#i don't want to see platonic moonwater
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decaffeinatedpaperobject · 4 months ago
i literally went to the tag ROMANTIC MOONWATER. guess what i fucking found platonic moonwater
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raphael-angele · 7 months ago
Platonic MoonWater and Jealous ProngsFoot
Regulus: *went to the Marauders dorm room cuz he's bored and he wants to see James and Sirius but ended up only seeing Remus cuz the others went out so now he's just spending time with his brother's boyfriend*
Remus: *on his bed with Regulus, peacefully reading aloud a muggle book while Regulus is leaning on him cuz muggle literature fascinates him*
James: *enters the room* Hey, we got some- *sees them* What the hell is this?!
Remus: Oh, hey, Prongs, we were just-
Sirius: *coming in* AAAAH! WHAT THE HELL, MOONY?! My own brother?! I feel so betrayed! *faints dramatically*
Regulus: Oh, for fuck's sake.
Sirius: Hey, you watch your mouth. Babies aren't allowed to say that word.
James: Why, Reggie?! Why?! Why would you do this to us?! I thought you loved me!
Remus: Padfoot, Prongs, get a hold of yourselves. You guys are being ridiculous
Sirius: We're being ridiculous?! My brother and my boyfriend are in bed together!
Regulus: He was just reading to me.
James: Oh, the pain and devastation!
Sirius: What does he have that I don't, Moony?
Remus: Silence. What he has that you don't have is that he knows how to be quiet.
Sirius: Well, if that's what you wanted, you know exactly what to do.
James: And I can read to you, Reggie. I'm a much better story teller than that dyslexic moron.
Regulus: He's the top student in your year. Plus, his voice sounds nice. And he's warm to cuddle with. *cuddles up to Remus*
James: *gaasp* Moony, you thief
Remus: *hugs Regulus back* And Regulus is much cuter than you are, Sirius.
Sirius: *literal heartbreak then falls face first onto the floor*
Regulus: *smug* We're gonna get married as soon as I graduate.
Remus: *kisses Regulus' cheek*
Sirius and James: *die*
Peter, watching all of this unfold from the doorway: ...We got you guys some dinner.
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accio-sriracha · 3 months ago
(I don't ship them romantically but platonically this is so cute)
That would either be the cleanest house there literally ever was or they would have such bad depression rooms you couldn't see the floor.
Remus and Regulus standing in the kitchen at three in the morning eating ice cream because they're both absolute messes for men.
(Bonus points if they're ranting about their gay crushes)
"That time of month" trope but they LIVE TOGETHER??
They're both absolutely atrocious at cooking and eat take out for every single meal ever.
Also the Wolfstar potential of platonic moonwater being roomates??????
Sirius stopping by ALL THE TIME pretending to want to hang out with his brother
But secretly (not so secretly) having a MASSIVE crush on his nerdy but super hot best friend??
Wait stop this is so good-
Can you just imagine them having A CAT
That cat would 100% be named like "Sock" or something
Just Reg and Remus screeching about their favorite gay subtext in a book at like 1 in the morning
Broke college student vibes
Remus has a shit ton of plants and they both take turns watering them until Regulus also gets emotionally attached.
They don't own a single dish between the two of them. Their friends aren't sure if they should be impressed or terrified.
There's so much potential here I love it
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hp-confessions · 2 months ago
hi I despise tropes that protect regulus but costs sirius. All if this is fanon btw, sorry canon lovers.
James hiding his relationship with Regulus from Sirius? No I completely understand the whole forbidden romance aspect of fucking your best friend's brother, it's what I'm here for. But there is no way James would want to hide such a big secret from Sirius, his best friend? I understand Regulus wanting to hide it but that doesn't mean James has to agree? He's not a pushover, he can stand up for himself? There's a thing called compromise??
Like to make James pick between Sirius, his best friend and Regulus, the love of his life and then make him pick Regulus?? It downplays the meaning of his friendship with Sirius and low-key mischaracterizes him too? James is a selfish lover, he wants everything he loves to be with him, obviously he can't hide it from Sirius but he won't let go of Regulus either??
It genuinely pisses me off that I keep seeing pushover, pathetic James that does whatever Regulus asks for him like he wouldn't selfishly ask for a third option so he can have everyone.
