#i can't believe that once again this tag will have relevance
florenceafternoon · 7 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
Because I will never get tired of them, here are some more fic recs. These fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is an extract from the summaries on ao3.
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Never Quite Awake by @sunshinemarauder 
“Endings are nothing unfamiliar to Lily Evans; she’s seen the ends of sisterhood, friendship, and innocence, all from miles away. But this is an end unlike any other. An end that was never supposed to happen.”
If to love someone once is to break their heart, to love them twice is to break yours.
Lily falls for James in her seventh year. But the couple are sent onto two diverging paths when a life-shattering altercation halts their burgeoning relationship. Five years later, she's a curse breaker and he is a soldier.
When they meet again, it feels like coming home.
All the angst that comes with a jily second chance romance that takes place during wartime. A fake dating subplot, cursebreaker!Lily, pining!James. What more could you want. France (country) - a relevant tag
Through The Rain by @bookeatingbean
James and Lily's first kiss, and the story behind it. There's some fluff, some character study, and some good old-fashioned angst.
If you're looking for a character study that shows how they grew up through their school years. This fic shows you that Lily was not a perfect person and James was a bully for the sake of it but he grew to understand that the world does not revolve around him and strives to do better. Or Lily is stubborn and James is the definition of a ride-or-die
It's been a long time by writtenbyfreckles (on ao3)
It's been ten years since Lily left Hogwarts. She's returned to England to work as a Healer on the "ward of the wacky", only to find home isn't as safe as she thought it was. An attack leaves her locked in a ward with her patients, a bunch of Death Eaters and an Auror she hasn't seen for a long time.
I need more cannon divergence Auror!James and Healer!Lily
The Guide To Becoming A Better Man For Lily Evans by @padfootswhiskers
prompt: I decided to walk outside shirtless (accidentally) but I forgot it's winter and why're you screaming at me like that? And oh gosh, you're very pretty.
lingering days, short-lived nights by letthebookbegin (on ao3)
The summer before seventh year, James is desperately trying to think of anything but Lily, who's burrowed her way into his mind and looks quite comfortable there.
The summer before seventh year, Lily is craving a distraction. Avoiding her sister, she picks an ice cream shop for shelter.
At the end of a long summer day, their paths cross - and the rest, as they say, is history.
Ties That Bind by @charmsandtealeaves
Lily Evans grew up with old wives tales about soul mates, but she'd never put much stock in the idea. Not until after she learned about the world of magic and the fact that soul bonds were a thing that actually existed. Which makes these strange new feelings and experiences that much more difficult to manage.
So I read this a while ago but stupidly forgot to bookmark it and then I spent nearly an hour trying to find it again. Needless to say, I ADORE this fic and you should all go read it. Like, right now. Then come back here to talk to me about it.
Lily Evans Doesn't Believe In I Love You's also by @/ charmsandtealeaves
“Did you hear Lily Evans doesn’t believe in I love you's?”
It wasn’t exactly a secret. But no one knew why, until she decided to share a bottle of fire whiskey in the astronomy tower with James Potter.
Same Lily, same
Meet Me At The River also by @/ charmsandtealeaves
A chance encounter with a misplaced owl leads to a correspondence between pen pals. Lily confides in her mysterious Flea and finds herself falling along the way.
I can't remember if I've recommended this one already, but even if I have I'll rec it again because I love it so much!!
Your Friend, James by @thelighthousestale
It is the summer before their 7th year, and Lily and James spend the entire holiday writing letters to each other as their relationship slowly changes from friends to something more.
Just the ending of this one is everything. James and Sirius are never beating the codependent allegations
Castling by @missgryffin
When they were still very young, Remus Lupin’s dad married Lily Evans’ mum. It changes everything.
Lily and Remus are like the little brother who got bullied and then found friends except he invited them over for the first time and they all act weird because they're mildly terrified of his older sister. Friends to lovers jily is only rivaled by academic rivals jily.
Just the Two of Us by @arianatwycross
Head Students James and Lily face a perilous twist when a malicious potion surfaces in hate mail directed at Lily. Dumbledore orders a week-long quarantine in the Head Students' suite. With unspoken crushes lingering, the duo navigates close quarters, leading to unexpected revelations, lingering looks and forehead kisses.
silence and patience, pining in anticipation by @kay-elle-cee
Lily’s been hung up on James for years; a tipsy conversation might be the push she needs to do something about it.
The Devil in the Cloak Room by @chiechie97
Getting your heart broken when you’re 17 seems to alter your brain chemistry more than you would think. Which is the precise reason why Lily has no intention of reconnecting with the friends she lost at the end of school.
And besides, she has no chance of knowing anyone at the masked Halloween party her friend drags her to. Especially not the guy in the devil mask. Right?
Usually I rec complete works but this one is so good I had to include it
Deception and other ways to find love by @annasghosts
“I’ll be your fake girlfriend, Potter.” And this is how Lily Evans embarks on the adventure of (fake) dating her former Hogwarts nemesis (and crush, but ssssh, it’s a secret). Will she be able to keep her cool? Will he?
Class of '78 by @emeralddoeadeer
Class of 1978 Five Year Reunion - July 29th, 1983
Now is the time to look upon our shared experience, our similarities must unite us rather than letting our differences divide us. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry invites the Graduating Class of 1978 to return to the castle for a weekend of reconnecting, reminiscing and recreation. We hope the passage of time has been kind to you all and look forward to welcoming you soon.
Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster, Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Sorc, DWiz, X.J sorc, S of Mag Q
It's been five years since graduation, and while many things have changed, some things never will.
James Potter Won't Go Quietly by la_plus_heureuse (on ao3)
Lily Evans remembers plenty about James Potter from Hogwarts. But an assignment from Mojo Magazine to profile the Quidditch star turned activist makes her realize what she remembered was all wrong.
canon divergence staring quidditch player James and journalist Lily
On A Scale of One to Ten (requires an ao3 account) by @petalsinwoodvale
Lily starts falling for an insecure, yet charming auror named James who is recovering from injury in her ward. No one else on staff will sit and talk to him, mostly due to septic skin covering most of his upper torso. Lily, however, finds him charming and funny. Naturally, when James' injuries start healing, he grows more and more handsome. The other healers suddenly take interest in James, romantically ...
foxy by lizpaige (on ao3)
Lily joins the boys at the shrieking shack on a particularly difficult moon in her new animagus form.
Lily & Remus friendship is so special to me
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lostinforestbound · 6 months
Happy 100 followers! I can't believe there's 100 of you so interested in my silly little writings, I am so so grateful! As promised, here is a little fic of comforting Rolan! I wish we were able to hug him in game, but this will have to do!
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You're Not Alone, You Will See
Tav swears Rolan hasn't slept in their shared bed for weeks at this point, and he's getting very concerned for him. Why won't he sleep? He needs to find out or he'll collapse where he stands.
Word Count: 3.3k (AO3)
Relevant Tags: Explicit, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Tav's POV, Mentions of Lorroakan
NSFW under cut, Minors DNI
Night has long been spread across the city of Baldur's Gate, where the world is now asleep. Silence carries along the perfect night; no wind rustles the trees or whistles along the windows, no banter of drunken patrons fighting in the streets, and the sky is clear, letting the stars bloom.
The world is asleep, all except for Tav and Rolan.
Bored out of his mind, Tav stares at the ceiling as the moonlight shines through the large windows of his and Rolan's shared bedroom. He can't sleep at all, because once again, Rolan is not in bed with him.
Rolan's side of the bed is very cold when he feels around it, the sheets and blanket are not ruffled by one hair. He didn't even sit on it today, which is already concerning in itself. He knows his lover has been busy, being the new master of Ramazith's tower, but what could he possibly be doing this late at night? What has his mind so consumed that he couldn't lay with his partner after a long day? He knows Rolan has been having difficulty sleeping as of late, but this is getting ridiculous.
So with a small huff, he sits up, bones popping quietly in his shoulders and back as he stretches. He’ll have to go find him in the depths of the tower, it seems.
Shuffling out of the bed, he finds his red robe to get into, not wanting to shiver in the cold air inside their home. The robe was a gift from Rolan, thrust into his hands by him after lecturing the hero about only walking around in his undergarments. The indecency, he cried! But Tav saw how flustered his face was during the berating, and he did his best not to laugh at Rolan's embarrassment.
A fonder memory of Rolan that makes him smile, even if the event was only a few weeks ago. He slides on the slippers Rolan gave him as well; they're high quality and incredibly soft. They came with the robe, Rolan saying the floors are dirty, and why in the hells is he walking around barefoot anyways?
Laughing lightly at the memory, he finds a short candle on the bedside table and lights it up; he doesn't want to walk anywhere too blindly. He exits the room, walking down the long hall as he thinks where Rolan could be. There is no reason to be too worried, but he is nonetheless. As much as they made this tower their home, including Cal and Lia who have their very own section in the tower, he has noticed Rolan being...closed off. Not on purpose, and not in front of him or his siblings, but there's something about the tower that makes his lover a bit uneasy, and he can guess the reason why. He sees the way his mood shifts when he thinks he's alone, staring in the general direction where Lorroakan used to reside.
It doesn’t take long to find him, in the middle of his study hunching over his desk. From what he can tell, he’s looking at a few papers along with a book; but he’s staring at it as if it’s a new language that needs years to decipher, a sense of absolute dread in his posture. There’s clear exhaustion on his features, dark circles under his eyes as he rubs at his temples as if that would get rid of his current headache.
This has been happening for weeks after Lorroakan’s death. Time and time again he’s reorganized tomes, cleaned the space, put in new furniture, and even got an entirely new bed for them both. It never seemed enough. He could never tell Tav why it wasn’t enough. He didn’t have the words to describe it.
But Tav does vividly remember waking in their bed, seeing Rolan's pillow torn into by his claws while the man slept. It quickly got replaced, but he refused to acknowledge and talk about it, so Tav left it alone.
Now here he is, slaving away to understand the same tome he was trying to decipher for three nights now, doing everything he can but actually sleep in his own bed.
As Tav slowly approaches, he wonders if he’s doing this to himself on purpose. Is there something haunting him? Why does he torture himself so?
He makes his steps louder to make sure Rolan is aware of his presence before putting his free hand on his shoulder. He feels his shoulders tense under the touch before relaxing, not protesting when a thumb lightly massages the base of his skull. “My love, is this book so important that you can’t join me in bed?” He asks, leaning in close by his left ear to examine the papers.
“It’s been three nights, and I can’t figure it out.” He murmurs, sounding more defeated than he’s ever heard. It makes Tav’s heart hurt, knowing that he’s struggling.
The papers strewn about confuse him as he takes in their contents; Rolan's notes make absolutely no sense. His writing is erratic and unfinished as if every thought was abandoned for a new one in rapid succession.
He puts the candle down on the desk and leans against his lover's back. “Maybe, just maybe, it’s because you’re tired?”
He huffs in annoyance, rubbing at his eyes with his thumb and index finger.
“Rolan, you haven’t been to bed in weeks. I’ve seen you sleep in odd places. The doorway, the desk, the floor…what’s going on with you?”
He sees the way Rolan bites his lip, golden eyes trailing the pages in front of him but not truly reading them. His lover opens his mouth as if to make an excuse, but nothing ever comes out. While he's distracted, Tav gently folds a blank piece of paper that he finds in the mess on the desk, tucking it on the page Rolan's currently on and shutting the tome.
“We don’t have to talk about it now, just come to bed.”
He starts to protest with a clenched jaw, almost insulted by it as if the book is more important. “But- This is-“
“Rolan, please? I miss holding you.” He whispers, kissing the back of his head.
He sighs heavily, exhaustion setting deep into his bones as he runs his fingers through his hair. “Fine.”
The scowl on his face softens as Tav pecks his cheek, encouraging him with a pull of his hand to stand up. He does so without a fuss, hand oddly tight around Tav's.
Tav sees Rolan wince at the echo of their footsteps, and part of the action disturbs him. He's never seen him shrink so much at a sound, and he wonders what is going on inside his head. For him, he picks up the pace a little, pretending he wants to go to bed badly.
He kisses the top of his hand before settling on top of their bed. Rolan looks as though he's about to make an excuse to not lie down, so he spreads his legs and speaks up, "Let me give you a massage."
"This time of- why?" Rolan questions incredulously.
"You're slouching. You might have some tension. Let me?"
After some reluctance, he settles between Tav's legs, and Tav begins to press his thumbs between his shoulder blades. The amount of knots he finds is almost amazing, and part of him wants to chastise Rolan for letting it get this bad, but now is not the time. For every knot, he carefully kneads the bundle until it's completely gone before moving to the next one. Sometimes Rolan's tail flicks in irritation, most likely at the temporary pain, before it falls limply when the knot fades.
He's unsure how much time passes since it's already deep into the night, but eventually, he makes it through all the knots he can. Rolan is relaxed back against his chest, and he sees the rise and fall of his own with his slow breathing. Without thinking, his hands slide to the front of his chest, feeling along the ridges that decorate it. Rolan's breath stutters under the caresses, the tip of his tail flicking back in forth as it slaps against the bedding. He smiles against the skin on the back of his neck, trailing his hands over the soft swell of his stomach and to his groin. He palms the growing erection, making Rolan inhale sharply, and he worries that he misread what Rolan wanted.
That was until Rolan grinds into his hand with a shuddering sigh, eyes half-lidded with a flush forming on his tired face. “Please,” He begs quietly, eyes weary.
How could he say no?
He looks so beautiful like this, even with the exhaustion on his features.
