#i cannot make art but come on this journey with me anyway
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puddingbrainscientist · 8 months ago
I do really love the current Tardis, the ramps and cool lights and the jukebox and it’s just so futuristic and fun.
But something I was really hoping to see was how it would evolve as it was lived in. All the little trinkets and clutter and coats strewn over the railings. Where is the dirt? Where are the reading nooks? Hell even a few plants!
It’s so futuristic that it feels almost sterile. All that harsh light and solid white and unoccupied space.
Sure I guess it could be a metaphor for something internally for 15, but right now it just feels like a missed opportunity, especially in the context of trying to cram characterization and Ruby and 15’s bond in 8 episodes.
I have no art skills so join me in the theater of the mind:
14’s Tardis full of little souvenirs because Donna loves bits and bobs to remember where they went and Rose is an equally menacing collector. A chaotic shoe corner by the door. Sting lights wrapped around the railings. A corner dedicated to Rose’s crafts, a scraps of felt scattered and a few lovingly placed googly eyes that make the Doctor smile when he finds them. A picture wall, a too-plush couch, and some glow in the dark stars dangerously placed on the ceiling.
15’s Tardis still looking brand new despite months of traveling. Maybe a few post-it notes on the console. A jukebox that is rarely touched. All that extra space making Ruby’s absence even more apparent and constantly salient. The lights are bright white and the walls are bare and the metal is shiny. There’d be an echo if the Doctor had someone else to talk to.
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thesensteawitch · 8 months ago
Pick A Pile Reading
Left to Right (Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, SENSTEA Souls!💕
Aah! Such a long time!!!!!!!! How have you all been? Missed me?🥹🫶🏻
I have been healing and purging and focusing on other things so I couldn't make time to write for you. But I will be trying to make one post in a week. 🌜
Now without any delay let's get into your reading. You know the drill right? Just pick one pile intuitively and scroll down to read your pile!🫶🏻
Also, if you wish to book a PERSONAL READING with me you can message me directly. And if not, then I am sharing the links to my rate card and booking form.
Tip the blog to keep it going! (It's not mandatory but appreciated!🐈‍��✨)
Here is your reading:
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- The Moon, 8 of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, 7 of Cups
This pile is intense. I heard, “If you dance, I'll dance. If you don't, I'll dance anyway.” You do not care if people do not believe your truth as long as you know that what you know is made known to you by the divine. Your spirit is magical, and hence it's called to explore mystical subjects. If you are someone who is not interested in mysteries or the intensity of your purpose, then I would suggest you choose a different pile because this group follows the calling of their spirit naturally. You're rebellious when it comes to your career. You are supposed to combine your purpose with your career. Anything related to digging deep, mystical, esoteric subjects, tarot, astrology, metaphysics, science, astronomy, diving, writing, art, detective, law, or surgeon is where you fit the best. You may have strong Scorpio placements. Check if you have Scorpio in your 11th house or if your Mars is in Scorpio because I am picking that strongly. Zodiac signs that are coming off strongly are Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
You require a lot of silence while working. Your path isn't easy; there are immense transformations in your journey. Your spirit continuously seeks to ascend through what you do. There may be times when your finances come to a halt and you need to do a perspective shift to do better. I can see that your body, mind, and spirit must be aligned with your purpose so that you rise to the top. What you're called to do is so powerful that illusions can easily take over. You are a truth seeker, and truth cannot be multiple, so finding it cannot be a race in your case. You need to move at a pace that is neither too fast nor too slow. Your spirit is like that of a magician walking on Earth. To the world, you may seem alluring, but you know what it costs you to follow your purpose. Every loss, death, and transformation that you come across drastically shifts your life. Speak more. Speak the truth. Your words will shock the public in a good way. You're here to open people's eyes to the truth through your work. Express often. Your power and your purpose are not scary; it's divine! You may also hold multiple degrees.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Justice, 3 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, The Chariot, The Emperor
This pile is really intelligent. Anything that allows you to make use of your mind the most is something that will suit your spirit the best. A career where you'll be continuously learning and enhancing your skills. Teaching, medical (dentist I heard in my mind), law, business, accountant, marine officer/captain, and research are what I can think of looking at your cards. Your spirit demands and deserves to be the leader in your field. There will be challenges in your journey, which you will have the courage to overcome if you keep your emotions in balance. Your spirit will make you start from the basics. You are supposed to study a lot to be able to reach the top. You seem to be a multitasker or interested in multiple subjects, but that can bring a lot of chaos into your life. So your spirit is encouraging you to master one subject. If you throw yourself in multiple concepts, you will waver from the truth. Don't let your intellect go against you.
You're supposed to continuously research in your particular field and stand firm on your beliefs, so choose wisely and make sure you enjoy it for the rest of your life. Zodiac signs that I can sense are Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, and Libra. In your particular field, you need to find a perfect teacher or organization that suits you and can help you achieve your goals. Learning through all the sources again will not be good for you. Pick one source and commit to it for at least a good amount of time. Your spirit feels at peace when you speak your truth without fearing what others may think of you. It's very important for you to have strong boundaries to do good in your career. Not having boundaries and sharing your business with everyone can do more harm than good to your career. Your brain is like a sponge. It absorbs everything without filtering the information. Rather than stimulating yourself with so much information, pick one path and find your truth. Talk to yourself more than you talk to others. You'll find your answer.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Page of Swords, The Star, Nine of Wands, 6 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Oh my God, pile 3, your cards were just not coming out. What are you so afraid of? There are two opposing thoughts going on in your mind when it comes to your career. You want to do something but you're doing something else. Your heart is at another place while your mind is at another. Your spirit wants you to get over this fear of the worst. There's no room for instant gratification when it comes to following your dreams. Believe me, you're not late when it comes to pursuing your dreams. You've definitely struggled in your career or are still struggling. Every day feels like another battle. Stop living like that. A new beginning lies on the other side of closing the door behind you. Be willing to let go of the old ways. So you're afraid of the challenges and the mountains you are supposed to climb to catch your dream? Well, aren't there struggles in what you are currently doing? Believe me, from where I see these challenges will refine your spirit and will take you closer and closer to your dream life.
Follow your heart, sweet soul. Believe me, it's all in your head. You have it in you to pass the tests that will come your way to achieve your dreams. Don't keep drinking poison just because you've gotten accustomed to the taste of it. Your taste buds can compromise, but your body will remember the damage that the poison is doing. Zodiac signs that I am picking up are Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, and Sagittarius. Either you can lead with courage or with fear. The choice is yours! Honestly, nothing is strongly coming off as to what career will suit you the best because right now your energy is guiding you to first free yourself of your own limitations. After that, you can think of what you want to do. But one thing I can say is that you're being called to do something that frees your spirit. There's such a deep desire in you to be someone else and do something else, but somewhere there's a thought that you won't ever reach there, so why even try? My goodness, you really need to talk to someone regarding this or just have a day of silence and be brutally honest to yourself. You are literally going opposite of your destiny, and that's why you don't feel the sense of accomplishment. I hear, “Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.”
