#i cannot make art but come on this journey with me anyway
I do really love the current Tardis, the ramps and cool lights and the jukebox and it’s just so futuristic and fun.
But something I was really hoping to see was how it would evolve as it was lived in. All the little trinkets and clutter and coats strewn over the railings. Where is the dirt? Where are the reading nooks? Hell even a few plants!
It’s so futuristic that it feels almost sterile. All that harsh light and solid white and unoccupied space.
Sure I guess it could be a metaphor for something internally for 15, but right now it just feels like a missed opportunity, especially in the context of trying to cram characterization and Ruby and 15’s bond in 8 episodes.
I have no art skills so join me in the theater of the mind:
14’s Tardis full of little souvenirs because Donna loves bits and bobs to remember where they went and Rose is an equally menacing collector. A chaotic shoe corner by the door. Sting lights wrapped around the railings. A corner dedicated to Rose’s crafts, a scraps of felt scattered and a few lovingly placed googly eyes that make the Doctor smile when he finds them. A picture wall, a too-plush couch, and some glow in the dark stars dangerously placed on the ceiling.
15’s Tardis still looking brand new despite months of traveling. Maybe a few post-it notes on the console. A jukebox that is rarely touched. All that extra space making Ruby’s absence even more apparent and constantly salient. The lights are bright white and the walls are bare and the metal is shiny. There’d be an echo if the Doctor had someone else to talk to.
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thesensteawitch · 2 months
Pick A Pile Reading
Left to Right (Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, SENSTEA Souls!💕
Aah! Such a long time!!!!!!!! How have you all been? Missed me?🥹🫶🏻
I have been healing and purging and focusing on other things so I couldn't make time to write for you. But I will be trying to make one post in a week. 🌜
Now without any delay let's get into your reading. You know the drill right? Just pick one pile intuitively and scroll down to read your pile!🫶🏻
Also, if you wish to book a PERSONAL READING with me you can message me directly. And if not, then I am sharing the links to my rate card and booking form.
Tip the blog to keep it going! (It's not mandatory but appreciated!🐈‍⬛✨)
Here is your reading:
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- The Moon, 8 of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, 7 of Cups
This pile is intense. I heard, “If you dance, I'll dance. If you don't, I'll dance anyway.” You do not care if people do not believe your truth as long as you know that what you know is made known to you by the divine. Your spirit is magical, and hence it's called to explore mystical subjects. If you are someone who is not interested in mysteries or the intensity of your purpose, then I would suggest you choose a different pile because this group follows the calling of their spirit naturally. You're rebellious when it comes to your career. You are supposed to combine your purpose with your career. Anything related to digging deep, mystical, esoteric subjects, tarot, astrology, metaphysics, science, astronomy, diving, writing, art, detective, law, or surgeon is where you fit the best. You may have strong Scorpio placements. Check if you have Scorpio in your 11th house or if your Mars is in Scorpio because I am picking that strongly. Zodiac signs that are coming off strongly are Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
You require a lot of silence while working. Your path isn't easy; there are immense transformations in your journey. Your spirit continuously seeks to ascend through what you do. There may be times when your finances come to a halt and you need to do a perspective shift to do better. I can see that your body, mind, and spirit must be aligned with your purpose so that you rise to the top. What you're called to do is so powerful that illusions can easily take over. You are a truth seeker, and truth cannot be multiple, so finding it cannot be a race in your case. You need to move at a pace that is neither too fast nor too slow. Your spirit is like that of a magician walking on Earth. To the world, you may seem alluring, but you know what it costs you to follow your purpose. Every loss, death, and transformation that you come across drastically shifts your life. Speak more. Speak the truth. Your words will shock the public in a good way. You're here to open people's eyes to the truth through your work. Express often. Your power and your purpose are not scary; it's divine! You may also hold multiple degrees.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Justice, 3 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, The Chariot, The Emperor
This pile is really intelligent. Anything that allows you to make use of your mind the most is something that will suit your spirit the best. A career where you'll be continuously learning and enhancing your skills. Teaching, medical (dentist I heard in my mind), law, business, accountant, marine officer/captain, and research are what I can think of looking at your cards. Your spirit demands and deserves to be the leader in your field. There will be challenges in your journey, which you will have the courage to overcome if you keep your emotions in balance. Your spirit will make you start from the basics. You are supposed to study a lot to be able to reach the top. You seem to be a multitasker or interested in multiple subjects, but that can bring a lot of chaos into your life. So your spirit is encouraging you to master one subject. If you throw yourself in multiple concepts, you will waver from the truth. Don't let your intellect go against you.
You're supposed to continuously research in your particular field and stand firm on your beliefs, so choose wisely and make sure you enjoy it for the rest of your life. Zodiac signs that I can sense are Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, and Libra. In your particular field, you need to find a perfect teacher or organization that suits you and can help you achieve your goals. Learning through all the sources again will not be good for you. Pick one source and commit to it for at least a good amount of time. Your spirit feels at peace when you speak your truth without fearing what others may think of you. It's very important for you to have strong boundaries to do good in your career. Not having boundaries and sharing your business with everyone can do more harm than good to your career. Your brain is like a sponge. It absorbs everything without filtering the information. Rather than stimulating yourself with so much information, pick one path and find your truth. Talk to yourself more than you talk to others. You'll find your answer.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Page of Swords, The Star, Nine of Wands, 6 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Oh my God, pile 3, your cards were just not coming out. What are you so afraid of? There are two opposing thoughts going on in your mind when it comes to your career. You want to do something but you're doing something else. Your heart is at another place while your mind is at another. Your spirit wants you to get over this fear of the worst. There's no room for instant gratification when it comes to following your dreams. Believe me, you're not late when it comes to pursuing your dreams. You've definitely struggled in your career or are still struggling. Every day feels like another battle. Stop living like that. A new beginning lies on the other side of closing the door behind you. Be willing to let go of the old ways. So you're afraid of the challenges and the mountains you are supposed to climb to catch your dream? Well, aren't there struggles in what you are currently doing? Believe me, from where I see these challenges will refine your spirit and will take you closer and closer to your dream life.
Follow your heart, sweet soul. Believe me, it's all in your head. You have it in you to pass the tests that will come your way to achieve your dreams. Don't keep drinking poison just because you've gotten accustomed to the taste of it. Your taste buds can compromise, but your body will remember the damage that the poison is doing. Zodiac signs that I am picking up are Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, and Sagittarius. Either you can lead with courage or with fear. The choice is yours! Honestly, nothing is strongly coming off as to what career will suit you the best because right now your energy is guiding you to first free yourself of your own limitations. After that, you can think of what you want to do. But one thing I can say is that you're being called to do something that frees your spirit. There's such a deep desire in you to be someone else and do something else, but somewhere there's a thought that you won't ever reach there, so why even try? My goodness, you really need to talk to someone regarding this or just have a day of silence and be brutally honest to yourself. You are literally going opposite of your destiny, and that's why you don't feel the sense of accomplishment. I hear, “Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.”
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lotusmi · 1 year
The faith challenge <3
This is a small manifesting/void challenge I made for myself that helped me to manifest my dream life.
Aimed for people that overconsume or overcomplicate getting their desires.
Note: you know enough! you have overconsumed enough information. stop now, its time to finally get what you want!
If you overcomplicate things, you probably listen to subs for hours, affirm 10,000x every hour, etc. You view them as things you must do to get your desires. But remember, you are not doing this to get results in 3d, you are doing this to fulfil yourself inwardly. Its like you have your hair down and your looking in the mirror. You cannot change the hairstyle in the mirror, right? leave the mirror and change your hairstyle. (fulfill your desire inwards), and the mirror(3d) must reflect that.
The actual challenge:
Read/listen to edward art's though false lecture. ONCE. ONLY. ONCE!! aim to truly understand what he is saying. this lecture is all you need. After that, delete your tumblr. unsubscribe to manifestation ppl on youtube. no more information for u.