"Lay down," he whispers.
As Tav gets out of bed, Rolan complies by scooting down to lay against the pillows, getting comfortable. Confusion paints his features when Tav grabs an extra pillow and puts it under his hips, but the unspoken question dies on his tongue as Tav kisses him. Their lips easily glide together, and Tav takes his time removing his clothes during. Rolan just lets him do all the work. In all honesty, he looks too tired to do much. Based on the nervous look when he pulls away, it seems he's worried that it'll turn Tav off, but he gives him a reassuring smile as he shucks off his robe and undergarments.
Rolan obediently opens his mouth for Tav when he leans to kiss him again, letting his tongue slide in and tangle with his. He feels Rolan wrap his arms around his neck, keeping him as close as possible as Tav explores his mouth, running his tongue along the sharp teeth that adorn there. The first time they'd kissed like this, Tav cut the muscle on the teeth, and Rolan immediately pulled away when he tasted blood. He couldn't kiss him like that for a while and he idly wondered if Rolan would have not reacted the way he did if Tav was also a tiefling.
Enough of that, he's getting distracted.
Rolan spreads his legs as Tav grabs a vial of oil from the side of the bed, uncorking it with his teeth and pouring it onto two fingers. Rolan instinctively tenses when he feels a finger gently massaging his entrance, but never breaching. Circling it one, twice, three times. Tav always had to tease him a little bit, but he gently kisses his brow as he finally sinks into him by the first knuckle.
Pathetically, Rolan lets out a groan, quickly biting his lip afterward. They haven’t done this in weeks, but just from this, he can see he’s already half-hard. He probably didn’t even have time to get off recently, he was so focused on his work in the tower.
It only encourages Tav to make this even better.
His finger sinks in further to the second knuckle, searching for that little bundle of nerves inside of him. He knows he finds it when Rolan cries out, his tail wrapping around his arm tight. He grins, pushing in the second finger, and continues to press against his prostate. Tav swallows his moans with his mouth, scissoring him open and getting him ready. As much as he may want to torture Rolan a little by dragging it out, it’s been a while, and it’s not one of those nights.
Though, the fact that there's no witty banter this time around worries him. Rolan is the type to tease, provoke, and sass him even during the most vulnerable moments of intimacy. He has a few working theories of why he does it; the vulnerability can be uncomfortable sometimes, so he speaks to calm himself down. He could be genuinely having fun with him, the banter that they have relaxing him. Or the simplest of all, he could just be a very talkative person.
Rolan has barely spoken, and it scares him.
He takes it as slow as he can, slicking his cock and guilding it to Rolan's hole. Pressing his tip into his entrance, he goes inch by inch and quietly moans at the tightness of his twitching rim. He has to stop for a moment when Rolan clenches around him, vision blurring slightly at the heat of it all. Tieflings run pretty hot, and somehow he struggles to remember that; it surprises him every time, without fail.
"Gods you're so tight," he breathes out slowly, leaning down to kiss his chest. Nails grip his hair as he licks one of his nipples, lavishing the sensitive nub with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. Rolan keens high in his throat, wrapping his legs around Tav's waist as he tries to spear himself more onto his cock. Tav does not let him, gripping his hips almost harshly and holding him in place. If he tries that again, this would all be over too soon.
Rolan gives him a weak glare before tilting his head back with a moan, Tav fully seating himself inside him. He tries to control his breathing, but it fails when Tav does a test roll; he knows he's hitting all the right places by the way his body spasms.
Tav stares down at him in a calm awe, grinding some more while he takes Rolan’s jaw in his free hand. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”
He sees how Rolan's cock throbs at the praise, and how he can no longer make eye contact. Tav kisses him either way, albeit a little urgently as he finally starts thrusting into him.
Rolan's hair fans out over his pillow as his head tilts back further, and Tav strains his neck a bit to follow him. His face is debauched in ways Tav can never describe, and he is mesmerized by it. How can someone have such a perfect, flushed, fucked-out face? He can't help but hold his freckled face, needing a closer look.
"You're perfect, so good for me, my love." He whispers against his lips, wanting to see every little reaction he can pull from his lover.
Rolan's eyes get very teary, either from the words or the overwhelming pleasure he feels, he's not sure. His voice shudders as he glances away, unable to keep eye contact. "That's- hah- k-keep talking."
"You are the most amazing person I know. No one ever compares to you; not in looks, smarts, or ambition. I want to give you everything- fuck- you are my everything, and so much more. Gods, look at you..." He murmurs, softening his hold and cupping his face more tenderly. "I'm so thankful I'm the only one who gets to see you like this."
He didn’t expect Rolan to start crying.
At first, he’s instantly filled with dread, and his mind races to figure out what he did wrong. Did he say something he didn't like? Did he hurt him? Did this not feel good? Does he want to stop?
Before he could pull away and ask him, Rolan holds himself tight against him as he digs his heels into his lower back.
“Don’t stop, please don't stop, please please please-“ He sobs, nails raking across his shoulder blades and leaving angry red welts behind.
Instinctively, Tav cradles him close as he picks up the pace, letting him hide into the juncture between his neck and shoulder. Rolan sinks his teeth into Tav’s shoulder in an attempt to quiet his moans and cries, the mix of emotions and pleasure almost stunning him. He’s a whimpering mess, the muscles of his abdomen clenching tight before he finally shouts out, his spend decorating the expanse of his and Tav's stomachs with his voice completely shattered.
"Rolan-" He groans out, hips faltering in their pace briefly before he buries himself deep inside him, filling him up to the brim.
It takes him almost too long to come back to himself, drenched in sweat and pressing his forehead into Rolan's collarbones. He mindlessly kisses his sternum as the pleasurable fog clears, running his hand soothingly along his lover's hip bone.
Tav carefully pulls out with a slight grimace, looking down at Rolan’s glazed eyes as he tries to catch his breath. He pecks his forehead, about to move away, but Rolan clings to him. He’s still sobbing and weakly tugging him closer. Obliging, Tav pulls him into his body, littering kissing across his face even as the tears keep coming. He doesn't comment on it, only whispering sweet nothings as he soothes him. He will most likely be embarrassed about it later, but for now, Rolan accepts the praises.
His grip tightens when Tav tries to get up again.
“I just want to clean you up. Is that okay?”
Rolan sniffs, reluctantly letting him go.
He makes his movements as quick as possible, snatching up a clean cloth and some water for him. With a quiet plea, and encourages Rolan to sit up and drink some of it, which he thankfully does as Tav gently wipes down their fluids off of them. They will have to clean the sheets in the morning, but for now, this will do just fine.
Soon they lay together once more, Rolan hiding in Tav’s neck as the tears finally dry. “…I’m tired.”
"I know. Sleep.”
"No, not like that. I'm...I'm really tired." He murmurs, almost inaudible.
Tav hums quietly in acknowledgment, nuzzling the side of his face. So depression decided to strike him recently, huh? That's okay, he will be here for him.
"I'm tired of feeling like a fool," he continues after a moment of silence.
"That tome has you this wrapped up?"
"The more I try to decipher, the more it becomes utterly jumbled. How am I supposed to be the master of the damn tower if I can't decipher a damn book, with a guide?"
"...This isn't just about the tome, is it?"
"Lorroakan could decipher an entire book within hours." He bitterly states.
There it is.
"Your nightmares are back." Tav says matter of factly, gaze softening, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"The contents of the nightmares were idiotic at best. I didn't- I thought-" He takes a quick breath before sighing it out. "They're ridiculous. I shouldn't be so affected by them."
"But you are, Rolan."
"He's dead. I won." He hisses out, ready to bare his teeth.
"Yet here you are, trying not to cry at the mere mention of him," he says, not unkindly. "It's only been a few weeks. None of us expect you to be okay right away."
"I should be."
"Rolan, I would be more worried if it didn't affect you."
He scoffs but buries his face deeper into his neck, and Tav feels the wetness of tears running down his skin once more. Tav sighs slowly to calm himself first, then speaks to him again.
"I love you," he murmurs, taking one of his hands in his and squeezing. "And I adore you. You mean a lot to me, and you mean a lot to Cal and Lia. Let us help you."
Rolan doesn't say another word, but the way he squeezes his hand back speaks volumes to him. It doesn't take him long to fall asleep exactly where he is, as if his body finally realized it wasn't in danger anymore. It is within minutes, and it's the fastest he's ever seen Rolan fall asleep.
Kissing his sweat-streaked brow, he fully relaxes into the bed and stays with him. The contents of Rolan's nightmares are a mystery to him for now, and while he can guess all night what they were about this time, he's too exhausted to think.
For now, he will sleep with his lover and hope they will be able to talk in the morning.
"You're not alone, and you will see that, love. One day." Tav whispers.
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moldybonessmell · 2 months
// TUA season 4 SPOILERS
This season was absolutely horrendous, not gonna lie.
My scientific diagram regarding something that used to be my favorite show:
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There's absolutely nothing I like about new season.
Now, more specifically, things I hate:
Klaus being traumatized for no reason and having no character development for 2 seasons straight (see rant).
Ben preaching eternal love and hooking up with a girl he met like a day ago while people around puke venom cum😃.
Right away, adding the "comedic gore" which is a sin for so many recent shows and TUA went the same annoying and overplayed route. Bloody scenes were cool when it was Five killing people with an iconic background music and stuff, but not the gore for the gore's sake.
By the way, music game is so weak this season, they literally took out the best part of the show that has become its trademark, what are creators doing???
Storyline with Diego thinking Lila is cheating and them being drowned in family life would have worked if it was in a different show, but it's TUA and it's boring as hell, sorry. (Maybe dont get like 3 kids if it's so difficult??? idk man)
Luther is stripper? Seriously? Completely unprovoked. Made for comedic sake once again, and I don't respect that. They didn't know what to do with his character and made him into comic relief, how unexpected /sarcasm.
Tension between Lila and Five, really? You took the best platonic dinamic, them actually being sibling-coded, and made it into romance? I have zero respect left. I do not care it was 6 years for them, I truly don't give a fuck. I cringed so hard. I just wanted to turn it off completely. Episode 5 is VILE, especially RIGHT AFTER Diego recognising family is more important than work. These scenes being one after other is diabolical. Also, Five hiding "the way home" for 5 months?? OOC as hell, if you ask me. You know what even more OOC and dumb? Five fighting Diego over Lila when The Cleanse is the bigger problem at the moment. (How did Five even end up on the floor, he's like the best killer in timeline??)
" - Why did I wait to take the shot.. - Maybe because you're a good man after all." No the fuck he's not. Reginald Hargreaves is not a good man. In neither timelines. The way the show tries to make him a gray character and make us like him is cringe as hell, just stop.
When I found out last season is only 6 episodes long I was upset, but at the time I finished episode 4 I just couldn't wait till the season is over.
(I had to finish it tho, for a slight possibility it's gonna get better and my rant posts to be relevant you know).
Honestly, I'm just glad it's over. The less seasons the less possibilities for the show to get even worse.
"I think we're alone now" as a closing song was a good choice tho.
Edit: I haven't checked the tags before posting and can't believe like 20 people have already used the horse meme before me guess we all thought the same bruh
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thebestcrew · 4 months
Inflammatory statements and claims of impossibility
In other words "How not to change someone's mind"
"Cannot exist" "delusional" "wrong" "invalid" "fuck off" "stupid" "lying" "aren't real"
These are just a few examples of inflammatory language that are common on Tumblr. If you are trying to educate and change someone's mind about something, you should NOT use inflammatory language.
For one, it causes the other party to become defensive. Once someone is on the defensive, you may as well pack up and go home. You will not succeed in changing their minds or getting them to see how they could potentially be in the wrong. You are hindering your cause.
Second, using inflammatory language means you intend to shame or bully the other party into agreeing with you. Do I really need to say how wrong this is to a largely abused and traumatized community? You want them to agree to you without thinking for themselves. You are hoping to dominate them. But it is important that the other party comes to understand and agree ON THEIR OWN instead. To blindly agree out of pressure or fear will create a tide of misinformation in its wake. You will get a lot of "well this person said it's bad or works this way, so it is" with little actual understanding or ability to help and teach others on the subject.
Third, back up your claims. Avoiding inflammatory language is very important, but so are resources to further educate. No, it is not everyone's job to teach others, but if someone asks for proof or resources and you can provide them, then make sure the information is RELEVANT to the discussion. Do not just flood someone with an overwhelming amount of resources and expect them to comb through it to find the one specific thing they asked about or have doubts over. Provide specifics, then you can provide more general resources for further reading as an option. Because yes, Google exists, and yes, everyone can use a search function to find information. But the information someone finds may not even be the same that YOU got your information from. Also, if you use inflammatory language, no one will want to read any resource you give them anyway.
Fourthly, make sure you understand what you are saying. If you contradict yourself or something isn't adding up, people WILL call it out. If they do, it is important to understand and accept that a mistake or miscommunication happened and approach it again. Discussions are not one and done deals. There will be, and SHOULD have, back and forth conversations. Do not treat a correction as an attack.
And lastly, make it relatable. If you feel someone is wrong, then provide a relatable scenario to compare it to. You don't believe in endogenic plurality but do believe in Aparant Normal Parts? Provide information and multiple scenarios that can explain how they relate and could be mistaken or overlap in behavior. Doing so after using inflammatory language will destroy any chance of relatability. There are genuine instances of people not knowing something exist that could better describe their experiences. But trying to convince someone of this while also attacking them is not how to approach it.
