#i dont care if you do it to joke abt it or else
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targarrus · 9 months ago
im blocking on sight anyone who brings that fucking jo gossip acc to tumblr. have a nice evening
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silverselfshippingchaos · 1 month ago
husband.. I love him
#ash rambles 💚#kissing in the van 💍#k.yohei.. i never have the words for him#i think thats why i dont talk abt him as often as some others#but he's my number 1 guy and i love him with every ounce of my being and I'm so damn grateful i get to be his life and i just love him#so freaking much and being with him makes me feel like the happiest girl ever. being with him makes me feel so happy.#i never doubt myself or hate myself like usual when I'm with him. hes so comforting and warm and perfect and amazing and im just.. so happy#he's everything i could ever want and more#how lucky i am to have him as a husband#coming up on three years.. i adore him so much#i never have the words to describe how he makes me feel. no one really understands me like he does i feel. waking up in his arms every day#is the best. seeing his soft smile and hearing that deep voice... it's my favorite in the whole world. i adore him#he's always so caring and attentive and loving ajdhamdh#he's so gentle and loving with me. he's so supportive too. he really does fuel my s/i's love for nerdy shit and plushies. he's so kind.#and handsome too#sorry this is. really sappy#i just#ajdhajdja#he's so#sjdjsjdjhsjd#my husband... the way i feel towards him is just something else#i adore him. more than that even. he's just everything i never knew i needed. he makes me feel excited to keep going#he makes me feel like maybe i do matter. he makes me feel loved. cared for. he laughs at my stupid jokes.#it's still quite early for me and man.. waking up in his arms.. how nice#k.yohei i love you with all i am!!#ahem. okay I'm done now. back to The Usual Ash#i get teary eyed if i think about him too hard lmao. a lot of my inserts end up marrying their partners at one point but..#for me? there's only one man I'll ever call MY husband
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uzukali · 5 months ago
Yknow, pvp civ is actually pretty damn good when evbo isn't making meta/fourth wall breaking jokes every minute and pissing me off
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whimsycore · 1 month ago
my favorite thing i realized is when someone makes thier mind up about you theres no changing it. when they need other people against you its because they feel threatened. and theres no point of staying because those people are already against you because someone else is. working in a pwi i see that my experience wasnt in a vaccum they are very aggressive and rude to black women specifically in these spaces. they do not want black women in academia.
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eclaire-went-bam · 10 months ago
morals are so confusing sometimes. it's not like i'm trying to do anything malicious, it just doesn't occur to me that most people see these things as bad — to me, some things are just kind of a means to an end and if nobody gets genuinely hurt idrc ??
if i let someone borrow something and they're not giving it back, i don't really see anything wrong with telling a lie about the importance of that item to guilt trip someone into giving it back (eg, so & so gave this to me before they died & it's rlly important to me so i really would appreciate it if i got this back soon ...). not because i want to go outta my way to make someone feel bad, but that's just how i view the world. they are probably maliciously keeping my stuff, so just talking to them wouldn't be enough. so why shouldn't i?
i don't see an issue in hacking into my parents email so i can get the verification code for a family streaming service, it takes me a really long time for it to click that actually People Don't Like Someone Going Thru Their Private Stuff even though i'm not trying to find anything but the verification email
type of things that i don't really realise could genuinely upset someone until i think about it a lot and ask someone for their opinion. i could realistically just ask and communicate better, but i often fall into the pit on never relying on anybody to do something when i put a task in their hands. that will only end up hurting or disappointing me.
oftentimes in trying to watch my own back and keep myself safe from nonexistent problems, i somehow create them
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itsalwaysdark · 4 months ago
got an annoying blaze and i was like Sigh. its probably just some annoying kid ill just go block and be done with it (which is what i do everytime i see any blazed post) and then i go to the blog to block and theyre a millenial. why the fuck are you 28 years old MINIMUM and being this fucking annoying
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starwarsanthropology · 6 months ago
Inspired by my wild misinterpretation of @here-comes-the-moose's post about what kind of packer Echo is, Echo with a packer post-skako
He's got maybe a little more lower body damage and for whatever reason elects to use an STP device - makes his life a little easier and he's already got a bunch of new accessibility devices and prosthetics so it makes sense.
Normally it's completely a nonissue but once and a while it falls out of his pants or someone shuffles it around when he's not wearing it and the chaos... i know tbb would not be normal about it
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323cutie · 4 months ago
hi its me. also dont think abt how bf yunho will send u money/pay for things all the time. bc it makes his dick twitch in his jeans when you send him a pic of your new hair cut he paid for, or show him your meal while out for lunch with a friend.
sometimes he’ll ‘jokingly’ send you money for feet pics, but you know he’s actually panting like a dog just thinking about it.
my yunho feet lover agenda is so important to me.
this makes me sick actually when will it be MEEEEE
I think it genuinely comes from a place of care for him like. he cares about you and wants you to always be taken care of -- And he can do that easily. so Yeah he's sending you out with his card or sending you money and always insisting on paying when you're together
and he makes it known he expects pics so he can see how you're spending his money... he's very sweet about it, and it lets him know what you're doing throughout your day also!! you start off small, pics of your shopping bags or food for the day... you're never ordering or buying too much or going to places that are too expensive either. but you Start to. and he Fucking loves it
and yeah! he venmos you like fifty bucks with the memo being the foot emoji. you joke around, and the next day he sends you a little more for something else. and then a few hours later you send him a pic of your purchases -- which just so happens to be a pretty little lingerie number and a fresh pedicure. he makes it to your apartment in record time.
