#i dont like that translation but sure
cupofmilkyway · 8 months
Laios' Art
Haven't seen any posts talking about this and it's one if not my favorite Laios detail so I HAD to share|
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I noticed when I was reading through the manga that this drawing was silly for more reasons that the obvious, like how the chimera body looks fine but then the human Falin is all stick arms and goofy expressions.
It's so easy to chalk it up to Laios just not being great at drawing, cause we have seen him draw himself in a previous chapter (the one with the living paintings) and it was a very simplified shape too.
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And near the end of the manga they show us his (probably pretty old but) OC monster and it looks cool too!!!
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So he IS a good artist!! He just. Does Not Care about humans. So he can't draw them. Which is SO funny because, same, for a good while when I was young I didn't have any clue how people worked so I drew my humans with paws and like, snout looking noses.
Guy who's autism won't let him draw anything that isn't related to his special interest trying to draw it regardless
Laios my beloved keep drawing your quirked up creatures like you're supposed to <3
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u5an5 · 7 days
spanish dub this, french dub that
why is no one talking about the fact that in polish dub Wade on their first meeting straight up asks him out for a date?
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casualavocados · 1 month
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What are you proud of?
KISEKI: DEAR TO ME Ep. 03 / Ep. 06
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ywpd-translations · 3 months
Ride 778: “Hakogaku's sprinter”
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Pag 1
1: Izumida-san!!
2: I'll use it
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Pag 4
1: This year's May
2: Ibaraki Prefecture
West Tsukuba
3: Tsukushiba University, located at the foot of the sacred eastern mountain, Mount Tsukuba, at 887m above the sea level
4: In front of the second dormitory building on the campus
5: Basically, Doubashi
You mean you want to race me in a serious sprint battle...
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Pag 5
1: Yes, please
This might be a weird way to say it, but
2: In Hakone Academy... among our team, there's no one who can be my opponent!!
3: Alright, then I'll gladly accept!!
4: I, Izumida Touichirou of Tsukushiba University racing club!!
First year at Tsukushiba University, department of science and engineering, former Hakone Academy captain
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Pag 6
1: Former Hakone Academy ace sprinter
2: The area around the university is a town, but if you go out of it it's really easy to ride, Izumida-san
3: There's both flats and mountains, it's a good place for biking
4: Did it take long to come to Ibaraki?
5: Coming here from Kanagawa, you have to cross Tokyo, so... yeah
Honestly, I had to change so many trains...!!
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Pag 7
1: Is Manami doing alright?
Yeah, he's so carefree, but sometimes he says something serious too!!... I guess?
Sounds like Manami
2: Ngh....!!
3: Dammit.... this is so fun!!
What's this!! We're just riding our bikes and talking, but I've missed this feeling!!
4: When I was a second year and Izumida-san was a third years, we practiced like this every day!!
5: Sometimes Izumida-san was the one who attacked, sometimes it was me, and we pushed each other to our limits
7: It's not the time to smile about this!! I've come here to become stronger!!
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Pag 8
1: Sorry, Izumida-san!!
I got too relaxed for a moment!!
3: It's good to relax
That's important, too
5: There's as many roads to ride as we want!!
So, which one is better? You can choose
For today's menu!!
6: An easy course with a 100km run along the roads of Ibaraki and a sprint at the end
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Pag 9
1: Or the hard course, cut into section, with a final sprint when we're giving our all!!
4: Of course!! The hard one!!
6: Since it's you
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Pag 10
1: I knew it would come to this!!
Abs, read?
2: Go!!
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Pag 11
1: Abs, abs, abs, abs, abs!!
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Pag 12
1: Buah!!
2: Doubashi!!
You've really gotten stronger!!
3: If it were you from last year, you wouldn't have been able of getting ahead on a short climb like that before!!
4: Izumida-san, you're the one who has powered up!!
I seriously think I'm gonna be torn apart right now!!
5: But this is what I wanted
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Pag 13
1: An opponent to race against in a fierce and close battle!!
During that you become stronger, and move to the next stage!!
2: Abs, Doubashi!!
Rise!! With that body!!
3: More....
4: Give me more, Izumida-san!!
6: Alright, I'll show you a sprint that will make you regret those words!!
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Pag 14
1: Abs!!
Come!! Masakiyo!!
2: Buooorah!!
