#i do not know why she is so full of bloodlust
facelessfractal · 1 month
Keep forgetting to journel, maybe posting it will help i dont know.
Morning kicked off with sharp feelings of blurriness, Alice is getting on Okay's nerves because the job they're doing isnt like. A real job and Okay doesnt really care that its not real and if Alice wants to help then she needs to be doing what she's supposed to.
General concensus is nobody is super thrilled about the new buddy system we've sort of put in place until we can sort of exactly how to handle the new girl. Nobody is explicitly *not* using the buddy system, though, so its working out well so far in a way.
Im a little afraid because something feels different and theres already been a lot of splitting just. I think from sitting in our current situation for so long and i think some of it is literally just to give our brain something to focus on so i dont have an actual mental break, because i know ive been close several times now.
Things have been feeling more dreamlike, ive been feeling very fatigued in general but reality is hard to gauge.
Also a bit worried because last time we felt like this/were under this kind of stress for this long our system ended up sort of half purged either with several alters going dorment or a lot of fusion happening at one time. I just know some of us are losing our grip on things.
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notherpuppet · 7 months
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I wrote the full parody to Ready For This in the Role Reversal AU because I wanted to lol.
Transcription below.
Ready For This (Role Reversal AU parody)
Alastor: Have you ever wanted something
That was so clear in your mind that you could taste it?

Susan: You mean like ice cream you get for a friend?

Alastor: Ha! No.
It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut
That you could finally be faced with
A million greedy faces, I guess what I mean to say is

For the first time in my life
I might have to be ready for this
Ready to be the one who's leading from the front

Couldn’t do it on my own
And history has shown
Legends cannot win wars alone

The burden is a bit too heavy
So I need to be ready for this

Have you ever felt like you're willing to kill
To save the people on your own team?

Susan: I don’t know, seems a bit extreme…

Alastor: Not to me!
'Cause right now, we need a leader
And it seems to be that
Charlie is forcing me to be that
because she’s pissy

So who's with me?

Wouldn't it just be swell to see more of Hell?
Join up now if you like travel
Come on girls, prepare for battle!
Lotta sights to see en route to the hotel
Not to mention all of the glory!

Yes indeed, your enemies will cower
And heads will be severed!

Charlie: You’ll make a bunch of brand new friends!

Alastor: Whatever.

Exorcists: New friends!?
I'm in
Oh whoa
I’m so lonely

It's time now to act
They're on the attack
When they move to strike
Just know we’ve got your back!

We'll follow your lead
We're eager to see
everyone we meet
On the hellish retreat!

From this moment on, you can count us in
To be organized and disciplined

Our thirst for justice
keeps us strong, fierce, and brave
So I say, "Ho hey! Let’s join in his crusade!"

Alastor: Now thats the spirit! Can we amp it up?
Vaggie: Oh, don’t mind their hesitation, that’s just their new inclination

Alastor: But I can awaken their bloodlust!
Vaggie: Careful, kid. Don’t push your luck!
Alastor: Fair enough…

Alastor and Vaggie: We're super duper grateful
To have you gals aboard

Exorcists: We can’t wait to hug an overlord! (Alastor: Yeah, sure...)

Alastor: For the first time in my life
Maybe I can be ready for this
I can be the marshal leading the parade

I can come into my own
And I think I've always known
My destiny could never be postponed

When they come for the hotel
I’ll give em hell cuz I’m ready for this!

Vaggie: They're dancing along?
They're singing his song!?
Charlie: Surprised?
Why, I knew he could do it all along!

Charlie and Vaggie: He’s bound to be redeemed, the dream has a chance!
Though he seemed hopeless at first glance…

Charlie: He’s filled with potential that I could guide!
Vaggie: Fine, I’m in.

Charlie and Vaggie: Stick with him, he will surely see the light!

All: For the first time in our lives
We know that we are ready for this

Vaggie: We’ll show them we can forgive and forget!

All: It's time to lend a hand

Alastor: It is time to take a stand! (Exorcists: Woohoo!)
Against overlords and their deadly threat!

All: We can provide your support
The time has come to stop a war
Defend your home, we're ready for...