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elliereject · 11 months ago
ifhy .1
* in which ellie’s obsession relationship with you begins to sour as your romance with your new boyfriend seems to flourish. it seems she’ll stop at nothing to ensure your happiness, (which you’ll find with her, obviously) even if it means hurting you in the process.
* lowkey obsessive ellie, (I LIKE EM’ A LITTLE CRAZY!), angst + comfort (next chapter(s), infidelity, unrequited feelings yet also mutual pining (just read it like, idk idk I forgot how to do these),lmk if I missed anything!
* im back, ok not really this has been rotting in my drafts forever and I was reading it back and I was like damn I lowk cooked with this. It’s unfinished as of RN but this is only 1/3 of the fic im just splitting it up so u don’t have to wait months,,for it..like my other fics..DONT ASK ME ABT THOSE, cuz I don’t got an answer. IN THE MEAN TIME ENJOY THIS! <3
* mdni (but like if u do wtvr, nothing crazy happens in this chapter)
wc ~ 1.6k
pt. 2 here
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Ellie Williams fucking hated you.
Surprisingly, she didn’t at first. In fact, she was in love with you, bordering infatuation.
She had seen you for the first time at the local bookstore before the semester started, you were flipping through a book about time and relativity with a concentrated look on your face. She smiled to herself when she saw you push up onto your toes to reach for another book but to no avail. She took this as an opportunity to walk up to you and reach over your head to grab it, making sure to flex her lean, tattooed arm before placing it in your hand.
Her jade eyes locked on yours and your face heated immediately, you mumbled a “Thank you.” Before scurrying past her to the checkout.
Imagine her surprise when on the first day of classes, she walks into her astrophysics course and sees you, doodling in your notebook with that same concentrated look on your face.
Of course, she sits next to you, flashing that charming smile that has sweat gathering at your hands. She tells you her name then asks for yours and learns about your major, favourite course, and how you’re staying in a little apartment just outside the campus before more students and your professor filed in. You didn’t know why but you just felt so comfortable telling her things, She laughed at your corny jokes and made even cornier ones, and she admired the doodles that covered your notebook and the little duck pen you used.
You didn’t want to speak too soon, but it was safe to say you were harbouring a tiny bit of a crush on her.
Ellie on the other hand, was completely ready to admit it. She felt her love for you grow each second she was around you. Your smile quite literally felt like the sun shining upon her, your laugh made her want to drop her studies of space to pick up stand-up comedy just so she could make it her job to make you laugh. In her eyes, everything you did was perfect. Her thoughts were completely consumed by you, you, you.
And for a few months, things were amazing! You had been introduced to Dina and Jesse and even spent Halloween hanging out with the trio watching horror movies and eating each other's weight in candy. When the holidays rolled around you and Ellie, along with the others, cozied up under some blankets and made fun of cheesy Hallmark movies while she tried her hardest not to interlock her hands with yours even after your pinky brushed against hers for the sixth time.
During finals, Ellie and you organized designated study days that usually ended in giggling at stupid memes on each other's phones or late-night food runs. Of course, there were lingering touches and flirtatious glances here and there but you were too shy to act on it and Ellie would rather die than make you uncomfortable so she kept you just at arm's length. Besides, she knew you were too timid to approach anyone else, so in a way she had you all to herself.
Then, you met him. Some motherfucker whose name she didn’t care to remember. However, she did remember the innate feeling of anger that surged through her body when you gushed to her about him and how he was a history major and the way his glasses framed his face perfectly and whatever the fuck else you found interesting about him.
She nodded and laughed and smiled along with you when you would drone on about him but would excuse herself to the bathroom to tend to the crescent-shaped wounds in her palms from digging her fingers into them so hard.
She tried her best to not show these negative emotions to you because she knew how much you didn’t like when she got mad but fuck was it hard. Especially that one night when you were out with him and you hadn’t replied to her texts in over 5 hours. Man did her drywall take some damage that night.
And when you finally did reply you had completely disregarded her message and went on to boast about the time you had and how gentlemanly he was. All she could do was reply with a dry “sounds like fun🙂” before she went back to throwing a tantrum around her room and tormenting that poor wall…she’d have to remember to buy some spackle before the end of the semester.
Then, there was the time she trekked over to your apartment with some pizza for a surprise movie night and saw the bouquet placed in front of your door. She set the box down to pick up the flowers and read who it was from, her body reacted before she could rethink. She tore the flowers from the beautifully wrapped packaging and stomped on them over and over and over until all that was left were broken stems and tattered petals.
Thankfully, you got home just a few minutes later and missed her outburst. You gasped when you saw the smashed flowers and asked her what had happened, she shrugged and lied easily, claiming it was like this when she got there. She let out a breath when you shook your head and sighed, saying it was probably your next-door neighbor who had always been a bit of a grouch.
She had genuinely thought she was doing a pretty good job of hiding her true feelings for both you and him but it was when you gleefully announced that he was officially your boyfriend she knew she was done for. You squealed and pulled her in for a hug but it felt like her heart had shriveled up into a clump of black coal and woosh like magic, her love for you had turned into something twisted, something possessive.
