#i do wanna point out that i get it - its always to have people reblog your stuff cause it definitely helps with visibility and such
heart4caitlin · 5 months
— Paige Bueckers gf headcanons
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clingy gf?? like i can just see her all up on you some days especially after a long practice or losing a game
she has the worst photos of you… youre sleeping on her bed, hair all messy, mouth wide open?? shes got it and posted it on instagram stories
i can see her flexing on everyone about you. maybe yall went on a date or something and she wont stop yapping to her teammates about you
being late to practice because she doesnt wanna get out of bed with you :(
rests all her weight on top of you when cuddling, just needs to be close to your after a long exhausting day
“babe, i can’t breath”
“oh well”
stares at you with so much love in her eyes. could barely hide yalls relationship online, ESPECIALLY DURING A LIVE… she stares at you when you talk and its so obvious that she was deep in it for you
doing her hair PLEASE. i know she has that one hairstyle she wears all the time BUT, what about making her try out different ones just to play with her hair?
probably steals your clothes too. couldn’t find a hoodie for a month and then you joined kk’s live one day and paige was wearing it
username: paige is that my hoodie
“i don’t have your hoodie, what?”
dragging you out of bed so she can go buy trufru bc she ran out…
if you dont play basketball she is so forcing you to learn. bringing you to the court just so she can show you how to dribble and shoot a three pointer. she claims youre the best basketball player
if you wear make up i feel like she would help you get ready. like that one live with kate wanting to do jadas makeup ugh. would so help you and make sure to tell people she had done it
waking up in the middle of the night to her all up on you. cannot sleep in the same position at all. literal star fish position half the time. she’ll have her legs all up on you, an arm slung over your chest and all
if you ever wake up and have to pee, youre screwed!! paige is not moving off of you, she wants you in bed until it’s time for her to get up
her always wanting to help make dinner with you, especially if you love cooking/baking. she probably has a folder of recipes to use
back to the second bullet point, she has so many photos of you. has a folder named “my girl” or something cute and its photos and videos of you
makes you do tiktoks with her and kk… she’ll even kick kk out some of them so its just her and you
the fans go CRAZY over you. the amount of edits both of you get tagged in oh lord
she definitely has a folder full of edit of you because she thinks youre so pretty in them
would love getting into your interests as well. for example, you like reading?? she wants to buy every single book she sees just for you. she’ll sit there and let you go on and on about the book
i can imagine her wanting to do your nails too. but if you get them professionally done then she’ll send so many ideas for you to pick from
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this is all i can think of at the moment!! thank you so much for reading, please reblog for me<3
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mydadleft471 · 2 months
For The Love Of A Daughter: Chapter 2
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Summary: After waking up from what you were sure was a dream, you receive an invitation from your Lord and host.
Spoilers for Elden Ring and SOTE (got tired of writing out the full name lmao). No warnings, just a soft morning and Sianet being the best.
It seemed like people really liked my first chapter, so boom, have another! Have some Sianet backstory! (Bonus points if you look up the meaning of her name). Have my clueless ass trying to describe clothing! Have some good feels! God I love this man. Next chapter breakfast date with snakes??? I think so!
As always, thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and reblogging! It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy!
When you woke up this morning, you were terrified to open your eyes and find that yesterday’s events were a pleasant dream. But your fears were put to rest once you realized it wasn’t a figment of your sleeping imagination. Jasmine was still next to you, her small body tucked into yours. Her face is peaceful. Smiling, you carefully shift your way out of bed so you don’t wake her by accident.
The marble floor is cold on your bare feet and it helps you wake up. You hadn’t noticed last night, but you had a balcony. Opening the beautiful glass door, you’re greeted by the sweet morning sunshine and fresh air. You look over the landscape before you, and it’s only now you realize its quiet beauty. The grass, tinted a delicate gold, sways in the breeze. Below, you can see a few animals grazing and some of Messmer’s soldiers patrolling. Even a place such as this can hold some semblance of serenity.
Your thoughts are torn towards the sound of your door opening. You pull your robe around you tighter and smile when you realize your visitor is Sianet.
“Good morning. I trust you slept well?” Her pleasant, motherly voice echoes around the room. Her hair is tied up today.
“I did, thank you. Jasmine’s still asleep.” You gesture towards the small bump in the sheets.
“Poor thing, she must have been exhausted.” You notice her eyes are a pale blue, almost white. They’re beautiful.
She has clothing draped over her arm and a small bag slung over her back, and when your gaze shifts to it, she smiles. She moves to the gold wardrobe to the left of your bed with light steps. You follow her.
“Lord Messmer had our seamstress make new clothing for you and Jasmine. Right now, you only have a few options, but in a few days, you should have a full wardrobe to choose from.” She carefully lays out your clothing on the large vanity table, a few elegant tunics with delicate embroidery, and a couple pairs of pants with gold stitching. She opens her bag and reveals a pair of leather boots for you and some sandals for Jasmine.
You hear a loud yawn behind you and you turn to see Jasmine stretching and slowly making her way out of bed. Once she notices that you and Sianet are awake, she toddles her way over to you both.
“Good morning, Jasmine.” You reach down to smooth out her horrible bedhead. 
“Hi. What are you guys doing?” She yawns again.
“I brought some clothes for you, little one. Would you like to see?” Sianet gestures to the remaining clothes on her arm.
Jasmine’s eyes light up and she bounces excitedly. She is no longer tired at the mention of gifts, it seems. “Please! I wanna see!”
Sianet laughs and begins to lay out the little dresses. All of them are beautiful and they all vary in color. Some are somber greens and reds, but there are a few colored lilac and cerulean. The seamstress did a wonderful job. Jasmine carefully touches each and every one, awe evident in her eyes. 
“These are all for me?” She speaks like she can barely believe her eyes.
“Yes, and you may wear whichever one you’d like.” Sianet lays a gentle hand on her back.
“Can I wear the purple one? I like purple.”
“You may. Let’s get you dressed up.” She smiles and looks back at you. She grabs a small envelope from her bag and hands it to you with a golden letter opener. There is a red wax seal on it with Messmer’s insignia.
“This is from Lord Messmer?”
“Yes,” she answers. “He instructed me to give it to you.”
“Thank you.” Sianet nods in response and begins to help Jasmine get dressed.
You walk back to the bed and sit, delicately dragging the letter opener across the top. With shaky hands, you unfold his letter and read his loopy writing.
Good morning. I hope thou hast found thy bed comfortable and sufficient for plentiful rest. I am writing to request thine presence at breakfast. Jasmine is welcome if it pleases thee. If thou art overwhelmed by my request, I shall not be offended if thou wisheth to spend this day in isolation. Give thine answer to Sianet, and she shall see to it that whatever thy choice, thee and thine child shall eat.
Lord Messmer
He was writing to invite you to breakfast? Your heart raced and you found yourself nervous. He is a Lord, and he wants to have breakfast with you and Jasmine? You’re not worried for your safety, he’s proven that he doesn’t want to hurt you or her, but you’re afraid that you will offend him. You have no clue on proper eating etiquette outside of the basic don’t chew with your mouth full. 
Jasmine bounds up to you, flaunting her new dress. The delicate lilac compliments her green eyes, and you smile. She looks so happy.
“What do you think?” She spins around so you can see the entire dress.
“You look like a princess, sweetie.” She beams at your praise and dances around the room, her skirt swishing and swaying with every movement.
Sianet approaches you, laughing at Jasmine. “What would you like to wear today?”
“I’m not sure, honestly. Lord Messmer asked if we’d like to join him for breakfast, but I’m not royalty. I don’t know proper etiquette and I’m terrified I’ll offend him.”
“Lord Messmer never requests anyone’s presence for breakfast. You would be a special exception, therefore I don’t think he’d be offended if you went.”
“I’m not worried about going. He’s very polite and he’s given us so much already. I’m worried I’ll do something or say something wrong.”
Sianet sits down beside you on the bed and grabs your hands in hers. She smiles softly at you. “I cannot make this decision for you, but I have known Lord Messmer for a very long time, and he is not like his enemies describe him. He is sweet and considerate, though you’ve seen this already. I ask you trust yourself and not give into these anxious thoughts.”
She had a point. Maybe you were just allowing yourself to spiral.
“How long have you known him?” You ask.
“Goodness, I’m not sure anymore. I was his nanny when he was around Jasmine’s age.”
Your brows almost launch off your face in shock. She looks good for her age.
“You took care of him when he was little?”
“Oh, yes. Marika-” she stops herself, huffing. “Queen Marika wasn’t around much during his childhood. She had responsibilities that took priority over her son, I suppose.” She trails off. You can almost taste her disgust in the air and the scowl on her lovely face looks unnatural for someone so sweet.
“What was he like as a child?” 
Her smile returns immediately. She squeezes your hands. “He was well-behaved, most of the time. He loved to read more than anything. Some children prefer to be social and play, but his favorite spot was the library, somewhere quiet and secluded. To this day, he enjoys reading above most things.”
“Hey, I like books too!” Jasmine climbs up onto the bed, eager to join the conversation.
“Perhaps you can ask Lord Messmer to lend you some at breakfast.” Sianet quirks her brow at your words.
“You’ve decided then?” There’s a hopeful glimmer in her voice.
“It would be impolite to refuse after all he’s done for us.”
“We’re going to have breakfast with Lord Messmer?” Jasmine leans her head against your shoulder and you wrap an arm around her.
“Yes we are. Is that okay with you?”
“Mhmm! He’s nice. Very tall, but nice. Do you think he’d let me pet his snakes?”
“Maybe, but we have to be very polite, okay?”
“Okay.” She nods, then looks down at your robe. “You’re not going to go to breakfast like that, are you?”
You laugh and squeeze her arm lightly. “No, I am not.”
You rise to get dressed, leaving Sianet to brush and tame Jasmine’s hair. You look in the mirror and you realize you should probably do something with your hair, too. You comb it back and make it look presentable, then slip on a dark green tunic and black pants. The gold embroidery on it dances along the fabric, making you look almost regal. Your new clothes are quite comfortable, and you take one more look into the mirror. You’re pleased at the results.
You pull on some soft cotton socks and then your boots. They’re a perfect fit. Maybe the seamstress knows magic?
You return to Jasmine and you see Sianet carefully braiding her hair. She’s pulling the long brown hair into a braided bun, which looks beautiful. You’d have to have her teach you how to do that sometime. At the mention of her hair being done, Jasmine runs towards the vanity and climbs into the chair, shaking her head back and forth to try and see the bun. You chuckle and hand her a small mirror, turn her around, and when she sees her hair, she lets out an audible gasp and looks on, transfixed.
“You look wonderful.” Sianet compliments you.
“Thank you. Would you tell Lord Messmer that we’d love to join him for breakfast?”
She smiles and bows her head. “I’ll tell him right away.”
She exits quickly, steps light and hurried. The door shuts behind her and you try your best to keep anxiety at bay.
Jasmine tiptoes over to you and grabs your hand. You look down and smile at her.
“I think you look wonderful, too.”
“Thank you, sweetie. You always make me feel better.” 
She thunks her head against your hip. “So do you.”
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amoristt · 1 year
anon: can you write a ghost x reader fic about y/n being wrongfully accused of being a spy and she makes a run for it and ghost finds her? YESSSS . LOVE ITTTT
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-as always comments/reblogs are appreciated! - wanna tip me? heres my kofi!
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The Accused | Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader
- Heavy footsteps, the air thick, the wall in front of you even thicker. Never did you think that beige wallpaper would be such an obstacle in your way as the echoing sound of footsteps gain on you. The door is shut tight, but the room is still under construction and lacks any furniture to help barricade you in. There isn't even a fucking closet for you to hide in. The only thing other than light brown plank flooring and a door with a half-painted white frame, was a window overlooking a yard.
It was roughly a five-story drop- too high to continue your run unscathed, but at this point, you've got some pretty heavy options to weigh. On one hand, potentially cut your life short, on the other, get caught and dragged out fighting.