And Remus that helps hide Jegulus from Sirius? I understand this trope if it's an au where Remus isn't a mauraduer and instead Regulus's best friend because that makes sense. Of course he can distract or lie to Sirius because he doesn't really owe Sirius honesty. Usually in this AU, Remus and Sirius are crushing each other at best or something. He would pick Regulus, his best friend's relationship over telling Sirius and that makes sense, nothing wrong with that.
But established Wolfstar and Maurader Remus? No, what, how is that even possible. I see Remus having an internal argument when he's asked to help hide Jegulus from Sirius because yeah, that's James's relationship and he can tell it's going well, obviously he wants to help James, his best friend, but on the other hand, deceiving Sirius? The love of his life? His other best friend? And he picks James???
Just like James, Remus would be torn apart if he was forced to pick between Sirius and another important option and for Remus, it's James. Protecting Regulus would not be a deal breaker for him no matter how loveable platonic moonwater is. I even read romantic moonwater, but there's just no way that Remus, no matter how much he's bonded with Regulus, would pick him over Sirius. He's a maurader first, Sirius's boyfriend second, and a friend of Regulus's third (or second if you don't like wolfstar). It's literally James or Sirius for him.
And unlike James, he wouldn't even find a third option, he'd probably stay away from this whole mess? He wouldn't help hide it from Sirius actively but he also wouldn't tell Sirius either. In a way he picks both also neither.
I don't understand how people can make three important people in Sirius's life all deceive him together and think nothing's wrong??
I mean, canon James still messed with Severus behind Lily's back so yeah, he's definitely capable of lying to his loved ones but this is fanon James, which is the equivalent of the sun, an honest, can't do no wrong man? Why the hell is he lying to Sirius?
Because if canon matters, can we bring up how Sirius was compared to Regulus all his life in what's clearly an implied abusive way so these tropes where everyone is choosing to protect regulus and deceive Sirius would probably worsen his trauma?? They're literally picking Regulus over him like parents did??
But this is the mauraders fandom, Regulus's made up trauma is so much more important than Sirius's forgotten canon one because fuck JKR.
(everything I've read of fanon abusive house of black has Sirius going through the worst because he acts out more and covers for Regulus's mistakes while Regulus doesn't because he's the perfect, obedient son, but oh poor Regulus that got abandoned by his big brother, his savior and hero, and how dare Sirius run away even though he would've died staying in that house any longer and not bring Regulus even though he did try and it was Regulus that decided to stay because only one of them can escape and afterwards Sirius has a huge guilt complex about it but that's not the point, it's poor Regulus because his brother doesn't realize he sacrificed himself and is antagonized for it even though he purposely didn't tell Sirius this. I digress)
Literally everything that glorifies Regulus and makes him a misunderstood, forgotten hero or survivor is something that was stripped away from Sirius (but mostly Severus though none of you are ready for that).
I really do love Regulus, fanon him is amazing because he's basically an OC of multiple people, an entire fandom but my god, the way Sirius is completely disregarded for him.
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eden-writes-stuff · 2 months ago
Christmas 1981
Tags: Jegulus, Wolfstar, Marylily, Dorlene, mention of a sex toy (not in active use, just as a gift), they talk a lot about Jegulus' sex life (again, no details), platonic moonwater, platonic marylene,
James Potter was a dead man! 
Sirius would definitely kill him
"Why would you get my little brother a fucking sex toy for Christmas?!"
Remus and Regulus stood in the corner, watching the spectacle, eating the most delicious biscuits, which Effie had made for today.
"You weren't supposed to see it", James cried, obviously trying not to laugh.
"And that makes it okay how?!" "Well... it leaves you out of your brother's sex life?" "A life which he only has because of you!" James obviously didn't know the right answer to that.
Next to Remus Regulus swallowed a Jammie Dodger and started coughing. Mary and Marlene joined them just as Regulus caught his breath again.
"What did we miss?" "Sirius saw the gift Prongs was giving to Regulus and now he's accusing him of making Reg have a sex life." 
"Is he serious?"
Three pairs of eyes met Marlene, who sighed, immediately realising her mistake. "Just be glad he didn't hear it", she murmured, resting her chin on Mary's shoulder.
"Regulus is a grownup. He's allowed to have se-." Sirius yelled from the top of his lungs, interrupting James. Everyone in the room visibly winced at the high-pitched noise. "Can we PLEASE stop talking about my little brother's sex life!" "Yeah, I second that", Regulus agreed.
