#i don't know if this makes sense. it doesn't really have a Point i am just perpetually enthused about transhumanism
miss-daisy04 · 2 days
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Although your relationship starts a little rocky, being more distant from each other, it does eventually end up being where he's comfortable enough to pass gas around you.
Speaking of farting, this mf is GASSY. He'll eat a banana before waddling over to you and releasing it in your area. After he runs away like a child playing a crucial game of tag.
Minho never has and still isn't the biggest on physical touch, especially publicly. But, he warms up to it. Small kisses, holding hands, quick hugs, and silly glances can be stolen.
When you began dating he held the door for you, but I can't say the same now. Obviously, he would find you rather childish if you acted out over him not holding the door once. Yet, he still makes the gesture if he happens to be walking in front of you and isn't distracted.
Enjoys combining his love for you, with his love for cooking. Lee Know will make any food you can think of (if he doesn't know the recipe he'll search it up). Feels super proud of himself after so don't forget to complement the chef in any way possible.
Would you think THE Lee Minho would like hiking? Because he does...and he takes it quite seriously. He's been hiking many times but refuses to go with his friends because they may or may not have gotten lost that time. If you happen to be afraid of heights, he'll make a few jokes before apologizing and comforting you.
He is the best listener, but he doesn't show it. You can come talk to him about anything and he won't judge, despite what you might think. Usually, he's doing tasks such as laundry, dishes, cleaning the floor, etc., and tells you to just continue talking. This is because he feels like if he sat down and had a face-to-face conversation, he'd tear up, show his "weakness", or would be incapable of saying anything at all. Most of the time he gets upset at himself for doing such things, but he should know deep down that it's okay to feel that way and that he just cares about people (you) too much.
Cuddle cage is what he calls it after a long day where you two relax and cuddle, but he won't let go. One time he threatened to never let you go when you needed to use the restroom, a joke clearly. He did let you go at the cost of 2 more hours of snuggles.
I'm convinced he knows all the constellations. As a child he would go outside with his parents, using a telescope to point them out such as The Big Dipper. It's truly fascinating and charming to watch him get all excited about it.
Minho still owns his baby blanket which he brought everywhere as an infant. Surprisingly, he keeps it tucked away in his part of the closet and brings it out when he needs a sense of home, ever since he can't constantly see his parents.
He's very protective, but not overbearing. As stated before somewhere in here, he cares a bunch about you, but he still has respect for your independence. Sometimes he will take matters into his own hands, though.
One drink of alcohol can turn into meaningful words shared between the two of you. He asks about starting a family, getting married, taking long vacations together, and overall, being great partners for each other.
Comes up with the stupidest and most creative nicknames. Most are cute while others stop short of being absurd.
During self-care days, he's part of all of your gossip all of a sudden. Princess face masks, painting each other's nails, and yapping about everything new in your life make up for the whole 3-hour weekly routine.
The day he finally proposed, he was sweating with nervousness. He thought he was going to puke or pass out. Luckily, you said yes—which he thought was for his sake—nonetheless, you accepted his love, the ring, and the life you would be creating from now on. Knowing that only good things are to come.