4: Today was fun
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Pag 15
1: Thank you
Well, I'm beat, Izumida-san
2: In the end, I lost at the final sprint
You rode well, you drove me in a corner until then!!
3: Did you see it? Your next stage
Yeah... well, little by little, but...
4: But I'm just a little closer, I feel like I can grasp something, but I can't
5: That's because you're too serious
6: And you're an hardworker
7: You know, there are two types of “right”
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Pag 16
1: There's what's socially right
And what's right for yourself
3: Rules and norms, things that must be observed when living together, are what's socially right
The other
4: are the feelings in your heart you won't give up
6: Actually, both of these are “right”
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Pag 17
1: But, sometimes these two go into conflict
2: Feelings....!!
“Feelings are strength”.... Izumida-san said that before
3: When something wrong happens, you end up resorting to violence, you reflexively curse at people
However, what should be restrained is the “action”
4: Not the feelings themselves
5: If you don't like something, you can get angry
6: No but, Izumida-san, if I just blindly do that.....
7: And when you're happy
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Pag 18
1: you can honestly smile
2: I got too relaxed for a moment!!
4: There's no need to deny it
Those obvious “feelings” that are boiling inside you!! You can smile because you've missed something
5: The feelings that came out amidst of your own study and research and suffering
Where is the mistakes in that?
6: Even if you took a detour, there's no lie in your hard work!!
8: Release yourself more
Lead the path of your own heart
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Pag 19
1: Polish what's right for you!!
2: What's “right”.... for me....!!
3: I understood it riding together with you today
You're already good enough for the next stage
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Pag 20
1: will become much stronger!!
Buoooo!! Smash through!! “Hurakan”!!
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uter-us · 5 months
radfem help !!
2 of my little cousins (14yrs and 15yrs) are both girls dating boys right now, and together we are coming up with a "dealbreaker list" of things they will never put up with from their bfs! and also we are including positives, like so they aren't just looking for the absence of bad things, but actual positive things
what do yall think are the most important things to add? (i put extra info in tags)
Thank you so much!!!
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Been trying to figure out what was happening with Blue and Green in the ShadesOfRed au and got carried away imagining what would have happened if the maidens had sent the fairy to Blue rather than Red. I think in this version she is able to get there and warn him just before he gets frozen, and they end up looking for the others (and finding Green in the desert...?)
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ganondoodle · 9 months
i know the internet is super english centered but i wish it was more common to mention the language whenever theres talk about a voice actor too, just say "the english voice actor of xyz"? that cant be too hard to do right??
i wish there was more appreciation for non-english voice actors!! in english spaces as well as in general! i know the names of many of the english cast for zelda even though i dont like any of them and have never set my game to it but know them simply bc they are the only ones getting any mention and they are always just called "the voice of" making it seem like that is THE one and only voice
im aware that its in part bc i am mostly in english speaking online spaces and the internet IS a very english centered thing but i dont think its wrong to wish for more recognition of other actors for languages other than english or to simply want them to mention to what language they are the actor of
like i dont mean that you gotta talk about every single different voice actor but i think just mentioning it like that more directly implies that there ARE others at all, especially since alot of games dont even do other voices at all and just make english the only voice over even if the game was developed by non-english people, i just find it sad :(
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
im never getting over how belphie just...yoinked beleth's halo. like the artifact says "given" but he very much did not give it 😭
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i lowkey think it was to take some of the heat off of beleth for being a fallen angel and to keep others from being too loud about it but still he did it in the most goofy manner possible. (and smthn smthn a crown symbolizing protection for his people and its from the first person he wanted to keep safe personally)
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astral-veil · 9 months
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Somebody please give this witcher a sword.
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kaeyapilled · 10 months
they should put a pool table in the angel's share
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meamiiikiii · 6 months
Hello. I haven't spoken much on the Reverse Entry AU (Modern Office + Reverse Isekai Loop AU). That changes today!!! Have some scattered (relatively long) tidbits on this AU. Mainly background to actually get to the office part of it but, yea!
If anyone wants elaboration on anything on this list, and I do mean anything, I encourage asking!! Or any random questions on the AU general!! Or just things in general!! Make me think about things I have not considered!!
Spoilers for all of ISAT + 2Hats and the like:
Mainly Concrete
The Country -> The Company.
Well, more of a family storefront, but the similarity in those two words next to each other was too good to pass up LOL.
