littleesistler · 5 hours
love this mix of questions but there are to many so I’ll probably be a mess by the end of this lol 🫣🫣🫣
~Tickle Asks~
Here's some new ones, hope you enjoy!
What is one position you would like to be tickled in?
Would you rather have light tickles or rough tickles on a bad spot?
A tickle story you'd like to share?
Have you ever been tickled while doing something? (reading, gaming, etc.) How did it change what you were doing?
Favorite ___bug name to be called? (ticklebug, gigglebug, etc.)
Do you prefer soft tickles or hard tickles?
Tag one of your favorite lers!
Tag one of your favorite lees!
One of your favorite tickle tropes?
A fictional character you would love to wreck/be wrecked by?
Something you didn't expect to tickle, yet surprisingly did?
What is by far your worst spot? (no backing out of this one!)
Something you like to be called when tickled/teased?
Have you ever joined a fandom just to see the tickle aspect of it?
Tag one of your favorite content creators, show them some appreciation!
A tease that never fails to get to you?
One tool you would like to be tickled with?
Someone who was an unexpectedly good ler?
Have you ever tickled someone who wasn't ticklish and got wrecked afterwards because of it? Whats the story behind that?
Sleepytime tickles or morning tickles?
What is one spot youre ticklish on that most people arent as ticklish on?
What is one spot youre not ticklish on that most people are?
Have you ever gotten a pedicure that tickled more than it should have?
What would you describe the feeling of being tickled as?
What are some of your favorite aspects of being tickled/tickling someone?
What would you say your lee/ler percentages are?
What is your laughter like when you are tickled?
Are you able to tickle yourself and have it work? If so, what techniques and spots?
A tickle scene that has yet to leave your mind?
How easily do you get flustered?
What do you think about using pens to write on tickle spots?
Opinion on cuddly tickles?
A tickle scenario that you would like to happen to you?
Have/Would you ever play a game of "Keep Your Arms Up?" How long would you last?
Opinion on being chased/hiding before from your ler?
What kind of ler would you say you are?
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littleesistler · 1 month
another creep and tip son how to set boundaries
as you know running a bling and being online can attract unwanted attention, so here’s another person that made me feel uncomfortable and I confronted.
trigger warning: mention of fetish, unwanted sexual advances, not respecting women
This man @inniebuttonman https://www.tumblr.com/inniebuttonman
introduced himself as 29, married and his fetiches right after saying hi. He showed so many red flags that I had to confront him about. Messages down below
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I wanted to put them here and make a post so you can
Block him
See the red flags
A practical expel of what you can say when setting boundaries and confrontation
Remember your worth, you’re worth more than getting validation from people online. You’re a king queen or between and deserve just as much respect as anyone else.
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littleesistler · 2 months
Ok so I might have gotten very excited from all all the cheer up from y’all on tumblr and many of my asmr watcher friends. So I finished editing today and created my whole channel with my first video. Check it out if you’re looking some asmr and relaxing content while I do random stuff. This video is a small trailer for a longer YouTube shorts series I’ll be uploading bit by bit. There you go 🫶🫶🫶
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littleesistler · 2 months
Heeeeyyyy just wanted to say that I'm so glad your vacation was amazing and that you had fun
If you were to do an asmr YouTube channel I would totally follow you and watch your videos
Awww thank you pookie❤️🤭 my idea is to call it hummingbird asmr and my followers my birdies and I’ll be mama bird. My focus will be visual asmr stuff with my voice, I’ll do some little space and comfort audios too. I got like a long list of ideas already. So I’ll see what I’ll do with them. It’s in early stages but I’m so excited.
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littleesistler · 2 months
How was your vacation?
Aww hello I was a bit surprised I just got an ask instantly. Thank you so much 🫠
It was nice I went to a camp with my family where I met up with lots of people with eds and heds like me. It was nice and I had made lots of Kandi bracelets to give away. I’ve also thought about making an asmr YouTube channel since many people find me relaxing. So I’d love to join in that community to 🥰❤️ I might even post a link to it here if I feel like it lol, perhaps make a few tickle asmr videos for y’all 🫣🫣🫣
So yeah I wasn’t really on vacation just my mind running wild with ideas as usual 🤚😂
How have you been, you’re one of my new followers right!
