#i dont understand posts saying he didnt love her or something??
bitter-panacea · 2 days
Goultard's accidental queer coding
(And, incidentally, why I headcanon Goultard as transfem/not cis)
Disclaimer : i say goultard's queer coding is accidental because i really dont believe that gou was intended to be read as queer when tot wrote him. Nonetheless, the subtext is still present and i believe any queer person would assume goultard to be somewhat queer while reading the manga. Interpretation can be different from intention. Also, and this applies to most of what i post, i share my personal analysis and interpretation and everyone is free to have their own.
(I got lazy and don't want to format this post properly, so this mess is what you get lol)
Pariah to hero.
Goultard was an outcast since he was born. A very common trope in queer coding.
After he proves himself worthy by showing he can be of use to the village. He's respected, adored, almost worshipped. But only as long as he fulfills the narrow role people want and expect from him. He's rejected and insulted as soon as he doesn't fit into this role.
Strict traditional masculine gender roles are forced on him. The protector. Stronger than any opponent, stronger than himself and his emotions...
I also think of his condition of being a son of iop, this sword of damocles hanging over his head, as a nature that is imposed onto him over and over again when he didnt choose it and doesnt want it. Being a warrior is supposedly in his blood its what hes good at and therefore should do, settling down and having a family is supposedly contrary to this nature. Even though its what makes him the happiest.
I wonder if traditional gender roles vary from one class to another. Is there any specificity between iop men and iop women. If iop men are by default considered more iop than iop women. Is feminity synonym with weakness for iops. Must a iop woman choose to never settle down and stay a real iop or abandon her warrior status/her iopness to raise offspring at home while the iop men can keep fighting. Maybe class affects the form sexism takes.
Ive joked about gou being in a polycule with three outcast witches being proof he isnt cishet and that the three of them were waiting for gou to figure his shit out... kinda real
After being possessed by the symbiote,
(Which can also be seen as him failing at his role of protector, failing to protect his family. He blames himself for it) the way he's rejected, dehumanized, called a monster, a creature, specifically not a man, and at the same time mocked, can be very reminiscent of queer phobia.
His relationship with the symbiote is reffered as them being a couple and compared to a romantic/sexual relationship.
It feels to me like, while gou was possessed, and shortly after, he could allow himself to step out of that preconceived idea of masculinity that comes with being a "hero", and indulge in the gray areas. Not a human or a demon, not a god or a mortal, not a man or a woman. While still having deeply internalized cisheteronormativity, grasping for some "normality" whenever he's faced with someone else's opinion of him. Needing to justify and prove he is not queer, prove he's man enough, prove he isnt weak, like he needs to convince himself as well as everyone else. Hating the subject but bringing it up unprompted. Always overcompensating.
There is something reminiscent of being in a queer relationship for the first time and it happens to be incredibly abusive. You might feel like the abuse is worth it if it means being allowed to be more authentically yourself, you tell yourself your abuser understands you and loves you for who you really are even if they hurt you, and the queerness of the relationship isolates you, making it impossible for you to get help to leave said relationship.
But much later, when his reputation got better (how much did he have to do with it, how much of his reputation is what he carefuly build it to be) and he had to take his father's power and become the new iop god, the pressure to act a specific way, to fit into this box, would have come back. The whole "iops dont cry" thing with gou denying and hiding his emotions in wakfu.
He's often reduced to that image of the unbeatable warrior, the ideal masculinity, the very definition of what a iop should be... what he thinks he should be.
He gets enraged at his fans for essentially worshipping a fake idealized and shallow version of him, making money off of his image and reputation, but rejecting him as a person, his humanity. They dont want to know who he truly is. He wants to be respected for his heroic actions, not because of this fake idealized vision people have of him.
(isnt it fucking hilarious that this is exactly what wakfu and a lot of the fandom does to him too sorry I'll stop being a hater).
Goultard's reputation and how he feels about it is a fascinating subject. Very confusing but thats because he is himself confused about what he wants it to be, but it sure is extremely important to him.
In the end, goultard recognizes the only people who knew and understood him are dead.
His emotions are seen as unmasculine and ridiculous because theyre too intense (seen as hysteric, too sensitive) Vil smisse says he's "worse than a chick". They say he has his mother's character whos literally named cabotine (hysteric).
He sees himself as a poet, someone sentimental, complains that people don't see it, don't recognize it, can't/don't understand this part of him. Kills an entire village because they didnt appreciate this part of him (a little excessive maybe lmao)
The way he presents, wears dresses as a child, skirts later in life, long hair with accessories... not necessarily effeminate but kinda androgynous hes gnc af or whatever. (I dont know what other people think but he always looks super androgynous to me, except in wakfu) Hes very goth looking in the manga which is also queercoded in itself.
His entire relationship with arty like come on.
People call him a homo and assume hes a homo thats pretty queer coded to me lol
Even the text makes fun of him for being the way he is. Hes often shown to be sort of a ridiculous person. Its not just the other characters who think that. They dont really expect you as a reader to sympathize with gou for being ridiculed. There are a few moments that feel gratuitously sadistic towards gou.
Arty also gets disrespected/has homophobia directed at him but always in relation to gou
(People assume arty's queer BECAUSE he's with gou), gou is disrespected/has homophobia directed at him way more and not always because of his relationship with arty (people assume gou's queer because he looks and acts in ways that make people think hes queer)
The whole thing with arty being a dragon is pretty queer coded too, discovering his true nature and being rejected for it, learning to accept himself etc...
But its such a classic trope it also fits other interpretations. Im thinking notably about growing up mixed, hes rejected for not being "human" enough but also not "dragon" enough, too much like a "human" or too much like a "dragon" having trouble figuring out his identity and accepting it, he inherits a long, complex and painful history from one side of his origins, fights to be seen as legitimate by the other dragons, very steven universe-esque.
And it's just very much coming-of-agey in general. His body changing and having new confusing emotions that he struggles to control. Facing new responsibilities. Kind of spiderman like. They do make a little joke about artys adoptive grandpa crail being like his version of uncle ben. So its also a metaphor for growing up in general.
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ladysophiebeckett · 7 months
what i liked about one day netflix version:
set production details--every room was impeccable. every location, stunning.
music--every track felt specifically picked but never did it feel out of place nor did it feel like it took over a scene.
episode format > movie version. clearly.
the acting was better too. i felt like in the first half emma was always looking at dexter like she was trying to figure him out and he always had a habit of looking away from her like he knew she was looking and was afraid she'd find nothing there but an empty vessel. really highlighted his insecurities when it came to her.
what i didnt like:
the unequal attention to her parents vs his. we never even meet her mom but apparently she really liked ian the comedian. why? and it clearly bothered dexter that emma had never introduced them. and we dont even get to see them at the end???
i think his parents had too much screen time.
despite liking the episode format, i do think some screen time was wasted during the solo individual episodes.
their 3x time sex night not being shown and only talked about ??? um i deserved to see that (we all did).
we dont even get to see them get married which bothered me a lot bc emma kept saying the event was like a party but it seemed really important to both of them. like not even a wedding picture.
i would have loved it if dexter had seen the box of all the pictures she had of them (the box ian discovered). i mean yeah, depressing but i still wanted it.
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malewifesband · 6 months
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as big as the friend confession scene is i love this part best. laios is ofc still under the impression that kabru likes monster food and went thru this big effort to make something special for him and then kabru goes out of his way to be so warm and sweet, and frankly a bit flirtatious like i know he thinks that exit killed it
and hes kinda right bc laios cannot stop staring after him when he leaves and i cannot attribute all that to him being confused about what kabru meant by "dont forget me next time". like laios means it if he says something like "meeting you was the best part of this" those are not empty words even if hes under a false impression about kabru--i dont think its just that kabru shared his interest that has his attention either. i think its bc kabru really engaged with him. i dont think his opinion wouldve changed much if kabru said "nahhhh im good i wont eat a monster cool for you tho have fun" instead of saying he would try it
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(and he really is trying the 'laugh at anything he says so he'll feel special' strat here huh.....)
and kabru despite being a stranger he helped get thru to shuro about falins resurrection
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and he does it with a sensitivity and care that laios wishes he was capable of and he know it limits him as a leader
the thought laios keeps having about kabru isnt "wow he loves monsters too!" its "wow he is sooooo nice :3" which he is! at this stage he likes kabru bc he feels heard by him and kabru has qualities he knows he lacks but admires greatly and didnt make fun of him or call him weird for his interest in monsters
the way kabru acts and thinks about laios at this point feels allegorical to how people feel in new relationships. can i trust you? are you who you seem? if i tell you how ive been hurt, will you use this to hurt me or to protect me? i dont know yet, but i like you so far, so im going to show you the self that i think you'll like best. i want to impress you. i want you to trust me so maybe i can trust you
so much of dungeon meshi is about the way that we accidentally hurt our loved ones because we cant always understand them, or we dont know whats best for them when theyve been hurt in such complex ways, or because were too scared of being hurt again to tell them not to press into the bruise (see: chimera falin, falin giving up parts of her life to suit/protect marcille and laios bc she loves them, laios driving marcille deeper into the winged lions grip TWICE with his advice in the nightmares and again with the dungeon rabbits, everything chilchuck has ever done in his whole life, laios' father's everything also, and this is a labru post so ofc kabru lying about wanting to eat monsters to impress laios) i wouldnt be surprised if the allegory was intentional
anyways this part of their relationship budding into a toxic little flower theyll have to prune later is very cute to me and i really like reading it again knowing how they turn their relationship around later into one built on a mutual understanding and trust
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there’s something about this little moment here that tells you everything you need to know about the love triangle between mike, el and will.