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vesanal · 4 months ago
ʚɞ  ~Blog Introduction Post~ ʚɞ  
Howdy there!! Ok. So. It’s been long enough. Probably should have done this earlier but here it is now!
Anyways, hello! You can call me Ves/Vesanal or some variant of that! I love to write and do art because I like to suffer creatively twice. I am getting back into writing after a while and I will be using this blog to share my works as they come along!! I have some projects I’m working on that I am very excited to share with y’all!! 
→Quick Links:
Side Account!
Join The Taglist!!
Writemas Masterlist!!
→Here is some info about me:
I love love love making art and writing. Those are two of my greatest passions in life
Pronouns are She/Her
Plotter by heart, I cannot call a story finished if I do not know every minute detail. Quite overwhelming at times but I get by!
I am a stressed out college student who probably shouldn't be scrolling tumblr all day long but here I am. 
Computer Science/Math Major, I couldn’t decide on which subject to drain my soul from so I picked both. If I am a bit inactive at times it is due to this 
Love to yap and listen to certified yappers about fandoms and OC’s. Infodump about WIPs to me!!! I will gladly listen!!
Proud lesbian, and yes the lgbt girl in CS stereotype is alive and true. If you have a problem with this you are on the wrong website friend
Some of my favorite genres are Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Drama. Gotta love TV shows and movies to absolutely nerd out over :D
The type of music I like is all over the place but mostly I stick to hard rock, heavy metal, and thrash metal (I would be more than happy to tell y'all about the bands and like and even recommend some)
My MBTI personality type is INTP-T
I am a complete Tumblr NOOB. Please bear with me here while i try to figure out the hellsite <3
My time zone is CST/CT (Central Time)
You can DM me anytime. Along with asks too, but please do not send me any promotions or begs for money. PLEASE. I have gotten a few of those recently and I just want to say that is not what my blog is for. Other than that, asks are completely open! If you have a question, please ask me!!! :) <3
→Some of the wips of mine:
(There will be separate intro/masterposts for each of these when i get to them
The Bone-Binder’s Covenant 
(click link to see masterpost)
Basic Premise: The Bone-Binder has broken his promise with the land of Pytharios, and is now terrorizing the region to get what he wants. Chosen directly by the Queen, Aerlyra Ghorne–a promising yet incredibly unsure woman–is tasked to stop him for once and for all. With the help of her assigned crew and companions who join alongside her during the journey, she hopes to do just that. 
Tags: #The Bone-Binder’s Covenant or #TBBC
Genre: Dark Fantasy; Adventure
Status: Active (Somewhat done and planned, still getting a feel for everything, still brainstorming some ideas)
I will be adding more links as I post!!
We Die As One
(Adding masterpost soon)
Basic Premise: Tells the story from a series of ancient journals that are uncovered showing the events following up the total wipeout of all magic. The journal entries focus on a group of scrappy, young heroes who are on a mission against the world, and fail to stop the evils of the world from taking over. All that is left of them is the journals, leaving the ways of the past to be seen as a distant memory and an inspiration to the new generation, who see how the world came to what it has become.
Tags: #We Die As One or #WDAO
Genre: High Fantasy; Action-Adventure
Status: Active (ish, still in idea-phase)
I will be adding more links as I post!!
I still have more WIPS but those are secrets for later ;)
I’ll be posting mainly about my wips, ask games, the occasional art, and writing memes so stay if you are into that!! You can ask me questions any time, don’t be afraid to ask!
Taglist under the cut (interreact with this post here to be +, notify me if you want to be -)
@seastarblue @seafloor507 @stars-forever @viridis-icithus @estrellasxxminis @synthesistoagreatercreation @ink-stains-and-constellations @wyked-rebellion @satohqbanana @amatowriting @riverstixx @theodora47 @selfemployedmess @thebookishkiwi @17panicattacksinatrenchcoat @memento-morianon @the-ellia-west @write-with-will @jwritesalright @sunflowerrosy @myniceisniceblogbloglog @corinneglass
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viccharine · 6 months ago
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is it still me that makes you sweat? (my fav outfits from the fever era)
(silly rambling + commentary + process under the cut! reblogs appreciated!!!)
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happy 19th birthday, afycso!!!!!! can’t believe that it’s been 19 years since the best album of all time was released, time really does fly lmfaooo
as a bit of celebration, decided to draw some of my fav fits from the fever era!! from left to right is Katie Kay, Ryan Ross, and Roger Fojas!
here are the reference pics i used:
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i had wanted to add in Dusty because her outfit is also AMAZING, but i did lose some motivation after sketching out the first three :( also, composition-wise, i probably would have had to readjust the sizing of everything if i added a fourth figure, so i decided to just leave it at three
Ryan Ross is a tad bit out of place since he’s part of the band and the other two are performers, but lowk? just wanted to try drawing the rose vest! I don’t think i quite did it justice, but it sure was fun!!! and that is all that matters tbh
about my process: I really love screen tones guys. like i REALLY love screen tones. this is just layers upon layers upon layers of screen tones, i truly think i am allergic to using anything other than screen tones
i can’t help it!!!! I LOATHE using color in my art actually and also im a sucker for texture!!!!! it was so fun messing around with textures and different screen tones, UGH!!!!! luv them fr <3
some extra process pics (sorry for shitty quality):
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just some extra thoughts about the fever era: afycso is truly my favorite album in the world, HANDS DOWN. there really isn’t another album that I listen to completely on a regular basis (the only album that comes REMOTELY close is from under the cork tree)
to me the aesthetic of afycso is UNMATCHED, out of every band i’ve done fanart for I just keep constantly coming back to this album!!! it will never fail to inspire me genuinely, even 19 years later it still holds up remarkably well
(there is something to be said about the misogynistic undertones of a lot of early to late 2000s emo/pop-punk music which afycso was NOT exempt from, but I talk more about that in my commentary under the “dance dance” post I made about a year ago! to summarize, I cannot in good conscience make art about this album without acknowledging how it talks about women, ESPECIALLY as an afab person, but I also have to acknowledge that these songs played and continue to play a large role in my artistic journey. I am not saying that every band in the early to late 2000s was necessarily misogynistic just because of the lyrics, but rather that the standard, acceptable ways that we talk about and refer to women in media have changed in the last 20 years. we can enjoy the music, but we shouldn’t try to replicate it exactly. if you have any more thoughts about this subject, feel free to send me an ask! I love to chat!)
anyway that’s it, byeeeeeeeeee! <3
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lotusmi · 2 years ago
The faith challenge <3
This is a small manifesting/void challenge I made for myself that helped me to manifest my dream life.
Aimed for people that overconsume or overcomplicate getting their desires.
Note: you know enough! you have overconsumed enough information. stop now, its time to finally get what you want!
If you overcomplicate things, you probably listen to subs for hours, affirm 10,000x every hour, etc. You view them as things you must do to get your desires. But remember, you are not doing this to get results in 3d, you are doing this to fulfil yourself inwardly. Its like you have your hair down and your looking in the mirror. You cannot change the hairstyle in the mirror, right? leave the mirror and change your hairstyle. (fulfill your desire inwards), and the mirror(3d) must reflect that.
