#i dont begrudge that
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months ago
i'm not trying to start anything, but i'm confused. if ludinus cared and trusted in people and respected them to make decisions... then why was a a raging racist towards groups of people? i can't fully see how that could possibly match up.
because his hypocrisy is his most center trait, that made him a villain and also parraleled the gods, a neverending cycle of those who think they know best for others when they have descended into selfish ways - but, as with c3's themes, can we bear to accept that someone was terrible but that they were radicalized into it as scared and powerless moments? he did care for exandria. immensely. maybe more than the pantheon did. he would rend himself apart and break everything if it meant everyone was safe from what he saw as the greatest tyranny. but his festering anger and focus on only one goal, his growing power & privelege as he raged with no one to ever guide him away from radicalization from his trauma, meant he both lashed out at others, and thought destruction was a necessary if disgusting trade off for a final peace for those he lashed out at - that was what happened in the calamity, after all, wasnt it, to secure "peace"?
to our knowledge he didnt hate the kryn for being the kryn - he hated them because he couldnt bear to imagine a calamity survivor would worship an object of science, exacerbated by being in charge of an empire so long that he could only see xhorhas through imperialist value. he didnt want everyone in molaesmyr to die, it clearly haunted him - but his hatred of their forgetfulness of what the archheart did isolated him entirely til he grew desperate enough that he destroyed them for his plans (and even then, he remembered them - "justifying" that their deaths wouldnt be in vain). he despised trent and the imperium and it went against his morals enough he faltered talking to caleb about one of them, but they furthered his end goal and then their abuse wouldnt matter anymore, because the real abusers, they would be gone in his eyes. he hurt everyone around him because he was hurt, and his position and his experience gave him the cruel chance to.
he cared but he learned to steel himself against truly caring. after hundreds of years feeling powerless and alone in a changing world he began to know nothing but the most extreme and final option. war changes and radicalizes people, and eventually even when we think we are kind or intelligent we can break and fall to bigotry and extremity through insanely punitive justice if it means we think it will end suffering. he is us. the bells are us. liliana is us. frankly the pantheon is us too. i see them in this world every day. i think that is the truth of where that hypocrisy is important. we are all suffering people and we have to find some way in the web of the world to meet folk who do not enable our worst but also reach a hand out at our worst. ludinus never found that. and frankly many of us havent either.
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automatonwithautonomy · 10 months ago
it doesnt matter if theyre in love because they love each other. do you understand. do you get it.
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fjordfolk · 10 days ago
when i got a dog i thought the most annoying thing would be either the barking or the whining but i was wrong. its when she stares at me intently and shuffles her feet.
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rainsongdean · 1 year ago
—"and i feel compelled to take some vengeance on you!" "ow! god, no wonder i'm leaving you!"
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beetlehoven · 14 days ago
got a teeny tiny sketchbook that fits in my hand & it's so sillay i had to use it immediately
so i put bug n skug in a 50 yr situationship thanks
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me when i hate a guys personality but im obsessed with anatomy and this guy's a living skeletal system model so i guess i have to deal with his awful flirting. also im touchstarved and the sanctuary may or may not have blackmail on me and i have to work with their associates. me when i
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Valkyrie & her manwhore bestie & his one morbillion times divorced ex wife
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^the plants r sorghum (good at photosynthesis) he does that sometimes for energy :>
playing with my touys
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lunavagans · 2 months ago
The duel in the volcano takes on a very different light once you unironically start shipping ViGreenDow, I realized…
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pidges-lost-robot · 9 months ago
I think Hunk and Keith love to just stand there as Lance and Pidge fucking roast the everloving shit out of each other and wonder whether people can just be nice and get along instead
(They are both hypocrites)
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princeseerow · 8 days ago
tbh im so tempted to do another animorphs re-read but this time following one of those "important animorphs books only" lists that people like to make to see if the story still makes sense that way
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ihaveanaversiontodecisions · 10 months ago
would you still love me if I was a broke, ugly vampire?
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Thinking about how arthur has often relied on his appearance to get by, and how his appearance was on the same level as his connection with magnus and void when it came time to make a sacrifice. He gave up his humanity, and he also gave up the appearance that tied him to his humanity. he no longer looks like he did when he was human, and considering how tightly he clings to his past that has to be a huge blow. poor man.
anyways! I tried a new artstyle with this one and im not quite sure if I like how it turned out, so any tips or constructive criticism is welcome!! this is the first thing I've done with no line art involved and it was terrifying.
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ninjasmudge · 1 year ago
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listen were not hating on anyone here but it IS funny
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alliswyattonthewesternfront · 2 months ago
me on my way to the krogers last night
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me when i walk two miles to the store and they closed 4hours early bc of the snow
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jessiesjaded · 2 months ago
love when homegirls send me holiday pics of them with their boyf and their cat bc I dont get jealous at all bc im really normal about women and im not always sorta in love with my friends and im well adjusted
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maulfucker · 1 year ago
Yeah yeah jedi Maul au we've all seen him. But what about senator Maul au. Representing Dathomir, a neutral world like Mandalore that is still somewhat hostile to outsiders. Wearing fancy clothes that show a bit too much skin for the cold climate of Coruscant. Falling in hate at first sight with Padmé, the only other senator who brings a gun to the senate floor "just in case". The two of them having a weird rivalry because Maul doesn't trust the Jedi and is neutral in a lot of subjects that Padmé is a vocal defender of.
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clemkesh · 2 months ago
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notquiteaghost · 4 months ago
i don't like wholesale dismissing the capabilities of The General Public and this is something i am tested on five days a week when a customer walks down one (1) aisle of my shop and doesn't see any potatoes or onions and then assumes that this grocery store has made either some deeply nonsensical layout choice or the batshit decision to not sell two of europe's staple vegetables. rather than that there is, shock horror, a second produce aisle. right next to the first. truly i want to believe the best of people hand on my heart. please just turn the corner.
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docholligay · 4 months ago
I mean I know strictly speaking no one cares, but I doubt I'm going to get the next choose your own out this month and I personally am bummed and frustrated
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