#i dont have any good long books on it and i dont trust anything i find on the web to be not weird and biased
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pigeons-with-jello · 2 months ago
i just need to sit here and have every drop of info on theology injected directly into my mind
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agirlwithglam · 9 months ago
🎀 The It Girl Lifestyle Guide 🎀
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hi girlies! this guide is a part of the big series: The Ultimate It-Girlism Guide. in this mini guide i'll be including all things health, morning/nighttime routines, and more!
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How to create your ideal morning / night / any other routine:
Here’s a mini step by step guide to curating a routine that works specifically for YOU, tailored to your own needs and wants. This can be for any routine u wanna create: morning, night, after school, after work, before school/ work, etc etc.
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Apps / things needed:
ChatGPT (or an AI like that- it’s not completely necessary but it’s useful)
Notes app / docs app. (Or a pen and paper- this will be to write down the routine!)
Calendar app (optional tbh)
Ok so first off: decide what you want in your routine. Make a list in no particular order of what you need/ want in the routine.
Some examples:
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Once you’ve created this list, you’re pretty much half way done. In this next part you can use chat GPT to make it easier, or use your own mind.
The next thing to do is: ask chatGPT to make a routine with the steps u wanted.
Make sure to mention what time your routine starts and ends. And if there’s anything you want to change, you can just ask the AI or make those changes yourself!
The last step is to write it down!
You can either write it down on the notes app, docs, on a journal/ piece of paper, anything that’s easily accessible to you. I heavily recommend writing it down somewhere, but if you dont want to you can…
Put it into your calander. This can help you be a bit more organised, but it’s not completely needed. As long as it’s written down somewhere- so you dont need to always remember it- you’re good.
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Health and wellness
In this section, i will be talking about fitness, mental health and physical health. I will mention some useful tips to finally start, how to overcome procrastination, and how to take care of that area of your body.
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Numero uno: fitness! I’m not going to go yapping on about how fitness is so important- im assuming you all know that by now. But let me just remind you that staying fit is not only exercising or going to the gym everyday. It can be: running, going for a walk, playing a sport, yoga, pilates, dancing, cycling, and THE LIST GOES ON. DO anything that moves your body and gets you fit!
Here are some tips to help you get started:
Start small. Set small goals first. Set SMART goals
Choose the activities you enjoy. Like i mentioned earlier, there’s tons of ways to stay fit- cycling, running, swimming, yoga, dance, sports, etc. etc. (if you like, joining a class or working out with friends can help you stay motivated!)
Stay consistent. I know i know, this is said everywhere. But there is no progress without consistency. Even if you can’t do a whole workout one day, try and do 10 jumping jacks, or 5 pushups. Do whatever you can. Remember: 1% is better than 0.
Create a vision board. You can create one yourself, or find tons of them off Pinterest. Vision boards will make the process so much more fun and will certainly motivate you.
Set a reward system. Tell yourself: if you do this high intensity workout now, you can go to the spa later or watch tv.
Find a why. This goes for like everything tbh. If your why is big enough, you are capable of doing anything (even finding that lost book that you owe the library!) basically, are you doing this to get ripped? With tons of abs, or to get strong and impress people? Or are you doing this to boost your self esteem and improve your health?
Balanced diet: eat the rainbow! Meaning- eat meals with a variety of different colours. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. it’s completely alright to eat a chocolate, but remember: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.
Hydration: aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. Trust me, drinking the magical potion that is water will help you SO much! It can help you clear your skin, have pink uncrusty lips, keep you fit and soooo much more.
Mindful eating: in the book IKIGAI it is said that you should only eat until you’re 80% full. Not 100%. Why? Because the time it takes for you to digest the food will have already made you extremely full. You may even have a stomachache. Studies also show that cutting back on calories can lead to better heart health, longevity, and weight loss.
Here are some tips to manage cravings:
Find healthier alternatives. If you are craving something sweet like chocolate, have something like a sweet fruit. If you crave something salty, try nuts. If you can’t think of any, search up some healthier alternatives to it!
Create more friction for junk, and less friction for healthy. This concept was said in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. What does it mean? Make sure that it takes a lot of energy to get the unhealthy junk food. Maybe keep them high up in a cupboard so whenever you want it you have to go get a ladder, climb up, and then get it. And keep the healthy food in easy reach. Like some fruits open on a table, etc. (also remember to keep some actually yummy healthy food like Greek yogurt or protein bars.)
Distract yourself. Go do a workout or engage your mind in a hobby that you enjoy. Basically take your mind off food.
Yummy water. Make some lemonade for yourself. Or perhaps add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint or strawberries to it for some flavours. I’d do some research on this cus i know that some combos can rly help for things like clearing your skin, boosting energy, etc.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. It affects how we think, feel and act and also determines how we handle stress, relate to others, relationships, etc.
Of course there will be ups and downs for our mental health. It’s not something that you can just fix once and it’ll be good forever. No, it’s a rollercoaster. But having a “good” mental health is really important for a successful lifestyle.
Here are some tips to help you improve your mental health:
Meditation / deep breathing. I can’t emphasise how important this is. Even 1-2 minutes a day is good. Start small. You dont even need to be sitting crossed legged for this. Whether you’re in class, on a vehicle or in a stressful situation; just breathe. Take a deep breath, and out. Do it right now.
Journalling. Write. It. Out. Writing your problems and worries out is SOO therapeutic, especially when you want to calm down. There are SO MANY benefits to journalling. But remember that once you’ve ranted on the paper, tear it, rip it, and watch it burn. (Don’t keep a journal for this unless you KNOW 150% that no ones ever gonna read it. Trust me, it’s terrifying knowing that someone’s read that.) other things you can do is create a gratitude journal, so whenever you’re feeling low you can just go to it or write in it.
Self careee!! Create time for self care in your week. Because if you do that, it’s gonna be that one thing which you’ll be looking forward to each week, which will make life SO much more fun and bearable. For me, my forms of self care are watching thewizardliz or tam Kaur, reading, watching a movie at night, etc.
POSITIVE. SELF. TALK. Need i say more? What you say to yourself, is what you believe. And what you believe reflects in your external life.
Sing your heart out to Olivia Rodrigo. I swear this is actually so calming and therapeutic. Basically: express your feelings. If you’re angry at someone, feeling grief or really hurt by someone, screaming to Olivia Rodrigo songs in my bedroom is my go-to (i just make sure not to do it when others can here hehe). You can punch your pillow, scream, cry, etc.
Remember honey: this too will pass. Repeat that over in your head. This will pass. This will pass. This will pass. I know you may be going through the toughest time ever, but this too will pass. Nothing is forever. You’ve gotten through so much worse. You’ve got this.
!! Girls, please remember that these are just some tips. I am NOT a professional. If you really feel horrible every single day, go to therapy or counselling. Also contact mental health hotlines or emergency numbers if needed.
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Mkay thats it! I hope this was of some value to you, and stay tuned for the next guide in the it girl series!
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drdemonprince · 10 months ago
Can you offer any (academic) writing advice for Autistics and ADHDers? You clearly write a lot and write very well and very clearly, so some insight into your process would be great. Personally, I tend to struggle with over explaining or over citing (cause I am always getting misunderstood) and that I get very fixated on not misrepresenting what my sources are saying to avoid feeling like I'm lying. All this is time consuming and makes it hard to say what I really want to say. Thanks!
Hi there! I've written an essay about a lot of this, here is the free link to read it on Medium:
Much of my writing process is inspired by the book How to Write a Lot by Paul Silvia, and it is specifically tailored to academics. The advice applies to people who write popular nonfiction or fiction just as easily, however. And he does have advice relevant to the self-editing and self-doubt you describe feeling.
The full piece gets into this more, but here are some of the stand-out tips:
Schedule a regular time to write every week and show up no matter whether you are feeling it or not.
Throw out all your magical thinking about what you "need" to be able to write. You don't need the perfect workspace, divine inspiration, the right pen, the right playlist. You just need to show up to write regularly, and do it
Editing, outlining, working with research notes, and drafting all count as "writing." Don't expect your initial drafts to be perfect or to equate writing only with getting new words on the page.
Try writing in public spaces to help get yourself in the mindset of explaining a concept to someone with a different frame of reference and type of expertise than you. Writing in a cafe or a public library can force you think and write in a more accessible way. (alternatively, you can pretend you are explaining the concept to a specific person in your life who you respect but who doesnt have all the same reference points as you -- sometimes this is called the "Grandma Test". Explain something like you are talking to your grandma.)