I keep seeing syscourse and random declarations in the plural tags that clearly don't want to be anything beyond shaming others. There isn't an intention to help or wanting to spread understanding and information. No matter what side you stand on, no matter your beliefs, debates and gaining influence is not won through inflammatory language and shaming. It is through understanding and proper civil discussion.
People will not agree with everything you say or present to them. That can't be your only goal going into this. Your goal can not be to prove you are right and that they are wrong. The goal should be to provide what you can in a civil manner so that others who are also watching can learn and decide for themselves. You cannot force a horse to drink as the saying goes. But that doesn't mean the tank of water doesn't serve a purpose for others.
Stop poisoning the well and sabotaging yourselves.
And remember, it is okay to disengage if someone is being inflammatory.
(Examples used were just because it was fresh on the mind. This post is not targeting anyone specific. It's been a long time coming in general)
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totaldramafan-lauri · 10 months
Make Use Of Me (chapter 1, preview)
Dec. 7 EDIT: ONCE MORE, WITH BRAVERY THIS TIME. No more chickening out. You can read this thing FOR REAL now. Sorry for being weird, and now....sorry if this wasn't worth it. XD
O-OK...here goes....
First thing's first: I am not expecting a lotta people to read this. I'm not asking people to read this. At this point, I'm making this mostly as a passion project, and if anyone enjoys it, it'll be a really cool bonus. My writing style isn't gonna be for everyone, and the characters I write aren't the most....popular characters in the CRK X Reader community, and I imagine this isn't really something a lotta fans'll be demanding more of.
This is LONG. This one chapter is 56 pages long. I am a VERY wordy writer,
So......why'm I posting this preview? Well....partially as an interest gauge for people who WOULD wanna read it, but...mostly as a motivator. As something to remind myself of whenever I get lazy. After all....I can't quit after I made the first chapter public, right? By doing that, I put myself out there...And, hey, I even tagged it, so, if by the off chance, someone did read it, I'm basically promising them more eventually.....
But, again, I'm not forcing anyone to read this.
Not only is it long, but.....This first chapter is probably my least-favorite thing I've ever written. By posting this chapter by itself, I'm testing to see if it does its job of making people wanna read the rest, cuz....right now, I'm not so sure how well it succeeds at that.....
This is the boring part of the story. It's a bunch of setup, and me jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop to just get everything started. I know setup is important and all, but....I'm already a very wordy writer, so....oof....There is some interesting stuff that happens, but it takes a while to get there.
I-I....kinda hate it, actually. The only reason I didn't scrap it is that I didn't realize I hated it until I was about halfway through it and the "good part" hadn't started yet. And I still spent a month writing the thing, so....I finished it.
I'm tagging this...as an experiment. If you wanna read this, go ahead. W-well, read my tags first, THEN go ahead. XD
All I can really say in this chapter's defense is that....I do try my best to salvage it. It's just setup, but I TRIED to make it interesting. And everything that seems like it didn't go anywhere, will later. This isn't the whole story, it's just the beginning of what's gonna be a BIG story. Anything that seems weird in this chapter, gets explored in the other chapters. This does set up a bunch of stuff that becomes important later (The friend character shows up later, the Colosseum becomes relevant later). This chapter is boring, but I tried not to make any of it pointless.
For the future: I'm aiming for five chapters. Chapters 2 and 3 will be a series of smaller vignettes that take place over the course of a few years, chapter 4 will be the climax, and chapter 5 will be something of an epilogue. After that, there will be two endings to choose from (which will make sense when we get there).
This probably won't be my favorite thing I've ever written, but it will be the most ambitious thing I've ever, and probably will ever, write. I haven't written something like this before, and it's all to flesh out this story and make it believable.
Right now, I.....I want to finish this. I'll probably still be writing this in February at the rate I'm going, but...at this point, I've put too much into it to give up on it. However, I'm STILL not completely ruling out the idea of my motivation dying before then. It COULD happen. So, what I'm planning to do is...setting a short-term goal of finishing chapter 3. After I do that, I'll post the first three chapters on AO3 together, and work on the rest. That way, even if I don't finish it, I'll at least have it over half done, and chapter 3 will end on a somewhat high note.
So, yyyyeah....Not a lotta people will read this preview. Overly wordy writing style + boring setup part of story + 56 pages long + assumed lack of interest for X Readers of this character (At least, I haven't SEEN many simps for her, m-maybe I'm wrong, I might be, I-I haven't checked any tags cuz I've been nervous, b-but it doesn't make my writing any better. In that case, this is my first time writing her so I'm trying super hard to do her justice >//////<)
I-if you wanna read this, and see if this first chapter does a good job of making you wanna read the better chapters, then...Go ahead.....
Some notes:
-This is still not the final draft. It's finalized enough for me to share, but I'm still not considering it finished. Even tho I'm working on chapter 3 right now, I STILL go back and edit this, even very recently. So, chances are, even if the story is finalized, small details and sentences are still subject to change. I know for a fact that there are still SOME placeholder bits in here that will change after I get some stuff cleared up. Recently, I even considered chopping off an entire section to make it shorter. I decided not to, but hey, it could still happen. I don't wanna waste anyone's time. The first chapter of a story, even if it's boring, is still very important, and I wanna make sure it's the best version of itself.
(A-and yes, this means that I've finished chapter 2 as well. The reason I'm not sharing it is that, unlike chapter 1, it was finished VERY recently, so I might still need to give myself time to edit it. From what I have, tho, I do like it a LOT more than chapter 1. There are some parts of chapter 2 that I'm legit proud of.)
-Even tho this first chapter is completely clean, I-I should mention that....this fic is for adults. The full version, at least. Chapters 3 and 4 are gonna contain some light N/S/F/W moments (the "fade to black" variety, so nothing explicit) and there'll be other slightly racey comments here and there. Just a heads-up. I'm gonna be uncomfy with minors reading this.
Th-that's all? I-I think that's all.......O-OK, so......h-here goes..... E-enjoy....
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paperstorm · 4 months
Music Monday!
Finally getting to this! I was tagged by @herefortarlos @bonheur-cafe @laelipoo @eclectic-sassycoweyes @strandnreyes (and possibly others, I have lost track! Abject apologies if I forgot you). I have so many songs that speak Tarlos to me (don’t we all) but here’s a few I could think of, with some relevant lyrics
Season one TK:
Trying / Falling by Deaf Havana
I'm wired, I'm mired, I'm out here, all uninspired, underdone I'm over everything, I've been over-hung for too long I'd stay gone and wake up with a headache Just laying all empty, for who's sake could I not make it I'm scared I've wasted all this time until now Where is the worth in these years, broken down? I've watched the worst of it all stutter out Maybe I'm no better, but I'm trying, I'm trying
Breakup Carlos:
Nevermind by Deaf Havana
I was living out of a box You were reliving the years you missed out on I don't believe in God, so I ain't got a shot at redemption I fell out of love again Not with you but with living in general And I lost a lot of friends, nevermind 'Cause I've been on a losing streak My hearts made of stone and I can't trust my own damn feet To show me the right way home It's been a hell of a year I'm struggling' to see what the next one looks like without you here, my love I'm never enough
Breakup TK:
Slip Away by Luke Hemmings
Falling, falling, falling in unfamiliar space 'Cause I was drenched in you before I even knew your name Fading, fading, fading with the breath you take See your southern heart hiding behind a city face
Drowning out the fires as I'm lying here awake I can feel you slip away like I knew you would
Don't you leave me in this silence when you've seen all my mistakes Now I'm looking for escapes like I knew I would
Gone by Blake Rose
So stay and hold me like a paper weight Kiss me like it's all the same Just lovers like we were supposed to be Oh as these shapes and colours all start to fade I can feel you slipping away Just promise that you'll wait right here for me
Until I find another dose, won't make it on my own I'm done carrying the weight of the world So heavy on my shoulders, I just wanna feel this love Even if it's only when I'm tripping I see your face I ain't doing no one a favour while I'm sober for the moment I can only hope this lasts 'Cause when the high stops then I know that you're gone
General Carlos:
Funny how? by The Maine
At 17 I couldn't dream of something like this Oh what a sweet trip I was just a kid myself And then hours turn to days, five years is a flash So let's make it count, ‘cause we cannot make it last And I want you and no one else
Oh ain't it funny how I never needed you until now? Ain't it funny how you made it easier somehow? Ain't it funny how? How I didn't know before you I was bleeding I can breathe again, all my walls are falling down Ain't it funny how?
General TK:
Peace by Taylor Swift
But there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
General Tarlos:
What have I done? by Dermot Kennedy
So, don't you fall back asleep for this moment Just be, I wanna get it right for once Oh, I've been knocked out and beat but this feeling is fleeting What have I done? I never thought I needed saving, I was right where I should be Good god, I know it's dangerous, but it's you that I need I'm in love this time, I'm in love this time
Magnetic Field by Lights
You just keep me coming back Something about how opposites attract You hold me down, I'm in it for real Love me, leave me high and dry I'm back in your arms and I don't know why I can't get around your magnetic field
Silent by LUME
I'm a deer in headlights, you're the good news Circling the bathroom whilst we're dripping in truth And you could hear a pin dropping to the floor As the air changed in the room Got me by the throat and the words have left me As we move into the new And so I folded
It must be something you can't amplify, so consumed Think I'm obsessed but in the best way, And it makes me think I'm brand new
I have NO clue who's done this and who hasn't, I'll tag @theghostofashton @reasonandfaithinharmony @guardian-angle22 and @reyesstrand and anyone else who wants to share some tunes! You can say I tagged you <3
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kae-karo · 4 months
I saw your tags on the link click post and I love your theory that this isn't the first time lu guang has saved cxs. Would you happen to have the energy to expand on that? I'd... 👉👈 like to hear your thoughts (only if u want to though)
HELLO THANK U FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND ON THIS (for context - x) don't get me wrong i ADORE the sentiment in that post, but i am SO far down the "this isn't the first time lu guang has saved cheng xiaoshi" path that i can't come back lmao
before i say anything else, BUCKLE UP cause i have absolutely zero tangible proof and any canon reasoning for this is a stretch that would make a rubber band look rigid, but i can't stop thinking about it and i'm having fun so here we go
first and foremost: hat guy is a time cop ("cop"). hear me out, i promise this is relevant.
also sorry his name is liu xiao lmao (ignore the moment i thought his name was lu xiao and was about to be like he is the physical manifestation of lu guang and cheng xiaoshi's melding of their powers and/or their lovechild and/or their future combined self and/or- etc u get the idea)
AHEM. okay so. the first number of times we see liu xiao (as a kid and a friend of li tianchen) he seems relatively normal? although he does make a comment that stood out to me when i first watched ep9, where he says "i believe in the near future, you will definitely encounter the opportunity to become a hunter". when tianchen asks if they'll meet again, he says "surely we will" - and then, when they do, he reminds tianchen that he said they'd definitely meet again
he proceeds to comment (when tianchen asks if he has any choice) that "it seems everyone has only one path in their destiny, but in fact, it is made up of countless parallel lines...sometimes we want to change it, but we can't." - this specific phrase is spoken over lu guang's memory of watching cheng xiaoshi get shot.
and of course, we can't forget liu xiao's critical line "i wanna bring all parallel lines together, to turn all uncertainties into certainties." i think that's beyond metaphorical, i think he can not only see (in some sense) the parallel lines of a person's fate/futures/etc, but can manipulate them. or, rather, can corral them all into a single line, a single destiny, a single path for every person
now brief reminder that li tianxi was able to see lu guang's memories when she looked at the pic (revealed in ep12) - and she immediately started crying. i know the implication in that moment (ep10) was that she was experiencing lu guang's pain from the wound, but what if it was more than that? what if she saw his memories, too - in ep12, he implies that he went back to the beginning, presumably the start of the season, effectively, to prevent cheng xiaoshi from dying (hence all his careful planning through the season)
also real quick can we talk about how the passcode to his phone was the time (and date?) he went back to save cheng xiaoshi? THEE moment of "he is worth more than my rules". whether this is the first time or the thousandth, i'm still unwell
OKAY so anyway i think i've established that liu xiao has some fascination with timelines and, more precisely, with paring them down to whatever he's determined to be the Correct or Perfect timeline (ie establishing 'certainty') - this is why i call him a time cop like i don't think he's actually executing on some authority i think he's just decided that he has the power and that he wants the world to operate according to his certainties.
ones that lu guang has fucked up by saving cheng xiaoshi. possibly more than once.
for my next act, lu guang's character sheet:
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yeah can we talk about age: ? like excuse me ?????? i'm also intrigued by the unknown blood type, but let's ignore that for now lmao
back to his unknown age - why the hell would this be unknown if he's just a guy? cheng xiaoshi has a normal age in spite of his abilities, right? and lu guang's ability is only to view the 12hr surrounding a photo, right?
WRONG. well, right, but also wrong. BEAR WITH ME OKAY cause we're jumping to qiao ling's experience in ep12 now - the moment she held onto tianxi when she died. where we saw...something travel from her to qiao ling. her memories? or her abilities?
now perhaps u, like me, recall lu guang's solitary moment in ep12 where, while covered in blood, he looked at his phone, his eyes turned cheng-xiaoshi-gold, he clapped, and he zoomied back to the past. because he was holding cheng xiaoshi when he died. and thus inherited his power.