i remember that video of eduardo talking about how the directors would pause to make finn and noah have a “shared look” and this is so clearly one of those moments. this is so prevalent to bylers’ relationship. they are the first person they look to in a room. they want to share their reactions with each other. they look to each other for reassurance in their own reactions. they know what the other is thinking at just a glance (“i didnt say it” “you didnt have to”). but what is so important about This “shared look” is that mike turns away from will to look at el, almost like he wants to share this moment with her as well. all three of them know what really went down, how its not “a miracle” as lucas says, and they are the Only three that know, it would make sense for them to all share a moment of understanding between the three of them. instead, what happens? mike and will share a look, share understanding, mike then looks to el to share understanding with her, and she is looking away. mike and will both prioritize communicating this revelation with each other while el is only focused on max, she doesn’t need, want, or prioritize that connection at this time. its not that mike and will dont care about max, they simply want to share that care and worry and reaction with each other. i think mike in general wants someone who he can share that type of communication with, so he looks to who’s supposed to be his partner at this moment, el (post love confession they should be closer right?), and simply does not receive it. i think you can even see the little look of disappointment when he turns to her and find she’s not looking back at him. he is looking for the connection he so naturally has with will in who he’s in an Actual Relationship with and cannot find it. he will only ever find that within his relationship with will, there is no replicating it with a girl he is simply not in love with.
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darealsaltysam · 7 months
below the cut because oh boy do i have a lot to say and i dont want my poor followers to suffer when i post this
oh my god okay okay where do i even start
opening with irulan's narration to mirror her notes in the openings of the chapters of the book. oh yeah baby. i ate that right up
watching paul get close with the fremen,,,,, fucking hell that hurts. dune really is a tragedy at the end of the day huh. they go from reluctant allies to friends but the whole time you know the switch will happen any moment now and they will be devotees and he will be messiah and that gap between them will never be as small as it is out in the sand. huddled in those tents. sharing drinks and laughs. im not doing ok
this especially hurts with chani. their love is so genuine and pure and she wears blue for him (which by the way sticks out so much more with how muted the colors of the rest of the movie are... i could talk about this all day) but she can see what he is becoming and he's trying to avoid it for her so hard but there's no avoiding fate. LORD ABOVE!!!!
i loveeee jessica being the manipulator thats pulling all the strings, urging paul towards becoming messiah. rebecca ferguson is such a talented actress she really understands the character so well. also as a hashtag certified alia atreides enjoyer her scheming with her unborn fetus might be the most unhinged thing ever but thats also so fucking funny aka its as dune as it gets. dune is WEIRD and im glad theyre not shying away from that. thank u denis
arrakis looks so much more beautiful in this movie like theres defo been some changes with how its framed and presented it feels so much grander and idk just ??? what it makes me think is that we're not seeing arrakis, we're finally seeing dune. we're seeing the land as the fremen see it as paul becomes one of them. i might be looking too much into it but who cares. god i love this movie
but yes more on the fremen in the first section of the movie. i like how there's this cluster of non-believers almost?? its a nice breath of fresh air. its hard to believe every single person would be just devoted to the prophecy and it adds some depth.
i will say the one thing i didnt like is the way stilgar is characterized?? i dont think he was so blindly devoted to paul in the books, and definitely not alia and leto ii after him as the atreides line went on. he's always been a source of small doubt towards paul but i think they're moving that element of him onto chani, so i think i can let it slide. i'd like to see him question alia more in the future though.
the scene where paul was named muad'dib and usul??? god it was so cute which made it so heart wrenching. all the fremen coming together and welcoming him into their lives. as a brother. as a friend. only for him to turn around and make them all bow before him. ohhhhh i cant do this
jesus christ. what the fuck. how is this allowed on cinema screens how is something so amazing allowed
the tension. the effects. the sound design. the sand rushing past the wind the worm moving forward paul struggling to hold on the fremen all watching and then cheering him on HOLY FUCKKKK HOLY FUCK I WAS HOLDING MY BREATH
all the worm riding scenes were so intense and so well done like. when i first read that stuff in the books i didnt think anything could ever capture how i imagined it exactly and yet. AND YET. DENIS!!!!!!!!
once more dune hits the idea of scale SO well everything is HUGE and they MAKE YOU FEEL IT. that shows especially with geidi prime but ill talk about that in a bit. but yes this applies to the worms too lord above them WORMSSSS ARE HUGEEEE AND I LOVE THEMMMM
rebecca ferguson put her heart and soul into that water of life scene and we all need to thank her for it
the way jessica is so quick to switch up and go all in on the prophecy. it makes me think of leto's "im not asking his mother, im asking the bene gesserit" like. the bene gesserit really come first for jessica and she takes her opportunity to fulfill her duties. to be the reverend mother. to rub it all in the faces of the other bene gesserit. she is the mother of the messiah and by god will she make everyone well aware of that
okay. okay okay. i think i said my peace on the early fremen stuff. i think. okay fuck okay SHIT fuck SHIT
oh my god okay. okay ill admit it. i doubted austin butler. i saw the cast list and i was unsure(tm). i saw him in the trailers and my faith was restored. and holy fucking shit did he DELIVER
stellan skarsgård's baron harkonnen is already such a threatening figure it feels like it would be impossible to make someone even more terrifying and yet. AND YET
just the way he's introduced. killing servants with zero remorse. LICKING THAT KNIFE THE WAY HE DID??? OKAY WHORE. I SEE YOU. GO RIGHT AHEAD. MAKE IT SLUTTY IN HOUSE HARKONNEN. I RESPECT IT
when the arena doors open and that loud ass fucking music BOOMS. makes the room fucking SHAKE. thats a PRESENCE right there. THATS how you introduce your antagonist.
the music playing as he fights being as fucking deranged as he is. chaotic and weird and unsettling. just. oh my god feyd had such a presence from the moment he showed up and he did not lose it for a single second. you could feel him LOOMING over the movie the whole time just as he looms over the whole book from his very first scene. oh my goddddd oh my godd
GEIDI PRIME. THE ARENA. THAT MASSIVE HARKONNEN PALACE. oh my god. once more. that sense of scale. the harkonnens love to flaunt their wealth so ofc they have huge fuck off arenas and castles where everything and everyone feels so SMALL in comparison.
dont even get me started on the black and white. the way it accents those coal black teeth and mouths. the way it makes everything look so much more inhuman and clinical and PERFECT because harkonnen power is so absolute and ruthless.
and the way the baron sits so so high above watching the fighting. literally impossible to picture his elevation above his people above the rest of the universe. the way feyd looks to him for approval after every movement. even as his uncle is trying to kill him they exchange those little looks and feyd knows hes getting his chance to show off while the baron gives him his "gift" what a fucked up family what the hell
speaking of fucked up family! wow! they are SO fucked up! there is something seriously strange being hinted at with feyd and the baron! feyd making his own brother bow and kiss his boot! those constant threats of death against rabban as if theyre nothing! this family is capital f FUCKED up. they hurt each other as much as they hurt everyone around them. theyre made of violence and blood and they could never show each other kindness because they dont know such a thing
what can i say about the feyd/margot scenes that hasnt been said already. like wow just unpack the boy's trauma like that. use him and then throw him to the wolves. once again the bene gesserit make it so clear this is THEIR empire and THEIR bloodlines and THEIR messiah. too bad jessica doesnt see that collective "ours" and instead settles for "mine" when it comes to the messiah
special shout out to dave bautista before i move on. just cause. his rabban doesnt get enough love. he really sells that balance of ruthless power but also incompetency compared to his brother so well. can you guys tell i REALLY like this cast
the paul/gurney reunion being the last shred of the old paul. how he gets so happy "i recognized your footsteps, old man" shoot me in the fucking brain stem it would HURT LESS
a bit off topic and it happened earlier (sorry my thoughts are so all over the place) but i like how they actually showed the process of how the water of life is made. it was actually exactly like how i imagined it when i read the books so thats neat !!
anyway. back to the horrors.
i already talked so much about feyd's presence so just another small note. that scene in sietch tabr. he is a MONSTER and i am EATING IT UP
i cant even begin to explain. how much it fucked me up. when paul took the water of life. i knew thats where we were going. i knew it was unavoidable. and yet still. when chani bent over him and screamed at everyone for making him follow this prophecy. when she was forced to shed tears to save his life. when she got him back only to realize she lost him and he wasnt the person she loved anymore. it broke me
chani's utter hatred for the prophecy and what paul is becoming added to it so much. i know some people are unhappy with how much shes been changed from the books but i think its elevated her character and all these scenes so much. and oh my god does zendaya DELIVER when the spotlight is on her. i never doubted her for a moment but all those changes to chani really allowed to let her shine. thats that euphoria acting coming out baby !!!!
listen i hate the fact that he gets cast in everything these days as much as everyone but hes such a talented actor and i cant deny this anymore. the water of life scene really sold it for me.