In addition to all this, I would add that you should read a lot of writing, both good and bad, especially work that isn't dry and academic. If all you read is journal articles, you'll write a journal article -- and most of those are hell to read, even for academics. read fiction. read bad wattsapp shipping. read substacks. read newspapers. read indulgent personal nonfiction in the cut or whatever. read reddit posts. notice what works and what doesn't. develop an ear.
and then write a lot! it took me 15 years to get good enough for anything i wrote to get noticed. you can expect to take many years to get comfortable developing your own voice, too. i dont know how far along you are, but even when you've made tremendous progress you'll only notice your flaws and feel the most turgid brain foggy moments. that doesn't mean you're failing.
also, to some extent you can embrace your citation-dense, precise manner of self-expression. we are living in a moment of maximalism and indulgent, long creative works. it's the decade of the 5 hour youtube essay and the 2 hour album. my 5,000 word essays do better than my 2,000 word ones. you should strip down unnecessary tangents and trust yourself and your reader a little more probably, but ive found that the more blatantly autistic and indulgent my writing gets the more the right people like it. a writer's flaws and their distinctive voice are kinda hard to separate. you're not for everyone!
good luck!
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crows-heart · 8 days ago
To us
rawdogging this shit it was meant to just be a creative writing assignment but it got too long for it so im putting the full version on here!!! i dont intend for this to get big or like have a part two but i am open to writing one (definitely not going to abandon this like i did with my last fanfic thing noppers)
simon riley x gn!reader, 1st person w/o use of y/n, string of fate soulmate au (i did write it gn but it stil feels feminine somehow so apologies)
cross posted on ao3!!
As soon as you turn 18, a string appears, forever attached to your pinky, that only you can see. Nobody particularly knows how this happens, but we’ve learned to not question it. It leads to your forever soulmate, your other half. Most of the time, the string was red, leading to your destined romantic soulmate. Sometimes, though, some people had pink strings, leading to their platonic soulmate. Other times, multiple strings would be knotted together in the middle. Very rarely did someone have no string, but it still happened.
You’re meant to follow your string, find your soulmate, and live happily ever after. 
I don't think that life was meant for me.
It started (obviously) when I turned 18. It was just a red string, nothing more to it, from what I could tell. It led east, and it always seemed to be slack -- slack enough to give the impression that my soulmate was much farther away than I thought they would be. That's fine. Just more motivation to explore the world, right?
I was always told to never lose hope, and that no matter what, I would reach my soulmate eventually. I just had to let “nature take its course” first. Yeah, I don't know about everyone else, but I started losing hope the more years that passed without the string getting any more taut. Sure, I could’ve taken initiative, but I was a broke 20-something year old fresh out of college. I hardly had the money for rent or any other basic necessities, much less a plane ticket or gas money to see where in the world my soulmate was.
That got pushed out of the way the moment the string started to fray.
It wasn't a normal phenomenon. The only times I ever heard about the string starting to break was when your soulmate was dying. It broke fully when they died. 
My string? It looked about one tug away from snapping apart.
I doubted I looked much better at the moment. The old lady I was sitting next to on the plane gave me a sympathetic look at my frazzled appearance, though I hardly noticed it since I was looking at the string every other second, watching for any more tearing. I bought the cheapest tickets on the earliest plane to Europe, hoping it wasn’t a waste to go across an entire ocean. I would start in Britain and go from there. The string was moving around a lot recently, pointing southwest for the first time and shifting around a bit, but it's finally returned to pointing east, and has stayed there, so I can only trust that my soulmate isn't moving anytime soon.
I did anything I could do to distract myself from the situation at hand. I tried watching movies, reading a book, even staring at the cabin wall to bore myself to sleep. I was desperate for a distraction. There wasn’t even any screaming and kicking children to keep me awake, but I just couldn’t sleep. I had too much nervous energy. My soulmate is dying and I don't even know who they are.
Finally, the plane touched down and everyone was let out. I was trying hard not to push people around, but I did bump into a couple people on my scramble to get out since I was looking at my string. It wasn’t looking any better, but it wasn’t as slack. That was a good start.
I tried not to get anxious as I got my luggage and headed out of the airport, but it was hard. Even if Britain was considerably smaller than the United States, it was still huge, and there's still so many people here. It was like I was trying to look for a needle in a haystack, but I had a terrible lighter to burn away parts of the hay -- the lighter being my string.
I throw my stuff into the first taxi I can find and wait as the driver brings me to the nearest motel. Like I said, I'm a broke 20-something year old. There conveniently was a car rental nearby, so I got over there as fast as I could. I didn’t have a lot of time to waste, especially considering how the string was looking.
It was facing north eastern now, just a slight change, and it wasn’t any more taut than it had been at the airport. It still looked close to breaking, enough for that anxiety to grow and grow. As I drove down the -- thankfully -- empty highway, in between flicking my eyes from the road to my string, all I could think about was what to say. Clearly, whoever was on the end of this thing wasn’t in good shape. They’d still be alive, sure, but what’s guaranteeing that they’re even awake right now, or that they’d even want to see me? I haven’t exactly tried to reach out, but neither have they.
Those thoughts are put on the back burner for the moment as a building comes up on the horizon. I slowed down, realizing I had been speeding up slowly the longer I was trapped in my head. The building was a hospital. The closer I got, the more I noticed. There were 2 trucks parked in the front and a group of men standing by the one closest to the road. The men seemed to be military, if their stature and general appearance was anything to go off of, but I couldn’t focus on any of that.
All I could focus on was the string leading directly to the middle of the group, leading directly to the tallest of the group, who was leaning against two others.
My breath hitches and I quickly park the car, not even bothering to shut it off as I throw open the door. I’m rooted in place, unable to move as the two soldiers lead the third to the truck. The third had his head tilted slightly down, looking like he was barely managing to put one foot in front of the other.
He must’ve noticed the way the string was, taut and insistent, as his head picks up and he turns as best as he can, eyes now staring directly at mine. Neither of us look away as he’s pushed into the truck. I take a step forward, but the truck starts and I can just barely make out the narrowing of his eyes as the truck drives further away, pulling him further away.
I should’ve taken the car and chased after them. Should’ve taken that tiny rental car and pulled over an entire army truck. I didn’t. Instead, I step inside the hospital entrance, trying to not sound like I’m insane as I stand before the front desk.
“Ma’am, I’m really sorry to bother you, but is there any chance you know of a patient that just left? He’s really tall, built like a brick wall, left just a moment ago with two others.” The words tumble out of my mouth as my hands grip the edge of the desk. The secretary’s brows furrow, looking up from her computer to take in my awkward grin and frazzled demeanor.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t give you that information.” Her voice is firm, but sympathetic.
“Please, I- I don’t know who he is but he’s my soulmate and my string is frayed--” My pleas are interrupted by a gruff cough, a clearing of the throat for attention. My shoulders tense as both mine and the secretary’s gaze lands on the man standing just a couple of steps away. He looked to be a soldier as well, though maybe a bit older than the others I saw outside earlier.
The man wasn’t looking at the secretary, rather his gaze landed on me, softening slightly at my obvious distress.
“I migh’ be able to help you with tha’.”
The man introduced himself as John. He said he was the captain of the men I saw earlier -- Johnny, Kyle, and Simon.
Simon. My soulmate’s name is Simon.
It’s funny how quickly things change. Just yesterday, I was worrying over what to eat over dinner, and now, I’m worrying about my soulmate’s possibility of dying and first impressions. John warned me that he was a bit reclusive -- which explained why he hadn’t attempted to reach out to me either -- and had just gotten back from a near death experience. He was going to be jumpy, to say the least, and probably a bit too cautious.
The ride there to their base was quiet. I was stuck in my thoughts again, staring at my string, and John didn’t try to push for a conversation. The truck eventually rumbles past a pair of gates and parks, prompting me to step out. I follow behind John as he walks ahead, making sure not to stray too far behind so people know I'm with him and not just some random civilian who snuck inside. 
He leads me through the winding corridors, occasionally looking back with that firm, but slightly softened look. We come up to what looks like a common room, where the two soldiers I saw earlier were sitting.
“Where’s the third muppet?” John asks, giving a subtle nod towards me. The eyes of the pair were a bit unnerving, but I tried not to think about it. The string around my pinky was taut once more, attempting to tug me towards where my soulmate was.
“He’s in his room, sir.” The one with the hat -- Kyle, I suppose -- remarks. His eyes were on the captain, but his attention was divided between the two of us. “Dunno if he’s accepting visitors.”