Said storefront was run by Siffrin’s parents, and was their life's work.
Specialized in niche craft related stuff, in both teaching people how to do them & selling materials for the crafts. 
It was a very warm & homely store, and was adored by locals and visitors alike. 
A store that felt comforting to just vibe in for a bit, if that makes sense.
Loop ends up being Siffrin’s roommate after being reverse isekai’ed :)
They do not help with rent
They are a solid night light, which they try to justify as helping with the electricity bill
They also find a mirror shortly after arrival. 
Important Points
Mirabelle & Isabeau have known each other since University and are besties!!!!!!!!!
Not 100% sure of the logistics yet, but this was too important of a point to not include
Additionally, please know at some point, Isa custom stitched the scarf-shawl Mira wears to work all the time now, and gifted it to her!
He is also responsible for the fun pattern on the vest he wears all the time too!
Bonnie, whenever they are hanging around, makes sure to sneak onto Nille’s computer, and block out time between meetings for time to breathe / snacks for the others
And they also make sure to block out like an hour of time for proper lunches as well
Back to back to back to back meetings are not fun!!!
Breaks are important!!!
I have mentioned this in a different post, but this too, is a very important point to not include here as well
Location of Living
Mirabelle & Siffrin live in the same apartment complex, but on opposite sides of it
They have briefly interacted a few times prior to being coworkers? 
But Siffrin had his hair dyed for interviews for a long time
So Mirabelle didn’t realize it was him for a while, since he started growing out the dye before formally meeting in a work environment
Siffrin simply forgor
Isabeau lives relatively close-by to where Mira & Sif live, he visits Mira sometimes!!
He may or may not have also interacted with Siffrin two (2) times prior to working together due to the above point
Nille & Bonnie live around the area Siffrin used to live before he had to move, and have resided in that area for a long time
They technically were neighbors, at one point!
Odile lives closer to the office than everyone else 
Shorter commute for in-office days 
But still in the general vicinity of everyone else's abodes ofc
Hiring Order
Mirabelle has been working in the office the longest (interned two years in a row, and was formally hired right out of University)
Isabeau is next after since he got a referral off of Mira (interned for one year before graduation, then was hired at the same time Mirabelle was)
Odile was hired to replace Euphrasie (previous senior manager to their team who got a promotion, she’s now director of the regional office)
Siffrin was hired a bit after Odile when they got more capacity, since what they were originally doing was way too much for just three people LOL
Apparently, he got a referral from someone internally, but has no idea about it!
Nille was hired a little bit after Siffrin was
She only agreed upon the role if she was granted the flexibility to pick up Bonnie from school whenever
Random RPG Equivalence Hour
Turn Based Combat = Emails 
Whether it be waiting for data to start processes, answering inquiries, so on and so forth
Sometimes those turns take literal days
It happens!
Being Frozen / Damaged = Program Freezing 
This goes for any program being used
If it freezes it inflicts small damage
It inflicts more damage if it crashes
It makes you cry on the floor if the program crashes and you can’t recover any of what you did for the past hour
It makes you regret all of your life decisions up to this moment in time if it crashes, you can’t recover anything, and you have a presentation on the stuff you were working on in 15 minutes
Misc Meetings
Mirabelle writes fanfic
Isabeau knows about this and supports her in her endeavors
Odile has read some of her works, but does not know she wrote them irl
At some point prior to working together, Mirabelle & Odile became mutuals and started trading book / fanfic recommendations to one another
Odile had a brief stint as a bartender prior to working for the office
Mainly to earn some form of income while applying for jobs / waiting for prior certifications to process and transfer properly after moving from another country
In one or another, she met Isabeau and Siffrin at separate intervals while working there
Additionally, the bar is located close to the office. A lot of happy hours happen there. It ended up serving as a networking opportunity for her LMAO
Both Nille and Bonnie moved around a lot when they were younger
At different intervals, Nille went to the same high schools as both Mirabelle & Isabeau
Nille has probably worked a lot of jobs throughout high school / university
This includes working at the same place Odile worked at for a bit, they were probably coworkers there at some point.
Maybe not necessarily a bartender but, general staff
Again, this served as a networking opportunity similar to the Odile segment ASFASDASDA
Loop somehow ends up becoming a vtuber.
Loop somehow ends up being a vtuber for the company the team works under, akin to Tony the Tiger.