It was when you invited her over to your apartment to eat dinner with him that she had started considering the idea that you knew she had a crush on you and you were just fucking with her emotions for fun.
How could you start dating, let alone seeing some random ass motherfucker when she was right here! She knew she could treat you better than he could even dream of, she knew everything about you and she’d make it known to you how perfect she was for you, one way or another.
That night at dinner she sat uncomfortably as you fluttered around your tiny kitchen, adding last-minute touches to the spaghetti you made and despite the grumble in her tummy it felt like she had no appetite when she watched the hungry way he looked at you, as if you were a juicy steak and he was a starved wolf.
Once you were finished plating the food and placing it on the table you sat down eagerly and tried your best to mediate the obvious tension.
“Soo uh, Ellie, you’ve been really into watercolour recently right?” You beamed.
“Uh-huh.” She said dryly, twirling her spaghetti around her fork.
“Oh that’s cool, you know watercolour as an art form has been around since Egyptian times! It’s funny to think that like—Cleopatra was painting with water and grapes or something!” He spoke and you giggled like it was the funniest joke in the world. She shot you a look that said really? because she knows she could make a joke that was way funnier, and would expel your real laugh.
“That’s cool. You know how to shut the fuck up?” She mumbled into her bite of spaghetti.
“Sorry?” He asked and you gave her a sideways glance.
She smiled tightly and swallowed before answering, “Just said that’s cool!”
Dinner dragged on as he droned about the history of the Renaissance or fucking Christopher Columbus, she didn’t actually know, she tuned him out. After you cleared the plates, you ushered them into your cozy living room for a movie and when you excused yourself to the bathroom she plopped down on the couch next to him, subtly pulling out her switchblade.
“So, Kevin—“
“Actually my name—“
“I don’t give a fuck what your name is, matter fact I don’t give a fuck about you in general. What are your intentions with ★?”
The man tensed up as Ellie expertly spun the blade around in her fingers.
“Uh—I mean, she seems cool and dating her has been pr—“
“Cool?” Ellie scoffed, “She’s fucking perfect, and I hope you know whatever you have going on with her right now? It won’t last. Soon she’s gonna see you for the limp-ass motherfucker you are.”
He was taken aback, “What?—I’m sorry, did I do something to offend you?”
“Your whole existence offends me.” She rasped, inching her blade closer to his neck. “She’s not meant to be with you.”
He furrowed his brows, “You like her, don’t you?”
Ellie rolled her eyes, “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
Before he could reply you were back from the bathroom and she slipped her blade back into her pocket and got up with a firm grip on his shoulder.
“What were you two talking about?” You asked as you grabbed a bag of chips from your small coffee table and tore into them.
“Oh you know, girl talk.” She smiled, digging her blunt nails into his shoulder. Translation: don’t say a fucking word.
You rolled your eyes playfully like you even had a clue of what was going on, “He’s not a girl, dumbass.”
She shrugged, stepping away from her previous seat to plop down on the other small sofa.
The rest of the night proceeded relatively smoothly, your boyfriend had been so shaken up by Ellie’s words that even with you sitting next to him he kept his distance with worried glances toward Ellie now and then. Ellie crunched on her popcorn happily and watched the movie with a satisfied smile and a chipper aura.
— ★
🤔 shall I put out the second part? only time (and interactivity! 💝 pls don’t let this flop) will tell!
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walnutcookie · 1 month ago
Heard you liked hearing hcs.. heh..
I personally HEAVILY believe that Toodles wouldn’t be as annoying as people portray her to be.. like that isn’t entirely a hc BUT!!!
This is the hc part!! Atleast personality wise..
Based off her insecurity of being unhelpful and afraid, she’d try her best to be likeable. Of course she’s a kid and will act like a kid— I HATE when people make her too angsty/mature— BUT she’d definitely attempt to be “mature” or responsible for other people’s problems!!
I think this could also tie into her being the only kid. She is the ONLY child toon and there aren’t even other children coming to gardenview anymore so imagine how out of place she feels…. She just wants to be INCLUDED 💔💔
Apologies for ranting.. can you tell its my lifelong mission to stop child mischaracterization..
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i feel like i probably am a culprit of potraying toodles as just The Dumb Kid but like. ouuhgg you described it perfectly this is actually really similar to a lot of my hcs for her.... (ive had a toodles infodump in my drafts for ages but ill be honest i realized i wasnt comfortable posting it cause its a little too personal) like i make jokes about her being a dumb lil kid a lot but also theres a lot that could be done with her being the only kid i agree with you 100% . inspired by my old walnut cookie hcs (haha url reference) i think that she Notices people dont let her help or just give her useless jobs to do to keep her busy despite her genuinely wanting to help and it makes her feel a lil unwanted </3 because of that she tries Really Really hard to prove that she can be helpful which. annoys the other toons sometimes and then they dont want her to help. ahh the wretched cycle
One of the things i really like to yap abt with my friends is how the toons suffer from the conditions theyve been placed in because the founders didnt think it through/care enough. like toodles was designed to want to help but being a kid people will naturally not want her to help, whether it be out of concern or just doubt that she can do it or something else - this is fine for a cartoon show where the characters can have planned out interactions and emotions but when its applied to Living Beings with Real Emotions it really fucks with toodles. its like an itch she can never scratch </3
also i absolutely adore this drawing u made of her AUSGDHGSH SHES SO SCRUMBLY<3333 anyways ur brain is huge TY FOR THE ASK ‼️‼️
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myegolovesyou · 2 months ago
what’s everyone’s reactions to finding about about cherrycola
ooh ive thought abt this one extensively
bear w me
- darry is way to busy worrying about paul to care that much. he just lectures soda abt her friends and to not get her pregnant (soda is uncomfortable and starts yelling over darry LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU)
- pony is oblivious as hell like cherry could be coming over for dinner daily and he’d be like “wow theyre such good friends” but soda never outwardly tells ponyboy. pony found out bc soda was telling steve that he needed to pick up flowers for his girl and pony was like “who the fuck” and soda was like are u dumb.