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DIVIDER BY: @strangergraphics-archive
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leftneb · 9 hours
alr amateur in-depth analysis time bc I don't think I can really come to any sensible conclusion provided the state of the dash rn
(be warned this got very out of hand I really did just want to look at the contact but then things happened)
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regular racing
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2. max moves off the racing like
I'm assuming this is to prevent lando from taking the inside line. makes sense so far
3. lando takes the outside (normal racing line as you can see by the tyre marks)
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4. max suddenly veers back onto the racing line
this is likely an attempt in blocking lando from overtaking. but at this point they were side-by-side, which means max is just driving into him
the only place for lando to go at this time is off the track
5. they make contact
IMO this was on max, but it definitely wasn't "on purpose" (max also wouldn't try to initiate contact considering it would ruin his own race)
as far as I know this is fairly characteristic of max, he has a sort of "kill or be killed" attitude on track, which usually translates to "either YOU move or we're BOTH crashing out"
either of them could have moved to avoid collision, but they didn't, because they're racing drivers, obviously they're not going to move and give up a win
max basically drove into lando here, absolutely did NOT leave the space
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as for the other overtakes/attempts
max already stated that their mistakes (the slow pitstop + his lockup) cost them a lot, these allowed lando to get in a fighting position in the first place
lando was natually going to try and make the most of that opportunity, though maybe a bit too aggressively at times
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lando sets up for the overtake, gets blocked
pretty much standard procedure, nothing to talk about here
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2. lando overtakes max but locks up in the process and runs wide
you could definitely argue that this was just a bit too aggressive, or that lando was going in over his head maybe
to me the whole "lando doesn't have experience fighting for a win and he makes mistakes because of it" feels a bit like a cheapskate but there's truth to it
lockups happen, especially under pressure (and even more when he's aware he has to run a perfect race in order to beat max)
Lando then says on his team radio:
"he can't keep moving after I've moved it's just dangerous. we're gonna have a big shunt. he forced me to go wide and lock up"
looking at it from lando's perspective I can see what he means here
lando took the inside line and they were practically wheel-to-wheel by the time max started turning, seeing that max is taking a line that would lead them to a collision he panics and locks up
like just imagine you're lando. you've taken the inside line, there is no space to your left, so you're expecting max to leave you a gap. instead he starts turning in on you. you are going to try preventing contact so you break and swerve, you lock up, the only way forward is off the track
from max's perspective I can only imagine this happening if lando was out of his view. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here
also I think "he can't keep moving after I move" (and the entire radio message) pretty much foreshadows the contact later on
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3. lando takes the inside line, max leaves him space by going off the track
we are going car racing. lando is being aggressive here (though I wouldn't go so far as to call it unreasonable) max doesn't break hard but leaves him the space, the only place he can go is off track
you could definitely phrase this as "lando forced max off track"
but you could also argue that "max broke track limits to maintain his position" he COULD technically have backed off, but again, would have been very uncharacteristic of him
post-race statements
I am biased toward lando (and I really hope that didn't affect my analysis too much) but I do think the whole "apologize or we're not friends anymore" sentiment is a bit. side eye.
as much as max was being aggressive at times, so was lando, they both want to win, obviously they're going to be aggressive
it was a hard race, it was a GOOD race, they both made mistakes but in the end it was max who denied them both the win, which is an unfortunate consequence of, yk, racing
generally I think approaching these things objectively is always the most sensible. however, we have to acklowledge that we're talking about some of the most competitive people this planet. they both immediately went to blame the other, they always do
lando implying that he wants to basically break up with max because of this is insane. but so is max refusing to acknowledge that the collision might possibly have been his fault
as a viewer I want to just sit here. eat my popcorn. and enjoy the race, prefferably WITHOUT the entire community going to war about it without any respect for other people. like I'm not saying there should always be peace and love, there is NEVER going to be a race like this without drama but for the love of god don't ACTUALLY want to kill eachother
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mixelation · 8 hours
on itatori and physical intimacy
i've been meaning to sort of flesh out this side of their relationship more. mutagenicity flavor itachi/tori is kind of weird in that it started as a joke, and also it started back when i didn't want to actually write about tori with anyone due to fear of cringe content. however since then my views on tori ships have shifted a lot. she is absolutely hooking up with all the other ships i've written for her. so does she ever hook up with her fake boyfriend??
the thing is. i don't think either tori OR itachi are very sexual. for the other tori ships
async: tori falls for the fantasy of a pretty man protecting her from her horrible shitty circumstances and is so unused to feeling this way it makes her act insane. she likes the fantasy minato represents and eventually learns to like and care about the person he actually is, but she's not actually overly interested in sex. that aspect of their relationship is mostly driven by minato (up unti the shinigami gets involved and it becomes.... weird), but she enjoys it because it makes her feel safe and cared about and also orgasms feel good, plus she does deep down like getting to do things for minato. she tolerates cuddling because she likes having a human weighted blanket and built in weapon
toxicity: tori hooks up with obito because she likes having power over him. that's mostly all there is to it. it's not completely devoid of affection (she wouldn't want to lord power over him that way if she didn't ALSO like him), but the sex itself isn't really an attractant for tori. i don't think they do a ton of cuddling or anything, EXCEPT when obito wants to see other people lose their minds by holding hands or putting his arm around her waist or, god forbid, kissing her in public
the weird kakashi/tori/obito au: it starts off as mostly a power thing. tori likes scams because of the sense of control it brings her, and she gets off on tricking kakashi. i don't think she'd organically go this route if obito wasn't egging her on, and it additionally pats her ego that kakashi is receptive. it does eventually collapse into at least partly "but it makes me feel closer to this person i like a lot" and also orgasms feel good. most of it is led by kakashi in what on the surface must seem like a painfully heterosexual way
now, the thing about itatori is.... itachi also isn't super into sex. i think he'd be into other types of physical affection (cuddling, kissing, hand holding, etc) but also he is so fucked up he doesn't really think of those things as options available to him outside of vague, impossible fantasies
plus they're both mutually like "this is FAKE we are FAKE DATING" even though after some point. they're just dating with some extra steps. they hang out in private. they have mutual hobbies and interests. they like each other in a mostly platonic but also very strongly "yes i AM hitching my ride to this person for potentially forever because who else would i do this with" way. so i think for a very long time, all their PDA is just for show, and they're definitely not having sex
now, itachi's relationship with his family is actually insane, and he spends a lot of nights crashing at tori and deidara's. so people definitely think they're having sex. why wouldn't they be?
