reach out constantly to ppl anyway i hate it.#this is def gonna be deleted later bc i hate leaving my mess for anyone to see & i hate anyone seeing im not fine lmao.#but i dont really know where else to really just go off ig idk
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tittysuckersworld · 8 months
vent thingy
#im so sick of everything- is it so wrong that i just want someone to directly ask me shit?#or like directly ask what i might want and let me have any agency???? this month i just keep consistently having others constantly making#choises and decisions for me when i can do that myself! i just want to actually have a fucking say in anything! fuck#like i know friends care for me and brother cares for me but fuck if i just want them to actually ask what i want??????#thats all i want. thats it. i want them to actually just fucking ask insted of assuming and choosing for me.#i hate hate just everyone constantly trying to choose stuff for me on whats my best interest#i dont want to be pressured to not go to collage one year and then be pressured to go the next#i dont wanna have random things i dont even like gotten for me because people think i might like them#i just dont want anything! is that wrong? i just want to be treated like my own person and asked things!#if you wanna do smth for me ask! i will try to fucking find something! i just want to be a part of it if its for me! i dont want fucking#suprizes i hate suprizes i like when things are actually asked and planned when everyone fucking consents im sick of all of this#i dont even want the yogurt pretzles anymore even just thinking of them makes me want to hurl now cause i didnt! get! any! say!!!!#and fuck i just dont want any food! i dont want any in the house! i dont care i dont care if i starve at this point i dont fucking care any#more i cant keep fucking doing this i cant both bend over backwards to try and comfort others and be under this fucking much#fuck i havent even been able to tell my partner becaude theres been too much happening in his life- and i dont want it to worry or dote over#me i dont want anyone doing any worrying for me anymore its god#i dont know i feel bad for being ungrateful but im not in a mental state for this stuff#i just want to have a say in anything. anything at all that could actually affect me in a way bigger than the smallest shit
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hexados-on-a-string · 10 months
please PLEASE dont spam my dms. esp if its abt polls that could cause like fandom drama or something of the sort. there were no rules before when it came to dms and asks but this is the one (1) boundary i am now putting in place. its better for me and its also better for u bc i will start lying to get out of an uncomfortable situation like that and i dont think ppl like it when they get lied to. probably. taking a wild guess here.
dont get me wrong i love dms, i love asks even more, i love talking to people, but god bless i have autism i can only handle masking so much and this is supposed to be a safe space for me, i am terrified of fandom drama, do NOT put me in a situation. thank you.
#the person who i kinda want to see this wont actually bc they dont even follow me#we're not mutuals#im still confused about that whole situation#why they came into my dms asking for me to vote on a poll i will never know. i didn't wanna be rude.#id love to be sent more asks and dms and stuff just dont use me for controversial things thank uuuuuu ♥️#love everyone who interacts w me tho. genuinely makes my days every time#even if i dont respond#sometimes i cant come up w something to say but i still appreciate it anyways#just like. yeah. this is where im supposed to go to post my silly bakugan things not to be peer pressured 😭#im also like. terrified of fandoms. i have been in so many fandoms and they have negatively impacted my mental health to insane degrees#ive actually had a few tumblr accounts on here too specifically for bakugan but ive ended up deleting them bc. mental illness innit#not bc anyone's done anything when i had those accounts im just like. scared of ppl. too many ppl and i bolt.#gonna try and stick around this time tho#it is kinda funny how small this fandom is bc i recognise ppl but also i dont. actually. remember my old account names???? whoops#and if i dont remember them then no one else will#i think my old account was like. galaxygambling or something like that. i was like 17 at the time. wild.#now im 21. i can feel my bones withering away as i type. my hair is slowly greying. actually that might just be stress.#when will i stop rambling in the tags? only the goddesses know
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lovphobic · 1 year
im coming to the realisation im gonna have to start taking money out bc i literally dont have shit to spend it on and i dont spend too much in my groceries (These Days. like its usually 100 or less) and thats pretty much all i Ever spend it on and i have 1915 in the bank. im sure thatll go down a bit before next month but not enough to not push me over 2k...
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fizzie · 1 year
I think being in small fandoms helped me get out of that artist mindset of needing to produce art for the sake of others
Because if you're in a fandom where u know all the 6 other people who post in it, you have to get used to posting and only getting interaction from the small groul that knows it
Whenever im artblocked now i feel less bad about letting people down by not being an art machine. Sure its sometimes still annoying to not be motivated, but its annoyance that im not making art that *I* want to see
And when i do post i feel like im posting it to show my mutuals and small fandom community. Even if my mutuals dont know what it is that im posting about, i like showing them my art and seeing their reactions regardless :3
Anyways shoutout small fandoms
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
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