Not that it would be much of a fight. You didn't even have time to grab your gun or knife before you made your escape.
Your heart aches. This wasn't right. While you weren't sure what dirt Shepherd had on you, what documents had been falsified as evidence of your alleged 'treason', but whatever they were they must have been pretty damn convincing to have Graves up in arms almost instantaneously. Tears bite at your eyes- had been since you first ran, but now they were heavier. Angrier. You wipe them harshly and red blotches bubble at your cheeks.
Shaking, you bring your radio to your lips. You can't hear them, but they can surely hear you, switched to a different station so you couldn't use their chatter to work around them.
"Please," you damn near sob. "Please, there's a mistake. There's been a fucking mistake, I haven't done anything. You really think I'd do this to you guys of all people?"
Grave answers your pleads like a poison, settling deep into your lungs, replacing all the air in its wake.
"Enough running. Come out and no one has to get hurt."
There was no use in arguing, you realized. They would never hear of it- not the people that truly mattered when it came to imprisonment, anyways. Even if you could convince your humble squad of your innocence, it would never hold up in the end. Besides that, by the way Graves spoke to you, the way he had looked at you, like you were a fucking bug that needed squashing, told you all you needed to know when it came to fighting against Shepherd's allegations.
You knew, ultimately, that running wasn't going to exactly help your case, but you didn't know what else to do. It felt like everyone had turned against you in a moment. You hadn't even had time to process anything. One moment you were joking with your crew, and Graves scampered off the take a rather important call.
Shepherd, was all he had said before disappearing.
And god, when he came back, red-faced and tense, the accusations poured.
Soap tried to defend you. Ghost fought to question, to figure out what the fuck was happening, but the supposed 'evidence' was apparently damning enough to convince Graves through and through that you were a spy.
A rat.
Ghost's voice, laced with desperation and confusion, when Graves began to 'explain' your betrayal haunted you. More so than the act of being accused of treason, even. You just stared at him, past that skull mask, into those familiar dark eyes. Even now, as you ran for what could possibly be your life, that half-hidden expression was all you could see.
The moment Graves brought up arresting you, and even moved to try and grab you, your brain damn near malfunctioned. Your body reacted on its own.
You fucking ran.
Though you weren't sure how someone had found you, this was the position you were in now. The curtains blew out with the breeze, soft and inviting, almost like it was beckoning your jump. They unfurl before you like great wings, and you stare down at the green grass below. You'd surely be crippled by this fall. If not that, it could very well kill you.
Your heart seizes, your lungs struggle to take in air as panic begins to sets in like vines creeping over your nerves. For a moment, you freeze. There was no other way out.
But then there's a slam on the door behind you, so great that the frame creaks and sharp chunks of wood launch off and scatter onto the floor around you. You flinch and your body once again takes priority over your mind, tossing your leg over the sill and swallowing hard. You're going to have to make the jump for it.
You heave yourself up and over, planting your feet flat on the sill, your entire body shaking with both fear of the leap and the deeper issue at present. One hand braces against the top of the window, the other covering your mouth.
Behind you, the door bursts open. Wood splints and tears as it slams into the wall.
"Enough!" A voice shouts, thick with accent and heavy breaths. "You're going to break every damn bone in your body."
You can practically feel Ghost's gun pointed straight at you. You cringe.
Would he pull the trigger?
"Might as well do it now before someone else does trying to beat a confession out of me that'll never fucking come." You didn't mean for your voice to carry so sharp, so laced with the pain and hurt of being hunted by your own friends.
By Ghost, of all people.
How could he be so fucking blind after everything you'd been through together? You wanted to reach out and smack him upside the head. You'd patched each other up more times than you could count, you trusted him with your life, he'd trusted you with his.
Or so, you had always thought.
But the way he's looking at you has to second guessing.
But, ultimately, you knew the game at play. He was a good soldier- the best. He was a former lone wolf, distrustful to his core. You'd worked so fucking hard to get close with him and now it was all crumbling down. Even if you stayed and explained yourself, there would be no point. You would be arrested, processed, thrown in jail labeled a traitor to your country and more people than not would be celebrating it. You'd never see the light of day- shackled and stuffed into a prison so far off the map that God himself would struggle to find you.
And you would be damned if you were going to just sit there and accept your fate. Even if it meant you appeared just as guilty as Shepherd had painted you. You just needed to get away for a bit, collect yourself, and have the time to figure out what the hell was going on. But it seemed that was never in the cards for you. 
The ground below looks menacing, but more forgiving than the fate that awaits you.
You can hear Ghost taking heavy steps forward, and you wonder why he hasn't just come up and ripped you from that sill already.
"Get down," He barks, and you shake at the tone, refusing to look back at him. Defiance shines through as you refuse to climb down.
"I'm not going down for something I didn't do!" Exasperated, your knuckles whitening with your iron grip. It takes what feels like eons to prepare for gravity to play its course, but in reality, it's been mere seconds. You try to force down air through the boulder in your throat.
For a moment, everything stills. You knew the outcome that was bound to come to this. You knew, deep down in your heart, that your fate was not a good one at this point. Either you die on impact, or you'd be wheeled into the interrogation room on a stretcher. That alone makes your skin crawl- interrogation. Knowing you had not a single detail to offer despite the amount of 'tactics' that would be used on you... The torture would essentially be never-ending.
You were well and truly fucked.
"I have to do this." You try to keep your voice level, but it betrays you. You hear Ghost suck in a sharp breath, the sound of his gear shifting. At this point, you don't even care if he shot you. At least you'd die with the person you loved.
"You don't." Ghost's voice is quieter, closer. Now you can really hear it- the sadness. The desolation. It wracks you to your very core.
With a hasty glance over your shoulder, you take in the sight of him. Maybe the last sight of him you'll ever get the chance to see. His looming figure stands feet away, gun still fixated on you. He looks defeated. Or, perhaps, torn. Riding that fence and teetering on the edge between believing you or hauling your ass back to Shepherd kicking and screaming.
Tears well in your eyes when realize his finger isn't even on the trigger. You nod at him sadly.
"I do."
And then, you give yourself to gravity. For a split second, you're weightless. Without much family back home, you found yourself thinking about your squad. How would Soap react? Gaz, or Price? Would they try to find your innocence, or would they take your cowardly actions at face value? Would Graves struggle with the weight of your life if he discovered his manhunt had been unwarranted?
Would Ghost be okay after firsthand witnessing such an awful, selfish act?
Would he ever forgive you?
With a sickening crack, your body slams into the brick wall of the building and you're left dangling in place. Your shoulder screams as you hang, and when you snap your attention toward the searing pain, you see two large hands grasped tight at your wrist and elbow.
"Damn it!"
Ghost's voice reaches you like a bullet had been ripped through your chest. He'd caught you, holding fast and unrelenting. You tried to fight, struggling against him, trying to reach up and pry those fingers away but they didn't budge.
It was over. You'd been caught. You were going to fucking prison and forever labeled a traitor to your country and everyone you ever knew. Everyone you ever fought with, and for, would remember you as a rat. A stain on the fabric of the U.S. Army.
"Let go!" You cry, feeling yourself reeling back into that room with Ghost's unwavering grip. "Just let go!"
Ghost grunts a sharp no before you're hauled up, into the room, and held fast by his arms caging you against him. He crushes you to himself, fingers near digging bruises into your skin and he's shaking you realize. Tears well up and flush past your waterlines, disappearing into the cloth of his gear. You haphazardly beat on his chest with a loosely formed fist.
"They're gonna fucking kill me" You sob. "It's not me, I didn't do anything."
You feel Ghost's arms leave you, and you realize now is when you'll have to surrender. You'll have to hang your head low and saunter away and into the clutches of the armies worst. You're crying into your hands now, not caring what you look like. Not caring this was the first time Ghost had ever truly seen you cry. And god, did you cry.
"Simon, please, I didn't do anything. It wasn't me!"
He's silent as he watches you fall apart right in front of him. Though he uncurls his arms from your shaking frame, he doesn't back away, looking down at you, like he's unsure of what to do. Unsure of what to believe anymore. As you press your forehead to his shoulder, your legs threaten to give out from underneath you.
"Why is this happening." Your voice escapes you as a whimper, broken up with sharp, painful breaths. "What could I have done for someone to do this to me of all people? I know I'm not a saint, but,-" Finally you look up at him, babbling. "Fuck, what do I do?"
Ghost's eyes narrow as he watches you, taking in every word. He places his hands on your shoulders, the first familiar gesture you've felt yet.
"You think you've been framed?" He asks, tone cool despite the waves of emotions in his eyes. You nod.
"That's the only explanation I can think of, but why? I would never do this to my country, my home." You flicker your eyes up to his own. "I would never do this to you."
You can see him trying to work it all out in his brain. Weighing the evidence he'd been presented with versus the fact that he fucking knew you. Knew you like the back of his hand, knew you without even having to think about it. He knew you as he knew himself, and he just knew you wouldn't do this.
"So what is it then." He starts harshly, so terribly confused it brings about anger, like he needs the answer right now because he doesn't know what to do next and time is running thin. 
Shaking your head, you shrug. "I don't know. I just-... I know that there's something going on here. Maybe by mistake, maybe intentionally, I don't know. But I didn't fucking do anything."
Ghost digests your words. You continue.
"I just need time to figure it out and I don't have it. I've got 141 and god fucking forbid, the Shadow's coming for this at this point." your face falls. "...Did anyone try to defend me after I left...?"
Ghost stiffens and swallows hard. You nod, laugh hoarsely. Of course.
"It was fast. There wasn't time to think." He offers. It made sense. You wondered what would have happened if anyone found you up here. If it had been Soap, or Gaz. Or Graves.
His eyes are softer now, his breathing leveling. Surely he's made a choice, but you aren't sure of which. You pray it's in your favor, that he realizes that this is you you're talking about. You pray he remembers all the time, the trust. As you watch him, like he's miles away from you, you can't help but notice him staring at you like you're just mere arms reach away.
Like you'd never left his arms at all, actually. Still flush against him a crying mess of pleads and hurt.
"Ghost, how copy?" Grave's voice pipes up from Ghost's radio.
You still. Ghost lingers a moment, like he doesn't want to answer, his eyes dart from his radio and then back to you, and you press your lips into a tight line.
Don't fucking answer it, your mind begs. Don't do this to me.
When Graves repeats himself, urgently this time, Ghost drags the radio begrudgingly up his clothed lips. Mouth running dry, hands shaking, you take a step back.
'Please,' You mouth. Ghost shakes his head and refuses to meet your gaze.
He was going to turn you in, after all.
He was a good soldier.
You, in that moment, recall the moments you spend side by side with this man. This scary, intimidating man, that you'd found comfort in. The person you plucked from the litter and thought to yourself, this one.
And he hadn't wanted you in. You bulldozed your way through until he found himself picking you out in crowds, remembering all those little things about you that no one else seemed to give a damn about. Waiting for you in the morning, sharing his thoughts and time.
You had always hoped, in another world, you two could enjoy life without all the pain together. A life outside of the army. 
Surely, it would have been enough.
Face downcast, you hear him take a breath to speak.
"Clear." He says. "No sign."
There was no stopping the tears that spilled down your cheeks at that moment, mouth covered to muffle yourself, crouching down as your knees shook.
"Sonofa bitch! Regroup back at point A." Graves says with a sigh.
"Copy." Ghost says quickly, shoving his radio back into his belt. He takes a knee in front of you, and his hands cup the side of your wet face. You eye him, babbling thank you over and over again, sick with fear, gratitude, and confusion. A cocktail that left an unnaturally horrendous taste on your lips. He retrieves a hand just long enough to set his knife down o the floor in front of you.
"Now you've got time." He says matter-of-factly, but you can still sense that urgency in his words. He wants you to escape. To figure this out and come back to him his friend and partner.
