#i could go on forever about this
some0newithapen · 7 days
I don’t have a crush on him cause that’s weird but Like I can’t explain it
he’s just handsome
he’s a handsome guy
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grapesodatozier · 8 months
“#true love won't desert you truly a mileven thesis statement of a lyric damn” EXACTLY!!!’ Exactly.
the way mike refuses to let her ever isolate or sacrifice herself. the way he is always there for her when she needs him and vice versa. i am going to cry i love them so much
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atlasshrugd · 10 months
thinking about how prim’s name was only entered once but she still got chosen as a tribute. the odds are so utterly unlikely that it can only fall into the area of destiny. prim’s name was destined to get chosen so katniss would volunteer for her. so that she could take down the capitol and president snow and fuel the revolution. if prim had never gotten picked, then none of it would have happened.
and if peeta had not gotten picked, then it’s doubtful that katniss would have started the revolution. the main reason it started is because of katniss’s trick with the berries to defy the capitol. if it was someone else and not peeta, probably there would be no ‘love story’ as peeta was the one who suggested that. peeta had been in love with her since she was twelve. and if it was someone else, katniss probably would not have wanted to die in order to save their life, as he was the boy with the bread.
so really - everything that happened leading up to the hunger games was destined to occur to ensure the liberation of panem. one choice leads to another and without knowing events spiral into bigger ones. it was all unintentional on katniss and peeta’s part until it became intentional. because it was all destined to occur.
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squidkidnerd · 1 year
the biggest reasons i hate the “all octolings in the military were hypnotized by their goggles!!!” thing is that it robs the octolings of their agency.
think about it. if all the octolings in the octarian military are hypnotized, then they have no choice but to follow octavio. they aren't even capable of doing something else. and then, callie and marie have to "save" them in order to give them even the option of leaving. they kind of have to not because of anything THEY did, but because no longer being brainwashed puts them in danger. them leaving is ENTIRELY caused by other goddamn people. THEY don't have a single goddamn choice in the matter. and that's boring.
this is why it's absolutely, truly, positively, genuinely, SO much more interesting if the octolings in the military AREN'T hypnotized. because then, them leaving is a CHOICE. sure, the inkantation may influence that choice, but they still decide, OUT OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL, to leave. they CHOOSE to defy octavio, they CHOOSE to leave everything they've ever known. they CHOOSE to think, to believe, to hope, that maybe inklings aren't all bad, that maybe they were lied to. and then they leave. BY THEMSELVES. and they have to contend with that.
i don't get it. why do the octolings have to be dragged along in their own story? why does octavio have to be a monomaniacal villain who brainwashes his own people? why don't they get to have a choice? if it's choice, then they have to make it. then, they have to deal with it.
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mydeadgaywizards · 1 year
someone said that louis tomlinson would fit right in with the marauders and now i can't think about anything else
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in his stuff u mention how he feels about zaun and whatnot, have you ever gone into detail about his feelings / relationship with zaun before and after leaving it?
I'm so pleased about this ask! Robin's feelings about Zaun are mentioned in his lore page, which I'm revising as of now, but the feeling remains the same. He also doesn't get to speak about it outloud very often as he tends to not only avoid the subject, but not many people have asked him about it. So in drabbles and writing it only pops up as a momentary thought rather than something he can sit down and explain. I think even if he did try to explain it, he'd struggle.
Robin grew up extremely impoverished in the Entresol level of Zaun, and for the longest time, he's held nothing but dread for the city. He has always had a deep rooted feeling that Zaun was a beast that would eventually kill him, and it is actually the driving force around why he worked so hard in order to be accepted at the Academy in Piltover.
Upon being born in the Entresol Level, it is not difficult to see how one could quickly grow uncertain about their own existence. Leaning over the edge of the Sump, the denizens faced threats from above and below. Disease, suffocating smog, chembarons attacking businesses and selling children off for profit, the wardens and enforcers seemingly snuffing out any sense of individualism that could lead to chaos. How horrible to try and make a home in a place where everything seems to want you dead. 
Piltover was a very beautiful distraction for Robin and one that he actively tried to keep himself in, he was terrified of returning back down to Zaun, with its smog filled air and instability. Granted this paranoia pushed him to become extremely stressed and he often burnt himself out, because he was not just trying to get out of Zaun himself, but to give his siblings, Wren and Linnet, a better future. It should also be noted that while Robin doesn't like Zaun -- he went into medicinal studies in order to help Zaunites, and loved the people that he grew up around. He adored his family, the children he used to play with, and how, despite being wrought with violence, many people would choose to help eachother instead of hurting eachother.
