#i dont do the actual self harm as often. i still do but i more just.
narutomaki · 5 months
I don't know how to do it scared and I'm so mad about it.
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pastadoughie · 4 months
incase 1 of you needs 2 hear this :
ai art is shitty and explotative, and while i dont think that neural networks are bad as a concept, they can be done ethically, but at this point every single large company that has ai shit is doing it in an extremely shitty way. art that is posted on the internet isnt yours to steal and make profit off of. you do not get to take the art of unconsenting random internet users, throw it into a shredder, and sell 7.99 a month subscription packadges for people to be able to eat some of the dust it spits out.
while i previously was more lax on people on reposting my art so long as they credited me, i ask that you not fucking repost my art, under any circumstance if you are on a platform that is scraping art, or on a site that is not properly set up to deal with scraping. the only acception to this is commisions where you have explicitly asked me.
this includes tumblr.
reposting without credit is always bad, even if you dont know who to credit. you should under no circumstance be posting artwork that isnt your own without giving people a way to see the artist, and you need to link it in a way that is ACTUALLY USEFUL, give multiple links to multiple platforms, do not use 3rd party link shorteners, include mirrors and archive captures, provide a plain text spelling of usernames for every platform you link to, ask for explicit permission of the artist, opt out of any ai generation tools. or if you are on a platform that does not allow for this do not post it at all, and you have to have all of this very clearly visable and easily readable
if that is too much effort for you then you shouldnt be posting it. with literally zero exceptions.
biological sex is not real and people can do whatever the fuck they want with their own bodies, even if you deem it as "self harm". under no circumstance should you take away peoples bodily autonomy, someone could literally be sawing their arms off for funsie wunsies and i would still say they need to have freedom and privacy, and it is ultimatly THEIR call what they do with themselves.
gender is similarly also not fucking real, people can dress however they want, fuck whoever they want, and use whatever words to describe themself with that they want. and if you think that boys wearing dresses or some shit is somehow harming you then you are ligitimately fucking pathetic. if i fucking ran a political campain saying everybody wearing a scarf was a pedo and a rapist and we need to ban scarfs forever would you fucking vote for me? are you that scared of people being able to? do what they want? jesus.
genocide is bad. regardless of who does it.
regardless of the scale of cruelty, there is nothing that a group of people from a certain state, ethnicity, religeon, ect, can do that justifies murdering civilians. there is never a justification for genocide.
implying, under any circumstance, that someone is somehow evil for their background, appearance, religous beliefs, country of origin, sexuality, gender, ect. is shitty or worthy of violence because of that is, and i cannot stress this enough, fucking disgusting. nazi shit. even.
i do not support zionism. i do not support antisemitism. i do not support racism.
also the iof is actively commiting a genocide. you should donate to a relief fund for people currently suffering from this, as well as call your house and senate members. as have i.
people often times claim that people they dislike, largely minorities, are pedos or rapists or something of the sort. this is something that has been happening for, and i cannot stress this enough. all of fucking history. people were fucking saying these exact points, verbatim, to argue in favor of SLAVERY okay? if you are spouting the exact same shit as fucking nazis and colonizers and slave traders, then consider, you are a horrible fucking person.
you have to be EXTRODENARILY SKEPTICAL when accusing a minority of a serious crime, and spreading information about it. because if a bigot can just say "oh theyre a pedo" and you believe them at FACE VALUE then guess what? you are just as much of a bigot as they are. minorities are people, and people do terrible things, but just like you should be doing with EVERYBODY, you should be actually looking into things before you accuse someone of being a shit person, and often times, you are not knowlagable enough about someone to make those kinds of claims anyway.
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Ehhh hi! I love your work so i wanted to ask for hcs with star rail men and kafka (choose whoever you want) with gn!reader or s/o who has a lot of childhood trauma. I mean brutal emotional and physical abuse from a really young age, a lot of scars, blood, sa, ect. How would (star rail character) react to s/o telling them about their past/ seeing s/o's scars? Pls angst🙏. If you dont like the request, just ignore this. Have a nice day/night! -anon
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ old scars die hard
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski, kafka, jing yuan ⊹ word count - 1.3k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, TW!! themes of abuse both emotional and physical, self-harm tendencies (not touched on as much but possibly implied?), etc. please read with caution and heed the warnings!!!
hi anon omg I hope you're okay (ミዎ ﻌ ዎミ)ノ I don't know whether this is personal to you and your experiences or not but regardless!! this req touched me I know it's been sitting in my ask box for a while but I wanted to do it proper justice. I love you anon and I hope you are doing well <3!!! thanks for the req!
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⊹ Sampo Koski
He's not super concerned at first when he sees the first signs of scars
I mean, he's had his fair share of run-ins with disgruntled "customers". His scars are more numerous than yours, he'd assume.
That is, until he remembers you're not really in the same line of fire that he can typically find himself in
That's what gets him wondering.
Sampo's not really one to get into emotional vulnerability, and I don't think he'd ask you first
Unless of course, you started to gain new ones under his watch
If he's known you for a while, I feel like he'd have questioned it often until you told him to stop, and then he'd be kind of reluctant to bring it up again.
However, if you two are fairly new friends/partners, he'd dance around the issue but try to confront it regardless.
Especially if the abuse is current from people currently in your life or something you recently inflicted on yourself, he'd try to mention/address it in a roundabout way.
"That doesn't look so hot, Y/N! Might wanna see Miss Nat for it. What, you getting into the business of scam—aheh, I mean, customer service—too?"
Sampo tries to keep it light, but when he notices the way you tremble at the acknowledgement he makes of your wounds, his face crumples.
He's instantly apologizing, instantly doing anything to make you feel even a little better.
Offering to take you out to lunch, buy you something nice, or just get some takeout food and watch a show together.
I feel like Sampo, being relatively unequipped to seriously handle stuff like this (considering he's very much a humor-cope kind of person) would be especially frantic in trying to assuage your troubles
Whatever you want! Seriously, he'll bend over backwards for you, especially when you're vulnerable.
Sampo Koski may not be the most sensitive or empathetic, but he knows when to hold the quips and jokes.
He's a very good listener, though. It's honestly pretty shocking.
Now, Sampo's not much of a violent criminal.
Yes, he's a conman, but usually his plans involve escape over actual fighting back.
Still, when he hears about those who have made you suffer, he's not going to stand by.
In the cover of night, after tending to your wounds (both physical and emotional), he'd be off.
He won't kill them. But Sampo sure as hell will make sure they wouldn't even think of coming within five miles of you ever again.
And you'll never find out about it, either.
All that will happen is your life improving because your abuser will be out of it, and Sampo is perfectly content melding back into his usual joking self, bringing as much normalcy to your more peaceful life as he can.
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⊹ Kafka
At first, I think Kafka sees your scars/wounds and is kind of... uninterested? Or perhaps less uninterested and more just unconcerned.
Sure, there's questions and thoughts to be had, but everyone has their pasts—especially those among the Stellaron Hunters.
However, over time and with careful, calm observation, Kafka notices more about you.
She takes a special interest in you that she doesn't quite hold with her other fellow Stellaron Hunters.
How you apologize endlessly over small mistakes...
Or even how you flinched back when Silver Wolf of all people got angry and shouted at one of her video games.
I mean, Silver Wolf! The smallest of the Stellaron Hunters—outside of her abilities in manipulating the data of reality and hacking, she physically couldn't hurt a fly.
So, Kafka takes matters into her own hands.
She's pretty upfront, seeing no reason in beating around the bush.
She was content before in letting it slide as "everyone has their secrets", but she eventually develops something akin to concern for your situation.
"Darling, I just had a few small questions for you... Don't feel pressured to answer if you're not inclined."
The second half of her sentence shocked her a bit.
She has abilities relating to hypnotic suggestion—if there's something she wanted to hear or know, there's no reason she couldn't acquire it. And if there's something she wanted someone to listen to and obey, she could do it with no questions from the other party.
So really, it was awe-inspiring that she afforded you the luxury of choice here.
After hearing what happened to you, Kafka is not the type to go on a vengeance-path.
She knows the past is the past, and that you're with the Stellaron Hunters now, so your abuser is long gone from reach.
I think Kafka mostly focuses on comforting you in the moment.
Especially if you're partners, she'd be very inclined to give you a shoulder to lean on, a person to cry to.
Kafka may seem flippant, but she holds a deep-seated affection for you and she treats your trauma with the utmost respect and seriousness it deserves.
She'd definitely get more protective of you after hearing your past.
As long as it's not against Elio's script, she's accompanying you on any mission you need to attend to.
And, well, if someone happens to trigger any unpleasant memories, be it a stranger or otherwise...
They're taken care of. Quietly.
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⊹ Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan, teddy bear of a man he is, is likely the most forthcoming of the three about any scars he sees on you.
He's the General and goes into battle so that you don't have to get scars like his, and yet, what are these past wounds he sees on you?
The man isn't an idiot, though. He knows the circumstances behind them are likely far from pleasant.
He also knows how to treat a matter with the delicateness it requires.
"My dear... May I ask about that wound on your arm?"
So, so gentle.
He's already got you in his arms before you can say a word, cradling you gently and soothing you before you can get the story out.
Listens to every single word you have to say, only breaking your continuous sentences to hush you now and then and calm you down
Doesn't matter how much work he has to do, Jing Yuan would stay with you for hours or days on end to make sure you were okay
He, like Kafka, is not the type to be overly vengeful or seeking of retribution against those who hurt you.
Rather, he's more of the mindset that the best revenge is a life well-lived, and that's exactly how he intends to get back at your abusers—by making your life as wonderful as he can.
That's not to say he won't do anything, though.
If your abusers were still alive or around, he'd definitely pull some strings.
Nothing violent, of course, but the abuser(s) lives aboard the Xianzhou Luofu would never be peaceful again if he knew who they were.
Jing Yuan is more focused on you and your recovery.
If you ever feel like hurting yourself, or the past comes back to haunt you, he's dropping everything for your sake.
He doesn't just treat you like glass or tiptoe around you, though.
He knows how strong you are to have made it through such experiences and still be alive—to a long-lived species, it's especially admirable that one could sustain themselves through such things
As such, Jing Yuan respects you greatly. And he demands the same from others.
Not that he didn't already, being that you're his partner or closest friend (however you'd like to interpret, but he is most certainly in love with you!)
He's just more conscious of his own actions henceforth.
Jing Yuan wasn't the type to raise his voice or get visibly upset with you even in moments of disagreement or conflict, but he's especially more gentle after hearing your past.
The man is literally a walking green flag, I don't know what else to tell you!
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starwikia · 4 months
suicide cw
look i have been in this area before mentally. it sucks and i wouldn’t wish this on anyone. but, and this is going to sound callous, but i don’t feel any sympathy for james somerton. even if i hope he’s like. not dead. But thats all the amount of goodwill im willing to give him. The more i think about this really, the more angry i am. 
ngl this entire situation is another example of how white people weaponize their mental illness to avoid consequences. Im seeing it in real time.
this man has a continuous habit of using self-harm as a get-out-of-jail-for-free card. in both of his apologies, he has worded his supposed attempts in ways that were clearly meant to guilt people who displayed his plagiarism and overall horrendous history of racism and misogyny. i say supposed because, while i’m not saying those are lies and this would he such a fucked up thing to lie about that i don’t want to think he has, unfortunately, it’s been proven again and again that his word can’t be trusted, as he’s known to lie to try get out of consequences. Hes a proven liar. him lying about this is actually the best case scenario, because no one should go through this entire situation, wouldnt wish this on anyone, but you can only do this so often before people stop sympathizing with you. is this callous? Yeah, but like. I’m actually fucking angry he cant straight up take no as an answer. that this is how he reacts realizing he cant be one of the Cool Kidz™️ on youtube anymore. he acts like he DESERVES a career, like its not a privilege hes lost due to his own actions.
He lied about apologizing and forgiving people, he lied about giving the money to hbomberguy to give to ppl he ripped off (yknow, instead of doing it himself), he lied about the jessie gender situation and rewrote the narrative to make it so he isnt the bad guy, and hes the victim all along actually!
you can’t tell me that supposed last message of his isn’t meant to be a 13 reasons why esq attempt to deflect the blame “look i’m going to kill myself and it’s all YOUR PEOPLES FAULT for not letting me achieve my DREAM of being filmmaker IN PEACE!!! I just wanted Nick’s (the guy who I have thrown under the bus again and again) portfolio up!! Im just being a good friend dont you all FEEL BAD” he refuses to take ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of any of his actions and he IS STILL trying to shove the blame over to other people again.
it’s also pretty ironic people are like “uhhh well hbomber’s fans harassed him!!!” like hbomber outright told people NOT to HARASS JAMES!!! ALSO acting as if james doesn’t have a very real documented history of STRAIGHT UP sending his fans to harass and threaten smaller creators, more notably women, trans, and bipoc creators. especially after he’s stolen typically very personal anecdotes so he could profit from them. so why can he do it but the second people are like “hey this guys an actual piece of shit.” and he can’t handle it suddenly people are trying to white knight his shit? like no he doesn’t get that. he doesn’t get that at all just because he couldn’t handle the consequences of his actions. 
what? were supposed to stay quiet about a man profiting off of other minorities because he wanted to be the spokesman for all gay people? people tried to solve this on a smaller, more private scales for YEARS and he kept doing it. it was clear that the giant public video was the ONLY way to get people to notice. HE WOULDVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH STEALING 87 FUCKING THOUSANDS WORTH OF DOLLARS. HE CANT HANDLE THE FACT HE CANT GET AWAY WITH IT. 
am i supposed to feel bad for the guy who basically threatened a trans woman with the police? i don’t care what anyone says, it’s so fucking obvious that he threatened jessie by implying he was getting the police involved in their conflict. what am i supposed to act like that didn’t happen? are we supposed to pretend like he didn’t glorify nazi’s and outright said that gay people made up a good chunk of the nazis? That he didnt say america joined ww2 bc they were jealous of the NAZIS. WHAT WOULD POSSESS YOU TO FUCKING SAY THAT. but then? He gives women (not even women most of the time, he misgenders nonbinary ppl constantly) shit for writing mlm. are we supposed to act like he doesn’t straight-up sees himself superior and better than people of color and steals their works to put himself on a pedestal? Are we supposed to act like he didnt spit on our elders by saying “only the boring gays survived aids” like man! Fuck you! He BLANTANTLY MAKES UP HISTORY TO PUT HIMSELF ON A PEDESTAL!! HE ACTIVELY TRIED TO REWRITE LGBT HISTORY TO SUIT HIS FUCKED UP NARRATIVES!
yes this sucks ! no one deserves this but no one should be making him a martyr. Thats what he fucking WANTS! He wants to be immortalized as a victim!! (again, supposedly, it was reported hes alive but its not confirmed).
The shit he got isnt near the amount of fucking callous behavior hes done again and again. Again, to drill this point, EVEN IF HE DIDNT CALL THE POLICE HE THREATENED A TRANS WOMAN INTO THINKING HE DID!!! The fact he tried to use a head injury to justify years of the outright ghoulish shit fucking astounds me. Why the fuck did anyone in his life thought it was a good idea to let him TRY to come back. in the end, he had options. he didn’t need to try to make a comeback. HE DIDNT NEED TO FUCKING LIE OR IGNORE THE SHIT HE WAS CALLED OUT ON the reality is, he wanted to come back thinking he could shove it under the rug, was told that no dude, you’re not allowed to be a youtuber anymore. you’re done. you need to move on and went full nuclear. it’s not on anyone’s hands but his own. HES BEEN DOING THIS TO HIMSELF!! But nah man we cant call his shit out bc hell may or may not kill himself. Fuck the other minorities who have the same issues but worse and sometimes BECAUSE of him. This is going to SUCKKKK so bad when other ppl, specifically white gays, are going to weaponize this shit to get away with their stuff.