The actual challenge:
Read/listen to edward art's though false lecture. ONCE. ONLY. ONCE!! aim to truly understand what he is saying. this lecture is all you need. After that, delete your tumblr. unsubscribe to manifestation ppl on youtube. no more information for u.
No affirmations, no subliminals, no scripting, no visualizing. (unless you're doing it just because it helps make you feel fulfilled. you dont have to do them!!! preferably stop all methods.)
you will write your own rules on a slip of paper. ex. 'my manifestions must come within 3 days because i said so and i make the rules', 'everything must always work in my favour'. keep it simple. it doesn't matter what anyone else said, make the rules however u want!
you will stick to those rules. you will just know that everything in your reality has to abide by your rules. do nothing else.
Wavering is fine. if you waver, no jumping back to tumblr to overconsume information. simply ask your inner self for confirmation. your inner self will always say 'yes u have ur desires!'
idc about your 3d. you are under no obligation to accept those circumstances as true, your imagination is the only true reality anyway. don't complain abt how bad ur circumstances are, because one well known blogger here grew up in in extremely abusive situation, was tossed from foster care to foster care, was searching for shelter at night because the abuse was too much. she wavered just like u. And yet, she did it! she changed her entire life. drastically. and you can too.
listen to edward art's though false lecture ONCE.
delete tumblr and all manifestation related stuff. do not do methods.
write your own rules
stick to them
fulfill urself inwardly only.
!!!success story + amazing challenge! oh, anon! You are amazing! 💐💌🌷
This ask is beautiful, this is so well done and the whole post is so well written, organized, and helpful! Omg, you are a real angel! I am so happy that you did it, and even more happy to receive an ask from someone kind like you, I appreciate you so much, I know this will help a lot of people. Congrats for your own journey and success! Please know that you are an amazing soul, and I wish you all the best and so much love, you deserve to live all the happiness! ...🌷💗
The Faith Challenge! <3
꒱This challenge is perfect for you that are overconsuming or overcomplicating the law and want to leave this cycle, manifesting your dream life! Everyone, let's appreciate this anon work! 𓆩♡𓆪
💐💐 those flowers are for you, my dear Faith anon!
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martyryo · 2 months ago
I don't do..anons. so yes, just gonna ask this as me‼️ Hello‼️‼️
Right okay, I saw your art like the yellow red one right and I saw you talking about your tulpa in that and it took me a second cause at first I thought you were doing a Collab with someone and I was looking for a tagged account or something 😭😭 and then I was like hang on it's not been tagged so it can't be that. And then I saw the hashtag about the tulpa thing and my brain was like, I've heard that term before. And I had, but it was cause of Supernatural. Think the episode was Hell House, either way in that course some kids draw a sigil and don't know what they're doing, spread a rumour and enough people see the sigil and believe the made up story for it to become real. I'm gonna hazard a guess that this isn't what's happening here. Cause 1. No axe murderers are present and 2...idk. suppose it wasn't on accident lol
But basically, what I'm asking is, what's gone on? Like please could you define what a tulpa is cause I'm a tad bit confuseled. I've got a grasp. A jist if you will. But yeh, that, and how it works for you and how long all this has been about for because yeh, the original post confused me a lot and I had no context to understand what was going on lol
Ok so, never watched supernatural cause I lack media culture, but I looked at the fandom wiki and I assure you it's NOTHING like that 😭
Ik the practice of creating a tulpa comes from buddhism and is related to religion and stuff, but like I found out about it through an online friend back in 2017ish cause they developed one. Needles to say, in these cases we're talking about the western interpretation of the phenomenon that is mainly psychological and not spiritual.
With a tulpa you bascially create a sentient being on a subconscious level that shares the body with you. Please note that this is not in any way related to conditions such as DID, as you do not have the splitting of a subconscious, you actually add more of them into a body. And an important aspect that separates tulpae from alters is that with a tulpa you're fully aware and consensual with having a second person inside the body, you will never accidentally develop a tulpa out of the blue.
To make an example also, imagine there's a wheel with a hamster inside, they represent respectively the body and the subconscious mind that inhabits it. Now imagine there are more hamsters but they're in the same wheel. That's a body with more subconsciouses (I might be butchering this word I'm so sorry).
Needless to say, doing this requires a long trail of meditation, as one needs to focus on everything they perceive out of a person normally (the way they look, talk, move, smell. you get it, everything) and obviously their personality. These things do change with time once the tulpa settles as a stable part of the host's (the one who creates them) life, but at least sketching down the idea of the person that you're creating helps in the overall process.
Ok so. The most important part. A tulpa is NOT evil, and cannot be evil. That's something I found out in the guides I followed at the start of my journey with my first tulpa. They have no reason to turn over their creator cause they are meant to be companions. I'm not super informed on the theory thing now cause I got into it two years ago and since then we've just been living, but there articles online who talk about this so feiughirgh
Now, in my experience Jack came to be part of my life around two years ago, on july 9th. I was going through a weird depressive period where I would not talk to anybody and felt like shit over nothing. During that time I also used to watch fight club a lot, like three times a week, and grew obsessively attached to the characters to the point all I thought about was fc (this feels so weird to remember omg). Anyways, remembered about my friend with the tulpa, and decided to do the same thing. So I got informed on the procedure and gradually managed to develop Jack over time :3
On the 27th of Trevor also started developing, in his case it was Jack that went throughout the major part of the creation process cause I was busy with school, but yeah since then it's been the three of us living life yk.
Also, I obviously got better since that summer, them being with me helped me out a lot and obviously I didn't create them with the intent of getting. Free experimental therapy or some shit. They are part of me and I love them ver very much, knowing that they're always with me brings a sense of sheer comfort in my life. I just love my bros man. Then again, I suck at communication so there are days when we talk less. nonetheless we still interact via concepts or through the headspace (mental landscape where they pretty much live when not fronting).
Oh, also lately we've been aware of the fact that Jack is kinda always fronting (fronting is having control of the body btw kewnkfkgb) during the day when we are in silence at a school or on the bus, while I am the one that keeps the conversations with people (ironic ik). Trevor instead has no interest in the outside world, he just stays in the headspace and works as a mechanic apparently (he doesn't tell me where his workplace is also??? like for no reason at all also, I can't find that fucking place no matter how much I roam around).
Ough ok I know I sound a bit insane saying those things, but that's how it is 💨
With tulpamacy there are so many aspects one can discuss, but again, there are guides online where everything you need to know is explained, and they are explained better than whatever ramble I'm putting down here. I'm not an expert of the field, I just happen to be living it yk.