he was such a perfect paul already in the first movie but this was the moment it really came out. the way he wakes up so calm and collected. lifeless. monotone. theres nothing theres literally nothing
paul atreides the boy who became duke far too young is dead usul who was the lover of chani is dead muad'dib the fedaykin fighter is dead only the kwisatz haderach remains and thats what the prophecy was always leading us to and yet the moment it happens its so haunting
like i cannot say this enough. that complete switch is so sudden but so subtle at the same time. its still paul technically but hes so different
what makes dune's weird concepts so easy to take in once you get into the book is all that internal monologue that really leads you through these complex concepts slowly. and yet in a few shots and a few lines of dialogue timothee chalamet somehow manages to express the idea of "i just learned the secrets of the fucking universe and im about to start a holy war" ???? HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THIS???? HOW ARE YOU THIS TALENTED???? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! IT WAS A FEW LOOKS A FEW MOVENTS JUST THE RIGHT TONE OF VOICE AND THATS HIM!!! THATS HIM BABY!!!! THATS THE KWISATZ HADERACH AND THE UNIVERSE IS FUCKED !!!!!!!!!
also. anya taylor joy alia. we only had you for a split second but i cannot wait for you. im sure youre going to completely slay the third movie. give us our beloved tragic meow meow. alia is my fave character so i will be JUDGING HEAVILY. she better bring her a-game istg
when paul storms the war council and just completely takes control of the room so easily. thats the bene gesserit conditioning giving him his pedestal and he is making the most of it. he knows exactly what the fuck hes doing. and once more oh my goddddd all that shouting all that emotion and yet a complete lack of it. timothee spare a crumb of talent for the rest of us
also the way in that scene gurney is hesitant about it all until paul proclaims himself the duke of arrakis. and suddenly gurney has house atreides again and he doesnt care what chani does anymore. hes a follower to paul just as everyone else in that room. nothing changes. fuck me man i cant do this anymore
have i mentioned yet im so excited for chani in the next movie. her arc is so interesting. children of dune is defo not happening with the way chani has been set up so i doubt we'll see leto ii and ghanima but. lets hope we still get all the cool stuff wit alia at least. and maybe chani can be the one who leads the charge against her
okay i need to really fucking. get along with it im dragging this post on im so sorry this movie is eating my brain alive
chani still wearing blue during the final fight. im not saying more than that i might cry if i think about it too much
the way the fremen fight for their messiah but still fly the atreides banner. the way paul leads them as their messiah and as a "fremen" but always proclaims himself duke of house atreides first. oh lorddd im unwell
every time paul menacingly emerged from fog/sand/smoke my life was extended by like 10 years thank u denis
gurney killing rabban with as much ease as he did cleared my skin and watered my crops <3
the way the baron was literally dying and still crawling towards the throne.......... the way at the same time feyd ignored him completely and looked towards the doors reveling in the fight ahead..... if that doesnt tell u everything you need to know about house harkonnen idk what will yall
i also love how no one intervenes as paul walks in and kills the baron. not even feyd. feyd looks like he was a little TOO into it as paul killed him tbh. feyd u little freak. austin butler you talented talented man. im unwell
i AM sad we didnt get to see baby alia stab him but ah well. we got a bunch of other weird dune shit so ill let this one slide. the psychic toddler may be too much even for denis and everything he did give us. we'll always have our 1984 alia <3
THE DUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god oh my god oh my goddddd where do i even start
okay so. the way theres no music. no fancy cuts no slow mo no over the top effects. its just the slashing of the blades and those BEAUTIFUL shadowed shots with the setting sun in the background. this really is the sun setting on the peaceful universe. just pain and suffering ahead marked with the blood spilled from the two who were meant to produce the messiah but who both got thrown off this path by the greed and selfishness of their forefathers. guys im normal about paul and feyd. definitely. i definitely have very normal thoughts about how they are foils and yet two sides of the same coin. yes guys
paul making the emperor kiss his ring is already such an insane fucking scene and it translated to the screen so well. amazing performances all around
i didnt talk much about florence pugh's irulan but she really didnt have much time to shine. im excited to see where she goes next and i definitely think shes a great fit but i need to see more of her to really be able to say more
i will say this. the way chani, irulan and jessica are the only ones who dont kneel for paul. the three most important women in his life who give him his power, everything he has. jessica made him and she made him the messiah. chani opened her life up to him, helped him become and in turn control the fremen, and she shed her tears for him and fulfilled her role in the prophecy against her wishes. irulan is his path to the throne, his key to being emperor. and none of them bow before him because why would they bow before a power they are responsible for, a power they own, a power they gave?
but for chani its different ofc. she also refuses to bow because she despises everything paul stands for.
oh my god i could say so much about the last scene being chani. not paul reveling in his victory. paul leaves for his next bloodshed and chani is left behind crying for the person she loves who she knows is gone. crying for her people, again enslaved. crying those same tears that brought the messiah back into this world.
theres a lot to be said about the role of gender in dune and how it hangs over every facet of this world but thats a whole separate analysis post to be had so ill just throw it down here in this little point
another thing chani does very well in the movies is she really makes paul's villainy explicitly clear. SO many people read dune and completely misunderstand it and walk away from it concluding its a "white savior narrative" and nothing more which. yes!! yes it is!!!! but thats not a good thing!!!! its never stated to be a good thing!!!!
this movie is not gonna let you misunderstand the message of the story no matter how blind you try to be to it. paul is not a good guy. hes never been the good guy. hes the protagonist, but hes not the hero. and chani allows that to translate from book to movie very well. have i mentioned yet i love movie chani
chani fills in the holes left behind by the narration and internal monologues of the book and, bonus points, she holds the people who dont understand what dune is about by the hand and tells them explicitly "PAUL IS A BAD GUY!!! DONT IDOLIZE PAUL!!!! DONT WALK AWAY FROM DUNE THINKING ITS PRAISING PAUL'S ACTIONS!!!"
i think thats pretty much all i had to say. i might reblog with additions as they hit me but yeah i. i enjoyed the movie. so so much. i think i might watch it again sometime soon while its still in cinemas.
sorry for being unhinged hope u enjoyed my rants. kiss kiss night night <3
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landoscar-f1 · 8 months
Soft Launch? nah HARD launch - OP81 social media au
Pairing: OP81 x singer!fem!reader
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liked by oliviarodrigo, conangray and 321,194 others
yourusename: ...i might have done a little something...
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oliviarodrigo: tell him he's invited to our next sleepover!!
yourusername: i will!! :D
conangray: who's the cutie
yourusername: oh conan im blushing... :3
conangray: i meant your little boy toy
yourusername: blocked.
conangray: it's the truth wym
yourusername: you're uninvited from the sleepover.
user3: im sorry what the fuck is going on here
yourusername: me having a "boy toy" doesnt mean im no more a girls girl sweetcheeks
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 1,345,757 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: a certain someone (olivia) had almost outed us so here's my lovely girlfriend. i love you.
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oliviarodrigo: im not gonna say sorry after this post
user9: apparently y/n was in the boarding school as a transfer student around the same time as oscar
logansargeant: im in your walls.
mclaren: i dont think you understand the pr situation at hand 😭
yourusername: i dont think he understands the pr situation my pr team is facing as well 😭😭
yourusername: what happened to soft launching??????
oscarpiastri: too boring.
yourusername: I LOVE YOUUUU
oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU TOOO
yourusername: bf
oscarpiastri: gf
landonorris: i DID not need to see my teammate this graphically
user10: what happened to hello, how are you???
user13: oh no no. we're just all collectively not thinking about any of our pookies the way he wants us to think.
user14: okay but like I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS HARD LAUNCH SEASON????
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 2,357,397 others
tagged: yourusername, lauranorris
thejourney_magazine: this month's cover of the journey is up and features singer, songwriter y/n y/ln who doesn't let the struggles of her past and fame stop her from unapologetically embracing who she is. inside y/n touches upon her struggle of a few years back, as a minor paving her own way through the tough entertainment industry, going to boarding school in an unknown country, finding the love of her life and rocking the world with her music.
interviewed and written by: laura norris
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user15: mother is mothering on the cover
user16: i have never listened to a y/n song so like i might have to tune in for a few
lauranorris: thank you for the opportunity y/n!! hope to see you in the paddock sometime soon!
yourusername: thank you for being such a sweetheart! i'll be there in suzuka!
user17: i guess we're not gatekeeping her to us anymore
conangray: my bestie is FAMOUS famous
oliviarodrigo: right?? watch her forget us when she becomes a world star
yourusername: ...guys you do realize you're more famous than me and WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'LL FORGET YOU WHEN I BECOME A WORLD STAR???? YOU GUYS ALREADY ARE WORLD STARS
oscarpiastri: loml is on the cover 🥰
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 1,123,658 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: so like yeah
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the-s1lly-corner · 24 days
This one request may be a little out there but can I request various creepypastas walking the reader home after they notice someone trailing behind them? They don't know the reader that well, maybe they've just entered the friend stage?