A chance to push back the ever-rising fears that occupy the deepest corners of the human brain. To be free from lack of control, physical vulnerability, and the unknown nature of death.
Academia provided an escape route from the anxieties of impoverishment, and Robin quickly took it, investing his time and energy into his work as long as he could; simply to avoid walking back into the horrific underbelly of a city he learned to despise. 
His impoverishment also was the leading cause of the gas leak that spilled into his home, his parents and himself both slaved away at work but there was always something to pay for that eventually lead to the foundation of their very home crumbling. When Robin found them and came upon all of this, his brain kept relaying the same message to him, Zaun had killed them. The city itself was rotted and it was punishing him, as now even though he moved permanently into Piltover he felt all of those fears on a constant: lack of control, physical vulnerability, and the unknown nature of death. This culminated in a mental breakdown which allowed a Demon into his nest, posing as a friend, and he was too riddled with grief to really process what A/Bel was--an inhuman parasite that manipulated a vulnerable child. So, he ended up working in Zaun once more, wickedness belongs in a dark pit after all, but he kept his private life and living quarters up in PIltover due to the paranoia of another leak, or worse. However, ultimately, the work he did in Zaun would come to kill him, and complete the cycle.
Robin's revival caused a lot of memory lapses in his mind, as well, so large chunks of what Zaun was to him are currently missing from his internal timeline. He remembers very specific or important events, the gas leak, for instance, but the rest is somewhat splotchy. He remembers being a doctor, that he worked in Zaun's underbelly, that it was a vile and wicked place but his work in Piltover's Academy has been practically wiped from his mind. With his growing friendships though, Bel is getting stronger and actually being able to feed--and his memory is slowly returning. However one thing has never left him, and it's that Zaun is simply a bad place that he should try and avoid.
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allunatory · 2 years
Bro the latest episodes of Empires and Hermitcraft got me going full pepe silvia red strings on the wall maddened gesturing at connections. It's been a while since I've been this excited...
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trashy-greyjoy · 8 months
sometimes, it's not so much about the romance as it is about the devotion. the adoration.
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bi-writes · 1 month
whats wrong with ai?? genuinely curious <3
okay let's break it down. i'm an engineer, so i'm going to come at you from a perspective that may be different than someone else's.
i don't hate ai in every aspect. in theory, there are a lot of instances where, in fact, ai can help us do things a lot better without. here's a few examples:
ai detecting cancer
ai sorting recycling
some practical housekeeping that gemini (google ai) can do
all of the above examples are ways in which ai works with humans to do things in parallel with us. it's not overstepping--it's sorting, using pixels at a micro-level to detect abnormalities that we as humans can not, fixing a list. these are all really small, helpful ways that ai can work with us.
everything else about ai works against us. in general, ai is a huge consumer of natural resources. every prompt that you put into character.ai, chatgpt? this wastes water + energy. it's not free. a machine somewhere in the world has to swallow your prompt, call on a model to feed data into it and process more data, and then has to generate an answer for you all in a relatively short amount of time.
that is crazy expensive. someone is paying for that, and if it isn't you with your own money, it's the strain on the power grid, the water that cools the computers, the A/C that cools the data centers. and you aren't the only person using ai. chatgpt alone gets millions of users every single day, with probably thousands of prompts per second, so multiply your personal consumption by millions, and you can start to see how the picture is becoming overwhelming.
that is energy consumption alone. we haven't even talked about how problematic ai is ethically. there is currently no regulation in the united states about how ai should be developed, deployed, or used.
what does this mean for you?
it means that anything you post online is subject to data mining by an ai model (because why would they need to ask if there's no laws to stop them? wtf does it matter what it means to you to some idiot software engineer in the back room of an office making 3x your salary?). oh, that little fic you posted to wattpad that got a lot of attention? well now it's being used to teach ai how to write. oh, that sketch you made using adobe that you want to sell? adobe didn't tell you that anything you save to the cloud is now subject to being used for their ai models, so now your art is being replicated to generate ai images in photoshop, without crediting you (they have since said they don't do this...but privacy policies were never made to be human-readable, and i can't imagine they are the only company to sneakily try this). oh, your apartment just installed a new system that will use facial recognition to let their residents inside? oh, they didn't train their model with anyone but white people, so now all the black people living in that apartment building can't get into their homes. oh, you want to apply for a new job? the ai model that scans resumes learned from historical data that more men work that role than women (so the model basically thinks men are better than women), so now your resume is getting thrown out because you're a woman.