He takes your discarded radio and switches it to the proper channel so you could keep tabs on their whereabouts and plans. The voices of your squad chatter on the line, Soap's voice above all wondering how the fuck this was even happening. Bless his heart, he even mentioned being worried for you, which was quickly shot down by Graves reminding him of your betrayal.
As Ghost crouches before you, massive, all-powerful it seemed, you watch his eyes. He pats your cheek. His gloved finger points to the window.
"Ever try a stunt like that again, I'll kill you myself." He bites. You nod, struggling to compose yourself. He stands and your mind begs for him to stay, to be with you during this, but you know he can't.
He lingers in the doorway like he's thinking the same thing. 
"I will... Do what I can. Watch your back, soldier."
And then he's gone, and It's silent save for your harsh breaths. You shakily pull yourself up from the floor, grasping the knife he'd given you- his favorite blade entrusted to you. You'd wait for nightfall and make a run for it, find shelter day by day, and hopefully reconnect with him somewhere to go over what the hell was going on.
You prayed he'd find a way to convince them of your innocence, ask the right questions to the right people, and have more players in your court.
It would likely be your only way out of this awful nightmare.
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brights-place · 8 months
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Floyd dating an S/O that can't speak English
Pairings: Floyd X Reader
Warnings: Floyd being an cutie patootie, Fluff
A/N: As an Person who can't speak english properly or that well I find this request so lovely! THIS IS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO'S ENGLISH IS NOT THEIR FIRST LANGUAGE >:))
- The first time Floyd saw you he stood still and stared in awe like a deer caught in headlights - He wanted to talk to you then and there so he did he stuttered but loved how you smiled but when he noticed your accent he melted into putty
- Floyd loves you so much its well known that he does - He helps you practice English whenever he gets the free time, only if you actively wanna improve, he doesn’t mind otherwise
- Floyd makes sure that you are respected by everyone and if someone points out your accent he smiles while you tell them your from (Your country)
- He loves how you are always smiling when people ask about yourself and your culture along with your genre of music since you were also an troll
- He loves it whenever you sing in your language either in front of the others, or even just by yourself in your room when you think no one is listening to you.( Not that he will ever tell you he dose)
-The thing is that when people of the same culture/ethnicity meet it’s an automatic click and bond so when he see's you chatting with trolls who are the same culture/ethnicity as you he can't help but be happy
- He tries to learn your language which he succeeds in and would see you blush when he calls you "My Love"
- Learns about your culture and tries to make you feel like your at home - The way your heart did a double back flip and a barrel roll when he spoke in your home langage as you got all excited and giddy squealing - He loves how you start to praise him whenever he learns a new word which ends up with you two making out after a bit when he speaks in your mother tongue
- He LOVES IT! WHEN YOUR COOKING! he will tell you directly how much he loves it and hopes you would make more which you do
- When you struggle to speak english he makes sure to hold your hand and smile up at you
- He loves your accent and how you sound so angelic to him
- He likes leave light kisses and kissed all over your face. Your forehead, cheeks, nose, anywhere accessible to him he would kiss smiling while you laugh and try to stop him but he couldn't help but giggle -I swear he just zones out on you. Like he’s just hypnotized by you and all he’s thinking "Fuck i'm so lucky..."
- When you ever get mad he can't help but blush and cover his face with his hand. You switching languages makes him squeal but he also knows when your on the phone speaking to another language he knows that it was to let others around you know that your conversation was not for them.
- When you get mad and are close to ripping someones lungs out floyd has to stop you but sometimes he stays back watching you in awe
- You cursing in your home language and insulting someone he can't help but smile at how gorgeous you looked to him but to others they have fear in their eyes
- But whenever you two fight which is never ever happening unless your in an very bad mood and notice the mess in your house when he had his brothers over
- Like when he see's you fighting with someone he can't help but be smile softly when your yelling at him he would be worried trying to understand you but soon he smiles more and moves closer towards your pissed off expression "Your Beautiful when your mad" floyd said as you blushed
- he made sure to tell his brothers not to cause an mess next time coming over.
- Loves it whenever you come to his defense and cuss whoever is bothering him or making him uncomfortable - You have cussed out john dory face to face for what he had did to floyd in the past and - It warms is heart seeing you do that. You’re actually defending. He covered his face whenever you ask him if he’s OK since he’s blushing under the covered up part of his face with his hand.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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chasedbyatlantic · 7 months
finally alone, joel miller
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masterlist summary: IN WHICH — you and joel miller are nothing but flirty towards each other, no matter the situation. when the two of you decide to take an unauthorized visit outside of jackson, it really shows.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, jackson era!joel, gender neutral!reader, no use of y/n, fluff, implied-ish relationship, friends to lovers type beat, mentions of cheating/death/hooking up, reader is a bit of a player, stripping, swearing. lmk if i missed anything else!
wordcount: 2.3k
a/n: guys comment what u want me to write abt cuz im running out of ideas haha :,). remember to like, comment, reblog and follow for more! xoxo
It was a torrential downpour right now, the sun had disappeared hours ago and there was nowhere to wait it out. It was nice and sunny this morning when the two of you had left the walls, passing by the sleepy guards with no issues whatsoever. Tommy had given everyone working the walls instructions to not let you or his brother go through without clearing with Tommy first, but some rules are meant to be broken, right?
Not that you had a bad reputation, but not too many of the conservative mothers and elderly were fond of you. It had to have been because of your loud mouth, you had convinced yourself. But the weeks following yours and Joel's arrival, you were sure it was more than just your loud mouth. You were always on edge, and ready to fight people for what you needed- for Christ sake, you lived outside of the walls for ten years, you couldn't have been any different. It probably also didn't help that you hooked up with a married man or two, but that's besides the point.
You and Joel were partners, not literally, but the two of you had been teamed up for a while. You met at the Boston QZ when Marlene, the leader of the Fireflies, had tasked the both of you to move 'precious cargo'. You grew close to Joel, and eventually Ellie. After arriving at Jackson, Ellie had separated herself a bit from Joel and you, but you two remained tied at the hip, despite what everyone thought about it.
People had suspected and assumed what was happening between you and Joel, that you two were a couple and you were cheating on him with married men. First of all, the two of you weren't together, and second of all, those men wanted to fuck you, not the other way around. You and Joel had only laughed off the allegations, not really giving a shit about what anyone else thought about the two of you.
The two of you were completely drenched, right through your clothes, when you arrived at the place you had planned to visit, a Walgreens. Well, an outdated Walgreens. You could tell the place was still stocked with food after twenty years, there were just a few runners the two of you had to get rid of. You two were at the back of the Walgreens, the employee entrance. "Do we have to go in?" You asked, "I wanna stay out and dance in the rain!" You had to have your voice raised a bit, the water muting many of the room tone-like sounds.
He checked the clip in his pistol, before shoving it back in. "Y'ur actin' like we ain't gonna have all the time in the world to dance in there, plum." You hated that, plum. First of all, he knew you absolutely hated the name, second of all, plums were your least favourite fruit. "I'll feed you to those runners if y'ain't careful." You threatened him.
Joel shook his head, knowing you wouldn't do anything. It was funny, really, you saying you would hurt him. He found it cute if anything. "Ya' know what to do in there, you get one'n I'll get the others." You nodded your head as Joel silently opened the door. The three runners in there turned their head and screamed, immediately running to the two of you. They spared you some time, though, from tripping over everything in the way.
Joel went first, shooting at the one that had flew over for him. It went down without a fight, and you had leaped over its body in a careful matter. You were better in hand-to-hand combat, so you had your machete swinging to cut half a head off of the runner. When the runner you had killed fell to the floor, another gunshot and body drop was heard from where Joel was. You turned to see all three down, Joel almost grinning. "Too easy, eh?"
You shook your head, your eyes rolling. "Alright pretty boy," You said, "Help me drag 'em outside." He holstered his weapon, sliding a sly 'yes ma'am' to you before helping, knowing that would drive you crazy. It did, though you chose to ignore it. The two of you were very flirty with each other, it was a second nature in all honesty. Though, you didn't mind it, Joel was anything but ugly.
He helped you bring the former-runners outside, it only took a couple minutes - you two didn't want to go back outside, but you had to do what needed to get done. Once the two of you were finished, Joel had locked the door, which meant the two of you were stuck in here for a while. "Did the list get destroyed?" You questioned him, as he searched through his bag. Joel, not long after, took out a small piece of paper with a grin on his face. "All good."
Not too long after, you were down one aisle, Joel the one beside. You decided to sort of split up, and efficiently scavenge for what you needed to get. You two wanted to keep this place on the downlow, in case things ever went south in Jackson and you needed a place to take Ellie to. It was perfect, really, despite the few runners that were here previously. Food, water, medicine, shelter, everything you needed when the world was in this state.
The two of you were in comfortable silence, until you broke it. "Joel?" You had called out, a small 'hm?' being returned from him not long after. "What type of, uh- lotion did she want? There's forty different kinds." Your eyes scanned the shelf, reading every different label. Ellie had promised you that she wouldn't tell anyone about yours or Joel's whereabouts if you picked her up this certain type of lotion, one to help her bite be less itchy, or something.
"Uh," He began, "Nivea? 'M not sure." Your eyes scanned the shelf once more, before picking up the bottle and sliding it in your bag. It almost slipped out of your hands, you were still completely drenched from the shitty weather outside. Just as you were about to leave that aisle, and join Joel at his, something caught your eye. This is perfect, you thought to yourself, you needed a good laugh and this would crack you up.
You reached for the wrapped box, "Joel?" You had called out once more. You heard shifting around from the other side, "What is it?" He replied. You threw the box over to his side, putting your hand over your mouth as you tried to muffle your laughs. The thud of the box hitting the floor was the only other sound, other than you laughing of course.
"Really?" Was heard from the other side, "Condoms? Real fuckin' mature o'you." This sent you through the roof, honestly. Maybe it was the lack of sleep you had been getting for the last few weeks, or that this was genuinely ridiculous, but you just bursted out with laughter. Let the whole world hear you, you thought to yourself, who cares.
"I'm sorry!" You had exclaimed in between laughs, "It was too fuckin' funny not to!" You slipped past into Joel's aisle, looking for him. He wasn't there. Your laughs calmed down, "Joel?" You drug out the last part of his name, curiously stepping forward. As soon as you did that, you felt arms wrap around you and pick you up. Not arms of a clicker, no, but arms that felt too familiar to your waist.
Joel spun you around, his chin resting in the crook of your neck from behind. The roles were reversed, he was now the one with the laughing fit and you were the unamused one. You had let a few 'let me go!'s escape your lips, trying your best to stay upset, though it didn't work for long. Joel set you down after a few more spins, trying his best not to fall over from the dizziness.
Things between the two of you were complicated, you hooked up all the time but were nothing official. It felt weird, making things official during a time like this. Nobody wanted to care for someone too much, since they didn't know what tomorrow would bring. It was a mutual feeling, you were sure of it, you just didn't know what to do about it.
"I hated that." You flatly-as-possible said that to him, as you turned and faced him. He met your gaze, you could stare into his eyes all day. "That's what you get." He had simply replied to you with, this earned a confused look and a raised eyebrow from you, "Excuse me?" Joel could only hold his smile back, "They were too small, should've at least thrown over the right size."
For fuck sakes, Joel Miller. You slapped him on the shoulder after he broke the shared gaze and walked off, yelling a 'Christ, Joel!' as you chased after him. He drove you crazy, and he knew that. Not a bad crazy, not anything close to that. Whatever crazy it may be, it was mutual.
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With another hour of scavenging under the two of yours' belts, you both grew tired. You were still wet from outside, your hair had started to dry, though. Both Joel and you had found an upstairs to the grocery store, it looked to be an employee break room or something like that. You had brought up a few blankets, candles and matches, and a change of clothes. You had set up the candles around your room, not as a romantic gesture, but as a light source. Obviously the power wasn't working, and the two of you needed to see what you were doing.