#warning: do not read this post if you want me to be nice to james somerton. i am extremely mean in this post.#before anyone accuses me of shit i legit never contacted him myself or anyone involved. i am someone who witnessed this behavior repeatedly#again. i hope hes alive and well. the fact is him lying about this WOULD BE THE IDEAL SITUATION. BC NO ONE SHOULD GO THROUGH THAT. but.#he HAS to forever be the victim in his eyes. attempting doesnt automatically mean youre free of sin.#its just terrible to see that regardless whether or not he did do it#its very clear his attempts to run away from his consequences are working on some people#we need to acknowledge that if your shitty ex friend can weaponize a threat to kill themselves#so can this internet person after being called out for horrendous shit#like what was the alterative? what were people supposed to fucking do? be nice about it?#yeah as if poc and trans women arent historically given shit for being 'too mean' about wanting justice.#this isnt just the plagiarism this is the fact a white dude has been parading himself as THE speaker for the gays(tm) but has been using hi#gayness to shield himself from his misogyny racism transphobia and antisemitism#its very clear regardless this means that ppl r going to side with him and then give him benefit of doubt#if you cant handle the heat stay out of the fucking kitchen dude. this is the consequences of your fucking actions.#hes a disgusting person who cant handle being told no so hes going to drag everyone down with him#like. idk this entire situation is frustrating to me.#its also frustrating ppl trying to be moral abt it like 'see! i knew this was bad all along!' no you didnt. shut it.#for the record im like mainly talking abt twit watching those spineless uwu cutesy ppl basically saying hes done noting wrong#oh and also alt righters who are clearly weaponinizing this where u know they wouldnt give a shit if a right ytber did this.#james somerton#idk might delete this later its just. ugh...
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zirobitches · 8 months
One Piece: Soulmate AU
Always in this twilight - Crocodile x GN!Reader
Summary: Soulmates are incapable of hurting each other. As a pirate, this leads to some tragic moments midst battles. You thought you were prepared for when it might happen to you, but damn you were wrong.
Gn! Reader, Angst no comfort, no beta we die like Roger, Reader is Croc's First Mate and a former Roger pirate (Shanks/Buggy's age) but it doesnt really matter, also former slave background, congrats you are now in the place of my self insert OC, no promises on not being cringe this is literally a /reader fic, also had to make a fake crew bc we dont know enough crocs backstory HAND IT OVER ODA
Word count: 4500+
Also first fic on tumblr, idk what im doing here, lmk ur opinions. It is now 2:03am and i have class at 10:30. Might have to skip lmao
EDITS: grammar check lol. also cross posted it on ao3 - same name as my blog
Soulmates weren't as common as you'd might assume when you first hear about it. There's an easy way to prove someone is your soulmate, but when that method is to harm them, well, it doesn't make it easy to find that person. And society gets a bit weird when you know your soulmate is out there.
you've known that some people carry around little needles to poke into strangers hoping to find the one. But that was in decent society; among pirates you more often heard tales of bullets suddenly dropping to the ground after they hit their target, or swords stopping on someone's skin as though it just hit steel. A battlefield is a hell of a place to meet the person fate had decided for you, but for pirates it had become a norm.
Not that long ago, some genius named Vegapunk did a study on how many people meet their soulmate - 1 in a 100. And that's just how many people find them. It never accounts for how many actually happily end up together. You had chosen to live your life as a pirate, so a happy ending with your supposed soulmate wasn't something you foresaw in your future.
You were always grateful most of your current crew felt the same. There was a small group among pirates that were always on the lookout to find their soulmate and then immediately retire. Your crew however like to joke that if they found them in battle, they would move out of the way so someone else could finish them off. It was a grim reality, but it was your reality.
However, on nights like these where you drank the night away, some romantic always had to bring it up.
"C'mon, did old Roger really make you so cold hearted that you don't believe in true love?"
"Pfft, you're fucking joking right?" You scoffed back. You always argued with Tink about this, but you understood your young navigator still had hope. Too bad you were the pessimist of the crew.
"It's not that I don't believe in true love," you continued. "Soulmates are real, I don't really see another explanation for not being able to harm only one other person in the world. But why limit yourself to waiting for a person you might never meet? So many are denying themselves to fall in love with someone else and then end up dying alone because they never found their soulmate."
Tink pouted in front of you. This was a tired conversation, one that was repeated every few weeks much to the chagrin of your other crewmates. But a controversial topic was always a great topic for a group such as yourselves.
"I'm not denying myself the chance to fall in love! I'm denying ever feeling heartbroken over someone who doesn't matter!" Tink tried to argue back, but you just groaned in response.
"And if you never meet the one? You'll just live and die without ever letting yourself even get a taste of what it is you're chasing." Tink glared, knowing it was futile to keep going, but the pink of her cheeks told you that the grog in her system was trying to get her to keep fighting.
It was then that a familiar tall figure caught your eye. There was your beloved captain Crocodile, trying to sneak behind everyone's back to grab another bottle for himself.
Crocodile was never much one for festivities, at least not one 'undeserved' as he might put it. While there was no battle won to celebrate, the night sky was clear and the waters calm; in the Grand Line, shouldn't that be enough to be happy about?
However tonight you weren't going to let him sneak booze and hide from the crew.
"Cap'n!" Apparently the grog was getting to you as well. "Come over here and help me crush Tink's dream of a soulmate!" You laughed as Tink gasped at your audacity. The rest of your company seemed more or less happy with how the night was going, but your captain was still less than enthused to join.
"If this is the same soulmate debate you've been going on about for the past 3 years, I will pass again. You already know my feelings on the matter." Crocodile's deep voice reverberated across the deck of the ship. Even if he wasn't giving orders, he still commanded the attention of everyone within earshot.
He gave a long drag of the bottle in his hand, and then turned to walk away. However you felt it was your duty as first mate to pester your captain into spending casual time with his crew.
"I may know your opinion, but would you be so kind and gracious to remind the rest of the crew? Perhaps?" You called out to the dark coat trying to run from the party, and saw him pause, then turn to walk back.
You could see some of the newer additions to the crew cower. You didn't blame them, Crocodile was an imposing figure, and was developing a infamous reputation as a pirate on the Grand Line. But he was your captain, and he would never hurt his crew, this you knew.
"If I ever met my soulmate," Crocodile began, "I assume it would be when I attempt to kill them." He took another sip from his bottle. This was one of the rare moments he was not puffing a cigar you suddenly realize. It made his face look younger, as though he was actually a man in his 20s as he claimed he was.
As though he knew you were thinking of him, Crocodile made eye contact with you. "When I realize I can't kill them, I'll call out for you." You felt your heart skip a beat. "Then you can finish them for me."
It was purely the grog's fault for making your face warm. The lack of a sea breeze was also suddenly apparent. But you couldn't be flustered, not when you were the one who asked for this answer.
You smiled, doing your best to brush off the tension. You were still maintaining eye contact with him after all. "Well there you have it. Not exactly the opinion I remember, but I hope I can live up to your expectations, Cap'n."
Crocodile nodded, then told you all to start to sober up or get to bed. "I don't need a crew of drunks on the Grand Line, or else we will never make it to the New World."
Your crew began to disperse and you went below deck to your cabin. You really hadn't had much to drink that night, yet your chest felt tight.
You thought you had learned your lesson, but no. Even after promising yourself you wouldn't, you became attached to your crew. Even after your last one fell apart. Even after you watched your first captain, your savior, be executed, you fucked up and dove straight into a different crew expecting it to be different.
You laid down in your bed, staring at the ceiling, the world slightly spinning. Suddenly all you can think about is when you met Croc.
It was little more than 3 years ago now, wasn't it? A whole 3 years since Roger died. The weight is still heavy in your chest, but not nearly as devastating as it was in Logue Town that day. You were a wreck, physically and emotionally.
After watching the execution, you were too heartbroken to join the others in pursuit of the One Piece. Your world has just officially ended, the crew was technically already disbanded, but now there was no hope of getting it back.
You ended up in some local bar. No one recognized you, and in the haze of all the excitement following Roger's death, why would they? You had just been some nobody apprentice who happened to stick on his ship after Roger saved your life.
But your sorrow did catch someone's eye.
You sat at the counter of this dive bar in Logue Town, mindlessly stirring whatever number drink sat in front of you now. You had run out of tears, and sat stuck in some frozen state of grief.
However, this sad portrait of yourself did not seem to deter someone from sitting next to you.
You paid them no mind, just staring into empty space, not enough energy to even remember you were still alive.
"You were a member of the Pirate King's crew weren't you?"
A deep voice rattled from the stranger, but it was his words that really caught your attention.
"How'd you figure?" You had paused your stirring at first, but now focused on your drink to avoid eye contact. You were a mess, you could feel your puffy eyes, and were still sniffling every so often.
"There's no reason anyone in this town should be sad that someone like him died. So, you must have known him, right?" The deep voice continued, and you could feel their eyes staring, but didn't have the strength to meet them.
"Well, you caught me. Going to take me in and see if you can get a reward? I'm afraid you won't find any posters of me though. I tended to get lost in the crowd, you could say." After that statement you finally grasped the glass in front of you and decided to knock back what was left. If this was the end of your little pirating career, so be it. It can die with Roger.
"Will you join my crew?"
Your head snapped up at that, and you finally looked up at the stranger.
Long black hair was slicked back to show all the sharp features of the man's face. A strong square jaw, a prominent, perfect nose, and pale, piercing eyes, hooded by thin black eyebrows. Undoubtedly, even in your drunken haze, you were sure sober you would agree the man was handsome.
After a moment to take in this stranger all you could manage was a "Excuse me?"
He smiled - no, smirked - and pulled a cigar out from his coat. "I could use someone with your experience on my crew." He carried on, as if you were discussing the weather outside. He lit the cigar with a lighter you hadn't noticed him pull out. Perhaps it was the booze, but looking at this guy, he almost seemed… fuzzy, around the edges.
"Having someone who once worked for the Pirate King should help me become the next Pirate King."
The stranger took a long drag from his cigar, then exhaled over the counter. You didn't know where the barkeep was now, but at the moment, it felt like you and him were the only people in the building.
You should be mad. Enraged at the audacity of someone to come up to you on the worst day of your life, and to ask you to work for them. But you felt nothing.
No. That wasn't right. You did feel something.
You chuckled. Giggled even. A small laugh that built up till you were laughing, nearly hysterically. You hadn't felt like this sort of light headed elation in a long time, and it was nice.
After taking a moment to catch your breath you finally looked back at the stranger. He didn't look upset at your reaction. He just kept smoking his cigar, waiting for an answer.
"I'm afraid I didn't catch your name."
"I am Sir Crocodile, captain of the Neverland Pirates."
"Hmmm. Well, Sir Crocodile, I can tell you now that you have no chance of being Pirate King." You smirked back at him, propping your head up on your hand as you leaned against the counter.
This response still didn't bother the man. If anything, you swore he almost seemed… satisfied by your answer. Perhaps he knows what's coming next.
"I can help you out on the Grand Line and maybe help you get to the New World, but I promise," you leaned in towards this captain, staring him down. "You will never be the man Roger was. No one will."
Yet Crocodile was unperturbed.
"So you'll join my crew?"
You leaned back and reassessed your empty glass. You cast a quick glance at the bar and then back at the other pirate.
"Sure. I don't have anything better to do anyways."
You thought back in Logue Town you could never feel the same way about Crocodile's crew that you felt with Roger's, but you were always the fool. Now you are attached.
Now you need a reason to leave.
You couldn't waste your time or your heart with them. You had already died once with Roger, and if you stayed any longer you know you could never leave alive. You got up from bed - still plenty tipsy you swayed over - to your dresser.
Middle drawer, back left, underneath some no longer worn t-shirts was a small box. You opened it.
There were several small scraps of paper. Vivre cards.
As a child on Roger's boat, you were ecstatic to learn about vivre cards. A simple way to know the people you loved were alive and safe, and be able to find their exact location? It was too good to be true.
When you remember the feeling of Roger's paper burning in your hands at his execution, you knew the reality of vivre cards.
Your fingertips gently sorted through the papers you had made for some of Roger's crew. Each had a tiny name written in a corner. Shanks, Buggy, Ray, Gaban, Oden, and a few others of people who had been most important to you.
Maybe you could leave this crew and seek out the others. Rayleigh had always said he would retire at Sabaody, and your crew was bound to get there soon, hopefully in a couple months. The ache in your chest; you missed your old family. This could be the excuse you needed.
With a heavy sigh you closed the box and hid it away again. Sleeping on it would be good. Sleeping away the booze would also be nice.
Maybe then the tears would stop silently slipping down your face.
It turns out the excuse of seeing your old crew was unneeded. The news coo was kind enough to drop a reason to leave directly in your lap.
You stared at the newspaper for a long moment. The sinking feeling in your gut still did not go away.
You walked up to the bow where Crocodile was standing. He stared at the horizon as you approached the next island, Water 7.
Crocodile turned to look at you, face neutral, signature cigar in his mouth.
"Morning. The news any good?"
"They want to make you a Warlord."
Your own feelings were swept under the rug as your crewmates overheard. Instantly the deck was buzzing, the news spreading and making the once sleepy, slightly hungover crew come back to life.
"This is perfect!" The helmsman Diat yelled, a grin wide on his face. "Not only do we get the Marines off our back, it's recognition that we are some of the strongest pirates on the Grand Line!"
You would have laughed at him if not for the ice in your chest. Similar celebratory remarks were made all around you, but you didn't have the strength to pretend this was good news to you.
All you could feel was an icy feeling on your back, right where you had a large scar that tore up a long faded tattoo. But time could not get rid of the mark you could never forget about, no matter how much you wanted to.
Amid the spontaneous party you finally turned back to Crocodile. Amidst it all, he was still only looking at you.
Your words were quiet compared to the raucous around you, but your captain heard you just fine.
"If you become a Warlord I'm leaving the crew."
A couple of nearby crew gasped, heads whipped in your direction and murmurs quickly took place of all the yells.
Instantly protests, people yelling your name, yelling their arguments, but it all fell on deaf ears as you stared down your captain.
Tink of all people knew it was futile to argue with you, and turned to the man of the hour. "Captain! You can't just let your first mate leave!"
Before she could continue, Crocodile interjected. "You never planned on making me King of the Pirates, right? So you never planned on staying on this ship anyways."
This evoked even more protests from the crowd. Many of them weren't sure what you two were talking about, and some had begun to yell again.
The sounds were starting to be overwhelming, and this was not a conversation that required the whole crew anyways.
"That's enough from everyone!" You yelled over the cacophony. The crew went quiet. "This is a conversation for me and the captain, the rest of you need to beat it! Do something useful, we will make a port soon."
The crowd was not placated in the least, but it was true the ship would be docked soon, and there were things that needed to be prepared beforehand.
"You heard them. Get back to work." Crocodile finished your command, and the crowd dispersed. You knew they would still be listening, but it didn't stop you.
"I refuse to be part of a crew that works alongside the Marines. If you become a Warlord you automatically become their dog - then you may as well be a dog of the celestial dragons." Your tongue burned even at the mention of the world nobles.
Crocodile took a long drag of his cigar. He looked away from you and sighed an exhale of smoke, then dragged his line of sight back to you.
"I haven't decided yet."
You bristled at this. "Are you suggesting they already offered this to you? And I had to find out through a newspaper?"
Crocodile took yet another drag, and you lost your patience with his nicotine addiction. "Answer me Crocodile."
Your captain sighed through his nose this time, some of the smoke reaching you, a familiar smell after all these years. It once may have been a nice fragrance, knowing your captain was near, but now it blinded you and stoked your anger.
"We are almost to Water 7. Let's save it for there."