No affirmations, no subliminals, no scripting, no visualizing. (unless you're doing it just because it helps make you feel fulfilled. you dont have to do them!!! preferably stop all methods.)
you will write your own rules on a slip of paper. ex. 'my manifestions must come within 3 days because i said so and i make the rules', 'everything must always work in my favour'. keep it simple. it doesn't matter what anyone else said, make the rules however u want!
you will stick to those rules. you will just know that everything in your reality has to abide by your rules. do nothing else.
Wavering is fine. if you waver, no jumping back to tumblr to overconsume information. simply ask your inner self for confirmation. your inner self will always say 'yes u have ur desires!'
idc about your 3d. you are under no obligation to accept those circumstances as true, your imagination is the only true reality anyway. don't complain abt how bad ur circumstances are, because one well known blogger here grew up in in extremely abusive situation, was tossed from foster care to foster care, was searching for shelter at night because the abuse was too much. she wavered just like u. And yet, she did it! she changed her entire life. drastically. and you can too.
listen to edward art's though false lecture ONCE.
delete tumblr and all manifestation related stuff. do not do methods.
write your own rules
stick to them
fulfill urself inwardly only.
!!!success story + amazing challenge! oh, anon! You are amazing! 💐💌🌷
This ask is beautiful, this is so well done and the whole post is so well written, organized, and helpful! Omg, you are a real angel! I am so happy that you did it, and even more happy to receive an ask from someone kind like you, I appreciate you so much, I know this will help a lot of people. Congrats for your own journey and success! Please know that you are an amazing soul, and I wish you all the best and so much love, you deserve to live all the happiness! ...🌷💗
The Faith Challenge! <3
꒱This challenge is perfect for you that are overconsuming or overcomplicating the law and want to leave this cycle, manifesting your dream life! Everyone, let's appreciate this anon work! 𓆩♡𓆪
💐💐 those flowers are for you, my dear Faith anon!
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snarkspawn · 9 months
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Well, it's that time of the year again!! Looking back it's been full of ups and downs (art- and otherwise) and overall I'm a little frustrated with where I'm at, but I do like some of the pieces I've drawn this year. I'll try to just focus on that :)
Anyway, I'll be leaving tomorrow to once again spend the holidays/rest of the year with my partner, so I'm going to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming along with me on my art journey! Your tags, comments and support mean the world to me, so thank you for encouraging me to keep doing this despite the horrors lmao I hope you guys have yourselves a gay old christmas if you celebrate, and just a gay old time if you don't, and that you make it safely into the new year ♥
This also means that I'm taking a short break in my commission work, but I'll get back to everyone who is still waiting as soon as I'm back home!
See you all in 2024 (seriously h o w is it 2024 already that cannot be real)
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knizuu · 5 months
When 2 ain’t enough ya gotta have // PT 3 OF LOOKING AT FANG’S STORY // SPOILERS BTW
Wawa first of all, hi!!! If you don’t get what I’m talking about:
This is my original rant with Superstars included! [Check out the other reblogs too if ya want =w=]
And This should be about the start of the Fang miniseries!!
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There’s some things I said on discord already related :]
Sooooo….you might’ve noticed the fact Team Hooligan is kindaaaaa not a thing anymore :’]
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Anyways efkjwghrj, my main point is that he got left because Fang was IGNORANT
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Now I don’t wanna say he’s thinking he has more power, because Fang knows DARN WELL he doesn’t have the skill compared to Bean or Bark. He isn’t strong enough, he isn’t crazy enough, he’s defined by what he NEAR to, like his Marvelous Queen. “Ignorance is bliss” and I think he embodies this idea to the extent of how awful it can be in the long run.
Oh ye the Marvelous Queen? Da she?
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Fang ABSOLUTELY is caring of Marvelous Queen, heck, even more publicly shown rather than Bean or Bark. Now ye he could just not CARE about Bean or Bark but that’s just a lie. Even at the worst, he NEEDED fighters near him to help his journey. That’s just how it is to me :]
But I think what makes Marvelous Queen so much more valuable is the point I already shared: It’s what defines him. It’s what brings the power to HIM ONLY. With Bean and Bark, it makes TEAM HOOLIGAN look good. With the Marvelous Queen, FANG’s impressive. Because it’s such a great device Fang uses perfectly. So it means SO MUCH to him if he had the Marvelous Queen by his side.
…Which is sad, if you know the fact the Marvelous Queen EXPLODED IN HIS DUCKING FACE [Trip I love you but ARHGHHGHJG-
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Oooh so if you know me, there’s been two other pictures like this. One being of him thinking “WHERE’S BEAN AND BARK?” and the other more so “I cannot be a failure AGAIN.” This one is…a lil new to me for some reason but I’ll still use it!
Ok well the first one was the “WHERE’S BEAN AND BARK?” Which goes great with dis one! Both are worried about WHERE Bark and Bean are because they’re supposed to be there for Fang. Like always.
In the last one, he’s just…alone, with no one he’s really thinking about probably BECAUSE he doesn’t want to think about Team Hooligan.
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Yknow cuz if I was in his raggedy shoes, I’d ALSO feel pretty put down from two hooligans who now seem to be judging me! It’s understandable! What he’s so ignorant about is the fact he CARES about these goobers. Yes he uses them to get paid and shiz but he’d also had GREAT chemistry with them!! They were a solid team who just had FUN for darn sakes!
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But perhaps he’s getting too stuck in the comfort. Bean doesn’t have the calm social skills and Bark is practically ignored. They’re a strong unit but not mentally!! You have a good soul being pushed aside, an emotional help who’s getting mad, and an insecure leader who’s getting pissy.
This isn’t who they USED to be, heck the reasons as to what changed kinda boggled me. But I DO understand how
Fang felt like he was going through more trouble with Bean and Bark, hence he didn’t even BOTHER to ask them to come back
He cares about his self worth more than his team, because he doesn’t want to be a failure. He wants to gain money and power so he’s strong.
Because of 2, he’s forgetting he truly loves his team. That they actually help him throughout his journeys but he’s taking them for granted. I guess he sees the Marvelous Queen as ALL. HE. NEEDS.
aight so we all getting this?? Ok ok
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Ok ok just a lil note before a bigger notice-he DOESS say his team mates’ names for alert. But in one of my older posts, I still do believe when Fang’s first confused where his team is, that he’s saying their names out of fear. Because now he’s scared. [in that past moment]
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Ahme kewhbfe this was from the new sonic channel art!! [it might not be too new now ASHFVGWR]
Ya see how the first image tells their relationship? How Fang is…[gasp/silly] INSIGHTFUL??? This may not mean much but the fact I brung up him being ignorant for so long-this is new
Because I thought Fang didn’t care for Trip AT ALL when Superstars first came out-then I saw the pancake image and went “Oh ok so he does like Trip in the sense she is caring and loyal” and this…OH WOWHW HWOH OHWIDWH THIS
It’s only the English translation, but “I wonder what Fang thinks when he sees Trip, who obeys without giving up…” IS SUCH A STRONG MYSTERY
Like ye, what *DEOS* HE THIJNK?? [what does he think pft]
Personally, I think he’s reminding himself of his team and Marvelous Queen
But what’s so special about her is that she isn’t doubtful to Fang as much as Bean and Bark. Yknow cus Bean and Bark has more of their own identity and sternness. And with the Marvelous Queen, heck she can’t speak a word! She’s just the product of what Fang needs to win a battle or win some cash. Trip is like the cheap Walmart version of a Marvelous Queen. But instead of being perfectly one noted as Fang’s helper, she’s clumsy. Though it seems Fang is not TRULY mad about that. Because he’s being respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder he is-/lyrics sorry I love the lion king sm
So…I think he’s gaining more control! I think with a newbie gal such as Trip, he’s getting more insightful on how he acted or acts now. From Superstars/Trio of Trouble, he’s anxious and passionate for being a successful man. But in here, which is supposed to be before Superstars, he’s extremely cocky and forgetting social queues. And for Fang’s Big Break, well I say it does seem like a break! From just…being Fang and not Team Hooligan, Fang’s a lot less crazy or extreme. He’s more calm and collected. Maybe it’s the fact he got too comfortable with being the leader in Team Hooligan. Got too ignorant and was left with no one at the end. Now he’s learning. All anew! With Superstars, he’s grown to a new light. Trip seems to have left a mark! She made Fang more insightful but of course at the expense of Fang losing himself. [As in, the Marvelous Queen]
So I wonder where Fang will go now!! Will he get with Bean and Bark again?? Will he learn to be a better jerboa?? If Trip and Fang really get their new adventures…could we learn more? Ig we’ll never know until there’s more content. At least it’s exciting!