Joel had set up the blankets by the time the last candle was lit, a proud look to his face. You took notice, as you shrugged off your bag and bent down to untie your boots. "You're a great blanket-layer, Mister Miller." He tsked when you had said that, "No need to remind me." He took notice of you starting to unzip your pants, and push them down. He rose his brow, waiting for you to explain what you were doing.
You took notice of this after you had removed your pants, and stood back up to get your shirt, "What? I'm soaked." Joel had completely forgot about that, in all honesty. His clothes were soaked through as well, no doubt in that, he was just too caught up in the moment with you that he had pushed it to the side. He had removed his shirt as you took yours off, if someone else was to see this, they would definitely think something else was happening.
You two had stripped down to just your undergarments and towel-dried yourselves off. God bless Walgreens for carrying everything, you had thought to yourself. In no time, the two of you were dressed back up in comfortable clothes for the time being, making an unspoken decision that you guys would spend the night.
You were the first one to lay down on top of the blankets Joel had set up, Joel was looking through his bag for something. "Can we just stay here forever, you'n me?" You asked, eyes closed and sprawled out. He could only chuckle in response, "What 'bout Ellie?" Shit, you had forgotten about her. You were too caught up being with just Joel that you had forgot Ellie was at home, probably wondering where the fuck the two of you were. "Pass me the walkie," You asked, "Let me call her."
That was what you did, you went onto the right channel and began talking into the walkie talkie. It took a minute or two until you actually got a response from Ellie. She had made sure you two were fine, and not 'absolutely fucking deceased' (her words, not yours). With much reassurance and whatnot, you soon bid your farewells to her, and had promised you would be back the following day. Ellie had also made the comment saying not to 'come back knocked up', sounding like your mother. This earned Joel to yell at her from the background, but only made you laugh. You loved that kid, like your own.
You placed the walkie down, moving to one side of the not-so-bed bed. "Joel," You groaned, "Hurry up, I'm freezing." You complained. You were in wet clothes for hours, you were bound to be frostbitten at this point. Joel was your heat source for tonight, though he didn't mind, not one bit. With you basically cuddled up to him the entire night, it brought ease to him sleeping.
He shortly lay down beside you, stretching his arm out which had only caused you to lay on his chest. He was chewing something, it smelled too familiar. "What're you eating?" You had hummed, a yawn following your question. "Dried plum." He only replied, doing everything in his power to suppress his grin.
You shook your head, well, as much as you could with your head laying on Joel's chest. "Where the fuck did you even get dried out plums? That's the stupidest thing ever." Joel didn't think it was, plums were his favourite fruit- he wouldn't say anything about that, though, not yet. If you didn't want to eat any plums, he would help you out. This was another case of the olive theory. "One of Maria's friends does 'em, seriously, you should try 'em."
You bickered with him about it for a moment, dropping it the next. Joel loved when you bickered with him, it made you two sound like an old, married couple- though you weren't, not yet. He loved how you would rant on about your hate for plums, or what you had done during the day throughout Jackson. He was just happy to be finally alone with you, not being able to handle anymore time spent not by your side.
finally alone, mac demarco
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xjoonchildx · 10 months
Yeah I totally agree as to how writers are leaving. I agree. Why are they leaving you think?
me figuring out how much trouble i wanna get in tonight
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okay, listen. i have thoughts. i have observations. and i’m going to share some of them with you.
in my experience, most writers have been leaving for one of these three reasons:
1. engagement (rather, the lack thereof)
yeah, yeah i know, writers post about this a lot but here’s why: it’s true. readers on this site, for whatever reason, don’t interact with fics as much as they used to. even some fics that get a lot of likes may only have one or two comments, maybe a couple of reblogs with no feedback.
for what it’s worth, i’ve always felt that for the size of my blog (and how flipping long it takes me to post something) i get wonderful reader feedback and engagement. but i see so many writers struggling out in these tumblr streets, posting really great work that gets very little feedback and it’s discouraging for them. i get it.
i will also be transparent and say that as a writer who biases a “less popular member” it kills me when amazing stories about him (and other “less popular members”) just fall flat.
one of the best hobi stories i ever read had 20 notes when i found it by accident. twenty. it had been posted for some time. in my mind, that was a crime—that story was an absolute masterpiece and it had 20 notes (!). i sent it to every person i knew short of my mama because i was offended that people hadn’t recognized its brilliance. sadly, that writer left tumblr and took her masterpiece with her which brings me to my next point:
2. drama and writer-on-writer crime
phew y’all, there’s just so much of it. i don’t know what it is about tumblr that makes some people lose their absolute minds but they sure damned do. i’ve been here for a minute and i have seen it all.
writers mounting anonymous hate campaigns against one another (this happens a lot). writers mounting anonymous hate campaigns against people they pretended were friends (this one happens a lot a lot). writers sending themselves a boatload of hate anons to get sympathy and attention on the dash (this one happens a lot a lot a lot).
popular writers going out of their way to befriend up-and-coming writers only to then turn around and start nasty whisper campaigns about them when the up-and-coming writer’s blogs and stories eclipse their own in popularity.
insecurity is a hell of a drug.
there are some writers who get on here and they’re cool and they stay cool and they enjoy success and guess what? they’re cool about it.
and then there are the writers who get a few thousand followers and a bunch of notes and delude themselves into thinking they’re real-life celebrities. to those writers i would say: pick the fanciest restaurant in your city, call to make a reservation on a friday night and if they don’t have a slot make sure you let them know you’re really big on tumblr. let me know how that works out for you, okay?
it sounds stupid and it is stupid but this happens on this site all the time. what makes me sad is that it drives people away. they take their personalities and stories and contributions to this insane little space we have here with them, which sucks. the author of that amazing hobi fic? deactivated her account over tumblr drama.
so if you have a blog here and you are so wrapped up in jealousy and insecurity that you feel the need to harass someone off the site (including “friends”), log off and seek help.
3. life (adulting, sigh)
this is the boring one, but it still tracks. this community blew up when covid hit and we all had a lot more time to muse about what kim namjoon would look like in his underwear. but so many people had to get back to the grind after a while, and that meant less time for tumblr and for writing in general (wait is this entire one about me oops)
when i started tumblr i wasn’t working full time. then covid hit. so i had a long stretch where i could dedicate a lot of time to writing and posting. and YES i was still slow, so go ahead and throw that tomato lmao but STILL. it really does impact the number of stories going up and some people who joined during the pandemic just don’t have the time to go back to this like they had before.
so yeah, that’s what i’ve personally seen and experienced on this site. the good news is that for every nasty, insecure writer on this site there are dozens of great people telling great stories. i’m going to stick around for them and i hope you do, too 💕
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 11
hope u enjoy this :D and please comment and reblog! each and every one of them warms my heart up so much <3
credit to @brekitten for betaing this. Seriously she was lowkey amazing and i exploded from it
and by lowkey amazing i mean just straight up amazing
credit to @adonneniel (at least I think that's them. I'll correct it next chapter if not) for the I Spy joke inspiration :3
Jack Fenton’s mad driving had them racing up the mountain path. Bruce couldn’t even enjoy the beautiful scenery as every corner seemed to invite a brush with death. He wasn’t sure if the orange man was insane and lucky or one of the best drivers he’d met in his life. In no time at all, they reached the top of the mountain, a noted campsite for many an adventurous teen or young couple.
Many teens, except for the missing trio at this moment.
Bruce already knew Daniel Fenton wouldn’t be here in all likelihood. And if he wasn’t here, there was little chance his two closest friends would, either. No, it was almost certainly a lie to disguise some other kind of activity, but it didn’t sit right with him that they might be doing something normal for a rebellious teen. Gangs, drugs, petty vandalism, dares. Something about their secretive demeanour and false aloofness pointed to a more fantastical answer. A more dangerous one.
As Bruce and the Fentons hopped off the SAV, they confirmed his suspicions. All he could see was trees, campfire stones, and bits of litter.
From his profile of Sam Manson, she would never tolerate such a thing. Every time he saw her, it was a protest of some kind, or loudly accosting litterers and people wearing leather jackets and carrying crocodile handbags, which practically confirmed his suspicions.
“Let’s spread out, we’ll cover more ground, and then meet back here in ten minutes.”
Ten minutes later, the three parents returned to the SAV, utterly empty-handed. Jack looked distraught, and Madeline was idly squeezing the handle of another gun. He hadn’t noticed that before. How many weapons did these people have?
“No sign. Nothing. Zilch.” Madeline muttered. “Why would they lie to us?”
Why wouldn’t a teenager lie, to be honest?
“Have you ever seen them do anything strange or out of the ordinary?” Bruce asked, the softer voice of a worried father.
Jack gasped. “What, like drugs?! Gangs? We chased those suckers out of town years ago! Danno would never get tangled with them!”
That was a story that Bruce would probably have to look into later.
At the same time, Madeline’s brow furrowed. “He did go missing half a year ago…”
Jack’s expression softened. “Yeah, kid was so shaken he never spoke about it. Can you imagine? Gone for a week, then shows up back home outta nowhere and didn’t even wanna talk about it.”
Bruce nodded, understanding fully what they had felt. Jack punched his open palm. “I oughta find whoever was responsible and tear them apart. Molecule by molecule.” His body slumped, voice losing its vigour again. “But Jazzy told us it was only gonna hurt him, pressing for info, so we haven’t.”
“After that, his grades started dropping. Danny’s a genius I tell you. A Fenton in every way, but after we got him back, he started skipping class, and making vague excuses all the time…” She shook her head and sat down, body seeming to gain days of exhaustion in a second. “It’s like he’s changed, somehow.”
Bruce considered this info… Sixth months ago? The timeline was suspicious. Six months ago, Daniel Fenton had gone missing. A week later, he shows up out of nowhere, refusing to speak of his experience. Soon after, sirens began to terrorise the city, with Phantom playing sometimes hero, sometimes criminal. Daniel Fenton’s behaviour changes drastically. Daniel, his two friends and Damian disappear on the same day. What was the connection?
Jack Fenton crouched on the ground beside his wife, frowning. “But that’s surely gotta be some kind of trauma response, right? That’s what Jazzy always says.”
“Maybe…” Bruce muttered.
Jack picked up on this, and looked up to where Bruce was still standing. “Maybe what, Brucie?”
“No, it was just a curiosity I had. I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering about Phantom. Didn’t he appear six months ago too?”
Instantly, the Fenton parents scowled. Madeline clenched her fist around the gun. “That damned fishboy. He parades himself as a hero but we all know he’s a menace! Just last week he stole one of the prototypes for the Fenton Wrist Ray! How?! He doesn’t even have legs!”
And that right there was the big question, but there were a few hang-ups before he could move forward with his theory.
“I thought some of the previous sirens who attacked had legs.”
Jack shrugged, his hands making a so-so motion. “Well it’s actually kind of interesting. See, sirens’ bodies are based on a-“
Maddie laid a hand on his shoulder. “Honey, maybe we should keep the explanation short this time.”
“Right! The answer is we don’t know!”
Madeline face-palmed. “Some sirens demonstrate the ability to shift between their true form and a human-passing form. That being said, we’ve never seen Phantom’s human form, so we don’t even know if he can’t, or just hasn’t. We know for a fact there are some sirens that straight up can’t shift, but what determines that fact is unclear.”
Bruce hummed. A moment of pause before the next thought. “What if he didn’t need to shift?”
The Fentons’ mouths gaped open. “Are you saying…?”
“The last time I talked to your son before he disappeared, he didn’t seem to share most of your opinions towards the siren race. He seemed… evasive.” More than that. Daniel Fenton looked like he had the world on his shoulders, and he couldn’t share it with anyone. Or rather: couldn’t share it with his parents.
“That’s impossible! Danno would never-” But Madeline interrupted her husband.
“He has been running off a lot. Jack, how else would our inventions get into Phantom’s hands?”
