#i am not returning from hiatus just yet
1caru · 2 months
Hello 🖐
I am Amira from Gaza😢, living in constant danger due to the ongoing war. I noticed that you have many followers, and I kindly ask you to share my story to help us find safety🙏🙏.
Sharing my story and the donation campaign link can help protect my family. I am deeply grateful for your support💙.
With sincere thanks,
Thank you for reaching out Amira, I have donated what I can and am happy to share your fundraiser. Praying for you and the people of Palestine. 🙏
For my followers and anyone else reading this, here is the link to the GoFundMe, as well as a link to Amira's story, which has been vetted by many sources. She is coming close to her goal, so please donate and/or share if you are able!
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romanreignseater · 3 months
A Phone Call Away.
Roman Reigns x Black Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral (female receiving)
“Now that Roman is on a hiatus from the ring, you would think that would stop the busy nature of this man… but boy were you wrong.”
A/N: Is your girl back or WHATTTT?!??! Heyyyy y’all, I missed you guys so much and I missed writing for you guys. Thanks to all of those who checked up on me (I promise those messages didn’t go unseen). I truly appreciate all the love still shown on my stories but I am back and better than ever. School has been really tough for me and I nearly dropped out, but BITCH I pulled through. I’m moving onto my junior year this fall and I couldn’t be happier. To express my happiness, I wrote this about the ONLY Tribal Chief. Mr. Roman Reigns. Hope you enjoy 😘😘😘!!
GIF: @rashyford
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Roman Reigns… or as you like to call him Joe. You’re doting husband and father to your three kids. A man with a multitude of talents, charms, and good looks. You won the lottery with this man and he feels the same about you. Joe has never had a problem making anything happen for you or your kids. Yet, he can seem oblivious to all of you.. and you know why?! It’s because of that damn phone.
Yeah, Joe’s an amazing and caring man. But that phone stays strapped to his ear while attending to you or the kids.
The kids want him to open a Caprisun, he’s on that phone. You want him to take out the trash, he’s on that phone. You want him to change the baby’s diaper, you guessed it… he’s on that phone.
Although these tasks do get done, he never makes eye contact with any of you and seemingly gets annoyed anytime one of you walk up to him. So you weren’t surprised seeing your 5 year old daughter come up to you with an attitude as you were breast feeding.
“Baby girl what happened?!” You questioned as she crossed her little arms and huffed out a deep breath making the strands of her hair on her forehead rise into the air fall back down.
“Papa’s till on the phone.” My god did that little girl look like a spitting image of Joe whenever he caught an attitude. Your baby is one hundred and ten percent a daddy’s girl so to see him not give her the attention she wants made you upset.
“Listen baby okay, mommy’s gonna put your baby brother to sleep and I’ll deal with papa for you. Go upstairs and play with your big sister.” She gave you a sweet little smile and nodded her head in agreement. You watched as she ran up the stairs eager to play dolls with her big sister.
Once your baby boy wasn’t latched on anymore, you went upstairs to place him on the bed you shared with Joe. You placed a pillow fort around him to keep him safe and turned on the baby monitor. You checked on the girls quickly and made your way back downstairs.
You find Joe in the living room with the dogs surrounding him as he watched the NBA Draft. You could overhear him talking about WWE can further the Bloodline story even more before his return. Now assuming he’s talking to Hunter, you placed your hands on his shoulders and began slowing massaging before he turned around to face you as he gave a small smile.
You make your way around the couch and sat next to him. His eyes still glued to the TV as he placed one of his hands on your thigh, caressing it ever so gently. “Joe… you think you c—.”
Joe lifts up the hand that was on your thigh and placed in on your mouth in order to motion him telling you to be quiet. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you couldn’t believe he just shushed you.
After you could his meals, massage his back after a match, wash his laundry, and pushed out his big headed kids.. he had the audacity to shush you.
Two can play at that game.
Knowing how much Joe can’t resist you, you can’t believe you didn’t think of this earlier to get this man off the phone. As Joe moves his finger away from your lips and places it on his own thigh now, you lean back into the headrest of the couch and spread open your legs.
Joe doesn’t take much notice until he hears you fumbling with your pants. He turns his head slightly as witnesses you bare from the waist down and your perfect pink magic spread before his eyes.
You giggled as Joe completely disregarded the draft completely and stared in awe. You lifted up slightly to take the hand that was once on your thigh and placed his hand near your dripping cunt.
On command, Joe automatically makes his thumb prominent and places it on your beating clit, rubbing in a circular motion. You drop your head back and moan as he continues to play with your pussy with his thumb. Dragging your essence up and down your slit. He soon seems to be losing memory of his call and he begins spitting out “yeah’s” and “mhmmm’s” to Hunter giving the most vague answers to his suggestions and questions.
Joe bites his lip as he looks you in your eyes, giving him the cheesiest grin knowing you’ve basically won the battle. “Yeah, I totally understand.” He says into his phone once more before he puts it on speaker and then mute and places his phone on your stomach.
The heat of his phone makes you hiss slightly and then you begin to hiss more as his tongue comes into contact with your drooling heat. He begins eating you out like a true champ. He nuzzled his face deep into your wet heat and flicked your clit with his thumb. Your back began arching off the sofa as you were beginning to reach your climax.
But a loud voice parades inside your mind as you try to enjoy yourself. “Roman, Joe. You there?!” Joe looked up at you and it was almost like his eyes were telling you something. You watched as his hand that was holding your thigh open, comes near his phone as he presses the mute button once more.
You quickly shut your mouth as Joe removes his mouth from you but keeps the assault on your little clit going. “Yeah I’m here. Umm… what’s gonna happen with my wiseman??!” You watched intently as he pressed the mute button again and goes back to town. He takes his tongue deep into you as Hunter is on the phone blabbing about what’s gonna happen with Paul.
Just as he was wrapping his summary of the wiseman’s future, your legs began to shake and sputter as you finally reached your climax. Your legs clamp around his head and breathing heavy. You let out one deep breath as Joe removes your thighs from around his head and looks as you with a devilish smile as you essence coated his entire beard.
He picks his phone up again and removes it from mute. “Yeah, that was a great convo. We got a lot done, but listen boss man duty calls I gotta get into daddy mode. Mama’s had enough for today.”
You shook her head in agreement as Hunter expressed his understanding. They bid each other farewell and Joe threw his phone behind him. You laid with her legs still spread open, pussy on display for his viewing pleasure staring a hole into his eyes. He lifted his brow at you as if to question what the next move was.
“Ummm if you want more of this sir, you’re gonna have to get myself off your face and go play with your baby girl cause you really upset her today baby.” He hung his head low as he understood the damage he’s caused by focusing on his phone too much.
“Alright I will baby.” He playfully closed your legs for you and you giggled as he placed a blanket over you. He stood up and as he went to walk away, he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“Just know when you want that part two, I’m a phone call away.” He reached for his phone and waved in your face as he chuckled on his way up the stairs.
That man crazy as hell..
Not gonna yieeee… I’m happy to be writing again 😂. Shout out to @thesamoanqueen @mzv11 & @msbigredmachine your stories really motivated me to get back into writing and it helped me realize writing isn’t dead 🫶🏾🫶🏾!! (Jey fic next, cause that’s my baby, YEETTTT!!!)
Hope you all enjoyed 💕💕💕!!
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline @jeyusos-girl @ah-fin3sse @solosikoasgf @msbigredmachine @rollinsland @angelicflower2020 @theogsamoanqueen @saintsvenust
*If you want to be added to my tag list, don’t be afraid to let me know!!
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formulawolff · 20 days
i. girls like u - t.w.
pairing: reserve female!driver x toto wolff
word count: 2.1k
warnings: morally gray individuals, slow burn, sexual content (intercourse), allusions to sexual content, cursing, marijuana use, references to alcohol use, lots of power imbalance, questionable boss x employee dynamics, light toxicity
a/n: ok this is my semi-return to tumblr after a writing hiatus. this fic is loosely based off of you by the 1975 and several blackbear songs. sorry if this shit is ass. i promise there is more world-building to come in the next chapters (it's been a while since i've wrote somethin' longer than 500 words) lemme know if y'all like it! i missed y'all! <3
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“aren’t you tired?”
fingertips brush along your back, light and gentle. stirring, you blink, stifling a yawn and you nuzzle into the warmth. 
it’s inviting, your lids drooping the moment the tip of your nose brushes along heated skin. a plush comforter shrouds your body, limbs entwined. watery rays of light peek in through drawn blinds, promising of dawn. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆:
“you wore me out. of course i’m tired.”
there’s a rumble in his chest, adam’s apple bobbing as he chuckles, “no, that’s not what i meant.”
“then what did you mean?” bringing your chin upward, your gaze locks with his. 
he flinches slightly at the harshness of your inquiry, a crimson hue tinging his cheeks, “i-i don’t really know. i-i guess i meant to ask if you were tired of watching everyone compete from the paddock. don’t you want to race as well?”
don’t you want to race as well? 
of course i do. every single fucking grand prix i pray that i’ll finally get a chance to be behind the wheel. 
to prove to everyone that i’m just as worthy of a competitor as lewis or george. that i am capable of finishing a race. 
i pray that i finally get a chance to prove that i’m a champion. 
inhaling sharply, your head falls, avoiding any sort of eye contact, “i mean, yeah. of course i want to race. i want to compete just as much as you do, max.”
“i’m sorry if–”
“it’s fine,” you murmur, finding your body clinging to him, head nestling into his chest underneath the covers, “can we just go back to sleep or–”
he exhales, lips connecting with your temple. they trail along your brow bone, placing gentle kisses all the way down to your cheeks, “you know we can’t. it’s qualifying today.”
“right.” your jaw clenches, “there’s nothing more important than qualifying.”
“hey,” fingers grasp your chin, “are you okay?”
“yup,” you nod, “i’m great.”
concern lingers, swimming in his icy blue depths. his tongue darts out, swiping along his lower lip, “you and i both know that’s a lie.”
shrugging, your lips pucker, “maybe i’m just not looking forward to watching everyone chase their dreams while i’m forced to sit on the sidelines.”
in that moment, you sense his demeanor shift. max softens, his muscles relaxing as a hand cups your cheek, thumb caressing your cheekbone, “you know, we could change that.”
your heart thuds, pounding as blood roars in your ears, “how?”
he leans in, his mouth nearly millimeters from yours, “i could pull some strings.”
“and how would you accomplish that?”
max’s voice is low as he continues, his tone laced with a dominance that you rarely heard beyond radios, interviews, or press conferences. it was quite the contrast than the max you were used to. it had you absolutely reeling, scrambling to maintain your composure as a shiver ran down your spine.  
“i could speak with christian, put in a good word for you. there’s a lot of change that’s going to come within these next few months. checo hasn’t resigned quite yet. the contract isn’t finalized there’s still time to get you in at red bull.”
“y-you would do that for me?”
the dutch driver nods, a little too fervently. 
“i would do anything for you.”
there was a sincerity in his words, almost as if it was a promise. a sure one, at that. a promise brimmed with a passion that you could only describe as one emotion. 
you had him right where you wanted him. 
max verstappen, three-time world champion of formula one, was right at your fingertips. the dutch assassin was poised and eager, ready to fire as soon as he was given the word. 
all you had to do was say yes. 
that’s all you had to do. utter those nine words. 
i want to be with you at red bull. i want to be in that second seat.
yet, there was one thing holding you back.
well, more so a culmination of things. 
one, there was that ever-present gnawing, nagging feeling. the guilt was slowly eating you alive, threatening to spill your precious secret at any given moment. two, there was that fear of the unknown. what would happen if you managed to pull this off? would you truly be happy at red bull or were you just trying to worm your way to the top? would that shiny trophy really be worth it if you weren’t fulfilled? 
and well most importantly, the third aspect of it all. would you be able to keep up the facade that you were just friends with max verstappen? it was only a matter of time before your relationship with the dutch driver would come from the shadows and into the light.
it was so much easier to keep things under wraps when no one paid attention to you. 
“max,” you begin, “maybe we should–”
the shrill ring of his phone pierces through the air. leaning over, he plucks the device off the nightstand, grimacing as his eyes scan the contact. 
“it’s christian.”
“what time is it?” you press, “surely it’s not that la–”
“baby, it’s well past eight.”
“shit.” you shoot up, peeling the comforter off, “why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
max follows in suit, shoving a leg through his pants, “cause we were in the middle of an important conversation. i wasn’t going to just interrupt you to tell you i had to leave. that wouldn’t have been fair to you!”
“right,” you scoff, throwing on a hoodie, “you don’t have to act like i’m more important than racing. you live, breathe, eat, and sleep formula one. and i understand tha–”
lips collide with yours, the kiss nearly sucking the breath out of your lungs. it’s fiery, blazing with hunger as your knees buckle. max pulls away, panting ever so slightly. 
“don’t you ever fucking say that. you hear me?”
shaking his head, he makes his way across the room, smoothing out a wrinkle in his jersey before slipping on a shoe, “you mean the world to me. we can talk more about this later, but i really have to go. christian is blowing up my phone asking where i am. fuck. i really hope that no one sees me. do you have a hoodie or something i can borrow?”
crossing over to your makeshift closet, you file through the hangers, pulling a garment off. tossing the sweatshirt to max, you can’t help but giggle at his haphazard state. 
his blonde locks are all over, clearly ruffled from a long night. his clothes are wrinkly, bunched up from being thrown to the floor. the only saving grace is his red bull cap, along with the hoodie you just provided. 
however, the moment he sees the embroidered logo, he rolls his eyes. 
