vcrses · 19 days
ep 14 is delayed by a couple days bc i'm being dragged away by family! see ya in a day or two at most :)
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vcrses · 21 days
The Situationship - verses | KinnPorsche: The Series
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“What about kissing?” Porsche asked and his heart did a weird thing where it twisted all the way around his lungs and then plunged to his stomach.
Kinn raised a brow at that, and wow, Porsche really needed him to stop doing that asap. “What about kissing? I feel like as the resident straight boy here, you should take the lead on this conversation.”
Porsche swallowed. “Well, do you kiss your boyfriends? In front of your friends and family?”
Kinn shrugged, and for once, the movement didn’t seem entirely effortless. “Sometimes.”
“Okay, then,” Porsche said, licking his suddenly dry lips. With tingly fingers, he added to the contract: Non-sexual kissing allowed to fool participant K’s brother.
[ Kinn, under pressure from the patriarch of the Theerapanyakun family, entices Porsche to enter a fake, contractual relationship with him. In return, Porsche gets money, a sexuality crisis, and a headache. ]
Chapter: 13 of 14
Words: 104,910
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vcrses · 21 days
The Situationship - Post Credits Scene #13.2
[Read the fic here first.]
In the depths of Kinn’s mansion, there was a room that Porsche had never stepped foot into. The door to the room remained locked each time Porsche tried to open it, and no one in the staff seemed to know what it held. Kinn disappeared behind the door once in a while, but he refused to bring it up to Porsche and frankly, Porsche was too afraid to question him.
The locked door tormented Porsche day and night.
He imagined all sorts of things that Kinn could be hiding from Porsche behind that closed door - a torture dungeon, a gun room, a place to dissolve bodies - but he knew that the truth had to be worse than his imagination.
He stared at the closed door again, seized by the impulse to kick it down.
“Porsche?” Kinn’s voice said out of nowhere, and Porsche jumped, caught. “Why are you standing there?”
“Oh, I just…” Porsche swallowed, fidgeting nervously as Kinn walked to him. “Um. This room. I was wondering what you used it for.”
The tips of Kinn’s ears turned red, but his face remained otherwise blank. “Ah, just some storage.”
Porsche scuffed the tip of his shoe against the floor. “Can I see?”
“Uh,” Kinn froze, eyes wide. “I-It’s personal?” he said hesitantly.
Oh no, Porsche thought urgently. It’s worse than a body. It’s Tawan’s memories.
“Open the door or I’m kicking it down.”
Kinn swallowed nervously but stepped to the digital lock obediently. The code was 2222 and Porsche made sure to commit it to memory. The door creaked ominously as it opened, the room dark within. There were no strange odours inside, no chemical smell to indicate that bodies were being dissolved in there, which could only mean that the room stored photos of Tawan’s horrid face.
Maybe even his clothes, Porsche thought, sick to his stomach.
Kinn stepped in first, the back of his neck completely flushed, and turned on the lights. Porsche stared at the large posters covering the walls, the altar at the centre of the room, the shelves filled with photobooks and albums, and then turned back to Kinn, aghast.
“Why would you try to hide this from me?” he asked, pointing at the plethora of fan memorabilia scattered around the room. “Are you ashamed of being into K-pop?”
Kinn winced. “Dad said it was gay.”
Porsche blinked. Once, then twice. “It is,” he said gently, reaching for his boyfriend’s hands, “and so are you.”
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vcrses · 21 days
The Situationship - Post Credits Scene #13.1
[Read the fic here first.]
Apasiri Theerapanyakun was not a woman many people dared to shout at, so she couldn’t help but be a little impressed as Kinn’s latest boytoy stood in front of her, completely sober, and yelled: “To scold your grown-ass son is one thing, but to do it in front of his employees? Woman, what is wrong with you?”
Apasiri felt her nostrils flare in anger. She was impressed, yes, but she also wanted to trip Porsche into a bush.
“Babe, please-” Kinn said again, wrapping his arms around Porsche’s waist and trying to tug him away.
“And another thing! You think you’re so cool but you’re actually just old so everyone’s too embarrassed to tell you that you’re kinda lame,” Porsche shouted.
Behind him, Tankhun hiccupped into another laugh, fresh tears springing to his eyes.
“Okay, enough,” Kinn interrupted, throwing Porsche over his shoulder and walking them away.
“Yeah, maybe that scar is cool, but your personality sucks butt!” Porsche continued screaming, his voice fading away in the distance. “It sucks butt, I said!”
Despite her anger, Apasiri felt something settle inside her. Porsche may be young, stupid and loud-mouthed, but he clearly loved Kinn enough to put his hand into the lion’s mouth. He was already doing what Tawan hadn’t done for Kinn in three years of their relationship - being loud about how much he loved Kinn.