OKAY SO why the fuck does that matter !!!! WELL I'M GLAD U ASKED. because we have no problem with cheng xiaoshi's age, right? he's done this 'jump back in time' thing a bunch!!! for 12hr at a time, and then he's back!
okay, but what happens when lu guang, who acquired cheng xiaoshi's power, jumps back to a time before he had cheng xiaoshi's power? now what? how would he jump back (or even be forced back) to his present body and time if he no longer has that ability? wouldn't he now be forced to re-live the hours, days, years after going back to make a change?
in his words, he went back to the beginning, thus he'd have to relive the whole thing, but now, he can make the Right choices this time to protect cheng xiaoshi
but what's a week (or a couple days or whatever it was) in the grand scheme of things? how would his age be unknown if this is the first and only time he's ever done it?
(critical caveat that 'the beginning' could absolutely refer to something far earlier than just the season's start - it could be the beginning of their relationship, for all we know, but let's start here for the sake of keeping this...i'd say manageable but we're well beyond that i am YAPPING)
if his age is so impossible to define, i think it could very easily fit to suggest that he's done this before - possibly many times. so many times that to suggest he's only as old as his physical body would be utterly ludicrous
okay but what in the world would make him want to change fate so often, for so long, so many times? what would make him go against his own rule (*i don't think this was always a rule for him but bear with me, we'll get to that)? well, we know the answer to that :)
so, i don't think this is the first time he's gone back in time to save cheng xiaoshi. i don't think it's the first time he's held cheng xiaoshi as he dies, because that's the way he would've acquired his ability in order to do this (an argument could be made here that he's hidden some facets of his own ability and that he's always been capable of this, but i don't think it was an accident that we saw qiao ling Acquire tianxi's ability)
in fact (if u thought this was all crack theory up to this point, hold onto ur horses) i think the first time he went back in time to save cheng xiaoshi was (seriously, hold on tight) when cheng xiaoshi died with his parents when he was a kid
that's right i'm going all the way baby. i think cheng xiaoshi was supposed to die when he was a kid. why the hell did his parents leave him all alone? to go on some random trip?? like we all agree this is peculiar right???? how does NOBODY know what happened to them, where they were, etc?
now i could go into possible scenarios (lu guang was a kid, too, and didn't know what he was doing, lu guang knew EXACTLY what he was doing and that it would have consequences, lu guang didn't even know he HAD any abilities til he tried to save cheng xiaoshi, the list goes on) BUT the gist of this being: i think lu guang saved cheng xiaoshi. i think he went back in time (into his own body) and figured out the right choices to make (maybe after many tries) to ensure that cheng xiaoshi didn't go with his parents. that he stayed home, for whatever reason, and survived
now why do i believe this, you may be asking? because it's fun, of course !!! and because we have no idea what happened to his parents yet, so i'll continue to theorize in the meantime lmao
you could also alternatively suggest that the going back in time to save cheng xiaoshi doesn't start until after they meet - i mean, hell, look at the situations they get themselves into just within the span of two seasons, they are RIFE with danger. like, cheng xiaoshi could've died MANY times !!!!
but honestly what really sells me is - going ALL the way back to the post that i linked at the start - lu guang didn't hesitate. not only did he already know, but he had no qualms with immediately (still covered in blood) going back to before and doing this all over again. unlike qiao ling, who does not appear to realize she has tianxi's ability, lu guang seems to immediately understand that he has cheng xiaoshi's. that just smacks of experience
(also, an aside: what photo did he use? how far back did he go? there's another route of course - did he go so far back that he's relived his life to such a notable degree that calling him whatever age of his physical body would be missing a notable number of years? in which case, one could argue that this could be the first time, though his immediate knowledge of acquiring cheng xiaoshi's remains unexplained. ANYWAY i digress)
okay back to the point here - lu guang immediately knowing that he has cheng xiaoshi's ability and using it without hesitation, though he does comment on how he broke his own rule. and it sounds like a first-time thing, but consider...
what if this is the first time he's broken it since making the rule?
enter time cop hat guy (i hear u, i promised this was relevant), aka our boi liu xiao who wants to create 'certainties' by (presumably) eliminating branching possibilities in some regard to create single paths/fates/destinies/etc. for lack of a better way to phrase it, a single timeline where everything can be predicted and accounted for (yeah...i suspect we'll be unpacking some of his trauma in s3)
now, different choices mean different outcomes - different timelines, a long list of uncertainties. i think liu xiao aimed to stop that. i also think that his ability gives him some kind of godlike manipulation over timelines (how else would he speak with such confidence about making this future a reality?) assuming, of course, that he has no interference from others with similar abilities
enter lu guang, who has now - potentially multiple times - messed with liu xiao's perfect timeline, one wherein cheng xiaoshi dies (not necessarily with intentional malice, just by virtue of securing whichever certainties liu xiao wants). this, of course, is a problem for liu xiao
and perhaps he makes lu guang's life a living hell - hey, why not go all the way? perhaps he makes a point of manipulating the timeline to kill cheng xiaoshi in new and horrifying ways, again and again, just to watch lu guang play this pathetic game trying to save him by going back in time. perhaps it's entertaining, for a while, but he grows tired of it eventually
so, he proposes an agreement: he'll stop trying to kill cheng xiaoshi, but lu guang has to agree never to manipulate his perfect timeline again (or something similar, you get the idea - they reach a ceasefire of sorts wherein they both, to an extent, get what they want)
thus, the rule was born - whatever they do, they cannot ever change these critical nodes. so long as lu guang adheres, liu xiao won't try to kill cheng xiaoshi
but then someone else does. someone else succeeds. and lu guang breaks his side of the deal, he changes the timeline. he knows exactly what he's doing, what he may invoke, but he does it anyway (i'm fully writing my own au of this story at this point lmao but hey, hope ur having fun if u made it this far)
and so liu xiao returns from abroad, because he has a score to settle
[don't ask me why s3 is set in london and they look like they're teaming up, i'm all for a 'forced to work together' arc but how that fits in with this wildly out of pocket theory is beyond me lmao]
anyway hope u enjoyed this delve into my silly goofy theory !!!! thank u deeply for the ask LMAO
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musingsoflys · 7 months
Deconstruction, the part I don't tell people
Lately I've been feeling like I need to write again, but 1) I've been very busy, and 2) mostly on my phone but this is not phone writing, 3) I'm not sure where to put this yet in my OneNote. Anyway, I've been seeing a lot of posts from exmos about what caused them to leave the church, what started their 'deconstruction.' And it's all reading xyz about Joseph Smith, or this letter, or that about the $$$$$$ that the church has. But for me it was feeling betrayed by God Himself. Not that there weren't cracks in my proverbial shelf, aka the space I made to hold concepts and ideas that were real but didn't fit my religion/faith, ... I'd stopped going to sacrament meeting/services and was only going to Sunday School about half the time due to the realization the LGBTQ kids are born to Mormon parents (duh) and hoping that I could be an ally on the inside. After another discussion about our minimal sex life ("bridle your passions", if I can why can't he? there are more important things, and I don't have the energy and bandwidth to handle so much of his emotional and physical needs etc. (these are not things I said; just things I felt)) I mentioned having read someone's experience, a bisexual woman married to a man who didn't like sex, and once a month she would go visit this other woman, her girlfriend, and have her sexual needs fulfilled. Well, the next day my husband told me he spent the night thinking about it and realized that he's polyamorous. O_O I'd had a feeling for months that there was something he was going to "come out" about, but I was not expecting that! That blew my mind! That was not what was supposed to happen. That did not fit into The Plan (of Salvation) that I understood. Any extra partners/wives weren't supposed to happen until after the resurrection, if then! I had felt led to date and marry this guy with certain expectations, some key ones already not being met! (He hadn't gone to church in over a decade.) God lied to me! God let me grow up in this church, believe these teachings, set me up with this guy believing in all these churchy family and marriage things, and it was a lie. So my deconstruction wasn't just about church, but about God, Himself. Fortunately I'd been listening to a podcast that discussed expanded feelings/beliefs with regard to the Mormon God as well as Heavenly Mother/Goddess. So I had something to fall back on and expand into. I started seeing them as a more evolved level of us. I feel like I believe in someone or something higher because of certain experiences I've had -- "I feel I am divinely guided ...." I've felt guided out of the religion I grew up in; I've felt guided in exploring life more, and freer. I'm really enjoying it, which is the point. We are meant to enjoy life if we can, not put arbitrary boundaries around it. I just saw the "deconversion" tag - I think I like that better than "deconstruction", though there's room for that too. Both are relevant. I think deconversion is a related but different process.
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tuherrus · 1 year
Could you do a TL;DR of the whole Kino thing, please?
i can't promise that this will be much shorter but i'll do my very best for you anon!
DISCLAIMER ONCE AGAIN DO NOT HARASS KINO OR DO ANYTHING STUPID, i'm not your dad but use some common sense
i'm pulling info from the doc currently available here and asks and messages i've received which are available in the tag kinodraws on my blog, everything is alleged, use your own brain and make your own judgement on whether you wish to support kino
kino (they/them), current account kinodraws on most platforms, is a fairly popular online artist and now tattoo artist who has for years on various accounts scammed people out of money via unfulfilled commissions, fundraisers and recently even a charity zine (the doc mentions a bunch of other allegations of bad behavior and random stuff like ghosting webcomic companies etc but i'll try to keep this brief and focus on what i feel is most relevant)
some of kino's previous accounts and their scamming related to them:
PAISELEY, currently permabanned on furaffinity, here's a livejournal of a bunch of people corroborating their experiences being scammed by kino through unfulfilled commissions
CAPONE, also permabanned on furaffinity for the same reasons
RIVETS, permabanned once again on furaffinity for scamming
ARTIST BEWARE PAGE, the user got a refund after nearly an entire year of messaging kino about the subject
RUN ME THROUGH ZINE, all pages of which kino deleted, the proceeds of which were supposed to go to charity, you can find a lot of the things related to this on my tag and pinned post it was an ofmd zine and was very badly managed (missing artists and pieces etc etc) that ended up never being released kino ghosts the zine, deletes the pages and pockets the money made (allegedly $1300 but we have no real way of knowing how much the proceeds actually were), posts a falsified receipt only after people pressure them to speak on the matter after months of silence, people contact the charity and the charity reports kino donated just $1 kino once again goes silent and only after a giant uproar they FINALLY donate the money to the charity, but not before they blame someone else for not posting receipts about it (it was kino's responsibility) and guilt tripping people about how they've been harassed (again i do not condone harassment but people literally wanted them to just donate the money where it was supposed to go in the first place and they refused to even address that nor why they forged the first receipt)
kino also has a tendency to make expensive frivolous purchases (electronics, a hot tub, tattoos, a custom chair....) time and time again once they've scammed money out of people via whatever method they've chosen (they often post about these purchases too after deleting whatever emergency commissions post or a post asking for donations), and while far be it from me to tell someone what to do with their finances, they can't seem to stop scamming in order to get money
so i'd strongly suggest not supporting kino! they manipulate, lie and steal and claim they're a victim of some mass bullying campaign when in reality they've spent seventeen years scamming people out of money and people are getting rightfully angry! they also will likely continue to do so as long as people give them money
again use your own brain when reading people's testimonies about kino, a lot of them in the tag on my blog, but i believe these people and that their experiences are real considering the number of messages i've received (some of which people wished to remain private)
kino's made their bed and i want them to finally lie in it, so even if one person is convinced not to support kino via all this information then i'll be satisfied
i'm sorry this still got so long!
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leothil · 1 month
“You gave the person more fuel”
LMFAO you legitimately cannot stop victim blaming, and the fact that you got more upset about someone’s comment about the Buddie fandom than the harm the troll has caused to SA survivors, says so much about you.
Alright, I'll answer this once and then leave it be since I don't think you deserve to get more attention at this point. I assume you're the same one who sent me this too?
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So. I'll do you the favour of assuming you've never encountered proper internet trolls before. First of all, victim blaming would be me insinuating that the people who received those messages deserved to see them, which isn't something you'll see me say because I am a normal person that doesn't wish harm on other people. Second of all, me publicly making posts lamenting what happened would help the situation how exactly? I don't have to inform everyone that I find this person's actions disgusting because, again, I am a normal person and that's how normal people react. I don't want to know what kind of sad world you live in if you don't go in assuming that being upset is the baseline reaction for everyone when something like this happens.
Third of all. As I have repeated many times in tags and posts: this person wants attention. They want to cause harm, they want to sow discord, they want a lot of people to be loudly upset and spread their work around. And when people play into this, they get encouraged and the risk increases that they'll do it again. We already saw this happen: people interacted with their "apology" post (with the best intentions, I'm absolutely sure, but nonetheless) where they said they'd remove themselves, posted asks they (at least presumably it's the same person) sent, and today that person went and published more fics again. I know it sounds like advice on how to deal with a school bully, but it's quite literally the best thing to do: starve them of what they want, don't give them attention, don't play into their hands. This has been widely understood on the internet since the gosh-darn 90's and I quite honestly can't believe there are people to whom this apparently is a foreign concept. Do. Not. Feed. The. Trolls.
Warning people that this sadly is a thing that's happening is obviously good. I've seen several of those posts, written in a neutral tone with just the relevant information (i.e. no triggering material visible), and I appreciate that people have wanted to look out for others in the fandom. But you won't be able to convince me that e.g. posting asks containing csam or violent fantasies is helping anyone. Putting potentially triggering material out there for anyone to see is NOT doing a favour to anyone. And that's without even taking into account that that's exactly what this person wants you to do.