- BC SODA TALKS ABT CHERRY SOOO OFTEN THAT DARRY GETS ALL MAD AND TELLS HIM TO SHUT UP obviously bc his own love life sucks and pony is just like yep besties.
- but pony takes it better than you would think. like he’s a little annoyed that soda took her from him (ponyboy sit down youre 14 thanks) but in the end he loves having cherry at the house for dinner bc they YAP
- steve is another story. this man is PRESSED that he’s being replaced. like soda told him at work one day that he was talking to cherry and steve was asking so many questions and making backhanded comments (ex. why a soc? isnt she a bitch? i heard she only goes for rich guys.) not bc he’s mean!! he doesnt wanna be replaced as soda’s best friend! even though soda reassures him multiple times!
- in the end theyre fine, steve stays slightly bitter when soda blows plans off to see cherry (“she was sad because her shoe broke and i needed to be there to help her!”) cherry clocks his distaste for her so she tries to be overly nice which makes steve annoyed. but he knows soda needs someone to be there for him,,,,,, so he puts their differences aside. HE STILL WONT THIRD WHEEL THOUGH
- ace is just happy she doesnt like her anymore (girlkisser)
- two bit and everyone else is just like. sure. they dont care either way but they make fun of soda because hes just so in love with her. like he’ll be staring at a picture of her for ten minutes and two bit will shove him and call him “cherry’s bitch” but soda is proud of it. like he bagged the prettiest girl in tulsa. he is so lucky and says it every day. btw two bit also asks to be set up with marcia. (“what about her brunette friend? she also into greasers?”)
- bev and marcia are told at the same time, but theyre complete opposites. cherry tells them together and they both go “WHAT???” but bev is like 😧 and marcia is like 😄 bev is a d1 hater. like she is PISSED she cant stand those fucking greasers. and marcia asks about two bit. (“heyy… do you know anything about keith?? like is he seeing anyone? not like i care… haha…”)
- but bev realizes that paul and darry are actually way more annoying to deal with than soda and cherry. bc cherrycola is just so happy and literally the it couple. but parry is all over the place like these boys are sobbing and crashing their car and always upset etc. cherrycola is a waste of her time and energy. (“just dont get knocked up, cherry, or i’ll drop you right then and there.”) (she doesnt mean it she loves cherry and learns to love soda eventually) (maybe)
- paul, like darry, is preoccupied. i like to believe he doesnt even like,,,, process it for a good week. like he forgets she ever said anything
- the other soc boys find out because bev cant keep a secret. they confront cherry but she cries and they apologize and never bring it up to her again. but they do shit talk soda amongst themselves (“the curtis family is cursed” “his brother basically killed bob”)
bonus: i always think cherrycola is post canon but if it was pre/during canon
- dallas a biiiitch about it. he overhears soda talking to someone about it and practically forces steve to tell him who it is. he makes nasty sexual comments about cherry and darry has to physically hold soda back. dally said its a joke but was it really. cherry refuses to speak to him at parties unless he apologizes (he has too much pride and doesnt)
- he makes soda cry with a mean comment about their relationship and then apologizes to SODA, never to cherry. obv he feels bad but its still mean
- johnny doesnt say much about it- he actually just doesnt gaf. he has too much to worry about with his family. but he doesnt mind cherry at all! after the awkwardness goes away they talk a bit and bond over shitty families
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heartmatic · 11 days ago
core of andre and rovers relationship........... v important to me (LONG rambling under cut! ig sorta explanation of their initial beginning relationship)
hi. whats the core of them. what actually brings them together.. take a while guess from my millions of post abt it
asian-american immigrant* trauma 😁 its not ever so defining for them as a couple, esp andre (i think hes generally moved** past it, as much as you can when youre main coping mechanism is That). Anyway, i think its what originally brings them together
*quick note. sterotypical asian-american immigrant life. you probably know. the whole: parents moved here for a better life for You, high expectations and wants for you to grow up and be successful. if you dont its like youre personally failing them for all theve done. youve seen jokes abt it all, yada yada. its not how everyone whos an asian immigrant is, its a sterotype after all. but its still how a lot of them do...... me included, i hc andre to aswell based on the info from the show. its canon in my heart. religion also plays a part but we'll get to that maybe ("i was raised by hardcore christians", kinda wanting to be a screenwriter- moreso that whole scene and him panicking abt what hes become. failing out of med school, you get the idea. ive talked abt that sooooooooooo much...)