Sorry for the long and I guess confusing post, there is much more stuff I could tell you about but like. I think this manages to get the overall idea of how we work out 😸
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drinkpisser · 5 days ago
note: sorry if this is underwhelming at all, i know it's been a really long time since a chapter update and motivation has once again been incredibly difficult to come by D: but i fuckin did it!!!! i feel so relieved 🫶:D i cannot say when chapter 9 will come out for definite </3 but i hope you enjoy this for now !!
read the other chapters here!
beloved mutual tags for reach!!! @poolboyservice @autistics4kobrakid @goromustdie @nambawan-zonvip
Even the worst of memories gradually erode to dust, swept behind a broom of hush and avoidance. Sometimes all that's coherent in ones mind is the aftermath of such events- like the bus home at dawn after an endless night of bloodshed. It was solemly the most uneasy journey Gerard had ever experienced in all his years of hitching parental car rides and succumbing to public transport. That's the idea they, the three of them, had- just find an easy way home. Sure, the drying blood staining Gee's face earned him a few glances from the early commuters, but he's an art kid. It's just paint, indefinitely.
The other two didn't seem to pay any mind to it; Frank twiddled his thumbs, lost in thought himself, and Ray kept an arm around Gerard's shoulder, trying his best not to fall asleep there, with the hum of the vehicle accompanying his drifting thoughts. If only everybody's thoughts were gently galloping over fences with the sleepy sheep.
Gerard couldn't focus on a single thing, and when he did, it instantly reverted him back to his daze. Over and over, the nauseating thought of what he'd done consumed him, identical to a werewolf pining over the moon. Was it even him that struck with such violence? Is he even himself at this moment? Why is nobody taking any notice? Where are the police, other than the ones apprehending his mind, to destine his guilty verdict and declare with certainty that he deserves no right to live? He grew in tension, his knee shaking restlessly all whilst he picked at the scab on his lip. Sat somewhat still, yet running marathons of "What ifs" behind his eyes, staring out at the risen sun that had begun to be clouded by the upcoming rain- all it took was a few words to pause the frantic nature of it all.
"Where should we get breakfast?" Frank asked, squinting.
Ray sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning, "Could head to the café downtown?" he suggests.
Both looking at G in curiosity, he merely shrugs.
"That's alright by me, could get coffee." he nods along.
"Then it's settled! I love having free will! I mean- couldn't we have just left the summercamp anytime we wanted anyways? What was all the fuss for?" Ray giggles.
"We we're being chased though. I say if someone's chasin' ya then you should run! They could have tapeworm or something, don't wannem' to touch ya'." Frank states with full confidence.
Ray and Gerard just stare at eachother in slight disbelief, getting up for their stop and leaving. Frank follows, tripping and whining over the fact he stood up too fast.
Before hitting the café, the trio enter a supermarket to see if its possibly any cheaper; spoiler, it is not.
"Damn, so expensive." Gerard picks up a pre-made cold latte, shuddering at its obnoxious packaging.
Ray, on the other hand, was eyeing up the unsealed vegetables. Grabbing an onion and coersing the other two boys to look, he takes a large, proud chomp out of it, not giving even half a reaction.
"Oh, wow," Frank stares in awe, "What the fuck is wrong with you?", he adds so casually whilst smiling. Gerard responded by making the most scrunched-up, disgruntled face he possibly could- no words were really necessary.
"How are you gonna explain that to the cashier?" Gerard snorts, pointing at the half-bitten onion.
"I won't."
With the most ominous, scheming expression, Ray hides the onion behind a box of cake mixture within the baking section of the shop.
They continue messing about in the aisles, occasionally resisting the urge to commit a petty theft or two, before making their way out of the store empty handed.
The weather outside was relentless- drumming against the sidewalks, drenching anyone who dared step foot into it; lightning struck with a snare against the skylines, provoked by the humid heat that shone beforehand. All three of the boys legged it to the café as quick as they could, ignoring all of the window shopping they would've done had it not been for the circumstances.
Inside, each opted for their usual breakfast snack. Pancakes, eggs 'n' bacon, and you can't forget, cookies! (The quintessential Healthy-Meal-Of-All-Meals, trademark).
Gerard, who had already begun to slip through the cracks of reality once again, sipped his piping hot coffee as soon as it was placed down, not at all flinching in reflex. Frank gulped in concern so agressively that his throat could have turned cookie-shaped, but still took it as a note that it was cool enough to drink, taking an oblivious slurp before making several incomprehensible squeaking noises of regret.
The three stare at the outside world as it gets evermore soaked by the precipitation, wondering just when they are going to leave the brief sanctuary of being MIA.
"What's next for us?" Ray asks, addressing the clear elephant in the room.
For a few seconds, it's quiet. A silence accompanied by the murmuring chitchat of other early morning customers.
"Anything we want", proudly spits Frank, still holding onto his burnt throat before looking down at his empty plate, "I might try goin' back to my band if they'll even have me." He adds, almost starting to sound lost.
"Didn't you mention you were seein' someone at the summer camp?" Ray asks, killing his curiosity.
"Jamia? Not anymore, I spose- her dad owns the place. I don't see her leavin anytime soon even if she wanted to."
"Huh? I didn't know that." Gerard stops eating his pancakes in a slight panic- he couldn't remember the distinctive features of anyone that The Unknown Force killed, what if-
"Yeah. I think I really liked her. Or at least if that was the feelin' of liking someone, I felt it. Maybe i'll cross paths with her again at some point if we're really meant to be together, she wanted to leave just as much as we did."
Ray momentarily glances at Gerard, before reverting his interest back to Frank- then side-eyeing G once more.
"What about you, 'Rard?"
"Dunno- probably let my family know I'm not dead, take a fuckin' shower, and then hopefully change the world." Gerard replies, paying very little mind to the weight of his words.
"Yeah the um- the blood, it's a little jarring." Frank chuckles.
"Don't ask- must've bumped my head or something. It's all fuzzy." Gerard excuses, as though he's being interrogated.
"Well, I think I'm gonna work on my guitar and maybe look for a parttime job at the record store." Ray contributes.
Gerard nods, "Once the rain goes away I'm gonna head off".
"Sounds alright," Frank agrees, sipping his coffee.
"Good thinkin', we can finally get some sleep." Ray chirps.
A while passed, and as the rain slowly drained itself of its tears and the clouds departed, so did the trio. Casual goodbyes and side-hugs to conclude possibly the craziest all-nighter of their teenage years, and commence the growing distance of their company.
TIME: 6:30 AM
It was only on this day that Gerard learnt rainfall happens on every planet, even if it's artificial. Giant showerheads above the atmosphere-scraping city buildings labelled "PRETICIPATION" sprinkle from a spit to a storm. Lucky for him, he'd got caught up in it from the comfort of his UFO- each tap of water hitting like a drum on the roof. They'd joined a traffic jam of flying vehicles- not quite cars, but something else unique to this empire, where they sat waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
Newsflashes would strike the screens of the commercial buildings as entertainment, alongside the latest gnarpian trends and music. It felt like this city never slept- maybe it didn't. How would he know sleep was even a common practice? Though their dialect was difficult to translate, some words stuck out like a sore thumb. Every time Gee found himself misreading "MILKY WAY", he took it as a sign that he's being thought of by his little brother. Taking it any other way would only remind him how out of touch he is.