Also fuck yes I'm upset that someone openly in their tags say "nice to know the buddie fandom is okay with csam material" because that's an absolutely insane and incredibly cruel thing to say. Besides nobody even knowing who is behind this, how the hell are you making a sweeping statement like that, effectively blaming hundreds of people on here for one deranged person's actions and insinuating all of them are okay with csam? Sorry but if you don't see how fucked up that is, you need to re-evaluate your life a bit. I also don't appreciate your insinuation that I care more about this than the hurt other people have experienced. It's possible to care about and be upset about several things at once since, once again, I am a normal person.
Have the day you deserve!
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jaggedwolf · 6 months
pll rewatch 1x05 - 1x06
first liars sleepover! along with their convenient morning clothes despite the sleepover being impromptu
Emily and Spencer reassuring Aria it is absolutely not her fault that Byron is a cheating dickhead is sweet, and this is the first time we get Hanna and Aria being close, with the bonding over shaky marriages.
Of course Emily tells Aria that Byron and Ella will work it out and be fine. Whatever other faults Emily's parents may have, they have a rock-solid marriage, the good kind.
Hanna is scared of children and desires confirmation that six year olds don't bite <3 Look at the cat faces on the supposedly hideous uniform (and a liar yet again being so weird in public about the blind girl)
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Spencer is such a Well Done Son Guy to her dad in 1x05, she's even eager to play catch with him (okay, volley a tennis ball.) God, I love how naive Spencer is about her family. She always wants to believe in them, and in the possibility of their forgiveness.
Emily has a bartender cousin who snuck her into a concert once. This is relevant to nothing but is a fun fact. Her and Toby bond over their indie music tastes
Best A message: "Lions and tigers and bitches oh my, there's no place like homecoming"
Close runner-up is "Hanna got dissed and Emily got kissed!" as a lead-up to A sending Hanna photos of Emily/Maya kissing.
Spencer keeping the jungle red lipstick in a ziplock baggie is so important to me.
Aw, Toby looks like such a kicked puppy when Emily doesn't acknowledge him at the Grille. I really do have a soft spot for S1!Toby, he can't help that he's got a creepy affect. And then he gets shoved into glassware at the end of this episode while trying to disclose something very difficult! Poor guy.
Aria making Mike watch a black-and-white film with her even while they're stressed about their parents is such an older sibling move, I must respect this.
Going from Peter Hastings being terrible to Ella and Byron having a yelling match in the living room to Ashley Marin talking to Hanna about Sean and Hanna's dad....Ashley Marin is best PLL parent to me <3
These girls really are their parent's kids, personality-wise, for better or worse
Hanna is So! Supportive! Of! Emily being gay! while leaking nothing. It is very cute. Hanna is in a one woman #ally competition and she is winning.
Though, really, it's interesting seeing how...tentative Hannily are in their friendship this early, knowing how their friendship progresses.
Okay, Hanna is tentative about nothing, but you know what I mean.
The other three liars barge in on Aria's mopefest - I wonder if Aria finds it hard to believe they really did drift apart the previous year, given how quickly they snap together for this non-A issue.
Oh Spencer, leaving in the middle of a slow-dance because she suddenly has an A theory, and then obsessively staring at Emily because she's terrified for her.
Love that we first see this with Emily. Won't be the last time.
The homecoming has a whole-ass boyband??? I had no memory of them
As an excuse for ditching the carnival stall, Aria goes, "oh you know, my claustrophobia got to me". .....RIP to Aria in a few seasons, that's rough buddy.
Spencer takes a day to realize the significance of Toby's tattoo; Emily sees 901 and immediately connects it to Ali's disappearance and death. Aria did just text her about Ali's killer, but I like to think that Emily would've made that inference regardless.
Stupendous A tag. Spray-painting over the population sign to decrement it by one? No notes.
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frigid666 · 1 year
is the “amber + johnny” tag on that post with the two shirts referring to amber heard and johnny depp ?
yup. amber was the substance of their relationship + johnny was an abusive vampire.
his clear jealousy of her as a rising star is not something ive seen many ppl discuss. a lot of the insults he directed at her career were something to the effect of "i can't wait till ur washed up + ugly/old + nobody cares abt u anymore." he clearly resented that his star was dwindling after having spent decades as a popular heart throb and was projecting his own deepseeded insecurities. he was past his prime already at that point, she was just getting started. for her, rum diaries was a starter movie, for him, it was a sign he would not longer be landing only A-list movies anymore. he anticipated a time where she would be irrelevant, which is really petty + mean, and definitely not something u say to someone u really love.
he tried to sabotage her career by isolating her and terrorizing her whenever she attended meetings with producers/her agent to try to wear her down until she gave up on her acting, and even complained to several ppl when she persisted.
he was insanely jealous whenever she starrred alongside actors younger + better looking than himself (like james franco), and frequently accused her of cheating on him with her co stars. there's been no credible evidence she was ever unfaithful to him, but the same can't be said about himself.
johnny depp seemed to believe that her increasing celebrity status would only open more doors to her and grant her access to potentially wealthier, more relevant men, whom she would replace him with. bc johnny depp only seems to value the women he courts for superficial reasons (i.e. youth, beauty; see: his dating pattern), this jealousy is likely the result of him once again projecting his own intentions onto amber.
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lostinforestbound · 5 months
It's finally here! I'm sorry it took me so long, with work and art projects I got completely swamped. But now it's here! I'm aware I'm posting this incredibly late so no one will see this until morning probably hahaha! Requested tag: @snoozeeebee
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Rolan/M!Tiefling Tav
Third Time's the Charm - Ch.1
Rolan intends on doing great things when he finally gets to Baldur's Gate, but an utter idiot named Tav is distracting him. Unfortunately, against his better judgement, he's starting to fall for him.
Word Count: 5.9k (AO3)
Relevant Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rolan's POV, Makeout, No smut (yet) but it gets frisky, Slowburn
(If there's any tags I missed, please let me know!) NSFW, MDNI
They've been at this grove, stewing and waiting for too long. That Archdruid (Halsin was his name, he believes) might have been welcoming, but the other druids have not. Now he up and disappeared after he decided to follow a group of weak, loud, wannabe adventurers who were only out for themselves. When they cowered back inside the grove with less than half their group, he knew that this place was doomed. What's worse than all of that mess is that Lia is stubborn about leaving, and now they're in an argument again. They've been having them a lot in recent months, ever since the fall and rise of Elturel.
"-and all you care about is your stupid apprenticeship!" Lia shouts at him, his mind finally tuning back into the conversation- no, not a conversation, a damn shouting match.
Her words make him bristle and grind his teeth. How dare she? How dare she ever think this was all only for the apprenticeship? It's an insult to injury, knowing no matter what he does, trying to take care of them results in him being called selfish. What is selfish about wanting a better life for the three of them? They only have each other, their mother long gone. She's gone, and now he carries the sole responsibility of taking care of them.
She's gone.
"Take that back. Right now." He hisses, getting in her face as they glare each other down.
Cal immediately inserts himself in between the two of them, palms out in front of them both. "Can we all just take a moment? Please?"
Rolan idly notices the sweat gathering on Cal's temple as he pushes Lia back slightly by her shoulder, creating more space between all of them. He does the same to Rolan, but stays put in the middle to form a weak barrier- wait, who is that tiefling that approached? No, it doesn't matter.
"Hells, we can't just leave. They're kin!" Lia begs, almost pleading with him.
"I will not gamble our lives- our futures, on people who are as good as dead," He says somewhat calmly, though his tail still flicks behind him in irritation. "We must leave for Baldur's Gate at once."
Lia looks ready to bare her teeth at him, angry with him. She's always angry with him. "What's the point of blades and spells if we don't bloody use them?! We should stay! These people aren't fighters, we can help!"
"Or yell louder, that's fine too," Cal says with a familiar bitterness in his tone; gods, he hates that tone on Cal. He's been hearing it more often, these days.
"Have you forgotten Elturel?" A voice breaks through, and he finally acknowledges the presence beside them.
It's another tiefling, a much larger one at that. He's not part of the refugees, as he hasn't even seen him around until now. Did he just arrive here?
This one isn't that much taller than he is, only by a few inches; but hells, his mass absolutely dwarfs his own. A fighter most likely, or even worse, a barbarian. It doesn't matter which one he may be, he looks like an idiot that isn't worth his precious time.
"We should stand by our people. You know no one else will." He says lowly, giving a knowing look of both annoyance and sadness.
He loathes that look. He’s never wanted to blast someone more than in this moment. How dare he look at him as if he was some child throwing a tantrum?
"This isn't Elturel, and I'm not responsible for every damn tiefling in the world!" He exclaims, almost furious.
Lia pokes him harshly in the chest with her pointer finger, and he has to suppress a wince. "Just be responsible for yourself, then! We have to stay; it's the right thing to do."
He hates that fucking tiefling even more now. Not only has he butted into his family affairs, but now he turned his sister- Lia, even more against him. For once, why can't things go his way? Why do they not listen to him?
When did they stop listening to him?
"Zurgan. Fine! We'll stay. If we survive, it'll make for a good story, I suppose." He airs, rubbing a finger to his temple as he feels a headache form there.
For the first time in a long time, Lia gives him a genuine smile, putting a hand on his arm and squeezing. "Thank you, Rolan.” She says sincerely.
Cal now takes the calm moment to usher the two further into the grove, seeming to want to get away from the entranceway as soon as possible; for once, Rolan lets him. He doesn't pay any mind to the strange looks they get by going further into the grove with the other refugees, and he certainly doesn't pay any mind to the oaf of a tiefling that they left standing there by himself.
He decides he hates that man, and he pisses him off to no end.
"How long until Rolan shows off his Thunderwave?" Cal asks as they settle down near an old human woman's tent, who seems to be organizing some herbs in her storage crate. Something is off about her, but Rolan can’t put his finger on it. Either way, it doesn’t matter.
Lia snickers at that moment, crossing her arms over her chest. "Depends, how many people are dumb enough to ask?"
"Hah! True."
Rolan rolls his eyes, trying to dust off the dirt on his robes. He hates the smell of this damned grove, it stinks. Is he truly supposed to arrive to Lorroakan with his clothes smelling like this? He'll have to burn them, no question.
"Don't be grumpy, Rolan. We'll get to the city soon." Cal chirps, bumping his shoulder with his own.
"I am not grumpy."
"The scowl on your face would frighten a troll."
Despite the foul move he's in, he smiles at his little brother. "Heh. You're an idiot."
It's been days, and that tiefling is still here.
He's heard about his many exploits; saving one of the children the druids held hostage, saving another orphan child from a group of relentless harpies, getting their money back from that tiefling brat with the eyepatch, and slaughtering Kagha. Emphasis on slaughtering.
When he came out of that grove where the ritual had stopped, he saw the amount of blood that was covering the large man. None of it was his own, he realized. The man barely had a scratch on him and seemed proud when exiting.
He caught himself staring at him many times, watching how the muscles stretched across his skin, seeing all the little imperfections. Scars, beauty spots, all the like. He internally curses himself and looks away when he feels his face growing hot.
Paying back attention to his siblings, he notices how Cal stares at the blacksmith across the way, rubbing his hands absentmindedly as he thinks of something.
"You shouldn't waste precious time on distractions. We need to head to Baldur's gate after this goblin fiasco is over." He remarks, getting up and brushing off dirt.
"Rolan." Lia warns, but he ignores her and walks away with a roll of his eyes. They need supplies, so he will go get them if they are too lazy to do so.
And, of course, the oaf is already buying them off of one of the druids. Damn it all!
"Need something?" He asks, inspecting him as if Rolan was much shorter than him.
He scoffs, even more irritated than he was originally, "I was in need of potions, but it seems you got them all already."
"What did you need?"
"It doesn't matter, you beat me to it!” He instinctively snaps, briefly pinching the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb. “Bloody health potions are so short of stock these days-"
Wordlessly, the man puts three large health potions into his arms, which, for once, renders Rolan speechless. He doesn’t even remember the original tangent he was about to go one. Something about price inflation, probably.
Staring down at the red potions in his arms, he snaps back into reality when he speaks again. "You three need it more than I do. I, at least, have a healer."
He sneers at him, gripping the potions tight. "So what, you look down on us?”
"Not at all."
"We are not charity cases,”He almost growls, baring his teeth. “What is your game here?"
"…Can I tell you a secret?"
Why is this his life? How did everything turn out this way? Why is he even entertaining this fool??
After a bit of contemplating his life choices, he finally responds. "What?"
The tiefling suddenly leans in to put his mouth near his ear, and gods he's so close. Tav was his name, wasn't it? He heard it in passing by one of his group mates. Balsam, rogue's morsel, and acorn truffle are what he smells on him, a strong scent that is surprisingly pleasant- gods, what is he thinking?! Feeling his face starting to heat up, he tries to take a step back, but Tav stills him with a hand on the back of his neck. It makes his breath catch in his throat.
Finally, Tav whispers to him, "I'm just being nice."
Tav pulls away, leaving Rolan completely dumbfounded as he continues. "I'm not trying to look down on you or be a pest, I just think you need the potions more than I do. Cause gods forbid these fucking druids try and help out people who need it." He spits with a roll of his eyes, staring directly at the Druid that was still besides them through this entire ordeal. He looks uncomfortable.
"Well, that is shockingly intelligent of you." He huffs, hoping the jab aggravated him. "Although, aren't you fighting a swarm of Goblins out there?"
"I am, but bold of you to assume they hit hard enough to hurt me." Before he could come up with another insult for his remark, Tav interjected. "Anyways, I have to return to my camp as it is getting late. Good luck to you and your siblings. Cal and Lia, right?"
