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What's Waiting For You At The Next Stop?🕯️☀️

Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
Hey, lovely souls!
This is a collective tarot reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.♾️🌻
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Pile 1
Cookies🍪—At the next stop, freedom awaits you. But freedom of what? From the thoughts that kept you blocked from living a financially/materially abundant life. You may have felt restricted to explore the world and enjoy the pleasures that come with it. You have spent a lot of time in solitude and have gained wisdom. Until now you've been on a journey within. Now it's time to explore what's outside of you, the natural world that's a manifestation of God's imagination. You've learned to trust your inner knowing rather than relying on outside noise. Now, you're ready to experience life because you've been made responsible by the divine. You've read about great places in books and have seen beautiful images of places that exist somewhere in this world. Some of you may even be interested in going for a spiritual retreat, and this will bring you closer to the richness of life. At the next stop, your communication will play an important role as you'll be forming new connections. It's been pretty long since you've connected with strangers or made some new friends. The divine is saying, “It's time to introduce you to a world prepared by me at a frequency that matches with your life's purpose.” Signs: Black Cat, Seeing a Lot of Different Birds, and Purple Grapes. 334🕯️
Pile 2
Socks🧦—At the next stop a familiar face awaits. The face that you've been trying to forget and erase from your mind. The past is knocking at your door, and someone wants to communicate with you. This can be a person or your own shadow that you've been trying to heal. It's going to be a moment of choice for you. Will you choose your dignity or your overwhelming emotions? The next stop is going to feel tempting. It's going to trick you by wearing the mask of something/someone sent from the divine. This energy has challenged you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Now that you look better or seem better, this energy wants to take away what you've built. This stop is a test for you. Divine wants to see if you've learned your lesson or not. Are you ready for the true and genuine gift that awaits you after this tricky stop? This next stop isn't the one you must fall for. Wait for the next. It's your winter season going on. Spring has yet to arrive in your personal cycle of life. Wait, be patient. 444 can be significant for you. You may be seeing this number a lot. Delayed doesn't mean denied. You're very close to enjoying the fruits of your patience. Choose your dignity. Choose patience. Signs: White Dog, Hearts & Smoke. 3333💛
Pile 3
Fairy Lights✨—The next stop is coming with a key! Bike keys can be significant for some of you. Unlock your throat chakra and speak. You've been quiet for some time now. What are you holding onto? A dream? You have been losing balance, so you thought to shut the doors that were in front of you and choose nothing. You waited for fate to choose for you, but fate is saying, “You must choose!” It's the same stop coming again that you've been avoiding. You kept waiting for something else to come, but your train seems to be stuck in a loop, and the same stop kept appearing, which you have been avoiding. This time a change is coming with this next stop of yours. A key will be given to you, but you must unlock it yourself and use the wisdom/knowledge that you've gained while waiting to release the confusion and trust yourself. It's time to choose with your heart, but first you must cry out to release. Empty yourself. All the weight that you've been carrying needs to be released. As soon as you do this, one of your wishes will come true. Avoiding isn't the solution; facing is. You are not expecting too much, but you aren't accepting all that you desire. Trying to be someone you're not is what's bringing so much confusion. Signs: Orange fishes, bonfire, lock & key. 747🤍
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A L♡VE Reading You'll Never Forget 🕊️🤍
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2
Pile 3, Pile 4)

Pick A Pile Reading
Hey, my lovely Senstea Souls!🥹🫶🏻 It took me a lottttttttt of time to write this reading for you. So stick till the end. This reading is divided into 4 parts:
- Your Past Lives Love Energy
- Your Present Life Love Energy
- Your Future Life Love Energy
- Yes OR No Question (Think of a Yes or No Question after picking your pile that will be answered in the end.)
Find the EXTENDED of this reading on my PATREON.
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Pile 1

Your Past Lives Love Energy
As I am starting this reading, it's 1:23. I see the energy of multiple suitors/lovers in your reading. Maybe because we are tapping into your past lives, that's why so many energies are desperate to be seen. And perhaps that was exactly the case with you. So many people wanted your attention, and you did show them affection, but they all weren't a perfect match. The suitors you came across weren't the first time you met them. You knew them, again, from another lifetime. No heart dares to sync with another if not already carrying an unfinished story. These stories were desperate to find their climax (good or bad doesn't matter). But it wasn't about them; it was about you. Your life looked really fun from the outside. Anyone who would witness your life would think that you've got everything. Deep down you were very intelligent, fair, and even intuitive, but when it came to expressing what's there in your heart, you could only express it in tears. No word made sense to you, and these cycles kept repeating, and love remained a fantasy between many choices you had.
Moving on was a task you would dedicate to a single lifetime. It was enormously challenging for you to not see the beauty in another, and hence, you found it terribly difficult to let go. You're from that era where Katherine Pierce once innocently said, “If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?” Don't get me wrong, fairytale love is real, but if it's a fantasy of your mind or if it's really happening in reality for you, it's something you need discernment to understand. Your soul has crossed paths with many lovers looking for justice in love without realizing that it's you who must do justice to yourself first. You ask me how? By speaking up. By learning how to communicate the depth you feel in your heart, because the more you would have spoken, the easier it could have been for you to see the truth and let go.
Your Present Life Love Energy
All the hard work that you avoided in previous lifetimes has joined hands with your fate to fall upon you in this lifetime. Fate hasn't been all cruel to you in this lifetime but has helped you by igniting the curiosity within you to understand human psychology and even relationship dynamics. You may be a keen reader in this lifetime or someone who loves to gather information on different subjects. In this lifetime you're very sensitive and a good listener. With age, your intuition is only going to get stronger. There's something about scents too. Either you smell really good or you've got a strong memory attached to different scents. Try smelling different fragrances, and you'll be taken back in time. Currently in your love life you're learning a major lesson about being patient because you're doing the healing work you avoided in your past. The divine asks you to not develop pride while waiting for the one because you may end up feeling that you don't need anyone at all. Do you see the polarity? Your soul has been so tired looking for love that now, when it's finally being forced to heal and is realizing the magic of healing, you may end up feeling you don't need anyone at all. If you look from a healthy point of view, then you do need someone. And deep down you still do; it's just your ego trying to protect you from going through the same painful cycle again. Heal that ego too. Currently I see karma being balanced in your love life. You and those you crossed paths with are receiving what they have sown. The justice you once sought is happening behind the scenes while you're healing and learning to surrender. Currently where you're at in your love life isn't easy, and it even makes you furious at times, but in the end, it's going to be worth it. All the innocence that you lost is going to come back to you. I don't know why I keep seeing Katherine Pierce from Vampire Diaries in my mind. She too lost her innocence believing that love is everything and ended up running from it eventually. The sun is shining so bright while I'm writing this, and you also have the sun card in the end with the 10 of cups on the bottom. The color yellow is very prominent in your reading. Maybe the song “Yellow” has some messages for your current reality. Rainbows and angels are also very significant. Why do I feel like you've been looking for a lover that divine promise you'll find in this realm? And it's been lifetimes. Tiring, isn't it? You're so innocent by heart, pile 1. Did God tell you that first you'll have to go through these trials and learn a few lessons? Stubborn child, you don't listen either, but now you're listening attentively. If God would have told you what you would have to go through to unite with your person, you would have never taken on this long journey.
Your Future Life Love Energy & Yes OR No Question (Think of a Yes or No Question after picking your pile that will be answered in the end.) are available on my Patreon. Go check out the extended version of this reading.
Pile 2

Your Past Lives Love Energy
In your past life, I see a betrayal in your married life. Now either you betrayed or you were betrayed; take it how it resonates because this same energy may have been carried in this lifetime as well. Nevertheless, let's look into your past lives first. Ah! Now I get it. In every lifetime, you two are fated to meet to heal this wound of betrayal. But you don't heal or forgive or choose self-love but rather keep betraying one another in every lifetime. In one lifetime you betrayed this person, and then in another they betrayed you. This way the roles just kept reversing. I feel that your ego was too big to accept your mistake in your past lives. Divine was testing your commitment to your self-respect, but again, in another lifetime, you chose this person. You and your person were a mirror to each other. You were so similar yet so different. You two were meant to heal in separation, but you chose to get married. I see this energy of young love. I literally heard, “'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love. Not knowing what it was...” This love was naive but full of passion. You both never dared to understand the depth of true love but mistook love for passion and adventure. And as you both grew up, all those dreams felt like mere fantasy, where love that could have bloomed into something more suffocated between ego and otherworldly responsibilities. And one of them was your kids. After having kids, both of your lives changed, and even the passion was lost in your connection. I also see that you or your partner wanted a baby boy or girl, but the gender wasn't what he/she expected. Another reason for conflict in your connection. It's also possible that you had to marry because you or your person got pregnant before marriage. Many red flags were overlooked in this connection because you both married young or were young at heart/not much experienced in love. I am also sensing that you both were somewhat religious or spiritual in previous lifetimes. Maybe your marriages were even fixed when you were kids because of similar backgrounds or beliefs, but as you grew up and gained maturity, you realized that what you two had was everything but love.
Your Present Life Love Energy
In your present life the divine is giving you a chance to let go of a karmic connection present in your life. Whenever you try to move on, this person appears. I feel you both have an unhealthy attachment to each other. I also see hidden love. You or your partner are in love with someone else but still can't let go of this past connection. This cycle just keeps on repeating. No matter how much one invests in this connection, it just never blooms. Again, as I said, there's passion, attraction, but no love. Literally no cups card came out this time, which shows emotions. Only security, a false sense of safety, and undeniable attraction toward each other. Whatever this is, it's not good. The universe is nudging you to take the first step and get yourself out of this connection. Don't wait for the other person to end this connection or just because they come back doesn't mean it's meant to be. In this lifetime, this cycle must end. The card at the bottom of my oracle literally says, “Don't let your past hold you back.”
Your aura has been affected by this connection immensely. Both of you feel like you're not good enough. You've spent so many lifetimes with this person that you don't believe that there's a higher form of love out there for you. So you both just keep settling for each other. If you've been seeing too many angel numbers or signs regarding this person, then the universe is pushing you to let go. You need to cut through the illusion. You both can only heal in separation. I don't know who is reading this, but I feel that the masculine tries to move on, but the feminine keeps coming back in this lifetime. I also heard, “No matter how much is given to the other person, the greed never ends!”
Even in this lifetime you've got similar beliefs. For some good reason, you both are being given strength by the divine to overcome the challenges and let go of this connection. The end of this connection must happen for your new lives to begin otherwise this will just keep on going. One of you is really desperate. This person can't let go at all. Even I feel exhausted with this energy. I hear, “I really thought you were on my side, but now there's nobody by my side. I need you, I need you, I need you right now. So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down. I think I'm losing my mind now.” One of you just keeps making up fake scenarios in your head.
Your Future Life Love Energy & Yes OR No Question (Think of a Yes or No Question after picking your pile that will be answered in the end.) are available on my Patreon. Go check out the extended version of this reading.
Pile 3