Tensions were high, especially between you and Crocodile, when your mood worsened when he disappeared while you oversaw the docking. But you docked. You got the crew into a hotel. During this time the crew began splitting into sides, which was not something you had anticipated. But you ignored it all until finally, Crocodile returned and you cornered him into in a room alone with you.
He had no cigar, and you had no drink in hand. It was a painfully sober room.
Crocodile sighed and slumped into an armchair. He dragged his eyes across the room till they met yours. You refused to look away this time, jaw set with determination to stand your ground.
"I don't want to be the Marine's dog," Croc began. "But they offered me a deal."
"The deal that our crimes are excused? Big whoop, as long as we don't get caught it's almost the same."
"No," he sighed, a large ring covered hand dragging down his face in exasperation. "A deal to help take down Whitebeard."
That got you silent. For a moment, as you recalled every time you saw Roger and Whitebeard exchange blows and fight for days on end.
"You? Take down Whitebeard?" You laughed, but it was a dry and bitter thing. "Your bounty is $81 million berries. Your devil fruit is great and all, but it is by no means fight and beat Whitebeard good. Even if Newgate was without his crew, our entire crew would be wiped off the map. You've lost it if you truly believe that this is achieveable."
Crocodile glared from across the room. Not his usual, perpetual glare, but a genuine, freeze you in your tracks ice cold glare.
He stood up, all 8 feet imposing over you as he stalked across the room. "I have let you say plenty of cruel things to me, but this may cross the line."
But you were his first mate and you couldn't fear him if you were supposed to talk sense into him. "Cross the line? I'm not the one who is making deals with the Navy so I can sail us to our deaths at the hands of Whitebeard!" You were yelling now, no, roaring at your foolish headstrong captain.
"If you take that ship and that crew as it is now to the New World to fight Whitebeard and his sons, no one will come back alive!" Your heart was on fire with rage and frozen in fear. Rage at your captain, who is very much overestimating his abilities. Fear for your crewmates who have no idea what sort of danger their captain was going to put them in.
Crocodile was now truly enraged on the same level as you. He sneered down at you as he suddenly grabbed you by the neck - much to your shock. "I wanted you there to see me become the next Pirate King. But if you can't support me for this, one of the biggest moments in my life since I've been a pirate, then I have no need for you anymore."
With his free hand he opened the door that was behind you. A group of Marines walked in with cuffs ready. "To sweeten the deal, what better than to give a former Roger pirate to the Navy?"
You felt all the blood drain from your face, as fear for your own well being finally pierced your heart. You looked up at Crocodile, and you could feel tears begin to creep at the corner of your eyes. "You never fail to surprise me, Captain."
"Well done Sir Crocodile." One of the Marines spoke, and you could tell from their uniform it was a Vice Admiral, though you didn't recognize them.
"A public execution of a Roger's pirate should be a grand way to ring in your instatement as Warlord."
You felt the world slow down around you and felt Crocodile's grip on your neck slip at the Marine's sentencing.
Crocodile began to speak, "That was not what we agreed on," But your ears had begun to ring.
Growing up on the Oro Jackson, you had picked up some neat tricks. You found out you were hopeless with the color of observation haki, but had a special knack for color of arms. Perfect against those darn logia fruit users.
In a blink of an eye you ripped Crocodile's arm away from your neck and you made a mad dash past him. And jumped straight through a window, glass and all.
You could vaguely hear a commotion behind you as Marines ran after you, but it was lost with the ringing in your ears.
You could hear and feel your heartbeat, pounding throughout your body as you ran through the endless alleys and canals of Water 7. You could feel tears pierce through the wind rushing past your face as you ran, desperately with no objective.
All you could think about was the way the heat of Crocodile's hand felt on your neck, the cold metal of the rings that had pressed against your pulse.
Have you ever really touched Crocodile before?
You missed him. You didn't understand why. He had just betrayed you - fucking hell, he was just handing you over to the Navy as part of his deal to become a warlord, but god. You wanted to be with him anyways. You're not sure how long you've been in love with him; his sharp eyes, the smell of his cigars, the rings on his hands, but gods above.
You had fallen in love with Crocodile.
In your realization you slowed down. Your legs and lungs burned, you were gasping for air and not just because you had been running.
Has it always been this dark? When did the day leave you behind?
You now stood in some nondescript alley, dimly lit a golden hue by windows that lined it. It was a long alley, each end blocked by canals. How you arrived there you weren't certain. But you weren't alone.
At one end sand had appeared. And from it stepped your dear, awful captain Crocodile. You both stared at each other, both of you panting for breath.
"I didn't want it to be like this." Crocodile's voice cuts through the air to you. You knew you should run. But for some reason you couldn't find the strength.
"I didn't know they would execute you. I imagined they would send you to Impel Down." Crocodile continued to speak. You just stood there and listened as he walked towards you.
As you watched him, there was a strange look on his face. You've seen it before but still didn't know what it meant.
He stopped walking ten feet in front of you. The light was still too dim to see him clearly, but it was fine. You knew his face well enough.
"I won't let the Navy kill you. Not after what the nobles did to you, it feels wrong." You had never told Crocodile what the scar on your back was. It didn't feel like it mattered anymore.
"I think I'll feel better about this if I'm the one who kills you."
You knew this was coming. The second you saw him at the end of the alley. But you agreed with him. If you had to die at someone's hands, you would pick Crocodile over anyone else. Even if it meant he didn't feel the same about you, it didn't matter anymore. You were so tired.
It would be nice to see Roger again.
But then Rayleigh's face flashed in your mind. You still had to pay him a visit. You still had to visit Wano to see Oden. You wanted to see Shanks and Buggy find the One Piece.
You couldn't see Roger just yet.
So, in a sudden scramble, you turned around and ran.
The ground where you had been standing suddenly crumbled. You felt a gasp finally escape your lungs as you realized you almost gave up. But not yet. You had to save your crew too.
Then you finally ran out of luck. The dim light hid a hole in the cobblestones and you fell to the alley ground. You quickly twisted your body just in time to see Crocodile's scythe of sand arc straight towards you.
It hits you right in the chest, and crumbles to dust.
Confused, you run your hands through the sand that has landed on your lap. You're not cut in half - instead you just have sand all over you.
Crocodile change his mind? He was letting you go? Thoughts and heart still racing, you looked up at him.
Oh no.
The horror on his face was plain to see - that was supposed to be a killing blow.
But he didn't hurt you.
Your hand jumped to your neck from when he grabbed you earlier. But in retrospect, you had just been shocked by the action, he hadn't harmed you.
Crocodile didn't hurt you.
Crocodile couldn't hurt you.
Because he was your soulmate.
It was the look on his face that hurt you the most. The disgust, anger, horror - this man did not want a soulmate. He did not want you. So why bother sticking around?
You scrambled back to your feet. Even if he couldn't hurt you, the Marines still could.
So, with blurry eyes and a heavy heart, you ran away.
Faintly, you heard a painfully familiar voice call your name, but then all that was left was the wind as you ran.
pt. 2 (if you want, but this might be better as a one shot)
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jounosparticles · 4 months
this feels really odd to ask but but what do you think the hunting dogs' thoughts are about death? specifically if they die and how? cause I feel like all of them share a variation of "I will go down guns blazing and with glory"
fukuchi definitely feels it and I feel like jouno as well. they've both had rough and violent lives so I feel like they've always thought death was just right around the corner.
I don't know about the rest of them though. teruko I feel shares the thought but not as intense as the other two, and I dont know about tecchou and tachihara.
anyway. it's a neat thought to me :3
ohhh i’ve been thinking of the best way to answer this for DAYS. this analysis will be long so ill put it under a readmore.
the hunting dogs and death - analysis
overall, it is shown that they can die. i assume due to their abilities and bodily enhancements that they do not die of injuries very easily. it makes me wonder how disease hits them? partially mechanical bodies may not respond to illness as well as natural bodies would? or maybe the opposite and they can heal more so internally? anyways here's my thoughts on how each hunting dog perceives dying!!
i see fukuchi as fairly self-preserving up until the end. he can't die in battle because he needs to make sure the decay of angels plot carries out.
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remember that he was warned of this at nine years old. he had to spend his life preparing for this. he likely grew very wary of living recklessly and became great at fighting very fast and young; i assume that's why he went through dojos to fight as a child.
under no circumstances could he die until the world was safe.
i imagine he put on a selfless face and was willing to take serious harm in order to protect the peace, but i highly doubt he was ever willing to sacrifice his life until his plan worked out.
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here we see his thought process and how things need to fall into place. his participation was essential because in no other situation would fukuzawa be the one able to get access to the one order. if fukuchi had died beforehand, the war would play out as the amenogozen warning claimed.
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he had to leave the world to fukuzawa, the man he could trust most before facing his own demise.
of course, at this point in the series he has been killed since that was the final goal of his plan. a noble death for a fantastic hero.
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im actually a little conflicted on his perception of death. i believe jouno is willing to sacrifice his life if absolutely necessary but is probably more self-preserving than the others. i believe he likely uses his confident and slightly arrogant attitude to hide this self-preserving mindset. someone who comes off as intimidating or nonchalant during battle is more likely to throw off the enemy whereas appearing nervous or angry will make them seem vulnerable. i believe jouno also sees himself as very strategic and able to get out of situations easily if needed. he's a quick thinker from what we've seen thus far.
lets look at when he confronted fukuchi.
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he starts off very confidently accepting the offer. we know this is a facade but him immediately trying to throw fukuchi off guard seems so show he's pretty confident in his next move.
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but when this doesn't work, he immediately tries to flee. this is fairly unique for a fight in bsd, many characters will often fight until they either get what they wish or they're too injured to move. despite jouno having an ability that could dodge fukuchi's, he still chose to try and escape instead of continuing to fight. this is a very normal human reaction to have but not one you see as often.
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and at a disturbance, he begins to panic and needs to ground himself by reassuring himself instead of fighting back. he's not willing to put his life on the line to stop a global terrorism and his own escape is seen as a victory, which i see as him being more self-preserving. this all took place before the sword was set on fire, so it wasn't as if he had that threat to escape yet.
however, there's a chance he just didn't know how to fight the amenogozen; but his ability was definitely one of the best to fight against fukuchi with.
still, he's smart and made sure to plan adequately in case he was injured in the battle against fukuchi. he wants to keep himself safe, but he's still smart enough to take precaution.
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i think jouno has probably been through a lot in his life and wants to spend a while living happily, making him more afraid to die than the others. this is even shown when he took teruko being angry as a threat while fukuchi laughed over it.
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(as a small note, fukuchi's line in the anime was "haha. it seems our gremlin is angry today" which makes more sense in this context).
so tldr i think jouno would only go down if absolutely necessary and otherwise is fairly self-prioritizing.
i believe tecchou would sacrifice himself if it brings justice.
however, he seems to see himself as one responsible for judgement, so i imagine he gives every single fight his all.
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regardless of him acting as judgement, it's been shown that tecchou is willing to die if he fails at his work.
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here he promises that if he were to fail he would commit seppuku (killing oneself via slicing through your stomach--an honourable death for a samurai fighter (which lines up with irl tetchou coming from samurai lineage)), which is an incredibly agonizing way to die. regardless, he is fully willing to do it if it is for peace. this shows a confidence in death and commitment to his sense of justice to an extreme manner.
and when he found himself in a situation where he was in the wrong, he immediately admitted defeat and asked his opponent to kill him.
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he admits defeat, says his wrongs and is willing to accept the consequences.
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he even jumps to the harsh conclusion that he isn't worthy of his title as a hunting dog. the stark white in his eyes show that his mind isn't corrupted and that he is doing what he believes is proper justice. incredibly noble.
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luckily he was spared-and likely learned a lot about justice not always being as black and white as things appear.
overall, tecchou is a very noble fighter and is willing to put his life on the line for justice. he doesn't seem to fear death and will embrace it if he feels it is earned or deserved.
i have less to say about tachihara than the others. i see him as the type that will go down over what's right and that's shown during his fight with fukuchi.
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he isn't willing to fear death or beg for forgiveness. he will go down if it is worthy.
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we also see that he keeps a argumentative spirit towards the enemy despite the circumstances. he will put down his opponent even in the moment of death, he just has the confidence to.
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this panel also shows that he's more willing to die than to be defeated. he doesn't want to harm anyone and be controlled so he tries to kill himself first.
overall, he's a strong fighter who isn't afraid to sacrifice his life for what he believes in. his orders make him who he is, and if the orders are to win he either will or he will die trying.
(of course that last part doesn't really count when he was posing as a mafioso because he couldn't blow his cover by easily surviving everything).
much like tachihara, teruko seems to be very willing to put herself on the line to keep people safe. this is shown almost immediately in her introduction.
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if ordered, she is willing to die. she's incredibly dedicated to her job and would go down if it saves people.
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she's willing to go to drastic measures to keep herself alive as well, destroying her eardrum and continuing to try and fight sigma despite being under the directed resonance guns (which were made to destroy people like her). she didn't run, and she did absolutely everything she could have done in order to win.
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she seems to also pride herself in fighting and being hurt in battle, likely to show her resilience and ability to do whatever it takes if it saves people.
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she even goes on to call the hunting dogs "society's servants" and refers to the enhancement surgeries as "searing order into their own bodies."
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this immense dedication makes me strongly believe that she would have no problem sacrificing herself if it is for the best. she killed fukuchi despite really caring for him, so i can see her being willing to put herself into that situation as well.
tysm for the question!!!!! this was super fun to read through the scenes again and try to piece together a logical guess on them all.
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dajo42 · 4 months
long post about substance abuse and addiction
the thing about me is i was dependent on alcohol for a few years and refused to admit it to myself forever until one morning when something clicked and i stopped but for the past three years its been... difficult. like. i still have dreams where im drinking but justifying it to myself like "this one doesnt count". i hate them
but im sober!!! and thats amazing of me
the other thing about me is i was also smoking whenever i could for a few years but also stopped doing that because i recognised it was another unhealthy dependency and... yeah the dreams happen with that too. the buying a pack of cigarettes and being like well these dont count these are a treat or whatever
but i still dont!! and thats also good!!!!
a third thing about me is for a while i was reliant on self harm to process feelings and i stopped that over a decade ago now!!!! thats so amazing of me
the most important thing about me for the sake of this post is that throughout uni i also developed an addiction to painkillers and would take numerous different kinds in dosages way above the recommended numerous times a day and it took a life changing conversation with a best friend in a train station for me to realise how unhealthy it was and how it was affecting people who cared about me to see me basically destroying myself like that
and thats
still ongoing!! i havent drank i havent smoked but i have at numerous points relapsed into full painkiller addiction and it fucks me up and my family still think i went to the hospital for food poisoning this time in 2022 but in reality i had been regularly near fatally overdosing for weeks
and its not like i can cut them out entirely because. they are prescribed to me for chronic pain. like. theres this painful line between taking the right amount to function and... feeling like i have to take more because i cant function without them. its like having an addiction to fucking.... water. i need it to live but its so often hard to tell if thats a real thought or if i think i need way more than i actually do in order to live and i fucking drown because the metaphor is about water
and right now i feel like im on the edge of relapsing again!! recognisable feelings and behaviours are creeping in!! and i dont want that!!!!!!
so im just posting about it on the internet i guess? to get the thoughts out of my head? to vent? to hold myself accountabld by screaming into the void? to ask for advice or reassurance? for somebody to tell me gently but firmly not to take more meds than i should. i took my normal dosage today. taking more would be bad and i recognise that but. i dont know. i dont know if i can trust myself not to tonight without being directly told not to by somebody who cares
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sporesgalaxy · 5 months
I know this is something u were probably asked before but as the guy that has a good relationship with art....how do you do that??? I mean I get that this question is vague but how do you not care if it looks bad? Do you just?? Keep on going till it looks like you want it to look? Despite the agonies? You seem like you enjoy talking abt this thats why im asking, dont feel the need to answer if u dont wanna
hmmmm. You know, I don't think about the agonies much these days. But it's not that I don't care. I guess I've become a freak who sees beauty in the agonies, sorta? It's kind of complicated! I will do my best to explain!