He didn't have the chance to respond before the idiot sauntered off, back outside the grove. Great, now he's indebted to the bastard. Slowly, he stalks back into the grove, tying the potions to his belt as he does so.
Some panic swept across the grove when people realized the goblin army planned to raid it for all it was worth. He's heard so many horror stories of slaughtered tieflings, their enemies sawing off their horns to keep as trophies or as foghorns.
If they think they could do the same to his family, they are sorely mistaken.
As others run and hide in Zevlor's war room, others stay to help fight, including himself. But, once again, the three of them can't stop arguing about their positions; he can tell Cal is getting pissed off, but so is he.
"I'm telling you to stay back. My Thunderwave will make short of any goblin that dares to come close. If you two are in the way, I'll knock you both over!"
"And I'm telling you to just get behind us! Spellcasters can't take a punch or a blade!" Lia shouts.
"Can we not argue over this? Please? How about we all line up together?"
"No." They both state and Cal immediately shuts up.
"Wow, you three must love each other very much." A familiar voice says sarcastically.
He grits his teeth and turns towards Tav. "Oh, piss off you oafish-"
"Wait! Wait, maybe Tav can help us out. Figure out positioning and whatnot?" Cal suggests quickly.
"Great idea Cal! Let's ask the professional harpy slayer."
Tav looks at them all, seeming to take in the equipment and weapons that they have on hand. In all honesty, Rolan didn't even think Tav could think.
Suddenly, Tav grabs Cal and moves him to the front, and in the next moment, he gently moves Lia to the back, leaving Rolan in the middle. "There. That's a good positioning."
"See? Easy!" Cal says cheerfully. "Now can we just-"
"Why can’t I be in the front with Cal?”
“Lia come on-“
“I want to be able to help out!”
Tav yawns briefly before explaining, "You will be helping, a lot. Both of you and Rolan are range users. You will hit goblins better by staying in the back where you'll be more effective. Cal here is in melee, with both a pike and a shield. He can protect you both and be your frontliner, while at the same time, you two cover his blind spot. Although, alternatively, you two could be next to each other, but stay behind him."
Rolan blinks slowly, processing the logic behind it. Damn it all, it's incredibly smart. Maybe Tav isn’t an idiot.
"There, good enough explanation?" He asks.
"It's great! Thank you, sincerely." Lia says, patting Tav's shoulder.
"…You're welcome." He pauses before putting a hand into his bag. "We'll kill those bastards out there, no doubt. But I would feel better if you all have this just in case."
Taking out a bright scroll, he holds it out to the three of them to take. Rolan instantly recognized it, especially with the unique binding on it.
A Resurrection Scroll.
Lia is the first to react and take it. "We won't need this, but thank you! Doesn't hurt to have a backup plan if things go wrong."
"I'll make sure it goes smoothly." He reassures, cracking his knuckles.
"What do you have planned, anyway?" Cal wonders aloud.
"I stole a bunch of smoke powder barrels in their camp and set them up along the perimeter. Anyways, they could be here any moment. Stay vigilant. If all goes super well, you won't even have to fight."
They feel the explosions before they hear it. A deep rumbling in the ground that shakes them, awake and alert. There are so many of them that go off after the first one, like a domino effect. How many barrels could Tav have possibly gotten his hands on??
Unfortunately, those explosions didn’t stop a giant spider and some goblins from coming in.
Goblins were easy. He made quick work of them with his thunderwave, blasting them back into the stone wall. Though with his distraction of mentally stroking his own ego, he didn’t see the giant spider coming up until Cal quickly got to his side, blocking its oncoming fangs with his shield, the force of the bite splintering the wood.
His eyes widen, and he blasts a magic missile at the spider right as Lia shoots an arrow into one of its eyes. It screeches in pain, but it’s stubborn in its conviction. It lunges, and Cal cries out when it tears into his arm, trying to rip off his flesh.
Rolan shoots off another thunderwave in his anger and panic, killing the spider in an instant. He watches some of the legs get cut clean off, the body flying and crashing into some crates, destroying them, and its sickly green innards spilling onto the dirt floor. A disgusting sight, indeed.
“Cal!” Lia yells quickly, snapping Rolan back into reality and he quickly rushes over.
Cal is teary-eyed but tries to wave it off, even as Lia tries to get a better look. “I-I’m fine, I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Come here.” Rolan says maybe a little too harshly, making his brother sit down on a wayward crate and grabbing his elbow to hold it still.
“Rolan please-“
“You look close to crying! Just-“ He stops himself and takes a deep breath, eyes meeting his. “Let me help. Please.”
Cal sighs shakily but nods, letting his arm be lifted for him and Lia to see.
It’s a deep injury, but nothing deathly serious. It looks painful. The spider managed to inject some kind of poison, but Cal resisted whatever effect it could have taken.
Rolan takes out one of the health potions he’s received from Tav and carefully pours it over the injury, and it slowly seals the wound. No scar is left behind, surprisingly enough.
“Does it hurt?” Lia gently presses.
“Not anymore. Thanks, Rolan.”
He wants to yell at him so badly, the argument already bubbling up his throat. Why wasn’t he more careful? Why did he jump towards his side so quickly? He had it handled! He’s supposed to protect him, not the other way around.
Instead, he settles on, “You’re welcome.”
Knowing it’s safer, Cal leans against him quietly, and Rolan carefully holds him with Lia. It wasn’t even a close call, but it’s clear Cal needed some comfort.
No more enemies come through. There were no casualties, either.
Zevlor ends up making a speech at the gate when they check out the damage, and he’s sure others are inspired, but he’s barely paying attention to it. He doesn’t care, in all honestly. He wants to leave this fucking grove and never look back; it is by far the worst place they’ve ever stayed in, second to Avernus. Though, he might be being dramatic.
He found himself looking around for Tav, but he didn’t see him anywhere. Why was he looking for him, anyway?
When he finally spots him, he shouldn’t be shocked by the amount of gore he’s covered in, but he is. He’s completely drenched in blood, whether from the goblins or the Drow leading them. Some of it was his own since he spots injuries littering his frame. 
He shakes his head and straightens up, shifting his attention to his siblings and ignoring the warmth growing in his cheeks. “Now that this fiasco is over, we will head to Baldur’s Gate.”
“Are you serious Rolan?! Come on, there’s going to be a party!” Lia complains, bumping her hip with his. “We have to go.”
“We don’t have time for parties! Lorroakan is waiting for me, I cannot be late.”
“What’s one party, Rolan? It’s just for a night. We need to rest anyways.” Cal says, looking around the other excited tieflings. When was the last time they saw a crowd of them so happy? He certainly doesn't remember, and it makes his original conviction crack a little.
“I will not-“
Cal takes hold of one of his arms, tugging him. “Please, Rolan? Just for tonight.”
“There’ll be free wine, provided by the heroes.” Lia sing-songs, leaning against him and almost making him stumble.
“…Free wine?” He questions, genuinely thinking about it.
“And free food,” Cal confirms.
Gods, he hates the pathetic puppy-dog eyes that they use. He can’t stand to look at their faces, and he hates it even more that he's falling for it, just as he always has.
He sighs heavily in defeat, head hanging a little low. “Fine.”
“Yes!” Cal cheers, giving him a tight hug.
To his surprise, Lia joins in, the both of them crushing him. “Thank you, Rolan!”
He rolls his eyes but lets a smile break through, even when he can hardly breathe. “All this over a party?”
“It’ll be fun! You’ll see!”
He smirks knowingly, finally separating from the two. “All right all right, I trust that this will be an exceptional occasion. I look forward to seeing you say you love me while drunk, Lia.”
"As if, brother."
It doesn’t take long for Tav to offer up his area with his party members, so they gather with the Tieflings and head to the camp. It doesn’t look like much, but it’s secluded at least.
That bard, Alfira, starts decorating the place in an instant; lantern lights go up, colorful ribbons decorate the trees, and boxes get moved to the side. Others help out, including Lia, but Rolan and Cal sit back and relax for the time being.
When the party finally starts, they pass wine between the three of them.
“Can you give us a magic show, Master Rolan?” She teases.
Rolan rolls his eyes playfully. “Already?”
“Oh! Can you make an owl bear?? Or a dragon!” Cal suggests, scooting forward more on the log.
He stretches out his arms in front of him, cracking his knuckles while doing so. "Patience! Have you no respect for showmanship?"
"Having performance issues Rolan?" Cal whisper-shouts playfully, and Rolan idly notices Tav approaching.
He turns his nose up high momentarily before holding his hands out. "Hush, you. And behold!"
It's a brief performance, but amazing nonetheless if he says so himself. He makes it look like stars that spark, fly, and explode into various lights. He has always been irritated he could never make it last long, but that is what his training will be for.
He looks over at Tav as soon as he claps, seeing the way his eyes glide over the lights. His face doesn’t change in the slightest, so he can’t tell if his clapping is meant to be some sort of taunt or if he’s genuine.
Either way, he does a dramatic bow. "Adoring applause? You're too kind."
"Remember when he couldn't cast that?" Lia teases.
"They grow up so fast," Cal states.
"Never have I met such troglodytes. Now, pass the wine." Rolan demands, but a content smile is plastered on his face.
It seems Lia was about to offer Tav some of it, but when she and Rolan turn towards him, he’s already gone.
“Looks like he already got bored of you.” Lia sings to him.
“Oh hush up.” He huffs, snatching the wine bottle and taking a long drink.
He will never admit how much that comment stung. He doesn’t know why he was so bothered by it in the first place. There are many possibilities he goes over as he feels the alcohol give him a pleasant buzz; was it her wording, or was it the fact that Tav disappeared without a word? Did he get bored? 
Whatever, it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t care what that man thinks of him. He swears he doesn’t.
Later in the night, he drank- no, chugged wine while Cal and Lia chatted with the other tieflings partying. As much as he loved to perform for them both, even someone as great as he gets tired after using a bunch of magic in rapid succession. 
The wine wasn’t good; nothing compares to Arabellan Dry, but what else was there to drink? He refuses to partake in ale or beer, he never found the appeal of it. Honestly, it’s disgusting, and he doesn’t understand why Lia likes it so much. Cal seems to be looking for someone in particular but isn't finding them. He looks disappointed.
As he wonders about Cal and debates checking in on him, he doesn’t notice the brute approaching him until his giant form sits next to him with his own alcohol, the bark of the fallen tree groaning from the extra weight. He covers up how it startled him quickly, tilting his head up towards the brute with a bored expression.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing. I’m here to drink.” He says nonchalantly, sipping on the wine bottle. “Impressive display of magic earlier.”
His nose scrunches up, yellow eyes settling on his flaming ones with a glare. “Was that sarcasm?”
“No. Are you self-taught?”
Of all the things he expected tonight, it wasn’t this. Tav, a person who hits things and asks questions later, is curious about him? He wonders if he has an ulterior motive.
He pushes the thought to the back burner of his brain for now but approaches the conversation cautiously. “I am! And a man with many talents, may I add. I’m going straight to Baldur’s Gate to learn from the best: The Great Lorroakan.”
He sees the imposing Tiefling roll his eyes, putting his bottle down to stare out at the water surrounding the camp. Tav looks a little different, in the moonlight. Seeing him up close is a different experience entirely, and now he can see every little detail about him, including how he was shirtless-
Wait, did he just roll his eyes?
“What?” He demands, posture straightening as he grows defensive.
“Nothing. Just heard he’s a cad is all.” He mutters, deciding to pick the bottle back up and taking a long swig.
“Common gossip and rumors! He’s the greatest wizard in all of Baldur’s Gate. I’ve never imagined he would answer my letters.” He states with a happy sigh, idly swirling the liquid in his bottle. “I will become his apprentice as soon as I arrive. I cannot be late, yet Cal and Lia insist that this party is a wonderful idea. An adoring crowd, fine wine - I daresay this place is almost civilized.”
“Do you regret staying?”
“Of course I do. But Cal and Lia…” He trails off for only a moment but snaps back to it. “They deserve to have some fun for a little while. We’ll leave at dawn, either way.”
The Tiefling stares at him for a moment, seeming to be searching his face. For what, Rolan had no idea. Some kind of lie, perhaps?
“All right then. Good luck to you.” Tav eventually settles on.
“…That’s it??” He exasperates.
“If you’re looking for someone to argue with, find someone else.”
“You talk too much.”
He settles a death glare on Tav's form. “Prick.”
Tav slowly looks at him with his own glare, determined to play his game. “Entitled fuck.”
“Dumb oaf.”
“Prickly bastard.”
They both stare each other down, faces too close but neither of them breaks their stare. He feels Tav's hot breath ghosting over his lips, and the tension could be cut with a knife.
“You’re insufferable.” Tav huffs, suddenly gripping Rolan’s jaw and kissing him firmly.
He moans in surprise at the force but isn’t against it. In fact, his face gets incredibly red before he remembers he can kiss back.
It’s not like this is his first kiss. He’s given and received kisses before, he’s not some kind of reserved prude. But this is the first one that’s so heavy. Hot. He’s completely out of practice and can do nothing but grip Tav's thicker forearm.
Something about being desirable to Tav makes him throb in his pants, though it also may be the way Tav's tongue is tracing his bottom lip, seeking entry.
Tav's free hand trails to his rear and squeezes, making him inhale sharply; a perfect opportunity for Tav to slide his tongue in to taste him. He knows he's losing his composure and by extension, himself, but what's the harm in indulging in this? It's pathetic, but he's never felt so desired up until this moment, even if this ends up being a fling.
