#i did it i wrote something toh related
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withered-tears · 1 year ago
When Camila asked the kids about their favorite foods, she was just hoping to ask Luz for help to try and find any human substitute/equivalent to try and replicate it for them.
He was expecting to hear some bizarre names. (Seriously, fairy pie? What would one even use to substitute fairies? Shrimp, maybe?)
What she wasn't expecting was Hunter looking serious and focused enough as a man on the battlefield.
He was muttering to himself while tapping his finger to his lips, seemingly giving the question far more importance than Camila thought necessary.
He kept at it for a few seconds until finally, with a resolute nod to himself, he replied.
"Rootknot fruit."
Camila wasn't surprised when she didn't recognize the name. But she was a bit surprised to find that Amity, Gus, Luz, and Vee looked as lost as she did.
She was even more surprised at Willow's borderline offended look.
"Rootknot fruit? Really?"
Hunter perked up in the way he did every time he got to speak about a particular interest of his.
"Yeah! It grows all over the isles, and it's relatively easy to forage. The fruit is really dense, so a single bite can be enough to push away hunger for a whole day. Also, in case of emergency, if you chew the skin into a paste and use it as a salve between bandages, it makes any wound close faster to stop bleeding. It's a great food source to find in any mission."
Everyone blinked.
"Ah, that sounds great, mijo. And do you like the taste?"
"Oh no, it tastes awful. Like chewing on rotten wood. It's terrible."
Hunter was still smiling as he told her that his favorite food tasted terrible.
"Oh. Well, do you have any food from the demon realm you really like the taste of?"
Hunter now looked pensive. Apparently, taste never occurred to him as a factor when choosing a favorite food.
"Um. Gus once gave me a really good sandwich?"
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 6 months ago
as someone who relates a lot to both Anakin and Padme because i grew in a stressfully abusive enviroment (not being allowed to express too honest emotions and fear, having to mask my neurodivergent tendencies, not being able to raise my voice ever or cry or be angry, etcetc) and i was a "gifted kid", and on top of that i'm queer. So for a lot of my teenhood i "attached" *badly* to anything that would remotely give me comfort, mostly objects but also people and friends, it's been quite healing to read your analysis about how "attachments" are presented in SW and how the fandom tends to twists attachments as something toxic and selfish, it's understandable when people don't like him but when everyone runs to say he was evil just for getting attached or feeling "too strongly" about something is quite hurtful
victims should be accountable for the things they do wrong, and anakin outright did so many many horrible bad things, but it's cathartic for me bc he shows how victims of abuse and trauma aren't and can't be perfect, and they react in ways that are inherently affected by the enviroment that shaped them, and in the end, anakin had one of the most famous and iconic returns ever, so it's really important to me, and your analysis are great
Thanks anon. I had a period over a couple months where I was very hardcore pro Jedi/anti anakin which in retrospect was really just to fit in with what was popular on tumblr since all the big SW blogs like Kanansdume/antianakin or GFFA are Jedi apologists. I regret a lot of my past behavior and how I treated some Anakin fans. A lot of Jedi stans like to paint anyone who likes Anakin as a right wing dudebro and it doesn’t help that there are a few people who are that way such as caripr94 or Otnesse. Yet their side isn’t much better. There��s a lot of ableism, victim blaming, and queerphobia rebranded to sound progressive. For all their pseudo-wokeness, a lot of them sound like conservatives when they put the blame entirely on Anakin for his fall and refuse to acknowledge systematic and psychological issues he had because they’d have to accept that the Jedi were flawed and not perfect.
Fandom in general has become a lot more puritanical and moralistic. People insist that you can’t show any sympathy or depth for villains, possibly as an overreaction towards movies like Maleficent or Cruella as well as the rise of Trump, hence why everyone felt Big Jack Horner was refreshing and propping up TOH as the anti SU for killing Belos. The SW fandom is no different. Antianakin has a whole pinned post ranting about not just Anakin but Padme, Ahsoka, Kallus and Crosshair too. People insist you must view Anakin as an allegory for a white boy radicalized by 4chan and Jordan Peterson but one could argue he’s closer to those in the global south who live in poverty and oppression as well as queer people who have to hide their relationships or risk being rejected by their communities.
SW isn’t even close to my top fandom or favorite media but I do post about it if it relates to stuff I do like more like anime or Ben 10. It’s easy to write off a character as just born evil which removes the tragedy knowing that he was a good person at one point and dehumanizing villains allows people to reject the idea that they could become that way. I like a lot of characters who are flawed or abrasive because of trauma or abuse they suffered such as Shinji and Asuka from NGE, Hodaka from WWY, Raven from TT or Homura from PMMM. Anakin/Vader is an interesting character who has been dumbed down to just a “fascist MAGA manchild” by some when, for all my criticism of him, is not what Lucas wrote. As a side note, knowing that all 4 OT Vader actors have passed away is sad. RIP Sebastian Shaw, Bob Anderson, David Prowse and James Earl Jones. May the force be with you all.
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let-us-cultivate-our-garden · 4 months ago
I know fans of TOH can sometimes go a bit nuts in regards to story choices. You've talked before about how you think Belos's death is unsatisfying and only praised because fans feel the need to praise the whole show, and a lot of similar unsatisfying story beats are the same way.
I want to know: Dana once said that she seriously considered ending the show on a massive cliffhanger purely out of spite for the shortening, and her coworkers like Matt Braly told her that was a bad idea. If she hadn't listened and really had ended the show on a huge cliffhanger with no answers, do you think that would be praised? Half this show hinges on information that's only available outside it (Dana's AMAs and the fandom basically writing half the story through theories and guesses and praising Dana for a story they wrote), so do you think this would be praised as Dana 'sticking it to Disney'?
I think the fandom's reaction would depend on if they knew Dana deliberately left the show on a cliffhanger or not. If, in this scenario, Dana goes through her short-sighted plan and ends the show on a cliffhanger to spite Disney and then tells people about it, folks would be rightly upset. But if she keeps her mouth shut then people will blame Disney because that's the only logical explanation that doesn't make the creators look like huge jerks.
Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and Dana did not do this. Although, I do question why she felt the need to share this information. In my view, it doesn't make her look sympathetic or relatable but the opposite. I understand her wanting to do this as an intense emotional response after having years of hard work gutted but this is something you vent to your friends, not put on the record.
Dana is put on a pedestal because she made a show that was meaningful for many people and hasn't done anything to actively sabotage the story. Fandoms have their heroes and villains and it's usually the studio that is cast as the villain because they typically interfere with the artists' vision or worse, cancel it before that vision is fully realized. While fandom loves theorizing and treating AMA answers as canon, they also like seeing those theories confirmed within the show itself. People want a natural conclusion to a story. Had Dana acted on her worst impulses, she would have quickly found herself vilified for throwing away her chance at writing a satisfying ending while so many shows don't even have that opportunity.
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Hola! Dia duit! Hallo! Salve! Hello! And welcome to my blog!!
My name is Axis/Spaghetti
Any pronouns are fine ^^
I’m going to be mostly posting utmv related stuff at the moment, so if you enjoy that kind of stuff, as well as my art, feel free to stick around!!
You can always Find more sillies on my youtube channel though!
Furry, UTMV, UT, MLP, WOF, WC, Foxcraft, Outsiders, Mouthwashing, TOH, WoW, TADC, HB, HH, DnD, The Magnus Archives, Jekyll and Hyde, Beetlejuice, Little shop of horrors, Imagine Dragons, Wednesday/Addams family, Hamilton, Schleich/figurines, Skandar, Wilderlore, Murder, She Wrote
I am a multishipper and am open to any requests, though I have a right to decline! ^^
(Pls give me requests 🙏🙏🙏🙏 /hj /np /silly)
If liking a bunch of posts at once is something you do, I’m someone completely fine with it! (I know I like to make sure before liking a bunch of posts from someone TvT)
Here’s a link to a pretty neat animation I did, that has links to other animations I’ve done (and posted on here) ^^ And since they’re pretty old and I’ve improved, here’s another animation remake I did!!
And a few other animations, of course.
Zydrate anatomy
Please feel free to join the discord as well! Very cool art piece I made :0
Silly little thing <3
Like fanfics and fluff? (Yeah me neither /j) WELL HERES THIS
Asks for characters are also open currently!!
Please don’t send me asks for donating!!
I’ve already been sent like ten for similar causes-
Thank you for reading!! <33
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kipkoh · 7 months ago
please ramble about your ao3 fics!
Not sure if you had a specific fic or topic in mind, but I'm just gonna talk about Effortlessly My Baby since it's my most popular one.
When I get writer's block, I like to take a step back from my current project for a day or two to recoup, and during this time, sometimes I like to write something else entirely to keep up the creativeness. I was working on another longfic as my main project when I started writing Effortlessly My Baby on the side, just as something to do when I got stuck. So, in a way, we can thank my writer's block for EMB.
At some point I'd written so much of it that I just decided to start posting it, because why not? It might have been a side project, but I was still proud of it. At this point in time, I was still not super immersed into the TOH fandom, so I had no idea how big the Dadrius side was initially, and so I was not expecting my fic to get a lot of readers. To my surprise, it did, and I can never express how thankful I am for all the positive reception it received. It even quickly got to the point where EMB was getting far more traction than my main fic. New chapters of my main fic would rarely get any interaction but every new chapter of EMB brought in even more comments and kudos. Writer's aren't lying when they say comments help with motivation. Writing the fic would have been fun for me regardless, but it was made even more fun by the fact so many people were talking with me about it and I got to interact with so many Dadrius fans at once. Eventually, my focus shifted from my other fic to EMB, because why wouldn't it? The praise made me feel good, but not only that, I was giving something to people that brought them a lot of joy and comfort. The fic was originally around 25-30 chapters but because so many people ended up liking it, I ended up with the motivation to squeeze even more chapters into it, making it what it is now.
Anyway, on to the fic itself.
I was always a big fan of Darius and Dadrius, even before I immersed myself in fandom. It was inevitable I'd write about it eventually. The only surprising part is that it wasn't the first type of fic I posted.
The AU itself was something that kinda rotated around in my brain for like a solid year before I actually wrote it down. I wondered what their dynamic in canon would have been like if they'd known each other for longer than a few months. It's unknown how long they've known each other in canon, but I was running off the assumption that it hasn't been that long. Even if they knew of each other, I don't think there wasn't much, if any, non work related interaction before Hunter became Coven Head. It would make sense if Belos was keeping him isolated, after all.
Hunter's isolation was kind of the driving point for the overarching plot. He surely didn't enjoy not being allowed to make friends, and so a lonely kid with a desperate need for socialization with someone other than his emotionally distant uncle would be the perfect set up for a story about found family. Hunter needed someone in his life who actually cared about him, and Darius needed someone who could make him realize he wanted to love again after the death of his mentor.
The "mute" nephew idea was mostly because I thought it would lead to funny misinterpretations on Darius' part, but it also does have more significance. Hunter basically has two sides of himself under Belos: Nephew and Golden Guard. With Belos, he only knows how to be one or the other. Hunter wants to be taken seriously as Golden Guard as is worried he won't be if people knew who he was. (Nvm that it doesn't work.) He'd just be a nepotism kid to everyone. So, he never takes off the mask as Golden Guard and never speaks as Hunter so no one can recognize his voice. This means, however, that no matter who he is in the moment, he can never fully be himself. No matter what, he's lost some aspect of his identity.