First of all, I know that I have the unfair advantage of having no ambition. I don't have a goal for my art besides making art when I feel like it. That makes it easy to be less judgemental-- I remember having a rockier relationship to my own art during the time when I thought I would make it my career.
This is why I like talking about my perspective, though!! I think it's important to try not to let yourself be consumed by self-criticism as an artist, even if self-criticism is necessary for you, and hopefully my carefree way of looking at things can help balance things out haha.
Anyways, ambition or not-- and I know how this sounds but bear with me-- art doesn't ever look bad.
(Barring ethically harmful art, ugh, I don't want to get into ethics so just-- surely you know what I mean!!!)
Art gets a lot less stressful if you can tell yourself that no art is bad, and remember the reasoning behind that until you really believe it. It isn't a fast process, but it's very worth the work.
The truth is that art either looks how you want it to look, or it looks different from the way you want it to look, but both are ultimately neutral. You CAN make art that looks different from what you wanted, that you still feel pleased with.
When art looks different from how you wanted, the gut reaction you have is often to call it bad or get frustrated. And of course it's frustrating! Maybe you feel it's not as effective at communicating something as you'd hoped, or you feel it's not as visually impactful as you imagined...but it's important to remember those things are only your perception. Not an objective fact. And art is a two-way street! A communication between creator and observer! And communication is really weird and complicated.
Other people's perception of your work won't ever be exactly the same as yours. Sometimes this is desireable and sometimes it isn't! Maybe your art will communicate the thing better to someone than anything they've ever seen-- even if a more effective version could theoretically exist, the "imperfect" version that actually exists and communicates is all that matters to the observer. Or, maybe a feature that turned out exactly how you wanted it to will fly completely over an observer's head, and not have the effect you wanted at all. A lot of the time, you'll never even know.
An artist can NEVER fully control an observer's perspective, so at a certain point you have to live with what you have. You already do this, to some degree, if you have ever EVER decided to stop working on a piece of art and share it. You can always keep adding to something. You can always keep editing. But sometimes, you stop. And perfection doesn't exist, so when you stop it must be because the art is good enough for now. And nothing about "good enough" is objective!
And is that really so bad? Surely people who grow fruit understand that a fruit which is smaller than they imagined can still feed somebody-- that at the very least it will feed bugs and microorganisms and be useful as fertilizer to grow more apples. Your art still means something, still accomplishes something, is still worth making whether it turns out how you imagined or not.
A lot of art is learning when to quit and move on. As a habitual perfectionist, this was something I had to learn early, to stop myself from erasing holes into every piece of paper I drew on.
There's this rule I was taught in middle school drama class: if you fuck up, act like you didn't fuck up. The audience doesn't have your script memorized, so odds are they won't have any idea you fucked up unless you tell them. Other art works the same way. No one knows what you wanted to make but you. And more importantly, a "perfect" version of your art doesn't exist (no "perfect" version of anyone's art exists, or ever will).
The version you made exists, so you have to find what's worth loving about that version. You have found what's worth loving in the imperfect art of others many times. Many observers will treat your art the same way you treat others' art. Why not treat your own art that way, too?
It sounds really REALLY corny, but I try not to think of this as embracing "mistakes." I think of it as celebrating coincidences.
I really really like coincidences. I like that every circumstance wasn't guaranteed to happen, that everything comes down to chance. I think all the little random things are beautiful because they turned out however they did, and not any of the millions of other ways things might have turned out. It's a coincidence that my genes expressed the way they did. It's a coincidence that my parents met in college. It's a coincidence that my oldest friend and I both got to middle school early every day, and stayed close even when we didn't share any classes.
Art is full of coincidences! I try to draw a straight line. The line does not turn out straight, because of the way my hand is shaped and the way my muscles contracted, because my body is not exactly like anyone else's in the world. No one else would have drawn that slightly not-straight line just exactly how I did. It's mine, and it's crookedness is what makes my art mine. Okay, maybe it's a little too crooked for what I want this time-- I'll erase it and draw a new crooked line at a bit of a different angle. There we go, I like that! Now it's my beautiful, irreplaceable crooked line! And the ghost of its predecessor guides the eye just so, and no one else's two crooked lines would guide your eye the same way, only mine! Isn't that nice on its own? Just to have made something that can't ever be replicated? To have made something no one else has ever made before?
You can also apply this in a bit less dreamy and more practical ways, I promise haha.
For example...I've never been a canvas flipper, as a digital character artist. I don't mirror my canvases to see if they still look preportional to me from either direction. I also don't usually draw visual novel character sprites that need to look good mirrored in either direction to serve their function, so it's never been a practical concern of mine.
I consider many kinds of distortion on a character I've drawn to be a good part of the visual flow of the image. Like a smear frame in animation, distoriton in the right places can make character art look dynamic and energized because it can lead the eye through a certain visual flow over the form of the character. If I were to flip the canvas, that eye-leading effect might hit differently because my American eye is used to reading from left to right-- perhaps it doesn't feel as "smooth" going in the opposite direction. This doesn't mean I need to change the distortion necessarily, it just means I prefer not to flip the canvas.
Often, these distortions aren't intentional. They're a coincidence of how my muscles move as I draw, and the areas my left-to-right American eyeballs instinctively pay more attention to. But the effect is still desireable to me. So, happy coincidence!
I think...that's the best I've got for now? Feel free to ask for clarification. I hope it's not total nonsense!
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eclipse-rain · 1 year
Fwel Tsaheylu (Broken Bond) Part 4
Part 1 •Part 2 •Part 3
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Once when i was younger i had an accident.
I did something wrong.
What it was is hardly relevent now, insignificant as it was, but at the time it felt as if my small world was collapsing.
My eldest brother, the one i was the weakest to, ended up fixing the situation and my parents never found out it had ever taken place. But to this day my heart still races whenever someone questions how i got the faint scar on the palm of my hand.
As a child who accidentally cut my hand with a blade my first instinct should have been to cry, to ask for help, to tell my mom or dad.
My first instinct instead, was to hide.
To hide my problem. To hide my mistake, my imperfection.
We hide when we dont feel safe. When being seen was unsafe.
As a young uneducated child I somehow felt that sharing my authentic emotion was not going to be safe.
Authenticity and attachment are two equally important needs for a child but if they had to pick one or the other a child would most likely sacrifice authenticity to keep attachment.
This is because we need attachment from our caregivers as children for survival.
This is shown even in animals. Show any kind of weakness and you could be abandoned by your flock. Or in my case, my family and or clan, my safety net.
Mabey this is the cause for the way i distenced myself from anything my young self deemed wrong, unworthy.
My cause for distencing myself from anything human.
If i look back on my younger self now i would not be able to find compassion for the person i was or the situation i endured.
However, if i pictured my siblings being in any of the same circumstances that would be a diffrent story.
You could wonder what happened to a child to make them feel so unsafe to show their own emotions and yet the answer wouldnt be a simple one. Neither would the healing process.
I dont know why or what any of this means, ive never been good at or able to read my own emotions properly.
But i had always been told in my clan that i had a certain air about me.
At first i thought this was because the other na'vi people in the clan thought i was more human like than na'vi, like how they thought of my twin brother. This thought was soon pushed away however because of how i would hear my grandmother often say the same thing about me to my mother and father.
I knew it ment something diffrent then because my grandmother would never say anything harmful about me, much less to my father who was once human before becoming one of the people and Toruk Macto.
Than again, this realization didnt help in figuring out what they had ment otherwise at all. I could only guess, only assume, but never confirm and i would not be one to ask.
I would not be a bother, i would not be a burden, i would not be unworthy of my parents love.
However when i landed on that warm silky sand. The sand of the metkayina clans bay where they dwelled i finally figured out what my previous clan members and grandmother had ment.
My family had gone ahead of me to the place the metkayina clan dwelled.
We had been forced to fly in last nights storm as we were only a little ways off from where the metkayina clan stayed and father wanted us to power through one last time. During this one of Tuks posessions had been blown away and in my haste i had promised her i would look for it after the storm had passed in an attempt to calm down the destraught child.
I was now flying solo on the calm warm wind currents beyond the reef trying to find the thing that i knew i had no chance of actually finding.
My father had reassured me before hand that we would find safety and a place to rest with the Metkayina people so that i would not need to fear being separated from them even if we did not arrive together.
I had the coordinates, the directions, the knowledge and the talent to handle myself. My mother had been worried and tried to do it herself or have Neteyam go instead but even she knew that at this stage everyone was exhausted from the extensive journey.
One we had never done before and hoped would never have to again. This was something my father was trying to reassure us of by finding a place within the Metkayina clan.
My father knew i would be fine, he knew i was capable of handling myself. I just hoped i believed in myself as much as he did about this.
When you grow up the way i did, in the forest, constantly surrouded by danger, constantly needing to be alert, you develope certain instincts. Gut feelings and sharper sences. I could pride myself on these instincts, the ones i had, they kept me safe and out of danger.
It was something that was built into my body through time, through trial and error. Watching and learning, learning from my mistakes and bettering myself. I may not be as connected with the forest as Kiri but i sure as hell made it so i would know what was going on around me when i was in it. To not only further improve myself to gain my parents aproval and recognition but also to protect myself and my siblings.
This was one of the main reasons my father was so addament to send me. Also because of the whole insident that made us all have to flee our home in the first place. The incident where my siblings were captured by humans in avatar bodies, putting knives to their throats and even going so far as to kidnap Spider who was also human.
If i had been with them at that time i would have, for one, been in my right mind as to not do something stupid like that, which might be the reason they didnt have me come along with them. And i also would have known especially to not bring Tuk along while doing it. But also i would have been able to sence something was wrong, that someone was coming. Hear twigs snapping in an unnatural way, the sound of footsteps indicating how many people were headed our way.
How heavy they were, how tall they were, if they were trying to sneak up on us all or not and which direcrion they were coming from. I would be able to sence all these things. I had taught myself to, spending countless hours alone in the forest training myself while also practicing everything my mother had taught me and everything i had witnessed while observing others, which i had absorbed like a sponge.
My father might have been giving me a chance to prove myself to my mother like how my brothers yearned to prove themselves to him. Rather, to me, i didnt think it would do much but tire me out even more than i already was. And if i was unlucky enough i could even get stranded if my bond with my ikran started acting up again.
Having said that, we were only a little ways off from our destination so this had put my mind at ease about doing it. It seemed to calm my mothers mind as well, who seemed the least willing to let me part with them. It was also reassuring to her and, although i wouldnt admit it, to myself as well, that father had told me to catch up to them after a day and no later even if i had not found what i was sent looking for.
"Wow great idea, make a promise to your little sister to do something dumb when you both know you never break a promise" i said to myself out loud as there was now no one around to hear me.
Technically i never said i would find the thing, only look for it, but now i felt the need to find it before returning or it would nag at my conscience everytime i looked at tuks pouting face. As i knew she would be sulking about it for the next week at least and that wouldnt do after she was already sad enough having to leave her home.
The leather seat of my ikrans saddle burned into the sides of my legs from the extensive riding. I was sure that if i hadnt been wearing my riding pants that i would have had cuts lining my thighs from all the sharp turns i had to make in and around rock formations i had seen too late.
I definitely had burns from the leather because of all the jerking left and right of my ikran i had to do. I had been anxious the whole time we were riding, just waiting for my bond with my ikran to give out and for us both to go tumbling out of the sky together. My family would find out and- oh i couldnt even think about it any further.
But thankfully my ikran had held up and i got comfortable enough to have Tuk sit with me, to take her off my mothers hands, when i felt less anxious that we could possibly fall.
After a while of searching for Tuks posession i was lucky that i had found it and even more so that nothing bad had happened with my ikran or bond while i had been alone and separated from my family.
I had memorised the directions my father had explained and even written down for me and followed them to a tee. I soared over head flying lower to the sea than usual, trying not to give off a threatening posture as i arrived upon my destination.
I arrived in the early morning a day later than the rest of my family to the residence of the Metkayina clan. I saw many of the clans members working and doing chores around as i flew high above them.
They called out to me and i responded in as much of a friendly and non-threatening manner as i could in turn.
Even though my father had reassured me that the Metkayina clan would take them in the day before, i could not help but worry that they might have been turned away and i would have to go in search of them.
Although going in search of my family didnt seem very likely since i knew that even if they were turned away my father would have at least barginned with the Metkayina clans leaders for them to stay at least until i returned.
And when i did return if they could be so kind as to show hospitality until we were rested enough to continue our journey and move on to possibly the next nearest clan or whatever else father and mother had in mind.
When i finally landed on the bay of where the Metkayina clan dwelled i hopped off the back of my ikran onto the warm sand down below. It was an odd and new feeling but not one that was uplesant. What was really unpleasant was the way the people of the clan gathered around me immediately like a hawk to prey, looking at me like i was a meal.
We had learned all about the leaders of the Metkayina clan and how fierce they were before we departed, their Olo'eyktan Tonowari and especially their Tsahik Ronal. We had also learned about their children, the youngest Tsireya and the eldest and heir Ao'noung. This knowledge was deemed necessary for us to have by father if we were to ever make a good first impression or find our place in a diffrent clan.
When i felt their eyes roaming my body as if to look for any weakness they could find and exploit i did as i always would in these situations. I had observed many a time how my mother and father dealt with affairs and how they and other senior members of the clan showed their authority. But since i was suposed to keep a friendly attitude as my father had said i toned it down a bit, simply blocking out any and all ways i could appear weak to my new clan.
Shoulders down and back. Chin up. Hold your head high. Keeping your tail and ears stiff, dont let them twitch, dont move them. Dont fiddle or figet with your hands or anything else. Dont let the gleam in your eyes waver as they stare you down, soaking in every aspect of your being, even if you feel as if your awaiting death row.
And that was it. They backed off. The hungry gleam in their eyes faded out. Usually they relaxed back into themselves and carried on with what they were doing, mostly just ignoring me afterwards. Thats what the people in my clan did when i put up this version of my shield as they had grown used to the flame i had, the fire my heart contained. But the people here were not used to me, they seemed even slightly tense after the gleam had left their eyes, their confidence with it.
'Maybe this is what Grandmother had ment' i thought to myself as i witnessed the situation that played out before my eyes.
Instead of dropping and relaxing their shoulders completly they looked almost scruched up slightly as if I were the one who made them recline into themselves instead of the other way around like they thought it would be.
Yes. I was sure of it now. This is what my Grandmother had ment.
The spark im my heart. The one that i kept under wraps, contained, but that yearned to be set free, that yearned to rage a blazing fire. It peaked its head out at moments, moments like these and when it did it demanded respect. It could enrapture peoples attention and in turn their own hearts.
If only i could use it to its fullest, my fullest potential. But alas, i had to be careful. Be careful so as not to lose control of that spark, of that fire and burn away what i yearned to keep close. What was most precious even over my own heart, my soul, my own true self.
Soon enough a boy who looked around about my age passed through the crowd as they made a clear path for him to walk through. I assumed him to be the first born and heir of the clan, like my eldest brother had been of our former clan.
I had seen him arrive a little earlier then wence he approched me but he seemed to be looking on from afar and observing the situation, possibly seeing how i would react and if i would recline into myself or step up to the challenge. Thats what his eyes were telling me, they were hungry like the others had been and they still were after seeing my 'little performance'.
As he approched i put my hand to my head and brought it downwards lightly as a sign of respect. I had expected him to make some sly remark, even though i had always been told to 'never judge a book by its cover' by my father, but to my surprise, although i didnt show it, he returned my gesture in full.