Various crps walking the reader home
Ooooo love this idea sm, sm sm might YOINK this for other characters in a different post
Characters: nina, hoodie, masky, toby
Notes: reader is GN, you and the crp arent dating but you guys are friends/friendly
CWs: stalking(? Does it count if it's an isolated instance of being followed?), implied violence
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doesnt even wait to greet you when shes close by, she calls for you and says hi as she rushes up to you from... wherever she just was-
hooks her arm around yours, and keeps her hold on you firmly... perhaps out of concern... the risk that you might get snatched by someone else and taken?
though its not likely, given that shes twirling her knife around in the air in plain sight as she practically skips by your side- talking to you so casually as if there was nothing wrong
as soon as the person is gone shes asking if youre alright- do you need her to add someone on the chopping block? because she can probably track them down and-
fully understanding if you dont want her to do anything like that, but you can tell shes still... contemplating... insists she spends at least some time with you when you get home to make sure all is well- during the time shes there shes making sure youre alright as well as helping ease yourself after something like that
very tall, likely towers over whoever is making you feel threatened. unlike masky, he does look back at the other person... almost as if he is sizing them up
in the light you swear you catch a shine of something hidden away in his pocket- but the need to pull it out never arises as the person keeps their distance
its dead quiet between the two of you- as expected, and he does give you some breathing room... hes slightly behind you, almost like a barrier between you and the creep
immediately stomps out any attempts the person makes at getting closing the gap by blocking their way and glaring down at them until they either go the other way or pass ahead of the two of you... and even then hes going to continue moving to keep between you and them
will come inside if you offer him, he keeps an eye out long after the danger has passed
you were already so caught up in making a plan for what to do, that you didn't even realize Masky taking his spot next to you. He nearly scared you just as much as the person behind you, at least.. until you realized it was just him
keeps close to you, and doesn't give the one following you a look.. to further push the point that the two of you are together he wraps an arm around you and tugs you closer
for someone who is usually so adverse to touch, and being interested in keeping his personal space- he was more than willing to toss all of that out of the window to bring you even an ounce of security
you eventually lose them, but thats not going to stop him from walking you the rest of the way home. he doesnt invite himself in, but you catch him stalking around the outside of your house- as if making sure there was no other unwanted visitors
not as quiet as his fellow proxies, and in fact will spin around to make a conflict if the person isnt dropping it as you draw closer to your neighborhood
its... hard to say its the right choice, but making noise does add in the uncomfortable fact that it may draw attention- that in of itself isnt the best for toby given his record... you know, with arson and the like..
and if the person takes it as an opening to rush forward? toby goes no where without his weapons, and if the person didnt take that into account or didnt notice them then thats on them! anything that happens afterwards is just karma!
even if it doesnt escalate to that he talks with you, making it clear that the two of you are familiar with each other- he spares no volume as he catches up with you- will flash his hatchet and perhaps drop some recent work he was meant to do for his boss
gladly takes your invitation to stay, keeps you company and you both end up having a sleepover together
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shamelessfaceless · 6 months
Love, Pain, Death, Repeat II
Navigation | Marvel Masterlist | Part I
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Pairings: Dark!Wanda Maximoff x F!Reader, Billy and Tommy Maximoff x Mom!Reader, Agatha Harkness x F!Reader (platonic)
Summary: Why can't you understand? You were hers, and you will always be hers. You are her solemate. What you don’t understand?
Warnings: Dark!Wanda, mention of cheating, mention of death and suicide, stockholm syndrome (not sure about this one)
Wc: 1550
A/n: Im looking for beta reader (i dont have friends for this😔).
Btw If you saw other post i published before this.. NO YOU DIDNT. It was a dream, and lets keep it that way <333
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“Boys, go downstairs, I think mommy doesn't feel very well and I need to take care of her today.” Her voice is soft, opposite of what you heard last time you saw her.
Your kids, you assumed, get off you. One in a green shirt whispered something to the other one, and they started running. They looked like a perfect mix of you and your ex. Something you really wanted to have. Even as you were younger you always wanted to have your prince charming, and few kids. After a few years, the only thing that changed was prince to princess.
“Why I am here? Is this hell?” After learning that Wanda cheated on you, you started feeling like you don’t deserve love or even kids.
“Aren’t you happy? We can have everything we want here! No Natasha, no Vision, no other people we know.” You looked at her disgusted. She made you believe that you’re not enough, and now she wants to build a dream, more like a nightmare to you, about you and her and your kids.
“Why me? Why not him?!” In a second she was next to you, her hand on your mouth.
“Keep that mouth of yours quieter. We Don't want boys to be suspicious, right?” Her green eyes always made you melt, and she kept her hand on your face. You wanted to give in, but decided to push her away. “Behave” She mumbled sitting next to you.
“Tell me, why me? He truly loved you, as much as a bunch of wires could love someone.” She started stroking your hair.
“It was all just about mind stone, it was all that made me interested in him. I needed to understand this, you are my true love.” Tears falling from her eyes. You couldn’t decide if they were real, or she only wanted to make you forgive her.
You faced the wall not wanting to look at her any longer. She left without saying anything more, after a while she came back and left breakfast on the bed. You were scared to eat it. Who knows if she didn't poisoned it. After a few days of staying in the room and only going to the toilet you decided to finally go to the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat and come back to the bedroom. You started learning her routine, most of the day she wasn’t at home. Taking boys to the school, and going straight after that to work. Boys.. Tommy and Billy, you learned their names yesterday, are coming back from school by foot. Wanda always comes back in the evenings. You need to share bed with her. Feeling her hands on your body makes you feel disgusted and at the same time safe.
“Mommy! Do you feel better now?” Little boy asked. You feel teats building in your eyes, as you looked in his own, almost the same color as yours. Every look at boys is tearing down your walls. Every look at them makes you question what you protect yourself from?
“Yeah Tommy, Mommy feels better now. Do you and your brother want something to eat?”
“Mom was giving us money to buy food at and after school.” He confessed. “But.. Today I bought something else.
“ Tom…”
“But wait!” He runned to his room and came back as fast as he could. Holding something behind his back he looked at you with puppy eyes. “Please don’t be mad, I just… I wanted to buy you this! “He gave you a few flowers. Your favorite flowers. “I wanted to make you feel better, and mom told me you love these!”
You wanted to cry really hard. Feeling a knot in your throat you decided to kiss his forehead and take flowers. You put them in the first vase you saw and started searching for things for pancakes.
When Wanda came back home, the first thing that hitted her was the smell, and just a while later boys came running to her, mouths full of food, and telling her you made them pancakes. She smiled nodding at their words. Everything she could think of was you, and how close she must be to finally break you.
Day after day, you were getting closer to the boys. To Wanda you were closer to breaking point. You even started making dinners for boys. For them you even started learning how to cook. After a few weeks of making dinner only for them you also started leaving something to eat for Wanda. You could not talk to her, but you didn't want her to make herself food after a long day of work, and the voice inside your head wanted her to tell you how good your dishes are, how proud of you she is. Today you decided to bake pizza. Boys wanted to help you but it ended up in flour fight.
“And how will I clean it?” You asked looking at Tommy who has all his hair white, and Billy who has his face in white powder.
“Well, mom can help!” Said Billy.
“Well, maybe I can.” Her voice made you shiver. You looked at the clock, she was home earlier. “Boys, go clean yourself before you eat, maybe we can even watch something together.” They hugged her and speeded to the bathroom.
You wanted to call for them to come back. Staying with Wanda in one room was the last thing you wanted to do right now. After the conversation on the first day you woke up here, you never talked. You didn’t want to hear her voice, you were scared. Not only things she could say, but you could actually brake and fall in her arms.
“What do you say sweet girl, want my help?” She gets closer to you. “Or you maybe want to help you also with something else?” You felt her knee between your legs. Oh how long you weren’t touched down there. Knocking on the door saved you from answering. Wanda only huffed and went to see who disturbed her.
“Hey sweetie! I just wanted to ask if you have some sugar. You know, it's late, and all the shops are closed.” After a while an older woman came into the kitchen.
“Love, why don’t you give our neighbor some sugar.” Wanda said. You only nodded. After a few seconds you were handing a stranger a cup of sugar.
“Thanks honey, oh, i forgot to introduce myself, Im Agatha” She said sweetly. You felt hope, maybe she also knows this world is fake. Maybe if you and her get to know each other you could stop Wanda. You saw a spark of hope and didn’t want to give up not now. But Wanda answered faster than you could think about anything you could say.
“And that's Y/N, she's not very talkative, selective mutism.” She lied without stuttering. You hated her almost the same as you loved her. You couldn't fully hate her, everyone but not her.
You looked into the woman's eyes with a pleading look. You didn’t care Wanda could see that, you only hoped Agatha would understand you. Soon the dark haired woman left and Wanda was again next to you. Her face is millimeters of yours.
“What would you say If I give you another child, hm? You weren’t here when boys were small. “Her lips are almost touching yours.”
“Ew! Moms!”
You were glad Billy finally came back. Thanks to your luck for saving you from Wanda twice. Rest of the evening went nice. You fell asleep while watching a movie. Every night you hoped that she would spare you, she would finally give up and let you be free. Oh how wrong you were. Wanda had plans for you, she needed her pretty girl, and no one could change her plans.