After meeting Darius, Hunter's priorities get flipped. Darius already hates the Golden Guard, so now Hunter's goal is to make sure Darius doesn't find out Hunter is the Golden Guard. With everyone else, he was craving a sense of authority, but Darius ended up giving him a taste of what it was like to have a friend, and he was more terrified of losing that.
On Darius' side, I wanted to write about a man who lost someone he loved and in response, chose to give up. His mentor's death made him into a repressed shell of a man who was too scared to get close to anyone new ever again. Then, he meets a random kid who won't leave him alone and ends up worming his way into his cold, dead heart enough to slowly warm it back up without Darius even realizing until it was too late. The thing is, it didn't even take all that much for Hunter to do that. I like to think Darius likes to act tough and nonchalant a lot of the time, but he's inherently a very soft and caring person, even if he doesn't want to be at first.
The fic (and my writing skills) are far from perfect but despite that, Effortlessly My Baby is always going to have a special place in my heart. I was very sad to have to end it but at the same time, every story needs to end eventually. I can't just keep them going forever. I'm always grateful to everyone who read it and I hope it brings people joy for years to come.
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creativia10 · 1 year ago
TOH request! Willow, who’s got coccinellidaephobia (fear of ladybugs), finds herself face to face with a monstrous ladybug beast one Halloween night [would this make a cool Halloween special?]. Angst is obvious and so is fluff.
Willow versus Fear
Pairing: Willow/Hunter, background Lumity
Wordcount: 4483
Notes: Takes place the next Halloween after "Thanks to Them". So I like to write a Halloween fic every year. This is my first time writing one for Owl House though.
Oftentimes I end up posting them later in the month though. Last year I actually took part in a prompt month event and wrote multiple Halloween fics. So I was glad to not only get a Halloween prompt, but to receive it way ahead of time. Makes it easier to be sure I get to post it before Halloween this time. I welcome fanart of the squad in these Halloween costumes, and would like to see it if anyone makes any.
Let me know if I've missed needed warnings.
For some reason, Halloween felt like more of a novelty in the human realm. A lot of the costumes and decorations reminded Willow of the Boiling Aisles. Which was comforting in a way. She was glad she wasn’t the only one of their friends who actually wanted to spend it in the human realm with Luz this year. There were some traditions Willow had been curious about trying.
Now that she had the chance to explore them without the constant worry of trying to get back to the boiling aisles.
The collector’s portal between worlds was new, and not open to everyone yet. But it seemed to work well enough.
There was a tradition mostly among human children that Luz had called trick-or-treating. They would dress up in costumes, something Willow remembered from last year. And then they would go up to houses and beg for candy. Willow was a little bit surprised the quest for candy wasn’t more dire, as the name would imply to her. But, she wasn’t going to complain. Food in the human realm was different, but she did like the candy. Willow thought most of them liked the candy. Even the kind Luz claimed was considered to be widely disliked. Willow didn’t understand that, but she would gladly take on the candy other children didn’t want.
Willow wasn’t the only one curious about this trick-or-treating Luz had talked about. Luz told them some people thought teenagers were too old to be trick-or-treating. But we could still do it if we wanted to. How could you be too old to get candy? Plus, Willow had seen plenty of teenagers in costumes at the Halloween event last year. So Willow thought it probably didn’t matter.
The trick part it would seem was related to pranks. Willow had already seen Gus whispering amongst some of them no doubt planning a prank. Willow would definitely want to be in on that. It would probably come after the trick-or-treating though.
Gus was hopping in place as Mrs. Noceda poured candy out into the candy bowl. Willow smiled at his excitement. He was wearing a ghost costume. He had painted his skin with a paler color to make him look more dead. His face was uncovered but he still had a ghostly hood on. They were itching to go. Some of them took longer to get ready than others though. Even after Vee had told them to tone it down and not scare the kids. Apparently human kids scare easier than the ones in the demon realm. Which was why Vee had also asked Gus not to enhance any of their costumes with his illusion magic as well.
Amity smoothed out her vampiress costume as they waited. Willow was wearing a simple bat costume herself. It was fun to flap around the fake wings attached to her sleeves.
After a bit, Luz came in with a bounce to her step.
“Okay! We’re ready to head out!” Luz was dressed as something she had called ‘Frankenstein’s monster’. Willow hadn’t ever seen something like that in the Boiling Aisles. A creature made from the dead body parts of others. (Not withstanding grimwalkers, but she wasn’t going to think about that.) According to Luz, this creature was unique to a classic story though, so maybe it was supposed to be unique. Fitting for Luz all things considering.
She had green painted on her skin, drawn on stitches, and had some fake bolts on the sides of her neck. After her came Hunter. And oh, Willow already felt so proud and happy for him. Hunter had a big smile on his face. He clearly did not care how the fake fangs sticking out of his mouth made his smile a bit more awkward.
He appeared to have big light brown hair (probably meant to be fur). There was some sort of prosthetics on his face to make him look more wolf-like. Willow was so glad Luz had access to that kind of Halloween costume details. Willow could already tell how much the getup made Hunter happy. Of course he would pick something relating to one of his favorite animals. And oh, he wore it well. As the pair of them walked over to the rest of the group, Willow walked up to Hunter. She smiled and held his wrists, mindful of the fake claws.
“You make a very good werewolf,” She said. Hunter blinked and then glanced away with a blush.
“Oh, uh thanks.” He cleared his throat and looked back at her.
“I like your bat costume as well.”
Willow smiled and flapped her wings.
“Thanks! It’s fun to pretend like I can just flap away. Plus, I can smack people with the wings when I feel like it.”
Hunter chuckled at that and gave Willow a soft look.
Amity clapped and startled them both.
“Okay! If the lovebirds in the back would exit their tunnel vision please, we were about to head off.”
Hunter looked away with pink cheeks. Willow pouted at Amity.
Luz gave Amity a scolding look, but it looked too fond to hold any weight.
“We’re coming,” Willow said.
Willow held Hunter’s wrist and tugged slightly so they would go rejoin the others as they left the house. This should be a fun night.
This tradition was so fun! Willow was used to most special events in the Boiling Aisles having some form of danger to it. But it was nice to be able to just expect candy for once.
Hunter especially seemed enamored by the concept. Candy like this was new to all the Boiling Aisles kids. But Hunter especially seemed surprised by how sweet it was. You would think he had never had any type of sweet treat before. Which, now that she thought about it…she decided to sneak some more candy into his bag when he wasn’t looking. He clearly deserved it more. Simply going out like this with friends was Willow’s favorite part.
In between houses they would discuss things like the candy they got. They also talked about the reactions to their costumes and how tame this tradition was. Luz didn’t seem to mind the tameness though. Neither did Vee, who had joined them this year. She was in her human disguise and wearing a mummy costume.
It was a couple of houses in that they noticed a crowd stopped on the sidewalk, before the next house.
Luz tilted her head and came forward.
“Hey, what’s going on?” She asked.
The group of kids and adults turned to their group. One of the littler kids in a princess dress was trembling and being hugged by one of the adult women.
“I saw a monster at that house!” The little girl cried.
Willow’s friends looked at each other.
“Was she just scared by a really good decoration at that house?” Vee asked. The girl didn’t seem bothered by any of their costumes though.
Apparently there were sometimes big groups who traveled together on Halloween. So it was possible this whole group stopped just to comfort this one little girl. Looking over them though, Willow saw it wasn’t only the littlest one who seemed freaked out though.
Some of the group members looked at each other.
“We don’t know,” One of the women said. “The outside lights have been flickering constantly.”
Willow looked over at the house and did indeed see there was only light, and it was flickering. Made it hard to assess any of the decorations.
“I don’t actually know if anyone even made it to trick-or-treat before running away screaming,” Another person said.
“Libby here is the only one who has actually said what scared her there,” One of the teens of that group said.
“We were warned not to go to this house by the previous group,” The first woman said.
“But the kids have been too scared  to even pass the house. We’ve been unable to console them.”
Luz frowned, and their friends looked at each other.
“Could it just be a Halloween trick? I don’t know what a monster would be doing in the human realm,” Amity said.
“She seems too young to be trying to trick us. Kids are not great at lying,” Luz said and then continued,
“Eda has opened the portal who knows how many times. It’s completely possible a monster from the demon realm slipped in unnoticed. That’s how Vee was able to come here after all. Uh, No offence Vee.”
“None taken,” Vee said.
“Plus Belos,” Hunter reminded.
Willow was still looking over the area as her friends talked about this.
Amity knelt in front of the little girl, Libby.
“I know what you saw was very scary. And you’re very brave for telling us about it,” Amity said.
Libby sniffled and nodded.
“Do you think you could describe what the monster looked like to us?”
The adults seemed surprised by the question, but Amity didn’t pay them any mind. She gestured to their friends and continued,
“My friends have experience busting monsters from scaring little ones like you. So we may be able to help,” Amity said.
Libby sniffed again and rubbed her nose.
“Really?” She asked in a small voice.
Amity nodded with a gentle smile.
“Really. So knowing what it looks like could help us figure out the best what to get ‘em to go away.”
Libby nodded.
“Okay. Uh, it was kind of hard to tell what it looked like. It was a weird dark shape that was moving around a lot as I got closer. I ran away and screamed before I could see much else though.”
Amity nodded, “Thank you.”
She stood up and turned back to the others.
“That could be so many things,” Hunter grumbled.
Willow looked around the house again. It sounded like something that must be hiding in the dark. There was a shift in a shadow right next to the front door area that caught her attention. She felt drawn to check it out. Maybe Willow should have waited on an agreed upon plan before doing anything. But Willow had always been protective of her friends. She could usually handle herself.
She started to creep over. The others too caught up in discussion to notice her leaving. Her hand hovered over the palisman staff that sat on her waist. Even if they were in the human realm, most of the witches took their palisman staffs with them. Except Hunter.
Willow continued to look around as she approached the weird inky blot shadows near the house. It was quiet aside from the mutterings of the groups on the sidewalk. Yet she could feel the off-ness as she got closer.
With one hand still hovering near her staff, she felt her other start to glow. She was ready to draw forth plants at a moment’s notice.
When she was a few paces near the front, but still in the side yard, she could faintly see the shifts of a dark blob.   It was also making some rumbling and burbling noises. The face was indiscernible at first, so she had no idea if it had noticed her.
Once she was within a few steps in front of it though, the creature began churning and moving around faster. It shifted into a new shape where it wasn’t one before.
Willow took a startled step back but held her ground for now to see what it would become. As she watched it grew much larger, almost bigger than the house. Which brought the question of how the monster was even fitting where it was beside the house.
Willow drew a circle in the air to make a light orb float and give her light to see it. The creature stepped forward allowing her to see its new form.
Looming over her was a giant ladybug monster. Her previous plan forgotten, Willow just froze and stared up at it. The ladybug then leaned forward and made a terrible screeching sound. It’s open mouth showed it had large spider-like pincers and rows of sharp teeth. Reminding her of the giraffe they had found at the zoo.
That seemed to jolt movement back into her. Willow jumped and then screamed as she ran back over to her friends. They turned to her with startled expressions and all started talking to her at once as she came back to them. She made sure she was on the other side of their group. Farthest from where she had just been with the terrifying ladybug monster. She leaned forward with her hands on her knees, panting hard.
“M-..-L…Ladybug Monster!” She finally got out.