Alastor: I really hope that they’re ready for this...
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simphornies · 8 months
Glitchy [ Vox x F!Reader ] A/N: I needed more Vox x reader content. Might be a little bit off character but anways. Let me feed yall the way I was
You worked yourself up to finally be working with the Vees. Your rise in the ranks didn't go unnoticed. If you were called to fix the other employees' messes, a shiver would go down the spine of the unfortunate one that has to deal with you. Velvette adored your cutthroat personality. You to quickly became best friends. She made sure you were wearing the latest trends and looked utmost presentable and in return you made sure her models didn't stay out of line. Valentino tried to get you to be one of his top showgirls, something about making you as rich and powerful as him, to which you impolitely said no. He didn't take it to heart too much and you two were a force to be messed with. You didn't mind getting your hands dirty keeping his stars in control out on the streets. Vox was a different case. He seemed to keep his distance from you. Every time you asked him if he needed help, because he looks like he needed it, he would say no and quickly zap away into whichever electricity box was closest.
"Vel, does he hate me or something?" You whine at your overlord bestie, "Oh if only you knew, Y/N." She laughs as she continues to scroll through her phone. "You know, for a best friend that says they won't keep secrets, you sure are keeping this thing a secret." You huff, "I just want to know why, at every given opportunity, he seems to just look away or dash into wherever he goes." Valentino slides into the conversation, puffing his smoke above your sulking head, "Oh, honey, trust us. He adores you. Worships you even." He grins, "He literally can't keep you off of his screens, babe." Velvette rolls her eyes, "He literally won't stop talking about you every time you're not in the room." She rests her head on her chin, "Have you seen the way his face looks when you walk into the room in my top outfits? He gets such a har-"
Before they could continue, the lights flickered in the room and Vox zaps in front of the two Vees that are currently exposing his secrets. "Excuse me, what the fuck are you two talking about?" His screen glitched a bit. "Oh nothing. Just telling her how you really feel." "It's not your How about you answer her question then fuckface?" Velvette grinned in his face before walking towards the door, "Have fun sweetheart."
It was not just the two of you in the room. Awkward silence filled the room. "So," You start off to break the silence but Vox cuts you off, "What did they tell you?" "Well, they just said some crazy things like how you're obsessed with me and stuff but I honestly don't believe it considering this is the most we've ever spoke to each other since I started climbing the ranks." You scoff, "Hell! I'm basically a part of the Vees now and you still ignore me. Do you...hate me or something? Did I offend you in a way? I just want to know why you're so put off by me." Vox's smile drops and he turns, "No. I don't hate you." He sighs, "I just. Ever since you became a part of the company, you climbed so fast and it caught my attention. Your bloodlust, your passion, the way you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty for the sake of the company...It was..." He stumbles over his words, "It was fucking hot!"
Awkward silence again. You stare at him and blinked a couple of times, "Excuse me?" You ask, voice full of disbelief. Vox clears his throat before continuing, fixing his suit as he takes a couple steps towards you. "When you and Velvette became closer, I was ecstatic. I thought finally the chance I get to talk to you but FUCK she dressed you so hot. That little bit did that on purpose." He glitched again. You get up and got closer to him. You look up at the flustered overlord, "So, do you like me then? Or am I just an entertaining toy for you like Valentino's toys?"
"No I like you! Fuck you make me short-circuit every time I see you in action. Val wasn't lying when he said I couldn't keep you off my screens. You keep me on my toes, babe." He took your hands in his, "I will kill any motherfucker that lays a single finger on your hair. I want to run this company with you by my side. So are you up for it?"
"Maybe." You pull away, "Prove yourself to me, hotshot. Maybe I'll forgive you for zapping away everytime I talk to you." You smile as you walk towards the door, "I'll talk to you later, babe." You blow him a kiss before leaving.
Vox stood there in disbelief, unsure if that was a win or a lose. There's one thing he knows for sure: he will never ignore you again.
And that he needs to take care of a little problem he has down there.
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theshinazugawaslut · 7 days
Sanemi with a demon best friend (future wife) that likes to bite him out of cuteness aggression (its not like she bites him until he bleeds just pure ngom)
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a/n: there will absolutely be a FULL story of demon!reader x slayer!sanemi but this is just a little drabble so that I can get into the feels for it. Demon reader is described to have red eyes.
The day his world went colorless was the day his mother's blood splattered across his face.
The only color he could clearly remember was red.
Scarlet. Crimson. Rose. Carmine. Amaranth.
Deep, vicious, bloody red.
It was also the color of your eyes, the very first thing he noticed about you: red, red, red, redredredred eyes.
Shimmering, ruby-red like a swirling vortex of hellflame.
Warm. Human.
He wouldn’t have been able to tell you were a demon if you hadn’t opened your eyes.
He had been walking through the meadows, right after a particularly bloody mission; rivulets of cherry-colored demon blood stained his frosty hair.
It had been snowing that day, he remembered it vividly.
It was a wonderfully cold night, so cold that there were no clouds in the sky, just endless stars so far away that he wanted to run until he could reach them and stretch his fingers out far enough to feel them burn his skin, tendons, muscles, blood, bones, soul—
The grass beneath his zori crunched, the sound of ice crackling and sparkling clear amongst the quiet sounds of winter. There were few flowers in the meadows, plum blossoms from trees frozen over and falling into his hair.
His lilac eyes had followed the path of a particularly dull blossom, and he watched it land on… you.
He remembered immediately running over; a girl curled up on the snow, he thought you were dead, but he froze when he saw your face.
You were gorgeous. All delicate and soft; long lashes rested on plump cheeks, hair messy and filled with snow. Your feet were bare, and when two of his thick, rough fingers pressed gently against your throat to feel the hollow, distant beat of your heart, your eyes fluttered open.
He saw red.
So beautiful it made his heart swirl, and then it made him stop dead in his tracks.
You were a demon, and all he felt was a strange warmth.
He couldn't sense anything off you. No bloodlust. No searing hatred. No sinister intent.
You just stared at him as you sat up, doe-eyed, and your eyes flitted about his large, looming form.
The thick, meaty silhouette of his neck, then the long, calloused fingers gripping his sword, the strength of his scarred abdomen, and the beefy arms straining through the fabric of his haori. Following up to his ivory, blood-soaked hair and bloodshot, lavender eyes.
And all you did was curl up on yourself, clawed fingers hugging the skin of your own arms tightly as you braced yourself for his sword.
But it never came.
When you'd opened your eyes, he was walking away.
— — — — — — — — — — — —
Sanemi hadn't known why he couldn't do it.
Maybe because he couldn't imagine such a gentle face tearing into human flesh.
Maybe because your eyes were so red and warm and he felt like he was drowning.
Maybe because you looked like how he imagined home would.
He'd promised himself at seventeen, when Masachika died, that he'd tear his broken teeth into the neck of every demon even if his head was ripped off his shoulders. Till his dying breath.
And he couldn't.
All because you looked an awful lot like the girl he adored when he was too little to know what love really was, the girl who put poppies as red as her eyes in his hair.
"Tch, right after that fuckin' Kamado incident this morning, too," he sneers to himself.
— — — — — — — — — — — —
Then, Sanemi found himself in a... strange situation.
Every mission he was sent on, he never completed.
Because you'd butcher every demon for him instead.
He'd be speeding ahead to slice a demon's neck, katana gripped tight and firm in his hands but you've already used your claws to rip the blonde-headed demon apart.
He's tried everything to throw you off his trail.
It never works.
You're protecting him, he realises after three weeks, or maybe repaying him for not killing you.
"Okay, that's fuckin' enough," he snarls one night; his blade hasn't touched demon skin in weeks and he storms over to the tree which you're hiding behind, dragging you out. "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you."
You just stare up at him innocently.
"It ain't funny, 'kay? Stop- stop followin' me around, or- or at least stop tryna fuckin' help me," he snaps. "Or I'll really wrangle you to death."
More staring with your lovely red eyes as he holds you by the hair.
"Hello? I know you're fuckin' smart, you follow me even if I wipe my scent clean from everywhere, even if I travel during the stupid dumb fucking day," he huffs, glowering expectantly, removing his hand to point a finger at you.
You stare.
Then you bite his finger.
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modernsuperhero · 10 months
Tbh as much as i love seablings i like the idea that lizzie's death has nothing to do with jimmy's curse more. Lizzie's death was her own. If we want to talk about jimmy's curse, instead of lizzie's tragedy, then let's talk about how it was broken on accident.
Consider this: every game has been the same except this one. Certain "curses" are attached to certain people - Jimmy the canary, Skizz the boogey, etc. But not this time - or, well.
Last game was the first time, according to martyn's canon, that two players were so damaged from the watchers' overfeeding on their significant traumas (pearl witnessing scott's suicide, cleo's own traumatic death) that the listeners were able to intervene and temporarily swap their souls out with, ofc, lizzie and gem, to give them reprieve to recover.
I like the perspective that instead of there being one death loop that restarts over and over, there are multiple happening all the time. They overlap. The watchers are of course constantly feeding - and perhaps this is why the members of each loop vary slightly over time. Adding ingredients, removing others, as time wears on. Lizzie was not actively in a loop during limited life - but that does not mean she hasn't been in death games in the meantime. Perhaps even gem has, too, though i believe possessing cleo was her first time.
Also last season, grian was yanked out of his body by the watchers, attempting to remove him from stunting the growth of their anguish farm (making it a game instead of a saw trap, as @stalarys so aptly put it). But he managed to keep his claws in the game, even going so far as to break beyond the literal borders of the game - "we're already dead," as he said, leading the nosy neighbors beyond the veil - because grian is nothing in any universe if not stubborn in the face of authority.
We know from last season that the games are already unstable. The listeners' influence is growing, and grian is proving to be more and more of a problem. (He definitely doesn't know about the listeners' existence, but he's likely unaware of how he may be helping them, and they him.)
Jimmy is not dead first. But he dies so soon after - the second body to fall.
The game, the watchers, the farm - it course corrects when things go wrong.
Grian, who has broken the rules this season not once but thrice - allowing an exception for scar to reroll, even allowing breaking of his own rule on helmets (for both scar and mumbo), and falsely rolling a success last session, is given a chaotic impossible task. (Grian tends to doom his allies - curse or simply bad choices, he is teamed with etho, and their rerolls are entwined. They seem personal, don't they? Etho ran from grian's wither once before. Grian died leading out a warden.) He succeeds, on one heart despite everything, only to be slain on top of the button itself.
He's stuck in spectator. Isn't that perfect? The game, HIS game, GLITCHED. His grip on his in-game body, the part of him he wedged into the mechanics of this death loop, slipped. He regained it, sure, but now he is forced to course correct: he comes back green when he should be yellow.
And grian has just seen the price of breaking too many rules. Jimmy's funeral was too soon. He switches back to yellow, rerolls for his deserved prizes at the cost of his own chances of victory.
(Because victory, while still a goal, is not the point. The point is to break the game.)
(Last season, tango watched one of his closest and most common allies sacrifice himself for his team. This season, he allies with him again. It's ironic that they're giving away their hearts to others - similar to giving away their time. Maybe skizz's death impacted tango too harshly. Maybe his pain fed a bit too much.)
(This is the first season since skizz, an angel, died so full of divine bloodlust that it manifested as the boogey curse, that he has been here and his curse has not. Two curses now, tentatively broken.)
(Martyn feeds the watchers more when he is an unguided hand, wandering and hurting, so ren has not been in this particular loop for a while now. He is available to replace tango, just for a bit, just like how gem and lizzie replaced cleo and pearl.)
Last season, the games finally started to break.
This season, we get to see the cracks.
(The watchers are more obvious this season. The keeper's symbol, grian's lack of achievement entering the end... They're grappling for control as it is slowly but surely dragged away from them.)
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
A Demon’s Ache — Part 13
Eyeless Jack x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Commissioned by @cookiereblogss — thank youuuuu, I hope you're enjoying the way the story's progressing!! <333333
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
Blood runs down his fingers
He clenches his fist around the organ, hears it squelch in his grasp as more of the fluid drips down his forearm, and then he takes another bite
His teeth slice through the organ like butter
A burst of its juice fills his mouth, and he snarls into the meat
Eating has always helped calm him down
It satiates his bloodlust, if but for a moment, which clears his head and makes it easier to think straight
He’s almost ashamed he has to resort to this, but the alternatives are worse; he’s either tense and borderline feral until he tires himself out, or he actually ends up hurting someone because he can’t keep himself in check
And while he isn’t too upset at the prospect of hurting Hoodie right now, he knows he probably shouldn’t
He takes another bite, lets the heady taste fill his mouth, and then he swallows it in one easy motion, practically devouring it whole
He doesn’t know how the fuck he’s supposed to bring Hoodie’s favor up to you
The very next day you sleep with him, he has to arrange some perv-fest so that another guy can creep on you?
What if you’re revolted—what if you want nothing to do with him afterward?
He releases a frustrated sigh, takes the last bite of his food, and then he starts pacing back and forth in his room
It’s been a few hours since he's had that conversation with Hoodie, and the sun has since set, but no matter how many times he turns it over in his head, he can’t think of a way to get out of this
As far as he’s aware, he has no other option
He shouldn’t have taken that deal so lightly