Your Past Lives Love Energy
Your love story begins beautifully but later turns into a war. I heard that you were sold a lie. You were just not betrayed by your person but by many people from your life. They all lied to you about something, and you got played. The responsibility of your relationship was solely carried by you. You were sold dreams that became your worst nightmares. And your person? They were nowhere to be found. You can't even find them in this reading. This is a mess. It can even trigger you, so please read further at your own risk. I will try to be as gentle as possible. You're safe with me, but you can have your own shortcomings, so I'm not going to force you to read further. But if you know you've got the strength to read further, then let's move forward. Some of you were even made to marry multiple partners. This literally destroyed your mental health and sacral chakra. If in this lifetime you often get severe headaches or pain in your lower abdomen, it can be due to this past life energy. Your sacral, third eye, and crown chakras may need healing. It's also possible that in many lifetimes you were tricked into marrying someone or being with someone who wasn't a good match for you. You were kind to everybody, but nobody was kind to you. People took advantage of your kindness. They always had an ulterior motive with you. This has happened to you many times in different lives.
Let's understand why this happened with you. All these people saw your light and were energy vampires. You were too innocent to help yourself or truly see the mask that they were wearing. There was something special about you, and somehow being near you triggered their shadow sides. That's why they did wrong to you. People were drawn to your aura like a moth to a flame. You always had ego clashes with your loved ones. You were the black sheep of your family with no help to understand how to release the heavy energies you were taking on from others'. You've overgiven in love. Your love language was acts of service. You were so devoted that even on your deathbed you would make a cup of coffee for your lover. For some reason I feel I'm looking into your recent past life because I feel something happened even before this. There must be a reason for why all of this happened to you. Opposite genders were highly attracted to you, but no one was in love with you. It's possible that you may have your Venus in the first, sixth, or eighth house. It's also possible you may have Taurus in any of these houses. A lot was taken away from you in your past lives when it comes to love, and yet you still believed in love because your soul knew that love exists. In past lives your love life was no less than a horror movie. But after this, in your present birth, something changes.
Your Present Life Love Energy
Your cards are already so excited to come out. This life is full of wisdom and clarity for you. Your painful past has led to spiritual awakenings in this lifetime. Even in this lifetime, you ended up manifesting similar connections as you were heavily carrying the energy of your past life, but you had divine's full support in helping you come out of the past trauma. Divine has intervened so many times. I also heard, “You're an angel in the shape of my mom. When God takes you back, say hallelujah.” In this lifetime, love means God to you. That's going to be your first definition of love. I already hear your child being so grateful for your existence in the future. I know we are looking at the present, but this message wanted to come forward. I feel you have met many karmic partners even in this lifetime. These could have been really short-term connections because God didn't allow them to be dragged longer. Because this lifetime is all about awakening you to the truth. The more you understand the divine, the more you understand yourself and your past connections. You've gained so much wisdom when it comes to relationships that you can now even guide others.
Currently I do see a blockage in your life to manifest your true love. But there's nothing to worry about, as this blockage is going to soon be illuminated to you. Very soon I see you meeting your true love. One last shadow needs to be dealt with, and this has something to do with your thought patterns. I feel that sometimes you don't believe that the best can unfold for you in your love life. You know that true love exists, but you don't know what it feels like, which is why you can't manifest it. Ah! Okay! Now I get it, pile 3. You are not supposed to think or visualize about your love life at all because somewhere you end up visualizing something that used to happen in your previous connection. If you don't know what divine love or true love feels like, then how can you visualize it? You can't visualize something you've never experienced or even witnessed in your surroundings. You're being guided to only ask the divine to show you or make you feel how the world would look when you're with your true love. And you'll see the physical manifestation of it. Currently you must be noticing love around you, and it makes you think, “Oh, I've been through all this. There's nothing divine about it.” Don't visualize, please, pile 3. God listens to you. Ask God to show you, and I can assure you that you will see a totally different world around you.
You're very close to meeting your person; just don't become too critical of them when you meet them, as you may end up doing that. Because I do see this pile has healed themselves a lot, but this can make you overly critical of others. If there's anything at pause in your life, then it's your love life. But the energy is gaining momentum, and very soon you'll meet your person. Also, I do see someone from the past is still in your energy, and they may show up again. This is going to be your final test before you unite with someone God sends.
Your Future Life Love Energy & Yes OR No Question (Think of a Yes or No Question after picking your pile that will be answered in the end.) are available on my Patreon. Go check out the extended version of this reading.
Pile 4

Your Past Lives Love Energy
Oh my pile 4. You've had so little time for love in your past lifetimes. You were so busy making the ends meet that you never truly got lucky enough to experience true love. You tried to understand love, maybe wrote something on it, but it was filled with sorrow. When people read your words, they cried because they could feel your pain, your loneliness. Your work life brought a lot of success to you but no love. Also, as you tried to understand love intellectually, you could never truly listen to the divine's wisdom on love. All your written work or spoken word had a spark of intelligence but no wisdom. You invested in the wrong relationships in some lifetimes because you were so disconnected from your intuition. In one life you lived a complete life where you had a family, money, kids, and pets, but again, no love. In this particular lifetime, I'm seeing you as a woman. After many lifetimes, your soul wondered what was it really missing to see? What was it doing wrong? It again came back to earth to learn its lesson on love, and yet again it failed. In every lifetime you've experienced all sorts of relationships and yet couldn't find love. In every lifetime, your soul challenged itself and had a relationship totally different from its previous lifetime. You had a limited approach toward love despite investing in a different relationship in a different lifetime. God, pile 4, you were just missing opening yourself up to the infiniteness of this universe. You didn't allow yourself to let go of control for once and let the divine take care of your love life. You were hell-bent on solving this mystery with your limited perception.
But one thing is something that I'm sure of is that in every lifetime you found something new about love, and it brought you one step closer to your destiny: to truly understand love. Some of you even recklessly left for Paris only to understand love. You were very clever in your past lifetimes and thought that love was a competition. You wanted to show the world that somehow your love story is the greatest of all time or better than everyone else's. This may even have led to a downfall of your relationship with your partner. Pile 4, this part of your reading is making me laugh. I mean, your pursuit to understand love is adorable. I heard, “You just want attention; you don't want my heart.” I feel like you've written such long paragraphs on betrayals while you've never been betrayed. You've forced yourself to feel all kinds of love. My God! There should be a movie made on this storyline. It's like your partner didn't even do anything, and you made it a situation overly dramatic only to write something on it later. Hahaha, omg!
Your Present Life Love Energy
In this lifetime you're very conflicted on what you really think of love. If someone asks you what you think of love, you either end up getting into an argument with that person or you just surrender and leave the room. You feel like you know what love means, and yet you're confused. You intellectually know so much, but you don't feel that you can define love in one statement that can fit in every situation. Your one argument contradicts the other. You feel like love is a battle that needs to be won. But all you seek is peace. You're finding it difficult to keep your cool or be patient. I feel even self-love is something you're only intellectually aware of. Your soul is finding it difficult to understand its purpose in this lifetime. Some of you may even be good at psychology but bad at feeling things deeply. Surrender is something that you don't know how to do. Only taking action towards self love is going to bring some changes in your love life. It's also possible that your sun may be weakly placed or debilitated in your chart (sun in Libra). I feel in this lifetime your thoughts never match with your partner. You come off as intellectual, and love needs emotions.
The divine doesn't want you to give up on your pursuit of understanding love at all, though. But I do see the need for you to read some spiritual books and ask God to show you what divine love looks like. I do see change happening in your love life, and this is only possible with the divine's help. At present nothing is certain in your love life, but if you make some adjustments within yourself, you'll see some shifts. To get closer to God, you need to understand how to contact God first. Meditation is another way. I do see that you have this desire to come out of your mental limitations and surrender to the unknown and experience the true bliss of love. You are very good with words, but love isn't words. Those who can't speak still love. How? Those who can't hear, speak, or see still love. What's love really? You're very close to meeting someone who is going to be the love you've been craving for in all these lifetimes. But it's only possible if you're willing to see your limitations and let God do the magic. Now you'll say, “Oh, but I'm not stopping God from sprinkling some magic on me!” Well, you are. You're not an empty vessel through which God can speak. Remember in your previous lifetimes? You could speak every language of love, and yet they all were missing the magic. You need God to speak through you.
You need to tell the story of your life to the world, remember?
Your Future Life Love Energy & Yes OR No Question (Think of a Yes or No Question after picking your pile that will be answered in the end.) are available on my Patreon. Go check out the extended version of this reading.
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Hello I just saw your pick a pile but I’m stuck on option one and option three. I’m the feminine I can relate to pile one for myself but I can see pile three being a possibility for the third party situation and honestly I don’t know where I would fit into this story 💀
Hey! I hope you're doing well.
First of all you'll need to use your discernment but as you were drawn to both the piles I can surely sense that you're the one having a glow up in the near future. As you're being favoured by the divine then definitely you may need to let go of the connection. To know in detail and get more clarity you can check the extended on my Patreon or book a personal reading with me. Because I can't say anything for sure without looking into your energy as you were already drawn to two piles. Ps, this is a reading for the collective and I am not aware of your individual situation. For that personal readings are recommended.
I hope I was able to help you out. 🙏🏻💛
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Person On Your Mind 🤍

Their Current & Future Energy
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
Hey, lovely humans! This is a collective tarot reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
To book a personal tarot reading with me checkout these links:
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Also, feel free to DM me for any tarot related query.
Pile 1
Current Energy Of Your Person:
Your person feels stuck. They are mostly overthinking and feeling overwhelmed with what happened between you two. They have withdrawn their energy by not replying to your texts because it hurts them to communicate with you. They don't know if they are holding on or letting go, but they do wish to heal themselves so that they never feel this pain again. The good thing is that the divine is with them and is sending them hope through signs and synchronicities. I hear, “Some prayers find an answer, some prayers never know.” Your person wonders why things turned out the way they did. They are totally in their feels. Thinking about you brings them a lot of pain, so imagine what contacting would do to them. This person's intuition tells them to avoid you, so they do. Sometimes they even misinterpret their intuition toward you. But they are still unclear about a lot of things when it comes to this connection. They don't have all the answers, but they do know that they've been hurt. Unfortunately, they can't even trust you anymore, pile 1. They have surrendered after getting hurt in this connection one more time. I am picking up on a feminine energy here. So reverse the roles accordingly. They regret ignoring the signs that the source has been sending them about this connection, but in solitude they do understand what all those signs meant. Either this connection was a long term connection or many on & offs happened between you two within an year.
Future Energy Of Your Person/Connection:
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Pile 2
Current Energy Of Your Person:
Your person thinks of approaching you day and night. They want to come right this time and clear the misunderstanding. They are thinking too much because they know they aren't good at communicating or maybe not as mature as you are. I also feel that they are taking tips from your book. This person is attracted to you but thinks that you both are complete opposites. This person's ego is too big, but they are a child from within. Nevertheless, they wish to offer you a sincere apology. I also heard they want to have kids with you. During the day they think they can move in front of you, but during the night they reminisce and think about you. This person has tried to move on and is still trying, but they don't seem to move on even the slightest. This person may even be praying to God to make you two unite but it seems that divine wants them to take action. Your person just keeps planning and praying but lacks in taking action. Ugh! This person wants to move on but cannot. This person may even be stalking your socials. I feel a little disappointed in this person because they think that they don't belong to you. They just reminsce and pray but feel that you two as a couple is an impossible dream. This person has different values than you. As I said you two are complete opposite. One is day and the other is night. But isn't that beautiful? We need both, but they think that day and night never meet. This person definitely has so much to say.
Future Energy Of Your Person/Connection:
Available on my Patreon
Pile 3
Current Energy Of Your Person:
The person on your mind is crying and releasing heavy emotions. Some of them may even be crying happy tears. For some reason, they want to connect with you and are coming in quick. They are looking for something serious with you or going to have a serious conversation with you. Some of you may even be in contact with this person. I hear, “Wherever you go, I'll always long for you.” You are this person's happy place. They can be both serious and childish with you. This person is definitely realising their love for you or they are feeling overwhelmed. As it's a collective reading, I also feel that those who are already in connection are getting the good news about being pregnant. You and your person are going to be so happy about it. You or your person can't even wait to disclose this to each other, but for some reason, you have to wait. Congratulations to those waiting for a baby or babies.
Now for another group of people, I feel that there's a third-party involvement. Your person is living a dual life. They may even have gotten someone pregnant. Maybe the truth is about to come out or has already come to light. This is so sad. I am so sorry for those of you who can relate to this.
Future Energy Of Your Person/Connection:
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You're The Talk Of The Town ✨🦜
Let's see what they are saying?

Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
Hey, lovely humans!
This is a collective tarot reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. 🤍
To book a personal tarot reading with me feel free to DM me or book directly from the link mentioned below:
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Pile 1 ☕
They are saying that you're protecting your heart at all costs! After a gruesome heartbreak, you've become overly guarded. As this protectiveness is crossing the line and is falling on the excess side, someone is concerned about you. You're suppressing your desire to be loved because it looks like a far-fetched dream. They say that you carry your heart on your sleeve but not in the way it's described in a poem. Your heart with cracks on it is embedded on your sleeve, and you carry it unapologetically. No one can dare to pull your heart out as you now come off as intimidating. You're a sensual being, and that can be seen in the way you carry yourself. Some of you may even have tattoos that people adore or find appealing. People and energies are drawn to you the way a moth is drawn to a flame. And all they talk about is how attractive you are. Some may not even say it out loud, but they stare at you secretly. If you feel your sacral chakra is overactive or underactive, it is because all sorts of energies are drawn to your ethereal beauty. It's necessary that you protect yourself by wearing crystals like black tourmaline, black obsidian, or tiger's eye. Meditate on your sacral chakra by listening to 417 Hz. By coming across a wrong partner, your sacral chakra has gone out of balance, but there's nothing to worry about. This imbalance can be handled. People around you also find you really creative, and that's another reason why your sacral chakra is highly active because the power to create comes from our sacral chakra. It's necessary that people also see your soft, vocal side, intuitive side, and confident side and not just your aesthetic side. Balance is necessary, and the people close to you still feel the need for you to heal from your past. You can't hide behind art; your art (your aesthetic) speaks about your pain. Your angel number is 373. Stars ✨ can be significant to you. If you're wearing something in white or blue, then this reading is definitely for you. Numbers 13 & 15 are also prominent. A major death of a karmic cycle happened in your life. Stay blessed, pile 1. Sending you love and healing. May the shakti be with you!
Pile 2 📰
People admire your work ethic and the work you do. They think that you're fair to everyone, be it in personal or professional relationships. You come off as very mysterious too. Others think that you're a nature lover and live a holistic life. You may work in a field where you often have one-on-one conversations with people or focus on building connections. You've a perfect blend of earth, air, water, and fire elements. People think that you're hardworking, charming, loving, and intelligent. To others, you're an all-rounder. People put you on a pedestal and think that you deserve the best. You walk like a king/queen. They know that you know your worth and will never settle for less. You may even have admirers or someone in love with your energy and the work that you do. Many wish to have someone like you in their lives. Others think that you always receive divine help in your time of need. Many think that you must be in a relationship, but most of you aren't. I do see, by the way, someone approaching you within a few days, or you waiting for someone to share the love that you've got with someone special. People admire how you balance your shadow and light with such intelligence and fairness. People are looking forward to hearing from you or what you have to say. They love taking advice from you because you bring clarity in others' lives. Your energy is beautiful, pile 2. Keep doing what you're doing. You're being seen and appreciated in ways that you aren't even aware of. This appreciation may not come directly from others, but the world sees you and what you bring to the table. A lot of people might like to take relationship advice from you, be it platonic or romantic. You understand humans really well because of your past experiences. But not many are aware of this, but they appreciate who you've turned out to be due to the lessons you've learned. Very rarely do people find you too blunt, but otherwise you're sweet and fair to them. Some people even want to be like you or compare themselves to you. So keep reminding everyone that they are enough. You're hope in others lives. 444 is your angel number confirming that you're divinely protected and are very well balanced. If you're wearing a bracelet on your wrist, then this reading is definitely for you! Bye, beautiful beings. See you in the next reading.
Pile 3 🌳🌳
Oh, pile 3! You mean the whole world to someone. You are a free spirit with a strong moral compass, and that's exactly how others view you. You may come off as very talkative and flirtatious too. Haha! But people adore your hopeless romantic side. You're someone who would either give flowers or would love to receive flowers. Some people may even look at a flower, and it may remind them of you. People think that you're very accepting of others dark sides too. You're not a judgmental person but very nurturing. You give motherly vibes. People think that you're confident and comfortable in your own skin. You're always trying different things or talking about trying something new. People think that you're a jack of all trades. You may have knowledge about different things, and people find it really inspiring. People love how thoughtful you are while giving gifts. Your love language may be giving gifts or cooking food or writing a long letter to someone. To some people you come off as flighty and to some very grounded. You have multiple personalities, and people know you for which side you show to them. So does anyone really know who you are deep down? I don't think so. Maybe your mother only knows who you truly are from within, or a childhood friend knows. People think that you don't like to be controlled. Some people think that you're taking too long to make an important decision or a choice. You may want to explore the world with someone and then settle in one place. But this is something not everyone knows. They think that you never settle in a connection, but the truth is that you haven't found the one yet. At 5:55 the bell rang. This is about to change very soon for you. You may have someone in your mind you wish to be with or dream of being with. I feel that people around you want to see you settle down with someone or get married. So listen to your intuition and choose the one your heart feels safe with. Your angel number is 2112. If you're wearing something in black or recently saw a dice 🎲 or a rainbow 🌈, then this reading is definitely for you! Bye, pile 3. I hope you find the one soon. See you!
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Something Is About To Be Revealed To You 🕊️

Pick A Pile Reading
Hey, lovely humans!
This is a collective reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
To book a personal tarot reading with me either you can DM me or directly book from the link mentioned below:
Booking Form • Rate Card
Pile 1
Oh, you don't know how powerful you are! Soon you'll realize that your intuition has always been right about what path you must walk on. You don't know how successful you can be. Despite having a chaotic thought pattern, you have the strength to unravel the knots that bind you to a limited construct. Life will show you why it was necessary for you to walk away from certain connections. Currently you're healing a shadow of yours, but you're about to come out of it. You'll rise above the challenges and will realize it was no one but you who decided your life to unfold the way it did. You may feel that you're a restless rat, always distracted. But all this confusion is leading you to the truth. Your path is messy, confusing, and pretty lonesome, but you are very, very close to a breakthrough. This breakthrough is changing you from within and outside. Your intuition is telling you that something better is coming, but it's not here yet, right? Trust it while you're on your way to a better and more deserving reality. The only advice coming from the source for you is to stay focused on your goal. Don't change your plans just because you haven't seen the results yet. If you keep changing your plans, you'll only bring more delays and confusion. If you're wearing something in beige, white, black, or red, then this reading is definitely for you! Angel number 222. Ending this at 2:22 (You're on the right path!)
Pile 2
Soon you're being revealed to a whole new world. You seem so bored with where you are currently. Something unexpected can come in the form of a new idea or money that is going to make you feel more confident to start a new journey. You want to create something, but you lack direction or an outlet. You're soon receiving a call from the divine to do something extraordinary. You don't need to look for this blessing. It will naturally come to you within 3-4 days. Don't lose hope. And if you're wondering why this new idea and resources are coming to you, then the reason for it is your past karmas. It's a reward from the source. For a very few of you, I also feel that someone's going to reveal their feelings for you. This person has been waiting for the right moment to make a move. They are going to take a leap of faith toward you as you mean the world to them. And all of this is not happening randomly. As I said, it's a reward for your own actions. You've been waiting to see the difference in the outside world for the difference you have made within you. A lot of you have given so much time into loving and taking care of yourself that it is going to be reflected in your surroundings as well. Someone sees you as spiritual, grounded, and friendly. Also, as you begin this new project with the idea/resource/offer that you're about to receive, you'll be surprised to see how talented you are. Don't be so hopeless. I know a lot hasn't worked out in the past but this time if you choose to accept this blessing your whole world will change. Love finds you; you don't find it. Strength finds you; you don't find it. Wisdom finds you; you don't find it. You just need to keep your channel empty to receive from the divine. 444 is your angel number. If you're wearing something in brown, blue, orange, or yellow, then this reading is definitely for you.
Pile 3
You are on your way to understanding the divine. You're doing this by being less self critical and more accepting of your shadows. You're no longer afraid of the darkness because you know that to embrace light, one must accept the dark too. Currently you're choosing to live in solitude to receive the message from the source. Some of you are receiving messages through songs. Whatever you're seeking currently is intense. And what you seek is seeking you. So what's about to be revealed to you is exactly what you're trying to understand. This pile doesn't feel that God is too far to reach out to, but you wonder what makes your shadow feel that way. You're not suppressing anymore. You're embracing all of you! So beautiful and serene, pile 3. I also feel that a lot of you are wishing to find a divine love where both choose to heal together without being codependent. The song, ‘Dandelions,' can be significant. The deep reflection that you're in is bringing you closer to union. This union of Shiva & Shakti is happening within you first. What divine love feels like will soon be revealed to you. It feels like you're choosing to dive into your darkness and find the diamond. You're doing something only few dare to do. I am also getting the vibes of Mula and Ardra nakshatras. Deep and intense transformations bring wisdom to you. You're evolving, and the truth shall soon be revealed to you. Keep going and do the right thing while you traverse through this narrow path. If you're wearing something in grey or purple, then this reading is definitely for you.
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(Here you can find all the pick a pile tarot readings from latest to oldest)

Note: Feel free to drop your suggestions for pick a pile readings ☀️🩷.
Here you go:
• A Love Reading You'll Never Forget
• Person On Your Mind
• You're The Talk Of The Town
• Something Is About To Be Revealed To You
• Pick A Fruit! A Non Diabetic Message From The Source
• Message From Spirit Animals
• Divine Is Saying, “No Added Sugars!” You Need Rawness
• The High Priestess Wants You To Know This
• Where Do You Need To Trust Your Instincts
• A Message From God
• Fortunate Reading
• What Change Is Coming Towards You?
• Message From Your Previous Lifetime
• Message From Your Higher Self
• If You Were A Muse To A Poet
• Your Life One Year From Now
• What's Happening In Your Love Life?
• What Career Suits Your Spirit?
• What Secrets Are Kept In Your Heart?
• What They Wish They Could Tell You?
• Message From Your Past Life
• Your First Impression On Others
• Next Chapter In Your Life
• Important Message From Your Shadow
• What Will Your Romantic Life Look Like?
• Ask A Yes Or No Question
• About Your Future Potential Partner
• Insights About Your Destiny
• What's Magical About You?
• A Long Awaited Message From Your Spirit Guides
• What Blessing Is Coming In Your Life?
• A Message From Your Person
• What Do You Need Protection From?
• How Will You Find Love?
• What's Your Beauty?
• How Does Your Spirit Guides See You?
• Message From A Fictional World
• A Message Meant To Reach You
• Which World Did You Come From?
• A Message From Your Body
• Yours And Your Future Spouse's Energy Check
• Message From Your Higher Self
• Signs From The Universe For Your Love Life
• Message From Your Ancestors
• Why Do You Keep Attracting Woundmates?
• Message From Your Spirit Animal
• What Is Your Soul Like?
• What Does Akashic Records Have To Say About Your Life Path?
• Your Next Glow Up Is Here!
• Urgent Message From The Universe
• Signs Confirming You Are On The Right Path
• What Do Others Find Attractive About You?
• How To Upgrade Your Finances?
• Zoom Out! Angels Want You To See The Bigger Picture
• Closure You Did Not Get
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Hello hello! Please create your pac masterlist, i NEED to do all of them, i don't wanna miss out any. They are always on point, absolutely love them :))
Oh Definitely! Thank you for reminding me.🩷
Give me a couple of days. Ps, I am glad you find my channeled messages helpful. ☀️💌🌝
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Pick a fruit! A Non- Diabetic Message From The Source!