(do not speak to deidara about this. he is upset about every single step of their relationship but also he has this weird sense of loyalty where he won't call them out in public. he knows itachi isn't sleeping with tori and he's annoyed he's in deidara's apartment and also he feels like he can't say anything!!!!!)
i think at some point it might occur to tori that she might actually be in this Forever, and it is not going to be fun to fake that she and itachi are Doing Stuff. like, they can just say they're private people, but also people are going to stop blaming them being physically awkward with each other on them being too young to be very experienced.
so one winter night itachi is over and deidara is being a bitch about wanting the heat on low because he like the apartment significantly colder than tori and tori is like. welp. itachi, you're sleeping in my bed tonight!! human space heater time~
and i think plasticity!tori would find bed sharing intrusive and uncomfortable, but mutagenicity!Tori has had this beaten out of her by growing up in settings where kids are expected to basically sleep on top of each other, and then field missions often require you getting in your teammate's personal space. and so..... it's nice? bed sharing is nice, actually. itachi is very warm. he, somehow, makes her feel safe.
and then tori slowly figures out itachi secretly actually really likes several types of physical affection BUT he's insane about it so she'll be like, "fine i'll take one for the team, it's not like i want to try this or anything. itachi, listen, i am literally your girlfriend. if you want to kiss me, you're allowed" and he's like "???? PANIC" and she's like "IT WOULD BE GOOD FOR OUR COVER" and he's like "oh, sure, yeah--"
so like five years into dating they kiss* for the first time and deidara is judging this stupid thing SO hard. you two are SO fucking dumb
also at some point deidara realizes he has no clue if they're hooking up or not. he's pretty sure if they do start fucking they will go about it in the most bizarre, alien courtship way possible so he has no idea how to judge. he hates them
they still don't like holding hands though
*there might be a fake kiss earlier if i think it's funny
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lover-of-mine · 9 hours
I was actually the anon that did blame Tommy for leaving Buck behind. You did correct me and I admitted yeah OK I see your point and have forever left that subject alone because you were right. I try to employ that technique all the time now.
But I will say this. I can't tell if I'm just hating on that last dinner scene and your thoughts.
I love cooking Buck for his Diaz boys. It's a love language. He likes to ease one burden foe Eddie a bit you know. You know he sends left overs home. Spends time bonding with Chris in the kitchen. It's like love, it's doesn't bother me to watch.
But I cringed at the implications of you just had an emotional roller coaster but still I need to make my apartment romantic and make you dinner because I am baby gurling you. I was just like yuck.
I would have to confess, though, when I was 20, I dated someone who was 31. Yeah, no, I get it now. Trust me. But I was so eager to impress and seem older. These are yes, the things I would do. No matter the situation, exhausted from mid terms, clean, light candles make the meal, clean up, no you relax, want a massage after sexy time. Like I look back at who I was, and I know why Taylor Swift wrote All To Well. Because even when I broke up with him, he was like peace out. So I could be projecting here!
I feel like the whole I didn't agree with you, but you explained you point, I realize where you are coming from and changed my beliefs around new information or perspective, is something that a lot of people just... ignore. There's this necessity to be louder lately and that's exhausting oaksasokasas I'm glad I could provide a different view on that scene.
