#i am unknowable
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macaulaytwins · 7 months ago
Adam Parrish if the books were in 2024: my freak is unmatchable
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aglionbyacademia · 5 months ago
there’s so much beauty in loving yourself. I realized already a few years ago that my hatred for myself made me miss out on a lot of things. One thing, which is oddly specific and probably a little silly to most, but means a lot to me, is that I often couldn’t see why someone loved a specific fictional character as much as they did. Because I didn’t like them at all. Hated them at times. I realized at one point that my reason for this was that I saw too much of myself in them. My worst parts. The parts I preferred to stay hidden were there on those pages screaming at me. And while I loathed them, people loved them in this specific fictional character. I couldn’t understand. I have been in therapy for years now and I’m on medication and I’m working so hard to be the person I want to be but all the while I’m doing that I’m also trying not to lose the person I was. I haven’t fully archived Self love yet but I can stand myself more and more everyday. And with that came a much better understanding of those people who love the fictional character that I couldn’t stand because I saw my worst parts in them. Recently I’ve even started to love Said fictional character with a ferocity formerly unknown to myself. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is, don’t give up on yourself and don’t give up on those in your opinion overhyped characters because you might just find yourself in them. Adam Parrish, I love you so much. Thank you for making me understand myself better. I’m sorry for all the hatred I used to harbor for you. It was never about you.
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khaoray · 2 years ago
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⤷ Soulmate (2023)
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so-many-ocs · 2 months ago
i have a queue because i am a man of mystery and secrets
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twinkpoll · 2 years ago
are YOU a twink?? 🧐🧐 maybe twinkable???
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unknowableman · 1 year ago
I realized today how loud I am. How I just can't control what I act like. But I do know what I want to act like, and comparing myself to others is something that I do best. I find myself thinking of a desirable trait and then attempting to act like that, but being asked about my erratic or bizarre behavior, I confess to what I'm doing and revert back to my old self. I wish that I was loud to hide who I am, or for some other desirable reason, but I am simply a loud person. I don't yell to hide my sadness that I talk about if you ask, or even if you don't. I'm not loud and kind, no, I am loud and bizarre and strange and horrifying and terrible. I am simply loud and undesirable, and I hate that about myself. I preach self-love to others, saying how wonderful they are, but I sit there, knowing that my personality and sense of self change the moment I see a book in a bookstore window or seeing someone else look at me. I used to be likable, but now I am not, and I try to change myself, to fit the mold, but every time I do, I revert back into my unlovable, horrible self. But somehow, I am loved by unlovable, horrible people, and we love each other with our unlovable, horrible hearts.
I wish I was unknown, so I could at least be mysterious. When I realize that someone doesn't know me, instead of remaining mysterious like it is desirable to be, I ask about it, and question why. I am, again, loud, so how am I unknown by others and still loved with my friends' unlovable, horrible hearts just as much as I love them with mine? How I wish to be known, but I am. I wish to be known in an entirely different way. I wish to have another chance with other people, but I hate those people and the way they talk about my unlovable friends, and I would never betray my friends, but I have. I told two people something incredibly personal about my friend, looking for advice on the situation, completely unprompted. I know they won't tell anyone, but I still betrayed my friend, and when he finds out, he will tell others about the horrible things I have done and thought, and it will be deserved. He knows me the best, and I told these people in a panic thinking he was in danger, but he won't understand that.
My partner knows the most about me, but do they still know me? My partner is beautiful, and I love them with my horrible heart and they love me just the way I love them, but do they love me, or do they love the idealized version of me? They know I'm a horrible person, but the horrible acts I first did when we started dating and continued doing for a bit, not understanding, will prove to them that I am a horrible, unlovable person. Should I tell them, rip off the band-aid? Or should I continue stewing in self pity and hatred, and hope what I have said never comes to light?
I wish that the people who look at me with hatred and pity simultaneously die in their sleep, as that is the mercy I wish to spare. They hate me, as they should, considering I am me, but I cannot handle the idea of being unliked, while I can't change myself to be palatable. If I truly wished to be liked, I should have changed myself to be desirable, whether that means less of an attention seeker, or more of someone who doesn't wish to be known and understood by others.
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scornedethnographer · 2 years ago
Me: I am unknowable. No one notices me. I blend into the background.
Classmate: hey I saw you weren't in class yesterday. Everything okay?
Me: how THE FUCK did you know that??
*remembers I have blue hair*
Me: ah yes everything is fine
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xdarkabyssx · 2 years ago
I was rewatching gravity falls w my friend yesterday- and I spat out that grunkle Stan is transition goals.
except w cute outfits i guess??
... Now I'm picturing goth grunkle Stan in crop tops whY
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dangerous-fighter-fairy · 4 months ago
No one who hasn’t known me for a set amount of time is allowed to tell me anything about myself. “Your anxiety is really bad” you’ve only known me for a month during a Stressful Period so you don’t know shit about me. Anyone who’s known me longer than that can tell I’m externally chill in the anxiety category. However the roommate I had for like eight months who slept five feet from me nearly every night is absolutely allowed to tell me I’m “so hinged I’m practically a door” because they have proof that this is a pattern of behavior I exhibit in most circumstances
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ghostytoad · 1 year ago
literally tho ^^^ a beacon of chaos and fun; probably the one that hoards all of the snacks and shares them if you ask nicely; forgets to drink water but will remind their friends to drink water as if they're not dying of dehydration
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Lola Bunny - The Looney Tunes Show || Pearl - Steven Universe || April O'Neil - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles || Numbah 3 - Codename Kids Next Door
bonus bc i feel like she's probably a better fit but they're all p relatable: Tai Lee - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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tagging: @wings-of-sapphire @mikey-rottmnt @justletmereadmycomics @supersleepyslowpoke @notjustdragonspages @theosb0rnway
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Making a tag game cause I can
Rules: post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the person you reblogged from based on their characters
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No pressure tag! @sidneyoftheblackwoods @mqstermindswift @stars-and-birds @zenilvar @forever-chained-to-myself @themidnightarcher @skeelly @thepencilsnameissteve @thislove-taylorsversion @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @swiftieannah @a-pessimistic-swiftie @catastrxblues @jellycanon @what-about-wendy and anyone else who wants to join<3
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I thought youtube ads were supposed to be targeted
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Youtube, worstie, what exactly is it about me that makes you think this ad would appeal to me lol
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dizzybizz · 1 year ago
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please consider jellyfish john,, for me 🥺?
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housecow · 20 days ago
i want to drink melted chocolate at the moment
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samwhump · 6 months ago
today was the first day of classes for my phd program — i was absolutely terrified, questioning all my life decisions that led up to this point & generally about two deep breaths away from a panic attack when i was getting ready.
but then when i was walking to campus, this thought washed over me and i immediately knew everything was going to be okay:
sam winchester would be proud of me
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Oh Max
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How I've missed your Yoda-like wisdom. Your incomprehensible, needlessly complicated and obscure, wrapped in riddles, wisdom.
No one else is doing it like Max is doing it. We still don't even know this man's real name. He writes his diary in Vietnamese. He has seen god and the vast expanse of time. He doesn't understand Halloween. He's a single father. He's a homewrecker. He's died. He is a being of pure energy and light. He has commitment issues. He's an enigma. He speaks in riddles on purpose, solely for the bit.
I fucking love this man.
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ternasyl · 9 months ago
dude. dude. i get that you are an avatar of The Stranger and being uncannily close to humanity yet not being human is, like, your thing, but can you stop wearing the human skins you've flensed off your victims? this is literally humanface and it's hugely problematic
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