His eyes still told an entirely diffrent story and i was far too used to that look to fall for it at this age. Yes, I'd play along. We could be civilised to each other as of right now, but in that moment i could tell with every ounce of my being that we both had the same thought.
'If you so much as step one foot out of line you'll answer to me'
Preditor had met preditor head on and prey hid for their lives. Of course this was all coated underneath a layer of politeness for the sake of peace and friendship. For the chance that would be given to the other until it was knowingly going to be broken one way or the other.
But he didn't know me. He didnt know what game he was playing, what game he was getting himself into. He had no idea what kind of self control i had. And if you havent already gathered from what you've read so far, I'll tell you, its a whole fuxking lot.
I could play the long game, the fun part was just watching how long he could keep up.
My attention was captured as my youngest sister ran up to me eagerly followed by my parents one after the other. They had heard word of my arrival after having kept look out for me for all of the time i was gone. Tuk started to search my body for her possession before she started jumping around when i returned it to her. Quickly there after, she hugged the lower half of my body as if she was latching onto me for dear life. I was embraced multiple times by my parents as well before i was hauled off to help my three other siblings who were setting up our new sleeping area.
As i went to see my new living quarters for the first time, with a new outlook on the situation i was thrust into with the rest of my family, i had a final thought.
'Maybe my new home wont be so bad after all'
Oh boy was i wrong. So very wrong.
I was standing waste deep in the water off the bay where the Metkayina clan resided. The first day of arrival had been given to my family for rest but i didnt get to indulge in that pleasure as we were quickly thrust into learning the ways of the Metkayina people. Today my siblings and i would be learning how to ride an ilu guided by Tsereya, Ao'nung and their friend Rotxo's instruction.
Apart from the semi-welcome, semi-unwelcome welcoming my family had recieved upon arrival they had not been hesitant to tech us all their ways and i was now starting to find my way here. Tuk had picked it up fast with Tsereya as her mentor and Kiri was a natural as usual without any instriction nessecary. My elder brothers Neteyam and Lo'ak had been taken to another area away from the rest of us to learn from Ao'nung and Rotxo. I wondered how they were doing and if it was going as well as how my sisters and i were doing.
Us three got lucky. Tsireya was a gentle soul. She was very kind and made sure to look after Tuk as the youngest. I cringed when i thought back to how my younger sister Kiri had informed me after my arrival, while snickering, that our older brother Lo'ak had eyes on her from the moment they had landed. She seemed to like him too, much to his delight. I would be happy to have her as my sister if it turned out that way but felt sorry if she was going to get stuck with my troublesome twin in the process.
With Tsireyas guidance i had picked up how to ride an ilu fairly quickly. It wasnt as hard as i thought it was going to be. I was nervous that i wouldnt get it right at the start, especially since about every joint in my body still ached from my extra long flight, but Tsireya made it feel more fun than like a chore.
As i first sat myself down onto the saddle of the ilu i stroked his head and leaned down to whisper to him a silent prayer. Wheather it was to the ilu, myself, Eywa or all three i wasn't completely sure.
'Please, please work. Keep on being normal like you have done so for the past few days.'
The ilu chittered in response, most likely not understanding me at all but it felt somehow reassuring even so.
Nothing had gone wrong over the past few days and i was starting to actually grow uneasy instead of being happy about it. It was almost like the calm before the storm and everyone knows how that scenario ends.
After Tsireya helped Kiri onto her ilu she had gone off on her own without a hitch, Tsireya then went to help and guide Tuk after making sure i could handle myself as the eldest there.
"I will stick beside Tuk the whole time, as she is a child. Please feel free to go off on your own and dont be burdened" she had said
"Yes, thank you" i replied after hoisting myself up onto the ilu i was given
It was definitely a new feeling, like the sand had been. Although it was not unpleasant, it did give me a certain anxiety. It was a joint mix of wheather or not my bond would work, if i could hold my breath long enough and if i could steer it properly because it was not my ikran.
But i was also partly excited. Excited to see the world below, like i knew Kiri was. She only had one thing on her mind ever since father had told us where we were heading for our destination.
Deciding to follow her i had my ilu go forward just like Tsireya had taught us to do. I wanted to see the look on my younger sisters face as she witnessed all her dreams about this place become real. And what a sight to behold it was. The way the water wrapped around me so tightly as i made my decent down into the depths below made me feel safer than i ever did in the forest.
It felt like being swaddled in a big blanket and as if none of my worries could reach all the way down here, just like how it felt when i would fly for hours on end up in the sky on my ikran. I saw Kiri off on her own not too far away, admiring the scenery and playing with little fish and other underwater animals i hadn't seen before that passed us by.
Down here the water was crystal clear and the sun danced off of every surface it touched making a kaleidoscope of patterns along them. I watched kiri as she let her body sway with the flow of the water as she rode her ilu, i copied her mannerisms and found how much easier it made riding my ilu properly already.
I let the water guide me as i passed under her, scanning the ocean floor and tracing my long slender fingers across any shells i saw in passing. I looked back and noticed kiri following me doing much the same thing. She noticed me and we both shared a smile as i could tell in that moment that we also shared the same feeling in or hearts.
Until mine was spiked by anxiety.
I couldn't breath. I had been intending to go up for air soon but now i couldn't breath for another reason. The calm before the storm. I knew it would never last, i was now in that storm. I could feel myself losing control once again and i almost screamed at myself in rage, losing any breath i still had.
With what control i had left over my tsaheylu with my ilu i rushed towards the surface as fast as i could, leaving Kiri behind. I felt my ilu thrashing around as it was loosing my guidance and instruction but we eventually broke the suface of the water. I felt the buring in my lungs cease as i gasped in the air i was presented with.
I quickly detached my que from my ilu and broke the bond. My ilu gradually calmed down with just a few pats and strokes from myself and began chittering away to itself once again in no time.
Kiri broke through the water not even a minute later. After following me to the surface she had an odd look on her face.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah i just needed a breather, you know?" I replied to her questioning, noticeably out of breath as my heart raced a million miles a minute.
"Me too. It's hard to hold your breath for that long. We still need to get used to some things here."
"Yeah..." i was glad i didnt have to be the one to explain myelf, she seemed to have covered all the excuses i had whipped up in the minute i had to think about what i might say. It wasn't exactly like i was lying though, i really was planning on going up to gather my breath anyway.
I was just witholding a small piece of information that wasnt necessary to give her at all. It would only stress her out.
Tsireya and Tuk had joined us not long later to catch their breath as well and with that we all joined back up with the boys for a joint lesson on breathing.
The sun was setting behind us as exlipse was drawing nearer and we all sat in a circle to focus on the techniques shown to us by the kids of the Metkayina clan. By now with todays techings we had all picked up the basic nessecities of the skills we needed to not be a nuisance to the Metkayina clan while staying with them from here on out.
Thanks to these techings i learned how to hold my breath for longer which was a good experience except for the fact that i had to sit next to Lo'ak and witness as he spluttered nervously like a love struck fool when Tsireya so much as touched him.
I looked over at Kiri and made a face before we both erupted in fits of giggles, working hard to stifle our laughter so as not to embarrass our brother any more than he was doing so on his own. The day faded away into eclipse with laughter and hearts that were full.
I know i said i was wrong about thinking staying here wouldn't be so bad after all but...
Thats not the bad part.
In fact everything started off relatively normal. Everyone was kind and happy but i wonder if that really all was just a facade. Just a layer of politeness over everyones real feelings for the sake of diplomacy. I couldn't tell what the future held then, but even if i tried i sure as hell wouldn't have guessed in a million years.
Though it did start going downhill the way i always knew it would. Because there would always be people who saw us, my family, my siblings and even i as less then na'vi, as human, as alien.
My brother, my twin, being treated as live fish bait and what was i doing? Absolutely nothing. I should have been there for him, i shouldnt have let that happen and even worse he took the blame for all of it. For that a$$hole Ao'noung who started this whole mess and i bet didnt even thank my brother in return for covering for him.
Our parents might not have been able to tell Lo'ak was covering for Ao'noung or maybe they did but they didnt see what had happened themselves so they just had to take the word of the one owing up to it. Either way i knew my brother and even if i had not seen what had happened between the two of them or outside the reef where he was attacked i wouldnt believe his pretty lies.
He was not the type to own up, as much as it pains me to say, our older brother was always the one to stick up for him. And even when he did Lo'ak would never retaliate and say it was his fault and not our elder brothers, letting him take the blame as he pleased. I knew my twin did not do this because it came from a bad place, because he had a bad heart, but because he was scared.
I knew that much, we were twins after all, like i said before, it would be wierd if we didnt have at least a couple things in common. But i suppose i wouldnt know as much as i used to about him now, we had grown more separated than we used to be. I take the responsibility for that due to my own fear. We both feared the unknown, he feared failure and letting people down and so did i.
Mabey we were, are, more alike than i had previously thought. As we grew further apart i started to think that we never really had anything in common but how would i really know since we never talked deeply about anything. We didnt confide in each other, we didnt know what the other was thinking and somethimes i wondered or even hoped that he might feel the same as me.
Only this time in a diffrent way. I thought it might be the case when we all saw him return safely, he owned up and my father said the harshest words he could have to him.
"You dishoner this family"
I could only imagine how my brother was feeling but as for me i felt them in my soul. We are twins so i could assume Lo'ak felt the same, only much worse since he was the one those words were directed at.
But they made me feel sick to my stomach, when i heard those words it dropped straight down and then lurched upwards like i was being spun around and around. This was because we are twins, he is one half of me, the other half of me. I felt those words to my core and they whispered that i was next.
Sometimes i think theres something wrong with me.
I have both my parents and my siblings. Theyre all nice people and none of them have died. I have a nice home, a nice clan and a nice grandmother. I have people who will support me through anything. So when i see them in front of me i know i should feel something...but i dont.
These are the people who raised me, who are my parents, who love me. They gave me a home and shelter, they fed me and protect me. They are the people i call to when i have a problem that i cant fix on my own or when im sick because i need thay sense of familiarity. Because they are my safety net. The only safety i know, they always have been.
So i know i should love them, i should reciprocate these feelings...but i dont. I look at them and i feel nothing. I think ive been tricking myself into thinking that i really do feel something, that i really love them and that i dont feel like its just because they were the only ones who protected me as i grew up. Because i had no choice in the matter and no one else to give me that sense of familiarity and safety.
And when i came to realise this, that i had been tricking myself, living in my own ignorance and delision, i started to act...started to lie. I thought 'well if i can trick myself what would be so hard about showing that emotion outwards and making life better for everyone else with a little white lie'.
'Lying is a form of love'.
With this white lie people would then begin to say 'you look happier as of late', 'you smile more now', 'you've changed', 'im glad your finally opening up to us'...
No. Its a lie. Its all a lie!
This isnt the real me.
Its just the me that keeps the peace, keeps the balance, keeps a sembalance of normality and familiarity because im scared of letting go, im scared of the outcome and im scared of hurting others even when i dont mean to. But how can i help it if its what i really feel, if its the real me, I cant help it, i dont know whats wrong with me....so i just lie instead. Its the better option...for everyone, everyone but me.
You often times hear how mothers or fathers do not feel connected with their child after its birth. They feel nothing towards this child and feel great grief over it, knowing they should feel all these diffrent emotions toward their child. They think somethings wrong with them but then over time as they are around the child more and watch it grow they learn to connect to the child, to love it. They watch them become their own person and the cycle might continue once that child becomes an adult and has children of its own, it has done so with many others.
I feel like that too. Can it be the same thing but the opposite way around, with the child being the one who wants to learn to love their parents? It wasnt always like this, i think i used to love them but my memories of my childhood have all faded into one big blur. I cannot recall any memories save for a few that have impacted me the most and only these i recalled recently or have kept with me and never once have left my mind. So i want to learn how to love them again, not just for them but also for me.
Lying and acting go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. You lie to act and you act to lie.
Thats the way i see it. Because i have known no diffrent. I do not know how to portray my feelings, my emotions, outwardly...not the real ones at least. So i lie. I lie and i act and i lie some more. Over and over and over again until i get twisted up in this web, this net of lies and fall down the rabbit hole until i dont even remember what i was like before. Before the lies, before all of it.
I dont know who the real me is anymore. But there is one thing i know, one thing i cant do.
Imagine this ; your going to bed at night and your parent comes to see you off one final time before you fall into your dreamland, and they say 'goodnight, sleep tight', 'see you in the morning', 'I love you'.
All the normality in the world, all the feelings and safety that should make you feel happy but all you feel instead is grief. Grief at yourself for only being able to reply back with a 'Okay' or 'Night' or a 'See you tomorrow' but never being able to utter the words 'I love you'. Because they carry so much weight to you, so much raw emotion that you cannot let escape from your being in fear. Pure fear of the unknown, of what will happen if you put these feelings on display, for the whole world to see.
Its not that i hate them, my parents, i just need to relearn how to let love win over fear, let them take my worries so i can love without restraint. Its like my heart is aching to be let out of its confinments within my chest where its tamed and trained to let the outershell act and lie while it rots away my entire being from the inside out.
Because 'I love you' are the only words i cannot speak out loud.
They are the only words i cannot bring myself to lie.
@jakesully-sbabygirl @dreamsholdpowers @alohastitch0626 @1ntefly @arminsgfloll @bobojojoba69 @bucky12345 @destinylb @exactlyhappyflower @eternallyvenus @heart-an0n
(Everyone who used to read this is gone by now just watch😭✋)
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I've been working on a ttrpg inspired by Hades and Kill 6 Billion Demons, modifying my Lumen game, Luminous Vein. It's definitely still early in the process, and I have so many projects that this one is a bit on the backburner, in part because I hate figuring out random generation and it'd feel more right to have a more official vibe to it with art & stuff. Anyway I do however think some of it is cool as hell so I put out a poll asking people what they'd like to hear about; you guys chose my problematic trans rep, who I dont have much to say about that I didn't already put in its description, so I'll just put it in full:
Hollow, Goddess of Rot
It/its, she/her, they/them
Feared among mortals to its elation, Hollow is a heavy shadow of positivity in the pantheon of gods. It loves trying to find new ways to disgust and horrify mortals, sometimes going so far as to create minor planes to trap them in and play with them. It, however, is not a real threat to anyone; her domain only ever affects those that have already died.
While plenty of wildlife loves her, human cults are rare to form, but those that do are often social outcasts, finding beauty in not just the way rot provides new life, but to death on its own merit.
Hollow is the shambling corpse of the first dead god, born in the abyss that could not be filled by anyone else. Its skin is grey and thin, tearing at the joints; its eyes have long been forgotten by physical existence; its form is too old and rotted to make out what the dead god once looked like. There's a gaping hole in the center of her neck, leaving its voice whispy, almost pained. They have a series of spindly, metal legs modeled by Eralth, the God of Craft, to support their slowly withering divine legs. Smaller beings of rot reside in the fungi and holes growing around their flesh. Hollow is extremely proud of the body they claimed, and, even as the gods respond to her presence with discomforted silence at best, they will all admit that she shows more joy than the first dead god ever did, or most other gods in the pantheon, for that matter.
Hollow loves dead things and is, therefore, happy to help runners escape hell so they can fulfill their full potential as dead things. She only shows confusion when asked for clarification.
Core Mechanic: Rot
When enemies inflicted with rot die, their bodies will remain to fight alongside you, becoming undead. Undead have the same actions made on the GM turn, but directed at enemies, and their health is based on how much rot you inflicted on them.
Boons of Hollow:
Rotting Wounds: Your weapon attacks inflict 1 rot
Trail of Death: Inflict 3 rot when you move away from an enemy
Decay: When you kill an enemy with an attack requiring 2 actions, they are given 1 rot
Spores: Your cast inflicts 2 rot to all enemies in Close range of the target.