"Cool. Now can we talk about how Marls and Cas definitely did it in the guest room yesterday?", Mary grinned "Oh, shut up!" with that, Marlene stormed off, followed by James, who used the distraction to make a quick escape.
Remus walked up to a pouting Sirius, while the others left as well. "You gonna be mad all Christmas?", he asked, taking his place next to Sirius on the couch.
"Am I overreacting?" "Yes." Sirius sighed, leaning his head against Remus' shoulder. "It's understandable though. Reg is your little brother. You took care of him all his life. Of course, you still see him as someone you need to protect."
"I know James would never hurt him. I just... I don't know. He's my baby brother. Also, now my present is gonna suck. Who wants a stupid book when you can get laid instead?" Remus laughed softly and kissed his head.
"I would be happy about both." "You'd want James to do you for Christmas?" Sirius raised an eyebrow, earning a chuckle from Remus. Somehow he always managed to make him smile "Well, I'm sure he doesn't disappoint from what I've heard..." Regulus had spared him most details, but he knew that James knew what he was doing. But Remus also knew that nothing would ever compare to the feeling of being close to Sirius.
"Not you too", Sirius groaned. Remus just shook his head, grinning before stealing a kiss. "Would a present from me cheer you up?" "It might", Sirius beamed with anticipation. Remus quickly disappeared into the next room before returning with a package behind his back.
The 'Greatest Hits' Queen album had hit the market in early November and since then it had been close to Sisyphean to keep Sirius from buying it.
Now, as he saw him on the couch, smiling expectantly, it was all worth it. Sirius ripped the paper from the present and let out a high squeak as he saw the first letters appear. He launched forward, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "I never would have guessed that. How did you even get the idea? I'm so surprised", he grinned sarcastically. Remus leaned back, eyeing him with a raised eyebrow.
"You knew?" Of course, he knew. He was Sirius after all. Remus should have known that he knew. Sirius shrugged, smiling innocently. "You said I shouldn't buy it because 'I have all the songs on the other records.' And that from the guy who owns four editions of 'The Picture of Dorian Grey'" "Not my best excuse, I admit", he grinned shyly. But what else could he have said?
"I still love it", Sirius said before Remus could start spiralling. Remus smiled softly, pulling Sirius closer by the hips. "And I love you." "Even better." He could feel the boy's breath on his lips as he leaned in for a kiss.
"As cute as the two of you are, can you please come to the living room?", Peter interrupted from the door. "James said we won't start with the actual presents until everyone is there."
Sirius turned slightly toward their friend, neither of them letting go of each other. "Jealous, Pete? Maybe in the Christmas spirit, we'd let you join?", he teased. Both of them knew that Peter had never really been interested in these things. And Remus knew that Sirius would never ever let anyone else close to him.
"Thanks, but no thanks. Neither of you is my type." Sirius let out a sound of mock-offence "But we're so hot. And so likable."
He threw his arms around Remus and started sobbing heavily. Remus had learned years ago that it was best to play along, so he softly patted his back. "There there. Not everyone has taste", he said flatly.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed Peter shaking his head. "Will you please get him into the living room when you're finished here?", he sighed before disappearing into the corridor.
Sirius continued for a few seconds but soon lifted his head. "Oh, good, he's finally gone." Remus raised an eyebrow. "You probably could have asked him to give us a few more minutes. Don't have to traumatise the poor guy", he answered but Sirius simply shrugged, pulling him into a long kiss.
For that, it had all been worth it. Kissing Sirius was always worth it. Even after six years it still filled him with all these warm and fuzzy feelings when he pulled him closer by the waist or when Sirius' hands found themselves in his hair.
"The others are waiting", he murmured against his lips, although just the idea of breaking the kiss was almost physically painful.
"Let them wait", Sirius answered,  pulling him in again. With a sigh, Remus gave in.
It was always worth it.
A/N: And that concludes our journey to Christmas. I hope you enjoyed reading it at least as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now that this is finally done I can get back to working on the requests I've got on the line (don't worry, I haven't forgotten you.)
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psychoticallykind · 3 months ago
Wolfstar/Platonic Moonwater Microfic - 495 words
"We're not friends."
Remus raised a brow. "Okay?"
"I'm only here because Sirius insists I can't hate you," Regulus continued, giving him a distinctly unimpressed look. "So I'm placating him. But we aren't friends, and we don't need to be just because you've decided to mess around with my brother."