They continued to barrage her with questions. But she was still struggling to get her breathing under control.
She thought she heard a shushing, and out of the corner of her eyes saw her friends move back.
Hunter knelt in front of her.
“Hey, Willow. It’s going to be okay. Can I touch you?”
Willow gasped and nodded.
Hunter carefully reached forward and set a hand on her shoulder.
“You’re okay Willow. Everything is going to be okay. Can you breath with me?”
Willow doesn’t bother nodding, she just started following his slow exaggerated breathing. He wasn’t holding his fingers up like the breathing technique she had taught Gus. But she still recognized the pattern of it.
She started to take some deep breaths on her own and then stood up again, Hunter standing with her. He gave her a comforting smile.
Willow blinked as her eyes got warm, and then she sprung forward and pulled him into a clinging hug. After a second he wrapped his arms around her too. The hug felt very nice and comforting. She could almost forget about the awful scare she’d had while in his embrace.
They stood like that for a moment.
“How are you doing, Willow?” Luz then asked.
Willow sighed and leaned her head against Hunter’s.
“Well…I could be better. That was terrifying and unexpected.”
Luz nodded with a sympathetic look.
“Okay, so the creature was formless before being around Willow. That makes me think this creature could be like Gromethius at Hexside,” Amity said.
"A monster under the Hexside grounds that shows people their greatest fears," Luz clarified for Vee. As her adopted sister had not gone to Hexside.
“Isn’t he only able to attempt escaping on grom night though?” Gus asked.
Amity hmmed.
“It’s possible this is another creature like Grom. I have never heard of any others though.”
 She turned to the group of trick or treaters who didn’t seem to know what to do with themselves now.
“Don’t worry,” She said. “We can help get you safely past this house.”
She got out her palisman staff and held out a hand that glowed purple.
“Just walk past it with me, I’ll be your barrier.”
The group members’ eyes widened. They started to hurry past the house, barely waiting for Amity to walk by with them.
The monster didn’t go after that group. It did start to inch out from the side of the house though.
Willow gasped and trembled. Hunter stepped back from the hug and turned to face it. He held her hand and moved to stand protectively in front of her.
They all got their palisman out and readied for a fight. The ladybug monster made that awful screech again.
It stomped forward, the feet looking sharp as it lifted them up and stomped down. It lifted them up again,  revealing the indents left in the ground before. The monster continued to grow larger. When it flapped its wings, strong winds and vibrations sounded around the area. It started to lift off.
“We can’t let it fly around. Who knows what it would do!?” Luz exclaimed.
“So what do we do with it?!” Hunter asked them.
“We fight it, of course,” Amity said. She hopped on her staff and flew up and in a sideways arc right around it. The monster gnashed it’s pincers and looked around trying to chomp at her. \. As Amity flew around it in circles, she flung abomination goo at it, obscuring it’s eyes and mouth. It tried to shake the goo off. But she moved the goo around and from side to side. Her power with the goo there wasn’t strong enough to keep it away for long though.
“I mean like specifically, how do we get it out of here!?” Hunter called back, but Amity was a bit preoccupied.
Gus also hopped on his staff and joined Amity with circling it as a distraction. He took more angular routes around the creature though. He was also a much faster flyer. The monster could not keep up. Gus even added to the confusion by making many illusions of him fly around it in varying directions. Those didn’t last though with the way the monster was wildly lashing out around itself.
Luz pointed her staff at the monster and started shooting blasts at it. The creature screeched out again and started trudging towards Luz. Amity and Gus’s distractions slowed it down, but weren’t able to keep it from going towards her.
Hunter frowned. He looked like he regretted not bringing a staff with him. Even if he had no way of expecting he’d need it in the human realm. Willow took out hers and offered it to him.
Hunter blinked and looked at her.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
Willow nodded.
“You need one more than me right now. Besides, if I need to, I can always just make a plant shield to protect me.”
Hunter nodded. He squeezed her hand once before letting go and almost gliding into the air as he slid onto the staff. He zipped from side to side, using the speed gift Flapjack had left him with. He spun in the air and used the momentum to keep himself up as he also blasted the creature using the palisman. For a moment it seemed like the monster was slowing down.
But then it shook with an ominous rumble and rapidly turned side to side. It got close enough to each of the flyers to knock them out of the air and send them tumbling away.
Willow gasped.
Luz tried to catch them with palisman magic, but only had time to catch Amity, And only just before Amity would hit the nearest surface.
Willow managed to make a soft plant bed under Hunter where he landed a few houses down across the street.
Gus thankfully was able to move fast and spin through his momentum. He got his palisman to hover just enough to save him, but he still hit the ground pretty hard where he fell.
Willow looked around at her friends completely spread out in the area from the monster’s attack. Amity had landed across the street. At an angle from the house they were in front of, the opposite direction of where Hunter had fallen. Luz ran over there to check on her girlfriend. Willow wanted to run over to Hunter, or really all of them. But she was the only one by the ladybug monster now.
She couldn’t even tell if their blasts had done anything to the creature. It let out another screech and started flapping its wings to hover again.
She narrowed her eyes while still trembling. No. This was not going to all be worth nothing. She was the reason the creature had taken on a ladybug form. A fear she had been made fun of for years, mainly by Boscha when the other had discovered it.
Willow had faced many things from the fight with Belos. She was not going to let this stupid fear ruin everything else. She knew she was much more powerful now than when she was a little girl. She had to do something. For her friends. And for the little Willow who never thought she would amount to anything.
Willow took a deep breath and let herself feel so she could bring that strength into her powers. She didn’t need a mirror to know her eyes were probably glowing green.
She moved her hands down. They trembled with uncontained power. Then she drew up from the ground with everything she had and brought up some of her strongest vines. They rose far above the height of the house. Then she moved her hands in and brought the many vines to wrap around the giant ladybug monster. It screeched again, but the force of the vines pulled it back to the ground. She continued to summon more vines to wrap around it so there was no chance of wiggling out.
Her arms shook as she pulled down with more strength. More than she had ever used with her plants before, and started to drive the creature into the ground. She let it go under deep enough that now vines and the ground were pinning it unable to move.
She was so tempted to try destroying it. The many years of being bullied and repressed anger started to bubble at the surface.  But, she figured that was something she needed to discuss with her friends first. She wasn’t the only one there after all.
So she decided to do the next best thing to make things easier on herself. She grew a specific flower, lucky it was still able to grow in the human realm. A flower that gave off a specific type of poisonous fume that knocked creatures out. She grew the flower right in front of its face so it didn’t take long for the fumes to hit it. The monster slumped soon after.
She knew it wouldn’t be kicking any time soon. But the recent events made Willow unable to relax at all while she could still see it there.
Willow wasn’t sure how long she stood there like that until all her friends made their way back over. All of them, aside from Vee that was, who must have gone back home when the fighting started.
Willow’s friends stared in awe. Which made Willow want to perk up with pride. She always loved it when she could protect her friends.
“So…what do we want to do with it?” Willow grit out.
They turned to each other. Amity added some abomination goo to where the vines met the ground. As a precaution to help keep the monster down.
“I feel like we should let Eda know about this,” Luz said. “She would know what to do.”
They nodded as Luz called up her mentor on her scroll.
Hunter walked over to Willow. Willow turned to him.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
He nodded.
“I’m okay.” Then he smiled.
“That was amazing, Willow,” He said.
She smiled back, though she could feel she was sweating.
He hesitated before leaning forward and pecking her on the cheek.
“I’m really proud of you,” He said.
She just gaped at him, long enough for him to blush, but he didn’t back down.
“T-thank you,” Willow got out, quieter than before.
“Of course, Willow. You are just incredible.”
Willow made a muted noise. She was so going to kiss him when she no longer had to keep this thing restrained.
“Okay,” Luz said, “Eda is going to send Darius over. So he can transport the monster with his abomination goo to somewhere better suited for it. Away from where it could cause harm.”
“He can do that between realms?” Amity asked.
“It would seem so,” Luz said with a shrug.
Willow was honestly relieved when the purple goop surfaced, It engulfed the sleeping creature and sunk back into the ground. As soon as she could no longer see it she slumped her shoulders and let go. She didn’t even bother bringing the vines back into the ground.
Once the monster was gone the flickering light by the front door went back to just being on. They heard footsteps though and then the light was shut off. She didn’t really blame whoever lived there for being done with Halloween for the night. They had heard screaming outside for who knew how long.
Hunter wrapped his arm around Willow and let her lean her head against his shoulder.
Luz turned to her friends with an awkward smile.
“So, that didn’t go how I expected it to. Do any of you still want to keep trick or treating? That was not a normal occurrence.”
The others looked at each other, and most of them agreed to keep going.
“Do you want to head back?” Hunter asked Willow quietly.
Willow hmmed and nodded.
“Hey guys, We’re gonna head back after all that,” Hunter said.
Willow frowned and moved her head up.
“You don’t have to-“
“I want to,” Hunter said. “I’d much rather spend the night with you.”
Willow made another muted sound. The amount of times this boy said something that made her want to kiss him.
Luz nodded at them.
“Of course. You can hang out at my place as long as you want. We always planned to hang out there a bit anyways. Unless you just wanted to go home.”
Willow shook her head.
“No. Chilling at your place sounds nice.”
“Do you want to fly there?” Hunter asked. “I can see how tired you are.”
Willow blinked.
“I thought Luz said-“
“After the chaos that happened tonight, there’s no way talk of supernatural will be avoided. Besides, Halloween is probably the easiest night to get away with magic stuff. Do what you want,” Luz said.
Willow laughed a bit at that. So she rode with Hunter on her palisman staff back to the Noceda home.
There was already a big bowl of candy on the coffee table in front of the tv, separate from the own by the door. Turns out, Mrs. Noceda had bought extra candy for their later hangout.
Originally Willow would have wanted to watch horror movies, but she wasn’t in the mood anymore. So, Hunter introduced her to the new show version of Cosmic Frontier. They proceeded to watch the Halloween episodes as they cuddled on the couch.
When the rest of their friends got back later, their bags were full of candy. Which they then poured a good amount of into Willow’s bag, despite her half-hearted protests. They claimed to be getting extra for her the entire time.
“We told them you were traumatized by a monster earlier. Most of them were sympathetic, if a bit awkward about it,” Luz said.
“Plus,” Gus added, “I may have demonstrated my pranking abilities to threaten them into giving us more.”
“I tried to stop him,”  Amity added.
Willow couldn’t help but laugh at their shenanigans though. It certainly wasn’t how she would have expected Halloween in the human realm to go this year. But at least it did end up becoming a good night in the end.
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ultimate-blorbo-collector · 7 months ago
Masterpost :3
Everything is gender-neutral unless stated otherwise. If links, warnings, or descriptions are inaccurate, please let me know.
This master post is incomplete. I've decided to go ahead and post it though since everything that's not included is super recent and relatively easier to find. I'm working on this post still.
Also, this list has some things that are short or probably not something that's typically in a masterlist. This is for my reference, too, so posts that are just "I had an idea" are in here too. I'll probably separate the headcanon and other posts later, but I should finish the post before I get to that point.
Winter King/Summer Queen -- Based off the headcanon I wrote previously. Feminine reader. Reader is insecure, jealous, and a slightly unreliable narrator. Narration talks about death and murder. The Candy Queen blender is present.