My thing with the dinner is that the dinner makes sense but it is just two steps to the left from actually being cute, following the pattern with most bt scenes. Buck likes to cook, so I see him wanting to cook to unwind after a stressful day. I also respect the decision to unwind with the person he's dating at his own home because he had a rollercoaster of a day and probably wouldn't want to go to a restaurant or something, because that would require a level of effort from him that can be remedied with that being a home date, dude didn't even change. As someone who stress bakes, I understand if Buck stress cooks, and insisted on cooking. Tommy does notice Buck is having feelings, he asks if Buck is okay, and Buck opens up, but then the feeling of the scene takes a turn with the jealousy comment that leads to the "God, I hope so" and makes the scene feel very 😬😬. My opinion with that scene is that it could still have the same minute of runtime and build on their emotional connection without major changes. Having Tommy reach for Buck's hand on top of the table, not starting the part where Tommy talks about his own father "I have to admit, I'm a little bit jealous", he could've said that with something going like "I can't really understand how you're feeling, my dad and I don't really talk, and when I was at the 118, I had Gerrard. Which did not make me a better person." It's the same information, it reminds the audience how bad Gerrard is, and doesn't give that "huh" feeling to the scene. I can't tell you that the way I feel that scene lacks effort from Tommy is just based on my expectations of the level of effort I want from one of Buck's love interests tho. Because we know Tommy is not opposed to a higher level of effort, see the Vegas fight with Eddie (I don't seriously think he was wooing Eddie, they have similar interests and that makes the effort easier, that's my takeaway). But the thing is, since that is the thing we first see, Tommy flying Eddie to Vegas, I keep waiting for him to fly Buck to Vegas, yk? Not literally, obviously, but it bugs me that he didn't dress up, that he didn't tell Buck about the soot (I will forever say there's a ridiculously cute scene where Tommy cleans Buck's face at the hospital that was RIGHT THERE, and they didn't do), he's at Buck's house and Buck cooked. It makes him seem passive in the relationship in a sense, I guess. Like he's still figuring out why he's there at all. And it bothers me.
But I'm with you with the personal bias, my age gap was the traditionally problematic type since I was 15 and he was 20, and there are a lot of differences with the way I was still a teenager, but that feeling of I need to look older, act older, I am frustrating him if I don't do this, it does exist a lot I understand why you would see this aspect on the way Buck acts, especially when you've been a relationship like that, and Buck is a very eager to please person, it's easy to see that people taking advantage of the situation. I guess even if considering they are both over 30 with their lives in place, so the age gap is not really going to be a problem unless they make it a problem. That's an aspect of them I also have complicated feelings for.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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while teen while goblin while aroace while injured while doing your best
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lurking-latinist · 2 months
#after uh. not enjoying hornblower: loyalty all that much I finally watched hornblower: duty#and enjoyed it a lot more. I think there's meta there with mutiny/retribution#I gather they were sort of not allowed to mention kennedy but you know that makes sense in-universe.#horatio isn't allowed to mention him either. not really. and I do think he'd clam up about him. that's horatio all over#but you can't convince me that survivor's guilt of his is only over bracegirdle#(bracegirdle makes it worse obviously)#also his letting doughty off really makes me want it to have been him that pushed sawyer#I always want it to have been him just because so much of his later career either makes more sense or has additional dramatic irony#if he knows himself to be an unhanged mutineer#BUT he doesn't have to have actually done it. he just has to THINK he is guilty#for instance - recently aubreysmaturin made a pretty good case for it having been Wellard in the books#but if it's Wellard--then Horatio's gone down a path of 'I was his senior officer I was responsible to have stopped him I wanted Sawyer dea#so basically I am guilty' - because again that is what it is to be a Horatio Hornblower.#(in fact another clue pointing to Wellard is that the universe always seems to bend to keep Hornblower's hands clean#like that time he lied that the war was over only to later find out that in fact unbeknownst to him it was over.#he gets the thing he guiltily wanted and he gets it without actually doing the guilty thing and so no one will blame him#except his own conscience)#anyway that's the books. I don't think it was Wellard in the show#I'm not sure what I think happened in the show#but whatever it was Horatio *feels* responsible#I'm not saying that's *why* he let Doughty off but I think there's a kind of secret symmetry there#hornblower
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tearlessrain · 3 months
seriously can catastrophes stop happening for five minutes my brain is already fried from the ones we're already experiencing