Jack Fenton stared at his wife for a minute, eyes slowly opening in horror. “Floundering fishes. The punk’s brainwashed him!”
Bruce waved his hands back and forth frantically. “Maybe that’s going a bit far, don’t you think? I’m sure there’s-”
Madeline grabbed his arm and yanked him into the SAV with surprising might. “No time! I know where the kids are!”
Bruce startled, even as Jack Fenton jumped into the driver’s seat. How on earth did she make that deduction?
Of course, he didn’t doubt their intelligence, only their sanity. They were smart enough to figure out all of this tech, but detectives they were not (the profile he had done on them was thorough). Perhaps he underestimated them.
Hold on, what was he thinking? His deduction was that the kids were somewhere on the coast, in one of the many coves around Amity Bay, where they likely snuck out often to contact Phantom.
In that case, why on earth was Jack not turning the duckboat around?
“Dr Fenton, what are you doing?!” The high-pitched squeak at the end of his question was regrettably not entirely fake.
“The fastest way to rescue the kids!” Jack said, a manic gleam in his eyes visible via the rear view mirror. The mad scientist slammed the gas. Bruce’s seat slammed into his back. The billionaire braced himself.
The SAV charged through the campsite, weaving in between trees and rocks and debris. Up ahead the woods cleared to reveal the ocean over a cliff.
Jack did not slow down. He sped up. The cliff came closer. And closer. Jack sped up further.
There was no longer any ground beneath the wheels.
We cut to preserve Bruce Wayne’s dignity.
Meanwhile, in the middle of the ocean…
Damian scanned his left. He scanned the right. He glanced up into the clear sky. He peered down at the dark. He took a peek behind his shoulders. With his decision made, he made his declaration with poise and finality.
“I spy with my little eye, something b-”
Damian’s eye twitched.
Danny nodded eagerly, like a lost puppy begging for attention. Scratch that. Lost puppies were far more lovable. “Come on. It’s the water, right? Right??”
“I spy. With my. Little. Eye. Something beating. You imbecile.”
“Crap. Uhhhmm…” Danny blinked, eyes turning sky high as he searched for answers. “Is it a bird? Because some people call their movements wingbeats.”
Damian’s jaw dropped. “No! It was your heart! Your heart beating!” He punctuated every word with an aggressive tap at Danny’s translucent chest, a still frighteningly visceral display case for his blue heart.
“That’s stupid! I could’ve come up with a better one!”
“The last three you did were the water, the sky and the sun respectively.”
“I said I could, not that I would!”
“I do admit. I did not account for birds’ wingbeats.”
Back to the parents…
Never had Bruce ever feared for his life more than what just happened.
May he never speak of it again.
“See Brucie? Jack Fenton is an ace driver. You’ll never fear for your life in my capable hands!”
Madeline nudged her husband. “Honey, focus.”
“Oh sorry. Where to, sweetie?”
“The cove!”
Bruce shook the adrenaline off. Back to business. Coincidentally, he’d just received a pertinent message from the Cave.
“Hey B.” Tim’s voice filtered through the tiny ear piece Bruce kept at all times, accompanied by rapid clacking, almost fast enough to merge into a continuous clackackckackackack. “Half the footage you sent was corrupted. I saved the other half, but I haven’t been able to look through it. Currently fighting a hacker and trying to get back into Amity’s servers. Just got a breakthrough though. He’s based in Amity, currently location: the cove just underneath the mountain on the main island. RR Out.”
That cove being a hollow space in the mountain carved out by seawater and erosion. There was a small waterfall covering the entrance and obscuring view. As the SAV drove past the barrier, Bruce heard two gasps of shock.
There they were. A black boy in a yellow shirt and red beret, skin caked in sweat, hunched over a desk with a laptop glaring brightly in the otherwise-dimly lit room. Beside him, a pale girl in all black, clutching an old tome and glaring viciously at him.
But where on earth was Daniel Fenton?
And where was Damian?
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 10 months
Hi all, so, basically I've been having a lot of thoughts and feelings about the state of fanfiction these days. Specifically, I've been thinking about the relationship and interactions between writers and their readers within the fandom (talking about my fandoms in particular, but I know that similar things seem to be happening across the board). I know that authors have been talking about how they've been getting less and less comments and feedback in general on their work. I haven't said much about it because I don't want to appear ungrateful to the people who take the time to leave detailed feedback — I'm incredibly grateful to them and they've played a huge part in keeping me going for this long. If you've left a comment on any of my works and see this and wonder if you haven't done enough, trust me, you have.
Still, if I'm being honest, the amount of silent readers is starting to take its toll on me. It's gotten to the point where when I write something, if it's a decently long piece (let's say over 4k), I'm likely to get less comments on the work than I've put hours into writing it. It sometimes feels like I have to beg for comments and that is not a nice feeling. As an author, it's hard to see that and not think that it says something about the quality of the work you've put out.
I've been trying to think of things that could help, I have a bunch of thoughts that I'll probably try to organize at some point (namely i think a network for writers to have constructive feedback, which doesn’t always mean negative feedback btw, could have a positive impact — feel free to let me know if you’d be interested but also i’ll probably make another poll for that). For now, I wanted to ask: as readers, if you don't leave comments, is it because you're not sure of what to say or how to articulate it? If so, would it help if I made a post detailing things you can tell writers in the comments (other than the classic, but always good 'I loved it')? In general I'd love to know more about why people don't leave comments.
Expect a couple more posts on the subject once I've collected my thoughts and in the meanwhile, here's a poll to let me know if it would help. Reblog to increase visibility/sample size, etc.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hi! i hope your having a good day. i love your work and was wondering if you could maybe do skz headcannons with an idol s/o who’s the main dancer in their group?
stray kids with their main dancer idol! s/o
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genre: headcanons; fluff, general, idol! s/o
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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chan is always keen on self-improvement and finds that you help a lot
if he feels he's lacking in the dance department, the likelihood is he'll seek you out
not that he'll ever directly ask for help lmao
but sometimes you can just sense it and take the hint
he appreciates how much of a perfectionist you can be with your art. he's the same, of course
he feels like your brains are more similar than he thought to begin with, and through understanding how you work he recognises how much you focus and try hard to be the best, which is so attractive to him
lee know
is intrigued by your technique
that's how you piqued his interest before you even started dating him
being a professional dancer, he can pick out the superior dancers from each group with ease
you were easy for him to pin-point as the main dancer of your group because of your raw talent
so, he wanted to work and even perform with you
and since then, he has never once looked back
currently, you're his dancer partner, and dare i say the best fan-favourite couple ever. your chemistry when you work together is seriously unmatched
people are always waiting for your next collab
he literally thinks you're the best dancer in the industry and stands behind that statement
anytime his friends wanna tease him he's like "okay but are you dating the best dancer in the business? that's what i thought"
gets a good rise outta wooyoung tbh and he gets super competitive but we move
he loves bragging about your achievements bruh
he doesn't have time to talk about himself when he's wayyy too busy hyping you up
he's so proud of you like?? he can't help himself as embarrassed as it sounds. you just gotta go with it
he just wuvs you and wants to tell literally everyone he meets about your awesomeness ;-;
similar to lee know, hyunjin would want to work with you
he can't help but be enthralled by your beauty when you're performing
encourages you to do solo performances just so you get the time to showcase what you can do
wants to learn more classical ballroom dances with you because he's a hopeless romantic and is cheesy like that
he's just so in love
will probably write poetry about you and draw a dynamic, abstract painting of you dancing just cos you inspire him so much
idk you get him so mushy it's so cute
probably cries buckets when you do a super emotional contemporary dance, because... you know... its hyunjin
i mean it doesn't matter what position you are in as an idol, han jisung is a supportive bf no matter what and is literally your biggest fan
if you're the main rapper? he'll learn all your rap verses off by heart
if you're the lead singer? he'll dramatically sing your own group's songs until you hate it
and you being the main dancer? well, you best believe he's learning all the choreography
especially if you do solo work, my gosh
from the minute your new music video drops he's like "baby, where do you get those hips from??"
he's down bad, basically
mr. heart eyes
he literally... oh my gosh
i can't even-
he literally is obsessed with the way you move like oh my goshhhh i cannot stress this enough
you got him feeling things he's never felt before, ouch
his eyes are always fixed on you during your performances, and yes the cameraman has both caught and exposed him for having his jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes sparkly and wide as he watches you dance
the fans and i other idols get a good chuckle out of his reactions
he takes such an interest in how your work is doing
and he loves it when you do the same
he finds you have the same love and passion for dancing as he does with regard to singing
and that common ground is beautiful
it allows the conversation to flow so easily as you bond with your similar interests
the fact that you're both idols helps too, of course
gets so blushy thinking about how stunning you are when you dance. he's like a little boy when he sees you in action
he doesn't know how to react to his soulmate being so effortlessly talented
amazed by you
but doesn't easily show it
lowkey wants to learn more from you but is too shy to ask directly, at first
so he'll get you in a dance studio and teach you how to do the iconic 'maknae on top' hips move, just for funsies
and then he'll casually ask you what your fave move is
and from there, he will learn how to improve from you
he admires you so much, sometimes he just has a hard time articulating that to you
so spending time with you and working on dance - something you both love - is how he expresses that
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https-yuqiivdol · 1 month
so, i was thinking a fluff one. so its a poly relationship with all 8 if thats okay. the reader always dies her hair and one day she decided to die her hair some other color. she does it at home and the guys help her.
hope its not to much, <3
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Thank you for asking me! I know this is really short, I hope you don't mind. 💙💙💙😭😭
I tried to get all of them in here, haha, the dialog isn't really there but I hope it's 2 ur liking!
Ot8 x reader(poly) fluff.
"Nothing is better than doing your favorite thing with your favorite people."
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Dying your hair was something you loved to do frequently. It just made you feel different and new every time. In fact, it was really therapeutic for you, and your eight boyfriends supporting you made you love it even more.
You were in bed, bored out of your mind. You haven't dyed your hair in a couple of months, keeping it a dark natural color, you were very busy with college and stuff so you didn't really have time to dye it as you did before... until, one day, you were casually scrolling online and saw a very cool dye you wanted to do(this). Immediately, you felt your eyes light up.
"y/n, are you here?" Chan called out. You smile, you haven't really talked to them more frequently because of your college.
"Uh, yeah, guys, look at this!" You excitedly said, showing them the picture of the hair. "It's been a hot minute since I dyed my hair, then I came across this!" They looked at each other and then chuckled, "Really? It looks cool!" Felix said with his soothing deep voice. "Let's try to recreate it!" Jisung spoke up, smiling.
"Uhh... Do you have the dye for it?" Jeongin asked, you nodded. You keep dye in the cabinet of your bathroom because who knows! Maybe you might wanna do something unique? You take out a pinkish orange color, smiling excitedly, "Okay! Let's do this!" Hyunjin excitedly said, clapping his hands together.
The next minute was full of chaos and giggles. At this point, you were more happy with the fact that you could spend time with them again rather than your hair being perfect.
"If this doesn't turn out right, please don't sue me~" Changbin said, playfully winking at you. You scoff and roll your eyes. After they put the dye in, they look at each other, "So do we blow-dry it?" Seungmin asked, ready to blow dry your hair to ashes. We all shook our heads, "You do do that. You're really going to get sued.." Minho muttered, causing laughter.
Hyunjin went and pressed the pinkish orange dye on my hair, concentrating on the brush stroke, like your hair was a painting. After a few minutes, with jokes, chaos, and getting your hair done(which seemed to be the least of your guys priorities) you finally get your dried. You looked at the finished product. It wasn't perfect, but it was terrible, just a little bit wonky... But that's okay, you had fun, and you got to bond with your eight favorite people by doing your favorite thing. :)
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Again, I hope this is 2 ur liking. Have a lovely day!
Please reblog if you enjoy this!
