themoodyestj · 3 hours
Do you realize you are talking about a rich dude who besides being a successful actor owns his own production company, a dude who lives on a 9 million dollar mansion surrounded by his loving family and friends, a dude who is loved and admired followed by 12 m people on social media, a dude who literally gets paid to enjoy his hobbies (Music and Golf) a dude who has everything anyone would want. a dude who doesn't know or care that you exist.
but you are here stupidly flooding your brain with cortisol and living in angst because his wife dares to tease him a little! do you realize how dumb that is? do your own life and wellbeing mean nothing to you? do your really feel so unimportant that you can't stop for a little bit and realize that you need help?
Do you realize that your message is pointless? Do you realize that i absolutely dont care what you think? Do you realize that i reserve the right to say what i want to say, when i want to say it, and how i want to say it? Do you realize that despite me being your favourite chew toy, there are others who think like me? Do you realize it is stupid to think because a guy (or gal for that matter) can have all the money and fame in the world, and still are not exempt of critic? Honestly, my highest high is pissing you off. Because I can't stand bullies, so nothing brings me more pleasure than to watch you squirm as you spew hate to a stranger for a man who also thinks you're a stranger. And now I have to ask: is your life so based on a celebrity that a mere critic shakes your entire world? Is your life so empty that all the comfort you get is from TV and salivating over a guy? Do you not have meaningful relationships, with real people, that youhave to come to my inbox and spew hate? Do you realize that all the attention I get is... in the end... because of you? Keep making my posts, sucker.
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themoodyestj · 6 hours
Wait? Today I learned that there are people who pay to see Jensen to tell him Misha/Danneel is their favourite.... And now i learned that people are actually PRAISING her for devaluing Jensen? Like as in... you go girl? And the worse is... That passes as girl power. She is empowered. She is... a queen. (barf) Truly empowered women don't claim her.
You’ve probably noticed I have avoided posting about Danneel’s remarks, I needed some space because I am shocked to be living in a world where someone as limited and talentless as Danneel can freely devalue Jensen, Jensen who is a wonder of nature and talented on many levels. Jensen who she owes her entire career to. Jensen who is endlessly more beautiful, deep, fascinating, special than her. I am seeing posts with people praising her for devaluing Jensen and they shock me, it shocks me that to this day, a woman like that is allowed to demean Jensen. It’s just shocking to me. I am speechless, there’s so much I have to say but I would feel like screaming. I am deeply sorry Jensen has such superficial, uncaring fans. No wonder he’s been so down lately, he gets put down at home, in public and then the fans pick it up for fun, unaware of the toxic dynamic they are empowering. I am just at a loss of words and I can’t even react, I’m trying but my heart feels like it’s about to explode.
I am sorry but these so called fans live in delulu land if they can’t see what’s right in front of them. Danneel, is, like always, trying to rebrand herself. After every rebrand she fails miserably and throws Jensen under the bus. This woman doesn’t even deserve to be in your thoughts, she’s a leech, a succubus. I’ve never felt more sorry for Jensen than I do at this moment. My heart breaks for him. I hope the future will bring him better fans and better people around him because this is unacceptable, it is dehumanizing, it is humiliating, it is unacceptable!
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themoodyestj · 6 hours
The trees are going 😢
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themoodyestj · 7 hours
there is no need for empathy you dick for brains there is nothing wrong you cow you and your friends sit day after day making shit up about a marriage you are not in because you are all ill the only empathy there is to give is for your friends and family who have to deal with mental cases and freaks like you this shit should printed and sent to your people so they shame you and mock you into therapy you none of you should have a lives outside of a psych wards
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themoodyestj · 7 hours
Listen to the birds as they chirp a merry tune........
Like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis?
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themoodyestj · 8 hours
Danneel only married jensen to have a fancy life style and to secure her future with children. She was only looking for herself. She ever was interested in him as a man outside of his fame and money so I'm not even surprised about the david spade story. I know jensen always tell stories about her to save face yet he never tell a story about her being loving or caring towards him, it always her bossing him around and calling him out and criticising him for something and he tries to twist it in to something romantic, so there's so truth in the stories that he tells.