He’s almost relieved when a knock at the door finally interrupts his pacing
Or, at least, he would be relieved if the knock wasn’t so familiar in its loud, urgent impatience
There’s none other than an uncharacteristically worried BEN on the other side of the door when he opens it
Scarlet irises wide with panic, he doesn’t wait for Jack to ask what’s wrong before he speaks
“It’s—it’s Jeff”
Being the mansion’s main doctor for as long as he has been, Jack’s come to understand the severity of an issue just by gauging the creeps’ reactions
Nat, for example, swears a lot when it isn’t serious, but she gets exceptionally quiet when it is serious
Masky gets annoyed when it’s just a flesh wound, and he hisses and grunts a lot when it's a deeper kind of pain
BEN, on the other hand, is hardly ever fazed by any of it
Being dead, he can’t get injured like the rest of them, and even when he does witness someone get hurt, it’s like he’s completely desensitized to it; he either just laughs it off or ignores it
Jack can’t remember ever seeing him this shaken
And when they make it to the infirmary, he can understand why he’s so affected
Jeff’s body is on one of the tables, unconscious, unresponsive
His clothes are ripped and soiled with blood and grime, his skin looks unnaturally pale and clammy—even for him—and although he is breathing, it looks like he’s just barely clinging on
“Christ, what happened to him?” Jack asks, wasting no time inspecting the most obvious wounds
“I-I don’t know,” BEN stutters, “I hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days, so I tried texting and calling, but he wouldn’t answer”
Jack presses his fingers to Jeff’s neck, feels his pulse—faint but present—and makes a quick mental list of the treatments he’ll have to administer
Judging by appearances alone, he realizes he has his work cut out for him for the night
Wasting no time on scissors, he rips Jeff���s clothes off with his hands, the fabric shredding like wet paper, and the full extent of his injuries are revealed
“Shit,” Jack mumbles under his breath at the sight
As if by muscle memory, he maneuvers through the clinic, grabbing all the necessary supplies, and then he quickly gets to work
“I tried checking through his phone, but I couldn’t access it,” BEN’s eyes follow Jack’s movements as he speaks, “so I-I did a scan of the areas I thought he might be in”
“Pass me one of the bags of clear liquid next to that jar of bandages,” he interrupts, holding his hand out, and BEN quickly obeys
There’s a tense, silent pause as Jack loads up a needle, then injects Jeff with whatever that liquid is
Once the contents of the syringe have fully been emptied, BEN resumes
“I found him passed out in an abandoned building, and no matter what I did, he wouldn’t wake up. I thought—I almost thought—“
Jack doesn’t say a word as he gets to the nitty gritty of fixing up Jeff’s broken body
“Is he… is he going to be ok?”
Jack huffs out a bitter, sarcastic laugh
“For better or for worse, he’ll live”
The process of stabilizing and patching Jeff up is slow and tedious work, but all things considered, Jack’s thankful for the distraction it provides
BEN helps however he can, mostly by handing him supplies, but he eventually leaves to check if Jeff left any online traces of his activities
And then the demon's inevitably left alone with his thoughts once more
He tries not to think back on his deal with Hoodie, and instead, he focuses on carefully extracting bullets from the various layers of skin they've penetrated through
The shells clang every time he drops them onto the metallic side table, and while he'd usually keep track of the number of bullets he pulls from someone's body, at this point, he's lost count
He's been shot too many times
Absent-minded, Jack wonders what kind of mess he had to get himself into for things to get this bad
Was he trying to get himself killed?
The last few shells finally come out, and with a sigh, Jack places the now-sticky forceps onto the blood-soaked towel accommodating the various bullets of various shapes and sizes
32, he counts
32 bullet wounds—and that's not even including the rest of his other injuries
If he didn't know any better, Jack would think it's a miracle he survived
But he does know better; he knows the killer's abilities, and he knows he'll be able to shrug this whole thing off with little to no problem and no permanent damages
He knows he won't learn his lesson
Steady hands begin working on the stitches, meticulously pulling needle through skin one thread at a time
He's around halfway through working on one of the larger gashes—going from his shoulder, across his collarbone, and down to his chest—when Jeff starts stirring awake
He shouldn't even be able to wake up with the severity of his bloodloss, but Jeff's body, like Jeff himself, is obnoxiously persistent
EJ considers giving him more sedatives, but he figures he might as well quickly finish these off first
Jamming too many sedatives into someone's system isn't good, and he's almost done with this part anyways
Thankfully, it's only once he's finished the last biggest stitches that Jeff seems to become more lucid
He snips the final remaining black thread, silently hoping Jeff won't tear through them as quickly as he usually does, and then he makes his way to the sink, turns the tap on, and lets the warm water rinse away the blood-soaked stains on his ash-grey hands
He feels Jeff's eyes on his back, but he pays him no mind as he begins cleaning and sanitizing his tools and equipment
Jeff mumbles something under his breath, groaning and cursing with a raspy, dry voice, and Jack sighs
He definitely needs more sedatives by now
He starts getting to work on filling another syringe, and as he presses the needle a few inches deep into Jeff's skin, the human hisses and weakly struggles against him
"Stop moving," Jack commands, his voice quiet and low, but firm and commanding
“You... you think you’re hot shit, don’t you?” Jeff retaliates, his words shaky and uneven as EJ empties out the entirety of the contents into his bloodstream
“You’ve suffered severe blood loss, minor head trauma, fractures to your ribs, collarbone and wrists—not to mention the varying degrees of injuries from multiple knife and bullet wounds," Jack states, "It’s in your best interest to rest right now”
He hopes it’ll be the end of it; Jeff will take the hint, close his crispy burnt eyelids and pass out, but of course, it’s never that simple with someone like Jeff
“You think… just cause she chose you over me… that you’re better than me—don’t you?”
Jack's ears perk up at the dazed accusation
So that's what started all of this
Suddenly intrigued, he looks down at him; damaged, mostly naked, vulnerable and drugged up to the second degree
When people are in this kind of state, Jack knows they tend to be open and honest to a fault, which usually grants him the perfect opportunity to pry whatever information he pleases out of them
“What happened between you and (y/n)?”
He decides it's the best question, the one he's the most curious about, and while he knows he could just ask you about it, he wants to hear what Jeff has to say
The man in question huffs, looking up, and Jack doesn’t fail to notice the unfocused look in his eyes
“I had her,” he mumbles, “I had her…”
His eyelids fall close, his brows furrowing, and Jack recognizes the look as someone struggling to stay awake despite their body shutting down
Jack watches him pass out, watches as his breathing grows deeper and his muscles slacken with sleep
And then, with a dismissive shake of his head, he turns and walks away, leaving him behind on the uncomfortably cold and hard operating table in the grungy clinic
Throughout the night, Jack intermittently returns to check up on him
He does so partially because he needs to refresh his bandages and check up on the fluids hooked up to him, but also because he's curious if he'll mention you again
He, however, doesn't wake back up, so Jack can't pry more information out of him
The next morning, after being in and out of the clinic, Jack prepares himself a dark brew of coffee, and sits down at the empty kitchen table
He hasn't slept much in the past few days, and he still feels fine, but he knows he should probably rest before leaving for that mission
He takes a sip of his drink, the bitter liquid stinging his tongue
Despite everything, it’s a peaceful morning
He’s enjoying his solitude in the empty kitchen when Hoodie suddenly walks in, pouring himself a drink from the still-warm pot, and Jack gets the feeling that his luxury of peace and quiet is just about to run out
“So?” Hoodie starts, taking a seat right next to him, “you ask her yet?”
Jack resists the urge to act on an unsavory impulse by taking a long, deep sip of his coffee
“...No. I haven’t,” he eventually answers
He wants to walk away, wants to avoid this conversation at all costs, but he knows how persistent Slender's proxies can get
Whatever he wants to say, Jack might as well let him say it and get it over with
Hoodie hums, bringing his own drink to his lips, and when he sets his mug back down, there’s a coy, self-satisfied smirk on his face that Jack wants to rip off
“Y’know, we have to leave for that mission soon”
Jack takes another sip to mask the way his body’s burning with that familiar demonic rage
“If you don’t ask her by the time we leave, I’m asking her first thing as soon as we're back”
Even despite being part demon, Jack doesn’t usually consider himself an angry person
He’s by far incapable of controlling his emotions, unlike Jeff or Masky, for example
But when it comes to you?
You're his weakness
And he swears he’s about to lose it when Nat suddenly walks in, spots the two of them, and grins deviously as she bounces over to them
Jack grits his teeth, trying not to let his anger show through in front of Nat
“Mornin’ chumps!” she exclaims loudly and excitedly, almost like she's actively refusing to read the tension in the room
“Mornin,’” Hoodie answers, reclining in his chair with that obnoxious smirk still plastered on his face
“What’re you two conspiring about? Something related to (y/n), I presume?”
She looks over at Jack, a wicked grin on her face, and he has to hold back a groan
He’d suddenly rather be anywhere but here right now
“I gotta keep an eye out for my homegirl,” she continues, “if I find out either of you are planning something, you’re fucking toast—I hope you realize that”
If Jack could roll his eyes right now, he would
Hoodie, on the other hand, chuckles
“Relax, Nat, we’re not planning anything bad,” he assures, drinking through his coffee
“Nothing bad, but you are planning something?” she quirks a brow at him
Hoodie’s about to open his mouth to speak, undoubtedly to give another non-answer, when Toby notices them from across the room, and also decides to join in
Jack resists the urge to smack his face into his palm
All he wanted was a bit of peace this morning
He swears the creeps have a herd mentality sometimes; despite being predatory creatures, they always gather up in packs like sheep
“Hey! What—what’s everyone t-talking about?”
Toby jerks his shoulder, popping it, and as he sits down, his Tourette’s nearly has him pushing over Jack’s mug, but Jack’s instincts are, thankfully, fast enough to catch it before anything spills over
“Crap, sorry,” he apologizes, “bu-but anyways—are you guys—are you guys talking about w-what happened with—fuck—with Jeff?”
Jack’s ears admittedly perk up at Toby’s question
Where’s this conversation about to go?
“Jeff?” Nat repeats, “What happened with Jeff?”
“B-BEN told me—t-told me that he—fuck—almost die-died or something. Said he had to—had to teleport him here, and Jack—Jack spent almost all—all—a-all night last night trying t-to fix him up”
Everyone’s eyes turn to Jack, who swallows down another mouthful of hot, bitter coffee, but doesn’t say anything
“That true?” Hoodie asks
“Mmh,” he answers
“B-BEN—BEN said it was pretty-pretty bad,” Toby continues, popping his jaw, “s-said he hadn’t seen—hadn’t seen it be that bad in a—in a while”
“Huh,” Nat says, “I wonder what’s been up with him. I guess it has been a while since I’ve seen him around. How long was he out for?”
Toby shrugs, his shoulder jerking again
“Beats me”
There’s a brief moment of quiet as the creeps sit around the table in silent contemplation
But then Nat breaks the silence with a scoff
“Well, whatever,” she shrugs, rolling her eye, “he’s always been a whiny bitch, he’ll get over it”
The topic of conversation shifts after that, and when they’re all enraptured in their discussion, Jack uses the opportunity to quietly slip away
He brings the rest of his coffee to the backyard garden, next to the roses and tulips, and he remembers this as the spot where you told him you wanted to stop seeing him
It feels like a lifetime ago by now, and it brings him a bittersweet kind of relief thinking about how things turned out between you
He wonders what made you change your mind—why, one moment, you didn’t want to sleep with him, and the next, you seemed perfectly content with your arrangement
Not that he’s complaining
He sits at one of the benches, enjoying his solitude once more as his head floods with the thought of you
The thought of you usually never fails to make him feel better
But now, he can't stop thinking about what Hoodie just said to him
Two days
He only has two days left to ask you before that fucker takes matters into his own hands
He runs his fingers through his hair, and then eventually, he realizes that, just like before, the more he waits, the more it'll stress him out
Maybe he should just rip the bandaid off in one fast motion
He takes the very last sip of his coffee, looks around the garden, and nods to himself, trying to hype himself up
He'll be upfront and honest about the whole thing, and he'll make it more than clear that you can refuse
Really, the chances of you agreeing are probably slim to none, anyways
And the sooner he can get this over with, the better
Tonight will be as good a time as any, he decides
He'll ask you tonight
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trappedinafantasy37 · 4 months
It’s 2 o’clock in the morning and I can’t sleep so I’m just gonna start rambling about what’s on my mind. You wanna know what that is? Isobel. To be specific, Durge and Isobel.
Since my very first Durge run, it never quite made sense to me as to why the Urge would specifically want you to kill Isobel. Up until that point, the Urge has kinda been impulsive and acted without thought. But with Isobel, that’s very deliberate. Sceleritas Fel literally shows up in the middle of the night and gives you a name and a face. That’s never happened before. With Alfira, she was just a victim of convenience. Same thing with Gale, Arabella, the squirrel the grove, all victims of convenience. None of their deaths were planned before hand, but Isobel’s very much is premeditated and the only one that is.
But, there is something about the interaction with Fel that is super easy to overlook. If you talk to Fel about Isobel before you actually meet Isobel, you can ask him as to why you should kill her. He tries to reason with you by saying that the inn will fall if she dies and it will be a mass spectacle of murder... How the fuck does Fel know that? You aren’t even informed of that possibility of the inn falling upon her death until you meet Isobel herself.
Even if you don’t talk to Fel before hand and you meet Isobel first, the Urge and the narrator constantly keep trying to push you into killing Isobel. Now, the narrator does kinda goad Durge a lot, but not quite as much as when interacting with Isobel.
If you choose not to kill Isobel, Fel shows back up again and tells you of another premeditated murder and that is your companion with the highest affinity, or your romantic partner. Again, very weird. With Isobel, it’s a premeditated murder that you are in control of. But with your favorite person, it’s premeditated, but you’re not in control. But why? Sure, you can believe Fel at his word when he says that your body craves violence and it hasn’t gotten its full when you chose not to kill Isobel. But, it could be anybody. You can satiate your bloodlust on literally anybody. So, why your favorite companion?