Lola spent their time spinning around in the control chair, not caring all that much about the sensational sights in front of them. Occasionally tumbling off, they would return back to it with no fault or error. They just love to spin! Who can blame 'em? If they weren't spinning, they were napping.
Spotting a nearby parking lot, Gerard steers the ship to landing, gradually hitting the soft pavement. Eager to explore, he dashes out of the UFO, placing his hoodie as a blanket over Lola's sleeping fuzzball of a body. Well, that is until they spring awake, affectionately headbutting Gee for almost leaving them.
"Hey! I was goin' to write a note!" He giggles.
The pair wander outside, sticking close by in case of a sudden attack. They were the aliens here, if anything they were invading- it would make total sense that the locals would be on guard. They kept walking. Nobody seemed to be taking any notice. It wasn't until Gerard turned a corner that his existence was acknowledged.
"Shit! Sorry-"
Within the blink of an eye, a small crowd roars in front of him, expressing cheers of excitement and waving small posters.
They... loved his music? Heck, they even knew of it to begin with? And, on top of that, they enjoyed it?
Lola immediately took advantage of such a situation, posing for adorable selfies and advanced alien filters.
Bewildered, Gerard takes a step back, only to see an even greater shock beholding him; an arena in the near distance, projecting his face onto a giant screen. The decipherable words "LIVE" and "TONIGHT" slapping him in the face with stage fright. Dear god, what kind of fucked up intergalactic stardom has he landed into?
Only time will tell.
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snarkspawn · 1 year ago
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Well, it's that time of the year again!! Looking back it's been full of ups and downs (art- and otherwise) and overall I'm a little frustrated with where I'm at, but I do like some of the pieces I've drawn this year. I'll try to just focus on that :)
Anyway, I'll be leaving tomorrow to once again spend the holidays/rest of the year with my partner, so I'm going to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming along with me on my art journey! Your tags, comments and support mean the world to me, so thank you for encouraging me to keep doing this despite the horrors lmao I hope you guys have yourselves a gay old christmas if you celebrate, and just a gay old time if you don't, and that you make it safely into the new year ♥
This also means that I'm taking a short break in my commission work, but I'll get back to everyone who is still waiting as soon as I'm back home!
See you all in 2024 (seriously h o w is it 2024 already that cannot be real)
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knizuu · 11 months ago
When 2 ain’t enough ya gotta have // PT 3 OF LOOKING AT FANG’S STORY // SPOILERS BTW
Wawa first of all, hi!!! If you don’t get what I’m talking about:
This is my original rant with Superstars included! [Check out the other reblogs too if ya want =w=]
And This should be about the start of the Fang miniseries!!
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There’s some things I said on discord already related :]
Sooooo….you might’ve noticed the fact Team Hooligan is kindaaaaa not a thing anymore :’]
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Anyways efkjwghrj, my main point is that he got left because Fang was IGNORANT
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Now I don’t wanna say he’s thinking he has more power, because Fang knows DARN WELL he doesn’t have the skill compared to Bean or Bark. He isn’t strong enough, he isn’t crazy enough, he’s defined by what he NEAR to, like his Marvelous Queen. “Ignorance is bliss” and I think he embodies this idea to the extent of how awful it can be in the long run.
Oh ye the Marvelous Queen? Da she?
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Fang ABSOLUTELY is caring of Marvelous Queen, heck, even more publicly shown rather than Bean or Bark. Now ye he could just not CARE about Bean or Bark but that’s just a lie. Even at the worst, he NEEDED fighters near him to help his journey. That’s just how it is to me :]
But I think what makes Marvelous Queen so much more valuable is the point I already shared: It’s what defines him. It’s what brings the power to HIM ONLY. With Bean and Bark, it makes TEAM HOOLIGAN look good. With the Marvelous Queen, FANG’s impressive. Because it’s such a great device Fang uses perfectly. So it means SO MUCH to him if he had the Marvelous Queen by his side.
…Which is sad, if you know the fact the Marvelous Queen EXPLODED IN HIS DUCKING FACE [Trip I love you but ARHGHHGHJG-
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Oooh so if you know me, there’s been two other pictures like this. One being of him thinking “WHERE’S BEAN AND BARK?” and the other more so “I cannot be a failure AGAIN.” This one is…a lil new to me for some reason but I’ll still use it!
Ok well the first one was the “WHERE’S BEAN AND BARK?” Which goes great with dis one! Both are worried about WHERE Bark and Bean are because they’re supposed to be there for Fang. Like always.
In the last one, he’s just…alone, with no one he’s really thinking about probably BECAUSE he doesn’t want to think about Team Hooligan.
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Yknow cuz if I was in his raggedy shoes, I’d ALSO feel pretty put down from two hooligans who now seem to be judging me! It’s understandable! What he’s so ignorant about is the fact he CARES about these goobers. Yes he uses them to get paid and shiz but he’d also had GREAT chemistry with them!! They were a solid team who just had FUN for darn sakes!
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But perhaps he’s getting too stuck in the comfort. Bean doesn’t have the calm social skills and Bark is practically ignored. They’re a strong unit but not mentally!! You have a good soul being pushed aside, an emotional help who’s getting mad, and an insecure leader who’s getting pissy.
This isn’t who they USED to be, heck the reasons as to what changed kinda boggled me. But I DO understand how
Fang felt like he was going through more trouble with Bean and Bark, hence he didn’t even BOTHER to ask them to come back
He cares about his self worth more than his team, because he doesn’t want to be a failure. He wants to gain money and power so he’s strong.
Because of 2, he’s forgetting he truly loves his team. That they actually help him throughout his journeys but he’s taking them for granted. I guess he sees the Marvelous Queen as ALL. HE. NEEDS.
aight so we all getting this?? Ok ok
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Ok ok just a lil note before a bigger notice-he DOESS say his team mates’ names for alert. But in one of my older posts, I still do believe when Fang’s first confused where his team is, that he’s saying their names out of fear. Because now he’s scared. [in that past moment]
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Ahme kewhbfe this was from the new sonic channel art!! [it might not be too new now ASHFVGWR]
Ya see how the first image tells their relationship? How Fang is…[gasp/silly] INSIGHTFUL??? This may not mean much but the fact I brung up him being ignorant for so long-this is new
Because I thought Fang didn’t care for Trip AT ALL when Superstars first came out-then I saw the pancake image and went “Oh ok so he does like Trip in the sense she is caring and loyal” and this…OH WOWHW HWOH OHWIDWH THIS
It’s only the English translation, but “I wonder what Fang thinks when he sees Trip, who obeys without giving up…” IS SUCH A STRONG MYSTERY
Like ye, what *DEOS* HE THIJNK?? [what does he think pft]
Personally, I think he’s reminding himself of his team and Marvelous Queen
But what’s so special about her is that she isn’t doubtful to Fang as much as Bean and Bark. Yknow cus Bean and Bark has more of their own identity and sternness. And with the Marvelous Queen, heck she can’t speak a word! She’s just the product of what Fang needs to win a battle or win some cash. Trip is like the cheap Walmart version of a Marvelous Queen. But instead of being perfectly one noted as Fang’s helper, she’s clumsy. Though it seems Fang is not TRULY mad about that. Because he’s being respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder he is-/lyrics sorry I love the lion king sm
So…I think he’s gaining more control! I think with a newbie gal such as Trip, he’s getting more insightful on how he acted or acts now. From Superstars/Trio of Trouble, he’s anxious and passionate for being a successful man. But in here, which is supposed to be before Superstars, he’s extremely cocky and forgetting social queues. And for Fang’s Big Break, well I say it does seem like a break! From just…being Fang and not Team Hooligan, Fang’s a lot less crazy or extreme. He’s more calm and collected. Maybe it’s the fact he got too comfortable with being the leader in Team Hooligan. Got too ignorant and was left with no one at the end. Now he’s learning. All anew! With Superstars, he’s grown to a new light. Trip seems to have left a mark! She made Fang more insightful but of course at the expense of Fang losing himself. [As in, the Marvelous Queen]
So I wonder where Fang will go now!! Will he get with Bean and Bark again?? Will he learn to be a better jerboa?? If Trip and Fang really get their new adventures…could we learn more? Ig we’ll never know until there’s more content. At least it’s exciting!