ai learns from data. and data is flawed. data is human. and as humans, we are racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, divided. so the ai models we train will learn from this. ai learns from people's creative works--their personal and artistic property. and now it's scrambling them all up to spit out generated images and written works that no one would ever want to read (because it's no longer a labor of love), and they're using that to make money. they're profiting off of people, and there's no one to stop them. they're also using generated images as marketing tools, to trick idiots on facebook, to make it so hard to be media literate that we have to question every single thing we see because now we don't know what's real and what's not.
the problem with ai is that it's doing more harm than good. and we as a society aren't doing our due diligence to understand the unintended consequences of it all. we aren't angry enough. we're too scared of stifling innovation that we're letting it regulate itself (aka letting companies decide), which has never been a good idea. we see it do one cool thing, and somehow that makes up for all the rest of the bullshit?
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ricky-mortis · 3 months
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Curtwen Week Day 4: Haunted
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Something something Sherlock and John not having a conventional relationship and not conforming to the social structures of British male friendships. Something something John telling Sherlock he doesn’t have to use the stereotypically affection-avoidant masculine insults commonly associated with “normal” male relationships. Something something Sherlock and John being comfortable with expressions of affection. SOMETHING SOMETHING SHERLOCK AND-
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rameiixo · 8 months
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xiaolumi resurrected from my heart for the new year!!
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 6 months
Dick Grayson V Gotham
Chapter 1 - AO3 - Constantine Jr. AU
There were a few minutes every morning, in the dark before dawn when his alarm hadn’t yet rung, where Dick Grayson felt most at peace. Despite the ache in his body the night out as Nightwing, he felt refreshed and content to just rest his eyes until his phone rang and it was time to get ready for the day. 
Unfortunately, peace was never meant to last. 
With a loud crash that definitely woke the neighbors, a little body kicked his door in. A switch was flipped and blinding light filled the room. Dick squinted in the general direction of the intruder. “Get up already!” Danny, his ward, snapped, rushing forward to rip the blankets off his bed. Dick let him. “There’s a case ready for us at the precinct!” 
Dick checked his phone. No missed calls, and Danny didn’t have a phone yet. “Is this another psychic thing?” he asked. 
Danny rolled his eyes. “If I say yes, will you get your ass out of bed already?”
“Language,” he chided absentmindedly, but still got out of bed. Danny glared up at him, still not satisfied, and dragged him to the bathroom with a surprising amount of strength for an 8-year-old. “Huh! You’re really in a hurry today.”
“No, you’re just super slow!”
Dick pulled back against Danny, slowing their progress considerably. “Oh, it’s the age!” Dick bemoaned, draping himself dramatically against the wall. “Now that I have a kid of my own to look after, the years have started to take their toll—Ow!”
Danny glared up at him like he hadn’t just kicked Dick in the shin. Brat. “Be dramatic in your own time! We have a case, Dick, we need to go!”
“Alright, alright, I’m going!” Dick complied and got in the bathroom, saying just before he closed the door, “Make sure you’re dressed in clothes you can afford to lose! I don’t want you to get blood on your favorite jeans again!” Danny shouted back his agreement and finally, Dick was alone. 
As Dick washed his face and did his business, he contemplated how he got there. Honestly, he didn’t get what Bruce was always complaining about; this guardianship thing was going great! It was three weeks since he’d wrangled Danny home, but he’d been preparing for this for months, ever since he learned that the little brat trying to solve murders was homeless. It took months of classes, meetings with CPS, and interviews with friends and family, but Dick was now the proud foster parent of Danny Smith!
Fortunately, Dick had managed to convince Bruce that the foster license was precautionary, like if he needed to protect a minor. Which was what he was doing! So not technically a lie!
Although, Bruce had his hands full already. Some new crime lord had taken up the Joker’s old alias and it was driving the old man up the wall. Bruce had even asked Dick for help on the case last night! He’d said no, of course; he wasn’t just going to abandon Danny in Bludhaven for days while they hunted down Red Hood, and he wasn’t going to spring Danny on Bruce, nor Bruce on Danny. Danny was a flight risk and had expressed disdain for millionaires in the past, and Bruce was… worse than he used to be. Tim had managed to resurrect some of the dad Bruce used to be, but ever since Jason… 
Well, it was good that they wouldn’t be seeing each other any time soon. Maybe by then Tim will have convinced Bruce to go to therapy!