He does dump some easter eggs here and there, doesnt he? Some snippets of truth disguised as anecdotes from a happy marriage. Im glad Im not the only one noticing. I noticed he has two types of narratives. Basic general ones, and then more detailed ones. The basic general ones are to praise her. "Runs a tight ship", stuff like that. If you squeeze that orange, you wont get much juice. Just like most articles written about her ("actress from SPN, OTH and many more", or "involved in charitable projects..." yada yada). But when he goes into detail, when he's commited to the story, it's usually overall negative about her, although he tries to spin it as positive. But his body language, how he looks down sometimes... He's ashamed, in reality. He's, exactly like you said, saving face. Poor guy. Thank you for sharing. Lots of love.
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themoodyestj · 9 hours
If there's an award for worse and the most useless wife, danneel would win. I'm not even that big fan of jensen anymore but damn, he looks awful with her, zero chemistry, awkwardness, he is so tense and uncomfortable around her, All of the charms u see in the cons, he doesn't have none of it next to her and he just trying to survive while she is making him the target of her jokes. She is not funny by the slightest, totally ruined her look with failed plastic surgeries, she has no talents or charms, only bitter humour. And she think she still a hot mean girl who can get away with being a bully. Any person with slightest intelligence can tell she is a huge narcissist, her being unsupportive and putting other men above him. if I was a bigger fan of jensen, I would totally feel more sorry for him but surprisingly ( not Really surprised) his fans love to see him suffer, so who I'm to talk.
Hello there! Im starting to think those are not their fans, they're his potential kidnappers/stalkers. I do not get the lack of empathy from those people to their fave. There are times when Jensen is definitely stressed, and when the jabs are particularly acidic, and for someone who loves him so much, accepting (let alone encouraging it) sounds a bit sick. A Dom thing, maybe? A delulu thing, definitely. In my opinion, Danneel has nothing to show up for and deep down she knows it. Her two biggest accomplisments were to get married and to have kids, thats it. And she tries to show some relevance by playing the part of "the strong woman" behind the man. But she has no idea of how a strong woman looks like, so she fails terribly in that depiction. The "you'll do" thing is basically her trying to make herself relevant again, as if David Spade or any other top tier actor would even look at a wannabe like her. I hope Jensen doesnt believe that for one second. A strong woman would do her business without interfering in his. She would put him up, show love and appreciation, and expect the same in return from him in her things. She would have a sense of individuation, and not leech on the "power couple" thing. He was more than supportive in all of her projects, she could be the same. Not mock him and make him look like a doofus who cant get a part right "unless" she's coaching him. That woman can't act to save her life, why the hell does she want to teach him? Anyhoo, my two cents. Thanks for your ask! Lots of love!
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themoodyestj · 11 hours
What, she wasnt busy enough with her hideous jewelry line? Idk, crochet? Pottery? Writing a fanfic starring David Spade?
I was reading that description for Season 2 of The Winchesters and I was reminded of the episode, Fan Fiction, where they have spaceships, robots, and ninjas in the second act. Sound familiar? LMAO! Oh, and the big bad, Calliope, also shudders at having to sit through the 2nd act because there are "robots and tentacles in space!" I guess we know where Robbie got his ideas from, an episode of SPN about a play with a second act that's so absurd no one would ever think SPN would go there.
I still can't believe Jensen was willing to stake his name and reputation on that joke of a show.
Well, he had to give his bimbo wife something to do, so........
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themoodyestj · 14 hours
I think anon wants to sound cool. Instead, they look like cringe
God knows what goes on inside these delulu heads... But yeah, I bet it sounds a lot cooler in their head, and they must think it really really hurts me, but really, i just have a very good laugh. God, it's not sad enough that they worship a cheap plastic crown queen, but they also suck as an army. Not intimidating at all. I think by now they would be smart enough to keep to their own business, but I guess we can't expect these people to be smart. Ah well.
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themoodyestj · 15 hours
Reblog this if you like Supernatural. No questions, just do. It'll make sense later.
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themoodyestj · 15 hours
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themoodyestj · 15 hours
I don't know... right now anon is in love with you. I don't know why they still didn't make the proposal
Right??? I bet the kween would be so jealous, I'm getting so much attention over her.