#I fucking. missed d&d tonight by accident#I straight up forgot#and just didn't show up to the session#my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked#I should be sleeping now but brain won't shut up#my creative output is the lowest it's ever been and I've been in some level of depressive funk since like early january#I am just deeply unfathomably exhausted#like mentally and spiritually#all the time#my memory and sense of time are both shit#my spelling is worse than it used to be for some reason??#I really don't know what to do to make my brain start functioning again it's frankly worrying me#I couldn't even handle college so it should come as no surprise that I'm reacting poorly to the world being a perpetual screaming trash fir#and yet#idk it's been hitting again lately that I have never succeeded at anything in my life and just keep tripping and falling up for some reason#fucking everyone is in hell right now and with my overall success rate I should be dead in a ditch but I'm actually doing spectacularly#due to a series of improbable accidents and weird circumstances that happened to turn out in my favor instead of completely fucking me#aside from the looming spectre of my various failed attempts to have some kind of life trajectory#it just doesn't feel like this can keep up forever#like surely at some point the luck has got to run out I can't just keep living like some kind of folkloric trickster archetype#but my motivation and sense of purpose kind of died after the last failed attempt so I'm still just here#doing whatever this is#maybe I should drive out to the coast#maybe staring at the ocean would fix me I've been away from it for too long#I mean it can't make me worse#I should wait until further into summer though so I don't have to drive back in the dark#everyone around here has trucks with those goddamn LED headlights and I've got a little sedan that's directly in their blast zone
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gutterprophet · 5 months
I got feeding tube'd yesterday for gastroparesis treatment but the supplies I need to actually automate feedings properly won't arrive until tomorrow, so for now the co-farmer is just setting an alarm to walk over every few minutes and syringe tiny amounts of meal replacement formula into my tube while I paint and listen to my Gideon the Ninth audiobook and don't bother to look up
It feels exactly the same as when I was lugging an oxygen concentrator around with me everywhere and the weight of it on my hip & the rumbling hiss it made quickly became background noise, or when I was doing home infusions and became as sure of where my IV pole was in space as I was of my arms and legs, without ever having to look. Just another unremarkable part of my body. A lot of years of shifting my perception to accommodate the constant parade of technology and aids being added to and retracted from my body has made it second nature to allow that the boundaries of my body are permeable and impermanent. Six years ago it took me the better part of a year to adjust to having wheels; now, unthinkingly, unintentionally, my proprioception expands to encompass a person within half an hour.
When I talk about being a cyborg, this is what I'm gesturing at. Hybridization of the internal and external. It's a universal human ability-- people do it with pens, keyboards, clothing, cars-- but it's especially apparent when you are dependent on your artificial body parts to walk, breathe, eat. All humans are cyborgs but I am like a mega cyborg. An above average amount of cyborgery
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powerfulkicks · 17 days
just thinking about how there's no reality in which anyone but trump wins the presidency and wondering what america and the world is gonna look like when it's over
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ichorblossoms · 2 months
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also: trying to work out onris's outfit...? defs the first pass here and the mask is cool but idk if it makes sense to keep it
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rin-enjoyer · 6 months
i go back and forth on rin's elemental nature. i really think fire suits her for thematic parallels to sasuke reasons and also i just think fire is cool and suits her whole. perception of her self and being weird about purpose deal. but water is also cool because i think rin deserves to bloodbend. elaine kind of beat symbolism where she controls other people to try and come to terms with how she can't control herself. the way to resolve this is to take the path of "nature can warp under stress or whatever" and let rin's og nature be fire, so she has that in the entire og timeline and also the team 7 sensei au (good because those are the ones where the sasuke parallels are the Strongest) and then in the akatsuki!rin au the whole almost dying thing somehow leads to her nature changing to water. which works well because that's the au where she is the weirdest about control and also masks. 👍
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fragmentedblade · 10 months
I've been reading about xiangqi a bit and now I'm even more obsessed with that one video of Jing Yuan