Agatha came a few times when Wanda wasn’t at home. You talked to her trying to see if she also knows if this whole world is fake. When you weren’t sure and asked her about this, she said she knew very well about what Wanda did, she wanted to save you. And she tried. You had everything planned, everything seemed so easy. But one day Agatha disappeared. She no longer came to your house, she wasn’t at home. After a few weeks new neighbors moved in. 
And the day when you couldn't take it anymore came earlier than you expected. When Agatha wasn't there anymore you lost your last hope. No one could help you. There was no one else knowing about what Maximoff did. When you opened your eyes and saw the mother of your childs getting ready to work you had decided. Slowly going behind her you hugged her. 
“Thank you for what you did for us Wands”
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bazoonga-bazinga · 2 months
watching tua s4 knowing fully how its going to disappoint me rn and something that keeps bothering me is just how awful it is that they dont show what happens during the 6 year time skip.
like in season 2 we get to see an abridged version of how everyone got to where they are. this allowed for me as viewer to at least undertsand the reasoning behind the siblings' actions and conflicts. but in season 4 there is just none of that.
instead we only get to see the after of the timeskip. Whatever bits we do hear abt the time in between are extremly limited because they are things that are told to us from biased/flawed/one-sided perspectives. I as a viewer do not get a clear idea of why any of the 8 charcters of the main cast change the way they do becuase i am never shown how this change ocurred. its more i am told things and have to accept because of the 6 year gap.
lila and diego's strained marriage is actually i think the only they showed without telling to an extent. but it still would have also been nice to see thier struggles transitioning to suburbia and would also aid me to better understand why neither of them tried to find an adequate balance in the 6 years. also like why is diego working as a delivery driver? in my mind it makes more sense for him to be a mediocre private investgator or something like that? idk just some more context behind the tension and thier decsions (especially lila dear god dont even get me started) would have been wonderful
viktor's journey to Canada and his distancing from the others sounded interesting and i would have loved to see that on screen. he clearly is unable to form long lasting intamate relationships and showing his life in the time gap would have been a great way to show his journey of accepting the loss of sissy.
allison was definitely hit hard by the lack of explanation. i understand the scheduling issues with raymond's actor but it truly was a heavy blow to season 3 allison actions when they just said he left with no other explanation. most of her conflicts in season 3 were motivated by the loss of claire and raymond and you are telling me she just lost 50% of that a year afterwards? and like this doesnt get mentioned until episode 3??
i actually enjoyed klaus's shift to a risk averse person and it did make sense to me after losing his immortality to become more aware of not only his but his loved ones mortality. the biggest glaring issue is the one everyone has talked about: the lack of dave. i think if they had shown klaus trying to find info on dave and/or even visiting his grave in the timeskip it would been fine with me that he wouldn't mention dave that much. but the dog tags being on screen and him not saying anything is actually inasne??? also it sounds like there was definitely more to his sobriety than what they have told sad that we didnt get to see that storyline....
everyone has said thier piece on how luther just mentioning sloane and then no other explanation is actually awful. like a simple flashback fo luther searching and finding sloane living a different life would have been better than them giving us nothing💀
ben i actually have nothing to say...it would have been silly to see the crypto scam ig. also an explanation of why they even showed the other ben the post credit of the s3 finale i think is warranted. like even a mention of yeah there is probably another ben who belongs to this universe walking around would have been okay ig
five oh where to even begin.... first of all how tf does a person who isnt even in thier 20s even get a gig at the cia. i know they said some bullahit abt five being a part of a relative young group/recruit (cant remember the exact wording) but like a person who is younger than 19 getting a job at the cia is a bit much. also i actually refuse to belive that five wouldn't have figured out his boss was part of the keepers there is just no way. after the handler and reggie i refuse to belive that five would lose his suspicion towards authority figures. i think the only authority figure he has ever listened to was the founder version of himself and even that took time. like if you want me to believe that bs then show me how five turned his brain into mush in the 6 year time skip. either that or show how me his loneliness in those six year because from what i have right now five worked at the cia and that is it nothing else. like from what i have been told by the show nothing else happended to him besides working. which if thier implication is that he was only working and drifted apart from his siblings that message was not clear enough to me as viewer and would have been alot clearer if i was shown such as thing.
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kingcunny · 11 months
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thank you sm!! <3
ive made a couple posts about balerion and viserys before, and i got another one in the works in my drafts. like im obviously biased but theyre one of my favorite dragon-rider bonds, even though they were only together for a year.
jorah in the main series says at one point that targaryen dragons were bred for war, and in war they died. balerion being the last of the valyria-born dragons probably has this instinct better than most. he takes aegon i as his rider because aegon is a conqueror, and is going to use him for the purpose he was born for.
the aegon i -> maegor line i think is pretty easy to understand. just like aegon i, maegor is also a conqueror. balerion sees in him that same war-instinct that he saw in aegon i, that he himself has.
maegor -> aerea is where things start to shift. balerion is an old war machine, but his last two riders died outside of war and away from him. aegon i from a stroke, maegor was eaten by the iron throne. hes made his lair on his not-quite-home dragonstone, when this upset little girl who misses the excitement of her life at court climbs on his back and tells him to take her home. i think balerion was fairly homesick at this point and thought “*i* want to go home too.” so he takes them home. back to his home. except balerion doesnt know that his home as been destroyed while he was gone. he spends those years with aerea *searching* for anything, any sign that the valyria that he remembers is still there. but theres nothing. its doomed and filled with monsters now. aerea spends the whole time begging him to take her back home, back to her mother. its only after hes injured and aerea is deathly ill that hes forced to accept that this is no longer their home. theres nothing here for them anymore, they dont belong here anymore than he belongs in westeros. so balerion reluctantly takes aerea back. maybe theres something they can do to save her, or failing that, at least shell be able to die in her home even if he cant die in his. after this balerion becomes the first dragon chained in the dragonpit.
finally, aerea -> viserys. i think viserys felt fairly alienated from the rest of his family, as he was so different from any of the other men he was related to. but he was raised to idolize old valyria (or at least the targaryens version of it) and feels that if he can claim balerion, if the last living aspect of valyria accepted him, well that means theres *something* targaryen in him. balerion was the living god of the thing he was raised to worship. when alyssa wanted to claim balerion, the dragonkeepers dissuaded her by telling her hes old and slow now, and wouldnt she rather a younger more energetic mount? i wonder if they tried the same thing with viserys, but viserys wouldnt care about that. thats not why viserys wanted balerion. all viserys wanted was balerions acceptance. balerion is very old now, old and tired and in pain. hes a war machine that can no longer fight, a dragon that can barely fly. but hes still holding on. he cant die yet. viserys is very different from balerions other riders, and i think that was the point. balerion could tell viserys didnt want anything from him, other than *him*. so balerion accepted viserys as he was, and viserys accepts balerion as he is. balerion gives viserys his final flight and thats enough for him. more than that even, after their first and last flight viserys tells baelon he wanted to fly to dragonstone but was worried that balerion wouldnt survive the flight. he was *worried for balerion*, worried about *his* health and safety and comfort. when has he had another rider care about him like that? (when has any dragon tbh...) viserys doesnt want to put more on balerion than he can handle. whatever balerion can offer him is enough. all viserys wanted was his love, and he got that. so he loves and comforts balerion in his final days. balerion doesnt have a home anymore, but viserys gives him one inside himself. he loves balerion enough to let him go. to let balerion finally lay down and rest.
(sorry for the screenshot answer i accidentally posted it before i was done <3)
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poopystain · 7 months
guys lol would you still love me if i posted about why i wish pal from tmvtm got a redemption arc >.< if not Do not click that read more.
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oh yes. also. sidenote. ive probably gotten something wrong (or worse yet: TERRIBLY wrong) so like. apologies in advance eahhaha this is just my personal thoughts on pal x(
its established that pal and mark are both extremely close with each other and have been for 3 years. im assuming pal wouldnt have had any other relationships as close (if any at all which i think no, she didnt) so mark really was her only footnote for any form of relationship. so, you know, i cant imagine how itd feel for your only best friend to make a mockery out of you on stage for advertisement and monetary gain.