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themoodyestj · 16 hours
Hello dear how are you doing?
i'm heartbroken to learn that you've been getting so much hate 💔 😪
what's wrong with those people! calling you names and doubting your brainpower and reducing you to the word "asshole" Don't they know that's dehumanizing? because you are so much more than that, don't they know you are a God sent?
obviously Dee is so important to the universe, that God had to send an angel (demon) specifically after her.
don't listen to that people, clearly they are jealous of your amazing perception and body language reading powers, and clearly, they don't know that absolutely everything has to be about you? including the Ackles' lives.
Rest assured, you're everything to me babe and i would never leave you for Dee (unless she asked me to, but don't worry, that's not going to happen because she's too busy fucking her beautiful husband, to even look my way.)
❤️ your secret admirer.
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Oh honey.... Awww. Don't feel bad...Go touch some grass, will you? Hug a tree. It's ok, honey, It's totally ok. They don't care... They really dont give a rats ass about any of us. Here, here, look.
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Yesh, I know, it's orange, we know. There, there. It's all good. Aaaaall good. There you go. Good delulu. You're a good delulu, honey. Now go play with your delulu friends, off you go. Bye bye. (Jensen looks so done in this, I mean LMAO)
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themoodyestj · 1 day
I totally missed this! Thank you @idontknow-1213 for pointing this out. I rest my case, 'nough said!
I think Jensen doesn't really like Danneel...
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I forgot these existed!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
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themoodyestj · 1 day
Keep going. Keep fighting the good fight. you're God's job!
Hello Anon, While I believe I'm God's job (because we all are), I wouldnt say what i do here is very significant because I'm... merely expressing my opinion about a few celebrities. Close to where I live there is actually an ongoing fire, and 5 people have already lost their lives fighting it so I could be safely seated here typing this message. They're the game changers, not me. However, thank you so much for your support, it's deeply appreciated. Especially because I get some delulus on steroids... It's nice to feel this warmth. Again, thank you. Lots of love!
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themoodyestj · 1 day
Yeah, it's nice to see someone else who thinks twice before saying things. You can like/love someone and still be able to judge him and have a clear vision about things.
The biggest damage is done by people who defend their favourites for everything. This is not a good mechanism.
Celebrities are human too, and they can make mistakes, and it's right to point them out and for them to take responsibility.
I don't understand why anon is still after you when you clearly told what type of blog you are and what are you topics. They can easily change blog.
See, thats exactly my beef: they try to beat people into submission. I kid you not, I genuinely believe that the worst bullies are actually people with a very unhealthy relationship with their faves. Like dangerously unhealthy. And all is fair game, because whatever comes and breaks their delusion (or threatens to break it) makes them extremely uncomfortable. The fact that they come at me so strongly, and trust me, I've seen some extreme reactions, just proves me right. If I were an idiot and they didnt feel threatened with what an idiot says on Tumblr, my inbox would be empty. I have no problem with people saying J and D are so in love, if they do it in their own space. It's their perspective, I may disagree with it, but thats fine. But to come into my space and tell me what i'm supposed to think, oh no, baby, no. Nuh-uh. Aint happening. Not backing down. On another note, I am a Jensen fan, I am not a Jensen fanatic. Im not inclined to call every turd he drops in the can a work of art. While I can understand where he comes from and the limitations he may have at a certain time (and God, do I feel for him), as a professional, i expect better. And that's something good, not bad. I know he can do better. I know he would be so much more if he surrounded himself with the right people, people who actually challenged him, not put him down like his wife. I once had a colleague who used to say: a complaining customer is a customer who stays, who's willing to give the service another try. A silent customer is someone who goes and search for business elsewhere. People need to grow up and stop thinking every criticism is negative. Even because, God, if you go about life that way, youre in for quite the tumble. Thanks for the ask! Lots of love!
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themoodyestj · 1 day
"I gotta be honest, sometimes I wonder if delulu anons drop asks in my inbox because they like to be kicked in the shin."
Yes, they do. They always do like this, I had a similar situation a few weeks ago. I think the common denominator is the unknown knowledge of grammar and the lack of critical thinking.
They usually don't know how to use punctuation marks.
I still don't understand how they can defend Ackles' marriage when Jensen, while signing a photo for a fan during a convention, laughed telling about Danneel and said it was a terrible experience having her on set.
They write in a rush because they're angry, its so very telling! Ha! There you go! He hates her guts, but i think only the willfully blind wont see that! The grating voice alone, geeeeez.
Thanks for your ask. Lovely to have someone with a brain to compensate for the mentally ill that have filling my inbox lately.
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