I just hope wherever Bean and Bark are, that they aren’t too mad at Fang. Maybe the separation is what heals them? Because at the core, they’ll ALL unstable. Darn it, Sega, give us more Hooligan content!!/silly but yeh!
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offshore-brinicle · 11 months ago
[Cracks knuckles]
More simple observations then anything, admittedly.
First things first, Dante uses golden bough resonance seemingly on command, seeing a possibility and thus wishing it into reality, which isn't exactly how we've seen it beforehand - namely in how it manifests the fathoms of one's ego into reality. The image of the symbol we've come to associate with collecting a bough is red and yellow with added chains, as opposed to its usual pure gold - the implication of which is that the specific construction of their head allows them to fine tune this output of reality warping in some way or another.
Given what Faust says of the laws of causality and such, I believe that they were fine tuned to be able to exclusively manifest concepts regarding time, possibly making it more powerful in exchange for limitations on what they can do. This personally reminds me of the people in IV, who were 'revived' by the fathoms but only in body [that is, if I'm remembering correctly] whilst Dante brings back everything of the sinners.
Then this brings us to the actual abilities [currently, ability] themselves and the menu around it. Firstly, the button one clicks to active them is labeled 'Durante' which: is believed to be the baptised name of Alighieri, means 'during' in Italian, comes from the Latin word for 'endure' and was the name on Dante's coat on an early art piece of them on the bus. The idea of 'enduring for a period of time' both fits with the Canto and how Heath endured through his childhood for only the period of time he thought he could be with Cathy, and how Dante endures through the pain of death only for limited amounts of time. Though I do not know of how to tie in Alighieri's name with the game, alas.
Anyways, onto the actual mechanic, once we open it's menu, we are greeted by an unfinished but upright tree of life from the kabbalah, with 'Hokma' at current being the only one unlocked. The chain motif appears again, representing Dante's control over it - or some kind of contract or agreement being made with it, as with the chains binding the sinners. There is also additional text on there but I simply cannot read it, a shame.
The symbol used is the one for Hokma's floor in LoR, with the only other place it has been seen in Limbus being Gregor's base E.G.O, alongside the symbols for Malkuth, Gebura, Chesed and Binah. We also see it when the ability is first awakened, with overlayed hands settling in the 9'oclock position, the same one Dante started the game off with, and white chains are seen again as the symbol of connection/control. This of course yet another thing tying the boughs to Lobcorp and its consequences, this time with specific reference to a very important character. We do skip over Keter for the time being, which I don't know enough to comment about.
We also see 'Pigritia' or 'sloth' under Hokma's symbol, but given as there are more parts of the Kabbalah then sins in game, we may end up bringing in some other sins like 'vainglory' from past ideas around christanity. Plus, this implies a connection between Gregor and sloth, which is proven true in how it the affinity of his base E.G.O. The sins the other badges rep. may also be ones connecting more personally with Gregor as well, but we'll see in due time.
Now. Golden bough synchronisation isn't something I believe we've seen before, but it is in the corner of the home screen whilst Dante commits season name. This could be Dante's bough synchronising with one of the ones on the rooftop in order to perform that feat, or something else I am too tired to think of right now.
The ask is. Really long but! I do think the fact they are called 'sapling of light' abilities is really interesting, it implies a more grown version of the seeds of light sowed within the people of the City - I believe its either grown as a result of interacting/resonating with the boughs, or due to Dante's experiences and developments through their journey. This also presents a non-zero chance that Dante is an attempt to recreate the seed of light project, something I'm sure at least a few of Limbus' workers [coughcoughFAUSTcough] know of in some capacity.
I believe that's it for that for now, though.
HONESTLY REALLY FANTASTIC ANALYSIS, I also caught up on the thing about Dante's name and the label on their coat since my mother language is Spanish and "durante" means "during" in it, so it naturally led me to understanding it easier.
God the appearance of Hokma's symbol was such a jumpscare it left me agape, but also the fact that it's the symbol used for Hokma ever since the Library came to be as well as the Sephirah in the floor, and also the fact that Hermann is interested in The Well which seems to be the "river" under Wuthering Heights being some kind of unique area that connects to it hence the ghosts and apparitions from other worlds. It makes me wonder even more about the state of the Library and Angela's ultimate goal in the true ending is finding a way to dismantle The Head, since now it means Dante is not just connected to Carmen but The Library.
I wouldn't be surprised if Limbus and N Corp are in some kind of race to recreate the Seed of Light but with their own purposes, mainly Limbus taking in count what you just said and the fact that the path layed out for the Sinners to reach their own "awakenings" is awfully similar to how the Sephirah were used in the original Seed of Light, though not as calculated and controlled as Ayin's plan and prone to failure since we technically only had 4 out of 6 attempted boughs collected with Heathcliff's burnt one and only 2 of the 6 missions resulted in an EGO realization/self-actualization in Yi Sang and Ishmael. Sinclair made some progress at least while Gregor and Rodion stayed the same but Heathcliff....feels like he got worse, really. Bodysack stayed the same and the one time it's "awakened" it's used in the Canto it's as an act of self-hatred and once everything is over it stays the same symbol of death, just now with a new obsession driving him forward in bringing back Catherine somehow which is definitely not going to turn out well in the future.
Somehow I didn't catch up on the 'Pigritia' part, it's interesting that it uses a different term from the actual Sloth Peccatula, since Acediae would be more accurately translated as "apathy", but the fact that it all connects to Gregor again and he acknowledges Hermann again and stops calling her "mother" is also an intruguing development. Hell, it's actually most likely that the Bough Hermann gave to Nelly and Catherine is the very same one they took from Gregor in Canto I.
As always thanks for your asks I love reading people's observations and analysis.