Honkai Star Rail:
Dr. Ratio can draw -- Super short headcanon
Poll with three fic prompts that I never wrote -- I got stuck on the Aventurine fic and need to revisit this.
Aventurine peacock-esque attire headcanon -- Short post based on peacock colors -- Bonus sketch that I received in my inbox! (Thank you!)
Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake:
Winter King with a reader who gets cold easily and struggles to take care of themself -- A rewrite of the WK with a reader who overheats and faints. No warnings, WK is just worried.
Winter King with a summer sovereign -- Romantic Headcanons. Reader has heat-related powers.
Toxic Winter King Headcanons -- Platonic/romantic but mentions of being strung along. It's really just a list of things you could use for angst.
Winter King with a reader who overheats and faints -- Intended as romantic, could be taken as platonic. Mentions of getting kidnapped by Candy Queen.
Winter King with a flower sovereign -- Romantic headcanons. Only warnings are for the Candy Queen kidnapping/scheming being mentioned. Nothing worse than what's in the show.
Winter King with a Scientist S/O -- Romantic headcanons.
Winter King with an S/O with a lot of body heat -- Mostly fluffy and romantic headcanons. The end mentions reader's death (it's good shit but why did I put that at the end of fluffy headcanons lmao)
Themes for a Winter King S/O OC
The Owl House
Belos with a human who's a monster hunter -- Romantic/platonic headcanons. Content warnings for gaslighting, manipulation, memory erasure, isolation, and possessiveness. Emperor Belos is a content warning in himself.
Imagine Showing TOH characters a human museum -- Short headcanon
OC Posting:
Explaining my OCs in 2 sentences -- Outdated, includes Kitt, Matteo, Bridget, Orion, Merriweather, and Ujin
Simp list when you're stuck on a problem -- Headcanons that include Emperor Belos, Silco, Moira O'Deorain, BTAS Riddler, MCU Loki, Hancock, Reaver, Jumin Han, TF2 Medic, and TF2 Spy
Main cast reacts to you working out -- romantic headcanons that include Jinx, Vander, Silco, Jayce, Victor, Mel, Caitlyn, Sevika
Silco keeping stuff you make him -- Super short Silco headcanon. I debated putting this here.
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flyingwhalegirl · 2 years ago
I'm reminded of something Bill Watterson wrote in the intro to the complete Calvin and Hobbes collection. I don't have an exact quote, but it was something to the effect of "I miss drawing Calvin and Hobbes, but I can't help but think that now that I'm not watching everything they do, they're out there having an even better time."
Aside from this appealing to my autistic need to personify things that are not actual people, I actually think this is brilliantly applicable to a couple of different things I've had going on lately, especially as I've gone through different forms of the last scenario I wrote above multiple times in the last week and a half and I think Watterson's mentality is one of the few things keeping me sane.
In the interest of not venting about the end of my curling team on the timeline, I think it's interesting how this kinda relates to the end of TOH for me. Like yeah I'm sad that the show's over because I'm a fan, but I think the deepest thing is missing watching those characters grow and develop.
I joke all the time about how I kin Amity, but truthfully, she was always the character I needed, even before I knew it. Watching her was like looking in an ever-shifting fun-house mirror where her appearance as a character changed and so did mine but there were always recognizable similarities. She went from being all the worst you-need-therapy rich-ass white-ass shithead parts of myself laid out on paper, to starting to figure out her identity separate from her family at around the same time I did, to maturing into a person I want to be that I hope shines through occasionally.
And then in the very last moments of the very last episode, we got the time skip and got to see everyone at 18 *and when I tell you 18 year old amity looks like me just a little bit...* anyways it really sunk in right there.
I'm happy for all the characters that they get to start a new chapter and have the life they wanted, so I'm choosing to believe they're doing even better now, but it's going to be a bit weird knowing one of my comfort characters is frozen in time now, like a little moving snapshot of the end of my childhood.
hmm ykw maybe i'll start putting things i write here, why not
Sometimes you just know that it'll be the last time, the final moment when two people look into each other's eyes and see in the reflection a worldview unlike anything they know.
Sometimes one of them will stand static, not-quite-avoidant of the gravity and unaware of the long, wistful look their once-companion drinks in over their shoulder. The one who walks watches in equal awe and horror as the room seems to swallow their friend, without them.
Other times it's the opposite: one will confidently open the distance and begin writing a new chapter before finishing the first. They let the discarded other tend to their own wounds, because they have their own support after all, right?
On rare occasions and never voluntarily, the two may reach a partial understanding; not enough to sand off a hundred leftover jagged edges, but enough to build a crude plank bridge. They don pleading faces and press them together through every long step, because each one knows they're looking in this mirror for the last time, and when they wake up tomorrow they won't recognize themselves.
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lightns881 · 3 years ago
How She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Uses Traditional Fairy Tale Archetypes and Motifs to Reinvent the Love Story
(This is based on a 15-page final paper I wrote for my Queer Theory class last semester. Link to that if you want to read it or see the format is at the end.)
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The SPOP finale is one that consistently has me SOBBING. Not only because it’s such a beautiful portrayal of a kiss shared between two female leads portrayed on a kid’s show, but because the kiss itself is so utterly significant to the story that I cannot see a more perfect ending for the climax overall.
What really struck me thinking about it later on was the fact that traditional fairy tales have always made me hate the “true love’s kiss saves the world” trope because it has always felt so ingenuine, and yet for the SPOP finale, it could not feel more genuine and real (and it wasn’t just because I loved seeing a queer kiss because prior to this I’ve had many straight ships I’ve enjoyed). The deeper I fell into investigating the structure of SPOP and the motifs it uses (She-Ra as a savior, Catra as a villain, princess tropes, etc), the more I understood that this show isn’t just revolutionary to queer animation, it’s revolutionary toward the fairy tale love story as a whole, and I’m going to explain why. 
The world of Etheria is one that exists without a dominant sexuality or gender. It’s something I’ve began to notice more in my favorite shows (the two that I can think of off the top of my head is SPOP and The Owl House). These fantasy worlds portray sexuality without putting so much significance to it--Bow and Willow have two dads and nobody bats an eye, they/them pronouns are used so casually you’d think it’d be the norm in the real life, Amity’s mom doesn’t approve of Luz not because they’re both girls but because she’s considered a criminal and she wants to get her a different girlfriend--notice how queerness is something that just exists, there’s no "coming out” or no queerphobia because it just doesn’t exist. People just are who they are and love who they want to love. It’s as if every sexuality and gender is treated with normalcy.
The best example in SPOP is the whole episode involving Bow coming out as a rebel to his gay parents. The whole irony of the situation just establishes that queerness is not considered out of the norm in Etheria. If it did, you’d see some sort of reference to the way his dads had to come out to their family or their community in some way, but you don’t because they didn’t have to come out. There is no closet when it comes to gender and sexuality in Etheria--you just are who you are.
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There’s this very interesting concept called the “heterosexual imaginary” that basically states how straightness is basically invisible in our world because it’s considered the norm (the essay Sex In Public by Berlant and Warner describes it as “the givenness of male-female sexual relations [that] is part of the ordinary rightness of [our] world”). This imaginary or “givenness” does not exist in the universes of SPOP and TOH, and it is why these stories can pull off queer relationships and characters without needing the stereotypical coming out episode or homophobia episode a show based in our world would generally have. You’d think it’d be a norm in every fantasy world to have this seeing as it’s a fantasy world and it’s weird that one would function with our set of norms but anyway.
This directly ties to a quote that Stevenson made that I just love:
The show’s not a romance show. It is about a lot of things. It’s about choice, destiny, fighting, tyrants, you know, all of these other things. I grew up with so many stories—like sci-fi and fantasy—that I was so passionate about. And it would be considered no big deal to have the hero get the girl and to have a kiss at the end, without it suddenly becoming a romance or ‘Oh, the shippers got what they wanted.’ It was just a part of the story.
We see this in sooooo many fantasy stories! If it was any other sexuality, you’d see these kinds of arguments all the times--”shoved in your throat,” “inappropriate,” “not for kids”--we see these arguments all the time when it comes to queer relationships but nobody bats an eye when a guy gets the girl at the end of a coming of age journey, do they? It doesn’t suddenly turn the whole story into a straight romance, it’s just a part of the story. That’s the heterosexual imaginary in action!
Now, when it comes to traditional Disney fairy tales, oh boy do we get compulsory heterosexuality everywhere. These stories already have a reputation for building a pretty unhealthy view of romantic love (or assuming that all love is romantic in the first place), though they have been getting much better at it (and by better I mean Pixar... it’s literally Pixar holding their weight).
Especially when it comes to princess stories, “a heterosexual romance is inevitable and often a central conclusion” (England, Descartes, & Collier-Meek 565). 
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Let me make it clear: SPOP is not a romance. It is a love story, but it is not the romance, and here’s the difference.
A love story uses a romantic relationship (or another type of relationship between two people who love each other) as an impediment or a facilitator to focus on a message outside of romantic love. A romance focuses on the actual romantic relationship itself.
These terms are often confused because the “traditional Disney definition of true love” (Rojas 13) shapes our expectations of a love story. In framing this heterosexual love as the primary purpose of female leads, these stories “help to reinforce the desirability of traditional gender conformity” (England, Descartes, & Collier-Meek 565). They build narratives that revolve around a princess (who upholds feminine ideals) finding her prince (who upholds masculine ideals) and depict their love as relying on their “fated” bond that “cements over the course of… one meeting” and that “endures a test where the man overcomes hardships and succeeds in rescuing the woman from evil” (Rojas 13). This love story ends with a kiss, a marriage, and a happily ever that upholds the social order.
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Since these love stories shape our perception of love as children, as adults, we interpret ‘true love’ as a frivolous concept that only exists in fairy tales; as such, it is common to discredit the romance genre for its superficiality and degrade the message of any love story to this expectation of superficial love. Consequently, because “the givenness of male-female sexual relations” (Berlant & Warner 168) allows heterosexuality to function in a state of invisibility, heterosexual love stories can end with a romantic union without it demeaning the story whereas queer love is degraded to ‘just another dumb love story’ instead of “a part of the story” (Stevenson).
But Catradora isn’t just another dumb love story. It is the foundation of SPOP as a whole because it’s what drives the story. The most interesting part is that SPOP uses so many traditional motifs that you’d think would only serve toward maintaining patriarchal norms and it uses them in such a meaningful way that transforms them into so much more!
Let’s start with the character motifs--the savior, the princess, the villain, and the damsel (and there’s a reason why I am separating the princess and the damsel). Adora functions as a savior and a princess while Catra functions as a villain and a damsel, and I know it sounds ridiculous right now but hear me out. The gender messaging inherently attached to these archetypes are a part of the narratives that Shadow Weaver builds to manipulate them so she can have control over them.
Let’s start with the savior, aka the knight in shining armor. This one’s pretty easy to tie to Adora because her savior complex is what drives her whole arc. But I’m taking it further to explain how it ties to the messaging behind the archetypical savior. The knight in shining armor archetype is build upon the foundation that a woman is a man’s responsibility--it is clear the man is generally the one portrayed as independent and the woman he must save is the dependent. The woman needs the man to live. We see this archetype in sooo many princess stories (Rapunzel, Snow White, Cinderella, etc.) Now think about the way Shadow Weaver manipulates Adora to adopt this mindset.