I just hope wherever Bean and Bark are, that they aren’t too mad at Fang. Maybe the separation is what heals them? Because at the core, they’ll ALL unstable. Darn it, Sega, give us more Hooligan content!!/silly but yeh!
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offshore-brinicle · 5 months
[Cracks knuckles]
More simple observations then anything, admittedly.
First things first, Dante uses golden bough resonance seemingly on command, seeing a possibility and thus wishing it into reality, which isn't exactly how we've seen it beforehand - namely in how it manifests the fathoms of one's ego into reality. The image of the symbol we've come to associate with collecting a bough is red and yellow with added chains, as opposed to its usual pure gold - the implication of which is that the specific construction of their head allows them to fine tune this output of reality warping in some way or another.
Given what Faust says of the laws of causality and such, I believe that they were fine tuned to be able to exclusively manifest concepts regarding time, possibly making it more powerful in exchange for limitations on what they can do. This personally reminds me of the people in IV, who were 'revived' by the fathoms but only in body [that is, if I'm remembering correctly] whilst Dante brings back everything of the sinners.
Then this brings us to the actual abilities [currently, ability] themselves and the menu around it. Firstly, the button one clicks to active them is labeled 'Durante' which: is believed to be the baptised name of Alighieri, means 'during' in Italian, comes from the Latin word for 'endure' and was the name on Dante's coat on an early art piece of them on the bus. The idea of 'enduring for a period of time' both fits with the Canto and how Heath endured through his childhood for only the period of time he thought he could be with Cathy, and how Dante endures through the pain of death only for limited amounts of time. Though I do not know of how to tie in Alighieri's name with the game, alas.
Anyways, onto the actual mechanic, once we open it's menu, we are greeted by an unfinished but upright tree of life from the kabbalah, with 'Hokma' at current being the only one unlocked. The chain motif appears again, representing Dante's control over it - or some kind of contract or agreement being made with it, as with the chains binding the sinners. There is also additional text on there but I simply cannot read it, a shame.
The symbol used is the one for Hokma's floor in LoR, with the only other place it has been seen in Limbus being Gregor's base E.G.O, alongside the symbols for Malkuth, Gebura, Chesed and Binah. We also see it when the ability is first awakened, with overlayed hands settling in the 9'oclock position, the same one Dante started the game off with, and white chains are seen again as the symbol of connection/control. This of course yet another thing tying the boughs to Lobcorp and its consequences, this time with specific reference to a very important character. We do skip over Keter for the time being, which I don't know enough to comment about.
We also see 'Pigritia' or 'sloth' under Hokma's symbol, but given as there are more parts of the Kabbalah then sins in game, we may end up bringing in some other sins like 'vainglory' from past ideas around christanity. Plus, this implies a connection between Gregor and sloth, which is proven true in how it the affinity of his base E.G.O. The sins the other badges rep. may also be ones connecting more personally with Gregor as well, but we'll see in due time.
Now. Golden bough synchronisation isn't something I believe we've seen before, but it is in the corner of the home screen whilst Dante commits season name. This could be Dante's bough synchronising with one of the ones on the rooftop in order to perform that feat, or something else I am too tired to think of right now.
The ask is. Really long but! I do think the fact they are called 'sapling of light' abilities is really interesting, it implies a more grown version of the seeds of light sowed within the people of the City - I believe its either grown as a result of interacting/resonating with the boughs, or due to Dante's experiences and developments through their journey. This also presents a non-zero chance that Dante is an attempt to recreate the seed of light project, something I'm sure at least a few of Limbus' workers [coughcoughFAUSTcough] know of in some capacity.
I believe that's it for that for now, though.
HONESTLY REALLY FANTASTIC ANALYSIS, I also caught up on the thing about Dante's name and the label on their coat since my mother language is Spanish and "durante" means "during" in it, so it naturally led me to understanding it easier.
God the appearance of Hokma's symbol was such a jumpscare it left me agape, but also the fact that it's the symbol used for Hokma ever since the Library came to be as well as the Sephirah in the floor, and also the fact that Hermann is interested in The Well which seems to be the "river" under Wuthering Heights being some kind of unique area that connects to it hence the ghosts and apparitions from other worlds. It makes me wonder even more about the state of the Library and Angela's ultimate goal in the true ending is finding a way to dismantle The Head, since now it means Dante is not just connected to Carmen but The Library.
I wouldn't be surprised if Limbus and N Corp are in some kind of race to recreate the Seed of Light but with their own purposes, mainly Limbus taking in count what you just said and the fact that the path layed out for the Sinners to reach their own "awakenings" is awfully similar to how the Sephirah were used in the original Seed of Light, though not as calculated and controlled as Ayin's plan and prone to failure since we technically only had 4 out of 6 attempted boughs collected with Heathcliff's burnt one and only 2 of the 6 missions resulted in an EGO realization/self-actualization in Yi Sang and Ishmael. Sinclair made some progress at least while Gregor and Rodion stayed the same but Heathcliff....feels like he got worse, really. Bodysack stayed the same and the one time it's "awakened" it's used in the Canto it's as an act of self-hatred and once everything is over it stays the same symbol of death, just now with a new obsession driving him forward in bringing back Catherine somehow which is definitely not going to turn out well in the future.
Somehow I didn't catch up on the 'Pigritia' part, it's interesting that it uses a different term from the actual Sloth Peccatula, since Acediae would be more accurately translated as "apathy", but the fact that it all connects to Gregor again and he acknowledges Hermann again and stops calling her "mother" is also an intruguing development. Hell, it's actually most likely that the Bough Hermann gave to Nelly and Catherine is the very same one they took from Gregor in Canto I.
As always thanks for your asks I love reading people's observations and analysis.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 5 months
i just rewatched one step ahead and the staircase scene (because i don't know i just wanted to feel something). and of course it hits, because the relationship between curt and owen is very well written and well acted and all the parts come together beautifully and you feel for both of them, especially after seeing curt's journey through the musical and recontextualising the dma's actions.
but it hits in another way that it didn't (for me at least) when i first watched it, which is in owen's motivations. chimera has the ability to make spies obsolete with the use of technology. a box in a room can do what a spy does, but in seconds. nowadays, ai can write and be "creative" (massive asterisk there) with predictive text models, typing a book in a matter of minutes. but curt says it sounds boring, that they as spies should remember the impact they had on people, the lives they saved. because a computer cannot measure the emotional impact its works have on those it benefits (also i'd argue ai can't actually make art). ai cannot care about what it does, there is no emotional resonance with what it does. but it's easier, less costly, maybe less dangerous, so it takes those opportunities away, substituting human works for machine bullshit
i just think it's neat how, with time, this awesome and multi-layered musical has had another layer added to it (or brought to the surface). anyway watch spies are forever. or rewatch it.