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eliounora · 3 months ago
Hi, I have ADHD (and Autism)
You might want to look up ADHD paralysis, it's like the inability to start things but there's more to it. I'm not sure about the energy thing, although I do find that consistent sleep helps a lot.
Making sure you're eating enough + maybe having some snacks while working to keep the brain going. Protein is also important, my sister eats protein yogurt in the morning and has said she feels a difference if she doesn't now.
Hyperfixations do last around 3 months, although I've also been doing art since I was a kid.
ADHD thrives on things being different and new/some spontaneity. Maybe a new material to work with would be interesting?
I find something to do with your hands is useful, I've recently picked up crochet. Having something physical that you've made is fun. Although my brain goes Making thing > Complete thing > thing exists now > Next™
There's a lot of artists who are open/discuss/make things about their experience being creative and having ADHD, they might be more helpful than me.
Good luck, you got this! It's a journey, you'll get there. It's about all the small steps that build up ✨
oh I eat and sleep..... so much. I'm sorry I'm so tired I can't really catch what you're trying to tell me hahaha I've also been doing art since I was a kid, though one reason I never pursued it as a career is because I need to have inspiration to draw and it comes spontaneously.
right now I'm at a point where I want to learn more things and improve, and though I'm so excited to do so, I struggle to finish my projects. I also have this sense that I can't even be bothered to try, since the end result will be bad anyway. therefore my artistic skills are jammed in the same spot where I cannot do anything new, and I feel so bad because I used to feel like I was good at art, and now I'm just mediocre.
doing something with my hands helps, in school I used to draw during class, now I just scroll on my phone....... thank you for your message, I'll try to persevere until my doctor's appointment, maybe I will finally learn what's wrong with me!
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moonmoonthecrabking · 11 months ago
i just rewatched one step ahead and the staircase scene (because i don't know i just wanted to feel something). and of course it hits, because the relationship between curt and owen is very well written and well acted and all the parts come together beautifully and you feel for both of them, especially after seeing curt's journey through the musical and recontextualising the dma's actions.
but it hits in another way that it didn't (for me at least) when i first watched it, which is in owen's motivations. chimera has the ability to make spies obsolete with the use of technology. a box in a room can do what a spy does, but in seconds. nowadays, ai can write and be "creative" (massive asterisk there) with predictive text models, typing a book in a matter of minutes. but curt says it sounds boring, that they as spies should remember the impact they had on people, the lives they saved. because a computer cannot measure the emotional impact its works have on those it benefits (also i'd argue ai can't actually make art). ai cannot care about what it does, there is no emotional resonance with what it does. but it's easier, less costly, maybe less dangerous, so it takes those opportunities away, substituting human works for machine bullshit
i just think it's neat how, with time, this awesome and multi-layered musical has had another layer added to it (or brought to the surface). anyway watch spies are forever. or rewatch it.
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kissmypoets-hp · 6 months ago
drarry fan discovers gallaplacidia's body of work for the first time in the year 2024
every time i start a new gallaplacidia fic i need to mentally prepare myself for the ANGST JOURNEY i am about to embark on.... i only got into reading drarry fics extensively this year, so i never got to witness her posting in real-time. i often come in completely blind since i'm not seeing her fics on AO3 — i mean, i do see the fic blurbs when i add book covers on Calibre, yes, but i downloaded all her complete works from google drive and don't really know what to expect... and yet. i am blown away every single time!!!
this gets pretty long (i accidentally Realize she follows some kdrama formulas) so i'll keep the rest under the cut haha
she is so adept at portraying grief, trauma, and unhealthy coping mechanisms in young people, and i always end up crying actual tears???? now that i am typing this out, she writes a lot like how k-drama writers do: she has mastered the art of emotional whiplash — a lovable cast, a kind of sincerity-sadness-and-a a love that saves us somehow, the DRAMA etc — and i eat it up every single time 🍽️ how am i crying then laughing then absolutely devastated then Okay Again Because Despite The Grief We Have Each Other... you know??!! very much girl who is "going to be okay" realness...
i cannot believe i accidentally made sense, but: ms. gallaplacidia also follows the k-drama formula of
a ragtag cast alongside The Main Couple (bonus points if there is a cute child somewhere)
multiple storylines that elicit different emotions from the readers and All Come Together Somehow (to make me cry)
the ending involves neatly wrapping up plot points — even her fics with more open endings feel more definite because something has Shifted. her characters have changed and grown into themselves throughout the story, and while we don't know what happens next there is a promise of something new... AND..... i am absolutely tickled as i type but...
a poor, down and out but hardworking/earnest character (draco) falls for a surly, rich, handsome character with a lack of social skills (harry...!!!!!).... i can't believe i only connected the dots now but. it's the classic k-drama trope!!! it's there. it's soooo there!! this literally happened to our pal draco malfoy. i am absolutely delighted if you couldn't tell.... to quote bell hooks, only a crazy person doesn't want to be rescued!!! a lot of times draco wants to be saved so bad, and harry always wants to feel needed (very true to canon). it's such a magnetic dynamic that always pulls me in....
anyway i've just started Code Name L this week... oh brother. we are so back (it is so over).
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forgive me for rambling!!! i don't really know who to talk to about these fics so ALL OF YOU will be subjected to my Posting (EVIL LAUGHTER).... but i am truly so floored to read her works for free and i will def hunt down a copy of her published novel when i have the time and budget.... i love the internet
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choshasan · 5 months ago
caught up to Blue Period chp. 71 today, spoilers...
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As a Young artist™️✨️ Blue period is one of the manga that makes me suffer the god damn most bro. It is fucking gut wrenching.
Blue period is the reason I decided I was gonna work my ass off and attend an art university (specifically try and reach TUA)
And the reason I imediately gave up on that dream.
I picked it up when the anime came out on netflix, and back then, I was starting my journey as an actual artist (I got put in art class at my highschool), I had just started learning digital art, I was getting out of my "I want to be a rebelling delinquent" phase and that anime gave me dreams and aspirations.
And then. Then I continued the manga. And as funny as it is, my life coincidentally followed close to Yatora's.
Family that struggles with money, lowkey overbearing mother, having dreams but not knowing where to start from and taking messy steps into trying, discovering competition,
And I? Was too blind to notice because I was just focused on how weird and hot Hashida is...
And for a while, I put down the manga, feeling constantly exhausted, depressed and what I didn't know at the time, was (autistic) burnt out. From everything.
I got lost. I couldn't bring in straight A's anymore, I couldn't even get out of bed, I was breaking down every morning that I was forced to go to school, having mental breakdowns, crying in the bus on my way there, losing sleep, living off of coffee and monster energy and redbull, having nothing to comfort me anymore the way things like manga and anime and video games used to, they all felt exhausting. And the worst? I couldn't write nor draw anymore. I was so exhausted of everything, my two favourite things became a burden to me. And I felt lost. If I didn't have art? Then what the fuck had my life ammounted to?
And eventually, with enough time and support from my friends, I got back into the things I liked, still feeling pretty lost over everything, but having the energy to find the things I liked again.