Contagion: All undead attacks inflict 1 rot.
Self-Actualization: You can choose to target actions or casts on yourself, dealing harm but giving you any included rot effects as well.
Angry Dead: All undead deal +1 harm
Slough: Living targets inflicted with rot will take +1 harm.
Probably should've guessed the website with all the freak transgenders would vote for the freak transgender, now everything after her is gonna be a letdown. This is my best girl and also literally me so if anyone is mean to her I'll kill yo u
I'm not entirely sure how many possible boons I want the gods to have, Hades has a massive swathe of them but it turns out that can be kinda hard. I might add more mechanics to the core combat system to play with, the big issue I'll have to deal with is the randomness and the fact that the upgrades aren't weapon specific
Congrats! You read this far! or scrolled down and clicked words! You are now granted voting rights on what I should bring up next. if you want
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dictee · 10 months
do you for real hate lestat? i mean, he’s still not far off from his white book counterpart who ran alongside louis in chasing and murdering enslaved people. or is it because his character is supposed to be a horrible dirtbag that people love him for the villain he is? is it because he’s blonde and a manic pixie that people are more likely to look past the horror of his actions in favor of magnifying the tragedy of his self sabotaging nature? in vc where all the characters are morally bankrupt it seems lestat is the only one embraced as the demon he is lol
this is an interesting question. well first and foremost he's not a real person he's a fictional character and i find him very compelling at that..i feel like a lot of the people who profess to love lestat dont actually like the character just the few traits they've abstracted to make up a character in their heads? like he's certainly manic but he's not under the manic pixie dream girl trope at ALL but you wouldnt be able to tell that based on like.i was going to put a bi flag cat ears edit from twitter but i actually dont even want to propagate it it's so terrible. i agree its sooooooo annoying to me that people are endlessly interested in dissecting his trauma rather than his abuse . as if they cancel out and as if that makes sense to do w the show like why are you anticipating what will happen in season four rather than enjoying the meal in front of you . and it's always a weird relatability thing that's at its core a total refusal to empathize with Black characters. Like the show specifically is one of the best depictions of abuse i've seen and i think it's really important that it shows abusers are not one dimensional monsters incapable of love. if your worldview is predicated on a dichotomy of good loveable people who went through bad things and evil irredeemable people who do bad things then not only are you incapable of imagining change or growth but also you are wildly irresponsible wrt your own capacity for harm. love and abuse can and often do exist tangled up together and that doesnt elide or excuse the abuse but it makes what survival or healing looks like very complicated. this is incredibly rich subject matter and people are. well actually i am going to make you look at the cat ears edit i wish there was away to put spoilers like discord. actually no i dont want it on my blog nvm but just imagine it says "thriving in non-discriminating bliss" and theres a best mom ever mug. anyways do i HATE lestat? no like there are good well written characters who are both awful AND like deeply fucking irritating to me like there is nothing to like about akio from utena for example, and jack rackham from black sails annoys me so much. i would confidently say i hate them. lestat on the other hand i'm occasionally fond . ish. of . Also yes love a good villain. That said i need him to be brutally murdered every season
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fxlling13 · 2 years
Warnings: self harm, guns, violence
Synopsis: the master notices you're not okay on his run ins with the doctor and takes it upon himself to help you.
A/n: I'm working on 2 requests currently and about 5 other stories :> sorry if you're request is taking a while I just want them to be perfect.
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Standing off to the side, I watched as the doctor was talking down her best enemy. Of course, yaz and Dan were right by her. They were helping, giving the master hell for what he'd done. What had he actually done? I think, this time, he'd captured everyone on the cruise ship and locked them in the dining hall. The captain was dead as far as I was aware. Though, I swear this was the same captain that was selling off the female guests. So in my opinion, he deserved to die.
"(Y/n)!" Flinching, I looked up to the blonde, who was shaking her head.
"Are you listening? The doctor was just suggesting how to fix this." Yaz said, grinning happily. Nodding, I walked over and listened to her plan. The master stood there, smirking to himself. My eyes wandered to him. Surprisingly, he was already looking at me. More specifically, my hands. I was gripping the bottom of my sleeves in them tightly.
"I dont understand how you're so okay with killing innocent people." Dan sounded extremely upset over the captains death. Confused, the man opposite came closer.
"He was not innocent?" Scoffing at what he said, the doctor folded her arms.
"That's not for you to decide." Looking at her, I swallowed down my anxiety and spoke up.
"But he wasn't innocent. He was hurting the women here." Shocked I'd actually contributed, she furrowed her brows.
"That doesn't mean he deserved to die."
"Doctor he was selling them. Hurting them badly. He deserved exactly what he got." I could tell she didn't like this and i backed up slightly when she stood infront of me.
"You better not of meant that." Her tone was icy and threatening.
"I did b-"
"But nothing! Don't say another word! I am so disappointed in you. I thought you were better than that." She spat, turning away from me briskly. Now shaking, I hugged myself tightly and fixed my gaze on the floor. The doctor started ranting angrily about how to fix the mess we were in but I wasn't listening. They didn't even care that she spoke to me like that. My lip began to tremble, so I bit down on it harshly. The doctor, Dan and yaz all huddled together, discussing what to do now. And I was left out, as usual.
"Hello (y/n)." The master appeared beside me, glaring at the others. Blinking fast, I looked up at him curiously. Maybe he'd come to kill me whilst they were distracted? I really hoped so.
"Hello." Even my voice sounded weak, just as I was.
"Does she often speak to you like that?" Nodding at him, I dug my nails into my palms. Turning my head towards the taller male, I let out a breath.
"Are you going to kill me?" Taken aback by what I had said, hectilted his head slightly.
"No." I immediately deflated.
"Why not? This is the perfect opportunity, she's not looking o-"
"I am not going to kill you." The master said sternly, though he looked at me with worry. He stepped closer but I wasn't afraid of him, not at all. His eyes landed on my hands yet again and he immediately took hold of one. Carefully, he detached my nails from my palm and observed the tiny cuts. Now only centimetres away from everything else I kept hidden, he could tell I was worrying.
"Are you okay?" Just as I was about to respond, the doctor marched over and grabbed my arm. I whimpered in pain, tensing up in her hold.
"Come on." Then I was dragged away, leaving the master stood there. Thinking.
A week or two had passed by and nothing had gotten any better. The only person who spent any time with me was Dan. Even though I was thankful, it hurt that the doctor and yaz, both were basically ignoring me. She was still mad about the cruise ship. Looking up at my reflection, I wiped my face dry then tossed on my jumper. I hissed as it slid over my new cuts. But I deserved it. Making my way to the console room, I got there just in time for them heading out. They were really going to leave me. Sighing, I followed behind and found myself on a space ship of some sort. For a while, I trailed behind them boredly. Until, I saw some kind of giant computer. Getting curious, I walked over to it and began sliding through the different options, on the desktop.
"(Y/n)! Stop it. You have no idea what you're doing!" The doctor scolded, dragging me away.
"But I was just-"
"Acting stupid! I don't know why I bother with you anymore!" She yelled before marching off. I stood there, frozen as my heart caught in my throat. So, she'd finally just said it. What she'd been thinking for month. Tears welled up in my eyes.
"Well then." A voice came from behind, making me turn around slowly. Out of the shadows came the master, hands clasped together. I didn't move, just watched as he walked over.
"That was hard to watch, I must say." Sniffling, I rubbed my face harshly.
"If you're here to mock me just go, I can't..." Getting choked up, I stopped myself from talking. Didn't need to give him another reason to laugh. To my surprise, he reached his hand out and wiped my cheeks softly.
"I'm not here to mock you. I'm technically here to kidnap you." Confused at his words, I resisted leaning into his touch.
"Well, not kidnap. I was going to get you out of here. Away from the doctor. But stage it as a kidnapping. Something like that." He told me, flapping his hands around as he did so. Seeing that I still didn't understand, the master gave me a small smile.
"If you want to leave, I will take you with me. No evil plan I swear."
"Why?" I stuttered out quietly.
"Because you're different. You don't think like her. You think for yourself. You're brilliant. So let me help." Holding his hand out, I immediately took hold of it. The master grinned, writing a message on the wall on sharpie. Just to tell the doctor he has me. Honestly, I doubt she'd care at all. In an instant, we were on board his tardis.
"Handy device isn't it? My TCE." Feeling dizzy, I stumbled backwards right into his arms.
"Careful. Short range teleport can do that to you if you're not in peak condition." Gripping onto his jacket, I swallowed thickly.
"I'm fine."
"We both know you're not. You need rest, immediately." Before I could respond, his hand was on my temple and I went limp in his arms.
My eyes opened groggily, trying to adjust to the surroundings quickly. Looking around, I found myself in a king-sized bed. It had royal purple sheets that were made from silk. Plus it was extremely comfortable. Sitting up, I felt slightly restricted around my legs and arms. After checking them, I went pale. They were wrapped up in bandages. My thighs also. Quickly, I realised that my clothes had also been changed. I was now wearing a large purple shirt. Not even considering who's it was, I tried to pry at the bandages desperately. Why were they tended to? I didn't deserve that. I needed to hurt. Suddenly, the door opened revealing the master. Upon seeing the state I was in, he rushed to my side and took hold of my hands.
"Hey, relax." Shaking my head furiously, I tried to pull away but he was stronger.
"Why did you do that? You should of let them get infected! Should of let it get worse! Why did you help me?! Why!" I screamed, hitting his chest the best I could. Instead of yelling, laughing or belittling me; the master pulled me into his embrace. His hand ran along my back soothingly and my cries died down.
"Its alright. Relax love. I've got you." Slowly, I relaxed into his hold, my head against his chest comfortably.
"There you go."
"Why did you help me. I don't want help." I croaked, not daring to look at him. The master hummed, hooking his hands under my arms, before lifting me onto his lap. Carefully, he repositioned us, so that he was leaning against the pillows.
"Because, for some unknown reason, I care about you. I like who you are, how you think." Shocked, I pulled myself away and gazed up at him.
"You care about me?" He nod, taking my arm in his hold gently.
"I had an inkling you were doing this. Each time we met you gave it away. I could feel it, in my hearts. I know you're hurting." His thumb ran along the bandages delicately as he spoke.
"I'll be fine."
"No you wont be. You don't have to lie to me,   (y/n). I'm going to help you, whether you like it or not." Opting to believe him, I caved in and rested myself back on his chest. No one had ever wanted to help me before. So, it was difficult to accept.
"Really? You're actually going to help?"
"Why wouldn't I?" He asked, fingers starting to run through my hair.
"She never did." I told him. The master stopped his movements, going tense.
"She knew?" Looking at him, I bobbed my head to afirm. He looked mad. Taking hold of his arms, I wrapped them around me and turned on my side.
"She knew and didn't do anything to help you?"
"Theres nothing she could of done."
"Bullshit. She could have but she didn't want to. Just because you're not at her every beck and call."  All I could do was look at him silently, there was nothing I could say. It was true. Deep down, I think she really disliked me.
"None of that though. You're with me now. And we'll get you past this." Simpering, I hugged the male properly. I felt myself actually have a small amount of hope. It was a nice change. The master hugged back, arms tight around me.
"Once you're feeling better, I'll take you on a small trip. Just so you can adjust to my style of adventuring. But I don't doubt you'll love it." Even though he sounded incredibly cocky, I giggled into his neck. He was most likely correct.
Turns out, he was absolutely right. Our first outing together and its the most fun I'd had in years.
"Please! Don't hurt us!" The king of some stupid planet was begging the master for his life. Giggling at his pathetic attempt, the timelord smirked and walked over to me. He stood behind me, one hand gliding down my side and finding purchase on my waist. The other slid a gun into my own hand. As he spoke, his lips brushed against my ear and I had to fight the urge to lean into him.
"See that guard over there? Shoot him. I don't like the way he's looking at you." Immediately, I shot him. Watching his body hit the floor, I grinned as the master kissed my head.
"Perfect. Now onto you! My king." He bowed mockingly, making the king glare and pill against his restraints.
"What should we do with you huh? I could toss you into a black hole? Or, or! I could feed you to the shark people of Ceriba six?" Pondering out loud, he leant against the wall whilst scratching his chin.
"Why don't you get your little toy here to do all your dirty work for you?" The master stilled, slowly looking at the king with a deadly expression.
"What?" His tone was icy as he stalked over to the other man. I knew this wasn't going to end well. Still, the king held his head high abd looked past him and to me.
"Pretty isn't she?"
"Exceptionally. What's your point?" The master spat, catching me off guard. I found myself blushing. Did he really think that?
"Imagine the things you could do to her. If I were you I'd be making her sc-" Hands encased his throat before he could finish speaking.
"Shut up. Don't you dare talk about her like that!" All the king did was croak out a laugh. Bad idea. Without a second thought, the master had pulled out his TCE and compressed him. He took a deep breath, walking backwards until he was by my side.
"You think I'm pretty?" I asked, causing him to look at me. His eyes softened, a smile adorning his lips. Taking my hand in his own, he lifted them up and pressed a kiss against my skin.
"The prettiest." For a moment, we just stared at each other until he snapped out of his trance.
"Now then. I think this planet would look much better in ruins. Don't you?"
Back on board the tardis, I sat on the masters bed. He was sat at his desk, writing away. Apparently it was his new plan. All written in galifreyan, so I couldn't read much. He had been teaching me whilst I was on bed rest, only the basics though. Scrolling aimlessly through my phone, I sighed being bored. Nothing good was going on online. Suddenly, it was pulled from my grip and tossed aside. The master sat next to me and rested against the pillows.
"So, I think I've fleshed my plan out enough." Smiling, I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm naturally found its way around my waist.
"You happy with it?"
"Almost." Looking down at me, he grinned.
"How do you feel about being the Russian queen?" Confused, I tilted my head in question. After briefly explaining his plan, I sat up with worry and repositioned myself to face him fully. My legs were criss-cross, with my knee pressing against his leg.
"But, I don't want you to be the doctor. I just want you, to be you." I told him worriedly, frowning at the thought of it. Placing a hand on my knee, his thumb ran along it soothingly.
"I'll still be me darling, it's only to tarnish her name. Make people despise and fear her. Nothing will change." Deciding to believe him, I nod and looked down at his hand on my thigh. It felt so natural and right, was that okay to think?
"Didn't Rasputin sleep with the Russian queen?" I asked, blushing at the thought. He smirked, humming in response.
"It was just a rumour, no one knows how it got started. Most likely, it never happened." He explained, tracing shapes on my thigh. Even so, imagining people thinking we were a couple, it made me strangely happy.
"But I don't look anything like the Russian queen, at least I doubt i do. Won't people notice?" The master grinned, pulling me back into his arms.
"Nothing a bit of hypnotism won't sort out."
"Do you like it?" The master guided me into a large bedroom. It was extremely grand, with a large four poster bed in the centre. The walls were beautifully painted and held some art pieces.
"Its so pretty." He chuckled at my reaction, making sure the door was shut. Now we had to stay in Russia for a few months, this is where I would be staying. Of course, the master (now disguised as Rasputin) had made sure the king was not sharing. He'd been absolute about it.
"I wanted to make sure your stay was the best it could be. Just until everything falls into place." Nodding, I gave him a hug before sitting on the bed. This was much more fun than being with the doctor.
That night, I was in bed. I just lay there, thinking over everything. I'd been clean for six months now. It felt unreal. How I went from hurting myself everyday, to now. Now I had the master and he made sure to keep my mind occupied no matter what. Compared to the doctor, who had seen on numerous occasions. Apparently she was too awkward to confront me. But it hurt at the time. Now, I couldn't care less about her opinion. The bedroom door began to creak open. Sitting up, I reached to the side cabinet. Ready to grab the dagger, I sighed in relief when I saw it was just the master. He came across the room and climbed into the bed beside me.