Loop does this vtuber gig for approximately one (1) stream and quits right after.
((loop decided their first stream was a nuzlocke for some reason. the crafts company literally didnt ask them to. they decided this on their own volition for no apparent reason. the company literally asked for a stream where they do crafts?? anyway they named their pokemon after the party. and. well.))
As I am Indecisive, this still has a chance for change! But for now this list is slightly ordered from “concrete in my mind” to “need to let simmer more probably, but the vibes are there” to “probably not but it is a bit of a funny to consider” (this only applies to the last loop segment ASDAFA)
But yea!! Thanks for reading the ramblings :)
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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marcsnuffy · 3 months
as the tumblr's resident snuffy expert I have to ask you what you think snuffy and lorenzo's actual legal relationship is (like did he take on the role of his guardian or is he technically more of a sponsor) and furthermore what you think their dynamic is like behind the scenes. like even if you accept the idea that snuffy is more of a father figure to lorenzo than an employer there's no way that this guy who was a homeless orphan until he was a teenager and the man who took him in *on the basis that he be athletically successful* have like. a normal unremarkable parent-child dynamic
Thanks for the question, sorry about the yapping
I'm torn on how to answer the legal relationship question. To me, it depends on how old you think Lorenzo is during the flashback. I always thought he was around 15-16, so I rarely consider an option where Snuffy isn't his legal guardian. However I could see some PIFA fuckery involved to avoid any legal trouble in the case he didn't have a legal guardian involved before becoming an adult legally.
Even then the process for getting gold teeth takes more than one day (all the visits you need to get your teeth properly checked for the procedure, the healing process takes months and more visits, etc) and he was near death so I'd like to think he was taken care/supervised of by Snuffy during that time (which is why Lorenzo's so attached to him). (the amount of care is up to interpretation bc it's hc territory anyway)
After that, when Lorenzo started playing football, *then* it's more of a sponsor/employer/advisor?/mentor? situation that occasionally bleeds into guardian-adopteé territory but never completely. I think they had something similar to how Ray Dark ended up dropping Kaiser at the BM dorms, except I think Snuffy directly had a hand in training/teaching Lorenzo before and still kept somewhat in contact during. I also like to think he got him a tutor or something, but this is more so I can sleep well at night. Snuffy IS the "what will you do when football's no longer an option" guy anyway so it's not unrealistic.
I need to add somewhere in this post that I believe/know in my heart that Snuffy picking up Lorenzo happened a bit after Mick died (months, maybe a year max) and specifically because of it. Comparing dead Mick & almost dying Lorenzo was super common when ch. 229 came out so I won't elaborate much on it, I just wanted to mention it.
Dynamics wise... There's too much going on for them to be in a normal boss and employee situation, Snuffy isn't fazed by Lorenzo's antics at all, Lorenzo goes up to Barou* to convince him to succeed Snuffy while also bringing up Snuffy's promise to Mick and also just everything about Lorenzo's reaction to Snuffy going back on his retirement, he literally told Barou he loved him & offered him a gold tooth. I don't think he says that to anyone yknow
*and by the way this interaction always stands out to me, since the timeline of events is not clear at all. all bc the fucking blue lock building is built like a prison and idk what time it is. I think Snuffy&Barou´s conversation happened at least some hours or a day after the Ubers introduction bit. During Lorenzo's backstory dump they're wearing pajamas but then Snuffy tells them it's time to train, so I assume it's the morning after that. Anyway I wonder if Snuffy just told him about it or if he directly asked him to talk to Barou. I feel like it's the former (given their reactions to Barou accepting Snuffy's deal) but the setup kinda makes it feel like the latter. whatever it was I think it's evidence for me to say that Snuffy trusts Lorenzo.
And I feel like there's nothing direct I can point to to say they're close enough to have a regular parent and child relationship. Still I feel like just by having Lorenzo be a NG11 and the fact that he enjoys football and doesn't scream cry and throw up when he loses or when he is inconvenienced (THE BAR IS ON HELL) makes me think Snuffy is mostly a positive influence on him. I like to think Snuffy does care a lot about him but he's the type of guy that shows it by meddling (kinda like Reo or younger Sae (who wasn't much of a meddler iirc. this makes sense in my mind)) and just isn't that visibly affectionate with anyone anymore.