It’s almost like the urge can only be satiated with your favorite companion because something, or someone, is punishing you for not killing Isobel. But again, why is Isobel so god damn fucking important?
If you kill Isobel or you kill your romance partner, you are granted the Slayer form. Yay! But there’s a very unique scenario that can happen in which you can be granted the Slayer form without killing Isobel yourself and that is if you allow Shadowheart to become a Dark Justiciar. This, I always found to be super weird. Technically, Shadow is responsible for the death of Isobel, and yet, you get rewarded for it anyway and your urge is considered satiated even though you didn’t directly do anything.
If your approval with Shadow is like 40 or higher, by default, she will always choose to spare the Nightsong on her own. Which means if you are above the 40 threshold, the only way Shadow becomes a DJ is if you tell her to. So, although you didn’t kill Isobel, you become indirectly responsible for her death which is why you get rewarded.
But you love doing the direct killing themselves. You love getting your hands wet with blood and gore. And this indirect route is… well… too clean for you. If anything, it’s Shadow’s hands that are bloody, not yours. So, why is your urge satiated when you didn’t do the killing yourself and the blood isn’t even on your hands?
That’s because the murder of Isobel is a fucking hit job. It’s an assassination. It doesn’t matter how she dies or when she dies, just that she dies. Now, I’m sure that this really isn’t some kind of monumental revelation, but the Urge is Bhaal. In the moments where you lose control, yeah, that’s Bhaal basically possessing you. It makes sense as to why you’re forced to target your favorite person after failing to kill Isobel, Bhaal is pissed that you disobeyed and is trying to teach you a lesson.
But, it also means that, for whatever reason, Bhaal wants Isobel dead. The only explanation I have is because it fucks over Ketheric which by consequence fucks over Myrkul. And we know for sure that the Dead Three and their Chosen entered into this alliance with the intention of betraying the other two eventually. It also pieces together how Fel knows that killing Isobel guarantees the fall of the inn and that’s because Bhaal knows. Marcus has been hanging around the inn for some time so he would already know of Isobel’s importance to the inn and relayed that information to Ketheric. It’s very much possible that Orin could have stumbled upon that info herself, or even pre-lobotomy Durge.
But, Bhaal is the pure definition of chaotic stupid. Killing Isobel in of itself doesn’t necessarily hurt Ketheric. In fact, when she dies, he may not always know. I think the only way that he does know that Isobel is dead is if Marcus ends up taking her corpse back to Moonrise in which Ketheric resurrects her and puts a worm in her brain. At that point, he can guarantee that not only will Isobel always be alive, but she will always be by his side. It’s pretty morbid and fucked up, but it actually ends up strengthening Ketheric.
Anyways, it’s 2 o’clock in the morning and I’ve been awake for 22 hours. Sorry if the rambling is a little incoherent. I just really had to get this shit outta my head. Now, I’m gonna go lay in bed and stare at the ceiling for another 3 hours cause I’m still not tired.
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mister-eve · 6 months
things i wish the sonic franchise brought back or implement.
Dark Sonic
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seriously, i love imagining a fight between Dark Sonic and Eggman inspired by Korra vs. Zaheer ( when she was poisoned ). where he loses the cool attitude, the smile, everything, and goes in with full power, charging himself left and right at Eggman. it'd be even more fascinating to still have Dark Sonic lose. not because of his lack of power, not because of lack of skill, even when blinded by rage, but because of Eggman's ingenuity.
a lot of people, to this day, misinterpret Dark Sonic as a murderous, rampaging monster, but that completely misses the purpose of why he exists to begin with. i believe this is a case of people not exactly knowing where he comes from, or just a lot of fans drawing a murderous Sonic and it took the internet by storm one day, but just in case you don't know:
Dark Sonic is from Sonic X, a TV show that is sort of an expansion on Sonic Adventure 2, adding more lore, character arcs, and overall meaning to the game's original plot. Dark Sonic was revealed in the episode "Teasing Time" in s3, and the reason he appeared is because he discovered his friends ( Cosmo and Chris ) were injured and that one of them ( Chris ) was unconscious.
the whole reason this form exists is Sonic's love for his friends essentially fueling his rage. it's like Darkspine Sonic from SATSR, or has similar formula. Dark Sonic isn't inspired by any bloodlust or desire to kill, but rather by burning anger at seeing his friends be put in harm's way.
Dark Sonic is made from the strong desire to protect his friends.
2. An Actual Arc For Shadow
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you guys might be confused, especially if you consider some of my previous posts, but lemme explain.
for a long time, it's never felt like Shadow has actually recovered from his trauma, atone for his actions ( yes, i understand he saved Earth ), or live life really at all. it doesn't help that, to this day, SEGA continues to make Shadow relive the past.
i don't consider the movies to be a part of the problem, as Shadow being introduced to the plot was basically a given, and you can't introduce him in your own take without his general backstory ( unless you're Boom or Prime, i guess ). i believe the movie will be doing taking some creative liberties to his story, as they did so with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, and i see no reason that they should stop.
the reason why i have an issue with this is because it's an ongoing issue within the games, specifically. Shadow the Hedgehog ( 2005 ) was a disservice to his setup and the 'first arc' ( considering he's still alive after the fans demanded his return ) to his story.
aside from it just giving 'early 2010s deviantart edge', it's just so...
childishly handled.
for one, you're immediately given a Hero or Dark route, like in SA2, which i feel completely misses the point of SA2's true ending. Shadow has redeemed himself ( or began to ), so to give him complete reign to just become an antagonist all over again defeats the whole purpose of a redemption.
it's like what Prime did with Dread, giving him an already established redemption arc ( sort of ), but then corrupting him again for no real reason other than just because.
another issue i have is Shadow's amnesia and attitude in general within the game. technically speaking, yes, it does make sense for him to suffer memory and // or physical issues from his fall from space, but to completely wipe out every single thing he did just to give him the opportunity to relearn his past, do some fucked up shit, do some less fucked up shit, then throw away everything in the past, Maria and her wish included, is...
amazingly obtuse, for lack of a better word.
again, while it's technically not out of bounds, i feel like giving Shadow complete and total amnesia just disrespects SA2's vision and execution of the story. it's redundant, it's lazy, and overall just really damn frustrating to watch.
Shadow deserves to have a story that allows him to heal from his trauma, discover who he is, and respecting Maria's wish along the way. a lot of people seem to think it's either he forgets about his past ( or buries it ) or full-on dedicates his entire life and doesn't bother picking up a life lesson or two, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Shadow can heal, grow, and change. SEGA just won't let him.
3. The Echidna Tribe & Knuckles' Story
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Knuckles is one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise as a whole, but his character and story is sorely dismissed. while Shadow has the issue of repetition, Knuckles suffers from being dropped on the head multiple times and played for a joke ( i think Frontiers is one of the more recent games that didn't do this, but i might be wrong ).
one of the reasons why i love Knuckles is how straightforward, yet reluctant he was about finding out his past. at the end of Sonic Adventure 1, he says something to the extent of:
"maybe i'm better off not knowing the meaning behind all of this. because i feel something terrible will happen if i do."
he is content being ignorant for the sake of his own peace of mind.
but in SA2, he's more or less forced to start facing his fear and learn more about the past. unfortunately, though, we don't actually get to see much after this game, because the tribe is almost entirely forgotten. instead, it's brought up in comics that are more or less canon ( i think ), but not fully aligning with the games. i think it's safe to say the comics are their own canon?
like with Shadow, i would've loved to see an actual conclusion on this arc of Knuckles' story. to see more of the tribe in the past, of their wrongdoings, character moments, more of Tikal or Chaos or the little Chao, and how it all ties together.
but instead, we have lots of media repeatedly insulting Knuckles' intelligence, ignoring his tribe and // or his job entirely ( i guess they forget the Master Emerald is portable? ), and just generally dumbing him down to be a hotheaded moron that apparently doesn't care about being the Guardian!
Knuckles is one of the most relatable characters in this series for me, as there's a lot of things i would rather not know and stay ignorant to, but have to face head on in order to fully move past it and grow to be better.
he was completely isolated on Angel Island for so long, yet people still make fun of him to this day for being manipulated by Eggman in SA1 ( even though he didn't even fully believe Eggman, it was just a precaution, but who cares about the details- ). he's not just a hothead, he's strong, he's kind, he's pretty blunt and, honestly, really fucking adorable, i love this echidna.
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look at him, just standing there. i love him.
anyway, Knuckles deserves a proper story surrounding his tribe, his identity as the Guardian of Angel Island, his relationships, and to have a satisfying conclusion. or, at the very least, more games or media in general not dumbing him down to an angry hothead with nothing better to do but to yell and ignore his responsibilities.
3. Sonic
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"what're you talking about, ashe? sonic's meant to be a flat character! what could be wrong with him?"
yeah, but after frontiers, i want more mentally ill sonic that needs to be concerned for by his friends, okay, that's all i want-
4. Storybook Era
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now, now, i know a lot of people don't like the storybook games because of their shoddy gameplay and all that, but i genuinely love these games, their flaws included.
i do believe satbk has a better story than satsr, but i still have an attachment to the latter game, so suck it.
it'd be really nice to see a storybook game with switch, xbox, ps, or similar controls. as the era has Sonic diving into different worlds, maybe a world like Alice and Wonderland could be an interesting game. several elements to work with, locations turning into creative levels or even hub worlds. this is sort of a long shot dream that will probably never exist, but i wanna see an adventure-style storybook game one day.
i'll probably die before that idea is even considered, but it's a fun thought and that's all that matters at the end of the day.
there's no real big reason as to why these matter or anything, as i don't believe you need a storybook in order to send off the messages these games try to give, but they're just really charming to me and i love to see how this type of game could be implemented into video games today, with all the new engines and whatnot.
5. Teams
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oof, okay, um-
there's a few games that have teams in them, and i guess you can count sonic forces as one of those games, so i should be more specific here.
i like SA1's flexibility with the roulette-like system, where you could play as any character you wished, but i also like SA2's team system, where they all had a close-knit role within the story from a similar perspective ( hero vs. dark ).
SA1 served multiple perspectives, all giving you pieces of the same puzzle that you have to figure out as you go. by the final story, all of the characters ( except Big, but idc, i love him ) have their character arcs and it's with their changes that the story is fully complete.
SA2 served the entirety of two perspectives and merged them together for the final story, heroes and villains having to work together to fight off the greater evil at hand.
overall, i want more games having the characters work together, having different details // information or even moral differences ( it depends on which system they go with, though ) on the situation at large, but maybe still having to come together.
whether or not they use official teams, i want the sonic franchise to bring back using other characters as necessary plot points with their own individual arcs.
it may not be needed, per say, as there's still a few games that work and don't have either of these systems, but i really miss the adventure games and wish for more of their elements to be implemented in future games.
6. CHAO!!!
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anyway, that's all i can currently think of. i think these would serve either character or charm to the franchise, but maybe you have some other ideas of what the games could give! maybe proper returns of characters, other forgotten stories, or even new ideas!
lemme know what you think.
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Can I have xavier x vampire!reader where xavier really wants her to bite him and feed on him? pls thank you
I’ve been trying to post this for a few days, but there’s an extreme cold snap in Canada and it's making the arthrosis in my hands/fingers more sensitive and aching, which slows my writing... 
Warnings: mention of blood (is that a necessary warning?)
my taglists are here + you can requests here at any time
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You were making your way through the library when Xavier pulled you aside by the arm to talk in private between two shelves.
‘’If this is how you flirt with girls — dragging them into a dark corner —, I'm not surprised you don't have a girlfriend, Thorpe. Your technique is giving psychopath vibes, you might want to revise it.’’
Xavier ignored your jab and let go of your arm. ‘’Since when do you speak to Rowan?’’
‘’Since when is who I speak to any of your business?’’ you fired back.
‘’Your eyes are red,’’ he pointed out.
During the day, you had concealed them behind a pair of dark sunglasses. They were mostly to protect your eyes from the burn of the sun, but you also used them to conceal your hunger to the others. Even in a school full of outcasts, bright red irises were difficult to miss.
The sun was down now, so you had taken them off. You should have kept them, but the weight of the day was on your shoulders and you couldn't care who saw your red eyes. You weren't the only vampire at Nevermore — everyone knew what red eyes meant.
‘’Is that why you were talking to Rowan? You were flirting with him to try and lure him into being your blood bank for your next feed?’’
You pulled your eyebrows at the ridiculousness of his words. ‘’What? I was not flirting with Rowan.’’
‘’But you do need to find someone to feed on.’’
‘’My vampire needs are none of your business,’’ you hissed, terminating the conversation.
The next morning, you woke up more irritable than the day prior. More hungry too.