Remus shrugged. "Fine by me."
The younger Black watched him for a second longer before opening his book and focusing his attention on it.
And okay, Remus didn't need his approval. He'd known from the start that Sirius's parents and general family would never approve of him.
But this was Regulus. And though Remus didn't really know Regulus, Sirius loved him. And whether Remus wanted to admit it or not, he knew that Regulus's opinion of him mattered to Sirius.
Remus sat down, grabbing his own book and deciding to just go with it. Maybe Regulus would warm up to him with time.
He had pretty much forgotten Regulus was even there when the other boy spoke up again.
"Did you just write in that book?"
Remus looked up, mildly surprised to see the shocked look Regulus was giving him. "Yes? I'm annotating."
"Annotating," Regulus repeated, voice faint. "By writing in a book."
"Yeah." Remus shrugged. "I usually annotate them before I hand them to Sirius to read. The notes make him smile."
"Oh, and also," Remus continued, wanting to make the point before he lost the other boy's attention again. "I'm not 'messing around' with Sirius. I love him, and I'm with him. There's a difference, and I will still be with him regardless of your opinion."
Regulus was hard to read, his tone even when he spoke. "You don't think he'll end it if I ask?"
Remus quite honestly wasn't sure. "If Sirius needed everyone's approval to be with me, we never would have started dating."
"I'm not everyone," Regulus pointed out.
"You're not," Remus agreed. "He loves you. I know that. And I'm sure he would think about breaking up with me if you decide you hate me."
"If?" Regulus asked. "What makes you think that's not already guaranteed?"
Remus shrugged. "Misplaced optimism."
Regulus didn't respond to that. He just looked at Remus for a few seconds before returning to his book.
Remus tried not to worry about it.
Sirius came in a little while later, and though he was smiling, Remus could spot the anxiety he was wearing. "Hey! How's it going?" He turned to Remus. "You're not dead, so I'm assuming not horribly."
"That can still change," Regulus told his brother.
Sirius met his eyes, and they engaged in some sort of subtle, silent conversation. Remus stood quietly, not sure what was happening.
Then Sirius grinned. "I knew you'd like him."
Regulus rolled his eyes. "I haven't said I do."
"You haven't said you don't," Sirius countered.
Remus was slightly surprised when Regulus didn't say it then and there.
They weren't friends. But maybe they would be, for Sirius.
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st0rys · 8 months ago
This is the Marauders fic Snakes and Lions.
I fucking love it!!! It has not nearly enough readers or kudos and I want to promote it as much as possible.
It was the first ever long fic I read so it has a special place in my heart.
So what are you going to find when you read it?
The first thing that's diffrent to other Marauders fics is that it's Slytherin Remus!!!
It is Wolfstar and with the hous rivalry an enemies to lovers between Sirius and him.
Remus is friends with Barty and Evan and they're always in prank wars with the Marauders.
Barty and Evan aren't replacing Sirius, James and Peter. They don't know about Remus being a Weerwolf and there for don't become Animagi for him.
It also has Starchaser and the fic starts with the info that because of good grades Regulus skips into his brothers grade. He becomes Roommates with Remus, Barty and Evan and best friends with Remus especialy (platonic Moonwater my beloved).
It has The Prank and follows pretty much the main story and then later on goes into The War arc.
If that didn't confince you to the end you get baby harry which isn't in the tags but maybe that makes you want to read it.
Please do!!! It has such good black brothers angst and I just really love the dynamic Remus and Regulus have. Like they are eachothers ride or die.
Peter as a character does get kind of neglected at first but then does become a person that you can see is part of the Marauders and not just their loser friend.
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noblehouseofgay · 29 days ago
do you like bartylus and/or moonwater ?
I do yeah
But like in specific ways
I always always always love platonic, they're my favorite
And rhen I like bartylus as like, exes but in a good way. Like they tried being together but realized they're happier as friends. They got together to deny real feelings yk. But they're stronger than ever bc of it
And I like moonwater in a temporary sense. I can absolutely see remus being a small crush for regulus. And I can also see them finding comfort in each other when the peoppe rhey reallt want don't seem to want them. I actually wrote a micro about that, I still like it
Basically I like them, just not endgame
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orchideous-nox · 6 months ago
What’s a ship you just can’t get behind and why?