More about the father and son thing. This is also headcanon territory I'm sorry. I don't think they, like, go out fishing as a bonding thing or anything like that. but I do think they don't go a week w/out talking bc I think Snuffy's a bit neurotic about how the people he cares about are doing because of reasons and Lorenzo loves talking people's ears off about everything and nothing. I think Lorenzo tried giving him an expensive gift with one of his first paychecks and mentioned "paying back his debt bit by bit" as a joke that wasn't really a joke and Snuffy's face twisted & he said something along the lines of Lorenzo not owing him anything and it was awkward between them for a while after that. I think its fucking WEIRD but they care abt each other and that's what matters
TL;DR: I think there had to be a point where Snuffy was his legal guardian or at least acted like it to some degree. In regards to their dynamic behind the scenes, that is not a father that is a grieving tutor-guardian-mentor-advisor-employer-professional football player and his renowned domesticated possum employee/adopteé who is soooooooo normal about worth.
#You said once that Barou is like Snuffy's cat who fucks up his furniture#& on that note Lorenzo's the weird mutt he rescued when he was a little too old to be taken adoption centre & now he's#really good at flyball (but it's kind of concerning given that he was picked up on the idea that he'd do flyball but I guess he likes#flyball now but also im kind of concerned about his thought process regarding worth and flyball scores and how it affects his interactions#with other dogs but he seems fine he's just kind of weird but its okay)#i dont want to overuse dog parallels but he literally barked. he also meowed but that was in one translation so idk#anddd i think echariie said something once abt lorenzo trying to pay back snuffy for all he did for him but i think he's no longer trying t#do so. but i do fully believe he used to and had his. in blue lock terms. awakening when he realized this is a sports for freaks#and brother. he is world class in freakery.#i just fucking say shit. one of u should take me out (kill)#lorenzos value thing is what makes me squint at snuffy a little honestly but its like. yeah sure#whatever i burnt all my braincells off typing this i literally havent eaten or blinked writing this.#commitment and a bit of mental illness methinks#txt#oh my fucking god this is so longgggggg#also . i thought abt this just now im an idiot but lorenzos def so happy bc now he's moving on to u25 probably and might get called for#the next world cup so was he excited abt playing on the same team as snuffy? fuck off#fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff#they make me ILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL#i dont want to look at this post anymore get out of my drafts
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Today I learned of and also read Worse for Love which was a short story published in a Japanese gay mag in 1960 that's just about this high schooler going to his gym teachers house randomly and convincing him to disembowel himself as penance for indirectly killing his friend by making him stand out in the rain for detention, but as the disemboweling prep gets underway both the student and teacher are just getting insanely horny over the idea of this guy killing himself, and then the student reveals he doesnt actually care about his friend's death, he's just obsessively yandere in love with his teacher and wants to torture him in a horny guro way and then after the teacher dies he has a romantic fantasy about staging a double suicide with him.
So like in case anyone was wondering yeah there were people out there making dead dove yandere guro teacher x student yaoi in the 60s
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sasukeless · 4 months
back to complaining about translations but i just again came across an old post that basically was analyzing sasuke calling naruto his one and only and saying it was him being sarcastic/not truthful because he was throwing naruto’s previous words at him in this panel
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and im just… this panel is wrong. the speech bubble and naruto’s thoughts are flipped. naruto did not call sasuke his one and only here, he was remembering sasuke calling Him his closest friend.
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anyway it’s a tricky panel because it’s in many pages when you read the manga. like i’m not free of sin because i remember i have posted too when i couldn’t find one with the correct placement. (also i feel like naruto saying there’s no way he’d able to leave sasuke alone holds more meaning than i can’t let that happen but whatever Whatever details) but anyway this is also an scene you can watch the anime clip and see what is naruto saying. but my point is that One simple misplacement in the translation can literally lead to people misinterpreting something completely different and in this case denying sasuke’s feelings and characterization. and it’s just well. sad
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yuudamari · 4 months
call me a hater of the state of modern anime or whatever but i think hikaru ga shinda natsu does not need an anime and now that its going to get one i am betting on it sucking cos i trust no current anime director to know how to adapt it properly and adaptations nowadays are 1 on 1 to the manga instead of trying to understand the appeal and the meaning and what the page or the panel is trying to convey and translating that in a new media because paper and tv are not the same media at all and need different shots. May just be me tho.
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