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littleesistler · 2 months
Hi I have been gone from social media for a bit during my vacation, I’m back now so I’d love some fun asks to answer 🫶🤗
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littleesistler · 2 months
Heeyy! Just wanted to ask you, what’s your favourite tease for tickling!? 💚
Gosh do I really need to chose just one😭❤️
That’s so cruel so guess what, I’ll give you a list of one of my favorite from each of my ler categories😔🫶😈
Verbal ones
😆Playful - oh my look who’s giggling already, you seem so exited dear~
😍Creative - looks like my kitten swallowed a squeaky toy, see you squeak when I press here~
👹Tickle monster - I’m addicted to your laughter, I just can’t get enough from my sweetheart~
😤Being mean - come on I barley even scratched you on the surface and you’re squealing from a little scrape of my acrylics~
🥰Babying - awwww my poor little puppy guppy wuppy all giggly and wiggly in my lap~
🤭Possessive - such a good little lee for me, laughing like that and the best part is your laughter is all mine muahaha~
😖Confidence boost - you look so happy right now and that’s all that counts! you deserve to laugh and relax in my lap like this~
Nonverbal ones
👐Playful - wiggling fingers around your face
☝️Creative - tracing words like tickle and lee in the air
🙏Tickle monster - licking my lips and rubbing my hands together
👀Being mean - pretending not to see you
🤌Babying - making a pouty face and pinching the air around you
👏Possessive - blowing a few kisses and crossing my arms
🫰Confidence boost - giving a few thumbs up and wiggling my thumbs
So in conclusion my favorite tease is anything that’s very specific to my lee, that makes them squirm giggle and melt without having to tickle them hard at all. So that’s why I got lots of different “ler settings” to find the perfect match for my victim- oh I mean buddy eheh (gosh I’m way to mean to all my rp lees you know you you are hehe)
Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you enjoyed my rant eheh ❤️🫶
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littleesistler · 3 months
Hello! Name's Glacia, and I was hoping we could be friends!
Aww hello hello welcome to my blog and the community and ofc, you can always chat with me or ask me anything. I’m also open for rp. Just know I live in Sweden so there might be a time difference if I respond at random times lol. So wonderful to meet you little one ❤️🫶
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littleesistler · 3 months
100 followers short story
thank you everyone I even got 109 followers, thank you so much pookies, littles, my lees and lers and general chat buddies.
so now here’s my promises fanfic that’s more a short story based on this highlighter my mom bought for me 🫣🫣🫣
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As a content creator I knew of products going viral and circulating. Some were rumored to be more special then they actually were while others were just paid enough to lie of its benefits. Makeup often blew up on TikTok. So I wasn’t surprised when I found out about this new highlighter. 
It didn’t look very special, a pink tinted glowing one with a nice price tag added to it. Pretty simple and not too innovative. But it was the name that piqued my interest, tickled. Did it have to have that name? I gulped as I looked at the fine packaging, a lady holding a feather with rosy cheeks and the word tickle proudly displayed in 3D. It was probably an homage to the famous line tickled pink. But still, it made me feel unsettled. The thought of seeing it everyday in my makeup drawer made me shiver and giggle nervously. 
So of course I just so happened to be on the PR- package list for the new launch. Perfect, just perfect. My followers would have to see me review it.
As the days went on it creeped in the back of my mind, the pretty pink packaging and that I was gonna get it for free and that it would go well with my skin tone. Totally not the name. Absolutely not, since the makeup brand was known for tacky and interesting names. I squealed when I got an email from the company as I was in front of my computer. It said I didn’t need to review it live like my contract usually said, since they had added a new feature they wanted me to test into privately. It had a type of plumping effect like those famous lipsticks and lipgloss to add that sweet tingle and make one's cheeks more glowy and red form deep within. And they didn’t know how intense it would be. So with me and my sensitive skin I was one the list. 