Why did the thought of this being a fling make him feel hollow?
He pulls away to give himself space and to breathe, but Tav doesn't pause, kissing along his jaw and ear. "My tent is west of here if you're interested. No one will hear us."
He shudders at the feeling of sharp teeth grazing the edge of his ear, teasing and provoking. Swallowing, he nods, and Tav pulls him away from the party towards a more secluded part of the area. He hopes that Lia and Cal didn't see him, but they most likely did. He’ll never hear the end of it when he returns.
Almost clumsily, Rolan finds himself in Tav’s tent quickly after, their kissing getting more heated between them. It was a strange feeling, exchanging breaths with someone else, but it felt good. Better than he thought.
They settle down on the floor of the tent, him sitting in Tav’s lap as they continue their make-out. Their tongues dance almost…lovingly. No, he can’t be reading into it right. They barely know each other; he's overthinking again.
He feels his large hands attempting to find the hem of his robes, and he seems to find it quickly as if from experience. Fingers start to dance across the bare skin of his back, running up the ridges of his spine. He sighs out shakily, goosebumps prickling out as his tail anxiously flicks about. Nerves hit him like a loose carriage, fast and suddenly, settling into the pit of his stomach. He felt cold, heart racing a mile a minute.
Why? This was good. Everything was good. This was supposed to feel good.
Why isn’t it?
He’ll give it time. It’s normal to be nervous about this kind of thing, right? Most definitely his lack of experience is a contributor, and doesn’t he deserve this after all his hardship? What’s the harm in pleasure for at least a night.
He feels his back hit the bedroll, warm calloused hands trailing over to the front of his body instead. Their kisses were feverish, desperate, and pent-up. All Rolan could do was grip the bedding below him as nails teased the textured skin of his sternum, a hand rolling a nipple between two fingers.
Tav’s lips go to his neck, finger tips trailing teasingly down his stomach before he begins to palm at his crotch through his smalls-
He can’t do it.
A cold sweat beads on the back of Rolan’s neck, panic and bile rising in his throat as it closes. He can’t do it, and he quickly grabs Tav’s arm with a death grip with wide eyes. “W-Wait, stop!”
Tav immediately gets his hands off of him, giving him space to move. His head reels from the sudden adrenaline, but also because Tav’s stoic demeanor is no longer present, and the man genuinely looks concerned. Fearful, even. “Did I hurt you?”
“No! No.” He reassures quickly, but his vulnerable mind is scattered and unfocused as he sits up.
There’s so many reasons why he couldn’t do this, but he can’t pin one down. Surely, Tav deserves an explanation, so he rushes to think of one.
It’s too soon, he hasn’t done this before, and this isn’t the place for it, he’s not a degenerate, his siblings are nearby, Tav is too imposing, it might hurt, it’s too vulnerable, he’s never been with a man, he’s never been with anyone, this is the wrong place to do it, he’s a coward, he’s scared-
“I can’t.” He grimaces, with no actual reason good enough to say out loud. Part of him is worried about what Tav would say; would he be upset with him? On one hand, if he does, Rolan knows that Tav was never worth his time. But on the other, he found Tav not as insufferable as he thought, and he may have just ruined the strange bond they made by stopping everything. Gods, he is pathetic, isn’t he?
Tav sighs slowly in relief, sitting back. “That’s okay.”
It’s not good enough, not for Rolan. As a wizard, he demands answers for a multitude of reasons when things happen. It’s only fair that he gives an explanation, is it not? Finally, he pins down a reason he could give: he doesn’t want to do it after having so much wine. There, that should do it.
Before he could start his tangent, he felt a hand cover his mouth.
“I don’t need a reason. It’s okay.”
He’s about to argue, completely insulted, but it gets muffled by the hand on his mouth.
“You don’t ever have to explain to me why you want to stop.” He says, finally moving his hand away. “I’m sorry if you felt like you couldn’t say no to me earlier.”
“I did want it.” He assured quickly, because he did. He truly did. Why did he panic?
“But you changed your mind.” He began, not unkindly.
“I did.”
“That’s fine.” He says with a small shrug. “If you want, we can keep kissing. Nothing further than that.”
He laughs in disbelief, running a hand down his sweaty face. “And why would we do that?”
“Doesn’t hurt to have company for a night. Besides-“ He gently takes hold of his chin, tilting his face up. “You seemed to enjoy what we were doing. Why not indulge? Just for one night.”
He smirks up at him, leaning forward with false confidence. “Am I that irresistible?”
“You have a pretty face.” He noted, swiping his thumb across his kiss-bruised lip before kissing him again.
The kiss is lazy and less heated, but it makes his heart pound all the same. Being held so tenderly is new, and he’s growing attached.
He cannot have attachments. What is he thinking? 
After kissing for a little longer, he lets himself be held in the bedroll as they lay down, indulging in the quiet night with Tav. They didn’t need to discuss what happened or question it. It’s exchanging favors. For Rolan, it’s just wanting the comfort of another body near him, letting him pretend that he’ll have something like this in the future. One day, he’ll be good enough for someone. He’s not sure what this does for Tav exactly, but he seems content to hold him.
“You can ask for more if you’d like.”
“I’d rather not embarrass myself more than I already have.” He barks before glancing at him in apology, eyes softer.
“Would it help if I said I will keep my mouth shut about this?” Tav suggested, pushing some hair away from his face.
He shifts to glance at his face, seeing if he is genuine. He can never read his face that well, but when he makes his judgment, he sighs and takes one of Tav’s hands, lacing his fingers through his.
“This is pathetic, I know.”
“I don’t think it’s pathetic.” He mumbles, squeezing his hand. “This is nice for me, too.”
Rolan feels himself relax more, body almost relieved that this hasn’t been rejected.
“What will you do, when you finally get your apprenticeship figured out?” Tav asks in the quiet.
“I’ll learn everything I can about all schools of magic. Then I can put on a real show for Cal and Lia.”
“They seem to love your shows already, why change them?”
“It’ll be different.” He pledged, “Bigger, better, and more sustainable. I’ll make them last so much longer, I’ll bring it more colors, and the illusion will look realistic. You will see.”
“I’m sure they’ll be great.” He yawns, nuzzling into the back of his neck.
“I will show you when you reach to Baldur’s Gate, my friend.”
There’s no response, only a quiet snore greets him. At first, he’s annoyed, but it’s hard to be angry when he is just as exhausted from today. For now, he falls asleep in his arms, hoping that for once no nightmares haunt him.
The Tiefling beside him is still fast asleep when he wakes at dawn, though he’s impressed by how the man can sleep through the screeching birds outside.
Quickly, he fixes his robes and hair, trying to not look like a mess. Cal and Lia are surely going to tease him, knowing he never returned to their tent. He debates on whether to wake the idiot up to say goodbye, but that seems foolish. He needs to sleep, and they need to head to Baldur’s gate immediately.
So he opens the tent, sparing one more look back before leaving.
He cannot create attachments. Not now, not ever. Not until he’s done with his apprenticeship.
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To me, Proshippers are why I can't safely view tags of kid chars safely without blacklists on any website, not just twitter. I think there's a reason why Lolicons (pedophiles in the strict definition) associate with Proshippers
I think you're conflating wildly different demographics that sometimes overlap but are not equivalent. I mean, it makes sense right, of course lolicons would rather flock towards people who have a principle of ignoring what they hate instead of harassing others???? They just get blocked/ignored/etc that way.
Also from what you've sent to other people's inbox (assuming you're the one sending warnings about me to others) your issue isn't that I post such content, which I don't, but that I reblog posts "famous" "problematic" people have chimed in on about (people that I've never heard about, that roach person is news to me?? I didn't even reblog from them???). Even if I had said "I'm a proshipper", don't you think you're stretching the legitimacy of your mental association a little too far?
(The rest goes under the cut it got way too long. You've made me write that much so please do read all of it.)
One of my issues with your reasoning is that proshippers aren't all writing or drawing children at all. In fact, very few are, at least that I've seen float by? Claiming that a subset of a group is all of them is not honest, not to mention proshipping by itself, as I understand it, has little to do with being into anything taboo in the first place. It's just about staying in your own lane. Not everything proship is lolicon, there's plenty of other stuff and reducing it to that means you're talking about lolicons, not proshippers. Wrong cause for your woes, and uncomfortably reminiscent of those people claiming all gays are pedophiles. I'm queer so,, very uncomfortable assumption to make anon.
Reading your ask tho, I do getcha. Pixiv in particular has seared my eyeballs, I getcha and I've got my own additional things I cannot handle, which I will not be expanding upon because it's my own damn business and I don't want angry people sending it to me in my inbox. I assume you're the one who's been "warning" people against me, you may be polite now, but you have not shown that you are worthy of trust. Sorry anon but I cannot believe that you will be respectful to me and as such I have to take steps to protect myself instead of being completely open. Will be referred to as [REDACTED] if relevant.
So yes I understand being grossed out or shaken by content you think is disgusting, whether it's a trigger or just distaste, and you'll have to believe me on that.
At least we have our blacklist, so once it's set up, if our content moderation is working properly, we never have to think of it again. Maybe just to add some extra stuff sometimes. That's already pretty damn good? Coz that isn't a given, and it certainly wasn't a thing when I was a child. In the past I just went "oh uh oh yeah I'm losing my marbles about this time to get a hug from mom".
I'm sorry anon, we cannot control what others do, and attempting to do so is a fruitless endeavor because there's always more content we'll find off-putting in some kind of way. Even recently, as an adult, when I voluntarily look up adult content for myself by god I find things that make me mad, grossed me out, etc. Both "problematic" and purely personal taste stuff. I understand the feeling. I get angry. But.
People have a lot of imagination and it's just a part of life. We don't know what their inner life is like, we don't know if they're survivors of the worst thing you can think of or if they're just into game of thrones, and it's not our business. I'd rather block a game of thrones enjoyer than be a jerk to a CSA survivor, and I'm sure you feel the same.
At the end of the day, you say it yourself, we just don't want to see whatever they came up with, we just want to safely browse tags for stuff we enjoy.
I believe blacklisting keywords and tagging stuff properly is the only way we'll be left alone properly, because the internet is not a safe place. It's a public place, and mind control isn't a thing. And it would be bad if it was. The world where nobody posts about anything "wrong" is Big Brother's world and that's not the world I want to live in.
Your feelings of anger are valid, but to me it sounds like you don't want to do anything at all and still see only things you want. Unfortunately we are not entitled to the people around us just not posting what's they're allowed to post. Most we can ask for is warnings so we can fit the website to us rather than the people.
I've left a comment on a fic I hated once, not even a rude one, I tried to be very polite, I was saying something like "hey, this is really out there and maybe this isn't the fandom for you if this is what you're into?" and you know what! Someone else in the comments called me a jerk. And they were completely right. I felt deeply ashamed. That kind of behavior is being a jerk, I loathed that content deeply, I should've just blacklisted it and ended it here. I let my anger get the better of me and I shouldn't have done that. So I deleted the comment and I will never do something like that again.
Your anger is valid but you should be journaling or telling your friends about it, not... whatever sending anons to other people about me is. You will never successfully stop everyone from thinking up fucked up pure fiction, because it is a completely legal thing to do no matter how gross. People will just keep doing it for their own private reasons. They'll even do worse things too. The internet is not safe, and it will never be safe so long as people are free to use it.
You live in a society and you have to adapt to it with the tools you can use, so everyone can have a compromise of a happy, if not a safe place.
Block me, block the stuff you hate, keep blacklisting stuff, do as you like but remember a block should be out of sight, out of mind. If it still actively bothers you (in a "active distress" or a "keep thinking about it" way, not in a "I still think the concept's gross" way) after you've stopped seeing it you probably need to see a therapist. That's not normal.
No matter how much I hate the result, drawing and writing stuff is one step above thought crimes and it should be pretty obvious from the name of my most popular fic that I don't think those are legitimate crimes. If I told people into [REDACTED] "hey it bothers me that you do that" I would just be entitled as hell. It's legal to do. Lawyers are willing to fight pro bono about it on ao3. The horny is even stronger than capitalism and there's nothing we can do to make people stop having weird tastes, sexual or otherwise. This is what it comes down to.
If you have friends comfortable with that, you can talk about it with them when you still come across content you hate. Seek comfort.
I do sincerely wish you happiness and peace anon, it just can't come at the price of everyone else's. The blacklist is the compromise I've accepted, and I don't think you can avoid that so long as you're sharing a space with others. This is fundamentally an unsafe public space we can never hope to control, only moderate with tools and polite labeling.
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 4,663 times in 2022
That's 4,663 more posts than 2021!
614 posts created (13%)
4,049 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,826 of my posts in 2022
#grishaverse - 188 posts
#taylor swift - 159 posts
#six of crows - 157 posts
#soc - 153 posts
#crooked kingdom - 131 posts
#kaz brekker - 129 posts
#inej ghafa - 93 posts
#just ranting - 76 posts
#shadow and bone - 68 posts
#kanej - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#or maybe i'm just a huge procrastinator that gets upset and cannot move on from little things and does not know how to interact with humans
My Top Posts in 2022:
I know an issue we had with Shadow and Bone season 1 was that Jesper did not wear his colorful clothing as he was described favoring in the books. But my first thought seeing Jesper in the season 2 teaser was that he was finally wearing some green.
115 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
I said it once and I'll say it again.
I don't think Kaz is holding a knife. I think he is holding a letter opener. (A letter opener is a knife, but not my point.)
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Reasons why:
There is no one around him to physically hurt.