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bandydear · 8 months
I’ve been reading your tlgbf tlgbl fic, and am absolutely obsessed!! Where did you get the inspirations for dyke Jackie? I love how you’ve written her and her queerness
So, I prescribe to the theory that Jackie had some inclinations about her homosexuality out there in the wild and that's why she's parading around in sweater vests and limp wrists. That the high femme presentation we see in the pilot is more of a gender and social performance than who she is. And, I explored the people pleaser elements that lingered behind in that.
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She compliments Nat in the Pilot that she admires how true to herself Natalie is which means that Jackie is not true to herself. She feels the pressure of expectation and lives within that expectation instead of her truth. We are never given a "truth that could crash an airplane" from Jackie. What she says is that she used to sneak downstairs and watch The Color of Night so she could pause it at Bruce Willis's wang.
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For research for the fic, I watched Color of Night (the shit I do for art...). Bruce Willis's flaccid dong is there for like, five frames. And, it's not impressive like she claims it to be. You know what that movie actually has a lot of? Naked women and lesbian sex. Jackie's gay.
I know a lot of butch/futch/even high femme dykes who began their journeys presenting heterofemme realness and rejected it when they made their way down the rainbow brick road. Jackie very much gives me those vibes. Like, she has gay energy, but also a very "useless gay man" energy.
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I think that finding out "x amount" of her teammates are some kind of queer and that the Very Hetero Sport she's been shielding herself with is uhhhhh Not That is part of what leads her down the path of self-discovery.
She's also shredded. Jackie canonically has an 8-pack and that's interesting because in the 90's, muscle tone was seen as something undesirable for women. (Now, I know that the show is made Now, where the aesthetic ideals are different, but if it's in the text it counts.)
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Anyway, this has all been said before in other tumblr posts about Jackie being gay. I'm sure you're asking about why I wrote her as a futch service top instead of say, a femme pillow princess?
It has to do with her character arc. In S1 of Yellowjackets, Jackie's arc is one of nihilism and regression. The only thing that is keeping her alive in this survival situation is her love for Shauna, and when she learns of Shauna's resentment, she loses the will to live. Literally. Dies of a broken heart.
Jackie cannot survive in an environment without love. And, she struggles with survival instincts in general. Which is what makes her a great foil to Nat, who cannot help but survive, and, ironically, dies in S2 of too much love. The moment Nat stopped being cynical and nihilistic she doomed herself.
Two characters in direct opposition cannot exist so therefore they must either kill one or the other other--or change each other to live in harmony. I chose the latter. Jackie softens Nat and Nat hardens Jackie. They meet in the middle. If Jackie becomes hard, and becomes someone who can survive, what does that look like? What's the funniest possible way to get to this point?
Make Jackie the one who builds the shelter. Take this ineffectual, limp wristed twink and show her the way towards self-sufficiency through trades. Her home was broken beyond repair, so she learns how to fix it on her own. The literal is metaphorical and the metaphorical is literal.
So, now that I've explained:
Why Jackie is gay
Why Jackie fixes houses
Now, "why a service top"?
I touch on it in the text, but I don't think she's solely that. I do think that even after coming out, if she was experimenting with people who weren't Shauna she wouldn't allow herself to be physically vulnerable with them. It would cause a panic attack. She has a very Protestant energy and receiving pleasure as a part of sex would probably give her like 5 different mental breaks.
Jackie doesn't enjoy sex with Jeff (oral and hand stuff count as sex) not just because she's gay, but because she's too self-aware of how she's being perceived to enjoy her body.
On the other hand, she is a chronic people pleaser--though Lazy, so I knew she couldn't jump into this with both feet. If Jackie had slept with the girl in chapter 1 it wouldn't have gone well, and it would have been super awkward and unsatisfying for both parties. It's the envy at seeing Nat enjoying herself, and finally being in a safe space to relax a little that allows her to explore sensuality. Still, I don't think she'd let herself be touched in the same way.
If she had, as planned, shared a room with Shauna at Rutgers, I could see her being in a much more comfortable sexual role. Because Shauna was her safe space. But, I could also see her bringing a lot of her own baggage into that situation, and it quickly becoming toxic. I don't think they'd work romantically out of their "platonic" relationship in school, because it had already broken and festered by the Pilot.
Anyway! That's the impetus for Jackie's dykery. I hope that clarified some things. There are other folks out there who have come away with other, valid, and cool conclusions, but these are the ones I came to with my own research and experience. Thanks again for asking!
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evaristo-velez · 3 months
Prewriting - What is it?
What isn't prewriting? Thank you for your time.
Joking aside, to live is to prewrite, as a writer anyways. We write with our lived experiences as a lens and guide; the adage "write what you know" comes to mind.
Prewriting is the act of preparing to write, clearly, but it can look different than what is the traditional definition (in my opinion).
I believe in outlines and their efficacy! Nothing I do is separate from that, rather added on top or concurrently in my process.
Other Media
I firmly believe writers of one medium should look at other media when doing their prewriting.
For my fantasy novel, I went with my (now) fiancee to museums! How did other parts of the world in centuries past fight, create, or spread beliefs?
The armor from medieval Europe and weaponry gave me an idea of time periods, seeing early firearms in a nearby exhibit with dates allowed me to see how one corner of humanity progressed.
Old world Asian art showed how different conditions set up for unique styles of art and decorations. The sheer number of Hindi and Muslim art in eastern cultures showed me how intertwined religion was to art.
I steered away from screen/teleplays but I love movies and shows for prewriting. Watch an old favorite whose characters you feel familiar with. What makes them so engaging? Are their arcs dynamic? How early does the showrunner introduce breadcrumbs for a twist? What does episodic television do that serialized television cannot, and vice versa?
Video games with lore or engaging stories provide other good examples to learn from!
Sometimes I will engage other media for fun, other times I sit with the intent of study.
Life, our own and others', are all ongoing stories. They might not all follow "The Hero's Journey" or "69 Point Plot Map" but we can take creative liberty when looking at inspiration both within and without
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ritual-unions · 1 year
A Curse I Cannot Lift
Part One of Wolf Like Me: Read the rest here
Pairing: Ubbe x OFC
Summary: Eir, daughter to the King of Sweden, worries that her father has promised her hand in marriage, though he denies the claim. Arriving at the shores of Kattegat, Eir sneaks away from her family, running into a stranger she hopes to never see again.
Setting: slightly pre-season 4b, maybe by a few months.
Word Count: >2000
Warnings: none, unless a “meet-cute” is a warning.
Her mother had complained every day since stepping on the boat that the salt soaked into her dress would never come out. Eir had to admit, she too was ready to be on land again, though she does not voice her complaints as loudly as her mother.
The warriors rowing look as though they will gladly trade positions with the Queen of Sweden, whose hands are void of any calluses, and the jewels dripping off her head and neck would fetch enough coin to feed them and their families for three years. The men grimace, and grunt as Eir’s mother whines, thinking instead of the glory and the gold they will obtain when they finally sail to the Mediterranean. 
The first stop will be Kattegat, where Eir’s father, King Anund of Sweden, will begrudgingly pay tribute to the man responsible for the voyage. Eir asks her father if she too can sail to the Mediterranean, only to receive a wide-eyed look of wonder in return. King Anund will take her younger brothers, yes, but no, Eir will stay with her mother, Sif, waiting patiently in Kattegat, until they return. 
Her parents are hiding something from her. Eir knows by the way her mother stares at her longingly as if she will never see her again. As if she will blink her eyes and Eir will disappear. Sif offers each night to brush Eir’s hair, even though she had not done such a thing since Eir was ten years old. 
Anund has lovingly squeezed Eir’s shoulder so frequently that Eir is sure there will be an indentation where his fingers have pressed against her skin. Each evening Anund finds Eir at the bow of the ship, opens his mouth as if to say something wise, stands like a gaping fish and promptly walks away. 