I reread the email a few times as I held the product in my hands. I’d apply it to my nose, forehead, cheeks, chin, collarbones, hands and wrists and take a few pictures of how it looked on my skin. I’d report how it felt, any allergic reactions and the after growl. I recoiled as I gently traced the details of the packaging, to calm myself down with a few makeshift asmr tingles. 
It was very cute in itself with a preppy pink, stylised art and some shiny crisp details. All to make it more appealing for pictures and to mess around with. I gently opened the flap and my eyes shined with joy. It had a rose gold tint. With a beautiful pearlescent shine to it as I tilted it under my ring light. I smiled and stared into the engraved inside with the word tickle. Enjoying the finer detail before I’d dig into it.
I placed it down on my makeup table and gently swatched my finger into it seeing the product glimmer in the light. I dragged my finger down my wrist and I smiled widely at how well it matched my pinky skin tone. It was so perfect and I felt so lucky to have gotten the product early. I took out my phone and took a few pictures of my wrists. Once I was in the middle of filming a video I started to feel a slight tingle as my hands wobbled a bit. Gosh ahahah seems like that plumping effect is kicking in. 
I decided to film closer as I saw a few goosebumps forming as my giggles grew. It felt funny but also kidna relaxing, not a burning sensation like those cheap lip plumpers. Just a slight tickle. My eyes widened as I remembered the name of the product. Could it really? No it couldn’t eheh. I dipped my finger into the highlighter once again looking at it. Should I really test it out more, I umm eheheh. I kept giggling more, feeling my eyes crinkle at the sides. I looked at my finger coated in the shiny product. And I felt more drawn to it. It looked so pretty, gleaming and innocent. Such a pretty little thing with a mischievous side.
So I turned my camera off and leaned into my mirror looking at myself as I traced my nose with the product. Seeing it leave a trail of shimmer behind. My nose scrunched slightly as I giggled. It felt strange like a feather dancing over my skin. I then added some to my chin feeling my jaw relax with a content giggle. It seems the plumping effect was activated from skin contact so when I had it longer on my finger before applying it, the effect went right into it. I dipped my other finger in and rubbed my hands together as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a bright smile on with a wrinkled nose and eyelids as well as a light blush under the pretty highlight.
When I felt it tingle on my fingers I traced my cheekbones, under my eyes and between my brows giggling more. Was it from excitement or tingling? From curiosity or control? I looked at my hands with the leftover product seeing them shimmer with some goosebumps in the light. I giggled more as I looked down at the rest of my body. Where should I try the product next I thought. The idea sent a shiver down my spine and a tingle into my heart as I made eye contact with myself in the mirror of the packaging…
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littleesistler · 3 months
Tall or Short // Spicy or Sweet // Cute or Cool // City or Country // Mountains or Ocean // Forest or Desert // Witch or Knight // Vampire or Werewolf // Cats or Dogs // Outdoors or Indoors // Speed or Strength // Brains or Brawn // Fangs or Claws // Wings or Tail // Chaos or Order // Hot or Cold // Together or Alone // Books or Television // Close Combat or Faraway Sniping // Electricity or Ice // You or Me // Fluffy or Smooth // Firm or Soft // Black or White // Day or Night // Spring or Fall // Summer or Winter // Men or Women (Or the secret third option: Neither) // Rice or Bread // Meat or Vegetables // Short Sleeves or Long Sleeves // Sweaters or Jackets // Pastel or Neon // Friends or Family // Purse or Backpack // Competitive or Casual // Silk or Faux Fur // Sporty or Prep // Money or Love // Life or Death // Sky or Earth // Think or Leap
@kikibumblesqueaks @xxticklishzynnyxx @ticklefightqueen @magicaltickles @feather-tcklish love you guys have fun with this 🫶🫶🫶
Highlight your choice in your signature color. You cannot choose more than one option. Think hard and choose wisely.