He is in front of his desk.
There is an envelope on the desk.
He is holding the knife while he is in front of a letter.
It is a letter opener.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
128 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
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they actually nailed it with the casting because i would totally believe matthias when he says "he looks like he's about twelve" despite wylan being played by an adult
151 notes - Posted December 9, 2022
None Of The Crows Will Die
I know many of us are afraid that when we get SoC 3, a Crow has to die. And many people think it's Kaz but just like a post @quillsthrills made, Killing Kaz is Killing Hope. (Sorry for the tag but you made a valuable point!!)
And I've also seen another or multiple posts about how Leigh can't kill off any of the Crows because how is she going to defend killing off a disabled boy with severe PTSD, a girl who also has severe PTSD and survived sex trafficking, a boy who has ADHD and is recovering from a gambling addiction, a boy who has dyslexia and had an abusive father, and a plus sized girl recovering from a drug addiction. (I don't know who posted this but please take the credit, I just typed this from my memory and understanding.)
And the reason Matthias died was because Leigh planned it from the start. She knew he was going to die, and his death was relevant to his character arc.
And I don't know if Leigh secretly plans to kill another one of the Crows but she can't justify killing any of the remaining 5 crows. And their deaths contribute nothing to their character development.
I also stumbled into this quote that I highlighted from my copy of Six of Crows.
This was during their trek through Fjerda, going to the Ice Court.
And maybe I'm not contributing any new points but I would just like to point out that the Crows are survivors, even Matthias said so. He wasn't including himself and I don't know if that's because he still didn't like associating himself with the rest of the Crows or if this was possible foreshadowing, which will be a stretch, but Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, and Nina are all survivors.
They represent and stand for all the people who've gone through the experiences they've had, which although are extreme to the average person, we still resonate with. And killing any of them wouldn't send a good message.
Leigh can't kill Kaz because he stands for the people who are surviving and living in spite of whatever challenges they face.
Leigh can't kill Inej because she stands for the people who are healing and have found purpose in the lives they live.
Leigh can't kill Jesper because he stands for the people who are learning from their mistakes and trying to do better.
Leigh can't kill Wylan because he stands for the people who have found peace and prosperity despite their upbringing and let go of the ones who hurt them.
Leigh can't kill Nina because she stands for the people who have faced an incredible loss and doing their best to move on and live life to the fullest.
These aren't the only reasons and just reflect my interpretation of the characters but I really believe Leigh can't give these characters tragic endings because they all deserve happy, hopeful ones.
346 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thinking about how the first and last time we see Kaz (in the SoC duology) get into a sticky situation and out of it, he bluffed his way through, and got out alive.
He didn't set that girl's apartment on fire and he didn't bury Pekka's son alive.
Because When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste time doing every monstrous thing.
494 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ruksahiroku · 2 years
So.. here is an unfinished fic for female MC x Barbatos. Yes, I did borrow a scene from the Mammon 2022 birthday event Yes I know, I delay. My bad, it will totally happen again...
Minors, go away. Don't Interact. DNI. MATURE CONTENT.
Warnings/info: electrostim, masochist MC, Dom Barbatos, hair pulling, light bondage, You/your, MC called slut/whore, blowjob(mc receiving), pain, choking(on cock), tailfucking(barely), electroshock, degredation/humiliation (due to embarrassment, talking with "food" in mouth)
Let me know if I missed anything. I proofread it, then I forgot if I changed errors. Oops.
I guess I could have stuck tags for Levi, Beel, and Mammon, but... they aren't really relevant.
Also, spoilers for the mammon birthday 2022 event, sort of.
Let me know what you think. I'll stick a note at the end too.
"Wh-what the?! It's a trap!" Levi cried as Beel opened the box in front of them.
"I can't move. I'm stuck in the net." Beel remarked as the two of them hung from a tree in the Mythical Beast exhibit.
"How could you fall for that? It was obviously a trap!" Mammon cried, but looked just as shocked as Levi did.
"Maybe it's the treasure disguised as a trap?" You shrug, taking note of the box, stepping closer.
"No way... Nobody's smart enough to pull a stunt like that except... Lucifer.. What do you think? There could be another trap waiting for us.." Mammon took a step closer, looking over your shoulder.
"Um, HELLO?! Mind helping us down from here?!" Levi yelled, struggling in the net, tangling himself further.
"Give us a minute! We're thinkin'!" Mammon grumbled to his brother.
"I wouldn't take too long if I were you.. Do forgive me MC." In an instant, you were ten feet away from Mammon, in Barbatos' strong grasp. One hand held your wrists behind your back, his opposite arm snaking across your shoulders to hold you still against his chest.
"You bastard! What do you plan on doin' with MC?!" Mammon shouted in alarm, turning to face you and your captor.
"If you wish for me to return MC to you, then you'll hand over that box at once." You could hear the dangerous intent in his voice, hidden just beneath his perfect polite tone. You'd be lying if it didn't turn you on.
"So you're after the box after all!" Mammon called, picking up the box.
"What will you choose? MC, or the box?" Barbatos took a step back with you, a slow, measured thing, so as to keep your balance. He moved his hand from your shoulder to your throat, giving a gentle squeeze to elicit a squeak from you. You alone could hear his soft chuckle.
"Tsk..!" Mammon stared between you and the box which may or may not have treasure inside. You almost rolled your eyes at him. Wasn't he the one who said he'd be the one to save you, and if he wasn't how you'd better die waiting?
"Mammon!" You called, causing Barbatos to reflexively pull you against him tighter. "Get that treasure! But you better sa--!" You were cut off by the gloved hand squeezing you tighter. It didn't cut your breathing off completely, but it was enough to make you freeze.
"I apologize MC. Mammon, it seems your choice has been made. I do hope you can find us." He chuckled, and in an instant, your surroundings changed. You were in a clearing, dense forest all around, the moon shining brightly, casting long, deep shadows. Not used to teleporting, your knees buckled. Ever at the ready, Barbatos caught you, releasing his earlier grip, and sweeping you up into his arms.
"I've prepared some tea and sweets for you, in case this was the outcome chosen. Although, I must say.. I believed Mammon would be the one to choose the treasure over you, not you yourself." He spoke softly, politely as ever as he walked to a nearby blanket and set you down.
"Thank you, Barbatos. Although.. I think you know why I chose to let Mammon have the box." Your tone was coquettish, as you pointedly stared at the tea being poured into your cup.
"I'm afraid I do not, MC. Please, explain it to me." He smiled, pulling back the teapot and pouring some for himself. He waited patiently, silently offering you a delicate selection of sweets.
"It's embarrassing every time you make me say it, Barbatos.." You mumbled, picking up a macaron and setting it on the side of your saucer.
"Hmm.. Say what, my dearest MC?" He was teasing you, his voice not wandering from his polite professionalism.
"I.. want you to take me." You blushed, staring at your hands. No matter how many times he teased you the same way, you could never meet his eyes. You weren't ashamed or embarrassed of asking this glorious demonic man to bed. The way he feigned ignorance was what drove you crazy, sent butterflies to the pit of your stomach like a grade-school crush.
"Oh? Take you where?" He chuckled now, staring at you, his eyes glittering dark gems in the moonlight.
"Stop teasing me, Barbatos.." You dared meet his eyes for a second, and he lunged at you, animalistic and graceful. Your moonlight picnic was undisturbed as he reached you and again your surroundings morphed. At the edge of the clearing, you were on your back, Barbatos on top of you, pinning your arms to your sides with his thighs as he straddled your waist. He removed his gloves with his teeth, folding them neatly and placing them on the grass, his form shifting, horns and tail appearing as he leaned down for a gentle kiss.
"Are you sure this is what you want? We both know I can get carried away." He breathes into the crook of your neck, gently nipping at your ear lobe and neck waiting for your reply.
"My safeword is Lilith. Barbatos... Please, ruin me. I need you."
"As you wish." He bit down and sucked on your neck, marking you. One hand moved to your hair, pulling your head to give better access to your neck, the other shredding your shirt with his claws.
Gasping at the cold air, you tried to struggle, only for a jolt of electricity to crackle on your chest.
"Ah!" You immediately still, eyes locking with the demon above you as he straightens up.
"You are mine. And I will ruin you as I see fit. Problem?" He leans down for a kiss, hovering just out of reach, waiting.
And he kisses you deeply, mixing his tongue with yours as he removes his belt, easily moving your hands over your head and tying them together with it. You're both breathing heavily when the kiss is broken, and he moves off you to remove your bottoms. His tail comes to your lips and as it explores where his tongue has already claimed, you feel a gentle buzzing from it. Unlike a vibrator, it leaves you tingling and numb almost the same way an asleep limb does.
"Aren't you good with your mouth.." Barbatos muttered close to your ear, removing his tail and sitting on your chest. "Don't let me stop you. Continue." His voice was commanding as he looked down at you, his cock barely hovering over your lips.
Eagerly, you leaned forward, tongue out to capture him in your mouth. You sucked on the tip, trying to get more of him in your mouth, but failing. A jolt on your thigh, you gasped out.
"You can do better than that, can't you?" Barbatos cocked his head slightly, his tail running up and down your thigh.
"Ah, please..  I can't reach, let me si- Aah!" Electricity shot through your body as Barbatos' tails shocked you, moving up your inner thigh towards your core.
"Tsk." Barbatos got off you, a distasteful look on his face, but before you could move, he pulled you up to your feet by the hair and toward a tree. Not caring about your whimpers, he shoved your back against the tree and you fell forward to his feet on your stomach.
"Aahh... Barbatos... Please.." You whimpered, struggling to your knees.
"No please, slut. Just take it like I tell you." He pulled you up by the belt restraint, hanging you off a low branch, and shoving his cock in your face. "Open."
You did. His tail stroked your body gently, occasionally sending jolts of electricity through your body, causing you to moan pitifully as you drooled down your front.
"Mmm... who's my good whore..? Fuck.. beg me to shock you while you choke on my cock.." Barbatos' eyes were dark and hungry, never leaving your face, which burned from embarrassment and lust. Slowly you tried to figure out how to form words.
"Pleeeze.. sssck me..." You stopped, embarrassed you couldn't form sentences and tried to back off so your mouth was free. Barbatos wasn't having it, leaning further into you until you were trapped between his cock and the tree.
"I wan' choke... on your cock..." You managed out, garbled and embarrassed. Even though your cheeks burned, you spread your legs wider, waiting for Barbatos' tail to shock you. You needed this man. More than just giving him the control he desperately needs. Your body yearned to please him, to be as one. Your moans were muffled as he pushed his cock as far as it would go down your throat, blocking your breathing, and you could hear a low grunt from him. His tail sent jolts up your thigh, across your labia, and down the other thigh.
You couldn't help it. Running out of air, you wiggled your body as much as you could, trying to make any noise you could.
"Hmm... Does my good slut want to breathe..?" You could see those deep emeralds glint as you nodded your head silently. Slowly, painfully so, he pulled back, allowing you to cough, gag, and gulp down fresh air.
He took a few steps back so he could fully look at you in the moonlight.
"So beautiful.."
Which of you said it wasn't clear, but the gap was closed before more words could be said.
Your body was being covered, head to toe, in love bites and darkened electrical marks where Barbatos' lips and tails passed. You screamed when he zapped your foot, only for you to be muffled by tongue and teeth. Next was you hand, and Barbatos pulled back, you both gasping for air. You were too slow to catch the appendage in your hands, and it slowly trailed down your arm, leaving it numb, as you breath caught and hitched. Catching a sensitive spot on your bicep, you screamed again, only to be silenced by the other tail being shoved down your throat. It tingled, but even as the other tail shocked you in other places, it never ramped up.
His lips went to your ear, kissing and licking, leaving a different tingling trail to your neck. Where he sucked and bit gently. Further down to the collarbone where he sucked harder, following the bones. He didn't stop until you had a bruise necklace, easily hidden by a shirt.
He grunted as he pulled his tail from your mouth, kissing you gently before standing and pressing the tip of his cock against your lips.
"My beautiful whore.. Suck. Don't make me punish you now.." His voice was a handsome growl you couldn't resist.
You meant to respond, but as you licked your lips, tasting him, you lost yourself. Taking him as far as you could, you hummed happily.
"Perfect.." Barbatos reached out to release your hands, undoing the belt easily as he set a slow pace for you. One hand went to your hair, while his other braced against the tree.
"Mmphh!" You shrieked around him as his tails shocked both nipples at the same time.
"Do you want more, slut?" He chuckled, his tails brushing gently against your nipples again, making you flinch.
You were silent for a moment, doing your best to look up at him.
"Yeshh peeze" you garbled out, your face burning hot as your eyes lock.
You cry past his cock again as he starts on your nipples, spiraling outwards until your breasts are tingling from the aftershocks, and you're sure there isn't a single spot he missed. His tails twist together as one as they travel down past your navel and around your crotch.
He pulls back and, hearing your whimper, his tails thrust into your sopping hole. The tingling is there, as soft as it was in your mouth and his tails stay buried deep in you, even as you buck your hips, he doesn't move.
"Tell me what you want.." Barbatos pulls himself out of your mouth and bends down to look you in the eye, grabbing your chin to prevent your escape.
A/N ...So, I know I'm a total dick leaving it like this, however I have two different endings in my mind.
One - Mammon comes in, shit goes down, threesome?
Two - Barbatos only, MC gets a happy ending, complete with aftercare, because that's important friends!
Let me know what you want. Or if you don't I'll finish it how I want. (Take that! Lol) okay. Thanks for reading.
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