Pick A Pile
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
Hello, lovely humans! This is a collective tarot reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Here are the links to explore my rate card & book a reading with me.
Rate Card • Booking Form
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Judgement, 5 of Swords, 2 of Cups, King of Swords, 7 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups
Somebody judged you, and they are realizing how wrong they were about you. While this person is in their feelings, the source is taking notes of how committed you are to your journey. I do see you shining like a star! Your test is about to complete by this full moon, and you will be receiving clarity about a past connection. This person is definitely your ex or someone you've known for years. This person can be manipulative, as cards were trying to come out but didn't, signifying that there's a lot to say, but someone is finding the right words.
Your inner child wanted safety from this person, which they couldn't provide. You may have judged yourself for staying too long with this person or even walking away from them. You really had to choose your head over your heart to make a decision to move on from them. I see emotional attachment here. The Wheel of Fortune and the Star card appeared twice in your reading. Definitely something fated is about to happen in your life. You are about to see someone for who they are. The confusion that you've lived with is about to be elevated. You can expect an apology from this person, which will be genuine, but you still can't rely on them as they haven't changed at all. Your intuition knows that going back to them or accepting them is only going to begin the same old cycle.
The divine is encouraging you to keep taking care of yourself and stay committed to your growth. I don't see you wanting this person back at all. I feel that your inner child is happier without them. The guidance here for you is to keep moving on and don't think about them at all. Don't send them your energy by thinking of them even for a moment. You moving on is your justice because it seems to me that it was really difficult for you to let go of the attachment you had developed with them. You may doubt your judgment sometimes; that's why this message is coming through, encouraging you to keep moving forward as you're on the right path. You're not attached to this person, but you haven't completely removed them from your energetic field. It seems to me that you wonder if you'll find better than them. You wonder what if they were the one, and you end up making a wrong decision, accepting that this time it's a forever goodbye. You will find the best, pile 1. Don't doubt yourself at all. You may have been on and off with this person multiple times. This connection could never work out no matter how hard you tried. They came into your life to teach you something. Closing the door and locking it for good is bringing you success. This person was a blockage to your financial stability. Now the choice is yours, pile 1. You know what's best for you.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- 5 of Swords, Page of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, The Fool, The Devil, King of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Queen of Cups
Okay, I need to address this! If you're a masculine reading this, then listen up! (This is not gender-specific but based on energy. You can be a female operating from masculine energy.) Huff! Pile 2? What's up with you? I feel that some of you think you can have anything that you want (not in a good way!). There's someone or something you feel you have authority over. No, you don't. No matter how much you pursue this person now, they are not coming back! Your actions have consequences. Do you even realize that? There's a shadow that you need to heal. You've got an inner child wound that you haven't been healing.
Relying on someone to soothe your pain while you drain the other person is simply being selfish toward the well-being of the other person. You may have been distracting yourself with work. A lot of you operate from a lack mindset, which again, you need to heal. It's time for you to give to yourself first, which is your time and attention. Observe your patterns and heal yourself. Don't be all about what the world can give you; think of how you can give to the world. You are operating from the shadow side of the emperor energy.
If you're a feminine reading this, then this is a person you're dealing with or have dealt with. Trust your intuition and don't let your mind trick you into falling for this person's words. They are hellbent on having you back. It's not healthy because their energy is not at all good for you. This person comes with a lot of baggage, and you do not need to fear. Nothing is going to happen in this connection. The divine won't let anything happen. You also need to focus on maintaining firm boundaries and don't let those who have hurt you enter your energy field. You're quite sensitive. If you make up scenarios about this person, then also avoid doing that. Just focus on healing your mind and thought patterns. Break yourself free of this pattern. I'm sorry to say, but if you're wishing for this connection to work, then this is not happening. You both are only going to feel stuck with each other. Let go. There's a huge imbalance of energy. For a lot of you, I feel that you subconsciously desire so much but are never satisfied with what you have. There's a lot of healing you need to do, love. This lack mindset is also reflected in your work life. Your wishes are keeping you trapped. Try to make your life simpler.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Ace of Swords, Death, 6 of Swords, The Magician, Ace of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, Page of Swords, 3 of Pentacles
This pile is a relief. I see you're receiving clarity and communication from someone you've been waiting to receive. A major breakthrough is happening in your career/finances, and this is the opportunity that you approached first. You've worked for something or have given an interview, which you're clearing very soon. This is going to bring a major change in your lifestyle. You're on the right path, pile 3. You're on the path to fulfill your purpose. You need to keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to receive more blessings in your professional life. I also see you moving away from a connection or literally moving places. Some of you have been manifesting your own office/home. Relocation is on the cards for a lot of you.
Your hard work is paying off, and you're going to receive recognition for the work you do. Trust your intuition with how you're supposed to manage your work. Your intuition is your guide at this time. Communication, movement, travel, and relocation are on the cards. You're going from rags to riches. From bottom to top. A major shift is happening in your life, and you're supposed to keep your life in balance. A lot of good luck and prosperity lies ahead for you. Signs and synchronicities are guiding you to keep your fears at bay by organizing your tasks well. You do have the wisdom to understand the messages and signs that are being sent to you by the source. Throw your logic out of the window. At this moment you need to take action based on your intuition and how you feel about the way you work.
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Message From Spirit Animals 🐢💚🌳
Pick A Pile Tarot

(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
Hello, lovely Senstea Souls!💟
I hope you're all doing well. This is another collective tarot reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
If you wish to book a tarot reading with me then I'm mentioning the links for the same below:
Booking Form • Rate Card
Pile 1
You're in your feels pile 1. Trust me, the pain is in the past. And you know that. Some of you are allowing yourself to feel grief for one last time.
Stingray💚: You've made some right choices over and over again. Good job on standing firm on your beliefs and boundaries. A celebration is coming your way as you're manifesting something new. You've never experienced this kind of blessing in the past, but you've definitely wished for it. You've become a magnet for aligned opportunities/communication, and I know you don't see it manifested in your reality yet, but it's approaching you very soon. Like, VERY soon.
Frog💚: This spirit animal wants you to fully step into your power. Don't run away from feeling too deep, as this time you won't drown. It seems that you've got your feet in two different worlds because you don't want to let go of your safety net. If you don't let go, you won't fully be able to experience your blessings. Trust the cosmos.
Dragonfly💚: You're too busy finding faults, and Dragonfly wants you to look at the brighter side of things. Your life was meant to unfold the way it did. Nothing more could be done. Rather than changing your story, accept it. Honor it. Find meaning in your journey. Don't blame yourself or anybody for how it panned out.
Overall message🌳: You understand that you're yearning for something that makes you feel the lack of it, and you know this isn't helping. Stop looking at things from thousands of angles and finding ways that life will never favor you. Don't sabotage yourself into believing you've a long way to go. No, you don't. You've come a long way. It's time for you to let go of the old version of you completely and let this new version shine bright.
Pile 2
This pile reminds me of freedom. Your energy is so well put. This powerful person you've turned into is all due to the pain you've gone through. You have gone through some major endings in the past. For some of you, it's regarding a person, so if you still wonder if the story is over? Your answer is yes, it's over.
Camel💚: Water is important for you. I feel that you've got a lot of heat in your body and even rage. You're peaceful unless provoked. You're self-reliant and self-sufficient. The camel is here to remind you that you may have had to go through some major challenges for years, but it takes you only a few weeks to recover from them. Do you see that??? Isn't that beautiful? You guys are quick learners. I feel some of you were with someone for years but fell out of love as soon as you saw how incompatible you two were. It took you some time, though. Anyway, you're shining, pile 2. You're glowing. Just stay hydrated to glow even more!
Gazelle💚: Gazelle wants to tell you that it's so proud of you for turning your pain into wisdom. It wasn't easy for you to isolate yourself with the abandonment wound you had. But you did it. Gazelle wants you to never look back at all, as you've already learned your lessons. There's no more to learn. It's time you eat well. I hear something about weight loss. Maybe you've lost weight or want to lose weight. It's time you take care of your body and move it a little. I hear, “graceful moves.” Try slow dancing or yoga. As you're a sensitive being, you need some extra care. And hey, “the old chapter's been burned.” Move on happily.
Firefly💚: Here I feel that your intuition is trying to tell you something, but you're blocking it. You're emotionally intelligent but do have a bit of trust issues because of your past (not gonna blame you, though). There's silence between you and someone you're meant to be with. Maybe you know them or don't know them at all (it seems that you've met them in your past life). Another thing that I'm seeing here is that you're still figuring out what you were made for. You're being encouraged to restart working on an old passion. This is a gift that you just couldn't work on because of mental blockages. But it's changing now.
Overall message🌳: Your wisdom isn't dangerous; it's powerful. I watched a movie yesterday, and there was a beautiful dialogue in it that goes like this: “Your difference is your POWER!” Do not be afraid to stand out and speak your truth. If you keep doing what the whole world is doing, then you'll lose your essence. An exciting new beginning is headed your way after what you lost. And it's happening all because you have been doing well in the school of life.
Pile 3
As you've surrendered by being backstabbed in ways you never imagined, do you realize that you pushed too hard to make something work? However, the universe is about to return the rewards of your efforts from a different source.
Black Egg💚: I know it feels like your prayers are not being answered. Things have been moving slowly, and there has been slow progress materially. It's because you doubt your work, especially your words. It's time to trust in your age-old wisdom and not look for validation from the outside world. You've got a lot to be grateful for; you just need to shift your focus from what isn't working out to what is. Talk to yourself about it and be honest.
Cosmic Egg💚: In slowness you channel the wisdom from the ethers. You have access to an abundance of knowledge. Allow your lower chakras to accept and trust the messages you receive. Go slow and be patient; you're about to be massively blessed. If water comes with force, it will cause havoc; similarly, the more you rush, the more you mess up. If the flow of water is slow and steady, it's going to help nourish the mother earth. The universe has something special to gift you and bless you with. You deserve it. Also, spend more time in nature.
Beaver💚: Water and Earth are prominent in your reading. Financial blessings are coming your way. Your heart will feel satisfied with what you're about to receive. What you're about to receive is going to be your justice. As you've been at the rock bottom, you deserve to be at the top too because you never gave up! You've been doing what you felt was your calling and what the universe wanted you to do. Not a lot of people care about their purpose but their sense of security. If you did what the universe told you to or allowed the cosmos to have control of your life while you focused on your karma, then you're about to receive what you deserve. Everything is going to balance out. If you've been looking for a home or a place for yourself, you'll have enough to afford it.
Overall Message🌳: The tough cycle has ended. It's time for you to receive your blessings as you've learned enough by spiraling from lesson to lesson. Bees may be significant for you. Some of you may have been as busy as a bee.
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Hello! Do you have a PAC masterlist ? I'm unable to find it :')
Hey! I haven't created any PAC masterlist. But as you've mentioned I might create one. 🩷
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Divine is saying, “No Added Sugars” You Need Rawness!
💕 Pick A Pile 💕