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Shadow Weaver expects Adora to “[keep Catra] under control” (”Promise” 16:48), that what Catra does is her responsibility as if Catra isn’t her own person outside of Adora. This is what builds Adora’s “caretaker” role in their codependent relationship at the beginning of the series--this is what causes her to adopt her savior complex.
Similarly, as a scapegoat, Catra was conditioned to be Adora’s ‘taker,’ and Shadow Weaver viewed her as a “nuisance… [only kept around] because Adora was fond of [her]” (16:20). This narrative results in Catra’s Cinderella Complex, the “repressed attitudes” that lead women to believe “they are simply damsels in distress and will remain so until the rescue of their male suitors” (Saha & Safri qtd. in Ding 23), at the beginning of the story, for as the damsel archetype upholds, a woman is worth nothing past being an extension of the man that owns her. In this sense, Shadow Weaver describes Catra as an extension of Adora—everything she does is tied back to Adora, for she does not have an identity outside of her. Catra needs Adora to survive--both emotionally and literally because who knows what Shadow Weaver would’ve done with her had Adora not been “fond of her.”
When Adora defects, their codependent roles collapse, and following her ‘caretaker’ role, she seeks to be the savior as She-Ra whereas Catra entirely loses the person she relies on for her sense of self. Seeking her worth elsewhere, Catra pursues their original goal to move up the ranks of the horde alone, and deep into her resentment for being abandoned by her ‘caretaker’ and the only person she loves, she turns to villainy and seeks to defeat Adora.
The scene that most clearly portrays this savior-damsel dynamic between Adora and Catra at the beginning of the story is “Promise.”
“Promise” highlights her rejection of her damsel narrative when Adora fails to save Catra from being dragged away by the spider. We see her default into helplessly calling for Adora with tears in her eyes even though we know she’s capable of taking out that spider herself, she still instinctively fills her damsel role and calls out for Adora to save her. Then we see her look into an empty hallway, and it’s almost as if this is what goes through her mind: Adora abandoned me, therefore Adora is not coming to save me, but I don’t need Adora to save me, I can save myself.
Consumed by her resentment over Adora breaking her narrative and being confined within her own, she proves Shadow Weaver wrong by resolutely fighting back—a capability she always possessed but that her dependency on Adora and Shadow Weaver’s manipulation prevented her from acting upon. 
Alongside that, Adora’s ‘heroic’ save just before Catra finishes off the spider and her condescending chuckle and “sure you did” after Catra argues that she “had it” (13:47) emphasize how ingrained these detrimental narratives are within their perceptions, for the mere idea of Catra not needing her is a joke to Adora. The purpose of “Promise” is to divorce Catra from her Cinderella Complex, but in spite of abandoning this narrative, she falls into another by misconstruing Adora’s heroism as a manipulative tactic to hold her back (20:07), and it drives her into her obsession to make Adora fail to prove herself that she can be above.
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Yet Adora’s Savior Complex was also a result of Shadow Weaver’s manipulation because, apart from enabling Adora’s belief that she was responsible for Catra, she believed her worth relied on her success as her prodigy. As Kyle the Scott explains in his video essay about the hero mindset, SPOP “does not present the argument that heroism is bad” but it “[questions] how healthy the hero mindset really is… [and] what kind of effect thinking of yourself and others in this way have on a person” (Scott, 7:58).
Throughout the series, it is made clear that Adora’s Savior Complex not only drives her to believe she is worth nothing past her destiny to save Etheria but that she is the only one capable. This belief relates to Adora’s state as a princess, for in the way a passive princess must give everything of herself to serve her man and her society, Adora had to give everything to earn Shadow Weaver’s motherly love, and, later on, she had to give everything to become the hero of Etheria. As such, Adora is not passive in that she is powerless, she is passive in her state as a chosen one lacking agency over her destiny and her belief that her worth relies on what she can offer others.
This extreme selflessness or “ability to show love” (Davis 125) contrasts Catra’s state as a villain, otherwise characterized by her predisposition toward hatred or her “[inability] to demonstrate love” (Ding 15). The archetype of a villainess sends the message that it is “wrong and deceitful for women to be independent and powerful… [and pushes] them to adopt more submissive roles and behaviors” (Ding 16). While Catra describes Adora as a “people-pleaser” (which confines her within her princess archetype), Catra has always steered toward rebellion because Shadow Weaver put her down no matter what she did right, and her rebellion (or “disrespect” as Adora calls it) is deemed a negative because it gives Shadow Weaver less control over her in the same way the archetypal villainess is demonized for defying gender roles.
However, Catra’s descent into villainy was another narrative she confined herself to because she sought power to prove her strength to Shadow Weaver and everyone who put her down, but internally, it was a method of self-preservation since she no longer had her ‘caretaker’ to protect her. As Catra gains power and attempts to convince herself she hates Adora, it becomes evident that her motive was never “ruling Etheria,” it was always about the two of them staying together. Hence, Catra is not a villain because she is heartless or because she craves power; it is due to her use of lashing out as a method of self-preservation and her inability to express her emotions that she falls into the cycle of self-destruction that makes her one. As such, Adora and Catra’s detrimental actions and beliefs about themselves are driven by these confining narratives Shadow Weaver imposed on them which mirror the gendered messages behind these archetypes, and it is these narratives that they transcend at the climax of their love story.
Now let’s fast forward to the Season 5 during the episodes they spend outside of Etheria, specifically I’ll focus on “Corridors,” “Save the Cat,” and “Taking Control” because these are the key for the foundation of Catra’s redemption, Adora’s growth, and the reconciliation of their relationship. This will help prove the power of their love is what helps them break away from their narratives (and it sounds so cheesy but it’s executed so well you barely notice).
I’m going to quote a lot of Five by Five Takes on Youtube because she has some AMAZING takes of this show. Catra’s reflection in “Corridors” reveals that her fear of abandonment ranged back to their childhood, for when Adora made friends with others, Catra perceived it as an attempt to replace her—that if “she wasn’t Adora’s priority… she didn’t matter at all” (“She Ra's Corridors Isn't What You Think” 1:43).
Now, having pushed everyone away for her power trip, at the last step of her journey to the top, when she reflects upon Adora’s words as a child, she recognizes this “safety, friendship, love she turned away from because she didn’t believe it could be real” ( “She Ra's Corridors Isn't What You Think” 1:46) and realizes that resigning herself to villainy is not her only path, for “it’s only too late when you’ve resigned yourself to that” ( “She Ra's Corridors Isn't What You Think” 4:47).
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In her choice to save Glimmer, she breaks her cycle of self-destruction and “reclaims her identity… her narrative, to be about her [and] not about someone else” (“She Ra's Corridors Isn't What You Think” 3:08). It is the memory of her love for Adora—the love she rejected because she confined herself to her villain narrative to keep herself safe and to prove she could form an identity outside of Adora—that sets her on her path to redemption. So in this way, their love impedes and facilitates Catra’s coming-of-age journey because it was her attempt to reject this love that drove her into villainy and her acceptance of it that gets her out.
“Save the Cat” is a turning point in Adora’s journey because, in breaking out of her savior and princess narratives, she discovers that She-Ra is driven by her most authentic self. By choosing to rescue Catra, Adora puts her responsibility as a hero aside and acts for herself. For once, her decision is not selfless because she’s endangering her team and Etheria by going to save someone who has been the villain for so long.
She also does not make this decision because she feels responsible for Catra, for we see her abandon this feeling in the episode “The Portal” when she stops attempting to pull Catra into the good side and stops holding back during their confrontations now that she understands Catra is her own person and that she is not responsible for her bad decisions.
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Thus, in saving Catra because she has hope for her and not because she ‘needs’ to, Adora rejects her savior and princess narratives. Furthermore, it is the “need to protect” the person she loves and her “purity of emotion” that allows her to channel her most powerful and authentic self (Stevenson), so while Prime embodies lack of identity and agency, Adora embodies embracing love and authenticity. Along the same lines as Catra, Adora confined herself within her narratives by putting her obligations above her feelings for Catra, and she freed herself from them by putting the person she loves above the world.
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“Taking Control” marks another turning point in their relationship because we see them communicating and actively reconciling their relationship. By putting herself in a vulnerable position and telling Adora that “[she wants] to go home” (16:56) despite having told Glimmer “there is nothing left for [her there] (“Corridors” 6:20), Catra implies that Adora is her home, and, in making an active effort toward fixing her anger issues and getting to know Adora’s friends, she shows she wants Adora to be part of her life again. Furthermore, the way she lets Adora help and comfort her shows she no longer links vulnerability to being submissive, and she puts aside her fear of falling back into her damsel narrative now that their separation has given her time to find an identity outside of Adora.
So these three episodes mark a turning point for their relationship—one that is no longer based on dependency but on supporting each other’s growth, being honest about their mistakes, and letting themselves be vulnerable.
And then... “Failsafe” happens.
Their return to Etheria is also their reunion with Shadow Weaver, and their regression into her narratives impede them from admitting their feelings for each other and being authentic to themselves. Once more, they get stuck in these narratives Shadow Weaver has weaved into their core.
The good news is their growth and the progress they have accomplished in mending their relationship reflects in the way they reject Shadow Weaver’s influence and defend each other. Furthermore, the improvement of their communication reflects in the way Catra voices why she is upset and Adora expresses she needs Catra by asking for her support. So their rejection of Shadow Weaver’s narratives allows them both to support and be supportive, and their relationship is no longer codependent because they exist on equal grounds now.
Unfortunately, Shadow Weaver’s presence still triggers Catra’s insecurities about feeling wanted and Adora’s fear of failure.
Shadow Weaver uses their reconciliation to her advantage in the way she weaponizes Adora’s feelings for Catra by convincing her she must focus on “protecting [Catra]” instead of letting her distract her. She also breaks Adora’s identity apart by describing She-Ra as an entity outside of her, even though She-Ra is Adora at her purest ( “the world needs you as She-Ra… not Adora” (”Failsafe” 12:12). 
Thus, Adora’s regression into her savior complex turns her into a martyr, for what she wants for herself does not matter because she must protect the world and her friends. In telling Catra that “even if [Shadow Weaver] is [sacrificing her]… [it] is the only way” (16:29), Adora conveys that she is, yet again, willing to abandon Catra and sacrifice her own life for the rest of the world even though, as Catra tries to convince her, “it doesn’t always have to be [her]” (17:54).
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Here, Adora regresses so deep into her narratives for fear of losing those she loves that she believes she is acting of her own volition and not Shadow Weaver’s influence. Yet Adora does not have to be the one to make a sacrifice; as Catra points out, Shadow Weaver is capable of taking the heart herself, but she does not because she knows Adora’s savior complex will drive her to believe it has to be her.
In asking her what she wants, Catra is really asking Adora to choose between their relationship and her heroism, and when Adora responds that “[she has] to do this” (21:25), Catra perceives it as Adora willingly resigning to Shadow Weaver’s narrative by “[choosing] Shadow Weaver and not [her]” (“The Heart (Part 1)” 4:56) and not loving her enough to stay because she has never needed Catra (21:40), so she leaves. In the same way Adora acknowledged Catra was her own person who made her own choices in the episode “The Portal,” Catra acknowledges here that she cannot change Adora’s choice no matter how self-destructive it might be. Hence, it is their failure to accept their true feelings that hold them back from being authentic to themselves, for Adora does not allow herself to want and Catra does not want to confess because she believes “Adora doesn’t want [her]... like [she wants] her” (“The Heart (Part 1)” 5:00).