And I picked up manga again, and I picked up blue period again.
And where had I happen to leave off?
Right before Yatora meets No Marks and Kirio. And that helped me find some sence in my confusion as I read on. I learned that there isn't just one clear path to being an artist, that there are no rules to art, and that everyone finds their own answer at some point as to why they make art, no matter how small and trivial or great and philosophical it may be.
I know for me, I have two reasons to make art, 1. it makes me happy, and it gives me a sence of self. And 2. art has consistently saved my life throughout multiple periods of my life. I find peace in art, I get to experiance emotions no one else can make me feel and no one else can feel for me. With art, I don't need someone to explain to me how I should be feeling or reacting, it all comes naturally. Art is the one thing you cannot strip humanity from, and that no matter where you go, will be present. Art is beautiful, and it's ugly. It's trivial, and it's philosophical. It can be anything and everything. Art is natural. And I love art. Art makes me happy. I'll forever be thankful to one of the manga that saved my life and gives me drives, consistently reminding me why I make art, and giving me a drive to keep going.
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bandydear · 1 year ago
I’ve been reading your tlgbf tlgbl fic, and am absolutely obsessed!! Where did you get the inspirations for dyke Jackie? I love how you’ve written her and her queerness
So, I prescribe to the theory that Jackie had some inclinations about her homosexuality out there in the wild and that's why she's parading around in sweater vests and limp wrists. That the high femme presentation we see in the pilot is more of a gender and social performance than who she is. And, I explored the people pleaser elements that lingered behind in that.
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She compliments Nat in the Pilot that she admires how true to herself Natalie is which means that Jackie is not true to herself. She feels the pressure of expectation and lives within that expectation instead of her truth. We are never given a "truth that could crash an airplane" from Jackie. What she says is that she used to sneak downstairs and watch The Color of Night so she could pause it at Bruce Willis's wang.
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For research for the fic, I watched Color of Night (the shit I do for art...). Bruce Willis's flaccid dong is there for like, five frames. And, it's not impressive like she claims it to be. You know what that movie actually has a lot of? Naked women and lesbian sex. Jackie's gay.
I know a lot of butch/futch/even high femme dykes who began their journeys presenting heterofemme realness and rejected it when they made their way down the rainbow brick road. Jackie very much gives me those vibes. Like, she has gay energy, but also a very "useless gay man" energy.
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I think that finding out "x amount" of her teammates are some kind of queer and that the Very Hetero Sport she's been shielding herself with is uhhhhh Not That is part of what leads her down the path of self-discovery.
She's also shredded. Jackie canonically has an 8-pack and that's interesting because in the 90's, muscle tone was seen as something undesirable for women. (Now, I know that the show is made Now, where the aesthetic ideals are different, but if it's in the text it counts.)
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Anyway, this has all been said before in other tumblr posts about Jackie being gay. I'm sure you're asking about why I wrote her as a futch service top instead of say, a femme pillow princess?
It has to do with her character arc. In S1 of Yellowjackets, Jackie's arc is one of nihilism and regression. The only thing that is keeping her alive in this survival situation is her love for Shauna, and when she learns of Shauna's resentment, she loses the will to live. Literally. Dies of a broken heart.
Jackie cannot survive in an environment without love. And, she struggles with survival instincts in general. Which is what makes her a great foil to Nat, who cannot help but survive, and, ironically, dies in S2 of too much love. The moment Nat stopped being cynical and nihilistic she doomed herself.
Two characters in direct opposition cannot exist so therefore they must either kill one or the other other--or change each other to live in harmony. I chose the latter. Jackie softens Nat and Nat hardens Jackie. They meet in the middle. If Jackie becomes hard, and becomes someone who can survive, what does that look like? What's the funniest possible way to get to this point?
Make Jackie the one who builds the shelter. Take this ineffectual, limp wristed twink and show her the way towards self-sufficiency through trades. Her home was broken beyond repair, so she learns how to fix it on her own. The literal is metaphorical and the metaphorical is literal.
So, now that I've explained:
Why Jackie is gay
Why Jackie fixes houses
Now, "why a service top"?
I touch on it in the text, but I don't think she's solely that. I do think that even after coming out, if she was experimenting with people who weren't Shauna she wouldn't allow herself to be physically vulnerable with them. It would cause a panic attack. She has a very Protestant energy and receiving pleasure as a part of sex would probably give her like 5 different mental breaks.
Jackie doesn't enjoy sex with Jeff (oral and hand stuff count as sex) not just because she's gay, but because she's too self-aware of how she's being perceived to enjoy her body.
On the other hand, she is a chronic people pleaser--though Lazy, so I knew she couldn't jump into this with both feet. If Jackie had slept with the girl in chapter 1 it wouldn't have gone well, and it would have been super awkward and unsatisfying for both parties. It's the envy at seeing Nat enjoying herself, and finally being in a safe space to relax a little that allows her to explore sensuality. Still, I don't think she'd let herself be touched in the same way.
If she had, as planned, shared a room with Shauna at Rutgers, I could see her being in a much more comfortable sexual role. Because Shauna was her safe space. But, I could also see her bringing a lot of her own baggage into that situation, and it quickly becoming toxic. I don't think they'd work romantically out of their "platonic" relationship in school, because it had already broken and festered by the Pilot.
Anyway! That's the impetus for Jackie's dykery. I hope that clarified some things. There are other folks out there who have come away with other, valid, and cool conclusions, but these are the ones I came to with my own research and experience. Thanks again for asking!
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evaristo-velez · 9 months ago
Prewriting - What is it?
What isn't prewriting? Thank you for your time.
Joking aside, to live is to prewrite, as a writer anyways. We write with our lived experiences as a lens and guide; the adage "write what you know" comes to mind.
Prewriting is the act of preparing to write, clearly, but it can look different than what is the traditional definition (in my opinion).
I believe in outlines and their efficacy! Nothing I do is separate from that, rather added on top or concurrently in my process.
Other Media
I firmly believe writers of one medium should look at other media when doing their prewriting.
For my fantasy novel, I went with my (now) fiancee to museums! How did other parts of the world in centuries past fight, create, or spread beliefs?
The armor from medieval Europe and weaponry gave me an idea of time periods, seeing early firearms in a nearby exhibit with dates allowed me to see how one corner of humanity progressed.
Old world Asian art showed how different conditions set up for unique styles of art and decorations. The sheer number of Hindi and Muslim art in eastern cultures showed me how intertwined religion was to art.
I steered away from screen/teleplays but I love movies and shows for prewriting. Watch an old favorite whose characters you feel familiar with. What makes them so engaging? Are their arcs dynamic? How early does the showrunner introduce breadcrumbs for a twist? What does episodic television do that serialized television cannot, and vice versa?
Video games with lore or engaging stories provide other good examples to learn from!
Sometimes I will engage other media for fun, other times I sit with the intent of study.
Life, our own and others', are all ongoing stories. They might not all follow "The Hero's Journey" or "69 Point Plot Map" but we can take creative liberty when looking at inspiration both within and without
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