(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
Hello, beautiful souls!🍀💖
It's about your purpose. You've been at a crossroads for some time now. With logic you won't ever be able to make the right choice or jump the timelines. You need to follow your intuition and do exactly what the world would call you crazy for. I know you're afraid of being judged. But who cares? I read this on a chocolate packaging, “It's always a nut who raises the bar.” ~The Whole Truth
If you wish to book a personal tarot reading with me then check out the links below:
Also, feel free to DM💌 me in case of any query.🫶🏻
Pile 1🌷

Tarot Cards- The Hanged Man, Ace of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, 8 of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, King of Wands
Charms- Crescent Moon
Animal Spirit- Owl
When I was pulling out your cards, my shoulders felt burdened with bricks. Perhaps you've got responsibilities, or you are carrying heavy burdens that you must release to take a flight.
You want to fly high in the sky, but you can't seem to remove your focus from the past. Your heart's breaking every day for receiving less than what you put toward your purpose. This pile does seem to be on the right path but tired and exhausted. You're hanging in there, waiting for a new opportunity or something to align. Your intuition says something must change, but you can't see that change, so you feel stuck between the present and the future.
Some of you may even try to hide your pain by getting yourself entangled with your work. You don't want to face the truth of someone (possibly a fire sign), so you distract yourself, but you're unable to do that either.
Ugh! Okay! So the divine wants you to face your hurt once and for all. Your heart chakra needs to be activated to receive blessings. Nothing's changing for you if you do not make an extra effort or travel the extra mile to align your destiny with the opportunities that you deserve.
You've got the wisdom, yet you cannot decide, afraid of history being repeated. You need to understand that every person, every situation was meant to give you the experience you had to shape you and trigger your gifts. We're all co-creators, believe it or not! Do not take on so much load. Release the hurt and show grace to yourself and everyone else. Remove your need to keep track of the fruits your work must bear. Focus on the work, on you, and on aligning your energies to make the best out of your time.
There's a pattern that keeps showing itself up. It's not here to trouble you but to elevate you. Release it and free yourself. I feel you keep yourself in the waiting energy over and over again for something/someone, and this energy messes up your head and heart. What's meant for you will find you. Just like Harry got his letter from Hogwarts despite his uncle doing everything to refrain Harry from getting his hands on the invitation. Don't stop yourself from living YOUR life by putting a pause on your journey. The stagnancy is what bothers you.
Wealth is a few decisions away. I feel you're equipped to manifest an abundance of good fortune, but there's a pattern that's stopping you from making a decision. You haven't been feeling the spark, so it's necessary for you to release something physical—maybe old clothes or belongings that you do not use anymore. Donate them; you'll feel much lighter. Remove the past energy without ifs and buts.
At this time, divine encourages you to trust your intuition and follow your heart. Put all your love in you and your purpose. How you feel has a lot to do with what you attract, my dear pile 1. So try to make yourself feel better.
The moment you release the need to control everything on your journey is the moment aligned connections and opportunities will knock at your door. I see love to be quite prominent in your reading. I do see someone wanting to offer you their love. Listen to your intuition; you know the answer! I hear, “In my heart and in my head, tell me why this has to end.” Some of you are grieving losing someone, and that's acting as a blockage as you're not truly feeling every emotion.
Just give yourself time to grieve, release, and transform into who you are meant to become after going through the pain (properly). The new version of you will be able to manifest financial abundance easily and quickly. It's only going to take 1-2 weeks if you dedicate some time to grieving and releasing every day.
You're not crazy to feel this way, nor should you shame yourself for still needing to figure it out. Your mind tricked you into not leaving someone behind because they seemed to be the best thing that ever happened to you. But trust your inner knowing; you've always been guided to walk away as the purpose of the connection was served.
The moment you step into the different world and remove all your hopes from the past, you'll attract what/who is meant for you! God has something amazing planned for you. Your crazy move is to let go of that part of you that makes you feel you're nuts for letting go of something or someone who was good enough for you (but not the best!).
Pile 2🌷

Tarot Cards- 2 of Pentacles, The Emperor, Temperance, 10 of Wands, 4 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, 10 of Swords
Charms- Fairy, Dove, Feather, Snake
Animal Spirit- Lizard
You're already going through some major transformations, or you're about to. Major endings are headed your way. It doesn't make sense for you to take things lightly, but the divine wants you to take it slow and easy. You're about to come out of it transformed just like a butterfly.
Don't pressurize yourself with overthinking. It's time to preserve and persevere. Just take one day at a time. Your life is about to shift from lack to abundance! It's unbelievable, isn't it? I know, right! If you keep thinking about what you've lost, then yes, it's never going to make sense because then you won't allow the best possible scenario to manifest. This is the time to pray and rest. Spend more time in nature. Your mental struggles are ending. I heard, “I wave goodbye to the end of beginning. Just trust me; you'll be fine.”
Some of you may be moving places or shifting. Everything's a mess while shifting, but once you're in your new home (new reality), you can easily focus on decorating the new home. Right now you're transitioning, so it's a good time to remember the lessons and be prepared to finally step into your new reality.
Don't worry too much about what's going to happen next; though we all wish to plan ahead, we don't. Umm... and maybe it's fine for you to reminisce. Whoever's calling you crazy for wanting to slow down or take a break is too sane for this world, lol! I just heard someone saying, “Be realistic!” Well, tell them this is not something that happens in everyone's reality. Refrain from taking unsolicited advice.
At this moment, your biggest project is you and your reality. That's where your focus needs to be. You need to feel your world crumbling down in front of your eyes (I know it can be intense for most of you), but with due compassion, I'm saying this: you need to feel it all. Let your soul transform with the fire that burns your whole reality to the ground for you to step into a new one. It may feel unfair, or you may want to save the precious memories. Do it. But give yourself time.
At the end you'll realize it's so little that matters and what matters means so much, but unfortunately people are missing the realization.1010 and 444 can be significant. I see the universe wanting you to trust in the ending and lean on God for support. Very soon you'll find your happiness and the joy of life. All that is happening is happening for you to realize that light has to rise after the dark.
There's no other way; this is the law of nature. Maybe some of you have found it difficult to have faith in God or experience divine blessings. If you ever asked, “How do I trust God? How can I realize God's blessings?” This situation is God's answer to you. God's saying, “Now you'll see me and experience my blessings.” I strongly feel that you're finding it difficult to believe in miracles or that something extraordinary can happen for you. Just trust. I also hear, “Are you that naive? Why are you looking for me outside? I am within you. Don't you feel it? You have my essence, and that's how you hear me if you tune the strings of your heart. Ask what you want, and it shall be given. But first realize that I'm with you.”
It's crazy to have faith at this phase of your life, but if you're nuts, you will make it to the end of the tunnel. God tests us in the tough times. It's when you're at rock bottom you're given the choice to either lean on the divine or attach yourself to a false man-made safety net. The choice is yours, pile 2.
Pile 3🌷

Tarot Cards- Ace of Wands, 8 of wands, 5 of wands, 4 of cups, 7 of pentacles, Ace of Pentacles
Charms- Key, Peacock, Fleur De Lis
Animal Spirit- Beaver
You do feel a blessing is coming your way that is going to shift your reality, but your mind refuses to believe it. You've been working so hard for such a long time that you don't want to get your hopes high.
Holding onto apathy or feeling like your reality is never going to change isn't doing anything good for you. In fact, this is the feeling that is keeping you trapped in an environment you've outgrown.
Get ready to do your best with what you have. As you keep doing your best despite how you feel, you'll become the best. This time, along the way you'll see the changes. You'll get your results as you remain consistent on your path.
In the past you've planted the seeds, and now the time is about to arrive for you to enjoy the fruits. The ideas that you're receiving are the key to opening a new door of opportunities. Once you stay consistent and act on your ideas, you'll rise above the competition!
Yes, it's crazy for you to still keep going. But do it! You're about to be blessed. You shouldn't lose hope when you're about to reach the finish line. In fact, you get more excited that you're about to win!
Say yes to the opportunities that come your way and believe that you deserve them. All you need to do is do your best by focusing on the work at hand.
I do see a lot of material abundance coming your way, but you don't see it yet. You need to tweak the way you work and see your reality from a different lens, and soon everything will fall into place.
You know how to water plants, but you don't know when to water what. And this is the reason you end up exhausted. Do your best with unidirectional approach. Your energies are being poured in an unorganized manner, which is causing this whole trouble of seeing inconsistent results with consistent efforts.
Your task is to manage and organize well to efficiently and effectively direct your energies in the tasks you're supposed to do to attract material abundance.
You're about to receive a new beginning in something you're very passionate about, and you're going to stand out in the crowd. It's fated in the stars for you to be blessed. Look at your sun sign and the placement of the sun in your birth chart. The planet sun is going to bless you with an auspicious new beginning.
It's time you stop denying your intuition. Don't gaslight yourself into believing what others make you believe. You're not your bad experiences; you're who you choose to become despite what you went through.
The wheel is turning in your favor. Something about planetary positions is coming out strongly in your cards. Your time's about to change. Fate and destiny are playing a major role here.
Your hard work is not going to go to waste. Divine has taken a note of your past efforts. You're about to meet your soul tribe, and I do feel many new beginnings are about to be gifted to you. Just allow the universe to do its part now, and you do yours with devotion.
Let the map of your purpose form itself as you remain consistent on your path. This is God testing your faith and patience for one last time before blessing you with what you're promised by the divine. I do feel there's even a surprise orchestrated by the divine that you will receive at the right time.
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Your Role As The Main Character Of Your Life In 2025 🍒🤍
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The High Priestess Wants You To Know This
(Pile 1→ Pile 2→ Pile 3)