“He’ll make an exception.” With that, John places a hand on my back and guides me to the hallway attached, giving another nod to prompt me to go. He stays back with the other two, probably to explain the situation.
Walking down the hallways leading to his room was nerve racking. I kept my head down and focused on the string, letting it guide me. There weren’t many people walking around, thankfully, but the few that were only gave me odd looks before continuing on. Eventually, I came to a stop in front of an unassuming door where my string was pulled under it. I breathe out a sigh and raise my hand to knock, the sound seemingly echoing in the rather empty hallways.
There's a grumble from behind the door, and some shuffling, but it opens inwards regardless. My soulmate stands before me, just as silent as I was. He stood tall, though with a bit of limp, likely due to whatever injury he faced that caused the fraying in the first place. His good shoulder leaned against the doorframe, supporting his weight when he couldn’t. The two of us stared at each other for a moment, still in silence. I snap out of it soon enough, my eyes meeting his, the same dark eyes that caught mine earlier.
“Hi.” The awkward smile was back, this time a little softer and less panicked. I could only hope that he still wanted me after all these years with no attempt to find him.
His expression was unreadable, making me unable to get a grasp on how he might react.
“Look, I know that we’ve never met, but I… I don't want to lose you before I even know who you are.” He continues to stand there, causing me to keep talking, if only to fill the awkward silence. “I couldn’t just sit and wait while our string looks like--”
Just like earlier, my rambling is interrupted. He moves closer, as if in a daze, and slumps against me, his body going limp in my arms. I go still, staring straight ahead, but I move only when Simon’s arms wrap softly around my waist. One of my hands cusps the back of his head and the other rests on his upper back, right between his shoulder blades, rubbing softly up and down while remaining mindful of any injuries in the area.
“... Hi.” He mumbles back, voice muffled by how his face was buried in my shirt. His voice was raspy, like how one might sound after shouting for hours on end, but it was comforting, though I doubt that was intended.
A warmth bloomed between the two of us and if I had looked down at our string, I would’ve seen the strands slowly coming together. Not fully, but it was starting to be a little more stable.
It’d take a while for the string to go back to normal, but I was willing to dedicate the rest of my days to it-- to us. 
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What’s it like for the older toys to have a drink for the first time?
Angel doesn't allow anyone to drink until they have a precise confirmation of everyone's ages and medical exams come out detailing if there's anything the toys absolutely cannot eat. Everyone is fine and dandy, thankfully, so one day Angel comes back from the grocery store with a few thinks for the older toys to taste.
Poppy likes wine, and is way too knowledgeable on it since day 1. Angel asks her how she knows all of that, she shrugs it off and says she picked up from a book in Elliot Ludwig's office (which is true). She's always VERY excited to try new wines, and was 100÷ sure she couldnt get drunk until she got tipsy. Lots of "I told you"s happened that day.
Mommy Long Legs is also on the wine team, but with the addition of caipirinha and any drink that also has fruits added to it. She and Poppy act like they know everything about wine, and in the household they kinda do. MLL absolutely HATES getting even a bit tipsy, though. She's there for taste only and if she drinks too much she can and will get grumpy. She fears she'll be an aggressive kind of drunk and never tries to see if her theory is true or not, and things stay like this.
Catnap and Dogday both like it, even tho it feels like a very mature thing to do. They dont drink close to any of the younger toys unless Angel is around, though.
Crafty likes the taste and almost drinks too much. She gets instantly tipsy and that's how she finds out she cant handle much.
Kickin feels like he's a big Adult, but he's a biiiit dissapointed. All the adults he knew pre-HoJ always hyped drinking so much, and for what? He however is very excited about mixing things. Whenever they're allowed to drink he tries making something new, and he, Long Legs and Poppy have lots of talk about taste.
Miss Delight drinks one (1) cup and goes "okay thank you a lot!" and the turns starts mixing things up. She doesn't even partake on drinking, girl literally does not care, she just loves mixing things and seeing what works. She and Kickin come up with some cursed combinations for everyone to try out.
Bubba and Picky are excited at the idea of feeling like a normal-ish adult until they drink for the first time and hates it. -9999/10 who thought this was good. Why.
Hoppy is HYPED. Drinks a bit, likes it, is still SUPER HYPED. Angel has to stop her from drinking too much, and some time later on they find out it's VERY hard for her to get drunk.
Bobby finds that it's... Okay! She likes wine more than the other options, but not to the extent Poppy does. Angel makes some caipirinha later and it becomes her favorite, but again, she doesn't mind not having it. It's all just a big "oh okay!" to her.
Angel does keep some drinks in one of the fridges, but the toys hardly drink unless it's a weekend. However...
Prototype does let Catnap drink a bit more from time to time. They usually just sit outside Proto's hut and talk while drinking a bit before stopping. Catnap liked doing this because being a bit drunk would make him feel less guilty from everything.
Dogday would also drink alone sometimes in order to cope with Everything he went through. Then one day he catches Catnap leaving Proto's hut smelling like alcohol and the two stare at each other like "uh oh this doesn't feel like a good way to deal with Everything", and work together to have better coping mechanisms. After some months they completely drop the habit before it could run out of control, and are only able to do that because they're in a safe and healthy environment.
... Prototype still lets Catnap drink though. He trusts him enough.
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jesus-is-an-ally · 5 months ago
How do you get past feeling stupid when you believe in God? Like, how do you ignore the feeling that you should be an atheist and not believe in God and that all this is just, a fake made up religion meant to control people? And obviously when i say you i mean i. I want to believe but i feel so dumb for it. I know im a smart person but every time i get involved with christianity i feel like im taking to an imaginary friend because thats how everyone refers to it. I feel like im feeding into an industry that colonized people, when i dont even go to church.
And ive had experiences with God that feel so unlike any religious experience ive had, but my brain always forces me to logic it away. Like ill feel an immeasurable level of calm and happiness and then my brain will go 'those are just endorphins'. How do i get past that?
Long read ahead, but I encourage everyone to read it, because I did my best to answer this and I think there's some good stuff in here.
Hey anon. First I'd like to say that I am not professionally trained, I do not possess a biblical degree of any kind, nor am I a pastor or a priest or anyone like that. But I have been a Christian my entire life, so that should count for something, Lord willing.
I also want to say that I think this is a very good question and I thank you for asking it, as it gave me a chance to think deeply on my faith in order to put it into words.
I always find it really hard to explain faith. I struggle to explain to fellows Christians, to non-Christians, and especially to people who aren’t religious or spiritual in any way. This is probably because faith is very much not a thing of this world, so it is nit easily translatable. But I will try my best.
I too have dealt with doubts in my life. I have felt the need to logic it away. All Christians have one doubt or another, and if they say they haven't, they are lying or potentially believing in a watered down, more palatable version of Christianity.
Either way, let's face it, the world is designed by the devil to make you doubt. The good news is that there is no question or doubt or critique that is going to make God start shaking in Their boots, realizing They hadn't thought of that. They are omnipotent, and anything you are wondering can most likely be found in the Bible, if you know where and how to look.
There are many books that explain the logic of Christianity, such as “Person of Intrest” by J. Warner Wallace or “The Case for A Creator” by Lee Strobel, who has also written many other books similar to this. Fair warning, it’s been forever since I’ve looked into either of these books, so there’s a chance there’s questionable stuff in there that I don’t remember.
However, I do need to say that faith is very much NOT a logical thing. It’s a belief in something that you cannot see, touch, hear, or otherwise sense except with your soul. It's the trust that God is out there, even when you lack concrete evidence.
I believe a person cannot become a believer by force, whether their own or someone else's. You have to truly open up your heart and let the Holy Spirit in. You must confess with your mouth that you believe in the Son of God who died and rose again, that you are a sinner, and that you need forgiveness and guidance.
I'm not pulling this out of my ass, there are a bunch of verses on how faith is not based in the logic of this world. Here are a few.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
For we live by faith, not by sight.
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
There's a story I heard when I was a kid about a pastor being asked if he can hear God speaking to him in his prayers, and the pastor responded "no, I can't hear Him, it's much clearer than that". Faith is something practically unexplainable in earthly concepts or words. But it is solid, even it doesn't feel like it.
Hebrews chapter 11 is all about faith and what people have done by it, and I encourage you to read it, but I'd like to specifically call attention to Hebrews 11:1, which says,
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
This is the verse often pointed to when people discuss the biblical definition of faith, and it's the best I can offer.