“just make sure you take it off before you see christian. and put on some deodorant when you get the chance. you stink,” wrinkling your nose, you blow the dutch driver a kiss as he waves you off. 
yet, he catches the airborne smooch, returning the gesture, “i’ll text you later baby. i lo– i have to really go now. have a good day, all right?”
“i’ll try my best,” you reply, buttoning a pair of jeans, “you know i won’t be doing much.”
“goodbye love!” his voice carries down the hall as he exits your motorhome, the sound of the door echoing throughout the space. 
well, so much for making progress.
there’s a buzz in your pocket, stealing your focus for just a second.
fishing your phone out, your brow furrows. no one really contacted you in the mornings. well, unless it was an emergency or an urgent matter. 
it was a text message, from a sender you were well acquainted with.
it was none other than sir lewis hamilton. eight-time world champion. one of the greatest athletes of all time. 
who just happened to be your fellow teammate. well, fellow teammate and best friend.
who knew that formula one contracts came with a package deal like that?
where art thou, sweet girl? i fear that our team principal is going absolutely mad because you are running very behind. pls hurry before he starts going in on me for being on my phone during a team briefing. 
your thumbs glide across the screen, crafting a careful response.
sorryyyyyy. running late per usual. perks of being in the reserve, right? i’ll be there in like five minutes. 
the reply was instant, phone vibrating once more.
hurry up. toto is pissed. 
gritting your teeth, you shove your phone back into your pocket. luckily, you had packed your go-bag for race weekends the night before. well, before you got preoccupied with max. slipping on a heavier coat, you push through your bedroom door, making your way down the hall. 
exiting your motorhome, you spin on your heel, throwing up the hood as you navigate through the endless maze of the paddock. 
you would think after six months you would know your way around by now.
members of the crew and hospitality chirp greetings and good mornings, earning a mumble here and there in response. graciously, you accept a wellness shot from one of the hosting staff, in hopes that it would perk you up just a tad. 
eventually, you nudge open the door of the briefing room, keeping your head ducked as you settle into your designated seat, lewis spotting you. from across the space, he shoots you a thumbs up, paired with a precious grin, dimples and all. 
the second you slide on your headphones, a voice floods your ears.
it’s brassy and gruff, thick with annoyance, brimmed with that accent you were all too familiar with. 
“good morning, hase. i’m so glad that you could take the time out of your busy schedule and join us this morning.”
it was none other than toto wolff, team principal of mercedes amg petronas.
your boss. 
looking up, you notice him to your far right, perched in his seat. his gaze is lasered in on you, almost piercing. with his brows furrowed and lips wound tightly shut, you couldn’t quite distinguish the emotion plastered across his features.
was it anger? disappointment? sheer and utter regret?
“good morning, toto,” you grumble, heat flooding your cheeks as snickers bubble up from all around.
“as i was saying,” toto clears his throat, “i think that we need a new approach for the remainder of the weekend. clearly george isn’t feeling up to par, so we need to explore our options.”
“i could drive,” george russell, your other teammate coughs, “i want to ra–”
“i don’t think pushing you to your limit is an intelligent idea,” toto cuts in. the words are firm, the team principal continuing, “let’s face it, with ferrari and mclaren in the mix this season, we are desperate for points. we need to make a strong move this weekend or else we are going to fall behind. even more so than we already are.”
the voices trail off as your mind wanders, your focus dissipating by the second. typically, you never paid too much attention to the briefings anyway. after all, they did not pertain to you. they usually were directed at the engineers, strategists, george, and lewis. 
not like you needed to really pay attention too closely. you were just kind of there. a body in the room.
the backup plan. 
fuck, did that absolutely torture you. so much potential wasted. all of your blood, sweat, and tears poured into nearly two decades of racing just to end up fiddling with a loose thread of your hoodie as a room full of men bickered about who would fill a fucking seat. 
some fall from grace this was. the 2023 formula two champion reduced to a reserve driver simply because no other team would take her. 
after all, you couldn’t really complain too much. this was the life you chose. you were the one who ultimately made the choice to sign to mercedes for a two-year contract. 
after all, it was your dream to drive for mercedes.
“here’s what we should do,” toto’s voice seeps into your headphones once more, snapping you out of your dazed state, “we should utilize our reserve driver. what is the point of having a reserve driver and not utilizing her?”
“toto,” bono’s voice chimes in, “i’m not sure if–”
“bono,” the fierceness in lewis’ tone takes you aback, “this is what’s best for the team. as a whole. we cannot give it our all if we don't have healthy drivers.”
“george,” toto turns to the british driver, “what do you think? do you have any input?”
“i don’t disagree,” george shrugs, the words hoarse, “i want to be healthy for saudi arabia.”
“then it’s settled,” the team principal shifts towards you, his lips curling into a smug smirk as his arms fold across his chest.
“i think that it’s time for our little hase here to really show us what she is capable of.” 
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taglist: @sweetjellyfishland @ts1m1kas @bxuzi @racecardilfs
lemme know if you would like to be tagged for future chapters! <3
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dateko · 1 year
˚。⋆ [3:27 AM] GETO SUGURU
a/n: just stupid fluff and the only thing i can write (bitches in a bed). me breaking my long silence and hiatus just to post a suguru drabble... he deserves happiness, too.... this is truly my jujutsu kaisen... pls enjoy!
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Suguru breaks the silence of the late night’s pitch-black embrace. Listening to his breathing with your limbs tangled together comfortably beneath the covers, you thought he’d been asleep by now. But it seems he has many things on his mind.
“Can I ask you something?” He speaks, voice low yet so incredibly soft. 
You shuffle in bed before you respond, playing with the large calloused hands locked securely around your stomach. Suguru has always been clingy with you. Just only behind closed doors, away from the rest of the world. He’s always wanted you to himself, in places where only the two of you know. 
“Babe, I’ve said it before and I’ll definitely say it again. Yes, you should go and get that tattoo. It’d look really good.” You mumble sleepily, trying to fight the drowsiness in your voice.
Behind you, you can feel his chest rumble with a chuckle, and his strong hands wander down to your hips, turning you around to face him with overfamiliar ease. The face before you is beautiful and captivating. Even in the dark, where the only source of light is the still moonlight that seeps through the curtains, your breath hitches at the sight of his golden, golden eyes. Suguru’s hair is down and slightly damp, his dark locks framing his face in a way that makes you want to bite his nose off. You could never tire of a face like this. And you were lucky to have it all to yourself.
“Not what I meant, but noted.” Your lover smiles.
Hard to resist, you reach up to tuck a dark strand behind his ear and to this does he melt. You exhale at the feeling of his warm cheek resting into your palm like he was molding himself into you. 
“Then what?” A thumb brushes across the expanse of his cheek as you whisper back.
Suguru sighs before speaking again. “Do you love me?”
This time, you really do pinch his cheek and threaten to bite his nose off as you roll your eyes and return to your original sleeping position. You don’t need to turn around to see him with a slight pout on his lips, brows furrowed just a bit. 
“Don’t ask me dumb questions you already know the answer to, Sugu,” You bring your hand back to pull his arm back around your waist. “Of course I do.”
“I want to hear you say it.” 
“Let’s go back to sleep.”
You should know better than to think that Suguru would stop there. The bed dips slightly before you feel your wrists being pinned above your head and your lover moves his knee over your body so he can loom over your smaller figure, a saccharine and deliciously sweet smirk on his plush lips. The tips of his hair strokes your face, which causes you to scrunch your nose with a smile. You knew what you were in for immediately, but it was quite honestly way too late to be even reasonably horny. All you can do is huff and pout up at the man you love so ridiculously much. 
“Say that you love me.” He tries again.
“Sugu…” You whine as you make a small attempt to free yourself from his hold, knowing well you could never beat his strength. It was all for show and you’ve decided there was no longer any point in trying to sleep tonight.
“Come on…” He pouts, loosening his grip around your wrist to lace his fingers with yours instead.
Your careful eyes watch as he lowers his handsome face to yours, lips only mere centimeters away from yours. Suguru raises a brow at how you stare at his lips with a hungry look before your eyes meet him again, begging. Thinking he would finally give in to your silent pleas to kiss you, your other half dips his nose into the crook of your neck instead. To this, your body deflates and you sigh at the feeling of his skin on yours, that nose you adore so much brushing along the soft expanse of your neck while leaving a trail of feathery kisses. 
Suguru places a playful bite on your shoulder before pulling up to look at you once more. “Do you love me?”
You bring his lips back down to yours, to which he happily reciprocates with a smile. Pulling apart, you look at him and really look at him. Making sure he possessed every feature you have memorized for years and looking up at the eyes that only seemed to sparkle when looking at you. Finally, you smile.
“I love you Geto Suguru. I love you so much,” You pinch his cheek for good measure. “And don’t forget it this time.”
“Now that wasn’t too hard, was it?” He smiles before reaching under your (his) shirt to squeeze at your side. “I love you, too.”
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half-oz-eddie · 16 days
I do not want to do discourse but I am quite tired so feel free to scroll past this or ignore it idc
First and foremost I do not care if other positivity projects exist. They can exist in unique ways for unique reasons. It's a beautiful thing. I'm sure people love what they do and they're doing it for fun. Personally? I love what I do. A normal amount. And I do it my own way. Kinley Café is my heartbeat and it's always been a project that I deeply enjoy and that I am passionate about. I ask for nothing in return except the chance to touch other people's lives and make them smile by sending out your orders.
I am so comforted by the amount of love and support I receive. It's motivating and has helped me through difficult times. I have been so distracted spreading joy that I've basically breezed through what is usually the most difficult month of my life.
And yet. And yet!! I have been reported as spam so the café does not come up in searches (it's limited/partially shadowbanned I guess you can say. I constantly worry that this affects people getting notified when they receive treats because I want them to know someone is thinking of them. But I have been communicating with Tumblr about it, so don't worry too much). I have received phishing links in DMs and on the order form. And more recently, a password protected blog that hasn't had any activity in 40 days receives nearly a dozen notifications out of the blue because of a months old post circulating as some sort of gotcha, and I find out someone is telling people that I copied an idea (from myself btw) and sent out anons trying to encourage people to call me out over...stealing my own idea?
And I don't wanna hear "they didn't know it was me" because nobody asked me shit! I didn't show anybody any disrespect. In fact, I was being supportive! I showed love! I took the time out to make something because I wanted to continue to encourage the spread the positivity.
And yet, people made accusations even though I was being kind? Do you want a trampoline since you like fucking jumping to conclusions?
KC has been open for FIVE weeks. And I've dealt with all this in a short period of time for absolutely no reason. I've been nothing but kind and supportive of others. I genuinely and sincerely try my best.
I don't wanna let this taint something beautiful or let anything discourage me from doing this again. But I swear to god.....this shit is getting really annoying and bringing out the worst in me. lmao why am I fighting for my life during this little hiatus? I'm dedicating my free time to creating things, and collaborating with others just to spread love and kindness. I don't want anything but peace and quiet.
What's next? Do I have to keep dealing with dumbassery? Or can I go back to sending out treats and going on about my fucking business? Because I do not have time for this. I do not want all this static!!!
I've turned off reblogs. If you want to talk to me privately that's fine but this has been a little overwhelming and I just wanted to get this off my chest.
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aphrodieties · 11 months
The Death of Narcissus—self is the center of creation
After an approximately 3-month-long hiatus, I have decided to return—I recently collaborated with @gorgeouslypink for a Christmas-themed Law Of Assumption challenge that I think you all should check out! Anyways, here is another Law Of Assumption guide inspired by Greek Mythology. I hope you all enjoy it!
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Self is the center of creation and the most integral part of being. There is nothing without self as man is unable to perceive anything outside of his consciousness. Despite this fact—many individuals continue to prioritize the physical elements of manifestation and completely disregard anything to do with imagination and the self. That is setting yourself up for failure as manifestation is not about the physical.
The Death of Narcissus
The Law Of Assumption
Nothing and no one to change but self
The Death of Narcissus
When Narcissus came to a pool in Thespiae to drink from its water, the youth saw his own reflection in the pool and fell in love with it. Narcissus was unable to obtain the object that he had fallen in love with, just as so many suitors of Narcissus had been rejected.
Narcissus would die of sorrow by the pool, despite the pleadings of the Naiads and Dryads who had observed Narcissus wasting away.
A funeral pyre was built for Narcissus by the nymphs, but when they came to place the body of the handsome youth upon it, they could not find it, as all that was left was a flower, the Narcissus flower.
The Law Of Assumption
The Law of Assumption is based on the notion that the world around us is a reflection of our assumptions—what we are aware to be true about ourselves and the world around us. Neville Goddard States that, "Man is incapable of seeing outside the contents of his own consciousness. If I now become detached in consciousness from this room by turning my attention from it, then, I am no longer conscious of it. It can only live within my objective reality If I keep it alive within my consciousness." — inspired by @sexyandhedonistic
The reflection in the clear spring would represent the world around us, and Narcissus would represent consciousness or self. Narcissus (self) was being reflected in the clear spring. Narcissus (self) was overcome with desire when he saw the reflection of himself—he desired himself and spent his life trying to capture his reflection. He failed, why did he fail? Narcissus failed because he never realized that it was himself being reflected in the clear waters of the spring. He wasn't aware of the fact that he was already that which he desired and so he stared aimlessly into the spring—desiring something that seemed so close yet so far, never realizing that all he needed to do was recognize the reflection of himself in the spring.