Hello beautiful souls!
This is a collective reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
If you wish to book a reading with me then checkout my:
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Ps: You can also DM me in case of any queries. 🌈💛
Sending you love and light ✨🕯️
Here is your reading!
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Temperance, Two of Cups, Six of Wands, King of Swords, Nine of Swords, The Emperor.
The High Priestess wants you to know that people around you see your efforts and are grateful for your generosity. But what you skip to notice is that you do so much mental and physical work that you forget to relax. You are very patient with the results of your work, but your feminine side needs to be activated now. You can activate it by resting and eating well. Try slow dancing or yoga. Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer, and Leo can be significant. If you're a feminine reading this, then the high priestess wants you to know that you've been very patient when it comes to finding the one. You've never had a masculine support, due to which you sometimes overexert yourself by tapping too much into your masculinity. But I do hear that God is your masculine. While shuffling the deck, I saw in my third eye, “Luck is on your side”—New Moon in Sagittarius, and guess what? The exact card flipped out of the deck! What are the odds? You're divinely protected. Balance will be restored in any situation where masculines have hurt you or you couldn't rely on them. You'll receive the love of your life; just avoid falling into the trap of past people/manipulators. Remember your lessons because the high priestess is warning you that someone from the past may show up again or old wounds of masculinity may come up again. It's going to be a test, so make sure you act according to the lessons you've been made to learn. If you doubt yourself or are afraid that maybe you're the one who is wrong, then that's not true. I see stubborn, too-logical, and aggressive masculine energy around you. I do feel that you have even adopted these qualities or have absorbed these energies unknowingly as you were only focused on surviving. You can let that go now. You've come a long way. Please remember your strength. You're stronger and wiser than you give yourself credit for. This is the last battle with your survival self. Thank it for how it has supported you till now, but don't let it win. You don't need to worry about a thing, so just stay calm. You'll win in LOVE. You'll have that one person who gets you like no one. You've been wronged, so stop giving people the benefit of the doubt. You deserve someone who sees your soul, not someone who falls for superficiality. You've been around people who were full of themselves, and that is why their energies kept lingering around you, forcing you to think about THEM! You may have felt guilty or pressured or doubt your own actions. You may even have ended up gaslighting yourself. I really don't like this energy around you. The High Priestess wants you to consciously focus on yourself and bring your energy back to yourself. Your focus should only be on you. That's all. That's it.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Death, Two of Wands, Two of Pentacles, King of Cups, Four of Swords
The High Priestess wants you to know that you cannot avoid the change that is meant to happen. You can delay it but cannot deny it. You still think you've another option or another way while you're on the boat to a different reality. You cannot keep asking the questions regarding a closed door. It won't open. Accept where you are. Just let go of the past. You cannot go back for one last look. Wake up and deal with your emotions. For a while you do not need to do so much. Just take care of your inner world. You may be having weird dreams lately. Your dreams are pointing towards the new reality you're meant to enter. It's a way of your brain to help you release the past. You may even be having dreams about someone who has a lot to say to you, but they cannot decide or make a move. This person may also be confused. Someone here needs to step out of their comfort zone, and the comfort zone is avoiding making the necessary decision. You may be moving back and forth wondering what to do and what not to do. Just don't do what you've been doing all along. Maybe you need to take action toward someone or something, but you're so afraid to take it that now that thing/person is appearing in your dream. Some of you may be afraid to follow your purpose, as it may be the first time you're being given a chance to do what you want to do or what you feel called to do. But the wounds are stopping you or making you guess. The cards ask you to focus on healing yourself and prepare yourself for your purpose/calling. What you've left behind may have been good for a while, but for your further journey, it couldn't assist you. Accept the truth; accept the reality. Don't keep reopening the closed doors; don't make the same choices every day wishing your reality to change.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- 6 of Cups, 10 of Cups, 7 of Swords, 4 of Cups, The High Priestess
Someone's waiting for you and your message. There's an age gap here, and they are manifesting you consciously or unconsciously. The High Priestess is being very clear about what's happening behind the scenes. Someone's sabotaged their friendship/connection with you. Someone may even drunk text you. What? Someone thinks about you a lot and the way they lied to you or behaved as if they didn't care. The truth is you overwhelm someone. They don't know how to behave in front of you. This can be a past life connection. This can be a secret admirer. They have a lot to say to you. This person can have strong earth sign placements. If there's anything missing in their life, then it's you. I also see that money matters to them a lot, and they are also very stubborn. You have multiple admirers! I feel divine is protecting you from someone so that you can meet the person you're meant to be with. Communication will come your way while you're working or doing your own thing. You and your future person are going to be on the same frequency. You'll be a perfect match. Okay, this stubborn person may even think that you're not receiving enough compared to the efforts you put into your work. This person is very materialistic, and they think they are the king, but in reality they are a page (naive). There's something very mysterious about this person. This stubborn person has never shown you their true side and their goals or about their financial situation. I confirmed with the cards who you're meant to be with, so you're not supposed to give this stubborn person a chance because there's manipulation or sabotage here. What you offer isn't enough for them, and they are always going to see you from their distorted lens. It's another person that the universe wants you to meet and be with. You'll meet them soon. If you were drawn to pile 1, then do check it out (I feel a connection). The stubborn person has made you cry oceans! You're about to receive whatever you expected this stubborn person to be for you or give you. You'll be receiving more than you have asked for because of how kind you've been to the old person. I also heard that the stubborn person's kindness was also calculated. I don't know; this person needs to do some healing. They may even be taking tarot readings on your connection. You, on the other hand, can look forward to a new journey in love and life. The cards are sooo clear in the end! They say it's time to release negativity, and nothing will come of this situation (no matter how much you try to make it work with the stubborn one). At the bottom it says, “A new romantic cycle begins!” Yayyy!
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Goodbye/Final Message From 2024!🎡💌🐝🐞
(A Detailed Reading!)
Pick A Pile Tarot
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)

Hello, Senstea Souls!
How have you all been?✨
This is a detailed energy check of 2024 and a final message from this year. As this is a collective reading take what resonates and leave what doesn't. ❤️
Also, if you wish to book a 2025 year ahead reading then you can either book a reading through the form linked below or DM me to get your slot booked.
Booking Form • Rate Card
Pile 1

Tarot Cards- Page of Wands, The Fool, Knight of Swords, 5 of Cups, 5 of Wands, 2 of Wands
Animal Spirit- Elk, Spider, Beaver
Charms- Sun, Wheel
Hey, my beautiful pile 1! How have you been? It's been so long. Okay, so before beginning to read ask a ‘Yes or No’ question which will be answered further in the reading. 🌜
Now your reading begins!
I heard, “A friend to all is a friend to none. Chase two girls, lose the one.” Diamonds, Spider & Honeybee could be significant. ‘Peter losing Wendy?’ Peter Pan could be significant too. With the sun here, I feel the source of your light; your inner child was taken away from you this year. At least that's what you thought for most of the year, and you have grieved losing someone very dear to you. But 2024 wants you to know that no matter what you have done, this connection was doomed, or this person was meant to leave your life. I do see in your cards that you tried to look at things from a higher perspective to shift the energies so that this connection can be saved.
I hear, “Never be so kind, you forget to be clever.” Someone has really, really hurt you and, more than that, disappointed you. You wanted someone to be a part of your new beginning, but to begin with, they needed to end a stubborn fight too. This connection could only go this far, and now you're left with both happy and sad memories. Along the way you made some mistakes too or wrong judgments, but you were soon pushed toward your destined path. Someone around you or close to you also made some stupid moves and took some immature decisions that may have affected you very deeply. Nevertheless, what sets you apart is your willingness to learn and do right. You were selfless despite having made wrong decisions while the other was selfish. This connection once gave you so much happiness that you never imagined it was going to end one day.
2024 wants you to see the glass as half full; it wants you to remember the ways in which YOU have been blessed by the divine. Remember the good times and let go of the bad because you, darling, you've already cried enough. You've mourned so much that in 2025, the universe has no option but to bless you with the epitome of joy. If you ever sit and find faults in yourself, then 2024 wants you to know that you've done your best. You tried to do right by others but took some time to learn how to do right by yourself. 2024 brought so much protection your way that you have no idea about. If you've seen a lot of feathers this year, then know that was THE SIGN of divine protection from the forces that were working against you. You, my dear, were fighting a spiritual war. That's why you must have felt drained or have gotten sick from time to time. Even while exhausted, you didn't stop working on yourself and on your goals.
The divine is proud of you for making the best use of the resources you had. You've sacrificed so much to make your dreams come true, the results of which you'll see in 2025. I also feel that some people were not kind with their words. I also feel that someone has been trying to manifest you this year. And you know who this person is. Their ego has been too big to take action towards you, and they want you to make a move. But you being in the Empress energy knows their game but won't reach out, haha! This year you were building yourself and your career, but in 2025 you'll receive in abundance for your efforts and dedication pile 1. With the wheel here, I feel that this year you had to either move places or change your plans.
This constant need to realign yourself with your purpose did exhaust you but was trying to teach you an important lesson. That no matter what you do, the universe will never allow you to lose sight of your purpose because you're the chosen one. You don't get to choose now because you've already chosen this path too. This year really appreciates your selfless nature but wanted you to be reminded that takers have no limit, so learn to have strong boundaries. This year made you work relentlessly, not to punish you but because what you're about to grow needs a really strong foundation. Your creation is going to mesmerize the whole world and help the world in ways that even you're not yet aware of. So keep going. Keep listening to that gut feeling of yours! Your brain needed a lot of rest this year. Your emotions, resilience, and passion are what saved you.
Try to eat healthy and more consciously. I feel your eating habits need supervision. I know you had a lot on your plate, but keep going. This year your ego was also shattered, and as weeks passed, you became more humble than before. Life humbled you in ways that I know you're grateful for today. You've cried at night, asking why you are so alone. You tried finding evidence and making sense of what has happened to you or why people treated you the way they did. But as the year has reached its end, you've come to realize that it was a blessing in disguise. You needed to be alone. Rejection was protection. People leaving your life was needed. And now you've reached a state where you enjoy your solitude. You LOVE it. Because you've learned that the peace that you bring into your life isn't everyone's cup of tea. Those who can't fill their own cup can never fill the other person's either. You've come to learn all your lessons with grace. It was tough, but you did it, pile 1!
Here is your answer to the ‘Yes or No’ Question:
The answer is, ‘NO.’ You need to choose a new direction. You KNOW the right thing to do. You know the way, the direction that you need to choose. Trust God; trust yourself. Validate your emotions before anyone else. You deserve it because there's no one that does. So please be kind to yourself. The past will only bring more hurt. Let it go. Whatever you're asking about was a huge obstacle in your way to your growth. Number 555/5555 could be significant. Darling, you have all the 5's. No more chances to the past. Some people don't deserve your kindness. Don't throw yourself in the same shit you just came out of and bloomed out of. Cancer zodiac sign can also be significant. People change; life changes. Change is the only constant. I hear, “I get the feeling that you'll never need me again. What am I now? What am I now?” If you go back to the past, you're only going to be falling again. Show grace to those who are no longer in your life. Thank their soul for taking up the role they did to help you grow and align with your purpose. Tell yourself, “The soul/karmic contract is over!”
Here is your each quarter's message/lesson:
1st Quarter: The first quarter brought travel for you (short or long). After a major ending, the divine and Mother Earth helped you heal. Sun and sunflowers can also be significant. The first quarter taught you where to find light, and you did find it on your own.
2nd Quarter: The second quarter brought some fated events that may have pushed you to restart. This quarter wanted you to learn to cherish what you have and be grateful for even the tiniest of things that we as humans overlook as we become used to them. Your home could have been significant during this time. Some sort of luck also hit you due to your past actions. You were learning to strengthen your boundaries, and staying isolated from the world is another way to reassess those boundaries.
3rd Quarter: Your words became as sharp as a knife. You spoke the truth that you realized in the past two quarters. You were looking forward to justice happening, but before the external justice could happen, you stood up for yourself. You were able to understand your shadows well, and karmas were balanced. Some sort of karmic balance happened due to your words and actions.
4th Quarter: In the last quarter, Divine took complete control, and you were pushed to surrender. I heard, “You take the man out of the city, not the city out of the man.” So many situations tested your faith, and yet you found God. In this last quarter you could experience divine like never before. You learned that it doesn't matter what the world thinks about you; all that matters is what you and God think about you! Your sacrifices and actions are being judged. The old situations may have reappeared as a final test in this quarter. Divine is preparing you to receive your blessings. Just be patient.
Now if you wish to book a reading with me about what's coming for you next year, then my DM is open! I have also linked my booking form, rate card, and yearly reading spread. Do check them out, loves! 🐞🌈
Pile 2