Anything with incest. There are too many people who are chill with shipping siblings and I cannot get behind it.
If we're ignoring the incest and shipping professors with their students (especially while they are children), then I guess there are a few romantic ships I can't get behind that people will be opinionated on like prongsfoot, moonwater, bartylus, bartylily, bitchkiller, sunrose, prongstail, snily and a few others but it could end up being a kinda long list...
I think some ships work so well platonically like prongsfoot, moonwater and prongstail but (and I'm going to be so blunt) friends don't have to put their dicks in each other. I've mentioned this before that sometimes really strong connections can be more powerful if they've never had romantic or sexual interest. Friendships can be so important and making them fuck just kinda takes away from that sometimes. Not everyone can be friends to lovers, I'm so sorry.
I also just can't see several ships working because they would actually hate each other and not in a fun hate sex kind of way. Like I'm sorry, Lily would not be able to stand next to Barty for 5 seconds without wanting to slap him and as much as he would enjoy that it's just not a vibe for me.
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literallyamymarchvariant · 21 days ago
Helloooo, Marauders fans!! How are you guys?
I'm a roleplay account (Regulus Black), and I want to see if anyone is interested in roleplaying?
My hcs for my characters (a few are projected lol):
ED (either from dysphoria or body image issues)
Narcoleptic (don't know how to explain)
Smart (Def not barty smart, but still very smart)
Amy march variant
Finds it hard to socialise
A few might be added later!!
Main romantic pairings:
Pebill (is that how you spell it?)
Platonic pairings:
Black brothers/black sisters as well bc they're my shaylas
The skittles/emeralds
The marauders
Barty/James (I think barty would love to annoy James, and James would fall for it every single time. Barty is an efficient hater, but he also doesn't mind James that much)
I missed a few but thats okay!! I'm still trying to get dms working, so I'll let you guys know if they're working. For now, I'll just be rping in blogs, which is also fun lol.
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catboywrites · 1 year ago
Sooooooo you posted a follower ask and I’m now going to do all of them just to be silly and goofy 🫡
1. Honestly it’s a tie between watercolors and Sweet Tea and Energy Drinks. I love them both for very different reasons. I love Watercolors for the way reg is portrayed and the sass you give him while I love STaED for the angst and the adorableness that is 5 year old Harry.
2. For STaED it has to be Bambi. Seeing Sirius interact with Harry was fucking adorable and I will never get over it. For watercolors it’s torture and reward because of how you portrayed regulus’ panic attack and then his joy at being in an art store.
3. This is basic I know but honestly all the Regulus’ you’ve written have been amazing and I love them all so much. (I also really like pandora in watercolors)
4. Jegulus. Obviously.
5. Ahahahah bold of you to assume I’m not subscribed to all your works and read them religiously
6. When regulus was first introduced in watercolors and getting to see his inner thoughts about how annoying his attendant was
7. All of your fics have made me emotional. I have asked for so many tissues 😭
8. Honestly your writing is just really fucking good. Like my partners and I have a silly tradition where we read fanfics out loud to each other sometimes and most of the time it feels very stunted but with your writing it feels like an actual published book that we’re enjoying together.
9. Any of them. Any and all updates are amazing and I look forward to them always ❤️
10. So this isn’t a ship but I love your rep of platonic moonwater in Polaroids. The fact that regulus became an animagus for Remus will forever be one of my favorite hcs.
11. I’m just excited for when james and regulus finally get into a good fight in STaED. Like I’m here with my popcorn, soda, and regulus foam finger in the front row
12. Ive re-read bits and pieces but I plan on rereading watercolors for the new chapter so it’s fresh in my brain
13. I’ve mentioned this before but I scream rant to my partners about your fics. When STaED was first released I literally spent half an hour in my boyfriend’s car just talking to him about it.
14. Watercolors was the last fic I started reading from you because I thought that it just wouldn’t be for me but now it’s literally one of my favorites.