When Eir asks if something is wrong her parents shrug their shoulders, frown, and look off into the distance, the orange glow of the sun blinding their eyes, as if Eir should look for answers there. 
It would be of no surprise to any of her handmaids that Eir slips away the moment the boat docks on the shores of Kattegat. It is possible that they even look the other way when she silently holds herself back before timidly heading down the shoreline. 
The cliffs that stand like silent sentries over the fjord have been calling to Eir since they sailed in, two days earlier. Leaning against the prowl of the ship she had stared up at their glory wondering what it must be like to stand on top of them. 
The hollow in the hillside seems the most obvious route, but as she struggles over the rubble, her fine leather boots slipping against the rugged rocks, the journey becomes almost impossible. 
She turns around in search of a better route, not yet willing to be deterred. There is a game-trail down the way that she eyes but it is a steep climb and in her dress she does not think she has the mobility to make it. She will try anyway, she has to make it to the top. There is something waiting for her there, only waiting to be discovered. 
A man she had not noticed before is at the base of the path she wants to take. He is off his horse, fiddling with the straps of his saddle, a large black dog circling his heels impatiently. Cautiously, she freezes in place. The way he had slid into view without a sound, is unsettling. With no one around to see he can easily attack her. Eir does not have the skill or strength of a shieldmaiden or even a country girl raised to carry bags of wheat twice their size. She is a princess untrained in the art of war, instead she gapes, shifting on her feet unsteadily, unsure what to do next.  
With as much courage as she can muster, she acknowledges him. “Who are you?”  
Silently, the man gazes at her in acute interest, a whisper of a smile on his lips as he takes her in. His dirty blonde hair is wind swept and wild atop his head. His face is clean of dirt but she cannot place his station, much to her annoyance. He could be a local or a warrior traveling to Kattegat to sail with Bjorn Ironside. She does not know, making her even more cautious. 
The black dog, more a wolf, steps in closer, long nose sniffing at the air. Not able to steady her nerves she takes half a step back. The man snaps his fingers twice, causing Eir to jump in surprise and the wolf to sit back on his haunches. The wolf-dog looks at her with the same watchful eyes as the man.  
“Are you the kennel master?” Eir demands. Her gaze travels to the two rabbits hanging off of his shoulder. “The gamekeep?” She asks again, her nerves causing her to ramble.
This makes him laugh, a throaty chuckle that creases the corners of his eyes. A kind smile greets her and she can not help but warm to it. She has never thought of herself as a funny person but she wishes she knew a few jokes just to make him laugh that way again. 
“Do you always demand someone’s profession before their name?” He inquires with a tilt of his head. 
A blush creeps along Eir’s throat. Embarrassed, she looks anywhere but his face, to the horse that stands patiently beside him or the hillside she still desires to climb, even as he tries vainly to find her gaze once more.
“I am Ubbe,” he finally announces, and Eir can no longer ignore him. His voice is soft, there is no hint of haughtiness as if she should know who he is. Most men she meets in her father’s great halls wear their pride heavy on their shoulders and chest, demanding an abundance of attention just for being. This man does not and Eir frowns, not used to such modest demure.  
“I am not the kennel master or the gamekeep.” His mouth holds a humor hidden in the corners as he speaks. “Though my brothers probably think otherwise.” He shrugs his shoulders, as if this is the way of the world. Ubbe laughs under his breath, shaking his head when Eir frowns in discontent. 
“I want to go up there,” Eir says when Ubbe does not offer to explain himself. To deflect his attention she flicks her chin in the direction of the cliffs.  
Ubbe’s face is somber as he follows her gaze, allowing Eir’s disposition to settle away from his searching eyes. “Yes. I can take you,” he says, reaching out for her, fingers slipping around her waist. 
With a gasp of surprise she twists out of his grip. Never in her life has she been grabbed at so rudely. This man is clearly some boy from the country, not trained in the ways to treat a lady of her stature. 
“What are you doing?” She shrieks. 
Again Ubbe laughs at her. “Helping you on my horse. You cannot think to walk.” 
“I don’t ride horses.” Her tongue feels heavy in her mouth. She does not have to explain herself like this back home. Her hands find her hips, eyes narrowing in an attempt to show that her mind will not easily be swayed.
“It is fine if you have never ridden before. Skadi is a good girl.” Ubbe pats the snowy rump of the draft horse and the mare flicks her head in silent agreement, white mane flashing in the sun. 
Eir shakes her head, taking half a step back. 
“Come,” Ubbe goads with a wave of his hand. Eir chews her lip in apprehension. She should not trust this man but a wild sense of curiosity bubbles in her belly, pushing her forward. She is desperate to go to the top, something is calling her there. 
“Here, I will show you.” Ubbe is on the horse in one fluid twist, holding out his hand in offering when he has settled. His eyes spark with mischief. Curious, Eir takes another step towards Ubbe and his horse. She has never been one to dabble in the unknown but here she is scrambling on top of a horse she does not know with a man she has just met. Her mother would faint at the sight of her. 
Gripping onto the leather of the saddle, Eir mumbles, “this is wrong.” 
Cool breath tickles her ear. “That is what makes it fun.” He is laughing at her again but she does not get the chance to glare at him over her shoulder. He spurs the horse forward, startling Eir, and she has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from letting out a shriek of terror. 
Ubbe is right about not wanting to walk this hillside on foot. Eir can hear the horse’s labored breathing, its first strides quick then she slows as muscles strained to push on. This is why Eir refuses to ride horses. It is not right. To abuse an animal, to force them to carry their weight just to make their lives easier, she wants nothing to do with it. 
She opens her mouth to protest. She would walk the rest of the way. 
“Here,” Ubbe says, halting the horse, his fingers on her waist nudging her down. With shaking arms she slides to the ground. 
Letting out a sigh of relief, she remembers to pat the horse’s neck in thanks, whispering promises of a treat. It will not be enough for her conscience but the sight before her pulls her away from her guilt. 
From here she can see the entire world. The fjord long and endless, Kattegat small and bustling, plumes of smoke rising from tiny houses, and up the valley, to the mountains and beyond. At the mouth of the fjord boats sailed in, tiny dots on the vast landscape. They come from all over, places Eir had never been and would probably never go. 
“I think my father means to marry me off,” Eir blurts, words tumbling out of her mouth without consent. 
Ubbe is relaxed on a large lichen covered boulder, his wolf perched on a patch of snow next to him. They share a mirrored thoughtful look but neither offer an opinion on the matter. She rolls her eyes. She should not expect so much from a kennel master. It is better this way. She does not need his opinion. She knows what she really wants. 
“I want to scream.” 
“Scream.” Ubbe’s subtle nod of permission allows Eir to open her lungs. She screams, loud and hard, until her throat hurts and her ears ring, until she feels right again. 
“Better,” she says with a heavy sigh, brushing over her skirts, straightening out the wrinkles and her temporary embarrassment. She would never see this man again. It does not matter how he views her. “You can take me back now.” 
This time Ubbe does not laugh at her, instead he helps her on his horse and silently they make their way back to the shore. 
Her mother, Sif, is there, frantically calling her name, as she paces the sandy shoreline. Ubbe's steady hands help Eir off the horse, making sure she has her feet under her before he steps away. Mirth is once again lit in his eyes as he watches Sif, rushing toward her. 
Eir wants to say something, thank him for his help or scold him for laughing at her mother’s nature but she does not get the opportunity, instead Sif’s crushing hug leaves Eir swaying on her feet. 
“I was only gone a moment,” Eir mumbles against her mother’s shoulder. 