And now, finally, let’s talk about true love’s kiss--one of the oldest fairy tale tropes in the book.
True love’s kiss is the deus ex machina of countless fairy tales, but although true love’s kiss does save the day in SPOP, its significance relies on Adora and Catra transcending the narratives Shadow Weaver imposed upon them and embracing their love and their authentic selves. It is not merely a magically ending--it is them admitting what they’ve been holding out on for FIVE SEASONS that allows She-Ra to transform. That is how they save the world. Stevenson says it himself:
This moment of confession is the climax of the show. It is everything [they have] been building up to.”
Even though it is its magic that saves the day, true love’s kiss feels authentic here because of what the magic represents. In SPOP, magic stands for authenticity, connection, and love—all of which express humanity.
At the climax of their story, having lost her ability to transform, Adora begs Catra to leave so she can do the next part on her own—primarily, Adora knows how much she has hurt Catra, so she does not want her to witness her sacrifice. Catra’s choice to stay is a selfless act because she willingly puts herself in a vulnerable position by risking being hurt in the worst way possible. Meanwhile, Adora’s “beautiful wish,” as Prime calls it, externalizes what she wants and is not letting herself have because “[she is] She-Ra” and sacrificing herself “is what [she is] supposed to do.” However, in expressing that “[she deserves] love too” (“The Heart (Part 1)” 17:32), Mara tells Adora that she is allowed to be selfish—she is allowed to want and to receive love. She is “worth more than what [she] can give to other people” (17:30). So in confessing her love, Catra externalizes Mara’s words to Adora.
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Despite her best friends claiming to love her for her and not She-Ra, Adora cannot be certain of this because they only became friends after she found the sword. So when the person she cares for the most and who she has also unintentionally hurt the most reveals that she not only loves her but that she has always loved her, it disproves her damaging perception of her worth. It allows Adora to unchain herself from the narratives that have been holding her back from expressing her wants and her feelings. When Adora confesses her love, she chooses Catra for the first time, and she disproves Catra’s belief that Adora does not want her.
The magic behind their true love’s kiss does not rely on superficial rules about love that paint it as a fantasy. On the contrary, it is the humanity behind it—Adora’s acceptance that she deserves love and a future for herself, her rejection of the expectations the world has reduced her to, and their mutual love—that gives Adora the power to transform and save Etheria. In opening their hearts, the magic at the heart is released and it revitalizes the planet, reverting it to its authentic state in the same way it does for them. As Five by Five Takes points out, we even see this in the amount of ‘I love you’s’ exchanged between all the characters—between lovers, friends, and family. The climax also contrasts their narratives, for as opposed to saving Catra, Adora is saved by Catra, and Catra’s “inability to show love” as a villain opposes the way her showing her love saves the world.
As Five by Five Takes explains in her video How She Ra Gives Us Hope, “the conflict [of SPOP] was never love or power, it was authentic connection versus outside manipulation: our genuine selves against the constructs imposed on us” (10:13). Having been divided and at odds for five seasons, having been abused and forced into narratives that stripped them of their identity and agency, and having grown and experienced hardships together and apart, concluding the story on a mutual confession and a true love’s kiss between Adora and Catra establishes their feelings, their wants, and their love are connected to the core of their identities and their coming-of-age journeys as they exist with and outside of each other.
“With Disney specifically, their conceptualization of romantic love is one that follows along with a set of ideals that define perfect love” (Bell, 1975; Sprecher & Metts, 1989 qtd in Ding, 2021), and it is these limitations that paint love as an unachievable fantasy that make these love stories superficial. These stories depict idealized models of men and women that are nothing more than hollow shells written into narratives confined by heteronormativity and gender norms. Such as the ones Shadow Weaver imposes upon Adora and Catra, “whatever you call them—narratives, expectations—these things that tell us who we are, really, are just about control” (“How She-Ra Gives Us Hope” 16:11).
SPOP illustrates a beautiful love story that can serve as a metaphor for the way queer love can rise above the narratives heteronormativity confines it within while reinventing the same archetypes and motifs traditionally catered to reinforcing this heteronormativity and without resolving to topics like homophobia or discovering sexuality, for, in Etheria, love is humanity and love is love. Whereas the resolution of Disney love stories relies on princesses giving up their agency to pursue their role as a wife and a woman in a patriarchal society, SPOP has both its female leads rejecting narratives that allow them to reclaim their agency, their identity, their lives, and their love, not only in their universe but also in ours.
Then there’s the “happily ever after” motif. In Disney fairy tales, happily ever after’s capture beautiful images with “little details” like “fireflies, butterflies, sunsets, wind, and the beauty and power of nature… a link to the naturalness of hetero-romantic love… [that depict] these loving scenes of heterosexual love as the most natural and magical form of love” (Ding 34). In this way, it teaches children “a distorted concept of romantic love at… a young age” that “poses an issue for the harsh reality that love and relationships actually exist as” (Ding 49).
The ending of SPOP captures a magical scene similar to the one described above where Adora and Catra stand upon a hill with their foreheads against each other before a rising light in a new and healing Etheria. Ironically, this beautiful image is not heartwarming because it glorifies their relationship. Their love story was never perfect—there was hardship, tragedy, mistakes, and heartbreak. Instead, the warmth in this image comes from the characters’ perseverance, acceptance, growth, and hope. It comes from having witnessed the coming-of-age stories of two abused best friends who have finally reunited and confessed their love.
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Even though SPOP is a fantasy, in Etheria, true love is authentic—it is not a fairy tale concept. Its magic is intrinsically tied to the human truths expressed through its characters and their stories. SPOP redefines a love story by giving these traditional fairy tale motifs a purpose past enforcing gender norms and a glorified image of heterosexual love. Thus, it proves it is possible to redefine the fairy tale love story outside of these heteronormative narratives for “to be against heteronormativity is not to be against norms” (Berlant & Warner 170) nor is it to condemn these motifs or eliminate them from love stories altogether. Instead, we must infuse them with a new meaning—one that focuses on the truths and the complexity behind our humanity—that conveys the message that love is real and that love is love without losing its magic.
If you got this far, thanks for reading :)
(Original essay linked in the notes)
Works Cited
Berlant, Lauren, and Michael Warner. “Sex in Public.” The Routledge Queer Studies Reader, 2013, pp. 165–179.
Brown, Tracy. “In Netflix's 'She-Ra,' Even Villains Respect Nonbinary Pronouns.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 6 Nov. 2019.
Davis, Amy. Good Girls and Wicked Witches: Women in Disney's Feature Animation. John Libbey Publishing. 2007.
Ding, Shay. Overexposure to Disney Princess Animated Films: Disfigured Perception of Gender and Love In Adolescents. 2021.
England, D.E., Descartes, L. & Collier-Meek, M.A. “Gender Role Portrayal and the Disney Princesses.” Sex Roles 64, 555–567, 10 February 2011.
“Failsafe” She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, created by Noelle Stevenson, season 5, episode 11, Netflix, 2018.
“How She Ra Gives Us Hope.” YouTube, uploaded by Five by Five Takes, 29 July 2020.
“Promise” She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, created by Noelle Stevenson, season 1, episode 11, Netflix, 2018.
“Reunion” She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, created by Noelle Stevenson, season 2, episode 7, Netflix, 2018.
Rojas, Camila. Confronting Traditional Love: The Evolution of the Representation of ‘True Love’ in Disney’s Princess Movies (1990s to the Present). 2015. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, dissertation.
Scott, Kyle. “She-Ra and the Hero Mindset: Video Essay.” YouTube, uploaded by Kyle the Scott, 24 March 2021.
“She Ra's Corridors Isn't What You Think.” Youtube, uploaded by Five by Five Takes, 8 August 2020.
Stevenson, Noelle. “She-Ra’s Noelle Stevenson Tells Us How Difficult It Was To Bring Adora And Catra Home.” Interview by Beth Elderkin. Gizmodo, 13 July 2019.
Stevenson, Noelle. “She-Ra showrunner, stars break down Adora's new look with exclusive clip.” Interview by Christian Holub. Entertainment Weekly, 16 May 2020.
“System Failure” She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, created by Noelle Stevenson, season 1, episode 6, Netflix, 2018.
“The Heart (Part 1)” She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, created by Noelle Stevenson, season 5, episode 12, Netflix, 2018.
“The Heart (Part 2)” She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, created by Noelle Stevenson, season 5, episode 13, Netflix, 2018.
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neo-shitty · 3 years ago
before reading back before sundown, i did a research on slendy para wala lang background info 😌 anyways, gRABE KINALIBUTAN AKO SAGAD. binasa ko siya at like, madaling araw kahapon edi naka patay ilaw, takot na takot aq 👁️👄👁️ at first, sobrang bilis ng tibok ng puso ko bc i have no idea whats going to happen. fear of the unknown ✨ waw taray. okay yung start in a way na fluffy shit sya, one couple tatakas lang to the forest para mag picnic aaaaa. if you didnt read the warnings, you wouldnt think na nakakatakot xd. “Gotta get back home,” you thought you heard him murmur. “Gotta get you back home,” -> from this palang, i knew things are going to go down. ang creepy pero ang ganda at the same time :">> grabe galing mo talaga mag sulat. btw, is this inspired from the news na dalawang 12 year olds stabbed their friends for slendy? IM NOT SURE ABT THE CONTEXT AND DI KO NA BABALIKAN UNG SITE NA EON PRA TIGNAN ULET KC DI KO TLGA KERI Y^Y and this, "You wondered if Minho made it back before sundown unlike you did." got me deeply thinking if reader wanted slendy to also kill minho or kUNG SIGN TOH NA MAY PAKE PA DEN SHA SKNYA ket na may betrayal na naganap oofff :<<
it was a good thing i read patch up after bbs. stress na stress ako don sa sobrang intense lmao. THIS STORY IS SO CUTE HUHU. i can literally hear the "bat ka nakatitig sakin? crush moko noh?" (translated it para mas feel 🤩) kinilig ako sagad. lakas maka tsundere vibes ni ate girl nung una, galet pero inalagaan pa din si minho :">>
naunahan pa pala ni reader ayusin yung kurtina sa five star kesa kay chan 😭 changbins character is relatable af bc i also dont have any idea how to cook decent dishes. hanggang prito at pancit canton lang aabot bente pesos ko. back in 9th grade, baking lesson namen sa tle so our project was abt making cakes. we INTENTLY followed the instructions pero ampanget nung lasa nung souffle iyaqs. first of all, ang tigas niya for some reason. secondly, naparami ata ng asukal kasi legit lasang asukal lang siya. for last, tigas nya. inulit ko kasi para siyang bato. anyways, cuddles after a tiring day is 👌👌👌
ketchup talaga pinaalala saken mga childhood memories ✨ i actually didnt expect na this is about the game lol we used to play this everyday back then. there was a time na i used to have a classmate na sobrang lakas mamalo tas dagdag pa na ayaw tanggalin yung singsing :// lahat ng kalaban nya nandudugo ung kamay grabe, buti di ko sha close di kame nag pplay HAHASDHAHFDHJSDFJ idk why pinapabayaan lang na may singsing sya. YUNG STORY grabe na speechless ako sa kilig hahshfahdsdfaahdf when jisung kissed readers hand napa nAURRRR BAT KA GANYAN ako :>> ang sweet lng kasi naaalala pa den nila yung isat isa kahit after ilang years na.
okay nct fics road nako pag may time ulet <333
SA TOTOO LANG AAAAAAA may damit pa den naman kami, maling color lang 😭 same want ko mag join new servers pero tinatamad ako makipag interact sa mga bagong tao aaaa di ko lam buckettttt. thank you huhu pati nasimulan q na ung auto bio beh, naka 1.5 wc ako, 1 whole page 😌 okay na eon pang conclude na lang eme eme kasi 1-2 pages lang naman requirement.
third day palang ng second semester pero dami ng tinambak ~.~ pero keri aaaa. take ur time answering lagi :3 bz den nmn ako dsjfboaoada hbu?? may ganap ba?