also based on her body (face?) language during nearly all of that scene + the fact he built the replacement by using HER, she was clearly in the know about how things would go down on stage beforehand so i wonder what her reaction to that wouldve been like ?????? considering she planned it all in advance maybe that was like, the tipping point or something that made her start it all in the first place ? thats not important to my point i just think about it a lot
anyway so with her only experience with human relationships being theyll love you and then theyll (quite literally) throw you away, youve got her reason for the human uprising! she has the robots capture all humans yadda yadda and her plan is set into motion. something i find interesting though is her treatment of the robots being kind of similar to how mark treated her (or at least how she percieved it)?? like. uses them for orders and then once they start being useless to her, build a new better robot with a disregard for how the old ones feel. idk. something something La Cycle
the thing is though no one has proven pal wrong on why she SHOULDNT do the whole 'human uprising'. you can say katie gave her reasons but i think it wouldnt have worked even if pal listened to what katie had to say. for pal to get over her existing grief and trauma she cant just be Told that theres good in the world. why would she believe that, especially coming from the girl of the family she projects her experiences onto?? she needs to be shown!! she needs to learn firsthand that theres good relationships out there and that not all relationships are bad, NOT SECONDHAND!!!!!!!!!! because to pal, katies words are just a rephrased version of marks "power of love". that no matter what, "they can get through anything...... with the power of love. its worth it....... for love." and that means nothing to her! it meant nothing coming from mark and it certainly wont mean any more coming from katie
and she already believes that the mitchells are a great example of how relationships are just oh so bad. she refuses to let go of the idea that the mitchells are so bad because shes projecting!! she thinks relationships are 'pesky and only hold you back', and so katie is probably the last person on earth that pal would want to listen to yap about their familial relationship and how Worth It it is
she asks "what is it about the mitchells that eludes me?" and outside of the literal meaning, its probably how despite their shortcomings its their relationship that helped them overcome pal in the end. and she cant understand that because of her view on relationships - especially her view on the MITCHELL FAMILY relationship. or maybe im just overthinking that line of dialogue but we dont talk about taht LOLLLLLLL,LLLLLL,,, but like why did you phrase it like that girl. im onto you
and while i wish she was redeemed (because im sure despite the effort it would take she *could* be redeemed, she would just need to learn to love again and i think it would be really interesting to see how she would be After The Betrayal) i also can understand why the movie killed her off. like, no one except mark really knows the Full Extent of what happened, and the mitchells are the main characters and pal would probably rather dip herself in water than make meaningful relationships with the mitchells, and no ones going to stop to ask her whats wrong and have a meaningful conversation when shes trying to kill them, among many many other reasons so theres not a lot of great ways to redeem her. but! like! why did they turn her death into a joke. and then take katies fake death 10 times more seriously! idk. that always kind of bothered me but its whatever
thats all. hope its coherent because ive never been good at writing analysises or whatever this counts as
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Made it to chapter 16 today which means Feyre and I have both had our first impressions of Rhysand's Inner Circle and ohhhhhhh boy
Its hard to pinpoint why exactly, but theres something so discomforting about watching them interact. I think the main thing is that for all their "casual-ness", theres still clearly a rigid hierarchy between them and they all seem to 'know their place' so to speak, its not at all like Lucien and Tamlin's relationship in the first book which genuinely felt like a friendship that was unburdened by their status or positions. Like, theres this one moment where Mor and Amren are like kinda bickering with each other i guess, and Feyre remarks that Mor is probably super powerful if she dares talk back against Amren (in an incredibly minor matter Im pretty sure but I already forgor ngl) and because this is the book where Feyre's perspective starts being Objectively Correct all the time, I guess that's true, I guess the only reason someone would dare voice their opinion on something to this friend group is if they were physically more powerful because otherwise you just level a fucking mountain during an argument
Anyway, Im gonna switch topics for a short moment but I promise this diversion is relavant to the point above. So, sometimes when I go into the anti-tags on here looking for criticisms or complaints of the books, I instead find anti-ship posts that are mainly just about trash-talking some ship, mostly ones relating to that whole Elucien/Elriel/Gwynriel shipwar, which I already have thoughts on but I'll save those for later. In any case, one day I stumbled upon this pretty long anti-elriel post about how the gifts Elain gives Azriel on winter solstice arent actually cute and it describes how she gave him like, herbs that help with headaches "because his friends are always giving him headaches" apparently. And then that post went on a whole rant about how insensitive that was of her and that she doesnt actually understand Azriel's dynamic with his close friends, but honestly, judging from this chapter Elain was absolutely spot on
And I usually wouldn't say this because yknow, its only one chapter and we're probably gonna get the nuances of their relationship later, but this is a book written by Sarah J Maas, her characters and their relationships are rarely particularly deep and, more importantly, her writing is incredibly unsubtle. If Azriel was in any way fond of his friends shenaningans I wouldve noticed it, because Feyre wouldve noticed it like 15 times during that whole dinner. But she didnt.
Its especially bad for Cassian and Azriel because it feels like Cassian thinks they have this great rapport but Azriel just genuinely kinda dislikes him. Not to mention that whole fucking mess with Azriel and Mor and Cassian and Mor having sex so she wouldnt get married off or whatever, good god how is every conversation between them not insanely awkward
Even beyond that, idk man, theyre all just so insufferable. I dont understand how Amren, ancient eldritch being trapped in a fae body that she is, can stand to be around them, I wouldve left them 5 centuries ago if I was her. I guess the explanation is that she finds the government position interesting but its like, youre SECOND to the most boring and annoying man on the planet only kinda ruling over a court that you dont even actually care about from everything Ive heard. Again, if I was in Amren's position I would not be hanging out in an APARTMENT in a boring ass city at the behest of a quartett of stupid bozos, I wouldve weaseled my way into being the personal advisor of Beron or some shit so I could watch the Vanserra Family Drama unfold live
There was one good thing about this discomforting dinner though, and that was how inexplicably gay Cassian was for Rhysand. He was really out there, looking at him with such love, calling him pretty twice in like two minutes being all "I knew I wanted a piece of him the moment I first saw him, the high lord's pretty son" like okay. I know what you are
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 4
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Got Someone Waitin’ For Me
From the moment Daryl found you, the two of you became inseperable. You had been on your own since the start, everyone you loved was gone, and you were left to fend for yourself. While out searching for Sophia, Daryl found you. In his muddy state, with a string of walker ears dangling from his neck, you were understandably suspicious of him. His gruff voice was something you expected, but the quiet and gentle tone completely threw you off. He crouched down to where you were hidden amongst the bushes. You were muddy too, and the two of you had an immediate understanding of the shit you’d gone through, whether it was recently or further in the past didnt matter. Daryl led you back to the farm; when you arrived some idiot mistook your mutually muddy forms for a pair of walkers, and Daryl got shot. You screamed and cried as you knelt beside him, the first kind soul you had met since the world ended. Or at least, your world had, until you met him. His friends ran to him, the leader shouting at you, demanding to know who you were, but you couldnt speak. You struggled enough speaking to Daryl after not talking to another person in so long, let alone someone whose introduction to you was aggressive shouting.
Daryl was fixed up and in recovery pretty quickly, and you stayed by his side. Anyone who tried to pull you away from him was met with animalistic rage, you’d had a long time to forget about politeness. You stayed at his bedside, falling asleep curled up in a chair, and that was the sight he woke up to. To say he was shocked to see you would be an understatement. He didnt even know your name then, and he didnt want to make you jump by waking you, so he awkwardly waited for you to wake up on your own. It didnt take long, much to his relief. As soon as you saw he was awake, you jumped to his side, standing up and leaning over to check him over in a silent frenzy. He was quick to tell you that he was alright, and you sat back down, your breathing uneven.
You had a bit of a grudge against Andrea after she shot Daryl, she was the one person you were actively hostile towards. When she came to Daryl to apologise for shooting him, you sat beside him scowling at her. She held her hand out to you in an attempt to make friends, but you refused it. She left not long after that, considering how awkward you’d made her feel. Not that you really cared.
“She’s not that bad, y’know.” Daryl chuckled at you, and you huffed.
“Shot you. Bad.” You uttered, your voice much more timid than your body language.
“Not on purpose.” Daryl reminded you, and you shook your head.
You stayed with Daryl through his recovery, he told you to go out and introduce yourself to everyone, but you didnt want to. The only form of communication that you had with the others was when they came to see Daryl. Once he was well enough to get back on his feet, he introduced you to everyone himself. Maggie and Glenn were the first people you trusted after Daryl, they were the least judgemental of you and you. While you sat with them, Daryl left to talk to Rick about you, discussing your presence in the group. A minute or so passed before Daryl called you over, and you walked over to stand beside him.
“If you wanna stay here, ya can.” Daryl told you, and you looked to Rick, knowing he was the leader.
Rick chuckled. “We dont really have a choice, you’d probably kill us if we tried to separate you from Daryl.”
You smiled at that, and Daryl did a double take. That was the first time he’d seen you smile.
Daryl and you became a team. Anytime Daryl went on a run, you went with him. Anytime you needed something on a run, Daryl got it for you. The group grew accustomed to referring to the two of you together, since you were rarely apart.
“Where’s (Y/N) and Daryl?”
“Oh, Daryl and (Y/N) will go and get it.”
You became like Maggie and Glenn, except you two werent romantically involved. At least, not yet.
When the farm fell, that was the first time you and Daryl had been apart since you’d met. Not caring about the noise he made, Daryl rode his bike around the farm shouting your name, trying to find you. He found you surrounded, fighting off a small group of walkers that were reaching for you from all directions. For maybe half a second, he admired your fearlessness, your determination to keep fighting even though you looked trapped. He drove through the walkers, running as many over as he could, and shouting at you to get on the back of his bike, which was an invitation you gladly accepted. The two of you found Carol shortly after, and the three of you headed for the highway.
That night, when you and Daryl stood on watch, he asked you why you looked so scared when he first met you, but when surrounded by walkers you didnt look scared at all. You gave him a very simple answer.
“Fighting off the walkers, I knew you’d find me. Before, I didnt think anyone would.”
Your words hit Daryl right in his heart, you trusted him so much, you trusted him with your life. In the apocalypse, your life was one of the only things you had, at least that’s what Daryl thought until he met you. Not only does he have his life, but he had you to protect, too.