“Don’t do that!” Sif replies, already turning back down the shore, towards town where her maids and a few king’s guards wait patiently for their queen’s return. Eir’s elbow is clenched tightly in Sif’s hand as her mother directs Eir back to the bustle of town. With one last fleeting glance over her shoulder, Eir plans to call out her thanks to Ubbe but she finds that his eyes are still full of mirth. He is laughing at her, at her mother. His mouth is alive with humor though he tries vainly to damper it with a slip of his tongue against his lips. Eir scowls, happy that she will never have to see Ubbe again. 
Entire Vikings Masterlist or Wolf Like Me series masterlist
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themissakat · 2 years
Hi! First off I jut wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your work. Your art inspires me so much and I love all of the fanfics you've written. Especially pieces of you. Anyways, I was wondering if you have any tips for beginners. Anatomy wise I mean. I'm not very good at Anatomy and was wondering if you had any tips? That's all. Keep up the great work!
thanks so much!!
man i love talking about learning How To Art, lets get to it *breaks my knuckles*
I did a quick tik tok a hot minute ago rambling on my process with figures:
I am trying to narrow down my thoughts and i think that overall, human anatomy is easiest to grasp by starting simple, then narrowing your focus.
as i mentioned in the above tik tok, simplification of shapes can really help, as well as memorizing general proportions of the body. even if you cannot draw the specific detail of, say, the musculature of a neck, or every single finger joint, if the structure is there and is generally in the right place, it will be far more helpful.
my favorite phrase in regards to developing skills and then style is, "you need to learn the rules before you can break them."
Observation and reference is super important, especially with something as complex as the human form. Frequently refer back to real people, pictures, references.
(If you are able to, I recommend trying to attend sessions with live models. If you can't there's lots of websites that give a similar structure to those sessions, but with photos instead (most sites give an option to exclude nude pictures as well which can be nice). (here's one i found by googling "figure drawing")
To practice simplified anatomy, i would probably recommend gesture drawing, just very quick and loose doodles from reference (with the above type of website, 60 seconds a pose or less!) to help get an idea of your basic shapes and proportions. (Some examples below!!)
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Reference is very much your friend. if you do have a specific pose in mind, ask a friend to pose for a picture, or take one of you! (or be like me and use a webcam, because you've already got a tripod for it, why not)
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(tracing from photos can also be a good way to learn! though it is important to remember that it should be used as a LEARNING TOOL, not as a means to produce a final piece of artwork.)
my final note for this long ass ramble is that, often times people will pass along tutorials from other artists. HOARD THESE. so many people have really good tips for shortcuts, or how they think about things! (for example, this artist, Meg Syv, is someone whose work i really admire, PLUS she retweets a lot of tutorials as well as posts lots of WIP work, which gives some insight into her process!) (i think she's been coming back to Tumblr as well, @/bludragongal ) okay i think that's all i can word vomit for the moment. TLDR: Observe and Reference from Life, Simplified > Complex, Create a dragon hoard of tips and tutorials that other kind people post online. HOPE THIS HELPS!! All the well wishes for your art journey!
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
For a fic exchange with darling @actual-bill-potts, who wrote me this fantastically creepy Maedhros/Sauron piece and requested some Tol-in-Gaurhoth angst in response! I hope you enjoy love you sm <3
Warnings: rape, graphic depictions of violence. This is significantly darker and more explicit than my usual fare, please take care!
It is Edrahil’s turn. Finrod should not be surprised: he has heard them all die by now, from little Calimmacil, the first baby ever born in Nargothrond, all the way to old Farphen who has lived uncounted years since the Great Journey – and to end them in such a manner! But Edrahil – Edrahil, who has ever had such faith in Finrod – he cannot bear it. He will not listen.
A noise at the entrance of the dungeon, cutting through the low growl of the waiting wolf. It is Gorthaur again, dressed all in white, his eyes of flame gleaming with amusement. He is the only thing Finrod can see clearly in the dark. “Only two left,” he observes. “Are these last dearer to thee than thy other companions, little lord? Or shalt thou cling to thy secrets yet?”
“Aran,” Edrahil croaks, as the wolf draws closer. “Aran, do not—” Beren’s parched voice joins his in agreement.
“I will give you nothing, Gorthaur,” Finrod says – whispers – pleads.
The all-too-familiar sound of teeth tearing through flesh. Edrahil cries out, hoarsely.
Gorthaur is watching Finrod’s face as he weeps. “Thou art enjoying this, art thou not?” he says. “Their faith in thee in the face of such despair… it pleases thee.”
Through his tears, Finrod manages to summon up a glob of saliva to spit at Gorthaur’s pristine robes.
Edrahil has begun to call for him – they all do at some point. “Aran,” he gasps, “Aran, please—”
Gorthaur makes an amused sound. “This is thy own doing,” he tells Finrod. “Thou mightst as well take pleasure in it.” He sits down on the floor beside Finrod, his robes the only clean thing in the filthy dungeon, and puts an arm around Finrod’s naked shoulders, drawing him close. “Hear how he muffles his cries,” he whispers, his breath hot in Finrod’s ear, “for thy sake – does it not gladden thee?”
“No,” Finrod gasps, trying to pull away, but the manacles around his wrists and ankles hold him in place, and anyway he is crying too hard to concentrate. He raises his voice so that Edrahil can hear him better. “It will not be long, dear friend – I am sorry, I am so—”
He breaks off with a choked cry. There are hot, slick fingers inside him – breaching him, opening him. Edrahil screams and at the same moment Gorthaur twists his fingers—
Finrod cannot control the heavy panting breaths he is taking. He cannot help the way he shudders away from Gorthaur’s heat and, at the same time, leans into it, cannot stop his hips from bucking at the violating press of fingers within him.
“Come, little lord,” Gorthaur purrs. He licks a teasing stripe down Finrod’s neck. “Enjoy it.”
The sickening crunch of bone. Beren shouts out, but Edrahil is quieter now. “Aran,” he croaks. “Aran, it hurts…”
Gorthaur takes Finrod into his free hand and strokes him, suddenly. Finrod has opened his mouth to summon up some soothing words for Edrahil – and what can he even say, what will possibly make this better? – but all that comes out is a startled moan.
"There," says Gorthaur, slipping a third finger into him. Finrod cries out, and Gorthaur lets go of him in order to grasp his chin with one scorching hand and push his tongue into his mouth, stoppering his sounds of distress. "Didst thou not choose this?" he reminds Finrod, twisting his fingers again, leaning in to kiss away the tears running down his face. "'Tis well within thy power to call off my wolves, if thou wilt only tell me thy name." Finrod gives a sob and Gorthaur laughs. "No? Understandable. It brings thee pleasure, I can see that much."
There is a horrible slurping noise coming from the wolf now, and the wet slap of entrails against the stone floor. Edrahil is still conscious: he lets out the occasional tiny ragged whimper, each time muffled by the moans Gorthaur draws from Finrod's lips. He does not want this – it must be some Maia magic, to make his body respond so – but what if it is not? What if Gorthaur is right, and Finrod does take some perverse pleasure in his companions' loyalty?
"Hush, hush," Gorthaur says, gentle now, even as he takes Finrod in hand again, stroking him hard and fast. "Enjoy it, little lord. Enjoy it."
"He is gone," Beren reports from the other side of the dungeon, his voice dull and rasping, and with a sob Finrod spills into Gorthaur's hand.
Gorthaur seems to lose interest, after that. He withdraws his fingers from Finrod and leaves him slumped against the wall, the scent of blood mingling with that of his own release. "Only one left," he says, glancing from Finrod to where Beren must be chained, although Finrod can still see nothing but the terrible vision in white before him. "I shall see thee again soon, little lord."
"Aran," Beren whispers, once he is gone; but Finrod cannot bear to respond.
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witheredoffherwitch · 11 months
I love Helaemond, a bit more than Alysmond, but hating on someone for liking a ship and talking like a salty 12 year old??? is simply OBNOXIOUS. JFC WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE ON THIS FANDOMMM ☠
Amiraaaaa.. wadddapp babes?!