It was difficult to focus in class, your body screaming for blood. You even had to hold your breath during botany class, the delicious smell of your table partner’s blood calling at you and making it difficult to control your bloodlust. Pouncing on your table partner’s jugular in the middle of botany class was not appropriate behavior.
When lunch came around, you asked Yoko if she knew any feeding banks in Jericho. Unfortunately, there was none. She suggested hunting outside the school’s woods — there were deers, rabbits, and other small animals —, but your body was not receptive or fast enough to catch a prey.
Another day passed — you were getting weak. You were so weak that you couldn’t sleep last night. You didn’t attend your classes either.
The lack of feeding severely weakened the body, the same way a human body would if they didn’t get enough nutriments. Although their diet was different, some — small — things were the same. That weakened state also made you more vulnerable to vampire hunters. Fortunately, there wasn’t any around Nevermore.
Using all of your remaining forces, you pulled yourself out of bed and attempted to catch a rat. There was some around Thornhill's greenhouse, they should be easy enough to catch. But you failed miserably and ended up collapsing by the greenhouse, weakened by the blazing sun.
If your mother would see you, she would say you were an embarrassment to your kind you were. A vampire of your age should know how to take care of themself. Should know when to feed and be able to fend for themself.
You stayed there for hours, hidden in the shadows, feeble and powerless. Ms. Thornhill always came to her greenhouse at night. Perhaps she could help you then?
Much to your dismay, it was not your favorite teacher that found you, but the last person you wanted assistance from. He was heading to his art shed after class when he found you sitting by Thornhill’s greenhouse.
You cursed under your breath as he stopped in his tracks. You didn't want Xavier Thorpe to see you like this, weak and sickly. He kneeled down to your level, growing deeply concerned. Your sunglasses were covering your eyes, but Xavier knew they were still red behind the dark lenses.
‘’Do you have a dying wish?’’ Your head tipped forward heavily as if you were going to pass out. ‘’You need to feed.’’
If you hadn’t been so weak, you would have given him a snarky come back.
‘’Unless you are secretly a pro hunter and can catch me a rabbit—’’
‘’There’s me,’’ he blurted out.
You shook your head in earnest. ‘’I'm not biting you.’’
It would solve your hunger, but biting someone at this level of starvation was dangerous. It's easy to lose control and take too much. If you take too much of his blood, he would pass out. Or worse, die.
‘’If you don’t, you’re gonna die and I’m not letting you die,’’ Xavier insisted, loosening his tie and undoing the first buttons of his uniform shirt.
His neck came into sight and you could hear the blood pumping inside Xavier’s untouched jugular. You gulped, forcing yourself to look away. ‘’I could kill you.’’
‘’I’m trusting you not to lose control.’’
‘’It can get messy.’’
‘’Don't care.’’ His green eyes crossed yours, showing you how fucking serious he was about this. About wanting this. ‘’Do it,’’ he said, tilting his head and waiting for you to take him, to bite him.
You flicked your eyes down to his jugular again — your stomach tightened. Foreign to the feeling, a soft gasp left Xavier's lips as your fangs sank into his skin, piercing the vein of his neck. You felt the blood flood your mouth, tasting heavenly on your tongue. You held back a moan. Was it simply because you were starving, or was it Xavier's blood that tasted differently — that, you didn’t know.
Xavier felt the pressure as you sucked, easy at first, and then a little more desperately. He tipped his head back farther, trying to arch his neck more, to give you more room. Blood spilled down his neck, staining the collar of his white shirt, but he didn’t seem to care.
You tugged sharply at his hair, pulling him closer to your mouth while you suckled his blood.
Aside from the objective pain, Xavier felt an euphoric rush from the bite. Lights had flashed behind his eyes as fire had raced through his body. He never felt more alive.
Despite how pleasurable it was for both of you, you retracted your fangs from Xavier’s neck before you took too much. You licked the wound to help the blood coagulate and let go of him, enough satiated. You could’ve taken more, but you didn’t want to risk it.
‘’You’re gonna feel a little light headed for a few minutes,’’ you warned your blood giver.
Xavier blinked, feeling himself losing balance. He sat beside you. ‘’Holy shit.’’
Your tongue darted out, licking a smear of blood from your lip. ‘’You good?’’
He hummed in response, still feeling the high from the bite.
Minutes passed as the both of you recovered in silence. Your strength was starting to return, the blood you just drank finally taking effect.
The wind had risen, making the leaves rustle. You glanced at the sky, seeing it beginning to darken. Ms. Thornhill should arrive soon. She couldn’t see you like that — all bloodied.
‘’We should move,’’ you said. ‘’And clean up.’’
Xavier agreed. Your lips and chin still had traces of blood. Although he found it really hot, you couldn’t go back to the academy looking like that.
‘’Let’s go to my art shed. It’s not far and there’s water and rags to clean up.’’
You followed Xavier's lead, your steps a little slower than usual, and stopped before a small wooden shed. It looked abandoned and old — it probably was.
‘’Is this where you take the girls you want to impress? Because it looks like a psychopath’s kill den.’’
A small smile cracked on his lips. Xavier undid the lock and opened one of the two barn doors, waving his hand to let you in first.
You smelled the paint and other art supplies before you saw any of it.
You heard a small click and the room came to light. Dozens of canvas of various sizes, sketchbooks and graphite drawings, and a tall easel. In the back, there was a long table with pots of brushes messily lined up - there were more dirty than clean ones. Countless tubes of paints were scattered in all corners of the room, some of them uncapped and likely drying. The trash basket beside the easel was overflowing with paper towels, paper and empty paint tubes.
‘’Nice paintings,’’ you said, looking at the monster on one of the massive canvases.
While you were admiring the paintings, Xavier was looking for a clean-ish rag. There was a bit of paint on this one, but it'll do the job. He also grabbed the water bottle he forgot last night so you could wet the rag.
You thanked him.
There was no mirror, so you tried your best to clean your face.
A few steps away, Xavier was taking off his uniform layers. The bite had stopped bleeding, but the mess of blood and soiled fabric had dried and was now stuck to his skin. He winced as he took off his shirt, the area sensitive.
Although it was barely audible to the human ear, you heard his sounds of pain and turned in Xavier’s direction. Your eyes trailed down to his neck where the blood was dried and guilt filled you. He looked like he got attacked by a wild animal.
An animal with sharp fangs and a thirst for blood.
You discreetly watched him in silence, the rag still in your hand, and drew your lip between your teeth. You wanted to pounce on him.
‘’You missed a spot.’’
You snapped out of your staring. ‘’What?’’
Xavier stepped closer and took the rag from you. ‘’Here.’’ He tipped your chin to get a better angle and gently cleaned the blood you had missed. His eyebrows were pulled together in concentration and you could feel his breaths feathering your skin every time he exhaled.
He lifted his gaze and your eyes locked for a second — green meeting red. You tried your best to ignore the way his breathing had picked up and how his mouth was no more than half an inch from yours. His hand stilled, and he closed the distance between your lips.
You moan into the kiss and Xavier let go of the rag to cup your face, the kiss quickly turning desperate and hungry. His tongue was already in your mouth, gently caressing yours. He could taste the unpleasant metallicity of his blood, but he didn't break away.
Before today, making out with Xavier Thorpe was never something you had thought about. You found him snobbish, annoying and nosey. But now, his hands were on you — all over you —, and although your body temperature was of cold nature, you felt like your skin was on fucking fire.
Your left hand slowly trailed all the way up his back until you were touching the back of his neck while your other glided up his bare chest. You felt the envy to sink your teeth into him again, but before you could make a move, Xavier broke the kiss with a displeased groan, unlike you, needing oxygen.
His eyes never left yours as he ran a hand through his hair, out of breath. They were burning with desire. ‘’This vital need for oxygen is a curse.’’
A light chuckle left your lips. You grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him again.
Wednesday taglist: @sofiaadler @partyfly @hoodforcalum @thelilacmourning @ellessecretobsession @su-alteza-emia @achoo---uu @not-leaprvt @xaviersgf @peterparkerdilf @roadworkaheadisurehopeitdoes @dragon-chica @coldtacozinepanda @wrldofsage @eddiemunsonsluvrrr @capriaura @officialsaturn @babyfiva @maevaomizzolo @kelloggs-world @whosljt @ajpanda181 @belovedrey @emerycrt @elizabitchsshit @heaven-hiding @lilithlikestoread @est-liber @moonisu @dessxoxsworld @parker-nite @bellblake121890 @vesperazhier @kaldurahms-lover @beeebo234 @nephilimsss @mayuphoenix @sweetheartlizzie07 @watermelon-18 @snixx2088 @555stargirl555 @robinscardigan @chumchum19 @lilttblog @aphex2winn @heizenka @mystargirl-interlude @hwrtsiren @babygirljay20 @wildflowerlyss @strangersomeone @openfandoms @charlottelaffin @iheartmaddyperez @starless-starkov @ali-r3n  @poppet05  @ell0ra-br3kk3r  @rhaenyraswife  @teaganthemorningstar   @aphex2winn @moompie   @ifevilwhyhot @oliviah-25 @spenglerslime @wetwilliam02 @yellowcupcakes @haileyismoo @theyslayallday @wrldofsage @manofworm @rhydianissuperior @supersanelyromantic @nicangel13 @toylewestinnyc @meme-queen-1999 @rottenstyx @mxxny-lupin @idli-dosa @silenzju @ar40s @sweeterheartxamerica @renaissancewhxre @jordierama @lilppsblog @harrystylesfp  @katsuki420 @ravenssh1t @izzy-laufeyson @iluvwomenblog @kenzi-woycehoski @arunaposeidondottie @liidiaaag   @lilaconner @katsukis1wife @momoewn   @amithesimpoffandoms @chaotic-fangirl-blog @hawkegfs   @lyxrix @mommyruuetrue   @acornacreacure @lucassinclairsgf @youdontneedtoknowthisinformation @aabananaa @starrrslove @marissapearle @sshesang @scarxvodka  
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13
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starbright349 · 7 months
hiyyaa! Howdy! Can u do a request of hazbin hotel x Nezuko!overlord!reader like she looks innocent but is a blood craving demon like everyone would first see her true form during the extermination day like her head was slashed off but it healed reconnected (in demon slayer) like Adam now not knowing how to kill the reader like she heals instantly any wounds and she is merciless in her true form taking down hordes of exterminators at once without one scratch as she smiles sinisterly like everyone is shocked to see her full form even the v’s are shocked cause they always known the reader as a innocent soul who somehow managed to get to hell
thanks! If u don't feel ok with this request u can decline it's ur choice! bye!✌️
OMG! I was about to think of something like this, but you just made it better! Keep in mind, I normally don't watch Anime, so I hope you will still like it.
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(Y/N) ...That was the name that almost every single being in Hell was afraid of. She had the appearance of Nezuko. She was quite attractive and had a pretty bubbly personality. She was an overlord on the west-side of Hell, owning almost all of the toy-demons, (Yes those are in Hell, I checked) most of them were stuffed animals, but others were toy ballerinas or raggedy Ann/Andy looking creatures. And they were scared to death of (Y/N).
She owned almost all of them, they all sold their souls to her yet (Y/N) had nothing to offer. She didn't have any powers like Alastor, she wasn't strong like Carmilla Carmine, and she wasn't rich like the three V's.
The reason why they were so scared of her and why they sold their souls, was their own safety. (Y/N) had a very un-healthy since for bloodlust and would often jump out and eat other demons, even if she wasn't hungry. It didn't matter to her who or what she was eating, as long her needs were satisfied.
Some of the other overlords, like Zestial. Suggested that they make (Y/N) a special mouthpiece for her chew on so no more of the souls that they owned would go missing.
Why didn't they just kill her? You may be asking. Well, it's because she can't die. Even with Angelic weapons from Carmilla Carmine. Whenever she would get hurt or have something cut off from her body, it would instantly regenerate and grow back.
So, giving her something to chew on was the next best thing to do.
It had taken all of Zestial and Carmilla's strength, to make (Y/N) wear the mouthpiece since she had refused multiple times. After getting it locked into her jaw, she became less dangerous, and the secret about her 'unique ability' stayed hidden by Zestial and Carmilla. But the other toy-demons weren't any less scared of her.
One day, she had gotten word about the 'Hazbin Hotel' by one of her little dolls. Created by Lucifer's only daughter, Charlotte Morningstar. The idea of the Hotel was to redeem sinners, so they could leave Hell to avoid the exterminations.
Almost like a permanent rehab thing.
(Y/N) became interested in this, little project of the young Morningstar, and wanted to help, maybe even find a chance of getting into Heaven. Of course, she thought that redemption was impossible, but she had to take whatever she could get to escape this place once and for all. What she didn't know was that Alastor was also there. They never had the best history together and would often fight over food.
But regardless. They tried to get along.
The residents of the Hotel were accustomed to her sweet demeanor, unaware of the demonic force that lay dormant within her.
(Y/N) did her best to try and redeem herself, and in Charlie's eyes, she was making the best progress out of anyone in the Hotel.
But soon, when Charlie had to go to a meeting set in Heaven, it didn't go well, and she announce that the Angel's would be coming to the Hotel first.
The annual Extermination Day had arrived in the chaotic realm of Hell. Demons and exterminators clashed in a frenzied battle for supremacy. Among the chaos, the Hazbin Hotel stood as a curious haven for those seeking redemption, or at least a break from the relentless combat outside.
In the midst of the turmoil, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. (Y/N), adorned in innocent attire, her demeanor seemingly pure. The denizens of Hell, including Charlie, Alastor, and the rest of the Hazbin Hotel staff, regarded her as an anomaly—a seemingly innocent soul in a realm of the damned.
As the exterminators closed in, their weapons drawn, (Y/N)'s true form manifested. With a swift, clean slash, her head was severed from her body. Gasps of shock echoed through the battlefield as her head tumbled to the ground, only to be followed by a collective gasp as it seamlessly reconnected, healing instantly.
Adam, the head of the extermination squad, stared in bewilderment. "What in the hell...?" he muttered, unsure of how to confront a foe that defied conventional methods of eradication.
The (Y/N)'s eyes glowed with a malevolent crimson as a sinister smile twisted across her face. In this true demon form, she moved with unparalleled speed and precision. Exterminators who dared to challenge her found their efforts futile, as wounds healed instantaneously.
The Hazbin Hotel crew watched in awe and disbelief as the supposedly innocent soul wreaked havoc upon the extermination forces. Vaggie, Charlie, and even the enigmatic Alastor were left speechless. This was not the (Y/N) they had known—an innocent, lost soul.