Coming out of the bathroom, Dick started at Danny, dressed in jeans and a Digimon t-shirt, standing on the counter and getting Dick’s lunch bag off the shelf. He cocked an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
“Packing breakfast to-go!” Danny said, jumping off the counter. Dick’s heart skipped a beat and he lunged forward, but Danny landed before Dick could reach him. He glared at Dick. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” He straightened up, playing it cool. He observed what Danny had laid out for breakfast as he started the coffee machine. A banana, two yogurts, and a handful of granola just poured out onto the table. “You know, you absorb more nutrients when you sit down and actually enjoy your food. And we don’t need lunch to-go. Remember, we talked about this? We have to wait for someone to report the crime first.”
“How do you know no one hasn’t yet?” Danny challenged. 
“Have they?”
“...No. We could report the crime though,” Danny grumbled, but opened a yogurt cup. 
They really couldn’t. If they reported the crime, they’d still have to wait for other officers and CSI before investigating, and that’s even if they were given the case! But more importantly… Dick was the only officer in the department who believed Danny could see ghosts. 
Sure, Commissioner Gonzalez believed Danny, but that was just one woman. As much as he appreciated the Commissioner’s work helping get Danny off the streets and processing the paperwork to ensure the boy got recognition as an official BPD consultant… well, Dick knew she had ties to the gangs in town, he just couldn’t prove it. Just because she liked him and Danny doesn’t make her good. 
The fact that she promoted him to detective was evidence enough. Dick was an amazing detective—like everyone trained by Batman—but normally you’d need a certain number of years and successful cases for that level of promotion, both of which Dick didn’t have. Hell, he’d only been working as a cop for two years! But Danny was only willing to work with Dick… so Dick became the youngest detective in the city. 
The coffee machine sang a little robotic song and Dick placed a Nightwing mug under the spout just in time to catch the stream. As Danny finished his breakfast, Dick shooed him off to go brush his teeth and turned on the TV. He still had thirty minutes before they had to leave for work—
“—taking after his father!” Jack Rider’s voice rang through the apartment. Dick frowned; why was this trash on? “Although I have to say, I don’t think anyone ever expected Richard Grayson to adopt a child of his own!”
Dick froze. What? No, he’d worked so hard to ensure that no one would find out—
A picture flashed on screen of Dick and Danny. Dick recognized it immediately; he’d taken Danny out to eat to celebrate Danny officially becoming his foster child. But that was weeks ago! They’d been sitting on the story for that long?
They didn’t even bother to blur Danny’s face. 
“Now, Jack,” the co-host chided, “Let’s not get too hasty. Our source at Bludhaven PD—who will be unnamed to protect their privacy—said it was only a foster, not an adoption.”
Jack waved her concern away. “Yes, a foster. For now. Don’t you remember how long Richard was Brucie’s ward? Sure, the kid might only be a foster for now, but with this family, adoption is always on the table!”
Turning away from the TV, Dick checked their security cameras on his phone. When he’d first moved in, Babs had hacked into all the cameras in the apartment, piggy-backing off their feeds. There, outside the building’s main entrance, were multiple reporters. Some had even gotten into the building, although their aimless wandering told him that their apartment number hadn’t been leaked yet. 
“Still, another street kid in the family,” Jack continued to muse. “That’s two now for the Waynes, right? Are they going to take off with an entire orphanage next?”
He locked eyes with Danny, who gave the TV a worried look. But Danny didn’t get worried; he was a cocky, grumpy brat who’d given Dick a heart attack when he dared a gang member to shoot him in the face. But a news story scared him?
Smart kid. Dick was feeling scared too. So, he made the executive decision. 
Dick knelt down to Danny’s height, gently grasping his shoulders. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to call out of work—”
“But Mrs. Bennett’s murder!” came the immediate protest. 
Dick took note of the name, but held up a hand to stop him. “I know, I know. But it’s not safe for us to go to the precinct right now.” Someone at BPD had told the reporters about them. One of his colleagues, pissed that he’d gotten his promotion unfairly? Someone who hated that a little kid solved murders better than them? Or anyone looking to make a quick buck? The possibilities were endless. 
He continued, “Commissioner Gonzalez will understand and help us consult with the case from online, okay? We’ll get sent pictures of the crime scene and you can talk to Mrs. Bennett and we’ll consult from Gotham just to be safe.” He had some PTO he could use, right? If not… Gonzalez could just fire him. He’d already known his co-workers were corrupt assholes, but to willingly put a child in danger was a step too far. If Gonzalez wanted to keep Dick—and therefore, Danny—she’d better clean house. 
Danny made a face. “Why Gotham?”
“That’s where my family lives! While we wait for the story to die down, I’ll introduce you to my grandfather, Alfred, and my brother Tim, and my friend, Barbra! I’ll show you around to all the fun spots, it’ll be fun! So go get packed, buddy.”