However, it sounds like science and reason is not the only thing you are struggling with. As for morality, how can we be Christians when Christianity was used to abuse, colonize, and murder innocent people all throughout history and even today?
I'm not going to use the bullshit excuse of "oh they just weren't real Christians" because that is unhelpful, defensive, and probably not even true. All Christians are sinners, and hatred, murder, and all of that other stuff are sins, so it is possible that many or all of those people were true believers.
The simple answer to this question is that sometimes you just have to accept that your people did bad things and swear do your best to stop it from happening again (without spending so much energy on it that you burn out). I have had a lot of practice at this since I'm also white.
In German elementary schools, when they teach the children about WW2, what they basically say is “hey, this is our history, you didn’t do it so you don’t have to feel guilt, but you do have a duty to never let it happen again”.
I think this sort of thinking should be taught to the descendants of all oppressive people. I will also add that we also need to check ourselves that no nasty thoughts have slipped their way in. Often, you can continue the hurt without realizing. But this doesn't mean that Christianity is secretly evil or that Christians are inherently going to abuse others or any of that.
At the end of the day, there's nothing I can truly say that will instantly make you believe.
Like I said, it's not something I can force nor is it something you can logic your way into. No amount of evidence, even if it's the most rock-solid thing in all of the universe, can make someone have faith.
I hope there is something in here that can help you in some way, anon, and I pray God blesses you and keeps you safe.
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0bviouslyem1ly · 1 year ago
It's nice to see another fan of obey me in the agere community :) By chance could you do something with CG Lucifer? Moodboard or headcanons, whichever you're in the mood for I dont mind
Of course! I love the thought of him as a caregiver so much :D I'll make a moodboard too!
Caregiver Lucifer (Obey Me) headcanons!
•He's very strict, and likes to have rules. He mostly doesn't want you getting hurt, but his brothers cause so much trouble on a daily basis as it is, he doesn't wanna deal with too much more trouble. He'll make sure you don't get into anything, he'll make sure you eat/drink enough, have a bedtime/nap time schedule, and a daily schedule in general.
•In the room he works, he has an area set up for you in the corner. He has everything you like! He's got blankets and pillows, a play mat, plenty of toys and sensory items, stuffies, books, whatever you enjoy doing.
•Whenever he's working and you really want attention, he might let you sit on his lap while he works. He'll hold you and cradle you with one arm, and do paperwork with the other. He's used to multitasking.
•He's really good with kids, seeing as he raised 6 naughty little demons.
•He tries to keep up the "tough guy" and strict act, but it always fails. He has a huge soft spot for you, and loves to see you happy.
•He sings to you at bedtime, or if you're gonna take a nap. He will sing lullabies to you, and hold you as he does so.
•He likes when you lay on his chest.
•Lucifer doesn't really trust any of the others with you. He's super overprotective of you, but especially when you're regressed. You're in such a vulnerable state of mind, and he only wants you to be happy. The only person he trusts to babysit you would be Diavolo. He might trust one of his brothers, but he usually prefers Diavolo to take care of you.
•He didn't really know what age regression was. He had to do some research to figure out the exact meaning. But once he figured out, he went full dad-mode.
•He loves any nicknames you give him! He would be open to any nicknames, and would adore them all.
•If you like drinking from bottles, he'll hold you in his arms, rock you back and forth while feeding you a bottle. He may even hum or sing while doing this to help you relax and feel safe.
•He's like a big teddy bear. He lets you do whatever you want with him. Put stickers, makeup, marker, gems, ect on him. He'll let you, as long as it's easy to get off. His brothers would definitely tease him if they didn't come off easily.
•He bought you two one of those necklaces that you can put a picture inside. It's silver and has a little bat on it. He put a picture of you and him inside each of them so you can always be together.
•He will give you piggyback rides/carry you. He gives you full on royalty treatment.
•Lucifer likes tea parties and playing dress up. He loves letting you dress him up, and style outfits for him.
•He's always there for you if you regress, and will stop everything for you.
•If you get hurt, he will immediately rush to your side and check on you. He's very good at taking care of your wounds, and calming you down if you're hurt so he can clean them out.
•He gives the best and biggest hugs.
•He's actually pretty clingy. He always wants to be by your side, cuddling you up and giving you lots of love and affection. He just thinks you're the cutest thing, and wants to smother you with love.
•He has a very calming singing voice, and a very smooth voice in general. He'll often sing to you, whether it's silly songs from movies, or random beats and sounds.
•He is one of those caregivers who just look down at you, and coo about how cute you are. Huge baby talker.
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seaweedbraens · 4 months ago
Hi! I've been following your fics for a few years now and I was just wondering, do you have any tips for new writers? Specifically for fics that is. Any advice from planning a fic outline to just general writing advice would be hella appreciated!!
hello!!! welcome to fic, we're super happy to have you here <3 i'd love to drop you some 'tips' (i am using quotes because i am not sure if im qualified to give advice - and i'm not sure if it'll work, but here is what works for me!)
when i outline fics, i almost always know what my starting and ending is. i've definitely mentioned this before but i always always know my endling LINE, i dont start writing a fic if i don't know where it's gonna end up. again, this may not be you, so dont panic if it isn't! this is just how i begin.
since my fics are on the...ahem, lengthier side, i usually have 'sections' of content between my beginning and end. i write down (usually by hand, but it doesnt matter what you use tbh) significant 'events' or 'goals' of the section. for instance, as i was writing my bigfic (we could walk straight through hell (with a smile)) one of my chapter outlines looked like this:
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since this fic used multiple character POVs, i also made sure to label which section was being seen through which character's eyes. sometimes, as i'm making my sections, i'll get inspiration for dialogue, and i include that too. as you can see above, i also highlighted sections as i completed them, though that's just more to keep track than anything else.
i wish i could give you more insight into writing, but really the biggest piece of advice i can give is to keep reading. reading fic is good but reading books is even better because you'll learn so many words, absorb so many kinds of writing styles, and learn what you like and what you don't like and patterns that you'll settle into. i have to confess i dont read much these days, which i need to change, but i used to be a voracious reader, and that definitely helped me as a writer.
i've been writing fic for a long time, though. so when it comes to writing fic in particular, i am a huge advocate for a couple of things (and these are pretty general, not necessarily writing-related):
don't force yourself to write!! sometimes you just arent feeling it and thats okay. i write in insane spurts - as i wrote wcwsthwas i occasionally pumped out 10k in a single sitting - but i go months and months without writing in between. if you're in a rut i don't think you need to force yourself out of it, because more often than not i've found myself dissatisfied with my work when i do force myself to write. as creatives, burnout is common, but because this is fic we're lucky enough that we operate on our own schedule. we don't need to push ourselves to write if we don't have to. but trust me, when you feel the urge to start writing again, it's wonderful, and the words will flow out of you!! just make sure you
stay inspired! again, reading good books helps you expand your own vocabulary, and it'll come in handy when you find yourself needing to write descriptions. observe the world around you, learn movements and expressions and how things and people tick. explore writing prompts and see what inspires you best (i took one look at soulmate au prompts and never looked back). it's cool to be inspired by fellow creatives online (just make sure to give credit if needed) but also try to be inspired by yourself! a lot of my fics stem from my own experiences and thoughts and emotions, and i think to some degree that resonates with people, which is always great. try to examine things on a deeper level. draw on memories from your own life and they'll hit more often than they miss. think about what makes your hurt, and rage, and cry, and flinch, and smile. remember the little things that make interactions so special. when you put yourself in a character's shoes in a certain situation, question why they'd act or react a certain way. and make sure
you do you. if your work doesn't sound beautiful and prose-y, that's fiiine. it's okay to keep it simple!! it was a bitter pill to swallow and it took me many years, but i have finally realized that my strengths as a writer are in my dialogue and emotional dump-writing. i don't think i'll be ever to be one of those poetic writers who can pull words from the trails of your thoughts like a some kind of sick magical literary genius. i have some friends who just. they write so BEAUTIFULLY and i'm so envious of them, but that's their strength, and i have my own. remember that!! and please for the love of god
don't worry about stats. write for YOU. this may sound lofty but i can't stress this enough. i was unfortunate to start writing fic when i was very young, and as a competitive little brat i was obsessed with the numbers. i desperately tracked every comment and like and favorite and follow. i let that dictate my writing, because i knew that if i wrote a certain way, made fics extra fluffy or whatever, they'd draw in more comments. i'd force myself to write more, update fics to show how active i was as an author in the fandom, and in the end, that truly sucked out the joy of writing for me. i found other ways to channel my creativity for a long time and then returned to writing. now, i write when inspiration strikes, and to my surprise and joy people still want to read. i love when a fic does well, but it doesn't debilitate me if it doesn't. writing for yourself, and for the love of a good story, and for the love of the source material, and for the love of writing, will make you a better writer. and on that note:
quantity does not equal quality. i've been asked quite a bit how i write such long fic but that's largely because i like to read long fic. i like it when a story is build up and fleshed out and you end up knowing everything about everyone. i like drawing out moments, giving characters depth and thoughts and relationships. a lot of my fics are full of extra padding that goes into building character relationships and friendships, because as an only child they are super important to me. HOWEVER there is real fucking skill required to write a short fic. to fit a beginning and middle and end into the least amount of words possible. it's incredible, it's a skill i wish i had, and deserves every laurel that long fics get. as a writer, if you find your fic ending earlier than expected, that's fine. you don't need to add more words just for the sake of puffing up the wordcount. at the end of the day, if your story shines, that's all that matters, and readers will respond to it.