I really don't mind fanon Helaemond; I have previously shared both fanfics and art filtered under this tag. However, if we're talking canon, I cannot help but feel that it would tamper with the main plot. That goes for Lucemond and Nyramond as well - while I'm a fan of it, its implications on the story do not sit right with me.
Alysmond is a tragic, gothic tale which makes sense in the context of Dance as it shows the catastrophic outcome of two unlikely figures coming together. People who root for this bleak union don't consider it 'relationship goals.' They take pleasure in the macabre nature of their doomed journey.
I understand that fans have different biases - but it's really puzzling to see people lurking in someone's mentions and pushing ridiculous arguments about why Phia might support Aemond or why Gayle hasn't acknowledged him yet. What does that even mean? Gayle and Ewan haven't had a scene yet, and they won't until season 3. It makes no sense!
Anyways, love you and hope you're feeling better now 🫶
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greetings-inferiors · 5 months
give me manga reccommendations (please)
i think i'm gonna start reading again
i'll start with the classics like tokyo ghoul and black butler and death note because i did already read the first few volumes of them (like 2 yrs ago tho so ill have to reread)
but i want reccommendations :3
Why are you awake at 3am
Anyway my actual recommendations -
Tokyo ghoul and death note are GREAT starting points, two of the best mangas ever written.
The middle of death note does drag a bit, but the ending makes up for it imo. And obviously the first half is some of the best manga ever written. It’s also really short so you may as well, you won’t regret it.
Tokyo ghoul is fantastic, and I really recommend it, ESPECIALLY if you haven’t watched the anime. I wish I read the manga first every day. One of the most beautiful manga I’ve ever read.
I’ve never read black butler but I’ve heard good things.
Now, for my new recommendations (from least to most recommended)
One punch man is gut achingly funny, though I haven’t been keeping up with it
If you get into one piece you won’t run out of entertainment for months, what I’ve read it pretty good and apparently it just keeps getting better.
Spy x family is similarly gut achingly funny, but with a fantastic and gripping plot, especially the newest chapters. It’s one of two mangas I still keep up with for every chapter.
Assassination classroom is hilarious, but heart wrenchingly sad. It’s fantastic. It was my favourite manga for a long time.
And, of course, the big one. Jojo’s bizzare adventure is my favourite manga of all time. It’s one of my favourite pieces of media ever made. There’s genuinely nothing like it. Every part is completely unique, from the martial arts of part 1, to the murder mystery of part 4, to the heists of part 9. I am not kidding when I say that every part is its own genre. It’s also all really good. There’s an argument for all parts to be the best. And the title isn’t lying. In fact, it may be lying by omission. It’s not just bizzare - it’s batshit. In the best possible way. The only problem is that part 1 drags a bit, even though it’s short and imo still really good, so it’s a bit difficult to get into (and you are NOT part skipping, I WILL DISOWN YOU). It’s better than the anime though, so if you’re going to do jojo it’s best to start with the manga (the first three parts are MUCH better as mangas). But once you get to the end of part 1, it’s non stop PEAK. The ending to part 1 is phenomenal. Part 2 has one of the best jojos. Part 3 is a great journey and villain of the week format (along with having the best fight in the entire series). Part 4 is some of the best slice of life I’ve ever read??? Part 5 is basically an anime of the godfather and it’s brilliant. Part 6 is a jailbreak movie, with one of the best endings to anything ever. Part 7 is out of nowhere a literary masterpiece, unironically one of the greatest works of art I’ve ever read (it’s the second highest rated manga of all time for a reason). Part 8 is the pinnacle of Araki as a writer, storyteller, and artist, with a great coming of age (I guess lmao) story. And part 9 is thrilling heists with (imo) the best jojo in the series. The worst part is really fucking good, and the best part is one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever written. I truly cannot recommend it enough. It’s not everyone’s thing - the title is NOT lying, it is weird, at times nonsensical, but never uninteresting. Give it a shot, at least the first 3 parts, they’re not long and if you’re not interested by then you’re not human I think (/j). Once you get to 4 and onwards they keep getting longer, and while they do keep getting better and better, if you’re not into the vibe and stands then you don’t want to read 800 ish chapters more. Oh yeah it is long tbf, the first 3 parts aren’t that long, the next 3 parts are decently sized, then the next 2 alone are longer than a lot of the other manga I’ve recommended lmao. But that’s kinda what happens when you release a manga without any major hiatuses for 30+ years. He only started releasing it monthly in about 2008, so it would be way longer lmao. But the monthly releases are worth it, it instantly gets wayyyyyyy better. You’ll notice it in steel ball run (part 7). And once you’re finished you’ll be able to wait with me for part 9, which has been FANTASTIC so far, and I’m really excited to see more.
The only problem is: how do you read it? Answer: I don’t know. Probably mangadex? Don’t read the official translations, they change almost every name in the series due to copyright (every stand and a lot of characters are named after songs and bands) and it a.) works way less and b.) will make communicating with other jojo fans really difficult. I read the first 8 parts using Jojo’s coloured adventure (though I don’t recommend the coloured manga, the black and white is much better), which was an all in one place fan translation, but I don’t think it exists anymore. I recommend researching which translations are the best and then reading them on mangadex. The thing about it is that the translations I read are only for the newly released chapters I’m pretty sure, so giving you their names wouldn’t help at all. I’ve read a few chapters of phantom blood on mangadex and like… it’s alright. The phrasing is a bit clunky, but overall it’s good.
Some last things: the early parts are a bit sexist at times, the women are still really well written like erina, Lisa Lisa, and suzi q, but the first 3 parts have the odd “beaten by a mere woman!!?” And stuff. But even then there’s a lot of subversions of sexism, like Lisa Lisa being really fucking strong (and even then Araki regrets having not written her as more of a main character). But once you get past part 3 it basically stops. Araki is really progressive with his writing, he wanted part 5 to have a female jojo, but his editors didn’t let him, but once part 6 came around he put his foot down and made half of the cast women (and even then he still was forced to change someone to a man). I’m pretty sure he even said the quote “the fact that readers don’t want the jojo to be a woman is exactly why she needs to be a woman” or something similar. Part 8’s best written character is a woman, and in part 9 we’ve got a weird genderqueer thing (I love dragona but it’s really hard to say whether they’re trans or not lmao. Imo they are, but obviously you shouldn’t assume. At the very least they aren’t out yet. Tho they take hrt. Lmao). Basically what I’m saying is it gets a lot better.
Once you’ve caught up I really recommend the anime! The first 3 parts are a downgrade imo (especially part 3, yikes they completely massacred it. The beginning is great and the last fight is phenomenally done though), but part 4 is an upgrade, especially since they had the hindsight of the villain (Araki originally wanted 3 to be the end, so part 4 didn’t really have a plan for the first half of its story) and could sprinkle him throughout. I haven’t watched 5 or 6 yet, but apparently 5 is fantastic and 6 is really good. But I’d definitely recommend reading it first, and then watching it once you’re obsessed.
If anything you should read the first 6 parts as homework for steel ball run. I love the first 6 parts to death, but 7,8, and 9 are so so so good, and steel ball run is, like, a classic manga. It’s the fucking great gatsby of manga. Or maybe to kill a mockingbird? Idk.
Anyway I’m sorry this is long I really really really like Jojo. Like I said, it’s my favourite manga of all time, and one of my favourite media franchises in general. I could gush about it for hours (and I guess I just did whoops lmao).
Also if you read it you’ll get the jojo references (important)
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mysticbewitched · 1 year
hi! so, I’ve been reading your posts on how to change your self-concept with subliminals in order to build confidence as a manifestor in my own reality. and while I was looking up affirmations I could add to my list when making my own supraliminal, I noticed they seemed a bit…arrogant? egocentric? Which, I mean, it makes sense since it only involves me to change MY self-concept. But I’m worried this will make me less empathetic, less considerate towards others and more selfish and self-centered? I don’t want to become that type of person. Does this make sense?