"I thought you had your own room?" He just shrugged, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"I prefer being with you." Smiling, I turned on my side and rested my head on his chest. His hand came up and started to play with my hair. I suppose after staying with him on the tardis each night, I too preferred to be next to him.
"Why? I'm a psychopath." Taken aback by his statement, i sat myself up.
"Huh?" Avoiding eyecontact with me, he let out a breath. Beinging go notice how tense he was, I grew worried.
"I enjoy the thrill of murder. I get a sick pleasure out of torturing others. Yet I'm lay here wanting to hold you." Now even more confused, I stared down at him with furrowed brows. Where was this going? The master swallowed thickly, his adams apple bobbing deeply. Thankfully, the beard wasn't real. That was the first thing I'd been displeased with when he turned up in disguise. That thickly, long and bushy beard really grossed me out. I was relieved when he'd shown me it was fake.
"I dont deserve to have you in my arms. I never deserved someone like you. But here you are, by my side. And I'd do anything to keep you there." Tears welled up in my eyes as he spoke. It was completely untrue. It was too nice, I was nothing special.
"What are you talking about? You don't deserve me? I don't deserve you. You saved my life. I could care less about you killing people, honestly." His eyes finally landed on my own, scanning over my features thoroughly.
"Master, you took me in. I had nothing. I thought I has nothing to live for anymore. The only person who spoke to me was dan. Yaz and the doctor ignored me. You have no idea how close I was too-" a hand cupped my cheek and I was cut off by the masters lips on my own. Instantly, I kissed back, not even thinking about it. My arms slid round his neck on instinct, even if he pulled back almost immediately.
"I dont want to hear you say that. I'll never let you feel that low again. Okay?" Nodding, I couldn't supress my happiness and he chuckled at me.
"And I'm going to make sure, that you know how loved you are." Shocked, I blushed and pressed my lips together.
"You love me?"
"You think I'd let you come along if I didn't?" Grinning, I leant forward and kissed him once again. The master had one hand on the side of my neck, the other on my waist to pull me in closer. Tilting my head to deepen the kiss, he welcomed this and nibbled on my bottom lip softly. I moaned against his lips as he took the opportunity to press his tongue to mine.
"Your majesty!" The door bust open, causing us to part dramatically. A guard stood there, shell shocked. Clearing his throat, the master looked at him seriously. His hypnotism face at work.
"You will tell noone of this. You only think you saw this. Now leave." The guard did as he was told, shutting the door once again. Laughing, I rested my head against his shoulder.
"Well, now we know how those rumours started." Letting out a laugh, the master made me look at him.
"Lets make those rumours real, hm?"
It was hard to believe that the doctor was here, infront of me, completely helpless. Chuckling, the master hugged my waist from behind.
"Now then princess, I need you out of sight whilst she wakes up. I'll let you know when to come out." Nodding, I smiled as his kissed me quickly. After being ushered away, I watched from the side as he gave his little speech. She hadn't changed. Not at all.
"Say doctor. Your little fam seems to be a member down." He jabbed, moving closer to her. She just looked at him, confused.
"Oh, right. Well, she's just...home. She went home." It sounded as though she had no idea. It was clear she didn't. The master frowned, scoffing.
"Did she now?" Confused, the doctor looked up at him.
"You don't remember. Do you?"
"Why does it matter?" He shrugged at her question, taking a few steps back.
"I'm just curious. I quite liked her." Rolling her eyes, the blonde let out a laugh.
"You hate humans." His lips turned up at the ends.
"Most. Either way, it's like you said. She doesn't matter right?" The doctor stayed quiet, just watching him.
"Why didn't you like her, doctor? Was it because she actually thought for herself?"
"No! She was immoral! She would never listen to reason and don't get me started on her veiws. The girl actually thought it was okay to murder." She spat out, glaring at the master as she spoke. Letting out a laugh.
"At least you admit it." Groaning, she wiggled around in the Dalek casing.
"Can you just get on with whatever this is? I'm bored."
"But of course dear doctor." He stated over to her side, smirking down at her.
"But as you know, every dictator needs his queen." Holding his hand out, I came from behind her and took hold of it. The master pulled me forward, his arm round my waist as he moved to stand in front of her. The doctor looked at me in horror.
"You never came for me. He told you he took me and you didn't care. Then again, when did you ever care about me?" I said lowly, leaning into the masters side comfortably. She started shaking her head, in denial.
"What's going on. He kidnapped you, that's right, right?" Laughing, I just looked at her blankly.
"Kidnapped me? No. He saved me."
"From what?"
"From you, doctor." Her face fell instantly, swallowing down her anxiety.
"You don't know what you're dealing with,    (y/n). He'll kill you." I smiled, giving the master a side eye. He winked in return.
"Will he? Its been eight months." The doctor just stared at me, gnawing on her lip.
"Do you remember the final sanction of our people?" Dread set in on her features, both of us laughing to ourselves.
"Forced regeneration."
So, yaz had thrown us out onto this stupid mushroom planet and flown off. I wasn't worried however, sitting by the master. He began talking about the planet. What it was for and who inhabited it. Smiling, I cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly.
"Even if this doesn't work out, remember I won't leave you." Just as the tardis began to materialise behind us, he nod.
"I know darling. Come on."
Back in Russia, we walked out of the tardis only to be ambushed by the doctor? Apparently? Though I'd never seen that incarnation of her before.
"Get in the box." Yaz glared, pointing at it.
"Or what?" Suddenly, I was yanked back. An arm held me uncomfortable tight. A gun was pressed to the side of my head. The masters gazed went cold.
"You wouldn't dare." The man holding me chuckled before smacking the gun against my head harshly. Dizziness took over and I almost fell.
"I would." He spat, making the master get in the box immediately. Vinder kept the gun to me and walked round the side either yaz. She did her thing with the screwdriver, bringing her doctor back. The master slumped down in the box, making my heart drop. I couldn't loose him. The others rushed to the doctor, forgetting me. I took the opportunity to pick up the discarded gun and go to the master. He was out for the count. A flip switch inside of me and I stood again slowly. They were all distracted, going back into the tardis. I was going to make her suffer.
Once teleported back to the conversion planet, I made sure the master was comfortable before rushing out the door. I found the doctor, walking back to her own tardis. Holding the gun up, I didn't need to think twice and shot her in the back. She fell forward, turning to look at me. Yaz ran out, just in time to catch her. Giving them a wave, I ran back to our tardis and flew away.
Somehow, I managed to get him into his room and onto the bed. I also changed him into some pyjamas and tucked him in. Hopefully, the doctor would be dead. For hours, I sat by the master, just waiting for him to wake up. And as time went on, I grew scared he would never wake up. Tears rolled down my cheeks, scared I'd be left alone once again. A sharp intake of breath jolted me away from those negative thoughts. The master sat up, groaning in pain. I was quick to help him rest back against the pillows.
"What happened?" He asked, voice weak. Wiping my face, I told him everything.
"And the doctor?"
"I shot her." Chuckling, he looked up and me before quickly frowning.
"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" Shaking my head, I sniffled.
"I thought you weren't going to wake up." Immediately, I was pulled into his embrace, my face pressing into his neck.
"Its alright. I'm alright. I just need a few days to recover." He spoke softly, laying back with me in his hold. After sharing a sweet kiss, I relaxed against him.
"You should change, then I can cuddle you properly." Realising I was still in my uncomfortable dress, I rushed away to change into one of his shirts. The master smiled approvingly once he saw, pulling the covers back. I crawled next to him and cuddled into his side. Tilting my chin up, he leant down and kissed me lovingly; before bring the cover over us securely.
"I'm proud of you."
"Why? Because I tried to kill the doctor?" I giggled, nuzzling into his hold for warmth.
"Well, yes. Of course. But I meant how you handled everything. I'm really impressed." Smiling, I began to play with his fingers gently.
"I just acted on instinct. I just wanted to be with you again. I'm sorry your plan didn't work."
"That's alright love. As long as nothing happened to you, I don't really care." He told me, settling down once again. Pressing his nose into my hair, he inhaled deeply and relaxed thereafter.
"I love you." I mumbled, threading our fingers together. My eyes grew heavy, the weight of the day finally settling in. The master kissed my head, making sure I was tucked in by his side securely.
"Love you too princess."
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megamind2010 · 1 month
hello im nell bishops #1 fan i need to know 4, 10, 11, 12, 17 and 19. (takes my final breath and passes away)
please live
11 and 17 i already answered 🐞👍
4. How do they act when they’re sick, and does it change depending on who they’re around or how sick they are?
will soldier on to the best of her ability within reason (if it's infectious she'll work from home etc etc) and often stupidly pushes herself past what is healthy... dummy. doesn't like being doted on by or "a burden" to anyone cuz theyre very self sufficient so its pretty much the same for anyone. of course acting like this has landed nell in "feverish fatigued horribly ill" territory a couple of times which is deeply embarrassing for him. and for casey who has had to take care of him probably
10. Share a sentence of dialogue from your OC that you think represents them well.
i... i... (flipping through my documents) i. im sorry. i dont think i have an answer for this one..?! i dont write a lot of actual bona fide nell dialogue... she isn't very talkative!! can i cheat and say dialogue that YOU wrote? cuz the "he hurt me!" "did he?" exchange still like. haunts me forever. nell getting really serious for one second at the idea that casey genuinely came to harm... ACK... GUH... sorry i dont have any presentable nell fanfiction to draw from. are you mad at me
12. What does their bed and/or desk look like? Tidy or cluttered - are they both the same, or is one neat and the other messy?
tidy tidy tidy. can't stand clutter at their desk especially! everything has a place and if it doesn't belong on the desk it won't BE on the desk. their bed is a lot more dependant on casey cuz he's usually in it later than nell is. extreme pet peeve is casey eating in bed and leaving crumbs, nell HAAAAAAAATESSSS it
19. How do they connect with the people around them? Love language, how they offer comfort, etc.
how do they connect with people...? not very well most of the time. nell is pretty uncommunicative with almost everyone and doesnt tend to offer comfort either verbally or physically. she's big on acts of service for people that do matter to her, but she doesn't tend to back it up with words or any readable outward display of affection... even ted isn't getting a full deep&meaningful convo with her on the reg. for her family and real friends, it's about... providing for them... doing what she can to keep them safe and happy... my little tsundere*
*citation needed
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 year
Backrooms POI: Finley and Funny
Name(s): Finley and Funny
Aliases: "the Friendly Partygoer"(Funny) Team BoredFun, Fin+Fun
Dummy grumpy pants (Finley) =)
Funny dont add that in =(
You can't tell me what to do! XD
A stupid annoying idiot (Funny) =(
Hey! thats meeeeaaaaan >=(
Shut up =(
Last known location(s): Level 1, Level 5, Level 2, Level 11,
Known Affiliations: The Pity Partiers are the best and you should visit them =)
look I know they sound suspicious but you should listen to them =(
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(Funny and Finley running from a smiler and a more clear, edited version of the smae photo)
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Description: Finley and Funny are a unlikely duo of two eneties. (A rouge partygoer and a thought to be extinct partypooper) they have been seen wanderering Levels in deep conversation with one another, running from other entities
We dont do that! >=(
yeah we do actually =(
they seem to have a interest in guns and weapons as they have been seen carring many swords, guns and bazookas and making them as well
YEAH! THEIR AWESOME! right Fin? =)
Yeah i guess their cool =|
they love it =)
They both seem to be neutral on humans, they have been only seen killing them when negatively provoked
Uh YEAH? of course we respond violently to dumb, rude people! thats how it works dummy! =)
I think they're talking about how you clawed someones eye out when they accidentally bumped into you =(
It was level 201! I was on edge! >=(
Level 201 isn't that dangerous dumbass =(
you know why I didn't feel safe... Im not usually like that, honest! you can be a funny joke if you change your perspective! =)
Despite Funny being a partygoer, they have never been seen Hunting or eating wanderers but have been seen eating a prompus amount of Cannibal Cusinie.
Honestly cannbial cusinie so much more tastier =)
Im surprised you haven't gotten fat with how you eat that shit =(
Youda mean? =|
I'm just sayin its not good for you =(
WELL the more I eat, the less their is for the humans, DUH! =)
Finley has been known to be very cold and somewhat hostile to wanders, often pointing guns at wnaders but often never shooting
Don't worry, they only pull guns when they are just when They're grumpy, YOU SHOULD SEE WHEN THEY'RE MAD! HAHAHA! =)
Partygoers and PartyPoopers are infamous for being natural mortal enemies, but Finley and Funny have been seen either neutral or Straight-up romantic with eachother wait, wait, wait, WAIT. what do you mean by romantic? =(
uh fin we've been dating forever you stupid ass =)
Don't tell them that! >=(
Awwww! are you embarrassed?~ =)
im kicking you out of the room =(
Behaviors: Funny Has been known to be friendly albeit very malicious and dark regarding to their sense of humor, often making jokes about murder, missing family members, self harm, destruction, mental illness, or just straight up being rude piece of shit
You just gotta have the right mind set to get my jokes, Or at least a Mind at all! =)
as stated before Finley has been known being, cold, crass, rude, cynical but still helpful even if it doesn't effect them positivly. they have also been known to make edgy remarks reminiscent of that of a middle schooler who thinks they're depressed.
The following Is a interview log with The two eneties and dehila of the m.e.g in hopes to understand their odd situation better
Dehila: *Calmly walks over to Finley and Funny* Um excuse me-
-the tape cuts out for 20 minutes-
Finley: sorry about Asshole overthere *they point to Finny* they can't tell a clicker from a skin stealer
Funny: OH well excuuuuusse me for being jumpy in a plane of existence with cosmic entity cakes and hivemind cults following a dumb bluebird!
Dehila: oh it's quite alrig-
-the tape cuts out again
Dehila: so how did you two meet?
Finley: long story, but after the fun war PartyPoopers decided to stay in the promised land for "preservation of out species" or some dumb shit like that, but I left caused that Was the stupidest thing ive ever heard-
Funny: HA! not as dumb as you wanderering the halls alo-
-The tape cuts out again-
Dehlia: so you two have a bit of a enemies to lovers thing going on huh?
Funny: Eh, I guess, i mean we still fight ALL the time, and they're Super boring if that wasn't obvious! but.. i dunno They're a boring person, but Super fun to be around with! They taught me how to shoot a railgun, We made a bazooka that fires chainsaws, we smoke MJ together, They tell the best jokes! they've kinda become my muse!
Dehila: Aww thats so sweet- wait What about memory-
Funny: Nothing.
Finley: Yeah Funnys alright, Its nice to have someone who gets me, or Not takeing literally everything thing I say personally
Dehila: so funny, what separates you from the rest of the Partygoer?
Funny: Well I hate killing humans for starters, You guys are a alot funner alive, And Also Cannibal Cusinie Just tatses better, oh and also Being unwittingly controled by a giant birthday cake is super lame honestly, plus I'm having so much Fun With Finley!.... but I do miss friends back in level fun...
Finely: *sighs* ..yeah thats the hardest part about leaving..
Dehlia: so I've heard alot about "The pity Partiers" what is that exactly?
Finley: *akward silence*
Funny: Uhh.. well.. Uhhh
Funny: you see when you love someone very much-
Finley: they're our kids
Dehlia: All of them?!?! they're like 50 of them!
Finley: 160 actually, Partypeople usally have 40 per litter
Funny: Yeah, why do you think were everywhere?
Finley: Anyways don't worry about them, their (mostly) harmless, right fun?