Rover is a clone in canon.. i did this for a multitude of reasons but rlly quickly you can kinda imagine its for that whole- feeling like a diff person bc of the highhhh specific expectation life that is forced upon you. its a biggg part of his character. he still struggles with the whole "living your life for other people" bit
true androver fans know abt their initial reactions towards eachother. Rovers kinda uptight mean manager when he meets everyone (reagan 2.0 ig?), andre dislikes him for this. Andre is. Andre. rover at first is always work-oriented so hes kinda pissy that andre feels like some slacker who doesnt deserve his job. > just realized this is kinda a timeline of their relationship too..... at least the start, not everything is set in stone tho but this is what i generally think of for this era.
eventually... idk.. at some cognito (chirstmas?) party... atp brett is still trying to get rover to open up to everyone (theyre buds* already). he eventually convinces him to come under the guise that Rand is gonna be there, since Rover is wanted to drop of transfer papers to a new management job (hes Done!!! with the gangs messiness). Brett. Didnt Not lie, he could never do that butttt welllll rands not there, omission of the fact. rovers kinda Wth, but its all part of bretts master friendship plan. cause now Rovers here, its a party, why not get a drink n all? he gets too many drinks. kinda just sits down at a wall in some darkish not populated area to chill out. Andre, well doesnt care much abt what everyones doing buttt hes a party-er n all, he practices normal morals lmao so sees rover kinda fucked up and goes to check up on him. WAIT pull out the fake wiki didnt i write this there
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ok sure. less info but quick summary! idk if im keeping the whole friends with benefits thing but it can paint a better picture of their dynamic. full wiki if youre curious, not fully up to date and weird writing but hurray rover character! anyway. andre goes up to check on him. theyre kinda annoyed at seeing andre but whatever theyre too idc. in fact rovers a very curious "needs to know everything" person, so in his drunk mind goes and asks andre a bunch of personal stupid question "how do you do it? be so stupidkly carefree and idiotic" ok. chill. yada yada they actually have a heart to heart..... i mean andres kinda high or whatever too but its a weird pivot for them. andres not totalllyy asnwering his questions, still enough to have a connection, but hes more concenvered abt rovers current physical being so just makes sure hes ok first. Maybe brings him somewhere else like to his lab n whatnot, not 100% sure
Those first impressions? Andre realizes well first- he's right, rover is stuck up; but he's also wrong and understands more so Why hes like that... it intrigues him. (like how he tried to get glenn to do mushrooms LOL, its a similar vain of hmmmm you were like me. let me try something for that) Rover also realizes (a little before cognito christmas too) that andre Isnt dumb.. or some full slacker.. he respects that he actually knows his job, and gets Rlly Rlly interested in him in general. esp after learning he had a similar childhood- that first question he asked was genuine. "how do you do it....?"
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ok. idk where im goign with this LMAO IM SORRY core of how they got more interested in eachother..... its a whole thing. the biggest effect is that Understanding tho... that yea. i lived that life... no one else takes it rlly srsly- or no one else cares- or no one else WHATEVER. but they do with eachother yk.. Andre kinda helps rover deal with his whole . thing. Rover hates it all, he still struggles with it so internally but through andre and kinda everyone else he learns to eventually get past it. Rover helps Andre deal lesser so with this all, like i said hes Kinda over it; but he offers to andre to be that person to actually take him seriously.. to actually listen to whatever the fuck he has to say and see him past as jsut some druggie.... someone who sticks by him no matter what (hes loyal to a fault lol)
anyway. whatever. theyre not even perfect bc after party b4 theyre srs they have this whole attachment problem arc LMAO rover helps him out with all that too... hashtag uhhh mutual helpings. that transfer form to move departments n whatnot does come back btw.... he files it after their fucked up talk
ok. sorry i wrote that all so bad but i hope you got the idea. important context of their whole dynamic and relationship? now you get pieces like this lol I HATE ANDROVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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itsalwaysdark · 7 months ago
also i admire dws refusal ever to engage with language barriers
#tardis is gone and these ppl have never been in a tardis before so they dont have the translation software . Umm idk they randomly got#translation software somewhere else Shut up shut up dont ask.#ik im the only girl in th world who cares abt the translation software i just find ot interesting and i love languages im sry im always#going on abt this transltion software but i want to study it !!! and also i understand its judt there to handwave around the language#barrier thing BUT i think language barriers could be very fun 2 play w id get thatd have to be baked into th wepiaode but yk id have a great#time... bc i like languages#but im also not rly expecting dw to whip out a conlang or anything. so. whatevr#AND LIKE AT TIMES IT TRULY SEEMS THEY FORGET ABT THE TRANSLATION STUFF#or they remember it right after there being a flaw im never going to forget about the russians having a switch that was in russian while#speaking in english Without the tardis being present#bc my pet theory was Oh maybe bc we as the audience have been exposed to the tardis its like a cute nod to us having the translation stuff#in our brains probably not intentional but thats cute but no bc the text was translated and my true hearts belief is that#they straight up had to have the button in Russian so that we knew they were russiam#DJFNFJFNFJN ITS VERY FUNNY 2 ME. BUT I WAS SCREAMINGGG#i think my theory was cute though I KNOW they dont care abt the translator as much as i do its literally just so they dont have to worry abt#it and i get it 4 the stories they tell language barriers would slow everything down and yeah. i get it i do. but theyre so inconsistent#with it and ots funny 2 me#lik for example theyll be on an alien planet everybodys translated but then they have an alien woth a rly weird language that isnt#translated so that we can see the doctor like bark to communicate. but every other language is being translated why not that one#and the answer is bc that ones a fun little joke moment yk.#and then theres stuff like Confirmed the tardis doesnt translate sign languages which makes sense but it is able to translate text which is#portrayed as it Changing the text youre looking at into your language. yk#ik that may be bc visual medium and irl it might be something more like You just knowing what it says#but ADDITIONALLY and they cant handwave this bc bill said it outloud is it does match the lipsync#which means it is able to manipulate visuals. but then i guess sign language youd have to be manipulating the visual into an auditory form#its all just very intriguing to me you know
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siriusblackdevotee · 2 months ago
Saw ur post abt asshole Sirius and came here to learn lol . Or any interpretation of him u like(plsplsplsps)
Listen, EVERY possible way you can make our Sirius to be THE asshole is a pass for me. Anyway that can be made up, I do not care...that said, here's what I remember immediately.