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Rose Recaps Rose Tinted Glasses It's been three months since I made a post thanking this community for being a place for me to share my love of BL.
And since then, every day I feel a little bit more comfortable here.
This place is so special to me for so many reasons and the fact that I found it is a small miracle. I was talking with my friend Neely about something BL related and they told me that they think I'm doing much better since I came here. So thanks again.
I was never a part of any online fandom. And before BL I never really felt like I was missing something. Maybe because I always found someone irl that I could freak out about whatever I was watching I never really felt the need to go look.
And the people here are exceptionally kind. Before, I made a point to never engage much online, except for certain support groups, because of the hate that sometimes exists in certain spaces. So I was very much surprised by the kind humans that exist in this bl fandom in this corner of the internet.
Also. There is some serious brilliant people here. Look giffing is not easy, it takes a long time, sometimes you spend so much time with a set only to hate it by the end and never posting it. And sometimes you post something and you're really proud and crickets. And sometimes you post it just so it doesn't go to waste and all of a sudden it explodes. It's all part of the magic.
I keep my sets pretty simple so I'm in awe of how some people make these beautiful art pieces with layers and colouring and typography. It's incredible and I applaud your creativity and patience.
Speaking of brilliance, I'm constantly in awe of the meta writers. That shit is not easy.
It takes way longer than we think, to make it neat and readable, adding gifs or shots to illustrated a point, sometimes wasting so much time finding the gif you want in the mess that is the gif search (I understand it now, cause yesterday I was on the hunt and it would've been quicker to make the damn gifs), and reviewing it before posting, changing it in the process, sometimes leaving it in drafts because the idea is not completed. I'm tired just thinking about this. I'm not able to do that. Sure I can talk for hours about this stuff but actually organize my ideas into a coherent point of view and writing it down. Nope. Not me. So bravo meta writers. I applaud you.
And of course all the people that share the stuff that really matters. Like the colours, the wardrobe, the places we see, the news about what's coming, language nuances, pictures of the pretty people in sometimes ridiculous or beautiful outfits, sometimes the pretty people before shirts were invented, and some of the funniest commentary I ever encountered.
I don't wanna single people out by tagging them because truly there are way too many. So I just want to thank some people that helped me navigate this place and made this time so enjoyable. First and foremost. @twig-tea You were the first person I talked to here and you were so kind and patient with me and my awkwardness and lack of knowledge of how this place works. She also writes great meta and is brilliant and everyone should be following her. @lurkingshan because of the Sahara-Sensei post that you tagged me in and made me feel so seen. @pharawee because IFYLITA just wouldn't have been the same without your sets. @respectthepetty because she helped get the colour coded subs right and she appreciates the bokeh in all its glory. @itsallaboutbl for screaming with me in portuguese. @mikuni14 Because she's been so incredible kind to me. @iguessitsjustme because of many reasons. And If I ever reblogged anything from you, consider yourself tagged in this post. All of you are amazing. And finally...
@blmpff for a lot but mostly for the most unexpected and incredible moment I experienced in this short time. The day that a bird took over my dash. Khun Feathers was such a treat and this masterpiece was the highlight of the day.
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image by @blmpff It's been a wonderful year and I look forward to see what happens tomorrow. Wishing you all a happy new year!💜
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angellurgy2 · 3 months
i thinkci just ruin everything in my life. i walk around trying my fucking hardest to be the best girl i can be, to communicate my issues, to tell when I feel bad abt them, to try n figure out how to move past them. i try to engage w people on things they like i try to pretend i like things i try to pretend im a person who is able to interact w 'interests' i try to pretend i can take all the fucking abuse and exclusion and forgetfulness on a daily basis but no matter what i do i just ruin everything somehow. ive stopped speaking out loud to anyone at all irl bc i know everythinf that co w out of my mouth will be hated on or taken with the worst assumption possible instead of assuming the best in me which no one has ever done. even my irl gfs never think of me. never even consider what id like. i get to just rot while they run away without ever msging me to go fuck a girl who hate s me. i want a fucjing break from the pain which is why i tried to kms but its not always gonna fuckinf work so im just stuck here n i cant reaaally come online for refuge anymore bc all im reminded of is how much people have fucjing abandoned me and how u all reblog all of their shit so theyre plastered on my dash and i just wanna fucking escape this endless pain that I can never avoid feeling. i want real fucking friends but im just not allowed to have them i guess. at times ive thought 'im glad i didnt die b4 so i could meet my first irl gfs at least' but now i dont. now i just wish that the pain would(ve) stop at all. and sure some of the problem is just that ppl r fucking assholes who refuse to acrually care about their sisters and are lying to everyones faces abt their morality but clearly im a walking fckn problem too. no matter what everytime im around smth gets ruined. what am i even supposed to fucking do when theres no point in trying anything anymore
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Chris and I- bringing our Baby home for the first time
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18+ just in case ALL FLUFF (slight mention of parent death) bringing baby home from being born choose ur own Chris (its an AU) COMMENTS & REBLOGS APPRECIATED no permission to repost republish or tralnslate.
"Chris why are you driving so slow?" I'm with our baby in the back while he's driving the Audi, (always my favorite car)
"Yea but hon it's our private road my baby's gunna turn three before we get to the house."
"Um excuse me its our Baby"
"Sure let's just so with that." I playfully roll my eyes and see Chris pout in the rear view mirror.
"That's not funny you know how long I've wanted a family for."
"I do and I'm sorry." I pause for a few second. "Actually I'm not because you're taking forever and I am in desperate need of a bath and she is going to need to be changed soon and you should get rest. Because I am not letting her cry herself to sleep. A d-"
"You think I'd do that? Hell no."
"Good because I'm not going to be the only one getting up so if you can increase to may at least 10 miles an hour. I'd appreciate it."
"Fine. "
"Dare I even ask for 30?" I flirty teases.
"Don't push it." His lip curls a bit.
My phone dings
"Scott left us cheesecake in the fridge and your mother will be bringing us dinner! God I love your family."
My tears well up
"I know. I'm sorry hon. I'm sure your mother would've loved to be here but I know she's watching over us. "
"I know I just....."
"Hey it's ok you've got my family and they love you more than me so"
I laugh
"It's gunna be weird without dodger there but I can't wait until he gets to meet his baby sister." I changed the topic in a dime-I know. And I know Chris knows I did that on purpose- it's too painful to talk about right now; especially with emotions all over the place.
"I'm glad everyone understood we wanted some alone time."
"Well it was that or we leave them on a porch to freeze."
"Oh my sweet little one you have no idea how much you're loved." I caress her cheek.
"Oh she knows did you see how much she loved people. Who visited her she drank it up."
"Oh I saw. I'm glad she has a big family who loves her. She's so beautiful."
"Just like her mama."
"What? Its true. She is practically your mini me. Franky I'm thrilled I was terrified."
"Yea gorgeous sexy actor who'd want to look like-"
"You do remember those scene where I had to dress up like a woman."
"Good point I'm still traumatized."
"We all were" he laughs
"Chris did we move at all?"
"Yes I'm getting there. Relax."
"Well she gunna be hungrey I know and you know I know when she is gunna get hungrey."
"And exactly how is that."
"Mommys intuition."
"I want daddy's intuition" he pouted
Oh thats easy see carry the child for 9 months and push them out through-"
"Ok ok I was there I don't need to relive it."
"You asked. We almost there I wanna cuddle. Honey we have plen-"
"Who said you I wanna cuddle with my baby girl."
"Me too."
"Well you know how we solve that?"
"We all cuddle together. Wait you seriously didn't think of that?"
"Hon I am just focused on the road."
"Chris you realized if you go to 30 miles we would've been there 5 minutes ago. Especially since Mama here is getting Hangrey" I cross my arms.
"Ok good point."
Within 2 minutes were back at home.
Chris and I unlock the carrier I go to get out he tells me to wait. He get the car seat/carrier he puts her down on the porch and we can see her from where we are.
"You left our child alone? I look at him with" widened eyes.
He pauses in mid movement not sure what to do or say
"I'm just kidding we can see her from here but hon I can walk by myself."
"I just want to help."
"Nothing I say will change things will it?"
"Worth a try. Anyway. Alright go. She needs to eat I want to sleep and you are on diper duty."
"Got it."
That was easier than I thought," I thought.
"Mother knows best." He replies
"How the hell do you know what I was thinking."
"Because we are that in sync."
"I had that inadvertent smirk on my face going didnt I?"
Before we bring her in he opens the door and goes inside for a moment. Then he comes back out.
He won't let me bend down to pick up the carrier so he picks her up but he are holding both sides of the carrier as we walk in together. Thankfully he has huge doors.
"Home sweet home baby girl."
We get the tiniest tiniest yawn.
"That was the cutest thing ever awww."
"I got it all on film baby."
I put my camera to record this. So I can send it to everyone.
Can you not send it to everyone on your acting friends list, that didn't go over well like anytime but just to our close close friends and family I don't trust everyone and its my baby and I-"
"I know I know calm down mama bear. I already have a baby list and got NDAs."
Ok so he's even more paranoid than me.
There was a moment of silence.
"What do we do first with her?"
he pauses
"I dont know."
"She's sleeping I dont want to take her out of her carrier."
"Me either dont wake a sleeping baby. We leave her on the floor and get changed?"
"I guess"
Were besides ourselves but we change and we sit on the floor and just stare at her.
"She's still asleep how is this possible"
"I don't know."
"We must have the most perfect baby ever- look at her sweet little breaths."
We stare at her, intensly for a while longer ok, for a lot while longer. He keeps trying to take his phone out. I put my hands over his. I mean after the 200th photo we can give it a rest and just take it in.
Chris mom, who has a key, had came and knocked with her finger to get our attention
"Why is she still in her carrier?"
"She's still sleeping."
"I dont want to wake her. I know she's gunna be hungrey and you know when she wakes up but I can't I can't help it. She's so."
We don't want to miss anything.
Ok you two how about you get some sleep and let grandma take care of her
Me and Chris both pout
Now go. You two sleep while you can.
Chris helps me up why I don't know. But he does and we crawl into bed and cuddle up and I fall asleep in his arms the next thing I know his mother is gently waking me, telling me she's hungrey.
Our sweet angel is brought in to me and Chris wakes up a second before she's brought into me.. she grabs onto my finger as she feeds.
“I love you” he kissed my temple
“I know.”
He kisses her head and she gives him the dirtiest look.
I let out a huge laugh.
"You're just like mama" he boops her nose which does nothing to dispell her dirty look.
"Mommy doesn't like to be disturbed when she's eating either."
"Ignore daddy" her eyes turn back to me, turning soft, "hes crazy."
"She likes you better."
"Baby im sure its just cause she loves food and I'm her only source. And she doesn't like me better its just baby moods." I don't know if that’s a thing but its worth a shot to comfort Chris.
"I know she loves you too. She made grabbed hands towards you before she fell asleep."
"Yea. Right my little angel you love daddy too."
We turn on the TV low and Chris put on C-span.
"One way to get her to sleep. But maybe save c-span for night time. Put on a movie."
"Which one?”
“I don't know."
We finally settle on Disney's Snow White and not soon after she finishes eating and fals right back asleep. I hold her as Chris puts one arm around me and one arm around the baby.
His mother comes in without us realizing and apprently took a few pictures before she told us to say cheese.
"I'm tired"
"Sleep my love."
"We should put her down in her crib first I wanna do it together its the first time." I pout. So I'm exhausted I'm barely able to make it to her nursery but I'm determined for us to do this as a family. We gently placed her in the crib And Chris is apprently a master at hiding camera because he got the whole thing on film. We placed her in her crib and
and back before I'm out like a light. Chris later told me he held me while watching the baby monitor like a hawk until he fell asleep. I mean she's safe and were home and safe. Theres nothing I need more than what I have right now, snuggling into my husband the perfect first time home.