Narcissus (self) should've turned his attention away from the reflection in the water and looked inward to realize that it was merely a reflection of self.
No one and nothing to change but self
Narcissus was overcome with desire when he caught a glimpse of himself in the clear spring waters of Thespiae. Narcissus attempted to obtain the object of his desire, he reached into the natural mirror and attempted to grasp the reflection of himself—only to fail, as the reflection would escape him every time he attempted to obtain it. Narcissus would stop trying to capture his reflection eventually and live on in despair and desire as an onlooker—Narcissus died without ever having obtained his desire and became a beautiful Narcissus flower.
It's a beautiful but tragic myth—I see the story of Narcissus repeating itself many times in the manifestation community. Narcissus lived in desire and died in desire; he chased after his reflection and spent his life making futile attempts to catch it, never realizing that he was that which he desired. He was trying to obtain himself—as the water merely reflected his being and had he realized that he would've still been alive. Narcissus need only become aware of the fact that the reflection in the water was himself. He need only turn his gaze inward and he would've experienced fulfillment of his desire to have himself.
The same could be said about many of you in the manifestation community. Do not become another Narcissus—do not focus on the reflection of self in the 3D; instead, become aware of the fact that you are that which you desire. Turn your gaze inward and experience fulfillment, only then will you not continue to live in desire.
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bellofthemeadow · 10 months
Dawn ends the Night
Aemond Targaryen x Dayne!Reader
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Rating: M for Mature (18 + no minors allowed)
Word Count: 2.8K
Warning: All warnings on the Series Masterlist, will update if necessary (Re-iterating, no minors allowed! Thank you)
Chapter Summary: As a newly woman grown, you learn of your fate as a woman in a men's world.
Notes: Guess who's back? Back again?! I AM BACK (again)!
Hello everyone, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm back! 🎉 After a brief hiatus due to my final undergraduate semester (which I just completed this past Monday – yay!), and amidst the hustle of graduate school applications, I'm finally able to return to writing.
I'm incredibly excited to embark on a brand-new series with you all. I've recently tumbled down the HOTD rabbit hole, and my obsession with Aemond Targaryen knows no bounds! 🐉 I assure you, my other fanfictions haven't been forgotten. I'm currently working on them and, with the festive season around the corner, I look forward to dedicating more time to writing and establishing a more consistent posting schedule.
Your support means the world to me and I love you all so so much💖 Feel free to reach out if you have any special requests, ideas, or if you'd just like to chat. I'm always so happy to connect with mutuals!!! Love you all
Taglist: (None yet)
Series Masterlist
Prologue - The Ghost of Starfall
All your life, your father had assured you that you would marry into the Martel family, destined to reign over Dorne like the ancient Dayne kings of the Torentine. But these plans shifted when Quoren Martell welcomed his daughter, Aliandra, who was destined to become the future Princess of Dorne and Lady of Sunspear. And although the Dornish were much more unrestrained than their counterparts on the continent, you were quite certain that they would not accept you becoming the princess’ consort. Two women officially ruling Dorne? Even that would be a bit too radical for the love-loving Dornishmen.  
After his plans to make you the future ruling princess of Dorne fell through, your father started to envision a different future for you. You could still vividly recall nights spent perched on his knee, gazing up at the starlit sky. The cool desert breeze caressing your skin as you looked on in awe, your father's voice weaving tales of the grand life awaiting you as the Lady of Starfall. Those few precious moments, however, faded into memory with the arrival of your 13th birthday and the birth of Gerris. That misty morning marked a shift in everything when your brother came into the world screaming his little lungs out marked the end of your future as the Lady of the Dawn. As although Dorne's inheritance laws, shaped by Nymeria and the Roynar, endorsed absolute primogeniture, the stony Dornish your kin, those with deep roots in the First Men and the Andals, still favored the firstborn son. Technically, you knew you could challenge this tradition. You had the right, the means, and perhaps even the support of Qoren Martell to retain your birthright. 
Yet, as you watched your father, his eyes brimming with wonder and joy at the sight of his newborn son, a decision settled quietly within 13 years old you. And with a heavy heart but resolute spirit, you chose to step aside. You withdrew silently, without protest or fanfare, setting aside your claim for the love of your family. And as the years passed you by, you found yourself amid whispers and wishes for Gerris who was still but a babe, to inherit the revered honor of your house — the title of “Sword of the Morning," a symbol of unmatched valor and prestige among your kin, that only the braves and more chivalrous could inherit. Each mention from the courtiers was a poignant reminder of your own path, not as a son of House Dayne, but as its daughter. Not as the lady of the castle, but as its ghost, a ghost of better times, simpler times. But in quieter moments, you tried to find solace in the belief that there were other, perhaps more subtle, ways to serve and honor your family. You had read all that there was to read about rulership, about history and about philosophy and you knew that true power could manifest in a myriad of forms, not solely in the strength of arms. As you gaze upon the intricate tapestry of your family's history, you knew that your role was no less significant and that you would radiate with your own bright light. 
But for you, whispers of Dawn or grand destinies were absent, their echoes replaced by a more pragmatic reality. In place of tales of great adventures beyond the narrow sea, the halls of Starfall began to fill with a different kind of anticipation. The noble houses of Blackmont, Toland, Uller, and even the Yronwood sent their envoys and heirs. This cavalcade of suitors, a stark contrast to the dreams of your future before Gerris’ birth solidified your new role within the walls of your father’s castle. It was a shift, subtle yet profound, marking both an end and a beginning. You were no longer the future ruling Lady of House Dayne; you were now a key figure in its political future. 
Duty became a familiar companion, yet melancholia was your closest confidante, a shadow that dimmed the brightest of days. This deep-seated wistfulness made entertaining suitors an arduous task and instead, you found solace gazing from the high castle walls, eyes wandering over the sandy mounds and the winding Torentine, over the stony mountains that cradled Starfall away from the continent's heart. 
There, atop those ancient walls, you would lose yourself in dreams, wrapped in the embrace of solitude. It was in these moments of quiet reflection that you yearned to be something more, something beyond the expectations set upon you. They began to call you the 'Ghost of Starfall'. An ethereal presence, haunting the corridors and ramparts, a spirit adrift in her own thoughts, her dreams unfulfilled and stretching endlessly before her. 
But to your astonishment, your father never sanctioned any betrothals. Representatives from Yronwood, Blackmont, and Uller came and went, each departing without a pledge from the enigmatic ghost of Starfall. You refrained from asking why, harboring a fear that your inquiry might prompt your father to reconsider, possibly sending you away from your beloved star-gazing haven to the austere castles of Uller or the strict Yronwood. 
After your father's latest refusal of a suitor — a young, landed knight from the Reach, his brown curls soft and eyes a mesmerizing blend of green flecked with gold — you looked at your father, filled with uncertainty. “He seemed kind father.” you softly whispered. You could imagine yourself marrying this man, with long lazy days spent gazing into his warm eyes.  In response, your father rose from his starry throne and approached you, placing a gentle kiss on your brow. "My little star deserves more than a mere knight," he said softly. "I will find you a suitor worthy of the starry heavens, my sweet love." After this declaration, suitors ceased to arrive. 
Until this morning. 
In the dim pre-dawn light, your mother gently roused you, her movements quiet in the stillness before the castle stirred to life. With tender hands, she dressed you, her fingers weaving your hair into an intricate half-up updo, the lower strands cascading in soft curls. Her touch was soothing, almost melodic, as she adorned you in a gown of white and purple samite. Its gauzy sleeves fluttered ethereally, transforming you into the very ghost of legend whispered in the halls of Starfall. 
"Is it time?" you asked, a hint of apprehension in your voice, as she fastened a necklace around your neck, its purple stone shaped like a star glimmering softly. 
In lieu of a direct answer, she pressed a kiss to your forehead, her lips whispering a silent prayer. "Come, my sweet girl," she murmured softly into your hair. "Today, you must be strong." Hand in hand, she led you towards your father’s personal solar, each step resonating into the stillness of the morning.  
As you and your mother stepped into the solar, a sense of confusion washed over you. Before you, your father and Prince Qoren Martell stood in hushed, intense discussion, surrounded by a sea of scattered papers. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they failed to notice your entrance, prompting a deliberate cough from your mother. 
"Ahem," she cleared her throat pointedly, breaking their focus. 
The two men spun around, their expressions shifting from concentration to surprise. Your mother regarded them with a mildly unimpressed gaze, her poise unshakable. 
"My lords, a touch of gallantry, if you please," she chided lightly, gesturing towards you. 
As their eyes found you, you executed a graceful curtsy, the fabric of your gown whispering against the floor. Prince Qoren's face broke into a broad smile at the sight. 
"No need for such formality, my dear," he chuckled warmly. "Look at you, outshining the stars themselves! Fortunately, you've inherited your mother's beauty and not your father's," he teased, his eyes twinkling with mirth. 
A blush crept across your cheeks at his words. "Thank you, Prince Qoren," you replied shyly, "Your flattery is most kind." 
"It's not flattery if it's the truth, my dear," Prince Qoren Martell retorted with a playful wink. A heavy silence then descended upon the room, enveloping your parents and your distinguished guest, the great prince of the lands you called home. You felt like an unwitting participant in a jest whose punchline you didn't know, the unwitting fool in an unspoken joke. Yet, no laughter broke the silence. Compelled by your uneasy curiosity, you posed the question that hung unspoken in the air. 
"The journey from Sunspear must have been arduous, my Prince. We are honored by your visit," you began, your voice steady. "May I inquire as to the urgency of your need for me this early, and why the esteemed Prince of Dorne would grace us with his presence?" 
"Your wit matches your beauty, Lady," Prince Qoren replied with a sincere smile. "I've traveled from my home to discuss a certain missive, one that concerns both your father, yourself and the future of Dorne." 
"I gather this missive must be of great import to summon me before even the servants begin their day," you ventured, a hint of steel in your voice. "It seems a matter of secrecy." 
"Indeed, my daughter," your father interjected. "We've received a proposal regarding your hand in marriage." 
"And who might this suitor be, that his proposal warrants Prince Qoren's personal involvement?" you asked, your eyebrow arching with skepticism. 
"As your father's dear friend and as someone who has always taken a keen interest in your future, my Lady, all of Dorne has its eyes on you," the prince answered, meeting your gaze. 
Your skepticism remained. "So much so that it necessitates a journey from Sunspear?" 
Your mother, sensing the rising tension, interjected softly, "Come, sit with us, my dear." As you took your seat, your father tenderly grasped your hands, planting a soft kiss upon your knuckles. "The Dragons have expressed interest in you," he revealed, his voice laced with a mixture of pride and concern. 
Your breath hitched at the mention of 'Dragons.' There was only one house in all of Westeros and beyond that was associated with the winged fire breathing beasts. Starfall knew more than anyone else the dangers of their fire and of their wrath. 
Prince Qoren clarified, "This request likely originated from Otto Hightower. Our spies from the capital suggest the Greens are maneuvering for the throne. With old Viserys nearing his end, they're placing their pieces on the cyvasse board. Hightower may be a contemptible leech, but his cunning is undeniable." He stroked his dark beard thoughtfully 
But why would Otto Hightower want me?" you asked, your voice tinged with a mix of confusion and urgency. "Dorne isn't even part of their kingdom! We've aligned with the Triarchy and have been opposing the dragons since their arrival on our shores." The plea in your voice was evident as you looked over your parents and your prince, who stood unmoving yet deep in thoughts.  
"That is precisely why Otto Hightower is interested – not just in you, but in Dorne," Qoren Martell explained gravely, looking into your eyes. "We Dornish have a history of standing against dragons. We've never bowed, broken, or bent the knee. We know how to fight them, and we know hot to kill them. Now, Hightower wants our alliance to counter Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's claim when they make their move for the throne." 
"But is Princess Rhaenyra not the legitimate heir? By Dornish law, she should be the future queen. If we were to engage in their politics, should we not we support the Blacks?" you questioned.   
"We might have aligned with Princess Rhaenyra," Qoren admitted with a hint of regret, "if not for her union with Daemon Targaryen. Remember the Stepstones? That debacle alone shows why it's dangerous for Daemon to wield any real power. He's not just a rogue; he's a warmonger." 
Qoren paused, weighing his words carefully. "Should Rhaenyra ascend the throne, Daemon would be right there, whispering in her ear. And let us be frank, he'd relish any excuse to launch an assault on Dorne, trying to conquer what Aegon the Conqueror couldn't. Whether it's for personal glory or just to satisfy his lust for war, it's a risk we cannot afford." 
A shudder ran through you at the thought of Dorne, bloodied and broken. Determined to prevent such a fate for your people, you asked in a subdued tone, "What is expected of me?" 
"Oh, my sweet girl," your mother murmured, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. "You are not obliged to do anything. If you wish, we will send Otto Hightower away with a message to shove his seven-pointed star straight up his arse, and we will stand against Daemon Targaryen if need be." she tearfully proclaim, her face in your hair.  
"You won't be forced into anything you're not willing to embrace. As for Otto Hightower, trust isn't a luxury I afford him as my experience with this man has taught me to be wary of his machinations. He is adept at playing the long game, and his latest maneuver is quite telling. By extending this proposal to your father and deliberately excluding me, he seeks to sow seeds of discord, perhaps hoping to weaken the unity that has long been our strength.His intentions, I surmise, are to draw you into the Hightower fold through marriage. Such a union could potentially sway Dorne's allegiance in the looming conflict for the Iron Throne."  