Tarot Cards- The Heirophant, Strength, King of Wands, 10 of Swords, The Chariot, Page of Cups
Animal Spirit- Hyena, Fox, Dragonfly
Charms- Hammer, Lion, Fairy, Fleur De Lis
Hello, my beautiful pile 2. How have you been? It's been so long. Okay, so before beginning to read ask a ‘Yes or No’ question which will be answered further in the reading. 🌜
Now your reading begins!
Okay, so it's sooooo weird that consistently, 3 times, I heard ‘struggled.’ Struggled to have faith in divine's plans, struggled to believe in your own strength, and struggled to make a decision (full force!). Some of you even felt betrayed by the divine, and you thought God was an illusion. You knew someone was going to betray you, yet you kept making the wrong choice. And eventually you ended up betraying yourself. Somewhere along the line, darling, you misunderstood the divine. You were in a loop. 2024 wanted to teach you how to fall in love with yourself; to make the right call for YOURSELF! Some of you wished to travel but kept moving to the wrong places, or travel brought some struggles. I do see a lot of exhaustion due to this. The duality in your life wasn't ending, and you wished to choose everyone and everything. You didn't want to disappoint a single creature, but in this process you kept disappointing yourself.
You tried to hide your pain behind jokes or your smile. It felt like the burden of the whole world was on your shoulders. No doubt you're good at taking care of others and providing for others, but you were doing it all without God. The world robbed you of your shine. Do you realize that? Do you even consider filling your cup? And from where do you think you can find in abundance so that your cup never falls short of love? Such an abundance resides in God's abode. I hear, “Tear me to pieces, skin to bone. Hello, welcome home.” I don't know if you've still found your home, but 2024 wanted you to see what home isn't. When you eliminate all that isn't a home, that's when you'll realize what home feels like. You really don't know who is on your side and who isn't.
It seems you were forced to leave something behind. This year wanted you to rediscover your inner child because only your inner child knows what home feels like. Home for you is a feeling, not a destination, because nobody has a final destination. It's a long, long journey, and what matters is the company. Dragonflies, raw juices, and black feathers can be significant. I feel that you were in the wrong company. Their mindset, their energy, only brought lack in your life and kept you away from love. While I'm writing this, the rain has started again. First you cried and wept but didn't process your emotions the right way. But later, as you moved further in your journey, the divine intervened and forced you to see the truth (near/on a full moon night).
I hear, “If you ran away, come back home.” Whatever you didn't choose or were scared to choose was your home. Some nasty energies kept you apart from the true feeling of home, and it did it by pulling you away from the divine. But the truth is no one can ever take you away from God. This year was all about experiencing the difference between belief and faith. A sold idea and an experience of devotion. The divine is saying, “Some mistakes get made; that's alright; that's okay.” Lord isn't cruel. There's a lot of forgiveness in the divine's world if you're willing to keep learning. In the end it will be better for you, pile 2. Yawning, pity parties, and a lazy fairy are some words I just heard. For a long time you forgot to see the beauty in this world. You were sleepwalking through the world, so the divine had to bring a thunderstorm to wake you up. Monsoon season may also be significant.
Your problem is that this year you kept doing what you were good at and didn't dare to go after your dreams. Maybe you never felt enough, or it made you feel better to be a big fish in a small pond? I'm sorry I'm calling you out this way. 😭 But someone has to do it!). We all start small; we all start somewhere, and that's your lesson from this year. But I do feel as this year has approached its end, you are slowly realizing that you're enough and you're capable enough to make your dreams come true and find your dream home/partner. You are that magical being who denied their magic for so long. I want to refer to the ‘History of Witches’, and you're Diana Bishop. But later she found out that her magic was spellbound. The same way your beliefs, people around you, and your heartbreaking experiences diminished your magic. But very soon you're about to find your magic.
The journey has already begun. Look around, love; you have everything to follow your mystical path.
Here is your answer to the ‘Yes or No’ Question:
Whoa! I can't be making this up. The answer is GO; THE TIME IS RIGHT. At the bottom you have LET GO. So let go of what's stopping you from making the right decision. Reconsider the choices you made this year. This time, choose differently. Follow your intuition. You're enough. The cards are cheering you up to forget the past and move forward. Pink butterflies can be significant. The divine timing is when YOU make the right choice, pile 2. I do see in your cards that you're afraid of change, and your past just couldn't seem to let you go. But this time you'll have to be really fierce with your words to quickly leave the past in the bin for good. Break your unhealthy habits, pile 2. You can do it. Genius is about knowing when to stop.
Here is your each quarter's message/lesson:
1st Quarter: In the first quarter, either someone blocked you, or you blocked communication with someone. Again, you couldn't make a move. I also feel you were confused between two people. Again, you had a choice. And you couldn't make a decision despite knowing what choice is the best for you. You may have felt sacrificed between two choices/things/people. Protecting your heart became more important than anything else. This period was all about learning your lessons.
2nd Quarter: You wanted somebody else to make a decision for you or let divine decide on your behalf. You were unwilling to make a decision and spent a lot of time in isolation. This seclusion led to delayed justice. But some sort of justice may still have happened. Just saw a lightning strike. Maybe a tower moment happened in the second quarter. Something scared you, and you didn't know what to do or how to win this fight. Maybe your ego won. Something happened the way you wanted it to, but I don't feel it brought you real happiness.
3rd Quarter: You rushed toward something you thought you would lose. An abundance of something that you wanted to grab before it's too late. And you did get a taste of it. But not the whole of it, because to have the empress, you needed to be in the energy of the emperor. You acted out of insecurity but missed a point or two that were significant for you to manifest the abundance of love/wealth that you deserved being in the emperor energy. Someone may even have approached you being impulsive and insecure. Maybe in this quarter you've cried the most. You run out of patience in this quarter. This quarter wanted you to learn patience and align with the frequency of what you want.
4th Quarter: In this last quarter, though you were pushed by the divine to learn your lessons on home and love, you still struggled with faith. I see delays in reaching your ultimate happiness and the feeling of home. This last quarter felt too challenging, but you're promised a better reality only if you're willing to see it. Only if you're willing to choose better and be less stubborn when it comes to trusting God. You are now very close to finding your beautiful WORLD! Shift your focus from what you've lost to what you're about to get. You've got to let go of the lack mentality and people who will never let you be in the reality you're meant to be in. You're about to find your soul family.
Now if you wish to book a reading with me about what's coming for you next year, then my DM is open! I have also linked my booking form, rate card, and yearly reading spread. Do check them out, loves! 🐞🌈
Pile 3