Tall or Short // Spicy or Sweet // Cute or Cool // City or Country // Mountains or Ocean // Forest or Desert // Witch or Knight // Vampire or Werewolf // Cats or Dogs // Outdoors or Indoors // Speed or Strength // Brains or Brawn // Fangs or Claws // Wings or Tail // Chaos or Order // Hot or Cold // Together or Alone // Books or Television // Close Combat or Faraway Sniping // Electricity or Ice // You or Me // Fluffy or Smooth // Firm or Soft // Black or White // Day or Night // Spring or Fall // Summer or Winter // Men or Women (Or the secret third option: Neither) // Rice or Bread // Meat or Vegetables // Short Sleeves or Long Sleeves // Sweaters or Jackets // Pastel or Neon // Friends or Family // Purse or Backpack // Competitive or Casual // Silk or Faux Fur // Sporty or Prep // Money or Love // Life or Death // Sky or Earth // Think or Leap
@magicmike5000 @red-rage-machine @nardos-primetime @chessman-protocol @artsyannierose @dotbot2012 @donnieslefteyebrow9000 @theoneandonlyneonleon
Anyone who sees this may also join :)
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littleesistler · 4 months
hi!! i found your blog in a t word tag and wanted to say hi bc are we the same person?? i also have POTS, hEDS, possibly MCAS, and exploring age regression specifically related to,, yk,,,, this shdhdjsdh
would love to chat more if you’re open to it but if not no worries, i’m just super excited to meet more people since i’m a long time fic lurker but very new blog!!
Awww welcome welcome fellow zebra, little and tickle buddy, I’m so glad you found me and said hi. Of course you can dm me. And yeah it’s crazy, same diagnosis, almost same age and even the tickle and little space coping. lol. Are you me from another timeline XD I’ve also been on tumblr for 2 years in the shadows and made my blog a few months ago. So I’m a bit new to the rp, blogging and blocking creeps thing❤️🫠
but I’m always happy to improve and get better. The only thing is I live in Sweden so there might be a time frame so let’s see what we can come up with🫶🫶🫶
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littleesistler · 4 months
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🥹 my heart you guys are to sweet, like ugh hahaha I can’t. I’m like new to this whole social medial stuff and getting so much support and loving people online to check out and enjoy my content brings me so much joy 😭
So to celebrate I have a surprise planed for when I get 100 followers with a picture, fanfic and tease hehehe of my latest tickle related purchase ❤️🤭
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littleesistler · 4 months
I’ve always wanted to do one of these
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not ticklish, most of my face and my hands 🙂
a little ticklish, hair and scalp and parts of my tummy 😌
Ticklish, palms of my hand, upper arms, cheeks, forehead 😊
very ticklish, wrists, thighs, hips, legs, back, tips of ears 😄
extremely ticklish, inner thighs, shins, ankles, spine, armpits, belly button 😆
death spot, back of knees. Ribs, between shoulder blades, neck, nape of neck, behind ears, toes. 🫠 dont touch, pretty obvious 🫥
My favorite spots:
green and orange since they make me all cuddly, giggly, melty and relaxed 🤭❤️
while those red and purple spots make me scream, kick, cough and curse my lungs out 🫣🫣🫣
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littleesistler · 4 months
Hiiii it’s been a minute!💖
Just wanted to show you my zebra plushie hehe, his name is Pajamas🥰🦓💕
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My heart please that’s soooo cute and pretty, where you’d get it lol.