The whole Severus thing? I like the idea that James only had a childish level of dislike, almost harmless, mostly throwing a disdained look at him and nothing else. But Sirius was very bothered by just the mere existence of Severus, a poor ugly looking kid. He notices James really didn't like him because he hung out with lily. So he's like, "why don't we teach him a lesson?" James is like, "isn't that too far? He didn't do anything that much besides being ugly [Insert other childish reason]", James is really hesitant, he doesn't feel like it's justified. But then Sirius again, is like, "you'd be doing the world a favor, you know Slytherins are bad, not a single one turned out good, he's a future death eater, he's going to kill in the future, he deserves it, you're doing something heroic." And James is convinced, he and Sirius team up and basically corner Severus just to bully him and he's having fun torturing this kid. The whole time he keeps validating James and justifying their actions. Then when the other mauraders join in, he tells peter "but isn't it funny? Didn't he look so funny when he tried to run away? The look of terror was funny! Did you see what he did? What an idiot!" And Peter is easily convinced, this is all just good humor, just jokes between kids. Remus however, is not. The whole time he's guilty, nauseous, because he's conscious enough to know they are definitely not in the right, none of this is justified but Sirius is like "c'mon Remus, don't be sensitive, don't be a loser, oh you're so boring, it's just a little fun, no need to be so serious all the time!" And AND, one time, Sirius stopped mid bullying to beckong Remus over, he's like "here, you try punching him, I promise its so fun, he deserves it, it's okay." And Remus obviously does because Peter and James are waiting for him and this feels like he needs to prove he deserves their friendship so he participates. That one time. That one time, Sirius brings it up EVERY time, he's like "do you feel better than us? You're just as bad. You're part of this, don't try to deny it now" and Remus cannot fight his entire friend group, they're all convinced it's just a fun activity, and he doesn't want to lose them by opposing them so he just shuts up and stays at the back. And also the WHOLE TIME?? Sirius did not give two shits about the whole future death eater thing, he still despises Severus of course, but that's it, it was all fun for him, he just used it as an excuse to have fun freely. Plus James noticed pretty early on that Lily really won't ever look his way unless he stops acting like a little shit so he really wants to put a stop to the group activity but Sirius is like "we have to? We don't have to stop, we can just let everyone think you stopped, we can just hide it instead. Let's stop getting caught shall we?" Hence how James "matured", despite still bullying Severus at the background and Sirius helped hide/joined.
And then wolfstar. I really really love emotionally intelligent Sirius so he noticed quickly that Remus is hella in love with him (and Remus is a...weird masochist cause why would like someone that treats you like that?? But anyways). And he sort of belittles?? it?? Every chance he gets, he uses that fact to have his way with Remus. "I thought you liked me? Prove it. Do that right now and prove it." He does it publicly too. "I dont think Remus would like me doing that, of course not, I'm his favorite, he can never say no to me." Not explicitly saying anything publicly ofc, but enough to sort of make a mockery out of it, again, belittling it. And despite bringing it up every time, he manages to avoid any conversations afterwards, either that or just ignores any moves from Remus and it's not like there's many attempts from Remus, because ..well he has no courage, he has like 0 expections that Sirius will ever like him back so he's fine with having his feelings used for every little thing (it's not). And thennn comes the prank, and ofc he uses Remus's feelings to get out of any consequences. "oh drop it Remus, I know you're not mad at me, you can't be, I'm your favorite, aren't I?" And it's that moment it really solidifies for Remus that Sirius really is an awful person but there's nothing he can do because he still loves him anyways.........but! obv this can be unrequited but the other version is Sirius that finds new joy in making fun of Remus for liking him, constantly does that, but then slowly he's noticing weird things like "ugh he's so messy looking with his untamable brown curls and look at the way he's biting his own how gross and his fingers are so long and funky looking and he really loves chocolate forgs I should get them and oh god uh oh oh fuck shit shit shit" and then goes through three weeks of feelings denials and violently rejecting Remus because he cannot be seriously in love with Remus , the loser, the guy he's been making for of for years so now he's the loser an this is karma...after the three weeks are over he gets his shit together and asks out Remus so everything's okay.