im not sure if this will help you but this is kind of the bulk of what i've learned all these years writing fic. at the end of it all, what works for me may not at all work for you, but i'm certain that with time, you'll find your groove and carve out a niche for yourself, just as we all have. just remember: have fun! the internet is batshit and sometimes not the best place but my time writing fic has exposed me to the most wonderful people. writing will help you learn and grow in ways you won't be able to foresee now - just go with the flow and take it all in as it comes! be positive, accept critique and feedback and learn from it, and stay enthusiastic about telling your stories. feel free to message me anytime, and please drop a link to your fic if you ever post :) i'd love to read it!
sorry for the late response, and for making you read this NOVEL, holy shit. haaave a good day/night <3
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ask-frater-imperator · 2 months ago
Hey Frater, quick question about the other Papas. (Also maybe mod to put out a headcanon or two?)
How would the Papas be with children of their own? Like, there's a difference between just babysitting a kid and actually raising one. Which Papa do you think would have been a good father?
Sorry i my wording doesn't make sense I woke up with a flare up in my wrist and I really want to curl up and cry right now because it's my dominant hand.
Well eh.. that's a long one.
To start this off, I believe Terzo would be the best to raise/have kids on the matter that he.. kinda did.
Secondo and Primo, depending on a few things, could be second best or the worst.
Terzo barely spoke of it in public or when he was Papa, but he did have children of his own- two girls who are still active members and sisters of sin to this day. I don't talk to them much anymore, but they would be in their uh.. mid to late 20s or early 30s now.
Terzo was a very nervous father. He had no idea what he was doing, and he didn't trust Nihil enough to ask him for advice. He ended up making a sort of club.. I dont remember what it was called, but it was a bunch of parents within the clergy all sharing stories and tips they had from raising their kids. It helped him a lot- I used to babysit a little when he needed a break.
Going in order, for Secondo, it really depends on what stage of life he's in at the time. If it was when he was a cardinal or a bishop (before he started partying and drinking), I think he would have done alright, maybe reading a few books just in case he got anything wrong.
He didn't have kids, and when he got to a certain point in life, he swore he would never have any. He didn't want them to live a life like he did.. to risk passing down anything he didn't want for them (an example: thinking if he had a son that the child would be forced to be papa one day).
If after he was papa, he would feel terrible about it entirely. Having to raise a child while you have a drinking problem and a job that stresses you would stress you out more than ever. I feel that he would end up paying child support in some way or doing all he could to make himself better so he could be better for his kid/kids.
Primo wanted kids when he was younger, but instead of his own, he.. he really got me, Secondo, and Terzo. He had to raise us when Nihil or babysitters couldn't. I came to the clergy a bit late.. I think when I was around 10?.. that's a story for another time, though.
Primo was a good brother. Even if he got in trouble for things here and there, he did all he could to make sure we were raised right. I wouldn't wish for it to be any other way..
When he grew older, he became more.. mental a little. Life broke him down, and he accepted that he wouldn't have kids of his own. He was content with that. He was glad that he could at least feel like a father with us.
As for me- I don't know if I want children or not yet.. I think I'd be better off as just a babysitter or adopting when they're more around 10 or 11- I don't feel confident with babies or toddlers, that's all. I know I'm old but.. maybe one day.
// mod note!!: This is mainly just all headcanons with a sprinkle of things I remember from interviews and my general understanding of the characterization of the other Papas. Sorry this took so long to get out, and if it's a bit ooc- I really had to sit back and think about how to put this all into words. Flare ups suckkkk. I hope you have a pain-free day or at least an hour in the future. <33 -J.K
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basilbunni · 8 months ago
what are your relationship hcs for ninajack?
chat this deleted my work so this is way more delayed than played
but thank you for asking
more under cut im a yapper abt them </3
so as kind of a foundation i think nina and jack have a super opposites attract relationship and i kind of touched on that in my phys hc post (check that out if you enjoy this content bee tee dubs)
for example, nina is super duper messy while jack is obsessively organized and clean from being an ocd doctor man
they really level each other out in an almost healing way and that's part of why i love this ship sm lmao
nina keeps jack from trying to be painfully perfect and he keeps her from being dangerously reckless and laidback
they also fit under a princess and knight in shining armor type thing for me personally— and yes, i will explain LOL
nina, after being in a super neglectful and abusive relationship with jeff, gets to be with jack who's more attentive and caring towards nina, making her feel more like herself and leads her to being more in tune with princess treatment
jack also has relationship trauma, which i think anyone could guess if you've even just heard about the background story that the person who made sally's story made and not just seen the low quality mask photo story
(for those who DONT know that story and dont want spoilers for it i do suggest leaving the post now and reading it because it is a pretty common reference for the creepypasta fandom and i will be referencing big plot points)
so having the sacrificial college girlfriend (whos name i would look up but im currently on a roadtrip with shitty service) jack isn't used to getting anything back in return and/or being treated nicely without something sinister being behind it
but nina loves super unconditionally— which immediately contradicts that train of thought which would ultimately lead him to trusting her more and more over time til they're just at a point where they can both love each other without fear of the other person being similar to their past experiences and that's just so heartwarming urgrgrhh
the knight part really comes into play with nina being a bit clumsy and reckless because jack is constantly having to basically baby proof her experiences because she is so prone to creating problems
moving on— jack finds little acts of service that nina isnt really used to to show his love
like he'll make her a meal or get her jewelry or whatever just to make her day because its not something she got with jeff at all
which its more like it makes her month because she will not stop talking about it to anybody who will listen
that's just how she is— she loves very loudly
which is COMPLETELY NEW to jack considering that the sacrificial college girlfriend (i still havent googled her name my signal is somehow worse) was truly just there to lead a lamb to the slaughter
so when nina is actively seeking his affection and caring and loving for him it is such a new experience that i would think he wasn't quite sure what to do
guys hes a nerdy medical major white guy first and a demon second in my books he is an awkward man
but there's a want to be perfect for nina so he really fakes it til he makes it
but then nina is also a super-people-reader so when things dont line up she's immediately on his case
"hey man i thought you barely had any experience why are you good at kissing are you lying to me"
and then he gets a little embarrassed by it and hes like "i have no idea what you're talking about i'm just paying attention to your reactions"
she still doesnt believe him fully but she accepts it
they do cute shit together too
like they'll watch movies and tv and stuff together and cuddle
or nina will dress him up and buy him clothes (because like i said in the past post, jack is very copy and paste easy outfits and nina is obsessive with accessories and big outfits yada yada yada)
he'd probably let nina do just about anything tho as long as shes having fun and close to him hes pretty content
god i feel like i still have more lmk if you want more urgrgrhnmmhmf
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gallivich · 1 month ago
15 jan
2025 #2
hiii guyyssss just home from schl and i literally dont even have much on my mind so likeeee ill just give u a rundown of my day 😭 im still learninng how to use this stupid app because why did it take me a solid like 7 minutes to find my drafts. im a LITTLE bit stupid!
ughh i have a new teacher for home ec and my old one was one of my faves coz it was practically a free period because shes never made us do work before LOL and i thought id hate the new one cause hes lowkey scary af but hes actually so chill and fun and no seating plan and he actually teaches us BUT IN A FUN WAY TOO. idk is it bad i lowkey prefer him. Dont tell anyone thats a hot take AND HES A PE TEACHER SO WE CAN LITERALLY HAVE NORMAL CLASSES IN THE PE CENTRE like thats so fucking fun liek the big room yess plsss we were learning like cpr too and there were volunteersand it was soooo fucking funny yes why do i actually love this !!!!!!