#Obsessed with the fact they made a point of him not leaving the palace#Anyway I was rewatching this because I still find very amusing that you can see when he steals that piece from the board#Which is something that makes I think more sense considering the ways in which you can check and win in this game#It seems pretty fun actually I think I'll try. Maybe with this being different this time I'll be able to convince someone to play with me#No one wants to indulge me when it comes to chess and I don't like playing online#Hmm actually this game seems less unpleasant to play non physically based on aesthetics#With chess I always have to take out a physical board and it's sort of annoying. The pocket chess I carry around is not much better#Yes I think I'll give xiangqi a try. And look for good books about it and its evolution. I hope I find something#It's always so hard to find things worth reading about topics like these. Like with fencing. Still unsure about what I got about that#After rewatching the video again I have half a mind to make gifs to keep track of his moves. I just really find it very amusing#I love how the move and what is happening in the rest of the video work with what we see him do in the actual game#Personality wise yes but strategically#I think I actually rambled about this in a post a few days ago? Oh wait that was in my main blog I think#I don't know why I make sideblogs if I end up reblogging the posts in the main after all. I always do the same thing#I'll stop now but oh I am really so so fond of him. I think I could talk for hours haha#I talk too much#Jing Yuan#Right now it doesn't seem to appear in the general tag for me but I'll check in a bit again#I really don't know how to organise my rambles anymore with this feature#I miss the five tags thing#Now no matter how much I talk it seems the general tag will always find my posts
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astrxealis · 1 year
sometimes i think of scenarios in my head with my ocs and then sometimes for happy brain i kinda crossover them with my favorite medias atm and also insert myself in bcs i like being self-indulgent and yeah my brain is so fucked up that i just keep repeating the same first bits and can't get far in thinking and i end up just having my s/i ramble my thoughts and it's hard to explain but yeah but anyways it's interesting thinking about who or what my ocs would like in video games or colors or whatever because all my ocs seem to reflect a certain part of me and i can get into the psychology of that but also its hard to explain my thoughts but also anyways yeah i find it interesting thinking about who my ocs would kin
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#feel free to just ignore me oopsies i am just rambling but yeah i love my ocs so much#sorry besties you are all subject once more to my brainrots and rambles and random thoughts now that i am on tumblr rn#my brain is very interesting to me and the way i think but also i can't properly think in such a way and i find it really hard to explain#and i'm such a mess but also man i don't know and i'm going off-track and god i love vgm so much and i don't want to do homework#but anyways back to the goddamn point !!! so my oc merle. i have little crossover thoughts in my head right and i realize#he's similar with akira and then it makes sense as to why i like characters like akira and it's a little woa fr bcs#the way i imagine merle is really similar to akira actually but with a more purple color scheme (but still dark) and he doesn't wear#glasses (at least. wait. actually. i don't really know anymore) GOD my mind never stops but yeah uhm yeah#i think humans are so unbelievably interesting and it's all just so fascinating and and and#also i've awakened to the fact i really like sharks i think they're very cute! i still prefer dolphins though#people who hurt animals make me really angry and sad... i think about it and already want to cry#i have never had a pet but my grandparents had lots and it's funny how memory works. i forgot they once had a pet turtle#until something in a school group project involved my group involving a pet turtle in our storyline for something#and then i remember that past. my past. once again. and clearly even! and... yeah#but yeah... i know i will never abandon my pet if ever i do get a pet. or pets. i would never do that and i really know this is a fact with#all my heart but what's stopping me from getting a pet is that i need to take better care of myself first and learn how to take care of#pets! i think where i live there's actually an opportunity for me to do so. i'll try to see more about that. and hmm... this is a really#busy year for school. and then the next. and then tbh everything onwards from 2023 so... i don't want to put time to something#i'm not even sure if i can really make time for. but. i think i really do want a pet! a dog esp. but also a cat. but a dog esp#bcs i've always wanted one !! i know when it comes to something i really want i am very dedicated and passionate#like how i already calculated xiv expenses months before actually got the game? and planned how me and lune would do things too#and then because i want to handle money better and take note of all that i yeah and yeah and yeah im tired of typing now BYE#will now disappear again after rambling quite a lot ^__^ maybe? maybe not? who knows!#my thoughts are so. whack. wack? idk. but uhm yeah it went from ocs to sharks to pets to money and idk huh#man w some things i'm really shy about being perceived or asked about. like my ocs. egbhebgjhbjehs ;;;;;#and people being nice to me T__T sorry i rlly appreciate it but i can't really comprehend it and my coping mechanism is avoidance