And then Regulus :3. Might wanna skip this one since it's all about him and Sirius. But anyways. Sirius...takes out his anger on Regulus almost every time he interacts with his parents. Literally every interaction, it ends with him feeling frustrated, hurt, humiliated and he just takes it out on Regulus. They fight, it gets physical, they brawl the way only siblings do, like it's violent shit, no holding back any punches. And Sirius is the older brother, he's taller and stronger so regulus loses every single time, and even if he's so obviously defeated, Sirius does not stop until he hears crying, then he stops and by then, bruises and blood are definitely very there. The best part is if you asked Sirius how he felt about Regulus, he'd tell you "nothing" and actually mean it because all Regulus was to him was a punching bag. Maybe they had a good relationship when they were much younger but they drifted apart and now they basically hated the sight of each other. But if you asked Regulus how he felt abt his brother, he told you he despised Sirius. Because Sirius was like, his tormenter ever since he could remember. Also also also! Despite bearing the brunt of their parents' scrutiny, he might also be the favorite because he's the heir, so no matter how objectively in the wrong Sirius is, their parents always dismiss Regulus every time he comes complaining. So again, Sirius gets away with it and because of this very enabling behavior, doesn't even see he's doing anything wrong. And when Sirius runs away, regulus is heir, BLA BLA BLA, he still terrorizes regulus at school, nitpicking every little thing "I hear you didn't get an O in potion, what a fucking idiot, potion?? I can almost hear mum's heart breaking, still shit at casting as ever I see, tell me, has our father said anything?" So this version, regulus might be a blood purist, might be not, but Sirius always saw him weak, lesser, basically had no respect so he never regretted his actions. If Regulus was a blood purist, then if anything, Sirius feels like he deserved what he got even more. This is just one version. Let's move on to popular fanon. Sirius runs away, tried to bring Regulus but he said no because one of them gotta stay. BLA BLA BLA, now regulus survived the water hocruxes thing and finds himself in Sirius' doorstep, begging for help. I forgot how this part goes, but ig he's on the verge of death? Dehydration, clawed deep from the inferis nails? Anyways so he's dying, he's begging for help, he looks pitiful, barely standing as he is but all Sirius does is watch him for 5 seconds, then lean on the doorframe and just says "no" and regulus is so desperate to live rn "wdym no" "I said no, don't you remember? That was the last thing you said to me, maybe it's the last thing I'll say to you, so no." And regulus can't even find himself to be pissed at the audacity because that incident and this are not remotely the same but again, he's tryna live so he started begging, really pathetically begging because Sirius is the only one that can help him. Sirius doesn't respond at all, like it's really solidifying the whole last thing to say is "no" thing, and it's scaring Regulus. But jussttt as he feels like he's about to die, like few seconds away, he feels Sirius heal him. And then he's like "now we're even." This is all bc Sirius's pride was really hurt when not only did regulus say no to him, he had to beg for regulus to come and he still said no. He was humiliated so this was him getting back at regulus. Yes, regulus is forever traumatized, he'll always remember how his brother almost left him to die for something over a years go. And then seeing that effect, Sirius is like "omg, get over it, you didn't even die". So yes, piece of shit older brother Sirius!!
If we're talking about regulus, we gotta talk about Kreacher. Obv their animosity started with Kreacher, who has been saying things he should not be to a kid, but as time goes on, you can barely defend Sirius because of the thing he does. Yes Kreacher started it but there is a very obvious power balance. I believe that yes, the Black family are prideful with their elves but they treat them like slaves, just that no one else is allowed to. So this, + Walburga and orion's enabling behavior + Sirius's hatred for Kreacher+ Kreacher being Regulus's favorite all lead to Sirius straight up torturing Kreacher. Shit the Malfoys did to dobby (I think) or worse. Really worse. And obviously he faces no consequences!! And Kreacher can't even fight back, bc he's a slave, the power imbalance....ofc, Sirius is only this horrible to Kreacher, not elves in general....but also, he could be transferring that hate to other elves? unconsciously? like trauma or smth? Idrk.
I won't explain much for this one, but Sirius definitely did get a lot of punishments for excessive force after fights with death eaters. Yes he's using the whole being death eaters thing to be unnecessarily cruel. Anyone that confronts him for oh idk, did you really have to tear that guys arm? And he's like "wow, are you sympathizing with the death eaters? You one of them? Why don't you joinVoldemort since you care so much?"
I have more of him being...really horrible but I can't remember them all right now. Through all this, James and harry are still the only one he's unconditionally nice to btw. Actually, with the Sirius finds out about Jegulus trope, he definitely can be very mean to James. And, well with harry, he might be a little harsh, but with time, he's incapable of hurting Harry. Ish.
Anyway, if you're still here, ily, thank you for reading this far!! Hope this answers your ask!!