then in chemistry my fuckign laptop wasnt working so i didjt have the right to do any work :,( so i got like nothing.done AND NOT EVEN BY CHOICE!!! just felt likementjoning i got the most busted one omfg
THEN in pe it was just 1 period so i jsut got to walklaps with my friends and it was so fun i love it. like it was so sunny out and u dont even understand i get so depressed in winter like i cant and the sun hasnt shined in absolutelt ages and i was out walking in the sun and i was WARM. Guys no joke almost started crying like jesus i hate winter so muchhhh anyway pe was good inlove walking with my friends and staring at our crushes together and being physically attacked with balls on purpose by boys. Ya
THEN we had mysic which i also love coz i csn fuck around with a keyboard with my friend anddd ya . Dame class as my crhs aswell so . He was lowkey so antisocial today tho. God word antiscoial makew me laugh honestly YA SO I HAD ITHER CLASSES TOO JUST TOO IRRELEVANT and omfg i lvoe my frineds but my friends friends are SOOO fucking annoying im sorry lkke stop following me around u freakkkkk sorry im so mean omg im just so picky with my friends and i do NOT like them. No actually what am i yapping about im picky THEYRE ACTIVE RACISTS byt my tohr friends is only friends withbthem befause of her stupod boyfriend. So ya
Then i got maccies on the way home and god it tastes so good but feels so bad i feel so fcuking fat after a good maccies ljke i jsut wanna throw it up to feel like clean again ??? Thags weird me acting like i dont shovel shit into my body everyday anyway NOW I WANNA WATCH A MOVIE AND EAT POPCORN BUT IM TORN ON WHAT MOVIR so i might just keep wwthcing glee,,? Ljke obv i love shameless vut i havent ewtched ANYTHING else in like. Way too long. Magbe rewatch little miss sunshine or ermmm bones and all IDKK IDKDIDK OK BYE ill talk tommoz today wasbboring as shit but im not about to stop the grind on the second day so like yeah ! "U shouldnt be trusted with the books u cant read" "What I read" "PFFTTT" Also go buy from free prints its fuckign amazing SOMEONE BUY ME MORE BURTS BEES LIP BALM THE AUTUMN COLLECTION PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLSSSS S goodnight hope tmrs more intresting. So jealous of people whohave like 40 streaks like fuck urself actually (sorry) BYE
natural - shelly
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corvis-crimson · 8 months ago
Basic Writing Advice
Take everything said with a grain of salt because this is just what I do…not what everyone should do
I’d like to give writing advice to people as someone who has written stories since I could pick up a pencil. However, I’m realizing a lot of my advice may not work for everyone…
Despite this I will be posting this post anyway!
Make your rough draft good enough that spelling and grammar aside…you could feasibly send it out into the world! Then go back and fix things that need fixing!
The best way to know if something needs fixed is to have someone else read it! If they don’t understand what’s going on you need to elaborate more!
If you feel like you’re using too much detail or too many words try using bigger words in place of two to three smaller words!
Act out scenes in your book as you write them and be aware of how you do things! Watch how others do things and emulate that! Study people! It’s the only way to write movement well…
For that first draft focus only on getting it to sound good and flow well! Fix grammar the second time through!
Aim to write ten pages a day then get upset when you don’t do that! Guilt yourself into writing close to ten pages a day until your book is finished! You’ll be upset you keep not reaching your goal that you’ll be determined to reach the ten page mark and by the time you start reaching it your book is almost done! It’s a life hack to completing your book under your own nose!
Dont focus on one project by itself unless you think you can get it out in six months or less (what I did with my first ever book linked in my pinned post)
If you’re a reader like me don’t read any books while you’re writing (I know it’s hard but trust me I got way more done when I wasn’t reading) if you must read at least read something from a different genre!
Write in chronological order and make a bullet point list for your plot chapter by chapter if you must! You can go off path but so long as it you make it to the next bullet point you’re good!
Do not pigeon hole yourself into one genre!! You’ll get bored of it if you don’t challenge yourself!
Write for yourself and don’t be afraid to take inspiration from things! So long as you aren’t copying things word for word and so long as you aren’t stealing characters or plots ITS FINE! It’s great actually!! (Think of it this way…I am a HUGE zombie movie fan and just because there are already a lot of zombie movies out there in the world when a new one comes out I will definitely watch it! Not only will I watch it but I won’t care if it’s similar to another zombie movie I enjoyed!)
Get the words out of your head it doesn’t matter how! If writing scrawled words you can barely read across notebook paper gets them out then do it! Don’t let your story die!
If you let anything sit for over a year and it has less than five pages go ahead and re-write those pages! Start fresh from the beginning because you’ll never be in the mindset you were in when you first wrote it again!
If time was a social construct and the human body could withstand lack of sleep, water, and food…if locked in a cell with nothing else to do but write the ideal thing to do would be to push through and write the entire thing in one setting! Get that shit out of your head before it drives you insane! Since the human body does need sleep, water, and food I suggest writing as much as you physically can before stopping! The only reason I’ve ever finished a book was because I wrote the first twenty or so pages in one sitting!
Re-read your book until the thought of looking at it again gives you a headache! It’s the only way to catch all the mistakes…(side note: when combing through the interior of your book don’t make the mistake of slacking on your cover thinking you are now invincible…you’ll make a mistake)
As your book nears its final chapters go ahead and design the cover! Select a style and a theme to match your books contents! Amazon cover designer has great covers but I recommend taking a photo for your cover! (At a later date I will make a post about cover design etc)
Taking breaks is good but taking longer breaks is bad! Get some water, get some tea, some koolaid, a pitcher of lemonade?! Whatever floats your boat! Set it next to you and when you’re stuck pour a glass and have a drink! I call this “Drink and Think” and something about pouring the drink into the glass and taking a sip helps refresh my brain!
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stromuprisahat · 1 year ago
i saw your evgeniy post and i totally agree that it wouldnt work out the same at all if genya was male, maybe he would work directly for the king but either way im willing to bet the fandom wouldnt be victimising him to that extent and the character probably would be allowed to stay morally grey instead of being forced to be "good".
as per your comments too: they probably gave ivan a love interest for "representation points" but if the show character was played more accurately to the book and looked more like book ivan people would probably ship him with the darkling a lot more and talk about him having unrequited love or whatever which is fine but certainly cheapens the characters motives.
also i dont think alina would have got on with genya if she was in a red kefta from the start as its like she saw genya in livery as "on the same level as her" as a servant and outsider, its my firm belief that if genya was introduced to alina as corporalki to start with her prejudice would kick in and she wouldnt trust her at all as she seems more prejudice against corporalki than any of the other orders (aside from the darkling)
(What if Genya were Evgeniy)
I don't think the King would require services of Tailor. The Queen remains the obvious choice for that, although there would be issues.
Regarding narrative-treatment... well, my guess is he wouldn't live long. Just look at Ivan- he wasn't easily brainwashed character, so he had to die to prop up brand new Good Guy™. Zhenya wouldn't be re-written into one-dimensional victim, because it would be easier to simply kill him off (preferably in a way emphasizing he picked the wrong side).
Fandom would simply ignore him, because he's a man in Aleksander's service. His backstory, missing sexual abuse "orchestrated" by the Darkling would also lose its appeal to antis. Loss of loved ones or torture just doesn't have the ring to it, when aimed at a man. Hell, if we'd make the King "fond" of teen boys, or came up with another molester, Evgeniy's story would include different variables. Women are easier to woobify, but then again, it could be "fixed" by making the boy gay, or better- headcanon gay. Everyone knows that makes you easier to exploit, so we can pretend lack of agency equals unfavourable circumstances etc. etc.
Since we know almost nothing about book!Ivan's personal life, I didn't mind his and Fedyor's romantic relationship, quite contrary- both actors used their minimal screentime to introduce the best romance in season 1 (in both, if I'm honest).
Ivan's in danger of simplification of his motivations no matter the looks. While book Ivan's described as good-looking, in show he's already canonically MLM. Both can work as a good enough reason to turn his loyalty into unrequired crush. Why delve into anything more complicated, if your view requires demonisation of the Darkling?