Ok sure she woke up up for feedings (which Chris got up to get her, and diaper changes and swaddling but she's a baby they do that but she's still a perfect baby... our baby... mine and Chris' perfect baby
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@sapphire-rogers @nana1000night @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Ok for the people who have read the spidernoir comics specifically the first ones(and it’s been awhile so correct me if I’m wrong) but did anyone else think Felicia and Peter had a weird relationship?
Don’t get me wrong across the board/universes they have a very complex and complicated relationship and I love that for them! But let’s focus on the 90214 earth or noir universe. So we meet Peter right, exact age I don’t think is specified but it’s largely implied high school age. Then we meet Felicia, again age not specified but she’s portrayed as a lounge singer past her prime and is running the Black Cat speakeasy. So we know she’s been around a bit. But then we find out she’s Ben Urich’s ex or ‘old flame’. Which makes the Peter Felicia relationship weird because it could be argued that Urich becomes a type of father figure after Ben Parker’s passing. To clarify sleeping with your new(also newly dead at that point)father figure’s ex girlfriend IS FUCKING WEIRD. Now next, Urich, again no age, is at least 40s if not 50s or older, and I’m leaning older because it’s implied he’s been working with Jonah for a long ass time and they are equals in terms of experience. Jonah is usually portrayed in his 50s-60s. So how old exactly is Felicia to be Urichs longtime on again off again girlfriend? To add to this Felicia seems very well established with a lot of experience in the underground and crime scene.
Now let’s circle back: when Peter meets Felicia he is very much a teenager and implied to be under 18. Felicia is his somewhat father figure/bosses ex girlfriend, who meets Peter through her ex boyfriend, and then sleeps with Peter pretty soon after her ex dies. Felicia is implied to at least be in her 30s if not older following context clues.
Again we have no real timeline for anything and no confirmed ages so its definitely up to interpretation. There are a lot of plot holes in the spidernoir comics in general but this is one that has always bugged me, especially since a lot of people really like the noir spideycat ship. And they do have a couple of sweet moments throughout the noir comics and I do love them in other universes but I can’t get over the ick in this one.
I wanna hear peoples opinions on this so please comment or reblog with your thoughts and takes!
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littleesistler · 7 months
more tickle questions beucase I’m bored 😂
Glitch's Tickle Questions | Volume 1 |
Trying my hand at the tickle question creating game 😋 Calling it "Volume 1" in case I end up making more, don't know for sure if I will yet, we'll see how this one goes. Did my best to come up with some fun questions, I hope you all like them!
Feel free to reblog this around to receive some questions from your followers, just as my followers can send some to me if they'd like 😜
🥞 If you could make one spot more/less ticklish, which would it be and why?
well I’d make my ribs less ticklish because I’m so insanely ticklish there to a violent degree. When I was a kid my dad tickled me a lot until he tickled my ribs to harshly and I kicked I’m him the jaw. So he bit his lip and bled a bit (not a lot). So my point is I don’t like to be ticklish to a violent degree. I don’t wanna hurt my poor ler 🥲
🍦 Can you tickle yourself, and if so, do you do so often?
well when I have acrylics or press on nails, I tickle my tummy and wrist every time before bed. Since I love to be tickled there. Also if I turn of all my light I can tickle myself with an electric toothbrush on my ribs and in my bellybutton since these spots are so sensitive.
my mom tickles be before bed usually but because she’s also chronically ill sometimes she’s to exhausted. So that’s when I step in 💅
🔪 Are there any ticklish spots you have that you'd prefer not to be tickled?
well I’m kinda not into feet stuff, especially when it’s with tools or motion tickles. Like fine tickle my feet but I’m not comfortable with my feet being the main focus. Like when I watch a tickle video I usally skip the feet portions 🦶😷
🍿 If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it for tickles?
well I’ve always wanted to talk any language, including animal ones. So think how funny like I give lots of teases in an ancient or just a rare or uncommon language my Lee can’t understand. So when they pull out google translate and literally have a fluster attack. Especially if they don’t know how to spell the words and say it themselves 😈
also think how funny like I’m tickling someone and I hear a fly or bird or heck their dog just tease the Lee to and I translate it heheh 😝
🍭 If you could choose one spot to be magically continuously tickled, which spot would it be and for how long?
my tummy, and here’s my essay form me as an educated zookeeper:
you know when a puppy or kitty shows you their tummy is a sing of trust. And the reason for that is most of the body is protected by bones. Like a rib cage, but the tummy doesn’t really have any bones except for like hips and spine but these bones more give structure. So my point is when you tickle or rub someone’s tummy you’re right on top of their digestive system and reproductive system. That’s why in the animal kingdom showing the tummy shows you trust them since you give them free access to hurt or damage your organs. That’s why tummy attention is one of the most vulnerable ones.
and since you are right on top of their organs tummy tickles and rubs helps with digestion and period cramps.
so my points is, if I let you tickle my tummy or someone else let’s me tickle their tummy. It’s an honor ❤️🤲
🌶 Think of a crazy wacky way you can think of to tickle/be tickled that you wish you could experience. No logical constraints. What is it?
Hunger games but with tickling instead of killing.
people get to enter and a friend can sign you up as a surprise, but consent to participate it needed
its a televised show in a secluded or closed of area
the crates from sponsors have tickle tools or restraints
food, water, hygiene and medical care is included
When someone safewords they “die” (not for real) and get disqualified
last one standing of the games is the ler of the year
🍞 Look around wherever you are while reading this. You can choose one item to come to life and tickle you. What item is it?
electric toothbrush…
🥯 If you could choose any fictional character(s) to team up with you to help tickle someone, who would you choose and why?
the dream them, like I got obsessed with the Dsmp during the pandemic, so yeah and I love the fandom’s head cannons.
Dream - more Lee then ler and will probably just hold me down and cuddle me to help me relax ☺️
Sapnap - a true switch and he’s very gentle and teasing, lots of games since he’s the youngest they play lots of games with him😉
George - more ler then lee and he’s ruthless, tickling any spot he can reach and siding in his bony figners 😈
🧇 If you could have an animal friend that loved to tickle you, what animal would it be and how would you want them do it?
a golden retriever ❤️🥹
Decent sized dog that can pin me down
has a long snout so the puppy can blow lots of raspberries and nuzzle it’s nose in my belly button and give little nibbles on my sides
a long fluffy tail that’s like a feather duster tickle tool
flappy ears so when the doggi shakes its head during nuzzling it tickles more
the playfulness so the dog will give lots of teasing
that slight smile or smirk on some individuals
and those puppy eyes
🍟 If you're feeling brave.. which friends, mutuals, and/or other tickle blogs would you want to tickle and/or be tickled by?
oh Noo hahah here we go again I guess, I love to expose myself, let’s see if my favorite blogs find me🫠
nothing personal I just love your works and everything, so I wouldn’t mind if you guys wrecked me or I could give you a little tickle 👉👈 ummm yeah. I got so flustered when a few responded to me last time and guess what I wanna get even more exposed hahah 😍
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trashyswitch · 11 months
Chapter 21: The Tickle Community Flags
Luigi and Mario head home from their dinner with their family. Mario learns about the tickle community flags, while Luigi learns how to be honest about what tickles he desires.
They are back! This fanfic will talk a slight bit about the fetish community, but only about the flags. And I promise that this time, Luigi doesn't have an opinion on the whole thing. He's just neutral, and that's how it'll stay. I hope you enjoy.
After they got home, Mario and Luigi plopped themselves onto the couch for a few moments. “Gosh…What a night…” Mario muttered breathlessly. 
Strangely enough, Luigi didn’t respond to his brother. In fact, the only answer Mario got from his brother was pre-recorded laughter coming from Luigi’s phone. 
Mario turned to look at Luigi, immediately recognizing the laughter. He leaned in to look at the video, and started laughing softly as he watched the funny video of Uncle Arthur and Uncle Tony tickling the hell out of their Papa. “I always knew Papa was ticklish, but…not this ticklish.” Mario added. 
Luigi giggled. “I know, right?! Makes me wanna get him back for all those years of him playing the tickle monster.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario chuckled. “I might just offer to help you.” Mario added. 
Luigi looked at Mario with surprise. “Wait, really?!” Luigi reacted. 
“Well, yeah. Revenge was bound to happen eventually, right?” Mario added. 
Luigi chuckled. “True…” 
Mario turned to look at Luigi. “You said you had flags to show me?” Mario asked. 
Luigi nodded and hummed, pulling up the picture for the ticklee flag. “This was the flag I was gonna show you first.” Luigi admitted as he showed his phone to Mario. 
Mario looked at the picture and smiled. “Usually the colors mean something. What do they mean?” Mario asked. 
Luigi chuckled and looked at Mario. “The dark blue and turquoise colors are supposed to represent trust and security.” He said. “I don’t know which represents which, but I do know for sure that the yellow line in the middle represents laughter.” Luigi added, pointing to the yellow stripe in the middle. 
Mario nodded and smiled as he scrolled down. “What about red and pink?” Mario asked. 
“The red and pink and yellow flag is the tickler flag. I think the red represents excitement, and the pink represents playfulness.” Luigi admitted. 
And the blue, turquoise, yellow, pink and red flag represents switches?” Mario asked with a smirk. 
“Y-Yes.” Luigi replied. 
Mario smiled and pointed to the Tumblr. “Who’s @your-fav-loves-tickles?” Mario asked. 
“Oh! They came up with the flags. They also used to upload these pictures of characters with their respective flags on it, stating that ‘this character is a [blank]’.” Luigi explained. “For example: “Freddy Fazbear is a lee.” Luigi explained. 
“Is that confirmed?” Mario asked. 
Luigi shrugged his shoulders. “I think Tumblr deleted their account, sadly…” Luigi admitted. 
Mario clicked his tongue. “That sucks…” Mario muttered. 
“But the flag post has been reblogged so much through the community, that…no one has forgotten the creator.” Luigi added. “We can’t open their Tumblr anymore, but we know their name.” Luigi mentioned. 
Mario smiled and clicked the back button on Google, and tilted his head when he saw them. “Is this…” Mario turned Luigi’s phone to show him the light purple and dark purple striped flag with feathers on it. And beside it, was a dark blue and black striped flag with red feathers on it. 
Luigi hummed. “Right, that’s the tickle fetish flag.” Luigi replied. 
Mario hummed. “Fetish flag?” Mario asked. Luigi nodded his head. “Yup. Some people like tickling for different reasons. Some people like it for innocent reasons, some people like it for sexual reasons.” Luigi explained. “And some people like it for both.” Luigi explained. 
Mario looked at the flags. “So these lee, ler and switch flags don’t represent both sides?” Mario asked. 
“Nope. The NSFW side has its own set of flags.” Luigi told him. 
Mario nodded his head and looked up [tickle flag] on his own phone. “Which flag do you go by?” Mario asked. 
“The switch flag.” Luigi replied. “What about you?” Luigi asked with a smile. 
Mario looked up at Luigi. “I’m not really part of the community.” Mario admitted. 
“But you’re an ally.” Luigi added. 
Mario chuckled. “I guess…but…” Mario muttered. 
Luigi smiled. “That counts, Mario. Just like with the LGBTQ+ community, we need ally’s just as much as we need members.” Luigi told him. “In fact, in this community, we’re in dire need of ally’s.” Luigi added. 
Mario smiled and clicked something on his screen. “Switch flag: printed.” Mario said as he got up. 
Luigi watched as Mario got up off the couch. “Printed?? For what?” Luigi asked. 
Mario smiled. “For representation.” Mario told him. “You deserve a tickle pride flag on your wall.” Mario told him. 
Luigi smiled brightly and got up off the couch. He ran to the kitchen, grabbed the scissors and removed some pieces of tape while Mario took the paper off the printer and cut out the switch pride flag. Placing it upside down in front of his brother, Luigi rolled the tape pieces up and placed the tape pieces onto the back of the paper, before putting the paper flag up onto the wall. “There.” Luigi said, smiling as he looked at the wall. 