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hershelwidget · 1 month
working on so many projects
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tag yourself i'm "swap auuu"
#grim guys night has two scrapped versions already and frankly i'm losong it it's genuinely the hardest to figure out#cause see. the grim GIRLS. they All Get Along (relatively)#dashi lillian and viktor are all Chill with each other. they all chill with lamia (one of them is dating her so like. come on)#they're all Decent with theatre. lillian has a Very Specific connection to him and viktor has something similar but dashi and lamia know#Fuck All about him and his past so they don't ask questions yk#MEANWHILE. lars out here being darwin's MURDERER and natquik being the Weirdest and Most Offputting Old Man to ever Offputting Old Man#natquik is actually chill and a good guy don't get me wrong but it's his vibes. nearly nobody but like. dashi and philliam. actually know i#philliam's like their Boss too and as friendly as he is there's always going to be that Gap in authority that makes it weird at best#not to mention whatever darwin has going on with. everything. none of the grims really respect him like. at all. he's the Outcast#I did at some point put theatre in with them but then I Remembered and he was the ONE PERSON who really made sense other than Dashi#but dashi was obviously occupied with The Girls so here we are. I might head back to Lars.#grim guys night more like grim Holy Shit These Men Are So Uncomfortable With Each Other#my best argument for having lars instead of philliam is that natquik and lars Sort of get along ??#like they were among the first grims and they were often left alone at the manor and they share common traits and similar linking people#darwin and lars being. victim and murderer is faucijn wild though so i suppose natquik is just. the buffer. the wall. he keeps lars out of#darwin's line of sight or something#this one is the hardest from a logic standpoint ... these three guys would NOT hang out alone but this is the prompt and i can't stray from#it. yeah the art itself is pretty easy !! and fun actually !! but My God. The Canon.#also philliam is kind of out of the question because the whole idea is that everyone is On Break.#being On Break WITH your boss just doesn't. sit right.#yeah in some circumstances it kind of works but in THEIR profession?? they need time AWAY from him i am so sorry
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cescalr · 7 months
Thank you!!! I love to ramble!!!
#i'm so wordy. i am SO wordy. i never ever fail at a minimum word requirement#but oh god the second my uni says no MORE than 2000 words i freak out. what do you mean no more than 2000 words. does less than 2000 words#and tumblr not yelling at me about tag length even exist?#is it possible to not type out an entire paragraph when i have even a single thought? do people really go around with one word sentences in#side their heads all day? do you see a cool thing and go oh cool thing! and move on#instead of oh cool thing! this reminds me of my very specific brainrot!#which is to say chronic inability to shut the fuck up#so i'm glad. you are entertained lmao#that's all i intend! i'm literally blogging tumblr is a blogging platform. the point is to put my thoughts out there! throw them out! into#the void! the dark abyss (i use the goth rave dashboard theme so this is literal) and hope#just hope i get like a call back. a little nod. and i got one <3 thank you <3#also (genuinely) i'm assuming /gen means /genuine but like it could also mean /general or some kind of acronym like pos (piece of shit) so.#am i right? im not. up to date. the last time#i paid attention to txt spk and it's ilk was like 2015#i make assumptions but i am Often Wrong (i still don't know what tfw stands for my brain just goes 'time for when' and it's like 'yeah that#sounds legit' and i'm like 'what the fuck are you talking about? time for when? that doesn't even make sense.#why do you think that sounds legit?'#but i'm asking myself that question so i dont' get an aswer. ah well#you can tell i should be sleeping rn. i get even more verbose and use words like ilk when i'm tired. hence: sleep time now yes.#but again; for real all jokes and minor japes aside: thanks! i'm glad i'm really not just shouting into the void for nobody to hear here.
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vadlings · 6 months
Represention of Autistic Frustration in Laios Dungeon Meshi
Like many other autistic people, I related strongly to Laios Touden while reading Dungeon Meshi. This post isn't going to spend time disputing whether he displays autistic traits or not—while I could do that, I want to focus on why specifically his portrayal struck a chord with me in a way the writing of most other autistic-coded characters has not.
Disclaimer: as the above suggests, this post is strongly informed by my own experiences as an autistic person, as well as the experiences of my neurodivergent friends with whom I have spoken about this subject. I want to clarify that in no way am I asserting my personal experience to be some Universal Autistic Experience. This post is about why Laios' character feels distinct and significant to me in regard to autistic representation, and while I'm at it, I do feel that I have interesting things to say about autistic representation in media generally. This also got a bit long, so I'm sticking it under a read more. Spoilers for up to the end of chapter 88 below.