Absolutely agree on Genya's position and Alina's "friendship". Alina has been distrustful of other Grisha since the beginning. Sure, her belief she's a fraud played a part, but that would apply to Genya in red too. Grisha without colour didn't fit in. Useless Sun Summoner wouldn't either, once her incompetence becomes widely-known. Alina doesn't exactly believe in selfless unconditional friendship. Hell, she takes and takes from Genya, while offering little, with Malyen she assumes the opposite position.
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whatcouldpossiblyg0wr0ng · 1 month ago
Hey you make your own clothes a lot right? First: that's really cool. Second: I would love to do that & I don't know where I would even start. Do you have any tips?
yeah so ive got a cert 3 for clothes making/pattern making and im part way through a degree on it. Here a few things you need to know
Buy a cheap ass domestic sewing machine. One that can do a little bit of everything. If you dont know what i mean by domestic i mean the ones that arent attached to the tables and cost minimum $1000. Depending on your economy a good price will change but my current one was $150 aus dollards. Look for one specifically that comes with a few different feet and has options for buttonholes, zigzag, and straight stitches. These three are pretty much all you need to make most clothes
fabric scissors. Just get some sharp scissors from whatever store, but make sure they are actually sharp. Once you have them DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE THEM ON ANYTHING BUT FABRIC. Trust. Itll dull way to quick and youll need to get more just dont do it. If you dont already have paper scissors just get a cheap pair
go to a fabric store. Get some money saved and go to a store. You need to touch the fabric and see it in person to have any idea what you like. I recommend cotton or polyester for the first project because its friendly most of the time. Buy at least 20cm more than your pattern says you need just to be on the safe side. There might be a stain on the fabric or you might make a mistake. Better to have a little more than less. you should also buy a pattern. I recommend finding something basic but you would wear happily like a pair of pants or skirt with an elastic waistband. non elastic waistbands get complicated quickly so stick to elastic at first. You want to find something that matches the fabric you want to use. If your pattern is specifically for stretch fabrics then dont get none stretch fabric. You are less likely to succeed.
get yourself some pins. people have differing opinions on pins but if youre working with cotton or poly then it will be fine. You want long ones with a pearl end. The flat head ones hurt your fingers after a few hours trust me
Now you have basic equipment! Yay!
now most of the instructions from here will depend on what pattern youre starting with and all the instructions you need should be in the envelope. I will give you just a few tips that cover basically everything
Pick your favourite side of the fabric before cutting it. This is your right side. Pay attention to whether your instructions say to cut right side up (rsu) or pairs. If it says you need pairs of things then fold your fabric with selvages touching and right side together. That way its less likely to be visibly stained.
fabric has this thing called a grainline. Your pattern pieces will have a long line with arrows on it. Line those up parallel to the selvage of the fabric. The selvage is the ugly looking strip on the edges of rolls of fabric. Use a ruler or book or something to make sure everything is parallel
most of the seams you find are closed seams meaning you sew the straight stitch with right sides together and then overlock. Instead of overlocking the edges just sew your machine to zigzag and line it up so the edge gets caught on one side of the zigzag. This will stop it from fraying unless your fabric is evil. But how do you know if the fabric is evil you say? Trust me you will know.
but i dont want to have closed seams you say. Well theres an option called french seams where the raw edge of the fabric is held inside the seam! I wouldnt do it on your first project but you can half the seam allowance (how far from the edge your sew a straight line) and go from there pretty easily. Theres plenty of tutorials for this on youtube if youre interested
Your sewing machine should come with different bits that go on the machine where the needle is. They are called Feet and they are your friend. They let you do cool things like zippers and buttonholes. Theres plenty of youtube tutorials on how to use those too
if your fabric is stretchy then zigzag the seams where you would normally sew straight lines and then zigzag the raw edge too. This lets it stretch without popping stitches.
this should all get you started for your first garment! Its important to check that you understand what youre doing before you do it. Your patterns will say everything you need to know for each garment and the back should tell you what size you should be looking at and what you need.
if youve got more questions then let me know ill be happy to explain!
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fisherpiers · 1 year ago
Hunter coming out to Luz as bi
OKAY here i am like over 6 months later LMAO
like whattt? im not dead?? i know, i know. my deepest apologies
i have already written him coming out in flapjacks with syrup so if you want more go read that too not to self promote agskgjjghh (i will be updating that soon just saying 👀)
but here’s some headcanons!
lemme see, theres so many ways for this to go. lets entertain just a couple tho lol
scenario #1
its july and luz is getting/making pride merch for everyone bc shes trying to make it a thing on the isles. at least a little holiday. perhaps a parade? itll be fun!
and she realizes she has no clue what hunters deal is. is he straight? aroace, maybe. that guy is married to his work.
shes trying to keep this pride thing a surprise so she asks him nonchalantly like “hey broooo i was just wondering. whats your sexuality. a friend wanted to know.”
and he bluescreens
“uh. i— i dont know, actually.”
he never really thought about it. hes always been too busy being attracted to them books lmao
he has to get back to her in two business days at least 😂😂😂
he basically spends those days spacing out and scaring his classmates by intensely staring at them.
hunter discovers that he generally feels the same about any gender. and he didnt really have a preference when imagining his future having a wife, husband, or partner. as long as they made him happy
and everyone was really pretty. hexside had quite a lot of cute witches and demons
but honestly, he still didn’t really find himself wanting to start a relationship with any of them (gee wonder why)
he chalks it up to the fact that he’s focusing on his studies and apprenticeship right now and has no time for romance
besides, if he had a partner, he’d have even less time to spend with luz his friends
he finds luz up in a tree behind the owl house, nose in a book. shes so focused on the story that she doesn’t even hear him approach
she was so startled she fell put of the tree. hunter tried to catch her he really did but they both wound up crashing down to the ground in a heap
luz shoved him off her, laughing “first you give me a heart attack and now you try to crush me? i thought we were friends now, hunter!”
“sorry, sorry,” he wheezed as he rolled over in the soft grass
luz went and retrieved her book from where she accidentally threw it, “so what did you need me for?”
“oh, i just wanted to tell you i think i figured out my sexuality now, like you asked,”
“thats okay. i didnt mean to presure you so you dont have t—”
he sat up, “im bisexual,”
liz gasped “OH SWEET, twinsies!”
she got matching bandanas for them. cowboy vibes lol
luz did successfully get the annual pride parade set up in the isles. hard to say no to her shes a force of nature and also kinda a celebrity now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
scenario #2
luz has just assumed he’s gay
bc they often talk about guys they think are cute. like if theyre at the mall food court (without the hexsquad) and see any hot guys they are thoroughly checking them out and giggling like school girls
its not something she can do with amity (obviously), vee or willow. plus, she trusts that hunter isnt about to go squealing to her girlfriend about her attraction to men she has no plans on pursuing
its a good bonding activity, okay. if you cant thirst over cute guys with your bestie are they really your bestie
alas, because of this, luz never reads too much into the moments they have together. hunter let a hug linger a little too long? he lets her eat off his fork? puts his arm around her on the couch? just friendly behavior. its not like he likes her or anything. bc hes gay right
anyway. theyre like, at a chinese restaurant picking up takeout for the gang and the cashier is just adorable. miss teen connecticut. the cutest girl ever. they both stutter their words and awkwardly fumble around while picking up this order. hunter almost dropped the food and luz signed her name as Liz Noda on the receipt
they get out of there and start laughing once they reach the car
“guess its bi disaster hour am i right?” hunter joked
luz laughed but then it hit her
“wait. you like girls?”
hunter looked at her confused, “yeah?”
“oh…” she trails off,
and hunter starts the car and drives off, not even giving the conversation a second thought
meanwhile luz is dead silent in the passenger seat like
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she be rethinking everything agsjfjjhh
tboy!luz au :3
okay so luz is scared bc he’s finally worked out his gender. he’s a guy.
its what pushes him to break up with amity. its amicable at least
and so as luz moves on with his life, and starts falling for hunter, he’s scared hunter wont like him now bc he’s trans
and once hunter finds out about that, he’s putting a stop to it fast. like:
“dude. im bi. i dont care if youre a boy or a girl. youre luz. and i like luz.”
and they live happily ever after the end agajdjjg
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femaletwstsupremacy · 2 years ago
i have just a little request if you dont mind, we have fem idia enjoyer of woman and yuri manga (the cutesy slice of life ones like failed princess, monolouge woven for you, whisper me a love song ((just somethin sweet ya know)) and idia is hopelessly pining for the main girl type, ortho being the best little sister invites us over and idk just a little idea 4 u
"𝙈𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝘼𝙪𝙧𝙖!"