I understand your concerns, but I just want to say: why is confidence deemed as selfish and self-centered in this community?
Self-confidence should not be controversial, and everyone should strive to feel confident and good about themselves.
You're all the creator of your own reality. Why wouldn't you want to feel good about yourself and confident in your power to create?
What's wrong with having confidence in yourself and your abilities? Not just in conscious manifesting, but other categories of your life in general.
Self-belief is an important quality for all aspects in your life. If you don't believe in yourself, then how will you be able to achieve the things you desire, have the motivation to strive for your goals, and create the life of your dreams?
Self-confidence is not selfish, and having confidence in yourself does not make you less empathetic towards others. It is only a mindset of being able to trust and believe in yourself and your abilities with confident security.
Self-confidence is absolutely vital for you to have as a conscious creator. This is needed.
The one and only reason that so many people struggle so much on their spiritual journey in this community, overcomplicate the teachings, and turn to various manifestation blogs for help with manifesting is because deep down inside, they are insecure about themselves, and they truly lack confidence in their power to manifest their desires.
It is their mindset holding them back.
Insecure manifestors who doubt themselves and their power to create only struggle and experience frustration with their manifestations.
You have to choose to become confident in yourself and your abilities to manifest in order to truly master the art of conscious manifestation. The more successes you have, the more your confidence flourishes as the operant power of your reality.
Master manifestors are a master of their power to create simply because they are utterly confident and they believe in themselves. These conscious manifestors recognize their power, and they identify themselves as the creator of their reality.
All that aside, feeling insecure is an absolute horrible feeling, and it's sad to say that we live in a society that profits off of making people feel insecure about themselves and powerless in their own lives.
▪︎ If you're confident, you're called selfish and egotistical. You're told that you need to humble yourself.
▪︎ On the other hand, if you're insecure and struggle with self-doubt, you're told that you need to be more confident in yourself and believe in yourself.
My question is: when does this soul-sucking paradox come to end? You cannot ever please the expectations of society, and we should never try to do that at all. It will never be good enough, anyway.
Isn't it time that we've had enough from others trying to tell us how we should feel? Isn't it time that we rebel against the bullshit societal expectations and dare to have confidence in ourselves?
Confidence isn't arrogant, selfish, or wrong. It is an important quality that everyone should have, regardless. It should not be controversial.
We all deserve to feel confident and good about ourselves at all times. Why wouldn't you want that for yourself? Our self-worth and belief in our abilities should never be based on what society tells us on how we should be towards ourselves.
You are the creator of your reality, and you embody the boundless power to move mountains.
We have to dare to be our own best friend at the end of the night and our greatest supporter throughout our spiritual awakening in order for us to dare to believe in ourselves.
Confidence is beautiful, powerful, empowering, and a completely necessary trait for all conscious manifestors to have. It is absolutely paramount.
I assure you that you will not become less empathetic towards others. This is only changing your mindset to the mind of a confident manifestor filled with self-belief and faith in oneself.
The mindset affirmations are only tailored to install confidence within yourself and transform your perception of yourself as a conscious manifestor.
The conscious manifestation art is a such smooth, and beautiful breeze if you have faith in yourself as the creator of your reality and you truly recognize your infinite power as consciousness.
Your opinion of yourself is what determines your experiences in your reality as the creator.
What do you have to lose by gaining confidence in yourself?
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
friday - saturday
another day up too late playing video games.
i am not like this mostly, these days at least, it's fun though, it makes me kind of happy i can go here, again, like being younger i guess or something. today fsr there's a free weekend thing going on w/ sony so i have access to the online for a little bit, it's really pleasant seeing all the messages and bloodstains around honestly, it reminds me of when i played dark souls for the first time and got to see all that. idk. really magical stuff, this is really getting at that nostalgia a bit, now that i reflect on it, though it's very different, and definitely not out to recapture anything dark souls had, cuz w/ dark souls it's this journey through levels, this is floatier because of the open world and stuff, the look is also way different, i do miss dark souls' sharpness w/ textures and how metal looked, i still think that and demon's souls could be their best looking engine? idk. bloodborne and elden ring both have really perfect art direction generally so it's not like i dislike how they look, it's just idk, those engines had something weird and special in them, these new games are also weird and special though.
beyond that, the more time i spend w/ the game and the dlc, the more i feel, though i am not totally convinced/able to make it declarative, that the game has some kind of literary theory lodged in it, or all the souls games have philosophy lodged in them, i can't tell how deliberate it ever is, the general nietzschean qualities across all of them, and then the ways they move from that, what else they employ/look at, absorb (digest?) and make use/waste of, make waste the better turn of phrase here (this only means i love what they do more), in terms of history/culture, past(s (plural because multiple + alternate reads on that past within the same context/moment/history staring back on itself)), anyhow with this sense that there's a heavier kind of thought lodged in the games, and the sense of a movement of thought in all of them, from demon's souls being an almost desperately pessimistic thing, to dark souls being more ambivalent and curious about why these things have come to or what enabled them, the manufacturing of morality, the development of the incorrect, what the human "is" in a cluster of ways, humanity against itself, from there most of what comes after is in debt, and squarely this feels like or recalls to me everything i hear/make of the french leftist reads of nietzsche. this isn't to say secretly the games are communist, they are though rather intensely pointed at using thought + strange notions against empire and morality, making explicit in the world colonial/exploitative facts of existence and then making you go through the overturning/transvaluation of things, contending with eternal recurrence in the klossowski sense w/ the gameplay, you go through malady to mania, that kind of thing. anyway that's the way it feels/comes off to me, in a strange way elden ring is the one so far that seems to come closest to pointing at literature, this is hard to think of all examples of, i suppose there are 'none', but what i mean is, the way ritual is employed, the shaky nature of religiosity in the game, what's become of death and whatever, the impossibility of death, this feels it sets one into a bataillean frame almost, where there's excess energies that cannot be wasted, life is eternal + useful, or that is the ideal, that is the disaster you are contending with through much of the game. beyond that however, generally in the game, it seems aware of the need to develop a subhuman for the human, to create the human, and it illustrates that drive in the general cruelty of the broad powers of the land. blah blah blah, anyway in the dlc, it gets really explicit, i feel like, you go to a whole castle level and a huge part of it is this specimen archive zone, where the misshapen/graceless things are hung and displayed, the example is kept and studied! messmer is so oddly and explicitly fascistic a villain, for the series, it's genuinely going out of its way it feels, to make that faction feel intensely evil.
however, i would like to say, i guess for the sake of honesty, that out of all the lanky pale evil villain characters people think are hot, messmer is one of the ones to do it for me. maybe it's the snakes, they make him like, cuter, idk. the cutscene where you see him is really something though, it just made me go, wow, i really really like him. the other characters to do this for me were from dark souls 3, the incest yaoi brothers, where there's weak one hanging on his brother's back and the stronger brother with broken legs drags him around on his back and fights you, and if you kill the stronger brother, the weak one heals him. frustrating fight totally saved by the fact that you know they were made to make you think about them fucking. ds3 is freakishly sexual, i think, maybe. or maybe not. idk. maybe i am telling on myself, elden ring is only slightly less bizarre, on that scale, i think.
any wayyyyyyyyyy, uhmmmm,
thinking about devi mccallion uploading a video about homestuck today and saying her favorite character is andrew hussy because she is also "an ugly blogger who fumbled the bag also." which is a powerful statement. i don't think either of them are ugly, though. hussy just looks like his lips got stung by a bee but it works out for him. some people get away with that look.
here's a song i'm listening to right now:
anyway i really have to sleep, so
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