The reader danced through the battlefield, dispatching hordes of exterminators effortlessly. Her eyes met those of the other demons, who were now witnessing a side of her they never imagined existed. The Vaggy triplets were wide-eyed with shock, their usual confidence shattered.
Alastor, usually composed and calculating, observed with a glint of interest in his eyes. "Well, well, my dear. Seems there's more to you than meets the eye," he remarked with a sly grin.
As Extermination Day continued, the Hazbin Hotel staff found themselves in an unexpected alliance with a blood-craving, merciless demon. (Y/N), in her true form, became an unstoppable force, leaving a trail of astonished demons and exterminators alike in her wake.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 4 months
In Defense of Ben during the Ultimate Kevin arc
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A lot of people have complained about this arc from Ultimate Alien for years. There’s been discourse about whether Ben was OOC for wanting to kill Kevin. Some have called Ben a sociopath or claimed he wanted to kill him because Kevin upstaged him as the hero against Aggregor. While Gwen’s faith in Kevin was what ultimately saved the day, Ben’s anger towards Kevin was not out of jealousy and sociopathy but from a place of hurt from Kevin “betraying” him.
For starters, let’s look back at the OS. Ben befriended Kevin during his debut and knew him more personally than Gwen did. That friendship ended when Kevin was willing to crash a train full of people and showed Ben what he could become had he kept letting his selfishness control him. Despite that, Ben still tried to offer him help but Kevin blew it by trying to take the Omnitrix. Kevin would end up trying to frame Ben for his crimes and teaming up with Vilgax to take the Omnitrix again.
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Years later, Kevin was in a healthier state of mind after training with Kwarrel to control his powers. He came across Ben again in Ben 10 Returns and briefly tried to take revenge. He ended up joining the team for selfish reasons but after Labrid’s death, decided to stay as a promise to Labrid, this time accepting a second chance from Ben. The two would slowly trust each other despite rough bumps like Kevin stealing the Rustbucket or Ben mutating him by hacking the Omnitrix. By the time of Ultimate Alien, Ben considered him the brother he never had and Kevin was thankful for being given another chance.
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So when Kevin absorbed the ultimatrix to stop Aggregor, to Ben it was a betrayal after all they had been through. In Nor Iron Bars a Cage, Ben insists that Kevin “made his choice” and seems more hurt than Gwen as he had to see the same thing happen beforehand. Kevin was back to being the monster who haunted him in his worst nightmares as a child. You know what this reminds me a bit of? Raven and Terra’s dynamic in Teen Titans which ironically was also produced by Glen Murakami. Raven also had a difficult time trusting Terra at the start but eventually considered her a friend which is why she was furious at the betrayal.
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Was Raven a monster or sociopath for believing Terra was evil and beyond redemption? No, she had a difficulty trusting people because of her upbringing and was proven wrong by Beast Boy but her anger was justified. Ben also was implied to have few friends in the OS which is why Gwen and later Kevin became as important to him as they are. I sympathize with Terra and Kevin, but Raven and Ben weren’t evil for wanting to stop them either. Ben didn’t want to kill Kevin either. Believing you have to do something isn’t the same as wanting to do it. He had tried to do things the “Ben” way against Aggregor and kept falling flat on his face. He admits during his talk with Max in the car that he doesn’t want to do this but feels he has to. Plus does this look like a bloodthirsty sociopath who just wants to kill his friend out of jealousy?
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Ben made a mistake here and was not presented as being in the right by the narrative. He beat up Vulkanus and the Forever Knights for information and was acting very harsh and aggressive towards Gwen. However, he was convinced that he needed to be this way after letting fame get to his head and Aggregor nearly taking over the universe. Gwen was ultimately proven right and Kevin was able to stop himself from killing her, but Ben didn’t see that due to being knocked out and the next time he saw Kevin, he was trying to kill Alan, making his anger a lot more reasonable. If you don’t like how he acted during this arc, that’s fine, but it wasn’t out of a jealous bloodlust or sociopathy but understandable feelings of betrayal and blaming himself for not being able to stop Aggregor. By the time of OV, Ben has learned this lesson and accepts he can’t beat himself up over failure when he forgives himself for losing feedback, all he can do is try and move forward and be the best hero he can. His whole arc in Ultimate Alien was accepting he can’t be in control. He stopped himself from killing Kevin, accepted having to die to free the Ultimates and gave up the power of Dagon after being tempted to remake the universe in his image.
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hikakuriyyu · 10 days
Tension. (part 3)
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⁎ warnings: romantic slasher ? mentions of death, mentions of blood, mentions of murder, kissing, manipulation, 1 curse word, female!reader.
⁎ summary: you fell for him. hard. the murders started, and you knew it was him. billy lured you into his dark and twisted intentions. it was so wrong. but it doesn't feel wrong... there was something stopping you. or someone.
⁎ author note: i spent the 2 days thinking about what the plot would be lol. but here is a new part !
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Your heart was racing as you sprinted upstairs, that scream still echoing in your ears. Was it really Sidney ? You didn’t want to believe it, but when you pushed open the door, there she was—Sidney Prescott, lying in a pool of blood on the floor, motionless. Dead.
And Billy ? He was standing over her, knife in hand, his hair falling down over his forehead, looking at you with that familiar smirk. The one that always made your stomach flip. You should’ve been shocked, maybe even guilty, but all you felt was… relief. Finally. She was gone. No more pretending. No more games. Billy had killed Sidney, and it proved exactly what you’d been hoping for—he loved you.
"You… just killed Sidney..." you said, the words slipping out, more of a statement than a question.
Billy glanced down at her body, then back at you, shrugging like it was nothing. "Yeah. Did you see something else coming?" His voice was sly, that teasing edge you knew too well. "Why else did you think i brought her up here, hm ?"
You didn’t know what to say, standing there frozen, your mind racing. But the truth was, in that moment, you didn’t care. She was out of the picture now.
''But why ? I thought-'' you stammer, trying to play innocent. ''Cut the shit, i know you've been dying to see her bleed.'' he cut you off, the smugness evident in his voice. He was right. Every single sweet gesture, every single word of affirmation, you hated every single second of it. ''You think this is all a game to me ? That i don't care about you ?'' he murmured as he steps closer to you slowly, looking at the ground. You take a few steps back before your back hit the wall, looking up at Billy's face, which was full of bloodlust. He didn't stop until your faces were inches away from eachother's. ''You're the only one who gets it, who gets me. Everyone else... they're disposable. But you... you're different.'' he reaches up, brushing a strand of hair from your face, his gaze intense and unwavering. Your face flushes as you swallow the lump in your throat. You were so nervous but you weirdly felt... safe ?
"Don’t you see? This ? us ? It's real. We're the same. You feel it, don’t you? That thrill, that power. No one else could ever understand us like we do." he leans in, lips brushing your ear. "We belong together. No one can come between us now." Billy whispered. You felt his hot breath against your ear as your gaze diverted. Was this really happening ? You tried to speak but the words were stuck in your throat, utterly entranced by his sweet talk. Billy looked at Sidney's lifeless body on the ground before gave you a slight chuckle. ''Sidney, well... she was just part of the plan, a means to an end. Sure, she played her role, but she was never you." his eyes lock with yours with an intensity that makes your breath hitch.
Billy's gaze flickers with something darker now, almost a warning. "Sidney was always living in a dream, thinking she could escape. But you..." he pauses, smiling as if the thought excites him. "You know there’s no going back. This is who we are. Together.'' his eyes soften, as if he's offering a twisted form of love. "You don’t need to doubt it anymore, Y/N. It’s just you and me now. Forever."
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You felt a mix of so many emotions. You felt so validated and special... Billy actually cared for you, noticed you, loved you. Him killing Sidney just proved his love for you, making you feel irreplaceable. ''I love you...'' you blurted out in a mere whisper. He looked at your eyes before tossing the knife on the ground, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you in for a deep kiss.
You kissed him back almost immediately, wrapping your arms around his neck. As the kiss deepened, you could taste the mix of adrenaline and passion on his lips. The room seemed to spin as you both gave in to the moment, the world outside fading away. Billy’s touch was electrifying, sending shivers through you. A mix of desire, obsession, and a darker undertone of danger made it feel like giving into something you've both been fighting against, yet desperately craving.
You both stopped the kiss to catch your breaths. He moved a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch as light as a feather. You were both in the moment together before you heard police sirens outside. Billy looked out the window, distressed about the red and blue lights flashing outside. He turned to you, putting his hands on your face. ''Alright listen, that car pulling up, has to be Dewey. You go put the costume on and finish them off. I'll climb out the window and meet you at the fountain okay ?'' Billy explained as he started grabbing his stuff, getting ready to leave.
You stood there, speechless. So much was happening all at once. ''Wait- What ? What do you mean ? I don't wanna kill Dewey !'' you exclaimed. Dewey was the nicest person on earth, you couldn't do that to him. His sister got killed already, wasn't that enough ? His eyes narrowed before his voice dropped. ''So... you just wanna let them catch us ? We'll be separated. And i want to stay by your side forever... So do as i say,'' he handed you the knife. ''And kill them. For me. For us.'' he said before pressing a lingering kiss on your lips, walking towards the window and jumping out. You stood there, knife in your palm and panic in your mind. You hurt enough people already. Now Dewey ? But you love Billy too much to let him down...
To Be Continued...
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selunesdreams · 1 month
Chapter 46: Abnormally Attracted to Sin
A/N: Celeste/Astarion commission is here! Thanks to @nikoadmeliora for helping them come to lif
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Chapter from ongoing fic Forms of Imprisonment. Full story on AO3
Pairing: Spawn Astarion (post-tadpole) x OFC
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: 18+, mdni. Smut, oral, piv, church sex, a little Astarion-related trauma talk. See AO3 for other chapter-specific warnings.
Condensation clings to the arched windows lining the narrow, winding stairwell, offering a diluted glimpse of predawn’s blue glow. Light and shadows dance between Celeste’s fingertips as she drags them against the stone walls, climbing towards the roof. Astarion follows, hands hanging at his sides, aching to reach for her. 
He’d follow her anywhere. 
She throws open a pair of oak doors and the wind rushes in, whipping strands of her hair across her face as she steals a glance at him with an inviting grin. Inhaling deeply, the crisp morning air is somehow different than he remembers, and a sense of longing envelopes him. 
There was a common misconception about vampirism heightening the senses. Perhaps it did, but he had always filtered out the subtleties, with bloodlust paramount to everything else. After all, why bother appreciating anything when it would last forever? It was the fleeting nature of things that made them precious. If food turned to ash on his tongue, if his heart couldn’t beat even when filled with desire, if he could bleed and feel the blood coursing through his veins but never experience its warmth on his skin, what set him apart from a common ghoul? Many times, he questioned whether he possessed a soul.
Celeste settles on the rooftop, dangling her feet over the edge. Astarion braces a hand against the shingles with a grunt and joins her as she leans forward to look over Waterdeep, sprawling underneath them. It’s enough to cause a sharp stab of fear gripping his stomach, and despite knowing she’s not likely in any real danger, he snatches her by the waist and tugs her back. 
“Careful, love.” He murmurs. “I have a beating heart now, and it seems to be prone to palpitations.”
She smiles, inching backwards to placate him. He keeps his arms wrapped around her middle, searching a treeline on the edge of the horizon for the first rays of sunlight. 
“What did you think of your reflection?” She asks him as they wait. 
“I…haven’t looked yet.” 
“Shying away from petty vanity?” she teases, her words laced with affection. “What has happened to you?”
He snorts. “I always have time for petty vanity.” 
“What are you afraid of? That you won’t like it?”
“I’m not afraid.” His lip curls before his expression fades into something more contemplative. “Tell me, Celeste, what do you see when you look at me?”
She traces the curve of his cheek. “Piercing eyes, a jawline carved by the gods…” 
“Mmm.” He leans into her touch, eyes falling half-lidded. “Flattery will get you many places, darling.”
“If you’re wondering, you…haven’t changed. Since the ritual. By all appearances, you still look like a vampire, with the exception of a little blush on your skin now.” 
He lets out a bitter huff. “Well, at least I can see the face that’s charmed so many unlucky souls.”
“Are you disappointed?”
“Are you?”
“As one of those unlucky charmed souls, I couldn’t be further from disappointed.” She lays her head against his chest. “Somehow, if your eyes were different, or your sharp grin became dull, or the ridges of your scars became smooth…you wouldn’t be you, in a way. I could learn to love your body in any form it takes, but this one…this is the one I know.”
Astarion remains quiet. She’s confirmed what he already suspected, and he runs his tongue over the tips of his fangs. His skin had prickled at Cazador’s infernal contract, still carved upon his back after the ritual. It was the first thing he noticed when they reached the balcony. As the breeze had dried his damp shirt, it clung against his skin, the familiar, uncomfortable tingling where numb tissue met nerves. He finds himself surprisingly indifferent to the realization that his mortal transformation won’t erase the scars of undeath.
They are silent for several long moments as he holds her against him, fingers curled around her arm. Daylight spills into the sky above, casting a gentle glow over distant fields. Hues of pink and orange filters through the clouds, and the fog on the temple’s lawn below dissipates, revealing the world in all its clarity. 