Pausing, Qoren looked out the window, then back at you with a solemn expression. "This is not merely a question of matrimony. It is a strategic move and our response will shape the future, not just for us, but for all of Dorne." 
You furrowed your brow in contemplation. "Why would we even entertain his proposal if his intent is to divide us?" you questioned. 
Prince Qoren's expression turned shrewd, cunning playing in his dark brown eyes"Precisely because we understand his motives. By accepting his offer on our terms, we control the game. It's like holding all the key pieces in cyvasse; we dictate the moves, and we can make the dragons dance to our tune." 
Your mind whirled, grappling with the enormity of everything they were telling you.  
"Consider carefully, my little star," your father said, "This decision rests in your hands. Whatever path you choose, know that we stand with you." 
"If I agree, may I set my own terms?" you asked softly.  
"Of course, my Lady," Qoren grants. 
"Accept Otto Hightower’s offer of marriage, tell him that we will aid him in his future conflict against Daemon Targaryen and the Blacks, but it comes with a non-negotiable stipulation: Dorne's independence is sacrosanct. We shall not yield to Targaryen sovereignty. Instead, we shall stand as allies, lending our support whilst retaining our autonomy. This, of course, hinges on your approval, Prince Qoren." 
Your mother's face registered shock. "But that would mean you'd be separating from Dorne, becoming part of their realm, no longer ours." 
“If it spares Dorne from being shackled by dragons, then I am willing to pay that price," you declared, feeling a shiver trace its way down your spine. With those words, you realized all that you were giving up. No longer would you be a daughter of Dorne; gone would be the nights spent stargazing from the ramparts, where stars seemed close enough to touch. You would miss the long walks on the ancient, stony steps, each one etched from the history of your ancestors. 
Gone, too, would be the fierce embrace of the desert sun in the mornings, its rays painting the sands in hues of gold and amber. You would yearn for the sweet scent of orange blossoms, a fragrance that always seemed to hold the very essence of your homeland. Instead, you would find yourself in the capital, and it would be there, in a place far from the lands that shaped you, that you would remain until the end of your days. 
My brave girl, stronger than any man in this land. A true Nymeria reborn," your mother said, her voice tinged with pride and sorrow. 
You mustered a smile, though it tasted bitter on your lips. "Nymeria was never bartered to a man she did not know. She carved her own destiny, fiercely and freely." 
"My girl..." your mother began, but you cut her off gently. 
"It's alright, Mother. I will fulfill my role to the end," you assured her, your voice steady, but your inside twisted uncomfortably. Who were you trying to convince, her or yourself? Your mother's breath hitched at your words, she closed her eyes holding you closer as if you would become a babe again, clutching at her skirts – not nearly a woman grown, ready to be delivered into the claws of the enemy.  
"Rest assured," your father added sternly, "If the dragons dare mistreat you, we will not shy away from invoking Joffrey Dayne's legacy and we will burn their city like their cursed beasts!” 
A pause hung in the air before you finally asked, "Who is it that Otto Hightower has in mind for me to marry?" 
"The King's second son, Prince Aemond Targaryen... the one-eyed prince.” 
Next chapter
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The Things I Wanted To Say
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This is part two of the story Things I Wish I Got To Say. This is another old one that I must have deleted when I purged my account when I went on hiatus.
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You were like any other demon in hell. You were cold and calculating, standoffish and stubborn. It was cute, but I wouldn’t tell you that to your face. I knew you had your set ways in life, and I had mine. I never thought the day would come when I would never see that familiar smile again. Something so cherished in my time by your side that I refused to forget even in my new life.
I thought surely Charlie's magical ideas would never be actual or possible. However, her smile and joy were so contagious that I returned to that hotel countless times to help her achieve her dreams. See, when I died the first time, I was being attacked; in my defense from the attacker, I killed them, and I was cast to hell. It's an odd thing to be considered a sinner, but I wouldn’t change it for the world, especially since I got to see you all those days.
What hurt the most when I left hell wasn’t the sword to my chest or the ringing in my ears. It was knowing I would never see that smile again. That was the worst part of it all, honestly. I got so used to the sound of your static, the buzz of your voice, the joy hanging off your arms.
I still remember when you taught me how to dance. I was horrible at it, I know, but you made me feel like I was the best at it all the same. You made me feel the best at a lot of things, from dancing to cooking. You even let me write scripts for you a time or two. 
I still laugh when I remember how I told you ‘I Know’ when you confessed your love for me. Would you believe me if I told you I was just scared you were lying to me? Yet when you held me close after saying it, you washed all those worries away. I was fortunate to be there with you.
I sometimes still wish I listened to you that night when you begged me to run away. Maybe had I listened, I would still be by your side or have seen your smile. Yet I didn’t. Would you like to know why, my love? Because the thought of you dying without me was too heartbreaking to handle. I couldn’t imagine a life without you, yet here I was, making you live without me.
When I arrived in heaven with Pentious, everyone was shocked. These two angels were there, Emily and Sera. One sure looked more happy than the others. However, Pentious and I fought to make Charlie's dream a reality here in Heaven, too…I know she saw me up here when she visited last. Did she tell you I was alive and well?
Do you care I am alive and well?
I wish to see you again, my love…maybe one day, you will be redeemed as well.
To: My Radio Demon
From: Your Doe
A loud banging was heard at my door. I rushed to cover up my desk, and as I made my way to the door, I straightened myself out, whipping my eyes from the tears I let out. Charlie had brought me the letter that Alastor had written in my absence, and I felt compelled to respond even if he would never read it. Opening the door, I see the young Seriphem Emily standing before me with a bright smile. “OH, Y/N, YOU NEED TO COME WITH ME QUICK!” 
I laughed. She was always so happy when a new batch of hotel residents was redeemed. She always wanted Pentious or me to be there so we could help them adjust to this new life. “Em, please I…I have had a long day…How about you ask Pentious to go instead.” Though I hated to see her frown, she nodded in sad agreement. I closed the door and returned to my desk, looking at the two letters next to each other. When would Charlie be back to give this to him? Would he even read it? Does he hate me for dying? 
As thoughts swam through my head, I recounted the years since my arrival here in Heaven. Looking at all my new photos of my time and journey here, I wondered if my old room in Hell still had those photos from my time there. Charlie said Alastor wouldn’t let a soul into my room once I was gone. 
It took a lot of arguing and convincing to get the angels on Charlie's side even after we appeared here in Heaven. Yet I couldn’t be more proud of the progress all of us have made. Smiling, I let more tears fall. I missed you so much. As I let the dam of emotions release, I heard another knock at my door.
I hoped it wasn’t Emily, though I have always been kind; I knew my current temper would rival my old self in Hell. “EMILY GO AWAY I CAN’T GO OUT NOW!” 
I had so much sorrow and pleading in my voice that I hoped she understood. Yet the knocking continued, only growing more frantic. I sighed, not even bothering to clear my desk as I made my way to the door. Em had often seen me cry over Alastor, so why would this time be any different? 
As I opened the door, time seemed to freeze, to stop dead still. I couldn’t believe my eyes. A new wave of tears and emotions overran my being, and before I knew it, I was jumping into Alastors' arms.
“Hello, dear, long time no see. Did you miss me?” He spoke so clearly, with no static or radio edge. It was odd at first, but it made no difference; the man I loved was standing before me here right now. “Alastor! You are here! How? What?” As I spoke, I pulled away and saw he no longer sported the Red and Black of his typical look. No, he looked ethereal, angelic. Alastor had been redeemed, The Alastor, overlord, and soul owner was redeemed. “Well, my darling, it took a lot of work and quite a few freeing of souls to make this happen.” He smiled, but not the strained, forced smile; it was a regular, normal smile. I felt so at peace; my Alastor was back.
“Oh, Al, you did all of this for me?” He nodded his head, pulling me back into him once more. This time, over his shoulder, I could see a smiling Charlie, Pentious, and Em at our reunion. Pulling me back to face him, I yanked him into the room and closed the door. “Al, we have so much to catch up on; there is no time to waste.” A warm chuckle left his chest as he held me once more. We had all the time in the world now, safe from hell, contracts, and everything that wasn’t our pure, happy love.
I finally have the chance to tell him all the things I wanted to say…
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dreamauri · 1 year
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┇𝗗𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗜 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - P1 ┇ ─ ୨୧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ :🪴: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ୨୧ ─ ┇it's time you got back in the battle ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max verstappen x fem! driver! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( angst/fluff )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠word count — ( 2, 445 ) ╰ 🫧  :: ⁠ content warning — ( X )
☆★ changed up things a little bit cause i found my muse, took me a while to write this chapter as well. I hope it was worth the wait. I don't plan on rushing this series, but it will be a long one, no more than 15/20 (??) chapters? ps. the translation is not literal, it's context. ty ━━━━
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests )
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RACE DAY Sunday April 30 2023 — Baku City Circuit, Azerbaijan
Needles to say, you felt like shit. It wasn't even the fourth race into the season and you had taken a seat that didn't belong to you. And there was nothing you hated more than that.
You watched as people rushed around the garage finalising their tasks. "You okay, kid?" Looking up, you met gazes with your new engineer. "Never been better." You lied, giving him a small smile. "Good to hear." He patted the top of your helmet gently. "I'll be in your ear the whole time, champ." "Thank you, Arcadio." "Call me JJ, kid." You chuckled, nodding. "Thank you, JJ."
"And here we are at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, ladies and gentlemen! A race filled with anticipation, surprises, and the return of an incredible talent. Keep your eyes on car number 17, the Red Bull driven by the remarkable Seventeen. Her first race since 2016 was it? She is finally on the grid, with a full seat as well."
"That's right, Martin. After a long hiatus, Seventeen is back on the grid, and the excitement is electric. You can hear the fans roaring! You can tell that the people are exited for her to get back on the track, and I can't deny it, I am as well." "Disappointingly enough, she will be starting at the back of the grid for missing qualifying on Friday."
"Charles Leclerc is in pole position, with Max Verstappen alongside him in P2. But don't count out Seventeen just yet. She's eager to prove herself once again today."
Lap 1 :: "The lights are about to go out, and the race is underway! Leclerc gets a clean start, holding onto the lead, while Verstappen is hot on his heels. But Seventeen is on the move, slicing through the pack with remarkable determination."
"Seventeen is showing no signs of rustiness, Martin. Lap after lap, she's gaining positions, overtaking rivals left and right. It's a mesmerising display of skill and determination."
Lap 10 :: "Seventeen pulls off a breath-taking move on Turn 8, overtaking Lando Norris' McLaren with sheer precision. She's making her presence known, and the crowd is thrilled to witness her comeback."
"That is P9, Seventeen. P9." "God blessed me with a functioning radio." You joked, chuckling, pulling a laugh from the Filipino on the pit wall. "Thanks' Jj." You sighed happily catching up to the Mercedes ahead.
Lap 25 :: "Seventeen's drive is filled with passion and resilience, Martin. The years away from the car seem to have only fuelled her determination. And she executes a daring overtake on the outside of Turn 3! leaving Carlos Sainz behind!"
Lap 47 :: "Max, we need you to let Seventeen through, please. She's on pace. Let seventeen through." "An incredible act of teamwork from Red Bull! Verstappen gracefully yields, allowing Seventeen to continue her charge towards the front."
"And now, Seventeen is on a mission. Lap after lap, she closes the gap to the leaders, never faltering in her pursuit of glory."
Final Lap :: "The tension is mounting, Martin. Seventeen is determined to make her mark. She's chasing down Charles Leclerc, putting immense pressure on the leader.
"And there it is! In a sensational move, Seventeen overtook Leclerc on the final corner of the final lap! The crowd erupts in applause as Seventeen crosses the finish line, taking an unbelievable victory in her first race back!"
"What a comeback story!" "Seventeen has made a resounding statement with this incredible victory. A truly unforgettable moment in Formula 1 history."
"Heh." You chuckle to yourself as you park in front of the P1 board. Once you lifted yourself out of the car, standing on the nose, you bent backwards holding onto the halo as you did a handstand. "Eat shit." You whispered, bending both knees and arching your back, posing for the camera.
Once you put your feet back on the asphalt you walked to your team who was quick to pull you in the sea of hugs and praise. "Thank you, guys. I would've never been able to do this without you today." You told them, hugging your new and favourite engineer.
"It's good to have you back." You heard Hamilton greet you, dabbing you up. "Thanks, Lewis." You nodded, flicking up your visor so he could at least see the smile that reached your eyes. "Ya saba3tashar!" [hey seventeen] snapping your head to the source of voice, you're met with the smug smile of a certain eight year old.
"Ya benti howa enti ay 7ega tesarakhiha we khalas?" [My God, are you just going to scream at any chance you get?] Her father who was carrying her on his hip scolded, covering his pulsing ear. "3erefto tigo 3ayni." [So you could make it after all] You moved over to them, sharing a tight hug.
"Tab3an. Mesh hafawet awel seba2 lebatalet El 3alem." [of course, we wouldn't miss the world champions first race] Marawan kissed your cheek patting the side of your helmet. "Mestaniyeenek." [Theyre waiting for you] He gestured to the waiting interviewer. "Mashi mashi." [ok ok]
"Salam!" [take care] The girl waved, making you turn back and blow her a kiss.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Plopping on the P1 chair, you slumped tiredly leaning your head back. The room felt tense. With Max Verstappen in P2 and Killian Kraus in P3 ( two drivers who managed to overtake Leclerc in the last second right after you did ).