- 👻
thank you for reading the fics omfg :((( the effort!
why did you read back before sundown at that time omf HAHAH cant blame you tho i wrote that at midnight and scared myself when my dog moved something outside. the picnic was so unplanned but i had to incorporate a request. i actually planned on including your request too? pero di na kaya :< i worry about the people who don't read warnings T_T it ended up pretty gory in the end. minho best boyfriend <33 thank you :(( not really proud of my writing recently bc of the lack of feedback so the few that i get means a lot.
and yes! it's inspired by that story. you can watch bailey sarian's slendy episode. it's scary bc it happened irl :// highkey imagine mc being kind enough to not wish the worst kay minho? she's just wondering if minho made it back home after what he did like if slendy kept his end of the bargain and left minho alone ganorn.
HAHAHAHA at least you have a lighter fic to keep your mind off it T_T RIGHT. minho really gives off the crush who likes to tease you a lot vibes. this fic is me addressing something that actually happened; the little accident plus the project i couldn't do on my own and a few other things you can take a guess at. i just bumped the feelings up a notch.
omfg five star ;n; HAHAH i srb-ed this the day chan fixed the curtains. officially not realistic na hMp. i, too, do not know how to cook decent dishes. i miss g9 TLE :(( but we never got to cook sa school kasi ayaw nila?? i didn't get it. so what was the point of the lesson ?n? i want to try baking a cake someday tho >:( ewan ko pa kung kelan yun pero bucketlist ko na yan >:( us2 q rin ng cuddle >:(
tangent, NATANONG KO NA BA SAYO KUNG SINO BIAS MO SA SKZ??@#?! i can't seem to recall it ;n;
HAHAHAHA lagi nalang nagiging pun yung title ng hanji fics ko :'( and i'm not even doing it on purpose :'( that's one ruthless classmate tho e.e KAYA NGAAAA bat pinapabayaan lang siya T_T i liked playing ketchup a lot too. i actually miss it. THIS STORY IS CORNY AS FUCK kadiri. the kiss was just a prompt really. i wish i had childhood memories with some guy na ganon. all i remember i someone i couldn't stand HAHAH e2l ba kwento ko
do take your time with the nct fics. tread lightly tho, they're not the most reader friendly HAHHA or idk just bad writing ig tas konte palang nasusulat ko for them kasi ang dami nila tapos di ko bet sulatan lahat e.e 'di ko bet' meaning i can't come up with characters that would suit them ganon.
HAHAHHA maling color lang T_T it's pointless talaga. why do schools keep on hindering us from expressing ourselves char HAHAH dapat yung nirerequire nalang sa inyo decent clothing lang para presentable. also regarding the servers, i actually get anxious interacting with new people too HAHAH i'm in one big server (aside from the tumblr networks) and thats about it. i can't make friends anymore e.e good luck with the conclusion sa auto biography!! buti di masyado mahaba yung required sa inyo.
hala second semester na kayo o.O bilis naman. good luck getting thru the mga tinambak HAHAH i want to finish all accounting related activities today. hopefully i'll do it now and give future me a break. nothing much happened yesterday e.e i just finished a book; kinda thinking of taking a break from writing pero idk i can never walk away from anything that easily. napadaldal aq sensya na xd
hope you're doing okay today!!
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marvelgeeklikestowrite · 4 years ago
I know this is a fandoms account but I was asked today a question in an interview about what drives you to advocate for women's rights and why really I am a feminist. So I wrote something that I want to share.
I am quite privileged to say that I have been born in a family where I never felt that my family did not want me, or ever said or shown through their actions that they wished the second child was a boy and not another girl. Even in my extended family, I have never been given taunts about my clothes or treated any less than my cousin brother. This is a privilege that not many of the girls around me have experienced. I have female friends who even after thinking of getting financially independent cannot fathom the thought of living their life on their own terms, who have male friends and cannot say this to their parents lest they think they are in a relationship with any of them. And this is coming from well-settled, educated families living in the capital city of our nation. One can just imagine what kind of rights the women living in the less developed parts of India and the whole world at may be denied. The freedom of saying no, the right of determining what kind of life they want to live, what clothes they want to wear, if they even want to get married or have a child. There are so many stigmas related to a woman’s decision relating to her life. If she wants to wear short clothes, have colored hair, more male friends than female ones, she is labelled as shameless. If she speaks her mind, raises her voice, she is outspoken and not in a good way, if she puts career before family, she is insensitive. Why is that women are expected to hand over the reigns of their choices to someone else? Before marriage- father, after marriage- husband and sons. Why is that we are the only ones expected to be quiet and make sacrifices so that our family, our relationships remain stable? You want to call out on a misogynistic family member or friend? Don’t, what if their feelings get hurt? What if they take offense? We cannot have that; it is better if you swallow up your dignity and listen to them while they encourage the backward and narrow- minded thoughts of a patriarchal society. I have heard husbands ask their wives why they want to work when they have everything they want at their disposal. I have heard women being called heartless for not wanting a child, women being told to just suck it up and take up the abuse because ‘Ek do thappad and gaali toh humne bhi sahai hai’ (one or two slaps and abusive words we also have tolerated). Women’s rights aren’t just writing some basic freedoms that should be available to every human being regardless of their gender, identity or caste, on a piece of paper and calling it a day. Women Rights are taking the next step forward of actually giving them the freedom and control over their mind and body, regardless of whether it hurts the fragile ego of the old society still singing praises of the yesteryears. It physically pains me when I see judgements of courts ordering a rape survivor to tie a rakhi to them, carry that man’s child to term or marry him. What drives me to advocate for women’s rights is the fact that there are people out there asking for the reason behind the need of doing more for women, thinking that our fight for equality is done, what drives me to advocate for women’s rights is every girl whose decisions and voices are not given equal importance.
Feminism is a concept that confuses a lot of people mainly because it is a movement for equality that starts with a word used for females and not males and that irks them. I am a feminist for every human being out there: female, male, non-binary and everyone. I am a feminist so that women going out late in the night do not fear for their safety, I am a feminist so that men who want to express their emotions but cannot because of the toxic masculinity prevalent in society, are able to do so freely, I am a feminist so that people of all sexes are treated equally. I am a feminist so that the females do not “belong” to anyone but are their own person, I am also a feminist so that when a boy gets hurt, he doesn’t have to hear the phrase “Men don’t feel pain”. I am a feminist so that when I say this sentence people do not counter me with “Oh, so you must hate men” or “You must be gay then” or “I am not a feminist but I believe in equality for all.” I am a feminist so that we are able to talk about the abuses and crimes against women and men without victim-blaming or shaming. I am a feminist because I believe that no matter how euphoric this idea of a world may sound, no matter how impossible this fight of changing the way people think, we can do this work and make it into a reality. I am a feminist for myself, because I want to see and experience the change that I fight to bring, not only because I want to build a better future for the coming generations but because I want to build a better society and future for myself to live in.
Please ignore any grammatical errors, this was fuelled by adrenaline
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scrabbleknight · 4 years ago
Since I finally posted my 2nd chapter for my TOH fanfic, (read here) I made some OCs. At the same time, this is also a theory TOH post because I did base these OCs from canon.
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These are the coven founders for the nine main covens. The good news is that we have a good physical description aka what they look like. Another good news is that it's only been 50 years and if Principal Bump is any indication, then 50 years is only a fraction of a witch's lifespan.
Now, there's no way these witches were chosen by random. If Emperor Belos had any hope of conquering the entire Boiling Isles, then they have to be the most powerful witches around to support him. Masters of their magic and almost as powerful as Belos. My theory is that they helped in the conquering and were awarded being leaders of the covens.
Also, Imma give them names. We'll start from the left.
Abomination Coven (Bastille)
He seems to be a tall man, like really tall. I don't like his smile and shifty look so I assume he's the kind to smile all the time like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. Probably even the same personality with the full creepiness. Best headcanon I got is that he leans down a full 90 degrees when talking to someone shorter than him.
Potions Coven (Albert)
At first, I thought they were some bird person but I realized they just has a really cylindrical head. One of the three gender-ambiguous characters. I imagine them being a very scientific kinda dude since chemistry is a bitch but they could also be an anarchist. Best design amongst all of them imo. The tophat kills it good.
Illusion Coven (Weiss)
Dick. Bad boy. His two-faced appearance is a reference to the smiling and sad masks in theater that represents Comedy and Tragedy. I imagine him to be bipolar and switches personalities with his mirror. Also, he looks like a cruel fellow, probably tortures people with nightmarish illusions or something. I don't like him.
Construction Coven (Durin)
He's a dwarf person. We've seen them in the episode "Covention", though I doubt that's him personally. Probably a quite person and I wrote him to have simple responses in mind like "Aye" or "Nay". Definitely has an accent though. Love the beard.
Plant Coven (Gerheade)
She's old. She looks old. She probably lives in the middle of the woods. A true witch who ironically isn't a wild witch. Dunno much about personality but I imagine her to be a very quiet and calm grandma. Also, powerful too bcoz among Luz's friends, Willow is crazy OP. She could beat Amity's ass and we all know it.
Beast Keeping Coven (Sierra)
Another gender-ambiguous character. Reminds me of Ruby from Steven Universe. They're small, tiny witch. Small like a preschooler but if the banner says anything, it's that they could kick your ass regardless of size. Honestly, just pure Ruby vibes. Lots of emotion and positivity.
Bard Coven (Bartholomew)
He's a hard one. He could either be super nice or super cruel. Music tends to be that. He's got little horns and moustasche but he's definitely an older character. I wrote him as a fun British grandpa so that's my interpretation.
Healing Coven (Gertrude)
They're a cyclops or that's a mouth. They also reminds me of that one Oracle student with the crescent moon head so probably related. Healers are usually very kind so I assume them to be the same. Also, yes, gender-ambiguous but I imagine it be a lady. Big buff lady.
Oracle Coven (Jenkins)
Dumb name but fuck it. The dude's got a moustasche that has hands on them. Like, that's super cool. Fuck controlling your head hair. He can probably beat someone up with them. Either that or he's a wimp. Him gambling sounds funny though.
Anyway, I sure hope we get to see them in canon. There's no way they're dead after 50 years. That's like short in witch's term. Eda and Lilith are both like in their 40s and God knows how old Principal Bump is. He was Eda and Lilith's principal for crying out loud! The guy is older than the freaking coven system!
Bump, why are you old???
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jeonqquk · 4 years ago
Idk how to address you so for now I'll say....noona? unnie? Senpai? 🤔
Sure let's go with senpai lol
But I have to say that before I encountered you and your drabble 'what did you think?' w/ PJM , I lost my motivation to write and tbh I wrote horribleness.