“Ha!” Astarion throws his head back, a bark of a laugh that lifts the weight from his shoulders. “I guess I didn’t burst into flames after all.” 
As he takes hold of Celeste’s chin, he tilts her face toward the sunrise, appreciating in the golden light that accentuates every fine feature.
“I like seeing you this way.” His hand combs through her hair. Gods, her hair, the ashen and silver strands of it warming under the sun... 
Unable to resist his longing any longer, his mouth crushes against hers in an ardent, desperate kiss. His fingers find her hip, pressing against the velvet of her dress to pull her over and into his lap. Back facing the roof’s edge, she straddles him, clinging to his shoulders.  
“Slow down,” she pants, her words breaking through the haze of his mind. His lips hover a breath from her skin, the ruby hue of his irises gleaming.
“Apologies, I’m getting ahead of myself, but it’s just…hells, I feel like I’m starving-”
She rolls off of him. 
“Astarion, have you eaten yet?”
He grimaces, the burning growl of his stomach becoming more prominent, the nausea of a hunger he hasn’t experienced in years.
“If I say I have, can we continue?” 
She laughs, offering her hand. 
“I don’t think it’s sex you need.” 
She drags him downstairs to the banquet hall, the aroma of freshly served breakfast wafting through the air. Several clergy members file out, watching them as they walk by. Their companions are together under a far window, the morning sun illuminating their cheerful expressions as they pass food around the table. Celeste pulls Astarion away from prying eyes, the murmurs of conversation fading into the background, and takes a seat next to Shadowheart.
“Astarion!” Karlach greets him with a mouthful of food. “You have to try the eggs.” She slides two clean plates towards them, gesturing to the spread at the center of the table. He sits, eyeing loaves of bread, goodberry jam, porridge, bacon and goose eggs with uncertainty as his companions eat around him. 
“...gods, how do I even begin?”
“Perhaps slowly…the bread’s a safe start.” Gale offers, dropping a roll onto his plate. Astarion takes a knife, spreading jam across its surface and nibbles at it, chewing thoughtfully. It’s not the sensation of ecstasy, of drinking blood, the intimacy of his teeth in Celeste’s neck, her life between his fingertips, but it’s…adequate. 
“Did you see the sunrise?” Shadowheart asks, interrupting his thoughts.
Astarion nods, finding himself more interested in eating than conversation, and scoops a spoonful of eggs onto his plate. The texture is bizarre to him, but the taste is pleasant enough, if a bit lacking in flavor. 
Celeste watches him push food around his tray and changes the subject.
“We should leave tonight. I don’t want to overstay our welcome here, and I think we’ve accomplished all we can at the temple.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Gale chimes in. “There’s been a response to my recent sending spell…”
“Sending spell?” Shadowheart’s look of surprise indicates that he hasn’t discussed anything with her.
“I requested a…visit with an old friend.” Gale reveals tentatively, meeting Astarion’s gaze. Celeste raises an eyebrow, intrigued. “A...colleague with far-reaching influence in the Undermountain. Halaster Blackcloak.”
“Your pet sitter?” Shadowheart asks.
Wyll chokes, grasping for his water and drinking frantically.
“The mad mage?” he coughs, attempting to clear his throat. “What in the nine hells do we need him for?”
“He’s well connected. He could help us ambush the Sharrans, and it’s crucial that we have every advantage-“
“Well, with a moniker like that, I’m sure he’ll have our best interests in mind.” Astarion glances down at his breakfast and shoves his mostly full plate away with a frustrated sigh. “I think that’s as much as I can do for now.”
“Halaster has his moments of…clarity.” Gale continues, eyes flickering with concern to his friend’s largely untouched meal.
“How did you become tangled up with him?” Wyll asks.
“It’s a long story.” The wizard mutters.
Astarion leans forward. “So this…mad mage. Are we talking Volo strange, or is this more of an unpredictable and homicidal kind of situation?”
Although he is taking nothing seriously, Celeste is encouraged to see bits of his eccentricities edging their way back into his personality.
“The latter, unfortunately.” Gale says, “I was in a…rebellious streak when I met Halaster. “
“Ah, right. Of course. What was your colossal blunder nicknamed, Gale’s folly?” Astarion sneers.
Gale’s face contorts with an uncomfortable grimace as he scrutinizes his hands. 
“Yes, well… my point being, Halaster would be a valuable ally. He holds no alliances…and a tempting enough offer can persuade anyone.” 
“I can’t believe you would entrust your Tressym to a lunatic,” Minthara taunts. 
“For the last bloody time, I don’t own Tara, and she can fend for herself quite well, mind you-”
To ease her friend’s agitation, Celeste lays her palm flat on the table in a reassuring gesture. 
“If you think it will help, Gale, I trust your judgment.” 
“Thank you.” Gale returns with a nod, lifting a curious eyebrow as Astarion pushes himself to his feet.
“Well, I, for one, can’t wait to meet this Halaster. We’ve seen more than enough temples and fanatics these past few weeks.”
Nocturne looks up from picking at her food. “Where are you off to?”
Astarion motions towards the exit. 
“I thought I might try out sunbathing.” 
Wherever Astarion went after breakfast didn’t include a request for company, so Celeste returns to their room to pack, tucking away several of the finest garments in the wardrobe as souvenirs. It would be a waste for them to go unworn here. 
Changing into a flowing blue silk gown that cascades over her body like rippling water, she spends the rest of the afternoon in the temple’s library, reveling in the House of the Moon’s extensive collection. Strange, how much more enjoyable a hobby is when it’s not a profession. She wonders just how terribly Anders is faring without her at the Castle Waterdeep library, and a mischievous smile played on her lips.
Still no sign of Astarion come evening, Celeste wanders the halls in search of her companions. Instead, she finds herself in one of the smaller chapels of the temple. The pews are vacant, and a few candles flicker around the room. Turquoise and purple glow against the frosted glass as the sun sets outside. The doors shut behind her with a resounding slam and Celeste approaches the altar, taking an incense stick and twirling it between her fingers. With a steady focus, she wills it to burn and, to her surprise, it ignites effortlessly in her hand.
She lights several candles, considering not only her new power, but the control she’s gained over it purely from acquiring more. Seated in the front pew, she doesn’t ask for the moonmaiden’s guidance, simply watches the flames dance in the fading light. Maybe this is what draws people to faith. An excuse to be still in such a demanding world.
Suddenly, the chapel doors creak on their hinges, breaking her moment of serenity. Footsteps draw nearer, steady and confident, and Astarion pauses beside her, drawing one finger along the smooth wood of the pew as he approaches the altar. He plucks a fresh stick of incense from a basket and raises it to his nose, breathing in its scent, before bringing it to the edge of a candle, setting it aflame.
“Copper for your thoughts?”
He doesn’t turn around when he speaks to her, shaking the incense to snuff out its flame. The remaining ember swells before settling into a calm orange glow and Astarion sets it aside on an ash covered abalone.
“How are you doing?” Celeste chooses her words carefully, unable to read his expression.
He faces her, leaning casually against the altar, attention drifting around the chapel, taking in the scenery.
“Let’s see. Yesterday, I was a vampire, and now I’m…” his voice trails off and his eyes flicker down at himself, then back to her. “Not quite like you, am I? But close enough.” 
“Teu-guenhwyvar.” she says. The grit beneath her sandals crackles, her soles dragging on the stone floor as she rises from the pew.
“Elvish. How charming.” Astarion glances off towards the window and scoffs, amused.
“I saw my reflection.” He adds a few seconds later.
“Devastating, I’m sure.” 
The levity of her response earns an appreciative grin from him. “No complaints. After all, you seem to enjoy it enough.” 
“Your appearance isn’t of consequence to me.” 
“An admirable thing for you to say, but let’s not pretend you aren’t a little relieved I’m still this enticing.” 
Astarion pushes off the altar and tilts his head to the side. He had lost none of his graceful reflexes to the ritual. Perhaps the Tear’s magic filled the gaps vampirism had left behind.
Or perhaps he’d become something even more powerful than either of them had yet discovered.  
“You’re worried about me.” He observes, caressing her face with his knuckles. “I assure you, Celeste, I’m fine. You can stop treating me like a porcelain doll. I seem to recall you disliking it yourself.” He sinks down onto the pew and leans back.
Astarion snorts, “No need for apologies. I rather enjoy being fussed over. It’s sweet that you’re worried.” His voice is dripping with far too much sensuality for a holy temple as he plays with the fabric of her gown, drawing her closer. Silk bunches in his fist as he slides it up her legs, pressing a kiss to her thigh.
“They always have you in such lovely dresses here….”
“We should go-“
“I have stood in the sun, eaten, looked in the mirror, all the things you’ve insisted I partake in today.” He brings her dress to her hip and draws his tongue up the front of her undergarments, wetting the silk. “I’m going to have to insist you indulge me with a rather…simple request.” 
He growls, fingertips digging into her thighs as she protests, bringing her closer and balancing the back of her knee on the bend of his elbow. She steadies herself with a foot on the pew next to him while his mouth and tongue work against her through her panties. He hooks a finger under the fabric, pulling it to the side and lapping eagerly at her sex. 
She whines as she watches, one hand squeezing his curls between her fingers to encourage him, the other guiding his face deeper and deeper between her thighs. 
The dress falls back into place as Astarion comes up for air, looking around at the stained glass windows and empty pews.
“Why is it that the most pure of spaces are always the most fit for a bit of debauchery?” 
Celeste swallows, her body aching for where his mouth had just been, wet and hot with anticipation. 
“Well, if it’s blasphemy you’re after, then I suppose we should see to it properly.” He turns her around and situates her into his lap, pushing her legs open and gliding his fingers against the slick of her, his other arm wrapped around her body, holding her chin so she can watch herself.
“That’s my girl,” He encourages her, pushing his middle and ring fingers inside of her, curling them upwards until she jerks at the sensation. His thumb encircles her swollen clit, watching the arousal seep from her, around his fingers, dripping onto the pew beneath them, “let it all out, love…”
She clenches around him and arcs forward, wrapping her arms behind herself around his neck, moaning as a burn spreads from her belly and between her legs.
“Tell me how it feels.” He purrs, his mouth against her ear. 
“Let’s see if you can take another.” He says and inserts a third digit. Her walls constrict, hot and wet as her cheeks flush bright red.
His words push her to the brink, and with a whine, she reaches her climax while he keeps pleasuring her until she shivers in his embrace. With an amused smile, he removes them, drenched in her arousal. Muffling her whimpering, he pushes them between her lips, eliciting a soft, strangled noise before she suckles on the taste of herself. 
Astarion grins, removing his fingers and taking a fistful of her hair in his fist. 
“Get on your knees.”
Celeste slides from his lap to the floor obediently, guided by his grip on her, the hunger in his eyes deepening when she turns to face him, looking up with a devotion that drives him mad. His thumbs come to stroke her temples.
“Is this alright?” He whispers, waiting for her nod of approval. When she complies, he offers a smile, kissing her as he unravels the laces of his trousers with one hand, freeing himself as he strokes the tip of his weeping cock. 
Celeste draws down his waistband until his pants fall to his ankles and holds him at his base, teasing him between her lips with a maddening lack of urgency. She grins around him as he lets out an impatient moan, carefully guiding himself deeper into her mouth. Her tongue curves around the underside of his cock, moaning and pushing him further back, her mouth becoming wetter for him as she gags herself. 
“Keep going, just like that-“ he chokes out. 
He’s gentle, letting Celeste lead and control the pace as his entire body burns for her. She pumps him in a coaxing motion, head bobbing in rhythm with her movements. Sweat trickles down his forehead as he focuses on the sensation, and there’s something almost reverent in the way he’s staring at her. 
Her lips make a quiet pop as she releases him from her mouth, continuing to stroke him.  
“Is this what you like?”
He whimpers and nods emphatically, breathless. 
She flashes a self-satisfied smirk, enjoying his reaction as it becomes clear this is likely the first time he’sreceived oral on his own terms. It encourages her, and she takes him deep in her mouth enthusiastically until he bottoms out in the back of her throat.
“Exactly like that-“ he manages to choke out, and pulls her head back, stopping himself from climaxing.  
“I’m not through with you yet.” Astarion cradles her face in his hands as he hoists her to her feet. He kisses her deeply, and when he pulls away, there’s a wicked gleam in his eyes. 
“I’m going to ruin you right here, darling.”
And then he’s tearing her dress off over her head, exposing her breasts to the cold air, and pulling her panties to her knees. He presses his mouth to hers, seeking entry, his tongue inquiring against her lips before she parts them. The kiss turns brutal, possessive as he guides her body onto the front pew, skillfully unbuttoning his shirt with one hand. 
“Please,” she pants, rolling her hips up against his. With a sense of urgency, she helps him remove his shirt, the fabric slipping from his shoulders and landing soundlessly on the floor. He’s balanced precariously over her, one knee between her hip and the pew and his other leg anchored on solid ground. Celeste arches her back, the surface cold against her skin, ridges of wood grain caressing the mark of Selûne on her shoulder, a stark reminder of the sacred space they’re defiling.
Ungrateful, wanton, twisted…
“I’d forgotten what it was like to have a pulse.” His lips move frantically over her body between words, words intermingled with kisses and breathless gasps, “to desire someone so strongly that your skin flushes for them, breathing stops for them-”
With a shuddering moan, he grips the back of the bench and aligns himself with her entrance, before thrusting himself inside of her. Their foreheads meet, and she loses herself in the overwhelming pleasure, pushing away any thoughts of guilt or consequence.
“Fuck,” he grunts, adjusting to the feeling of her around him. As she claws at his spine, he silences his own moan by mouthing at her neck. “You had me so close with your mouth, I’m afraid I-”
His head falls back, and he groans through gritted teeth just as she squeezes around him with a high-pitched whine that turns into a series of helpless whimpers. Astarion’s body becomes rigid over hers as he finds his release. Propping himself up with one arm, he pants, his mouth agape, a soft laughter of surprise escaping him.
The strain of holding himself up causes his limb to shake, and he brings his other palm down to steady himself. Slumping to the floor, he rests his back against the pew, and Celeste nestles against him, her head finding solace on his chest, her ear attuned to the rhythm of his racing heartbeat.
“Mortal stamina aside…” He laughs, a breathy sound with a hint of apology. “That was…incredible.”
“I can’t believe-”