And that was enough for her. That was all she wanted for her son.
She met Tankhun’s eyes again, and smiled. He grinned back, content.
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vcrses · 22 days
If you are in your 20s and depressed I want you to know this: As you age, I promise, you will acquire tools and perspective that will open your world in ways you cannot imagine right now. You will find levels of contentment and joy you never thought possible. You will access a deep understanding and forgiveness of yourself that comes just from hanging out long enough in the same body, and that forgiveness will change everything. Also you may have a regressive depression so intense and long-lasting that it feels like a traumatic brain injury. don't freak out it's normal
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vcrses · 23 days
ep 13 - sept 7, saturday ep 14 - sept 8, sunday
i either fucking post or i kms, so lets hope i get this shit done!!
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vcrses · 28 days
hello i just wanted to say that situationship is now my roman empire thats all thank you
have a lovely day <3
oof that's an extremely high compliment! thank you so much 💗
sorry for keeping you guys waiting so long, but i'm aiming for completion by sept 10! i'll keep everyone updated 👀
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vcrses · 2 months
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red blue, kinn porsche | @mau-month
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vcrses · 2 months
Not to come on here and be a freak but HOLY SHIT I just read The Situationship all in one sitting, it’s 2am, I have no regrets. IT WAS SSO GOOD 😭😭 I am waiting with baited breath for the next chapter, whenever it’s finished *cue me hitting the refresh button religiously* thank you for writing such a wonderful, funny, and at times heart wrenching story. Poor Tem, poor Porsche, poor Kinn - I know my bbs will be okay, but I am quaking!!
((This is the first ask I’ve ever sent and I’m scawrd to do it off anon but I had to word vomit at you! Okay loved loved loved the story! Bye!)) xoxo
oh my god, hello lovely, beautiful, perfect person!! i'm sorry to tell you that you actually sent this ON anon, but please rejoice as you are my first ask ever on here 🎉🍾
i am so glad i opened tumblr today because this truly made my day 😭🫶🏼 thank you so much for your message, i am SO GLAD you've enjoyed it. i needed this little pump up bc i've honestly been losing faith in my writing at this point lol
as a little update, i'm done writing ep 13!!! i've got about 75% of the last chapter to write and then i'll post them one day apart - so we're almost to the end!
see you soon 👀
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vcrses · 3 months
Pairing: Kinn/Porsche
Rating: Explicit
Words: 9,655
Status: Completed
Now that April had said it out loud, the solution seemed so obvious. Of course the remedy to homophobia was to have gay sex with a gay man. Why didn't he think of it first?
[ or, Himbo!Porsche strikes again. ]
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vcrses · 5 months
Hey all!
Just to keep you guys up to speed, I'd been planning to post ep 13 on May 24 and ep 14 on May 27, but a couple of hours ago, I managed to permanently delete my draft for both off my laptop.
After one solid hour of panicking and getting a tummy ache because of anxiety, I've come to the conclusion that worse things can and will happen in life, and I can't let this make me crumble!
It's very sad that my document got deleted because it was some of my favourite writing that I've ever done, but eh. I couldn't recover it despite multiple attempts, and now I just gotta roll on forward.
Unfortunately, this will most likely push eps 13 and 14 forward. I really want to be done with this fic in May, and I'll keep trying, but I've just lost one whole month of progress. Please be patient with me 🫠
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vcrses · 5 months
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Teen Wolf AU: In which pre-fire Derek was known as the town sweetheart and the nice kid and excellent student who helped everyone out, and everyone thinks Stiles will be a bad influence.  Based on this post.
giveaway prompt fill for chananigans
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vcrses · 5 months
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol/Yoon Jeonghan
Rating: Explicit
Words: 7,393
Status: Completed
If you were, Seungcheol’s voice looped endlessly, unwilling to let Jeonghan rest, to let him sleep, if you did end up pregnant…
Heartbeat speeding up inside his chest, Jeonghan felt himself flush, the cadence of Seungcheol’s voice still fresh with affection and hope in his mind. He reached down as he always did when Seungcheol’s words decided to haunt him again, and caressed a hand over the softness of his belly.
He let himself believe it for just a second.
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vcrses · 5 months
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He is at his limit.
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vcrses · 5 months
maybe spoilery for chapter 13, but here's a titty bitty:
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to the person who asked if i would give them more porsche/tem on forms...i'm gonna do smth cool for you in the next chapter - just bc you asked a cool question.
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vcrses · 6 months
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vcrses · 6 months
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Kinnporsche the series // Episode 1
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