"That was a good overtake on lap 5." Kraus pointed out, looking at the screen that showed the highlights. He was trying to break the ice, especially with your teammate looking at you with such a negative expression that could be described as hate or despise, regret, anger. "Which one?" You asked yawning, waving slightly to the camera who was filming the three of yoy.
"Turn seven." "On Gasly?" "Yeah." "Eh, I could've done better." You shrugged, standing up once Jj stopped by in the room. "There's always room to improve." You sighed as he handed you the face mask and your sunglasses. You stood in a corner facing the wall to hide your face as you took off your helmet and balaclava, replacing them with a black mask, the 1st place cap and the sunglasses.
"It's time for the podium guys." "Here we go." You muttered tiredly pulling the second half of your race suit up, putting your hands through the sleeves. "And in first place, racing for the first time in seven years and adding another win to her unending winning streak. Give it up for Seventeen!" You could hear the crowd screaming as you walked out on the stage waving to the masses as you stepped up on your highest pedestal, raising your hands up bowing down.
You took your cap off once the Austrian Anthem started playing, skipping the one which would've been yours. You could hear and see the red bull team below you singing and smiling, which only made you crack a smile. Putting the cap back on your head as you received your trophy, quickly raising it up for your little family to see.
Max received his next with a forced smile and Killian after with pursed lips. Cracking the bottle open, you ran forward to the edge, spraying Your team principal and engineer.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"You are on a winning streak are you not?" "I am." You nodded, leaning back in the chair. Press conferences were always so boring. "How long has it been going?" "Oh wow . . . like forever? I don't think I've lost that many karting races. And I've never lost races in F3 and F2—" "You were lapping everyone." "Yes, I was." You nodded chuckling.
"Hopefully, the streak continues throughout the rest of the season. and maybe I can win all the races next year and set another record." You wiggled your eyebrows excitedly. "You guys did go back to school, I like these questions." You giggled making the whole room erupt in laughter minus the Dutch boy sitting by your side.
Once you walked out of the room you were dragged by your performance coach to the Redbull motorhome for an ice bath. "Can I go into the out now." You whined shivering in the inflatable tub, one had out giving pats and belly rubs to the clearly delighted Australian Shepard.
"You're so lucky, protected by that cute fur of yours." You cooed at him scratching under his ear. "Oh, I was starting to think you'd skip." You joked looking at the Dutch driver in swim trunks. Max only pursed his lips shrugging as he slipped in gently beside you.
"Fuck dit is koud." [fuck this is cold] He cursed under his breath, sinking into the water, watching you with the dog. "What's his name?" He asked breaking the silence after a few moments. "Aussie." You replied ruffling the doggo's head. "What? Who names their dog Aussie?" He looked at you confused and you could only blink. "I did." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Oh . . ." He replied quietly, sinking deeper into the tub till the cold water covered his nose.
First time having a conversation with his teammate, his biggest rival, his biggest ally ( and childhood crush ) and he killed it, literally. Stabbed it right in the face.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"She's scary." Lando shivered at the thought of your black helmet overtaking him. A certain group of drivers were clubbing, celebrating the race even though none of them won. And the said winner wasn't attending.
"I understand why some people call her a demon now. All she's missing is a tail and horns. I bet her eyes are red." Pierre grumbled sipping from his glass. "You're all sulking way too much." The unaffected Alex Albon commented. "Us? We're not even her teammates. Look at Max, he's dead." Charles pointed out at the Redbull driver that was practically unconscious from how much he was drinking. "If she really never loses, we're done, mate. Our only option is to wait till she retires."
Although Max was almost black out drunk, he still heard faint chatter from time to time. "only option is to wait till she retires." Max liked you as a driver, not a driver that was taking his wins away from him. 'Maybe we don't have to wait. We can force her to retire.' was the drunk though that passed through his brain. A thought that he should've left behind when he walked out of the club that night.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
MEDIA DAY Thursday May 4 2023 — Hungaroring, Hungary
"Hello, my name is Max Verstappen." "And my name is Seventeen and we are . . . I forgot sorry. Some one was walking by with cotton candy." You chuckled nervously looking back at the camera.
"We're playing 20 questions, with the goal of getting to know each other more. And by the end, the team are going to ask us 5 questions each and we have to know the answers to that." Max explained as you rocked your chair slowly to face him. "Alright. Who goes first?"
You ended up doing rock paper scissors, with Max winning. "Who is your favourite f1 driver?" You grimace thinking. "Umm, uhh. I say this and I don't have to hide my face anymore." You laughed. "I'm going to go with Seb." You nodded.
"Your favourite race circuit?" "I'll have to go with spa. Yours?" "Um, does it have to be a current track? Mine doesn't exist yet." You chuckled laughing. Through the game you found yourself loosening up, fining yourself more comfortable with your teammate. Max wasn't though, putting on a smile and forcing a laugh every once in a while.
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RACE DAY Sunday May 7 2023 — Hungaroring, Hungary
Lap 48 :: "Now on the soft rubber, we are watching Seventeen gaining with every metre onto her teammate ahead, Max Verstappen, her rival for the championship. She will pull out of the slipstream. Seventeen is on the attack, defence is on for Verstappen. The bulls going wheel to wheel." "Verstappen goes on the outside line but there will be better traction for Seventeen who stands on the throttle. She'll get DRS again and will fight into turn one. Can Verstappen offer a defensive line on the inside?"
"He's got no other choice! The bulls are wheel to wheel! Around the outside, will it be the lead? Its close between the two! The crowds are roaring and Seventeen takes the lead of the Miami grand prix having started fifth on the grid and losing positions down to tenth after the spin out on lap 22. She's passed all of them."
"Thanks, Max." You said through the radio as you felt yourself heave.
Lap 52 :: "Do you think . . . We can put on some music?" You said once you turned on the radio. "Because my ears feel empty and I have a horrible singing voice. I mean, There's no one else for us to overtake, no?" You could hear Jj's laugh over the radio, hearing his smile. "We are 14 seconds ahead of Max. So I guess maybe? Let me look into it."
it only took a few minutes before you were listening to Michael Jackson, singing along. "Cause this is thrillerrr!" You hummed along, your radio popping up on the stadium's speakers. "And that is, Seventeen listening to music, comfortable in P1."
Final Lap :: "Outstanding performance for Seventeen. She comes out of the final corners— And for the first time ever! Seventeen wins the Miami grand prix with a masterclass of performance! From tenth of the grid, to first." "Another one-two for red bull! Fantastic performance!"
"Wahoo!" You cheered pulling the steering wheel out once the car was turned off in front of the P1 board. Getting up on the halo, you celebrate by doing one more handstand, doing a leaning forward front-split this time. Once you got down, you fell into the hugs from your team, happiness clearly written in your eyes. "Thank you guys for all your hard work. Thank you so much!" You hugged and shook hands, sadly being ignored by Jos Verstappen but you didn't care.
Being up on the top of the grid again felt exhilarating and adrenaline fuelling. "I love you all so much." You blew kisses as you retreated to the cool down room. Getting up on the podium again felt euphoric. Raising your trophy for your team to see, you got down on your knees pressing the trophy to your forehead before hugging it tightly.
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h4venpha · 1 year
hi!! can you write up some uncanny vash headcanons for when the reader is injured or something? might just be a little papercut or something small and i think an uncanny vash would react interestingly to it :3
𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐜𝐬 𓂃 ⟡
uncanny vash x reader
cw: a little angst, small papercut, blood, bullet wound, digging and pulling said bullet out of flesh
a/n: the way you can so clearly tell which one i enjoyed writing more LOL im still on hiatus ok this is me responding to a request i got three months ago. also this shit isnt even hcs anymore mb its basically a drabble esp the second one
ignore mistakes no way in hell am i proofreading
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reacting to a paper cut:
- uncanny vash is dead asleep when you accidentally give yourself a paper cut. he’s softly purring and rumbling one minute and the next he’s at your side looking over your shoulder.
- it didn’t hurt; it was a small cut, a thin sliver of red across your skin. vash is squinting down over it, obviously seeding blood with his semi-glowing eyes, yet you don't seem to be in pain..?
- “…hurt?” he chirps and tilts his head in confusion as he looks at you with big, questioning eyes. he crawls up on the back of your chair, somehow not toppling it over with his weight.
- “uh— a little?” you chuckle softly, about to return to typing when his wing appendages wrap around your wrists, pulling you away from the desk and closer to his face.
- uncanny vash’s abnormally long fingers swipe gently over the cut. he makes a squeaking sound when he pulls away and finds a slight red smear on his fingers
- what surprises you most is when he leans closer and licks it. soft lips brush your hand as his pink, barbed tongue darts out and tastes.
- he continues to softly pamper, feathers flicking affectionately at your neck and your sides as he purrs and licks across your skin
- you settle for typing with one hand
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reacting to a bullet wound:
- despite his large, intimidating form, during shootouts uncanny vash still tries to minimize all wounds for all parties
- its easy for him to cover you, circling around you as his long appendages curl around you like a glowing cave, deflecting the flying bullets in his feathers with ease as he bares his unhinged jaw at the gunmen.
- suddenly his wing flairs out, stretching and crackling before knocking back a man with a knife, assuring the knife left his hand before turning back towards you. in the split second that his wing isn’t around you, a bullet lodges itself in the place in your flesh. it comes sharp and fast, too fast for you to register until your side begins to sear with pain, blood soaking through your shirt.
- uncanny vash’s head turns with horror, wide eyes searching for the scent of blood. it wasn’t fatal, you would live to see tomorrow. but the shaky, scared huffs leaving your lips and the tremble that runs through your body is enough for him to swoop your up in his arms and skitter away, leaving a cloud of dust and a blur of red in his wake.
- “—orry, s- sorry, sorry,” vash chitters softly as he kneels in a secluded alleyway before laying you down gently onto the ground. he curls himself over you, back hunched as his panicked breaths leave his mouth.
- he moves your shirt to the side and you wince sharply as his fingers begin digging into your wound, feeling for the bullet. he can hear your shaking gasps and groans of pain, but he wills his tears away, knowing theres nothing more important than getting the bullet out. a string of apologies continues to rapidly fire out as his shaky fingers gently pry it out.
- your blood is all over his hands, dripping down and soaking into your shirt and onto the dusty ground.
- a jumble of whines and purrs emit from his throat as he applies pressure to your wound.
- “it’s okay,” you rasp out and cup his face in your hands. it hurts like hell but you know he’s got you.
- uncanny vash chitters softly and shakes his head. ‘no, no it’s not okay—please just hold on’ he grip on your shaking body tightens before he swiftly wraps his feathers around you and brings you back home where he can properly tend to your injuries.
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homecomingvn · 8 months
Hey everyone! It's, uh, it's certainly been a minute.
If my brief return a few months ago and then radio silence yet again is any indicator, I'm sure most of y'all probably know where this is going.
HOMECOMING, as of now (and for the indefinite future) is going to be on hiatus, and maybe discontinued.
This project initially started out as a silly idea, a culmination of my love for the yandere vn community and the wonderful games it has created, and my original plot and cast of characters. In the beginning, I was trucking along, working on scripts, planning out routes, spending hours of research on coding and how to get this thing up and running. Not to mention, the attention my silly lil project garnered was a lot. At least to me. I've had a semi popular writing blog before, and was no stranger to inbox asks, and how they pile up, or the notes that popular posts can get.
I was far too ambitious in all honesty, and once the glitz and glamor of a new project wore off, I hit a massive wall. Hard. It seemed that to actually work on HOCO was much like pulling teeth - whether it was writing, drawing, or even *thinking* about it, I found myself sinking further and further into a imposter syndrome of sorts.
And well, I guess making this announcement is sort of proving it right.
Even so, I've always known when to take a step back, when to settle down -- and now, I'm just making it official. I owe you all at least that much.
The blog will be staying up - I have no plans to delete it in the slightest. I'll just log out of it most likely - I'll still be around on my personal tumblr, where I'll hopefully start being more active there again.
Nothing could have prepared me for just how much care, how much love you guys have shown HOCO - so much so, it's still hard to believe. All the fanart, the fanfic, the memes - they're all saved to my phone, in their own album. Thank you to all who have made amazing creations for my silly characters, as well as the countless asks y'all have sent - maybe one day I'll be able to answer all of them.
I really hope one day I can return to this project with fresh eyes -- I'm hoping real, substantial time away from it will help that process. There are other, personal projects that I've been doing that have helped that creative spark again, as well as indulging in traditional fandom activities, mostly fanart. Unfortunately, I think it's safe to say that my time in the Yan VN community is over for the time being, at least until/if I start working on HOCO again. (Or whenever I play the latest updates of 14DWY - I am the Leon Fan Club President after all ^^).
I've been rambling too long, and I think it's time to close this chapter for now. Thank you all again - and one last Henry for the road. They were there since the beginning of HOCO in 2019, so it feels right for them to be here at the end.