Tarot Cards- The World, Ace of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, The Tower, The Chariot, 6 of Swords
Animal Spirit- Hummingbird, Vulture, Fire Ants
Charms- Lion, Crescent Moon, Hamsa, Feather
Hey, my beautiful pile 3. How have you been? It's been so long. Okay, so before beginning to read ask a ‘Yes or No’ question which will be answered further in the reading. 🌜
Now your reading begins!
Okay, so the first thing that I heard was, ‘Be still.’ Maybe a few of you visited a hospital or had a surgery done. You may even have gone to a dentist. Nevertheless, this doesn't have to resonate with everyone. You completed a cycle this year, and you're quite happy about it. And if not happy, then at least you feel at peace. You've had gone through spiritual awakenings, and your growth has been slow but steady. You performed well in 3D while your spirit guides fought for you in higher realms. I hear, “Sometimes you need fire to see through the other side...the stars are on your side!” You aren't mad about the endings. In fact, you're glad that God took away people and beliefs that were only bringing you down.
It feels that you have already fought a tough battle in 2023, so this year you were stronger. You've had your moments of confusion and mental rut, but you knew that you're heading toward a better future. Your faith in the divine is really, really strong. This year you were introduced to peace and divine love. Next year it's going to stay with you every day. This year was tough, but you were tougher. I am so proud of you, pile 3, for making all the right decisions. You have treated your body as a temple. Every time life tried to bring you down, you found your strength from the source.
Your aura has attracted many people. You may have received compliments from strangers. 2024 made you aware that you are capable of building your career from rock bottom (all on your own). You may have had days when finances fell short, but don't you worry, pile 3, because next year is when you're going to receive financial rewards and financial security. This year was preparing you for your comeback in 2025. This year you've learned the value of every single penny earned and spent. You've proved the universe to be worthy of financial abundance. Not because you cracked any abundance code but because you always choose to do the right thing.
You didn't drink poison to quench your thirst. You have been very patient with the results. You may have sung during tough times. The voice of your soul was heard by the universe, and your own voice has healed you and removed blockages from your chakras. A lot of people may have come to you for guidance. You may be a tarot reader, an astrologer, or a therapist. Your aura is so calming and reassuring. People can rely on you. In some way you've been helping in cleaning the mess made by the human race collectively. You may have done things that not everyone dares to do because it takes a lot of courage to do something different. This year taught you to value your solo time and give yourself enough breaks because in the future you're going to have more work with more money. It seems that at times you even have led yourself to burnout.
The divine is proud of you for moving through the discomfort. You've developed self-confidence and strength like never before. 2024 had its all focus on YOU. The inner you. Not your finances but you! Because if you're solid, every aspect of your life will be solid. And this is exactly what may happen next. I hear, “I am on fire like a thousand suns; I couldn't put it out even if I wanted to.” It seems that you had no choice but to walk through this spiritual fire. It overwhelmed you, changed your plans, and even made you feel stuck, but it has done its job, which was to transform you and detach you. You may have dealt with younger souls or immature energy. 2024 wants you to know that you handled the conversations well, which your old self wouldn't have been able to.
I also feel that this pile has worked through their anger as well. You would have lashed out if you were you from another year, but you didn't as you worked on your anger issues. It seems that finding God did the justice. Finding peace did the justice. And one day the anger issues just vanished. For some of you, the anger may even be your soul crying for help. Anger could have been for all the injustice that happened to you throughout your life. But as soon as you found the divine, it all calmed down. I also see that one day you just chose to leave your bed and do something different rather than crying or reminiscing about past heartbreaks. You found your joy. You asked yourself what made you happy, and you did it. You made sure that at least you do not betray yourself. And now it seems that you're at peace with yourself. You've practiced self-love religiously. The walls of your boundaries reach the heavens, and anyone who wants to get close to you needs to get closer to God.
Some of you have even healed your anxiety issues and have overcome mental struggles. I hear, “I had to learn the hard way; I would've known you always.” It seems that you accepted that some meetings in your life were fated, that if you wouldn't have met some people, you wouldn't have learned your lessons and wouldn't have transformed into who you are today. You've had lighthearted days and then days when you had to fight a battle and then when your intuition was telling you things you weren't supposed to know (but you were) and then all the 366 days when you were divinely protected by heavens and realms below the earth.
Here is your answer to the ‘Yes or No’ Question:
Your answer is, ‘You're going in the right direction.’ At the bottom of the deck you have ‘Get More Information.’ It seems that divine is encouraging you to keep following the direction you've been moving toward. You're definitely on the right path. So if your question was about someone's intentions, then I think you're right about them being sneaky or taking advantage of your kindness. They have hurt you and never valued your generosity. This person's actions did a mental toll on you, and all the information you've received that feels exaggerated is true. Your intuition has been telling you something. This person can be an Earth sign. 555 and 999 can be significant. I even confirmed with the cards that this person was a liar and kept you moving in circles and never gave you any clarity. Their moon can be in an Earth sign. You can be a fire sign. This person kept you in the dark, unaware that you're such a psychic that you're going to see it in your dreams.
Here is your each quarter's message/lesson:
1st Quarter: Your first quarter was all about fighting for your rights and defending yourself. Some of you may have been going through a financial crunch during this time, but you used your money wisely. Your guides are proud of you for doing the right thing even when the whole world was against you or couldn't understand you. There is something about you and your faith in God. You were learning to make bold decisions in the first quarter.
2nd Quarter—During this phase you started off being very optimistic about increasing your resources, but then you had to face another mental challenge (regarding a person, it seems) that kept you awake at night. You were learning your lessons about this individual. I see two individuals here. So for some of you, you were dealing with two people who made it difficult for you to have mental peace. During this phase, you learned resilience and had hope that you'd again see a brighter day.
3rd Quarter- In the third quarter I'm picking up multiple energies. Either you manifested something or someone manifested a conversation with you. Some sort of conversation happened between you and someone. But I feel there were many people/third parties involved. The foundation of what started was weak. But yes, some clarity came through, and you became clearer about what you want out of love and life in general. You only worked hard to find yourself at the starting point with someone. Yoga or some sort of exercise may have helped you in having a clear mind.
4th Quarter: Okay, I keep hearing, ‘I was wrong.’ I feel someone has regrets treating you the way they did. In the last quarter you have experienced some sort of emotional pain, but with the divine's support, you held yourself together pretty well. You were able to keep yourself calm. It was because of all the work you've done on yourself throughout this year that it got easier for you to navigate through challenges. You quickly shifted your focus toward what you have rather than what you lost. In this quarter you became a master fighter. The old situations could not overpower you. You learned to remain stoic and full of grace. That's so beautiful! You've become an inspiration for those who've hurt you. Someone even stalks you. Your garden is growing; that's your justice! They know you're doing better; that's your justice! There's a lot yet to be revealed. So remain patient. Divine justice is in your favor. It's time you open your heart to receiving justice, love, and support.
Now if you wish to book a reading with me about what's coming for you next year, then my DM is open! I have also linked my booking form, rate card, and yearly reading spread. Do check them out, loves! 🐞🌈
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Where do you need to trust your instincts?🔮
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
(Booking are open- Links are provided in the description)

Hello, Senstea Souls!
I hope you're all doing well.
This is a collective reading about where you need to trust your instincts. This is a TIMELESS TAROT READING so know that it's meant to find you right when you come across it. 🤍🕯️
To Book A Personal Session With Me Either DM Me Or Refer To The Links Mentioned Below 👇🏻:
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- 7 of Cups, 7 of Swords, Knight of Cups, 9 of Cups, King of Wands, The Chariot
Spirit Animals- Bat, Fire Ant
Hello, pile 1. Doing well? Let me know. 🫶🏻
Looking at the animal spirits, it seems that currently you're trying to structure the ideas that you're receiving from the universe. Your gut is saying that you can create something valuable for others, but you're still in the process of figuring out the details. By the upcoming full moon, you'll have full clarity and a plan to execute your creative ideas. Everything seems to be all over the place, but very soon (within days) things will fall into place. You seem to be overwhelmed with all the ideas that you're getting. Your instincts are saying that a lot can change within weeks if you put your all in one place. But your mind and your past experiences had you waiting and being patient. So you wonder if anything can happen so quick without going a long way for it. And the answer is yes! Your instinct is right. You're not going to make the wrong move. With shrewdness, perspective shift, and timely action orientation, you can achieve your dreams (one after the other). Have faith in your abilities. God's about to do wonders in your life. You'll attract a lot of attention to your work. I see a ripple effect. So go for it and remember to take breaks, as you easily lead yourself to burnouts. This time the patience needs to be kept to integrate these ideas. After execution, you'll see fast growth. You're right, there's no substitute for hard work, and it's going to be the energy of your past hard work that is going to push your efforts done this time to such an extent that you will be surprised yourself. Month of July and number 777 can be significant. Luck is on your side. The divine is favoring you. There are actually four 7s in your reading. The time of GREAT LUCK is ahead. You can feel it too. Trust your creative caliber and God. You need to trust yourself when it comes to the work that you do and don't seek external validation because you're already validated by the universe. You'll receive validation without looking and asking for it.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- 8 of Wands, the Empress, 3 of Pentacles, The Fool, King of Cups, Wheel of Fortune
Spirit animals- Hawk, Tarantula
Hello, pile 2. Doing well? Let me know. 🫶🏻
You're very eager to catch something, or something has caught your eye. But you don't know if you're right because you're seeing something from afar. Trust your instinct that you're right. Either you're seeing too much or overanalyzing. The deep wound is the fear of ultimate success. It seems you're okay being in the second position, as you've also got a medal. But the universe is calling you to aim for the first position because you deserve to be there.
Okay, so now when I have pulled out your cards, they are very, very clear. My goodness. The signs are quite clear and persistent. Is it about a person? It could be. It seems that if you trust what the universe has been asking you to do or take a leap of faith in, then your whole world will turn upside down. But it'll be for good. Because you've been seeking and scrutinizing for a very long time, and it's time that you follow your heart. There's a right thing you need to do. You're stuck and unable to take a decision, but you have to. You need to follow the path of righteousness that your instinct is calling you to do, or you may always be at this crossroad, confused. The change scares you, so you are unwilling to make a move. Your emotions come in between, but you go against the flow, afraid of where it may lead you. You don't want to lose control. You don't want to leave the familiar. 333, 555, 1010, 000 can be significant. You won't lose control. It seems that you need to leave a tragic situation behind and move towards your destiny. Deep down, you know this, but you're reluctant. I heard, “I don't want to look like a fool in front of someone.” Again, I feel that you're afraid to lose in the game of having the best. So you are willing to settle for less. But you know and the universe knows that it's your destiny to have what your soul aligns with the most.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- 2 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords, The Magician, Ace of Wands, Death, The Sun
Spirit Animals- Bear, Hummingbird
Hello, pile 3. Doing well? Let me know. 🫶🏻
It seems that you think you've got two roads in front of you and you must take one. But as I zoomed out, I saw that they both lead to a common path that you're meant to walk no matter which road you pick. So it really doesn't matter, and these two roads are not two different choices but can be incorporated in your life in such a way that they serve each other for your good. You know the source of your nectar, but you feel you need to leave that source behind to start from scratch for some reason. Rebuilding will remain a part of your life, but you'll be able to do it with the same light you once got from the source. Know that you're always connected to your source, your motivation, and your home. Hence, you can always get a taste of the nectar whenever you wish so. You're afraid to choose your happiness because you think it will go away once you go back to it. And as you're going far away, it seems clear that you'll lose it. But you won't. You've been through a very painful journey, it seems. The unclarity has been persistent for quite some time now, and you need time to ground your thoughts and make sense of them. The decision that you've taken is right, so please don't doubt it. As I said, you are headed to the same place no matter which road you choose. Trust your instincts on it. The path that you've taken or are about to take may be new and unexplored, but it's needed for your growth. Sun in Virgo or Gemini can be significant. The spark that you left behind will again light up your world, and this time not in fragments, but there will be full-blown daylight. Constant. What's yours and meant for you will find you again. Trust the decision that you've or are about to make. You need some time alone to deal with your emotions. You've delayed this decision for a very long time, and you must take this road now.
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A Message From God💕
Pick A Pile Reading
🍯(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)🍯

Hello, Senstea Souls!💛
I felt called to deliver a message from God to you. Apply it to your situation if it resonates and use your discernment. I hope this message helps you and brings you clarity.☘️✨
DM me if you wish to book a personal tarot reading with me. Below are the links to my rate card and booking form. Feel free to EXPLORE!💕
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Knight of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Page of Swords, 3 of Wands
“My child, I am here. And I will be there in the next chapter too. How many unnecessary detours do you want to go through to understand that some people are not what they show you? You trust people's words too quickly. You've been carrying others's karmic burdens. You've been patient with the wrong people. They have nothing more to offer. Here, the good doesn't get better. It was good, but you deserve the best. Hold my hand and let's end this cycle. Do not be too stubborn. There are no more answers you need to look for. No more signs. Accept the reality. Your pain is the greatest of the signs to walk away. Okay?”
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- 3 of Cups, 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, 6 of Cups, Ace of Wands, 7 of Dwords, 10 of Swords
“You don't need to be any stronger, my child. You're already so strong and resilient. The sleep problems you've been going through were because of the wrong energies around you. I know you've been betrayed, and the worst thing is you always knew you're going to receive betrayal from someone or something. No matter how smart you are with someone, remember you've got a heart. And hearts are supposed to be delicate because they are made to be held by careful hands. Your mind can only protect you from getting too stuck in a situation. But hearts cannot be handled the wrong way, even for a second. It will hurt. The heart is delicate, and so it will remember the pain of being mishandled. Protect your heart. Don't overextend yourself. You need to wait for your people to share your love and kindness with.”
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- 4 of Wands, 10 of Cups, The Devil, Queen of Cups, 6 of Wands
“The desire must come from a place of humility, my child, and not from a place of greed or to fit in. Even the people who sell you false dreams are sent to you by me. The devil can't reach you without me allowing it. It's a test. Because if I want, I can put you out of your misery in a second. But if I am not doing so within the first go, know that I want you to learn something through the darkness. The dream that you have in your heart will be yours, but first you need to learn the right way to get there and how not to be fooled. So that when you receive what you deserve, you are sure that it's my blessing bestowed upon you. Go within and ask yourself what's in you that feels uncomfortable to receive the good things in abundance. Where in life are you settling for less?”
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