Astarion clicks his tongue. “As I recall, you were a more than willing participant, darling.”
The doors open behind them, and Celeste scrambles for her dress, covering herself as the noise echoes against the walls. 
“A church?” Gale says, standing in horror, though not entirely surprised.
Astarion nonchalantly gazes in Gale’s direction, unapologetic, his hands suspended in the air where he’s let go of Celeste. As he stands, he tucks his half-erect member back into his trousers, the fabric sliding over his hips, lacing them as he speaks without looking at the wizard. 
“This is the second time you’ve interrupted us today. Are you feeling left out, Gale? Or just enjoying the show?”
“At least I gave the courtesy of letting you finish.”
“Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods.” Celeste whispers, looking over her shoulder and fixing her gaze on the window as she her cheeks turn a bright crimson.
“Get up and get dressed.” Gale pinches the bridge of his nose and looks up at the ceiling. “It’s time to go.” 
He turns and leaves, muttering something without glancing back. 
Reluctantly, Astarion retrieves his discarded shirt from the floor with a resigned sigh and offers Celeste a crooked grin. 
“We should do this again sometime.”
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sky-kiss · 9 months
Sending prompt for Dadphael! Maybe the kids getting in trouble but Raphael is low key proud they managed to pull it off. I just need Dadphael in my life and I love baby Orin.
A/N: I can do this. Not the best, but hopefully you chuckle.
Dadphael: He Shouldn't Be Surprised, He Robbed His Dad Too
Raphael's first reaction is blinding rage. A voice in his head screaming how has it come to this? How, in the name of the gods above and below, by all of Asmodeus' grace, could his spawn have been so colossally, unequivocally stupid?
His second reaction is begrudging respect. 
He settles somewhere in the middle, screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. In the most even tone he can manage, the devil says, "Explain your vision."  
Orin's brow furrows. In contrast to her brother, who has adopted an expression of absolute contrition, his daughter seems to weigh her answer. Her expression shifts, visibility reactive to the path of her thoughts: confusion, desperation, irritation, all in quick succession. 
She settles on a petulant. "Haarlep?" 
"Are you naming your inspiration? Or enquiring after the source of your damnation?" 
She turns her nose up, crossing her arms over her chest. "Both." 
"Mm, then, in the spirit of fair play," he steps forward, linking his hands at the small of his back. "Yes. They sold you out. Let this be a lesson to you, pet: trust carefully. Better yet, trust none but me." The impudent little thing snorts. Raphael holds his hand out, "And now, an explanation is in order: why have you robbed me?" 
Carlyle steps forward, the pilfered item in question held before him. Orin favors her brother with a look. It is so simultaneously venomous, and so pleading that the boy cannot fathom how to proceed. "We meant to return it, Father, truly. But Korilla would not allow us near portals…" 
"With excellent reason." 
"...and we needed the scroll to contact an associate on the Prime Material." 
"Don't tell him, stupid," Orin hisses.
But Carlyle is determined to come clean, his sense of fair play and respect for his sire winning out over whatever fear his much smaller sibling might inspire. He hands the scroll of dimension door back to Raphael, standing tall and proud. "A gift, father. Haarlep gave us the location of one of your preferred artists. We'd hoped…" he shrugs, attempting a smile. And it is fundamentally strange to see his own expression reflected at him, all on the face of himself in miniature. "To commission something." 
The idea reeks of sentiment rather than bloodlust. Carlyle's idea, then, not Orin. Raphael eyes the pair, suspicious, irritated. "And how did you intend to pay for this work?" Orin produces a back of coin from her pocket, grumbling as she hands it over. "Ah. Is there anything else I should expect to find missing?" 
They answer as one: "No, my duke." 
"And you know better than to lie to me, yes?" 
"Yes, father." 
"Off with you then, little failures. Consider what you might have done to succeed. Learn from this." He is feeling magnanimous, infernal wine still heady in his system, a night of potential pleasure stretching out before him. Let them take this as a lesson and be done with it. 
A decision he comes to regret later. 
The little shits are, in fact, acting as a distraction. Haarlep has slipped from the House (also highly against protocol). Haarlep contracts the artist for the little beasts, and they present their gift to him a month later, beaming and unrepentant. 
He is caught entirely off guard, delighted and horrified in equal measure. Conniving wretches! Little thieves! They beam at him, a united front, unrepentant and full of potential. 
He still sends the little shits to their room without supper and confines them to their wing of the House for the next month. 
He's proud but too petty to pass up seeing the look of betrayal on their little faces.
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glassica · 2 months
The Love Rival
Notes: wlw, toxic yuri, transmigration, magic, obsessiveness, possessiveness, accidental kid-napping, one-sided love, drugging
Gina barely finished the book before seeing herself getting shoved into it to play the role of the female lead. It wasn’t bad, she told herself. The novel was romcom, and for the most part it was full of tooth-rottening sweetness and little banters between Holly, the female lead, with her lover Julian. All Gina needed to do was replicating all the scenes and dialogues happening insides the book and she was good to go. There were trials and obstacles testing the love of the young lovebirds, but Gina concluded only the love rival Elise was worth watching out.
Elise, the love rival in question, was an embodiment of that stereotypical mean girl getting in the way of the main couple. Initially Holly’s best friend, their relationship soon fell apart after the heroine started getting more and more involved with the male lead, which some believed to be Elise’s target. She was a particularly irritating character, always interrupted the couple’s private moments with her childish antics. One time she deliberately fake an illness so Holly had to postponed the date with Julian. Another time she convinced Holly’s parents to let her daughter be escorted everyday by Elise’s carriage, thus preventing the late night trysts her best friend often go with that gentleman. But Gina was confident she could handle this. If anything, she had it easier than other unfortunate transmigrators who were forced to play the roles of villains, her biggest obstacle was only dealing with a petty love rival… or so she thought.
“Lady Elise… Why would you do this to me?... What have I done wrong?”
Gina kneeled down, her head spinning like crazy and eyes started getting blurry. Besides her was a cup of some saccharine-smelled purple liquid spilling all over the altar. When the heart within thumping louder and faster and her breathing began to feel like a chore, Gina could vaguely sense this was the end for her.
Elise’s chuckle was cold, the kind of laughter of a ruthless villain lavished in the madness of their scheme unfolding just as their wish. Well, of course she would, the villainess’s revenge was nearing its final stage.
“Oh, you sure did. You’ve done me wrong. Very, very wrong. Something unforgivable.”
The noblewoman gritted teeth furiously. Her azure eyes normally compared to calming waves of ocean, now resembled the endless raging tsunami determined to swallow whole that defenseless figure into its pit bottom. Gina couldn’t believe the cold-blooded monster right in front of her, whom there was a time, had been the dearest friend to the owner of this body. Was jealousy really that nasty of an emotion to completely erased all those years of good rapport between two young ladies?
Silence downinng the empty church’s atmosphere. Lurking underneath was a sense of dread and bloodlust emanating from the crazy antagonist just served to suffocate further the tormented heroine. Gina hadn’t uttered a single word back, her only goal at this moment was to try catching breath.
“Stop that half-hearted act, will you? I’m getting nauseous already from seeing you imitating my precious friend.”
Gina’s mind, which had been clouded and hazy from the drink, miraculously clear again from the shock. How did she know? Was Lady Elise all this time aware about another soul possessing her old friend’s body? So all this time the one Her Ladyship desire wasn’t the male lead but Holly herself?
“You’re a fraud. A poser. You tried clumsily to mimick the manners and attitude of my dear friend, but you could never be her. Yes, no one. Absolutely no one could ever replace my Holly. Absolutely no one could take her away from me.”
“Those annoying geezers were right. I should’ve consulted a proper wizard instead of hastily attempted a spell when having no experience with sorcery. Now not only I still haven’t own Holly’s heart, some stupid wench out of nowhere possessinng and ruining her body.”
“So you’re the reason behind my situation!” - Gina hissed. “How could you put the blame on me when all of this mess was all from your own misdeed!?”
“Oh sweetheart, do not worry. That’s exactly why I brought you here today! To right all my wrong.”
Elise kneeled down, taking the final look at the trembling figure in front of her. Deep down, she did feel sorry for the unassuming soul who was unfairly involved in this tumultuous one-sided love, but soon Her Ladyship snapped right back. No, she needed to look out for her beloved only, this dummy wasn’t worth getting swayed over.
“Soon enough, your soul will exit this body to make room for the rightful owner’s back. I’ll have Holly all to myself and you get see your old world again. Isn’t that a great deal? Considering this as my apology for making you suffer unjustly, Gina.”
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islandtarochips · 5 months
Monster!AU Lore #1: Shark Hybrid
If you hear the story about Nanaue's father, named Kāmohoaliʻi. That’s where the Shark Monster begins. You see, Nanaue’s father is one of the Hawaiian Mythologies (You can look it up if you want). Their kind were usually hidden and just seen as regular sharks but little did the humans know that they were messing with the most dangerous creatures of the sea.
So yeah, Tiala and her family were like the descendants of Kāmohoaliʻi.
Anyway, Tiala and her siblings were ALL hybrids. Half-shark and Half-human. Since their father is a full shark monster and their mother is a human. And when looking up about Nanaue’s abilities.
-They have Amphibious Nature (they have gills to breathe on both water and land) -Claws (they can rip through steel)
-Fangs (Shark teeth that can bite through steel) -Enhanced sight, hearing and vision -Regeneration (regenerate some missing limbs) -Strong skin (which means that their skin is armored from deep and physical attacks) -Superhuman Speed (can swim fast about 200mph) -Superhuman Strength (About 100 tons) -Water Sense (Which means they can sense anything or anyone under water)
Weaknesses? From more research of Nanaue. It says that his biggest weakness is ELECTRICITY. Not only that, they’re also weakened from Temperature. Only if it’s not under 53 degrees fahrenheit. And also, even though they can breathe on land, there are limits. They must stay in or regularly return to the ocean to re-oxygenate their blood, which restricts their ability to operate on dry land for long periods of time. For ANY other sea creatures as well. So that’s why the military decided to make a water pack for them to wear in order to work properly on land.
Their kind were also into BLOODLUST (it means ’desire to kill or to see people kill’) or in a Blood Frenzy (means “An irresistible mania for the shedding of blood). I know that's not their weaknesses but it's more like a trigger that they don't want to interact with.
Killing anyone as they please. But Nakoa, Tiala and Kanoa’s father, and his children know better than that. So they did their best to not harm anyone by making sure to not smell or even taste the blood. Then they will be fine…I hope.
"How did the Shark Hybrids or any of the sea creatures have relationships with humans?"
You see, it was Nakoa who started it. He was supposed to stay hidden from the surface and he always thinks that humans were always at the bottom of the food chain.
Not until he met their mother. Elei is the name. Long story short, Nakoa had met Elei when he was injured by one of the fisherman's nets. Which it was tangling around his neck and gills.
He washed himself up on shore, gave up at that point, and just lay on the sand. Thinking no one is walking by. But Elei did and saw he was injured. So she took him into her home and treated him.
Nakoa never saw any human treat him with such kindness. Even though he IS a monster, she saw no problem in that. And that’s when he started to fall for her. He helped her and her family by bringing some fish from the shore and far off from the sea.
BUT Elei’s family doesn’t know of her secretly meeting with this shark man.
Until only a few months later. One of Elei’s relatives saw Nakoa and Elei together and they were deeply shocked. Thinking that Elei is in trouble. So they ran back to the village and told the people.
The villagers had quickly grabbed their weapons and ropes as they stormed their way to where Nakoa was at. They have already caught him and pinned him down before he uses brute force.
Elei had tried to explain to her family and friends but they wouldn't listen.
So they took Nakoa away from the beach and cage him up. And that’s when one of Nakoa’s kind saw this and was scared to see the humans taking him away.
So they dive back down to the ocean and warn the others.
Elei had tried to talk to the people but they still wouldn't listen. So she has no choice but to do this on her own. Planning to help Nakoa to escape.
Which she did and saw how weak Nakoa looked because of running out of oxygen. And staying on land for too long. She quickly helped Nakoa to get back at sea before seeing Nakoa’s kind came out of the sea and was going to attack her home. Along with the villagers who were going to attack the sea creatures.
But Nakoa and Elei had stopped them and reasoned with them. Nakoa had explained to his people that not ALL humans are not bad. Even Elei said the same thing about sea monsters.
So the two different races had decided to put their differences aside- Blah blah blah. You already know how it goes. Lol.
And a few years after their love and marriage, the two had started a family. The very first one on the island giving life to a hybrid.
Nakoa was also signing up to join the Marines to assist the humans into battle that was going on in the Pacific. When Tiala was born, that’s when he joined in. To make sure that his family and his new home are safe.
This should be easy to describe. Ok, so imagine a full human body. The only parts that they have shark features are on the back, the arms, the neck, the teeth and on their hiney.
For their back, that will be where their first dorsal fins are at.
The arms are just the pectoral fins, one each on the forearms.
The neck, that will be where the gills should be at.
The teeth, the razor, sharp and sharky teeth. Careful, it’s painful when they bite. 
And on their hiney; well not EXACTLY on their hiney. Maybe like between on their lower back and the hiney. Just like Price’s Dragon tail and Soap’s Wolf tail. THAT would be where their shark tail is at.
Ok, I think that’s about it for now. But I might come back here to update it for now.
The COD Monster!AU ideas is from @bluegiragi REALLY love her work on these guys!
And thank you, @justasmolbard for telling me the name of the artist. I'm having a hard time remembering the names 😅.
Anyway! Hope you guys enjoy this one! I might do another Monster Lore for you folks to read! Lol.
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