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melobin · 20 days
“i love all 7 not just one” yet ur so dismissive abt a certain member which clearly isn’t loving all 7 goofy ass. no wonder ur friends with ninona 🤣 both y’all r ot6ers
me when i’m onto nothing the fact you can sit and assume you know how i genuinely feel about ot7 riize is crazy to me. you can continue to think what you want to because i can assure you both ninona and i do not gaf !! im far past the point of caring if people think i negatively of me over the situation with seunghan !! i know i love seunghan ! my friends know it too ! i do not gaf if random people on the internet think differently bc frankly why should i ? i run a smut blog girl im just here to talk about cock 99% of the time 😭
if i’m being completely honest here. i feel like people seem to struggle to grasp the concept that people handle things in their own ways. i’m a very sensitive and emotional person and over the years ive been trying to deal with that in a way where i don’t get hurt so easily. i’ve been dealing with severe anxiety for years i have chronic depression if i sat and thought about seunghan’s hiatus every day i would be completely miserable and worried and that’s not how i want to be i want to be okay i want to feel okay.
grief has never been something i ever get too emotional over it just doesn’t happen, of course it’s sad to not see him there but the way i handle things doesn’t mean i dislike him in anyway shape or form and i’m frankly quite tired of having to explain myself about this. at the end of the day, if seunghan returns it’ll be one of the best things to happen, it’ll make me incredibly happy, i don’t talk about my emotions often but if you want the truth there it is. if he, god forbid, ends up being removed from riize then it will hurt me and i will be upset. i’d rather spend his hiatus in a middle group of knowing there’s realistically a 50/50 chance of him returning and him not rather than sitting and getting my hopes up only to be hurt and upset after.
the way i deal with this hiatus is for my own benefit and my own sanity, i don’t want to be sad all the time, i just barely made it out of a depressive episode and i know if i sat and dwelled on him being on hiatus then i probably wouldn’t have made it out of it. the way i treat the other 6 members is the same way i treat seunghan, i feel the same way about them all, it’s just not as simple to show that when he’s not in gifs or videos or photos.
writing about him is not as easy because i haven’t seen him for months and as time has gone by the other 6 have become more visibly comfortable and free on camera and we never got to see that with him. i love writing for him, his porn plot fic is one of my favourite fics ive written and im always happy to write for him. i just tend to write more for sungchan and eunseok because those are the members i am more sexually attracted to, im a slut man idk what you want me to say. people rarely send asks about seunghan, they’re mainly about sungchan and anton and there’s nothing i can do about that. if people send asks about him, i answer them? if they don’t then i dont, i can’t answer something that isn’t there.
i don’t mean to post such a long rant but frankly i’m just tired of having to say the same thing over and over. no, i don’t care if you think badly of me over it, i don’t care for people who think they know how i feel about something and act as if their opinion is the be all end all. so thank you for sending this so i could freely express my feelings about this.
and DAWG leave ninona out of this as well !!! she expressed why she doesn’t write for him and i touched on my own feelings about writing for seunghan. i never once viewed her in a negative way, she’s one of the funniest people ive had the pleasure of befriending and no, she doesn’t hate seunghan either !
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huellitaa · 3 months
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☀️🎀 princess project: days 16 to 26!
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 notice !!
HELLO ANGELS I'M BACK ♡ OKAY SO as you know i took a temporary hiatus from the princess project to focus on my mental health, and though i'm still not doing perfect as i would usually, i am trying my best ♡
i was thinking to myself last night, like; the whole theme of this project is to get me out of whatever the fuck you call what i'm going through right now, and yet i'm taking a hiatus just to rot in my room anyway? no! i have more self respect than that like HONEY GET UP WHAT ARE YOU DOING ???
so as of the time of writing this i've been hit with another absolute banger of the girl i like liking someone else. so i was a bit (extremely) upset about that, and still am, and that does not help the already mounting list of issues i've got on my plate right now. but as i said, the whole goal of this project is to help me. so i will be returning to the princess project with a few extra additions too!
p.s. while i've been away, there's been a lot i've been working on and a lot soon to come ♡ look forward to it !! <3
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 this week's achievements:
several intensive journal sesh's
several intensive bedrot sesh's
cried when i needed to
went back to old habits but stopped myself doing it again too
been working on prioritising myself
stepped out of my comfort zone several times
started regularly practising makeup
taken up athletics every tuesday ♡
been making myself cute healthy lunches to look forward to in school! ♡
began regularly using face masks!
organised a whole skincare wishlist for when me and my friend go shopping !!
drinking cucumber water and tea every day ♡
🧁 academic
received english exam results back and got top of my class (5th time in a row! ♡)
got high marks on my most recent art homework
actually did well in my food tech assessment! (the pasta was fire i am very proud of myself ♡)
bought a cute pink padlock and got a pretty locker (finally!)
💬 social
officially been accepted into my new friend group and i love them very much ♡
read out my work in class a few times - something i haven't done since primary school !!
been working on redoing and making posts for my girlblog !!!
joined a club for the first time in 3 years!
got twitter back SOLELY for the txt content. 😭
began being just generally sweeter to people around me because i found i'd been more bitchier lately
made a new friend or two! ♡
started just talking to people and being less shy ♡
completely stopped talking shit about anyone
started being fully honest with everybody ♡
princess project will start up again full time 21.6.24 💘
all my love, and thank you for being patient with me 💗☀️🎀
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
When Fire Meets Fate
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Part 11
Request: Yes or No
Officially putting this series on hiatus!
While a war had yet to officially break out, everyone knew it was inevitable. Neither side would give up without a fight. Preparations were made and the Painted Table was lit for the first time in many years. Candles were lit and slipped under the table, the glow of the fire illuminating the carved map. (Y/N) gazed over the table as pieces were set across it, only looking away when his wife entered the room under her new title.
"Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm," Daemon announced as everyone bowed their heads to her, himself included. (Y/N) watched the uncertainty that passed over Rhaenyra briefly, her gaze drifting around the room. As a princess, she'd been given much attention, mostly lords and ladies attempting to get in the good graces of her father. But now, she was queen and everyone looked to her for guidance instead of mere approval. She stepped forward, pausing and looking back at the guards escorting her. Rhaenyra lifted her hand, motioning for them to stop, and turned back, stopping again when Rhaena offered her wine. 
"Thank you, Rhaena," Rhaenyra spoke softly, nodding for her to join her on her walk to the table. She nodded for Baela as well and set her cup down, looking over the map and inhaling deeply. She looked up at her husband and he stared back, quirking at brow at her silence. When she realized they were all waiting for her, she swallowed and glanced back at the map."What is our standing?"
"We have thirty knights, a hundred crossbowmen, and three hundred men-at-arms," Daemon answered, glancing at (Y/N) with a small frown. "Dragonstone is relatively easy to defend, but as an instrument of conquest, our army leaves much to be desired. We have sent word to my loyal men in the City Watch. I'll have some support there but I cannot speak to the numbers."
"We already have declarations from Celtigar and Staunton, Massey, Darklyn, and Bar Emmon." The maester listed off as the men present bowed their heads in turn. Jace retrieved the pieces and began setting them across the map to show their allies. Rhaenyra nodded and lifted her hand to point. 
"My lady mother was an Arryn. The Vale will not turn cloak against their own kin."
"Riverrun was always a close friend to your father, Your Grace. With Prince Daemon's permission, I've already sent ravens to Lord Grover." The maester piped in again and (Y/N) looked toward Daemon who avoided his eyes.
"Lord Grover is fickle and easily swayed. He will need to be convinced of the strength of our position and that we will support him should it come to war." Rhaenyra pointed out and Daemon nodded.
"I am going to treat with him myself."
"We should look toward Winterfell as well as Storm's End. Starks are known for their loyalty and rarely- if ever- do they break oaths. House Stark could prove to be a strong ally and if they're with us, so is the North. However, Lord Borros Baratheon did not bend the knee when Her Grace was declared heir, his father did. He is someone who will likely need to be convinced but it'll be worth doing if he becomes an ally." (Y/N) spoke up and a knight set a piece above Winterfell. Rhaenyra nodded to herself, growing confident in her new position. Her eyes lingered over one of the names and she turned toward Rhaenys.
"What news from Driftmark?"
"Lord Coryls sails for Dragonstone,"
"To declare for his Queen?" Daemon tilted his head, earning a frown from the older woman.
"The Velaryon fleet is in my husband's yoke. He decides where they sail." Rhaenys reminded the man and Rhaenyra nodded, sighing softly.
"We shall pray for you and your husband's support. Just as we prayed nightly for the Sea Snake's return to good health." Rhaenyra told her pointedly. "There's no port on the Narrow Sea that would dare make an enemy of the Velaryon fleet." Rhaenyra turned back to the table and cleared her throat. "And our enemies?"
"Without a doubt, not a single Hightower will support our cause, kin or not, and Tylan Lannister has stood by Otto Hightower for far too long to turn against him which means the Lannister Fleet is at his disposal. Without the Lannisters, we are sure to have no friends west of Golden Tooth." (Y/N) answered, gazing down at the map as enemies were marked.
"The Riverlands are essential, Your Grace," Daemon muttered.
"Pray forgive my bluntness, Your Grace, but talk of men is moot. Your cause owns a power that has not been seen in this world since the days of Old Valyria. Dragons!" One lord piped in and Rhaenyra glanced at him, gaze casting over those present.
"The Greens have dragons as well-"
"They have three adults, by my count. We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer." Daemon interrupted, drawing a glare from Rhaenyra. 
"None of our dragons have been to war."
"There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless. Then there are the four wild dragons, all of whom nest here." 
"And who is to ride them?"
"Dragonstone has thirteen to their four. I also have a score of eggs incubating in the Dragonmont." Daemon retrieved a piece and made his way around the table. "Now, we need a place to gather, a toehold large enough to house a sizeable host. Here, at Harrenhal. We cut off the west, and surround King's Landing with dragons. And we could have ever Green's head mounted on spikes before the fucking moon turns." He explained, placing the piece in hand on Harrenhal. The same castle that had seen Harwin's death. (Y/N) wrapped his fingers tightly around his wrist at the thought of going to such a place.
"Your Grace, a ship has been sighted offshore: a lone galleon flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon." The knight, Ser Erryk, revealed as he approached them. Rhaenyra turned to look at her husband as Daemon gave off instructions and walked away. (Y/N) moved around the table and stood beside his wife. 
"If I see my father, I fear I will not be able to hold my anger. You must go and show you will not back down. Otto will have your head, regardless if you do as he says or not. He is not afraid of having others get their hands dirty for him." (Y/N) spoke to her quietly and Rhaenyra nodded, placing her hand over his before stepping away to deal with the traitors.
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Gazing down at the table, Rhaenyra held a distant look in her eye. The page Alicent had sent her, a memory from their youth, had shaken Rhaenyra. One couldn't simply turn on someone they'd loved once so dearly. But she couldn't forget the betrayal of naming Aegon as king. (Y/N) watched his wife as planning and discussion continued.
"It's no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer. But dragons can kill dragons. And have. The simple truth is this: we have more dragons than Aegon." Daemon continued his idea, the plan he'd conjured without their input. His behavior toward them after the passing of King Viserys had considerably soured (Y/N) view of him.
"Viserys spoke often of the Valyrian histories. I know them well. When dragons flew to war... everything burned. I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone." Rhaenyra asserted coldly, her growing irritation with her uncle beginning to spill over.
"Are you considering the Hightowers' terms, Your Grace?"
"As Queen, what is my true duty to the realm, Lord Bartimos? Ensuring peace and unity? Or that I sit the Iron Throne no matter the cost?" Rhaenyra questioned, earning a scoff from Daemon.
"That's your father talking."
"My father's dead. And he chose me as his successor... to defend the realm, not cast it headlong into war." 
"The enemy have declared war! What are you going to do about it?"
"Everybody out!" (Y/N) bellowed suddenly, slamming his palm into the table and even making Ser Erryk flinch slightly from his outburst. The lords and knights quietly shuffled out of the room, leaving the couple and Daemon alone. The silver-haired prince paced before the fireplace, glancing toward his friend every few steps. (Y/N) closed his eyes for a moment and turned to look at Daemon, taking slow steps toward the man. "You are mourning your brother, I know that. I've mourned a brother too long ago. But you are allowing your anger to guide your tongue-"
"I am not-"
"Do not interrupt me whilst I am speaking, Daemon!" (Y/N) shouted at him and the prince narrowed his eyes but fell silent regardless. Inhaling deeply and moving closer, (Y/N) continued, "I understand you wish to act as quickly as possible to avenge what happened to Viserys and to help your beloved niece take back what was stolen from her. But I refuse to stand by as you challenge us, unknowingly or not. I care for you, Daemon. Years ago prior to coming to Dragonstone, I wouldn't have given a damn if you passed away in battle. But now I do. You're my family and I know you care for me as well. It is why I've allowed you to speak out of turn, to speak down to us. You have more experience and knowledge of battles, I acknowledge that but Rhaenyra is your queen now and you will treat her as such. Because as much as I care for you, you are not the only man we know with experience who is willing to help us. Question Queen Rhaenyra publicly like that again... and you will be replaced. Have I made myself clear?" 
Staring into his (E/C) eyes, Daemon clenched his jaw, exhaling through his nose and nodding. "Very clear, My King." He muttered lowly and stepped away, walking away from the two and retrieving Dark Sister. He looked back at them over his shoulder before exiting the room. (Y/N) watched him leave, feeling Rhaenyra place a hand on his back. 