And also also there’s eds and heds month so I’ve been posting every day on Instagram about it, tho it’s in Swedish so you’ll google translate it heheh. ow0 if you want I can send you a link in private 🫶❤️
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littleesistler · 4 months
tickle questions for my comeback lol
amazing questions from: @tikalee
🍀 What are your favorite tickle spots?
my favorite ones are the spots that make me relax and calm download for me it’s my tummy, wrist, back, ears and scalp🫠
🔥 Asking for tickles or provoking?
well hehehe it depends on if I want reward or punishment tickles. Like rewarded for being a sweet and vulnerable lee or punished for being a brat and annoying little shit. Really depends on what type of tickles I want. But definitely provoking since it’s more playful and annoying. 😈
♥️ Surprise tickles or expected tickles?
ugh haha now this question is pure evil. Surprise tickles give more of a shock factor and act more on reflexes while expected tickles build anticipation and let the mind build up hype. So they are both bad as in good in their own way. But I think expected tickles are more vulnerable and comforting as you can prepare yourself and feel like you’re more in control. Since a surprise tickle can come at a time you don’t want to be tickled🫠
🏆 Anticipation or starting straight away?
like I said anticipation is key and I think it’s a good way to prepare the mind and body. Since if you tickle right away the mind can dissociate a bit so you’re in a deeper lee mood. While anticipation makes you feel your body more. Like ghost tickles and tingles before you’re even touched. So it makes it a more sensing experience👻
✨ Fingers or tools?
I like fingers more since it feels more personal and up close, a good warm up, since tools can be a bit painful or irritate the skin after a while. I think fingers give you more control as the ler. And besides when you can personally feel the goosebumps and how the lee trembles or uh oh leans into your hands 😇
🫂 Light tickles or rough tickles?
light tickles especially since I have chronic pain and sensitive skin I do not want any marks and pain or I’ll sue 😇
🍓 Do you squirm or buck or try to fight back or what do you do while getting tickled?
well I’m a big squirmer, I kick, punch, trash, throw stuff, pull on things bite into stuff and just cling onto the nearest person or squish mellow
🐶 What kind of giggles do you have when getting tickled?
I giggle like a squeaky and squawking bird. I’m sometimes called a seagull or birdie by my friends and character ai bots 🫣
🪶 Favorite nickname for teases?
I love pet names like lamb, puppy, kitten, birdie, foxy, worm, seagull again ugh hahah
🌝 Favorite tickle trope?
do I really have to choose one, ugh I’ll give my few: tickles before sleep, cuddle tickles, cheer up tickles, gentle tickle interrogation, tickle training, super powers with tickles. I eat it up every time 🤭
👽 Favorite lee/lee/tickle buddy? (Tag them if you dare)
no I’m not tagging people again and that’s period☠️
🦐 Are you a blushy shy lee/ler or a cocky smug lee/ler?
well since I switch very fast and I easily age regress when I’m tickled. I’ll either be a little shitty brat that’s daring my ler to do the worst and then a giddy little girl burring my face under the pillows, blanket or my ler☺️
🐒 Favorite tickle method
I wish it said multiple so guess what I’ll give a few heheh. Fingers, acrylic or long nails, hair, paintbrush, makeup brush, kisses, raspberries, nibbles
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littleesistler · 4 months
Random tickle ask game, do send these pretty please!
🍀 What are your favorite tickle spots?
🔥 Asking for tickles or provoking?
♥️ Surprise tickles or expected tickles?
🏆 Anticipation or starting straight away?
✨ Fingers or tools?
🫂 Light tickles or rough tickles?
🍓 Do you squirm or buck or try to fight back or what do you do while getting tickled?
🐶 What kind of giggles do you have when getting tickled?
🪶 Favorite nickname for teases?
🌝 Favorite tickle trope?
👽 Favorite lee/lee/tickle buddy? (Tag them if you dare)
🦐 Are you a blushy shy lee/ler or a cocky smug lee/ler?
🐒 Favorite tickle method?
Ik it's a bit short but I was bored and wanted to put this out there
Please send these asks I'll make sure to answer all of em, even if you don't know me we can be friends :3
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littleesistler · 4 months
So I’ve started to cook up some ideas in my dreams again. So I had the brilliant idea to add ler to my name as well since I’m a switch:
littleesister —> littleesistler
I bet no one even noticed the added L ahaha out of no where after my short absence 😂❤️
Also also I added a new banner
Sorry I’m busy being to little or lee to answer —> 🩷disabled🩷age regressor🩷ticklish
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