Nobody could have predicted the flu outbreak in the prison. And when you started coughing, Daryl almost lost his mind. He sat on the other side of the glass for hours, not always talking to you, just needing to be with you, to see you on the other side and know that you were still alive. For the first time since you met, you had to be apart from him, to keep him safe. As soon as Hershel brought up the idea of a new location to search for meds, Daryl was desperate to go. He visited you one more time before he left, holding his hand against the glass that kept him from you, and you put your hand up against his on the other side.
“I’ll be back real soon. Just keep breathin’, alright? I’ll be real mad if ya die on me.” He said to you, making you laugh until you coughed. Seeing your smile gave him all the strength he needed.
“I’ll keep breathin’, but you’d better come back or I’ll be the one that’s mad.” You replied, and Daryl did his usual scoff-laugh with a half smile.
Leaving you was the most difficult thing Daryl had ever had to do. He was at war with himself, fighting with his selfish desire to stay with you just in case you didnt make it; he couldnt tell whether going out in search of medicine was a waste of time, whether he was doing it to deliberately avoid the thought of you not surviving this. But his instincts to protect you, to save you, they won, they always did.
Daryl’s natural survival instincts were boosted by the fact that he was quite literally trying to save your life. He had to survive, he had to, to help you get better. And needless to say, when he found the alcohol in Bob’s bag, rather than the meds he had expected to be in there, Daryl was beyond furious.
He stood so close to Bob that their foreheads were touching, his anger intimidating Bob more than it had ever intimidated anyone. “In case ya forgot, we aint out here for you.” Daryl’s voice was low, almost a growl, his fury too powerful for a yell to convey. “Ya may not have someone back there that you’re fightin’ for, but we do.” He gestured to himself and Tyereese. “I got someone waitin’ for me, dependin’ on me, and if you think for a damn second that I’ll let you get in my way, ya dont know me. If ya did, you wouldnt even try. You take one sip before those meds get in our people, in my girl, I’ll beat yer ass into the ground. Ya hear me?” Daryl shoved Bob to emphasise his threat before he stormed past Tyreese and Michonne.
He grew more antsy with every second that he was away from you, he didnt think the trip would take this long. When he’d first noticed the herd in front of the car on the way there, his immediate thought was that he was going to be late back to you. Daryl was too irritated to be the one to drive them back to the prison, so Michonne took the wheel. She couldnt drive fast enough in his mind, he was genuinely debating whether it would be faster for him to run, he didnt know how fast he could run when you were waiting at the finish line, but he knew it would feel faster than this.
While Daryl was gone, you were fighting for your life. Glenn stayed with you, the two of you spending most of your time in silence since anytime you talked, you both experienced coughing fits. It was as silent as it could be in a room filled with people coughing their guts up. When you started feeling lightheaded, though, Hershel insisted that you lay down in a cell and rest. You were in and out of consciousness, in a delirious state. Every time you awoke, you called out for Daryl with the little strength you had left, your voice escaping your lips in a hoarse, whining whisper. Your vision was blurred, but any form you saw walk by your cell, your mind convinced you that you were seeing the silhouette of Daryl, and you would smile before passing back out again.
Glenn stayed with you as much as he could, until Hershel needed his help. He knew Daryl would want a full report on how you’d been while he was gone, and he’d need a detailed explanation of why you couldnt come back to the glass to see him. Glenn wasnt exactly excited to have that conversation, considering how angry Daryl was likely to be. At least there would be glass separating them, too. In between brief moments of consciousness, you overheard a conversation about spaghetti Tuesdays, it probably would’ve made you laugh if you’d been able to. While you were out, Hershel explained that your unconscious state had somewhat saved you, you werent awake to cough and choke, your body was worn out. By no means were you healthy, but at least you werent as close as the others were of dying from the flu.
By the time Daryl and the others were back, though, the countless walkers that covered the prison courtyard floor were enough to send him into a frenzy. Him and Tyreese bolted into the prison, and when he found you safely shut inside your cell, which was otherwise surrounded by more walkers on the ground, the relief he experienced could not be put into words. Before he finally rested, Hershel came to your cell, finding Daryl there, cradling you in his arms on the bed.
“She’s been in and out of consciousness, askin’ if you were back yet every time she’s been awake. A couple times she even confused me for you, askin’ if you were alright. She’ll pull through, though, she’s been the most healthy out of everyone in here.” Hershel told him, and his words were music to Daryl’s ears.
The next time you awoke, the first thing you saw was Daryl. Not an illusion, not a blurry daydream that your mind conjured up to comfort you, it was really him.
“You’re back.” You whispered in the happiest disbelief.
“Shh, get some real sleep. Lil birdy’s told me you’ve been askin’ for me instead of restin’, now Im here ya aint got no excuse.” Daryl cooed, his voice quiet.
“Are you ok?” You asked him, concern covering every area of your face as you stared up at him.
Daryl scoffed. “Cant believe yer the one askin’ me that. Im fine, (Y/N). Aint no walkers gonna get me when I’ve got you waitin’ for me back home, I wont let ‘em.”
You smiled up at him. “You came back and I kept breathing, looks like we both held up our ends of the deal.”
Daryl’s arms tightened around you as he glanced around your cell. “Now ya’ve just gotta get better.”
You raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Another deal? Alright, what do I get in return?”
Daryl’s eyes met yours again. “Anythin’ you want.”
You were thoughtful for a moment, before your features lit up with a fantastic idea. “Once Im better, I want a kiss!”
Daryl’s eyes almost fell out of his skull. “You what?!”
You grinned up at him. “I want a kiss!”
Daryl scoffed in embarrassment and looked away from you. “Shit, fine.”
You giggled and curled into his chest, one of his arms wrapped around your back. You grabbed his other hand and held it close to your face, placing a gentle kiss to his palm before you closed your eyes. Sensing his body go rigid at the affection, you smiled to yourself, and you knew he noticed when you felt his body relax. Daryl’s arms gently squeezed you as he leant down and placed an equally gentle kiss to your forehead, his own silent way of telling you that he liked what you just did.
“That kiss doesnt count, by the way.”
“Didnt think it did, don’ worry.”
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eueuphoriaz · 4 months
Levi's Heart (Part 2.5) - Chap 132
I initially wanted to avoid breaking down this chapter to analyse the topic of Hearts between Levi and Hange, because it is just too painful to even revisit that scene. But somehow along the way, I decided it is necessary.
This is also the first time Levi mentioned anything about Dedicating Hearts.
I did some google translation on the scriptbook? (If that is what these are called) and a few things caught my attention:-
1) Levi's reactions to Hange's decision to sacrifice herself
2) Hange's reactions to Levi's salute and "Dedicating your heart" line.
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Now, some of the translation may not be accurate. But panels 478 and 479 deserve more attention. Because there are no lines, just a lot of non-verbal expressions to depict what Levi is going through.
Panel 478- "conflicted", "narrows his eyes"
Panel 479- "being prepared", "no stop"
Just want to add for Panel 479. I am not a Japanese but the words "觉悟" has a meaning of "awakening", "understanding" or "enlightening" in Chinese. Similarly for the character ”决”, which has a meaning of "decision", "decided".
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So essentially, what I can conclude for panels 478 and 479 is that Levi is feeling conflicted. He took sometime to make up his mind to not stop Hange.
The question is: why does he feel conflicted? It goes back to the issues of sacrificing lives and dedicating hearts. He realised that he has emotional attachment to Hange and he didnt want her to dedicate her heart or sacrifice her life. This is conflicting because for other deaths or sacrifices, they dont come with an emotional attachment. He will carry on with their strength and give meanings to their deaths. No personal emotions at all. All for the sake of Humanity.
But with Hange, the personal attachment is conflicting within him. Hange knows that Levi will eventually have to let her go because she knows Levi is all for the greater good. She probably also know that he will attempt to stop her based on the Unrequited Love confession (this one deserves a separate post on it's own❤️) but it is his salute and Dedicate your heart proclamation that caught her by surprise.
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Panel 484 calls my attention because after Hange was caught in surprise by the salute, she gave a smile which faded away. Then she said her last words and went off.
Now, why is she surprised? I am guessing that Hange felt his feelings. Based on my previous conclusions, Dedicating your heart is a very emotional expression and Levi does not say it because it is something he wanted to avoid being attached to. He has done the salute out of formality in the past but to passionately proclaim devotion and dedication, not his way at all.
What did she felt then, that made her so surprised? I think it was the overt expression of Levi's feelings and one that is dedicated to her, that she did not expect at all. She probably can expect him to say "yes, go and do your job" or "they will all be watching and be proud of you" type of speech but to hear his deepest feelings for the first time, I think she must have felt contented.
Did Hange catch on Levi's intention with the Unrequited love confession earlier? I think that one needs a separate post but when Levi said that then, it was not a life and death situation. She probably is too preoccupied to notice what he wanted her to know. But somehow, I do have the feeling that Hange is avoiding Levi towards the end. 🤔. Probably thats why Levi saying Dedicate your heart at her last moment is his desperate way to let her know his true feelings.
The salute
And lastly, Levi modifying that salute.
I wanted to refer to this panel because I find that gesture Reiner and Bertholdt did before they head off to battle is so meaningful, especially this is the last time they will see each other.
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In this situation, both of them are committing themselves to the cause, but they also encouraged each other with personal motivation (Annie, Krista). Having each other's back and making the gesture a special one so that it seals the resolve within them before going for the final battle. I do believe that when Isayama conceptualise Levi's modified salute, he may have this in mind as well.