The thing that stands out most to me in regard to Laios' characterisation is the open anger he displays when someone points out his inability to read other people. This comes up prominently in his interactions with "Shuro" (Toshiro Nakamoto):
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The frustration pictured above (Laios continuing to physically tussle with Toshiro, using crude language toward him) becomes even more notable when you remember that this is Laios, who, outside of these interactions, is not easily fazed and often exists as a lighthearted contrast to the rest of the cast. Then we get to Laios' nightmare.
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In Falin's words: "Nightmares love emotional wounds. Wounds you hold in your heart. Things that give you stress, or things that were traumatic for you. They aggravate memories like that and cause the dreamer to have terrible dreams." (chapter 42, page 10.) (damn. i'm properly citing for this post and everything.)
Thus, Laios' nightmare establishes an important fact: even if he is unable to recognise social blunders while he's making them, he's at least subconsciously aware that other people operate on a different wavelength to him, and that he's an outsider in many of his social circles (both past and present). His dream-father's disparaging words stress the impact this has had upon his ability to live up to the expectations set out for him, and we also get a panel of kids who smirk at him (presumably former bullies to some degree). Toshiro's appearance only hammers home how much Laios is still both humiliated and angered by his misunderstanding of their relationship.
I've thought a lot about anger as concomitant to the autistic experience. When autistic representation portrays ostracization, it's generally from an angle of the autistic character being upset at how conforming to neurotypical norms doesn't come easily to them; as a result, they express a desire to 'get better' at meeting neurotypical standards, a desire to become more 'normal' (whether the writing implies this is a good thing or not). In contrast, not once does Laios go, "I need to perform better in my social interactions, and try to care less about monsters, because that's what other people find weird." His frustration is directed outward rather than inward, and as a result, it's the people around him who are framed as nonsensical.
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The Winged Lion starts delineating Laios' anger, and Laios' reaction is to think to himself, "It can sense all my thoughts, huh?" (chapter 88, page 16.) This is the scene that really resonated with me. I'm not saying I have never felt the desire to conform to neurotypical norms that is borne from insecurity, but primarily, I know that I don't want to work toward becoming 'normal'—I don't want to change myself for people who follow rules I find nonsensical. It's the difference between, "Oh god, why can't I get it," and, "WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT?" (phrasing here courtesy of my friend Miles @dogwoodbite). And for me personally, Dungeon Meshi is the first time I've seen this frustration and the resultant voluntary isolation from other people portrayed in media so candidly. Laios' anger is not downplayed or written to be easily palatable, either.
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The culmination of Laios' frustrations in this scene wherein we learn that Laios has fantasised about "a pack of monsters attacking a village" drives home just how alienated he really feels. I need not go into his wish to become a monster himself, redolent of how many autistic people identify/have identified with non-humans to some degree as a result of a percieved disconnect from society (when I was younger, I wanted to be a robot. I still kind of do.)
Obviously, wishing death upon other people is a weighty thing, but the unfiltered nature of this page is what deeply resonated with me. The Winged Lion is laying Laios' deepest and most transgressive desires bare, and they are desires that are a product of lifelong ostracization by others (whether intentional or unintentional). This is the brand of anger I'm familiar with, and that my neurodivergent friends express being familiar with, but that I haven't seen portrayed in writing so explicitly before—in fact, it surprised me because most well-meaning autistic representation I've experienced veers toward infantilisation in trying make the autistic character's struggles easy for neurotypicals to sympathise with.
Let's also not neglect the symbolism inherent to Laios' daydream. "A pack of monsters attacking a village". Functionally, monsters are Laios' special interest—he percieves everything first and foremost through his passion for monsters. His daydream of monsters attacking—killing—humans, is fundamentally a daydream of the world he understands (monsters) overthrowing the world that is so illogical to him, that has repeatedly shunned him (other people). I joked to my friends that it's an autistic power fantasy, and it actually sort of is. And in it, his identity is aligned with that of the monsters, while his anger manifests in a palpable dissociation from the rest of humanity. This is one manga page. It's brief. It's also very, very raw to me. I think about it often.
To conclude, I love Laios Dungeon Meshi. This portrayal of open frustration in an autistic character meant a lot to me, and I hope I've sufficiently outlined why. Also, feel free to recommend media with autistic representation in the notes if you've read this far—I would really like to see if there is more of this nature. Thank you for reading. I'm very tired and should probably sleep now.
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