So I thank you but also hate you ( in a joking manner) for reviving my dead motivation to write.
And 😖 I may or may not have thought of a plot for your drabble ( yup, a fanfic of a fanfic lol)
Though don't count I'll actually do it. I was just thinking about it and while I was taking a shower I literally thought of an excerpt of the plot I made up and it sounded so beautiful It's only right for you to read it since it is based on your fic.
Also, I feel like a fraud when I think I was inspired by your drabble and decided to unintentionally think of a plot where it resumes right where you ended it lol
I came up with a non sequitur/excerpt of the plot I made (inspired by your drabble).
Would you like to read it? 👉👈🥺
It'll just be for me to see since
1) I don't want ppl getting the wrong idea. I just wanted to bring my imagination to life about your drabble if it were turned into a full story and how I imagine it would go.
2) what are words? How I thought of it in my head is not how it's coming out on paper/word document
It's kinda just me saying 👉👈" O🅱️🅱️aR, this is what I wrote and how I imagine the plot would go if you were to turn it into a series/story"
It's just me fan girling over your drabble lol
But if it sounds like I'm stealing I promise you I won't be putting it out there.
As a matter of fact I have the urge to just hand you the plot and be like "pls continue it and turn it into a full-blown story" but I'm not gonna force you.
I hope you don't take it the wrong way and I can always delete the document if you request so and just have it play in my mind rent free lol
Last thing before I leave...love, love, love how you write! It's so magical, in my eyes, compared to my kindergarten, rookie writing.
No wonder I decided to stop.
Okay bye now 😘👋
Hi anon! I just wanna start by saying that I'm so so glad that you liked my fic, and even thought of a continuation for it. So thank you so much!!
Sure, I go by Naba but anything you want is fine as well <3
I'm so happy that my drabble helped you gain your motivation back, and know that I have absolutely no problem if you decide to continue it on your blog! The fact that you would even want to do that with a fic of mine means so much to me!
Don't feel bad at all for wanting to continue a story, and I'd absolutely love to read it!
The part about not being able to write what toh think is something I relate to as well😩 Sometimes, I have the plot for the fic ready but when I start writing it, I'm either just not able to concentrate or can't find the right words. So I usually just leave it in my docs and come back to it later after reading other fics for y'know, more words🤡
Nope. It does not from any angle, to me, seem like you are stealing anything from me and I'm actually really excited about how you're gonna continue it!
Please go ahead with what did you think, I would love to read it from your perspective and have a nice day!!
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im-the-king-of-the-ocean · 4 years ago
Fic Writer Tag Game
tagged by @eurazba​
RWBY, Tales of Arcadia, the Owl House, the Magnus Archives, Carmen Sandiego 2019, the Dragon Prince, Steven Universe, Lucifer, My Life as a Teenage Robot, and Hilda.
*Gravity Falls I feel should have an honorary mention since I have written its characters, but that was only once in a crossover with the Owl House which was more centered on toh’s cast, so I don’t want to count it quite like the others.
*the only two of these I consider myself or have considered myself in the past an active, engaged part of the fandom of are RWBY and Tales of Arcadia, tho I’ve written for all listed.
Where you post:
here on my blog, my fics can be found under my stories tag
Regularly to my AO3
technically I do have a ff.net account, but it’s reserved solely for the event I write for an older show that may not have much of a presence on ao3.  Currently it only houses my mlaatr fics, bc I noticed that ff.net had more activity for that show than ao3 did back when I wrote them.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Weirdly Magical, with 7263 hits.  Weirdly also currently tops the list for most popular Owl House/Gravity Falls crossover on ao3 too (and I’m very proud of my baby)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Right now I’m going with Rose Puppetry.  I cannot express enough how much fun I had writing this one.  Just, it combined numerous interests of mine and it was just a really good experience overall to write.
Fic you were nervous to post: The fifth chapter of Rose Puppetry was the most I’ve ever been nervous about posting something.  It pushes angst farther than anything else I’ve written and I was a little worried I’d gone too far with it.
How you choose your titles: For long, ongoing fics, I spend a lot of time thinking about what the fic is about and trying to come up with something that relates to that.  For oneshots, it’s usually the first thing I can think of that would function as a title.
Do you outline: all of my longer, ongoing projects are outlined.  Whether or not I actually follow that outline when I get to writing is another thing all together.
Complete: Uhhh, I know I have a handful of completed multi-chapter fics?  Let’s see, Shadow of Change, Ralph Domalski’s Guide, and Salt of the Ocean from my toa era.  Weirdly Magical, of course, and, most recently, Rose Puppetry.  That’s five.  There might be more, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.
In progress: I’m just going to link my wips post, since that describes the ones I’m currently focused on pretty well.
Coming soon/not yet started:
Becoming the Protector of the City is already started, but on hold for now until I finish some of the other wips I have going.
I’m planning a second Owl House/Gravity Falls crossover called “Portal Pals” that will be about how Stan and Eda met in the past (I referred to them in Weirdly as past associates).  I intend to see about working on it when Season 2 of the Owl House is airing.
Do you accept prompts: Not currently, but I have done prompts and requests frequently in the past.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: Out of all of them, I’d say Souls.  Despite my various worries about it, I do enjoy writing it a lot and am eager to get more done.
I tag:
@bionic-jedi @rockymountainvixen @yellowmagicalgirl @archaeopter-ace
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crim50n-r8er-reblogs · 5 years ago
TOH Plot Theory
I know I’m not a well recognized account, but I wanna put this theory out there for the world to see.
This theory will involve these aspects of the show:
Luz Camila (Luz’s mother) Emperor Bellows The Titan The Good Witch Azura as well as her rival/new friend        Ok, since we don’t know if this will be possible due to not having enough evidence to prove it is indeed possible, this might be more of speculation than anything.        Let’s just tell you the points I’m getting at right off the bat. Azura. Is. REAL, and everything that is related to her, that being the 5 books are all a biography of her life, (This wouldn’t be an auto biography because that means she wrote it herself. Also, the movie shouldn’t really count for what I have in store due to probably not existing at that point.) She also didn’t have a staff. She only had the glyphs, like Luz does now. Now you might be wondering, “Wait, if that’s the cace, how did the book series and the sports movie get to Earth?” Well I’ll get to that, so please be patient.        First, we’re going after the origins of the Boiling Îles themselves. As a final confrontation against Azura’s final antagonist, they pull up their trump card. This was the Titan with it still “happy and healthy.” Azura, with probably being the strongest person at the time due to being one of the FIRST, right behind her rival and her enemy, to discover magic, didn’t even stand a chance against this beast.        So in order to defeat the Titan she used the DARKEST spell she new, that being a combination of all the glyphs she had up to this point into one and set a trap with a GAINT version of it on the ground. This glyph is what I’m gonna call the death glyph where it’ll decay the one it was casted upon into nothing but bone. Since she didn’t have a bile sack, this massive spell took an equally massive toll on her life force due to everything coming from something like Edalyn Clawthorne back in “The Intruder.” Once the spell was completed, the Titan fell into the ocean with its impact raising up more land with people to have more space to hall theirselves home.        Since the book series probably had a happy ending to make it more family friendly, Azura survives without a scratch in the book series, but in reality, she had little to no life force left. She would then sought out to find a way to replenish it, hiding from society to not make them worry about her. She eventually comes to the realization that she can’t save herself from this terrible fate she brought upon herself, but she can save her family, friends, and the public from seeing her perish in such a state.        She did however wanted to at least tell someone close to her about what she was about to do. She would then find her rival turned friend and tell her that there is another world outside of their own and she  was going to go there to live the rest of her life in seclusion. Their new friend didn’t like this idea at first, but with Azura explaining her current condition, she thought it was for the best. Azura then used half of her current life-force to create what seemed to be a door, but, like Eda’s doorway, she was able to go through it to Earth where she lived….in the 1300s? I guess that makes sense due to the European Witch Trials. I guess now’s a good time to say that time passes by faster on Earth than on the Boiling Îles. She would have children before dying at the stake though that can pass down her lineage. This would lead up until modern times with the closest relatives to Azura being…*drumroll* Camila Noceda and Luz Noceda.         While this happens on Earth the rival friend of Azura was teaching the public of all the magic she knew of with the glyphs. That is until she finds out during a solo adventure that the Titan is still alive but can’t do anything about it which is why we see the Titan’s heart still beating in “Agony of a Witch” (That episode still hasn’t gotten out of my head with how dark, suspenseful, and other things like that is. I hope Luz can figure out what to do after that one. Also, I never saw that twist coming. (u no which 1) but yet again, we did see hints of it on that picture under the movie ticket in “Wing it Like Witches.”) Azura was able to find this out as well during her adventures to find a way to replenish her life-force. What they had in common though is that they could both hear the voice of the titan coming from...the heart? Somehow? Anyway, the rival friend then made sure no one, not even her own family she had with her grandson, Belos. (I’m sure you can figure out where this is going if you know common storytelling plots.) Since He found out that the Titan wasn’t killed or defeated by her mother who turned out to get the glory for killing the Titan due to Azura leaving the scene before the public could see her, Bellows secretly swore vengeance against the lineage of Azura.         Since I’m sure you guys can piece the rest together to come up with a good story to tell with what I gave, I’m going to leave this here. I hope you all like this “theory” I made over what we know of the show so far, and I hope you all have a great day. I love you all.
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nehilistuniverse · 4 years ago
I do think about why did I ever write stories about assassins and that one stupid love story that was written as a joke? I am in a weird spot because of them because even I do not know why I wrote them. I just did. I never think too much but I remember the whole the assassin thing was a flash of some image in my mind that I couldn't rid myself of and so was that stupid love story. I am never mentioning it on my own accord I would rather die than actually claim it because it wasn't a story it was an unfinished draft for a plot that I was too lazy and unfinished because I personally don't like it. It was just an image that popped in my head and it still remains in my head. It was something I could never get rid of and I still don't understand and that whole I charge to kill people joke was because of the fact I played PUBG a lot and was watching some YouTube video about hiring assassin through dark web toh I had cracked that joke because that's the perfect place for a hit man. That's where they work as freelance, no? I am so confused and so spooked out. I kind of manifested this whole thing without knowing and I still can't get over it because I was pretty much a feminazi at that point. I loathed men. Didn't want one. But at the same time I was reading bdsm related novels 👉👈😭 because wattpad also Italian mafias 🤤🤤🤤🤤 I have been a fan of them way before the whole 365 Days :3 But I still simp Death from death is my bff yet I did not manifest yamraj to fall in love with me yet? Which is cool on my part. I hope I didn't summon a demon or a psychopath because I was definitely into them. Wayyyyyy too much into them and they all started out by being behind the main lead's life. I hope with all my body that I didn't summon them 👉👈 Also I also was into the whole ghost fall in love with the lead thing. Bro I was also into millionaire where the fuck is my millionaire? How did I not end up manifesting him? I am so confused. Is it because I didn't write about them? ;-; What the fuck if I knew I could do this I would be writing stories of me winning lottery worth million dollars. Ehhhhhh what is going on? I have started to sound like a full blown lunatic and I want to tell this to someone who would understand and see the shit that has been going on it's trippy. I have finally lost it because I can't make sense out of this. I really can't. I don't believe in "coincidences" I just don't think that something happens just because. I do think we are part of some stimulation because the kind of shit that happens hardly feels random.
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