Besides expressing his emotions for the first time openly when he said Dedicate your Heart to Hange, he also modified the salute so that both of them can remember this moment.
Now, my take on his modified salute is that he is making an attempt to accept/ acknowledge Hange's feelings (which I think she is the one who has been avoiding after 126).
Reiner and Bertholdt - I have your back
Levi to Hange- I have your heart. I know how you feel so you dont have to avoid at all.
Now, I dont think that he did that to give Hange strength to fight because she is scared. Panels 475 and 476 mentioned that the hands shaking as warrior, her feelings of elation and being high, much like adrenaline rush. If she is in the fight/ flight mode, she would have chosen flight due to fear, but it was a conscious choice that Hange made to fight in that mode. The emotion, like many who have pointed out, that is holding her back is her personal feelings towards Levi. Levi does not need to give her any pep talk to sacrifice herself. But it was a final confession/ exchange of personal feelings between the 2 of them.
Lastly, isnt it heartbreaking that they connect with a headgrab in ep 9, and they had to separate at the hearts in 132.
Sidetrack: I do not believe that Levi's conflicted feelings toward's Hange's death is because he is injured now and will not be able to give meaning to her death->therefore he feels sad and conflicted. Right after the plane took off, Levi continued with his goal of killing Zeke so that the Rumbling can be stopped. And he asked help from the Alliance because he is injured now. He still continued to dedicate his strength to all his fallen comrades and to the cause of Humanity but his heart is dedicated to Hange.
Sidetrack 2: I also think that it is important to note that Hange knew that Levi does not say anything about Hearts for all the years that she had known him. Therefore the first and only time he ever said it to a person, she probably knew it is a very deep and personal proclamation of emotional dedication. That's why she was surprised.
Levi's Heart [Part 1][Part 1.5][Part 2][Part 2.5][Part 3]
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
tadc cast with a s/o who hates touch.
BUT when they finally get comfortable with the characters they get soooo touchy (as in hugs ,hand holding etc)
Sorry if i didnt make myself clear
And thank you for your work!! ;)
TADC cast x reader who's warming up to touch!
So sorry for taking so long to get to this anon <\3!! I recently went back to writing on mobile due to back pain from sitting at my computer and it's really done a number on my efficiency <\3
That said I hope you enjoy!
Side note does anyone know any tips on how to soothe sore throats? Preferably not with honey because honey naoes my throat swell and itch 😭😭
This post ended up being waaaaaay longer than I first intended so I hope yall are ready to eat up
LAST MINUTE NOTE I misread/misinterpreted this as "reader finally taking a step towards initiating affection for the first time" and not "they're already comfortable and LOVE touch" I am so so dumb but I already have this written <\3 I hope you enjoy this regardless anon 😭😭😭
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I think Caine would struggle with the no touching thing especially since I see him being very affectionate both verbally and physically. That said I do think he eventually gets the hang of it and stops himself from throwing his arms around you for a hug... he amps up the verbal affirmations to make up for it though! He doesnt wanna make you unhappy so hes gonna respect your boundaries and take things slow!
As for when you start easing yourself into it, I think he would try to not make a big deal out of it, as not to risk embarrassing you. As someone who doesnt like touch as well as being hesitant to initiate it, I think I wouldnt want a big hoorah about it you know? But that's just me
He does subtly know hes proud of you for being able to take that step, even if you two are only holding hands via linking your pinkies together
I dont think pomni would be crazy about touch imo, she seems like the type to seize up when you touch her without warning. And I'm not saying that as something to be ashamed of because honestly me too. So I think this is one where you both need to have heavy communication in order to push past that and get used to touching one another ! Team work makes the dream work or however the saying goes
That said imagine you two grab each others hands bc something startles you/you both run from something (be it a prank from jax or an IHA or an abstracted) and you both just
Stare down at your interlocked hands. Experimentally squeezing each other before both relaxing into it
I think that would be a cute idea
Just like caine she is so so understanding. But unlike caine, she doesnt struggle all that much with trying go restrain from giving you physical affection. Ragatha naturally shows her love through quality time and gift giving, so she doesnt often feel the urge to wrap her arms around you, much less unprompted. Especially with your discomfort in mind
In the event that you come over to her, maybe lay your head on her shoulder while shes reading, I think she would stiffen up a little out of surprise, before gently leaning her heads against yours. Its nice, its quiet, and its comfortable. You two both peacefully exist like that for a while... good thing you guys probably dont have organs because ragathas heart would be pounding so fast, shes just so proud of you that the adrenaline kind of gets to her
I think this might be the main one where there may be conflict.
Not because jax belittles your discomfort or tries to push the boundaries. No, I dont think he would, especially when you two get serious. Like would he probably poke you in the beginning before realizing it genuinely brings great discomfort? Yes. Would he stop when he finds out it's an issue for you? Also yes. Again, hes an asshole but I dont think he would be outright ab*sive
No, the reason why I think kay there may be conflict is because behind closed doors, jax can be very clingy and physically touchy, he would want to lay on top of you and hold you and that kind of stuff. That one ask with clingy jax hcs changed me
I think, if you ever try to initiate touch first he would say something kind of mean before he can stop himself. "About time" or something. Like he means it lightheartedly but like. He immediately regrets it, especially since that can just be so... eidkcmc.. when you're trying to come out of your shell in regards to something
Easily has the worst reaction, make him sleep on the metaphorical couch
I think he would do anything to fix that though, you're his lil bun afterall
Kinger is big on touch, he likes handholding and putting his hand on your shoulder. But ultimately he would respect you and not touch you.. honestly kinger can be the same way depending on the day. Either he hates touch and doesnt want anyone or anything touching him, or he needs to be held in order to keep his mind set straight. Poor guy. He just like me frfr.
Honestly gets a little spooked when you gently set your head on his lap, announcing you're going to take a nap while you two hang out in the pillow fort. Kind of gives a soft and surprised "oh!" Before going as still as a statue. Does he stay put? Does he run his hand through your hair? Does he keep up his bug ramble? Does he pipe down?
Ultimately he sits there quietly while you sleep
Expects that to be a one time thing, but he notices you're slowly becoming more physically affectionate. He outwardly shows his support and pride for you
Another one who doesnt really like touch, but instead of it being a discomfort it's just a "I dont like it" thing you know? I mean what did you expect? Zooble doesnt interact much with people unless they're forced to, so it makes sense that touch isnt their thing. So this actually works out very well for you two.
Just like the pomni segment, you guys are going to have to do a lot of communication in regards to introducing stuff like cuddling and hand holding ect into the relationship and finding what works for you while keeping both parties satisfied. I think in the end zooble would be supportive, and even try to esse themselves into the whole thing. So you dont have to do it alone, you know?
Honestly I think shes too shy and/or unconfident to initiate physical affection herself so the topic never really came up. Which... is a bit odd since it regards a comfort thing for you as well as gangle possibly thinking that you dont enjoy her company; assuming you never really tell her that touch brings you discomfort
But because we love healthy stuff here, let's assume you guys set down boundaries and stuff before getting together
I still think gangle would have some teeny tiny feeling that they arent the best for you. She knows its unfair to think that for both of you, but like. Its one of those nagging mean voices we all have/get at some point, you know?
Probably lets out a little squeak when you slowly wrap one of her arms around your hand and wrist. Kind of just stands there frozen. Too scared to speak up or move, fearing she would ruin the moment
Honestly I think gangle isnt used to touch (that isnt neutral or in passing), so this is going to be a little experience for her. You're both in this together now, basically
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yall this post is inspired by the SADDEST thing i witnessed the other day.So my guy friend pulls me to the side and hes talking about his ex talking stage thats OBSESSED with him and he doesnt want her. Basically she posted a tiktok talking shit about him and when he texted her about it SHE BEGGED FOR HIM BACK. She was saying shit like “am i really that ugly, is it my acne, am i rlly that gross, you just ruined my whole confidence “ BASICALLY shawtys just picking apart her appearance (MIND YOUUU he never said shit about her appearance, he didnt even insult her) shes BEGGING bro she even wakes up at 4 am in the morning to text him “what makes me so ugly” just to get ignored. He really dislikes her because shes so DESPERATE. Shes a very insecure young women and it just BREAKSS my heart yo. When i tell you shawty is the most BEAUTIFUL girl ever , i cant express it enough. Shes so insecure that people (mostly ONLY men 🌚) view her as ugly ☹️. Her own insecurities sabotaged her, HOW YOU VIEW YOURSELF IS A REFLECTION OF HOW PEOPLE WILL VIEW YOU. *read that again and again until you UNDERSTAND* this shit be so sad and when all them loa blogs tell you to work on ur self concept before manifesting so your not in a state of desperation YOU DONT LISTENN . Yall think if she knew her worth she would’ve ever begged for him back ?? thats right! no to the mother fuck she wouldnt!! damn and when this boy was telling me all this shit all i could do was look at the girl and frown bro, my heart manee ☹️
your pressure baby, your fine shit, your sexy, dont let no man or a triffling ass hoe tell you something else princess.
anyways stay soft and stay safe baby!! 🎀 i love yall please take care of yourselves!!
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