✦ Content – Idia being a simp, Ortho being a sweetheart, kinda did a reverse isekai plot here, Idia is Shen Yuan (From Scum Villain) coded, reader came from a world where technology isn't all that advanced, Reader has a personality, reader is gn but reader being feminine was in mind while writing.
Author's Note: Waaa, I had so much fun playing with this idea anon. Thank you for sending this in! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's not exactly like the request so I apologize for that. But! I absolutely support Fem!Idia yuri enjoyer, I am one as well after all (With a side of bl fan in there but shhhh)
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Idia was many things, a loner, a genius with wasted talent, a weirdo, a curse. But she could care less about those, what do they know about her anyway? It's not like half of those people who talked behind her back actually talked to her. But if there was one thing she could proudly call herself, it would be that she's an avid yuri fan. Slice of life? Fantasy? Mystery? Yandere? She'll read it as long as it's yuri! (And if it has at least a decent plot, otherwise she'd either simply throw it out or start hating in the reviews if she absolutely despised it.)
The lighthearted and giddy feeling she gets in her chest every time she reads is something she just can't get enough of. But once she finishes the absolute masterpieces of the genre, she only has the leftover scraps left to read. Some of them aren't that bad, she could bear reading through with it and some of them even got her hooked. But some others were absolute trash. With nothing but fetishization and not even a pinch of genuine affection between the main couple.
By that time Idia almost debated leaving the genre altogether but decided to just wait. Wait for something good to actually come by, wait for an astounding masterpiece that could even make her slack jawed, wait for some of her few favorites to update, and so she did.
She waited, and waited, and waited. Until finally, a new manga had just released, taking the whole genre by storm. And as a connoisseur of yuri manga, how could she pass up this opportunity? Especially when she'd been waiting for so long. Besides, most of the reviews are fairly positive and by first impression it doesn't seem like some trashy manga that uses all the clichés and most popular tropes of the book. Unlike some that Idia had read. So she trusts that it will be a worthwhile read.
And worthwhile it was, Idia was absolutely hooked. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that this was a masterpiece. The plot? The setting? The tropes? and most importantly, the characters. (Did she mention the characters yet?) were all meticulously woven together into the perfect web to catch any unsuspecting readers into it's trap. Idia is no exception. But seriously, it's amazing. Even if it just released, it was already manga of the year in her heart. In fact, it should be the manga of the year in everyone's heart!
But you especially have taken her heart, kicking off any and all candidates that could have taken your place. Sitting beautifully in the throne of her heart. You were the main girl of the story, kind, pretty, and clever but didn't take anyone's shit for nothing. Your character was the exact one that Idia favors the most, so it was inevitable that you became her first and only favorite above the rest. Idia gathered anything she could get about you, analyzing your character under a microscope. Memorizing every small detail, no matter how insignificant. This also applies to your character arcs and relationships, causing her to make lengthy essays about it in the comments without fail.
Other times, when the author decides to shove tragedy onto you that she believes is far too much Idia would instantly go into a bout of outrage, her hair turning into a raging sea of red. The scale of her rage is clear to see if one were to read the scathing comment she had left. Don't they know that it's far to early? Your character isn't developed enough for this! She'd argue.
But usually, she would have calmed down in the following chapters. It's almost as if the author read her comments and decided to give you reprieve and a few wholesome moments in between as a peace offering. But that's most likely her imagination coming up with wild ideas on miniscule chances.
Months pass by, and before she knew it, it was already the final chapter of the manga. The manga she had spent hours mulling over, the manga that she collected a whole stock of merch for, the manga where she felt more than she usually does in real life, the manga you were in.
Idia stares at her screen, unblinking. The bold text of the final lines of the chapter staring back at her, the light of the screen almost painful as it illuminates the darkness of her room. Casting shadows along her face, making her look even more gloomy than she is. She doesn't know what is it exactly that she feels, it's like her heart feels full but at the same time has holes that leak out, causing a void of emptiness along with the full feeling.
It's strange, is this what it feels like when you get too attached to a piece of fiction? Idia wouldn't really know, she didn't get attached to much things in the first place anyway. But, she doesn't know what to think about it. It doesn't feel all that good, but it isn't all that bad either. Idia groans, burying her head into her hands.
Ugh, why does emotions have to be so damn difficult?
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Idia can't believe this is happening. But the fact that you, in all your glory and grace, are right here, in her room, and gazing back at her is undeniable. Idia seriously questions if this was truly reality and she wasn't being delusional after so long of not having sleep and not eating properly. Which would have been the most logical explanation if you didn't look so real and lifelike. Especially when you stand there as depicted, eyes shining the same way it was drawn, actually breathing and are not just lines on paper.
When you quietly call out to her in confusion, Idia swears she'll see Hades in the next second because your voice is exactly as she imagined it-
"Uh hello? May I please know where I am?" You ask, slightly waving your hand in front of the strange girl's face – her hair being one of unusual blue flames that you've never seen before. The strange girl only jumps in response, letting out a surprised squeak. Scrambling to hide behind...a chair..? At least you think it's a chair.
The timid type huh, you can work with that. You put your hand back on your side, deciding to take a different approach so as to not frighten the poor girl more. Tentative, you leaned down to her level, purposely making your voice sound more soft and coaxing than usual, "Sorry about that, I'm kinda lost and it would really help me out if you could answer my questions, yeah?" The girls stares at you dumbly for a while, but your expression doesn't falter and eventually, she nods.
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Another world? Manga character? currently in reality???? The revelation that the life you've lived was all a fabrication made from someone else's desires is a very hard pill to swallow. A bitter laugh escapes you as the strange girl – who had introduced herself as Idia – finishes her explanation. "So, you're saying that for my whole life, I've been living in some sick fairytale for the lot of you in 'reality' to watch?" You don't hide the bite in your tone, your frustration leaking out as if your body was filled with holes.
Idia squeaks, nervously clutching her hair – one that has swaying flames of azure – like an anchor that will keep her from sinking into the sea of your emotions. You sigh out, it's no use getting angry at someone who didn't have a hand in your creation. It's not like she had instigated anything that happened to you, she was just a viewer after all.
"Sorry, I got carried away. I didn't mean to get so aggressive." You say apologetically, your frustration still hasn't gone away, you don't believe it would go away so quickly but right now being level headed was the better option.
You lean your forehead onto your hand, regulating your breathing. For now, it would be a good time to gather more information...
You straighten up, clearing your throat in attempt to get Idia – who still hasn't raised her head in what you believe is fear – to look at you. It works, as she raises her gaze to look up at you. "Say, could you tell me more about this 'reality' of yours?"
Recovering from the shock of being a manga character was a long process. Thankfully, it seems your host was an accommodating one. Helping you adjust as best as she can. Though this world...has plenty of strange contraptions. You were scared out of your wits when Idia pressed a button and the square on her table started lighting up. The fact that everything in Idia's room is considered 'high-tech' doesn't help, But right after you've finally gotten over your shock the next thing you know there was a literal child that looked like the contraptions that appeared out of nowhere! Though, after your almost obliteration of Idia's room the child(?) was surprisingly friendly and humanlike despite your hostility in your first encounter. You've come to know the child as Ortho. You start to wonder if this world has a trend to name their children strange things...Other than that, she was an exact opposite of her sister, sweet, sociable, and cheerful. However, their differences don't seem to separate them in the least. In fact, they get along than most siblings you see. It got you feeling all warm and sentimental for a bit. But even then, they both at least one thing in common, and that's how cute they are. Now, it's a given that Ortho is cute. (Why wouldn't she be? Idia built her to look cute!) Though, Idia can also be – by equal measures – cute!
Cute enough to make you squeal and want to squish her cheeks. Oh, and the way her hair turns pink every time you get close...It's absolutely adorable! You never thought someone's hair could be so expressive! At one point your curiosity got the better of you. By impulse, you lightly stroked the azure flames. It didn't burn like what one would assume, rather it was similar to the feeling of warming your hands over a fire on a cold wintry night. Of course, when you do this Idia audibly squeaks and swivels from her seat to look at you. Embarrassment, it was common expression Idia made while with you. You guessed it was because you are her favorite character, the amount of pictures she has saved is already enough proof. You apologize to her but you're sure the teasing tilt to your tone doesn't make you convincing. Right, the longer you've stayed here, the less you cared about being convincing. This place is much more peaceful despite being worse according to Idia. As Idia starts to sputter at you, hair the pinkest you've ever seen it, you start to think that this type of life isn't so bad.
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