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storgicdealer · 6 months ago
OKOKOK so im re classpecting the sticks bc i understand much more abt classpects now than i did when i first classpected them. i hope you dont mind if i drop em here bc youre very smart and you know both avam and hs so
tsc - lord of space (this stays, its way too narratively relevant for it not to)
green - prince of breath (very passionate, perfectionist, tries to be carefree even when he cares way too much about what other people think)
yellow - mage of light (moreso on the knowledge front than the luck front, similar to rose but more active in his role, likes to figure things out but using what shes previously learned)
blue - witch of life (FEFERI WOOO obv shes very witchy, leaf feels like theyd be more rebellious, life player bc its very energetic and tends to take on a healer role in the group)
red - knight of heart (tends to jump straight to protecting her friends, very impulsive and passionate/soulful, acts confident but is sometimes more hesitant than others realise)
victim - thief of hope (man i was so on point with this one)
chosen - mage of doom (has a lot of firsthand experience with doom and suffering, also suffers from their aspect, and very good at causing doom *cough* chosen has never won a fight on the right side *cough*)
dark - heir of time (very destructive by default, causes a lot of death, RED 🔥🔥🔥, but also logical, at times a bit too laid back and chill)
striker - maid of mind (maid im not sure on i just wasnt sure what else to do, mind bc shes very straightforward, thoughtful, plans ahead, very serious and logical)
purple - prince of blood (accidentally or on purpose fucks up almost all his relationships at some point, at the same time is also the reason most of his friends met in the first place, Prince = royalty theming, also matches with green)
mango - rogue of life (acts very skeptical and un-lifey but takes life from others to give to the people they care about)
gold - sylph of hope (loves to cheer people up, very hopeful and energetic demeanor, fairly childish, wants to make everyone happy all the time!!!)
hangman - bard of rage (calms people down, fairly chill compared to the other players, prefers to support and wishes people were more peaceful and mature)
ballista - knight of breath (session lacks breath for reasons i dont feel like describing rn, acts chill but actually feels like he cant live up to the title of Hero and isnt that carefree, protects the few people he attaches himself too <- that one scene in his original short where he draws upon the memories of his friends to open the door)
hazard - seer of void (ngl this is mostly just process of elimination but hazard feels pretty void oriented tbf. hes so chill hes not minding anyones business)
paleo - witch of heart (same as above </3 very passionate headstrong etc etc)
sorry for the word vomit in your inbox i want to talk to you more and idk how to initiate conversation other than random infodumps
oh this is so good. this is so good
my knowledge on classpects is probably slightly closer to surface level than yours lmao but from what i get GOD yes !!!!!! yellow being a mage of light / red being a knight of heart is literally them hello. absolutely. its in their code
PRINCE OF BLOOD PURPLE !!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO !!!!! thief of hope victim OH this is so good. im eating this up (id say my victim leans towards being a rogue a little bit. my whole rambling on how much i associate the motif of them being a "divine being sharing the gift of the animators with the outernet" typa thing) mage of doom chosen DONT even joke with me lad. im shaking him shaking him so hard
MAID OF MIND AGENT !!! MAID OF MIND AGENT !!! (even if not a maid shes still very much a mind player methinks)
oh knight of breath ballista oohhh ... this is so smart oh my god (and very obviously. already fits with one of his forms in "wanted" of literally looking like a knight lol)
wait i just realized green & purple knight and princ. cinder im gonna. im. oh this is SO good
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kenta-torture · 9 days ago
long winded kenta sh ramble!!! with low quality images!!!!!!!! dni normies i love you but. its for your own good www
tw self harm and kenta mikoshiba
someone on twtt a while ago mentioned how kenta has an undershirt(?) and stupid green little arm cuffs(unrelated) which is kind of odd for this event? art? whatever. not to say that no one else is wearing something under their shirt (iori and chungsung)
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and like. it could be a completely normal thing to wear but in the context of him wearing mostly long sleeved (ignoring survive. but thats an elbow length sleeve so in my heart it works) it is so utterly easy to think "oh. its cause he cuts." + pants under the shorts. crazy.
do i, as kentas biggest hater, think he cuts? as much as i wish, because i hope bad things happen to him, i think its ooc and propose a differing idea to why hes wearing that (its not that serious www) i think its also very easy to think so because hes a 15 year old whos on the internet so often he could literally be your needy streamer overload or whatever right?
while i think thats a fun idea, it would definitely fit a 2p better (WHICH I LOVE 2P KENTA BTW OHH MY GOD) but normal prisoner kenta mikoshiba? he wouldnt. its important to note that hes a 15 year old boy on 4chan and shit. he doesnt have insecurities, or at least any that would make him want to cut. he has a shit personality and he knows this and he does not care. he has too big of an ego and would rather hurt others (the director (kind of) and ppl on the internet) than do anything to himself.
he also probably wouldnt do that to feel alive or anything. hes a gamer who likes to scream at his headset. that is alive enough i fear. and since his forearms and calves show it only leaves the high shoulder and thigh which seem inconvenient to cut at like angling a blade there yknow? nor is he the type to hide it more than maybe inukai telling him to do so bcs its unprofessional maybe? i just dont think hed care all that much to do it and to cover it up.
soooo. whats with the sleeves? its totally possible that its just his taste in clothes. peak gamer. maybe he doesnt like having his shoulders out. maybe i, as kenta mikoshibas worst fan, am looking too much into this?
maybe. i dont give a gaf. so this is basically a headcanon i guess but anyways i think he scratches himself. i dont know how often theyd cut their nails in a prison like that but i assume more often than not his nails get to be long enough to make a mark. not self harm per say because he isnt doing it to harm himself maybe hes just itchy idfk maybe its just an action hes used to doing but by god does he scratch at his shoulders until his nails have blood and dead skin underneath them.
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does this still contradict my point abt hiding scars? shit. i guess. maybe long sleeves would dull the damage his nails are doing. maybe the fabric being there only provokes more.
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unrelated but i think this fedora should have been considered self harm im not fucking joking get him out of that
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