Funny: I think I have something in my teeth
Finley: yeah just don't hurt them alright?
log ends
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vivitalks · 5 months
you are a wildflower garden growing in my head
not to be insane about my own fanfiction that i wrote but i am a little insane about this one. so like come be insane with me. join me. dont be afraid. i dont bite (lying) nico deserves hobbies especially when they enable his own self-actualization. anyway. this was written for the bingo prompt "jason remembers nico" i'm normal normal normal about it (still lying) title from the witching hour by the ready set. nico di angelo ass song read it here on ao3
Jason finds Nico among the strawberry plants, staining his hands and knees with dirt.
It's not…like, he's not embarrassed. Plenty of people like to garden. Nico is entitled to his hobbies. Even secret ones. And it’s only a secret because he doubts the Demeter and Dionysus kids would be particularly receptive to Nico tampering with their beloved source of income.
Despite this, he can't help his instinct to be defensive when Jason walks up, the early evening sun haloing him in light.
“Whatcha doin’?”
Nico gestures. “Weeding.”
“Cool,” Jason says, because he’s Jason. “Mind if I join you?”
“To keep me company, or to help?”
Nico points to a few rogue sprouts. “If you're here anyway, you might as well get your hands dirty.”
“Done,” Jason says, immediately tearing out the weed with ruthless force. Nico cringes.
“Try to be gentler,” he says, and demonstrates on his own. “Like this. And make sure to get the roots out, otherwise it’ll just grow back.”
“What's the difference?” Jason asks. “We're killing it either way.”
“Yeah, but…” Nico squirms. “Just because we're killing it, doesn't mean we have to make it suffer. Wouldn't you rather die in your sleep than bleed out with all your limbs torn off?”
Graphic, but it gets the point across.
“Fair enough.” Jason looks a little faint, but he tugs out the next weed with a lot more precision, careful to unearth its roots and all.
“I know it takes a little longer,” Nico says, “but mercy is a worthwhile use of time. In my opinion.”
Jason has this look. It lands on Nico. “You never cease to amaze me,” he says. Almost reverently.
Nico turns the color of strawberries. “Shut up. Keep weeding.”
“Aye aye.” Jason salutes and returns to his assigned task. Every so often he'll stop to check with Nico if something is a weed or not, but he's always gentle pulling them out.
After a few minutes, Nico says, “How did you find me?”
Because realistically, anyone looking for Nico would probably never consider checking the strawberry fields. In fact, most people would discourage him from being there at all.
“I don't know,” Jason says, which causes Nico to look up in surprise. A thoughtful look crosses Jason's face. “Lucky guess, I suppose.”
“Hell of a guess,” Nico says, reaching for another green shoot. It comes out of the earth so easily, barely old enough to have burrowed down, and some part of Nico feels a sting at that. Plants uprooted before ever having a chance to grow. Nico knows what that's like.
He also knows that weeds don't mean to be bad. They don't mean to be anything; they're harmful only when rooted near bigger, better flora. It's not their fault they hog the nutrients and land. Like any living thing, all they want is to survive. Their only crime is trying to grow with something prettier flourishing close by.
Nico knows that feeling, too.
He really hates weeding. But he's long since learned it's a necessary part of gardening, and of life. Not everyone can live. Not everyone can grow. Some plants — some people — are poison. Sometimes the only thing to do is to whisper apologies and dig out the roots, and hope that whatever this dead plant becomes next has better luck than what it was first.
“Did you need something?”
“Do I have to need something?”
“No, but…” Nico shrugs. “I don’t know. I assume you hunted me down for something. And you didn’t have to stay here and help me weed.”
“I did not hunt you down,” Jason says indignantly. “I was looking for you because I wanted to hang out with you. You’re doing this, so I’m doing it too.” 
“I'm not trying to say you shouldn't. And I always—” Nico falters. Stupid. This is his boyfriend. If he wanted to continue being an unknowable enigma with emotions under lock, key, and unbreakable steel trapdoor, he wouldn't have gotten himself involved with Jason ‘Heart On His Heroic Sleeve’ Grace. “I always want to hang out with you. I just meant, you didn’t have to help. You could have sat and done nothing.”
“Look, if I'm that bad at weeding, you can just say—”
Nico throws a handful of weeds at Jason and he dodges, laughing. “Shut up. I hate you. I wish I could pull you up by the roots.”
Smiling, Jason says, “You kind of did.”
Nico's brain gives him an error message.
“What does that mean?”
“I mean…you literally uprooted me.” Once again, he has that pensive expression, like Nico is an abstract painting that Jason is admiring while also trying to interpret. It's not the worst way to be looked at. “My whole life before you was Camp Jupiter. The legion. Being Roman. Being Jupiter's kid.”
“I didn't change all of that,” Nico points out. “You did.”
He can feel the chill of the cold ground through his jeans. Every inch of his palms is smudged with dirt. Jason's hands are starting to look the same. There's a dark streak by his hairline, and one on his jaw, and the setting sun keeps glinting off his glasses. It is, on the whole, unfairly attractive of him.
Jason hums like maybe, maybe not. “It still feels like you were the catalyst to all that change. The good change, not the…manipulated-by-Juno change.”
“I appreciate what you're doing,” Nico says, “but you understand that's ridiculous, right? We didn't know each other until after the prophecy and the quest and everything. I can't have had any impact on you before then.”
“But you were at Camp Jupiter. You arrived just before I disappeared.”
“I know that,” — People suspected me, Nico doesn't add — “but we barely spoke.”
“Yeah, but you…” Jason falls silent, his eyebrows drawn together. If Nico was art before, he's a riddle now, and Jason is struggling to solve it. “I just…feel like it was important. The timing.”
Nico buries his fingers in the ground, relishing the way the dirt crumbles and closes around his touch.
“The timing was important,” he says. “My dad knew Hera was planning something, so he sent me to Camp Jupiter like…an advance team. But it had nothing to do with you.” He pauses. “No offense.”
“No, none taken.” Jason’s laugh is a little off. “I don't know. Maybe I'm going crazy.”
“If you're crazy, I belong in an asylum,” Nico says, digging and digging until he can feel the roots of the closest weed. He pinches it between his thumb and forefinger, and watches as it turns brown, then shrivels into a dead, drooping dandelion.
He winces. That's his least favorite weeding strategy. He didn't even mean to do it just now. It's like his own body is saying, You're damn right you should be locked up. See what you can do?
I'm helping plants grow, he retorts.
His brain says, Only you would inflict death and call it ‘helping’.
Nico growls under his breath and stops listening to his brain.
“Anyway, you're not crazy,” he adds belatedly. “A goddess literally played with your memory and identity like Play-Doh, so cut yourself some slack.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Nico figures Jason is deep in thought, but when he glances up, he sees a different look on Jason’s face — like he’s just solved the riddle.
“I’ve seen you do that before.”
It’s quiet and distant, Jason’s voice, and weighted with a revelation. Of something, though Nico’s not sure what. Nico doesn’t mean to, but he recoils a little — at the thought of Jason, some previous Jason, watching him ruthlessly murder an innocent plant, maybe even without meaning to.
“At Camp Jupiter,” Jason murmurs.
Those words don’t make sense. They smack into Nico’s memory like birds into a glass window pane, seeking a target and failing miserably.
“At camp,” Jason says slowly, his hands resting limply in the loam. Behind the frames of his glasses, his eyes are unfocused. “One of your…first days there. I saw. You killed a hyacinth.”
An icy hand reaches into Nico’s chest, past his ribs, and closes around his heart.
“You saw that?”
Jason nods, still lost in the memory. “You were coming up to the principia, and you knelt to admire the flowers.”
To admire the flowers. Yes. That’s all he'd been doing. The walkway leading to the principia had been gorgeous, elegant flora lining the path in a rainbow of colors, a dozen or more different varieties in bloom. And Nico had only wanted to appreciate their beauty. To breathe in the fragrance of something so alive. 
“As soon as you touched it,” Jason says, “it died.”
Nico flinches.
“I was— I was nervous,” he says anxiously. “You and Reyna had asked to see me, and I was afraid you would decide I couldn’t stay. Couldn’t— be trusted.”
“I…” One of Jason’s hands comes up to rub the back of his neck, smudging dirt all over himself. “When I saw that, I had my doubts. But the way you reacted — like you were scared of yourself.” He shakes his head, his eyes sliding over Nico but with the distinct impression of looking beyond him. “I thought you must not have done it on purpose.”
“I didn’t.” Nico feels sick. He doesn’t know what to do here. Jason can’t even look at him. “I had never done it before, not by accident. I was scared.”
“And then I saw something else,” Jason says, blinking repeatedly. He pulls his glasses down the bridge of his nose and rubs his eyes with grimy hands, leaving the impression of twin shiners behind. But when he pushes his glasses up again, his gaze is sharp and focused. He faces Nico, straightening his shoulders. “That night, I watched you plant a new hyacinth.”
Nico stares. The ground underneath him might as well be thin air. “You…you saw that?”
“It was late,” Jason says, perfectly clear now, growing more certain every second. “I mean, later than anyone should have been up and about, but I left something in the principia, so I went back to get it, and when I came out, you were there. Kneeling by the flowers, just like that morning.”
Nico vividly remembers this. The wilted hyacinth had haunted him that whole day, a lethal combination of guilt and fear in equal measure. Something beautiful and alive was now ugly and dead, because of him. If he could do that to a flower, without even meaning to, what could he do to another person? What if he could stop someone’s heart on contact? How could Nico ever trust his own touch again?
And then something else had arisen, the way a new substance can emerge from two chemicals interacting. Determination. Nico may have been a child of death, but damn it, he could be more than that. He had to be more than that.
“I killed something,” Nico says hollowly. “I wanted to give something else life. To atone.”
Jason puts his dirt-stained hand over the knee of Nico’s equally dirt-stained jeans.
“Nico, I watched you plant that flower. I saw…” He hesitates. “I saw you pray. I couldn’t hear you, but the way you just…” He shakes his head, obviously overcome by the memory. “You didn’t do it for anyone else. You weren’t trying to prove anything to the Romans, you were just trying to make up for your mistake.”
“I didn’t know you were there,” Nico says weakly. How long had Jason stood in the shadows of the principia, a silent observer, as Nico mourned for one dead flower?
Jason ducks his head for a second. “I thought— I didn’t want to embarrass you,” he admits. “I figured you would misunderstand me if I said I had been watching you.”
Well, that’s true enough.
“I forgot,” Jason says, which is a familiar sentence out of his mouth. He grips Nico’s leg tighter. “But now I remember, and I was right. It was important. The timing was important.”
“What timing? What are you talking about?”
“My whole life, I had this feeling like I wanted to be more than who my father was,” Jason says. “I mean, you know. Big Three dad. They named the camp for him. Big shoes to fill, and it wasn’t that I didn’t want to fill them, but a small part of me was always thinking, why me? Why can’t someone else lead? You know?”
Nico nods. He does know.
“And then you came along,” Jason says. “The only other Big Three kid I had ever met. And yeah, at first, you seemed like the quintessential descendant of Pluto.”
“Scary, unapproachable, and surrounded by death?”
Jason breathes a laugh. “Yeah. But then I watched you plant a flower.” A slow-growing smile starts at his lips, then spreads up his cheekbones and illuminates his eyes. “The son of death. Nurturing life. Showing remorse and empathy for the living thing he’d killed, that he didn’t even mean to kill.” There’s impossible brightness in Jason’s gaze. “You were so much more than just the son of Pluto. And I thought: if he can do it, why can’t I?”
Nurturing life. Like now, Nico thinks, deliberately closing his fingers around the base of a strawberry plant. That instance, the one Jason is talking about — that had been the beginning of a chain reaction in Nico, turning all of his fear and self-doubt into stubborn conviction. The slow dawning of his refusal to being bound by his father’s name. He would always be Hades’s son, but sooner or later, he had to become his own man, write his own story, choose his own fate. Be Nico di Angelo, and decide who exactly Nico di Angelo would be.
He’d known then who he wanted to be. Someone who protects. Preserves. Sustains. Someone who accepts death and who cultivates life, who one day strikes a balance between light and dark.
He’s not that person yet. But he’s a hell of a lot closer than he once was. And it began with that hyacinth, planted under moonlight.
To which Jason bore witness.
If Nico believed in coincidences, he would call this one. As it is, he tends to believe that everything happens for a reason. Nico was fated to plant that flower. Jason was fated to watch.
“I’m telling you, Nico, it was you who got me thinking about how I could be more than just Jupiter’s son,” Jason says. “You really opened my eyes. And then a month later, when Juno took me…” He chews his lip. “I didn’t remember that moment until now, but I remember how I felt afterwards, like I wanted to just — do something spontaneous, something completely out of character. Surrender my rank and figure out what Jason Grace could do that Jupiter couldn’t. Even when I had amnesia, and even after that, I still had that feeling. It’s what made it so easy for me to choose Greek, to promote Frank as praetor, and then to stay here.” His fist knocks a quick pattern against Nico’s chest. The rhythm is indistinguishable from Nico’s heartbeat. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised it started with you.”
Nico, historically not great with emotions, pulls Jason in by the shirtfront and kisses him in all his dirt-smudged glory. Jason laughs, but he doesn’t break away to do it, so it vibrates over Nico’s lips and travels down his throat like a mild electric shock.
“What?” Nico asks, pulling away.
Jason’s smile looks indestructible. “Nothing.”
“You laughed.”
“I like when you kiss me,” Jason says, with the sun shining from his dimples. “That’s all.”
Nico blushes. “Oh.”
“I didn’t mean to stop you.” Jason’s lips twitch. “But while I’m at it, I guess I should thank you.”
“Thank me for what?” For kissing you? Nico considers, but he’s not that deluded. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You always say that,” Jason says, “after doing something amazing.”
This blush is not going anywhere, anytime soon. “Well, I didn’t do anything on purpose. I didn’t know you were watching.”
“Exactly. You inspired me without even meaning to.” Jason cups his face, so tender. Always. “Then and now.”
“It’s like you want me to kiss you,” Nico says, because he can’t take a compliment to save his life.
But Jason only grins. “I do want you to kiss me.”
Out of respect for Jason’s request, Nico kisses him again. 
This time, Jason doesn’t laugh.
Nico twists Jason's shirt into his fingers, right over his hips. Jason buries his hands into Nico’s already-tangled hair. A cool breeze rustles the plants on all sides and tickles their exposed skin.
Jason is gentle. Not like Nico is fragile, but more like Nico is worth taking his time. He breathes, “Sorry if I get dirt in your hair.”
“Don’t care,” Nico murmurs.
If only Nico from Camp Jupiter could see him now. Kissing a beautiful boy in a field of living things. 
I did this, he thinks. I nurtured this.
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digital-delusionz · 5 months
Tw: mention of self harm
Possible hot art take? I DONT think ppl who draw self harm often (especially those with more "cutesy" styles) are immediately glamorizing/romanticizing it (at least not intentionally) , the reason I'm saying this is bc I've seen artists get criticized/attacked for the fact bc they draw self harm often while having a "cutesy" style, or people looking at things, like menhera, gurokawaii or jirai Kei at a surface level and just say that these things make dark topics such as gore, mental health etc look like "some cute thing" when that's clearly not true
Can seeing things like fresh sh scars in art be triggering? Yes it can and I understand why and do think ppl should add warnings to be safe however I recommend blocking people/tags where u see this type of art often instead of just attacking the artist bc most of the time people who draw this kind of stuff struggle with mental health and use art as a coping mechanism to express it, in my experience as someone who self harms drawing it actually helps me cope with those thoughts and stop myself from actually acting on it and personally I think people should be allowed to share this kind of art in order to find others to connect with their struggles and feel less alone.
Back on menhera/yami kawaii personally I think it should be rather interpreted as "I can be cute despite being disordered" instead of "my disorder is cute" or what ever misconception there is . Because believe it or not , a lot of disorders are still stigmatized/demonized to this day!!!
Srry for the long ramble but I just rlly wanted to express my opinion on this, u may disagree but if u do please do it respectfully ^^
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