"You've done well by me, Husband. Not many can threaten my uncle and live." Rhaenyra murmured, hand slipping from his back to his cheek. She smiled softly at him and leaned forward, resting her forehead against his. "There is something I must tell you... it is one of the reasons I hesitate on war."
"What is it?"
"The Song of Ice and Fire," Rhaenyra whispered, glancing toward the door and sighing softly. "When my father named me heir, he told me a prophecy Aegon the Conqueror had. He claimed that the property foretold the coming of a winter so deadly it ended the world of men. He said to survive, all of Westeros needed to be united and a Targaryen needed to sit the Iron Throne. He had me swear an oath to keep this secret and I am sharing it with you now because I know you will not share it with anyone." 
A soft breath escaped his lips and he reached up to touch Rhaenyra's cheek. "And you believe this prophecy?."
"I know it sounds like nonsense but the way my father spoke about it... I believe that sooner or later, this winter will descend upon Westeros. I cannot allow myself to plunge the kingdoms into war and leave a broken mess for Jace and Luke to mend whilst battling a deadly winter." Rhaenyra told him softly, resting her hand over her husband's and releasing a soft sigh. "The future children of our sons deserve a peaceful future, regardless of whether this prophecy is true or not."
"I understand, Nyra. Whatever you decide, you will have my support."
                    ✶        ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶
Standing beside his wife's chair, he listened to what felt like endless arguing between lords. Rhaenyra leaned back in her chair, absentmindedly listening to them, mind filled with worries and plans. The couple still needed to decide on what to do; risking war or accepting the terms. Both choices would have consequences. Dire consequences that could result in bloodshed regardless of what Otto claimed. His father's words couldn't be trusted, even if he said to be a messenger for Queen Alicent. 
"The Lord of the Tides!" Ser Erryk announced loudly, drawing the couple from their thoughts and toward the doors as the man entered, cane in hand. The sight of him brought Rhaenyra to her feet, a soft gasp leaving her. "Lord Corlys Velaryon... and his wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen." 
Lord Corlys entered the room with a limp, his neck heavily bandaged but his strength could not be doubted. Rhaenys stood beside him proudly and their granddaughters followed behind them, both looking equally relieved and pleased to see their grandsire back on his feet. "My lords." He greeted them hoarsely.
"Lord Corlys... It brings much relief to see you hale and healthy again." Rhaenyra spoke softly, smiling at the man. Lord Corlys studied her for a moment, gaze briefly shifting onto (Y/N).
"I'm very sorry about your father, Princess. He was a good man." Rhaenyra's gaze turned down when he regarded her with her old title but Lord Corlys' attention had turned toward his granddaughters as they took their places beside Jace and Luke. Glancing at his wife, he limped toward the table and swept his gaze over the room. "And where is Daemon? I am aware he's quite close to you both."
"Prince Daemon is attending to other matters at the moment." (Y/N) answered and Lord Corlys hummed, moved around the table, and studied the map, taking note of allies and enemies.
"Your declared allies?"
"Too few to win a war for the throne." He pointed out, lifting his eyes toward the couple.
Rhaenyra stepped forward, clearing her throat. "Well, we would also hope to have the support of Houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark."
"Hope... is the fool's ally," Lord Corlys said bluntly and Rhaenyra glanced back at the map, pursing her lips slightly. 
"Both Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my house. But all of them swore oaths to me." 
"As did House Hightower, if I remember correctly." His gaze flickered toward (Y/N).
"As did you, Lord Corlys." Rhaenyra's reminder made the man fall silent, his eyes meeting his wife's before he turned and gazed upon his granddaughters and their stance beside the two Velaryon boys. He nodded lightly and looked back at Rhaenyra.
"Your father's realm... was one of justice and honor. Our houses are bound by common blood and common cause. This Hightower treason cannot stand." Lord Corlys voiced. Rhaenyra's brows furrowed at his wording, glancing back to her husband. "You have the full support of our fleet and house, Your Grace." 
"You honor me, Lord Corlys." Rhaenyra breathed and when Lord Corlys looked toward his wife, they knew Princess Rhaenys had much to do with his decision. Turning to look at the woman, Rhaenyra nodded with a thankful smile. Inhaling, Rhaenyra gazed over the map with a more relaxed figure. "But, as I said, to my bannermen, I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united. If war's first stroke is to fall, it will not be by my hand."
"You do not mean to act?"
"Taking caution does not mean standing fast. I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war." Rhaenyra responded, watching him step closer. Lord Corlys nodded along to her words, looking back down at the Painted Table.
"The consequence to my... near-demise in the Stepstones is that we now control them. I took care to fully garrison the territory this time. A total blockade of the shipping lanes will be in place in days, if not already. The Triacrhy have been routed. The Narrow Sea is ours." Lord Corlys revealed. Rhaenyra's eyes widened and she glanced around at her supporters, releasing a breath of relief. "If we... further seal the Gullet, we can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King's Landing."
"I shall take Meleys and patrol the Gullet myself." Princess Rhaenys said, coming to a stop beside Rhaenyra and nodding to her in support. 
"When we drain the Narrow Sea, we can surround King's Landing, lay siege to the Red Keep, and force the Greens to surrender." Lord Bartimos offered his plan but (Y/N) stepped forward, gazing down at the table.
"While that plan may work, we first need enough men to surround King's Landing and those men can be provided to us through Winterfell, the Eyrie, and Storm's End." (Y/N) chimed in, turning his eyes onto the maester who bowed his head in turn.
"I'll prepare the ravens."
"We should bear those messages," Jace spoke up, pulling his parents' attention away from the table and toward him. "Dragons can fly faster than ravens and they're more convincing. Send us." He explained, holding his mother's gaze. 
"The Prince is right, Your Grace." Lord Corlys agreed, turning to look at the two. 
Rhaenyra looked at her husband and met his eyes, brows, and lips twitching. Her eyes told him enough of her concerns but when he gently wrapped his fingers around her wrists and nodded, she inhaled deeply. "Very well. Prince Jacaerys will fly north. First to the Eyrie to see my mother's cousin, the Lady Jeyne Arryn, and then to Winterfell to treat with Lord Cregan Stark for the support of the North. Prince Lucerys will fly south to Storm's End and treat with Lord Borros Baratheon. We must remind these lords of the oaths they swore. And... the cost of breaking them." 
With that, the room dispersed and Rhaenyra headed up to one of the many balconies after writing the messages as their sons prepared for their departure. (Y/N) joined her on the balcony, placing his hand over hers and staring out at the sea. Their sons would be heading off into the world as man-grown, helping them on their quest. But (Y/N) couldn't shake the lingering feeling that something was wrong. 
"I believe we'll garner the support of House Stark and House Arryn. House Baratheon worries me. Lord Borros is not exactly an easy man to sway and the fact he himself didn't swear oath... He'll use that as reasoning enough." (Y/N) muttered quietly, turning his head to look at his wife. Rhaenyra looked down at the letters in her hands and sighed.
"We must have faith." She whispered and (Y/N) sighed, looking back out at sea. Rhaenyra turned around as the boys approached them and she smiled softly. "It's been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to gods than to men. And the Iron Throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps. But, if we are to serve the Seven Kingdoms, we must answer to their gods. If you take this errand, you go as messengers... not as warriors. You must take no part in any fighting. Swear it to me now under the eyes of the Seven." Ser Eryyk stepped closer with the book, extending his arms forward.
"I swear it." Luke reached out first, resting his hand on the book as he spoke. (Y/N) turned around to look at them, swallowing down the worry bubbling up in his chest.
"I swear it." Jace followed after a moment of hesitance, resting his hand on the book as well. 
"Thank you." Rhaenyra nodded to Ser Erryk and stepped forward, looking down at the letters. "Cregan Stark is... closer to your age than he is mine. I hope that as men you can find some common interests." 
"Yes, Your Grace." Jace took the letters from his mother, safely tucking them away.
Turning her attention away from her eldest and onto Luke, Rhaenyra took in the worried look on his face. "Storm's End is a short flight from here. Lord Borros is an eternally proud man. He will be honored to host a prince of the realm and his dragon. I expect you will receive a very warm welcome." Rhaenyra assured, placing the letter in Luke's hand and smiling fondly. 
"Yes, Mother- Y-Your Grace." Luke stammered, ears turning a soft pink.
"Do not freight if they prove to be stubborn. Your safety is much more important to us than their support." (Y/N) said, stepping forward and reaching out to touch Jace's arm before looking down at Luke. "Come home safely. That is all I ask for."
"We will," Jace assured and placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, smiling widely at his brother. Luke returned the smile and nodded to his father before Rhaenyra dismissed them, watching them walk away. As they walked, Jace spoke to his brother, lightly shaking his shoulder and smiling down at him. They could only assume it was an attempt at easing Luke's anxiety regarding his flight. It'd be his first time traveling alone without his brother or parents to guide or protect him. Jace had been born with the ferocity and confidence of his mother. A headstrong, stubborn young man. But Luke... Luke reminded (Y/N) so much of his sister. Kind, soft-hearted. A sweet boy in a cruel world. 
"They will be... They will be alright." Rhaenyra whispered to herself, tilting her head toward the sky and blinking away the tears forming in her eyes. Breathing out through her mouth, she nodded to herself and stepped toward the stone railing, resting her palms against it. (Y/N) inhaled and stood beside his wife, pleading with the Mother to bring his boys back home safely. He closed his eyes and made one last silent plea to the gods above before opening them and watching Arrax and Vermax take to the skies alongside Meleys. (Y/N) watched Arrax take a turn, breaking off from the trio first and disappearing into dark storm clouds. The two waited until Vermax and Meleys disappeared from view before stepping away from the balcony, reaching for each other's hands as they returned inside.
Only a day or two had passed with no word from either of their sons. The feeling in (Y/N)'s chest had intensified, leaving him unable to find much sleep at night as he stayed up, gazing toward the balcony in hopes of seeing the outline of dragons approaching. Rhaenyra had similar issues although she'd been able to get at least a few more hours of sleep than him before they forced themselves out of bed and to the Painted Table for more planning.
The Hightower could only stare blankly at the table, offering input when asked and dismissing the worries of his wife. His gaze lifted from the soft glow of the table when Rhaenyra placed a hand on his shoulder, attention directed toward her uncle who walked toward them with a glum look on his face. (Y/N) straightened up, holding Daemon's gaze as the men stopped before them. The silver-haired prince glanced at the other lords, reaching out a hand to touch (Y/N)'s arm and leading them toward the fireplace to speak privately. 
"I have received..." Daemon began but found himself unable to continue whilst looking at them. He turned away and faced the flames of the fireplace, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "I have received word from Storm's End that... that parts of Arrax have washed up onshore. Lord Borros states a dispute had occurred between Prince Aemond and Prince Lucerys before both princes' departed. It is to be believed Prince Aemond killed Prince Lucerys." 
(Y/N) felt his vision spin, feet staggering backward as he took in Daemon's words. The prince quickly steadied the man, muttering his apologies to the couple. Rhaenyra stumbled forward, lifting a hand toward Daemon when he attempted to reach toward her. Her lips parted, watery eyes staring into the flames, and hands coming to rest on her abdomen. She nearly doubled over, sobs beginning to shake her shoulders violently. (Y/N) could hardly breathe, feeling as if his lungs were being squeezed for every last drop of air. He leaned forward, resting his hand on the stone wall and taking in breaths, holding a clenched fist to his chest as the tears fell from his eyes.
Leaning in, Daemon whispered to the grieving man, "An eye for an eye, a son for a son. Lucerys shall be avenged."
459 notes · View notes
lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
as I was taking I am taking FULL advantage of the requests.
as I am on a roll for chubby daddy! aegon and professor! aegon may I maybe suggest an idea where his class is very surprised to discover that he has a wife and a child while they catch them onto a pic-nic and aegon is like 'yeah, why do you think that your papers comes with glitter on them? or handprints?'.
just cute chubby daddy! aegon who doesn't only have to handle a toddler at home but also at work (although he teaches either at high school or university).
ok ok that's it, I am done and I hope you'll enjoy my silly requests but if you don't, pls feel free to ignore them!
Angsti this is yet another delicious request!!! thank you for spoiling me with your ideas I can never get enough!!! hope you enjoy this xox
To Lead Astray Or Not...
PAIRING: chubby!Professor!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Wife!Reader [Modern AU]
WORDS: 2,381.
WARNINGS: fluff, Daddy!Aegon, professor kink (?), female oral receiving, mentions of p in v sexual intercourse, size kink, slight breeding kink, non-implied references to affair/cheating, swearing.
A/N - something I whipped up on my little hiatus. still not 100% with my writing but it’s okay xx sorry my love, I changed the plot slightly, forgive me.
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“Are they truly that oblivious to that shiny, gold band on your finger?” You lightly chuckle, amused at the revelation your beloved husband spoke of, upon returning home from work, with yet another spoiled gift of baked goodies in his hand.
Throughout the semester, since Aegon had commenced his new position, his pupils had taken it upon themselves, eager to delight their plump professor with delectable treats, knowing precisely the way to his heart was through his stomach. As untempted as Aegon was with their meticulous attempts, he wouldn’t deny himself to a few servings [the entire container], often plainly excusing his innocent debauchery with the line “it would be such a shame to waste food.” 