Hesitating in the doorway, Danny said, “They won’t listen to me. The other officers aren’t like you.”
“They will listen to you. I’ll make them,” Dick promised. He’d gathered enough blackmail on his fellow detectives to force the issue, if needs be. He ruffled Danny’s hair. “Don’t worry, Danny. It’ll just be for a week or two and then everything will be back to normal. I promise.”
Danny glared at him, batting his hand away. “I’ll keep you to that promise, old man.”
As Danny retreated to his room—Dick’s former workout room—to pack, Dick went to his own, closing and locking the door behind him. The call to Gonzalez went about as well as he was expecting: first her anger at him taking time off, then his anger about being sold out to the media, then Gonzalez swearing as she found the news online, until finally agreement. 
As they talked, Dick methodically packed away his Nightwing gear. After last night, where a slime meta had unceremoniously caked his suit in gunk that would not come out, he had two functioning suits: his back-up and his original that he kept for sentimental value. He packed all three, along with his gear. Maybe Alfred would be able to get the gunk out? But he couldn’t leave his things here. Their location was already compromised. If reporters decided the risk was worth it, they could break into his apartment and turn the whole place upside down looking for a story. 
So, Dick had to take the story with him. 
With all his gear packed, there was little room for personal belongings, so he did the best he could and only took the important things. His room at the manor still had a few changes of clothes. Fortunately Danny wasn’t a nosy kid, otherwise he’d never be able to get away with carrying his Nightwing gear in a normal duffel bag like this. 
Now, the hard part. 
The phone rang three times before it was picked up. “Master Richard.” Alfred’s icy tone made him wince. Oh, he already knew. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hey, Alfie…” Dick rubbed the back of his neck. “I just wanted to say that I decided I can help Bruce on that Red Hood case after all?”
“I see.” No matter how angry Alfred was, he was frighteningly polite. “And shall I prepare a second bedroom for your ward?”
Dick winced. “That would be great, Alfred. Thank you.”
“Then I will see you soon. And please inform the young master that I look forward to meeting him when you both arrive.”
“I’ll tell him. He’s been looking forward to meeting you; I’ve been talking up your cooking for months now.”
“Months?” Oh no. “How kind of you, Master Grayson.” It got worse. Alfred was pissed now. Why did he have to say months? It wasn’t like Dick had intentionally hidden Danny from his family; he was just hiding him from Bruce! He wanted some privacy and to figure things out himself! But now Alfie was mad and suddenly that privacy didn’t seem so important anymore. “Shall I assume you’ll be arriving soon then?”
“In around an hour.” Leaving his room, he checked on Danny. He was trying to back everything he owned into the suitcase Dick had bought him. “Maybe a little longer? I’ll call when we’re ten minutes away.” 
“Then I will see you soon, Master Grayson.”
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glossc1 · 3 months
im not really interested in engaging in moral discourse surrounding the relationship of zeus and ganymede bc 1. i like to leave things up to the viewer and 2. the inherent horror and tragedy of being the “most beautiful boy to exist” is more interesting to me since we’ve seen it play out horribly in real life. i take inspiration from björn adrésen, quotes from the young river phoenix, the lives of castrati and antinous more than anything lol.
i see ganymede being taken as something that mirrors the inevitable “death” that either occurs literally or metaphorically to beautiful young men. they either “die” by aging out of their perceived beauty or die in some tragic way that preserves their young grace in peoples minds. ganymede cannot die in the traditional sense as he is immortal, but him being taken is a “death” of sorts in that the memory of his beauty is frozen in time. the ganymede inside everyone’s heads will stay the same forever and can be deified both literally and figuratively.
so did zeus “kill” ganymede or save him? is there love in the “kill” and greed in his conservation? is there liberation in “death” when you are the most beautiful boy to exist? can you ever be liberated? is ganymede dead or alive?
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ghostlycleric · 3 months
I still can’t believe this shot.
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This is LITERALLY Jonathan looking through the mirror and seeing himself through Mike and Will. They were actually crazy for this.
They said that the scene at the pizza place where Jonathan comforts Will was added last minute. The point of making Jonathan aware of byler wasn’t to get someone to comfort Will.
The real point was to make the viewer look at byler and see jancy. Because Jonathan is hearing Will say “she commissioned it” and hearing himself say “he asked me to take you home”. He’s been in this situation. He knows that Will is hurting because he remembers the hurt he experienced himself.
Jonathan was looking through a mirror. Not glancing or turning behind him. He looked through a MIRROR.
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ohmaerieme · 8 months
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prized possession
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