“It’s perfect.” Mario said with a smile. “But…One more thing:” Mario taped something else up on the wall. “There. Now it’s perfect.” Mario said before crossing his arms. 
Luigi looked at the wall and blushed deeply upon seeing it…It was the purple feather from back when they were at the daycare. Luigi sighed and rubbed his arm as a wobbly smile grew onto his face. 
Mario giggled. “Did I put you in a lee mood?” Mario asked. 
Luigi whined and covered his mouth. “Noooo.” Luigi muttered. 
Mario smirked and leaned in. “You wouldn’t happen to be lying now…would you?” Mario asked. 
Luigi uncovered his right eye using his fingers, and looked down. “.....Maaaybe…” Luigi muttered next. 
Mario giggled and wiggled his fingers at him. “Tickle tickle~” he teased. 
Luigi squeaked and covered his eyes again, shaking his head. “Nooohohohooo.” Luigi whimpered. 
“Tickle tickle tickle~” Mario teased again, bringing his fingers closer to Luigi while wiggling his fingers slightly faster. 
Luigi let out a few squeaky giggles and doubled over slightly, bending his knees while he slightly curled himself up like an adorable hedgehog. 
“What’s another tease…Oh! Coochy coochy coo~!” Mario teased, poking Luigi’s right side. 
Luigi squeaked and uncovered his face, curling away from the finger before giggling from pure bashfulness. “EEEheheheeee! Mahario nooo!” Luigi begged. 
“Okay.” Mario replied, stopping. “But what about the ears?” He asked, bringing his hand up to Luigi’s left ear. 
Despite the visible need to move away, Luigi pushed through and let Mario’s finger tickle against his ear. “Swirly-swirly-swirly-swirrrrl~” Mario teased. 
Luigi let out many squeaky giggles, snorting occasionally. “Heeheeheeheehee! *snort* Nuhuhuhuuuu!” Luigi giggled. 
“Ooohoho, but yes!!” Mario then did the unthinkable: He started scratching on the back part of Luigi’s ear…
And Luigi squealed super loudly and curled his neck, before giggling all hysterically. “HAHAHAhahahahaha! Whyhyhy thehehehere?!” Luigi asked, skittering away and holding the back of his ear. 
Mario chuckled. “Because someone mentioned they liked being tickled there.” Mario reminded him. “Someone I happen to know very, very well…” he added. 
Luigi bit his lip and looked down. The difficult part was…he had a point. He had a big point. He had told Mario on Monday night that he loved ear tickles. And…he was going to either regret saying it, or be thankful for saying it. Or maybe a mix of both…who knows. 
Luigi let out a breath. “Okahahahay.” Luigi replied. 
Mario stopped tickling. “Okay what? Okay ‘that’s enough’? Or ‘okay I want more’?” Mario asked next. 
“The…the second option.” Luigi admitted. 
“What was the second option again?” Mario asked, acting completely oblivious. 
Luigi whined and audibly groaned. “Mario, Stoooop!” Luigi whined. 
“I’m not doing anything! I’m just asking you to clarify what you mean by ‘the second option’.” Mario told him. 
Luigi grunted and covered his face. “You suck.” Luigi muttered. 
“Like a vacuum?” Mario teased. 
Luigi couldn’t stop the laugh that left his mouth. “No, like a leaf blower.” Luigi replied. 
Mario laughed a bit at that. “Well, I don’t know how else to explain this: Tell me what you want, and where you want it.” Mario told him. 
“Ihi wahahant more tickles…on my ears.” Luigi told him. 
“Very well!” Mario walked up and started tickling his right ear gently with his fingers. “Ear tickles coming right up.” 
Luigi snorted right away and tilted his head towards the fingers, giggling and showing off his dorky, toothy smile right away. “Ohohoho gohohohosh! Hahahahahaha!” Luigi laughed. 
Mario smiled and tickled around the crevices and folds of Luigi’s ears. “Coochy coochy coochy coo, Luigi~!” Mario teased. “Listen to that perfect little Lee-uigi laugh!” Mario teased. 
Luigi could feel the warm blush on his face heating up upon hearing that. Baby teases?! AND nicknames?! Why must he do this to him?! What part made him start teasing in this fashion?! Was it the fact that he lied before?! Is his brother looking for an apology from him for lying to him?! 
“Yohohohou’re beheheing uhuhunfahahair!” Luigi reacted. 
Mario smirked. “Oh I am, am I?” Mario teased. 
“Yeheah!” Luigi replied rather confidently considering the circumstances. 
Mario shook his head. “If this is unfair…” Mario then laid Luigi down onto the floor and gently placed his hand onto Luigi’s cheek to keep his head turned to the side. With his head effectively immobilized, Mario started dragging his finger very slowly around the folds of his ear. “Then THIS must be SUPER unfair.” Mario added in actuality.
Luigi started wiggling his limbs around and giggling in short spurts as he struggled to cope with such slow, overwhelmingly evil tickles. To make matters worse (or better), Luigi’s head was being held down in a position that limited his movements from the shoulders up. So even if he wanted to shake his head, he just couldn’t. The fact that Mario had the palm of his hand flat against the cheek with his fingers on the facial muscles surrounding the ear…it was something only a skilled tickle community member could possibly come up with. There had to be something he wasn’t telling him. Because no person ever masters a skill in a week! How can someone outside of the community know so many tickle strategies in so little time?! 
“Ihihihi’m sohohorryhyhy.” Luigi admitted. 
“For what? You didn’t do anything.” Mario asked next. 
Luigi looked at him. “Yohou’re not-” Luigi moved Mario’s hand away from his ear. He tried his best to keep talking despite his face being pushed down somewhat. “You’re not mad that I lied to you earlier?” Luigi asked. 
Mario tilted his head. “You lied to me? When?” Mario asked, genuinely forgetting. He removed his hand from Luigi’s cheek, letting Luigi turn his head back forward. 
“Wh-…” Luigi looked up and bit his lip. “When I said I wasn’t in a lee mood…and then you said ‘are you lying to me’.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario chuckled. “No. I’m not mad about that at all.” Mario admitted. “I know that you lie when you want to be tickled.” Mario said. “You…You seriously thought I was gonna be mad at you for that?” Mario asked. 
Luigi bit his lip and nodded his head. “If you were mad…then I might get tickled more…” Luigi admitted. 
Mario chuckled and closed his eyes as he shook his head with a smile. “Luigi…you wanted ear tickles, right? That’s what I was giving you. Do you want me to continue? Or do you wanna go to bed?” Mario asked him. 
Luigi smiled and turned his head to the left side again. “A couple more minutes…then I can go to bed.” Luigi told him. 
“Hear you loud and clear!” Mario placed his right hand on Luigi’s right ear. But then, Mario moved Luigi’s head forward so his head was straight. With the head straightened out, Mario placed the left fingers on his left ear and started to skitter. “How about I do both ears this time?” Mario asked. 
Luigi jumped and started letting out squeaky giggles with snorts in between. “EEEheeehee! *snort* Ohoho- *snort* Ohohoho gohosh! *snort* Heeheehehehe!” Luigi giggled. 
“Which ear tickles more? The right?” Mario tickled the right ear only.
Luigi snorted and covered his mouth instinctively, not wanting Mario to hear his snort. “MMMHMHMHMHmhmhmhmmm!” Luigi let out a muffled whine. 
“Hey!” Mario tickled his fingers onto the skin right behind the ear. “No covering up your laugh. You know this.” Mario ordered as he booped his nose. 
Luigi squeezed his eyes shut as he uncovered his mouth. “NAHAHAHA!” Luigi cackled. When Mario moved his right fingers back onto the right ear, He went back to calmer laughter. “Hahahahaha! HEheheheheheee!” Luigi giggled. 
“Alright, good. What about the left?” Mario asked, tickling his left ear alone with his left hand. “Does the left tickle more?” He asked. 
Luigi snorted yet again. “HAhahahahaha! Kihihindahaha? Ihihi thihihink?” Luigi replied. 
“I see.” Mario replied. 
Luigi did all he could to not cover up his mouth. He didn’t want the secret spot to be tickled again. Not yet, anyway. But when I say it was hard, it was REALLY hard. To the point that Luigi’s laughter sounded slightly strained, and not entirely freeing. And it didn’t take long for Mario to notice this. He stopped his hands. “You look like you’re struggling. Do you want me to keep your hands out of the way for you? Or do you want to be allowed to cover your mouth?” Mario asked. 
Luigi looked up at Mario and thought for a moment. “Just…I think I want to cover my mouth.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario nodded his head and straightened Luigi’s head. “Let’s give this a try.” Mario told him as he started to flutter his fingers on the ear. 
Luigi giggled and started snorting almost right away. “HEhehehehehe- *snort* HAHAhahahaha! *snort* Gahahahahaha-” Luigi finally covered his mouth and continued giggling while muffling them with his hand. 
“So cute…” Mario teased. “I can’t wait to tell Peach about this tomorrow.” Mario teased. 
Luigi uncovered his mouth. “Wahahahait- Ahahabout whahahahat?” Luigi asked. 
“About how adorable you are!” Mario replied. “Buhuhut- shehehe knohows thahahat.” Luigi replied. 
“So you admit it?” Mario asked with a chuckle. “You admit that you’re cute?” Mario clarified. 
Luigi whined and covered his face, growing more and more embarrassed. “Mmmhmhmhmhmhmm.” Luigi muffled. 
Mario smirked and poked his belly button. “You didn’t answer me.” He told him. Luigi screeched and covered his belly, doubling over and laughing. “You admit that you’re adorable?” Mario asked again, grabbing his shoulder and poking his side repeatedly. 
“Nohohoho!” Luigi replied, pushing Mario with his one hand as best he could. “Ihihi’m nohohohot!” Luigi told him. 
Mario chuckled and poked Luigi a few more times before stopping. “There. You got your fill for the night?” Mario asked. 
Luigi chuckled and nodded his head almost like a shy puppy. “Yeah…” he replied awkwardly. 
“Alright. I’m gonna shower and head to bed.” Mario told him. 
Luigi nodded and got himself into his PJ’s. “Sounds good.” 
While Mario went to get ready for bed, Luigi hopped onto his phone and decided to do some fanfic reading while he waited. He checked up on any fanfictions from his online friends, and began to reply to new DM’s from his online friends. A lot of the posts he was seeing were posts about dealing with lee moods on their own…and how lonely that can get. And while he understood that…he felt really lucky in that regard. Lucky that he could just tell Mario about the tickle community. Lucky to have someone who can tickle him when he’s in a lee mood, and let Luigi tickle him when he’s in a ler mood. It felt…comforting for him…but almost unfair in that aspect. Because not everybody has a twin sibling that’s a member or an ally of the community. 
Speaking of ler moods…reading all these stories had ended up stirring up a ler mood inside him. But…even if he wanted to act on it…he would have to wait till morning to do such a thing. Mario had to sleep. And frankly, Luigi should be asleep too. But he still couldn’t let go of the daydreams of tickle fights with his brother at 12am. 
One hour turned to two hours. Two hours turned to three hours. And Luigi was still awake due to the overwhelming tickler mood. He could imagine himself making Mario laugh and cackle with just a few pokes to the ribs, or cackle thanks to a few skittering fingers in his armpits. Gosh, even the idea of poking in Mario’s belly button made him want to smile. 
His imagination was going haywire, and he was struggling to stop it. The thoughts were driving him crazy…and the idea of waiting for morning was making time go way too slow. He could feel himself getting unbelievably antsy. He couldn’t sit still. The silence of the room was killing him…
Not able to take much more of this, Luigi quickly pulled out his phone. He pulled up a certain profile on Tumblr, and clicked the anonymous asking area. He started to type something into the message area, and checked it over. Then, he added his usual trademark hat emoji, before sending the message. Maybe someone in the tickle community would be able to help him out during this overwhelming, desperate ler mood.
Only one way to find out. 
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