“That seems to be the case… As much as I try to flaunt it on their faces. This is ridiculous, there's no time for these shenanigans. I have to put an end to their madness, or else-.” Aegon exclaims, with a mouthful of baked choc-chip cookies in his plump mouth. The fullness of his handsome face had accentuated as he gorged himself silly. Seemingly the sedentary lifestyle of working behind a desk, the most strenuous action he’d often only undertaken, was that of lifting a ballpoint pen to mark a few papers, Amounting overtime gradually, as it began to blatantly show on his newly found stout figure. Not that you had grown to distaste your beloved husband’s changes, quite the opposite, in fact.
“Or else I’d be losing my husband to some college school girls? He’ll have to roll himself out of here,” You subtly chuckle, as you continued on stirring the full, warm pot at hand.
“Y/N- Do not toy with me about this. It’s serious-” Aegon firmly put it, before reaching for another cookie, eyeing it’s detail, most likely estimating ratio of choc chip inside.
Aegon shared an immense enjoyment when it came to food, relishing in different cuisines and palates, and mostly baked treats. He was scarcely a picky eater and had a grand appetite, going hand in hand. Often in the late hours of the night when he remained tediously awake, skimming over and dotting down notes on mounds of papers, did he find himself constantly munching on something. Whether it was a sneaky fast-food takeout or some sweet snack he could scour in the pantry, his keen mouth was always full and chomping.
His plush, soft belly throughout each semester had slowly extended in size, generously pushing across his waistline that was now hidden beneath the mass. His hips had grown wider in frame, love handles now obvious in plain sight even beneath his tight dress shirts and tightly fitted blazers, tubby to hold as it would pool at the sides. Standing beside your dear husband, it was evident that Aegon's substantial frame could smother you whole, if he ever so desired as you did. Despite him paying now mind to his evident changes, you had rather relished in it.
Sidetracked in your own sensual thoughts, your lustful eyes lingering over Aegon relievingly devouring another cookie, the sudden shrieking cries erupting from down the hall snapped you back to the reality at hand.
"I'll get her-" Aegon uttered, licking the crumbs of his fingers as he strolled away from you hovering over the stove, as you busied yourself with the evening’s dinner. A minute scattered by, when you heard the familiar, heavy footsteps of Aegon re-entering the kitchen once more, only this time, with a little companion strapped to his arms.
"Look who just woke up, my sweet princess," Aegon giddily whispered, cooing at the little girl in his arms, as she rubbed her little lilac eyes: a split image of her Daddy. Resting her tiny head against his broad shoulder, Aegon swayed her from side to side subtly, bopping her lightly as he tried to feed her a cookie, taking a sneaky bite from it first.
"Hiya Mumma, someone woke up a little early."
Walking over towards Aegon and your daughter cosily nestled in his thick arms, you softly reach and grip for her hand pulling it in for a loving kiss. Earning a small little yawn from her behalf, as Aegon tenderly pecked at the base of her head.
"Sounds like we have competition, you and I, babygirl-" You taunt, exchanging a swift wink to Aegon, who in response rolled his eyes to your jab.
“C’mon Y/N. There’s no competition at all. Nothing could possibly tempt me, when I’ve already won at life. I have everything I could have possibly imagined and more, all thanks to you-” 
“Not even with all these goodies, you can’t seem to help but scoff down, hmm?” 
“If I’m being frank, my love… These don’t even come close to your home-cooked meals, isn’t that right, bubba?” Aegon bopping his little girl, stirring her more awake, as she nibbled at the small bite from the cookie, her face adorably screwing with disgust, in agreement with her father’s dissatisfaction with the treats. 
“Well relieved to hear my cooking is keeping you grounded. Was getting worried I would be losing my husband to his schoolgirl fanclub. Perhaps their treats won’t be the only thing they’re willing to offer next time-” You tease, yet a grim tone coated your words, as you coldly turned your back to your husband, resuming your cooking once more. 
“Y/N, baby, c’mon now-” Aegon earnestly sighed, as he carefully plopped his daughter down at her high chair, who now took the cookie to her own matters: the only time you were willing to allow her to play with food rather than indulging herself as her father did. 
Aegon’s pudgy hands tightly gripped at your waist, tugging your body to swivel in his direction, as you face him defeatedly. 
“Now how could you ever think that of me? Am I so naive to be seduced by some minor league scholar, when I have such a beautiful, accomplished wife at home, that I just can’t ever get enough of, who spoils me like a King? I mean look at me woman. Look at what you’ve done to me!” Aegon chuckles proudly, swaying his thick arms up as his eyes hover over his swollen gut pressing up against your meek frame. 
“Please, Y/N. I’m going to come clear about this double life, squash all their hopes and dreams. You know how kids are at that age, don’t you remember how we were, huh?-” Aegon growls, as his hands snake their way behind, his palms finding their way naturally to your bosom, confidently squeezing at your fleshy cheeks, earning a little squeak from you. Intentionally pushing your smaller body against his cushioned frame, your blush lips meet with his momentarily falling into a passionate, longing kiss, as Aegon’s eager tongue peaks through your lips, swirling against yours. Immersing himself completely in your taste. Breaking free, his nose nuzzles against yours, as he gleefully smiles down at you. 
“Don’t you ever dare to think otherwise, it hurts my feelings when you think of me capable of that, you know,” He quietly mutters, as his thumb gently grasps and pulls at your chin, nudging you to look directly up at him, your dimly joyful eyes met with his half-hearted smirk.
“I love you, and only you. My precious girl. Shall I make it up to you tonight, hmm?” 
Giddily blushing and nodding to his words, just as Aegon slowly leaned in to chase another kiss, the loud babbling of your daughter tore him astray midway, interrupting the intimate moment, as you both gleamed at the little girl with sincere smiles, only to be met with her innocent frown. Just as her grandmother, Alicent, had noticed and shared, “she seems to have gathered her father’s expressive gene”, as she never seems to struggle nor shy away from her emotions. 
“And you, my little one-” Aegon boasts, as he races over towards her, picking her up once more with such ease, as her weight is close to that of a feather for him. 
“My two precious girls, what more could I possibly want?” 
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Later that evening, after you had both dined well together and the little princess returned to her crib from her Daddy’s plush lap, fast asleep in her deep slumber once more, Aegon took his steady time proving exactly what he meant. Lusting and touching at your body as he slowly undressed you piece by piece, handling you with great care as though you were some rare gem he had just unearthed, a delicate commodity in his bare hands. He could scarcely keep his hands off you even during dinner or as you washed the dishes, lulling his little girl asleep in one arm, and the other wrapped tenderly around your waist, embracing you. 
“How’d I end up being the luckiest man in the world, huh? A wife that takes care of me, makes sure I’m abundantly well-fed, who blessed me with the most perfect child…. My beautiful fucking wife.” 
Kissing at your tender skin across your abdomen leaving a moist trail, Aegon seated himself at the edge of the mattress, and you remained standing above, with his soft hands held firmly at your hips. 
“And you think I would give up all this in a heartbeat? For a bunch of hormonal, minor league girls? You leave me no choice but to fuck some real, hard sense into you, Y/N.” 
“Hmm, is that so?” You breathlessly whimper, as Aegon’s mouth lapped at your entrance between the front folds, his fleshy hands once again, finding their way to your bosom, as he firmly grips and kneads ar your cheeks. 
“Gonna teach me a lesson, Professor? Have I been such an ignorant brat, needy to be put back in line. Punish me, Aeg. Teach me a good, hard lesson I won’t forget-”
Aegon releases his latched mouth from your throbbing, moist cunt, his lips glistening in the dim, cosy light. A familiar smirk strewed across his full face, one that you had gathered could only mean one thing… Mischief. 
As Aegon’s weight had marvelled, so did his strength. Inevitably, his mass was heavier against you, often finding yourself squirming beneath his bulk and the mattress, as he would fuck you from atop with vigour. His thick, fat cock stretching your walls beyond relief, as you could meekly feel yourself from below clenching around his stiff cock, with his round gut laying sprawled above your own. The pressure he exerted from within your folds, bulging inside and the pressure from outside was overwhelmingly insatiable, stimulating you to an aching climax like none before. 
Although, it also meant his once impressive stamina would now often exceed quickly, finding himself breathlessly huffing and puffing for more, Aegon remained insistent on continuing, with you eagerly taking the reins from above, as he would often lay himself comfortably down, pacing his rapid breath. Riding his cock was a pleasure, as he relished in watching you strenuously exert great efforts, like the obedient wife you were, keen to sate your husband’s appetite. Steadying yourself against his meaty flesh, often finding your small hands cupping and massaging at his now obviously, sensitive moobs. Not to forget on Aegon’s behalf, your tits were a glorious sight to see, enthusiastically bouncing above from the momentum of your quickening pace: especially after the birth, your breasts naturally remained somewhat swollen and plump, Aegon savouring your bodily changes just as much. 
Nonetheless, the sex peaked, and Aegon remained true to his word… He indeed taught you a valuable lesson that night. 
“Perhaps if I’ve fucked another child into you, that ought to keep you in check.” 
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“So you’ve been married this entire time?” One of his pupils exclaimed, confusion plastered across her face, as Aegon nodded keenly. 
“Indeed, a very happy wife and little bub at home. With another on the way it seems, hence why I’ll be away next semester.” 
“Is that why some of our quiz papers came back with glitter and weird little scribbles?” 
Arms remained tightly folded, Aegon defeatedly shaking his head in disbelief, as he helplessly chuckled at the illogical discourse at hand. His wide back-side remained leaning back on his desk, the wood creaking beneath his weight, yet he paid no mind. 
“Did you honestly think that was all me? And watch yourself Lannister, she’s learning pencil grip… She’s only 14 months, which is pretty impressive to me.” 
“But you’ve never mentioned them before?” Another pupil hastily questioned. 
“Never felt the need to. This is an academic lecture, not a TED Talk. And besides, did no one seriously not notice this?” Aegon exasperated, flashing his left ring finger, where a bulky, gold band wrapped around his thick digit. 
The silence that fell the room was palpable: a few of Aegon’s avid fanatics, awkwardly attempting to pull away their filled tupperware containers, back into their bags or laps, in a poor attempt to hide their shame. 
“Well I for one, would like to congratulate you Sir.” 
“Nice save Lannister. Now can we actually get back to the lesson or any more questions I need to clear?” 
“B-But you accepted our gifts? The cookies, and the-” One of the few Baratheon sisters that attended Aegon’s classes, stuttered, the colour in her face blush pink, yet her eyes saddened and watery, yet no tears fell. 
“Who am I to deny my appetite from a little snack? And besides, what a waste it would be. I presume you ladies just wanted me to bump up your grades, yes?” 
Each girl in the same exact front row that they’d been occupying the entire semester, began to nod in poor unison, not daring to venture not interrogate Aegon further, as his look now remained stern. 
The single, thunderous applaud echoed across the room, as he clapped his large hands together, excited to carry on with the lesson. The subtle sounds of pages opening, and pencils clicking, as Aegon began to write across the board, he felt a burden lift off his shoulders. The clarity was a relief, and the fact that he had a loving family awaiting for his arrival was his greatest achievement yet. Spoiled with a bliss life, thanks to you, his dotting, devoted wife, there was nothing that could tempt him astray otherwise.  
general taglist - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @rafesbarbiegirl @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylas-the-grim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit
credit for header - @/saradika
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i-heart-hxh · 1 month
Hey there! I just found these preview pages from volume 38, though I'm not sure what they say and if they're legit. Wondering if you've seen them as well?
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These first pages usually show the characters that are going to be in the volume. What stood out to me is that Gon is there as well! Now, from a quick translation from the internet, it basically says that he's unable to see aura and he's on a homecoming (?) trip. Then on the bottom there is a synopsis on what has happened so far in the manga. Does this mean we'll see Gon in the upcoming chapters? I'm trying to not get my hopes up but...
What do you think?
So, you may already know this, but I want to make it clear first that Volume 38 will only contain chapters that have already been released (391-400)--so Gon definitely won't be appearing in the chapters collected in Volume 38. These are the chapters we got back in the end of 2022, before Togashi went on the hiatus that will be ending in October. Typically the previous 10 chapters are only collected into a volume and released around the same time more chapters are about to come out, so that's why this volume is only being released now.
Also, Gon has been listed in the character summary page throughout the Succession War arc as far as I recall, so, it's nice that he's still included but it unfortunately isn't a change from previous volumes, where he also never appeared.
While Gon being on the cover was a welcome surprise that I'm very happy about, I don't think either it or the character introduction page are strong signs of his impending return. However, Togashi clearly doesn't want us to forget about him, and is reminding us that he's still one of the main characters of the series, so I think it's a great sign for the series going back to him over the longer term!!
HxH is very unpredictable, so Gon could technically return at any time, whenever Togashi deems the story has come to that point. However, with how many characters and plot points are being juggled in Succession War, I personally am not anticipating his return particularly soon. We could get a cameo or small scene or something, but I don't think there's a lot of space to go back into his character arc quite yet. I think we may still need to wait a while before he's part of the story again, but I do think it's coming at some point--perhaps at the end of this arc, or when the story does a major shift.
Gon does have ties to the Dark Continent, with Ging and his presumed ancester Don Freecss being both being connected to it, and Killua does as well, via Nanika, so I think when the Dark Continent itself becomes more prominent in the series, it's possible we'll see them return to the story. But as usual, it's hard to predict what Togashi has up his sleeve. I am confident we'll see them again, though, and all the focus Togashi has put on especially Gon this year (with all his tweets of art of him, this cover, etc.), I'm sure Gon will be back when the time is right!
Thanks for asking!
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