15. Will I ever get my tissues that have been lost in the mail for months?! /lh
Anyways this has been my contribution to the catboy ask bin. I will now yield the rest of my time 🫡
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i woke up to find this in my inbox and this was such a nice surprise i'm literally so ; w ; ueueue come here i am going to smother you in hugs and kisses
one thing i want to say is, the absolute compliment of my fics reading like a published book. i was speechless. i just tap tap at my keyboard and then my beta yells at me for making her cry, i don't do anything fancy i swear. but that is such an ego stroker i'll admit, especially because it was always my dream to be an author growing up. i'm glad my silly little fics are something you and your partners can spend time together on and enjoy!
at this point, we're going to have to fist fight the post office to get you your tissues >:3
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
Regulus Black rper looking for partners
Literacy: Semi-lit + Please do not just give me 4 word sentences, thats not semi-lit
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pair: (fxf, mxf, mxm, ccxcc, ocxoc) ccxcc
Character(s): I'm looking to play Regulus Black, I'm really not picky on who I play him against and I will double up if you want, I have experience playing Sirius Black Lily Evans Remus Lupin Barty Crouch Jr Marlene McKinnon
Ship(s): Jegulus RegulusxPandora, moonwater, I also wouldn't be against doing a strictly platonic plot with several other characters, I'm really not picky when it comes to ships though.
Where: I prefer to rp in discord servers but I won't just hand my discord out randomly, I want to see some genuine interest in plotting first so I don't go through the work of making a server all to be ghosted before the rp even starts so if you're interested like this and I'll shoot you a DM
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based on this tik tok
please, if you're reading this please reblog. I know it might not mean a lot to you but it helps my work reach other people and I genuinely enjoy writing and talking about these people and it means a lot to me! also feel free to jump into my ask box to talk about them with me or send me prompts or scenarios you want to see the boys in with or without a reader insert! that's enough from me, the story is below, enjoy
contains: wolfstar, jegulus, little but of moonwaters as a joke, cheating? (I don't think it is because it's a prank and also because there were no feelings involved and I hc that they all platonically make out with each other when they're bored anyway (aside from Regulus and Sirius) kissing, mentions of wet and noisy kisses, he/they Sirius
"I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room, on the lips." James smirks at Regulus, a teasing lilt to his voice knowing his boyfriend will surely pick him. Regulus gives a smile back, lifting himself up on his knees just a tad. Instead of going into his side where James sits, waiting for a kiss, he leans across towards a devilish looking Remus. The boy sits up straighter and gives a small nod as Regulus pauses just shy of his lips. The two are kissing before either boy's boyfriend can object, James and Sirius sit there not sure of what's happening. Remus' hand finds the back of Regulus' neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss, humming against his lips. When his hair is trapped between Remus' long fingers and tugged slightly Regulus lets out a groan that allows Remus to slip his tongue into his mouth. Each boy grapples for purchase somewhere on the other, hands quick but delicate. The kiss isn't slobbery like how James likes to kiss or noisy like how Sirius likes to kiss, it's pristine but hot and heavy. Regulus finally pulls away, gasping for air or more of Remus and it's now that James wears a firm pout on his boyish features.
Sirius' face is six shades of anger and all of them are equally terrifying. "Your boyfriend-" He spits at James.
"My boyfriend? He's your brother! And your boyfriend was just as much involved as mine was, I'm a victim here too." James' pout deepens. "Didn't realize that was the outcome, was supposed to be a silly game of dares." For a split second tears well in his eyes but before he can let them fall Sirius is on Regulus.
"You daft idiot. Why would you do such a thing?!" Their hands are around Regulus' throat. "You of all people should know better, I should kill you right now-" He draws his wand. Only it's quickly snatched away by Remus who is standing now to pull Sirius off the offender. He quickly tosses Sirius' wand to James as he and a choked out Regulus babble incoherently in unison.
"S'a prank pads, lay off. S'just a prank. S'a prank." Remus rambles, trying to calm Sirius' jangled nerves.
"Still think Jamie's the prettiest boy there ever was. Was all planned, heard you asking Sirius earlier and you guys are always messing with us so we wanted to mess with you back." Regulus explains to James, twisting a curl around his finger as he's finally allowed closer once again.
"You'll kiss me to prove it?" James asks, shyly looking up at Regulus.
"As if." Regulus sneers, leaning down and placing a firm but sloppy wet kiss to James' lips. James can't help but let a giggle escape him, he was panicking for a minute.
"Now you have to kiss me." Sirius peers up through their eyelashes, looking at Remus.
"Says who?"
"Says me, that's who." Sirius bats his eyes.
"You get one kiss, make it count." Remus shakes his head, smiling with a sticky fondness as he lets Sirius kiss him noisily and many more times than once.
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